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- antithesis Meaning
Antithesis Meaning in Urdu
The word Antithesis means متضاد (Mutazad) in Urdu. In English to Urdu, Antithesis can also mean برعکس (Bar aqas), مخاصمت (Mukhasmat). Antithesis is crucial in effective writing, presentations, and daily conversations, as it facilitates better understanding and minimizes misunderstandings. Synonyms for Antithesis include .
- (n.) Opposition; contrast.
Antithesis Urdu Meaning with Definition
Antithesis is an English word that is used in many sentences in different contexts. Antithesis meaning in Urdu is a متضاد - Mutazad. Antithesis word is driven by the English language. Antithesis word meaning in English is well described here in English as well as in Urdu. You can use this amazing English to Urdu dictionary online to check the meaning of other words too as the word Antithesis meaning.
Finding the exact meaning of any word online is a little tricky. There is more than 1 meaning of each word. However the meaning of Antithesis stated above is reliable and authentic. It can be used in various sentences and Antithesis word synonyms are also given on this page. Dictionary is a helpful tool for everyone who wants to learn a new word or wants to find the meaning. This English to Urdu dictionary online is easy to use and carry in your pocket. Similar to the meaning of Antithesis, you can check other words' meanings as well by searching it online.
متضاد ۔ متناقص ۔
مخالفت، تضاد، ضد
Antithesis definitions in Urdu
- (ہیجیلیائی فلسفہ میں) جدلیاتی استدلال کے عمل میں دوسرے مرحلے کی حیثیت سے تھیسس کی نفی
- بالکل مخالف
- تقریر کی ایک ایسی شخصیت جس میں الفاظ کی متوازی حیثیت سے خیالات کی مخالفت یا مخالفت کا اظہار کیا جاتا ہے جو ایک دوسرے کے مخالف ہیں یا اس کے ساتھ سختی سے متصادم ہیں جیسے نفرت تنازعہ کو جنم دیتا ہے ، لیکن محبت سارے گناہوں پر محیط ہوتی ہے
- توازن کا احساس دلانے کے ل contrast متضاد الفاظ یا نظریات کا جوہر مقام
- دو چیزوں کے مابین ایک تضاد یا مخالفت
- وہ شخص یا چیز جو کسی کے یا کسی اور چیز سے براہ راست مخالف ہے
Antithesis meaning in English
- exact opposite "his theory is the antithesis of mine"
- the juxtaposition of contrasting words or ideas to give a feeling of balance
Antithesis Synonyms and Antonyms
opposition oppositeness
rhetorical device
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Antithesis Meaning in Urdu: انتراک
Antithesis is a noun that refers to the direct contrast or opposition between two things. In Urdu, it is commonly translated as “انتراک”.
Synonyms of Antithesis:
- Opposite (مخالف)
- Contrary (متضاد)
- Contradiction (تضاد)
- Counterpart (ہم مرتبہ)
Antonyms of Antithesis:
- Similarity (مشابہت)
- Agreement (اتفاق)
- Harmony (ہم آہنگی)
- Conformity (موافقت)
Nearby Words:
- Anticipate (verb) – توقع کرنا
- Antidote (noun) – علاج
- Antique (adjective) – قدیم
- Antonym (noun) – متضاد الفاظ
Origin of the Word Antithesis:
The word “antithesis” originated from the Greek word “antíthesis”, which means “opposition” or “contradiction”. It is derived from the combination of the prefix “anti-” meaning “against” and the noun “thesis” meaning “a proposition”.
Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning:
- His kindness is the antithesis of cruelty. (اس کی مہربانی ظلم کا انتراک ہے۔)
- Love is the antithesis of hate. (محبت نفرت کا انتراک ہے۔)
- Her success is the antithesis of failure. (اس کامیابی کا ناکامی کے ساتھ انتراک ہے۔)
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- Dictionary.com
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Antithesis Meaning In Urdu
سادہ مثالوں اور تعریفوں کے ساتھ antithesis کا حقیقی معنی جانیں۔, definitions of antithesis.
1 . ایک شخص یا چیز جو کسی اور چیز کا براہ راست مخالف ہو۔
1 . a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else.
2 . (ہیگلی فلسفہ میں) جدلیاتی استدلال کے عمل کے دوسرے مرحلے کے طور پر مقالے کی نفی۔
2 . (in Hegelian philosophy) the negation of the thesis as the second stage in the process of dialectical reasoning.
Examples of Antithesis :
1 . jomo fomo کا مخالف ہے۔
1 . jomo is the antithesis of fomo.
2 . یہ عجیب سیکس کا مخالف ہے!
2 . that is the antithesis of freaky sex!
3 . محبت خود غرضی کا مخالف ہے۔
3 . love is the antithesis of selfishness
4 . اور یہ 4 گھنٹے کی فلم مکمل مخالف ہے۔
4 . And this 4-hour film is the complete antithesis .
5 . تاہم، یہ ایک دشمنی کا مخالف تھا جو صرف بڑھے گا.
5 . However, it was the antithesis of a rivalry that would only grow.
6 . تھیسس، اینٹی تھیسس اور ترکیب تھیم کے اجزاء ہیں۔
6 . thesis, antithesis , and synthesis are the components of the theme.
7 . یہ شروع سے ہی "لبرل ازم کا مخالف" تھا، جیسا کہ آج ہے۔
7 . It was the “ antithesis of liberalism” from the beginning, as it is today.
8 . اب اسرائیل ایک نیا مقالہ ہے – مسلمان اس کا مخالف – اور ترکیب؟
8 . Now Israel is a new thesis – the Muslims its antithesis – and the synthesis?
9 . اس کا جواب یہ ہے کہ انتفاضہ اور شناخت کی سیاست بائیں بازو کے مخالف ہیں۔
9 . The answer is that Antifa and Identity Politics are the antithesis of the left.
10 . یہ خیال کہ کاربن کا اخراج طوفان کا باعث بنتا ہے خدا کے کہنے کے خلاف ہے!
10 . The idea that carbon emissions cause storms is the antithesis of what God says!
11 . لیکن اس سے بچنے کا سب سے آسان طریقہ یہ ہے کہ ضد کے ایک طرف آنکھیں بند کر لیں۔
11 . but the easiest way of escaping it is to shut our eyes to one side of the antithesis .
12 . ان کے درمیان مزید تعلقات کا اس بنیادی مخالف پر کوئی اثر نہیں پڑتا۔
12 . Postulating further relations between them has no effect on this fundamental antithesis .
13 . اگر وہ درست ہے تو مادیت اور ایمپیریو تنقید کے درمیان تضاد کی وضاحت کیوں نہیں کرتا؟
13 . If he is right, why not explain the antithesis between materialism and empirio-criticism?
14 . Kenshō، "The Antithesis of Goo"، تحقیق پر مبنی قدرتی ادویات کی گائیڈ: GPgmail شروع کرتا ہے۔
14 . kenshō,‘the antithesis of goop,' launches a research-based guide to natural medicine- gpgmail.
15 . "نیبیرو کلنگن سیارے کا مخالف ہے اور دونوں زمین سے بالکل مختلف ہیں۔"
15 . "Nibiru is the antithesis of the Klingon planet and both are completely different from Earth."
16 . ہیگل کو 20ویں صدی میں ٹرائیڈ تھیسس، اینٹی تھیسس اور سنتھیسس کا خالق سمجھا جاتا تھا۔
16 . hegel has been seen in the 20th century as the originator of the thesis, antithesis , synthesis triad;
17 . جیسے پھولوں کی شکل، مخالف کی قسم اور مختلف تصویری حروف، آرٹ ورڈ وغیرہ۔
17 . such as the shape of the flower, the antithesis type and various pictographic characters, art word, etc.
18 . "[Spock کا کردار] اس بات کا مخالف ہے کہ میں جو کچھ کرتا ہوں وہ کیوں کرتا ہوں،" لنڈاؤ کے حوالے سے تب کہا گیا تھا۔
18 . “[The character of Spock is] the antithesis of why I do what I do,” Landau was quoted as saying back then.
19 . ایک چھوٹے پرامن یورپی بیلاروس کے مخالف کے طور پر جارحانہ سامراجی روس صرف ایک خوبصورت لیجنڈ ہے۔
19 . the aggressive imperial russia as the antithesis of a small european peaceful belarus is just a beautiful legend.
20 . میں پھر پوچھتا ہوں، سائنٹولوجی کو مذہب کیوں کہتے ہیں جب کہ اس کا بانی یہ مانتا ہے کہ وہ خدا کا مخالف ہے – خود شیطان؟
20 . Again I ask, why call Scientology a religion when its founder believes he is the antithesis of God – the Devil himself?
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Meaning of ANTITHESIS in Urdu
Use in sentences of عداوت, meaning of antithesis in english.
- An opposition or contrast of words or sentiments occurring in the same sentence; as, "The prodigal robs his heir; the miser robs himself." "He had covertly shot at Cromwell; he how openly aimed at the Queen."
- The second of two clauses forming an antithesis.
- Opposition; contrast.
Synonyms of ‘ عداوت ’
Antonyms of ‘ عداوت ’, articles related to ‘ عداوت ’, حروف کلک کرکے دیگر الفاظ براؤز کریں.
- سوانحی یادداشتیں۔
- بچوں کا ادب
- مزاحیہ طنزیہ
- مزاحیہ میمز
- دستکاری کا شوق
- جرم کا جاسوس
- شہوانی، شہوت انگیز
- فیشن طرز زندگی
- صحت - تندرستی
- خوفناک غیر معمولی
- لاء اینڈ آرڈر
- محبت - رومانس
- مذہب - روحانی
- سائنس ٹیکنالوجی
- کھیل - کھلاڑی
- سسپنس تھرلر
- تجارت - پیسہ
- مٿي رجحان وارا ڪتاب
- فهرست ڪيل ڪتاب
- پرنٽ ٿيل ايڊيشن ڪتاب
- جائزہ شدہ کتب
- کتابی مقابلہ
- نظم/ شعری مجموعہ
- کہانی / کہانی مجموعہ
- تمام کتابیں ...
مضمون پڑھیں
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Definitions and Meaning of antithesis in English
Antithesis noun.
- "his theory is the antithesis of mine"
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corruption, malpractice
[ Aajkal har mahkame mein kuchh na kuchh bad-unvani ho rahi hai ]
excess, force
[ Achchhe ustad kam hote hain aur aksar ko discipline mein be-jaa zyadati hi thik raah nazar aati hai ]
Bad-kirdaar, بَد کِرْدار.
wicked, sinful
[ Bad-kirdar shakhs samaj ke liye nuqsan-dah hota hai ]
provisional, interim, transitional
[ Adalat-e-uzma ne uburi zamant qabl-za giraftari ka faisla mahfuz kar lia hai ]
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lack of equality
[ Adam-e-musawat se muaashare mein nifaq (Disunion) paida hota hai ]
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[ Urdu ki maqbuliyat din-ba-din badhti ja rahi hai ]
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[ Kai sangin ladaiyon ke baad Corsica ke bashinde taaqat se maghlub ho gaye ]
a house where many beautiful women live, fairy house
[ Nawab aur rayis takmil-e-shauq ke liye pari-khane tamir karwate the ]
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[ Dar ki wajah se Uzair ke paanv mein kapkapi paida ho jati hai jiski wajah se manzil tak pahunchna muhal ho jata hai ]
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[ Har fan mein kamal hasil karne ke liye sakht riyaz ki zaroorat hoti hai ]
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Meaning of antithesis in English
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- antithetical
- anything but idiom
- diametrical
- dichotomist
- dichotomous
- or otherwise idiom
- poles apart idiom
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Opposite meaning in Urdu
Opposite sentence, opposite synonyms, opposite definitions.
1 of 6) Opposite , Antonym , Opposite Word : لفظ جو دوسرے لفظ کی ضد ہو : (noun) a word that expresses a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word, in which case the two words are antonyms of each other.
2 of 6) Opposite , Face-To-Face : روبرو , آمنے سامنے : (adverb) directly facing each other.
They sat opposite at the table.
3 of 6) Opposite , Contrary , Reverse : الٹ , برعکس : (noun) a relation of direct opposition.
4 of 6) Opposite , Opponent , Opposition : حریف : (noun) a contestant that you are matched against.
5 of 6) Opposite : مخالف : (satellite adjective) the other one of a complementary pair.
The opposite sex. The two chess kings are set up on squares of opposite colors.
6 of 6) Opposite , Diametric , Diametrical , Polar : تضاد , متضاد : (satellite adjective) characterized by opposite extremes; completely opposed.
Diametrical (or opposite) points of view. Opposite meanings.
Useful Words
Agglutinative : الفاظ سے ماخوذ , Homonymy : لفظوں کا ہم ہجہ ہونا , Synonymous : ہم معنی , Logomachy : لفظوں کے متعلق بحث , 831 : مجھے تم سے محبت ہے , Intensifier : شدت کا حامل , Homograph : ہم آواز لفظ , Homophone : ہم ہجہ الفاظ , Countenance : چہرہ , Hijab : حجاب , Punctuation : وقف , Agglutination : الفاظ سازی , Confrontation : ٹکراو , Double Indemnity : دہرا ہرجانہ , Apprehend : سمجھ لینا , Purposeful : معنی دار , Ambiguous : ذو معنی , Meaningful : معنی خیز , Drift : مطلب , Acceptation : تسلیم شدہ مطلب , Meaningless : بے معنی , Moralise : اخلاقی شکل دینا , Bunk : بکواس , Important : اہم , Cabalistic : مخفی , Semanticist : ماہر علم المعانی , Intent : مفہوم , Pithy : مختصر اور جامع , Semantics : علم المعانی کا مطالعہ , Qualified : محدود مطلب , Understand : سمجھنا
Useful Words Definitions
Agglutinative: forming derivative or compound words by putting together constituents each of which expresses a single definite meaning.
Homonymy: the relation between two words that are spelled the same way but differ in meaning or the relation between two words that are pronounced the same way but differ in meaning.
Synonymous: (of words) meaning the same or nearly the same.
Logomachy: argument about words or the meaning of words.
831: I Love You (8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning).
Intensifier: a modifier that has little meaning except to intensify the meaning it modifies.
Homograph: two words are homographs if they are spelled the same way but differ in meaning (e.g. fair).
Homophone: two words are homophones if they are pronounced the same way but differ in meaning or spelling or both (e.g. bare and bear).
Countenance: the human face (`kisser` and `smiler` and `mug` are informal terms for `face` and `phiz` is British).
Hijab: a headscarf worn by Muslim women; conceals the hair and neck and usually has a face veil that covers the face.
Punctuation: the marks used to clarify meaning by indicating separation of words into sentences and clauses and phrases.
Agglutination: the building of words from component morphemes that retain their form and meaning in the process of combining.
Confrontation: a hostile disagreement face-to-face.
Double Indemnity: a clause in an insurance policy that provides for double the face value of the policy in the case of accidental death.
Apprehend: get the meaning of something.
Purposeful: having meaning through having an aim.
Ambiguous: having more than one possible meaning.
Meaningful: having a meaning or purpose.
Drift: the pervading meaning or tenor.
Acceptation: the accepted meaning of a word.
Meaningless: having no meaning or direction or purpose.
Moralise: interpret the moral meaning of.
Bunk: a message that seems to convey no meaning.
Important: important in effect or meaning.
Cabalistic: having a secret or hidden meaning.
Semanticist: a specialist in the study of meaning.
Intent: the intended meaning of a communication.
Pithy: concise and full of meaning.
Semantics: the study of language meaning.
Qualified: restricted in meaning; (as e.g. `man` in `a tall man`).
Understand: know and comprehend the nature or meaning of.
Related Words
Word : لفظ , Contestant : مقابلے میں حصہ لینے والا , Oppositeness : تضاد , Different : مختلف
Next of Opposite
Opposite Number : a person or thing having the same function or characteristics as another.
Previous of Opposite
Opportunely : at an opportune time.
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- Opposite Meaning In Urdu Dictionary
Opposite Meaning In Urdu
Opposite Meaning in English to Urdu is مقابل, as written in Urdu and Muqabil, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Opposite which include Achiever, Adverse, Antagonistic, Antipodal, Antipodean, Antithetical, Contradictory, Contrary, Contrasted, Corresponding, Counter, Crosswise, Diametric, Different, Differing, Dissimilar, Diverse, Facing, Fronting, Hostile, Inconsistent, Independent, Inimical, Inverse, Irreconcilable, Obverse, Opposed, Ornery, Paradoxical, Polar, Repugnant, Retrograde, Reverse, Reversed, Separate, Unalike, Unconnected, Unrelated, Violative, Diametrically Opposed, etc.
[op-uh-zit, -sit]
Definitions of Opposite
adj . Placed over against; standing or situated over against or in front; facing; -- often with to.
adj . Situated on the other end of an imaginary line passing through or near the middle of an intervening space or object; -- of one object with respect to another; -- also used both to describe two objects with respect to each other.
adj . Applied to the other of two things which are entirely different; other
adj . Extremely different; inconsistent; contrary; repugnant; antagonistic.
adj . Set over against each other, but separated by the whole diameter of the stem, as two leaves at the same node.
adj . Placed directly in front of another part or organ, as a stamen which stands before a petal.
n . One who opposes; an opponent; an antagonist.
n . That which is opposed or contrary in character or meaning.
Form Adjective
How To Spell Opposite [op-uh-zit, -sit]
Origin of Opposite Late Middle English: via Old French from Latin oppositus, past participle of opponere ‘set against’.
Synonyms For Opposite , Similar to Opposite
Antonyms for opposite , opposite to opposite, more word meaning in urdu, free online dictionary, word of the day.
[ron-doh, Ron-doh]
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Antithesis Urdu Meaning - Find the correct meaning of Antithesis in Urdu, it is important to understand the word properly when we translate it from English to Urdu. There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu, the correct meaning of Antithesis in Urdu is ضد, and in roman we write it Zid. The other meanings are Tazaad Taqabul and Zid.
Antithesis word meaning in English is well described here in English as well as in Urdu. You can use this amazing English to Urdu dictionary online to check the meaning of other words too as the word Antithesis meaning. Finding the exact meaning of any word online is a little tricky. There is more than 1 meaning of each word. However the ...
See Urdu words and phrases for antithesis in Rekhta English to Urdu Dictionary. Search results . Saved words . Showing results for "antithesis" antithesis. muKHaalifat. Urdu words for antithesis. antithesis ænˈtɪθ.ə.sɪs.
antithesis definition: exact opposite. the juxtaposition of contrasting words or ideas to give a feeling of balance. The Urdu Dictionary. Home Learn Urdu Urdu Phrases Urdu Vocabulary Urdu Idioms Urdu Editor ... Antithesis definitions in Urdu (ہیجیلیائی فلسفہ میں) جدلیاتی استدلال کے عمل میں دوسرے ...
Antithesis Meaning in Urdu: انتراک Antithesis is a noun that refers to the direct contrast or opposition between two things. In Urdu, it is commonly translated as "انتراک". Synonyms of Antithesis: Opposite (مخالف) Contrary (متضاد) Contradiction (تضاد) Counterpart (ہم مرتبہ) Antonyms of Antithesis: Similarity ...
Meaning and Translation of Antithesis in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Definition, Wikipedia Reference, Synonyms, Antonyms,
The Urdu Word تضاد تقابل Meaning in English is Antithesis. The other similar words are Tazaad Taqabul and Zid. The synonyms of Antithesis include are Contra, Contradictory, Contrary, Contrast, Converse, Counter, Inverse, Reverse, Other Side, Antipode, Antipole and Flip Side. Take a look at this page to find out more Kacha Meanings in ...
کئی فنون کا مدرسہ. Kayi Fanoon Ka Madrassa. More Details. Find Antithesis Word and Meanings in English to Urdu Dictionary, Antithesis Translation to Urdu. Antithesis Related words and Antithesis Similar words in English to Urdu Dictionary. Antithesis Sentence Meanings and Definition.
Meaning of Antithesis in Urdu language with definitions, examples, antonym, synonym. اردو میں معنی پڑھیں. ... a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else.
See the most useful Antithesis meaning in Urdu along with English definition and sentence(s). Wordinn Urdu. ... Adversative: expressing antithesis or opposition. Identical: being the exact same one; not any other:. Inaccurate: not exact. Inexact: not exact. Identicalness: exact sameness.
Meaning of ANTITHESIS in English An opposition or contrast of words or sentiments occurring in the same sentence; as, "The prodigal robs his heir; the miser robs himself." "He had covertly shot at Cromwell; he how openly aimed at the Queen."
Urdu meanings, examples and pronunciation of antithesis. antithesis meaning in Urdu (Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US: UK: Improve your understanding and see how the word antithesis can be used in a sentence Use of antithesis in Sentence [28 examples] 1) antithesis ...
English-Urdu. A. antithesis. Antithesis (English) Translated to Urdu as پرامریکہ. Translate .com. Reach the world with ease! Use human-powered translations to ensure your message is understood by all. Available in 110+ language pairs. Order human translation.
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About antithesis in Urdu. See antithesis meaning in Urdu, antithesis definition, translation and meaning of antithesis in Urdu. Learn and practice the pronunciation of antithesis. Find the answer of what is the meaning of antithesis in Urdu. Other languages: antithesis meaning in Hindi.
The Rekhta Dictionary is a significant initiative of Rekhta Foundation towards preservation and promotion of Urdu language. A dedicated team is continuously working to make you get authentic meanings of Urdu words with ease and speed. Kindly donate to help us sustain our efforts towards building the best trilingual Urdu dictionary for all.
Antithesis meaning in Urdu is ضد Zid. Most accurate Urdu meaning of Antithesis is ضد. Translate Zid in English to Urdu dictionary with definition. Antithesis synonyms includes contra, contradictory, contrary, contrast, converse, counter, inverse, reverse, other side, antipode, antipole, flip side, and opposite includes same, similarity.
Urdu Word ضد Meaning in English. The Urdu Word ضد Meaning in English is Antithesis. The other similar words are Tazaad Taqabul and Zid. The synonyms of Antithesis include are Contra, Contradictory, Contrary, Contrast, Converse, Counter, Inverse, Reverse, Other Side, Antipode, Antipole and Flip Side. Take a look at this page to find out more ...
Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms: antithesis (Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US: UK: Slow. Normal Noun: (antitheses) Noun: antithesis. 1. antithesis: Exact opposite "his theory is the antithesis of mine";
ANTITHESIS definition: 1. the exact opposite: 2. a difference or opposition between two things: 3. the exact opposite: . Learn more.
Antithesis what is Antithesis Antithesis in urdu Antithesis in english Antithesis in hindi Antithesis definition Antithesis examples Antithesis definition an...
English Learning Quiz. 2 of 6) Opposite, Face-To-Face : روبرو, آمنے سامنے : (adverb) directly facing each other. They sat opposite at the table. 3 of 6) Opposite, Contrary, Reverse : الٹ, برعکس : (noun) a relation of direct opposition. 4 of 6) Opposite, Opponent, Opposition : حریف : (noun) a contestant that you are ...
There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu, the correct meaning of Opposite in Urdu is مقابل, and in roman we write it Muqabil. The other meanings are Muqabil, Mutazaad, Aamnay Samnay and Bar Aks. Opposite is an adjective according to parts of speech. It finds its origins in Late Middle English: via Old French from Latin ...