Essay on Financial Management

essay about finance management

After reading this essay you will learn about:- 1. Introduction to Financial Management 2. Definition of Financial Management 3. Scope 4. Role in a Business 5. Financial Goals and Objectives 6. Functions.

Essay Contents:

  • Essay on the Functions of Financial Management

Essay # 1. Introduction to Financial Management:

A business organisation seek to achieve their objectives by obtaining funds from various sources and then investing them in different types of assets, such as plant, buildings, machin­ery, vehicles etc. Financial management is managing the finances through scientific decision­-making.

For making right decisions, financial management needs to understand financial envi­ronment within which these decisions operate. Financial management will then be able to analyse these financial information’s to predict likely future results and to plan more carefully their proposed course of action.


Financial management is concerned with the acquisition (investment), financing (arranging funds), and management of assets with some overall goal in mind. Invest­ment decisions begin with a determination of the total amount of assets required by the firm and to determine the money value of the same. Assets that cannot be economically justified, may be reduced, eliminated or replaced.

Financing decisions include decisions regarding mix of financing, type of financing em­ployed, dividend policy and method of acquiring funds i.e., getting a short term loan, or a long term lease arrangement, sale of bonds or stock.

Asset management decisions means managing the assets efficiently after their acquisition.

Success of a firm depends on the ability to raise funds, invest in assets and manage wisely.

Essay # 2. Definition of Financial Management:

Financial management is an internal part of overall management and not a staff function of the organization. It is not only restricted to fund raising process but also covers utilization of funds and monitoring its uses. The finance function is concerned with the process of acquiring an efficient utilization of funds of a business system, in order to maximize the value of the enterprise.

Financial management involves the application of principles of general management to the finance function. These functions influence the operations of other crucial functional areas of the enterprise or firm such as marketing production and personnel. Thus the overall survival of the firm is effected by it financial operations.

“The financial management deals with how the corporation obtains the funds and how it uses them.” —Hoagland

“The financial management refers to the application of skills in the manipulation, use and control of funds.” —Mock, Schultz and Schuckectat

Financial management can also be defined as that part of management, which is related mainly with raising or acquiring the funds for the enterprise or firm in the most economical way, utilizing those funds as profitably as possible, for a given risk level, planning the future investment of those funds and controlling the current performance plus future development by adopting budgeting, cost accounting and financial accounting.

Essay # 3. Scope and Functions of Financial Management :

The main objectives of financial management are to arrange the sufficient funds for meeting short term long term requirements of the enterprise. These finances are procured at minimum cost in order to maximize the profitability.

In view of these factors the financial management scope concentrates on the following areas of finance function.

(i) Estimating the Financial Requirements :

The first job of the finance manager of an enterprise is to estimate short term and long term financial requirements of his business. He will prepare a financial plan for present as well as future for this purpose.

The finance required for procuring fixed assets as well as the working capital needs will have to be ascertained. The estimations should be based on sound financial principles so that funds available with the firm are neither inadequate nor excess.

(ii) Determining the Capital Structure :

After estimating the financial requirements, the finance executives have to decide about the composition of capital. The capital structure refers to the type and proportion of different securities for raising funds. After deciding the quantum of funds needed it should be decided which type of securities should be raised.

The finance executives have to determine the relative proportions of owner’s risk capital and borrowed capital along with short term and long term debt equity ratio.

A decision regarding various sources of funds should be linked with the cost of raising funds. A decision about the kind of securities to be employed and the proportion in which these should be utilized is an important decision which affects the short term and long term financial planning of an enterprise.

(iii) Choice of Sources of Finance :

After preparing a capital structure an appropriate source of finance is chosen. Various sources from which finance may be raised include: shareholders’ debenture holders, banks and other financial institutions and public deposits etc. Finance executive has to evaluate each source or method of finance and select the best source keeping in view the various factors.

The need, purpose, objective, cost involved may be the factors affecting the selection of a suitable source of financing, for instance, if the finances are required for short periods then banks, public deposits and financial institutions may be appropriate, and for long term financial requirements, the share capital and debentures may be useful.

(iv) Investment Decisions :

When the funds have been poured then a decision regarding pattern of investment has to be taken. The funds raised are to be intelligently invested in various assets so as to optimize the returns on investment. The funds will have to be used first for the purchase of fixed assets and then an appropriate part will be retained as working capital.

The utilisation of long term funds requires a proper assessment of different alternatives through capital budgeting and opportunity cost analysis. While spending on various assets, management should be guided by three important principles of safety, liquidity and profitability. A balance should be struck even in these principles for the purpose of optimum returns on investment.

(v) Management of Profits :

The utilisation of surpluses or earnings is also an important factor in financial management. A judicious utilisation of earnings is essential for expansion and diversification plans of the enterprise.

A certain amount out of the total profit may be kept as reserve voluntarily, a portion of surplus may be distributed among the ordinary and preference shareholders, yet another portion may be reinvested. The finance executive must take into consideration the merits and demerits of the alternative scheme of utilizing the funds generated from the enterprise’s own earnings.

(vi) Management of Cash Flow :

Cash flow management is also an important task of finance executive. He has to assess the various cash requirements at different times and then make arrangements for cash needed. Cash may be required to (i) make payments to creditors (ii) for purchase of materials (iii) to meet wage bill (iv) to meet everyday expenses.

The cash management should be such that neither there is shortage of it and nor it is idle. Any shortage of cash will damage the credit worthiness of the firm. The idle cash with the enterprise will mean that it is not properly utilized. In order to know the cash requirements during different periods, the management should arrange for the preparation of cash flow statement in advance.

(vii) Implementation of Financial Controls :

An efficient system of financial management needs the use of various control of devices. Financial control devices generally adopted are (i) Return on Investment (ii) Budgetrary Control (iii) Cost control (iv) Break Even analysis (v) Ratio analysis. The use of various control techniques by the Finance Manager will help him in evaluating the performance in different areas and take corrective action whenever needed.

Essay # 4. Role of Financial Management in a Business:

An effective financial management plays a dynamic role in a modern company’s develop­ment.

In earlier days, financial managers were primarily engaged in:

(a) Raising funds, and

(b) Managing the firms cash flow.

But now-a-days with the developments and increasing complexi­ties in the business, responsibility of the financial managers have increased and they are now concerned with the decision-making process involving finance, i.e., capital investment.

Today external factors, like competition, technological change, economic uncertainty, infla­tion problem etc., create financial managers problem more complicated. He must have flexibil­ity to adopt to the changing external environment for the survival of his firm.

Role of Financial Management in a Business

Thus in addition to the job of acquisition, financing and managing the assets, the financial manager is supposed to contribute to the fortunes of the firm and to the optimal growth of the economy as a whole.

He is required to take decisions on:

(i) Investing funds in assets, and

(ii) Obtaining best mix of financing and dividends.

In order to understand the environment in which a finance manager is required to take decision, a sketch indicating business system is given hereunder:

The Financial Management’s main role is therefore to create profit on the capital invested (fixed as well as working capital). Each and every decision related to finance/economy must be optimal. Every business enterprise is set up to earn profit, and no one is interested in taking risk unless he is assured of fair return on the investment. However government organisations have no profit motive but are created to serve the public.

The profit earned by a firm is used for:

(a) Future expansion.

(b) Distributing profit as rewards to owners/shareholders.

Profit earned also serves as an indicator of efficiency and performance of the firm. So as to enable to perform the role of financial management, financial managers must be given proper authority, autonomy, freedom of actions, supporting staff, system for providing necessary information. He should be accountable also for his role.

Essay # 5. Financial Goals and Objectives :

There may be various objectives of a firm, but the goal of a firm is to maximise the wealth of the firm’s owners. Thus we can say that, “the improvement of shareholders value is the one mission that continually guides all corporate decisions and actions” or “the goal of a firm is maximizing the shareholders’ value”. This maximisation of value should be achieved from long term point of view.

The financial goal can be expressed as:

(a) Required profit levels,

(b) Earnings per shares, and

(c) Required rate of return on investment.

For a large firm, where shareholders do not have direct say and the firm is managed by the management, an ordinary shareholder can judge the performance by the market price of the firm’s share. Market price serves as a gauge for business performance, it indicates how well management is doing on behalf of its shareholders.

Management is the agents of the owners or shareholders, and financial management acts for achieving the goal of profit maximization in the shareholders’ best interests.

Social Goals :

While profit maximisation is the primary goal for any business organisation, social respon­sibility is also important for them. In case of Government organisations and public sector organisations, social responsibility is the primary goal and profit is secondary.

Social responsi­bility includes service to the people, protecting the consumer, paying fare wages to the employ­ees, upliftment of the weaker sections, welfare facilities like medical education, environment improvement programmes etc.

Financial Objectives :

In making financial decisions, it is important to set out clear objectives.

Following are the basic financial objectives:

(a) Profit maximisation.

(b) Maximisation of shareholders’ owners’ wealth.

(c) Reduction in cost.

(d) Minimising risks.

(e) Sustained increase in the value of firm

(f) Wealth maximisation.

Essay # 6. Functions of Financial Management :

Financial manager is concerned with the following aspects:

1. Identifying the present strengths and weaknesses of the organisation, and the scope for improvement, by conducting the financial analysis.

2. Planning the financial strategies. This involves the consideration of methods and levels of funds raising, profitability and the financing of expansion plan of the organisation.

3. Arranging the funds when required, in the form needed in the most economical way.

4. Conducting financial appraisal of the possible courses of action. The appraisals are needed in respect of possible take overs and mergers, analysis of capital projects, or alternative methods of funding.

5. Advising about capital structure.

6. Consideration of an appropriate level for drawings by dividends to the owners/ share­holders.

7. Ensuring that assets are controlled and used in an efficient manner.

8. Cash management. Preparation of detailed cash budgets and/or forecast funds flow statement so that future problems can be foreseen and remedial measures taken in advance. These take care of both shortage and excess of cash. Finance managers must find ways of raising more funds needed, or investing excess funds for an appropriate length of time.

9. Finance managers are likely to draw attention on other disciplines also, like account­ing and budgeting.

In order to enable financial managers to perform above functions satisfactorily, he must have good knowledge of accounting, economics, mathematics, statistics, law especially taxa­tion, financial market etc.

The functions of finance thus involve three major decisions the firm must make:

(a) The investment decisions,

(b) The financing decisions, and

(c) The dividend decisions.

Each of these decisions are taken in relation to the objective of the firm, an optimal combi­nation of these three will maximise the value of the firm to its shareholders. Since the decisions are interrelated, their joint impact on the market price of the firm’s stock must be considered.

(a) Investment Decisions:

This is the most important decision. Capital investment, i.e., allocation of capital to investment proposals is the most important aspect, whose benefits are to be realised in future. As future benefits are not known with certainty, the investment proposals involve risk.

These should, therefore, be evaluated in relation to expected return and risk. Considerable attention is paid to determine the appropriate required rate of return on the investment.

In addition to taking capital investment decisions, finance managers are concerned with the management of current assets efficiently in order to maximise profitability relative to the amount of funds tied up in asset. Investment decisions also include the decisions about mergers and acquisition of another company.

(b) Financing Decisions:

Finance manager is required to determine the best financing mix or capital structure. An optimal financing mix is one in which market price per share could be maximised. Financing decision are taken in relation to the overall valuation of the firm.

Various methods of obtaining short, intermediate, and long term financing are also explored, examined, analysed and a decision is taken. While taking financing decisions, the influence of inflammation on financial markets and on the cost of funds to the firm is also considered.

(c) Dividend Decision:

The dividend decision includes the percentage of earnings paid to stockholders in cash dividends, stock dividends and splits, and the repurchase of stock.

To Meet Funds Requirement of a Firm :

Funds requirement is assessed for different purposes, namely for feasibility study of a project, detailed planning of a project, and for operation and expansion of the business.

For feasibility study, only broad estimates are sufficient and are generally obtained from the past experience of the similar works by interpolating the present trends and the condition of the proposed project in comparison to the one whose figures are being adopted. While during detailed plan­ning, estimated requirement is comparatively more realistic, and prepared after going into details more thoroughly.

Here we are discussing the funds requirement for a running business including its long term planning for expansion.

The main function of financial management is to ensure that the firm must have sufficient funds to meet financial obligations when they are needed and to take advantage of investment opportunities. To achieve this objective, a thorough study is conducted about ‘flow of funds’ i.e., statement of funds requirement indicating the amount of fund needed and at what time.

This ‘statement of funds’ is a summary of a firm’s changes in financial position from one period to another. This indicates that how the funds will be used and how it will be financed over specific period of time. This includes the cash as well as non-cash transactions.

Forecast, financial statements are prepared for selected future dates, generally for middle term and long term plans of the firm. Budgets are used for one year, and are prepared only to fulfill the firms’ objectives envisaged in the forecast for that particular year.

These forecast financial statements are based on the sales forecast and future strategies for expanding the business, and includes, forecast income statements, forecast assets, liabilities, shareholders, equity etc.

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Essay on Financial Management

Students are often asked to write an essay on Financial Management in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Financial Management

What is financial management.

Financial management is taking care of money. It’s like being smart with your allowance. You plan how to spend and save. Companies do this too. They decide where to use their money to grow and make more.

Why It’s Important

Good financial management helps you not run out of money. It’s like making sure you have enough lunch money for the whole week. For businesses, it means they can pay workers and buy what they need.

Making a Budget

A budget is a plan for your money. You write down what you earn and what you spend. It’s like planning your snacks so you don’t eat them all at once.

Saving and Investing

Saving money means keeping it for later. Investing is using your money to try to make more money, like buying a lemonade stand to earn more.

Being Careful with Debt

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250 Words Essay on Financial Management

Financial management is about how to handle money in a way that is smart and helps achieve goals. It’s like planning a budget for a family or figuring out how to save up for a big purchase. In businesses, it’s about making sure they have enough money to run smoothly and grow.

Creating a Budget

One part of financial management is making a budget. A budget is a plan that shows how much money you expect to get and how you plan to spend it. It’s like when you decide to save part of your allowance for a new bike. Companies do the same by setting aside money for new projects or to pay workers.

Saving money is another key point. It means keeping some money aside for later rather than spending it all. Investing is a step further, where you use your savings to make more money, like buying shares in a company or saving in a bank account that earns interest.

Making Smart Choices

Financial management also involves making decisions about what to buy and when. It’s important to think about if something is really worth the money or if there might be a better way to use it. This can help avoid wasting money and make sure there’s enough for important things.

500 Words Essay on Financial Management

Financial management is like being the boss of your money. Imagine you have a piggy bank; taking care of it, deciding when to put money in, and when to take some out is a bit like financial management. But for grown-ups, it’s more complex because they deal with things like budgets, savings, investments, and loans. It’s all about making sure that money is used wisely and that there’s enough for the things we need, both now and in the future.

The Importance of Budgeting

A budget is like a shopping list for your money. It helps you keep track of how much money you have, what you need to spend it on, like food and rent, and how much you can save for fun things, like toys or vacations. By making a budget, you can make sure you don’t spend too much and end up with no money when you need it. It’s like planning your spending so that you can always buy what you need and sometimes what you want.

Financial management also means making smart choices with your money. This means thinking carefully before you buy something. Ask yourself, do you really need it? Can you afford it? Sometimes, it’s better to wait and save more money before buying something big or expensive. This helps you avoid debts, which is money you owe to others.

Understanding Loans and Debts

Loans are like borrowing money from a friend, but you have to pay it back with a little extra, called interest. Debts are the total amount of money you owe others. Managing loans and debts is important because if you borrow too much, it can be hard to pay back. It’s like taking too much food on your plate and not being able to eat it all. You need to be careful and borrow only what you can pay back.

Planning for Surprises

Financial management is all about taking good care of your money. It helps you make smart choices, save for the future, and be ready for unexpected events. Just like you take care of your toys and belongings, taking care of your money is important too. It means you’ll always have enough for the things you need and some of the things you want. Remember, being the boss of your money is a big responsibility, but it can also be fun when you do it right!

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essay about finance management


Essay On Importance Of Financial Management

Financial management “is the operational and financing activity of a business that is responsible for obtaining and utilizing the funds necessary for effective operations. Thus, Financial Management is concerned with the effective funds management in the business process. Finance is interrelated functions which deals with marketing function, production function, Human Recourse function and Research & development activities of the business concern. Financial Management is concerned with the financing, acquisition and management of assets with some overall goal in minds. There are three major areas in Financial Management decision making. 1- Investment decision 2- Financing decision, 3- Assets Management decision. 1- Investment Decision It is one of the most important decisions. Finance Management is …show more content…

It must be full fill the business concern’s requirement. Every organization must maintain adequate amount of finance for their smooth running of the business organizations and to achieve the business goals. Importance of Finance can’t be neglect in an organization. Some are the importance of financial management is as follows: • Financial Planning Financial planning is an essential part of the business organization. Financial management helps to determine the financial requirements of the organization and leads to take financial planning to the organization. • Accomplishment of funds Financial management involves the accomplishment of required fund to the business organization. Accomplishing needed funds play a major part of the financial management in an organization which involve possible source of finance at minimum cost. • Proper Use of Funds Financial management systems help to proper use and allocation of funds which leads to improve the operational activity of the business organization. If the funds use properly, so it helps to reduce the cost of capital and maximizing the value of the firm. • Financial

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Financial Management Essay examples

Financial Management Introduction ============ Every organization, irrespective of its size or ownership pattern, has to manage its finances. The overall objectives of an organization cannot be achieved in the absence of financial management. Many organizations fail in their objectives because of financial mismanagement and this failure rate is quite high among the small business enterprises. Hence, financial management is vital for all types of organizations, profit making as well as non-profit making. In case of non-profit making organizations also the effectiveness and performance depends on their financial resources management. Financial Management ==================== …show more content…

3. Managerial Accounting deals with procuring of data for the organisation's management i.e. to serve the internal users with necessary accounting information to carry out the management tasks of planning, organising, actualising and controlling. " Management Accounting is the presentation of accounting Information in such a way as to assist management in creation of policy and in the day to day operations of an undertaking". 4. Financial Management deals with the process adopted by an organisation for taking financial decisions through analysing and interpretation of financial data for meeting the organisations objectives. Hence, the tasks involved in Financial Management include: Ø Analysing financial needs Ø Forecasting financial needs Ø Managing working capital Ø Planning capital structures Ø Organising financial operations Ø Monitoring and controlling finances etc. In fact raising funds and allocating funds for business are the two prime financial management tasks. Financial Planning Financial planning is an appraisal of those financial aspects that may or are likely too occur in future but need immediate decision making. It involves setting financial objectives in terms of profits, sales or acquistion of assets along with financial foorecasting for the organisation. This includes estimation in the areas of: Ø

The Five Practices Of Financial Management

Financial Management is an important aspect of how a business operates efficiently. The way that the finances are controlled can determine how successful the company is. The finances of a business allows for the growth of the company. The five practices of financial management: capital structure decision, investment appraisal techniques, dividend policy, working capital management and financial performance assessment are critical when assessing a company. The performance of a company plays a key role on how successful the company is on meeting goals. There are different strategies and tools that a company can implement and if they are used to effectively the company can meet their goals. If a company has good finances, a good

Finance And Financial Management : The Major Sub Areas Of Finance

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Financial Management : The Care Tech Holdings Plc

Basically, financial management is generally concerns of procurement, allocation and control of financial resources. The process of using a business 's incomes in well-organized way of thinkable. The resources can include properties and equipment, financial resources, and labor resources as employees. Before planning business the owner of the business will consider the nature of business he is doing to determine the type of costing system that must be adopted. The main consideration of financial resource is always the product which is the money that is made available to a business to spend in the form of cash. In this essay, the product will be the Care Tech Holdings PLC. The service has to be paid for and it is my responsibility as manager to ensure that costs are managed within defined budgets. This requires the development and allocation of budgets, monitoring and evaluating performance and establishing appropriate financial information systems to ensure provision of efficient and cost effective services. Secondly, the owner will hand over the structure of the organisation to the people who will provide the funds. Before planning a business, the owner of the enterprise has an obligation of sheltered sufficient financial resources in the way to be capable to function competently to succeed. ( )

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Financial Management is a critical aspect of any business in order to achieve a sustainable and efficient cash flow. It is essential in maintaining the link between a business’s future financial goals (profit maximization) and the resources that it has in order to achieve its objectives. Businesses demand certain common goals that increase a bussiness's all around achievement, Some of which involve; growth amongst assests, An increase in efficiency in all areas of the business whether it be management or not. And the ability to meet short term and long term debts. Finacial management undertakes the responsibility to implement and acheive these goals for the business using a range of strategies shaped to meet the needs of the business and

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Synopsis of this paper contends with action research, and looks into processes and starts with genuine reflection coordinated toward recognizing a point or themes deserving of a implementing change within an organization. Considering the interconnected relationships and culture in our organizations and the value placed on producing more and carrying more responsibility, no action merits doing unless it guarantees to make the focal part of an managers or organizational production more effective and fulfilling striving to enrich the environments that work. Therefore, selecting a center, to begin to expand of the interworking of a project to bring this change about, is crucially essential. Selecting a center starts with key participants that will be critical to the success of an action research project or activity analysts inquiring usually by stakeholders of some issue that needs attention for this ultimate implementation of change.

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Essay On Financial Manager

Being Financial Manager comes with laws and regulations for them to follow. These Laws and regulations for this job are going to be stated throughout this essay with when they were published and what they mean. The first act is the Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act, which was published on 2004 and protects financial managers, requires that the person in charge of the agency provides a statement of assurance on if the agency has met their requirement. It also requires businesses to control management and systems that give assurance and the honesty of federal programs being protected. (General Services Administration, 2017)

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What Is Money Management?

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Money Management: Definition and Top Money Managers by Assets

James Chen, CMT is an expert trader, investment adviser, and global market strategist.

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Gordon Scott has been an active investor and technical analyst or 20+ years. He is a Chartered Market Technician (CMT).

essay about finance management

Money management refers to the processes of budgeting, saving, investing, spending, or otherwise overseeing the capital usage of an individual or group. The term can also refer more narrowly to investment management and portfolio management.

The predominant use of the phrase in financial markets is that of an investment professional making investment decisions for large pools of funds, such as mutual funds or pension plans .

Key Takeaways

  • Money management broadly refers to the processes utilized to record and administer an individual’s, household’s, or organization’s finances.
  • The term also refers more narrowly to investment and portfolio management.
  • Financial advisors and personal finance platforms such as mobile apps are increasingly common in helping individuals manage their money better.
  • Poor money management can lead to cycles of debt and financial strain.
  • The biggest money managers by assets under management (AUM) are BlackRock, Vanguard, and Fidelity.

Money management is a broad term that involves and incorporates services and solutions across the entire investment industry.

Consumers have access to a wide range of resources and applications that allow them to individually manage nearly every aspect of their personal finances . As investors increase their net worth, they also often seek the services of financial advisors for professional money management. Financial advisors are typically associated with private banking and brokerage services, offering support for holistic money management plans that can involve estate planning, retirement, and more.

In the growing financial technology market, personal finance apps exist to help consumers with nearly every aspect of their finances.

Investment company money management is also a central aspect of the investment industry. Investment company money management offers individual consumers investment fund options that encompass all investable asset classes in the financial market.

Investment company money managers also support the capital management of institutional clients, with investment solutions for institutional retirement plans, endowments , foundations, and more.

Global investment managers offer retail and institutional investment management funds and services that encompass every investment asset class in the industry. Two of the most popular types of funds include actively managed funds and passively managed funds. Passively managed funds replicate specified indexes and usually charge low management fees.

The list below shows the top global money managers by assets under management (AUM) :

BlackRock Inc.

In 1988, BlackRock Inc. was launched as a $1 division of the BlackRock Group. By the end of 1993, it boasted $17 billion in AUM, and, by 2022, that number swelled to a whopping $8.6 trillion.

BlackRock’s exchange-traded fund (ETF) division, called iShares, has about $2.5 trillion in AUM globally, amounting to roughly 29% of the group’s total assets . Overall, the firm employs approximately 13,000 professionals and maintains offices in more than 30 countries around the world.

The Vanguard Group

The Vanguard Group is one of the most well-known investment management companies, catering to more than 30 million clients across 170 countries. Vanguard was founded by John C. Bogle in 1975 in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, as a division of Wellington Management Co., where Bogle was previously chair.

Since its launch, Vanguard has grown its total assets to beyond $8 trillion, becoming the world’s second-largest asset manager thanks to the popularity of its low-cost investment funds.

Fidelity Investments

Fidelity Management & Research Co. was founded in 1946 by Edward C. Johnson II. As of Dec. 31, 2022, Fidelity had more than 40 million customers with $10.3 trillion in total assets and $3.9 trillion in AUM.

The firm offers hundreds of mutual funds, including domestic equity , foreign equity, sector -specific, fixed-income , index , money market , and asset allocation funds.

What is the difference between a money manager and an asset manager?

As implied in their respective names, money managers manage money and asset managers manage assets. However, as assets essentially represent money, the two can largely be considered the same thing.

What are the main principles of money management?

The main principles of money management are generally income, investing, savings, and spending. With the right balance, these principles can help individuals to maximize their financial well-being.

What is the goal of money management?

The ultimate goal of money management is to maximize wealth.

Money management is precisely that: the management of money. When people talk about money management, they may be referring to how an individual or company handles their finances, whether that be budgeting , saving, investing, or spending. Alternatively, they could be referring to the companies that many people count on to manage their capital.

In financial markets, the term “money management” is generally synonymous with big investment firms, or asset managers, taking people’s money and investing it. The biggest money managers in the world are BlackRock, Vanguard, and Fidelity. Among them, they oversee many of the largest, most well-known mutual funds and pension plans.

Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute. “ Rankings by Total Managed AUM .”

BlackRock. “ Introduction to BlackRock .”

iShares. “ Who We Are .”

Vanguard, via Internet Archive. “ Fast Facts About Vanguard .”

Fidelity. “ We Are Fidelity .”

essay about finance management

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Financial management of not-for-profit organizations generally financial.

Financial Management of Not-For-Profit Organizations: Generally, financial management of not-for-profit organizations is similar to the process of financial management in the profit making sector in several aspects. Nonetheless, there are several major differences that contribute to a different focus of a not-for-profit financial manager. In the commercial sector, the for-profit enterprises mainly focus on capitalizing shareholder value and overall profitability. On the contrary, not-for-profit organizations have the basic aim of providing certain socially desirable need on a continual basis instead of increasing shareholder value ("Financial Management of Not-for-Profit Organizations," 2011). The difference in focus between the for-profit and not-for-profit organizations is because the latter does not have financial flexibility of a commercial enterprise since its dependent on resource providers that are not getting involved in an exchange transaction. As a result, the resources provided are channeled towards offering goods and services to a client instead of the actual resource provider. Important Exercises….


Bauers, R. (2006, June 12). A Short Course in Not-for-Profit Accounting -- Installment 5.

Retrieved April 15, 2013, from

Carter, C. (n.d.). For Profit vs. Not-for-Profit Organization. Retrieved April 15, 2013, from 

Corkill, J. & Featherson, S. (2007, November). Fund Accounting. Retrieved from University of California, Santa Barbara website:

Financial Management Fundamental Decisions in Financial Management

Financial Management Fundamental Decisions in Financial Management In financial management, there are three fundamental decisions, which are central to capital budgeting, capital structure and working capital management. Capital budgeting refers to the process of planning and managing the company's long-term investments. Capital structure refers to the particular mixture of long-term debt and equity a company utilizes to fund its functions. Working capital management refers to the company's short-term assets, which may include inventory, and its short-term liabilities (Parrino, Kidwell and Bates, 2011). Pros and Cons of the three forms of business ownership Sole Proprietorship Advantages It is easy to start and end a business There is no sharing of profits It does not involve any special taxes Disadvantages Available funds are limited to what the owner has There are management issues There are limited developments Partnerships Advantages The business experiences more financial resources There is shared management, which enhances growth of the business Partnerships are likely to succeed when compared to sole proprietorships Disadvantages There is unlimited liability There is….

Parrino, R., Kidwell, S.D., & Bates, T. (2011). Fundamentals of corporate finance (2 ed).

Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Global Education

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Bob, Ritchie and, Esamaddin Khorwatt 2007, 'The Attitude of Libyan Auditors to Inherent Control Risk Assessment', The British Accounting Review, vol.39: Iss.1, pp.39-59.

Gregory, J.M. (2002). New scandals, old lessons: Financial ethics after enron. Financial Executive, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 16-19. [Online] . [Accessed 5 Jan 2013].

Hales, Colin P. 1986, "What do Managers Do?" Journal of Management Studies, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 88-115.

Hill, Linda Annette 2003, Becoming a Manager: How New Managers Master the Challenges of Leadership. Harvard Business Press.

Financial Management Differentiating Between the

The financial information these directors and managers require is often highly specific to their functional departments' goals and objectives. The director or senior manager of the operations and production departments will require variance analysis of costing, thorough analysis of supply chain costs and the cost of quality management and compliance management (Kivijarvi, Saarinen, 1995). These costs are critical to each of these directors ensuring a consistent level of conformance to their costing plans and contribution analysis of each department to corporate profitability. The origin of this data is from accounting and financial management systems that are used for tracking each transaction, aggregating the data into consolidated reports. Sales directors rely on the same level of aggregated data to ensure they understand how pipelines are progressing, including the development of new sales plans (Stroud, 1988). At the analyst and employee level of the organization, specific transaction information is essential for helping….

Kivijarvi, H., & Saarinen, T. (1995). Investment in information systems and the financial performance of the firm. Information & Management, 28(2), 143-143.

Stroud, J.B. (1988). Prioritization of municipal financial statement users. The Government Accountants Journal, 37(3), 41-41.

Financial Management Is an Important

(2009). Google's Big IPO, Five Years Later. [Article]. Wall Street Journal - Eastern Edition, 254(40), C3. Davis, H.Z., & Peles, Y.C. (1993). Measuring Equilibrating Forces of Financial atios. The Accounting eview, 68(4), 725-747. Google Inc. (2012). 2011 Annual eport. Mountain View, CA: Google Inc. Kirby, J. (2009). How Google really does it. (Cover story). [Article]. Canadian Business, 82(18), 54-58. Lee, M.-j. (2010). Measuring the Usage Effects of Tying a Messenger to Windows: A Treatment Effect Approach. Journal of the oyal Statistical Society. Series A (Statistics in Society), 173(1), 237-253. Microsoft. (2011). Our Commitment to Our Customers: Microsoft's Business etrieved March 4th, 2012, from Microsoft Corporation. (2011). 2011 Annual eport. edmond, Washington: Microsoft Corporation. Swallow, E. (2011). Android Captures Nearly 50% of Global Smartphone Market etrieved March 4th, 2012, from W3Schools. (2012). Web Statistics and Trends etrieved March 4th, 2012, from APPENDIX: FINANCIAL ATIOS 2011 ATIO FOMULA VAIABLES GOOGLE INC. (GOOG) MICOSOFT COP. (MSFT) LIQUIDITY MEASUEMENT ATIO: Current atio Current Assets/Current Liabilities Current Assets 52,758,000.00 5.919219118 72,513,000.00 2.8578804240 Current Liabilities 8,913,000.00 25,373,000.00 POFITABILITY INDICATO….

Allen, F. (1993). Strategic Management and Financial Markets. Strategic Management Journal, 14(ArticleType: research-article / Issue Title: Special Issue: Organizations, Decision Making and Strategy / Full publication date: Winter, 1993 / Copyright © 1993 John Wiley & Sons), 11-22.

Benhabib, J., & Spiegel, M.M. (2000). The Role of Financial Development in Growth and Investment. Journal of Economic Growth, 5(4), 341-360.

Choi, J., & Wang, H. (2009). Stakeholder Relations and the Persistence of Corporate Financial Performance. Strategic Management Journal, 30(8), 895-907.

Cowan, L. (2009). Google's Big IPO, Five Years Later. [Article]. Wall Street Journal - Eastern Edition, 254(40), C3.

Financial Management for Nurses the Modern Healthcare

Financial Management for Nurses The modern healthcare industry is extremely labor intensive. To be effective, a modern nurse manager must balance patient care vs. staffing, procedures vs. patient load, and fiscal budgets in line with appropriate levels of care. Nurses are expected not only to understand the organization's fiscal concerns, but to manage them as well. While fiscal dollars spent on human resource management are the larger portion of the health care organization's budget, the use of a cogent and powerful budgetary management tool can help save thousands on an aggregate basis. The Budgeting Process Cycle Any budget is essentially a planning process that focuses on expenses and activities of the organization over a given period of time. The budget is designed to help plan for resource allocation and to control expenses when possible, to schedule adjustments or larger capital purchases, and to be used as an operational plan from which to work.….

Productivity Measures in Need of an Image Overhaul. (July-August 2008). The Business of Caring. 4 (7): 1-15.

Anderson, S. (2007). Deadly Consequences: The Hidden Impact of Nursing Shortages. National Foundation for American Policy. Retrieved from: 

Brown, M., ed. (1992). Nursing Management: Issues and Ideas. Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen Publishers.

Clark, J. (2005). Improving hospital budgeting and accountability: A best practice approach. Healthcare Finance Management. 59 (7): 78-83.

Financial Management First Student While Nonprofit and

Financial Management First student While nonprofit and for-profit organizations may have much similarity, they also have significant differences. From the tax perspective, for-profit organizations are taxed in various ways determined by the structure of the organization. For instance, small companies are treated as partnerships and sole proprietorships. They are monitored by the National evenue Authority and the owners must be help liable for overall business debts. Their non-profit counterparts have the freedom to register for exception from income tax established by provisions of the tax code (Hyatt & Hopkins, 2012). People contributing towards non-profit organizations are eligible to tax incentives for their donations. Not-for-profit entities are treated as legal corporations for purposes of tax. This leaves the owners of the company not to be liable for debts. The rationale for selected healthcare organizations to enjoy the tax-exempt status Possible tax exemptions for selected healthcare organizations include tax exemption on fringe benefits, tax rebate on….

Hopkins, B.R. (2011). The law of tax-exempt organizations. Hoboken, NJ: J. Wiley.

Hyatt, T.K., & Hopkins, B.R. (2012). The law of tax-exempt healthcare organizations. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.

Oster, S.M. (2011). Strategic management for nonprofit organizations: Theory and cases. New York: Oxford University Press.

Financial Management in Order to Determine the

Financial Management In order to determine the size of equal, annual, end period deposits needed to accumulate a specific future sum at a specific future date, several steps are required. This type of equation involves working backwards from the solution that you wish to find. Thus, if you want to accumulate $2,000,000 in ten years, this is the end result from which the remainder of the equation will be derived. The payments are annual, equal and end of period. This fits the definition of an annuity, so it is the annuity formula that we will use to derive the required interest rate in order to bring the payments to the end result of $2,000,000 in ten years. In this example, the interest rate is to be taken as a given, and the solution derived should therefore be the sole remaining unknown variable, the size of the payment. To derive this solution, an….

Financial Management Financial Markets Are

In addition, the exchange provides an avenue for recourse if some remedy is required for a fraudulent transaction. Problem 15-12. The operating asset turnover of 5 times on operating assets of $20 million implies a total sales of $100 million. The return on operating assets being 25% indicates net profit of $5 million. The total costs therefore are $95 million. DOL = Contribution Margin / Operating Margin In this case, the operating margin is 5%, so the contribution margin would be 20%. This indicates that COGS is 80% of revenues or $80 million. That leaves $15 million as fixed costs. With a COGS of $8 per unit ($80 million / 10 million) and contribution per unit of $2 the break-even volume would be: $15 million / $2 = 7.5 million units. Problem 15-13. a) the breakeven point in units for the company is as follows: $180 - $126 = Contribution = $54 per unit. Breakeven = $540,000….

Financial Management Firm Organization False The Form

Financial Management Firm Organization False. The form of business organization direct affects the taxation structure of the firm, particularly with regard to flow-through taxation on some forms (sole proprietorship, most partnerships) and not on others (most corporations). Firm Organization False. The partners in a regular partnership have a high degree of liability. Partnership True. Most partnerships remains fairly small due to these constraints. Proprietorship True. In a sole proprietorship, the owner holds all the capital, making it difficult to raise from outside sources, and the proprietor has all the liability associated with the business. Limited Liability False. The owners do see their risk reduced by limited liability, but the firm still has this risk. Therefore, the firm's value should not be reduced. The firm can still be bankrupted, leaving potential owners with nothing. Value Maximization a. True. Earnings per share has a strong correlation with the firm's stock price. A firm that has the objective of maximizing shareholder wealth will also be….

Financial Management Calculate or Identify From Each

Financial Management Calculate or identify from each company's most recent annual report the six (6) specific financial ratios listed and provide as an appendix to the paper. Liquidity ratios are responsible for measuring a firm's performance regarding the availability of cash to pay its debt obligations (ashid & Abbas, 2011, p. 9). A common type of liquid ratio is the current ratio. The current ratio is responsible for comparing and contrasting current assets to current liabilities. This information is useful to executives in that they become aware whether or not the firm will be able to pay its current debt as it matures (Kurtz, 2011, p. 540). Dividing current assets to current liabilities gives the liquidity ratio. As a result, Google's liquidity ratio can be calculated by dividing 41,562 into 9,996. The liquidity ratio equals to 4.15. Microsoft's liquidity ratio can be calculated by dividing 49,280 into 27.034. The liquidity ratio equals….

Ahmed, M. (2011, March 3). Eric Schmidt (ex CEO and current chairman -- Google)

management style and CIO. Retrieved from,  1/03/03/eric-schmidt-ex-ceo-and-current-chairman-google-management-style-and-cio/

Google Inc., (2010). Financial information. Retrieved from,  ings/2010/Q4_google_earnings.html

Investopedia Ulc., (2011). Return on assets. Profitability indicator ratios. Retrieved from,  

Financial Management Suddenly Gold Isn't Looking'so

Financial Management "Suddenly, Gold Isn't Looking So Solid" This article (Sommer, 2011) examines the advisability of including gold in a typical investment portfolio. The article analyzes arguments, both historical and current, in favor of and against investing in gold. The article concludes with a very qualified recommendation, advising investor caution. Sommer's article debates the question of whether gold, given its high volatility, should be included in a typical investment portfolio. He presents arguments that there is no simple answer. The popularity of gold is well established, with gold having served as the standard of the global monetary system until the 1970s. Even today, gold maintains a certain appeal during an era of wildly fluctuating financial values. Many consider gold a mainstream investment, as evidenced by the fact that a gold exchange-traded fund, SPD Gold Shares, was the second-most popular ETF in the U.S. On April 30 (Sommer, 2011). Yet, for all its popularity, gold behaves….

Reference List

Cui, C. & Hoyle, R. (2011). China is now top gold bug. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved May 22, 2011 from 

Heaney, V. (2011). Gold's role in pension funds under scrutiny. Financial Times website. Retrieved May 22, 2011 from 

Hurlbert, M. (2011). The glitter behind the gold rally. Barron's website. Retrieved May 22, 2011 from 

Sommer, J. (2011). Suddenly, gold isn't looking so solid. New York Times website. Retrieved May 22, 2011 from

Financial Management Decision Understanding Basic Finance Terms

Financial Management Decision Understanding Basic Finance Terms Generally, it is beneficial to have a basic understanding of financial concepts and terminology before going into business independently. Financial management refers to the process of calculating anticipated sources of profit and comparing them to anticipated expenses and other variables and contingencies. In principle, financial management is used to determine what prospective ventures are likely to be profitable and to identify those that are too risky to launch without risking the initial investment. Risk financing refers to the process of identifying and evaluating potential sources of negative consequences known as risks and of calculating the financial resources that would be necessary to mitigate those risks. Generally, that process would include a risk matrix in which the magnitude of every reasonable identifiable potential risk is considered in conjunction with and in relation to its respective likelihood of occurrence. That risk matrix provides data that will assist in….

Financial Management Calaveras Vineyards Sits on 220

Financial Management Calaveras Vineyards sits on 220 acres in Alameda Valley, California. Anne Clemens, a senior vice president at Goldengate Capital, received a loan proposal from Tom Howell, a managing director with NationsBank's investment-banking group. The brochure described the prospective management acquisition of Calaveras Vineyards and solicited Goldengate's participation in the $4.5 million senior financing facility. The facility would consist of a $2 million term loan and a revolving credit of up to $2.5 million. Clemens needed to decide quickly whether the proposed terms were attractive, where to position Goldengate in this credit, and whether to offer a counterproposal on terms. The Vineyard is the beneficiary of a trend of strengthening brand recognition. The organization used to sale solely through wholesale distribution channels, but being marketed as a premium brand has significant impacts upon potential profitability. However, in its current state, the Vineyard is low on capital and some judgement calls about….

Financial Management Definition of Revenue Cycle in

Financial Management Definition of revenue cycle in healthcare A revenue cycle is a process whereby financial progression of the accounts of a business is begins where the business has made acquisition of products until they get paid. Healthcare firms are business oriented organizations. Their survival financially depends on a recurring and consistent flow of money from the services that are provided to patients. Without the existence of adequate stream of revenue then healthcare organizations would be forced to stop their operations. The revenue cycle begins immediately a patient registers to a healthcare institution for care. A revenue cycle that is well managed protects revenue collected and increases the flow of cash. If it is supported by an information infrastructure that is strong it will lead to the standardization of procedures and help in sharing of information across the units of operation ( Hall, s2010). Complexity of the revenue cycle in health care There….

Cleverley, W.O, James, O. & Song, P, H.(2008). Essentials of Health Care Finance. Jones & Bartlett Learning

Andrews, J.(2012). Intake critical point for revenue cycle. Retrieved September 8, 2013 from 

Triple tree.(2011)Healthcare Revenue cycle management. Retrieved September 8, 2013 from 

Hall, J.A.(2010). The Revenue Cycle. Accounting information systems,4th .Ed. Retrieved September 8,2013 from

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Financial Management In order to determine the size of equal, annual, end period deposits needed to accumulate a specific future sum at a specific future date, several steps are required.…

In addition, the exchange provides an avenue for recourse if some remedy is required for a fraudulent transaction. Problem 15-12. The operating asset turnover of 5 times on operating assets…

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Financial Management Calculate or identify from each company's most recent annual report the six (6) specific financial ratios listed and provide as an appendix to the paper. Liquidity ratios are responsible…

Financial Management "Suddenly, Gold Isn't Looking So Solid" This article (Sommer, 2011) examines the advisability of including gold in a typical investment portfolio. The article analyzes arguments, both historical and current,…

Financial Management Decision Understanding Basic Finance Terms Generally, it is beneficial to have a basic understanding of financial concepts and terminology before going into business independently. Financial management refers to the…

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Financial Management Calaveras Vineyards sits on 220 acres in Alameda Valley, California. Anne Clemens, a senior vice president at Goldengate Capital, received a loan proposal from Tom Howell, a managing…

Research Paper

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Finance Essay: Importance of Financial Management

Prepare a detailed and well-researched finance essay discussing the importance of finance management within an organization.

Introduction to Finance Essay Organizational management is a significant part of organizational development. This leads the entire organization to walk on the path that tends to ensure the achievement of the goals of the organization at a lower cost (De Roover, 2017). Several factors are needed to manage the organization among which finance is important for organization. Management of finance is an efficient and important part of the organizational development (Lewin et al., 2016). Financial management systems help to improve the areas that will help to bring the highest level of transparency and accountability in the organization. The aim of the essay is to discuss the importance of management of finance in an organization. Hence to achieve the aim of the essay, a clear description of financial management has been addressed. Apart from that, significance of management of finance and the need of the manager to balance the company have been elaborately discussed. And lastly, the source of finance has also been discussed.

Define financial management The term financial management is described as planning, organizing, directing, and controlling of the activity related to finance. This includes activities that comprise of the procurement and utilization of the funds of the endeavor. The financial management approaches help in applying the general management principles on the financial resources of the endeavor (Bulturbayevich et al., 2020). The purpose of the financial management considered the estimations of capital requirement, establishment of composition of capital, choice of source of funds, disposal of surplus, investment of capital and controls on financial factors (Prihartono & Asandimitra. 2018).

Importance of financial management It is quite clear that financial management is important for the development of the organization and to reduce the economic risk of the organization. It is necessary to be aware of the source of money and the expenditure of the organization. The financial management at the primary stage of the organizational development is necessary as it helps to provides guidelines for financial planning. It supports the organization and makes it aware of the collection of funds from the different sources and increase the scope to invest in several funds. It supports the organization to reduce the delay of the production, and also reduce the unnecessary financial costing (Boateng, Akamavi & Ndoro, 2016). The financial management ensures the appropriate use of the funds and encourages the organization to make a decision that will support the financial factors. Apart from that, the increase in wealth and managing the profit with minimum costing helps a lot in the development of the organization. It has controlled the financial factors of the business, and has informed the organization about the deprivation and elevation through financial reporting. This allows the organization to be stable and well balanced between the input and output of the organization. Along with that, it provides the scopes that will encourage the business (Buil, Catalán & Martínez, 2016).

Role of the financial manager in a company It is commonly found that without the financial manager, it is not possible to manage the financial factors. The primary function of the manager handling finance in a company is to estimate the amount of capital that is required to enhance the required amount of the areas in order to increase profitability and productivity of the organization (Oelze et al., 2016). The financial managers help in ensuring the structure of the capital and assess and evaluate the accurate sources of the funds. Apart from that, they work to ensure whether the attainment of funds is working in favor of the organization.

Sources of finance Multiple sources of finance are available for business purposes; the crisis is the correct way of investing. The most common supportive hands in the business sector to provide finance are bank loans. This is one of the traditional forms of business finance and ensures several things before providing the loan (Amaliyah, Apriyanto & Sihwahjoeni, 2019). Secondly, business credit cards are also a convenient way of source of finance. This allows having quick funding and purchasing of stock, and different types of equipment. Thirdly, merchant cash advances which are a short-term funding solution are designed to have card payments. This also includes invoice factoring, a process that includes selling open invoices to a factoring company. Crowd funding is also one of the popular ways for businesses to enhance the business in a new direction (Squires et al., 2016).

There are several options that businesses have to get the funds to start or run the business. Some of the options are small-term while some are long-term finance options.

Short term options Working capital loans: The working loans help to provide financial options for daily operations. Small business owners can maintain payrolls and equipment management at tough times.

Unsecured business loans: The unsecured loans do not require having collateral. Small businesses should explore these types of loans; as it is much faster than the secured loans (Pauw, 2017).

Equipment financing: This is a type of loan that helps to provide support to purchase or lease new equipment that is needed by the company (Gabriel & Kirkwood, 2016).

Long-Term options Banking loans: They are the long-term options for the company to start a business. The entrepreneurs can have funds directly from the bank by showing the business plan and the valuation in detail.

Government startup programs: The capitals that are being provided by the government for establishing the program can be of a good long term option. In general, these have a very low-interest rate; hence it is helpful (Gherhes et al., 2016).

Conclusion It is clear from the above discussion that, financial management is important for the development of the organization. It helps in multiple ways and provides information that benefits the organization's development. Financial management can be best done by the help of financial manages and hence, the management needs to have a financial manager to build the organization. The above-mentioned sources of finance are the most commonly used mediums and are believed to be extremely helpful for the people. The options for the short term or long term both work equally to enhance the organization’s development. However, it completely depends on the management of the company that whether they want a long term funding source or short term based on the nature of the organization.

Reference Amaliyah, A. R., Apriyanto, G., & Sihwahjoeni, S. (2019). The Effect of Competence Financial Manager, Internal Control System, and Utilization of Technology Information on the Quality of Financial Report (A Study on Credit Unions In The Kepanjen District). Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 10(4).

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Bulturbayevich, M. B., Sharipdjanovna, S. G., Ibragimovich, A. S., & Gulnora, M. (2020). Modern features of financial management in small businesses. International Engineering Journal For Research & Development, 5(4), 5-5.

De Roover, R. (2017). The Medici Bank: its organization, management, operations, and decline. Pickle Partners Publishing.

Gabriel, C. A., & Kirkwood, J. (2016). Business models for model businesses: Lessons from renewable energy entrepreneurs in developing countries. Energy Policy, 95, 336-349.

Gherhes, C., Williams, N., Vorley, T., & Vasconcelos, A. C. (2016). Distinguishing micro-businesses from SMEs: a systematic review of growth constraints. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development.

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What is financial management?

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Checked : Mark A. , Priscilla M.

Latest Update 20 Jan, 2024

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Financial accounting, accounts receivable, investment account, cash account, the importance of good financial management:, what is the corporate financial management, what is corporate financial management, three types of planning, 1. strategic planning:, 2. budget planning:, 3. treasury planning:.

  • What is a company's financial management?

But what is meant by financial management?

Receipts must exceed expenses and revenues must exceed expenses. Until then, it's very simple. On the other hand, it is not so simple for management to guarantee the liquidity necessary for its activity. Financial management instruments are invaluable in this regard. We present here the most important instruments. The following tools are the essential bases of financial management and controlling:

Accounting provides management with useful bases for decision-making and helps them control finances. It makes it possible to enter and monitor cash flows and services systematically. The resulting data are used for financial management, planning, and management of the company. Accounting also provides information to external target groups such as donors or the auditors.

It is an integral part of the operating accounts and documents all the processes in concrete figures. It calculates the overall result of the company from the income statement. In addition, it informs managers of the current financial situation in the balance sheet and the company's development in the income statement.

Accounts receivable are part of financial accounting. It records all the commercial operations associated with customers, in particular receivables and credits, deliveries, and other services.

The investment account provides the main decision bases for investments. It takes into account all the data that can be calculated and thus helps to assess   the risks associated   with the planned investments, their profitability, and their amortization.

The cash account compares revenue and expenses. Companies can thus ensure that they always have sufficient financial means to pay their invoices on time.

For businesses, sound financial planning is the key to success. It allows an organization to start its commercial activities and to continue. The content of financial management is particularly important for SMEs and start-ups. Their objective must be to use the available resources effectively and efficiently. It is up to management to know the tools that help it in financial management. The management of a company must control the company's financial flows and the company's associated processes to guarantee liquidity.

But financial management is not limited to tedious obligations and controlling activities. Ideally, it allows management to steer its strategy with precision, to make the necessary changes in due time, and to mobilize employees for the common cause.

Money is the lifeblood of any business. Only by having capital is it possible to buy everything you need to start a company and make the right investments for its growth. For this reason, it is necessary to plan and manage the incoming and outgoing cash flows better. Let's see what corporate financial management is and why it is important.

Planning the resources available and any future investments is the first step in getting a company off the ground. To achieve your business objectives, you need to put all the strategic tools necessary to face   the market , and, among these, there is financial management. A company does not operate isolated from the context in which it finds itself: to each of its actions correspond market reactions, which are not always positive. For this reason, money management must be carefully planned to be able to face any moments of crisis and support long-term business development.

Financial management is responsible for making decisions on income and expenses and collecting and payment methods. Machinery, patents, plants, raw materials, human resources: everything has a cost. It is not necessary to be a high finance expert to understand that money is the basis for every company's survival. To keep a business going, you need to know exactly what the available money is used for and constantly monitor the flows.

Whether it's production, human resource management, or marketing, every business function consumes or produces money. Therefore, financial management is not an isolated discipline in its own right, but concerns all company activities and allows the entrepreneur to understand what has the greatest impact on liquidity movements.

Proper corporate financial management should include at least four stages:

  • forecast of financial needs;
  • finding the necessary resources;
  • achieving the balance between collected and employed means and their coordination;
  • Control phase.

Depending on the time frame in which you want to operate, corporate financial management can have different objectives and methods. We can identify three different types of planning:

Operates in the medium to long term, over a time ranging from three to five years on average. Strategic corporate financial planning has to do with particular projects or events in corporate life and often takes the form of a "business plan," which outlines and evaluates commercial choices, investments, and sources of financing, as well as financial sustainability and convenience of the "Business plan" itself.

Operates in the short term, generally within one year. With financial budget planning, the company's economic budget is transformed into a plan that quantifies its income and expenses, checking that the net flow remains active and sustainable with respect to the company's needs and banking positions. In this context, the determining factor is time: the company must demonstrate its profitability over the year, while the financial budget must be drawn up every month.

Here we work in the very short term, or in a period of three or four months. The treasury's financial planning analyzes the reality taking into account the firm's fixed costs, the due dates towards customers, and the due dates towards suppliers. Subsequently, it tries to predict the company's liquidity in the very short term, which can vary from a few days to a few months, and it is a programming that must be constantly revised.

The cash flows (inflows and outflows) may depend on operational decisions (such as the purchase of raw materials) or strategic (such as the decision to change obsolete machinery). But it is essential to have the tools to understand how and how any decision impacts the company's financial situation.

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What is a company's financial management?

The concept of finance is so broad that a post like today is certainly not enough to be able to summarize it. In fact, when we talk about finance, we can refer to private finance, which includes the finance of a natural person, companies, and others in search of the necessary financial activities to meet their own sustainability and development requirements. Or, we can refer to the concept of public finance, which instead concerns the revenue and disbursements of the state, such as central, regional government, and semi-public financial issues.

Financial management is an integral part of global management. As a rule, when it comes to financial management, we speak of a branch of activity that deals with the company's financial managers' numerous aspects and oriented tasks. The term financial management has been defined by authors (Howard and Upton), financial management is an "application of general management," using principles in financial decision-making. For others like Weston Brigham, financial management is an area of financial decision making, which seeks to harmonize individual motivations and business objectives. Still, for others (Joseph Massie), financial management is the operational activity of a company. It aims to obtain and effectively use the funds necessary for efficient management of financial resources, with consequent explanation in operations of various natures.

Beyond the definitions provided by the doctrine, and trying to get to the right mix, financial management mainly deals with the management of funds belonging to or attributable to a company. In simple words, the financial management practiced by commercial enterprises is the set of activities that are aimed at managing the financial requirement and its coverage by applying a series of short, medium, and long term.

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155 Financial Crisis Essays & Examples

Looking for finance essay topics? You’re in the right place! The subject of financial economics is worth exploring.

💸 Top 10 Finance Essay Topics

🏆 top financial crisis essay examples, 💰 financial crisis essay topics, 👍 financial crisis research paper topics, 🏧 exciting financial essay topics, 📑 financial crisis topics for essays, ❓ research questions about financial crisis.

A financial crisis means massive depreciation of financial assets. It usually happens in the forms of banking, currency, and debt crises. Though the issue is studied well, financial crises still occur in various parts of the world.

In your finance crisis essay, you might want to focus on financial management in turbulent periods. Another idea is to discuss what it takes to survive a global financial crisis. One more option is to compare various types of financial crises. Whether you are assigned an argumentative essay, analytical paper, or research proposal, this article will be helpful. Here we’ve collected financial crisis research paper topics, current essay titles, writing tips, and financial crisis essay samples.

  • The financial system and its components
  • The role of investors in the financial system
  • Personal, corporate, and public finance
  • Financial risk management
  • Quantitative finance and financial engineering
  • Behavioral finance: the psychology of investors
  • Early history of finance
  • History and development of money
  • Experimental finance and its goals
  • Mathematical modeling in financial markets analysis
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  • How Quantitative Models Contribute to the Financial Crisis The motivation behind this study lies in the desire to understand why and how the economies of many countries around the world, especially in the Middle East, have been shaken to the core by the […]
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  • Global Financial Crisis Impact on Multi-Nationals The credit crisis was linked to the sub-prime mortgage business. So as to encourage lending, the interest rates were also lowered credibly.
  • Qantas’ Actions in the Financial Crisis Context The actions taken by Qantas in reducing their costs can be said to be influenced by the global financial crisis, where the decline of the number of passengers in September 2009 was 0.
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  • The Investment Industry in Kuwait Today (During Financial Crisis) One of the confessions was that the investment authority of Kuwait otherwise known as would not be in a position to provide financial support that would assist in the restoration of confidence that was already […]
  • Financial Crisis Management in the United Nations A crisis can be defined as the perception of an abnormal situation that is beyond the capability of the business and its scope to deal with.
  • Lehman Brothers and the 2008 Financial Crisis As a result, when the management of the bank expected assistance from other firms and the Bank of America, it did not receive the help it needed.
  • Global Financial Crisis and Real Estate Issues The central point of the argument is that the real estate market in the US and the policy called “trailer park lending” was the main reason for the worldwide economic crisis.
  • 2008 Global Financial Crisis: Crises of Capitalism? Although I had an idea of the possible catalysts of the 2008 global financial meltdown before watching the video, Harvey presented a clear report of the events that occurred before the crisis and put them […]
  • Corporate Government During the World Financial Crisis The chairman is the leader of the board of directors while the CEO is the person who oversees the day to day activities of the company; each of them performs a distinct and critical role […]
  • Corporate Governance During the Global Financial Crisis The chairman of the board of directors is the leader of both the board and the company whereas the CEO is the person who oversees the day-to-day activities of the company.
  • Nucor Corporation After Financial Crisis in the US However, in 2009, the company made the largest loss in its history of $299 million; the loss was the first annual loss since 1966. The depreciated purchasing power parity of the people in 2009 is […]
  • Global Financial Crisis and Its Ethical Causes The reason for this is simple the analysis of what had brought about this particular financial crisis and what accounted for the subtleties of its extrication points out to an undeniable fact that it was […]
  • Apple and Hewlett Packard During 2008 Financial Crisis Though the general demand has not reached the level it was before the crisis, many companies have taken advantage of the rising demand and have made tremendous sales. However, the company has increased its spending […]
  • 2008 Financial Crisis: Kuwait’s Economic Struggle At the year 2008, the intensity of the crisis was at the peak, causing oil prices which led to a decrease in production and drop in GDP of Kuwait.
  • Financial Crisis of 2008 Economics specialists have argued that the global financial crisis of 2008 was caused by a combination of factors, including the abundance of cheap credits in the macroeconomic environment as well as counterproductive decision-making in governments […]
  • Banking Instability During the Global Financial Crisis Though the combination of aspects that resulted in the banking instability in the course of the global financial crisis had never been witnessed previously, the shift from extreme risk-taking to fiscal chaos was a common […]
  • Rotana Company’s Financial Crisis and Culture This statement can be seen as being true to the values of the company and how it addressed the issues caused by the 2008 financial crisis.
  • British and Dutch Banks After 2008 Financial Crisis Many countries utilised the opportunity of the crisis to work on improving corporate governance and leadership to avoid similar crises in the future.
  • The Global Financial Crisis and Its Effect The latest global financial crisis managed to restart a debate on the value of both the stakeholder as well as shareholder theories. This led to the managers being more attentive to the prices of the […]
  • Australian Banks in the Global Financial Crisis To understand how Australian banks managed the GFC, it is essential to pay attention to the very structure of its banking.
  • Financial Crisis and Great Recession Causality The financial crisis is typically viewed as a primary factor behind the development of the Great Recession. Instead, the financial crisis of 2008 can be deemed a prerequisite of the Great Recession as well as […]
  • Financial Crisis in Ferguson’s “The Ascent of Money” By Ferguson, the main purpose of the historian is to relieve humanity from the financial illusions on the examples of the past.
  • Global Financial Crisis and Regulatory Responses In the aftermath of the crisis, the government through the Federal Reserve embarked on a mission to restore these financial institutions to their original position.
  • Reasons and Consistency of the Financial Crisis 2007-2008 The financial crisis that occurred in 2007-2008 is frequently defined as one of the major financial events at the beginning of the 2000s.
  • The Shadow Banking System: Financial Crisis Source The so-called shadow banking system, comprised of numerous institutions operating outside the regulated banking system, has undoubtedly contributed greatly to the emergence of the latest global financial crisis.
  • Financial Crisis and Its Impact on UAE Construction The determination of this research is to evaluate the enactment of construction corporations in the United Arab Emirates for the period of the pre and post worldwide eras of financial disaster, which is from 2006 […]
  • 1997 Asian Financial Crisis and Its Consequences Beja explores the impacts the crisis had on these countries and the outcomes that occurred years after the end of the crisis.
  • American Financial Crisis and Its Prevention The interviewee brings about the idea of bureaucracy and political aspects that contributed to the problem, highlighting the corruption and ineffectiveness in the government when bailing out the institutions.
  • West Midlands Designers and Architects Ltd: Financial Crisis The second option, which is by merit, will favor the company’s future and also acceptable by a number of the current employees.
  • Financial Crisis of 2008 and Consumer Behavior Although the main cause of the global financial crisis that began in 2007 was the bursting of the housing bubble, economists largely agree that the ensuing recession was the outcome of a combination of several […]
  • Financial Crisis of 2007-2008: Laws and Policies Nevertheless, one should not assume that the absence of legal safeguards is the only factor that led to this crisis since it is necessary to consider the development of the economy and lack of internal […]
  • Financial Crisis in Greece: Origin and Aspects This essay seeks to establish the nature and origin of the crisis, Greece’s advantages and disadvantages in the Eurozone, and Greece’s fiscal policy.
  • Austerity Measures after of the World Financial Crisis That is why it becomes obvious that there is a great need in some austerity measures whose main aim is to overcome the results of the world financial crisis and guarantee the stability of the […]
  • US Financial Crisis Hit and Its Economy Effect He is an economist and runs a column in the Atlantic magazine on financial matters in the U.S. The article is by Lee Don, a columnist, and journalist in the U.
  • The 2008 Financial Crisis In September 2008, the two giant mortgage companies faced the danger of bankruptcy as they had guaranteed close to half of the total mortgages in the US.
  • Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the World The recent global financial crisis happened between the years 2007 and 2008 that was a serious threat to the financial markets in the United States and the rest of the world.
  • Effects of Hedge Funds on the Global Financial Crisis The article titled “Do not Blame Hedge Funds for Financial Crisis, Study Says,” in 19th September 2012 issue of the The Wall Street Journal, attempts to remove the hedge fund from blame in the global […]
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  • Global Financial Crisis: Corruption and Transparency Due to the large number of the emerging markets, the global financial regulators lacked a proper mechanism to handle the situation.
  • Managing Financial Crises In this line, the financial institutions would have distributed the risk to all the stakeholders. The involvement of many players in the management systems of banks makes it out rightly difficult to blame banks for […]
  • Training and Skills Development Programs vs. the Global Financial Crisis The Level of education influences the rate of unemployment in an economy. The increase in gross domestic products is attributed to levels of education and employment.
  • The Worst of the Global Financial Crisis Is Still To Come Therefore, considering the numerous flaws that exist in the global economic system and the fact that, most governments have deviated from addressing the real causes of the global financial crisis; hence, formulate strategies of avoiding […]
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  • States regulatory response to the current financial crisis Having been cited by the International Monetary Fund as the leading contributor towards the world economy in 2007, the onset of the financial crisis meant economic disaster to the state.
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  • The global financial crisis of 2008 The magnitude and the level of disruption of the global economies have led to speculation of various causes that has contributed to its occurrence.
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  • EU Financial Crisis: Risk Management Failures This is for example over- dependence on: the capability of managers to create returns.the merits of financial innovation in efficiently spreading returns and risks in the market, the sufficiency of data and models used for […]
  • Public Discourse under the Financial Crisis in the U.S and Canada The number of people that lost their jobs, the number of companies that ran into bankruptcy and dwindled in self-destruction through foreclosures and closures, the amount of money that was pumped into the economy by […]
  • Impacts of Financial crisis on Bahrain Impacts of financial crisis on the country’s economy have accelerated debate within the mainstream of economics and many market analysts have devised economic stimulus plan to confront the crisis.
  • Effect of Global financial crisis on the Gulf Countries The financial crisis which hit the US in the late months of the year 2007 have over time spread to almost all other countries in the world.
  • Cultural Change at Texaco and Financial Crisis The most important and influential challenge was the opportunity to solve the questions of exclusion and discrimination of the minorities and women from the company’s workforce in such high status posts like management.
  • After the 2007-2010 Financial Crisis: Across the Chaos and Destruction to the Universal Order Because of the half-baked decisions concerning the integration in the Eurozone had been taken, the Great Britain had to sign the agreement with Brussels concerning the further economical steps, which is likely to drive to […]
  • Global Financial Crisis Problems This paper discusses the problem created by the global financial crisis and assesses the viability of the courses of actions taken to counter the problem.
  • Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2010 In particular, it has shown that many financial institutions are too much dependent on one another, and the collapse of one organization can result in the collapse of the entire system.
  • Eurozone Financial Crisis Henceforth, an analysis is drawn of the causes of crisis in the Eurozone. In addition, the effect of this Eurozone crisis did spread to other countries.
  • East Asian Financial Crisis Analysts have argued that the inherent problem with the approach in the region, especially in Japan, was primarily due to much involvement of the government in guiding the free economy.
  • The Financial Crisis Causes: Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection The consequences were similar in most parts of the world with the main indicators being debt crises, high unemployment rates, a reduction in the number of home ownership facilities and the demand for the same, […]
  • American Financial Crisis It discussed the underlying causes of the crisis and the impact it has had on the economy of the United States.
  • Short-term decisions lead to the emergence of the global financial crisis Over the years, since the great depression in the 1930’s, the role of management seems to have diverted significantly from expectations as illustrated by the global financial crisis.
  • Spain’s Financial Crisis The disproportionate growth in the real estate sector, coupled with the expansion of credit needed to finance it, is at the basis of the economic imbalances.
  • Minsky’s Economic volatility theory as an evaluation of Financial Crisis The modern Marxist, FSA, and organizational Keynesian perspectives associate the causes of the financial slow down with the implementation of the liberal development framework in 1970s when the “Accord of Detroit” development framework was ditched.
  • The Global Financial Crisis of 2008-2009 The two key sectors that take the blame for the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009 are the financial sector and the real estate industry.
  • Global Financial Crisis Initially, the collapse of AIG, the under-performance of Fallie Mac and Fannie Mac and the merging of the Bank of America and the Merrill Lynch were the start point of the financial problems in the […]
  • Global Financial Crisis of the United States Mortgage Industry The deterioration of economies called for government to take fast and immediate measures to rescue their nations; the United Nations for instance had to make policies that protected its local industry from the adverse effects […]
  • What Caused the 2008 Financial Crisis in the USA? The opposite trends in the cost of mortgage credit and the housing prices also made the home owners participate more in the market since the risk of default was much lower.
  • The Global Financial Crisis and Capitalism for the Elite Rich This Ideology adopted by many if not all of the western nations upholds the private ownership of business and institutions and the owners of these entities are allowed to spread out as much as they […]
  • The UK Banking Practice That Led to Financial Crisis Crisis of the magnitude that was experienced is a real threat to the economy of any country and it is imperative for people to learn as much as they can to avoid the circumstance that […]
  • The effect of the global financial crisis on political and financial risks The negative effects of the global financial crisis have been felt in most parts of the world the advanced countries, the emerging markets and in the developing world.
  • Global Trade During the Financial Crisis (from 2006 to 2010) Each of the major trade regions of the world seemed to concentrate more on a given branch of trade and give their outputs to the rest of the world.
  • Global Financial Crisis Impact on Australian and World Economies After affecting the banking and credit sectors in the US, the global crisis slowly crept to other countries and in the process became a world crisis.
  • International Finance. Main Causes of Recent Financial Crisis One of the specific factors that can be attributed to the recent international financial crisis was the loss on housing mortgage loans due to the decline of mortgage prices in the market.
  • The 2008 global financial crisis Soros asserts that whereas the U.S.subprime mortgage market is believed to have prompted the current financial crisis, the basis of the crisis derived from the flawed practices and institutions of the current financial system.
  • Benefits of the Old Fashioned Business Models in the light of Global financial Crisis The purpose of this essay is to establish the benefits and drawbacks of old fashioned business models in the light of global financial crisis with reference to Airdrie bank of Lanarkshire in the UK.
  • The Recent Financial Crisis The financial crisis has been considered by most economists to be the worst crisis since the Great Depression as it contributed to the failure of major financial institutions in the U.S.and the decline of consumer […]
  • Turkey’s 2000-2001 Financial Crisis The first crisis began at the early 90’s while the second began at the beginning of the 21st century. This led to the collapse of the exchange rate and the beginning of the country’s second […]
  • The 1997-1998 Asian Financial Crisis This growth was associated with “inflow of investments, improvements in technology, increases in education, a ready supply of labor as people moved from the countryside to the cities to work in factories, and reduced restrictions […]
  • Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Healthcare Industry The global financial crisis threatened to lead to the total breakdown of the global economy. The global financial crisis reduced the funding of that the healthcare facilities received from the government.
  • Changes in Financial Markets and it impact on Recent Financial Crisis Due to the above reason, this study seeks to examine the reasons behind the changes in financial markets during the last 30 years and the role of these changes in the recent financial crisis.
  • Argentina’s Financial Crisis: A Critical Review of Causes and Effects The unprecedented expansion in the country’s markets and economy at large was attributed to the rise in agricultural exports. The country’s economy was heading in the right direction following the introduction of the convertibility system.
  • Cause of the Financial Crisis The reason for this is quite apparent it was namely the Democrats’ preoccupation with ‘combating poverty’ that resulted in passing of the infamous Community Reinvestment Act and in reinforcing its provisions through the course of […]
  • Disadvantages of Developed Country (America) When 2008 Financial Crisis However, the scholars do not singly use this as a reason of terming a country as being developed but also adds on to the fact that people in that country should be having the freedom […]
  • The Global Financial Crisis Every entity is faced with the inevitable reality of making financial decisions in the following departments; investment for instance where to open shop, dividends for example whether or not to pay and when, working capital […]
  • Theories on Causes of Financial Crisis A financial system shock disrupted the situation and the prices of the houses fell and many people could not pay their loans.
  • Wesfarmers Limited and the Global Financial Crisis In order to put into perspective the effect of the GFC, we shall study the profitability of the firm from 2007 to 2010.
  • Regulation in the Financial Crisis 2008 While numerous claims have been put forth to explain the causes of the 2007-2009 financial crisis, there is almost a universal agreement that the major causes of the financial crisis was the combination of a […]
  • The 2008 Financial Crisis: Causes and Consequences Foster and Magdoff Perspective of 2008 Financial Crisis Foster and Magdoff theory that attempts to explain the 2008 financial crisis attributes it to broader factors of monopoly finance capitalism which is a function of a […]
  • Ethical Aspects of the Financial Crisis Yet, they would agree that to some degree, the origins of the financial crisis can be traced to the immoral behavior of some individuals who attempted to maximize their own benefits of at the expense […]
  • Is Globalization the Main Culprit for the 2008 Global Financial Crisis? Globalization has eroded the powers and the sovereignty of the state, the role of the state to regulate and to steer forward the economy has been largely ignored at the expense of the market, these […]
  • The Importance of Ethics in Business in Light of the Recent Global Financial Crisis The lack of concern for the overall good of the society stemmed from the increase in equity-based compensation to top executives which resulted in the declaration that “the paramount duty of management and board is […]
  • What Was the Biggest Financial Crisis?
  • Did Financial Crisis Alter the Level of Competition in the EMU Banks?
  • What Is the Effect of Financial Crisis?
  • What Are the Three Stages of Financial Crisis?
  • Did Firms Manage Earnings More Aggressively during the Financial Crisis?
  • What Causes a Financial Crisis?
  • Did the Recent Housing Boom Signal the Global Financial Crisis?
  • How Can We Solve Financial Crisis?
  • What Is Another Word for Financial Crisis?
  • What Is the First Stage in Financial Crisis?
  • Can the Government Take Money from Your Bank Account in a Financial Crisis?
  • What Was the Worst Financial Crisis in History?
  • What Caused the Global Financial Crisis?
  • Did the Financial Crisis Affect the Market Valuation of Large Systemic U.S. Banks?
  • What Is the Impact of the Global Financial Crisis?
  • What Happened in the 2008 Financial Crisis?
  • How Did the Financial Crisis Started?
  • Did Family Firms Perform Better During the Financial Crisis?
  • Did Investors Herd During the Financial Crisis?
  • Did Relational Capital Matter during the Financial Crisis?
  • Did the Asian Financial Crisis Scare Foreign Investors Out of Japan?
  • Did the Financial Crisis in Japan Affect Household Welfare Seriously?
  • Did the Global Financial Crisis Alter the Oil–Gasoline Price Relationship?
  • Was the 2008 Financial Crisis Caused by Lack of Ethics?
  • Was the Financial Crisis Caused by Bankers or Government?
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 24). 155 Financial Crisis Essays & Examples.

"155 Financial Crisis Essays & Examples." IvyPanda , 24 Feb. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '155 Financial Crisis Essays & Examples'. 24 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "155 Financial Crisis Essays & Examples." February 24, 2024.

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IvyPanda . "155 Financial Crisis Essays & Examples." February 24, 2024.

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