Find a supervisor and funding to start a PhD

Before you can apply for admission to the doctoral programme and get academic admission, you will first need to find a corresponding supervisor and funding for your PhD research.

Find a corresponding supervisor

If you did not find a vacant PhD position of your interest or you want to do your own research, you can directly contact a Faculty professor to discuss opportunities for PhD research in their research lab.

You should approach a potential supervisor who has expertise in your research topic of interest. You can check the different research domains and units on the PPW Faculty website to find out who would be suited to supervise your kind of research. Of course it cannot be guaranteed that the academic in question will be willing or available to support doctoral research on the proposed topic, as a corresponding or 'main' supervisor.

In addition to the corresponding supervisor, there may be up to three (co-)supervisors.

If the corresponding supervisor is not a member of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences (subject to approval, see PPW Faculty doctoral regulations ), there should be at least one (co-)supervisor who is a senior academic staff member at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences.

Research Funding

When you have found a professor affiliated with the Faculty who is willing to support your proposed research, you must then seek research funding, possibly assisted by the candidate supervisor.

There are many national and international organizations who offer research scholarships to PhD candidates. Each organisation has its own conditions and application procedures. More information is available on the website of the Overarching doctoral school of Humanities and Social Sciences ,  ' Gedocumenteerd' , this research website   and this website .

Regardless of the funding source, you should always submit a separate application for admission to the Faculty doctoral programme . Being funded does not imply that admission will automatically be granted.

FWO fellowship

Together with the supervisor, the candidate can submit a research proposal to apply for a FWO fellowship.

Legally and administratively, PhD researchers funded by FWO (while conducting their research at KU Leuven) are considered as FWO staff.

In addition, they are also given ‘special researcher’ status (associated academic staff = BAP) at KU Leuven. This implies that they may be asked to carry out certain duties in addition to their doctoral research (e.g. educational activities, exam invigilation, ...).

More information

  • PPW support for our FWO candidates (e.g., mock interviews)

Baekeland mandate

Baekeland mandates support basic research that – if successful – has clear economic objectives and offers added value to the company involved in the project.

The PhD researcher can be an employee of the company involved or can be an employee of  the KU Leuven (= as associated academic staff = BAP). 

This funding programme is open to all candidates who are admitted to the PhD programme.

'Self-funded' research

  • Candidates can apply for a national or international scholarship.
  • Candidates can support their research by private funding.
  • International candidates can apply for research funding in their own country.

All these candidates are considered 'self-supporting' or 'self-funded' PhD researchers and are only given doctoral student status after admission to the doctoral programme.

Under certain conditions, they can also request to be given voluntary staff status. This is a non-salaried position entitling them to more facilities.

Special doctorates

Doctorate by portfolio.

  • Under specific conditions, candidates can be awarded a doctoral degree on the basis of a research portfolio. A “doctorate by portfolio” consists of a heterogeneous collection of separate articles related to more than one research project.
  • The doctoral application should clearly state that the candidate will be undertaking a doctorate by portfolio and it should justify this choice.
  • More information can be found in the Faculty doctoral regulations.

Completed thesis

  • Exceptionally, an external researcher may contact a corresponding supervisor and present a completed research study (rather than a research plan) which meets the requirements for a doctoral degree according to the candidate and his/her supervisor.
  • In this case, the candidate should first submit a doctoral application. This application should refer to the doctoral training programme: it should include a list of equivalent activities to be undertaken or an application for exemption, (a near-final version of) the manuscript that the candidate wishes to submit as a completed doctorate, a cover letter by the corresponding supervisor confirming that he/she has thoroughly examined the research being presented, and an application for the appointment of an admissibility committee (including a proposal for the composition of this committee).

PPW Faculty doctoral regulations     Application procedure

Information for PhD applicants

Deadlines & calls.

  • Global Minds PhD scholarships : application deadline is 22 February 2024
  • 22 February 2024: application deadline for PhD scholarships for Researchers from the South
  • FWO PhD scholarships: application deadline is 1 March 2024. Infosession by the KU Leuven Research Co-ordination Office on 25 January 2024
  • Baekeland mandates: PhD in collaboration with industry: internal deadline 6 March 2024

Towards a PhD

Find out everything you need to know if you are considering a PhD. Infosession for master students of KU Leuven in Science, Engineering and Technology.

rewatch the session           consult the presentations

Apply online to a vacant PhD position

The easiest way to start a PhD application is to find a vacant PhD position in Science, Engineering & Technology  and apply online.

In principle, the PhD positions on the KU Leuven jobsite already have financing available (via the corresponding supervisor). Please read through the details of the position very carefully and make sure you meet all eligibility criteria ! 

Each position has a link at the bottom to apply online . You will be asked to fill in an online application ("esollicitatie"). All complete applications will be automatically submitted to the corresponding supervisor of the project for assessment . Possibly the corresponding supervisor will contact you to request additional information.

If the corresponding supervisor selects you for the position, the HR contact person in your department will initiate your personal file. You will receive emails with further instructions and we will keep you informed about further steps.

OR contact a corresponding supervisor directly

If you did not find a vacant PhD position of your interest, you may directly contact a KU Leuven professor to discuss opportunities for PhD research in his/her research lab. Good starting points are:

  • Research at Science, Engineering & Technology
  • KU Leuven research portal
  • Key research areas at KU Leuven

If you have found a supervisor, the HR contact person in your department will initiate your personal file. You will receive emails with further instructions and we will keep you informed about further steps.

OR apply in the framework of a specific call

  • PhD positions in collaboration with the Nanotechnology research center  imec  (application deadlines are 15 April and 15 December)
  • Where can I find financing?
  • What are the registration fees ?
  • What are the language requirements ?
  • What is a predoc ?
  • Is it possible to do a joint PhD ?

We do our best to put all necessary information on our website and keep it up-to-date.

Can't find what you're looking for?

Just ask us!

Financing calls and deadlines

  • PhD positions in collaboration with  the Belgian Nuclear Research Center
  • Programme of the China Scholarship Council  (general call)
  • PhD positions in collaboration with the Nanotechnology research center imec  
  • FWO PhD scholarships: application deadline is 1 March 2024

We bring out the genius in you!

You want to do a PhD in a stimulating and inspiring research environment, and simultaneously acquire the professional skills you will need to further develop your career.

  • Discover why PhD graduates chose KU Leuven and why they would recommend it to others!
  • KU Leuven is one of Europe's highest-ranked and most renowned universities. It boasts a long tradition of pioneering research and high-quality education. Discover our strengths !
  • Watch this video about doing a PhD at KU Leuven
  • Watch this video to learn more about research in Science, Engineering & Technology
  • Watch this video about KU Leuven

KU Leuven welcomes you

Once you have arrived in Leuven and are registered as a (pre)doctoral student, you will be invited to introduction sessions, welcome sessions, buddy programme and more!

  • Preparation to travel to KU Leuven
  • Information for incoming international research staff at KU Leuven
  • Living, studying and working in Leuven
  • Orientation Days
  • ADS Welcome session
  • PhD Welcome Day
  • International Meeting Centre Pangaea
  • PhD Society
  • International School of Leuven
  • KU Leuven welcomes refugees

Doctoral Studies

Doctoral studies at the institute of philosophy.

Are you interested in scientific research, then you can start a doctorate after your studies. A doctorate offers you the opportunity to focus intensively on one specific scientific problem for a number of years and thereby fully develop your talents and skills.

With some 35 professors and 120 doctoral students, the Institute of Philosophy is among the largest research groups in philosophy on the continent. 

Doctoral programme

  • Admission to the doctoral programme
  • Registration as a doctoral student
  • Doctoral programme requirements
  • Progress reports
  • Current PhD students

Supervision of doctoral studies

  • Charter for the PhD researcher and the supervisor
  • Supervisory committee
  • Annual doctoral interview
  • Ombudsperson
  • Person of trust
  • Joint doctorate  (Cotutela)
  • Doctoral Programme: Stein De Cuyper
  • Chair of the Doctoral Committee: Helder De Schutter
  • Secretary of the Doctoral Committee: Stein De Cuyper
  • Doctoral Officer: Grant Ramsey
  • Ombudsperson: Stefaan Cuypers

Doctoral defense & career

  • Doctoral defense
  • Current defenses  
  • Doctoral officer
  • Placement records

Where to find funding?

  • Doctoral scholarships and fellowships
  • Organizing conferences, workshops and seminars
  • Extensive overview of research funding: GeDOCumenteerd
  • Research allowance offered by the doctoral program

Useful links for PhD students

  • Thesis title page template (Word, 55 kB)
  • 'My PhD' (manual)
  • Minimal HR registration of PhD 
  • Research Integrity Course for starting PhD's
  • Competence profile for doctorandi
  • Doctoral seminars
  • Institute of Philosophy - PhD regulation

More information

  • Doctoral School Humane Wetenschappen
  • Doctoral studies at KU Leuven
  • Doctoral studies in Flanders

Leuven International Doctoral School for the Humanities and Social Sciences

More information.

Applicant    PhD researcher   Postdoc   Supervisor

More events...

  • PhD Defences - calendar
  • Training calendar: see MyKuleuven

More calls...


  • Doctoral Ombudsperson  ​​​​​​
  • Graduate Spirit : Erasmus+ consortium to improve PhD training
  • KICK : Learn how to think and act as an entrepreneur with KU Leuven KICK 
  • KU Leuven Alumni network  
  • Living in Leuven  ​​​​​
  • Open Science

More news...

For more updates: follow us on X !

Regulations and Applications​​​​​​

  • Charter for PhD researcher and supervisor
  • Doctoral Regulations
  • Ethics Committees
  • Interdisciplinary PhD
  • Joint Doctorate  -  application form  (intranet)
  • Mental well-being as PhD researcher
  • Well-being for young researchers
  • Podcast channel 'Mental Health matters'  
  • Experts Talks on well-being at work
  • Stress & well-being @ work for early career researchers  (Presentations 2019 lecture)
  • Overview of Initiatives
  • Career Center
  • Career Guidance & Online Career Tool

Financial Support

Since 2011-2012, the Flemish Government has allocated funding to Flemish universities to support Young Researchers, known as OJO (Omkadering van Jonge Onderzoekers). This budget is intended for various purposes including the training of young researchers, career guidance, improving career prospects, fostering international opportunities, and promoting interuniversity collaboration within Flanders.

OJO/YouReCa funding possibilities

More information on YouReCa .


  • Request form for ' Interuniversity, Interdisciplinary initiatives '( NL ​​​​- ENG )
  • Request form for ' Meet the Jury ' ( NL - ENG )

phd funding ku leuven

  • Research Funding — Research (
  • Research Integrity: for starting PhD researchers
  • Brochure: Skills Training for Researchers 2023-2024
  • English Pronunciation and Intonation Skills
  • 21st Century Training in Transdisciplinary Skills
  • Flames: Statistical & Methodological seminars & courses
  • ILT (Leuven Language Centre): training offer for PhD  
  • LStat: Statistical Short courses: programme 
  • Research Data Management
  • Spin-off Learning Platform
  • Start to Teach (KU Leuven Learning Lab)
  • Workshops 'DingNet' (Internet of Things)
  • Verkorte Educatieve Master - informatie (Dutch only)

Training offer: KU Loket  

Training offer: My KULeuven

No Show Policy

Doctoral School for the Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Director:  Prof. dr. Ortwin de Graef
  • Administrative Coordinator: Jef Schrooten
  • Administrative Assistant: Lore Delahaye

The office of the DSHSS is located in the building called ' Europahuis '

Blijde Inkomstraat 5, box 3000, 3000 Leuven. 

More info about the Doctoral School

​​phd programmes at the faculties of the humanities and social sciences .

  • Faculty of Arts
  • Faculty of Economics and Business
  • Faculty of Law and Criminology
  • Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
  • Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies
  • Institute of Philosophy
  • Associated Faculty of the Arts
  • Faculty of Canon Law

Grants for Study & Internship Abroad and Funded Degree Programmes

  • Looking for a grant  to help you fund a (long/short)  study abroad?
  • Looking for a grant to help you fund an internship abroad?
  • Looking for a programme which can help you earn a degree abroad?

Check the powerpoint presentation of 23 October 2023, by FEB's International Office here  Mobility Grants during and after your studies .

Grants for study

Erasmus and Erasmus Belgica  

  • Study in a partner institution of the faculty. 
  • For Bachelor or Master students (check the online exchange tool for your destination).
  • Selected students by FEB for destinations within the European Economic Area will automatically be registered by the Mobility Office for an Erasmus or Erasmus Belgica grant. 

Mobility Grants (credit mobility to partner institutions outside Europe)  

  • Study in a partner institution of the faculty.
  • For Bachelor or Master students.
  • Selected by FEB for an exchange abroad outside EER.
  • Students known by the university's Social Service may be prioritised and may receive higher grant.
  • Duration: 1- 6 months. A stay of longer than 4 months is allowed, however without a scholarship. The mobility period will start after 1 July 2024.
  • Grant: a semester grant amounts from € 1000 to € 5100, depending on destination and financial needs and the type of grant you are selected for. 
  • Documents you need are: a motivation letter, a transcript of records, a  temporary learning agreement and a document referring to the student's recognition by the Social Service, if applicable.
  • Application via a grant online application tool. If you are selected to a destination outside Europe you will be invited by FEB to register
  • Candidates will be nominated by their faculty. The KU Leuven Central Selection Committee will confirm the final selection. About 150 students of the KU Leuven receive a Mobility Grant. 
  • Be aware, you can receive these grants only once.
  • Application from 01/02/2024 and deadline: 01/03/2024.
  • Result: early May.
  • Online information session by the central KU Leuven International Office (not FEB) 13 February 2024 : Enroll via tbd.
  • More info .

Short mobility grant for online and on-campus summer and winter school

  • Selection criteria (Motivation, study programme link and recognition of credits).
  • In case of on-site participation, the grant is a lump sum of 500 euro, regardless of the destination or the duration of the mobility.
  • In case of virtual participation, the maximum amount is 500 euro and is based on the actual cost of the participation fee for the summer or the winter school.
  • Students in a vulnerable financial situation may be eligible for funding of maximum 1000 euro for on-site participation.
  • Mobility between 01/01/2024 and 31/12/2024.
  • Selection on KU Leuven level .
  • How to apply: through the online application tool  from 01 March ( Do not apply before! ) until 01 May (Motivation letter, CV, Official Transcripts of records, proof of registration for the Winter/summer school and proof that you will obtain credits).
  • Deadline: first call 1 May 2024 23.59.
  • Result: June 2024.
  • More info at the central KU Leuven office .
  • More info at the FEB webpage of summer and winter schools .

Individual grants for group travels (Grants for students facing financial barriers)

  • Your study programme offers an opportunity to participate in a group travel abroad of min. 5 days ? A professor is organising a field trip for credits where at least 5 students participate?  You consider the possibility to select an optional course that requires joining a group travel? 
  • Only for students recognised by KU Leuven STUVO
  • Grant: Max. € 350 (within Europe), Max. € 700 (outside Europe).
  • Applications can be submitted at any moment during the year. The received applications will be processed after 1 February, 1 April, 1 June and 1 November.
  • Apply via the online application .

Travel grants to the South

  • Internship or thesis research in 34 developing countries , in cooperation with a host institution in the South.
  • For Bachelor or Master students from all faculties.
  • Participation in the intercultural preparation day and debriefing session are obligatory.
  • Nationality is not a criterion. A mobility period in the home country of the student is not eligible for funding.
  • Students known by the university's Social Service may be prioritised.
  • Duration: at least 6 weeks in the South, departure between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025.
  • Grant:  1000 euro. Students in a recognised vulnerable financial situation will receive 1750 euro.
  • Application via the online application tool for international traineeships from 1 March .
  • Selection on faculty + KU Leuven level.
  • Deadline: before departure and before 01/05/2024.
  • Result: May-June 2024.
  • Online information session on 19 March
  • ​​​ More info .

CSC scholarship : China

  • The Chinese government provides grants to study in China for one year.
  • For Bachelor or Master students from all faculties with a keen interest in China, its culture and its language. Student with the Chinese nationality are not eligible for this programme.
  • Duarion: 1 semester as an exchange student .
  • Grant: Tuition waiver + monthly allowance of 2500/3000 CNY + accommodation on campus in a shared room + basic health insurance.
  • The grant is not available for every Chinese institution (please check the FEB online exchange tool).
  • Selection on faculty + KU Leuven level + Chinese embassy.
  • Deadline: before 17/01/2024.
  • Result: April. 

BAEF grant : USA

  • Study in the USA via the Belgian American Educational Foundation (B.A.E.F.)
  • For Master and Phd students and for Post-doctoral research.
  • Duration: 1 or 2 years.
  • Grant: up to 60 000 USD for the first year of a 2-year Master programme in the USA and up to 40 000 USD for the second year of a 2-year Master programme in the USA: more info .
  • Grant: Up to 60 000 USD for a complementary Master's degree in the USA: more info . 
  • Grant: 30 000 USD for 12 months Master's level Research in the USA: more info .
  • Grant doctoral research: more info .
  • Grant for the first year of a PhD program in the USA: more info .
  • Grant for Post-doctoral research in the USA: more info .
  • Selection by BAEF and the American universities.
  • Deadline: October 31.

Jasso grant : Japan

  • Study in Japan. 
  • Short term: for exchange students.
  • Selection by partner institution.
  • Jasso brochure including also other grants to study in Japan .

Arenberg-Coimbra Group Prize for Erasmus Students 

  • The Arenberg-Coimbra Group Prize for Erasmus Students is awarded annually to a  Master degree candidate of a Coimbra Group University , in any academic discipline, who, having previously undertaken an  Erasmus exchange with another Coimbra Group University  has in the opinion of the selection committee best demonstrated the added value of that exchange to their Master degree work (AFTER graduation only).  

National Chiao Tung University short term research grant : Taiwan

Current students who wish to do research work at NCTU (less than 180 days).

Fernard Lazard Foundation - interest free loans

  • Provide interest free loans to help students complete a specialisation or training abroad.
  • Deadline 5 February 2024.

Grants for internships

  • Application via the online application tool for international traineeships from 1 March ( Do not apply before! )- in the  online application go to the section ' traineeship grants '.
  • Deadline May 1st 2024 23.59
  • Online information session on 19 March in English 19.00-20.00 and in Dutch 18.00-19.00 .

Grant for internship at the  Washington Center

  • Internship in an international organisation in Washington.
  • For Bachelor and Master students from the faculties of Social Sciences, Law, Arts and Economics and Business.
  • Academic excellence: GPA-score of at least 3.0 on a scale of 4.0 (minimum distinction).
  • Washington Center programme needs to be part of the student's KU Leuven study programme (FEB: counts as an exchange in the Fall Semester within the official FEB mobility regulations)  - either via an elective or via an extension of your programme. In either cases consider the practical and financial consequences of an additional semester.
  • Duration: 1 semester  in the Fall (15 weeks).
  • It cannot be combined with participation in another exchange programme in the same period.
  • Grant: € 9000 (average total cost is €15 000!). Students known by the university's Social Service may receive an additional € 3000/month.
  • Selection on faculty + KU Leuven + Flemish level.
  • Application FEB deadline 12/02/2024.
  • Online central application after 12/02/2024 (after pre-selection by FEB) and deadline: 01/03/2024.
  • Application via mail by 12/02/24 to the FEB international office  and after selection by FEB via the grant online application tool by 01/03/2024.
  • 20 credits (Training) +5 credits (Forum) +5 credits (Course) - recognition by FEB for min. one elective or via extended master.
  • More info programme   -  more info costs   -  website Washington Center .

Grant for an international traineeship for credits during your studies outside Europe (incl. the UK)

  • KU Leuven provides financial support to students doing an international traineeship during your studies of min. 6 weeks.
  • Deadline May 1st 2024 23.59 for a traineeship between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025.
  • Online information session on 19 March in English 19.00-20.00 and in Dutch 18.00-19.00
  • Application via the online application tool for international traineeships from 1 March ( Do not apply before! ) - in the  online application go to the section ' traineeship grants '. 
  • Read more about the eligibility criteria and the grants here.

Grant for internship after study (Erasmus+ Students on the move):

  • Erasmus+ Students on the move .
  • a grant supporting students in a traineeship after the graduation.
  • application in the final year before graduating. 
  • The Erasmus+ (former Reconfirm) grant is not the same as the Erasmus+ placement grant (a grant for a long period traineeship during the academic curriculum). The latter grant is not possible for FEB-students.
  • Flanders Knowledge Area administrates the Flanders Traineeship Platform and also coordinates the daily activities and financing of the mobility.
  • More information at KU Leuven .
  • Contact person at KU Leuven .​​​​​​ 
  • Information session on Thursday December 7 18.00 (Dutch): Click here to join the meeting
  • Information session on Thursday December 14 18.00 (English): Click here to join the meeting
  • Deadline: always before your graduation (publication of your results). It is recommended not to wait until the last month.

ASEM Work Placement Programme

  • It provides grants for students who undertake an internship in Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia,  China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Pakistan, the Philippines,  Singapore, South Korea, Thailand or Vietnam .
  • Applicants should be Bachelor's or Master's students undertaking an internship in the framework of their studies.  The internship has to be part of the students' KU Leuven study programme.  Before the start of the work placement, the applicant has completed at least 60 credits. The student's nationality is not a criterion.
  • Duration 1-6 months.
  • The travel allowance is € 1500. The grant amount is € 700/month + a top-up of €200/month for students in a vulnerable situation.
  • Deadline May 01 2024.
  • Application via the online application tool for international traineeships from 1 March.
  • More information for application documents and procedure at the central KU Leuven International Office .

​​​​​​ International Internship Pilot Program

  • The National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) provides grants for students via the International Internship Pilot Program who undertake an internship in Taiwan .
  • The host institutions are mainly domestic universities, research institutes and laboratories. The principal investigators (PIs) are responsible for offering internship vacancies.
  • Duration of internship: Students will start their internship (3 months at most), from May 2024 to January 2025. Given the different education system from different countries, students could arrange for themselves to schedule the internship but should also notice the internship should start before January, 2025 (2025 January batch). 
  • Deadline October 15th 2025.
  • Undergraduate, master/ PhD course, holding foreign nationality, and whose expertise should match Taiwan’s key fields in scientific R&D with respect to all the regulations.
  • Exchanged overseas student who has done their lessons in Taiwan but still keep staying in Taiwan for months, and aforesaid applicant should hold foreign nationality (excluding China, Hongkong, Macao), and whose expertise should match Taiwan’s key fields in scientific R&D with respect to all the regulations.
  • NSTC will provide each intern with a subsidy of NT$30,000 per month for the internship phase of the program, 3 months at most.
  • More information on the webpage of the  International Internship Pilot Program  .

Degree programme

Fayat Grant

  • Grant offered by the Flemish government to students who obtained (or are about to obtain) a Master's degree from a Flemish university and who would like to persue a Master degree at a top institution .
  • Grant covers a wide range of costs.
  • Only available to Belgian students who have advanced knowledge of the Dutch language.

Yenching Academy

  • Excellence programme of Peking University, offering a scholarship for a two-year interdisciplinary Master in China Studies.
  • For Bachelor or Master students, no preliminary Chinese language requirements, priority for under 28 and holding a Bachelor  or Master's degree no later than 31 August 2024.
  • Academic excellence, minimum distinction, sense for innovation, leadership skills, social engagement.
  • Start: September 2024 - students can choose not stay in Beijing during the second year and continue their studie of Yenching from their home country.
  • Grant: a tuition waiver, monthly allowance adequate to cover on campus stay living costs + on campus accomodation + a travel stipend for a one round trip journey to and from Beijing + basic medical insurance.
  • Selection on faculty + KU Leuven + Yenching level.
  • An application for the Yenching Academy cannot be combined with an application for an exchange via an extended master.
  • Deadline: 06/11/2023.
  • Result: KU Leuven result: 23/11/2023, Yenching result by April 2024.
  • Online information session by Yenching Academy : 17/10/2023 10.00-11.30. 
  • More info .​​​​​​ ​​

Scholarship for the Master of China Studies Program (Chinese Business Studies Track)

  • Study at Zheijang University International Business School (ZIBS).
  • Graduating students, Non-Chinese citizens, English B2-C1 with a certificate, TOEFL 90 or ILETS 6.5 or higher.
  • Grant: A full tuition waiver for the Master of China Studies - Chinese Business Studies Track .
  • Deadline: application by April 2024  - when selected by KU Leuven ( max. 2 students will be nominated to ZIBS) -  further selection by ZIBS after May 1st .
  • Information brochure .

MEXT grant : Japan

  • Study in Japan (Japanese).
  • For Undergraduate (5 years) , Research students (2 years) .
  • Deadline for 2023-2024: to be announced.

Canon Foundation research grant : Japan

  • Study/research in Japan in 2025.
  • For those who allready have a master's degree obtained within the last 10 years.
  • Grants for 3 months to 1 year.
  • Successful applicants can receive grants up to 27 500 Euro.
  • Deadline: with deadline 15 September 2023.

Fulbright scholarships for studies in the US

What you must know about this scholarship :

  • Each year the Commission for Educational Exchange between the United States of America, Belgium and Luxembourg offers Fulbright awards - approximately 50 - for Postgraduate Study (Master’s or PhD) in the United States .
  • The Commission also administers the Fulbright-Schuman program which focuses on research and/or post-graduate study on EU affairs or U.S.-EU relations.
  • The awards vary from round-trip travel to grants covering all expenses for an academic year.
  • Candidates must be citizens of Belgium or Luxembourg and have a post-secondary degree (minimum a Master’s) with outstanding results.
  • The Commission’s Educational Advising Center offers up-to-date information about higher education opportunities in the United States. Advice is available for students seeking admission to undergraduate and graduate level studies, professional programs and intensive English courses.
  • On you tube you find interesting material regarding the selection process, the application and former Fulbright applicants.  Check it out .
  • Deadline December 1st 2023 for academic year 2024-2025.

Collegio dei Fiamminghi Grant : Bologna (Italy)

  • Last year master students or PhD students.
  • Grant to study at the University of Bologna.
  • More info  (in Dutch).
  • Deadline: June.

Schwarzman Scholars  : China

  • Study/research in China - Tsinghua/Schwarzman.
  • For those who have a bachelor or master's degree before departure or are 100% on track for receiving their degree before departure.
  • April 2024: Student Life Roundtable with Schwarzman Scholars .
  • Application Launch Day, April 2024.
  • Deadline between April and September 2024.
  • Instructions for application .

Taiwan Scholarships : Taiwan

  • Study a bachelor, master or Ph.D. programme at the university of your choice in Taiwan.
  • Available to Belgian and Luxembourgian nationals.
  • Deadline: application from 1 February til 31 March 2024.

Huayu Enrichment Scholarship : Taiwan

  • Study Mandarin at the language center of your choice in Taiwan for a duration of 2, 3, 6 or 9 months.
  • available to Belgian and Luxembourgian nationals.

HKBU School of Business International Postgraduate Scholarships: Hong Kong

  • Full range of Master programmes at HKBU School of Buiness.
  • Full tuition fee waiver + living allowance.

Hardiman PhD Scholarship (after KU Leuven graduation)

  • A PhD scholarship for 4 years at the University of Galway (start 02 September 2024)
  • 22.000Euro stipend per year and tuition fee waiver for the 4 years. 
  • Deadline applications 09 February 2024 17:00 Irish time

Scholarships to study in the UK (after KU Leuven graduation)

  • Postgraduate funding in the UK

Information about self-funded PhDs

What are self-funded phds .

As a self-funded (= self-supporting) doctoral student you work on your PhD under the supervision of a supervisor working at the Arts Faculty without receiving financial compensation from KU Leuven (including external Flemish funding bodies like the FWO).

This broad definition means that there are many different profiles of self-funded doctoral researchers, from researchers who receive a non-Flemish grant to researchers who complete their PhDentirely on their own resources. Many self-funded researchers combine a job (whether or not in a field that is related to the subject of their PhD) with their research.

I'm thinking of starting a self-funded PhD, what should I keep in mind?

  • What are my rights as a self-funded doctoral student?
  • What are my obligations as a self-funded doctoral student?

Tools to support your PhD trajectory

Is there any financial compensation for my phd.

  • Other points of attention
  • Switching from a funded to a self-funded PhD

Doing a phD requires a great degree of self-reliance. You will be expected to take initiative, plan and structure your own work independently, and actively contact your supervisor when you need feedback. This page offers a useful set of guidelines that can help you plan your PhD. Drawing up a plan will help clarify the scope of the project as well as time frame in which you can execute it.

Experience shows the average time frame of 4 to 5 years for finishing a PhD is not realistic. In reality, self-funded PhD researchers often take 6 to 7 years to complete their doctorate, given that they often cannot work on their research full-time. Be advised that taking a longer time to finish your PhD can have a negative impact on your own well-being, and may also have consequences for the relevance of your research. The state of the art may have moved on in the interval, and your analysis may have become obsolete. 

You can still apply for funding for your project while doing a PhD, but funding opportunities are limited, and different eligibility criteria can play an important role. The funding body financing most PhD research in Flanders, FWO, will not fund PhD researchers who have obtained their master’s degree more than 3 years ago (so-called ‘advanced master’s’ do not count as master’s degrees in this context). More details about the eligibility criteria of the FWO fellowship can be found here under ‘Profile and Conditions’). Don’t hesitate to ask the Research Support team for help when preparing your application: they will give you tips and feedback on your application before you send it in. There are also other funding opportunities, which you can find on this website . There is some funding available for PhD researchers without a bench fee to go to conferences (within the country or abroad), see further information below. 

Self-funded PhD researchers generally do not have the right to an office, and there is little office space available. This, in addition to the different time management required when doing a self-funded PhD (for instance in combination with a job), can lead to a more difficult process of integration into your Research Group. It is strongly recommended to go to Research Group meetings whenever possible, to stay in touch with other (PhD, postdoc, …) researchers, and take part in other events organised by your Group or your Research Unit. It may be a good idea to contact the administrative and financial coordinator of your Research Unit (RU) and ask them if you can be included on all mailing lists of the RU. Also ask them (or your promotor) to introduce you to other doctoral students within the RU. They can then tell you about activities organised within the RU. (Are you not sure who your ‘administrative and financial coordinator’ is? Find out here .) If you are not sure which Research Unit you are connected to, you can enter your name or the name of your promotor on the KU Leuven who-is-who page. It will appear under ‘Unit’.

Read the rest of this website for more practical information.

What are my rights as a self-funded doctoral student? 

You will receive a KU Leuven email address and a so-called u-number. This will give you access to all materials from the Library (including journals which KU Leuven is subscribed to). 

In most cases, self-funded PhD students regrettably do not have a designated office office space, nor will they be offered a staff card, which gives access to facilities like printers. You can reserve a so-called flex space via the KURT reservation system . Go to the reservation system > Leuven > seat > office spaces > Faculteit Letteren > choose a numbered flex space > create reservation. The following spaces are available at our Faculty:

 LETT 00.15: 5 workstations, designated for quiet work only

 LETT 00.22: 2 workstations, with the possibility to make phone calls 

LETT 00.26: 2 workstations, designated for quiet work only 

You may call on the assistance of your supervisor and your supervisory committee when working on your doctorate. 

You may communicate to “the outside world” that you are working at KU Leuven (e.g. by putting this in your e-signature), which can for example facilitate contact with scientists at other universities. 

You may call on the assistance of the Research Support team if you need help preparing funding applications.

Your contact information is incorporated in the KU Leuven organigram and on the KU Leuven who-is-who page . 

Your u-number gives you access to the KU Leuven Lirias repository, where you can upload your publications, allowing you to make them visible on your who-is-who page. If you have questions, you can contact the  Artes research team .

You will be able to take a variety of courses offered to all KU Leuven researchers (see overview here , under ‘Courses for researchers’). These include a course on networking, stress management, professionalization, and much more. Many of them can be followed online, at your own pace. They can help strengthen your CV, and prepare you for the next step in your career (academic or otherwise). 

As a self-funded PhD researcher you are automatically covered by the Student accident insurance (in case of accidents resulting in you getting physically injured on your way to, during, or on your way back from your office/ class/ internship, and during any activities related to your research) and the Third-party civic liability insurance for research-related activities. Please be aware that during your research stays abroad you will remain covered by KU Leuven insurance only on the condition that you register your mobility through KU Loket . You will have to verify yourself whether your own health insurance is valid abroad (for travels within the EEA the European Health Insurance Card is sufficient, for travels outside of the EEA you will need to take out a travel insurance).

Consider joining KU Leuven PhD society  to meet your colleagues! Are you an international PhD student? Then you may be interested in joining  Pangaea  or  International House Leuven  for all sorts of social events and info about living and working in Leuven.

What are my obligations as a self-funded PhD student? 

  • You re-enroll each academic year as a PhD student at KU Leuven. You pay the tuition fee when you register for the first time, and again when your PhD defense has been scheduled. You do not need to pay tuition fees during the years in between.
  • Whereas funded doctoral researchers are obligated to follow a minimum of 12 training hours of “educational, supervisory, and communication professionalization” (cf. doctoral regulations art. 15, particularity 2), self-funded doctoral students are exempt from this. 
  • Additionally, unlike doctoral students who receive funding, you are not obligated to perform administrative tasks, such as the invigilation of exams. Similarly, your supervisor cannot oblige you to take part in teaching and/or the rendering of other services.
  • All other components are obligatory for all PhD students, including self-funded PhD students.

In the context of improving its support of self-funded PhD researchers, the Faculty’s research support staff conducted interviews with self-funded PhD researchers and promotors supervising self-funded PhD researchers in 2021-2022. Clear communication and well-coordinated expectations were identified as the vital basis of a good collaboration between researcher and supervisor. For this reason the Faculty strongly advises to have an in-depth conversation with your supervisor at the start of your PhD. This will serve to clear up mutual expectations and give you a clear road map for the years ahead. Specific points of attention could consist of determining a realistic frequency of meetings (plainly stating who is expected to take up contact with whom), as well as coming up with a provisional structure of the first years (planning publication(s), conference attendance, approximate deadlines for sending in chapters, etc.), a delineation of the precise topic of your dissertation and your methodological approach, etc.  This page can help you prepare such a supervision agreement.

You can turn to the Faculty’s support network if you hav e specific problems . The Research support staff officers can answer any funding-related questions you may have, and help with proofreading grant proposals. The Artes research team can assist you in all matters related to digital scholarship (e.g. Open Access, Research Data Management, Digital Humanities). The Internationalisation support staff officers can give you advice regarding international mobility and visa matters, while the PhD ombuds person can help you navigate psychosocial problems when pursuing a PhD, as well as potential problems with your supervisor. 

If for personal or professional reasons you cannot make meaningful progress in your PhD for at least 8 months, you can ask to have your PhD put ‘on hold’. This will unenroll you from the PhD programme, and requires the agreement of your supervisor. You can choose to resume work at a later stage. Mind that this can have consequences for your visa status if you are an international researcher. When you, together with your supervisor, decide to pick up the thread again, please contact the doctoral administration, so they can put your account back on ‘active’. You should also re-enroll as quickly as possible in the PhD programme. 

  • In some cases, the supervisor may have some financial means at their disposal to help their self-funded PhD student financially, for instance to cover travel costs related to a conference trip. However, in the clear majority of cases, supervisors do not have such means , so please don't count on them.
  • You can explore whether you can apply for any PhD scholarships . However, be aware that funding opportunities are limited, and different eligibility criteria can play an important role. The funding body financing most PhD research in Flanders, FWO, will not fund PhD researchers who have obtained their master’s degree more than 3 years ago (so-called ‘advanced master’s’ do not count as master’s degrees in this context). More details about the eligibility criteria of the FWO fellowship can be found here under ‘Profile and Conditions’). Don’t hesitate to ask the Research Support team for help when preparing your application: they will give you tips and feedback on your application before you send it in. There are also other funding opportunities, which you can find on this website .
  • The Arts Faculty . Self-funded PhD researchers can apply for a 500 euro allowance from the Faculty. In this case, the doctoral researcher is expected to participate actively in the conference, in the form of an oral and/or a poster presentation. Only applications to participate in international scientific conferences are taken into consideration (this is to say that the scientific committee of the conference has to be assembled internationally), so that the participation can contribute to the completion of the PhD programme. Each PhD student can only receive an allowance once during their PhD. The maximum allowance consists of 500 euros, which covers enrollment, travel, and accommodation expenses which you can reclaim upon the presentation of the original documents. To apply, please send proof that your abstract was accepted by the conference organizers to the research support staff officers . Make sure to register your stay abroad in KU Loket . That way you will remain covered by KU Leuven insurance.
  • Doctoral School for the Humanities and Social Sciences . Self-funded PhD students can apply for this grant once during their PhD. Applicants are asked to submit an application to the FWO in parallel unless they are unable to do so. The application form can be found on the DSHSS website ('Request forms: Conference allowance'). Send the form to the e-mail address indicated in the footer of the form.
  • The FWO Flanders provides grants for the participation in scientific conferences. Click here for more information regarding eligibility and application procedures. Advice on what to pay attention to when preparing the application can be found here.
  • Please note, regardless of funding:  you should register your time abroad in KU Loket in order to remain covered by KU Leuven insurance (in case of accidents  resulting in physical injury or when you are held liable for material damage ).  Here you can find the correct  application procedure .
  • PhD students do not need to cover costs related to the travel and accommodation of jury members.
  • PhD student receive max. 500 euro from the Faculty to cover costs related to the defense, such as printing costs, paying the final tuition fee or organizing a reception afterwards.
  • More information about the defense.
  • The KU Leuven Fund voor Fair and Open Access offers funding for publications in  Fair Open Access . More info can be found here .

Some additional important things to keep an eye on in the course of your PhD: 

To remain up to date regarding important information to do with your PhD progress, make sure to regularly check your KU Leuven email address. You have a student email address ([email protected]) and a Faculty member email address ([email protected]). You will use your staff email account to stay in touch with your promotor, your Research Unit, etc. You will receive an email at your student address every year to re-enroll as a PhD student, and other administration-related messages. It is therefore important that you check both email accounts frequently and read those emails. 

All emails addressed to PhD students at the Faculty are also meant for you. As a self-funded PhD researcher you belong to the Faculty member category called “ABAP”, so if you receive any emails for the ABAP, be sure to read these in particular. 

As your research progresses, it is useful to consider what thesis format suits your research best. PhD students may submit their thesis as a monograph or as a bundle of publications. The time that self-funded students can spend on their research can be fragmented, so opting for a bundle of publications can be a good strategy, depending on your situation and the shape of your project. Keep in mind that it can take up to a year before a publication is accepted, and that your submission so plan accordingly. 

Switching from a funded PhD to a self-funded PhD

It regularly happens that PhD students who start their PhD with funding (e.g. a personal fellowship or project funding) do not finish their dissertation before their employment contract ends. In this case, they switch to a self-funded PhD. There are a few points of attention:

  • The Faculty recommends that the PhD student and the supervisor schedule a meeting to discuss the work plan for the upcoming months and/or years and to go over the questions specifically meant for self-funded PhD students in the supervision agreement . This is because in most cases, the PhD student will look for a part-time or full-time job outside the University, which will inevitably lead to fewer hours per week that the PhD student can spend on research. It is also advisable to discuss the work plan during the annual meeting with the DBC (supervisory committee) so that the DBC members can give further advice about what to prioritize.
  • It can be worthwile to follow the workshop " Managing your PhD " (free of charge) to enable you to use the time that is available to you in a maximally efficient way.
  • You will no longer be a personnel member of KU Leuven. In terms of administration, the so-called ' minimal registration ' needs to be finalized by the Doctoral School of Humanities and Social Sciences (= the level above the Arts Faculty) so that your KU Leuven account (u-number, email address, KU Loket..) remains active. Please contact the Doctoral School before the end of your contract so they can make sure there is no gap in between the last day of your contract and the start of your trajectory as a self-funded PhD student.
  • Please be aware that if you were using a laptop that was purchased with project funding, the ICT service will ask you to hand in your laptop when your contract ends.
  • It may be useful to discuss with your supervisor what thesis format suits your research best. PhD students may submit their thesis as a monograph or as a bundle of publications. The time that self-funded students can spend on their research can be fragmented, so opting for a bundle of publications can be a good strategy, depending on your situation and the shape of your project.
  • Please note that even though your employment contract ends, you will still need to fulfill the annual requirements : preparing progress reports, presenting to the DBC (supervisory committee), having performance interviews with your supervisor.

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KU Leuven Scholarships for International Students 2024 - 2025

Are you interested in studying at one of Belgium’s public institutions? Check out KU Leuven as they offer 4 scholarships to international Bachelor's, Master's, and PhD students!

Studying abroad is a one-of-a-lifetime opportunity. Aside from experiencing a new culture, meeting a lot of people, and seeing breathtaking places, studying in a foreign country will give you a global perspective in your chosen field. It will surely boost your career opportunities.

Scholarships, grants, and other forms of funding are offered by KU Leuven to international students. We’ll discuss them in this article, and you can use them to fulfill your dream of studying abroad without incurring high costs. So, let’s get started!

KU Leuven Admissions

If you’re planning to study at the KU Leuven, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the application process and requirements of the institution.

Each institution follows a unique application procedure, so you must be alert and updated on their latest announcements. Visit their official website occasionally and only utilize legitimate channels when submitting applications. Moreover, it is crucial to always take note of the essential details related to your admission in order to ensure a seamless application process.

To apply to KU Leuven, make sure to complete the admission requirements and follow the application procedure. You can find more information on the following links:

Institution Admissions

  • Domestic and International Students Admissions Page

KU Leuven Application Deadlines

Submitting on time demonstrates commitment and a keen interest in the program, giving a good impression to the applicant. Thus, other than securing the required documents, adhering to the submission deadline is also a must.

It is essential that you meet the application deadlines at KU Leuven. Here are the deadlines:

  • Bachelor's and Master's Deadline (Deadline for Non-EEA Citizens) : March 1, 2025 (Different Bachelor's and Master's programs have different deadlines)
  • Bachelor's and Master's Deadline (Deadline for Non-EEA Citizens with a valid Belgian residence permit) : June 1, 2025 (Different Bachelor's and Master's programs have different deadlines)

Start being mindful of the deadlines from this moment onward. Submitting your application on or before the deadline ensures that your application will be reviewed and considered. Therefore, avoid late submissions, as these might be reviewed separately or not considered at all.

Institution Deadlines

Tuition Fees at KU Leuven for International Students

4,300 Euros

In this section, we will be discussing the tuition fees for international students at KU Leuven.

The Bachelor's tuition fees for international students at KU Leuven is 1,344 Euros (1,500 USD) to 7,099 Euros (7,900 USD) per year. Master's tuition fee for international students at KU Leuven is 1,344 Euros (1,500 USD) to 7,099 Euros (7,900 USD) per year.

When studying abroad, it is best to save as much money as you can. After all, there are other costs to consider besides tuition fees, such as accommodation, meals, transportation, and books.

The scholarships at KU Leuven can help fund your study expenses. There are currently 4 scholarships being offered to international students at the KU Leuven, all with varying requirements, benefits, and application processes. We have compiled them in this list to help you find the scholarship that best fits you.

KU Leuven Scholarships for International Students

Undergraduate scholarships.

Are you planning to take up a Bachelor’s degree abroad? Then one of the first things you can do is look for scholarship opportunities to apply to. KU Leuven is wide-arms open to incoming undergraduate students who want to become international students. The following are the currently available undergraduate scholarships at the institution:

1. Assistantships

  • Scholarship Page
  • Scholarship Type: Partial Funding
  • Degrees Offered : Bachelor's, Master's, and PhD

Assistantships is a partially funded scholarship offered to international students.

To be considered for this undergraduate scholarship at KU Leuven, you must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • At least 18 years old
  • Without a scholarship, if at PhD level
  • Working or applying to a different department from the one they are in, if at PhD level

You can check the full list of requirements listed in the scholarship link above. You will also find the specific steps to submit your application for there.

It’s important to submit your application before the deadline indicated on the scholarship page, as this will provide the selection committee time to consider your application. Successful applicants will receive the following benefits:

  • Paid public holidays
  • An hourly gross wage worth €12.44 for Level I student employees
  • An hourly gross wage worth €16.10 for Level II student employees
  • Reimbursement of commuting, travel, and work-related costs, subject to terms and approval

Graduate Scholarships

International postgraduate students are eligible to various scholarships being offered at the KU Leuven. Make sure to review the requirements and deadlines in each scholarship program before applying. Here are the currently available graduate scholarships at the KU Leuven:

  • PhD Scholarships for Researchers from the South
  • Wilfried Martens Scholarship
  • Science at Leuven Scholarship

1. PhD Scholarships for Researchers from the South

  • Scholarship Type: Full Funding
  • Degrees Offered : PhD

KU Leuven also provides financial support to international students in PhD programs through PhD Scholarships for Researchers from the South . Interested applicants for this fully funded scholarship must meet the following certain eligibility requirements to be considered:

  • From a low-income country
  • Associated with a co-promoter from a low-income country
  • Those who fulfill the Internal Funds General Regulations conditions.
  • Those who promote the KU Leuven doctorate program
  • Planning on conducting research based on sustainable development
  • Planning on conducting their research at KU Leuven
  • Those who had obtained their first Master’s degree within the past 15 years

Through PhD Scholarships for Researchers from the South , PhD students at the KU Leuven enjoy the following benefits:

  • Tuition fee exemption for up to four years
  • An annual bench fee amounting to €3,720
  • Reimbursement of travel costs from the student's home country to Belgium (only once)

PhD Scholarships for Researchers from the South is a great scholarship to apply to if you are on a tight budget.

All practical information related to preparing and submitting your application is available at the scholarship link above. Make sure to prepare and send your documents in time for the application deadline.

Got questions about scholarships? Check out our Scholarship Admissions: FAQs for International Students Applying for Scholarships Abroad Article!

2. Wilfried Martens Scholarship

  • Degrees Offered : Master's

As an international student in a graduate program, living abroad can be quite costly if you don’t prepare for your expenses. This is why partially funded scholarships like Wilfried Martens Scholarship are available at the KU Leuven for qualified students.

Wilfried Martens Scholarship is open to Master's international students who meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • from a non-EU member state

KU Leuven awards the following scholarship benefits to successful applicants:

  • the opportunity to pursue an English-taught program for one year

Clearly, this scholarship offers very valuable benefits to deserving students.

Make sure to check out the scholarship link for the requirements you need to complete and submit before the deadline.

3. Science at Leuven Scholarship

  • Scholarship Amount: 12,000 Euros

Science at Leuven Scholarship is a partially funded scholarship offered to Master's students at KU Leuven. Students need to meet the following requirements to be eligible:

  • Those who have not worked or studied at the University of Leuven before
  • Those who obtained their bachelor's degree from outside Belgium
  • Those who have not previously obtained a PhD or Master's degree
  • Individuals with an excellent academic background
  • Individuals who are highly proficient in English
  • Those who demonstrate a strong motivation to pursue a Master of Science degree
  • Willing to serve as ambassadors for this program

Successful applicants are granted the following benefits:

  • award of up to €12,000 a year, covering tuition fees and basic health insurance

There are other fees to pay for, but getting this scholarship will still help you financially as an international student at KU Leuven.

4. Assistantships

KU Leuven also provides financial support to international students in Bachelor's, Master's, and PhD programs through Assistantships . Interested applicants for this partially funded scholarship must meet the following certain eligibility requirements to be considered:

Through Assistantships , Bachelor's, Master's, and PhD students at the KU Leuven enjoy the following benefits:

You will still need to shoulder some costs, but getting a Assistantships grant will help you fund your studies significantly.

Start your academic journey with KU Leuven! With these KU Leuven scholarships, unlock your full potential and delve into the diverse range of courses, all without worrying about expensive study costs. As you explore the scholarships of KU Leuven, make sure to also check out the Available Programs for International Students .

About the Author: Hyun Lee

phd funding ku leuven

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After School Africa

KU Leuven PhD Scholarships 2022/2023 for Students from Developing Countries

Ifeoma Chuks

November 30, 2021

The KU Leuven is pleased to be offering 10 PhD scholarships to excellent students from the Global South. By training researchers from low income countries, we help build institutional capacity in their home countries and tackle development challenges together.

Application Deadline:  10th March, 2022 at 5 p.m.

Eligible Countries:  Developing countries

To be taken at (country):  Belgium

About KU Leuven PhD Scholarships:

Eligibility : The KU Leuven applicant and (optional) co-promoter meet the conditions to be a promoter or co-promoter of a project under Internal Funds. The applicant will also be the promoter of the doctorate at KU Leuven.

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  • There is a co-promoter in the concerned developing country. This co-promoter should have the necessary scientific expertise to supervise the project and is an authority in the field and the institute. This co-promoter should play an active role in the project, remotely or as host during short stays;
  • The research should be conducted at KU Leuven. Short stays or missions to the concerned developing country and/or other foreign stays are allowed, but they must be described in the original application. In case of approval of the application, these stays must be reported to the Research Coordination Office and must be in line with the original application;
  • The dissertation should be defended within the period of 4 years. The KU Leuven promoter must confirm that this is feasible and that they will do whatever is necessary in order to make sure the doctorate can be finished within the foreseen time period.
  • The PhD candidate must in principle still complete the whole doctoral trajectory. It is possible that the PhD candidate has already started a predoc or a doctorate at KU Leuven, but no longer than 8 months (incl. the predoctoral period) on the deadline date of this call;
  • The PhD candidate has not applied for a Global Mind PhD Scholarship;

Selection Criteria:  The following selection criteria will be used by the Research Council (or its Bureau):

  • Mainly the scientific quality of the doctoral project and the research competency of the candidate;
  • The scientific quality of all the (co-)promoters;
  • The quality of the planned supervision of the doctorate.
  • The importance of the described developmental problem in relation to its local context on which the research will have impact;
  • The added value of the proposal for the solution or better understanding of the developmental problem that is the subject of the research;
  • The local embedding in the developing country: the efficiency and sustainability of the project.

Number of Awards:  Each year a maximum of 10 ‘PhD scholarships for researchers from the South’ can be funded at KU Leuven.

Value of KU Leuven PhD Scholarships: an approval contains a doctoral scholarship at KU Leuven for 4 years, a predoctoral period of max. 12 months (if the doctoral committee advises to do so) and a one-off reimbursement of travel costs from the home country of the PhD student to Belgium at the start of the doctorate (max. €1000 and based on proof of expenditure). The PhD student is exempt from the tuition fee at KU Leuven. In case a predoctoral period is imposed and the predoc is not successful, the involved candidate can also claim reimbursement of travel costs for the return trip to the home country (max. €1000 and based on proof of expenditure).

Duration of Programme:  The doctoral scholarships have a duration of maximum 4 years. The mandate starts on October 1st of the year of the approval (other starting dates are possible on request). In case the PhD student has obtained a doctoral scholarship at KU Leuven before, that period will be subtracted from the 4 year period.

How to Apply:  The application must mainly contain the following elements (see digital application form for further specifications):

  • Authorization from the doctoral committee to enroll as a PhD researcher. (this authorization is academic and does not guarantee the funding of a PhD scholarship!)
  • An identification of the KU Leuven promoter and (optional) co-promoter with their CV and a description of the supervision of the PhD student;
  • An identification of the co-promoter at the university or research institute in the developing country with CV and a description of the supervision of the PhD student;
  • The project description and work plan of the doctoral project, demonstrating the academic strength of the proposal, as well as the relevance in a developmental context and the potential impact, and the local embedding and the potential to increase the local capacity. In the work plan, any planned foreign stays must explicitly be described (max. 5p);
  • The curriculum vitae of the candidate, including a motivation about the stay at the KU Leuven research group and its relevance for the home country (max. 3p);
  • A detailed description of the collaboration and the supervision of the doctorate (max. 1p);
  • A motivation letter from the KU Leuven promoter containing (a) a clarification of the scientific added value of the project, (b) the relevance for the development of the country concerned, (c) a description of the aimed for (or current) collaboration with the foreign co-promoter, and (d) a formal confirmation to fulfill the supervising and logistic task in order to enable the completion of the doctorate within the foreseen time period.

Visit Programme Webpage for Details

Ifeoma Chuks is a naturally-skilled writer. She has written and contributed to more than 6000 articles all over the internet that have formed solid experiences for particularly aspiring, young people around the globe.

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KU Leuven Scholarship 2025 | Application Process | Fully Funded

Start your study adventure in Belgium. Good news! KU Leuven Scholarship is currently open. In this article, we will explain in detail about this scholarship, its benefits and step by step application process.

KU Leuven offers fully funded Science@Leuven scholarship 2025-2026 for international students. This scholarship is available for masters studies and provides 10,000 Euro to cover tuition fee, insurance, health insurance and living expenses. 

The Faculty of Science and its alumni association Science@Leuven are proud to announce the Science@Leuven Scholarships. Motivated and talented international students interested in participating in an international master program of the Faculty of Science of the KU Leuven are invited to apply for a scholarship.

Are you interested studying in USA? Visit below links :

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KU Leuven was founded in 1425 and has been a center of learning for almost six centuries. Today, it is Belgium’s highest-ranked university as well as one of the oldest and most renowned universities in Europe. KU Leuven offers high-quality academic education to its students at a widespread level.

Scholarship Summary

  • Level of Study:  Masters
  • Institution(s):  The Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
  • Study in:  Belgium
  • Courses Offered: — Master of Physics — Master of Chemistry — Master of Geography — Master of Statistics — Interuniversity Master of Geology For more information  click here .
  • Deadline:  February 15, 2025

Scholarship Coverage

KU Leuven Scholarship provides the recipient with:

  • The amount of the scholarship can be up to  10,000 Euro  for 1 year. The Board of the Science@Leuven Fund will decide exactly how much a scholarship will be. The scholarship will always cover the tuition fee for 1 year, the insurance and a basic health insurance coverage. The amount awarded for living expenses can vary.
  • If a student is awarded the full scholarship of 10.000 Euro, it is still advisable to bring some extra money.
  • Most master programs of the Faculty of Science are two-year programs. The scholarship for the second master year will only be continued on the condition that the student had outstanding results the first master year.

Eligibility Criteria for KU Leuven Scholarship

To qualify for KU Leuven Scholarship, candidate must fulfill all of the following requirements below:

  • Required Languages:  English (TOEFL minimum score of 94 or IELTS minimum score 7).
  • The applicants have not studied or worked at the University of Leuven before.
  • The applicants have a bachelor degree from a foreign university that gives them access to the master program they are applying for.
  • The applicants have not yet acquired a master degree or a Ph.D.
  • The applicants can prove excellent study results during their former training.
  • The applicants show strong motivation to follow a master program at the Faculty of Science of the KU Leuven.
  • The applicants are willing to act as an ambassador for the program.
  • The students that have been awarded a scholarship will be asked to sign a contract that stipulates the conditions of acceptance.
  • For more information about Eligibility Requirements Here.
  • For more information about Languages Requirements Here.

How to Apply for KU Leuven Scholarship?

Please follow the following steps to avail this scholarship:

(1) Apply for the master program of your choice through the application tool of the KU Leuven. Please read the application instructions  carefully.

(2) Upload the following information via the KU Leuven application tool:

  • A complete list of course titles for which you have obtained a credit. Indicate the course size (in ECTS-credits) and the result you obtained, preferably according to the ECTS-scale; if a different scale is used, please provide a summary explanation on the meaning of the scores;
  • Provide a short (about one half to one page) description according to the standard guidelines for an ECTS-study guide for the courses that you deem most relevant for the master that you are considering,
  • Two reference letters of internationally renowned professors;
  • A letter of motivation for the program.

(3) When you have completed and submitted your application for the master’s program, you will get a message on the screen that you successfully submitted the application.

IMPORTANT! Take a screen shot of this message. You will have to upload the screenshot when you register for the Science@Leuven Scholarship.

(4) Apply for the Science@Leuven Scholarship via this   link .

(5) Your registration is complete after you have received an email stating that you have been registered for the Science@Leuven Scholarship.

Important Notice

  • Only students who have complied with all the above requirements will be considered for the Scholarship!
  • You can apply for the scholarship immediately after you have applied for a certain program, you do not need to wait until you are accepted by the master’s program.  However your application for the scholarship will not be considered when it is clear that you will not be accepted for the master’s program.
  • For more information about How to Apply   Here.

To know more about KU Leuven Scholarship, please visit official website:

Official website

Internal Funds

Ku leuven's leverage to external research grants, about internal funds.

The KU Leuven Internal Funds include the Special Research Fund (BOF) and the Industrial Research Fund (IOF).

Both are Flemish Funds for which the KU Leuven share was respectively 40,16% and 45,22% in 2020. This nice share is a.o. things based on output parameters appreciating each KU Leuven researchers’ contribution! Read more about the BOF key .

The Internal Funds are distributed over our researchers on the basis of competition. Evaluating KU Leuven bodies for all project and fellowship applications are:

  • The KU Leuven Research Council  and the RISP (BOF)
  • The IOF-Council  (IOF)
  • The LIMPAC  (C2)

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Are you a KU Leuven Researcher?

KU Leuven Internal Funds include various funding types for KU Leuven researchers. To find out all about us and to find the appropriate funding scheme for your research, visit our internal web page!

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These Internal Funds calls are open to researchers from outside KU Leuven as well. 

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Last year, we have invested in 87 projects, 63 postdoctoral mandates and 17 research professorships.

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  • Volume 79, Issue 9
  • Rectal organoid morphology analysis (ROMA) as a novel physiological assay for diagnostic classification in cystic fibrosis
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  • Senne Cuyx 1 , 2 ,
  • Anabela Santo Ramalho 1 ,
  • Steffen Fieuws 3 , 4 ,
  • Nikky Corthout 5 , 6 ,
  • Marijke Proesmans 1 , 2 ,
  • Mieke Boon 1 , 2 ,
  • Kaline Arnauts 7 , 8 ,
  • Marianne S Carlon 9 , 10 ,
  • Sebastian Munck 5 , 6 ,
  • Lieven Dupont 10 , 11 ,
  • Kris De Boeck 1 , 2 ,
  • François Vermeulen 1 , 2
  • on behalf of the Belgian Organoid Project
  • 1 Department of Development and Regeneration, Woman and Child Unit, CF Research Lab , KU Leuven , Leuven , Belgium
  • 2 Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Pulmonology , University Hospitals Leuven , Leuven , Belgium
  • 3 Interuniversity Center for Biostatistics and Statistical Bioinformatics , KU Leuven , Leuven , Belgium
  • 4 Interuniversity Center for Biostatistics and Statistical Bioinformatics , Hasselt University , Hasselt , Belgium
  • 5 VIB Bio Imaging Core and VIB-KU Leuven Center for Brain & Disease Research , KU Leuven , Leuven , Belgium
  • 6 Department of Neuroscience , KU Leuven , Leuven , Belgium
  • 7 Department of Chronic Diseases, Metabolism and Ageing (CHROMETA), Translational Research Center for Gastrointestinal Disorders (TARGID) , KU Leuven , Leuven , Belgium
  • 8 Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology , University Hospitals Leuven , Leuven , Belgium
  • 9 Center for Molecular Medicine , KU Leuven , Leuven , Belgium
  • 10 Department of Chronic Diseases and Metabolism, Laboratory of Respiratory Diseases and Thoracic Surgery (BREATHE) , KU Leuven , Leuven , Belgium
  • 11 Department of Respiratory Diseases , University Hospitals Leuven , Leuven , Belgium
  • Correspondence to Dr François Vermeulen, Department of Development and Regeneration, Woman and Child Unit, CF Research Lab, KU Leuven, Leuven 3000, Belgium; francois.vermeulen{at}

Background Diagnosing cystic fibrosis (CF) is not always straightforward, in particular when sweat chloride concentration (SCC) is intermediate and <2 CF-causing CFTR variants are identified. The physiological CFTR assays proposed in the guidelines, nasal potential difference and intestinal current measurement, are not readily available nor feasible at all ages. Rectal organoid morphology analysis (ROMA) was previously shown to discriminate between organoids from subjects with and without CF based on a distinct phenotypical difference: compared with non-CF organoids, CF organoids have an irregular shape and lack a visible lumen. The current study serves to further explore the role of ROMA when a CF diagnosis is inconclusive.

Methods Organoid morphology was analysed using the previously established ROMA protocol. Two indices were calculated: the circularity index to quantify the roundness of organoids and the intensity ratio as a measure of the presence of a central lumen.

Results Rectal organoids from 116 subjects were cultured and analysed together with the 189 subjects from the previous study. ROMA almost completely discriminated between CF and non-CF. ROMA indices correlated with SCC, pancreatic status and genetics, demonstrating convergent validity. For cases with an inconclusive diagnosis according to current guidelines, ROMA provided additional diagnostic information, with a diagnostic ROMA classification for 18 of 24 (75%).

Discussion ROMA provides additional information to support a CF diagnosis when SCC and genetics are insufficient for diagnostic classification. ROMA is standardised and can be centralised, allowing future inclusion in the diagnostic work-up as first-choice physiological assay in case of an unclear diagnosis.

  • Cystic Fibrosis

Data availability statement

All data relevant to the study are included in the article or uploaded as supplemental information.

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Collaborators Belgian Organoid Project: Hedwige Boboli (CHR Citadelle, Liège, Belgium), Linda Boulanger (University Hospital Leuven, Belgium), Georges Casimir (HUDERF, Brussels, Belgium), Benedicte Demeyere (Ghent University Hospital, Belgium), Elke De Wachter (University Hospital Brussels, Belgium), Danny De Looze (Ghent University Hospital, Belgium), Anja Delporte (Ghent University Hospital, Belgium), Isabelle Etienne (CHU Erasme, Brussels, Belgium), Laurence Hanssens (HUDERF, Brussels), Christiane Knoop (CHU Erasme, Brussels, Belgium), Monique Lequesne (University Hospital Antwerp, Belgium), Vicky Nowé (GZA St Vincentius Hospital Antwerp), Ann Raman (Ghent University Hospital, Belgium), Dirk Staessen (GZA St Vincentius Hospital Antwerp), Stephanie Van Biervliet (Ghent University Hospital, Belgium), Eva Van Braeckel (Ghent University Hospital, Belgium), Kim Van Hoorenbeeck (University Hospital Antwerp, Belgium), Eef Vanderhelst (University Hospital Brussels, Belgium), Stijn Verhulst (University Hospital Antwerp, Belgium), Stefanie Vincken (University Hospital Brussels, Belgium).

Contributors SC—conceptualisation, methodology, software, validation, formal analysis, investigation, resources, data curation, writing (original draft), writing (review and editing), visualisation, funding acquisition, project administration. ASR—conceptualisation, methodology, software, validation, formal analysis, investigation, resources, data curation, writing (original draft), writing (review and editing), visualisation, funding acquisition, project administration, supervision. SF—conceptualisation, methodology, software, formal analysis, investigation, data curation, writing (original draft), writing (review and editing), visualisation. NC—conceptualisation, methodology, software, formal analysis, investigation, resources, visualisation. MP—resources, writing (review and editing), funding acquisition, project administration. MB—resources, writing (review and editing), funding acquisition, project administration. KA—resources, data curation, writing (review and editing). MSC—resources, writing (review and editing), funding acquisition. SM—conceptualisation, methodology, software, resources, visualisation. LD—resources, writing (review and editing), funding acquisition, project administration. CADB—conceptualisation, methodology, validation, formal analysis, investigation, resources, data curation, writing (review and editing), funding acquisition, project administration, supervision. FV—conceptualisation, methodology, software, validation, formal analysis, investigation, resources, data curation, writing (original draft), writing (review and editing), visualisation, funding acquisition, project administration, supervision, guarantor.

Funding This work was supported by a grant from the Belgian cystic fibrosis patient association 'Association Muco/Mucovereniging' to the Belgian Organoid Project and the CF research centre at KU Leuven, by the Research Grant of the Belgian Society of Paediatrics (BVK-SBP 2019), by a grant from the UZ Leuven Fund for Translational Biomedical Research and by the Klosterfrau Group Award for research in Paediatric Pulmonology awarded by the Klosterfrau Healthcare Group (no award/grant numbers).

Competing interests None declared.

Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

Supplemental material This content has been supplied by the author(s). It has not been vetted by BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) and may not have been peer-reviewed. Any opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those of the author(s) and are not endorsed by BMJ. BMJ disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content. Where the content includes any translated material, BMJ does not warrant the accuracy and reliability of the translations (including but not limited to local regulations, clinical guidelines, terminology, drug names and drug dosages), and is not responsible for any error and/or omissions arising from translation and adaptation or otherwise.

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  • We are looking for highly motivated Ph.D. researchers with interests in hardware, software, modelling, simulations, or algorithms.  
  • The applicant should hold a master's degree in electrical engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, or relevant fields.  
  • The applicant should also meet the minimum eligibility criteria for enrolling as a Ph.D. student at KU Leuven, namely, having exceptional grades as well as proficiency in English.  
  • The applicant should have a background in wireless communication, especially for channel modelling and sensing. The international publication held by the applicant will be a plus. 
  • Additionally, the applicant should have strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work in an international team. 
  • Early Stage Rule: Applicants should be, at the time of recruitment by the host institution, in the first four years (full- time equivalent) of their research careers and have not yet been awarded a doctoral degree. This is measured from the date when they obtained the degree, which would formally entitle them to embark on a doctorate.
  • Location Rule: At the time of recruitment, the applicant must not have lived in the country where the position is offered for more than 12 months in the previous 36 months.
  • A Ph.D. scholarship for up to four years (subject to positive intermediate evaluations). If the applicant is non-EER, also up to 1-year pre-doc will be supported. 
  • An inclusive research environment, working on the intersection between theory and implementation, in a very multidisciplinary research environment. 
  • A Ph.D. title from a highly ranked university, ranked #50 in Best Global Universities according to US News. 
  • Opportunity to build up an international network, participation in international conferences and collaborations.
  • Participation to a motivating highly dynamic European project with many exchanges and opportunities for training.
  • Competitive salary and funding according to MSCA projects


KU Leuven strives for an inclusive, respectful and socially safe environment. We embrace diversity among individuals and groups as an asset. Open dialogue and differences in perspective are essential for an ambitious research and educational environment. In our commitment to equal opportunity, we recognize the consequences of historical inequalities. We do not accept any form of discrimination based on, but not limited to, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, age, ethnic or national background, skin colour, religious and philosophical diversity, neurodivergence, employment disability, health, or socioeconomic status. For questions about accessibility or support offered, we are happy to assist you at this email address.

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  3. PhD Scholarships For Researchers From The South At KU Leuven In Belgium

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  4. PhD Positions at KU Leuven, Belgium

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  5. KU Leuven Full-Time PhD Scholarship for International Students, 2019

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  6. KU Leuven Master’s Scholarship Fully Funded in 2024-2025 : Study in

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  1. Research Funding

    At KU Leuven, research is enabled by various internal, national and international financial resources. Also if you are not affiliated (yet) with KU Leuven, you can apply for different types of funding, giving you the opportunity to conduct research at KU Leuven, for a short or longer term, or in collaboration with KU Leuven researchers. This web page provides an overview of those funding ...

  2. Looking for research funding?

    Team up with KU Leuven! Research Coordination Office is here to support you in securing research funding in collaboration with KU Leuven. Are you a researcher? Find out below which funding channels might be available to you. ... Doe mee aan de Vlaamse PhD Cup Apr 11, 2024 Three ERC-2023 Advanced Grants for KU Leuven ...

  3. Find a supervisor and funding to start a PhD

    Together with the supervisor, the candidate can submit a research proposal to apply for a FWO fellowship. Legally and administratively, PhD researchers funded by FWO (while conducting their research at KU Leuven) are considered as FWO staff. In addition, they are also given 'special researcher' status (associated academic staff = BAP) at KU ...

  4. Personal Funding

    The personal funding schemes listed below cover your scholarship or salary, and in many cases also a (limited) budget for consumables. All programmes are open to researchers who are not yet affiliated with KU Leuven. PhD fellowships generally cover 4 years (with some exceptions) and require a supervisor who is affiliated with KU Leuven. Postdoc ...

  5. KU Leuven

    Roger Dillemans Fund. Scholarships for students from developing countries who have obtained a first Master's degree at KU Leuven and who wish to continue their studies with a second Master's degree (60 ECTS) at KU Leuven, or for KU Leuven students who are currently enrolled in the first phase of their 120 ECTS Master's degree and who wish to ...

  6. PhD Scholarships for Scholars from the Global South

    The KU Leuven, Europe's most innovative university, is proud to be offering more than 20 PhD scholarships to students from low income countries. International cooperation and development are at the heart of the university. Therefore the KU Leuven thinks it is important to collaborate with researchers from the Global South, to help build the ...

  7. Information for PhD applicants

    Global Minds PhD scholarships: application deadline is 22 February 2024. 22 February 2024: application deadline for PhD scholarships for Researchers from the South. FWO PhD scholarships: application deadline is 1 March 2024. Infosession by the KU Leuven Research Co-ordination Office on 25 January 2024. Baekeland mandates: PhD in collaboration ...

  8. Other PhD scholarships

    Other PhD scholarships. As one of its contributions to development cooperation and academic capacity building, every year KU Leuven selects exceptional scholars from low income countries as scholarship candidates to obtain their PhD from the largest university of Belgium. Candidates are selected by the university's Interfaculty Council for ...

  9. Doctoral Studies

    A doctorate offers you the opportunity to focus intensively on one specific scientific problem for a number of years and thereby fully develop your talents and skills. With some 35 professors and 120 doctoral students, the Institute of Philosophy is among the largest research groups in philosophy on the continent.

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    The Department of Economics KU Leuven is recruiting motivated students to enter the doctoral program leading to a PhD in Economics. Deadline to apply for the fully funded positions is January 31, 2024. Read the full vacancy for all info on the open PhD positions. Apply now

  11. Start a PhD

    Find an open position. The easiest way to start a PhD application is to find a vacant PhD position and apply online. In principle, the PhD positions on the KU Leuven jobsite already have financing available (via the supervisor). Please read through the details of the position very carefully and make sure you meet all eligibility criteria!

  12. Leuven International Doctoral School for the Humanities and Social

    KU Leuven Shines in PhD Cup Applications! ... Since 2011-2012, the Flemish Government has allocated funding to Flemish universities to support Young Researchers, known as OJO (Omkadering van Jonge Onderzoekers). This budget is intended for various purposes including the training of young researchers, career guidance, improving career prospects ...

  13. Grants for Study & Internship Abroad and Funded Degree ...

    Hardiman PhD Scholarship (after KU Leuven graduation) A PhD scholarship for 4 years at the University of Galway (start 02 September 2024) 22.000Euro stipend per year and tuition fee waiver for the 4 years. Deadline applications 09 February 2024 17:00 Irish time; More info. Scholarships to study in the UK (after KU Leuven graduation)

  14. Application procedure

    Applying for a KU Leuven Global Minds Doctoral Scholarship. The application procedure consists of two steps. (1) First, the candidate should obtain admission to a doctoral or predoctoral programme.(2) Once this admission has been obtained, the candidate can apply for the KU Leuven Global Minds Doctoral Scholarship. Admission to a doctoral or predoctoral programme does not automatically mean ...

  15. Information about self-funded PhDs

    As a self-funded (= self-supporting) doctoral student you work on your PhD under the supervision of a supervisor working at the Arts Faculty without receiving financial compensation from KU Leuven (including external Flemish funding bodies like the FWO). This broad definition means that there are many different profiles of self-funded doctoral ...

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    The KU Leuven is pleased to be offering 10 PhD scholarships to excellent students from the Global South. By training researchers from low income countries, we help build institutional capacity in their home countries and tackle development challenges together. Application Deadline: 10th March, 2022 at 5 p.m.

  18. Research

    The call is open. Deadline Concept 01/10/2024. UNA Europa - Seed Funding Call. (Early-career) Researchers. Max. 39.000 € per project, depending on number of Una Europa partners. Collaborative research, education or outreach project with counterparts across the Una Europa alliance. The call is closed. KU Leuven Global Minds. PhD Scholarships.

  19. KU Leuven Global PhD Partnerships

    Under this joint PhD arrangement, the Home Institution will fund 2-3 years and the Host Institution will fund 1-2 years of candidature, up to a maximum of 4 years funding for each candidate. The individual PhD candidate shall reside in the research team of the funding institution at the time funding is provided by that institution.

  20. KU Leuven Scholarship 2025

    KU Leuven offers fully funded Science@Leuven scholarship 2025-2026 for international students. This scholarship is available for masters studies and provides 10,000 Euro to cover tuition fee, insurance, health insurance and living expenses. The Faculty of Science and its alumni association Science@Leuven are proud to announce the Science@Leuven ...

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  22. Internal Funds

    The KU Leuven Internal Funds include the Special Research Fund (BOF) and the Industrial Research Fund (IOF). Both are Flemish Funds for which the KU Leuven share was respectively 40,16% and 45,22% in 2020. This nice share is a.o. things based on output parameters appreciating each KU Leuven researchers' contribution!

  23. Rectal organoid morphology analysis (ROMA) as a novel physiological

    Funding This work was supported by a grant from the Belgian cystic fibrosis patient association 'Association Muco/Mucovereniging' to the Belgian Organoid Project and the CF research centre at KU Leuven, by the Research Grant of the Belgian Society of Paediatrics (BVK-SBP 2019), by a grant from the UZ Leuven Fund for Translational Biomedical ...

  24. PhD scholarships for KU Leuven researchers

    For KU Leuven, this is arranged through the Development Cooperation Unit. The contact person is Tupac Calfat. You can contact him for questions concerning VLADOC-scholarships. Deadline VLADOC PhD scholarships 2014: The deadline for submitting VLADOC proposals to Tupac Calfat is 3 March 2014. Information session VLADOC PhD scholarships 2014:

  25. Study of STAT1 gain-of-function pathogenesis and gene therapy

    A PhD scholarship of 48 months (supervision KU Leuven, Prof. Rik Schrijvers, Prof. Rik Gijsbers). You will be engaged to apply for competitive personal funding (FWO) during the course of your PhD Collaboration within an ambitious multicenter project with relevant societal consequences

  26. KU Leuven Vacatures

    We aim to train 15 talented PhD students on converged optical wireless systems with cell-free technologies for 6G. This vacancy focuses on one of the 15 specific topics or vacancies for the training network. ... validated through numerical simulations and in the KU Leuven 6G testbed. ... Competitive salary and funding according to MSCA projects ...