Why is man considered as the climax of God's creation of the call in Genesis 3

Man is considered the climax of God's creation because he is created in the image of God, given dominion over all other creatures, and has the ability to reason and have a relationship with God.

The idea that man is considered the climax of God's creation can be found in Genesis 3. In this passage, God creates various elements of the world, including plants, animals, and finally, man. Man is given dominion over all other creatures and is created in the image of God. This suggests that man holds a special place in God's creation. Additionally, man is given the ability to reason, make choices, and have a relationship with God. This sets man apart from the rest of creation and highlights his unique position as the pinnacle of God's creation.

Complete Guide to Job Specialization

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  • What is job specialization?

Important aspects of job specialization

Advantages of job specialization, challenges of job specialization, examples of job specialization.

Job specialization often requires training and education but it provides you with a developed skill set that will make you more employable, efficient and successful in your role. When entering the workforce or looking for career advancement opportunities, it can be helpful to expand your knowledge and expertise in a specific area. This article explains what job specialization is, details some of the benefits and challenges associated with job specialization and provides a few examples.

What is job specialization? 

Job specialization, sometimes referred to as the division of labor, is a process in which employees develop specific skills, experience and knowledge in a particular area in order to gain the expertise required to perform certain aspects of a job. This process often involves extensive training and creates skilled employees who are able to complete tasks within their realm of expertise with minimum supervision.

Here are a few of the concepts that are important to keep in mind when considering job specialization:

In order for job specialization to be effective, there needs to be open communication between the employees and the manager. Feedback allows a supervisor to remain aware of which tasks have been completed, if they met the organization’s standards and if there are opportunities for improvement.

Autonomy refers to the level of control that an employee has when completing a task. Those with more specialized skill sets typically find it much easier to retain control over a task’s processes and outcomes.

Task significance

In order for you to become a successful specialist, it’s important that you understand the priority level that accompanies each responsibility, allowing you to more effectively multi-task and appreciate the relationship between your different job functions. For example, there may be some prerequisite tasks that should be completed in order to carry out others.

Task identity

Generally speaking, you can only be as effective as the job description that you have been given. With any position, but especially with specialized roles, it’s important to be aware of the responsibilities that fall within your purview as well as the tools and strategies that should be used for measuring and organizing them.

Skill variety

Before you can choose a job specialization that makes you more employable and effective in the workplace, you will need to gain an understanding of which skills are necessary to satisfy each job requirement. This will allow you to identify which areas to specialize in as well as the training that will be necessary to become a specialist in that area.

Here are some of the advantages of contributing to a streamlined workplace with job specialization:

Less transition time

There is a faster transition between each task.

Reduced risks

Employees have the ability to specialize in specific equipment, creating a safer work environment. However, in addition to increased safety, job specialization also minimizes the number of mistakes that will be made because you have a complete mastery of the tasks associated with your role.

Increased proficiency

You can develop expertise for certain tasks, allowing you to become proficient in your duties. This allows you to become a better employee and often provides an increased level of job stability because it would be much more difficult to fill your role. Additionally, your employer has likely invested resources, energy and time into your development, making them invested in your success.

Improved morale

Job specialization often leads to higher job satisfaction among your peers and better overall morale because there is a sense of purpose for the staff. As a result, companies that encourage specialization often experience improved performance, care and motivation from their employees.

More time-efficient

Because switching between workstations and tasks is eliminated, you will see an improvement in time management.

Higher status

Becoming a specialist will give you a higher status as an employee.

Industry recognition

An organization that employs and develops in-house specialists has a higher likelihood of becoming recognized in its industry.

Research and development

Specialization allows employees to conduct research and develop new, more efficient processes.

Increased wages

As you master increasingly complex tasks and become more specialized, you will likely be offered higher pay for your expertise.

Less stress

When a position has several job functions, it can lead to a high level of stress among employees as they try to meet expectations and responsibilities. Job specialization eliminates the need to manage multiple tasks simultaneously.

Though job specialization has many advantages for all parties involved, it can present some unique challenges, such as:

Monotonous tasks

Though becoming a specialist leads to an improved skill set and higher productivity, it can lead to restlessness or even job dissatisfaction. As a generalist, you are able to work within several roles with different sets of skills and responsibilities, whereas job specialists are committed to a specific set of tasks that are relatively unwavering.

Obsolete specialties

Specializing in a specific job function or role can lead to instability if that area of expertise becomes unnecessary. In order to maintain job security, it’s important that you stay informed of new technologies or techniques that will help keep you and your role relevant.

Inability to switch career focus

By becoming specialized in a specific field, task or role, it can make it more difficult to transition into a different field of expertise. Especially once you have earned several years of specialized experience.

Job specialization can be found in almost every industry and at every level of employment. In fact, even academia plays a role in specialization, allowing students to choose areas of study that will prepare them to become specialists in their specific field. In addition to earning a specialized formal education, many organizations provide training to their employees that equips them to take over certain activities, such as human resources recruitment, social media or digital marketing. When an organization fosters specialization, it allows employees to become more effective and efficient within their role.

Perhaps one of the industries where it is easiest to visualize job specialization is manufacturing, specifically for employees who work on an assembly line. On an assembly line, production activities are broken up into simple tasks that are carried out by different employees throughout the process and system. Oftentimes, these employees become specialized in the specific role that they play and are responsible for repetitively completing one task.

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Job Specialization

What is job specialization.

Job specialization is the process where individuals or employees develop specific skills and expertise to perform certain activities within their role. This approach to work divides broader job roles into more detailed, specific tasks, allowing employees to concentrate on these tasks to become experts in their particular area of responsibility.

The concept of job specialization is closely tied to the division of labor, a strategy aimed at improving efficiency and productivity by allocating distinct tasks to workers based on their skills and expertise.

Job specialization is often contrasted with work specialization. While both involve focusing on specific tasks to increase efficiency, job specialization focuses on the individual’s development of expertise in a particular role or activity within their broader occupational field. On the other hand, work specialization usually refers to the division of tasks within an organization to promote efficiency.

brianna is giving a speech on job specialization

A brief history of job specialization

The roots of job specialization can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where the complexity of societies required the division of labor among individuals.

In Ancient Egypt, job specialization was a cornerstone of societal development, allowing for the construction of monumental architecture, such as the pyramids, and the advancement of agricultural techniques. Artisans, scribes, and builders developed specific skill sets, contributing to Egyptian society’s efficiency and technological advancement.

Similarly, job specialization was evident in Mesopotamia, one of the world’s earliest civilizations. The Mesopotamians are credited with numerous innovations, including the creation of a writing system and the development of advanced irrigation methods, both of which were made possible through specialized roles. This specialization not only facilitated the growth of cities but also the establishment of trade networks and the development of laws and governance.

Benefits and drawbacks of job specialization

Here’s a breakdown of the advantages and disadvantages of job specialization:

  • Efficient use of skills: Specializing allows individuals to sharpen their skills in a specific area, leading to increased speed and efficiency in task completion. Over time, specialists can develop techniques and shortcuts that improve productivity.
  • Higher quality of work: With a focus on a single area, specialists often produce higher quality work. Their deep understanding of their specific task allows them to identify and correct issues more effectively and innovate within their realm of expertise.
  • Faster learning curve: Specialized roles can be easier to learn and master since they focus on a narrower set of tasks. This can lead to faster onboarding and training processes.
  • Reduced costs for employers : Specialized employees can often produce more work in less time, reducing labor costs for employers.
  • Potential for boredom: Performing the same tasks day after day can lead to boredom and dissatisfaction among specialized workers, impacting their motivation.
  • Dependence on specific employees: Over time, specialized employees may experience difficulties when attempting to change career paths or pursue new opportunities within their organization.
  • Limited skillset: While mastering a specific task or function, employees might miss out on developing a broader range of skills. This limitation can negatively impact their flexibility in taking on different roles or tasks within the organization. What’s more, it may restrict career advancement opportunities.
  • Isolation from broader organizational goals: Workers may have a limited understanding of the business as a whole, which can hinder their ability to make contributions beyond their narrow field of expertise.

Benefits and drawbacks of job specialization.

Job specialization examples

This section will provide illustrative examples of job specialization in different industries.

Healthcare industry

Diagnostic Radiologists exemplify job specialization in the medical field by focusing on interpreting medical images, such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans, to diagnose diseases. Their specialized knowledge is critical in guiding the treatment plans for various conditions.

These experts undergo extensive training to develop their expertise in reading and understanding complex imaging results, making them indispensable in the healthcare system for accurate diagnosis and patient care management.

IT industry

Cybersecurity Analysts specialize in protecting an organization’s computer systems and networks from cyber threats. They monitor, analyze, and respond to security breaches, implement protective measures, and advise on best practices for digital safety.

This specialization requires a deep understanding of information technology, network security protocols, and threat mitigation strategies.

How to transition employees to job specialization: Best practices

Transitioning employees to job specialization requires careful planning and execution to ensure the move benefits both the organization and its employees. Here are several tips for HR professionals to facilitate a smooth transition:

  • Assess individual strengths and interests: Begin by evaluating each employee’s skills, strengths, and areas of interest. Use performance reviews , skill assessments, and one-on-one conversations to gather insights.
  • Provide clear information and training: Clearly communicate the benefits and expectations of job specialization to employees. Offer comprehensive training programs to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge for their specialized roles. 
  • Redesign job roles: Update job descriptions to reflect the specialized roles and responsibilities and design clear career paths for these roles, helping employees see the progression opportunities available to them.
  • Offer mentorship and support: Pair employees with mentors with experience in their specialization area. Mentors can provide guidance, support, and feedback, helping mentees navigate challenges and grow in their new roles.
HR tip Incorporating job specialization within your workforce strategy requires a balanced approach. HR professionals should ensure that while employees are encouraged to develop deep expertise in specific areas, cross-training , and skill diversification opportunities are also provided. Implementing mentorship programs where specialists can share knowledge and skills with others can foster a more resilient and flexible organizational culture.

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brianna is giving a speech on job specialization

98% of HR professionals are burned out and it's no surprise. This data from Forbes might seem shocking — unless you work in HR, of course. Employee expectations have shifted...

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The HR Generalist Certificate program gives you the knowledge, tools, and templates you need to succeed as an HR team of one. From setting up policy frameworks to managing payroll,...

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Job analysis provides a way for organizations to fully understand the nature of a job. It helps draft better job descriptions and develop effective training and development programs, leads to...

brianna is giving a speech on job specialization

Which of the Following Is True of Job Specialization

Question 40

Which of the following is true of job specialization? 

A)  ​It occurs when a job composed of a small part of a larger task or process.  B)  ​It is an approach to job redesign that seeks to formulate jobs in ways that motivate workers and lead to positive work outcomes.  C)  ​It involves giving workers the authority and control to make meaningful decisions about their work.  D)  ​It is the process of solving problems by consistently applying the same rules, procedures, and processes.

Correct Answer:

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Q36: Which of the following best defines an

Q37: In the context of task interdependence,in _,each

Q38: In the context of task interdependence,in _,different

Q39: In the context of the job characteristics

Q41: _ is a hybrid structure in which

Q42: _ is the vertical line of authority

Q43: _ are characterized by precisely defined,unchanging roles

Q44: In the context of organizational structure,_ is

Q77: _ is the location of most authority

Q79: Because employees simply switch from one specialized

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Katrina is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the primary reasons for job specialization is a. that workers lose time changing from one operation to another b. the organization is too large for one person to do everything c. a worker repeating the same job becomes bored and slows down the operation d. not everyone wants to do the same thing e. special skills are not needed to complete specialized tasks

Katrina is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the primary reasons for job specialization is a. that workers lose time changing from one operation to another b. the organization is too large for one person to do everything c. a worker repeating the same job becomes bored and slows down the operation d. not everyone wants to do the same thing e. special skills are not needed to complete specialized tasks



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brianna is giving a speech on job specialization

Job Specialization

What is job specialization.

Job specialization is the process where individuals or employees develop specific skills and expertise to perform certain activities within their role. This approach to work divides broader job roles into more detailed, specific tasks, allowing employees to concentrate on these tasks to become experts in their particular area of responsibility.

The concept of job specialization is closely tied to the division of labor, a strategy aimed at improving efficiency and productivity by allocating distinct tasks to workers based on their skills and expertise.

Job specialization is often contrasted with work specialization. While both involve focusing on specific tasks to increase efficiency, job specialization focuses on the individual’s development of expertise in a particular role or activity within their broader occupational field. On the other hand, work specialization usually refers to the division of tasks within an organization to promote efficiency.

brianna is giving a speech on job specialization

A brief history of job specialization

The roots of job specialization can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where the complexity of societies required the division of labor among individuals.

In Ancient Egypt, job specialization was a cornerstone of societal development, allowing for the construction of monumental architecture, such as the pyramids, and the advancement of agricultural techniques. Artisans, scribes, and builders developed specific skill sets, contributing to Egyptian society’s efficiency and technological advancement.

Similarly, job specialization was evident in Mesopotamia, one of the world’s earliest civilizations. The Mesopotamians are credited with numerous innovations, including the creation of a writing system and the development of advanced irrigation methods, both of which were made possible through specialized roles. This specialization not only facilitated the growth of cities but also the establishment of trade networks and the development of laws and governance.

Benefits and drawbacks of job specialization

Here’s a breakdown of the advantages and disadvantages of job specialization:

  • Efficient use of skills: Specializing allows individuals to sharpen their skills in a specific area, leading to increased speed and efficiency in task completion. Over time, specialists can develop techniques and shortcuts that improve productivity.
  • Higher quality of work: With a focus on a single area, specialists often produce higher quality work. Their deep understanding of their specific task allows them to identify and correct issues more effectively and innovate within their realm of expertise.
  • Faster learning curve: Specialized roles can be easier to learn and master since they focus on a narrower set of tasks. This can lead to faster onboarding and training processes.
  • Reduced costs for employers : Specialized employees can often produce more work in less time, reducing labor costs for employers.
  • Potential for boredom: Performing the same tasks day after day can lead to boredom and dissatisfaction among specialized workers, impacting their motivation.
  • Dependence on specific employees: Over time, specialized employees may experience difficulties when attempting to change career paths or pursue new opportunities within their organization.
  • Limited skillset: While mastering a specific task or function, employees might miss out on developing a broader range of skills. This limitation can negatively impact their flexibility in taking on different roles or tasks within the organization. What’s more, it may restrict career advancement opportunities.
  • Isolation from broader organizational goals: Workers may have a limited understanding of the business as a whole, which can hinder their ability to make contributions beyond their narrow field of expertise.

Benefits and drawbacks of job specialization.

Job specialization examples

This section will provide illustrative examples of job specialization in different industries.

Healthcare industry

Diagnostic Radiologists exemplify job specialization in the medical field by focusing on interpreting medical images, such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans, to diagnose diseases. Their specialized knowledge is critical in guiding the treatment plans for various conditions.

These experts undergo extensive training to develop their expertise in reading and understanding complex imaging results, making them indispensable in the healthcare system for accurate diagnosis and patient care management.

IT industry

Cybersecurity Analysts specialize in protecting an organization’s computer systems and networks from cyber threats. They monitor, analyze, and respond to security breaches, implement protective measures, and advise on best practices for digital safety.

This specialization requires a deep understanding of information technology, network security protocols, and threat mitigation strategies.

How to transition employees to job specialization: Best practices

Transitioning employees to job specialization requires careful planning and execution to ensure the move benefits both the organization and its employees. Here are several tips for HR professionals to facilitate a smooth transition:

  • Assess individual strengths and interests: Begin by evaluating each employee’s skills, strengths, and areas of interest. Use performance reviews , skill assessments, and one-on-one conversations to gather insights.
  • Provide clear information and training: Clearly communicate the benefits and expectations of job specialization to employees. Offer comprehensive training programs to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge for their specialized roles. 
  • Redesign job roles: Update job descriptions to reflect the specialized roles and responsibilities and design clear career paths for these roles, helping employees see the progression opportunities available to them.
  • Offer mentorship and support: Pair employees with mentors with experience in their specialization area. Mentors can provide guidance, support, and feedback, helping mentees navigate challenges and grow in their new roles.
HR tip Incorporating job specialization within your workforce strategy requires a balanced approach. HR professionals should ensure that while employees are encouraged to develop deep expertise in specific areas, cross-training , and skill diversification opportunities are also provided. Implementing mentorship programs where specialists can share knowledge and skills with others can foster a more resilient and flexible organizational culture.

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brianna is giving a speech on job specialization

98% of HR professionals are burned out and it's no surprise. This data from Forbes might seem shocking — unless you work in HR, of course. Employee expectations have shifted...

brianna is giving a speech on job specialization

The HR Generalist Certificate program gives you the knowledge, tools, and templates you need to succeed as an HR team of one. From setting up policy frameworks to managing payroll,...

brianna is giving a speech on job specialization

Job analysis provides a way for organizations to fully understand the nature of a job. It helps draft better job descriptions and develop effective training and development programs, leads to...

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Katrina is giving a speech on job specialization for her business...

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Which of the Following Is True of Job Specialization

Question 40

Which of the following is true of job specialization? 

A)  ​It occurs when a job composed of a small part of a larger task or process.  B)  ​It is an approach to job redesign that seeks to formulate jobs in ways that motivate workers and lead to positive work outcomes.  C)  ​It involves giving workers the authority and control to make meaningful decisions about their work.  D)  ​It is the process of solving problems by consistently applying the same rules, procedures, and processes.

Correct Answer:

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Q36: Which of the following best defines an

Q37: In the context of task interdependence,in _,each

Q38: In the context of task interdependence,in _,different

Q39: In the context of the job characteristics

Q41: _ is a hybrid structure in which

Q42: _ is the vertical line of authority

Q43: _ are characterized by precisely defined,unchanging roles

Q44: In the context of organizational structure,_ is

Q77: _ is the location of most authority

Q79: Because employees simply switch from one specialized

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Katrina is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the primary reasons for job specialization is a. that workers lose time changing from one operation to another b. the organization is too large for one person to do everything c. a worker repeating the same job becomes bored and slows down the operation d. not everyone wants to do the same thing e. special skills are not needed to complete specialized tasks

Katrina is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the primary reasons for job specialization is a. that workers lose time changing from one operation to another b. the organization is too large for one person to do everything c. a worker repeating the same job becomes bored and slows down the operation d. not everyone wants to do the same thing e. special skills are not needed to complete specialized tasks



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Brianna is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the reasons for job specialization is: a. not everyone wants to do the same thing. b. the organization is too large for one person to do everything. c. a worker repeating the same job becomes bored and slows down the operation. d. special skills are not needed to complete specialized tasks.



Job specialization can be defined as the process whereby a person or a group of individuals who are highly qualified in a specific field are assigned to complete a particular task or to focus on their area of expertise effectively. As can be deduced from the name, job specialization refers to having a specialty or expertise in a specific sector of work.

Companies have different departments, like accounting and admin, these departments cannot be handled by just one person, regardless of whether the person is skilled in both departments. This is where job specialization comes in.

One other important aspect of job specialization is the potential to increase the level of employees' productivity and output. Productivity is of benefit to the employer, but specialization can also be of benefit to workers in that it may improve employment prospects.

Another question on Business


Brianna is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the reasons for job specialization is a. not everyone wants to do the same thing. b. the organization is too large for one person to do everything. c. a worker repeating the same job becomes bored and slows down the operation. d. special skills are not needed to complete specialized tasks.


the answer is i don't know

answer; /// the above statement is (false);


​Jenna is giving a speech on job specialization for her busi…

​jennа is giving а speech оn jоb speciаlizatiоn for her business class. she will most likely tell the class that one of the reasons for job specialization is.

brianna is giving a speech on job specialization

Katrina is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the primary reasons for job specialization is _______. When a worker has to learn only a specific, highly specialized task, that individual should be able to learn to do it very efficiently.

Question: Brianna is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the reasons for job specialization isthe organization is too large for one person to do everything.special skills are not needed to complete specialized tasks.a worker repeating the same job becomes bored and slows down the operation.not

Final answer: Job specialization increases productivity and efficiency by allowing employees to hone their skills in a certain area, thus enabling them to earn a wage that they can use to purchase other goods and services.Thus, trade and economic viability are integral to job specialization. Explanation: In her speech, Brianna is likely to highlight that one of the reasons for job ...

Katrina is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the primary reasons for job specialization is _ _ _ _ _ _ _. a. the organization is too large for one person to do everything. b. that workers lose time changing from one operation to another.

Is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the reasons for job specialization is A .special skills are not needed to complete specialized tasks. B .not everyone wants to do the same thing. C. a worker repeating the same job becomes bored and slows down the operation.

Job specialization entails breaking down jobs into their simplest components and assigning them to employees so that each person would perform a select number of tasks in a repetitive manner.Also, job specialization is ineffective in rapidly changing environments where employees may need to modify their approach according to the demands of the situation.

attempts to overcome the disadvantages of job specialization by periodically moving workers from one specialized job to another to give them more variety and the opportunity to use different skills. Another way to counter the disadvantages of specialization is to enlarge the job.

Job specialization examples. This section will provide illustrative examples of job specialization in different industries. Healthcare industry. Diagnostic Radiologists exemplify job specialization in the medical field by focusing on interpreting medical images, such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans, to diagnose diseases.

Job specialization is a process that occurs when employees gain knowledge, education and experience in a specific area of expertise. The importance of job specialization in the modern-day workforce is that it helps to fulfill the need for skilled workers. Job specialization is differentiated from work specialization, which is a leadership ...

Brianna is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class.She will most likely tell the class that one of the reasons for job specialization is A) the organization is too large for one person to do everything. B) special skills are not needed to complete specialized tasks. C) a worker repeating the same job becomes bored and slows down the operation.

Find an answer to your question Jenna is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. she will most likely tell the class that one of the reaso ... It is likely that Jenna will mention the fact that job specialization is necessary when an organization reaches a certain size. When an organization is very big, it becomes ...

Brianna is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell t class that one of the reasons for job specialization is a. the organization is too large for one person to do everything. b. special skills are not needed to complete specialized tasks. c.

Brianna is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the reasons for job specialization is: a. not everyone wants to do the same thing. b. the organization is too large for one person to do everything. c. a worker repeating the same job becomes bored and slows down the ...

Katrina is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the primary reasons for job specialization is _______. Question 10 options: that workers lose time changing from one operation to another special skills are not needed to complete specialized tasks a worker repeating the same ...

Verified Answer for the question: [Solved] Which of the following is true of job specialization? A) It occurs when a job composed of a small part of a larger task or process. B) It is an approach to job redesign that seeks to formulate jobs in ways that motivate workers and lead to positive work outcomes. C) It involves giving workers the authority and control to make meaningful decisions ...

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like __ __ specifies the content and method of jobs, i.e., what will be done on the job, who will do the job, how the job will be done, and where the job will be done., Which of the following statements are true of job specialization in lower-level jobs?, Which of the following is the definition of job rotation? and more.

Katrina is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the primary reasons for job specialization is a. that workers lose time changing from one operation to another b. the organization is too large for one person to do everything c. a worker repeating the same job becomes bored and slows down the operation d. not everyone wants ...

Answers: 1 on a question: Brianna is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the reasons for job specialization is: a. not everyone wants to do the same thing. b. the organization is too large for one person to do everything. c. a worker repeating the same job becomes bored and slows down the operation. d. special skills are ...

Correct answers: 1 question: Brianna is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the reasons for job specialization is a. not everyone wants to do the same thing. b. the organization is too large for one person to do everything. c. a worker repeating the same job becomes bored and slows down the operation. d. special skills ...

Chapter 12 Quiz. Videoconferencing is advantageous because you can ______. a. see who you are talking to. b. avoid face to face confrontations. c. discern emotions. d. only talk to the people you like. Click the card to flip 👆. c. discern emotions. Click the card to flip 👆.

Question: Katrina is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the primary reasons for job specialization isa. not everyone wants to do the same thingb. special skills are not needed to complete specialized tasksc. the organization is too large for one person to do ...

Jennа is giving а speech оn jоb speciаlizatiоn for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the reasons for job specialization is

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Asking a black colleague how she got her job is an example of _____., In countries that welcome uncertainty, people have a strong need for clearly defined rules and regulations, Who is more likely to experience greater communication apprehension when giving a speech in their public speaking class? and more.


Brianna is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the reasons for job specialization is a. not everyone wants to do the same thing. b. the organization is too large for one person to do everything. c. a worker repeating the same job becomes bored and slows down the operation. d. special skills are not needed to complete specialized tasks.


answer; ///deficit;

account a is the answer. process of elimination

Another question on Business


'It's a mess': Biden turns to family on his path forward after his disastrous debate

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden is expected to discuss the future of his re-election campaign with family at Camp David, Maryland, on Sunday, following a nationally televised debate Thursday that left many fellow Democrats worried about his ability to beat former President Donald Trump in November, according to five people familiar with the matter.

Biden’s trip was planned before Thursday’s debate. He and first lady Jill Biden are scheduled to join their children and grandchildren there late Saturday.

So far, the party’s top leaders have offered public support for Biden, including in tweets posted by former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton . Senior congressional Democrats , including Reps. Hakeem Jeffries of New York, Jim Clyburn of South Carolina and Nancy Pelosi of California, have privately expressed concerns about his viability, said two sources apprised of those discussions, even as they all publicly back the president.

One Democratic House member who believes Biden should drop out of the race — but has yet to call for that publicly — told NBC News that three colleagues expressed the same sentiment to him during votes on the House floor Friday.

House leaders have not wavered publicly, and their aides denied that they are expressing doubts behind closed doors.

“Speaker Pelosi has full confidence in President Biden and looks forward to attending his inauguration on January 20, 2025,” Ian Krager, a spokesman for the former House speaker, said in a statement. “Any suggestion that she has engaged in a different course of action is simply not true.”

Christie Stephenson, a spokeswoman for Jeffries, the House minority leader, said her boss has “repeatedly made clear publicly and privately that he supports President Joe Biden and the Democratic ticket from top to bottom.”

Brianna Frias said Clyburn, who is traveling to Wisconsin this weekend to campaign for the president, "has total confidence in President Joe Biden and the Biden-Harris ticket.

"Any reports alleging that the Congressman has expressed anything other than firm support of President Biden are completely untrue," Frias said.

At the same time, there is an understanding among top Democrats that Biden should be given space to determine next steps. They believe only the president, in consultation with his family, can decide whether to move forward or to end his campaign early — and that he won’t respond well to being pushed.

“The decision-makers are two people — it’s the president and his wife,” one of the sources familiar with the discussions said, adding: “Anyone who doesn’t understand how deeply personal and familial this decision will be isn’t knowledgeable about the situation.”

This account of a president and his party in crisis just a little more than four months before an election they say will determine the fate of democracy is drawn from interviews with more than a dozen Democratic officials, operatives, aides and donors. All of them spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to describe matters as sensitive as whether a sitting president might give up his re-election bid and how he could be replaced on the ballot.

Despite delivering a rousing speech at a rally in North Carolina on Friday that calmed some of his allies, Biden was described by one person familiar with his mood as humiliated, devoid of confidence and painfully aware that the physical images of him at the debate — eyes staring into the distance, mouth agape — will live beyond his presidency, along with a performance that at times was meandering, incoherent and difficult to hear.

“It’s a mess,” this person said.

Another person familiar with the dynamics said Biden will ultimately listen to only one adviser.

“The only person who has ultimate influence with him is the first lady,” this person said. “If she decides there should be a change of course, there will be a change of course.”

After article was published, a source familiar with the situation reached out to stress that the Camp David gathering was not a formal family meeting.

“Any discussion about the campaign is expected to be informal or an afterthought,” the source said. “No one is sitting down for a formal or determinative discussion.”

Anita Dunn, one of Biden’s handful of closest advisers, said Saturday on MSNBC’s “The Weekend” that Biden has not discussed dropping out of the race with aides and that internal talks have focused on moving forward.

“We had a bad debate,” Dunn said. “What do we do next? You know, the president, above all, is focused on what do we do next? What do I need to go do?”

These private discussions among Biden, his family members and his top advisers are being held against the backdrop of a reckoning for Democrats who were shocked both by Biden’s appearance and the frequency with which his train of thought appeared to veer off track.

His campaign held a conference call Saturday with members of the Democratic National Committee, which a Biden campaign official described as an effort to reassure party officials and demonstrate that his team is communicating with its allies.

“We’re driving this,” the official said.

Biden’s top aides and advisers have told his staff to stay the course in meetings and discussions. Their message, according to one senior administration official: “We’ll weather the storm, just like we always have.”

Sources have described three buckets of Democrats: those who will defend Biden under any circumstances, those who are ready to dump him, and those who are waiting to see what he does — and what his poll numbers look like in the coming days and weeks — before passing judgment. It’s the third bucket that Democratic insiders are monitoring closely.

“Democrats need to take a big breath and look at that polling, look at swing voters,” said one state Democratic Party chair. “Until I see something differently, he’s the person that’s put this coalition together, he’s the person that has the record, he’s the person that beat Donald Trump. Until I see something differently, he’s still the best person to beat Donald Trump.”

The Biden campaign declined to comment for this piece, instead pointing to a memo Saturday from campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon that made the case that Biden can still win, pointing to the more than $27 million they raised between debate day and Friday evening.

Notably, however, O’Malley Dillon nodded to the possibility that there might be some tough polling ahead — but said the blame will rest with the media: “If we do see changes in polling in the coming weeks, it will not be the first time that overblown media narratives have driven temporary dips in the polls.”

The discussions among some Democrats include weighing what the party’s best path to defeating Trump might be — sticking with an 81-year-old incumbent who could have another moment like Thursday night at any time between now and Election Day, or going with a different candidate whose path to nomination at the party’s convention next month could be a messy process.

Biden insisted Friday that he will remain the party’s standard-bearer in November, telling a crowd at his rally in North Carolina: “I would not be running again if I didn’t believe with all my heart and soul I can do this job.”

The president has spent much of the past 48 hours attending fundraising events with some of the very Democrats most concerned about the impact of his debate performance.

He addressed it head-on at one event Saturday.

“I understand the concern about the debate — I get it,” he added. “I didn’t have a great night.”

Party elites will urge him to exit the race only if they determine that he is “not viable and negatively impacting the House and Senate races,” said one big-time donor who is close to both Obama and Biden.

Inherent in the wait-and-see approach is an acknowledgment that there is no clear replacement for Biden and that his departure could touch off a bloody eleventh-hour intraparty battle that might allow Trump to cruise to victory.

There’s also no feasible way to force him from his perch. All but a handful of the delegates to the Democratic convention were elected on their pledge to nominate him at the party’s convention in August. If he chooses to stand for that nomination, party insiders say, he will get it.

Moreover, according to a senior Democratic official, the party leadership would have much more control over choosing a replacement if Biden were to drop out after receiving the nomination than if he did so beforehand. Once a candidate is officially nominated, there is a process for the Democratic National Committee members to choose a successor. Biden is the dominant force at the DNC, and his preference for a successor would surely carry sway.

If Biden were to exit before that, his delegates might do what he asked of them — but they wouldn’t be bound in the same way they are now. In that scenario, the delegates could nominate anyone, and there could be a political brawl at the convention.

“We need to have as much discipline as emotion,” the senior Democratic official said. “It’s not politically smart for Biden to step down.”

brianna is giving a speech on job specialization

Carol E. Lee is the Washington managing editor.

brianna is giving a speech on job specialization

Kristen Welker is the moderator of "Meet the Press."

brianna is giving a speech on job specialization

Jonathan Allen is a senior national politics reporter for NBC News, based in Washington.

brianna is giving a speech on job specialization

Mike Memoli is an NBC News correspondent. 

brianna is giving a speech on job specialization

Monica Alba is a White House correspondent for NBC News.

'It's not over until it's over': England gives Rishi Sunak hope of glorious comeback

After England's glorious last-minute comeback - Rishi Sunak has sent a message to the country as he tries to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat in this general election.

Sunday 30 June 2024 23:04, UK

  • General Election 2024

Please use Chrome browser for a more accessible video player

  • England gives Sunak hope of a glorious comeback
  • Reform candidate disowns party amid racism row - and backs Tories | Which comes after party dropped three candidates
  • Farage says he 'doesn't want to know' racists | And finally rules out joining Tory party after election
  • Rob Powell:  With more coverage comes more scrutiny
  • Sunak insists he can still win election
  • Has Labour chosen wealthy pensioners over children in poverty?
  • 'Extremely troubling' footage emerges of Tory association students singing Nazi song | But party says group 'not affiliated' to them
  • Live reporting by Ben Bloch  and (earlier)  Faith Ridler

Election essentials

  • Manifesto pledges: Conservatives | Greens | Labour | Lib Dems | Plaid | Reform | SNP
  • Trackers:  Who's leading polls? | Is PM keeping promises?
  • Campaign Heritage:  Memorable moments from elections gone by
  • Follow Sky's politics podcasts:  Electoral Dysfunction | Politics At Jack And Sam's
  • Read more:  Who is standing down? | Key seats to watch | What counts as voter ID? | Check if your constituency is changing | Guide to election lingo
  • How to watch election on Sky News

Thank you for joining us on the Politics Hub for live coverage of events on the general election campaign trail today.

Polls open in 3 days and 8 hours - and the campaign is about to enter a frantic phase as politicians spend every last moment fighting for your vote.

Scroll down for all of today's developments - and we'll be back from 6am with the very latest.

Pledges and promises are coming thick and fast from every party as the general election approaches. 

Struggling to keep up with who is saying what?

Here is a summary of where the main parties stand on major issues.

For a more in-depth look at what each party has pledged, scour our  manifesto checker ...

The final weekend of the general election campaign is over, with three days and nine hours left until polls open.

Today has seen a slight lull in the pace of campaigning ahead of the frantic final days as the politicians fight for every last vote.

Here's what you need to know about what happened today:

  • Nigel Farage held a vast Reform UK rally in Birmingham as he tries to stabilise his party's position after a slew of racism allegations this week;
  • Speaking to Sky's political editor Beth Rigby , Mr Farage described homophobic remarks by a close aide of his as "crass, drunken, vulgar, rude, wrong" - but also that "people say all sorts of things when they're drunk";
  • Also in his interview with Beth, he finally ruled out joining the Tories after the election if he enters parliament, saying they are "ghastly";
  • But the racism row engulfing the party continued, with one of his candidates quitting to back the Tories, citing "widespread racism and sexism" in the party, and "the failure of the party's leadership to not only take this matter seriously, but also to fundamentally address it".
  • Rishi Sunak  started the day with a tough interview in which he was challenged on his party's record in power;
  • He insisted on BBC's Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg show that the UK is "a better place to live than it was in 2010", despite a "difficult" last few years;
  • He also insisted that his party can still win the general election;
  • In the afternoon, he visited a synagogue in north London and met community members;
  • He pledged that a Conservative  government under his leadership would show "steadfast" support for Israel, and said he was "proud" that British forces helped defend Israel from Iran's attack in April;
  • The PM hit out at the "sickness" of antisemitism, and pledged to "lead a long term effort" to tackle, and "change our culture so we tackle the root causes of this hatred";
  • Speaking to Sky's Trevor Phillips this morning, Mr Sunak's deputy, Oliver Dowden , warned that Russia is using bots to boost Reform UK on social media (a spokesman for the party said Mr Dowden must think voters are "stupid").
  • Sir Keir Starmer  was not seen on the campaign trail today, but his national campaign coordinator Pat McFadden was challenged by Sky's Trevor Phillips  about whether they would owe a potential victory on Thursday to Reform UK;
  • He replied that the power is in the hands of the electorate, and dismissed any questions over the legitimacy of a potential Labour win;
  • SNP  leader John Swinney  told Sky News that Scots have been "disenfranchised" by the timing of the election, because school holidays in Scotland have already started in large parts of the country;
  • The first minister also made the case for independence with the SNP - but did concede his party has had a "tough time" in recent months.

Follow along for the latest political updates throughout the evening.

TV presenter Rylan Clark has said he would "love" to become a politician - and replace the party system with a "Power Rangers of government" model.

The TV personality, 35, joined political editor Beth Rigby and former Scottish Conservative leader Baroness Ruth Davidson for this week's Sky News Electoral Dysfunction podcast.

Asked if he would ever consider the career change, he said: "If I wasn't in the job that I was in, I would love nothing more."

Rylan, who won Celebrity Big Brother and also appeared on the X Factor, appeared on the podcast in place of Labour candidate Jess Phillips after tweeting his praise for Rigby on the day Rishi Sunak announced the general election.

Sharing a clip of her and Sky presenter Sophy Ridge outside a rainy Downing Street waiting for Mr Sunak to appear at the lectern, he said: "Obsessed with the Rigby."

Speaking to her and Davidson, he said his "obsession" with politics began with Brexit - "as we've seen so many promises which weren't fulfilled" since then.

He added: "I lie there at night sometimes, and I think about [Volodymyr] Zelenskyy. He hosted one of the same shows I've hosted in Ukraine."

The TV presenter also shared his idea of abandoning political parties altogether.

Read the full story here: 

Our live poll tracker collates the results of opinion surveys carried out by all the main polling organisations - and allows you to see how the political parties are performing in the run-up to the general election.

With under a week to go, the Tories and Labour have taken a drop, while support for Reform UK and the Liberal Democrats is on the rise.

Read more about the tracker  here .

Avid football fan Sir Keir Starmer has tweeted his reaction to England's win over Slovakia to reach the quarter-finals of the Euros.

Although England came a matter of minutes from losing before Jude Bellingham's stunning overhead kick in added time took it to extra time, the Labour leader tweeted that the win was "never in doubt".

Labour would definitely want to steer us away from inferring any commentary about the general election from that tweet as they fight for every last vote - unlike Rishi Sunak's more pointed message ...

The Financial Times (FT) announced today that it is backing the Labour Party at this general election, and on Politics Hub With Ali Fortescue , we spoke to the paper's Whitehall Editor, Lucy Fisher, about that decision.

She is, of course, employed by the paper as a journalist, and does not sit on the Editorial Board that decided the endorsement.

But she told Ali that it is "really significant" that the board has backed Labour, adding that it's "the first time since 2005" the paper has done so.

"The FT doesn't have a natural political allegiance, and in fact, being a very pro-free trade and private enterprise newspaper, wanting to see a very open, outward-looking Britain - [it] has more often supported the Tories than Labour.

"So it does feel significant. And the op-ed... makes clear the FT views this as a sea change moment in British politics akin to 1979 when [Margaret] Thatcher swept to power, or 1997 when Tony Blair came in."

Finally, we ask Treasury minister Bim Afolami if the Conservative Party can still defy the polls and win the election on Thursday.

He replies: "Of course we can. And, you know, we will see what happens

"But what I do know is on speaking to constituents... there are higher than normal numbers of undecided people.

"This is the fourth general election I've fought - a large number of people are still saying they don't know which way to go.

"And my message to them on the doorsteps and here today is if they want to lower their taxes, secure the borders, make sure that we have a thriving, prosperous economy going forward in the future, a Conservative vote is what they need to do."

Ali Fortescue points out to the minister that the overall tax burden will continue to rise under the Conservative Party - but he does not accept that, saying the tax cuts they want to make are targeted at ordinary working people, and the overall number factors in the wider economy.

"We are cutting taxes for working people and for pensioners as well," he insists.

In the last hour, we've had the breaking news from the French parliamentary elections that Marine Le Pen's far right National Rally party appears to have come out on top in the first round of voting, according to exit polls.

We ask minister Bim Afolami if he is worried about that at all, and he replies: "I must confess that I haven't really been following the French election as closely as I might have done because I've been focusing on my own in this country."

Asked if a Conservative government would work with Ms Le Pen and her party, he replies that "Britain has to work with whoever is chosen as the leader of other countries".

He says "of course" they would work with whoever is elected in France.

Sky's Ali Fortescue puts it to him that Rishi Sunak has previously said Nigel Farage would work with Ms Le Pen, implying it would be a bad thing to do.

Mr Afolami replies: "We're not advocating for Marine Le Pen to win.

"What I'm saying to you is you cannot choose... who leads other countries."

The first UK political guest on tonight's edition of Politics Hub With Ali Fortesue  is Treasury minister Bim Afolami, and we start by asking for his reaction to the Reform candidate in Erewash disowning his party to back the Tories.

Mr Afolami says: "Well, I'm glad he's seen the light."

He also says that he's glad that the candidate, Liam Booth-Isherwood, has made the point that only the Conservative candidate can stop Labour winning, which has been the Tory party's argument for weeks.

Asked if he would be glad if Nigel Farage decided to back the Tories, Mr Afolami says the Reform leader has "no intention" of switching sides.

He goes on: "I do find it quite curious, you know, this idea that Farage is somehow a Conservative. He spent 25 years trying to destroy the Conservative Party."

He adds that Reform is "designed to increase the power of a Labour".

Challenged on the fact that senior Conservatives like Suella Braverman and Sir Philip Davies have said they would welcome Mr Farage into the party, the minister says they are "in a small minority".

Here is the full list of candidates standing in Erewash:

  • James Martin Archer, Liberal Democrats
  • Liam Dane Booth-Isherwood (was Reform UK, but has quit party to back Tories)
  • John William Kirby, Independent
  • Brent Poland, Green Party
  • Adam Thompson, Labour Party
  • Maggie Throup, Conservative Party

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brianna is giving a speech on job specialization


  1. Chapter 7 Quiz Flashcards

    Katrina is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the primary reasons for job specialization is _____. When a worker has to learn only a specific, highly specialized task, that individual should be able to learn to do it very efficiently. However, this efficiency could ...

  2. Solved Brianna is giving a speech on job specialization for

    Question: Brianna is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the reasons for job specialization isthe organization is too large for one person to do everything.special skills are not needed to complete specialized tasks.a worker repeating the same job becomes bored and slows down the operation.not

  3. brianna is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class

    Final answer: Job specialization increases productivity and efficiency by allowing employees to hone their skills in a certain area, thus enabling them to earn a wage that they can use to purchase other goods and services.Thus, trade and economic viability are integral to job specialization. Explanation: In her speech, Brianna is likely to highlight that one of the reasons for job ...

  4. Solved Katrina is giving a speech on job specialization for

    Katrina is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the primary reasons for job specialization is _ _ _ _ _ _ _. a. the organization is too large for one person to do everything. b. that workers lose time changing from one operation to another.

  5. Solved: Brianna is giving a speech on job specialization for her

    Brianna is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell t class that one of the reasons for job specialization is a. the organization is too large for one person to do everything. b. special skills are not needed to complete specialized tasks. c.

  6. Chapter 7 Mindtaps

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The line of authority that extends from the highest to the lowest levels of an organization is called the _____. - chain of command - specialization of jobs - job design diagram - organization chart, ______ is the separation of all organizational activities into distinct tasks and the assignment of different tasks to different ...

  7. is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She

    Is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the reasons for job specialization is A .special skills are not needed to complete specialized tasks. B .not everyone wants to do the same thing. C. a worker repeating the same job becomes bored and slows down the operation.

  8. Jenna is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class

    Jenna is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. she will most likely tell the class that one of the reasons for job specialization is ... Jenna's reason in regards of the job specialization in her business class is that the organization is likely to be too large for an individual or one person to do everything in an ...

  9. OB Chapter 6 Flashcards

    Job specialization entails breaking down jobs into their simplest components and assigning them to employees so that each person would perform a select number of tasks in a repetitive manner.Also, job specialization is ineffective in rapidly changing environments where employees may need to modify their approach according to the demands of the situation.

  10. Job Specialization

    Job specialization, sometimes referred to as the division of labor, is a process in which employees develop specific skills, experience and knowledge in a particular area in order to gain the expertise required to perform certain aspects of a job. This process often involves extensive training and creates skilled employees who are able to ...

  11. Brianna Is Giving a Speech on Job Specialization for Her

    Brianna is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class.She will most likely tell the class that one of the reasons for job specialization is A) the organization is too large for one person to do everything. B) special skills are not needed to complete specialized tasks. C) a worker repeating the same job becomes bored and slows down the operation.

  12. What is Job Specialization? Definition and Examples

    Job specialization examples. This section will provide illustrative examples of job specialization in different industries. Healthcare industry. Diagnostic Radiologists exemplify job specialization in the medical field by focusing on interpreting medical images, such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans, to diagnose diseases.

  13. [Solved] Katrina is giving a speech on job specialization for her

    Katrina is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the primary reasons for job specialization is _______. Question 10 options: that workers lose time changing from one operation to another special skills are not needed to complete specialized tasks a worker repeating the same ...

  14. brianna is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class

    Brianna is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the reasons for job specialization is: a. not everyone wants to do the same thing. b. the organization is too large for one person to do everything. c. a worker repeating the same job becomes bored and slows down the ...

  15. Which of the Following is True of Job Specialization

    Verified Answer for the question: [Solved] Which of the following is true of job specialization? A) It occurs when a job composed of a small part of a larger task or process. B) It is an approach to job redesign that seeks to formulate jobs in ways that motivate workers and lead to positive work outcomes. C) It involves giving workers the authority and control to make meaningful decisions ...

  16. katrina giving speech on job specialization business class. she will

    Katrina is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the primary reasons for job specialization is a. that workers lose time changing from one operation to another b. the organization is too large for one person to do everything c. a worker repeating the same job becomes bored and slows down the operation d. not everyone wants ...

  17. Chapter 12 Quiz Flashcards

    Terms in this set (14) Videoconferencing is advantageous because you can ______. a. see who you are talking to. b. avoid face to face confrontations. c. discern emotions. d. only talk to the people you like. c. discern emotions. Sonya realizes that she suffers from communication apprehension.

  18. Brianna is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class

    It is likely that Brianna will mention the fact that job specialization is necessary when an organization reaches a certain size. When an organization is very big, it becomes impossible for a single person to complete all tasks.

  19. brianna is giving a speech on job specialization

    Brianna is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell t class that one of the reasons for job specialization is a. the organization is

  20. Solved Katrina is giving a speech on job specialization for

    Question: Katrina is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the primary reasons for job specialization isa. not everyone wants to do the same thingb. special skills are not needed to complete specialized tasksc. the organization is too large for one person to do ...

  21. PDF ICDC Principles 2013-2016 Score

    ICDC Principles 2013-2016 Score: 1. Sean wants to put his competitor out of business, so he calls the competitor's customers and convinces them to break their contracts and do business elsewhere.

  22. Brianna is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class

    Correct answers: 1 question: Brianna is giving a speech on job specialization for her business class. She will most likely tell the class that one of the reasons for job specialization is a. not everyone wants to do the same thing. b. the organization is too large for one person to do everything. c. a worker repeating the same job becomes bored and slows down the operation. d. special skills ...

  23. chapter 3 quiz--interpersonal communications Flashcards

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Asking a black colleague how she got her job is an example of _____., In countries that welcome uncertainty, people have a strong need for clearly defined rules and regulations, Who is more likely to experience greater communication apprehension when giving a speech in their public speaking class? and more.

  24. 'It's a mess': Biden turns to family on his path forward after his

    President Joe Biden is expected to discuss the future of his re-election campaign with family on Sunday, following a nationally televised debate that left many fellow Democrats worried about his ...

  25. Election latest: Elton John backs Labour and Starmer in general

    Sir Elton John endorsed the Labour Party and Sir Keir Starmer in a video message at a major Labour campaign rally in London. Meanwhile, Rishi Sunak was mobbed by worshippers at a temple in London.