Montauk Project

Inside The Montauk Project, The US Military’s Alleged Mind Control Program

Allegedly conducted on the east end of long island during the cold war, project montauk was a secret military experiment to develop psychological warfare with abducted children..

The Montauk Project just might be the motherlode of lesser-known conspiracy theories. Time travel, teleportation, and mind control are all integral to the story, while contact with aliens and the staging of Apollo moon landings add color to an already wild yarn. Yet even after all that and the fact that it inspired the Netflix series Stranger Things , relatively few have even heard of the Montauk Project story.

So how is it that the Montauk Project — which purports that shadowy elements of the U.S. military turned a pair of military installations on the far reaches of Long Island into a hub of illicit, chilling research into the paranormal — has gone overlooked?

Perhaps it’s because the story originated in sources that are dubious even by conspiracy theory standards. Though even if the Montauk Project itself is fiction — which it surely is — the Central Intelligence Agency’s documented history of disturbing experiments like the ones supposedly carried out at Montauk means that this theory will stay intriguing for the few who know it.

And with the popularity of Stranger Things firmly established, perhaps the Montauk Project’s time in the spotlight might finally be just around the corner.

The Bizarre Origins Of The Montauk Project Story

Montauk Air Force Station

Wikimedia Commons The Montauk Project allegedly involved the abduction of orphans and runaways who were subjected to physical and psychological torture.

The Montauk Project narrative got its start in earnest in 1992 with a self-published book by Preston B. Nichols called The Montauk Project: Experiments In Time [available as a PDF ].

There were already rumors that the American military had been conducting experiments in psychological warfare on the eastern end of Long Island as far back as the mid-1980s, so Nichols’ book added fuel to an already existing fire.

Camp Hero Map

NYS Parks The U.S. government has staunchly denied any research described in Nichols’ book occurred at either Camp Hero or the Montauk Air Force Station.

Both Camp Hero and the Montauk Air Force Station — the Army transferred a portion of Camp Hero to the Air Force after World War II — were said to be the hubs of this paranormal research. Nichols begins by saying that he wrote the book after “recovering” memories of his time as a researcher for the project and then goes on to give an account detailing the interior of the facilities, its procedures, advanced technologies, and numerous paranormal incidents he claims to have witnessed.

After the book’s publication, others started coming forward to say that they, too, had been privy to the illicit research conducted by the Montauk Project, beginning the process of circular reinforcement that is the essential mechanism of a conspiracy theory.

Preston Nichols

YouTube Preston Nichols claimed he eventually recovered repressed memories of his true identity, and that he himself had worked on the Montauk Project.

In terms of his actual claims, Nichols’ book goes all-in: experiments in mind control and telepathy, opening space-time portals to other dimensions, contact with alien life and the abduction of runaway children — all under the authority of a U.S. military program financed by Nazi gold recovered during World War II.

With so many claims in play, untangling it all is an epic undertaking. Fortunately, we at least know where to start.

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The Philadelphia Experiment

USS Eldridge

Wikimedia Commons Some believe that the U.S. Navy’s alleged research into radar invisibility in 1943 not only made the USS Eldridge vanish completely, but actually transported it to Norfolk, Virginia.

The story of the Montauk Project intersects with a longstanding and somewhat well-known conspiracy theory regarding the so-called Philadelphia experiment of 1943. According to lore, the U.S. military was trying to find ways to bypass Nazi radar during World War II by using electromagnetic fields.

The various versions of the story say that the military successfully developed a technique that rendered the USS Eldridge , stationed at a naval shipyard in Philadelphia, not just invisible to radar but completely invisible to the naked eye. What’s more, the ship was supposedly then transported through a hole in space-time to Norfolk, Virginia, more than 200 miles away.

When the Eldridge reappeared at the Philadelphia shipyard several minutes later, some crew members had been fused into the bulkheads of the ship or had rematerialized inside-out. Those who weren’t were driven insane by the disorientation they experienced while the ship was in a so-called “hyperspace bubble” that existed outside of space-time.

Nearly all of the key details are either disprovable through obvious chronological inconsistencies or violations of the established laws of physics. Moreover, no two retellings of the Philadelphia experiment story are ever the same and people who actually served on the Eldridge in 1943 dispute the story entirely. Nonetheless, this conspiracy theory had been bouncing around for a few decades before it helped give birth to the Montauk Project story.

A Tale Of Two Portals: From The Philadelphia Experiment To The Montauk Project

In 1984, a schlocky, otherwise forgettable B-movie was made about the Philadelphia experiment, aptly titled The Philadelphia Experiment . When a 57-year-old man named Al Bielek saw the movie in 1988, he claimed that he experienced an overwhelming sense of déjà vu .

Using new age therapies and practices, Bielek said that he was able to unlock a massive store of repressed memories about his extensive involvement not just in the Philadelphia experiment but in something called the Montauk Project as well and that the two were intertwined.

Suggesting that his memory had been wiped using the CIA’s MK-Ultra techniques to maintain the secrecy of the program, Bielek claimed that his real name was Edward Cameron and that he and his brother Duncan Cameron were crewmembers on the Eldridge in 1943 when they were in their 20s.

Bielek told his story to an audience at the Mutual UFO Network conference in 1990, saying not only that the Philadelphia experiment was real, but that he and his brother were aboard the ship when it happened.

He said that none other than Nikola Tesla himself had engineered the “equipment” that caused the Eldridge to break out of space-time and that it had even opened up a wormhole to the future, which dropped the two brothers in the middle of Montauk’s Camp Hero on August 12, 1983.

MK Ultra File

Wikimedia Commons A declassified document detailing Project MK-Ultra’s mind control experiments. Some information has been redacted.

At this point, Bielek’s story becomes convoluted, but the thrust of it is that he and his brother joined up with the Montauk Project, which had grown out of the electromagnetic research of the Philadelphia experiment. Bielek claims he befriended Nichols in the 1970s and that together they developed the “Montauk Chair,” a mind-reading device that was a central component of the entire project and helps provide a window into the specifics of its supposed research.

The Montauk Chair, Psychic Espionage, And Portals Through Time And Space

Preston Nichols details his alleged work on the Montauk Chair in his book, claiming it used electromagnetism to further the psychic powers of whoever sat in it. Duncan Cameron — in a stroke of uncanny coincidence — happened to have substantial psychic abilities, including the ability to manifest objects with his mind using the device.

This may sound familiar to fans of Stranger Things , where a similar device is used by the character Eleven, played by Millie Bobby Brown, to open a portal to the parallel, alternate dimension called the Upside Down. In the Montauk Project lore, Cameron and other project researchers would use the Montauk Chair to similarly open portals through space-time.

Nichols described another experiment in his book that is curiously similar to remote viewing , a paranormal concept that was actually researched by the CIA (and also included in Stranger Things ). Nichols writes:

“The first experiment was called ‘The Seeing Eye.’ With a lock of a person’s hair or other appropriate object in his hand, Duncan could concentrate on the person and be able to see as if he was seeing through their eyes, hearing through their ears, and feeling through their body. He could actually see through other people anywhere on the planet.”

But more so than remote viewing or any of the other claims Nichols makes, the one about the abduction of young children — some no older than four — to use as subjects in the Montauk Project’s various experiments is surely the most shocking. Nichols referred to these underage abductees as the “Montauk Boys” and said that they were snatched off the street or even taken from their homes.

According to Nichols, these children were so psychologically broken down by the Montauk Project that most would forget all about their time at Camp Hero for the rest of their lives.

And the stories of the Montauk Boys only became more intriguing when someone started coming forward to confirm them.

Entrance To Camp Hero

Twitter A sealed entrance to Camp Hero’s alleged underground facilities. Nichols claimed the subterranean floors were flooded with cement once the Montauk Project was shut down in the early 1980s.

At least one man has claimed to similarly “recover” his traumatic memories of the Montauk Project just as Bielek and Nichols had. Stewart Swerdlow, a 52-year-old man living in Michigan, told The Sun in 2017 that he was one of the Montauk Boys Nichols describes and that he and others like him were subjected to horrific abuse:

“When the experiments started they’d target ‘expendable’ boys like orphans, runaways or the children of drug addicts. The kind of kids no one would really come looking for. The aim was to fracture your mind so they could program you… they would change the temperature from very hot to very cold, starve you then over-feed you. I remember being beaten with a wooden pole. And they loved to hold your head underwater until you nearly drowned. That was effective — it makes a person likely to listen to and obey their ‘rescuer.’ They also used LSD to put our brains into an altered state.”

Project MK-Ultra Experiment

Getty Images A doctor administers a dose of LSD to a volunteer during the MK-Ultra project. Stewart Swerdlow claims he and others were similarly dosed as children throughout the Montauk Project.

Swerdlow added that he also observed project staffers sexually abusing the children in order to break them down. Swerdlow even alleged that he and other Montauk Boys were sent to Mars and back to Biblical times via the project’s portals.

“In the early days, as they were perfecting the co-ordinates, a lot of boys were simply lost,” he said. “I still have nightmares about it today. I wasn’t there when the Montauk Chair was shut off but I felt it, like I had suddenly been unplugged from electricity.”

The End Of The Montauk Project And The “True” Story Behind Stranger Things

Millie Bobby Brown In Stranger Things

Netflix Stranger Things was originally titled Montauk and was heavily inspired by the purported experiments at Camp Hero.

All of the project’s experiments finally came to an end in the early 1980s, Nichols claimed, when things finally went too far even for the researchers responsible.

Nichols claimed that whatever someone sitting in the Montauk Chair envisioned would first appear on a transmitter screen, before being manifested in the real world in either solid or transparent form. The Montauk Project was shut down after Nichols and Duncan Cameron, along with other participants, rebelled against the project when something especially sinister was manifested:

“We finally decided we’d had enough of the whole experiment. The contingency program was activated by someone approaching Duncan while he was in the chair and simply whispering ‘The time is now.’ At this moment, he let loose a monster from his subconscious. “And the transmitter actually portrayed a hairy monster. It was big, hairy, hungry and nasty. But it didn’t appear underground in the null point. It showed up somewhere on the base. It would eat anything it could find. And it smashed everything in sight. “Several different people saw it, but almost everyone described a different beast.”

Nichols said they had to destroy all of the equipment in order to remove this creature from existence and send it back to its original dimension, or something to that effect. This is clearly the inspiration for a similar narrative in Stranger Things where Eleven summons a monster which similarly goes on to wreak havoc.

Stranger Things Experiment With Eleven

Netflix The “Montauk Chair” Preston B. Nichols described in his book, which allegedly amplified a person’s psychic abilities, was changed to a suit in Stranger Things .

According to Variety , show creators Matt and Russ Duffer were so inspired by the Montauk Project that the original title for their Netflix hit was simply Montauk .

After filmmaker Charlie Kessler filed a lawsuit against the brothers for allegedly plagiarizing his short film, The Montauk Project , the setting was changed from Long Island to the suburbs of Indiana. Regardless of the creative squabble with Kessler, the Netflix show clearly relied heavily on Nichols’ work.

Was There Any Truth To The Montauk Project Story?

According to Nichols, the basement levels of Camp Hero were flooded with cement once all the equipment was destroyed and the project was shut down, with anyone involved in the project having their memories of the project suppressed using MK-Ultra techniques.

The decommissioned facilities at Camp Hero are still standing, however, attracting curious passersby and local townsfolk to this day regardless of what actually happened inside. The SAGE Radar facility has become a notable landmark for boats sailing around the fork of Long Island, so it was left standing when the Air Force shut down the last of its air traffic control operations at the facility in 1984, giving the site an eerie, disquieting presence.

The military, for its part, has disputed that anything like the Montauk Project took place on Long Island. But these sorts of denials often do little to dissuade believers because the U.S. government likewise denied their research into mind control and remote viewing with just as much assuredness as they deny Nichols’ claims — right up until the moment the research documents on MK-Ultra and other similar projects were declassified.

While most locals likewise consider the Montauk Project story to be a fabrication, they aren’t entirely convinced by the U.S. military’s insistence that the Camp Hero and Air Force station facilities were entirely above-board either.

“No doubt stories have been embellished,” said Paul Monte, the president of the local Chamber of Commerce, “but I don’t doubt that things went on there in the Cold War years. Even today, the base is patrolled and watched… They obviously don’t want people in there even now.”

Filmmaker Christopher Garetano, whose documentary, The Montauk Chronicles , explores the history of the subject, believes that it’s important to consider a few precedents before writing off the story entirely.

“The more I researched the more I’ve begun to believe it is not so ludicrous,” he said. “We know there was military interest in paranormal phenomena. Project Stargate, which began in 1978 and was later declassified, looked at whether psychics could perform ‘remote viewing’ and ‘see’ events from great distances.”

“MK-Ultra used vulnerable people, like prisoners. So why is it so far-fetched that orphans or runaway boys would be targeted? They seem exactly the sort of subjects who would be easy to take. And Montauk would be the ideal facility. In the winter it is like a ghost town.”

As chilling as these notions are, the Montauk Project and the outlandish stories associated with it sit squarely within the realm of fiction. But will some proof eventually spring forth from the depths of the government’s archives in the coming years or decades? Perhaps only time will tell.

After learning about the alleged time travel, teleportation, and mind control of the Montauk Project, discover the supposed Philadelphia experiment . Then, read about the infamous Project MK-Ultra experiments .

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A time line of the montauk project.

123,000 BC Evidence of intelligent life on Mars.
1856-1943 Nikola Tesla, father of modern electronics
1892-1957 William Reich, discoverer of Orgone energy.
1939-1945 World War II.
Early 40's First stage of Project Rainbow.
July 20, 1943 First test of the Philadelphia Experiment.
August 6, 1943 Three UFOs sighted over the USS Eldridge.
August 12, 1943 Second test of the Philadelphia Experiment. Duncan Cameron Jr. (1) and Edward Cameron are transported to August 12, 1983.
October 28, 1943 Last test of the Philadelphia Experiment.
Late 40's Second Stage of Project Rainbow.
-- Phoenix Project, development of the radiosonde.
1947 Duncan Cameron Sr. contacted.
Early 50's Project Rainbow and the Phoenix Project merge.
1951 Duncan Cameron Jr. (2) born
1962 Alleged landing of men on Mars.
1963 Duncan Cameron Jr. (1) placed in Duncan Cameron Jr.'s (2) body.
1967 Phoenix Project complete.
1969 Phoenix Project ordered to disband by Congress.
1971 Formation of Phoenix II (a.k.a. the Montauk Project).
1973 Experiments with mood alteration and mind control
1974 Creation of the first Montauk Chair, further experiments with mind control.
1976 Creation of the Montauk Chair Mark II.
1977 Creation of solid objects by thought alone. Experiments with "The Seeing Eye," mind control and telekinesis.
1979 Experiments with time travel.
1979-1980 Installation of the Orion Delta T antenna.
1980-1981 Calibration of new equipment and further time travel experiments.
1981-1983 Exploration and manipulation of the time stream.
1982-1983 Exploration of Mars.
August 12, 1983 Last major experiment of the Montauk Project. A time tunnel is created back to August 12, 1943. Duncan releases the Beast From The Id. Preston Nichols shuts down the Montauk transmitter.
Late 1983 Montauk Project disbands.
May/June 1984 "Black Berets" purge Montauk AFB.
Late 1984 Removal of most Montauk Project equipment. Cement used to seal off underground areas of the base. Montauk AFB abandoned.
2180-2280 Possible time period that somewhere between 3,000 to 10,000 people were sent to.
6037 Year "Aryan" children were sent to to view a ruined city with a golden horse statue.

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Coast to Coast AM - Coast Insider

Philadelphia Experiment & Montauk

Hosted by George Noory

Thursday - February 24, 2005

Philadelphia Experiment & Montauk

  • Aliens & RV'ing the Future
  • Time Travel & Visits to Mars
  • Art Bell on ABC Special

About the show

In the middle two hours of the show Al Bielek revisited his claim that he participated in the Philadelphia Experiment aboard the USS Eldridge in 1943 as a man named Edward Cameron. The experiment to make the ship invisible misfired, he explained, because the donut-shaped electrical field that was generated had a hole in it.

Exactly forty years later, an experiment was being conducted at a secret government facility in Montauk, NY using alien technology to cause a rift in the time field, Bielek continued. It was through this rift that he said he traveled from the Eldridge to Montauk and back again. In the 1950's, he said the government shrunk Cameron down to the size of an infant (because he knew too much) and he was given to the Bielek family.

Bielek stated that while at Montauk he traveled via a wormhole to Mars which he described as having numerous underground cities and huge military operations. He also spoke about his remote viewing of Earth's future, in which he saw a turbulent period between 2010-2025. The planet's population drops down to 300 million, he said, due to a combination of natural and manmade factors.

Michio Kaku Update

First hour guest, theoretical physicist Michio Kaku commented on the ABC special Peter Jennings Reporting: UFOs which had aired earlier in the evening. He said the program did a good job in exposing how the US government is not spending any money to investigate UFOs. Many scientists are very closed minded about this topic, he pointed out, yet string theorists such as he, are now seriously looking for parallel universes. In the ABC program, Kaku was interviewed about the notion of alien civilizations visiting Earth. He said they could be thousands or millions of years more advanced than us, and thus have conquered space travel through potentially using wormholes.

In the last hour, Peter Davenport of the National UFO Reporting Center , briefly appeared to discuss his involvement with the ABC special. George then held Open Lines for listeners to share their reactions to the TV show.

profile image of Al Bielek

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The Truth About The Philadelphia Experiment: Invisibility, Time Travel and Mind Control - The Shocking Truth

The Truth About The Philadelphia Experiment: Invisibility, Time Travel and Mind Control - The Shocking Truth (2010)

A U.S. Navy Ship vanishes during a secret World War II Experiment gone awry. When it re-appears, observers are horrified to see crew members embedded in the deck and steel of the ship. Durin... Read all A U.S. Navy Ship vanishes during a secret World War II Experiment gone awry. When it re-appears, observers are horrified to see crew members embedded in the deck and steel of the ship. During a sea trial, the ship vanishes and travels through time setting off a number of events t... Read all A U.S. Navy Ship vanishes during a secret World War II Experiment gone awry. When it re-appears, observers are horrified to see crew members embedded in the deck and steel of the ship. During a sea trial, the ship vanishes and travels through time setting off a number of events that continue today.

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'Stranger Things' Was Inspired By A Creepy, Supposedly Real Experiment Called The Montauk Project

Stranger Things Inspired By The Montauk Project

Stranger Things has quickly become a pop-culture phenomenon after being released on Netflix about a month and a half ago. Since then the internet has been full of theories about The Upside Down, its monstrous inhabitant known as the Demogorgon, the telekinetic girl known as Eleven, and the experiments conducted by the company under the guise of the United States Department of Energy. The show is pure sci-fi, drawing inspiration from plenty of films from the same decade in which the story takes place, but the concept of the show is actually based on a very creepy, supposedly real-life experiment conducted by the government called The Montauk Project .

How was Stranger Things inspired by The Montauk Project? Find out after the jump.

The Montauk Project is known as a series of secret government projects and experiments that were reportedly conducted at Camp Hero or Montauk Air Force Station on Montauk, Long Island. Much of the details on this project that began circulating in the 1980s come from a man named Preston Nichols, who claimed to have remembered repressed memories of his involvement with the project.

The name of this project alone shows that this conspiracy was the inspiration for The Duffer Brothers' Netflix show. You might not remember this, but back in April of 2015, Netflix picked up a show called Montauk :

Described as a love letter to the '80s classics that captivated a generation, the series is set in 1980 Montauk, Long Island, where a young boy vanishes into thin air. As friends, family and local police search for answers, they are drawn into an extraordinary mystery involving top-secret government experiments, terrifying supernatural forces and one very strange little girl.

Yes, that series went on to become Stranger Things , and it's clear that the original title of the show was lifted straight from the experiments that inspired it. And when you hear what those experiments entailed thanks to some deep digging by Thrillist , the relationship between the show and the conspiracy becomes even clearer.

In a series of books, Nichols discussed experiments that included researching topics such as time travel, teleportation, mind control, alien species and even faking the Apollo moon landings. All this has ties to another project called The Philadelphia Experiment in 1943 , which supposedly created a wormhole that transported two sailors named Duncan and Edward Cameron into Montauk in 1983. It was the sudden recollection of one of these sailors that sparked memories in Preston Nichols that led to the revelation of other experiments.

Stranger Things

Outside of portals, tests included something called The Montauk Chair, which allowed one of the supposedly transported sailors to do something that sounds very similar to an experiment conducted with Eleven in Stranger Things :

The first experiment was called "The Seeing Eye." With a lock of person's hair or other appropriate object in his hand, Duncan could concentrate on the person and be able to see as if he was seeing through their eyes, hearing through their ears, and feeling through their body. He could actually see through other people anywhere on the planet.

That's pretty much how the secret government installation in Stranger Things came to stumble upon The Upside Down in the flashbacks scattered throughout the first season. This is even something that Eleven appears to be able to do in other ways as she was able to use her powers to allow a radio to pick up sound from The Upside Down to show to Mike, Dustin, and Lucas that their missing friend Will is still alive.

Some other key details of this project include kids being abducted to take part in some of these experiments, just like Eleven. Even more intriguing is a story involving the consciousness of Duncan from 1983 somehow being transported into the mind of a sibling born in 1963. It's all rather confusing, but could that provide some hints as to why Eleven is being experimented on in Stranger Things ? Could she have the consciousness of another person lying inside her, giving her these powers?

Also, there's this frightening portion from The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time :

"We finally decided we'd had enough of the whole experiment. The contingency program was activated by someone approaching Duncan while he was in the chair and simply whispering "The time is now." At this moment, he let loose a monster from his subconscious. And the transmitter actually portrayed a hairy monster. It was big, hairy, hungry and nasty. But it didn't appear underground in the null point. It showed up somewhere on the base. It would eat anything it could find. And it smashed everything in sight. Several different people saw it, but almost everyone described a different beast."

The unleashing of a beast from the subconscious sounds an awful lot like the arrival of the Demogorgon. In fact, a recent theory proposes that the Demogorgon is actually a manifestation of the anger that lies within Eleven, which is why they both raise their hands at each other in a climactic scene in the classroom that sees them both disintegrate into dust.

Stranger Things Eleven 11

Clearly, Stranger Things isn't following the story of The Montauk Project exactly as it reportedly happened, but just as they use pieces of the 1980s movies that inspire the style of the show, they're lifting elements of the experiments for their own purposes in the narrative. It's not unlike how The Mothman Prophecies borrowed several different accounts of strange occurrences surrounding the supernatural phenomenon known as the Mothman and turned it into a movie.

If you go reading about The Montauk Project more in-depth ( Thrillist has a great and even more extensive article that provided much of the "factual" information in this article), then it might just add fuel to some of the theories out there for the future of Stranger Things . Plus, if you're looking for more entertainment with ties to this mysterious government conspiracy, check out the found footage short film called Montauk that we featured back in December of 2012 . Plus, we have some predictions of our own as to what we can expect in Stranger Things season two based on the episode titles revealed recently.

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'Stranger Things' in the Hamptons: The Story of the Montauk Project

Jason Schneider

Jason Schneider

When you think of the hit Netflix series “ Stranger Things ,”  you probably think “small town Indiana,” which is natural, since the show is set there. But what you may not know is that the show’s original working title was “Montauk.” Why? Because   the shown was based, in part, on rumors surrounding the Camp Hero air base — and events there that remain shrouded in mystery — located in, you guessed it, Montauk.

Since virtually all knowledge of this incident has come from word-of-mouth interviews, it’s hard to dig into what happened, and to know where the truth lies. But in honor of the spookiest day of the year, we wanted to give you some quick notes on the story, along with some Halloween reading to help you dig further. You might just get a new campfire tale out of it.

Where Did It Go Down?

Anyone who’s spent a fair amount of time in Montauk has probably stumbled on the urban legend of Camp Hero State Park. Located at the far eastern tip of Long Island, this network of paths and campgrounds is actually pretty pleasant. It’s the large, severe-looking remnants of an air force base and its giant antenna towers, complete with a huge concrete slab that says “do not enter this building,” which serve as the chief fodder for local mischief and spooky retellings. Feel free to stop by if you want — the base is located just about in the dead middle of the park — but be warned that if you go into any of the gated areas or sealed-off edifices, you will be trespassing.

So, What Actually Happened?

The story goes like this: Back during World War II, the US Navy allegedly conducted experiments (to which it’s never admitted) attempting to use supernatural or psychic means to make ships invisible to radar. This spawned a group of 1950s conspiracy theorists who speculated that these experiments opened up a wormhole and caused an entire battleship to disappear. This bit of lore is known as the “Philadelphia Experiment.” And where did that ship go? Well, a wormhole in time to the ’80s apparently. And that’s exactly when another, linked psychic experiment took place. It was called the Montauk Project.

Apparently these Montauk Project experiments, which took place right at the base, were participated in by the same man who made the wormhole claims: one 57-year-old Al Bielek. He claims that his name isn’t actually Al Bielek, but instead Edward Cameron, one of two brothers who participated in the Philadelphia Experiment while in their 20s, and later in life (via the wormhole) participated in more psychic experiments in Montauk. He was able to recover his repressed memories after reading a book about the Montauk Project written by a man named Preston Nichols, who in turn had recovered his own repressed memories to tell the story.

Among other things, the various members of the project allegedly worked on a chair that used electromagnets to amplify psychic energy and a psychic association trick called the “seeing eye” (similar to the experiment Eleven goes through in Season 1 of “Stranger Things”). They all claim that these repressed memories were intentionally hidden using coercion by the government, as a means of protecting the project’s secrecy. Follow this story to the end and you’ll discover more about child abductions, monster-summoning, and many more unpleasant claims.

It’s all murky and, as we said, pretty questionable … considering it’s so word-of-mouth. But if you want to know more, check out Preston Nichols’s “ The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time.”   If you’d like a quicker read, there are synopses and speculations out there. Here’s a good feature.

How Does It All Fit Into the Hamptons?

Most people probably don’t think about this as part of the Hamptons’ “history.” The sealed-off buildings are admittedly spooky, though, and they mean folks can’t go in and see for themselves. But the lore was strong enough for Netflix and the Duffer brothers to use it as a backdrop for their celebrated “ Stranger Things”  series. While they later changed the setting to Indiana for aesthetic reasons, the inspiration for the story remains firmly in the East End. And, true or not, it makes for interesting conversation around a campfire or at your next horror movie night. ‘Tis the season, after all. — For the best of the Hamptons and North Fork, follow us  on Facebook and  Instagram .

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  • EPISODE 561

Philadelphia to Montauk and Beyond | Al Bielek's Journey through Time and Space

Al Bielek lived an ordinary life until vivid dreams and a late-night movie unlocked memories of an extraordinary past. He claimed to be Edward Cameron, a participant in the infamous Philadelphia Experiment of 1943. Bielek's tale spans decades, involving time travel, secret government projects, and encounters with future civilizations. His story intertwines with the mysterious Montauk Project, allegedly continuing the work begun in Philadelphia. As Bielek shared his experiences, he became a prominent figure in UFO and conspiracy circles. His accounts challenge our understanding of reality, raising questions about time, space, and government secrecy. Was Bielek truly a time traveler, or was his story an elaborate fiction? Ride this rollercoaster of twists and turns, then decide for yourself.


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  • Published July 17, 2024 at 9:00 AM UTC
  • Length 40 min
  • Episode 561
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26 Hours MP3 Audio
16 Hours Video



Birth date for Ed Cameron.  Al Bielek is the regressed essence of Ed Cameron.



Birth date of Al Bielek. Al's first memories are at Christmas when he was one year old and understanding all the conversation.


August 13th 1943 - Date of the Philadelphia Experiment.

When Ed and Duncan Cameron jump off the USS Eldridge, they both land in the year .



Final year of Ed Cameron's linear experience.  Ed knew too much and irritated Dr. Edward Teller.  

A group of three voted Ed off the Atomic Bomb project and ultimately out of existence as Ed Cameron.

Ed is regressed to Al Bielek to the year .




Ed and Duncan Cameron find themselves at Montauk 1983 after spending six weeks in . 

Dr. John Von Neumann greets the two and convinces them to time travel back to the USS Eldridge in to destroy the control equipment and shut the experiment down.


Al is recruited to work at Montauk.  He keeps the guise of his regular job as an electronics contractor, but works in an altered state at Montauk.

He was a program manager for the Montauk Boys program, participated in the mind control experiments, and actively participated in time travel projects.

In 1988, his memories returned and believes he was not used any further at Montauk.


Presently Al Bielek speaks publicly about his involvement at Montauk and the Philadelphia Experiment.  

He has been on over 50 radio talk shows and a featured presentator at over 40 conferences



After Ed and Duncan jumped off the USS Eldridge in 1943, they landed in the year 2137. 

They both spent six weeks in a hospital bed recovering from radiation burns suffered from being in hyperspace.

Toward the end of their stay, Ed is moved, by means unknown to him to the year .

Ed returns from 2751 to pick up his brother Duncan and together they travel back to


From 2137, Ed Cameron travels alone to 2749 for a period of two years.

Ed is a tour guide and remembers floating cities built with anti-gravity technology and a society run by computers.

The programmers of the computers are called the "Wing Makers".  Ed had several meetings with then where they explained their agenda.

After two years, Ed goes back to the year .

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edward cameron philadelphia experiment

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edward cameron philadelphia experiment


  • Print length 233 pages
  • Language English
  • Publication date January 1, 2020
  • Dimensions 8.5 x 0.55 x 11 inches
  • ISBN-10 1656377136
  • ISBN-13 978-1656377135
  • See all details

Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Independently published (January 1, 2020)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 233 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1656377136
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1656377135
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.51 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 8.5 x 0.55 x 11 inches
  • #213,467 in Politics & Government (Books)

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edward cameron philadelphia experiment

Know Before You Go

The Incredible Story of Al Bielek, the Man Who Traveled Through Time and Space

May 10, 2017 by Justin Andress View All On 1 Page

21. Further ‘Philadelphia Experiment’ Reading

If you’re unfamiliar with the whole “Philadelphia Experiment” thing, there’s much more to the cover-up than Bielek’s story. In fact, most people think that the original “Philadelphia Experiment” idea came from a man named Carlos Allende, who wrote a series of particularly eloquent letters to writer Morris K. Jessup in 1956. Allende’s version of events cast Einstein as a bit more of a mad scientist type than history remembers. According to Allende, Einstein used the US Navy to accomplish his own ends. The government itself reportedly had no clue that time-travel experiments were being done. Allende was all too happy to confess that the whole thing was a delusional hoax later in life.


22. Al Bielek Passed Away in 2011

Bielek died on October 10, 2011 in Guadalajara, Mexico. Al was 84 years old and was buried at a local cemetery in Guadalajara. Al Bielek’s birth certificate is dated March 31, 1927, but whether he was “born” on that date or not depends on how much of Al’s story you’re willing to believe. He has always maintained that his real identity is that of Edward Cameron, son of a career Naval officer; and that he had been regressed back in time to that of a 9 month old baby in California in December 1927, where he was raised as “Al Bielek” by Arthur E. and Albertina Bielek.


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Al Bielek on the Philadelphia Experiment

January 13, 1990 in Dallas, Texas.

The Philadelphia Experiment (U.S. Government designation "Project Rainbow") had its origin in a feasibility study started in the early 1930's at the University of Chicago (1931) and later moved to Princeton's Institute of Advanced Studies. Involved in the Program at various times were renowned scientists that included Dr. Albert Einstein, Dr. John von Neumann, Dr. Nikola Tesla, and others.

Originally a theoretical study in methods to produce an "invisibility screen", the first fully successful test in 1940 converted the program to a military project : "Project Rainbow". As a military (Navy) program, a volunteer crew had to be trained and a ship selected - the Eldridge (DE 173). Equipment had to be ordered, built, and installed for seaborne tests. Sea trials were conducted outside of Philadelphia, in the Delaware Bay area.

First tests were in July, 1943 with serious personnel problems resulting. The final test - 12 August 1943 - was an utter disaster to ship and crew : the ship survived after its return to normal time and location in the Philadelphia harbor. The U.S. Navy continues to deny to this day that this project ever took place : or that it was coupled through hyperspace to another project in the future (1983).

The expectations for the project and the nature of the problems with the crew will be developed and discussed, as well as why the "human equation" failed. A review of prior publications attempting to expose this project will also be discussed. The lecturer, Alfred D. Bielek, was born in August 1916 as Edward A. Cameron, son of Alexander D. Cameron, Sr. He attended several Universities, graduating with a Ph D. in Physics (1939). Enlisting in the Navy along with his brother, they eventually became directly involved in the "Philadelphia Experiment". The story of how he - Edward Cameron - was eventually removed form the project and became Alfred D. Bielek is a bizarre story of government brainwashing and manipulation, and destruction of a career. The story of his brother is still more bizarre as well as tragic.

Mr. Bielek is today a retired electronics engineer with 30 years of a consulting career behind him. The following is a Vangard Sciences commentary by Jerry W. Decker and is based on personal studies in a variety of subjects including the "Philadelphia Experiment" and attendance of the lecture Mr. Bielek is a most engaging speaker. He presents a wide range of popular references during his talks and weaves quite a web. However, the information available prior to the 1983 movie, "The Philadelphia Experiment" does not concern the prospect of time transport.

The stated focus of the "Philadelphia Experiment" project was to "achieve radar invisibility". Mr. Bielek states that his "memories began coming back AFTER seeing the movie in 1988." I got the impression that he incorporates new topics into his storyline as fast as he hears them, claiming that his "memory suddenly came back on that." Another major flaw was the statement that Nikola Tesla was in association with and in charge of the project. This is highly incredible since the experiment occurred in July, 43' and Tesla died on January 7, 1943 in New York City.

Yet another reference which is difficult to believe is that Gustave LeBon was a consultant and worked with Tesla and Einstein on the project. Bielek says that Thorn EMI, producer of the film, "The Philadelphia Experiment" was banned from showing it in September 1983. He later says it was given a limited showing in the USA.

Thorn Instruments, an old English manufacturer of labware from the early 1800's bought into EMI and had in their archives a story of a disappearing ship with a picture of the "time traveler" who brought it to them. In the picture were the Wilson brothers of Thorn, Aleister Crowley (infamous occultist) and a 4th person who was Preston Nickels.

This "traveler" said to be Peter Nichols is a past president of the USPA (United States Psychotronic Association) and was supposedly in the picture taken in 1890. Supposedly Mr. Nichols was shown the picture by a Thorn/EMI representative (Chief Archivist). It showed him about 10 years older than now, 1989. They would not let Nichols copy the picture. Bielek says Crowley said that Nichols was a man out of the future and gave them the story of the disappearing ship.

Alan Batchelor? is said to be another survivor of the experiment. Project Rainbow was said to be the original name of the project, later changed to Project Phoenix. It took four hours for the disappearance from Philadelphia to return. Bielek also said EBE-1 (extra-terrestrial biological entity #1) gave the secret of the transistor to the government, (no time frame). (Of course, we all know the germanium transistor was invented by Thomas Henry Moray and stolen by Bell Labs) Bielek says his brother time travelled to 1983, lost his "time lock", aged about 1 year per hour and died shortly thereafter. He then said his brother was later reborn. (I don't pretend to understand this.)

Supposedly every 20 years on the 12th of August, the magnetic energy peaks, i.e. 1943-1963-1983 to allow a synchronicity. Linking and coupling to the surge would cause a shift, (again confusing). Dr. Von Neumann (of computer fame) was supposedly involved in the "Philadelphia Experiment" with Tesla, Einstein and LeBon. Bielek says he is recorded to have died in 1953 or 1957.

In Phoenix, 1986, Bielek's memories recalled a site in Montauk which might be where Von Neumann currently resides in obscurity. In January 1988, Bielek's memories of the "Philadelphia Experiment" were recalled. Another major discrepancy, records indicate the original manned experiment occurred on October 28, 1943, NOT the 12thAugust, 1943.

Despite the irregularities, there were some interesting comments made in regard to time. The two most outstanding things about the public lecture was the showing of a slide purported to be a "Zero Time Reference Generator" which looks strangely similar to an old Army field kitchen refrigeration unit. No technical details were given or offered.

This device was purported to be the oscillator which drove the coils of the experiment. Mr. Bielek claimed that the unit shown was used to synchronize two separate signals (one for each coil).

The literature of the "Philadelphia Experiment" is replete with descriptions of the technology. Further findings by our group and associates indicate a more "coherent" approach.

Basically, a coil was wound on each half of the ship and driven by separate oscillators, synced with an adjustable phase angle to create a "Scalar-type wave". This distorted the field matrices of matter encompassed within the field for "unusual effects".

Keely was more than familiar with this field of compound vibrations and their applications, HELL, HE PRECEDED ALL OTHERS. The other interesting comment was about a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin in the 30's. His name - Henry Levenson. He specialized in time studies and developed a time variant equation. Mr. Levenson co-authored 2 books and wrote 1. None of these books are available (of course) but Bielek indicates they might be available in restricted or private libraries such as Princeton.

The time comments centered around a concept involving a TIME LOCK which was "encoded" at the time of creation of all matter, living or otherwise. Thus, all matter created on the Earth, must be "clocked" to the Earth time lock. The Earth must be "clocked" to the Solar time lock and that to the Galaxial. If your time lock became "distorted" by high intensity fields, it would create a variety of problems due to the instability of the recovery process, assuming that recovery could be possible.

Bielek claimed that the original system was powered with a 500 KW generator, later increased to 2 Megawatt. Another experiment was supposed to have been done with 3 field coils, all synced to the same clocking system. The 3 field design created major arcing and caused a return to the 2 field design. Bielek also claims that there were 3000 tubes used in the system.

If you get the chance to hear Mr. Bielek, I do recommend it if only for entertainment. However, if you want useable data, stick to books periodicals and your own research. The time theories espoused by Bielek seem particularly worthy of study. Much of the "Scalar" craze indicates a technology which could duplicate or surpass the original "Philadelphia Experiment".

Just for grins, I will state my own conclusion and theory on the subject. I base it on UFO phenomena, the work of Dr. Harold S. Burr, Dr. Walter Russell, W. J. Hooper and personal observations.

If the original purpose was "invisibility" as stated in various articles and commentaries, then why did a SHIP wind up in a HARBOR FILLED WITH WATER and NOT in the middle of a city street or a wheat field in Kansas. Seems that something is amiss as other accounts of the experiment state it was not carried out once but several times. Each time, the ship "teleported" to a watery target. What are the chances that EVERY TIME the ship would "land" in water??

The U.S. Navy, for one, seemed obsessed with the idea of the perfect camouflage - the ultimate secret weapon - INVISIBILITY. If only one of their warships could be made invisible, think of the havoc it could cause the enemy. Havoc that could conceivably bring the bitter and long- enduring war to an end.

On October 28, 1943, an experiment was conducted at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. This event, appropriately enough, became known as "The Philadelphia Experiment". A Navy escort destroyer named the DE 173 (better known as the U.S.S. Eldridge), with hundreds of tons of electronic equipment aboard, lay in its dock. Scientists on shore started the experiment which involved Dr. Albert Einstein's "Unified Field Theory", a completed version appearing in the period 1925-27. "Withdrawn" as incomplete, the revised theory returned in 1940. The result of the experiment was brain-rattling!

The ship faded rapidly from sight in a foggy, green mist - and COMPLETELY VANISHED! Speechless amazement struck the wide-eyed scientists ashore. Then, after a few minutes (another account makes that "seconds"), the ship reappeared where it had formerly been, to its Philadelphia dock, and regained its visibility! But that was not all. Something equally stunning was discovered to have happened during its vanishment.

During that period of a few minutes (or seconds) the ship had shown up at its other Norfolk Navy Yard dock in Virginia! So, not only had it successfully become invisible, but it had also been TELEPORTED! Notice the arrows and how the ship went to its OTHER DOCK but in Virginia, not the one in Philadelphia.

Since we live in a serial time which clocks our every action and records it on the surrounding space continuum. Our presence at in any space at a given timeframe is captured by local space/matter conditions so that the moving of the earth and our solar system in its orbit would not leave us in space were we to teleport. So we have slices of wherever we have been since our creation. We should be able to step back into any given slice, not in time, only in space.

Another condition of this concept is that the PRESENT represents a suction which maintains matter as a balloon in the "holographic image" of a mass in a single time frame and in a specific spatial location. Remember that this is in the PRESENT ONLY.

Since the Eldridge had a history of having been at its OTHER DOCK SOMETIME IN THE PAST and probably on several occasions, then if we could distort the tempic (time) field enough, we could momentarily teleport the ship NOT THROUGH TIME BUT THROUGH SPACE to a place IT HAD BEEN BEFORE.

Now, if during that act and BEFORE COMPLETE TRANSFER WAS ACCOMPLISHED, someone cut the power, the portions of matter which had teleported would be "sucked" back like a vacuum to the source, i.e. the original spatial location of the PRESENT.

Think of it as two balloons. A full one in Philadelphia represents the Eldridge. At the port in Virginia, an empty balloon represents the holographic image (with no matter) and of a SPATIAL image sometime in the past. (Of course, for each timeframe past, an empty holographic image balloon lies there recording the passage through time of each object, just like a frame of a comic strip) If we slowly squeeze the full balloon (representing the Eldridge at the Philadelphia port in the original or PRESENT location), a connecting tube to the Virginia port allows the passage of "matter" into the empty Eldridge. We get to a point where the source is 1/4 empty and the target is 3/4 full. IF at this point, someone RELEASES THE PRESSURE, what happens?

The "teleported matter" will surge back into the ORIGINAL SPATIAL location which exerts a vacuum to keep its balloon full. Of course, once the transfer is complete, the suction then takes place from the target spatial location. Since the pressure (high intensity pulsing magnetic waves) was released before the transfer was complete, the resulting surges created massive distortions in all mass encompassed by the field.

Living organisms record field effects in their tissues. Therefore, all tissue formations which took place during the surge, recorded the surges to "haunt" the victims. This apparently distorts the Bio-plasmic field also to cause major physical problems.
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    edward cameron philadelphia experiment

  2. The Untold Truth Of The Philadelphia Experiment

    edward cameron philadelphia experiment

  3. Philadelphia Experiment II (1993)

    edward cameron philadelphia experiment

  4. The Philadelphia Experiment (1984)

    edward cameron philadelphia experiment

  5. Philadelphia experiment hi-res stock photography and images

    edward cameron philadelphia experiment

  6. Photo du film The Philadelphia Experiment

    edward cameron philadelphia experiment


  1. Philadelphia

  2. 6-7 The Philadelphia Experiment The Montauk Project

  3. Celebration of Life for Bro. John Edward Cameron

  4. Preston Nichols

  5. 5-7 The Philadelphia Experiment The Montauk Project

  6. April 30 EPA's General Conference Update


  1. Inside the Real-Life Experiment That Inspired 'Stranger Things'

    The Philadelphia Experiment underwhelmed at the box office, ... As his memories came flooding back, he learned that his name wasn't Al Bielek, after all; born Edward Cameron, he'd also worked on ...

  2. The Montauk Project: The Conspiracy Theory That Inspired 'Stranger Things'

    A Tale Of Two Portals: From The Philadelphia Experiment To The Montauk Project. In 1984, a schlocky, otherwise forgettable B-movie was made about the Philadelphia experiment, aptly titled The Philadelphia Experiment. When a 57-year-old man named Al Bielek saw the movie in 1988, he claimed that he experienced an overwhelming sense of déjà vu.


    He was born on August 4, 1916, in Bay Shore Long Island, New York, to father Alexander Duncan Cameron and mother (maiden name) Arville from a common law marriage. His Aunt Arnold raised him and Duncan in a 26-room mansion in Long Island. Ed went to Princeton in 1932 and finished up his education with a PhD in Physics at Harvard in 1939.

  4. The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time

    The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time

  5. The life of Ed Cameron

    The life of Ed Cameron. Al describes his early life as Ed Cameron. He was born on August 4th 1916 in Bay Shore Long Island, New York to father Alexander Duncan Cameron and mother (maiden name) Arville from a common law marriage. His Aunt Arnold raised him and Duncan in a 26-room mansion in Long Island.

  6. Philadelphia Experiment and Beyond

    Al Bielek, who said he was a participant in the Philadelphia Experiment, was the main guest on Monday night. In his life as "Edward Cameron," he said he was aboard the U.S.S. Eldridge on August 12, 1943, when the ship became invisible as part of a military test.


    Al Bielek talks about his experiences as Ed Cameron onboard USS Eldridge in 1943, better known as "The Philadelphia Experiment".

  8. The Montauk Project

    First stage of Project Rainbow. July 20, 1943. First test of the Philadelphia Experiment. August 6, 1943. Three UFOs sighted over the USS Eldridge. August 12, 1943. Second test of the Philadelphia Experiment. Duncan Cameron Jr. (1) and Edward Cameron are transported to August 12, 1983. October 28, 1943.

  9. The Montauk Project: Unveiling the Enigma Behind Stranger Things

    Decades later, Al Bielek, influenced by the 1984 film, The Philadelphia Experiment, claimed to have repressed memories of his involvement in both the Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk Project. Asserting his real identity as Edward Cameron, Bielek recounted being a crew member aboard the USS Eldridge. He linked Tesla's technological ...

  10. Philadelphia Experiment & Montauk

    In the middle two hours of the show Al Bielek revisited his claim that he participated in the Philadelphia Experiment aboard the USS Eldridge in 1943 as a man named Edward Cameron. The experiment to make the ship invisible misfired, he explained, because the donut-shaped electrical field that was generated had a hole in it.

  11. Philadelphia to Montauk and Beyond

    He claimed to be Edward Cameron, a participant in the infamous Philadelphia Experiment of 1943. Bielek's tale spans decades, involving time travel, secret government projects, and encounters with future civilizations. His story intertwines with the mysterious Montauk Project, allegedly continuing the work begun in Philadelphia.

  12. The Truth About The Philadelphia Experiment: Invisibility, Time ...

    The Truth About The Philadelphia Experiment: Invisibility, Time Travel and Mind Control - The Shocking Truth: Directed by Bill Knell. With Al Bielek, Duncan Cameron, Preston Nichols. A U.S. Navy Ship vanishes during a secret World War II Experiment gone awry. When it re-appears, observers are horrified to see crew members embedded in the deck and steel of the ship.

  13. 'Stranger Things' Was Inspired By A Creepy, Supposedly Real Experiment

    All this has ties to another project called The Philadelphia Experiment in 1943, which supposedly created a wormhole that transported two sailors named Duncan and Edward Cameron into Montauk in ...

  14. The Montauk Project: 'Stranger Things' in the Hamptons

    It was called the Montauk Project. Apparently these Montauk Project experiments, which took place right at the base, were participated in by the same man who made the wormhole claims: one 57-year-old Al Bielek. He claims that his name isn't actually Al Bielek, but instead Edward Cameron, one of two brothers who participated in the ...


    August 13, 1943 - Date of the Philadelphia Experiment. When Ed and Duncan Cameron jump off the U.S.S. Eldridge, they both land in the year 2137. By Direction from Dr. John Von Neumann, Ed and Duncan Cameron return to the U.S.S. Eldridge from 1983 to destroy the control equipment and shut the experiment down.

  16. Philadelphia to Montauk and Be

    Al Bielek lived an ordinary life until vivid dreams and a late-night movie unlocked memories of an extraordinary past. He claimed to be Edward Cameron, a participant in the infamous Philadelphia Experiment of 1943. Bielek's tale spans decades, involving time travel, secret government projects, and encounters with future civilizations.

  17. The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time

    This book is a personal account of the Montauk Project and a little bit of the Philadelphia experiment. It is written in a take it or leave it attitude with little official evidence. There are some diagrams and photos, but not too much. ... with Edward Cameron from the original Philadelphia Experiment having his spirit transferred (??) to the ...

  18. PDF The Philadelphia Experiment

    The Philadelphia Experiment, otherwise known as Project Rainbow, has been a subject of long ... Edward Cameron. Upon discovering his true identity, he tracked down his brother who had also participated in the experiment. Bielek claims that his brother time traveled to 1983 and lost his 'time-lock'. As a result, his brother aged one year every hour

  19. Al Bielek and Ed Cameron's Time Line

    Ed is regressed to Al Bielek to the year 1927. 1983. Ed and Duncan Cameron find themselves at Montauk 1983 after spending six weeks in 2137. Dr. John Von Neumann greets the two and convinces them to time travel back to the USS Eldridge in 1943. to destroy the control equipment and shut the experiment down.

  20. Philadelphia Montauk Experiments: Cameron Brothers Committed Testimony

    Two urban legend crowns; the Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk Project were, are and will be legends that populace hardly can believe them real facts. However there appeared two brothers Edward and Duncan Cameron, whose father was a secret high rank US Navy officer holding the Secret Access Code-7, revealed all that real about the legends.

  21. The Incredible Story of Al Bielek, the Man Who Traveled Through Time

    Further 'Philadelphia Experiment' Reading. If you're unfamiliar with the whole "Philadelphia Experiment" thing, there's much more to the cover-up than Bielek's story. ... He has always maintained that his real identity is that of Edward Cameron, son of a career Naval officer; and that he had been regressed back in time to that of ...

  22. Al Bielek on the Philadelphia Experiment

    The Philadelphia Experiment (U.S. Government designation "Project Rainbow") had its origin in a feasibility study started in the early 1930's at the University of Chicago (1931) and later moved to Princeton's Institute of Advanced Studies. ... Edward Cameron - was eventually removed form the project and became Alfred D. Bielek is a bizarre ...


    It s a presentation of his material you can find on his website at www.bielek.comAlfred Billy Bielek ,shared the experience he would have had as a soldier, w...