problem solving 6m

Understanding the 6Ms: A Powerful Tool for Root Cause Analysis

Updated: August 18, 2024 by Ken Feldman

problem solving 6m

The 6Ms are a tool that helps you search for the root causes of a problem. The 6Ms are the possible process inputs that you might evaluate and assess in the hopes that, by addressing one or more of them, you will be able to improve your process. In this article, we will define the 6Ms, present a number of variations on this approach, describe the benefits of using the 6M approach, and provide a few hints on how you can successfully use this tool.

Overview: What are the 6 Ms? 

The 6Ms and other similar variations are a tool you can use to categorize your process inputs. The 6Ms are usually used in the context of looking for and finding the possible root cause of your process variation or problems. It’s flexible enough that you can use it in any functional area across myriad applications. 

The format in which you use it will usually be the cause and effect diagram , also known as the Fishbone Diagram or Ishikawa Diagram . The standard format for these diagrams is:

6MS or fishbone diagram

Image source:  M .

Although you will see the 6Ms in different sequences, the definition of the Ms will be the same. The 6Ms are:

  • Method: The process steps you need to produce an output or deliver a service.
  • Machinery: Machines and tools that you need to produce an output or deliver a service.
  • Material: The raw materials, consumables, or assemblies that you need to produce the output or deliver the service.
  • Manpower: The people in your process.
  • Measurement: Data, KPIs, inspection results and any other measures that you take of the process inputs, transformation process, and process outputs. 
  • Mother Nature: Environmental conditions both controllable or random that you have both internal and external to your process.

In some versions of the 6Ms, you will see the word “Milieu” used instead of Mother Nature. While the 6Ms might be a great mnemonic to remember the process elements, today you will often see the 6Ms represented as 3Ms, 2Es, and 1P, which are described as: Method, Equipment, Material, People, Measurement, and Environment. Or you might see the 5Ms and one P where the Machinery and Mother Nature are kept, but Manpower becomes People. Despite the variation in terms and the possible confusion, you can see that the concepts and elements are consistent.

You will also see the use of the 5Ms where Mother Nature is dropped from the list. In Marketing, the 6Ms may be defined as: Market, Message, Media, Money, Manage, and Measurement. In the 8Ms version you might see Management and Maintenance added to the list of 6Ms. 

While you will frequently use the Fishbone diagram in a manufacturing environment, the concept of root cause analysis can apply to non-manufacturing and transactional processes as well. Since Machinery and Material may not be as applicable to a non manufacturing process, you might see the use of People, Policies, Processes, Training, and Communication as the primary bones of the Fishbone Diagram.

Regardless of the words used to describe the process elements, the methodology and approach to searching for root causes remains the same. 

3 benefits of using the 6 Ms 

The simplicity of your use of the 6Ms to search for root causes makes this a very beneficial approach for a number of reasons. 

Provides a framework 

One of the first steps you do when creating a Fishbone Diagram is brainstorming . The 6Ms provides the format and context for what you want to focus on in your brainstorming.

Gives focus 

During a root cause analysis, you may find yourself diverting to topics and discussions that are not relevant to the problem at hand. The use of the 6Ms give you a basis for reining in that discussion and staying on task.

Allows for a deeper dive 

One of the critical steps in doing root cause analysis is to continue to ask the question “what causes that?” This drilling down is what gets you to the real root cause. By drilling down under each of the Ms, you will increase your probability of finding the true root cause. 

Why are the 6 Ms important to understand? 

The 6Ms are the most common format for doing root cause analysis. To properly use a Fishbone Diagram and do root cause analysis, you will want to understand what they mean and how to drill down under each of the Ms. 

Basis for doing root cause analysis

The 6 Ms are the most commonly used terms in the context of doing root cause analysis with a Fishbone or Ishikawa diagram.

Provides broad perspective 

The root cause of a process problem may be due to a combination of factors. By using all 6 Ms for your analysis, you will cover the range of the most likely sources of why something in the process is not working as it should. 

Simplicity of use 

The 6Ms can take a complex problem and break it down into a small number of categories and make it simpler for you to understand the relationship between the process inputs and variables.   

An industry example of the 6 Ms 

The Director of Sales for a large machinery manufacturer noticed an increase in the number of customer complaints about incorrect invoicing coming from the Billing department. Although the company had previously used the 6Ms approach to address manufacturing issues, the Billing department decided to use it for one of their recurring problems. Since most of the employees in the department were female using computers, they decided to change a few titles of the 6Ms by changing Machinery to Equipment, Manpower to People and Mother Nature to Environment.

The team first hung up a large piece of butcher paper on the wall and handed out a package of sticky notes to everyone. The first step was to define the problem in the head of the fish. Using their sticky notes, they brainstormed the possible causes of each M and wrote those on the diagram. 

Drilling down under each M was the next step of the process. The first-level causes and subsequent second-level causes were organized in a hierarchical sequence. Once the same cause started to appear on multiple branches or Ms, they realized that they possibly had their root cause. 

They collected some data to confirm that these were the root causes. The team then developed mitigation and improvement recommendations to reduce the number of invoice errors.

Example of using a 6MS diagram

3 best practices when thinking about the 6 Ms 

Your use of the 6Ms in the context of root cause analysis and a Fishbone Diagram is conceptually simple. There are a few best practices that will help you make your efforts more efficient and productive.

1. Relevancy 

Be sure the terminology of the 6Ms fits the nature of your problem and root cause analysis. This will be more important if you are applying the technique to a non-manufacturing problem. 

2. Keep drilling down 

You will rarely uncover the root cause associated with the 6Ms during your first pass of possible causes. Keep drilling down until the same potential cause starts to appear under multiple M branches. 

3. Keep an open mind 

When you brainstorm your possible root causes, remain open and nonjudgmental to encourage free participation by your team members. Most of the time, the true root cause will not be obvious — otherwise, you would have solved the problem already.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the 6 Ms

What is the purpose of using the 6 ms .

The 6Ms are used to search for the root causes of a process or product problem. A Fishbone Diagram uses the 6Ms as the main branches of the “Fish.”

What do the 6 Ms stand for? 

Although the sequence may vary, the Ms stand for: Machinery, Materials, Methods, Measurement, Manpower, and Mother Nature. 

Can I use the 6 Ms for a non-manufacturing problem? 

Yes, you can use the approach for root cause analysis in any type of function. But, depending on the application, you may want or need to adjust the meanings of the original Ms.

In a nutshell, what are the 6 Ms? 

The 6Ms is a description of the most common process inputs or factors. They are used to help identify the possible root causes of a problem. The Fishbone Diagram is the most common format for the use of the 6 Ms.

The name of the 6M terms may be changed to reflect the specific nature of the process that you are working on. Machinery is often changed to Equipment. Manpower is often changed to People. In non-manufacturing or transactional processes, the 6M terms may be totally discarded and substituted with terms such as Policies, Procedures, Communication, and Training. The name of the term is less important than the process of the root cause analysis.

About the Author

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Ken Feldman

Kaufman Global

6Ms of Production (man, machine, material, method, mother nature and measurement)

The 6Ms of production – Manpower, Method, Machine, Material, Milieu and Measurement – is a mnemonic representing the characteristic dimensions [1] to consider when brainstorming during “cause and effect” problem-solving sessions. Capture and bin the issues (causes) under the 6M categories. Once documented, place the causes according to category on a cause and effect diagram [2] . Develop improvement plans starting with the most significant issues first. When we think in terms of categories, it helps us separate and then rank the specific causes for various effects and problems.

Question: We could use your help – seriously. We (Kaufman Global) get a ton of traffic on this web page – about 5x more traffic on this page than any other. I would appreciate some insight – can you tell me if you searched for a specific term that took you to this page or, if you searched for something else and you somehow landed on this page? Thank you so much for any insight. I can be emailed at [email protected] – Jerry

The 6Ms of Production

6Ms of Production

One important tool in this methodology is an Impact Difficulty Matrix. This technique determines the potential impact of each solution and the difficulty of implementing the solution. By ranking solutions in this way, the easiest to do with the least amount of effort, rise to the top of the list for implementation.

6M Characteristics, Description and Insights:

6Ms of Production Table

[1] In an information economy with knowledge workers, this also comprehends the notion of discrete and / or supporting “service” delivery.

[2] Understanding how these factors impact the process and the establishment of standards are key steps in strengthening production processes. The 6M factors are used to construct cause-and-effect diagrams. Also known as a Fishbone Diagram due to its appearance (or, an Ishikawa Diagram as named after its developer, Kaoru Ishikawa). Example in Figure B below.

Cause and Effect Fishbone Diagram

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Cause & Effect Analysis - 6M


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EdrawMax Fishbone Diagram Maker helps to create specialized fishbone diagram with ease. You can edit the built-in template and design it in your own style. Just give it a shot.

Part 1: What is 6M/6M's?

Part 2: how to use 6m in cause and effect analysis, part 3: examples of 6ms, part 4: definition of 4m/5m/8m.

  • Part 5: More Cause and Effect Diagram Examples [Free Templates Download]

Part 6: Conclusion

6M/6M's is a mnemonic tool used primarily used when it comes to problem-solving or decision making. The Cause and Effect diagram , also known as Fishbone Diagram, proves extremely beneficial when exploring or dissecting any production or industrial operations problems. It is a problem-solving technique that identifies the likely causes of a challenge and undertakes to fix it.

The 6M method encourages people to explore problems in multiple ways.

*If you want to know more cause and effect diagram directly, please click here .

6m method

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1. Download 6M Method template by clicking here for free.

2. Use EdrawMax fishbone diagram maker to open and use this 6M Method template . Download from the button below.

6M method is based on the following parameters:

  • Manpower : Revolves around the operational and functional labor of people involved in the industry's processes. This parameter checks on whether the personnel's technical proficiency and experience are up to standard. Whether the staff has quality consciousness, sense of responsibility and discipline are answered by this 6M method aspect.
  • Machinery : Touches on machines, tools, and other facilities together with their underlying support systems. Is the machinery employed for production capable of delivering the intended output? Are machines and tools well-managed to achieve excellence?
  • Material : Raw materials, components, and consumables management to satisfy production and service delivery. This parameter checks on the correct specification of materials, their proper storage, labeling, and subsequent usage.
  • Method : Production and support processes and their application or contribution to service delivery. Does any of the methods relied on in your processes have too many steps and integral activities that don't add value to the whole system?
  • Mother-nature : Considers both controllable and unpredictable environmental influences in the operation processes. Weather and other natural events fall into this category. It makes it easy to take note of the many environmental factors that are manageable under ardent considerations and how to handle those that are not.
  • Measurement : Inspection, evaluation, and other physical measures – whether manual or automatic. Staying keen about calibration errors and other measurement challenges to avoid inconsistencies becomes important under this parameter.

The 6M Method in Ishikawa Diagram centers on a problem and explores its prospective causes to solve it and foster wholesome operations. Also known as Fishbone Diagram (due to its appearance) or Ishikawa Diagram (named after its developer), the mnemonic representation of the characteristic dimensions to contemplate when brainstorming is indisputably significant during problem-solving sessions. The 6M Method encourages the capturing and assorting of challenging issues under the 6M categories.

6m method

Click on the picture to see more fishbone diagram templates.

Once an issue is captured and documented, the causes are placed according to the Cause and Effect diagram categories. This model encourages management to view problems in multiple ways. Classifying the causes shouldn't plunge you into indecisiveness. When a single cause seems to fall into different categories, take a quick vote where to group the cause and move on improvement plans.

Improvement plans you agree on should start with the most significant issues first. The 6M Ishikawa Diagram plays an important role here as it helps separate the causes and improvement plans into categories and even rank them in terms of importance.

Efficient Fishbone Diagram Maker >>

  • Superior file compatibility: Import and export drawings to various file formats, such as Visio
  • Cross-platform supported (Windows, Mac, Linux, Web)

The 6Ms in Cause and Effect Analysis is a multi-facet approach to solving every organization’s or industry’s problem by subjecting it to thorough and balanced considerations. The following examples depict how useful the method can prove in solving issues for smooth operations.

6Ms in Manufacturing

  • Method : Specific regulations or policies causing slow-downs in processes.
  • Mother Nature (Environment) : There is too much moisture in the environment; Temperatures are too cold affecting other production processes
  • Manpower (People Power) : Training new people adequately; Ensuring training is consistent.
  • Measurement : The equipment is regularly calibrated and maintained to avoid errors in calculations or contaminations that result in false readings.
  • Machine : Maintenance issues with tools used and the number available for operations.
  • Materials : Any issues are getting raw materials from suppliers or transport challenges recorded—problems with the quality of supplies.

6Ms in Marketing

  • Market : Identify the target market to achieve marketing goals while saving costs and time.
  • Message : The right message that differentiates your brand among its competitors.
  • Media : Which media and mechanism would be most successful in getting your message out?
  • Money : With the market and message to be communicated clearly defined and the medium to pass information outlined, set a budget for marketing and allocate money.
  • Manage : Execute your plan. Everyone involved should have a plan with set timelines to get everything done.
  • Measurement : Monitor the results from all your marketing efforts and streamline the whole process to consistently yield the right number and type of leads.

4M is a typical structure utilized in problem-solving methods by first pointing potential causes of production issues. Most organizations are familiar with this concept that makes every associate a confident problem-solver within a firm.

The 4Ms stand for Man (Manpower), Machine, Material and Method. Refer to their illustrations above. Other M's have sometimes been added to the full effect of the Ishikawa Diagram.


5M Method is based on five causes. This version of the Fishbone Diagram is a versatile method used to identify causes or risks, inefficiency, low quality, and other business processes issues. It adds the Management aspect to 4Ms.


The problem causes in the 8M Cause and Effect Analysis diagram are often categorized as Man (Manpower), Machine, Material, Method, Management, Mother Nature (Environment), Measurement, and Maintenance. The 8ms lists factors or causes all affecting the main problem in one drawing for in-depth analysis.


Part 5: More Cause and Effect Diagram Examples

Example 1: Ishikawa Diagram Using 6M

Ishikawa diagram examines a broad set of possible causes of a problem for the issue to be analyzed. These are referred to as the 6Ms – Methods, Machines, Materials, Measurements, Mother Nature, and Manpower in the manufacturing industry.

Ishikawa Diagram Using 6M

Example 2: 4S Model

In the service industry, the categories are mostly referred to as 4S:

Surroundings – Is your firm projecting the right image? Is it impersonal?

Suppliers – Do you have any problems with low-quality material deliveries? Are there any issues delivering service?

Systems – Are there good policies and procedures in place for all scenarios?

Skill – Do employees have adequate experience? Are they adequately trained?

4S Model

Example 3: 7Ps Model

In the marketing industry, the Cause and Effect diagram often consists of 7Ps. These relate to Product, People, Process/Procedure, Promotion, Price, Packaging, and Plant.

7Ps Model

Example 4: Reasons for Employee Resignation

In this Cause and Effect diagram example, we have tried to diagnose the various reasons for an employee’s resignation.

Apart from the 6 major factors, we have considered other scenarios like salary, work environment, health, residence, management, workload, and other factors. All these factors have been further explored, considering the possible causes for employee resignation and their effects.

Reasons for Employee Resignation

Example 5: Results of an Academic Record

In next Cause and Effect diagram, you can explore the numerous possibilities for one’s academic results. In this, we have considered things like one’s learning abilities, teaching, learning strategies as well as intelligent and non-intelligent factors that can affect their result.

Results of an Academic Record

Example 6: Low Customer Satisfaction Fishbone Diagram

Lastly, you can check the Cause and Effect diagram for low customer satisfaction. Ideally, things like high price, low-quality product, poor customer support, and management are some of the major causes of the lack of customer satisfaction. All these causes are further explored in this Low Customer Satisfaction fishbone diagram.

Low Customer Satisfaction Fishbone Diagram

That’s a wrap, everyone! After reading this post, you would be able to know more about the Cause and Effect analysis in detail. To help you come up with informative Cause and Effect diagrams, I have included the 6M analysis plan as well. You can also work on any Cause and Effect diagram by using a reliable and user-friendly diagramming tool like EdrawMax .

Cause and Effect Diagrams make it easy to examine a problem in production or service delivery processes by organizing the potential causes into smaller categories. Thus, it becomes simpler understanding the relationship between contributing factors. The best practices in Fishbone Diagram entail identifying the problem, brainstorming, drawing the backbone, adding causes and effects, analyzing the information to come to solutions fortified by creating action items.

One of the best ways to gain from 6M insights is by using the 6Ms approach as a spine on the Fishbone Diagram and then ask the five why's to narrow down the potential root cause. Remember the 6 elements contribute to variation in all processes, but none of the M's is unduly influencing the process when you have a bell-shaped curve.

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How to Create a Cause and Effect Diagram

Cause and Effect Diagram Examples

5W1H Method

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Guide: Fishbone Diagram

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Author: Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft is an experienced continuous improvement manager with a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and a Bachelor's degree in Business Management. With more than ten years of experience applying his skills across various industries, Daniel specializes in optimizing processes and improving efficiency. His approach combines practical experience with a deep understanding of business fundamentals to drive meaningful change.

The Fishbone Diagram, also known by various other names such as Ishikawa Diagram, Cause and Effect Diagram or 6Ms, is a visual tool used in problem-solving and root cause analysis . Originating from the quality management sector, it is used as a systematic approach to identify, explore, and display possible causes of a specific problem.

What is a Fishbone Diagram?

The Fishbone Diagram is a graphical tool used for identifying and organizing possible causes of a specific problem or outcome. The diagram resembles the skeletal structure of a fish, hence its name. At the “head” of the fish is the problem you’re trying to solve, and the “bones” branching off the spine are the multiple potential causes contributing to that problem.

The benefit of a Fishbone Diagram lies in its simplicity. It gives you a structured way to brainstorm and categorize the various factors affecting a specific issue. The diagram can get as detailed as you need it to be, allowing for sub-causes to branch off the main causes, offering even deeper insights.

The Components of a Fishbone Diagram

Head : The fish’s head represents the problem or effect you’re analyzing.

Spine : The long, horizontal line connecting to the head serves as the timeline or sequence of the problem.

Bones : These are the categories of potential causes. They branch off the spine, leading towards the head.

Sub-Bones : These are the more specific factors or sub-causes that stem from the main categories.

Fishbone diagram Lean Six SIgma Tool Ishikawa Diagrams Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Fish Bone Diagram Ishikawa Diagram Cause and Effect Diagram

Why Use a Fishbone Diagram?

The Fishbone Diagram is a flexible tool that can be used for a range of applications. Here’s why it’s so useful:

1. Easy Visualization:

One of the primary advantages of using a Fishbone Diagram is its ability to simplify complex problems. With all potential causes visually represented in one place, it becomes easier to analyze and discuss the issues.

2. Team Collaboration:

The Fishbone Diagram is excellent for brainstorming sessions. It encourages team members to think critically and contributes to a shared understanding of the problem. It’s collaborative by design, allowing for the collective intelligence of the group to shine.

3. Root Cause Analysis:

Identifying symptoms of a problem is one thing; uncovering the root cause is another. The Fishbone Diagram excels at this by forcing you to dig deep into various contributing factors. By isolating these causes, you’re better positioned to find a lasting solution.

By using a Fishbone Diagram, you’re not just addressing a problem with a short-term fix; you’re conducting a thorough investigation to eliminate issues from the root up.

How to Create a Fishbone Diagram: A Detailed Guide

Creating a Fishbone Diagram might seem like a daunting task, but it’s actually a straightforward process. Here, we’ll break down each step in detail to ensure you can construct a Fishbone Diagram that serves its purpose effectively.

Materials You’ll Need:

  • A whiteboard or large sheet of paper
  • Markers or pens
  • Sticky notes (optional)
  • A team of people for brainstorming

Step 1: Identify the Problem

The first and most crucial step is to clearly identify the problem you’re trying to solve. This statement should be specific and concise. Write this problem statement at the far right side of your whiteboard or paper, as it will serve as the “head” of your fishbone diagram.

  • Use data to define the problem whenever possible.
  • Make sure the problem is mutually understood and agreed upon by all team members.

Step 2: Determine the Main Categories

Now, draw a horizontal line from the problem statement towards the left side of the board. This is the “spine” of your fish. Next, you’ll identify the major categories of causes that could be contributing to the problem. These categories will serve as the main “bones” branching off from the spine.

Common categories often include:

  • Measurement
  • Environment
  • The categories can be industry-specific or general, depending on the problem you’re analyzing.
  • Aim for 4-6 main categories for better manageability.

Step 3: Brainstorm Causes

Once you’ve determined the main categories, it’s time to brainstorm potential causes for each category. These causes will be the smaller “bones” that branch off from the main bones. If you’re working with a team, this is an excellent time for a brainstorming session.

  • Use sticky notes to write down ideas so you can easily move them around.
  • Encourage every team member to contribute; sometimes the most unexpected insights come from diverse perspectives.

The output of the root cause analysis at this point may look something like the below example. With the lack of preventative maintenance being explored with the 5Whys analysis.

A3 Structured Problem Solving - Step 3 - Fishbone Diagram

Step 4: Dig Deeper with Sub-Causes

Sometimes, the primary causes can be broken down into smaller, more specific sub-causes. This is where the “ 5 Whys ” technique can be beneficial. For each primary cause, ask “Why?” up to five times to dig deeper into the root of the issue.

5 Whys Analysis Tree

  • Not all primary causes will need sub-causes; use your discretion.
  • Keep the diagram organized to ensure readability.

Step 5: Analyze and Take Action

After all the causes and sub-causes have been identified, it’s time to analyze the Fishbone Diagram as a team. Highlight or circle the causes that seem most likely to be contributing to the problem. These are the areas that will need immediate attention and action.

  • Use data or evidence to support your conclusions.
  • Create an action plan assigning responsibility for each highlighted cause.

And there you have it! You’ve successfully created a Fishbone Diagram that will help you get to the root of your problem.

problem solving 6m

Examples and Case Studies: Understanding Fishbone Diagrams in Action

Case study: manufacturing unit with quality issues.

Imagine you run a manufacturing unit, and you’ve been receiving complaints about the quality of your products. You decide to use a Fishbone Diagram to get to the root of the issue.

Step 1: Identify the Problem Problem Statement: “High number of defective products in the last quarter.”

Step 2: main categories.

  • People : Untrained staff, high employee turnover
  • Process : Inconsistent quality checks, outdated SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)
  • Equipment : Aged machinery, lack of maintenance
  • Environment : Poor lighting, extreme temperature fluctuations

Step 4: Dig Deeper (5 Whys)

  • Untrained Staff : Why? No formal training program.
  • Aged Machinery : Why? No budget allocated for equipment upgrades.

After analyzing the Fishbone Diagram, you realize that untrained staff and aged machinery are your primary culprits. Your next steps could involve investing in staff training programs and allocating budget for machinery upgrades.

By following these steps, you can develop targeted strategies to improve product quality significantly.

Common Mistakes and Tips: How to Make the Most of Your Fishbone Diagram

1. overlooking minor causes.

While it’s easy to focus on the most glaring issues, minor causes can accumulate and have a significant impact.

Tip : Don’t disregard a cause just because it seems minor. Sometimes, fixing smaller issues can lead to big improvements.

2. Ignoring Data

It’s tempting to rely solely on brainstorming and intuition, but data should be your guiding star.

Tip : Use metrics and KPIs to support or refute the causes you’ve identified. This adds credibility to your findings and helps you prioritize effectively.

3. Stopping at Symptoms

Identifying symptoms is just the first step; your ultimate goal should be to uncover the root causes.

Tip : Use techniques like the “5 Whys” to dig deeper into each cause and ensure you’re addressing the root of the issue, not just its manifestations.

Fishbone Diagrams are a fantastic asset in the toolbox of anyone interested in continuous improvement. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just getting started, this simple yet powerful tool can help you dissect complex problems and develop targeted solutions.

They encourage you to look beyond the obvious and delve into the intricacies that contribute to each problem. So go ahead, grab that pen and paper (or a whiteboard, if you’re feeling fancy), and start your journey towards effective problem-solving.

  • Ilie, G. and Ciocoiu, C.N., 2010. Application of fishbone diagram to determine the risk of an event with multiple causes.   Management research and practice ,  2 (1), pp.1-20.
  • Coccia, M., 2018. The Fishbone diagram to identify, systematize and analyze the sources of general purpose Technologies.   Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences ,  4 (4), pp.291-303.

Q: What is the origin of the Fishbone Diagram?

A: The Fishbone Diagram was originally developed by Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa, a Japanese quality control statistician, in the 1960s. It’s also sometimes referred to as the Ishikawa Diagram in his honor.

Q: Can Fishbone Diagrams be used for non-manufacturing problems?

A: Absolutely! While Fishbone Diagrams are popular in manufacturing and quality management, their application is not limited to these areas. They can be used in healthcare, software development, event planning, and even for personal problem-solving.

Q: How many main categories should my Fishbone Diagram have?

A: The number of main categories can vary depending on the complexity of the problem. However, it’s generally advisable to have between 4-6 main categories for easier analysis and readability.

Q: Can I use software to create a Fishbone Diagram?

A: Yes, there are several software tools available for creating Fishbone Diagrams, such as Microsoft Visio, Lucidchart, and various other project management software options. However, a simple pen and paper or a whiteboard can be just as effective for smaller teams or simpler problems.

Q: How do I know which causes to prioritize after creating a Fishbone Diagram?

A: After creating your Fishbone Diagram, you should analyze it with your team to identify the most likely root causes of the problem. Using data to support your conclusions can be very helpful. You may also employ techniques like the Pareto Analysis to prioritize causes based on their impact.

Picture of Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft

Hi im Daniel continuous improvement manager with a Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma and over 10 years of real-world experience across a range sectors, I have a passion for optimizing processes and creating a culture of efficiency. I wanted to create Learn Lean Siigma to be a platform dedicated to Lean Six Sigma and process improvement insights and provide all the guides, tools, techniques and templates I looked for in one place as someone new to the world of Lean Six Sigma and Continuous improvement.

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6M Fishbone Analysis: Diagram Definition, Explanation, and Templates

There are benefits of using quality tools such as 6M analysis for an individual or organization. The primary purpose of having a 6M analysis is to identify the cause and effect of why an event is happening through a diagram. Managers, organizations, or even typical individuals utilize this tool to overview the situation. With it, you can look at the problems in multiple ways to gain clarity and make wise decisions.

Bear in mind that a single cause may fall into various categories. Speaking of categories, it allows you to rank and separate the specific causes for an in-depth overview of the effects and problems. In this case, the 6M fishbone approach is of great help. In this post, you will have a deep understanding of what 6M analysis is, how it is valuable, and how you can make one for your decision-making. Keep reading to get the needed information.

6M Method

6M Root Cause Analysis in Lean Six Sigma. Everything to Know

April 1st, 2024

Over 20 years of experience applying Six Sigma principles across industries, I have conducted countless root cause analysis utilizing various methodologies. 

One such approach that I have leveraged is the 6M Root Cause Analysis technique. 

Machines, Materials, Methods, Manpower, Measurement, and Mother Nature provide an intuitive framework for categorizing inputs based on potential factors contributing to process variation.

Key Highlights

  • The 6Ms refer to six key inputs that contribute to process variation : Machinery, Manpower, Materials, Methods, Measurement, and Mother Nature
  • Categorizing causal factors into the 6Ms provides an intuitive framework for structured brainstorming and analysis
  • The approach helps identify root causes by mapping relationships in an Ishikawa/fishbone diagram
  • Drilling down under each Ms category uncovers hidden sources of problems
  • While utilized in manufacturing, 6Ms adapts well to service, transactional, and administrative processes
  • An impact-difficulty matrix can help focus on remediation efforts for most ROI
  • For optimal outcomes, verify root causes with data before implementing corrective actions
  • Practitioners should refine the 6Ms method based on learnings from completed analyses

This article will explore an overview of the 6M Root Cause Analysis, including its origin and evolution from the foundational principles established by pioneers like Kaoru Ishikawa. 

We will explore the mechanics of constructing a 6Ms fishbone diagram to map different causes and drill down to the root sources of quality excursions. 

Whether the challenge resides within manufacturing plant floors or informational business processes, the adaptable 6Ms approach facilitates a comprehensive interrogation of inputs to diagnose and remedy issues. 

Equipped with this understanding, continuous improvement practitioners can further enrich their causal analysis toolkits to drive transformations.

Introduction to Root Cause Analysis

As an industrial engineer and statistician by training who has led optimization efforts across global corporations, I recognize the major impact that a root cause analysis can have. 

Before exploring the versatile 6Ms approach, review foundational concepts and alternative causal analysis techniques.

Types of Causal Analysis

5 whys methodology.

This iterative interrogation method identifies root causes by repeatedly asking “Why?” 5 times .

Each answer forms the basis of the next why question until the source is revealed. While simple in premise, it tests assumptions and deepens understanding.

Pareto Analysis

This statistical approach leverages the Pareto principle that 80% of problems stem from 20% of causes. By quantifying and ranking issues, efforts can concentrate on high-impact vital sources. 

Graphical Pareto charts visually depict the disproportionate influence of certain factors.

Benefits of Root Cause Analysis

Whether through 5 Whys, Pareto analysis, or the 6Ms, causal analysis generates breakthrough improvements by fundamentally addressing problems versus merely treating surface symptoms. 

This analytical approach directly enhances quality, reliability, and profitability metrics that underpin competitive advantage.

Additionally, the collaborative process of mapping relationships through tools like cause-and-effect diagrams builds shared understanding between functions. This lays the cultural foundation for preventing future issues.

Fishbone Diagram

We will delve deeper into the prevalent Ishikawa or fishbone diagram which offers a structured graphical approach for categorizing the many potential and hidden causes affecting processes. The versatile 6Ms method leverages this visual format to relate causes to the core problem.

Deepen your understanding of root cause analysis techniques with our comprehensive Green Belt training.

Overview of the 6M Root Cause Analysis

While many causal analysis tools exist, the 6Ms approach holds a special place in every Master Black Belt’s toolkit. Its simplicity, adaptability, and completeness uniquely equip the methodology to diagnose the drivers of process variation. Let us explore the anatomy of the 6Ms.

Defining the 6M of Root Cause Analysis

The 6Ms encompass six fundamental inputs that impact manufacturing and service delivery processes. Kaoru Ishikawa standardized these categories while pioneering quality management principles that remain foundational today.

Machinery : Any equipment, production tools, or facility systems involved in operations Manpower : The human resources conducting and managing process execution Materials : Components, consumables, and raw input materials flowing through the process Methods : Specific procedures followed to transform inputs into outputs Measurements : Metrics, inspection readings, instrumentation, and data generated to assess quality Mother Nature : External environmental conditions that can influence process stability

While terminology permutations exist across industries, these six elements comprehensively map the key variables affecting processes.

5 Ms + 1P Variation

A popular variation replaces Mother Nature with “Process” itself as the sixth factor. This firmly widens the scope to include aspects like process flow , plant layout, production sequencing, etc. 

The approach also frequently substitutes “People” for “Manpower” and “Equipment” for “Machinery” to reflect modern sensibilities.

Origins and History of the 6M of Root Cause Analysis

The pioneering quality guru Kaoru Ishikawa first outlined the 6Ms in the 1960s while developing cause-and-effect and fishbone diagrams. 

As companies adopted these analytical tools, the versatile 6Ms cemented as standard inputs when troubleshooting issues to pinpoint root causes. 

Iterations like the 5Ms and 1P demonstrate the flexibility of the approach to adapt to specific needs. Nonetheless, the methodical ethos of interrogating key process contributors persists as the framework’s core.

Learn how to apply the 6M approach effectively in various business contexts with our Lean Fundamentals course.

Using the 6M for Root Cause Analysis

While understanding the backbone of the 6Ms is crucial, its true value manifests while actively diagnosing problems. Let us walk through utilizing the approach for root cause analysis .

Building a Fishbone Diagram

The intuitive visual construct of a fishbone diagram lends itself perfectly to categorizing causes within our 6Ms framework. The problem statement acts as the “head” while each Ms branch composes a “bone” seeking respective sources.

Brainstorming Causes

With the diagram in place, cross-functional teams can brainstorm factors that may contribute to process instability across all Ms branches. The structured format with pre-defined categories stimulates ideas that may otherwise remain hidden without this prompting.

Categorizing Issues

As numerous hypotheses emerge, the team catalogs each cause under the appropriate 6Ms branch. If ambiguity exists, quick voting can determine placement before resuming brainstorming. This organization reveals trends within certain domains.

Drilling Down into Causes

The most fertile territory lies in the deeper roots where few have dug before. Leveraging the 5 Whys approach , the team drills down repeatedly to unravel root causes. When similar suspects arise across multiple branches, pay extra attention to potential smoking guns.

Determining Root Causes  

Vet and prioritize all hypothesized causes until primary root cause candidates rise to the forefront for each 6Ms branch. Gather validation data before pursuing any one root issue to prevent resource squandering.  

Verifying with Data  

While speculative causes should undergo initial vetting earlier, extensive analysis should follow to definitively pinpoint a significant few vital root issues. 

Funnel efforts into what the data substantiates rather than assumptions alone. This prevents wasting resources on superficial factors versus high-impact causes requiring remedy.

Applying 6M Root Cause Analysis to Manufacturing

While originally developed for manufacturing environments, the ubiquity and flexibility of the 6Ms framework enable adaptation across functions. Nonetheless, its ability to handle complexity at scale remains a cornerstone application for process improvement practitioners.

Production Line Methods

The structured workflow mandated by production lines introduces risks of variability being introduced and propagated. 

The 6Ms analysis can assess if procedures are overly complex, machines are adequately capable of meeting takt time , inspection systems provide actionable data, and environmental conditions meet operating parameters.

Machine Maintenance

As the backbones of manufacturing ops, machines both influence and are influenced by upstream and downstream processes. The 6Ms lens evaluates age, condition, calibration standards, PM rigor , utilization levels, and capability gaps that may manifest as a quality variation.

Raw Material Quality

Input material integrity affects process stability and output quality. The 6Ms will trace inconsistencies back to supplier QA programs, handling, inspection methods, storage conditions, and formulation changes that bleed impacts.

Operator Skills

Frontline personnel directly or indirectly influence production, whether through operation, maintenance, or quality assurance. The 6Ms weigh their proficiencies, knowledge, and experience levels that could contribute to deviations.

Measurement Procedures

Sensors and analytics serve as the eyes and ears providing actionable visibility. The 6Ms evaluate risks of bias, imprecision, uncertainty, latency, and veracity of data streams fueling decision loops.

Environmental Conditions

Cleanrooms to chemical plants mandate stringent ambient parameter compliance. Temperature, humidity, atmosphere, vibration, etc. represent considerations within the 6Ms arena both for facilities and utility systems.

While exhaustive analysis requires blurring the borders between branches, the 6Ms structure accelerates framing the problem space. This omnibus approach prevents overlooking blindspots plaguing narrowly targeted efforts. 

Manufacturing staples like TPM and Kaizen enrich remediation insights during and post-6Ms activities.

Applying 6M Root Cause Analysis to Other Domains

While the 6Ms originated from manufacturing environments, its flexibility enables adaptation across other functions lacking direct types of machinery and materials. The technique can diagnose process variability within service operations, administrative workflows, and creative endeavors.

Adapting Methodology

Thoughtful tuning of terminology and perspective broadens the 6Ms beyond production lines. “Equipment” and “People” can substitute “Machinery” and “Manpower” while “Processes” captures workflows. Categorizing contributor types remains central to the refined framework.

Service Delivery Processes

The 6Ms lens can scrutinize variability within service interactions, whether in healthcare, hospitality, or professional services. It weighs procedure consistency, staff skills, data transparency, customer acuity variances, and environmental factors driving execution excellence.

Information Systems

Even virtualized environments interacting with informational systems have relevant analogues for each Ms branch. The methodology evaluates computational capacities, system resources, data integrity, codebases, infrastructure robustness, and external dependencies that could undermine stability.

Marketing Mix

While lackadaisical marketing may not cause catastrophic failures, the 6Ms approach can optimize campaign effectiveness and ROI. 

It examines channel selection, offers structuring, metrics visibility, budget allocation, partner coordination, and contextual influences that could enable or hinder resonating with audiences.

The versatility of the 6Ms to not only understand but also actively improve processes indeed spans far beyond the factory floor. 

While traditional terminology assumes a manufacturing backdrop, adaptation to match specific environments puts the tool’s utility within reach for knowledge workers.

Discover how to adapt and apply the 6M analysis across various industries with our advanced Black Belt training.

Keys to Success with 6M Root Cause Analysis

While the 6Ms provide an intuitive checklist for structuring root cause analysis, proper application and mindset tuning unlock their full potential. 

Based on extensive practitioner experience, the following keys set the table for 6Ms excellence.

Asking Why Repeatedly

The “ 5 Whys ” philosophy suggesting iterating to root levels applies perfectly to drilling down within the 6Ms branches. Assess each cause through recursive questioning to unravel the deepest underlying contributors.

Updating with New Learnings

Just as processes evolve, so too should refresh the 6Ms framework with additional categories as new process knowledge comes to light through completed analyses.

Ensuring Proper Categorization

As the 6Ms structure seeds the diagram’s construct, judiciously map causes to appropriate branches. If ambiguity exists, democratically vote to maintain momentum.

Considering All Inputs

A common pitfall lies in overlooking certain inputs during the brainstorming. 

However, actively hypothesizing potential factors across the wide 6Ms landscape guards against confirmation bias and premature assumptions around root issues.

While formal procedures govern the application, injecting these foundational principles into the 6Ms drives optimal analytical outcomes. Adopting this comprehensive mindset and regularly revisiting assumptions ushers full benefits.

Conclusion & Next Steps

As we bring this exploration of the versatile 6Ms methodology to a close, let us recap key insights and opportunities to enrich future causal analysis efforts.

Summary of the 6M Root Cause Analysis

The elegance of the 6Ms lies in its simplicity and comprehensiveness for categorizing the broad range of process variables that contribute to outcomes. 

Whether applied in manufacturing or technical and creative domains, the structured decomposition empowers deeply focused diagnosis.

Importance of Quality Improvement

By methodically considering equipment, talent, materials, procedures, data, and environmental factors influencing processes, the 6Ms approach structures discoveries of significant root causes underlying quality issues. 

Targeted remediation of vital inputs then uplifts stability.

Areas for Further Analysis

While powerfully employing the 6Ms as part of a broader analytical toolkit along with data-driven hypothesis validation unlocks maximal benefits. Furthermore, adapting the framing for specific process types can improve relevance. 

Continued evolution of the approach will drive ever more incisive insights.

I hope this guide has enriched your understanding of the 6Ms framework thus empowering your continuous improvement initiatives with a sharpened causal analysis toolkit. Please reach out with any other questions as we collectively elevate our practice. offers both Live Virtual classes as well as Online Self-Paced training. Most option includes access to the same great Master Black Belt instructors that teach our World Class in-person sessions. Sign-up today!

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Understanding the 6Ms of Process Control

Murray Headshot G

An Ishikawa or fishbone diagram is a tool commonly used to brainstorm potential causes as part of a problem-solving process. At the head of the fish is the problem, while each bone represents a category of contributing factors.  

These categories are based on the 6Ms of process control, also called the 6Ms of production or problem-solving.  

Here we break down the 6Ms, plus a technique we use at The Luminous Group for using this tool to go beyond root cause analysis to foster process excellence.   

Download your free Ultimate Guide to Layered Process Audits for a powerful strategy to reduce defects, complaints and quality costs

What Are the 6Ms?

The 6Ms of process control are a framework for categorizing process inputs that could be causes of a quality problem. When variation exists in these process inputs, quality problems are more likely to occur. When the 6Ms of a process are stable as intended, quality issues can be prevented. The 6Ms are:  

  • Man (People)  
  • Mother Nature (Environment)  
  • Measurement

1. Man (People)

This category refers to variation in human behavior, whether it’s variation in worker behavior over time or different techniques used among multiple people. For example, two people using the same work method may perform a process differently if one is tired, works too fast, gets distracted or had different training.  

Machine refers to variation in equipment operation. For instance, perhaps due to normal wear and tear on a machine, it no longer drills a hole in a part where it should be.   

Variation in methods themselves shouldn’t typically occur once you have the procedure documented. Variation in how operators perform methods would be categorized under People.    

In some cases, methods can vary when different work instructions are used to create similar parts for different clients. This situation would warrant considering whether operators are using the right method or were provided with sufficient training to be competent.  

4. Mother Nature (Environment)

Environmental conditions can affect equipment performance as well as the stability of raw materials, making it an important source of variation to consider when evaluating quality problems. For example, high temperatures in the work area can cause distortion in some parts. Polymer pellets are also a good example, where high or low humidity can impact the drying process.     

5. Material

While manufacturers expect raw materials to conform to requirements, supplier-related quality issues are common and should be evaluated during the problem-solving process. Material-related variation can happen, for example, if a product is labeled incorrectly, or if the incorrect parts or material were brought to the assembly line, or if the supplier has a known history of quality issues.   

6. Measurement

Variation in measurements includes how measurements are taken as well as the accuracy of measurement equipment. For instance, if a gauge isn’t in good condition, it might not provide the right value. This makes it difficult to spot non-conforming parts or even make conforming parts appear as suspect or scrap.  

The 7th M: Management

One final M that manufacturers are starting to incorporate into their problem-solving processes is management. In some instances, management can unintentionally cause unwanted variation, or cause a problem via omitting a needed action.       

For example, let’s say during a 5 Whys analysis that you find out a machine wasn’t maintained properly because you’ve lost two operators and management hasn’t hired replacements. In this case, management not meeting its responsibility is the contributing factor that needs to be addressed.  

Using the 6Ms to Define What Needs to Go Right

While the 6Ms are typically used in the context of root cause analysis, manufacturers can also use them to define what needs to be done right. Consider what would happen, for instance, if elements from each of the 6Ms are slightly off, but not out of conformance. Maybe the machine is a little worn and not advancing fully, or the operator is slightly off in how they load the part. All it takes is slightly more variation or a stack-up of variation factors to cause a quality problem.    

The 6Ms can help you think about how you can drive all of that variation to zero, helping improve metrics such as defective parts per million (DPPM) and first-pass yield (FPY). Proactive companies take time to research and define these conditions, rather than just reacting to problems.   

Running what-if scenarios can be helpful here, such as asking what happens if an operator retires. What elements must you check to make sure the new employee is doing the right things to prevent variation? Another powerful what-if is to ask what has to be done or checked after a power brown-out or power disruption. It’s better to have a contingency plan in your back pocket than to scramble after the customer files a complaint.  

The 6Ms are a useful tool for exploring the cause of a problem, as well as a proactive planning tool for defining the conditions required for process excellence. Know that the 6Ms aren’t always cut and dried, so you don’t want to get hung up on which category a cause goes into. The important thing is to have a conversation about it with the people closest to the job, so you can create controls to prevent it and build layered process audit questions to verify your most risky 6M factors.  

Take the next step in your LPA journey with the The Ultimate Guide to LPAs

This ebook contains 93-pages of exclusive content from layered process audit professionals including tips and tricks, real life examples, checklists and expert advice.

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What is Ishikawa Diagram? Get to know the 6 M’s of production

What is Ishikawa Diagram? Get to know the 6 M’s of production

This guide helps you to learn about what is the ishikawa diagram, the 6 m's of production and the steps to create your own diagram..

Published on October 27, 2017

Updated on June 29, 2022

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How to Use a Fishbone Diagram: 9 Cause and Effect Templates

How to Use a Fishbone Diagram: 9 Cause and Effect Templates

Written by: Raja Mandal

How to Use a Fishbone Diagram

A fishbone diagram is undoubtedly one of the best tools to find and visualize the root cause of any problem. But, how do you use it? Though it's an incredibly useful diagram, you might find it challenging to use due to its complex structure.

Go through the article carefully to get the most out of a fishbone diagram.

Here’s a short selection of 8 easy-to-edit fishbone diagram templates you can edit, share and download with Visme. View more templates below:

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Table of Contents

What is a fishbone diagram, components of a fishbone diagram, types of fishbone diagrams, how to use a fishbone diagram, 9 cause and effect templates you can use.

A fishbone diagram , also known as cause and effect diagrams, Ishikawa diagram and Herringbone diagram, is a visualization tool used to find the root cause of a problem.

It helps you group all the potential causes of a problem in a structured way to find the ultimate cause of your problem. Kaoru Ishikawa invented this diagram in the 1960s to use as a quality control tool at the University of Tokyo.

Today, the diagram has become much more versatile than just quality control. Here are some of the use cases of a fishbone diagram:

  • Brainstorming the causes of a problem to find the root cause
  • Addressing complex problems
  • Improving a process
  • Streamlining reflective analysis
  • Future planning for desired outcomes

To leverage this amazing tool, you need to understand each of its components first. As the name suggests, the fishbone diagram is the side view of a fish skeleton.

A fishbone diagram always includes:

  • Head: The "head" of the skeleton, shown on the right, depicts the problem
  • Spine: One or more significant bones extended on the left to show the causes
  • Bones: The ribs denote categories or classifications of causes
  • Additional Spaces/Lines: The ribs further branch out into causes and sub causes

Many types of fishbone diagrams are available, but no single diagram can apply to every situation. Choosing the right type of fishbone diagram is always the key. Here are the four most popular fishbone diagrams that you can use:

The Simple Fishbone Diagram

The simple or classic fishbone diagram is one of the most basic and popular diagrams with no predetermined affinities or categories. You can create the affinities according to your organization or industry.

That means, instead of starting with preset categories we will discuss below, you can start by thinking of your own.

The 4S Fishbone Diagram

This fishbone diagram lets you categorize information about potential causes into four common categories:

  • Surroundings: The external environment of your business, including customers and suppliers
  • Systems: The internal processes you use to serve customers or deliver products or services
  • Skills: The individual competencies that are required to do your job well
  • Suppliers: These include employees, suppliers, contractors and partners who collaborate with the company on projects related to its products and services

Though any industry can use this diagram, the service industry can get the most out of it.

8P Fishbone Diagram

The 8P Fishbone Diagram is a visual way to consider your business in terms of the activities, products and processes that support it. The diagram examines and breaks down the interdependencies between these three things.

The diagram derived its name from the eight categories; it begins with "P."

The 8Ps are:

  • Procedures: What do you need to do for your company to operate
  • Policies: What are the rules and regulations established by your company?
  • Place: Where does your company operate from?
  • Product: What type of products will your company sell?
  • People: Who are your employees or employees who work for you?
  • Processes: How do you get things done in your organization
  • Price: How much should you charge for your products and services?
  • Promotion: What promotions do you run throughout the year (including sales)

The 6M Fishbone Diagram

The 6M fishbone diagram is a visual way to organize and evaluate information about a project. It’s used for projects that are not yet finished but are still in the planning phase.

If you've been around the construction site, you probably know about this fishbone diagram. This is typically used when a team has to break tasks down into smaller parts identified by the 6M fishbone diagram.

The 6Ms are:

  • Method: The processes that you go through to produce an output
  • Machine: Tools and machines that you use
  • Material: The consumables, raw materials or assemblies
  • Manpower: Employees, leaders and all the people involved in the process
  • Measurement: Measurements that you take of the inputs and outputs
  • Mother Nature: Internal and external environmental conditions in the process

Sometimes you can add two additional categories, management and maintenance to fit your needs.

We will now give you a step-by-step guide to learning how to use a fishbone diagram.

Step 1: Identify the Problem

The first step in problem-solving is always identifying the problem, whether you use a fishbone diagram or not. Your problem statement will give you an objective metric that will determine the rest of the process.

For example, creating a fishbone diagram to identify the root cause of failed SEO strategy will not be the same for a website crash.

Once you identify the problem, write it inside the "head" of the fishbone. It will look like the fishbone's head and spine, giving you space to develop ideas.

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Step 2: Decide on the Categories of Causes

The diagram is designed to help you think about the potential causes in several categories represented by the bones. The number of categories depends on the complexity and type of the problem.

Deciding on the categories is important because it will help you choose the right type of fishbone diagram. For example, if you are in the service industry, you might need the 4S fishbone diagram. It includes:

  • Surroundings: Causes related to environment and locations
  • Skills: Causes related to skills that team members bring to the table
  • Suppliers: Causes related to resource suppliers
  • Systems: Causes related to equipment, software and process

Step 3: Brainstorm Potential Causes

Now that you have defined the categories, it's time to go through each of them. It will help you determine the most important causes of the problem.

For each of the categories you considered in step 2, brainstorm all the potential causes that may be related to the factor. If a source cause supersedes a potential cause, you can remove it from the diagram.

You can use Visme’s mind map maker to make your brainstorming process more effective.

Step 4: Analyze Your Fishbone Diagram

By now, your fishbone diagram should be ready, showing all the possible causes of the problem. Investigate the most common ones further according to the complexity and importance of the problem.

You can carry out surveys , set up investigations and many more. These will ultimately help you identify the root cause contributing to the problem.

Step 5: Determine the Next Steps

The fishbone diagram will not direct you to the solution. But, once you find the root cause, you will understand where to look for. Once you get the root cause, determine your next steps to find the solution and prepare for future problems. It's also important to note that a good diagram maker helps to make this final step easier to illustrate.

Below are a few templates that you can use to create your fishbone diagram . We will also share some design tips along the way to help you customize these templates easily in Visme.

1. Global Warming Causes Fishbone Diagram

Global warming is undoubtedly one of the significant problems on our planet that is happening due to a lot of factors. A fishbone diagram is a perfect way to visualize the causes of a complex problem like this.

This template shows all the potential causes of global warming. Non-profit organizations, educational institutions and other organizations fighting for this cause can use this template. It will help them educate people and spread awareness.

Global Warming Causes Fishbone Diagram

2. Website Crash Fishbone Diagram

Website crash is one of the most frustrating incidents you may experience. You need to rush through it to make sure that the website goes live again in no time.

This fishbone diagram displays all the aspects that could cause a website crash. It is designed to monitor all the issues such as traffic overload, broken code, hacking and many more.

Website Crash Diagram Fishbone Diagram

Edit this template in Visme and collaborate with all your team members in real-time to fix the issue ASAP! Collaborators can pin, circle and draw any part of the diagram. Also, they can review, respond and resolve comments as needed.

Check out Visme's collaborative features or watch the video below to learn more.

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3. Reasons for Digital Marketing Strategy Failures Fishbone Diagram

Is your digital marketing strategy not getting enough leads for your business? It might be due to poor link building, mobile unfriendly website, improper use of data and many other reasons. This fishbone diagram includes all the potential causes that may cause a digital marketing strategy failure.

As a digital marketer, you must always be ready to change with the times. Edit this template according to your strategy and find the root cause of the problem.

Reasons for Digital Marketing Strategy Failures Fishbone Diagram

One of the greatest advantages of digital marketing is that you can use analytics to measure the results. With Visme's analytics feature , you can track traffic and gauge the effectiveness of each of your projects.

4. Low Website Traffic Fishbone Diagram

Is your website losing traffic, or are your rankings plummeting? It might be a technical issue, a website change, a Google algorithm update or poor SEO.

Based on the 4S method, this fishbone diagram can help you find the ultimate cause. It comes with a two-tone color combination and icons to make your brainstorming sessions fun and effective.

Visme comes with 10,000+ icons in 20+ categories across four distinct styles to complement any design need. Also, you can add motion to your fishbone diagram with animated icons.

Low Website Traffic Fishbone Diagram

5. Surface Flaws Fishbone Diagram

As we have already discussed, a fishbone diagram allows you to address complex problems. Detecting surface flaws is one of them. Surface flaw detection usually includes materials, man, machines, measurements, mother nature and methods. In that case, you will need this 6M fishbone diagram to find the root cause.

Surface Flaws Fishbone Diagram

6. Causes of Overproduction Waste Fishbone Diagram

Overproduction is the worst of the seven wastes of lean manufacturing that you must try to stop immediately. It causes you to tie up your capital, work in progress, raw materials and finished goods.

This fishbone diagram template is designed to determine the causes of overproduction waste in the rubber industry. However, you can use it according to your needs, especially in the manufacturing industry.

Visme’s drag-and-drop editor will allow you to customize every aspect of the fishbone diagram template. You can make the shapes larger or smaller without losing connection to the lines. Or choose from a variety of line styles and endpoints.

Causes of Overproduction Waste Fishbone Diagram

7. Customer Satisfaction Fishbone Diagram

Customer satisfaction is one of the major factors that you must consider as a business to compete in the market. According to a recent survey, 76% of customers say they would do business with a competitor after more than one bad experience.

Customer Satisfaction Fishbone Diagram

Use this customer satisfaction fishbone diagram to understand why your business is unable to provide excellent customer service.

8. SEO Strategy Fishbone Diagram

Google regularly updates its search engine optimization algorithm. If you are not updating your SEO strategies, it might lead to a slower conversion rate.

From keyword research and link building to technical SEO and mobile experience, this fishbone diagram shows almost all the causes that may lead to SEO strategy failure.

SEO Strategy Fishbone Diagram

9. Technical Problem Fishbone Diagram

Tech fishbone diagrams don’t need to be complex. Sometimes, simplicity is the key. This fishbone diagram template with colorful icons is perfect for making any complex technical issue simpler.

Technical Problem Fishbone Diagram

Open this template in the Visme editor, customize the text and change the icons to match your needs. To add more visual emphasis, use animated icons, illustrations and other special effects. Also, you can animate sections of your fishbone by adding animated enter and exit effects and more.

Visme offers various other types of flowcharts that you can use to design the planning process. Choose a flowchart template from the extensive library and customize them to fit your needs.

Create Your Fishbone Diagram in Visme

Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to get the most out of a fishbone diagram. Choose any of the templates above and customize it using Visme's free online flowchart maker and you are all set.

Sign-up today to start creating your fishbone diagram in Visme.

Easily create effective fishbone diagrams in Visme

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About the Author

Raja Antony Mandal is a Content Writer at Visme. He can quickly adapt to different writing styles, possess strong research skills, and know SEO fundamentals. Raja wants to share valuable information with his audience by telling captivating stories in his articles. He wants to travel and party a lot on the weekends, but his guitar, drum set, and volleyball court don’t let him.

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TeamGuru is the ultimate leadership tool for lean operations teams worldwide.

Root Cause Analysis - 5Why, Fishbone, 6M

Published by Kate Apking

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is one of the most implemented Quality Improvement Approaches in many industries. What exactly are the RCA, its tools, and processes? The root cause is a trigger that causes a condition or chain of events that leads to an error and complications in one or more areas. It is a fundamental reason for the occurrence of problems. Root Cause Analysis is a set of tools and techniques to examine and identify the origin of a problem, and determine what happened, why it happened, and figure out what to do to reduce the likelihood that it will happen again.  If companies investigate the patterns of negative effects and uncover the reasons causing the problem, it helps them to fix the underlying operations to achieve the elimination of flaws in their processes.  The three most common types of causes are:

  • Physical causes – tangible, usually a failure of materials 
  • Human causes – employees do something incorrectly or don’t execute something that was needed. Human causes typically lead to physical causes.
  • Organizational causes – faulty system, process, or policy in place 

To become time and cost-effective, companies need to detect the root cause, define and implement the permanent solution to terminate the problem right at its origin. There is a simple to use the tool on how to achieve that and how to prevent reoccurrence. This tool is the 5 Why’s and 5 How’s. The 5-Why method is simply asking the question “Why” as many times as needed until you get past all the symptoms of a problem and get to the bottom of the root cause. The 5-How method is then used to figure out a permanent solution to the root cause of the problem. It simply helps to review “Why” the problem happened and “How” to resolve it. 

How to execute 5 Why & 5 How?

  • Create a team of all responsible representatives that are involved and familiar with the specific process (Quality and Process Engineers, Operators, etc.) – everyone’s outlook counts and can help to resolve the problem efficiently.
  • Collect all data, analyze the situation and determine clearly the problem by identifying possible factors.
  • Ask why the failure occurred – you should be getting exact facts and data. You keep asking Why (not necessarily five times) until you get to the root cause of the problem.
  • Recommend and implement corrective actions - ask “How” questions to get the appropriate and efficient solution to resolve the root cause. Define specific actions with the owner and a due date and proceed with regular meetings to check updates of all actions.

The 5 Whys can be also used as a part of the fishbone diagram – a visualization tool that helps to explore all causes of the problem. Once all inputs are established on the fishbone, you can proceed with the 5 Whys technique to drill down to the root causes.

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Consider using the  TeamGuru RCCA module  to guide your teams through the Root Cause Analysis process.

“If I had one hour to save the world, I would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem and only five minutes finding the solution. “ – Albert Einstein

“If you don’t ask the right questions, you don’t get the right answers. A question asked the right way often point to its own answer. Asking questions is the ABC of diagnosis.” –Edward Hodnett

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problem solving 6m

Six Sigma Daily

Six M’s

There may be thousands of factors that directly affect or interact with each other to affect the outcome of some desired result(s) of a process. the 6m’s started with dr. ishikawa as the 4m’s (machine, material, method, measurement) and over time it evolved to including the human element and noise factors affected by the forces of nature (e.g., humidity, vibration, temperature, etc.) the team uses these 6m’s as memory joggers to focus on when they are identifying as many of the factors that might influence the process as possible. typically, they will use a fishbone diagram along with brainstorming to gather these ideas. after the team has exhausted the brainstorming session, the team will then boil down the many factors to the vital few factors from which they will place their monitoring, controlling, and improvement methodologies..

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Man (in the generic sense), Machine, Material, Method, Measurement, Mother Nature are the categories/the components of variation that contribute to the production of some desired result.

Use: There may be thousands of factors that directly affect or interact with each other to affect the outcome of some desired result(s) of a process. The 6M’s started with Dr. Ishikawa as the 4M’s (Machine, Material, Method, Measurement) and over time it evolved to including the human element and noise factors affected by the forces of nature (e.g., humidity, vibration, temperature, etc.) The team uses these 6M’s as memory joggers to focus on when they are identifying as many of the factors that might influence the process as possible. Typically, they will use a Fishbone Diagram along with brainstorming to gather these ideas. After the team has exhausted the brainstorming session, the team will then boil down the many factors to the vital few factors from which they will place their monitoring, controlling, and improvement methodologies.

Six Sigma Terminology

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6 M’s

Last updated by Jeff Hajek on June 5, 2023

The 6 M’s are a mnemonic tool used primarily during the creation of a cause & effect diagram .

The 6 M’s are:

  • Mother Nature
  • Manpower (People Power)
  • Measurements

Lean Terms Videos

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Lean Terms Discussion

Let’s look at the 6 M’s in more detail.

  • Machines: Tools and equipment used to complete production tasks. Facility systems also fall into this category.
  • Methods: Production and support processes.
  • Materials: Raw materials, components, and supplies used for production. General materials used for business operations (i.e. cleaning supplies, 5S supplies, etc.) also fall into this category.
  • Mother Nature: Weather and other natural, uncontrollable events fall into this category. Environmental systems (i.e. AC, heating) would likely fall into machines.
  • Manpower: People issues fall into this area. Note that many people issues are really methods, machine, or material issues. Also note that “manpower”, being gender specific, can be perceived as being insensitive. Some people replace the term with “People Power”.
  • Measurements: Measurements include physical measurement, automatic sensor readings, and inspections. Note that there may be overlap with machines regarding the measuring devices.

These categories are used to help with the brainstorming portion of the development of the Ishikawa diagram. It encourages people to look at problems in multiple ways.

Keep in mind that it is very likely that a single cause may fall into numerous categories. Don’t get ‘caught in the weeds’ when this happens. Take a quick vote on where to put the cause and move on quickly.

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Lean Problem Solving with the 6Ms

problem solving 6m

As a plant manager, it consistently feels like a major part of your job is problem solving. Resolving manufacturing issues are is a big part of running a successful plant. But what if resolving issues wasn’t just about fixing things so you can this show back on the road, and instead were opportunities to improve your processes. So instead of just getting back to the status quo, you can go past that and make lasting changes in your company. One tool for achieving this type of next level problem solving is 6M analysis.

The 6Ms give us a structure that does a couple of things. First it gives us a place to start. Sometimes when I’m staring at a problem, especially a complicated one, I find that it’s easy for me to get overwhelmed to the point where I’m not sure where to even even begin. The 6Ms give us that starting place. Second, it helps take my problem solving to a deeper level. Instead of finding one cause of the problem and stopping there, the 6Ms show that very rarely are problems traced to a single cause. It can help explore how problems are truly multifaceted and stem from multiple issues.

So let’s dig into the 6Ms and see what each of them are and how they work.

Man – Here we’re looking at human causes of the problem. Have Operators had enough training? Are they aware of critical procedures? Do they have access to Standard Work documents? It can even go so far as to apply to whether your operators are getting enough sleep to be effective on the job.

Machine – This refers to the tools and machines used in the processes. Are the tools provided the right ones for the job? Are they in good working order? Are they up to the task both in quality and capacity?

Materials – This refers to the materials coming in to the work cell. Are they to the right specifications? Are operators having to make unexpected adjustments to make them fit. Are they damaged? Are they arriving on time? Do operators have them in the right quantities?

Method – This refers to the work being done. Are the standards and work instructions correct? Is the work cell set up properly? Is it ergonomic? Is there enough light? Can the work be done safely and efficiently?

Mother Nature – Sometimes processes are affected by the environment. High humidity may cause electrical issues or cause an increase in corrosion on metal surfaces. Cold or hot temperatures may affect curing times for paint or glue.

Measurement – This refers to physical measurements, machine sensors, automatic readings, etc. This can crossover into Machine territory as well.

All of these elements can be visually represented with a Ishikawa diagram, named after Kauro Ishikawa an organizational theorist from Japan.

problem solving 6m

So lets work an example problem. Imagine that you’re the plant manager of factory that makes vehicle lights for ambulances, firetrucks, and other specialty vehicles. Let’s say that one particular model keeps failing quality checks. The plastic casings are routinely cracking which allows moisture to seep in and cause the unit fail. So let’s apply the 6M method to this issue.

Starting with the Man component, you look at the operators assembling the units. After talking with that department, you realize that one of the assemblers has been hired on in the last two weeks and the department lead has been home sick. The new operator, it turns out, hasn’t been fully trained in putting the units together. They don’t know what defects to look for when they get their materials. They also don’t know what tools they should be using. They’ve been using a pneumatic screwdriver instead of a hand held screwdriver to tighten screws and it’s over tightening them causing stress on the plastic.

This leads you to look at the Machine component. Why is there a pneumatic screwdriver there when it causes operators to over tighten screws?

You look at the raw Materials coming into the work cell. Upon closer inspection you realize that the supplier has changed their design to make it lighter and use less plastic, but in the process it makes the seams weaker and more prone to cracking when under stress.

Following the Methods, you see that the standard work documentation is not the most recent revision and has been moved from an easily accessible location to a drawer under the work bench. It doesn’t mention the possibility of cracking in the plastic fixture. It doesn’t specify which screwdriver to use.

Mother Nature comes in to play when you see that cracks increase during colder months when the lights are kept in the unheated warehouse causing them to become more brittle.

Finally checking measurements, you realize the work cell could benefit from a way to measure the torque being put on the screws to attach the lights.

So by using the 6M problem analysis tool when looking at manufacturing issues, you can see that it gives you a deeper level of insight into the problem’s root cause. By looking at the four components of the problem it’s easy to see a whole range of possible solutions ranging from training the new operators, to tool selection, to updating standard work documentation.

We at Optegrity are firm believers that problem solving is a deep process and in order to truly resolve issues one needs to take a multifaceted approach. The 6M method is a great place to start that investigating. In fact we’ve integrated it into our Resolve: Issues Management System. Check it out!

What insights has your team gained from this type of next level problem solving?

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Guide to understanding Ishikawa diagrams

problem solving 6m

What is an Ishikawa diagram?

An Ishikawa diagram is designed to show the potential causes of a specific event or process. It is commonly used in product development to brainstorm and outline the different steps within a given process, allocate resources, and determine whether quality control issues are likely to arise.

The diagram is named after its creator, Kaoru Ishikawa. Visually, the diagram's structure resembles the skeleton of a fish. The ribs represent the causes of an event, and the skeleton's head indicates the outcome. Because of this structure, Ishikawa diagrams are sometimes referred to as fishbone diagrams . They are also referred to as Fishikawa, herringbone diagrams, or cause and effect diagrams .

An Ishikawa diagram places the central problem, known as the 'effect,' on the far right of the diagram. A line, known as the 'spine,' is drawn to the left, and other branches, which are types of causes known as 'affinities,' shoot off above and below it. Smaller branches can then be added to these affinities to add specific causes during brainstorming sessions.

Types of Ishikawa diagrams

The different types of Ishikawa diagrams include:

The 6Ms Ishikawa diagram

The 6M diagram organizes information into six categories: man, machine, material, method, mother nature, and measurement. It is most commonly used in the manufacturing industry. For instance, it could be used to identify bottlenecks slowing down the manufacturing process in a candle business.

The 8Ps Ishikawa diagram

The 8P diagram organizes information into eight categories: procedures, policies, place, product, people, processes, price, and promotion. It is most commonly used in the service industry. For instance, it could be used to improve the efficiency of a housekeeping business.

The 4S's Ishikawa diagram

The 4S diagram organizes information into four categories: suppliers, systems, surroundings, and skills. It is most commonly used in the service industry. For instance, a restaurant could use it to determine why the number of customers has declined over the past year.

Simple fishbone

A simple fishbone diagram has no predetermined causes or categories of causes. This is useful for organizations that want to create and set their own unique affinities. For instance, a software company will have very different affinities to a pet food manufacturer.

3Ms/Man machine material fishbone

The 3M diagram, also known as the 'man, machine, material' fishbone, organizes information into three categories: manpower, machinery, and materials. It is most commonly used in the manufacturing industry. For instance, it could be used in a food processing plant to determine why product quality has declined.

Ishikawa diagram

When to use an Ishikawa diagram

Ishikawa diagrams are a useful way to clearly visualize the potential causes of a specific event or problem. For instance, a team can use an Ishikawa diagram to identify bottlenecks or weaknesses within a business proposal and make the required adjustments.

Some popular use cases for Ishikawa diagrams include:

Product development

Ishikawa diagrams are often used in product development to outline the steps involved in the process clearly. This helps teams to determine which resources will be required at specific times and can also help to identify potential quality control issues.

Troubleshooting processes

Organizations often use Ishikawa diagrams to troubleshoot processes and resolve problems within a system. This is because the diagram makes it easy to consider all the possible causes of an issue within each category.

For instance, the 4S's diagram suggests that the possible causes could be related to suppliers, systems, surroundings, or skills.

Root cause analysis

Ishikawa diagrams are often used to identify the underlying cause of a failure in a product or process.

Problem-solving teams should first create a problem statement that includes information such as: what product failed, failure observations, the number of failed units, and the customer's description of the failure.

They should then create an Ishikawa diagram, which visually depicts the hypotheses that could explain this failure. The diagram elements should help explain what was responsible for the failure.

Benefits of Ishikawa diagrams

Some of the key benefits of Ishikawa diagrams include:

Helps identify potential causes of a problem

Showing all of the causes in the chain illustrates every possible reason that could lead to a problem simultaneously.

Even if the solution isn't immediately obvious, having a clear visualization makes it possible to eliminate some false positives quickly. This can stimulate team members to work out the potential causes of a problem more quickly.

Reveals areas of weakness or bottlenecks in current processes

Ishikawa diagrams make it easy to understand the correlation between relationships. This makes it obvious when certain stages of the process restrict the system's flow. As a result, any weakness or potential bottlenecks can quickly be identified and monitored before they cause issues.

Accelerates problem-solving

Given that Ishikawa diagrams provide an overview of all the potential causes of a certain result, it facilitates brainstorming, which can accelerate problem-solving. It also helps teams maintain their focus because it provides a clear pathway to analyze every involved pathway.

How to make an Ishikawa diagram

Here is how you can create an Ishikawa fishbone diagram in four easy steps.

  • Identify and agree on the exact problem. The first step of creating an Ishikawa diagram involves identifying, agreeing, and writing down a problem statement. Determine the exact issue, who is involved, and when and where the problem occurs.
  • Document the problem. Write the problem statement in a box on the right-hand side, and then draw a horizontal line from your problem statement. The fish's head represents the problem statement, and the horizontal line resembles the fish's spine.
  • Brainstorm the major categories of causes. Brainstorm with your team to decide how to categorize the significant factors causing the problem. For instance, these could be systems, materials, equipment, people, or external forces. Draw a line off the spine of the fish diagram for each cause. Then, label each line at the top.
  • Identify potential causes of the problem. Identify the potential causes of the problem that may be behind each factor. Draw shorter lines off the bones of the fish diagram to help you visualize these potential causes. You may need to draw smaller sub-branch lines off a cause line if that particular cause is a bit more complex.
  • Analyze the diagram. At this stage, you should have a fully fleshed fishbone diagram that indicates all the possible causes of the problem statement. You can now research the issue further using investigations and surveys. Once you have narrowed down the possible causes, you should be able to find the culprit.

Why use MindManager to make Ishikawa diagrams

You can make Ishikawa diagrams by hand or in any graphic design program or use a program specifically designed for Ishikawa diagram making. MindManager , an industry-leading Ishikawa diagram software, allows you to create complex, detailed Ishikawa diagrams with ease.

MindManager's key benefits include:

  • User-friendly, intuitive interface
  • Extensive image library—over 700 topic images, icons, and symbols to add to your Ishikawa diagrams
  • Premade Ishikawa diagram templates
  • Convenient file storage, retrieval, and sharing
  • Powerful integrations with file storage apps like Box and OneDrive
  • Google Docs integration via Zapier
  • Various tools and features to facilitate brainstorming and strategic planning
  • Google Chrome extension—MindManager Snap—to easily collect and import text, links, and images from the web

MindManager helps you synthesize ideas and information by providing a simple, intuitive framework for organizing your thoughts. With MindManager, you and your team can clarify complexity and collaborate in new and unexpected ways.

Ishikawa diagram templates

MindManager comes pre-installed with many Ishikawa diagram templates. To use these templates:

  • Open MindManager
  • Click NEW in the navigation menu
  • Select the template you want to use
  • A preview screen will appear - check to see if you'd like to use your selected template
  • Select 'Create Map'
  • Customize the template for your specific project


Ishikawa diagram FAQs

What does an ishikawa diagram show.

An Ishikawa diagram shows the potential causes of a specific event or process.

What is an Ishikawa diagram used for?

An Ishikawa diagram is typically used in manufacturing and product development to outline the sequence of steps in a process. This can help teams identify a problem's potential causes, reveal areas of weakness or bottlenecks in current processes, and accelerate problem-solving.

Using Ishikawa diagrams to identify the causes of a problem

Ishikawa diagrams are designed to show the potential causes of a specific event or process. They are typically used during product development, root cause analysis, and troubleshooting processes.

They can help your organization to identify the potential causes of a problem, reveal areas of weakness or bottlenecks in current processes, and ultimately accelerate problem-solving within teams.

Visualize more with MindManager

Want to visualize your processes and remove the bottlenecks within your organization? Give MindManager a try today and start building Ishikawa diagrams with our easy-to-use templates.

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A3 - Root Cause Analysis

The A3 is a tool for identifying root causes to deep problems and building consensus on how to remedy them.

Estimated time for this content : 20 minutes Audience : Scrum Masters facing a reoccurring impediment Suggested Prerequisites :  Retrospective , Muda

Upon Completion you will:

  • Have a base-line knowledge of lean principals as practiced by Toyota
  • Know how lean and agile practices utilize the Plan Do Check Act cycle
  • Understand the pre-cursors to doing root cause analysis
  • Understand how to perform root cause analysis
  • Be able to complete a step-by-step process for the A3

The A3 tool was pioneered by Toyota to document and address problems with their production process. Anyone at Toyota can initiate the process and they do it for almost all problems they encounter. To capture their analysis, they use the largest sheet of paper that fit into a copy machine, the A3 or Tabloid (two 8.5x11 sheets side-by-side.)

The A3 process is based on the Plan, Do, Check, Act , or PDCA Cycle. To initiate the A3 all the stakeholders should gather. The owner is the person who is responsible for ushering the process through to its end and the mentor is typically a high-ranking executive who can help implement the actions that result from the process. An A3 is meant to simplify complex problems, so using just one large sheet of paper follow the example in the slides. The title should be something catchy so it is easy to remember and to refer to.

A3 Template

A3 Template in Google Docs (Opens in a New Tab) A3 Problem Solving Template v1.2 (April 2015) by Henrik Kniberg and Tom Poppendieck License: Creative Commons Attribute 4.0 International Original link:

Step 1: Plan

The first cell is used to describe the background of the problem. It is important that all stakeholders participate in this phase so everyone involved has a clear idea of what the problem is. The A3 is a process so even if the problem is obvious, it is important to discuss it and make sure everyone is literally on the same page. Often, the background is a macro problem that affects multiple parts of the Scrum process.

With the background established, the discussion moves on to establishing the current conditions. This will be a list of symptoms like decreased Velocity or poor morale. It is important to make sure that the group is able to include some Metrics in this cell. Loss of revenue is always helpful because it gets management’s attention but any number of metrics will do. The important part is that they are precise and measurable.

Next, the group should decide on what the ideal outcome will be when the problem is solved. (The ideal state is similar to an Acceptance Test or Definition of Done for a Product Backlog Item .) Metrics are helpful here as well. It is important to have a well-defined target condition because it will help align all stakeholders around a common vision.

The last part of the planning phase is root cause analysis (see video) and this is the core of the A3. Establishing the problem and what life will be like after the problem is solved is relatively easy, agreeing on what the root causes are may involve some uncomfortable truths.

It sounds very high minded, but quality root cause analysis actually requires channeling your inner five-year old. The technique is called the Five Whys . Basically, the group needs to start with the most obvious problem and ask why. Here is an example:

Sprints are failing. “Why?” A: People think that the Team is lazy. “Why?” A: Because morale is low. “Why?” A: The Team is getting mixed messages from the Product Owner. “Why?” A: The Product Owner is getting conflicting orders from two managers. “Why?” A: The organization incentivizes competition rather than cooperation.

The point of the exercise is to get at least five layers deep into any problem. Five layers is a general rule of thumb. Root causes can be found three or seven layers deep. It is really important to invest a lot of time here. Often the stakeholders think they have arrived at a few root causes only to have to repeat the process later. Another good rule of thumb is that once the group thinks it has discovered the root causes, they should then put in again as much time as they’ve just spent. It is important to be exhaustive. (There are other root cause analysis techniques. A variety can be found here .)

There will likely be multiple root causes to a problem. In the above example, the Product Owner role has broken down, managers are probably talking to the team outside of their scope and the organization’s incentives are flawed.

Finding a root cause is a bit of an art.  Here are a few characteristics to help guide your process: first, a root cause will resonate with stakeholders. Second, root causes also tend to be actionable, meaning that the group will have an idea how to approach the specific challenge. And, third it will have a certain amount of specificity. In the above example, “people think the Team is lazy” doesn’t have any granularity. Further inquiry helped pinpoint a more detailed root cause.

In Systems Theory, if multiple solutions are implemented at once, it is impossible to trace the effect of each. Therefore, it is important to implement only one solution at a time.   The A3 is a living document so the group should continually note the results of each solution implemented and update the A3 as conditions change.

Step 3: Check

It is important to confirm that the countermeasure has the ideal state identified in step one. In order to know if the countermeasure worked, it is important to have objective criteria to judge it against. That is why having metrics in the current and target conditions makes for a better A3. It may be that multiple countermea sures are necessary to achieve the ideal state.

Step 4: Act

Hard Truths

When an A3 fails it is usually because the group didn’t delve deep enough into the problem or that the problem was beyond the ability of the team to solve or recognize. Solving the root cause can be the end result of a successful A3. However, that’s not always the case. A successful A3 can show that the root cause is beyond the ability of the organization to change like in the above example where there wasn’t enough market demand for the product. A good A3 can reveal deep challenges within the organization like conflicting core values, poor leadership or a critical lack of resources. The A3 isn’t a silver bullet; rather it’s a tool to bring transparency to dysfunction. How the stakeholders handle the dysfunction is their responsibility.

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problem solving 6m

Tech Quality Pedia

What is a Fishbone Diagram? Ishikawa Diagram | Cause & Effect Diagram

“Fishbone Diagram” also known as “Ishikawa diagram” and “Cause and Effect diagram .

It helps to Identify all potential or probable causes and select the best cause which contributes to the problem/effect.

The brainstorming technique is used here for potential cause identification.

In a brainstorming session, all 4M or 6M factors are taken into consideration to identify the potential causes.

4M or 6M factors are – Man, Machine, Method, Material, Measurement, and Mother nature also called Environment.

This is a very important basic 7 QC Tools and extensively used in Problem Solving Techniques like  8D , PDCA, and  Six Sigma .

Fishbone diagram | Ishikawa diagram | Cause and effect diagram

Table of Contents

About Fishbone Diagram

  • Developed by Kaoru Ishikawa of Japan.
  • To find out probable or potential that contributes to problem/effect.
  • The brainstorming technique is used to identify potential causes.
  • 4M or 6M factors analysis done in brainstorming.
  • Helps to identify the root cause of the problem.

When to use an Ishikawa Diagram ?

  • Problem-solving to focus on the Quality problem.
  • To sort out interactions among factors for a cause.
  • To analyze existing problems.

Why use the Ishikawa Diagram?

  • Helps to determine the Root Cause of a Problem.
  • To identify the Key Inputs variables – Primary, Secondary and Tertiary causes.
  • Helps in identifying the possible cause for variation present in a process.
  • Increases knowledge of a process and its factors.
  • Helps to identify areas for data collection.

Steps for making “Cause and Effect Diagram ”

Step-1: Identify & define the problem/effect. Use 5W2H approach to define problem.

  • Decide on the effect to examine.  

Step-2: Fill in the Problem Box & draw the spline.

problem solving 6m

Step-3: Identify main 4M or 6M categories/factors i.e. Primary causes .

Draw major cause categories and connect them to the “backbone” of the fishbone diagram.

problem solving 6m

Step-4: Identify Probable Causes that contributes to the problem/effects. Also called Secondary causes.

Use Brainstorming technique and Check sheet for cause analysis.

  • Brainstorming – on 4M factors without previous preparation
  • Check sheet – collected/recorded data for analysis

problem solving 6m

Step-5: Add detailed levels i.e. identify sub-causes & analyze the diagram. Also called Tertiary causes .

problem solving 6m

Benefits of “Fishbone Diagram “

  • Focus is on ‘Causes’ rather than on ‘Symptoms’ or ‘assumptions’.
  • Break problems down into small pieces to find the real root cause.
  • Increase people involvement & teamwork.
  • Improves team performance & effectiveness.
  • Improves process knowledge.
  • A common understanding of factors causing the problem.

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6M Fishbone Diagram

The 6m fishbone diagram is a cause and effect type of diagram that highlights the 6ms of production: manpower, method, machine, material, measurement, and milieu (environment). keywords: fishbone diagram, fishbone, fish bone, 6m, 6ms of production, manpower, method, machine, material, milieu, measurement, brainstorming, cause and effect, cause and effect diagram, cause & effect, problem-solving session, problem solving session..

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6m fishbone diagram template.

This 6M Fishbone diagram template is a great way to visually represent a cause and effect diagram. It contains 6Ms standing from Manpower, Method, Machine, Material, Milieu (Environment) and Measurement.

Problem statement

Describe the problem in one sentence, as a question. Try to find five different ways to describe the problem and choose the one that suggests solutions.

Under this topic, list potential causes that relate to the materials or information being used. Think about:

  • What quality and quantity of materials or information are needed
  • How you measure this quality and quantity
  • How you detect unacceptable quality or quantity
  • The effects of unacceptable quality or quantity

Under this topic, list all the potential causes of the problem that relate to manpower. Think about:

  • What skill levels are required
  • How skill levels are measured and checked
  • What effort or time are needed and how this is provided
  • What communications are needed
  • What kind of mistakes could be made
  • What assumptions people might be making
  • What shortcuts might be used that affect the outcome
  • How mistakes are detected and handled
  • How work is checked and approved

Milieu (Environment)

Under this topic, list potential causes of the problem that relate to its environment. Think about:

  • What range of conditions must be accommodated?
  • How does the problem change under different conditions and circumstances?
  • Which factors could be affected by changing conditions?


Under this topic, list potential causes that relate to measurement and record-keeping. Think about:

  • What measurements are taken
  • When measurements are taken
  • How measurements are taken
  • How accurate the measurements are
  • How reliable they are
  • What the measurements help you to do and how they are used
  • The potential effects of poor measurement or no measurement

Under this topic, list potential causes of the problem that relate to the method or process. Think about:

  • Whether the method is suitable
  • Accuracy and completeness of descriptions
  • Handover to and from other processes
  • What records are kept
  • How errors or exceptions are handled

Under this topic, list all the potential causes of the problem that relate to machinery, equipment or tools. Think about:

  • Performance
  • Reliability
  • Repeatability
  • Suitability for purpose
  • Known defects or issues
  • Previous repairs or maintenance

6M Fishbone Diagram

Why use a Mindomo mind map template?

Mind maps help you brainstorm, establish relationships between concepts, organize and generate ideas.

However, mind map templates offer an easier way to get started, as they are frameworks that contain information about a specific subject with guiding instructions. In essence, mind map templates ensure the structure that combines all the elements of a specific subject and serves as a starting point for your personal mind map. They are a resource for providing a practical solution to create a mind map on a particular topic, either for business or education.

Mindomo brings you smart mind map templates that allow you to function and think effortlessly.

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You can choose from a variety of mind map templates from Mindomo's business or educational accounts, or you can create your own mind map templates from scratch. Any mind map can be transformed into a mind map template map by adding further guiding notes to one of its topics.

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Published on August 27, 2024

Google Messages logo on smartphone laying on table (4)

  • An APK teardown of the Google Messages apps shows how Google will solve the low-quality media problem in RCS chats.
  • When sending media, a pop-up will appear asking if you want to send it at “original quality” or “optimized for chat.”
  • Hopefully, this comes very soon, as iPhone RCS support is right around the corner.

For years now, Google has been pushing Apple to “get the message” about rich communication services (RCS) . Last year, out of nowhere, Apple finally announced it was getting on board. This will allow people who use RCS-supported apps on Android — chiefly Google Messages — to better and more securely communicate with people who use Apple’s Messages apps on iPhones. However, there’s just one problem: Google Messages still sends out heavily compressed media . Thankfully, that is changing — and not a moment too soon.

To be clear, we knew Google had been working on this since at least July. However, we now have seen evidence in the latest beta of Messages (messages.android_20240823_00_RC00.phone_samsung_openbeta_dynamic) to show just how this will work from a user perspective, and we can see that it’s essentially done. This heavily suggests we’ll see this roll out relatively soon, which is great news because Google only has one first impression to give iPhone users the first time they communicate with an Android user through RCS — and it doesn’t want to bungle that up.

First, check out the screenshots below to see what you’ll be greeted with when sending media to an RCS chat in Messages:

Google Messages RCS media interface leak (1)

In the first screenshot, you can see that Messages will ask you to pick from two options for the media you’re sending:

  • Optimized for chat:  Send faster with reduced quality
  • Original quality:  Send with no changes to quality, uses more data

Whichever option you select here will apply to current and future chats. Once you make that selection, you can then caption the media (or not) and then hit send. We can confirm that hitting the “Original quality” option does send a completely uncompressed version of the media in question.

You can see the whole process in the video clip below:

Although we don’t have any confirmation yet, we can only assume you can change this setting at any time on the Messages’ settings page.

We still don’t know when this will appear for users. We also don’t yet know when Apple will switch on RCS support for all iPhones (currently, you need to be in the US on iOS 18 beta). It’s likely, though, that it will be during or around the launch of the iPhone 16 series , slated for September 9, 2024. We can only hope that Google’s new setting will be live when the majority of iPhone users get RCS support, so we’ll finally all be able to share full-quality images and videos with each other, regardless of our preferred operating system. What a beautiful day that will be.

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Turbine Blades Have Piled Up in Landfills. A Solution May Be Coming.

Wind power has a waste problem that has been difficult to solve. Turbine blades made from a new plant-based material could make them recyclable.

An aerial view of wind turbine blades, cut into sections, in a landfill.

By Minho Kim

The blades on the newest wind turbines sweep an area longer than a football field and are nearly impossible to recycle.

At the end of their life span of around 20 years, they are chopped into pieces and buried in a handful of landfills across the Great Plains. Those few sites in Wyoming, Iowa and South Dakota have a spooky nickname: wind turbine graveyards.

But this waste problem from a growing source of low carbon energy could become a headache of the past.

Researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory have developed what they say is a turbine blade made from plant material that can be recycled. The new substance is made from inedible sugar extracted from wood, plant remains, used cooking oil and agricultural waste.

They say the prototype they developed can perform as well as traditional blades that are made from a combination of fiberglass and plastic and which have been very difficult to reuse.

The new, recyclable material could be easily adopted by industry, said Robynne Murray, one of the researchers at the national laboratory.

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A framework for solving parabolic partial differential equations

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Illustration of 5 spheres with purple and brown swirls. Below that, a white koala with insets showing just its head. Each koala has one purple point on either the forehead, ears, and nose.

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Computer graphics and geometry processing research provide the tools needed to simulate physical phenomena like fire and flames, aiding the creation of visual effects in video games and movies as well as the fabrication of complex geometric shapes using tools like 3D printing.

Under the hood, mathematical problems called partial differential equations (PDEs) model these natural processes. Among the many PDEs used in physics and computer graphics, a class called second-order parabolic PDEs explain how phenomena can become smooth over time. The most famous example in this class is the heat equation, which predicts how heat diffuses along a surface or in a volume over time.

Researchers in geometry processing have designed numerous algorithms to solve these problems on curved surfaces, but their methods often apply only to linear problems or to a single PDE. A more general approach by researchers from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) tackles a general class of these potentially nonlinear problems.  In a paper recently published in the Transactions on Graphics journal and presented at the SIGGRAPH conference, they describe an algorithm that solves different nonlinear parabolic PDEs on triangle meshes by splitting them into three simpler equations that can be solved with techniques graphics researchers already have in their software toolkit. This framework can help better analyze shapes and model complex dynamical processes.

“We provide a recipe: If you want to numerically solve a second-order parabolic PDE, you can follow a set of three steps,” says lead author Leticia Mattos Da Silva SM ’23, an MIT PhD student in electrical engineering and computer science (EECS) and CSAIL affiliate. “For each of the steps in this approach, you’re solving a simpler problem using simpler tools from geometry processing, but at the end, you get a solution to the more challenging second-order parabolic PDE.” To accomplish this, Da Silva and her coauthors used Strang splitting, a technique that allows geometry processing researchers to break the PDE down into problems they know how to solve efficiently.

First, their algorithm advances a solution forward in time by solving the heat equation (also called the “diffusion equation”), which models how heat from a source spreads over a shape. Picture using a blow torch to warm up a metal plate — this equation describes how heat from that spot would diffuse over it. 
This step can be completed easily with linear algebra.

Now, imagine that the parabolic PDE has additional nonlinear behaviors that are not described by the spread of heat. This is where the second step of the algorithm comes in: it accounts for the nonlinear piece by solving a Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) equation, a first-order nonlinear PDE.  While generic HJ equations can be hard to solve, Mattos Da Silva and coauthors prove that their splitting method applied to many important PDEs yields an HJ equation that can be solved via convex optimization algorithms. Convex optimization is a standard tool for which researchers in geometry processing already have efficient and reliable software. In the final step, the algorithm advances a solution forward in time using the heat equation again to advance the more complex second-order parabolic PDE forward in time.

Among other applications, the framework could help simulate fire and flames more efficiently. “There’s a huge pipeline that creates a video with flames being simulated, but at the heart of it is a PDE solver,” says Mattos Da Silva. For these pipelines, an essential step is solving the G-equation, a nonlinear parabolic PDE that models the front propagation of the flame and can be solved using the researchers’ framework.

The team’s algorithm can also solve the diffusion equation in the logarithmic domain, where it becomes nonlinear. Senior author Justin Solomon, associate professor of EECS and leader of the CSAIL Geometric Data Processing Group, previously developed a state-of-the-art technique for optimal transport that requires taking the logarithm of the result of heat diffusion. Mattos Da Silva’s framework provided more reliable computations by doing diffusion directly in the logarithmic domain. This enabled a more stable way to, for example, find a geometric notion of average among distributions on surface meshes like a model of a koala. Even though their framework focuses on general, nonlinear problems, it can also be used to solve linear PDE. For instance, the method solves the Fokker-Planck equation, where heat diffuses in a linear way, but there are additional terms that drift in the same direction heat is spreading. In a straightforward application, the approach modeled how swirls would evolve over the surface of a triangulated sphere. The result resembles purple-and-brown latte art.

The researchers note that this project is a starting point for tackling the nonlinearity in other PDEs that appear in graphics and geometry processing head-on. For example, they focused on static surfaces but would like to apply their work to moving ones, too. Moreover, their framework solves problems involving a single parabolic PDE, but the team would also like to tackle problems involving coupled parabolic PDE. These types of problems arise in biology and chemistry, where the equation describing the evolution of each agent in a mixture, for example, is linked to the others’ equations.

Mattos Da Silva and Solomon wrote the paper with Oded Stein, assistant professor at the University of Southern California’s Viterbi School of Engineering. Their work was supported, in part, by an MIT Schwarzman College of Computing Fellowship funded by Google, a MathWorks Fellowship, the Swiss National Science Foundation, the U.S. Army Research Office, the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the U.S. National Science Foundation, MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, the Toyota-CSAIL Joint Research Center, Adobe Systems, and Google Research.

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  • Leticia Mattos Da Silva
  • Justin Solomon
  • Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL)
  • MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab
  • Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

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  • Computer science and technology
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Computer graphics
  • Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (eecs)

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Fixing the Foundation: Civics Education Reform To Solve America’s Youth Voting Crisis

Civic Nation

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Record youth voter turnout in 2018 and 2020 came amidst waves of heightened enthusiasm around those elections. National get-out-the-vote campaigns channeled that energy to successfully mobilize millions of young voters. But in the post-pandemic world, election excitement plummeted, revealing systemic barriers to voting that impacted the rates at which young people (18-29 year olds) were able to exercise their vote. And now, as enthusiasm appears to be making a comeback, we have a unique opportunity to address those barriers in a way that keeps the enthusiasm of the past month going far into the future.

In my organizing experience as Co-Chair of the Harvard Votes Challenge , I’ve seen how quickly youth engagement — not just in the election, but with US democracy at large — has plummeted in recent years, and my observations closely align with the national picture. The most recent Harvard Youth Poll found that only 9% of young Americans aged 18-29 believe the country is “generally headed in the right direction,” over two-thirds are more fearful than hopeful about our country’s future, and institutional trust has plummeted to all-time lows. Bursts of enthusiasm may obscure this crisis of faith, but they do not fix it. We cannot continue to rely on those bursts to sustain youth voter turnout in the long run.

And as my peers became less engaged, I noticed that many of them suffer from a lack of election preparation as well. They weren’t taught how to research issues. They weren’t taught how to request absentee ballots. They weren’t even taught how to register to vote! The problem is pervasive.

Student organizers with the Harvard Votes Challenge celebrating a successful semester of student voter mobilization.

We’re now facing a dual crisis of civic engagement among young people in America: a crippling shortfall of confidence in our democracy coupled with a total lack of procedural knowledge for how to participate in that democratic system. Even when young Americans are excited about a specific campaign or election, these barriers still hold them back. In the face of such a crisis, a surprisingly simple solution emerges: fixing high school civics education.

Civics education in high school is foundational in encouraging democratic engagement for the rest of one’s life. If done correctly, it provides practical preparation for voting and helps form values of civic responsibility, addressing both parts of the aforementioned crisis. But, as it stands today, high school civics education has failed to meet the moment.

Polling from last fall shows just how underprepared young Americans are for civic participation coming out of high school. Just around half of young people were taught in high school to appreciate the importance of their vote, but even more strikingly, only a quarter of young people were prepared for all four of the following key procedural aspects of voting: how to register to vote, knowing voting deadlines, how to research candidates and issues, and how to request and submit ballots. Across the board, very few members of Gen Z have entered adulthood ready to exercise their civic duty in practice. The consistency of these trends across demographic divides suggests a systemic flaw in civics education.

Teaching students the importance of their vote goes hand in hand with teaching them the process of voting itself. Data overwhelmingly suggests that those who are more engaged and informed about politics are far more likely to vote and are more hopeful about democracy at large. And those who were prepared to vote in high school are twice as likely to be politically engaged!

It all starts in the classroom. High school is the one time where almost everyone goes through a system capable of teaching them the fundamentals of how to be an engaged citizen. However, civic education at present tends to emphasize traditional fact-based knowledge and test preparation over participatory instruction . While learning about political debates in early American history can absolutely help inform why our democracy works the way it does, such lessons do very little to convince high school students that they should go out and vote in this century. That has to change.

Ariana Singh, founder of youth voter registration organization Generation Z Votes, presenting to an auditorium of high school students in Texas. Organizations like this aim to fill the gap left by inadequate civics education curriculum.

Will implementing participatory civics instruction into the high school curriculum be a cure-all for our voting woes? Of course not. There are a whole host of barriers facing young voters that have to be overcome beyond insufficient high school civics education, from navigating restrictive ID laws and busy schedules to researching policy platforms and finding motivation to vote. But it’s a great start. Improving high school civics education is a critical step in the right direction because it would remove one of the most significant barriers to voting and lend momentum to a growing culture of democratic responsibility among American youth.

And now — as young voters are excitedly tuning into the election — is the perfect time to take this step. Immediately after President Biden announced he was not running for reelection, there was a massive spike in youth political enthusiasm. As memes of coconut trees and references to being “unburdened by what has been” have swept across the internet, negativity has given way to hope, optimism, and energy on a level that hasn’t been seen in quite some time.

We must capitalize on the momentum of the 2024 election cycle to institutionalize civic engagement on a whole new level. The disengagement of the past few years revealed the structural barriers facing young voters. All of the newfound excitement around the election means we can finally confront those barriers head-on. This is a unique opportunity to strengthen the foundation of our democracy, rekindle faith in our political system, and revitalize young Americans’ hope for the future.

In the long run, we cannot solve the issue of youth disengagement unless we address the root cause. Young Americans need a reason to care. They need greater representation, and institutions need to regain their trust. Until then, we’ll keep treading water; but reforming civics education should get the ball rolling. It’ll make more years of record youth turnout possible, and speaking selfishly, it’ll make my job as a college voter organizer a little easier. Give young people the tools to make their voices heard at the ballot box and I guarantee you they will put those tools to good use.

Students, parents, teachers, administrators, curriculum designers, and community members can all play a role. It takes a village to raise a voter. So ask yourself: what can you do in your community to help students become engaged citizens for the rest of their lives? Take the first step today and encourage everyone you know to make a plan to vote: .

More than 1045 colleges and universities currently participate in the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge, including Harvard University. Learn more about ALL IN and support our work here .

Jordan Schwartz

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