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An English Essay on the Importance of Water for the Students

Without water there cannot be life on our planet, that is to say on earth. Because every living organism needs water, and therefore having a good understanding and care for the water is a must for all of us. Hence, students should write an essay discussing the importance of water in the English language.

Writing an essay on such a topic opens a series of good ideas in the mind of the students regarding the role that water plays in our lives, and it can also make the students aware of the importance of water.

Also, if you wish to write an English essay on the topic My aim in life you may find this link helpful My Aim in Life Essay in English for Students | Easy Essay on My Aim in Life (

Advantages of Writing an Essay on the Importance of Water.

Writing an essay on any topic helps the students be good writers, and the same goes for the topic of, Importance of water, but there are quite a few more advantages to writing the essay.

One of the most important things for everyone is to express oneself, and the practice of doing so must be given to the child from a very young age. And writing an essay helps the students in this very important thing.

For writing a good essay on any topic, the students must have a good understanding of the subject of the essay. And hence, writing an essay on the Importance of water, helps the students in learning about the value of water, not just our lives, which is to say humans, but the life of the whole planet.

In his famous play Hamlet Shakespeare writes, Brevity is the soul of wit, meaning being short or concise is very important in speech, or shortness of words is the essence of intelligence. The same rule applies in writing the essay, and doing as clear an understanding of the topic at hand is required as possible. And hence composing an essay on the importance of water helps the students understand the same.

One of the most important gifts that humans are blessed with is the gift of language, and this gift has to be used effectively. Writing an essay helps the students in learning the methods of using the language in such a manner that it makes everything clear to the reader. A good essay does not only touch the heart of the readers but it opens the mind of the reader, it can move them, that is to say, if a good essay is written on the importance of water it can make the readers aware about the same, and not just aware but also careful about using the water.

Water means Life. Water is a prime natural resource. It is a basic need for humans and a precious asset that living beings have. Water is equally vital for the survival of the plant and animal kingdoms. Soil needs water for sustaining plants. The water cycle is essential for ecological balance too. Though a big portion of the Earth is covered with water, only a small portion of it can be used for various human activities. So we need to be judicious and rational, regarding the usage of water.

Why is water important for our bodies?

Water is important for our body for the following reasons. 

 Above 70% of our body contains water so it is pivotal for the human race to survive. 

Water helps in regulating our body temperature. 

 Water helps in the digestion of solid food. 

It also keeps our skin healthy and hydrated. 

Water helps in excreting waste from our body through sweat, urination, and defecation. So replenishing the water in our body is essential to prevent dehydration.

Drinking water also helps in reducing calories and maintaining body weight because it can increase the rate of metabolism.

Water consumption lubricates the joints, spinal cord, and tissues.

Importance of Water

All living organisms, plants, animals, and human beings contain water. Almost 70% of our body is made up of water. Our body gets water from the liquids we drink and the food we eat. Nobody can survive without water for more than a week. All plants will die if they do not get water. This would lead to the death of all the animals that depend on plants for their food. So the existence of life would come to an end.

Role of Water In Life Processes

Water plays an important role in most of the life processes by acting as a solvent. The absorption of food in our body takes place in solution form with water as the solvent. Also, many waste products are excreted in the form of solutions through urine and perspiration. 

Water helps in regulating our body temperature. In hot weather, we drink a lot of water. This maintains our body temperature. Also, water evaporates from the surface of our body as sweat. This takes away heat and cools the body. 

Water is essential for plants to grow. Plants need water to prepare food. They also absorb dissolved nutrients from the soil through their roots. 

Aquatic plants and animals use the nutrients and oxygen dissolved in water for their survival. 

Uses of Water In Everyday Life

Water is used for drinking, washing, cooking, bathing, cleaning, in our day-to-day life.

It is used to generate electricity in hydroelectric power stations.

Water is used for irrigating fields and in the manufacture of various products. 

Other Uses of Water

Water serves as a means of transportation for goods and people.

It provides a medium for recreational sports such as swimming, boating, and water skiing. 

Water is also used to extinguish fires. 

Importance of Oceans

Oceans are of immense use to man. They are useful in many ways, directly and indirectly. They not only play a significant role in the climate of adjoining countries but also serve mankind in many ways. They are a storehouse of several resources. 

An ocean is a major source of water and forms a major part of the water cycle. Oceans contribute water vapor to the atmosphere and we get the same in the form of precipitation.

The oceans are the biggest storehouse of edible forms of marine food, fish being most important. In addition to food, sea animals provide other products like oil, glue, etc.

Oceans have enormous mineral and chemical wealth. A variety of dissolved salts like sodium chloride (common salt), magnesium chloride, and potassium chloride are found in plenty in the oceans.

Oil and gas are important fuels obtained from oceans.

Importance of Lakes and Rivers

Economic and industrial development

Water storage

Hydroelectric power generation

Agricultural purposes

Modern multipurpose dams

Source of food

Source of minerals

Tourist attractions and health resorts

Rivers provide fresh drinking water

Ports can be built on them as they form good natural harbors 

Major Concerns

Although our planet Earth is covered with 71% percent of water and 29% of the land, the fast-growing contamination of water is affecting both humans as well as marine life. The unequal distribution of water on the Earth and its increasing demand due to the increasing population is becoming a concern for all. 

Water pollution makes it difficult for marine animals to sustain themselves.

Covering over 71% of Earth’s surface, water is undoubtedly the most precious natural resource that exists on our planet. Without the seemingly invaluable compound comprising Hydrogen and Oxygen, life on Earth would be non-existent. 

We are slowly but harming our planet at a very alarming rate.

Characteristics of a Good Essay.

It must be brief: As pointed out earlier, a good essay must be short, and also to the point. So, if students are writing an essay on the importance of water it must only deal with the water, and anything which does not directly serve the purpose must be excluded.

Must cover the whole topic: Though it may seem a little contradicting to the first point, what is meant by covering the whole topic is that the maximum number of aspects dealing with the importance of water must be covered in this essay. For instance, water is important for all living organisms and not just humans, and so the same has to be covered in one or the other way in the essay on the importance of the water.

Must be to the point: The essay must remain true to the central idea of the topic, which is the importance of water in this case. Hence, almost all the sentences written in the essay must serve the main topic in one or another way. And also, writing should not be vague or ambiguous, or illogical.

Human beings should realize how important and precious water is. At the individual level, you can be more responsible and avoid wasting water so that our future generation can make the best use of this natural resource abundantly.


FAQs on Importance of water

1. Why is water important?

Water is important because it sustains all living organisms on Earth.

2. How is ocean water useful to Mankind?

Ocean water is useful to mankind in the following ways.

Oceans are a major source of water through the water cycle. 

Oceans have direct control over the climate.

Oceans are the biggest storehouse of marine food.

Oceans have enormous mineral and chemical wealth.

3. How is water important for our Body?

Water helps to carry nutrients and oxygen to each and every cell of our body. It helps in digestion. It keeps our skin healthy and hydrated. Water consumption lubricates the joints, spinal cord, and tissues.

4. What are the uses of water in our Daily Life?

Water is used for drinking, bathing, cooking, cleaning, and irrigation of crops and manufacturing various products.

5. Why should I use the essay provided by Vedantu on the Importance of water?

The essay that Vedantu provides on the topic of the Importance of water is prepared by expert teachers, for the students of the English language. And hence this essay can be used by the students as an outline or an example of the essay on the Importance of water, it does not necessarily mean that the students have to copy it completely, but it serves the purpose of guiding the students in attempting the essay. Furthermore, the essay is completely free for download for all the students and also it is available in a PDF file format.

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Essay on Importance of Water | Importance of Water Essay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Importance of Water: Water is an essential part of life and vital for sustainability. It helps the body carry out specific metabolic tasks and regulates the temperature of our body, and water is unique because its density resembles that of cell protoplasm’s The significance of water in our diet is evident to us. Water is everywhere, and it is vital for our Earth and the life that lives there. Water does not produce calories and is a significant weight loss factor. The quality of our lives is the key component and a universal solvent.

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Long and Short Essays on Importance of Water for Students and Kids in English

A Long essay on the topic of Importance of Water is provided it is of 450-500 words. A short Essay of 100-150 words is also given below. The extended articles are popular among students of classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. On the other hand, students in Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 can refer to short essays.

Long Essay on Importance of Water 500 Words in English

Importance of Water Essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

For all forms of life on Earth, water is the basic necessity. It is fair to assume that the only way to sustain life is because of the water beneath the Earth. One of the most significant resources on this planet is this universal solvent. Life without water is impossible. It is nearly 70% of the Earth, after all. However, water is minimal, despite its enormous abundance. Water, though abundant is limited. It cannot be renewed, thus must be used very carefully. Furthermore, we must recognize that, although there is plenty of water, it is not all safe to eat. We derive some very significant uses every day from the water.

Water is the foundation of our lives. For daily survival, the human body requires water. We can survive for a week without any food, but we will not even survive three days without water. Also, 70 per cent of our body fluids is water. In turn, this helps our bodies to work usually. There are also significant health issues for human beings because of the shortage of adequate water or intake of polluted water. The water we drink, thus, is of substantial value to our physical wellbeing plus fitness.

Besides, without water, we do not carry out our daily activities. It is equally necessary whether we are thinking about brushing up early in the morning or preparing our meals. We depend very strongly on this transparent chemical in this domestic use of water.

The industries also consume a great deal of water on a large scale. For almost every step of your process, you need water. The product that we use every day is essential to manufacture. If we look beyond human uses, water plays a vital role in every life of the living creatures. It is the birthplace of marine animals. Every organism needs water to survive, from a small insect to a whale. We thus see how water is required, not only for humans but also for plants and animals. To function the Earth depends on water. We cannot be egoistic and use it for our uses without taking care of the environment.

Water is necessary not only for our survival but also for a healthy and happy life. Everyone has seen the situation of water-deprived countries like Africa, where people lead miserable lives. All have to wake up to the urgent need for water conservation.

In other words, the human race would not last without a world without water. For all animals and plants, the same is true. Evidently, without water, the entire planet would perish. First of all, soon, the vegetation will diminish. All the greenery will die when Earth does not get water, and become a desolate land. The emergence of different seasons soon will stop. In one great endless summer, the Earth will be caught. Besides, aquatic life will become extinct. Finally, unnecessary water use must be stopped immediately. If we do not work together towards conservation of water, this planet as we know it will meet its ultimate demise sooner than we think.

Short Essay on Importance of Water 200 Words in English

Importance of Water Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

One of the most significant resources on this planet is this universal solvent. Life without water is impossible to work. Water is the foundation of our life as we think about our personal lives. For daily survival, the human body requires water.

If we look beyond human uses, how water plays a vital role in every life of the living creatures, it is the birthplace of marine animals. Water is necessary not only for our survival but also for a healthy and happy life. Evidently, without water, the entire planet would perish.

Besides, aquatic life will become extinct. If we do not work together towards conservation of water, this planet as we know it will meet its ultimate demise sooner than we think.

10 Lines on Importance of Water Essay in English

  • If we look beyond human uses, water plays a vital role in every life of the living creatures.
  • If we do not work together towards conservation of water, this planet as we know it will meet its ultimate demise sooner than we think.
  • Water is the foundation of our life as we think about our personal lives.
  • The industries also consume a great deal of water on a large scale.
  • There are also significant health issues for human beings because of the shortage of adequate water or intake of polluted water.
  • Water is a non-renewable natural resource.
  • It is fair to assume that the only way to sustain life is because of the water beneath the Earth.
  • Water is an essential natural resource on Earth.
  • Water does not produce calories and is a significant weight loss factor.
  • Water, though abundant is limited. It cannot be renewed, thus must be used very carefully.

FAQ’s on Importance of Water Essay

Question 1. What is the chemical formula for water?

Answer: The chemical formula for water is H2O.

Question 2. Why is waer essential?

Answer: For all forms of life on Earth, water is the basic necessity. It is fair to assume that the only way to sustain life is because of the water beneath the Earth. One of the most significant resources on this planet is this universal solvent. Life without water is impossible.

Question 3. Why should we not be wasting water?

Answer: Water, though abundant is limited. It cannot be renewed, thus must be used very carefully.

Question 4. What will happen if the water of the Earth disappears?

Answer: The human race would not last without a world without water. For all animals and plants, the same is true. Evidently, without water, the entire planet would perish. First of all, soon, the vegetation will diminish. All the greenery will die when Earth does not get water, and become a desolate land. The emergence of different seasons soon will stop. In one great endless summer, the Earth will be caught. Besides, aquatic life will become extinct.

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10 points on importance of water for class 5 1

The Crucial Role of Water: 10 Points for Class 5 on its Importance

Water is an essential resource that sustains life on Earth. Understanding its importance from an early age is crucial, especially for class 5 students. In this article, titled “The Crucial Role of Water: 10 Points for Class 5 on its Importance,” we will explore ten key reasons why water is vital for our well-being and the health of our planet. By delving into these essential points, we hope to inspire young minds to value and preserve this precious resource. Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways:

  • Water is essential for the survival of all living beings.
  • It serves as a medium for transporting vitamins and minerals in organisms.
  • Water plays a vital role in biological processes like digestion and respiration.
  • More than 71% of the Earth’s surface is made up of water.
  • Water is obtained from various sources like rivers, lakes, oceans, and streams.
  • It is used for domestic purposes, agriculture, sanitation, and industrial processes.
  • Water helps maintain the Earth’s climate and the water cycle.
  • Conserving water is important for its availability in the future.
  • Sustainable water management practices like rainwater harvesting and water recycling can help preserve water resources.
  • Responsible water consumption and reducing wastage are essential for a sustainable future.

Table of Contents

10 Points on Importance of Water for Class 5

10 points on importance of water for class 5

Water is a fascinating and vital resource that plays a crucial role in our lives. It is essential for the survival of all living organisms, including humans, animals, and plants. In this article, we will explore the importance of water through 10 key points. So, let’s dive in!

Point 1: Water – The Elixir of Life

Water is often called the elixir of life because it is essential for the existence of all living beings on Earth. Just like how we need food to fuel our bodies, we need water to survive and thrive. Without water, life as we know it would cease to exist.

Point 2: Water’s Role in Our Body

Did you know that our bodies are made up of about 60% water? Water plays a vital role in various biological processes within our bodies. It helps in digestion, allowing our stomachs to break down food and absorb nutrients. It also aids in respiration, enabling our lungs to take in oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. Additionally, water helps circulate important vitamins and minerals throughout our bodies.

Point 3: Water Covers Most of Our Planet

Water covers more than 71% of the Earth’s surface. It can be found in different sources such as rivers, lakes, oceans, and streams. These sources are not only beautiful to look at, but they also provide habitats for countless plants and animals.

Point 4: Water’s Many Uses

Water is used for a wide range of purposes. We rely on it for our daily activities, such as drinking, cooking, and bathing. It is also crucial for agricultural practices, as it helps irrigate crops and support plant growth. Furthermore, industries use water for various processes, including manufacturing and cooling. Water plays a significant role in sanitation, ensuring cleanliness and preventing the spread of diseases.

Point 5: Water and the Water Cycle

Water is part of a never-ending cycle called the water cycle. It starts with evaporation, where water turns into vapor and rises into the atmosphere. Condensation then takes place, as the vapor cools and turns back into liquid, forming clouds. Next comes precipitation, where water falls from the clouds as rain, snow, or hail. Finally, the water either returns to bodies of water or seeps into the ground, replenishing our water sources.

Point 6: The Need to Conserve Water

Water is a finite resource, which means it is limited in supply. It is essential to conserve water to ensure its availability for future generations. We can do this by reducing water wastage, fixing leaks, and using water-saving devices. Additionally, practices like rainwater harvesting and water recycling can help conserve water resources.

Point 7: Water’s Role in Climate Control

Water plays a significant role in maintaining the Earth’s climate. Oceans, in particular, absorb heat from the sun and distribute it across the globe. This redistribution of heat helps regulate temperature and climate patterns. Without water, our planet would experience extreme weather conditions, making it inhospitable for life.

Point 8: The Beauty of Water

Water is not only important for its practical uses but also for its beauty. Think about the serene lakes, majestic waterfalls, or the rhythmic waves crashing on the shore. Water has a calming effect on our minds and can inspire awe and wonder about the world we live in.

Point 9: The Power of Water

Water is powerful. It has the ability to shape the Earth’s surface through erosion. Over time, flowing water can carve deep canyons, shape magnificent landscapes, and create stunning features like waterfalls. It is also harnessed to generate hydroelectric power, a clean and renewable source of energy.

Point 10: Water as a Symbol of Purity

Water is often considered a symbol of purity and cleanliness. It is commonly used in religious ceremonies and rituals to represent purification and renewal. Whether it’s a baptism, a traditional cleansing ritual, or simply washing away dirt and grime, water has a special significance in many cultures.

In conclusion, water is an indispensable resource that affects every aspect of our lives. It is vital for our survival, supports various biological processes, covers most of our planet, and has numerous uses. By understanding the importance of water and conserving it, we can ensure a sustainable future for ourselves and future generations. So, let’s value and cherish this precious gift called water!

References: – BYJU’S. (2018). Importance of Water – List of Important Uses of Water + Video. Retrieved from – (n.d.). 10 Lines on Water for Children and Students of Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Retrieved from

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Water is a Key Component of the Human Body: The Importance of Water for Class 5 Students

Water is not just a simple drink to quench our thirst; it is a vital component of our bodies. In fact, it is crucial for our overall health. Imagine a world without water – it would be quite impossible for us to survive. In this article, we will explore the significance of water in the human body and understand why it is so important for our well-being.

  • Water is essential for regulating body temperature, moisturizing tissues, and protecting organs and tissues.
  • It plays a crucial role in carrying nutrients and oxygen to cells and lubricating joints.
  • Adequate hydration is important for overall health and bodily functions.
  • The human body is composed mostly of water, with different organs and tissues containing varying percentages.
  • Drinking enough water each day is necessary to maintain proper bodily functions.

Water is like the unsung hero inside our bodies. It quietly goes about its tasks, ensuring that everything runs smoothly. One of the most important roles of water is to regulate our body temperature. Just like how we sweat on a hot day, water helps us cool down by evaporating from our skin. It also moisturizes the tissues in our eyes, nose, and mouth, keeping them hydrated.

Did you know that water acts as a shield for our organs? It protects delicate organs and tissues, preventing them from getting damaged. Water acts as a cushion, absorbing shocks and keeping our organs safe.

Apart from protection, water also carries essential nutrients and oxygen to our cells. Just like a delivery person, it transports these vital substances to where they are needed the most. Additionally, water lubricates our joints, making them function smoothly and preventing discomfort.

Our body relies on the kidneys and liver to flush out waste products, and water plays a crucial role in this process. It helps lessen the burden on these vital organs by effectively removing waste from our body.

Now, let’s delve into the fascinating composition of the human body. Would you believe that our brains and hearts are made up of a whopping 73% water? Even our lungs contain about 83% water. Water is present in our skin (64%), muscles and kidneys (79%), and is even found in our bones (31%). This shows just how integral water is to our very existence.

To ensure our bodies function optimally, it is essential to drink an adequate amount of water each day. Staying hydrated is not only important for quenching our thirst but also for maintaining the proper functioning of our major bodily systems.

In conclusion, water is not just a simple liquid. It is a key component of the human body and is crucial for our overall health. It regulates body temperature, moisturizes tissues, protects organs and tissues, carries nutrients and oxygen, and lubricates joints. Our bodies depend on water to function and survive. So, let’s make sure we drink enough water each day to keep our bodies happy and healthy!

References: – Mayo Clinic Health System – Water: Essential for your body – US Geological Survey – The Water in You: Water and the Human Body

Water Supports Various Human Activities and Industries

10 points on importance of water for class 5

Water is not just a simple liquid that we drink and use for daily activities. It has a much bigger role in supporting various human activities and industries. Let’s dive into the importance of water and how it impacts our lives!

  • Water is essential for the survival of all living organisms, including humans, animals, and plants.
  • Proper hydration is crucial for our overall health and well-being.
  • Conserving water is important for environmental sustainability.
  • Water plays a significant role in agriculture, industry, and energy production.
  • Access to clean and safe drinking water is a basic human right.
  • Water is vital for maintaining biodiversity and preserving ecosystems.
  • Climate change affects water accessibility, leading to droughts and floods.
  • Water is essential for poverty alleviation and economic growth.
  • Addressing water scarcity and ensuring equitable access to water resources is crucial.
  • Proactive individual and collective action is needed to combat the water crisis.

Water plays a vital role in our everyday lives, supporting a wide range of human activities and industries. Let’s explore some key areas where water’s importance shines:

1. Agriculture:

Water is the lifeblood of agriculture. It is essential for irrigation, allowing crops to grow and thrive. Without sufficient water, agriculture would not be possible, leading to food scarcity and hunger. Farmers rely on water to cultivate their fields, ensuring a steady supply of fresh produce for our consumption.

2. Industry:

Did you know that many industries depend heavily on water for their operations? Water is used in manufacturing processes, cooling systems, and power generation. Industries such as power plants, refineries, and factories require a substantial amount of water to carry out their activities efficiently. Without water, these industries would struggle to function and contribute to our economy.

3. Energy Production:

Water supports energy production through hydropower generation. Large dams and reservoirs harness the power of flowing water to generate electricity. Hydropower is a clean and renewable energy source that plays a crucial role in reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. It provides a sustainable solution for meeting our energy needs while minimizing the impact on the environment.

4. Domestic Use:

Water is indispensable for our daily activities such as cooking, cleaning, and personal hygiene. We rely on clean drinking water to stay hydrated and maintain our health. Without access to safe and clean water, we would be at risk of various waterborne diseases. Water also plays a vital role in sanitation, ensuring proper hygiene and preventing the spread of illnesses.

5. Environmental Considerations:

Water is not just important for human activities; it also supports biodiversity and preserves ecosystems. Aquatic habitats provide a home for countless species of plants and animals. Water bodies like oceans, rivers, and lakes support diverse ecosystems and contribute to the overall health of our planet. Proper water management and conservation efforts are crucial to protect these delicate ecosystems for future generations.

6. Environmental Sustainability:

Conserving water is essential for the long-term sustainability of our environment. By using water efficiently and reducing wastage, we can contribute to the preservation of this precious resource. Sustainable water management practices can help mitigate the impacts of climate change, alleviate water scarcity, and ensure equitable access to water resources.

7. Collective Responsibility:

Addressing the water crisis requires collective responsibility. Governments, communities, and businesses must work together to conserve water and ensure its sustainable use. Individuals can make a difference by adopting water-saving habits in their daily lives, such as turning off faucets when not in use, fixing leaky pipes, and using water-efficient appliances. Small actions can collectively have a significant impact on preserving water for future generations.

In conclusion, water supports various human activities and industries, playing a crucial role in our lives. From agriculture to industry, energy production to domestic use, water’s significance cannot be overstated. Conserving water, ensuring access to clean and safe drinking water, and addressing water scarcity are essential steps towards a sustainable future. Let’s value and protect this precious resource for the well-being of our planet and future generations.

Sources: 1. The Value of Water and Its Essential Role in Supporting 2. The Importance of Water Sustainability and Our Future – Routledge

Water conservation is important to ensure its availability for future generations. Understanding the significance of water is essential for class 5 students to appreciate its role in our lives and the importance of conserving it. Let’s explore the crucial role of water through the following key points:

Water Sustains Life: Water is essential for the survival of all living organisms, including humans, animals, and plants. It plays a vital role in maintaining bodily functions and supporting various biological processes.

Environmental Balance: Water sustains biodiversity and helps preserve ecosystems. By practicing sustainable water management, we can protect natural lifecycles and maintain the balance and health of our planet.

Addressing Water Scarcity: Water shortages and droughts have severe impacts on communities and ecosystems. Conserving water and managing it efficiently can help mitigate the effects of water scarcity and ensure an adequate supply for present and future generations.

Energy Conservation: Water management facilities consume a significant amount of energy. By conserving water, we can reduce the energy required for water-related processes, contributing to environmental sustainability.

Water and Public Health: Access to clean and safe water is essential for maintaining proper hygiene and preventing waterborne diseases. Conserving water resources ensures an adequate and clean water supply, safeguarding public health and well-being.

Preserving Water Sources: Conserving water helps protect and preserve our water sources, such as rivers, lakes, and groundwater reservoirs. This ensures their sustainability and availability for future use.

Promoting Sustainable Agriculture: Water is crucial for agriculture and food production. By practicing efficient irrigation methods, farmers can conserve water and promote sustainable agricultural practices.

Climate Control: Water plays a significant role in regulating climate patterns and temperature control. Understanding the water cycle and its connection to climate change can help students appreciate the importance of conserving water.

Reducing Water Pollution: Conserving water involves preventing pollution and treating wastewater properly. By reducing water pollution, we can protect aquatic life, preserve ecosystems, and ensure the availability of clean water resources.

Global Responsibility: Everyone has a role to play in conserving water and ensuring its availability for future generations. Through individual actions, community initiatives, and government policies, we can contribute to a more sustainable future with ample freshwater resources.

  • Water is crucial for the survival of all living organisms and supports various biological processes.
  • Sustainable water management helps preserve biodiversity and maintain the balance of ecosystems.
  • Conserving water mitigates the impacts of water scarcity and protects future generations’ access to clean water.
  • Water conservation reduces energy consumption and promotes environmental sustainability.
  • Access to clean water is essential for public health and well-being.
  • Conserving water resources preserves their sustainability and availability.
  • Efficient irrigation methods contribute to sustainable agriculture.
  • Water plays a role in regulating climate patterns and temperature control.
  • Preventing water pollution protects aquatic life and ensures clean water resources.
  • Everyone has a responsibility to conserve water and ensure its availability for future generations.
  • United Nations: Water and Sustainable Development
  • The Importance of Water Sustainability and Our Future – Routledge

Q1: Why is water important for class 5 students?

A1: Water is important for class 5 students because it is essential for the survival of all living organisms, including humans, animals, and plants. It plays a crucial role in sustaining life on Earth and is involved in various biological processes.

Q2: What are some key points about the importance of water that class 5 students should know?

A2: Here are some key points about the importance of water: 1. Water is essential for the survival of living beings. 2. It serves as the medium for transporting vitamins and minerals in organisms. 3. Water plays a vital role in biological processes like digestion and respiration. 4. It comprises more than 71% of the Earth’s surface. 5. Water is derived from various sources like rivers, lakes, oceans, and streams. 6. It is used for domestic purposes, agriculture, sanitation, and industrial processes. 7. Water maintains the Earth’s climate and the water cycle.

Q3: How can class 5 students help in conserving water?

A3: Class 5 students can help in conserving water by: 1. Turning off taps tightly to avoid any leaks. 2. Using water responsibly, such as not keeping taps running unnecessarily. 3. Collecting rainwater for household plants and gardens. 4. Reusing water whenever possible, like using leftover water for watering plants. 5. Spreading awareness about the importance of water conservation in their communities.

Q4: Why is water sustainability important?

A4: Water sustainability is important because it ensures the availability of clean water for present and future generations. It helps in preserving biodiversity, addressing drought and water shortages, conserving energy, and promoting public health.

Q5: What can class 5 students do to promote water sustainability?

A5: Class 5 students can promote water sustainability by: 1. Learning about the importance of water conservation and sharing their knowledge with others. 2. Using water responsibly and avoiding wastage. 3. Participating in community initiatives for rainwater harvesting or water recycling. 4. Taking part in events or campaigns that raise awareness about water conservation. 5. Encouraging their families, friends, and neighbors to adopt water-saving practices.

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  • Importance Of Water

The Importance of Water

Water And Its Importance

Water is one of the most important resources on the planet. Without water, life cannot exist. But what makes water so important? Water has several unique characteristics that make it an extremely valuable resource. Some such properties of water are listed below.

  • Water is a very good solvent – it has the ability to dissolve many substances.
  • The boiling point and freezing point of water make it easily available in all three states (solid, liquid, and gaseous).
  • The specific heat of water is quite high. This enables water to absorb and release heat slowly, thereby regulating the temperature of its environment.
  • Owing to its transparency, water can allow light to reach the life forms that are submerged in it. This is crucial for the survival of plant life in the oceans, lakes, and rivers.
  • Water is neither acidic nor basic in nature. It has a pH of 7, making it a neutral substance.

These unique qualities of water, along with its abundance on the planet (approximately 71% of the Earth’s surface is made up of water), make it a crucial resource for plants, animals, and human beings.

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importance of water essay for class 5

  • Water is the medium through which all essential vitamins and minerals are transported in the bodies of living organisms (owing to its ability to dissolve a wide range of substances).
  • Water also plays a vital role in facilitating the work of enzymes in living organisms. For example, the sodium bicarbonate secreted by the pancreas is broken down into ions by water, making the medium sufficiently alkaline for the enzymes to work.
  • Water helps maintain body temperatures in plants and animals. In order to decrease the temperature in their bodies, animals lose water via perspiration (sweating) and plants lose water via transpiration.
  • Since water can rise in capillary tubes without any external help, it can be transported from the roots of trees to every other part of the tree.
  • Water is an integral part of photosynthesis . Without it, autotrophic plants would not be able to produce their own food.
  • Water serves as a habitat for more than 50% of all life on Earth.
  • Insufficient water content in the human body results in severe dehydration, which is often accompanied by kidney failure, seizures, and swelling in the brain.
  • Water helps improve the circulation of oxygen throughout the body.
  • It also plays a crucial role in the digestion of food.
  • Water is a very important component of saliva, which helps break down food.
  • The excretion of waste in the human body requires water. Insufficient water levels in the body may increase the strain on the kidneys, resulting in the formation of kidney stones.
  • If not for the high specific heat of water, the temperature of the Earth’s surface would be much lower. This would make it difficult for life to survive.
  • The water in the Earth’s oceans absorbs heat from the sun during the day and helps maintain the temperature during the night.
  • Water is necessary for the irrigation of crops and is, therefore, an integral part of agriculture.
  • It is widely used in cooking activities since it boils at a temperature of 100 o
  • Humans make use of water for a wide range of domestic activities such as washing and cleaning.
  • Water also serves as a medium for the transportation of cargo. Many goods are transported between the Earth’s continents via ships.
  • Many industries require large quantities of water for processing, cooling, and diluting products. Examples of industries that consume large quantities of water include the paper industry, the food industry, and the chemical industry.
  • Water is also used as an industrial solvent for the production of several commercially important products. Almost all power plants that generate electricity employ water to spin turbines.
  • Heavy water, an important form of water, is widely used in nuclear reactors as a neutron moderator.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

Why is water important.

In our body, water brings nutrients to all the cells and oxygen to our brain. Water enables nutrients, proteins, amino acids, glucose and other compounds to be consumed and assimilated by the body. Toxins and waste are washed out by sewage. In order to control body temperature, water helps.

What are the uses of water in our daily life?

To start, we all use water to drink, wash, clean, prepare, and grow food, making it our most precious survival resource. What contributes to the daily use of domestic water is that industry needs much more water to produce electricity, create materials, and move people and goods.

What is the importance of water supply?

Providing potable water is probably the most important of all public utilities. For drinking, heating, cleaning, carrying away waste, and other domestic needs, people rely on water. Water delivery schemes must also satisfy public, commercial and industrial specifications.

Why is water important to life essay?

The cornerstone of our lives is water. The human body needs water for everyday life. We can live without any food for a week, but we can not even survive without water for three days. 70 per cent of our body fluids are also water.

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The Importance of Water: The Vital Essence

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Words: 652 |

Published: Sep 7, 2023

Words: 652 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Water and human health, environmental balance, agriculture and food security, industrial and economic significance, challenges of water scarcity and pollution, responsible water management.

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importance of water essay for class 5

10 Lines on Water

Water is the most important element of planet earth as it supports life. Without water, no one can survive in the entire world. Almost 72% of the earth’s surface is covered with water. The water on earth is either present in solid form (ice), liquid or gas (water vapor). In the present scenario across the globe, the consumption of freshwater and underground water has increased to manifolds due to the ever-rising population. Water is the crucial element of our domestic, agricultural and industrial economy.

Ten Lines on Water in English

We have provided 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Water in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. You can add these lines in your essays and paragraph writing in your exams as well as in the school competitions. It can also be used during debate competition, speech narration or to write some lies on this topic, etc.

1) Water is a colorless, tasteless and odorless substance essential for the survival of living beings.

2) Water is the essential element for all human beings, animals and plants.

3) Water comprises of more than 71% of the earth’s surface.

4) Water is derived from various sources like rivers, lakes, oceans, and streams.

5) Water is used for many domestic purposes like drinking, cleaning, cooking, washing, bathing, etc.

6) Water is an essential component in the agriculture sector mainly for the purpose of irrigation.

7) Water helps in regulating the human body temperature and making cells and tissues to grow.

8) Water is also crucial for maintaining bodily functions like breathing, digestion, and sweating.

9) The industrial purpose of water includes washing, processing, cooling, and diluting the products in the manufacturing process.

10) There are three different forms of water i.e. solid (ice), liquid (water) and gas (water vapor).

10 Lines and Sentences on Water

1) The process of circulation of water through condensation, precipitation above or below the surface of earth is known as water cycle.

2) Water energy is also utilized for producing electricity by using dams.

3) The chemical formula of water is H2O meaning each molecule of water contains one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms.

4) Water is used in many sports and is a source of entertainment in swimming, boating, surfing, fishing and diving.

5) Fishing in salt and freshwater provides a source of food and livelihood to many across the world.

6)  Water is necessity in many of the geological processes like sedimentation, waves, volcanic eruption etc.

7) Water is great solvent and acts as medium for many chemical reactions.

8) Water recharges our body by delivering the important nutrients to the cells and organs.

9) Water helps in removing waste products from the tissues of our body and flushes out the toxins from the blood.

10) The aquatic bodies like oceans, rivers, and ponds are home to millions of creature worldwide.

5 Lines on Water

1) Water is a natural resource.

2) 71% of Earth contains water.

3) We need water to satisfy our thirst.

4) It is the basic necessity of living.

5) No life is possible without water.

20 Lines on Water

1) Water is required by all terrestrial life forms for drinking and other purposes.

2) Water bodies are the habitat for marine and aquatic organisms.

3) All vegetation is also saved due to water.

4) If there is no water, then all life forms and vegetation will be destroyed.

5) Water is a valuable natural resource that should be used judiciously.

6) Water freezes at 0 0 centigrade to form ice, which is its solid-state.

7) Water is a good conductor of electricity.

8) Water in factories is used for production, cleaning, making electricity, cooling machines, chemical activities and many other things.

9) Due to lack of pure water, millions of people are being forced to drink dirty water every year due to which they are falling victim to death.

10) Every year World Water Day is celebrated on 22 nd March under the guidance of the United Nations.

11) Water is the basis of life for not only humans but all living beings on the earth.

12) Water is a compound composed of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.

13) The water that is available on earth has been merged with much particulate matter which remains suspended on it.

14) The term water is commonly used for the fluid state but it is also found in the solid-state (ice) and gaseous state (steam or water vapor).

15) Water is also found as liquid-crystals on water-sensitive surfaces.

16) About 71% of the Earth is covered with water, which is mostly part of the oceans and other large water bodies.

17) Groundwater is water that reaches below the ground after rain.

18) On the Earth’s surface, water is important in both chemical and physical weathering processes.

19) Most of the water needs to be treated before use, as it is polluted by various man-made activities.

20) Water conservation is more important than food for us.

10 Lines on Water

Water is an essential component for the survival of life on planet earth. However, the rapid urbanization and industrialization are leading to the depletion of groundwater and wastage and pollution of water around the world. It’s the responsibility of every citizen to contribute towards water recycling methods so that water can be preserved to fulfill the needs of present and future generations.

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Essay On Importance Of Water

importance of water essay for class 5

Table of Contents

Short Essay On Importance Of Water

Water is one of the most essential and important resources for life on earth. It plays a critical role in supporting all living organisms, including humans, plants, and animals. Without access to clean, safe water, life on earth would not be possible.

For humans, water is necessary for survival as it makes up approximately 60% of the human body. It is also required for a range of activities, including drinking, cooking, cleaning, and bathing. Additionally, water is essential for agriculture and food production. Irrigation systems, which rely on a constant supply of water, are used to grow crops that feed billions of people around the world.

Water also plays a critical role in maintaining the earth’s ecosystems. It helps regulate the planet’s temperature and supports the growth of vegetation, which in turn provides habitats for countless species of animals. Moreover, water plays a critical role in the water cycle, helping to distribute heat and moisture around the planet.

Unfortunately, access to clean, safe water is a challenge for many people around the world. Approximately 2 billion people do not have access to safe drinking water, and millions die each year from water-borne diseases such as cholera and dysentery. This highlights the importance of ensuring that all people have access to clean water and that efforts are made to protect and conserve this precious resource.

In conclusion, water is an essential and critical resource for life on earth. It is necessary for human survival and plays a vital role in supporting ecosystems and sustaining food production. Ensuring that all people have access to clean, safe water is a global challenge and one that requires sustained efforts to protect and conserve this precious resource.

longEssay On Importance Of Water

Water is one of the most important substances on Earth. It sustains life, from the smallest bacteria to the largest mammals. But how much do we really know about water and its importance? This essay explores why water is so essential to human life and looks at some of the potential risks of not taking proper care of our water resources.


It is no secret that water is essential for life. All known forms of life require water to survive. In fact, water makes up about 60% of the human body. Every system in the human body depends on water to function properly.

Water is involved in all aspects of metabolism, including digestion, absorption, and excretion. It also plays a role in temperature regulation and waste removal. In addition, water helps to protect tissues and organs from damage and maintains their structure and function.

Despite its importance, many people do not drink enough water every day. This can lead to dehydration, which can cause a number of health problems. Some of the symptoms of dehydration include fatigue, headache, lightheadedness, and dizziness. Dehydration can also lead to more serious problems such as heat stroke or kidney stones.

It is important to drink plenty of fluids each day, especially during hot weather or when exercising. The best way to stay hydrated is to drink small amounts of water throughout the day rather than large amounts all at once. It is also important to choose beverages that contain electrolytes like sodium and potassium, which help to replace those lost through sweating.

Definition of Water

Water is a clear, colorless, odorless, and tasteless liquid that is essential for the survival of all known forms of life. In chemical terms, water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, with a molecular weight of 18.01528. The boiling point of water is 100 °C (212 °F), and its freezing point is 0 °C (32 °F). Water is in liquid form at standard atmospheric pressure at temperatures between 0°C (32°F) and 100°C (212°F). It has a density of 1 gram per cubic centimeter (1 g/cm3) at 4°C (39°F).

Importance of Water for Our Health and Wellbeing

Water is vital for our health and wellbeing. Our bodies are made up of around 60% water, so it’s no surprise that we need to keep topped up in order to function properly. Water has many roles in the body, including:

– Carrying nutrients and oxygen around the body – Flushing out toxins and waste products – Regulating body temperature – Lubricating joints – Helping with digestion

We need to drink around eight glasses of water a day to stay hydrated. This may seem like a lot, but it’s easy to get through if you make sure you have a glass with every meal and snack, and carry a bottle of water with you when you’re out and about.

There are many benefits to staying hydrated, including:

– Improved physical performance – Reduced fatigue and increased energy levels – improved mental function and concentration – better skin health – reduced risk of kidney stones and urinary tract infections.

The Role of Water in Human Society

Water is one of the most important substances on Earth. All living things need water to survive. Water is essential for the proper functioning of all cells, tissues, and organs.

The human body is made up of about 60% water. Every system in the body depends on water. For example, water:

– Carries nutrients and oxygen to all cells

– Flushes toxins out of vital organs

– Regulates body temperature

– Lubricates joints

Without water, the human body would not be able to function properly. People can only survive without water for a few days before they become seriously ill and die.

Water is also important for agriculture. Crops need water to grow. In many parts of the world, irrigation systems are used to bring water to fields where it is needed. Irrigation can be done by hand, but it is often done with machines. Farmers must be careful not to use too much water or their crops will suffer from drought (lack of water). Too little water can also damage crops. Farmers have to know when and how much to water their crops in order to get a good harvest.

The Impact of Climate Change on Water Availability

Water availability is one of the key ways in which climate change can impact us. It is estimated that by the end of the century, global average water availability will decrease by 6%. This means that there will be less water available for drinking, irrigation, and industry. In some regions, water availability could decrease by as much as 30%.

There are a number of reasons for this decrease in water availability. One is that as the atmosphere warms, evaporation rates increase. This means that more water is being drawn out of lakes and rivers and into the atmosphere. Additionally, precipitation patterns are changing. While some areas are seeing increases in rainfall, others are experiencing drought conditions. These changes mean that less water is available to recharge groundwater supplies.

The impacts of climate change on water availability are already being felt around the world. In Australia, for example, a prolonged drought has left many farmers struggling to irrigate their crops. In California, declining snowpack levels have led to reduced river flows and increased water shortages. As climate change continues to impact our planet, it is likely that these types of problems will become more common.

How to Conserve Water

Water is one of the most important natural resources on earth. It is essential for all forms of life and plays a vital role in our environment.

There are many ways to conserve water. Some simple things that everyone can do to save water are:

– Turn the tap off while brushing your teeth – Take shorter showers – Don’t let the water run while washing dishes – Fix any leaks around your home – Use a broom instead of a hose to clean your driveway or sidewalk – Water your plants during the cooler hours of the day – Use a rain barrel to collect rainwater for watering plants – Mulch your garden to help retain moisture All these things will help reduce water consumption and protect this valuable resource.

In conclusion, this essay has highlighted the importance of water in our lives and why it is essential for us to conserve and protect it. Water plays a vital role in sustaining life on Earth and we must take action now to ensure that all humans have access to safe drinking water. We should also strive to reduce our personal consumption of water and make efforts to preserve freshwater resources for future generations. Through greater awareness, conservation initiatives, improved infrastructure, and responsible usage practices we can help secure a thriving future environment with abundant supplies of clean water.

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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Importance of Water Essay for Students & Children [Easy Words]

January 25, 2021 by Sandeep

Importance of Water Essay: Water is the most essential and vital substance for the survival of life on Earth. It has zero calories and is a universal solvent. The human body requires at least 6 to 8 glasses of water every day. Without water, animal and plant life cannot thrive, and Earth could become a desolate and barren land in the absence of rainfall and water resources. Water conservation and pollution free water should be our top priority.

Essay on Importance of Water 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Importance of Water Essay in English, suitable for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10.

Water is one of the essential substances on Earth. It is required for all the living organisms’ basic functioning in the world. Water builds up 60 percent of the body. Water is found in every cell of the body. All chemical processes like temperature regulation, oxygen exchange require water. There is a large quantity of water available on Earth. It exists in lakes, ponds, oceans, etc. 71 percent of the Earth’s surface contains water. But the drinkable water constitutes only 2.5 percent.

Due to the increasing population, water demand is exploding, causing a water predicament. India uses a primarily large amount of groundwater to meet water’s necessity in the country. Niti Aayog reports predicted that 21 Indian cities would run out of their groundwater by next year. It is essential to understand water’s importance in our daily lives and utilize it carefully.

Significance of Water

We cannot think of life without water. It is a necessity of all living beings for survival on this planet. Our bodies use water for all the fundamental processes in the body. Our cells, tissues, and organs use water to perform body functions such as temperature control, oxygen transportation, etc. It keeps our body well maintained and healthy.

Hydration is essential for the body. Otherwise, it causes dehydration in the body. Our body loses water generally in the form of sweat during physical work. It keeps our body temperature normal. Drinking tons of water helps in preventing dehydration. Water helps in excretion of waste through urination. It boosts digestion by breaking down the food more efficiently. It helps in absorbing all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

Water is used for commercial purposes in hotels, offices, restaurants, etc. It is used for domestic purposes involving drinking, cooking, washing, etc. It is utilized for industrial purposes such as cleaning, manufacturing, and other processes. It is used in dairies, farms for Livestock water usage.

Importance of Water Conservation

It is important to take essential measures to save water in such a populated country and use it wisely. Only 1 percent of the freshwater is accessible to humans, and the rest is in the form of glaciers. If we continue exploiting the water and using it ridiculously, we might end up with all the usable water. Without pure water, all humans and animals will die in some days. Therefore the saving of water is highly essential. Saving water will ensure pure water for future generations.

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Essay on Importance of Water in English for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on Importance of Water: Water is one of the most important substances on earth. All plants and animals must have water to survive. If there was no water there would be no life on earth. Water is a major part of the earth’s surface, covering about 70%. It is important to maintain the quality of surface water, because it is a major source of drinking water for humans and animals.

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Target Exam ---

Water is a limited resource. Although it is constantly being recycled, there is a finite amount of water on earth. It is important to use water wisely and conserve this valuable resource.

Long and Short Essay on Importance of Water in English

Here are essay on Importance of Water of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam.

After going through these Importance of Water essay you will know a good deal about importance of water for us as well as the environment, various uses of water, different sources of water, water cycle, how to conserve water etc.

You can go with the one of your choice:

Short Essay on Importance of Water (200 words)

Water is available in abundance on Earth. It is present on the surface of Earth as well as beneath it. The water bodies present on Earth’s surface include rivers, ponds, seas and oceans. The surface water evaporates due to the excessive heat of Sun. It is circulated in the atmosphere and forms clouds that burst and reach the Earth’s surface in the form of rain. Thus, the water that evaporates gets replenished by the natural process of water cycle which occurs continuously. This helps in maintaining the eco system and makes our planet worth living.

While Earth is filled with plenty of water, fresh water is very small part of it and its amount is only decreasing by the day. It is sad but true that due to various human activities and human negligence, the water present on Earth is getting polluted. Fresh water is getting depleted as the water bodies are being polluted due to industrial as well as domestic waste.

It is high time we must understand the importance of water in our lives and the necessity to save it. There are many simple ways in which we can avoid wastage of water such as bathing with less water, watering plants with waste water from RO, cleaning the car with a wet cloth rather than pipe, etc. We must also use the method of rain water harvesting to collect rain water. This way we can contribute our bit to save water.

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Essay on Important Uses of Water (300 words)


Water is available in abundance on Earth. It is one of the main reasons which make life possible on our planet. Available from different sources, water is an essential requirement for all the living beings. It is used for various purposes by human beings. Here are some of the important uses of water.

Different Uses of Water

  • Drinking: Drinking water is vital for the survival of living beings. So, one of the main uses of water is drinking.
  • Cooking: Water is also used for the purpose of cooking. Many recipes such as lentils, rice, soups, etc require water. Besides, even the vegetables and fruits that do not require added water for preparation need to be washed thoroughly before eating/ cooking.
  • Cleaning: Whether it is cleaning a house, office, car, machinery or anything for that matter, it is not possible without using water. All the cleaning tasks require water.
  • Washing: Water is also required for the purpose of washing clothes, utensils and various other things.
  • Sanitation: Water is also required for the purpose of sanitation. It helps in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene.
  • Agriculture: A major share of water on Earth is used for the purpose of agriculture. It mainly used for irrigating the farms to keep the land fertile and ensure adequate supply to the crops. It also used for rearing the livestock.
  • Industries: Industries use water for various purposes. The manufacturing of many products require water. It used in the transportation, fabrication and processing of various products. Some of the industries that need good amount of water include pulp and paper and engineering industries.

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Water used for different purposes in homes and offices. It is as much essential for other living beings as it is for the humans. Therefore it is one of the main reasons we are alive. Is impossible to imagine life without water.

Essay on Importance of Water: Water Cycle (400 words)

Water is present in solid, liquid and gaseous forms on Earth. All three forms of water are essential to maintain our planet’s ecological balance. Water is in high demand as it used for various purposes. Fortunately, we have many sources of water including seas, rivers, oceans and rain. Water replenishes itself naturally and constantly by way of water cycle thereby maintaining balance in the atmosphere.

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Why is Water Cycle Important?

Water needed for the survival of the living beings. Be it plants, animals or human beings – all three require water. While plants and animals mainly require water for the purpose of drinking or as habitat, human beings use water for several purposes. Water would have long vanished from the face of Earth if the process of water cycle hasn’t existed.

The process of water cycle involves different steps. These are evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation and surface run off. Water evaporates from different sources including oceans, seas and rivers due to sun’s heat. Water vapours rise into the atmosphere. Slowly these vapours cool down and condense to form clouds.

When large amount of vapours join together, the cloud becomes heavier and falls in the form of rain. This way the water falls back on the surface of Earth. It gets accumulated in rivers, lakes, oceans, layers of rocks and soil. This completes the process of water cycle. The water collected in oceans and other water bodies once again evaporates and the entire cycle reoccurs. This is an ongoing process. Water cycle also impacts the weather condition on Earth. The cycling of water in the atmosphere regulates the weather patterns.

Important Sources of Water

Sources of water have broadly divided into two categories:

  • Surface Water: This found in rivers, lakes, streams, seas, oceans and also reservoirs. The downpour from the clouds and the melting of snow from the mountains fill the rivers and the lakes. Rivers flow continually and also meet the sea. The sea water flows into the ocean. Surface water evaporates and enables the water cycle process.
  • Ground Water: Ground water is present under the Earth’s surface. Water seeps under the land via porous rocks and soil. This water gets stored under the Earth’s surface and extracted by digging wells and also constructing tube wells.

Water cycle makes sure the lost water replenished on the planet and is available in abundance for all the living beings. If this process did not occur naturally we would not have sufficient water on our planet.

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Essay on Importance of Water – An Essential Part of Our Life (500 words)

Water is an essential part of our ecological system. It is one of the main substances that make our planet fit for living. Water is essential for the growth and development of plants and animals. However we use water directly as well as indirectly for many of our needs.

Water – An Essential Part of the Human Body

Research shows that up to 60% of the human body made of water. Our lungs are around 83% water, our muscles and kidneys are 79% water, our brain and heart are 73% water, our skin contains 64% water and our bones have 31% water. Water helps in several functions of the body including blood circulation, digestion, regulating body temperature, protecting tissues and joints and also excreting waste via perspiration, defecation and urination.

Our body continually uses water to perform these functions. So, we need to provide a continuous supply of water to our body to help it function well. It is important to replenish the lost water timely.

Water – Vital for Plant Growth

Plants prepare their food by way of photosynthesis. Water forms an essential part of this process. As we water the plants, it enters their stem and moves up to their leaves. However it draws nutrients from the soil and carries them to the leaves. Photosynthesis takes place in the leaves. The water present in the leaves evaporates and exchanged for carbon dioxide.

Without proper supply of water, the plants do not get enough nutrients and photosynthesis cannot take place. As a result, the plants begin to droop and fall. Different kinds of plants require different amount of water at different times. While some plants need to watered twice a day others require water once a week while there are yet others that can go weeks without water especially during cold and moist season.

Water – Habitat for Marine Creatures

Water serves as home for the marine creatures. Wide variety of fishes, turtles, frogs, crabs and other marine creatures live in seas, oceans and rivers. These water bodies are their habitat. Most marine creatures live solely in water and cannot survive on land. They add to the biodiversity and also are an essential part of the eco system.

The increase in the level of water pollution is causing a threat to these beautiful and innocent creatures. Many species of the beautiful marine creatures have either gone extinct or endangered. Water pollution caused due to various human activities. It needs to controlled in order to provide a safe and healthy habitat for the marine creatures.

Water is vital to the survival of living beings. Even as water recycles naturally, the amount of fresh water on Earth is depleting fast. This is all because of the negligence of human beings. We use water for several purposes throughout the day. But we aren’t using it efficiently. We waste it more than we use it. This is the reason why water is decreasing at a rapid speed. It is high time we must use water wisely and limit the activities that pollute it.

Long Essay on Importance of Water (600 words)

Water is among the most essential substances on Earth. Two third of Earth covered with water; however, only a small part of it fresh water which is fit for human use. The growing pollution is polluting the fresh water too, thereby making it unfit for any kind of use. Besides, fresh water available for use often wasted during various activities. This has become a global cause of concern. It is time we should understand the importance of water and also try to save it.

Conversation of Water

In this era of growing water pollution, we need to watch out our activities. Fresh water is getting scanty mainly due to two reasons. One of these is the increasing level of water pollution caused due to industrial waste and various other human activities and the other is the continuous wastage of water by people around the world.

We must conserve water otherwise it will become difficult for us to survive on Earth in the times to come. Water is essential to maintain the ecological balance and create an atmosphere which is appropriate for us to survive. It also needed for drinking, cooking, cleaning, irrigating the fields and various other activities. We need to save water and put it to correct use.

Methods to Conserve Water

There are many ways in which we can conserve water. Several activities that we indulge in our daily lives can done differently to save water. Here is a look at these:

  • We often keep the tap on while we brush our teeth. This results in a lot of wastage of water. Turn the tap on only when you require it, else keep it off. A lot of water that goes down the drain unnecessarily will saved this way. Practice the same while washing your hands as well.
  • It is best to use bucket while bathing as a lot of water wasted while taking shower. Or you can keep a tub under the shower when you don’t require water while taking shower. This water can used for watering the plants or flushing.
  • The waste water from RO can collected in a bucket and used to water the plants or for cleaning purpose. You can also do the same with the water left after boiling potatoes, noodles and pasta. This water is hot and can very well used for cleaning oily and greasy utensils.
  • Water the plants during evening or early morning hours so that the water absorbed properly and does not get evaporated fast. This way you will require less water for watering the plants.
  • Do not make use of water to defrost food items.
  • Instead of using a pipe to wash your car, it suggested to use a bucket and wet cloth. You can also get it washed regularly from a car wash service that uses recycled water for this purpose.
  • Rainwater harvesting is a good way to store water and to put it to good use.
  • Install water efficient appliances such as low flow bathroom fixtures, sink systems, dish washers and washing machines and use them wisely to save water. For instance, make sure your washing machine and dish washer completely loaded before you turn them on.
  • Do not neglect any leakage in your kitchen, bathroom or any other part of your house. Get it fixed immediately to avoid wastage of water.
  • Using less electricity is an indirect way to save water. This is because power plants use several gallons of water.

Conservation of water must taken seriously. The government of every country should restrict activities that result in water pollution and wastage of fresh water and the citizens must provide complete support in this direction. Each one of us should realize the importance of water and take it as our responsibility to use the simple ways mentioned above to conserve water.

Related Topics to Save Water

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Importance of Water Essay

Water is life. Every living being on Earth needs water to survive. Plants need water to fetch nutrients from the soil and stay nourished, animals need water to quench their thirst and human beings require water for several purposes including drinking, cooking, cleaning, and washing to name a few. Water also serves as habitat for various creatures. Our planet is filled generously with water. Thus, all the mentioned needs are being taken care of since centuries.

Long and Short Essay on Importance of Water in English

Here are essay on Importance of Water of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam.

After going through these Importance of Water essay you will know a good deal about importance of water for us as well as the environment, various uses of water, different sources of water, water cycle, how to conserve water etc.

You can go with the one of your choice:

Short Essay on Importance of Water (200 words)

Water is available in abundance on Earth. It is present on the surface of Earth as well as beneath it. The water bodies present on Earth’s surface include rivers, ponds, seas and oceans. The surface water evaporates due to the excessive heat of Sun. It is circulated in the atmosphere and forms clouds that burst and reach the Earth’s surface in the form of rain. Thus, the water that evaporates gets replenished by the natural process of water cycle which occurs continuously. This helps in maintaining the eco system and makes our planet worth living.

While Earth is filled with plenty of water, fresh water is very small part of it and its amount is only decreasing by the day. It is sad but true that due to various human activities and human negligence, the water present on Earth is getting polluted. Fresh water is getting depleted as the water bodies are being polluted due to industrial as well as domestic waste.

It is high time we must understand the importance of water in our lives and the necessity to save it. There are many simple ways in which we can avoid wastage of water such as bathing with less water, watering plants with waste water from RO, cleaning the car with a wet cloth rather than pipe, etc. We must also use the method of rain water harvesting to collect rain water. This way we can contribute our bit to save water.

Essay on Important Uses of Water (300 words)


Water is available in abundance on Earth. It is one of the main reasons which make life possible on our planet. Available from different sources, water is an essential requirement for all the living beings. It is used for various purposes by human beings. Here are some of the important uses of water.

Different Uses of Water

  • Drinking: Drinking water is vital for the survival of living beings. So, one of the main uses of water is drinking.
  • Cooking: Water is also used for the purpose of cooking. Many recipes such as lentils, rice, soups, etc require water. Besides, even the vegetables and fruits that do not require added water for preparation need to be washed thoroughly before eating/ cooking.
  • Cleaning: Whether it is cleaning a house, office, car, machinery or anything for that matter, it is not possible without using water. All the cleaning tasks require water.
  • Washing: Water is also required for the purpose of washing clothes, utensils and various other things.
  • Sanitation: Water is also required for the purpose of sanitation. It helps in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene.
  • Agriculture: A major share of water on Earth is used for the purpose of agriculture. It is mainly used for irrigating the farms to keep the land fertile and ensure adequate supply to the crops. It is also used for rearing the livestock.
  • Industries: Industries use water for various purposes. The manufacturing of many products require water. It is used in the transportation, fabrication and processing of various products. Some of the industries that need good amount of water include pulp and paper and engineering industries.

Water is used for different purposes in homes and offices. It is as much essential for other living beings as it is for the humans. It is one of the main reasons we are alive. It is impossible to imagine life without water.

Essay on Importance of Water: Water Cycle (400 words)

Water is present in solid, liquid and gaseous forms on Earth. All three forms of water are essential to maintain our planet’s ecological balance. Water is in high demand as it is used for various purposes. Fortunately, we have many sources of water including seas, rivers, oceans and rain. Water replenishes itself naturally and constantly by way of water cycle thereby maintaining balance in the atmosphere.

Why is Water Cycle Important?

Water is needed for the survival of the living beings. Be it plants, animals or human beings – all three require water. While plants and animals mainly require water for the purpose of drinking or as habitat, human beings use water for several purposes. Water would have long vanished from the face of Earth if the process of water cycle hasn’t existed.

The process of water cycle involves different steps. These are evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation and surface run off. Water evaporates from different sources including oceans, seas and rivers due to sun’s heat. Water vapours rise into the atmosphere. Slowly these vapours cool down and condense to form clouds.

When large amount of vapours join together, the cloud becomes heavier and falls in the form of rain. This way the water falls back on the surface of Earth. It gets accumulated in rivers, lakes, oceans, layers of rocks and soil. This completes the process of water cycle. The water collected in oceans and other water bodies once again evaporates and the entire cycle reoccurs. This is an ongoing process. Water cycle also impacts the weather condition on Earth. The cycling of water in the atmosphere regulates the weather patterns.

Important Sources of Water

Sources of water have broadly been divided into two categories:

Surface Water: This is found in rivers, lakes, streams, seas, oceans and reservoirs. The downpour from the clouds and the melting of snow from the mountains fill the rivers and the lakes. Rivers flow continually and meet the sea. The sea water flows into the ocean. Surface water evaporates and enables the water cycle process.

Ground Water: Ground water is present under the Earth’s surface. Water seeps under the land via porous rocks and soil. This water gets stored under the Earth’s surface and is extracted by digging wells and constructing tube wells.

Water cycle makes sure the lost water is replenished on the planet and is available in abundance for all the living beings. If this process did not occur naturally we would not have sufficient water on our planet.

Essay on Importance of Water – An Essential Part of Our Life (500 words)

Water is an essential part of our ecological system. It is one of the main substances that make our planet fit for living. Water is essential for the growth and development of plants and animals. We use water directly as well as indirectly for many of our needs.

Water – An Essential Part of the Human Body

Research shows that up to 60% of the human body is made of water. Our lungs are around 83% water, our muscles and kidneys are 79% water, our brain and heart are 73% water, our skin contains 64% water and our bones have 31% water. Water helps in several functions of the body including blood circulation, digestion, regulating body temperature, protecting tissues and joints and excreting waste via perspiration, defecation and urination.

Our body continually uses water to perform these functions. So, we need to provide a continuous supply of water to our body to help it function well. It is important to replenish the lost water timely.

Water – Vital for Plant Growth

Plants prepare their food by way of photosynthesis. Water forms an essential part of this process. As we water the plants, it enters their stem and moves up to their leaves. It draws nutrients from the soil and carries them to the leaves. Photosynthesis takes place in the leaves. The water present in the leaves evaporates and is exchanged for carbon dioxide.

Without proper supply of water, the plants do not get enough nutrients and photosynthesis cannot take place. As a result, the plants begin to droop and fall. Different kinds of plants require different amount of water at different times. While some plants need to be watered twice a day others require water once a week while there are yet others that can go weeks without water especially during cold and moist season.

Water – Habitat for Marine Creatures

Water serves as home for the marine creatures. Wide variety of fishes, turtles, frogs, crabs and other marine creatures live in seas, oceans and rivers. These water bodies are their habitat. Most marine creatures live solely in water and cannot survive on land. They add to the biodiversity and are an essential part of the eco system.

The increase in the level of water pollution is causing a threat to these beautiful and innocent creatures. Many species of the beautiful marine creatures have either gone extinct or are endangered. Water pollution is caused due to various human activities. It needs to be controlled in order to provide a safe and healthy habitat for the marine creatures.

Water is vital to the survival of living beings. Even as water recycles naturally, the amount of fresh water on Earth is depleting fast. This is all because of the negligence of human beings. We use water for several purposes throughout the day. But we aren’t using it efficiently. We waste it more than we use it. This is the reason why water is decreasing at a rapid speed. It is high time we must use water wisely and limit the activities that pollute it.

Long Essay on Importance of Water (600 words)

Water is among the most essential substances on Earth. Two third of Earth is covered with water; however, only a small part of it is fresh water which is fit for human use. The growing pollution is polluting the fresh water too, thereby making it unfit for any kind of use. Besides, fresh water available for use is often wasted during various activities. This has become a global cause of concern. It is time we should understand the importance of water and try to save it.

Conversation of Water

In this era of growing water pollution, we need to watch out our activities. Fresh water is getting scanty mainly due to two reasons. One of these is the increasing level of water pollution caused due to industrial waste and various other human activities and the other is the continuous wastage of water by people around the world.

We must conserve water otherwise it will become difficult for us to survive on Earth in the times to come. Water is essential to maintain the ecological balance and create an atmosphere which is appropriate for us to survive. It is also needed for drinking, cooking, cleaning, irrigating the fields and various other activities. We need to save water and put it to correct use.

Methods to Conserve Water

There are many ways in which we can conserve water. Several activities that we indulge in our daily lives can be done differently to save water. Here is a look at these:

  • We often keep the tap on while we brush our teeth. This results in a lot of wastage of water. Turn the tap on only when you require it, else keep it off. A lot of water that goes down the drain unnecessarily will be saved this way. Practice the same while washing your hands as well.
  • It is best to use bucket while bathing as a lot of water is wasted while taking shower. Or you can keep a tub under the shower when you don’t require water while taking shower. This water can be used for watering the plants or flushing.
  • The waste water from RO can be collected in a bucket and used to water the plants or for cleaning purpose. You can also do the same with the water left after boiling potatoes, noodles and pasta. This water is hot and can very well be used for cleaning oily and greasy utensils.
  • Water the plants during evening or early morning hours so that the water is absorbed properly and does not get evaporated fast. This way you will require less water for watering the plants.
  • Do not make use of water to defrost food items.
  • Instead of using a pipe to wash your car, it is suggested to use a bucket and wet cloth. You can also get it washed regularly from a car wash service that uses recycled water for this purpose.
  • Rainwater harvesting is a good way to store water and to put it to good use.
  • Install water efficient appliances such as low flow bathroom fixtures, sink systems, dish washers and washing machines and use them wisely to save water. For instance, make sure your washing machine and dish washer are completely loaded before you turn them on.
  • Do not neglect any leakage in your kitchen, bathroom or any other part of your house. Get it fixed immediately to avoid wastage of water.
  • Using less electricity is an indirect way to save water. This is because power plants use several gallons of water.

Conservation of water must be taken seriously. The government of every country should restrict activities that result in water pollution and wastage of fresh water and the citizens must provide complete support in this direction.  Each one of us should realize the importance of water and take it as our responsibility to use the simple ways mentioned above to conserve water.

Related Information:

World Water Day

Article on Save Water

Slogans on Save Water

Slogans on Rainwater Harvesting

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Speech on Rainwater Harvesting

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DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 7 Notes – Importance of Water

These  DAV Class 5 Science Notes  and  DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 7 Notes – Importance of Water act as excellent revision resources, particularly in preparation for board exams.

Importance of Water Class 5 DAV Notes

→ Water: Water is an important natural resource for all living beings. The human body contains about 70% of water.

Importance Of Water For Animals: → All animals take water. Water helps in digesting the food and absorbing the nutrients. Water helps in eliminating waste materials from the body.

→ Water bodies are natural habitats for many animals. Aquatic animals cannot live outside water.

→ Some animals can live both in water and on land. Such animals are called amphibious animals, e.g. frog, turtle and crocodile.

Importance Of Water For Plants: → Plants need various nutrients from the soil. These nutrients are dissolved in the water present in soil. Plants take up water from soil. Along with the water, plants also absorb various nutrients from soil.

→ Plants need water for preparing their own food. Plants need water during germination of seeds.

→ Water is a natural habitat for many plants. These are called aquatic plants, e.g. water lily, lotus and hydrilla.

Water Availability In Nature → About 97% of water on the earth is present in seas and oceans. Remaining 3% is present in rivers, ponds, lakes, streams and glaciers.

DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 7 Notes - Importance of Water

→ Groundwater: A small part of water seeps into the ground. It gets trapped between underground rocks. This is called groundwater.

Ways Of Drawing Out Groundwater: → Earlier, people used wells for drawing out groundwater. Ponds were also dug to get groundwater. Baolis or stepwells were also made to get groundwater.

→ Water wheel or rehat can also be used to draw groundwater. This method is very useful in irrigation.

→ Pulley is commonly used to draw groundwater from a well.

→ Now-a-days, tubewells are used to draw groundwater. A long pipe is inserted deep into the ground to make tubewell. Hand pump or electric pump can be used to draw water from a tubewell.

→ Aquatic animal: An animal which lives in water.

→ Amphibious animal: An animal which can live both on land and in water.

→ Groundwater: Water trapped between underground rocks.

→ Stepwell: A well which has steps on all sides.

→ Persian Wheel: A huge wheel with buckets fitted on its rim. It is used for drawing water from a well or pond.

CBSE Class 10 Maths Previous Year Papers With Solutions PDF

In this article, we are providing you with CBSE class 10 maths previous year papers to help you score good marks in your board exams. The more you practice, the more expertise you will get on this subject. Solving last year’s papers before the board exams will give you an idea about the question paper pattern, marking scheme, and the types of questions asked in the exam.

Although maths is a fun subject, to master it, you have to work hard. For a student who is ready to work hard, previous year’s papers for Xth maths are given in this article so that all those hardworking students can get the full benefit and they can pass their examination with good marks.

Below are the pdf links to download the class 10 maths previous year papers. Based on the previous year’s trends, our experts have analyzed that the present question paper will consist of 1 to 25% of questions from the previous year’s question papers. Solving the questions given in these papers will definitely help students, and boost their confidence for the upcoming board exams.

CBSE Class 10 Maths Previous Year Papers

CBSE 10th maths solved previous year paper

  • Price: ₹ 95
  • Year: last 05 years
  • Format: PDF (05 pdf files)
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Solving these CBSE class 10 previous 10-year papers will help students to understand the concepts properly which will further help them to enhance their problem-solving speed. As we all know maths papers are sometimes lengthy so you have to increase your speed of solving questions so that even if a lengthy question paper comes, you don’t face any kind of problem.

However, if you are not satisfied with these question papers you can always go for more. Where to go you wonder? so, check out the links we have given below, just follow them and have fun with more to practice.

Class 10 Maths Blueprint

Class 10 Maths Sample Papers

Advantages of Solving CBSE Class 10 Maths Previous Year Papers

Let’s discuss a few of the advantages of solving these class 10 previous year papers.

  • Helps you to understand the paper pattern and marking scheme of the maths.
  • It also helps you to understand the section-wise distribution of marks in maths.
  • When you’re continuously solving the previous year paper, you prepare yourself to solve the different types of questions.
  • This will also help you to work on your time management skills and further help to improve the same.
  • By solving CBSE class 10 maths previous 10 year papers you can build your solving strategy i.e while practicing one will come to know more time-consuming section and less time-consuming section.
  • With the help of these papers, you can build your understanding of the question paper structure that will help you to build a proper strategy to solve the question paper on time even if the paper is lengthy.

Why CBSE Class 10 Maths Previous Year Papers are Important?

Here we discuss some of the important points on solving the CBSE class 10 maths previous year papers.

  • It comes with a set of tips and tricks which help you to crack the exam and score easily.
  • These are prepared by a team of subject matter experts with years of experience in their respective fields and exam paper solutions are designed for easy understanding.
  • These papers help you to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses.
  • When you solve a problem repeatedly, you will get familiar with the concept and formulas that are revolving around the problem. So, this enables you to solve the same or similar kinds of problems easily.
  • As revision is vital to performing well in the exam, the previous year’s papers will give you an idea of how much revision is there and how far ahead you still need to go.

Hopefully, you liked our article on  CBSE Class 10 Maths Previous Year Papers. If you have any doubt regarding this article then feel free to ask us in the comment section. We are glad to help you out. Best of luck with your upcoming board exams.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Frequently Asked Questions
When should students start practicing CBSE class 10 maths previous year papers? Ans 1. After completing the entire CBSE class 10 maths syllabus of NCERT, students should start practicing with CBSE class 10 maths previous year papers.
Yes, regular practice of CBSE class 10 maths previous year papers increases your speed of solving the question paper.
Yes, because the chances of getting questions from class 10 last 10-year papers or class 10 last 5-year papers in your current board exam are around 20-30%. That’s why you should solve previous year’s maths questions.
No, it is not enough but it is more than efficient. However, if you want to do more practice then you should try solving the additional books of maths such as RD Sharma or RS Aggarwal.

recomended for you

  • CBSE Class 10th Previous Year Papers – Maths, Science, Social Science

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Essay On River

500 words essay on river.

Rivers are the backbone of human civilizations which provide freshwater that is the basic necessity for human life. We cannot live without water and rivers are the largest water bodies for freshwater. In fact, all civilizations in the past and present were born near river banks. In other words, they are veins of the earth that make life possible. Through an essay on rivers, we will take a look at their importance and how to save them.

essay on river

Importance of Rivers

We refer to rivers as the arteries of any country. No living organism can live without water and rivers are the most important source of water. Almost all the early civilizations sprang up on the river banks.

It is because, from ancient times, people realized the fertility of the river valleys. Thus, they began to settle down there and cultivate the fertile valleys. Moreover, rivers originate from mountains which carry down rock, sand and soil from them.

Then they enter plains and water keeps moving slowly from the mountainsides. As a result, they deposit fertile soil. When the river overflows, this fertile soil deposits on the banks of rivers. Thus, bringing fresh fertile soil constantly to the fields.

Most importantly, rivers help in agriculture. In fact, a lot of farmers depend on rivers for agricultural purposes. Rivers have the ability to turn deserts into productive farms. Further, we can use them for constructing dams as well.

Further, rivers also are important highways. That is to say, they offer the cheapest method of transport. Before road and railways, rivers were essential means of transportation and communication.

In addition, rivers bring minerals down from hills and mountains. We construct damns across the river for generating hydel power and also preserve the wildlife. Further, they also come in use for encouraging tourism and developing fisheries.

Save Rivers

As pollution is on the rise, it has become more important than ever to save rivers. We must take different measures to do so. First of all, we must use biodegradable cleaning products and not use chemical products for body washing.

Further, we must not waste water when we shower. After that, we must install the displacement device in the back of the toilet for consuming less water. It is also essential to turn the tap off while brushing or shaving.

Moreover, one must also switch off the lights and unplug devices when not in use. This way we save electricity which in turn saves water that goes into the production of electricity. Always remember to never throw trash in the river.

Insulating your pipes will save energy and also prevent water wastage. Similarly, watering the plants early morning or late evening will prevent the loss of water because of evaporation . Finally, try to use recycled water for a carwash to save water.

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Conclusion of the Essay on River

Rivers are essential as they are nature’s blessings for human beings. It provides us with so many things but nowadays, they are being polluted on a very large scale. We must all come together to prevent this from happening and saving our rivers for a better future.

FAQ of Essay on River

Question 1: What is the importance of rivers?

Answer 1: Rivers are important as they carry water and nutrients to areas all around the earth. Further, rivers play quite an important part of the water cycle, as they act as drainage channels for surface water. Most importantly, they provide excellent habitat and food for many of the earth’s organisms.

Question 2: How can we protect our rivers?

Answer 2: We can protect our rivers by segregating our household garbage into biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste. Moreover, volunteering with NGOs and community groups is also great option to save rivers from pollution.

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    Long and Short Essays on Importance of Water for Students and Kids in English A Long essay on the topic of Importance of Water is provided it is of 450-500 words. A short Essay of 100-150 words is also given below. The extended articles are popular among students of classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

  7. The Crucial Role of Water: 10 Points for Class 5 on its Importance

    Water is an essential resource that sustains life on Earth. Understanding its importance from an early age is crucial, especially for class 5 students. In this article, titled "The Crucial Role of Water: 10 Points for Class 5 on its Importance," we will explore ten key reasons why water is vital for our well-being and the health of our planet. By delving into these essential points, we ...

  8. Water Essay in English

    Uses of Water We have already seen the uses of water in our daily lives, but to understand the importance of water, we must think of a scenario where water becomes scarce. The water essay in English will dive into the different uses of water in various fields, which will help kids know more about water problems due to inadequacy and their consequences.

  9. Essay on Water for Children and Students

    Water Essay for Class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Find long and short essay on Water for Children and Students.

  10. Water Conservation Essay

    The importance of water conservation essay from BYJU'S focuses on ways to address the issue of water scarcity and explains how to save water for future generations.

  11. Importance of Water

    Water is one of the most important resources on the planet. Without it, life cannot exist. But what makes water important? Learn about the importance of water here.

  12. The Importance of Water: The Vital Essence

    Water, often referred to as the elixir of life, is a fundamental and indispensable resource for all living organisms on Earth. Its significance cannot be overstated, as it plays a pivotal role in sustaining life, supporting ecosystems, and fueling human civilization. In this essay, we will explore the multifaceted importance of water, covering its role in human health, environmental balance ...

  13. Water Conservation Essay for Students

    Water makes up 70% of the earth as well as the human body. There are millions of marine species present in today's world that reside in water. Through this water conservation essay, you will realize how important it is to conserve water and how scarce it has become.

  14. 10 Lines on Water for Children and Students of Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

    Learn 10 lines on water in easy and simple words for children and students of different classes. Find out why water is important for life and health.

  15. Essay On Importance Of Water

    Short Essay On Importance Of Water Water is one of the most essential and important resources for life on earth. It plays a critical role in supporting all living organisms, including humans, plants, and animals. Without access to clean, safe water, life on earth would not be possible.

  16. Essay on Save Water Save Life for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Save Water Save Life Water has become a highly necessary part of human being's existence on Earth. Thus, the importance of water can be compared to the importance of air. All living organisms whether it is human, animals, or plants. Everyone is completely depending on fresh and potable water. Thus, essay on save water save a life is an insight into some of the unknown and ...

  17. Importance of Water Essay for Students & Children [Easy Words]

    Essay on Importance of Water 500 Words in English Below we have provided Importance of Water Essay in English, suitable for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10.

  18. Essay on Importance of Water in English for Children and Students

    Importance of Water Essay for Class 1 to 12 and others. Find long and short essay on Importance of Water in English language for Children.

  19. Importance of Water Essay

    Importance of Water Essay for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and others. Find long and short essay on Importance of Water in English language for ...

  20. DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 7 Notes

    Importance of Water Class 5 DAV Notes. → Water: Water is an important natural resource for all living beings. The human body contains about 70% of water. Importance Of Water For Animals: → All animals take water. Water helps in digesting the food and absorbing the nutrients. Water helps in eliminating waste materials from the body.

  21. CBSE Class 10 Maths Previous Year Papers With Solutions PDF

    Here we discuss some of the important points on solving the CBSE class 10 maths previous year papers. ... Yes, because the chances of getting questions from class 10 last 10-year papers or class 10 last 5-year papers in your current board exam are around 20-30%. That's why you should solve previous year's maths questions.

  22. Speech on Importance of Water for Students

    Everyone knows that water is the soul of our life. It is the most basic need for our survival, safety, progress, and development. It is a sacred, natural and easily available resource. But, do we care about the proper use of water? Read Speech on Importance of Water in 3 minutes here.

  23. Save Water Save Earth for Students and Children

    500+ Words Save Water Save Earth Water is probably the most precious resource for everyone. Without water, there certainly would have been no life on Earth. This shows why water is so vital for life. However, the importance of water is not restricted to that. Water is certainly very important for the planet Earth as well. Most noteworthy, wastage of water is quite harmful to the environment ...

  24. Essay on River in English for Students and Children

    Rivers are the backbone of human civilizations which provide freshwater that is the basic necessity for human life. We cannot live without water and rivers are the largest water bodies for freshwater. Through an essay on rivers, we will take a look at their importance and how to save them.