Homework Lesson Summary Notes and Explanation in English Class 9th
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‘Homework’ is a short prose piece. As the title suggests, it revolves around homework, or rather, the limitations that accompany it.
About the Author:
The author of this text is unknown.
The theme of this text revolves around the education system. The harms of burdening children with excessive homework have been starkly highlighted here. This prose piece aims to bring awareness by bringing this issue to light.
The text begins with how the concept of homework had historically begun with the well-intentioned notion of helping children learn what they had learnt at school better. However, too much homework is seen to be counter productive as spending too much time in then can limit the time that child spends with their friends, family and extracurricular activities. Author Tamim Ansary has in fact stated how the amount of homework has substantially increased by more than fifty percent in recent times. Homework getting increased with higher classes is alarming.
Excessive homework, Excessive weight:
Teachers, however, continue to claim that homework is indeed beneficial. As Dr. Kralovec states, doing excessive homework has no impact in students or their process of joining college whatsoever. In addition, large amounts of homework implies that students are to carry a lot of weights, in some cases, more that 15% of their body weight! Statics reveal that this leads to acute problems such as chronic shoulder, neck and back pain in their later life.
Insufficient sleep and Obesity:
This pressure leads to children staying up well into the night in pursuit of completing their homework. While some parents and teachers argue that this is good for improving the children academically, what it leads to in reality is children lacking the amount of exercise they require. This leads to obesity, which in turn makes them the subject of ridicule and inferiority complex. Statics show an increase in obesity in children, a major cause for concern indeed.
Lack of time also means that the children, as said before, are unable to partake in extracurricular activities. Nor are they able to spend adequate time with their family. Homework thus severely affects them, both physically and mentally.
What excessive homework also leads to is children losing interest in the subjects they study. Dire consequences such as indulging in malpractices, in fact, stem from this cause, starting from copying assignments to copying in examinations. This sets off as a bad start to their lives.
In conclusion, the text ends by stating that homework should be given at a limited rate. While giving excess homework has its disadvantages, it does not imply that homework should be done away with altogether. Rather, homework must be given but must be given in a way enjoyable to children instead of stressing them incessantly.
A House Is Not a Home Summary Class 9 English Moments
A House Is Not a Home Summary Class 9 English Moments is given below. By reading the detailed summary, CBSE Class 9 students will be able to understand the chapter easily. Once the students finished reading the summary they can easily answer any questions related to the chapter. Students can also refer to CBSE Class 9 English Summary notes – A House Is Not a Home for their revision during the exam.
CBSE Class 9 English A House Is Not a Home Summary
A House Is Not a Home Summary in both english and hindi is available here. This article starts with a discussion about the author and then explains the chapter in short and detailed fashion. Ultimately, the article ends with some difficult words and their meanings.
About the Author – Polly Adler
Polly Adler (1900 – 1962) was born in Yanow on the Russian/Polish border in 1900, immigrated to New York City in 1912. She was an American madam and author of Russian-Jewish origin, best known for her work A House Is Not a Home, which was posthumously adapted into a film of the same name.
Short Summary of A House Is Not a Home
This story reflects the challenges of being a teenager and the problems of growing up. In our life sometimes such changes take place that our life becomes intolerable for us and sometimes we (teenagers) want to end this life. But again we find the things change which makes us enjoy life fully. In this story, the same things happen with the author. He finds himself in such an awkward situation when he joins a high school. After some days his house catches fire and he finds that his life has ended. But when his schoolmates show their concern for him, his whole vision for the life changes and he again starts taking interest in life.
Summary in English
In this story, Zan Gaudioso narrates his own story when he used to be a teenager. He joins a new high school and finds it difficult to adjust to the new place and make new friends. So, he feels lonely and isolated. He misses his old friends, teachers and of course the old school where he was leading a very comfortable student life.
One Sunday afternoon, the author was sitting at home doing his homework by the fireplace. He had his cat nearby. His mother stoked the fire. Suddenly, he noticed smoke from the ceiling. They came in the front yard but the fire had surrounded the place and was spreading. His mother ran back into the house and the author ran to the neighbours to call the fire department.
The author’s mother ran out of the house with important documents then ran back again to get pictures and letters of her husband. He ran after her but the fireman caught him. The author told the fireman that his mother was inside. The fireman seated him wrapped in a blanket in the car. Soon, another fireman brought the author’s mother. He put her in the truck with an oxygen mask over her mouth. She had inhaled a lot of smoke.
After five hours, the fire was finally put out. The house was completely burned down.
It struck the author that he had not seen the cat. He started crying. The firemen did not let him go inside. The author and his mother went to the author’s grandparents for the night.
The next day the author went to school in his old dress, no shoes and no books as his backpack had also gone. He felt sad, he wanted to die but he walked to school.
He crossed his house on his way to school. Everything was destroyed. Only the photo albums, documents, etc., were saved. His heart ached for the cat. His mother took him away from there. They would have to find a place to live and buy clothes for school also.
Soon the rubble was being cleared up. The author kept thinking about the cat. He kept thinking how the cat would climb on him and fall asleep in his pocket.
Soon everyone came to know about the author’s plight. People collected around him to take him to the gymnasium. The author was surprised to see the table inside had a collection of things. These were: notebooks, clothes, jeans, tops, sweater, shirts. He grew emotional. He felt great relief as people came to see him. They were those who had not visited him earlier. He made friends that day.
A month later, the author was at his house. It was being rebuilt. His two friends from school were with him. The fire was responsible for all the wonderful people around him. His life was getting back to normal.
Soon a woman came to him. She had a cat with her. The author took the cat from her. The cat had run away from the fire and the woman had found it. She telephoned as the author’s telephone number was written on its collar. The feeling of loss had vanished and the author felt a sense of gratitude for his life and friends.
Summary in Hindi
यह कहानी एक नए हाई स्कूल में शामिल होने के बाद लेखक के अनुभवों से संबंधित है। उसके सभी दोस्त एक अलग स्कूल में गए हैं और वह नए छात्रों और शिक्षकों के बीच बहुत अलग-थलग महसूस करता है। वह अक्सर अपने पुराने स्कूल में शिक्षकों से मिलने जाती है और वे उसे अपने नए स्कूल में गतिविधियों में भाग लेने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करते हैं। वे उसे विश्वास दिलाते हैं कि समय के साथ वह अपने नए स्कूल से प्यार करने लगेगा।
इसके तुरंत बाद एक रविवार की दोपहर को, लेखिका डाइनिंग टेबल पर बैठी है, अपना होमवर्क कर रही है। चूंकि यह ठंडी और हवा का दिन है, इसलिए चिमनी में आग लग जाती है। लेखक की लाल टैब्बी कैट उसके स्कूल के कागजात के ऊपर पड़ी है। पाठक को सूचित किया जाता है कि लेखक ने बिल्ली को बचाया था जब वह एक बिल्ली का बच्चा था और तब से उनका निकट संबंध रहा है। अचानक, लेखिका को कुछ अजीब सी गंध आती है: वह छत तक देखती है कि उसके सीम से धुआं निकल रहा है। यह कमरे को जल्दी से भरता है और वे घर से बाहर यह पता लगाने के लिए भागते हैं कि आग ने छत पर कब्जा कर लिया है। जबकि लेखक पड़ोस के घर में आग विभाग को कॉल करने के लिए दौड़ता है, उसकी माँ घर में वापस आती है।
लेखक की माँ एक धातु के बक्से के साथ लौटती है जिसमें महत्वपूर्ण दस्तावेज होते हैं और फिर वापस अंदर चला जाता है। लेखिका जानती है कि वह अपने पिता की तस्वीरें एकत्र करने के लिए गई है जो युवा होने पर गुजर गए थे। वह जानती है कि तस्वीरें वह सब हैं जो उसकी माँ ने छोड़ी हैं। लेखिका अपनी माँ के बाद घर में भागने की कोशिश करती है, लेकिन एक दमकल कर्मी द्वारा रोक दिया जाता है – इस समय तक, गली आग ट्रकों से भरी हुई है। वह उसे बताती है कि उसकी माँ घर में है और वह उसे आश्वस्त करती है कि उसके बचाव के लिए अन्य फायरमैन घर में गए हैं। वह उसे एक कंबल में लपेटता है और उसे एक कार में बैठा देता है।
जल्द ही, एक फायरमैन लेखक की मां के साथ उभरता है। लेखक निश्चिंत होकर अपनी माँ के पास जाता है और उसे गले से लगा लेता है। उसे लगता है कि उस पल की ख़ुशी हर समय उसकी माँ के साथ बहस करने और उससे घृणा करने से खत्म हो गई है।
आग बुझाने में पांच घंटे लगते हैं और घर लगभग पूरी तरह से नष्ट हो जाता है। इस समय, लेखक अपनी बिल्ली को याद करता है और महसूस करता है कि यह कहीं नहीं पाया जाता है। वह नुकसान की भावना से अभिभूत हो जाती है: अपने पुराने स्कूल, अपने दोस्तों, अपने पुराने शिक्षकों, अपने घर और अब, उसकी बिल्ली से। यद्यपि वह यह जाने बिना नहीं चाहती कि उसकी बिल्ली के साथ क्या हुआ, फायरमैन ने घोषणा की कि घर में जाना सुरक्षित नहीं है। इस प्रकार, उनके द्वारा पहने जाने वाले कपड़े और फायरमैन द्वारा दिए गए कंबल के साथ, लेखक और उसकी मां रात बिताने के लिए अपने दादा दादी के घर जाने का रास्ता बनाते हैं।
अगले दिन, लेखक की माँ उसे स्कूल जाने के लिए मजबूर करती है। लेखक जाना नहीं चाहती क्योंकि वह बहुत शर्मिंदा है: उसने अभी भी वह पोशाक पहनी हुई है, जो उसने पहले दिन पहनी थी और उसे अपनी चाची से टेनिस जूते उधार लेने पड़े थे। उसने आग में अपनी किताबें, अपना होमवर्क और अपना बैग खो दिया है। वह बहुत आत्ममुग्ध महसूस करती है क्योंकि वह जानती है कि इस सम्मिश्रण के बजाय, यह घटना उसके गले में खराश की तरह चुभेगी। स्कूल में, वह खोई हुई और पूरी तरह से बाहर महसूस करती है।
वह स्कूल के बाद अपने पुराने घर में जाती है और यह देखने के लिए तड़प उठती है कि उसकी माँ द्वारा बचाए गए केवल चित्र और दस्तावेज़ ही आग से बच गए हैं। एक बार फिर वह अपनी बिल्ली के लिए तरस रही है। हालांकि, दु: ख का समय नहीं है, क्योंकि उन्हें एक नया घर खोजने और स्कूल के लिए नए कपड़े खरीदने की जरूरत है। आखिरकार, वे अपने पुराने घर के पास एक अपार्टमेंट किराए पर लेते हैं। लेखक उसकी बिल्ली को खोजने की उम्मीद में उसके पुराने घर पर जाता है। वह अपनी बिल्ली को बहुत याद करती है और उस समय को याद करती है जो उन्होंने एक साथ बिताया था।
लेखक को पता चलता है कि उसके स्कूल में सभी को आग लगने का पता चल गया है। लोगों द्वारा उसे दिए गए ध्यान से वह शर्मिंदा महसूस करती है। अगले दिन, लोग लेखक के आसपास इकट्ठा होते हैं और उसे जल्दी करने और जिम क्लास में जाने के लिए कहते हैं। उसे यह अजीब लगता है, लेकिन जिम पहुंचने पर, वह देखती है कि स्कूल की आपूर्ति, नोटबुक और कपड़ों के साथ एक मेज स्थापित की गई है और यह सब उसके लिए है। अजनबी खुद से उसका परिचय कराते हैं और उसे अपने घरों में भी बुलाते हैं। यह हार्दिक इशारा उसके दिल को छू जाता है और वह आखिरकार उसकी स्थिति के बारे में उम्मीद करता है। अंत में, वह नए दोस्त बनाती है।
एक महीने बाद, लेखक अपने दो नए दोस्तों के साथ अपने पुराने घर की साइट पर है, अपने घर को फिर से बनते हुए देख रहा है। उसे पता चलता है कि आग लगने की घटना के कारण, वह अपनी असुरक्षाओं को तोड़कर अपने आस-पास की अद्भुत चीजों और लोगों को गले लगाने में सक्षम थी। उसे पता चलता है कि घर की तरह ही, उसके जीवन का भी पुनर्निर्माण किया जा रहा है।
उस क्षण, एक महिला लेखक के पास आती है, अपनी खोई हुई बिल्ली को पकड़े हुए। लेखक खुशी से उछलता है और बिल्ली को अपनी बाहों में लेता है। वह जानती है कि आग से उसकी बिल्ली इतनी डर गई थी कि वह एक मील दूर भाग गया। हालाँकि बिल्ली के कॉलर पर मालिक का फोन नंबर था, लेकिन आग में फोन नष्ट हो गया था। इस तरह की महिला ने बिल्ली को अंदर ले लिया और अपने मूल मालिकों का पता लगाने का भी प्रयास किया।
जब लेखक अपने दोस्तों के साथ बैठता है और जो कुछ भी हुआ है, उस पर प्रतिबिंबित करता है, तो उसे पता चलता है कि नुकसान और त्रासदी की भावनाएं जो वह संघर्ष कर रही थीं, कम होने लगी हैं। इसके बजाय, उसे अपने द्वारा प्राप्त सभी आशीर्वादों के लिए आभार की भावना महसूस होती है: उसका जीवन, उसके नए दोस्त, एक अजनबी की दया और उसकी बिल्ली की पीड़ा। उसे लगता है कि उसकी बिल्ली की तरह, उसने भी अपना रास्ता खोज लिया है।
- CBSE Notes For Class 9
- Class 9 English Notes and Summary
CBSE Class 9 English Notes and Summary
CBSE Class 9 English Notes is vast and memorising stories of each and every chapter is difficult. So, note-making is necessary. It sounds a little bit weird to create notes for the English subject. For all other subjects, such as Maths and Science, students can create notes by noting down the important formulas, theories and definitions. For the English subject, students need to follow a proper structure to create notes. They can understand the stories and poems and then note down their summary in a short and concise format. To help them, we have provided the CBSE Class 9 English notes and summary to help them in their studies. By going through these CBSE notes , students will get a complete overview of the chapter quickly. Also, they can refer to these Class 9 English notes during revision.
CBSE Notes & Summary for Class 9 English
In Class 9, students study two English books. One is the main course book ‘Beehive’, and the other is ‘Moment Supplementary Reader’. In the main course book, students will find stories and poems in each chapter. The supplementary text, on the other hand, contains only stories. Here, we have provided the notes for all the chapters of these two books. Students can go through it to understand the meaning of the chapter in an easy and simplified language. These CBSE Class 9 Notes will help students in their regular studies as well as in exam preparation.
CBSE Class 9 English Beehive Notes & Summary
There are a total of 9 chapters in the English Beehive book. Students can access the notes by clicking on the respective chapter link.
- Chapter 1: The Fun They Had Summary
- Chapter 2: The Sound of Music Summary
- Chapter 3: The Little Girl Summary
- Chapter 4: A Truly Beautiful Mind Summary
- Chapter 5: The Snake and the Mirror Summary
- Chapter 6: My Childhood Summary
- Chapter 7: Reach for the Top Summary
- Chapter 8: Kathmandu Summary
- Chapter 9: If I Were You Summary
The following chapters have been removed from the NCERT Class 9 English (Beehive) textbook 2023-24.
- Packing Summary
- The Bond of Love Summary
CBSE Class 9 English Beehive Poem Notes & Summary
The Beehive English book contains a total of 8 poems. The summary and detailed explanation of these poems is provided in the links below.
- Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken Summary
- Chapter 2: Wind Summary
- Chapter 3: Rain on the Roof Summary
- Chapter 4: The Lake Isle of Innisfree Summary
- Chapter 5: A Legend of the Northland Summary
- Chapter 6: No Men Are Foreign Summary
- Chapter 7: On Killing a Tree Summary
- Chapter 8: A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal Summary
- The Duck and the Kangaroo Summary
- The Snake Trying Summary
CBSE Class 9 English Moments Supplementary Reader Notes & Summary
This book contains 9 chapters; students can access chapter-wise notes by clicking on the links below.
- Chapter 1: The Lost Child Summary
- Chapter 2: The Adventures of Toto Summary
- Chapter 3: Iswaran the Storyteller Summary
- Chapter 4: In the Kingdom of Fools Summary
- Chapter 5: The Happy Prince Summary
- Chapter 6: Weathering the Storm in Ersama Summary
- Chapter 7: The Last Leaf Summary
- Chapter 8: A House Is Not a Home Summary
- Chapter 9: The Beggar Summary
The following chapters have been removed from the NCERT Class 9 English (Moments Supplementary Reader) textbook 2023-24.
- The Accidental Tourist Summary
We hope these CBSE Class 9 English Notes and Summary will help students in their exam preparation. They can also find CBSE Essays on topics such as Women Empowerment, Independence Day , Republic Day , Constitution of India , etc. These essays will help students in scoring more marks in the writing section. So, students must prepare them thoroughly and leave no chance of scoring high marks on the exam. Apart from this, students can also go through the CBSE Class 9 Sample Papers and get an idea of the types of questions asked in the exam.
Frequently Asked Questions on CBSE Class 9 English
Is cbse class 9 english difficult.
With constant reading and vocabulary practice, students will be able to prepare well for the CBSE Class 9 English.
How to score high marks in CBSE Class 9 English?
1. Prepare from the NCERT syllabus
2. Reading and writing practise
3. Vocabulary enhancement
Where did the language English originate from?
English emerged from the dialects and vocabulary of Germanic people—Angles, Saxons and Jutes—who settled in Britain in the 5th century CE.
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A House is not a Home Class 9 English, Moments – Summary, Explanation, Word Meanings
Last Updated on July 3, 2023 By Mrs Shilpi Nagpal
A House is not a Home, Class 9 English, Moments Supplementary Book
Detailed explanation of “A House is not a Home”, including definitions of difficult words. In addition, the explanation is followed by a lesson summary. Also, NCERT Question and Answers are also provided to help students understand this Chapter and do well in their exams.
- 1 Introduction
- 3 Extra Questions
- 4 Word Meaning
The story ‘A house is not a home’ depicts the importance of love, care and affection in one’s life. The author, a high school student feels strange in his new school. Situation became worse when his house catches fire and his cat is lost. Then it was his school mates’ love and care, that supported him. His feelings of loneliness and loss disappeared with them slowly and the author came back to normal life again.
The author after leaving junior high school had shifted to the new high school. He felt lonely among new teachers and students. His new school was twice bigger than the old school. His old friends were sent to another high school. He missed his old teachers and he often went to meet them. They encouraged him to get involved in new school activities. The author’s old teachers also told him to come and meet whenever he wanted.
One Sunday afternoon, the author was sitting on his dining room table and doing his homework while his favourite red cat was lying on top of all his papers. It was cold and the fire was burning in the fireplace. The author’s mother was stoking (adding fuel to) the fire to keep the house warm.
Suddenly, the author noticed that the room was filled with smoke as the roof had caught fire. As the smoke increased, the author and his mother ran out into the front yard. Soon, the fire spread into the whole house.
When the author ran to neighbours to call the fire department, he saw that his mother ran back into the house. She wanted to save some important documents. Soon, she came out with a small metal box which was full of important documents.
The author’s mother again ran into the house to get some pictures and letters of her husband. As her husband was died and she did not want to let his pictures and letters burnt in the fire. The author was also about to ran after his mother but he was caught by a fireman. After the arrival of firemen, one of them went inside the burning house and saved the author’s mother. He took author’s mother to the truck and put an oxygen mask on her mouth. The author was also wrapped in a blanket and seated down in the car.
After five hours, the fire was put out but the author’s house was completely burned down. Suddenly, the author remembered his cat. It was not found anywhere. The author started crying while thinking that his cat was also burnt in the fire. The author and his mother went to the author’s grandparents house to spend the night.
Next day, the author went to the school. He was wearing an old dress. He had no shoes, no books, no backpack. He had borrowed some tennis shoes from his aunt. In this condition, he did not want to grow up and wanted to die. In school, he felt strange and embarrassed. One day, while the author was returning from school, he saw his burnt house. He was shocked to see the damage. He also cried for his missing cat.
The author and his mother had to start their life again. They borrowed money from author’s grandparents. After a week, the rubble (remains) of the house was cleared. The author used to think about his cat how she would climb up his robe and came into his pocket to sleep.
Next day, when people in the author’s new school got to know about his situation, they all started behaving more friendly. They took the author to the gym and gifted him different things that he would require in his daily life like notebooks, school supplies, jeans, tops, sweatsuits etc.
People who had never spoken to the author came to him to introduce themselves and invited him to their house. His schoolmate’s concerns made him realise that everything would go back to normal again.
A month later when he visited his house, it was being rebuilt. His two new friends also visited with him. The fire had changed the life of the author. He stopped focussing on his feeling of insecurity and started to mix up with the people around him.
When the author was talking to his friends, a lady came up with a cat. The author immediately recognised that it was his cat. The author took the cat in his hands arid feels very happy.
The author realised that his cat had run away during the fire. Their phone number was written on the collar of the cat but people could not contact them as their phones were destroyed in the fire. The lady who bought the cat searched for the author and finally found him. Now the author was happy again and he was getting back to his normal life again.
Extra Questions
(1) Why did the author feel isolated? What did his teachers advice him when he went to them?
(2) How did his old teachers encourage the author?
(3) I smelled something strange? Why does the author say no?
(4) Why did the author’s mother run into the burning house twice?
(5) How did the author feel after the cat had been returned to him?
(6) What another loss did the author realize after five hours? How did he react?
(7) How did the fire fighters help the narrator and his mother when their house caught fire?
(8) How did the author go to school the next day?
(9) What were the things that were gifted to the author by his school mates?
(10) What happened to the author’s mother ? How did the firemen tackle her?
(11) What happened one Sunday afternoon? How did the author and his mother behave?
(12) Describe author’s love for cat?
(13) Describe the role of author’s friend in rebuilding his life?
(14) Why was author’s first year of high school awkward?
(15) What were the author and his cat doing when the fire broke out?
(16) I just wanted to curl up and die. When and why did the author say these words?
(17) Why did the author get attention in his new school?
(18) Why did the author often visit his old school? How did they try to encourage him?
(19) Describe the author’s pet cat? When was she rescued?
(20) Whom all did the author feel gratitude to after getting his cat?
(21) Compare and contrast author’s life before and after the fire incident?
(22) Describe the hardship faced by the author and his family in the story?
(23) Justify the title ” A house is not a home”?
About Mrs Shilpi Nagpal
Author of this website, Mrs. Shilpi Nagpal is MSc (Hons, Chemistry) and BSc (Hons, Chemistry) from Delhi University, B.Ed. (I. P. University) and has many years of experience in teaching. She has started this educational website with the mindset of spreading free education to everyone.
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Overall, this course is designed to help students develop their English language skills in a variety of areas. Through readings, discussions, and written assignments, students will improve their ability to analyze literature, use language effectively, and communicate their ideas clearly and persuasively. Regular attendance and active participation are essential for success in this course.
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A House is Not a Home Class 9 Notes and Summary: CBSE English Moments Chapter 8
CBSE Chapter 8 English A House is Not a Home Class 9 Summary and Notes - FREE PDF Download
Vedantu’s Class 9 English Chapter 8 A House is Not a Home Summary and Notes are aligned with the latest CBSE Class 9 English Syllabus and designed to make learning easy and effective. This Chapter tells us that a home is more than just a building. It's about the love, warmth, and relationships that make a place special. This chapter explores how our feelings and connections with others turn a house into a true home.
A House is Not a Home Class 9 Summary arranges information neatly, using bullet points and tables so that students can see how everything fits together and study more efficiently. Class 9 English Revision Note FREE PDF includes clear summaries and important points of each part of the chapter so Students can understand the story quickly. These notes also give useful exam tips, helping you answer questions confidently.
Access Revision Notes for 9 English Chapter 8 A House is Not a Home
About author:.
Class 9 English Chapter 8 A House is Not a Home Was written by Zan Gaudioso.
His writing delves into themes of resilience, community, and personal growth in the face of adversity.
Through his storytelling, Gaudioso captures the emotional journey of navigating change and loss, emphasising the importance of familial ties and the supportive role of friends and neighbours.
The Theme of The Chapter:
The theme of the chapter "A House is Not a Home" revolves around resilience, community support, and finding solace amidst adversity.
It explores how a sudden tragedy, like a fire destroying one's home, can disrupt life and evoke deep emotional turmoil.
Through Zan Gaudioso's experiences, the chapter underscores the importance of family bonds, friendships, and the kindness of strangers in overcoming challenges.
It highlights themes of loss, rebuilding, and the transformative power of empathy and support from others during times of crisis.
Main Character:
Zan Gaudioso: The protagonist and narrator of the story, a teenager facing challenges after moving to a new school and coping with the loss of his home in a fire.
Zan's Mother: Courageous and protective, she risks her life to retrieve important belongings from their burning house.
Zan's Pet Cat: A beloved companion of Zan, unfortunately, lost in the fire, causing him great sadness.
Zan's Teachers and Friends: From his old and new school, they provide emotional support and practical help after the fire, showing compassion and solidarity.
Firefighters: They respond to the fire, saving Zan's mother and attempting to control the blaze.
Neighbours and Community : After hearing about Zan's loss, they offered assistance and sympathy, demonstrating kindness and community spirit.
The Woman Who Returns the Cat: A stranger who finds Zan's cat and returns it to him, bringing joy and closure.
Summary of the Chapter 8 A House is Not a Home:
"A House Is Not a Home" is based on Zan Gaudioso's own life experiences.
As a teenager, he faced challenges when he switched schools and moved to a new environment. He often felt lonely and missed his old friends and teachers from his previous school.
One Sunday afternoon, while doing his homework at the dining table, he and his family suddenly noticed smoke filling the room.
Their house was on fire, and they had to evacuate quickly. Zan's mother bravely returned to save important documents and photos while firefighters arrived to extinguish the flames.
Unfortunately, their home was severely damaged, leaving Zan feeling devastated and insecure.
He mourned the loss of his pet cat and many belongings. However, the support from his new school community touched him deeply.
They helped him with essentials like school supplies and clothes, and he found comfort in their kindness.
Months later, when visiting the remains of his old house, a woman approached him with his missing cat, bringing him immense joy and gratitude.
Surrounded by his new friends, Zan realised how much he had to be thankful for despite the tragedy.
This experience taught him about resilience and the importance of community in overcoming challenges.
Important Points From the Chapter A House is Not a Home:
Zan Gaudioso, the protagonist, struggles with adapting to a new school and environment after moving.
Zan's relationship with his mother is highlighted, especially her courageous act during the fire to retrieve important items.
Zan receives overwhelming support from his new school community, demonstrating kindness and empathy during his time of need.
Zan learns how to stay strong when facing tough times. He also understands how important it is to have good friends who support you.
Zan realises that memories and things we own are valuable because they hold special meaning in our lives.
Importance of CBSE Class 9 English Chapter 8 A House is Not a Home Notes
Class 9 English Chapter 8 A House is Not a Home Teaches resilience, coping with change, and the value of community support during tough times.
Shows how challenges shape Zan's character, from facing adversity to finding strength and rebuilding.
Explore the Themes of family, friendship, and personal struggle that resonate with readers, making the story relatable and relevant.
Revision Notes break down complex topics into simple, easy-to-understand points, helping students to understand important ideas.
Revision arranges information neatly, using bullet points and tables so that students can see how everything fits together and study more efficiently
Instead of going through textbooks, revision notes give you the essential information which saves study time.
Students can use Revision notes to test themselves and see where they need to focus more before the big day.
Tips for Learning the Class 9 English Chapter 8 A House is Not a Home Notes
Pay attention to the storyline and emotions of the characters like Zan Gaudioso. Understand how they react to challenges.
Focus on themes like resilience, friendship, and the importance of memories. Relate these themes to your own experiences.
Read through the chapter actively, paying attention to details and highlighting key events and quotes.
Write down important events, characters, and their emotions. This helps in remembering details and understanding the plot better.
Talk about the chapter with friends or classmates. Share your thoughts on how Zan's experiences relate to real life.
Regularly review notes and revisit the chapter to reinforce your understanding over time.
Chapter 8 of Class 9 English, 'A House is Not a Home,' we see how challenges can shape us. It tells a story of loss and starting anew, showing us the importance of memories and friendships. The chapter teaches us that while possessions can be lost, the connections we make and the memories we cherish endure. It reminds us to value the people around us and the moments we share, as they are what truly make a place feel like home.
Along with CBSE English Revision Notes, Students Can Access Class 9 A House is Not a Home NCERT Solutions .
Chapter-wise Revision Notes Links for Class 9 English
Important study materials for class 9 english, faqs on a house is not a home class 9 notes and summary: cbse english moments chapter 8.
1. What is the main theme of Chapter 8 in Class 9 English, A House is Not a Home Notes?
A House is Not a Home Class 9 Summary explores themes of resilience, loss, and the importance of relationships in finding a sense of home.
2. Who is the protagonist of Class 9 Chapter 8 English Summary of A house is Not a Home?
Zan Gaudioso is the protagonist, who navigates the challenges of moving to a new school and coping with a significant loss.
3. What does Zan learn throughout A House is Not a Home Class 9 Notes PDF?
Zan learns about resilience in the face of adversity, the value of friendships, and how cherished memories can provide solace during difficult times.
4. Why does Zan feel isolated in his new environment in English Class 9 Chapter 8?
Zan struggles to adjust to a new school and feels lonely because he misses his old friends and teachers.
5. What significant event occurs in the A House is Not a Home Notes that impacts Zan's life?
Zan's house catches fire, leading to a loss of belongings and a period of emotional turmoil, but he finds support from unexpected quarters.
6. How does Zan cope with the loss caused by the fire?
Zan finds strength in the kindness of others, particularly from his new school community, who offer him support and assistance.
7. What is the overall message of Class 9 Chapter 8, summary of A House is Not a Home?
The Class 9 Chapter 8, summary of A House is Not a Home emphasizes the resilience of the human spirit, the importance of community, and how relationships and memories define what makes a place feel like home.
8. How many questions are asked from A House is Not a Home Class 9 Notes PDF in previous year question papers?
On average, Chapter 8 questions in previous year papers range from 3 to 5, focusing on comprehension, character analysis, and thematic exploration.
9. What can students learn from Zan's experiences in A House is Not a Home Class 9 Notes PDF?
Students can learn about adapting to change, the impact of loss, and the significance of supportive relationships in overcoming adversity.
10. How can understanding Chapter 8 help students in real life?
Understanding Chapter 8 can help students appreciate the value of resilience, empathy, and the importance of building strong relationships in their own lives.
- The Fun They Had Summary Class 9 English
Summary of The Fun They Had
The Fun They Had summary will help Class 9 students learn about this chapter in English Literature with great ease. The Fun They Had throws light on an interesting aspect of the technological world we will have in the future. Consequently, it is set in the future where two children discuss the way things functioned in the earlier days. Further, they talk about the ‘books’ which comprise of paper instead of the telebooks they have now. It is rather interesting to read about the conversation between the little kids. They get fascinated by the concept of ‘school’ which prevailed in the days of their grandparents. Moreover, they also talk about how those days were much more fun. The Fun They Had does show us the reality of technology taking over in the near future.
The Fun They Had Summary in English
The story begins with two children named, Margie and Tommy. It takes place in the world of the future where computers dominate everything. Moreover, it also shows how the concept of schools and classrooms has transformed completely.
It’s the year 2157, and Margie is writing in her diary about how Tommy found a book. This book was of Tommy’s grandfather when he was a little kid. Margie learns about how they use to print all the stories on paper back then.
Further, they read the book themselves and find the feeling of turning pages over rather funny. It was funny because they were not in the habit of reading still words, only ones in motion that too on a screen. We learn that in the future, there are no books, only telebooks. They store them in TV sets and computers.
After that, it takes an interesting turn when they discuss school. Margie learns that schools were very different back then. They had actual persons who were teachers. It is surprising because she has only robots which teach her.
Read more English Chapter Summaries here
Moreover, she does not like school because of a lot of reasons. The school she studies does not have any classmates. In fact, it doesn’t even have recess or playground.
Margie and Tommy study in a virtual classroom. They have robots as teachers. Most importantly, her ‘school’ is next to her bedroom only. It is a room full of electronics, robots, and gadgets. The computer software teaches her everything.
When Margie attends her school after learning about the earlier ones, she starts wondering. When she starts studying, she cannot help but think about the earlier days.
Margie wonders about the fun her grandparents would indulge in. She imagined kids from different neighbourhoods coming together merrily to attend school.
Moreover, the fact that they were taught the same thing amused her. It was because everyone would help each other out with the homework. Thus, in the end, she is left wondering about the fun they had.
Read the Summary of Other Chapters –
- The Sound of Music Summary
- The Little Girl Summary
- A Truly Beautiful Mind Summary
- The Snake and The Mirror Summary
- My Childhood Summary
- Packing Summary
- Reach for the Top Summary
- The Bond of Love Summary
- Kathmandu Summary
- If I Were You Summary
Conclusion of The Fun They Had
To sum up, the fun they had summary , this chapter throws light on emerging technology and how it is overtaking the world. Thus, in the near future, it would not be surprising if teachers were replaced by robots.
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English Beehive
- A Legend of The Northland Summary Class 9 English
- The Snake Trying Summary Class 9 English
- Wind Summary Class 9 English
- A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal Summary Class 9 English
- The Duck and the Kangaroo Summary Class 9 English
- Kathmandu Summary Class 9 English
- Reach for the Top Summary Class 9 English
- Packing Summary Class 9 English
- My Childhood Summary Class 9 English
13 responses to “My Childhood Summary Class 9 English”
Ask the writer to avoid repetition of more over, further more,…. quite irritating to read them repeatedly.
this is true using these words is ok but using them instead of a comma or a semi-colon is not right
i think so this much useful as compared to book and the repetition makes the content in our mind so pls when u sending ur feedback pls think with ur brain thankyou friend bye…
it was fine
I wanted to know about the lesson which we get from this chapter
Subscribe to existingly loud thi is my channel
It was excellent , brillent but more over , therefor words are repeating which don’t sound good
I am not saying that ur explanation was not good . I thinks that it was a very good explanation for such a chapter but repeating words don’t sounds good so I request u to not repeate this thing again plzzzzzzzzzzzz
It’s not good to read the words repeatedly….Also you should have mention the meaning of difficult words, well I think in summary difficult words should not be used for the ease of understanding the summary..
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By reading the detailed summary, CBSE Class 9 students will be able to understand the chapter easily. Once the students finished reading the summary they can easily answer any questions related to the chapter. Students can also refer to CBSE Class 9 English Summary notes - A House Is Not a Home for their revision during the exam.
Also, they can refer to these Class 9 English notes during revision. CBSE Notes & Summary for Class 9 English. In Class 9, students study two English books. One is the main course book 'Beehive', and the other is 'Moment Supplementary Reader'. In the main course book, students will find stories and poems in each chapter.
A House is not a Home, Class 9 English, Moments Supplementary Book Detailed explanation of "A House is not a Home", including definitions of difficult words. In addition, the explanation is followed by a lesson summary. Also, NCERT Question and Answers are also provided to help students understand this Chapter and do well in their […]
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Importance of CBSE Class 9 English Chapter 8 A House is Not a Home Notes. Class 9 English Chapter 8 A House is Not a Home Teaches resilience, coping with change, and the value of community support during tough times. Shows how challenges shape Zan's character, from facing adversity to finding strength and rebuilding.
A Legend of The Northland Summary Class 9 English; The Snake Trying Summary Class 9 English; Wind Summary Class 9 English; A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal Summary Class 9 English; The Duck and the Kangaroo Summary Class 9 English; Kathmandu Summary Class 9 English; Reach for the Top Summary Class 9 English; Packing Summary Class 9 English