1. Scientific hypothesis

    scientific hypothesis, an idea that proposes a tentative explanation about a phenomenon or a narrow set of phenomena observed in the natural world.The two primary features of a scientific hypothesis are falsifiability and testability, which are reflected in an "If…then" statement summarizing the idea and in the ability to be supported or refuted through observation and experimentation.

  2. What is a scientific hypothesis?

    A scientific hypothesis is a tentative, testable explanation for a phenomenon in the natural world. It's the initial building block in the scientific method . Many describe it as an "educated ...

  3. Hypothesis

    A scientific hypothesis is a foundational element of the scientific method. It's a testable statement proposing a potential explanation for natural phenomena. The term hypothesis means "little theory". A hypothesis is a short statement that can be tested and gives a possible reason for a phenomenon or a possible link between two variables.

  4. Hypothesis: Definition, Examples, and Types

    A hypothesis is crucial to scientific research because it offers a clear direction for what the researchers are looking to find. This allows them to design experiments to test their predictions and add to our scientific knowledge about the world. This article explores how a hypothesis is used in psychology research, how to write a good ...

  5. What Is a Hypothesis? The Scientific Method

    Writing a Hypothesis . Most scientific hypotheses are proposed in the if-then format because it's easy to design an experiment to see whether or not a cause and effect relationship exists between the independent variable and the dependent variable. The hypothesis is written as a prediction of the outcome of the experiment.

  6. The Scientific Method

    HYPOTHESIS is the answer you think you'll find. PREDICTION is your specific belief about the scientific idea: If my hypothesis is true, then I predict we will discover this. EXPERIMENT is the tool that you invent to answer the question, and. CONCLUSION. is the answer that the experiment gives. Don't worry, it isn't that complicated.

  7. What is a Hypothesis

    Hypothesis. A hypothesis is a specific, testable prediction or statement that suggests an expected relationship between variables in a study. It acts as a starting point, guiding researchers to examine whether their predictions hold true based on collected data. For a hypothesis to be useful, it must be clear, concise, and based on prior knowledge or theoretical frameworks.

  8. Scientific Hypothesis, Theory, Law Definitions

    A theory is valid as long as there is no evidence to dispute it. Therefore, theories can be disproven. Basically, if evidence accumulates to support a hypothesis, then the hypothesis can become accepted as a good explanation of a phenomenon. One definition of a theory is to say that it's an accepted hypothesis.

  9. Hypothesis

    hypothesis, something supposed or taken for granted, with the object of following out its consequences (Greek hypothesis, "a putting under," the Latin equivalent being suppositio). Understanding scientific hypotheses, theories, and models Kara Rogers, senior biomedical sciences editor of Encyclopædia Britannica, discussing the difference ...

  10. Science Shorts 2: The Scientific Method

    Testing scientific hypotheses: The scientific method. Testing a scientific hypothesis proceeds by three basic steps. The first involves formulation of a clear, unambiguous scientific hypothesis. The second step involves the design and prosecution of a study in which the hypothesis under investigation generates at least one prediction.