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Grade 7 Mathematics Module: Presentation of Data

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners, can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master the Real-Life Problems that can be Solved by Statistics. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. However, the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.

The module contains a single lesson:

  • Lesson 1 – Pie Chart, Bar Graph, Line Graph, Histogram and Ogive

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. use appropriate graphs to represent organized ungrouped data: pie chart, bar graph, line graph; and

2. use appropriate graphs to represent organized grouped data: histogram and ogive.

Grade 7 Mathematics Quarter 4 Self-Learning Module: Presentation of Data

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American Society for Microbiology

  • Lesson Plans
  • Improving Your Graphs: An Exercise in Data Presentation

Lesson Plan Undergraduates Improving Your Graphs: An Exercise in Data Presentation

Too often, beginning science students do not fully understand the importance of data presentation. In their textbooks and during lectures, data generally are presented in a clear easy-to-understand format. In this exercise, students are presented with an introduction to graphs and tables, a short primer on Excel, and hypothetical raw data from several related experiments. Working together, pairs of students prepare figures displaying the data. They then show their figures to the class and, as a group, the class discusses the relative merits of different data presentation approaches.

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Gathering, Recording, and Presenting Data

Using local newspaper, find and discuss examples of uses of statistics and the ways in which the information is presented

Students will be able to create charts using statistical data

Students will be able to collect statistical data from news sources

Show Me Standard: Social Studies #7 The use of tools of social science inquiry (such as surveys, statistics, maps, documents) Goal#2 Students will acquire knowledge and skills to communicate effectively within and beyond the classroom 2.1 Plan and make written, oral, and visual presentations for a variety of purposes and audiences 2.7 Use technological tools to exchange information andideas

Kansas Standards

Benchmark 4: The student engages in historical thinking skills.

2. (A) examines a variety of primary sources in history and analyzes them in terms of credibility, purpose, and point of view (e.g., census records, diaries, photographs, letters, government documents).

The Independence Examiner

ClarisWorks Word Processing/ Spreadsheet/ Chart making program

Procedure: Lesson One: Instruction

1. Pass out questionnaires to students asking how they got to school. Students are asked to circle the word that describes how they got to school: car, van,truck, motorcycle, bicycle, school bus, walk 2. Gather papers together and as a class go through the process of compiling the information. 3. Discuss options for ways information can be gathered, and pros and cons for each:

  • Questionnaires
  • Researching documents

4. Discuss options for recording the information gained through the various methods of surveying:

  • listing responses

5. Discuss options for presenting the information:

  • line graphs
  • pictographs

Procedure: Lesson Two: Assignment: Each student will be required to choose a topic on which they would like to do a survey. The surveys will involve our class, a particular grade level at Procter, or all the Procter classrooms. Each student will turn in the following form stating their first and second choices for survey topics.

lesson plan on presentation of data

After being approved by the teacher, each student will conduct their survey, and record the information. The students will be required to create a line graph showing their results using graph paper and colored pencils. The students will also be required to write a paragraph explaining what the subject of their survey was, as well as the results.

lesson plan on presentation of data

Procedure: Lesson Three: Use of Technology The students will be instructed on the use of ClarisWorks to create graphs, and will use the results of their individual surveys to enter information on a spreadsheet. Using the ClarisWorks program, the information will be converted to a graph format. Students will choose the type of format they think is appropriate for their survey. Students will also be required to type their paragraphs on theClarisWorks document along with their graphs. The documents will be printed out and displayed.  

The projects will be assessed according to the following scoring guide

lesson plan on presentation of data

Detailed lesson plan in math iv(interpreting data presented in single horizontal bar graph)


The document outlines a lesson plan for a mathematics class on interpreting data presented in single horizontal bar graphs. The lesson plan includes objectives, materials, teacher and student activities. The teacher activity involves presenting a bar graph showing students' favorite subjects, motivating students to paste stickers on the graph, interpreting the data, and having students create their own bar graph about birth month. Student activities include answering questions, interpreting graphs, and a game to review the lesson where students compete to correctly answer questions about the graphs. The goal is for students to learn to interpret and create single horizontal bar graphs. Read less

lesson plan on presentation of data


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  • 1. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region III Schools Division of Nueva Ecija District of Cabiao San Fernardo Norte Elementary School Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics IV (Interpreting Data Presented in Single Horizontal Bar graph) I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson the student will be able to: 1. Interpret the data presented in single horizontal bar graph. 2. Locate the vertical and horizontal axis in a given single horizontal bar graph. 3. Answer the following questions with regards to a given single horizontal bar graph. II. SUBJECT MATTER Topic: Interpreting Data Presented in Single Horizontal Bar graph Reference: Materials: Horizontal bar graphs, Stick man, Colored papers, Visual aids III. PROCEDURE TEACHER’S ACTIVITY STUDENT’S ACTIVITY A. Preliminary Activities 1. Prayer Let us all stand for our prayer In the name of the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit Amen. Title: Prayer Before Class Prayer Before Class Lord, help us in our work today Give us concentration so that we may listen, understand, learn and a have peaceful mind and may we always remember that Jesus Christ is always with us. Amen .. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen. Prayer Before Class Lord, help us in our work today Give us concentration so that we may listen, understand, learn and a have peaceful mind and may we always remember that Jesus Christ is always with us. Amen .. Value Focus: Cooperation and Belongingness
  • 2. 2. Greetings Good Morning class. 3. Checking of attendance Group 1 leader___ is there any absent in your group? Very good group 1! In group 2 leader____? Very good group 2! And in group 3____? Very good class! All of you give yourselves (5) five claps. 4. Motivation (the teacher will pasted the graph on the board) Class I have a graph here and a stickman. These stickman represents you. I’ll give these to you. What can you see in the graph? (let the students answer in chorus) Very good! We have four subjects here namely: M for Math, S for Science, E for English and F for Filipino. I want you to paste your stickman in line with your favorite subjects. Is that clear? Good morning Ma’am Good morning classmates Good morning ____None Ma’am ____None Ma’am ____None Ma’am (the students will clap their hands 5 times) Subject Ma’am Yes Ma’am
  • 3. Group 1 you may now paste your stickman. Group 2 Group 3 Class what do we form after you pasted your stickman on a table? Yes_____ Excellent! (Pasting their stickman) (Pasting their stickman) (Pasting their stickman) (the student will raised his/her hand, called by the teacher and answer) _____A bar graph man B. Presentation of the Topic This is an example of a single horizontal bar graph. First what is a graph? ___may you read what is a bar graph? As you can see I have a data collected from you, A group of Grade IV pupils. ____may you read what is a data. Class what information did I gather from you? ____ Very good! I want to find out your favorite subject. A horizontal bar graph has (2) axes, the horizontal axis and the vertical axis This is the vertical axis ___bar graph-is used to compare data from a group or different groups or different people. ____data-a collection or gathered information. (the student will raised his/her hand, called by the teacher and answer) ___our favorite subject
  • 4. and this is the horizontal axis What’s written on the vertical axis? _____ Very good! In the horizontal axis? ____ 1.) How many of you who loves Math? Let’s count. (1) One, (2) two, (3) three, (4)four,(5)five, (6) six, (7) seven, (8) eight, (9) nine, 10 (ten), 11 (eleven), 12 (twelve) Twelve of you, Math is their favorite subject 2.) How about Science? Yes_____ Very good! (the student will raised his/her hand, called by the teacher and answer) ___ Subjects Ma’am (the student will raised his/her hand, called by the teacher and answer) ___ Number of students Ma’am (1) One, (2) two, (3) three, (4) four,(5)five, (6) six, (7) seven, (8) eight, (9) nine, 10 (ten), 11 (eleven), 12 (twelve) (the student will raised his/her hand, called by the teacher and answer) _____Five ma’am
  • 5. We have (5) five students who love Science. 3.) In English? _______ Very good! (6) six of you who love English 4.) In Filipino? ____ Very good! Therefore, (3) of you love Filipino subject. 5.) What do you think is the title our graph? _____ You’re great! (the student will raised his/her hand, called by the teacher and answer) ___six Ma’am (the student will raised his/her hand, called by the teacher and answer) ___three Ma’am . (the student will raised his/her hand, called by the teacher and answer) _____Our Favorite Subjects
  • 6. As you can see in the graph what subject is the favorite of most students? _____ Very good! 6.) What is the total number of the students who loves Math? Science? English? And Filipino? ______ Very good! Did you understand class now what is a bar graph? Good to hear that! Do you have any question? (the student will raised his/her hand, called by the teacher and answer) ___Math (the student will raised his/her hand, called by the teacher and answer) ___(24) twenty-four (all of the students answer in chorus) Yes Ma’am (all of the students answer in chorus) None Ma’am C. Generalization When do we use bar graph? Yes___ Excellent! What is a data? Very good! (the student will raised his/her hand, called by the teacher and answer) ___A bar graph is used to compare data from a group or different groups or different people. (the student will raised his/her hand, called by the teacher and answer) ____a data is a collection or gathered information from a group. D. Application Who among you have their Birthdays on January? (the teacher will give them a colored papers) February? (the teacher will give them a colored papers) March? (the teacher will give them a colored papers) April? (the teacher will give them a colored papers) May? (the teacher will give them a colored (the students who have their birthdays on January will raise their hands) (the students who have their birthdays on February will raise their hands) (the students who have their birthdays on March will raise their hands) (the students who have their birthdays on April will raise their hands) (the students who have their birthdays on May will raise their hands)
  • 7. papers) June? (the teacher will give them a colored papers) July? (the teacher will give them a colored papers) August? (the teacher will give them a colored papers) September? (the teacher will give them a colored papers) October? (the teacher will give them a colored papers) November? (the teacher will give them a colored papers) December? (the teacher will give them a colored papers) I have here a graph Class I want you to paste your colored papers on the table in line with your birthday month. January February March April May June July August September (the students who have their birthdays on June will raise their hands) (the students who have their birthdays on July will raise their hands) (the students who have their birthdays on August will raise their hands) (the students who have their birthdays on September will raise their hands) (the students who have their birthdays on October will raise their hands) (the students who have their birthdays on November will raise their hands) (the students who have their birthdays on December will raise their hands) (pasting the colored paper in the table in line with their birthday month)
  • 8. October November December What did we form after you pasted the colored papers? Yes____ Excellent! let’s have a game I will divide you into two (2) groups this is the group 1 (one) this is the group 2 (two) each group prepares 1 (one) white board and a marker choose five representatives of your group and form a line at the back This is the mechanics of the game I will ask questions with regards to the graph that we formed. Write your answer on a white board Wait for my Go signal in answering Are you ready? 1. What is the title of the graph? Go 1 point for group 1 2. What is written in the vertical axis? Go another point for group 1 3. What is written on the horizontal axis? Go (the student will raised his/her hand, called by the teacher and answer) ___A Single horizontal bar graph Ma’am (the representative of each group say) Yes Ma’am Our Birthday Month (Group 1 will finish first) Months (Group 1 will finish first) Number of students
  • 9. 1 point for group 2 4. How many students who have their birthday on January? Go group 1 5. On what month has the highest number of students who have their birthday? Go Group 2 The group1 have 3 points and the group 2 have 2 points So the winner is the group 2 Let’s give them five claps (Group 2 will finish first) 4 (Group 1 will finish first) April (Group 2 will finish first) (clapping their hands 5 times) IV. EVALUATION Get your ballpen and answer this. Are you done? (all the student will answer) Yes Ma’am
  • 10. V. ASSIGNMENT Get your notebook and copy your assignment Answer page: 334 Reference: Prepared by: CHARMAINE P. REYES Practice Teacher CHRISTINA S. ALMENDRAS Cooperating Teacher DOLORES D. DELA CRUZ School Principal Noted by: CRISELDA PALOMO CONORADO Practice Teacher Coordinator

Home Blog Education How to Present a Lesson Plan

How to Present a Lesson Plan

How to Present a Lesson Plan PPT Template

First days are always exciting, and expectation builds up about the contents of the task ahead, especially if you’re starting a class as a student or professor. This interaction will be significant because it will establish and define the subjects to be covered and the set of expectations flowing from the instructor towards the audience. 

Perhaps you are ready to begin your career as a teacher and need some guidance; otherwise, you are a seasoned instructor searching for a refresher in your program. No matter which of the above you represent, the truth of the matter is that you are probably seeking a better way to introduce the subjects you’ll be teaching to your students. 

What is a lesson plan? 

A lesson plan will be the set of subject matter materials you will be teaching during a specific timeframe. The lesson plan should be an index that students can constantly consult to understand better the parts of the learning journey they will go through during each session. 

Teachers and professors should have a lesson plan template that happens in every session. This is different from a syllabus because, in the latter case, the whole curriculum of the program will be laid out; however, for each lesson, there should be one individual lesson plan example to guide the instructor in the set timeframe. 

When building the materials for the class or lesson’s attention, it’s always essential to share elements like the purpose or rules that guide the learning process . This article will explore the best way to present a lesson plan and drive a learning session successfully from the instructor or professor’s view. 

How to write a lesson plan 

Education nowadays guides different sorts of students and target specific learning needs. Therefore, it’s important and relevant to understand how lesson plans can change and be varied to truly implement the best learning path for your students. Once you have this part figured out, the next step is to understand how you will transmit the information and use a PowerPoint Presentation to simplify creating and presenting a lesson plan to your students. 

Lesson plans will comprise several different sections that will clarify the first questions students can have: How long will the course be? Will it be an online course ? What will be the main objectives? Which subjects will be discussed along with the class? 

1. Introduction 

As the lesson begins, it’s essential to place a brief yet descriptive introduction about what the session will cover. A good practice is to create a catchy title for each lesson to have an overall understanding of the information they will be receiving.

Example: Digital Marketing Basics: Industry background, historical review years 1980-2010. In this session, we will cover the birth of digital marketing, including all the touchpoints that shaped today’s industry. 

2. Audience

If your class is a one-time-only or recurring session, or even a blended learning journey, it’s essential to explain to your students who this class is for; this will allow them to calibrate their expectations about the matter to be taught ahead. 

Example: This lesson is directed to professionals who work in traditional marketing, business owners, or communication specialists seeking to have a profound understanding of how digital marketing came to be. 

3. Lesson Objectives 

This piece is critical because it will allow the students to assess the intention of each lesson. When thinking about the objectives, it’s vital to consider the acquired skills we expect our students to have at the end of the class. Like any other goals in life or business, each one should be actionable and measurable, meaning after each class, students should be able to use what they have learned and put into action the concepts. 

Example : Understand and be able to create a timeline framework of reference to explain the story of the Internet.

4. Materials 

Suppose the lesson requires using any specific materials, physical or not, including any software or hardware necessary. In that case, it´s important to list or include within the lesson plan so students can set clear expectations on what they might require. This is particularly important if the session you will be delivering requires them beforehand to bring anything. 

Example : 

  • Computer 
  • Scratch paper 

5. Learning Activities 

We´ve covered all the logistics by this point; however, now we need to start sharing the actual activities during the lesson. Ideally, this is a play-by-play of how each activity will guide the lesson towards the already established objectives. To add the list of learning activities that will be helpful for your students, take into account how all of them align with each goal and the requirements students need. 

Make sure that you add variety to the activities that you are proposing, go ahead and research trends of how many other teachers or professors, students will appreciate your search to engage them in learning. 

Also, consider how much time they will take so that you can note it in the next section. 

  • Create a timeline on the wall with the most important moments of digital marketing history, including creation of social media, mainstream of email, etc.

Time periods

Pairing each learning activity with a specific timeframe will be useful both for instructors and students. Make sure you calculate a reasonable amount of time for each activity and list it within the lesson plan so everyone can set correct expectations. Assigning time slots for each exercise will also help students and teachers stay on track with the lesson and not waste valuable time invested in learning.

Example : Creation of a timeline – 45 min

1 Slide Lesson Plan One Page PPT Template

How to present a lesson plan 

We have now listed the components of the lesson plan structure, everything looks beautiful in the draft, but now we need to start planning how we will present the program to the students. This part is challenging because you have to choose a template that makes sense for you and will be helpful for your students to understand.

A PowerPoint presentation is a great way to showcase all the contents of the lesson plan, however, the trick is to decide how you want to structure it.

Lesson Plan Design

By this point, you’ve structured a lesson plan template that can go through any test. Nevertheless, creating the materials to accompany it can be a key in the commitment generates between the students and the professor.

Design and Style

Before adding any text to your presentation template , think about the requirements you have: Does the academic institution where you work require the use of logos? Do you have to follow any visual guidelines? This might be important for the cohesiveness of your presentation.

It’s essential to think about how you would like to present the lesson plan. You may want to keep it simple and have a 1 pager and talk through it to understand your students fully, or perhaps you need to create one full presentation where every slide will be a relevant piece of information. Let’s explore this a bit further. 

One Pager Lesson Plan 

If your style is more towards simplicity, this is a great solution: succinct, minimalistic, and straight to the point. You can complete a one-page lesson plan with bullets of the relevant data and send it out to students. A great advantage of this format is that you can either send it as a PDF or even as a single image (JPG or PNG), exporting it directly from PowerPoint. 

One significant advantage is that your students will only have to check for one source by choosing this simple format when revising the lesson during the class or afterward. 

Several pages lesson plan 

Almost like a syllabus, a more extended presentation will include several slides so you can include the information in different formats. 

For example, you can use the first slide to include the lesson title; afterward, a new slide can define the purpose or introduction of the lesson. In the upcoming slides, you can include materials, contents, and even ad charts or similar to explain how grades will be affected by each lesson’s assignments on the upcoming slides. 

Text in the presentation 

It’s always good to follow the reliable practices of presentations and include the necessary information without overwhelming students. Don’t add an excessive amount of text to one slide; actually, make sure that every piece of data is helpful for students to plan their time both during and after class. 

However, if you will be sending out the presentation to your students before reviewing it, consider that they will be using it for their reference to follow through with your lesson. So make sure all the information is easy to read and accessible. 

Additional elements 

Learners of all sorts have become increasingly visual, so don’t be afraid to add infographics, images, photographs, icons or any other elements to make your lesson plan presentation more appealing visually. 

Flat Course Syllabus Lesson Plan PPT Template

Final Words 

Remember the lesson plan presentation will be the first approach your students will have with the subject matter. Take your time, enjoy the process, and create comprehensive and attractive lesson plan slides that will inspire your students to have thoughtful and deep learning. 

1. 1-Slide Lesson Plan PowerPoint Template

lesson plan on presentation of data

Create a simple and minimalist one-pager lesson plan for your academic uses, course planning, and even as student handouts, with this eye-catching PowerPoint template. 

Use This Template

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Learning Experience, Learning Styles, Presentation Approaches, Presentation Tips, Presentations Filed under Education

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Lesson Plan: Collecting Statistical Data

This lesson plan includes the objectives, prerequisites, and exclusions of the lesson teaching students how to plan data collection, collect data to solve problems, and make informed decisions based on data.

Students will be able to

  • decide the best way to collect data to solve problems,
  • collect data by counting and measuring,
  • make informed decisions based on data.


Students should already be familiar with

  • using data tables.

Students will not cover

  • presenting data in graphs.

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    Join Nagwa Classes. Attend live sessions on Nagwa Classes to boost your learning with guidance and advice from an expert teacher! This lesson plan includes the objectives and exclusions of the lesson teaching students how to analyze, interpret, and present data, recognize trends, and identify anomalous results.

  2. Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

    A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 7 Teacher MARICAR SARAZA Grade Level GRADE 7 Teaching Date March 19, 2021 Learning Area MATHEMATICS Teaching Time 8:30 - 9:30 Quarter FOURTH QUARTER I. Objectives A. Content Standards B. Performance Standards Demonstrates understanding of key concepts, uses and importance of Statistics, data collection/gathering and the different forms of data ...

  3. Lesson 5 data presentation

    5. 1. Textual or paragraph or narrative presentation Describes the data by enumerating some of the highlights of the data set like giving the highest, lowest or the average values. In case there are only few observation, say less than ten observations, the values could be enumerated if there is a need to do so. 6.

  4. Grade 7 Mathematics Module: Presentation of Data

    The module contains a single lesson: Lesson 1 - Pie Chart, Bar Graph, Line Graph, Histogram and Ogive; After going through this module, you are expected to: 1. use appropriate graphs to represent organized ungrouped data: pie chart, bar graph, line graph; and. 2. use appropriate graphs to represent organized grouped data: histogram and ogive.

  5. Lesson Plan: Handling Data

    Join Nagwa Classes. Attend live sessions on Nagwa Classes to boost your learning with guidance and advice from an expert teacher! This lesson plan includes the objectives and exclusions of the lesson teaching students how to express data in tables, analyze them using statistical methods, and present them in graphical formats.

  6. Lesson Plans

    Four 50-minute class periods. In this world of ever-increasing information our students must learn to collect, analyze, and interpret data for practical application and problem solving. This ...

  7. Lesson Plan: Representing Data

    Join Nagwa Classes. Attend live sessions on Nagwa Classes to boost your learning with guidance and advice from an expert teacher! This lesson plan includes the objectives, prerequisites, and exclusions of the lesson teaching students how to represent data using bar graphs, line graphs, and tally charts and compare these graphs.

  8. Improving Your Graphs: An Exercise in Data Presentation

    Too often, beginning science students do not fully understand the importance of data presentation. In their textbooks and during lectures, data generally are presented in a clear easy-to-understand format. In this exercise, students are presented with an introduction to graphs and tables, a short primer on Excel, and hypothetical raw data from several related experiments. Working together ...

  9. Gathering, Recording, and Presenting Data

    Students are asked to circle the word that describes how they got to school: car, van,truck, motorcycle, bicycle, school bus, walk. 2. Gather papers together and as a class go through the process of compiling the information. 3. Discuss options for ways information can be gathered, and pros and cons for each: Interviews. Questionnaires.

  10. A Detailed Lesson Plan in Collection of Data

    A detailed lesson plan in Collection of Data - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document provides a detailed lesson plan for a 7th grade mathematics class on collecting data. The objectives are for students to identify primary and secondary data, collect statistical data, and apply different data collection methods.

  11. Final Lesson PLAN IN DATA Presentation

    LESSON PLAN IN PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 iv. procedures reviewing lesson or presenting the new lesson motivation: establishing purpose for the lesson activity ... Final Lesson PLAN IN DATA Presentation. LESSON PLAN IN PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2. Course. college of education (educ 101) 443 Documents. Students shared 443 documents in this course.

  12. PDF Data Analysis Lesson Plan

    MA.912.S.3.9 Identify outliers in a set of data based on an appropriate graphical presentation of the data, and describe the effect of outliers on the mean, median, and range of the data. Page 2 Data Analysis ... Data Analysis Lesson Plan Students learn to evaluate and interpret data measurements. Water Atlas Curriculum Lesson 04 Procedure

  13. Data Presentation Lesson Plan

    This lesson plan outlines a class on methods of data presentation. It will discuss textual, tabular, and graphical methods through a lecture and question/answer session. Textual methods will cover arrangement from lowest to highest and stem-and-leaf plots. Tabular methods will include frequency, relative frequency, cumulative frequency, and contingency tables. Graphical methods such as bar ...

  14. Detailed lesson plan in math iv(interpreting data presented in single

    The document outlines a lesson plan for a mathematics class on interpreting data presented in single horizontal bar graphs. The lesson plan includes objectives, materials, teacher and student activities. The teacher activity involves presenting a bar graph showing students' favorite subjects, motivating students to paste stickers on the graph ...

  15. PDF Lesson Plan > BIG DATA

    Lesson Plan > BIG DATA. n >BIG DATASNAPSHOT:This lesson introduces students to the term "Big Data", its many uses and impacts. on our everyday lives. Students will explore big data as they examine its history and the technologie. behind its analytics. Additional concepts such as privacy, security, liability and careers related to big d.

  16. LP 5

    This lesson plan is about Data representation republic of the philippines western mindanao state university college of teacher education lesson plan in. Skip to document ... Materials: laptop/ mobile phone, PowerPoint Presentation. III. TEACHING - LEARNING PROCEDURE. Teacher's Activity Student's Activity PREPARATION A. Daily Routine Good ...

  17. A Detailed Lesson Plan in Collection of Data

    301906259 a Detailed Lesson Plan in Collection of Data (1) - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document outlines a lesson plan on data gathering methods for practical research. It discusses quantitative research designs, sample description, instrument development, data collection procedures such as surveys, interviews and ...

  18. Lesson Plan: Data representation

    Join Nagwa Classes. Attend live sessions on Nagwa Classes to boost your learning with guidance and advice from an expert teacher! This lesson plan includes the objectives, prerequisites, and exclusions of the lesson teaching students how to represent and analyze data using dot plots and line graphs.


    Lesson Objectives At the end of the lesson the students should be able to; a. define the usage of the different graphs used. to represent organized data. b. use appropriate graphs to represent organized. ungrouped data: pie chart, bar graph, line graph; and ogive; and c. understand the presentation of data in real life situation II.

  20. How to Present a Lesson Plan

    How to Present a Lesson Plan. Education • June 8th, 2021. First days are always exciting, and expectation builds up about the contents of the task ahead, especially if you're starting a class as a student or professor. This interaction will be significant because it will establish and define the subjects to be covered and the set of ...

  21. Google for Education

    Access educational and online tools for teachers and students, including lesson plans, apps, and games to advance learning in the classroom at no cost. Jump to content. for Education. ... monitor data, and quickly respond to threats. Play. Pause. Create new assignments. Create assignments, quizzes, and lesson content for your students. Track ...

  22. Lesson Plan: Types of Data

    Join Nagwa Classes. Attend live sessions on Nagwa Classes to boost your learning with guidance and advice from an expert teacher! This lesson plan includes the objectives and exclusions of the lesson teaching students how to identify statistical data and classify types of data as quantitative or qualitative.

  23. Lesson Plan: Data Collection

    Join Nagwa Classes. Attend live sessions on Nagwa Classes to boost your learning with guidance and advice from an expert teacher! This lesson plan includes the objectives, prerequisites, and exclusions of the lesson teaching students how to recognize the differences between, and the advantages of using, primary and secondary data sources.

  24. Lesson Plan: Collecting Statistical Data

    Join Nagwa Classes. Attend live sessions on Nagwa Classes to boost your learning with guidance and advice from an expert teacher! This lesson plan includes the objectives, prerequisites, and exclusions of the lesson teaching students how to plan data collection, collect data to solve problems, and make informed decisions based on data.