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Programming in Java NPTEL Assignment Answers of Week 4(2023)

1 ] Which of the following is the correct statement for creating a package?

b]   package < package name >;

2] Which of the following source files cannot be included in a package?

c] enumerations

a] Refer to the member by its fully qualified name

d] Import is not mandatory

b] System.out.println() is a predefined java function.

5] Consider the program given below.

d] JRE without JDK

8]  Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?

c] Java byte code is generated by the interpreter.

a] Code re-usability

d]  Removes compilation error.

a]  Both pre-increment and post-increment operators becomes pre-increment during print.

d] Pre-increment and post-increment operators don’t work during print.

Week 4: Programming Assignments

2] Complete the code segment to print the current year. Your code should compile successfully.

—————–OUTPUT——————- This is small This is medium This is large This is extra-large ————————————————- However, the code is intentionally injected with some bugs. Debug the code to execute the program successfully.

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NPTEL Programming in Java Week 4 Assignment Solution 2023


NPTEL Programming in Java Week 4 All Programming Assignment Solutions – Jan 2023 | Swayam. With the growth of Information and Communication Technology, there is a need to develop large and complex software.

Further, those software should be platform independent, Internet enabled, easy to modify, secure, and robust. To meet this requirement object-oriented paradigm has been developed and based on this paradigm the Java programming language emerges as the best programming environment.

Now, Java programming language is being used for mobile programming, Internet programming, and many other applications compatible to distributed systems.

This course aims to cover the essential topics of Java programming so that the participants can improve their skills to cope with the current demand of IT industries and solve many problems in their own filed of studies.


  • Week 1 : Overview of Object-Oriented Programming and Java
  • Week 2 : Java Programming Elements
  • Week 3 : Input-Output Handling in Java
  • Week 4 : Encapsulation
  • Week 5 : Inheritance
  • Week 6 : Exception Handling
  • Week 7 : Multithreaded Programming
  • Week 8 : Java Applets and Servlets
  • Week 9 : Java Swing and Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT)
  • Week 10 : Networking with Java
  • Week 11: Java Object Database Connectivity (ODBC)
  • Week 12: Interface and Packages for Software Development

Course Name : “Programming in Java 2023”

Question : 1 Complete the code segment to execute the following program successfully.  You should import the correct package(s) and/or class(s) to complete the code.

Question : 2  Complete the code segment  to print the current year . Your code should compile successfully.

Question : 3 The program in this assignment is attempted to print the following output:

Question : 4 Complete the code segment to  call the default method in the interface Second then First.

Question : 5 Modify the code segment  to print the following output.

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NPTEL Programming In Java Programming Assignment July-2024 Swayam

NPTEL   »   Programming in Java

   Please scroll down for latest Programs.  👇 

Week 01 : Programming Assignment 1

Write a Java program to print the area and perimeter of a rectangle.

Public Test CasesInputExpected OutputActual OutputStatus
Private Test cases used for EvaluationStatus
Test Case 1

Week 01 : Programming Assignment 2

Write a Java program and compute the sum of an integer's digits.

Week 01 : Programming Assignment 3

Write a Java program to display n terms of natural numbers and their sum.

(Remember to match the output given exactly, including the spaces and new lines)

(passed with presentation error means you will get full marks)

Week 01 : Programming Assignment 4

Write a Java program to make such a pattern like a right angle triangle with the number increased by 1.

(Ignore presentation errors for this and all future programming assignments) (passed with presentation error means  you will get full marks )

Week 01 : Programming Assignment 5

Write a Java program to convert an integer number to a binary number.

Week 02 : Programming Assignment 1

Complete the code segment to call the method  display() of class Former first and then call display() method of class Latter.

Week 02 : Programming Assignment 2

Create a  class Student  with  private  attributes for  name  and  age .

Use a constructor to initialize these attributes and provide public getter methods to access them.

In the main method, an instance of Student is created and the student's details are printed.

Guideline to Solve:

§   Define the  Student class  with  private  attributes.

§   Use a constructor to initialize the attributes.

§   Implement getter methods for the attributes.

Follow the naming convetion used in the Fixed code.

Week 02 : Programming Assignment 3

Create a class  Rectangle  with attributes  length  and  width .

Provide two constructors: one with no parameters ( default to 1 ) and

another with parameters to initialize the attributes.

Use the  this  keyword to avoid name space collision.

Create a getArea() function that returns the area of the rectangle.

§   Define the  Rectangle  class with attributes and constructors.

§   Define a default Rectangle constructor that inializes length and width to 1.

§   Use the  this  keyword in the parameterized constructor.

§   Define a getArea() funtion that returns the area of there rectangle

Week 02 : Programming Assignment 4

Create a class  Circle  that encapsulates the properties of a circle.

The class should have a private field for the radius, a constructor to initialize the radius, and methods to calculate the area and circumference of the circle.

NOTE: use Math.PI for PI calculations (DO NOT USE 22/7)

§   Define the  Circle  class with attributes and constructors.

§   Define a getArea() funtion that returns the area of there Circle (use Math.PI)

§   Define a getCircumference() funtion that returns the circumference of there Circle (use Math.PI)

Week 02 : Programming Assignment 5

Complete the code by creating the constructor and the getter functions for a class Dog as defined below.

Week 03 : Programming Assignment 1

Create a class Department having a method  getCourses  that prints  "These are the department's courses" . It will have two subclasses , ComputerScience and MechanicalEngineering , each having a method with the same name that prints specific courses for the respective departments.Call the method by creating an object of each of the three classes.

Week 03 : Programming Assignment 2

Week 03 : programming assignment 3.

Write a program to print the factorial of a number by defining a recursive method named 'Factorial'.

Factorial of any number n is represented by n! and is equal to 1*2*3*....*(n-1)*n. E.g.-

4! = 1*2*3*4 = 24

3! = 3*2*1 = 6

2! = 2*1 = 2

Week 03 : Programming Assignment 4

Write a program to take integer inputs from user until he/she presses q ( Ask to press q to quit after every integer input ). Print average and product of all numbers.

Week 03 : Programming Assignment 5

Write a Java program to create a class called Employee with methods called work() and getSalary(). Create a subclass called HRManager that overrides the work() method and adds a new method called addEmployee().

Week 04 : Programming Assignment 1

Complete the code segment to swap two numbers using call by object reference.

Week 04 : Programming Assignment 2

1 - Problem Statement:        

Define a class  Point  with members

§   private double x;

§   private double y;

and methods:

§   public Point(double x, double y){}  // Constructor to create a new point?

§   public double slope(Point p2){} // Function to return the slope of the line formed from current Point and another Point (Assume that input will always be chosen so that slope will never be infinite)

Week 04 : Programming Assignment 3

This program to exercise the create static and non-static methods. A partial code is given, you have to define two methods, namely sum( ) and multiply( ). These methods have been called to find the sum and product of two numbers. Complete the code segment as instructed.  

Week 04 : Programming Assignment 4

The program in this assignment is attempted to print the following output:


This is large

This is medium

This is small

This is extra-large


However, the code is intentionally with some bugs in it. Debug the code to execute the program successfully.

Week 04 : Programming Assignment 5

Consider First n even numbers starting from zero(0).Complete the code segment to calculate sum of  all the numbers divisible by 3 from 0 to n. Print the sum. Example:

Input: n = 5

Even number divisible by 3:0 6

Week 05 : Programming Assignment 1

Public Test CasesInputExpected OutputActual OutputStatus

Week 05 : Programming Assignment 2

Write a program to create an interface Searchable with a method search(String keyword) that searches for a given keyword in a text document. Create two classes Document and WebPage that implement the Searchable interface and provide their own implementations of the search() method.

Week 05 : Programming Assignment 3

Week 05 : programming assignment 4, week 05 : programming assignment 5, week 06 : programming assignment 1, week 06 : programming assignment 2, week 06 : programming assignment 3, week 06 : programming assignment 4, week 06 : programming assignment 5, week 07 : programming assignment 1, week 07 : programming assignment 2.

Write a program to print Swastika Pattern in Java. 

Input is 2 numbers. 

(Rows and Columns)

For Example:

   * *

NOTE: Do not print any spaces between the ‘*’

Output should match exactly as specified by the question

Week 07 : Programming Assignment 3

Write a program to remove all occurrences of an element from array in Java.

Week 07 : Programming Assignment 4

Write a p rogram to compute the sum of all prime numbers in a given range. The range value will be positive.

Follow the naming convention as given in the main method of the suffix code.

Week 07 : Programming Assignment 5

Code to create two threads, one printing even numbers and the other printing odd numbers.

§   The PrintNumbers class is declared, and it implements the Runnable interface. This interface is part of Java's concurrency support and is used to represent a task that can be executed concurrently by a thread.

§   Create a constructor of this class that takes two private instance variables (start and end) to represent the range of numbers that will be printed by the thread.

§   Create a run method that is required by the Runnable interface and contains the code that will be executed when the thread is started. In this case, it should prints odd numbers within the specified range (start to end) using a for loop.

§   Hint: Thread.currentThread().getName() returns the name of the currently executing thread, which is useful for identifying which thread is printing the numbers.

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NPTEL Software Testing Week 6 Assignment Answers 2024


1. Typically, how do logical constraints occur in pre-conditions and postconditions that specify assumptions on inputs to methods or describe the properties of the methods?

  • The logical conditions can be any logical predicate.
  • The logical conditions occur in conjunctive or disjunctive normal form.
  • The logical conditions are a simple OR or AND combinations of two or more clauses.
  • The logical conditions always describe what the methods should not process as inputs.

2. State true or false: It is desired that a logical predicate used in a decision statement be a tautology.

3. How do logical predicates occur in finite state machines?

  • They occur as guards in the transitions of a finite state machine.
  • They occur as predicates in the states of a finite state machine.
  • They occur in the actions labeling the transitions of a finite state machine.
  • They occur in the events of a finite state machine.

4. State true or false: The logical predicates occuring in the condition statements of a method are all simple propositional logic formulas.

Consider the following code that has two conditional statements and the corresponding two logical predicates. Answer the following questions with reference to logical coverage criteria on this code.

5. Which of the options below best describe what the above program computes?

  • It computes the sum of all the numbers up to the limit l.
  • It computes the sum of all the even numbers up to the limit l.
  • It computes the sum of all the odd numbers up to the limit l.
  • It computes the number of odd numbers up to the limit l.

6. How many clauses are there in the above program, per predicate?

  • There are two predicates, each having one clause.
  • There are two clauses in the program, to be considered as a part of the second predicate.
  • There are four clauses in the program, two per predicate.
  • There are l different clauses in the program, one for each iteration of the loop.

7. What does predicate coverage test for the second clause in the above program?

  • It tests for the number being odd or even.
  • It tests for the number being within or outside the limit.

8. What does the test case for predicate coverage evaluating to true for the first predicate mean in the above program?

  • The first predicate evaluating to true indicates repeated iterations of the for loop.
  • The first predicate evaluating to true indicates exit from the for loop.

9. State true or false: Clause coverage and predicate coverage are the same for both the predicates in the above program?

10. In the ith iteration of the for loop, which of the following represents the actual predicate corresponding to the if statement?

  • The predicate in the ith iteration is s%2 == 1.
  • The predicate in the ith iteration is (1 + i)%2 == 1.
  • The predicate in the ith iteration is i%2 == 1.
  • The predicate in the ith iteration is 1%2 == 1.

{Week 1, 2} NPTEL Software Engineering Assignment Answers 2023

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Data Structure and Algorithms using Java Week 4 Nptel Answers

Are you looking for the Data Structure and Algorithms using Java Week 4 NPTEL Answers 2024 (July-Dec)? You’ve come to the right place! We provide accurate and detailed solutions to help you with your Week 4 assignments in this course.

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Data Structure and Algorithms using Java Week 4 Nptel Answers

Data Structure and Algorithms using Java Week 4 Nptel Answers (July-Dec 2024)

1. Consider the given Java code snippet that implements a singly linked list:

A) To execute various operations on the linked list. B) To perform an operation in the middle of the linked list. C) To insert a new element at the start of the linked list. D) To insert a new element at the end of the linked list.

Answer: D) To insert a new element at the end of the linked list.

2. What does the following function do given a linked list with the first node as head?

A) Prints all nodes of linked lists. B) Prints alternate nodes of linked list. C) Prints all nodes of the linked list in reverse order. D) Prints alternate nodes in reverse order.

Answer: A) Prints all nodes of linked lists.

These are Data Structure and Algorithms using Java Week 4 Nptel Answers

3. In the worst case, the number of comparisons needed to search an item stored in a singly linked list structure of length 101 is:

A) 98 B) 101 C) 99 D) 100

Answer:B) 101

4. Which of the following statements accurately describes the differences between arrays and linked lists?

A) Arrays store elements in contiguous memory locations, are static data structures, and are generally faster for random access. Linked lists store elements in non-contiguous memory locations, are dynamic data structures, and are better for operations like insertion and deletion. B) Arrays and linked lists both store elements in contiguous memory locations but differ in that arrays are dynamic while linked lists are static. C) Arrays and linked lists are both dynamic data structures and store elements in non-contiguous memory locations, but arrays are faster for insertion and deletion operations. D) Arrays are dynamic and store elements in non-contiguous memory locations, while linked lists are static and store elements in contiguous memory locations.

Answer: A) Arrays store elements in contiguous memory locations, are static data structures, and are generally faster for random access. Linked lists store elements in non-contiguous memory locations, are dynamic data structures, and are better for operations like insertion and deletion.

5. What is the time complexity of deletion from the end in a circular doubly linked list?

A) O(1) B) O(n) C) O(log n) D) O(log log n)

Answer: A) O(1)

6. Which of the following statement(s) is(are) false about Java LinkedList?

A) Java LinkedList class cannot contain duplicate elements. B) Java LinkedList class maintains insertion order. C) Java LinkedList class is non-synchronized. D) Java LinkedList class cannot be used as a list, stack, or queue.

Answer: A) Java LinkedList class cannot contain duplicate elements. , D) Java LinkedList class cannot be used as a list, stack, or queue.

7. For which of the following applications LinkedList may be a good choice?

A) Sparse matrix manipulation B) Random Access Requirements C) Polynomial manipulation D) Memory management

Answer: A) Sparse matrix manipulation,B) Random Access Requirements,D) Memory management

8. Which of the following statements about arrays and linked lists in Java is/are Incorrect?

A) Arrays are always faster than linked lists. B) Linked lists are always faster than arrays. C) Arrays are better for random access, while linked lists are better for sequential access. D) Arrays and linked lists have the same performance for both random and sequential access.

Answer: A) Arrays are always faster than linked lists. B) Linked lists are always faster than arrays. D) Arrays and linked lists have the same performance for both random and sequential access.

9. Suppose you have a linked list of integers and you want to delete the first node in the list. Which of the following statements is/are Incorrect?

A) The time complexity of the deletion operation is O(1). B) The time complexity of the deletion operation is O(logn). C) The time complexity of the deletion operation depends on the size of the integer to be deleted. D) The time complexity of the deletion operation depends on the location of the deletion point.

Answer: B) The time complexity of the deletion operation is O(logn). C) The time complexity of the deletion operation depends on the size of the integer to be deleted. D) The time complexity of the deletion operation depends on the location of the deletion point.

10. Which of the following is/are not a valid declaration of a collection of type List (as per syntax)?

A) LinkedList a = new LinkedList() B) LinkedList b = new LinkedList<>() C) LinkedList c = new LinkedList() D) LinkedList d = new LinkedList<>{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

Answer: D) LinkedList d = new LinkedList<>{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

Want all Weeks of Data Structure and Algorithms using Java Nptel Assignment Answers :  Click here

For answers to additional Nptel courses, please refer to this link:  NPTEL Assignment Answers

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Programming In Java

Exercise1_1 - Complete the code segment to find the perimeter and area of a circle given a value of radius. Exercise1_2 - Complete the code segment to find the largest among three numbers x,y, and z. You should use if-then-else construct in Java. Exercise1_3 - Consider First n even numbers starting from zero(0).Complete the code segment to calculate sum of all the numbers divisible by 3 from 0 to n. Print the sum. Exercise1_4 - Complete the code segment to check whether the number is an Armstrong number or not. Exercise1_5 - Complete the code segment to help Ragav , find the highest mark and average mark secured by him in "s" number of subjects.

Exercise2_1 - Complete the code segment to call the method print() of class Student first and then call print() method of class School. Exercise2_2 - Complete the code segment to call the method print() of class given class Printer to print the following. Exercise2_3 - Complete the code segment to call print() method of class Question by creating a method named ‘studentMethod()’. Exercise2_4 - Complete the code segment to call default constructor first and then any other constructor in the class. Exercise2_5 - Complete the code segment to debug / complete the program which is intended to print 'NPTEL JAVA'.

Excercise3_1 - This program is related to the generation of Fibonacci numbers.>For example: 0,1, 1,2, 3,5, 8, 13,… is a Fibonacci sequence where 13 is the 8th Fibonacci number. Exercise3_2 - Define a class Point with two fields x and y each of type double. Also, define a method distance(Point p1, Point p2) to calculate the distance between points p1 and p2 and return the value in double. Exercise3_3 - A class Shape is defined with two overloading constructors in it. Another class Test1 is partially defined which inherits the class Shape. The ..., Exercise3_4 - This program to exercise the call of static and non-static methods. A partial code is given defining two methods, namely sum( ) and multiply ( ). You......, Exercise3_5 - Complete the code segment to swap two numbers using call by object reference.

Exercise4_1 - Complete the code segment to execute the following program successfully. You should import the correct package(s) and/or class(s) to complete the code. Exercise4_2 - Complete the code segment to print the current year. Your code should compile successfully. Exercise4_3 - The program in this assignment is attempted to print the following output: Exercise4_4 - Complete the code segment to call the default method in the interface First and Second. Exercise4_5 - Modify the code segment to print the following output.

Exercise5_1 - An interface Number is defined in the following program. You have to declare a class A,which will implement the interface Number. Note that the method findSqr(n) will return the square of the number n. Exercise5_2 - An interface Number is defined in the following program. You have to declare a class A,which will implement the interface Number. Note that the method findSqr(n) will return the square of the number n. Exercise5_3 - Complete the code segment to catch the ArithmeticException in the following, if any. On the occurrence of such an exception, your program should print “Exception caught: Division by zero.” If there is no such exception, it will print the result of division operation on two integer values. Exercise5_4 - In the following program, an array of integer data to be initialized. During the initialization, if a user enters a value other than integer value, then it will throw InputMismatchException.., Exercise5_5 - In the following program, there may be multiple exceptions. You have to complete the code using only one try-catch block to handle all the possible exceptions.

Exercise6_1 - Complete the code segment to print the following using the concept of extending the Thread class in Java: Exercise6_2 - In the following program, a thread class Question62 is created using the Runnable interface Complete the main() to create a thread object of the class Question62 and run the thread. It should print the output as given below. Exercise6_3 - Given a snippet of code, add necessary codes to print the following: -----------------OUTPUT------------------- Name of thread 't1':Thread-0 Name of thread 't2':Thread-1 New name of thread 't1':Week 6 Assignment Q5 New name of thread 't2':Week 6 Assignment Q5 New ------------------------------------------------- Exercise6_4 - Execution of two or more threads occurs in a random order. The keyword 'synchronized' in Java is used to control the execution of thread .., Exercise6_5 - In the following program, a thread class Question62 is created using the Runnable interface Complete the main() to create a thread object of the class Question62 and run the thread. It should print the output as given below.

Exercise7_1 - Complete the following code fragment to read three integer values from the keyboard and find the sum of the values. Declare a variable "sum" of type int and store the result in it. Exercise7_2 - Complete the code segment to catch the exception in the following, if any. On the occurrence of such an exception, your program should print “Please enter valid data” .If there is no such exception, it will print the "square of the number". Exercise7_3 - A byte char array is initialized. You have to enter an index value"n". According to index your program will print the byte and its corresponding char value. Complete the code segment to catch the exception in the.., Exercise7_4 - The following program reads a string from the keyboard and is stored in the String variable "s1".., Exercise7_5 -A string "s1" is already initialized. You have to read the index "n" from..,

Exercise8_1 - Write a program which will print a pyramid of " " 's of height "n" and print the number of " " 's in the pyramid. Exercise8_2 - Write a program which will print a pascal pyramid of " " 's of height "l" . Exercise8_3 - Write a program which will print a pyramid of "numbers" 's of height "n" and print the sum of all number's in the pyramid. Exercise8_4 - Write a program to print symmetric Pascal's triangle of " " 's of height "l" of odd length . If input "l" is even then your program will print "Invalid line number". Exercise8_5 - Write a program to display any digit(n) from 0-9 represented as a "7 segment display".

Exercise9_1 - Complete the code to develop a BASIC CALCULATOR that can perform operations like Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. Exercise9_2 - Complete the code to develop an ADVANCED CALCULATOR that emulates all the functions of the GUI Calculator as shown in the image. Exercise9_3 - Complete the code to perform a 45 degree anti clock wise rotation with respect to the center of a 5 × 5 2D Array as shown below: Exercise9_4 - A program needs to be developed which can mirror reflect any 5 × 5 2D character array into its side-by-side reflection. Write suitable code to achieve this transformation as shown below: Exercise9_5 - Write suitable code to develop a 2D Flip-Flop Array with dimension 5 × 5, which replaces all input elements with values 0 by 1 and 1 by 0. An example is shown below:

Exercise10_1 - The following code needs some package to work properly. Write appropriate code to import the required package(s) in order to make the program compile and execute successfully. Exercise10_2 - Write the JDBC codes needed to create a Connection interface using the DriverManager class and the variable DB_URL. Check whether the connection is successful using 'isAlive(timeout) Exercise10_3 - Due to some mistakes in the below code, the code is not compiled/executable. Modify and debug the JDBC code to make it execute successfully. Exercise10_4 - Complete the code segment to rename an already created table named ‘PLAYERS’ into ‘SPORTS’. Exercise10_5 - Complete the code segment to rename an already created table named ‘PLAYERS’ into ‘SPORTS’.

nptel java week 4 assignment answers

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    This repository in NPTEL course Programming in Java Question and Quiz answer. - Programming-in-Java-NPTEL/week 4/Exercise 4.1.java at master · sumitnce1/Programming-in-Java-NPTEL

  11. Programming in Java

    Week 4: Programming Assignment 4 Solution. Complete the code segment to call the default method in the interface First and Second. interface First{// default method default void show(){System.out.println("Default method implementation of First interface.");}} interface Second{// Default method default void show(){System.out.println("Default ...

  12. NPTEL Programming in Java Week 4 Assignment Solution 2023

    February 20, 2023. Faheem Ahmad. NPTEL Programming in Java Week 4 All Programming Assignment Solutions - Jan 2023 | Swayam. With the growth of Information and Communication Technology, there is a need to develop large and complex software. Further, those software should be platform independent, Internet enabled, easy to modify, secure, and ...

  13. NPTEL Programming In Java Week 4 Assignment Solution

    NPTEL Programming In Java Week 4 Assignment Solution. It includes the week 4 Programming assignment only. For Week 4 quiz assignment https://www.youtube.com/...

  14. NPTEL Programming In Java Programming Assignment July-2024 Swayam

    Learn Programming & Prepare for NPTEL Exams... Swayam Solver is your one-stop destination for NPTEL exam preparation. NPTEL Programming In Java Programming Assignment July-2024 Swayam Posted on July 22, 2024 . ... Week 01 : Programming Assignment 4. Due on 2024-08-08, 23:59 IST.

  15. JAVA Assignment 4 answers

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  16. nptel-solutions · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    Welcome to the NPTEL "Programming in Java" course repository! This repository hosts a comprehensive collection of programming assignments, quizzes, and test solutions for the NPTEL "Programming in Java" course offered in the years 2024, 2022, and 2020.

  17. NPTEL Programming In Java Week 4 Assignment Answers 2024

    NPTEL Programming In Java Week 1 Programming Assignment Answers. Complete the code segment to find the perimeter and area of a circle given a value of radius. 1.You should use Math.PI constant in your program. If radius is zero or less than zero then print " please enter non zero positive number ".

  18. bkkothari2255/Programming_In_Java_NPTEL

    Java Week 6:Q2 In the following program, a thread class ThreadRun is created using the Runnable interface which prints "Thread using Runnable interface". Complete the main class to create a thread object of the class ThreadRun and run the thread, Java Week 6:Q3 A part of the Java program is given, which can be completed in many ways, for example using the concept of thread, etc. Follow the ...

  19. PDF Assignment 4

    02/07/2020 Programming in Java - - Unit 6 - Week 4 : https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs08/unit?unit=5&assessment=96 3/5 Live Interactive

  20. Programming in Java

    Week 10: Networking with Java. Week 11: Java Object Database Connectivity. Week 12: Interface and Packages for Software Development. NOTE: You can check your answer immediately by clicking show answer button. Programming in Java NPTEL 2023 Week 4 Quiz Solutions" contains 10 questions. Now, start attempting the quiz.

  21. NPTEL Software Testing Week 6 Assignment Answers 2024

    NPTEL Software Testing Week 6 Assignment Answers 2024. 1. Typically, how do logical constraints occur in pre-conditions and postconditions that specify assumptions on inputs to methods or describe the properties of the methods? The logical conditions can be any logical predicate. The logical conditions occur in conjunctive or disjunctive normal ...

  22. Data Structure and Algorithms using Java Week 4 Nptel Answers

    Answer: A) Prints all nodes of linked lists. These are Data Structure and Algorithms using Java Week 4 Nptel Answers. 3. In the worst case, the number of comparisons needed to search an item stored in a singly linked list structure of length 101 is: Answer:B) 101. 4.

  23. GitHub

    WEEK 7. Exercise7_1 - Complete the following code fragment to read three integer values from the keyboard and find the sum of the values. Declare a variable "sum" of type int and store the result in it. Exercise7_2 - Complete the code segment to catch the exception in the following, if any.