10 reasons why travel is the best education (and why life without it would be dull)

10 reasons why travel is the best education (and why life without it would be dull)

Leaving your own four corners and setting out into the world is the best decision you’ll ever make. Here’s why.

Here are the 10 most important reasons for why travel is the best education:

1. Traveling is discovering

Humans; we’re a diverse bunch, happily inhabiting practically every corner of the globe. We’ve all grown up differently and developed individual cultures and traditions, on national and local scales. Moving around the world and travelling to different places means discovering new and beautiful cultures, learning about ancient belief systems and hearing fascinating stories about life in different environments from the people who actually live there.

2. Traveling is exploring

Hike to the very top of mountains to soak in staggering views; wander slowly through winding cobbled streets in search of the best hidden coffee shops; discover ornate architecture and ancient churches. Every single place you travel to will be unique and just waiting to be explored – meaning there’s always a whole host of different memories just waiting to be made.

3. Traveling is feeling

At some point on your travels you’re likely to feel excited, anxious, exhilarated, homesick and delighted. Through the ups and the downs, travelling can be a serious emotional roller coaster – in the best way possible. But, once you’ve experienced traveling and felt that sense of wonder when you step out to explore a new city or place for the first time, your heart and soul will ache for more.

4. Traveling is independence

Travelling is real world experience. This is learning to fly the nest and look after yourself, realising that you can solve problems and survive on your own, and learning to believe that you’re ready for anything life might throw at you. You’re strong, and you’ve got this!

5. Traveling is connecting

Building connections between fellow travellers, study abroad classmates and host families whilst you travel not only enriches your experience, it grows your network. Make the effort to connect with the people around you as you never know what opportunities it might lead to. (Plus, forming ten good friendships across the globe gives you ten more reasons to travel in the future!)

6. Traveling is understanding

When you’ve tucked into tapas with locals in Barcelona, helped protect the turtles that nest on the beaches of Costa Rica or spent a month living in fast-paced New York, you become part of a special club of people who can see the world differently. You’ve experienced things outside of your home environment and you’ve seen that every country and community is unique. You understand that it’s the differences between our lives that make us interesting, but it’s the laughter, the stories and the values that we share that remind us that we’re all still a little bit the same. You get it.

7. Traveling is studying

Study abroad courses are a fantastic way to combine your travels with educational growth, especially if you’re learning a new language. Experts agree that one of the fastest ways to become fluent in a foreign tongue is to move abroad; you learn quickest whilst living immersed in the language.

8. Traveling is communication

You’re used to chatting in your native language, of course, but traveling abroad means learning to really communicate. You’ll learn a new language much faster than in your hometown if you’re speaking to locals every day and you’ll soon pick up ways of communicating using hand gestures, facial expressions, and local colloquialisms too, not just your curriculum vocabulary.

9. Traveling is challenging

It can be intimidating if you’ve not traveled often before or if you’re jetting off to a part of the world which you’ve never been to, but that makes it more rewarding. Set yourself a goal, perhaps of dancing the tango in Buenos Aires or walking underneath the cherry tree blossom in Tokyo, and do your research to figure out how to make that a reality. It’s like a big problem-solving exercise, except abroad and exciting.

10. Traveling is learning

Far from just an opportunity to make academic study an exciting experience, traveling is a fantastic way to learn more about yourself, and living abroad has been proven to create a stronger, healthier sense of self . Often travel experiences allow you to find answers to the age-old questions, ‘Who are you?’ and ‘What do you want to do with your life?’ and help you shape your perfect future.

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6 essential ways travel promotes learning and education

Is travel the purest form of education? A trip abroad expands your worldview, connects you to your global community, and empowers you to be your most authentic, forward-thinking self.

travelling is education

Nov 10, 2023

travel as education

A few years back, I left my comfortable home and job in the United States for a year of international travel, country-hopping, and experiential learning.

I have always considered myself a lifetime student, and enjoy the experience of learning in a classroom and investing my time in school. Some of my greatest mentors have been school teachers and college professors, and many people from my formal student years have played major roles in shaping my character and supporting me on my path toward becoming my truest and most authentic self.

After many years of school and classroom-based learning in a top American college of education, I was surprised to discover the seemingly infinite ways that travel as a form of education is a game-changer . From volunteer projects in Central America and the Middle East to learning new languages by living in communities of native speakers, the educational impact of my experiences abroad has been unparalleled. 

So much has happened since my initial take-off — now a few years back — and aside from the countless ideas, projects, ventures and experiences, I have truly learned to live and inhabit my senses in so many new and exciting ways.  Life has never been better, or more interesting.

As someone who never thought of travel beyond vacations and short trips organized by travel agents to now living location-independent and making the world my classroom , this is why I believe in the power of travel; as education and opportunity, and a greater means to community and empowerment.

Travel promotes learning

1. It broadens your horizons through cultural immersion

Nothing compares to the experience of being fully immersed in a country and its culture. 

International travel should be about more than tourism and site-seeing. A trip abroad is an opportunity to witness and participate in life in another country; to connect with local people and learn about the ways in which they experience the world. Thus, when you travel, the world becomes about more than you or your country of origin. 

When I travel to a new country or place, I like to give myself time to truly dive into the layers that constitute history, language, belief systems, and everyday life. There is much to be learned by venturing outside the classroom.

2. It motivates you to participate on a local level

Whether visiting the great pyramids and astounding temple complexes of Egypt, strolling the streets of Paris, or adventuring in the Brazilian Amazon, a trip abroad asks you to participate . When you experience distant people and cultures firsthand, you'll naturally feel more inclined to engage.

Whether it's by practicing the local language  or simply observing your surroundings, travel leads to a more open and global-minded viewpoint where you understand how people and places are interconnected. Immersing yourself in different cultures will help you adopt a sense of empathy for others who live differently than you. 

As you learn about other political, economic, and social structures, you'll become more motivated to participate on a local level.  Opportunities for participation are boundless and range from volunteer efforts  and work exchanges  to language groups and  eco programs  and home-stays with host families. Participating in a country's daily rhythms is an educational experience rich in hands-on and active learning, and demands that you step out of your comfort zone  and  lead with curiosity and an open mind .

3. It challenges you to grow

Traveling will make you more adaptable. Leaving your comfort zone helps you become more independent, responsible and confident. You'll become better at thinking on your feet, and you'll be a better problem solver, planner, negotiator, and more. My time spent volunteering, working and living in other countries has allowed me to discover strengths, skills, and passions  that otherwise may have remained hidden. 

While traveling tends to be seen for its glamorous side, the reality is often far from. Life on the road has its own challenges and quickly breaks down the superfluous and extravagant to the essential — patience, an open mind, tolerance, resilience.

Beyond the discovery of new places and breathtaking sights and monuments is the discovery of self, of the layers and fabric you are made of, and what it means to be true to yourself and live well.

3. It helps you connect better with others

Regardless if you are in your own country or abroad, it's easy to connect when we focus on the things we share. Every country has something to offer and teach you. 

One of my guiding intentions as an international full-time traveler is to give every country a chance.  More often than not, this means being a witness to the positivity of misunderstood and negatively perceived places, and finding a way to learn and connect with people in spite of dissimilar beliefs or attitudes .  

Differences exist in lifestyle and etiquettes across cultures, and part of the experience of traveling is finding the commonalities and being humble enough to acknowledge and appreciate the differences as much as the similarities.

Connecting with people in different places around the globe provides you with a whole new perspective and insight about a culture or way of life that previously may have seemed too foreign or alien to understand. It's humbling and eye-opening to see how others live.

Nothing beats the feeling of breaking a preconceived stereotype or seeing past the influence and bias of media and connecting with a country and its people in real time. When you travel abroad, you gain a better understanding of people and their actions. It is inspiring to listen to the stories of people around the world, and this human connection can help you become a more compassionate and empathetic person. 

Over time, these cross-cultural experiences pull you out of your cultural bubble and help you empathize and connect with people from backgrounds different than your own.

4. It promotes a deeper sense of understanding

Travel not only teaches you about the world as it is today, but also about the history behind the current complexities of social, political, and economic structures.

Everyone studies history in school, but traveling brings history to life. In addition to seeing some of the world's greatest monuments and museums, you also feel the energy of the people and countries you visit. 

What was once a standard school history lesson becomes an ongoing process of experiential learning ; you become absorbed by the play of life happening in front of and all around you, and begin to understand the underlying reasons and forces behind why societies and cultures are shaped in a particular way and differ from one another. 

The more you travel and engage, your understanding of history grows, and your understanding of the world broadens . Ultimately, this understanding extends inward as well; you learn about yourself and your true potential and become better equipped to be proactive about your goals and dreams. 

You feel that you belong to many places, and your sense of "home" expands.

5. It builds community

From cultural immersion to participation to discovery to connection to understanding, travel builds and strengthens community . Whether you go somewhere as part of a university exchange program via student travel or join a volunteer effort, whether you travel solo or go on a weekend trip and end up bonding with a local over shared cuisine or an activity, your idea of community grows. 

I used to think of my community as exclusive to my home, or the place I physically inhabit, but my understanding has evolved to include my global community, the people and efforts that exist beyond my own borders. Community is greater than something physical, something tangible; it is created, sustained, and amplified by connection, participation, and understanding. 

Traveling — if done with the right intention — can lead to a deeper understanding of global dynamics and power structures, and a heightened  sense of responsibility to the greater community .

Seeing yourself as part of the global community is essential to remembering that we are all connected, we are all in so many ways more similar than we are different. The mark of a global citizen is acceptance, tolerance and appreciation, and above all, an awareness of the ways in which countries and people are interconnected and part of an emerging powerful and dynamic world community.

6. It leads to empowerment

The more you travel and expand your worldview, the more you are empowered to embody your authentic self and take action that supports sustainable global development and a collaborative world community . 

You become more independent, and cultivate a propensity for self-study and self-improvement . The skills gained through travel experiences are more than worth the effort, and have an impact that reaches beyond life and community as you once knew it .

Why travel is the best form of education

No matter how many years you study in formal school or your number of university degrees, travel has so much to offer you . 

You gain a deeper and more nuanced understanding of history, and you rethink everything you once knew about how to study and understand the world today. By putting yourself in unfamiliar territory, you learn how to adapt to new environments, and in the process, discover more about yourself. 

Travel has the capacity to change your life . My travel experiences have been integral in shaping who I am — a brave, forward-thinking world citizen.  When I began my journey, leaving home for my first long trip meant letting go of everything I spent my entire life trying to gain. And while I closed the door on my perceived stability and comfort, I opened another to so many incredible opportunities, all of which would have been impossible to foresee. 

The world seems fragile and scary during these complicated times of hatred, radicalization, and conflict. Nonetheless, there is so much to learn from adventuring beyond the familiar places where we feel safe and stable . Don't hesitate to let experience be your teacher.

So, to anyone who is dreaming of traveling, I dare you to go for it. It will never seem like the "right" time or the "right" amount of savings, it will never be simple, or easy.

But, if you are dreaming of taking that leap of faith, as terrifying as it may seem: take it. You won't regret it.

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Janaína Colomba

Janaina Colomba is a writer, traveler, and creative inspired by the beauty and wisdom of people and places. Her personal mission is to bridge cultural gaps and ignite community and understanding. Janaina is currently based in Cairo, Egypt and can be found on Instagram.

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Write here your questions and greetings to the author

travelling is education

Feb 23, 2019

Excellent and informative article.

travelling is education

Mar 13, 2019

Thank you so much, Imran!

U seem to be a frequent Traveller. I m a UN official posted in Congo. What about u?

Mar 16, 2019

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travelling is education

Shivraj Singh

Feb 15, 2020

Amazingly awesome article. It reflects perfectly crafted thoughts of a beautiful mind which is achieving enlightenment through travel.

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Travel is the Best Education: 10 Reasons Why Traveling is the Best Form of Education

Hayden McKenzie

Are you tired of feeling trapped in the confines of your everyday life? Do you crave a sense of liberation and adventure that can only come from breaking free from the chains that bind you? If so, then traveling is the ultimate form of education for you.

It’s not just about learning facts and figures from textbooks or sitting in a classroom all day. No, travel is an experience that awakens your senses, expands your horizons, and sets your spirit free.

Imagine immersing yourself in different cultures, embracing new languages, and connecting with people from all walks of life. Picture standing in awe before magnificent landmarks and uncovering the mysteries of ancient civilizations. Envision stepping out of your comfort zone and discovering a world beyond what you ever thought possible.

Traveling is not just about seeing new places; it’s about experiencing them deeply. It’s about personal growth, self-discovery, and expanding your understanding of the world.

So why settle for a traditional education when there’s a whole world waiting to be explored? Join me on this journey as we explore ten reasons why traveling is truly the best form of education. Get ready to break free, embrace freedom, and unlock the boundless possibilities that await us on this incredible adventure called life.

Page Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Traveling offers experiential learning that goes beyond the classroom.
  • Cultural immersion helps develop empathy, respect, and tolerance toward others.
  • Traveling enhances empathy for others and develops a global perspective.
  • Interacting with diverse backgrounds, challenges preconceived notions.

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone: Embrace Personal Growth Through Travel

Step out of your comfort zone and embrace personal growth by traveling to new places. There’s something truly liberating about leaving the familiar behind and venturing into the unknown.

When you step out of your comfort zone, you open yourself up to new experiences, perspectives, and opportunities for personal growth. Traveling allows you to challenge yourself in ways that traditional education cannot.

It pushes you to adapt to different cultures, languages, and customs, fostering a sense of independence and resilience. As you navigate unfamiliar territory, you learn valuable life skills such as problem-solving, communication, and adaptability.

Embracing personal growth through travel is like embarking on a journey of self-discovery. You’ll understand yourself more deeply, develop empathy for others, and become more open-minded.

So take that leap of faith and explore the world – it’ll be the best form of education you could ever receive.

Learn New Languages: Unlocking the Power of Multilingualism

By immersing yourself in different cultures, you can unlock the language treasure chest and become a polyglot globe-trotter. Learning new languages through travel isn’t just practical but incredibly rewarding.

Here are three reasons why learning a new language while traveling is the best way to broaden your horizons:

  • Firsthand Experience: While textbooks and apps can help you learn vocabulary and grammar, nothing compares to the experience of conversing with locals in their native tongue. Communicating with people more deeply allows you to understand their culture and customs truly.
  • Understanding the Underlying Reasons: Language is deeply intertwined with culture, history, and traditions. Learning a new language gives you insight into the underlying reasons behind certain behaviors and beliefs. It helps break down barriers and fosters empathy and understanding.
  • Immersion in Daily Life: When learning a language abroad, you are constantly surrounded by opportunities to practice what you’ve learned. Whether ordering food at local restaurants or asking for directions, every interaction becomes an opportunity for growth.

Traveling is the best way to learn new languages as it allows you to immerse yourself in different cultures, broadening your understanding of the world. Unlocking this power opens doors to meaningful connections with people from all walks of life, making every journey an educational adventure.

Cultural Immersion: Understanding Different Cultures Firsthand

Immerse yourself in different cultures and gain a firsthand understanding of their customs and traditions, allowing you to develop a deeper appreciation for the diversity that exists in our world.

Cultural immersion is an incredible way to broaden your horizons and expand your knowledge beyond what books can offer. You can experience new ways of life, taste exotic cuisines, and witness unique celebrations by stepping out of your comfort zone.

Engaging with locals will enable you to learn about their history, beliefs, and values directly from the source. Understanding different cultures firsthand allows you to break down stereotypes and embrace the beauty of our differences. It promotes empathy, respect, and tolerance towards others.

Through cultural immersion, you become a global citizen who cherishes freedom and celebrates diversity.

Traveling as a Form of Experiential Learning: Lessons Beyond the Classroom

Traveling is like a treasure hunt for knowledge, where every destination holds valuable lessons that go beyond the walls of a classroom. It’s a form of education that pushes us out of our comfort zones and allows us to learn in ways we never thought possible.

Traveling abroad exposes us to different cultures and traditions firsthand, giving us a deeper understanding and appreciation for diversity. Here are four reasons why traveling is the best way to learn:

  • Immersion: We genuinely understand different cultures by immersing ourselves in new environments.
  • Cuisine: Trying new foods worldwide introduces unique flavors and culinary traditions.
  • Experiential Learning: Traveling provides hands-on experiences that can’t be replicated in a traditional classroom setting.
  • Personal Growth: Stepping outside our comfort zone while traveling helps us develop essential life skills such as adaptability and resilience.

Traveling is not just a vacation but also an incredible form of education. It offers lessons that can’t be taught through textbooks alone, making it the best way to expand our horizons and gain a global perspective.

Broaden Your Historical and Cultural Understanding Through Travel

Traveling allows you to expand your knowledge and perspective by immersing yourself in different historical and cultural experiences. It’s like stepping into a time machine and being transported to another era, where history comes alive right before your eyes.

You can visit ancient ruins, walk the streets that great leaders once walked, and witness firsthand the remnants of past civilizations.

By exploring different cultures, you break free from your cultural bubble and help create a more interconnected world. Traveling is not just about taking pictures; it’s about gaining a deeper understanding of the world.

Through travel, we learn about other cultures, their traditions, customs, and values. We begin to understand how people and places are interconnected throughout world history.

So why settle for textbooks when you can embark on an educational adventure that will broaden your historical and cultural understanding through travel?

ExcitementFeelings of anticipation and enthusiasmThe thrill of exploring new places
CuriosityA strong desire to learn or know somethingWondering about the stories behind ancient artifacts
InspirationBeing motivated or influenced by someone or somethingFeeling inspired by the resilience of a culture
AweA feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonderBeing in awe of magnificent architectural structures

Traveling provides a history lesson and helps us gain insight into ourselves as individuals living in a diverse world.

By broadening our historical and cultural understanding through travel, we become more empathetic towards others’ perspectives, develop tolerance for differences, and appreciate the richness of human experiences across time and space.

Enhance Empathy for Others: Developing a Global Perspective

My understanding of others deepens as I immerse myself in different cultures and explore the world.

Traveling broadens my historical and cultural knowledge and enhances my empathy for others, allowing me to develop a global perspective.

Experiencing diverse societies firsthand enables me to connect with people from various backgrounds, breaking down barriers and fostering a sense of unity. It opens my eyes to different perspectives, challenges my preconceived notions, and cultivates an appreciation for the richness of human existence.

When I witness the struggles faced by individuals in other countries or encounter their unique customs and traditions, I desire to learn more about their stories and understand their experiences.

I can transcend geographical boundaries and cultivate compassion for all humanity through travel.

Connect with People and Places: Unveiling the Interconnectedness of the World

Unveiling the world’s interconnectedness, my journeys have revealed how people and places are intricately linked in ways we may not initially perceive.

Through international travel and various travel experiences, I’ve had the privilege to see the world through a different lens.

Exploring new languages, immersing myself in diverse cultures, and connecting with distant people and places have allowed me to understand humanity as a whole better.

Travel has become my best form of education because it’s taught me that despite our differences, we all share a common ground.

It’s opened my eyes to the fact that something always connects us no matter where we come from or what language we speak. Traveling has allowed me to break down stereotypes and preconceived notions about others.

I’ve developed a deep empathy for others by witnessing how interconnected our world is. I now approach every encounter with an open mind and heart, knowing that each person I meet can teach me something valuable.

Whether it’s sharing stories over traditional meals or engaging in meaningful conversations with locals, these interactions have broadened my perspective on life.

In this interconnected web of people and places, I’ve realized that travel goes beyond just visiting tourist attractions; it’s about forging connections with individuals from different walks of life. It’s about discovering similarities amidst our differences and embracing diversity as a strength rather than a barrier.

Traveling exposes us to new perspectives and challenges us to step outside our comfort zones. It allows us to witness firsthand how people worldwide live and face their struggles. By immersing ourselves in unfamiliar environments, we gain insights into different cultures and develop a greater appreciation for global diversity.

Ultimately, travel is a powerful tool for fostering empathy, breaking down barriers between nations, and promoting peace through understanding.

Escape the Cultural Bubble: Empathy and Appreciation for Diversity

Step outside your cultural bubble and immerse yourself in the beauty of diverse perspectives, allowing empathy and appreciation to flourish within you. Traveling is the best form of education because it provides an opportunity to escape the limitations of our own culture and understand others on a deeper level.

Here are four reasons why traveling fosters empathy and appreciation for diversity:

  • Exposure: By encountering different cultures, traditions, and ways of life, we broaden our understanding of humanity.
  • Perspective: Interacting with people from diverse backgrounds challenges our preconceived notions and helps us see the world through their eyes.
  • Connection: Building relationships with individuals from different cultures fosters empathy as we learn about their struggles, joys, and aspirations.
  • Adaptability: Navigating unfamiliar environments teaches us flexibility and acceptance.

Through travel, we can break free from our cultural bubble, learn from other’s experiences, and gain a profound educational experience that expands our minds and hearts.

Discover New Places and Landmarks: Unveiling the Wonders of the World

Imagine yourself in awe as you discover new places and landmarks, unraveling the world’s wonders. Travel forces you to learn through experiential learning outside the classroom. It provides an opportunity to learn about different places’ history, ways of life, and cultures.

As you explore new destinations, you stretch your skills by navigating unfamiliar territories and adapting to different environments. This hands-on approach allows you to better understand the world around you.

Whether it’s marveling at ancient ruins or admiring iconic structures, each landmark tells a story that adds richness to your education. By immersing yourself in these new experiences, you develop empathy and appreciation for diversity while broadening your perspective on life.

So pack your bags and embark on a journey of discovery because there’s no better way to unveil the world’s wonders than through travel.

Independence and Personal Development: Nurturing Self-Reliance through Travel

As we continue our journey through the wonders of travel, we shift our focus to a topic that holds great value in one’s personal growth: independence and personal development. Traveling has the power to nurture self-reliance like no other form of education. It provides an opportunity to break free from the constraints of daily life and embrace new experiences with open arms.

You become solely responsible for your decisions, actions, and well-being when you enter the world. This sense of autonomy encourages you to develop essential life skills such as problem-solving, adaptability, and resilience.

Through travel, you learn to navigate unfamiliar territories, communicate with people from different cultures, and handle unexpected challenges.

To truly understand the importance of independence and personal development through travel, let me share with you four key ways it can transform your life:

  • Embracing uncertainty: Travel teaches us to be comfortable with unpredictability.
  • Building confidence: Each successful navigation or interaction boosts self-assurance.
  • Cultivating empathy: Exposure to diverse cultures fosters understanding and compassion towards others.
  • Expanding horizons: The world is your classroom; every destination offers a learning opportunity.

With each adventure embarked upon, you empower yourself to grow into a more self-reliant individual who understands the value of personal freedom and empathy for others.

In conclusion, traveling is undoubtedly the best form of education. It allows us to leave our comfort zones and experience personal growth.

We learn new languages, immerse ourselves in different cultures, and gain a deeper understanding of history and diversity.

We connect with people and places through travel, unveiling the world’s interconnectedness. It fosters independence and personal development, nurturing self-reliance.

So why limit ourselves to textbooks when we can explore the world’s wonders firsthand? Isn’t it time we embarked on our educational journey?

FAQs | Travel is the Best Education

What is the importance of traveling as a form of education.

Traveling is considered the best form of education because it offers a unique opportunity to learn about other cultures, distant people and their actions, and the history and culture of different countries. It allows for a better understanding of people and their true potential.

How does traveling help in learning new languages?

Traveling provides the chance to interact with native speakers of different languages. This immersion experience enhances listening and speaking capabilities, making learning new languages and communicating effectively in a foreign country easier.

Why is it said that traveling is the best way to step out of one’s comfort zone?

Traveling pushes individuals out of their comfort zones by exposing them to unfamiliar surroundings, people, and situations. Adaptability and flexibility are required to navigate new environments, making it a valuable learning experience.

What kind of education does travel offer?

Travel offers a form of education that goes beyond traditional academic settings. It provides a firsthand experience of different cultures, customs, and traditions, allowing individuals to understand the world and themselves better.

How does traveling foster empathy for others?

Traveling exposes individuals to different perspectives, lifestyles, and socio-economic conditions. This exposure often leads to the development of empathy and compassion for others, as it allows individuals to witness and understand the challenges faced by people worldwide.

What does traveling do to a person?

Traveling broadens one’s horizons, and challenges preconceived notions. It opens the mind to new possibilities, perspectives, and experiences, enabling personal growth and development.

How does traveling contribute to a better understanding of people and their actions?

By interacting with diverse cultures and individuals, travelers understand the underlying factors that shape people in a particular way. This understanding helps in appreciating the diversity of human behavior and recognizing the influence of culture and environment.

How does traveling provide a spiritual education?

Traveling allows individuals to experience different spiritual practices, rituals, and belief systems. It provides an opportunity to explore and connect with spiritual traditions worldwide, leading to personal introspection and growth.

How does traveling help in learning about other cultures?

Traveling exposes individuals to different cultures’ customs, traditions, and history. By immersing in the local way of life, travelers gain a firsthand understanding of cultural practices, leading to a greater appreciation and respect for cultural diversity.

Why is traveling often referred to as the best form of education?

Traveling offers a unique learning experience that goes beyond textbooks and classrooms. It allows individuals to learn through direct experiences, interactions with people from different backgrounds, and exposure to new environments, making it a powerful and transformative kind of education.

  • https://www.ef.edu/blog/language/10-reasons-travel-best-education-life-without-dull/
  • https://www.lifehack.org/359773/10-reasons-why-traveling-the-best-form-education
  • https://www.forbes.com/sites/amyblaschka/2019/08/13/four-reasons-why-you-need-to-leave-the-classroom-for-the-best-education/
  • https://drifttravel.com/travel-is-the-best-form-of-education/

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Study and Go Abroad

Five Reasons Why Traveling Is The Best Education

You probably will agree that even with teachers, textbooks, and supportive fellow students, classroom education is never enough. The real stuff is learned out there. If you want to learn effectively, therefore, you will have to travel the world and discover the things that matter. Every day spent on the road or in a faraway destination is a learning opportunity. Whether you are vacationing on Miami’s sandy beaches, strolling through the streets of Cape Town, or hiking the Andes Mountains, you will always find something new to learn.

Traveling is the easiest escape route from the little spaces you are accustomed to. It is the perfect chance to leave home and see the word. It allows you to broaden your intellectual capacity, interact with new cultures, and get new spiritual education right from its custodians. Seeing and interacting with these experiences first hand will always be more valuable than studying about them in a classroom.

Take, for example, an educational trip to London. You will have a chance to visit Shakespeare’s Globe and see a live performance of a Shakespeare play. Without a doubt, retracing the footsteps of England’s greatest poet is the best way of learning about his works. And if you are on a free walking tour in London , you can always visit the museum and learn firsthand the history of Shakespeare’s lifetime.

Another reason to visit London for educational purposes is to see the British Museum. It is open every day and you won’t be charged a dime to enter. If you take a fully guided tour of the museum, you will have a chance to view special exhibitions and witness unique events that are both educational and exciting. And, speaking of exhibitions, London is home to The Crystal, the largest exhibition of city planning and how metropolitan areas will/should look in the future. If you are a design student, a visit here will give you valuable insights into how technology will affect future cities, particularly architecturally.

There are endless reasons why you should take an educational tour in London and Europe. Here are five proven educational benefits that you’ll accrue by simply traveling around the world.

1. Learning new languages

When you travel abroad, your chance of learning a new language increases significantly. The urge to interact with the locals in their mother tongue will be too compelling to ignore. If you are a linguistics student, you will be able to tap into the language potential that other traveling students bring. You will make new friends from across the world, which means that you will always have someone to help you test and practice your second language proficiency.

2. Exploring cultural differences

The social expectations of different cultures, their cuisines, their political views, and their mannerisms are in most cases different. Exploring these differences opens your mind up and helps you see education from a better perspective. Emotive topics such as racism, slavery, gender violence, civil uprisings, and colonialism are rarely taught in the classroom and when they are taught, most curriculums are biased depending on who developed them. When you listen to stories about such topics from the real victims, your knowledge broadens significantly.

3. Getting a close touch of history

As mentioned above, most curriculums are skewed towards the emphasis of the education system that developed them. At high school, you might have learned about Canadian and European history, but you might know very little about Asia and Africa. The only way of getting a close look at world history and to see it from a different perspective, is through traveling and meeting local people in their natural settings.

4. Gaining better classroom experience

If you take a short-term educational trip with your school/university, you’ll have more chance to  interact with your teachers than when confined in four-walled classrooms. The combination of interaction with your teacher, and with locals in a foreign environment makes for a really cool experiential learning experience, and paves the way for a deeper understanding of the subject when you return to the classroom.

5. Traveling is also a skill

When traveling, you will become more independent.  You’ll learn how to pack light, how to live on a budget, how to take good care of your hygiene and health away from home, and how to improvise on different comfort areas. The simple act of keeping your travel plan together is educational in and by itself.

There is no denying that traveling has a positive impact on anyone’s educational journey. If you are a student, you should always aspire to travel the world and really experience everything you have been taught in class. Why not opt to take an undergraduate or postgraduate degree at a university overseas? You won’t regret the decision.

Contributed by: Miranda Mirany

Miranda is an English student graduate. She has a big passion for traveling, and choosing to travel was one of her best decisions. She believes that she can change the world for the better. She works really hard to help people and she is always available for those in need.

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Discussion 26 comments.

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I would like to travel the whole world. Traveling is my dream. My friends if I get a chance of learning and travel. I will be the most successful man.

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I agree with all of the above points. The trip broadens the horizons, gives new impressions and new acquaintances, helps to study the history and culture of other peoples, to learn new languages. Even more important is the fact that the journey provides an opportunity to reboot and start with renewed vigor in the classroom.

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I totally agree with you if you will not come outside from your room how you will learn new things. To meet the other peoples and his to learn how they think make us sharp thank you for this it will help me a lot and encourage to travel

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I agree with this post your article is great thanks for sharing

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Nice and Informative pot thanks for sharing with us.

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In this article, the author discusses the benefits of traveling as a form of education. She highlights how traveling can broaden your perspective, increase your cultural awareness, and enhance your communication skills.

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I absolutely loved reading this blog post on the “Reasons Why Traveling is the Best Education.” The author beautifully captured the transformative power of travel and highlighted its undeniable benefits as a form of education. I couldn’t agree more that stepping out of our comfort zones and immersing ourselves in different cultures, languages, and perspectives broadens our horizons like no textbook ever could. The personal growth, empathy, and global understanding that come from exploring new destinations and engaging with diverse communities are invaluable. This article serves as a wonderful reminder of the importance of travel in expanding our minds and fostering lifelong learning. I’m now even more inspired to embark on my next adventure and continue my own educational journey through travel. Thank you for sharing this insightful piece!

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Traveling is often considered the best education due to its unique ability to offer a holistic and immersive learning experience that surpasses traditional classroom settings. Unlike textbooks and lectures, travel provides the opportunity to directly engage with different cultures, languages, histories, and ways of life. It’s an experiential journey that goes beyond the theoretical realm, allowing individuals to witness the world’s complexities firsthand.

Through travel, individuals encounter historical sites, museums, and landmarks, gaining a deeper appreciation for the events that shaped civilizations. Interacting with locals and engaging in cultural traditions offers insights that books simply can’t capture. The challenges of navigating new environments and languages foster problem-solving skills and adaptability, nurturing personal growth and independence.

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A tutor in Lahore might emphasize that traveling is the best education because it offers real-world experiences that classroom learning cannot. Through travel, students gain firsthand knowledge of diverse cultures, languages, and histories, broadening their global perspective. They learn problem-solving skills by navigating new environments and adapting to unfamiliar situations. Additionally, travel fosters independence and confidence, as students manage logistics and interact with people from various backgrounds. For a tutor in Lahore , integrating travel experiences into lessons can enrich the educational process, making learning more engaging and comprehensive, ultimately preparing students for a globalized world.

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To get the most value out of this important event, you should prepare for it in advance if possible, and follow up afterwards. Here are some tips on how to make the best use of your time at the Study and Go Abroad university fairs:

Before the fair:

  • See which institutions are attending by viewing the  exhibitor list
  • Read the profiles of the institutions that are of direct interest to you; also have a look at the other profiles as well – you may be surprised which university or college offers what you are looking for
  • If you are not sure of what study topic you want to pursue, start with the countries you want to study in; you can sort by country on the  exhibitor listing  (use arrow toggle over ‘country’) and see which schools are located in which countries and explore from there
  • Visit  www.studyandgoabroad.com and find out more about the various countries – you will find country facts and figures under the ‘Study Overseas’ drop down menu – and read up on some articles about student experiences, fields of study, etc.
  • If you already know what you are looking for, bring along your transcripts, portfolio, résumé – whatever you have already on hand to present to the representatives. If you don’t have them, that is okay as well – you will find out what you need once you discuss your plans

During the fair:

  • Use the Fair Guide you will get when you enter to navigate your way around the room
  • Attend the free  seminars : These information sessions are for you to learn in depth about the presentation topics and to ask questions; visit the presenters afterwards at their stands for more details
  • Ask as many questions as you need to; the fair is for you to research and learn about the many institutions in attendance
  • Collect information resource materials from the schools that are of interest to you and from the other service providers
  • Don’t rush through: It is not often that you will have the chance to visit with so many representatives in your city, so take your time!

After the fair:

  • Follow up with representatives you met and keep in touch with questions and planning
  • Read through the materials you collected during the fair
  • Make up a comparison chart of important issues that you extract from the various brochures and websites of different schools of interest to you, to help you with your decisions
  • Discuss your ideas and plans with friends and family; this often helps to clarify issues
  • Study in UK/British Council: www.britishcouncil.ca  and  study-uk.britishcouncil.org
  • Study in the USA:  educationusacanada.ca
  • Study in Germany/German Academic Exchange: www.daad-canada.ca/en/
  • Universities Canada:  www.univcan.ca
  • Colleges and Institutes Canada: www.collegesinstitutes.ca
  • Study in Australia:  www.studyaustralia.gov.au
  • Study in France/Campus France: www.canada.campusfrance.org and www.campusfrance.org/en  and francecanadaculture.org/ higher-education/student/ campus-france/
  • Study in Holland:  www.studyinholland.nl and www.netherlandsandyou.nl
  • Study in Hungary –  http://studyinhungary.hu
  • Education Ireland:  www.educationireland.com
  • Study in Korea –  www. studyinkorea.go.kr
  • Study in New Zealand: www.studyinnewzealand.com
  • Study in Norway: www.studyinnorway.no
  • Study in Scotland: www.scotland.org/study/
  • Study in Spain:  www.studying-in-spain.com
  • Study in Sweden: www.studyinsweden.se

The upcoming Study and Go Abroad / SchoolFinder fairs are for everyone interested in looking for undergraduate or post-graduate programs in Canada overseas, or in taking a volunteer program, working or taking an internship abroad, considering a gap year or career break, or adventure travel.

The event is focused on post-secondary education, hosting top-ranking university and college recruiters from Canada and around the world. As well, there are several vocational, work experience and Gap Year/Career Break program providers.

You should attend if you are:

  • Looking for undergraduate programs in Canada or overseas
  • Looking for masters/doctoral programs in Canada or overseas
  • Considering a gap year or a career break
  • Wanting to upgrade your education or skills, or change career path
  • Looking to take advantage of Working Holiday Visas to work abroad – changed
  • Researching universities for exchange programs
  • Wanting to travel and experience the world
  • Inspired to broaden your horizons!

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travelling is education

Is traveling really one of the best forms of education? I think so. Traveling and exploring new places is one of the most enriching education activities that you will ever undertake. Whether it is a hobby or passion, or a way of life, when we travel, we get a chance to develop neural connections that would be impossible to facilitate by learning about the world in a history or geography class. Traveling also helps some people overcome their bias and hatred of other races, ethnicities, cultures, religions, etc.

Malcolm X’s trip to Mecca

Consider the story of Malcolm X . As the national spokesperson and the chief minister for the Nation of Islam, he espoused a doctrine that denounced all white Americans for the pain and hardship that they had reaped upon the African American race. He went so far as to give all white American’s the nickname “devils” and advocated for equality by “any means necessary,” even if that meant using violence.

However, Malcolm X’s views turned around 360 degrees after he made a pilgrimage to Mecca, which is required of any Muslim who can do so. When visiting and touring the Middle East, he was astonished to see that Islam was not a religion of just black and brown people, it was the religion of Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc. He experienced people of all walks of life, races and ethnicities gathered together to praise Allah.

His “education” was a profound one, as his hatred and bigotry was confronted and ultimately taken away by what he had experienced. He came back to America a changed man, no longer a prisoner to his past. This was evidenced by the sermons that he gave and the interviews that appeared in. Ultimately, his new stance on Islam and other issues with the Nation of Islam led to his untimely demise.

More thoughts on traveling as a form of education

Traveling never fails as the ultimate teacher. Whether you are traveling in your own country or another one, it has the potential to be a life-changing experience. The barriers that tear us apart are neutralized, and you get a chance to learn that all of humanity is just one big colorful family.

When traveling try taking a guided or historical tour of the area and you will be sure to learn more than you could in a semester-long college course. You will see your geopolitical awareness skyrocket, as you begin to appreciate the economic, social, political structures from across the globe.

Also, seeing the extreme poverty and despair that plagues some third world countries will show you how blessed you really are. It would take most people in these countries a lifetime to save up enough money to take one trip abroad, so being able to do so at will is a pleasure that only a small percentage of us can enjoy. With this realization, you can help the economic situation of ordinary citizens by simply eating at their restaurants, shopping in their stores, and tipping well.

So, the next time a friend asks you if you want to take a trip with them, jump at the chance. Not only will you learn a lot , but you will get a chance to live your best life and have tons of fun.

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10 reasons why traveling is the best form of education.

Lexa Pennington's picture

Life experiences are something you don’t need to study for. Learn as you go and it will help shape you as a person and will teach you to become more independent and be able to think on your feet—a life skill you can’t learn about in a book or on the internet.

10 Reasons Why Traveling Is The Best Form of Education

If you’re thinking of planning a big adventure but still have some doubts, here are a few examples of why travel is the best way to discover the world and discover yourself. 

10 Reasons Why Traveling Is The Best Form of Education

1. Learn About Other Cultures

Travelling will teach you about different cultures . Open your mind to other people's beliefs and traditions; this will help you to find common ground between you and what others believe in. 

It’s exciting finding out about the different ways of life, etiquette, and even local cuisine. You’re bound to discover interests and common ground within your culture. Learning to understand others and respecting their values is a valuable life lesson everyone should know. 

2. Become a History Buff

Sure, you can learn about historic events and historic sites in school, but nothing will beat seeing the landmarks for yourself. Reading about a place or events in a textbook is nothing compared to walking in the footsteps of the forefathers, and seeing the whole story unfold right in front of you. 

Traveling will open your mind to an alternative point of view; hearing about historical events from a different perspective, even from those who are thought to be the opposing side.

Become a history buff! From 10 Reasons Why Traveling Is The Best Form of Education

3. Keep up to Date

At school, you likely learned about history and were not taught about the future or subjects involving forward-thinking.

We are strongly influenced by what we learn in school, and we’re taught to think in a certain way and accept things as they present. By traveling, you'll see things first hand and witness life for yourself and even be at the forefront of change.

4. Learn a Language

By exploring the world, you’ll expand your speaking and listening capabilities. The best way to learn a language is to fully submerge yourself in the country and surround yourself with locals who will help you master the local dialect. 

Living like a local to learn a language is so much better than what you can learn in the classroom.

5. Embrace Independence

If you’ve decided to take the plunge and travel alone, you will very quickly learn to be much more independent. 

Your usual safety net won't be there to book your hostel or find your lost luggage. Therefore you have to take the initiative and control your fate—and in doing this, you grow as a person.

10 Reasons Why Traveling Is The Best Form of Education

6. Be Compassionate 

Travelling teaches compassion by mixing with different races, cultures, and religions; you can see others point of view and often this can challenge your way of thinking and helps to promote understanding. 

Embrace traveling —and by doing this, you will meet so many interesting people that the world begins to feel like home. 

7. Take in Nature 

10 Reasons Why Traveling Is The Best Form of Education

Once you’ve started traveling and are no longer in your hometown, you’ll begin to learn about the natural wonders of the world. 

Discover animals, plants, and sites that will seem so exotic to someone who has lived their life through a screen. You may not like what you find as you educate yourself on critical issues in the world, such as global warming, deforestation, and pollution of the seas.

8. The unknown and unexpected

Every step you take, you’ll be learning...and it won't always be what you expect. Chances are, you will have to deal with and do new things and new experiences that you would never have learnt in school—that’s a good thing!

By always being on the move, you will adapt and learn how things work wherever you are in the world.

9. Develop your Social Skills

Traveling means you won't be able to avoid talking to people. Inevitably, you’ll develop your social skills with all the face to face interaction you will experience.

You’ll soon forget about all those speeches and presentations that limited you so much in school; you can just be you—and that’s a fabulous feeling.

10. Self-Growth

The most important lesson you’ll learn is about yourself. Traveling teaches you so many things. By pushing yourself further than you could have ever imagined, you will return home feeling capable of anything and ready to take on whatever life throws at you. 

There's little doubt that travel is the most significant educator in life. Why not take the plunge and get on the next flight out...and be ready to learn!


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The Power of Travel for Student Success


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Educators are always talking about what happens in the classroom—from the Common Core State Standards to testing to social-emotional learning. So much of what happens inside school walls is based on results, not the journey that led to them.

But as students grow into professionals, they will need skills that many teachers have never taught, such as collaboration across digital networks and the ability to assess new information as it becomes easier to obtain. One of the most important conversations educators should be having now is how to bring our students out into the real world and teach them the skills to interact with it.

As an English teacher, I spent much of my time challenging students to find inspiration, consider multiple perspectives, and explore their passions. I know that students feel they have more to say when they root their words in their experiences, and it is those experiences that push them to create their best work.

In fact, a 2016 globally representative study by the Student & Youth Travel Association, a nonprofit that seeks to improve and increase travel among young people, found that “a travel experience triggers a process of accelerated personal development, contributes to better academic performance, and improves social interaction between young people.” The same study found that students who traveled had an increased willingness to learn and explore and more independence, curiosity, self-esteem, and confidence. I know of few school-based initiatives that have the same kind of impact on students.

A Personal Voyage

I know firsthand the lessons a journey outside of school can teach. When I was 12 years old, my uncle took me to Harvard Square in Cambridge, Mass. I remember very clearly the sternness and pride in my uncle’s expression as he told me that I could very likely be standing in the same spot as a Harvard student in a few years if I put my mind to it. Even though neither of my parents had gone to college, nor were they capable of paying for it, I believed him.

My uncle had told me this many times before at home—as had my parents, grandparents, and teachers—but this moment resonated with me more than any of the others because we were sitting in Harvard Square. It’s one thing to tell a young, low-income girl that “she can do anything she puts her mind to,” but it is quite another to take her to a spot unimaginable to her and let her live the possibilities in an immersive way.

That moment opened me up to other opportunities as well. My high school art teacher planned a student trip to Europe, and when she handed me the flier for the informational meeting, I felt my face burn with desperation—I had never wanted anything more in my entire life. My parents sensed how important this opportunity was to me, so they told me if I could earn my spending money, they could muster up the rest. My mother took a job working nights at a convenient store to send me to Europe.

It is tactile experiences that transform people from merely talented into the kind of people who use their talent to make a mark on the world."

There, I met people who spoke different languages, ate foods I couldn’t pronounce the names of, walked into buildings erected during time periods I only knew from history books, and watched as my art teacher wept at the Sistine Chapel. Those experiences changed my view of what the world could be.

Looking back, I recognize that those formative experiences I had as a young person sent me on the trajectory for the success I’ve known as an adult. They were more important than college. Why? Because travel can transform us into the people we were meant to be. I felt inspired by the things I saw and the people I met, and was disturbed by my own prior lack of understanding of the bigger, grander world.

A History of Learners Changed by Travel

There are few experiences more powerful than travel for awakening passion in young learners. Take author Toni Morrison, who spent her youth in Ohio reading books by white writers. It wasn’t until her student days at Howard University in Washington that she finally encountered books about the contemporary black American experience by black authors. She was frustrated to learn that few of those books actually existed and began writing them herself. Traveling was the catalyst for her life’s work. Author Ernest Hemingway, who was born in Illinois, also found inspiration abroad in the form of mentors and friends who helped him develop his straightforward writing style.

One might imagine that these pioneers would have found their way no matter what because of their talent and skill, but I believe it is tactile experiences that transform people from merely talented into those who use their talent to make a mark on the world. And the educator in me believes that we should be cultivating this desire and providing opportunities like these for our students.

Of course, there are many financial issues that affect schools’ ability to send students on field trips, much less around the country or abroad. But prioritizing such opportunities, especially for struggling students, is not impossible. Why should middle- and upper-class students be the only ones to receive such opportunities, especially when the impact could be far greater for students who have yet to experience travel at all?

Expanding the Walls of the Classroom

In my tenure as an educator in Kentucky, I’ve advocated for experiences outside of the classroom walls for my own students. Going somewhere new or getting the chance to interact with an interesting person impacted my students in ways they couldn’t have imagined.

When I took my suburban, mostly white students to the ESL Newcomer Academy, a public school in Louisville, Ky. where all students are beginning English speakers, one of my students told me later that the experience was the most important moment of her educational career, inspiring her to study Spanish in college.

I’ve taken students to local writing conferences, where they’ve received one-of-a-kind workshops with prestigious writers such as Helen Oyeyemi and Frank X Walker. I’ve taken students to farms, museums, plays, candy factories, printing presses, universities, and other schools very different from their own. And when funds have fallen short, I’ve asked guest speakers—ranging from forensic scientists to district court judges to literary agents—to come to us.

Teachers can look beyond their content and the material limitations of their environment to give students real and unique experiences that impassion them to think outside the bounds of their neighborhood, school, or classroom. Learning from a textbook will not be the catalyst for change in a child’s life, but experiencing a world beyond their own just might be.

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27 Benefits of Travel for Students

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What are the benefits of travel for students? 

Are you wondering about the benefits of travel for students? Is traveling in high school or college worth it? Should you do it?

Traveling as a student can be an incredibly enriching experience. The benefits of traveling as a student go far beyond just seeing cool places. I highly recommend it!

If you’re trying to understand the benefits of traveling abroad for students, I can help you out! I was an exchange student in high school. My family hosted three exchange students when I was growing up. And I’m the mom of three kids who either have or will study and travel abroad.

When student travel, they benefit in five important ways:

  • Learning life skills
  • Gaining a global perspective
  • Building relationships
  • Getting a hands-on education

travelling is education

First, traveling helps students develop important life skills that will be useful well beyond the student years. By navigating new places, communicating across cultural barriers, and adapting to the unexpected, you’ll build resilience, resourcefulness and confidence.

Second, traveling offers students a unique opportunity to broaden their horizons and gain new perspectives. By visiting different cities, countries, and cultures, students will be eposed to new ideas, customs, and ways of life. They’ll be encouraged to become more open-minded and empathetic. They’ll also gain a deeper appreciation for the world’s diversity and the richness of humanity.

Next, by traveling, you will build relationships with other people . Whether you are bonding with your fellow travelers, your host family, other students, or people you just happen to meet along the way, you’ll make meaningful connections. As you engage with others, you’ll learn more about their culture and community and building lasting connections.

Of course, travel is incredibly educational . Traveling lets students learn outside the classroom. You can explore a new city, experience hands-on activities, visit historical sites, see artistic masterpieces in museums, and practice a different language by chatting with locals. These new experiences will give you greater insight into the world. The educational value of travel is huge!

Finally, travel can be an amazing fun experience . Having a cultural experience in a foreign country can be one of the hardest things you’ll ever do. But it might also be the most amazing fun thing you ever do! You’ll get to try new things, laugh at yourself, make lifelong friends, and create incredible memories.

Overall, traveling as a high school student or traveling as a college student can be one of the most enriching experiences of your life. Participating in an international experience during your high school or college years will change your life.

travelling is education

Challenges and benefits of traveling as a student

Of course, traveling as a student will not always be easy. As anyone who has traveled to foreign countries knows, travel can be boring, exhausting, and challenging in unexpected ways. 

Traveling will push you outside your comfort zone and give you a new perspective on pretty much everything. If you travel alone, you’ll leave behind your family, friends, school, and routines.

Even if you travel with your own family, you’ll still be saying goodbye to your friends, teams, and regular activities. 

One hard truth about travel is that more more foreign, uncomfortable, and strange a situation seems, the more opportunity you’ll have for learning and growth. 

Being somewhere new with people who have different routines, values, and perspectives, will stretch your mind in unexpected ways. 

Living in a new place, dealing with new situations, and speaking a new language can be very difficult. If this is your first trip outside of the United States, it will be even harder.

However, as you connect with the people around you, navigate your new environment, and adapt to unexpected situations, you’ll become more confident and competent. You will grow as a person.

Traveling as a student goes way beyond taking a vacation to relax or taking a whirlwind sight-seeing tour of European capitals.

Traveling when you are a student will give you the opportunity to learn about everyday life in different cultures and get to know people from different backgrounds.

This kind of travel will give you practical lessons, social skills, and new perspectives. Simply put, traveling as a student will change your life.

Whether you are

  • a high school student going abroad for a year as a foreign exchange student 
  • a college student studying abroad for a semester
  • a student traveling with a summer program

you will have difficult days when you’re homesick and lonely, or when you feel completely overwhelmed.

But in the end, you will experience all the benefits of travel. You’ll be so glad that you were brave enough to travel abroad as a student.

Truly, travel is the best education!

travelling is education

What are the benefits of travel for students?

Students who travel or study abroad will:

  • learn life skills
  • gain a global perspective
  • build relationships
  • get a hands-on education
  • and have fun!

Life Skills

1. self-sufficiency.

Traveling as a student will mean that you have to take personal responsibility for many things you didn’t think about at home. Traveling will give you many, many opportunities to practice new life skills.

If you are traveling as a high school student, you’ll probably have a host family who will provide explanations and support.

If you’re traveling as a college student, you might have a host family or you might be living independently. Either way, as a young adult, you’ll be more self sufficient than a younger student.

2. communication skills

If you have to talk with someone who doesn’t speak English, you’ll have to overcome language barriers to make yourself understood.

You’ll need to express your needs, understand others’ perspectives, and communicate clearly. When meeting people from other parts of the world, you’ll also learn to articulate your opinions and preferences.

Obviously, traveling as a student is a great time to practice your language skills. But it’s also a chance to practice all the social skills that are part of communicating as well.

3. Competence

Everyone who participates in global travel will make mistakes and do embarrassing things along the way! But at the end of the day, you will gain the competence to handle all sorts of challenging situations!

4. Confidence

As students navigate foreign languages, different places, and new learning experiences, they’ll develop confidence in their ability to handle all sorts of challenges.

When you see how much you are capable of doing by yourself in a foreign country , your confidence will soar!

This newfound confidence will stay with you for your whole life and help you deal with other challenges that arise.

travelling is education

5. Personal growth

One of the biggest benefits of student travel is the personal growth that comes from the experience. By challenging themselves with living abroad, students mature in remarkable ways.

This comes in the form of a greater sense of self, increased patience, and heightened responsibility. Your increased maturity will be the one of the greatest benefits of traveling abroad.

6. Compassion and Empathy

Being exposed to the good and bad parts of other people’s lives will give students a new point of view on other cultures. Emotional growth is often an unexpected benefit of student travel.

Students might begin to think differently about their lives and their choices, while also reframing how they understand the lives and choices of others. Students will also feel more compassion and empathy for the people around them.

Stepping outside of your comfort zone and being quite uncomfortable is actually an incredibly valuable experience. Being physically, socially, emotionally, or otherwise uncomfortable lets you react to and overcome that discomfort.

Learning how to overcome setbacks and challenges is really tough for young people anywhere–and especially hard in a foreign country!

Students who travel abroad get to practice overcoming discomfort and obstacles on a daily basis. They develop “grit,” the ability to stick with a difficult situation and finish what they started.

Learn why “grit” is so important for students

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Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth

8. Individuality

Being away from the expectations and norms of your school, family, or home culture allows young adults to consider their own values, purpose, and priorities.

Living abroad is a great chance to figure out who you really are–and who you want to be!

A huge benefit of traveling as a student is getting to know who you are, what you believe in, and what you want from life.

Because you’ll have to rely on yourself in so many new ways when you travel, you’ll know yourself much better by the time you return home!

9. Independence

Traveling absolutely helps students become more independent! Living abroad is a whole new experience for most students.

After meeting new people, learning new skills, speaking a new language, trying new foods, and surviving the experience, students will return home much more independent than when they left.

travelling is education

Global perspective

10. worldview.

Students who travel gain a new worldview. You’ll see how different people in the world go about their daily lives and find out how different cultures approach common human issues. 

Being in an unfamiliar culture will cause you to question your preconceived ideas and expand your perspective on many different aspects of the world.

11. Cultural sensitivity

When you live in a place and get to know the people of the region, you will learn about the cultural norms and values.

By better understanding a culture different from your own, you will start to see how people from that culture might approach business negotiations, governmental policies, or educational systems.

Being able to see where someone else is coming from and how their background has shaped their perspective will be a very valuable trait.

Being sensitive to other cultures will help you communicate with people from all backgrounds (not just from the area where you traveled). 

12. Open-mindedness

When away from friends and family at home, students will be exposed to different ideas and customs. Their old assumptions might be challenged and changed. Students will think differently about pretty much everything.

When living abroad, try to stop judging and simply be open to learning about the different values, perspectives, and traditions of the country you’re in.

13. Humility

Being a stranger in a strange land will definitely humble you! Experiencing the challenges of living abroad and learning more about people from different backgrounds should help you practice humility.

Perfect for budget-conscious Student travelers

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The Savvy Backpacker’s Guide to Europe on a Budget: Advice on Trip Planning, Packing, Hostels & Lodging, Transportation & More

14. Appreciation

One sometimes surprising benefit of traveling for students is that students gain a new appreciation for their “real life” back home. Students often come to deeply appreciate their family, their friends, their home, and their community in new ways.

Students traveling abroad will also learn to be appreciative of their travel experience. They will appreciate their host family’s generosity, the opportunity to live abroad, and all the knowledge they’ve gained.

15. Tolerance

Living, going to school, and interacting with people who are different from you will increase your tolerance for differences. It’s a great big world, so being a more tolerant person is one of the best interpersonal skills you can develop!

travelling is education


16. bond with fellow travelers.

Students traveling with a group will bond with their fellow travelers. You can nurture and sustain these connections for the rest of your life.

You’ll also meet people outside of your group when you’re traveling. Staying in hostels is a great way to do this! And you never know where these friendships might lead!

Spending time with fellow students as you experience life in a different culture will allow you to bond with people going through the same challenges and growth as you’re experiencing!

17. Make friends with locals

Becoming friends with people where you’re traveling can be one of the most enriching and educational part of traveling. Your new friends will be able to answer your questions: How do you say….? What does this mean? Why do you do this?

Moreover, making friends with people in your host culture can help break down stereotypes. Friendships will open your mind to another culture in the best way!

Generally speaking, people enjoy sharing their local culture with visitors. Most often, people want to talk about their traditions, culture, and country.

Connecting with people on a personal, individual level will lead to your most memorable and significant experiences. 

Make friends with as many people as possible when you travel. For you, that might include host siblings, school mates, or fellow travelers at a hostel. Don’t be shy–introduce yourself and ask them about themselves. 

18. Gain a new family

If you are lucky enough to live with a host family, you have the opportunity to gain a new family! Be a good and helpful family member by participating in family activities, asking your family about their days, being considerate, and helping out around the house.

19. Networking

It might seem strange to think about networking when you’re studying abroad or taking an educational tour. However, it’s quite possible to develop relationships that you’ll turn to throughout your career.

For example, college students preparing for professional careers might seek references or career advice from professors. Many employers want to hire people who have foreign language skills and international experience.

travelling is education


20. hands-on learning.

One incredible educational benefit of travel as a student is that you will learn through hands-on activities. You can learn to cook local foods or play on a local sports team. You can take art lessons to learn a traditional technique or learn about native plants.

No matter what topics you explore, you can go beyond formal study in a classroom and look for engaging hands-on learning opportunities.

21. Cultural understanding

As you explore new parts of the world, you’ll learn about the traditions and values of the people who live there.

One of the major benefits of traveling is developing a different perspective on new cultures. By participating in the daily routine of everyday life in a different country, students will gain a new understanding of the complexities of the modern world. Don’t underestimate the benefits of educational travel for cultural understanding!

Want to travel everywhere? Here’s when to go!

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Lonely Planet Where to go When, Second Edition

22. Subject matter expertise

You’ll also learn about the history of where you are living. If you are curious, you can learn about important events in the country or region’s past, and what is happening there today. Actually experiencing a place makes current events there feel much more relatable.

You’ll also learn about the art, architecture, music, religions, and foods of a region or country.

Of course, your understanding of these topics will be much deeper because you experienced it all in person, instead of reading or hearing a lecture.

23. Better Understand geopolitics

When traveling, college students will learn about cultural differences and historical events in other countries. This knowledge will complement in-depth college courses on international relations or world history.

Students with personal experience in other parts of the world will better understand news reports, global issues, and international affairs.

travelling is education

24. Master a Language

When you travel abroad, you can improve upon any language skills you already developed in high school. Being immersed in a language is a great way to learn a language.

Even after a brief period of time, you’ll become more proficient in the language.

Given enough time in another country, you might even become fluent!

Being able to speak another language will give you a new perspective on a culture, help you communicate with so many people, and expand your mind.

Even if you haven’t formally studied a language before traveling to that region, you can get started with DuoLingo and Rosetta Stone. Learning a new language is much easier when you able to communicate with native speakers everyday.

Tips for learning a new language when traveling

  • Speak only in the language you’re trying to learn. This is hard, but it will get easier.
  • Don’t speak your native language! This might mean limiting your contact with friends and family back home to once-a-week conversations.
  • Look up unknown words or ask native speakers to explain them to you. Expanding your vocabulary will be worth it.
  • Practice your pronunciation. Fortunately, your friends and host family will be happy to correct your pronunciation!
  • Work on mastering grammar. This might seem boring, but using good grammar will help you sound like a native speaker.
  • Do your homework and write essays in the new language. It will be hard and seem to take forever, but your communication skills will improve dramatically!

25. Improved academics 

After living and traveling in a different part of the world, of course students are going to have a better understanding of that culture and language. Another perk of traveling is that students often return from traveling highly motivated to set goals and focus on academic success.

A 2013 survey “Travel Improves Educational Attainment & Future Success” conducted by the Wagner group determined that educational travel by youth is linked to academic success. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/educational-travel-in-youth-linked-to-academic-career-success-226936841.html Students who participate in an educational trip are exposed to a whole new world of possibilities for their future. After educational travel abroad, students often are inspired to improve their academic performance and work towards goals for their future.

26. Prepare for Globalization

We certainly live in a global society. One of the educational benefits of traveling as a student is that you’ll be comfortable with traveling solo to a conference or business meeting in another country.

Another is that you’re more likely to have the perspective and cultural sensitivity to engage appropriately with people from other cultures.

It’s a bonus is your travels helped you improve your language skills and fluency.

Moreover, you’re certain to be more confident which is an asset in any situation. 

27. Having a lot of fun

Last but certainly not least, one of the main benefits of travel for students is that travel is fun!

Lots of high school and college students experience high levels of pressure and stress. Traveling abroad is a little bit of a break from the pressure cooker of high school or university life.

Travel offers students a chance to learn new things, develop social skills, make new friends, grow as individuals, and just enjoy life! Don’t worry–while you’re having fun, you’ll also be learning so much!

travelling is education

Why should students travel?

Whether in high school or college, students should travel for personal growth and to develop a global perspective. 

A huge benefit of travel is gaining independence and confidence. The earlier you travel outside of your comfort zone, the sooner you’ll develop these life skills. You’ll also benefit from gaining a better understanding of the diverse cultures of the world at a younger age. 

Many people say their early travel experiences shaped their goals and career path, so why not see what impact travel has on you? 

Should Students Travel In High School Or College?

Both! If you have the opportunity to travel in high school, take it!  Sometimes high school students can travel with a community group or on a school trip. If you’re more adventurous, you could travel with a language program or as an exchange student.  In college, you could travel by studying abroad for a month, a summer, a semester, or a year. You could also simply travel independently, either in your home country or somewhere farther away.  I would strongly encourage you to travel as early as you can and as often as you can!

Is it scary to travel as a student?

For sure! Of course it can be scary to travel as a student. Whether you are in high school or college, leaving your home, school, friends, and/or family is a pretty frightening thing to do. There’s no guarantee you’ll like where you go or that you’ll make friends. It takes some time to adapt to a new culture. 

However the educational value of traveling is worth all the discomfort. You’ll learn so much about the world at large, the countries and regions you travel to, and about yourself.

Once you push through your initial fears about traveling, you’ll realize that the experience of traveling with essential for your personal growth! The benefits of travel for students are totally worth it!

travelling is education

Where should I travel as a student?

You can go anywhere in the world!

First ask yourself if you want to go to a country that speaks English. If so, you could go to Great Britain, Ireland, Australia, or New Zealand, just to name a few.

Students who have already studied a foreign language might want to travel to a country where they can improve their language skills. Spain, France, Germany, or Italy are common destinations in this case.

If you’re feeling adventurous, you might travel to a foreign nation whose language you don’t speak. You might venture to a country in Scandinavia or the Middle East.

Wherever you go, the experience is sure to have a lasting impact on your life.

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Will I have any support when I travel?

Most students who travel have plenty of support! Before you sign up with a program, find out exactly what level of support is provided.

For high school students going on school trips or exchange programs, you can always turn to your trip leader for help with any problems that arise.

Colleges students participating in study abroad programs also can ask their group leaders for support and advice.

Moreover, students can seek help from someone at their school or college or talk to their host family about any difficulties.

While you should expect challenging when living abroad, you should feel like you’re in a safe environment with plenty of help, should you need it. If being in a foreign place feels overwhelming, definitely seek out someone who can help you!

Will traveling as a high school student help me get into college?

Let’s be clear: College admissions is an unpredictable beast. Whether or not you’ve traveled is probably less important than your grades and overall academic performance.

However, traveling does demonstrate your curiosity and open-mindedness, both of which are traits selective colleges value.

And having traveled abroad as a high school student, especially as a year-long exchange student, will give you plenty of material to write about in your college essays!

travelling is education

Will I miss out on high school or college by traveling?

Not gonna lie: your high school or college will continue functioning as normal while you’re traveling. Your friends who stay there will continue to do fun things. They’ll have new experiences that don’t include you. The FOMO will be real.

But, you’ll be doing so many amazing things you couldn’t have done if you stayed home! Pretty soon, you’ll realize that what you’re doing is more fun and more valuable to your personal grown than what you’re missing out on!

Will traveling help me get a job after college?

It might. Employers like to hire people who are confident, humble, and good communicators.

If you are interested in a working in a job with an international company, your travel experience and perspective could be helpful.

No matter what, your experience traveling as a student will probably help you give interesting answers to interview questions!

Final thoughts on the benefits of student travel

If you are a student who dreams of traveling the world, you should do it! Whether you are a high school student or a college student, you will experience great benefits from traveling.

You will learn essential life skills that you’ll use in your relationships, everyday life, and the professional world.

You will gain a global perspective about foreign cities and remote areas in far-flung corners of the world.

You will build meaningful relationships and create lifelong memories with friends from all over the globe.

Also, you’ll get a a hands-on education that would not have been possible in the classroom!

And having fun while traveling is simply a given!

Many students who travel in high school or college might be leaving the US for the first time, and the experience may be difficult and uncomfortable at times. However, I can’t overstate the many benefits of traveling on students’ lives!

If you have the chance to travel as a high school student or a college student, go see the world!

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I’m a traveler at heart. I’ve been an exchange student, roadtripped across the US, backpacked around Europe, and lived in Australia with my family. Sharing tips and inspiration with you, so you can travel bravely too!

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12 Reasons Why Travel Is The Best Education

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I'm fortunate to have grown up with a family that loved to travel. By age 25, I'd been to 30 countries, so it's safe to say my lust for wandering has been cemented for life. My travels, of course, brought with them a lot of fun and memories, but they also taught me an incredibly important lesson I wouldn't have gotten anywhere else: travel is the best education you can get.

Now, full disclosure, I'm currently in graduate school, so I definitely advocate formal education at all levels, but I also firmly believe there are just some things you cannot learn in the classroom. I'm not going to lie, I've stayed in some nice places and enjoyed the more luxurious side that can often accompany travel, but in addition to lunching at Parisian cafes or relaxing on white sand beaches, I've also worked at an elephant conservation camp in Thailand, witnessed a riot in a third world country, and spent a day cooking with a Berber family in their two-room home in the Atlas Mountains. Travel has introduced me to other cultures, humbled me, and taught me things that would never be as profound out of a book (and I'm a writer, so obviously, I love words). Ready to book a trip, yet? Here are 12 reasons why traveling is the best education you can get.

1. You'll Learn About Other Cultures

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Immersing yourself in another culture, whether foreign or even just in the U.S. (anyone will tell you — the East Coast is way different than the West Coast), is the best way to get to know what it's all about. What people wear, how they talk, the pace of life, the cultural norms, the local cuisine... it's something you have to experience firsthand to get a sense for what another culture is like. Speaking of eating...

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NYC may boast world-class restaurants, but you'll never find fried chicken like you can in the south. You can pretty much get anything anywhere in this day and age, but regional cuisines are always more authentic when you're actually in the locale. And taste aside, you can learn a lot about a culture and how it differs from your own by what people eat on a daily basis. Expanding your palate definitely expands your mind.

3. You'll See Historical Monuments

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Reading about The Colosseum and Notre Dame is cool and all, but seeing them in person? A whole different ball game.

4. You'll Visit World-Famous Museums

travelling is education

The same applies here. The Mona Lisa and those Renoir paintings are far more spectacular in person. But big name museums of the world aside, most cities have their own museums where you can learn about the town's history and culture.

5. You'll Pick Up A Foreign Language

After studying a language in school, the best way to bypass conversational and move towards fluent is by putting it into practice with native speakers. But even if you haven't studied a language before, traveling will force you to pick up certain words and phrases from other languages.

6. It Will Challenge You

An education isn't just about knowledge and facts. There's an emotional education travel can give you as well. As exhilarating as it is, being in a new place with different surroundings and out of your routine can be unsettling — throw in not speaking the same language, and it's even more stressful. From getting lost, to having difficulty communicating, to not knowing people around you, or even just not knowing where to go for a meal, traveling will most definitely take you out of your comfort zone, on a big or small scale.

7. You'll Have Adventures

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Whether you're petting tigers in Thailand, riding camels in the desert, or spending a night out on New Orleans' Bourbon Street, travel calls for adventure and spontaneity, and forces you to try things you never have before.

8. You'll Meet New People

Meeting people and learning about them is an education in and of itself — and who better to give you inside scoop about a foreign city than a local? Not to mention, having connections, no matter where they are in the world, is more important than ever right now. You never know where they could lead, and if nothing else, you could gain a friend or two.

9. You'll Learn About Your Traveling Companions

The best way to get to know someone? Travel with them. Even if you think you already know them inside out, spending 24/7 with another person in a foreign setting is definitely eye-opening.

10. You'll Learn About Yourself

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I always say I'm never the same person after a trip than I was when I left. Stepping away from your day-to-day routine can give you perspective, and can release you from that bubble we sometimes cage ourselves in. I've made huge decisions while traveling, from deciding where to go to graduate school to realizing it was time to move to a new city. Nothing forces you to be introspective like putting yourself in an unfamiliar location.

11. It'll Humble You

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There's a great big world out there, and your problems and grievances probably won't seem as big after seeing more of it. Traveling can also help motivate you, and to help you remember that as much as we love where we're from, there's always more out there to see.

12. Speaking Of Where You're From...

Oh, it's totally cheesy, but coming home can be just as rewarding as taking the trip itself. Going away can remind you of just what's important to you, and of everything you left behind and missed.

Images: Fotolia; Giphy ; Sienna Fantozzi; Getty Images; Niall Kennedy /Flickr

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The Benefits of Travel in Education

Lauren jeffries.

  • Categories: Trip Planning
  • 3 mins read
  • December 7, 2021
  • (Updated June 25, 2024)

Table of Contents

Travel in education provides an opportunity for subconscious learning. Every aspect of travel teaches children new skills, ones they are unlikely to gain and practice in the usual school routine. Not all children get the opportunity to travel in their personal lives and it is our responsibility as educators to ensure those who want to, can.

Travel is not only important for education purposes but also for building character. by encouraging students to experience travel, we are allowing all students to become ‘world citizens’. here are some more benefits of travel in educating children and young adults:, teaching responsibility.

When travelling with children, no matter how organised the trip is, there is a certain level of trust placed in the group to take responsibility. 

Just from one experience, children can learn or practice multiple skills like time keeping, street safety, organisation and more. By placing your trust in the students in real-life settings, you can encourage independent and responsible behaviour.

Experiencing Different Cultures 

In the every-day routine of school, children can live relatively sheltered lives even up to the age of 18. Travel in education can prepare students for the wider world and therefore allow them to embrace more opportunities in confidence.

Exposing students to different cultures allows them to respect and understand the world as a whole, rather than in segregation or isolation. It creates ‘world citizens’ who don’t feel confined by borders or conventions, and therefore will be able to thrive in later life.

Language Learning

We all know by now that being immersed in a language is one of the most effective ways of learning. Without travel in education, authentic bilingual conversation is near impossible. Having an opportunity to practice a language in the country can also be inspiring, and motivate the students to continue their studies.

When you are visiting or working in a different country in almost all scenarios there will be a need to learn new vocabulary of the language, therefore students can learn organically through these experiences.

Building Strong Relationships

The highs and lows of a school trip inevitably bond the students and teachers. These relationships are incredibly important in building trust and therefore creating an environment where children can learn confidently.

The shared experiences of travel create memories and friendships that will last a lifetime. The happier the children, the happier the teacher and the school.

We offer a wide range of trips for schools and universities. We tailor the adventure to your school’s priorities and the subjects being studied, so take a look at our services here!

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Written by Lauren Jeffries

Educational tours specialist, related posts, our favourite activities in italy, travel news: japan e-visas for uae residents, building the perfect school sports tour.

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Four Reasons Why Travel Is The Best Education

My grandfather was one of the wisest men I've ever known. Was he a Rhodes scholar? A scientific phenom? Did he have a Ph.D.?

In a word, no.

My Sicilian grandfather was a house painter with a high school diploma. And while he extolled to his children the virtues of obtaining their undergraduate and graduate degrees, he also understood that there was much to be learned by venturing outside the classroom.

Travel, he said, was the best education. And he was right. Here are four ways traveling increases your wisdom:

1. It broadens your horizons.

When you travel, it changes your perspective . Suddenly, the world becomes about more than you or your country of origin. You'll experience firsthand distant people and cultures, rather than the narrow view sometimes provided through your local media. And as you learn about other political, economic, and social structures, you'll naturally shift to a global viewpoint where you understand how people and places are interconnected.

2. It inspires your creativity.

Research shows that when you travel, your creativity is enhanced. Adam Galinsky , a professor at Columbia Business School and author of several studies that investigate the concrete links between creativity and international travel, explains that "foreign experiences increase both cognitive flexibility and depth and integrativeness of thought, the ability to make deep connections between disparate forms." The key to a creative boost, says Galinsky, is to purposefully engage while traveling by immersing yourself in the local culture.

3. It helps you connect better with others.

When you travel abroad, you gain a better understanding of people and their actions. And over time, you begin to realize that despite our differences, we have more in common than you would imagine.

Cross-cultural experiences can pull you out of your cultural bubble and help you empathize and increase your sense of connection with people from backgrounds different than your own. "We found that when people had experiences traveling to other countries, it increased what's called generalized trust, or their general faith in humanity," Galinsky says. "When we engage in other cultures, we start to have experience with different people and recognize that most people treat you in similar ways. That produces an increase in trust." And that trust paves the way for a better connection.

4. It challenges you to grow.

When you travel, you not only leave your home town, you also leave your comfort zone. While that can be scary, it provides numerous growth opportunities.

When you're in a land filled with foreign language and currency, exotic cuisine, and unexplored cities, you must move past your fear and immerse yourself into the unfamiliar. Use your curiosity to guide your adventures. Allow your grit to help you persevere through any travel mishaps. And know that with a positive attitude , even getting lost in a strange place means you'll discover people and things you may have otherwise missed—and later be grateful for the rich experience.

Because by learning about other people, places, and cultures, you'll also learn about yourself.

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Why travelling is the best form of education in 2019.

| September 4, 2019 | 0 responses

travelling is education

Education is beyond the walls of a classroom and in this modern age, there are countless opportunities to educate yourself and even more things to learn about. You would be limiting yourself if you do not embrace as many opportunities as you can to get more knowledge about the world and things that interest you.

A survey on Wyse Travel Confederation showed how travel influenced students’ approach to learning and how it deepens their understanding of the world and expand their career opportunities. Travelling introduces you to the world at large and shows you real-world experiences that you will not find in the four walls of a classroom. It reflects practical and visual information, which everyone would agree is the best way to learn. 

From teaching adults how to ride horses on their travel adventures, Freerein has this to say about travels. “Traveling helps you make new connections with strangers, open your mind to learn new things and gives you the opportunity to see beyond”. What better innovative way to learn than to travel and explore?

Here are more interesting reasons why travelling is the best form of education:

1. language skills.

Learning more than one language is essential in the world today and even more for travellers but it does not come easy as our ability to store new information decline as we age. While English is spoken in most parts of the world, there are several places where you may have to struggle with the language barrier. Most travellers tend to do a bit of language studying, to familiarize themselves with the basics. This will help to not only communicate better with locals but to also be exposed to a new language and tribe. See this as an easy way to pick up new languages!

2. Financial Responsibility

Travelling comes with expenses and it teaches financial responsibility in the long run. To plan for a trip, you need to prepare a budget, work on your spending habit and learn to save. While all these might not come easy, it teaches you discipline and financial responsibility, which reflects in other areas of your life. The lessons from this are forever valuable to helping you live a financially stable life. 

3. Learn about Cultural Differences

Learning about the diversity of culture helps you understand better how the human mind works. Travelling exposes you to new people, their way of life, personalities, tradition and more that you will have to deal with pending the time you spend with them. With time, you will gradually learn about your similarities and differences and what makes them unique. This will help create a level of tolerance between yourself and other people from different walks of life, as you will have a better understanding of humans in general.

Travelling encourages personal growth by improving your decision making and social skills while pushing you to learn more about your new environment per time.

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A new survey, “Travel Improves Educational Attainment & Future Success,” explores the impact of learning-focused travel on academic performance and career growth. The findings demonstrate travel’s power to transform how students approach learning, deepen their understanding of the world and expand their career possibilities. The Wagner Group, a market research firm, conducted the study by surveying a cross-section of 400 American adults who reported taking an educational trip between the ages of 12-18.

The sample carefully balanced across considerations of gender, race and income. An educational trip was defined as any domestic trip taken when the person was between the ages of 12-18 that involved learning about the history or culture of the area visited, either as a school or family trip, and was at least 50 miles from home (one-way) or had an overnight stay regardless of mileage.


Future Success

Regardless of socioeconomic class, the positive effects of youth travel extend far beyond the classroom educational travel correlates with two of the markers most commonly seen as indicators of success: higher education and personal income.

Nine out of ten people who took educational trips during their youth say the experiences helped their education or careers. Educational travel influenced the career choices of more than half (52%) of those surveyed.

Adults who experienced educational travel as teens have a median income $5,000 higher or earn 12 percent greater personal income annually than their peers.

Educational Attainment

Increased travel is linked to higher education, regardless of gender, ethnicity or other demographic factors students who took educational trips were more likely to graduate from high school, attend college and go to graduate school.

A majority of adults (57%) who took educational trips as children and teens attained a college degree or went on to do post-graduate work, compared to those who did not (33%). With each trip, the positive effect of educational travel grew stronger. Nearly all (95%) adults who traveled five or more times were more likely to graduate from high school, and nearly two-thirds (63%) of that group went on to graduate from college.

Nine out of ten people who took educational trips say the experiences helped their education or careers.

Intellectual Curiosity

Many survey respondents noted that travel makes learning come alive, sparking an interest where none existed before. As a result, children who took educational trips had higher grades and were significantly more engaged in learning, both in and out of school.

Educational travel makes school more interesting for 8 in 10 students. Travel helped more than half (59%) achieve better grades.

86 percent say travel in their youth made them more intellectually curious not only in school, but outside the classroom, as well.

Inspired Learning

Respondents report that travel during their school years made them more interested in what they were learning in school, making information easier to remember and making complementary reading and lectures more interesting so interesting as to even spark independent learning.

Respondents said their trips were more than simply educational. Learning-focused travel was also fun (98%), engaging (87%) and inspiring (87%). The experiences provided by these types of trips were a vital part of a complete education according to 83 percent of respondents.

For 80 percent of those surveyed, educational travel sparked greater interest in what they were taught in school.

Cultural Expansion

While teachers and textbooks can introduce students to communities and cultures beyond their own, respondents recall travel experiences as opening their eyes to a world more diverse than they had previously imagined. Some respondents credit early travel as having made them “more tolerant” and having introduced them to “other people and different viewpoints.” More than half of people surveyed describe their educational travel experiences as “transformative.”

85% of adults who took educational trips in their youth say the travel made them more connected to American heritage.

Experiencing local culture and history on their trips had a lasting impact (77%).

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travelling is education

travelling is education

Travelling with children: The many hidden learning benefits

Travelling with children

The school year is over and holidays are upon us. But that doesn’t mean your children’s learning experiences can’t continue.

If you’re planning an overseas trip with your family, you’re in for many benefits. Research shows travel has a positive impact on mental and physical health, and family relationships.

Travel is also an educational opportunity . It’s a rich experience seeing different parts of the world and understanding other cultures. And there are several things you can do to support your children’s learning.

How travel educates

The way children learn while travelling is in many respects comparable to what educational researchers call play-based learning . Play-based learning and travel stimulate children’s minds by boosting their creativity and imagination. Both can also help develop social and emotional skills and encourage language development.

Travelling exposes children to new scenarios and problems to solve – such as following a certain route on a map. They explore new food, encounter people communicating in a different language, notice cars driving on the opposite side of the road and billboards showcasing products they have not seen before.

All of their senses are challenged as they go through these new experiences.

Travelling with children

Children can problem solve by looking at maps and figuring out directions. Source: Shutterstock

New experiences can provoke some anxiety, which is what sociologist and education professor Jack Mezirow refers to as disorientating dilemmas. He argues such dilemmas are the first step to transformative learning, where the learner’s existing assumptions are challenged and beliefs transformed.

Although Mezirow often associates transformation with elements of life crises, others suggest transformative learning can happen in different contexts, most notably travel.

But transformative learning usually comes at an emotional cost, such as a change of routine which can lead to mixed emotions, especially for children. This is why travelling as a family provides a buffer, as it often promotes a safe environment.

Here are some ways to do this.

1. Do some pre-reading about the destination

This will help you identify where and how learning might occur. You might also engage your children in this. Say you’re going on a cruise to the South Pacific. Prior to departing you might look at a map of the Pacific with your children to identify the various islands located in this part of the world.

You could also encourage your children to discover the special landmarks of different places using Google Earth . Such activities will support the development of your children’s prediction skills. This helps children anticipate future experiences which increases their intellectual involvement with them.

Educational research has shown the act of predicting strengthens connections between children’s new knowledge and their existing understanding of the world.

2. Learn some of the language together

Learning even a little of the local language will open up aspects of the culture you may not have otherwise experienced.

Together with your children, you can start learning the basics of the new language by downloading some interactive language apps . Another fun way to expand your vocabulary and improve your pronunciation is by singing songs in the target language.

Knowing a bit of the local language is a demonstration of respect which means people are more likely to open up to you, further supporting learning opportunities.

Travelling with children

Encourage your children to take notice of things around them. Source: Shutterstock

3. Model an inquiring mind

By asking and responding to questions with your children, you’re encouraging new knowledge and helping them engage in critical and creative thinking.

For example, when you are walking down the street of the city you are visiting, encourage your children to take notice of what is going on around them and engage in open-ended questions such as:

  • “How does this supermarket compare to the one we normally go to back home?”
  • “Why do you think the houses are built that way?”

4. Throw in a little reflection at the end of each day

Travel will provide so many learning experiences, you will need to allow time for your child to pause and make sense of them. Any teacher will tell you reflecting is often when the deep connections are made between new experiences and existing world views.

Some children will reflect on their own accord, but establishing a routine of doing this together will make sure it happens. The traditional travel diary is still a great tool to engage in self-reflection. Others might enjoy looking at photos taken and reflect on the day through family conversations.

Learning is a life-long journey that extends well beyond the walls of the traditional classroom. By planning for just a little intentional teaching, you can help your children learn to critically think about and appreciate the world around them.

By Florence Monique Boulard , Associate Dean Teaching & Learning and Senior lecturer, James Cook University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article .

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10 reasons why traveling is a more valuable learning experience than going to school.

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School is probably the best place to expand your academic knowledge, but when it comes to learning about life, there is nothing more enriching than traveling. Whether it’s the people you meet or the things you see, traveling provides more valuable life lessons than school, mainly because instead of being told something, you experience it.

Here are ten reasons why traveling is a more valuable learning experience than going to school:

1. Because traveling forces you out of your comfort zone

School is a place that you usually feel safe at. You know and feel comfortable with all the people in the school: the teachers, the friends, the parents, and other school workers. They all usually live in the same city, and hence they share a very similar culture. They speak the same language and they eat the same kind of food as you.

Meanwhile, traveling means new foods, cultures, language, people, and places to explore. It pushes you out of your comfort zone. And it is a good thing, because it will help you grow as a person.

2. Because traveling teaches you better time management skill

Sure, we also have deadlines in school. However, the stake is much higher when you are traveling. If you are late in submitting your assignment, you can just go to the teacher’s office and ask for deadline extension. In your travel adventure, getting late will cost you lots of money. After all, you can’t ask the plane to wait for you. It’s a good thing though, because you will learn to better manage your time.

3. Because traveling allows you to see and experience new ways of living

Nothing is more eye-opening than surrounding yourself with another culture that chooses to live their life completely different from yours. Have you been to Guangzhou, China and seen people eat cockroaches and worms? Well, traveling will give you a new perspective on how you live. You might be able to see the photo of that from a textbook, but experiencing it yourself can only be done through traveling.

4. Because traveling gives you the chance to reinvent yourself

At school, your friends and teachers can see you in a certain way and pigeonhole you into a personality type that you know is not who you truly are. Maybe you are seen as a misfit at your school. Well, travel can give you the blank white sheet – the chance to start fresh and explore the other sides of your personality.

5. Because traveling helps you build confidence

You’ve just traveled to a new country, far away from home. You have learned a new language, and used it to haggle over prices in the local market. They’re all things you didn’t know you could do before. With travel, come challenges. And the more challenges you take on, the more confident of yourself you become.

6. Because traveling will improve your planning and organizing skills

How should I organize my itinerary? Where and when is the major attraction going to be held? How can I get there (by bus, taxi, or walk)?

There are lots of things you need to plan to have a great travel experience. You need to organize your trip so that you have a place to stay and transportation taken care of. Traveling will help you sharpen your planning and organizing skills.

7. Because traveling makes you a more interesting person

Seriously, how many of you love to tell weird and adventurous stories to your friends, and feel better because you feel like you are an interesting person?

Travel is an opportunity to do things you might not otherwise get to do. Maybe you were almost bitten by a lion while doing a safari in Africa? Or that time when you were almost killed by a bull in “Pamplona’s Running of the Bulls” (Spain)? Most of these amazing stories will come from the time when you traveled, not from your time in school.

8. Because traveling teaches you gratitude

Traveling often means you will meet all sorts of people. Traveling to a poor country can make you realize just how much you actually have. You will meet (and make friends) with people who have so little in their life, but are living their life happily.

It’s easy to forget just how lucky we are. We live in a world full of abundance and wealth and often never fully appreciate what we’ve been given.

9. Because you will learn social skills much better while traveling

You will meet lots of new people at hostels, guided tours, bars, cafes, monuments, and buses while traveling. Perhaps they are local people or other fellow travelers. They can be good people, bad people, introvert / extrovert.

The fact that you get to meet them all will definitely improve your social skills. Compare that to staying in school where you will meet the same people all the time, and you can see why traveling is a more valuable learning experience than school.

10. Because you will learn how to be comfortable with uncertainty and the unexpected

If there’s only one thing you can be sure of while traveling, it is that trips don’t always go according to plan. There are plenty of things that can go wrong to either derail your itinerary or force you to change your plans.

Travel will teach you that the unexpected is rarely as bad as you think. Often, they are just small obstacles that can easily be overcome. Eventually, you become accustomed to uncertainty and the unexpected challenges that come your way. In fact, you will start embracing them and learn how to overcome those challenges.

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What is Educational Travel?

travelling is education

What is Educational Travel? Educational Travel is a carefully planned combination of tours, site visits and hands-on learning opportunities, built around clear learning objectives. An educational tour is more than a vacation. It’s a tool for learning and success with fun and excitement built in. By walking in the footsteps of emperors, seeing the art that inspired a society and speaking a foreign language to communicate, students are engaging themselves and becoming life-long, self-directed learners.

Who are the key players?

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Group Leaders – Teachers Who Travel for Free

Group leaders are typically teachers (though they don’t need to be), and as the name suggests they lead their group of travelers overseas. Group leaders choose an educational tour itinerary or work with their international program consultant to customize one. They recruit a group, prepare them for the trip, and while on tour, provide supervision, educational leadership and handle any necessary discipline. Understanding that this is a bit of work, group leaders travel free when they have a group of six or more student participants. Most companies (ACIS included) allow first-time group leaders to travel free with just five participants. Group leaders will also earn World Traveler Rewards points which they can redeem for extra rewards such as attending global conferences (free trips abroad without their students), cash rewards and more.

Assistant Group Leaders – Additional Teachers or Parents who Travel for Free with Every Additional Six Participants

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International Program Consultants – Your Planning Partners

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Tour Managers – Your On-Tour Guide

The word “guide” barely scratches the surface of all they do. ACIS Tour Managers are comedians, historians, and secret-agents all rolled into one. They have native knowledge of culture (even in the unique case they’re not), and they handle logistics like an engineer. They greet you at the airport and are with you 24/7 during your tour. They educate, inspire, ease your mind, solve your problems and leave a lasting impression on quite a few young minds along the way.

What do Students do on an Educational Journey?

Educational travel is about experiential learning. Students on an educational journey see and enrich their knowledge of places and works of art they’ve learned about in the classroom. Education scholar, Lenore Borzac, defines experiential learning as a “direct encounter with the phenomena being studied rather than merely thinking about the encounter, or only considering the possibility of doing something about it.” At ACIS, experiential learning occurs daily on tour, but is spotlighted with our Cultural Connections, which range from Pétanque Lessons in Paris, a tea ceremony in Shanghai or dancing lessons in Athens. We seek to make the pages of each student’s text book come alive in real life, leaving a lasting impact on students’ desire to learn and explore for the rest of their lives.

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Marc Amigone

One thought on “ What is Educational Travel? ”

Loved the article! Well said! I will definitely share this with my teachers!

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Reasons Why Traveling Is Considered a Form of Education

travel education

Education is often considered a process of acquiring knowledge, which usually takes place in a formal setting such as a school. The most common form of education is characterized by “ brick and mortar ” classrooms. Nonetheless, most students will agree that despite formal education being the most common type of learning today, it can also take place outside the classroom. An excellent example of learning outside a school is through traveling.

We have all traveled for different reasons at least once in our lives, be it for personal growth, self-discovery, or simply challenge yourself. It is surprising just how much you can learn from traveling to various locations worldwide. When you travel the world, you broaden your knowledge of intellectual, cultural, and spiritual aspects of various communities worldwide.

It might seem like a step in the wrong direction, especially with the lack of a formal assessment system or the need for a skilled paper writer to help with assignments. Traveling the world can help open up a world of opportunities for students. Here are some reasons traveling is considered to be educational. They include:

  • You get the opportunity to learn a second language firsthand

When traveling to a foreign country, it is an added advantage to learn the local language regardless of whether people speak English or not. The experience of learning a new language if heightened when presented with the chance to practice your oral skills with locals.

  • The opportunity to interact with different cultures

Traveling helps you relate to various cultures as well as identify where the common ground lies. You get to enjoy different cuisines, behaviors, lifestyles, etc. In the long run, traveling helps make the world a better and safer place for previously discriminated groups of people as you learn the history behind their social, political, and economic structures.

  • You challenge yourself to learn new things

As you travel, you will undoubtedly do many things that you are not accustomed to in your daily schedule. Regardless of the challenge you face, you will be more motivated to overcome it when traveling than you would in a classroom setting. This mentality will help you adapt to the change in the environment.

  • Learn about the current state of different countries

Traveling not only helps you learn about the historical events of a country. It can also provide students with the chance to learn about the current state of various countries worldwide. Traveling helps eliminate the bias of media houses as you get to experience these environments for yourself. With time you will begin to understand why there are unique qualities among various societies worldwide.

  • Challenges you to self-improvement

Traveling to different places will make you more adaptable to new situations, making you self-reliant, confident, and responsible. In the long run, you will be better at solving problems and thinking on your feet.

  • Improves your social skills

You might start out your journey, not willing to interact with others. However, you will soon realize that you will require to talk with complete strangers. For instance, asking for directions might not be an option, rather a necessity during travels. In no time, you will have developed communication and social skills that are useful in life.

  • Gain a better understanding of historical events

Learning about past civilizations and significant historical events in a classroom setting does not really compare with visiting a historical site in person. Visiting museums, ruins, monuments, etc. creates a lasting image that students are more likely to remember. Besides, talking to locals of a specific area could offer a far better understanding of the area’s history than you could get in a textbook.

  • You gain an appreciation for nature

When you travel, for example, to partake in a nature walk or game safari , you soon realize just how essential nature is. If more people traveled and enjoyed nature as you do, current global warming issues would be a thing of the past.

These are just a few of the reasons why traveling can be considered as an opportunity to learn. However, to enjoy the benefits of learning from traveling, you can start off by being a domestic tourist and going to places within your country that you have never visited before and see how much you can learn.



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World traveler, adventurer, author, and TV host

Man standing with arms outstretched looking out at desert canyon at sunset

"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page." -- Saint Augustine

The Earth is filled with infinite experiences, wonders and once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. Imagine hiking through the verdant, kaleidoscopic Amazon rainforest, camping out underneath the aurora borealis in the Canadian tundra or meandering through an enchanting Kenyan village. Much education is experienced in a classroom or through a textbook; those avenues do get the job done, but they aren't nearly as fulfilling or effective as traveling the world is.

See the world, and broaden your cultural, intellectual, and spiritual education like you could never have imagined. Here are five reasons why traveling is best education possible.

Learn New Languages

Though English is a reliably popular second language for most corners of the world, prepared travelers need to do their fare share of language studying. Before visiting a country where English isn't the primary language, learn the basics through a book or audioguide.

After building a foundation, stretch your skills by talking with actual native speakers. A textbook can't teach you slang, intonation, or vocal expression, but other people sure can. Not only will conversing help expand your cultural horizons, but it will also hasten your listening and speaking capabilities.

Explore Cultural Differences

In communicating and interacting with other cultures, you'll find just how they vary from your own. In Italy, many people go on "passeggiatas," or post-meal walks. In Mexico, it's common for people to take a "siesta," or nap, after lunch.

Different cultures prefer different types of cuisine, manners, and social expectations. Be certain to read up on these aspects of "culture shock" before your travel, and learn to embrace them when you're there. Learning is the ultimate point of traveling, so take it in whole-heartedly and keep an open mind.

Discover Cultural Similarities

After observing what separates your culture from another's, keep an eye out for common ground too. Do you and the people around you have a shared love of art? Or both communicate with a heavy emphasis on body language? Where do your moral and social values align?

Too often, people classify those who are not like them or who speak a different language as "other." Break down those barriers by finding shared interests, habits, and values.

Unearth History

History taught at all levels of education in the United States generally skews towards a Western emphasis. American history is the bulk of what's taught, and the remainder, world history, is relatively Eurocentric.

By exploring other parts of the world (or even hidden gem locations in your own country), you'll play the part of an adventurer discover all new artifacts of knowledge. Pore through indigenous texts, embrace fascinating styles of art, stand beneath overlooked landmarks, and study the events the shaped nations.

Understanding another culture's history is the premier way to understand its politics, motivations, and social habits. Take your travel slowly so you can really marinate in the world around you. It may be the only way to learn about it authentically.

Gain Independence

The very act of traveling is a test of one's will, patience, and fortitude.

The most well-planned traveler will see his or her plans fall awry. Rides show up late, suitcases explode, boarding passes get lost, and it all usually happens at the same time. Traveling teaches everyone how to improvise.

Don't adhere too strictly to a planner; feel free to get lost down a windy, sun-soaked alleyway or find hidden treasure in a sprawling marketplace. Unleash your inner pioneer and show yourself what you're made of. You're guaranteed to be impressed.

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travelling is education

travelling is education

Monday, September 9, 2024

Mtolo forced to apologise for anti- Nehawu stance amid ANC infighting

In a significant move, Bheki Mtolo, provincial secretary of the ANC in KwaZulu-Natal, has issued a formal apology to the National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union (Nehawu) for his previous remarks criticizing its members. Picture: Doctor Ngcobo

In a significant move, Bheki Mtolo, provincial secretary of the ANC in KwaZulu-Natal, has issued a formal apology to the National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union (Nehawu) for his previous remarks criticizing its members. Picture: Doctor Ngcobo

Published Sep 4, 2024

In a significant move, Bheki Mtolo, provincial secretary of the ANC in KwaZulu-Natal, has issued a formal apology to the National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union (Nehawu) for his remarks criticising its members.

His apology marks a turning point in labour relations between the ANC and Nehawu, paving the way for unity and co-operation.

In his initial comments, made in July, Mtolo accused Nehawu-affiliated workers of contributing to poor service delivery in the public sector.

However, after a meeting with Nehawu leaders, Mtolo retracted his statements, acknowledging they had caused mistrust and unnecessary agitation.

The apology was welcomed by ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula, who described Mtolo's initial comments as "misplaced" and "excessive".

Mbalula's intervention helped resolve the issue, with Nehawu subsequently withdrawing its R2 million lawsuit against the ANC and Mtolo.

The ANC and its alliance partners have been on a downward spiral since the elections and after the formation of the Government of National Unity (GNU).

Last week, SACP secretary general, Solly Mapaila, in an interview with Sizwe Mpofu-Walsh on his show, the SMWX show, slammed the ANC’s decision to co-govern with the DA in the GNU.

“The political choice that the ANC made is a gross error, a serious mistake,” said Mapaila.

He expressed disappointment, particularly with the ANC’s seeming disregard for the ideological foundations that have traditionally underpinned the alliance.

Mapaila’s harsh critique resonates with many within the SACP, who view the GNU as “a betrayal of the revolutionary principles that have guided the liberation movement in South Africa,” he said.

Mbalula said Mtolo’s decision highlights the importance of dialogue and co-operation between political parties and labour unions.

By apologising and reaffirming his commitment to unity, Mtolo has taken a crucial step towards advancing the goals of the National Democratic Revolution, Mbalula said.

On Monday, Mbalula said Mapaila’s criticisms, using his social media platform to articulate his defence of the ANC’s actions, had missed the point.

“Comrade Solly Mapaila is missing the point. We shall debate these matters in the Alliance political council,” he said.

Mbalula’s response underscores the tension between the two leaders, reflecting broader ideological clashes within the alliance.

The SG added that the ANC was neither socialist nor capitalistic in its endeavours.

“The ANC is neither a capitalist nor a socialist party. Our relationship with capital is unity and struggle of the opposite; we are a multi-ideological party.

“At best, you can say we are social democrats. The burden to advance the struggle for socialism is on the South African Communist Party.”

Mbalula indicated that the apology also sets a positive precedent for labour relations in South Africa, demonstrating that even in the face of disagreement, unity and co-operation can prevail.

As the ANC and Nehawu move forward, their renewed partnership is expected to drive positive change in the public sector, ultimately benefiting the people of KwaZulu-Natal.

On Monday, the Young Communist League of South Africa (YCLSA) said it was not content to allow Mbalula’s remarks to go unchallenged with national secretary Mzwandile Thakhudi saying it is annoyed by Mbalula’s comments.

“It is worth highlighting that our general secretary has not singled out any leader of the ANC during his recent reflections on the political developments in the country,” the statement read.

“Rather, he maintained the party’s position that the liberation forces should not succumb to the parasitic state capture networks or neo-liberal elites.”

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