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American Journal of Mathematics

Christopher Sogge, Johns Hopkins University

Journal Details

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  • Professor Nitya R. Kitchloo, Department of Mathematics , Johns Hopkins University ,  3400 North Charles Street,  Baltimore, MD 21218-2680        E-mail:  [email protected]
  • Professor William P. Minicozzi II, Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307     E-mail:  [email protected]
  • Professor Freydoon Shahidi, Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067     E-mail:  [email protected]
  • Vyacheslav V. Shokurov  Department of Mathematics  Johns Hopkins University  3400 North Charles Street  Baltimore, MD 21218-2680
  • Professor Christopher Sogge, Department of Mathematics, Johns Hopkins University, 3400 North Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21218-2680     E-mail:  [email protected]

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Decisions concerning publication of manuscripts in the  AJM  rest solely with the Editors, and all decisions are final.

Christopher Sogge, Editor-in-Chief            Department of Mathematics            Johns Hopkins University             3400 North Charles Street            Baltimore, MD 21218-2680            [email protected]

Nitya R. Kitchloo            Department of Mathematics            Johns Hopkins University            3400 North Charles Street            Baltimore, MD 21218-2680            [email protected]

William P. Minicozzi II            Department of Mathematics            Massachusetts Institute of Technology            77 Massachusetts Avenue            Cambridge, MA 02139-4307            [email protected]

Freydoon Shahidi            Department of Mathematics            Purdue University            West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067            [email protected]  

With the Cooperation of:

C. Birkar            DPMMS, Centre for Mathematical Sciences            University of Cambridge            Wilberforce Road            Cambridge, CB3 0WB, UK

E. Friedlander            Department of Mathematics            University of Southern California            3620 Vermont Avenue            Los Angeles, California 90089-2532

H. Hida            Department of Mathematics            University of California            Los Angeles, CA 90095-1555

S. Klainerman            Mathematics Department            Princeton University            Fine Hall, Washington Road            Princeton, NJ 08544-2002

B. Shiffman            Department of Mathematics            Johns Hopkins University             3400 North Charles Street            Baltimore, MD 21218-2680

V. V. Shokurov   Department of Mathematics   Johns Hopkins University    3400 North Charles Street   Baltimore, MD 21218-2680

K. Smith            Department of Mathematics            University of Michigan            Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1109

T. Tao            Department of Mathematics            University of California Los Angeles            405 Hilgard Avenue            Los Angeles, CA 90095-1555

S.-T. Yau            Department of Mathematics            Harvard University            Cambridge, MA 02138-3800

M. Zworski            Department of Mathematics            University of California            Berkeley, CA 94720-3840

Published under the auspices of the Johns Hopkins University .

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Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.

1.7 (2023) 1.8 (Five-Year Impact Factor) 0.00411 (Eigenfactor™ Score) Rank in Category (by Journal Impact Factor): 47 of 489 journals, in “Mathematics”

© Clarivate Analytics 2024

  • 2024 Papers
  • 2023 Papers
  • 2022 Papers
  • 2021 Papers
  • 2020 Papers
  • 2019 Papers
  • 2018 Papers
  • 2017 Papers
  • 2016 Papers

The 2024 Papers

Differential transcendence of Bell numbers and relatives: 
a Galois theoretic approach
Raschel, KilianBostanDi Vizio5/31/2024
Algebraic Weaves and Braid VarietiesGorsky, EvgenyCasalsM. Gorsky5/31/2024
Energy estimates in sum-product and convexity problemsMudgal, Akshat  5/31/2024
Variants of the de Jong fundamental groupYoucis, AlexAchingerLara5/31/2024
The stable uniqueness theorem for equivariant Kasparov theorySzabo, GaborGabe 5/31/2024
Geometry of three-dimensional manifolds with scalar curvature lower boundMunteanu, OvidiuWang 5/31/2024
Inertia groups in the metastable rangeSenger, AndrewBurklundHahn6/10/2024
Free Boundary Minimal surfaces in the Euclidean Three-Ball close to the boundaryKapouleas, NicolaosZou 6/10/2024
Gradient estimates for the Lagrangian mean curvature equation with critical and supercritical phaseShankar, RaviBhattacharyaMooney6/10/2024
Mapping class groups are quasicubicalPetyt, Harry  6/10/2024
Rigidity of Lipschitz map using harmonic map heat flowTam, Luen-FaiLee, Man-Chun 6/11/2024
The magnitude and spectral geometryGoffeng, MagnusGimperleinLouca6/11/2024
On the Erdös-Ginzburg-Ziv Problem in large dimensionSauermann, LisaZakharov 6/11/2024

The 2023 Papers

The moduli space of stable supercurves and its canonical line bundlePolishchuk, AlexanderFelderKazhdan2/2/2023
Random walks on tori and normal numbers in self-similar setsWeiss, BarakDayanGanguly2/2/2023
Motivic congruences and Sharifi's conjectureRotger Cerdà, Victor Rivero 2/2/2023
Non-abelian p-adic Rankin-Selberg L-functions and non-vanishing of central L-valuesJanuszewski, F.  2/3/2023
Large Fourier coefficients of half-integer weight modular formsSoundararajan, KananGunKohnen2/3/2023
Zero distribution of power series and binary correlation of coefficientsSodin, MikhailBenatarBorichev2/3/2023
Minimizing immersions of a hyperbolic surface in a hyperbolic 3-manifoldMondello, GabrieleBonsanteSchlenker4/14/2023
Derived Hecke action at p and the ordinary p-adic cohomology of arithmetic manifoldsRonchetti, N.Khare 4/14/2023
Moving plane method for varifolds and applicationsHaslhofer, RobertHershkovitsWhite4/14/2023
Asymptotic stability of solitary waves of the 3D quadratic Zakharov-Kuznetsov equationRoudenko, SvetlanaFarahHolmer4/14/2023
Lojasiewicz inequalities near simple bubble treesMalchiodi, AndreaRupflinSharp4/14/2023
Shi, ZimingYao 5/2/2023
A Jacobian criterion of nonsingularity in mixed characteristicJeffries, JackHochster 5/2/2023
Optimal thresholds for preserving embeddedness of elastic flowsMiura, TatsuyaMüllerRupp5/2/2023
Optimizers for the finite rank Lieb--Thirring inequalityFrank, RupertGontierLewin5/2/2023
The Hadwiger Theorem on Convex Functions. II             
Ludwig, MonikaColesantiMussnig5/2/2023
Stable solutions of the fractional Allen-Cahn equation in the nonlocal perimeter regimeSerra, JoaquimCabréCinti5/2/2023
The third homology of symplectic groups and algebraic K-theorySarwar, Huzney ParvezSchlichting 5/2/2023
Decoupling for smooth surfaces in R^3Li, JianhuiYang 5/2/2023
Gehring Link Problem, Focal Radius and Over-torical WidthGe, Jian  7/11/2023
Accessibility and ergodicity for collapsed Anosov flowsFenley, SergioPotrie 7/11/2023
On the µ-invariants of residually reducible Galois representationsRay, AnweshSujatha 7/11/2023
Hausdorff dimension of caloric measureBadger, MatthewGenschaw 7/11/2023
Global L-packets of quasisplit GSp(2n) and GO(2n)Xu, Bin  7/12/2023
Intersections in Lubin-Tate space and biquadratic fundamental lemmasHoward, BenjaminLi, Q. 7/12/2023
Uniformization of planar domains by exhaustionRajala, Kai  7/12/2023
Quadratic Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series of Type D_4^{(1)}Diaconu, AdrianPasolPopa7/12/2023
On vortex stretching for anti-parallel axisymmetric flowsJeong, In-JeeChoi, K. 7/13/2023
The semiclassical structure of the scattering matrix for a manifold with infinite cylindrical end Christiansen, TanyaUribe 7/13/2023
Reconstruction and interpolation of manifolds II: Inverse problems with partial data for distances observations and for the heat kernelLassas, Matti J.FeffermanIvanov7/13/2023
Soliton resolution for equivariant self-dual Chern-Simons-Schrödinger equation in weighted Sobolev classKim, KihyunKwonOh7/13/2023
Multiresolution Analysis and Zygmund DilationsVuorinen, EmilHytonenLi7/14/2023
Every countable group admits amenable actions on stably finite simple C*-algebrasSuzuki, Yuhei  7/14/2023
Ollivier Ricci flow on weighted graphsLin, YongBaiLu11/2/2023
Arithmetic and geometric deformations of F-pure and F-regular singularitiesSato, KentaTakagi 11/2/2023
New lower bounds on kissing numbers and spherical codes in high dimensionsGil-Fernandez, IreneKimLiu11/2/2023
Derivation of the kinetic wave equation for quadratic dispersive problems in the inhomogeneous settingCollot, CharlesGermainAmpatzoglou11/2/2023
Totally Umbilic Surfaces in Hyperbolic 3-manifolds of Finite VolumeRamos, Alvaro KrugerAdamsMeeks11/2/2023
Examples of open manifolds with positive Ricci curvature and non-proper Busemann functionsPan, JiayinWei 11/2/2023
Weakly admissible locus and Newton stratification in p-adic Hodge theoryTong, JilongChen 11/2/2023
On the first sign-change of Fourier coefficients of cusp formsWang, YingnanChenLau11/2/2023
Lipschitz continuity and Bochner-Eells-Sampson inequality for harmonic maps from RCD(K,N) spaces to CAT(0) spacesMondino, AndreaSemola 11/2/2023
On the Liouville function at polynomial argumentsTeravainen, Joni  12/6/2023
Simultaneous dilation and translation tilings of R^nBownik, MarcinSpeegle 12/6/2023
Rationality of representation zeta functions of compact p-adic analytic groupsStasinski, AlexanderZordan 12/6/2023
Berezin Toeplitz operators, Kodaira maps, and random sectionsAncona, MicheleLe Floch 12/6/2023
On restricted projections to planes in R^3Gan, ShengwenGuo, GuthHarris12/6/2023
Propagation estimates and Fredholm analysis for the time-dependent Schr\ odinger equationHassell, AndrewGell-RedmanGomes12/21/2023

The 2022 Papers

On weakly turbulent solutions to the perturbed linear harmonic oscillatorRaphael, PierreFaou 1/12/2022
Examples of property (T) II_1 factors with trivial fundamental groupChifan, I.DasHoudayer1/12/2022
The pentagon equation and the confluence relationsFurusho, H.  2/9/2022
Prefixed curves in moduli spaceKoch, SarahBuffEpstein2/9/2022
Khovanov homology detects split linksSarkar, SucharitLipshitz, R. 2/9/2022
On K-theoretic invariants of semigroup C*-algebras from actions of congruence monoidsLi, XinBruce, Chris 2/9/2022
Families of commuting automorphisms, and a characterization of the affine spaceRegeta, A.CantatXie2/10/2022
Concentration estimates for algebraic intersectionsWalsh, Miguel  2/10/2022
Low regularity ill-posedness for elastic waves driven by shock formationAn, XinliangChenYin2/10/2022
Proper proximality in non-positive curvatureHorbez, CamilleHuangLécureux2/10/2022
On the $\sigma_k$-Nirenberg problemNguyen, LucLi, Y.Wang. B.2/10/2022
Stable cones in the thin one-phase problemFernández-Real, X.Ros-Oton, X. 2/10/2022
Fourier transform and expanding maps on Cantor setsSahlsten, TuomasStevens 2/10/2022
The effect of metric behavior at spatial infinity on pointwise wave decay in the asymptotically flat stationary settingMorgan, Katrina Lyn  2/23/2022
Weight filtrations for GKZ systemsWalther, UliReichelt 4/13/2022
Kodaira dimensions of almost complex manifolds IZhang, WeiyiChen, H. 4/13/2022
Spherical Centroid BodiesSchuster, FranzBesauHack4/13/2022
Asymptotically Kasner-like singularitiesLuk, J.Fournodavlos 4/13/2022
ALGEBRAIC TWISTS OF GL3×GL2 L-FUNCTIONSMichel, PhilippeLinSawin4/13/2022
Graded quotients of ramification groups of local fields with imperfect residue fieldsSaito, T.  4/13/2022
Inverse problems for real principal type operatorsUhlmann, GuntherOksanenSalo4/13/2022
Scarcity of congruences for the partition functionAhlgren, ScottBeckwithRaum4/28/2022
Almost representations of algebras and quantizationIoos, LouisKazhdanPolterovich4/28/2022
Prime and Mobius correlations for very short intervals in Fq[x]Rosenzweig, L.Kurlberg, P. 4/28/2022
Nearby cycle sheaves for symmetric pairsXue, TingGrinbergVilonen5/4/2022
Character rigidity for lattices and commensuratorsCreutz, DarrenPeterson, J. 7/9/2022
The spectrum of an operator associated with G2 instantons with 1 dimensional singularities and Hermitian Yang-Mills connections with isolated singularitiesWang, Yuanqi  7/9/2022
Howe Correspondence of Unipotent Characters for a Finite Symplectic/Even-orthogonal Dual PairPan, Shu-Yen  7/11/2022
Analysis of the critical CR GJMS operatorTakeuchi, Yuya  7/11/2022
On Steklov Eigenspaces for Free Boundary Minimal Surfaces in the Unit BallMcGrath, PeterKusner, R. 7/11/2022
Rigid surfaces arbitrarily close to the Bogomolov--Miyaoka--Yau lineUrzúa, G.Stover, M. 8/24/2022
Automorphic descent for symplectic groups: the branching problems and L-functionsXu, BinLiu, Baiying 8/24/2022
Hyperbolicity and bifurcations in holomorphic families of polynomial skew productsBianchi, FabrizioAstorg 8/24/2022
A proof of conjectured partition identities of NandiTsuchioka, ShunsukeTakigiku, M. 8/24/2022
Quasiconformal Gauss maps and the Bernstein problem for Weingarten multigraphsMira, PabloFernandezGalvez9/2/2022
Planar minimal surfaces with polynomial growth in the Sp(4,R)-symmetric spaceTamburelli, AndreaWolf 9/2/2022
The Petersson/Kuznetsov trace formula with prescribed local ramificationsHu, Yueke  9/2/2022
Hecke algebras for tame supercuspidal typesOhara, Kazuma  9/2/2022
Lelong numbers of currents of full mass intersectionVu, Duc Viet  9/7/2022
Diffuse traces and Haar unitariesThiel, Hannes  9/7/2022
Singular limits of K\"ahler-Ricci flow on Fano $G$-manifoldsZhu, XiaohuaLi, Y.Tian, G.9/7/2022
A Marstrand-type restricted projection theorem in R^3Orponen, T.KaenmakiVenieri9/7/2022
Sharp L^p bounds for the helical maximal functionBeltran, DavidGuoHickman9/7/2022
A local Langlands correspondence for unipotent representationsSolleveld, Martin  11/30/2022
On Petersson norms of generic cusp forms and special values of adjoint L-functions for GSp_4Ichino, A.Chen 11/30/2022
Global well-posedness for the radial, defocusing, nonlinear wave equation for 3 < p < 5Dodson, B.  11/30/2022
Diffusion bound for the nonlinear Anderson modelShi, YunfengCong, H. 11/30/2022
Riemann-Hilbert hierarchies for hard edged planar orthogonal polynomialsWennman, AronHedenmalm 11/30/2022
The S_n-equivariant Euler characteristic of M_{g,n}Payne, SamuelChanFaber11/30/2022
The density hypothesis for horizontal families of latticesMaga, PéterFraczykHarcos11/30/2022
Number of solutions to a special type of unit equations in two variablesPink, IstvánMiyazaki 11/30/2022
Chromatic Fixed Point Theory and the Balmer spectrum for extraspecial 2-groupsKuhn, N.Lloyd, C. 11/30/2022
Isoperimetric interpretation for the Renormalized volume of convex co-compact hyperbolic 3-manifoldsVargas Pallete, FrancoViana 11/30/2022
Identifying measures on non-abelian groups and modules by their moments via reduction to a local problemSawin, Will  11/30/2022

The 2021 Papers

Manifolds with positive orthogonal Ricci curvatureZheng. F.Ni, LeiWang1/7/2021
Two boundary rigidity results for holomorphic mapsZimmer, Andrew  1/7/2021
Volume pinching theorems for CAT(1) spacesNagano, Koichi  1/7/2021
A MORAWETZ INEQUALITY FOR WATER WAVESTataru, DanielAlazard, T.Ifrim, M.1/7/2021
On projective manifolds with semi-positive holomorphic sectional curvatureMatsumura, Shin-ichi  1/7/2021
Equipartitions and Mahler volumes of symmetric convex bodiesZvavitch, ArtemFradeliziHubbard1/7/2021
Law of large numbers for the spectral radius of random matrix productsSert, CargiAoun, Richard 1/7/2021
Erratum to: Multiparameter Riesz Commutators", Amer. J. Math. 131, No. 3 (2009), 731 - 769PipherLaceyPetermichl1/7/2021
The automorphism groups of the profinite braid groupsMinamide, ArataNakamura 2/3/2021
On Arthur s unitarity conjecture for split real groupsMiller, StevenHundley, J. 2/3/2021
Sofic homological invariants and the Weak Pinsker PropertyBowen, Lewis  2/8/2021
Inequalities of Riesz-Sobolev type for compact connected Abelian groupsIliopoulou, M.Christ, Michael 2/8/2021
Smooth Approximatiion in PL GeometryFernando Galvan, JoséGhiloni 3/19/2021
Optimal lower bounds for first eigenvalues of Riemann surfaces for large genusWu, YunhuiXue, Y. 3/19/2021
On the number of critical points of solutions of semilinear equations in R^2Grossi, MassimoGladiali, F. 3/19/2021
Global $C^{2,\alpha}$ estimates for the Monge-Ampere equation on polygonal domains in the planeLe, Nam Q.Savin 3/19/2021
A short proof of 2 decoupling for the moment curveYung, Po-LamGuoLi3/19/2021
Kissing numbers of closed hyperbolic manifoldsPetri, BramFortier-Bourque, M. 3/25/2021
Bestvina-Brady discrete Morse theory and Vietoris-Rips complexesZaremsky, Matthew  3/25/2021
Optimal boundary regularity for fast diffusion equations in bounded domainsXiong, J.Jin, T. 3/25/2021
On the failure of gorensteinness at weight 1 Eisenstein points of the eigencurvePozzi, AliceBetinaDimitrov4/19/2021
Birational self-maps of threefolds of (un)-bounded genus or gonalityBlanc, JérémyCheltsovDuncan4/19/2021
Four-manifolds up to connected sum with complex projective planesPowell, MarkKasprowskiTeichner7/27/2021
On stratification for spaces with Noetherian mod p cohomologyHeard, DrewBarthelCastellana7/27/2021
On the 1_H-flow by p-Laplace approximation: new estimates via fake distances under Ricci lower             
Setti, Alberto GiulioRigoliMari7/27/2021
Structure and classification results for the $\infty$-elastica problemMoser, Roger  7/27/2021
A higher rank Euler system for G_m over a totally real fieldSakamoto, Ryotaro  7/27/2021
A necessary and sufficient condition for the Darboux-Treibich-Verdier potential with its spectrum contained in R"Chen, ZhijieFuLin7/27/2021
The many integral graded cellular bases of Hecke algebras of complex reflection groupsBowman-Scargill, Chris  7/28/2021
Existence of minimal hypersurfaces with non-empty free boundary for generic metricsWang, Zhichao  7/28/2021
Spherical maximal functions and fractal dimensions of dilation setsSeeger, AndreasRoos 7/28/2021
Roots of random functions: A general condition for local universalityVu, VanNguyen 8/9/2021
Average CM-values of higher Green's function and factorizationLi, Yingkun  12/8/2021
Singularities of L^2-metric in the canonical bundle formulaTakayama, Shigeharu  12/8/2021
Perfectoid spaces arising from arithmetic jet spacesMiller, Lance EwardBuium 12/8/2021
Joints tightenedZhao, YufeiHans Yu, H.-H. 12/8/2021
ON THE ORDER OF MAGNITUDE OF SUDLER PRODUCTSTechnau, NiclasAistleitnerZafeiropoulos12/8/2021
Mabuchi's soliton metric and relative D-stabilityHisamoto, Tomoyuki  12/8/2021
Mukai models and Borcherds productsMa, Shouhei  12/8/2021

The 2020 Papers

Quasi-Harnack InequalityDe Silva, DanielaSavin, O. 2/20/2020
On the magnitude function of domains in Euclidean spaceGoffeng, MagnusGimperlein, H. 3/6/2020
Generic Newton polygon for exponential sums in $n$ variables with parallelotope baseRen, Rufei  3/11/2020
Finite-dimensional approximation and non-squeezing for the cubic nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation on $\R^2$Killip, RowanVisanZhang4/10/2020
Long-time dynamics of coherent states in strong magnetic fieldsNgoc, San VuBoil, G. 6/24/2020
Coordinates Adapted to Vector FIelds II: Sharp ResultsStreet, Brian  6/24/2020
Singularities of rational inner functions in higher dimensionsSola, AlanBickelPascoe6/24/2020
Improved bounds for the Kakeya maximal conjecture in higher dimensionsRogers, KeithHickmanZhang6/24/2020
Microlocal decoupling inequalities and the distance problem on Riemannian manifoldsXi, YakunIosevichLiu6/24/2020
Maximal directional operators along algebraic varietiesDi Plinio, FrancescoParissis, Ioannis 8/11/2020
Almost sure scattering for the energy critical nonlinear wave equationBringmann, Bjoern  8/19/2020
On the inverse absolute continuity of quasiconformal mappings on hypersurfacesRomney, M.Ntalampekos, D. 8/26/2020
Gaussian fluctuations for products of random matricesSun, YiGorin, V. 8/26/2020
Estimates for matrix coefficients of representationsBruno, TommasoCowlingNicola8/26/2020
The matrix Bochner problemCasper, W. RileyYakimov, Milen 8/26/2020
A conjecture on the zeta functions of pairs of ternary quadratic formsNakagawa, Jin  9/15/2020
Ancient gradient flows of elliptic functionals and Morse indexMantoulidis, C.Choi, K. 9/15/2020
The Dirichlet problem for the k-Hessian equation on a complex manifoldPicard, SebastienCollins 9/15/2020
ACC for log canonical threshold polytopesLi, ZhanHan, J.Qi, L.11/3/2020
Unramified Brauer groups of conic bundle threefolds in characteristic twoBoehning, CAuelBigazzi11/3/2020
Newton-Okounkov bodies and Segre classesAluffi, Paolo  11/3/2020
Special values of $L$-functions and the refined Gan-Gross-Prasad conjectureGrobner, HaraldLin, Jie 12/2/2020
The variance of the number of sums of two squares in F_q[T] in short intervalsRodgers, BradGorodetsky 12/2/2020

The 2019 Papers

ERRATUM: Fujita s conjecture and Frobenius amplitude. Amer. J. Math. 130 (2008), no. 5, 1327-1336Keeler, Dennis  1/9/2019
Cocycle superrigidity for translation actions of product groupsGaboriau, DamienIoana, A.Tucker-Drob, R.1/30/2019
Integrality in the Steinberg module and the top-dimensional cohomology of GL_n O_KPutman, AndrewChurch, ThomasFarb, Benson1/31/2019
Partial regularity of almost minimising rectifiable G chains in a Hilbert spaceDe Pauw, ThierryZ�st, Roger 2/22/2019
Selmer groups of symmetric powers of ordinary modular Galois representationsZhang, Xiaoyu  2/22/2019
Bounded strictly pseudoconvex domains in C^2 with obstruction flat boundaryCurry, SeanEbenfelt, Peter 2/22/2019
Hida theory over some unitary Shimura varieties without ordinary locusBrasca, RiccardoRosso, Giovanni 2/22/2019
Localized Donaldson-Thomas theory of surfacesSheshmani, A.GholampourYau, S.-T.2/27/2019
Dimension-free estimates for discrete Hardy-Littlewood averaging operators over the cubes in $\mathbb Z^d$Mirek, M.BourgainStein2/27/2019
O Nan Moonshine and ArithmeticOno, KenDuncanMertens3/15/2019
Rigidity of the spectral gap on $RCD(K,\infty)$-spacesKetterer, ChristianGigliKuwada3/26/2019
Diameter and curvature control under mean curvature flowHaslhofer, RobertGianniotis, P. 3/26/2019
Boundary and lens rigidity for non-convex manifoldsGuillarmouMazzucchelliTzou3/26/2019
Binary permutation groups: alternating and classical groupsGill, NickSpiga, Pablo 3/28/2019
CY Principal Bundles over Compact K�hler ManifoldsChen, JingyueLian, B. H. 3/28/2019
Compact embedded surfaces with constant mean curvature in S2xRTorralbo, FranciscoManzano, J. M. 3/28/2019
Quasiconvexity and Dehn fillingGroves, DanielManning, J. 4/18/2019
HIGHER CHERN CLASSES IN IWASAWA THEORYGreenberg, RalphBleherChinburg, Kakde, Pappas5/7/2019
Hida families and p-adic triple product L-functionsHsieh, M.-L.  5/7/2019
Geometry of Lagrangian self-shrinking tori and applications to the Piecewise Lagrangian Mean Curvature FlowMa, John Man ShunChen, Jingyi 5/7/2019
Deformations of Saito-Kurokawa type and the Paramodular ConjectureKlosin, KrisBerger, T.Poor/Shurman/Yuen (APPENDIX)6/13/2019
Cubic fourfolds fibered in sextic del Pezzo surfacesAddington, NicolasHassett, B.Tschinkel, Y6/25/2019
A generalized Schmidt subspace theorem for closed subschemesHeier, GordonLevin, A. 6/25/2019
Infinite time blow-up for half-harmonic map flow from R into S1Sire, YannickWei, J.Zheng, Y.7/17/2019
Upper and lower bounds for rich lines in gridsMurphy, Brendan  7/29/2019
$p$-adic families of automorphic forms in the $\mu$-ordinary settingEischen, EllenMantovan 8/5/2019
Resonance-free regions for diffractive trapping by conormal potentialsGannot, OranWunsch 9/1/2019
Optimal density for values of generic polynomial mapsGorodnik, A.GhoshNevo9/1/2019
From Neumann to Steklov via Robin: the Weinberger wayFreitas, PedroLaugesen, Richard 10/14/2019
Central Limit Theorem for the number of real roots of Kostlan Shub Smale random polynomial systems Dalmao Artigas, F.ArmentanoAza�s10/14/2019
Convergence of curve shortening flow to translating solitonChoi, KyeongsuChoi, B.Daskalopoulos, P.10/14/2019
Sharp cohomological bound for uniformly quasiregularly elliptic manifoldsKangasniemi, I.  10/14/2019
On uniformity conjectures for abelian varieties and K3 surfacesOrr, MartinSkorobogatovZarhin10/14/2019
Kummer rigidity for K3 surface automorphisms via Ricci-flat metricsFilip, SimonTosatti, V. 10/14/2019
Periodic structure of translational multi-tilings in the planeLiu, Bochen  10/14/2019
Uncertainty principle, minimal escape velocities and observability inequalities for schr\"{o}dinger equationsHuang, ShanlinSoffer 10/29/2019
Symmetric Convex Sets with Minimal Gaussian Surface AreaHeilman, S.  11/6/2019
Complete Constant Mean Curvature Hypersurfaces in Euclidean space of dimension four or higherKapouleas, N.Breiner, C. 12/17/2019
The Zakharov system in 4D radial energy space below the ground stateNakanishi, KenjiGuo, Z. 12/17/2019
Circle patterns on surfaces of finite topological typeZhou, ZeGe, HuabinHua, Bobo12/17/2019
CORRIGENDUM: Classification of varieties with canonical curve section via Gaussian maps on canonical curves, AMER. J. MATH. 120(1998), NO. 1, 1-21Lopez, AngeloCilibertoMiranda12/17/20

The 2018 Papers

Theory of weights in p-adic cohomologyCaro, DanielAbe, T. 1/18/2018
Ext^1 localement analytique et compatibilité local-globalBreuil, Christophe  1/18/2018
Semi-simplicity of certain Galois representations occurring in etale cohomology of unitary Shimura varietiesNekovar, JanFayad, K. 1/30/2018
Minimal graphs over Riemannian surfaces and harmonic diffeomorphismsMazet, LaurentRodriguez, M.Rosenberg, H.1/30/2018
Cancellation in the Additive Twists of Fourier Coeffcients for GL2 and GL3 over Number FieldsQi, Zhi  1/30/2018
Pushforwards of p-adic differential equationsBojkovic, V.Poineau 1/30/2018
On the variety associated to the ring of theta constants in genus 3Salvati-Manni, R.Freitag, E. 2/9/2018
Endoscopic classification of very cuspidal representations of quasi-split unramified unitary groups            

(was: Endoscopic classification of very cuspidal representations of quasi-split unitary groups)
Tam, Kam-Fai  2/27/2018
Counting curve typesAougab, TarikSouto, J. 3/1/2018
Loose crystalline lifts and overconvergence of \'etale $(\varphi, \tau)$-modulesGao, HuiLiu, Tong 3/1/2018
Self-improving property of degenerate parabolic equations of porous medium-typeGianazza, UgoSchwarzacher, S. 3/14/2018
Periodicity and decidability of tilings of $Z^2$Bhattacharya, S.  3/14/2018
COMPLEX LEGENDRE DUALITYBerndtsson, BoCordero-ErausquinKlartag3/14/2018
Fundamental gap of convex domains in the spheres (with Appendix by Qi S. Zhang)He, ChenxuWei, GuofangZhang, Q.-S. (appendix)3/14/2018
Sharp nonexistence results for curvature equations with four singular sources on rectangular toriLin, Chang-ShouChen, ZJ 3/14/2018
Intrinsic Lipschitz graphs and vertical beta-numbers in the Heisenberg groupFässler, KatrinChousionisOrponen4/5/2018
One-cycle sweepout estimates of essential surfaces in closed Riemannian manifoldsSabourau, Stephane  4/5/2018
Purely log terminal threefolds with non-normal centres in characteristic twoCascini, PaoloTanaka, H. 4/18/2018
Patterns in Random FractalsShmerkin, PabloSuomala 4/18/2018
Finite group actions on reductive groups and buildings and tamely-ramified descent in Bruhat-Tits theoryPrasad, Gopal  4/18/2018
Global center stable manifold for the defocusing energy critical wave equation with potentialLiu, BaopingJiaSchlag4/18/2018
Major Arcs and Moments of Arithmetical SequencesFiorilli, Danielde la Bretèche, R. 4/25/2018
Multiplicity formula and stable trace formulaPeng, Zhifeng  6/1/2018
p-adic generalized hypergeometric equations from the viewpoint of arithmetic D-modulesMiyatani, K.  6/1/2018
Quantitative estimates of sampling constants in model spacesKellay, K.Hartmann, A.Jaming, P.6/1/2018
Quotients of triangulated categories and equivalences of Buchweitz, Orlov and Amiot--Guo--KellerYang, DongIyama 6/1/2018
On the Igusa conjecture in two dimensionsWright, James R.  6/5/2018
C-Projective Compactification: (quasi-)Kaehler Metrics and CR boundariesCap, AndreasGover, A. Rod 6/12/2018
Escobar s Type Theorems for Elliptic Fully Nonlinear Degenerate EquationsEspinar, JoseAbanto, D. P. 6/12/2018
Deformation theory of scalar-flat K\"ahler ALE surfacesViaclovsky, J.Han, Jiyuan 6/13/2018
Paneitz operators on hyperbolic spaces and high order Hardy-Sobolev-Mazya inequalities on half spacesLu, GouzhenYang, Q. 6/13/2018
The irreducibility of the primal cohomology of the theta divisor of an abelian fivefold (WAS: The primal cohomology of the theta divisor of an abelian fivefold is simple)Izadi, ElhamWang, Jie 6/27/2018
Complete translating solitons to the mean curvature flow in $\mathbb{R}^3$ with nonnegative mean curvatureXiao, LingSpruck, Joel 7/16/2018
Hyperelliptic Continued Fractions and Generalized JacobiansZannier, Umberto  7/25/2018
Surface group amalgams that (don't) act on 3-manifoldStark, EmilyHruskaTran8/9/2018
A birational Nevanlinna constant and its consequencesVojta, PaulRu, Min 8/9/2018
Improvement of flatness for nonlocal phase transitionsValdinoci, E.DipierroSerra8/9/2018
Uncountably many quasi-isometry classes of groups of type $FP$Leary, IanKrophollerSoroko8/9/2018
Sign-changing self-similar solutions of the nonlinear heat equation with poitive initial valueWeissler, FredCazenaveDickstein8/28/2018
Endpoint Lebesgue estimates for weighted averages on polynomial curvesStovall, BetsyChrist, M.Dendrinos8/28/2018
A geometric analogue of a conjecture of Gross and ReederSage, DanielKamgarpour, M. 9/18/2018
Kuznetsov, Petersson and Weyl on GL(3), I The principal series formsButtcane, Jack  9/18/2018
The distribution of Galois orbits of points of small height in toric varietiesRivera-Letelier, J.Burgos Gil, J.Philippon, P.9/21/2018
Contractions and deformationsDonovan, WillWemyss, Michael 9/21/2018
Compact singular minimal surfaces with boundaryLópez, Rafael  9/21/2018
Weighted restriction estimates and application to Falconer distance set problemOu, YumengDuGuth9/21/2018
The Hermitian curvature flow on manifolds with non-negative Griffiths curvatureUstinovskiy, Yury  10/18/2018
On the parity of ideal classes over a fixed primePark, Jeongho  10/31/2018
Orbital exponential sums for prehomogeneous vector spacesThorne, FrankTaniguchi, Takashi 10/31/2018
On upper bounds of arithmetic degreesMatsuzawa, Yohsuke  10/31/2018
Asymptotic structure of almost eigenfunctions of drift Laplacians on conical endsBernstein, Jacob  11/19/2018
The Rankin-Selberg monoid and a nonabelian trace formulaGetz, Jayce  11/28/2018

The 2017 Papers

The Kähler-Ricci flow, Ricci-flat metrics and collapsing limitsTosatti, ValentinoWeinkove, BenYang, X.1/11/2017
Minimal Surfaces in Finite Volume Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds N and in M x S^1, M a Finite Area Hyperbolic SurfaceHauswirth, LaurentCollin, PascalRosenberg, Harold1/11/2017
Topological simplicity of the Cremona groupsBlanc, JeremyZimmermann, Susanna 1/11/2017
Beyond Endoscopy via the trace formula - II Asymptotic expansions of Fourier transforms and bounds towards the Ramanujan conjectureAltug, Ali  2/8/2017
Convexity of the renormalized volume of hyperbolic 3-manifoldsMoroianu, Sergiu  2/14/2017
A vanishing result for tautological classes on the moduli of K3 surfacesPetersen, Dan  2/14/2017
A sharp inscribed radius estimate for fully nonlinear flowsBrendle, SimonHung, P.-K. 2/15/2017
Weak type commutator and Lipschitz estimates: resolution of the Nazarov-Peller conjectureCaspers, MartinPotapovSukochev2/15/2017
The classification of Zamolodchikov periodic quiversGalashin, PavelPylyavskyy, P. 2/22/2017
A trilinear restriction estimate with sharp dependence on transversality            

[ORIGINAL TITLE: The trilinear restriction estimate with sharp dependence on the transversality]
Ramos, Javier  3/21/2017
Resultants and the Borcherds $\Phi$-functionYoshikawa, K.-I.Kawaguchi, S.Mukai, S.3/21/2017
On the Hecke eigenvalues of Maass formsLuo, WenzhiZhou, Fan 4/28/2017
Bounding diameter of singular Kahler metricZhang, ZhenleiLa Nave, G.Tian, Gang5/2/2017
Global regularity for the free boundary in the obstacle problem for the fractional LaplacianFigalli, A.Barrios, B.Ros-Oton, X.5/2/2017
Connected components of closed affine Delinge-Lusztig varieties in affine GrassmanniansNie, Sian  5/2/2017
On the Gross-Keating invariant of a quadratic form over a non-archimedean local fieldIkeda, TamotsuKatsurada, Hidenori 5/2/2017
The Hasse norm principle for abelian extensionsLoughran, DanielFreiNewton5/2/2017
Strong solidity of free Araki-Woods factorsHoudayer, CyrilBoutonnetVaes5/25/2017
The Spin L-function on GSp_6 via a non-unique modelPollack, AaronShah, Shrenik 6/8/2017
Diophantine StabilityRubin, KarlMazur, Barry 6/21/2017
NODAL DOMAINS OF MAASS FORMS IISarnak, PeterGhosh, AmitReznikov, Andre7/18/2017
Bloch function, asymptotic variance, and geometric zero packingHedenmalm, H.  7/27/2017
Pseudo-modularity and Iwasawa theoryWang Erickson, CarlWake, Preston 8/15/2017

Akhtari, ShabnamBhargava, M. 8/15/2017
On a two-phase problem for harmonic measure in general domainsAzzam, JonasMourgoglouTolsa8/15/2017
The massive Feynman propagator on asymptotically Minkowski spacetimesGérard, ChristianWrochna, Michal 8/15/2017
Relative (non-)formality of the little cubes operads and the algebraic Cerf lemmaWillwacher, ThomasTurchin, V. 9/27/2017
Stabilization of the Cohomology of ThickeningsLyubeznik, GennadyBhattBlickle9/27/2017
A Godement-Jacquet type integral and the metaplectic Shalika modelKaplan, E.Möllers, J. 10/11/2017
On noncollapsed almost Ricci-flat 4-manifoldsLott, JohnKapovitch, V. 10/11/2017
An index theorem for Lorentzian manifolds with compact spacelike Cauchy boundaryBär, ChristianStrohmaier, Alexander 10/11/2017
Dispersive estimates for Dirac Operators in dimension three with obstructions at threshold energiesGreen, William R.ErdoganToprak10/31/2017
Poincare and Brunn-Minkowski inequalities on the boundary of weighted Riemannian manifoldsMilman, EmanuelKolesnikov , Alexander 11/16/2017
Random integral matrices and the Cohen-Lenstra HeuristicsMatchett Wood, Melanie  11/16/2017
Endoscopic lifting of simple supercuspidal representations of SO(2n+1) to GL(2n)Oi, Masao  12/6/2017
Local energy decay for scalar fields on time dependent non-trapping backgroundsMetcalfe, JasonSterbenzTataru12/6/2017
A new approach to unramified descent in Bruhat-Tits theoryPrasad, Gopal  12/8/2017

The 2016 Papers

On moments of twisted L-functionsMichel, PhilippeBlomerFouvry1/6/2016
The Mach stem equation and amplification in strongly nonlinear geometric opticsCoulombel, Jean-FrancoisWilliams, Mark 1/6/2016
Proof of a Conjecture of Batyrev and NillKelly, TylerFavero, D. 1/20/2016
Quadratic base change and the analytic continuation of the Asai l-function: a new trace formula approachHerman, Paul E.  1/28/2016
The classification of CMC foliations of R^3 and S^3 with countably many singularitiesPerez, JoaquinMeeks, Wm.Ros, A.3/1/2016
Potential automorphy and the Leopoldt conjectureKhare, C.Thorne, J. 3/1/2016
On symmetric power L-invariants of Iwahori level Hilbert modular formsJorza, AndreiHarron, Robert 3/7/2016
Representations of the alternating group which are irreducible over subgroups. IIKleshchev, A.Sin, P.Tiep, P. H.3/22/2016
A model of viscoelasticity with time-dependent memory kernelsPata, V.Conti, M.Danese, V.3/22/2016
On the Muskat problem: global in time results in 2D and 3DConstantin, PeterCordobaGancedo4/28/2016
Moebius Orthogonality for Generalized Morse-Kakutani FlowsVeech, W. A.  4/28/2016
Hybrid Iwasawa algebras and the equivariant Iwasawa main conjectureJohnston, HenriNickel, Andreas 5/19/2016
Finiteness of 2-reflective lattices of signature (2,n)Ma, Shouhei  5/26/2016
Stability of stationary equivariant wave maps from the hyperbolic planeLawrie, AndrewOh, S. -J.Shahshahani , S.5/26/2016
Weyl's law for Hecke operators on GL(n) over imaginary quadratic number fieldsMatz, Jasmin  6/22/2016
On the bumpy metrics theorem for minimal submanifoldsWhite, Brian  6/22/2016
On the magnitudes of compact sets in Euclidean spacesCarbery, T.Barcelo, J. A. 6/22/2016
Stability of the Brascamp-Lieb constant and applicationsBennett, JonBezFlock6/22/2016
Finiteness of Teichmuller curves in non-arithmetic rank 1 orbit closuresWright, AlexLanneau, E.Nguyen, D.-M.8/5/2016
On the analyticity of CR-diffeomorphismsKossovskiy, IlyaLamel, B. 8/5/2016
Kato's Euler system and the Mazur-Tate refined conjecture of BSD typeOta, K.  8/5/2016
Sur certaines contributions unipotentes dans la formule des traces d'ArthurChaudouard, Pierre-Henri  8/5/2016
Embedded area-constrained Willmore tori of small area in Riemannian three-manifolds II: Morse TheoryMalchiodi, AndreaIkomaMondino9/9/2016
Translation principle for Dirac indexPandzicMehdiVogan9/9/2016
Optimal bounds for the volumes of K\"ahler-Einstein Fano manifoldsFujita, Kento  9/9/2016
K\"ahler-Ricci flow with unbounded curvatureTam, Luen-FaiHuang, Shaochuang 9/14/2016
On the algebraicity of some products of special values of Barnes' multiple gamma functionKashio, Tomokazu  9/14/2016
On the Local Converse Theorem for p-adic GLnLiu, BaiyingJacquet, Herve 9/14/2016
A model of viscoelasticity with time-dependent memory kernels. Part II: asymptotic behavior of solutionsPata, V.ContiDanese9/14/2016
Erratum to: On the formal arc space of a reductive monoid (AJM 138.1, Feb 2016, 81-108)Sakellaridis, Y.BouthierNgô10/6/2016
An algebraic study of extension algebraKato, Syu  10/11/2016
Asymptotic decomposition for semilinear wave and equivariant wave map equationsKenig, CarlosJia, Hao 10/11/2016
The Langlands-Shahidi L-functions for Brylinski-Deligne extensionsGao, Fan  10/11/2016
On Iwahori-Hecke Algebras for p-adic Loop Groups: Double Coset Basis and Bruhat OrderMuthiah, Dinakar  10/11/2016
Kronecker limit formula over global function fieldsWei, Fu-Tsun  11/8/2016
Microsolutions of differential operators and values of arithmetic Gevrey seriesRivoal, T.Fischler, S. 11/8/2016
On birational boundedness of Fano fibrationsJiang, Chen  11/8/2016
The Mercat conjecture for stable rank 2 vector bundles on generic curvesFarkas, GavrilBakker, B. 11/8/2016
Double Pieri algebras and iterated Pieri algebras for the classical groupsKim, SangjibHowe, RogerLee, Soo Teck11/15/2016
The Mabuchi Completion of the Space of Kahler PotentialsDarvas, Tamas  11/15/2016
Algebraic curves, rich points, and doubly-ruled surfacesZahl, JoshuaGuth, Larry 12/20/2016

Published six times a year in February, April, June, August, October, and December

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Journal of Mathematics Research (ISSN: 1916-9795;  E-ISSN: 1916-9809) is an open-access, international, double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by the Canadian Center of Science and Education. This journal, published bimonthly (February, April, June, August, October and December) in both print and online versions, keeps readers up-to-date with the latest developments in all aspects of mathematics.

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research journal of mathematics

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Journal for Research in Mathematics Education

An official journal of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), JRME is the premier research journal in mathematics education and is devoted to the interests of teachers and researchers at all levels--preschool through college.

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A Way to Consider Balance Among JRME Publications: Descriptive, Transformative, and Reflective Research

Looking inside the black box: measuring implementation and detecting group-level impact of cognitively guided instruction.

Studies have found that some teacher professional development programs that are based on Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) can increase student mathematics achievement. The mechanism through which those effects are realized has been theorized, but more empirical study is needed. In service of this need, we designed a novel measure of instructional practice to assess the extent to which observable features of mathematics instruction are consistent with the principles of CGI. We describe the conceptual foundations and first use of the instrument, which we call M-CLIPS. We found that teachers involved in the first 2 years of a CGI program were using methods consistent with the principles. In contrast, instructional practice in the comparison condition was mostly inconsistent with those principles.

Understanding Preservice Elementary Teachers as Mathematical Modelers and Their Perceptions of the Process

A growing consensus holds that preservice K–8 teachers (PSTs) need to experience the modeling process as learners to understand it and envision teaching modeling in their future classrooms. We examine this recommendation by exploring how PSTs construct models and how collaborative learning practices influence them in revising and refining their models. We also explore their reflections on modeling as a pedagogical experience. We introduce Modeling Decision Maps as a tool to examine how PSTs construct and refine mathematical models, and we draw on reflective journal entries to capture PSTs’ perspectives on the process. Our findings indicate that realistic modeling tasks provide opportunities to foster PSTs’ understanding of modeling, grow their mathematical modeling skills, and attune them to important pedagogical practices.

The Journal for Research in Mathematics Education is published online five times a year—January, March, May, July, and November—at 1906 Association Dr., Reston, VA 20191-1502. Each volume’s index is in the November issue. JRME is indexed in Contents Pages in Education, Current Index to Journals in Education, Education Index, Psychological Abstracts, Social Sciences Citation Index, and MathEduc.

An official journal of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), JRME is the premier research journal in mathematics education and is devoted to the interests of teachers and researchers at all levels--preschool through college. JRME presents a variety of viewpoints. The views expressed or implied in JRME are not the official position of the Council unless otherwise noted.

JRME is a forum for disciplined inquiry into the teaching and learning of mathematics. The editors encourage submissions including:

  • Research reports, addressing important research questions and issues in mathematics education,
  • Brief reports of research,
  • Research commentaries on issues pertaining to mathematics education research.

More information about each type of submission is available here . If you have questions about the types of manuscripts JRME publishes, please contact [email protected].

Editorial Board

The  JRME  Editorial Board consists of the Editorial Team and Editorial Panel.  The Editorial team, led by JRME Editor Patricio Herbst, leads the review, decision and editorial/publication process for manuscripts.  The Editorial Panel reviews manuscripts, sets policy for the journal, and continually seeks feedback from readers. The following are members of the current JRME Editorial Board.

Editorial Staff   

Patricio Herbst


Ilana Seidel Horn     

Sandra Crespo    

Karl Kosko

Christine Austin

Tesha Sengupta-Irving

Editorial Panel  

University of Connecticut

Lillie Albert

Boston College

Theodore Chao

Ohio State University

Óscar Chávez               

Illinois State University                

Kristine Ho

George Mason University

Vanderbilt University

Charles Munter

University of Missouri

David E. Barnes


International Advisory Board   

Rosemary Callingham

Haiyue Jin

Luis Pino-Fan Chile

Headquarters Journal Staff  

David E. Barnes

Associate Executive Director

Executive Director

The editors of the  Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (JRME)  encourage the submission of a variety of manuscripts.

Manuscripts must be submitted through the JRME Online Submission and Review System . 

Research Reports

JRME publishes a wide variety of research reports that move the field of mathematics education forward. These include, but are not limited to, various genres and designs of empirical research; philosophical, methodological, and historical studies in mathematics education; and literature reviews, syntheses, and theoretical analyses of research in mathematics education. Papers that review well for JRME generally include these Characteristics of a High-Quality Manuscript . The editors strongly encourage all authors to consider these characteristics when preparing a submission to JRME. 

The maximum length for Research Reports is 13,000 words including abstract, references, tables, and figures.

Brief Reports

Brief reports of research are appropriate when a fuller report is available elsewhere or when a more comprehensive follow-up study is planned.

  • A brief report of a first study on some topic might stress the rationale, hypotheses, and plans for further work.
  • A brief report of a replication or extension of a previously reported study might contrast the results of the two studies, referring to the earlier study for methodological details.
  • A brief report of a monograph or other lengthy nonjournal publication might summarize the key findings and implications or might highlight an unusual observation or methodological approach.
  • A brief report might provide an executive summary of a large study.

The maximum length for Brief Reports is 5,000 words including abstract, references, tables, and figures. If source materials are needed to evaluate a brief report manuscript, a copy should be included.

Other correspondence regarding manuscripts for Research Reports or Brief Reports should be sent to

Ilana Seidel Horn, JRME Editor, [email protected] .

Research Commentaries

The journal publishes brief (5,000 word), peer-reviewed commentaries on issues that reflect on mathematics education research as a field and steward its development. Research Commentaries differ from Research Reports in that their focus is not to present new findings or empirical results, but rather to comment on issues of interest to the broader research community. 

Research Commentaries are intended to engage the community and increase the breadth of topics addressed in  JRME . Typically, Research Commentaries —

  • address mathematics education research as a field and endeavor to move the field forward;
  • speak to the readers of the journal as an audience of researchers; and
  • speak in ways that have relevance to all mathematics education researchers, even when addressing a particular point or a particular subgroup.

Authors of Research Commentaries should share their perspectives while seeking to invite conversation and dialogue, rather than close off opportunities to learn from others, especially those whose work they might be critiquing. 

Foci of Research Commentaries vary widely. They may include, but are not restricted to the following:

  • Discussion of connections between research and NCTM-produced documents
  • Advances in research methods
  • Discussions of connections among research, policy, and practice
  • Analyses of trends in policies for funding research
  • Examinations of evaluation studies
  • Critical essays on research publications that have implications for the mathematics education research community
  • Interpretations of previously published research in JRME that bring insights from an equity lens
  • Exchanges among scholars holding contrasting views about research-related issues

Read more about Research Commentaries in our May 2023 editorial . 

The maximum length for Research Commentaries is 5,000 words, including abstract, references, tables, and figures.

Other correspondence regarding Research Commentary manuscripts should be sent to: 

Tesha Sengupta-Irving, JRME Research Commentary Editor, [email protected] .

Editorial Policies

Appeals Process Policy

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policy

Tools for Authors

The forms below provide information to authors and help ensure that NCTM complies with all copyright laws: 

Student Work Release

Photographer Copyright Release

Video Permission

Want to Review?

Find more information in this flyer  about how to become a reviewer for JRME . 

The  Journal for Research in Mathematics Education  is available to individuals as part of an  NCTM membership  or may be accessible through an  institutional subscription .

The  Journal for Research in Mathematics Education  ( JRME ), an official journal of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), is the premier research journal in math education and devoted to the interests of teachers and researchers at all levels--preschool through college.

JRME is published five times a year—January, March, May, July, and November—and presents a variety of viewpoints.  Learn more about   JRME .


© 2024 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)

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ISSN (print): 1944-4176

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Involve your students in research

Involve showcases and encourages high-quality mathematical research involving students from all academic levels. The editorial board consists of mathematical scientists committed to nurturing student participation in research.

Submissions in all mathematical areas are encouraged. All manuscripts accepted for publication in Involve are considered publishable in quality journals in their respective fields, and include a minimum of one-third student authorship. Submissions should include substantial faculty input; faculty co-authorship is required. The submission (and accompanying cover letter) should in all cases come from a faculty member.

Involve , bridging the gap between the extremes of purely undergraduate-research journals and mainstream research journals, provides a venue to mathematicians wishing to encourage the creative involvement of students.

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Information about the journal's editorial principles, its policies for authors, the handling of complaints and appeals, and copyright and licensing can be found here .

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Involve publishes 5 issues per year, for an expected total of about 900 pages.

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Authors may submit manuscripts in PDF format here .

Authors should follow these submission guidelines .

About the publisher

The journal is published by MSP (Mathematical Sciences Publishers), alongside other top journals. MSP is a nonprofit who believes that fair-priced scholar-led subscription journals remain the best stewards of quality and fairness, and strives to offer the highest quality at the lowest sustainable prices. MSP also developed EditFlow , the popular peer-review web application.

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research journal of mathematics

Mathematics Education Research Journal

The Mathematics Education Research Journal seeks to promote high quality research that is of interest to the international community.  

The Mathematics Education Research Journal seeks to present research that promotes new knowledge, ideas, methodologies and epistemologies in the field of mathematics education.   

The Mathematics Education Research Journal actively seeks to promote research from the Australasian region either as research conducted in the region; conducted by researchers from the region and/or draws on research from the region.  The Mathematics Education Research Journal accepts papers from authors from all regions internationally but authors must draw on the extensive research that has been produced in the Australasian region. 

This is a transformative journal , you may have access to funding.

  • Vincent Geiger

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Volume 36, Issue 2

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Teacher–child interactions during shared book reading in the domain of early mathematics.

  • Emke Op ‘t Eynde
  • Mayra Lara Mascareño
  • Joke Torbeyns

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Defining and measuring quality in students’ mathematical writing: a systematic literature review

  • Anna Teledahl
  • Cecilia Kilhamn
  • Ola Helenius

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Pre-service mathematics teachers’ personal meanings proclaiming about the characteristics of realistic mathematics problems

  • Serife Sevinc

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Teachers’ goal communication in Nordic mathematics classrooms

  • Alexander J. V. Selling
  • Kirsti Klette
  • Guri A. Nortvedt

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Errors and misconceptions of secondary school students in absolute values: a systematic literature review

  • John P. Papadouris
  • Vassilis Komis
  • Konstantinos Lavidas

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Meet the editor-in-chief: vince geiger.

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Mathematics education research group of australasia.

Through two peer-reviewed journals – Mathematics Education Research Journal and Mathematics Teacher Education and Development – and an engaging annual Conference, The Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia promotes, shares and disseminates rigorous research in mathematics education across Australasia.

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Barbara Prinari, co-founder and deputy editor, Cambridge Journal of Nonlinear Waves

Zoom image: Journal of Nonlinear Waves, poster courtesy of Cambridge Core, 2024. ISSN: 3033-4268 (Online) Frequency: 1 issue per year.

Journal of Nonlinear Waves, poster courtesy of Cambridge Core, 2024. ISSN: 3033-4268 (Online) Frequency: 1 issue per year.

Published September 9, 2024

The UB Department of Mathematics is pleased to announce that Professor Barbara Prinari is co-founder and deputy editor of Cambridge Core's Journal of Nonlinear Waves. Prinari's research adds scope and depth to the journal's editorial board. Problems addressed by Prinari include the development of the Inverse Scattering Transform (IST) as a tool to solve the initial-value problem for scalar, vector and matrix continuous and discrete nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) equations with both vanishing and nonvanishing boundary conditions at infinity; solitons and rogue wave solutions; vector soliton interactions, etc.  

Journal of Nonlinear Waves

Journal of Nonlinear Waves is the home for the field of nonlinear wave phenomena, broadly defined. It publishes authoritative articles on theoretical and computational aspects of nonlinear waves grounded in applications, as well as on experimental investigations that have direct connection to the mathematics of nonlinear waves. The journal invites papers on fundamental contributions to nonlinear waves and applications in many physical settings including optics, condensed matter, fluid dynamics, geophysics, material science, plasma physics, and biological systems.

Article topics include:

  • Nonlinear waves in the physical and applied sciences (optics, condensed matter, fluid dynamics, solid state and materials science, and geophysics/atmospheric/plasma physics, and biology)
  • Applied integrable and non-integrable systems
  • Dispersive hydrodynamics
  • Solitary waves and soliton theory
  • Deterministic and random nonlinear wave phenomena (e.g., wave or soliton turbulence)
  • Nonlinear waves in lattices
  • Numerical methods (including ML/AI-based ones) for nonlinear waves models.
  • Scientific computation and data-driven methods for nonlinear waves.
  • Asymptotic and variational methods for nonlinear waves problems
  • Modelling and experiments related to nonlinear waves
  • Dynamical systems approaches to nonlinear waves problems
  • Nonlinear wave modulation theory
  • Nonlinear waves in dissipative systems
  • Stability of nonlinear waves
  • Lagrangian and Hamiltonian nonlinear wave mechanics

Learn more about the journals editorial board, here.

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Faculty Profile

Barbara prinari.

Barbara Prinari.

Research Interests

Nonlinear waves; integrable systems; solitons; mathematical modeling in social and behavioral science.

Contact Information

314 Mathematics Building UB North Campus

Buffalo NY, 14260-2900

Phone: (716) 645-8799

[email protected]

PhD in Physics (1999), University of Lecce, Italy 

Research Summary

The study of wave phenomena by means of mathematical models often leads to a certain class of nonlinear partial differential equations referred to as integrable systems.

My main area of research deals with nonlinear waves and integrable systems, and has concerned both the study of the integrability of certain nonlinear partial differential equations and their discretizations (differential-difference equations), and of the properties of these equations and their solutions. Specific problems that I have addressed are: the development of the Inverse Scattering Transform (IST) as a tool to solve the initial-value problem for scalar, vector and matrix continuous and discrete nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) equations with both vanishing and nonvanishing boundary conditions at infinity; solitons and rogue wave solutions; vector soliton interactions, etc. Other integrable systems I have studied over the years include: short-pulse systems, Maxwell-Bloch equations, the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equations in 2 spatial dimensions, etc.

I have also been interested in mathematical models for social and behavioral sciences. We have applied generalized kinetic methods and artificial neural networks to analyze and control the quality of an existing neuropsychiatric ward. Recently, we also developed a dynamical systems model for triadic reciprocal determinism, to study how a person experiences stress or traumatic events, and the interplay among coping self-efficacy, behavior and the perception of external environment.

Selected Publications

  • M.J. Ablowitz, B. Prinari, A.D. Trubatch, Discrete and Continuous Nonlinear Schrödinger Systems, LMS Lecture Notes Series 302, Cambridge University Press (2004) 
  • B. Prinari, “Inverse Scattering Transform for nonlinear Schrödinger system on a nontrivial background: a survey of classical results, new developments and future directions”, J. Nonlin. Math. Phys. 30, 317-383 (2023) [invited review article]
  • B. Prinari, A.D. Trubatch, and B-Feng Feng, “Inverse scattering transform for the complex short-pulse equation by a Riemann-Hilbert approach”, Eur. Phys. J. Plus, 135, 716 (2020)
  • M. Lo Schiavo, B. Prinari, I. Saito, K. Shoji, and C.C. Benight, “A deterministic dynamical system approach to triadic reciprocal determinism of social cognitive theory”, Math. Comp. Simul., 159, 18-38 (2019)
  •  B. Prinari, F. Demontis, S. Li and T.P. Horikis, “Inverse scattering transform and soliton solutions for a square matrix nonlinear Schrödinger equation with nonzero boundary conditions, Physica D 368, pp 22-49 (2018)
  • G. Biondini, D.K. Kraus, B. Prinari, “The three-component defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation with nonzero boundary conditions”, Comm. Math. Phys. 348, pp. 475-533 (2016)
  • B. Prinari, “Discrete solitons of the Ablowitz-Ladik equation with nonzero boundary conditions via inverse scattering”, J. Math. Phys. 57, 083510 (2016)
  • B. Prinari, F. Vitale and G. Biondini, “Dark-bright soliton solutions with nontrivial polarization interactions for the three-component defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation with nonzero boundary conditions”, J. Math. Phys. 56, 071505 (2015) [selected as featured article for the July 2015 issue of JMP]
  • M. Lo Schiavo, B. Prinari, J.A. Gronski and A.V. Serio, “An artificial neural network approach for modelling the ward atmosphere in a medical structure”,  Math. Comp. Simul.  116, pp. 44-58 (2015) 
  • F. Demontis, B. Prinari, C. van der Mee, F. Vitale, “The inverse scattering transform for the defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation with nonzero boundary conditions”, Stud. App. Math.  131, pp. 1-40 (2013)
  • B. Prinari, G. Biondini and A.D. Trubatch, “Inverse scattering transform for the multicomponent nonlinear Schrödinger equation with nonzero boundary conditions at infinity”, Stud. App. Math. 126 (3), pp. 245-302 (2011)
  • M. Lo Schiavo, B. Prinari and A.V. Serio, “Mathematical modeling of quality in a medical structure: A case study”,  Math. Comp. Mod.  54, pp. 2087-2103 (2011) 
  • B. Prinari, M.J. Ablowitz and G. Biondini, “Inverse scattering transform for the vector nonlinear Schrödinger equation with non-vanishing boundary conditions”, J. Math. Phys. 47, 063508, 33pp (2006)

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Journal of Mathematics Instruction, Social Research and Opinion (Jul 2024)

Descriptive Survey of Preservice Mathematics Teachers’ Perceived Knowledge and Use of Teaching and Learning Materials

  • Rufai Abdul-Wasiu,
  • Isaac Brilliant Essuman,
  • Dennis Offei Kwakye,
  • Issah Alhassan


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This study explores how pre-service mathematics teachers use teaching and learning materials (TLMs) in lessons. It highlights the importance of utilising TLMs effectively to create an engaging math learning environment. Barriers and benefits of integrating TLMs are also examined due to limited pre-service teacher readiness literature. A survey involving 272 pre-service mathematics teachers used a quantitative approach to assess their knowledge, perceived barriers, and benefits of Teaching and Learning Materials (TLMs). Results showed that teachers have moderate TLM knowledge, with Trundle wheels being the most recognised and Abacus the least. The main barriers included time constraints, lack of computer skills, and limited TLM resources. However, teachers acknowledged the benefits of TLMs in boosting student engagement and comprehension of math concepts. The study reveals that pre-service teachers have a moderate level of knowledge about different Teaching and Learning Materials (TLMs), but there is variability in their familiarity with various materials. Barriers to using TLMs include a lack of resources in schools, time constraints, limited computer skills, and difficulties in teaching specific mathematical concepts. The research emphasises the importance of training programs for teachers to incorporate TLMs into their lessons effectively. Addressing these challenges is crucial for enhancing math education and providing students with interactive learning experiences. The findings offer valuable insights for policymakers and educators seeking to improve teacher preparation in TLM use.

  • Educational Barriers
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  • Mathematics Education
  • Pre-Service Teachers
  • Quantitative Research
  • Teacher Preparedness

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    Research in Mathematics is a broad open access journal publishing all aspects of mathematics including pure, applied, and interdisciplinary mathematics, and mathematical education and other fields. The journal primarily publishes research articles, but also welcomes review and survey articles, and case studies. Topics include, but are not limited to:

  5. Overview

    Journal of Mathematics is a broad scope journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles on all aspects of both pure and applied mathematics. As well as original research, Journal of Mathematics also publishes focused review articles that assess the state of the art, and identify upcoming challenges and promising solutions for the community.

  6. Current

    Current Issue: Vol. 16, No. 2 (2024), Journal of Mathematics Research. On the Universal Presence of Mathematics for Incompletely Predictable Problems in Rigorous Proofs for Riemann Hypothesis, Modified Polignac's and Twin Prime Conjectures

  7. American Journal of Mathematics

    American Journal of Mathematics | Hopkins Press

  8. AMS :: About: Journal of the AMS

    Published by the American Mathematical Society, the Journal of the American Mathematical Society (JAMS) is devoted to research articles of the highest quality in all areas of mathematics. ISSN 1088-6834 (online) ISSN 0894-0347 (print) The 2020 MCQ for Journal of the American Mathematical Society is 4.83. Current volume.

  9. About

    About Journal. Journal of Mathematics Research (ISSN: 1916-9795; E-ISSN: 1916-9809) is an open-access, international, double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by the Canadian Center of Science and Education. This journal, published bimonthly (February, April, June, August, October and December) in both print and online versions, keeps readers up-to-date with the latest developments in all ...

  10. Home

    Journal of Mathematical Sciences - SpringerLink

  11. AMS :: J. Amer. Math. Soc. All Issues

    Published by the American Mathematical Society, the Journal of the American Mathematical Society (JAMS) is devoted to research articles of the highest quality in all areas of mathematics. ISSN 1088-6834 (online) ISSN 0894-0347 (print) The 2020 MCQ for Journal of the American Mathematical Society is 4.83. Current volume.

  12. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

  13. Home

    Research in the Mathematical Sciences is an international, peer-reviewed journal encompassing the full scope of theoretical and applied mathematics, as well as theoretical computer science. Encourages submission of longer articles for more complex and detailed analysis and proofing of theorems. Publishes shorter research communications (Letters ...

  14. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education

    Journal for Research in Mathematics Education - NCTM

  15. Journal of Applied Mathematics

    Journal of Applied Mathematics

  16. Home

    Israel Journal of Mathematics - SpringerLink

  17. Research in Mathematics

    Research in Mathematics is a broad open access journal publishing all aspects of mathematics including pure, applied, and interdisciplinary mathematics, and mathematical education and other fields. The journal primarily publishes research articles, but also welcomes review and survey articles, and case studies. Topics include, but are not limited to:

  18. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education

    Search the journal. An official journal of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), JRME is the premier research journal in mathematics education and is devoted to the interests of teachers and researchers at all levels--preschool through college. Journal information. 2018 (Vol. 49)

  19. AMS :: Journal of the American Mathematical Society

    Published by the American Mathematical Society, the Journal of the American Mathematical Society (JAMS) is devoted to research articles of the highest quality in all areas of mathematics. ISSN 1088-6834 (online) ISSN 0894-0347 (print) The 2020 MCQ for Journal of the American Mathematical Society is 4.83. Current volume.

  20. Involve

    Aims and scope. Involve your students in research. Involve showcases and encourages high-quality mathematical research involving students from all academic levels. The editorial board consists of mathematical scientists committed to nurturing student participation in research. Submissions in all mathematical areas are encouraged.

  21. AMR

    AMR Research Monographs Volume 3: L Reeves, P Scott and G A Swarup ... AMR Books. Journal of Experimental Mathematics. A new journal from the AMR, now accepting submissions. JXM. AMR-RMA Lecture Series. April 9, 2024 - Anton Zorich Random square-tiled surfaces and random multicurves in large genus. Click Here.

  22. Author Guidelines

    The journal will consider the following article types: Research articles. Research articles should present the results of an original research study. These manuscripts should describe how the research project was conducted and provide a thorough analysis of the results of the project. Systematic reviews may be submitted as research articles ...

  23. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics

    Scope of the Journal. This is a world leading journal publishing high quality, rigorously peer-reviewed original research in mathematical applications to different disciplines, and to the methodological and theoretical role of mathematics as ground of all the scien­tific disciplines and related areas since 1998.

  24. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior

    The Journal of Mathematical Behavior is an international, double anonymized peer reviewed journal concerned with the learning and teaching of mathematics. Our fundamental goal is to publish research of the highest quality that expands understanding of how people build, retain, communicate, apply, and comprehend mathematical ideas.

  25. AMS :: Journals Home

    AMS :: Journals Home

  26. Home

    Mathematics Education Research Journal - SpringerLink

  27. Journal of Mathematics

    Journal of Mathematics is a broad scope journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles on all aspects of both pure and applied mathematics. As well as original ...

  28. Barbara Prinari, co-founder and deputy editor, Cambridge Journal of

    The UB Department of Mathematics is pleased to announce that Professor Barbara Prinari is co-founder and&nbsp;deputy editor of Cambridge Core's Journal of Nonlinear Waves. Prinari's research adds scope and depth to the journal's editorial board. Problems addressed by Prinari include the development of the Inverse Scattering Transform (IST) as a tool&nbsp;to solve the initial-value problem for ...

  29. Descriptive Survey of Preservice Mathematics Teachers' Perceived

    The research emphasises the importance of training programs for teachers to incorporate TLMs into their lessons effectively. Addressing these challenges is crucial for enhancing math education and providing students with interactive learning experiences. ... Published in Journal of Mathematics Instruction, Social Research and Opinion ISSN 2962 ...