Write An Entry-Level Cover Letter (Examples, Tips & Template)

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So, you’re applying to an entry-level job and wondering where a cover letter fits in the application package.

Is an entry-level cover letter a requirement? If so, what should you write in your entry-level cover letter to really improve your employment chances?

Should it be the same as a normal cover letter, or should it include some specific information that can serve an entry-level job? Yeah, there are quite a few questions on the topic—and for good reason. After all, who doesn’t want their application to be as perfect as possible?

In this article, we’re going to teach you everything you need to know about entry-level cover letters. 

  • What’s an Entry-level Cover Letter and Why It Matters
  • Entry-level Cover Letter Format
  • Tips & Examples on Writing an Entry-Level Cover Letter

Entry-level Cover Letter Template

...and more! 

Ready? Let’s dive in!

What Is An Entry-Level Cover Letter?

An entry-level cover letter is a cover letter that you write when you’re applying for an entry-level job. 

As such, you will need to write an entry-level cover letter on these occasions: 

  • As a college senior on a job hunt.
  • As a recent college graduate looking to land his first job.
  • As a professional who has changed industries/career paths.

In any of these cases, an entry-level cover letter is an essential part of the application.

One could even argue that entry-level cover letters are even more beneficial to your resume than your average cover letter.

Here’s why:

As a college senior/graduate or someone changing careers, chances are, your resume might not be that rich in terms of practical work experience.

So, in addition to your resume, your cover letter is your second-best chance to explain why you’re the perfect fit for the job!  

What Should an Entry-Level Cover Letter Include

Before we get into the specifics of writing an entry-level cover letter, let’s go over the basics.

Namely, the format . 

If you don’t know how to properly “set up” your letter, it will end up being disorganized and confusing .

Entry-Level Cover Letter Format

So, what should your entry-level cover letter contain? Here are all the details.

  • Header with contact information. In addition to your name, your contact information should contain your email (a professional email, that is), your phone number, and (optionally) LinkedIn profile. Underneath your contact info comes the date and then the receiver’s information: manager’s name and title, company name, and the company’s street address.
  • Addressing the hiring manager. How you address the cover letter is important. Preferably, you want to include the hiring manager’s name/professional title or the name of the department head doing the hiring.
  • Opening statement. Your opening paragraph should be professional, but at the same time personal and attention-grabbing. The best way to achieve that is by tailoring your introduction to the job application.
  • The body. The body of your entry-level cover letter should consist of 2-3 paragraphs highlighting your skills, accomplishments, and education.
  • Closing paragraph. To end your cover letter, you need a professional closing paragraph. You can mention that you will be following up the cover letter, wrap up anything you couldn’t in the previous paragraphs, or just simply thank the recruiter for their time.
  • Formal salutation. Formal closings include salutations such as “best regards,” “kind regards,” “sincerely,” and “thank you.”

How to Write an Entry-Level Cover Letter With No Experience (Tips & Examples)

Ready to get into the knits and grits of writing an entry-level cover letter? 

Great! Let’s get to it.

#1. Write a Strong (But Professional) Opening

The first thing you want to do is write an attention-grabbing opening paragraph. 

Recruiters receive hundreds of applications daily, so you can probably imagine how limited their time is. This leaves you with one goal—to make your cover letter worth reading, right from the get-go. 

One thing is for sure, you’ll never achieve this by writing a generic, one-fits-all kind of introduction, like the one below: 

My name is Samantha and I’d like to apply for the Sales Representative entry-level position at your company. I am a recent Marketing graduate, so I believe I would be a great fit for the role.

See, you could use this kind of introduction to apply for any entry-level position in sales. And though it’s not bad, per se, it’s not memorable either. 

Instead, you want your opening paragraph to be custom-made for the entry-level job you’re applying for. Bonus points if you can mention an achievement or two in the opening paragraph to show the recruiter how you stand out from the rest of the candidates.

Here’s what a well-written entry-level cover letter would look like:

My name is Samantha and I’d like to become part of XYZ Inc. by applying my newly acquired marketing knowledge to your Sales Representative position. I am confident that my excellent university results and the practical knowledge gained during my academic internship at Company X, where I was trained in sales, make me the right candidate for the job.

#2. Include Relevant Employee Skills

After you prepare the ground with an attention-grabbing introduction, you should use the body of your cover letter to show exactly how your skills, achievements , and education make you the right fit for the job. 

In light of your limited work experience, your skills are your second-best chance to prove your worth and showcase your strengths. 

Start by listing skills that are relevant to the job by doing the following:  

  • Scan the job description to find what the required skills are for the position. 
  • Explain how your skills can benefit the company. 
  • Optionally, you can mention that you are eager to learn required skills that you may not have to get better at the job. 

For example, an entry-level journalism position may require that you:

  • Know how to apply the AP Stylebook rules
  • Are up to date with media law and ethics
  • Are an effective communicator
  • Can meet deadlines. 

Here’s how you could highlight those skills:

As a recent Journalism and Mass Communication graduate from X University, I am up to date with the 55th Edition of the Associated Press Stylebook and all media law and ethical reporting standards. Being Editor-in-Chief of the university’s newspaper taught me how to be an effective communicator while being in charge of publishing the newspaper each week improved my attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines. 

#3. Do Some Research

Research is one of your best friends when it comes to cover letters, as it can give you valuable information on what the recruiters are looking for in a candidate. 

After thoroughly researching the company’s history, products/services, goals, and even challenges, you can mention exactly how:

  • You fit in the position
  • You stand out from your competition 
  • You can be of use to the company

Say, for example, that you’ve previously worked as a proofreader and you’re now going into magazine editing. After some research, you find out the magazine you’re applying to puts great attention to producing quality content. 

Here’s how you can work that to your advantage: 

I have read the content your magazine produces and I think it’s extremely well-researched, reader-friendly and grammatically correct.

During my 5-year experience as a proofreader, I have mastered editing and writing and I am confident that this experience can further improve your magazine quality. 

#4. Quantify Your Achievements (When Possible)

The best practice, whenever achievements are involved, is to quantify them and back them up with concrete examples. 

Imagine you’re a recruiter and you’re on the fence about two candidates for an entry-level customer service position. They have almost-identical resumes in terms of education and they claim to have customer support experience from past internships.

 So, you jump to their cover letter. This is how each candidate has described their achievements:

Candidate 1

As a Client Services intern, I was required to contact and ask clients for feedback daily, I supported the management team in improving customer services based on clients’ comments and I provided suggestions to teams from other departments to improve overall client satisfaction.

This is not horrible. However, compared with the second candidate’s much more detailed description, it lacks substance. Take a look for yourself. 

Candidate 2 As a Customer Services intern at Company X, I helped raise customer satisfaction by speaking to and collecting our clients’ feedback and working with teams from different departments to address their dissatisfaction and implement relevant suggestions. After one year, we ran a survey that showed customer experience had improved by 50%. This result was backed by a 30% increase in profit within that same year. 

Sure, the first candidate “improved customer services,” but this opens up a lot of questions:

  • How well did they improve the customer services?
  • Over what timeframe?
  • What kind of impact did this have on the company’s bottom line?

The 2nd candidate, though, mentions all this information, and as such, their cover letter is a lot more impactful. 

#5. Highlight Your Education

Your education can very well replace what you lack in work experience when it comes to entry-level jobs. It can convincingly back up your skills and achievements, as well as help you demonstrate some of your strengths. 

Now, when we tell you to highlight your education, we don’t mean mentioning the title of your diploma and calling it a day. 

Instead, what you need to do to reinforce your skills and strengths is to mention relevant group projects and classwork, extracurricular activities and school clubs, published work, or independent research. 

Highlighting your education can be just as effective if you’re changing career paths. 

Did you take classes on your newly-found passion when you were in college? Or maybe you got to practice it as part of a club. No matter the case, make sure to highlight it, as this is exactly the part of your education that will make a difference in your cover letter. 

Now, let’s say you’re a college senior thinking ahead and looking for a graphic design job for when you graduate. To improve your chances of getting that entry-level job, here’s how you can highlight your education: 

My passion for visually communicating a message began alongside my work at InFocus Magazine, our university’s photography and graphic design magazine, where I am Head of Design. I mainly work with Adobe InDesign and Illustrator, but I am now also learning to use Canva and Crello in my Design & Illustration class. 

#6. Don’t Forget a Call to Action 

Finally, it’s time to wrap up your entry-level cover letter with a conclusion. 

For your entry-level cover letter’s final paragraph, you want to do the following: 

  • Mention anything you couldn't during the previous paragraphs. If you think you left something important out (something that could help you get hired), this is your chance to say it. 
  • Thank the recruiter. You can use the closing paragraph to thank them for their time. This is a chance to be formal, but make sure you don’t sound like you’re trying to get to the recruiters’ good side. 
  • Include a call to action. As a call to action, you can mention to the recruiter that you will be following up (if they haven’t specified the interviewing procedure) to inquire about the application or ask them to take some action. 

And here’s what this would look like on a cover letter:

To conclude, let me first thank you for considering my application. I believe I can help your company improve its customer satisfaction by putting to use all the experience I’ve gained from my past jobs in customer service. I’d love to discuss in length how I can help you improve one-on-one customer service at your stores.

#7. Conclude with a Professional Closing

Once you’ve written your closing paragraph, all you have to do is sign off your cover letter.

Your “goodbye” should be formal and include only your name and signature. 

Any of the following is an acceptable way to sign off your cover letter:

  • Best Regards,
  • Kind Regards,
  • Sincerely, 
  • Thank you, 

Want to know other ways to conclude your cover letter memorably? Head over to our guide on how to end a cover letter for additional info! 

#8. Proofread Your Letter

And you’re finally done! 

Make sure to proofread your cover letter before attaching it to your job application. Any effort you might have put into it will lose value if your cover letter has mistakes. 

You can either give it to a friend to proofread it or use editing software like Grammarly and Hemingway .  

Want to Make Things Easy? Use a Cover Letter Builder

The way you design your cover letter matters!

Sure, you can go for a generic text in a Word Document, but having a well-designed cover letter that matches your resume in style will help you stand out much more in a sea of applicants. 

Well, Novoresume makes that easy for you! Just pick any of our matching cover letters and resume templates and leave a lasting impression!

entry level cover letter match resume

[First Name and Last Name]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


[Date of Writing]

[Manager’s Name]

[Manager’s Job Title]

[Company Name]

[Company’s Street Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Addressing the hiring manager]

[Write your attention-grabbing opening paragraph]

[Write 2-3 paragraphs where you include skills that are relevant to the position you are applying for, where you quantify your achievements (when possible), and where you highlight your education.]

[Conclude by saying thank you and by making a call to action.]

[Sign off your letter professionally]

Key Takeaways 

And that’s a wrap! We hope that you feel more confident about your entry-level cover letter knowledge and writing after reading this article. 

Now let’s go over the main points we covered:

  • An entry-level cover letter is a cover letter that you write for an entry-level job. You may need to use it as a college senior or recent college graduate or as a professional changing career path. 
  • Your entry-level cover letter should follow the following format: header, addressing the recruiter/company, opening paragraph, body, closing paragraph, formal salutation. 
  • To write a good entry-level cover letter you should write an attention-grabbing opening, include some relevant skills, highlight your education, and make a call to action.
  • Use a cover letter builder to make sure your cover letter meets recruiters’ standards and to save your time.

Related Readings

  • How to Write a Cover Letter
  • How to Start a Cover Letter  
  • Cover Letter for Internship  

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Entry-level Cover Letter Example

Breaking it down: what goes into a good cover letter, other entry-level cover letter writing tips, how to write an entry-level cover letter (example).

Zoe Kaplan

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student sitting on couch with laptop open to half-written cover letter

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Table of Contents

Writing an entry-level cover letter — when you have little to no work experience — can be confusing and stressful. What do you write when you feel like you don’t have work to talk about? How do you show a company you want to work there when you haven’t worked much before? Here’s your step-by-step guide for writing an impressive, successful entry-level cover letter. 

Harriet Spacemen Brooklyn, NY 123-456-7890 [email protected]

February 7th, 2024

Kate Norman Engineering Lead Example Company New York, NY

I’m writing to express my interest in the junior software engineer position at Company X. I’ve recently graduated with a computer science degree, and my technical skills and demonstrated passion for equity in health care make me an ideal candidate for this role.

During my time at Sample University, I deepened my understanding of software development through coursework in front-end engineering, programming, and quality assurance . In my senior year, I combined my advocacy for health care access and engineering skills by creating a web application — using Python and SQL — that helps patients find available doctor’s appointments near them that accept their insurance. Outside of my coursework, I volunteered at the local hospital and job shadowed a nurse, giving me insight into hospital administration and patient pain points.

My experience working directly with health care patients and my passion for improving this sector give me an empathetic, patient-first focus in my engineering work. This focus aligns with your company’s mission, and I believe my engineering approach would be an asset to your team. I look forward to meeting with you and further discussing my qualifications. Thank you for your consideration.

Best, Harriet Spacemen

sample application letter for beginner

Career Readiness

Learn how to communicate your skills and experience to secure your dream job.

Avg. Time: 5.5-7 hours

Skills you’ll build: Pitching, writing, researching, communication

sample application letter for beginner

The header of your cover letter contains all your crucial contact information: your name, number, and email. It should also include the date you’re sending in your application.

In addition, the header should contain information about the company. You want to include the company name and the hiring manager’s name (if you have it — more on how to find that in the next section). 

Many cover letter examples also include addresses for both the applicant and employer. However, including a full address is optional, especially if you’re applying for a remote role. You can include it in the header if you’re applying for a position that requires you to be in a particular city or state. (There’s no need to include your full street address — just your city and state should do.)

sample application letter for beginner

For the greeting, you’ll want to use a professional salutation like “Dear,” and address the hiring manager by name.

“If the job description states the title of the person you’d be reporting to, you can try to find their name from the company’s LinkedIn page,” Daniel Catalan, professional resume and cover letter builder, says. “You can click on a list of all of the employees and put the manager’s title into the filters.” 

Building Your Personal Brand

Your brand matters — especially when you're looking for jobs online. Learn how to develop and promote your personal brand on LinkedIn with this program from Ashurst.

Avg. Time: 4.5-6 hours

Skills you’ll build: Image, online presence management, LinkedIn, personal brand toolkit

If you’ve done your due diligence and still can’t find the hiring manager’s name, Catalan recommends not using the traditional “to whom it may concern.” Instead, he suggests addressing the letter to “Team X at Company Y.” 

You want to show the hiring team you’ve done your research right from the start.

First Paragraph: Share Your Enthusiasm

sample application letter for beginner

Use the opening paragraph of a cover letter to express your excitement about this role. However, this is not just about flattering the employer. You also want to show them why you’re specifically excited about the opportunity and how it aligns with your experience and interests.

“Candidates need to explain why they want the job and what experience, volunteer work, or education they have that is relevant,” says Wendy Reimann, owner and writer at Lighthouse Writing, a writing and editing services company. “It confuses managers and recruiters when someone with a major in biology applies for a job in marketing . Tell them why.”

Second (and Third) Paragraph: Show Your Skills

sample application letter for beginner

In this next section, expand on the experience and interests you mentioned in the first section. Don’t worry if you don’t have years of experience behind you.

“Recruiters don’t expect entry-level applicants to have a wealth of professional experience,” Tim Toterhi, CHRO and ICF certified career coach , says. “We do, however, expect you to be adaptable , teachable, and able to solve problems . Volunteer work, school projects, even hobbies can help you demonstrate your skill set.”

Consider how all your experiences, whether professional or not, have prepared you for this role and what hard and soft skills you’ve learned. Remember, this cover letter complements your resume, so you don’t need to worry about stuffing every experience and skill into a paragraph or two. Instead, focus on what’s most relevant to the company and its goals.

Build skills

Gain career skills employers are looking for on your cover letter with Forage job simulations.

“Read up on what the company is actively working on and show you can bring unconventional solutions,” Catalan says.

Closing Paragraph: Call to Action

The last paragraph of an entry-level cover letter is meant to restate your qualifications for this role, discuss the next steps, and thank them for their time. In the first sentence or two, summarize why you’re excited about the role and what makes you specifically right for the position. 

Then, mention next steps with a call to action. For example, you might say that you look forward to meeting with them in an interview or remind them how they can best reach you to discuss your application.

Finally, thank the reader for their time reviewing your application. It’s essential to end on a high note, so make sure you share some gratitude.

sample application letter for beginner

You’ve made it to the last (and perhaps easiest!) part of the cover letter! Your signature should include a professional sign-off and your full name. 

>>MORE: Learn eight professional email sign-offs to use and six to avoid with How to End an Email Professionally (With Examples) .

  • Write to the specific employer. It’s better to customize a cover letter for each application rather than use a general one. “Taking the time to write a targeted letter to a specific employer about a specific job demonstrates sincere interest,” Toterhi says. “Just be sure to keep it short and focused on how you can meet their needs. Remember, recruiters commonly receive hundreds of applicants for each open role. There’s no time to sift through fluff.”
  • Don’t copy your resume . “Let the resume do its job and use the space in the cover letter to introduce yourself,” Reimann says. Your cover letter should expand on the achievements you’ve listed in your resume and demonstrate your relevant skills.
  • Keep it short. While a cover letter is about sharing more in-depth details about your skills and experience, keep it concise. A single page (without fonts that are too small to read!) is standard. “If the text is too long or monotonous, it’ll lose the reader’s attention,” Catalan says. 
  • Stay positive. Your cover letter isn’t for over-explaining a gap in your resume. “Don’t bring up anything negative or over-explain work gaps or educational mistakes such as making a D in a single class or taking a semester off for illness,” Reimann says. “Focus on the positive only and let your qualities speak for themselves.”

Ready to create a stellar resume? Try a step-by-step guide for including the right skills and experience with Forage’s Resume Masterclass .

Zoe Kaplan

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sample application letter for beginner

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Paul Drury

Entry-Level cover letter example

Entry-Level cover letter example

When you are at the start of your career, writing a one-page cover letter might seem like a daunting prospect. You don’t have much work experience to share, so is it worth writing an entry-level cover letter at all?

A cover letter offers an opportunity to expand on the personal aspects and motivations of your application, so this is arguably more important for an entry-level candidate who is looking to share their “why.” The hiring manager won’t expect you to possess tons of experience, but they will want to hear about why you want the job.

An entry-level cover letter that is lacking personality is the first sign of an employee who doesn’t know where they are going and is likely to jump ship at the first sign of trouble.

At Resume.io, we explore the nuances of writing career documents for a wide range of professionals. Our library of cover letter examples covers a wide range of professions and is well worth a browse (depending on your desired industry). However, everyone needs to start somewhere, so this guide offers some more general advice.

How you begin your career can have a significant effect on your first decade in the workplace. Sell your potential as well as possible. In this blog, we look at

  • How to format an entry-level cover letter.
  • What to include in each cover letter section – structure your story.
  • How to write an entry-level cover letter with absolutely no experience.
  • Basic mistakes to avoid when composing the cover letter.

Do cover letters matter?

Best format for an entry-level cover letter

It might be said that a hiring manager could be more likely to read an entry-level cover letter than a resume. They will expect your resume to be somewhat threadbare, but your cover letter should be buzzing with personality and brimming with potential. Sure, it will read more like a career objective, but you need to get the hiring manager to buy into your dream.

Like any good sales document, you should set out your arguments into a simple format. Every entry-level cover letter should contain

  • The cover letter header
  • The greeting/salutation
  • The cover letter intro
  • The middle paragraphs (body of the letter)
  • The ending paragraph of your cover letter (conclusion and call-to-action)

Rather than individual paragraphs for your motivations, personal background and future hopes, it is best to mix up your “fit” within a timeline of where you have been to where you are going. Put the potential job at the center of your arguments and think about the culture of your future employer when you share certain personality traits.

Our comprehensive cover letter guide has more information about the nuances of writing a cover letter. If you are wondering which font to use or whether your cover letter should repeat the details on your resume, it’s all there.

Check out our entry-level cover letter sample. Inspiration starts here:

Dear Mr. Vallant,

I am currently in the final year of high school and am looking for an entry-level weekend role to see me through college. I have experience in the gardening and landscaping sector and would relish the chance to serve customers at your garden center.

I am prepared to get involved and do any duties that are required of me. I understand that there is a lot of physical work involved with moving stock and arranging displays – as a keen sportsperson I would enjoy the physical challenge. 

Consulting with customers and helping them make the right decisions is something that I have witnessed during my landscaping experience. I have taken on board much of the advice and look forward to building on my knowledge. Customers come to a garden center for solutions as well as products. As a marketing student, I always seek to find the most effective method of communicating with someone.

Several of my college friends have worked at your garden center previously. From all their positive impressions, it is the mix of experience and youth amongst your staff that attracts me the most. I am keen to learn from your amazing team.

My side interest in marketing technology and software may allow me to offer some ideas in terms of how you track the needs and habits of your customers. This is a project that I know is high on your agenda and I believe that I am well-equipped to help. I would welcome the opportunity of an interview to discuss this further.

Chris Wrekin

Cover letter header

The cover letter header is the first thing that the hiring manager will notice. It should have an attractive design, but not detract from the message of your entry-level cover letter. Do not make the mistake of creating a visually stunning cover letter to mask a lack of experience.

Include your full name, email address, and phone number. You don’t have to include your full postal address (data protection issues) and you are no longer required to include the inside address of the employer. Your letter will be sent to them via email, not by post. 

Make sure to include your contact details both on your cover letter and your resume. You never know when the hiring manager might decide to invite you to an interview.

Cover letter greeting

The greeting for an entry-level cover letter should be as respectful as any formal letter. It is likely that you won’t know the hiring manager, so beginning with a “Dear Mr./Mrs. Surname” is the safest option. You may want to adopt a friendly and conversational tone if you know the hiring manager personally, but other people may read the letter so stick with this convention.

If you are not sure to whom the cover letter should be addressed, phoning to check the correct name is not the worst option. It shows initiative and offers an opportunity to have a chat with the receptionist. Don’t bug them too much, but if you feel that they are in a chatty mood, you never know what you might be able to find out if you dig a little.

The final option is to address the team. “Dear Company Team” is a warm start to a cover letter and preferable to the old-fashioned “To Whom It May Concern.”

Cover letter introduction

When it comes to the cover letter introduction, you need to lead with your greatest value to the employer. This should be something tangible from any volunteering, internship, or work placement experience. Ideally, it should be relevant to the job in question. 

While an entry-level cover letter should be packed with personality, you need to lead with something concrete to whet the hiring manager’s appetite. So many of your competitors will start by saying something fluffy and inspirational. Hopefully, you can do a little better. Pick a strong message and make the hiring manager take notice.

Dear Mr. Vallant, I am currently in the final year of high school and am looking for an entry-level weekend role to see me through college. I have experience in the gardening and landscaping sector and would relish the chance to serve customers at your garden center.

Cover letter middle part (body)

The middle part of an entry-level cover letter should set you apart from the competition. This is the only way to elevate your candidacy to the point of securing an interview. There are various ways to do this, so let’s look at the sort of content you might share.

When writing, you should consider the sorts of transferable skills that the hiring manager will be looking for. They won’t expect too much as they know that they will be taking on a student, so tailor your story to their needs. Share a mix of work experience, academic excellence, interpersonal skills, and personal stories. 

The most important thing about an entry-level cover letter is the sense that this first job is an important stepping-stone for your career. Many employers will hope that you take the next step internally, so don’t shy away from sharing your broader career aspirations. It may even be worth looking at the career progression of your potential future boss on LinkedIn. What did the early years of their career look like? Try to make connections wherever possible.

Organization and communication skills should feature prominently. Share some successes (with context) from your previous experience. Quantify your story where possible.

Make sure that you impress the ATS software.

When employers expect to receive a large volume of applications, many employ Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter the applications. This software will process your cover letter and resume, slot you into a database, and even conduct the first round of selections.

If your cover letter does not contain the required number of keywords at this stage, a hiring manager may not get to read it at all. This is not to say that you should seek to mirror the job description, but your content should not be a million miles away. Use some of the job description terms if possible – that is what the ATS system will use as its reference point.

When drafting a cover letter, don’t be surprised if you write too much for the middle part. It is easier to cut sections out than scratch your head about what else to include. When editing, always imagine yourself in the position of the hiring manager. What would impress them?

How to close an entry-level cover letter (conclusion and sign-off)

The final part of an entry-level cover letter should end with a sense that there is much more to come. There is always a certain excitement when you hire an entry-level applicant as you know that their learning curve is going to be steep. If you have demonstrated that you are a safe pair of hands, the hiring manager will expect great things.

It is therefore perfectly acceptable to share your desire to find out more about the role during a potential interview. Don’t come across as presumptuous. Something like “I look forward to a potential meeting to find out more” will be fine. Injecting a sense of urgency with such a call to action may be effective – they will know that you will be applying to other roles.

Entry-level cover letter with no experience

It is clear that an entry-level applicant will not have much work experience, but it is unlikely that you will have zero work experience. Find a balance between writing a relevant cover letter for the job in question and including every single bit of work experience from the past five years. You will have done a lot of random stuff – you don’t have to include it all. Think about the following considerations:

  • How can you make your volunteering and internships relevant for the role?
  • Show that you understand the areas where you need to grow.
  • How will your interpersonal skills impact your performance?

The good thing with an entry-level cover letter is that the expectations will be low. If you can manage to stand out in any number of ways, your chances of securing an interview will be high. Everyone has to start somewhere.

Basic mistakes in an entry-level application letter (and how to avoid them)

When a hiring manager does not have too much to judge, the presence of any mistakes will assume even more significance. Be careful to avoid the following:

  • Check your grammar with an online checker such as Grammarly. Ask a friend to proofread the text and make sure that it sounds like you.
  • Make sure that the cover letter is no longer than a page, but it should also be no shorter than 300 words. A few short lines will expose your inexperience.
  • Don’t be overly formal. Attempting to seem like a consummate professional will be inauthentic. Write as you would speak during an interview.

Key takeaways

  • Every entry-level applicant needs a cover letter to complement their resume
  • Don’t repeat the resume – focus on your personality, and objectives and manufacture a compelling fit with the role.
  • Research what the hiring manager is looking for – speak directly to them
  • Get the visuals spot-on with our expert cover letter templates.

Have a look at some more cover letter examples:

  • Internship cover letter sample
  • Scholarship cover letter example
  • Graduate cover letter sample
  • Student cover letter example
  • Resident assistant cover letter sample

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Home Cover Letter Help Entry Level Cover Letter

Entry-Level Cover Letter: Writing a Cover Letter With No Experience

Lauren McAdams

Writing a cover letter with little or no formal work experience can be difficult. Our cover letter example and expert writing tips will help you put together an entry-level cover letter that highlights your strengths and downplays your lack of experience.

Entry-Level Cover Letter Sample

Here’s a sample cover letter with no experience written by an applicant who’s applying for an entry-level production assistant position:

Example of an entry level cover letter

Dear Mrs. Shirazi,

My name is Bart and I’m a recent graduate of Swarthmore College with a B.A. in Communications. As a fan of the exciting work being done by those at Link Broadcasting, I’m thrilled to submit my application for the production assistant position. With my strong academic background and experience running student radio, I’m confident that my production skills will quickly help me become a valuable asset to the team at Link.

In my former role running student radio at Swarthmore, I was responsible for scheduling shows, booking and accommodating guests, and operating sound and recording equipment. While employed there, I assisted in the budgeting for and installment of new recording equipment, resulting in an overall 12% jump in weekly listenership. I’m confident that this experience will allow me to quickly start contributing to projects at Link.

I also understand that Link is looking for candidates with a background in online media. At Swarthmore, I started and ran a weekly YouTube vlog which quickly gained a regular audience of over 5,000 viewers. The production assistant position at Link would be an exciting opportunity for me to put my knowledge of new media to the test, and learn more about an exciting new frontier in broadcasting.

I’ve attached my resume, which further details my skills and educational background. Thank you for taking the time to review my application, and for your consideration. I look forward to speaking with you further about this opportunity, and I’ll follow up next week just to make sure you’ve received my application.


Bart Higgs

How to Write a Cover Letter With No Experience

Even with no experience, you can still write an impactful entry-level cover letter that markets your skills. Here is what you need to include to improve your chances of getting an interview:

Write a Strong Introduction

Your cover letter introduction is one of the first parts of your application that hiring managers will read, so it’s important that you know how to start your cover letter in a way that grabs attention. This is especially crucial if you’re applying to jobs with little or no experience, as your cover letter is your best chance to make a convincing pitch of your qualifications to the hiring manager.

First, start your cover letter by introducing who you are, and why you’re passionate about the position. Employers know that hiring a candidate with minimal work experience can be risky, so it’s important to reassure them that you’re enthusiastic about the job, and prepared to do what’s necessary to succeed in the role.

Then, in three to four sentences, offer:

  • A short blurb regarding your background (especially your education)
  • Any relevant experience or skills that match the job description

Additionally, if you have personal connections to current employees of the company, briefly mention them as a reference in the introduction (if you have permission from the employee).

Highlight Your Relevant Accomplishments

Just because you don’t have formal work experience, doesn’t mean you don’t have relevant experience or skills.

Use your cover letter to highlight your accomplishments, whether they be from school work, volunteering, or hobbies relevant to your desired position.

Be sure to use quantifiable descriptions to illustrate the impact of your accomplishments. Such descriptions involve numbers, percentages, and specific information that show the hiring manager — in concrete terms — what you’re capable of.

For example, instead of stating that you “helped the company reach its quarterly goals,” you can say that you “raised quarterly sales 5% per quarter for the past three years.”

Emphasize Your Education

You don’t have work experience yet, so how do you write a cover letter that highlights your strengths? Simple: you start with your education.

Reinforce your resume education section by listing real-world educational experiences that highlight your skills. For example, appropriate educational experiences could include any of the following:

  • Club activities (student government, any club leadership positions, student radio)
  • Special projects you completed (your thesis, research projects)
  • Research opportunities in which you participated (polling, scientific research)

When listing your educational experience, just make sure each example is relevant to the job description.

Students collaborating on a project

For example, if you see in the job description that the company is looking for an employee with “impeccable time management skills”, you could address that need in your cover letter. For instance, you could cite a time you took the lead on an important project and kept everything on schedule, or a time you juggled multiple projects at the same time.

Remember to be specific, and use key terms that apply to the job you want. For example, if you apply for an administrative assistant position, you can discuss computer software, time tracking apps you’ve used in the past, and tasks you’ve accomplished before, such as “booking flights” or “scheduling multiple interviews.”

Close with a Strong Ending

You’ve convinced the hiring manager that you’re qualified for the position — now you just have to push them to schedule an interview with you.

That’s why ending your cover letter with a convincing closing (sometimes referred to as a call-to-action since it calls the reader to act) is essential.

To write an effective closing, follow these three steps:

  • Tell the hiring manager you’d love the opportunity to discuss the position and your qualifications further.
  • Mention that you will follow up with the employer within a week to check on your application.
  • Finally, thank the hiring manager for their time and consideration.

Don’t Let Your Lack of Experience Limit You

Don’t be discouraged by your lack of professional experience. Real-life experiences you already have can be turned into accomplishments, and skills you’ve learned during these experiences can help you round out your entry-level cover letter.

To feel even better about submitting your cover letter, run the text through a word processor to check for spelling and grammatical errors. Then ask a friend or family member to read over your cover letter to see if it’s appropriate for the entry-level position you want.

But before you start putting pen to paper, try our easy-to-use cover letter builder . Our algorithm will save you time, and build a professional entry-level cover letter for you in just a few minutes.

We also offer an advanced resume builder that lets you build a professional resume in no time, and helps you fill out experience bullet points that make most sense for your application.

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How To Write A Cover Letter For Beginners (+ 6 Cover Letter Examples)

Avatar of Sindy Chen.

When  sending an email with your resume , it's advised to attach a cover letter, which can provide hiring managers with additional details about your skills, achievements, and how you can contribute to their company's success. Since most employers use cover letters to evaluate job applicants before proceeding with the hiring process, knowing the purpose of a cover letter and how to write one can significantly increase your chances of getting an interview.

In this article, we will share with you what a cover letter is, along with some examples and tips on how to write a compelling one.

Cover letter example for Software Engineers

Cover letter example for designers, cover letter example for marketing, cover letter example for consultants, cover letter example for internship.

  • Cover letter example for Career Change

What is a Cover Letter?

A cover letter, as its name implies, is a document attached to your resume and provides additional information about the relevant skills and experiences for the job you're applying for. A cover letter is usually required when you apply for jobs, which is why it is also known as a "job application letter." A cover letter doesn't need to be long; it typically consists of three to four brief paragraphs.

While not all job require a cover letter, it's good practice to submit one. This extra effort not only demonstrates your commitment to the job but also sets you apart from other applicants. You can also utilize cover letters for application, networking, prospecting, etc.

Why is a Cover Letter Important?

Although some people think a cover letter is unimportant, a well-written one can be a powerful tool to catch recruiters' eyes and spark their interest. In addition to your resume or CV, a cover letter allows the recipient (often your potential employer or hiring manager) to understand better who you are and how you can contribute to their company. A strong cover letter can set you apart from other candidates and significantly increase your chances of landing the job. To help you craft a compelling cover letter, we have provided tips, dos and don'ts, and successful cover letter samples and templates.


How to Write a Cover Letter (Job Application Letter)?

After knowing the importance of cover letters, the next step is to write one. What is the structure of a cover letter? There is a general format for cover letters, but note that it should be adjusted accordingly for different mediums and scenarios. Typically, a cover letter should not be more than 1-page long (the average time for hiring managers to read one resume is less than 20 seconds!), and within this 1 page, you should include the following 5 parts: contact information, greeting, hook, body, closing. Let’s dig into each of them!

Contact Information

In this part, you should include your full name, email address, mobile number, and address (not necessary). You can also add links of your professional personal websites like LinkedIn , CakeResume , Medium , if you have been building personal brand on them.

📖 Further reading:   Why Every Professional Should Have A Personal Website

To make a great first impression on the hiring manager, it's important to greet them by their name. You can easily find this information by searching the company's website or LinkedIn page. Remember, starting on the right foot is crucial to success!

In this part, you will elaborate on why you are applying for this job. At the same time, it is an excellent chance to show how deeply you understand the company and its product and how much you admire the value the company brings to society!


Here comes the highlight, the main body of your cover letter! Let’s be clear, this part is all about promoting yourself! That’s what you are going to do:

  • Be clear about what qualities and skills are required for the job you are applying for.
  • List all your past experiences and achievements related to the job requirements.
  • Pick the top few accomplishments that can make you stand out from the competition to put in your cover letter.

Note that you should avoid job-description writing. By quantifying your performance by numbers & statistics, it would be clearer for your employer how much value you can bring to the company!

Hang in there; this is the last part of your cover letter! The primary intention of closing is to thank the hiring manager for spending time reading your cover letter; also, mention if there is any resume,  portfolio , or relevant certificate attached. Remember to sign your full name at the end of the letter!

Ta-da! Congratulations that you have finished your cover letter!

📙 Further reading:   What to Include in a Portfolio Resume? 3 Tips to Build a Professional Portfolio for Interview

Dos & Don’ts of Writing a Cover Letter

To ensure the best possible outcome, it is important to review the following dos and don'ts before sending your cover letter.

  • Do customize your cover letter for different jobs, companies, and industries.
  • Do use keywords of specific skills or qualifications so that employers can spot you more easily.
  • Do explain and quantify how you can bring value and contribution to the company.
  • Do perform research on the company and job that you are applying for.
  • Do double-check and modify your cover letter every time before sending it out.
  • Don’t make your cover letter too long .
  • Don’t use description writing while mentioning your experience.
  • Don’t use a template without making your cover letter more personal & interesting.
  • Don’t repeat everything on your resume, but choose some special one to elaborate on.
  • Don’t speak ill of your former employers & colleagues.

Cover Letter Format for Job Application

Confused about the format of cover letters for different purposes & situations? Here's how to format cover letters for finding jobs, internships, or even career changes!

  • Full name, email address, mobile number, address
  • Links of professional personal websites (e.g. LinkedIn, CakeResume, Medium)
  • Greet the hiring manager/employer by his/her name
  • Briefly introduce yourself and state your purpose of reaching out
  • State how you found this job opportunity (e.g. job-search website, company’s website, friends’ recommendation, and etc.)
  • State your reasons & motivation of applying for the job
  • Show your insight of the company and job position
  • Specify your experience & accomplishments that are most related to the job position
  • Elaborate how you can bring value to the company supported by your past achievement mentioned previously
  • Briefly show your gratitude to the hiring manager and your expectation to interview
  • Mention if there is any document attached (e.g. resume, portfolio, relevant certificate, and etc.)
  • Use valediction (e.g. Sincerely, Yours, Best,) before signing your full name at the end of the letter

Don’t worry if you are still struggling with writing a compelling cover letter, there are some successful cover letter examples from different industries for you! Software engineers, designers, marketing, consultant, you can find all free cover letter templates here that suit your industries!

Cover Letter Examples for Job Application


📕 Further reading:   Software Engineer Resume : Do's & Don'ts of a Perfect Engineering Resume


Cover letter example for Career Changers


📚 Further reading:   Considering a Career Change? Here Are 3 Tips to a Successful Job Switch

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Blog Cover Letter Help Short Cover Letter Examples

5 Short Cover Letter Examples (And How to Write Your Own)

As long as you can explain why you’re the ideal candidate, a short cover letter is just as effective as a long cover letter. In fact, when done right, it can be even more compelling.

Headshot of Ida Petterson

As featured in *

To write a short cover letter that still lands you the interview, draw inspiration from our short cover letter samples and template below. You can use these examples however you like — either download them as Microsoft Word files or copy and paste the text.

sample application letter for beginner

Our free-to-use cover letter builder can make you a cover letter in as little as 5 minutes. Just pick the template you want, and our software will format everything for you.

Five short cover letter examples

Our professional short cover letter examples include everything needed to capture the hiring manager’s attention and earn an interview.

Short cover letter sample #1

A short cover letter sample with a yellow header.

Short cover letter sample #1 (text version)

February 29, 2020

Principal’s Name

Washington High School

Portland, Oregon 97174

(971) 847-2122

[email protected]

Dear Principal [Name],

I’ve been passionate about teaching since I began tutoring for pocket money in high school.

I have seven years of teaching experience, instructing children with a diverse range of abilities. I’m also successful at boosting achievement, having increased average grades by 15% at my current school. I believe this makes me an ideal candidate for the tutoring role at Brearley High School as advertised on LinkedIn.

I can be contacted at 971 874-2478 or [Your Email]. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

This brief cover letter works because it quickly makes an impact by highlighting the candidate’s passion for tutoring.

Additionally, the cover letter is just long enough for the candidate to include some concrete achievements from their past work. These examples show employers what the candidate is capable of in a few short sentences.

Short cover letter sample #2

A short cover letter example for a server.

Short cover letter sample #2 (text version)

March 15, 2020

Hiring Manager’s Name

47 Jackson Street

Derry, Maine 04401

(207) 421-3698

[email protected]

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

Since graduating from high school in 2010, I’ve waitressed at four different establishments in Derry. If Atwater’s restaurant is looking for an experienced professional, I’m your candidate.

I’m a reliable, diligent worker, with a 100% attendance record. I’m also popular with the local clientele: my ability to create a rapport with customers increased daily wine sales by $50+ in my current role.

I look forward to hearing from you. I can be reached at [Your Email] or (207) 014-7858.

Despite this short cover letter’s length, the candidate quickly spotlights their interpersonal skills and full attendance record — both details that will impress employers.

By the end of this cover letter, the reader is left with a clear understanding of this candidate’s qualifications and confidence in their abilities.

Include a call to action in the last paragraph of your cover letter to encourage hiring managers to reach out to you and schedule an interview.

Short cover letter sample #3

A short cover letter sample for a nurse using a blue template.

Short cover letter sample #3 (text version)

April 7, 2020

1047 Osage Boulevard

Tulsa, Oklahoma 74169

(539) 258-0014

[email protected]

As a state-qualified registered nurse with 17 years of experience tending to the infirm, I believe that I’m the ideal candidate for the nursing position at St. Mary’s Hospital.

In my present role, I evaluate the conditions of approximately 30 patients daily, developing personalized support plans for each of them, all while interfacing with colleagues to ensure effective care.

I’m responsive to emergency medical situations, and provide sympathetic support to patients as well as their friends and families. In 2018, I was awarded the Leadership in Ethics Award by the ANA in recognition of these qualities, so I believe I would be a valuable addition to St. Mary’s

I look forward to speaking to you about this position. I can be reached at 918.184.5447 or [Your Email].

This concise cover letter is effective because the applicant wastes no time highlighting how much experience they have.

The candidate quickly shows that they were recognized by the American Nurses Association (ANA) for their emergency response performance and strong sense of ethics. In less than 150 words, they effectively draw attention to their top hard and soft skills in a convincing yet brief cover letter.

Mentioning industry-specific awards and certifications can make a short cover letter more impactful than a longer letter filled with less relevant information.

Short cover letter sample #4

An example of a short cover letter that uses bullet points to showcase the applicant's abilities.

Short cover letter example #4 (text version)

August 31, 2021

Company Address

Atlanta, GA 30347

(xxx) xxx-xxxx

Dear [Mr./Ms./Mx.] [Hiring Manager’s Surname],

I’m writing to apply for the chief copy editor position at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution you advertised on Indeed.com.

Here are the reasons why I believe I’d be suitable for the role:

  • I know the AP stylebook inside and out
  • I have 7+ years’ experience as a sub-editor, including 2 as deputy chief copy editor
  • In my current role, I edit 7,000 words per day
  • I’m used to working to a (midnight) deadline
  • I’ve adapted to working on rotation, often working weekends
  • As deputy chief copy editor, I’m responsible for all copy editing on 3 days a week, supervising a team of 5
  • Since I was hired, I’ve reduced the incidence of typos by 17% through my attention to detail and organizational skills

Thank you for reviewing my qualifications. You can contact me at your convenience to organize an interview at (470) 000-1234 or [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you.

This short cover letter succeeds by packing plenty of information in a small space.

The applicant uses bullet points to showcase their relevant achievements and organizational skills . In this case, the applicant is applying for a copy editing role, so they talk about how they’ve successfully improved copy in the past, backing up those achievements with hard numbers.

Short cover letter sample #5

An entry-level short cover letter sample.

Short cover letter example #5 (text version)

February 1, 2022

74 Company Address

Murfreesboro, TN 37131

(615) 123-4567

[email protected]

Dear [Mr./Mx./Ms.] [Hiring Manager’s Surname],

I’m thrilled to be writing to you to apply for the Tour Guide position that Greenbay Tours is advertising on LinkedIn.

Guiding tourists around our historic city and teaching them about its colorful past requires strong leadership and communication skills. I grew into an effective leader and communicator as President of the Tubman High School Debate Team, and these abilities paired with a passion for history make me the perfect fit for this role.

I have no doubt that I could apply my charisma and sincere interest in our city’s past to showcase its marvels to tourists. Please feel free to reach out to me for an interview at (615) 000-1234 or [email protected].

This example demonstrates that you don’t need work experience to write an effective short cover letter.

In fact, short cover letters are perfect if you’re writing an entry-level cover letter . The shorter format lets you get right to the point and allows you to focus on your top 1–2 achievements that make you a good fit for the role.

Short cover letter template

Prefer using a template where you can simply plug in your information? We’ve got you covered.

Fill-in-the-blanks cover letter template using a beige header background

Short cover letter template (text version)

City, State, ZIP

As a [Position Name] with [X] years of experience [Action], I believe that I am the ideal candidate for [Company Name].

I am a [Adjective], [Adjective] worker, and in my current position have successfully [Achievement — with numbers]I look forward to hearing from you. I can be reached at [Your Email] or [Your Phone Number].

This template ticks all the boxes of a well-written short cover letter: it’s properly formatted, concise, and addresses the hiring manager by name. You can download this template — or copy and paste the text — and fill in the blanks.

How to write a short cover letter for a job application

To write an effective short cover letter, you need to summarize your relevant experience, skill set, and achievements as quickly as possible.

Follow these tips to create a brief cover letter that wins over hiring managers.

1. Don’t use this overused opening line

“I’m writing to apply for the role of…” is the most overused opening line job seekers use on their cover letters.

Most hiring managers have seen it thousands of times. When writing your cover letter, try to avoid this boring opener.

Instead, learn how to start a cover letter with creativity and personalize your opening to you, and you’ll get noticed by more recruiters.

To illustrate how to do this, here’s an example of a captivating opening line:

“As an experienced and innovative marketer with an excellent track record, I’m thrilled to submit my application for the Senior Marketing Specialist role at ABC Enterprises.”

Then later on your cover letter explain the details about the role you want to fill and where you found it.

Additionally, make sure you know how to address a cover letter professionally to make a good impression.

2. Cut meaningless buzzwords

Anyone can describe themself as “detail-oriented” or a “self-starter,” but buzzwords mean little to recruiters.

Rather than describing yourself as “self-motivated,” give an example of an achievement that demonstrates this quality in action.

For instance, if you’re applying for a sales role, you could write:

Researched a new search engine optimization strategy that led to a 47% increase in sales.

Adding an accomplishment that reflects your strongest skills demonstrates to the hiring manager that you actually have those skills, and aren’t just saying so.

Instead of using buzzwords, start every bullet point you write with a powerful action verb to best showcase your accomplishments.

3. Don’t mention every past job

You don’t need to mention every job you’ve ever had in a short cover letter.

Instead of talking about specific roles, discuss the accomplishments and skills listed on your resume that make you the perfect fit for the job.

Read the job posting carefully to find out what skills the company is seeking, and highlight them in your short cover letter.

You can give a more detailed overview of your previous positions when writing your resume .

4. Use short words rather than long phrases

Without realizing it, we sometimes write unnecessarily long phrases on professional documents when a single word is enough. After you’ve written your cover letter, go back and reread it.  Replace longer phrases with single words (or at least fewer words).

Here are some examples of long phrases that are frequently used in cover letters along with some shorter words to use instead:

  • Accomplished
  • Regarding/About
  • In order to
  • I am capable of/I am able to
  • Due to the fact that
  • Successfully accomplished
  • A large number of
  • With regard to
  • At the present time

sample application letter for beginner

How to write a cover letter

Dread writing cover letters? Read our guide to learn how to write a great cover letter that convinces hiring managers you’re the ideal person for the job.

Short cover letter FAQs

Here are the answers to some common questions about short cover letters.

What do I include in a short cover letter?

Include the same sections of a cover letter you’d normally have, including:

  • a cover letter header with your contact information
  • the hiring manager’s mailing address
  • a proper cover letter salutation
  • the body of your cover letter
  • a sign off and your signature or typed name

How do I format a short cover letter?

Format your short cover letter the same way you’d format a cover letter that’s standard length.

Standard formatting elements include:

  • a professional cover letter font (size 10.5–12 points — your contact details can go down to around 8 points)
  • 1” cover letter margins
  • PDF or DOCX format

When shouldn’t I use a short and concise cover letter?

There are a couple of situations when you shouldn’t use a short and concise cover letter:

  • If the hiring manager has set a minimum word count — make sure you hit it.
  • If you have many relevant achievements, skills, and certifications that the hiring manager absolutely needs to know about (and you can’t describe them properly in your resume) — then you can add them to your cover letter.
  • If writing at a high level is part of the job — showcase your written prowess with your cover letter.
  • If you’re changing careers  — a compelling career change cover letter needs to be long enough to explain why you’re making the change and convince employers that your skill set will be an asset to their company.

However, here’s the Golden Rule of cover letter length : Never go past one page!

How can I make a short cover letter quickly?

If you need to make a short cover letter quickly, you can use a cover letter builder , which breaks the process down into a few quick steps. Or if you dread setting up a cover letter because you don’t know how to make it eye-catching, use a cover letter template instead.

Will hiring managers be turned off by a brief cover letter?

No, hiring managers won’t be turned off by a brief cover letter. In fact, many hiring managers will appreciate your ability to get to the point. Hiring managers have dozens of applications to review, and if you can sum up why you’d be the perfect hire in 200 words or less, they’ll appreciate you saving them time.

How short should a cover letter be?

As long as you can present a solid reason for why you should be hired, there’s no real rule about how short a cover letter should be. The shortest one we feature is under 150 words, but if you could convey the same information in fewer words, then go for it!

Short Cover Letter Examples

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How to write an application letter (with example)

Are you ready for a new challenge and a fresh start in your career? An eye-catching application letter is essential when you’re applying for new jobs, if you want to make a great first impression on potential employers.

There’s a process to creating an outstanding application letter. It starts with researching the company and tailoring your letter, and ends with editing and formatting your application in a polished and easy to read way. In this guide, we show you how to write an application letter that highlights your strengths and qualifications relevant to the position. 

Why is a cover letter important?

When you’re job seeking, a compelling application letter will help increase your chances of success. An application letter, also known as a cover letter, serves as your professional introduction to potential employers. It’s your chance to demonstrate your qualifications, skills and excitement for the job.

While your resumé provides a snapshot of your work history and achievements, application letters let you expand on your experiences. They provide an opportunity to highlight specific accomplishments, express your motivation and explain why you’d be the right fit for the job .

What to write in an application letter

The key to a great application letter is in making it complement your resumé. Unlike a resumé, which focuses solely on presenting facts and details, an application letter adds a personal touch to your job application. It lets you tell your professional story, showcase your personality and convey your passion for the industry and the organisation you’re applying at.

The typical application letter consists of several key components. It begins with a traditional letter header, followed by a greeting addressed to the hiring manager or relevant contact. Then there’s the body of the letter, which should be one to three paragraphs long, each addressing different job criteria. After that, there’s a conclusion and a valediction (your sign-off). 

If you find writing an application letter daunting, it might be helpful to download a template as a starting point, or use AI tools to provide an outline for you to personalise. 

Before you start writing, do some research

Start by thoroughly reading and understanding the job description. Take note of the key responsibilities, qualifications and skills required for the role. Pay attention to any keywords or phrases used in the job ad, as these can guide your letter-writing process.

Next, research the company itself. Visit their website, read about their mission, values and recent news and take a look at their social media accounts. You don’t need to do a deep dive into every company you’re applying at, but it does help to have some background knowledge – otherwise, how will you know you want to work there? This includes understanding the type of organisation it is and what your job requirements are likely to be. You might also get a feel for the company culture.

Use the information you’ve gathered to draft a persuasive letter  that shows how your qualifications match with the company’s needs, goals and culture. Highlight any specific experiences, achievements or skills that illustrate why you’d be right for the role.

Formatting a cover letter

When it comes to formatting your application letter, the goal is to make it easy to read. Aim for a simple format that’s clean and uncluttered. Choose a clear and legible font such as Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman – or the same font you used on your resumé . Stick to a font size between 10 and 12 points to ensure readability.

Remember to keep your letter concise, aiming for no more than one page. Use clear, everyday English, avoiding overly technical terms or jargon. And of course, proofread your letter carefully when you’re done, to catch any typos or errors.

The opening paragraph

At the top-left of the page, begin with your contact information, including your name, location, phone number and email address. Include the date on the line below.

Next, address the letter to the hiring manager or the appropriate recipient, using a formal greeting such as Dear [Hiring Manager's Name] . If you can’t find the hiring manager's name, you can use a more general term like To whom it may concern .

In the first sentence, clearly state the specific job title and company. This goes at the top so that the recruiter or hiring manager knows immediately what the letter is about.

The body of the letter: Experience, skills and qualifications

The middle of your cover letter should consist of two or three concise paragraphs. Here is where you elaborate on your skills and qualifications, emphasising your achievements and how they align with the requirements of the job.

Think about specific instances where your strengths and skills made an impact at work, providing quantifiable results if you can. For example, you could talk about projects you worked on or goals you met, mentioning real figures if you have them.

With every skill or experience you mention, make sure you connect them to the role’s requirements. Reference key aspects of the job description in your letter. Got no relevant experience? Focus on extracurricular activities and education. 

Lastly, consider highlighting any certifications, awards or professional development courses you’ve completed. These achievements can further enhance your application and show that you’re committed to continuous learning and professional growth.

Above all, be honest about your qualifications. Avoid exaggerating or stretching the truth. If there are areas where you're lacking, acknowledge them and express your willingness to learn and grow.

Use the third paragraph to either mention more skills or experience (if you are applying for a more senior position) or to highlight what interests you about the company and how your passions and aspirations align with the company’s mission and values.

The closing paragraph of your cover letter

The fourth paragraph of your application letter is your conclusion. Here you can give a brief recap of your skills and reaffirm your enthusiasm for the job. You can also include a call to action, like inviting the employer to schedule an interview or visit your online portfolio.

In your conclusion you might also mention any follow-up actions you plan to take. For instance, you might say you’ll be following up with an email within a few weeks. End your letter with a traditional closing sign-off, such as Sincerely or Best regards .

Your closing paragraph should be concise and impactful, without repeating anything information from the middle paragraphs.

Editing and proofreading an application letter.

Before you send your application, proofread it closely to make sure it’s error-free. Typos or grammatical slip ups can look unprofessional and detract from your application, so it’s worth the extra effort to give your letter a once-over.

Consider enlisting the help of a friend or family member to review your letter with fresh eyes. Just showing it to someone else will often help to catch mistakes or areas for improvement that you might have missed. 

You should also cut certain words from your cover letter if you want it to make an impactful first impression. 

Following up after a job application

Following up after submitting an application letter can show your interest to potential employers. If you don’t hear back from an employer within two weeks, it’s okay to follow up and ask about the status of your application. 

This shows your enthusiasm for the role, tells them you’re still interested, and puts you front of mind. When following up, make sure your communication is professional and polite, and avoid sending multiple follow-up emails within a short timeframe.

Here’s a follow-up email template to give you a head start . 

Tips for job application success

Here are some quick tips for writing application letters that stand out – and some advice for managing the job search process overall. 

  • Tailor your application letter to the job, every time . Create your application letter specifically for the job and company you’re applying to. This means writing a slightly different one, every time. Show how your skills, experience and career aspirations are a good match for the company's needs and goals. Make extra sure you’re sending the right application letter to the right company. 
  • Keep your letter clear and concise. An application letter should be straight to the point and easy to read. Aim for a one-page letter, unless otherwise specified in the job posting. Avoid unnecessary details and focus on the most relevant information to the job ad. Writing a good cover letter shows you have solid written communication skills.
  • Use action verbs and descriptive language. Enhance your application letter by using strong action verbs, for example: instead of I was responsible for a team , write something like, I led a team of 10 high-performing staff .
  • Show thanks and follow up.   After submitting your application, if you haven’t heard back after two weeks, send a follow-up email to the hiring manager. Reiterate your enthusiasm for the position. Use this opportunity to provide additional information or clarify any points in your application.
  • Keep track of your applications. Have a system for keeping track of each application, noting the date you applied, the job title and company, and any notes or communication you’ve had. Mark them up on a calendar or put them into a spreadsheet. This will help you stay on top of your applications and avoid missing any emails that may have fallen through the cracks. A tracking system will also help if you get a call about a job and need to quickly refresh your memory on the details of it. Additionally, keep all your job cover letters in one folder, so you can refer back to them and repurpose them for future applications.

Dos and don’ts

Once you’ve written your application letter, you can refine it even more by applying these dos and don’ts. 

  • Do add a personal touch . Giving your cover letter a personal touch can make it stand out to potential employers. Share a brief anecdote or personal experience that connects you to the role or company. This helps humanise your application and gives the employer insight into your personality and motivations. 

For example, applying for a job in healthcare:  I come from a family of healthcare professionals and grew up with the desire to work in a field where I could make a positive impact on others’ lives.

  • Do tailor your language and tone . Try to match your tone and language to the company’s style (from their official website, rather than social media accounts.) If their website language is very formal, you should mirror that in your cover letter. If their tone of voice is more relaxed, you can take a warmer, more informal tone. Always maintain a professional tone – don’t be too laidback or colloquial.
  • Do take out anything that’s irrelevant.  Is there information in your cover letter that isn’t really related to the job? Consider removing it. Avoid unnecessary details and focus on delivering the most important information only.
  • Do proofread carefully . Having a perfectly edited letter means you have good attention to detail. Run your letter through spell-check and read it aloud to someone, to make sure it flows logically. Get feedback from a mentor or former teacher.


  • Don’t use generic templates without tailoring them . The hiring manager will know if you’ve used a generic application letter. A template is a good starting point, but you need to tailor it to each job opportunity.
  • Don’t exaggerate or misrepresent your qualifications.  Be honest and transparent about your skills and qualifications. Exaggerating or misrepresenting your abilities will likely backfire. An employer will be able to tell if you don’t have the knowledge and abilities you claim to have. 

Example of an honest representation:  I have basic experience with XYZ software, and I'm eager to improve on these skills. In my previous roles, I’ve been able to master new programs quickly.  

Example of an exaggeration:  I have intermediate knowledge of XYZ Analytics software having used this tool in my previous roles.

  • Don’t use industry jargon.  While it’s important to express your knowledge of the industry, avoid using jargon or buzzwords, for example, terms like ROI, strategic initiatives, go-getter, etc. Also consider avoiding technical terms that may not be familiar to the reader.
  • Don’t neglect to follow up. After submitting your application letter, send a follow-up email. Even if you don’t hear back from the employer, you’ll know you made every effort to get your application seen. A negative response from them will also allow you to close that application on your tracker. 

An application letter template

If you’re not confident in drafting a cover letter, it can help to use a professional template. Here’s one you can tailor for your job application. Below this is a sample application letter that puts this structure into practice. 

[Your name here] [Your contact number] [Your email address] [Suburb, State Postcode]

Dear [hiring manager’s name],

  [Intro] I’m writing to express my interest in the [job title] position at [company name]. [Share a personal anecdote if you have one, or briefly explain why you decided to apply for the role.] 

[Body paragraph 1: write about your experience, skills and any specific industry knowledge that could be valuable to the role.   Include any personal attributes that show how you’re an excellent fit for the company. Include one of your main acheivements that directly relates to the role.]

[Body paragraph 2: write about what interests you about the role and about the organisation. You might mention your career goals or the company’s vision and values.]

[Closing paragraph: reaffirm your interest in the position. Include a call to action.]

[Your name]

Sample application letter

Jean-Charles Mak 043X 123-X123 JCmak@g_mail.com

29 February 2025

Dear Ms Lee,

I’m writing to express my interest in the Assistant Manager position at X-Arcade as advertised on SEEK. From a young age, I’ve been passionate about the unique learning, entertainment and social aspects of video gaming. Having spent three years in the games-retail industry, I’m excited by the prospect of contributing to the success of your award-winning company.

Throughout my career, I have consistently demonstrated exceptional customer service. In my previous role at Tornado Thunder, I managed gaming rooms and was awarded Employee of the Month three times in 18 months. In my team-leadership role at PlayZone, I frequently demonstrated skills in de-escalating situations and problem solving under pressure, as well as cash handling and POS. Additionally, I have more than a decade of experience in gaming technologies across multiple platforms and consoles.

I feel that this role at X-Arcade is the perfect match for my abilities and aspirations. I'm inspired by the company’s approach to sustainability, inclusivity, and its target to become the largest arcade company in Australia by 2025. 

I’m confident that my proven track record and passion make me the ideal person for this position. I’ve attached my resumé for your review, which provides detailed insights into my experience and accomplishments. Thank you for considering my application. I’m excited about the prospect of joining X-Arcade and look forward to hearing from you. 

Writing an application letter takes a little planning and a lot of attention to detail. Personalising your letter and highlighting relevant skills and achievements can help you catch a hiring manager’s attention and get a callback for an interview. Take the time to create a well-written and error-free letter that shows your concientiousness and enthusiasm – desireable qualities in any employee. 

1. What should I include in an application letter?

Your application letter should include the following elements:

  • Your contact information (name, suburb, city, phone number, email)
  • The recipient’s contact information (name, job title, company name, address)
  • A greeting (such as Dear Hiring Manager or To whom it may concern )
  • An introduction that states the position you’re applying for and expresses your interest in the company
  • Body paragraphs that highlight your relevant skills and experience, and explain why you’re a good fit for the role
  • A closing paragraph that thanks the hiring manager for their time and consideration, and reiterates your interest in the position

2. How long should an application letter be?

An application letter should be concise and to the point, typically no longer than one page. Aim for around three to four paragraphs, or about 300–600 words.

3. How should I address the letter if I don’t know the hiring manager’s name?

If you don’t know the name of the hiring manager, you can address the letter like this: To the Hiring Manager or To whom it may concern .

4. How should I follow up after sending an application letter?

After sending an application letter, it’s a good idea to send a follow-up email. This shows your gratitude for the opportunity and reinforces your interest in the position. You can follow up via email with a brief and professional message.

5. What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing an application letter?

Some common mistakes to avoid when writing an application letter include:

  • Using a generic template without highlighting your unique skills and qualifications
  • Exaggerating or misrepresenting your qualifications
  • Using too much industry jargon, technical terminologies or flowery language
  • Neglecting to proofread your letter before sending it

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  • Cover Letter Examples

10 Short Cover Letter Samples & Writing Guide for 2024

Short and sweet—that’s the type of cover letters hiring managers want to see. Learn how to say more with less with our 10 best short cover letter samples.

Mariusz Wawrzyniak

When writing a cover letter, you might be tempted to create a long one. After all, you must tell the recruiter all about your skills, work history, and motivations. But sitting down for hours writing one document can be disheartening.

Fortunately, no law requires you to fill the entire A4 page of your cover letter. I will show you how to write a short cover letter that gets the job done.

In this guide, you'll see:

  • Why you should write a short cover letter
  • Five short cover letter samples for different career stages
  • And how to write one that gets you the job

Save hours of work and get a cover letter like this. Pick a template, fill it in. Quick and easy. Choose from 20+ cover letter templates and download your cover letter now.

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short cover letter sample

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Looking for a cover letter guide for a specific job? Check these out:

  • Business Cover Letter
  • Computer Science Cover Letter
  • Copywriter Cover Letter
  • Customer Service Cover Letter
  • Federal Cover Letter
  • Human Resources Cover Letter
  • Legal Cover Letter
  • Marketing Cover Letter
  • Nursing Cover Letter
  • Sales Cover Letter

Why Should You Write a Short Cover Letter? 

Writing a short cover letter offers several advantages. Recruiters are looking for any reason to reduce the pile of papers or the endless list of emailed resumes , and a brief cover letter can quickly convey your key qualifications without consuming too much of their time.

Also, succinct communication is a valuable skill in the professional world. A short cover letter showcases your written communication skills. You’ve definitely heard the quote, “ If I had more time, I would’ve written a shorter letter .” I always try to keep it in mind when writing articles.

On top of that, a shorter format compels you to focus on the most critical aspects of your qualifications, ensuring that the hiring manager quickly grasps why you're the ideal candidate.

Now, before we move on to talking about cover letter writing tips , I'll show you some short cover letter samples so you get a better feel of what recruiters are looking for. 

And remember, cover letters are essential . Sixty percent of 150 executives polled in a recent survey said the cover letter is just as important as the resume, if not more.

10 Short Cover Letter Samples to Get You Started

Let's start with some real-life basic cover letter samples. First, you’ll see 10 samples for inexperienced candidates.

Short Cover Letter Samples for Inexperienced Candidates

If you have little to no professional experience, crafting a shorter letter can be less overwhelming. It reduces the pressure to fill space and allows you to focus on quality over quantity.

Just like in my examples below:

Example #1 Short Cover Letter for an Internship

Tracy Tillman

Marketing Student


[email protected] 

Santa Barbara, October 20, 2021

Marion Sandoval

Content Manager

1382 Par Drive

Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Dear Ms. Sandoval, 

I am enthusiastic about the prospect of joining Metrico as a summer intern. Your company's innovative approach to content marketing aligns seamlessly with my academic background, and I am confident that my unique combination of experience and dedication positions me as an exceptional candidate for this role.

I am currently a Junior at the University of Illinois, pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Marketing with a minor in Communications. During my sophomore year, I was a research assistant for a project analyzing how marketing strategies differ across different cultures. This experience helped me to reinforce the idea that I wanted to get a Master’s degree in the future. 

In addition to research work, I was Editor-in-Chief of my University’s newspaper, where I significantly developed my communication and leadership skills. For two years, I led a team of 10 other students, which also helped my project management skills and ability to meet deadlines. 

Moreover, since high school, I have been volunteering at the local animal shelter, where I organized 2 fundraising events that helped raise more than $4.5K for shelter supplies.

I know that Metrico is in need of a person to support the content marketing department, and I believe that my skills and knowledge will be a great asset to your company.

I’d be thrilled to learn more about this position and show how I can help Metrico grow through a strategic content marketing effort.

Example #2 Brief Cover Letter for a High Schooler

Jaune Vandham

High School Graduate


[email protected]

Tulsa, April 7, 2022

Kiara Takanashi

Restaurant Owner

567 Main Street

Tulsa, Oklahoma 74169

Dear Ms. Takanashi

As a recent high school graduate eager to embark on my professional journey, I am excited to apply for the team member position at the KFP Restaurant.

My enthusiasm, strong work ethic, and commitment to providing excellent service make me an ideal candidate for this role. I am a quick learner, ready to absorb new skills and contribute to the vibrant atmosphere at KFP. In my high school activities, I developed effective teamwork and communication skills. Whether collaborating on group projects or participating in extracurricular activities, I have honed my ability to work harmoniously with others.

I am drawn to KFP because of its reputation for fast and friendly service. I am confident that my positive attitude and eagerness to contribute will make me a valuable asset to your team.

I can’t wait to get the opportunity to start my career and gain valuable experience in customer service. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to the success of KFP. Could we schedule a call or a meeting to discuss this opportunity?

Example #3 Short Cover Letter for an Entry-Level Accounting Job

Claude Barrelwright

Junior Accountant


[email protected]

November 12, 2023

Head Accountant


3314 Howard Street

Wyoming, MI 49509

Wyoming, Dear Ms. Fall

I am writing to express my sincere interest in the entry-level accounting position at Docucounting. With a recently obtained bachelor's degree in accounting and a one-year internship experience, I am eager to bring my academic knowledge and practical skills to contribute to your esteemed team.

During my internship at MBK Financial Services, I achieved notable milestones:

  • Streamlined the accounts reconciliation process, resulting in a 12% reduction in reconciliation time and ensuring accurate financial reporting.
  • Implemented a cost-saving initiative by identifying and rectifying discrepancies, contributing to a 10% reduction in operational costs.
  • Played a key role in preparing the company for an external audit, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and receiving positive feedback from auditors.

My academic coursework and internship experience have equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of accounting practices, financial reporting, and compliance standards. I am proficient in using accounting software, and analyzing and interpreting financial data.

I am confident that my quantifiable achievements, educational background, and dedication to accuracy make me a highly valuable candidate for this position.

I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my skills and quantified achievements align with the goals of Docucounting.

Example #4 Basic Cover Letter for a Warehouse Job


[email protected]

Dalton, March 12, 2022

Harrison Hall

Director of Logistics

Swift Logistics

3219 Kyle Street

Dalton, NE 69131

Dear Mr. Hall

As a diligent high school student with one year of hands-on experience as a stocker, I am eager to bring my strong work ethic and commitment to detail to Swift Logistics.

During my year-long role as a stocker at Servo Mart, I gained valuable achievements:

  • Implemented an organized shelving system, reducing the time taken to locate items by 15% and enhancing overall warehouse efficiency.
  • Conducted regular stock checks, contributing to a 10% decrease in inventory discrepancies and ensuring accurate records.
  • Collaborated effectively with team members to unload and organize incoming shipments, resulting in a 20% improvement in overall team productivity.

My experience, coupled with my dedication to maintaining a well-organized and efficient warehouse environment, aligns with the values of Swift Logistics. I am confident that my ability to handle physical tasks, attention to detail, and quick learning will make me a valuable addition to your team.

I would love the opportunity to discuss further how my skills can benefit Swift Logistics.

Example #5 Brief Cover Letter for an Entry-Level Receptionist

Melissa Townsend



[email protected]


Dallas, June 6, 2021

Kiera Joyce

The Independent Planners

3291 Sycamore Circle

Dallas, TX 75234

Dear Ms. Joyce

I am writing to express my interest in the entry-level receptionist position at The Independent Planners. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute my skills to your team. As a student of Office Management, I maintained a consistent GPA of 3.8 while pursuing this degree.

In my volunteer work at H2H, I successfully organized and executed three major charity events, resulting in a 25% increase in funds raised compared to the previous year. I also implemented strategic promotional campaigns to attract a larger audience and enhance the organization's community impact.

Currently pursuing a degree in Office Management, I am actively developing a solid foundation in administrative tasks, effective communication, and office procedures. I applied theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios, achieving a 95% average in coursework related to receptionist duties, scheduling, and office software proficiency.

I am drawn to The Independent Planners for your commitment to undertake small community projects rather than big, commercial ones. I am confident that my passion for organization and my dedication to creating a positive and welcoming atmosphere align well with the receptionist position's requirements.

I would welcome the opportunity to discuss further how my skills and experiences align with the goals of The Independent Planners. I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience and can be reached at 847-283-2645 or [email protected].

Now, let’s move on to mid and senior-level applications:

Expert Hint: Your job posting may specify that they want you to send a motivation letter rather than a cover letter. Don’t get caught off guard. Learn how to write a motivation letter today!

Short Cover Letter Samples With Experience

Short cover letters examples for experienced candidates provide a strategic approach to concisely presenting key achievements and qualifications. They are designed to capture attention quickly, making a compelling case for why you are an ideal fit for the position.

See the examples below:

Example #1 Short Cover Letter for an Office Job 

Roxanna Moore

Office Coordinator


[email protected]

Dallas, April 19, 2021

Kimberly Barnes

3282 Stoney Lane

Dallas, TX 75240

Dear Ms. Barnes,

I would like to express my sincere interest in the office coordinator position you have available. As an accomplished and enthusiastic professional with 3+ years of experience maintaining a workspace that promotes productivity, inclusivity, and creativity, I strongly believe that my skills and experience will allow me to contribute toward the success of your company.

My background includes providing excellent professional administrative and clerical service to colleagues and supervisors and top-notch customer service to external and internal customers. 

Some of my key responsibilities and accomplishments as office coordinator include:

  • Processed bi-weekly payroll for 80 employees, including labor reports and vacation and sick time requests.
  • Interviewed, hired, and trained 25 new employees.
  • Answered and maintained 6 phone lines and responded to emails with excellent customer service while ensuring clear and prompt communication among all constituents.
  • Maintained a 97% customer satisfaction rate.
  • Received the 2019 Office Coordinator Award of Excellence. 

I am confident that my proven success in creating a welcoming office environment and handling all administrative tasks with accuracy and a commitment to quality will contribute immensely to your company’s success. 

Could we schedule an appointment to discuss how I can help your company reach its productivity, cost management, and efficiency goals? 

Kind regards,

Example #2 Simple Cover Letter for IT Jobs

Brenda Williams

Java Developer


[email protected]

Seattle, July 5, 2021

Frank Corley

2378 Ryder Avenue

Seattle, WA 98161

Dear Mr. Corley,

I am writing to apply for the senior Java developer position with Lab Collab. I bring 6 years of programming experience that I know will prove valuable to your company. I have honed my developing and problem-solving skills over these past years and have extensive experience developing system architecture and code design, implementation, installation and testing processes.

Some of my responsibilities, skills, and most important achievements include:

  • Engineered a scalable architecture for a web application, accommodating a 50% increase in user traffic without compromising system performance.
  • Optimized critical sections of a Java-based application, resulting in a 20% reduction in response time, enhancing overall user experience.
  • Implemented JDBC connection for retrieving data from Oracle database.
  • Strengthened application security by identifying and patching vulnerabilities, leading to a 40% decrease in security incidents and ensuring a more secure software environment.
  • Wrote interfaces and test clients in order to facilitate testing scheduled jobs.

Working with such a skilled team within a company that I truly admire would be an incredible opportunity for further growth, and I would love the chance to prove that I'm a great fit for the role.

Could we schedule a meeting or a call to discuss the prospect of joining your team?

Brenda Williams 

Example #3 Basic Cover Letter for a Managerial Position

Ronald Johnson

Account Manager


[email protected]

Atlanta, September 30, 2021

Aileen Summers

1072 Stroop Hill Road

Atlanta, GA 30303

Dear Ms. Summers,

I was pleased to see your posting for a new account manager, as my set of qualifications and goals align with the ideal candidate you seek. In my previous role, I orchestrated and coordinated three major company events, achieving a 30% increase in attendance and positive feedback, enhancing company culture and morale. I am confident that I would make a valuable addition to your organization.

With over 8 years of experience as an account manager, I am adept at building key relationships with account management, strategy, and fulfillment departments. During my previous role at Lendent, I worked closely with sales strategy, finance, and marketing to implement the Annual Sales Strategy with Sales Volume and Net Revenue growth while balancing a trade accrual budget. I achieved +42% sales growth (+$5M) at Key Account for the past 3 years by increasing core SKU distribution, new item placements, and executing aggressive sales plans. All while managing the workloads of 15 employees and tracking and balancing account disbursements through Excel spreadsheets.

My proven ability to achieve and sustain my sales goals by prospecting new business and developing existing accounts to grow our overall brand and my solid problem-solving, analytical, and decision-making skills will contribute immensely to Insureb’s growth.

When would be a good time to meet or call to discuss how I successfully apply routine communication to establish relationships with clients to understand their business needs and goals?

Example #4 Short Cover Letter Sample for a Creative Job

James Valdez

Art Director 


[email protected]

Orlando, November 20, 2020

2543 Grand Avenue

Orlando, FL 32810

Dear Ms. Shaw,

I would like to submit my candidacy for the Art Director position at Finession. As an experienced specialist with experience in creating concepts and designs to meet internally briefed requirements and a passion for photography, typography, layout, and digital and social ideation, I believe I have the skills and experience necessary to give your company the creative direction you need.

My background includes 7+ years in a similar position, where I gained critical skills for the art director role. I have worked with both external and internal clients and know their requirements and needs. I was responsible for designing in-store displays, digital executions, social assets, and print materials at a superb level aesthetically and technically. During my time at Delicity, I’ve processed, archived, and managed over 25,000 electronic art files. Apart from all these, I successfully led a team of 5 and directed the creation of visual assets with external contractors such as photographers, illustrators, and agencies. 

Having a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, I demonstrate great advertising and promotion knowledge and excellent communication, leadership, and management skills. I can handle long travel and stress associated with my work. 

Working for a company like Finession, which constantly pushes the envelope, would be an honor and a privilege. I am convinced I am the right fit for your art director position.

When would be a good time to discuss how I can help your company solve strategic and creative issues while enhancing the client’s confidence in the agency?

Example #5 Brief Cover Letter for a Finance Position

Christopher Elias

Financial Specialist


[email protected]

Orlando, November 22, 2022

Brian Tennyson

983 Bland Avenue

Orlando, FL 32922

I am writing to express my interest in the Finance Manager position at Stryker, as advertised. With over 7 years of experience as a Senior Financial Specialist and a proven track record of managing substantial budgets and conducting intricate financial analysis, I am confident that I will contribute effectively to your Global Logistics Operations financial support team.

In my current role as a Senior Financial Specialist at Pacific Bay Financial Corporation, I implemented a financial planning method that resulted in an annual cost savings of over $220M. This experience, coupled with my role in overseeing tax filings and managing financial reports for the State of California, has equipped me with the skills to serve as a Controller for the GLO organization at Stryker.

One of my key achievements at Pacific Bay Financial Corporation was training a new team of financial specialists, reducing the company's turnover rate by 50%. This highlights my commitment to fostering collaborative partnerships and effective communication, skills crucial for success in the collaborative environment at Stryker. In addition to my financial expertise, I possess a Master of Finance degree from UC Irvine's Merage School of Business.

I am particularly drawn to Stryker's commitment to employee growth and development. I am eager to leverage my skills in financial reporting, template construction, and coordination to contribute to the success of the GLO team and support the company's goals.

I am excited about the opportunity to discuss further how my skills align with the needs of Stryker. Could we schedule a call or a meeting?

Double your impact with a matching resume and cover letter combo. Use our cover letter generator and make your application documents pop out.


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Want to try a different look? There's 21 more. A single click will give your document a total makeover. Pick a cover letter template here .

How To Write a Short Cover Letter

Writing a short cover letter isn’t dissimilar to creating a regular one, but there are several things you should keep in mind that you normally wouldn’t. Here's the list of my best tips:

1. Stay Concise and Relevant

In a short cover letter, every word counts, and there's limited space to convey your message. The length of your short cover letter should be around 200–250 words. So be ruthless in editing. Focus on key points, omit unnecessary details, and get straight to the most impactful information. Prioritize relevance. Highlight only the most pertinent skills, relevant experiences , and work achievements directly related to the job you're applying for.

You can help shorten your cover letter by including a list of bullet points rather than writing everything down in a paragraph format.

2. Create Engagement

You might think a short cover letter may struggle to capture the employer's attention. But it’s not about the quantity of your achievements, but the quality and where you put them. Craft an engaging cover letter opening sentence that immediately communicates your enthusiasm for the position. Use concise language that still conveys energy and interest.

What is the best way to grab the recruiter’s attention? Personalize it to the company as much as possible by using the hiring manager’s name and researching the organization's values and expectations.

3. Balance Skills and Achievements

It's easy to focus too much on either skills or achievements, neglecting a balanced representation of your qualifications. Aim for a harmonious mix. Highlight a key achievement or two and relevant skills to showcase your track record and capabilities.

If you’re making a cover letter for job with no experience , or if the job posting states it’s crucial, I recommend you include a mention of your academic background . 

4. Seal the Deal By Requesting an Interview

End your cover letter with a strong closing statement expressing your eagerness for an interview or further discussion. Make it clear that you welcome the opportunity to discuss your qualifications in more detail.

So, now that you’ve seen some expert short cover letter samples and learned  how to write your simple cover letter step-by-step , we have prepared one more thing for you. You can use a short cover letter template I created to help yourself a little.

Short Cover Letter Template You Can Copy and Use

[Your name]

[Your title]

[Your phone number]

[Your email]

[Your optional information]

[Full current date]

[Hiring Manager’s Name & Title]

[Company Address]

[City], [State] [ZIP]

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

As a [Adjective] [Position name] with [X] years of experience in [Your field of work], I am the ideal candidate for the position of [Job position] at [Company name].

I excelled at my previous job, which I can prove with my extensive list of work achievements, among which are:

  • [List of 3-5 impressive, quantified achievements]

I am also a [2-3 adjectives that describe your skills] and proficient with [Something the company wants].

Working for a company such as [Company name], whose work culture I strongly admire, would be an invaluable experience. I would love to have the opportunity to prove that I'm an excellent fit for the role.

When would be a good time to meet or call to discuss [Something you could do for the company]?

[Your Name]

With a short cover letter template like that, your application will certainly take the prime real estate in the hiring manager’s memory.

With ResumeLab’s resume builder you’ll write your resume in a flash. Get specific content to boost your chances of getting the job. Add job descriptions, bullet points, and skills. Improve your resume in our resume builder now .


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Nail it all with a splash of color, choose a clean font, highlight your skills in just a few clicks. You’re the perfect candidate and we’ll prove it. Just pick one of 21 resume templates and get started now .

Applying with a short and simple cover letter is important to entice the recruiter to review your detailed resume and make a case for yourself. So when writing a basic cover letter, remember to:

  • Keep it Concise. Limit the short cover letter to three to four paragraphs. Each paragraph should have a specific purpose, and unnecessary details should be omitted.
  • Ensure each sentence serves a purpose. Be clear and specific in your language. Avoid vague statements and ambiguities.
  • Proofread meticulously. Given the brevity, there's no room for grammatical errors or typos. Use tools like spell check and seek feedback if possible.
  • Use the short cover letter samples and template above to write your simple cover letter. It’s going to go so much faster.

Thanks for reading! Still not sure about something to do with writing a short cover letter? Did you find my short cover letter samples useful? Let me know in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Questions about Short Cover Letters

Is it ok to have a short cover letter.

A short cover letter is perfectly OK as long as it conveys everything as a standard-length cover letter would . Many recruiters even prefer to receive a cover letter of about 250 words rather than a full-length one.

Can a cover letter be 200 words or less?

A 200-word short cover letter is excellent for entry-level workers without experience or achievements . Experienced candidates should ideally aim for more than half a page in length.

Is it unprofessional to not have a cover letter?

Yes, it is unprofessional not to attach a matching cover letter to your resume when applying for jobs . Even if the job ad doesn’t mention a cover letter, adding it to your application is still advised. You don’t have to do that when the job ad explicitly states not to include a cover letter.

How do you start a short cover letter?

To start a short cover letter , include a proper heading first. Then, include other parts of the cover letter in that order :

  • Paragraph #1: introduction & brief background
  • Paragraph #2: key achievements
  • Paragraph #3: why you’re the best fit
  • Paragraph #4: call to action
  • Formal closing

How to write a short cover letter?

Here’s a blueprint for writing a successful short cover letter:

  • Use a professional template and format the cover letter correctly.
  • Start with a cover letter header with all your and your recruiter’s information.
  • Greet the recruiter by name.
  • Introduce yourself.
  • Present your qualifications with a couple of impressive achievements .
  • Show your enthusiasm and that you’re a cultural fit.
  • Finish with a clear call to action.
  • Sign the cover letter with your full name.

How should a simple cover letter look?

The best way for a cover letter to look is:

  • Use a popular, easy-to-read font like Calibri or Arial.
  • Set the font size to 10-12 points.
  • Keep the margins 1 inch and even on all sides.
  • Use line spacing to 1.15 and double for paragraphs.
  • Match your resume’s design by using the same template.

Mariusz Wawrzyniak

Mariusz is a career expert with a background in quality control & economics. With work experience in FinTech and a passion for self-development, Mariusz brings a unique perspective to his role. He’s dedicated to providing the most effective advice on resume and cover letter writing techniques to help his readers secure the jobs of their dreams.

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Home » Beginner Short Cover Letter Sample: 07 Examples Ideas

Beginner Short Cover Letter Sample: 07 Examples Ideas

Beginner Short Cover Letter Sample

Are you wondering how to write a short cover letter? Wonder no more! In this blog post, we’re going to give you a sample of a Beginner Short Cover Letter Sample This will help you get started on your job hunt, and show potential employers what you have to offer. So read on for tips and tricks on how to knock them off their feet with your amazing skills. We hope this helps as you start writing your own letters! Remember, practice makes perfect so keep at it until the perfect letter emerges. Good luck out there!

Check out this Beginner Short Cover Letter Sample guide on how to write a short and sweet cover letter that will make employers want to learn more about you! Do you need to write a cover letter but don’t know where to start? You’re not alone. A lot of people find cover letters daunting, especially if they don’t have much experience. But don’t worry, we’re here to help. In this post, we’ll show you how to write a short cover letter that will make a great impression on employers. We’ll also give you some tips on what to include and what to avoid. So read on for all the details! With just a few simple tips, you can create a cover letter that stands out from the competition and gets you one step closer to an interview.

For More: 113+ Best beginner resume objective examples & Ideas

beginner application letter for security guard with no experience

Table of Contents

Beginner Cover Letter

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my interest in your company, and hope that you will consider my resume for your open entry-level position. I am a recent college graduate with a degree in ______________, graduating ___/___/___. Throughout college, I participated in numerous extracurricular activities including the Pre-Law Fraternity, Student Senate, and participating in my Senior thesis on ____________.

I am confident that I have the skills to be an asset to your company, but more importantly, I believe my strong work ethic will enable me to make significant contributions in a short amount of time. Thank you for your consideration and time spent reviewing my resume. My number is _____.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your time and consideration in advance!

Sincerely, Name:__________ Email:__________Address:______________Contact#:_____________ Date: _________________

Beginner Cover Letter Examples

I was checking through the vacancies advertised in this newspaper and I noticed that your organization is looking to recruit a bookkeeper. As a bookkeeper myself with five years’ experience, I believe I am an ideal candidate for your organization.

I recently completed a degree in accounting and finance at [University Name]. With my qualification and a considerable amount of experience, I believe that it would be beneficial for your company to give me a chance to work for you.

I have attached my resume for consideration. If you would like, you can contact me by phone or email so that we can discuss my suitability for the position further.

Thanking you in advance for your time. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully, Name:__________ Email:__________Address:______________Contact#:_____________ Date: _________________

Beginner Application Letter for Security guard with no experience

My name is [YOUR NAME], and I am a [DEPARTMENT] major at [COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY]. My passion for [DESCRIBE YOUR JOB INTERESTS HERE, INCLUDING THE INDUSTRY AND LEVEL OF PROFESSIONALISM (EX. entry-level, mid-level, executive)]. As a [YOUR POSITION] major, I have a strong interest in pursuing a career as an [POSITION] at your company. I was recently given the opportunity to see first-hand how it feels to be one of your employees when I served an internship with your competitor’s company,

I am very interested in learning more about your company, and I hope to have the chance to meet you in person.

Please find attached my resume for your review. I can be reached at [PHONE] or via email at [EMAIL] to arrange a time when we can discuss my qualifications in more detail. Thank you for your consideration.

Beginner First Cover Letter

Respected Sir,

I am writing this letter with the hope of securing employment in your esteemed company. I am enclosing herewith my resume for your kind perusal. My qualifications are as follows.: MSC, MBA, BCom, CAIIB.

I have done all these courses from reputed institutions. So I also have two years of experience working as an accountant.

I am good at managing accounts, apart from that I can do photocopying and typing work too. Also I am available for any kind of clerical / accounting work in your company.

Having known about your organization through the job portal, it has come to my notice that your company is in need of an accountant. I am confident that my qualifications and experience make me a very strong candidate for the position you are looking to fill; therefore, for this reason I request you to kindly give me an opportunity to work with your esteemed organization.

I thank you for your time and look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

For More: What is Cover Letter? Complete Guide To Get any Job.

No Experience Beginner Short Cover Letter Sample

Dear Mr/Mrs. Name,

I am writing to express my interest in the [position] role advertised on your website. I believe that I have the necessary skills and abilities for this position and I’m confident that I can add value to your company.

During the past three years, while working as a [job title], I have developed proven [insert soft skills] skills, which I believe will be beneficial to your company. Some of these include [insert soft skills]. Furthermore, I have a certificate in [insert relevant hard skill] issued by the [name of organization], which is attached with this application.

I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss how my qualifications can best meet your needs.

Yours sincerely,   Name:__________ Email:__________Address:______________Contact#:_____________Date: _________________

Application Letter for Beginners

Dear HR Manager,

I am writing in response to the advertisement for ([JOB TITLE]) that you recently published on [WEBSITE]. My unique skill set and experience match perfectly with what your company is looking for. Therefore I believe my education, talent, dedication and qualifications fit exactly what you are looking for. I feel that I could be a valuable asset as an ([JOB TITLE]).

I am enclosing my CV for your consideration. If you would like to discuss this position further, please contact me at [PHONE].

I look forward to hearing from you soon and wish you success in finding the right candidate.

Upwork Cover Letter Sample for Beginners

I recently saw a post on the company website for a position in your company and believe that I’ve got what it takes to succeed in this role.

My name is [your name] and I am writing to express my interest in the Sales Assistant position. I understand that you are looking to fill this position within the next two weeks and believe I would be an excellent fit. I am a novice at this, but I think my previous employment experiences (and skills) will allow me to pick up on the position quickly.


  • Expertise in customer service; I have been employed as a customer service representative for the past three years. I am proficient in managing large volumes of customers and providing solutions to their concerns. In my last position, I was rated as an “exceptional” employee.
  • I have excellent written and verbal communication skills which would be beneficial in this role.
  • Customer service is my passion and I would love to use my skills for this position.

I am confident that if given the opportunity, I can do an amazing job. I would greatly appreciate your time in answering any questions you may have regarding me as a candidate. Thank you for your consideration of this application.

I am extremely excited about the opportunity Beginner Short Cover Letter Sample to join your company and contribute my skills. So I believe that my previous experience, education, and skill set will allow me to make a significant contribution to your organization. I look forward to hearing from you soon and thanks for your time. Have you ever hired someone without meeting them in person? Let Me know in the comments below!

beginner cover letter examples

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Cover letter templates and examples for 2024.

Cover Letter Templates and Examples for 2024

Many job seekers overlook the potential impact of a cover letter, but it’s often the key to securing that coveted interview and ultimately landing a new job or project. Writing a compelling cover letter is your opportunity to showcase your enthusiasm, reveal a bit of your personality, and highlight the unique skills that make you the best candidate for the position.

Table of Contents

  • The value of a well-written cover letter 
  • The benefits of using a cover letter template 

4 tips for customizing a cover letter template

Cover letter templates to use, the value of a well-written cover letter.

A great cover letter serves as a bridge between your resume and a job posting. It highlights how your skills and work experience align with the role requirements and needs of the organization.

This commonly under-used professional document allows you to:

  • Expand upon the information in your professional resume
  • Offer meaningful context around your most relevant strengths
  • Share specific examples of key accomplishments
  • Illustrate how your skills and achievements relate to the job 

Investing time in creating a thoughtful and tailored cover letter shows prospective employers and clients that you’re serious about the opportunity and willing to go the extra mile. 

But for many job seekers, getting started is the hardest part. By using a professional cover letter template as a foundation, you can more quickly:

  • Develop a customized, persuasive pitch
  • Effectively communicate your value to potential employers or clients
  • Express your strong interest in the opportunity 

In the coming sections, we’ll share free cover letter templates and examples to help you capture a hiring manager’s attention.

The benefits of using a cover letter template

The best cover letter templates offer a structured framework for developing a well-organized document. Our cover letter templates can save you time and give you a significant jump start. Rather than beginning from scratch, you can focus your efforts on customizing the content to fit your specific situation and the requirements of the particular job.

Cover letter templates can help you with the following:

Structure and organization

Templates give you a clear structure for your cover letter, with sections for:

  • Customized salutation
  • Opening paragraph
  • Body paragraphs
  • Closing paragraph and sign-off

A template can help you organize your thoughts so that your letter flows logically and seamlessly from point to point—you won’t need to worry about your cover letter design or formatting.


Good cover letter templates meet the expectations of potential employers or clients by adhering to standard business letter formatting conventions. By utilizing a template, you aid in making sure that your cover letter is as polished, persuasive, and professional as possible.


While templates provide a general framework, they’re easily tailored to fit your unique circumstance. Whether you’re applying for a couple dream jobs or an array of opportunities, starting with a good cover letter template can help you be consistent in your job applications. Modify the language, add or remove sentences or paragraphs as needed, and adjust the tone to fit each company you contact.

Confidence boost

Writer’s block is common. And penning a letter about yourself can be especially challenging and intimidating. Knowing that you have a solid foundation to build upon can relieve some of the stress associated with the cover letter writing process.

Customizing a sample cover letter or template is critical. You’ll want to tailor the following based on your experience and the job you’re applying to:

  • Your language and tone
  • The accomplishments and abilities you spotlight
  • Specific industry terms

Doing so will help you create a narrative that resonates with the recipient. Consider these tips:

1. Thoroughly research the company and position 

Before customizing your cover letter template, thoroughly research the company. This can include:

  • Visiting the company’s website and LinkedIn page
  • Reading their mission statement
  • Exploring their products, services, and leadership profiles 

Look for information about the company’s organizational culture, values, and goals, too. Review their LinkedIn profile page and do some additional web sleuthing to learn about their primary competitors. This research will help you better understand what the company seeks in a candidate. It will also allow you to target your language and examples to fit the company’s needs, tone, and brand worldview.

2. Dig into the job description

Make note of the key qualifications, skills, and responsibilities listed. Use this information to highlight how your experiences and abilities fit the role. Incorporating relevant industry-specific verbiage throughout the cover letter is also helpful. 

Using keywords from the job ad in your cover letter (when applicable, of course) can help your letter pass through applicant tracking systems (ATS) that scan for relevant terms and qualifications. By incorporating keywords from the job description, you increase the chances that your application is recognized as a match for the position. 

3. Win the name game

If possible, address your cover letter to the hiring manager or project manager by name. This personal touch shows your attention to detail—and it’s attention-grabbing. If the job post doesn’t include a contact name, visit the company website or LinkedIn to try to find the right person. If you can’t find a name, use a professional salutation such as "Dear Hiring Manager" or "Dear [Department] Team." 

4. Slow down and proofread

Before submitting your customized cover letter, thoroughly proofread your document for clarity, conciseness, and typos. (Be sure to triple-check the job title, hiring manager’s name and spelling, and company name.) It’s all too easy to make mistakes if you move too quickly. Read your letter aloud, as this can help you notice any awkward or unclear sentences. 

Make sure your letter is to the point, avoiding overly lengthy paragraphs or repetitive information. Consider asking a trusted friend, family member, or mentor to edit your cover letter and provide feedback. You could also work with a professional cover letter writer on Upwork for additional support.

The following cover letter templates can help you create a cover letter tailored to your specific career stage and situation. 

Cover letter templates by career stage

General cover letter template A versatile template suitable for customizing to a wide array of industries and positions. When personalized appropriately, this cover letter format can be adapted to showcase your unique skills, experiences, and qualifications for each role you target. ‍

Entry-level cover letter template Ideal for recent college graduates or those with more limited work experience, focusing heavily on transferable skills and academic achievements. ‍

Mid-career cover letter template Intended for professionals with at least several years of experience, emphasizing career progression and key achievements.  ‍

Career change cover letter template Designed for those looking to break into a different field, highlighting transferable skills, adaptability, and passion for the new industry.

Cover letter by role

The following role-specific cover letter templates can help you align your application with the core requirements and responsibilities of the position, demonstrating your industry-specific skills, knowledge, and expertise.

  • Virtual assistant cover letter template
  • AI developer cover letter
  • UX designer cover letter template
  • Bookkeeper cover letter template
  • SEO specialist cover letter template

‍ If you are communicating with a hiring manager for a job through the Upwork platform, please note that sharing your personal contact information, such as email address, phone number, or LinkedIn profile, is not permitted in cover letters or at any time prior to the start of a contract. Additionally, all pre-contract communication should take place through the Upwork Messages feature. Learn more about using Upwork Messages here , and see more details on sharing information on Upwork here .

sample application letter for beginner

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7 Application Letter Samples | Format, Examples and How To Write?

February 9, 2024 by Prasanna

Application Letter Samples: An application letter is an important document. You need to be careful and formal while writing an application letter. It is an introduction letter that will give an appropriate picture of you.

When you start writing the application letter, you need to keep the first paragraph short and precise. Additionally, you should explain the reason for your application. For example, you are writing an application for a job.

You should mention your educational qualifications and job experience in your application letter. The application letter for a job position should be formal and respectful. Additionally, it would be best if you convinced your reader that you are the best candidate.

At the end of the letter, you need to add how you need to convey that you are looking forward to hearing back.

Get Other Types of  Letter Writing  like Formal, Informal and Different Types of Letter Writing Samples.

Format of Writing an Application Letter

You need to know how to write a letter of application to not make any mistakes. Here are some points you need to remember while writing an application letter:

  • In an application letter, you need to be direct, precise and short.
  • The tone of an application letter is formal, polite and respectful.
  • It would be best if you introduce yourself in the first paragraph of the application letter.
  • In the last section of the application letter, you should add that you are looking forward to hearing from the person.
  • It would be best if you wrote why you want to work at a particular organisation or company.
  • You should give your correct contact details for the other person to reach out to you.

Sample Application Letters

Sample Application letters are listed below for the convenience of the readers.

Sample Job Application Letter

Ms. Hannah Micheal DSC Company 68 Delaware Road Bloomsbury, CA 09045 (090) 656-87878

Dear Ms. Micheal,

I am writing this letter to apply for a junior programmer position advertised in your organisation. As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certificates, my resumes, and four references in this letter.

The opportunity presented in this listing is exciting. I believe that my firm and years of technical experiences and education will make me a competent person for the position. The main strengths that I have, which I will contribute to this position include:

  • I have designed, developed and supported many different live use applications.
  • I continuously work towards achieving my goals through hard work and excellence.
  • I provide exceptional contributions to the needs and wants of the consumers.
  • I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Programming. Additionally, I have in-depth knowledge of the complete cycle of a soft development project. Whenever the need arises, I learn new technologies.
  • I can be reached on 878-878-7878.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sample Job Application Letter

Job Application Letter

Date (Name) (Position) (institution) (Address) (City, State, Zip Code)

Dear (Name),

In the next few months, I will be finishing my Masters of Arts degree in School Counselling from Saint Paul College. Currently, I am looking for various internships opportunities. I was hoping I could do a 650-hour internship with (name of the institution). Please consider this my application for this internship opportunity.

Additionally, I have ( other educational qualifications and the institutes where you studied). (you need to add your characteristics according to the relevance of the internship). I am currently a part of many associations in my university. I want to receive this opportunity of working at your institute, so I help students.

I have enclosed my resume along with this application letter. If you require any additional information, you can reach me at (your phone number).

Sincerely, (Your Name)

Job Application Letter

Sample Application Letter

56 Holmes Street

Coorparoo 3243

September 14 2018

The State Manager

Brace- Copper Plastics

GPO Box 556

Brisbane QLD 6607

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am applying for the position of assistant advertised on the courier of August 17 2018. I have had broad experience in the field of work over many years.

I have worked at PinkSteels Products (2010 to 2014), including 16 months of helping the chief storeman with over 500 engineering parts’ control. The included duty at the store fund as a sales clerk, handling enquiries and managing.

In my last position with the Coorparoo Council, I was employed as an assistant to the manager. Additionally, I handled the paperwork, storage and helped in stocktakes.

I believe my clerical accuracy, public contact experience and knowledge will help me secure the position.

I am attaching my resume in this application letter, and you can contact me at 897 67678.

Yours faithfully,

Jade Judith

Sample Application Letter

Sample Application Letter for General Work

Your address

Your telephone number

Reference: Position of job application

Employer’s name

Employer’s address

I am writing as to whether you have any vacancies within your company. I recently completed my education and am keen to find work related to my field of education. I want to work in the _______ department of your company.

I am interested in this department because it is the area of my learning and experience. I hope to contribute to the department and the company—[you need to add from why you will be the perfect candidate for the position].

As a part of the letter, you will find my resume, which details my education, skills and experience. I am available for an interview after school or at weekends.

Your Signature

Sample Application Letter for General Work

1380 Magnolia Circle

Mount Olive, NC 298983

April 3, 2019

Ms. Judy Potter

College Recruiter

Enterprise- Rent- a- Car

P.O Box 1989

Wilmington, NC 29021

Dear Ms. Potter

I am writing to express my interest in the Retail Management Trainee listed in the MOC Job Network. I have reviewed Enterprise Rent-a-Car’s web page. Your company’s commitment to excellent customer service and have a great development training program. I am graduating from Mount Lily College in May and am actively seeking a retail management position.

As a part of this application letter, you will find the resume with my practical experience in retail sales and customer service. My work has given me experience inability to work with a wide range of clientele. I have additionally completed several courses in management while pursuing my bachelors in business administration.

I want to work and learn from the Retail Management Trainee Position. I would love to meet you and work with Rent-a-Car. If you need additional information, please call me at (919) 465-2343.

Anna Jensen

Sample Application Letter

540 Saint Paul

November 18, 2019

Beryl Henry

Saint Francis Academy

This is an application for a teaching position in your school. I am happy and interested to impart and spread my knowledge that I have gained to enhance students’ capability and understanding.

I am a graduate of Bachelor in Secondary Education – Major in History at Louise College. I am a let passer in a recently concluded examination.

I have completed Campus Training and various tutorial programs. I attended home ability in organising students and at handling classroom management.

I am confident enough to contribute to my best ability to the school’s visions of producing excellent quality students and graduates.

I have attached a resume for reference, which has my application letter. I hope you find my qualifications adequate; I am willing to call for an interview at your most convenient time.

Sincerely yours,

(Your name)

Sample Application Letters

Hannah George

6734, Downtown Street

Gaithersburg, MD

(332)- 433, 6580.

Date: May 16 2019

Mr Solomon Robin

Griffith Nursing Home,

547, Parade Plaza

Mount Celebres, CA 76827

Dear Mr Solomon Robin

I am writing to introduce myself to you as a student at the National School of Nursing (NSN). I’m responding to your advertisement in the Employment News for a certified nursing assistant PCA for your emergency wards.

In the application letter, you will have my resume, which had my educational and working experience. I recently did an internship at Soldier Hospital, New York, which allowed me to strengthen my communication skills further.

I would appreciate it if I could appreciate the opportunity to discuss my education and experience. Thank you.

Senior Student, Nursing

ISC, Manhattan

Sample Job Application Letter

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  1. How To Write an Entry-Level Cover Letter (With Examples)

    Here are six steps to help you write a strong entry-level cover letter: 1. Address your letter professionally. Because your cover letter will be part of your candidate portfolio, use a professional format to address the letter. Begin with your contact information written in the top left-hand corner.

  2. How To Write an Application Letter (With Template and Example)

    Follow these steps to compose a compelling application letter: 1. Research the company and job opening. Thoroughly research the company you're applying to and the specifications of the open position. The more you know about the job, the better you can customize your application letter. Look for details like:

  3. Entry-Level Cover Letter: Examples & Guide

    But if you're writing a cover letter with no experience in your field, filling up space with irrelevant accomplishments won't do you any favors. Here's what you need to do in your entry-level cover letter (also known as a letter of application) to impress the hiring manager and stand out: 1. Address your cover letter correctly.

  4. How to Write a Letter of Application (Example & Tips)

    No hard numbers. "I worked in a team and provided customer service to elderly residents". 5. Choose engaging words for your application letter. Your letter of application's length should be 250 to 400 words or 3 to 4 paragraphs — long enough to get your point across but short enough that the reader won't lose interest.

  5. How to Write a Cover Letter [Full Guide & Examples for 2024]

    How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter #1. Choose the Right Cover Letter Template #2. Put Contact Information in the Header #3. Address the Hiring Manager #4. Write an Eye-Catching Introduction #5. Use the Cover Letter Body for Details #6. Wrap It Up and Sign It Cover Letter Writing Checklist 15 Cover Letter Tips 15+ Cover Letter Examples 5 ...

  6. Write An Entry-Level Cover Letter (Examples, Tips & Template)

    What Should an Entry-Level Cover Letter Include Entry-Level Cover Letter Format How to Write an Entry-Level Cover Letter With No Experience (Tips & Examples) #1. Write a Strong (But Professional) Opening #2. Include Relevant Employee Skills #3. Do Some Research #4. Quantify Your Achievements (When Possible) #5. Highlight Your Education #6.

  7. How to Write a Cover Letter for Beginners (With Example)

    A cover letter and resume are part of the same package of application materials—they should complement each other. [Date] [Company name] Option 1 Dear [Hiring manager's first name] [Hiring manager's last name] Option 2 Dear hiring manager, Paragraph 1 [Express excitement for the position including the role title and the company name ...

  8. How to Write an Entry-Level Cover Letter (Example)

    The last paragraph of an entry-level cover letter is meant to restate your qualifications for this role, discuss the next steps, and thank them for their time. In the first sentence or two, summarize why you're excited about the role and what makes you specifically right for the position. Then, mention next steps with a call to action.

  9. How to Write an Entry Level Cover Letter

    Here are 4 steps to writing a cover letter for a job when you have little or no experience: 1. First Paragraph: Clearly introduce yourself. The first paragraph is your opportunity to make a strong first impression on the employer. This section should explain.

  10. Entry-Level Cover Letter Examples & Expert Tips · Resume.io

    Adaptable cover letter introduction example. Dear Mr. Vallant, I am currently in the final year of high school and am looking for an entry-level weekend role to see me through college. I have experience in the gardening and landscaping sector and would relish the chance to serve customers at your garden center.

  11. How to Write an Application Letter—Examples & Guide

    Use the same font you chose for your resume. Left-align all content. Keep your application letter length to only one page. Just like with your resume margins, set them to 1-inch on your job application letter as well. Leave ample white space by using double-spacing between paragraphs and setting line spacing to 1.15.

  12. Entry-level Cover Letter Examples

    Why this entry-level cover letter works: Professional template. A professional template with the right balance of simplicity and visual appeal gives this cover letter a polished and modern feel. Appropriate tone. A cover letter needs to be confident but humble. It should never read as pushy or aggressive.

  13. Cover Letter With No Experience: Example & How to Write

    Entry-Level Cover Letter Sample (Text Version) Text Format. Dear Mrs. Shirazi, My name is Bart and I'm a recent graduate of Swarthmore College with a B.A. in Communications. As a fan of the exciting work being done by those at Link Broadcasting, I'm thrilled to submit my application for the production assistant position.

  14. How To Write a Cover Letter (With Examples and Tips)

    Cover letter format. Your cover letter should be one page long and use a simple, professional font, such as Arial or Helvetica, 10 to 12 points in size. Your letter should be left-aligned with single spacing and one-inch margins. Video: When and Why to Write a Cover Letter - Plus, Top Tips for Formatting.

  15. Basic Cover Letters & How to Write Them

    A basic cover letter should include the same key information as a more detailed cover letter, such as a professional header, contact information and a formal salutation. To save time and space, write one body paragraph with your strongest, job-relevant skills and experience.

  16. How To Write A Cover Letter For Beginners (+ 6 Cover Letter Examples)

    Briefly introduce yourself and state your purpose of reaching out. State how you found this job opportunity (e.g. job-search website, company's website, friends' recommendation, and etc.) Motivation. State your reasons & motivation of applying for the job. Show your insight of the company and job position.

  17. 5 Short Cover Letter Examples (And How to Write Your Own)

    4. Use short words rather than long phrases. Without realizing it, we sometimes write unnecessarily long phrases on professional documents when a single word is enough. After you've written your cover letter, go back and reread it. Replace longer phrases with single words (or at least fewer words).

  18. Cover Letter for Entry-Level Jobs (2024 Template and Examples)

    You can use the following template as a guide when creating a cover letter for an entry-level position: [Your full name] [Your address] [Your phone number] [Your email address] Dear hiring manager [If you know their full name, you may use it instead of 'hiring manager'] My name is [your full name]. I am writing to express my interest in the ...

  19. How to write an application letter (with example)

    At the top-left of the page, begin with your contact information, including your name, location, phone number and email address. Include the date on the line below. Next, address the letter to the hiring manager or the appropriate recipient, using a formal greeting such as Dear [Hiring Manager's Name].

  20. 10 Short Cover Letter Samples & Writing Guide for 2024

    2. Create Engagement. You might think a short cover letter may struggle to capture the employer's attention. But it's not about the quantity of your achievements, but the quality and where you put them. Craft an engaging cover letter opening sentence that immediately communicates your enthusiasm for the position.

  21. Beginner Short Cover Letter Sample: 07 Examples Ideas

    Beginner Cover Letter Examples. Dear Sir/Madam, I was checking through the vacancies advertised in this newspaper and I noticed that your organization is looking to recruit a bookkeeper. As a bookkeeper myself with five years' experience, I believe I am an ideal candidate for your organization.

  22. Cover Letter Samples and Templates

    A cover letter should include the following parts: Header. Salutation. Introduction. Body paragraph. Closing paragraph. Letter ending and signature. The following cover letter samples and examples will show you how to write a cover letter for many employment circumstances. Browse cover letters by job title for inspiration.

  23. Cover Letter Templates and Examples for 2024

    By incorporating keywords from the job description, you increase the chances that your application is recognized as a match for the position. 3. Win the name game. If possible, address your cover letter to the hiring manager or project manager by name. This personal touch shows your attention to detail—and it's attention-grabbing.

  24. 7 Application Letter Samples

    DSC Company. 68 Delaware Road. Bloomsbury, CA 09045. (090) 656-87878. Date. Dear Ms. Micheal, I am writing this letter to apply for a junior programmer position advertised in your organisation. As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certificates, my resumes, and four references in this letter.