using film clips for educational purposes

Copyright and Fair Use : Showing Films, Videos, and TV Programs

Showing films, videos, and tv programs.

  • What is Copyright?
  • What is Fair Use?

Adapted with permission from University of Pittsburgh Library System

When you want to perform, display, or show a film, video, or TV program for teaching, training, or entertainment, you have to consider the rights of the those who own the copyright to the work you want to use.

Copyright owners have certain rights, which are commonly known as public performance rights (PPR). When you're using a film, video, or TV program for teaching or educational purposes, this is often considered a fair use under U.S. copyright law. In other cases, especially when the film, video, or TV program is being shown as part of an event, you need permission--often in the form of a public performance rights license--to show the work.

What Are Public Performance Rights (PPR)?

Under  U.S. copyright law , copyright owners have certain "exclusive rights." When you want to show a TV program, video, or film or when you want to broadcast or perform music (whether it's live or recorded), you have to consider the rights of those who own the copyright to the work you want to use.

Copyright owners have certain "public performance rights," such as the right to

  • Perform their work publicly--if it’s a literary, musical, dramatic, or choreographed work, or if it’s a pictorial, graphic, or sculptural work
  • Display their work publicly--if it’s a literary, musical, dramatic, or choreographed work, or if it’s a pictorial, graphic, or sculptural work
  • Perform their work publicly through digital audio and/or video transmission--if it’s a sound or video recording

There are exceptions to these exclusive rights, allowing faculty, students, and others to use audiovisual works to meet nonprofit, educational needs. These exceptions allow for the  fair use of copyrighted works .

Films, Videos, and TV Programs

In general, any time you plan to show a film, video, or TV show  to the public— that is to say, "anyone attending a film screening/showing in an auditorium, theater, or any other kind of unrestricted open space, either indoors or outdoors" (Tammy Ravas,  Media Resources LibGuide ,  University of Montana)—you must first seek permission to do so from the film’s copyright owner(s). The film’s format or whether or not you are charging admission does not matter: You still need to seek permission. This permission comes in the form of a license from the rights holder called a PPR (public performance rights) license.

There are some exceptions to this rule:

  • Faculty and instructors at nonprofit, educational institutions, such as Lincoln University, can make  a fair use defense under U.S. copyright law  to use films, videos, and TV programs as part of teaching. However, what constitutes "teaching" under U.S. copyright law is very specific: It doesn't mean that just because we're at a university, all on- or off-campus uses of films, videos, or TV shows are considered fair.
  • If the film or video is in the public domain, you should be able to show the film or video in public. It may depend on whether the work is  really  in the public domain. It can be difficult at times to determine the copyright status of any work, whether text or video.
  • If the film or video is licensed under  Creative Commons  or another "copyleft" license, you should be able to show it in public. Pay attention, however, to the specifics of the license. For example, some works licensed under Creative Commons (CC) may have a non-commercial (NC) designation, which may impact how or where you show a film or for what purpose.

In the Classroom

According to the  Section 110 (1) of the U.S. Copyright Act , the performance or showing of films in the classroom (or a similar venue) as part of “face-to-face” teaching at nonprofit educational institutions (such as Lincoln) is covered under the fair use exception. Viewing must be limited to only those enrolled in the course. Showing films in an analogous fashion as part of distance education or hybrid courses also qualifies as fair use under the TEACH Act, which is incorporated in  Section 110 (2) of the U.S. Copyright Act .

There are noteworthy exceptions pertaining to remote locations and unlawfully acquired or made copies of audiovisual materials. See the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) “ Performance of or Showing Films in the Classroom ” for further advice and examples.

Outside the Classroom

The performance or showing of films, videos, and TV programs in a similar venue (i.e., not necessarily a classroom) for face-to-face teaching is covered under the fair use exception of U.S. copyright law. Showing films in a similar fashion as part of distance education or hybrid (both face-to-face and online) courses also qualify as fair use under the TEACH Act, which is incorporated in  Section 110 (2) of the U.S. Copyright Act .

In both cases, the display or performance must be limited to those enrolled in the course. The display or performance cannot be open to the public or freely available via the Internet.

The main point here is that the venue for teaching does not have to be limited to a traditional classroom. However, the film's use for teaching or educational purposes does need to follow the parameters set out by the Copyright Act and the TEACH Act.

When Showing Is Not Part of a Course or Class

In general, the performance or showing of films for public viewing does not fall under the fair use exception. It does not matter whether the showing is free or whether admission is charged; this is not considered a fair use under U.S. copyright law.

Often in this situation, you will need to seek permission from the copyright owner by acquiring a public performance rights (PPR) license in order to show the work. Generally, there is a charge for a PPR license, one that can range from $100 to $1,000, depending on the work and who owns the copyright. The library cannot acquire PPR licenses for films for you or your group.

Student Groups, Clubs, and Organizations

Often the performance or showing of films for by university-affiliated student groups, clubs, and organizations may not fall under the fair use exception of U.S. copyright law. The intent of such showings is generally for entertainment, not for face-to-face teaching.

In such a case as this, you will need to seek permission from the copyright owner by acquiring a public performance rights (PPR) license in order to show the film, video, or TV program.

However, according to copyright lawyer and specialist, Kevin D. Smith in  Owning and Using Scholarship: An IP Handbook for Teachers and Researchers,  there may be a fair use defense for student groups showing a video if the showing is done for truly educational purposes. For example, if a student group is "discussing a topic related to the curriculum or in some other way that is clearly educational" (p. 102), it might be possible to use the fair use exception under U.S. copyright law to show a film to the group without acquiring a PPR license.

Such a group would have to be specific and limited and use must be for educational or curricular purposes.

This, like much in copyright law, is an "it depends" situation. Student groups should consult with sponsors, governing bodies, or university officials and policies to determine what the university allows.

Film Series

The performance of or showing of films for public viewing (whether admission is charged or not) as part of a film series does not fall under the fair use exception.

No matter how educational the setting may be or how tied to the curriculum the showing may be, this is generally considered a showing for entertainment purposes. Even if the showing is conducted by a student organization, such as a film society, this would still not be considered fair use.

Thus, in order to show the films, you will need to seek permission from the copyright owner by acquiring a public performance rights (PPR) license.

Training Programs

According to copyright lawyer and expert, Kevin D. Smith, showing films, videos, and TV programs as part of a training program for professional groups may fall under fair use. (See  Owning and Using Scholarship: An IP Handbook for Teachers and Researchers,  p. 102.)

Again, this may be an "it depends" situation. The group or entity interested in showing the film, video, or TV program may need to consult with sponsors, governing bodies, or university officials and policies to determine what is allowed.

Showing Clips or Excerpts

Using clips or excerpts from films, videos, or TV programs for teaching purposes is allowed under the fair use doctrine of U.S. copyright law. However, to use them, you need to  consider the four factors of fair use  and apply them to the number and amount of video clips being used.

According to  Copyright Law for Librarians and Educators: Creative Strategies & Practical Solutions  (3rd ed.) by Kenneth D. Crews, some of the points that those teaching should consider (pp. 74-75) include--

  • The nature of the work:  Is it a feature film or an educational video? Is the film marketed for education? Is the work creative or simple, in the latter case consisting of news events or explanations?
  • The amount of the work:  How long are the clips? Are they brief? Do they constitute the "heart of the work," i.e., the main point or thrust of the work? Does the length of the original video matter when considering how much to use?
  • The effect of the use on the marketplace for the video:  Is the film or video readily available for purchase by students at a reasonable price? Is it a foreign film that is not easily findable, affordable, or usable (for example, a DVD with a non-North American region code)? Is it an educational film or a general, commercial work? Does the library or the university own a copy of the work (and thus has contributed to the market for the work)?

You can find out more about fair use, including online resources to help you make a fair use defense for your use, by visiting the University of Pittsburgh Library System's  "What Is Fair Use?"  webpage.

Obtaining a PPR License

Educational films and videos.

Some educational films, when purchased, may already have public performance rights. However, just because the film is educational in nature or produced by a nonprofit organization does not guarantee PPR are included. Such films or videos usually cost more than the average movie you'd buy on DVD or online (think a couple of hundred dollars, not $19.95). Educational films or videos with a PPR license generally may allow you to show the video in public on more than one occasion.

In general, the library does not buy educational films with PPR licenses.

Commercial films

While the library purchases commercial films (e.g., Hollywood-produced movies) for university use and educational needs, these films are not purchased with public performance rights. Permission to show or display the film must be acquired separately. Generally, the PPR license to use the film is good for only one time.

Generally, the cost for a PPR for a commercial film one that can range from $100 to $1,000, depending on the work and the copyright owner.

The library does not purchase PPR licenses for commercial films for Lincoln University students, staff, or faculty.

More about PPR Licenses

The section entitled “Showing Media Outside Classes (PPR)” in this  LibGuide  created by a librarian at the University of Montana may provide you with some direction on searching for and acquiring a PPR license for a film you want to show in a non-classroom, non-instructional setting.

There are a number of companies in the U.S. that offer PPR licenses for films. These include Swank Motion Pictures, Motion Picture Licensing Corporation, and others. The University of Montana LibGuide provides contact information for these companies.

Further Reading

Butler, Rebecca P.  Copyright for Academic Librarians and Professionals.  Chicago: ALA Editions, 2014.

Copyright Law of the United States and Related Laws Contained in Title 17 of the  United States Code .

Crews, Kenneth D.  Copyright Law for Librarians and Educators: Creative Strategies & Practical Solutions .  3rd ed. Chicago: American Library Association, 2012.

Smith, Kevin L.  Owning and Using Scholarship: An IP Handbook for Teachers and Researchers.  Chicago: Association of College & Research Libraries, 2014.

U.S. Copyright Office.  Copyright Basics  (Circular 1). Washington, DC: Library of Congress.

U.S. Copyright Office.  Fair Use . Washington, DC: Library of Congress.

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  • Last Updated: Jun 27, 2023 3:09 PM
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Teachers' Essential Guide to Showing Movies and Videos in the Classroom

Topics:   Digital Citizenship News & Media Literacy Tech & Learning

Jon Goodspeed

Support students' learning, and find the best video streaming sites for schools and classrooms.

Projector in a classroom full of desks

So you want to stream a movie, TV show, or documentary as part of a lesson in your classroom? Great! Watching videos and interacting with visual media are engaging ways to help students learn. 

But you probably have a lot of questions: Will my district allow me to show movies in my classroom? What are the best video streaming services for schools? How does copyright law apply to schools and classrooms? How can I find movies and videos that are appropriate for school? And of course, how can I help my students learn as much as possible from movies and videos?

The tips and suggestions in this article are here to help you. Plus, we've also curated a list of some of the best streaming platforms you can use to find movies, TV episodes, documentaries, and other videos that might be great for your classroom.

To top this off, if you're interested in how these streaming services compare in terms of user's data privacy, check out our report: Privacy of Streaming Apps and Devices: Watching TV That Watches Us .

Tips for Showing and Streaming Movies and Videos in Your Classroom

using film clips for educational purposes

Follow your school or district's policies.

First and foremost -- and we can't say this enough -- check to see if your school or district has policies about streaming or showing movies and video content in classrooms. Every school and district is bound to have its own policies, rules, and norms around using video content for learning. Bottom line: Ask an administrator or your technology department for guidance before you get started.

Use movies and videos to enhance students' learning.

Visual media can be great for learning, and not just because it's engaging! From a media literacy perspective, it's important for students of all ages to learn how to think critically about different types of media -- including movies and videos. Just as students learn to read and write, being media literate in today's world also demands that students can "read" visual and video-based media. Every time you show a movie, TV show, or video in your classroom, there are opportunities for this kind of learning to happen.

Movies, TV shows, and videos can also be an excellent way to bring diverse stories and voices into your classroom. Through both documentaries and fictional accounts, you can highlight the experiences and perspectives of people from under-represented groups . If you're searching for content to show, many of the streaming services listed below have curated lists, categories, and search functions to help you find movies, TV episodes, and videos that feature diverse perspectives.

If you're looking for more information about bringing media literacy into your classroom, we have tons of great resources and articles to help:

  • News and Media Literacy Resource Center  -- Here you'll find the best news and media literacy resources from around the web, as curated by our editors.
  • News and Media Literacy Digital Citizenship Lessons  -- News and media literacy is one of the six core digital citizenship topics covered in our curriculum.
  • Using Video Effectively in the Classroom  -- Get tips for helping students become both active and reactive viewers of movies and videos.
  • Why the Movie 8th Grade is Great for Digital Citizenship  -- Use director Bo Burnham's hit film as a catalyst for talking about digital citizenship with your students.
  • Encanto and SEL: A Movie Guide and Lesson Plan -- Talk about community and exploring everyone's personal gifts.
  • Inside Out and SEL: A Movie Guide and Lesson Plan -- Help students reflect on the social and emotional aspects of the movie and consider how their own emotions work.
  • Ralph Breaks the Internet : An SEL and Digital Citizenship Movie Guide and Lesson Plan -- Explore changing relationships and elements of digital citizenship!
  • Whale Rider and SEL: A Movie Guide and Lesson Plan -- Use this movie and guide to help students explore identity and how they overcome obstacles.
  • Minari and SEL: A Movie Guide and Lesson Plan --   This movie and guide can get students thinking about family dynamics, culture, and identity.
  • AI Movies, Books, and Podcasts to Discuss in the Classroom -- Have important conversations about artificial intelligence using media and provided discussion questions.
  • 15 Great Movies for the STEM Classroom -- Use these movies to explore a variety of STEM concepts with provided discussion questions.
  • 15 Great Documentary Movies for the Middle School Classroom -- Get discussions going around important issues with these movies and tips.
  • 15 Middle School Movies That Support SEL in the Classroom -- These movies and discussion questions encourage kids to think about important concepts around social and emotional learning.

Consider copyright and fair use.

In terms of copyright, if you have a subscription to an educational streaming service -- one specifically designed for classroom use -- you should be fine. But what about a streaming service that's not specifically meant for school use, meaning consumer services like Netflix or Amazon Prime Video?

The short answer is that these are probably OK, too, but it depends on how you use them. The longer answer? An exemption to the U.S. Copyright Law permits the use of streaming services and other performance displays in the course of face-to-face teaching activities in a nonprofit educational institution, classroom, or similar place devoted to instruction. In other words, you can show your students a movie in your classroom as long as it has an educational purpose, according to the law. That said, the terms and conditions for some streaming services indicate they are for "individual use" only, and supersede fair use. So make sure to check the terms of individual platforms, and definitely don't show a movie from a streaming service in your gym or cafeteria and charge for admittance!

So what about streaming a movie for students remotely? During times when distance learning is necessary, a lot of teachers may want to show students films and videos. Is that allowed? Technically speaking, the answer here isn't clear since the instruction wouldn't actually be face-to-face. As always, check with your school or district's administration to get their advice if this type of situation applies for you.

Watch out for technical issues.

You're bound to have some technical issues to contend with, and your school building's network speed and bandwidth are the most likely concerns, though internet filters could also be a problem. In terms of network speed, it's best to use a hard-wired connection (instead of Wi-Fi) to get the best streaming speeds.

When it comes to bandwidth, pay attention to how well video content tends to stream in your classroom during different parts of the day -- your success may depend on how many others are using up bandwidth on your school's network at the same time.

As much as possible, it's best to troubleshoot any potential technical issues that might come up before class starts. Your school's technology coordinator or IT department may also be able to help.

Be conscious of privacy and advertising.

It's important to be aware of data privacy any time you or your students use a digital tool in your classroom, including streaming or video content. In most cases, you'll be projecting a movie or video to the front of the classroom for all to see. If this is from a teacher (or school-owned device and account), then students' data privacy probably won't be a concern.

However, any time you're asking students to use a personal device –- whether it's school-owned or their own -- it's important to keep data privacy in mind. Remember that most online or streaming video services are likely collecting behavioral data from users, and these apps may not be COPPA compliant for use in schools . This is especially true when it comes to consumer-focused services -- like Netflix, Disney+, or Hulu, just to name a few.

Common Sense Media's analysis of the privacy practices of the most popular streaming apps  showed that nearly all (with the exception of AppleTV+) have privacy practices that put consumers' privacy at considerable risk. This included selling data, sending third‐party marketing communications, displaying targeted advertisements, tracking users across other sites and services, and creating advertising profiles for data brokers. All of which are things you don't want happening to your students, especially because of a school assignment.

Also, be aware that some services run ads before and/or during videos. Of course ads are disruptive, but they're also a thorny ethical issue for schools and teachers. Should students ever be subjected to advertising in a learning environment? As always, it's best to follow the policies of your school or district. Note that a number of the education-specific streaming services listed below either don't have ads or offer ad-free school-wide (or district-wide) subscriptions.

Don't use your personal account, if possible.

You might be tempted to use your own personal subscription to stream videos in your classroom. This might be OK in some circumstances, but just be aware that a lot of these apps tailor and suggest content to each user. The movies and content you've watched in the past –- as well as content recommended just for you –- might pop up for anyone in your class to see, and it may not be appropriate for students. Bottom line: If you have a classroom-specific account, or if your school provides a shared account for teachers to use, it's probably best to go that route.

Find the best movies, TV shows, and videos for students' learning.

With so many options out there, finding the right movie, TV show, or video for your lesson or unit can be challenging, especially if you're looking for something that's classroom appropriate. Our colleagues over at Common Sense Media have reviews for many, if not most, of the TV shows and movies you might want to show. Keep in mind that these recommendations are aimed at parents and families -- not teachers -- but the age rating and content grid in each review can serve as a useful guide.

Streaming and Video Services for Classrooms

using film clips for educational purposes

Because there are so many streaming services available, we've broken this list into three parts. You can jump to a section using the links below:

  • Consumer Streaming and Video Services

Education Streaming and Video Services

Library streaming and video services.

Keep in mind that the titles available on these services sometimes come and go as content libraries expand and change –- what you see on there one day might not be there the next.

Consumer and Streaming Video Services

Here are some of the best-known consumer video and streaming services, along with what you'll find on each. Keep in mind that these services aren't programming content with educators in mind. That said, you can often find great content that relates to your curriculum.

using film clips for educational purposes

Amazon Prime Video

Movies, TV shows, documentaries, and sports for adults and children. The Kids section makes it easy to find programming for children. Movies and shows are categorized by age as well as by topics such as animals, learning, transportation, favorite characters, and more. For suggestions, see Common Sense Media's curated, age-based lists:  Best Kids Movies on Amazon Prime Video and Best Documentaries on Prime Video .  Price: Monthly or annual subscription.

using film clips for educational purposes

Movies, TV shows, documentaries, and sports content for adults and children. Kids programming includes topics such as emotional awareness, environmental issues, immigrant stories, critical thinking skills, and more. For suggestions, see Common Sense Media's curated, age-based list:  Apple TV+ Series and Movies .  Price: Monthly subscription.

using film clips for educational purposes

Original and classic series with a focus on science, natural history, adventure, and more. Series include the BBC's large natural history collection, featuring shows like Planet Earth, Blue Planet, and Frozen Planet and popular shows from A&E, History, and Lifetime channels.  Price: Monthly subscription (an upgraded ad-free subscription is also available).

using film clips for educational purposes

Movies, TV shows, and documentaries for adults and children. Find programming from some of the most well-known kids brands, including Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic. For suggestions, see Common Sense Media's curated, age-based list: Best Kids Movies on Disney Plus .  Price: Monthly or annual subscription.

using film clips for educational purposes

Movies, TV shows, and documentaries for adults and children. Numerous series cover topics such as science, history, animals, innovation, astronomy, and the oceans. For suggestions, see Common Sense Media's curated, age-based list: Best Kids Movies on HBO Max .  Price: Monthly subscription.

using film clips for educational purposes

Movies, TV shows, documentaries, and sports for adults and children. Kids programming covers nature, space exploration, numbers and counting, painting and creativity, history, and food. For suggestions, see Common Sense Media's curated, age-based lists:  Best Kids Movies on Hulu  and Best Documentaries on Hulu .  Price: Monthly subscription.

using film clips for educational purposes

Movies, TV Shows, and documentaries for adults and children. Over the past few years, Netflix has developed a lot of original programming for kids, including documentaries on a variety topics, such as the Holocaust, bias in the tech industry, college admissions, drug use, and climate change. For suggestions, see Common Sense Media's curated, age-based lists: Best Kids Movies on Netflix , Best Kids TV Shows on Netflix , and Best Documentaries on Netflix .  Price: Monthly subscription.

using film clips for educational purposes

Movies, TV shows, documentaries, and sports for adults and children. There are over 85 channels with lots of kids programming, including Nickelodeon, National Geographic, and PBS Kids.  Price: Monthly subscription.

Wait, there's more!

Additional video streaming content providers include The Criterion Collection , Paramount+ , Peacock , Pluto TV , Tubi , and Vudu , among others.

Most of these platforms are designed specifically for classroom use. While some are free, most are offered for a price. You'll see some familiar teacher favorites here, but also some lesser-known options for finding great educational video content for your classroom.

using film clips for educational purposes


Over 5,000 videos covering math, science, English, and test prep. All videos follow the same format: teachers giving video lessons on various topics. Many instructors graduated from top universities in the nation, including Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Cornell, and Columbia, among others.  Price: Monthly, semi-annual, or annual subscriptions.

Grades: 9-12

Read our review of Brightstorm

using film clips for educational purposes

Moby and Tim "host" animated videos on this teacher favorite, helping kids learn about a wide range of challenging topics, such as genetics, geometry, and economics. Teachers can see students' quiz results, run a class-wide analysis, and give students feedback on their progress.  Price: Monthly and annual subscriptions.

Grades:  4-8

Read our review of BrainPOP

using film clips for educational purposes

Curiosity Stream

Created by the founder of the Discovery Channel, there are thousands of documentaries and nonfiction video programs covering STEM, history, innovation, world cultures, arts, and SEL. There's also a section curated just for kids.  Price: Monthly and annual subscriptions.

Grades: K-12

using film clips for educational purposes

While technically not a dedicated content provider, Edpuzzle is a useful tool that lets teachers and students use existing online videos, then crop and customize them with their voice-overs, audio comments, embedded assessment questions, and additional resources.  Price: Both free and paid options.

Grades: 3-12

Read our review of Edpuzzle

using film clips for educational purposes


This platform delivers clever, educational hip-hop videos, songs, and supplemental activities covering topics from math and language arts to social studies, science, life skills, and, of course, vocabulary.  Price: Free to try, with a paid subscription option.

Read our review of Flocabulary

using film clips for educational purposes

These fun collections of music videos, games, and activities offer opportunities for short bursts of physical exercise in the classroom -- aimed at helping kids focus and build brainpower.  Price: Free

Grades: Pre-k-8

Read our review of GoNoodle

using film clips for educational purposes

Designed to be like a "YouTube for schools", the site has user-uploaded educational videos covering a variety of academic topics. Includes a dashboard where creators can see viewer engagement and analytics.  Price: The free version has ads; the paid, the annual subscription is ad-free.

Read our review of SchoolTube

using film clips for educational purposes

Swank K-12 Streaming

This streaming platform designed with schools in mind has a library of over 20,000 feature films, foreign films, and documentaries. There are film curations available for elementary, middle, and high schools. Films include closed captioning, and alternate languages.  Price: Paid

Read our review of Swank

using film clips for educational purposes

Short video talks curated into topics of interest. You can explore the Topics tab or the Playlists to find content for students' learning. TED-Ed , a related free service offers animated educational videos and lesson materials for teachers.  Price: Free

Read our reviews of TED and TED-Ed

There are plenty of other educational video services that offer streaming and downloadable content for schools, including CosmoLearning , Critical Media Project , MathTV , and Mosa Mack Science among many, many more.

The two platforms below offer an excellent way to find free movies and videos through your local public or university library. Simply use your library card to stream content from any location.

using film clips for educational purposes

Kanopy makes thousands of videos available for free through public and university libraries. To check out a movie or video, you'll just need a library card, and that library must subscribe to Kanopy. Categories include movies, documentaries, foreign films, classic cinema, independent films, and educational videos. Kanopy Kids is a curation of children's movies and shows, only available from public libraries. And don't forget that you can check out DVDs from the library, too!  Price: Free with a library card.

Grades: K–12

using film clips for educational purposes

Borrow movies, TV shows, music, audiobooks, ebooks, and more for free from public libraries that subscribe to Hoopla. All you'll need is a library card. You can use the categories or search filters to find a solid selection of content for your classroom. The KidZone is a section with children's movies.  Price: Free

Jon Goodspeed

Jon Goodspeed has directed educational and children’s content development and managed partnerships at companies such as Scholastic, Penguin Young Readers, The George Lucas Educational Foundation, Cengage, and others. Jon’s career took him from news reporting and writing to children’s book publishing and educational content development in both digital and traditional publishing, nationally and internationally. He managed partnerships with some of the world’s leading content companies, including Apple, Microsoft, the National Science Foundation, Disney, Nickelodeon, Lucasfilm, Mattel, Nearpod, and many more. Jon holds a B.A. in English from the University of Vermont and studied abroad at Lancaster University in England.

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  • Introduction
  • Copyright Law Basics
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  • Theses & Dissertations
  • Author Rights
  • Showing Movies in Class and on Campus
  • Copyright & Data Management
  • Copyright in Special Collections
  • Open Education

Showing Videos in Class and on Campus - What You Need to Know

When you want to perform, display, or show a film, video, or TV program, whether it be as part of a course, at a group or club activity, at an organization event, or as a training exercise, you have to consider the rights of the those who own the copyright to the work you want to use. This consideration must be made regardless of who owns the video or where you obtained it. Copyright owners have certain rights, which are commonly known as public performance rights (PPR) .

When you're using a film, video, or TV program in a classroom for teaching or educational purposes, such performance or display of the entire work may be allowed without permission under the face to face teaching exemption at 17 U.S.C. §110(1).

When showing a film in an online class, it may be considered fair use depending on how much of the film is being shown and for what purposes. If fair use does not apply, you will need a streaming license or view the film through a licensed streaming film provider.

In most other cases, especially when the film, video, or TV program is being shown as part of an event, you need permission--often in the form of a public performance rights (PPR) license--to perform or show the copyrighted work.

Do I Need Public Performance Rights

YES -- you need public performance rights :

  • If the showing of the video is open to the public , such as a screening at a public event, OR
  • If the showing is in a public space where access is not restricted , such as a a showing of a film for a class but in a venue that is open to anyone to attend, OR
  • If persons attending are outside the normal circle of family and friends , such as a showing of a film by a club or organization.

NO -- you do not need public performance rights :

  • If you are privately viewing the film in your home with only family and friends in attendance, OR
  • If you are an instructor showing the film in class as part of the course curriculum to officially enrolled students in a classroom that is not open to others to attend, OR
  • If the film is in the public domain .

Finding Movies with PPR at the UF Libraries

Because the UF Libraries acquires media to support the curriculum, and face-to-face teaching is exempt from public performance licensing, we do not typically secure public performance rights (PPR) with video purchases. However, many distributors of the videos we purchase include PPR in the purchase price.

To search for videos in our collections that have been purchased with PPR, go to this list of titles that can be shown in non-classroom settings so long as no admission fee is charged. You can further filter this list with subject terms, geographic limits, etc. by additional terms or using the “Narrow Results” filters on the left. This list is not exhaustive; you may contact the Libraries if you have questions about other options.

How to Obtain Public Performance Rights

Individuals and organizations are responsible for obtaining public performance rights for all non-exempt showings. There are two ways to obtain PPR, also known as permission or a license:

1.   Contact the copyright holder directly, or contact the distributor.  If the distributor has the authority from the copyright owner to grant licenses, to purchase public performance rights or to request permission for a particular public performance use, permission or license can be directly obtained.

2.   Contact the licensing service representing the particular studio or title ( note - this will generally be required for all feature length films ). Services vary in the types of licensing offered and the scope of materials represented. Some of the companies that provide (for a fee) public performance licenses are listed below:​

  • Swank Motion Pictures
  • Criterion Pictures USA
  • Kino International
  • Modern Sound Pictures
  • Motion Picture Licensing Corporation (MPLC)
  • New Yorker Films

Contact your department's library liaison for additional assistance in locating the appropriate licensing agent for your particular film.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our student club wants to show a film but it is for educational purposes. There is a plan for discussion about the issues raised in the film after it's shown. Do we still need Public Performance Rights? It depends. Ordinarily, the showing of a film by a group or club is for entertainment purposes and thus PPR is required. However, if the group's purpose and activities are ordinarily educational nature and the showing of the film is in furtherance of those educational purposes and activities, then it may be fair use to show the film without PPR. 

What about a film series hosted by a group or club that is open to and advertised to the public? The showing of a film as part of a film series is viewed as entertainment even if hosted or sponsored by an educational group or club. No matter how educational the setting or how tied to the curriculum, this is generally considered not to be fair use and PPR must be obtained.

I own the DVD that the club I am a member of wants to show. Do I still need to get PPR? It doesn't matter where the film you are planning to show comes from -- your own collection, the Library's or the corner video rental shop. The analysis is the same. If an exception under copyright law does not apply (e.g. fair use, face to face teaching), then you must obtain PPR prior to showing the film.

What does "Home Use Only" mean? Does it mean I cannot show this DVD to my class? Under copyright law, copyright holders have the exclusive right of performing or displaying their copyrighted works, including films or videos. The "Home Use Only" warning at the beginning of most DVDs refers to this exclusive right of performance and display. However, the law also has an exception for performing or displaying works in a face to face teaching situation where the work being performed or displayed is related to the curriculum and only being performed or displayed for students enrolled in a course at a non-profit educational institution (such as UF). Therefore, under this exception, DVDs with the "Home Use Only" warning can be played in a face to face classroom. For online courses, refer to fair use for determining how much of the film can be shown.

May I show clips of films to my students as part of a lecture? Generally, yes, this is permissible under fair use. Apply the four factors of fair use to determine whether the film in question may be used for this purpose and how much of the film may be shown. New exemptions under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act permit educators to "rip" clips from videos for educational purposes. 

The film I want to show is on Netflix. Can I stream this through my Netflix account in the classroom? Subscription services such as Netflix and Amazon have very detailed membership agreements that may forbid the streaming of subscribed content in a classroom or other public venue. When you agree to the terms of membership, you enter into a contract and the terms of that contract trump any applicable exception in copyright. Therefore, if the membership agreement with Netflix prohibits the showing of the film in a classroom, you are bound by the terms of that agreement even if the face to face teaching exception would otherwise allow it. 

Can I Show a Video to My Online Class?

The Copyright Act at §110(1) (face to face teaching exemption) allows for the performance or display of video or film in a classroom where instruction takes place in classroom with enrolled students physically present and the film is related to the curricular goals of the course. The TEACH Act amendment to the Copyright Act, codified at § 110(2), permits the performance of a reasonable and limited portion of films in an online classroom. Instructors may also rely upon fair use for showing films in an online course, although showing an entire film online may or may not constitute fair use. Whenever the goals of a course allow, relying on clips or short portions of a film or video for online instruction is preferable. UF instructors may contact Course Reserves  for additional support.

Resources for Free and Legal Streaming Video

  • American Experience (PBS) Full length episodes from the acclaimed series.
  • Annenberg Foundation Learner Resources Teacher resources across the curriculum, including short films on a variety of subjects.
  • FolkStreams A National Preserve of Documentary Films about American Roots Cultures streamed with essays about the traditions and film-making. The site includes transcriptions, study and teaching guides, suggested readings, and links to related websites.
  • Moving Image Archive This library contains thousands of digital movies uploaded by Archive users which range from classic full-length films, to daily alternative news broadcasts, to cartoons and concerts. Many of these videos are available for free download.
  • A thoughtful collection of links to hundreds of Indie Films, Film Noir, Documentaries & More. The list includes films by directors like Fritz Lang, Alfred Hitchcock, Billy Wilder, Elia Kazan, Ken Loach, Sergei Eisenstein, Tarkovsky, Capra, Luc Besson, Godard, Hawks, Kubrick, and many more.
  • OpenVideo Project A Project of the School of Library and Information Science at UNC Chapel Hill. The purpose of the Open Video Project is to collect and make available a repository of digitized video content for the digital video, multimedia retrieval, digital library, and other research communities.
  • TED Talks TED talks is large collection of recorded presentations from the TED (Technology, Entertainment Design) conference held annually since 1984 in Long Beach California. Talks are generally short and run the gamut of topics from biotechnology to astronomy to population to urban design and beyond.
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Copyright and Fair Use: Showing Movies in Class and On Campus

  • Showing Movies in Class and On Campus
  • Copyright & Online Teaching
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  • Rights of Authors
  • The Public Domain
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Showing Movies in Class and On Campus - What You Need to Know

When you want to perform, display, or show a film, video, or TV program, whether it be as part of a course, at a group or club activity, at an organization event, or as a training exercise, you have to consider the rights of the those who own the copyright to the work you want to use. This consideration must be made regardless of who owns the video or where you obtained it. Copyright owners have the exclusive right to publicly perform their works and so there may be situations when permission must be obtained before a copyrighted work is publicly performed. 

When you're using a film, video, or TV program  in a classroom for teaching or educational purposes , such performance or display of the entire work may be allowed without permission under the face to face teaching exemption  at 17 U.S.C. §110(1).

When showing a film in an online class , it may be considered  fair use depending on how much of the film is being shown and for what purposes . If fair use does not apply, you will need a streaming license or view the film through a licensed streaming film provider.

In  most other cases , especially when the film, video, or TV program is being shown as part of an event, you need permission --often in the form of a  public performance rights (PPR) license --to perform or show the copyrighted work.

This section of the LibGuide is adopted from work Christine Fruin did while employed by the University of Florida.

Do I Need a Public Performance License?

YES -- you need public performance rights:

  • If the showing of the video is open to the public, such as a screening at a public event, OR
  • If the showing is in a public space where access is not restricted, such as a showing of a film for a class but in a venue that is open to anyone to attend, OR
  • If persons attending are outside the normal circle of family and friends, such as a showing of a film by a club or organization.

NO -- you do not need public performance rights:

  • If you are privately viewing the film in your home with only family and friends in attendance, OR
  • If you are an instructor showing the film in class as part of the course curriculum to officially enrolled students in a classroom that is not open to others to attend, OR
  • If the film is in the public domain

If PPR is required, there are two ways to obtain that permission or license:

1.   Contact the copyright holder directly, or contact the distributor.  If the distributor has the authority from the copyright owner to grant licenses, to purchase public performance rights or to request permission for a particular public performance use, permission or license can be directly obtained.

2.   Contact the licensing service representing the particular studio or title (note - this will generally be required for all feature length films). Services vary in the types of licensing offered and the scope of materials represented. 

Finding Free and Legal Streaming Film

There are many sources for streaming video content available that students can access on their own. For instance, subscription services Netflix and Hulu offer thousands of documentaries, mainstream film titles, and television programs on a streaming basis for an affordable monthly fee that most students likely already pay. Additionally, sites like Amazon and iTunes offer inexpensive streaming video rental. Instructors are encouraged to investigate availability of videos through these subscription services that they wish students to view and require students, as part of the class, to have one of these low-cost monthly services or to rent movies on their own time. There are also many online sources for free and legal streaming content:

Frequently Asked Questions about Showing Movies

Our student club wants to show a film but it is for educational purposes. There is a plan for discussion about the issues raised in the film after it's shown. Do we still need Public Performance Rights? It depends. Ordinarily, the showing of a film by a group or club is for entertainment purposes and thus PPR is required. However, if the group's purpose and activities are ordinarily educational nature and the showing of the film is in furtherance of those educational purposes and activities, then it may be fair use to show the film without PPR. 

What about a film series hosted by a group or club that is open to and advertised to the public? The showing of a film as part of a film series is viewed as entertainment even if hosted or sponsored by an educational group or club. No matter how educational the setting or how tied to the curriculum, this is generally considered not to be fair use and PPR must be obtained.

I own the DVD that the club I am a member of wants to show. Do I still need to get PPR? It doesn't matter where the film you are planning to show comes from -- your own collection, the library's or the corner video rental shop. The analysis is the same. If an exception under copyright law does not apply (e.g. fair use, face to face teaching), then you must obtain PPR prior to showing the film.

What does "Home Use Only" mean? Does it mean I cannot show this DVD to my class? Under copyright law, copyright holders have the exclusive right of performing or displaying their copyrighted works, including films or videos. The "Home Use Only" warning at the beginning of most DVDs refers to this exclusive right of performance and display. However, the law also has an exception for performing or displaying works in a face to face teaching situation where the work being performed or displayed is related to the curriculum and only being performed or displayed for students enrolled in a course at a non-profit educational institution. Therefore, under this exception, DVDs with the "Home Use Only" warning can be played in a face to face classroom. For online courses, refer to fair use for determining how much of the film can be shown.

May I show clips of films to my students as part of a lecture? Generally, yes, this is permissible under fair use. Apply the four factors of fair use to determine whether the film in question may be used for this purpose and how much of the film may be shown. New exemptions under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act permit educators to "rip" clips from videos for educational purposes. 

The film I want to show is on Netflix. Can I stream this through my Netflix account in the classroom? Subscription services such as Netflix and Amazon have very detailed membership agreements that may forbid the streaming of subscribed content in a classroom or other public venue. When you agree to the terms of membership, you enter into a contract and the terms of that contract trump any applicable exception in copyright. Therefore, if the membership agreement with Netflix prohibits the showing of the film in a classroom, you are bound by the terms of that agreement even if the face to face teaching exception would otherwise allow it.

Instructors who plan to show films as part of their class, particularly when the class is taught online, are encouraged to investigate the availability of films through Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, and other subscription or short term rental streaming services and to require their students to access that content on their own through their own subscription or account.

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Fair use and copyright for online education.

  • Examples: Textual Materials
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Tips for using video in online education

Video example #1, video example #2, video example #3, video example #4, video example #5, resources for using video in online education.

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  • Alternatives to Fair Use
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To best position yourself to assert a fair use argument when using video, consider doing the following:

  • Link to the video if possible rather than making an electronic copy available to students. Linking to materials is ordinarily not a violation of copyright but rather a technological instruction for locating materials.
  • If copying a video, do not use any more of the video than the amount needed to serve your purpose.
  • Avoid copying videos from materials created and marketed primarily for use in courses such as the one at hand (e.g. from a textbook, workbook, or other instructional materials designed for the course). Use of more than a brief excerpt from such works on digital networks is unlikely to be transformative and therefore unlikely to be a fair use.
  • Make sure that the video content serves a pedagogical purpose; do not use as entertainment.
  • Place the video in the context of the course, explaining why it was chosen and what it was intended to illustrate. Recontextualize the video when appropriate through the addition of background readings, study questions, commentary, criticism, annotation, and student reactions.
  • Limit access to the video to students enrolled in the course.
  • Use streaming or other technologies that limit students' ability to download, copy, or redistribute the material.
  • Notify students that videos are being made available for teaching, study, and research only.
  • Provide attributions to known copyright owners of the videos.

The examples below are intended to model the thought processes instructors should engage in when determining whether an intended use is fair given the particular facts at hand. A final determination of fair use can only be made in a court of law. This guide is not intended as legal advice. If you have legal concerns about a particular use at the University of Rhode Island, please contact the university's General Counsel .

Professor Wang is teaching an online Introduction to Film Studies course. Her face-to-face version of the class meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for 50 minutes, with three-hour film screening sessions on Tuesday evenings. Students in the class learn about formal analysis, genre studies, film history, and theory. Through class lectures and readings, watching films, and several short papers, students gain the basic critical tools necessary for understanding and analyzing the language of motion pictures. The films studied in the course are: Casablanca  (1942, Michael Curtiz),  Touch of Evil  (1958, Orson Welles),  Breathless  (1960, Jean-Luc Godard),  The Virgin Suicides  (1999, Sofia Coppola),  The Bicycle Thieves  (1948, Vittorio De Sica), and Walk Hard  (2007, Jake Kasdan).

The online course is being offered over the summer. Many students are working full time or have moved home, therefore they are not able to go to the Media Resources Center in the university library to watch the films there. So that students can view the assigned movies, Professor Wang asks the library to upload their DVD copies of the films to the university's streaming server. The streamed films will be available to students through Brightspace for the duration of the summer semester only. Only students registered for the course will be able to access the films, and students will not be able to download or copy the films. Is this fair use?

1. Did the use "transform" the material taken from the copyrighted work by using it for a broadly beneficial purpose different from that of the original, or did it just repeat the work for the same intent and value as the original?

Yes, Professor Wang's use is transformative, since she is using films originally produced for entertainment purposes to educate students about film history and theory. The professor and the students are subjecting the films to critical commentary and detailed analysis in a noncommercial educational context.

2. Was the material taken appropriate in kind and amount, considering the nature of the copyrighted work and of the use?

These films are creative works, and they were used in their entirety, which would tend to weigh against fair use. However, given that the use is transformative and takes place for educational purposes, the use is more likely to be fair. Students are not normally expected to purchase copies of films as course materials; rather they rely on the copy acquired by the university library. In this way, Professor Wang's streaming of the films did not cause market harm to the copyright owners.

Fair use: Yes.

Note: The transformative and educational nature of Professor Wang's use of the films and the facts that access was limited to students enrolled in her class and that students could not copy or download the films support a fair use argument. This does not mean, however, that the copying of video content to university servers in order to stream it to students will not be challenged by rightsholders. In fact, the Association for Information Media recently sued the University of California Los Angeles for copyright infringement for doing exactly this. The case was dismissed on procedural grounds , so no decision was rendered on the legality of streaming.

UCLA faculty produced a strong statement of principles on the use of streaming videos and other educational content, asserting that "streaming video is an essential type of content for instruction" that "must be available in the virtual classroom," and that "streaming technologies serve the purpose of time-shifting for students and faculty alike." They believe that "if it would be lawful for a teacher to show a particular piece of multimedia to students enrolled in a class that meets in a physical classroom, it should be fair use to permit the viewing or hearing of that multimedia, through time-shifting technologies, in a virtual classroom that restricts access to those same enrolled students." 

In the 1984 case  Sony Corp. v. Universal City Studios, Inc. , the Supreme Court held that time shifting was fair use in connection to the noncommercial home recording of television shows for delayed viewing because it did not deprive the copyright owners of revenue.

An Issue Brief from the Library Copyright Alliance on the streaming of films for educational purposes suggests that "courts are likely to treat as fair use many instances of streaming video to students logged in to class sites." The brief's authors write, "Courts likely would treat educational uses of entertainment products, such as uploading a feature film to a course website so that students could stream it for purposes of analysis, as repurposing" [i.e. as transformative use]. The brief goes on to suggest that "educators could buttress their fair use claim by recontextualizing works on course websites through selection and arrangement and the addition of background readings, study questions, commentary, criticism, annotation, and student reactions."

Professor Soleway is teaching an online course on the depiction of divorce in popular culture. His course notes are posted online in Brightspace along with background readings and other course content. For a segment on divorce in popular film, Professor Soleway digitizes short clips from each of three movies: Divorce American Style (1967, Bud Yorkin), Kramer vs. Kramer (1979, Robert Benton), and The Squid and the Whale (2005, Noah Baumbach). He uploads the clips to the university's streaming server and embeds them in his course notes in Brightspace.

Professor Soleway's course notes set the context for each clip by prefacing it with an explanation of what he wants students to watch for. After each clip, he elaborates on what he thinks it illustrates about the popular representation of divorce. After viewing the clips, students are given a list of questions that require them to critically reflect on the content of the clips. Students post their responses in the discussion section of the course site. Is this fair use?

Yes, Professor Soleway's use is transformative, since he is using films originally produced for entertainment purposes to examine cultural representations of divorce. The fact that he surrounds each film clip with commentary that places the clip in the context of his broader argument and that students are required to critically analyze the clips' contents strengthens the transformative nature of his use, as does the fact that his use takes place in a noncommercial educational context.

These films are creative works, but limited portions of each were used, just enough to convey how the film treated the topic of divorce. Given that limited portions of each film were used, that Professor Soleway's use is transformative, and that the use took place in a noncommercial educational setting, the use is likely to be fair.

Professor Mercer is preparing to teach a face-to-face nursing class. She plans to use Brightspace to post the course syllabus and grades and to allow students to hand in assignments. As she's working on her syllabus, she receives in the mail an examination copy of Mosby's Nursing Video Skills - Student Version DVD , 4th Edition (Elsevier, 2013). She reads the description on the back of the DVD: "With high-definition videos demonstrating how to perform nursing procedures, Mosby's Nursing Video Skills provides up-to-date, step-by-step instructions for the most important nursing skills. Printable procedure checklists and interactive screens of required equipment make it easier to learn and remember skills, and new animations show what’s happening inside the patient’s body. For each skill, NCLEX exam-style review questions help you assess your knowledge." Noting that five of the procedures she will be covering in class are included on the DVD, she asks the library to copy these segments and upload them to the university's streaming server so that she can embed them in Brightspace for students to view. Since there are a total of 130 procedures on the DVD, she's using less than 5% of the content. Is this fair use?

No, Professor Mercer's intended use is not transformative. The original purpose of the DVD is to instruct nursing students in how to perform certain skills, and Professor Mercer wants to use the video for the same purpose. 

This video is a work of nonfiction, which favors fair use. However, the DVD is marketed for nursing students. It is likely that Professor Mercer's intended use of the video (and other uses like hers, were they to occur) would damage the market for the DVD, since students would rely on the streaming content instead of purchasing their own copies of the DVD. Thus the amount she wants to use, though a small part of the total, is not appropriate. 

Fair use: No.

Note: According to the  Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Academic and Research Libraries , "Closer scrutiny should be applied to uses of content created and marketed primarily for use in courses such as the one at issue (e.g., a textbook, workbook, or anthology designed for the course). Use of more than a brief excerpt from such works on digital networks is unlikely to be transformative and therefore unlikely to be a fair use." The fair use argument is helped, however, by the fact that the videos were placed in Brightspace and limited to students enrolled in the course. 

As explained in the  Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for OpenCourseWare , "'Bright line' tests and 'rules of thumb' are not appropriate to fair use analysis, which requires case by-case determinations made through reasoning about how and why a new use recontextualizes existing material." Thus, while amount used is an important factor in whether any use is fair, fair use cannot be decided by relying on the specific percentage of a work used or similar guidelines.

Professor Gutierrez is teaching an online women's studies course. Week three covers the depiction of women in advertising. Professor Gutierrez plans to assign students two articles and one book chapter as required reading and to have them watch the documentary Killing Us Softly 4: Advertising's Image of Women (2010, Jean Kilbourne). Students will be required to answer questions and share their reactions about the readings and the film through the discussion section of the course website on Brightspace. Professor Gutierrez will then facilitate a real-time class discussion through Brightspace's web meeting function.

Since the class is fully online, Professor Gutierrez hopes to load the documentary film on the university's streaming media server. She speaks with the Media Resources librarian, who confirms that the university library has purchased the DVD at the college and university rate of $295. The librarian does some more investigation and learns that the distributor of the film, the Media Education Foundation , offers a 1-year streaming subscription to the video for $150 and a 3-year streaming option for $295. Their streaming videos can easily be embedded in learning management systems like Moodle, Blackboard, and Brightspace. But since the library has already purchased a copy of the film, the librarian proceeds to upload it to the university's streaming server for Professor Gutierrez . Is this fair use?

No, Professor Gutierrez's intended use is not transformative. She is using the documentary for the same purpose as it was intended: to educate students about the depiction of women in advertising. Indeed, she is using the film to convey the content of the course to the students instead of, for example, compiling her own examples of women in advertisements and incorporating them into lecture notes that she herself wrote.

This video is a work of nonfiction, which favors fair use. However, the DVD is marketed as an educational tool, thus its use for in an educational context is not transformative.

An argument for fair use could nonetheless be made on two grounds:

  • Because the DVD is marketed to institutions, not individual students, to stream the university's lawfully-purchased copy to students causes no market harm to the rightsholder through the loss of DVD sales and is therefore an educational fair use.
  • UCLA faculty have argued that "streaming technologies serve the purpose of time-shifting for students and faculty alike." In the 1984 case Sony Corp. v. Universal City Studios, Inc. , the Supreme Court held that time shifting was fair use in connection to the noncommercial home recording of television shows for delayed viewing because it did not deprive the copyright owners of revenue. (See video example #1 above.)

The fact that the Media Education Foundation offers a streaming option, though, would weaken this argument for fair use since they could show market harm through the loss of streaming revenue.

Fair use: Probably not.

Professor Peterson is teaching an online English seminar that examines discourses surrounding anti-drug messaging. In the course, he and his students will critically evaluate public service announcements, anti-drug campaign material from government agencies and non-profit advocacy groups such as the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, and selected articles from newspapers and popular magazines warning of the dangers of drug use. He plans to begin the course by examining one of the earliest pieces of anti-drug propaganda, the 1936 anti-marijuana film Reefer Madness . Fortunately, the university library owns a copy of this cult-classic. Professor Peterson asks the media librarian to upload the video to the university's streaming media server so that the students in his online class can access it. Is this fair use?

A fair use analysis is probably not necessary. Reefer Madness is listed on a number of websites as being in the public domain. If this is the case, Professor Peterson is free to use it without restriction. 

Note: Determining whether a work is in the public domain can be difficult and time-consuming. For more information, see the " Use resources in the public domain " box on this guide.

Professor Peterson need not bother to ask the library to upload its copy to the streaming server. The film is freely available online in multiple locations, including the Internet Archive , , and YouTube .

  • Society for Cinema and Media Studies' Statement of Best Practices in Fair Use in Teaching for Film and Media Educators (2008)
  • Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Media Literacy Education
  • Streaming of Films for Educational Purposes (2010) This issue brief from the Library Copyright Alliance examines the permissibility of the streaming of entire films to a remote, non-classroom location.
  • Internet Archive's Moving Image Archive Online library of free movies, films, and videos. Contains over a million digital movies uploaded by Archive users. These include classic full-length films, news broadcasts, cultural and academic films, commercials, cartoons, and concerts. These videos are in the public domain or are available with Creative Commons reuse rights.
  • Library of Congress American Memory American Memory provides free and open access through the Internet to written and spoken words, sound recordings, still and moving images, prints, maps, and sheet music that document the American experience. Most material is not protected by copyright.
  • List of Films in the Public Domain in the United States List created by user olicool10 of "films that certain cited sources believe are in the public domain in the United States." An addition to the list is available at .
  • Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons is a database of millions of freely usable media files. Some files are in the public domain, while others are licensed with Creative Commons licenses.
  • YouTube channel The official YouTube channel of the U.S. Government, linking to videos across government. Most content produced by the government falls in the public domain.
  • YouTube After performing a search for video content, you can "filter" by Creative Commons license to find content with reuse rights.
  • The Open Video Project The purpose of the Open Video Project is to collect and make available a repository of digitized video content for the digital video, multimedia retrieval, digital library, and other research communities. "The Open Video repository provides video clips from a variety of sources, especially various video programs obtained from U.S. government agencies such as the U.S. Records and Archives Administration and NASA. Although the government agency videos were produced with public funds and are freely available from the Archives, no copyright clearance has been obtained for audio or video elements in these productions. We encourage researchers to use the data under fair use for research purposes."
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A Teacher’s Guide to Copyright and Fair Use

There are rules when it comes to using copyrighted material in the classroom—and easy ways to make sure you’re always in the clear. 

Illustration concept for appropriate use of copyrighted materials

While some school districts have resources and policies to help teachers navigate the tricky waters of copyright and fair use, many teachers are under the impression that because they’re educators, they have blanket protections.

But copyright and fair use laws are nuanced, and just because you’re a teacher doesn’t mean you’re always in the safe zone. They’re also not a nicety: In rare cases, school districts have been fined for violating copyright, so paying attention to the details of fair use and copyright can protect you and the school district. Educating yourself on the substance of the issue is also important because as a teacher you model proper use for your students so that they can protect themselves, too.

Copyright and fair use law has become a topic of concern as technology has increasingly lowered the barriers to sharing, copying, and creating at any time, making us all potential publishers and distributors of content. It’s become a lot easier to break the rules. Particularly in the digital age, copyright is about collective responsibility and protection—and digital citizenship.


American copyright law originates in the U.S. Constitution and automatically protects all original, creative work in a fixed form; the moment a work is created , it is protected. Generally speaking, works created after January 1, 1978, are covered by copyright for a term equaling the life of the author plus 70 years after their death. The original works by Shakespeare, Dickens, Frederick Douglass, and just recently F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby and Alain LeRoy Locke’s The New Negro: An Interpretation , for example, are in the public domain and are no longer protected by copyright. In addition, copyright doesn’t apply to facts and public information, print maps, or government documents or pictures, so images and text from sources like NASA, the Smithsonian, and the National Archives can be used without permission.

The copyright for works that are not part of these exceptions is invisible and active at all times, of course, so it can be helpful to think about it like this: In most contexts, works created by others have a “No trespassing” sign on them. If you simply ignored a “No trespassing” sign on land, you’d be in violation of the law, right? Same thing with creative works, whether it’s a doodle or the selfies you took with a friend’s phone.

Within the context of educational and classroom settings (including online classes), copyright is a little more nuanced. There, even copyrighted material can be used if it’s for face-to-face, instructional purposes and the educational institution is a nonprofit.

Teachers and most schools are therefore protected fairly broadly, allowing them to make use of films and articles from sources like the New York Times or Scientific American , as long as they do so in the context of instruction. Sharing a link to a recent Washington Post article in your learning management system, or to a video from PBS or CNN, is permissible if it’s for the purposes of instruction and the educational institution is a nonprofit. Copying and distributing works created by others, however—for example, printing out whole articles and distributing them to your class—is generally riskier. In such cases, copyright law is more lenient when the copied material is not copied in whole or is not distributed to the whole class.

Be careful, as well, with any so-called creative works that you use in the classroom, like books, poems, movies, or songs. Generally speaking, even if you’re using them for instructional purposes, these types of creative work are protected. In most cases, school systems purchase copies of those assets—or the students themselves are asked to purchase them—which gives everyone rights to consume them. Meanwhile, if you’re using anything in this category for purposes that are not instructional, like showing a Pixar movie as a reward or during recess on a rainy day—without any instruction—then you’re clearly infringing on copyright.


To add to the confusion, there’s the fair use doctrine , which is designed to promote freedom of expression (which is critical in educational settings) by permitting “the unlicensed use of copyright-protected works under certain circumstances”—a sort of legal counterbalance to copyright that allows for creativity. If there is a dispute about copyright, then judges use four factors to determine if something is protected by fair use.

Generally speaking, courts factor in the purpose of the use (did you use it for instructional purposes, for example); the nature of the original (was it fiction or more factual, for example); the amount of the work used (using all of the work, or especially important parts of the work is risky); and the value of the work (if your actions materially impact the ability of the artist to make a living, that infringes on copyright).

An important caveat: Use of content in the service of satire is OK, so if you’re using or creating memes as part of your lesson plan, you’re in the clear.


Given how nuanced copyright and fair use are and the complexities of digital use and sharing, these tips can help keep you in the safe zone.

Limit your exposure: Use a password-protected space like Google Classroom or any learning management system (LMS) to share published materials with your students, instead of using your class webpage. That way, you’re sharing to the students in your class only.

Use Google’s Tools setting: After a search for an image has produced results, click Tools/Usage Rights/Creative Commons license to filter images.

Install browser extensions: Install add-ons from Flaticon’s Icons for Google Slides and Docs and Noun Project so that you can easily search and insert free images.

Use Project Gutenberg : It’s a library of over 60,000 free e-books (and counting) for which copyright has expired. You can read them in a browser or on Kindle, or opt to download them. All of Shakespeare’s work is there, for example, in addition to Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave , and works of many other authors.

Bookmark Creative Commons sites: The emergence of the internet spawned an innovation in copyright management called Creative Commons , which allows the creators of photos, videos, and text to apply transparent copyright rules and make the content available broadly. The Creative Commons search tool is invaluable for finding content you can use legally. Also bookmark sites that collect images, videos, or text that is shared under liberal Creative Commons rules—like Flickr , Pixabay (images, videos, and music), and Unsplash (photos); Noun Project (icons and photos); and Bensound , which has a library of free audio files—in addition to higher-quality files you need to purchase. Share the bookmarks with your students.

Don’t forget Wikipedia: It’s the grandfather of Creative Commons sites. You can copy or alter the text of this comprehensive resource, updated by volunteers who are often experts, if you include the backlink . Students should be warned , of course, that Wikipedia is subject to hacks (both malicious and comical), and the information should be verified with other sources.

Make use of free audiobooks: Multiple sites like Librivox and Spotify share free audiobooks. Titles on Spotify range from George Orwell’s Animal Farm to Hans Christian Anderson’s The Fir Tree .

Use resources from government sites: NASA , the National Archives , the Smithsonian , primary sources from the Library of Congress, and materials from state or local government agencies are a treasure trove for teachers.

Know that there isn’t an urgency exemption: No matter how desperate the situation or noble your intentions, don’t make and distribute copies of entire books, workbooks, study guides, practice books, or even an entire page from a textbook. Purchase enough copies for each student, or obtain permission from the owner to make copies.

Avoid copying and distributing “creative material”: Novels, plays, movies, and poems are far more likely to be exempt from fair use.

Use published sources: Never copy and distribute unpublished material.

When in doubt, reach out: If a publication or resource you need is out of print and you cannot buy it (e.g., an out-of-print book), reach out to the publishing company and ask permission to make copies.

Plan ahead: Don’t wait until the last minute and use something in haste.

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Teach with Movies

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4 September 2019

The Copyright Implications of Teaching with Videos

Graphic image for the article The Copyright Implications of Teaching with Videos is excited to share Sara Benson’s article on the copyright implications of teaching with videos, both face-to-face and online. Educators and librarians in the U.S. who deal with copyright issues related to teaching with videos will benefit from the information she shares.

Ms. Benson is a Copyright Librarian and Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois Library. In fall 2019 the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) is publishing the book she has edited, a compliation titled Copyright Conversations:  Rights Literacy in a Digital World. 

using film clips for educational purposes

Copyright Implications of Teaching with Videos

There are many pedagogical reasons faculty members choose to teach using video clips or even by showing full-length movies to their students during class. Often, it’s one thing to tell the students about a particular event and a very different experience for the students to watch either a documentary about or a fictional rendition of it.

Regardless of the reason, the connection between video and teaching is here to stay. And so, as librarians or faculty, we need to think through the copyright implications of teaching with videos.

Face-to-Face Teaching and Section 110(1) of the U.S. Copyright Act

When teaching in a classroom face-to-face with students, the law provides educators with a straightforward exception to copyright in Section 110(1) of the U.S. Copyright Act. As long as the video came from a lawful source, you can show an entire movie to your enrolled students without asking for permission or paying for public performance rights.

So, for instance, if an instructor wishes to show the entire movie “A League of One’s Own” in a feminist studies class and the professor owns their own copy of the film, they can show the movie without obtaining public performance rights or otherwise paying a licensing fee. Or, if the library owns a copy of the DVD, the professor could borrow the library’s copy of the movie and show it during class. 

Section 110(1) is a limited exception to copyright in that it only permits the use of copyrighted works in the face-to-face classroom. However, it is also a fairly broad exception in that it permits both teachers and students to display or perform any work within that environment. Note that it doesn’t permit the faculty or students to make reproductions or copies of the works.

If the professor wishes, however, to show only clips of the movie during face-to-face classroom teaching, they would not be within the Section 110(1) exception because in order to make the clips the professor would need to break the technological locks (if any) on the DVD, and make a copy of the DVD’s contents. This brings us to our next topic for discussion, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act

In the digital age professors often teach online. Things get quite complicated relating to copyright in the online course environment. One complication arises from the DMCA.

The DMCA protects intellectual property owners who place digital lock protection devices onto DVDs and other discs to stop consumers from making copies of the works. Generally, the DMCA and the Copyright Act would be violated by making a copy of a DVD of a movie. 

In the face-to-face teaching context, no copy is necessary, because the professor can easily pop in the DVD and play the entire movie for the class (or fast forward to specific parts of the movie for quick viewing). However, to show a movie online, an educator would need to: 

  • Break the technological locks on the DVD, to
  • Make a digital copy of the work to stream to the class. 

Luckily, the Copyright Office has recognized a few exemptions to the DMCA for breaking technical video locks for teaching purposes. 

One exception is to create subtitles for hearing impaired students when there are no subtitled versions of videos available through a vendor at a fair price or in a timely manner and

the accessible versions are provided to students or educators and stored by the educational institution in a manner intended to reasonably prevent unauthorized further dissemination of a work.

Another exception is to “make use of short portions of the motion picture ... for educational purposes” when the person breaking the technology locks reasonably believes that non-circumventing methods of capturing the information would be insufficient “to produce the required level of high-quality content.” This exception, while very helpful for online courses, does limit professors to making use of only “short portions” of the entire movie or film.

Application of the DMCA to Online Teaching

So, let’s take our first example. The professor teaching feminist studies wishes to show students clips from the movie “A League of One’s Own” in an online class session. In order to make the clips, the professor must break the technological locks on the DVD, download the contents of the DVD, and then create clips to show and discuss during class. Note that if the professor was comfortable using screen capture technology, which might be blurry, then the DMCA would not be an issue as no technological locks would be broken.

Let’s assume, though, that the professor wants the clips to be high quality and does break the technological locks. Can they show the clips during class?  The answer depends on the length of the clips. 

Are the clips “short”?  What is the definition of “short” for purposes of the DMCA?  There’s no easy answer to this question except to say that the U.S. Copyright Office, in enacting the “short portion” requirement in the exemption, sought to mimic the fair use doctrine’s requirements of small amounts of works used without permission so long as they don’t usurp the market value for the original work. (See Recommendation of the Acting Register of Copyrights, Section 1201 Rulemaking p. 48.) 

The use of “short” portions, then, would presumably meet both the DMCA exemption requirement allowing for the breaking of the technological locks, as well as the fair use of the work without license or permission, as the use is not usurping the market value of the work. 

The DMCA and TEACH Act

Note that in the online teaching environment, campuses that comply with the TEACH Act or Section 110(2) of the Copyright Act could avoid the assertion of a fair use argument. I have found that my campus is generally not TEACH Act compliant, but for those that are able to meet the numerous TEACH Act requirements, 

such as the obligation to limit transmissions to officially enrolled students and to institute copyright policies and apply TPMs [technological protection measures] that reasonably prevent unauthorized further dissemination of a work to others[,]

the TEACH Act could operate to allow for the streaming of the digital video clips. See  Section 1201 Rulemaking . 

 Fair Use

While the above exception does permit both the technological locks to be broken and a copy to be made in some circumstances, the DMCA doesn’t operate in a legal vacuum. Just as fair use can operate in tandem with Section 108 (exceptions for libraries), so too can it operate in conjunction with the DMCA. See, for example, Chamberlain Group, Inc. v. Skylink Technologies, Inc., (Fed. Cir. 2004 ).

Chamberlain’s proposed construction would allow copyright owners to prohibit exclusively fair uses even in the absence of any feared foul use ... [c]opyright law itself authorizes the public to make certain uses of copyrighted materials ... [w]hat the law authorizes, Chamberlain cannot revoke). 

In a recent survey of academic libraries, I found that some librarians are willing to make a copy of an obscure film that’s unavailable by a streaming vendor for purchase in order to stream the entire film to an online class under a fair use analysis. In other words, where no streaming license is available and, therefore, there’s no market to harm from the streaming of the video, some librarians are comfortable asserting a fair use right to stream entire films to online classrooms. Fair use is decided on a case by case basis and is considered a risk management decision.

The issue of streaming videos online in an academic setting is complicated further by the DMCA provisions, but all is not lost. Librarians can still flex their fair use muscles, where reasonable, and can exercise DMCA exemptions authorized by the U.S. Copyright Office. 

Checklists for Copyright Implications of Teaching with Videos

Face-to-face teaching checklist.

  • Institution is a nonprofit educational institution
  • Work is being used in a classroom or other similar teaching place devoted to instruction
  • Work is being displayed or performed by teacher or students
  • If a movie, the copy of the movie was obtained lawfully (the person showing the movie didn't have reason to believe it wasn’t made lawfully)

DMCA Exemption for Teaching with Videos Checklist

  • Other methods of displaying work not feasible (such as screen capture) 
  • Circumventing technical locks to display “short” portions of the work
  • For educational purpose
  • By college and university faculty and students or K-12 educators and students (where the K-12 student is circumventing under direct supervision of an educator)
  • For the purpose of criticism, comment, teaching, or scholarship

Looking for More Information?

You can find the  current DMCA exemptions, a video about the DMCA, and frequently asked questions on the site of the U.S. Copyright Office.

For in-depth knowledge and practical strategies on managing copyright issues, see our comprehensive online course, Copyright Leadership Certificate .


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Copyright and Intellectual Property Toolkit

  • Copyright & the Library
  • What is Fair Use?
  • What is Public Domain?
  • What is the TEACH Act?
  • What about licenses like Creative Commons?
  • How do I request permission to use copyrighted material?

Showing Films, Videos, and TV Programs FAQ

  • Can I show Videos & Films during Instruction?
  • Can I show Video Clips?
  • Can I Screen Films on Campus?
  • What are Occidental College's Policies?
  • What are Publishing Agreements?
  • Using Copyright in the Classroom FAQ
  • Using Online Material Copyright FAQ

When you want to show a TV program, video, or film or when you want to broadcast or perform music (whether it's live or recorded), you have to consider the rights of those who own the copyright to the work you want to use.

Copyright owners have certain rights, which are commonly known as public performance rights (PPR). When you're using a film, video, or TV program for teaching or educational purposes, this is often considered a fair use under U.S. copyright law. In other cases, especially when the film, video, or TV program is being shown as part of an event, you need permission--often in the form of a public performance rights license--to show the work.

What Are Public Performance Rights (PPR)?

Under  U.S. copyright law , copyright owners have certain "public performance rights," such as the right to

  • Perform their work publicly--if it’s a literary, musical, dramatic, or choreographed work, or if it’s a pictorial, graphic, or sculptural work
  • Display their work publicly--if it’s a literary, musical, dramatic, or choreographed work, or if it’s a pictorial, graphic, or sculptural work
  • Perform their work publicly through digital audio and/or video transmission--if it’s a sound or video recording

There are exceptions to these exclusive rights, allowing faculty, students, and others to use audiovisual works to meet nonprofit, educational needs. 

Showing Films, Videos, and TV Programs

In general, any time you plan to show a film, video, or TV show to the public ,  you must first seek permission to do so from the film’s copyright owner(s). The film’s format or whether or not you are charging admission does not matter: you still need to seek permission. This permission comes in the form of a license from the rights holder called a PPR (public performance rights) license.

There are some exceptions to this rule:

  • Faculty and instructors at nonprofit, accredited, educational institutions, such as Occidental, can make a TEACH Act or  a fair use defense under U.S. copyright law  to use films, videos, and TV programs as part of teaching. However, what constitutes "teaching" under U.S. copyright law is very specific. Just because we're at a university, doesn't mean all on- or off-campus uses of films, videos, or TV shows are considered fair use.
  • If the film or video is in the public domain, you should be able to show the film or video in public. It depends, however, on whether or not the work is  really  in the public domain. It can be difficult at times to determine the copyright status of any work, whether text or video.
  • If the film or video is licensed under  Creative Commons  or another "copyleft" license, you should be able to show it in public. Pay attention, however, to the specifics of the license. For example, some works licensed under Creative Commons (CC) may have a non-commercial (NC) designation, which may impact how or where you show a film or for what purpose.
  • Please see the library guide on Public Domain & Creative Commons Resources for Video, Audio and Still Images for more information on finding available media.

U.S. Copyright Office Publications

U.S. Copyright Office.  Copyright Law of the United States and Related Laws Contained in Title 17  of the United States Code.   Washington, DC: Library of Congress.

U.S. Copyright Office.  Copyright Basics  (Circular 1). Washington, DC: Library of Congress.

U.S. Copyright Office.  Fair Use . Washington, DC: Library of Congress.

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  • Next: Can I show Videos & Films during Instruction? >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 5, 2024 9:57 AM
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Showing Movies & Videos in Class

Using films, documentaries, and video clips can be a good way to deepen lessons and build engagement, but there are pitfalls to avoid

films in class

Most of us remember at some point in our education a teacher who would wheel a TV into class, pop a video in the VCR, press play, and then take a literal or proverbial nap for the remainder of class time. 

That’s exactly how not to utilize film, documentaries, or other video presentations in class, says Britton Barnes, a 7th and 8th grade social studies teacher at Clement Middle School of the Redlands USD in California. However, when used correctly – in short clips with educator-provided context – videos, films, and documentaries can be a way to enhance lessons while giving students a deeper understanding of topics ranging from science to history to media literacy. 

Use Video To Support Not Replace The Lesson 

Incorporating video brings multimodality into your teaching, however, videos should be introduced with proper context, says Karen Beerer, Discovery Education's Senior Vice President of Teaching and Learning. “I’m not necessarily sure that a movie by itself is a good enough learning experience for students,” she says. “So what are you doing with that movie? How are you handling the before, during, and after?”

Videos are best used to build on already existing lessons by providing another way to understand or connect with the material for students. “It’s one thing to see the photosynthesis process on a worksheet, or on paper, it's another thing to visually see it,” Beerer says. 

Barnes uses video to help his students form a deeper connection with history through historic clips and recreations that can help them connect with the material. 

Keep Videos Short and Model Good Viewing Habits 

While extended screenings may work once in a while, you generally want to keep it short, 15 minutes or under, and almost never want to devote an entire class session to a screening. 

Beerer says research shows shorter clips are better, and it is easier to align a shorter clip both to your existing lesson plans and to students’ attention spans. 

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Some of the clips Barnes uses in his class can be as short as a minute or two, and rarely exceed a quarter-hour on a video or a single activity of any kind. “I don't like to go over 15 minutes on anything. I like to keep moving,” he says. 

Barnes also teaches students how to take notes and helps them keep an eye out for key takeaways. He’ll stop after five minutes and go over important bullet points or use an app such as EdPuzzle , which automatically stops the video to ask viewers questions. EdPuzzle can be used when students watch something at home, but Barnes also likes using it in class and having his students explore the questions as a group. 

Examine the Source and Accuracy of Films and Videos 

When screening documentaries, Barnes has his students source the video by asking questions such as:  

  • Who made this? 
  • Why did they make it? 
  • Is it relevant? 
  • Can I corroborate this information with maybe something I've read? 

“Then I always tell my students, we're going to learn to be historians rather than learn history, right? Because those are skills you carry across all disciplines,” he says. 

He has a similar approach when showing historical films. 

“When we are using a Hollywood film, we'll even play games like, ‘Is it history? Or is it Hollywood?’” Barnes says. 

After guessing which film segments are real and which are created by screenwriters, students then research and confirm the changes Hollywood made. “The way you present [video] can create a lot of excitement, and a lot of tension or drama, and interest,” he says. 

Make Sure The Video Screens on Your Class System and Licensing is In Order 

Many educational services provide videos to teachers specifically for the purpose of screening in class. In general, showing a film at school for students is permitted under U.S. copyright law, but holding a public viewing with parents or other community members is not allowed. Check with a school librarian or with your technology or AV teams for best practices and institution policies. 

In addition, many streaming services are blocked at schools, which might prevent you from streaming content on a school device. Remember, different devices within the same school may have different blocks, and permissions are constantly updated by schools and streaming services. So just because you successfully screened a clip using your Netflix account last semester, it doesn’t mean it will work this spring, especially if you switched classrooms and/or devices. 

Empower Students to Share Their Reactions to the Video and Film  

Educators can all too often influence how students react to a film screened in class, says Arnold Blumberg, an adjunct professor at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, who regularly incorporates film into his classes. “It's an easy pitfall, particularly as someone who's probably far more steeped in the material than the students are, or has seen a given movie many more times than they're likely to have seen it, to start imposing your perceptions on them,” he says. “And it's important even as the teacher to not dominate the immediate reactions, and to allow these things to happen organically.” 

That means establishing an environment in which all students feel comfortable reacting to the film in the way that they experienced it. 

“It's important to be open to the fact that students are going to have a lot of different reactions,” Blumberg says. “Their emotions are valid, and you want to talk to everybody and have a productive conversation, and not try to tamp down any of those reactions, and not try to tell them, ‘Okay, but here's what you should think about that,’ or ‘here's the right way to interrupt this.’ There's no right way.’”

  • Research: Video Learning May be More Effective Than In-person Lectures
  • 5 Best Movies About Teaching

Erik Ofgang is a Tech & Learning contributor. A journalist,  author  and educator, his work has appeared in The New York Times, the Washington Post, the Smithsonian, The Atlantic, and Associated Press. He currently teaches at Western Connecticut State University’s MFA program. While a staff writer at Connecticut Magazine he won a Society of Professional Journalism Award for his education reporting. He is interested in how humans learn and how technology can make that more effective. 

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Educational use of images, video and audio

This page goes deeper into copyright and related legal issues for educational use of images, video, and audio. The information is mainly for instructors at the University of Minnesota.

Copyright Information Services staff members can help with these issues.  Contact us with questions, or for training.

Educational use of images

Images can be powerful teaching tools as illustrations related to a class, or for studying concepts outside of the course context.

Most of the time, showing things to students from physical media in in-person classes at the University of Minnesota is totally okay. There’s a legal exception that only applies to teachers, and only in specific situations, but it’s very clear - you don't have to guess at market harm issues, or how much is an appropriately small amount. 

It’s not so clear that showing the same image in a non-classroom educational setting is allowed, and neither is scanning or copying things as a step towards showing them in a class. People frequently do copy or scan images and show them in online teaching, at conferences, and at school meetings, and it is often fair use to do so.

It's also likely that not all image copying, even in non-profit instructional contexts, falls under fair use. Courts haven't done much to interpret how fair use might apply to instructional use of images, but they have allowed fair use copying of images in other contexts - sometimes even commercial ones - especially when accompanied by criticism or commentary. 

The Visual Resources Association has a very useful "Statement on the Fair Use of Images for Teaching, Research, and Study" . The statement articulates the organization's understanding of fair use principles, but it's not legal advice. It's a bit longer than this website, but very much worth the read for anyone whose teaching is image-heavy. It is also of great value for anyone working with images as the subject of their research, or who wants to include images in published scholarly materials.

The College Art Association has drawn up a " Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for the Visual Arts ". This has been welcomed by many in the visual arts teaching and research community. It articulates accepted community practices around writing and teaching about art, and goes beyond to fair use issues in making new art, and in archival and museum uses.

The Association of Art Museum Directors have " Guidelines for the Use of Copyrighted Materials and Works of Art by Art Museums ", which is a welcome new document in succession to their groundbreaking earlier principled documentation of fair use issues in visual arts

Although the resources above are mostly focused on visual arts disciplines, the principles they explore apply to many different types of educational and research uses.

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Lecture recordings and streaming with students

As mentioned above, showing things to students , or performing things with or for students from physical media like a DVDs, CD, or existing sheet music at an in-person class at the University of Minnesota is usually totally okay. But that kind of class environment is becoming less common. 

If you can limit audio and video use during your online course to relatively brief clips, you may be able to include those in lecture recordings or live-casts under fair use. For media use longer than brief clips, it is often legally easier to have students independently access the content outside of your lecture videos. 

The same basic legal provisions apply to the University’s Kaltura platform as they do to YouTube, but there may be some practical differences between platforms. It is more likely that videos posted on YouTube may encounter some automated copyright enforcement, such as a takedown notice, or disabling of included audio or video content. These automated enforcement tools are often -incorrect- when they flag audio, video, or images included in instructional videos - if you encounter something like this that you believe to be in error, you can contact [email protected] for assistance.

Live streaming clips and whole movies or songs for or with students via Zoom, Twitch, etc is a relatively new innovation in teaching with media, and the law around it is very unclear. Technologies that automatically detect and shut down video and audio within streams on commercial services are also evolving very quickly. This is a great area for instructional innovation. 

If you’d rather not work on that innovative edge, the Libraries already have quite a bit of licensed streaming video content , which you are welcome to use in your online course. The Libraries also already have subscriptions to a significant set of streaming audio options for UMN users. We may be able to purchase streaming access for additional media, but it does take time to finalize a streaming license, and institutional streaming costs do often exceed our budget constraints.

Terms of service affect media use

Sites like YouTube and Vimeo have Terms of Service that say they are for personal use only. It's unclear whether the terms of service on a site where users never clicked "I Agree" are legally enforceable. Many people use media from these sites in classes and educational presentations. 

Subscription services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and others also have Terms of Service, almost all of which also limit use to personal and/or non-commercial use. With subscription services, users usually do actively agree to the terms of service at some point, so they may be legally binding. 

Some copies of media files - such as files downloaded after purchase - may come with their own terms of service. Purchasers usually actively agree to those terms in some way during the purchase, so they may be legally binding. 

Terms of service, if they are binding, are legal contracts. No one really knows whether educational uses violate these terms of service. Is your teaching personal, non-commercial use? Maybe! It is common practice to play public online content, such as YouTube videos, in many different educational settings, though not all such users may be aware that the terms of use present questions about such uses. Most service providers have not directly answered questions about these issues. Some of the subscription service providers have, and they usually indicate that they think educational use would need additional permissions. 

A service provider can sue users that violate the terms of service, but that’s very uncommon. What’s more common with a contract violation is for the site providing the service to either discipline users (e.g., by limiting access to an account), or end the business relationship (e.g., by terminating the account.) 

If you want to use subscription streaming media in class, the most clearly legal option is to have students watch it on their own accounts, or watch with friends.

Sharing copies of video and audio with students

Fair use may cover making media clips and sharing them with students on Canvas/Kaltura or other streaming or download options. Where there are no other options, fair use may sometimes extend to sharing a copy of an entire work, but that will generally only be true for unusual outliers.

Courts haven't done much to interpret how fair use might apply to educational use of video and audio, but they have allowed fair use copying of images in other contexts - sometimes even commercial ones - especially when accompanied by criticism or commentary. 

Media that are encrypted (like DVDs, Blu-Rays, and most streaming video) can present additional legal issues related to "anticircumvention" provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

Student Assignments

Fair use does likely cover some copying from video and audio for course assignments, especially when students are using media to create new works, or criticizing or commenting on the source material. 

Films and Videos

Updated 20 July 2021

Teachers regularly use films and videos for educational and other purposes. The films or video content could be from a range of sources such as Netflix, YouTube, Stan, Google Play, Amazon Prime, iTunes or Apple TV.

What is a film?

In this section, the term film refers to all audio-visual material such as films, videos and DVDs that show moving images with or without sound.

Examples of films include:

  • feature, short and documentary films
  • animations or cartoons
  • on demand television programs offered by subscription services
  • film trailers
  • television advertisements
  • corporate or education videos
  • video and computer games
  • podcasts and vodcasts of audio visual material.

We are not talking here about television broadcasts, which include any audio-visual material that is:

  • broadcast on free-to-air television
  • free-to-air television content made available online by the broadcaster at the same time or after the broadcast of that content
  • scheduled broadcast content on subscription TV (eg Foxtel), excluding any on demand content offered by those subscription services (eg Foxtel On Demand and Kayo Sports).

If you are using television broadcasts, you may be able to rely on the Statutory Broadcast Licence .  For more information see Radio and Television Broadcasts .

It is essential that films played in schools are obtained from legitimate sources. Films, for example, may be purchased or hired from non-theatrical film distributors, licensed lending libraries or educational sources for screening on school premises or downloaded from legitimate film sites (eg iTunes).

Playing pirated copies puts you, your school, your principal and your educational body at risk of serious civil penalties which include payment of compensation to the copyright owner as well as criminal penalties. For this reason, schools should not accept donations or loans of DVDs or videos from students or parents. We recommend that schools source their own films to ensure that they are not pirated copies.

Playing films

Teachers and students at schools or TAFE can play films (eg stream from YouTube, Netflix or Stan or play from a DVD) in class under a special exception in the Australian Copyright Act (section 28) provided it is:

  • in the course of education and is not for profit; and
  • the people in the audience or class are giving or receiving instruction or are directly connected with the place where instruction is given.

Teachers can upload films to a school intranet or DTE in order to play them in class, but they should remove them from the DTE , or remove access to the films by students, as soon as the class is over.

For further information on s 28, schools should see Performance and Communication of Works and Audio Visual Material in Class: What am I allowed to do? ’ and TAFE institutes should see Performance and Communication of Works and Audio Visual Material in Class: What am I allowed to do?

For non-teaching purposes

S 28 will not apply to teachers and students playing films for non-teaching activities (eg at camps, on bus excursions or for lunchtime entertainment on rainy days).

Co-Curricular Licence

The Australian school sector has negotiated a voluntary blanket licence , called the Co-Curricular Licence , with Roadshow Public Performance Licensing (‘Roadshow’) for the playing of films by schools for non-educational purposes. This includes:

  • at school for entertainment purposes (eg at lunchtime on a rainy day)
  • on bus excursions, where the school provides the DVD (not the bus company)
  • at school camps and excursions, including outdoor screenings at camp, where the school provides the DVD (not the camp)
  • at after-school care and holiday programs conducted at and by the school.

Not all schools in Australia are covered by the Co-Curricular Licence . Schools that are not covered by this Licence must seek permission from the non-theatrical distributor of the film to play the film for non-educational purposes. To find out whether your school is covered by the Co-Curricular Licence , contact your  local copyright advisor . Note that this agreement does not apply to TAFE.

For further information on the Co-Curricular Licence , see information sheet Playing Films for Non-Educational Purposes . TAFE institutes will need to obtain a licence to play a film for non-teaching purposes.

Boarding Schools

It is generally fine for students in a boarding house to screen a film for their own private purposes as it won’t be considered a public performance.

Making a copy of a film and uploading it to a school’s DTE

If a teacher wants to make a copy of a film for a specific educational purpose (eg they want to upload a documentary on World War II to the school’s DTE in order to show it to a year ten history class), they may be able to do this under the flexible dealing exception provided:

  • they, or the school, own a copy of the film , but the copy is not in a format that they require and they are not able to buy it in the required format
  • the film can only be viewed by the teachers and students in the relevant class (i.e. the film is accessible to students in one course as opposed to the students enrolled in the entire institute)
  • the teacher removes the film from the DTE or disables access by the students to the film immediately after the class.

Some examples of uses that are permitted under the flexible dealing exception include:

  • making a digital copy of a DVD to upload to a school’s DTE in order to play to a geography class
  • compiling extracts of audio-visual material for use in class (eg making a compilation of short extracts of several films for an English class) when it is not possible to buy a similar teaching resource
  • downloading a YouTube video to play in class. For information on downloading YouTube videos see Youtube – Using .

Labelling copies

It is good practice to label copies made under the flexible dealing exception with words similar to:

‘This material has been copied and communicated to you in accordance with the educational use provisions of the Copyright Act. Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act. Do not remove this notice [insert date material has been copied and made available to students].’

For further information see Flexible Dealing .

Other copyright exceptions

Teachers may also be able to rely on one of the copyright exceptions when a copying films or videos for specific purposes.

Fair dealing

Teachers and students may be able to  copy  and  communicate films under the fair dealing for research and study exception . Teachers will only be able to rely on the fair dealing exception in limited circumstances, (ie it must be for their own research and study and not the research and study of their students), but students using films as part of their study will generally be able to rely on the fair dealing exception of research and study .

For more information see Copyright Exceptions.

Disability exceptions

If you are copying or communicating films in order to make them accessible to a student with a disability, you may be able to do this under the disability exceptions .

For more information see Disability Access Exceptions.

Exam copying

Teachers are allowed to copy and communicate films for use in online and hardcopy exams. This exception does not extend to practice papers.  You can only rely on this exception to copy and communicate text for actual exams and assessments.

For more information see Copying for Exams .

The Educator’s Guide to Copyright, Fair Use, and Creative Commons

  • Author By Kathleen Morris
  • Publication date August 21, 2021

using film clips for educational purposes

It has never been easier to publish online or consume digital content. This comes with many advantages and can make teaching and learning so much more targeted and impactful. Living in a digital world also brings up many questions — one issue that is very important to understand is copyright. Whether you’re an educator, student, or blogger, copyright is a topic that is often overlooked as it can be confusing or just not considered important.

Unfortunately, there are also a lot of myths about copyright circulating amongst the education community. Maybe you’ve heard that you can use any images or texts you find online if you’re using them for education? Or perhaps you’ve heard that you can use any songs in your videos as long as you use less than 30 seconds? Yep, both not true.

Copyright is important for all teachers, students, and bloggers to know about. And it doesn’t have to be as complicated as you think. We’re here to break down the basics of copyright and other related topics like fair use, public domain, and Creative Commons.

There’s a lot to learn in this post so remember to bookmark it and use the menu below to navigate.

using film clips for educational purposes

Copyright Rules To Remember

using film clips for educational purposes

What Is Copyright?

using film clips for educational purposes

What Is Fair Use

using film clips for educational purposes

What Is Public Domain?

using film clips for educational purposes

What Is Creative Commons

using film clips for educational purposes

Finding Creative Commons Images

using film clips for educational purposes

Copyright And Music

using film clips for educational purposes

Copyright And Video

using film clips for educational purposes

Copyright Text Or Curriculum Materials

using film clips for educational purposes

Copyright Infringement

using film clips for educational purposes

Copyright Considerations When Publishing Online

using film clips for educational purposes

Using Quotes In Blog Posts

using film clips for educational purposes

Adding Your Own Creative License

using film clips for educational purposes

Conclusion And Summary Slideshow

Let’s get started with the basics.

using film clips for educational purposes

Let’s begin with the 5 main rules you need to remember about copyright.

1) Just because you found it online, doesn’t mean it’s free to use (even if you’re a teacher or student).

2) There are a lot of resources you can use freely including work that has a Creative Commons license or is in the public domain.

3) You have a right as a creator to have your work protected from copying and you can also give your own content a Creative Commons license.

4) If in doubt about using content, ask the creator for permission, find a free alternative, make your own material, or purchase an alternative that has the usage rights you’re after.

5) Instead of looking for loopholes, consider whether you’re being the most responsible and ethical digital citizen you can be.

using film clips for educational purposes

📌 Want a poster for your classroom or staffroom? Download a letter-sized poster of the 5 rules to remember here.

using film clips for educational purposes

Copyright is a form of legal protection offered to creators by default. That means, in many countries (like the USA and Australia), you don’t have to register your work to have it protected by copyright.

Some creators do register their work with the U.S. Copyright Office (or the equivalent in their own country). Usually, this is to provide strong evidence to a court that the creator is the copyright holder if there is ever an infringement case. You don’t need to have registered your work with the Copyright Office in order to pursue a copyright infringement case.

It’s a myth that you have to display a copyright symbol © to protect your work.

Can Others Use Your Copyrighted Work?

If you’re a copyright owner, someone else can’t copy your work without your permission. They also can’t perform the work, distribute copies of the work, display the work publicly, or create derivatives.

If someone does use work that’s protected by copyright without permission, that’s called copyright infringement. We’ll cover this later.

Who Owns The Copyright?

Usually, the creator of a work is the copyright owner but the copyright can also be sold, traded, or inherited.

What Does Copyright Cover?

Copyright covers both published and unpublished works that are tangible in format. So, all tangible original work is protected by copyright whether it’s a blog post, music, artwork, photo, play, poem, novel, dance choreography, movie, software, architecture, or more.

Copyright does not protect works that are not tangible, like facts or ideas. Copyright only protects the tangible expression of your ideas. So you might have a great idea for a blog post about teaching 5th grade math but unless you actually write the post, you can’t protect the idea that’s floating around in your head. And you can’t stop others from writing about the same idea.

You can read more about the basics of copyright on the U.S. Copyright Office website (or on your own country’s official site). There are some variations between countries.

using film clips for educational purposes

What Is Fair Use?

So now you understand that most of the work you’re accessing online or in books is going to be protected by copyright (images, text, videos, music, and more). This means you can’t necessarily use these materials freely on your class blog, website, or with your students in your classroom.

“But fair use applies here doesn’t it”, I hear you ask? Because you’re using images, text, videos, or music for educational purposes, that’s okay, right? Teachers and students don’t have to worry?

Not necessarily.

The more you dig in to the topic of fair use, the more you come to realize it is a gray area.

As the U.S. Copyright Office explains, The Classroom Use Exemption 17 U.S.C. §110(1) allows you to use copyrighted material when you meet certain criteria.

For “fair use” to apply, the copyrighted material must be used:

  • for performances or displays (e.g. acting a play, reading poetry, watching a movie, listening to music)
  • as part of face-to-face teaching activities
  • in a nonprofit educational institution
  • in a classroom or similar place devoted to instruction
  • using a lawful copy of the works (e.g. a movie you purchased legitimately)

If you’re teaching online or wanting to hand out copies of work, then you may not be covered by this exemption. Furthermore, these fair use laws are specific to the U.S. so if you’re in another country, you may not be covered. Some countries don’t have a fair use law or they may be more specific or broad than the U.S.

For example, in Australia, there is “ Fair Dealing ” which is an exception to copyright infringement that’s a little more specific than in the U.S. You may be able to use portions of copyright material without permission for the purpose of:

  • research or study
  • criticism or review
  • parody or satire
  • reporting news, or
  • enabling a person with a disability to access the material

Overall, fair use isn’t as simple as it seems, right? Instead of trying to find loopholes with fair use, a better approach is to look for materials that you can use freely.

The best place to start is with public domain or Creative Commons materials. So let’s dig into that.

using film clips for educational purposes

What Is The Public Domain?

In general, in the U.S. , copyright lasts for the life of the author plus seventy years after the author’s death.

What happens to work after the copyright expires? Well, it becomes part of the public domain. Works can also enter the public domain if they are factual (e.g. charts or calendars), they are published before a certain date, or a creator has assigned their work to the public domain.

When something is in the public domain it means the work is owned by the public and you don’t have to get permission to use it. This is great for educators looking for materials they can freely use with their students.

Example Public Domain Resources

There are many places online where you can find books, images, audio, and videos that are in the public domain.

Some popular choices for public domain materials include:

  • Project Gutenberg : 60,000+ eBooks that can be downloaded (most are older works with expired copyright). 
  • Faded Page : 5,000+ eBooks that are in the public domain in Canada.
  • Metropolitan Museum of Art : includes more than 400,000 images from The Met collection.
  • Smithsonian Institution Public Domain Images : a collection of 3,000+ images housed on Flickr.
  • Librivox : public domain audiobooks that are read by volunteers from around the world.
  • Prelinger Archives : thousands of public domain films (advertising, educational, industrial, and amateur).

using film clips for educational purposes

What Is Creative Commons?

Sometimes creators (copyright holders) are happy for others to use their work, as long as they meet certain conditions.

A creator can place a Creative Commons license on their work which describes the terms of using, modifying, and sharing the works. A simple license removes the hassle of others having to ask the creator for permission.

Creative Commons is an international organization that made this system possible. The mission of the Creative Commons organization is clear,

By helping people and organizations share knowledge and creativity, we aim to build a more equitable, accessible, and innovative world.

If a creator decides to attach a Creative Commons license to their work, there are six Creative Commons licenses to choose from.

I have written a post on my own blog about copyright and Creative Commons that includes a poster to simplify the licenses.

The poster includes a Creative Commons license so you’re welcome to use the poster in your classroom or share it with your colleagues (a poster about Creative Commons licenses that includes a Creative Commons license — meta, right?). There is a PDF version of the poster on my blog.

using film clips for educational purposes

👉🏽 If you’d like to learn more about Creative Commons licenses, the video below by McLaughlin Library is a good place to start. You can learn more about Creative Commons Licenses on the official website of the organization as well.

using film clips for educational purposes

If you need images for your blog, website, videos, or other projects, Creative Commons images are a good choice. As long as you’re using the image according to the license with attribution, you won’t be infringing copyright.

If you’re looking for images that have a Creative Commons license, there are an increasing number of options out there. We’ll show you some of the more popular options, but first, it’s important to understand attribution.

All Creative Commons resources require attribution unless they’re licensed with the least restrictive Creative Commons Zero license. That means no attribution is required and you can use the resource however you like.

Let’s take a look at how to attribute Creative Commons images. The same instructions apply to other works (text, videos, etc.).

How To Attribute Creative Commons Images

When you use a resource with a Creative Commons license, you have to attribute it in a particular way. Attributing means sharing the details of the work and giving credit.

The acronym  TASL  can help us remember what to include.

  • T itle of the image or material (don’t worry if there is no title)
  • A uthor  or creator of the image/material
  • S ource of the image/material. Where is it from? Include a link if possible so others can find it
  • L icense — include which of the six Creative Commons licenses applies to the work

Here’s a photo I found on Wikimedia Commons of a bridge in Western Australia. You can see I included the attribution below the image.

using film clips for educational purposes

If you use images from Wikimedia Commons , getting the attribution information is easy. As you go to download the image, you’re prompted to copy the attribution information.

Screenshot showing attribution information

You can copy the attribution information either in plain text format (as in caption above), or as HTML as shown below.

If you insert HTML into your blog post, it’ll become hyperlinked. Learn more about inserting custom HTML in Edublogs/CampusPress/WordPress block editor here.

👉🏽 If you’d like to learn more about attribution and explore some examples of ideal, acceptable, and unacceptable attributions, check out this page on the Creative Commons wiki . There’s also a handy PDF about attribution on the Australian Creative Commons website.

Now you know the basics of attribution. Let’s take a look at where you can find images and music that have a Creative Commons license. We’ll begin with images that don’t require attribution.

Creative Commons Zero Images

(No Attribution Required)

There are a number of websites where you can find images that are free to use without attribution (Creative Commons Zero).

I’ve written a post on my blog about the best websites to find Creative Commons images that either don’t require attribution or the attribution is included within the image like the example below from Photos For Class :

using film clips for educational purposes

The sites reviewed in my post and the summary diagram below are:

  • Photos for Class*
  • Openclipart
  • Pics4Learning

* Photos For Class currently has fewer options than it used to. The team has told us they aim to improve this in mid-2020. 🤞🏽

Here’s a summary poster that you’re free to use in your own teaching.

using film clips for educational purposes

The one issue that a lot of educators overlook is that a lot of these free image sites are age-restricted. So if you teach younger students, many sites are not going to be suitable.

Another thing to consider is that even though the images from these sites don’t need to be attributed (or they include the attribution information within the image) it’s still a good idea to teach students about copyright, Creative Commons, and attribution. As producers and consumers on the web, these are really vital understandings for students and all internet users. Just remember, even if attribution isn’t required, it’s always appreciated by the creator.

Creative Commons Images That Require Attribution

Apart from the sites listed above with images that don’t require attribution, there are other places to find images with one of the six Creative Commons licenses that do require attribution.

Creative Commons Search Engine

The first place you might want to look is the search engine on the official Creative Commons website. This is an excellent tool that was updated in 2019. It allows you to search through millions of CC images from more than 20 different sites.

When using the search engine, you can easily filter the search results — for example, you can filter by file type, use, or license.

using film clips for educational purposes

There’s also a Creative Commons search browser extension that allows you to look for Creative Commons images on the go.

Wikimedia Commons

We already mentioned Wikimedia Commons above in the section about attribution. Wikimedia Commons has a large collection of images, audio, and videos that are free to use. Most require attribution.

Wikimedia Commons collections are included in the Creative Commons search engine so that tool really is a one-stop shop.

Search For Creative Commons Images On Google

Sadly, it is common practice for many teachers, students, and bloggers to take images straight from Google. Most images on Google are protected by copyright and using these images is illegal and unethical.

You may know that you can do an advanced search on Google to find Creative Commons images, although it does require a few steps. First, you need to filter your search results to find images that can be reused.

This video from Jurupa School District explains how to do that.

Then the next step, that is not shown in the video, is you have to click through to the site the image is from, look for the Creative Commons license, and attribute your image correctly.

As we saw above, using the Creative Commons search engine or Wikimedia Commons makes it really simple to attribute your chosen image. All you really have to do is copy/paste. Using Google search doesn’t make it easy to attribute Creative Commons images. So this is not the way we’d recommend finding Creative Commons images online.

using film clips for educational purposes

No doubt there have been many times when you want to use music on your blog, in your content, or in class. When you’re creating a video it can be extremely tempting to use popular music that reflects the mood and emotion of the footage. Or maybe you want students to play popular music at a performance or public event.

As you probably know, most music is protected by copyright. It doesn’t matter if you paid for a song or not, it’s still protected by copyright. It doesn’t matter if you’re only using 30 seconds or less of a song, it’s still protected by copyright.

Let’s take a look at some specific examples of music and copyright.

Using Music In Projects Like Videos

Normally, you can’t just use any music you like in your projects or videos.

However, in many countries, there are exceptions. For example, in the U.S. and  Australia , you are allowed to copy music to add to a video if:

a) it’s for educational purposes  and b) you’re not sharing your video publicly (or selling it!)

So, if you make a video with music that’s protected by copyright, it’s not okay to publish this on a public blog, social media, YouTube, and so on. And you couldn’t show your video at a public event. However, it’s okay if the video is just being shown  privately  to teachers, students, and families at home/school.

It’s also important to note that background music is  not considered  “educational use”.

Summary graphic -- can I use a copyrighted song in my video

Paying For Music And Streaming

There are popular sites and apps where you can pay to download or stream music legally — for example, Apple Music, Google Play Music, and Spotify.

You can listen to your downloaded music yourself, but can’t upload the music to your blog or to a video or other project you’re working on.

It’s fine to stream music videos on sites like YouTube too but it’s not usually legal to download the audio from a YouTube video as explained in  this article.

Also, streaming music is meant for personal use — not for a public broadcast.

As  Spotify  says,

…it’s not possible to use Spotify in public places (such as bars, restaurants, stores, schools, etc.). You may only make personal, non-commercial, entertainment use of the content.

Most streaming services are similar.

Embedding Music Videos

Embedding a music video from a site like YouTube or Vimeo into your blog is usually allowed.

As  Richard Byrne  says,

If the host provides an embed and you embed it using their code according to their rules (usually that means not trying to hide branding), you can embed it without violating copyright.

You can also link to music files or videos that are publicly available on the web.

Using Purchased CDs

Some people still listen to music by buying a CD or borrowing one from the library, although, of course, digital music is becoming a lot more popular than CDs in many parts of the world.

Again, you can’t copy the music from a CD and use it for another public project (e.g. upload it to your blog or add it to a public video). It doesn’t matter if you have purchased the CD legitimately.

👉🏽 If you’d like to learn more about using music in education for other purposes including school concerts and online learning, check out this fact sheet from the National Association of Music Education.

Creative Commons Or Copyright Free Music

Even though most music out there is protected by copyright, there are many places online to find Creative Commons or other copyright free music options.

You might first like to check if your district has any subscriptions you can make the most of. For example,  Soundzabound .

If this isn’t an option, there are lots of other sources of free music online.

Three options for free music and audio are:

Dig CC Mixter

Youtube audio library, bbc sound effects.

Let’s take a look at how these three sites work.

Dig CC Mixter  offers thousands of hours of free music.

The music on this site has different Creative Commons licenses so you need to check whether you need to attribute the music or not.

Educational Blogger Richard Byrne explains in a video how to use Dig CC Mixter and filter by license.

YouTube has a great library of music you can use. Visit the  Audio Library  on YouTube to browse the selections.

If you click on Attribution, you can filter your results to find music that does or doesn’t require attribution.

You can preview the music to see what it sounds like and download the music you want to use.

using film clips for educational purposes

Here’s an example called Sunshine in my Heart by Jingle Punks.

During 2018,  the BBC  made over 16,000 sound effects available to use. These sound effects are not actually Creative Commons — they’re protected by copyright but the BBC gives permission for the sound effects be used for personal, educational, or research purposes.

You can browse by category to find the sort of sound effect you’re after for your project.

You should put a link in your project or blog post to say that your sound effects are from the BBC and link to  their site.

Here is an example of a sound clip. This is the sound of the surf at Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia.

Surf – Bondi Beach, , copyright 2020

using film clips for educational purposes

Copyright And Videos

Where would we be without all the awesome video content we now have at our fingertips on the web? In the education world, extensive video libraries like YouTube are becoming priceless.

Video copyright can be complicated as video can draw together multiple elements — video footage, images, music, sound effects, and so on. When using, sharing, or creating video, you need to make sure all of these elements are not protected by copyright.

Can You Link Or Embed Videos?

You are free to embed any video from sites like  YouTube ,  Vimeo , TeacherTube , TedED etc. on your blog or website as long as it gives you the embed option. It’s a good idea to add a link to the video as well.

Linking or embedding from YouTube or other sites on the web is not considered copying. Just make sure the videos aren’t violating copyright. If they are, they’ll probably be taken down by the site eventually but some content gets through.

Can You Download Videos From Sites Like YouTube?

While linking and embedding videos is okay, you shouldn’t download videos from YouTube. Sometimes this is tempting for teachers especially if they have unreliable internet connectivity, they’re worried about a video being removed in future, or they want to add a video to a learning management system. However, downloading videos raises many legal questions and generally violates copyright.

Additionally, you can’t necessarily use parts of videos from YouTube (or other sources) to make mashups or remixes. If you want to cut or remix videos, it is better to use Creative Commons content, public domain content, or request permission from the copyright holder.

Uploading Your Own Videos To YouTube

If you want to upload your videos to a site like YouTube remember to respect copyright. You should only upload videos that you made or that you have permission to upload. Make sure there aren’t copyrighted elements (e.g. music or images) in your videos. Of course, get permission from your school or district if these videos are being used professionally.

Educators should be especially careful about permission if using footage of students. Some teachers use the blurring tools available in YouTube to blur student faces and identifying objects. Richard Byrne shares a demonstration of how to do this on his website.

👉🏽 If you’re a creator and would like to learn more about videos and copyright, YouTube has a useful playlist of eight videos on their YouTube Creators channel.

Showing Videos To Students

Teachers can show videos in class for educational reasons, such as videos legally uploaded to YouTube (however, some districts don’t allow YouTube to be used in schools).

If you have a legitimate copy of an offline video (e.g. DVD), you’re allowed to use this in class for face-to-face teaching as long as it’s for educational purposes (not for entertainment or a reward).

Remember, this would be in line with the U.S. fair use policies we described above, so check your own country’s guidelines if in doubt. If you’re in Australia, a useful website for all things copyright is

using film clips for educational purposes

Copyright And Text Or Curriculum Materials

Say you’ve purchased a textbook or other teaching materials. You can obviously use these materials in class and you might be able to make photocopies, however, in most cases you can’t upload purchased curriculum or books to a public site. That means don’t put scans, photos, or PDFs of textbooks, worksheets, posters, picture books, novels, or other learning materials on your public blog or website.

If in doubt, seek guidance from the company you purchased the curriculum materials from about reuse.

Marketplaces Like Teachers Pay Teachers

Not so long ago, we were all purchasing our curriculum materials from professional organizations. Now anyone can be a creator and with the rise of sites like Teachers Pay Teachers, new copyright questions have arisen. As Education Week has pointed out, copyright infringement is rife on this popular marketplace.

What does this mean for you? Well, if you’re uploading to a site like Teachers Pay Teachers you need to make sure you have permission to use all your elements including fonts and images.

If you’re downloading resources from Teachers Pay Teachers, you need to seek clarification about how these can be used. And also keep an eye out for resources that look like they could be violating copyright before you use them (e.g. copies of a published textbook). There is limited vetting of copyright materials on Teachers Pay Teachers. As a savvy internet user, we all need to have an awareness of the larger copyright traps that are out there.

Link To Curriculum Resources

Linking may be a useful alternative to copying curriculum materials. If third-party text, articles, or other content is available on the web, teachers or students could include a link to the content on their blog or website.

Like embedding, linking is not a copyright activity because you’re not “copying” the content. You’re just providing a path to the original location that the readers can access themselves.

Creative Commons Textbooks And Curriculum

Another option to avoid copyright violations is to use curriculum materials that have Creative Commons licenses. One example is OpenStax . You can browse to find textbooks for a range of topics and the materials are free to use however you see fit.

You’ll find some more open textbooks and course materials listed on this Open Washington page.

using film clips for educational purposes

We know that most images, text, music, and other content are protected by copyright by default. Using work protected by copyright without permission is called copyright infringement. This is unethical and illegal. “Using” the work might involve reproducing, displaying, distributing, performing, or making your own derivatives.

But I Won’t Be Caught…

If only that were true.

Google makes it incredibly easy for companies and content creators to seek out those posting their work on the web. In fact, most large companies now aggressively patrol the internet looking for copyright infringement.

Sadly, we are also noticing more and more “law firms” and organizations out there looking for copyrighted content as a way of generating business. They then contact the copyright holder offering their services to get the content removed (for a fee of course). It is a ruthless (and apparently profitable) practice.

Another issue that is important to be aware of involves Creative Commons Zero sites. There have been cases where people have used images from free image sites like Unsplash and then were hit with a copyright infringement case. Sometimes people put images up on these sites in order to sue. They leave the images up on the site until they are downloaded multiple times and then remove them. This is a dark side of Creative Commons Zero that’s important to be aware of.

What If I Am Caught?

In many countries, copyright infringement brings hefty penalties including fines of hundreds of thousands of dollars and imprisonment, depending on the situation.

Of course, a good offense is your best defense. Check your blogs and class websites for any potentially offending material. Has anyone uploaded images straight from other websites or Google? Are there are educational materials (e.g. copies of textbooks) that shouldn’t be there? Has copyrighted music been used publicly? If you find anything, just remove it.

The law requires copyright holders to give you (and the host of your site, such as Edublogs, WordPress, etc.) an official notification. Take these seriously and act quickly to remove what they want if you are in the wrong. That should be the end of it.

Here at Edublogs and CampusPress, we’re contacted about copyrighted materials regularly. These are mostly images from Google, curriculum documents, or PDFs (e.g. textbooks or sheet music), or music files.

We were once notified about a teacher with a blog on Edublogs that had a harmless world map image on his blog that he had presumably found using Google image search. When we contacted him telling him why we had removed the image, he asked if he and his students could write an apology letter to the copyright holder.

It was excellent – turning what could be a bit of an embarrassing mistake into a teachable moment for his students. Now this teacher had a good reason to discuss copyright and Creative Commons with his students.

Even if you haven’t done anything wrong, having a space to publish online like a blog or website is one of the best ways students can learn about copyright and Creative Commons.

using film clips for educational purposes

Whether you’re a teacher, a student, or a regular blogger, when you’re publishing online you must do your best to be a responsible digital citizen. This means respecting others’ work and respecting copyright.

Here are three key things to remember when publishing online to be a legal and ethical digital citizen:

1) Steer Clear Of Google Images

Don’t copy images off Google or other websites. Even if you include an attribution it is still illegal and unethical.

If you like an image and don’t know where it originally came from, a reverse search might help.

If an image is created by someone that you can contact, you could always ask their permission to use it.

Remember the best bet is to find Creative Commons or public domain images. Otherwise, take/make your own images or purchase some from a stock photography website.

2) Embed Or Link To Audio Or Video Clips

If you’re going to include a video or an audio clip, embed the file from the source and include a link as well. Don’t download audio or video files as this brings up many questions about copyright.

If you’re embedding from a site like YouTube, make sure the content doesn’t violate copyright law. YouTube is usually pretty good at cracking down on this but there is some content on there that does violate copyright — e.g. copies of television shows.

3) Never Copy Someone Else’s Blog Post

You might find this a little hard to believe but unfortunately people copy posts from other blogs and publish them on their own site all the time. Or they publish the blog post in another format such as a PDF document or slideshow.

And in case you’re wondering, copying someone’s blog post and then including an attribution does not make this okay.

If you do want to share someone else’s blog post on your own blog, consider writing a short description of the post on your blog and then inviting readers to click on a link to read the post themselves. In your own post, you could include some key points about what you agreed or disagreed with. Or maybe you can expand on the topic in a different direction. All this would be perfectly acceptable and no doubt the author would appreciate the interaction.

using film clips for educational purposes

Hopefully you now know that you definitely can’t copy and paste someone else’s whole blog post or image, but you can include a quote of some text.

Here are a few points to be aware of that we included in our post on The Edublogger about quotes :

  • Make it obvious which words are your own, and which words belong to someone else by using quotation marks or block quotes.
  • Make your quotes brief. There are no universal rules here. Some larger organizations have guidelines around how much you can quote (e.g.  Hubspot’s rules  are 75 words). If you’re unsure or think you might be using too much of someone’s article, contact them to ask permission. Never copy the whole post.
  • Always include the person’s name, and link to their site, article, or book if you can.
  • If you’re using blockquotes, the attribution could be before the quote, inside it, or below it.
  • If you shorten a quote, use an ellipsis (…) in place of the missing words.
  • If you’re adding any words or corrections to the quote, use brackets.

using film clips for educational purposes

Adding Your Own Creative Commons License To Your Work

Earlier, we looked at the six types of Creative Commons licenses available to creators. If you’re publishing online, you’re a creator too! And you don’t have to be a professional. Maybe you share memes or lesson resources on social media? Perhaps you write blog posts? Maybe you take your own photographs that you share online?

Have you ever considered adding a Creative Commons license to your own original work?

As the Creative Commons organization explains,

When you apply a CC license, you give permission to anyone to use your material for the full duration of applicable copyright and similar rights.

This is therefore a serious decision but an important one. You can contribute to building a collection of art and knowledge that’s accessible to anyone in the world. How cool is that! You remain in control by choosing your own license, and people who like your work can use or share it without having to contact you for permission.

Before you choose a Creative Commons license, you need to make sure you are the copyright owner and the work is copyrightable (e.g. in a tangible format).

If you’re unsure which license to choose for your own work, there is an interactive tool on the Creative Commons website . This tool suggests a license after you answer a few questions. It also gives you a CC button that you can attach to your work to display your license.

If you would like to display your creative commons license on your blog, the easiest way is to use a text widget in your sidebar.

From your dashboard, go to Appearance > Widgets and select a Text widget to add to your sidebar. Paste the code provided by your Creative Commons license provider in the widget’s text box, and click “Save”.

Adults aren’t the only ones who can add Creative Commons licenses to their work. In many countries, children can too. What an authentic way for students to learn about copyright and sharing online.

Perhaps a whole class or school could make a library of Creative Commons content (e.g. images or music) that can be used freely by the education community? Talk about authentic learning!

using film clips for educational purposes

If you’ve made it this far into the guide you will have realized that copyright is a vast and complex topic, however, you don’t need to be an expert to understand the basics.

We’ve made a collection of slides which you’re welcome to use in your own classroom or perhaps you’d like to use them as part of your professional development program. Want to make a copy? Scroll down for instructions (don’t request access).

Want a copy of the Google Slides presentation? Don’t request access, just follow the steps below.

1) Click on this link:

2) You will be prompted to make a copy (screenshot below).

3) The Slides will be saved in your Google Drive.

4) You can edit the Google Slides to suit.

using film clips for educational purposes

Before we conclude, take a moment to reflect back on the rules to remember about copyright.

  • Just because you found it online, doesn’t mean it’s free to use (even if you’re a teacher or student).
  • There are a lot of resources you can use freely including work that has a Creative Commons license or is in the public domain.
  • You have a right as a creator to have your work protected from copying and you can also give your own content a Creative Commons license.
  • If in doubt about using content, ask the creator for permission, find a free alternative, purchase an alternative, or make your own material.
  • Instead of looking for loopholes, consider whether you’re being the most responsible and ethical digital citizen you can be.

Do you have any other tips to add about copyright for educators, students, or bloggers? Be sure to leave a comment and let us know. We’d love to hear your suggestions.

For any specific questions regarding your own copyright dilemmas, please consult professional legal advice.

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using film clips for educational purposes

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152 thoughts on “ the educator’s guide to copyright, fair use, and creative commons ”.

Thank you so much for this wonderful guide! I have been teaching about copyright and fair use for years, but this is the most comprehensive guide I have found to date. I am also grateful for the list of sites with items in the public domain. I want to share these with my students since we will be blogging this year for the first time, and I want to make sure they don’t infringe on anyone’s copyright.

yah i get realy confused on copywrighting

This is an awesome post! I am currently taking ITEC 7455 where I am teaching students about Digital Citizenship! Copyrights was actually one of my lessons given this semester. Thank you for sharing!

Thank you so much for posting this! I am currently taking ITEC 7455 where I have to teach digital citizenship to my students. This was a great post! Thank you!

Thank you for all the information. Very important to know about copyright and the myths that can make us confused about it.

Thank you for this information! This is definitely useful as teachers and students create documents or presentations.

This is great, and this will actually help a lot of people in their real life!

Welcome to my blog! It would be very difficult to image education without technology. As the pace of technology continue, we will find it more and more difficult to keep our students as unique leaders in a highly digital, web-based environment. That is our first challenge.

E’ una bellissima guida. Peccato che non ci sia in italiano, perchè i miei studenti ( di scuola elementare) non hanno un livello di inglese che permetta a loro di capire le slide. Spero che riuscirete a tradurla in diverse lingue.

When you allow a copy of your Google Slides presentation to be copied, does that mean you give permission for it to be used on a website if full attribution is given? What about a closed teaching platform, like Schoology. When you copy the slides you create a new link online and you are literally copying the work. So, it is a little confusing as to what permission is given.

You are so right Shannon, copyright is a complex topic. The key takeaway from this is that when in doubt about using content, ask the creator for permission, find a free alternative, purchase an alternative, or make your own material.

Question: What if you try to replicate a piece of work not by copying the original material, but by making your own version of it.

Hi, that’s a very good question! It’s important to keep in mind that representing someone else’s ideas as your own, even when rewording, could be problematic. Once you rewrite a sentence, either through paraphrase or a summary, it is important that you cite the original source. I hope that helped!

Hi, I am a school librarian. I am creating a professional development course for my teachers on copyright, and I would like to use your site and content during my PD. I just wanted to check on permission.

Hi Jennifer! As long as any content used has the necessary accreditation it will be fine. We would love to see the final product, all the best! Barry.

Thank you SO MUCH for this post and the resources! I’ve been so lost trying to navigate the world of copyright for that last two months. I wish I had come across this blog sooner.

Thank you so so much. Very helpful.

Thank you for providing this useful information about copyright laws.

What about read aloud and storytelling? There are plenty of people (most of them are teachers) reading books for kids on YouTube. Is that considered fair use?

Good question, Renata. During these extraordinary times there have been questions about read alouds and some exceptions to the rules.

If you’re in the USA, you should be covered by “fair use” as outlined by EdSurge .

Some publishers have been allowing teachers to read books to their students during school closures but I’m unsure if this is going to be an ongoing thing? Kate Messner explains here .

Hope that helps!

Thanks for the reply, Kathleen! I see people doing it everywhere and not necessarily for their students since it’s an open video on YouTube. Some of them just read the book, others do it with a twist (with an activity, a game, comments etc). I understand that the fair use is only for your students, isn’t it? Or is the twist what changes it all? Another question is what if the book and the publisher is in English (from the US), but the person’s channel is not? Just curious.

Hi Renata, I wish I knew! I really feel like it’s such a grey area at the moment. You might even need to check with the publisher of specific books as I don’t think there are blanket rules. If you do find out anything useful please let me know! 🙂

What about writing about a novel or giving a book review? I want to share the books I am reading in class with other educators, but I don’t know if uploading a photo I took of the cover and writing about it is OK.

Hi Jax, it doesn’t sound like there would be any copyright issues with sharing a photo of a book and writing a review. I’m sure you’d link to the book/author too. Enjoy!

I wrote a long comment but I think it got deleted. Short answer is: yes, it’s probably violating the publishing company or book cover artist’s copyright to use the book cover in a blog post. But they would never ever sue you because you’re doing free marketing for them. Imagine if a publishing company decided to sue every book blogger and bookstore site using the covers without permission. No one would ever review those books again and sales would tank!

Check with your Teacher-Librarian! Many Library Management Systems have the ability to store book covers. Sometimes there is an exclusion which allows libraries to use book cover images for promotion of books.

Copyright is the most important factor while using the image or graph. Just because we found it on the net does not mean that is free to use, is a point worth remembering. For that purpose images can be used from free sites or they are free for educational purposes

This post was very helpful explaining what copyright is and you really dove into all of the specific vocabulary and important things to know. It shows you really put in the time to learn about the different sorts of laws and how to avoid getting in trouble through safer resources.

You should seek permission before using copy right resources. This should be a topic taught in schools to educate the students on using copy rights resources on blogs. The information is very useful and informative to all. As individuals we must take time to read and learn more about copy right resources.

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Using movie clips in a conference presentation

I'm a drafting a presentation for an upcoming conference. To illustrate some points I'd like to include some clips from well-known scifi movies about VR. Would this be considered "fair use"?

Could said powerpoint file be made available for download (which would include the movie clips I guess) afterwards?

  • presentation
  • legal-issues

TheWanderer's user avatar

  • 7 Apart from ethical issues, a practical issue to consider is whether the room will have a sound system, and whether the computer you use for your presentation will be set up to use it. –  Nate Eldredge Commented Apr 8, 2015 at 12:39
  • 3 The concept of fair use differs between different countries and you would need to take care of both your own local laws and the laws of the country in which the presentation is held. This can easily be a mess, and if I were you, I would try to avoid this. But in any case, at least for the download version of the slides, I would leave out the videos. –  DCTLib Commented Apr 8, 2015 at 12:54
  • 4 ...and to prepare for the amusingly ubiquitous problem that the sound system will not work even when it is supposed to. Just saying something along the lines of "I'm sure many of you have seen X film, where blah happens – well, this isn't necessarily science fiction any more!" ? might help keep the fluidity and continuity of the presentation. If the film clips do not serve an academic purpose, the interruption may not be warranted. –  Moriarty Commented Apr 8, 2015 at 13:21
  • 1 @Moriarty: Which, of course, requires that the part of the audience you don't want to lose has already seen film X. Personally, I find it rather annoying when I'm expected to have watched something in the cinema or on DVD when I usually just wait for one or two years until it turns up on free tv. –  O. R. Mapper Commented Apr 8, 2015 at 16:25
  • @O.R.Mapper Agreed. I rather enjoy it when a speaker slips in a sly reference where those who get it will chuckle quietly and those who don't are none the wiser, but one should not require the audience to have prior knowledge of a "pop culture" reference in order to follow the academic content of the presentation. –  Moriarty Commented Apr 8, 2015 at 17:29

Let's just preface this with 'I am not a Lawyer' (I am a Sociologist interested in copyright and piracy).

Fair-Use in the U.S. supports educators using small amounts of copyrighted material for educational purposes, and this includes to peers for conferences and workshops, so long as that material was legally obtained.

Copyright (in the majority of cases) gets invoked at the point of distribution so putting those clips into a .ppt and then sticking it online is not protected as you're now distributing copyrighted material without permission.

I would use the clips live, and then put placeholder images in the slides for the upload. If clips are available from reputable hosting sites like YouTube or Vimeo you can always include a link in the slide. Technically in the U.S. this can be framed as second order copyright infringement under 'inducement' (i.e. you are inducing, or encouraging someone to access copyrighted material illicitly by providing a route to it).

However with all copyright it's a matter of enforcement, and more likely if the material is unlawfully available on a streaming site, the rights-holder will pursue the site, not the linker.

James Allen-Robertson's user avatar

  • 1 On an unrelated note, your avatar gave me a whack of nostalgia. I always preferred Academician Prokhor Zakharov which is kind of funny considering what I ended up doing. –  James Allen-Robertson Commented Apr 17, 2015 at 14:19

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using film clips for educational purposes

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Copyright and Fair Use: Examples: Video

  • Copyright in the Courts
  • Myths and Legends
  • Request Copyright Permissions
  • Public Domain
  • Examples: Textual Materials
  • Examples: Video
  • Examples: Images
  • Examples: Sound Recording
  • Classroom Use Exemption
  • Plagiarism This link opens in a new window
  • Share Your Work - Creative Commons Licenses This link opens in a new window
  • Copyright for Reserves
  • Special Collections and University Archives

Fair Use Factors

When determining whether or a use of copyrighted content is fair, it is important to weigh the following four factors: 

  • The purpose and character of the use
  • The nature of the copyrighted work
  • Amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the entire work
  • Effect of the use upon the potential market value

Fair Use Guidelines for Digitizing Videos

The library will not digitize videos in the collection for online student viewing.   If your students need to view a film for educational purposes, then it may be possible to make a fair use argument to digitize the material yourself, so that students may view it through a streaming service.   

  • Make sure that the video content serves a pedagogical purpose; do not use it as entertainment.
  • Check to see that video cannot already be rented through a commercial vendor such as NetFlix or Amazon Prime.  Copies should not be made of material that is commercially available at a reasonable cost.  If this is possible, its unlikely fair use applies.
  • Check to see if the video is available online through YouTube or through a service the library maybe able to license a digital copy.   If this is possible, link to the video, which is ordinarily not a violation of copyright.
  • Check to see if the video you would like to use is out of print.  This would favor a fair use argument.
  • The video you are digitizing must be owned and not licensed/ rented. 

If you determine its possible to make a fair use argument, if copying a video,please consider the following to put yourself in the best position to assert a fair use argument.  

  • do not use any more of the video than the amount needed to serve your purpose.
  • place the video in the context of the course, explaining why it was chosen and what it was intended to illustrate. 
  • limit access to the video to students enrolled in the course. limit access to the video to students enrolled in the course only during the time it is needed during the course.   Put it up and take it down according to this timeline.
  • use streaming (such as Panopto through Blackboard) to limit students' ability to download, copy, or redistribute the material.  Students should only be able to stream the video.
  • notify students that videos are being made available for teaching, study, and research only.
  • provide attributions to known copyright owners of the videos.

The library has licensed digitized videos that can be found through the library catalog.

Tips for using video in online education

To best position yourself to assert a fair use argument when using video, consider doing the following:

  • Link to the video if possible rather than making an electronic copy available to students. Linking to materials is ordinarily not a violation of copyright but rather a technological instruction for locating materials.
  • If copying a video, do not use any more of the video than the amount needed to serve your purpose.
  • Avoid copying videos from materials created and marketed primarily for use in courses such as the one at hand (e.g. from a textbook, workbook, or other instructional materials designed for the course). Use of more than a brief excerpt from such works on digital networks is unlikely to be transformative and therefore unlikely to be a fair use.
  • Make sure that the video content serves a pedagogical purpose; do not use as entertainment.
  • Place the video in the context of the course, explaining why it was chosen and what it was intended to illustrate. Recontextualize the video when appropriate through the addition of background readings, study questions, commentary, criticism, annotation, and student reactions.
  • Limit access to the video to students enrolled in the course.
  • Use streaming or other technologies that limit students' ability to download, copy, or redistribute the material.
  • Notify students that videos are being made available for teaching, study, and research only.
  • Provide attributions to known copyright owners of the videos.

Resources for using video in online education

  • Society for Cinema and Media Studies' Statement of Best Practices in Fair Use in Teaching for Film and Media Educators (2008)
  • Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Media Literacy Education
  • Streaming of Films for Educational Purposes (2010) This issue brief from the Library Copyright Alliance examines the permissibility of the streaming of entire films to a remote, non-classroom location.
  • Internet Archive's Moving Image Archive Online library of free movies, films, and videos. Contains over a million digital movies uploaded by Archive users. These include classic full-length films, news broadcasts, cultural and academic films, commercials, cartoons, and concerts. These videos are in the public domain or are available with Creative Commons reuse rights.
  • This link opens in a new window
  • Library of Congress American Memory American Memory provides free and open access through the Internet to written and spoken words, sound recordings, still and moving images, prints, maps, and sheet music that document the American experience. Most material is not protected by copyright.
  • List of Films in the Public Domain in the United States List created by user olicool10 of "films that certain cited sources believe are in the public domain in the United States." An addition to the list is available at .
  • Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons is a database of millions of freely usable media files. Some files are in the public domain, while others are licensed with Creative Commons licenses.
  • YouTube channel The official YouTube channel of the U.S. Government, linking to videos across government. Most content produced by the government falls in the public domain.
  • YouTube After performing a search for video content, you can "filter" by Creative Commons license to find content with reuse rights.
  • The Open Video Project The purpose of the Open Video Project is to collect and make available a repository of digitized video content for the digital video, multimedia retrieval, digital library, and other research communities. "The Open Video repository provides video clips from a variety of sources, especially various video programs obtained from U.S. government agencies such as the U.S. Records and Archives Administration and NASA. Although the government agency videos were produced with public funds and are freely available from the Archives, no copyright clearance has been obtained for audio or video elements in these productions. We encourage researchers to use the data under fair use for research purposes."

These examples are intended to model the thought processes instructors should engage in when determining whether an intended use is fair given the particular facts at hand. A final determination of fair use can only be made in a court of law. These pages were created to provide basic copyright information and are not a substitute for legal advice.

Video example #1

Professor Wang is teaching an online Introduction to Film Studies course. Her face-to-face version of the class meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for 50 minutes, with three-hour film screening sessions on Tuesday evenings. Students in the class learn about formal analysis, genre studies, film history, and theory. Through class lectures and readings, watching films, and several short papers, students gain the basic critical tools necessary for understanding and analyzing the language of motion pictures. The films studied in the course are:  Casablanca  (1942, Michael Curtiz),  Touch of Evil  (1958, Orson Welles),  Breathless  (1960, Jean-Luc Godard),  The Virgin Suicides  (1999, Sofia Coppola),  The Bicycle Thieves  (1948, Vittorio De Sica), and  Walk Hard  (2007, Jake Kasdan).

The online course is being offered over the summer. Many students are working full time or have moved home, therefore they are not able to go to the Media Resources Center in the university library to watch the films there. So that students can view the assigned movies, Professor Wang asks the library to upload their DVD copies of the films to the university's streaming server. The streamed films will be available to students through Brightspace for the duration of the summer semester only. Only students registered for the course will be able to access the films, and students will not be able to download or copy the films. Is this fair use?

1. Did the use "transform" the material taken from the copyrighted work by using it for a broadly beneficial purpose different from that of the original, or did it just repeat the work for the same intent and value as the original?

Yes, Professor Wang's use is transformative, since she is using films originally produced for entertainment purposes to educate students about film history and theory. The professor and the students are subjecting the films to critical commentary and detailed analysis in a noncommercial educational context.

2. Was the material taken appropriate in kind and amount, considering the nature of the copyrighted work and of the use?

These films are creative works, and they were used in their entirety, which would tend to weigh against fair use. However, given that the use is transformative and takes place for educational purposes, the use is more likely to be fair. Students are not normally expected to purchase copies of films as course materials; rather they rely on the copy acquired by the university library. In this way, Professor Wang's streaming of the films did not cause market harm to the copyright owners.

Fair use: Yes.

Note: The transformative and educational nature of Professor Wang's use of the films and the facts that access was limited to students enrolled in her class and that students could not copy or download the films support a fair use argument. This does not mean, however, that the copying of video content to university servers in order to stream it to students will not be challenged by rightsholders. In fact, the Association for Information Media recently sued the University of California Los Angeles for copyright infringement for doing exactly this.  The case was dismissed on procedural grounds , so no decision was rendered on the legality of streaming.

UCLA faculty produced a strong statement of principles on the use of streaming videos and other educational content, asserting that "streaming video is an essential type of content for instruction" that "must be available in the virtual classroom," and that "streaming technologies serve the purpose of time-shifting for students and faculty alike." They believe that "if it would be lawful for a teacher to show a particular piece of multimedia to students enrolled in a class that meets in a physical classroom, it should be fair use to permit the viewing or hearing of that multimedia, through time-shifting technologies, in a virtual classroom that restricts access to those same enrolled students." 

In the 1984 case  Sony Corp. v. Universal City Studios, Inc. , the Supreme Court held that time shifting was fair use in connection to the noncommercial home recording of television shows for delayed viewing because it did not deprive the copyright owners of revenue.

An  Issue Brief from the Library Copyright Alliance on the streaming of films for educational purposes  suggests that "courts are likely to treat as fair use many instances of streaming video to students logged in to class sites." The brief's authors write, "Courts likely would treat educational uses of entertainment products, such as uploading a feature film to a course website so that students could stream it for purposes of analysis, as repurposing" [i.e. as transformative use]. The brief goes on to suggest that "educators could buttress their fair use claim by recontextualizing works on course websites through selection and arrangement and the addition of background readings, study questions, commentary, criticism, annotation, and student reactions."

Video example #2

Professor Soleway is teaching an online course on the depiction of divorce in popular culture. His course notes are posted online in Brightspace along with background readings and other course content. For a segment on divorce in popular film, Professor Soleway digitizes short clips from each of three movies:  Divorce American Style  (1967, Bud Yorkin),  Kramer vs. Kramer  (1979, Robert Benton), and  The Squid and the Whale  (2005, Noah Baumbach). He uploads the clips to the university's streaming server and embeds them in his course notes in Brightspace.

Professor Soleway's course notes set the context for each clip by prefacing it with an explanation of what he wants students to watch for. After each clip, he elaborates on what he thinks it illustrates about the popular representation of divorce. After viewing the clips, students are given a list of questions that require them to critically reflect on the content of the clips. Students post their responses in the discussion section of the course site. Is this fair use?

Yes, Professor Soleway's use is transformative, since he is using films originally produced for entertainment purposes to examine cultural representations of divorce. The fact that he surrounds each film clip with commentary that places the clip in the context of his broader argument and that students are required to critically analyze the clips' contents strengthens the transformative nature of his use, as does the fact that his use takes place in a noncommercial educational context.

These films are creative works, but limited portions of each were used, just enough to convey how the film treated the topic of divorce. Given that limited portions of each film were used, that Professor Soleway's use is transformative, and that the use took place in a noncommercial educational setting, the use is likely to be fair.

Video example #3

Professor Mercer is preparing to teach a face-to-face nursing class. She plans to use Brightspace to post the course syllabus and grades and to allow students to hand in assignments. As she's working on her syllabus, she receives in the mail an examination copy of  Mosby's Nursing Video Skills - Student Version DVD , 4th Edition (Elsevier, 2013). She reads the description on the back of the DVD: "With high-definition videos demonstrating how to perform nursing procedures, Mosby's Nursing Video Skills provides up-to-date, step-by-step instructions for the most important nursing skills. Printable procedure checklists and interactive screens of required equipment make it easier to learn and remember skills, and new animations show what’s happening inside the patient’s body. For each skill, NCLEX exam-style review questions help you assess your knowledge." Noting that five of the procedures she will be covering in class are included on the DVD, she asks the library to copy these segments and upload them to the university's streaming server so that she can embed them in Brightspace for students to view. Since there are a total of 130 procedures on the DVD, she's using less than 5% of the content. Is this fair use?

No, Professor Mercer's intended use is not transformative. The original purpose of the DVD is to instruct nursing students in how to perform certain skills, and Professor Mercer wants to use the video for the same purpose. 

This video is a work of nonfiction, which favors fair use. However, the DVD is marketed for nursing students. It is likely that Professor Mercer's intended use of the video (and other uses like hers, were they to occur) would damage the market for the DVD, since students would rely on the streaming content instead of purchasing their own copies of the DVD. Thus the amount she wants to use, though a small part of the total, is not appropriate. 

Fair use: No.

Note: According to the  Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Academic and Research Libraries , "Closer scrutiny should be applied to uses of content created and marketed primarily for use in courses such as the one at issue (e.g., a textbook, workbook, or anthology designed for the course). Use of more than a brief excerpt from such works on digital networks is unlikely to be transformative and therefore unlikely to be a fair use." The fair use argument is helped, however, by the fact that the videos were placed in Brightspace and limited to students enrolled in the course. 

As explained in the  Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for OpenCourseWare , "'Bright line' tests and 'rules of thumb' are not appropriate to fair use analysis, which requires case by-case determinations made through reasoning about how and why a new use recontextualizes existing material." Thus, while amount used is an important factor in whether any use is fair, fair use cannot be decided by relying on the specific percentage of a work used or similar guidelines.

Video example #4

Professor Gutierrez is teaching an online women's studies course. Week three covers the depiction of women in advertising. Professor  Gutierrez  plans to assign students two articles and one book chapter as required reading and to have them watch the documentary  Killing Us Softly 4: Advertising's Image of Women  (2010, Jean Kilbourne). Students will be required to answer questions and share their reactions about the readings and the film through the discussion section of the course website on Brightspace. Professor  Gutierrez  will then facilitate a real-time class discussion through Brightspace's web meeting function.

Since the class is fully online, Professor  Gutierrez  hopes to load the documentary film on the university's streaming media server. She speaks with the Media Resources librarian, who confirms that the university library has purchased the DVD at the college and university rate of $295. The librarian does some more investigation and learns that the distributor of the film, the  Media Education Foundation , offers a 1-year streaming subscription to the video for $150 and a 3-year streaming option for $295. Their streaming videos can easily be embedded in learning management systems like Moodle, Blackboard, and Brightspace. But since the library has already purchased a copy of the film, the librarian proceeds to upload it to the university's streaming server for Professor  Gutierrez . Is this fair use?

No, Professor  Gutierrez's  intended use is not transformative. She is using the documentary for the same purpose as it was intended: to educate students about the depiction of women in advertising. Indeed, she is using the film to convey the content of the course to the students instead of, for example, compiling her own examples of women in advertisements and incorporating them into lecture notes that she herself wrote.

This video is a work of nonfiction, which favors fair use. However, the DVD is marketed as an educational tool, thus its use for in an educational context is not transformative.

An argument for fair use could nonetheless be made on two grounds:

  • Because the DVD is marketed to institutions, not individual students, to stream the university's lawfully-purchased copy to students causes no market harm to the rightsholder through the loss of DVD sales and is therefore an educational fair use.
  • UCLA faculty have argued that "streaming technologies serve the purpose of time-shifting for students and faculty alike." In the 1984 case  Sony Corp. v. Universal City Studios, Inc. , the Supreme Court held that time shifting was fair use in connection to the noncommercial home recording of television shows for delayed viewing because it did not deprive the copyright owners of revenue. (See video example #1 above.)

The fact that the Media Education Foundation offers a streaming option, though, would weaken this argument for fair use since they could show market harm through the loss of streaming revenue.

Fair use: Probably not.

Video example #5

Professor Peterson is teaching an online English seminar that examines discourses surrounding anti-drug messaging. In the course, he and his students will critically evaluate public service announcements, anti-drug campaign material from government agencies and non-profit advocacy groups such as the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, and selected articles from newspapers and popular magazines warning of the dangers of drug use. He plans to begin the course by examining one of the earliest pieces of anti-drug propaganda, the 1936 anti-marijuana film  Reefer Madness . Fortunately, the university library owns a copy of this cult-classic. Professor Peterson asks the media librarian to upload the video to the university's streaming media server so that the students in his online class can access it. Is this fair use?

A fair use analysis is probably not necessary.  Reefer Madness  is listed on a number of websites as being in the  public domain.  If this is the case, Professor Peterson is free to use it without restriction. 

Note: Determining whether a work is in the public domain can be difficult and time-consuming. For more information, see the " Use resources in the public domain " box on this guide.

Professor Peterson need not bother to ask the library to upload its copy to the streaming server. The film is freely available online in multiple locations, including the  Internet Archive , , and  YouTube .


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.  It is adapted from University of RHode Island University Libraries- Fair Use and Copyright for Online Education .

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Copyright, Fair Use & Alternatives

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Two key fair use questions

Tips for using video in online education, resources for using video in online education, video example #1, video example #2.

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1. Did the use "transform" the material taken from the copyrighted work by using it for a broadly beneficial purpose different from that of the original, or did it just repeat the work for the same intent and value as the original?

2. Was the material taken appropriate in kind and amount, considering the nature of the copyrighted work and of the use?

— Association of Research Libraries, Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Academic and Research Libraries (2012)

To best position yourself to assert a fair use argument when using video, consider doing the following:

  • Link to the video if possible rather than making an electronic copy available to students. Linking to materials is ordinarily not a violation of copyright but rather a technological instruction for locating materials.
  • If copying a video, do not use any more of the video than the amount needed to serve your purpose.
  • Avoid copying videos from materials created and marketed primarily for use in courses such as the one at hand (e.g. from a textbook, workbook, or other instructional materials designed for the course). Use of more than a brief excerpt from such works on digital networks is unlikely to be transformative and therefore unlikely to be a fair use.
  • Make sure that the video content serves a pedagogical purpose; do not use as entertainment.
  • Place the video in the context of the course, explaining why it was chosen and what it was intended to illustrate. Recontextualize the video when appropriate through the addition of background readings, study questions, commentary, criticism, annotation, and student reactions.
  • Limit access to the video to students enrolled in the course.
  • Use streaming or other technologies that limit students' ability to download, copy, or redistribute the material.
  • Notify students that videos are being made available for teaching, study, and research only.
  • Provide attributions to known copyright owners of the videos.
  • Society for Cinema and Media Studies' Statement of Best Practices in Fair Use in Teaching for Film and Media Educators (2008)
  • Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Media Literacy Education
  • Streaming of Films for Educational Purposes (2010) This issue brief from the Library Copyright Alliance examines the permissibility of the streaming of entire films to a remote, non-classroom location.
  • UCLA faculty principles on the use of streaming videos and other educational content (2010) Statement of principles from the University of California Los Angeles faculty on the use of streaming technologies for instruction.
  • Internet Archive's Moving Image Archive Online library of free movies, films, and videos. Contains over a million digital movies uploaded by Archive users. These include classic full-length films, news broadcasts, cultural and academic films, commercials, cartoons, and concerts. These videos are in the public domain or are available with Creative Commons reuse rights.
  • Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) The DPLA serves as a portal to the openly available, digitized contents of America’s libraries, archives, and museums. It indexes materials in all formats.
  • Library of Congress American Memory American Memory provides free and open access through the Internet to written and spoken words, sound recordings, still and moving images, prints, maps, and sheet music that document the American experience. Most material is not protected by copyright.
  • Europeana Digital archive of over two million images, texts, sounds, and videos from libraries, museums, and archives across Europe.
  • List of Films in the Public Domain in the United States List created by user olicool10 of "films that certain cited sources believe are in the public domain in the United States." An addition to the list is available at .
  • Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons is a database of millions of freely usable media files. Some files are in the public domain, while others are licensed with Creative Commons licenses.
  • YouTube channel The official YouTube channel of the U.S. Government, linking to videos across government. Most content produced by the government falls in the public domain.
  • YouTube After performing a search for video content, you can "filter" by Creative Commons license to find content with reuse rights.
  • The Open Video Project The purpose of the Open Video Project is to collect and make available a repository of digitized video content for the digital video, multimedia retrieval, digital library, and other research communities. "The Open Video repository provides video clips from a variety of sources, especially various video programs obtained from U.S. government agencies such as the U.S. Records and Archives Administration and NASA. Although the government agency videos were produced with public funds and are freely available from the Archives, no copyright clearance has been obtained for audio or video elements in these productions. We encourage researchers to use the data under fair use for research purposes."

The examples below are intended to model the thought processes instructors should engage in when determining whether an intended use is fair given the particular facts at hand. A final determination of fair use can only be made in a court of law. This guide is not intended as legal advice.

Professor Soleway is teaching an online course on the depiction of divorce in popular culture. His course notes are posted on Blackboard along with background readings and other course content. For a segment on divorce in popular film, Professor Soleway digitizes short clips from each of three movies: Divorce American Style (1967, Bud Yorkin), Kramer vs. Kramer (1979, Robert Benton), and The Squid and the Whale (2005, Noah Baumbach). He embeds clips onto the course Blackboard.

Professor Soleway's course notes set the context for each clip by prefacing it with an explanation of what he wants students to watch for. After each clip, he elaborates on what he thinks it illustrates about the popular representation of divorce. After viewing the clips, students are given a list of questions that require them to critically reflect on the content of the clips. Students post their responses in the discussion section of the course site. Is this fair use?

Yes, Professor Soleway's use is transformative, since he is using films originally produced for entertainment purposes to examine cultural representations of divorce. The fact that he surrounds each film clip with commentary that places the clip in the context of his broader argument and that students are required to critically analyze the clips' contents strengthens the transformative nature of his use, as does the fact that his use takes place in a noncommercial educational context.

These films are creative works, but limited portions of each were used, just enough to convey how the film treated the topic of divorce. Given that limited portions of each film were used, that Professor Soleway's use is transformative, and that the use took place in a noncommercial educational setting, the use is likely to be fair.

Fair use: Yes.

Professor Peterson is teaching an online English seminar that examines discourses surrounding anti-drug messaging. In the course, he and his students will critically evaluate public service announcements, anti-drug campaign material from government agencies and non-profit advocacy groups such as the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, and selected articles from newspapers and popular magazines warning of the dangers of drug use. He plans to begin the course by examining one of the earliest pieces of anti-drug propaganda, the 1936 anti-marijuana film Reefer Madness . Fortunately, the university library owns a copy of this cult-classic. Professor Peterson wants an online video made available so that the students in his online class can access it. Is this fair use?

A fair use analysis is probably not necessary. Reefer Madness is listed on a number of websites as being in the public domain. If this is the case, Professor Peterson is free to use it without restriction.

The film is freely available online in multiple locations, including the Internet Archive , , and YouTube .

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  • Last Updated: Aug 23, 2023 8:53 AM
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Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week

Ripping DVDs and Streaming Media for Fair Use

By Renee Hobbs

It’s time for the triennial DMCA 1201 rulemaking process at the U.S.Copyright Office and that means time for  another effort to protect the fair use rights of educators and students to use audiovisual content that’s locked up behind encryption for educational and fair use purposes. 

Support our petition by adding your name to our list of supporters!

Screenshot 2014-10-26 20.18.03

I’m grateful to the  American Library Association , the  Library Copyright Alliance (with members including  ALA, ARL and ACRL ), Sherri Culver at the  National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) , Erin O’Neill of  Media Literacy Now , Gretjen Clausing of  Philly CAM , the public media access center, DC Vito at  The LAMP  in New York City, and  Frances Jacobson Harris , emerita professor at the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana for joining me as signatories to the petition. These key advocates recognize the need for educators and learners (working in and out of formal education contexts) to be able to rip video for educational purposes. They and others know this is part of the expanded nature of literacy in a digital age.

Here the gist of the argument I made:

Why it Matters.  Today, what we call “learning” is transforming: it’s no longer focused on learners who sit-and-listen and instructors who stand-and-deliver. A new model is emerging where teachers are  designing-and-curating  rich multimedia artifacts and learners take responsibility for their own education by demonstrating their comprehension, knowledge and skills by  making-and-creating  media messages in print, visual, sound, audiovisual, interactive and digital formats. Learning no longer happens only in a classroom. In addition to amazing work in elementary and secondary schools, the tertiary sector of education is emerging as a bastion of innovation as new models of digital literacy are emerging as a result of the rise of digital media and the Web 2.0.

Expanding Literacy Requires Quoting from Audiovisual Texts.  We request an exemption that enables educators and students to use artifacts of their cultural heritage – classic and contemporary film and other digital media – for these new instructional practices that have the potential to engage, motivate and inspire children and young people in American public, parochial and private schools. Such learning experiences activate digital and media literacy competencies, including  the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create messages in a wide variety of forms.  Students are able to reflect on the social consequences of media in society and take action in the use of information and communication to make a difference in the world.  Such purposes involving the use of copyrighted content in education are well-aligned with the goals of copyright law, which is to promote creativity, innovation and the spread of knowledge.

The spirit of the Section 1201 rulemaking process is to protect and preserve fair use in the digital age. We seek an exemption for the circumvention of audiovisual works used for educational purposes to allow both educators and students the ability to make high-quality clips of lawfully obtained motion pictures for a variety of educational purposes, including to facilitate the acquisition of media literacy competencies. We maintain that  educational uses that depend upon close analysis of film or media images are adversely impacted if students are unable to apprehend the subtle detail or emotional impact of the images they are analyzing.  In 2012, the Register of Copyrights agreed that under some conditions, screencasting is not an adequate mechanism to address the need for high-quality digital clips for educational use. As part of their formal learning, elementary and secondary students sometimes engage in creating transformative content using motion picture excerpts. These projects are often designed for authentic audiences including parents, peers and members of the local community and thus students have an authentic need for high-quality source material. Elementary and secondary teachers and their students  both need the ability to make fair use of entertainment, documentary and other forms of film that are currently protected from copying by various forms of copy-protected protection measures.

Learning in and Out of School.   Educators and learners in non-school settings also need to make video clips of copyrighted content for fair use and educational purposes. Over the past seven years, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation has invested more than $150 million in understanding new forms of learning in informal, interest-driven networks that use the powerful new creative and expressive tools of digital media. To understand how learning is changing as a result of the rise of digital media, they developed a research hub at the University of California, Irvine and established other innovative programs such as the YouMedia program at the Washington Public Library in Chicago. Learners come to the library to “hang out, mess around and geek out” and learn how to create and express themselves using digital media tools, including music, video and multimedia. The Digital Media and Learning community (DML) are exploring a new vision of learning that is more engaging, motivating, social and supported by a constellation of mentors, educators, knowledgeable peers and parents. At the present time, these educators and the learners they support are unable to legally “rip” copy-protected DVDs for informal learning in out-of-school contexts.

We request an exemption that enables  both educators and learners  working in these settings to use artifacts of their cultural heritage – classic and contemporary film and other digital media – for these new instructional practices that have the potential to engage, motivate and inspire children and young people who often experience transformative learning experiences in informal settings. Learners are able to reflect on the social consequences of media in society and take action in the use of information and communication to make a difference in the world.   Such purposes involving the use of copyrighted content in education are well-aligned with the goals of copyright law, which is to promote creativity, innovation and the spread of knowledge.

An Exemption is Needed. Here’s Why:

  • Both teachers and learners in informal settings need to use film clips for a wide range of teaching and learning purposes characterized broadly as educational use.
  • Critical analysis of film clips is a vital component of teaching and learning with and about media.
  • The creation and use of highly customized film clip compilations increases the efficiency of instruction in informal learning settings.
  • The effective use of audiovisual resources is facilitated when educators and learners can create their own clips intentionally with a specific purpose in mind.
  • Screencasts are inferior to digitally copied clips that are needed by some learners for various forms of direct instruction and project-based learning in informal learning contexts.

Adverse effects of not having an exemption include:

  • Learners lack access to film cultural heritage for purposes of learning and this contributes with other factors to diminish the quality of education.
  • Current law makes irrational distinctions among learners who engage in learning in different buildings and at different types of the year.
  • Reliance on movie clip websites puts some learners at an educational disadvantage.
  • Confusion over how teachers and learners can legally access audiovisual clips for fair use is exacerbated by current DMCA law.

Statutory Factors     

This requested exemption supports lawful uses that fall squarely within the mandate that section 1201 confers on the Copyright Office. Importantly, the incorporation of video clips into student-created multimedia presentations represents a strong transformative use of the copyrighted material. In light of each of the statutory factors set forth in 17 U.S.C. 1201(a)(1)(C), this exemption is recognized as a fair use:

  • Nature of the Work.  Copy-protected audiovisual content, including entertainment, informational and other forms of contemporary and classic film and video content is relevant to learners today as educators aim to make direct connections between the academic content of the classroom, the targeted competencies and skills to be strengthened, and the lived experience of the learner.
  • Character and Use.  Whether originally used for entertainment, information or persuasive purposes, short excerpts of copy-protected works are repurposed as resources for learning in informal education as learners activate critical thinking, collaboration, creativity and communication skills in responding and creating with these resources.
  • Purpose of the Use.  An exemption enabling circumvention of technological measures applied to copyrighted works enables the robust practice of learning and teaching as well as criticism and comment.
  • Effect on Market.  The circumvention of technological measures does not impair the market for or value of copyrighted works because learners in informal settings are using these resources for an educational purpose only. The bypassing of copy-protection is used not as a replacement or substitute for the original, but as a resource for learning used for the primary purpose of activating learners’ critical thinking, creativity, communication and collaboration skills.

We Need Your Help!  If you are a educator or learner working in elementary or secondary schools or in an informal learning environment like a library, museum, media access center or non-profit organization, and you have not been able to legally bypass CSS-encryption for DVDs or online streaming media to make video clips for educational or fair use purposes, please email me at [email protected]. We would love to include your story in our presentation to the U.S. Copyright Office later this spring.  Click here to add your name to our list of supporters!

As  Patricia Aufderheide and Peter Jaszi  have written in their marvelous book, Reclaiming Fair Use ,  fair use is a “use it or lose it” kind of thing. Only through advocacy can we ensure that fair use enables copyright law to fulfill its purpose in promoting creativity and the spread of knowledge and innovation.

Privacy Overview

using film clips for educational purposes

Motivational Movie Clips for Educators

Capture your student’s attention in class or in a Zoom meeting. Create memorable and impactful e-learning modules. Drive engagement and communicate in a language that resonates with today’s generational needs.

Teach smarter, not harder.

With attention spans being what they are, especially with remote learning, today’s educators are constantly challenged with finding new and creative ways to not only get their students attention, but keeping it. Many have turned to short video as a way of engaging their students, but teachers and professors are spending countless hours scrolling through YouTube, dealing with ads and losing sleep over copyright issues.

MovieComm has thousands of legally approved, ad free, easy to find movie clips that include some of the best movie scenes, from some of the most inspirational movies, ever made. Our innovative tool helps today’s educators connect in a way that students want to be connected with…via short, entertaining and memorable video.

Here's a Fan Fav

Would you like to teach students about the importance of accountability?

using film clips for educational purposes

Ways to use MovieComm

  • Capture your students attention with a clip before, during or after class be it face to face or on Zoom
  • Load into Powerpoint to have a more engaging presentation or webinar
  • Embed a clip as part of your e-learning modules
  • Reinforce your key messages on any internal communications platform

Results you can expect

  • More motivated and inspired students
  • Higher student engagement
  • Stickier and more memorable messages
  • Captivated audiences
  • Increased impact with your presentations

How it Works

As a trainer or educator, we know you’re super busy, so we’ve developed a very simple three step process to help you find the perfect clip:

What do you want to say?

Start by deciding on your key message. Whether you want your audience to embrace change, make better principle based decisions or get the importance of collaboration, we help you in capturing people’s attention, coaching them up and boosting motivation. Whatever message you’re looking to drive, we’ve got the perfect clip for you.

Got it. What's next?

Find the perfect movie clip with our easy to use, AI-driven search engine. Browse by movie, actor, theme, keyword, key phrase and so much more. Trim the clip to your desired length. Tee up a personalized message in text or video (which actually plays before the clip!!) And get the conversation flowing with our optional internal chat feature.

Use a little Hollywood Magic

Once you’ve picked that perfect movie moment, simply choose a URL or embed code. Then copy and paste it into an email, text, blog, power point, social post, Slack conversation, Zoom meeting or any way in which you communicate.. And you should be good to go.

The Reviews are in

MovieComm is   fantastic ! What a great way to use movie clips to keep students engaged.  And so easy to use! Instead of going on the internet to find clips that often don’t even work (or worse, break copyright rules), MovieComm let’s me find clips that keep students learning while having fun.  Such a great way for teachers to be successful whether in the classroom or online. Thanks, MovieComm!

Sandy Bravo

Senior Lecturer, Babson College

MovieComm is shattering old paradigms and creating new ways forward. Movies move us. They help us connect emotionally which helps my messages become sticky. Brilliantly thought out, simple and actionable.

Dr. Brad Shuck

Associate Chair, Program Director, University of Louisville

Just outstanding! Our students loved the use of movie clips in the classroom and in Zoom. Their feedback showed that the clips really enhanced their learning experience by increasing motivation and interest and providing different perspectives on the top and fostering critical thinking. Keep them coming!!

Robin Moore

Adjunct Professor, American Public University

In Need of a Customized Solution?

Hectic schedule? No worries…our clip specialists are here to help. From movie mashups to e-learning videos to clip selection, our team of experts are standing by.

Who Uses MovieComm?


using film clips for educational purposes



Independence Day 2024: Top 10 Speeches Students Can Use During School Assembly

Published By : Sukanya Nandy

Trending Desk

Last Updated: August 15, 2024, 08:51 IST

New Delhi, India

Today marks India's 78th Independence Day. (Representational image: X)

Today marks India's 78th Independence Day. (Representational image: X)

If you want to give a memorable Independence Day speech, remember to stress the importance of growth, diversity, and unity in the country while highlighting the nation's dedication to democratic ideals

The 78th Independence Day serves as a reminder that, despite linguistic or cultural diversity, our country became free as a sovereign, democratic nation proud of its high values. Independence Day is celebrated across the country with great patriotism and fervour. People of all ages come together for flag hoisting, national songs, and cultural events. However, schools are the place that sees the most excitement for Independence Day. Preparations go on for days for the special assembly with events such as speech, dance, and song competitions.

It is an honour to give a speech at your school on Independence Day with your best friends and teachers rooting for you. If you want to give a memorable Independence Day speech, remember to stress the importance of growth, diversity, and unity in the country while highlighting the nation’s dedication to democratic ideals.

Students can utilise the following short and long lines in this article for their Independence Day speech:

Independence Day 2024: Speech Lines To Use On August 15th

1. India’s freedom movement was a tryst with destiny, as the struggle for freedom was a long and tiresome one, witnessing the sacrifices of our fighters who laid their life for us to see this day.

2. Independence Day represents remembrance, reflection, and celebration.

3. This day represents the end of a battle that required great sacrifices and inspiring leadership.

4. The national anthem, Jana Gana Mana, is sung in honour of the occasion, along with a 21-gun salute.

5. The nation is filled with patriotic festivals, parades, and cultural shows that highlight India’s diversity and unity.

6 Flying kites are a common custom on this day, signifying the spirit of joy and freedom.

7. To commemorate the freedom struggle, the media airs special programming, such as documentaries and patriotic films.

8 Independence Day is also a time to consider India’s achievements and enduring difficulties.

9. The festival encourages people to support democratic ideals and contribute to the advancement of their country.

10 The Satyagraha ideology of Mahatma Gandhi encouraged millions of people to take up the fight for independence.

This Independence Day, let us take a moment to consider our country’s development and recommit to preserving the principles of justice, liberty, and equality.

using film clips for educational purposes

  • independence day

using film clips for educational purposes

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Nicole Kidman and Harris Dickinson in Babygirl (2024)

A high-powered CEO puts her career and family on the line when she begins a torrid affair with her much younger intern. A high-powered CEO puts her career and family on the line when she begins a torrid affair with her much younger intern. A high-powered CEO puts her career and family on the line when she begins a torrid affair with her much younger intern.

  • Halina Reijn
  • Nicole Kidman
  • Antonio Banderas
  • Harris Dickinson
  • 1 nomination

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Nicole Kidman

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using film clips for educational purposes


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    using film clips for educational purposes


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    Location of the Clip in the Movie, Film or Video; Step-by-Step Instructions; Search hundreds of movies organized by subject that TWM recommends as the best of the best in meeting curriculum standards while providing students with stellar educational experiences. CREATE LESSON PLANS IN CHARACTER EDUCATION, ETHICS, AND MORALITY FROM MOVIES AND FILM!

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    Online library of free movies, films, and videos. Contains over a million digital movies uploaded by Archive users. These include classic full-length films, news broadcasts, cultural and academic films, commercials, cartoons, and concerts. ... given that the use is transformative and takes place for educational purposes, the use is more likely ...

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    These films are creative works, but limited portions of each were used, just enough to convey how the film treated the topic of divorce. Given that limited portions of each film were used, that Professor Soleway's use is transformative, and that the use took place in a noncommercial educational setting, the use is likely to be fair. Fair use: Yes.

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    MovieComm has thousands of legally approved, ad free, easy to find movie clips that include some of the best movie scenes, from some of the most inspirational movies, ever made. Our innovative tool helps today's educators connect in a way that students want to be connected with…via short, entertaining and memorable video. Request a demo.

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    7. To commemorate the freedom struggle, the media airs special programming, such as documentaries and patriotic films. 8 Independence Day is also a time to consider India's achievements and enduring difficulties. 9. The festival encourages people to support democratic ideals and contribute to the advancement of their country.

  25. Babygirl (2024)

    Babygirl: Directed by Halina Reijn. With Nicole Kidman, Antonio Banderas, Harris Dickinson, Sophie Wilde. A high-powered CEO puts her career and family on the line when she begins a torrid affair with her much younger intern.