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Kepner Tregoe Method of Problem Solving

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Kepner Tregoe Method of Problem Solving: this article explains the Kepner Tregoe Method , also known as the KT-method , developed by Charles Kepner and Benjamin Tregoe in a practical way. Next to what this is, this article also highlights rational processes, the importance of cause and that this method is effective. After reading, you’ll have a basic understanding of this problem solving process. Enjoy reading!

What is the Kepner Tregoe Method?

Problems occur in any given organization. Often there is pressure of time to solve the problems and it is debatable what the right way of solving these problems is.

The Kepner Tregoe method or KT-method is a problem analysis model in which the “problem” is disconnected from the “decision” . An English synonym for this problem solving method is Problem Solving and Decision Making (PSDM).

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Traditional thinking pattern

The founders Charles Kepner and Benjamin Tregoe developed a rational working method in the 1960s in which they researched and identified the troubleshooting skills of people.

Throughout the centuries mankind has learned to deal with complexity and to (directly) anticipate on this. As a consequence, the traditional thinking pattern became a part of human nature.

When solving problems people search for the answer to the following four questions:

  • What happened?
  • Why did it happen?
  • How should we act?
  • What will be the (future) result?

Kepner Tregoe method: rational processes

To break through this traditional pattern Charles Kepner and Benjamin Tregoe came up with four rational processes in which four fundamental questions are reflected:

1. Situation analysis

This clarifies the problem situation (what happened).

1.1 Problem analysis

Here the actual cause of the problem and the relationship between cause and result are searched for (why did it happen).

1.2 Decision analysis

Based on the decision making criteria, choices are made to arrive at potential problem resolutions (how should we act).

1.3 Potential Problem analysis

Kepner Tregoe Method Analysis - Toolshero

Figure 1 – Kepner Tregoe Method Analysis


According to the KT-method, different tasks involve different problems, which in turn need different approaches. A situation analysis will clarify the distinctions in all these processes and as a result it will be possible to search for suitable solutions. This situation analysis provides an insight into necessity, priority and urgency of the various tasks.

When it has become clear which tasks are to be prioritized (action list) preparations can be made for potential problems. By using a good problem analysis in advance, a process will be created to prevent future problems or in emergencies, to limit the damage.

The strengths of this method does not stop there. Apart from the fact that problems are specified in terms such as “what, where, when and how big”, the Kepner Tregoe Method focuses on anything that cannot be the cause of the problem.

Certain causes are therefore excluded. Based on a “this is” and “this is not” analysis a clear overview of possible causes can be created and this makes the troubleshooting process consistent.

The Kepner Tregoe Method is efficient

The KT-method deploys an efficient troubleshooting process. Through research Charles Kepner and Benjamin Tregoe discovered that the registration of a problem is not a uniform process. In spite of the available information, people usually process information badly, misinterpret this or overlook important matters.

In addition, Charles Kepner and Benjamin Tregoe examined the discrepancies between successful and less successful troubleshooting.

They discovered that a predetermined logical method facilitates the search for the causes of a problem. In their “Best practice in troubleshooting” , they describe this methodology, which forms the basis for this method.

The Kepner Tregoe Method is Effective

This method is universal and is still used today in many organizations to track down problems and identify potential causes. Apart from the fact that the Kepner Tregoe Method leads to an explanation of problems, it also helps improve mutual understanding within an organization.

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It’s Your Turn

What do you think? Is the Kepner Tregoe Method applicable in today’s modern organizations? Do you recognize the practical explanation or do you have more suggestions? What are your success factors for the good Kepner Tregoe Method set up?

Share your experience and knowledge in the comments box below.

More information

  • Lussier, R. N.  (2005). Management fundamentals: concepts. applications, skill development . Cengage Learning .
  • Payne, S. L. & Marty, C.S. (1966). The Rational Manager: A Systematic Approach to Problem Solving and Decision Making . Journal of Marketing. Vol. 30 Issue 1, p97.
  • Kepner, C. H. & Tregoe, B. B. (1965). The Rational Manager . McGraw-Hill.

How to cite this article: Mulder, P. (2012). Kepner Tregoe Method . Retrieved [insert date] from Toolshero: https://www.toolshero.com/problem-solving/kepner-tregoe-method/

Original publication date: 06/30/2012 | Last update: 12/09/2023

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Patty Mulder

Patty Mulder

Patty Mulder is an Dutch expert on Management Skills, Personal Effectiveness and Business Communication. She is also a Content writer, Business Coach and Company Trainer and lives in the Netherlands (Europe). Note: all her articles are written in Dutch and we translated her articles to English!


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4 responses to “kepner tregoe method of problem solving”.

' src=

I am stunned to read that the Kepner Tregoe Method “…… IS STILL used today in many organizations to track down problems and identify potential causes…..”. I have used it all the time along my career as a manager of organizations, with extreme success. As a tool for identifying problems, as a tool for taking better decisions. So, please, I would appreciate to know what kind of system is being used now instead of an approach like K-T, to have provoked your comment about the existence of an alternative way of thinking.

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Other than KT, I also use the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Like KT, it forces discipline and analysis and it helps to explain why decisions are made with understandable background and data. Many of the old Total Quality Management tools are also useful for solving problems and making good management decisions. Nominal Group Technique, Pareto Charts, and weighted multivoting are all quite useful. ITIL is the new way of thinking, but it can be rather dry and robotic unless it is underpinned with good decision tools.

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Thank you for your comment and sharing your experience Pete.

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Seems that I naturally deal with problems this way without knowing a name for it. In fact, it seems obvious to me that this approach should be taken anyway.

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Kepner Tregoe Decision Making The Steps, The Pros and The Cons

What is it.

Kepner Tregoe decision making is a structured methodology for gathering information and prioritizing and evaluating it. It was developed by Charles H. Kepner and Benjamin B. Tregoe in the 1960s.

This is a rational model that is well respected in business management circles. An important aspect of Kepner Tregoe decision making is the assessment and prioritizing of risk.

So the idea is not to find a perfect solution but rather the best possible choice, based on actually achieving the outcome with minimal negative consequences. It is marketed as a way to make unbiased decisions in that it is said to limit conscious and unconscious biases that draw attention away from the outcome.

There are four basic steps when using the Kepner Tregoe decision matrix:

  • Situation appraisal - is used to clarify the situation, outline concerns and choose a direction
  • Problem analysis - here the problem is defined and it's root cause determined
  • Decision analysis - alternatives are identified and a risk analysis done for each
  • Potential problem analysis - the best of the alternatives is further scrutinized against potential problems and negative consequences and actions are proposed to minimize the risk.

Following the step-by-step approach of Kepner Tregoe decision making allows for the use of critical thinking skills in considering many possible factors that may be vital in making the decision.

Kepner Tregoe decision analysis

  • Rank the objectives and assign relative weights
  • Consider each alternative against all of the negative effects - One at a time again, rate alternatives against adverse effects, scoring for probability and significance
  • Analyze the weighted score versus the adversity rating for each and choose the high-scoring one.
  • Consider the winning option against each negative consequence and suggest a plan of action to minimize the adverse effects.

Pros and cons

This step-by-step, systematic approach makes it easy to do the Kepner Tregoe decision analysis. It can be very useful where there are many potential options to consider as well as many possible unwanted effects. Built into it is the ability to minimize some of these negative effects.

Although it is offered as an unbiased decision matrix, somebody has to decide the relative importance of the objectives, the probability of occurrence of adverse reactions and the relative significance of each of these reactions. It's difficult to believe that there won't be any bias in there whatsoever!

Kepner Tregoe decision making sets up an outcome as well as how exactly it should be achieved. This is often problematic because the universe often has other plans! You can have one or the other, not usually both .

This decision making model deals with this only by troubleshooting at the end of the process.

It may also take considerable time to get through this process. Much patience and determination may be required!

Other ideas

And Kepner Tregoe decision making is not considered to be how humans naturally do their decision making...

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Using the Kepner-Tregoe Methodology for Effective Problem-Solving

The Kepner-Tregoe methodology is a problem-solving and decision-making framework that helps individuals and organizations systematically analyze problems, make decisions, and manage risks. Developed by Charles Kepner and Benjamin Tregoe in the 1950s, the methodology has been widely adopted by businesses, governments, and other organizations worldwide. One of the core components of the Kepner-Tregoe methodology is the use of a matrix to identify the root cause of a problem. In this article, we will explore how the matrix works and how it can be used to solve complex problems.

The Kepner-Tregoe methodology consists of four distinct steps: Situation Appraisal, Problem Analysis, Decision Analysis, and Potential Problem Analysis. Each step is designed to help individuals and teams approach complex problems in a structured and systematic way. In this article, we will focus on the Problem Analysis step, which involves identifying the root cause of a problem using a matrix.

The Problem Analysis step begins with defining the problem. This step involves clearly stating the problem and its impact on the organization. Next, the team identifies the symptoms of the problem. Symptoms are the visible or measurable indicators of the problem. Once the symptoms are identified, the team uses a matrix to identify the root cause of the problem.

The matrix used in the Kepner-Tregoe methodology is called the Cause and Effect Analysis matrix, also known as the Ishikawa or fishbone diagram. The matrix is a visual tool that helps individuals and teams identify the underlying causes of a problem. The matrix is structured like a fishbone, with the problem or effect at the head of the fishbone and the potential causes of the problem branching off like a fish’s bones.

To use the matrix, the team first identifies the problem or effect that needs to be analyzed. This is written at the head of the fishbone. Next, the team identifies the major categories of potential causes that may be contributing to the problem. These categories are written on the main branches of the fishbone. Examples of potential categories include people, processes, technology, and the environment.

Once the major categories are identified, the team begins to brainstorm the potential causes within each category. Each potential cause is written on a small branch of the fishbone. The team continues to brainstorm potential causes until all potential causes have been identified.

Once the potential causes have been identified, the team begins to analyze each cause to determine its likelihood of contributing to the problem. This analysis involves evaluating each potential cause based on its ability to explain the symptoms of the problem. The team also considers the likelihood that each potential cause is contributing to the problem and the potential impact of each cause on the organization.

Based on this analysis, the team can identify the root cause of the problem. The root cause is the underlying issue causing the problem’s symptoms. Once the root cause has been identified, the team can develop and implement a solution to address the problem.

In conclusion, the Kepner-Tregoe methodology is a powerful tool for problem-solving and decision-making. The Problem Analysis step, which uses the Cause and Effect Analysis matrix, is a critical methodology component. By using the matrix, teams can systematically identify the root cause of a problem and develop effective solutions. Whether you are an individual or a team member, the Kepner-Tregoe methodology can help you approach complex problems confidently and clearly.

References: Kepner, C. H., & Tregoe, B. B. (2013). The new rational manager. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Research Press. Wu, T. (2019). An overview of the Kepner-Tregoe problem-solving methodology. Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship

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Kepner-Tregoe Problem Solving & Decision Making

The Kepner-Tregoe (KT) CIMBA Learning Alliance was born out of CIMBA’s recognition that KT was not only one of the originators of managerial thinking process tools, but it is also one of the best at articulating and applying to solve problems. Our MBA students have the opportunity to earn a KT problem solving and decision making (PSDM) certification during their time at CIMBA. Also, the KT PSDM tools are integrated into many of CIMBA’s classes, activities, and projects.

The KT process for problem solving and decision making is used and taught in major organizations worldwide. It is a conscious, step-by-step approach for successfully solving problems, making good decisions, and analyzing potential risks and opportunities. The innovative methodologies help you maximize your critical thinking skills, systematically organize and prioritize information, set objectives, evaluate alternatives, and analyze impact. KT provides you with a common language and process that allows people with diverse content knowledge and skills to successfully resolve issues.

What you will learn

By learning the methodology, you will develop specific questioning techniques that will improve your ability to:

  • Deal rationally and constructively with emergency situations
  • Use a common language to improve communication
  • Learn how to formulate questions in order to obtain relevant answers
  • Break down large concerns into manageable pieces and prioritize them
  • Find the true cause of a problem before investing in expensive corrections
  • Learn a problem-solving process you can use under extreme time pressure
  • Learn to manage risk
  • Develop preventive actions to protect your plans
  • Justify your recommendations to higher levels of management with structured thinking and documentation 

How you will learn

The PSDM workshop is configured into a proven, systematic learning design. The process consists of the following:

  • Exercises structured to help you discover your current skills and tendencies
  • Concept discussions and full group briefings
  • Practice exercises with feedback
  • Opportunities to apply rational process concepts to your priority issues

You will learn the rational process concepts in full group, then practice and apply them individually or in small groups. This will enable you to test your understanding of the concepts and benefit from a variety of perspectives.

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Problem Solving Decision Making - Instructor Led Virtual Workshop

Workshop overview.

When faced with a problem or decision, you need the right answer - and fast. For over 65 years, KT's Problem Solving & Decision Making workshops have been helping teams and individuals find the root cause of problems faster, make better decisions, manage risk, and prioritize what to work on first. KT's instructors will ensure you're ready to use these skills back on the job to make an impact where you work.

Future of Jobs Report 2023

The World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Report consistently cites complex problem solving and critical thinking as top skills that employers continue to see as rising in prominence.**

Skills Developed

Skills developed during KT's Problem Solving & Decision Making workshop enable you to:

  • Conduct root cause analysis (RCA) on complex problems.
  • Make tough decisions aligned with operational priorities.
  • Identify and plan for the resolution of high-priority issues.
  • Understand and proactively manage risks and opportunities.
  • Ask the right questions to find hidden insight.

Duration: 3 consecutive days, 10am to 6pm EST, online only

Learning Tools Included: All workshop attendees will get access to online post-workshop learning support tools (coaching videos, tips, tricks, worksheets and more) with a My KT membership.

Certification Credits: 2.1 CEUs

Training Options: This session is available by WebEx from your home or office by laptop/workstation.

** KT is not endorsed by or affiliated with the World Economic Forum

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Vishwadeep Khatri

Asked by Vishwadeep Khatri , June 24, 2022

Mayank Gupta

KT Analysis (Kepner Tregoe Matrix) is a structured methodology for root cause analysis and decision making. Developed by Charles Kepner and Benjamin Tregoe in the 1960s, it is based on four rational analysis - Situation (what happened), Problem (why it happened), Decision (how to act) and Potential Problem (what will the result be).

An application-oriented question on the topic along with responses can be seen below. The best answer was provided by Kaviraj Rajasekar on 28th Jun 2022.

Applause for all the respondents - Kaviraj Rajasekar, Rahul Arora, Piyush Jain, Sohan Subhash Mirajkar, P Balakumaaran.

Vishwadeep Khatri

Q 482. Explain the KT Analysis method of problem solving using an example. Does it provide any advantage over other problem solving approaches?

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  • The best answer is always shown at the top among responses and the author finds honorable mention in our Business Excellence dictionary at   https://www.benchmarksixsigma.com/forum/business-excellence-dictionary-glossary/   along with the related term

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K-T method or the Kepner – Tregoe method is a systematic method to analyse the problems and understand their root causes, without making any assumptions or jumping to the conclusions. Usually, 5 steps are there in Kepner-Tregoe Problem Analysis, (1) Define the Problem, (2) Describe the Problem, (3) Establish possible causes, (4) Test the most probable cause, (5) Verify the true root cause

1.      Define the Problem,

This is the first step in this process and the most crucial one too, m any people tend to skip this step thinking they know the problem already, such conclusions may lead to a wrong diagnosis and waste of time.

For example, if an employee reports “My computer screen is blank” to an IT person. K-T method guides us to ask a few basic questions that can expose far more information about the nature of the problem and helps us to define the possible causes effectively. Let’s expand this further with a few basic questions,

Let’s assume these answers to expand the problem definition from “My computer screen is blank”

1.       Who - Mr. Moorthy

2.       Why - Needs to see his screen so he can perform his duties,

3.       What  – The computer screen went blank when booting up and nothing appears on the screen and the start-up sound was heard.

4.       When - Morning when he came for work, it was working fine till the previous evening.

5.       Where - Mr. Moorthy’s computer.

Let’s restate the problem definition. “Mr. Moorthy   is unable to perform his duties because his screen goes blank during boot it worked well till he shut it down yesterday”

The above statement is a much better problem description, which allows us to understand exactly what the problem is and allows us to narrow down the questions that will help us to understand the impact as well. A brief simulation before the problem statement will also help, Example. why would the screen be blank? The reasons could be,

a)       The graphics card could have failed?

·         Ans, no the computer wouldn’t boot, it would give 3 loud beeps then stops.

b)       The screen could be faulty?

·         Ans, no the manufacturer’s logo appears at first then the screen goes blank.

c)       Hard Drive could be faulty and the computer doesn’t boot?

·         Ans, no we hear the windows start-up music.

d)       The backlight might have failed and the screen is dark?

·         Ans, no the logo appears perfectly visible.

e)       The display could be switching over to an external screen?

·         Ans, no we can see everything on external display but when we switch to internal it’s still blank.

Let’s restate the problem definition now, “Mr. Moorthy   is   unable to perform his duties because   his internal screen goes blank when Windows is starting since he shut it down yesterday”

2.       Describe the Problem,

Let’s describe 4 aspects of any problem,

1.       What the problem is,

2.       Where the problem occurs,

3.       When it occurred, and

4.       The extent to which it occurred.

We, already have the answers for these questions when we fine-tuning our Problem Definition, but the IS and IS NOT method is allowing us to explore these even further.

For the above-mentioned aspects, let’s describe what the problem IS, and also what the problem COULD BE but IS NOT.


1.      Identify possible causes

The arrived comparison of “ what the problem IS and IS NOT ” will help us to sensibly inspect what changes could have affected the items in the 1st column but not the items in the 2nd. Our own experience will tell us the majority of the problems are because of the recent change, let’s add 2 more columns to the worksheet, the ‘Differences’ column will list the differences between the IS and IS NOT , and the ‘Changes’ column will list the changes to where the problem IS that could account for the differences.


Another important aspect is that the effects don’t always follow the action immediately, most recent changes could have uncovered the fundamental problems that were always there, so when considering the list of changes we should not limit ourselves only to recent ones.

1.      Test most probable causes

The list of changes identified in the previous step will become a list of possible causes and a Subject Matter Expert ranks the possible causes by asking “If THIS is the root cause of this problem, does it explain everything the problem IS and what the problem COULD BE but IS NOT?”


1.      Verify true cause

In this step we need to compare the probable causes against the Problem Description and check does it satisfy all the conditions of the problem or not? When we find a cause that explains all these conditions, we must test it to confirm whether it is correct with the procedure in the ‘True if’ column starting with the most probable cause. When we are confident that all the identified root causes of the problem, then we need to develop a solution and check if we are satisfied this would prevent any reoccurrence of the problem. If we agree that we are satisfied then implement the solution, and test the problem again under the same conditions, does the issue still occur?

In our example, we have determined the problem with the display is due to a recent driver update which was installed but did not take effect until Mr. Moorthy had restarted his computer. As a corrective action we may attach an external screen and uninstall the driver update and restart the computer, issue is resolved, but has the root cause been addressed? It is not appropriate to ask all the employees not to update the drivers, hence as an immediate action we can ensure Mr. Moorthy does not install this driver again. and as a preventive step we may notify all the employees who has similar type of computer that they should not install this driver until further notice.


The purpose of this method is to bring situational awareness to the solution/opportunity. This method advocates a balanced and systematic approach to analyse the problem without jumping to conclusions or making assumptions based on experience. Compared to other methods one of the biggest advantages is the IS and COULD BE but IS NOT procedure which provides an intuitive approach to identify the possible causes of a problem. This process may be faster than the other methods on the other hand it may be harder if not impossible to detect delicate variations in a process, hence this method needs to be implied sensibly.



The Kepner Tregoe analysis is based on methodology where the problem is disconnected from the decision, also termed as PSDM ( problem solving and decision making).   

Both inventors Charles Kepner and Benjamin Tregoe came up with the method where they dived in depth about the troubleshooting skills of people.  Under traditional methods , problem’s are worked upon after four basic questions are answered, which are 

1. What is the issue?

2. Why did it happen?

3. What needs to be done?

4. What needs to be done to prevent it from happening again?   

Whereas Kepner Tregoe method aka rational processes , this traditional pattern is modified and four step rational processes in which four fundamental questions are being asked , which are as follows , 

Situation analysis-  Here we shed some light on the problem/ issue. 

Problem analysis-  Here real cause of the problem and the connection between the cause and result are being looked into:

Decision analysis-  After utilizing decision making tools , choices are made to produce potential solutions.

Potential Problem analysis-  At this point preventative actions are developed and future occurrence precautions are proposed.   

KT matrix is root cause analysis used in organizational decision making.   

There are eight major steps involved in KT matrix ,

1. create a decision statement 

2. define operational objectives 

3. weigh operational objectives 

4. generate a list of alternatives 

5. assign relative scores to each alternative 

6. rank the highest scoring alternatives

7. generate a list of problems

8. Compare rankings .   

For example- In order to focus more on customer satisfaction in 2014, Microsoft customer care and support utilized the KT method into its CSS systems and metrics . To be more accurate, the rational processes of this approach were used by the technical and legal team members to find the actual cause within time frame , more accurately with better decisions making and least problem reoccurrence.  Key areas of focus for the CSS team were , 

- increase customer satisfaction and teamwork 

- customer handling experience to be best in class

- reduce key metrics like DTS ( days to solve ) and TMPI ( times minute per incident).   

After 3 months results were quite evident with DTS reduced by an average of 1 per day case , TMPI deduced about 27 mins per case and cyst satisfaction was up by 3.3%.   

Some of the notable advantages it possesses could be , but not limited to , 

a. It allows businesses to make smart decisions in critical issues which are often subject to biases such as emotion or time constraints.  b. Based on company requirements, it is quite competent to prioritize key factors by assigning numerical scores .  c. It is rigorous decision making technique with a measurable evaluation of decisions and their options as well .  

Sohan Subhash Mirajkar

Sohan Subhash Mirajkar

Kepner Tregoe method is based on 4 rational processes in which 4 fundamental questions are answered:

In Situation analysis  it clarifies the problem situation on what happened ?

In Problem analysis  the actual cause of the problem & the relationship between cause and result were searched for why did it happen ?

In Decision analysis  it was based on the decision making criteria, choices are made to arrive at potential problem resolutions on how should we act ?

In Potential Problem analysis  the potential future problems were anticipated and preventative actions are developed as to what will the result be ?

KT method is a 8 step process namely:

Step 1 – Create a decision statement

Step 2 – Define operational objectives

Step 3 – Weight operational objectives

Step 4 – Generate a list of alternatives

Step 5 – Assign relative scores to each alternative

Step 6 – Rank the highest-scoring alternatives

Step 7 – Generate a list of problems 

Step 8 – Compare rankings

1. In order to better serve its customers, Microsoft’s Customer Service & Support (CSS) incorporated the Kepner-Tregoe methodology into CSS systems and metrics around the world.

2. Target Corporation implemented the Kepner-Tregoe (KT) approach to improve IT incident management performance to speed up the resolution process of the incidents with minimal impact on operations and customers

P Balakumaaran

Developed by Charles Kepner and Benjamin Tregoe, Kepner Tregoe analysis (commonly called KT analysis) is a problem analysis model in which the “problem” is disconnected from the “decision”.

It is a rational working method in the 1960s in which they formulated and defined the troubleshooting skills of people.

The traditional thinking pattern involves the basic human investigative pattern, which involves:

·          What happened?

·          Why did it happen?

·          How should we act?

·          What will be the (future) result?

KT methodology has 4 analysis steps, as below:

1.        Situational Analysis

2.        Problem Analysis

3.        Decision Analysis

4.        Potential Problem Analysis


1. Situational Analysis:

·          Identify the problems, list them in order, and stratify them based on importance, magnitude & level of influence.

·          Decide the priority level to measure severity of impacts (influence), urgency and growth potential

·          Plan the step by step approach

2. Decision Making:

·          Establish and classify requirements based on priority / ranking / weightage.

·          Categorize the requirements into “Must have” and “Nice to have”.

·          Assign importance factors from 1-10, where 10 is the most important and assign weightage

·          Generate the options / alternatives

·          Evaluate the alternatives by scoring

·          Do the risk assessment on adverse (harmful) consequences of your corrective actions

·          Choose the best possible option.


3. Foreseeing Potential Problems:

·          Define the action

·          List the potential alternatives / opportunities O{op1, op2 ,..,opN}

·          Consider the possible solutions (e.g. the second one)

·          Implement the action to address the likely cause/solution

·          Prepare actions to address the most likely (possible) effects

4. Problem Analysis:

The 5 steps to KT Problem Analysis are as below:

1.        Define the Problem

2.        Describe the Problem

3.        Establish possible causes

4.        Test the most probable cause

5.        Verify the true root cause


Advantages and Key features of KT analysis:

·          It is a structured methodology for data collection, prioritization & Evaluation.

·          It is very detailed and complex method applicable in all areas

·          It is a root cause analysis and decision-making method.

·          It is a systematic approach for problem solving, decision making, and potential risk assessment.

·          This method involves a rational and systematic approach to analyzing a problem without jumping to conclusions or subjectivity in decision making.

·          This method requires team work, however it does not have the explicit steps of Six Sigma or the G8D methodologies, this can be an advantage or disadvantage depending on the problem you are addressing.

·          It is a faster approach compared to other methods, without statistics and Six Sigma it is quicker to progress through this method but as a result it could become difficult to detect minor variation in a process.

Mayank Gupta

While all published answers are correct, the best answer has been provided by Kaviraj.

For further reading - An interesting application of KT Analysis is the safe return of the Apollo13 crew when they faced mid journey issues.

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  1. 4 Stage KT Method For Problem Solving

    kt problem solving & decision making

  2. KT Problem Solving & Decision Making Training

    kt problem solving & decision making

  3. PPT

    kt problem solving & decision making

  4. Kepner-Tregoe Problem Solving & Decision Making Poster

    kt problem solving & decision making

  5. KT Problem Solving & Decision Making Training

    kt problem solving & decision making

  6. PPT

    kt problem solving & decision making


  1. Problem Solving & Decision Making

    For over 60 years, KT's Problem Solving & Decision Making workshops have been helping teams and individuals think clearly to: find the root cause of problems faster, make better decisions, manage risks and opportunities, prioritize & plan the resolution of concerns and ask sharper, more incisive questions. ...

  2. LiveOnLine

    KT LiveOnLine delivers targeted learning, which is ideal for those seeking to learn one aspect of the Problem Solving and Decision Making training suite—or group them together. Led by an experienced instructor. Includes 30 minutes of live one-on-one coaching—post workshop. KT LiveOnLine connects you with the most effective learning strategies.

  3. Kepner Tregoe Method of Problem Solving

    Often there is pressure of time to solve the problems and it is debatable what the right way of solving these problems is. The Kepner Tregoe method or KT-method is a problem analysis model in which the "problem" is disconnected from the "decision". An English synonym for this problem solving method is Problem Solving and Decision Making ...

  4. The Kepner-Tregoe Matrix

    The Kepner-Tregoe Matrix comprises four basic steps: Situation Appraisal - identify concerns and outline the priorities. Problem Analysis - describe the exact problem or issue by identifying and evaluating the causes. Decision Analysis - identify and evaluate alternatives by performing a risk analysis for each and then make a final decision.

  5. Solving Problem

    KT Solve is offline-enabled, making analysis possible in any location regardless of connectivity. Problem solving, decision making and risk management tasks have never been easier and more convenient. KT Solve Lite is free for anyone who has completed a KT Workshop. Use the Workshop Access Code on the inside of your Notes and Reference manual.

  6. LiveOnLine

    KT LiveOnLine delivers targeted learning, which is ideal for those seeking to learn one aspect of the Problem Solving and Decision Making training suite—or group them together. Led by an experienced instructor. Includes 30 minutes of live one-on-one coaching—post workshop. KT LiveOnLine connects you with the most effective learning strategies.

  7. PDF Problem Solving & Decision Making

    Problem Solving & Decision Making 1-6458512 op epner-Trego eserved. 2 Kepner-Tregoe Problem Solving and Decision Making Prework Introduction The purpose of this pre-workshop information is to prepare you to attend the KT Problem Solving and Decision Making workshop. It includes workshop objectives, a description of the learning process, and

  8. The Kepner-Tregoe Approach: A Step-by-Step Guide to Problem-Solving

    First developed in the 1960s by Charles Kepner and Benjamin Tregoe, the Kepner-Tregoe process is a systematic approach to problem-solving used in a variety of industries, including business and government. The process involves four key steps: situation appraisal, problem analysis, decision analysis, and. potential problem analysis.

  9. Problem Solving Decision Making

    Workshop Overview When faced with a problem or decision, you need the right answer - and fast. For over 65 years, KT's Problem Solving & Decision Making workshops have been helping teams and individuals find the root cause of problems faster, make better decisions, manage risk, and prioritize what to work on first.

  10. Kepner-Tregoe Problem Solving and Decision Making

    Learn about the benefits of Kepner-Tregoe Problem Solving and Decision Making for your organization. Find root cause, make better decisions, manage risk and ...

  11. How to use the Kepner Tregoe decision making model

    Kepner Tregoe decision analysis. - Firstly, eliminate any alternative that does not fit the 'must haves'. - Going through each alternative one by one, rate it against each Want on a scale of 1 to 10. - Next, multiply the weight of the objective by the satisfaction score to come up with the weighted score. Analyze the weighted score versus the ...

  12. Using the Kepner-Tregoe Methodology for Effective Problem-Solving

    The Kepner-Tregoe methodology is a problem-solving and decision-making framework that helps individuals and organizations systematically analyze problems, make decisions, and manage risks. Developed by Charles Kepner and Benjamin Tregoe in the 1950s, the methodology has been widely adopted by businesses, governments, and other organizations ...

  13. Problem Solving Decision Making Workshop (Virtual)

    For over 60 years, KT's Problem Solving & Decision Making workshops have been helping teams and individuals find the root cause of problems faster, make better decisions, manage risk, and prioritize what to work on first. K. Workshop Overview When faced with a problem or decision, you need the right answer—and fast. For over 60 years, KT's ...

  14. Solving Problem

    KT Solve is offline-enabled, making analysis possible in any location regardless of connectivity. Problem solving, decision making and risk management tasks have never been easier and more convenient. KT Solve Lite is free for anyone who has completed a KT Workshop. Use the Workshop Access Code on the inside of your Notes and Reference manual.

  15. PDF Kepner-Tregoe Problem Solving & Decision Making

    Problem Solving & Decision Making the gold Standard in Critical Thinking Skills groups resolve issues better by using a systematic process that is grounded in reason, evidence and creativity. the Kt problem Solving & decision making methods are systematic techniques that guide critical thinking to maximize expertise and use data effectively.

  16. Kepner-Tregoe Problem Solving & Decision Making

    The Kepner-Tregoe (KT) Problem Solving and Decision Making (PSDM) is a two-day workshop which teaches a step-by-step process that helps people rapidly and accurately resolve a wide range of business issues. Used in organizations worldwide, PSDM helps people at all levels in an organization including executives, managers, supervisors, team ...

  17. Kepner-Tregoe Problem Solving & Decision Making

    Also, the KT PSDM tools are integrated into many of CIMBA's classes, activities, and projects. The KT process for problem solving and decision making is used and taught in major organizations worldwide. It is a conscious, step-by-step approach for successfully solving problems, making good decisions, and analyzing potential risks and ...

  18. Training

    Kepner-Tregoe's Decision Making for Leaders training provides a scalable, systematic approach to making strategic, operational and tactical decisions across your organization. ... opportunities and concerns, you need the right answers - and fast. For over 60 years, KT's Problem Solving & Decision Making workshops have been helping teams and ...

  19. Problem Solving Decision Making

    Workshop Overview When faced with a problem or decision, you need the right answer - and fast. For over 65 years, KT's Problem Solving & Decision Making workshops have been helping teams and individuals find the root cause of problems faster, make better decisions, manage risk, and prioritize what to work on first.


    ON MAKING METHODOLOGYHelena HrůzováAbstractThe paper deals with a relevant macroeconomic decision problem in the Czech Republic using KT® Problem Solving and Decision Making methodology by students in the study subject Managerial Decisio. Making at the University of Economics, Prague. Based on the application of this methodolo.

  21. KT Analysis

    The Kepner Tregoe analysis is based on methodology where the problem is disconnected from the decision, also termed as PSDM ( problem solving and decision making). Both inventors Charles Kepner and Benjamin Tregoe came up with the method where they dived in depth about the troubleshooting skills of people.

  22. The KT Problem Solving Learning Path

    In this era of digital transformation, an agile mindset is required to quickly assess complex situations, solve problems, and make good decisions. The KT Problem Solving Learning Path provides a foundational understanding of Kepner-Tregoe's Situation Appraisal and Problem Analysis methodologies combining the power of dynamic application-based ...

  23. The Rule of 3: Decision Making & Problem-Solving Techniques Management

    In this class you will learn a structured approach to making effective decisions and solving problems. The class covers techniques for identifying the problem, evaluating options, and choosing the best course of action. You'll gain practical tools to improve decision making and tackle challenges more efficiently.

  24. Problem Solving & Decision Making

    Details. This badge earner has attended a KT Problem Solving and Decision Making workshop. They have acquired the foundational skills to understand: They are able to ask specific questions to gain clarity, identify missing information, test hypotheses, assess risk, and arrive at clear, data-driven conclusions under time pressure when needed.

  25. A Modified "Talk Aloud Problem Solving" Intervention to Improve IEP

    Visual analysis, Tau-U overlap analysis, and a between-case standardized mean difference effect size were calculated. Overall, the TAPS intervention improved the use of problem-solving language but an effect on decision-making quality could not be established. Implications and future research are discussed.