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  • Speech on Sports and Games


Introduction of Sports and Games

Sports is a form of entertainment in the United States, especially a sports match or game between opponents or teams. In order to organize sports games, several parties such as sports clubs or associations create rules or guidelines and then hire staff, who can be called referees or umpires or they will do it by themselves without the support of these staff. Sports are not just the games played by two teams but also a form of entertainment and recreation. In the 15th century, sailors such as William Shakespeare and Richard Hakluyt first began to write about and document sports. Some of the earliest known surviving evidence of sporting events, that's referred to as the ancient Greek games, were held in the late 6th century BC in the city-state of Corinth and is considered to be the first recorded sporting event. The Olympics, which was created in 1896, was first held in Athens. The event also took place in the other ancient Greek city-states of Elis, Sparta and Patrae.

Games are played by two or more teams of athletes and each member or team has a specific role. There are athletes who compete in every event, some are sportsmen who just participated in the event, while others are coaches and managers who prepare the team for the game. The referee is the person in charge of the game, whose role is to decide who won the competition and how many points are awarded to the winner. He also implements the rules of the game. In a football game, each player is also responsible for protecting the ball with their body, which results in knocking it down or tackling opponents. With the help of sportsmanship, a referee can also decide if the game was played fairly and evenly. The rules of a sporting event vary greatly depending on the country and sport. The rules for different sports games are usually codified with a single code or several codes that are compatible with each other.

Sports and Games should be an intrinsic part of everyday life. It helps maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle. This activity is not only for fitness but can also be played for fun. When one incorporates sports and games into their family time it becomes a great adventure. In this article, we will learn about different ways to present a Sports Speech In English. It can be a Long Speech On Sports and Games or a Short Speech On Sports and Games.

Long Speech on Sports and Games

This is a long format of Speech on Sports and Speech On Games that will be extremely helpful for students in grades 8-12 who can give a 5-minute speech in detail using simple language.

Good morning everyone, respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends, I am here to speak on the topic of sports and games. The name of the topic is enough to fill me with excitement. Sports and games have been a part of our lives since childhood. Any sort of activity that requires our body and mind to be completely engaged can be considered a sport or a game.

This activity can be practiced in any kind of set up whether indoors or outdoors.

Those that are played in nature outside are called outdoor games. And which is played in the confinements of 4 walls is an indoor game. Outdoor sports include cricket, hockey, volleyball, golf, baseball, basketball, diving, mountain biking, hiking, and boxing. All of this requires body strength. Whereas indoor sports include, chess, table tennis, and card games like UNO etc.

Playing games was a great pass time as kids but as we grow up often other works take more time and become a priority. It is all the more important than to include sports and games in our daily routine. It strengthens not only our body muscles but also our mind. It teaches us many life lessons which books cannot. It teaches us how to deal with failures, and come back stronger. It makes one learn about sportsmanship. It is very important to take some time to be involved in some form of physical activity or at least do so in leisure time.

Nowadays physical education and the inclusion of girls in sports and games even in schools have become mandatory. They are encouraged to take up Karate, Taekwondo and other martial arts and also compete in this sport. This sport not only builds physical strength but builds confidence to defend themselves in any kind of situation. Ensuring safety in any form is promoted. When one intends to not play sports as a hobby but pursue it professionally they need to work harder. The extra hours must be invested to be able to pursue a career as the competition is more, and practice helps keep the competitive spirit high.

Sports have many benefits, most importantly it improves our way of life in every aspect. It stimulates our blood flow, blood pressure is reduced and cardiovascular health improves. The risk of heart failure reduces helps in weight management keeping obesity at bay. Flexibility and muscle coordination of the body improves. It is crucial for the mental development of a child. When we keep ourselves fit and healthy we are more likely to succeed in other areas of life as well, professionally and personally. Even an hour of some form of physical activity in the form of sports and games will help us keep healthy, stress-free and disease-free. Let’s not take our health for granted and take care of it by keeping fit.

10 Line Speech on Importance of Sports and Games

This short 10 line speech on the Importance Of Sports and Games is very helpful for students in grades 1-3.

Sports and games are physical activities that are mandatory in schools.

It should also be practised after school and college as it also serves as a learning ground outside classrooms.

Playing sports in teams teaches one about the importance of teamwork and hard work.

When one loses a game, it inculcates sportsmanship and fighting spirit to make a stronger comeback.

It has great benefits on our bodies as well, keeps us healthy and fit.

It improves bone and muscle strength and also improves coordination and flexibility.

Sports and games make one feel active, social and stress-free.

This improvement in mood boosts happiness and thus helps us deal with stress and problems better.

It helps teach us to focus on the process and have fun on the journey rather than the wins and losses.

Sports and games in any form even if simple mountain climbing or hiking with family can keep one strong physically and ready for anything.


FAQs on Speech on Sports and Games

1. What should I do to get fit in the winter?

The most effective way to get fit in the winter is to stay active. Try doing daily 5-10 minute walks. If you can not keep this up, gradually increase the time you walk. sports are also a good way to keep fit. try biking, skateboarding, or hiking to a higher altitude in the winter months if you can be outside. Other than that simply continue to keep your workout regimen going if you have one. Try not to worry about losing weight because the pounds will just come back in the spring if this is your goal.

2. What should I do to get fit in the summer?

The goal is the same as in the winter, keep moving and stay active. Try to keep yourself in the gym as much as possible because it is very important to stay fit in the summer months. The reason is that the sun is higher in the sky and heat will be an issue. This can be prevented by moving around more than before. So plan an hour a day to be outside. Sports are also a good way to stay fit in the summer. With the help of workouts like swimming or running, you can stay fit. You can also participate in sports that do not require much strength such as golf, tennis, volleyball and so on.

3. How can sports help become fit?

With the help of workouts like swimming or running, you can stay fit. You can also participate in sports that do not require much strength such as golf, tennis, volleyball and so on. Healthy diets are also an important part of being fit. Of course, this will increase the probability of staying healthy. In order to have a proper diet, it is important to have knowledge. This will give you confidence and help you to make better decisions. If you have a diet rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants then it will help your body to regenerate itself. Your body will also have a more powerful immune system. You can make sure to eat more vegetables and fruits. These foods help your body to produce more energy and this will help you to stay healthy. Different sports help different parts of the body. Workouts that improve the heart rate are good. In this way, you can strengthen your heart and help it to avoid problems. Exercise also helps to increase your metabolism. This will lead to loss of weight and keep you fit. Exercising will help improve your mental state as well. Your body will also have the strength to reduce stress. There are also lots of exercises that you can do indoors.

4. What is the role of games and sports in human life? 

In the past, we needed to begin the transformation of how we think about the role of games and sports in society, and I’m not alone in this opinion. That is why we have developed this concept called “work-life balance”. work-life balance is the concept of balancing your work and your personal life. “work-life balance” was a concept of developing society that we needed to change and it is worth taking the effort to develop. work-life balance is the concept of developing society that we need to change and it is worth taking the effort to develop. “work-life balance” was the concept of developing society that we needed to change and is worth taking the effort to develop. Our goal is to transform how we think about the roles of games and sports. Our goal is to transform how we think about the roles of games and sports. “work-life balance” was the concept of developing society that we needed to change and it is worth taking the effort to develop. “work-life balance” was the concept of developing society that we needed to change and it is worth taking the effort to develop.

5. What are the benefits of exercise?

Health and fitness. We may exercise to prevent heart disease, improve our cholesterol and blood pressure levels, help control diabetes, build muscles, and burn calories. We may exercise to improve our appearance, to get stronger, to relieve stress, and to be more relaxed. Aerobic activities include walking, running, swimming, horseback riding, tennis, squash, dancing, jogging, bicycling, hiking, lifting weights and other aerobic exercises. Aerobic activities are generally considered low-intensity activities and can be taken at any time of the day. Examples include walking, running, playing tennis, etc.

  • Speech Topics For Kids
  • Speech On Sports

Speech on Sports

Are you planning to draft a speech on sports? Read the article to learn about the importance of sports and fitness for an individual and let people learn all about it by hearing it from you.

Table of Contents

Sports and society, benefits of sports and fitness, types of sports, speech on sports – sports for boys and girls, frequently asked questions on speech on sports and fitness.

Why is it declared that sports and fitness are pivotal in human life? What are the benefits of it? Is it just a physical activity for burning out fats and calories, or is it an act to maintain body weight balance?

There are multiple benefits that a human receives from taking part in sports. Engaging in sports and other physical activities improves an individual’s focus, discipline, concentration, social participation, and sportsmanship. It enhances both the physical and mental health of an individual.

Apart from developing physical and mental fitness in people, participation in sports and maintaining body fitness offers many untold benefits. Just like education plays a major role in shaping the lives of individuals, sports too are a great source of success. Even though the importance of sports is high, how much importance does society give it? The truth is that it is not even considered necessary by most people. Society is still unaware of its importance or is neglecting it blindly. Everyone is busy running behind wealth, and no one is ready to think about the truth that health is wealth. In society, it’s education and career that’s been given much priority. Many consider these as the two things that benefit their lives, but they are not the only things required. There are many more things that human beings need in life, and body fitness is one among them. Everything needs a balance. Just like we educate ourselves with new knowledge, participating in sports and checking body fitness is important.

There exists an unwanted preconceived notion regarding sports and fitness in our society. Many consider participation in sports as an activity that has to be done during their young ages and as a Herculean task in their old ages. This concept has to be changed; people have to realise that there is no age limit to be a sportsperson and to stay fit.

Sample Speech on Sports and Fitness

A few samples of speeches on sports and fitness are given below. Go through it for your better understanding.

While participating in sports, our body undergoes two different functions simultaneously. One is the enhancement of physique, and the other is the enhancement of mental health. An individual applies both his physical strength and mental strength while participating in games; as a result, both will progress.

For many people, sports is just entertainment, but that is not it. Sports play a crucial role in enhancing the overall personality of a person. Some of the main benefits of sports are listed below:

  • Sports help an individual to stay active: It highly contributes to improving the overall health of the individual. By actively participating in sports and by performing physical exercises for maintaining fitness, one improves the body’s overall blood circulation, ultimately resulting in better heart health.
  • Sports help with burning calories: Through physical exercises, unwanted fats in our body are removed; as a result, our immune system is strengthened. Also, through fat removal, people can easily maintain consistent and healthy body weight.
  • Sports improves the strength of body muscles: By regularly partaking in sports or other exercises, our body’s muscles get stiffened, and the muscular system becomes active.
  • Performing physical activities is a great stress buster: Many people worldwide participate in sports for fighting depression, balancing mood swings, and relieving stress. Both the mind and the body will get engaged while participating in sports; thus, deviating one from unwanted thoughts.
  • Sports bring discipline to lives: Have you ever wondered how Rahul Dravid, Sania Mirza, Tiger Woods, and other famous athletes lead such a peaceful, comfortable life? It’s because of the discipline that they obtained from sports. Also, it helps to sharpen our focus and eventually, it will boost our confidence.

There exist multiple types of sports and games. It can be broadly classified based on the location from where it is played. Sports can also be differentiated into groups by analysing whether it is mental, physical or electronic. Each of these sporting events has its own advantages.

  • Outdoor Sports and Indoor Sports

As the name suggests, outdoor sports are sporting events that require an outdoor area for performance. Wide and open areas are required for conducting such games. Some of the most popular outdoor games are football, hockey, cricket, rugby, golf, etc.

Indoor sports are played within a room or from an enclosed large hall. The area required for conducting the sport and the number of indoor game participants is very low. The number of live audiences for indoor sports is much lower when compared with outdoor sports.

Indoor games can be further classed into mental, physical, and electronic. Mental sports are also known as ‘mind games’, and the most popular one in this category is chess. Indoor physical sports are indoor sports that demand a little more physical participation than the rest of other indoor games. Examples of indoor physical games include badminton, table tennis, bowling, volleyball, etc. Sports competitions conducted with the usage of electronic video games are called electronic sports, and these games are highly trending among the youths these days.

Engaging in sports plays a pivotal role in shaping a healthy body and mindset. As we all know, the ultimate focus of education is the mental and physical development of an individual. Just like studying different subjects, actively participating in sports and games are an important part of education. 

It is not easy to categorise sports based on gender. The ability of an individual to perform well in a specific game differs from person to person. Some will have the potential to outshine in games like football, cricket, basketball, boxing, MMA, baseball etc., while others can do better in games like badminton, cheerleading, tennis, golf etc. Apart from categorising and asking our children to engage in specific games, let us try to understand their interests and potential. No matter whichever the game is, there is always room for individuals who have an unwavering mindset to win with a true sportsman spirit. 

Most of you might have heard the statement that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body, but have you ever tried to understand the core meaning of this statement? By engaging in sports and games on a regular basis, our body will produce more endorphins. Children might not be familiar with what endorphins are. Well, endorphins can be stated as feel-good chemicals that are released by the human body to control stress.  That should be proof enough that sport activities would energise the body and mind of the individual. So take every chance that comes your way. Start participating in a sport of your choice; start living a happy and healthy life. 

What are the benefits of sports?

Some of the main benefits of sports are listed below:

  • Sports help an individual to stay active.
  • Sports help with burning calories.
  • Sports improves the strength of body muscles.
  • Performing physical activities is a great stress buster. Many people worldwide participate in sports for fighting depression, balancing mood swings, and relieving stress.
  • Sports bring discipline to lives.

What are the different types of sports?

Outdoor sports and Indoor sports are the main two types of sports. Examples of indoor games include badminton, table tennis, bowling, volleyball, etc. Some of the most popular outdoor games are football, hockey, cricket, rugby, golf, etc.

Which is the most popular sport in India?

Cricket is the most popular sport in India. Cricket World Cups have been hosted and won multiple times by the country.

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  • Speech on Sports for Students and Children

Speech on Sports

To keep the body healthy sports are very important. Also, it is an important factor in our education. Furthermore, education aims in the all-round development of mental, moral, and physical development. Read speech on sports here.

Speech on Sports

Besides, a healthy mind resides in a healthy body and makes a person sound. While on the other hand, a weak mind can neither have a strong mind nor a strong body.

Importance of sports

If you observe some people then you will notice that human life is a series of tension and problems. Also, they have a variety of concerns relating to their life. Sport is something that makes us free from these troubles, concerns, and tensions.

Moreover, they are an essential part of life who believe in life are able to face the problems. They help in the proper operation of various organs of the body. Furthermore, they refresh our mind and the body feel re-energized.

They also make muscle strength and keep them in good shape. In schools and colleges, they consider sports as an important part of education. Also, they organize sports competitions of different kinds.

In schools, they organize annual sports events. And on a daily basis, they have a specific period for sports and games. In this period teachers teach them the ways to play different sports and games.

These sports and games teach students new things and they have a bond with them. In addition, sports help them develop self-confidence and courage. Also, they become active and swift. And success fills them with motivation and eagerness.

We all knew the importance of games in the world. Consequently, now the Olympics (one of the biggest sports events) held in different countries. They held every fourth year. Moreover, the Asian Games is the biggest sports event on the Asian continent. Over, the year the interest of people in sports have increased many folds.

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Sports in India

We Indians love to play games and sports. Some of the prominent ones are cricket, football, hockey, polo, chess, lawn tennis, table tennis, badminton, etc. Among these cricket is the most popular one. It attracts the young generation towards it.

Furthermore, People feel delighted to see the live broadcasts of cricket and other sports events. These sports and games are important for increasing national unity.

We can learn the value of good health by the proverb- “A sound mind lies in a sound body.” They teach us to obey and also learns to command the body. Also, it teaches us to work as a team to achieve the goal.

Most importantly, the biggest advantage of sports and games is that they inculcate in our lives and teach us the quality of teamwork. And if you understand it completely then there is nothing that can stop you.


They often turn towards regular trade and profession. Sometimes it leads to rivalry and party feeling. Often it happens that many bright students sacrifice their careers because of sports and games. Moreover, it is harmful to those who have health problems.

To conclude, they increased physical and mental ability. While playing sports and games fresh air enters our lungs. Due to the changed mentality of people towards sports and games now sports players receive honors and proper respect in society.

Moreover, the government and organizations are trying their best to promote sports and games throughout the country. And they are getting value for the people. Most importantly, they help in the building of the country.

Overall sports and games teach us many valuable lessons and things in life. However, it’s up to us to decide whether we want to instill them or not.

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Famous Sports Speeches

William Neckard

Famous sports speeches highlight some of the greatest speeches about sports in the history of athletics. From famous speeches by athletes to legendary speeches by coaches, many of the most memorable sentiments in sports history are here on this sports speech list. This list includes motivational speeches for athletes, pump up speeches, and just the most all around famous sport speeches.

If " great moments are born from great opportunity ," then these famous sports speeches helped those opportunities become great moments by providing the motivation to achieve the impossible. What are the most famous sports speeches? From the pre-game pump-up speeches by coaches before championship games to the reflection speeches given after great careers, these famous sports speeches are some of the best ever.

What are the greatest speeches in sports? While sports movies like Any Given Sunday  and Hoosiers give plenty of fictional inspiring speeches , these speeches took place in real life and inspired generations to come.

Jimmy Valvano

Jimmy Valvano

Appearing at the first ESPY Awards on March 3, 1993, former North Carolina State basketball coach Jimmy Valvano gave an emotional and motivational speech while accepting the Arthur Ashe Courage and Humanitarian Award. Valvano was suffering from cancer at the time, announcing The V Foundation and urging everyone to laugh, think and cry everyday, words that also appeared on his tombstone after he lost his battle with cancer less than two months later.

Lou Gehrig

Showing strength and optimism in the face of adversity, baseball legend Lou Gehrig gave the famous "Luckiest Man on the Face of the Earth" speech during a New York Yankees game on July 4, 1939, which was also deemed Lou Gehrig Appreciation Day.

Only days earlier, the six-time World Series champion had retired from the game after he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease.

"Fans, for the past two weeks you have been reading about the bad break I got. Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth. I have been in ballparks for seventeen years and have never received anything but kindness and encouragement from you fans... So I close in saying that I might have been given a bad break, but I've got an awful lot to live for. Thank you."

Herb Brooks

Herb Brooks

Speaking to his players prior to a game at the 1980 Winter Olympics, legendary hockey coach Herb Brooks inspired his squad to complete the impossible and beat the dominant Soviet team. They did just that, completing the "Miracle on Ice" and went on to win the gold medal.

Though the original speech was done in a private locker room, in the 2004 film Miracle , Kurt Russell recreated the speech.

"Great moments are born from great opportunity, and that's what you have here tonight, boys. That's what you've earned here tonight. One game; if we played them ten times, they might win nine. But not this game, not tonight. Tonight, we skate with them. Tonight we stay with them, and we shut them down because we can. Tonight, we are the greatest hockey team in the world. You were born to be hockey players—every one of you, and you were meant to be here tonight. This is your time. Their time is done. It's over. I'm sick and tired of hearing about what a great hockey team the Soviets have. Screw 'em. This is your time. Now go out there and take it!"

Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali

Prior to fighting George Foreman on October 30, 1974, Muhammad Ali read this poem as part of the build-up for the fight known as "The Rumble in the Jungle." Ali won the fight in the eighth round, pulling off one of the biggest upsets in the history of boxing.

Babe Ruth

Frail and in pain from nasopharyngeal carcinoma, the legendary baseball player Babe Ruth made one last appearance at Yankee Stadium for "Babe Ruth Day" on April 27, 1947, to give his farewell speech. The Bambino addressed the sell-out crowd of over 60,000 by reflecting on his journey to the big leagues and inspiring generations to follow in his footsteps.

"Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen.

You know how bad my voice sounds -- well it feels just as bad.

You know this baseball game of ours comes up from the youth. That means the boys.

And after you're a boy and grow up to know how to play ball, then you come to the boys you see representing themselves today in your national pastime, the only real game -- I think -- in the world, baseball.

As a rule, some people think if you give them a football, or a baseball, or something like that -- naturally they're athletes right away.

But you can't do that in baseball.

You've gotta start from way down [at] the bottom, when you're six or seven years of age. You can't wait until you're fifteen or sixteen. You gotta let it grow up with you. And if you're successful, and you try hard enough, you're bound to come out on top -- just like these boys have come to the top now.

There's been so many lovely things said about me, and I'm glad that I've had the opportunity to thank everybody.

Vince Lombardi

Vince Lombardi

Easily considered one of the best National Football League coaches ever, the great Vince Lombardi gave this final speech to his players on the Green Bay Packers prior to Super Bowl II on January 14, 1968. Lombardi's team defeated the Oakland Raiders 33-14 to win their second-consecutive Super Bowl. His legacy was later honored with the Super Bowl trophy being renamed the Lombardi Trophy.

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Speech On Sports And Games for Students and Children In English

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Speech On Sports And Games: Sports and games are essential in one’s life because they help you physically fit and act as a good pass time. It’s something beneficial that you can enjoy doing.

Any sport or game is beneficial for the human body and requires a lot of hard work and effort. Independent of whether it is an indoor game or an outdoor game, you have to put on some physical and mental exertions.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long And Short Speeches On Sports And Games for Kids And Students In English

We have provided you with a Long Speech of 500 and a short speech of 150 words on Sports And Games in English. Ten lines on and four short FAQ’s are also provided on the same topic.

These speeches would help students and kids while doing essays or on their school work.

A Long Speech On Sports And Games is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech On Sports And Games is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Sports And Games 500 Words In English

Good morning everyone. Today, I would be giving a speech on sports and games. I am glad that I got this topic because it’s exciting, and the youth would relate to it.

Sports and games classes are compulsory in most schools. This is because children need to adjust to hard physical work and not get tired quickly. At first, it’s quite tricky, no matter what sports it is. But slowly, one’s body gets adjusted to the movements, the strokes, the gestures, etc. There are various other pros and cons of sports and games. For example, sports like karate or judo, act as a self-defense mechanism. Girls and boys should learn hand to hand combat so that in case they have to fend for themselves in real life when someone attacks them, they can easily do so.

Our bodies, muscles, and bones are well exercised when we participate in some kind of physical sport, whether it be football, swimming, boxing, or any other sports. It provides us strength and makes us more energetic. For some people, sports is a stress buster and makes their heart and body calm and serene.

In the case of indoor sports and games, it requires a lot of mental effort than physical—games like chess, cards, billiards, etc. You need to think and play. Players need to have a strategy and need to have a clear understanding of the rules and regulations.

Sports and Games not only keep our mind and body healthy, fit, and composed but also acts as a good pass time. You can learn any sports or games during your leisure hours and master it. It’s an excellent form of entertainment too. Many people in this world are fans of sports, whether it be cricket or baseball. We pay to watch other people playing sports. And we are excited to see them. Sports and Games teach us life lessons outside of the classroom. It teaches us to trust, loyalty to tackle situations calmly. It teaches us that even if you fail, you should never give up and practice harder to taste success.

People should discover and explore all types of sports and games. That way, they would be able to understand what sport is best suited for them.

However, you should not overwork yourselves. You should play according to your limits because your body can not take too much pressure. You need to get accustomed to the practice, and for that, a lot of time is needed.

You need to be devoted to the sports or game you have opted for. You need to stop treating it like just a hobby if you want to excel in it. You need to give in your all. While playing, you need to focus on the game entirely. You have to leave all other thoughts behind before entering the playground. If your mind is occupied with thoughts, then you would tend to overthink. You need to play the game and enjoy it. You need to let the energy channel through your body automatically.

Therefore, sports and games are indeed an essential part of life and people should learn one sport or engage in one game in life. Schools and

Colleges should encourage the students to learn things outside of textbooks.

Short Speech On Sports And Games

Short Speech On Sports And Games 150 Words In English

Good morning, teachers, and fellow students. Today, I’ll be giving a speech on the topic of Sports and Games.

Sports and Games have been a part of human life for centuries. The Greeks, the Romans, and people worldwide have been engaged in different sports types since the beginning of life.

Sports and Games have evolved with time. It has been an essential part because it has a lot of importance. Sports and Games help us to exercise our physical and mental capacity. It also serves as a pass time to those who play and entertainment to those who watch. There are different types of games and sports, like indoor games, outdoor games, board games, watersports, etc.

People need to understand and explore all the options and see which is best suited for them. The game that appears most appealing to you might not be suitable for you. So you need to think about your physical condition too.

Overall, sports and games build up human physical and emotions. They teach us things that can never be taught in classrooms.

10 Lines On Speech On Sports And Games In English

  • Sports and Games often prevent us from diseases and make us more healthy.
  • Children should be encouraged to pursue a career in sports too.
  • Sports often help people have a positive outlook on life and help them deal with personal problems.
  • It is a good distraction when you are overthinking, or your mind is occupied with negative thoughts.
  • It brings out the confidence in you, and you become more outspoken and efficient
  • Sports are not always about winning the competition, but also about learning and trying to do better the next time.
  • If you love sports, you should dedicate your heart and soul into it
  • All people need to be engaged in at least one type of sport for fitness.
  • Sports provide people with physical and mental satisfaction.
  • You should aside a lot of time practicing to be better and improve.

10 Lines On Speech On Sports And Games In English

FAQ’s On Speech On Sports And Games

Question 1. What are the benefits of sports and games?

Answer: The benefit of sports and games comprises better sleep at night, reduces stress, a strong heart, healthy lungs, healthy bones and muscles, a reduction in obesity, etc.

Question 2. How are sports and games different?

Answer: A game involves two or more people; on the other, sports are based more on individual performance and skills. While playing games, the players usually play it to win or reach a goal. But in the case of sports, you play it to improve your self.

Question 3. What are some examples of sports?

Answer: Some examples of sports would be badminton, basketball, boxing, hockey, cricket, cycling, cricket, football, etc.

Question 4. When is World Sports Day?

Answer: The international day of sport for development and peace is celebrated on April 6th every year. It promotes peace and erases cultural barriers in the world concerning sports.

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English Summary

2 Minute Speech On The Importance Of Sports In English

Good morning everyone present here, today I am going to give a speech on the importance of sports. Sports participation is essential for maintaining physical fitness in all people. At every stage of life, it is very important. Additionally, it enhances people’s personalities. Playing sports daily helps our hearts become stronger and keeps all of our organs functioning properly. Since ancient times, sports have always come first, and they are now even more exciting. Because of the exercise, blood vessels are kept clean and blood pressure is also kept in a healthy range. Daily movement lowers cholesterol and sugar levels as well. Although different people have varied sports interests, all sports involve the same action.

Sports play a significant role in enhancing our lives, especially for developing children, just as a diet rich in good nutrients is necessary to nourish the body. One faces numerous hurdles as a student, and participating in athletics gives them the physical and mental fortitude they need to handle the pressure of exams and get ready for new challenges.

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Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

292 Sports Speech Topics [Persuasive, Informative]

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

sports speech topics

See our sports speech topics on popular themes such as badminton, Paris marathon, baseball bat tricks, and English speaking notes for anyone who is looking for athletes issues to instruct or share knowledge. Most of the material below could be seen as hints for your sub or main points in a demonstration outline!

All these speech topics can be altered and transformed in your own way!

In this article:


List of sports speech topics.

Test it yourself now:

  • Should sports teams be named after ethnic groups?
  • Should cheerleading be considered a sport?
  • Why we should not cheer for the Redskins.
  • Why sports should be encouraged.
  • Why take a sailing vacation?
  • Learning to swim should be a requirement.
  • Public funding of sports stadiums is a bad idea.
  • Boxing should have stricter rules to keep boxers safe.
  • Why you should become a swimmer.
  • Why people should dance more.
  • Athletics are too much a priority in schools.
  • Is NASCAR a sport?
  • Should FIFA have price ranges?
  • Everyone should take part in at least one form of sport.
  • Players in good teams will always win something.
  • A player should keep working hard even when no one is watching.
  • Sports players should never let wins get to their heads.
  • Benching a player is a smart move from the coach.
  • Sport is a universal language.
  • Sport has the ability to unite even the most divided countries.
  • Every amateur needs a pro mentor.
  • A team that works together is unstoppable.
  • Coaches should never single out a player.
  • Sport teaches children about teamwork.
  • Rugby is a dangerous sport.
  • Competitive sport can teach us a lot about life.
  • Parents should not insult coaches from the side-lines.
  • Why everyone should get a sport massage once a week
  • Exercise should be a daily routine.
  • A baby is not an excuse to skip working out.
  • Parents and coaches should reward children regardless of their performance.
  • Soccer is the best sport of all.
  • Players who use drugs while practicing sport must be banned.
  • Diego Maradona should not be hailed as one of the greatest soccer players.
  • Professional sports players should never become coaches.
  • World Cup hosting countries should offer affordable ticket prices to locals.
  • There is no purpose in sport for cheerleaders.
  • Parents should let their children try out for all the sports they are interested in.
  • Teams who are superior to other teams in a league should earn more from TV rights.
  • Rags to riches stories about sports stars should be told to school going children.
  • Fans should not judge players.
  • Fan girls know nothing about sports.
  • Female referees should not referee male teams.
  • Home exercise equipment is a waste of money.
  • The player that wins the ‘Balon d’or’ after Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi is going to be a big deal.
  • Club directors shouldn’t have a say in how coaches pick players.
  • No coach should be fired after just one season.
  • It is good for winning teams when they are beaten by underdogs.
  • Teams should not keep players that don’t want to be there.
  • Sport is a great way to connect people.
  • Sports psychologists play an important role in sport.
  • Age old rivalry in sport is the most fun to watch.
  • Professional athletes should be careful with how they spend their money.
  • A referee that loses control of a match ruins the match for both teams and fans.
  • Children should be taught from small not to ‘boo’ at other teams.
  • Sports stars now are bigger household names thanks to social media.
  • Players who cheat must be banned or punished regardless of age.
  • Steroid scandals hurt a team.
  • Tiger Woods should be remembered for the great golfer he is and not for his sex scandal.
  • Politicians should never interfere in how sport should be run.
  • People who play sport are more social.
  • Playing sport helps build character in children.
  • Sport shouldn’t only be played by specific genders.
  • People that practice sport are more proactive.
  • Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal are the best examples of sportsmanship.
  • People need to support the underdogs.
  • Sport has the power to unite people.
  • Stadiums which are built specially for world cups often become liabilities.
  • Losing a match can help with motivation.
  • Young children that play sport learn to respect authority and rules from a young age.
  • Children must play sports, even if they don’t want to.
  • Badminton is not more popular because it is not understood.
  • Baseball salary caps would come at a great cost.
  • Sport is a key to a positive self-esteem in children.
  • Sport helps our mental well-being.
  • All forms of animal sports should be banned.
  • Advertising alcohol during sports matches should not be allowed.
  • Professional sports player’s salaries should not be capped.
  • Fans should never disrespect the opposite team’s national anthems.
  • College athletes should be paid for the matches that they play.
  • Professional players should stick to a diet throughout the season.
  • Sports marketing is a great career option.
  • Darts should be considered a game event.
  • Sports gambling should be banned.
  • Comparing Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi to each other is silly.
  • Professional wrestling is just a show.
  • Sport has become too commercialized.
  • Not all players need to retire at 35.
  • Players should be sent to the side-lines until bleeding is under control.
  • Command is more important than control when pitching in baseball.
  • Player’s jerseys should display their main sponsor’s name only.
  • Fans that pay a members fee should have a vote in club matters.
  • Chess players should be given more recognition.
  • Women’s sport is less popular because of stereotyping.
  • Hunting should never be considered a sport.
  • Sleep is very important in sports recovery.
  • Head injuries are not taken seriously enough.
  • Video technology will ruin the flow of a soccer game.
  • Smoking should be banned in stadiums.
  • Fans attending sport events in another country should respect local customs.
  • Fans who racially abuse players should be banned for life from attending live matches.
  • Baseball is more exciting than cricket.
  • Boxing isn’t entertaining.
  • Children should not be graded for Physical Training.
  • Professional sport players are better role models than rock stars.
  • Female sports should be given more media coverage.
  • FIFA should not be allowed to be run by men who are over 60 years old.
  • Lance Armstrong should be remembered as nothing more than a cheater.
  • Learning how to swim should be a requirement for all humans.
  • Watching sports on TV is better than watching it live.
  • Talented young players should be funded by career development scholarships.
  • Rules in sport not always need to be followed.
  • Golf is exciting to play but boring to watch.
  • Salaries of sports players should be based on their previous season’s performance.
  • NASCAR should be considered a sport.
  • The facts everybody ought to know about the (eg.) SUKMA Sukan Malaysia Games in Malaysia. (Or take another great tournament)
  • Play sports and you get a lot more than just a fit body.
  • What makes performing extreme physical exertions so popular.
  • A single round of matchplay golf can bring rival communities together at hole nineteen.
  • What coaches must know about sports related persuasive speech topics in order to create a real winner champions.
  • Why women professional team competitions became popular among men in the last twenty years.
  • We should make facilities more accessible to people with disabilities.
  • The Olympic bid books of candidate cities must contain the financial on social effects on society and local economies on the long term.
  • Soccer World Cup referees must understand intercultural habits.
  • There should come a biological passport for pro athletes to monitor any use of doping throughout a career.
  • Boxing should be banned from the Olympics because a lot of the viewers do not like it when someone is getting hurt on TV.
  • Darts contestants are no athletes but only fun-making beer drinkers.
  • Rugby football is nothing without its rough tackles.
  • Why we always know how a sports film will.
  • The wild card system (like tennis) should be introduced in all competitive and recreation team athletics.
  • Most female professional bodybuilders take steroids or other performance enhancers.
  • Professional wrestling is not real, is just show.
  • Cheerleading is a sport.
  • The integration of mind, body and spirit is the essential sports factor.
  • Golf is not a sport, it’s a hobby for old people.
  • Everybody should practice sports at least half an hour a day.
  • Professional sport is too commercial nowadays.
  • The most watched sports or sports events in the world are boring.
  • Scandals hurt the Olympic Games.
  • Ice is the best first aid remedy for a sports injury.
  • Why measuring your body mass index is important.
  • You only become a great athlete by training and special diets.
  • Not every retired famous sportsman or woman is a good coach.
  • A baseball salary cap would come at too great a cost.
  • Fill in your favorite team – is the greatest baseball team of all time.
  • Good pitchers are not good hitters.
  • An NBA age limit is stupid.
  • Athletes should retire at the top of their careers.
  • Basketball should change its rule of fouling out after five fouls.
  • Bungee jumping is risky despite all the precautions taken.
  • Invest in excellence sports achievements.
  • Kick-Boxing should be banned.
  • Ban blood sports.
  • Obsession with sports is unhealthy.
  • Participating in competitive sports too young is unhealthy.
  • Wear the proper protective gear when doing sports.
  • Weight-cutting techniques in sports competitions are unsafe.
  • Punish sports clubs whose fans misbehave.
  • Sports brings out the worst in people.
  • Sports events cannot do without sponsoring.
  • Sports events should give men and women equal prizes.
  • Sports is the opiate of the masses.
  • Team sports are legalized organized crime.
  • Why we worship sports.
  • Almost all multi-discipline activities require much more planning for skill training than you think.
  • Creating a peer incentive climate in a volleyball team will pay off.
  • Football has many health benefits.
  • A healthy lifestyle helps to attain the right body shape and fitness level.
  • Mental preps for auto racing athletes is crucial to prevent accidents.
  • Physical activity raises self-esteem and confidence levels.
  • Bowling should be an Olympic sports discipline.
  • Boxing does cause brain damage.
  • Fill in … is an astonishing sports player and qualifies for the Hall of Fame.
  • Football coaches and managers should focus on newly discovered sports science technologies.
  • Golf has a major impact on business deals.
  • Professional athletes are not overpaid because they entertain millions of people.
  • Student athletes must be tested for drugs now more than ever.
  • Team spirit is what really maximizes results.
  • Team sports without team building skills won’t succeed.
  • The Hawaii deep sea sportfishing industry must be better controlled.
  • The Olympic Dream will not come true.
  • The Olympic flame tour costs too much.
  • The Olympic ideal needs renovation.
  • The Olympic Oath is considered perjury live on television.
  • The Tour de France cannot be won repeatedly without using doping extracts.
  • Without cheerleaders sports events would be less fun.
  • How to build a pinewood derby car.
  • The best sports players of all time.
  • The best professional baseball stadiums.
  • The sport of “cheese rolling”.
  • Some common ice hockey injuries.
  • The history of the Chicago Bulls.
  • The excitement of competitive horseback riding.
  • The origins of soccer.
  • How baseball bats are made.
  • How to make fishing lures.
  • Why sports are so popular.
  • The history of field hockey.
  • What winners do to win.
  • How Larry Bird became a NBA legend.
  • The sport of curling.
  • The world’s most famous golf courses.
  • How to make a turkey call.
  • How Canadian football is played.
  • How to coach and train a racing horse to obey your commands and set for a winning mood.
  • Learn to achieve dominance over one another in mixed martial arts classes.
  • Squash instructions and personal coaching tips.
  • Individual endurance practices require extra motivation and the ultimate self-discipline help.
  • Technical university scientists can enhance performances.
  • How to increase your strength speed, staying power and toughness.
  • The strange subjective perception of a Formula 1 driver in his seat on a racing circuit.
  • The effect of a crowded stadium on the performance of athletic men and women.
  • Determine your strategy by analyzing a videotape of your ice hockey competitors.
  • Volunteer as community softball team fund-raiser.
  • Effective bodybuilding workouts and weight training methods.
  • How to relax your horse at equestrian tournaments.
  • Simple mental preparation techniques for difficult mind games like Chess, Checkers, and Go.
  • Biological and technical factors that influence a positive outcome.
  • Famous athletes in history and their causative mockery quotes.
  • How the Greeks organized their Ancient Olympics.
  • How the Olympic bidding process works at the IOC.
  • Illegal steroids and unethical athlete behavior
  • International arbitration rules.
  • The Formula 1 schedule and ranking methods.
  • The badminton racket forehand and backhand grip techniques.
  • Goose, duck feather, plastic, and synthetic shuttlecocks.
  • The low, high, drive, and flick serve, plus the drop shot.
  • The Badminton footwork and game strategies.
  • Badminton mixed doubles rules.
  • The long run of the Greek messenger Pheidippides after the Battle of Marathon to the modern forms like the Olympic Games and the Paris Marathon.
  • Types of relay races and competitions for runners.
  • The mission of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics.

Baseball Bat Tricks

  • The differences with softball.
  • The twelve-year history of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League.
  • The Little League World Series for boys ГЎnd girls.
  • Types of shots – mid-range, alley-oop, free-throw, layup, three-pointer, dunk, and the half-court shot.
  • Man-to-man and zone defense.
  • Footwork for dribbling, passing, and screening.
  • Tour de France (100 years old event) in 21 stages over a total distance of approx 3,500 km/2,200 miles.
  • Giro d’Italia (about 66 years) in Italy, nearly 3,500 km/2,200 miles.
  • Vuelta a Espana, a three-week bicycle racing over about 3,300 km/2,050 miles.
  • Essential cycling equipment and gear.
  • Chess strategy and tactics.
  • How American football in other countries is organized, like Canada, Europe, Russia, Switzerland and Japan.
  • The differences between Canadian and American football.
  • Gaelic football rules – a mix of rugby, soccer, and basketball.
  • The history of the Australian game.
  • The popular 4-4-2 formation in modern soccer.
  • What do lie and loft mean for golf clubs, why important?
  • Offer a general checklist for choosing the best type of putters.
  • Golf course architecture and the hidden strategies designers create for your pleasure …
  • The types of competition: stroke play, match play, USGA, PGA, EGA, the league in your country.
  • The most beautiful golf hits and swings explained, ideal for illustrating in an informative public speaking speech with video visual aids .
  • Famous tournaments around the world.
  • Golf tips and tricks.
  • Rhythmic gymnastics scoring system of the governing authority FГ©dГ©ration Internationale de Gymnastique.
  • Trampolining – the Schools Trampoline Competitions in the United Kingdom.
  • Acrobatic: pair or group performing tumbling routines.
  • Choosing a checklist for the best hockey stick for field play – or other related sports equipment.
  • Outfit and protection elements of the keeper.
  • The major professional sports leagues India, Pakistan, Australia, The Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Argentina.

Horse Racing

  • Flat racing: running over level tracks in eight racing classes.
  • Steeplechasing: across open country with jumps over hurdles and water obstacles.
  • Harness racing – jockeys riding in sulkies behind trotting or pacing horses.
  • Men’s field lacrosse – derived from the field hockey game jeu de la crosse in France.
  • Development and history of women’s lacrosse.
  • How box or indoor lacrosse is played.
  • Intercrosse, the soft form, popular in Europe.

Martial Arts

  • American Karate, strengthens your physical wellbeing and improve your listening and learning skills.
  • Malakhra sports, wrestlers tie a twisted cloth around the waist of the opponent and than …
  • Non-violent Martial Arts like Aikido, Jujitsu, and Judo.
  • Costumes and dresses for figure skating.
  • Speedskating world championships Short Track.
  • Tour skating on natural ice over a long distance, e.g. Eleven Cities Tour in Friesland.
  • Australian Open (since 1912) in January in Melbourne.
  • Roland Garros (1928) in May/June Paris.
  • Wimbledon (1881) in June/July in Great Britain.
  • US Open (1877) in August/September in New York.

Water Sports

  • Extreme Waterskiing tricks: slalom, jumping, barefoot, carving. (Ideal for showing up to 50 sports informative speech topics and more slides and videos with suiting English speaking notes presentation equipment
  • Snorkeling routes in the Great Barrier Reef.
  • Sailing navigation equipment for a sailing trip around the globe.
  • Kitesurfing on land – or land kiteboarding.
  • Timber Rafting as an outdoor activity.
  • The basics of Kayak paddling and canoeing.
  • Wakeboarding tricks in the sea.

259 Interesting Speech Topics [Examples + Outlines]

75 Group Discussion Topics

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Why nobody likes Tom Brady

Why racing is the best sport.

How the swiss army knife (Taysom Hill) is a great NFL player

How eggs are important to the body OR How to manage a fitness without missing the main points

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Speech on Sports for Students in English [3 Minutes* Speech]

December 10, 2020 by Sandeep

Speech on Sports: Sports makes us physically and mentally fit. Different indoor and outdoor sports like football, basketball, chess, table tennis, etc. improve our stamina and reflexes. For young people, it induces competitive spirit and helps in developing strategies, right tactics and decision-making skills. Good sportsmanship also develops physical, social and organizational skills to work together as a team player. It teaches an important lesson that winning and losing is always part of the game.

Speech on Sports 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Sports Speech in English, suitable for class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students.

I wish you all a very energetic morning. I am overwhelmed to speak on one of my favourite topic, i.e. Sports. Sports holds an essential position in everyone’s life. It gives plenty of lesson to us. It is a part of education & it aims at all-round development of an individual. Earlier Indian society & education used to focus only on grades & marks. However, time has changed. Now not only in schools but also parents have started giving importance to physical activities & sports in daily life.

There are two types of sports, outdoor & indoor; both have plenty of benefits in its way. Sports is something which keeps us motivated & energetic. Outdoor sports include a lot of physical exercises which keeps our body fit & in shape. It keeps our mind cool & diverted from day to day stress. Indoor sports helps us in developing strategic outlook & analytical skills. It also helps people to increase mental sharpness. Sports help in all-round development in personality, which further helps in future endeavours. It makes people confident & makes them aware of all the types of situations which may arise in life.

For example, winning & losing is closely related to success & failure in life. Sports teaches very tactfully that life will always be full of both but what we need to do is to accept those challenges & keep moving forward. Sport is an outstanding teacher of teamwork. As in plenty of sports, more than one player is involved, people come across a variety of minds & learns to act accordingly. It also encourages competitiveness & positivity. Sports is getting recognised in national & international levels through various programs like Asian Games, Olympics, Commonwealth games & many more.

The Indian government has shown keen interest to develop the spirit of sports from the very grass root level. Now a day’s people are getting motivated by seeing plenty of examples around them. Recognising sports as one of the passion & profession is at the peak, whereas earlier it was just considered a pass time. There are plenty of examples who have converted their passion to dreams like MS Dhoni , Sania Mirza, Saina Nehwal, Viswanathan Anand & many more.

They have made every one of us proud & have brought glory for the whole nation. In conclusion, I would like to add that sports are an essential part of our life which adds value in plenty of ways. We all must recognise it at every level of our life by endorsing it to its best.

Short Speech on Sports

Below we have provided the Importance of Sports Speech in English, suitable for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 students.

Good morning to everyone present here. I ……. of class …….. is going to deliver a speech on Sports. Sports are essential for mental & physical growth of an individual. It assists us in developing confidence, personality. In schools, sports is promoted as one of the parts of education. There are various sports which include cricket, football , hockey, chess, lawn tennis, badminton, basketball, volleyball & many more. Sports help in keeping our body fit & increases mental sharpness.

It helps us in learning how to tackle problems in life & how to react to real-life situations at a very early age. It increases efficiency & energy level of a person. It relaxes our mind helps in relieving stress & tension. It also increases the memory, learning power & concentration. Sports keeps us motivated & builds a friendly competitiveness environment for growth. It also stresses on team building activities as a team are involved in various games. It removes hesitation & motivates to move forward in life after all hurdles & obstacles.

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Speech on Sports For Students and Children in English

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Table of Contents

Best Speech on Sports: We have provided below variety of sports speech for the students under various words limit according to their need. All the speech on sports are very simple, written using easy words and small sentences for the students. They can select any of the given speeches according to their class level. Using such speeches students can participate in the speech recitation activity in their school without any hesitation.

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Speech on sports and games emphasizes the unparalleled role they play in fostering teamwork, discipline, and a spirit of healthy competition, ultimately shaping not just athletes but well-rounded individuals.

Speech on Sports For Students and Children

Speech on Sports

Sports speech- sample 1.

A very good morning to the excellencies, Principal sir, teachers and my dear colleagues. As we all know that we are here to celebrate this occasion, I would like to say a few words on sports. Sports is good for all of us in daily life as it involves us in common physical activities under healthy environment. The environment of sports becomes very competitive and challenging for the sportsmen so they focus on the challenges put in front. Physical beauty of the person involves in making the humanity of him. There are variety of sports played accordingly by the people in various countries. National or international level sports competitions takes place in any country for any sports. Revolution comes in the sports field time to time and replaced by ashtanga or other forms of yoga . Playing sports help us in many ways all through the life.

Variety of sports activities bring a lot of positive opportunities for us. There are various problems also occur however they do not matter. Participating in the sports activities enhance children’s school accomplishments. Sports are the way to big achievement in the children’s life however depends on their active involvement and experiences they already have. Getting interested in any of the sport gives a worldwide identification and life long achievement. Facing challenges of sports teaches us to tackle with other challenges of the life as well as survive in a competitive society.

Some of the sportsmen become interested in the sports and games from their childhood, some from birth as God gift however some of them create interest to the particular game or sports in order to go in that area and earn name and fame. Some of us need inspiration and motivation from our parents, teachers or famous sportsperson however some of us have God gifted inspiration. Athletes having interest in the sports, play sports with their best effort even when they defeat or lose. They already know the fact that they will win some game whereas lose some. They become very disciplined all through the life in order to get success and be ready on time. They do regular practice with full commitment towards their sports.

Also Read: Welcome Speech for Basketball Tournament

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Sports Speech- Sample 2

Good morning to the Principal sir, teachers and my dear friends. I would like to speech on the sports and games at this occasion. I am very thankful to my class teacher to give me such a great opportunity to speech here and believe in me. My dear friends, both games and sports are very important for all of us because they keep us strong, healthy and fit. It is the area which can give us a change from the same daily life. Everyone like sports because it is the useful means of entertainment as well as way to physical activity. Both are character building in nature and gives huge level body energy and strength.

If one has involved in the sports and games activity, he/she has good mental and physical growth and development. It let us learn many necessary things in the life. It helps us in developing our personality, confidence level and maintain physical and mental balance.

Being interested in the sports and games activities make us learn about how to tackle with the difficult situations in the life and keeps body relax and mind free of tension. It develops the habit of working in team by developing the sense of friendliness among team members. It makes a person with the mental and physical toughness by shaping he body and mind and removing tiredness and lethargy. It improves blood circulation all through the body thus improves the physical and mental well-being of the person.

Sports and games are activities which makes a person more capable with high level efficiency. It removes the mental exhaustion and makes us capable to do any hard work. In the Indian education system , the sports has been made an integral part of the education to make education interesting, tension free and enjoyable. Education is considered as incomplete without sports because education with sports activities draws more attention of the children towards study.

Sports activities are very necessary for all especially children and youths as it stimulates the physical and mental growth. It improves memory level, concentration level and learning capacity of the children. A small child can be a famous national or international level player if he/she practice sports from his/her childhood. Children should participate in all the sports competition held in their schools and colleges to remove their hesitation and go ahead. Sports and games have nice career in the future for the good sportsman. It gives us opportunity to grow in the life and earn money, name and fame. Now-a-days, sports facilities are being developed in almost all the schools and colleges in both rural and urban areas so the students having interest in the sports and games activities can get better path to go ahead.

Also Read: Welcome Speech for Cricket Tournament

Sports Speech- Sample 3

I would like to say a very good morning to the respected teachers and my dear friends. As we know, we are gathered here to celebrate this occasion, I would like to speech on the importance of sports and games in our life. I am very grateful to my class teacher to offer me some time to speech here. Being children a most common question generally arises in our mind that why some people choose sports career and how they get success without study properly. From where they get inspired to go into the sports career. I think, some of them are interested in the sports from birth, some are inspired by the parents and teachers and some are by the famous sports-persons. Whatever the reason behind is, if one is interested in the sports, he/she would surely be successful in the future.

Sports loving people do regular practice of the sports with proper discipline on daily basis. Most of the people never realizes benefits and importance of the sports and games. However, some people become very conscious about their health and fitness who want to be fit, attractive and always look smart. Sports can be very beneficial for us for us in the life as it makes our career together with the health and fitness including other many benefits. Earlier, people were not so interested in the sports activities and getting health and fitness. However, now-a-days, everyone wants to be famous, healthy, fit and active especially in the sports field. The scope of this field have been very vast because everyone understands its importance and benefits in the life. People know that sports have better career, name, fame and money than other field.

Sports and games are activities which keep us physically busy and fit unknowingly. Imagine that if a car do not get proper servicing or regular use, may be get rust and useless. In the same sense, if we do not involve in the physical activities our body may become useless and deceased after some years which is the main reason of unhealthy and painful life. Our boy is similar to the car engine, both can be fit on regular use and healthy diet. Sports activities keep our body’s blood pressure, circulation and other physiological functions active and balanced. According to the research, it is found that people who do not involved in any type of physical activities in their life are struggling with many problems in the middle age like high blood pressure, stress, tension, depression, tiredness, fatigue, etc.

Some people do not play sports and games however very much interested in seeing the sports activities on TV such as cricket, hockey, football, volleyball, etc. It gives them pleasure and happiness when their favorite sportsperson win. Now-a-days, sports-persons are in high demand in the market because they have great business value at national and international level. We should involve in our life in any sport activity, not only to make a career, but to be healthy and fit.

My name is…., I study in class….. I would like to say a very good morning to all. My dear friends, today we have gathered here to celebrate this occasion and I would like to speech on the; what sports do in our life. As we all know that sports and games benefits us in many ways however we do not get full benefits of them. Sports help us to achieve many things in life such as health, fitness, peace, money, name, fame, etc. It provides a lot of opportunities in our life however need full dedication, commitment and regular practice. They also cause some problems if we practice in wrong way however source of happiness and peace. According to the survey of many parents, it is found in their statement that sports participation enhances children school accomplishments.

Sports are not limited to the specific areas of life, it blesses a person with lifelong achievement. It is found that children who partici­pate in the challenging sports contests also love the classroom challenges and can function in the competitive society. Regular participation in the sports teaches children to play the game of school and life. They know well how to win the losing game (means going out of hand). Sports-persons become very disciplined and confident in their whole life and never become hopeless from the hard life struggles. They easily develop morals, necessary skills and art of living.

In such a technological world, the competition is increasing regularly in the society which needs more effort from the children and youths to go ahead. In such case, sports and games play creative roles in developing a peaceful mind and highly skilled mind which is very necessary to survive in competitive field. Anybody who is interested in the sports activities never give up or quit from any game of the life. Participating in the sports and games teaches to be a team player to them who have attitude to always be the center of attention. Sports and games are confidence building activities also gives lots of fun to the children. It brings the sense of improvement, accomplishment and feeling of personal progress.

It gives national as well as worldwide fame to the sports-persons.

Now-a-days, girls are also participating in the sports and games activities to the same extent as boys on their own will without hesitation from the family or society. Sports are career builder activities builds better and bright career. Children of the modern time are getting very interested in the variety of sports and games as they get motivated from the sports TV shows or cartoon networks in their early age.

Also Read: Welcome Speech for Award Ceremony

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Speech on Sports FAQs

Why are sports important speech.

Sports are crucial for physical health, mental well-being, and fostering teamwork and discipline. Engaging in sports contributes to overall personal development and a healthy lifestyle.

Why are 10 lines important in sports?

Ten lines in sports help encapsulate key points efficiently. They can highlight benefits, rules, and significance concisely, aiding quick understanding and retention.

What is the importance of sports and physical exercise?

Sports and physical exercise are vital for maintaining good health, preventing diseases, and enhancing overall well-being. They improve cardiovascular health, boost mental resilience, and instill discipline and teamwork.

How do you talk about sports in English?

When discussing sports in English, use clear and descriptive language. Mention the type of sport, players, rules, and exciting moments. Engage your audience with anecdotes or personal experiences related to the sport.

What is sport in simple words?

Sport, in simple terms, is a physical activity or game played competitively according to specific rules, often for enjoyment, exercise, and skill development.

How do you end a sports speech?

Conclude a sports speech by summarizing key points, expressing enthusiasm for the sport's positive impact, and encouraging the audience to embrace an active lifestyle. Finish with a motivating statement or a call to action, leaving a lasting impression.

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Inspiring National Sports Day 2024 speech ideas for students and teachers

Sports day speech: celebrate national sports day 2024 with motivating speeches that honour the spirit of sports. these speech examples in english and hindi are perfect for students, teachers, and sports enthusiasts..

Pranvi Arora

New Delhi: National Sports Day is a time to celebrate the spirit of sports and recognize the achievements of athletes. As we approach National Sports Day 2024, it’s essential to prepare impactful and motivating speeches that inspire and engage the audience. This article provides inspiring National Sports Day speech samples in both English and Hindi, designed to highlight the significance of sports and encourage everyone to embrace a healthy and active lifestyle.

Whether you’re a student, teacher, or sports enthusiast, delivering a memorable sports day speech on National Sports Day 2024 can make a significant impact.

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National Sports Day speeches in English

These samples will help you craft a Sports Day speech in English that resonates with your audience, celebrates athletic achievements, and promotes the values of sportsmanship and perseverance.

Speech 1: The Spirit of Sportsmanship

Good morning, teachers, fellow students, and respected guests. Today, we gather to celebrate National Sports Day, a day dedicated to honoring the achievements of our nation’s athletes. Sports have played a pivotal role in shaping our country’s identity and inspiring us to strive for excellence.

Sportsmanship is not just about winning or losing. It’s about demonstrating respect, fair play, and perseverance. Our athletes have shown us time and again that the true spirit of sports lies in the journey, not just the destination. They have taught us the importance of teamwork, discipline, and dedication.

Whether it’s cricket, football, hockey, or any other sport, our athletes have brought immense pride and joy to our nation. Their victories have united us as a people and inspired us to dream big. They have shown us that with hard work, determination, and a positive attitude, anything is possible.

Let us pledge to carry forward the spirit of sportsmanship in our daily lives. Let us strive to be fair, respectful, and supportive of others. Let us encourage our friends and family to participate in sports activities. By doing so, we can create a healthier, more vibrant, and more united nation.

Speech 2: The Power of Sports in Building Character

Good morning, everyone. Today, as we celebrate National Sports Day, let us reflect on the profound impact that sports have on our lives. Beyond physical fitness, sports play a crucial role in shaping our character and building a strong foundation for success.

Sports teach us valuable life lessons, such as discipline, perseverance, and teamwork. They help us develop self-confidence, resilience, and a positive attitude. Sports also provide a platform for personal growth and self-discovery. Through the challenges and triumphs of sports, we learn to overcome obstacles, set goals, and strive for excellence.

Furthermore, sports have the power to unite people from different backgrounds and cultures. They foster a sense of belonging and community. Sports events bring joy, excitement, and inspiration to millions of people around the world.

Let us celebrate the power of sports and the positive impact they have on our lives. Let us encourage more people to participate in sports activities, regardless of their age or ability level. Let us strive to create a society where sports are valued and accessible to all.

National Sports Day speeches in Hindi

These Hindi samples will help you craft a National Sports Day speech that resonates with your audience, celebrates athletic achievements, and promotes a healthy lifestyle.

Speech 1: Importance of Sports in Life

Namaskar sabhi ko!

Aaj hum sab yahan ek saath aaye hain National Sports Day ke shubh avsar par. Yeh din humare desh ke mahaan hockey khiladi, Major Dhyan Chand ji ki yaad mein manaya jata hai, jo apne khel ke saath sabhi ko prerna dete hain.

Khel humare jeevan ka ek mahatvapurn hissa hain. Yeh humein na sirf shariirik roop se swasth rakhte hain, balki manasik roop se bhi mazboot banate hain. Khel se hum mein team spirit, discipline, aur lagan ka vikas hota hai.

Aaj, humein pratigya leni chahiye ki hum sab apne jeevan mein kisi na kisi khel ko apnayenge. Kyunki khel sirf manoranjan ya pratiyogita ka madhyam nahi hain, balki yeh jeevan jeene ka ek shresht tareeka bhi hai.

Dhyan Chand ji ke anukaran mein, aaiye hum sab milkar khel ko apne jeevan ka ang banayein aur apne desh ka naam roshan karein!


Speech 2: Khel ki Uplabdhi aur Prerna

Aaj hum sab yahan National Sports Day ke din, apne desh ke anek khelon aur khiladiyon ki uplabdhi ko sammanit karne ke liye ikattha hue hain. Yeh din hum sabhi ko yaad dilata hai ki khel ke mahatva ko hum apne jeevan mein kitna saral aur swabhavik tarike se apna sakte hain.

Khel humari zindagi mein ek nayi urja bharte hain. Yeh humein haar ke baad uthne ka sahas, aur jeetne ke baad vinamr rehne ka sandesh dete hain. Sportsmanship ka matlab sirf jeet ya haar se nahi hota, balki khel ke dauraan jeene ke mahatva ko samajhna hota hai.

Har ek khiladi apne sangharsh, tapasya, aur mehant se sabko prerna deta hai. Toh aaiye, hum sab apne jeevan mein khel ko ek mahatvapurn sthaan dein aur ek swasth, sakaratmak aur utsah se bhara jeevan jeeyein.

Dhyan Chand ji ko yaad karte hue, unke jeevan se prerna lekar hum apna aur apne desh ka naam roshan karein.

Incorporating these inspiring speech samples into your National Sports Day 2024 celebration will help convey the importance of sports and motivate your audience. Use these examples to deliver a memorable address that honours athletes and encourages everyone to stay active and engaged in sports.

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National Sports Day Speech in English and Hindi for Students 2024

National sports day speech: here you will get a few lines on national sports day for class 1 to class 12 students. the speech ideas given here on national sports day can be used during the school assembly or in the society function..

Atul Rawal

10 Lines on Sports Day in English

  • National Sports Day in India is celebrated every year on August 29th.
  • The day marks the birth anniversary of the legendary hockey player Major Dhyan Chand.
  • Major Dhyan Chand is widely regarded as one of the greatest hockey players in the world.
  • The day promotes the importance of sports and physical activities in daily life.
  • Various sports events and activities are organized in schools and colleges across the country.
  • The President of India gives away prestigious sports awards like the Arjuna and Khel Ratna on this day.
  • National Sports Day aims to raise awareness about the benefits of sports and encourage participation among youth.
  • Major Dhyan Chand’s contribution to Indian hockey has inspired generations of athletes.
  • The day also highlights the role of sports in building a healthy and disciplined society.
  • National Sports Day is a reminder of the need to nurture and support sports talent in India.

10 Lines on National Sports Day in Hindi

  • भारत में राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस हर साल 29 अगस्त को मनाया जाता है।
  • यह दिन महान हॉकी खिलाड़ी मेजर ध्यानचंद की जयंती का प्रतीक है।
  • मेजर ध्यानचंद को दुनिया के सबसे महान हॉकी खिलाड़ियों में से एक माना जाता है।
  • यह दिन दैनिक जीवन में खेल और शारीरिक गतिविधियों के महत्व को बढ़ावा देता है।
  • देश भर के स्कूलों और कॉलेजों में विभिन्न खेल आयोजन और गतिविधियाँ आयोजित की जाती हैं।
  • भारत के राष्ट्रपति इस दिन अर्जुन और खेल रत्न जैसे प्रतिष्ठित खेल पुरस्कार प्रदान करते हैं।
  • राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस का उद्देश्य खेलों के लाभों के बारे में जागरूकता बढ़ाना और युवाओं में भागीदारी को प्रोत्साहित करना है।
  • भारतीय हॉकी में मेजर ध्यानचंद के योगदान ने एथलीटों की कई पीढ़ियों को प्रेरित किया है।
  • यह दिन एक स्वस्थ और अनुशासित समाज के निर्माण में खेलों की भूमिका पर भी प्रकाश डालता है।
  • राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस भारत में खेल प्रतिभाओं को पोषित करने और उनका समर्थन करने की आवश्यकता की याद दिलाता है।

Short Speech on National Sports Day in English

Good morning everyone,

Today, I would like to talk about National Sports Day. Every year, on 29th August, we celebrate this special day to honour the great hockey player, Major Dhyan Chand. He was a true legend in Indian sports and is remembered as one of the best hockey players in the world.

National Sports Day is not just about remembering Major Dhyan Chand; it’s also about celebrating sports and fitness. Sports are very important in our lives. They keep us healthy, teach us teamwork, and help us stay active.

On this day, many schools and colleges organise sports events to encourage students to participate in different games. It’s a reminder for all of us to play sports and stay fit. Sports also teach us discipline and the value of hard work.

In India, the government gives out special awards to the best athletes on National Sports Day. This shows how important sports are to our country.

Long Speech on National Sports Day in English

Good morning, respected teachers and my dear friends,

Today, I am here to talk about National Sports Day, which we celebrate every year on 29th August. This day is special because it marks the birth anniversary of Major Dhyan Chand, one of the greatest hockey players in the world. Major Dhyan Chand made India proud with his amazing skills in hockey and led our country to win many gold medals in the Olympics.

National Sports Day is not only about honouring Major Dhyan Chand but also about celebrating the importance of sports in our lives. Sports are very important for everyone, whether young or old. They help us stay healthy, keep our minds sharp, and teach us valuable lessons like teamwork, discipline, and perseverance.

In schools and colleges across India, National Sports Day is celebrated with various sports events. Students participate in different games and activities, which help them learn the importance of staying active and fit. It’s a day to remind ourselves that sports are not just about winning or losing but about enjoying the game, staying healthy, and learning to work together as a team.

On this day, the President of India also gives out special sports awards, such as the Arjuna Award, the Dronacharya Award, and the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna, to honour the best athletes and coaches in our country. These awards inspire young athletes to work hard and achieve their dreams.

Major Dhyan Chand’s life is an example of dedication and hard work. He practiced every day to become the best, and his love for the game helped him overcome many challenges. We can learn a lot from his life and apply those lessons in our own lives, whether in sports or in studies.

National Sports Day encourages all of us to take part in sports and physical activities. It reminds us that being physically active is important for our health and well-being. So, let’s make a promise today to play more sports, stay active, and take care of our health.

In conclusion, National Sports Day is a day to celebrate sports, honour our athletes, and inspire each one of us to stay fit and active. Let’s follow the example of Major Dhyan Chand and work hard to achieve our goals, not just in sports but in every part of our lives.

Short Speech on National Sports Day in Hindi

आज, मैं राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस के बारे में बात करना चाहूँगा। हर साल 29 अगस्त को हम महान हॉकी खिलाड़ी मेजर ध्यानचंद के सम्मान में यह खास दिन मनाते हैं। वे भारतीय खेलों में एक सच्चे लीजेंड थे और उन्हें दुनिया के सर्वश्रेष्ठ हॉकी खिलाड़ियों में से एक के रूप में याद किया जाता है।

राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस सिर्फ़ मेजर ध्यानचंद को याद करने के बारे में नहीं है; यह खेल और फिटनेस का जश्न मनाने के बारे में भी है। खेल हमारे जीवन में बहुत महत्वपूर्ण हैं। वे हमें स्वस्थ रखते हैं, हमें टीम वर्क सिखाते हैं और हमें सक्रिय रहने में मदद करते हैं।

इस दिन, कई स्कूल और कॉलेज छात्रों को अलग-अलग खेलों में भाग लेने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए खेल कार्यक्रम आयोजित करते हैं। यह हम सभी के लिए खेल खेलने और फिट रहने की याद दिलाता है। खेल हमें अनुशासन और कड़ी मेहनत का महत्व भी सिखाते हैं।

भारत में, सरकार राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस पर सर्वश्रेष्ठ एथलीटों को विशेष पुरस्कार देती है। यह दर्शाता है कि हमारे देश के लिए खेल कितने महत्वपूर्ण हैं।

Long Speech on National Sports Day in Hindi

शुभ प्रभात, आदरणीय शिक्षकगण और मेरे प्यारे मित्रों,

आज मैं राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस के बारे में बात करने आया हूँ, जिसे हम हर साल 29 अगस्त को मनाते हैं। यह दिन इसलिए खास है क्योंकि इस दिन दुनिया के महानतम हॉकी खिलाड़ियों में से एक मेजर ध्यानचंद की जयंती होती है। मेजर ध्यानचंद ने हॉकी में अपने अद्भुत कौशल से भारत को गौरवान्वित किया और हमारे देश को ओलंपिक में कई स्वर्ण पदक दिलाए।

राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस केवल मेजर ध्यानचंद को सम्मानित करने के बारे में ही नहीं है, बल्कि हमारे जीवन में खेलों के महत्व का जश्न मनाने के बारे में भी है। खेल सभी के लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण हैं, चाहे युवा हों या बूढ़े। वे हमें स्वस्थ रहने, हमारे दिमाग को तेज रखने और हमें टीम वर्क, अनुशासन और दृढ़ता जैसे मूल्यवान सबक सिखाने में मदद करते हैं।

भारत भर के स्कूलों और कॉलेजों में, राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस विभिन्न खेल आयोजनों के साथ मनाया जाता है। छात्र विभिन्न खेलों और गतिविधियों में भाग लेते हैं, जो उन्हें सक्रिय और फिट रहने के महत्व को सीखने में मदद करते हैं। यह खुद को याद दिलाने का दिन है कि खेल केवल जीतने या हारने के बारे में नहीं है, बल्कि खेल का आनंद लेने, स्वस्थ रहने और एक टीम के रूप में मिलकर काम करना सीखने के बारे में है।

इस दिन, भारत के राष्ट्रपति हमारे देश के सर्वश्रेष्ठ एथलीटों और कोचों को सम्मानित करने के लिए अर्जुन पुरस्कार, द्रोणाचार्य पुरस्कार और राजीव गांधी खेल रत्न जैसे विशेष खेल पुरस्कार भी प्रदान करते हैं। ये पुरस्कार युवा एथलीटों को कड़ी मेहनत करने और अपने सपनों को हासिल करने के लिए प्रेरित करते हैं।

मेजर ध्यानचंद का जीवन समर्पण और कड़ी मेहनत का एक उदाहरण है। उन्होंने सर्वश्रेष्ठ बनने के लिए हर दिन अभ्यास किया और खेल के प्रति उनके प्यार ने उन्हें कई चुनौतियों से पार पाने में मदद की। हम उनके जीवन से बहुत कुछ सीख सकते हैं और उन सबकों को अपने जीवन में लागू कर सकते हैं, चाहे वह खेल हो या पढ़ाई।

राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस हम सभी को खेलों और शारीरिक गतिविधियों में भाग लेने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करता है। यह हमें याद दिलाता है कि शारीरिक रूप से सक्रिय रहना हमारे स्वास्थ्य और तंदुरुस्ती के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है। तो, आइए आज हम ज़्यादा से ज़्यादा खेल खेलने, सक्रिय रहने और अपने स्वास्थ्य का ख्याल रखने का वादा करें।

अंत में, राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस खेलों का जश्न मनाने, हमारे एथलीटों का सम्मान करने और हम सभी को फिट और सक्रिय रहने के लिए प्रेरित करने का दिन है। आइए मेजर ध्यानचंद के उदाहरण का अनुसरण करें और अपने लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त करने के लिए कड़ी मेहनत करें, न केवल खेल में बल्कि अपने जीवन के हर क्षेत्र में।

धन्यवाद, और आपका दिन मंगलमय हो!

  • National Sports Day Drawings 2024
  • National Sports Day Anchoring Script 2024

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  • When is National Sports Day celebrated in India? + National Sports Day is celebrated on August 29th every year to commemorate the birth anniversary of hockey legend Dhyan Chand.
  • What should I include in my National Sports Day speech? + You can discuss the importance of sports, the achievements of Indian athletes, the benefits of physical activity, and the role of sports in promoting unity and national pride.
  • How can I make my speech engaging? + Use anecdotes, stories, and examples to illustrate your points. Keep your language simple and easy to understand.
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  2. Sports Speech for Students and Children in English

    Long and Short Speeches on Sports for Students and Kids in English. Below, we have provided one short and one long Speech on Sports. A Long Speech on the topic of Sports is provided; it is of 450-500 words. A short Speech of 100-150 words is also given below. The extended articles are popular among students of Classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

  3. 3 Minute Speech on Importance of Sports in English for Students

    3 Minute Speech on Importance of Sports in English for Students. Good Morning everyone ,Today I am going to share my views on the topic "Importance of Sports. There is a great saying that, Education is incomplete without sports. Sports play a very important role in our life. Sports and exercise have a significant effect on the academic ...

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    Speech on Sports - Sports for Boys and Girls. Engaging in sports plays a pivotal role in shaping a healthy body and mindset. As we all know, the ultimate focus of education is the mental and physical development of an individual. Just like studying different subjects, actively participating in sports and games are an important part of education.

  7. Speech on Sports for Students and Children

    Speech on Sports. To keep the body healthy sports are very important. Also, it is an important factor in our education. Furthermore, education aims in the all-round development of mental, moral, and physical development. Read speech on sports here. Besides, a healthy mind resides in a healthy body and makes a person sound.

  8. Famous Sports Speeches

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    Playing sports daily helps our hearts become stronger and keeps all of our organs functioning properly. Since ancient times, sports have always come first, and they are now even more exciting. Because of the exercise, blood vessels are kept clean and blood pressure is also kept in a healthy range. Daily movement lowers cholesterol and sugar ...

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  17. National Sports Day Speech in English for Students and Children

    Long Speech on National Sports Day. Good morning, respected Principal, teachers, and my dear friends, I am honored to speak to you today on the occasion of National Sports Day. This day is celebrated every year on August 29 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Major Dhyan Chand, one of the greatest hockey players of all time.

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    Speech on Sports in English | Sports speech in englishDownload our Mobile App from Google Play Store - Gyankaksh Educational Institute.We will give you prope...

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