Writing persuasive speeches

I can plan a persuasive speech about my new word.

Lesson details

Key learning points.

  • A successful speech will maintain a clear, single viewpoint throughout.
  • Ideas must be logically sequenced and linked, so that the audience can follow the argument.
  • Vocabulary and language devices must be chosen for effect.
  • Use structural features at paragraph and sentence level, to manage pace and emphasis.

Common misconception

Students should avoid short or one-word sentences in favour of longer, complex sentences.

If used correctly, shorter sentences can be great for amending pace and giving emphasis to particular parts of a speech.

Viewpoint - A viewpoint refers to a person’s point of view on a particular issue.

Pace - In relation to speeches, pace refers to the speed with which ideas are presented and developed.

Emphasis - Emphasis refers to the particular importance given to something.

Sequenced - If ideas are sequenced then they are presented in a logical order.

This content is © Oak National Academy Limited ( 2024 ), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).

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Resources you can trust

How to write a good speech

How to write a good speech

An advice sheet with information and tips for students to use when they write a speech. The key features of speech writing are covered and include having an inspiring opening and ending, using emotive language and including facts and figures. 

The resource also includes a planning grid template. 

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100 Persuasive Speech Topics for Kids

Michele is a writer who has been published both locally and internationally.

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Kids' persuasive speech topics cover everything from current events to age old childhood milestones. If you've been assigned a persuasive writing speech, look for a topic you know a lot about and really stand behind.

Easy Persuasive Speech Topics for Beginners

Students in grades two and up who are just starting to learn about the different types of essays and writing can select easy topics about things they are very familiar with. These persuasive writing prompts work great for short speeches.

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Fun and Interesting Topics

  • Kids should start every morning with yoga.
  • Cereal is not a healthy breakfast.
  • Showering every day isn't important.
  • Kids' clothing should always be designed by kids.
  • Being a YouTube star is a real job.
  • Boredom is good for kids.
  • Borrowing books from the library is better than buying them from a store.
  • Hamsters are the best first pet for kids.
  • Every person is completely unique.
  • My town is the best place for families with young children to live.
  • Being an only child is better than having siblings.
  • Kids should have TVs in their bedrooms.
  • Jeans are the most uncomfortable article of clothing.

Educational Topics

  • Cursive writing shouldn't be taught in schools.
  • Lunch periods should be longer for younger kids and shorter for older kids.
  • Kids shouldn't be allowed to bring homemade treats to share at school.
  • Homework should be optional for kids.
  • Schools should mandate that all kids learn about all holidays celebrated around the world.
  • All schools should have outdoor classrooms available.
  • All foods should be grown or raised by small farmers.
  • Playing video games is a good hobby for kids.
  • Gardening is an easy way to eat healthier.
  • Reading is more important than math.
  • Kids should get to choose what classes they take in elementary school.

Global Topics

  • People's differences make the world a more interesting place.
  • Kids under age 13 shouldn't be allowed to have jobs anywhere in the world.
  • The world is round.
  • Dinosaurs really did exist and go extinct.
  • People should only be allowed to eat food that grows or lives in their country.
  • International pen pals are good for kids.
  • Learning a second language is helpful for everyone.
  • There should be one form of money that every country uses.
  • Every country should have its own kind of schools.
  • Governments should offer free travel to other countries for educational purposes.

Intermediate Persuasive Speech Topics for Children

Kids in upper elementary grades who have some practice in writing persuasive speeches can choose topics that might be a little more controversial. These unique speech topics leave room for longer arguments and feature more interesting subjects.

  • Kids should have cell phones.
  • Kids, not adults, should decide how much screen time to have each day.
  • Every town should be required to have a playground.
  • Waffle cones are better than regular ice cream cones.
  • Dogs are better companions than cats.
  • Wearing pajamas in public is inappropriate.
  • Short hair is for boys and long hair is for girls.
  • Kids should have fewer toys and more cardboard boxes to play with.
  • Girls like to play with action figures.
  • Pokemon are cooler than Yo Kai.
  • Mosquitos are the most annoying of all bugs.
  • Zoos are unsafe for young children.
  • Kids under age 13 should be banned from having social media accounts.
  • Classrooms shouldn't have traditional desks.
  • School lunches should include some junk food options.
  • Every school should have child representatives on their hiring committee.
  • Naps are important for kids of all ages, not just babies and toddlers.
  • The government should stop making paper money and only use coins.
  • Robots make life easier for humans.
  • Children's books should be written by children.
  • Field trips and real-world experiences are more useful than classroom lectures.
  • Columbus discovered America.
  • Kids should be allowed to skip high school and go to college early if they want.
  • Dancing in public should be outlawed.
  • Voice recognition locks are safer than fingerprint recognition locks.
  • People should only eat foods they grow or catch.
  • All people in the world should speak English.
  • All countries should have the same rules about weapons.
  • Every child should spend a year living in another country with their family.
  • Men and women should have the same rights no matter what country they live in.
  • Adults should encourage child participation in strikes and marches for important causes.
  • The current U.S. President represents the country well.
  • Global competition is good for everyone.

Advanced Persuasive Speech Topics for Kids

Upper elementary and lower middle grade students with lots of speech writing experience can pick more complex topics that elicit bigger emotional reactions.

  • TV shows and movies for kids should have stronger content guidelines.
  • Real life heroes like police officers and firefighters would be more approachable if they dressed like Power Rangers and other super heroes.
  • Virtual reality games are better than 3D games.
  • Parents of bullies should be punished for their child's actions.
  • "Crap" and "Heck" are bad words.
  • Riding a bike is not that easy.
  • Funny cat videos are funnier than funny baby videos.
  • There's no such thing as too many stuffed animals.
  • Goats say "maa," not "baa."
  • Kids sports are safe.
  • Holidays shouldn't be celebrated in schools.
  • Kids should rate their teachers at the start and end of every school year.
  • Recess and classroom physical activity breaks help kids focus in school.
  • School buses should have a driver and at least two aides.
  • Classes should be grouped by ability levels rather than ages.
  • Technology makes people's lives better.
  • Middle school is still elementary school.
  • Schools should mandate classes where kids teach each other.
  • No one, teachers or students, should be allowed to bring cell phones into the school.
  • Kids should be allowed to take off their shoes in their classroom.
  • Students should not have to ask permission to take drinks and bathroom breaks.
  • Global warming isn't real.
  • Every country can have its own guidelines for who is allowed to leave or enter.
  • Kids can help combat climate change.
  • Astronauts will find life on other planets.
  • Daylight Savings Time should be eliminated.
  • Aquariums and zoos help with wildlife conservation.
  • People should be allowed to clone animals.
  • Sugar should be outlawed.
  • McDonald's is better than Burger King.
  • Tribal cultures should be preserved.
  • Companies should not be allowed to build their products in other countries.
  • People should call countries by their native name, not a translated name.

More Speech Topics for Kids

Speech topic examples and ideas from other types of speeches can be adapted to persuasive writing with a few minor wording changes.

  • Get students started with motivational speech topics for kids that are uplifting and less controversial.
  • Beginning writers can select simple kids speech topics for their first persuasive essays.
  • Some of the most interesting speech topics for kids include subjects they haven't encountered in real life.
  • Use examples of funny speeches for kids to show how students can inject humor into any kind of speech.

State Your Case

Most people agree that writing in elementary school is important because it gives kids a way to express their thoughts and feelings in a way others can understand. Persuasive writing is all about stating your case, or point, and all the facts that support this opinion. Choose a topic you believe in or are passionate about to create the best persuasive speech.

My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

130 Awesome Speech Topics for Kids

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Amanda Green was born in a small town in the west of Scotland, where everyone knows everyone. I joined the Toastmasters 15 years ago, and I served in nearly every office in the club since then. I love helping others gain confidence and skills they can apply in every day life.

Kids always do best when they are interested in what they are asked to talk about. But every child has different interests, and therein lies the challenge – selecting awesome speech topics that kids will want to talk about.

A few points you want to consider:

  • If the topic is too “adult,” they may be too young to cope with what they find.
  • If the topic is too simplistic, their growing sense of awareness may be stunted.

speech topics kids

  • Keep in mind the goal of the speech – do you want to educate, to entertain, to express ideas, or something else?
  • Consider topic that suits child’s character: someone who has an extensive imagination won’t like the same topics as someone who is more factual and practical.

Here is a broad range of  speech topics for kids you can choose from.

Family and friends, miscellaneous, more miscellaneous….

  • Why I love my mom and dad
  • Funny things my parents say
  • Let me tell you about my imaginary friend
  • Things that really happen at grandma’s house when mom and dad aren’t there
  • Secrets my mom does all day when I’m not around
  • What my brother/sister thinks of me
  • What my dad does in the bathroom for all that time
  • If I had a choice between getting money or spending time with my family, I would choose…
  • What did I do for my mom last mother’s day
  • Let me tell you about my family
  • My family’s traditions
  • Original projects to surprise my parents on Mother’s Day (in the Spring) and Father’s Day (often marked in June).
  • Where we went on vacation/holiday with my family
  • What is my favorite song
  • My favorite band or singer, and one of his or her greatest hits I would like to play with some clarification.
  • The best fairy tale, or a variation child speech topic can be a cartoon character.
  • My favorite season of the year is…
  • My favourite time of day or week.
  • The funniest April Fool’s Day joke.
  • 5 of my favorite words
  • Top favorite Christmas song of all times
  • 3 favorite things to buy at the market
  • If I went to my favorite restaurant I would order…
  • Mom and my favorite place to visit is..
  • My favorite thing about summer
  • What my favorite pizza toppings are
  • My favorite New Year’s tradition
  • Favorite sundae toppings
  • The most delicious meal I’ve ever had
  • If I built the ultimate sandwich, it would have…
  • The worst vegetable on the planet
  • How many things can you make with a potato
  • Describe the flavors of Thanksgiving foods
  • One thing I know how to cook is…
  • The contents of your lunch box.
  • Different ways to eat an apple
  • Why I don’t care about the “Five second rule”
  • I don’t like to eat … Fill in something you dislike
  • A day in the life as a fly
  • What my dog is thinking
  • What would it be like if dinosaurs roamed the Earth?
  • My dream mythical creature for a pet would be…
  • If I could talk to animals…
  • What do cows think about
  • How do animals talk to each other
  • How to care for your pets, the right way
  • What rights should animals have?
  • What different wild animals have I seen
  • How penguins live on Antarctica and only there and not on the North Pole (besides the zoo of course)
  • A day at the wildlife sea aquarium, with dolphins, sharks, whales and seals.
  • How kangaroos care for their children.
  • What birds visit your backyard at home
  • How do rainbows work
  • What planet would I visit if I had my own rocket ship
  • Why the sky is blue
  • How are stars made
  • Where do clouds come from?
  • Where babies come from
  • What outer space is like
  • Why do the leaves on trees change color in the fall
  • How water is so important
  • What makes the Sun so bright
  • How do boats float
  • Why do we have dreams when we sleep
  • Why are eyes different colors
  • What makes the world go ’round
  • How do planes fly
  • The stars, black holes, galaxies and the interstellar medium in our cosmos
  • Biggest birthday wish
  • Best indoor winter activities
  • Coolest superhero power
  • If I was the President of the U.S….
  • My dream vacation
  • If I were a character in a book, I would be…
  • Why I’m on Santa’s nice/naughty list
  • The inside scoop on __________
  • If I could change one thing about the world, it would be…
  • How I really feel about seeing the doctor
  • The best part about holidays
  • If I had three wishes, they would be…
  • If I were famous, it would be for my…
  • My secret life as a spy
  • My best invention
  • Fun games to play on long car rides
  • Silly songs I know
  • In my dream house, there would be…
  • The best part about being sick
  • Why the tooth fairy must be real
  • What my name means
  • Disney World: the first person I’d want to see is…
  • If I was the author of a book, I’d write about…
  • The charity I’m going to donate to when I’m older is…
  • What happiness means to me
  • The best thing about me is…
  • If I could be a character in any video game, it would be…
  • How I care for the environment every day
  • Why are farmers important
  • What I want to be for Halloween next year
  • What I want to be when I grow up
  • Why best friends are so special
  • If I was a princess or prince, I would …
  • My toys, dolls or mini racing cars collection.
  • My trip to Disney World or other resort.
  • How I decorate my room at home.
  • My biggest adventure.
  • Good kid games online.
  • Nice birthday presents you like to get.
  • What you could do without television or video.
  • Foreign hollidays we do not celebrate.
  • Things – food or scary situations – that make you sick.
  • What is more important: Doing what’s right or being popular
  • The best memory I can remember
  • Who I was named after
  • What it would be like to meet an alien
  • My greatest fear
  • The happiest day of my life
  • Something I have done that I am proud of
  • What adult in my life do I look up to the most
  • How to plan a surprise party
  • A day at the beach
  • The coolest toy I have
  • What I know about (insert sport)
  • Vampires or werewolves?
  • Steps to drawing a flower
  • If I re-wrote the story, “The Little Mermaid” or “Bambi” it would go like this…
  • How to make a snowman
  • The strangest place I’ve ever been
  • Are table manners really important
  • Tell a myth or legend about your future self
  • The coolest art/craft I’ve ever made
  • If I were in charge, the rules I would make would be…

If you are selecting a topic together, sit down with your child and read through this list together and make your own list of which topics stood out to your child . Suggest alternatives or adaptations to some topics. The goal is to get their juices flowing. You want this to be a choice that they are comfortable with.

Help them decide by reminding them who their audience will be and what the occasion is . This will help determine what is appropriate and what the audience will want to hear. Your child probably wouldn’t want to talk about Barbie at a formal function or to an audience of mostly boys.

All that’s left to do is prepare and practice, because we all know – practice makes perfect!

Can We Write Your Speech?

Get your audience blown away with help from a professional speechwriter. Free proofreading and copy-editing included.

205 Controversial Topics for your Essay, Speech, or Debate

206 Great Speech Topics for Teens [Persuasive, Informative]

25 thoughts on “130 Awesome Speech Topics for Kids”

Sure! It’s about I only want a ribbon about u are afraid Togo on stage and don’t want to go to the next level except a good grade.

A day in a life of me as an old person

im so bad at writing speechs

You should keep some simple and affective topics on which children can speak on. But still good.

this really helped me I am trying to look for a speech and this helped me ALOT!!!!thanks and had lots of good ideas

it’s very good for a child under like 8 but i am 9 and i use it and when our teacher said were have a speech contest i flip out! but i found this web site and it helped me a lot. In fact, i won the speech contest!

Ok you guys are good in all but I feel like I don’t know if kids are going to want to listen to these baby ideas and where baby’s come from and I am in grade six and I don’t think people really want to listen but you guys ar good for like grade threes or something like that because I don’t think people over the grade of four are going to want to listen to this

OK you guys r good but i need more ideas all of are cool but i need to win a speech contest

I love the ideas kind of random but still funny and interesting

please help me to write speech

ya i’m in a speech contest too and thx you have helped me lot’s 🙂

I couldn’t think of anything so I simply did: why I can’t think of a speech topic!

I LOVE your topic Me it inspires me and I think I am going to write about that for my speech contest entry.

i LOVVVE the ideas im going to come first in my speech comments

i wish you would give more responsible topics because i don’t want to write a speech on the steps to write a flower i would want to amaze the judges with a out of this world speech not a stupid one i am in sixth grade and i am about to do a huge essay contest and i want to write something jaw dropping

thank you!!! this is very helpful to us it give us more confidence and knowledge

I need a topic that I can talk about for 20 MINUTES!!!. These topics seem too trivial for an impromptu speech for 20 minutes, but good topics for shorter speeches!

love your ideas so good you really have a brillant brain sir

Thank u a lot

No this is not the topics i am looking for….. I’m looking for persuasive speeches could u please add topics for that

Winning Isn’t Everything

Well, it’s pretty good for school, but I need topics like “Benefits of ___” or “What we should do about pollution”, etc. I’m doing this for a Public Speaking class and we have to do speeches sort of like a ‘TED talk’

I want a speech on the Democratic for my school

I’m kinda annoyed they don’t take you to a site that helps you write it like I need this thing next Monday!

I love those crazy and cute topics….once I read them they grab my heart at once and now my mummy is saying me to make ur speech on this and that blaa … blaaa…. but I can’t leave those cute science topics….thank you so much for whoever have those kind of sweet topics

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KS3 Speech Writing: Arming Teachers

KS3 Speech Writing: Arming Teachers

Subject: English

Age range: 11-14

Resource type: Other

SD English

Last updated

4 March 2019

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ks3 speech writing topics

A lesson that follows on from this introduction to speech writing for KS3:


This is a speech-writing lesson based on the issue of arming teachers, similar to the US. It includes:

  • Starter - learners examine four related images and say how they are similar and different
  • A keywords match-up task with extension
  • A link to a relevant article which serves as useful research/pre-reading
  • A summary of the main arguments and some key statistics about gun crime in the US versus the UK
  • Sample GCSE question (AQA-style)
  • Writing time
  • Peer assessment and review

This lesson is aimed at lower-middle ability learners and should take about two hours.

If you like this lesson, please consider other lessons in the KS3 speech writing series, as and when they are published. For example:


UPDATE: Corrections made to Teacher/Pupil Keywords sheets.

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Thank you! Another fantastic and thorough resource, I am so glad I found your shop!

Thank you. 😊

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An incredibly well planned lesson with lots of scope for progression on such a challenging topic! Thank you for sharing this! It's an absolute bargain!!

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    Waffle cones are better than regular ice cream cones. Dogs are better companions than cats. Wearing pajamas in public is inappropriate. Short hair is for boys and long hair is for girls. Kids should have fewer toys and more cardboard boxes to play with. Girls like to play with action figures.

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  20. KS3 Speech Writing: Arming Teachers

    This is a speech-writing lesson based on the issue of arming teachers, similar to the US. It includes: This lesson is aimed at lower-middle ability learners and should take about two hours. If you like this lesson, please consider other lessons in the KS3 speech writing series, as and when they are published.