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Essays About Celebration: Top 6 Examples Plus Prompts

Life provides us with many reasons to celebrate. Read this article for helpful essay examples and writing prompts you can use to write essays about celebration. 

From honoring people on their birthdays, commemorating historical events, and holding family gatherings for the holidays, there seems to be a near-endless number of occasions to celebrate.  Celebrations help us feel good about ourselves and the milestones we have achieved. We commemorate things essential to us, whether joyful events like a birthday or Christmas or a sad event like a loved one’s death anniversary. They are also essential to our culture, as they help us stay connected to our roots and heritage and preserve longstanding traditions. Without a doubt, celebration plays an important role in everyone’s life. 

If you’re having trouble writing essays about celebration, read the essay examples featured below.

Top 6 Essay Examples

1. festivals by everett smith, 2. i hate christmas. here’s why i’m celebrating it for the next 2 months. by elisabeth ovesen, 3. a birthday reflection by chava gal-or, 4.  why a pandemic christmas is the best damn holiday on the planet by reuben salsa.

  • 5. ​​The Importance of Family Traditions by Lisa Cossey
  • 6. ​​What is celebration? by Julian Baggini

5 Writing Prompts For Essays About Celebration

1. why do we celebrate, 2. different ways people celebrate, 3. are celebrations a waste of money, 4. the cultural importance of preserving celebrations, 5. my most memorable celebration.

“Festivals are part of one’s custom, culture and tradition. They are there for us to celebrate. It helps us forget our routine. It gives us some momentary, mental and physical relaxation and thus frees us from die shackles of monotonous work. It is a celebration, entertainment or series of performances of a certain kind, often held periodically.”

Smith writes about why celebrating festivals is so enjoyable, particularly in his native Kuwait. The month is filled with festivities, special events, and prayer. Smith also describes New Year’s Eve in Kuwait: it is celebrated with fireworks, friends, and family as in other countries. Festivals connect us to our traditions and allow us to relax, have fun, and celebrate. 

Check out these essays about being grateful .

“This year, Christmas is self-care and a means of survival. This year, I will not allow my mother’s slight to dictate my joy or the absence thereof. This year, she doesn’t win. I will break the chains created by her malfeasance, and I will celebrate this Christmas. I will celebrate the New Year even though, for many of us, it will most likely be as tragic as the one before.”

Ovesen recounts a Christmas experience in which her mother gave gifts to all the children but her, after which she never celebrated Christmas again. For decades, she did not celebrate Christmas; however, this year, she says, she will make up for all the missed celebrations. She does not want her mother’s mistreatment to control her happiness, so she chooses to celebrate life, family, and missed time. 

“One family even brought me a gift basket that literally brought tears to my eyes.  Another friend made me a gluten free cake which has now ruined my sons ever making me cake again; hers was too good!!!!  One gift that I always treasure is the phone call I receive each year from my brother; this year was no exception.  Finally, I was also able to hang with one friend in the morning and another friend in the evening.  Life is and was truly good!”

In her short essay, Gal-Or reflects on her birthday that year and what she has realized about life. She lists a few lessons she has learned, including the importance of having a voice, quality time, family, and friends. Her birthday celebration is simple; she only mentions meeting up with two friends, which makes her extremely happy. Gal-Or’s essay is an excellent example of how different people like to celebrate in different ways; some are content with the simplest celebrations.

“I’m thrilled that this year I have no obligation to visit. That finally, I have a legitimate excuse not to plaster on a fake smile, hold my tongue, and pretend that we all get along. This Christmas promises to be one of the merriest ever, knowing it’ll just be me, my wife, and the kids. Simpler times. No extravagance. No kowtowing. No begging and pleading in-laws to stay even though you want them to leave. No emotional regret for ruining yet another Christmas.”

Salsa remembers the Christmas celebrations before the COVID-19 pandemic and all the stress, squabbling, and discomfort that came with them. He recalls the chaos at previous Christmases with his in-laws and is relieved that the times keep them apart. Since the pandemic keeps the extended family from celebrating, he is relieved that their celebration will be relaxed, with just him, his wife, and the kids. 

5. ​​ The Importance of Family Traditions by Lisa Cossey

“No matter what your family tradition is or what your family chooses to create, just having something for all family members to look forward to each year is important. Traditions help create warm, positive memories that can be recalled fondly and draw family members back to one another year after year.”

Cossey’s essay simply describes how her family celebrates Thanksgiving and Christmas. However, they have several traditions, including camping trips, baking pies, and video calling other family members. These traditions strengthen familial bonds and create memories to cherish. Cossey also gives examples of other family traditions,  including movie nights, reading books, talent shows, and cooking. 

6. ​​ What is celebration? by Julian Baggini

“Perhaps on reflection, the best thing to do would be to curl up with a good book. The case is, as ever, inconclusive. But in a world where dogmatism is increasingly the greatest threat, perhaps the tentative nature of philosophical discourse is precisely what we should be celebrating, quietly.”

This essay about celebrating World Philosophy Day opens with a philosophical question. How exactly should such an eccentric occasion be celebrated? Baggini proposes having a philosophical discussion in a cafe, as many great philosophers once did, and a Greek-style party with philosophical exchanges. However, in typical philosophy fashion, the answer is inconclusive. Baggini suggests instead celebrating the “tentative nature of philosophical discourse.”

We all know the types of occasions that people celebrate, but why do people continue to celebrate? In your essay, look into the different reasons people celebrate, whether superstitious, cultural, sentimental, or entirely different. Don’t just give examples of occasions to celebrate; explain why people celebrate them. 

Essays about celebration

Think of an occasion such as a birthday, holiday, or religious festival and write about how people typically celebrate it- What do they eat? Who do they celebrate with? What are other traditions connected to it? You may include information from the internet, but your essay can be based entirely on your opinions and experiences. 

Some say that celebrating is a waste of money, particularly for occasions like Christmas, as it takes away the holiday’s true meaning. People spend so much on a celebration just to have a “superficial” understanding of the occasion. For an engaging argumentative essay, write about whether you think these sorts of celebrations are wasteful. Be sure to include perspectives from both sides of the argument, and have a strong rebuttal to the opposing viewpoint

Celebrations reflect one’s culture and heritage, familial, regional, religious, or national. Are festivities and celebrations essential to keeping a culture alive, or are there other ways to do this? You do not need to have a solid “yes” or “no” argument in your essay; it can be more nuanced as long as it is explained well.

An easy way to write an engaging essay is by reflecting on a celebration you found particularly memorable. Write about the celebration in detail- Who was there? When was it? How did you celebrate? How has it impacted you today? From a childhood Christmas to a loved one’s funeral, this essay has many possibilities. 

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Celebration - Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

A celebration is an event or occasion that marks a special moment or achievement. It is a time to recognize and honor the accomplishments of individuals or groups and share joy and happiness with others. Celebrations can take many forms, from elaborate ceremonies and social gatherings to simple moments of shared happiness. They are an important way of bringing people together and building strong connections within communities or families. Celebrations often involve music, dancing, food, and other joyful activities, and can create lasting memories for everyone involved.

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Free Event Essay Examples & Topics

An essay describing certain events that happened to you or other people is called an event essay. It doesn’t matter if the situation you’re writing about happened to you or not since your overall task does not change. This task can be a challenging one. You need to include the illustrative details of the event to make the readers feel like they’re experiencing the event firsthand. It needs to be more than a mere description of an event and contain elements of the narrative style.

Two paper types are the most common for the task.

A narrative essay is designed to tell a story; think of it as a review of an event. It will try to persuade rather than describe a situation. Such papers are written in first-person, which is usually not acceptable for essay writing.

A descriptive essay should convey a description of an event. You can start by sharing some details of the situation, providing colorful characterizations. That is to say, you draw an illustrative picture of the event but in words.

On this page, our writers have combined a list of event essay examples on various topics. You will find the guidelines for writing papers about current situations and issues. Besides, you’ll discover what events can lay the foundation for a great essay.

Neither narrative nor descriptive essays can be simply subjective. You have to research the event you’re trying to convey, not mess the facts and details. Of course, there is no way to represent an event in a completely objective manner, but fact-checking never hurt anyone.

To write an excellent event essay, follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose the event.

Look for an event that you can describe in the form of an essay. You can do that by looking at reputable news sources. Ensure that the articles you are examining are fresh and up-to-date.

Step 2: Do your research.

Start your research by reading the picked articles several times. Ask yourself questions about the events such as:

  • What happened?
  • When did the situation occur?
  • Where did it happen?
  • Who was involved?
  • What was the result?

Make sure not to plagiarize when you write your essay. If you use direct or indirect quotes, don’t forget to include proper citations.

Step 3: Describe the event.

After you are done with the initial research, you can start by describing the event. Answer all the questions you have come up with. If you think you don’t have enough information, consult other sources: documentaries, journals, diaries, etc. Present several points of view and perspectives to make your description more accurate.

Step 4: Outline your essay.

By writing an outline, you can effectively prepare your thoughts and ideas. Creating a structure is an excellent way to logically connect the information from different sources and your own story.

Step 5: Write and cite.

At this point, you have done all the needed research and outlined your arguments. It’s time to create a description of the event. So, the last step is to compose it and cite your sources.

If you are assigned to elaborate on current events, here are some notorious occasions happening today. We’ve selected a few, but there are many more that you can find.

So, here are current events to write about:

  • Is the US economy becoming stronger or weaker in 2021?
  • How will COVID-19 affect the labor market around the world?
  • Can China take over the world economically in the next decade?
  • Does international aid hurt African countries?
  • What sport should be introduced to the 2022 Olympics?
  • Can India become the next superpower in the post-COVID world?
  • Is racism a problem in sports in American colleges?

As you could imagine, any good paper starts with a good idea. Additionally, any good idea for an event essay begins with the properly picked situation. We’ve selected fifteen topic ideas that are designed to inspire and encourage.

Check this list and find a perfect event essay topic:

  • Describe a life-changing event or experience that impacted you or your behavior in a significant way.
  • Tell about an experience when you overcame a fear or phobia and how it happened.
  • Remember a school event you are ashamed of.
  • Describe your experience attending a concert, a cultural event, or a festival and your emotions.
  • Try to think about your childhood heroes and how they changed your life.
  • Describe your feelings during the moment you understood someone lied to you.
  • Retell your experience solving a problem or a dilemma.
  • Recall some of the lessons you learned by helping others.
  • Do you remember how you found out you will have a sibling? Describe your feelings, thoughts, and how your parents told you.
  • Write a paper about the first time you went abroad.
  • What is the most famous person you have ever met, and how did it happen?
  • In this essay, write about a memorable event that broke your heart.
  • What was the saddest day of your life so far? What upset you that day?
  • What about the happiest day of your life? What significant event has happened?
  • Describe an unexpected event or a day you have felt humiliated and ashamed.

Thank you for reading the article till the end. We hope you find it helpful, and it will inspire you to write the event essay in the best way possible. Share it with those who may need our advice, and check the samples below.

62 Best Essay Examples on Events

Event planning and implementation: wedding.

  • Words: 1620

Attend a Cultural Event: Different Ethnic Communities’ Identities

Festivals and their importance for modern culture.

  • Words: 2238

Ramadan Celebration: The Religious Festival

Arts and crafts festival event, the negative social impacts of “tomorrowland music festival”, event management: organizing a sporting event.

  • Words: 1011

Wedding planning project

  • Words: 4267

Organising A New Year Party

  • Words: 1385

Charity Race Event Organization

Planning a birthday party for a girl child, melbourne food and wine festival in australia.

  • Words: 3686

Woodstock: Peace, Love and Rock n’ Roll

  • Words: 1653

Lantern Festival and Rice Ball

  • Words: 1131

Hallmark Events Analysis and Discussion

  • Words: 2086

Sarah Kwon’s and Alicia Batice Speech: Critique

Black friday: positive and negative sides, jazz music concert and theatrical performance, henna night event cost estimation, retailing event concept plan.

  • Words: 1512

The Power of Vulnerability Event by Brené Brown

  • Words: 1094

Corporate Hospitality Event Planning

  • Words: 1708

Will Smith vs. Chris Rock at the Academy Awards

Expo 2020 dubai: the event of global scale, school fundraiser event: conventional foodservice, “newport jazz 2021”: the art event, virtual event venues: benefits and challenges, the grand opening of the new university library: in different media sources, the woodstock music festival’s organizational challenges, tour de france: production of a creative event.

  • Words: 1000

The Orange F.O.O.D Week Festival in Australia

  • Words: 2082

Planning the Banquet in the Cape Bretoner Room

  • Words: 2614

Different Types of Modern Awards Review

Wedding in seattle: event feasibility study.

  • Words: 1006

Flavours of Chittering Food & Wine Festival: Analysis

  • Words: 1777

Greenpeace Foundation’s Creative Events Management

Strategic approaches for global events.

  • Words: 3787

Business Plan: Event Management in Bottaccio

  • Words: 3011

Entertaining Process and Requirements

“the world of dance” event, richmond folk festival performances, made in america musical festival planning, event management in the uk and russia.

  • Words: 1947

Public and Private Sector Events Organization

Salford christmas land project and event management.

  • Words: 2476

Festival Organization Service Operations

  • Words: 1776

The World Expo 2020 in Dubai: Pros and Cons

The 2014 joondalup festival details, event planning: “portfolio in motion uncut”, national day of the uae at zayed university, could the 2022 world cup really move from qatar.

  • Words: 2757

International Cultural, Sports and Business Events

  • Words: 1390

Events: E3’s and Comic-con’ Conventions

  • Words: 1900

Events: Expo 2020 in Dubai

  • Words: 2235

Music Event: Eurovision Song Contest 2014

Woodstock music festival.

  • Words: 2313

The Washington DC Auto Show: Brightest Event in Automotive Industry

  • Words: 1085

Winchester’s Bid to Host the 7th World Summit on Art & Culture 2017: A Critical Analyses of Strengths & Weaknesses

  • Words: 4187

The Geneva International Motor Show

  • Words: 1965

Third Annual Bay Area Travel and Adventure Show

Festival in greektown, chicago:.

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Essay Ideas: Celebrations and Family

Happy New Year to those of you who celebrate New Year on January 1st. Here is an IELTS essay question relating to festivals and celebrations.

Most traditional festivals and celebrations are losing their meaning as they become more commercial with the emphasis on buying presents and spending money on parties. Some people think that traditional festivals are a waste of time and money. To what extent do you agree?

Always spend time thinking about the essay title and planning your answer. You should spend a minimum of 5 minutes thinking, analysing and planning before you start writing your essay. Here are some questions to help you consider the above essay.

Questions for Analysis

1. How do most people celebrate traditional festivals?

2. Do most people who spend money not recognise the meaning behind the festival?

3. Is it possible to spend lots of money on celebrations and still recognise their meaning?

4. Are people more interested in the traditional meaning of festivals or on having a good time  celebrating?

5. How important are traditional festivals in keeping a culture alive?

6. What would happen if we get rid of all traditional festivals?

7. Do you think the money spent on festivals could be better used?

Now plan how you will use your ideas to answer the question given in the IELTS essay question. After you have decided your plan, check the ideas below. Remember that there is no right or wrong in IELTS. These ideas offer one possible options for the content of body paragraphs.

Body Paragraph Content

Below is an example of body paragraph content for a partial agree essay ( a balanced view).

  • Body Paragraph A: Many traditional festivals are becoming more commercial as people use them as an opportunity to treat themselves or others to expensive luxury goods.
  • Body Paragraph B: This money could certainly be better used as it is not necessary to spend so much money to enjoy festivals and respect traditions.
  • Body Paragraph C: Regardless of the commercial aspect that is developing around many festivals, they are still vitally important in keeping traditions alive and teaching the younger generation about their own culture.

Happy 2018 🙂

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Hi liz! Thank you so much for your valuable lessons. I just want to ask a question. What is meant by “national celebrations”? Are they only the national days that have historic backgrounds? Or do they also include other celebrations such as religious ones?

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These questions and topic relate to the Speaking test. You are not marked on your understanding of the questions. So, this means, you can interpret the questions as you wish. Then allow the examiner to guide you if he or she wishes.

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I have written a background statement and thesis statement for this essay using a balanced approach as described in one of your advanced lessons, please correct me if am wrong

In the modern era, festivals have become a commercial, where people are allowed to spend lavishly on gifts and get together and as a result, losing the importance of festivals. In my opinion, celebrating festivals in this way is a waste of time and money and therefore, should only be celebrated to help poor and to keep the traditions alive

You have the right technique. But avoid using “in the modern era”. Your English is good enough that you should not depend on learned phrases that are used by thousands of other students. Avoid phrases.

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Madam if I disagree and want to give a balace view. The structure Bp1- Due to festivals people meet with each other and share their common thoughts.So it is a good way to become socialise with relatives and friends in todays busy world. Bp2- Traditional ceremonies are our cultural identity and makes us feel that we are a part of the community. Bp3- Presently the economic status of people is improving and due to effect of other modern cultures people are now spending on presents and decorations in a festival.I think it is a way to greet each other and to celebrate the event in a grand manner. Kindly suggest whether the above ideas are relevant or not. Thanks Regards

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Can you tell me please why I score 5:5 in writing while getting 8 in the speaking, listening too ??

Hi Liz Thanks for your reply , yes I got your writing essays and the video , it’s phenomenal, my problem I get excited and I keep going with my ideas leaving the plan in one side and never stick to limited words number , I guess a part of my problem is more writing as a result will make more slips , I need to think simple Your essay is so simple and clear , my mistake is I think they are testing my knowledge , I will stick to what you say and appreciate all the helping hands , wishing you a wonderful weekend.

I think you’ve highlighted two very important points. 1) If you don’t plan your WHOLE essay carefully, you will run over with ideas and your essay will become longer and longer. Your plan is about selecting the best ideas and planning two or three supporting points. When you start writing, you will know the content for almost every sentences. This allows you to focus on accuracy with English when writing. Planning is essential !! 2) Your knowledge is not tested in speaking or writing. In your essay, you don’t get a higher score because your ideas are better or because your knowledge is stronger. You get points for being: – relevant – focused – developed ideas (with highly relevant supporting points) – on topic (not just the main topic but the issues directly addressed that are in the essay question)

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I am an ielts trainer and I strictly follow your tips and my students also follow your lessons. They are getting wonderful results in all modules. Thanks a lot to you Liz from all of us.

I’m really pleased to hear that. I know as a teacher that it’s very rewarding when your students get good results – hats off to you 🙂

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Happy new year ….n thank u so much for ur valuable lessons

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In that body paragraph C : Can we say’ important for keeping ‘ or it will be marked wrong ? I find it hard to predict whish preposition i should use sometimes..

Sure – it’s fine to write that. In English, it is sometimes possible that more than one preposition is possible.

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Thanks mam it is very useful

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Dear Liz, As an IELTs tutor, and indeed as someone who has recommended your site to my students, I am concerned by the number of errors in your posts. It is so easy to make typographical errors and so it is important to check anything that is posted. As an example read through Body paragraph C! keep should be keeping and generator should be generation.

I appreciate you helping me proof read as I don’t always have time or I miss typos. However, I don’t appreciate your negativity. I consider it rude, ungrateful and unprofessional. Teachers should never speak in such a way to other teachers – NEVER. And doctors should know better than to ooze negativity over other people, particularly those who are seriously sick, housebound and in frequent pain – or didn’t you know that about me? As both a teacher and a doctor you should be ashamed of your comment and your attitude. Students learn not only subject content from a teacher but much more. I hope my students learn positive thinking as well as respect and kindness for others. My whole website is based on kindness and supportive comments. You seem to teach a condescending, patronising attitude with an unprofessional manner. Not a good role model. You don’t pay for my lessons so I suggest you and your students find another website to follow.

We all support you liz . Wish i really can do something to help you through overseas more than support.

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Liz, I really appreciate the content and the ideas and your guidance. Request you to please don’t feel bad with someone comments and just think about people like me who always waiting your post to improve my knowledge so that I can make score. Always appreciate your help

Thanks. I appreciate your comment. Of course, I’ll carry on and keep trying to post interesting lessons 🙂

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Happy New year mam. Mam ,it is easy to find mistake but really difficult to solve it. Some are making Mole’s mountain. Really ,you are doing great. Thanks from the core of my heart.

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Dear are right. I always get motivation from you and your site to prepare well. Hope other people feel the same. Keep it up. I am lucky that I have a WONDERFUL teacher like you.

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thanks for sharing this

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Thanks for sharing

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Do you know what essays are expecting for January 2018? Because I am doing on 6th of January Kindly let me know

It’s never possible to predict topics or questions for writing task 2. The most you can do is prepare ideas for common topics: and make note of trending current topics: . IELTS often use the similar topics but phrase the questions differently.

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I think there is a typo. Younger ‘generator’ should be younger ‘generation’.

Cheers – it’s been altered 🙂

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Hi mam I have ielts academic test on 13/1/2018 in jalandhar,please help me for preparation writing task 2

See this page:

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Happy new year Liz

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Happy new year

Is it necessary to have a third body para if we are partially agreeing? Or is it OK to write two body paras if we are agreeing or disagreeing or partially agreeing?

It’s fine to have only two body paragraphs. You decide if you want two or three after you have brainstormed and selected your main points.

Thanks a lot . I appreciate your effort and don’t get disheartened with certain people’s comments. We need your support and help.

Sorry, I shouldn’t have commented in that way. Sometimes I’m so exhausted. Thanks for your positive comment 🙂

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Ma, I love your humility. More blessings

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happy new year

To you too 🙂

Sorry i have a strange question . In the first paragraph you wrote ‘a opportunity’ not ‘an opportunity’ . I have seen a similar wording in a reading passage and i thought it’s a mistake.

Is it a mistake ? I think it is but i am not sure now as you used the same proposition.

It’s a typo – thanks for letting me know 🙂

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Although,the cultural festivals are one of the best reason for celebrating in each year along with the friends and family,some people say that it is the waste of money and time as well.While i agree with this statement,i believe that there is another ways we could celebrate the festivals.

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According to your outline, do you partially agree with the statement of traditional festivals are waste of time and money?

It is a partial agreement.

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With regard to this question, it is only asking me to what extent I agree with the opinion. Can I decide to disagree?

You can: agree / disagree / partial agreement.

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IELTS Essay: Celebrating Family Events

by Dave | Real Past Tests | 2 Comments

IELTS Essay: Celebrating Family Events

This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of celebrating family events from the real IELTS general training exam.

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Some people spend a lot of money celebrating personal family events, such as weddings and birthdays.

How important is it to celebrate such events?

Do you think people spend too much money on these events?

It is common for individuals to invest heavily in celebrating important family events. In my opinion, such celebrations are vital to healthy family life and the associated costs are reasonable in most cases.

Events that bring together the whole family encourage stronger internal cohesion. This is best illustrated through the counter-example of families that rarely meet for large social gatherings. These families are likely to grow distant and remain family members in name rather than actuality. Family members that often meet, such as in many Asian nations where familial bonds are prioritised, are closer to both their immediate and extended family. The result of such closeness is they can ask for advice, lend a helping hand, and feel the unconditional support and love that is essential for mental health.

Generally, for these events families spend only as much as they can reasonably afford. There are rare exceptions, such as when a newly married couple spends excessively on the wedding. However, most families abide by an internal calculus that keeps their spending under control. A wealthy family may stage lavish reunions, family dinners, and weddings, but they are able to afford them and only appear excessive from the perspective of less privileged spectators. A less affluent family, on the other hand, will tend to hold more modest events and, in the case of weddings, may be able to recoup a substantial proportion of the costs from gifts. For example, the giving of an envelope containing money at a wedding is common in Vietnam and helps couples begin their marriage on solid financial footing.

In conclusion, family gatherings play a key part in strengthening bonds and their cost is justifiable and moderate. Families should therefore strive to maintain their traditions in an increasingly insular society.

1. It is common for individuals to invest heavily in celebrating important family events. 2. In my opinion, such celebrations are vital to healthy family life and the associated costs are reasonable in most cases.

  • Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
  • Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here .

1. Events that bring together the whole family encourage stronger internal cohesion. 2. This is best illustrated through the counter-example of families that rarely meet for large social gatherings. 3. These families are likely to grow distant and remain family members in name rather than actuality. 4. Family members that often meet, such as in many Asian nations where familial bonds are prioritised, are closer to both their immediate and extended family. 5. The result of such closeness is they can ask for advice, lend a helping hand, and feel the unconditional support and love that is essential for mental health.

  • Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea.
  • Develop it with specific examples.
  • Keep developing it fully.
  • Stay focused on the same main idea.

1. Generally, for these events families spend only as much as they can reasonably afford. 2. There are rare exceptions, such as when a newly married couple spends excessively on the wedding. 3. However, most families abide by an internal calculus that keeps their spending under control. 4. A wealthy family may stage lavish reunions, family dinners, and weddings, but they are able to afford them and only appear excessive from the perspective of less privileged spectators. 5. A less affluent family, on the other hand, will tend to hold more modest events and, in the case of weddings, may be able to recoup a substantial proportion of the costs from gifts. 6. For example, the giving of an envelope containing money at a wedding is common in Vietnam and helps couples begin their marriage on solid financial footing.

  • Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
  • Explain your new main idea.
  • Include specific details and examples.
  • Continue developing it…
  • as fully as possible!
  • Here I add an extra example to make it more specific.

1. In conclusion, family gatherings play a key part in strengthening bonds and their cost is justifiable and moderate. 2. Families should therefore strive to maintain their traditions in an increasingly insular society.

  • Summarise your main ideas.
  • Include a final thought. Read more about conclusions here .

What do the words in bold below mean? Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below.

It is common for individuals to invest heavily in celebrating important family events . In my opinion, such celebrations are vital to healthy family life and the associated costs are reasonable in most cases .

Events that bring together the whole family encourage stronger internal cohesion. This is best illustrated through the counter-example of families that rarely meet for large social gatherings . These families are likely to grow distant and remain family members in name rather than actuality . Family members that often meet, such as in many Asian nations where familial bonds are prioritised , are closer to both their immediate and extended family . The result of such closeness is they can ask for advice , lend a helping hand , and feel the unconditional support and love that is essential for mental health .

Generally , for these events families spend only as much as they can reasonably afford . There are rare exceptions , such as when a newly married couple spends excessively on the wedding. However, most families abide by an internal calculus that keeps their spending under control . A wealthy family may stage lavish reunions , family dinners, and weddings, but they are able to afford them and only appear excessive from the perspective of less privileged spectators . A less affluent family, on the other hand , will tend to hold more modest events and, in the case of weddings, may be able to recoup a substantial proportion of the costs from gifts. For example, the giving of an envelope containing money at a wedding is common in Vietnam and helps couples begin their marriage on solid financial footing .

In conclusion, family gatherings play a key part in strengthening bonds and their cost is justifiable and moderate . Families should therefore strive to maintain their traditions in an increasingly insular society.

common pervasive

invest heavily put a lot of money into

celebrating important family events birthdays, weddings, family reunions, etc.

vital really important

healthy family life good relationships in families

associated costs related expenses

reasonable not excessive

in most cases generally

bring together make closer

whole family everyone in the family

encourage foster

best illustrated clearest illustrations

counter-example example showing the opposite

rarely not often

large social gatherings big get-togethers

grow distant become like strangers

remain family members continue to be family

in name not in reality

rather than instead of

actuality reality

familial bonds relationships between family members

prioritised considered more important

immediate and extended family parents/siblings and then more distant family members like cousins

result outcome

closeness how close your are

advice suggestions

lend a helping hand give help

unconditional support no strings attached support

essential vital

mental health your mental state, emotions, etc.

generally overall

reasonably afford able to pay for

rare exceptions some different instances

newly married just married

excessively too strong

abide by stick to

internal calculus calculator in your head

keeps their spending under control stops them from spending too much money

stage lavish reunions put on big celebrations

appear excessive seem to be too much

perspective viewpoint

less privileged spectators poorer people

affluent rich

on the other hand however

tend to hold more modest events usually have less expensive celebrations

recoup get back

substantial proportion large percentage

envelope paper for letters

solid financial footing have enough money

strengthening bonds making relationships better

justifiable reasonable

moderate within reasonable limits

strive try hard

maintain sustain

traditions customs

insular isolated and alone


Practice saying the vocabulary below and use this tip about Google voice search :

ˈkɒmən   ɪnˈvɛst ˈhɛvɪli   ˈsɛlɪbreɪtɪŋ ɪmˈpɔːtənt ˈfæmɪli ɪˈvɛnts ˈvaɪtl   ˈhɛlθi ˈfæmɪli laɪf   əˈsəʊʃɪeɪtɪd kɒsts   ˈriːznəbl   ɪn məʊst ˈkeɪsɪz brɪŋ təˈgɛðə   həʊl ˈfæmɪli   ɪnˈkʌrɪʤ   bɛst ˈɪləstreɪtɪd   ˈkaʊntər-ɪgˈzɑːmpl   ˈreəli   lɑːʤ ˈsəʊʃəl ˈgæðərɪŋz grəʊ ˈdɪstənt   rɪˈmeɪn ˈfæmɪli ˈmɛmbəz   ɪn neɪm   ˈrɑːðə ðæn   ˌækʧʊˈælɪti ˈfæmɪliəl bɒndz   praɪˈɒrɪˌtaɪzd ɪˈmiːdiət ænd ɪksˈtɛndɪd ˈfæmɪli rɪˈzʌlt   ˈkləʊsnɪs   ədˈvaɪs lɛnd ə ˈhɛlpɪŋ hænd ˌʌnkənˈdɪʃənl səˈpɔːt   ɪˈsɛnʃəl   ˈmɛntl hɛlθ ˈʤɛnərəli ˈriːznəbli əˈfɔːd reər ɪkˈsɛpʃənz ˈnjuːli ˈmærɪd   ɪkˈsɛsɪvli   əˈbaɪd baɪ   ɪnˈtɜːnl ˈkælkjʊləs   kiːps ðeə ˈspɛndɪŋ ˈʌndə kənˈtrəʊl steɪʤ ˈlævɪʃ riːˈjuːnjənz əˈpɪər ɪkˈsɛsɪv   pəˈspɛktɪv   lɛs ˈprɪvɪlɪʤd spɛkˈteɪtəz ˈæflʊənt   ɒn ði ˈʌðə hænd tɛnd tuː həʊld mɔː ˈmɒdɪst ɪˈvɛnts   rɪˈkuːp   səbˈstænʃəl prəˈpɔːʃən   ˈɛnvələʊp   ˈsɒlɪd faɪˈnænʃəl ˈfʊtɪŋ ˈstrɛŋθənɪŋ bɒndz   ˈʤʌstɪfaɪəbl   ˈmɒdərɪt straɪv   meɪnˈteɪn   trəˈdɪʃənz   ˈɪnsjʊlə  

Vocabulary Practice

I recommend getting a pencil and piece of paper because that aids memory. Then write down the missing vocabulary from my sample answer in your notebook:

It is c___________n for individuals to i______________y in c________________________________s . In my opinion, such celebrations are v_____l to h___________________e and the a_________________s are r______________________________s .

Events that b_______________r the w______________y e_____________e stronger internal cohesion. This is b_________________d through the c__________________e of families that r________y meet for l______________________s . These families are likely to g______________t and r_______________________s i__________e r____________n a____________y . Family members that often meet, such as in many Asian nations where f_________________s are p___________d , are closer to both their i______________________________y . The r________t of such c__________s is they can ask for a_________e , l________________d , and feel the u_______________________t and love that is e___________l for m______________h .

G__________y , for these events families spend only as much as they can r___________________d . There are r__________________s , such as when a n__________________d couple spends e_______________y on the wedding. However, most families a_________y an i____________________s that k_________________________________l . A wealthy family may s_______________________s , family dinners, and weddings, but they are able to afford them and only a___________________e from the p_____________e of l___________________________s . A less a__________t family, o__________________d , will t_______________________________s and, in the case of weddings, may be able to r_______p a s__________________________n of the costs from gifts. For example, the giving of an e___________e containing money at a wedding is common in Vietnam and helps couples begin their marriage on s_____________________________g .

In conclusion, family gatherings play a key part in s_____________________s and their cost is j____________e and m___________e . Families should therefore s_______e to m_____________n their t_____________s in an increasinly i_________r society.

Listening Practice

Learn more about this topic in the video below and practice with these activities :

Reading Practice

Read more about this topic and use these ideas to practice :

Speaking Practice

Practice with the following speaking questions from the real IELTS speaking exam :


  • What kind of celebrations are common in your country?
  • How much do people typically spend on their wedding?
  • Are there big differences between the way that young and old people celebrate their birthdays?
  • Do all people in your country take part in the same celebrations?
  • What is the importance of national holiday?

Writing Practice

Practice with the same basic topic below and then check with my sample answer:

Many parents encourage young people to leave home when they become older, while others think they should stay at home with the family.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Family and the Home

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Hi Dave, would you please take a look at my essay? 🙂

It is true that some invest heavily in the celebration of family events. In my opinion, these events have a crucial role to play in both strengthening relationships between family members and giving individuals opportunities to cherish important moments in their lives, and I opine that an excessive amount of money is spent on these events.  Family events may bring the whole family closer together. Indeed, individuals these days have been exceedingly occupied themselves with responsibilities such as raising children and working, possibly oblivious of interacting with their family. Therefore, family events may provide a chance for them to gather together and update each other’s personal or professional developments, potentially improving family bonds. Additionally, personal events also help to highlight special moments in ones’ life. For example, marriage is often considered to occur only once, thus couples usually allocate a large amount of time and effort to rendering their weddings memorable, while some families hold a party to honor a recent graduate, encouraging him or her to strive harder to achieve greater future accomplishments. Nevertheless, I claim that an exceeding amount of money is spent on holding family events. For example, since weddings are regarded as a ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ opportunity, people are willing to squander a hefty amount of money on hiring luxurious hotels, offering gourmet meals, or buying stunning decorations. The situation is made worse when the newly-weds’ expenditures on these events are beyond their financial capabilities, often leading to them facing future financial problems. Furthermore, these occasions are also prohibitively expensive for the guests. This means that when attending these lavish family events, those who are invited to partake feel obliged to buy the host sumptuous gifts. This is compounded by the fact that there are some who have to buy flight tickets to be able to participate in these events. Clearly, these family events cost a great deal of money not only for the host but also for the guests. In conclusion, family events are of paramount importance to solidifying the relationships between family members and offering a chance to enjoy special moments in one’s life, and I am strongly convinced that too much money has been spent on these events.


Really accurate vocabulary and grammar! Careful sometimes with your present perfect verbs and over-use of linkers in paragraphs as well as the occassional collocation.

Keep up the hard work!

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Celebration - A collection of happy moments

  • Blog By Ms.Leann Nelson Content Writer The Indian Public School – Erode.November 8, 2021, | In Blog

celebrations essay


Celebration is life’s frosting: Isn’t frosting the best part of the cake? – Bethenny  Frankel

Life is a celebration of happy moments. It is an attitude that brings out the charm and excitement in people. But we live life in a constant rush of doing things and never really stop to reflect and count our blessings. Let us not wait to have it all. It’s an opportunity to appreciate the positive side of life with joy and gratitude. Celebrations are often reasons for bringing family and friends together, thereby creating a strong bond of togetherness. It is never too late to start celebrating every step of our journey. Life is full of opportunities. Let us use it to create a life that feels good on the inside and not just the one that looks good on the outside.


  When life becomes overwhelming, it becomes easy to stay in a monotonous routine. Let’s not get stagnated. Life is a celebration when you choose to celebrate all of it. To begin with, wake up with a grateful heart that will feed every corner of your life with bliss. Practice inculcating peace and happiness every day because it can be so empowering. And the best way to master the art is to fake it until you make it. Big or small, any celebration is about taking the time to notice the good stuff in your life. After all, what is life if we do not stop and reflect on it? Let us use it to create a life that feels good on the inside and not just the one that looks good on the outside. Moments like these can plump up the positive emotions to pause and celebrate life. 


Happiness is something that multiplies when being divided   – Paulo Coelho

Adding value into the lives of others shows that you care without the expectation of a return on your investment. An act of expressing one’s joy is to share it with the people around us. We all benefit from someone’s contribution every day. Therefore, it is indeed to pay forward by adding value to the people in our life whenever we can. The truth is, we all gravitate to where we feel valued most. Life is a celebration. Make it worthwhile by not only celebrating the little things but also the people in our life. There’s something always satisfying about making a difference in someone else’s life. Celebrations don’t have to be limited to a particular occasion. We must understand it is an essential part of living a balanced life. 


Do you appreciate the opportunity to share and celebrate a special moment with those you love? If that is the case, then festivals keep us attached to relationships in a bond of love. It creates a sense of unity because life is a celebration with discipline and motivation. A special day arouses a feeling of happiness in which you free your mind of everything and enjoy it to the maximum. And what better way to celebrate it than with your family and friends? Every festival has a significance of its own related beautifully to life. Besides fun and frolic, it is an opportunity to teach our kids about values and beliefs. Celebrations make life more meaningful and enjoyable thus, giving the feeling of oneness. 


While the world continues to battle against the pandemic, it is essential to find a balance between celebrations and at the same time ensure safety. Virtual is become the new normal and a demanding social custom. The global lockdowns have brought life to a standstill for many across the globe. However, a pandemic is no excuse to shy away from our celebration of festivals. Despite that, it is essential to practice hygiene principles to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. It does not mean that we must stop celebrating. If we can practice caution, we can plan how to balance safety and celebration. Online celebrations are a great way to stay connected with our loved ones while ensuring safety. Life is a celebration – if we are mindful to enjoy it in the present. Even though times are strange, we can still share, celebrate and connect virtually.

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Student Opinion

15 Prompts for Talking and Writing About the Holidays and the New Year

Share your traditions, weigh in on a seasonal debate, write a creative story or reflect on the year behind you while preparing for the one ahead.

Hands fill up plates from dishes of food on a table with a red tablecloth. A bowl with a green salad is in the center of the table, and next to it is a casserole dish of macaroni and cheese and a candleholder with six red candles.

By Natalie Proulx

Merry Christmas , happy Hanukkah , joyous Kwanzaa and happy New Year.

To celebrate the season, we’ve rounded up 15 prompts we’ve written over the years that you can use for writing or discussion in the classroom, among your friends or at your holiday gatherings. You might talk about your beloved family traditions, weigh in on a seasonal debate, write a holiday-themed short story or poem, or reflect on the year behind you and prepare for the one ahead.

Each of these prompts was inspired by a New York Times article, essay or image, and many of them are still open for comment for students 13 or older.

For more writing prompts and conversation-starters, see our related column .

1. What Holiday or Holidays Are You Celebrating This Month?

Hanukkah? Christmas? Kwanzaa? A combination? Something else? Use this prompt to talk or write about your own holiday celebrations — or those that other families have that you wish you could be a part of.

2. What Are Your Family Traditions?

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The Joy of Celebration: 8 Unique Ways to Mark Special Moments in Life

joy of celebration

If there’s one surefire way to increase your joy in life, it’s this: celebrate the good things that happen to you. Life hands us a lot of lumps, and it’s easy sometimes to lose the joy amidst the juggle of work, family, and community responsibilities. During stressful times, celebration can feel frivolous or indulgent, but there are good reasons not to skip out on marking life’s special moments.

From a scientific perspective, sharing our joy with others (or capitalization, as psychologists call it), helps intensify our joy in the moment, while also increasing our long-term happiness and life satisfaction. As Charlotte Brontë once wrote in a letter, “Happiness quite unshared can scarcely be called happiness; it has no taste.”

Many of the ways that we celebrate can also have positive side effects. Celebratory gatherings serve as a form of release that dissolves tension and promotes more egalitarian behavior. Celebrations involving music or dance can also promote synchrony , a phenomenon wherein moving or singing together causes people to be more altruistic, generous, and community-minded. They can also deepen relationships between individuals. Celebrations can create a sense of shared identity and common purpose. They can highlight values you care about, such as kindness or playfulness, making others aspire to these ideals.

For more research on the joy of celebration, see Chapter 9 of my book Joyful: the Surprising Power of Ordinary Things to Create Extraordinary Happiness .

The Joy of Celebration: 8 Unique Ways To Mark Special Moments In Life

Celebrations are powerful, and yet sometimes it can be hard to think of how to celebrate life other than throwing a party or going out for a nice dinner. In this post I want to share some unique ideas for ways to celebrate to inspire you to come up with your own celebratory traditions and rituals.

Among these ideas you’ll find tips for small celebrations and big ones, for introverts as well as extraverts, and for finding things to celebrate even when life isn’t exactly going your way.

make your joy visible

celebratory ritual in college

I immediately loved this celebratory ritual practiced by college students during final exams. At the start of finals, students blow up one balloon for each exam they have, and then pop one each time they finish a test. While the balloons are festive, they’re also an important signal for a community that is going through a time of both stress and celebration. When someone has a lot of balloons outside their door, it’s a sign they could use some support and quiet. No balloons? It’s time to party!

I loved reading that students cheer for each other when they hear the sound of a balloon popping. Celebration helps to amplify joy and cultivate a sense of unity, even among people who are not normally close. Joining in scattered cheers around the dorm creates the feeling that one person’s joy is everyone’s joy, and fosters a collective spirit among students.

put a spotlight on good news

Reader Patty Clark emailed to share her family’s festive ritual:

One way that my family celebrates joy is with a special red plate. When anyone in the family has some good news or accomplishment or success, that person gets to use the red plate for dinner. A simple way for the whole family to share the celebration!

What’s great about this is that it makes a celebration tangible. Giving high fives and congrats are great, but fleeting. Having something physical that makes your loved one the center of attention serves as a reminder throughout the evening that this dinner is special, that your family and friends have something to be joyful about. Your special plate or glass or whatever you choose becomes a part of your personal lore, and can be something to look forward to over time.

indulge in an Everyday luxury

Not everyone loves being the center of attention. But even if parties aren’t your speed, there are still ways to celebrate. Author Katherine May ( who I recently interviewed here ) celebrates the publication of a new book with a bottle of fancy hand soap. She says :

It’s extravagant, but not too much. What I like most of all is the way it keys with the mundane: every time I wash my hands, I’m reminded that something really good happened. No need to make a song and dance about it. Just a nice scent rising from the sink and a little smile to myself.

Celebrating with an everyday luxury extends the celebration out, sometimes for months. This feels especially appropriate for the completion of a long project — you worked on it for many days and nights, and now you get to have many reminders of the joy you created. This kind of celebration can also help to thwart arrival fallacy, which is the paradoxical tendency to feel let down after a big achievement, and to immediately start to look toward the next milestone in the belief that will finally be the one to make us happy.

When you extend out the celebration, you give yourself a chance to dwell in the joy of your achievement, rather than immediately moving on to what’s next.

get dressed up

Japanese students in costumes | The Joy of Celebration

Festive clothing can be a tangible reminder of our joy. That might mean donning a costume, like these Kanazawa College of Art students who are allowed to accept their diploma in whatever costume they choose. Or it might just mean wearing sparkly shoes as you go about your errands on a day when you have something to celebrate.

Festive clothing puts your joy on display and invites others to ask what you’re celebrating, and join in the good vibes. And if others get dressed up with you, it creates a sense of visual harmony that reinforces your bond — and your collective joy.

Do a happy dance

It might sound silly, but there’s science to suggest that a happy dance can help heighten your joy in celebratory moments. That’s because happy dances amplify your natural expressions of joy: opening up your posture, lifting up your arms, and making energetic movements. These exaggerated expressions create a kind of feedback loop, telling your brain that you feel good and increasing the flow of neurotransmitters that signal positive emotion.

My husband Albert and I have a tradition of doing a happy dance on Friday evenings, but we also do them whenever we have good news to share.

distinguish between celebrating and bragging

Sometimes we hesitate to share good news because we worry others might think we’re bragging. But this is a shame, since sharing our joy with others not only increases the joy we gain from the experience , but also deepens our relationships with others. Reader Marlene Gallagher shared a clever way that she and her friends have gotten around this problem: sending a “joy text” to the group, marked by a special emoji.

Unique Ways to Mark Special Moments in Life

Knowing that everyone’s on the same page about the intention behind a festive share enrolls your group in your celebration, and makes it safe to share good news without worrying people might assume the worst.

Celebrate the unlikely

Most of the time, we celebrate good news. But sometimes, there are good reasons to celebrate the not-so-great moments in daily life. I found this tip via writer Jessica Grose’s New York Times newsletter , which used to be exclusively parenting-focused but now has a broader beat. She shared this story from her reader Joe Quam, in Lombard, Illinois:

At the family dinner table each day, inevitably someone would spill something — a beverage, the contents of a large serving spoon, etc. Instead of gritting our teeth in dismay and crying “not again,” we instituted a new rule that a spill required a celebratory shout of “Spill of the day!” that focused our attention and usually avoided a second spill.

One of the remarkable things about celebration is that it defuses tension. You can see this in the celebratory behavior of chimpanzees, who become markedly less hierarchical and more affectionate toward each other after celebrating. (See Franz de Waal’s work on chimpanzees for more on this.) Proactively turning moments that typically cause tension into celebrations can help prevent small conflicts from turning into big ones.

always be prepared to celebrate

confetti in pocket tweet

This extremely viral tweet is a delightful reminder of the way that children are always on the lookout for joy. While adults often get jaded and absorbed by the weight of our responsibilities, for kids, celebration might be just around the corner.

Emergency confetti is a tangible reminder to keep your eyes open for joy. It brings your attention into the present, focuses you on living life in the moment . As the saying goes, “chance favors the prepared mind” (attributed to Louis Pasteur). When you’re ready for joy to happen, you’re more likely to notice and experience it.

Do you have any unique ways to celebrate? I’d love to hear your ideas in the comments.

  • Abundance ,
  • anticipation ,
  • Celebration ,
  • happy dance ,

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Hi Ingrid, Love this article and you work in general!

A couple of weeks ago, I was in the hospital having a heart procedure, an ablation, to fix the arrhythmia I’ve lived with for 10 yrs. This was my 5th procedure & there have been lots of challenges over the years. Every single staff member was sweet, kind, helpful. It was such a wonderful, safe, environment that I found myself focusing on joy.

My specialist & I had discussed music for the procedure in our initial appt & he was up for playing Motown (native Detroiter here). So at the end of the “time out” he did w/staff before the procedure in the lab, I asked about the Motown. He played my fav song, we talked Motown & the Beatles a bit, & I was out.

I came out of the procedure still in the arrhythmia for most of the 6+ hrs I had to lie still. But then a sweet staff person came to take an EKG, which showed what I’d felt, that I was back in normal rhythm! I insisted we celebrate. She grabbed 2 apple juice boxes for a toast and I played Celebration, by Kool & the Gang, from my Fun playlist on my phone. It was a blast.

Watching Mamma Mia! has proven to be good medicine as my heart heals. If my heart does flip out of rhythm, I celebrate with Dancing Queen once it’s back to normal. 

Grace, I remember you sharing this story with me about the Motown music and I love it so much. Now I’m so happy to hear about your juice box toast and Celebration celebration. Your stories are a reminder that we celebrate with what we have where we can, and that those kinds of celebrations are all the more memorable because ot it.

Everyone in my family has a celebratory “secret handshake.” We each have one for each family member so that any given pairing is ready to celebrate at any given time. We use them as a “ritual of connection” as the Gottmans say, and also to mark good moments, both large and small. There’s something special about looking at someone you love and having a little celebration right there and then about how happy you are to see them.

Amy, this is such a wonderful tradition – thank you so much for sharing your custom! I’m curious how this arose. Was it spontaneous between two of you, and it spread, or did someone once have the idea to do it intentionally?

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Essay on Happy New Year (Celebration, New Year Eve, Importance)

Essay on Happy New Year: Its Celebration, New Year Eve & Importance

In this article, we have published an essay on happy new year and its celebration, new year eve & importance for students and children.

Table of Contents

Essay on Happy New Year 2021 for Students and Children

New Year is a time where everybody thinks of treasuring the cheerful spirit of the moment. There are unique ways to experience and explore more about the story of the New Year.

Also Read – 60+ Best New year Resolution which will change your life

Happy New Year Celebration

We celebrate a New Year of January as per the English calendar. So, every religion has its calendar; for instance, the Chinese celebrate this day in February. Also, the most country celebrates it on December 31st after midnight i.e. on 1st Jan. 

Just we are not sad at the end of the old year but welcome the New Year with great happiness & enthusiasm. Similarly, we shouldn’t be sad about the last time in life instead, look forward to thinking about passaging time and welcome fresh opportunities and try to improve life through them. 

New Year Eve 2021

New Year Eve is one of the largest global celebrations because it marks the last day of the year in the Gregorian calendar, December 31; the day before the New Year. So, count down to the New Year no matter where you are in the world. 

What Do People Do in Happy New Year Eve?

You will find some people attending masquerade balls while others have costume parties. Some people also hold small gatherings or parties at their homes. Further, you will see firework displays highlight this special day Eve celebration. 

Public Life in New Year Eve

New Year Eve festive can be traced back to celebrations in Europe that date back before Christianity spread. When many people in Europe converted to Christianity , they merged these festivals with Christian beliefs and then marked holidays like New year Eve & New Year celebration. 

Importance of Happy New Year 2021

You will find a lot of celebration programs telecasting on TV and radio on 31st Dec night to give accord welcome of New Year. All the people celebrate on 31st Dec night and remember all the moments of the last year they enjoyed together. Even many countries rework on this special day at the stroke of midnight. 

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Birthday Essay

500 words essay on birthday.

Every year, we all become eager to celebrate our birthday. It is special as it comes only once every year and we get to celebrate it with great joy and happiness . Usually, a lot of wishes of people come true on this day and they enjoy the day with their loved ones. This birthday essay will tell us why it is a special day.

birthday essay

A Special Day

Birthdays are a very special day for everyone who celebrates it. Firstly, it makes the person feel loved when their close one does special things for them. Being loved is one of the most special feelings in the world.

Secondly, it makes the person mature. We all wait for our birthday every day as we get older and gain a sense of maturity every year. Our birthday marks the occasion for the very same thing. Moreover, it helps you gain special privileges as well.

After that, birthdays are also an eye-opener for many as they feel gratitude. When you see many people going out of their way to make you feel special, you feel gratitude for being blessed with so many things.

Most importantly, birthdays call for celebration. It is one day where we get to see all our loved ones in one place. No one can make an excuse and you get to spend time with everyone you love under one roof, it is nothing sort of magical.

My Birthday Celebration

Just like everyone else, I also look forward to my birthday every year. It happens on 9 th March which makes March a special month for me. Ever since my childhood, my parents have a birthday tradition.

Every year, we go to have ice cream late at night to mark the beginning of my birthday. It is a very small thing but it means a lot to me. So far, we have never missed doing this together and I hope we can continue it forever.

On my birthday, I usually throw a birthday party inviting all my close friends. It is a fun-filled day where all my friends partake in exciting activities. My mother makes my favourite dish which I enjoy eating on my birthday.

Moreover, the special part about my celebration is that my siblings prepare a dance performance for me every year on my favourite song. It is hilarious as they include funny steps deliberately to make me laugh.

The most exciting part about my birthday celebration is opening gifts when everyone leaves. I cherish every gift of mine dearly no matter how big or small. My favourite gift till date is the huge teddy bear my father got for me when I was six years old.

Therefore, each year, I wait eagerly for my birthday to arrive so that I can spend a great time with my friends and family. Moreover, it makes me realize how blessed I am to have all this.

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Conclusion of Birthday Essay

All in all, birthdays play an essential role in everyone’s life. It helps people feel special on that day and makes them more grateful. Moreover, they also turn more mature on each birthday. Thus, birthdays must be celebrated with one and all.

FAQ of Birthday Essay

Question 1: Why is a birthday important?

Answer 1: Birthdays are important as they are momentous occasions that commemorate a person’s birth anniversary. It helps people feel grateful for everything they have and reflect on everything they have been blessed with to celebrate.

Question 2: How do people usually celebrate birthdays?

Answer 2: People usually celebrate birthdays with their friends and family. Their loved ones bring a cake for them and they blow candles and eat it with everyone. Everybody sings the ‘Happy Birthday’ song for them and have a great time together.

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Last Birthday Celebration – Essay in 10 Lines, 100 to 1500 Words

Short Essay on Last Birthday Celebration

Essay on Last Birthday Celebration: Birthdays are special occasions that allow us to celebrate another year of life and reflect on the memories made in the past year. In this essay, we will explore the details of my last birthday celebration, from the planning and preparation to the actual day of festivities. Join me as I recount the joy, laughter, and love shared with family and friends on this special day. Let’s dive into the magic of my last birthday celebration and relive the moments that made it unforgettable.

Table of Contents

Last Birthday Celebration Essay Writing Tips

1. Start by describing the setting of the birthday celebration. Provide details about where it took place, who was present, and what the overall atmosphere was like.

2. Share some highlights of the celebration. Talk about any special activities or games that were played, any delicious food that was served, or any memorable moments that stood out to you.

3. Reflect on the significance of the birthday celebration. Discuss why this particular birthday was important to you or the person celebrating, and how it made you feel to be a part of the festivities.

4. Include personal anecdotes or stories from the celebration. Share any funny or heartwarming moments that occurred, and explain why they were meaningful to you.

5. Discuss any gifts that were exchanged during the celebration. Talk about any thoughtful presents that were given or received, and how they added to the overall experience of the birthday celebration.

6. Reflect on the overall impact of the birthday celebration. Discuss how it brought you closer to the person celebrating, or how it strengthened your bond with friends and family who were present.

7. Conclude your essay by summarizing the key points you discussed and expressing gratitude for being able to celebrate another year of life with your loved ones.

8. Proofread your essay carefully to ensure that it is well-written and free of any grammatical or spelling errors. Make any necessary revisions to improve the flow and clarity of your writing.

9. Consider adding personal touches or unique details to make your essay stand out and resonate with readers. Share your own thoughts, feelings, and experiences to create a more engaging and relatable narrative.

10. Remember to stay true to your own voice and perspective when writing about your last birthday celebration. Your essay should be a reflection of your own experiences and emotions, so don’t be afraid to be honest and authentic in your writing.

Essay on Last Birthday Celebration in 10 Lines – Examples

1. Last birthday celebration was a memorable one filled with love and laughter. 2. Family and friends gathered to celebrate the special day. 3. The party was held at a cozy restaurant with delicious food and drinks. 4. There were decorations and balloons in the birthday person’s favorite colors. 5. The birthday cake was a decadent chocolate creation with candles to blow out. 6. Presents were exchanged and heartfelt wishes were shared. 7. The birthday person felt overwhelmed with gratitude for all the love shown. 8. There were games and activities to keep everyone entertained. 9. The celebration ended with a group photo to capture the happy memories. 10. It was a day filled with joy and happiness that will be cherished forever.

Sample Essay on Last Birthday Celebration in 100-180 Words

Last year, I celebrated my birthday with a small gathering of close friends and family. We had a barbecue in my backyard, with delicious food and drinks. The weather was perfect, and we spent the afternoon playing games and catching up with each other.

As the sun began to set, we lit a bonfire and roasted marshmallows for s’mores. It was a cozy and intimate setting, with laughter and good conversation filling the air. I felt so grateful to be surrounded by the people I love on my special day.

My friends surprised me with a beautiful cake and thoughtful gifts, making me feel truly appreciated and cherished. It was a simple yet memorable celebration that I will always treasure.

As the night came to an end, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude for another year of life and the wonderful people who make it so special.

Short Essay on Last Birthday Celebration in 200-500 Words

Last year, I celebrated my birthday in a way that I will never forget. It was a special day filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable memories. My friends and family came together to make it a day to remember, and I am so grateful for their presence and the effort they put into making me feel special.

The day started with a surprise breakfast in bed, prepared by my parents. They had woken up early to make my favorite pancakes and coffee, and it was the perfect way to start the day. After breakfast, I opened the cards and gifts that my family had prepared for me. Each gift was thoughtful and meaningful, and I felt so loved and appreciated.

In the afternoon, my friends arrived for a small birthday party. We had planned a barbecue in the backyard, complete with games and music. It was a beautiful sunny day, and we spent hours laughing and enjoying each other’s company. My friends had also prepared a special birthday cake for me, and we all sang happy birthday as I blew out the candles.

As the sun began to set, my friends surprised me with a trip to the beach. We packed up our things and drove to the coast, where we spent the evening watching the sunset and roasting marshmallows over a bonfire. It was a magical moment, and I felt so grateful to be surrounded by such amazing people.

After returning home, we continued the celebrations with a movie night. We watched my favorite film and snuggled up on the couch with popcorn and blankets. It was the perfect end to a perfect day, and I couldn’t have asked for a better birthday celebration.

Looking back on that day, I am filled with gratitude for the love and support of my friends and family. They went above and beyond to make me feel special, and I will always cherish the memories we created together. Birthdays are a time to celebrate life and the people we love, and I am so thankful for the memories I have from my last birthday celebration.

Essay on Last Birthday Celebration in 1000-1500 Words

Birthdays are special occasions that mark another year of life, growth, and experiences. It is a time to celebrate with loved ones, reflect on the past year, and look forward to the future. Last year, I had the privilege of celebrating my birthday in a memorable and meaningful way.

The day started off with a sense of excitement and anticipation. I woke up to the sound of my family singing “Happy Birthday” and the smell of freshly baked pancakes wafting through the air. As I made my way downstairs, I was greeted with hugs, kisses, and presents from my parents and siblings. It was a heartwarming start to the day and set the tone for the celebrations to come.

After a delicious breakfast, my family and I headed out to a nearby park for a picnic. The weather was perfect – sunny with a gentle breeze – and the park was alive with the sounds of children playing, birds chirping, and the rustling of leaves in the wind. We found a cozy spot under a shady tree and laid out a spread of sandwiches, salads, fruits, and snacks. We laughed, talked, and enjoyed each other’s company as we shared a meal together.

As the afternoon wore on, we decided to explore the park and take a leisurely stroll around the lake. The scenery was breathtaking – the water shimmered in the sunlight, the trees swayed gently in the breeze, and the flowers bloomed in vibrant colors. It was a peaceful and serene moment that allowed me to appreciate the beauty of nature and the simple joys of life.

After our walk, we returned to our picnic spot and indulged in a birthday cake that my mom had baked for me. It was a delicious chocolate cake with creamy frosting and sprinkles on top. As I blew out the candles and made a wish, I felt grateful for the love and support of my family, and for another year of life and blessings.

The celebrations continued into the evening as we gathered at a local restaurant for dinner. The restaurant was cozy and intimate, with dim lighting, soft music, and a warm ambiance. We ordered a variety of dishes to share – from appetizers to main courses to desserts – and savored each bite as we chatted and laughed together.

As the night drew to a close, my family surprised me with a special gift – a scrapbook filled with photos, memories, and messages from loved ones. It was a thoughtful and heartfelt gesture that brought tears to my eyes and filled my heart with joy. I flipped through the pages, reliving moments from the past year and feeling grateful for the people who had touched my life in meaningful ways.

As I reflected on my birthday celebration, I realized that it was not just a day of fun and festivities, but a day of love, gratitude, and connection. It was a reminder of the importance of cherishing moments with loved ones, of being present in the here and now, and of appreciating the blessings that surround us every day.

In conclusion, my last birthday celebration was a day to remember – filled with laughter, love, and memories that will stay with me for years to come. It was a reminder of the beauty of life, the power of relationships, and the joy of simple pleasures. As I look ahead to the future, I am grateful for the experiences that have shaped me, the people who have supported me, and the moments that have made me who I am today. Birthdays may come and go, but the memories we create and the love we share will last a lifetime.

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✍️Essay on Festivals: Samples in 150, 250 Words

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  • Updated on  
  • Nov 2, 2023

Essay on festivals

Festivals are the special occasions celebrated in every religion and country to follow their tradition . They are generally celebrated worldwide to pay tribute to God and Goddesses and to spread joy and positivity. India, known for its diversity and multiculturalism celebrates many festivals throughout the year. Festivals are the best part of the year as they contribute to the unity of the nation and add prosperity to the life of the people. India celebrates different categories of festivals such as regional festivals, seasonal festivals , annual festivals, and national festivals. Stay tuned and read the following essay on festivals!

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 Essay on Festivals of India 200 Words

Festivals in India are celebrated with great zeal. Indian festivals are worth witnessing as they are the most popular and colourful festivals. Be it Holi, the Queen Festival of Colours or Diwali the festival of crackers and rangoli, all are marked with great historical significance that tells about Indian Mythology. One of the most popular and biggest festivals in the world, Kumbh Mela, is also celebrated in India, where millions of devotees gather to offer their prayers.

Every festival has its own story and belief. People follow and respect their traditional values and do fasting on festivals like Chhath Puja , Govardhan Puja , Bhai Dooj , and Karwachauth. All these Indian festivals play an important role in uniting people belonging to different cultures in the same society. 

Apart from these festivals, Onam, Dussehra , Christmas, New Year, Raksha Bandha, etc are also celebrated in India. Republic Day , Gandhi Jayanti , and Independence Day are the National festivals of India which are government holidays in the Indian Calendar. 

Religious festivals include Eid-Ul-Fitr which ends with Ramadan celebrated by the Muslim community, Guru Nanak Jayanti held on 27 November 2023 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Ji celebrated by Sikhs, and Christmas celebrated on 25 December every year by Christians. 

Also Read: Why is Onam Celebrated: The Festival of Joy in Kerala 

Essay in Festivals 250 Words

India’s rich diversity and festivals unite people from different backgrounds. It joins people from different states and religions in a single thread for the celebration. Every occasion in India and different countries is celebrated with happiness and joy. Festivals bring joy and prosperity and create a sense of oneness.

The Kumbh Mela is one of the largest festivals in the world, which takes place at four pilgrimage sites in India; Ujjain, Prayagraj, Haridwar and Nashik. On this occasion, devotees take a ritual dip in the holy rivers of Shipra in Ujjain, Ganga-Yamuna-Sarasvati in Prayagraj, the Ganges in Hardwar, and Godavari in Nasik.

People follow the tradition of exchanging sweets and gifts on special occasions. National festivals are marked as Government holidays such as 2 October celebrated as Gandhi Jayanti, 26 January celebrated as Republic Day, and 15 August celebrated as Independence Day.

One thing which you find common in all festivals is cleaning the house, decorating, and worshipping God. Festivals are auspicious occasions that bring good health, wealth, joy, and prosperity into the lives of people. 

Apart from the National festivals, Pongal, Onam, Baisakhi and Bihu celebrated in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Punjab and Assam respectively are the seasonal festivals celebrated with very high energy by the people of that particular state. Farmers in India worship God and Goddess of agriculture on such seasonal festivals to seek their blessings and wish for good yields for the successive years.

Thus, the festivals in the given essay on festivals tell about various cultures and diversity in a particular country and about the customs followed by the people in festivals to make them grand and happening.

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Relevant Blogs

Festivals hold a significant role in the human life. They are important to continue the traditional culture, religion, and practices of that particular religion and region. It plays a key role in uniting people and filling up the communication gaps thereby increasing the social dependency of people.

Festivals are extraordinary events celebrated to commemorate the traditions followed by our ancestors. It holds a significant role in joining the society and passing on the traditions to the future generations. They create an ambience of positivity, joy, and prosperity all around. Every region and religion follows their own festivals worldwide. 

Festivals are the source of happiness. They are the best part of the year. Festivals are celebrated with people belonging to different cultures and religions and it helps in uniting them and enjoying the feeling of oneness and togetherness. 

Here are 10 lines on why we celebrate festivals: Festivals are a chance for everyone to unite for a cause; It is considered auspicious to conduct prayers and worship God and Goddess. ; People of different religions follow different customs and practices to celebrate festivals.; Festivals create a happy atmosphere all around; In India, people celebrate many festivals throughout the year; Holi and Diwali are the two main festivals in India; Decorating the surroundings, cleaning the house, worshipping god, wearing new clothes, and sharing good wishes, and gifts are some of the important elements of any festival; Festivals are considered incomplete without sweets; The special occasion builds friendship among the people and increases interdependency; These special days are celebrated with utmost pomp and enthusiasm. 

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Kajal Thareja

Hi, I am Kajal, a pharmacy graduate, currently pursuing management and is an experienced content writer. I have 2-years of writing experience in Ed-tech (digital marketing) company. I am passionate towards writing blogs and am on the path of discovering true potential professionally in the field of content marketing. I am engaged in writing creative content for students which is simple yet creative and engaging and leaves an impact on the reader's mind.

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Food, sports and celebrations are the ties that bind

Saturday, 31 Aug 2024

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Proud Malaysians: (From left) Nurfatyha, Venishaa, Mukmin, Kwong, Choong, Nurul Aina, Nurul Izzati and Shuhaidah. — AZMAN GHANI/The Star

KUALA LUMPUR: Put differences aside and come together to celebrate our diverse cultures and traditions to preserve the country’s unity, say young Malaysians. Entrepreneur Nurfatyha Farhana, 24, said Malaysians should continue to embrace the diversity that the country is blessed with.

“The fact that we share a lot of common things such as sports, food and celebrations – including the National Day – is what unites us all.

“As Malaysians, we should stick together and I hope the new generation will continue to enliven our diversity,” she added.

Student Larra Venishaa, 18, said the diversity of Malaysian culture and food is what makes her love the country the most.

She is hopeful that Malaysians, regardless of backgrounds, will come together amid challenges.

“To all the Malaysians, don’t bother about race because we are all one Malaysia, we are all family. Malaysia Boleh!”

Musician Mukmin Hamdan hopes for Malaysians to continue staying united for the future.

“Everything brings us together, from sports to our love of food.

“We also need to continue being tolerant of different races and cultures.

“I also hope that our various cultures can be further promoted abroad as they symbolise our diverse yet united front,” said the 40-year-old.

May Kwong said Malaysian unity has come a “long way”.

“We’re all working together towards the same goal and to be one as Malaysians.

“We’re all here to celebrate this weekend... all races, traditions together,” said Kwong, who organised the Pasar Merdeka Hitam Putih Festival at Central Market here.

Freelancer Choong Lihva, 31, said Malaysians are able to put aside their differences and live under one roof for the country.

“We’re all friendly and even share the holidays together!

“We work well together, regardless of our skin colour,” she said.

Executive Nurul Aina Amiela said Malaysia’s diverse population is indeed one of its unique values.

“In Malaysia, we do not just have the Malays, Chinese and Indians, there are also the diverse ethnic groups from Sabah and Sarawak with each having its own culture.

“I hope we continue staying united as this is our strength,” said the 24-year-old.

Nurul Izzati Ahmad Roslan and Shuhaidah Ainaa, both 24, described Malaysia’s food as a uniting point for its people.

“There are so many foods that each race enjoys. Take roti canai for example, every Malaysian loves it!” said Nurul Izzati.

“Food itself brings us together,” agreed Shuhaidah.

Tags / Keywords: National Day , Merdeka , young Malaysians , youth , diversity

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7 incredible ways to enjoy Nizhny Novgorod

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Nizhny Novgorod (420 km east of Moscow) is welcoming tourists who is ready for adventure in the medieval city.

1. Walk along the downtown embankment

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French journalist and explorer Erwann Pensec spent one year in Nizhny Novgorod and said it was the best year of his life. “The city is very calm even in the center and people are very friendly there, they are always ready to help,” said Erwann. “That’s why you can walk down the streets without fear of getting lost.”

Erwann’s favorite place in the city is Verkhne-Volzhskaya (Upper Volga) Embankment. “From this place you can enjoy the horizon, endless forests, and the vast Volga River.”

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2. Look inside the kremlin walls

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The kremlin in Nizhny Novgorod was built in the 16th century. The fortress is reminiscent of a stone necklace spread over the slopes of Chasovaya (Sentry) Hill. In the early 17th century, Nizhny Novgorod turned into a bastion of resistance against Polish invasion. A volunteer army led by Kuzma Minin and Prince Pozharsky marched from its gates, driving out the Polish troops during the Time of Troubles and in the process helping to keep Muscovy on the map. Now the kremlin operates as a museum.

German journalist Peggy Lohse found an interesting museum of contemporary art inside the kremlin called Arsenal. “Besides interesting exhibitions there’s a bookstore, where you can buy books on constructivism, art, and local history. And don’t forget to drink the raf coffee in the museum’s café!”

3. Soak up the spirit of cozy streets and yards

celebrations essay

There are two main tourist centers in Nizhny Novgorod: On Rozhdestvenskaya Street and Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street. The local manager Yulia Petushkova strongly recommends discovering the small lanes and yards on Rozhdestvenskaya.

“They are very atmospheric and unusual,” she said. “These streets have not been rebuilt for 150 years, so the buildings remain untouched. They are beautiful for their chaotic nature. Hidden there are interesting art objects and cozy coffee houses.”

Yulia also recommends walking down Chernigovskaya Street in the direction of the metro bridge to the world-famous water tower, which was painted by famous street artist Nikita Nomerz.

4. Ride the cable car

celebrations essay

The longest cable car above water in Europe exists here and it’s worth jumping on for the views of the town of Bor. Here you can visit the new Pax Romana Park where you can see historical reenactments and take part in festivals and various events.

5. Visit the Museum of Photography

celebrations essay

Erwann and Peggy recommend a visit to the  Russian Museum of Photography on Piskunova Street. “On the first floor you’ll find cool vintage gadgets, photos of the Tsarists family, 19th century landscapes and of course, Soviet ideological pictures,” said Peggy. “On the second floor, there will be exhibitions of local artists. Actually, the museum is rather big.”

Traveling with children or interested in science? “You should definitely visit the Kvarki Museum of Science and planetarium near the railway station,” advises Erwann.

6. Get underground  

celebrations essay

Only seven Russian cities have a metro. The underground in Nizhny Novgorod is Russia’s shallowest, with stations located no deeper than 20 m. The first stations were opened in 1985 and now the subway has two lines and 14 stops.

“My favorite station is Dvigatel Revolyutsii (Engine of the Revolution) on the red line,” said Yulia. “The locals especially love it because of the impressive name, which honors a diesel engine factory.”

7. Have the best Russian lunch

celebrations essay

Blini   and   syrniki   for breakfast,   vatrushki   for brunch, traditional Russian cabbage   schi   for lunch, and if you can fit anything else in try beef stroganoff and   kulebyaka   for dinner. There are a lot of places in the city offering tasty food where you can find traditional Russian menus. Most of them are located on Rozhdestvenskaya and Bolshaya Pokrovskaya street.

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University of Evansville

Student financial services, scholarships for entering freshmen - fall 2025.

  • Entering Freshmen – Fall 2024
  • Entering Freshmen - Fall 2025

Academic Merit Scholarship

Fall 2025 1 freshman scholarships.

Scholarship Table
Whichever is Highest Engagement Awards*
Award Weighted GPA ACT/SAT Visit Campus File FAFSA Submit Essay Annual Total
4.25+ 30+/1390+ $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
4.00 27/1280 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
3.75 25/1200 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
3.50 23/1130 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
3.25 21/1060 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
amount varies
$1,000 $1,000 $1,000

1 Does not include international and transfer students. See international and transfer web pages for scholarship information.

2 If your high school does not calculate weighted GPAs, this will be taken into account when determining your scholarship eligibility.

3 The University of Evansville is a test-optional institution. If test scores are not available, please use your GPA.

* To receive an engagement award(s), the deadline to visit campus is May 1 , the deadline to file your FAFSA is May 1, and the deadline to submit your Harlaxton or changemaking essay is February 1 . Students who receive both the Visit Scholarship and FAFSA Filing Award will automatically receive the Purple Pack Scholarship, which covers our book rental fee.

Engagement Awards

Changemaker or harlaxton essay.

High school students could be eligible for our $1,000 Essay Scholarship. Applicable for UE students entering for the first time in the 2025-26 academic year and renewable up to four years for a total of $4,000. To qualify, submit an essay , available September 1, describing how UE will help you to be a changemaker or what you hope to experience if you study abroad at Harlaxton Deadline to submit: February 1, 2025.

High school students could be eligible for our $1,000 FAFSA Filing Award. Applicable for UE students entering for the first time in the 2025-26 academic year and renewable up to four years for a total of $4,000. To qualify, file the 2025-26 FAFSA at  (tentatively available December 1) and enter UE's school code: 001795. Deadline to submit for award: May 1, 2025.

In-person Visit

High school students could be eligible for our $1,000 Visit Scholarship. Applicable for UE students entering for the first time in the 2025-26 academic year and renewable up to four years for a total of $4,000. To qualify, visit our campus and participate in an individual, in-person guided campus tour and admission counselor session or an in-person group visit day. Deadline to visit for award: May 1, 2025.

File FAFSA + Visit = Purple Pack Award

Students who file the FAFSA and visit campus by May 1 are eligible. This award covers UE’s Purple Pack book rental program.

The total of all UE scholarships/gift aid will not exceed the equivalency of full-time tuition (12-18 credit hours/semester). All information on the Scholarships for Entering Freshmen page is applicable to domestic freshmen.

Special Scholarship Programs

Tasl scholars program.

  • Awarded to students selected for the TASL Scholars Program.
  • Students awarded this scholarship will not pay any tuition out of pocket.

Aces Opportunity Grant

  • Awarded to Indiana students whose family’s adjusted gross income is less than $60,000 or who are eligible for free or reduced lunch as determined by the National School Lunch Act

Hoosier Aces Scholarship

  • Students who meet the Aces Opportunity Grant criteria, have a GPA of 3.75 (weighted) or higher and a Student Aid Index (SAI) of 0 or lower as determined by the FAFSA will receive a combination of scholarships and grants that covers tuition, fees, standard housing and meals .

UE Teaching Fellows Scholarship

  • Awarded to 10 education majors.
  • No essay required; simply fill out the application form.
  • Requires on-campus housing.
  • Students awarded this scholarship will not pay any tuition out of pocket during the junior and senior year.

Athletic Scholarships

Athletic scholarships are awarded at the discretion of each coach, based on criteria established by and in accordance with NCAA regulations. Eligibility for UE scholarships is reviewed based on athletic funding awarded. The following sports offer athletic scholarships:

  • Men – baseball, basketball, cross country, golf, soccer, swimming and diving, and track and field
  • Women – basketball, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, swimming and diving, track and field, and volleyball
  • Value: Varies

Special Scholarships

Students who earn one of the following scholarships will receive either that scholarship or the Academic Merit Scholarship, whichever is higher.

John C. Moore Scholars Program

  • Awarded to students selected for the John C. Moore Scholars Program.

National Need for Nursing Scholarship

  • Awarded to students who earn direct entry into the nursing program.
  • Value: $25,000

Performing Arts Scholarships

  • Theatre Scholarship or Music Scholarship
  • Awarded based upon a combination of talent, academic credentials, and department needs. Requires audition.

Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship

  • Awarded to students designated as Lilly Scholars.
  • Lilly covers tuition, fees, and book stipend.
  • UE covers housing, meals, and a $1,500 travel grant that can be used to attend Harlaxton or any approved study abroad experience.

National Merit® Finalist Scholarship

  • Provide a copy of your Certificate of Merit to the Office of Admission.
  • Semifinalists can find information on next steps in the National Merit® Program Requirements and Instructions for Semifinalists .

National Recognition Scholarship

  • National Rural and Small Town Recognition Program
  • National First-Generation Recognition Program
  • Value: $35,000
  • Provide a copy of your Certificate of Recognition to the Office of Admission.

Changemaker Scholarships

The following are awarded to winners of UE's annual High School Changemaker Challenge .

First place

  • Students must live on campus as part of a cohort.

Second place

  • Value: $27,000

Third place

  • Value: $23,000

Baccalaureate to Doctor of Medicine (B/MD) Program Scholarship

  • Awarded to eight freshmen from the state of Indiana selected for this program.
  • Includes provisional admission to the Indiana University School of Medicine-Evansville.
  • Value: $32,000

Academy of Science and Medicine (ASM) Scholarship

  • Through a partnership with Evansville-Vanderburgh School Corporation’s Academy of Science and Medicine (ASM), students who successfully complete the ASM program and who are admitted to UE will be offered a minimum of $25,000 in annual scholarships.

Early College High School Scholarship

  • Through partnership with Early College High School programs offered through Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation, Tell City High School, Perry Central High School, Southridge High School, and Warrick Pathways & Career Center, students who successfully complete one of these programs and who are admitted to UE will be offered a minimum of $25,000 in annual scholarships.

Additional Awards

These awards may be given in addition to the above scholarships and coordinated with other financial aid.

The total of all UE scholarships/gift aid will not exceed the equivalency of full-time tuition (12-18 credit hours/semester). All information on the Scholarships for Entering Freshmen page is applicable to domestic freshmen.

Changemaker Scholarship

  • Awarded to students placing 4th-6th place.
  • Value: $1,500

UE Kentucky Excellence Award

  • Awarded to Kentucky residents who graduate from a Kentucky high school.

Logistics and Supply Chain Management Scholarship

  • Offered to select first-year students admitted into the LSCM program.

Valedictorian Scholarship

  • Offered to students who are ranked #1 in their senior class (excludes homeschooled students).
  • Value: $1,000

Honors Program Scholarship

  • Awarded to students who gain and accept admission to UE’s Honors Program.

UE Scholar Award

  • Awarded to students who attend UE’s invitation-only UE Scholar Day.

Ridgway Housing Scholarship

  • Offered to any entering freshman who is a resident of Vanderburgh County or will be graduating from a high school in Vanderburgh County.
  • Requires on-campus residency.

Legacy Award

  • Offered to students who are children, grandchildren, or great grandchildren of UE alumni.
  • Value: $2,000

Scouting Scholarship

  • Offered to Eagle Scout and Gold Award recipients.

International Baccalaureate Diploma Scholarship

  • Offered to students who will be graduating with an IB Diploma.

Methodist Scholarship

  • Offered to students who belong to their local Methodist church.
  • Value: $500

Veteran Dependent Scholarship

  • Offered to dependents of military veterans who do not qualify for other military benefits.

Veterans Affairs Education Benefits – Yellow Ribbon

  • Offered to eligible veterans or dependents of veterans using the Post 9/11 GI Bill®.
  • Value: Applicable tuition and fees that exceed the national maximum set annually by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • Offered to students invited to UE's annual Math Banquet.

Foreign Language Contest Scholarship

  • Offered to students who participate in UE's Foreign Language contest and are chosen by faculty as winners.

Art Portfolio Scholarship

  • Offered to art majors who submit an art portfolio to UE’s Department of Art by May 1, 2025, and the faculty recommend for scholarship.

Ensemble Participation Award

  • Students who are not music majors can audition for a place in a UE ensemble and receive this award.

For students meeting renewal requirements, UE scholarships will be renewed for a total of 4 years (8 fall/spring semesters total; excludes summer). Award amounts listed are the annual amounts and are split evenly between fall and spring semesters. GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official US government web site at . The University of Evansville reserves the right to update the amounts and criteria as deemed necessary.

Return to Scholarships Overview

Office Phone 812-488-2364 or 800-424-8634

Office Fax 1-844-433-7153

Office Email [email protected]

Office Location Room 105, Olmsted Administration Hall

Making Payments 812-488-2565

Payment Location Room 105G, Olmsted Administration Hall

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Essay on Annual Day Celebration

Students are often asked to write an essay on Annual Day Celebration in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Annual Day Celebration


Annual Day is a significant event in a school’s calendar, celebrating its achievements and showcasing students’ talents.


Preparation begins months in advance. Students rehearse for cultural programs, while teachers plan the event meticulously.

On the day, the school buzzes with excitement. The event begins with a welcome speech, followed by various performances.

The Annual Day concludes with a vote of thanks, leaving everyone with unforgettable memories. It’s a celebration of learning, growth, and unity.

250 Words Essay on Annual Day Celebration

The significance of annual day celebrations.

Annual Day Celebrations are quintessential aspects of an educational institution’s culture. They serve as a platform for students to showcase their talents, achievements, and growth, while promoting a sense of community and unity.

The Preparations

The preparations for the Annual Day Celebration are an amalgamation of excitement, hard work, and creativity. They involve meticulous planning, ranging from deciding the theme, designing invitations, organizing cultural programs, to rehearsing performances. This process encourages teamwork and leadership skills among students.

Day of the Celebration

The day of the celebration is a spectacle of colors, sounds, and emotions. It starts with a formal inauguration, often by an esteemed guest, followed by a series of performances by students that include dance, music, drama, and more. The atmosphere is electric, filled with applause and cheers that echo the collective spirit.

The Impact of Annual Day Celebrations

The impact of an Annual Day Celebration extends beyond the event itself. It fosters a sense of belonging, boosts morale, and instills a sense of pride in the institution. It also provides students with an opportunity to step out of their academic routine and engage in creative, extracurricular activities.

In conclusion, Annual Day Celebrations are not just about entertainment, but are a testament to the holistic development of students. They highlight the importance of cultural diversity, teamwork, and creativity in the learning environment, thereby playing a crucial role in shaping well-rounded individuals.

500 Words Essay on Annual Day Celebration

Annual Day Celebration forms the heart and soul of an institution’s cultural ethos. It is a day that brings together the entire institution, celebrating the spirit of learning, creativity, and camaraderie. This day is not only about cultural performances and accolades but also a reflection of an institution’s journey, its achievements, and future aspirations.

Significance of Annual Day Celebration

Moreover, it is a moment of pride for the institution and its members. The day marks the culmination of the academic year, reflecting on the successes and learnings, recognizing the efforts of students and teachers alike. It is a day of joy, enthusiasm, and anticipation, as everyone eagerly awaits the performances and the prize distribution ceremony.

Preparation for the Day

The preparation for the Annual Day Celebration starts months in advance. The planning involves deciding the theme, selecting and rehearsing performances, organizing logistics, and coordinating volunteers. The meticulous planning and execution involve everyone, from the management, teachers, students, to the non-teaching staff, making it a collective effort.

The Annual Day Celebration is a spectacle to behold. The day usually begins with a welcome speech, followed by a variety of cultural performances, including dance, music, drama, and more. The performances are not just a display of talent but also reflect the diversity and unity of the institution.

The highlight of the day is the prize distribution ceremony. It is a moment of recognition and appreciation for the achievers, motivating them and others to strive for excellence. The day concludes with a vote of thanks, acknowledging everyone’s efforts in making the event a grand success.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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