write a speech for head girl

Head Girl Sample Speech

[Note: The following is a sample speech for the position of Head Girl. Please personalize it with your own experiences and values to make it more authentic.]

Good morning, respected teachers, honored guests, fellow students, and dear friends,

I stand before you today with a heart filled with gratitude and excitement as I accept the great honor and responsibility of being elected as your Head Girl. First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest thanks to all of you who have put your trust in me to serve our school community.

When I reflect on my journey so far, I see a myriad of experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. From the first day I walked through the school gates, I knew this place was special. Our school is more than just a building; it's a thriving community that nurtures not only academic excellence but also character development and personal growth.

As Head Girl, my mission is to be a dedicated and approachable leader, to represent and support each and every one of you. Together, we will build an even stronger school spirit, foster a sense of belonging, and create an environment where everyone feels valued and included.

One of my main goals is to encourage open communication and collaboration among students, teachers, and the administration. I believe that every voice deserves to be heard, and I am committed to being a channel for your thoughts, ideas, and concerns. Together, we can bring about positive change and improvements in our school life.

Academic excellence is at the core of our journey, but it is not the sole purpose of our education. As Head Girl, I will strive to promote a holistic approach to learning. I want us to embrace extracurricular activities, sports, arts, and community service. These experiences not only shape our personalities but also teach us valuable life skills such as teamwork, resilience, and empathy.

Furthermore, I am determined to work with the student body to address important issues that affect us, our society, and our planet. From promoting sustainability to championing diversity and inclusion, we can make a difference and set an example for the world.

I also believe that each of us has unique talents and passions. As Head Girl, I will support and encourage our students to explore and develop their interests fully. Whether it's in academics, sports, arts, or any other field, our achievements should be celebrated, and our efforts should be recognized.

Finally, let's remember that the journey ahead may have its challenges, but together, we are capable of overcoming any obstacle. Let's create an atmosphere of kindness, respect, and understanding, where we uplift and inspire one another.

In conclusion, I am truly honored and humbled by the opportunity to serve as your Head Girl. With your support and cooperation, we can make this academic year memorable and impactful for all of us. Together, let's write a story of success, friendship, and growth. Thank you for your trust, and I look forward to working with each and every one of you.

write a speech for head girl

Best Head Girl Speech: A Student’s Top 10 Tips

  • by Ajah_Excel
  • March 29, 2024
  • 12 minute read

best tips for head girl speech

So, you’ve been picked to lead your school as Head Girl! Greetings, it’s a great honor to have you. 

But now comes the challenging part: creating and delivering an attention-grabbing speech that inspires everyone.

We’ve got you covered with our list of the top 10 suggestions for crafting and delivering memorable speeches, so don’t worry. 

You may ensure that your speech is distinctive and interesting enough to excite students about student leadership opportunities at your school by using these professional recommendations.

These easy tips can help you create an address that will have an impact on everyone who hears it. Therefore, let’s get going and make your speech something genuinely exceptional!

Table of contents

1. introduction.

  • 2. Body Content 
  • 3. Conclusion 

1. Planning is Key

2. consider your audience, 3. consider the tone.

  • 4. Use Persuasive Language 

5. Memorise Parts of Your Speech

6. prepare to answer some questions.

  • 7. Rehearse 
  • 8. Adopt Some Simple Healthy Habits 

9. Consider Your Personal Appearance

10. go for it.

  • Frequently Asked Questions 
  • Conclusion 
  • References 


How can you structure your speech.

It can be challenging to know how to structure and what to include in an effective speech. You don’t have to become a student writer before you write a speech as an head girl. You must first understand what a speech is in order to succeed.

A speech is a talk, whether formal or informal, given to an audience. To grab the attention of your audience and give your speech an elegant vibe, there are numerous elements of a speech that you should take into account. These ten tips that we have compiled should help you.

Additionally, to leave a lasting impression, introduce yourself, your cause, and your credentials in the introduction. Use examples to support your claims in the body content, and transitions to keep your speech moving. Then, final paragraph should be succinct and memorable.

Timing is essential, so prepare your speech and check that it stays inside the allotted time. Make sure your discourse should have a warm yet professional tone.

Use captivating tales and stories to draw in the audience. Make sure your delivery is strong and entertaining, and speak in plain, direct terms.

Making genuine eye contact will help you connect with the audience, so practice it. Practice in front of loved ones and friends to gain feedback and confidence.

Below is how to structure you can structure your head girl speech.

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Make sure your speech is organized in a way that engages your audience as the Head Girl of your school. You can make sure that your message is understood by setting the basis and developing credibility.

Create an engaging introduction at the outset to pique the listener’s interest in what you have to say. For a more conversational feel, use pronouns and contractions. However, you should also refrain from making any sweeping statements that could damage your reputation.

Additionally, be aware of how much time you are consuming. Nobody likes speeches that drag on interminably! Find inventive ways to convey oneself without being over the top to keep it brief, pleasant, and memorable.

2. Body Content 

Focusing on your body content comes next after you’ve nailed your introduction.

Here, you get to the meat of your argument and motivate your audience by seeming assured.

Keep things organized so that the audience can follow along; when necessary, utilize bullet points or numbered lists.

Additionally, remember to pause sometimes for emphasis and keep the discussion engaging by sharing anecdotes or stories as examples.

Attempt to incorporate thinking or contemplation as well, as this heightens tension while you wait for what will happen next.

Finally, keep in mind that it’s not just what you say, but also how you say it. Change up your tone depending on the point you’re trying to make, and don’t forget to show some emotion.

By doing all of these, you can make sure that those who heard your Girl’s speech leave feeling inspired and encouraged.

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3. Conclusion 

It’s time to conclude your speech and make a lasting impact when you get to the end.

Invite audience comments to assist you in making your point more impactful. This will allow the audience to interact with you more and not simply feel like they are listening.

Additionally, use straightforward language when recapping what was said during your speech to ensure that everyone is comprehending. For students to flourish as leaders, it is important to convey what has to be done moving ahead.

Never forget that it’s your job as Head Girl to keep your peers inspired and involved!

So get out there and make sure you finish strong by motivating everyone around you with confidence and passion as you work together to accomplish shared objectives.

What are the 10 Tips for a Head Girl’s Speech? 

We strongly advise you to read the rest of this post for a list of our top 10 tips for creating and delivering your head girl speech if you are having trouble writing it or are worried about giving it. 

It’s crucial to plan before writing a speech to achieve success. Many students will simply start composing their speeches right away. You can organize your speech and divide specific information into sections by making a plan. You’ll be able to stay organized as a result, which will make writing your speech much simpler.  

You should have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion when organizing your speech. You should identify yourself and the key reasons why you want the head girl position in your introduction. 

The major body of your speech should then come next. The majority of your speech will be this. You might want to use subheadings to further segment your discourse within this.  

Discuss your motivations for wanting the position of head girl, as well as your qualifications for the position. For instance, you might talk about what you would add to your sixth form or school to improve it for students or what you believe needs to be changed and why this change is required.  

Additionally, your speech must end with a conclusion. This should be a concise explanation of why your peers should select you as their head girl and how.

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It is crucial to keep your audience in mind when making a speech. Age, gender, and school year group are a few factors you could take into account when defining your audience. The audience you are speaking to is crucial since it will affect the tone and vocabulary you use.  

When addressing kids in your year group at school or in the sixth form, you might decide to use humor and planer language. This will guarantee that your audience comprehends and enjoys your speech.  

You might decide to use more advanced language in a more formal format if your audience included both instructors and pupils in the sixth form, for example.

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It’s crucial to keep your tone in mind when writing and delivering your speech. You might choose to give your speech, among other things, a humorous, passionate, or serious tone. 

However, the tone you employ will convey a variety of emotions, such as happiness, humor, melancholy, or optimism. The tone you adopt might also be influenced by your audience. 

Many students may attempt to adopt a humorous tone to engage their audience, along with a passionate tone to underpin their goal to accomplish the role, to make their speech a head girl.  

It’s crucial to think carefully about your tone choice because it can provide the impression that your communication is polite.

Your tone comes across in both the written word and the spoken word when you give a speech. When you speak, your tone of voice and speech rate might affect how your words are understood.  

Additionally, if you maintain the same tone throughout your speech, your audience can find it boring. To change the tone of your voice and sound more enthusiastic about what you are talking about, utilize a comedic tone when appropriate.

4. Use Persuasive Language 

It’s crucial to use persuasion while writing a speech for the head girl. Make yourself stand out if you want to convince the audience to pick you for the part.  

To influence your audience, use strategies like rhetorical questions. Personal anecdotes can also be used to influence others. For instance, you might discuss a situation that inspired you to apply for the position of head girl. 

Additionally, you may ask your peers what they would want to see changed about your school or sixth form college , and then in your speech, talk about how you propose to alter it. Students will recognize this as a problem they are not satisfied with, and because you are voicing their views, they may decide to elect you as the head girl. 

Check this: Best Head Boy Speech: A Student’s Top 10 Tips

Some students may opt to memorize their speech in its entirety and deliver it verbatim to the audience. Many kids would probably find this a challenging exercise, even though it would show the pupils’ commitment. It is preferable to make an effort to recall important details from your speech.

You can demonstrate a level of commitment to your speech by keeping in mind certain important details. Additionally, you won’t just be reading your speech verbatim from a piece of paper, allowing you to look your audience in the eye. 

Making eye contact may make some students uncomfortable, but doing so will show that you are interested in the audience. Additionally, it means that others are more likely to listen to you and accept your argument.

Your audience might want to quiz you once you finish your speech. To feel more confident, it is helpful to have some prepared responses to possible queries.  

You might be asked to reiterate a comment you made or an issue you brought up. It could also be about what sets you apart from the other candidates or why you want to be head girl.  

Your audience will be able to see your enthusiasm for the head girl position as well as your dependability in the role by listening to you respond to queries. It will assist in keeping your audience interested and further demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position.

Also, check this: Top 15 Head Boy Ideas to Improve School: Ways We Can Improve Schools Today

7. Rehearse 

Practice makes perfect, as you may have heard. This is undoubtedly true of speeches. Your speech will be more confident and effective when you deliver it to your audience the more you practice and rehearse it. 

Rehearsing your speech in front of an audience, such as family or friends, is one way you could accomplish this. They could even be able to provide you with some advice on how to make your speech more effective.

This can help you feel more assured on the big day and give you a chance to get more comfortable with your speech. 

In front of a mirror, you may also practice speaking to yourself. It’s also helpful to practice your word pronunciation; if there’s a term in particular that you find difficult to say, it might be worthwhile to eliminate it from your speech.  

You will sound more fluent when you speak if you practice your pronunciation. The more you practice giving your speech, the more assured you’ll feel, which will make it sound more polished. 

8. Adopt Some Simple Healthy Habits 

Adopting healthy behaviors before giving your speech can improve how well you perform. 

You should try to consume whole grains, and fruit, like berries, or eggs the day before and the day of your speech. These foods can enhance memory and brain function. However, eat sparingly or skip the meal just before your speech because a full stomach can make you feel lethargic.  

Additionally, apples are a better choice right before your speech because they might support a clearer voice. You can also eat from foods in dorm room food ideas for colleges .

Additionally, you should refrain from consuming dairy products, coffee, and soft drinks right before you speak because these substances can impair your voice and pronunciation. 

When giving your speech, you should also bring a bottle of water with you to keep you hydrated and avoid your throat from becoming dry. 

Light activity before your speech, such as a quick walk or gentle jog, can improve your mood and cognitive functioning while also reducing anxiety. If you frequently have anxiety before speaking in front of an audience, you might find it helpful to practice basic breathing techniques. This will enable you to speak with confidence and calmness. 

Finally, getting a good night’s sleep the night before your speech will help you feel energized and happy the next morning. 

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Your physical presence can say a lot while you’re speaking to an audience. Your audience will be more likely to listen to and be interested in your speech if you appear professional and intelligent.  

First impressions are crucial, particularly when aspiring to a position like head girl. Therefore, if you present yourself well and dress formally, it will appear that you are taking your speech seriously.

This will show your audience how passionate you are about playing the head girl, as well as how capable and determined you are. 

Additionally, it’s critical to project a cheerful attitude. If your audience believes that you are a conscientious student and are playing the part seriously.

Our final piece of advice is to just go for it. Throughout your speech, do your best to talk slowly and clearly while maintaining eye contact with the audience.

If you are chosen to be head girl, this will demonstrate to your audience that you are interested in them and want to accommodate their interests. 

Be courteous to your audience, and smile most of all. Your body language and the way you show yourself to your audience are both parts of your look.

You want to demonstrate to others your best traits and your commitment to upholding their interests as head girl. 

Most crucial, have pleasure in speaking to your audience. This is an opportunity for you to hone your public speaking abilities and experience. Make sure you appreciate the event and take it positively.

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Frequently Asked Questions 

The head boys and head girls are typically in charge of representing the school at events and giving speeches in front of large crowds. Additionally, they act as role models for students and may convey students’ suggestions to the administration of the school. They can be expected to guide other prefects in their responsibilities.

If chosen, I pledge to be a responsible, devoted, and aggressive leader who constantly prioritizes the needs of our school and its children. I think a head girl should be an inspiration to others, a link between the student body and the administration, and a role model. 

Here are some tips to help you write a successful speech: Begin with a strong introduction: Start with a warm welcome to everyone present and express gratitude for being given the opportunity to speak. You can also briefly mention the theme of the event or any achievements of the school that you are proud of.

My skills, my leadership skills, my friendly behavior, my frankness with all the students, my image in front of all the teachers, the ease with which I can put up and clarify my views, my interaction with teachers and there are much more qualities which you’ll see when I’ll be the head boy/girl.


As a student leader, your speech should demonstrate your zeal and dedication to the cause. Your peers will remember what you said long after you have finished speaking, therefore they must find inspiration and significance in it.

Keep in mind these ten tips to ensure that your head girl’s speech is flawless. You can generate a powerful message that resonates with everyone in the room with proper planning and practice!

Imagine your audience as a garden, and each phrase as a seed that needs to be maintained to grow into something lovely. You aim to create an atmosphere where their concepts can grow and shine throughout the academic year.


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An Inspiring Head Girl Speech Before School Election

Public speaking is an art which can be improved over time with practice. So, if you are adamant to win the student council election this year, this head girl /head boy speech will help you. Good Luck!

Head Girl Speech | Head Boy Speech Before School Election

Respected principal, beloved teachers and my dear friends, a warm good morning to one and all.

I believe that leadership is an opportunity to bring change. With this vision, I aspire to be the leader of this school. They say that change can be brought about by setting an example before others and that is exactly what I am going to do if I have been elected for the post of school leader. When a leader is chosen from the ground level he can better understand the problems of people. The school has known me for the last 5 years. You can easily reach me and share your problems with me.

We will keep a feedback box where you can put your ideas, complaints and grievances. What is the point of whispering about the fan’s noise with your bench partner, the weird teaching style of your Economics teacher, or cursing your senior who bullies everyone? Come straight to me if you are afraid of facing others. My team and I will try to find a perfect solution to the problems.

Do you know what is the most difficult task in the world? It is the one that has never begun. Let’s stop procrastinating and plunge into action to make our school a better place. So my dear friends when you cast your vote remember me and my vision. I am sure I will win this election and soon come to you again with a thank you speech. Goodbye 

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Head Boy & Head Girl Speeches: A Student’s Top 10 Tips

by William Christie · February 27, 2023

Being the school head boy or a girl is a big responsibility. You will need to perform various functions like organizing different events, representing your school, motivating the students, etc. Another responsibility that you may be doing is giving a speech to the students in order to motivate them. We will help you to know various things that you must consider while preparing for the speech. 

Quick Takeaways You must be able to plan different things. As you will be head of a school you will need to have good leadership skills in it.  Make sure that you have the ability to memorize the whole speech and are able to answer all the questions asked by the students. 

However, you must read till the end so that you do not forget any of the crucial information regarding the tips for head Boy and head girl. 

Head Boy & Head Girl Speeches: A Student’s Top 10 Tips

Table of Contents

Top 10 ideas for head boy or girl to consider while giving a speech

Following are the top 10 ideas, that you must consider while giving a speech as a head boy/girl –

1. Planning

Planning is the most important key to being successful in almost every field. The biggest mistake that most of the head boys or girls do is to start writing up the speech without planning for it. You must take your time and plan what you want to speak and what you want to add to your speech. Remember the speech you will be giving to the student will help them to motivate themselves . 

2. Start writing

When you are planning for your speech, you must make an outline for yourself so that you do not forget what things you are adding to the speech. Creating an outline helps you to involve the best things in the speech and neglect the things that are not needed in the speech.

Once you have planned and created a proper outline, start writing up your speech. Write it in a manner that attracts your audience . You must remember that you are not including any religious or other kinds of things that may hurt the sentiments of other kids.

Head Boy & Head Girl Speeches: A Student’s Top 10 Tips

3. Use a persuasive voice

You must know how to use a persuasive voice in your speech. It is important for you to add it as a head boy or a girl, you will need to persuade other students . You can use rhetorical questions or personal anecdotes to persuade other kids. Being a student, you must be aware of the problems students may be facing and accordingly, you can add those issues and tell the audience that you will be taking care of them. Having a persuasive voice in your speech will help them to get connected with you more easily.

4. Consider your audience

When you are creating the speech for yourself, you must consider the audience you are the target. You must make sure that you are aware of the student’s age, problems, etc. When you are aware of what audience you are giving a speech to, it will be easy for you to make a good speech for yourself. If your audience is the students of smaller classes, you might need to add up easy words so that they can easily understand what are you saying.

5. Taking care of the tone

Your speech is something that reflects a lot of expressions like joy, happiness, emotion, etc. Thus you must make sure that whatever topic you have chosen your speech is written in the flow matching it . For example, if you are speaking about something sad that happened in the past time of school, your speech must be in an emotional tone.

Head Boy & Head Girl Speeches: A Student’s Top 10 Tips

This is extremely important as it helps to get connected with the students more easily . Also when you are delivering the speech, you must emphasize some of the important words of the speech. 

6. Memorizing the speech

Be it an exam , debate, or speech it is extremely important for you to memorize various parts of the speech. When you memorize the important aspects of the speech, you can speak about them even if you do not remember the whole speech. Also when you have memorized the key points it is easy for you to get eye contact with them. 

7. Make eye contact frequently

This is one of the parts that most of the students do not do while giving a speech. You must try to be in eye contact with the students when you are delivering the speech. This is important as it will help to show up confidence in you and will help you to pursue the audience quite well. 

8. Rehearsing

When you have written your speech and are ready to give it to the students, you must rehearse before showing up to the students. It is important for you to practice again and again. As a head boy or girl, you will need to make sure that the students get the best speech. Rehearsing, again and again, will not only make your speech better but also will help to gain your confidence. Try to rehearse in front of the people who you trust.

9. Be ready for answering

As a head boy or a girl, it is your duty you answer all the queries of other students. When you are delivering the speech, there is a high chance that you will be cross-questioned by the students . Thus make sure that whatever you have included in your speech, you must be aware of it. If you have added a hypothetical situation, then you must make sure that you know well about both sides of it. When you answer the queries of other students, it helps to show how serious and passionate are you about your work.

10. Personal appearance

Being a head boy and a girl means that you must look presentable to the students when you are giving them the speech. This has a direct relation with involving the audience with yourself. When you are presentable most people would like to listen up to you. It not only helps to involve the audience but also shows that you are very serious about what you are talking about.

Being a head boy or a girl is not an easy job. You need to do a lot of tasks like organizing various events, representing the school at various places, etc. Thus you must be very confident, mature, and unbiased in nature. As a head, it is your duty to show the other students the right path, and to do so many times you will need to give a speech. You must prepare your speech in a manner that you are able to persuade the students and leave an impact on them.

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Think Student

The 5 Main Qualities of a Head Boy/Girl at School

In GCSE , General by Think Student Editor March 8, 2021 5 Comments

That time of year is upon us. The election of a new head student team.  Depending on which school you attend, the time is commencing where the old head student team steps down and offers up their places to a team of new individuals. The various methods of voting will differ between schools, however, ultimately, students and teachers alike will be searching for a strong leader who they feel will improve the school community. If you are at the age of applying to become a head boy or girl, then you may be wondering whether you are the ideal candidate for the role.   This article will provide you with guidance and information about the top five qualities that a head girl/boy should possess.   

Disclaimer:  this article is subjective as different schools will have different opinions on what qualities make a good candidate for the role of head girl/boy, however I hope this article will give you a rough guide!  

A good head girl/boy should be a strong leader with the ability to listen to not only those who shout the loudest, but every voice in the student body. Communication is clearly an important skill to have, in order to pass on ideas of the students for them to become a reality. As a head girl/boy, you will most likely be accompanied by deputies with whom you need to work alongside as a team , and therefore a good candidate should  understand the importance of being part of something bigger than themselves. Finally, optimism and respect come hand-in-hand  when it comes to being a role model to other students.   

The above briefly summarizes the main qualities of a head girl/boy but continue reading this article to help you understand what you can do if you are considering applying for the role, to make your application the best it can possibly be!  

Table of Contents

1. Leadership

This goes without saying, but any role to do with being the head of an organisation (which will be useful later on in life when applying for jobs) leans on the value of leadership. It can be defined as the  “art of motivating people to act to achieve a common goal ”. In terms of being a head girl/boy, this ‘common goal’ could be something as simple as making the school more environmentally friendly or raising money for a charity event. Regardless of the outcome, it is  important that as a head girl/boy, you develop the skill of leadership to allow not only yourself but the community around you to flourish.   

Good leadership doesn’t just mean listening to the individuals that have the most prominent voices in the student community, but also  taking the time to encourage and listen  to the quieter ones – this means that nobody is excluded, and any decisions made are agreed upon across the most amount of people, so this ensures that you are  representing the student body as best as you can .   

Whilst this may seem daunting to some applicants, do not let this hold you back!  Leadership is a skill that can only really be improved when put into practice  so if you think that your leadership skills are not strong, do not let this deter you from applying for the role. To help you develop this skill,  consider the previous leadership roles which you may have unknowingly filled , for example coaching at a sports club or in scouting.   

2. Communication

With this value being linked closely with leadership, communication is a vital quality needed for a leadership role such as head girl/boy. It means that you are  able to pass on  students’  ideas and essentially voice the student body  which is arguably one of the main roles of being a head student.  Whilst communicating frequently with students, you also need to be able to communicate well with members of staff and your fellow deputies to ensure that everyone is able to contribute to a specific idea in order to make it the best it can be. Being a head girl/boy may also mean that you need to speak during whole school assemblies and therefore it is important that  you are able to connect and relate with the audience  that you are presenting to,  in order to make it a more interactive experience for all.   

Communication doesn’t necessarily mean talking all the time; it can involve reaching out to those who don’t always speak up – the more students that you can empathise with, the better leader you will be – it means that all voices are heard and appreciated . Good communication can also be achieved through media including a school magazine or school news, or even non-verbally by being open and friendly to approach.   

This means that the students will put greater trust in you and are therefore more likely to feel comfortable to raise issues directly to you,  which makes the communication process run a lot more smoothly.  Good communication means that you can easily place yourself in other people’s shoes and vice versa, which makes general understanding a lot more free-flowing and allows genuine assurance between students.   

Similarly, to leadership,  communication is a quality that gets better the more it is used , however it occurs more naturally compared with leadership as it is something that we inevitably do every day. If you previously were part of a club or society where you were in charge of organising an event, that would have required a lot of different communication skills, you won’t be a stranger to this skill. If you haven’t participated in any of the latter, don’t stress yourself- you can easily volunteer to be part of a social event or club where communication skills can be improved.   

3. Teamwork 

Typically, the selection of a head girl/boy is accompanied by the selection of two deputies whom the head student works closely alongside. Therefore, it is evident that teamwork certainly cannot be dismissed as an unimportant quality when it comes to the application process.   It allows better relationships to be formed between the team member s   and thus enab les  the  ‘working environment’ to be more positive. Regardless of what career you pursue, teamwork will be inevitable and therefore practicing good teamwork early on will not only be beneficial to you as a head girl/boy, but also when you get a job and are introduced to the workplace.  

Teamwork can be defined as  “the collaborative effort of a group to achieve a common goal”  – in the context of the student community, the ‘collaborative effort’ comes with good communication to encourage students to participate and contribute as a team to better an aspect of school life. With regards to the ‘common goal’ described above, that is essentially the well-formulated idea that may have started off as just a thought in the mind of one of the students in the community. It is through good leadership and communication that a student should be able to speak up, and finally through good teamwork and collaboration between students and the head student team, that their idea is finalized into an action which is then undertaken to improve the school.  

Teamwork can be demonstrated in many different ways, through extracurriculars for example. If you are part of a sports club then you regularly display teamwork when competing, or if you are part of an orchestra or choir then working as a team to practice involves improving your teamwork.   

4. Optimism

As you progress up through the school, the initial optimism displayed during year seven is likely to have ‘slightly’ faded. However, it is an important quality when it comes to taking up a leadership role such as head girl/boy. Optimism may seem less significant than the other qualities mentioned in this article, however it is very important because it establishes a positive atmosphere and encourages participation . It essentially goes hand-in-hand with leadership, communication and teamwork because they all require a source of motivation and meaning, and therefore being optimistic about different ideas ensures that everyone feels valued. This means more progress can be made to improve the school community.   

Optimism means that you are  more likely to be resilient and take a reflective approach on failures or setbacks , which is a very important quality for a leader as it means that the whole team is inspired to persevere, which is a core value in any learning environment.   

Respect is something we may not consider when it comes to a role as highly regarded as head girl/boy however it is very crucial as we progress higher and move into the workplace. Respect not only towards staff members but also fellow students  ensure that there is a common understanding and that you are open to suggestions which helps to develop a close-knit student body.    

Respect shown towards the deputy team allows a better environment for teamwork and therefore increased productivity.  As a head girl/boy, as outlined previously,  you have a duty to ensure that every student  feels  represented in the decision that the school makes  and therefore respect towards each and every student, including their  ideas as well as their beliefs makes the student community the most inclusive that it can be.   


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This article really helped in my exam preparation. Thanks a lot. Keep up the good work and please do create more articles like this.


Hi This will really help with my interview next week for becoming head girl. Thank you so much


So did you become the head girl

Daniel Wabali

Thank you for this screen shared based on the basic qualifications of being elected as a school prefect. this has really saved the day by helping to complete the finishing touches of my civic education mid term assignment. I really appreciate the person that installed this blog.


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  3. Head Boy & Head Girl Speeches: A Student's Top 10 Tips

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  4. Best Head Girl Speech: A Student's Top 10 Tips

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  6. An Inspiring Head Girl Speech Before School Election

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  7. Applying for Head Boy or Head Girl at School

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  11. PDF Head Girl Speech

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    Head girl speech - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This speech thanks various people for their support and encouragement in the speaker's role as head girl. It expresses gratitude to God, teachers, the school director, family, students, and acknowledges the importance of determination, teamwork, believing in oneself, and ...

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    Head Girl (Prizegiving Speech) — LPHS 2020 Magazine. Maggie Gorman's prize giving speech is published below:

  23. head girl speech

    As head girl you must have an open mind you must be creative I have both of these things. ... This is such an amazing speech, I was thinking about going for head girl at my school and this is giving me the courage to write my own speech so thank you very much, I may have to steal the introduction because it is so amazing!!! (edited 6 years ago ...

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