
The Cursor in Excel – All You Need to Know

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cursor in excel

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Different Types of Cursors and Their Functions

  • Use the Select Mode to select cells by clicking and dragging.

select mode cursor in Excel

  • To fill data or expand a data series, move your mouse over the little square in the right corner of the cell and use the AutoFill cursor.

AutoFill cursor

  • To move selected cells, use the Click and Drag cursor.

click and drag cursor excel

  • To copy selected data, hold CTRL and move your mouse to the edge of a cell or group of cells and use the  Copy Cells cursor.

copy cells cursor in Excel

  • To enter data or edit existing values, double-click any cell and use the I-Beam Cursor.

I beam cursor

  • To select a menu on the Ribbon, use the Mouse Pointer cursor.

mouse pointer cursor in Excel

  • To select an entire row/column, place the cursor on the row or column number.

select entire row or column cursor

  • Move the mouse to the column or row borders to use the Resizer cursor.

row or column resizer cursor

How to Change Cursor Movement Direction in Excel

By default, the cursor moves vertically downward while pressing ENTER . If you press SHIFT + ENTER the selection will go one cell upward. Default direction can be changed, though.

  • Go to the File tab and click Options .

Options menu in File tab

  • In the Excel Options dialog box, choose  Editing options and click Direction.
  • Choose a direction for the cursor. The cursor will move in this direction when ENTER is pressed.

changing direction of cursor movement in Excel

  • To keep the cursor on the same cell after pressing ENTER , uncheck After pressing ENTER, move selection and click OK .

unchecking tick box to disable movement

How to Move the Cursor using Shortcuts in Excel

  • Double-click the cell to open the editing mode. Press and hold CTRL and press Right Arrow to move the cursor one word forward.

press and hold CTRL key to forward one word

This is the output.

output image

How to Change the Cursor from a Plus to an Arrow in Excel

You can change the cursor from a plus to an arrow in Excel with the help of a VBA code.

  • Right-click the sheet name and select View Code .

right click on sheet name

  • Enter the following code.
  • Run the code by clicking the green play button or F5.

executing VBA code to change cursor from plus to arrow

The cursor becomes an arrow.

cursor changed from plus to arrow

How to Change the Cursor Color in Excel

  • Double-click the sheet name to insert a code module.

double click on the sheet name to insert module

  • Select Worksheet .

embedding code for worksheet

  • Now, enter the following code.

VBA code to change cursor color in Excel

  • Borders were removed.

dataset without border

  • Select the B4:F12 range and red  Borders will automatically be applied.

selection region with border

Read More: Excel Cursor Movement: Logical vs Visual

How to Highlight with the Cursor in Excel

  • Enter following code.

VBA code to highlight with cursor in Excel

  • Go to the Home tab >> Conditional Formatting  >> New Rule .

clicking on New Rule on Conditional Formatting

In the New Formatting Rule dialog box, choose Select a Rule Type.

  • Click Use a formula to determine which cells to format.
  • Enter this formula in Format values where this formula is true .
  • Select a fill color and click OK .

inserting formula in new rule dialog box

By selecting any cell, the associated row and column will be highlighted.

row and column get highlighted in Excel

Read More: How to Highlight with Cursor in Excel

How to Fix it When the Cursor Is Not Showing in Excel

  • Open Excel Options .
  • Go to the Advanced tab and check Enable fill handle and cell drag-and-drop . Click OK .

checking option in Advanced tab in Excel options

Read More: [Fixed!]: Excel Cursor Not Showing

Cursor in Excel: Knowledge Hub

  • How to Get Rid of Plus Sign Cursor in Excel
  • [Fixed!] Excel Cursor Not Changing to Plus
  • [Fixed!] Excel Cursor Changed to Plus Sign
  • [Fixed:] Cursor Keys Not Working in Excel
  • [Fixed!] Cursor Selecting Wrong Cell in Excel
  • [Fixed!] Excel Cursor Locked in Select Mode
  • [Fixed!] Excel Cursor Stuck on White Cross

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Shahriar Abrar Rafid

Shahriar Abrar Rafid, BSc, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh, has worked with the ExcelDemy project for more than 1 year. He has written over 100+ articles for ExcelDemy. He is a professional visual content developer adept at crafting scripts, meticulously editing Excel files, and delivering insightful video tutorials for YouTube channels. His work and learning interests vary from Microsoft Office Suites and Excel to Data Analysis, VBA, and Video recording and... Read Full Bio

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How to Create Powerful Presentations Using Excel

Portrait of a person named Ankush

TL;DR Transform raw Excel data into compelling presentations with our 15-step guide. Learn to set objectives, clean data, select appropriate charts, and incorporate interactive elements for engaging and effective presentations. Enhance your storytelling and data visualization skills to create powerful, dynamic presentations.


Sometimes, we receive data in Excel and are tasked with transforming this raw data into powerful presentations. Excel is not just for spreadsheets; its powerful data manipulation capabilities make it an excellent tool for creating presentations, especially when dealing with large datasets or when you need to display data-driven insights dynamically. This guide provides 15 detailed steps to help you turn Excel data into compelling presentations effectively.

Detailed Steps to Create Engaging Presentations Using Excel

presentation pointer in excel

  • Set Your Objectives
  • Clearly define the purpose of your presentation.
  • Identify the core message you want to convey.
  • Understand your audience's needs and expectations.
  • Set actionable goals for what your presentation should achieve.
  • Align your presentation structure to these objectives for maximum impact.
  • Organize Your Data
  • Separate raw data and analysis into different sheets for clarity.
  • Group similar data together to facilitate easier analysis.
  • Use named ranges to make data references clearer.
  • Organize data chronologically or categorically based on the presentation flow.
  • Maintain a clean and organized data setup to avoid confusion during visualization.
  • Clean Your Data
  • Remove any irrelevant or redundant data.
  • Correct all errors and inconsistencies in the data set.
  • Use Excel functions like TRIM to clean text data.
  • Standardize data formats (dates, numbers, etc.) across your dataset.
  • Check for and resolve any missing data issues.
  • Select Appropriate Charts
  • Choose charts that best represent the nature of your data.
  • Consider the impact of different chart types on data interpretation.
  • Use bar or column charts for comparisons among categories.
  • Opt for line charts to display trends over time.
  • Employ pie charts to show proportions within a whole.
  • Utilize Advanced Chart Options
  • Explore Excel’s specialized charts like radar or waterfall for complex data.
  • Customize chart colors, labels, and legends for better readability.
  • Use trend lines or data labels to add meaningful insights to charts.
  • Employ dual-axis charts for comparing different datasets on the same chart.
  • Utilize 3D charts to enhance visual appeal, but use sparingly to avoid distortion of data.
  • Link Data Dynamically
  • Connect charts to live data sources to ensure real-time data updates.
  • Use Excel’s Data Model to integrate data from multiple sources.
  • Apply dynamic formulas like INDEX and MATCH to make charts responsive.
  • Employ data validation techniques to ensure data integrity.
  • Set up dynamic ranges to auto-adjust as data grows.
  • Incorporate Interactive Elements
  • Use slicers and timelines for interactive data segmentation.
  • Implement PivotTables to summarize large datasets dynamically.
  • Add form controls like buttons and sliders to make the presentation interactive.
  • Design your slides to respond to user inputs or selections.
  • Ensure interactive elements are intuitive and clearly contribute to the narrative.
  • Design a Dashboard
  • Combine multiple data visualizations on a single screen for a unified view.
  • Ensure each component of the dashboard provides unique but complementary information.
  • Use consistent design elements across all visuals for a cohesive look.
  • Make sure the dashboard is easy to read and navigate.
  • Include interactive elements in the dashboard to engage the audience.
  • Automate with Macros
  • Use macros to streamline repetitive tasks, enhancing presentation efficiency.
  • Automate data updates and visual adjustments with VBA scripts.
  • Write macros that help navigate through the presentation smoothly.
  • Ensure macros are tested and error-free to avoid glitches during the presentation.
  • Provide button triggers for macros on the Excel interface for easy access.
  • Narrative Flow
  • Structure your presentation to tell a coherent story.
  • Begin with an introduction that outlines key points.
  • Build the body of your presentation with data-driven analysis.
  • Conclude with a strong, data-supported conclusion.
  • Transition smoothly between sections to keep your audience engaged.
  • Maintain Design Consistency
  • Use a uniform color scheme, font style, and layout across all slides.
  • Apply consistent formatting rules for all data visuals.
  • Design templates that can be reused for future presentations.
  • Ensure that the visual design supports the data narrative.
  • Avoid overdesigning that may distract from the data itself.
  • Test and Iterate
  • Conduct dry runs to test the flow and functionality of your presentation.
  • Invite feedback from peers to refine content and design.
  • Make iterative adjustments based on practical trials and feedback.
  • Test on different devices to ensure compatibility.
  • Finalize the presentation after thorough testing and refinement.
  • Prepare Backups
  • Save copies of your presentation in multiple formats.
  • Ensure you have both digital and physical backups available.
  • Regularly update your backups to reflect the latest changes.
  • Store backups in different locations to mitigate risk.
  • Consider cloud storage options for easy access and additional security.
  • Have a contingency plan in place in case of technical issues.
  • Add Supporting Notes
  • Embed comments within your Excel cells to provide additional context.
  • Use the notes section for personal reminders during the presentation.
  • Prepare detailed explanations that can be referred to if questions arise.
  • Keep notes concise and relevant to the data being presented.
  • Ensure all notes are hidden from the audience view but accessible to you.
  • Peer Review
  • Share your presentation with colleagues or experts for feedback.
  • Encourage constructive criticism to refine your presentation.
  • Consider diverse perspectives to enhance the presentation’s appeal.
  • Implement suggested changes that align with your objectives.
  • Conduct a final review session to ensure all feedback has been addressed.

Mastering Excel for presentations transcends basic data visualization—it transforms how we communicate and persuade with data. This expertise not only empowers you to deliver insights in a compelling manner but also enhances your strategic influence within your organization or client base. Through the careful integration of data, design, and narrative, your presentations become not just informative but transformative, inspiring action and facilitating decision-making. The steps outlined in this guide equip you with the tools to turn complex data into captivating stories that resonate deeply with your audience. Embrace these practices to elevate your presentations from mundane to memorable, ensuring that every data point not only informs but also inspires and engages.

Are you ready to leverage your Excel data into powerful narratives that not only inform but also inspire and persuade? Visit INK PPT today and discover how our expert design services can amplify your presentation impact. At INK PPT, we don't just design slides; we craft stories that engage, inform, and motivate your audience to action. Elevate your presentations with us—where data meets design and storytelling.

presentation pointer in excel

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presentation pointer in excel

About the Author

presentation pointer in excel

Ankush Dahiya - Unleashing Possibilities

My journey is all about forging connections and unleashing the potential of our ventures. Whether it's nurturing partnerships, shaping strategies, or discovering new horizons for our business, I'm your go-to person.

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Microsoft Excel Cursor Types and What They Mean

Posted by David Thibault  /  October 31, 2023  /  Excel , Microsoft 365   —   2 Comments ↓

Microsoft Excel Cursor Types and What They Mean

Microsoft Excel has six different cursor shapes that each perform a specific task. Excel users need to know what each cursor shape means and how to use it. Here, we'll provide an overview of the six cursor shapes and how to use them. For additional tips and tricks on mastering all six cursor shapes, please refer to the video below.  

Default Cursor

Default Cursor

The Default Cursor appears as a white plus sign within a black square. It is used for general navigation and selection of cells, ranges, or objects in Excel. For example, you can use the default cursor to select a single cell by clicking on it.   

Move Cursor

Move Cursor

The Move Cursor appears as a four-sided arrow. It allows you to move or reposition selected cells, ranges, or objects to a different location within the worksheet by clicking and dragging. For instance, you can use the move cursor to relocate a selected range of cells to a new position.  

Fill Handle Cursor  

Fill Handle Cursor 

The Fill Handle Cursor appears as a small black square. It is used to automatically fill adjacent cells with a series, such as formulas, numbers, or dates, by dragging the fill handle across the desired range. For example, you can use the Fill Handle Cursor to extend a formula or copy a pattern of values across a range of cells.  

Select Cursor 

Select Cursor 

The Select Cursor appears as a black arrow that points down or to the right. It is used to select one or more columns or rows in a table by clicking on the column heading letter or row number. You can select multiple columns or rows by clicking and dragging the cursor across the desired cells.   

Edit Cursor  

Edit Cursor 

The Edit Cursor appears as a blinking vertical line. It indicates the current insertion point within a cell, allowing you to enter or edit text directly into the selected cell. You can use the Edit Cursor to type or modify the contents of a cell, such as modifying a formula or adding text.   

Resize Cursor

Resize Cursor

The Resize Cursor appears as a double-sided arrow pointing in opposite directions. It allows you to adjust the size of columns or rows by clicking and dragging the column or row border. You can use the resize cursor to change the width of a column or the height of a row by dragging the borderline.   

Knowing the different cursor shapes in Excel and what they are used for can make a big difference in your productivity. In the video below, we will take a look at the six different cursor shapes and explain what each one is used for. By the end of this video, you will be an Excel master of cursor types!

KnowledgeWave Learning Site (KLS) members can click on the image below to access the 20-minute video for FREE.

Microsoft Excel Cursor Types Video on KnowledgeWave

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Excel Cursor and Mouse Pointer Shapes

Excel changes its mouse pointer shape according to its current functionality. Below are some of important mouse pointer shapes and its related functionality.

General Select

When Excel's mouse pointer is at "General Select" shape as marked in below image, it is ready to select a cell or a range of cells within in Excel worksheet.

Excel General Select mouse pointer shape

Fill data mouse pointer shape appears when you hover the mouse pointer over the small square at the bottom right corner of the cell. When Excel's mouse pointer is at "Fill Data" shape as marked in below image, it can fill data or extend a data series.

I-Beam Cursor

Excel blinking I-Beam text cursor indicates that you can enter data inside a cell by typing text at the location of cursor. Excel blinking I-Beam text cursor is marked in below image.

Arrow Mouse Pointer

Normal Arrow cursor shape appears when when you select menu or commands in Ribbon. It appears when moving a selection also. While moving a selection, Arrow Mouse pointer has a small cross also.

Arrow Mouse Pointer is shown in below image.

Column Resize Mouse Pointer

Column Resize Mouse Pointer appears when mouse hover at the border between Column letters. When Column Resize Mouse Pointer appears, you need to click and drag to increase or decrease the width of a column.

Column Resize Mouse Pointer is shown in below image.

Row Resize Mouse Pointer

Row Resize Mouse Pointer appears when mouse hover at the border between Row numbers. When Row Resize Mouse Pointer appear, you need to click and drag to increase or decrease the height of a row.

Row Resize Mouse Pointer is shown in below image.

Move Selected cells Mouse Pointer

Move Selected cells Mouse Pointer appears when mouse hover at border of a cell or range of cells. When Move Selected cells Mouse Pointer appear, you need to click and drag to move the data to another location within worksheet.

Move Selected cells Mouse Pointer is shown in below image.

Copy Selected Cells Mouse Pointer

Copy Selected Cells Mouse Pointer appears when "Ctrl" key is pressed and mouse hover at border of a cell or range of cells. When Copy Selected Cells Mouse Pointer appear, you need to click and drag to copy the data to another location within worksheet.

Copy Selected Cells Mouse Pointer is shown in below image.

Select Entire Column Mouse Pointer

Select Entire Column Mouse Pointer appears when mouse hover at any Column label. If you click when Select Entire Column Mouse Pointer appear, entire column is selected, as shown im below image.

Select Entire Column Mouse Pointer is shown in below image.

Select Entire Row Mouse Pointer

Select Entire Row Mouse Pointer appears when mouse hover at any Row number. If you click when Select Entire Row Mouse Pointer appear, entire row is selected, as shown im below image.

Select Entire Row Mouse Pointer is shown in below image.

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Magnifier in Excel

July 12, 2018 - by Bill Jelen

Magnifier in Excel

When I am doing a presentation at a Staff Meeting or my Live Power Excel Seminar, I have started to use the Windows Magnifier to show details in the Ribbon or dialog boxes.

Excel has a great Zoom slider. You can zoom in from 100% to 400%. (You can also zoom out to 10%, letting you see A1:KZ388 on a 1080P Monitor, but that is a story for another day.) I frequently use Ctrl + MouseScrollWheelAway to zoom in. Then I use Ctrl + MouseScrollWheelTowardsMe to zoom out. This is great for values in cells. They become HUGE and readable. But it does not help at all with the Ribbon commands, with Power Query, or with choices inside dialog boxes.

The zoom only impacts cells

When I want to show something in a dialog box, I hold the (Windows) key and press the + sign. (Note you can use either the + sign on the number keypad or the + above the equals sign, but you will have to do Ctrl + Shift + Equals to use the one not on the number keypad. To dismiss the magnifier, press + Esc .

Because I have customized the magnifier, I get this beautiful box that moves with my mouse and shows a larger view.

The lens follows your mouse

The view shown above is not the default. The default is Full Screen. It enlarges the whole screen. To change the view, look for either this magnifying glass:

Adjust magnifier settings by clicking magnifying lens

On my Windows 10 laptop, I never see the icon above. I always get this floating menu instead:

Click the magnifier icon to reveal this menu

Open the Views and switch to Lens. Use the Gear Wheel to adjust the size of the lens.

Adjust the magnifier settings

In case you want to experiment, there are other modes:

  • Docked will add a lens at the top of the screen. As you move the mouse pointer, the area in the magnifier moves to follow the mouse.
  • Lens gives you a floating lens that zooms in around the mouse pointer
  • Full Screen enlarges the center area of the screen.

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Video Transcript

Learn Excel from MrExcel Podcast, Episode 2224: The Magnifier in Excel.

Hey, welcome back to the MrExcel netcast, I'm Bill Jelen. This isn't actually just an Excel trick; it works in all of Windows. But I've been using it in Excel a lot. I've been doing these presentations and when you're doing a presentation, if the big room’s screen is too small, you know, people can't see what you're doing. So you can always just hold down Ctrl and roll the wheel Mouse away from you to make things larger, but that doesn't help at all with dialog boxes. So if I'm talking about the Text to Columns Wizard, Ctrl and wheel away doesn't make it any larger.

So I started using this thing in Windows called a magnifier, and I hold down the Windows key-- the flying Windows key-- and press the plus sign-- so Windows++-- and it makes the whole screen larger, so that way people can see it in the background. Now, this is not the version that I'm using-- there are three different views here and this is called Full Screen, which appears to be the original version, and then the other one is Docked. And with docked, what happens is, as you move your mouse around, --you see that panel at the top?-- that panel at the top is showing a larger version of whatever my mouse is around, and it seems to, like, show the whole row essentially, which I guess is cool if you had a lot of data-- that would be a good one. But instead, I'm going to use Lens. Alright? So, Lens gives me this great little thing that follows my mouse around-- it shows me right there what it looks at, like, so I get-- you know-- I can talk about Delimiters, and then click Next, and then choose Comma, un-choose Tab, and click Next, and then people can see whatever I'm talking about.

 Now, this lens is actually a lot bigger than the lens that I'm using on my laptop, so we'll come up here and click this magnifier, and then Options. Alright, now this is Windows 7, again as I mentioned the other day. And Windows 7 is nice because it takes me right into Magnifier Lens Size, but in Windows 10 it's taking me to the Control Panel version of this. So, I want to make the lens a little bit shorter, little bit narrower, you know, kind of like that's the way I can, you know, just highlight whatever. I want to highlight, you know, then with this size lens it's easy for me to, you know, actually focus on, you know, whatever I'm pointing at, right? So we talked about Delimiters, and click Next, and then here choose Comma, and un-choose Tab, and show what the preview looks like and then click Next, and then leave it as General and click Finish, and people can see what's going on.

Although, I have to tell you, it's a little bit unnerving sometimes because if I'm actively trying to use Excel with this, there's pieces of the screen that I can't see. Like, for example, this screen lets you select each column, and there's a point at which I can't see that anymore because the lens is covering up the un-magnified version, and it's not in the magnified version. So, you know, I need a way to get out of this quickly, and that's the flying Windows key and Escape will get me out like that.

But overall the magnifier is a cool trick and I've been using it now for about 3 weeks in my seminars, and almost every time I use it people are like, Oh, that's cool, how do you do that? Right? I'm like, "Any Excel questions? Are there any questions on this?" They say, "Yeah, how do you get that magnifier up here?" So, flying Windows key and the Plus sign, then you can customize a little bit; flying Windows key and Escape to make it go away.

Well, hey, check out my new book, "MrExcel LIVe, The 54 Greatest Excel Tips of All Time". Click that "I" in the top right hand corner for more information. Wrap-up for today's episode: If you need to make the grid larger because you're doing a presentation, Ctrl and wheel Mouse will increase the size of the grid, but it doesn't increase the size of the dialog boxes or the ribbon; when I'm presenting the big room with the screens too small, the magnifier-- the Windows magnifier-- helps, press the Windows key and the plus sign; there are three different versions-- Full Screen, Docked, or Lens-- I prefer Lens, and I change the size of the lens, and then; the important thing is to turn it off-- the Windows key and Escape.

To download the workbook from today's video is the URL in the YouTube description.

I want to thank you for stopping by, we'll see you next time for another netcast from MrExcel.

Download Excel File

To download the excel file: magnifier-in-excel.xlsx

The Magnifier, of course, is not an Excel feature. It would work in any app.

Excel Thought Of the Day

I've asked my Excel Master friends for their advice about Excel. Today's thought to ponder:

"Thou shalt not add new columns to your tables for every new month of data." Jake Lohse

Title Photo: Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash

presentation pointer in excel

How To Excel At Excel

The mouse pointer in excel, the mouse pointer in excel will take on different shapes depending where it is on the sheet, and each pointer type relates to a particular action..

Selecting cells is Excel is one of most common things you will do as you need to to select cells you want to do something with whether its enter text, data or a formula.

See below for a summary of the different mouse pointers below and what they mean.

To select a cell point to the cell and click once with the mouse to select it. The cell will appear white with a black border around it.

If you want to select a a number of cells adjacent to each other at once you need to click on the first cell to be selected, hold down the mouse button, and then drag it to the last cell you want selected. A quicker way is to select the first cell, hold down the SHIFT key and click on the last cell to select all you need to.

If you want to select a group of cells that are non adjacent, click on the first cell, hold the Ctrl key and then continue to select the next cells, repeat this until all the cells you require are selected.

Have a practice, it becomes second nature a you easily identify the different mouse pointers.

2. Text wrapping in Excel

3. Format cells that only contain text

4. Centre a title across a worksheet

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