Cause and Effect in Composition

Glossary of Grammatical and Rhetorical Terms

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In composition , cause and effect is a method of paragraph or essay development in which a writer analyzes the reasons for—and/or the consequences of—an action, event, or decision.

A cause-and-effect paragraph or essay can be organized in various ways. For instance, causes and/or effects can be arranged in either chronological order or reverse chronological order. Alternatively, points can be presented in terms of emphasis , from least important to most important, or vice versa.

Examples and Observations

  • "If you prove the cause , you at once prove the effect ; and conversely nothing can exist without its cause." (Aristotle, Rhetoric )
  • Immediate Causes and Ultimate Causes "Determining causes and effects is usually thought-provoking and quite complex. One reason for this is that there are two types of causes: immediate causes , which are readily apparent because they are closest to the effect, and ultimate causes , which, being somewhat removed, are not so apparent and may perhaps even be hidden. Furthermore, ultimate causes may bring about effects which themselves become immediate causes, thus creating a causal chain . For example, consider the following causal chain: Sally, a computer salesperson, prepared extensively for a meeting with a client (ultimate cause), impressed the client (immediate cause), and made a very large sale (effect). The chain did not stop there: the large sale caused her to be promoted by her employer (effect)." (Alfred Rosa and Paul Eschholz, Models for Writers , 6th ed. St. Martin's Press, 1998)
  • Composing a Cause/Effect Essay "For all its conceptual complexity, a cause/effect essay can be organized quite simply. The introduction generally presents the subject(s) and states the purpose of the analysis in a clear thesis . The body of the paper then explores all relevant causes and/or effects, typically progressing from least to most influential or from most to least influential. Finally, the concluding section summarizes the various cause/effect relationships established in the body of the paper and clearly states the conclusions that can be drawn from those relationships." (Kim Flachmann, Michael Flachmann, Kathryn Benander, and Cheryl Smith, The Brief Prose Reader . Prentice Hall, 2003)
  • Causes of Child Obesity "Many of today's kids are engaged in sedentary pursuits made possible by a level of technology unthinkable as recently as 25 to 30 years ago. Computer, video, and other virtual games, the ready availability of feature films and games on DVD, plus high-tech advancements in music-listening technology have come down into the range of affordability for parents and even for the kids themselves. These passive pursuits have produced a downside of reduced physical activity for the kids, often with the explicit or implicit consent of the parents. . . . "Other fairly recent developments have also contributed to the alarming rise in child obesity rates. Fast food outlets offering consumables that are both low in price and low in nutritional content have exploded all over the American landscape since the 1960s, especially in suburban areas close to major highway interchanges. Kids on their lunch breaks or after school often congregate in these fast food outlets, consuming food and soft drinks that are high in sugar, carbohydrates, and fat. Many parents, themselves, frequently take their children to these fast food places, thus setting an example the kids can find justification to emulate." (MacKie Shilstone, Mackie Shilstone's Body Plan for Kids . Basic Health Publications, 2009)
  • Cause and Effect in Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal" "'A Modest Proposal' is a brilliant example of the use of non-argumentative devices of rhetorical persuasion . The whole essay, of course, rests broadly upon the argument of cause and effect : these causes have produced this situation in Ireland, and this proposal will result in these effects in Ireland. But Swift, within the general framework of this argument, does not employ specific argumentative forms in this essay. The projector chooses rather to assert his reasons and then to amass them by way of proof ." (Charles A. Beaumont, Swift's Classical Rhetoric . Univ. of Georgia Press, 1961)
  • Effects of Automobiles "I worry about the private automobile. It is a dirty, noisy, wasteful, and lonely means of travel. It pollutes the air, ruins the safety and sociability of the street, and exercises upon the individual a discipline which takes away far more freedom than it gives him. It causes an enormous amount of land to be unnecessarily abstracted from nature and from plant life and to become devoid of any natural function. It explodes cities, grievously impairs the whole institution of neighborliness, fragmentizes and destroys communities. It has already spelled the end of our cities as real cultural and social communities, and has made impossible the construction of any others in their place. Together with the airplane, it has crowded out other, more civilized and more convenient means of transport, leaving older people, infirm people, poor people and children in a worse situation than they were a hundred years ago." (George F. Kennan, Democracy and the Student Left , 1968)
  • Examples and Effects of Entropy "Because of its unnerving irreversibility, entropy has been called the arrow of time. We all understand this instinctively. Children's rooms, left on their own, tend to get messy, not neat. Wood rots, metal rusts, people wrinkle and flowers wither. Even mountains wear down; even the nuclei of atoms decay. In the city we see entropy in the rundown subways and worn-out sidewalks and torn-down buildings, in the increasing disorder of our lives. We know, without asking, what is old. If we were suddenly to see the paint jump back on an old building, we would know that something was wrong. If we saw an egg unscramble itself and jump back into its shell, we would laugh in the same way we laugh as a movie run backward." (K.C. Cole, "The Arrow of Time." The New York Times , March 18, 1982)
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10.8 Cause and Effect

Learning objectives.

  • Determine the purpose and structure of cause and effect in writing.
  • Understand how to write a cause-and-effect essay.

The Purpose of Cause and Effect in Writing

It is often considered human nature to ask, “why?” and “how?” We want to know how our child got sick so we can better prevent it from happening in the future, or why our colleague a pay raise because we want one as well. We want to know how much money we will save over the long term if we buy a hybrid car. These examples identify only a few of the relationships we think about in our lives, but each shows the importance of understanding cause and effect.

A cause is something that produces an event or condition; an effect is what results from an event or condition. The purpose of the cause-and-effect essay is to determine how various phenomena relate in terms of origins and results. Sometimes the connection between cause and effect is clear, but often determining the exact relationship between the two is very difficult. For example, the following effects of a cold may be easily identifiable: a sore throat, runny nose, and a cough. But determining the cause of the sickness can be far more difficult. A number of causes are possible, and to complicate matters, these possible causes could have combined to cause the sickness. That is, more than one cause may be responsible for any given effect. Therefore, cause-and-effect discussions are often complicated and frequently lead to debates and arguments.

Use the complex nature of cause and effect to your advantage. Often it is not necessary, or even possible, to find the exact cause of an event or to name the exact effect. So, when formulating a thesis, you can claim one of a number of causes or effects to be the primary, or main, cause or effect. As soon as you claim that one cause or one effect is more crucial than the others, you have developed a thesis.

Consider the causes and effects in the following thesis statements. List a cause and effect for each one on your own sheet of paper.

  • The growing childhood obesity epidemic is a result of technology.
  • Much of the wildlife is dying because of the oil spill.
  • The town continued programs that it could no longer afford, so it went bankrupt.
  • More young people became politically active as use of the Internet spread throughout society.
  • While many experts believed the rise in violence was due to the poor economy, it was really due to the summer-long heat wave.

Write three cause-and-effect thesis statements of your own for each of the following five broad topics.

  • Health and nutrition

The Structure of a Cause-and-Effect Essay

The cause-and-effect essay opens with a general introduction to the topic, which then leads to a thesis that states the main cause, main effect, or various causes and effects of a condition or event.

The cause-and-effect essay can be organized in one of the following two primary ways:

  • Start with the cause and then talk about the effects.
  • Start with the effect and then talk about the causes.

For example, if your essay were on childhood obesity, you could start by talking about the effect of childhood obesity and then discuss the cause or you could start the same essay by talking about the cause of childhood obesity and then move to the effect.

Regardless of which structure you choose, be sure to explain each element of the essay fully and completely. Explaining complex relationships requires the full use of evidence, such as scientific studies, expert testimony, statistics, and anecdotes.

Because cause-and-effect essays determine how phenomena are linked, they make frequent use of certain words and phrases that denote such linkage. See Table 10.4 “Phrases of Causation” for examples of such terms.

Table 10.4 Phrases of Causation

as a result consequently
because due to
hence since
thus therefore

The conclusion should wrap up the discussion and reinforce the thesis, leaving the reader with a clear understanding of the relationship that was analyzed.

Be careful of resorting to empty speculation. In writing, speculation amounts to unsubstantiated guessing. Writers are particularly prone to such trappings in cause-and-effect arguments due to the complex nature of finding links between phenomena. Be sure to have clear evidence to support the claims that you make.

Look at some of the cause-and-effect relationships from Note 10.83 “Exercise 2” . Outline the links you listed. Outline one using a cause-then-effect structure. Outline the other using the effect-then-cause structure.

Writing a Cause-and-Effect Essay

Choose an event or condition that you think has an interesting cause-and-effect relationship. Introduce your topic in an engaging way. End your introduction with a thesis that states the main cause, the main effect, or both.

Organize your essay by starting with either the cause-then-effect structure or the effect-then-cause structure. Within each section, you should clearly explain and support the causes and effects using a full range of evidence. If you are writing about multiple causes or multiple effects, you may choose to sequence either in terms of order of importance. In other words, order the causes from least to most important (or vice versa), or order the effects from least important to most important (or vice versa).

Use the phrases of causation when trying to forge connections between various events or conditions. This will help organize your ideas and orient the reader. End your essay with a conclusion that summarizes your main points and reinforces your thesis. See Chapter 15 “Readings: Examples of Essays” to read a sample cause-and-effect essay.

Choose one of the ideas you outlined in Note 10.85 “Exercise 3” and write a full cause-and-effect essay. Be sure to include an engaging introduction, a clear thesis, strong evidence and examples, and a thoughtful conclusion.

Key Takeaways

  • The purpose of the cause-and-effect essay is to determine how various phenomena are related.
  • The thesis states what the writer sees as the main cause, main effect, or various causes and effects of a condition or event.

The cause-and-effect essay can be organized in one of these two primary ways:

  • Start with the cause and then talk about the effect.
  • Start with the effect and then talk about the cause.
  • Strong evidence is particularly important in the cause-and-effect essay due to the complexity of determining connections between phenomena.
  • Phrases of causation are helpful in signaling links between various elements in the essay.

Writing for Success Copyright © 2015 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

How to Write a Cause and Effect Essay: Full Guide

essay effect meaning

Ever wondered how things are connected in our world? Think of the butterfly effect—where a butterfly's wings in Brazil can set off a tornado in Texas. It's a quirky idea, but it shows how events are intertwined. Writing a cause and effect essay is like unraveling these connections, connecting the dots to reveal how things influence each other and shape our experiences.

In this guide, experts from our paper writing service will explore the concept of causality and share practical tips for creating great cause and effect essays. These essays won't just provide information—they'll leave a lasting impression on your readers.

What Is a Cause and Effect Essay

A cause and effect essay is a form of writing that aims to explore and explain the relationships between different events, actions, or circumstances. The central idea is to investigate why certain things happen (causes) and what results from those occurrences (effects). It's like peeling back the layers to reveal the interconnectedness of events, understanding the domino effect in the narrative of life.

What is a Cause and Effect Essay

Here's a breakdown of the key components:

  • Causes: These are the factors or events that initiate a particular situation. They are the reasons behind why something occurs. For instance, if you're exploring the cause of obesity, factors like unhealthy eating habits and lack of physical activity could be identified as causes.
  • Effects: The effects are the outcomes or consequences that result from the identified causes. Following the obesity example, effects could include health issues, reduced quality of life, or increased healthcare costs.
  • Connection: The heart of a cause and effect essay lies in demonstrating the link between causes and effects. It's not just about listing events but explaining how one event leads to another in a logical and coherent manner.

When crafting such an essay, you're essentially acting as a storyteller and investigator rolled into one. Your goal is to guide the reader through the web of interconnected events, providing insights into the 'why' and 'what happens next.'

How to Write a Cause and Effect Essay with Easy Steps

Understanding how to write a cause and effect essay is like putting together a puzzle. Here are ten simple steps to help you write an engaging essay that looks into how things are connected.

How to Write a Cause and Effect Essay with Easy Steps

1. Select a Specific Topic

  • Choose a cause and effect relationship that sparks your interest.
  • Ensure your topic is focused and manageable for a thorough exploration.

2. Explore Causal Links

  • Conduct thorough research to uncover hidden connections and supporting evidence.
  • Look beyond the obvious to identify intricate relationships between causes and effects.

3. Craft a Clear Thesis Statement

  • Develop a precise thesis that clearly articulates the main cause and the resulting effects.
  • Your thesis serves as the roadmap for your essay, guiding readers through your analysis.

4. Organize Chronologically or by Significance

  • Structure your essay in a logical order, either chronologically or by the significance of events.
  • This organization enhances clarity and helps readers follow the cause-and-effect progression.

5. Utilize Transitional Phrases

  • Employ transition words and phrases to ensure seamless flow between causes and effects.
  • Clear transitions enhance readability and strengthen the coherence of your essay.

6. Support Arguments with Credible Evidence

  • Back up your claims with relevant data, examples, and statistics.
  • Strong evidence adds credibility to your analysis and reinforces the cause-and-effect relationships you present.

7. Illustrate Chain Reactions

  • Show how a single cause can trigger a chain of effects, and vice versa.
  • Illustrate the ripple effects to emphasize the complexity of the relationships.

8. Analyze Root Causes

  • Move beyond surface-level explanations and explore the underlying factors contributing to the cause-and-effect scenario.
  • Deep analysis adds depth and nuance to your essay.

9. Consider Alternative Causes

  • Address potential counterarguments to showcase a comprehensive understanding.
  • Acknowledging alternative causes strengthens your essay's overall credibility.

10. Conclude with Impact

  • Summarize key points and emphasize the broader significance of your analysis.
  • Leave your readers with a thought-provoking conclusion that ties together the cause-and-effect relationships explored in your essay.

Cause and Effect Essay Structure Types

When setting up your essay, you can choose from different structures to make it organized. Let's look at two common types of cause and effect essay structures:

Cause and Effect Essay Structure Types

  • Block Structure:

The block structure is a clear and organized way to present causes and effects in your essay. Here, you dedicate one section to discussing all the causes, covering multiple causes within each category. After that, you have another section to explore all the effects. This separation makes your ideas easy to understand.

Using the block structure allows you to dive deep into each category, thoroughly looking at causes and effects separately. It's handy when you want to give a detailed analysis and show the importance of each part of the causal relationship. This way, readers can fully grasp each element before moving on.

  • Chain Structure:

On the other hand, the chain structure focuses on how events are connected and create ripple effects. It highlights how one cause leads to a specific effect, and that effect becomes the cause of more effects in an ongoing chain. This method is potent for illustrating the complexity of causal relationships.

The chain structure works well when you want to emphasize the sequence of events or deal with intricate cause-and-effect scenarios. It allows you to show how actions trigger a series of reactions, displaying the domino effect that leads to a specific outcome.

Regardless of the structural style you choose, if you require assistance with your academic paper, reach out to us with your ' write my paper for me ' request. Our experienced team is ready to tailor your paper to your specific requirements and ensure its excellence.

Cause and Effect Essay Outline

Creating an effective cause and effect essay begins with a well-structured outline. This roadmap helps you organize your thoughts, maintain a logical flow, and ensure that your essay effectively conveys the causal relationships between events. Below, we'll outline the key components of the essay along with examples:

I. Introduction

  • Hook: Start with an engaging statement or fact. Example: 'Did you know that stress can significantly impact your overall health?'
  • Background Information: Provide context for your topic. Example: 'In today's fast-paced world, stress has become an increasingly prevalent issue.'
  • Thesis Statement: Clearly state the main cause and its corresponding effects. Example: 'This essay will explore the causes of stress and their profound negative effects on physical and mental health.'

II. Body Paragraphs

  • Topic Sentence: Introduce the first cause you'll discuss. Example: 'One major cause of stress is heavy workload.'
  • Supporting Details: Provide evidence and examples to support the cause. Example: 'For instance, individuals juggling multiple job responsibilities and tight deadlines often experience heightened stress levels.'
  • Transition: Link to the next cause or move on to the effects.
  • Topic Sentence: Introduce the first effect. Example: 'The effects of chronic stress on physical health can be devastating.'
  • Supporting Details: Present data or examples illustrating the impact. Example: 'Studies have shown that prolonged stress can lead to cardiovascular problems, including hypertension and heart disease.'
  • Transition: Connect to the next effect or cause.

C. Causes (Continued)

  • Topic Sentence: Introduce the next cause in a new cause and effect paragraph. Example: 'Another significant cause of stress is financial strain.'
  • Supporting Details: Explain how this cause manifests and its implications. Example: 'Financial instability often results in anxiety, as individuals worry about bills, debts, and their financial future.'
  • Transition: Prepare to discuss the corresponding effects.

D. Effects (Continued)

  • Topic Sentence: Discuss the effects related to financial strain. Example: 'The psychological effects of financial stress can be profound.'
  • Supporting Details: Offer real-life examples or psychological insights. Example: 'Depression and anxiety are common consequences of constant financial worries, affecting both mental well-being and daily life.'

III. Conclusion

  • Restate Thesis: Summarize the main cause and effects. Example: 'In summary, the heavy workload and financial strain can lead to stress, impacting both physical and mental health.'
  • Closing Thoughts: Reflect on the broader significance of your analysis. Example: 'Understanding these causal relationships emphasizes the importance of stress management and financial planning in maintaining a balanced and healthy life.'

Cause and Effect Essay Examples

To help you grasp cause and effect essay writing with clarity, we have prepared two distinct essay examples that will guide you through the intricacies of both block and chain structures. Additionally, should you ever find yourself requiring assistance with academic writing or descriptive essays examples , simply send us your ' write my research paper ' request. Our expert writers are here to provide the support you need!

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Don't procrastinate – order yours today and let our wordsmiths create an essay that's more captivating than a Netflix series cliffhanger!

Cause and Effect Essay Topics

Choosing a good topic starts with recognizing cause and effect key words. Here are 10 interesting topics that let you dig into fascinating connections and their important consequences:

  • The Relationship Between Lack of Exercise and Mental Health in Older Adults
  • Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Workplace Productivity
  • The Impact of Cyberbullying on Adolescents' Emotional Well-being
  • Influence of Social Media Advertising on Consumer Purchasing Decisions
  • Consequences of Oil Spills on Coastal Ecosystems
  • How Noise Pollution Affects Concentration and Academic Performance in Schools
  • The Connection Between Fast-Food Marketing and Childhood Obesity
  • Effects of Urbanization on Water Quality in Local Rivers
  • The Relationship Between Indoor Plants and Air Quality in Homes
  • Impact of Plastic Pollution on Wildlife in Urban Environments
  • The Effect of Meditation on Stress Reduction in College Students
  • How Increased Screen Time Affects Teenagers' Attention Span
  • The Impact of Single-Use Plastics on Marine Microorganisms
  • The Relationship Between Smartphone Use and Sleep Quality in Adults
  • Effects of High-Fructose Corn Syrup on Metabolic Health
  • The Consequences of Deforestation on Local Biodiversity
  • Influence of Social Media Comparison on Body Dissatisfaction in Adolescents
  • The Connection Between Air Pollution and Respiratory Health in Urban Areas
  • Effects of Excessive Gaming on Academic Performance in High School Students
  • The Impact of Fast Food Consumption on Childhood Obesity Rates

Final Words

Knowing what a cause and effect essay is and how to write it helps you uncover connections in different topics. With this guide, you can share your ideas in a clear and impactful way.

Meanwhile, if you're in need of a reaction paper example , rest assured we have you covered as well. So, seize this opportunity, put your thoughts on paper logically, and witness your essays leaving a lasting and influential mark.

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Don't procrastinate when you can cause an effect on your grades right now!

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

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is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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Cause and Effect: Definition, Meaning, and Examples

Allison Bressmer

By Allison Bressmer

Cause and Effect Title

You may be familiar with the Biblical quote “You reap what you sow.” The things you do are like planted seeds, and those seeds produce a crop which is the result of your actions.

The quote is an example of the cause and effect relationship. Your action, sowing good or bad seeds, produces a reaction, a healthy or rotten harvest.

A cause is an action, and the effect is the resulting reaction.

Definition of Cause and Effect

What does cause and effect mean, examples of cause and effect in sentences, cause and effect relationship examples, cause and effect words.

In the cause and effect relationship, one or more things happen as a result of something else.

A cause is a catalyst, a motive, or an action that brings about a reaction—or reactions. A cause instigates an effect.

An effect is a condition, occurrence, or result generated by one or more causes. Effects are outcomes.

Cause and effect synonyms

Cause and effect means that things happen because something prompted them to happen.

A cause is why something happens. An effect is what happened.

For example, you have a picnic planned for Sunday afternoon. However, the weather becomes stormy and you have to cancel your outdoor plans.

In this situation, the cause is the stormy weather and the effect of that stormy weather is the picnic cancellation.

Cause and effect definition

Cause and effect are intertwined. American poet Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Cause and effect are two sides of one fact.”

You can’t have an effect without a cause, nor can you have a cause without an effect.

In cause and effect relationships, there may be multiple causes and multiple effects. The relationship may cycle on with a cause leading to effects that become a cause for more effects!

Let’s say that you oversleep and are late to a meeting and, because you’re late to the meeting, you miss out on the delicious pastries the boss brought in. Since you missed the pastries, you’re hungry and aggravated. This may in turn have an effect on your next interaction with a colleague or client.

Cause and effect circle

Cause and effect sentences show a clear, direct relationship between events. They show how one event or action triggers an outcome. They may also show how an effect has more than one cause, or a cause has more than one effect.

Cause and effect sentences can present the cause first and follow it with the effect, or present the effect first and follow it with the cause.

The order of cause and effect

  • I ate tons of junk food, so now I feel sick.
  • I feel sick because I ate tons of junk food.

These sentences have the same cause and effect presented in a different order. These sentences share the same meaning and show the same relationship.

In the next five sentences, determine which comes first, the cause or the effect.

He lied to me, so I ended our relationship.

Since I was up all night with my sick child, I’m exhausted this morning.

She never gave up on her writing, and now she’s published a book!

They could finish the race because they had trained for it so diligently.

They gave the restaurant a critical review because their food was burnt to a crisp.

In the first three sentences, the cause comes first. In sentences four and five, the effect comes first.

Cause and effect relationships exist in just about every subject area.

We can see the causes of local, national, or global events, and the effects of those events. We can ask, “What were the causes of World War II?” and then “What were the effects of World War II?”

We can examine what caused an economic recession or depression and the effects of that crisis on society.

In these cases, as with many others, there are multiple causes and multiple effects.

In 2020, the world was hit with a global pandemic. Scientists saw the effects of the disease on people’s health and lives and began searching for the cause of the virus.

As the story goes, Sir Isaac Newton observed an effect, an apple falling from a tree. This prompted him to seek the cause of that fall—why did the apple fall down, not sideways or up? His observation of that effect led him to discover the cause: gravity.

When conducting experiments, scientists perform an action (cause) to see what will happen as a result (effect).

Most of us probably had to do an experiment with plants in school. We examined what happened to our two plants (effects) depending on whether we gave or withheld from them proper light and water (cause).

The Natural World

Nature is full of examples of cause and effect.

  • Plants grow as a result of the sun’s heat and light.
  • Bears hibernate so they can conserve energy and won’t require food during the winter months when food is scarce.
  • The moon’s gravitational pull causes the ocean’s tides.

Narrative stories, both fiction and non-fiction, are often driven by cause and effect.

In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby , Gatsby bases all of his action on pleasing Daisy because he is obsessed with winning her love.

Our everyday lives are full of cause and effect experiences.

  • As a result of studying hard, you aced your test!
  • You called in sick because you woke up with a fever.
  • You meet friends for drinks because it’s your birthday.

There are words that signal a cause and effect relationship. These words can help readers recognize the cause and effect structure of a passage, making it easier to comprehend content.

Words that signal a cause include:

Source Root Origin
Seed Bring about Starting Point

Words that signal effect include:

Result Consequence Upshot
Outcome Ramification Reaction

Signal Words in Cause and Effect Sentences

Observe how the signal words communicate the relationship in these cause and effect example sentences:

As a result of COVID, many high school students couldn’t experience graduation ceremonies.

There was a multi-car accident on the highway, so traffic was at a standstill.

I’ve started eating a much healthier diet. Consequently , I’ve lost weight and have more energy.

Thanks to my caring friends, I recovered from a difficult situation.

Since the weather was perfect, we spent the entire day outdoors.

My partner got his dream job 200 miles away from where we currently live. As a result , we have to sell the home and move.

His financial hardships are due to his careless spending.

She campaigned the hardest, therefore she won the vote.

The doctor’s optimism is the reason for our positive outlook.

Your sister is several years older than you. Accordingly , she has more responsibility and independence.

TIP: Observe the sentences that start with cause signal words ( As a result , Thanks to , Since ). There are two clauses in those sentences and they are connected by a comma.

The first clause is dependent meaning that it must be attached to an independent clause to make sense. When left alone, dependent clauses can become sentence fragments which are grammatically incorrect.

ProWritingAid is a thorough grammar checker that will alert you to any fragments and make suggestions for revision.

Cause and effect sentence fragment

A Final Word on Cause and Effect

A cause and effect relationship is one in which an event generates an outcome. We see these relationships everywhere: from history to science to nature to literature to daily life!

When you’re reading or writing about cause and effect, look for or use signal words that make the relationship between the event (cause) and the outcome (effect) clear.

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Allison Bressmer

Allison Bressmer is a professor of freshman composition and critical reading at a community college and a freelance writer. If she isn’t writing or teaching, you’ll likely find her reading a book or listening to a podcast while happily sipping a semi-sweet iced tea or happy-houring with friends. She lives in New York with her family. Connect at

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Cause & effect essays Aka reason and result

The Cause and effect essay is another common essay type, either as an essay type on its own, or as part of a larger essay which includes one or more paragraphs examining causes and effects. This page gives information on what a cause and effect essay is , how to structure this type of essay, and how to use cause and effect structure words (transition signals) for this type of essay. There is also an example cause and effect essay on the topic of women at work, as well as some exercises to help you practice this area.

What are cause & effect essays?


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essay effect meaning

A cause and effect essay looks at the reasons (or causes) for something, then discusses the results (or effects). For this reason, cause and effect essays are sometimes referred to as reason and result essays. They are one of the most common forms of organisation in academic writing. Sometimes the whole essay will be cause and effect, though sometimes this may be only part of the whole essay. It is also possible, especially for short exam essays, that only the causes or the effects, not both, are discussed. See the examples below.

  • Discuss the causes and effects of global warming ['cause and effect' essay]
  • Explain the high death rate in Chernobyl ['causes' only essay]
  • Discuss the WTO and its effects on the Chinese economy ['effects' only essay]

There are two main ways to structure a cause and effect essay. These are similar to the ways to structure problem-solution essays , namely using a block or a chain structure. For the block structure, all of the causes are listed first, and all of the effects are listed afterwards. For the chain structure, each cause is followed immediately by the effect. Usually that effect will then be the cause of the next effect, which is why this structure is called 'chain'. Both types of structure have their merits. The former is generally clearer, especially for shorter essays, while the latter ensures that any effects you present relate directly to the causes you have given.

The two types of structure, block and chain , are shown in the diagram below.

Cause and Effect Structure Words

Cause and effect structure words are transition signals which show the cause and effect relationships. It is important to be clear which is the cause (or reason) and which is the effect (or result), and to use the correct transition word or phrase. Remember that a cause happens first , and the effect happens later .

Below are some common cause and effect structure words. X is used to indicate a cause, while Y is used to indicate the effect.

  • The first cause of (Y) is (X)
  • The next reason is (X)
  • Because of (X), (Y)
  • As a result of (X), (Y)
  • As a consequence of (X), (Y)
  • because/since/as (X)
  • to result from (X)
  • (X) results in (Y)
  • to be the result of (X)
  • (Y) is due to (X)
  • Owing to (X), (Y)
  • (Y) is because of (X)
  • (Y) is the effect of (X)
  • (Y) is the consequence of (X)
  • Worsening pollution levels in cities are due to the increased use of cars.
  • Because of the increased use of cars, pollution levels in cities are worsening.
  • As a result of the increased use of cars, pollution levels in cities are worsening.
  • The effect of the increased use of cars is a worsening of pollution levels in cities.
  • The first effect of (X) is (Y)
  • Another result of (X) is (Y)
  • As a result, (Y)
  • As a consequence, (Y)
  • Consequently (Y)
  • Therefore, (Y)
  • (X) causes (Y)
  • (X) has an effect on (Y)
  • (X) affects (Y)
  • (X) is one of the causes of (Y)
  • (X) is the reason for (Y)
  • Cars are used increasingly for urban transport. As a consequence , pollution levels in cities are worsening.
  • Increased use of cars for urban transport adversely affects pollution levels in cities.
  • Increased use of cars for urban transport is one of the causes of worsening pollution levels in cities.

Example essay

Below is a cause and effect essay. This essay uses the block structure . Click on the different areas (in the shaded boxes to the right) to highlight the different structural aspects in this essay, i.e. Causes, Effects, and structure words. This will highlight not simply the paragraphs, but also the thesis statement and summary , as these repeat the causes and effects contained in the main body.

Title: More and more women are now going out to work and some women are now the major salary earner in the family. What are the causes of this, and what effect is this having on families and society?


In the past, most women stayed at home to take care of domestic chores such as cooking or cleaning. Women's liberation and feminism have meant that this situation has been transformed and in contemporary society women are playing an almost equal role to men in terms of work. This has had significant consequences , both in terms of the family , for example by improving quality of life and increasing children's sense of independence , and also for society itself with greater gender equality . The main reasons behind the increase of women in the workplace are women's liberation and feminism. The women's liberation movement originated in the 1960s and was popularised by authors such as Simone de Beauvoir. As a consequence of this, new legislation emerged, granting women equal rights to men in many fields, in particular employment. Because of feminist ideas, men have taken up roles which were previously seen as being for women only, most importantly those related to child rearing. As a result of this, women have more time to pursue their own careers and interests. These have led to some significant effects, both to family life and to society as a whole. Although the earning capacity of a woman in her lifetime is generally much less than that of a man, she can nevertheless make a significant contribution to the family income. The most important consequence of this is an improved quality of life. By helping to maintain a steady income for the family, the pressure on the husband is considerably reduced, hence improving both the husband's and the wife's emotional wellbeing. Additionally, the purchasing power of the family will also be raised. This means that the family can afford more luxuries such as foreign travel and a family car. A further effect on the family is the promotion of independence in the children. Some might argue that having both parents working might be damaging to the children because of a lack of parental attention. However, such children have to learn to look after themselves at an earlier age, and their parents often rely on them to help with the housework. This therefore teaches them important life skills. As regards society, the most significant impact of women going to work is greater gender equality. There are an increasing number of women who are becoming politicians, lawyers, and even CEOs and company managers. This in turn has led to greater equality for women in all areas of life, not just employment. For example, women today have much stronger legal rights to protect themselves against domestic violence and sexual discrimination in the workplace. In conclusion, the increasing number of women at work has brought about some important changes to family life, including improved quality of life and increased independence for children, as well as affecting society itself. It is clear that the sexes are still a long way from being equal in all areas of life, however, and perhaps the challenge for the present century is to ensure that this takes place.


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Below is a checklist for cause and effect essays. Use it to check your own writing, or get a peer (another student) to help you.

The essay is a essay
An appropriate is used, either or
Cause and effect are used accurately
The essay has clear
Each paragraph has a clear
The essay has strong support (facts, reasons, examples, etc.)
The conclusion includes a of the main points

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Author: Sheldon Smith    ‖    Last modified: 16 January 2022.

Sheldon Smith is the founder and editor of He has been teaching English for Academic Purposes since 2004. Find out more about him in the about section and connect with him on Twitter , Facebook and LinkedIn .

Compare & contrast essays examine the similarities of two or more objects, and the differences.

Cause & effect essays consider the reasons (or causes) for something, then discuss the results (or effects).

Discussion essays require you to examine both sides of a situation and to conclude by saying which side you favour.

Problem-solution essays are a sub-type of SPSE essays (Situation, Problem, Solution, Evaluation).

Transition signals are useful in achieving good cohesion and coherence in your writing.

Reporting verbs are used to link your in-text citations to the information cited.

Cause and Effect Essay Outline: Types, Examples and Writing Tips

20 June, 2020

9 minutes read

Author:  Tomas White

This is a complete guide on writing cause and effect essays. Find a link to our essay sample at the end. Let's get started!

Cause and Effect

What is a Cause and Effect Essay?

A cause and effect essay is the type of paper that the author is using to analyze the causes and effects of a particular action or event. A curriculum usually includes this type of exercise to test your ability to understand the logic of certain events or actions.

cause and effect essay

If you can see the logic behind cause and effect in the world around you, you will encounter fewer problems when writing. If not, writing this kind of paper will give you the chance to improve your skillset and your brain’s ability to reason.

“Shallow men believe in luck or in circumstance. Strong men believe in cause and effect.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

In this article, the  Handmade Writing team will find out how to create an outline for your cause and effect essay – the key to successful essay writing.

Types of the Cause and Effect Essay

Before writing this kind of essay, you need to draft the structure. A good structure will result in a good paper, so it’s important to have a plan before you start. But remember , there’s no need to reinvent the wheel: just about every type of structure has already been formulated by someone.

If you are still unsure about the definition of an essay, you can take a look at our guide:  What is an Essay?

Generally speaking, there are three types of cause and effect essays. We usually differentiate them by the number of and relationships between the different causes and the effects. Let’s take a quick look at these three different cases:

1. Many causes, one effect

Cause and effect graphic organizer

This kind of essay illustrates how different causes can lead to one effect. The idea here is to try and examine a variety of causes, preferably ones that come from different fields, and prove how they contributed to a particular effect. If you are writing about World War I, for example, mention the political, cultural, and historical factors that led to the great war.

By examining a range of fundamental causes, you will be able to demonstrate your knowledge about the topic.

Here is how to structure this type of essay:

  • Introduction
  • Cause #3 (and so on…)
  • The effect of the causes

2. One cause, many effects

Cause and effect chart

This type of cause and effect essay is constructed to show the various effects of a particular event, problem, or decision. Once again, you will have to demonstrate your comprehensive knowledge and analytical mastery of the field. There is no need to persuade the reader or present your argument . When writing this kind of essay, in-depth knowledge of the problem or event’s roots will be of great benefit. If you know why it happened, it will be much easier to write about its effects.

Here is the structure for this kind of essay:

  • Effect #3 (and so on…)

3. Chain of causes and effects

Cause and effect pictures

This is the most challenging type. You need to maintain a chain of logic that demonstrates a sequence of actions and consequences, leading to the end of the chain. Although this is usually the most interesting kind of cause and effect essay, it can also be the most difficult to write.

Here is the outline structure:

  • Effect #1 = Cause #2
  • Effect #2 = Cause #3
  • Effect #3 = Cause #4 (and so on…)

Cause and Effect Essay Outline Example

Let’s take a look at an example. Below, you will find an outline for the topic “The causes of obesity” (Type 1) :

Cause and effect examples

As you can see, we used a blended strategy here. When writing about the ever-increasing consumption of unhealthy food, it is logical to talk about the marketing strategies that encourage people to buy fast food. If you are discussing fitness trainers, it is important to mention that people need to be checked by a doctor more often, etc.

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How do I start writing once I have drafted the structure?

If you start by structuring each paragraph and collecting suitable examples, the writing process will be much simpler. The final essay might not come up as a classic five paragraph essay – it all depends on the cause-effect chain and the number of statements of your essay.

Five paragraph essay graphic organizer

In the Introduction, try to give the reader a general idea of what the cause and effect essay will contain. For an experienced reader, a thesis statement will be an indication that you know what you are writing about. It is also important to emphasize how and why this problem is relevant to modern life. If you ever need to write about the Caribbean crisis, for instance, state that the effects of the Cold War are still apparent in contemporary global politics. 

Related Post: How to write an Essay introduction | How to write a Thesis statement

In the Body, provide plenty of details about what causes led to the effects. Once again, if you have already assembled all the causes and effects with their relevant examples when writing your plan, you shouldn’t have any problems. But, there are some things to which you must pay particular attention. To begin with, try to make each paragraph the same length: it looks better visually. Then, try to avoid weak or unconvincing causes. This is a common mistake, and the reader will quickly realize that you are just trying to write enough characters to reach the required word count.

Moreover, you need to make sure that your causes are actually linked to their effects. This is particularly important when you write a “chained” cause and effect essay (type 3) . You need to be able to demonstrate that each cause was actually relevant to the final result. As I mentioned before, writing the Body without preparing a thorough and logical outline is often an omission.

The Conclusion must be a summary of the thesis statement that you proposed in the Introduction. An effective Conclusion means that you have a well-developed understanding of the subject. Notably, writing the Conclusion can be one of the most challenging parts of this kind of project. You typically write the Conclusion once you have finished the Body, but in practice, you will sometimes find that a well-written conclusion will reveal a few mistakes of logic in the body!

Cause and Effect Essay Sample

Be sure to check the sample essay, completed by our writers. Use it as an example to write your own cause and effect essay. Link: Cause and effect essay sample: Advertising ethic issues .

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Cause and Effect Essay: Step By Step Writing Guide 🤓| Studyfy

How to Write a Cause and Effect Essay

essay effect meaning

Writing essays is inevitable for all students. And while many of them consider this kind of academic assignment difficult and boring, others truly enjoy writing their essays on the widest array of topics. Do you want to know their secret? It’s simple: they just know how to write essays well! And those who don't also have a solution – they are ready to pay for essay best services to get completed paper without a hassle. Finding the essay writing service out there to fall back on is great but honing your own writing skills will never go amiss.

If you are reading this article, then you’re already on your way to start loving essay writing. By the time you finish reading it, you will have all the necessary instruments at hand to craft an impressive essay of one particular type – that is, a cause and effect essay (sometimes also called cause-effect or reason and result essay).

What Is a Cause and Effect Essay?

It is impossible to do something well without knowing what exactly it is that you have to do. So, let’s start with the basics – the cause and effect essay definition.

A cause and effect essay (also called cause-effect or reason and result essay) is a type of an analytical academic paper in which the relationship between causes and effects of a particular event or phenomenon is being analyzed. It usually answers the questions, “why?” (cause) and “what is the result?” (effect), and utilizes subjunctive mood extensively. If already at this moment you feel you're unlikely to be able to cope with writing an essay yourself – relax and get help from professional dissertation writing services .

How to Make a Correct Cause and Effect Essay Structure

Now that we know what a cause and effect essay is, we can start working on its structure. Having a clear structure is essential for the successful completion of your assignment. So, it’s highly important to devote enough time to this part of the task. If you think it's pretty challenging for you or you simply don't want to spend time on it, you can always look for coursework writing help , custom essay writing and get help from experts in the field.

There are two main ways to structure a cause and effect essay – using a block or a chain pattern. Your essay outline will differ depending on what option you choose.

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Cause and Effect Essay Outline

A cause and effect essay outline consists of a minimum of four sections – an introduction, at least two body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each section, in turn, consists of several parts, and their contents vary depending on what pattern – block or chain – you choose.

Let’s start with a block structure.  This is how it will look like:

  • Introduction;
  • Body paragraph I: cause;
  • Body paragraph II: effect;
  • Conclusion.

Depending on your topic and approach, you can focus more on the effects or the causes and have various numbers of both. For example, if you put the main focus on the effects, your outline may look like this:

  • Body paragraph I: effect #1;
  • Body paragraph II: effect #2;
  • Body paragraph III: cause;

If you choose the chain pattern, it will mean that in your body paragraphs, every cause will be immediately followed by its effect. The outline will then be as follows:

  • Body paragraph I: cause #1 -> effect #1;
  • Body paragraph II: cause #2 -> effect #2;   

In this case, too, the numbers of causes and effects may vary – it is their sequence that matters.

Now, let’s look closer at every section of the structure.


Every essay starts with an introduction. In this section, you must introduce your topic to the reader, give some background information, and explain how you’re going to approach the discussion.

This is what an introduction section of a cause and effect essay must include:

  • Background information;
  • Thesis statement.

If you’re wondering how to start a cause and effect essay, you can use some of the proven techniques like using a quote, a rhetorical question, or a statement that is surprising or paradoxical. Then, after giving some background information, move on to a thesis statement.

A thesis is the part of your essay in which the main point of discussion is stated. It should be clear and concise and allow no ambiguity.

Example: “The gender gap is still very far from being closed. Globally, gender parity stands at 68.6%, according to the Global Gender Gap Report (2020). In this essay, we’ll look closely at some of the causes and effects of this phenomenon”.

Body Paragraphs (Causes)

Depending on what type of structure you choose, your body paragraphs may be slightly different. But, in any case, they should contain the following elements:

  • thesis (main cause or effect);
  • arguments (evidence);
  • conclusion, and transition to the next section.

These may be arranged in a different way, but their presence is essential. Let’s again turn to our gender inequality topic and see how it works. In the causes section, we will list the various causes of the discussed phenomena:

  • Cause #1 – societal mindset;
  • Cause #2 – lack of sufficient childcare;
  • Cause #3 – lack of political representation.

Each of these causes should be supported by evidence to be persuasive to the reader. This is how it may be put in a paragraph:

“One of the main causes of such inequality is the societal mindset that still regards women as primarily being responsible for providing home comfort and childcare. Most men still expect their wives to stay at home and sacrifice their careers in order to take the majority of household responsibilities (support with evidence – statistical figures, etc.).

Treat the next causes in the same manner.

Body Paragraphs (Effects)

This paragraph is basically the same as the previous one, with the only difference that here, we will discuss the effects of the phenomenon. Let’s continue with our topic:

  • Effect #1 – higher levels of frustration;
  • Effect #2 – lower income;
  • Effect #3 – feelings of insecurity and vulnerability.

Keep in mind that the effects must be direct consequences of your causes – you can’t just pick random facts. You should also make that connection clear in your text.

Example: “Such prejudiced societal mindset regarding women and their role in the society results in higher levels of frustration among women. They feel that they have reached their glass ceiling just because of the fact that they have been born female – i.e., something they just couldn’t affect in any way (support with evidence)”.

Then, go on in the same manner in the next body-effects paragraphs.

After you’ve discussed all the causes and effects that you planned, continue with making a short conclusion. It must contain the following points:

  • Reiteration of your thesis;
  • Short summary of the essay’s key points;
  • Concluding afterthoughts.

This is what it will look like in our case:

“As we see, gender inequality is still a pressing issue in the modern world, and it’s far from being solved. This phenomenon has multiple causes, the most obvious of which are society’s prejudiced attitude, lack of childcare, and lack of political representation for women. The effects of these problems are plausible: women end up feeling frustrated, having lower income, and being generally vulnerable. In order to change the situation, we mustn’t avoid discussions of this issue and should try to find solutions to the problems that cause it”.

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Interesting Cause and Effect Essay Topics

If you’re looking for an interesting topic for cause and effect essay, this section is for you. Listed below are some good cause and effect essay topics on various popular themes – history, politics, society, and more. Use them as examples to brainstorm ideas of your own.

History and politics:

  • The economic consequences of the Civil War in the U.S.
  • The collapse of the Soviet Union and its effect on the world’s power balance.
  • World War II and its effect on the world economy.
  • Brexit: was it necessary and how it will affect the U.K.
  • Gender inequality as a major source of stress for modern women.
  • How having children changes the life of a family.
  • Social media as the major source of procrastination for students.
  • Why do people commit crimes?
  • How outstanding writing skills can help your future career.
  • Burnout at work as a major career threat.
  • Why it is important to go to college.
  • Starting a business as a student. How it can affect your studies and future career.  


  • Air pollution as one of the main threats to public health.
  • The effects of COVID-19 pandemic on the environment.
  • How melting glaciers in the Arctic affect climate change on our planet.
  • Multiple effects of global warming on the Earth’s population.
  • Why we all need to go green right now.

Cause and Effect Essay Examples

Now that you have all the tools necessary to create a good cause and effect essay of your own let’s look at an example to see how all the components work together. Let’s assume that our topic is “Procrastination among college students.” Here, we will use a block structure, and this is how our example cause and effect essay will look like.

Procrastination Among College Students.

Our first paragraph is an introduction. Here we introduce our topic with a hook statement, give some background information, and make a thesis statement. 

Procrastination is dangerous for college students. At the same time, it’s extremely common among them: various studies show that up to 95% of college students engage in it from time to time, and almost 50% do this systematically. The causes of this phenomenon are multi-faceted and profound, and it’s vital to discover them in every particular case to be able to fight procrastination effectively. But to start treating procrastination as a problem, students must be aware of its harmful consequences. There are many of them, but one of the most acute ones for college students is its negative effect on their academic performance.

Here, the topic suggests that we have to focus more on the effects than on the causes, so the first body paragraph will be about an effect mentioned in the title. First, we will name the effect and then bring arguments and evidence to support our claim.

Procrastination is putting off things one has to do till the last minute and spending one’s time on some other, less important occupations. When students procrastinate instead of doing their academic assignments, they usually end up not having enough time to complete their tasks properly by the deadline. As a result, they only do what they can in the amount of time left, and the quality of their work may suffer. For most students, it means receiving lower grades than they could have achieved had they spent their time more wisely. And this is not a mere assumption: a study conducted by Warwick Business School has proven that procrastination leads students to lower grades (2019). One may argue that it depends largely on how gifted a student is, but even the talented ones may get to the point when the assignment is so difficult that they cannot do it well quickly.

Our second body paragraph will be about another effect. We will write it using the same scheme as in the previous paragraph.

What’s worse, procrastination can also cause mental health problems among students (Source, year). When a person finds out that they only have several hours to complete an assignment that requires several days to be done well, they are most likely to succumb to anxiety. Science proves this, too: for example, a 2010 study titled “I’ll Go to Therapy, Eventually” found a clear connection between procrastination and poorer mental health. Then, worries about failing to do a task properly resulted in even more anxiety and stress, and if a student eventually gets a lower grade than expected, it may lead to a feeling of guilt, regret, and even to depression, especially if the situation is repeated often.

In the third body paragraph, we will talk about the causes. 

It may be tempting to just label students who keep putting off their assignments as sluggards, but there are more complex and profound reasons for procrastination than mere laziness. As A. Chris Heath, MD, a psychiatrist from Dallas, says, procrastination usually happens because the task seems too difficult. It can also be an issue of self-esteem, he adds, – when a person thinks he or she is not good enough to cope with a demanding task. There are many other causes for procrastination among students, like having trouble concentrating or not possessing enough organizational skills. But whatever the reasons are, the results procrastination leads to are always devastating.

Conclusion. Here, we reiterate our thesis, site the significance of the topic, and add some afterthoughts.

As we see now, procrastination is a huge problem for college students. Being considered a result of pure laziness by many, it is often overlooked as a common problem. But this approach can be very dangerous.
In reality, procrastination has deeper roots, and the effects it causes are quite harmful. If treated lightly, systematic procrastination eventually leads college students to lower grades, mental health problems, and poorer overall academic performance.
So, it’s essential for every college student not to ignore the problem and find the causes of procrastination in their particular case as early as possible to be able to avoid its dreadful consequences.

That’s it! Feel free to use this essay as a model to generate your unique cause and effect essay ideas. If you need another example, download cause and effect essay sample here.   

Wrapping Up

In this article, we’ve covered all the important issues on how to write a cause and effect essay. After reading it thoroughly, you should know what a cause and effect essay is, how to structure it well, and make an outline that will work. We’ve also explained how to work on every paragraph of your text and provided some good essay topics as well as examples of a cause and effect essay with commentary. 

Still puzzled about how to write your cause and effect essay properly? Get instant write a paper for me help from professional editors and writers.  With such detailed instruction, you cannot fail, if you are diligent enough to practice writing essays on your own using the information given. Don’t get downhearted if you won’t be able to write a flawless paper from the first try; remember: practice makes perfect. So, put effort into your essay writing, and this will pay you back in the future – not only with excellent marks but with better critical thinking and logical skills, too.

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Guide to Different Kinds of Essays


An essay is a paper that discusses, describes or analyzes one topic. It can discuss a subject directly or indirectly, seriously or humorously. It can describe personal opinions, or just report information. An essay can be written from any perspective, but essays are most commonly written in the first person ( I ), or third person (subjects that can be substituted with the he, she, it, or they pronouns).

There are many different kinds of essays. The following are a some of the most common ones:

Descriptive Cause/Effect Argumentative Definition Narrative Critical Compare/Contrast Process


Examples: A descriptive essay could describe . . .

The descriptive essay provides details about how something looks, feels, tastes, smells, makes one feel, or sounds. It can also describe what something is, or how something happened. These essays generally use a lot of sensory details. The essay could be a list-like description that provides point by point details. Or, it could function as a story, keeping the reader interested in the plot and theme of the event described.


Examples: A definition essay may try and define . . .

A definition essay attempts to define a specific term. It could try to pin down the meaning of a specific word, or define an abstract concept. The analysis goes deeper than a simple dictionary definition; it should attempt to explain why the term is defined as such. It could define the term directly, giving no information other than the explanation of the term. Or, it could imply the definition of the term, telling a story that requires the reader to infer the meaning.


Examples:A compare/contrast essay may discuss . . .

The compare/contrast essay discusses the similarities and differences between two things, people, concepts, places, etc. The essay could be an unbiased discussion, or an attempt to convince the reader of the benefits of one thing, person, or concept. It could also be written simply to entertain the reader, or to arrive at an insight into human nature. The essay could discuss both similarities and differences, or it could just focus on one or the other. A comparison essay usually discusses the similarities between two things, while the contrast essay discusses the differences.


Examples:A cause/effect essay may explain . . .

The cause/effect essay explains why or how some event happened, and what resulted from the event.

This essay is a study of the relationship between two or more events or experiences. The essay could discuss both causes and effects, or it could simply address one or the other. A cause essay usually discusses the reasons why something happened. An effect essay discusses what happens after a specific event or circumstance.

The example below shows a cause essay, one that would explain how and why an event happened.

If this cause essay were about a volcanic eruption, it might go something like this: “Pressure and heat built up beneath the earth’s surface; the effect of this was an enormous volcanic eruption.”

The next example shows an effect essay, one that would explain all the effects that happened after a specific event, like a volcanic eruption.

If this effect essay were about a volcanic eruption again, it might go something like this:

“The eruption caused many terrible things to happen; it destroyed homes, forests, and polluted the atmosphere.”

Examples:A narrative essay could tell of . . .

The narrative essay tells a story. It can also be called a “short story.” Generally, the narrative essay is conversational in style and tells of a personal experience. It is most commonly written in the first person (uses I ). This essay could tell of a single, life-shaping event, or simply a mundane daily experience.

Examples: A process essay may explain . . .

A process essay describes how something is done. It generally explains actions that should be performed in a series. It can explain in detail how to accomplish a specific task, or it can show how an individual came to a certain personal awareness. The essay could be in the form of step-by-step instructions, or in story form, with the instructions/explanations subtly given along the way.


Examples: An argumentative essay may persuade a reader that . . .

An argumentative essay is one that attempts to persuade the reader to the writer’s point of view. The writer can either be serious or funny, but always tries to convince the reader of the validity of his or her opinion. The essay may argue openly, or it may attempt to subtly persuade the reader by using irony or sarcasm.

Examples: A critical essay may analyze . . .

A critical essay analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, and methods of someone else’s work. Generally, these essays begin with a brief overview of the main points of the text, movie, or piece of art, followed by an analysis of the work’s meaning. It should then discuss how well the author/creator accomplishes his/her goals and makes his/her points. A critical essay can be written about another essay, story, book, poem, movie, or work of art.


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  • Literary Terms
  • Definition & Examples
  • When & How to Write an Essay

I. What is an Essay?

An essay is a form of writing in paragraph form that uses informal language, although it can be written formally. Essays may be written in first-person point of view (I, ours, mine), but third-person (people, he, she) is preferable in most academic essays. Essays do not require research as most academic reports and papers do; however, they should cite any literary works that are used within the paper.

When thinking of essays, we normally think of the five-paragraph essay: Paragraph 1 is the introduction, paragraphs 2-4 are the body covering three main ideas, and paragraph 5 is the conclusion. Sixth and seventh graders may start out with three paragraph essays in order to learn the concepts. However, essays may be longer than five paragraphs. Essays are easier and quicker to read than books, so are a preferred way to express ideas and concepts when bringing them to public attention.

II. Examples of Essays

Many of our most famous Americans have written essays. Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, and Thomas Jefferson wrote essays about being good citizens and concepts to build the new United States. In the pre-Civil War days of the 1800s, people such as:

  • Ralph Waldo Emerson (an author) wrote essays on self-improvement
  • Susan B. Anthony wrote on women’s right to vote
  • Frederick Douglass wrote on the issue of African Americans’ future in the U.S.

Through each era of American history, well-known figures in areas such as politics, literature, the arts, business, etc., voiced their opinions through short and long essays.

The ultimate persuasive essay that most students learn about and read in social studies is the “Declaration of Independence” by Thomas Jefferson in 1776. Other founding fathers edited and critiqued it, but he drafted the first version. He builds a strong argument by stating his premise (claim) then proceeds to give the evidence in a straightforward manner before coming to his logical conclusion.

III. Types of Essays

A. expository.

Essays written to explore and explain ideas are called expository essays (they expose truths). These will be more formal types of essays usually written in third person, to be more objective. There are many forms, each one having its own organizational pattern.  Cause/Effect essays explain the reason (cause) for something that happens after (effect). Definition essays define an idea or concept. Compare/ Contrast essays will look at two items and show how they are similar (compare) and different (contrast).

b. Persuasive

An argumentative paper presents an idea or concept with the intention of attempting to change a reader’s mind or actions . These may be written in second person, using “you” in order to speak to the reader. This is called a persuasive essay. There will be a premise (claim) followed by evidence to show why you should believe the claim.

c. Narrative

Narrative means story, so narrative essays will illustrate and describe an event of some kind to tell a story. Most times, they will be written in first person. The writer will use descriptive terms, and may have paragraphs that tell a beginning, middle, and end in place of the five paragraphs with introduction, body, and conclusion. However, if there is a lesson to be learned, a five-paragraph may be used to ensure the lesson is shown.

d. Descriptive

The goal of a descriptive essay is to vividly describe an event, item, place, memory, etc. This essay may be written in any point of view, depending on what’s being described. There is a lot of freedom of language in descriptive essays, which can include figurative language, as well.

IV. The Importance of Essays

Essays are an important piece of literature that can be used in a variety of situations. They’re a flexible type of writing, which makes them useful in many settings . History can be traced and understood through essays from theorists, leaders, artists of various arts, and regular citizens of countries throughout the world and time. For students, learning to write essays is also important because as they leave school and enter college and/or the work force, it is vital for them to be able to express themselves well.

V. Examples of Essays in Literature

Sir Francis Bacon was a leading philosopher who influenced the colonies in the 1600s. Many of America’s founding fathers also favored his philosophies toward government. Bacon wrote an essay titled “Of Nobility” in 1601 , in which he defines the concept of nobility in relation to people and government. The following is the introduction of his definition essay. Note the use of “we” for his point of view, which includes his readers while still sounding rather formal.

 “We will speak of nobility, first as a portion of an estate, then as a condition of particular persons. A monarchy, where there is no nobility at all, is ever a pure and absolute tyranny; as that of the Turks. For nobility attempers sovereignty, and draws the eyes of the people, somewhat aside from the line royal. But for democracies, they need it not; and they are commonly more quiet, and less subject to sedition, than where there are stirps of nobles. For men’s eyes are upon the business, and not upon the persons; or if upon the persons, it is for the business’ sake, as fittest, and not for flags and pedigree. We see the Switzers last well, notwithstanding their diversity of religion, and of cantons. For utility is their bond, and not respects. The united provinces of the Low Countries, in their government, excel; for where there is an equality, the consultations are more indifferent, and the payments and tributes, more cheerful. A great and potent nobility, addeth majesty to a monarch, but diminisheth power; and putteth life and spirit into the people, but presseth their fortune. It is well, when nobles are not too great for sovereignty nor for justice; and yet maintained in that height, as the insolency of inferiors may be broken upon them, before it come on too fast upon the majesty of kings. A numerous nobility causeth poverty, and inconvenience in a state; for it is a surcharge of expense; and besides, it being of necessity, that many of the nobility fall, in time, to be weak in fortune, it maketh a kind of disproportion, between honor and means.”

A popular modern day essayist is Barbara Kingsolver. Her book, “Small Wonders,” is full of essays describing her thoughts and experiences both at home and around the world. Her intention with her essays is to make her readers think about various social issues, mainly concerning the environment and how people treat each other. The link below is to an essay in which a child in an Iranian village she visited had disappeared. The boy was found three days later in a bear’s cave, alive and well, protected by a mother bear. She uses a narrative essay to tell her story.

VI. Examples of Essays in Pop Culture

Many rap songs are basically mini essays, expressing outrage and sorrow over social issues today, just as the 1960s had a lot of anti-war and peace songs that told stories and described social problems of that time. Any good song writer will pay attention to current events and express ideas in a creative way.

A well-known essay written in 1997 by Mary Schmich, a columnist with the Chicago Tribune, was made into a popular video on MTV by Baz Luhrmann. Schmich’s thesis is to wear sunscreen, but she adds strong advice with supporting details throughout the body of her essay, reverting to her thesis in the conclusion.

Baz Luhrmann - Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen

VII. Related Terms

Research paper.

Research papers follow the same basic format of an essay. They have an introductory paragraph, the body, and a conclusion. However, research papers have strict guidelines regarding a title page, header, sub-headers within the paper, citations throughout and in a bibliography page, the size and type of font, and margins. The purpose of a research paper is to explore an area by looking at previous research. Some research papers may include additional studies by the author, which would then be compared to previous research. The point of view is an objective third-person. No opinion is allowed. Any claims must be backed up with research.

VIII. Conclusion

Students dread hearing that they are going to write an essay, but essays are one of the easiest and most relaxed types of writing they will learn. Mastering the essay will make research papers much easier, since they have the same basic structure. Many historical events can be better understood through essays written by people involved in those times. The continuation of essays in today’s times will allow future historians to understand how our new world of technology and information impacted us.

List of Terms

  • Alliteration
  • Amplification
  • Anachronism
  • Anthropomorphism
  • Antonomasia
  • APA Citation
  • Aposiopesis
  • Autobiography
  • Bildungsroman
  • Characterization
  • Circumlocution
  • Cliffhanger
  • Comic Relief
  • Connotation
  • Deus ex machina
  • Deuteragonist
  • Doppelganger
  • Double Entendre
  • Dramatic irony
  • Equivocation
  • Extended Metaphor
  • Figures of Speech
  • Flash-forward
  • Foreshadowing
  • Intertextuality
  • Juxtaposition
  • Literary Device
  • Malapropism
  • Onomatopoeia
  • Parallelism
  • Pathetic Fallacy
  • Personification
  • Point of View
  • Polysyndeton
  • Protagonist
  • Red Herring
  • Rhetorical Device
  • Rhetorical Question
  • Science Fiction
  • Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
  • Synesthesia
  • Turning Point
  • Understatement
  • Urban Legend
  • Verisimilitude
  • Essay Guide
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essay effect meaning

Understanding Cause and Effect (Sentence Examples and Essay Sample)

cause and effect

What is cause and effect ? You’ve probably heard the saying, “There’s a reason for everything.” And it’s true! Everything happens for a reason. But what are some of the reasons? In this blog post, we’ll explore some cause and effect examples. We’ll also discuss how to identify the cause and effect in everyday situations.

Cause and effect example

What is cause and effect?

Understanding cause and effect is crucial in our daily lives , as well as in scientific and medical fields. When considering a problem or situation, it can be helpful to ask “what caused this?” and “what are the effects?”. 

This type of analysis allows you to determine what actions you may need to take in order to prevent or manage certain effects. 

Let’s use the example of smoking: the cause may be a person’s decision to smoke a cigarette, and some possible effects could be an increased risk for lung cancer or heart disease. 

By understanding the relationship between cause and effect, you can make informed choices in your lives and find solutions to problems.

Additionally, in  scientific experimentation , establishing a clear cause and effect relationship is crucial for determining the validity of results. In sum, thinking about cause and effect can aid us in making sense of our world and finding ways to improve it.

Cause and effectCause-and-effect  at least one action or event is a direct result of the others.

Cause and effect example

Examples of cause and effect

The cause is the root of the problem while the effect is what results from the issue.  Cause and effect  are often related: one event may be the result of another, or several events may contribute to a single result.

  • A cause: poor nutrition can lead to Effects: of both weight gain and fatigue.
  • An effect may have more than one cause: for example, a headache could be caused by stress, dehydration, or a sinus infection.
  • Cause: Watching too much television Effect: Directly causes eye strain or indirectly causes health problems if it leads to a sedentary lifestyle.

The causes of an event may be immediate or remote. For example, the immediate causes of a car accident may be speeding and wet roads, while the remote causes may be driver fatigue and mechanical problems with the vehicle.

The effects of an event may be  immediate or delayed . For example, eating too much sugar might immediately cause a sugar high, or the effects might not be noticeable until hours later when blood sugar levels crash.

Cause and effect can be difficult to determine because there may be multiple factors involved. For example, it can be hard to say whether poverty causes crime or if crime causes poverty.

Cause and effect example

Examples of cause and effect in sentences

  • Cause: If a man offends his neighbor by insulting him, the natural reaction is that the insulted neighbor becomes angry ( Effect ). When this happens, he tells his friends about what happened to garner sympathy. Often, his friends will also become upset, and they too will spread the news to their social circles (another cause and effect).
  • Cause: Drinking coffee Effect: Dehydration. 
  • Cause: A person starts smoking. Effects: Gets various health problems, including cancer and heart disease.

Middle school students

  • Smoking causes cancer.
  • Eating too much sugar causes diabetes.
  • Wearing sunscreen prevents skin cancer.
  • Exercising makes you healthier and looks better.
  • Driving without a seat belt can lead to serious injury or death in the event of an accident.
  • Studying helps you learn and remember information better.
  • Staying up late can make you tired and less alert the next day.
  • Swimming in the ocean can cause a rash or infection if you’re not careful.
  • Eating raw fish can cause food poisoning.
  • Reading in dim light can damage your eyesight.

High school students

  • Eating a balanced diet helps you stay healthy. 
  • Drinking too much alcohol can cause liver damage. 
  • Exercise is good for your body and mind. 
  • Too much stress can lead to physical and mental health problems. 
  • Sleeping for eight hours each night helps improve your mood and energy levels. 
  • Taking care of your belongings keeps them in good condition for longer periods of time. 
  • Being on time allows you to have a more productive day. 
  • Participating in class discussions increases your understanding of the material. 
  • Chewing gum while you’re studying helps you focus and remember the information better.

College students

  • Being overweight increases the risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes mellitus.
  • Earning a college degree can lead to increased earning potential throughout a lifetime.

Software engineers

  • The bug caused the system to crash.
  • A coding error in the software caused incorrect data to be displayed.
  • A misconfiguration in the system caused the problem.
  • Poorly written code can cause serious problems for a software system.
  • Incorrect input can cause an application to malfunction.
  • Misuse of a function can cause errors in the program output.
  • A programming error can cause a system to fail catastrophically.
  • A software bug can cause applications to fail unexpectedly. 
  • Bad data can cause a program to crash or produce incorrect results. 
  • Undocumented features can often lead to unforeseen problems.

Marketing professionals

  • Increased spending on advertising led to a significant increase in profits.
  • A decrease in the quality of the products led to a decrease in sales.
  • The company’s decision to focus on price over quality caused them to lose market share.
  • Focusing on new markets led to an increase in revenue.
  • Introducing new products led to an increase in profits.
  • Spending more time on research and development led to increased sales of new products.
  • Targeting a younger demographic led to an increase in profits.
  • A lack of focus on customer service led to a decrease in sales and market share. 
  • Increasing the amount of product promotion led to significant sales.

Cause and effect example

Cause and effect essay example

The causes and effects of homelessness.

Homelessness  is an issue that affects people all over the world. There are many different causes of homelessness, and as a result, there are also many different effects. In this essay, we will explore the causes and effects of homelessness in detail.

The most obvious cause of homelessness is unemployment. Personal relationships, mental health issues, and substance abuse can all contribute to an individual losing their housing. Additionally, even those who do have steady employment may struggle to afford rising rent costs or be unable to find stable, affordable housing in their area.

Ending homelessness

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to ending homelessness, and it’s important to consider all possible causes when developing plans and programs to support those experiencing homelessness. 

The high cost of housing is often compounded by other factors, such as low wages, unemployment, and mental illness. In many cases, people who become homeless have difficulty maintaining steady employment due to these factors. As a result, they cannot afford housing, leading to homelessness.

Inflection by mental illness

Mental illness is another cause of homelessness. A large portion of homeless people – estimates range from  20-25%  – suffer from severe mental illness, whereas only 6% of non-homeless individuals do. Some experts estimate that as many as one-third of all homeless people have some form of mental illness.

This can make it difficult for them to maintain employment or afford to house. Mental illness can also make it difficult for people to access services that help them escape the streets.

There are many different effects of homelessness. One of the most obvious effects is poor physical health. Homeless people often have difficulty accessing necessities like food and  shelter , which can lead to malnutrition and exposure to harsh weather . Homelessness also often leads to increased stress levels and mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.

In conclusion, homelessness is a complex problem with many causes and effects. Understanding all of these factors is essential to effectively address the issue.

Cause and effect example

Cause and effect exercises

If you train your parrot, he will speak.

What is the cause?

What is the effect?

She forgot to feed her dog, it died of starvation.

I didn’t drink enough water today, so I am feeling dehydrated.

Cause: Training the parrot.

Effect: Learning to speak.

Cause: Forgot to feed her dog.

Effect: Died of starvation.

Cause: Didn’t drink water.

Effect: Feeling  dehydrated .

The next time you want to understand why something happened, consider looking for the cause and effect. And, when you’re ready to improve your grades or earn a degree, remember that we’re here to help you succeed. But understanding cause and effect can provide clarity where there might be confusion.

It is the connection between the core cause the effect. There can be multiple causes in a situation. Although it doesn’t have an impact on the cause and effect relationship. For example, “eating poorly and not exercising.” This can be an example of multiple causes and can have multiple effects.

They are discourse between the relationship of cause and effect relationships. For example, an essay on “growing childhood obesity epidemic” and the root causes of this. Explaining complex relationships requires discourse between the cause and effect (the argument). This is typically found in essay format (cause and effect essays) rather than daily life.

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About the author

Dalia Y.: Dalia is an English Major and linguistics expert with an additional degree in Psychology. Dalia has featured articles on Forbes, Inc, Fast Company, Grammarly, and many more. She covers English, ESL, and all things grammar on GrammarBrain.

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  • Conjugation
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  • Comma Splice
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  • Coordinating Conjunction
  • Coordinate Adjective
  • Cumulative Adjective
  • Dative Case
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  • Direct Object
  • Dangling Modifier
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  • Demonstrative Adjective
  • Direct Characterization
  • Definite Article
  • Doublespeak
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  • Past Progressive Tense
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Impact vs. effect in academic writing: Which one should you use?

The noun impact has replaced the noun effect in many types of writing, especially in business and web writing. Forceful and charismatic, impact is the life of the party; effect is the shy noun in the corner. It’s no surprise impact has been driving effect out of the academic writing scene.

Those who care about the impact vs. effect difference may wonder, May I use impact as a synonym for effect in academic writing? Depending on context, you may. Having worked as a freelance editor and proofreader for many years, I’ve noticed that many economists and social scientists prefer to study impacts, not effects. But should you use impact when you mean effect in academic writing? Here’s some information to help you decide.

Why do writers use impact instead of effect?

Many writers use impact instead of effect all the time because of the increasing popularity of the noun impact relative to effect . However, sometimes effect is a perfectly good choice when an effect is only an effect. Why emphasize its importance by calling it an impact?

Impact vs. effect difference

The noun  impact  to mean  effect  has been used for a long time. But there’s a difference between the nouns  impact  and  effect . Knowing it helps you decide whether to jump on the bandwagon of writers who use the two interchangeably or use either one or the other in the right context.

  • The main meaning of the noun effect is “something that inevitably follows an antecedent (such as a cause or agent)”.
  • One of the meanings of the noun impact is “the force of impression of one thing on another: a significant or major effect”.

As you can see, there’s a distinction between impact and effect . An impact is an effect, but not all effects are impacts. If that distinction is important in your type of academic writing , then stick to the original meaning of the two nouns. If the distinction is not important, choose the word that makes your writing more impactful.

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Last revised on 21 September 2022

Cristina N.

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Informative Essay — Purpose, Structure, and Examples

What is informative writing.

Informative writing educates the reader about a certain topic. An informative essay may explain new information, describe a process, or clarify a concept. The provided information is objective, meaning the writing focuses on presentation of fact and should not contain personal opinion or bias.

Informative writing includes description, process, cause and effect, comparison, and problems and possible solutions:

Describes a person, place, thing, or event using descriptive language that appeals to readers’ senses

Explains the process to do something or how something was created

Discusses the relationship between two things, determining how one ( cause ) leads to the other ( effect ); the effect needs to be based on fact and not an assumption

Identifies the similarities and differences between two things; does not indicate that one is better than the other

Details a problem and presents various possible solutions ; the writer does not suggest one solution is more effective than the others

What is informative writing?

Purpose of informative writing

The purpose of an informative essay depends upon the writer’s motivation, but may be to share new information, describe a process, clarify a concept, explain why or how, or detail a topic’s intricacies.

Informative essays may introduce readers to new information .

Summarizing a scientific/technological study

Outlining the various aspects of a religion

Providing information on a historical period

Describe a process or give step-by-step details of a procedure.

How to write an informational essay

How to construct an argument

How to apply for a job

Clarify a concept and offer details about complex ideas.

Purpose of informative essays

Explain why or how something works the way that it does.

Describe how the stock market impacts the economy

Illustrate why there are high and low tides

Detail how the heart functions

Offer information on the smaller aspects or intricacies of a larger topic.

Identify the importance of the individual bones in the body

Outlining the Dust Bowl in the context of the Great Depression

Explaining how bees impact the environment

How to write an informative essay

Regardless of the type of information, the informative essay structure typically consists of an introduction, body, and conclusion.


Background information

Explanation of evidence

Restated thesis

Review of main ideas

Closing statement

Informative essay structure

Informative essay introduction

When composing the introductory paragraph(s) of an informative paper, include a hook, introduce the topic, provide background information, and develop a good thesis statement.

If the hook or introduction creates interest in the first paragraph, it will draw the readers’ attention and make them more receptive to the essay writer's ideas. Some of the most common techniques to accomplish this include the following:

Emphasize the topic’s importance by explaining the current interest in the topic or by indicating that the subject is influential.

Use pertinent statistics to give the paper an air of authority.

A surprising statement can be shocking; sometimes it is disgusting; sometimes it is joyful; sometimes it is surprising because of who said it.

An interesting incident or anecdote can act as a teaser to lure the reader into the remainder of the essay. Be sure that the device is appropriate for the informative essay topic and focus on what is to follow.

Informative essay hooks

Directly introduce the topic of the essay.

Provide the reader with the background information necessary to understand the topic. Don’t repeat this information in the body of the essay; it should help the reader understand what follows.

Identify the overall purpose of the essay with the thesis (purpose statement). Writers can also include their support directly in the thesis, which outlines the structure of the essay for the reader.

Informative essay body paragraphs

Each body paragraph should contain a topic sentence, evidence, explanation of evidence, and a transition sentence.

Informative essay body paragraphs

A good topic sentence should identify what information the reader should expect in the paragraph and how it connects to the main purpose identified in the thesis.

Provide evidence that details the main point of the paragraph. This includes paraphrasing, summarizing, and directly quoting facts, statistics, and statements.

Explain how the evidence connects to the main purpose of the essay.

Place transitions at the end of each body paragraph, except the last. There is no need to transition from the last support to the conclusion. A transition should accomplish three goals:

Tell the reader where you were (current support)

Tell the reader where you are going (next support)

Relate the paper’s purpose

Informative essay conclusion

Incorporate a rephrased thesis, summary, and closing statement into the conclusion of an informative essay.

Rephrase the purpose of the essay. Do not just repeat the purpose statement from the thesis.

Summarize the main idea found in each body paragraph by rephrasing each topic sentence.

End with a clincher or closing statement that helps readers answer the question “so what?” What should the reader take away from the information provided in the essay? Why should they care about the topic?

Informative essay example

The following example illustrates a good informative essay format:

Informative essay format

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How to Write an Expository Essay | Structure, Tips & Examples

Published on July 14, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

“Expository” means “intended to explain or describe something.” An expository essay provides a clear, focused explanation of a particular topic, process, or set of ideas. It doesn’t set out to prove a point, just to give a balanced view of its subject matter.

Expository essays are usually short assignments intended to test your composition skills or your understanding of a subject. They tend to involve less research and original arguments than argumentative essays .

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Table of contents

When should you write an expository essay, how to approach an expository essay, introducing your essay, writing the body paragraphs, concluding your essay, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about expository essays.

In school and university, you might have to write expository essays as in-class exercises, exam questions, or coursework assignments.

Sometimes it won’t be directly stated that the assignment is an expository essay, but there are certain keywords that imply expository writing is required. Consider the prompts below.

The word “explain” here is the clue: An essay responding to this prompt should provide an explanation of this historical process—not necessarily an original argument about it.

Sometimes you’ll be asked to define a particular term or concept. This means more than just copying down the dictionary definition; you’ll be expected to explore different ideas surrounding the term, as this prompt emphasizes.

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See an example

essay effect meaning

An expository essay should take an objective approach: It isn’t about your personal opinions or experiences. Instead, your goal is to provide an informative and balanced explanation of your topic. Avoid using the first or second person (“I” or “you”).

The structure of your expository essay will vary according to the scope of your assignment and the demands of your topic. It’s worthwhile to plan out your structure before you start, using an essay outline .

A common structure for a short expository essay consists of five paragraphs: An introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Like all essays, an expository essay begins with an introduction . This serves to hook the reader’s interest, briefly introduce your topic, and provide a thesis statement summarizing what you’re going to say about it.

Hover over different parts of the example below to see how a typical introduction works.

In many ways, the invention of the printing press marked the end of the Middle Ages. The medieval period in Europe is often remembered as a time of intellectual and political stagnation. Prior to the Renaissance, the average person had very limited access to books and was unlikely to be literate. The invention of the printing press in the 15th century allowed for much less restricted circulation of information in Europe, paving the way for the Reformation.

The body of your essay is where you cover your topic in depth. It often consists of three paragraphs, but may be more for a longer essay. This is where you present the details of the process, idea or topic you’re explaining.

It’s important to make sure each paragraph covers its own clearly defined topic, introduced with a topic sentence . Different topics (all related to the overall subject matter of the essay) should be presented in a logical order, with clear transitions between paragraphs.

Hover over different parts of the example paragraph below to see how a body paragraph is constructed.

The invention of the printing press in 1440 changed this situation dramatically. Johannes Gutenberg, who had worked as a goldsmith, used his knowledge of metals in the design of the press. He made his type from an alloy of lead, tin, and antimony, whose durability allowed for the reliable production of high-quality books. This new technology allowed texts to be reproduced and disseminated on a much larger scale than was previously possible. The Gutenberg Bible appeared in the 1450s, and a large number of printing presses sprang up across the continent in the following decades. Gutenberg’s invention rapidly transformed cultural production in Europe; among other things, it would lead to the Protestant Reformation.

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The conclusion of an expository essay serves to summarize the topic under discussion. It should not present any new information or evidence, but should instead focus on reinforcing the points made so far. Essentially, your conclusion is there to round off the essay in an engaging way.

Hover over different parts of the example below to see how a conclusion works.

The invention of the printing press was important not only in terms of its immediate cultural and economic effects, but also in terms of its major impact on politics and religion across Europe. In the century following the invention of the printing press, the relatively stationary intellectual atmosphere of the Middle Ages gave way to the social upheavals of the Reformation and the Renaissance. A single technological innovation had contributed to the total reshaping of the continent.

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An expository essay is a broad form that varies in length according to the scope of the assignment.

Expository essays are often assigned as a writing exercise or as part of an exam, in which case a five-paragraph essay of around 800 words may be appropriate.

You’ll usually be given guidelines regarding length; if you’re not sure, ask.

An expository essay is a common assignment in high-school and university composition classes. It might be assigned as coursework, in class, or as part of an exam.

Sometimes you might not be told explicitly to write an expository essay. Look out for prompts containing keywords like “explain” and “define.” An expository essay is usually the right response to these prompts.

An argumentative essay tends to be a longer essay involving independent research, and aims to make an original argument about a topic. Its thesis statement makes a contentious claim that must be supported in an objective, evidence-based way.

An expository essay also aims to be objective, but it doesn’t have to make an original argument. Rather, it aims to explain something (e.g., a process or idea) in a clear, concise way. Expository essays are often shorter assignments and rely less on research.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). How to Write an Expository Essay | Structure, Tips & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved August 19, 2024, from

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A Well-Meaning Therapist Put Me In Imminent Danger With This One Phrase

Latching onto the wrong info extended my dark night of the soul..

Written on Aug 20, 2024

Suicidal man, feeling left in the darkness after hearing this phrase from his therapist

Warning — this story contains discussions of severe suicidal ideation.

My partner Eddie begged me, begged me, to at least talk to a therapist. No thanks. I knew there was no point. I was done. Just done. I knew they couldn’t help. There was no talking through this.

It was COVID-19 days, November 2020 to be exact. Therapists had stopped seeing patients in person. Mental health resources were overwhelmed, backed up, and struggling.

 In-patient mental health facilities had closed their doors and weren’t sure how to proceed. Securing a therapy session involved jumping through online hoops and forms, something a depressed and anxious person who hates technology doesn’t have patience for and doesn’t have any interest in. 

In the lonely and isolated days of 2020, Eddie found himself suddenly stuck in a house with me, a pacing and anxious partner he didn’t recognize.

After a Thanksgiving night that found me on the National Suicide Hotline for the first time, then pacing all night, refusing to sleep — fun times, Happy Thanksgiving! — Eddie snagged a same-day appointment with my primary care doctor for some baseline anti-depression and anti-anxiety medications (something I didn’t want or believe in, but oh well). After some arm-twisting, he also snagged me my first appointment with a virtual therapist. I was skeptical but promised to try.

In our opening session, the therapist took down the vital details and then asked, “Are you on any medication for these issues?” Truth was I barely knew or cared what I’d been prescribed. 

This was all new to me and I’d never been big on medication for anything. I looked at the bottles - “I’ve been on 50 milligrams of the generic Zoloft for a week.” Then I looked at the other plastic pill bottle. “Then, for anxiety, I’ve been prescribed .5 milligrams of Lorazepam, the generic of Ativan, to be taken as needed.”

The well-meaning therapist said the words I wish she hadn’t: “Oh, that can be horribly addictive.”

RELATED: My Psychiatrist Shamed Me For Taking Medication

Boom — I latched onto that. And I stopped taking it.

Ah, proof! Another reason for me not to take this medication . In fact, “as needed” was extremely unclear to me, since this was my first rodeo with the not-fun combo of severe depression and anxiety from out of nowhere. I didn’t have a psychiatrist — I’d never had a psychiatrist — this was just prescribed as a band-aid by my primary care doctor.

The therapist had no way of knowing the severity of the situation. She didn’t know about the parking-garage top levels I’d climbed to, scoping out if I could be assured death with a jump… or if maybe I’d just cripple myself for life. She didn’t know of the late nights I’d spent searching the house for sharp implements, wondering, hmm, what’s the best method for a clean cut across the throat? What if I dropped this heavy brick onto my head?

It was that bad. These thoughts were only three weeks old but had overtaken my thinking with a driving, pulsating need to end it. They weren’t based on life circumstances , the loss of a job, a relationship, or a loved one.

It was just a takeover of my brain, personality, and self.

This situation absolutely required medication, probably a much higher dosage, and probably daily. Yes, addiction could very well be a side effect, but if this is a lifesaver medication that finally allows someone to think clearly for the first time in weeks, it might just need to be taken “as needed,” in this case, every day! Otherwise, death could be a side effect.

Before this, on the days Eddie had insisted I take the Lorazepam, I’d experienced a good 12 hours of normal thought — dare I say, I even had a personality and some hope. But then the next morning, the same feeling of dread greeted me as I witnessed the sky brightening for the morning. 

Somehow the logical brain wasn’t allowed to break through, to say, “Hmm, you felt amazing after that medication yesterday, maybe you should keep taking it.” When you wake up with a negative brain, it wants to stay.

The medication worked when taken . I still certainly didn’t want to take it, but looking back now, I can see that it worked. Some depression was still there, but I could at least sound like myself, could feel and think like myself, and even locate my normal personality.

RELATED: Instead of Helping, My Psychiatrist Made My Mental Health So Much Worse

I wasn’t suicidal during those magical 12 hours when I was taking the medication my therapist had warned me about.

So here, on one of my non-medication days, a therapist was telling an already anxious person that the medication was horribly addictive, so I stopped taking it, and I didn’t improve. Four or five sessions later I told the therapist I didn’t want to continue the expensive sessions.

I am no mental health professional, so take this with a grain of salt, but I’m here to tell you, that if you’re suffering from both anxiety and depression , a deadly combo — deal with the anxiety first.

The anxiety medications have the power to work within hours, while the antidepressants can sometimes take a full four to six weeks to finally kick in. And that’s after you find the correct dosage if you find the correct dosage if you find the correct medication to start with.

Because of her words, I removed the anti-anxiety meds from the equation completely, and since the antidepressants weren’t yet at the correct dosage and hadn’t been in my system for the required weeks yet, it felt as if nothing was ever improving, nothing ever felt better.

If I’d taken the anti-anxiety meds every other day, or even every day, as needed, I would’ve saved myself the following five months of unnecessary struggle, of near-miss suicidal considerations that took over my mind.

RELATED: The Relentless Fatigue of Depression

Five full months later, after weeks of prying eyes actively watching me take my antidepressant medication and swallow it every morning, the clouds finally started to clear. 

Sitting at my table, I mysteriously noticed one morning I was more interested in the world, it suddenly occurred to me — that I still have that bottle of Lorazepam that I stopped taking in December. Hmm, why haven’t I been taking that?

I took one dose — and proceeded to have my first fully-clear-headed, oh-my-personality-is-back day — the first in over five months. My beautiful Eddie wept tears of unexpected joy when I called him from hundreds of miles away to say, “Guess what? I think I’m getting better. I think I may be able to come home.”

The full six weeks had passed. The correct dosage of Zoloft had finally, finally kicked in. Though I was indeed still nervous about returning to the life I’d neglected — the life I’d never planned to return to — for the first time in seven months I could picture it, I was hopeful, and I was making small plans for the future.

This anti-medication fella couldn’t deny the power of these meds. The difference was pitch-black night and shiny-happy day, all in under 24 hours — which is freakin’ scary and mind-boggling and upsetting if you ponder it for too long. I guess the meds truly needed those six weeks at the correct dosage to fully snap in. They also needed a patient who was at least slightly compliant.

@dr.kojosarfo #stitch with @diana It’s 2024, there’s no shame in taking meds to get through this life ❤️ #keepgoing #depresion #yougotthis ♬ original sound - Dr. Kojo Sarfo

You’ll be surprised to know I don’t blame the therapist for what she said.

It was a first-time meeting, and most suicidal folks, unfortunately, very quickly learn not to mention how bad things are, lest there be steps taken — escalations and interventions that aren’t wanted. This was all new to me. 

We had a perfect storm of a patient who hated the medical industry and medications, a global pandemic that exacerbated everything and made it impossible to get answers from live humans, and a patient who was afraid of the stigma of consulting with psychiatrists. Also, a patient who was so far into suicidal ideation by week two that he didn’t want to advocate for himself, didn’t want to improve.

Sure, my family demanded it and I’d have my little phone consult with some on-the-phone psychiatrist who kept playing with the dosages during those final months, but somehow the Lorazepam never came up in conversation again, no one asked me if I was taking it, no one was renewing prescriptions for it. 

I’d succeeded in making them forget it too. The moment I heard, “Oh, that can be horribly addictive,” I shoved that out of my life, thus condemning myself to five extra months of anguish that were perhaps avoidable and unnecessary.

happy man in therapy

Today, as I live a wonderful, newly-found life of fulfillment, I tremble a little when I realize how close I came to not making it back, how close I came to ending it all. 

Deal with the anxiety first, folks. The right medication can at least take the unrealistic anxieties away so you can have the gift of a slightly more rational mind with which to confront the depression . I don’t blame her, but oh how I wish she’d just kept that one little thought and phrase to herself.

If you or somebody that you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, there is a way to get help. Call SAMHSA’s National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or text "HELLO" to 741741 to be connected with the Crisis Text Line.

RELATED: 17 Real-Life Techniques For Dealing With Anxiety Right Now (That Actually Help!)

Joe Guay of Dispatches From the Guay Life is a recovering people-pleaser now writing on Medium and other publications. A full-time voiceover actor aiming to also be the poor man’s David Sedaris, he writes on mental health, travel, showbiz, gay life, and surviving life through humor.

This article was originally published at Medium . Reprinted with permission from the author.

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A Rare ‘Super Blue Moon’ Will Be Visible Monday Night: What Does That Mean?

Tonight’s full moon will be bigger and brighter than usual, and it’s the third of four full moons this summer

Carlyn Kranking

Assistant Editor, Science and Innovation

full moon glowing above rocky highlands in the foreground

A supermoon is uncommon, and a blue moon is even rarer. But with the full moon tonight, both these events are happening at the same time. In a phenomenon known as a “super blue moon,” Earth’s natural satellite will appear both bigger and brighter than usual—and it will highlight some quirks of our calendar.

While the exact time of the full moon is 2:26 p.m. Eastern time on August 19, it will appear to be full through early Wednesday morning, writes Gordon Johnston for NASA . So if you miss it Monday night, you’ll have another chance to take it in.

As long as skies are clear, finding and gazing upon the beauty of a super blue moon is easy. But understanding the science—and semantics—behind the event is a little more complex. For instance, last August also saw a super blue moon , but that time, the same term described a slightly different occurrence.

Here’s a guide to exactly what’s happening in the sky tonight.

What is a supermoon?

The moon’s orbit around the Earth is not a perfect circle, meaning it’s sometimes a bit nearer to our planet and other times slightly farther away. On average , our natural satellite is 238,855 miles from Earth. But at its farthest point, known as its apogee, the moon is 252,088 miles distant. Its closest point, or perigee, puts it at 225,623 miles away.

In other words, the difference between the moon’s closest and farthest points is bigger than three entire Earth diameters. This can make the moon appear larger or smaller than usual from our perspective. When these points fall on a full moon, the phenomenon is called either a supermoon, which appears larger and brighter than the average full moon, or a micromoon , which appears smaller and dimmer. Often, however, these differences are imperceptible.

“I personally can’t tell the difference between a supermoon and a regular moon,” Fred Espenak , a scientist emeritus for NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, tells NPR ’s Morning Edition . “And I’ve been looking at the moon all my life.”

But a side-by-side comparison makes it easier to see. Compared to a regular full moon, a supermoon like Monday’s appears 7 percent larger—and it appears 14 percent larger than a micromoon at apogee.

side-by-side comparison shows the supermoon as about 7 percent larger than the average full moon

Generally, a full moon within 90 percent of perigee is considered a supermoon, reports CNN ’s Riane Lumer. August’s supermoon is the first of four consecutive supermoons —and the upcoming ones in September and October are “virtually tied” for the closest full moons of the year, per NASA.

What is a blue moon?

Due to some confusion decades ago, the term “blue moon” has come to refer to two different events. In one usage of the phrase, a blue moon refers to the second full moon in a calendar month. These uncommon moons occur because the length of our months doesn’t exactly align with the roughly 29.5-day lunar cycle. The most recent “monthly blue moon” was last year in August. The next one will happen in late May 2026.

But the older and more traditional definition of blue moon refers to the third out of four full moons in a season. Typically, a single season would have only three full moons—but summer 2024 has four of them. Astronomically, the equinoxes and solstices mark the transitions between seasons, rather than the starts and ends of our calendar months—so the full moon that will occur on September 17 this year will still count as a summer moon, making today’s full moon the third of the season. The next “seasonal blue moon” will be in May 2027.

a full moon appears orange in the sky above a river

Seasonal blue moons are slightly rarer than monthly blue moons: Between the years 1550 and 2650, there are 408 seasonal blue moons and 456 monthly blue moons, per Time and Date . This means that either type of blue moon happens once about every two to three years .

Why are there two definitions for a blue moon? It all comes down to a mistake made in the 1940s , when an amateur astronomer used the term incorrectly in an article he wrote for Sky & Telescope . Rather than adhering to the seasonal definition of a blue moon, the article explained that a blue moon is the second full moon in a month. From then on, that interpretation stuck, and it has been repeated in various contexts ever since.

While a blue moon will not appear to be a different color than usual, the moon has sometimes appeared blue in history. After massive volcanic eruptions, such as the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa in Indonesia, the ejected  ash acted as a filter with the sunlight , scattering red wavelengths away and leaving only blue light to illuminate the moon. 

How rare is a super blue moon?

Given that a blue moon can mean two different things, it’s “tricky to answer” exactly how rare a super blue moon is, as Edward Bloomer , senior astronomy manager at the Royal Observatory Greenwich in the United Kingdom, tells USA Today ’s Doyle Rice.

In general, the time between super blue moons is about ten years, according to NASA . But sometimes, it can be as long as 20 years between two of these uncommon events.

The next supermoon that coincides with a “monthly blue moon” won’t occur until January 31, 2037, per ’s Daisy Dobrijevic. And the next supermoon that coincides with a “seasonal blue moon,” like the one today, will be on August 20, 2032.

What else to see in the sky

While you’re looking up, you might also catch a glimpse of several planets. Jupiter and Mars, which aligned in conjunction last week , will still appear close to each other and are best seen before dawn . Saturn should be visible for most of the night, and from Tuesday night into Wednesday morning, the planet will shine near the moon in the sky, per NASA.

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Carlyn Kranking is the assistant web editor for science and innovation.

As new real estate agent rule goes into effect, will buyers and sellers see impact?

essay effect meaning

New rules for the residential real estate market mean that starting Saturday, anyone in the market to buy or sell a home will encounter unfamiliar processes, and possibly a bit of confusion.  

The “practice changes” stem from a 2023 legal decision over the way real estate agents were compensated.   

Traditionally, when a home was sold, a commission of roughly 5% to 6% was paid by the seller and divided between the agents for the buyer and the seller. That structure helped keep commissions higher than they would otherwise be, the lawsuit alleged. It also meant a seller had to pay the agent representing the other side of the deal, a practice many observers thought was inappropriate.  

“So much of the industry doesn’t make sense from a common sense point of view,” said Stephen Brobeck, a senior fellow with the Consumer Federation of America, who’s been advocating for realtor commission changes for decades. “The key argument was it’s just not fair for sellers to pay both the listing agent and the buyer’s agent.” 

Now, a seller will need to decide whether, and how much, to pay a buyer’s broker. Whatever the decision, that information can no longer be included in what’s known as the “multiple listing service” or MLS, the official real estate data service used by local realtor associations.  

Whatever the seller decides about compensation may, however, be communicated personally by phone or text, or advertised by social media, a sign on the lawn, or other informal means.  

Buyers, meanwhile, will be required to sign an agreement with their own broker before starting to view homes. The buyer and the agent must agree, and put in writing, how much the agent can expect to receive from the buyer. 

There's some latitude on what exactly that means. A recent explanation of the rules from the National Association of Realtors says it must be "objective (e.g., $0, X flat fee, X percent, X hourly rate) – and not open-ended (e.g., cannot be 'buyer broker compensation shall be whatever the amount the seller is offering to the buyer')."

“Any time we have the opportunity to have a conversation with the consumer about the value that we bring to the transaction, the services that we’ll be able to give to them in what is likely one of the largest financial transactions of their lives, and that we expect to get paid for it which is entirely negotiable, that’s a good thing,” said National Association of Realtors President Kevin Sears.

The group is a powerful Washington lobby with more than 1.5 million member agents – about 85% of the real estate agents in the country.  

“The more the consumer is educated and empowered, the more conversations we have with consumers, the better off everyone will be,” Sears said.

Many elements of the new practices are familiar to many real estate agents, buyers, and sellers. Many states have long required buyers to sign a broker agreement before starting the process. The rise of alternative brokerage models, such as Redfin, means many homeowners are aware they have options beyond the typical method of paying 3% to a listing agent and 3% to a buyer’s agent.  

But questions about what the changes will mean in practice are stymying agents across the country. What happens if a buyer has the money to compensate her broker up to a certain amount, but falls in love with a home that would cost more than the commission would work out to? On the flip side, what happens if it turns out that the seller of a particular home is also willing to compensate a buyer’s broker?  

Many real estate agents say a process that was meant to bring transparency is just creating more confusion.

“Now a buyer’s agent has to reach out to every listing they’re going to show to figure out what the commission is,” said Aaron Farmer, owner of Texas Discount Realty in Austin.  

In Austin, where a booming pandemic market turned sharply , leading to unsold inventory piling up, Farmer thinks it’s only natural that sellers will want to compensate buyer’s brokers, as a deal sweetener. That may not be the case everywhere, however, and Farmer also worries egos may get in the way of smart business decisions in some transactions.  

Andi DeFelice, owner of Savannah, Georgia-based Exclusive Buyer’s Realty, thinks first-time buyers stand to lose the most from the rule changes. Many who are already strapped for cash may have trouble also coming up with the money for the commission, forcing them to negotiate on their own, she thinks.  

"Don’t force our clients into a situation where they have no representation in the biggest transaction in their lives,” DeFelice said. “If you’ve never done it before, it’s not easy. There are so many steps to buying a house. Do you know a good termite inspector, a good insurance agent, a good lender? There are so many aspects to the transaction.” 

DeFelice says she’s confident the industry will move past what she calls the “hiccup” of the Saturday deadline and adapt relatively quickly, but others expect bigger changes ahead. 

“For consumers, things are not going to change much in the immediate future,” Brobeck told USA TODAY. "But it’s like a dam that’s springing a leak. I’m fairly confident that within five years the industry will look quite different.” 

Farmer, of Texas Discount Realty, agreed.

"I'm already seeing a lot of people saying, 'I’m going to get out of the industry, I don’t want to deal with the changes,'" he said. "The way I’ve always looked at it is if there’s fewer agents, it helps the industry. You could drop commission rates that way and do more volume."

Andrea Riquier covers the housing market.


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‘Shoot Me Up With a Big One’: The Pain of Matthew Perry’s Last Days

Court papers show that Mr. Perry, the “Friends” star who had long struggled with addiction, was increasingly taking ketamine, a powerful anesthetic, in the days before he died.

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Matthew Perry, with a mustache and goatee, stands outdoors in front of some trees in a black leather jacket and a gray shirt.

By Julia Jacobs and Matt Stevens

On the day Matthew Perry died , his live-in personal assistant gave him his first ketamine shot of the morning at around 8:30 a.m. About four hours later, while Mr. Perry watched a movie at his home in Los Angeles, the assistant gave him another injection.

It was only about 40 minutes later that Mr. Perry wanted another shot, the assistant, Kenneth Iwamasa, recalled in a plea agreement that he signed.

“Shoot me up with a big one,” Mr. Perry told Mr. Iwamasa, according to the agreement, and asked him to prepare his hot tub.

So Mr. Iwamasa filled a syringe with ketamine, gave his boss a third shot and left the house to run some errands, according to court papers. When he returned, he found Mr. Perry face down in the water, dead.

Mr. Iwamasa was one of five people who the authorities in California said this week had been charged with a conspiracy to distribute ketamine , a powerful anesthetic, to Mr. Perry. The defendants also included two doctors, a woman accused of being a dealer and an acquaintance who pleaded guilty to acting as a middleman.

Mr. Perry, a beloved figure who rose to fame playing Chandler Bing on the sitcom “Friends,” had long struggled with addiction. Court papers filed in the case shed light on the desperate weeks leading up to Mr. Perry’s death on Oct. 28 at the age of 54.

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