
8 Killer Tips to Write The Best Description for Fiverr Profile

Everything that you write on Fiverr must either build trust with buyers or improve sales. But your Fiverr profile description must target both.

Most buyers visit your profile through one of your gigs or buyer request responses. Visits indicate that they liked the gig and want to know more about you before placing an order. Essentially, your Fiverr gig title and gig description did their job well. Now, your profile page must build up on the buzz that your gig generated.

It should show what all you have to offer – other gigs, your experience, education, skills, certifications, and more. It must highlight how prolific you are with deliveries, what other buyers think about you, your communication frequency, and most importantly – if you are the right person for the job.

In this blog post, we will show you how to write the best profile description on Fiverr – one that convinces the buyers that you are a great fit. We will also cover the best practices to adopt while writing the Fiverr profile page.

How to write a Fiverr profile description?

description for fiverr - infographic

Adopt these best practices:

1. Get to the point right away

Buyers are spoilt for choice on the Fiverr marketplace. They have all the options and hold all the power as they bring money to the table. Also, there are many sellers in your gig category – the competition is fierce.

You must assume that your buyers have no time to read every word.

You can’t afford to start with a friendly introduction the way you can with gig descriptions. The image example shows how to start the description effectively.

fiverr description example 1 - seo content writing gig

2. Speak about your experience specific to the gig category

Everything you do on Fiverr must align with one gig category . You can’t sell T-shirt design gigs on a profile that focused on English lessons.

Technically, you can, but it won’t work effectively because the Fiverr considers your profile while ranking your gigs too. Sticking to the above example, the algorithm will show on the first page, only those T-shirt design gigs that are supported by a T-shirt design profile.

Focusing on one gig will help you direct all forces in your power – gig titles, descriptions, images, profile content, etc. towards one common purpose. They all synergize to help you make more money on Fiverr .

Pack your description for Fiverr with information on your approach to your niche, what new you bring to the table, and what the buyer’s experience will be like.

The below profile description example captures this idea perfectly. This seller articulates his success with the niche and how he can replicate it for buyers. He goes on to explain what the buyers clients would experience which makes this a good copy.

fiverr profile description example 2 - video editing

3. Enlist your clients

As a part of it’s new feature, Fiverr has provided some top sellers with an option to add a new widget of their client base. The below image example shows one such brand.

fiverr profile description example 3 - logo design

However, most new and level sellers do not have this option. But that doesn’t mean you can’t add your clients. You can mention that in your profile description for Fiverr.

By doing that, you add more social proof, more credentials to your skills.

4. Mention the industries you worked for

When buyers visit your profile after they saw your gig, they want more assurance about your experience in the industry. The profile description example below shows how this seller has effectively used the space to expand on the industries she has covered. 

fiverr profile description example 4 - blog writing

5. Keep SEO in mind

Getting Fiverr SEO right is quintessential to rank on the first page of the Fiverr search results. It will help generate traffic to your gigs without having to pay from promotions. Additionally, the traffic that you get through your SEO efforts converts better.

Even though using keywords in the gig is important, it’s crucial that you use them in your profile description too. This step will provide additional support to your SEO activities. SEO is the best way to promote your gigs .

6. Use common words

It’s safe to assume that buyers aren’t native English speakers. They are interpreting your text using Google Translate – using decorative words will only confuse them more. Even native speakers will be able to deduce your profile description better if you write it in an understandable manner.

Complicated words and sentences detract from the readability of the description. Every sentence should be concise and punchy. In spite of limited character count, choosing common words will aid in the delivery of your message – which is more crucial than the word count.

7. Be specific

Brevity is the soul of the wit and that is especially true when it comes to writing the best Fiverr profile description. It comes with a limit of 600 characters – you need to be highly selective with your word choice.

You need to cut down on fluff and stick to the point. The below image example shows the profile description for a logo designer on Fiverr.

fiverr profile description example 5 - logo design

It speaks about the seller’s experience in detail while keeping the word count minimal.

8. End with a Call to Action

It’s prudent to place a call to action (CTA) towards the end of the description. A CTA gently tells buyers what you want them to do. And it can give them the nudge they need to place an order with you.

The below image example for a data entry profile description highlights the CTA.

fiverr assignment writing description

The CTA this seller used is – Let’s get started . It’s a decent CTA but it does not exactly tell buyers what they need to do. It’s too vague. Instead, a CTA that reads – place an order now, or Send me an inbox is more direct.

What to write in a Profile Description for Fiverr?

Your profile description must include the details of your experience related to your services. It must also touch upon:

  • Your approach to delivering an order.
  • Value adds you provide.
  • List of clients your served.
  • What makes you different from other sellers.
  • A soft CTA.

Importance of a Fiverr Profile Description

A well crafted Fiverr description tells buyers that you are a trust-worthy seller who knows the craft well and can articulate effectively. It signifies the ability of the seller communicate clearly.

It also helps you sell your proposition better. Best profile descriptions build on the buzz created by your Fiverr gig. They provide the gentle nudge that sellers need to overcome their apprehension and buy from you.

They also offer additional SEO benefits. When the Fiverr algorithm registers that your gig aligns with your profile, you rank better.

Fiverr Description Generator

The best and the most modern way to generate a copy-paste description for your Fiverr profile is by using AI. You can use the below prompt for getting the perfect copy.

I am a {your service} for {your gig category}. I am trying to acquire new clients through Fiverr. I am targeting an audience from {Your target countries}. My primary skills are {List your skills separated by commas} and I am top-notch with my customer services, response times, order completion rate, and review ratings. I want you to write a description for my Fiverr profile. Please be concise and make sure you make me look good.

This copy will generate a good initial description but feel free to edit it as per your need. You can also add follow-up prompts to tailor the description better to your requirements.

Fiverr description generator

Fiverr profile description samples

Beginners can take inspiration from these profile descriptions examples:

Sample 1. Fiverr profile description for data entry gigs

I’ve been working as a Data Entry Clerk and Admin Assistant in the not-for-profit sector for over 5 years. My specialties include scraping data from websites and processing it in a visually compelling way, utilizing Microsoft Office and Google Programs to organize data, working CRM’s like Hubspot, converting files from jpgs and pdfs to editable files, and undertaking the legwork fulfilling repetitive tasks that take up the time of businesses.

Let’s get started!

Sample 2. Fiverr profile description for logo design gigs

Hi, I’m a USA Based Experienced Seller helping small businesses with their design needs since 2011 on Fiverr! I am ready to create a high-quality and unique logo! I am also an expert in social media branding, packaging, illustration and website design. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any of your graphic design needs.

Sample 3. Profile description for Fiverr for content writing

I am here to write top-quality, SEO friendly articles and blog-posts on the topic of your choice. I spend a lot of time per blog: writing and rewriting sentences to make them more crisp, beautiful and comprehensible. I write on a variety of topics like: Real-Estate, Education, Food, Health and Nutrition, Search Engine Optimization, Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing, & Self Development. I am open to opportunities to write on other topics as well. I am looking forward to connecting with you and writing content that you absolutely love.

Sample 4. Fiverr profile description for video editing

Hi! I am a professional video editor and content creator. My YouTube Channel has over 215,000 subscribers and more than 12 MILLION VIEWS! With the real YouTube experience and artistic ability to conceptualize and create catching visuals that bring your videos to life with fantastic video editing focused on watching experience and viewer retention to help you make videos people crave to watch!

Sample 5. Fiverr profile description for SEO content writing

I am an experienced writer with skills in SEO content, copywriting, sales, and marketing. I enjoy writing about tech, sports, business, finance, music, and everything else. Reach out to me and see how I can help you grow your business!

Sample 6. Fiverr description for beginners with no experience

Hi! I am a {Your Niche} enthusiast who also {Your service}. I am here to learn even more about this niche as I provide you my services. With me, you get on-time responses, extremely professional behavior, top-class service, and up to 5 reviews! I tend to ask for a lot of information in the beginning so that we minimize the back and forth, so please bear with me. 🙂

Looking forward to learning more about you and your requirements.

In this blog post, we covered 8 effective steps to write the best Fiverr description with examples. We explored steps you must take to improve upon the engagement that your gig created.

Make sure you support the profile description with other elements of your profile page such as education, social connections, etc.

Irrespective of your gig category, you must understand the buyer’s approach to hiring on Fiverr. Learn more .

22 thoughts on “8 Killer Tips to Write The Best Description for Fiverr Profile”

' src=

I am not a prfational but i want be prefational logo designer, data entry and other work can you help me

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Happy to help. Can you be more specific though?

' src=

Hi! This Post is amazing, this examples that you mentioned realy helped me to make my own fiverr description. If you don’t mind could you please see my description to tell me is it good or bad?Have a Nice day!

' src=

I am happy for your service.It help me to get proper suggestion how to describe my skill and experience.

Glad I could help. Good luck!

' src=

Thank you so much, this was helpful.

Glad to be of help, Chidinma. 🙂

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Is it actually possible to gain enough publicity without previous experience on fiverr?

Yes, if you optimize the gig well for SEO, you will show up high in the search results when potential buyers apply the new users filter. You can’t compete with established seller but you can beat new sellers. The only caveat being – you have to price your gigs low.

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Thanks for help

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Thank you Anurag, that was helpful.

Great! Let me know if you have questions in future.

' src=

Sir, Would you like to help me to get orders,since one year I am not getting orders on Fiverr, My gig is content writing. Thanks

You might find this useful. Please let me know if you still have questions.

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Hi, there I am a fresher but have done some work in Graphic designing, also I want to be part time content writer and blogger. can you help me with that please .

Hi Vikram, Happy to answer any specific questions you may have.

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I really like the post. I learned a lot. We hope you will continue to serve us in this way. thank you.

Glad you liked it, Dipa.

' src=

This is great, but I still don’t know how to set up a good Fiverr account for myself, because I don’t have any SEO skills and it is kind of difficult for me as a beginner. Hope you can help because I need help

Waky, I am sure you will find some tips in our guide to Fiverr SEO Please comment again if you still have questions. Thanks!

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thank for this amazing knowledge.

Glad I could help, Krish. Good luck!

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How to Write Fiverr Description for Your Profile (With Examples)

How to Write Fiverr Description for Your Fiverr Profile

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When you first create a Fiverr account, you don’t pay much attention to what goes into your Fiverr description, which is a big mistake since buyers do read them before placing an order. 

However, obsessing on it isn’t ideal either since it’s not the make and break of your account. At the very least, learn how to write Fiverr description for your profile that’s coherent, descriptive, and grammatically correct.

In this post, I’ll take you through a few tips to enable you to rewrite your description to better reflect your skills and speak the language of your ideal customer while economizing on words. You only have 600 characters for this section, so you need to use them carefully.

Free Fiverr Class

New to making money on Fiverr? You can access this 2-hour Fiverr Freelancing Class for free for 30 days using our link. In this class, you’ll learn: 

  • Pricing your gigs
  • Creating a killer Profile
  • Creating your first gig
  • Managing your first order

The good thing about using Skillshare to learn to freelance is that you get access to all the courses for a single membership fee. If you use my link you’ll have access to 12000 plus classes for free for 30 days (instead of 7 days). Simply search for Fiverr, to access other short classes that share tips and tricks on how to ‘hack’ Fiverr. 

Tips for Writing Better Fiverr Description

When you think about your Fiverr description, imagine it as your 5 seconds elevator pitch line that should inform potential Fiverr buyers that:

  • You’re good at what you do
  • You are a professional
  • You care about their business

This is why your Fiverr description matters. It gives a glimpse to your buyers about who you are as a person and how you do business. 

How you word your profile description copy can either ascertain all the above or portray a completely different message. Depending on the service you provide, you might get away with a not-so-stellar profile copy. 

How to Write Fiverr Description Example

There are a few grammatical errors in the profile description above, but since the seller is a WordPress designer, his clients are more akin to his portfolio works than perfect grammar.

For some categories, though, you won’t be so lucky. (e.g., Content writing with grammatically incorrect profile copy.) 

How to Write Fiverr Description

To help you with your description copy, here are critical tips to follow:

1) Understanding Fiverr Buyers

Buyers on Fiverr are pretty diverse, coming from different cultural backgrounds, with different literacy levels, and they mean business. The reason why people come to Fiverr is that they don’t have the time or expertise to do the tasks themselves.

With this in mind, you want to ensure that you:

Use simple words when describing what you do so that anyone who comes to your profile won’t have to look up words… No one does that anyway; they will just move on to another profile until they find one that is easy to understand.

Get to the point, quickly: Fiverr description isn’t a place to rumble on. Help your prospects decide quickly if you are the right guy or girl for the job or not. 

However, simple doesn’t have to be simplistic. 

Fiverr Description Example

In the example above, the seller chooses the words she uses carefully, as she knows the clientele she wants to appeal to. Her clientele understands what having a great brand can do to their business, and telling the brand story in a way that resonates with their customers is critical. That’s why in her copy, there are intentionally placed phrases and words such as: 

  • From bland to booming
  • Having helped 1000 brands worldwide(Versatile, flexible, and experienced)
  • Multi-award winning (Adds credibility)
  • Authentic connection

These are things that her prospective customers care about. So when a right prospect lands on her profile and reads this description, they immediately connect since she is speaking their language. 

This tip and, frankly, every other tip on this post is something you should apply whenever you are trying to ‘sell yourself,’ whether writing your author bio, about-me page or LinkedIn profile description.

2) Show a bit of Personality

This is optional, but if you can word your Fiverr account description the same way you write a LinkedIn description, then you will grab the attention of Fiverr buys. To do this, you can capitalize on your first liners, for instance:

  • Hey there! I’m Marceline, your next content writer, from this day forward…
  • Who said your website needs to look like your competitors? As your next WordPress developer, you and I are about to change the game…
  • Hey, I design websites for a living…That’s what I do.

You can play around with different intros until you find one that works for you. The key is to economize on words without sounding that you are.

Fiverr Description Example:

Fiverr Description show personality

In the description above, Zoe tells the seller that even though she is only 24 years old, she is a hard worker without stating this explicitly… Someone at this age with a first-class master’s degree has to be a hard worker. She isn’t afraid of making bold claims either because she knows she can deliver.

3) Backup Your Claim

In your introduction line, you stated what you do, i.e., best content writer, the go-to graphic designer, efficient web developer, etc. So the next question you need to answer is: What makes you the go-to choice?

Look at the description below:

Fiverr Description Demonstrate Experience

This seller uses his profile to set himself apart by stating his experience in the film production industry. 10 years of experience with 240 features is something that would impress any potential client.

4) Subtle Name dropping Can Nudge Prospects off the 

If you’ve worked with big clients in the industry, you can name-drop them in the profile section. Since Fiverr now allows sellers to add logos of their past clients, this tip can have an even greater impact. 

In the example below, the seller backs up her claim of being the best copywriter by stating that she’s worked for big brands such as Nike and Under Armour.

Fiverr Name Dropping

Name dropping only works if the clients are relevant to the current service you are promoting. If you worked with a client writing copy for them in the past, and now you are using Fiverr for graphic design services, then the client might not be suitable for the mention in your gig description. 

If you don’t have popular past clients, your description can do without some. It doesn’t help to say you’ve worked with some clients when you haven’t. 

Besides this being a lie, clients will be having high-quality expectations, and if you don’t meet them, you end up with 3 or 4-star okay reviews. On Fiverr, anything but a 5-star review is a bad review. 

5) Make it Crisp

A good Fiverr description is precise…No meandering. Anything you write should have a flow and clarity. This means being intentional about the words you use and even the sentence structure. You have 600 characters to tell your compelling full story, don’t mess it up.

What to write in a Fiverr Profile Description?

Some of the things you can include in your Fiverr profile include:

  • Unique Value Proposition
  • Your approach to delivering orders
  • List of clients you’ve worked with
  • A subtle Call to Action (CTA)

Fiverr Profile Description Samples

General fiverr description samples, fiverr profile description for data entry, fiverr description for graphic designers, wrapping up.

Writing catchy profile descriptions is essential for landing clients on Fiverr. A well-crafted profile description shows your prospects that you are a professional, know what you are doing, and can clearly articulate your ideas and communicate effectively.

I hope with these few tips on how to write a Fiverr description, you’ll be able to rework yours and update your Fiverr profile.

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  • January 9, 2023

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It’s not just about showcasing your skills but also demonstrating professionalism and effective communication

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Stand Out on Fiverr: 5 Best Fiverr Profile Description Samples

Discover the best Fiverr profile description samples to stand out in a competitive marketplace. Learn from top freelancers and create an impressive profile today!

Contents In The Article

Stand Out on Fiverr: 5 Expertly Crafted Profile Descriptions to Inspire Your Own

The importance of a great fiverr profile description.

  • If you’re reading this article, you’re probably familiar with Fiverr – the online marketplace where freelancers can offer services in various categories, such as writing, graphic design, programming, and more. With millions of active users and thousands of sellers offering similar services, standing out on Fiverr can be challenging. However, having a great profile description can make a huge difference in getting hired.
  • Your Fiverr profile description is the first thing potential clients see when they click on your profile. It’s your opportunity to make a strong first impression and convince them you’re the best fit for their needs.
  • A great profile description should showcase your skills and experience and demonstrate your personality and professionalism. In addition to serving as an introduction to clients, your profile description is also important regarding Fiverr’s algorithm for search results.
  • The platform uses keywords from your profile description to match you with relevant searches by potential buyers. Therefore, having a well-written description with relevant keywords can increase your visibility on the site and attract more clients.

Standing Out in a Competitive Marketplace

  • As mentioned earlier, standing out on Fiverr can be challenging because many sellers offer similar services. This is where having a unique and attention-grabbing profile description comes into play.
  • Think about what makes you different from other sellers offering the same service. How do your skills or experience set you apart?
  • What do you offer that others don’t? Answering these questions will help you create a unique selling proposition (USP) that will make potential clients want to work with you specifically.
  • Another way to stand out is by injecting personality into your profile description. Don’t be afraid to show off some humor or share personal details about yourself (as long as they’re relevant to your services).
  • This can help you appear more approachable and relatable, making clients more likely to choose you over someone with a generic profile description. Make sure your profile description is easy to read and well-organized.
  • Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and headings to break up the text and make it more visually appealing. This will make it easier for potential clients to skim through and demonstrate your attention to detail and professionalism.

Best Fiverr Profile Description Samples

In a marketplace as competitive as Fiverr, having a strong profile description can be the difference between landing clients and getting lost in the crowd. To help you stand out, we’ve compiled a list of the five best Fiverr profile descriptions that truly shine.

“I Will Write SEO Articles for Your Website”

One of the most important aspects of any website is its content, which is why having a talented writer on your team can be invaluable. This Fiverr freelancer’s profile does an excellent job of showcasing their experience and expertise in SEO writing. They explain how they craft content that engages readers and ranks highly on search engines.

What makes this profile stand out is that it doesn’t just promise high-quality content—it breaks down the freelancer’s process in detail, explaining how they research keywords, structure articles for maximum engagement, and ensure client satisfaction every step of the way. By showing what they do and how they do it, this freelancer establishes themselves as an expert in their field.

“I Will Design a Professional Logo for Your Business”

A great logo can be the face of your business—a memorable symbol that helps customers identify your brand at a glance. This Fiverr freelancer’s profile stands out because it doesn’t just showcase their design skills and demonstrates their commitment to working with clients one-on-one to create unique logos tailored to each business.

The freelancer explains their creative process in detail, from brainstorming ideas based on client feedback to refining designs until they’re perfect. What sets this profile apart is the inclusion of examples from previous projects along with client testimonials; by showing off real-world results achieved through their work, this freelancer inspires confidence in potential clients.

“I Will Create A Personalized Workout Plan For You”

In an age where fitness is more important than ever, having a personal trainer who can design a custom workout plan for your specific needs can be invaluable. This Fiverr freelancer’s profile does an excellent job of showcasing their qualifications as personal trainers, explaining how they work with clients to create customized plans that target their goals and consider any injuries or limitations.

This profile stands out because of the emphasis on communication and collaboration; the freelancer explains how they keep in touch with clients to track progress and adjust plans as needed. By showing that they’re not just there to create a plan but also to support clients throughout their fitness journey, this freelancer establishes themselves as someone who truly care about helping others reach their goals.

I Will Write SEO Articles For Your Website.

Are you struggling to get traffic to your website? Do you feel like you’re not ranking as high as you should be on search engines? Don’t worry. That’s where an SEO expert like me comes in.

With years of experience creating content that ranks high on search engines, I can help your website attract more visitors and potential customers. When you hire me, you can expect high-quality SEO articles that are engaging and informative.

Not only will they help drive traffic to your site, but they’ll also keep readers coming back for more. My process starts with understanding your business and target audience so that I can create content tailored specifically for them.

But it’s not just about the writing but also the results. That’s why I use proven strategies to ensure that my clients see real results from my work.

From keyword research to on-page optimization, I leave no stone unturned when improving your website’s search engine rankings. Plus, with a commitment to client satisfaction, you can rest assured that you’ll be happy with the final product.

I Will Design A Professional Logo For Your Business

Your logo is one of the most important aspects of your brand identity – it sets the tone for how potential customers perceive your business. That’s why having a professional-looking logo accurately represents who you are and what you do is crucial.

When working with me, clients can expect personalized attention – I take the time to understand their vision and goals before beginning any design work. From there, my creative process begins: sketching ideas and experimenting with colors and typography until we arrive at a final design we’re both happy with.

But don’t just take my word for it – check out some of my previous work and read testimonials from satisfied clients who have seen real results from their new logo design. With my expertise in graphic design and a commitment to delivering high-quality work, you can trust that your logo will be in good hands.

I Will Create A Personalized Workout Plan For You.

Are you tired of generic workout plans that don’t consider your individual needs and goals? As a certified personal trainer, I can create customized plans based on your unique body type, fitness level, and lifestyle. My approach starts with an initial consultation to discuss your fitness goals, any physical limitations or injuries you might have, and what kind of workouts you enjoy.

From there, I’ll create a personalized plan that includes everything from strength training to cardio to nutrition recommendations. But it doesn’t end there – progress tracking is essential in ensuring the plan works for you.

I provide regular check-ins to see how you’re doing and adjust as needed. With my passion for helping others achieve their fitness goals and my expertise as a personal trainer, you can trust that you’ll see real results from my customized workout plans.

I Will Edit Your Podcast Episodes.

Creating engaging podcast content is hard enough – editing it can be even more challenging. That’s where I come in – with years of experience editing podcasts across different genres, I can help ensure your episodes are polished and ready to go live.

I listen to each episode carefully and make thoughtful edits for pacing, clarity, and sound quality – whatever it takes to ensure your content shines. Plus, with experience using industry-standard software like Audacity and Adobe Audition, clients can trust that their audio will sound professional-grade.

But perhaps most importantly of all – my commitment to client satisfaction means that I’ll work tirelessly until the final product meets or exceeds expectations. From small tweaks to major overhauls – no request is too big or too small to ensure top-notch podcast content.

Are You New To Fiverr?

If you are new to Fiverr, then here are a few resources that will help you:

  • Discover the best practices for posting your gig on Fiverr at How to Post Your Gig on Fiverr Successfully .
  • Understand the competitive advantages of running a Fiverr business at Fiverr Business Advantages: A Deep Dive .
  • Learn how to maximize your success with Fiverr’s gig limit at Understanding Fiverr Gig Limit for Success .
  • Delve into the case study of Nicki Minaj’s design on Fiverr at Nicki Minaj Design: A Fiverr Case Study .
  • Looking to tap into the exciting world of NFTs? Find the top Fiverr NFT experts at Top Fiverr NFT Experts for Hire .
  • Learn how to navigate Fiverr order cancellation at Fiverr Order Cancellation: A Complete Guide .
  • Get inspired by these stellar Fiverr gig title examples at Fiverr Gig Title Examples: Spark Your Creativity .
  • Learn how to create compelling gig titles at Crafting the Perfect Fiverr Gig Title .
  • Find a step-by-step guide to successful gig creation at Fiverr Gig Creation: A Comprehensive Guide .
  • Discover how to create captivating Fiverr gig images at Creating Captivating Fiverr Gig Images .

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20 Top Tips to Write The Best Fiverr Profile Description

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As a freelancer on Fiverr , your profile description is your calling card. It’s the first thing potential clients see when they visit your profile, and it can make or break their decision to hire you. That’s why it’s crucial to craft a compelling Fiverr profile description that showcases your skills and experience in the best possible light.

Fiverr is a leading freelance marketplace that connects businesses with freelancers from all over the world. With millions of active buyers and sellers , Fiverr has become a go-to platform for businesses looking for talented freelancers who can help them achieve their goals.

But with so many freelancers competing for attention on Fiverr, it’s essential to have a profile description that stands out from the crowd. Your profile description is your chance to introduce yourself, showcase your expertise, and demonstrate why you’re the best freelancer for the job.

In this article, we’ll explore the importance of a great Fiverr profile description and provide you with tips and examples to help you write the best one possible. So let’s dive in!

Tips for Writing the Best Fiverr Profile Description

Know your target audience.

Before you start writing your Fiverr profile description, it’s crucial to understand your target audience. Who are the clients you want to attract, and what are their needs and pain points? By understanding your target audience, you can tailor your profile description to their specific needs and stand out from the competition.

For example, if you’re a graphic designer specializing in logo design, your target audience might be small business owners who need a professional logo for their company. By highlighting your experience working with small businesses and showcasing your design skills, you can position yourself as the perfect solution to their logo design needs.

Highlight Your Skills and Experience

One of the main purposes of your Fiverr profile description is to showcase your skills and experience. Make sure to highlight your most relevant skills and provide specific examples of projects you’ve worked on in the past. This will help potential clients understand what you’re capable of and why they should hire you.

For instance, if you’re a writer, you might highlight your experience writing blog posts, website copy, and social media content. You could also provide examples of your work or link to your portfolio to give clients a better idea of your writing style.

Use a Professional Tone

Your Fiverr profile description should be written in a professional tone that reflects your expertise and experience. Avoid using slang, emojis, or other informal language that might turn off potential clients. Remember, you want to come across as a professional who takes their work seriously.

Showcase Your Personality

While it’s essential to maintain a professional tone in your Fiverr profile description, you also want to showcase your personality. Clients are more likely to hire freelancers they feel they can connect with on a personal level. Don’t be afraid to inject some personality into your profile description, whether it’s through humor, storytelling, or personal anecdotes.

For example, if you’re a social media manager, you might mention your love for Instagram memes or your passion for helping businesses connect with their audience online.

Include a Call-to-Action

Finally, make sure to include a call-to-action in your Fiverr profile description. This could be a simple statement encouraging clients to contact you or a more specific invitation to discuss their project needs. By including a call-to-action, you make it clear to potential clients what they need to do next to work with you.

For example, you might include a sentence like, “Ready to take your business to the next level? Let’s discuss your project needs and see how I can help.”

Why you should listen to me?

Simply because I have been successfully working on Fiverr.com since 2020. Here is my profile:

fiverr assignment writing description

Here are some of my achievements on Fiverr as a Fiverr full time seller:

  • Level 2 Fiverr Seller Badge
  • On Fiverr.com since 2020
  • Over 4000+ completed orders
  • 5+ star rating based on 2500+ customer reviews
  • Offering services in the most competitive niches.
  • Earned $350k+

So I have a huge knowledge of how the Fiverr.com platform works. Not just hypothetical things, but real over-the-years practice.

Best Fiverr Profile Description

Highlight your unique selling proposition (USP)What sets you apart from your competitors? Highlight your unique skills and experience.
Use a catchy headlineUse a headline that grabs potential clients’ attention and entices them to read more.
Focus on benefits, not just featuresInstead of just listing your skills and services, highlight the benefits that clients will receive by working with you.
Showcase your personalityDon’t be afraid to showcase your personality and highlight what makes you unique.
Keep it conciseYour profile description should be long enough to showcase your skills but not so long that potential clients lose interest.
Use bullet pointsUse bullet points to make your profile description easy to read and digest.
Highlight your experienceHighlight your relevant experience, including any notable projects or clients you’ve worked with.
Use testimonialsInclude testimonials from past clients to reinforce your expertise and authenticity.
Use keywordsUse relevant keywords throughout your profile description to improve your visibility in search results.
Use a professional toneUse a professional tone throughout your profile description to showcase your expertise and professionalism.
Keep it updatedRegularly review and update your profile description to ensure it accurately reflects your current skills and experience.
Include a call-to-actionInclude a clear call-to-action to encourage potential clients to reach out to you.
Be specificBe specific about the services you offer and the skills you possess to avoid confusion.
Use numbersUse specific numbers and data to showcase your past successes and achievements.
Be honestDon’t exaggerate your skills or experience in your profile description.
Consider your target audienceTailor your profile description to your target audience to increase its effectiveness.
Use storytellingUse storytelling to highlight your past successes and showcase your expertise.
Avoid jargonAvoid using industry-specific jargon that potential clients may not understand.
Use humor (if appropriate)If appropriate for your target audience, use humor to showcase your personality and stand out from the competition.
ProofreadProofread your profile description carefully to ensure there are no grammar or spelling mistakes that may detract from your professionalism.

Hopefully, these tips will help you write the best Fiverr profile description and attract more clients to your services.

Examples of Great Fiverr Profile Descriptions

Now that you have a better understanding of what makes a great Fiverr profile description, let’s take a look at some examples of freelancers who are doing it right.

Sarah, Social Media Manager

Sarah’s Fiverr profile description starts with a clear statement of her expertise: “I’m a social media manager with over five years of experience helping businesses grow their online presence.” She goes on to highlight her specific skills, such as social media strategy, content creation, and community management.

What sets Sarah’s profile description apart is her use of quantitative measurements to demonstrate her success. She mentions that she’s helped clients increase their social media following by over 500%, and that she’s helped businesses generate over $50,000 in revenue through social media campaigns. This evidence reinforces the authenticity of her claims and shows potential clients that she knows what she’s doing.

Tips: Be specific about your skills and experience, and use quantitative measurements to back up your claims.

John, Graphic Designer

John’s Fiverr profile description is all about showcasing his creativity and design skills. He starts with a bold statement: “I’m a graphic designer with a passion for creating beautiful and impactful designs.” He goes on to highlight his experience working with a variety of clients, from small startups to large corporations.

What makes John’s profile description stand out is his use of visual examples to demonstrate his design skills. He includes images of some of his previous work and provides a brief explanation of the design process for each project. This helps potential clients get a sense of his design style and shows that he has the expertise to bring their ideas to life.

Tip: Use visual examples to showcase your skills and make your profile description more engaging.

Emily, Writer

Emily’s Fiverr profile description is all about personality. She starts by introducing herself in a friendly, conversational tone: “Hey there! I’m Emily, a writer with a passion for storytelling.” She goes on to highlight her experience writing for a variety of industries, from tech startups to healthcare companies.

What sets Emily’s profile description apart is her use of storytelling to showcase her skills. She includes an anecdote about a previous client who was struggling to connect with their audience and how she helped them turn things around with her writing. This shows potential clients that she’s not just a skilled writer but also a problem-solver who can help them achieve their goals.

Tip: Inject some personality into your profile description and use storytelling to showcase your skills.

By studying these examples, you can see how successful freelancers are using their Fiverr profile descriptions to showcase their expertise and stand out from the competition. Take inspiration from these examples and apply the tips to your own profile description to make it the best it can be.

Mistakes to Avoid in Your Fiverr Profile Description

While it’s essential to know what to do when writing your Fiverr profile description, it’s also important to know what to avoid. Here are some common mistakes that freelancers make when writing their profile descriptions, along with tips on how to fix them.

Being Too Generic

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when writing your Fiverr profile description is being too generic. If your profile description could apply to any freelancer, it’s not going to stand out to potential clients. Avoid using generic phrases like “I’m a hard worker” or “I’m passionate about my work.” Instead, focus on what makes you unique and highlight your specific skills and experience.

Example of poor Fiverr profile description: “I’m a freelance writer with a passion for creating great content. I’m hardworking and always deliver on time.”

Tip: Be specific about your skills and experience, and use concrete examples to demonstrate your expertise.

Focusing Too Much on Yourself

While your Fiverr profile description is all about showcasing your skills and experience, it’s important to remember that potential clients are more interested in what you can do for them. Avoid focusing too much on yourself and instead, focus on how you can help your clients achieve their goals.

Example of poor Fiverr profile description: “I’m a social media manager with over five years of experience. I’m great at creating content and managing social media accounts.”

Tip: Use language that speaks directly to potential clients and highlights how you can help them.

Ignoring Grammar and Spelling

Your Fiverr profile description is a reflection of your professionalism and attention to detail. If your profile description is full of grammar and spelling mistakes, it’s not going to inspire confidence in potential clients. Make sure to proofread your profile description carefully and consider using a tool like Grammarly to help catch any errors.

Example of poor Fiverr profile description: “Im a witer with experiance in content creatiion. I love to help busineses grow there online presecne.”

Tip: Proofread your profile description carefully and use a tool like Grammarly to catch any errors.

Being Too Salesy

While it’s important to include a call-to-action in your Fiverr profile description, being too salesy can turn potential clients off. Avoid using language that feels too pushy or aggressive. Instead, focus on highlighting your skills and experience in a way that feels authentic and helpful.

Example of poor Fiverr profile description: “Looking for the best social media manager on Fiverr? Look no further! I’m the expert you need to take your business to the next level.”

Tip: Focus on highlighting your skills and experience in a way that feels helpful and authentic, rather than being too salesy.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that your Fiverr profile description stands out to potential clients and showcases your skills and experience in the best possible light.

Congratulations, you’ve made it to the end of our guide on writing the best Fiverr profile description! Let’s quickly recap some of the key tips and advice we’ve covered throughout this post.

  • Evaluate your profile description from a user’s perspective.
  • Demonstrate your expertise and knowledge about your field.
  • Provide evidence to reinforce the authenticity of your claims.
  • Share quantitative measurements about your performance.
  • Describe what sets you apart from your competitors.

We’ve also shared some examples of successful Fiverr profile descriptions and highlighted some common mistakes to avoid.

Now it’s time to put this advice into action and write your own killer Fiverr profile description . Remember to be specific about your skills and experience, highlight your personality, and focus on what you can do for potential clients.

Finally, don’t underestimate the importance of a great Fiverr profile description. It’s often the first thing potential clients will see, and it can make all the difference when it comes to getting hired.

So go ahead and craft a profile description that showcases your skills and expertise in the best possible light. With a little bit of effort and creativity, you’ll be well on your way to success on Fiverr !

Should I include my rates in my Fiverr profile description?

It’s not necessary to include your rates in your profile description. Instead, focus on highlighting your skills and experience, and wait for potential clients to message you to discuss pricing.

How long should my Fiverr profile description be?

Your Fiverr profile description should be long enough to showcase your skills and experience but not so long that potential clients lose interest. Aim for around 150-300 words.

Can I use humor in my Fiverr profile description?

Absolutely! Using humor can be a great way to showcase your personality and stand out from the competition. Just make sure it’s appropriate for your target audience.

Should I mention my education in my Fiverr profile description?

If your education is relevant to your field, it can be a good idea to mention it in your profile description. However, focus more on your skills and experience rather than your formal education.

Can I update my Fiverr profile description after publishing it?

Yes, you can update your profile description at any time. In fact, it’s a good idea to review and update it regularly to make sure it accurately reflects your current skills and experience.

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A blogger that specializes in personal finance, SEO, and artificial intelligence (AI), Alex utilizes and examines products to help others live better lives through AI and financial literacy. He has extensive knowledge of the most recent AI and SEO developments thanks to his years of expertise in internet company. Alex is dedicated to imparting his knowledge and skills with his readers and is also well-versed in personal finance.

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10 Killer Tips to Write a Fiverr Profile Description (With Examples) -

10 Killer Tips to Write a Fiverr Profile Description (With Examples)

Writing your Fiverr profile description isn’t easy. Everything you write on Fiverr should establish trust with buyers or increase sales. However, your Fiverr profile description must address both.

Most buyers find your profile via one of your gigs or buyer request responses. Visits show they were interested in the gig and would like to learn more about you before placing an order. Essentially, your Fiverr gig title and description did an excellent job.

Now, your profile page must capitalize on the buzz generated by your gig.

10 Killer Tips to Write a Fiverr Profile Description

A killer Fiverr profile can make all the difference. Here’s a table that breaks down 10 tips for crafting a captivating description:

Tip No.Killer TipWhy It’s ImportantQuick Action Steps
1Be AuthenticBuilds trustUse your natural voice, avoid jargon
2Showcase SkillsHighlights expertiseList your top 3-5 skills
3Mention ExperienceAdds credibilityBriefly outline your work history
4Be SpecificHelps you stand outInclude niches you excel in
5Use KeywordsSEO benefitsIncorporate relevant keywords naturally
6Add Social ProofBuilds confidenceMention previous clients or projects
7Create a CTAGuides reader actionDirect them to your portfolio or to message you
8Keep It ConciseEasier to readAim for 150-250 words
9ProofreadAvoids turning off clients with errorsDouble-check for spelling & grammar
10Update RegularlyKeeps info currentRefresh every few months or when skills change

Craft that profile and watch those gigs roll in! 🚀

It should highlight your other gigs, experience, education, skills, certifications, and other qualifications. It must show your delivery productivity, what other buyers think of you, your communication frequency, and, most significantly, whether you are suitable for the job.

This blog post will show you how to write the greatest Fiverr profile description that persuades buyers that you are a good fit. We’ll also review the best practices for writing the Fiverr profile page.

Adopt the following best practices:

Get directly to the point.

On the Fiverr marketplace, buyers are spoiled for choice. They have all the options and power because they are bringing money to the table. Furthermore, there are a lot of sellers in your gig category – the competition is tough.

You should presume that your buyers do not have time to read every word.

You can’t begin with a nice introduction like you can with gig descriptions. The image example demonstrates how to begin the description properly.

Talk about your experience in the gig category.

Everything you perform on Fiverr must be related to a single gig category. You can’t sell T-shirt design gigs on a profile dedicated to English courses.

Technically, you can, but it won’t work because Fiverr considers your profile when ranking your gigs. Continuing with the previous example, the algorithm will only display on the first page T-shirt design gigs that are supported by a T-shirt design profile.

10 Killer Tips to Write a Fiverr Profile Description (With Examples)

Concentrating on one gig will allow you to drive your resources – gig names, descriptions, photographs, profile content, and so on – toward a single goal. They all work together to help you earn more money on Fiverr.

Fill your Fiverr description with details on your approach to your specialty, what new you bring, and what the buyer’s experience will be like.

This approach is perfectly captured in the example profile description below. This vendor describes his specialized success and how he can replicate it for buyers. He then illustrates what the buyers’ clients will experience, making this a good copy.

Recruit your customers

As part of its new feature, Fiverr has given some of its top sellers the option of adding a new widget of their client base. One such brand is depicted in the image below.

Example 3 of a Fiverr profile description

Most new and level sellers, however, do not have this option. However, this does not preclude you from adding clients. You can mention it in your Fiverr profile description.

You add more social proof and credentials to your skills by doing so.

Mention the industries for which you have worked.

Buyers visiting your profile after seeing your gig want to know more about your industry experience. The example profile description below demonstrates how this seller effectively used the area to expand on the sectors she has covered.

Remember SEO.

To rank on the first page of the Fiverr search results, you must master Fiverr SEO. It will assist drive traffic to your gigs without requiring you to pay for promotions. Furthermore, the traffic generated by your SEO efforts converts better.

While employing keywords in the gig is significant, it is also critical that you include them in your profile description. This step will provide significant assistance to your SEO efforts. SEO is the most effective technique to promote your gigs.

Make use of common words.

Buyers aren’t likely to be native English speakers, it’s safe to presume. They’re reading your language through Google Translate , so utilizing fancy terms would simply confuse them further. If you understandably write your profile description, even native speakers can deduce it better.

Complicated words and sentences detract from the description’s readability. Every sentence should be brief and to the point. Despite the low character constraint, using popular terms can help you express your point – which is more important than the word count.

Be precise.

Brevity is the spirit of wit, especially when creating the greatest Fiverr profile description. It has a character limit 600, so you must be very selective in your word choice.

You should cut the fluff and get to the point. The image below is an example of a Fiverr profile description for a logo designer.

5 examples of Fiverr profile descriptions

It details the seller’s experience while limiting the word count to a minimum.

Conclude with a call to action.

A call to action (CTA) should be placed near the end of the description. A CTA softly informs buyers about what you want them to do. It may also offer them the push they need to place an order with you.

The CTA is highlighted in the graphic below for a data entry profile description.

Example of a Fiverr profile description 6

This seller’s CTA is – Let’s get started. It’s a good CTA, but it doesn’t tell buyers what they need to do. It’s too hazy. A CTA that says, “Place an order now” or “Send me an inbox” is more clear.

What should you write for your Fiverr profile description?

Your profile description must include specifics about your experience with your services. It must also address:

  • Your method of delivering an order.
  • You provide value additions.
  • Client list that you have served.
  • What distinguishes you from other merchants.
  • A gentle CTA.

The Significance of a Fiverr Profile Description

A well-written Fiverr description conveys to buyers that you are a trustworthy seller who understands the craft and can express effectively. It denotes the seller’s ability to communicate clearly.

In the online freelancing market, the first impression is often the last. With the increasing need to hire article writers, your profile plays a crucial role in the way potential clients perceive you. It’s your virtual handshake, a glimpse of your capabilities and expertise.

And guess what?

A powerful Fiverr profile can make all the difference.

Here’s how you can make it happen.

It also helps you market your proposal more effectively. The best profile descriptions leverage the buzz generated by your Fiverr gig. It gives sellers the slight nudge they need to overcome their reluctance and buy from you.

They also provide additional SEO advantages. You rank higher when the Fiverr algorithm recognizes that your gig matches your profile.

Fiverr Description Maker

AI is the best and most contemporary technology to produce a copy-paste description for your Fiverr profile. You may get the ideal copy by following the prompt below.

I am at your disposal for your gig category. I’m attempting to gain new clients through Fiverr. I’m trying to reach people in your target countries.

My key skills are a comma-separated list of skills, and I excel at customer service, response times, order fulfillment rate, and review ratings. I’m looking for someone to write a description for my Fiverr profile. Please be brief and make an effort to make me appear nice.

This copy will provide a good first description, but modify it as needed. You may also include follow-up prompts to adapt the description to your needs better.

An example of an AI-generated description for a content writer.

Define Your Skills Clearly

Identifying your skills.

Your profile description is where you can flaunt your skills. Whether you write articles, create infographics, or code websites, you must be transparent about your abilities. Clients need to know what you bring to the table, so make it clear.

I am an experienced article writer with a knack for crafting engaging and informative content. With over five years in the field, I can write articles on various topics, ensuring quality and punctuality.

Adding Value to Your Skills

Stating your skills isn’t enough; you must also demonstrate how they add value to a client’s project. It’s not about you, it’s about them. So, tell them how your skills can solve their problems.

As a skilled article writer, I aim to bring your vision to life through meticulously crafted content tailored to your needs and audience. Let’s connect and create compelling narratives together.

Keep It Professional Yet Personal

Your profile description is the perfect place to inject a bit of personality. You’re not just a faceless entity but a real person with unique experiences and perspectives. But remember, there’s a fine line between personal and professional. Balancing the two can be a bit tricky. But, like walking on a tightrope, it can be done. You just need to follow these three P’s:

  • Professionalism: Avoid informal language or slangs.
  • Personality: Don’t shy away from sharing a bit about your interests or personal values.
  • Punctuality: This doesn’t mean you have to mention your on-time delivery rates, but rather, show respect for the client’s time by being concise and clear in your description.

Display Your Achievements

Humble bragging time! Don’t be shy about sharing your achievements. Did you write articles that went viral? Maybe you’re a top-rated seller on Fiverr? Or perhaps you’ve worked with notable clients? Share it!

As a top-rated article writer on Fiverr, I’ve been fortunate to work with leading brands like XYZ and ABC. My articles have featured on top publications and have garnered thousands of shares.

Understanding SEO

SEO isn’t just for websites and blogs. It’s equally important when it comes to your Fiverr profile. But, before you start stuffing your profile with keywords, it’s crucial to understand the concept of SEO. If you’re a beginner, Moz’s Beginner’s Guide to SEO is an excellent place to start.

Use Relevant Keywords

The use of keywords can drastically enhance your visibility. For instance, if you write articles, using keywords like “article writers”, “hire article writers” can help potential clients find you more easily. But remember, quality over quantity. Don’t cram keywords; use them naturally.

As an experienced article writer, my goal is to create impactful content that drives results. So, if you’re looking to hire article writers who deliver quality, I might be your perfect fit.

Proofread And Edit

Imagine you’re a client looking to hire an article writer. You come across a profile description full of typos and grammatical errors. Would you hire them? Probably not. So, take the time to proofread your description or use tools like Grammarly to ensure it’s error-free.

Include a Call to Action (CTA)

A great profile description not only intrigues potential clients but also encourages them to take action. This is where a strong CTA comes into play.

Maintain Regular Updates

Just like an untouched garden can become overrun with weeds, an unupdated profile can lose its charm. Regularly updating your profile keeps it fresh, relevant, and allows you to showcase your most recent work or achievements.

Ask for Reviews and Ratings

Great ratings and reviews act as social proof, showing potential clients that you deliver quality work. After completing a project, don’t hesitate to ask for a review. Remember, the key to receiving great reviews is first and foremost delivering exceptional service.

Remember, writing a killer Fiverr profile is an art, and like all art, it takes time and practice to perfect. So, don’t worry if you don’t get it right the first time. Keep refining, keep improving, and you’ll be a Fiverr superstar in no time. Now, go ahead and charm those clients. Break a pencil!

Examples of Fiverr profile descriptions

Examples of profile descriptions might help beginners get started:

Data input gigs Fiverr profile description

For over 5 years, I’ve worked as a Data Entry Clerk and Admin Assistant in the non-profit sector. My specialties include scraping data from websites and processing it in a visually appealing manner, using Microsoft Office and Google Programs to organize data, working CRM’s such as Hubspot , converting files from jpgs and pdfs to editable files, and doing the legwork to complete repetitive tasks that take up businesses’ time.

Let’s get this party started!

Exemplification No. 2: Fiverr profile description for logo design gigs

Hello, I’m a USA-based Experienced Seller that has been helping small businesses with their design needs on Fiverr since 2011! I am prepared to design a high-quality, one-of-a-kind logo! I also have a strong social media branding, packaging, artwork, and website design background. Please do not hesitate to contact me for graphic design services.

Sample 3: Fiverr profile description for content authoring

I can write high-quality, SEO-friendly articles and blog entries on any subject you choose. I devote significant time to each blog, writing and revising sentences to make them more crisp, elegant, and understandable. I write about various topics, including real estate, education, food, health and nutrition, SEO, digital marketing, social media marketing, and self-development. I am also open to possibility of writing on other themes. I am excited to engage with you and provide stuff that you will adore.

Sample 4: Fiverr video editing profile description

Hi! I work as a video editor and content creator professionally. My YouTube channel has over 215,000 followers and has received over 12 MILLION VIEWS! With actual YouTube experience and artistic talent to design and produce eye-catching visuals that bring your films to life, together with outstanding video editing focused on viewing experience and viewer retention, we can help you create videos that people want to watch!

Fiverr profile description example for SEO content writing

I am a writer with experience and skills in SEO content, copywriting, sales, and marketing. I enjoy writing about technology, sports, business, money, music, and anything else that interests me. Contact me to discover how I can assist you in growing your business!

Example 6: Fiverr description for inexperienced starters

Hi! I am a fan of Your Niche as well as Your service. I’m here to learn more about this specialization while providing my services. You will receive prompt responses, incredibly professional behavior, first-rate service, and up to 5 reviews with me! Please bear with me as I tend to ask for a lot of information at the start in order to minimize back and forth.

I look forward to learning more about you and your needs.

We reviewed 10 effective steps to write the greatest Fiverr description with examples in this blog post. We discussed the actions you must take to improve on the engagement generated by your gig.

In conclusion, crafting a compelling Fiverr profile description is a crucial step towards attracting clients and standing out in the competitive freelance marketplace. By implementing the following ten killer tips, you can optimize your profile and increase your chances of landing lucrative projects:

  • Understand your target audience: Tailor your profile description to resonate with the specific needs and preferences of your ideal clients.
  • Showcase your unique selling proposition: Highlight what sets you apart from other freelancers and emphasize the value you bring to clients.
  • Use a captivating headline: Grab attention with a catchy and memorable headline that encapsulates your expertise and specialization.
  • Keep it concise and focused: Communicate your skills and experience succinctly, ensuring that your profile description is easy to read and digest.
  • Highlight your expertise and achievements: Demonstrate your proficiency in your field by showcasing relevant skills, qualifications, and notable accomplishments.
  • Provide tangible examples and results: Back up your claims with concrete examples and results you have achieved for previous clients.
  • Incorporate keywords strategically: Optimize your profile description by including relevant keywords that potential clients might search for.
  • Use a conversational and personable tone: Connect with your readers by adopting a friendly and approachable writing style that reflects your personality.
  • Include a call-to-action: Encourage potential clients to take the next step by inviting them to contact you, browse your portfolio, or ask questions.
  • Proofread and edit: Ensure your profile description is free from grammatical errors, typos, and inconsistencies to maintain a professional impression.

By implementing these tips and incorporating your unique voice and style, you can create a compelling Fiverr profile description that captivates clients and convinces them to choose you for their projects.

Remember, your profile description is your opportunity to make a strong first impression and showcase your skills and expertise. Continually review and update your profile to reflect your evolving experience and keep attracting new clients.

With these insights and examples at your disposal, you are now equipped to craft a killer Fiverr profile description that effectively markets your freelance services and helps you achieve success on the platform.

Best of luck on your Fiverr journey!

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5 Fiverr Profile Description Examples: How To Write The Best One

Freelancing has become an increasingly popular career choice in today's digital age. Platforms like Fiverr offer a vast marketplace for freelancers to showcase their skills and connect with potential clients.

However, with the growing number of freelancers, making a solid first impression and differentiating yourself from the competition is crucial. One powerful tool at your disposal is your Fiverr profile description. 

This guide will explore practical strategies and techniques to create a standout Fiverr profile description that grabs attention and maximizes your chances of success.

Understanding the importance of a compelling profile blurb

In the world of freelancing, where competition is fierce, and attention spans are short, a compelling profile blurb can make all the difference.

Fiverr Profile Description Examples How To Write The Best One

5 Fiverr profile description examples

Your Fiverr profile is your digital storefront, and crafting an enticing profile description is crucial for capturing the attention of potential clients.

To help you make a lasting impression and stand out in the competitive freelance marketplace, we've curated five compelling Fiverr description examples showcasing different skills and expertise.

Whether you're a creative graphic designer, expert copywriter, professional voice actor, detail-oriented virtual assistant, or skilled video editor, these examples will inspire you to craft a profile description that resonates with your target audience.

So get ready to elevate your Fiverr game and attract clients who appreciate your talents and abilities.

Let's explore these exceptional Fiverr profiles and unlock the secrets to writing a captivating profile description that leaves a lasting impact.

Example 1: creative graphic designer

"Unlock the power of captivating visuals! As a passionate graphic designer with over five years of experience, I specialize in translating ideas into stunning designs that leave a lasting impact.

From logo design to brand identity, I combine creativity and strategic thinking to deliver visual solutions that elevate your brand. So let's collaborate and bring your vision to life!"

Example 2: expert copywriter

"Words have the power to move, persuade, and ignite action. As a seasoned copywriter, I craft compelling content that captivates audiences and drives results.

With a deep understanding of your target market and a knack for storytelling, I'll help you create persuasive sales copies, engaging website content, and attention-grabbing social media posts.

So let's connect and unleash your brand's true potential through the art of words."

Example 3: professional voice actor

"Need a voice that captivates and resonates with your audience? Look no further! With a rich and versatile vocal range, I bring characters to life and breathe personality into scripts.

From engaging narrations to attention-grabbing commercials, I deliver high-quality voiceovers that leave a lasting impression. So let's collaborate and give your project the voice it deserves!"

Example 4: detail-oriented virtual assistant

"Ready to reclaim your time and focus on what truly matters? As a detail-oriented virtual assistant, I provide top-notch administrative support to entrepreneurs and busy professionals.

Example 4_ detail-oriented virtual assistant

Example 5: professional video editor

"Transforming raw footage into captivating visual stories is my passion. With expertise in video editing software and an eye for cinematic aesthetics, I bring your vision to life.

Whether it's editing corporate videos, promotional content, or YouTube vlogs, I'll ensure seamless transitions, captivating effects, and impeccable timing. So let's collaborate and create videos that leave a lasting impact on your audience!"

Time to stand out

Crafting a standout Fiverr profile description is an art that requires a blend of creativity, strategy, and effective communication.

Following the strategies and techniques outlined in this guide, you can create a profile blurb that grabs attention, captivates potential clients, and sets you apart from the competition.

Remember, your profile blurb is your gateway to success on Fiverr, so invest the time and effort to make it compelling , engaging, and reflective of your unique freelance offerings.

Then, start implementing these strategies today and watch as your Fiverr profile becomes a magnet for clients seeking your exceptional skills and expertise.

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Tips for writing an effective gig description


By sarahdesigns671 March 14, 2021 in Tips from Sellers

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Hi, so I just want to add in my 2 cents to this topic however I am not that experienced on Fiverr and not that successful as some other members might be but let us just say that this might be helpful for absolute beginners. So please correct this if there is something that needs to be corrected. I tried my best/ Gig description is an important part of your freelancing profile. After the gig/portfolio images, this is the second most important part of your gig that would compel your potential clients to make the purchase. So you should craft your description really nicely.

Let us discuss the parts of the description first. Remember the thumb rule here, please do not utilize this tool for self-praise, no one likes that. In fact, leverage this tool to communicate with your buyers. Use more"you’s" in your description than the “I’s”. Try to address them and talk to them. Use this to convince them that you really care about them.

Parts of your description:

• A Greeting/welcome message, generally just a one-liner or even lesser. One main search keyword can be added here. Like ‘Hi welcome to my minimalist logo design gig’.

• Your introduction - this part should not be more than 2-3 lines. Write very briefly about who you are, your expertise, your experience, your country name (optional), and any other information you want to put out there in the world. But remember not to include more than 4 lines about yourself. I say it again and in bold letters that ‘do not use your descriptions for self-praise rather utilize it to communicate to your buyers’. You can also add one main search keyword here like i am a ‘minimalist logo designer’ or you can add in more keywords as well. Be creative with the keywords. It shouldn’t sound repetitive.

• The Problem - this should be from 5-7 lines. In this part, you identify the most common issues your potential buyer faces that compel the buyer to take help from professionals like you. Try to empathize with them in this portion. Let them realize that you understand their pain. This will most likely establish you as an expert in your field. Try to highlight every corner that they are suffering in. You can fill in 2-4 keywords here as well.

• The Solution- this chunk should cover the rest of the request. You should let them know how you can solve their problems. Remember not to self-praise but try to use bullet points in this part as well it really helps to push your message through. 2-3 search keywords can be adjusted here as well.

An example description I wrote for your guidance:

Hi, I welcome you to my professional business card design gig, I am xxxxxxx, a professional creative director and a business card designer with experience of 3 years.

• Are you stuck with outdated stationery designs?

• Are you looking for a fresh, modern, and unique, and professional business card design?

• Your business card is the representation of your brand, and a tool you can leverage to impress your potential clients.

• Your professional business card would make or break the deal if they are inconclusive. It would be the last nail in closing your deal.

So, update your professional business card today or make a new one if you do not have one with our economical and professional business card design services.

You are guaranteed the following while purchasing our services:

• A unique and professional business card design that will suit the current age and time and your brand’s vision.

• A professional overall service with excellent customer service.

• A price no one can currently beat on this marketplace.

• A creative and inclusive design process.

• Adaptive to any printing service out there like vista or any printing size dimensions out there i.e. vertical, horizontal, US size guides, UK size guides.

So, what are you waiting for?? Let us revolutionize your brand’s representation today.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding the process.

Kind Regards


see how I placed search keywords in the above description?? without it sounding awfully repetitive!!! this should be our goal. our main search term like ‘professional business card design’ should be a part of our description at least 3-4 times to rank better in search.

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you should push reach key word in your description so that people can easily find your gig and be simple always with your description also you can marks(bold, colour) some important point like your service related facility.

  • 2 weeks later...



I have been overhauling my own gig descriptions this month, and I’ve been paying special attention to the way my formatting looks across desktop and the app 😊 . I was excited to see in your post some of the same structuring that I’m going for, makes me feel less like a loon for maybe overthinking it 😅 !

On 3/14/2021 at 10:35 AM, sarahdesigns671 said: After the gig/portfolio images, this is the second most important part of your gig that would compel your potential clients to make the purchase. 

YES! I noticed after I started improving my gig images, that clicks went up, but that I was still falling short of conversions on sales, and realized it was my descriptions that needed attention next! If the buyer can’t see how I’m going to help them solve a problem or they can’t distinguish the different value points in my packages, then they’re less likely to trust that I can provide the service they need and move on. 

  • 3 weeks later...



On 3/29/2021 at 9:38 AM, maegan_bertrand said: I have been overhauling my own gig descriptions this month, and I’ve been paying special attention to the way my formatting looks across desktop and the app 😊 . I was excited to see in your post some of the same structuring that I’m going for, makes me feel less like a loon for maybe overthinking it 😅 ! YES! I noticed after I started improving my gig images, that clicks went up, but that I was still falling short of conversions on sales, and realized it was my descriptions that needed attention next! If the buyer can’t see how I’m going to help them solve a problem or they can’t distinguish the different value points in my packages, then they’re less likely to trust that I can provide the service they need and move on.

I also updated my gig descriptions images but I always feel that there is more room to update. 

  • 4 weeks later...



One thing I learned is just don’t make it just random jibberish just so the seo finds it. People actually read it so have it make sense and accurately show what you can do 



I have read whole the post. and now i understand where keyword dhould put. Thank you so much for sharing this tips.


These advice are really very helpful for newbies and actually it just change my mind about how can I write better gig descriptions now. Few things I don’t know that it will help me that improve in that particular sector.

Best wishes.


Beginner should follow, I will send this link to some of my intimate juniors.


Thank you. This is immensely helpful, especially for new sellers whom I see reaching out for help how to get their gigs visible. I am positive that seasoned sellers can take a hint or two from this. Thank you!

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9 Top Tips To Write A Brilliant Fiverr Gig Description

Your Fiverr gig description is an important part of your profile on the platform. It is the first thing that potential clients will see when they come across your gig, and it’s your chance to showcase your skills and expertise, so you need to know how to write good Fiverr gig descriptions.

Our 9 top tips for writing brilliant Fiverr gig descriptions are:

  • Be clear and concise
  • Use relevant keywords
  • Provide a detailed description
  • Use bullet points
  • Include examples of your work
  • Specify your requirements
  • Offer additional options
  • Mention your turnaround time
  • Include all relevant details

Below, I’ll go into more detail about each of these tips, and provide guidance on writing Fiverr gig descriptions that get you more orders. We’ll also give you a free Fiverr gig description template. But first, let’s discuss what you should include in your Fiverr gig description.

What Should You Include In Your Fiverr Gig Description?

A detailed description.

In the body of your gig description, provide a detailed overview of the services you offer. This should include what you will do for the client, how you will do it, and any specific requirements or preferences the client should be aware of.

Your Qualifications & Experience

Share your qualifications and experience in your field to show potential clients why you are the best person for the job. This could include your education, training, and any relevant work experience.

Your Unique Value Proposition

Explain to potential clients why they should choose you over other freelancers. This could include your unique skills, approach, or guarantees that you offer.

Your Availability

Let potential clients know when you are available to work and how quickly you can deliver their orders. This will help them understand your availability and ensure that they can get the work done in a timely manner.

How Long Should Your Fiverr Gig Description Be?

There is no specific length requirement for a Fiverr gig description , but it’s generally best to keep it brief and to the point while still providing enough information to give buyers a clear understanding of your services. A good rule of thumb is to aim for around 150-200 words.

Fiverr gig description example showing the character limit.

In your gig description, it’s important to describe the specific tasks or services you are offering in a clear and concise manner, and outline exactly what is included in your gig. Keep in mind that buyers may not have a lot of time to read through long descriptions, so it’s important to be concise and focus on the most important information.

However, if you have a lot of information to include or your gig involves complex tasks, it may be necessary to have a longer description. Just be sure to keep it organized and easy to read, as you want to provide potential buyers with everything they need to know about your services without overwhelming them.

For more tips and tricks for earning more money on Fiverr, check out my ultimate guide to the platform here .

1. Be Clear And Concise

Make sure to clearly and concisely describe the specific services or tasks you are offering in your gig. Don’t use complex language, and be brief but comprehensive. I’ve stressed this point a few times because it’s super important!

You want to make it as easy as possible for a buyer to choose you (and so you need to be descriptive), but you also want to make it as easy as possible for them to place an order or get in touch with you (and so you don’t want to overwhelm them).

2. Use Relevant Keywords

Include relevant keywords in your gig title and description to help make your gig more easily discoverable by potential buyers. This will help ensure Fiverr’s algorithms know how to rank your gigs in the search results.

Don’t keyword stuff, but just ensure you mention the keywords of the services you offer a few times within the description.

3. Provide A Detailed Description

Be thorough in your description and outline exactly what is included in your gig. This will help set expectations and prevent misunderstandings later on. The more helpful details you can provide, the fewer questions the buyer will have about whether or not you’re the right person for the job.

4. Use Bullet Points

Use bullet points to break up your description and make it more readable and easier to scan. Buyers are looking at lots of gig descriptions, so make yours easy to absorb!

5. Include Examples Of Your Work

If applicable, include examples of your work or links to your portfolio to showcase your skills and abilities. This will help give the buyer more confidence that you’re the right person for their project.

6. Specify Your Requirements

If there are any specific requirements or prerequisites that buyers need to meet in order to purchase your gig, make sure to include them in your description. This is a good way to ensure buyers don’t place orders without giving you everything you need to actually get started.

7. Offer Additional Options

Consider offering additional options or upgrades for buyers who want more comprehensive or customized services. You can do this through the gig extras section when you make your gig, but it’s worth mentioning in your description to make buyers aware. You can offer extras like additional words if you’re a writer, or the inclusion of source files if it’s a graphic design or other creative gig.

It also helps to make them aware if you provide custom offers too.

8. Mention Your Turnaround Time

Let buyers know how quickly you can complete the work and if you offer any expedited delivery options. This helps set their expectations for projects.

9. Include All Relevant Details

Be sure to include any other relevant details, such as your expertise or experience in a particular area, that may help set your gig apart from others. This helps add some credibility to your services.

3 Fiverr Gig Description Examples

1. writing fiverr gig description example.

Are you in need of high-quality, engaging content for your website or blog? Look no further! As a professional writer with over 5 years of experience, I specialize in creating engaging, well-researched articles that will capture your audience’s attention and drive traffic to your site.

What’s included in my gig:

  • 500 words of original, SEO-optimized content
  • Research and fact-checking
  • Unlimited revisions until you’re satisfied

Additional options:

  • Need more than 500 words? Add a gig extra for each additional 500 words.
  • Need your content delivered quickly? I also offer expedited delivery for an additional fee.


  • Please provide a clear outline or topic for the article you’d me to write.
  • If you have any specific keywords or requirements for the content, please let me know beforehand.

Turnaround time:

  • Standard delivery: 3 days
  • Expedited delivery: 1 day (additional fee applies)

I pride myself on delivering high-quality work and excellent customer service. Don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or to discuss your project in more detail. I look forward to working with you!

2. Logo Design Fiverr Gig Description Example

If you need a professional, eye-catching logo for your business or brand, look no further! As a skilled graphic designer with more than 7 years of experience, I specialize in creating unique, high-quality logos that will help your business stand out and make a lasting impression on your customers.

What’s included in this gig:

  • 3 logo concepts to choose from
  • 3 revisions to ensure you’re satisfied with my work
  • Final logo delivered in various file formats (JPEG, PNG, AI, etc.) for use on different platforms
  • Need more than 3 concepts? Add a gig extra for each additional concept.
  • Need your logo delivered quickly? I offer expedited delivery for an additional fee.
  • Please provide a clear brief, outlining your vision for the logo, including any specific colors or styles you prefer.
  • If you have any specific requirements or guidelines for the logo, please let me know beforehand.
  • Standard delivery: 5 days
  • Expedited delivery: 3 days (additional fee applies)

I pride myself on delivering high-quality work and excellent customer service, so please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or to discuss your project in more detail!

3. Voiceover Artist Fiverr Gig Description Example

What I offer:

  • A warm, friendly, and versatile voice that can adapt to a wide range of projects, including commercials, explainer videos, e-learning modules, and more.
  • High-quality recording equipment and a sound-treated studio for professional-sounding results.
  • Fast turnaround time and quick revisions if needed.

What I need from you:

  • A clear script or brief outlining your vision for the voiceover.
  • Any specific direction or requirements for the tone, style, or delivery of the voiceover.
  • Your finished voiceover will be delivered in MP3 format, with additional file formats available upon request.
  • Standard delivery: 2 days

Don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or to discuss your project in more detail. I look forward to bringing your vision to life with my voice!

Free Fiverr Gig Description Template

Title : [Insert catchy title that accurately reflects your services]

Description :

[Insert a brief overview of your services and what you offer]

What’s included in my gig :

  • [Insert a list of the specific services you are offering]

Additional options :

  • [If applicable, include any additional options or upgrades you offer for more comprehensive or customized services]

Requirements :

  • [If there are any specific requirements or prerequisites that buyers need to meet in order to purchase your gig, make sure to include them here]

Turnaround time :

  • [Include information on how quickly you can complete the work and if you offer any expedited delivery options]

[Insert any other relevant details, such as your expertise or experience in a particular area, that may help set your gig apart from others]

[End with a statement about your commitment to delivering high-quality work and excellent customer service]

Final Thoughts

Your Fiverr gig description is an important tool for attracting potential clients and showcasing your skills and expertise. You want to use it to help potential clients understand what you offer and why they should choose you for their project, and following our tips above is the best way to do this! You can also check out my free Fiverr gig description templates .

Chris Hanna, owner of FreelanceReady.com and ChrisHannaSEO.com.

Chris is the creator of Freelance Ready. He originally started freelancing (on Fiverr) while at university, writing and editing website content. He created this website to share his freelancing experience and help others on their own self-employed journeys. He is now a freelance SEO consultant and content editor. You can learn more about Chris here .

Freelance Ready is reader-supported. That means some links on this website are affiliate links. If you sign up or make a purchase through these links, we may earn a commission.

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Best Fiverr Profile Description Samples

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What separates the pros on Fiverr from those that are just average? It all comes down to their descriptions. You may be surprised how many people don’t take advantage of this opportunity to promote themselves. This is a compilation of Fiverr profile descriptions from some of the best sellers on the platform. Take your time to read what these talented freelancers came up with and use them as a resource for your new project descriptions.

Best Sample Fiverr Profile Descriptions

Whether you’ve been here for years or even if this is your first time, you’re going to want to take a look at the best Fiverr profile descriptions Samples!

1. For Content Writers

write professional website content

What works in this Gig?

  • An amazing description write-up that raises the trust of the buyer and highlights the strength of the seller.
  • The gig ends on a very positive note and alls upon its buyers to place their orders immediately.
  • An add on benefit of increased sales beacuse of the amzing write-up you can buy is shown to the buyers effectively.
  • The gig has been reviewed by 1351 buyers and is rated 4.9 by buyers.

2. For Graphic Designers

be your personal professional graphic designer

  • Great beginnig ‘ All work in this gig is CUSTOM made and created FOR YOU by a professional! ‘
  • A clear description of what can be delievered by the seller.
  • The pakages and pricing of different products makes it easy for the buyer to choose.
  • The gig has been reviewed by 1518 buyers and is rated 4.9 by buyers.

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

help you rank higher on google with safe high da SEO contextual backlinks

  • The seller makes a gret first impression with his amazing poster. The poster describes the servives offered succintly and beutifully.
  • The seller further promise 24/7 customer support that is very attractive.
  • The three different gigs offered are also very well described by the seller.
  • The last sale and amazing customer reviers cinch the deal.
  • The gig has been reviewed by 2884 buyers and is rated 4.9 by buyers.

4. English Voice Over

record an american male voice over

  • The claim of ‘15000+ voice over done’ combined with the high sell of the gig makes it stand apart from the rest. Experience matters.
  • The sample voice overs attached ensure that the user trust is retained.
  • The gig description is also very well explained and it explains exactly what the user needs to choose and select.
  • Overall it is a great gig that has been reviewed by 16355 users and rated 5 stars.

5. Random – Android App Creation

convert your website into android and ios apps

  • Point wise description of all deliverables.
  • Lots of Bonus features that the seller has promised to deliver at no extra cost.
  • The gig has been reviewed by 360 buyers and is rated 5 by buyers.

Features of Great Fiverr Profile Descriptions

Many things make the best Fiverr profile descriptions, but they all have a few things in common.

  • First, they all have some sort of enticing headline that grabs your attention right away.
  • Second, they all make you want to know more about what the seller is offering.
  • Third, they are all well written with good grammar and spelling.
  • Fourth, they make you want to buy what the seller is selling.
  • And fifth, they tell you exactly what you need to do to get their services.

The best Fiverr profile descriptions also don’t try to sell you anything. They tell enough about the seller to make them exciting and give them a chance to impress you enough to buy from them.

How to create a good Fiverr Profile Description?

When you’re trying to create the best Fiverr profile description possible, it can be helpful to have an example. You have just seen numerous excellent profile descriptions. Go ahead and make your gig now and keep in mind the following points:

  • Keep it short and simple.
  • Avoid cliches.
  • Use your profile description as a place to emphasize what makes your Fiverr service unique or special.
  • Don’t use your profile description as a place to make guarantees or promises that you may not be able to keep.
  • Don’t use SEO buzzwords like “guaranteed” and “high quality” unless you can actually deliver on them in every case (and actually want to).
  • Make sure there aren’t any grammatical errors in your profile description or other sales text on Fiverr; it looks sloppy, and the impact will be far greater than you think — especially for new sellers or those who don’t have a lot of positive feedback yet (or whose feedback isn’t very strong).

Use the best Fiverr profile descriptions samples provided above to make your profile as attractive as possible to new clients. Give your skills and services a name that pops and highlights the benefits of choosing you over other sellers. There’s no need to be too technical, so keep things simple. Don’t hesitate to stand out by mentioning values or experiences that separate you from other similar sellers on the site.

Check the how-to-write the best Fiverr profile descriptions.

Best Fiverr Profile Description Samples

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Write The Perfect Description For Fiverr Gig: With Examples

write the perfect description for Fiverr gig

Discover all the detailed secrets to crafting the perfect description for Fiverr gig with our insightful guide, featuring tried-and-true tips, tricks, and real-life examples.

Being an online freelancer is a great way to work from home and make your own hours.

But with millions of other freelancers on Fiverr, how do you make your gig stand out?

The answer is to write a killer gig description. Your description is your chance to sell potential clients on your skills and experience.

It's also your chance to tell them why they should hire you instead of someone else.

In this blog post, I'll give you some tips on how to write a Fiverr gig description that will help you get more clients quickly.

This article might contain referral links from our chosen partners, that may bring us a small commission at no additional cost to you. Please read our disclosure page for more details.

Understanding Fiverr Gig Description: What Is Fiverr Gig

Fiverr homepage

According to Fiverr's own definition, "a gig is any service that you provide and sell on the platform".

"Our gig is a chance to advertise your skills to a broad audience that can be your next potential buyers and customers and provide them with all the knowledge they need to make a buying decision."

So, your Fiverr gig should contain all of the following:

your skills, your experience, your plans and prices, and anything else you would want to call attention to.

For instance, if you're trying to get clients for your graphic design services, you may include your post rates, the software you use, the number of years you've been in the industry, etc.

The Importance Of Fiverr Gig Description

After you have chosen a low-competition Gig , it is crucial to write a killer description, and here's why:

• Writing a compelling Fiverr description shows potential customers that you understand your subject matter and can clearly express your offerings. 

• It's a matter of gaining or losing a customer or client. And therefore, the most crucial part of your Fiverr gig is the description you write for it.

It's what potential customers read to learn about your product or service, so it has to be exciting and well-written.

• Your gig description is your sales pitch. Therefore, it has to be crystal clear and precise if you want to be hired.

• It ensures the customer understands precisely what they are or are not purchasing. Thus, you should always include the option to contact you for more information.

How To Introduce Yourself On Fiverr

How To Introduce Yourself On Fiverr

Before making any gig on Fiverr, on your profile, you need to introduce yourself to the Fiverr community by writing a description.

Ensure your public profile showcases your skills, accomplishments, and interests.

Remember that your Fiverr bio or description is a first impression for potential clients. Therefore, it is essential to present yourself confidently and positively.

Keep your introduction brief and to the point, and stay away from sales jargon. Remember that you only have one chance to make an excellent first impression.

Here are some suggestions for establishing an appealing profile description on Fiverr: 

► Use a clean profile photograph and a captivating bio.

► List your industry credentials and accomplishments.

► Emphasize the advantages buyers get from working together with you.

► Show how your services will assist customers in attaining their objectives. 

► Sell yourself better by making a video, You will improve your chances by 50%! See the Fiverr Guideline video Below.

Sell Yourself Better With A Video

How To Write A Perfect Gig Description: Template

Now that you’ve understood the basics of Fiverr gigs, we know you're still confused and want more clarity. So, we are providing you with a Fiverr gig template for your ease.

You can download my helpful FREE printable pdf template Here►

Using this Fiverr gig description template, you can quickly draft a gig description section that does justice to your service and convinces customers to hire you.

My fiverr gig description template Infographics

1. Create a Creative Introduction Paragraph

You need an engaging beginning if you want to read the remainder of what you've written. This section should consist of a few phrases that highlight your qualifications and interests.

Example: " Are you exhausted from the many hours spent producing graphics for your company? Stop right there! To help you save time, I'm here to provide expert graphic design services that are both reliable and creative. My brand visuals skills can bring your concept to life."

2. List Down The Benefits of Working With You

Give a detailed description of the service you're providing. What are your services, and what do they include? Make it simple for prospective customers to skim your content using bullet points. 

Example: By collaborating with a skilled graphic designer like me, you will be able to achieve the following goals:

► Increase the exposure of your business by using visuals and promotional materials that have been expertly developed.

► Through the use of creative and compelling content , you can strengthen the connection you have with your audience and make more sales.

► Keep your brand's image and style consistent throughout all your designs.

3. Explain What Makes You Different From Everyone Else

Describe what distinguishes you unique from others who provide the same services as you are providing.

Describe your unique selling point ( USP ). Describe your background, experience, and abilities that make you the ideal candidate for this position.

Example: I have six years of professional experience in graphic designing through my collaboration with various industries such as……..

4. Showcase Some Of Your Previous Work.

It would be best to display examples of your previous work to give the potential customer a sense of your skill and aesthetic. Attach a couple of samples of your work, briefly describing each.

Example: " As a skilled graphic artist, I've made stunning logos, websites, and advertisements for many clients." (give testimonials where possible)

"My portfolio demonstrates my skills in creating eye-catching visuals that elevate the brand’s visibility."

Here you can include the link to your portfolio.  

5. description for Fiverr gig Package

Explain how you set your prices and what comes with each package. Be clear about what each plan includes and what the buyer gets at each level.

This includes products, response time, standards for what you need before you start working, and any savings you offer. 

Example: "By collaborating with me, you can benefit from my exceptional graphic design skills that can transform any mundane design into a visually appealing masterpiece".

Some added benefits of working with me include the following:

► Creative and unique designs that capture your brand's essence and identity

► High-quality imagery and visuals that are visually appealing and engaging

► A client-focused approach that considers your design preferences and needs

► Unlimited revisions to ensure complete satisfaction with the final product

► Expertise in various design software, including Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign

► Competitive pricing and flexible packages to suit your budget and requirements

► Quick turnaround times and efficient communication throughout the design process

► A professional and collaborative working relationship to ensure your vision is brought to life.

6. Call-to-action

Finish with a solid call to action that makes people want to contact you. You can discount first-time buyers or tell them to contact you for a special deal.

Example: " Transform your creative vision into a stunning reality now. Let's collaborate to make your graphic design goals a resounding triumph."

Perfect Fiverr Gig Description Sample: Examples

Logo design.

logo design gigs

Gig Title: “I will be your creative logo designer for your business”

Description: "Looking for a creative, professional logo? You are in the right place! I can create a unique memorable logo to help your brand stand out".

"Because of my extensive logo design background, I can develop an original concept that precisely represents your company."

" I'll work with you to create a logo you'll be proud to display, regardless of how simple or elaborate you want the design. Let's collaborate so that your initiative provides immediate results".

Example 2: 

Gig Title: “I will create a modern logo design for your website"

Description: A logo is the face of your business and must represent your brand accurately. I will create a modern logo reflecting your brand identity and helping you stand out.

"My design process starts with a detailed brief to understand your business and target audience".

"From there, I will create a range of design concepts for you to choose from and work with you to refine the chosen design until you're delighted".

Whether launching a new website or rebranding an existing one, my logo design service will help you make a lasting impression.

Search Engine Optimization

A Selection of Fiverr gigs on SEO

Example 1: 

Gig Title: "I will provide a complete SEO audit report for your website"

Description: Are you trying to improve your website to rank higher but having no luck?

Don't worry; I'm here to assist. I will do a thorough SEO audit of your website and present you with a detailed report detailing any issues I find across on-page , off-page , and technical SEO , as well as my suggestions for fixing them.

Gig Title: "I will create high-quality backlinks for your website"

Description: Backlinks play a vital role in improving your website's ranking. I have a proven strategy to create high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites in your industry.

I will make sure that all the links are natural and follow all the guidelines of Google. You will see an improvement in your website ranking in a short turnaround time.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing fiverr gig page

Gig Title: "I will create a comprehensive social media marketing strategy for your business"

Description: Have you just started your new business or website? Is it difficult for you to formulate a strategy for promoting your work on social media? Let me help you out! I'll help you attain your company objectives by creating a personalized social media marketing plan. 

My strategy will include recommendations for your website content, posting schedules, platform selection, and more. 

Gig Title: "I will manage your social media accounts for a month".

Description: Lacking the resources to develop your social media profiles in-house? Let me handle it for you! I will manage your social media accounts to grab your audience's attention for a month, posting daily content, responding to comments and messages, and identifying growth opportunities.

I have managed social media accounts for brands in many areas and can therefore work with you to make a social media plan that fits your business goals.

I can expertly and carefully handle your company's social media accounts so that you can devote your time and energy elsewhere.

Copywriting and Content Writing 

Copywriting and Content Writing fiverr page

Gig Title: " I will give tips to write a high converting copy for your website or landing page"

Description: Are you struggling to capture visitors' attention and convert them into customers? Then this gig is for you.

I will provide high quality work that speaks directly to your target audience's needs and emotions.

From attention-grabbing headlines to persuasive sales copy, I will ensure that your website or landing page stands out and drives results.

Let's work together to bring your business to the next level!

Gig Title : "I will Boost Your Instagram Account with Organic Growth"

Description: Do you need help gaining followers on Instagram? Look no further! With my expertise in social media marketing, I will use proven methods to increase your Instagram following.

I offer organic growth, which means no bots or fake followers. I will provide a customized growth strategy for your niche and engage with your audience to increase your account's visibility. Start seeing results in just a few days!

Email Marketing

Email Marketing fiverr gig page

Gig Title: "I will write a personalized email copy for your business growth"

Description: Do you need help getting your email campaigns to convert? Do you want a professional copywriter to take your email marketing strategies to new heights? Look no further!

I'm a skilled email copywriter with years of experience under my belt. I craft compelling, personalized email campaigns that appeal to your chosen audience and get conversions.

Hire me, and I'll create an email copy that will grab your reader's attention and deliver your message with maximum impact.

Order my gig today and receive a top-quality email copy that converts!

Gig Title: "I will Professionally design and code your email templates"

Description: Do you want to make your email marketing campaigns stand out? Do you need a professional to design and code your email templates perfectly? Look no further!

I'm a skilled email template designer and developer with years of experience creating unique email campaigns that move the needle!

I can help you make an email campaign that reflects your brand unique value proposition and drives results.

Hire me today, and get a top-quality email template that reflects your brand and drives results!

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing gig page Fiverr

Gig Title: "I will write a viral blog post promoting your affiliate products" 

Description: Having more people visit your website and the possibility of them becoming customers is a direct result of those engaging blog posts.

As a proficient writer, I can create compelling articles that draw readers to your affiliate products.

I will optimize your website using search engine optimization (SEO) keywords and develop links using keyword research strategies.

Gig Title:  "I will create an eye-catching video review of your affiliate products" 

Description: Using and generating videos to highlight the features and advantages of your affiliate items is a great marketing strategy.

With your marketing materials and the proper video review, you may attract more customers and make more money through affiliate programs.

Also, I have experience in video editing and photo editing, I can make a high-quality film that discusses your items and emphasizes their benefits

Website Development

Website Development fiverr gig page

Gig Title: "I will design a clean minimalist and responsive website that will leave a lasting impression on your visitors."

Description: As a web developer with years of experience, I know how to optimize a website for conversion rates and user experience.

Because of my expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP, I can design an eye-catching website from scratch and rework your current site to achieve the best possible effect.

WordPress Design

WordPress Design fiverr gig page

Gig Title: "I will do a full website Makeover"

Description: Are you a new website owner? Is your website so old and clunky that you gotta modernize it? Give your website a fresh new design with my expertise.

As part of this gig, I'll work with you to update your site with modern plugins and themes and make it responsive across all devices.

I can help you update your website by changing the graphics and create original images and animations.

Gig Title: I will help you in developing a WordPress custom plugin"

Description: Does your WordPress site need a unique modification? If you hire me, I'll create a special plugin that serves a specific purpose or adds a special touch.

To guarantee the plugin's safety and scalability, I'll code it according to the most recent best practices. Once the work is complete, I will also be available for queries and concerns.

Let's work together to create something unique!

More Important Tips For Writing A Perfect Fiverr Gig Description

Tips For Writing A Perfect Fiverr Gig Description infographic

Here are a few more suggestions for making the best gig descriptions:

► Make your gig description easier to read by using bullet points, headlines, highlights, etc.

► Explain what you're selling in simple terms; customers will appreciate not having to understand technical terms.

► Ensure your job is seen in search results by including relevant keywords in the Gig Title and description. Use keywords that prospective customers would likely type into search engines to find businesses like yours.

► Specify the project's scope, expected deliverables, and estimated completion date. Buyers' confidence and satisfaction increase when they know what to expect from your service.

SEO and Descriptive Keywords

What is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is the process of improving the visibility and ranking of your Fiverr gig in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Why are SEO and descriptive keywords important for Fiverr gigs?

When potential buyers search for services on Fiverr, they will likely use keywords that describe their needs.

For example, if a buyer is looking for a writer to help them create a blog post, they might search for keywords like "blog post writing" or "content writing."

By including relevant keywords in your gig title and description, you can increase your chances of showing up in the SERPs for those keywords.

This will make your gig more visible to potential buyers and increase your chances of getting booked.

Tips for using keywords in your Fiverr gig description:

► Use the right keywords. Think about the keywords that potential buyers are likely to use when searching for services on Fiverr. You can use tools like Google Keyword Planner to help you find relevant keywords. Or you can use the Fiverr search bar and type in your chosen gig- for example "content writing"

Fiverr search bar seo keywords

► Use keywords naturally. Don't force keywords into your description in a way that sounds unnatural or spammy. Instead, try to use them in a way that flows naturally with the rest of your text.

► Use keywords throughout your description. Include your keywords in the title, description, and tags of your gig.

► Use a variety of keywords. Don't just use the same keyword over and over again. Instead, try to use a variety of related keywords.

Examples of how to use keywords in your Fiverr gig description:

Title: Blog Post Writing - SEO-Optimized, Engaging Content

Description: I will write SEO-optimized, engaging blog posts for your website. My posts are well-researched and informative, and I will work with you to ensure that they meet your specific needs.

Title: Blog Post Writing - Best Writer on Fiverr!

Description: I am the best blog post writer on Fiverr! I can write on any topic, and my posts are always high quality.

The first example is better because it includes relevant keywords in the title and description. The second example is worse because it is generic and does not include any relevant keywords.

By following these tips, you can use SEO and description keywords to improve your ranking in search engine results pages and get more Fiverr gigs.

Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts-infographics-man thinking in background is blue sky,birds,trees.

To wrap up, we hope you learned some useful tips for writing a great Fiverr gig description.

Use these tips to start earning the money you deserve.

Remember that freelancing takes time and patience, so keep your head up, your skills sharp, and your passion burning. If you are interested Fiverr has a very good affiliate program, you can check out our detailed review if you wish: Fiverr Affiliate Program Review: Transforming Clicks Into Cash!

Good luck, future freelance Rockstar!

FAQ frequently asked-questions, infographic yellow words FAQ, on blue pink background with -transparent question mark.

Can I edit the Fiverr gig descriptions?

Fiverr gig descriptions are editable. Click "Gigs" on your dashboard, then find your gig and click "Edit." 

Are there any symbols that are not allowed in a Fiverr job description?

Some characters may generate an error or rejection in your Fiverr job description. Examples include HTML tags and code, URLs, links, email addresses, and phone numbers.

Can we copy someone's Fiverr gig description?

Copying someone else's work without permission is unethical and illegal, and Fiverr may suspend or ban your account.


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How to Start Freelance Writing (Everything You Need to Know)

  • By Pete McPherson
  • November 25, 2020

On the surface, getting started in freelance writing seems so simple…

  • Have writing skills.
  • Find companies willing to pay you.
  • Reach out to them and get gigs.
  • Make millions.

Sweet! You can stop reading this post now 😉 Go get clients!

Just kidding.

As you’ve probably found out, finding new writing clients and booking paid gigs is NEVER that easy—especially when you’re brand new, have no portfolio, and don’t have a network to tap into.

It’s tough—but not  impossible.

With the tools and tactics in this guide (and a bit of hustle), you’ll be able to grab your first paying client in no time.

Let’s write. ✏️

  • Create a “home base” to show off your work (to potential clients)
  • How to start building a portfolio ASAP
  • How to pitch for freelance writing opportunities (both free & paid!)
  • Three tips for overdelivering value for your first client (and why it’s vital)
  • How to appropriately ask for referrals
  • How to specifically find companies who will pay you to freelance write
  • Organize your “freelance system”
  • BONUS: How to land your second freelance client

First, You Need to Understand What Freelance Writing Actually Looks Like

If you’re new to freelance writing, don’t skip this step.

What you’re about to read could save you hours of time (and a lot of frustration).

Producing content for money is work! It’s not always easy, and it won’t always pay thousands of dollar per post. It’ll also take a while to ramp up your clients and earnings.

It’s crucial that you manage your expectations.

Even with this guide, it’ll still take hours of hard work to land a client, and then you’ll have to, ya know,  do the work  for your clients.

That said, freelance writing  is  an amazing side hustle (or full-time career path), filled with variety, great hourly rates , and the ability to work at home while binging on Netflix.

(Don’t actually do that, by the way).

1. You Need a “Home Base” on the Internet (Where You Can Show Your Work)

Remember in 3rd grade when the teacher asked you to “show your work?”

This is kind of like that.

When you’re trying to convince a company to pay you for your writing, they’ll want to see examples of your writing.

The most common method for most freelance writers is to start a blog, or otherwise have a personal website (complete with a “work with me” page).

Holly from Club Thrifty has a fantastic portfolio page on her blog.

More specifically, this “home base” website will need three things:

  • Examples of your writing
  • A portfolio page with links to external articles (once you get them)
  • Information on how to work with you (and contact you)

Don’t get overwhelmed yet, though.

We’ll talk more about those details in a minute, but for now, you just need to get your home base set-up!

The best course of action will be to start a very simple, minimal website.

With the right set of instructions, you can easily have something set up in an afternoon, after which you should start publishing content (that you can show to potential freelance clients)!

This illustrative guide will teach you how to start a blog, step by step!

Pro Tip: If this is your first time setting up a website, keep things as simple as humanly possible! There are a lot  of new things to learn in the beginning, so take it easy on yourself.

You don’t need a fancy theme or even a logo. You need a functioning, professional-looking site to show potential clients. Keep it minimal, and there will be fewer things to screw up.

Technical newbies should re-read that paragraph 👆

Even if you don’t want to set up a portfolio blog right now, you’ll most definitely need one eventually.

It  is possible to start freelance writing without a blog, but it sure makes things easier if you do have one!

The next point, however, is not optional.

2. You Need to Get Published on Somebody Else’s Blog ASAP

You’re not going to like this…

But you need to do whatever it takes to get published on somebody else’s platform—even if that’s doing your first article for free.

“What? No way! I don’t work for free…”

I get it. Working for free doesn’t sound very appealing, but when you’re just starting out, you need to consider it.

Every freelance client on the planet is going to want to see if you can write  for other people.

In fact, this is the most important piece of advice in this entire article: the quality of your past writing gigs either makes or breaks your opportunities for new, better freelance writing clients.

But you’re in luck!

Even if you’ve never written a piece of freelance content before, there’s a simple solution for getting started:  the guest post!

Why guest posts are awesome for new freelance writers:

  • They get your feet wet for conducting outreach/pitching
  • It costs you nothing and gets you valuable writing experience, as well as something to add to your portfolio
  • It’s help to build your “writing for other people” muscle.

How to find blogs to guest post on:

First, you’ll want to start small.

Don’t go reaching out to huge blogs that have massive following and have been around for decades.

Compile a list of blogs in your niche (we’ll talk about niches in a minute).

Here’s my recommended process (using an aspiring freelance writer in the personal finance niche as an example) :

  • Create a spreadsheet to drop the names, URLs, and contact emails in
  • Go to Google and search “best personal finance blogs”
  • Open the top 10 results, sort through all the blogs, and put them on your spreadsheet.
  • Go to Pinterest and search “personal finance” (or other sub-topic keywords like “budgeting,” “frugality,” or “investing.”)
  • Open several pins, and add those resulting blogs to your spreadsheet
  • Go to  Detailed.com  and click on your niche (they only have 10 large niches)
  • Open those blogs and add them to your spreadsheet (I recommend starting from the bottom of the list, as the top blogs are  huge  sites that’ll be tough to get guest posts on.

You can use the Chrome extensions  Hunter  to find bloggers’ email addresses, or just use the contact forms on their site (check their site footer for the link).

3. How to Pitch Bloggers for Guest Posts (or Your First Paid Opportunity)

Huge mega-hint:  Most of these tips apply for pitching paid freelance services as well!

Pay attention 😃

Every other “how to pitch yourself for a writing opportunity” article probably contains some form of copy/paste template.

But those are increasingly ineffective (as everybody like yourself tends to use them).

Instead, here are the essentials for a great outreach email.

These work whether you’re trying to land a guest post or connecting with your first freelance client:

  • Write like a human.  No scripts, no templates, no copy/paste. Do use proper spelling, grammar, formatting, and be professional, but use natural language.
  • Be brief.  No 500 word emails, please! Write out the entire email, then cut it in half. No fluff.
  • Be honest and transparent . Under no circumstances should you try to hide the fact that you’re asking for an opportunity! Make your ask clear.
  • Be specific . Don’t leave anything to chance. Share  exactly  what you’re looking for and  exactly what you bring to the table for them (with your content).
  • Give specific suggestions.  “I noticed you have a ‘ketogenic desserts’ category on your blog, but haven’t posted anything there in over 4 months. I have 3 specific blog post ideas for you! [Post A, Post B, and Post C]”
  • Always show them “WIIFM.” (“What’s in in for me?”)  That’s what your contact will be thinking when they open the email, so make the benefits of your freelance writing very clear.

Write short emails that sound like they’re coming from a friend or peer, present your ask/offer clearly, and focus on building genuine relationships and adding value to the other person.

You’ll get guest opportunities.

4. Three ways to Overdeliver Value on Your First Gig (and Why It’s Critical You Do)

Do you remember what you’re after here?

A lucrative freelance writing career?

Referrals and word of mouth are the top ways freelance writers find more work. Do whatever it takes to impress your first client and overdeliver.

This applies to initial guest post opportunities and your early paid clients.

Tip #1 – Be flexible in your writing

As a matter of fact, this should be included in your pitch as well. Reassure potential clients that they should feel free to send  back  your content with changes, improvements, or revisions.

They want any guest content to be  good,  so reassure them you’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen!

Tip #2 – Share the content once it’s live

  • Share on social media.
  • If you have an email list, email them about the guest post.
  • Write about the experience on your own blog and link back to the post.

Tip #3 – Follow up a week after it’s live

Ask your client  “How was the response from the guest post? Is there anything I can do to help?”

It’s unlikely they’ll come back with anything, but it shows them how caring and dedicated you are just in case.

When you first start freelance writing, these are the types of interactions that’ll increase the likelihood growing your work opportunities quicker.

Overdeliver on your first few gigs, and you’ll quickly find yourself getting more opportunities (or repeat opportunities)!

5. You Need to Ask for Referrals

And not just reaching out to past clients—because you might not have any of those yet.

The truth is, you already have a network of some sort, even if you don’t know it.

  • Search your LinkedIn contacts for people who like you
  • Email that college professor you were close with
  • Text your mom

If this sounds silly, it is, and that’s why 95% of people would never think to actually implement this 😃

Say something like this:

“Hey cousin Ed! Long time no see! I’ve recently gotten into freelance writing as a career path (I write about [topic] for [type of company you serve]), and I’m looking for a bit more work. Do you know of anybody who might want articles for their website/blog? Anybody who works at [type of company you serve]? Etc? I just thought I’d ask!”

Here’s why asking your personal network for referrals is awesome…

Two reasons:

  • There’s a small chance you’ll actually get a direct lead
  • There’s a very high chance you will now be “top of mind” if and when your friends  do encounter somebody at [type of company you serve].

If you write for e-commerce platforms, you’ll want your friends to think of  you  when they meet an e-commerce CMO at a networking event.

Pro Tip : You should absolutely double-back with past clients or bloggers who you wrote a guest post for—asking them for referrals as well. Just be more professional in your language than if you were talking to Cousin Ed.

6. How to Specifically Find Companies Who Will Pay You to Freelance Write

So you have a few articles published and you’re ready to level up into paid freelance writing.

This is the stage where you are absolutely not allowed to give up! You should expect to receive several “no’s” before you get a “yes.” Your first paid gig will always be the hardest.

Freelance writing gets easy the more you do it (since you have more work to show for yourself and more client wins to report).

Introducing the “Upside Down” Method of finding paying clients.

This hack comes from a guest post that James Johnson wrote on Nick Loper’s site, Side Hustle Nation .

It’s a fantastic post, and you should read the whole thing!

Here’s how James laid it out:

Rather than looking for companies to pitch to, you’ll be looking for other freelancers with other paid writing gigs under their belt. From there, you’ll reverse-engineer your search to discover companies with a track record of paying freelancers.

Here’s what you’ll do:

  • Go to Google and search for freelance writers in your niche. Use a query like  [niche] “guest post” + “is a freelance writer”
  • Find your way to those writers’ websites, and find their portfolio. Try searching for their “about” page “work with me” page.
  • Once you find their portfolio, browse through and note any companies that would be a good fit for you as well!

This method works well for finding companies that are proven to pay freelance writers.

Pro Tip: In this process, you should be organizing your search in some sort of spreadsheet tracker or checklist. Keep a living document of companies you’d like to reach out to, noting when you’ve pitched them, when you should follow-up, etc.

For more info, go back to that Side Hustle Nation link at the top of this section. James breaks it down in far more detail.

7. Here’s Another Pro Tip That’ll Help You Stand out From Other New Freelance Writers

Warning: This section suggests hustle moves that most new freelancers aren’t willing to do.

Put yourself in the shoes of an editor who is receiving 20 emails a day from freelance writers.

They see a lot of pitches like…

“Hey I’m Jerry, a freelancer from [blog], and I’d love to contribute to the Business Insider blog. Here’s my portfolio: [link]. What do you think?”

Or slightly better…

“Hey I’m Jerry, a freelancer from [blog], and I’d love to contribute to your platform. I had three article ideas in mind. [Idea one. Idea two. Idea three.]. What do you think?”

Editors receive a ton of these pitches!

How can you stand out?

Simple. Prove to them up front that you’re a hard worker.

How to prove you’ll be a great writer and add value to your client’s brand.

Do some form of work upfront—before they’ve actually said “yes.”

This could take several forms:

  • Include 60-second video in your pitch explaining your article idea in greater detail.
  • Write the article beforehand, and tease it in your pitch email with a screenshot. Ask them if they’d like to read the entire thing.
  • Prepare three different article ideas, and include a one-paragraph summary of each idea, as well as five different headline alternatives for each.
  • Explain how you  will promote the article to  your  audience once it’s live. Social media, email list, paid promotion?

If you do something a little extra like this, make sure to tailor your idea or pitch to their brand! It shouldn’t be a generic “Hey, I already have a random piece written and I thought you might want it.”

It should be more like “Hey, I did all this work already specifically for your brand.”

Pro Tip: I once got a guest post opportunity by submitting three articles ideas, summary, and alternative headlines—inside a Google Doc that I customized to their brand colors, logo, etc.

8. Organize Your “Freelance System” (and Showcase It to Potential Clients)

Here’s another thing that all companies want from their freelance writers:  They want you to be hyper-organized, timely, and professional in your services.

And not just the actual writing…

  • You’ll need to send proposals
  • You’ll need contracts
  • You might need to track your hours
  • You’ll need to send invoices and collect payments.

These don’t really sound challenging until it’s actually time to  do  such administrative tasks.

In case you haven’t noticed, this is the entire purpose of AND CO—to make your life 10x easier as a new freelance writer, giving you the tools to find and close new clients, and save time, energy, and money in your freelancing.

Example : Here’s an entire guide to invoicing , and here’s a free invoice generator!

Pro Tip: You might even share your tools & “admin system” with your prospective clients. They’ll like to know that you’re a professional, and will make it easy for them to pay you, etc.

Don’t neglect the administrative side of freelancing. The amount of “backend” work often surprises new freelance writers!

Be prepared, make things easier on yourself, and show your clients you’re a professional 👍

BONUS: How to Land Your 2nd Freelance Writing Client

Too many new freelancers overlook this important step.

Make sure to double-back with any clients you’ve worked for (or bloggers you’ve guest posted for) and collect any wins they received!

What you’re doing is here is gathering testimonials and social proof that you can use to showcase your skills to new clients.

Here’s an example from freelancer Cat Alford’s blog:

  • Revenues or leads . Did that post generate any sales for you?
  • Traffic . How was traffic to our article?
  • Shares . How did your audience respond to the article? Did it get many shares?

The more wins you can collect, the better. You can even create a living Google Doc with client testimonials and specific results from past writing gigs.

Are You Ready to Start Freelance Writing?

Before you head off to browse the internet and forget what you’ve learned, let’s recap:

  • Set up a blog or website to showcase your content and act as a portfolio (and contact method).
  • You’ll need to have published content of some sort. Guest posting is low-hanging fruit for getting published.
  • Use the “upside down” method for finding companies that are known to pay freelance writers.
  • Don’t forget the outreach principles outlined in this article. They’ll help you stand out from the crowds and land your first gig.
  • Do everything humanly possible to get that first gig  and overdeliver value in any way you can. This will help with word of mouth referrals.
  • You’re not allowed to give up easily 😃

The path to making income through your writing is not an easy one, but it  is  doable with a bit of hustle!

So what are you waiting for?

Go execute!

Pete McPherson

Pete McPherson is one heck of a podcaster and blogger at Do You Even Blog , and also the founder of Online Impact : a premium membership community for bloggers, podcasters, and online entrepreneurs wanting to make more money.

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7 Tips to write Best Fiverr Profile Description (Stand Out From The Crowd)

With over 3 million buyers and less than a million sellers, Fiverr is one of the top freelancing platforms for people to do business.

However, to stand out from the many sellers who offer similar services, you need to make a good impression by writing an outstanding profile description.

So, in this article, I am going to show you, how to write a Fiverr profile description with examples that makes anyone buy your service.

But before we get started, it is important to understand why you need to give importance to your Fiverr profile description.

Why your Fiverr profile description is especially important?

First impressions matter and that is true for any relationships and businesses.

It is said that what someone thinks of you within the first few moments of the meeting is often what lasts with them long after the meeting is over.

Like your profile picture, your Fiverr profile description is the first thing buyers see before they initiate contact.

It plays a huge role in determining whether a buyer will reach out to you or not. That is why you must pay attention to the impression you are giving off about yourself and the services you sell.

Common mistakes sellers make when writing a profile description

Let us start by looking at some of the mistakes and oversights sellers make when writing their profile description.

Poor sentence structure and grammar

Sellers who do not know the importance or who do not care about their profile description end up writing it casually without much thought.

They do not spend time and energy to craft a profile description that makes them stand out.

Because of this, they write their profile description making all kinds of avoidable mistakes that lead to poor sentence structures and grammatical errors which encourages buyers to bounce off their profile without a second thought.

You can use software like Grammarly that helps detect spelling and grammatical errors while writing your profile description. Check the Grammarly tool here.

Information overload

In a bid struggle to impress buyers, a common mistake by sellers is to try to give off too much information.

They try to say everything.

They go on describing themselves and achievements without giving any thought to the buyer.

The result is a self-centered and rigid profile description that does not connect with the buyer in any way.

No call to action

Buyers are more likely to bounce off your profile without initiating contact if you do not have a call to action section in your profile description.

Without a skillfully written call to action, buyers lack the much-needed push they need to reach out to clarify any issues or questions that need to be answered.

Let us look at a well-written profile description that lacks a call to action section.


While buyers may reach out to this seller, this profile description will be more effective if it has a call to action sentence.

Effective tips to write the best Fiverr profile description

To write an amazing and effective profile description there are important tips to keep in mind that will guide you to maximize the limited characters provided by Fiverr for your profile description.

Below are some of the useful tips to write the best Fiverr profile description.

Look at what others are doing

This may seem utterly irrelevant but looking at how other sellers preferably those who offer the same services as you write their profile description is the first step to writing a great description.

You will see all kinds of profile descriptions, ranging from those full of mistakes to the professionally written ones.

Your job is to learn from the best and avoid the mistakes of the poor ones.

Do not copy their profile description as your own, instead study how they wrote theirs, the structure, and use of words.

They are the best for a reason, you can pick a thing or two from many of the best sellers and creatively incorporate it into your own.

Do not just study one amazing profile description and then try to write your own, study many.

“ The good poet welds his theft into a whole of feeling which is unique, utterly different from that from which it was torn ” – By T.S Eliot .

Write in basic and correct English

Simplicity is gold.

In a world characterized by complexities in virtually all walks of life, simplicity has become a new art.

People who stand out are those who can share their ideas in a simple yet effective way.

With that in mind, you should commit to making your profile description easy to understand.

Most Fiverr users are non-native English speakers and may not be very conversant with ‘big words’. So, ensure that you avoid the usage of any word that people may not easily understand.

Worse are spelling or grammatical mistakes. Proofread your profile description thoroughly before you upload it.

Have someone do the proofreading to spot overlooked mistake of any sort.

You can as well use software like Grammarly that helps detect spelling and grammatical errors while writing your profile description.

Remember, first impressions matter, you do not want to send an impression that you are not excellent, or you do not pay attention to detail.

Introduce yourself briefly

In a sentence or two, tell people who you are and what you do.

Do this creatively, mention your name or your company’s name and what you do.

Do not add any excessive baggage about yourself or try to write a lengthy introduction about yourself.

Highlight your work experience

After you have introduced yourself, the next thing is to summarize your work experience.

While this is meant to be done in a professional way, you can to be as creative as possible to make your profile description unique.

Look at the profile description below, that looks more like a CV, you will notice that it does not connect to the buyer in any way.

Buyers are more like to bounce off profile descriptions like this one.


Tell the buyer about your work experience that is relevant to the service(s) you offer but do this in a skilful and easily readable way.

Share work experiences that make you stand out from other sellers in your field.

Tell them how long you have been working on the service you sell and how you have helped people achieve their goals with your skills.

Do not add work experiences that are irrelevant to the buyer and do not lie about your portfolio.

If you have a short work experience pertaining to the service you are selling, you should state it and be comfortable doing that. There is no need to lie.

Do not lie about your work experience in a bid to win the buyer’s trust, this will do you more harm than any good.

Stick with what you can offer. Be yourself, no need for fake portfolios.

Connect to the buyers’ needs

Your success on any freelance platform depends largely on the level of satisfaction your customers experience working with you.

Fiverr is no different.

Let the buyers know from your description that you genuinely care, and you are genuinely concerned about their needs.

If you do this creatively, you will connect with the buyer, and s/he will be enthusiastic about working with you.

For instance, look at a section of this profile description:

fiverr assignment writing description

Notice the use of bold letters to highlight the keyword.

Also, look another section of a profile description that seeks to connect with the buyer:


Your goal is to generate confidence and trust in the buyer. If you do this skilfully, the buyer will be encouraged to reach out to you.

It is often said that a customer will remember his or her experience with you in terms of the service you offered long after they have forgotten about the price they paid.

This may not always be true, but it gives an idea of how important customer satisfaction is.

Keep it clear, concise, and effective

It is your profile description that will give buyers the first impression of your personality.

It is what suggests to a buyer that they may enjoy working with you, so do not make your profile description unreadable and complex.

Keep it clear: let buyers be able to easily understand what you want to communicate.

Keep in concise: a vital part of creativity is knowing what to leave out or remove in your art.

According to a study by Microsoft, the attention span of a human is 8 seconds.

Reading long paragraphs is boring.

There is so much to be said and you simply cannot say everything or tell the buyer everything about you, knowing what to include and remove is a vital part of writing a great profile description.

600 characters are just not enough.

Your ability to share all that is needed with the limited characters in a unique way is what will make your profile description stand out.

So, always remember to keep it simple and to the point when writing each sentence.

Call the buyer to action

Finally, is as simple as it sounds.

Call the buyer to action is an important aspect of your profile description.

Due to the limited characters provided for your profile description, you cannot say everything or be able to answer every potential question or concerns that your potential buyers have.

If you do not have a call to action section written in a skilful way, buyers are more likely to leave your profile without reaching out to you if they lack clarity or have questions.

However, your call to action will serve as the needed push and encouragement buyers need to reach to you if they have any unanswered questions or concerns, they need to be alleviated.

Our top profile description sample is shown below, take some time to study.

fiverr assignment writing description

You will agree with me that the profile descriptions above have the necessary points to make a seller well sought. A seller with a well-written profile description is more likely to land more jobs than a seller who does not.

Another Fiverr Profile Description Example:

fiverr assignment writing description

The importance of your profile description cannot be overemphasized.

It is what makes you stand out; it plays a key role to differentiate the sellers who come out on top as the best sellers and those who do not.

An impressively crafted profile description will make the buyer reach out to you.

If you want to grow from a seller in desperate need of jobs to a best seller who has a lot of orders start by writing a great profile description.

Apply all these tips to write an amazing Fiverr profile description.

Do not leave your profile description to chance. Spend your time to craft a Fiverr profile description befitting the service you sell.

Note that your profile description is just one step that helps to land a job on Fiverr, it’s your communication skills and your excellence at the service you offer that will eventually lead to your long term success on Fiverr.

Having an outstanding Fiverr profile description helps to keep the ball rolling but at the same time you should make sure deliver the work in an outstanding manner.

So, your one-time customer becomes a regular buyer.

All the best!

Content Writing Strategy Success Explained

Traci Pro Content Writer||Fiverr Pro content writer Tracie Browne||Fiverr Pro Content Writer Tracie Browne||Firverr Pro Content Writer Tracie Brown||Fiverr Pro Tracie Browne||Fiverr Pro Content Writer Gig Offer

It takes a special kind of writer to breathe life into subjects like industrial control valves, hospital sanitation, and food-grade lubricants. For storyteller Traci Browne, those seemingly mundane worlds are her playground. She has a special superpower: transforming topics that another writer might seem boring into a vibrant tale of discovery and innovation. It's easy to take our mechanized, automated world for granted, but Traci keeps it fresh by reminding her readers how astonishing modern manufacturing can be. Traci herself is a manufacturer of case studies, as a Fiverr Pro seller. She's got an extensive track record with numerous industrial clients, including a glowing testimonial from plumbing and drainage manufacturer Morris Group International. And perhaps most impressive of all, she can get introverted engineers to talk at length about their work. I asked her how customers can contribute to create better briefs for their freelance writers, as well as to share some of her professional writing insights with us.

How To Get Deep For Content Writing Success

Nico : First of all, thank you for participating in this interview. For those who don't know you, can you give us a little background about yourself and what you offer on Fiverr? ‍ Traci: I appreciate the opportunity to get the freelancer's perspective out there, so thank you! Without turning this into a memoir, let's just say that my various career turns always involved quite a bit of communication through the written word. Writing was where I found my moment of Zen, be it writing technical documentation or case studies . About seven years ago, I wrote a business book that was published by Pearson, and that was it – I wanted to do nothing but write for my foreseeable future. I also wanted to get paid. Fortunately for me, content marketing was on the rise. Companies wanted – and still do – writers who can tell an engaging story. That's what I do. I would not call myself a copywriter; I am a storyteller. I offer a narrative case study on Fiverr. It's not your typical case study that centers on the features of a product or service being offered. A narrative case study focuses on how the client uses your product or service and how it has a positive impact on their business. A narrative case study is written like an article in a trade publication (and many trade publications will publish these case studies), not like marketing copy on a brochure. A narrative case study draws the reader in and keeps them on the page, and the hope is that they are driven to pick up the phone if the study relates to their own needs.

Fiverr Pro content writer Tracie Browne

Nico : Every content writing assignment should begin with a brief. What components should an ideal brief include? What would you expect to receive from the client in terms of guidelines? ‍ Traci: A creative brief is essential, and often clients do not think to provide one when they hire a writer . However, it is crucial for a successful project. The basics are project goals (is it a thought leadership piece or something educational for your customer?), target audience (demographic and psychographic information), key points you want to get across, why the reader should believe what you are telling them, tone of voice (do you want a fun, quirky piece or should it be authoritative?), and of course budget, timeline, length, and format. In addition to those basics, your writer needs to know the importance of the piece. Do not simply say you want an article for a trade publication. Let the writer know if this is a once-a-year opportunity to reach your target market and you want to outshine all the competition. The writer will also want to know how you want the reader to feel. Do you want to inspire the reader, empower them, or maybe put a bit of fear into them? It's also helpful to share your overall view on the industry you work in. It sounds like a lot of information, but trust me, it's all crucial to the project's success. ‍ Nico : Communication is the core behind any successful cooperation. Any quick tip, idea, or suggestion on how to get the best results from a content writer? ‍ Traci: My big suggestion would be to understand that the first draft is just that: It is a first attempt at putting the piece together. The writer is not expecting to nail it right out of the gate and neither should you, especially if it is the first time you are working together. The writer is looking for feedback from you to make sure they are on the right track, and if they are not, to fix it. The feedback you give on that first draft needs to be clear. I recently had a client tell me they wanted the piece to be more "journalistic," but they could not define what they meant by that. If you cannot express what you want, how is the writer to know? Instead of saying, "It sounds a bit boring," tell the writer exactly where the piece starts to lose your interest and why. Maybe it's too dense with data, and the writer needs to go back and find a new way to get that information across. ‍ Nico : Having worked for brands such as Intel, Morris Group International, and many more, has your approach to content writing changed throughout your experiences? ‍ Traci: I don't think my approach has really changed. I have always focused on working with clients who see the value in quality content and the importance of putting the reader's needs before their own. What I mean is that a good piece of content isn't an overt sales pitch, it focuses on the customer's point of view. What I have learned over time is how to better communicate with my clients and how to avoid misunderstandings. I have also developed techniques to get stories and anecdotes out of even the most introverted interviewees. And of course, as any writer will tell you, the more you write, the better you get. I have the best job in the world. I get to spend my days talking to some of the smartest people in the world (experts in their field) and get paid to learn about new things. One week I might be writing about the impact of energy harvesting, the following week I'm talking to law enforcement about the use of drones, and the next week I'm writing about the importance of thermostatic mixing valves. It's the best education you can get.

Traci's enthusiasm about her work is easy to see in what she writes. It's fascinating to read about a world where batteries may be able to charge themselves, or feel like we're with her gazing up at a sculpture so complex it appears to be alive. She pairs that enthusiasm and wonder with a sharp focus and even sharper language. And her advice about how clients should develop a strategy and clear expectations with their writers should be required reading. Clients, not just writers, need to understand both the subject and the audience. When you give a great writer like Traci the right information, the magic flows freely. ‍ Buyers, what kinds of stories could your business share as a case study? Writers, how do you get more guidance from a client who doesn't know what they need in their content? Tell us in the comments below.


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How to Write the Perfect Fiverr Gig description

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By   stephdorworth

April 18, 2023

fiverr assignment writing description

Today’s lesson is all about that valuable 1,200 character space Fiverr calls the Gig description. When you create a gig or offer on Fiverr you get to type out and select things like the title, tags, packages, FAQ, and more! But the most valuable section is the description. You can think of this section like your SEO (search engine optimization) for showing up on Fiverr searches. This is the one section you don’t want to whip together quickly but instead should write with strategy and purpose.

In today’s video I’ve got 3 tips to write a really freaking fantastic gig description so you can get more impressions aka show up on more searches… and therefore get more sales!

3 gig description tips:

Use Fiverr’s AIDA flow - see screenshot - be concise but clear on your own procedures

Don’t duplicate the title and instead use synonyms or commonly searched phrases in this section - get inspo by searching fiverr marketplace for commonly used phrases

Let your queen energy shine - what sets you apart?

Watch the full lesson in this brand new YouTube:

Also, don’t forget to check out my past video about utilizing the power of AI technology to assist you with writing your gig description draft!

Happy Freelancing!

fiverr assignment writing description



I couldn’t 𝘥𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦.  Earlier this week, I had a decision to make and in my sacral / gut chakra I knew what felt right.  But my mind was making me afraid of that decision. My mind was calculating and trying to be logical about it.  Yet in my gut I intuitively knew what felt right.  Now everyone’s human design is different. But for me, time and time again I am reminded to trust myself. I can always feel what’s best if I turn my mind off and stop overthinking it.  What are you overthinking? Tune into yourself, calm your mind, and trust your intuition. Keep it simple. You’ve got this.  Enjoy your kindness Friday! ✌🏻🫶🏻☀️


I Made $325 for one UGC video

Introducing taylored for beginners: first gig era, fiverr search ranking algorithm secrets.

@ stephdorworth

About Dr. Steph

Six-figure freelance leader and media creator in Phoenix, Arizona energized by seeing you spark your passions into paid gigs freelancing.

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How I Made $40K My First Year Freelance Writing on Fiverr

Hey everyone! I commented on someone’s post about my experience freelance writing on Fiverr and got a few requests to do a separate post about it, so here I am!

I’ve been offering freelance writing on Fiverr since November 2020. In my first full year, I made $40K (after Fiverr took their cut).

I have a bachelor’s degree in journalism and have job hopped since graduating college in 2010. I had a couple of jobs as an editorial assistant for a website and magazine, but that was it as far as professional writing jobs go. I eventually realized I want to work for myself as a freelance writer, but always felt quite overwhelmed about cold emailing, managing invoices, and taxes. One day I was doing some research and came across an article about a woman named Alex Fasulo who makes $350,000 a year on Fiverr.

I had heard of Fiverr, but I had no idea that there was that much earning potential. I figured if she can make that much money, I should be able to make at least one-sixth of that. I bought Alex’s course, which was fairly helpful, and created my Fiverr profile according to her tips.

I had a friend place an order from me and leave a 5-star review just to get the ball rolling. Once I had that first 5-star review, orders started slowly but surely coming in and never stopped!

I applied to Fiverr Pro in May 2021 and was accepted in August 2021. I was honestly a bit surprised that I was accepted. All I had going for me was a bachelor’s degree in journalism, a few bylines, and several writing samples that I had written for Fiverr clients. I think it helped that I hadn’t (and still haven’t) received less than a 5-star review and many of the reviews are incredibly good. From the get go, I took this really seriously and provide top-notch work to my clients.

With Fiverr Pro, your advertised prices can’t be lower than $100 per job, so that really helped increase my earnings.

Some key points/thoughts:

When you’re first starting out on Fiverr, you have to offer your services at a very low price. The initial goal is to attract buyers with low prices, provide excellent work, and get several 5-star reviews. In my experience, once you have some 5-star reviews, orders will start consistently rolling in. It was quite exhausting in the beginning, as I was working very hard for little money. I just tried to think of those tough months as part of the path to success. When I first started on Fiverr, I think my price for a 1,000-word article was $35 and now it’s $200. $200 for an $1,000-word article is still quite low for freelance writing, however, I intend to continue slowly raising my prices until I reach prices that are close to the industry standard. In fact, my Fiverr workload is getting to be too much again, so I think I’ll be raising my prices again soon.

Fiverr takes 20% of what you earn, including tips. This is frustrating, yes, but in exchange for that, you don’t have to deal with cold emailing, marketing your services, or dealing with invoices. Fiverr handles all of that. Clients come to you without you having to do anything and Fiverr handles the payments 100%. Fiverr also offers fraud protection, customer service if anything goes wrong, and a convenient order queue that makes it really easy to keep track of your orders.

The clients I've worked with on Fiverr have been pretty chill. They place an order, provide me with a specific topic, and I complete the article by the deadline. You can set your delivery time to as many days as you choose. When I get busier, I increase my delivery times and when I'm not as busy, I reduce them. I've found setting my delivery time to 7 days has been good for me. I rarely have to do revisions and I've only had to deal with maybe 5 difficult customers.

Even if you don’t get accepted into Fiverr Pro, I think you can still be successful. As long as you provide good work and have the demand, you can continue increasing your prices.

One thing that’s been frustrating with Fiverr is that you have to message clients back in a timely manner (a few hours ideally) or else your profile takes a hit and gets pushed down the results page. This means you have to respond to people even on weekends, but I don’t get too many messages on the weekends, so it hasn’t been too bad.

You can set your profile to “Out of Office” if you get too busy or want to take a vacation. I’ve had to use this feature several times just because I had too many orders coming in. Some people say doing that hurts your ranking on Fiverr, but I haven’t noticed that at all. Every time I come back, I’m still as busy as ever.

I think some of my success has come from taking time to optimize my Fiverr gig descriptions and photos, but I think most of my success has been due to the fact that I’m a good writer who’s meticulous with my work. I also provide excellent service by responding to clients quickly and professionally.

I had a job when I first started on Fiverr, but quit when I got Fiverr Pro. I do this full-time now! I work about 5 hours a day from home.

Fiverr is particularly great for newbie freelance writers. I had no idea what I was doing when I started and now I feel really confident in my skills.

That’s all I can think of to share right now! Overall, I’m really happy with Fiverr. I’ve thought about starting a writing business off of Fiverr, but honestly, not having to market myself, cold email, and deal with invoices is huge for me so I plan on continuing with Fiverr for the foreseeable future.

Carrie French is another one of my Fiverr inspirations. She made $140,000 from writing on Fiverr in 2021, working 2-3 hours every day. I love her whole YouTube (carrieblogger)—she provides so many great tips. I hope to be as successful as her one day.

Feel free to ask any questions!

Edit: added another point

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    Among the most popular gig types on Fiverr are blog and article writing. There are thousands of freelance writers on Fiverr, all offering variations of the same thing: for a predetermined amount, they'll write whatever you want. Prices for gigs start from $5 aka "a fiver", but go up to $995 per gig, or $2,000 if you're a Fiverr Pro.

  21. How to write the perfect fiverr gig description

    Today's lesson is all about that valuable 1,200 character space Fiverr calls the Gig description. When you create a gig or offer on Fiverr you get to type out and select things like the title, tags, packages, FAQ, and more! But the most valuab le section is the description. You can think of this section like your SEO (search engine optimization) for showing up on Fiverr searches. Here are 3 ...

  22. How I Made $40K My First Year Freelance Writing on Fiverr

    In my first full year, I made $40K (after Fiverr took their cut). I have a bachelor's degree in journalism and have job hopped since graduating college in 2010. I had a couple of jobs as an editorial assistant for a website and magazine, but that was it as far as professional writing jobs go.

  23. 24 Best Business Assignment Services To Buy Online

    8. 9. 10. Best business assignment freelance services online. Outsource your business assignment project and get it quickly done and delivered remotely online.