Princeton Quantum Initiative


Quantum Science and Engineering PhD Program

PQI launched a new PhD program in Quantum Science and Engineering, with the first cohort starting in fall 2024.

Find full information about the program structure and requirements  from Princeton Graduate School. The application for the program can be found through the Graduate School portal .

The PhD program in Quantum Science and Engineering provides graduate training in a new discipline at the intersection of quantum physics and information theory. Just as the 20th century witnessed a technological and scientific revolution ushered in by our newfound understanding of quantum mechanics, the 21st century now offers the promise of a new class of technologies and lines of scientific inquiry that take full advantage of the more fragile and intricate consequences of quantum mechanics: coherent superposition, projective measurement, and entanglement. This field has broad implications ranging from many-body physics and the creation of new forms of matter to our understanding of the emergence of the classical world and our basic understanding of space and time.  It enables fundamentally new technological applications, including new types of computers that can solve currently intractable problems, communication channels whose security is guaranteed by the laws of physics, and sensors that offer unprecedented sensitivity and spatial resolution.

The Princeton Quantum Science and Engineering community is unique in its interdisciplinary breadth combined with foundational research in quantum information and quantum matter. Research at Princeton comprises every layer of the quantum technology stack, bringing together many body physics, materials, devices, new quantum hardware platforms, quantum information theory, metrology, algorithms, complexity theory, and computer architecture. This vibrant environment allows for rapid progress at the frontiers of quantum science and technology, with cross pollination among quantum platforms and approaches. The research community strongly values interdisciplinarity, collaboration, depth, and fostering a close-knit community that enables fundamental and impactful advances.

Our curriculum places students in an excellent position to build new quantum systems, discover new technological innovations, become leaders in the emergent quantum industry, and make deep, lasting contributions to quantum information science. The QSE graduate program aims to provide a strong foundation of fundamentals through a three-course core, as well as opportunities to explore the frontiers of current research through electives. First year students are also required to take a seminar course that is associated with the Princeton Quantum Colloquium, in which they closely read the associated literature and discuss the papers. Our curriculum has a unique emphasis on learning how to read and understand current literature over a large range of topics. The curriculum is complemented by many opportunities at PQI for scientific interaction and professional development. A major goal of the program is to help form a tight-knit graduate student cohort that spans disciplines and research topics, united by a common language. 

Most students enter the program with an undergraduate degree in physics, electrical engineering, computer science, chemistry, materials science, or a related discipline. When you apply, you should indicate what broad research areas you are interested in: Quantum Systems Experiment, Quantum Systems Theory, Quantum Materials Science, or Quantum Computer Science.

Princeton Program in Plasma Physics

Admission to the program is highly competitive. Successful applicants generally present strong undergraduate training, with concentrations in mathematics, physics, or engineering. Students accepted to the program are normally offered research assistantships, which include tuition expenses and a generous stipend. Prospective students are encouraged, however, to apply for any outside fellowships for which they may qualify.

Please note: The GRE General Test and Subject Test in Physics are Optional/Not Required for Fall 2025 Admission.

Application Requirements

All applicants must complete a centralized  web-based application . The application fee is $75. When applying, select "Program in Plasma Physics" in the "Field of Study" section. The deadline for submitting an application is December 1st. Check the graduate school's application preparation page for detailed requirements

Application Fee Waivers

For more information about application fee waivers or to contact the grad school go to Application Fee Waivers .

Department of Physics


Student Experience

What do graduate students do.

The main focus of the Ph.D. is original research in Physics, conducted under the supervision of a faculty member. The only non-research requirements are three core courses and the Preliminary Exam , which is taken in the first year to demonstrate mastery of a broad “physics toolkit” covering an advanced undergraduate curriculum. After this, students spend the rest of the Ph.D. doing research full-time and (in some cases) teaching. In our department, the average time to completion of the Ph.D. is 5.4 years. For a more detailed breakdown of the program requirements, click here .

What is the department culture?

The Physics department is strongly committed to creating an inclusive, diverse community whose members feel welcome and valued. However, we also recognize that the Physics community has much work to do towards improving diversity. We have long operated a Committee on Climate and Inclusion, and recently we expanded this effort to form the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Initiative. Click here to learn about the ongoing work of the EDI Initiative. Our goal is to build a collaborative environment where everyone can thrive and achieve their potential. Students find the department culture to be friendly and collaborative, not competitive . There is no competition for funding, and there are always plenty of advising spots for admitted students. First-year students bond while studying together for prelims (the department will buy pizza for study sessions!), and students mix across years and subfields at the daily tea-time and weekly Friday Social Hour. If you have an idea to build community, there is a good chance the department will support it financially and logistically. In addition, the Princeton Graduate School fosters a lively social scene across departments.

The work culture varies depending on one’s research group and can fluctuate widely. Some students work evenings and weekends whereas others maintain a more regular schedule; it is always wise to discuss expectations with an advisor and their current grad students before joining a group. Even in the most relaxed group, there will probably be very stressful times (e.g. around Prelims, before a big grant or conference deadline). The hours do tend to be more flexible than jobs outside academia, but this also varies by research group.

How are students supported financially?

All Physics Ph.D. students at Princeton receive a stipend and pay zero tuition. In the first year, the graduate school provides the stipend to all students. After that, students are supported through either teaching assignments (an Assistantship in Instruction or “AI”) or their research advisor (an Assistantship in Research or “AR”). Some students are supported by competitive outside fellowships (e.g. the NSF GRFP, NDSEG, etc.). The stipend comfortably covers living expenses for most students. Rough estimates of stipends across the graduate school can be found here , although the Physics department often manages to pay more. To be more concrete, on-campus housing ranges from \$770/month (4-bedroom townhouse) to \$1,400 (1-bedroom apartment); current housing rates are maintained here . Groceries cost around $300/month if you mostly cook. Of course, everyone’s finances are different, and other expenses (cars, children, healthcare, student loans, sushi delivery, those trips to NYC) can add up quickly, so plan accordingly. Experimentalists are typically supported by an AR from their advisor, while theorists are more likely to be supported by teaching, but there are always exceptions.  The university also supports family focused initiatives specifically for graduate students with children, including  paid parental leave  for both biological and adoptive new parents, and support for  childcare costs .

How are students supported as people?

The Physics department and the Graduate School recognize that grad students are human beings with non-academic needs, and they sponsor social events for every flavor of fun, from free Broadway shows to hip-hop dance workshops to wine and cheese nights. They also offer a large network of services addressing more serious concerns relating to health, inclusion, and student safety :

● Physical and Mental Health: All grad students are enrolled in the Student Health Plan (SHP), which also covers counseling and mental health services . Currently, COVID testing is completely covered, and students approved to be on campus are being tested twice per week. In addition, grad students have access to the gym and athletic facilities, as well as discounted exercise classes.

● The Access, Diversity, and Inclusion Team offers institutional support for students from Historically Underrepresented Groups and the many campus organizations devoted to equality and justice. Affiliated Campus Centers include the Women’s Center, the Davis International Center, the LGBT Center, and the Carl Fields Center for Equality and Understanding.

● Princeton’s Women in Physics group offers a space for women in the department to share their experiences, build community, and offer mutual support.

● The Physics Department’s EDI Initiative maintains an anonymous feedback box for comments and suggestions about the department culture.

● In the event of sexual harassment or assault, students can obtain confidential help from the SHARE (Sexual Harassment/Assault Advising, Resources, and Education) Office.

What can I do with a Physics Ph.D. from Princeton?

Many students go on to do physics research professionally , either in academia (as a post-doc then as a professor) or in industry. However, plenty of alumni have very successful careers outside of physics . All students develop valuable skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication. To see common career paths for Physics Ph.D.s, check out these resources from the American Institute of Physics ( ). Princeton also has opportunities to get involved with science policy and communication. The Princeton Center for Career Development offers many events and advising resources to help grad students pursue their professional goals inside and outside of academia

Graduate School


Application Management

Degree seeking applicants.

The application for fall 2025 will open September 15, 2024.

Nondegree Applicants

The applications for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 nondegree programs are now open.  

to continue an application. to start a new application.

Graduate School


Astrophysical Sciences

General information, program offerings:, affiliated departments:, director of graduate studies:, graduate program administrator:.

The Department of Astrophysical Sciences offers advanced training in astrophysics. The faculty and staff in the department conduct world-leading research in theoretical and computational astrophysics, observational astronomy, astronomical surveys, and instrumentation (both hardware and software). The fascinating discoveries of modern astronomy challenge the human understanding of the broadest possible range of physical phenomena. The graduate program in Astrophysical Sciences prepares students for scientific careers in astrophysics through a combination of classes and early and active participation in research projects, culminating in original thesis research. 

The program length is five years. The first two years of the program are dedicated to taking core astrophysics courses and working on several research projects with different faculty members. After the general exam at the end of the second year, students are admitted to candidacy, select a thesis advisor, and work on their thesis research for the remaining three years. 

Under the department’s aegis, an extensive graduate research program in fundamental plasma physics is also conducted at the renowned Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), located on Princeton’s Forrestal Campus. Please see the  Program in Plasma Physics  page for information about applying for this program. Students interested in fundamental plasma physics and its laboratory and technology applications should apply to the Program in Plasma Physics. Students interested in astrophysical applications of plasma physics (including high-energy astrophysics) should apply to the graduate program in Astrophysical Sciences. 

Program Offerings

Program offering: ph.d..

Before standing for the general examination, students must complete four core astrophysics courses (Stellar Structure, Stellar Dynamics, Interstellar Medium, and Cosmology & Extragalactic Astronomy).  Students have the option to complete additional courses in astrophysics (such as High-Energy Astrophysics, Computational Methods, or Plasma Astrophysics), physics, mathematics, statistics, machine learning, and computation. Students may select additional courses with assistance and approval from the faculty.

Additional pre-generals requirements

Seminar Requirement Graduate students must attend the graduate student seminar every semester, except for their last semester at Princeton. Generally, students take turns giving presentations on various aspects of a field selected by the faculty instructor. The dual purposes are to learn about a topic not covered in the required courses (such as an emerging research field) and gain experience giving presentations. Occasionally, the seminar has a different format, such as a workshop or half-semester modules on various topics.

General exam

At the end of the second year, students take the oral general examination. For the examination, the student chooses four topics out of the following six: dynamics of stellar and planetary systems, cosmology and extragalactic astronomy, stellar structure, high-energy astrophysics, interstellar medium, and plasma astrophysics. These topics are covered by classes offered in the department. A committee of four faculty members tests the student for approximately two hours, primarily about the four chosen subjects and other topics in astrophysics.

Qualifying for the M.A.

The Master of Arts (M.A.) degree is normally an incidental degree on the way to full Ph.D. candidacy. It is earned after a student successfully completes two of the three following requirements: (1) successful completion of the four core courses and any additional courses mapped out by the DGS and/or the adviser; (2) successful completion of the general examination; and (3) production of at least one paper suitable for submission to a journal as part of a departmental research project. The research supervisor must approve the paper. The M.A. may also be awarded to students who, for various reasons, leave the Ph.D. program, provided that these requirements have been met.

Students are required to serve as assistants in instruction for one semester sometime during their graduate career.  The DGS may lift this requirement for students who secure certain competitive fellowships that do not allow teaching.

Dissertation and FPO

The Ph.D. is awarded after the candidate’s doctoral dissertation has been accepted, and the final public oral examination sustained.

  • Michael A. Strauss

Associate Chair

  • Eve C. Ostriker

Director of Graduate Studies

  • Matthew W. Kunz
  • Joshua N. Winn

Director of Undergraduate Studies

  • Neta A. Bahcall

Director of Undergraduate Program

  • Gáspár Áron Bakos
  • Amitava Bhattacharjee
  • Adam S. Burrows
  • Christopher F. Chyba
  • Steven C. Cowley
  • Bruce T. Draine
  • Nathaniel J. Fisch
  • Robert J. Goldston
  • John J. Goodman
  • Jenny E. Greene
  • Felix I. Parra Diaz
  • Eliot Quataert
  • Anatoly Spitkovsky
  • Romain Teyssier

Associate Professor

Assistant professor.

  • Alexandra Amon
  • Peter M. Melchior

Associated Faculty

  • Mariangela Lisanti, Physics
  • Lyman A. Page, Physics
  • Frans Pretorius, Physics
  • Suzanne T. Staggs, Physics
  • Paul J. Steinhardt, Physics

Visiting Lecturer with Rank of Professor

  • Matias Zaldarriaga

For a full list of faculty members and fellows please visit the department or program website.

Permanent Courses

Courses listed below are graduate-level courses that have been approved by the program’s faculty as well as the Curriculum Subcommittee of the Faculty Committee on the Graduate School as permanent course offerings. Permanent courses may be offered by the department or program on an ongoing basis, depending on curricular needs, scheduling requirements, and student interest. Not listed below are undergraduate courses and one-time-only graduate courses, which may be found for a specific term through the Registrar’s website. Also not listed are graduate-level independent reading and research courses, which may be approved by the Graduate School for individual students.

APC 503 - Analytical Techniques in Differential Equations (also AST 557)

Apc 523 - numerical algorithms for scientific computing (also ast 523/cse 523/mae 507), apc 524 - software engineering for scientific computing (also ast 506/cse 524/mae 506), ast 513 - dynamics of stellar and planetary systems, ast 514 - structure of the stars, ast 517 - diffuse matter in space, ast 520 - high energy astrophysics, ast 521 - introduction to plasma astrophysics, ast 522 - extragalactic astronomy, ast 541 - seminar in theoretical astrophysics, ast 542 - seminar in observational astrophysics, ast 551 - general plasma physics i (also mae 525), ast 552 - general plasma physics ii, ast 553 - plasma waves and instabilities, ast 554 - irreversible processes in plasmas, ast 555 - fusion plasmas & plasma diagnostics, ast 558 - seminar in plasma physics, ast 559 - turbulence and nonlinear processes in fluids and plasmas (also apc 539), ast 560 - computational methods in plasma physics, ast 562 - laboratory in plasma physics, ast 568 - introduction to classical and neoclassical transport and confinement, mae 522 - applications of quantum mechanics to spectroscopy and lasers (also ast 564), mae 528 - physics of plasma propulsion (also ast 566), sml 505 - modern statistics (also ast 505).

Princeton Physics Ambassadors

About the Program

The P4 (Prospective Physics PhD Preview) program is a transformative workshop that empowers participants to engage in physics research, discover ideal graduate programs, and cultivate a compelling graduate application. Along the way, the P4 Scholars will interact with graduate students, postdocs, and faculty from Princeton’s Physics Department. The workshop will run between  February 15-17, 2024 .

Eligibility :

  • Students on track to apply for the fall 2024 application cycle or beyond.
  • Students who have not participated in P4 before. 
  • Students interested in ANY Physics PH.D program. Applications for P4 2024 are now closed.

Please feel free to reach out to  [email protected]  with any questions, comments, or concerns.

Introductory Physics I


A course in fundamental physics that covers classical mechanics, fluid mechanics, basic thermodynamics, sounds, and waves. Meets premedical requirements. One lecture, three classes, one three-hour laboratory.

Introductory Physics II

Continuation of 101. A course in fundamental physics that covers electricity, magnetism, and an introduction to the quantum world. Meets premedical requirements. Two 90-minute lectures, one preceptorial, and one three-hour laboratory.

General Physics I

The physical laws that govern the motion of objects, forces, and forms of energy in mechanical systems are studied at an introductory level. Calculus-based, primarily for engineering and science students, meets premedical requirements. Some preparation in physics and calculus is desirable; calculus may be taken concurrently. One demonstration lecture, three classes, one three-hour laboratory.

General Physics II

Continuation of 103. Electromagnetism from electrostatics, DC and AC circuits to optics, and topics of modern physics are treated at an introductory level. Some preparation in physics and calculus is desirable; calculus may be taken concurrently. Calculus-based, primarily for engineering and science students, meets premedical requirements. One demonstration lecture, three classes, one three-hour laboratory.

Advanced Physics (Mechanics)

PHY105 is an advanced first year course in classical mechanics, taught at a more sophisticated level than PHY103. Care is taken to make the course mathematically self contained, and accessible to the motivated physics student who may not have had exposure to an introductory college level physics course. The approach of PHY105 is that of an upper-division physics course, with more emphasis on the underlying formal structure of physics than PHY103, including an introduction to modern variational methods (Lagrangian dynamics), with challenging problem sets due each week and a mini-course in Special Relativity held over reading period.

Advanced Physics (Electromagnetism)

Parallels 104 at a more sophisticated level, emphasizing the unification of electric and magnetic forces and electromagnetic radiation. To enter this course, students must have done well in 103 or 105. 103 students must attend the lectures on special relativity given in reading period as part of 105. Three lectures, one class, one three-hour laboratory.

Physics for the Life Sciences

A new one semester physics course designed specifically for life science majors. Selected topics in physical theory and experiment will be presented and highlighted using a range of examples.

Physics for Future Leaders

What do future leaders of our society need to know about physics and technology? The course is designed for non-scientists who will someday become our influential citizens and decision-makers. Whatever the field of endeavor, they will be faced with important decisions in which physics and technology play an important role. The purpose of this course is to present the key principles and the basic physical reasoning needed to interpret scientific and technical information and to make the best decisions. Topics include energy and power, atomic and subatomic matter, wave-like phenomena and light, and Einstein's theory of relativity.

An Integrated Introduction to Engineering, Mathematics, Physics

Taken concurrently with EGR/MAT/PHY 192. An integrated course that covers the material of PHY 103 and MAT 201 with the emphasis on applications to engineering. Physics topics include: mechanics with applications to fluid mechanics, wave phenomena, and thermodynamics. The lab revolves around a single project to build, launch, and analyze the flight dynamics of water-propelled rockets. One lecture, three preceptorials, one three-hour laboratory.

Taken concurrently with EGR/MAT/PHY 191. An integrated course that covers the material of PHY 103 and MAT 201 with the emphasis on applications to engineering. Math topics include: vector calculus; partial derivatives and matrices; line integrals; simple differential equations; surface and volume integrals; and Green's, Stokes's, and divergence theorems. One lecture, two preceptorials.

Classical Mechanics

Classical mechanics, with emphasis on the Lagrangian method. The underlying physics is Newtonian, but with more sophisticated mathematics introduced as needed to understand more complex phenomena. Topics in this intensive course include the formalism of Lagrangian mechanics, central-force motion and scattering, rigid body motion and noninertial forces, small oscillations, coupled oscillations, and waves. Prerequisite: 103-104, or 105-106 (recommended), or permission of instructor; prior completion of MAT 201 or 203 recommended. Two 90-minute lectures.

From Classical to Quantum Mechanics

Covers the basics of analytical mechanics, but shifts the emphasis to wave phenomena before moving on to aspects of quantum mechanics and quantum statistical mechanics. Special relativity is given greater weight than it usually is in PHY 205. Offers students a path toward the physics concentration that is less intensive than PHY 205 and more accessible to students with less mathematical background. Prerequisites: PHY103-104, or PHY105-106; one 200-level math course; or permission of instructor. Two 90-minute lectures.

Principles of Quantum Mechanics

An introduction to quantum mechanics, the physics of atoms, electrons, photons, and other elementary particles. Topics include state functions and the probability interpretation, the Schrödinger equation, the uncertainty principle, the eigenvalue problem, operators and their algebras, angular momentum and spin, perturbation theory, and the hydrogen atom. Prerequisites: PHY 106, PHY 205, or PHY 207 and MAT 203 or MAT 217, and MAT 204 or MAT 218 (MAT 204/MAT 218 can be taken concurrently); or instructor's permission. Two 90-minute lectures.

Computational Physics Seminar

Introduction to Python coding and its application to data collection, analysis and statistical inference. The course consists of weekly hands-on labs that introduce the students to the Linux coding environment with Jupyter and Python modules. Labs involve configuring a Raspberry Pi to interface with hardware sensors to collect interrupt-driven measurements. Multivariate discriminators and confidence levels for hypothesis testing will be applied to data samples. Labs are drawn from different forms of sensors data from accelerometers and photodetectors to external sources including radio-astronomy and XRF analysis of Art Museum paintings.

Experimental Physics Seminar

This seminar introduces fundamental techniques of electronics and instrumentation. The course consists of weekly hands-on labs that introduce the students to the fascinating world of electronics. We begin with learning how to build circuits and probe their behavior and then explore what can be done to create instrumentation and make measurements. We start with analog electronics and then proceed with programmable digital logic with FPGAs. The final project involves Machine Learning implemented in FPGAs, a glimpse of what modern electronics can do.

An Integrated, Quantitative Introduction to the Natural Sciences I

An integrated, quantitative introduction to the natural sciences ii, thermal physics.

A unified introduction to the physics of systems with many degrees of freedom: thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, both classical and quantum. Applications will include phase equilibrium, classical and quantum gases, and properties of solids. Three lectures. Prerequisites: Any one of PHY 106, 205, 207 or 208, or instructor's permission.

Advanced Electromagnetism

Extensions of electromagnetic theory including some important applications of Maxwell's equations. Solutions to Laplace's equation--boundary value problems. Retarded potentials. Electromagnetic waves and radiation. Special relativity. Mathematical tools developed as required. Two 90-minute lectures. Prerequisites: 104 or 106.

Introduction to the Quantum Theory

A second course on the basic principles of quantum mechanics with emphasis on applications to problems from atomic and solid-state physics. Two 90-minute lectures. Prerequisites: 208.

The Science of Fission and Fusion Energy

We develop the scientific ideas behind fission and fusion energy. For fission we move from elementary nuclear physics to calculations of chain reactions, understanding how both reactors and nuclear weapons work. We examine safety and waste concerns, as well as nuclear proliferation. We look at new reactor concepts. For fusion we address the physics of confining hot, ionized gases, called plasmas. We address the control of large-scale instabilities and small-scale turbulence. We examine progress and prospects, as well as challenges, for the development of economically attractive fusion power.

Experimental Physics

The course offers six different experiments from the advanced laboratory collection. Experiments include Josephson effect, ß-decay, holography, Mössbauer spectroscopy, optical pumping. Lectures stress modern experimental methods and devices. One lecture, one laboratory.

Princeton University

Applied physics.

princeton physics phd application

Research in applied physics includes biophysics; fluid mechanics, laser physics, liquids and glasses, optics, photonics, plasma physics, micro- and nano-fabrication and microfluidics, quantum phenomena, semiconductors, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, and transport phenomena.

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Office of the Dean for Research

Dean for research peter schiffer assumes role as vice president for princeton plasma physics laboratory.

Peter Schiffer

Peter Schiffer. Photo by Sameer A. Khan

Peter Schiffer, Princeton’s dean for research and the Class of 1909 Professor of Physics, will succeed David McComas as Princeton University’s vice president for the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL),  a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory managed by Princeton University. Schiffer will maintain his dean for research role. The transition will take place on Sept. 2. 

McComas will conclude his PPPL leadership role to focus on the successful completion and launch of NASA’s Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP). McComas is the principal investigator for the IMAP mission, which is scheduled to launch from Cape Canaveral next year to advance understanding of the space environment in our solar neighborhood.

“I am grateful to David McComas for stewarding the University’s relationship with the Plasma Physics Laboratory and the Department of Energy so conscientiously over the past eight years,” said Princeton President Christopher L. Eisgruber. “Dave’s outstanding scientific acumen, administrative skill, and personal integrity have benefited us tremendously over the course of his tenure. I wish him well as he devotes himself full-time to his research program, and I look forward to working with Peter Schiffer as he adds this new role to his portfolio.”

David McComas

David McComas

Photo by Sameer A. Khan/Fotobuddy

As PPPL vice president since 2016, McComas has served as a liaison between senior University leadership, the laboratory and the Department of Energy. At Princeton, his executive leadership has included service as a member of the President’s cabinet and the Executive Compliance Committee. 

PPPL conducts essential research using plasma — the fourth state of matter — to solve some of the world’s toughest science and technology challenges, including the development of fusion energy as a clean, safe and virtually limitless power source.

“I feel great about the contributions I made in overseeing PPPL as a University vice president, but I also feel that after eight and a half years, it’s time for me to focus on my other primary job,” he said. “PPPL is vital to the national interest, and it’s also vital to the national interest that we get IMAP launched and working perfectly. It’s critical for NASA heliophysics and space science, and as the principal investigator, I’m responsible for the entire mission.”

Since coming to Princeton, McComas has been a half-time vice president and half-time professor of astrophysical sciences. As he transitions to a full-time role on the astrophysics faculty, he will continue leading his roughly 35-person research team, teaching his unique  space physics  undergraduate lab, and serving as the mission leader for IMAP and other NASA missions and instruments. After he steps down as vice president, McComas will be a special adviser to the provost and continue to serve on the boards of directors for both PPPL and Brookhaven National Laboratory.

“Dave’s expertise has been timely, important and valued,” said Princeton Provost Jennifer Rexford, who is also the Gordon Y.S. Wu Professor in Engineering. “PPPL’s research mission, working toward an efficient and clean energy source, is critically important for humanity. Dave is a deep scientist in his own right, and he also understands all the engineering and operational issues involved in working at the leading edge of technology.”

Schiffer was the logical choice to succeed him as vice president for PPPL, Rexford said.

She noted that the scope of research at PPPL has diversified in the past several years, incorporating research into microelectronics, quantum sensors and devices, and sustainability science. 

“The widening of the research going on at the Lab has increased opportunities for connection with campus,” she said. “That stronger connection benefits from going through the Office of the Dean for Research.” 

Leadership at PPPL

Over the past eight years, McComas has worked with University and PPPL leadership to strengthen the connections between the Lab and the campus. “PPPL is an important part of the future of the University,” McComas said. “The University is interested in advances that make a huge difference for humanity, and it has a very long view of things. That’s exactly what fusion energy needs.” 

McComas is a renowned space physicist and the principal investigator on multiple NASA instruments and missions. He holds seven patents and has published more than 800 peer-reviewed papers with more than 50,000 citations. Prior to coming to Princeton, he served in a variety of leadership roles at Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Southwest Research Institute.

In addition to overseeing PPPL’s research mission, he has secured two contract extensions with the DOE and led the international search that that brought the renowned fusion scientist Sir Steven Cowley to PPPL as its director.

“Dave has been a steadfast partner during a period of rapid expansion at the Laboratory,” said Cowley, who is also a professor of astrophysical sciences at the University. “PPPL is tackling global issues in the nation’s interest, contributing to a sustainable future while driving scientific innovation forward. Dave’s inventive mindset, coupled with his strong organizational leadership, has been an asset to PPPL during a critical time.” 

With fusion energy at an inflection point, “it’s an exciting time at PPPL,” McComas said. Unprecedented numbers of public-private partnership grants are helping to advance fusion science and engineering at the Lab, he said, adding that the growing number of private companies working in the sector indicates that investors are confident that technologies are advancing toward bringing fusion energy to the national grid.

McComas and IMAP

Several months ago, as McComas saw both of his major responsibilities — PPPL and IMAP — coming to critical points, he felt that it was time to focus his energies on the space physics to which he has devoted his academic career.

IMAP’s mission is to explore our solar neighborhood, by decoding the messages in particles captured from the Sun and from beyond our cosmic shield, the heliopause. After  its launch , IMAP will provide extensive new observations of the inner and outer heliosphere and answer two of the most important topics in space physics today: how energetic particles are accelerated in the solar wind, and how the solar wind interacts with the local interstellar medium. 

The roughly $750 million IMAP mission carries 10 cutting-edge scientific  instruments and will launch from Cape Canaveral in 2025 on a Falcon 9 Heavy rocket. In addition to resolving fundamental scientific questions, IMAP will make real-time observations of the space environment a million miles sunward of the Earth, providing critical advance warning of impending space weather events. 

In his career, McComas has led the TWINS and IBEX space physics missions as well as instruments for numerous other missions, including Parker Solar Probe to the sun, the Advanced Composition Explorer to study spaceborne energetic particles, Ulysses to view the sun from outside the ecliptic, New Horizons to and past Pluto, Juno to Jupiter, and Cassini to Saturn.

Among many other honors, he has received the  Arctowski Medal from the National Academy of Sciences, the  Distinguished Scientist Award from the Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics of the International Science Council, and the NASA Exceptional Public Service Medal. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society, the American Geophysical Union and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. 

Schiffer and PPPL

With an active research program in the Department of Physics in addition to his administrative roles, Schiffer is an eminent condensed matter physicist who holds a Ph.D. from Stanford University and a B.S. from Yale.

Prior to coming to Princeton in 2023, he served as a member of the faculty and an administrator at Yale University, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Pennsylvania State University. He currently also serves on the governing board of the American Physical Society and previously served as a senior fellow with the Association of American Universities.

Schiffer leads the Office of the Dean for Research, which supports the Princeton research enterprise by expanding access to funding and other resources, building research relationships with external partners, facilitating regulatory and policy compliance, and supporting innovation, entrepreneurship and the development of intellectual property. 

He said he looks forward to continuing PPPL’s long legacy of research in the nation’s service, expanding its academic affiliation with the University and building on its importance as a regional economic hub. “Princeton has been the steward of the Lab since it was founded back in the ’50s,” Schiffer said. “It is part of the University’s scientific legacy and tradition to have PPPL as a critical part of our overall research portfolio; it provides research opportunities for undergrads, graduate students and postdocs. With its hundreds of employees and global scientific reputation, PPPL also has a big economic footprint within our community.”

He continued: “PPPL is a very important part of Princeton’s intellectual ecosystem, and we’re honored to have the opportunity to manage the Lab for the nation and support the great science that comes out of it.”

Department of Astrophysical Sciences


Graduate Program

Our Department hosts one of the top graduate programs in astronomy and astrophysics in the world.  The most recent Assessment of Doctoral Programs by the National Academy of Sciences  ranked Princeton as #1 overall, #1 in Research Activity, and #1 in Student Support and Outcomes.  Students have a great deal of freedom to pursue research projects using theoretical, computational, and observational approaches.  Students work directly with the faculty from the moment they arrive in our lively and congenial Department.  They have access to cutting-edge computational facilities, and involvement in many exciting observational projects including the Simons Observatory, the Subaru Hyper-SuprimeCam survey, the Rubin Observatory, and the HAT-PI variability survey.

Graduate Students 2023

Graduate Students 2023

Graduate Students 2022

Graduate Students 2022

Graduate Students 2021

Graduate Students 2021

2018 Graduate Students

2018 Graduate Students

2017 Graduate Students

2017 Graduate Students

2016 Graduate Students

2016 Graduate Students


Meeting with incoming graduate students after Bent Spoon ice cream, 2016

Catskills trip

Snowball Warriors 2017

Chinese New Year Celebration... Year of the Rooster

Chinese New Year Celebration... Year of the Rooster

Bottomless Sushi Birthday Celebration

Bottomless Sushi Birthday Celebration

STEM Conference

Graduate students promoting science at the 16th annual Young Women’s Conference in STEM

STEM Conference

Director of Graduate Studies and Graduate Admissions:

Joshua winn professor of astrophysical sciences.

Office Location:  125 Peyton Hall E-mail: [email protected]

  • Program in Plasma Physics


  1. Graduate Admissions

    Here you will find a description of the application process for the graduate program. To learn what it's like to be a Physics graduate student at Princeton, check out the Student Experience page. To apply, visit the Graduate School Admissions page. Key dates: Application deadline: December 15 - 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time

  2. Introduction to the Graduate Program

    Thank you for your interest in graduate studies in Physics. Here we give a general overview of Princeton's Physics Ph.D. program. For information on admissions and more detailed program requirements, please see the links to the left.We welcome students from diverse backgrounds and strive to provide a sense of community and inclusiveness where stude

  3. Graduate Admissions

    Admissions decisions are made during February by a special committee of physics faculty members. The Admissions Committee seeks all the relevant information it can gather in order to assess each candidate's interest in and potential for advanced research in physics. Admitted students begin their physics study the following September.

  4. Apply

    Apply. The application for fall 2024 admission is now closed. The application for fall 2025 admission will open on September 15, 2024. Applications are open from September through January for admission commencing in the fall term of the following academic year. We do not accept late applications, and our application process is fully electronic.

  5. Physics

    Physics department faculty and graduate students are active in research collaborations with scientists in several other departments, including astrophysical sciences, plasma physics, chemical and electrical engineering, chemistry, biology, neuroscience, and quantitative and computational biology, as well as the Institute for Advanced Study and ...

  6. Department of Physics

    Physics News. 2024 Dirac Medal awarded to Shinsei Ryu. Princeton Postdoctoral Council announces winners of the 2024 Seminar Series. Jo Dunkley honored as new fellow of the Royal Society. Graduate student Ravin Ramaraj honored with 2024 Princeton Teaching Award. View All News.

  7. Frequently Asked Questions

    Applicants are usually better served by devoting the statement to a description of their research background and interests. However, if your path to applying to the Princeton Department of Physics was unusual or compelling, please feel free to describe it. In any case, your Statement of Purpose should focus on your specific research interests ...

  8. Quantum Science and Engineering PhD Program

    Find full information about the program structure and requirements from Princeton Graduate School. The application for the program can be found through the Graduate School portal.APPLY HEREThe PhD program in Quantum Science and Engineering provides graduate training in a new discipline at the intersection of quantum physics and information theory.

  9. Admissions

    Application Requirements. All applicants must complete a centralized web-based application. The application fee is $75. When applying, select "Program in Plasma Physics" in the "Field of Study" section. The deadline for submitting an application is December 1st. Check the graduate school's application preparation page for detailed requirements.

  10. Student Experience

    Rough estimates of stipends across the graduate school can be found here, although the Physics department often manages to pay more. To be more concrete, on-campus housing ranges from $ 770/month (4-bedroom townhouse) to $ 1,400 (1-bedroom apartment); current housing rates are maintained here. Groceries cost around $300/month if you mostly cook.

  11. Deadlines and Fees

    The application for fall 2025 admission will open on September 15, 2024.Review Graduate School application deadlines and information regarding application fees and waivers. ... Physics; Politics; Princeton School of Public and International Affairs; Quantum Science and Engineering ... Princeton University Graduate School Clio Hall, Princeton ...

  12. Required Tests

    Required for fall 2025 admission : Princeton Plasma Physics: Optional/Not required for fall 2025 admission: Subject test in Physics - Optional/Not required for fall 2025 ... No institution code is required. The address, for identification purposes only, is: Princeton University, Graduate Admission, One Clio Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544. We do NOT ...

  13. Plasma Physics

    Graduate students entering the Program in Plasma Physics spend the first two years in classroom study, acquiring a foundation in the many disciplines that comprise plasma physics: classical and quantum mechanics, electricity and magnetism, fluid dynamics, hydrodynamics, atomic physics, applied mathematics, statistical mechanics, and kinetic ...

  14. Quantum Science and Engineering

    Overview. The program in Quantum Science and Engineering provides graduate training in a new discipline at the intersection of quantum physics and information theory. Just as the 20th century witnessed a technological and scientific revolution ushered in by our newfound understanding of quantum mechanics, the 21st century now offers the promise ...

  15. Application Management

    Application Management Degree Seeking Applicants. The application for fall 2025 will open September 15, 2024. Nondegree Applicants. The applications for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 nondegree programs are now open. ... Princeton University Graduate School Clio Hall, Princeton, NJ, 08544

  16. KB0012497

    Dates Decisions are Released. All admission decisions will be emailed on a rolling basis between January 15 and March 15. If placed on the waitlist, any final decisions will be released no later than April 15. Information about Graduate School application deadlines, fees, refunds and decision dates.

  17. Graduate Admission

    Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination at Princeton University: Princeton University believes that commitment to principles of fairness and respect for all is favorable to the free and open exchange of ideas, and the University seeks to reach out as widely as possible in order to attract the ablest individuals as students, faculty, and staff. In applying this policy, the University is ...

  18. Astrophysical Sciences

    Fundamental concepts are developed with mathematical rigor, and application to the physics of a wide variety of astrophysical systems are made. Topics include magnetohydrodynamics, kinetic theory, waves, instabilities, and turbulence. ... Princeton University Graduate School Clio Hall, Princeton, NJ, 08544 Contact: [email protected] Twitter;

  19. P4

    The P4 (Prospective Physics PhD Preview) program is a transformative workshop that empowers participants to engage in physics research, discover ideal graduate programs, and cultivate a compelling graduate application. Along the way, the P4 Scholars will interact with graduate students, postdocs, and faculty from Princeton's Physics Department.

  20. Physics

    Advanced Physics (Mechanics) Professor/Instructor. PHY105 is an advanced first year course in classical mechanics, taught at a more sophisticated level than PHY103. Care is taken to make the course mathematically self contained, and accessible to the motivated physics student who may not have had exposure to an introductory college level ...

  21. Applied Physics

    Applied Physics - Princeton Engineering. Research in applied physics includes biophysics; fluid mechanics, laser physics, liquids and glasses, optics, photonics, plasma physics, micro- and nano-fabrication and microfluidics, quantum phenomena, semiconductors, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, and transport phenomena.

  22. Admissions

    Admissions is an annual process, with an application deadline of December 15. All applications are submitted online. The elements of the application are: Statement of purpose (research interests and experience, career plans) not to exceed 1,000 words and written in English Academic transcript Curriculum vitae Three letters of recommendation TOEFL.

  23. Office of the Dean for Research

    Peter Schiffer, Princeton's dean for research and the Class of 1909 Professor of Physics, will succeed David McComas as Princeton University's vice president for the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory managed by Princeton University. Schiffer will maintain his dean for research role.

  24. Graduate Program

    Graduate Program. Our Department hosts one of the top graduate programs in astronomy and astrophysics in the world. The most recent Assessment of Doctoral Programs by the National Academy of Sciences ranked Princeton as #1 overall, #1 in Research Activity, and #1 in Student Support and Outcomes. Students have a great deal of freedom to pursue ...