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Mastering the art of storytelling style presentations

Get your team on prezi – watch this on demand video.

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Anete Ezera August 30, 2024

Presentations offer an opportunity to share your ideas and inspire others. However, it can be challenging to catch your audience’s attention and keep it. While there are many different presentation styles , the storytelling style offers specific benefits when it comes to sharing your ideas while engaging your audience. By embracing the power of storytelling, you can transform your delivery into a captivating and engaging experience that leaves your audience wanting more. What really is a storytelling style presentation and what makes it so different from other presentation styles , you ask? In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about storytelling style presentations and show you how Prezi, a groundbreaking presentation tool, can assist you in engaging your audience. 

Male public speaker using the storytelling presentation style.

What is a storytelling style presentation?

The storytelling style presentation is the merger of the principles of storytelling with the structure of a presentation. Information isn’t just passed on in a narrative or bullet points but woven into a story. It may be a formal story that’s either the traditional arc (beginning, middle, and end) or another structure that continuously involves the audience through a series of minor stories or anecdotes leading to key points.

The core of storytelling style presentations is the ability to deliver content in a way that can be related to and remembered. There’s no doubt that by casting information into a story, presenters can evoke emotions, paint mental pictures vigorously, and strike a chord with their audience in ways that more formal styles of presentation often fail to.

Why is storytelling style presentation unique?

The reason why storytelling style presentations stand out from other formats is how well they can humanize content. It doesn’t force the audience to gulp down loads of information, facts, figures, and data points. Instead, it enables the presenters to infuse life into the content. It transforms dry data into a story wherein the audience can visualize themselves. This makes the content not only more consumable but also more impactful.

A man presenting on stage using the storytelling style presentation technique.

A key element that makes this style unique is its flexibility . Traditional presentations are bound to follow a strictly linear path; on the other hand, storytelling style presentations can be nonlinear . You have the ability to jump between different points in your narrative, allowing the story to be revealed in a way that best serves the message. This is very effective when using tools like Prezi since they allow nonlinear presentations by use of a zoomable canvas, where the presenter can glide thematically through different parts of the story visually.

When is a storytelling style presentation useful?

The storytelling style presentation can be used in a wide range of scenarios. Here are some specific instances where such a style is particularly effective:

  • Persuasive presentations : Whether making a new idea known, seeking investment, or standing up for something, telling a story can make your case more convincing. Weave what you have to say into a story and you’ll more fully convince those listening.
  • Educational settings : It’s possible for teachers and educators to apply storytelling when explaining intricate topics so that these topics become more familiar to the learners. In addition, this approach is likely to enable students to preserve information by tying new ideas back to stories they can recall.
  • Corporate communications : In the case of internal communications like sharing company visions or updates, the use of storytelling can be quite effective in aligning the team with a given message by making it more engaging and emotionally resonant.
  • Marketing and sales : Storytelling is a powerful tool in marketing and sales presentations. This is because establishing an emotional connection with the audience has the potential to create a monumental effect on decision-making.

Techniques for effective storytelling in presentations

Developing a storytelling style presentation that’ll inspire your audience involves the use of specific techniques. Let’s explore some techniques that can make your storytelling pop!

The hero’s journey

The hero’s journey is a classic storytelling presentation style where the protagonist (your product, idea or audience) is challenged, shown obstacles, and then attains some goal. This structure is known to all and gets the audience emotionally involved, hence ideal for leading your audience through a story that has a clear path.

Woman giving branding presentation.

Three-act structure

This method breaks your story into three parts: the establishment, the confrontation, and the resolution. It’s how a simple presentation should be structured so that as the story is revealed, it remains interesting for the audience right up until its satisfying ending.

Conflict and resolution

Inject a problem or conflict at the beginning of your presentation and then gradually lead your audience to where the solution lies. By building tension throughout, you’ll hold the listeners’ attention as they become more invested in how it all pans out, rendering your presentation more dynamic and memorable.

Analogies and metaphors

The use of analogies and metaphors enables complex ideas to be broken down and delivered in a way that’s easily recognizable. This technique not only makes the content more engaging but also allows the audience to understand difficult ideas more easily.

A women presenting a presentation with a school presentation theme

The Story Spine

The Story Spine is a straightforward storytelling framework that helps structure your narrative clearly. It typically follows this sequence: “Once upon a time… Every day… But one day… Because of that… Until finally… And ever since that day….” This technique creates a cohesive story that flows logically and resonates emotionally with the audience.

Nested Loops

Nested Loops is a technique where you introduce multiple narratives within one another, like stories within a story. You start with a central narrative, then introduce another related story, before eventually circling back to conclude each one. This method keeps the audience intrigued and engaged as each loop is closed, leading back to the main point.

Tips for creating a storytelling style presentation

Know your audience.

Shape your story to reflect the experiences and emotions of your listeners. Knowing who they are and what they value most will enable you to weave a tale that resonates with them in a more profound way.

Start off strong

As with any good story, your presentation will have to begin with a hook. Something that immediately captures the audience. It could be a surprising fact or a thought-provoking question. Maybe even a personal anecdote. All designed to set the tone for the rest of your presentation.

Against the backdrop of a startup tech conference, a business entrepreneur takes the stage, delivering an impactful presentation. Their confident posture and charismatic delivery hold the audience's attention.

Use visuals strategically

Your visuals should complement the story , not take it over. Tools such as Prezi foster dynamic visualization that not only improves the storytelling experience by adding layers of meaning but also keeps the audience engaged throughout the presentation.

Keep It simple

While it might be tempting to include every little detail in your story, simplicity is key. Zero in on the core message and build a narrative around it. An excess of information dilutes the impact of your story; therefore, trim your content down while keeping it clear and focused.

Practice delivery

How you tell your story is as important as the story itself. Practice delivering it several times to get your pacing, tone and gestures right so that they blend well with the narrative. This enables you to connect with the audience and pass your message on effectively.

Engage the senses

In your storytelling, try to include sensory details—sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures. This’ll paint a more vivid picture and pull your readers in more intensely. When people can visualize and experience what they’re being told, the message is much more likely to hit home. 

Leveraging Prezi for storytelling presentations

Prezi is most known for creating storytelling style presentations. The nonlinear format of Prezi enables the presenter to drift along their story freely, zooming at specific points or pulling back for a broader view when needed during the narration. This freedom mimics how stories flow naturally .

Prezi AI generated template for mind map ideas

Plus, Prezi has features that make storytelling more effective through visual immersion. Users can insert videos, pictures, and animations into their stories to drive home and reiterate the main points, enabling the audience to easily follow and remain engaged.

A closer look: 6 ways Prezi scores in storytelling style presentations

Prezi stands out as a powerful tool for creating storytelling style presentations, offering unique features that enhance the narrative experience. Here are six ways Prezi is particularly useful for storytelling:

1. Nonlinear navigation

The nonlinear structure of Prezi enables you to present your story in any way you desire, transitioning freely between various parts of the narrative. It helps your story to flow naturally, and you can even go back and forth between important points, themes, or events, knowing your audience is following along with you. 

2. Zoomable canvas

The zoomable canvas in Prezi lets you focus on specific details or zoom out for a broader overview. Allowing you to control the pacing and emphasis of your story. This means you can bring out important points in your narrative, drawing the attention of your audience to exactly where you want it and then making a smooth transition to the next part of the story.

3. Dynamic visuals

What makes Prezi particularly good at storytelling is its capacity to work with dynamic visuals like images, videos, and animations. You can strategically place these multimedia elements in your presentation to support your story. This helps bring your story to life and allows your audience to visualize the message you’re delivering. 

4. Pathway customization

Using Prezi, you can fine-tune the route of your presentation so that you’re able to craft a special journey for your audience. You have the ability to adjust how information flows to fit your narrative, be it by going in a straight line or hopping around different points of the story as and when necessary.

5. Collaborative features

The Prezi collaborative tools let you work with a team in developing your storytelling style presentation. More than one contributor is able to go over and perfect the narrative so that varying views and ideas can be tied into one story. It’s especially helpful in building intricate presentations that draw on the input of different stakeholders.

6. Engaging transitions

Prezi has many interesting transitions that make your story flow better. Instead of going from one slide to another like the standard progression, Prezi allows for transitions between slides that are visually appealing. With these transitions, moving from one part of your story to another feels very natural and continuous. It’s a great way to keep your audience’s attention without disruptions, such as those created by a conventional change of slides. Here’s an example of a Prezi presentation that scores in storytelling and transitions:

By using these features, Prezi doesn’t just uphold a storytelling style presentation but enriches it for a better-informed, more memorable, and effective narrative. Be it a corporate, educational, or creative situation, the tools of Prezi can really enhance your storytelling to make it more effective.

Answering common questions about storytelling in presentations

What are the four types of storytelling.

The four types of storytelling often referred to in the context of presentations are:

  • Personal stories : Sharing a personal experience to connect with the audience on a human level.
  • Anecdotes : Brief stories that illustrate a point or concept.
  • Case studies : Real-world examples that demonstrate how something works in practice.
  • Metaphorical stories : Using analogies or metaphors to explain complex ideas in a relatable way.

How to start a storytelling presentation?

To start your storytelling presentation, initiate it with a hook that captures the focus of your audience. This may be by asking an interesting question, stating a surprising statistic, or sharing a personal anecdote. The aim is to draw the audience into the story. For more ideas on how to start a presentation, read this article .

A woman performing on stage, telling a story.

How do you write a storytelling style?

In presentation storytelling, you need to structure the content like a story. First, work on an outline of the key points to be made and fit them into some kind of arc. Use the hero’s journey or three-act structure to help guide your story flow toward its conclusion, and include elements that would resonate with your audience.

Bring your next storytelling style presentation to life with Prezi

Storytelling style presentations provide an exciting way of engaging, informing, and convincing your audience. The conversion of your content into a story can render your message more memorable and powerful. Nonlinear storytelling is supported by tools like Prezi, where you’re allowed the freedom to shape a presentation that really inspires. No matter whether your goal is to educate, persuade or inspire, storytelling can take your presentation one step higher.

By mastering storytelling techniques and applying them to your presentations, you’ll be better equipped to connect with your audience, convey your message effectively, and leave a lasting impression.

Group of people applauding

Did you know that there are 5 more presentation styles to discover? To learn about other styles and their use cases, go to our must-read article on presentation styles .

best presentation for history

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This title update is live for all users starting august 29th at 11:00am et..

Hey College Football 25 fans! Welcome back to the Campus Huddle! Your home for all news and updates about College Football 25! We have a new Title Update that has hit your consoles today with some pretty cool updates! In addition, we wanted to give you a small preview of what you can expect with Season 2! Let's dive in!

Title Update Notes

  • Slight Delay
  • Large Delay
  • Disable Switch Stick
  • Dev Note: We will be working on an additional fix slated for the next title update which will result in further balancing. 
  • Increased the responsiveness of the pass block slider for users and CPU. 
  • Fixed an issue where defenders could slip through double teams without the appropriate animation.
  • Dev Note: We will monitor feedback on this and make necessary changes in future title updates.
  • Decreased the times the CPU calls jet touch pass.
  • Increased the effectiveness of Pass Committing vs Trick Plays.
  • Increased the risk of Run Committing from Man Coverage.
  • Fixed an issue where players could continue to spin when using a conservative ball carrier coach adjustment.
  • Adjusted the AI Logic to significantly reduce the chances of receiving a roughing the kicker penalty on punts and field goals.
  • Increased the chance for Defensive Linemen to sniff out HB Screen plays
  • Singleback Wing Slot Over (Uconn, Charlotte)
  • Pistol Ace Double Wing (Ball State)
  • Pistol Doubles Y Off Stack (Florida, Louisville, Illinois)
  • Pistol Trips Over Y Off (Cincinnati)
  • Pistol Full House Twins Over (NMSU, UNLV, Option, Spread Option)
  • Pistol Strong Tight (Liberty, Louisville, UTEP, Rice, Kennesaw State)
  • Pistol Bunch Open (Missouri)
  • Pistol Ace Heavy Overload (Ball state)
  • Pistol Wing Slot Over (Florida, Texas A&M, Michigan, Kennesaw State)
  • Pistol Weak Slot Over (Texas A&M, Cincinnati)
  • Pistol Strong Trips Over (Florida, Multiple, Cincinnati)
  • Added new Jet Sweep series plays under center for Utah, Bowling Green, Kentucky
  • Added more formations and plays to multiple teams’ playbooks, specifically empty and short-yardage formations (will continue through future title updates)
  • Changed default personnel for Liberty’s pistol formations to have 2 HBs instead of an HB and a TE/FB
  • Enabled the ability to edit ratings for non NIL players and recruits.
  • Further Super Sim tuning to reduce completion percentages across the country, especially limiting quarterbacks completing more than 70% of their passes.
  • Dev Note: This applies to Super Sim - Normal and Super Sim - Fast settings
  • Enabled Mass Subs for Online and Offline Dynasty games when playing against the AI. You will be able to sub in either your entire 2nd unit (if your starters are in) or your entire starting group (if your 2nd unit is in). 
  • Further tuning of Awards systems. 
  • Fixed an issue with the Stat Display for Returner of the Year.
  • Dev Note: You will be required to start a new Dynasty for the updated staff.
  • Fixed an issue where the Broken Vertebrae injury was incorrectly labeled as a Strained Back.


  • Player Upgrade & Refund animations are no longer misaligned.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Milestone Progress to display incorrectly. You would see two different milestone totals at times depending on where in the Challenge Sequence you viewed.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the filter drop down for ‘My Rank’ and ‘Top 100’ to remain on the screen after navigating away in Solo Battles.
  • Fixed a navigation issue on the Live Events tab that was giving users error messages after selecting ‘Objectives.
  • When viewing Team Chemistry on the Upgrade Tab of the Single Item Viewer, the required coin amount to unlock the Chem will be displayed. Previously, the amount was only shown on the confirmation popup.
  • Fixed an issue with Sets that gave users server errors after trying to add an Item Set.
  • ‘Open Next Pack’ is now available during the Fantasy Pack Flow. Hopefully it's a little quicker to open up some of those rewards from Season 1.
  • Cleaned up truncated text on various screens.


  • Gave players the ability to audible regardless of what position you are in when lined up on the field.
  • Re-tuned starting attributes for all HB archetypes, which includes an increase to speed, agility, change of direction, and stamina (to lower the times you get pulled from the game after a big run)
  • Re-tuned starting attributes for all CB archetypes, which includes an increase to speed, stamina, acceleration, and agility


  • Introducing new uniforms for Arkansas State, UAB, Western Kentucky, Louisiana Monroe, Tennessee, ECU, West Virginia, UMass, Charlotte, Ohio State (jersey swoosh will only turn diamond when in playoff games), Colorado State, Minnesota
  • Updated uniform pieces for 2024 season: Charlotte, Cal, Tulsa, Miami (OH)
  • Included New NIL Players for multiple teams.


  • Additional Tier Rebalancing to reflect the 5 Tier format.

Season 2 is here!

Season 2 of College Football Ultimate Team™ launches today. Work your way up the Field Pass to earn all-new player rewards, packs, Coins and more. Dominate the new Daily Solo Seasons mode, kick off the college football season with Welcome Packs, honor Legends, celebrate Weekly Phenoms, and more.

Read more about all the content we have in store for you during Season 2.

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Score the MVP Bundle*** to make game day every day, and get both Madden NFL 25 (when Early Access goes live on 8/13) and College Football 25 with bonus pre-order content.


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College football 25 season 2, college football 25 - title update august 8th, 2024, college football 25 team builder deep dive.

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History Presentation Templates

Captivating history powerpoint templates and google slides themes with vintage charm are ready to use. step back in time with our 100% customizable presentation slides. engage your viewers with stunning visuals, antique elements, and various historical themes to bring your narratives to life. perfect for educators, students, and historians. explore now.


  • Aesthetic Vintage Look: Every history PPT template comes with a touch of nostalgia, perfectly mirroring the era it represents.
  • Captivating Visuals: With our history slides, your audience will be engrossed by the mesmerizing visuals that range from nautical adventures to the medieval era and the art history thesis.
  • Versatility: Whether you're discussing ancient history or specific figures and events, our templates come specialized, so your content always finds a fitting background.
  • Editable Features: Our editable features ensure that every history template becomes uniquely yours to fit the narrative.
  • Diverse Imagery: Our slides are filled with rich visuals that transport your audience back in time.

We're here to help you!

What are history presentation templates.

History Presentation templates are ready-made presentation slides that contain pre-formatted graphics, text, and animation that you can use to create a professional-looking presentation about any historical event, person, or period.

Where can we use these History Slides?

You can use these History Slides for educational activities in a classroom, lectures, seminars, or presentations at conferences or special events. They can also be used as a reference tool for research or as a teaching aid to help explain a specific historical event or period.

How can I make History PPT Slides in a presentation?

Create a PowerPoint with high-quality, high-resolution images. Add color and texture to your slides. Also, use attractive fonts and font sizes to create a unique look for your slides. Suppose you want to learn how to use the PowerPoint tool. Visit Tips and tricks for detailed instructions.

Who can use History Presentation Templates?

Anyone can use History Presentation Templates to create an informative presentation about a historical event or period. They can be used by teachers, students, historians, and museums.

Why do we need History Presentation Slides?

History Presentation slides provide an efficient and effective way to present historical information to a class or audience. They offer a visual representation of the material with images and text.

Where can I find free History Presentation Templates?

Many websites offer free History Presentation templates. Slide egg is one of the best PowerPoint providers. Our websites' uniquely designed templates make your presentation more engaging and visually appealing.

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  • Presentations

20 Best Free Google Slides History Presentation Themes for 2024

Barni Rajah

Are you a presenter or educator who needs to use a Google Slides themes history to create understanding and love for the subject? Achieve these goals with a unique modern premium Google Slides historic-themed template.

The 1945 - History Google Slide Theme on Envato Elements

History is all about looking to the past to learn from it or understand one's roots better.

Creating a history-themed presentation is no excuse to use an old fashioned template made years ago. Leave the heavy lifting to the design experts and use a modern pre-built template to get your message across in the best possible way. It also helps you avoid creating your presentation from scratch.

There are a few ways to create a professional history-related presentation. You can work with any of the following:

  • templates made for history or vintage presentations 
  • multipurpose educational templates
  • minimalistic business templates that are customizable for any industry or purpose
  • templates with many timelines or other useful infographics

In this article, we'll explore templates that are suitable for all these options. We'll look at 20 free Google Slides themes for history to download off the internet. Plus, we'll explore premium history Google Slides Themes from Envato Elements. The perfect template you've got in mind could be among these listed options. 

Find the Best Premium History Google Slides Themes on Envato Elements for 2024 (Unlimited Use)

An Envato Elements subscription comes in handy for those wanting to work smart on creative projects. It allows you to work around skill sets or time limitations effortlessly. An active subscription will enable you to access and use as many digital files (not just Google Slides themes for history ) as you need.

Unlock unlimited access to millions of creative assets with an Envato Elements subscription—all for an affordable monthly fee.

Explore History Google Slides Themes

Premium Google Slides Themes History from Envato Elements

This all-you-can-download creative library will positively impact all your marketing and branding projects. You'll get access to premium digital assets like:

  • royalty-free music and audio 
  • Google Slides, PPT, Keynote, and WordPress templates
  • high-quality stock videos and photos
  • fonts, presets, graphic templates, and much more

Do you still find free Google Slides templates found online tempting? There are limitations you're forced to work around when dealing with anything free found online. These are issues to look out for:

  • lack of unique options
  • limited features
  • outdated designs

5 Best Premium History Google Slides Themes for 2024 (Envato Elements)

Here are five top premium themes for Google Slides history from Envato Elements:

1. Historia - Google Slides History Themes

Historia - Google Slides History Themes

Historia is a unique, creative, and minimalistic presentation template. This professionally created template comes with a design that's professional yet friendly. It's a great template to use if you're taking the storytelling approach to your history presentation. 

2. The 1945 - Google Slides Themes for History

The 1945 - Google Slide Themes History

This is a minimalistic black and white template. It's got beautifully handcrafted infographics with pixel-perfect illustrations. Add your photos as black and white or color images. Both options will suit this template perfectly. 

3. Academia - Google Slides Themes History

Academia - Google Slides Themes History

Academia is an education Google Slides template that works well for creating a presentation for university students, investors, or shareholders. It comes with a dark and light background as well as three pre-made color themes. Make full use of the infographics and animations to impress your audience. 

4. Forkisa - History Google Slides Template

Forkisa History Google Slides Template

This template comes with 30 unique timeline slides. Explain any historic events easily by breaking down the events by timeline and presenting it on an animated timeline. This would make the presentation a whole lot more comprehensive and memorable.  

5. History Presentation Template

History Presentation Template

You can't go wrong with a professionally designed presentation template like the aptly named History Presentation Template. It comes with 45 unique slides that you can customize for any presentation or industry. This template has loads of features like:

  • Vector icons
  • Section break slides  
  • Documentation and quick guide in PDF

20 Top Free Google Slides History Presentation Slide Designs to Download for 2024

Before you explore free Google Slides themes for history presentations, check out Envato's monthly premium freebies. It's an opportunity to test out various premium creative files at no cost. If you're in luck, a suitable theme for Google Slides history presentation may be up for grabs!

Envato Elements offers 12 premium monthly freebies

Here's the deal:

  • Envato Elements offers 12 premium monthly freebies (fonts, templates, videos, audio, photos, and more) for all to use every month. Log in or create a free account to download this month's free premium files .

1. Elegant - Free Presentation Template

This simple multipurpose free download can be used as a history Google Slides theme. It features white, dark blue, and gold. 

2. Historical Architecture - Free Google Slides Theme

This history Google Slides template uses textured paper as its background to convey a historic feel.  

3. Open Book - Free Google Slides Theme

This one mimics an open book on a table. Add  historical content to give a feel of storytelling.

4. Renaissance Drawings - Free Google Slides Themes History

The history Google Slides theme uses Da Vinci's drawings and classic typography on a textured paper background.

5. Vintage Geography - Free Google Slides

This history slide template uses vintage maps as its background. There's a white text box on each slide for content. 

6. Doodle Free Template for Google Slides

This is an academic or school-themed template with doodles and school workbook pages as backgrounds.

Doodles Free Template for Google Slides Presentations

7. MacCarthy Free Template for Google Slides

This history Google Slides template looks like a historic newspaper page. The background looks like textured vintage paper. 

8. Black History Month Template

This history slide template comes with a dark background. It's got white fonts and uses red, yellow, and green as highlights. 

9. Ancient Greece - Historic Template

This history Google Slides theme has an open book on a table. It's for educators needing to teach a history class. 

10. Monet Free Google Slides Themes for History

The history slide template works well for simple historic art presentations. The background is brown, and the fonts are black. 

11. Asger Free Google Slides History Theme

This one has a blue gradient background with world maps. 

Asger Free Presentation template for Google Slides

12. Yearbook - Free Google Slides Themes for History

This is an open book template that comes with two different cover designs—leather and geometric.

13. Blackboard - The Board Trilogy

Here's a simple multipurpose blackboard template with old-school vibes. It's got dusty blackboard background and uses colorful chalks for fonts and highlights.  

14. Historic PowerPoint Template

This history theme Google Slides template uses the world map in light gray as the background. The fonts are black, and the highlights are multicolored. 

15. University Homework Template

This one comes in a 16:9 widescreen format and is suitable for all types of screens. This template uses green and yellow as its primary colors. 

16. Blackboard Google Slides

Content has a handwritten look and is in white. This works well against the dark blackboard background. 

Blackboard Google Slides

17. Vintage Old Books - Google Slides

This history Google Slides theme has images of old books on a grayish-green background. It's got elements, layouts, maps, infographics, and charts for an educational presentation. 

18. Back to School Education - Google Slides Themes

Here's another multipurpose educational presentation template that anyone can use. It works for any subject like history, science, maths, or geography. 

19. Photographic Desk - Free Google Slides Theme

Now this Google Slides theme offers another educational angle with an overhead view of a desk with serving as the backdrop. Though it could be used for a variety of purposes, this theme suits history presentations well. 

20. Nostalgic Mood - Google Slides Theme

Lastly, we have Nostalgic Mood, which is a Google Slides theme that lives up to its name. This theme offers simple designs and layouts that allow your content to shine through. 

How to Customize Your History Google Slides Theme

Once you’ve chosen a history Google Slides template, you’ll want to customize it. I’ll show you how to customize your template. I’ll be using slide 6 of the premium History Google Slides template in this tutorial. Here's what slide 6 looks like with no edits made to it:

Slide 6 with no edits made.

1. How to Change the Background Color

How to change the background color of your slide.

If you don’t like the background color of your history Google Slides template, you can change it.

To change your slide background color, click on the Background button in the ribbon. When you click on the Background button, a window pops up. In the pop-up window, there's a Color field. Click on the arrow, and a color menu drops down. Choose the color that you want.

2. How to Add a Text Box

How to add a textbox.

To add more text to your slide, you’ll need to add a text box.

To add a textbox to your history Google Slides theme slide, click on the Text box button in the ribbon. After you click on the Text box button, draw a diagonal line where you want the text box to be.

Next, you’ll see a blue box with handles appear. Click inside the new text box to type or move the handles to adjust the size of the box.

3. How to Change the Font Style

How to change the font style.

If you don’t like the font style of your history theme Google Slides template, you can easily change it.

First, highlight the text that you want to change the font style. Next, click on the arrow next to the Font menu. When you click on the arrow, a Font Style menu drops down. Choose the font style that you want.

4. How to Insert a Chart

How to insert a chart.

Charts are a helpful way to present data to your audience. If your history slide template doesn’t come with a chart, you can add one.

To add a chart, click on the Insert tab. A menu drops down. On that drop-down menu, there's a Chart option. When your mouse hovers over the Chart option, choose the type of chart you need from that submenu. The chart of your choice appears on the slide. Adjust as needed.

5. How to Insert an Image

How to insert an image.

Images can add a visual element to your presentation.

To add a photo to your history Google Slides template, click on the Insert tab. A menu drops down. Click on the Image option. A menu appears. Choose the right option from the menu depending on your image location. After selecting your file, the image appears on the slide. Adjust the image as needed.

5 Quick Google Slides History Presentation Slide Design Tips for 2024

Make the best of your pre-built template and create an impactful presentation. Here are five tips to help you get started: 

1. Leave the Designing to the Experts

The ultimate goal is to get your hands on that perfect template, add your content, and finish creating the presentation in record time. Besides saving time, a premium presentation template helps you:

  • make that good impression
  • create a modern presentation 
  • work around your skills
  • avoid taking the risk with free templates from the web

Diurna - Monochrome Google Slides Templates, a premium template on Envato Elements

Take your time and browse through loads of options while looking for that template you've got in mind. This first step is crucial as it helps minimize design customization efforts later on. 

2. Stay Minimal

Most professional templates from Envato Elements have a minimalistic design approach. All you've got to do is divide your content across the slides without them looking crowded.

Forkisa - History Google Slides Template, a minimalistic historic template on Envato Elements

Here are a few tips on how to keep your slides minimalistic: 

  • Stick to the template's color themes or use only a few colors if you need to customize.
  • Stick to bullet points or visuals. Avoid paragraphs. 
  • Don't add more design elements.
  • Maintain a lot of white space.

3. Use Visual Graphics

Zaleka - Timeline Infographic Google Slides, a visually rich infographic template on Envato Elements

Visuals like images, videos, or infographics are easier to understand and recall. Take note of data or information that you can turn into visuals before starting your presentation creation. Be sure to mix up the use of visuals, so each slide looks different from the other. 

4. Use Customer Image Masks

Broken Papper - Google Slides Template, a premium template from Envato Elements with loads of custom image masks

Custom image masks are a quick way to add some creativity to any presentation. Thanks to image place holders and custom image masks, all you've got to do is drag and drop your images to where you want them. Square or rectangle-shaped photos are a thing of the past! 

5. Create an Impactful Start and End Strong 

Capture attention, manage expectations, engage, and be memorable! These are some of the goals that most presenters have when they face their audience. Starting and ending your presentation with a bang makes it easier to achieve these goals.

Read more about how to create an impactful start and end to any presentation: 

best presentation for history

5 History Presentation Trends in Google Slides You Need to Know

In recent years, there has been a surge in the popularity of Google Slides as a presentation tool. And it's no surprise why: Google Slides is easy to use, highly customizable, and free.

But because Google Slides is so versatile, it can be tricky to know where to start when creating a history presentation. Here are five history presentation trends in Google Slides that you need to know:

1. Visual Storytelling

One of the most popular trends in history presentations is visual storytelling. This involves using images, maps, and infographics to tell a story, rather than relying solely on text.

This is an effective way to engage your audience and make your presentation more memorable.

Historia theme

2. Minimalist Design

Another popular trend is minimalist design. This involves using clean, simple, and modern designs to communicate your message clearly.

This type of design is especially effective for history presentations because it can help to highlight the important points of your story.

best presentation for history

3. Interactive Elements

Including interactive elements in your history presentation is a great way to engage your audience and make your presentation more memorable.

There are many different types of interactive elements that you can use, such as polls, quizzes, and games.

Classroom Quiz Google Slides

4. Personalization

Personalizing your history presentation is a great way to make it unique and memorable. You can personalize your presentation in various ways like adding your own photos, videos, and stories.

best presentation for history

5. Use of Technology

Using technology in your history presentation is a great way to engage your audience and make your presentation more interactive.

Several technologies exist that you can use, such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and 360-degree video.

By using these trends in your history presentation, you can create a presentation that is both engaging and memorable.

Discover More Top Google Slides Presentation Theme Designs

It's a good idea to check out more history Google Slides themes for inspiration before making your decision. Below are a few related Google Slides templates for you to explore:

best presentation for history

5 Benefits of Using Professional Templates for Google Slides 

If you want to create a professional and polished history presentation, then using a template is a great option.

There are many benefits of using templates, such as:

  • History themes for Google Slides save you time. Creating a presentation from scratch can be time-consuming. However, if you use a template, then all you need to do is add your own content and customize the design to suit your needs.
  • They're easy to use. Google Slides history themes are designed to be easy to use, even if you're not a tech-savvy person.
  • They're cost-effective. Professional templates can be expensive. However, there are many free and low-cost options available.
  • They give your presentation an advantage. Using a template will give your presentation a professional and polished look.
  • They're flexible. Templates are highly customizable, so you can easily change the look and feel of your presentation to suit your needs

By using a premium history Google Slides template, you can save time and create a professional and polished presentation.

The Real Benefits of Envato Elements (Unlimited Use)

Envato Elements is a subscription service that gives you unlimited access to millions of creative assets, including history themes for Google Slides, you can start using immediately.

Google slides on Envato Elements

Sign up for Envato Elements today and get access to unlimited downloads of history Google Slides themes and tons of other creative assets to do with as you wish.

Common Google Slides Questions Answered (FAQ)

Have you got question about Google Slides? Here are some common Google Slides questions and answers:

1. Can I Add Music to My History Google Slides Template?

Adding music can make your presentation more fun for the audience. You can add music and audio to your Google Slides template. Plus, Envato Elements has an extensive library of royalty-free audio that you can use:

best presentation for history

2. Can I Make a Timeline in Google Slides?

Yes, you can. There are premium templates that come with timelines, or you can create your timeline. For information on how to create a timeline in Google Slides, read this tutorial:

best presentation for history

3. Can I Add a GIF to my History Google Slides Theme?

Yes, a GIF is a great way to add a fun visual element to your presentation. A GIF can be more engaging than an image. To read about how to add a GIF to your Google Slides presentation, read this article:

best presentation for history

4. Can I Convert a PowerPoint Template Into Google Slides?

Sometimes you don’t have a Google Slides template you like or can’t find one that works. It happens, but you can convert your PowerPoint template into a Google Slides template. For information on how to convert the file, read this tutorial:

best presentation for history

5. Can I Use Google Slides Offline?

It is! You can still work on your Google Slides template while there is no internet connection. You need to set your Google Slides up for going online. Here is an article that explains how:

best presentation for history

Learn More About Making Great Google Slides Presentations in 2024

Pin the How to Use Google Slides (Ultimate Tutorial Guide) as a favorite on your browser. It's got loads of bite-sized Google Slides how-to tutorials. If you get stuck using Google Slides, this works as a helpful reference guide. 

Here are three tutorials from this guide: 

best presentation for history

Get a Premium History Google Slides Theme Now!

There are plenty of free Google Slides history themes on the internet. It's accessible to anyone working on a budget. Like anything free, most of them do come with shortfalls like lack of uniqueness, outdated designs, and minimal features. 

As a professional, you may want to take the safest option and give your presentation the best possible head start. In this case, a free template won't work for you. 

Enjoy access to premium Google Slides Themes for history presentations (as well as other creative assets) with an affordable Envato Elements monthly subscription. Start working on all your creative projects efficiently with Envato Elements. 

Are you a light user of creative assets? Or do you want to try out premium before signing up? 

Work smart with professionally designed premium history Google Slides templates from Envato Elements. Download one today!

Editorial Note : This post has been updated with contributions from Sarah Joy and Brenda Barron . Sarah and Brenda are freelance instructors for Envato Tuts+.

Barni Rajah

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Free History Templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Make your presentations and lessons stand out with these free templates for History .  

Download them to use with PowerPoint or edit them in Google Slides and start creating!

best presentation for history

Celebrate Women in Style: Free PowerPoint and Google Slides template for International Women’s Day. Mark your calendars, because March 8th is all about celebrating the incredible achievements of women worldwide! This year, elevate your International Women’s Day presentations with this inspiring PowerPoint and Google Slides template. You can showcase the […]

Free PPT & Google Slides Theme for International Women’s Day.

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Showcase historical figures and highlight key moments in Black history with this free PowerPoint Template and Google Slides Theme February is Black History Month, a time to honor the achievements and contributions of Black individuals throughout history. This year, elevate your presentations with this stunning PowerPoint template and Google Slides […]

Celebrate Black History Month with this free PPT & Google Slides theme.

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History and Art scrapbook free PowerPoint Template and Google Slides Theme. A walk through art & history free template is perfect for your next history or art presentation. It features a scrapbook style filled with sticker images of famous sculptures and statues, such as Michelangelo’s David and The Winged Victory […]

A walk through art & history free scrapbook presentation template.

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Free newspaper style presentation template for PowerPoint and Google Slides. A simple template that resembles a newspaper and its sections. And since it’s a newspaper you can use this theme for a large number of subjects. Current affairs and news, economy, leisure, or you can ask your students to write […]

Newspaper style Google Slides and Ppt presentation template.

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Free Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides MacCarthy MacCarthy is a simple template that resembles an old newspaper. You can use it for a history or journaling lesson. In order to for the images to match its style, once you have inserted your pictures, select them and click on Format Options, […]

MacCarthy Old Newspaper theme for Google Slides and ppt. Updated Template.

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Old paper and maps free PowerPoint Template and Google Slides Theme for history lessons and presentations. Ready to navigate history? Grab your compass and let’s start this journey! This history template features old paper, maps, a globe and a compass and it’s perfect to talk about the world trough history […]

Old Maps History Lesson free theme.

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Africa landscapes and animals free PowerPoint Template and Google Slides Theme Africa Viva is perfect to talk about Africa, the savannah or the animal kingdom. It has beautiful sunset colors and papercut style landscapes made with different layers. I’ve included two different title slides, one with the African continent and […]

Africa Viva, free presentation template.

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China inspired free PowerPoint Template and Google Slides Theme This template was designed by my 12yo daughter. She had to make a presentation for school about Ancient China, so here it’s the result: Cherry blossom trees, a sketch of the Great Wall, lanterns, clouds and even a dragon. All this […]

A Chinese Tale. A China inspired presentation template.

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Free animated Google Slides and PowerPoint template. Create a presentation that looks like an old movie intro – with countdown and everything! – using this free Google Slides and PowerPoint template. This template features a vintage film reel design with a countdown timer and it is perfect for anyone looking […]

Old movie intro aesthetic free animated presentation template.

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Free PowerPoint template and Google Slides theme. Harlow is a creative free template to use with Google Slides or download as PowerPoint. It features organic shapes and littles touches of bronze. This free presentation template has organic shapes with different shades of brown with some touches of bronze. Use it […]

Harlow, organic shapes slides template.

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Free PowerPoint template and Google Slides theme. Celebrate Black History Month slides backgrounds. Black History Month celebrates the contributions that black people have made to the world. Some countries, like US or Canada, celebrate it on February, while others, like the UK do it in October. DOWNLOAD POWERPOINT OPEN IN […]

Black History Month slides presentation theme.

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Free PowerPoint template and Google Slides theme. Free virtual art gallery to showcase students’ work or to create an interactive lesson. Another special request! This time by Ximena. Given that now most schools don’t allow to display anything on the walls, and that many students are distance learning, she needed […]

Virtual Art Gallery, interactive template.

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Free PowerPoint template and Google Slides theme. This is a Classified template; you shouldn’t be reading this! Unless you are a SlidesManiac and therefore you are authorized! This free template for Google Slides or PowerPoint is perfect for school activities such us digital breakouts, a history lesson, to investigate a […]

Top Secret, these slides are classified.


Free Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides Presentations Monet Monet free presentation template is, of course, perfect for presentations about art! Even though I chose Monet, you can use images from any other artist. I have found these images on the Art Institute of Chicago website. If you have time, I […]

Monet Free Template for Google Slides or PowerPoint Presentations is an independent website that offers free powerpoint templates and is not part of Freepik/any particular brand. Read the privacy policies

history Powerpoint templates and Google Slides themes

Discover the best history PowerPoint templates and Google Slides themes that you can use in your presentations.

Vertical History PowerPoint Diagram

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Slidesgo templates have all the elements you need to effectively communicate your message and impress your audience.

Suitable for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Download your presentation as a PowerPoint template or use it online as a Google Slides theme. 100% free, no registration or download limits.

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The World of Teaching

Free Teacher resources including over 1000 Powerpoint presentations

History powerpoint free to download for teachers

Powerpoint presentations on history free to download.

History is the study of past events, particularly human activities, societies, and civilizations. It encompasses the exploration, analysis, interpretation, and understanding of the past based on various sources of evidence, such as written records, archaeological findings, oral traditions, artifacts, and more. History aims to reconstruct and narrate the story of humanity’s journey over time, examining the actions, ideas, and experiences of people from different eras and regions.

Below are a list of historical powerpoint presentations.

By studying history, we can gain insights into how societies have evolved, understand the factors that have shaped human progress, and learn from the successes and failures of the past. It helps us develop a broader perspective and a deeper understanding of our own cultural, social, and political contexts.

Please submit history powerpoints at the foot of this page

Anything you have also produced to enable other history teachers around the world to benefit.

Overall, history provides a foundation for understanding our present, illuminates the complexities of human behavior, and contributes to our collective knowledge and identity as a civilization.

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Deo Talao
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James Collins
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J Collins
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Graham Wilson
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krishnaprasad vn
Julie Turner
Herschel sarnoff
Herschel sarnoff
J Collins
Mary Lou Tillman
James Collins
Mike G
Paul Cleary
Robert Clutter
Leonard O'Donnell
Meredith Sanders
James Carol
Alicia Barnett
kathleen jordon
J Collins
Rob Clutter
Rob Clutter
Rob Clutter
Lavanya Thammaiah
J Collins
Darren Fleck
Mike G
Mike G
Josh Durey
Greg Harris
Lyzz Wang
James Carol
Scott Bennett
Angela Welch
James Collins
John Pipe
Shahbaz Younis
V Bond
James Collins
Robert Clutter
James Carol
James Carol
Nikki Mays
Lavanya Thammaiah
Rob Clutter
Lavanya Thammaiah
nafees khan
Robert Clutter
Mary Lou Tillman
James Carol
Goforth & Palmer
Eric Carroll
James Carol
Brian Robison
bill smolter
Patrick Vaughan
Robert Clutter
Mike G
Mike G
Lavanya Thammaiah
Jonathan Oliver
Jan Pentz
James Collins
Michael Kelman
Patrick Vaughan
David Brooker
James Carol
Liz Koppany
J Ross
kathleen jordon
James Carol
David J
kathleen jordon
nafees khan
jason lundblad
jason lundblad
jason lundblad
jason lundblad
J Collins
Greg Harris
Patrick Vaughan

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215 Best History-Themed Templates for PowerPoint & Google Slides

With over 6 million presentation templates available for you to choose from, crystalgraphics is the award-winning provider of the world’s largest collection of templates for powerpoint and google slides. so, take your time and look around. you’ll like what you see whether you want 1 great template or an ongoing subscription, we've got affordable purchasing options and 24/7 download access to fit your needs. thanks to our unbeatable combination of quality, selection and unique customization options, crystalgraphics is the company you can count on for your presentation enhancement needs. just ask any of our thousands of satisfied customers from virtually every leading company around the world. they love our products. we think you will, too" id="category_description">crystalgraphics creates templates designed to make even average presentations look incredible. below you’ll see thumbnail sized previews of the title slides of a few of our 215 best history templates for powerpoint and google slides. the text you’ll see in in those slides is just example text. the history-related image or video you’ll see in the background of each title slide is designed to help you set the stage for your history-related topics and it is included with that template. in addition to the title slides, each of our templates comes with 17 additional slide layouts that you can use to create an unlimited number of presentation slides with your own added text and images. and every template is available in both widescreen and standard formats. with over 6 million presentation templates available for you to choose from, crystalgraphics is the award-winning provider of the world’s largest collection of templates for powerpoint and google slides. so, take your time and look around. you’ll like what you see whether you want 1 great template or an ongoing subscription, we've got affordable purchasing options and 24/7 download access to fit your needs. thanks to our unbeatable combination of quality, selection and unique customization options, crystalgraphics is the company you can count on for your presentation enhancement needs. just ask any of our thousands of satisfied customers from virtually every leading company around the world. they love our products. we think you will, too.

Widescreen (16:9) Presentation Templates. Change size...

 Presentation with history - The pyramids of the Egypt with sky in the background

The pyramids of the Egypt with sky in the background

 Presentation with history - The united states of american constitution history of founding fathers values as a metaphor on a neutral background

The united states of american constitution history of founding fathers values as a metaphor on a neutral background

 Presentation with history - Presentation design having history - old american flag background and a tawny brown colored foreground

Presentation design having old american flag on a antique wooden platform - veterans day

 Presentation with history - Old tan maps of the world for travelers planning routes longitude and latitude

Old tan maps of the world for travelers planning routes longitude and latitude

 Presentation with history - Old fashioned gold quill and scroll for history time and past metaphors on brown background

Old fashioned gold quill and scroll for history time and past metaphors on brown background

 Presentation with history - Abu Simbel colossus egypt ancient statues africa

Abu Simbel colossus egypt ancient statues africa

 Presentation with history - Roman Statues depicting historical and mythological figures

Roman Statues depicting historical and mythological figures

 Presentation with history - Colorful PPT theme enhanced with history - light coming from book backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

PPT theme enhanced with light coming from book in woman's hands in gesture of giving offering concept of wisdom religion reading imagination backdrop

 Presentation with history - Presentation design consisting of history - genuine old stained world map background and a coral colored foreground

Presentation design consisting of genuine old stained world map dated from the mid 1800's showing western and eastern hemispheres with hand colouring

 Presentation with history - Colorful presentation design enhanced with history - seafront on the sunset backdrop and a wine colored foreground

Presentation design enhanced with seafront on the sunset with viking ship

 Presentation with history - Ancient Egyptian pharoah statues with columns, ruins, archaeology, Egypt

Ancient Egyptian pharoah statues with columns, ruins, archaeology, Egypt

 Presentation with history - Beautiful PPT theme featuring history - fountain pen on an antique backdrop and a lemonade colored foreground

PPT theme featuring fountain pen on an antique handwritten letter

 Presentation with history - Old fashioned hourglass and feather with scroll history

Old fashioned hourglass and feather with scroll history

 Presentation with history - Slides having history - medieval old nautical map background background and a coral colored foreground

Slides having medieval old nautical map background

 Presentation with history - Presentation theme with history - old style movie projector still-life background and a light blue colored foreground

Presentation theme with old style movie projector still-life close-up

 Presentation with history - A castle with clouds in the background and place for text

A castle with clouds in the background and place for text

 Presentation with history - An old fashioned compass with topographic map pointing north east south west on orange and brown background as a metaphor

An old fashioned compass with topographic map pointing north east south west on orange and brown background as a metaphor

 Presentation with history - School report card with A+ grades on math, science, history and English, with envelope, pencil, ruler and opened notebook on black background

School report card with A+ grades on math, science, history and English, with envelope, pencil, ruler and opened notebook on black background

 Presentation with history - Cool new presentation with history - old book selective focus backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

Presentation with old book selective focus

 Presentation with history - Colorful PPT layouts enhanced with history - wood texture backdrop and a blonde colored foreground

PPT layouts enhanced with wood texture

 Presentation with history - Theme enhanced with history - old paper manusript or parchment background and a blonde colored foreground

Theme enhanced with old paper manusript or parchment horizontally oriented

 Presentation with history - Colorful PPT layouts enhanced with history - film negative frames background copy backdrop and a lemonade colored foreground

PPT layouts enhanced with film negative frames background copy space

 Presentation with history - Beautiful presentation theme featuring history - mount rushmore backdrop and a lemonade colored foreground

Presentation theme featuring mount rushmore

 Presentation with history - Hourglass old clock time passes history present past future white background

Hourglass old clock time passes history present past future white background

 Presentation with history - Presentation design having history - closeup of a pile background and a mint green colored foreground

Presentation design having closeup of a pile of vintage family photos

 Presentation with history - Toy soldiers with cart on American flag background, military history

Toy soldiers with cart on American flag background, military history

 Presentation with history - Audience pleasing theme consisting of february-black-history-month-handwriting backdrop and a coral colored foreground

Theme consisting of february - black history month handwriting in a desktop calendar an annual observance originating in the united states where it is also known as african-american history month

 Presentation with history - Theme enhanced with conceptual old retro aged paper background and a blonde colored foreground

Theme enhanced with vintage concept conceptual old retro aged paper texture isolated on white background abstract damaged parchment or label as a banner for grunge ornament book letter time pattern history designs

 Presentation with history - Beautiful PPT theme featuring history - independence hall in philadelphia pennsylvania backdrop and a red colored foreground

PPT theme featuring independence hall in philadelphia pennsylvania usa

 Presentation with history - Beautiful theme featuring blank family tree taken closeup backdrop and a lemonade colored foreground

Theme featuring blank family tree taken closeup

 Presentation with history - Audience pleasing slide set consisting of history - fountain pen on an antique backdrop and a lemonade colored foreground

Slide set consisting of fountain pen on an antique handwritten letter

 Presentation with history - Colorful theme enhanced with history - vintage grunge still life vintage backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

Theme enhanced with vintage grunge still life vintage items on ancient map

 Presentation with history - Theme having history - close up of europe background and a tawny brown colored foreground

Theme having close up of europe on globe

 Presentation with history - Audience pleasing theme consisting of history - paper and technology backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

Theme consisting of paper and technology

 Presentation with history - Egyptian hieroglyphics craved in stone for history

Egyptian hieroglyphics craved in stone for history

 Presentation with history - Cool new presentation design with history - old blank parchment or paper backdrop and a lemonade colored foreground

Presentation design with old blank parchment or paper isolated clipping path is included

 Presentation with history - PPT theme enhanced with history - constitution of the united states background and a yellow colored foreground

PPT theme enhanced with constitution of the united states of america on a wooden desk

 Presentation with history - Cool new theme with history - old style movie projector still-life backdrop and a ocean colored foreground

Theme with old style movie projector still-life close-up

 Presentation with history - The repreentation of stonehenge with a lot of greenery

The repreentation of stonehenge with a lot of greenery

 Presentation with history - Presentation design with literature writing author and history background and a tawny brown colored foreground

Presentation design with quill pen and ink well resting on an old book in a library concept for literature writing author and history background

More history templates for powerpoint and google slides:.


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Free History Template – PowerPoint and Google Slides

history theme presentation template

About the Template

History lessons presentation template.

As kids and even today, reading history lessons is the most mundane task. But being tedious, learning history is important too. Through History lessons, we can better understand past societies, systems, ideologies, governments, cultures, etc.

By studying history, we gain transferable skills, which is undoubtedly one reason why we should learn history. We have Free History template for PowerPoint and Google Slides to make your history lessons more interesting. This history background for ppt templates has a historic touch with a vintage-styled background. The template also uses old ship, compass, and library images, giving the template a classic and vintage feel.

Step into the past and bring history to life with our Free History Presentation Template . Designed for educators, history buffs, and anyone passionate about the past, this PowerPoint template provides a dynamic canvas for delivering engaging history lessons and presentations. Now your historic lessons will be fun and engaging  thanks  to this creative history templates.

Key Features of this free History PowerPoint Template

  • Rich Historical Visuals :  This History PPT template includes rich historical visuals with a captivating backdrop that includes iconic historical imagery, maps, and artefacts.
  • Educational Icons:  Moreover, you will find educational icons that will enhance your lessons with a set of history-related icons, making it easy to illustrate key points and events.
  • Versatile Usage:  Perfect for classroom history lessons, historical research presentations, heritage preservation projects, and more.
  • Customization Made Easy:  Easy to customize this template to your specific content, whether you’re teaching ancient civilizations or modern history.
  • Accessible Learning:  Whether you’re an educator, student, or history enthusiast, this template empowers you to share the rich tapestry of history.

Who Should Download this History PowerPoint Template

As students we always believed history is just about memorizing dates and names. But its isn’t true, history is story of humanity filled with triumphs, tragedies, wars, innovation. By gaining knowledge about history one can gain deeper appreciation for the world around us.

Who Should Download this Free History Slides

This free History Google Slides and PowerPoint template is perfect for anyone who looking to learn more about history or want to make their history lessons or looking to make to score some extra grades in their exams. Here are some specific people who would benefit from using it:

  • Teachers: History is the most boring subject for most of the subject and they tends to skip it. Teachers can get this History templates to l iven up your classroom presentations and capture your students’ attention.
  • Students: Students can use these history lessons template to create engaging presentations for history projects or assignments.
  • Historical Societies and Clubs: Using this one can create informative presentations for meetings and events, sparking discussions and interest in local or specific historical periods.
  • Travel Bloggers and YouTubers: Elevate your historical travel content with these travel history template.
  • Non-Profit Organizations: Educate the public about historical issues or figures relevant to your cause with presentations that raise awareness and inspire action.
  • Anyone Who Wants to Learn More About History: This template is a great way to organize your research and present your findings in a clear and interesting way.

Make History Lessons Interesting With these History Slides Template

Gone are the days of dry lectures and dusty textbooks! Today is the time of smart classes and VR classes. Get ready to captivate your audience focus and arouse their curiosity for the past with our engaging free history template.

Designed to make history interactive and exciting, these templates incorporate a variety of elements to keep your students or colleagues hooked.

From high quality images, captivating timelines and infographics to old school maps , our history ppt template provide a visually dynamic way to present historical information.

What is History and Why is it Important?

History is study of the past, from the evolution of human to invention of internet. History is like document or artifacts to understand how the became what it is today. History often gets a bad rap because of its voluminous textbooks filled with text heavy pages, dates and names can feel like a slog, a list of events with no connection to our lives today.

But history, at its core, is anything but boring. It’s a captivating story of humanity’s grand adventure, filled with innovation, conflict, and everything in between. It’s the story of our ancestors, the triumphs and tragedies that shaped the world we live in today.

This historic template is designed to make that learning journey engaging and interactive. Say Goodbye to dry lectures and bring history to life with a visually appealing history templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides that evokes a sense of nostalgia.

Get ready to take your audience to epic journey to history with our interesting History templates . Its isn’t the average template which you find over internet. Its passport to an epic journey through time.

Imagine, going back through times and living in the past. This template is packed with old maps, designs, hand drawn maps and old school design style which brings the past to life.

So buckle up and get curious! We’re about to learn tons about the past and how it connects to our world today. With this history PowerPoint template and Google Slides, history isn’t just a subject, it’s an adventure!

Get this free Slides background and make your learnings more engaging. Also, check our Free Chemistry background if you want to design chemistry projects or notes.

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Free history google slides themes and powerpoint templates for your presentations. download them and make your cultural projects stand out with the large amount of graphic resources included..

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Black History Month Appreciation Minitheme presentation template

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best presentation for history

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Black history month appreciation minitheme.

February is an exciting time of year, because it marks the annual celebration of Black History Month! For 28 days, Americans across the country reflect on and appreciate the contributions African American citizens have made throughout history. This commemorative month serves as a reminder of how far we've come and...

This Is Black History Month presentation template

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This Is Black History Month

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Historical presentation

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History Presentation Template

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History Powerpoint Templates

Perfect for: historians, history teachers, history speakers, history professors, timelines in powerpoint

Telling a story verbally is one of the most ancient art forms. It has been an inherent part of humanity since the beginning of times. Interestingly, this old capability has become an enormously important quality for different current uses. As well, recent studies and technological advances have put into our general knowledge vast amounts of data that can help us tell the story of human beings.

What is a History Powerpoint  Template?

History has a magical sense, which transports us to ancient or older times where we can only imagine how life was different to what we see today. It doesn´t matter if you need to speak about recent events or whatever happened before the birth of civilization, being able to create an excellently balanced powerpoint presentation is imperative. It might even be the difference between great storytelling and just set up the stage for random pieces of information.

This presentation template will allow a diverse group of people take advantage of the enticing historical information. It has been created not only with text and image information but also data related to each timeline. This might be of great help for creating presentations that respond to academic or industry-specific needs.

The approach for this template is action-inspiring and allows not only speakers but also the audience to see a new de of history they might have missed before.

What should a History Powerpoint Presentation include?

A summary of main information aspects to be shared can be a high starting point. It can also include crucial points of data that can create interest in the period you will be showcasing.

You can provide a general view of what was the current situation at that point and what was influencing change. This would include relevant events, with different types of historical events reviews, and even the changes that happened per period.

Make sure you also include several types of timeline versions that can provide insights on regards of problems and needs for each period. Don't underestimate all kinds of graphs and tables to provide the most significant amount of information.

Which information can you include in a History Powerpoint Template?

Your history timeline in powerpoint can be much more than that by including:

● Significant data that can not only provide a timely development of history but as well numbers for a more robust presentation.   ● Graphics of different kinds that can be more enticing and creative around the historical storytelling you are providing.   ● Provide robust summaries for each term to ensure that there is a clear understanding of the highlights of all the narration. ● Include relevant quotes that represent the views of historians or famous historical figures.

Your timeline narration can be as compelling and surprising to your audience as you allow it to be. Make sure not to stay focus just on images or text but improve this information by making all data available to improve the understanding history. Finally, go ahead and make your history powerpoint presentation the most memorable part.

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25+ Greatest History Themed Google Slides Templates

  • 🎥 Presentations
  • Google Slides

Author Daria Kritskaia

  • Author: Daria Kritskaia

Creating a high-quality and even more interesting presentation that will interest your viewers is a very time-consuming process. If in works on general topics it is solved by beautiful pictures and infographics, then in scientific or history topics, everything should be almost perfect. We have collected for you the best history themed Google Slides templates that will make your work very easy and help you save time.

High-quality professional Google Slides templates are specially created to keep the structure of information so that you don’t miss even the smallest detail. Interesting graphs, tables, pictures, and flowcharts help the viewer to focus his attention on the information, rather than going through a dozen lines of unnecessary text. Thus you will have a huge advantage over others, which helps you not only save time but also improves the final result of your work. So let’s not waste any time, but rather proceed to the review of the most unique templates for your historical presentation.

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History PowerPoint Templates Bundle:

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History PowerPoint Templates Bundle

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Best Premium History Google Slides Themes

Masterclass on ancient history.

Screenshots of the presentation with Egyptian drawings on a sand background.

Looking for a way to get your students interested in ancient history? Then use this high-quality presentation template. One of the best details you’ll find inside is the use of drawings of historical objects, which gives the presentation a very appropriate vintage look. All the layouts have been simplified so you can customize everything in less time!

Medieval History Thesis

Screenshots of the presentation with pictures of scrolls, knightly armor on yellow and pink backgrounds.

This new template is quite elegant and refined, perfect for impressing your audience. Lots of hand-drawn illustrations will decorate your slides with medieval imagery. The layouts are very simple, so summarize your methodology, research, and conclusions here.

Christianity Google Slides Presentation

Screenshots of a presentation with pictures on a Christian theme.

This is a great high-quality history Google Slides theme that you will definitely like. Over 40 colorful slides, hundreds of icons, tables, infographics, and more. It’s all easy to edit and customize to your needs. Use this template to make a cool and interesting historical presentation on Christianity – impress your audience.

Education Presentations Bundle: 400 Slides

Collage of screenshots of colorful presentations for schools.

If you only want the best Google Slides with history themes, then try out this huge bundle of templates. You’ll find 400 slides here in 5 color schemes that are fully editable for all your needs. In addition, you’ll also be able to use them in Keynote or PowerPoint.

Education Presentation: 50 Slides

Collage of presentation pages for students with purple accents.

It can be difficult to choose history themes for Google Slides, but not in this case. This is a universal template that is suitable for absolutely any theme. The product includes 50 easily editable slides and 5 color schemes, which you can also customize in a couple of clicks to give your presentation an attractive look.

Online Education Google Slides Theme: 50 Slides

Collage of presentation pages with red and pink elements.

If you need to make a high-quality and interesting presentation, but you only need the best history backgrounds for Google Slides, then pay attention to this option. Together with this product, you now have the opportunity to create a true masterpiece presentation. After all, there are more than 50 slides and 5 different color schemes and it’s all easy and fast to edit!

50 Slides Teacher Education Presentation Template 2022

Collage of page images with a photo of a teacher at the blackboard.

This product is perfect for teachers and educators who need to create great school presentations in minutes to engage and delight their students. All slides here are fully editable, and plenty of icons, tables, and charts won’t bore your listeners.

Islamic Presentation Google Slides Theme

Collage of presentation pages with photos of Islamic mosques.

This unbeatable template will help tell you about the history of Islamic culture, which is one of the greatest. An huge number of editable slides, icons, 16:9 resolution, and colorful design are sure to please your audience.

Buddhism Presentation Google Slides Theme

Collage of presentation pages with photos of Buddhist shrines.

With this unique product, you now have the opportunity to tell your audience about the history of Buddhism. Several color schemes, editable slides, and icons will help you create an interesting and engaging presentation.

Judaism Presentation Google Slides Theme

Collage of presentation pages with photos of Jewish shrines.

If you know the history of Judaism well and want to tell people about it, use this template. With this template, you’ll have a first-rate, interesting presentation that your audience will love.

Universal – Education Google Slides

Collage of presentation slides with photos of students and books.

Improve the quality of your presentation with professional design! If you’ve been looking for a universal history theme for Google Slides, then this product will suit you like nothing else. It’s easy to use, contains 31 unique slides, and includes 2 color schemes.

Smartfo – Education Googleslide

Collage of presentation slides with photos of students and purple, green accents.

This presentation template contains modern, elegant, creative, professional, and unique layouts that will help you create a first-class presentation. You’ll get 40 slides in this set that you can edit and customize.

Edustation Kids Education – GSL – Google Slides Theme

Collage of presentation slides with photos of students in class on blue and green backgrounds.

Together with this history Google Slides theme, you will be able to create a high-quality and interesting presentation that will please all your viewers without exception. There is no need for Adobe Photoshop or other image editors because you can edit your slides quickly and easily.

Edutech Education Google Slides

Collage of presentation slides with photos of students in the library, classroom and at the blackboard.

There are many different Google Slides themes for history topics, but this product is unique. All graphics can be modified and customized to your needs, with a 16:9 widescreen ratio that will make the picture more pleasing. All you need to do is just insert your information into the template and enjoy the result.

Educati – University Google Slides

Image of a monoblock with bright pages. color presentation on the screen.

This is a versatile product that is one of the best history Google Slides templates. In this set, you will get 40 very different high-quality slides that are easy to edit. Change the color scheme in a few clicks and enjoy your work.

Egyptian History Thesis Google Slides

Egyptian history thesis google slides.

The history of Egypt is always a fascinating topic, full of riddles and mysteries. Show how much you’ve learned and organize your information with careful design. The main color of the palette is undoubtedly yellow, reminiscent of the wonderful deserts of this country. Includes 13 high-quality slides and over 1000 icons in 11 different layouts that are just what you need for a cool presentation!

History single slides

History single slides.

If you need to make a general-purpose historical presentation, or you have not yet decided on the theme, then this template is perfect for you! It’s easy to use and has infographics in the slides, which is great for creating timelines.

Universe design

Universe design.

The best presentation template to show and tell the story of our universe is right here, ready for you. All elements, colors, shapes, and diagrams can be easily modified to suit your needs. The templates come in 3 different color themes and 2 different sizes, giving you different options to choose from.

Vintage history lesson

Vintage history lesson.

This most interesting pattern leads viewers down memory lane to chronicle the past. You’ll get a product with simple layouts and slides that focus on history. A vintage style for the slides will evoke a sense of self-development and memories of past events in the viewers. Includes a serif font to give the text a formal but modern look.

Evolution PowerPoint template

Evolution PowerPoint template.

Evolution is a presentation design containing useful slides with illustrations and evolution diagrams. These charts have an editable layout, and you can even change the color of individual objects in the sample charts. You can use this template for topics ranging from history to science, education, etc.

Best Free History Google Slides Themes

Papyrus history lesson.

Collage of presentation pages depicting mountains, a sailboat, Egyptian queens, books.

History lessons tend to be boring because they need dates and lots of information. Make it fun by editing this free presentation template, whose backgrounds, based on ancient papyrus rolls, take it to the next level. Use over 20 easy-to-edit slides in your work and make only the best presentations.

Writing History Thesis

Collage of presentation pages depicting books and a pen for writing on a beige background.

This is a vintage-style template that goes well with any history theme. It has a simple design, a gray background, and scribbled illustrations of books, papyrus, feathers, etc. that will add sophistication to your presentation. In addition, you will also get charts, images, maps, infographics, and timelines.

Ancient Roman Culture Minitheme

Collage of presentation pages depicting columns, a legionnaire and a throne with a red carpet.

A quality history Google Slides template is a rarity. So we found the coolest and most interesting product for you. From Colosseum to Latin words – expand your knowledge about Ancient Rome thanks to this template.

Historical Architecture Presentation Template

Collage of presentation pages with the image of the pyramids and the cathedral on a beige background.

Create a stunning presentation with this free theme. It uses textured paper backgrounds, and illustrations of buildings and architecture, from ancient to modern, to convey a historical mood. Use it in a classroom or conference to talk about history, architecture, or art. Get your audience immersed in history and the right mood with this gorgeous design.

History Template

Collage of presentation pages with books on gray background.

The template is suitable for history lessons when preparing reports for students. It will also be useful for teachers when preparing lectures. The slides contain graphs, tabular data, timelines, and other forms of visualization.

Historical Google Slides Template

Collage of presentation pages with colorful infographics.

If you want to use some kind of universal template for your historical story, then this option is perfect for you. It’s easy to edit and customize for all your needs, with over 10 high-quality slides and hundreds of icons.

Free Historical Google Slides Template

Collage of presentation pages with photo of statues, Einstein and world map.

Get amazing themes to create exceptional quality presentations in minutes with easy-to-edit background slides. You can use them for multipurpose use to create professional, corporate, and minimal templates. This presentation is elegant and simple with the addition of small elements.

Revolution history lesson

Revolution history lesson.

The vibrant visuals of these slides attract so much attention that your viewers will not be left indifferent. The backgrounds have textures that create a retro feel and appropriate atmosphere, but what makes everything perfect is the combination of the illustrations. They are beautifully done and convey so much that they create just the right mood for your presentation.

Renaissance drawings free PowerPoint template

Renaissance drawings free PowerPoint template.

This free presentation template uses textured paper backgrounds, drawings, and classic typography to convey a historical mood. It’s fully editable, and it’s easy to change colors, text, and even photos. You’ll also get over 80 customizable icons.

Ancient history lesson

Ancient history lesson.

If you need to prepare a presentation on the subject of ancient history, then this template will help you to do it quickly and efficiently! Use line graphs, processes, maps, and timelines to present information. You’ll get 26 high-quality slides, more than 500 icons, and it’s all easy to edit.

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Here are a few frequently asked questions about the best History Themed Google Slides Templates

Can You Get More Themes For Google Slides?

Yes, use MasterBundles, and other marketplaces with professionally designed Google Slides history themes.

How do you make a unique theme in Google Slides?

Choose your favorite Google Slides theme, find useful information, and quality pictures (or create your own), add animated objects and work with the typography. The well-prepared premium template will definitely help to stand out among the standard and boring presentations.

What Is The Best Theme In Google Slides?

Each product is unique and has its own characteristics. It is better to use bundles because they include many ready-made solutions for different purposes. For example, try Education Presentations Bundle .

Where Can I Find Google Slides Themes?

Refer to MasterBundles with confidence, because there are many good quality and flexible solutions to suit any idea.

Some Awesome Video About Vintage Fonts

Vintage + retro aesthetic fonts for editing.

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Cool History Topics: 151 Great Historical Events & Ideas

best presentation for history

History is one of the most fascinating and influential fields of study. It’s not merely a narration of the events of the past but a constant search for answers. It’s a re-examination of our human experience and understanding of how far we have come.

There are thousands of interesting history topics that a student can write an essay about. From ancient tribes to the modern world issues, there are plenty of things to explore. However, you might still find it challenging to work on your history project, presentation, or research paper.

There are a few reasons why:

First of all, there are too many choices to pick one. Secondly, when it comes to history, saying something new and genuinely original is tough. A lot of people try to find a research topic that will be fun to write about. You can feel as if all the ideas were already examined.

This is why our team has come together to provide you with this list of cool history topics to write about. Find some unique and fresh ideas on our page!

For some students, picking a popular topic in history is not enough. They want something unique and cool. If you are one of these students, this list can give you some fresh ideas on cool history topics to write about.

  • ✨ Top Interesting Topics
  • 😎 What Idea is Cool?
  • 🥇 Important Events
  • 📌 10 Cool Events
  • ✨ Popular Topics
  • 💡 American History
  • 🌍 World History
  • 🏺 Ancient History

✨ 15 Interesting History Topics

  • World Wonders.
  • Chernobyl Disaster.
  • Ancient Egypt.
  • The Cold War.
  • The Red Scare.
  • The Holocaust.
  • Edo Period.
  • Famous Italian Painters.
  • The Civil War.
  • The 20 th Century.
  • Thirty Years’ War.
  • South African Apartheid.
  • Modern World History.
  • Eiffel Tower.
  • The Great Depression.

😎 What Is a Cool History Topic?

You may still wonder whether the topic you chose to talk about is cool enough. Well, you can ask people around you to determine. Don’t settle for a random history topic. Make sure it is worth your time.

Talk to your friends, your family, and people you know. Question them about the most important event in world history. It is a good topic to talk about with your friends and learn about exciting events in history. Another great option would be looking up free college essays collected in a samples database. They usually cover a variety of topics and include numerous paper types.

If you don’t have time, this list will give you ideas about some cool history topics to write about. Consider the options, pick the most engaging one, and start your paper.

🥇 Most Important Historical Events

Selecting one of the events that changed the world is a daunting task for anyone. You might ask, with everything that has happened in the past 5000 years, how can you choose what was the most important?

Thousands of historical events and figures shaped our world.

Here is our list of the most important historical events ever:

  • Alexander the Great: the political and cultural impact of Alexander the Great’s Conquest . Alexander the Great was one of the most influential kings of the ancient world. In the essay about his political and cultural impact, talk about his military campaigns. How did he, by the age of 30, create one of the biggest Empires in the world? Allow the readers to see how big and powerful the empire was. Elaborate on the legacy that Alexander the Great left after his death.
  • The Factors that contributed to the dissolution of the Roman Empire . Historians agree on several factors that contributed to it. At the beginning of the essay, identify them. You can also decide to focus on several factors that seem the most important.
  • Islam and Christianity Impact on the Middle Ages
  • Nudity in the paintings of the Italian Renaissance
  • Leonardo Da Vinci: Artist, Scientist, Inventor . An essay about this person is destined to be intriguing. Leonardo Da Vinci was one of the most captivating figures in the history of humankind. Just imagine: he was an artist, a scientist, and an inventor at the same time. You can pick several most important paintings to talk about. How about The Mona Lisa or The Last Supper?
  • Could World War II be prevented?
  • How will historians remember the 2010s?
  • Heroes after the Middle Ages
  • Impact of the Black Death: the greatest population disaster
  • American family’s changes since the 20th century
  • Racism and Education in the United States . In this essay, students should focus on the history of discrimination in the United States. You can talk about Brown versus The Board of Education but try to go a bit further. Think about disproportionate funding in the public education sector. See if there is a connection with the minorities. Where do they live and go to school?
  • Was there a need to drop the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
  • The Fall of Constantinople – the greatest capital in the world. Your tutor will most probably expect you to write about the greatness of the city. But this essay topic should focus on the fall of it. Talk about the last decades of the city and about the most important factors that contributed to the fall of it.
  • What were the effects of Gutenberg’s Printing Press? The printing revolutions started after Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. It’s another transformational event in world history. It was crucial in the development of the Renaissance, Reformation, and the Age of Enlightenment. This topic has a lot of things you can talk about.
  • The Ideology of Colonialism
  • Paradoxicality of Christianity and Slavery. Not many people know, but Christian slaveholders used religion to justify slavery. They usually picked up verses from the book of Genesis and interpreted them in the manner that served their needs. Sometimes they used the New Testament to justify slavery. You could compare the attitude early Christians had towards slaves and how it changed.
  • The scar of colonialism and the presence of post-colonialism
  • Impact of the American revolution on women. Women played an integral part during the revolution. Depending on their social status, their involvement varied. They affected the revolution a lot, but also the revolution had a great impact on them. Women did not have any political voice in Colonial America. So, see how it changed after the American Revolution was over.

An essay topic about women in American Revolution.

  • The Rise and Fall of Napoleon
  • Culture, work, and social change after the Industrial Revolution
  • Why was the Declaration of Independence written?
  • French Revolution: why Marie Antoinette lost her head?
  • The importance of the Berlin Wall in the Cold War
  • Communism Collapse in the USSR . Write about what caused the collapse of the Soviet Union. Discuss Gorbachev’s decision to democratize the Soviet Union and how people reacted to it. Write about the impact that the collapse of the Soviet Union had around the world.

📌 10 Cool Events in History to Write About

  • The Apollo 11 Landing – 1969.
  • Formation of the UN – 1945.
  • The Suffrage Movement – 1847-1920.
  • The American Revolution – 1775-1783.
  • Fall of the Wall – 1989.
  • The Gunpowder Plot – 1605.
  • Discover of DNA – 1860s.
  • 20th Century Space Race – 1955-1975.
  • The Trojan War – 12th Century BCE.
  • The Renaissance – 15th-16th Century.

✨ Most Popular History Topics

This list is great if those who want to pick one of the famous topics in history. The selected ideas have a great depth to them. They are relevant and will be excellent to write about. You will be able to find information in history encyclopedias, journals, articles, and podcasts.

Moreover, your classmates and teacher will like your research too. Here’s our list of popular history essay topic:

  • The Industrial Revolution and how did it change England
  • The Civil Rights Movement in the United States . Elaborate on the political climate before the civil rights movements. Discuss the events that triggered it in the United States. What was the movement able to achieve? If you choose this essay topic, be ready to have a strong opinion about it.
  • Martin Luther King: the life and death. Another idea that, in a way, relates to the civil rights movement essay topic. It’s impossible to explore race relationships without talking about Martin Luther King. He was a bright and influential individual. For sure, this essay topic is among the most popular ones.
  • The autobiography of Malcolm X
  • French Revolution and the Napoleonic Era
  • Causes of the 1812 war . Write about the immediate causes and the remote causes of the 1812 war. You can also talk about the groups that opposed the war and the groups that supported it.
  • Why did William win the battle of Hastings?
  • Mongol’s Conquest Causes, Battles, and Results
  • Music and paintings during the Renaissance in Italy
  • Compare British and American slavery. Examine the differences and similarities between British and American slavery. For a very long time, historians believed that the Southern type of slavery was harsher. Think about it and examine the evidence that you have. You can use slave diaries and the novels they wrote about their experiences.
  • Dehumanizing psychology of slavery: does it still exist?
  • Transatlantic Slave Trade: from West Africa to the Americas
  • African-American cultural identity
  • The history of Buddhism
  • The lasting impact of Karl Marx’s works. Karl Marx was not a politician, nor he ever considered implementing his ideas. However, not that long after his death, his works were picked up. They were interpreted and revolutionized. This is a great essay topic for everyone who is looking for an engaging theme to write about.

Essay topics about Karl Marx's influence.

  • The history of math
  • The fall of the Roman Empire and the rise of feudalism
  • When did Pearl Harbor become a naval base?
  • Economic Recession in the United States in the 2000s
  • Mental Illness in America: Nellie Bly, Kate Chopin, and Charlotte Perkins Gilman
  • Canadian history through sports. Canada is all about sports. In this essay, write about how the image of Canada was continuously shaped by sports victories. It’s a fascinating and cool topic to explore.
  • The space race during the Cold War
  • Positive and Negative Effects of the Cold War. The Cold War was a different type of conflict. While it created a lot of calamity and negativity, there were some positive sides to it as well. Talk about those effects. For instance, focus on political stability, or economic growth, or the space race.
  • The history of aviation
  • Post-Civil war reconstruction in American history
  • The role of Capitalism and the life of workers
  • Arab-Israeli conflict

🔥 Top 76 Coolest History Topics

If you are looking for the coolest history topic, you are in the right place. Find a title that interests you personally and start writing. Be sure the process of writing won’t be tedious. Instead, it should make you curious about more historical events of the past.

We combined this list of topics to help you get inspired.

💡 Cool American History Topics

  • How did the Civil War affect the distribution of wealth in the United States?
  • The 1992 Los Angeles Riots
  • African Communities in America . African Communities in America have a long history. It’s full of discrimination, slavery, the oppression. Despite all of that, African communities in the United States are among the fastest-growing.
  • Condition of Women and Minorities During the War
  • The first wave of immigration to the United States
  • Racism and segregation in the US
  • The first civilizations of the Native Americans
  • Did Barack Obama change America? Barack Obama was the first African American President in the United States. Look at the political reforms, foreign and immigration policies implemented during his presidency. Then, try to answer this question for yourself.
  • A bill of rights and an amendment
  • The origins of automobile drag racing in the U.S.

Drag racing first appeared in California.

  • How did the highway system change US culture? America has one of the best highways in the world. All thanks to the 1921 Federal-Aid Highway Act and 1956 Federal-Aid Highway Acts. They led to a highway system to become faster and even more efficient. It allowed America to be interconnected. Talk about the effects it had on economic, political, cultural life.
  • Events after the Pearl Harbor invasion
  • The American red and blue state divide . Every single state had both conservative and liberal voters. However, since the 2000 United States Presidential elections, blue and red states were referred. The respective voters predominantly choose the Democratic party or the Republican party. In this essay, write about this divide. Talk about the differences between both groups of voters.
  • The development of clinical psychology in America
  • The founders of clinical psychology in the United States. In this essay, talk about the founders of clinical psychology in the United States. Discuss what is clinical psychology and what makes it different from general psychology. Explore how this field evolved in the world and how it started in the United States.
  • African American soldiers during the Vietnam War
  • Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War
  • How did the media shape Americans’ perceptions of the Vietnam War?
  • Native American Weaponry
  • History of American Stock Market
  • How did the Great Depression end?

🌍 Cool World History Topics

  • How Capitalism beat Communism
  • The Cold war and its consequences for the world
  • How Genghis Khan conquered Persia
  • How Aborigines made Australia
  • The history of the Mayan Civilization
  • How did women’s rights in America change over the last century. In this essay, talk about how far women’s rights advanced in the previous century. Look at the 1920 and 2020 to see what actual steps were taken and what has been changed.

Interesting history topic for a research paper.

  • The most important events in the history of the Ottoman Empire.
  • Enlightening and Revolution: Europe and India
  • Gender Inequality and Socio-Economic Development
  • The Decolonization of Africa. The road to independence for African countries was paved with blood and tears. The decolonization of Africa is a period between 1950 and 1975. During this time, African countries fought for independence. Examine the external and internal causes. Elaborate on the economic and political effects of decolonization.
  • The influences between Greece, Egypt, and Rome.
  • Nuclear Arms Race between the US and the USSR
  • Chairman Mao and the Great Chinese Revolution
  • History of Modern South Africa. This beautiful Southern African nation had extremely upsetting pages in its modern history. From nationalism to apartheid, terrorism, and racial segregation and oppression. Nowadays, South Africa is among one of the strongest economies in Africa. In this essay topic, you have a lot to talk about.
  • The importance of teaching boys and girls about gender equality
  • The social psychology of gender inequality
  • Women in World War II
  • China in Revolution
  • History of Jews and the Holocaust
  • European Image of the African 1400-1600
  • American and French Revolution
  • What happened at the Nuremberg trials? Talk about the Nuremberg trials and what is the importance of it. Gladly, we have the trials recorded, so you can just see it for yourself.
  • History of the Cuban Missile Crisis. This moment during the Cold War is crucial. The confrontation is considered the closest the Cold War came to escalating into a nuclear war. Comment on the blockade, the international response. How did the crisis end? What effect did this event have for the people of Cuba?
  • The European Union and the European crisis
  • East versus West
  • Totalitarian regimes in Germany and USSR

Osip Mandelstram We Live Not Feeling 1934 quote.

🏺 Cool Ancient History Topics

  • Mesopotamian influence on the Oman Peninsula
  • Why were the pyramids built? This essay will be fun to write about. Who isn’t intrigued by the Egyptian pyramids? There are plenty of legends, stories, and myths that surround the architectural monuments. We suggest you look into the facts. Make your arguments based on proven historical findings and evidence.
  • The kings of Ancient Egypt
  • Alexander the Great’s Reign
  • Fall of the Ancient Roman Empire. The fall of the Ancient Roman Empire, without any doubt, is one of the most important historical topics. Explore how gradual the process of decline was. Discuss the military, political, and financial reasons for the fall.
  • The culture of Ancient Greece
  • Race in Ancient Egypt
  • Religion in Ancient Greece
  • The government organization of Ancient Rome
  • Life of Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar wasn’t only an Emperor. He was a writer, philosopher, and historian. In this essay, talk about military victories of the Roman leader. Explore his influence on the rise of the Roman empire and the demise of the Roman Republic.
  • Agricultural aspects of ancient Egypt
  • Social issues of ancient Egyptians
  • History of Athenian democracy
  • Factors that influenced the development of human civilizations
  • The military forces of the Roman Empire
  • Famous scholars of Ancient Greece. Some of the most influential and prominent philosophers of all time were from Ancient Greece. Socrates, Sophocles, Plato, Aristotle, and many others. Don’t try to write about each one of them. Instead, elaborate on the position the poets and the philosophers had in the Ancient Greek Society.
  • Evolution of Greek Acropolis

Acropolis fact.

  • The societies of Ancient Mesoamerica
  • Romans and Barbarians: the decline of the Roman Empire
  • The daily life of the ancient Maya
  • Maya, Aztec, and Inca collapse
  • Civilization in Mesopotamia and Egypt
  • Historical analysis of Sparta and its pop-culture depiction. Do you have a favorite movie or a book about Sparta? Compare the depiction with historical facts. Write about the differences and similarities between these two representations. Think about why it is so frequently used in pop culture.
  • Hunting and gathering societies in the Americas
  • The fall of Pompeii. Pompeii was an ancient city buried under the ashes left after the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Due to this sudden event, historians can examine the life of the people of Pompeii. It remained almost untouched. Several historians recorded first-hand accounts of Mount Vesuvius’ eruption. Read them to have a vivid picture of what was going on in the city before the tragedy.
  • The battle of Pharsalus
  • The Western Roman Empire: the significance of its collapse
  • The Great Wall of China: cultural and historical analysis

The length of the Great Wall of China.

Being able to select your essay topic can seem like a lot of fun at the beginning. However, it is also a big responsibility and a challenge at times. Hopefully, one of these essay topics will help you with the ideas for your essay.

Thank you for reading it, and the best of luck with your assignment! Leave a comment below and share the article with those who may need it.

🔗 References

  • The 10 Most Important Moments and Events in History: Rebecca Graf for Owlcation
  • Psychology Research Paper Topics, 50+ Great Ideas: Kendra Cherry for Verywell Mind
  • Historical Topics: In-Depth Articles from HistoryExtra
  • History Topics: National Women’s History Museum
  • Hot Topics in World History: World History Center, University of Pittsburgh
  • World History Topic:
  • Effective Writing: Grammar Rules
  • Cliché, Examples and Definition of Cliché: Literary Devices
  • Writing Guides: Colorado State University
  • What Good Writers Know: Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning
  • Resources: University of Alberta
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  • Share via email

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