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essay about school life vs university life

4 differences between school and university life (and tips on how to adjust!)

differences between school and university

If you’re close to finishing school and considering enrolling in a degree, you might be wondering: what are the main differences between school and university life?

On your first day of university, you’ll be entering a whole new learning environment. To begin with, universities are generally much bigger with thousands of students, plus you also have more choices to make, and more responsibilities, too.

If you’re moving away from home for the first time to attend university, you’re going to have to adjust to independent living. But, don’t panic, you’ll pick it up much faster than you expect.

Here are 4 big differences between school and university life that will take adjusting to, with a few tips from our  University of Adelaide College  students and graduates:

1. Learning independently vs. managed learning

“First thing first, no one is going to yell at you if you don’t do your assignments or when you decide to skip lectures. It is all on you. You are in charge and responsible for your uni life as an adult. You won’t be forced to do anything, but it will always be beneficial to your learning if you do it.” –  Charmian Lam (Hong Kong SAR, Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science graduate, University of Adelaide)

differences between school and university

Charmain Lain

At university, you’re expected to take responsibility for your own learning. Unlike school, there will be no-one checking that you’ve done your homework, reminding you when assignments are due, or making sure you show up to your lectures. It’s up to you, how and when you want to learn.

essay about school life vs university life

2. Flexibility and choice vs. a set curriculum and schedule

“At university, students have more chances to choose how and when they want to learn. The same course will have different class times, so students can choose the appropriate time based on their schedule. Take me for example: I do not like attending morning classes, especially during winter, so I always choose class times that are in the afternoon.” Wenhan Wu (China, Bachelor of Teaching graduate, University of Adelaide)

differences between school and university

Wenhan Wu (second from left)

At school, you have a strict structure determined for you. School goes from 9am until 3pm every day, your lunch is at the same hour, you have a set class and you don’t have any choice over it. At university there is much more flexibility about your choice of electives, class times, the type of resources you have access to and sport and social groups you can join!

essay about school life vs university life

3. Managing your own life vs. living with parents

“Learn to cook. You will find cooking is an essential skill when you go abroad. Find a reliable agency when you look for a place to live. And don’t forget to read the contract carefully before you sign it.” Wenhan Wu (China, 3 rd year, Bachelor of Teaching graduate, University of Adelaide).

For a lot of students, starting university also means moving out of the family home, and even to a different country altogether. Not only are you getting used to a different class structure and learning style, but you also need to learn how to run your own household, and even master a new language.

essay about school life vs university life

4. Academic staff vs. school teaching

“The lecturers are always there to provide help and support. However, if there is no one available, never hesitate to go online and look for answers. Google is your friend but a lecturer is your best friend when it comes to fully understanding your course.” Charmain Lam (Hong Kong SAR, Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science graduate at the University of Adelaide).

At school, your teacher is very involved in your education. They report to your parents, know you well, and regularly give you feedback. At university, it’s a whole different story. Lecturers may have hundreds of students, and they won’t necessarily know your name.

essay about school life vs university life

Top tips to help you adjust to university life

“Always ask teachers for help or advice if needed. No matter if it is about study or life. They are the most reliable and trustworthy people around you.” Wenhan Wu (China, 3 rd year, Bachelor of Teaching, University of Adelaide).
“Join social clubs at your uni. It’s an easy way to get to know more people and be engaged in different activities. You will not regret joining one!” Charmian Lam (Hong Kong SAR, Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science graduate, the University of Adelaide).

The move from school to university takes some adjusting, particularly if you’re moving overseas to study.

Here are some top tips on how to make that process just a little bit easier for yourself:

essay about school life vs university life

If you are considering studying in Australia, it’s a good idea to do an  English Language Program , before you begin your degree.  The programs will enable you to communicat e with confidence and obtain essential language skills necessary for academic study in Australia , in a supportive environment.

At  the University of Adelaide College , you can learn academic English and study introductory subjects for your University of Adelaide degree. You will have support staff to help you through your transition, as well as a range of additional resources (like English tutoring). As the classes are smaller, you will receive more individual attention which is a great stepping stone to independent learning.

essay about school life vs university life

You will need to learn to learn  time management skills , because your schedule is up to you now! A calendar and a study schedule are key to managing your independent workload. Find out  how to develop a study schedule that actually works, here.

essay about school life vs university life

You can make your life easier with the help of technology. Put all your assignments into a Google calendar or other calendar app, and insert reminders two weeks before the due date, so you’re well prepared.  A ‘to do’ list app  is also a great help when you’re trying to order your priorities.

essay about school life vs university life

Make sure you regularly look at your online student portal for notifications and updates.

essay about school life vs university life

Always ask for help from your tutors, lecturers ,  or student services if you feel overwhelmed. At the University of Adelaide College,  student services  can  help you  with anything relating to your studies including any challenges or concerns you have.  Don’t hesitate to ask if you need anything at all.

essay about school life vs university life

At the University of Adelaide College, we want to make sure you have the right support to make the most of your study experience with us.  Our   student services team  are here to offer any academic guidance you may need.   

School Life vs. College Life

School Life vs. College Life

There is a great deal of difference between school life and college life. School life is a life of restrictions and control, a life in which the student has to be accountable for his daily work with his teachers and his guardian. But a college student, on the other hand, enjoys a much greater freedom from control and supervision; he is, to a very large extent, the master of his own destiny. It lies with him to make it or mar it.

At school, the students have to be in attendance for fixed hours every day. He has to leave home at ten or eleven and return at four at college, however, the hours of attendance vary. Sometimes, a college student has a hard time in the morning to gulp his food; at others, he has enough time to lounge about for a few minutes after a leisurely meal. On some days he returns early from college; or others, it is late evening by the time he gets back home. He has ample time at his disposal to use, abuse, or misuse.

At school, the student has to prepare his daily lessons and may be taken to task for what he has left undone. But at college, he can do his lessons daily, or not at all, as fancy may please or conscience may dictate. He is left to his own resources; he must understand his difficulties, and find out ways and means to remove them. He must, for the most part, depend upon himself, and take the help of a friend or a teacher only as his means and circumstances permit. In one respect, however, school life is more joyous than college life.

A student can run about and exercise his limbs in school more vigorously than at college. The sight of boys shouting and running down the staircase or the corridors or in the school quadrangle is something that one will seldom find in a college. College boys are either boisterous and rowdy or grave and decorous. They are must behave as grown-up people. Of course, it the college happens to have its playgrounds, they can go there after college hours and take part in regular games. Nowadays every college has a gymnasium to help student s build the ‘body beautiful’. A college, in other words, may not permit uproarious merriment, but it often gives larger opportunities for organized games sports.

Another respect in which school life and college life differ is in the use of the library and the common room. In most of our school libraries seem to be more for show than for use. Books are issued now and ten for use. Books are issued now and then, but such occasions are few and far between. But in most colleges, there are larger opportunities for using the library. One has also greater freedom in the choice of books. As to the common room, that is the exceptional privilege of students; most of our schools do not provide a common-room because boys are in their classes during the whole period of work.

It is natural that these differences between school life and college life should develop different mental and moral qualities. At school, students acquire habits of discipline and regularity. They have to practice obedience and follow instructions. But at college students are expected to develop a sense of responsibility and personal initiative. In other words, what a school student has to do under com-pulsing is done by the college students out of his greater sense of responsibility. Of course, it has to be admitted that college life offers greater scope to a student to go astray. If he takes himself light-heartedly, he will have to suffer. If he allows arrears of studies to accumulate he will pay the price with failure and disgrace. Hence a studious pupil improves more rapidly at college than at school, but a waster comes quicker to grief.

If I am asked to choose between school life and college life, it will not be something very easy. At school, I looked with envy and expectation at my serious and the ample freedom they enjoyed both at home and outside. Now at, the college I look back sometimes to those days when I could ‘feel my life in every limb’ and I was full of laughter add merriment than I can ever be in life. For somehow I have a feeling that the gracious, sun-lit days of gaiety, thoughtlessness, and the care-free pursuit of knowledge will soon be over, and it is not for me anymore to give way to ‘the loud laughter that speaks the vacant mind’. And yet perhaps, in a final view, college life, in spite of its cares and burdens, is the most pleasant and exciting period in one’s life. The sense of freedom, if nothing else, is in itself a tonic and an incentive to higher things.

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High School vs. University: A Comparison

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Academic rigor and flexibility, independence and responsibility.

Dr. Karlyna PhD

Social Dynamics and Diversity

High School vs. University: A Comparison. (2024, Feb 16). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/high-school-vs-university-a-comparison-essay

"High School vs. University: A Comparison." StudyMoose , 16 Feb 2024, https://studymoose.com/high-school-vs-university-a-comparison-essay

StudyMoose. (2024). High School vs. University: A Comparison . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/high-school-vs-university-a-comparison-essay [Accessed: 13 Sep. 2024]

"High School vs. University: A Comparison." StudyMoose, Feb 16, 2024. Accessed September 13, 2024. https://studymoose.com/high-school-vs-university-a-comparison-essay

"High School vs. University: A Comparison," StudyMoose , 16-Feb-2024. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/high-school-vs-university-a-comparison-essay. [Accessed: 13-Sep-2024]

StudyMoose. (2024). High School vs. University: A Comparison . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/high-school-vs-university-a-comparison-essay [Accessed: 13-Sep-2024]

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Difference Between School and University Life

For sure applicants have wondered more than once what life awaits them in a couple of months. In fact, what awaits you is a student life that is radically different from the one you are living at the moment. Why? Let us tell you. Here are the differences between the life of a high school student and the life of a college student.

Many of you will move away from your parents, leave your hometown, and begin your adult life with a new start. You will be completely free from the control of your elders who have had their eye on you for 18 years. But any freedom is limited by the laws of nature and society. Now you are responsible for your actions, and you should be wise in taking this right to “be an adult and independent”.

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How School and University Life Differ

Starting university can be very daunting when you’re used to school life and there are many, many differences between the two. Charlotte has made a list of key differences between university and school to help you prepare for the transition.

Students walking past the School of Music

How your course will be taught

One of the most striking differences between classes at school and university is the way that your course is taught. All courses are different but information will be relayed to you in a lot of new ways that you might not be used to.

At school you often have the same teacher for an entire subject, all year long, with lessons taking place in a small classroom. Help and support from your teacher is very easily accessible at school with a teacher always a few metres across the room - this is very different to university teaching.

Teaching room in the Graduate School

Teaching environments are usually a mixture of lectures and smaller tutorials

At university, you’ll have multiple lecturers for each of your classes and lessons will take place in a lecture hall rather than a classroom. These are large rooms with many rows of seats and desks. They can hold up to 200 students, but most courses are a lot smaller. You’ll most likely be taught through a mixture of lectures, seminars and tutorials. Sometimes your lecturers may organise field trips or workshops to aid your learning.

Seminars and tutorials have much smaller class sizes, allowing you an opportunity to ask questions to expert lecturers and receive help with assignments.

A very obvious difference that becomes apparent as soon as you set foot on campus is that students don’t have to wear a uniform to university. You’re free to express yourself however you want by wearing your own clothes every day, however you may be asked to wear certain things for practical activities. While there’s no set uniform for university, you’ll see many students on campus stick to comfortable clothes such as sweatshirts. In first year, I got myself a few branded Queen’s logo hoodies to wear throughout the year from the Student Welcome Centre that are very comfy.

Queen's Welcome Centre in the Lanyon Building

The Queen's Welcome Centre in the Lanyon Building

University is different to school in that you’ll have no set homework. Instead, you’ll be given deadlines to complete assignments and essays by - usually weeks in advance and it is up to you how you approach the task. You’ll have to do a lot more independent preparation for your assignments and it’s up to you to do extra reading around your lectures to build up a solid knowledge base to work from.

A lot of students are shocked by the amount of independence that is given to you straight away and end up falling behind on assignments and staying up all night before the deadline trying to finish on time. It’s a good idea to prepare early for assignments and get ahead so you don’t have lots of work to do at the last minute.

The McClay Library, Queen's University Belfast

Many students study in the McClay Library

Don’t worry though, even though you’re required to be a lot more independent, there’s still plenty of help with assignments available.

Communicating with staff

Questions and queries were easily answered in school by just knocking on a member of staff’s door and speaking face to face. At university, most communication outside of lesson time is done by email.

Students and Staff in the One Elmwood Students Union building

Lecturers and tutors can be reached via email and during office hours

A lot of incoming students don’t know that lecturers’ jobs don’t just involve lecturing. Many lecturers also carry out research projects and are constantly working on other things. Most lecturers will clearly state their office hours which they’ll be available during if you’d like to drop by to speak with them in their office. Otherwise, you’ll communicate with your lecturers or tutors via email - and they usually get back to you pretty quickly. Just remember to be polite! Some staff will offer Teams meetings if they’re available for a more in-depth chat.


After-school clubs and university clubs and societies have many differences, but both serve similar purposes. The goals of attending these clubs include personal growth, developing new skills, and promoting social interactions.

After-school clubs are often focused on specific age groups whereas at university societies and clubs have members of all different ages and courses. You could have a mixture of undergraduates, postgraduate students and even alumni. You get to meet a wide range of people by attending club activities and there is such a large variety of them too.

Queen's Surfing Club

The Surfing Club is one of over 200 clubs and societies at Queen's

At school, clubs typically might have focused on sports or music but at university, there truly is something for everyone. Queen’s has over 200 clubs and societies to explore - you’re bound to find something you’ll love!

Another difference between the two is that in school, clubs were typically led by staff members whereas at university you’ll find that many societies are led by the students themselves and it is a real group-effort to keep activities up and running. Students being in charge makes things a lot more fun as you all have your own voice and can set your own goals and schedules.

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Introduction to University Life: a Unique Journey

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Words: 631 |

Published: Mar 8, 2024

Words: 631 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

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The academic sphere: rigor and growth, the crucible of personal development, preparation for the future: career and beyond, conclusion the enduring impact of university life.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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essay about school life vs university life

Seven differences between high school and university

Two avatars of women

Written by Clare (she/her) and Mona (she/her), students

If you’re in high school and planning to go to university, you might be unsure about what you’ve signed up for. What is university going to be like? How will I find my classes? How many people are going to be in my class?

These are all valid questions, and we had them too before starting at Waterloo. So, for answers to these questions and many more, look no further. Here are some of the biggest differences between university and high school.

Students walking through campus

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You're in charge of yourself

At my high school, if I didn’t show up to a class, my mom would get a phone call and I’d get a “talking-to.” However, in university, there’s no attendance list. Whether or not you show up is up to you — but remember, you’re paying for the class whether you attend or not.

Some classes will take attendance as part of a participation mark, but for the most part, nobody is holding you accountable to show up for class.

It’s your choice to attend class and do your work — not your professors' and not your parents’. Nobody is going to tell you to do that assignment — it’s up to you to get it done!

This freedom can be exciting, but remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Not being hounded to go to class and do your work can often present a challenge, especially for a master procrastinator.

But don’t worry too much, soon after starting school you’ll get an understanding of what works for you and how you can motivate yourself to get work done.

It can be challenging to figure out a new schedule, create a budget , and figure out transportation, but don't worry, lots of other first-year students are going through this at the same time — and you’ll figure it out in due time.

Students studying together.

Independent learning

In university, you’ll do a lot of learning outside of regular class hours. Readings and assignments are just as important as the content covered in lectures.

For some classes, you’ll be in a classroom for only three hours a week, but you’ll spend much more time doing readings on your own. This can be hard to get used to!

When I was in high school, all new content was covered in class and homework was only to reinforce what I already learned. When I got to university and started doing learning on my own, I found it difficult. However, by now, I'm used to it, and I actually like doing some independent learning.

Flexible schedule

Whether you went to a semestered or non-semestered high school, you probably had school during the same time, every day of the week.

In university, you'll no longer have a set time for school and you'll often have lots of time between classes.

I love having gaps between my classes because they're the perfect time to grab a meal, hang out with friends, get involved with Waterloo's clubs and sports , and study. You have flexibility with how you want your week to look like.

You know exactly when all your tests and assignments are due

Imagine knowing exactly when each assignment is due, each test and each project, for the entire course on the first day of school.

Well, this is exactly what a course syllabus tells you, and right on your first day of class, you know exactly when everything is due for the next four months. This really helps you plan out your term — and getting a giant calendar planner to hang in your room really becomes important!

Distance between classes

Moving from elementary school to high school, I remember how exciting it was to be able to switch classrooms at the end of class. But now, rather than moving from classroom to classroom, you will likely be going from building to building between classes.

In high school, most classes are in one building. At Waterloo (and most other universities), classes are spread out in buildings all over campus! This can be difficult for the first little while — I know that I got lost more than I care to admit! However, during your first week at Waterloo there will be people stationed around campus to help you get around, and the school has some impressive signage.

But honestly, I still get lost sometimes when I’m going to a building or classroom I’ve never been to before. Now, getting lost doesn't faze me (all part of the adventure!), but if I’m going somewhere new, I always give myself a few extra minutes to get there!

All that to say, you'll definitely get in a lot more walking and even get the chance to ride your bike around campus.

Students walking on campus.

Services to help you succeed

One thing that really surprised me when coming to university was that you get a lot of resources to help you with your transition, such as  Waterloo Ready which is held every summer.

There are not only free academic tutoring sessions, but there are many  Waterloo services ranging from counselling to academic advisors and mentorship programs , which can really help you succeed.

Student talking with someone

The friends you meet will change you

Okay, so although I never technically became friends with the campus geese, I did get to know some of the most amazing people from across the country and around the world.

Before university, pretty much all my friends were from my hometown. I get to university, and all of a sudden I’m meeting people from towns I’ve never even heard of. It’s wonderful to meet so many new people. Your horizons will widen so fast that you might feel like a completely different person within the first month at school.

You may miss some of your friends from high school, but in university, you'll be amazed at how much more diverse your atmosphere can become.

I made friends from all over the world within the first few days of university, which is something that you'll need to leave high school to really experience.

Students smiling and laughing together.

More ways to get involved

University populations are much larger than those of high schools. At your high school, you’re likely used to hundreds of students. At university, there are thousands.

Sometimes large student populations can be intimidating, but, if you ask me, I think the more students, the better! More students makes for so many more opportunities to get involved and have fun. Clubs, societies, and school events are just some of the things that are positively impacted by having lots of students on campus.

At your high school you probably have some clubs, some sports teams, and one main student government. At Waterloo, we have  200+ clubs , six faculty societies, 30 varsity sports teams, dozens of intramural sports teams.

Two volleyball players cheering

As you can likely imagine, our club variety is huge. The Waterboys, Coffee n' Code, Culture and Language Exchange Club, DJ Club, and Humans vs. Zombies are just a few of our clubs.

If you can’t find a club you like, or have a great idea for a new club, you can create your own with the help of Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association (WUSA), our student government.

At Waterloo, we have both varsity and intramural sports . Our varsity sport selection is large with 19 sports and 32 teams, ranging from badminton to rugby.

If you’re looking for something with less commitment, try an intramural sport! Some popular intramural sports are dodgeball, squash, and volleyball.

Student government

The Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association is the student union for all undergraduate students. Our faculty societies are similar, but are small and specific to each of our six faculties (Arts, Engineering, Environment, Health, Math, and Science). As well, there are dozens of program societies where you can meet people in your major.

Faculty and program societies hold events, offer services, clubs, and even free food! Joining a faculty society is a great way to meet people with similar interests as you and start networking.

If you asked me whether I enjoyed high school or university more, I would without a doubt say university. The experiences and opportunities you gain during your undergraduate program are beyond imaginable and incomparable to high school. It's definitely a journey!

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Student Life

20 Differences Between High School & College Life

Nervous about the transition from high school to college fear not: college life is amazing., kathryn knight randolph.

October 13, 2022

20 Differences Between High School & College Life

20 Differences between High School & College Life:

  • High School: In high school, you know everyone in your class. College: In college, you’re lucky to know one person in your class.
  • High School High school books are provided are little to no cost. College: College textbooks cost a small fortune.
  • High School: You have to live with your parents in high school. College: You get to live with your friends in college.
  • High School: You wake up early in the morning for class in high school. College: You wake up for your first class (or whenever you want).
  • High School: In high school, you were forced to learn all subjects. College: In college, you get to learn whatever you want to.
  • High School: In high school, your time and schedule are dictated by others. College: In college, you take back ownership of time management .
  • High School: In high school, teachers read from the textbooks they use. College: In college, professors refer to the textbooks they wrote.
  • High School: In high school, you studied comfortably at home before a test. College: In college, the library becomes your home away from home.
  • High School: In high school, you wrote notes to friends. College: In college, you take notes for yourself.
  • High School: In high school, you're able finish all your homework in one night. College: In college, that’s a near-to-impossible feat.
  • High School: In high school, you have a full day of classes. College: In college, you plan your schedule to your liking.
  • High School: In high school, you’re stuck with a set social hierarchy. College: In college, you get to choose who you spend time around.
  • High School: In high school, assigned reading means a night off from homework. College: In college, you actually need to do the reading - and it takes all night.
  • High School: In high school, everyone is required to be there. College: In college, everyone wants to be there.
  • High School In high school, you worried about what “looked” cool. College: In college, you’re too busy to care about what other people think.
  • High School: In high school, you’re stuck in a social “role” that others cast you in. College: In college, you can be whoever you want to be.
  • High School: In high school, you have adults telling you what’s expected of you. College: In college, it’s just expected.
  • High School: In high school, teachers gear classes towards average learners. College: Average is the bare ( emphasis on bare ) minimum in college classes .
  • High School: High school attendance is mandatory. College: College attendance is (strongly) suggested.

Adjusting to College Life

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Kathryn Knight Randolph is the Associate Content Editor at Fastweb. She has 17 years of higher education experience, working first as an Admissions Officer at DePauw University before joining Fastweb. In b...

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The differences between school and university

As you start your university journey, here are some important ways that university is different from school and how you’ll have to adapt .

Juan Rubio Gorrochategui's avatar

Juan Rubio Gorrochategui

The differences between school and university

If you're starting university this year, you will soon be settling into a new environment, living away from home and having to look after yourself. You will leave behind the lifestyle you have been familiar with since you started secondary education or high school. Things are about to become markedly different, and not having to wear a uniform is not the only thing that will change once you start your journey to university. 

So much choice

The key word that defines what the university experience entails is “freedom”. Now it is up to you to decide on your daily habits. Fancy having five bars of chocolate a day? Go for it.

From the beginning of the first term, nobody will check whether you attend your lectures or whether you get eight hours of sleep every night. Autonomy to live your own life will also come with the expectation that you will be responsible enough to take care of yourself. Thus, it is essential that you organise your daily routine early on so that you have enough time to attend your lectures, participate in social activities and clubs and hang out with your friends.

Busting the myths about university

My first tip that I cannot stress enough is to make an effort to attend your lectures. It makes a massive difference, as lecturers often give clues to what material they will include in the final exam, or guidelines on essay layout. The same applies to tutorials, seminars and workshops.

Lecturers, unlike schoolteachers, will not see you every day and might be hard to reach. They won’t always check why you aren’t going to lectures. Tutorials and seminars are therefore a great opportunity to ask questions about content that you have not been able to fully grasp when they are presented in lectures.

On that note, try to keep regular contact with your personal tutor, who will be your main source of academic support and will supply you with tips on various matters relating to studying and campus life. Planning meetings with your tutor are just as much your responsibility as they are theirs, so be sure to keep up with them. 

It is also important to be proactive in your learning and to regularly read your notes and leave aside some time at the weekend to go through the week’s lecture content.

And do take a look at the recommended reading, as many courses require supplementary materials in order to fully understand them. Binge revising everything the day before the exam may have been enough to scrape a pass at school, but it is less likely to work at university if you haven't done the reading throughout the term. 


Of course, you should still make sure you meet people and have fun in your free time. At school, you shared facilities with maybe a few thousand students at most. You were also more likely to be in more classes with your friends and to have only a few areas where you could hang out at lunchtime, so you were pretty much guaranteed to see your friends every day. 

However, at university, there are thousands of students across the campus. This has its upsides (the chances are quite high that you meet plenty of people with similar hobbies as you) and its downsides (sometimes it can feel lonely). A good way to find new peers is by joining clubs.

There will be loads of clubs to choose from, focusing on such different areas as sports, cultural activities or food. In the case of the larger clubs, apart from doing events related to their main area of interest, they also organise frequent social gatherings that allow you to meet even more people.

Mental health

It is important to mention that such a sudden change in your life can take a toll on your mental health. There will be times when you can feel stressed because of the workload, scared of failing or simply alone in the world. Being far from your family and closest friends can be hard. Do not be afraid to ask for help.

Starting university can be quite challenging for many people, and struggling to adapt to the new environment is common.

Do not hesitate to speak to counselling services, your personal tutor or your new friends if you’re finding it difficult to cope. Because, at the end of the day, the most important thing is for you to enjoy this period of your life. Good luck, and make the best out of university!

Read more:  Five tips to make the most of your university experience

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  • The University of Warwick

How different is University life from college or high school?

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Living away from home, becoming independent and meeting people from around the world. In this blog, James discusses what he found to be the biggest changes between school and university life.

The resources available to prospective students through the WBS website, social media channels, brochure and open days gives a real flavour of the Warwick experience. However, some students may still be wondering how university truly differs from life as they know it. Ultimately, how different is life at Warwick from college or high school?

There are the obvious differences. For many students, this will be the first time living away from home. Living away from home means there is no parent checking up on your homework progress or regulating your bedtimes. School offers a rigid schedule that is easy to follow and gives you a helping hand through your studies. Whilst there is a wealth of support at Warwick, there is a greater focus on individuality and independence, allowing students to work in a style that is best for them.

For students at WBS, there are exciting opportunities to explore new ways of learning. This includes partaking in the creative modules that are on offer, or experiencing the flipped classroom techniques that many enjoy. There is also a greater focus on making mistakes and asking questions. This allows students to grow and ensure that content being learnt is retained in the long-term.

Another distinct difference between school and university is the relationship students enjoy with their lecturers and seminar tutors. In school, it is common to learn in a rote fashion, learning with the main goal to pass exams. This could not be further from the truth at university. WBS focuses on questioning common beliefs and challenging yourself, with seminars offering a dynamic environment to question some of the best minds contemporary management has to offer.

An example of this occurred in my first term. I was surprised that lecturers wanted you to question and check their work, rather than take it at face value. WBS undergraduates are shown a wide range of historical and contemporary viewpoints on specific topics, giving students the tools to make up their own minds. This ensures that the learning experience is more engaging, and critical thinking is treasured as a core component of this approach.

Perhaps the biggest difference I have found is the need to be self-motivated, unlike at home, where your parents will be there to push you to get up and attend school, at University you have to do that yourself. This can be particularly difficult when you have looming deadlines or exams. However, a huge benefit of this need for self-motivation is the ability to shape your studies. School offers a strict curriculum, where academic success is underpinned by reinforcing this content. At university, the curriculum extends infinitely. Many lecturers take a holistic approach, whereby management is placed in an interwoven web of branches of academia. It is common for modules to draw on insights from psychology, politics and many other fields. This scope of study ensures each student graduates with unique perspectives, something that is in high demand in the professional world.

On a lighter note, WBS is a truly multicultural institution. In a second-year project, my group consisted of working alongside students from three different continents. With 29 nationalities represented on my course, BSc International Management , WBS is so much more than a prestigious Business School. It gives you an opportunity to learn about different cultures and build networks across the globe. It gives you a chance to explore how business is conducted across the globe, and potentially even a way to travel during the holidays!

While it is obvious that school and university are different, this should be reassuring. With the right perspective, WBS offers an exciting challenge where you can explore new avenues of studies, question traditional approaches and gain friends from across the globe.

You can find out about all of the WBS Undergraduate Programmes here .

  • / University Life and Campus: Expectations vs Reality

University Life and Campus: Expectations vs Reality

University Life

25 June, 2023

6 mins read

By Allaa Ashraf

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Entering university is an exciting milestone in one's life, filled with anticipation, new experiences, and personal growth. As you prepare to embark on this journey, you often develop certain expectations about the university and campus life. However, things may not always be as you’d imagined them. University isn’t always fun and games; sometimes you have to write essays and present to people . Worry not, though, not every student has the same university experience, that’s for sure. So, just before you get too carried away, we will help you get back to earth!  

In this article, we will explore the expectations and realities of university life and campus life, providing a detailed perspective to help future university students better understand what to anticipate.

University Life and Campus: Expectations vs Reality

1. Independence and Freedom

Expectation : Free at last! The idea of campus life is the ultimate dream for people who have been waiting to move out. University is often seen as a gateway to newfound independence, freedom from parental supervision, and the ability to make decisions without constant guidance. You think you will only go home on holidays—Christmas, Thanksgiving, and maybe just a couple of days during the summer. 

Reality : With freedom comes responsibility. Students discover that managing their time, prioritising tasks, and staying organised are crucial for success. Balancing coursework, part-time jobs, extracurricular activities, and personal commitments can be overwhelming. The reality is that university life demands self-discipline and effective time management skills to navigate through the various responsibilities and opportunities available. 

Also, here is the deal: you’re going to miss home more than you think. You will find yourself missing the fresh, hot homemade meals, the daily talks with your parents, and even your siblings and their fights.

2. Seamless Transition and Instant Success

Expectation : Some students expect a seamless transition from high school to university, assuming that their previous successes will effortlessly translate into immediate triumphs in higher education.

Reality : The reality is that the university experience often presents new challenges and demands a growth mindset. Just because you are studying something you love doesn’t mean you will get your degree easily. There’s so much more to getting a degree than just studying what you love. 

Adapting to higher academic rigour, developing critical thinking skills, and adjusting to new teaching styles can be initially daunting. It's important to remember that personal growth and success are often the results of perseverance, resilience, and a willingness to learn from both successes and setbacks.

You will be excited about what you’re learning at university, but you might also find yourself overwhelmed with the workload. Sometimes you will focus so much time and energy on a specific subject, especially during the first semester or the first year. This can be draining and cause you to lose your passion.

3. Financial Freedom and Stability

Expectation : Many students imagine newfound financial freedom in university, with disposable income for leisure activities and personal expenses.

Reality : Now, hold on a minute! Don’t spend that money now! The reality is that university often comes with financial responsibilities. Tuition fees, accommodation costs, textbooks, and daily expenses can quickly add up. Students may need to balance part-time jobs or seek scholarships and financial aid to cover their expenses. Learning effective budgeting skills and practising financial responsibility become essential aspects of university life.

University Life and Campus: Expectations vs Reality

4. Hassle-Free Accommodation Life

Expectation : You won’t have any responsibilities regarding your accommodation life except paying the rent on a monthly basis, and if you choose private accommodation, it’ll all be fun and games.

Reality : As a student, you can choose between a PBSA and on-campus accommodation. Both require a different budget and a different lifestyle. Lower your expectations ; regardless of what you choose, life in a private student accommodation won’t be all fun and parties. 

Your room will need cleaning, you will have laundry, and you will have to organise a schedule for using the shared area with your flatmate. Sounds like a lot, right? We know that’s why we are telling you to think thoroughly about your choice of accommodation.


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5. easy peasy, lemon squeezy studying and assignments.

Expectation : As we all know, you always promise yourself that this year will be different and that you’ll study hard and not waste a minute. You promise yourself that you will keep up with all the workload you have and that you’ll never leave any assignment to the last minute. We’ve all been there.

Reality : It is not impossible, but remember to give yourself room for mistakes. If, after the first week, your assignments start to pile up, it is ok. You can simply manage your time better in order not to feel overwhelmed. In addition, you can think about studying and doing assignments as an exam prep strategy to motivate you.

6. Being in the Pink of Health

Expectation : You go to university telling yourself that you’re going to eat healthily and cook for yourself. Maybe you can pull this off for the first week of your university life, or even the first month.

Reality : You find yourself so swamped with assignments and projects that you might occasionally eat junk food for a meal or two. Don’t be harsh on yourself, and maybe exercise afterwards. That’s how you stay healthy .

7. A Continuous Social Extravaganza

Expectation: Many students envision university as a constant whirlwind of parties, social gatherings, and non-stop excitement. They imagine themselves surrounded by friends, attending events, and forming lifelong connections.

Reality: We’re sorry to break it to you; we really are. While universities provide ample opportunities for socialising, the reality is that balancing social life and academics can be challenging. Students quickly realise that attending lectures, studying, completing assignments, and preparing for exams require significant time and effort. It becomes essential to strike a healthy balance between socialising and academics to make the most of the university experience.

University Life and Campus: Expectations vs Reality

8. Vibrant Campus Life

Expectation : Campus life is often portrayed as a vibrant community teeming with clubs, organisations, sports teams, and cultural events. Students expect a wide array of options to get involved and find their niche.

Reality : While universities offer a diverse range of extracurricular activities, the reality is that finding your niche might take time and exploration. Joining clubs, attending events, and actively engaging with the campus community can help students discover their interests and build lasting connections. It's important to remember that the university experience is not solely confined to the campus, as many students find fulfilment through off-campus activities and local communities.

9. Time for Personal Exploration and Self-Discovery

Expectation : University is often seen as a transformative period for self-discovery, where students have the time and freedom to explore their identities, values, and interests.

Reality : While university provides opportunities for personal exploration, the reality is that self-discovery is an ongoing process that extends beyond the university years. Students may find themselves questioning their beliefs, values, and goals and may encounter diverse perspectives that challenge their preconceived notions. Embracing these experiences as opportunities for growth and self-reflection can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself.

University Life and Campus: Expectations vs Reality

10. Always Feeling Motivated and Inspired

Expectation : Students often anticipate a constant state of motivation and inspiration, assuming that their passion for their chosen field of study will propel them effortlessly through their academic journey.

Reality : The reality is that motivation can fluctuate, and students may face periods of academic pressure, stress, or burnout. Challenging coursework, multiple deadlines, and high expectations can sometimes dampen enthusiasm. Developing resilience, seeking support from peers or academic advisors, and practising self-care strategies can help students navigate these challenges and rediscover their motivation.

And there you have it, folks! University life and campus life bring with them a mix of expectations and realities. While some expectations align with reality, others may require adjustments and a shift in perspective. 

Recognising that university life is a unique journey that varies for each individual can help students navigate the challenges and maximise the opportunities available. Embracing the realities of university life, including the need for balance, responsibility, and personal growth, can lead to a fulfilling and transformative experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. will university life be exactly like what i've seen in movies and tv shows.

While movies and TV shows often portray an exaggerated version of university life, it's important to remember that reality may differ. University life is a unique experience for each individual, and while there may be some elements of excitement and social events, it also involves academic responsibilities and personal growth.

2. How can I balance my social life with academics?

Balancing social life and academics requires effective time management and prioritisation. It's important to set realistic goals, create a study schedule, and allocate time for social activities. Additionally, engaging in extracurricular activities and joining clubs can help combine socialising with personal development.


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3. what should i do if i'm struggling academically.

If you're facing academic challenges, don't hesitate to seek help. Most universities offer support services such as tutoring, study groups, or academic advisors who can assist you in improving your academic performance. It's important to communicate with your professors, ask questions, and utilise available resources to overcome any difficulties.

4. How can I make the most of my university experience beyond classes?

Getting involved in campus activities is a great way to enhance your university experience. Join clubs or organisations that align with your interests, participate in community service initiatives, attend campus events, and explore opportunities for internships or research projects. Engaging in these activities will allow you to build a network, develop new skills, and make lifelong memories.

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Motivation and self-study

You’ll soon find that studying at university or college has a very different feel to school. Whereas at school, your lessons are driven by your teacher and very focused around exams, at university you have more time for self-study, being able to select your own topics for a lot of assessments and essays.

You’ll need to be a lot more motivated as you have less contact time than you would at school, with a few lectures and seminars a week, interspersed with hours of self-study time where you'll be reading course material and working on assignments, essays, and coursework.

Type of study

Rather than a full day of lessons with determined breaks, led by teachers, you’ll be attending lectures and seminars, both of which form your modules. Lectures are often in large rooms or lecture hall spaces, where a lecturer or academic will lead a session related to your module.

This will be followed up with seminars, with smaller group sizes where you will often be expected to prepare work and be actively involved in discussions. For some subjects there will also be lab time, experiments or fieldwork.

Focus on your passion

Independence and the unknown.

A big difference between school and uni or college is the element of independence, especially if you move away from home. Not only will you be organising your own learning and schedule, but on top of that you need to keep yourself alive!

Make sure you’re up to speed with some easy recipes, know how to do laundry, and can keep your room clean with the right products (be very careful where you use bleach – trust us). You’ll be meeting new people and making friends, and you can learn a lot from these new people in your life, from recipes to study skills.

Level of study

University or college will often feel like a big step up in terms of the difficulty level of what you’ll be studying. See yourself as a beginner, wanting to become an expert. Yes, it can be tough at times, but you’re in control of what and how much you want to learn, and your lecturers and tutors are always on hand if you need help understanding a tricky concept or want to know if you’re on the right lines for your latest essay.

Grading system

Another big difference between school and university or college is the way you’re graded; you won’t get an A or a C any more, or a pass or distinction, for instance. At uni, you’ll get a percentage grade, which equates to a first, 2:1, 2:2 or a third:

  • First Class Honours (1st) – this is the highest grade you can obtain and you will receive this if you achieve 70% or above in your assignments.
  • Second Class Honours: upper division (2:1) – following a first, this is the second highest grade you can attain and you will receive this if you achieve 60–69% in your assignments.
  • Second Class Honours: lower division (2:2) – if you receive 50-59% in your assignments, you’ll be graded a 2:2.
  • Third Class Honours – you’ll receive this classification if you’re graded 40–49% in your assignments.

Type of assessment

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2. College and University graduates have been known to live longer and have happier lives. 3. More money. II.

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The past four years of my life hold both my highest of highs and my lowest of lows. High school can be a very awkward time period in a person’s life. Four years ago, I made the intimidating switch from St. Mary’s School to Algoma High School. There were certain aspects of high school which made me nervous, but academics was not one of them. I learned how to be a responsible student in my earlier years, and school had always come relatively easy to me.

Essay On Challenges Facing College Students

Students face various challenges throughout their college career. Thus, the problems that students have can range from balance, new lifestyle, to financial problems. Therefore, finding a balance between being a student, possibly working, and keeping up with their social life is a necessity. Similarly, others are away from home for the first time thus, they have a new responsibility with being on their own and findings ways to deal with homesickness. Likewise, being exposed to new financial situations is yet another challenge college students will need to learn how to cope with.

What Is My High School Experience Essay

My high school experience was a long, frustrating learning experience. I didn’t know what to expect, or what I was getting myself into. Nobody gave me the tools to understand the main focus of each year. I am going to give you tips and advice on how to succeed in high school. I will discuss 9-12th grade along with what to expect each year.

Friendship In College Essay

College represents something different to everyone. The student will be accountable for attending class, navigating around campus, and obtaining help when needed. When young people leave home for the academic world, they embark on a new journey that includes independence, adventure, and uncovering their individuality. Most students are not prepared for the trials of academe and end up feeling overwhelmed. College life can be a hard adjustment.

Essay On My High School Experience

High school grows you into the person you are. I have great memories, good and bad, some learning experiences and some that I’ll take with me the rest of my life. My high school experience has influenced my development as a person inside and outside of the class by making me more independent, choosing friends wisely and teachers motivating me to attend college and accomplish goals I have set for myself. I have gained my independence slowly throughout high school. The importance of being independent is being secure with who you are and what you believe in.

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For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Sentence 1 - Background statement
  • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
  • Sentence 3 - Thesis
  • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
  • Sentence 2 - Example
  • Sentence 3 - Discussion
  • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
  • Sentence 1 - Summary
  • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
  • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

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Comparison and Contrast Between School Life and University Life

essay about school life vs university life

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Similarities Between School Life And University Life

essay about school life vs university life

Show More School Life V University Life: School life V University life, two of the most important experiences in every person life. School is known as the preparation for university; you spend 12 years of your life at school preparing for university. University studies are known to be harder, but that doesn’t mean that school is easy. High school students are always excited for university and university students always miss school but they also love university life. The question is which part of your life is better, is it school life or is it university life? High school is known as a first step to higher level of education , also the preparation for university. In the article “School Life: The Golden Period Of A Child’s Life,” Neeharika (2010) writes that as a child we always wanted to grow fast and live the life of an adult but as we have grown our responsibilities became far greater then when we used to be kids. Topics in high school are just the basics that give an …show more content… The common similarity is if you fail in school or in university you have to repeat your school year or the subject that you failed in university. Failing as I mentioned is kind of a similarity but the biggest similarity in my point of view is the hard working to pass your school year or your university course, for both high school and university, you have to study hard to achieve a good grade and pass. Without hard work students would not pass their school or university year which makes it the most important similarity between school and university. According to Neeharika (2010), in “School Life: The Golden Period Of A Child’s Life” she says as university you are the judge of your own actions good or bad, you are always a judge when it comes to taking an action. As she also mentioned that a university student is not always free to do whatever he or she

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Expectations Vs Reality Of University Life Opposed To High School

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essay about school life vs university life

  • > Writing Essays in English Language and Linguistics
  • > Writing at school and writing at university: are they really so different?

essay about school life vs university life

Book contents

  • Frontmatter
  • Acknowledgements


  • A guide to the book's icons: what do they mean?
  • Part 1 The basics
  • Chapter 1 Writing at school and writing at university: are they really so different?
  • Chapter 2 Fundamental principles
  • Part 2 Getting down to writing
  • Linguistics glossary

Chapter 1 - Writing at school and writing at university: are they really so different?

from Part 1 - The basics

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  05 June 2012

‘I just don't really know what to expect. What exactly are the differences between writing at school and writing at university?’

Actually, despite the title of this section, the truth is that writing at school and writing at university are not really that different. Many of the adjustments you'll need to make to your writing will be adjustments of degree and style as much as anything else. The principles of good academic writing are the same whether you're writing as a high school student or as a postgraduate doctoral student.

‘So, why do I need a book of this kind?’ you're probably wondering. Well, here are a few reasons:

Due to such things as time pressure, a full curriculum and student capacity, schools vary in the attention they pay to developing academic writing skills.

Schools, understandably, tend to focus on training you to produce written work that will earn you good AS/A-level grades. They don't normally prepare you specifically for academic writing at undergraduate level. As a result, certain principles of writing are not covered at all or are covered only superficially, with much important detail often being left out – detail that may be crucial to successful assignment writing at university.

Traditional thinking has been that undergraduates will learn much of what they need to know ‘on the job’, once they enter university, through observation, a process of trial and error, and tutor feedback. Unfortunately, these days, the ever-increasing demands being placed on tutors' time means that it's becoming increasingly difficult for them to provide their students with detailed feedback on the form (as opposed to the content) of their writing, with the result that students themselves need to be more resourceful. Furthermore, many students who wish to make a good start with their first assignments feel anxious and uncomfortable about handing in essays without a clear grasp of what's expected of them. In other words, they're not happy to take the risk of ‘learning on the job’ as this may mean below-par marks in the early phase of their university careers.

While many academic departments, libraries or information services departments offer leaflets on aspects of academic writing such as referencing and plagiarism, these are often only very brief guides – useful certainly, but not really adequate.

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  • Writing at school and writing at university: are they really so different?
  • Neil Murray , University of South Australia
  • Book: Writing Essays in English Language and Linguistics
  • Online publication: 05 June 2012
  • Chapter DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139035347.004

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  4. High School vs. University: A Comparison Free Essay Example

    Both high school and university offer distinct experiences that shape personal growth, academic pursuits, and social interactions. This essay compares and contrasts the key aspects of high school life and university life, exploring differences in academic rigor, independence, social dynamics, and personal responsibility.

  5. Difference Between School and University Life

    If at school the class teacher could convince you to learn something, at university you are the only one interested in your studies. The teacher gives you the knowledge in lectures and practicals, and it is your choice to assimilate it or to study on your own before the exam. People who have responsibly attended all lectures and completed ...

  6. How School and University Life Differ

    One of the most striking differences between classes at school and university is the way that your course is taught. All courses are different but information will be relayed to you in a lot of new ways that you might not be used to. At school you often have the same teacher for an entire subject, all year long, with lessons taking place in a ...

  7. Introduction to University Life: a Unique Journey

    In conclusion, university life is a multifaceted journey that extends far beyond academic learning. It is a formative period that challenges students intellectually, fosters personal growth, and lays the foundation for future success. By engaging fully in the academic, personal, and professional opportunities that universities offer, students ...

  8. Seven differences between high school and university

    Before university, pretty much all my friends were from my hometown. I get to university, and all of a sudden I'm meeting people from towns I've never even heard of. It's wonderful to meet so many new people. Your horizons will widen so fast that you might feel like a completely different person within the first month at school.

  9. Key differences between uni and school

    1) New places means new people. Whether you're at college or at school, the people who you mix with are the same familiar faces you see week in and week out. At university, there are so many opportunities to meet new people. In fact, you'll probably be meeting new people right up until you graduate. It's great if you can keep in contact ...

  10. 20 Differences Between High School & College Life

    College: In college, professors refer to the textbooks they wrote. High School: In high school, you studied comfortably at home before a test. College: In college, the library becomes your home away from home. High School: In high school, you wrote notes to friends. College: In college, you take notes for yourself.

  11. The differences between school and university

    At school, you shared facilities with maybe a few thousand students at most. You were also more likely to be in more classes with your friends and to have only a few areas where you could hang out at lunchtime, so you were pretty much guaranteed to see your friends every day. However, at university, there are thousands of students across the ...

  12. How different is University life from college or high school?

    In this blog, James discusses what he found to be the biggest changes between school and university life. The resources available to prospective students through the WBS website, social media channels, brochure and open days gives a real flavour of the Warwick experience. However, some students may still be wondering how university truly ...

  13. University Life and Campus: Expectations vs Reality

    4. Hassle-Free Accommodation Life. Expectation: You won't have any responsibilities regarding your accommodation life except paying the rent on a monthly basis, and if you choose private accommodation, it'll all be fun and games. Reality: As a student, you can choose between a PBSA and on-campus accommodation.

  14. The difference between school and university or college

    Another big difference between school and university or college is the way you're graded; you won't get an A or a C any more, or a pass or distinction, for instance. At uni, you'll get a percentage grade, which equates to a first, 2:1, 2:2 or a third: First Class Honours (1st) - this is the highest grade you can obtain and you will ...

  15. Differences Between University And High School Life

    Teachers are also different here in high school and university. In high school, all of the teachers seem to care with the student's life, while in university most of them don't care anything at all. Second, I will talk about economic aspects. University cost much more than high school life. The education fee is very expensive and life ...

  16. Similarities And Differences Between School And University

    Transitioning from school to university is a part of the transition from childhood to adulthood. There are many differences and similarities in school and university. First, the cost at a university is very high, and very few students can afford to study …show more content…. University students can join different clubs available to enhance ...

  17. Compare/contrast high school life and university liife

    have similarities though the two lives differ in some ways. almost lean on others. Make sure to address all aspects of the topic and provide a balanced comparison of high school life and university life. Work on improving the structure of your essay to enhance the flow of ideas and make it easier for the reader to follow.

  18. Comparison and Contrast Between School Life and University Life

    In contrast, instructors in university go through the textbooks quickly. In view of them, they expected students to think independently and critically. On the other hand, teachers in high school usually take time to remind students of assignments and the date of tests. In comparison with high school, instructors in university offer a pre ...

  19. Similarities Between School Life And University Life

    School Life V University Life: School life V University life, two of the most important experiences in every person life. School is known as the preparation for university; you spend 12 years of your life at school preparing for university. University studies are known to be harder, but that doesn't mean that school is easy.

  20. Expectations Vs Reality Of University Life Opposed To High School

    I have heard from my brother that university life is quite easy as compared to school and college life. Its up to you to attend the lecture.University life is tension free.. After securing admission I was satisfied that it is going to be as good as I imagined it to be.

  21. Writing at school and writing at university: are they really so

    Actually, despite the title of this section, the truth is that writing at school and writing at university are not really that different. Many of the adjustments you'll need to make to your writing will be adjustments of degree and style as much as anything else.

  22. Compare Contrast Essay Topic: School Life vs University Life A) School

    Final answer: A compare and contrast essay on school life and university life involves examining the similarities and differences between the two. Key points for discussion can include the varying levels of personal responsibility, the structure of learning, and the purpose of education.