Finding a place to live in Amsterdam can be a challenge. Nikhef has a limited number of apartments for expatriates along the Carolina MacGillavrylaan which you can use for a maximum of one year. For more information, please contact Ed van Willigen of the Nikhef P&O (HR) department . Alternatively, there are many websites that offer accommodation in Amsterdam, several of which are listed below.

  • Studentenwoningweb  (student accommodation web): Lucky for us, this website also accepts PhD students. It is a collaboration between  WoningNet  (a social housing corporation) and housing corporations DUWO, De Key, Stadgenoot and Ymere. Registration costs €38 and lasts eight years. Housing is distributed on a basis of registration time, but several accommodations are distributed by lottery every week.
  • Kamernet (chamber net, Dutch): Kamernet is one of the biggest commercial housing sites of the Netherlands. Its focus is student rooms with shared amenities and it features full-fledged apartments as well. Responding to offers costs points, which in turn cost money.
  • Marktplaats  (marketplace): The Dutch version of Ebay/Craigslist. Responding is free, but placing an ad costs money in certain cases.
  • Expatriates : This website combines housing, item sale, community events and service information in one place. As the name suggests, its focus is on expatriates. It is entirely free.
  • Funda : One of the most visited housing website in the Netherlands, and it is free. Beside from renting, you can also find houses to buy, if you have the money of course.
  • Pararius : The largest independent website for rental properties (according to their website). Although it is free to see and react to posts, you have pay to receive non-delayed notifications. Given how competitve the housing market is, this is more or less mandatory.

Many more housing websites exist: Google is your friend here. Watch out though, setting up sites like this is an easy way to make money. Room prices easily reach €300 to €650 per month in a house where the kitchen and bathroom are shared between several tenants. Some people choose to go to a housing agency to rent an apartment which usually starts at €1000 per month, excluding gas, water and electricity. You then have to find someone to share the apartment with. Keep in mind that Amsterdam is an old city with many old houses, so not all apartments are suitable for sharing or even have three rooms. Housing agencies usually ask a fee of a month’s rent when they find an apartment for you.

Rent Committee

There are strict rules concerning rent in the Netherlands. In Amsterdam, where accommodation is in great shortage, there are a lot of people abusing the situation by asking an enormously high rent. The huurcommisse (rent committee) is an organisation meant to govern the rules concerning housing: they have tools to check whether your rent is too high and solve conflicts between landlords and tenants. It’s also illegal to offer all-in rent: rent should always be split in an amount you pay as bare rent for the room and an amount you pay for water and electricity. If you think your landlord is not obeying the rules, check the website of the rent committee (Dutch). Wijksteunpunt Wonen  (neighbourhood’s support offices, English) also offers help if you have questions or run into conflicts regarding tenants’ rights.


UvA student housing (limited availability)

Housing lottery applications.

  • 2024-2025 You can apply for housing from Wednesday, 29 May 2024 09:00 CEST, until Wednesday, 12 June 2024 23:59 CEST. If you are eligible to participate, you can expect your invitation to be sent to you near the end of May 2024. For questions about your eligibility, please contact your faculty.

Limited availability

Since Dutch universities are not allowed to own housing properties under Dutch law, the UvA cannot facilitate accommodations for all incoming international students . Students are ultimately responsible for their own accommodation.

Consult all information on UvA student housing

Other certified and non-certified, third-party housing platforms.

Please note that the UvA strongly recommends all incoming students to also apply for other options from the housing platforms page relevant to them, and to consult our webpage with additional tips for further search options, how to avoid potential scams and more.

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Young Caucasian woman in purple coat riding bicycle in the  city at dusk

Find student accommodation

Amsterdam is one of the most exciting cities to live in, and as a result, housing is in hot demand. We recommend that you start looking for your new home as early as possible. Here is an overview of the websites and organisations that can help.

How to find student accommodation in the Amsterdam Area

Some universities and institutions have access to a limited number of rooms for international students. UvA ,  Vrije Universiteit ,  Amsterdam University of Applied Science and  Inholland University of Applied Sciences , for example, have procedures in place to help international students find housing. Generally, these include a private bedroom and a shared kitchen, bathroom and living space. These spaces are highly sought-after, so don’t delay your application.

Please note: Always follow the advice from your university about finding accommodation. It is not advisable to arrive in the Amsterdam area without first securing somewhere to stay. Demand currently outstrips supply and it may prove difficult to arrange a contract on short notice.

Try a student housing corporation

There are non-profit social housing corporations in the Amsterdam Area that specialise in working with students. For example, Studentenwoningweb is a dedicated part of the WoningNet platform, while Room lists accommodation in all of the major university cities in the Netherlands. Platforms like these operate with registrations and waiting lists, so it's a good idea to sign up well in advance of your move to the Amsterdam Area.

Websites for finding student accommodation

You can also check out these websites to find alternative student housing, including temporary and long-term options. Note: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Have a read of these tips to avoid rental scams , as sadly they sometimes target students.  

  • connects students with rooms, studios and apartments. Users can create a profile listing their specifications to receive email alerts on relevant properties. 
  • Kamernet is a large search engine of rental apartments and rooms. A fee is required to respond to advertisements.
  • KamersAmsterdam  (in Dutch) features a range of affordable, student-friendly rooms in Amsterdam.
  • Hotel Jansen is a short-stay hotel for students, new graduates and interns in Amsterdam. The tastefully-decorated rooms can be rented for one day up to six months.
  • Housing Anywhere is an online housing platform where students can find accommodation for mid and long-term stays around the world.
  • Student Experience provides modern fully-furnished apartments close to Vrije Universiteit.
  • Pararius is a hub of short and long-term rental properties through various agencies.
  • Funda is a free website with loads of properties for rent and purchase.  
  • ASVA Student Union  features a selection of rooms for rent. In addition, they offer free juridical advice and a range of cheap, legal bikes.

Facebook groups for finding rooms in Amsterdam

Facebook groups are quickly becoming the go-to way to find a room or apartment in Amsterdam. Here are the most actively updated groups:

  • Amsterdam Apartments 4 Rent
  • Kamer gezocht in Amsterdam
  • Woningen te huur in Amsterdam
  • Kamers Gezocht/Aangeboden

Things to keep in mind

Everyone who lives in the Netherlands needs to register with the local municipality – yes, even students. So make this a priority once you’ve found your new home. Find out more about registration .

  • Check whether the rent is inclusive ( inclusief ) of gas, water, electricity, etc. and factor this in to the cost.
  • A deposit of 1 to 2 months’ rent is usually required. This is refunded if you leave the property in good condition.
  • Be aware of illegal subletting as this can affect your rights as a tenant .
  • If in doubt, check your rights. Contact !WOON  or drop in at one of their help desk.

Learn more about renting a property in Amsterdam .

Though we are striving to provide a broad overview of the organisations and platforms focused on housing for internationals, please be aware that you may encounter scams. To stay safe, review this  helpful information  from !WOON before starting your search.

Students in the library

Wonen in Amsterdam

Als je in Amsterdam of omgeving wilt komen wonen, is het niet makkelijk om woonruimte te vinden. Maar niet onmogelijk. Hoe pak je het aan?

Waar moet ik zoeken?

  • WoningNet (opent in nieuw venster)  verdeelt sociale huurwoningen van woningbouwcorporaties in Amsterdam en omstreken. Vaak zijn er (jaren)lange wachtlijsten, dus hoe eerder je ingeschreven staat hoe beter. Je kunt je inschrijven vanaf je 18e.  
  • De Amsterdamse woningbouwcoöperaties zoals Lieven De Key, Ymere, en DUWO bieden ook woonruimte aan. Deze kun je allemaal vinden via Studentenwoningweb (opent in nieuw venster) en (opent in nieuw venster) . Dit zijn platforms voor studentenwoningen in onder andere de stadsregio Amsterdam. Vanaf je 16e jaar kun je je hier inschrijven. Er is wel een wachttijd van ca. 2-3 jaar. Dus ook hier geldt: hoe eerder je je inschrijft, hoe beter. 
  • Gemeente Amsterdam (opent in nieuw venster) geeft ook tips over het zoeken naar een woning. 

Vergroot je kansen door ook in de regio te kijken: 

  • Regio Zuid-Kennemerland (opent in nieuw venster) . 
  • Regio Leiden en omgeving.  (opent in nieuw venster)
  • Regio Delft en Den Haag (opent in nieuw venster) . 

Studentenwoningen Amstelcampus

Als student aan de HvA heb je voorrang op studentenwoningen op de Amstelcampus, de campus van de HvA in Amsterdam Oost. Studenten kunnen voor de duur van de studie een campuscontract krijgen. De huurprijzen per maand liggen tussen de € 650-711. Ben je 23 jaar of ouder dan kun je onder bepaalde voorwaarden ook in aanmerking komen voor huurtoeslag. Woonstichting Lieven De Key verhuurt de woningen via (opent in nieuw venster)  op basis van inschrijfduur en campusvoorrang. Let op: Er is een lange wachtlijst. Doordat hier campuscontracten uitgegeven worden, komen er maar mondjesmaat woningen vrij. Wil je voor een studentenwoning in aanmerking komen, schrijf je dan zo snel mogelijk in bij studentenwoningweb (opent in nieuw venster)  om wachttijd op te bouwen.

De Amstelcampus is verspreid over verschillende straten en heeft  zo'n 275 studentenwoningen. Het zijn zelfstandige woningen met een eigen woon/slaapkamer, badkamer en keuken. Op Studentenwoningweb kun je (nadat je je hebt ingeschreven) op de woningen reageren met onderstaande straatnamen: 

  • Van Musschenbroekstraat
  • Tilanusstraat
  • Eerste Boerhaavestraat
  • Tweede Boerhaavestraat

Woonruimte vinden wanneer je een functiebeperking hebt

Heb je een functiebeperking en heb je behoefte aan een woning die is aangepast op jouw behoeftes? Er zijn verschillende organisaties die je kunnen helpen bij het vinden van een woning die bij je past.  

Formele zaken

Bij het huren van een kamer moet je je op dat adres inschrijven bij het GBA (gemeentelijke basis administratie). Studiefinanciering (IB-groep) controleert bij het GBA of je echt uitwonend bent. Bij het huren bij particulieren kan dit soms problemen geven. 

Als je in een zelfstandige woning woont (met eigen keuken en badkamer) kun je onder bepaalde voorwaarden huurtoeslag aanvragen. Je kunt geen huurtoeslag aanvragen as je niet ingeschreven staat op je woonadres. 

Voor het huren van een zelfstandige woning heb je bijna altijd een huisvestigingsvergunning van de gemeente nodig. Dit geldt niet voor studenteneenheden (zelfstandig of onzelfstandig).

Nog meer tips

  • In de privésector is de gemiddelde kamerprijs tegenwoordig € 950 per maand. Daarnaast wordt vrijwel altijd een borg gevraagd (meestal een maand huur) en moet je de eerste maand huur vooruit betalen. Bereid je dus voor op een flink startbedrag.
  • Je kunt zelf actief op zoek gaan naar een woning op internet, bijvoorbeeld via marktplaats of social media.
  • Je kunt voor je laten zoeken door een makelaar of een bemiddelingsbureau s . Houd wel rekening met hoge bemiddelingskosten en check of het bureau betrouwbaar is.
  • De meeste Amsterdamse studenten vinden ' via via ' een kamer. Ken je al iemand in Amsterdam die op kamers woont? Informeer eens of er een kamer vrij komt. Ken je nog geen mensen? Sluit je aan bij bijvoorbeeld een studie- of sportvereniging.
  • De ASVA geeft algemene informatie over het huren van een kamer in Amsterdam en kan optreden als bemiddelaar tussen studenten en verhuurders. Ze bieden ook richtlijnen over waar op te letten bij het bekijken van een kamer. Bezoek hun  webpagina (opent in nieuw venster)  voor meer informatie.
  • Juni, juli, augustus en september zijn piekmaanden. Probeer buiten deze maanden te zoeken, dan is je kans groter op het vinden van een kamer.
  • Focus je niet teveel op de binnenstad of binnenring van Amsterdam. Kijk ook in omringende gemeenten zoals Amstelveen, Diemen, Duivendrecht, Zaandam en Haarlem. 

Wat zijn jouw rechten als huurder?

phd woning amsterdam

  • Accountancy and Control (master)
  • Accountancy and Control (premaster)
  • Actuarial Science (bachelor)
  • Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance (master)
  • American Studies (master)
  • Ancient Studies (bachelor)
  • Arabische taal en cultuur (bachelor)
  • Arbeidsrecht (master)
  • Archaeology (master)
  • Archaeology (premaster)
  • Archaeology (bachelor), EN
  • Archaeology and Heritage (research master)
  • Archeologie (bachelor), NL
  • Archival and Information Studies (duale master)
  • Art and Performance Research Studies (research master)
  • Artificial Intelligence (master)
  • Bèta-gamma (bachelor)
  • Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (master, joint degree)
  • Biological Sciences (master)
  • Biologie (bachelor)
  • Biomedical Sciences (master)
  • Biomedische wetenschappen (bachelor)
  • BMS: Cell Biology and Advanced Microscopy (master)
  • BMS: Cognitive Neurobiology and Clinical Neurophysiology (master)
  • BMS: Developmental and Therapeutic Biology (master)
  • BMS: Experimental Internal Medicine (master)
  • BMS: Infection and Immunity (master)
  • BMS: Medical Biochemistry and Biotechnology (master)
  • BMS: Molecular Neurosciences (master)
  • BMS: Oncology (master)
  • BMS: Physiology of Synapses and Networks (master)
  • BMS: Psychopharmacology and Pathophysiology (master)
  • Boekwetenschap (duale master)
  • Boekwetenschap (schakelprogramma)
  • Brain and Cognitive Sciences (research master)
  • BS: Ecology and Evolution (master)
  • BS: Freshwater and Marine Biology (master)
  • BS: General Biology (master)
  • BS: Green Life Sciences (master)
  • Business Administration (bachelor)
  • Business Administration (master)
  • Business Administration (premaster)
  • Business Analytics (bachelor)
  • Business Economics (master)
  • Business Economics (premaster)
  • Chemistry (master, joint degree)
  • Chemistry (premaster)
  • Chemistry: Analytical Sciences (master, joint degree)
  • Chemistry: Molecular Sciences (master, joint degree)
  • Chemistry: Science for Energy and Sustainability (master, joint degree)
  • Child Development and Education (research master)
  • Classics and Ancient Civilizations (master)
  • Cognition, Language and Communication (bachelor)
  • Commerciële rechtspraktijk (master)
  • Communicatiewetenschap (bachelor)
  • Communication and Information (duale master)
  • Communication Science (bachelor)
  • Communication Science (master)
  • Communication Science (premaster)
  • Communication Science (research master)
  • Comparative Cultural Analysis (master)
  • Comparative Literature (master)
  • Computational Science (master, joint degree)
  • Computational Social Science (bachelor)
  • Computer Science (master, joint degree)
  • Conflict Resolution and Governance (master)
  • Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage (master)
  • Cultural Analysis (research master)
  • Cultural and Social Anthropology (master)
  • Cultural and Social Anthropology (premaster)
  • Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (bachelor)
  • Cultural Data & AI (master)
  • Culturele antropologie en ontwikkelingssociologie (bachelor)
  • Cultuurwetenschappen (bachelor)
  • Curating Art and Cultures (duale master)
  • Data Science (master)
  • Data Science and Business Analytics (master)
  • Data Science and Business Analytics (premaster)
  • Documentaire en fictie (duale master)
  • Duits, Educatie en communicatie (master)
  • Duits, Educatie en communicatie (schakelprogramma)
  • Duitslandstudies (bachelor)
  • Duitslandstudies (master)
  • Earth Sciences (master)
  • East European Studies (master)
  • Econometrics (master)
  • Econometrics (premaster)
  • Econometrics and Data Science (bachelor)
  • Economics (master)
  • Economics (premaster)
  • Economics and Business Economics (bachelor)
  • Engels, Educatie en communicatie (master)
  • Engels, Educatie en communicatie (schakelprogramma)
  • English Language and Culture (bachelor)
  • English Literature and Culture (master)
  • Entrepreneurship (master)
  • ES: Environmental Management (master)
  • ES: Future Planet Ecosystem Science (master)
  • ES: Geo-Ecological Dynamics (master)
  • European Competition Law and Regulation (master)
  • European Policy (master)
  • European Private Law (master)
  • European Studies (bachelor)
  • European Studies (premaster)
  • European Union Law (master)
  • Europese studies (bachelor)
  • Exchange programme Economics and Business
  • Exchange programme Humanities
  • Exchange programme Law - Amsterdam Law School
  • Exchange programme PPLE - Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics
  • Exchange programme Science
  • Exchange programme Social and Behavioural Sciences
  • Film Studies (master)
  • Filosofie (bachelor)
  • Filosofie (master)
  • Finance (master)
  • Fiscaal Recht (bachelor)
  • Fiscaal Recht (master)
  • Fiscale Economie (bachelor)
  • Fiscale Economie (master)
  • Fiscale Economie (premaster)
  • Forensic Science (master)
  • Frans, Educatie en communicatie (master)
  • Frans, Educatie en communicatie (schakelprogramma)
  • Franse taal en cultuur (bachelor)
  • Future Planet Studies (bachelor)
  • Geneeskunde (bachelor)
  • Geneeskunde (master)
  • Geneeskunde (schakelprogramma)
  • General Linguistics (master)
  • Geschiedenis (bachelor)
  • Geschiedenis (master)
  • Geschiedenis (research master)
  • Geschiedenis (schakelprogramma)
  • Geschiedenis van de internationale betrekkingen (master)
  • Geschiedenis, Educatie en communicatie (master)
  • Gezondheidsrecht (master)
  • Gezondheidszorgpsychologie (master)
  • Global Arts, Culture and Politics (bachelor)
  • Griekse en Latijnse taal en cultuur (bachelor)
  • Hebreeuwse taal en cultuur (bachelor)
  • Heritage and Memory Studies (duale master)
  • Holocaust and Genocide Studies (master)
  • Human Geography (master)
  • Human Geography (premaster)
  • Human Geography and Planning (bachelor)
  • Identity and Integration (master)
  • Informatica (bachelor)
  • Informatiekunde (bachelor)
  • Informatierecht (master)
  • Information Studies (master)
  • Information Systems (master)
  • Interdisciplinaire sociale wetenschap (bachelor)
  • Internationaal en Europees belastingrecht (master)
  • International and Transnational Criminal Law (master)
  • International Criminal Law - Joint programme with Columbia Law School (master)
  • International Development Studies (master)
  • International Development Studies (premaster)
  • International Development Studies (research master)
  • International Dramaturgy (duale master)
  • International Dramaturgy and Theatre Studies (premaster)
  • International Tax Law (advanced master)
  • International Trade and Investment Law (master)
  • Italië Studies (bachelor)
  • Jewish Studies (master)
  • Journalism, Media and Globalisation (Erasmus Mundus Master's - joint degree)
  • Journalistiek en media (duale master)
  • Kunst, cultuur en politiek (master)
  • Kunst, cultuur en politiek (schakelprogramma)
  • Kunstgeschiedenis (bachelor)
  • Kunstgeschiedenis (master)
  • Kunstgeschiedenis (schakelprogramma)
  • Kunstmatige intelligentie (bachelor)
  • Language and Society (master)
  • Language, Literature and Education (master)
  • Language, Literature and Education (premaster)
  • Latin American Studies (master)
  • Latin American Studies (premaster)
  • Law & Finance (master)
  • Lerarenopleidingen
  • Linguistics (bachelor)
  • Linguistics (premaster)
  • Linguistics and Communication (research master)
  • Literary and Cultural Analysis (bachelor)
  • Literary Studies (premaster)
  • Literary Studies (research master)
  • Literature, Culture and Society (master)
  • Logic (master)
  • Mathematics (master)
  • Media and Culture (bachelor)
  • Media and Information (bachelor)
  • Media en cultuur (bachelor)
  • Media Studies (premaster)
  • Media Studies (research master)
  • Medical Anthropology and Sociology (master)
  • Medical Anthropology and Sociology (premaster)
  • Medical informatics (master)
  • Medical informatics (premaster)
  • Medische informatiekunde (bachelor)
  • Midden-Oostenstudies (master)
  • Midden-Oostenstudies (schakelprogramma)
  • Militaire geschiedenis (master)
  • Museum Studies (duale master)
  • Music Studies (master)
  • Music Studies (premaster)
  • Muziekwetenschap (bachelor)
  • Natuurkunde en sterrenkunde (bachelor, joint degree)
  • Nederlands als tweede taal en meertaligheid (duale master)
  • Nederlands als tweede taal en meertaligheid (schakelprogramma)
  • Nederlands, Educatie en communicatie (master)
  • Nederlands, Educatie en communicatie (schakelprogramma)
  • Nederlandse taal en cultuur (bachelor)
  • Nederlandse taal en cultuur (master)
  • New Media and Digital Culture (master)
  • Nieuwgriekse taal en cultuur (bachelor)
  • Onderwijswetenschappen (bachelor)
  • Onderwijswetenschappen (master)
  • Onderwijswetenschappen (schakelprogramma)
  • (Forensische) Orthopedagogiek (schakelprogramma)
  • Oudheidwetenschappen (bachelor)
  • P&A: Advanced Matter and Energy Physics (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: Astronomy and Astrophysics (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: Biophysics and Biophotonics (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: General Physics and Astronomy (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: GRAPPA - Gravitation, Astro-, and Particle Physics (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: Science for Energy and Sustainability (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: Theoretical Physics (master, joint degree)
  • Pedagogical Sciences (master)
  • Pedagogische wetenschappen (bachelor)
  • Pedagogische wetenschappen (master)
  • Philosophy (master)
  • Philosophy (research master)
  • Philosophy of the Humanities and the Social Sciences (master)
  • Philosophy of the Humanities and the Social Sciences (schakelprogramma)
  • Physics and Astronomy (master, joint degree)
  • Political Science (bachelor)
  • Political Science (master)
  • Political Science (premaster)
  • Politicologie (bachelor)
  • PPLE - Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics (bachelor)
  • Preservation and Presentation of the Moving Image (duale master)
  • Preventieve jeugdhulp en opvoeding (schakelprogramma)
  • Privaatrechtelijke rechtspraktijk (master)
  • Psychobiologie (bachelor)
  • Psychologie (schakelprogramma)
  • Psychologie (bachelor), NL
  • Psychologie (master), NL
  • Psychology (premaster)
  • Psychology (bachelor), EN
  • Psychology (master), EN
  • Psychology (research master), EN
  • Public International Law (master)
  • Publieksgeschiedenis (master)
  • Quantum Computer Science (master)
  • Rechtsgeleerdheid (bachelor)
  • Rechtsgeleerdheid met HBO-vooropleiding (schakelprogramma)
  • Rechtsgeleerdheid met WO-vooropleiding (schakelprogramma)
  • Redacteur/editor (duale master)
  • Religiewetenschappen (bachelor)
  • Religious Studies (research master)
  • Russische en Slavische studies (bachelor)
  • Scandinavië studies (bachelor)
  • Scheikunde (bachelor, joint degree)
  • Science, Technology & Innovation (bachelor)
  • Security and Network Engineering (master)
  • Sign Language Linguistics (bachelor)
  • Social Sciences (research master)
  • Sociale geografie en Planologie (bachelor)
  • Sociologie (bachelor)
  • Sociology (bachelor)
  • Sociology (master)
  • Sociology (premaster)
  • Software Engineering (master)
  • Spaanse en Latijns-Amerikaanse studies (bachelor)
  • Spirituality and Religion (master)
  • Spirituality and Religion (schakelprogramma)
  • Staats- en bestuursrecht (master)
  • Stads- en architectuurgeschiedenis (master)
  • Stochastics and Financial Mathematics (master)
  • Strafrecht (master)
  • Taalwetenschappen (bachelor)
  • Technology Governance (advanced master)
  • Television and Cross-Media Culture (master)
  • Theaterwetenschap (bachelor)
  • Theatre Studies (master)
  • Universitaire Pabo van Amsterdam (bachelor)
  • Urban and Regional Planning (master)
  • Urban and Regional Planning (premaster)
  • Urban Studies (research master)
  • Vertalen (master)
  • Vertalen (schakelprogramma)
  • Wiskunde (bachelor)

phd woning amsterdam

Finding accommodation in Amsterdam

  • Finding accommodation on your own External link This page provides tips and tricks for finding accommodation on your own.
  • UvA Student Housing: for incoming international students External link Find out if you're eligible for accommodation via the International Student Housing Office and how to apply.
  • Contact the International Student Housing Office External link Questions? Get in touch with the International Student Housing Office.

Een hypotheek tijdens je PhD

Om maar meteen een misverstand op te helderen: een hypotheek krijgen tijdens je promotieonderzoek is vaak wél mogelijk!

Dankzij de goede toekomstperspectieven van PhD’ers hebben verschillende hypotheekaanbieders een speciaal beleid voor deze doelgroep. Afhankelijk van je situatie is vaak meer mogelijk dan je denkt. Viisi’s adviseurs weten hoe je jouw aanvraag goed kan voorbereiden en denken graag met je mee.

Plan een vrijblijvende afspraak

Op deze pagina

Kan ik in mijn phd-situatie een hypotheek krijgen, een voorbeeld: de phd-hypotheek van thomas & anna, zo helpt viisi jou als promovendus wél aan een hypotheek, welke promovendi kunnen we helpen.

Of het mogelijk is om een hypotheek te verkrijgen tijdens je promotieonderzoek, hangt af van jouw situatie. Er zijn 3 situaties te onderscheiden.

Hypotheek PhD

1. Je bent al 3 jaar of meer met je promotieonderzoek bezig

Loopt je promotieonderzoek al 3 jaar en heb je 3 jaaropgaves die dit aantonen? Dan is het mogelijk om een hypotheek aan te vragen op basis van flexinkomen.

Wanneer de koopsom onder de NHG-grens (€ 435.000) ligt , kan je ook aanspraak maken op een NHG-hypotheek .

2. Je bent korter dan 3 jaar met je promotieonderzoek bezig en je kunt een intentieverklaring krijgen

Omdat de gemiddelde promotie 4 tot 5 jaar duurt, heeft een arbeidsovereenkomst meestal een tijdelijk karakter. Hierdoor is het verkrijgen van een intentieverklaring voor PhD’ers niet gebruikelijk.

Er zijn natuurlijk uitzonderingen: mogelijk heb je al afgesproken dat je aan de universiteit of aan je werkgever verbonden blijft. Vraag altijd na of je in aanmerking komt voor een intentieverklaring.

Wanneer de koopsom onder de NHG-grens (€ 435.000) ligt, kan je met een intentieverklaring aanspraak maken op een NHG-hypotheek . Ligt de koopsom boven de NHG-grens? Dan kan een extra motivatie nodig zijn. Overleg dit goed met je adviseur.

3. Je bent nog geen 3 jaar met je promotieonderzoek bezig en je kunt geen intentieverklaring krijgen

Wanneer je geen intentieverklaring kunt krijgen en nog geen 3 jaaropgaves kunt overleggen, betekent dit niet per definitie dat je geen hypotheek kunt krijgen. Er zijn zeker mogelijkheden.

Zo zijn er verschillende geldverstrekkers die een speciaal beleid hebben voor PhD’ers. Er wordt dan gekeken naar jouw specifieke situatie: bijvoorbeeld in welk vakgebied je promoveert en of je een goed toekomstperspectief op de arbeidsmarkt kunt aantonen. In veel situaties kun je zo toch in aanmerking komen voor een hypotheek.

Weten wat er voor jou mogelijk is?

Dankzij onze uitgebreide ervaring met promovendi kunnen wij een goede inschatting maken van jouw mogelijkheden. Neem vrijblijvend contact met ons op, dan denken we met je mee!

Plan een afspraak

Als Thomas (24) en Anna (26) een afspraak maken met de Viisi-adviseur hebben ze net een bod gedaan op een mooi appartement. De koopsom is € 275.000. Een bedrag dat ze op basis van hun beide inkomens en werksituaties makkelijk kunnen lenen, zo hebben ze online berekend .

Anna werkt in de IT en heeft een contract voor onbepaalde tijd. Thomas heeft natuurkunde gestudeerd en is na zijn studie direct met een promotieonderzoek gestart, waarvoor hij in dienst is bij de universiteit.

Hun financieringsmogelijkheden

In de praktijk valt het verkrijgen van financiering hen echter flink tegen. Veel van de geldverstrekkers die ze hebben benaderd, willen alleen het inkomen van Anna meetellen in de hypotheekberekening. Op alleen Anna’s inkomen kunnen ze de koopsom echter niet financieren. Dit terwijl Thomas een vergelijkbaar salaris verdient bij de universiteit. Bovendien hebben ze de afgelopen jaren flink gespaard en zijn er geen (studie)schulden .

Het probleem: een contract voor bepaalde tijd

Het struikelpunt voor de meeste geldverstrekkers is dat Thomas een contract heeft voor bepaalde tijd. Er is geen intentie om het dienstverband daarna om te zetten in een vast dienstverband. Een situatie die zeer gebruikelijk is in de academische wereld.

Slechts een beperkt deel van de promovendi blijft immers bij de universiteit werken. Het overgrote deel start een veelal succesvolle carrière in het bedrijfsleven – binnen of buiten het eigen vakgebied. In de standaard acceptatie-eisen van geldverstrekkers wordt hier geen rekening mee gehouden, weten we bij Viisi.

Viisi overtuigt de hypotheekaanbieder

De Viisi-adviseur deelt daarom zijn kennis met de acceptanten van de hypotheekaanbieders inclusief onderbouwde informatie over de goede toekomstperspectieven van natuurkunde-promovendi. Mede door deze informatie besluit de geldverstrekker het inkomen van Thomas toch mee te nemen bij de financiering. Thomas en Anna kunnen daardoor het appartement toch kopen!

Benieuwd naar jouw mogelijkheden?

Ben je benieuwd wat er in jouw situatie mogelijk is? Maak dan een vrijblijvende telefonische afspraak met één van onze adviseurs.

Hypotheek promovendi

Menig promovendus stelt het kopen van een huis dus onterecht uit. Wij willen dat daar verandering in komt.

Promovendi vallen vaak buiten de standaard acceptatiecriteria van geldverstrekker, maar geldverstrekkers kunnen hiervan afwijken, mits goed gemotiveerd. Veel hangt af van de voorbereiding van de hypotheekaanvraag.

Viisi begrijpt de situatie van promovendi én de criteria die een rol spelen bij financiering.

Grotere rol voor opleidingsniveau en carrièreperspectief

Het aantal vaste arbeidscontracten neemt al jaren af. Voor veel hypotheekaanbieders is dit een reden om naar andere criteria te kijken dan naar het arbeidscontract alleen. Opleidingsniveau en carrièreperspectief spelen steeds vaker een rol, wat in het voordeel van promovendi kan zijn.

Wij willen deze trend versnellen. Dat doen wij onder andere door het financieel potentieel van PhD’ers bij geldverstrekkers onder de aandacht te brengen.

Carrièreperspectief biedt zekerheid

De promovendus heeft na afronding van de studie snel een baan, waarin hij of zij meestal goed verdient. Zeker bij een promotieonderzoek op medisch, juridisch of technisch gebied.

Wij kennen de juiste hypotheekaanbieders

Wij weten precies welke hypotheekaanbieders in hun toetsingsbeleid rekening houden met promovendi. Dit kan bij ongeveer kwart van alle geldverstrekkers.

We snappen wat een PhD inhoudt

Door jarenlange ervaring met de hoogopgeleide doelgroep weten wij wat de doorslag geeft bij het verkrijgen van een hypothecaire financiering. We merken dat banken relatief onbekend zijn met promovendi, en leggen daarom regelmatig aan hypotheekacceptanten uit wat een promotieonderzoek is.

Kortom: we zijn gespecialiseerd in hoger opgeleide klanten en komen regelmatig promovendi tegen. Daarnaast zijn alle adviseurs bij ons academisch opgeleid of gepromoveerd. We kunnen daarom goed motiveren waarom je als promovendus wél geschikt bent voor het aangaan van een hypotheek.

We hebben ervaring met verschillende soorten promovendi, waaronder:

  • Assistent in opleiding (AIO): richt zich naast het onderzoek ook op het geven van onderwijs.
  • Onderzoeker in opleiding (OIO): richt zich meestal voornamelijk op onderzoek.
  • Arts-onderzoeker: onderzoeker met geneeskundige achtergrond en vaak ook klinische taken.
  • (Huis)arts in opleiding tot specialist (AIOS of HAIOS): Afgestudeerd arts die in het ziekenhuis een opleiding volgt tot specialist.
  • Arts niet in opleiding tot specialist (ANIOS): Ook een afgestudeerd arts, maar is (nog) niet in opleiding tot specialist.
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): Engelse aanduiding voor promovendus.

Meer weten over het kopen van een huis als promovendus?

Neem vrijblijvend contact met ons op.

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PhD Nest, Academic Opportunities

22 Fully Funded PhD Positions at University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Fully Funded PhD Positions at University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Are you holding Master’s degree and ready to elevate your academic journey to the highest level? University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, has announced a multiple fully funded PhD positions awaiting talented individuals like you. Don’t miss your chance to be part of our vibrant academic community. Explore the exciting PhD positions available and submit your application today!”

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. 

(01) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title :–PhD Position in Quantum Materials under Extreme Conditions

Are you a highly motivated MSc graduate in physics with a strong affinity for quantum and condensed-matter physics experiments? The  Optics of Quantum Materials  (OQM) group is seeking an excellent and ambitious PhD candidate to perform fundamental research on quantum materials using state-of-the-art optical spectroscopy.

Quantum materials encompass an enormous library of materials with novel electronic and magnetic properties that are expected to become relevant in a variety of energy saving applications or quantum technologies. Optical spectroscopy provides key insight in the dynamics underlying these properties. The OQM group is developing several new techniques to explore quantum materials under extreme conditions such as extreme high temperatures, large magnetic fields or on nanometer length scales

Deadline : 4 Oct 2024

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(02) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title :– PhD Position in Wellbeing Economy Research

Do you like/are you looking for a challenging job in a dynamic setting? The department GPIO of the faculty Social and Behavioural Sciences is looking for a PhD candidate.

Are you exceptionally interested in doing academic research,  and specifically in the field of wellbeing economy and citizens’ science? Do you want to work transdisciplinary, in collaboration with locally embedded residents and professionals? Is it your ambition to become a top-tier researcher? We are seeking a PhD candidate for the Amsterdam Wellbeing Economy research project, which is funded jointly by the Municipality of Amsterdam and the University of Amsterdam. The PhD track is part of the Governance and Inclusive Development (GID) programme group.At the GPIO department, research and education focus on spatial-social relations (both within and between the North and South), on urban aspects and on the social, economic and environmental aspects of development and sustainability. The GID programme group is one of four research groups within the GPIO department. At GID, research critically analyses and rethinks dominant development paradigms, and engages with international, national and local development practices, policies and debates to identify viable and socially just alternatives. The Amsterdam Wellbeing Economy Research project is dedicated to interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research framed around a rigorous approach to measure wellbeing bottom-up. The project collects and analyses grassroot-validated data to offer a broader insight than economic indicators or top-down framing of wellbeing issues. The ultimate aim is to bridge a scientific evidence-based approach with local community platforms in 3-5 neighborhoods, collecting and analysing data as a concrete input into effective policy and social participation.  

Deadline : 15 September 2024

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(03) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title :– PhD: An Intervention for Non-suicidal Self-injury and Depression through a Culturally-sensitive Chat

Dutch-Turkish and Dutch-Moroccan communities are the largest communities with a non-Western background in the Netherlands. These communities face a pressing mental health issue: depression hits them more frequently (15.1% for first generation and 13.0% for second generation; for third generation, numbers are unknown) than the native Dutch population (8.2%). Also, relapses are common among this population (25.4% to 27.9%). This inequality is a critical public health concern, particularly because depressive symptoms can lead to a cascade of adverse outcomes, such as NSSI, a behaviour associated with significant distress and elevated  suicide rates. Further, Turkish or Moroccan migrants infrequently seek professional help or engage in secondary prevention (i.e., prevention of the worsening of symptoms and relapses) for their mental health problems in part due to stigma/taboo, low mental health literacy, mistrust, privacy concerns, negative attitudes, and low intentions.

This project aims to develop a personalized culturally-sensitive chatbot-based intervention that allows three generations of Dutch-Moroccan and Dutch-Turkish migrants with depression and/or NSSI to engage in secondary prevention.

Deadline : 30 August 2024

(04) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title :–PhD MediaMinds – Computational Mechanisms of Social Media Use in Youth

We have an urgent need to better understand the social media engagement of youth. Social media supports the specific developmental needs of youth, such as those for social connection. However, the increased sensitivity of the developing brain to social rewards may place youth especially at risk of compulsive use. In addition, youth’s sensitivity to social influence exposes another potential vulnerability, given that not all information is trustworthy. In this project we will focus on novel computational models to capture the complex interactions between developing motivational and cognitive processes, and specific social media affordances. We will take a multi-method approach relying on social media trace data, experience sampling, the development of novel ecologically valid experimental tasks, and neuroimaging.

Deadline : 23 September 2024

(05) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title :–PhD Position in Social/Cultural Psychology: Gendered Emotion Expression Across Cultures

Are you enthusiastic about advancing our understanding of how culture and gender intersect in shaping the communication of emotion? Are you excited by the idea of conducting conceptually and methodologically groundbreaking social science together with a team of experts in gender, culture, and emotion research? Are you interested in learning and employing innovative scientific methods that include big data, cross-national studies, and experience sampling?We are seeking a PhD candidate for a 4-year project on gendered emotion expressions across cultures. This PhD track is embedded in the Social Psychology programme group, consisting of a vibrant group of world-renowned researchers studying culture, emotion, and intergroup relations. The desired starting date is January 1st, 2025, with some room for negotiation.

Deadline : 24 September 2024

(06) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title :–PhD in Adaptive and AI-based Reliability Techniques for Complex IoT-based Systems

The rapid expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT) has led us into the era of smart interconnected heterogeneous devices, advancing fields such as smart cities, healthcare etc. However, this growth has introduced complex challenges in maintaining reliability and resilience across diverse IoT systems. These systems, characterized by their heterogeneous components and dynamic environments, need advanced solutions to address reliability threats that impact their resilience, performance, and longevity.

The theme of this research is to ensure efficient and reliable services for IoT systems composed of unreliable heterogeneous components operated by battery. The focus is on developing novel techniques across hardware and software layers to ensure reliable and efficient design of heterogenous and distributed IoT platforms.

This includes leveraging adaptive AI for cross-layer reliability modeling and optimization and exploiting machine learning to create self-aware solutions for the above problems. By utilizing predictive modeling, machine learning, and adaptive optimization techniques, this research seeks to provide a holistic approach that ensures sustained performance and reliability over time, addressing the inherent unpredictability and variability in IoT environments.

Deadline : 15 October 2024

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(07) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title :–Three PhD Students for a New Project on a Global Constitution

The PhD positions will focus on innovative and interdisciplinary original research within the disciplines of environmental studies, social and political sciences, international law and the governance of new technologies. The project focuses on designing a Global Constitution. It is based on four methods: the theory on the rule of law and constitutionalism, empirical evidence of what is included in national constitutions, analysis of the new elements that need to be included in a Global Constitution (e.g. global environmental problems; governance of new technologies – block chain, AI, bio-tech; challenges in private and public international law and open science (invitation to actors worldwide to write an essay on what they see is important in a Constitution and become contributing authors). You will be part of this exercise and have expertise in governing new technologies, public private law, or the theory behind constitutionalism, global justice and rule of law. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to work on a very ambitious and innovative global project.

Deadline : 20 September 2024

(08) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title :–PhD Project: Value-Creation with Marginalized Stakeholders

This PhD project will advance knowledge on firms’ inclusion and exclusion of marginalized stakeholders, guided by the overarching research question: ‘What is stakeholder marginalization, and when and how do firms engage marginalized stakeholders in value-creation?’ Marginalized stakeholders are stakeholders that are to some degree invisible to managers due to low physical, social, and/or psychological proximity, and that have limited opportunity to decide whether and how to participate in firm-led activities. Such stakeholders are, for example, stakeholders who are subject to negative externalities, are associated with vulnerable social identities, belong to lower social classes, or are stigmatized due to their physical disabilities, mental health conditions, or sexual orientations. While scholars have suggested that engaging with marginalized stakeholders may enable firms to identify new opportunities for sustainable value-creation and social innovation, little is currently known about how firms deal with the inherent challenges of achieving this. 

Deadline : 30 september 2024

(09) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title :–PhD Position Artificial Intelligence: Power Asymmetries and Data Justice

Are you looking for a challenging position in a dynamic setting? The  Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis  (ASCA) currently has a vacant PhD position as part of the  Artificial Intelligence: Power Asymmetries and Data Justice  project led by principal investigators Dr Lonneke van der Velden and Dr Claudio Celis Bueno. ASCA is one of the five Research Schools within the  Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research  (AIHR).

ASCA is a research community devoted to the comparative and interdisciplinary study of culture (in all its forms and expressions) from a broad humanities perspective. ASCA is home to more than 120 scholars and 160 PhD candidates and is a world-leading international research school in Cultural Analysis. ASCA members share a commitment to working in an interdisciplinary framework and to maintaining a close connection with contemporary cultural and political debates.

Deadline : 8 september 2024

(10) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title :–PhD Position in the Political Economy of Housing, Financial Policy and Climate Adaptation

We are looking for a PhD-candidate to be part of the new project  Just adapt: The political economy of housing climate adaption,  led by dr. Jens van ’t Klooster and dr. Cody Hochstenbach. The project will be interdisciplinary, being embedded in both the Department of Political Science and the Department of Geography, Planning and International Development Studies.

The physical impact of climate change cuts across almost every social and institutional domain. One key domain is the field of housing. The housing sector is exposed to huge financial risk due to rotting foundations, extreme weather, and floods. Financial valuation practices for residential real estate fail to take these potential losses into account, setting the stage for misallocated resources and billions in climate-related damages. Everywhere, key stakeholders in housing policy and the financial system are positioning themselves to determine who will pay the price for damage to housing from climate change.

Deadline : 6 September 2024

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(11) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title :–PhD Position in Code-Based Cryptography

Are you fascinated by the theoretical underpinnings of security that allow for protecting privacy in an ever more interconnected world? Are you willing to take on the challenge of upgrading cryptography to deal with the threat posed by quantum computation? Do you enjoy working in a team of young and motivated researchers? We are seeking a PhD student to carry out cutting-edge research in theoretical computer science, with an expected focus on code-based cryptography. 

Cryptography’s task is to provide tools for maintaining the privacy and integrity of digital data. Unfortunately, almost all currently deployed public-key cryptography is known to be vulnerable if an attacker has access to a quantum computer. Given the near-term deployment of quantum computing technologies, the time to deploy post-quantum secure cryptography is now. 

Code-based cryptography not only offers plausible security against quantum attacks; it also leads to practically efficient implementations of powerful cryptography such as secure multiparty computation and (non-)interactive proofs. However, our theory of its security is severely wanting. Firstly, unlike its close cousin of lattice-based cryptography, we lack a satisfactory theory of security reductions. Secondly, many recent proposals lack sufficient cryptanalysis. The aim of this PhD project is to fill in these holes and thereby offer a better foundation for the security of code-based cryptography. 

Deadline : 16 September 2024

(12) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title :–PhD Position Unraveling the Complexity of Suicidal Behavior

Are you passionate about utilizing cutting-edge computational methods to enhance our understanding of mental health? Do you have a strong interest in clinical psychology and aspire to develop innovative solutions for suicide prevention? We are seeking a highly motivated PhD candidate to join our project titled: “Understanding the Dynamics of Suicide: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach to Inform Intervention Strategies in an Urban Context.”

In this project, we aim to employ computational modeling to gain deeper insights into the transition from suicidal ideation to actual suicidal behavior. This collaborative initiative leverages the expertise of the Department of Clinical Psychology, the Department of Psychological Methods, and the Department of Computer Science. You will be based in the Department of Clinical Psychology, a supportive and stimulating academic environment in the heart of Amsterdam. The supervision team includes Dr. Derek de Beurs, Dr. Valeria Krzhizhanovskaya, Prof. Merel Kindt, and Prof. Denny Borsboom.

Deadline : 31 August 2024

(13) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title :–PhD Position in Architectural History and Heritage Studies

Are you looking for a challenging position in a dynamic setting? The Amsterdam School for Heritage, Memory and Material Culture (AHM) currently has a vacant fully funded PhD position as part of ‘Concrete Colonialism: Architecture and Heritage in Indonesia around Independence’, led by principal investigators and daily advisors dr. Rixt Woudstra and dr. David Duindam, and prof. dr. Esther Peeren as supervisor. This project is funded by a Starters Grant awarded by the Faculty of Humanities. The AHM is one of the five Research Schools within the  Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research  (AIHR).

AHM , as a thematic research school, fosters a dynamic, interdisciplinary and transnational approach across various disciplines. AHM’s mission and profile integrate all branches of research that focus on the material and intangible remains of the past, the reciprocal relations between objects, meanings and representations, and the dynamics of memory. AHM’s research is carried out from diverse theoretical and methodological perspectives: in concept-oriented, object-oriented and user-oriented approaches.

Deadline : 15-10-2024

(14) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title :–PhD Position: Nanophotonic Metasurfaces for “Designer” Building-integrated PV Panels

Are you a highly motivated physicist with a strong interest in nanotechnology and photovoltaics? The 2D Nanophotonics group within the Institute of Physics is seeking an ambitious PhD candidate to perform fundamental research at the interface of nanophotonics and photovoltaic material physics for the project  High-efficiency metasurfaces for “designer” building-integrated PV .

Integrating large-scale photovoltaics (PV) in densely populated areas poses an urgent need to integrate PV with existing buildings and infrastructure. However, large-scale building-integrated PV (BIPV) hinges on social acceptance, which is strongly improved if the visual appearance of the PV panels matches that of the surrounding structures. Optical coatings that alter the visual appearance provide a unique opportunity to manipulate the reflected spectrum of a solar panel using reflective filters or luminescent coatings. Initial demonstrations prove promising, but are typically inefficient, provide only partial colouring, or exhibit a strong angle-dependence.

Deadline : 30 September 2024

(15) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title :–PhD-position Aspects of Inclusive Language in French

Are you looking for a challenging position in a dynamic setting? The  Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication (ACLC)  currently has a vacant PhD position as part of the Starting Grant ‘Inclusive language in French: challenges for L2-education?’, led by principal investigator Dr. T.J.T. (Thom) Westveer. The ACLC is one of the five Research Schools within the  Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research  (AIHR).

The ACLC prioritises diversity (taken  in a holistic sense, e.g., ethnicity, social and/or linguistic background, gender, sexuality)   and is committed to creating an inclusive research environment.  The vision of the ACLC is to solve scientific and societal problems in the broad field of language and communication through a focus on variability in language and the causes and constraints thereon.

To realise the vision, researchers in the ACLC investigate language within its cognitive, communicative and physiological contexts, and with due regard for the diversity of languages and modalities. An integrative and inclusive ethos guides the investigation, inviting collaboration across different and competing paradigms and methods.

Deadline : 2 September 2024

(16) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title :–Two PhD Positions in ERC Starting Grant Project on Multiple Jobholders

Project 1: Dire straits  

This project will research precarious forms of moonlighting in seven advanced economies (Denmark, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, the United Kingdom and the United States). 

The PhD researcher will start with a literature review on precarious forms of multiple jobholding, and integrate labour law analysis and policy analysis in the initial sections of his or her dissertation. The empirical articles will be based on analyses of the large-scale, international survey data and will investigate the measurement and classification of precarious forms of multiple jobholding, the quality of work among multiple jobholders, their characteristics, and the relation with their contexts. Research questions include: who are the multiple holders combining ‘bad jobs’? And how static or dynamic are dimensions of quality and total worker wellbeing across time? The final empirical article will be based on analyses of dynamic app data and analyses the stability or dynamics of the quality and total worker wellbeing among precarious multiple jobholders.  

Supervisors:  Dr. Wieteke Conen  (AIAS-HSI/ UvA),  Prof. dr. Maarten Keune  (AIAS-HSI/ UvA)  

Project 2: Career pathways 

This project will research transitions, career development and wellbeing of multiple jobholders in seven advanced economies (Denmark, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, the United Kingdom and the United States). 

The PhD researcher will start with a literature review on human capital accumulation and skills diversification among multiple jobholders, and integrate policy analysis in the initial sections of his or her dissertation. The empirical articles will be based on analyses of the large-scale, international survey data on getting to a classification of quality of work and wellbeing among multiple jobholders and the influence of meso-level factors on prevalence, quality and wellbeing. Research questions include: how do industries, competition and organisations affect workers’ behaviour to start working multiple jobs? How do organisations enhance or deteriorate the quality of work and wellbeing of multiple jobholders? Under what conditions do multiple jobholders develop skills that can be transferred between jobs? How does human capital accumulation in one or more of the jobs affect later working life? The final empirical article will be based on analyses of the dynamic app data and analyses the embeddedness of multiple jobholding.  

Deadline :   22.09.2024

(17) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title :–PhD Position on Linguistic Representation of Gender in Translated Children’s Literature

Children’s literature plays a crucial role in shaping societal values and cultural norms. Stories serve as a significant means through which beliefs about sociocultural phenomena, such as gender are formed in children. The project  Tales and Tongues across Time: A Linguistic Exploration of a Century of Gender Representation in Children’s Books in the Netherlands  aims to explore how gender representation in the language of children’s books has evolved over the past century (1925-2025) in the Netherlands. This study will analyze original Dutch books and translations from English and Scandinavian languages, focusing on linguistic elements like pronouns, nouns, adjectives, and verbs to understand changes in gender portrayal over time and and in the process of translation and transcreation. Applying distant reading methods, the research aims to uncover how societal values reflected in language evolve and impact cultural norms.

As a PhD candidate, you will engage in the  Tales and Tongues across Time  project. You will have the freedom to apply your own interpretation of the research topic. You compile your own corpus and design your own studies within the scope of the project. A more extensive description of the research project is available upon request.

Deadline : 20-09-2024

(18) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title :–PhD Candidate in Nanomaterials: Developing Luminescent Nanocrystal Layers for Spectral Shaping

The Aim of your project is to develop fluorescent nanocrystal layers for spectral shaping, to enhance photosynthetic efficiency. Recent nanoscience breakthroughs allow the synthesis of fluorescent semiconductor nanocrystals with near-unity quantum yield, offering great opportunities as spectral shapers to convert the solar spectrum to the needs of agricultural crops and algae. At the same time, substantial knowledge is available on the effect of (artificial) lighting on the growth of algae. In this project, we combine both worlds and develop light-shaping nanocrystal foils with possible photonic outcoupling to investigate their potential for algal yield enhancement. The research will be carried out in an inspiring interdisciplinary collaboration, in the nanocrystal and optics labs of Prof. P. Schall at UvA, and Algae Parc at Wageningen University.

You will develop and synthesize highly efficient semiconductor nanocrystals with the desired absorption/emission spectrum, especially recent lead-halide perovskites and related 2D perovskite nanocrystals, and evaluate their optical performance. The nanocrystals will be embedded into optically characterised polymer layers, optimised for best performance. One possible route is to design an outcoupling structure, through modelling and fabrication, to extract the light that is internally trapped in the layers. To achieve the desired light spectrum, a combination of NCs will be employed to convert UV/blue light (350-460 nm) to yellow and red (560-680 nm), which are considered the most effectively used by microalgae for photochemical conversion. The combination of different emitters with partially overlapping spectra requires consideration of their energy transfer, ensuring efficient light absorption and emission. Furthermore, since overheating is a common problem for algal cultivation, including IR-blocking nanoparticles can be explored to protect the culture from this part of the solar spectrum.

(19) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title :–PhD in Stochastics and Optimization

This PhD research initiative aims to develop queueing models to model waiting time to healthcare services in developing countries, and then develop optimization methods to solve the final nonlinear optimization model. Moreover, it could be the case that discrete-event simulation is needed to calculate the waiting time. One of the options could be to use Machine Learning for Model Learning. Moreover, the aim is to combine the facility location problem with the capacity problem (queueing models). More precisely, you will develop an optimization method to optimize both the number and locations of the facilities, and the capacities, such that the overall time to treatment (travel time + waiting time) is minimized and the costs are less than the available budget. Our partnerships with many NGO’s provide us with access to pertinent data for this research. Visits to healthcare services in one or more of the developing countries are possible, but are not compulsory.

Deadline : 1 November 2024

(20) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title :–PhD Eco-evolutionary Dynamics in the Infant Microbiome

In humans, gut and oral microbiota develop rapidly during early life and are essential for our health during infancy and later in life. Many factors impact this development, including delivery modes and physical contact with family members, but also various ecological and evolutionary processes that act within the infants.

Recent genomic advances now enable strain-level characterization of the microbiome, paving the way for a deeper understanding of how host-associated microbial communities develop over time, ultimately aiming to predict efficient interventions to improve human health outcomes. Exciting questions include, for example, which microorganisms are transmitted from mothers to newborns, and do their strains persist during infant development? How do early life experiences impact the microbiome? Does within-infant microbiome evolution shape microbial communities, and does this vary with age and across body sites? Do Archaea, microbial symbionts parasitizing other microbes, and microbial viruses play a role in health and disease?

Deadline :1 September 2024

(21) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title :–PhD Position on Optical Atomic Clocks

You will work on two projects. You and the QDNL team will design and build a highly reliable optical lattice clock, based on our  AQuRA project . With our partners from  VSL  and  VU , we will distribute the frequency reference of this clock through fibre links across the Netherlands and ultimately Europe. In parallel, you and the QDNL team will create continuously operating optical clocks (a superradiant clock and a zero-deadtime, multi-ensemble clock). Such a clock should ultimately be able to average down to a precision of 10^-18 in minutes instead of the hours needed by todays clocks. This benefit will unlock new possibilities from fundamental science to society.

Deadline : 31 March 2025

(22) Fully Funded PhD Position 

PhD position summary/title :–PhD in Computational Prediction of Nanoplastic Impact on Protein Function

Do you enjoy working on interdisciplinary research at the crossroads of physics, chemistry, biology and computational science? Are you interested in using simulations and artificial intelligence to understand key molecular processes for human and planetary health? The  Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences  (HIMS) and the  Informatics Institute (IvI)  are looking for an ambitious PhD student to develop and apply an automated computational framework for the prediction of nanoplastic impact on protein function. This research will be part of the  Computational Soft Matter Lab .    At the molecular level, complex physicochemical processes can be understood in terms of free-energy landscapes, which map metastable states and pathways onto key system descriptors. These surfaces can be explored via advanced simulations; exploiting machine learning and data mining to find optimal descriptors and boost the sampling of functional dynamics. Most importantly, in silico we can predict changes in the shape of these landscapes, identifying valleys and channels sculpted by internal or external factors. You will work on predicting nanoplastic-induced changes to a protein’s free-energy landscape—i.e., structure and function—and collaborate with various computational and experimental groups to confirm your predictions. 

Deadline : 13.09.2024

About University of Amsterdam, Netherlands  – Official Website

The University of Amsterdam is a public research university located in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The UvA is one of two large, publicly funded research universities in the city, the other being the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). Established in 1632 by municipal authorities and later renamed for the city of Amsterdam, the University of Amsterdam is the third-oldest university in the Netherlands. It is one of the largest research universities in Europe with 31,186 students, 4,794 staff, 1,340 PhD students and an annual budget of €600 million. It is the largest university in the Netherlands by enrollment. The main campus is located in central Amsterdam, with a few faculties located in adjacent boroughs. The university is organised into seven faculties: Humanities, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Economics and Business, Science, Law, Medicine, Dentistry.

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Housing for PhD researchers

ISS housing building

Welcome to The Hague - the city of peace and justice!

The city has some great residential areas but finding lettable accommodation in and around The Hague is very difficult. Good residential areas include the beach area (Scheveningen), the city centre and green suburbs in quieter areas. The links below should help you make a start in finding the accommodation that's right for you.

(If you consider bringing your family, we recommend to secure housing before coming over with the entire family. Our (1-person) student rooms normally have availability for new PhD researchers in the period January to August, not in the last 4 months of the year. If lettable accommodation is available on the private market, it comes at a cost. Take a look at the Housing page on Erasmus University Rotterdam's website for average rental prices. Your budget and your choice of location play an important part in this process.)

Accommodation providers

The ISS student in front of the ISS building with the bike

  • Accommodation on the private market
  • Temporary accommodation

Arranging your stay

ISS housing building

  • Things to keep in mind when looking for accommodation

Housing contract and furnishing

Overzicht van een studentenkamer

  • Signing a housing contract and furnishing your new home

The Hague neighbourhoods

The Hague neighbourhoods

  • Various areas of The Hague

Things to note when planning your move

Dutch law requires certain formalities for all residents of The Hague who plan to stay in the city for 4 months or longer. Please take note of the points below when planning your move to the Netherlands:

Register your address

You are legally obliged to register a valid Dutch address (not a hotel!) with your municipality 5 days after arrival. Failing to provide a valid address can have consequences for your residence permit.

  • Full details about the BSN from The Hague city council
  • Or contact the EUR's international HR office

Your Citizen Service Number

Once registered, you will receive a Citizen Service Number (in Dutch: ‘BSN’). This is compulsory for everyone living in the Netherlands and enables you to carry out all number of other formalities such as opening a bank account. 

Housing via student housing association

The independent Dutch student housing corporation DUWO has some housing available for PhD researches, just around the corner of the institute. This housing is primarily meant for MA students but may also be occupied by PhD researches.

Ten rooms are reserved for PhD researchers and subject to availability. The rental period for PhD researchers, visiting researchers and other visitors can start at any time throughout the academic year, though there is a preference for January. See also the student housing page on our website.

Using the ISS postal address

International staff and PhD candidates are allowed to use the ISS address when registering with the municipality of The Hague. The ISS address can be used as a valid address for a  maximum of three months . However, this should be a last resort solution; please make every effort to find permanent accommodation.

You are responsible for finding your own accommodation.

However, ISS will help where it can. Please contact the PhD support office if you require further information or help.

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Ndsm-Straat 181

1033NA Amsterdam

Amsterdam Housing

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Ndsm-Straat 181

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Ndsm-Straat 181


The 3-room apartment is located on the top floor (18th) of the Binnendok building at NDSM. The apartment has a living room and two (spacious) work/bedrooms, 2 balconies (1 on the south with river view, 1 on the west), a bathroom with rain shower and a separate toilet. The living room has an open kitchen. The kitchen is equipped with Siemens appliances and contains an induction cooktop with integrated cooktop extractor, combination microwave/oven, dishwasher, refrigerator and a separate freezer. In addition, the tap contains a Quooker for instant boiling water. The cast floor has floor heating and the windows are equipped with electric blinds. Parking: The building has a public parking garage with a capacity of 525 cars; a parking spot can be rented here for residents: reservation via the operator Apcoa. There are also several private parking spaces for rent in the Pontkade building (under the Albert Hein, at a distance of 100m). On the side of the building there will be the entrance to the collective indoor bicycle shed. On the 7th floor, the apartment has an extra indoor private storage room of 8m2. On the roof of the parking garage (7th floor) a cozy shared roof garden of over 200m2 : a meeting place for recreation, work, lunch and BBQ’s. Details: • Size of the property: 71 m2 • Number of bedrooms: 2 • Number of bathrooms: 1 • Type of property: Apartment • Construction year of the apartment: 2023 • Interior decoration: Upholstered • Flooring: Cast floor • Quality of public transportation: Good Also in this rental apartment: • Parking possibility: Permit an optional private parking spot at public parking garage as part of the building (via Apcoa). • Separate shower • Separate toilet • Storage: box 12m2 on the 7th floor • 18th floor • Elevator • Balcony facing North-West • 2nd Balcony facing South, all day sun - Communal roof garden (over 200m2) on the 7th floor of the residential building • There is space for 2 bicycles in the communal bicycle shed on the first floor. Appliances: • Cooking: Induction • Refrigerator: Available • Dishwasher: Available • Oven Combi: Available • Washer: Negotiable for 50 EUR on top of the rent Conditions: • No pets - for a couple or single • Sharing not allowed • No guarantors • Tenancy agreements subject to owner’s consent • Measurements not conform NEN 2580 The rental price of this house is exclusive Gas/Electricity/Water, TV/Internet and local Taxes.


We gaan berekenen hoe u uw huis het beste kunt financieren. Dit is afhankelijk van uw inkomen, vermogen, en natuurlijk de woning die u wilt kopen.


Amsterdam Housing


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Two PhD positions for Attachment: In vivo, in silico, in theory

  • Closes on 30-09-2024
  • Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences

></center></p><h2>Your function</h2><p>In their first year of life, babies develop trust in their caregivers. This trust enables them to explore their environment and learn. However, caregivers exhibit different levels of sensitive responsiveness, leading to various types of attachment relationships. The exact mechanisms and timing of these differences remain unknown. To measure attachment development, research conducted in the everyday home environment is essential. In this project you will employ novel techniques for automated, long-term measurement of attachment and caregiver-child interaction embedded in the home, using video, audio, position tracking, and physiology (the ‘in vivo’ part of the project). Based on this, you will construct a computational, agent-based model that interactively illuminates attachment development and explains variations in attachment relationships (the ‘in silico’ part). As a result, you open up the field for a transparent, testable, and consequential elaboration of attachment theory for which John Bowlby laid the foundations in the 1950s (the ‘in theory’ part). While attachment research in the 1970s started with researchers following mothers and babies with their notepads for hours, days, weeks, and months on end, new technologies are now available to obtain more detailed and more objective data on the subtle ways in which babies, mother, fathers, and other caregivers interact with each other. The project invites caregivers to be co-researchers with our team in this endeavor and develop this approach so that computer modelling of attachment relationships can become a welcome addition to traditional measurement.</p><p>As a computationally oriented behavioral scientist or a behaviorally oriented computer scientist, you will work with a team of researchers versed in attachment research, computational social science, early life social interaction and neuroscience, behavioral AI, and parenting support. Furthermore, with the team of the Generations2- cohort study, you will recruit a sample of infants and caregivers  in and around Amsterdam who are as curious as we are in how these early and intimate human bonds develop. During workshops and work visits in London, Cambridge, Glasgow, and Amsterdam you will learn to work with wearables and equipment placed in the homes and the lab.</p><h2>Your profile</h2><p>We are particularly looking for you if you:</p><ul><li>want to broaden your skills and expertise beyond your primary   training in either social and behavioral sciences (e.g., psychology, educational sciences, epidemiology) or computer sciences and technology (e.g., informatics, data science, artificial intelligence, computational science, bioinformatics)</li><li>are comfortable with coding in R, Python, or Matlab</li><li>enjoy working as a team </li><li>demonstrate good academic writing skills</li><li>are keen to combine reading, coding, and writing with engaging with families, seeking to flexibly bridge science and practice</li><li>are proficient in academic English and can independently use Dutch with research participants (at least B1 level or well-underway towards that)</li><li>are interested in the possibilities of human-oriented technology ​​​​​​</li></ul><p>As a university, we strive for equal opportunities for all, recognising that diversity takes many forms. We believe that diversity in all its complexity is invaluable for the quality of our teaching, research and service. We are always looking for talent with diverse backgrounds and experiences. This also means that we are committed to creating an inclusive community so that we can use diversity as an asset.</p><p>We realise that each individual brings a unique set of skills, expertise and mindset. Therefore we are happy to invite anyone who recognises themselves in the profile to apply, even if you do not meet all the requirements.</p><h2>What do we offer?</h2><p>A challenging position in a socially engaged organisation. At VU Amsterdam, you contribute to education, research and service for a better world. And that is valuable. So in return for your efforts, we offer you:</p><ul><li>a salary of € 2.770,00 (PhD) and maximum € 3.539,00 (PhD) gross per month in the fourth year, for a full-time employment</li><li>an employment contract of initially 1 year. If there is sufficient perspective, this will be extended to a total of 4 years. Your dissertation at the end of the fourth year forms the end of your employment contract.</li></ul><p>We also offer you attractive fringe benefits and arrangements. Some examples:</p><ul><li>A full-time 38-hour working week comes with a holiday leave entitlement of 232 hours per year. If you choose to work 40 hours, you have 96 extra holiday leave hours on an annual basis. For part-timers, this is calculated pro rata.</li><li>8% holiday allowance and 8.3% end-of-year bonus</li><li>discount on (and occasionally exclusive access to) theater performances and courses at the Griffioen Cultural Center</li><li>a wide range of sports facilities which staff may use at a modest charge</li><li>contribution to commuting expenses</li></ul><p>The project “ The development of infant-caregiver attachment: In vivo, in silico, in theory” was awarded by NWO (Dutch Research Council) to Carlo Schuengel (VU) and Pasco Fearon (University of Cambridge) as applicants, forming a team with Lianne Bakkum (VU), Sam Wass (University of East London; lab ), Alastair van Weerden (SSHRC South Africa), Marwa Mahmoud (University of Glasgow; lab ), Mirjam Oosterman (VU), Helen Minnis (University of Glasgow) and Frederike Scheper (Kabouterhuis Amsterdam). </p><p>Over the years, we have broken our heads  about the weak explanatory power of parts of attachment theory. We fretted about the lack of an empirical description of the development of attachment. We worried about the limited options for measuring attachment relationships and the weak translational potential of the measures that are available. We then came to see that these fundamental problems are interlocked and that fresh perspectives and methodologies are needed to escape the standstill. This project is now a starting point for two enthusiastic PhD candidates to join our team in pursuing this radical new approach.</p><p>Section of Clinical Child and Family Studies You will be emdedded in a section that seeks to contribute to equitable developmental outcomes in a healthy and supportive environment for all children. The section broadly shares knowledge on childrearing and caregiver-child relationships, in particular with practitioners who are supporting families and people with disabilities. The section strives towards a society that capitalizes on strengths, connections, and inclusivity. To pursue this vision, it contributes to the development of theory, effectiveness of methods in cure and care, and sustainable implementation of such methods in practice, together with our long-term societal partners. Collaboration with other researchers in the Netherlands and abroad and with care organizations and stakeholder groups are the mainstay of work in the section. Profiles and publications from the section can be found at the research portal . Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences Developing knowledge for an active, healthy and meaningful life: that is our mission at the Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences at VU Amsterdam. We maintain a broad focus on the fields of behaviour and health. Our teaching and research programmes are devoted to current developments in society. From healthy aging to e-health, and from training top athletes to social media as a teaching tool. We combine three academic disciplines: psychology, movement sciences and education. A multidisciplinary approach allows us to arrive at a better understanding of human behaviour and movement. Our aims are to help people live healthier lives, learn better and function better.</p><p>Are you interested in joining Behavioural and Movement Sciences? You are the kind of person who feels at home working in an ambitious faculty, with an informal atmosphere and short lines of communication. We offer you all the space you need for personal development. Together with your 630 colleagues, you will take care of about 4,200 students.</p><p>Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam stands for values-driven education and research. We are open-minded experts with the ability to think freely. - a broader mind. Maintaining an entrepreneurial perspective and concentrating on diversity, significance and humanity, we work on sustainable solutions with social impact. By joining forces, across the boundaries of disciplines, we work towards a better world for people and planet. Together we create a safe and respectful working and study climate, and an inspiring environment for education and research. Learn more about our codes of conduct</p><p>We are located on one physical campus, in the heart of Amsterdam's Zuidas business district, with excellent location and accessibility.  Over 6,150 staff work at the VU and over 31,000 students attend academic education.</p><p>Diversity Diversity is the driving force of the VU. The VU wants to be accessible and receptive to diversity in disciplines, cultures, ideas, nationalities, beliefs, preferences and worldviews. We believe that trust, respect, interest and differences lead to new insights and innovation, to sharpness and clarity, to excellence and a broader understanding.</p><p>We stand for an inclusive community and believe that diversity and internationalisation contribute to the quality of education, research and our services.</p><p>Therefore, we are always searching for people whose backgrounds and experience contribute to the diversity of the VU community.</p><p>Are you interested in this position and do you believe that your experience will contribute to the further development of our university? In that case, we encourage you to submit your application.</p><p>Submitting a diploma and a reference check are part of the application process.</p><p>Applications received by e-mail will not be considered.</p><p>Acquisition in response to this advertisement is not appreciated.</p><p><center><img style=


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Bekijk met Pararius+

Van Nijenrodeweg 800


  • Deze woning wordt sinds 29 augustus 2024 aangeboden door A1 Executive Estate;
  • De tussenwoning heeft een woonoppervlakte van 33 m² en beschikt over 2 kamers, waarvan 1 slaapkamer;
  • De woning is gebouwd In 1962 en ligt in de buurt Buitenveldert-West in Amsterdam.


Oppervlakte en inhoud, vve informatie.

  • Aan een park
  • Nabij het openbaar vervoer
  • Vrij uitzicht



phd woning amsterdam

A1 Executive Estate

  • Jobs in the Netherlands
  • Jobs in North Holland, Amsterdam
  • Research / Academic jobs

Two PhD positions for Attachment: In vivo, in silico, in theory

Updated: 28 Aug 2024

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  • add to favourites

In their first year of life, babies develop trust in their caregivers. This trust enables them to explore their environment and learn. However, caregivers exhibit different levels of sensitive responsiveness, leading to various types of attachment relationships. The exact mechanisms and timing of these differences remain unknown. To measure attachment development, research conducted in the everyday home environment is essential. In this project you will employ novel techniques for automated, long-term measurement of attachment and caregiver-child interaction embedded in the home, using video, audio, position tracking, and physiology (the ‘in vivo’ part of the project). Based on this, you will construct a computational, agent-based model that interactively illuminates attachment development and explains variations in attachment relationships (the ‘in silico’ part). As a result, you open up the field for a transparent, testable, and consequential elaboration of attachment theory for which John Bowlby laid the foundations in the 1950s (the ‘in theory’ part). While attachment research in the 1970s started with researchers following mothers and babies with their notepads for hours, days, weeks, and months on end, new technologies are now available to obtain more detailed and more objective data on the subtle ways in which babies, mother, fathers, and other caregivers interact with each other. The project invites caregivers to be co-researchers with our team in this endeavor and develop this approach so that computer modelling of attachment relationships can become a welcome addition to traditional measurement. As a computationally oriented behavioral scientist or a behaviorally oriented computer scientist, you will work with a team of researchers versed in attachment research, computational social science, early life social interaction and neuroscience, behavioral AI, and parenting support. Furthermore, with the team of the Generations2- cohort study, you will recruit a sample of infants and caregivers in and around Amsterdam who are as curious as we are in how these early and intimate human bonds develop. During workshops and work visits in London, Cambridge, Glasgow, and Amsterdam you will learn to work with wearables and equipment placed in the homes and the lab.


We are particularly looking for you if you:

  • want to broaden your skills and expertise beyond your primary training in either social and behavioral sciences (e.g., psychology, educational sciences, epidemiology) or computer sciences and technology (e.g., informatics, data science, artificial intelligence, computational science, bioinformatics)
  • are comfortable with coding in R, Python, or Matlab
  • enjoy working as a team
  • demonstrate good academic writing skills
  • are keen to combine reading, coding, and writing with engaging with families, seeking to flexibly bridge science and practice
  • are proficient in academic English and can independently use Dutch with research participants (at least B1 level or well-underway towards that)
  • are interested in the possibilities of human-oriented technology

As a university, we strive for equal opportunities for all, recognising that diversity takes many forms. We believe that diversity in all its complexity is invaluable for the quality of our teaching, research and service. We are always looking for talent with diverse backgrounds and experiences. This also means that we are committed to creating an inclusive community so that we can use diversity as an asset. We realise that each individual brings a unique set of skills, expertise and mindset. Therefore we are happy to invite anyone who recognises themselves in the profile to apply, even if you do not meet all the requirements.

Salary Benefits:

A challenging position in a socially engaged organisation. At VU Amsterdam, you contribute to education, research and service for a better world. And that is valuable. So in return for your efforts, we offer you:

  • a salary of € 2.770,00 (PhD) and maximum € 3.539,00 (PhD) gross per month in the fourth year, for a full-time employment
  • an employment contract of initially 1 year. If there is sufficient perspective, this will be extended to a total of 4 years. Your dissertation at the end of the fourth year forms the end of your employment contract.

We also offer you attractive fringe benefits and arrangements. Some examples:

  • A full-time 38-hour working week comes with a holiday leave entitlement of 232 hours per year. If you choose to work 40 hours, you have 96 extra holiday leave hours on an annual basis. For part-timers, this is calculated pro rata.
  • 8% holiday allowance and 8.3% end-of-year bonus
  • discount on (and occasionally exclusive access to) theater performances and courses at the Griffioen Cultural Center
  • a wide range of sports facilities which staff may use at a modest charge
  • contribution to commuting expenses

Van der Boechorststraat 7


Welcome to haavn.

  • 231 amazing, fully equipped, and furnished rental studios.
  • 2 iconic residential towers with rooftop and waterfront terraces.

Right in the city center.

  • Shared living, lounge, and extensive services and amenities.
  • Students only! minimal rental period 1 year

Housing allowance (if you are 23 years or older)


Find your flow!

Study right by the water’s edge. Relax in your own fully furnished studio. Right in the heart of Rotterdam’s international and multicultural city. And enjoy an awesome living experience. Surrounded by a vibrant community of lively and driven students.

hAavn offers you all you could wish for. From comfortable and cozy shared spaces like communal lounges to ideal amenities and services like high-speed internet and a convenient launderette. Ready to discover more?

Feel right at home in your new cosmopolitan residence, where students get the best out of their time in the city. Where they find their way independently and together. Going with the flow, but also against the flow. 

Discover your safe haven, taken care of down to the last detail, from which you can give direction to your life. Did you know that the double Aa in hAavn originally means ’streaming water’ in Dutch?


Students from all over the world are welcome!

All nationalities

Bachelor & Master students

Minimum age 18 years old

All Universities of Applied Sciences (WO, HBO and MBO) And PhD candidates)

  • Minimum 1 year rental period



hAavn offers high-quality and serviced apartments. Ideally located in the center of Rotterdam at the 3e and 4e Westewagenhof.


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    phd woning amsterdam

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    phd woning amsterdam

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  3. 14

  4. VLIEG Makelaars: Govert Flinckstraat 240 H, AMSTERDAM

  5. PhD Defense


  1. Housing

    Studentenwoningweb (student accommodation web): Lucky for us, this website also accepts PhD students. It is a collaboration between WoningNet (a social housing corporation) and housing corporations DUWO, De Key, Stadgenoot and Ymere. Registration costs €38 and lasts eight years. Housing is distributed on a basis of registration time, but ...

  2. PhD students VU

    The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam has reserved rooms and apartments for international phd students. It is also possible to receive an unfurnished room where you can continue to live during your entire PhD program (PhD-long). The number of rooms for PhD long is limited. You are eligible for a DUWO University Housing room if Vrije Universiteit ...

  3. Accommodation for PhD students

    Accommodation for PhD students. The housing market is very tight in Amsterdam for everyone so it can be difficult to find affordable housing. VU Amsterdam has reserved a limited number of accommodations for prospective international staff with different housing providers. Unfortunately, we can only offer housing to about 50% of all new incoming ...

  4. Accommodation types and rent

    Most of the accommodations reserved by UvA Staff Housing are in neighbourhoods surrounding the city centre or outside of the ringway. It is very common in Amsterdam to have a commute of 40 to 60 minutes. Monthly rents for staff housing arranged through the University of Amsterdam vary from €350 to €1900 per month.

  5. Housing

    Housing. Attention: Due to the ongoing housing crisis in the Netherlands, the UvA urges you not to come to Amsterdam for your studies unless you have secured proper housing. An accommodation is especially important for non-EU students, as it is a requirement to register an address with the municipality in order to keep your residence permit.

  6. Housing platforms

    On this page you can find several platforms that offer student accommodations in Amsterdam, including UvA student housing. Waiting times among these platforms differ greatly; please consult the list below for further information. In order to maximise the chance of securing housing, we highly recommend all students to apply to all platforms relevant to their housing needs.

  7. UvA student housing (limited availability)

    Housing lottery applications. 2024-2025. You can apply for housing from Wednesday, 29 May 2024 09:00 CEST, until Wednesday, 12 June 2024 23:59 CEST. If you are eligible to participate, you can expect your invitation to be sent to you near the end of May 2024. For questions about your eligibility, please contact your faculty.

  8. Finding housing in Amsterdam

    KamersAmsterdam (in Dutch) features a range of affordable, student-friendly rooms in Amsterdam. Hotel Jansen is a short-stay hotel for students, new graduates and interns in Amsterdam. The tastefully-decorated rooms can be rented for one day up to six months. Housing Anywhere is an online housing platform where students can find accommodation ...

  9. Student housing in Amsterdam

    Housing prices via VU Amsterdam vary from €380 to €1200 per month, but the average rent for VU housing is €700 per month. The number of cheap rooms with shared facilities is limited. VU Amsterdam only offers housing for your first year, even for 2- or 3-year study programmes. You need to find accommodation by yourself after the first ...

  10. Hoe vind je woonruimte in Amsterdam?

    Dit zijn platforms voor studentenwoningen in onder andere de stadsregio Amsterdam. Vanaf je 16e jaar kun je je hier inschrijven. Er is wel een wachttijd van ca. 2-3 jaar. Dus ook hier geldt: hoe eerder je je inschrijft, hoe beter. Gemeente Amsterdam (opent in nieuw venster) geeft ook tips over het zoeken naar een woning.

  11. Finding accommodation in Amsterdam

    In the Netherlands, students are responsible for finding their own accommodation. Finding a student room in Amsterdam is extremely difficult and the demand for student rooms is high. The International Student Housing Office can offer some international students a room, but unfortunately not all. Show information for your study programme.


    Studentenwoningweb is de website voor studentenwoningen in Amsterdam, Diemen en Haarlem. Schrijf je in, reageer op woningen en vind je ideale plek.

  13. PhD-Long Stay

    Welcome I search DUWO University Housing PhD students VU. PhD-Long Stay. After a PhD-short, you can move to an unfurnished room where you can continue to live throughout your PhD program. We call this PhD-long. Has the educational institution already assigned you a DUWO University Housing room?

  14. Een hypotheek tijdens je PhD

    Een hypotheek tijdens je PhD. Om maar meteen een misverstand op te helderen: een hypotheek krijgen tijdens je promotieonderzoek is vaak wél mogelijk! Dankzij de goede toekomstperspectieven van PhD'ers hebben verschillende hypotheekaanbieders een speciaal beleid voor deze doelgroep. Afhankelijk van je situatie is vaak meer mogelijk dan je denkt.

  15. Welcome

    Then DUWO is the right place for you! We have more than 33,000 student rooms and student residences in Amsterdam, Amstelveen, Delft, The Hague, Deventer, Haarlem, Hoofddorp, Leiden and Wageningen. Our housing availability can be found at, the online platform for student residences. Register at to be eligible for a DUWO student ...

  16. PhD-kort

    Als PhD-er krijg je een gemeubileerde kamer waar je maximaal 1 jaar mag wonen. Dit noemen we PhD-kort. Heeft de onderwijsinstelling je al een DUWO University Housing kamer toegewezen?

  17. PhD

    Mijn woning Hoe werkt het in mijn kamer? Hoe werkt het op mijn complex? ... Wij zijn er voor studenten en PhD'ers die op kamers willen wonen in Wageningen of Ede. Wij zorgen voor een prettige en betaalbare plek, waar je je tijdens je studie of promotie thuis voelt. Volg ons ook via.

  18. 22 Fully Funded PhD Positions at University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

    We are seeking a PhD candidate for the Amsterdam Wellbeing Economy research project, which is funded jointly by the Municipality of Amsterdam and the University of Amsterdam. The PhD track is part of the Governance and Inclusive Development (GID) programme group.At the GPIO department, research and education focus on spatial-social relations ...

  19. Housing for PhD researchers

    International staff and PhD candidates are allowed to use the ISS address when registering with the municipality of The Hague. The ISS address can be used as a valid address for a maximum of three months. However, this should be a last resort solution; please make every effort to find permanent accommodation.

  20. Woning te huur: Ndsm-Straat 181 1033NA Amsterdam

    1033NA Amsterdam . € 2.400,- p/m. Type woning Bovenwoning. Woonoppervlakte 71 m 2. Aantal kamers 3. Aangeboden sinds 29 augustus 2024. Verhuurmakelaar ... We gaan berekenen hoe u uw huis het beste kunt financieren. Dit is afhankelijk van uw inkomen, vermogen, en natuurlijk de woning die u wilt kopen. ...

  21. Two PhD positions for Attachment: In vivo, in silico, in theory

    A challenging position in a socially engaged organisation. At VU Amsterdam, you contribute to education, research and service for a better world. And that is valuable. So in return for your efforts, we offer you: a salary of € 2.770,00 (PhD) and maximum € 3.539,00 (PhD) gross per month in the fourth year, for a full-time employment

  22. Huis te koop Van Nijenrodeweg 800 in Amsterdam voor € 295.000

    Deze woning wordt sinds 29 augustus 2024 aangeboden door A1 Executive Estate; De tussenwoning heeft een woonoppervlakte van 33 m² en beschikt over 2 kamers, waarvan 1 slaapkamer; De woning is gebouwd In 1962 en ligt in de buurt Buitenveldert-West in Amsterdam.

  23. PhD students UvA

    The University of Amsterdam (UvA) reserved rooms and apartments with DUWO for their international PhD students. As a PhD student you will receive a furnished room where you can live for a maximum of 1 year (PhD short) more about PhD-short. You can then move to an unfurnished room where you can continue to live during your entire PhD program ...

  24. Two PhD positions for Attachment: In vivo, in silico, in theory

    A challenging position in a socially engaged organisation. At VU Amsterdam, you contribute to education, research and service for a better world. And that is valuable. So in return for your efforts, we offer you: a salary of € 2.770,00 (PhD) and maximum € 3.539,00 (PhD) gross per month in the fourth year, for a full-time employment

  25. Home

    Welcome to HAAVN! 231 amazing, fully equipped, and furnished rental studios. 2 iconic residential towers with rooftop and waterfront terraces. Right in the city center. Shared living, lounge, and extensive services and amenities. Students only! minimal rental period 1 year. Housing allowance (if you are 23 years or older)