Online Shopping vs. Traditional Shopping Essay

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Comparisons and contrast.

The advent of internet shopping in the late nineties created a revolution in the retail industry. Benefits that were previously inaccessible to the masses became a reality. Today, buyers can get the latest I-Pad from Apple at the click of a button. They can purchase the latest designer-colognes from Paris, even if they live in New York. One, therefore, wonders whether online shopping will replace traditional shopping. Through a contrast and comparison of these two shopping channels, it can then be possible to answer the latter question.

Some of the most advent supporters of online shopping are environmentalists. Many of them assert that online shopping eliminates the need for consumers to transport themselves to a physical store. This saves on fuel charges and paper. Similarly, traditional shopping from a supermarket or in a mall can also save on plenty of energy costs.

Customers can get everything they require under one roof, thus eliminating the need to transport themselves from one point to another. This saves on fuel and other charges that emanate from physical movement of people for shopping. On the other hand, these two channels differ in terms of their environmental-friendliness.

Individuals can use the Postal service to ship their online commodities. Since the postal service is bound to come to a certain neighborhood anyway, then fuel costs can be minimized. Such economies are unavailable in traditional brick and motor stores. Furthermore, one can buy multiple items from distant locations and save volumes of fuel. Traditional retail stores would require one to drive physically to the concerned store, even though it might be located all the way in China.

Both types of shopping avenues provide buyers with a certain level of comfort and ease. Customers go to online stores in order to avoid the overcrowding and hurling that is synonymous to traditional stores. This is quite helpful during the holiday seasons. Buyers can transform their shopping into a pleasant experience by simply avoiding these crowded areas. Similarly, some customers go to traditional stores in order to enjoy a different type of comfort.

They approach these physical stores in order to access immediate help from sales persons concerning certain items. Shopping from traditional stores allows retailers to consult about the features of a certain product and this causes them a certain level of ease and comfort. On the other hand, traditional retailers cannot offer the same level of comfort that online stores can.

In online shopping, buyers simply have to select an item and pay; everything else is handled by the internet firm. Conversely, shoppers from physical stores have to plan for their transportation to and from the brick and mortar store. If the products they are purchasing are bulky, then they must make special arrangements to carry the item to their homes.

All channels of shopping furnish customers with information about the features of products. It is possible to know about the sizes, features, and costs of products in online and traditional shopping. Conversely, the dependability of the information differs substantially depending on whether one is using online shopping or traditional methods. Many customers have complained about misleading information or unavailable information in online stores.

Buyers who need advise about using a certain product or need to inquire about its capabilities in traditional stores can easily get this information from sales persons. On the contrary, one cannot get this information easily from internet forums. Some websites may have contact numbers or e-chat forums; however, these are not available in all of them. Online shoppers only have pictures and product descriptions to know everything they need to know about a product.

This method may work for certain types of products that have low prices and minimal modifications. However, the same approach may not work for expensive and highly customizable products such as cars or houses. Few customers would buy houses based solely on a product description or picture they saw; many would want to see the spacing and features in that house. Automobile purchasers would also need to test-drive items before they can walk away with them. In this regard, internet channels fall short because they cannot provide personalized information or experiences.

It is possible to compare prices in these two avenues. One can walk from shop to shop and find the best offers in one’s location. The same thing happens in internet shopping. One can visit a number of websites and compare the prices offered by these entities. In contrast, it is much easier to compare prices on the internet than in physical locations. If a store was located in a different city, it would be impractical to drive all the way to that store simply to find out what their prices are. Therefore, online shopping is superior in this regard.

These two platforms are both vulnerable to theft or fraud. In physical stores, criminals may organize a massive robbery and this can cause substantial losses to the concerned entrepreneurs. Alternatively, customers may shoplift or get away with non payment in physical stores. Similarly, theft can occur in online stores when an alleged retailer either purports to sell non – existent products or sells counterfeit or inferior goods to clients.

The main difference between these two types of channels is that in physical stores, customers do most of the stealing. Furthermore, they use relatively simple methods to carry out these activities. On the other hand, the internet has created a new breed of wrongdoers. Most fraudsters are fake sellers rather than buyers.

A number of them tend to use very sophisticated methods to lure their ‘clients’ and defraud them. It takes a lot of intelligence and security measures to guard against these individuals. Therefore, buyers must be wary of these challenges when they select online shopping as their preferred method of purchasing.

Cases of missing information exist in these two approaches. A customer may purchase something from a brick – and – mortar store, and this item may not be easily examinable at the retail store. This may make it easy to find flaws in it. For example, someone may purchase a television set from an electronics shop, and when the buyer gets to his or her house, he or she may find that the keys on the remote control do not work as stated.

Similarly, one may buy a book from Amazon and find that it has several missing pages. These issues occur because sellers may have hidden certain information about their materials. On the flipside, it is easier for retailers to hide information about their products on the internet than in physical stores. Many online customers often complain about the hidden costs that come with internet purchases. Shipping costs and other miscellaneous charges may hide the true price of a certain commodity on the internet.

Furthermore, even the process of purchasing an item on the internet is never as short as retailers claim. One must register, enter a series of personal details, read the privacy policy, and enter details about one’s credit card information. It may take a phone call or an e-chat to find out about certain order details. Therefore, what should have taken fifteen minutes ends up taking forty five or fifty minutes. There are more loopholes on the internet to facilitate missing information as compared to traditional shopping

Internet shopping still has a series of flaws that physical shopping does not. Nonetheless, the convenience and flexibility offered by this method are unrivaled in brick and mortar stores. It is likely that these two methods of shopping will continue to complement each other in the future as the pros and cons of one method are neutralized by another.

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IvyPanda. (2020, April 25). Online Shopping vs. Traditional Shopping.

"Online Shopping vs. Traditional Shopping." IvyPanda , 25 Apr. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Online Shopping vs. Traditional Shopping'. 25 April.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Online Shopping vs. Traditional Shopping." April 25, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "Online Shopping vs. Traditional Shopping." April 25, 2020.


IvyPanda . "Online Shopping vs. Traditional Shopping." April 25, 2020.

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Online Shopping Vs in Store Shopping Essay

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Compare and Contrast: Online Shopping vs. Traditional Shopping

Comparison point: costs, comparison point: immediacy, comparison point: tangibility, comparison point: convenience, conclusions.

Historically, traditional shopping practices dominated the field of selling and purchasing goods and services. If anyone needed to buy a new pair of shoes, a new dress, or even a new house appliance, they would go to the market, or visit a dedicated store, to make a purchase. While a rewarding experience, it was time-consuming as well as region-locked, with customers from rural areas having to travel great distances to purchase even the most basic of goods (Markham, 2016). Smaller companies, incapable of exporting their items abroad, were naturally oriented towards domestic clients. The 21st century saw the development of the Internet as well as the globalization of the supply chain, enabling sellers and customers to engage in online shopping from the comfort of their homes (Markham, 2016). Although the two premises share some basic traits attributed to shopping, the processes are inherently different one from another, making them suited for different types of purchase.

Traditional shopping is associated with a plethora of costs for the sellers as well as for the clients. A brick-and-mortar store would need to be built or placed inside of an existing structure, which is expensive. Warehousing and regular supplying also add to the costs of operation and maintenance. Finally, traditional stores have to afford to pay shopkeepers, consultants, janitors, and other support personnel. All of these expenditures increase the costs of final purchase for the end customer (Markham, 2016). Online shops do not have to face such issues. The only costs they have to endure are warehousing and good transportation from the seller to client, without having to worry about structural maintenance, paying sellers and supports, and dealing with numerous other issues that brick-and-mortar shops face (Markham, 2016). Because of these factors, buying online is typically much cheaper than doing so in a store.

One strong advantage traditional shopping has over online purchasing is the immediacy of purchase. The client can buy the item or service they need from a retailer and use it immediately, without any lag or waiting time (Markham, 2016). Online shopping, due to the nature of their business model, cannot offer the same. Usually it takes between one day to several months before the product reaches the end customer, the conditions depending on where is it purchased from and what company is handling the deliveries (Markham, 2016). Such waiting times can be too much for some customers to accept, as the items they need are often required immediately. An example of products that require immediacy include foodstuffs that have short shelf lives. Although online purchasing of foods exists, it is dominated by cooked food deliveries, whereas most customers buy their food products from traditional shops.

Another strong suit of traditional marketing is the ability to see and feel the item a person is buying. In case with clothes, the customer can try it on to see if it fits their body complexion. Online marketing cannot offer such an advantage, and has to rely on pictures, videos, and numbers in order to accurately describe the sizes of a good or an item. While in most cases it is enough to commit to a purchase, other times it becomes a significant obstacle, especially in cases where the appearance of a delivered item is significantly different than that on the picture. Clothes industry remains largely dominated by traditional marketing for those very reasons (Markham, 2016). In comparison, over a third of all clothing items being sold online is returned to the seller or exchanged for a different item due to a mismatch of some kind (Markham, 2016). At the same time, tangibility plays less of a factor when purchasing items that do not need to be held or felt to ensure quality. Electronics purchases are often done online due to price range differences.

Traditional shopping is a time-consuming process. Even the simplest purchases require leaving the house, traveling back and forth, and spending time selecting goods, paying for them, and bringing them home (Markham, 2016). A simple run to the store for groceries can take a whole hour. More significant purchases might take an entire day. In some countries, like the US, the lack of a personal vehicle is a significant obstacle, especially to the poor, who find it hard to reach the nearest Walmart. Online shopping is much more convenient, as the purchase can be achieved from the comfort of one’s own home, with the goods delivered to the client’s doorstep (Markham, 2016). The time spent waiting for the delivery can be focused on other tasks, especially when said delivery is not required to be urgent.

Traditional and online shopping offer their own distinctive sets of pros and cons when it comes to purchasing goods. Brick-and-mortar shops offer immediacy, tangibility, and the “true spirit of shopping, whereas convenience and cheapness are the primary selling points for online marketing. Depending on what types of goods are needed, customers may choose one over the other. It is unlikely for either one to replace the other in full, thus ensuring the harmonious coexistence of both types of shopping.

Markham, J. E. (2016). The future of shopping: traditional patterns and net effects . Springer.

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Online Shopping vs. In-Store Shopping: Pros and Cons

Shopping has evolved dramatically over the past several decades, providing consumers with more choice and convenience whether they shop in brick-and-mortar stores or browse online for their purchases. Even holiday shopping has adapted to the changing landscape, with  Black Friday and Cyber Monday appealing to online and in-store shoppers. It’s easy to assume there is a generational divide between those who choose more traditional or modern shopping methods, but it involves factors ranging from accessibility and variety to local support and the shopping experience itself. It’s expected that by 2026, 24% of retail shopping will be done online. [1]

Advantages of online shopping

Although online shopping has been around for consumers since the mid-1990s, mainstream use has skyrocketed over the past several years as people grow increasingly comfortable with it and get accustomed to the ease and speed of online retail. It’s hard to dispute the advantages of online shopping. After all, the availability of extensive online research and reviews promotes buyer confidence. And few would dispute the convenience of around-the-clock shopping from the living room sofa. Unfortunately, all this online activity also creates ample opportunities for scammers, so it’s important to always follow  safe online shopping practices .

1. Grocery delivery and pickup

The benefits are clear, especially for those who may struggle to find an hour or more a week to spend browsing the store shelves for groceries. Not only can you fill your cart from the comfort of your home, but you can also clip coupons online and even speed up the process by saving regular items in your app. Grocery stores have made pickup a breeze, allowing shoppers to schedule a pickup time that ensures their vehicle is packed and ready to go within minutes of parking.

2. No sales pressure

Although sales representatives can provide helpful knowledge and expertise, they can make some in-person shopping experiences nerve-racking for consumers. It’s no surprise that some shoppers prefer to remove the pressure altogether by relying on online shopping sites where they can take their time and not feel forced into a sale by somebody working on commission or just trying to help.

3. Research and product reviews

The internet is a great place to research and compare products before pulling the trigger on a purchase, especially a big one. Blogs and other online articles from trusted, unbiased sources can take a lot of the work off your plate by testing products, outlining the pros and cons of different brands and comparing prices. Customer reviews are also a great resource for finding a reliable product that fits your needs.

4. More variety

While brick-and-mortar stores must deal with the limitations of shelf space and retail agreements, online shopping presents few restrictions. There are many options to choose from, such as whether your product comes from brands or sellers — both local and international. You can even reach small independent shops that may have been far off your radar before the development of online shopping.

5. Convenience

When it comes to online shopping versus in-store shopping, the convenience of online shopping stands out. A shopping list that once might have required an entire day of shopping can now be completed in one sitting thanks to online shopping platforms — if you can wait for delivery. You can also squeeze in some shopping whenever you have the time, whether that’s during a 15-minute break at work or after the kids are in bed for the night. And with front-door delivery, that’s one less thing to fit into your schedule.

6. No crowds

Crowds have been a shopping headache for a long time. It’s almost impossible to browse the shelves of an aisle without running into other shoppers. Online shopping also saves you the time of waiting in long lines to check out.

Disadvantages of online shopping

While online shopping provides the convenience of exploring and buying items from the comfort of one’s home, it does come with certain disadvantages. These include shipping costs, delivery delays, the risk of impulse buying and difficult returns.

Shipping costs

While some online retailers offer free shipping, others may not. Some retailers require you to reach a minimum dollar amount to qualify for free shipping. Or, depending on the item you buy, the shipping cost may be the same amount as that item. [2]

Delivery delays

When you shop in person, you get the instant gratification of going home with the purchased item that day. However, when you shop online, though it’s now possible to receive some items the same day, you may have to wait days, weeks, or even longer to get your purchased item. If you’re in a time crunch to get a gift, it might be easier to just go shopping in person. [3]

Missing, broken, or stolen items

While online shopping is convenient, receiving a broken package (or not receiving the package at all) is not. Fragile items like mirrors or other glass products may arrive broken if you opt to purchase them online and have them shipped to your home. Even worse, if your package is delivered in an open area, someone may attempt to take it. [2]

Lack of product inspection

Unlike in-store shopping, you can’t physically try on a piece of clothing when shopping online. And clothing sizes can vary across different retailers. On the other hand, if you purchase a large piece of furniture, there’s a chance that the item’s listed dimensions may be incorrect. [2]

Advantages of shopping in-store

Despite the many advantages of the internet, shopping in stores still has many benefits and a prominent place in retail. Some products are unique to an in-person experience. Let’s not overlook the peace of mind that comes with knowing exactly what you’re getting when you leave the store with your merchandise in hand.

1. Try on or test products

Some items are easier to buy if you can check them out in person to ensure quality. When it comes to perfumes and cosmetics, stores offer the opportunity to test the products to make sure they’re right for you. It’s also nice to be able to try on clothing at the store so you can choose the best style and fit for your body. Bigger purchases, ranging from eyeglasses and mattresses up to a new car, are also worth the extra time and effort to test before you buy. Even in-person grocery shopping has its perks, as you can pick out your produce or compare labels more easily and choose alternatives when your first choices aren’t available.

2. In-store promotions

In-store promotions are designed to attract customers and build brand or product awareness. If you’re not physically visiting these stores, you may be missing out on discounts, free giveaways, and other promotions.

3. Instant gratification

When you shop in-store, there’s no waiting around for an item to arrive. You immediately have what you need — and there are no shipping costs. For shoppers who like to quickly eliminate items from their shopping list, it may be appealing to visit the store and leave with your purchase.

4. Personalized experience

A friendly and knowledgeable sales associate, combined with an up-close look at the products, creates a more personal shopping experience. This is especially true for local and specialized stores where you’ll probably talk to somebody who’s keenly familiar with the products. From bookstores to car dealerships, personal recommendations and expert guidance can be quite helpful.

5. Support local businesses

Another reason you may prefer to visit brick-and-mortar stores is to support a local business. Many shoppers are willing to forgo some of the online shopping conveniences in exchange for supporting their local community.

Disadvantages of shopping in-store

While shopping in stores sounds simple enough, there can be some obvious disadvantages to it. For example, in-store shopping can be time-consuming and inconvenient if the product you want is out of stock. Plus, pressure from the staff members to buy an item you don’t want can be uncomfortable enough to cause some to avoid shopping in-person altogether.


Shopping in stores can be very inconvenient due to the time it takes to commute to the store, deal with traffic, navigate the crowds, locate your items, and stand in line to purchase them.

Sales pressure

Because a lot of sales associates work on commission, they could pressure you into buying something that you weren’t necessarily going to buy. It can be extremely stressful to tell the sales associate no.

Limited availability

The store may not have everything you need in stock. You may need to spend more time going to other stores finding all your items. You can always call ahead to ask if your item is in stock, but that’s an extra step, and you could be sitting on hold for a while. And unless the store is open 24/7, your shopping time is limited to the store’s hours.

Shopping safety tips

Whether you choose to shop online or in stores, remember to do so safely. If online shopping is more your speed, remember to check to see whether the website is secure by looking for a little padlock symbol in the web browser’s web address bar. When setting up accounts for online shops, use unique and strong passwords. Lastly, don’t forget to check your credit card statements frequently for any unusual activity. [4]

If you prefer shopping in-store, always be aware of your surroundings and keep an eye on your wallet, keys and phone. Be wary if you carry large amounts of cash. Instead, you may wish to use a debit or credit card because they typically offer security measures such as a card lock and fraudulent purchase protection if a card is lost or stolen. [5]

Remember to stick to your budget

Payment options have evolved right along with shopping trends so that now even the smallest retailers can accept  credit cards  and other digital payments. But as shopping online and in-person becomes increasingly convenient, it’s also easier to overspend.

You can stay on track with a monthly budget . Be realistic when planning your expenditures, both essential and nonessential, and then stick to your budget. The time and effort you put into budgeting will be worth it when you’re able to meet your expenses, pay off debt, and build up your savings.

[1] “38 E-Commerce Statistics of 2023,” Anna Baluch and Kelly Main, (Accessed March 2024).

[2] “20 Pros and Cons of Online Shopping,” Stacy Fisher, (Accessed April 2024).

[3] “The Pros and Cons of Online Shopping,” Anna Baluch, (Accessed March 2024).

[4] “10 Tips for a Safer Online Shopping Experience,” (Accessed March 2024).

[5] “Shopping Safety Tips,” (Accessed March 2024).


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compare and contrast essay on online shopping and physical shopping

A Comparison and Contrast Between Shopping Online and Traditional Shopping

Since time immemorial, shopping has been an integral part of human life. Over time, technological advancements have brought changes in the way people do their shopping. Notably, the advent of online shopping has paved way for an alternative mode of shopping from the traditional shopping and has been embraced globally. This paper compares and contrasts shopping online with traditional shopping.

Traditional shopping refers to the activity in which consumers purchase goods and services by physically visiting a given seller or store. When it comes to purchasing daily necessities like groceries, traditional shopping is considered an essential (Aryani et al., 2021). On the other hand, online shopping is the process of purchasing goods over the internet with the use of internet-enabled devices such as phones and computers. Traditional shopping methods have been in use for ages. It is the most common practice that people use to purchase products. Online shopping is, on the other hand, more recent practice of shopping. It is, however, considered by many, especially those in urban set-ups as the most convenient way of shopping (Aryani et al., 2021).

Both traditional and online shopping methods offer a variety of stores to choose from. Most, if not all, physical stores available, have corresponding online stores that offer the same products. Like traditional stores, online stores offer a variety of items to pick from. Specialty stores, retailers and whole sellers can be found online. Both shopping methods give similar deals and offers in their stores to their customers. They both offer seasonal sales, end of season sales, and stock clearance sales. The promotions from both traditional and online stores are usually offered at similar times of the month. Most traditional and online stores also offer return policies to their customers. Refund or exchange of a product is typically allowed upon customers request for defective or undesired items.

In spite of the similarities between online and traditional shopping, the differences are plenty. When making an online purchase, a customer is unable to touch, feel, smell or even try out a product they are purchasing. A customer is therefore unable to effectively asses and determine the quality of a product. This may affect a customer’s decision to purchase an item, especially for those items that may require one to try them out like shoes and clothes. This is, however, not the case with traditional shopping where one gets to see, examine, feel, touch, smell and even try out a product then make payment upon satisfaction (Daroch et al., 2021).

Online shopping is handier, time-saving, and more convenient as compared to traditional shopping. One is able to go through thousands of items and do comparisons, check for offers and ultimately make a purchase within minutes at the comfort of their seat at any time. This, however, is not possible in traditional stores since one has to physically visit the store to make a purchase. Some traditional stores also have operational hours which, with increasingly busy lifestyles, may turn out to be inconveniencing to some customers.

Online shopping may require one to give out their details for delivery as well as payment methods and contact details which may pose security threats. This is not the case with traditional shopping where one walks in and walks out with their purchased item without giving out any of their details. Moreover, when doing online shopping, one needs to factor in the time taken to deliver the item, which may at times take longer than desired, unlike in traditional stores where one walks out with the item upon payment.

Overall, both online and traditional shopping have similarities and differences as well as advantages and disadvantages. This largely influences the customer’s decision on which method to use in doing their shopping. Some aspects of both methods of shopping may be a disadvantage to some people, while being beneficial to others, as in the case of knowledge of computers for older generations. The preference and benefits are, thus, more personal than communal.

Aryani, D. N., Nair, R. K., Hoo, D. X. Y., Hung, D. K. M., Lim, D. H. R., Chandran, D. A. R., Chew, W. P., & Desai, A. (2021). A Study on Consumer Behaviour: Transition from Traditional Shopping to Online Shopping During the COVID-19 Pandemic.  International Journal of Applied Business and International Management ,  6 (2), 81–95.

Daroch, B., Nagrath, G., & Gupta, A. (2021). A study on factors limiting online shopping behaviour of consumers.  Rajagiri Management Journal ,  15 (1), 39–52.

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Compare/Contrast Online Shopping vs Traditional Shopping

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Compare/Contrast Online Shopping vs Traditional Shopping. (2018, Oct 07). Retrieved from

"Compare/Contrast Online Shopping vs Traditional Shopping." StudyMoose , 7 Oct 2018,

StudyMoose. (2018). Compare/Contrast Online Shopping vs Traditional Shopping . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 1 Sep. 2024]

"Compare/Contrast Online Shopping vs Traditional Shopping." StudyMoose, Oct 07, 2018. Accessed September 1, 2024.

"Compare/Contrast Online Shopping vs Traditional Shopping," StudyMoose , 07-Oct-2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Sep-2024]

StudyMoose. (2018). Compare/Contrast Online Shopping vs Traditional Shopping . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 1-Sep-2024]

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Compare/Contrast Online Shopping vs Traditional Shopping essay

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Online Shopping Essay Examples

Online shopping vs in-store shopping.

With the rise of e-commerce, online shopping has become increasingly popular in recent years. However, traditional in-store shopping still holds its ground. This essay will compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping and in-store shopping, ultimately determining which method is more convenient...

E-commerce and Online Selling: Trends and Challenges

In decades the escalation of global pandemics have been witnesse, each of which negatively affected business activities and economic growth. Covid-19 virus caused a 13,5% drop in China's industry production and a 20,5% decline in retail sales in the first two months of 2020 while...

Starting an Online Business: Simplified Registration Guide

Thinking of launching an online business? Since you’re reading this online business registration essay, I am willing to wager a bet that the answer is “Yes”. The truth is, finding online business success is no mean feat. However, we are in an age where the...

The Goals and Strategies of Taobao

The main motivation that Alibaba had when creating a consumer oriented website was the recent acquisition of Eachnet by Ebay. This acquisition was a serious threat for Alibaba since it’s difficult to draw a line between consumers and small businesses in China. Therefore, if Ebay...

The Perfect Destination for Online Tailoring in Kolkata

SUMMARY: Everyone has faced this situation in life, especially while buying clothes online, the issue of improper fitting. There are many instances where we found that perfect dress in an online store but our size is not available. We often compromised our size in order...

The Impact of Expanding Utilization of Internet on Online Business: Analysis of Amazon and Flipkart

Web turned out to be all the more ground-breaking and essential instrument for each individual's need and the manner in which individuals work. By coordinating different on the web data administration instruments utilizing Internet, different creative organizations have set up frameworks for taking client orders,...

The Factors Influencing Customer Loyalty in Internet Retailing

With the adoption and diffusion of the Internet as consumer products retailing channels, the number of online shoppers has been increasing. It seems the profit potential of online retailing is very attractive because the operation costs of selling consumer products online are relatively lower than...

An Analysis of Current Industry Characteristics and the Future of the Traditional Grocery Store

In an industry that has long been slow to evolve, business has never been more competitive and complex for grocery retailers as they navigate the rapid transformation of consumer preferences and industry disruption, driven by technological innovations both online and in-store. This article will provide...

Annotated Bibliography: Amazon

This 30 second ad starts off with a young man, who just got offered a new job over a video conference call. The man appears to be very well dressed as he is wearing a suit and a tie, and is well groomed. However when...

Creating a Content Marketing Strategy for Online Business

If you are going to start a business (or in case that you have never done anything for your business online), building up your content marketing strategy shouldn't really be a dreadful ordeal. It doesn't need to be laborious and it doesn't need to be...

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