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For ‘626’ Day, Watch How this Disney Animator Helped Create Stitch from ‘Lilo & Stitch’

Wednesday is June 26, or “626” Day, which celebrates Stitch from Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Lilo & Stitch , the cute yet bonkers galactic character that is given the experiment number 626.

In the video below, Alex Kupershmidt, the lead animator on Stitch, offers a behind-the-scenes look at how the team crafted the character, how hand-drawn animation informs technical animation, and how animation fundamentals from Disney Animation classics — like Pinocchio and Fantasia   — still guide his animation process.

Lilo & Stitch Wiki

  • Talking experiments
  • Video game characters
  • Stitch! The Movie Experiments
  • Lilo & Stitch: The Series Experiments
  • Ultimate Monster Experiment
  • Experiments Activated On-Screen
  • Recurring Experiments
  • Transmutated Experiments

Reuben (625)

Reuben , also known as Experiment 625 , is an illegal genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba , a frequent henchman of Gantu , and a major character in the Lilo & Stitch franchise , first appearing in Stitch! The Movie . He is the last failed prototype of Stitch . He possesses all of Stitch's powers and is equipped with advanced lingual skills. The main flaw in his programming is laziness; the most strenuous thing he does is make sandwiches, albeit delicious ones. His one true place is with Gantu as his galley officer and chef.

  • 1.1 Disney Adventures prequel comics
  • 1.2 Stitch! The Movie
  • 1.3 Lilo & Stitch: The Series
  • 1.4 Leroy & Stitch
  • 1.5 Stitch! anime
  • 2 Personality
  • 3.1 Physical appearance
  • 3.2 Special abilities
  • 3.3 Weaknesses
  • 5 References

Background and appearances

Experiment 625 was the 625th genetic experiment created by Jumba with Hämsterviel 's funding. He was designed for Stitch 's purpose but was considered a failed experiment due to his lazy nature. 625 and the previous 624 experiments were deactivated and smuggled to Earth by Jumba during his mission to capture Experiment 626.

Disney Adventures prequel comics

Before Stitch's creation and when Jumba was struggling with creating his ultimate monster, 625 served as Jumba's primary assistant in the labs, though this mostly involved him making sandwiches for his master. When Stitch first gets loose on Turo , 625 comes with Jumba to help him track the creature down, but the arrest would eventually come and 625 would be podded.

These events have since been retconned by the events described in Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch , where Stitch is apprehended directly after his creation and Reuben is nowhere to be seen.

Stitch! The Movie

Stitch! The Movie - Reuben after activation

Reuben after activation

While Jumba and Pleakley were fighting over the experiment pod container , unseen to them, 625's experiment pod slipped out.

Gantu later discovered the pod while abducting Jumba and took it with him back to Hämsterviel's ship for interrogation.

When Jumba refused to reveal the location of the other experiment pods , Gantu and Hämsterviel decided to activate Experiment 625 (who Jumba stated has all the powers of 626) and use him to torture Jumba. However, Gantu and Hämsterviel were awestruck to discover 625's lazy nature when he was seen making sandwiches instead of tormenting Jumba.

625 later frequently attempted to gain new bologna for his sandwiches, until he was trapped on Earth after Gantu's ship crashed with Gantu and 625 on board.

Lilo & Stitch: The Series

Lilo & Stitch The Series - Swirly - Reuben making sandwiches

Reuben making sandwiches

625 is still stranded on Earth along with Gantu and spends most of his time relaxing, making sandwiches, and ridiculing Gantu for his frequent failures and bumbling. He turns out to be quite intelligent and gives plenty of information about the experiments to Gantu. He is portrayed as Gantu's wisecracking sidekick and often tags along during experiment hunting.

625 was once commanded by Gantu to battle Stitch , but due to his lazy nature, he did not fight and was easily beaten. Ironically, he used his powers twice in the series: when he climbed up the ship 's window and also kicked Gantu across the beach in " Phoon ". In addition, he proved to be more tolerant of water than Stitch, such as when he plunged into the ocean to get out of harm's way in " Splodyhead ", and when he and Gantu got sunk while aboard different watercraft in " Sinker ". In " Mr. Stenchy ", 625 was actually jealous of Gantu's affections towards the newfound experiment Mr. Stenchy .

Throughout the series, 625 served as Gantu's reluctant sidekick, although he is usually no help at all, doesn't do anything, messes up Gantu's plans, or even helps Lilo and Stitch against Gantu on some occasions. However, he has helped Gantu in a few episodes.

Leroy & Stitch

Leroy & Stitch - Reuben after falling off the ceiling

Reuben after falling off the ceiling

With Gantu having failed to capture any experiments other than 625 himself, the former abandoned 625 on Earth and left to free Hämsterviel from prison . Hurt and/or infuriated at this, 625 decided to convert Gantu's deserted ship into his own sandwich shop.

Sometime later, Lilo visited 625 to use the ship's videophone, and even made him a PBJ sandwich as a peace offering. 625 initially rejected Lilo's plea until she discovered that she had never given him a name (he was still 625 to this point). After a few failed attempts, 625 finally agreed to the name Reuben. Lilo then convinced Reuben to repair the ship's communication system so that she could contact Stitch .

After the call was placed, the two discovered that the Stitch in control of the B.R.B. was an impostor . Realizing that Stitch was in danger, Lilo asked for Reuben's help, but the latter claimed it wasn't their problem. Lilo then enlightened Reuben on how he could do whatever Stitch can and convinced him to make something of himself. Although hesitant, Reuben complied after Lilo persuaded him. He then repaired the ship, while revealing his incredible powers, and the two flew it to Turo to warn the Grand Councilwoman .

However, when Lilo and Reuben arrived, they discovered that they were too late, as Hämsterviel and his Leroy army had already overthrown the Galactic Alliance. Hämsterviel ordered Gantu to arrest Lilo and Reuben, but Gantu was fired in the process due to Leroy being Hämsterviel's new henchman. However, Lilo and Reuben were soon broken out by a reformed Gantu after Reuben convinced him to switch sides. Before the three were able to escape, they were caught by a group of Leroy guards. However, they were saved by Stitch, Jumba , and Pleakley 's timely arrival and escaped back to Earth in time to save the captured experiments that were taken to a stadium to be destroyed.

Leroy & Stitch - Reuben playing a saxophone

Playing a saxophone

Reuben participated in the following battle between the experiments and the Leroy clones by slipping up attacking Leroys with sandwiches. When the Leroys gained the upper hand in the battle, Lilo, Stitch, Reuben (playing a saxophone), and several other experiments performed the song " Aloha ʻOe ", which caused the entire Leroy army to shut down due to the original's fail-safe.

Following the battle, when the Galactic Alliance was reinstated and Gantu returned to his job as captain, the latter hired Reuben as his galley officer.

Stitch! anime

In the Stitch! anime, it is revealed in the English dub that he and Gantu were fired from the Galactic Armada because of some incident involving bad karaoke singing. Since they needed money, they once again sought out Hämsterviel for employment. Since then, Reuben has been in almost every other episode of the anime with Gantu and Hämsterviel.

In one episode of Season 3 of the anime, Hämsterviel modifies Reuben to be able to use his powers as often as possible, giving him the ability to easily defeat Stitch . This transformation also gave him a "bad boy" personality, and it is because of this that Angel dumped Stitch for Reuben until Stitch saved her from plummeting to Earth. Reuben was later snapped out of this trance when he saw someone making a sandwich incorrectly. Reuben was last seen in the anime's final episode when he, Gantu, Hämsterviel, and Delia are put in prison by the Grand Councilwoman .

Reuben also appeared in the specials Stitch and the Planet of Sand and Stitch! Perfect Memory .


Despite having all the powers of Stitch, Reuben is an incredibly lazy coward. However, during the events of Leroy & Stitch , Reuben finally made something of himself and used his powers to help save the entire galaxy. He is actually very humble, friendly, and sympathetic, though often makes wisecracks, but is usually quite crabby toward others when they disturb him (especially Gantu). He has tagged along with Gantu and Dr. Hämsterviel during many villainous plots, but has stated that he doesn't really care who wins.

Reuben constantly insults Gantu's bumbling and incompetent nature, but is sometimes very compassionate and thoughtful towards him and secretly sees him as his best friend and companion. He can also be considered somewhat of a coward, especially when Gantu forces Reuben to battle Stitch on a few occasions. Unlike Gantu, however, Reuben is fearless of Hämsterviel who apparently rejects him due to his laziness, explaining why Gantu has never sent Reuben to him. He also has a rather unusual and bizarre love for sandwiches. Most of the time, he is seen with either a finished sandwich in his hand or making one. His sandwiches are apparently very tasty, as even Gantu asks Reuben for some.

During the course of the series, it has been shown that Reuben secretly sees Stitch as his brother and vice versa. Also, just like Stitch, he has a crush on Angel , therefore making him Stitch's rival for Angel's love. Despite his wisecracks and laziness, Reuben is also shown to have a sensitive side as seen in Leroy & Stitch , when Gantu abandons him and leaves him alone on Earth, causing him to become bitter and lonely.

Aside from this, Reuben is incredibly intelligent and clever, especially when it comes to the experiments. Although he was the second-to-last experiment to be created, Reuben has excessive knowledge of every experiment, even the ones that were created far before his time, such as Ace , most likely due to being Jumba's former assistant. There are also a few instances where Reuben acts like kind of an "inside man" for Lilo and Stitch, like telling Lilo how to beat Experiment 627 (but this was only so 627 would leave him alone, not for the sake of the galaxy).

Reuben is also shown to be inquisitive. In " Babyfier ", his curiosity led to him releasing Babyfier from his container on Gantu to find out what Gantu's alien species started out as.

Physical appearance

Reuben is a golden yellow (teal blue in the Disney Adventures magazines), chubby koala/marmot-like experiment that looks like Stitch , with a big head with short ears that flop down at the sides of his head, large black eyes, three small brown-tipped antennae that look like a tuft of fluffy fur, bright yellow stomach, chest and around his eyes, three dark yellow toes on each foot, big red nose, four pointed fingers on each hand, short stumpy legs, two brown markings on his back (one hourglass-shaped and an oblong marking above it), and two flat buck teeth sticking out of his mouth and overlapping his bottom lip. He also has brown retractable claws on his fingers. Additionally, he has only three toes on each foot, unlike his immediate successor and immediate predecessor who both have four toes on each of their feet, although he has been depicted with four toes in error before.

He stands slightly shorter than Stitch (his three antennae and droopy ears ignored), but the height difference is very subtle, to the point that the animation doesn't seem to depict this very well. The anime-based video game Stitch Jam has arguably the best depiction of their height difference (along with that of Angel and Felix ), as on the character select screen for the game's Free Mode and Challenge Mode, Reuben is slightly shorter than Stitch and Felix (both of whom stand at the same height), while Angel is shorter than all three of them.

Special abilities

Reuben possesses all of Stitch's powers, including the ability to grow an extra pair of arms (it is unknown if he has the three back spines and two additional antennae on top of his head). He can lift objects up to 3,000 times his own weight, think faster than a supercomputer, roll into a ball, see in the dark, and scale walls and ceilings. He can also speak fluently (with a hint of a Brooklyn accent), though he is capable of understanding Tantalog , his native tongue, and is a very talented sandwich maker (and sandwich eater). Obviously, he is too lazy for much physical combat or use of his powers, and therefore prefers to stand on the sidelines. He also has knowledge of advanced technology, as he was able to repair a telecommunications array using pickle juice.

Reuben was originally very lazy and cowardly. He is proven to be ticklish when Tickle-Tummy tickle tortures him in the episode " Snafu ". Also, he doesn't seem to be anywhere near as durable, suffering painful-looking injuries after taking a beating from Gantu's four henchmen experiments in " Dupe ". However, as it has been repeatedly stated that he has all of Stitch's powers, he may very well be as durable, and the pain he received may be either psychological in nature or from a lack of mental attitude to tolerate pain as well as Stitch. It is uncertain whether or not Reuben shares Stitch's weakness of water, although he doesn't seem to mind being in water as much as Stitch does.

  • In some promotional Lilo & Stitch: The Series comics, his eyes and build change to reflect his new look, but his blue-green fur color remains the same.
  • Jess Winfield confirmed that the alteration from blue fur to tan fur was an artistic choice made to more clearly separate Reuben from Stitch. [1]
  • Reuben also appeared in a DVD bonus feature of Stitch! The Movie in the experiment gallery, although his name was never revealed at the time.
  • Reuben makes a brief cameo at the end of the game Lilo & Stitch 2: Hämsterviel Havoc for Game Boy Advance, where he offers the defeated Gantu a breadless cheese sandwich. This screenshot of him was taken from the series episode " Splodyhead ".
  • Reuben appears, along with several other Lilo & Stitch characters, in a parody of the Disney Channel Original Movie High School Musical , which was broadcast as part of the High School Musical: Around the World one-year anniversary special.
  • Before settling with Reuben, Lilo had a few other names for him in relation to sandwiches and/or his love for them, but he declined: " Patty ", " Monte ", and "Pita Pita Sandwich Eata".
  • Reuben rarely extends his claws, as they are normally completely retracted. However, in " Mr. Stenchy ", Reuben was seen with his claws extended, using them to spread grape jelly on bread as if his claws were butter knives.
  • In the Stitch! anime, Reuben's paw pads, which are brown, are usually incorrectly colored as the same light tan as his countershading.
  • Reuben is one of the few known experiments that can speak fluently .
  • Although Reuben has all of Stitch's powers, out of all his powers, Reuben's ability to roll into a ball never appears onscreen in the franchise .
  • In " 627 ", Lilo referred to 625 as "Sandwich Boy" when he telephoned her, although it is unknown how he learned or obtained the Pelekais' phone number.
  • Reuben was the first experiment to be seen in pod form, but also the last to be named by Lilo and to be rehabilitated.
  • In the anime, his pod is white when Jumba dehydrates him in " Stitch's Birthday, Part One ".
  • Reuben is one of the few experiments to not appear in the group photo at the end of Leroy & Stitch , as he was probably with Gantu.
  • During the time of the series, Reuben had his name on the Lilo & Stitch games and his character profile on the Disney Channel website and in various storybooks before Leroy & Stitch was finished. Ironically, in the Spanish version of Leroy & Stitch , he was never referred to as Reuben; he was only named "625".
  • When Reuben appeared in Disney Tsum Tsum for a 2018/2019 Lilo & Stitch: The Series -themed event, the game referred to him as "Experiment 625" like he was during the show before the release of Leroy & Stitch , never acknowledging his later-given name, despite the fact that Leroy also appeared during the same event.
  • Reuben appears in Disney Emoji Blitz only in a cameo during Angel 's Power, but he is unplayable. In said game, Reuben's cameo as one of the experiments controlled by Angel directly contradicts the series, where he is shown to be immune to Angel's hypnosis due to being created after her.
  • ↑ L&S Says Mahalo TV Tome (December 14, 2004). Archived from the original on March 19, 2016. Retrieved on May 27, 2018.
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  • 1 Angel (624)
  • 3 Reuben (625)

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Here's A First Look At The Live-Action Version Of "Lilo & Stitch," And Yes, He's Cute And Fluffy

Move aside live-action Sonic; there's a new live-action furball in town.

Mychal Thompson

BuzzFeed Staff

We've finally got a first look at the Lilo & Stitch live-action remake, and the lovable, mischievous blue alien's antics are already going viral.

Lilo and Stitch in a playful moment; Stitch laughs on the ground while Lilo stands above him, hands raised. Both characters are from the animated movie, "Lilo & Stitch."

At 2024 D23: The Ultimate Disney Fan Event in Anaheim, California, everyone got a sneak peek at what Experiment 626 will look like in the live-action adaptation of the original 2002 animated movie.

D23 event stage with a large 'D23' logo. Bob Chapek speaks on stage, with his image projected on a large screen beside him

In the teaser at the Walt Disney Pictures panel, the alien menace ripped through the screen, revealing that the movie is set to premiere in the summer of 2025.

Experiment 626 has entered the chat! The live-action #LiloAndStitch is coming only to theaters in Summer 2025! pic.twitter.com/82KFLEFL5E — Walt Disney Studios (@DisneyStudios) August 10, 2024

What we know so far about the movie is that Dean Fleischer Camp will direct it and will feature filmmaker and animator Chris Sanders, the original voice of Stitch, reprising his role.

Closeup of Chris Sanders

Stitch's best friend , Lilo, will be played by Maia Kealoha.

Closeup of Maia Kealoha

Sydney Agudong will play Lilo's big sister Nani.

Closeup of Sydney Agudong

And Kaipo Dudoit will be Nani's love interest, David Kawena.

View this photo on Instagram

Actors from the original series, Tia Carrere (who voiced Nani) and Amy Hill (who voiced Mrs. Hasagawa), are returning as new characters in the live-action remake along with actors Billy Magnussen, Courtney B. Vance, and Zach Galifianakis .

A woman in a black sequined dress gives a thumbs-up on the red carpet at a Film Independent Presents event

As a fan of Stitch, I'm excited to see how everything will turn out, and I'm not alone. Here's what some of the fans are saying:

It's undeniable that stitch is adorable in all forms..

WAIT HE LOOKS CUTE HOLD ON 😭 — SportsArenaTz (@SportsarenatzTz) August 10, 2024
OH MY GAAAWWWWWWD GIMME MORE! pic.twitter.com/znv8x33BgV — Jdog (@Jdog_TheFenrir) August 10, 2024
looks scary and adorable at the same time but i’m here for it! — adan (@ahh_adan) August 10, 2024

It's canon that the  Lilo & Stitch  soundtrack from the TV show and movies is top-tier.

if this song isn’t in that live action lilo & stitch remake, i don’t want it pic.twitter.com/jxB7Ba3rka — ♔ ᴛᴏɪᴛʟᴇz ♔ (@booyakabungala) August 10, 2024

Yes, the ice cream man is an integral part of Lilo & Stitch lore.

if they don’t have bro in this we riot pic.twitter.com/NkdHTXd8Hm — 𝖏𝖙 (@TOTHEMAKER) August 10, 2024

Perhaps the best reaction to the teaser is people misunderstanding Stitch's iconic alien catchphrase. When the destructive alien burst out, he shouted something that sounded really close to a racial slur, and everyone did a double-take.

i can’t be the only who hears him say it… https://t.co/D4apweBd4Y — kira 👾 (@kirawontmiss) August 10, 2024
tf he just say?? pic.twitter.com/ASoWBLzwhz — Pookie (@PookiesParadise) August 10, 2024
@ 3 sec mark??? pic.twitter.com/IKG2z47hrO — Lee (@FilmItLee) August 10, 2024
Oh so he's black?! https://t.co/3NJGh9dFSH — Ichigo Niggasake (@SomaKazima) August 10, 2024
Im sorry but who gave Stitch the pass? — L21saac (@L21saac) August 10, 2024

Don't worry, folks. The live-action Lilo & Stitch isn't a rated R movie, and he didn't curse...well, not in any human language. He said, "Meega nala kweesta" which he's been shouting since he was a 2D-animated alien in 2002.

I'm looking forward to the new lilo & stitch , share this article.

experiment 626 gif

experiment 626 gif

Celebrate Stitch Day With The Lead Animator Of Experiment 626 Himself!

It’s June 26th, which means it’s “Stitch” day, and what better way to celebrate than to sit with someone who knows more about Stitch than anybody, his lead animator!

experiment 626 gif

What’s Happening:

  • Wednesday is June 26, or “626″ Day, which celebrates Stitch from Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Lilo & Stitch , the cute yet bonkers galactic character that is given the experiment number 626.
  • In the video below, Alex Kupershmidt, the lead animator on Stitch in the film, offers a behind-the-scenes look at how the team crafted the character, how hand-drawn animation informs technical animation, and how animation fundamentals from Disney Animation classics — like Pinocchio  and Fantasia  — still guide his animation process.
  • Originally released in 2002, Lilo & Stitch was one of three animated full-length animated features at the Walt Disney Feature Animation Studios at the then Disney-MGM Studios theme park at Walt Disney World .
  • In the classic film from what is now known as the Walt Disney Animation Studios, we follow two individuals – an orphaned Hawaiian girl named Lilo (raised by her older sister, Nani), and the extraterrestrial genetic experiment gone awry, Experiment 626, who is adopted by Lilo as her "dog" and renamed "Stitch" after he escapes capture from the Galactic Federation. Stitch, who was genetically engineered to cause chaos and destruction, develops a close bond through the Hawaiian concept of ʻohana (extended family), causing Stitch to reconsider his intended destructive purpose in order to keep his newfound family together.
  • You can trace Kuperschmidt’s career at Disney Animation back to the opening of the afrorementioned Florida studio, having a hand in nearly every short or feature film to come from the studio before it was shuttered in 2004, including Roller Coaster Rabbit, Off His Rockers, Trail Mix-Up, Mulan , and  Brother Bear, just to name a few. After the Florida location closed, Kuperschmidt stayed with Disney and contributed to other films over the last few decades, including Tangled, Moana, Raya & The Last Dragon, Paperman, and The Princess and the Frog, among others.
  • Lilo & Stitch was considered a highlight in Disney’s post-renaissance era, and deviates from previous film’s art styles of the time, opting to go back to films like Dumbo   and Pinocchio and using watercolors for background art.
  • Character designs were based on director Chris Sanders's personal drawing style, rather than the traditional Disney in-house style. And, reportedly because of a limited budget, details like pockets or designs on clothing were avoided in the animation process. Since they could not afford to do shadows throughout much of the film, many of the scenes took place in shaded areas, saving shadows for more dramatic and pivotal moments in the film.

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Tons of hilarious 626 GIFs to choose from. Instead of sending emojis, make it enjoyable by sending our 626 GIFs to your conversation. Share the extra good vibes online in just a few clicks now! Happy GIFgiving!

Stitch Love

Lilo and stitch, calming gif, and here we go, aloha friday, going crazy.

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Jumba Stitch GIF

  • Experiment626
  • I Would Never
  • Make More Than One
  • Irresponsible And Unethical
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Stitch, also known as Experiment 626, is a fictional character from Disney’s Lilo & Stitch franchise. A genetically engineered, extraterrestrial life-form resembling a blue koala, he is the more prominent of the franchise’s two title protagonists, the other being his human adopter and best friend Lilo Pelekai.


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  9. For '626' Day, Watch How this Disney Animator Helped Create Stitch from

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    File Size: 13117KB. Duration: 13.800 sec. Dimensions: 498x294. Created: 7/21/2019, 6:24:59 PM. The perfect Jumba Stitch Experiment626 Animated GIF for your conversation. Discover and Share the best GIFs on Tenor.

  22. Stitch Gif

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  23. Disney Stitch Experiment 626 Spaceship Charm

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