The Ultimate Guide to Event Marketing

Discover the benefits of event marketing and how to build an event marketing strategy that engages attendees and converts valuable leads.

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Everything you need to manage event marketing and promotion.

event marketing guide

Updated: 02/22/22

Published: 01/25/21

Think back to the last event you attended.

Was it a conference or trade show? An intimate seminar or startup launch party hosted online? How about a fun, socially-distanced 5K or golf outing?

These events are all very different, but to the brands or organizations who hosted them, they all had a common purpose: to entertain and engage attendees — a.k.a. potential customers.

Event marketing is a highly valuable strategy for all kinds of businesses, from technology and education to non-profit, medicine, and retail.

Not only do events benefit their hosts and sponsors, but they also enrich the lives of their attendees. Events inspire, teach, intrigue, entertain, and bring people together in a way unlike most other marketing efforts.

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What is Event Marketing?

Types of Event Marketing

Benefits of event marketing, event marketing plan.

Measuring Your Event

What is event marketing?

Event marketing is planning, organizing, and executing an event for the purpose of promoting a brand, product, or service. Events can take place in-person or online, and companies can either host an event, attend as an exhibitor, or participate as a sponsor.

Event marketing refers to a variety of events. You could organize a small roundtable of seven to 10 guests, partner with another brand to sponsor a 5K, or set up an exhibit at a major trade show — or host one of these online.

You could host a multi-day event that attracts thousands of attendees, sponsors, and speakers … like INBOUND. INBOUND 2022 , for instance, will host sessions both online and in-person and attracted thousands of attendees around the world.

It doesn’t quite matter the size of or platform for your event as long as you’re bringing value to your customers, potential customers, and brand. We’ll talk more about how to build an event marketing strategy below .

event marketing strategy presentation

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In the meantime, let’s go over some of the different types of event marketing your company could host, sponsor, or attend. Note that all of these events can take place virtually , too.


Conferences are large events typically organized and hosted by one major company and sponsored by a long list of smaller brands and businesses. Conferences are valuable for both B2B and B2C brands. These events typically offer the most dynamic agendas, filled with speakers, workshops, and networking opportunities.

Trade Shows and Expositions

Trade shows or expositions (expos) are large events organized around a specific industry or type of product, such as sales technology or medical devices. Trade shows give companies a chance to show off their products and services and typically bring in the highest number of qualified leads. Whereas conferences are open to the public, trade show attendees are typically pre-qualified buyers, company representatives, and salespeople.

Seminars (often called webinars when hosted online) are valuable, education-centric events attended by a small number of people. They involve discussions, lectures, and intimate networking opportunities.

Roundtables are similar to seminars, but usually have even fewer attendees of comparable “levels”, such as CEOs, surgeons, or teachers. Both events typically last no more than one day.

Pop-Up Shops

Pop-up shops are temporary retail spaces that give companies the opportunity to sell their products in a controlled environment. They’re typically organized by e-commerce brands that don’t have a full-time brick-and-mortar storefront. Pop-up shops also allow otherwise digital brands to bring their brand to life through a physical, immersive setting for their customers.

Launch Parties and Celebrations

Launch parties or celebrations are small, personal events held at the launch of a new business, upon a big announcement, or to simply celebrate a success or milestone. Some companies put on a yearly party to host and entertain customers or clients. While these types of events shouldn’t be centered on a product or brand, a simple speech or presentation can help align the event with a company and remind attendees why they’re there.

Workshops are similar to seminars and roundtables in that they’re focused on sharing knowledge and educating attendees. But unlike seminars and roundtables, they’re typically open to the public. Workshops can be offered both virtually and in-person, and while they aren’t traditionally promotional, they’re usually centered around a topic relevant to the business … which makes a company seem more credible in their field.

Other types of event marketing include job fairs, customer-only conferences, networking sessions, VIP experiences, sponsorships, awards events, and competitions (like 5Ks or golf outings).

In a recent article on the ultimate marketing advice , multiple experts mentioned that events were the best way to connect with your audience and grow your brand. Here’s a direct quote from Kenny Nguyen of ThreeSixtyEight (who spoke at INBOUND):

...businesses will utilize event strategies more than ever before as human experiences will be how companies choose to differentiate themselves , especially those that can’t do so through technologies. The key to any great event strategy is very simple — identify the memory you want attendees to walk away with and work backward ."

Events work because they’re different than every other type of marketing. They’re immersive, entertaining, and memorable. They’re also useful for businesses in any industry

Event marketing helps companies be successful — we’ve proven this above.

But how do they do that specifically? Why should you invest in this strategy for your business? Here are some distinct benefits of event marketing.

Events marketing generates business.

Companies choose to invest in event marketing because events inherently generate new business and revenue opportunities — 95% of marketers believe that in-person events can have a major impact on achieving their company’s primary business goals.

As an event host, the registration process alone generates a list of people who are already interested in your product, industry, or at least fall in your target demographic. If you’re participating in or sponsoring an event, you can collect leads through an email list, demo offering, or by running a competition.

Event marketing provides one-on-one customer engagement.

Lots of today’s software and e-commerce businesses never get to meet their customers or clients in person. That’s where event marketing is beneficial.

A 2020 Bizzabo study found that 93% of marketers believe in-person events provide attendees with a valuable opportunity to form connections in an increasingly digital world.

Engaging customers and potential customers at events initiates personal interactions. These personal, one-on-one interactions build brand loyalty and help customers humanize your brand. Events also provide a reprieve from the distractions of daily work — meaning you can capture a client’s attention better than over a phone call or in-office pitch. With that attention, you have a chance to sell — or upsell — your products and services.

Event marketing builds brand awareness.

Hosting or participating in events is a key way for companies to establish and grow their brand. 64% of event marketers reported that the primary reason for hosting events is brand awareness for their company or products.

Event marketing allows you to associate a physical identity and aesthetic with an otherwise digital brand. Like with pop-up shops, events provide a truly immersive experience at which consumers and customers can get a real feel for your brand and what it looks like in person.

The best part about using events to build brand awareness? People talk about events. Consumers, customers, media, bystanders, and influencers talk about events in person, on social media, in the press … you name it, making events a fantastic way to educate and alert people of your brand and products.

Event marketing encourages product and industry education.

Regardless of what type of event your company hosts or participates in, there’s most likely an education component. That’s what makes event marketing so successful — they don’t focus solely on a brand or product.

Instead, they focus on educating and entertaining a demographic or industry … and promote products and services on the side. (In fact, this makes for great marketing across the board.)

Now, let’s talk about how you can implement your next event. Your events should have a marketing plan separate from other efforts you do for your business.

You can cross-promote (i.e. share event information on company social media and vice versa), but it’s wise to detail your event marketing as a standalone campaign strategy.

Here are some questions to help you build your next event marketing strategy .

What are your SMART goals? What’s your budget?

SMART goals stand for s pecific, m easurable, a ttainable, r elevant, and t imely. Keeping your goals SMART helps you avoid running with vague goals like “bring in leads.”

SMART goals have a dual purpose: to give you direction when planning and implementing your event and to help you decide whether or not your event was a success (and if it wasn’t, to know how to improve).

An example of a SMART event marketing goal would be to “grow our prospective leads list for our new product by 100 names by the end of the event.”

This goal is specific (prospective leads for only the new product), measurable (100 names), attainable and relevant (assuming the event is relevant and there are more than enough attendees to get 100 names), and timely (by the end of the event).

Note: Don’t limit your event to one single goal. You should also set intangible goals like “strengthen relationships” and “engage prospective customers,” but in terms of creative and fiscal decisions, use your SMART goals to guide you — and to measure on the backend.

Lastly, take some time to define your event marketing budget. This is crucial as it’ll likely be the deciding factor on everything from the venue to the entertainment to the website.

What’s your event’s theme, brand, and schedule?

To market your event, you must know what information and content to market. Before moving further, establish your event’s name, theme, brand, and purpose. Why should people attend? What will they gain? Is your event an offshoot of your company, or is it a standalone brand?

Next, figure out where and when your event will take place. These will likely be the most-asked questions by attendees.

Then, research and outline your event’s schedule, such as keynote speakers, workshop sessions, entertainment portions, and times to gather and network.

You don’t have to secure all of these before you start promoting your event, but you should at least have an idea of who will be there and what you’ll offer for attendees.

Who are you marketing to? How will you reach them?

Define your target audience. Who would benefit most from attending your event? What kinds of people would enjoy your workshops, learn from your speakers, and engage your sponsors?

Establishing your audience will help you target and invest in the proper marketing channels. Social media and your event website are given channels in today’s digitally-saturated market. If your event is local, consider print advertisements. Consider adding your event to an event listing website like Eventful , Hey Event , and 10times to reach more people.

Event marketing with email

Email is another popular and effective way to promote events. 39% of marketers found that email marketing tools were the greatest contributor to event success.

Email information is easy to collect at registration, and attendees check email, so they'll easily notice updates and confirmations.

Often times, companies will create separate email addresses and newsletters for their events as a way to keep communication and promotion separate from it others marketing efforts.

This also benefits your attendees — they probably don't want their inboxes flooded.

What’s your content creation and management plan?

Promoting your event involves a lot of information — what, when, where, why, who, and how, for starters. To properly manage all this information, you must establish a viable plan to create and control it.

Because your event details likely won’t be ready all at once, you’ll be tasked with releasing, updating, and changing information for months leading up to the event. Will you do this via newsletter? Who will be in charge of making sure the website is up-to-date? Will you invest in an event app so attendees have this information in their pocket at all times?

What’s your event marketing timeline?

To engage your audience, it’s best to promote your event throughout the weeks and months leading up to it. It helps to outline a promotion timeline so you know when and what to release. A timeline like this also helps pique your attendees' curiosity as you release new names or information at different times.

It’s also wise to organize a multi-touch promotion. Include a variety (i.e. email, social media, direct mail, phone calls, print ads, and paid ads) to reach the maximum amount of people.

Simply getting the word out there could make a massive difference in your registrations.

How will you promote and market during the event?

Marketing your event shouldn’t stop when your event begins. Dedicate some resources to promoting your event as it’s happening. Attendees may learn something new about what’s offered, and those who didn’t register will be curious about what they’re missing.

Most companies use social media to engage people while their event is happening. 73% of businesses use social media to promote specific events and features during the event, 55% use it to post photos, and 35% use it to amplify product announcements.

Consider taking Facebook or Instagram Live Video or Live Tweeting during your event .

Do you have the right event technology in place?

Selecting the right event technology for your specific needs is essential for the success of your event. The ideal tech solution simplifies event marketing and event management for a seamless attendee experience.

Aim for a comprehensive event platform capable of handling everything from registration, check-in, and badging to attendee management, while also supporting your event marketing goals. A flexible event page builder, end-to-end branding tools, and robust email marketing functionality should be on your checklist. Additionally, if you use HubSpot, choosing software that integrates smoothly with your HubSpot CRM is critical for the timely execution of your marketing campaigns.

For tips on how to pick the best event management software, visit the detailed Event Management Software Guide by Accelevents, our certified HubSpot app partner. They also have a great post on integrating event registrations with HubSpot .

How will you measure your event success?

In the midst of a bustling event, it’s easy to take a look around and feel good about your attendance and engagement. But is that the best way to evaluate whether your event was a success? Probably not.

Like every other marketing investment, it’s wise to set some key performance indicators (KPIs) against which to measure your event and evaluate its performance.

Here are a few common KPIs for event marketing.

Registrations and check-ins

Not everyone who registers for your event will attend. Compare your registrations to your actual attendance and consider reaching out to a few who registered but didn’t check-in. Take a look at your registration data to see when the most and fewest tickets were purchased and what kinds of tickets were purchased, if you offered a variety of ticket packages or options.

Revenue and cost-to-revenue ratio

How much money did your event bring in? If your event required a paid ticket, gross revenue is an important measure of success. How does that amount compare to what you spent on the event? This comparison will help you better understand the value of your event and the resources offered. Events are expensive, but they’re not worth going in debt for.

Attendee satisfaction

Did your attendees enjoy your event? What did they participate in and enjoy the most? “Satisfaction” may seem like an obscure metric, but understanding the opinions and perspective of your event attendees can help you better understand where your event was a success … and where you could improve. Consider building a survey to ask your attendees about their experience, takeaways, and to calculate a Net Promoter Score (NPS) for your event.

Here’s a direct quote from another expert who provided some marketing advice in a recent piece of ours, Mike Piddock of Glisser spoke at INBOUND:

“Events need to be assessed with hard metrics , rather than just 'gut-feel' opinions and feedback forms to rate the coffee. Measure attendee engagement , rather than simply counting who registered and who showed up, as this is a great proxy for the effectiveness of the event .”

Social media mentions/engagement

How often was your event discussed on social media? What was the general consensus around the event? Did your attendees share content that engaged non-attendees? (It’s highly likely — a 2016 study found that 98% of consumers create digital content at events, and this number has likely risen today.) In today’s digital world, social media is a great measure of event success and reach. Take a look at your event mentions on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more. Consider using a hashtag so you can easily track posts.

Lead acquisition and customer conversion

Acquiring leads and converting customers is one of the main benefits of event marketing, so it’d make sense to measure these as KPIs of your event. Make note of how many qualified leads you gain from your event, and then track how many of those leads are converted into paying customers. This can help reveal the direct ROI of your event and see which tactics worked for lead collection and conversion.

Get Started with Event Marketing

Organizing and implementing an event is a daunting task. But approach it with a "snackable" strategy, and you’ll be planning your first event in no time.

Whether you’re aiming to entertain new clients, build your contact list, or raise money for your non-profit, event marketing may be the solution for you — and most fun for your customers.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in April 2015 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Event Marketing Plan Presentation

If you spend time and money hosting a great event for your company or organization, don’t let it go to waste. You need a comprehensive event marketing plan to reel in attendees and ensure your event is a success. 

An event marketing plan template can help you promote your event, provide value to attendees, organize event planning and operations, and check your event’s performance against its intended goals.

Use this event marketing plan template to:

  • Pinpoint goals for your event
  • Define marketing strategies to reach those goals
  • Set performance evaluation metrics

Build Your Event Marketing Plan Template

Each slide in your template covers an important topic in your event marketing plan. Transform numbers and text into visual, memorable graphics. Use bullet lists, sales funnels, timelines, charts, or graphs to illustrate your points. Each of these graphics can be added to your event marketing plan template with just one click. Here’s an event marketing plan example, with slides to include in your presentation:

Title Slide

Pro Tips for Creating Your Event Marketing Plan

Keep these tips and tricks in mind when using an event marketing plan template.

What do you want to achieve with this event? Understanding the purpose will help you figure out the rest of your marketing plan.

No need to include every small detail in your event marketing plan. Make it brief and concise.

Use graphics like bullet lists, timelines, videos, photographs, or sales funnels to make your presentation come to life.

Make sure your event details are accurate. Check the date and time, location, agenda, and any other essential details.

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17 Event Marketing Strategies to Boost Engagement & Drive Sales

Why might two similar events experience drastically different results? Even if they’re targeting the same audience, covering similar topics, and taking place in the same city, it’s possible that one might flop while the other draws a crowd. It all comes down to the event marketing strategies behind them!

A strong event marketing strategy isn’t just about getting the word out about your conference, expo, trade show, or event; it’s about compelling your audience to take notice and take action by registering and attending.

From in-person gatherings to virtual meet-ups, event marketers face a range of challenges and opportunities. To be effective, event marketing requires a perfect balance of creativity, strategy, and adaptability–and your event marketing strategy can make all the difference.

As we delve into event marketing best practices, we’ll arm you with tools, tips, and tricks that can transform your next event from just another date on the calendar to an unforgettable experience.

What Are Event Marketing Strategies?

Event marketing strategies cover the tactics, techniques, and plans event organizers deploy to promote their events and drive attendance. Event marketing strategies are kind of like your party-planning playbook. 

But don’t be mistaken—this doesn’t simply involve advertising. Think of your strategy as a holistic approach that integrates elements like branding , target audience identification, communication channels, and content creation to ensure your event reaches the right people and creates a buzz. Connecting the event’s purpose and goals to its potential attendees ensures they see the value of participating. 

What does that look like? We’re talking eye-catching digital ads, compelling emails, relatable social media posts, and maybe even an influencer shout-out or two. It’s all about the build-up, making sure folks don’t just hear about your event, but that they’re excited to be a part of it!

Why Is an Event Marketing Strategy Crucial for Associations, Corporations & Academies?

Whether you’re organizing a local workshop, a global conference, or an exclusive product launch, planning an event is no easy feat. After all the time and effort you’ve put into organizing, it’d be a shame if those who’d love to attend didn’t find out about it!

event marketing strategy presentation

That’s why creating a sound event marketing plan is paramount. Sticking to a plan ensures every decision you make aligns with your overarching objectives. Nailing your marketing strategy can provide:

Increased revenue

Think beyond just ticket sales. We’re talking about sponsors who want their logos everywhere, vendors setting up stalls, and perhaps even selling that amazing keynote speech later on. A great marketing strategy gets more eyes on your event, which translates into more revenue.

Stronger client and industry relationships

Alright, we all know events aren’t just about fancy presentations. It’s about meeting folks, getting to know key players in the industry, and making those all-important connections. The better your marketing, the better the crowd, and the better the post-event chat in the industry!

New leads for your database

Every registration, every QR code scanned means someone potentially saying, “Hey, I want to hear more from you!” Remember, as you pull in the crowds, you’re also building a high-value list for your next event or product launch.

Increased awareness

Got a big announcement? Maybe a new product or a groundbreaking bit of research? A solid marketing plan ensures your message doesn’t just echo in the hall but creates a real buzz within your industry. Remember: Marketing your event isn’t 100% about filling empty seats. It’s about making waves, growing, and being the talk of the town (or industry!). And the right event marketing strategy? Well, that’s your ticket to success!

17 Types of Event Marketing Strategies

Getting started with event marketing tips and strategies can feel a bit like navigating a bustling city for the first time. There are so many avenues to explore, each promising unique opportunities and challenges.

Let’s take a guided tour through the different channels and see what each brings to your event marketing table.

Paid marketing

The marketing equivalent of the fast lane! Paid marketing , like pay-per-click (PPC) ads and sponsored content, offers immediate visibility. It’s perfect for reaching a specific audience quickly, but it often comes at a higher cost.

Email marketing

The best email marketing is personalized, direct, and often expected by your audience. A well-crafted email campaign can not only inform but excite potential attendees!

Social media marketing

Platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and TikTok allow for dynamic interaction. They’re ideal for providing regular updates, engaging teasers, and getting real-time feedback.

Updating your website

Your website is like your home base. Optimizing your event page ensures that those who are curious about you can find answers to all their questions. Plus, it’s the official go-to for registrations and detailed info about your event!

Content marketing

Content marketing is a great way to inform your audience and build your reputation as a thought leader within your industry. Whether you focus on blogs, videos, podcasts, or something else, you can leverage content marketing to educate your audience and build anticipation for any upcoming events.

Influencer marketing

Collaborating with industry influencers can amplify your message, especially if they have a following that matches your target audience.

Event listing sites

The town bulletin board. Posting on sites like Eventbrite or Meetup can increase visibility, especially for those just casually browsing for events.

The town crier! Press releases or media collaborations can generate buzz, especially if you can make your event stand out from the crowd.

Forum engagement

Engaging in niche forums or groups can be like joining local clubs. That’s where you find genuinely interested folks and can have deeper, more focused conversations.

Email signatures and footers

Sometimes, the small gestures make a big impact. Adding event info in email footers subtly keeps it in the forefront, especially for regular correspondents.

Direct mail

Direct mail is old school, but it can help you stand out in today’s digital age. A well-designed invite or brochure delivered to their door can make recipients feel truly special.

SMS marketing

Texting your audience with SMS marketing is quick and direct! It’s like a tap on the shoulder, perfect for reminders, promos, or last-minute updates.

Existing events

Promoting your event at other similar events can tap into an already interested crowd, and it’s a great live event marketing method. 

Mobile apps

Your event in their pocket! Event mobile apps can enhance the attendee experience, provide updates, and even facilitate networking.


Ever walked past a store and then decided to return? Remarketing is the digital version of that, reminding potential attendees of what they might be missing.

Community activation

Engaging your existing community, like members or past attendees, is a great way to rally your fans and advocates. With a little encouragement (and maybe a small incentive!), they can be your event’s most ardent promoters.

Swag and merch

Everyone loves goodies. Branded merchandise can create buzz and make your event memorable long after it’s over. 

How to Create an Event Marketing Plan

Now that we’ve looked at the different types of event marketing, it’s important to remember that you don’t need to invest in every single channel.

Rather than trying to market everywhere , focus on the channels and tactics most aligned with your event and audience. After all, a good event marketing plan is about making genuine connections and creating memorable experiences.

Not sure where to start? Here’s an overview of the steps you need to reach your destination:

Define your goals

What’s your destination: Are you aiming for brand awareness, attendee engagement, or a certain number of ticket sales? Nail down what success looks like for you.

Set a budget

Remember, every great event has a budget . Know what you’re willing to spend on marketing to get the desired outcomes. This will guide your choices down the road.

Create your brand and voice

Your event’s personality! Decide on the colors, fonts, and tone that will represent your event. Consistency is key to being memorable.

Choose your tools

There’s an array of event marketing tools out there—from email marketing platforms to social schedulers. Make sure they align with your strategies.

Define your audience

Who are you speaking to? Identifying your audience’s preferences, demographics, and habits will help tailor your message.

Find your audience and channels

Now, where do these folks hang out? Is it Instagram? LinkedIn? Email? Direct your efforts where they’ll be most seen and appreciated.

Create an event marketing calendar

Plot out key dates. When will you launch your PR? Send your first email? Having a timeline keeps things on track.

Create your marketing collateral

Brochures, banners, and digital ads, oh my! Having these ready in advance ensures a consistent and timely rollout.

Refine your CTAs

Your call to action is the hook! Make it compelling, clear, and aligned with your goals.

Test and QA everything you need to

Nothing spoils the mood like a broken link or typo. Double—no, triple-check everything .

Go live across channels

It’s showtime! Execute your plan and watch the magic happen.

Send out your PR blast

Get the media involved. A well-timed press release can amplify your reach.

Ask your speakers to share 

Your speakers have followers too! Equip them with shareable content and collateral, and watch your visibility soar.

Track success, pivot as needed

Not everything goes as planned, and that’s okay. Track metrics and be ready to tweak your event marketing strategy for even better results.

Measure results

Post-event, it’s analysis time. Did you hit your goals? What worked, and what didn’t?

At the event: Track session and event attendance

Track attendance at specific sessions and ask attendees what they love and where you can improve.

Post-event marketing

The event might be over, but the marketing isn’t. Share highlights and photos, and engage with attendees online.

Benchmark for next time

Note down what worked best. That’ll be the foundation for your next event’s marketing plan.

What Are the 5 Ps of Event Planning?

The 5 Ps are the guiding principles of event planning. Whether you’re focused on live event marketing or creating a virtual event marketing strategy, the 5 Ps remain timeless in their importance. 

The 5Ps of event marketing strategies

  • Plan. Every great event starts with a plan. Your event marketing plan is the blueprint of what you want to achieve. It should outline everything from the event’s objective to the tiniest details like napkin colors. A thorough plan can make the difference between an event that feels seamlessly orchestrated and one that doesn’t.
  • Partner. Unless you’re a magician, it’s tough to pull off an event solo. This is where partners come into play. From vendors to sponsors to keynote speakers, choosing the right partners can elevate your event to the next level.
  • Place. Your venue is more than a backdrop—it sets the mood for your event. Whether you host an event in a grand ballroom, a cozy cafe, or a virtual space online, ensure the setting aligns with your event’s purpose and accommodates your audience comfortably.
  • Practice. Ever heard of a dress rehearsal? Just as actors practice before the curtain rises, event planners should run through the day’s events in advance. This helps iron out any wrinkles and ensures everything runs smoothly on event day.
  • Permission. In the age of data protection and increased focus on privacy, ensuring you have all the necessary permissions is crucial. This might relate to venue licensing, data collection from attendees, or even content and media permissions. Better safe than sorry!

When you master the 5 Ps, you’re not just planning an event—you’re orchestrating an experience that attendees will remember.

12 Event Marketing Tools to Amplify Your Strategy

Simply having an event marketing strategy in place isn’t enough on its own—you also need the right tools to bring that strategy to life. From designing visually appealing graphics to managing your team’s tasks, there’s a tool for almost everything!

 Let’s unpack some of the finest tools in the event marketer’s toolbox:

event marketing strategy presentation

Your event deserves to shine brightly and Canva helps it do just that. This graphic design platform makes it easy to create promotional materials, even if you’re not a design pro. With templates galore, you can whip up everything from event posters to social media graphics in no time.

If managing your event marketing feels like a juggling act, a tool like Asana can ensure you don’t drop the ball. This task management tool lets you keep tabs on every detail, assign tasks to specific team members, and ensure nothing falls through the cracks.

HubSpot CRM

event marketing strategy presentation

You already know that a healthy relationship with your attendees is gold. A customer relationship management tool like HubSpot CRM helps you maintain this bond by managing and analyzing customer interactions and data. Stay on top of leads , ticket sales, and attendee preferences with ease.

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In the world of event marketing tech, HubSpot stands as a beacon for inbound marketing, sales, and service. Create content that attracts attendees, manage your leads efficiently, and analyze the success of your campaigns—all under one digital roof.

Google Analytics

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If knowledge is power, then Google Analytics is your event’s powerhouse. Track your website traffic, see which marketing campaigns are most effective, and gain insights into what your potential attendees are looking for.

Google Search Console

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Want to see exactly where your event website stands in the vast sea of search results? Google Search Console can tell you everything you need to know. It’ll give you insight into your site’s search performance and potential issues, ensuring your audience can find your event when they tap that search bar.

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Social media and events go together like popcorn and movies. Hootsuite is a social media management tool that helps you take control of all your social media channels in one place. You can use Hootsuite to schedule posts and engage with your audience to ensure your event gets the online buzz it deserves.

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Email might be old school, but it’s still a major player in the event marketing game. Platforms liek Mailchimp simplify the process of designing, sending, and tracking your email marketing campaigns, ensuring your invites and updates land in the right inboxes.

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Think of Buffer as your social media butler. It lets you schedule, publish, and analyze all your social media posts in one place, which is perfect for ensuring consistent updates about your event across different platforms!

Sprout Social

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Social listening is the name of the game with Sprout Social. Monitor your brand mentions, engage with your audience, and dig into analytics to understand the social pulse of your event.

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For visual thinkers, Trello is a godsend. Create boards, lists, and cards to organize your event tasks. It’s like having a digital whiteboard where your whole team can collaborate and visualize the event planning progress.

Google Drive

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Collaboration is the backbone of event planning. Google Drive offers a space for your team to store, share, and collaboratively edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

How to Measure Event Marketing Success

So, you’ve put in the hard yards with your event marketing strategy and want to make sure it was all worth it. Determining the success of your event marketing is crucial not only to justify the resources spent but also to refine and optimize future campaigns. 

Here’s a dive into how you can measure the success of your event marketing :

Define clear objectives

Understand your goals, whether that’s boosting brand awareness or fostering networking. Having a clear event marketing strategy and goal extends to your post-event evaluation!

Track registration and attendance numbers

A high sign-up rate is great, but how many of those registrants actually attend? Track these numbers to understand event appeal and identify possible pain points.

Measure attendee engagement

Use live polls , Q&A sessions, and event marketing tools throughout your event to see how involved your attendees really are.

Evaluate networking effectiveness

Good networking is a sign of event marketing success. Consider counting the number of meetings booked through your event app or the number of leads your exhibitors were able to capture.

Assess feedback and satisfaction

Post-event surveys are a  goldmine of attendee feedback! Learn from comments and refine your event marketing plan for the future.

Calculate financial ROI

Compare your costs against revenue. If you’ve got a positive return on your investment, that’s event marketing success you can take to the bank.

Analyze digital engagement

With tools like Google Analytics, you can track website visits, social mentions, and more to gauge your virtual event marketing strategy.

Study long-term impact

Look beyond the immediate aftermath. Did you land new business deals, find new partnerships, or make plans for collaborations down the line? Those are valuable post-event results!

Leverage event technology

From tracking app usage to virtual booth interactions, using the right event marketing tools can give insights into your campaign’s success. Based on the data and insights you collect and analyze post-event, you can make adjustments to evolve your event marketing strategies to achieve the best outcomes!

Do You Need an Event Marketing Consultant?

Even with a robust event marketing plan in hand, executing it to perfection can be tricky. If your team has limited experience or you’re venturing into new event territory, a consultant might be the boost you need to get ahead!

Event marketing consultants are seasoned pros who have the expertise to ensure you’re applying events marketing best practices. They can also provide invaluable insights tailored to your specific needs.

Of course, bringing on a consultant is an investment. But think of it as gearing up for a mountain trek. Sure, you could do it solo, but it’d be safer—and potentially more rewarding—with the help of an experienced guide. An event marketing consultant can help you avoid pitfalls, maximize ROI, and truly shine in the spotlight of your event. 

Navigating the Event Marketing Landscape

Success in event marketing doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a blend of meticulous planning, understanding your audience, leveraging the right tools, and staying adaptable.

With the right event marketing strategies, tools, and perhaps even a knowledgeable consultant by your side, your events can transform from mere gatherings to powerhouse opportunities for brand growth. Remember, every event is a unique chance to showcase what you bring to the table, foster relationships, and create lasting impressions.

Event management software like EventMobi can help you keep up with event marketing trends. Come chat with our team to see how we help you host an event that not only captivates but converts! 

Ready to measure the success of your event marketing strategy? Use our social media dashboard to track engagement in real time! Read Now

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Event Guide

Event marketing - a solid strategy & tips to help you out in a pinch.

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See how Eventify can help you.

Are you looking for ways to reach wider audiences? Do you need a proper event marketing plan for your upcoming event?

With some of the event marketing strategies in this blog, you can sustain yourself in today's competitive environment.

In this blog, there is a complete guidebook for advertising your event in the best possible way. Marketing tips, from social media marketing to content creation, find the most effective marketing blueprint for your event with a compilation of actionable strategies for attracting more attendees and engaging more audiences. 

What is Event Marketing?

Events are a good platform to promote your brand and connect with your target audience. Events can also prove to be a good option for generating leads. However, arranging an event is not enough in today’s ever-growing era where competition is becoming harder. Instead, you need to conduct a marketing campaign to promote your event before the event launch .

For many, attending an event can be a refreshing experience that unwinds corporate exhaustion and hits their motivation hormones. However, a saga of event planning goes at the backdrop.

An event takes a lot of effort, from structuring the plan on paper to promoting it on social media platforms. However, event marketing is one of the biggest parts of event planning. 

Event Marketing means spreading the word about an upcoming event. It can include conducting Ads, publishing pamphlets, and collaborating with social media influencers to create awareness about your event.

Via the event marketing, you aim to draw more attendees to your planned event. By event marketing, you reach out to your target audience and tell them about your scheduled event. 

Why is Event Marketing Important?

When planning an event , you must have heard of event marketing and its impacts on its success. Event marketing has emerged as a popular marketing strategy and has been in practice for quite a while now. 

Through event marketing, you can create awareness about your brand. When you post on social media and update your audiences via Email marketing , more people will learn about your brand and your product. 

Furthermore, through event marketing, you can leave a lasting impression on the memories and hearts of the attendees. You can maneuver your image among the attendees by communicating your mission and vision, your products, and your services to your audiences in an impressive and lasting manner.

In addition, event marketing boosts sales and customer trust. By conducting an event marketing campaign and creating informative posts on your social media accounts , you draw more people toward the product and build a trusting relationship with your customers.

Hence, event marketing plays a crucial role in boosting sales and fostering a good image of your brand. Through event marketing, you can clear up any confusion about the brand and inform people about its positive aspects.

Types of Event Marketing 

Event marketing can be either B2B or B2C, and it is further branched down to strategic marketing techniques like webinars, online events/virtual events, live streaming events, and hybrid events . We will dive deeper into these marketing strategies in later stages.

When your event marketing targets ordinary people, and your Ad campaigns attract customers online, it is termed B2B event marketing. Meanwhile, B2C marketing is when you arrange an event for only the business community to attract new investors.

Although you can opt for similar marketing channels for both types of event marketing, you may need to change your tone according to the kind of event marketing you are pursuing.

Not only that, the tone of your message should be specific to each event marketing type, and the value proposition should also vary with the class. For instance, for B2B marketing, you can allure your customers by offering more personal propositions. 

Meanwhile, for B2B event marketing, you will have to be more professional. You must be convincing enough for the other business owners to attend your event and contribute to your cost. You can tell them how your event can help them grow their business.

event marketing strategy presentation

How Does Event Marketing Help Small Businesses?

If you are one of the struggling start-ups looking for more advertisements and marketing opportunities, you should arrange an event. Before you conduct the event, you must market the event as well.

Through event marketing, you can stay connected to your customers and engage with your target audience more effectively. Furthermore, there are many benefits that you can reap after doing event marketing. Here are some of the ways event marketing can help small businesses grow:

Build an Email List

When you market an event and get the registrants' email addresses, you have an email list to target for your branding. The customers registering for your event can imply that they are genuinely interested in your brand and related updates. 

Hence, you can keep these customers on your email list and occasionally get them your brand updates.

Raise Funds

When your event type is B2B, event marketing can bring you a solid investment party. While conducting your event, you can tell these business owners how your brand can become a lucrative investment. That way, you can raise funds for your start-ups and businesses.

Build Customer Trust

Continuous contact with your customers via emails or other social media platforms strengthens your bond with them. 

You are interacting with the customers one-on-one, and it builds good brand rapport among your customers. That way, you can earn the trust of your customers.

For instance, imagine a friend who is open to you about everything they plan to do or tells you every life update. Now, think of a friend on good terms with you, but you are not in continuous contact with this friend. 

Who would you trust more?

That's the case with all businesses; you can earn your customer's trust by staying active and sharing all the updates with them.

Create Brand Awareness

Event marketing is an excellent source of creating awareness about your brand. When you put all your efforts into marketing your event and drawing more attendees, you reach out to more people.

You may introduce your brand to the target audience and share your vision and mission. But for that event to be a success, one thing you need to do is to bring more attendees. This could only be done by event marketing.

When your extensive event marketing campaign brings numerous attendees, there are more ears to pay attention to your brand, its vision, and its mission. Furthermore, with more people in the event, there are increased chances of effective lead generation through these events .

All in all, event marketing offers multiple benefits for start-up owners. These are the direct outcomes of event marketing, from raising accessible funds to increased customer influx to elevated brand awareness. 

It provides enough Return On Investment and builds a good rapport with your target audiences as you connect with them personally.

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Strategizing Event Marketing

Your event marketing needs proper planning and a schematic timeline. You start with the core basics of event marketing: knowing your target audience. When you know your target audience, you can streamline or structure your plan on how and where to reach them.

Once you have your target audience in mind, you can fixate on your objective. Knowing your purpose gives you direction and a clearer vision of what you need. The goal will help you with themes, designs, and other event planning and marketing choices.

Here are some of the strategies you can pull to market your event. 

Choosing the Right Event

There are multiple types of events that are conducted and celebrated today. However, when you know your target audience, you can select from among many event types. Also, if you are clear about the aim and mission of your event, you can narrow down the types of events based on your needs and your customer’s desires.

For instance, if you are planning to market an edible product, you can arrange an outdoor event with aesthetic seating and catering services. However, if your audience is a business community, you should then arrange a more formal gathering that has more informative play cards or flexes to convey the message to your customers.

Early-Bird Registration Scheme

To incentivize your customers to register for your event, you can offer them a discount on early registration. This is an effective marketing strategy where more people are registered for your event by offering discounts.

Imagine your supervisor unloading an extra burden off your shoulders. How would you feel? You would be happy and excited at the same time, right? 

When you offer your customers a discount, they see it as an opportunity to avail and get themselves registered before the offer expires. 

You can easily create the registration portal for your event using an application like the Eventify mobile app .

Furthermore, when you offer them a discount, more people register, and you sell more event tickets . There might be people who would otherwise not register themselves. 

Hence, the early bird registration scheme can earn you more customers than otherwise. Eventify event registration system can make this step easy for you.

Pre-Event Marketing

Before you hold an event, you should conduct a proper pre-event marketing campaign. This can include marketing the event, spreading the word via social media, or informing the people on your email list. 

You must do extensive marketing for your event if you are looking forward to an excessive registration influx. Furthermore, the pre-event marketing will keep your customers updated about the event.

That way, you can raise customer anticipation and make them look forward to your event. As your pre-event marketing continues, interest will grow among customers.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is one of the best ways to market your products and events. Millions and billions of people use social media platforms today, and you can reach out to these people more swiftly and efficiently.

You can opt for multiple options and do the marketing as you like. 

For instance: 

  • You can post about your event on Eventify  
  • Add a countdown to your stories, and 
  • Even collaborate with the influencers. 

When you collaborate with influencers, you can get more clout for your event. Such collaborations help you achieve a registration count. 

Furthermore, you can follow recent trends and upload videos that align with the algorithm of social media apps. That way, your content and advertising posts are visible to more audiences. 

  • You can use trending audio and popular hashtags that give your social media content a better reach. 
  • Also, you can conduct live streams on social media platforms like Eventify to connect with your target audiences one-on-one and clarify their confusion. 

All these methods will help you better advertise your event and conduct event marketing as best as possible.

Content Marketing

You can promote your event through content marketing, which differs slightly from social media marketing. In content marketing, 

  • You can curate blogs that uncover why people should attend your event and how it can impact their lives.
  • You can also guest write on other websites related to your niche and attract your target audiences. That way, you will be able to draw their clout to your event as well. 
  • Speaking of blog writing, you can also deploy SEO strategies to make your content reachable to more significant audiences.

The aim is to create awareness and market your event through copywriting. You can convince the readers why this event will be their must-to-attend.

Paid Collaborations

Investing your money in marketing the event is a wise strategic step. You can not rely solely on the organic marketing that goes off without any financial investment. However, by doing paid collaborations, you can effectively campaign your event marketing and draw more customers to your event.

You can invest your money in paid social media Ads, Google Ads, and sponsored posts. Furthermore, you can collaborate with social media influencers who can recommend their followers to attend your event. 

That way, you can get instant audience responses, which is otherwise impossible with organic event marketing.

Email Marketing

Email marketing has long been the mainstream marketing option and is still an effective way of selling your products or event tickets. You can do email marketing daily and inform your target audiences about the event you are about to hold.

Furthermore, you can guide them about the registration process and other necessary information that they should know. Likewise, you can email them the early bird offers and keep them updated about the event.

Timeline Your Event Marketing

You should know that timing does play a critical role in a marketing campaign. You should figure out the perfect time to market your event. 

For instance, if your event is about tourism, you should start marketing before the tourist season starts. That way, you can get more attendees to register for your event because the tourism season is approaching.

Pro-Tip 1: Hence, the timing is the key. 

Always intensify your event marketing as the event date approaches. When the days are closer, you must take extensive marketing steps to create a sense of urgency. People tend to register more urgently.

Pro-Tip 2: Furthermore, you should post posts like social media ads and videos when social media surfing is at its peak during the day. For instance, most people prefer to scroll through their social media before sleeping to unwind their daily hectic routine.

In addition, more people are active on weekends than on weekdays because they are busy with their studies or official matters. 

Hence, you must post and conduct ads when social media engagement is higher. 

event marketing strategy presentation

Pre-Event Planning

Before executing the event planning, you must identify your goals and objectives. You should know what you are trying to achieve and how you will measure your success. 

Furthermore, that way, you will be able to understand whether your goals are realistic or not. 

You can analyze your event planning. Here are some of the pre-event planning analyses you should always consider:

  • Specific: What are your goals?
  • Measurable: How will you measure your success?
  • Achievable: Are your goals realistic?
  • Relevant: Does your event timeline fulfill your marketing goals?
  • Time: How long will it take to plan and conduct the event?

After determining your goals and objectives, you should start marketing your event. The event marketing plan can include multiple steps ranging from regular updates on social media to publishing information in print media. 

Here are some tactics you should deploy to market your event before it goes live.

Share Updates on Media

When you keep publishing news about your upcoming event, the audiences feel the suspense, and there is a sense of anticipation among them. Hence, the pro tip is to keep informing your print media audiences as your event planning progresses. 

In addition to this, you can hold a press conference, as the entertainment media usually does, just before their shows are about to be released. You can indulge the local media and get the word to every corner of remote areas.

Today, there is nothing better than social media regarding marketing. You can go by multiple options, from going live to sharing trending reels based on your event promotion. 

With a massive social media population, you can easily reach a maximum number of people with a single click. Let me take you on a ride into the social media world and introduce you to how you can market your event.

Going live, where you can connect with your audiences one-on-one, has recently become a trend. When you connect to your audiences directly, you can more profusely engage them in your event. 

You can clarify their confusion and build brand rapport with customers who are already connected to your events and mission.

Furthermore, going live is an easy way to share information with your customers. It is also a candid means of communicating with the customer on social media. 

When you are candid and more reachable to your audiences, they feel more relatable to you. There, you achieve one of the most crucial marketing targets.

Share Reels

Posting reels and adding viral audio as background music on Instagram is now an advanced way of marketing a product, a brand, or an event. You can use popular hashtags and add captions relatable to the audience. 

Furthermore, the reels should be edited in an aesthetic way that is pleasing to watch and goes viral. When your video meets social media standards, it goes viral, and you can reach a wider audience. 

You can co-relate your marketing to recent trends and make it a hit on social media platforms.

Collaborate with Influencers

One thing that brings results is collaborating with influencers online. These social media influencers have gained their followers' trust through daily content creation. You can use their social media platforms to subtly promote your event.

These influencers can be the mouths that spread the word to the larger group.

1. Landing-Page Advertisements

To advertise your event, you must do such things as creating a landing page for your event. You can also add a pop-up form to your website that takes your viewers to your event information page.

You can also add links on your website that take your viewers to the singing-in page for your event. These landing pages will result in more registrations for your event. 

Furthermore, you should also add a compelling call to action to convince more people to register themselves for the event.

2. Spark Curiosity and Create a Sense of FOMO

You must have heard people saying they have the fear of missing out. This fear can manipulate them into doing things that might not be as worth it. 

By sharing the details of your event and exciting information on Eventify and other social media applications, you can evoke the fear of missing out among your audiences.

Furthermore, you can trigger curiosity among your audiences by giving them hints about your guest list and your plans regarding the event. When you create the buzz and keep people curious, you connect more and more audiences to your event even more deeply. 

Furthermore, you allow people to talk more about your event and spread the word as their curiosity escalates.

3. Assure Quality Time at Your Event

After you have created the buzz and spared curiosity among the audience, you should now meticulously plan and design your event. You should be able to deliver what you promised. When your event offers value to your audiences, it, by default, promotes your brand.

The audiences stay connected to your brand and stay updated about every event you plan afterward. Hence, you must assure your audiences that they will have quality time at your event and make that specific time slot the best for the attendees.

Overall, your event marketing plan should also assure your audiences that the event will meet all their expectations.

Event Launch

You have a lot to manage during the event, from seating to event themes to marketing strategies to catering. However, apart from general management during the event, you must also document your event's highlights through videography and photographs. 

You can record the crucial moments of your event and upload them later on social media platforms. For instance, you can capture the happy moments of your attendees and guests sharing the tips. 

Furthermore, you can snap pictures of the hot spot of your event, such as the selfie spot, the food stall, or your brand stall. 

When the event is over, you can share these clips with the audiences that missed out on it. This will tell those who didn't attend your event why they should attend all your upcoming events. 

Hence, you can extend your event marketing even after the event has passed. That way, you can achieve bigger targets, like generating more leads that help your brand in the long run.

event marketing strategy presentation

Post-Event Dos

After your event is over, your event marketing should not stop. There are multiple crucial marketing jobs that you must never miss. Simply put, post-event marketing is as essential as pre-event marketing to keep your brand in the limelight. 

Here are some of the post-event dos that you must follow to maintain a good connection with your attendees:

Share the Recording of Your Virtual Events

If you have conducted your virtual event on any online platform, send a recording to your attendees so they can recall what they learned. 

Furthermore, they can share the videos with their friends and spread the word.

Send Thank You Emails

Send Thank you Emails to your customers. These small gestures can do wonders sometimes. When you send your attendees the thank you email, you tell them you value their time and attention. 

Hence, such small efforts can be significant marketing tricks you should always use.

Share Pictures and Videos

Share pictures and videos on social media platforms. As already said, during the event, you must collect some memories and highlights of the event to share with your virtual customers .

Post-event Surveys

Post-event surveys can help you in many ways. You can ask your attendees diverse questions and get their feedback on different aspects of the event. When the attendees share their reviews, you can look into the loopholes that missed your sight and work on these shortcomings.

Furthermore, you can also determine which part of your event has touched your audience more. When you get positive feedback, you can stick to that particular aspect of your event and continue impressing all your forthcoming attendees.

Likewise, your attendees can also help you level up your marketing game. 

  • They may come up with ideas that can substantially impact your sales. 
  • You can ask for their suggestions and ideas about the event and what they feel was missing. 

As a result, you can get a deeper insight into what your audience expects from you and the needs of the time.

Furthermore, you can also get your net promoter score after the event through this survey. 

  • You can calculate your net promoter score by asking your attendees whether they will promote your event in the future. 
  • You can ask for the reason as well. For instance, if an attendee agrees to promote your event, you can ask them which factors evoke them to promote your event.

Thus, these post-event surveys can help you arrange events that meet your attendees' expectations and standards. You can better understand your audience and study more profoundly what can be done to engage more audiences. 

Evaluate Attendance and Engagement Rates

You should also keep a record of attendance at your different events. That way, you can keep track of the influx rate graph. You can then evaluate and analyze your events and why an event was a hit or a flop based on the number of attendees. 

You can look into what could be the reason for an event going viral. Also, you can figure out what factor would have led to fewer attendees at your event. 

This gives you the chance for redemption for your prospective events.

Social Media Engagements

You can engage the social media audiences by asking them questions about your stories and getting their suggestions in the comment sections. 

You can ask them what specific thing they liked the most about the event and which parts should be excluded from the plan. You can hold polls on social media for the most and least favorite aspects of your events. 

Furthermore, you can ask the audience to vote for the aspects of the event that they want you to continue with. This will give you a rough analysis of what you must do and should drop for future events.

Event Merches

You can also do post-event marketing by launching marches that refer to some memory from your event. For instance, you can get a highlight of the event printed on the T-shirts and sell them on online selling platforms. 

Merchandise can attract wider audiences and grab the attention of massive numbers of social media users. Furthermore, launching merchandise is a straightforward way of marketing your events wisely. 

You attract meme-lovers, which means an incredibly vast audience when you launch merch for your event. In addition to this, you can also follow these tips to increase the chances of your event: 

1. Stay Focused:

When planning an event, you should be extensively focused on achieving the goals without worrying about the size of the event. Organizing a successful event on a small scale rather than a larger flop is better.

2. Use Online Tools

Work smart when marketing your event and deploy online tools that make event marketing easier. You can use various internet tools, such as email marketing tools and registration platforms, to conduct a successful marketing campaign.

3. Be Creative

When it comes to event marketing, there are no hard-and-fast rules. Use your creativity to plan an event that hits your target audience and is distinctive and unforgettable for them.

 Wrapping Up

There you go! I have provided you with the best tips on making your event known to everyone and ways to engage more and more people. You can adopt diverse marketing strategies before, during, and even after the event.

Starting from simple email marketing to more extensive and effective social media marketing, you can deploy each of these strategies and get your event booked even before the last registration date.

Q. What are the 3 E's of Event Marketing?

The 3 E’s of event marketing are Engagement, Experiential, and Entertainment. All these three E’s build the foundation for successful event marketing.

Q. What is Event Management in Marketing?

Event management includes planning the event from logistics to budgeting, vendor management, and mapping an event.

Q. What are the Elements of Event Marketing?

Event marketing relies on five elements, starting with attracting the right audience, choosing the right venue, drawing a larger number of attendees, and building a bond with them.

Do I need a professional event planner?

For larger or more complex events, an event planner can be a valuable asset. They can handle logistics and vendor management and ensure a smooth execution.

What if I'm short on time for planning?

Even with limited time, you can still succeed. Focus on a smaller, targeted event, leverage online tools for registration and marketing, and prioritize creativity to make your event unique and memorable.

What are the benefits of event marketing?

Event marketing offers several benefits, including increased brand awareness, lead generation, customer engagement, and even direct sales.

What type of event should I choose?

The ideal event type depends on your target audience and goals. Options include product launches, workshops, conferences, trade shows, or industry networking events.

How can I effectively promote my event?

Utilize a mix of marketing channels to reach your target audience. Social media, email marketing, content marketing, and even influencer outreach can all be valuable tools.

event marketing strategy presentation

Hussain Fakhruddin

About the author, love the smell of events every morning like us.

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Event Marketing Proposal Template Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Event marketing is done when one has to launch a new product on the market. Many organizations conduct events like trade shows, concerts, and live-streamed workshops where representatives can directly interact with their customers. You can exhibit your services and gain the interest of your audience through event marketing. Our content-ready Event Marketing Proposal Template PowerPoint Presentation Slides offers you all the information that you can further convey to your clients. With the aid of this outwardly engaging event marketing proposal PPT layout, you can design an impressive proposal and win the deal effectively. Let your clients know about the main group audience and the second most important target audience that you will pitch throughout the event marketing process. The event marketing proposal presentation template consists of a table of contents that include a summary of the event, key target audience, strategic approach to event marketing, event marketing timeline, event marketing budget, terms, and agreement, etc. Showcase the promotional plans your company offers such as online advertising, targeting locals online, social-media campaigns, email marketing, strategic partnerships with local trade groups, video advertising, radio advertising, and search engine marketing. Take the assistance of this creatively designed event marketing proposal PowerPoint template to explain how you will effectively promote your client’s event through increased marketing activity. Use the event marketing proposal PPT slide to highlight the steps that help in enhancing the existing website of your client. Define clearly the event goals, source venue options, sponsorship strategy, optimize SEO rankings, social media campaigns, and publishing vlog series. List out the expenditure plan your clients need to do in various items such as in designing, printing, advertising, market research, photography, website launch, and social media interaction. With the help of this interactive event marketing proposal PPT template, you can talk about your successful brand events, and campaigns that took place over time. Promote your client’s services amongst various customers by downloading our ready-to-use event marketing proposal PowerPoint presentation template.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

A global event known as the "Ambani Wedding" recently happened in India. People from all over the world attended this special occasion and learned how to make a successful event. An event doesn't become famous in one day; it has to be pre-planned well in advance by preparing several event marketing proposals.

A successful proposal outlines the event's scope and scale, grasps potential sponsors' attention, and excites participants. If you are looking for exemplary proposal templates to take your event to a new height, then you are welcome to explore SlideTeam's complete PowerPoint deck, which is prepared especially for this situation.

Prepare the complete stage event marketing plan with our PowerPoint layout .

Streamlining Success with PowerPoint Templates

Our PowerPoint templates are easy to use and offer customization through which you can develop informative proposals. These PowerPoint presentations are a robust framework that marketers can customize to reflect their event's unique theme, goals, and objectives.

Display the price package of event marketing for a business campaign with our PowerPoint frameworks .

The complete PowerPoint deck will save marketers time, which they can use to plan and organize other important aspects of the event. Furthermore, if they are required to change the color of the templates according to the event, they can do that. If there is a requirement for content change, like a change in the guest list, venue, time, etc, they can change it without any hindrance.

Show the best product launches and promotional events for your products and services through our PowerPoint slides .

Let’s begin!

Template 1: Summary of Event

event marketing strategy presentation

Event management companies need to prepare full details for their next business occasion in advance. Failure to streamline this process can lead to a bad impression of the company's name. What is the solution? Explore our PowerPoint Theme to keep an eye on the details of the next event. You can note the event name, date, time, venue, and details. Additionally, you can display key event marketing goals. 

Template 2: Key Target Audiences

event marketing strategy presentation

What type of target audience do you want to attract to your event management company? This question is very critical for companies working in the event management industry. However, they can explore our PowerPoint Template to segment their target customers according to their age group, gender, area, socio-economic group, and many other parameters. Now, you can discuss the segmented audience with your team.

Template 3: Strategic Approach to Event Marketing

event marketing strategy presentation

Businesses want to take a strategic approach to event marketing. But how do you create the best professional strategies for your event company? Go through our PowerPoint Layout to show the summary of the key strategies and key initiatives. Furthermore, you can share this presentation among your teams and prepare more marketing strategies.

Template 4: Ways to Promote Event

event marketing strategy presentation

An event doesn't become a hit overnight. It demands immense effort and strategies. Therefore, event management organizations need new ways to promote their events. You can use our PowerPoint Framework to show your new strategies for winning the event. You can display event websites, Facebook advertising, SEO, strategic partnerships with local trade groups, television and radio advertising, video advertising, and search engine marketing.

Template 5: Situation Analysis for Event Marketing

event marketing strategy presentation

How do companies know that the event is successful? When proper data is available regarding it! However, the question is how to show that data to the stakeholders and win their interest. No need to worry! Explore our professional PowerPoint Theme, where you can depict various types of analytics. 

Under web analytics, you can show sessions, users, and page views based on their current situation and goals. Furthermore, social media analytics will help you portray current likes and followers according to their current situation and goals. At the end, you will find email marketing analytics, where you can have past attendees, sponsors, and other stakeholders based on current situation and goals.

Template 6: Event Marketing Timeline 1/3

event marketing strategy presentation

A proper event timeline before an event is beneficial because it shows the sequential order of tasks, which can streamline the complete occasion. If you want to develop a perfect timeline for your events, take a look at our PowerPoint Template. You can show the full details of pre-event, event launch, day-to-day, and last calls.

Template 7: Event Marketing Timeline 2/3

event marketing strategy presentation

When you divide your event operations on a date basis, you can make the occasion better for your clients. If you are looking for a solution for this purpose, you can use our PowerPoint Framework. You can define event goals, source venue options, finalize a speaker reach-out list, compose a sponsorship strategy, reach out to sponsors, and create social media campaigns. Furthermore, you can reach out to blogs for backlinks, optimize SEO ranking, and publish an event lead-up vlog series. All these attributes can be shown on different dates.

Template 8: Event Marketing Timeline 3/3

event marketing strategy presentation

Event companies have to promote the special occasion on various marketing channels, such as social media, TV, and radio. There should be proper ads, webinars, and press releases regarding the event. But the problem occurs when the businesses doesn't have a proper tool to show their marketing tactics. Therefore, they can browse our PowerPoint Framework to show national and local marketing tactics with the addition of public relations.

Template 9: Event Marketing Budget

event marketing strategy presentation

The main motive of event management companies should be to make an event successful but under a budget. Hence, proper expenses should be noted from the start to the end of the occasion. Browse our PowerPoint Layout to prepare a complete event marketing budget. There are two sections in this presentation. The upper section is dedicated to income, which shows the marketing budget, in-kind sponsorship, cooperative advertising revenue, and sponsorship. The lower section contains expenditure-related attributes, such as design, printing, website, social media, signage, advertising on market research, and photography.

Template 10: About Us for Event Marketing

event marketing strategy presentation

How will the external entities know that a company works as an event management company? They will get to know when they view the About Us section of the company, which you can show on our PowerPoint Template. You can show the complete company details, such as the established year, background, focus, vision, and mission.

Make Events Successful Using Our Frameworks

In conclusion, leveraging our well-designed PowerPoint templates for your event marketing proposals can enhance the effectiveness of your presentations. These PowerPoint templates streamline the creation process and ensure each proposal is polished, professional, and perfectly aligned with your brand's identity.

Event Marketing Proposal Template Powerpoint Presentation Slides with all 26 slides:

Use our Event Marketing Proposal Template Powerpoint Presentation Slides to effectively help you save your valuable time. They are readymade to fit into any presentation structure.

Event Marketing Proposal Template Powerpoint Presentation Slides

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Event Marketing Handbook: 12 Strategies to Get More Attendees

Astley Cervania

Astley Cervania

Content Contributor, HeySummit

All event organizers have an end goal – making a profit and generating leads. 

Getting attendees to your event is one thing. Nurturing them to become paying customers is another. But both outcomes have one thing in common: effective event marketing strategies. 

In this ultimate guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about event marketing to generate traffic, leads, and revenue. We’ve also included actionable steps so you can start implementing the things we discuss right away.

What is event marketing? 

Event marketing involves promoting a brand, product, or service by delivering a memorable experience for attendees. Examples include webinars, trade shows, seminars, sports events, launch parties, and online talks or conferences.  

Why should I do event marketing?

Events are memorable. A well-executed event can help you build brand awareness and credibility, which generates leads and increases sales through word of mouth.

Connection . Events are a great way to connect with your audience on a personal level. 

Higher sales revenue. More people become aware of your offerand are more likely to make a purchase while engaged in your event.

Valuable event data. Get insight into your audience through attendee feedback and by analyzing event performance metrics. 

Cement credibility. Well-prepared events build your social proof and reputation in the industry. 

Build relationships. Events allow you to nurture your relationships with attendees by connecting with them directly and creating opportunities for collaboration with other businesses.

New audience. Reach a new audience of potential customers  who may not have heard of you before. Increase your email list and generate new leads with your events! 

Overall, event marketing can be a core driving force for brand awareness and business growth. 

8 Event marketing formats you need to try

If you want to build community , and generate traffic, leads, and potential clients with your events, try one of these top 8 event marketing formats. Each can be hosted as an in-person, hybrid, or virtual event.

event marketing strategy presentation

1) Talk series

Inviting someone in your field to share their expertise is a great way to engage your community. 

Sharing relatable or insightful talks provides value to your audience and gives them something tangible to take away. You can also tap into your network by leveraging speakers who have a relevant audience for your business. 

When you use HeySummit, you can use the integrated speaker directory to find relevant experts to speak at your event.

2) Virtual summits

Virtual summits are events led by business leaders and industry experts. Often held over a few days ,they usually involve a combination of talks, workshops, seminars, and Q&As. 

You don’t need a large team to host a summit when you use a virtual summit platform like HeySummit , which was designed to make it easy for content creators to put on engaging, interactive events.

3) Conferences 

A conference is an organized gathering of people who share a common interest. The purpose of conferences is for attendees and keynote speakers to share ideas and knowledge on a particular subject.

Talk sessions

Keynote speeches

Panel discussions

Networking opportunities

4) Trade shows

A trade show or fair is a place where a company can showcase its latest products or services. Although the general public is welcome to attend, this type of event is usually tailored for a particular audience within a certain industry.

Businesses host trade shows in large exhibition halls and conference centers. This can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Visitors can explore booths and exhibits, attend presentations and seminars, network and connect with other attendees. 

This type of event can also take place online assuming you’re using a virtual event platform . 

5) Q&As

These interactive sessions allow attendees to get more clarity and insight about your business. 

Questions can be asked pre-event, e.g. by using the “ask a question” feature on Instagram stories, or, they can be asked and answered live through the chatbox. 

Q&As are great for building brand awareness and a stronger relationship with your audience. It’s also a great content strategy because you can gain new ideas based on the questions your viewers ask.

6) Product Launch

Product launch events are held to introduce new products and create excitement among potential buyers. 

A product launch event often includes:

Product demonstrations

Media coverage




However, this isn’t the same as a trade show because trade shows are targeted at a wider audience. Plus, trade shows don’t center around a single product launch but rather around the industry as a whole. 

7) Networking 

Networking events are where speakers and attendees connect with one another. The purpose is to strengthen professional relationships and open doors for future business. 

No matter what type of event you choose to run, it’s worth adding opportunities for attendees to connect with one another. In fact, a survey by Statista revealed that 55% of respondents wanted event organizers to provide meetups and networking opportunities during their events.

Active participation and interaction are key to a successful networking session. When executed well, both virtual and in-person networking is one of the best ways to build or foster a community.

8) Webinars/Seminars

Webinars and seminars are about educating or informing attendees on a specific topic. It involves a handful of participants who collaborate, share knowledge, and have open discussions.

The purpose of webinars and seminars is to give valuable information to the audience. Both types of events require audience engagement and interaction. 

But the main differences between a webinar and a seminar are that:

Webinars are delivered as online events whereas seminars are delivered as in-person events

The goal of hosting webinars for businesses is often to generate and nurture leads whereas the goal of hosting seminars is to purely educate

12 Ideas to market your event

Now you know the benefits and formats of event marketing, it’s time to get promoting so you can reach as many people as possible. 

Here are 12 event marketing examples  you can use to promote your event. 

Note: if you’d like to leverage some of these strategies while you’re going through this guide, you can sign up here to get started for free with HeySummit. 

1) Dedicated landing pages

A well-designed and written dedicated event landing page enables you to boost event registrations and ticket sales.It unlocks a direct line of communication with your target audience, enables them to pre-register and sign up and lets you capture their email. 

Most importantly, it’s an opportunity to create a positive attendee experience and make a great first impression.

Setting up a dedicated event landing page is easy with a platform like HeySummit. It requires no coding skills, as it uses a drag-and-drop model. 

1) Dedicated landing pages

Landing Page Example for Promoting an Event

A common way for solopreneurs and content creators to make money is to set up an online event where attendees can learn from you directly. 

For instance, let’s say you’re like Daniel – you’ve amassed a number of followers by teaching people how to improve their storytelling skills and how to write better. 

Though you’ve built up a community, you’ve yet to make money and generate ticket sales. So, a landing page l built with HeySummit would be essential for securing sign-ups for your event.

2) Email marketing 

Whether it’s pre-event or post-event, email is powerful for keeping your audience engaged throughout the event attendee journey.

Sending personalized emails at the right time nurtures your list of leads and helps you build trust, which can lead to more pre and post-event sales.

2) Email marketing 

3) Affiliate Marketing  

Affiliate marketing is where you work with other people to promote your event. These people are known as affiliates, who could be individual content creators or representatives of a large company.

The biggest advantage of affiliate marketing is that it’s a performance-based strategy. This means that you only reward or pay the affiliate after they deliver results, i.e. bringing in new event attendees or customers because of their own marketing efforts. 

Here are some steps to take to get affiliates for your next event:

Identify the right fit: look for businesses and content creators that have a relevant audience. 

Reach out: send personalized outreach messages to potential affiliates explaining the opportunity and highlighting the benefit of being an affiliate. 

Share promotional materials: make it easy for affiliates to promote your event by giving them pre-written marketing content, i.e. swipe copy.

Give incentives: encourage affiliates by offering incentives such as higher commission rates or a bonus for reaching a certain number of ticket sales.

Affiliate marketing example for promoting an event 

Let's say that you’re organizing a virtual conference on digital marketing. So, you reach out to industry leaders in the marketing space to join forces with you as an affiliate to promote your event to their audience and bring in new attendees. 

You can organize an affiliate marketing program with HeySummit as shown below by:

Adjusting affiliate commission rates

Creating affiliate signup forms

Having a dashboard to track the performance of each affiliate

event marketing strategy presentation

4) Testimonial Marketing

Testimonials are positive words about your business, products, or services from a customer or stakeholder. 

Throughout your event marketing campaign, it’s good practice to embed customer testimonials to cement credibility. This is also effective for building trust with potential event attendees and customers and can lead to higher conversion rates.

Testimonial marketing example for promoting an event 

Embed testimonials on your website and social media pages 

Include customer reviews in email blasts and other marketing communications 

Use testimonials in your ads

Include testimonials during your event to reinforce your presentation and ideas

Share reviews on social media

5) Viral incentives 

This means giving event partners or your audience an incentive that motivates them to spread the word about your event. It’s pretty similar to doing affiliate marketing or special giveaways as it leverages your network with the  purpose  to increase social shares and build awareness.

For instance, incentivize attendees to share a link to your online event and if they manage to get at least 3 event signups, they get a 25% discount in return.

Use viral incentives to boost both event sponsorships and ticket sales. 

Viral incentives example for promoting an event 

Offer a free entry or 50% discount to attendees that bring a certain number of people to the event

Get attendees to like, share, and comment on one of your social media posts to enter a free giveaway

6) Sponsorship marketing

This is when an external organization (the sponsor) pays the event planner to partake in their event.

Either way, it’s a win-win situation for both the event organizers and the external business. Here’s how:

Sponsors get to raise brand awareness and exposure to potential customers

Event organizers can reach a wider audience due to brand recognition of sponsors 

Another benefit for the event hosts is not just the money that they can make from sponsors. But they can encourage sponsorship engagement to improve the event experience and build relationships with them to open up doors for future collaboration. 

Sponsorship marketing example

Let’s say there’s a music festival happening and the organizers want to promote it using sponsorship marketing. The event organizers could approach and offer sponsorship opportunities to companies in the music industry such as:

Record labels

Music streaming services

Instrument companies

Here are 32 creative event sponsorship ideas . 

In exchange, sponsors get to display their logos on event marketing materials and they get a mention in your press release.

After coming to an agreement, add them as official event sponsors – see the sample process of this below.

event marketing strategy presentation

7) Content repurposing

Content repurposing is the process of taking one piece of content and turning it into another format. An example of this could be extracting highlights from your event and turning them into short videos for TikTok and Instagram. 

7. Content Repurposing

Content repurposing example 

Create social media graphics with catchy headlines using snippets from your keynote speakers’ presentations

After setting up your event landing page, convert it into a short-form piece of content for Twitter and LinkedIn

Turn video testimonials into an email newsletter 

Convert event highlights into short video formats for TikTok and Instagram reels

8) Social media marketing

Your target audience is probably chilling somewhere online on social media – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit… you name it. But your job is to get in front of them by posting relevant content on platforms they’re hanging out.

Aside from posting content all the time on your business page, another way to use social media is by creating a group. It gives event attendees an opportunity to engage with your brand and connect with other members of your community.

How to promote an event with social media 

Make event announcements and post reminders on ticket availability deadlines on social media platforms

Encourage attendees to share pictures on their social media and prompt them to use a particular hashtag to drive awareness and foster a sense of community

Collaborate with influencers with a significant following in your niche to promote the event and increase engagement

Include calls to action on social media posts and engage with users in the comments section to increase audience reach and engagement

SEO stands for search engine optimization. This is all about getting your website content to rank higher on search engines like Google.

As opposed to the other strategies listed, this one’s long-term because it can take months before you start to see ROI. 

However, it can be a useful strategy for generating leads and ticket sales for evergreen events where replays are available. Over time, it helps you reach more people and bring traffic back to your website. 

How to promote an event using SEO

Imagine you’re planning a digital marketing conference in London with replays of the event available. To promote it, using SEO you can:

Identify relevant keywords. These are the words or phrases that your ideal attendees are searching for on Google. This may include phrases like “digital marketing conferences in London” or “London marketing events”. Use a keyword research tool to see what keywords have a decent search volume. 

Optimizing your event’s landing page. After identifying the keywords, optimize your event website content by including the primary keywords in the title tags and headers naturally.

Upload content on your site such as blog posts, infographics, and videos. Make it valuable for your audience so that other websites and media outlets will want to link back to you. This brings over referral traffic and improves your chances of ranking higher on search engines..

Even after the event has finished, keep posting relevant content that’s helpful to your audience. If replays are available, include calls to action in your SEO content so future readers know that they’re still able to sign up for access to the event replay. 

10) Paid Marketing

Paid marketing is where you pay for advertisements on a particular platform such as:

Facebook ads

LinkedIn ads

YouTube ads

It’s a great strategy for driving immediate traffic to your event’s landing page. The biggest benefit is that you can target your audience based on factors including demographics, interests, and behavior.

How to use paid ,Marketing to promote your event

You decide to use paid ads to reach potential attendees. More specifically, Facebook ads and Google ads.

Here’s how the process might look: 

Define your target audience. Identify the type of person you’re trying to reach. 

Set up your Facebook and Google Ads accounts.

Link your event landing page to your Facebook and Google Ads accounts.

Create ad campaigns with a specific goal. If it’s to drive event registrations, for example, use “Reach” or “Conversion” as the objectives on Facebook ads.

Design your ads. Create eye-catching visuals to catch your user’s attention with a clear event call to action.

Set your budget and bidding strategy. Determine how much you’re willing to spend on your ad campaigns. 

Monitor and optimize. See how your ad campaigns perform and adjust targeting, ad creative, or bidding strategies based on the results. 

11) Press releases

In the context of event marketing, press releases are statements or news about an upcoming event. These are either written or recorded for media outlets with the goal of increasing awareness and getting the interest of the public.

Here’s a few advantages of writing press releases:

Get media coverage for your event. A press release can help get your event into the news or other publications, which is great for getting attendees' attention and building buzz.

Build relationships with reporters. Reporters are always looking for stories to cover, so if you can pitch them something interesting, they'll be more likely to write about it and link back to your website or social media profiles. 

Build new contacts within the industry. Press releases often include details about how attendees can register for an event or learn more about sponsorship opportunities, so they allow you to connect with potential partners.

Press release for event marketing 

Imagine organizing a conference for tech executives in London.

Like all other events, you want to create buzz and get your target audience’s interest by sharing details about the unique value and benefits of being an attendee. So, you decide to write a press release for more media coverage.

After writing your press release, pitch it to journalists and industry publications such as: 

Leading tech companies

Popular tech blogs 

Developer forums

Local news outlets

Video promotion gets a lot more engagement than still images. 

Here’s why video should be one of your top priorities for your event marketing strategy:

Build anticipation. Event organizers can use videos to build up the hype with visual storytelling. 

Persuade leads who are on the fence. Videos can showcase the event experience better than text and images. This helps persuade potential attendees since they’ll have a clearer idea of what to expect.

Social shares. Video content is often shared on social media. So, posting event highlights can be an effective way to drive social shares. 

Do livestreaming to get more attendees. For attendees that can’t make it to an in-person event for whatever reason, live streaming gives them the ability to join remotely. This means you can reach a larger audience and improve ticket revenue potential. 

Examples of how to use video to promote an event 

There are multiple ways to use videos to promote your event such as:

Trailers/teaser videos: create short videos that give people a sneak peek into the event experience that they can expect.

Testimonials: post video testimonials on your event’s landing page to address objections and reassure potential attendees.

Recap videos: after the event, post a recap video on your social media accounts showcasing event highlights as well as key takeaways from speakers. 

Evergreen content: fuel your content calendar for the coming months or years by reposting videos that capture event highlights.

5 tools to create hype around your online event  

I know, creating an online event already took enough planning…

But to maximize success, try these 7 ideas to optimize your campaigns to drive more traffic and leads. On that note, always test different types of events to narrow down and find out what works best for your business.

5 tools to create hype around your online event

FOMO stands for fear of missing out. It’s about creating the feeling that your target audience is missing out on something fun and valuable. A common example of FOMO is seeing your friends posting about their holiday or party on social media, which can make us feel a bit left out and wishing that we were there too. 

When people are feeling FOMO from your event marketing campaigns, they’re more likely to act on that feeling. In other words, this can boost conversion rates and event attendance. 

Here are a few examples of implementing FOMO in your strategy: 

Post group photos to create a sense of community and belonging

Share clips of the behind-the-scenes 

Post pictures and videos of people having fun at your event

Have a sidebar that shows landing page visitors how many people have already RSVP’d or purchased tickets

Popup pages and website banners

Popup pages are ads that show up on a website and help to build awareness about your event. They display information about your event but it’s mainly used to promote tickets and encourage people to take action by registering online. 

No matter how or why people come across your website, a well-designed popup page will get their attention. And if it has a compelling call to action, it’ll draw their interest enough to make them want to learn more.

A website banner is pretty much the same as a popup page as it’s used to display extra information and raise event awareness. The main difference is where it’s placed – usually at the top of a web page.

Countdowns create a sense of urgency, which gives users a reason to act now rather than later.

A countdown compels users to take action when it’s relevant and timely. However, build up the excitement first and be sure to give people enough time to plan their schedules. 

Here’s a few examples of ways to use a countdown: 

Include a timer on the event landing page that shows how long they have left before their limited-time offer expires

Mention the amount of time left to sign up for the event in one of your follow-up emails

Event replays enable you to make your events evergreen. This means that you can continue generating ticket sales and leads for a longer period of time even after the actual live event has finished. 

Moreover, replays give people another chance to join and relive the event experience in case they weren’t able to make it in the first place. 

Pre-Registration Pages

Pre-registration pages allow people to reserve their spot for the event ahead of time, which is valuable for event organizers because it gives you the chance to:

Estimate how many people will attend your event

Get more attendees by offering early bird discounts 

Make any necessary adjustments 

In short, a pre-registration page allows you to collect information from visitors before running your event and maximize sales revenue.

Set yourself up for success with a 7-step event plan 

Follow this 7-step process to put together an event marketing plan that brings results. 

1) Establish goals and KPIs 

Your goal is how you’ll determine whether or not your event was successful. Here are a few examples of event goals:

Make profit

Grow pre-launch waitlist of a new upcoming product 

Improve customer loyalty 

Build partnerships with other businesses in the industry

Now, the KPIs will depend on the goals you’ve set. Here are a few examples of KPIs to keep an eye on:

Ticket sales

Event attendance rate

Attendee engagement rate

Net promoter score (NPS)

Number of leads generated

Ideally, all the data would be stored in one place using some form of an event analytics dashboard. 

2) Draft event attendee personas 

An event attendee persona outlines the background information on the ideal type of attendees that you’d like to join your event. This includes details such as:



Pain points

Communication preferences

The best event attendee personas require research on your current customers, e.g. surveys. It’s also worth using data analytics tools to get insight into how website visitors react to your landing pages. 

Without knowing your ideal attendees, you will not be able to create an event that meets their needs and expectations.

3) Create a budget

After identifying your target audience, tailor your strategy based on their pain points and consider which channels they can be found and how you’re going to reach them. For instance, if they’re on Facebook, allocate some of your budget to Facebook ads. 

An event budget is necessary to manage costs effectively and optimize your strategy for the highest ROI. Not only that, but it’s also important for determining how you’re going to approach future events. Find out more on how to create an event budget here .

4) Write your value proposition 

An event value proposition is a concise statement about what people can expect to get from attending your event. It summarizes your event’s purpose and highlights why it’s worth showing up and how they can get more value from it. 

Take into account the following for drafting an event proposition:

Define the problem your event is going to solve for attendees

Consider the angle that your audience is looking at the problem from

Highlight the benefits and unique value that the event brings to the table

Keep it clear and concise – be straightforward when conveying your message

Here’s an example value proposition of an online event for writers who want to improve their writing skills:

“Level up your storytelling skills. Learn new techniques. Join one of the most supportive and welcoming communities anywhere online.”

5) Promote your event 

Determine the strategies you’re going to implement and which channels you’re going to use. Consider where you’re going to promote your event and the platforms you’ll use such as:

Social media

It’s  worth considering how you’re going to manage your content. For example, with HeySummit you can monitor different things within your dashboard including:

Email sequences

Viral incentives and giveaways

Sponsor assets

Talk promo banners

6) Set Event Marketing Timelines 

Event marketing timelines are schedules that outline the tasks and deadlines involved in promoting an event from start to finish. They are crucial for ensuring that an event is effectively marketed to the target audience. 

In other words, this is about determining the right timing. Sending the right message at the right time maximizes attendee signups. 

Here’s a step-by-step process for setting an event marketing timeline:

Determine the event date: mark when the event will take place to get an idea of how long you need to promote your event. Then, work backward from there. 

Create a content calendar: have a schedule planned for when certain marketing activities must be implemented. 

Build the hype: focus on executing pre-event marketing activities to increase registrations and ticket sales. 

Ride the wave: have a strategy for promoting your event as it’s happening. An example of this could be using a particular hashtag on social media when posting about the event or livestreaming the event on YouTube. 

Keep the hype going: the marketing doesn’t stop once the event ends. In fact, after the event has finished, it’s crucial to keep the hype going for as long as possible to generate more leads and sales. 

7) Analyzing the Metrics

Event Success = What you get out of it ÷ What you put into it

Post-event, you’ll want to analyze what went well and how it can influence your future event strategies.Refer back to the business goals and KPIs you set at the beginning. See where you excelled and where you fell short. 

You can check metrics such as sign-up-to-show-up ratios and event engagement rates. This can help you determine whether you missed a valuable opportunity to interact with your prospective customers.

When you use a tool like HeySummit to analyze your event metrics , you can visualize all your event data on one handy dashboard like this:

7) Analyzing the Metrics

Armed with this data, you can make clear decisions about what you’ll do differently for your next event. 

B2B Event marketing vs. B2C event marketing 

 These are the main differences between B2C and B2B  event marketing. 

Target audience: B2B events are targeted at businesses and professionals whereas B2C events are targeted at individual consumers.

Content: B2B events are focused on building thought-leadership status by providing value to businesses. B2C events, on the other hand, often aim to spark an emotional connection through entertainment and social experiences.

Marketing message: B2B events highlight products or services that are relevant to businesses and professionals. Conversely, B2C events highlight products or services that appeal to individual consumers.

Sales process: B2B events involve a longer sales process as there are multiple decision-makers involved. However, B2C events often involve impulse purchases and may be more focused on driving immediate conversions.

Goals: The ultimate goal of B2B events is to generate leads by building relationships and establishing credibility in the industry. In contrast, B2C events aim to generate buzz, traffic, and sales.

Event marketing for solopreneurs vs. companies

The biggest difference between hosting events as a solopreneur and as a company is that companies tend to have a bigger budget. Here’s what solopreneurs double down on when it comes to event marketing:

Email marketing

Affiliates and referrals

Collaboration with other local and small businesses in their industry

Holding more intimate events like workshops and webinars 

Personalized marketing approach, e.g. directly reaching out and inviting prospects to events or tailoring event content to their specific needs


Here are a few examples of what companies can do for their event marketing:

Hire dedicated staff for the event to manage the planning process as well as logistics and promotion

Invest in event technology like mobile apps to enrich the attendee experience

Form partnerships with other corporations and media outlets 

Reinforce event awareness and messaging as they likely already have strong brand recognition

PR tactics such as press releases to generate media coverage

Host large-scale events with thousands of attendees. 

Key takeaways

Follow the steps in this guide to help you plan a successful event that generates leads and helps your business grow. You don’t need to overcomplicate things to host a successful event; choose one event format and double down on one or two strategies (that you know will resonate with your audience) to market that event.  

Defining your event marketing strategies doesn’t need to be a hassle. An all-in-one event platform like HeySummit can take care of the tech and marketing side of your event so you can focus on the creative part and start hosting events your audience loves!

Discover how easy event planning is with HeySummit and get access to your free trial today .

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What is Event Marketing? Strategies & Examples

Written by Molly Hocutt

Learn practical tips for engaging virtual events in this Ebook

Event marketing can have a big impact for your business. Connecting closely with your customers at events can generate an immediate or long-term return on investment (ROI), help to grow your brand, and build customer loyalty.

Planning an event takes months of work. You can’t risk having a low sign-up rate—the success of the event and your performance review depends on it. But how to find your audience and promote your event in the places potential attendees are hanging out?

There are plenty of ways to advertise your event depending on its type and your target audience.

By the end of this comprehensive event marketing guide , you’ll be able to combine different actions and lay out a plan for your custom event marketing strategy.

How to Make Virtual Events Engaging

Livestorm helps teams collaborate and deliver memorable live or on-demand video experiences.

What is an event marketing?

Event marketing is the practice of hosting in-person, hybrid, or virtual events to promote a product or service. The purpose of these events is usually to entertain, educate, or connect with potential customers.

What is an event marketing strategy?

An event marketing strategy is a plan for using an event to promote a brand or product. Your strategy could be a high-level timeline of promotional activities or a granular, step-by-step breakdown of attendee touchpoints.

Types of event marketing (with examples)

Any virtual event marketing guide could tell you that there are different types of events that you can use as event marketing tactics, including:

In-person event marketing

These live events happen face-to-face - not virtually. These events allow your prospects to interact with you and your products firsthand. Examples include:

  • Sponsored marathons, half-marathons, and 5K walks
  • In-person conferences
  • Launch parties for new products
  • Anniversary celebrations
  • Trade fairs
  • Pop-up shops

Online event marketing

Online marketing events happen virtually and are only accessible through a meeting link . These events reach a wider (even global) audience. You will likely need an event marketing tool or software to host this kind of event. However, since it requires less effort for people to attend, the signups to attendance ratio are usually lower than in-person events. Use cases include:

  • Conferences
  • Master classes

Hybrid event marketing

Another great event marketing example is a hybrid event. These events can be attended virtually and in-person, meaning they’re more easily accessible to a wider audience. It usually works by recording and streaming a real-life event to online attendees. Some of the best event marketing examples for a dual audience include:

  • Industry summits
  • Product launches

Why you should run events on your marketing strategy

Events make great marketing tools because they maximize your one-to-many marketing efforts. They also help:

  • Build or improve brand awareness at every stage of the event (before, during, and after)
  • Generate prospects and engage with previously captured leads
  • Share insights and research behind products or services with potential customers
  • Involve prospects in the marketing process and make them feel part of something bigger
  • Promote products, services, or new functionality
  • Invite others to network and build relationships with industry peers
  • Increase client satisfaction and engagement
  • Invite potential customers to give feedback
  • Reach a wider audience

The event marketing industry is growing exponentially

According to a study conducted by Verified Market Research (2022), the events industry is expected to reach USD 2,194.40 billion in worth by 2028. That means people are and will continue to invest in events for marketing purposes.

A great deal of B2B marketing events are profitable over time

Markletic reports that 45% of B2B event organizers expect at least a 3x ROI one year after the event. This means that for B2B marketing, events are highly profitable in the long run.

The tech that you use matters in virtual and hybrid marketing events

Having the perfect microphone and webcam for webinars and webcasts is critical for its success. In fact, Markletic shared early this year that 70% of their surveyed marketers agree that having a quality microphone is crucial for these events. A good camera is also important according to 60% of the surveyed people.

A marketing event usually improves the perception of the brand among attendees

Earlier this year, Visme shared that 74% of the surveyed attendees leave the event with a positive impression of the brand. This leads to them doing further research about the brand and potentially becoming customers.

How do you plan an event marketing strategy?

Before you can implement your event marketing strategy, you have to write it. To do that, you need to define your objectives, understand your audience, and establish a timeline for planning, promoting, and pulling off your event.

  • Define your objectives and set KPIs
  • Evaluate your resources
  • Research your target audience
  • Choose an event format
  • Decide on the basic details of your event
  • Establish a timeline
  • Map out your touch points
  • Write an event marketing plan template

1. Define your objectives and set KPIs

Goals are your strategy’s best friend. There are different goal-setting approaches that you can follow. That way, you can make future data-driven decisions and measure the success of your event in a specific way :

  • S.M.A.R.T. Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. Use it to focus your efforts on attainable and result-driven goals.
  • B.H.A.G. Big, hairy, audacious goals. Use it to set unrealistic but inspiring goals.
  • H.A.R.D . Heartfelt, animated, required, and difficult. Use this strategy to set personal growth goals.

Assign specific key performance indicators (KPI) to each objective so you can measure the success of the event. If you’re hosting an online one, set virtual event metrics and track them using the Livestorm analytics dashboard.

Examples of B2B event marketing goals and objectives include:

  • Get more than 50% of attendance rate out of signups
  • Increase the prospects list by 50 names and contact information
  • Get a score of at least 4.5/5 in the post-attendance feedback survey

2. Evaluate your resources

Setting boundaries for your project will help avoid making promises you can't deliver or blowing your department budget. Evaluate all your available resources, including:

  • Budget. Do you have any money assigned to spend on paid ads, influencer marketing, or offline marketing? How much?
  • Team members and capabilities. Who will be working with you on this event? Do they know how to approach the planned tasks? Do you need to request hiring approvals?
  • Time capacity. Does your team have the bandwidth to take on additional responsibilities? Will it delay the deliverables?
  • Tools. Do you need to pay for any specific tools (e.g. social media scheduling platforms)? Does your team know how to use them?

Plan to close potential gaps before you start promoting your event.

3. Research your target audience

Your event marketing strategy should be tightly linked to your target audience so you can craft posts that speak directly to them. You should know everything about your audience:

  • Their likes and dislikes
  • Time preferences
  • Media consumption habits
  • Who are the influencers they follow
  • How they spend their free time
  • How old they are
  • What’s their field of study
  • What’s their favorite social media and social media group/community

This information will simplify the decision-making process on further steps like deciding the format of your webinar and identifying touch points with your audience.

4. Decide on the basic details of your event

Your marketing strategy will likely be different depending on the type of event. Define the:

  • Format. Will it be in-person, virtual, or hybrid?
  • Content-type. Are you hosting a conference, seminar, webinar, or trade show?
  • Location. Where is this happening? Do you need to book a venue? Do you have the right online events platform to host this event?
  • Speakers. Who is leading the event? Can you use the speakers as part of your promotion strategy?
  • Potential automations. How much manual intervention does the strategy require? Can you automate email campaigns and retarget ads? Do you need to manually invite every single attendee or buy personalized gifts?

5. Choose an event format

Each event has its particularities and to plan properly, you need to define its format. The type of event and format are tightly linked. The type is the way in which you will reach potential customers, and the format is the structure you’ll follow to reach them. Typical formats include: deminars, conferences, parties, master classes, and sponsored races.

6. Establish a timeline

One of the key aspects of successful event marketing is planning ahead. A good way to do this is by preparing a timeline with a list of everything that needs to happen before the event.

Identify when you need to start and finish promoting your event. If you’re hosting an event on-demand, determine whether or not you'll need recurring promotional activities. You may find project management methodologies useful for laying out your timeline. For example, you could build a Gantt chart where you can assign tasks with deadlines and detailed responsibilities.

7. Map out your touch points

Leads need to be exposed to the same information several times before they click or convert. Map out the places where your audience will hear from you, what you’ll be including in those communications, and in which format. Drip registrants with information and reminders to drive attendance.

Here's an example. Your potential attendee:

  • Gets an email recommendation from your event three months in advance
  • Sees an Instagram ad a week after they get the email
  • Listens to an influencer talking about your event in their Instagram stories three days after they saw the ad
  • Sees an ad while searching for something online a week after they listened to the influencer
  • Someone hands them a poster with your event information on campus 9 weeks before the event
  • Listens to their favorite influencer giving out a discount code seven weeks before the event
  • Opens the landing page and signs up seven weeks before the event
  • Gets a confirmation email right after they sign up
  • Gets an email with further information a few days prior to the event

You can also list the things that happen during and after the event:

  • Gets to the venue/joins the event – what do they see?
  • Gets a gift for attending the event – what is it?
  • Gets an email to fill out a feedback survey – how does it look?
  • Offer a discounted rate for the next event if they post an Instagram story and tag you – how do you verify they’ve posted the story?
  • Get an Amazon gift card if they leave a review on your website – how much? Who sends it?

8. Write an event marketing template

A great way to save time in the future and make your job much more efficient is to create an event marketing strategy template. This allows you to have easy access to the basic steps you need to follow for planning an event. You can write one for live, hybrid, or virtual events.

10 Event marketing strategies and ideas

It’s time to take action! Approach this list with a mix-and-match mentality. Use the information gathered during the planning stages to come up with your unique promotion strategy. In this section, you’ll find ideas to help you:

  • Design an event website or landing page
  • Plan amazing content
  • Create a promo video
  • Promote on a mix of channels
  • Deliver a press release
  • Partner with influencers
  • Create a sense of urgency and build FOMO
  • Get attendees to share on social media
  • Livestream in-person events
  • Try virtual event marketing

1. Design an event website or landing page

You need a registration page for any type of event. The format might vary depending on the type of event. Every landing page should contain:

  • The date and location
  • Informative but compelling explanation of the event
  • Unique value proposition that speaks to your target audience
  • Form for people to sign up
  • Clear CTA button
  • A summary of the event
  • The event agenda
  • A short bio of the speakers
  • A way to contact your support team

Send further information via email like any required pre-reads, recommended hotels and maps with accessibility, or fun things to do in the event destination.

If you’re hosting an online event, you can use Livestorm to create your registration page with a custom form. If you’re hosting a hybrid or in-person event, use tools like Carrd or Swipe Pages to easily create these event landing pages.

2. Plan amazing content

The best strategy is to host an event that impresses the audience and adds so much value that they can’t help but talk about it afterward. Hosting an impressive event can look different depending on the type of event.

  • If you’re hosting an in-person event. Make sure the speaker is engaging and captivating. Foster opportunities for people to connect with each other and have organic fun. Incorporate ice breakers and give each one of the participants a giveaway present.
  • If you’re hosting a hybrid event. Guarantee the event is equally enjoyable for the people online as to the ones that are physically there. Use a virtual conference tool like Livestorm to display virtual attendees’ questions or poll results on a screen.
  • If you’re hosting an online event. Identify opportunities to make your virtual event more engaging with features that invite your audience to participate and avoid getting bored. It’s part of virtual conference best practices to use polls, Q&As, virtual whiteboards, or share your screen to cast videos to engage your audience.

3. Create a promo video

Another marketing event strategy idea is to create a promo video for your event. Determine whether you want it to be animated or want someone to memorize a script and record it. Either way, you’ll need to:

  • Write the script
  • Ensure you’re following brand guidelines and that the information is clear
  • Make it short
  • Tailor the video to each event marketing platform : you can’t post the same video on Twitter and TikTok, because the formatting and audience are different.

If you’re making it in-house, consider following an event marketing trend to make it more organic. Use tools like CapCut to edit your video, or use Instagram Reels templates. Take a look at this video as an event marketing example from Delack Media Group:

4. Promote on a mix of channels

Despite the type of marketing event that you’re hosting, you need to create digital assets to promote and host your event. The different assets that you can’t skip include: social media posts, paid ads, presentation design, banners and backings,and brand kits.

Your target audience hangs out in different places, you need to be there as well. Don’t stick to popular marketing channels like Instagram, LinkedIn, and email marketing. Contact influencers, think of smart offline initiatives (e.g. handing out flyers on a campus), and leverage your network to come up with a word-of-mouth strategy.

Use Facebook and Google Ads to place promoted ads on Instagram and Facebook, and add promotion to relevant blogs and Google searches.

5. Deliver a press release

Include public relations tasks as part of your event marketing. Give the media a press release with your well-designed assets to start generating buzz. A press release can be as simple as a Google Doc that outlines your event, mentions sponsors, and links to promotional resources. Send it to news outlets and influencers or post it on your website.

6. Partner with influencers

People trust other people over brands. Brands will always say that their products are the best, but a person can choose the ones they’re willing to represent. Use these event marketing tools to find niche influencers to promote your virtual event(it works for in-person events as well!):

  • Google. Use this formula to find experts in your field: “[industry or niche] + experts/influencers/speakers/bloggers/tiktokers”
  • BuzzSumo. Go to the influencers tab on this platform to discover influencing experts on Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook.
  • Twitter lists. Look at other influencers’ Twitter lists. You can find those in their profiles by clicking on the three dots next to the follow button.

7. Create a sense of urgency and build FOMO

Create different pricing tiers with early bird tickets offered at a discounted rate as a registration incentive. When you release tickets in stages, it generates a sense of urgency. So, people will want to buy the cheapest ticket and will buy it faster. You can even use a price optimization tool, like the one on Eventbrite , to automate price changes.

Pro tip: If you’re using Livestorm to plan, host, and analyze your virtual or hybrid events, connect it to Eventbrite directly and redirect attendees from your registration page to it without any trouble.

8. Get attendees to share on social media

The only way to get people to attend your event is by promoting it, and one of the most powerful channels to do it is through social media. You should design a social media campaign that invites followers and non-followers to sign up for your event.

A good idea for promoting your online event is by giving away free access to competition winners. This will help you generate FOMO among your followers and have others sign-up just to avoid missing it in case they don’t win.

Create a branded hashtag for the event and think of initiatives that invite your attendees to announce on social media they’re going to your event. To do so:

  • Plan a giveaway that requires people to use the hashtag online
  • If it’s a virtual event , go beyond the screen and surprise them with a gift that you deliver to their homes.
  • If it’s an in-person event, add backings for people to take pictures, brand everything, and make the catering appealing and eye-catching.
  • Offer a discounted rate for future events to the ones who post online using the hashtag before, during, or after the event

9. Live stream in-person events

Don’t let all of your efforts disappear after one event. Record and stream your live events online to reach a wider audience. Make sure you have the right equipment and team to record high-quality video and audio.

Use a platform like Livestorm to create a registration page for people to sign-up for the live stream. Also, use the same platform to create an on-demand video and gate it, so anyone can watch the event at their own pace when they share their contact information.

10. Try virtual event marketing

Many in-person events can happen virtually. You only need superb virtual event software that lets you talk and engage with your audience. Livestorm is your best option if you want to make interactive virtual events as it comes with several features to plan, host, and analyze your event. These include:

  • Creating landing pages and adding custom fields to registration forms
  • Setting recurring events if you’re running a virtual conference with multiple sessions
  • Customizing your room, emails, and landing pages to show your branding
  • Sending automated emails with reminders
  • Exporting all your attendees’ contact information
  • In-app file sharing
  • Emoji reactions
  • Q&As, polls, and private and public chats
  • Virtual and interactive whiteboard
  • Breakout rooms
  • Call to action (CTA) button
  • Accessing your data analytics and getting a participation report
  • Giving easy access to participants as it’s a browser-based platform

11. Plan interactive elements

If you’re hosting an online or hybrid event, you can follow some of these virtual conference engagement ideas like including interactive elements in the presentation. If you’re using Livestorm to plan, promote, and host your event, you can make use of these interactive elements to enhance the user experience: live polls, Q&A, live chat, emoji reactions and CTAs. You can replace these elements when hosting in-person events by asking people to speak up, raise their hands, or scan a QR code.

12. Measure success using event analytics

The way you measure the success of your event depends solely on the goals you’ve set for yourself. However, these are some of the metrics that you can review after a Livestorm meeting or any kind of event: number of registrations, attendees, and no-shows, number of replays (if you shared the recording), number of questions, polls, and messages and the average attendance duration

13. Gather audience feedback

Feedback is crucial for growth, and only your attendees can let you know if they found the event useful, entertaining, or a huge waste of time. There are three things you can do to gather feedback during the event (if it’s a presentation):

  • Ask people at the beginning about their expectations. This will let you tailor the content and ensure you address people’s needs.
  • Use quick polls or ask questions for people to answer by a show of hands. This will allow you to get a sense of how people are feeling in the middle of the event.
  • Send a Typeform with a few questions after the event. This enables you to gather anonymous and more detailed feedback from your event. You can automate this with Livestorm.

14. Record the event

Marketing for an event includes thinking about how to make your event shareable before, during, and after it’s done. If you’re hosting an in-person, online, or hybrid event like a niche conference, you should record it. This recording can be used as evergreen content that you can repurpose and share for a fee or use to get leads. For example, if you do an online personal branding conference, you can then use the recording to create different video modules for people to access once they share their email with you.

What’s the best way to promote your event?

You need a strategy to market your event—a list of coordinated actions you’ll take to reach out to potential attendees and get them to sign up. Pick out the actions you’ll take as part of your event marketing plan.

  • Create an event website that has a registration form and it’s packed with your event information.
  • Get more participants by opening the event to a global audience by live streaming.
  • Create Instagrammable_ _moments to leverage user-generated content (UGC).
  • Design a custom registration page. If you’re using Livestorm, you can do this directly from the platform and customize it to suit your branding.
  • Find potential partners and influencers with a quick Google search, on BuzzSumo, or by reviewing other influencers' Twitter lists.
  • Define a pricing strategy and generate FOMO.

The best event marketing strategy is the one that suits your business goals and gets your audience buzzing about your brand. You should also aim to minimize repetitive tasks by automating as much as possible. Try using a platform like Livestorm to automatically send email reminders and set recurring events, taking the hassle out of virtual event management.

Should you host conferences and event marketing?

Yes, event marketing can make your business profitable. To get the most ROI, you must come up with a strategy that will help you measure your event marketing initiatives and tailor them to a clear goal.

The first thing that you need to do is define the type of event that you want to host. You can have virtual, live, or hybrid events. Then, you’ll need to

  • Plan ahead and make an event marketing template for the future
  • Promote your event on social media and other channels
  • Record the session for future repurposing
  • Measure the event’s success

If you’re hosting an online or hybrid event, you’ll also need to add “choosing the right virtual event marketing software” to the list. In that case, Livestorm is one of the most complete options for hosting large (3,000 attendees), interactive, and analytical platforms you’ll find.

Frequently asked questions about event marketing

What does an event marketer do.

An event marketer is responsible for planning, organizing, and executing marketing events. Depending on the marketing strategy, the event marketer might also manage other marketing aspects like networking and public relations.

What is an example of event marketing?

One of the most common examples of event marketing is a product launch . Apple is quite popular for hosting hybrid marketing events to announce the launch of their newest products.

How effective is event marketing?

Event marketing is highly effective, when done correctly it can help businesses to

  • Increase brand awareness
  • Boost sales and revenue
  • Build trust and close relationships with their customers

When should you start event marketing?

You should start event marketing as soon as it aligns with your strategy. Because contrary to popular belief, event marketing doesn’t need to be expensive. You can start with an online webinar or conference, and then slowly grow into a hybrid or in-person event with thousands of attendees.

What are the 5 essential features of event marketing?

These are the five essential features of event marketing:

  • Have clear goals and objectives
  • Promote and send reminders
  • Choose the right venue or platform
  • Have a clear CTA
  • Analyze your results

Engage audiences

Find ideas to promote your events and make them engaging in this free Ebook.

About the author

Molly Hocutt - Content Manager

Molly joined Livestorm in 2019 as a Content Manager and manages written content production. Her work focuses on lead generation and organic website traffic.

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Event marketing plan template

Use Asana’s event marketing plan template to map out your event marketing efforts. Make every event a success by increasing awareness, building excitement, and driving audience attendance.

Sign up to use this template.


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Think back to the last event you attended. Odds are you didn’t just show up to the event without knowing the event’s purpose and speaker lineup. Maybe you saw promotional clips on social media or used the agenda on the event’s website to scout your favorite speakers. Thanks to all that hype, you probably had a pretty good idea of what to expect and were excited to attend. 

All of that—promotion that drives awareness and excitement and boosts audience attendance—doesn’t just happen. It’s the result of a dedicated event marketing plan, which maps out all the promotional activities for an event, from pre-event planning to post-event follow-up. 

Event promotion plans are complex, but managing them doesn’t have to be. Asana’s event marketing plan template lets you organize your event marketing strategy in one place, so you can plan, promote, and produce an unforgettable event. 

[Product UI] Event planning project example (Timeline)

What is an event marketing plan?

An event marketing plan is exactly what it sounds like: a plan to market and promote an event. The purpose of an event marketing plan is to capture attention and increase event awareness, so you can reach your target audience and drive attendance. 

Your event marketing plan should include an in-depth breakdown of the promotional timeline, including all the steps you’ll take to market your event. That means tracking everything from your pre-event planning (like creating a potential attendee list) to larger promotional initiatives (like launching an event website) and smaller marketing items (like sending out an email blast). You should also track follow-up promotional events, such as posting an event recap on social media. 

Why do you need an event marketing plan?

Event marketing helps spread the word about your upcoming event and drive higher audience attendance. By using an event marketing plan, you can launch event initiatives when your target audience is naturally engaging with media. In short, a well-crafted event marketing plan makes sure your event promotions launch at the right time and in the right place. 

That’s not always easy—but an event marketing template can make it a little easier. 

What is an event marketing plan template?

An event marketing plan template is a framework that allows you to map out your event marketing tasks. Asana’s event marketing plan template lets you see every promotional to-do leading up to the launch of your event, from planning to execution. It also helps you manage day-of and post-event tasks. 

Plus, since our template is a duplicatable resource, you can customize it to use for specific events. For example, say you host different business events, such as industry conferences and product launches. Because each type of event will have its own timeline, you can create one template specific to each event type. This way, you have curated templates for each event type that you can use to plan future events. 

Once you’ve built your template, you can share it across teams, so every stakeholder can see how the event marketing plan is laid out and stay on the same page about what’s happening when. 

What’s included in Asana’s event marketing plan template?

Our pre-built event marketing plan template includes custom sections and tags to help you plan, organize, and launch your event promotions. 

Using the template’s baseline structure, you can break down your event marketing plan to outline essential steps in the promotion process, as well as corresponding tasks, including:

Planning tasks, such as developing your messaging, creating an invite list, or launching an event registration landing page.

Promotion tasks, such as sending out a press release or launching a social campaign.

Day-of-event tasks, such as posting to Instagram as keynote speakers kick off. 

Post-event tasks, such as sending thank you emails or posting an event recap blog. 

Additionally, you can color code custom tags to track related task information, including:

The team member responsible for the task

The task’s due date

Task progress, such as if it’s not started, in progress, or completed

The task’s approval status, such as if it’s ready for review, approved, or needs changes

What phase of the promotional plan the task is in

The budget related to the task, if applicable

Benefits of an event marketing plan template

Your event marketing plan probably has a lot of moving parts. With Asana’s event marketing plan template, you can easily collaborate across teams and manage work in one place to keep campaigns on track. 

Here are a few benefits of our event marketing plan template:

Organize your entire event marketing plan, including pre-event and post-event tasks, in one place. 

Map out your event marketing timeline before you start working. Easily shift deadlines if your event priorities change or something comes up, such as if a vendor drops out or your team needs more time on a deliverable. 

Create tasks and adjust date ranges and dependencies, so work starts on time. 

Provide actionable feedback on assets such as image files and documents, right in the event template. 

Manage approvals directly in the template, so final due dates are clear, the whole team knows when work is approved, and you can be sure feedback gets implemented before event promotion materials go out.

Plan and manage promotions in one place, bringing together cross-team members and vendors for better accountability and visibility. 

Visualize your promotion schedule at a high-level, so you know what’s launching when.  

Launch initiatives in the right place at the right time, attracting an ideal audience and driving attendance goals. 

Use milestones to track progress and ensure your promotions are launching on time. 

Integrated features and apps to use with Asana’s event marketing plan template

Our integrated features and apps allow you to communicate with team members, review and approve work, and track plan progress, all without leaving Asana. 

Integrated features

Calendar View . Calendar View is a project view where you can see all upcoming and past work in a calendar format. Clearly track what’s getting done and what deadlines are coming up. Give your stakeholders insight into every task’s individual due date, as well as the larger cadence of scheduled project work. Then, click into a task to view more information like the associated custom fields, dependencies, subtasks, and more.

Timeline View . Timeline View is a Gantt-style project view that displays all of your tasks in a horizontal bar chart. Not only can you see each task’s start and end date, but you can also see dependencies between tasks. With Timeline View, you can easily track how the pieces of your plan fit together. Plus, when you can see all of your work in one place, it’s easy to identify and address dependency conflicts before they start, so you can hit all of your goals on schedule. 

Milestones . Milestones represent important project checkpoints. By setting milestones throughout your project, you can let your team members and project stakeholders know how you’re pacing towards your goal. Use milestones as a chance to celebrate the little wins on the path towards the big project goal. 

Custom fields . Custom fields are the best way to tag, sort, and filter work. Create unique custom fields for any information you need to track—from priority and status to email or phone number. Use custom fields to sort and schedule your to-dos so you know what to work on first. Plus, share custom fields across tasks and projects to ensure consistency across your organization. 

Google Workplace . Attach files directly to tasks in Asana with the Google Workplace file chooser, which is built into the Asana task pane. Easily attach any My Drive file with just a few clicks.

Gmail . With the Asana for Gmail integration, you can create Asana tasks directly from your Gmail inbox. Any tasks you create from Gmail will automatically include the context from your email, so you never miss a beat. Need to refer to an Asana task while composing an email? Instead of opening Asana, use the Asana for Gmail add-on to simply search for that task directly from your Gmail inbox. 

Adobe Creative Cloud . Creative teams do their best work when they can focus on designing. With the Asana for Adobe Creative Cloud integration, creative and design teams can easily access the information they need to kick off work, get feedback from reviewers and approvers, and deliver final assets without leaving Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign. See new tasks, share designs, embed XD share links, and incorporate feedback delivered in Asana—all in Adobe Creative Cloud.

Canva . With the Canva for Asana integration, easily embed beautiful Canva designs to bring your Asana projects to life. From presentation decks, social media assets, wireframes, to videos, the Canva integration allows you to consolidate all your ideas and designs all in one place so you can seamlessly communicate and collaborate.

What is an event marketing plan template? .css-i4fobf{-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 200ms ease-in-out;transition:transform 200ms ease-in-out;-webkit-transform:rotateZ(0);-moz-transform:rotateZ(0);-ms-transform:rotateZ(0);transform:rotateZ(0);}

An event marketing plan template is an outline you can use to plan and manage the promotional initiatives for upcoming events. Without a way to coordinate outreach and promotions, channels can overlap, deadlines slip, and potential attendees disengage. By using a tool like our event promotion plan template, teams can plan and manage promotions in one place.

Why should I use Asana’s event marketing plan template?

Asana’s event plan template lets you map out your entire event marketing timeline, from pre-planning tasks through event promotion and follow-up. Our template comes pre-built with sections and customizable tags to help you organize tasks and keep track of important event information. Plus, since you’re working in a digital template, you can take advantage of features that aren’t possible in static templates, such as the ability to quickly shift deadlines or collaborate directly with team members. 

What should your event marketing plan template include?

Your event marketing plan should include your event promotion timeline and any related tasks, including planning, promotion, day-of, and post-event promotion tasks. You can also use custom tags to track a deliverable’s progress, approval status, and more. 

What types of events can you use Asana’s event marketing template to plan?

You can use our event marketing plan template to map out the promotion plan for any business event that requires marketing. This may include in-person conferences, trade shows, seminars, virtual events, product launches, webinars, sales events, and networking events. To make promotion planning even easier, you can create event-specific templates structured for each type of event.

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Project delays holding you back? Create a critical path method template to visualize everything that needs to be done in order to reach your end goal.

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Milestone chart template

Milestone charts highlight significant moments in your workflow. Learn why this matters and how to create one for yourself.

Plan the best events

Templates are the first step. But with all Asana features, you can deliver your best events yet.


Create Killer Marketing Presentations (Examples & Templates)

Learn from the best marketing presentation examples how to engage your audience, persuade & reach marketing strategy goals for your business or product.


6 minute read

marketing presentation

helped business professionals at:


Short answer

What does a marketing presentation include.

The key elements that every marketing presentation should include are:

  • Introduction
  • Market overview
  • Product/service overview
  • Marketing strategy
  • Competitor analysis
  • Performance metrics
  • Action plan
  • Projections
  • Conclusion and next steps

Why most marketing presentations don't work

No one has patience for marketing presentations . And what’s the point of making a marketing presentation if no one will listen or bother to read it?

Whatever marketing presentation you’re making at the moment it’s likely full of attention-killing legacy “best practices”. Even worse, it’s drowning in a sea of noise by other presentations competing for your audience's attention.

Let me show you some marketing presentation examples that manage to avoid common presentation mistakes, and manage to stand out, grab attention, and make a persuasive case.

How to create an effective marketing presentation

Each presentation has its unique recipe for success. Whether it's a strategy, a plan, a branding project, a product pitch, or a performance analysis, they all have little details to look out for.




Strategy & plan marketing presentation

To breathe life into your strategy and plan presentation, paint a vision of the future.

Start with a robust situational analysis, highlighting key findings about your market, competition, and audience.

Define SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) marketing objectives that directly link to your strategies.

Present clear and concise strategies, directly aligned with the objectives.

Wrap up with detailed tactics and action plans, using compelling visuals to engage your audience and simplify complex information.

Branding & product presentation

When presenting on branding and product, you're essentially telling a story.

Showcase the personality, values, and unique selling proposition (USP) of your brand.

Introduce your product or service, making it tangible and valuable to your audience.

Utilize customer testimonials, case studies, or live demos to demonstrate the benefits and solve problems.

Make your audience fall in love with your brand and product to create strong brand ambassadors.

Performance analysis presentation

Performance analysis presentations are all about the numbers — but don't let that intimidate you.

Begin with an overview of campaign objectives and strategies used.

Dive into the data, highlighting key metrics and KPIs to analyze performance.

Use clean and clear charts and graphs to visually present the story of the campaign.

Showcase wins and successes, but also discuss areas for improvement as valuable learning opportunities.

Conclude with key takeaways and next steps, demonstrating transparency and setting the stage for ongoing success.

Marketing presentation examples that work

It’s time to see some examples of how marketing presentations are made in practice.

All the examples I bring you here are 100% customizable and you can use them as templates to create your own content.

These examples are modeled after engaging presentations based on our extensive data. They apply content structure and best practices we’ve seen work for high-stakes presentations.

Marketing plan & strategy

This example of a marketing plan presentation gives you a lean and effective structure to present the essence of your plan to your team members and higher-ups.

It cover everything from challenges, target audience, goals, KPIs, game plan, and budget, to milestones.

As Head of Marketing at Storydoc I use this format to launch our activity every new quarter and get everyone onboard.

Marketing plan one-pager

This example is a shorter version of the marketing plan example above. It can be used as a useful recap after presenting the plan in full face-to-face.

It can also be very effective to give decision-makers (internal or external) a quick overview of your plan without overloading them with details.

Marketing agency pitch deck

This marketing presentation example is the go-to for any creative agency or marketing services provider.

It’s a kind of company intro with the essential information about the services you provide, your strategic approach to marketing, and what makes you different.

What makes this marketing presentation so effective is the attention grabing video cover, its commitment to measured results, the case studies it presents to back up the claims, and the clear pricing offer that enables buyers to make an easy educated decision.

Marketing one-pager

We’ve seen this marketing one-pager format work well for agencies and marketing service providers. It’s the minimalistic version of the agency pitch deck I showed earlier.

It works because it gives context fast and communicates value very simply.

It tells your prospect who you are, outlines a major problem they need to address, and explains briefly how you can solve it for them and what the process is going to look like.

It finishes with the benefit the prospect can expect to gain and ends with a strong CTA last slide with a calendar app that lets prospects easily book a meeting.

Early stage marketing proposal

This marketing proposal presentation is used by many of our clients instead of the marketing agency pitch decks. It’s a more baked version, more serious if you like.

This approach works better for big clients that need a more personalized, and detailed pitch.

This example includes concrete data about the prospect’s market, and addresses specifics like the goals you propose, your marketing strategy, tracking and measurement, timeline, and budget.

Late stage marketing proposal

This marketing proposal presentation is used by many of our clients in the later stages of their sales cascade.

Notice that it is personalized to a specific prospect, and addresses them by name.

This example uses dynamic variables from your CRM to pull contact info directly into your presentation, such as the contact’s name, job title, brand colors, personal message, pricing offer, and more.

It includes all the talking items you’ve covered with your prospect which are critical for them to make their buying decision.

And most importantly, the presentation includes an e-signature box that lets the prospect seal the deal then and there.

If you want to have a cozy relationship with media and news outlets then having an attractive and well-organized media kit is pretty important.

It’s used by our clients to take control of how their company is presented in the media.

It’s a basic marketing tool that comes in handy whenever you’re working with other publishers from from newspapers, magazines, or TV, to social media or blogging influencers.

Marketing case study

This marketing case study presentation is a great addition to your prospecting and sales process.

It follows the Challenge-Solution-Results framework that proved to be the most engaging content structure based on our data.

The interactive format grabs the attention of prospects and helps keep them engaged throughout.

Storydoc lets you easily generate an animated GIF you can drop in your prospecting email to catch prospects’ eye and compel them to click the case study link.

Marketing presentation templates

Now that you’ve seen examples of great marketing presentations it’s time to dive a bit into the theory behind the reasons they work. That’s what the rest of this post will be about…

But if you’re too busy managing your marketing team or writing your marketing plan, you’re welcome to skip the theory, just grab a template, and get to work.

Trust that all the marketing presentation templates here apply every insight and tactic I cover in this guide

These templates were built based on what we’ve seen work for our clients again and again, and based on our analysis of over 100,000 reading sessions.

You don’t have to know why they work. They just do. Grab one!

Types of marketing presentations








Product marketing presentation

This is your stage to spotlight your product or service. Dive into unique features, benefits, and the problem it solves for your customers. Remember, it's not just about what your product is, but why it matters.

Marketing strategy presentation

The beating heart of your brand's direction, this presentation outlines your game plan to reach your audience. It covers your unique selling proposition, target market, distribution channels, and more. Think of it as your strategic compass guiding you to your business goals.

Marketing plan presentation

Detailing your tactical roadmap, this presentation is where strategy meets execution. It includes your specific marketing activities, timeline, budget, and key performance indicators. Your plan is your strategy's vehicle - fasten your seatbelts and let it drive you to success!

Marketing pitch deck

The marketing deck is a presentation used by marketing agencies, consultants, and service providers for prospecting new clients. It touches on a known problem faced by the prospects and features their services as the solution.

You can grab a customizable marketing pitch deck template here .

Marketing proposal

The marketing proposal is a presentation used at the later stage of the sales process by marketing agencies, consultants, and service providers. It includes the specifics of the services on offer, their cost, deliverables, measurement, milestones, and timelines.

Market analysis presentation

In this presentation, you dissect your market to unearth valuable insights. Understand your customer demographics, identify trends, and evaluate market size. It's your secret weapon to stay one step ahead of the competition.

Marketing campaign presentation

This presentation highlights your creative initiatives aimed at promoting your product or service. It showcases your campaign theme, messaging, promotional channels, and projected outcomes. It's your marketing storybook – captivate your audience with every page.

Marketing presentation best practices

A winning marketing presentation can make all the difference between a yawn and a standing ovation. But, how do you actually do it?

Craft that perfect blend of content, storytelling, brand message, personalization, and relevancy.. Let’s break it down.

The first 3 slides determine whether people will bounce or read on - make them count.

  • Think deeply about your hook
  • Use the person's name and company logo in the title
  • Prioritize the information that matters most to your audience
  • Be very short and to the point

Our data shows that 32% of people bounce from your deck in the first 15 seconds. But more importantly 80% of readers who cross the 3rd slide threshold will read the deck in full.

Imagine you were giving a speech and after 3 minutes a 3rd of the audience just stood up and left the hall. That would feel horrible, wouldn’t it? So why do this to your decks?

What you can do is write a relevant, personalized, and intriguing hook, and place it on slides 1-3 of your deck.

  • Make the audience understand that you’re writing FOR THEM , about THEIR NEEDS, but also that you have something amazing up your sleeve.
  • A little known trick to get attention is to tell them how long reading your deck will take. Time is their currency, you wouldn’t ask a client for “money” without tellig them how much, would you?
  • You should also have a strong visual hook . Use a video, animate d, or interactive cover slide. Make it so they can’t look away.

Here's an example of a video cover that acts as a visual hook:

Bad presentation example

2. Storytelling

Every great marketing presentation is a story with a beginning, middle, and end.

Hook your audience with a compelling introduction, then build intrigue as you progress, and finish with a memorable conclusion. Ensure your story has a human element — this emotional connection can turn listeners into advocates.

Here’s our recommended storyline structure:

How to write a presentation storyline that creates interest

3. Brand messaging

Consistency is key in brand messaging. Your presentation should reflect your brand's voice, values, and visual identity at every turn.

This not only enhances recognition but also builds trust. Remember, a strong brand doesn't just sell a product or service, it sells an experience.

You can do this by pulling your brand colors from the brandbook:

Branded presentation example

4. Personalization

Make your audience feel special with personalization. Address them by name, incorporate their company logo, or include a heartfelt personal message. Tailor your call-to-action to resonate with them on a personal level.

Our data shows that presentations with personalized notes are 68% more likely to be read in full compared to general presentations.

More impressively, personalized content led to a 41% increase in average reading time , and presentations customized for a specific prospect were shared internally 2.3x more often.

So, sprinkle in that personal touch, and watch engagement explode!

5. Relevancy

Address your target audience's pain points in your value proposition and content. Show them you understand their challenges and you have the solution they've been looking for.

When your audience sees themselves in your presentation, they're more likely to see the value in what you're offering.

6. Interactivity

Including interactive slides in your presentation increases engagement.

Our data shows that presentations with tabs to click through, live data calculators, sliders with case studies, or customer testimonials were scrolled to the bottom 41% more often, leading to a 21% longer average reading time.

  • Integrate interactive features like videos, tabs, live graphs and charts, calculators, or sliders
  • Use video and animations to illustrate complex ideas
  • Avoid text-heavy slides
  • Test user interactivity to ensure all the features work

event marketing strategy presentation

I lead Storydoc's team of marketing gentlemen and women dedicated to eradicating Death-by-PowerPoint wherever it lurks. Our mission is to enable decision-making by removing the affliction of bad content from the inboxes of businesses and individuals worldwide.

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Engaging decks. Made easy

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Try Storydoc interactive presentation maker for 14 days free (keep any presentation you make forever!)

  • Plan & Pricing

Event Marketing Strategy PowerPoint Template

Event Marketing Strategy PowerPoint Template

Event marketing strategy PowerPoint Template

The event marketing strategy template for PowerPoint presentations is a circle diagram to create a six-step event marketing strategy for business presentations. Event strategy involves categorizing events as corporate, private, or charity, with management teams creating planner documents outlining key points like sponsors, guest speakers, goals, and major segments. These presentations aim to ensure smooth event execution and are presented to investors and stakeholders for discussion on main points and budget allocations. Professionals in the event field can edit slides to incorporate their presentation points, while users can personalize the template with company or institute logos. This comprehensive approach facilitates effective planning and communication for successful events.

What is the marketing strategy for an event?

The event marketing plan typically involves a multi-faceted approach aimed at maximizing reach, engagement, and attendance. This includes targeted digital campaigns across social media platforms, email newsletters, and website promotion to generate awareness. Leveraging partnerships with relevant influencers or organizations can also expand the event's visibility. Utilizing traditional marketing channels such as print media and radio may complement the digital efforts. Additionally, creating compelling content such as teaser videos, behind-the-scenes footage, or testimonials can generate buzz and excitement. Implementing a robust communication plan to maintain engagement pre-, during, and post-event ensures a lasting impact and fosters a community around the event.

The event marketing strategy ppt presentation is designed to promote various types of events, including conferences, trade shows, product launches, webinars, seminars, workshops, and more. If you are looking for instructional design for an event marketing strategy presentation, this circle ppt would be a simple choice. Event planners, marketers, business owners, NGOs, and anyone responsible for promoting events can download event marketing strategy templates for PowerPoint presentations.

Event marketing PowerPoint for strategy presentation contains six steps in a circular ppt shape. It shows event marketing strategies like remarketing, growth hacking, influencer marketing, email marketing, spark fomo, and webinars & live streams. The fully editable template allows you to insert topics in brief with sub-headings. The presenters can change the color schemes, and backgrounds, and add their company logos, or other images instead of numbers. Download event marketing strategy ppt template.

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Event Marketing: The ultimate guide with 75 strategies


33 min to read

Event Marketing: The ultimate guide with 75 strategies in 2022

event marketing

Event Marketing

Event marketing is the process in which brands focus on developing a scheduled physical event, exhibition, or presentation to promote their product, service, or cause. It is very helpful in creating profound customer relationships and spreading virality and word of mouth about the product in a given location.

The best event marketing strategy is the one that is combined with digital marketing.

You could work with us, the leading digital marketing agency to assist you in digital marketing.

Event marketing is a broad term. For some, it refers to the promotional plan for an event, and for others, it refers to the strategic use of events to market effectively. The most successful marketing campaigns have a clear idea of who they're trying to reach and what their target audience wants. If you don't understand your audience, you can't connect with them, and if you don't connect with them, your marketing efforts will fall flat. Start by identifying the channels that most effectively reach your target audience. Networking with the right people is key. Build relationships and use untapped opportunities. 

The best strategy to run a successful campaign is to put a plan. Unless you have a plan in place, your marketing campaign will likely fizzle not long after launch. If you decide to design, launch, and promote a marketing campaign for your business, you need to spend time putting together a strategic plan that will help guide you through various phases of your marketing campaign.

You should include in your plan: a promotion or content calendar, information about your target audience, your goals, email templates for reaching out to people, a breakdown of phases (design, pre-launch, launch, post-launch, etc.), a list of people who will help you get the word out about your campaign, your budget, any tools you intend to use, and more.

1. Promote your event by going live on Facebook


Facebook live

Facebook is a great space and platform to get the word out about your event. The Livestream feature is a new trend in event marketing where you have direct interaction with your target audience and invite them in. You can use this as an opportunity to give your audience a peek into what lies ahead and make a compelling pitch about why attending the actual event is something that they don't want to miss(Courtesy: (Sergey Nikonenko of Purrweb).

Social media marketing is not only one of the cheapest ways to get a brand out to a vast majority of the audience, but it is also one of the most effective digital marketing funnel .

2. Focus on email marketing

email campaign

email campaign 

In my experience, this is one of the most effective ways to boost attendance at your event. However, you need a carefully considered strategy to get the most out of it. However, before hitting the send on the first email, you should develop a messaging plan so that each email has a unique value proposition. You need to pay attention to timing, subject lines, content, CTAs and personalization. Make sure to analyze email optimization and analyze the success of each email so you can make ongoing improvements throughout your campaign.

Here is a guide for PPC real estate marketing .

Here is a guide on B2B branding .

3. Use Connections or Influencers to build meaningful relationship with the potential customers

Use connections

Use your connections to spread awareness about your event marketing campaign

Even the universe is expanding, but our world is getting closer daily. Everyone knows a person who further knows a person of interest. Find that person in your circle, and if you can't find a person, just find an effective influencer who already has your required audience to spread awareness about your event. It would help if you started reaching out to that person of interest or influencers before your event to find your capital audience. This can help you market your event from the beginning(Courtesy: Stephen Curry of Cocosign ). 

Here is a complete guide on voice search optimization .

4. Referrals could be a great option to spread free word of mouth


referrals could boost your event marketing campaign

Most organizers focus on traditional marketing and free hacks but forget about the word of mouth that has the most capability of gathering an organic audience. Reach out to your potential attendees and motivate them to market on your behalf by offering them to become an affiliate with your referral system.

Read this guide on PPC campaign strategy .

5. Leverage on Technology



Technology has changed event planning, and the right technology can help you produce an exciting, personalized experience. You can use established and emerging technology to ensure that the marketing is up to the expected standards. The platform you choose determines whether you reach the right audience or not.

You can market the event on social media or other platforms, but you must ensure that the message and timing match your intended audience. Additionally, ensure that the content you create is relevant and can be freely shared. The audience can help you to market the event for free(Courtesy: Harriet Chan of Cocofinder ).

6. Measure Progress

measure progress

measure progress

To help you adjust and improve the campaign, you will look at the data to compare the successful methods against those that don't succeed. Some of the metrics include social media engagement and web analytics. It is also good to test the ideas before implementing them as a strategy to save you from wasting time and company resources.

Another component to analyze is the source of your sales. Look at the demographic information of your customers, including age and gender. For instance, if you notice that most of your customers are ladies aged above 45, you may reduce your marketing efforts on platforms that consist mainly of people in their youthful years. If you run e-commerce, here is how to track your e-commerce conversion rate .

7. Ensure that you leverage giveaways


Create a sense of urgency by offering a giveaway as part of the event marketing campaign. Another option is to create a contest for the best costume or best team name(Courtesy: Austin Dowse of Aimvein ). 

8. Food and Drink Giveaways

If you are hosting a physical event, rather than a virtual one, it becomes a necessity for you to keep your visitors excited. Another fun way to increase awareness and participation at your next event is to offer food and drink giveaways at your booth. Offerings like bottled water, candy, or even light snacks can be used to draw attention to your brand and get people talking about it on social media after the event has ended.

9. Hosting contests could make the event a remarkable one for your audience

You can sponsor a contest that encourages people to enter into a drawing in exchange for filling out a form with their contact information so you can reach out to them later on down the line. It is one of the most effective forms of event marketing because it gives you control over how you want your business to stand out in front of your potential customers and bring loads of leads in the future.

Learn to create a PPC marketing campaign in 2022 .

10. Try not to Underestimate What Social Media Can Do

social media marketing

Leverage social media

With the ever-changing algorithm and the introduction of newer and more sophisticated options on social media that lets you narrow down your target audience based on a number of factors like behavior, demography, past-actions, location, etc., you get a full control over who you want to target, and how do you wish to target them.

Ensure that you actively promote your event on social media with your followers to spread a sense of excitement and awareness to the fellow customers. Social media, in today's world can't be ignored no matter what. 

Expert companies such as CodeDesign use every tool to build the best marketing campaign. They need to keep up with the latest and best digital technologies to do so. Codedesign has a physical presence in  Lisbon ,  Zurich  and  Manchester ,  but we consider anywhere there's WiFi to be our digital office space.

11. Narrow down your target audience

With the advancements in technology and the mass adoption of internet and social media, almost everybody is on the internet looking to communicate with other people and consume the digital ads meanwhile. While this is extraordinary, it additionally implies that it's simpler to have your message lost in this competitive atmosphere, where every brand is trying hard to reach their audience. So how would you make a solid online media system that will assist you with building client connections and brand reliability with your main interest group? In the first place, you'll need to discover who your crowd is, the place where they're from, when they're on the web, and which channel they use.

In simpler terms, you must create a customer persona, which is an imaginary representation of your potential client. It helps you understand more about your audience, their thought process, and how would they like to consume the media.

12. A robust content strategy is a MUST for event marketing

Have a dedicated event site or landing page with rich content - speakers info, schedule, footage from previous events, booking facility, etc. You can create anticipation by encouraging people to 'Save the Date' and having a countdown clock. If there has been an event before, UGC (user-generated content) of previous attendees will provide that social proof to drive attendance. You can repurpose all content on social and email. Engagement with industry movers and shakers and providing content for event speakers to share on social media is key to help generate interest, as are paid social ads targeting your desired audience leveraging rich and dynamic content to generate FOMO showcasing footage from previous events and feedback from past attendees.

Draft a press release for relevant media to get coverage and get journalists and bloggers to attend. Go Live on social media in the run-up to broadcast information about the event. Go live on the day of the event, real-time updates on social media and behind the scenes footage. When the event has finished, send an email to all registrants with a summary of the day and for those that attended, thank them for coming and get their feedback on how the event went. This will feed into how you can make improvements for the next event and provide content for you to use in the future(Courtesy: Joanna Steele of DimaxDigital).

13. Focus on data collection

collect data

collect data

The size of your database dictates the power of your event's marketing. The bigger and better it is, the more tickets you will sell. With this in mind, I recommend focusing all your effort on gathering as much data as you can. You could do so by:

Running awareness ads on social media ask people to subscribe to get early access to tickets and discounts.

When running an event marketing campaign, your goal is to get as many people to register as possible– and the sooner, the better. To encourage this, run early bird discounts. These work by staggering ticket sales to go up in price as the event gets closer. The earlier people purchase tickets, the lower the price. It creates spikes in ticket sales and tends to sell more tickets faster. 

Running competitions where you have to follow us and give us your email to enter.

You can then use this data in email marketing and retarget with conversion ads. To push the data to convert, offer them something of value - be it an early bird discount which is only available to your subscribers or a specific percenatge off tickets if they buy before a certain date(Courtesy: Henry McIntosh of  2112 Marketing ).

14. Conduct a Market Analysis

Any good marketing strategy relies heavily on research. The online reports could be a good place to start your study. During your study, identify target consumer's buying behaviors in your industry, market size, market growth, and current trends. Good marketing strategy research would also help you narrow down your target market in a perfect world. A restaurant's target clientele, for example, could include families, baby boomers, late evenings, or married commuters. You can adapt your marketing message to appeal to this population by focusing on one area, such as date evenings. 

Sketch out the sales funnel that current customers use to make purchases from you if you're already up and running. Determine which sales and marketing approaches are effective and should be tweaked or abandoned(Courtesy: Andrew Priobrazhenskyi of DiscountReactor ).

15. Create marketing objectives

Use your research to outline your marketing goals once you have a firm understanding on your target demographic. You should align your marketing goals and objectives with your entire business objectives. A marketing goal can boost website traffic, lead generation, social engagement, or conversion.

16. Research about your target market and dive deeper into the subject 

target market

target market

After you've narrowed down your target market, the following step is to learn more about who makes up that market. Creating a successful marketing plan requires precisely characterizing the people you want to contact and convert to paying clients. Determine the demographics, demands, and preferences of your target audience. This stage will influence the techniques and channels you use and the material you create, and the tone you use. 

It also aids in the identification of your customer's journey and key touchpoints. Before making a purchase, the buyer's process is referred to as the customer journey. It usually entails being aware, thinking about it, making a decision, etc. If possible, create a buyer persona and consider the various venues and ways your brand could interact with your target customer(Courtesy: Gerrid Smith, CEO & Founder of Property Tax Loan Pros ).

17. Make use of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 

Once you've established a steady stream of clients, CRM is critical to keeping them loyal. Fortunately, several marketing software options can handle CRM for your company. Marketing planning software lets you retain marketing activities in-house while reducing marketing costs. If you're on a restricted budget, consider simple and cost-effective activities like offering warranties and return policies to keep existing consumers delighted and confident in the product's quality after purchase.

18. Establishing a Budget should be the first idea

Paying a tiny charge to net people who could use your product or services and bring higher lifetime value is well worth the effort and expense. As a result, a marketing budget is an essential tool for your company at any stage. For your marketing strategy to succeed, you must commit both time and money. When building a budget, prioritize methods that pay off in the short and long term, and designate an adequate budget for such initiatives. 

Establish a metric for measuring success for each action. Monitoring KPIs with each campaign will keep you on pace to provide a satisfactory ROI, especially if you're working with a limited budget. It also helps you determine when to swap gears to avoid a loss or a low return on investment. Expect to spend more money initially, take it as an investment for the growth of your business rather than an expanse(Courtesy: Gavin Johnson at Evking ).

19. Make a content schedule

content scheduling

content scheduling

We propose creating a content schedule to guarantee that your content is well-planned, intriguing, and relevant. Create a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly content calendar based on the information you gathered from your social media audit. It will allow you to keep track of the frequency of your posts as well as the content you'll utilize depending on the channels you're active on. This calendar helps guarantee that your communications are consistent and timely across all of your platforms. Don't worry; there are plenty of content calendar templates to choose from. Each has its method of information organization, and most of them are customizable(Courtesy: Adam Wood of RevenueGeeks ).

20. Continue to post blogs regularly

Regularly posting meaningful, fresh, relevant, and informational blog provides you with a lot of exposure. Content marketing is an important aspect of SEO and increasing the overall web traffic. Apart from generating curiosity, regular blogging builds consumer trust and loyalty by exposing your company and brand to them regularly. 

It is a terrific way to generate leads since potential clients will see you initially as a source of knowledge and authority.

21. Spark FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) 

Instill a sense of "fear of missing out" in your audience. Use media such as video or imagery to demonstrate how they will be at a loss if they do not come. Contrary to conventional assumptions, people are more engaged in an event when they believe they would miss out on something worthwhile if they do not attend. 

To increase interest in your event, use a simple yet powerful email campaign subject line, social media campaign, or blog article like "You don't want to miss this event."(Courtesy: Anthony Mixides of The London Vape Company ).

22. Promise a good time (and deliver!) 

Make use of various platforms to show them how much fun they'll have at your event. A promotional video, photos, user-generated material, and other things that will pique your audience's interest are all excellent ways to pique their attention. 

It's the same with any movie: as soon as the trailer is released, people talk about it and can't wait to see the complete version. A sneak peek–visual or text shows them that you've gone to great lengths to make this a memorable, enjoyable, and rewarding event for all of your guests–and it's the incentive you're offering in exchange for their participation(Courtesy: Rodney Yo, Owner of Best Online Traffic School ).

23. Dedicate pop-ups and landing pages

landing page

landing page

To drive potential event attendees to a specialized event page, create a pop-up form on your event website. Pop-ups might be obnoxious, but you cannot underestimate their efficacy. The material you provide on the landing page and in the pop-up is critical in determining whether users will be drawn in(Courtesy: Daniel Carter, Debt Advisor at IVA Advice ).

24. A Clear Strategy is what you need for a game-changing process

Developing a strategy is half the battle of operating a successful campaign. Begin by determining the methods to reach your target audience in the best way possible. What do they read, how do they spend all their time, who else they follow on social media, do they subscribe to sector newsletters? 

Bloggers and traditional media, social media, sponsored promotion, and direct mail campaigns are all possible marketing methods. Make a hit list and start contacting people to let them know what, when, and why your event is happening.  

25. Research as much as you could

It is a fundamental truth: the most effective marketing initiatives clearly understand who they're attempting to reach and what they desire. You won't be able to connect with your audience if you don't understand them, and if you don't connect with them, your promotional strategies will fail. You should be able to answer the following questions in the best-case scenario:

Who would be interested in attending this event?

What makes them want to attend my event?

What makes my event special?

What are the benefits for the audience attending my event?

26. Share your event with the media

A press release is an excellent approach to get the attention of those who can assist you achieve your event objectives. You could urge local media to attend your event by issuing a formal press release. Influencers, new sponsors, and brand ambassadors can benefit from your efforts. It is especially useful to raise awareness and attract influential people to your event.

27. Market your event to your audience using custom email campaign

email campaign

Email marketing campaigns are still the most successful way to communicate with your customers and welcome them to an event. Email marketing is the most preferred event marketing method among persons who routinely host events, with a 70 percent success rate(Courtesy: Tim Parker of Syntax Integration ).

28. Socialize in the community and make yourself a renowned figure

This strategy might help you attract the correct attention because social media is one of the best locations to engage with local influencers and people with a significant presence. Seek influencers in your sector who have a large following on social media. Never undervalue the value of word-of-mouth advertising! 

According to a survey done by Collective Bias, 70% of today's generation relies on influencers or peer referrals to make purchasing decisions. If you're throwing an event to attract more volunteers, for example, the influencers could talk about just how fantastic the event would be, why others should volunteer, or why they would personally go(Courtesy: Robin Antill of Leisure Buildings ).

29. Go live to promote your event

Yes, it's back to being sociable! Facebook is a massive platform for spreading the news about your event. A Live Stream is the latest craze in event marketing that allows you to communicate with and invite your target audience directly. Use this chance to give your audiences a sneak peek into what's coming up and make a convincing case for why they should attend the actual event. 

According to a study by Bizzabo, nearly 30% of marketing managers believe that streaming live events have the greatest influence on an event(Courtesy: Susan Smith of Velden Engineering ).

30. Develop Personalization Tactics

It is important to craft your messaging so that they pique people's interests. If previous participants receive your event invitation, you can mention their past participation to engage them and include statistics, videos, or images from a previous event. Include highlights from your forthcoming event, such as keynote speakers, opportunities to learn and network, and early-bird ticket discounts.

If you're using event management software, check if it has any relevant templates for emails and announcements to event participants. Personalizing your event marketing strategy by sending announcements to distinct groups of guests is a wonderful method.

Some tools also allow you to improve the visibility of your speakers and exhibitors on your event website, as well as on your trade show app, with ad banners, corporate profiles, coupons, and giveaways. Using a personalized event app, you can even build a customized experience and information for different event attendees, such as speakers and exhibitors(Courtesy: Gerrid Smith of Joy Organics ).

31. Develop Appropriate Return on Investment (ROI) Metrics

roi metrics

ROI metrics

You'll need to develop several measures to use to measure each goal. Determine if the results are worth the money spent on marketing. Goals can be measured in various ways, but you should select methods that are appropriate and precise. However, there may be several ways to measure a specific goal.

For example, you might want to increase sales revenue. In this case, the event's goals might be to generate leads, increase pipeline value, and increase registrations. So, what metrics are you going to use? The number of accounts added to the database, the dollar value of the pipeline created, and the total number of registrations are all possible ROI measures(Courtesy: Jay Bats of ContentBASE ).

32. Create SMART Goals

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-oriented and Timely goals are referred to as SMART goals. You must involve your team in the development of these goals; after all, they are the ones who will make it all happen. Make a list of goals. Make sure you know exactly what you want to accomplish. Being specific ensures that everyone on the team is on the same page.

Goals must also be measurable. Create a method for evaluating the success of your campaign. While your goals should be ambitious, people should believe they are attainable. You should consider how each campaign's objectives influence the final result. Finally, define deadlines to ensure that everything happens on time(Courtesy: Mike Ziarko of NoMoreChores ).

33. Create awareness through blogging

If the company's website includes a blog area, it can efficiently share information about the event, including its purpose, aims, objectives, and educational features. Because the content is unique and useful, they have a better chance of catching people's attention. These blog posts benefit from being promoted on social networking platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. You could work with an SEO agency to excel in your campaigns and objectives.

The aim, interviews with key delegates or experts, the venue, news, images, facts about the turnout, the outcome, and numerous vital elements are the kind of content that work best in event promotion. It works effectively if the organization has an editorial calendar to work with.

Experts can also be asked to create articles or opinion pieces that the audience will like. You can use client testimonials efficiently to generate a positive image among new clients if the event is an annual event. However, any attempt to build hype that may backfire should be avoided(Courtesy: Nick Rubright of New Reach Marketing ).

34. Have Dedicated Landing Pages

dedicated landing page

dedicated landing page

Nearly 60% of marketers claim their website is the most effective marketing platform for their events. You should not disregard this straightforward strategy of web promotion. It's critical to develop a specific landing page for your event on your website and ensure it's conversion-optimized. You may then send traffic directly to this page from social media, display ads, and pay-per-click advertising, as well as from your blog and other pages on your site.

This landing page can be a powerful tool for getting people to sign up for your event. You can then follow up with additional marketing strategies like email and social media posts. Even if the specifics aren't set yet, it's critical to build a page for your event well before the event date. It not only allows you to collect information from those who have expressed an early interest in attending, but it also helps you boost authority ahead of your major marketing push(Courtesy: Daniel Carter, of Manhattan Tech Support ).

35. You need local influencers in your marketing campaign

Using the reach of major personalities in your field to promote your event and make it more enticing to potential attendees can be a powerful strategy. Bloggers, vloggers, social media influencers, and influential persons in your business or area can all be contacted. These influencers may then promote the event on your behalf to their audiences, which could number in the thousands compared to the number of individuals you could reach through your marketing methods. Another option is to invite influencers to your event (for free if it's a paid event or with a monetary incentive if it's not). It can be a good way to promote your event before, during, and after it happens, especially if you're planning a series of them.

Influencers are especially useful if you're marketing to a younger audience or in the fashion or beauty industries. 70 percent of millennials prefer celebrity endorsements to influencers.(Courtesy: Steve Pogson of FirstPier )

36. Capitalize on the Event

Imagine the day has finally arrived, and hundreds of people have shown up. Ensure that on-site registration goes smoothly. You should have already created an event application. Networking, session registration, and real-time polling are all possible features in your app. You want the attendees to be completely absorbed in the event's content.

Gather as much information as possible. During the event, you can even conduct real-time surveys. As the event progresses and when it concludes, ask the attendees how they feel about it. All of this information will help you in analyzing the campaign's performance.

Organizing and managing an event marketing strategy can be time-consuming. Define your goals and develop ways to attain them. Measure the campaign's success to determine the return on investment. A successful event marketing campaign results from careful planning and the participation of all stakeholders(Courtesy: Dan Close of We Buy Houses in Kentucky ).

37. Press Releases could get you to the local audience

press release

press release

Press releases have been around for a long time, but in today's digital environment, they are just as effective, if not more so. A press release is a terrific method to get the word out about your event, especially if you can come up with a unique slogan or if you'll be using new and inventive ideas and technologies.

You can also utilize press releases to advertise your event's landing page and social media hashtags, identify prospective influencers for additional promotional opportunities and reach an audience that isn't reached through your traditional marketing channels. Thousands of journalists and news organizations may get a single press release(Daniel Foley of UNAGI ).

38. Social Media Marketing with a local approach could change the game

From pre-event marketing and the use of hashtags and live posts to promote your event while it's happening to post-event feedback and follow-up with attendees, you may use social media at all stages of your event planning. Nearly half of event planners have a dedicated social media team, and over 80% of event marketers utilize social media to promote events. Marketers value social networks for a variety of reasons:

- They provide thorough information about its users, allowing you to market to a certain demographic or adjust your campaigns to different target groups.

- They make it simple for people to share information and offer suggestions, allowing your current consumers to help you promote yourself.

- They come with built-in analytics, making it simple to track the progress of your marketing campaign both during and after the event.

- There are both free and paid solutions for promotion. The most successful strategy is generally a combination of both.

You can target different categories of consumers or utilize different types of marketing by using multiple social networks. For B2B marketing and events, LinkedIn is frequently the top choice. Facebook wins, and YouTube is a must-use channel for promotional videos in terms of reach.

39. Promote events on social media

Social media platforms have a massive audience of 3.8 billion people to communicate. This number is steadily increasing, with a 9.2 percent growth in the audience since 2019. It makes publicizing your event on social media a far too enticing chance to pass up. 

From building specific pages on Facebook to purchasing sponsored ads on blogs, social media provides many tools for marketing your event. Try cross-promotion with an event's co-hosts or speakers to expand your reach — they can give you a new and interested audience. Another suggestion is to use the resources of niche influencers. Consider employing chatbots to promote your event and keep the audience interested for a long period. Hubspot knows a thing or two about implementing this method(Bram Jansen, Chief Editor of vpnAlert ).

40. Use your event hashtag every time you get the chance

event hashtags

event hashtags

Make it a practice to include the event hashtag whenever you talk about it. It applies to your social media posts and your other marketing channels and printed materials. Reinforcing the hashtag helps anchor your event and keeps it top-of-mind for attendees. 

Ensure your hashtag is included in the account bios if you've created specialized social media profiles for your event. Hashtags are supported natively on the following social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+. That's not all, though. Make sure your event participants (such as speakers and performers) are aware of the event hashtag and encourage them to use it while discussing the event. 

41. Crowdsource your marketing material

Attendees at your event might be a treasure for marketing content. If you've previously organized similar events and have a customer base, ask former participants to share photos or videos from the event on social media. (Remember to request that they utilize your event hashtag.) Nothing beats hearing from real guests about their experiences at your event. If this is your first event, you might instead hold a competition where potential attendees can submit photos and videos related to your event and tag them with your event hashtag. That's a fantastic method to get the word out about the event on social media. Free tickets, drinks, vouchers, and other prizes could also be available to the winners(Zaeem Chaudhary of AC Design Solutions ).

42. Activate your attendees to talk about your brand

Guess who are some of your most ardent supporters? Guests at your event! They were interested enough in your event to sign up or purchase tickets in the first place. It shouldn't be difficult to persuade them to spread the message. Encourage them to spread the word about the event to their friends and use your hashtag whenever they discuss it. Perhaps you're feeling generous and want to give them some drink vouchers or other incentives. You'll often find that if you show your guests that you appreciate them, they'll gladly return the favor. 

Your speakers and performers have a vested interest in getting the word out about the event. Isn't it true that the more people who arrive, the more eyes on their show or presentation? You might include them in your marketing efforts by filming teaser videos or taking images announcing their appearance. Make it simple for speakers and entertainers to spread the word about your event to their existing audiences. Allow them to utilize it on their website or blog to sell tickets quickly. Their supporters will not have to go to a new website(Courtesy: Gerrid Smith, Founder of Corporate Investigation Consulting ).

43. Effective Pre-Event Promotions

People tend to focus on the event's actual launch and ticket sales, but the pre-event registration phase is equally significant. You can develop a pre-event page (for example, on Facebook or your website) to stimulate early interest. You can utilize the page to collect leads that you can follow up with once the event is officially announced and host contests and prizes to raise event awareness. A superb pre-event page can also help with the SEO performance of your event site. It should be a big concern if you plan to run a long-term website/blog(Lauren Cook-McKay here of Divorce Answers ).

44. Early Bird Registrations

Selling discounted early bird tickets is a common event marketing strategy because it is still very effective in two fundamental ways:

You're creating a sense of urgency by saying things like "grab it now before it's gone," which is a great way to persuade people to convert. Early bird tickets that are sold might also assist your event's cash flow.

People will talk about it, so it's a great way to generate buzz and expand your reach.

The concept of early bird registration is simple: the closer the event gets, the higher the ticket price becomes, and you can establish various stages or phases depending on your event timetable and goals. Another reason early bird discounts are so popular is that they're easy to integrate with other event marketing methods, such as noting the early bird discount's expiration date in your press release and email newsletter. It's adaptable and cost-effective, and it's a must-have!(Ariana Flynn of ProxyRack ).

45. Determine who your target audience is and get to know them

Everyone nowadays is on social media. While this is fantastic, it also means that your message is more likely to be lost in the competitive atmosphere. So, how can you develop a solid social media plan that will aid in the development of client connections and brand loyalty among your target market? You must first determine your target audience, where they are from, when they are online, and which channel they utilize. You can find this information by using free online social media analytics tools like:

It is a service that helps you enhance social media interaction, drive traffic, and analyze your following. The free edition allows you to keep track of key interaction metrics.

A free Twitter tool that helps you choose the optimum time to Tweet depending on the availability of your followers.

Facebook Page Insights:

Available to all page administrators, Facebook Insights provides statistics on your posts, fans, and the reach of the material you're sharing. Bonus: By putting your competitors in the "Pages to monitor" category, you can learn more about them.

Twitter Analytics:

Twitter gives users a 28-day report on how their tweets fared, including the number of retweets, mentions, likes, and clicks(Adam Crossling, Marketing Manager at zenzero ).

46. Audits of social media should be created and conducted

Create a social media audit to gather data on your target audience to understand better what the data is telling you and how to traverse your channels effectively. The audit should contain information about the various platforms you use. This audit should include a list of links to your profiles, who is accountable for these accounts, important social media analytics, key demographic information about your audience, and the best-performing posts based on interaction. Here's an example of a Hootsuite social media audit.

This audit should also include information about your followers, such as which days of the week and what time they are most active on various platforms, as well as the kind of postings that they respond to the most (i.e., photos, videos, giveaways/contests, and so on). Make use of this audit to conduct a "SWOT" review of your social media outlets. Determine the strengths and limitations of your present social media strategy, seize opportunities to expand your brand, and protect yourself against dangers depending on your market/followers(Yousun Allen, CEO at Yosun UV Printer ).

47. Contributions to thought leadership and guest posts

While blogging on your site is critical, you also need to reach out to new audiences to attract new guests. The most effective approach to accomplish this is either guest posting or crafting thought leadership pieces that people will gladly share.

Again, the specifics of this will vary significantly depending on your event. It's pretty simple for conferences and B2B events since you can generate an industry report or offer a white paper that compiles key advice from all of your presenters.

It may be less clear in the case of consumer events. You may develop engaging infographics, gifs, or other visual assets, write about breaking trends, or create a series of YouTube videos or podcasts that pique their interest.

48. Do Press Releases when the event is near

While press releases have existed for a long period, they remain as useful, if not more so, in today's digital environment.

A press release is an excellent approach to garner media attention for your event, especially if you can find an unusual angle or if your event will feature fresh and innovative ideas and technologies.

Additionally, you can utilize press releases to advertise your event's landing page and social media hashtags, identify prospective influencers for additional promotional opportunities and reach an audience outside your typical marketing channels. A single press release may be distributed to tens of thousands of journalists and news organizations.

49. Post-Event Marketing

post event marketing

post event marketing

While there is no doubt that the planning and execution of your event (as well as the swag you provide) are critical components of its success, you may not be considering how your business will follow up on that event at the moment. That's reasonable. With so much to accomplish in the run-up to the event and everything else that goes into running it, looking ahead to the end is probably the furthest thing from your mind.

Additionally, your sales team should have a strategy for following up with attendees following the event to cultivate relationships that could evolve into new prospects. After the event, you can monitor attendees' social media accounts for any posts on the event(Shad Elia, CEO of   New England Home Buyers ).

50. Focus on collecting emails organically

One of the most efficient strategies to increase attendance at your event is email marketing. To get the most out of it, you'll need a well-thought-out strategy. Email is a natural way to communicate with pre-registered participants, send out mailings, and follow up with people after the event. It's also a terrific approach to reach out to new people who haven't previously expressed interest in your event.

You can utilize your normal mailing list communications to generate buzz before your event, and you can even promote your event using other people's lists (perhaps with an affiliate scheme for ticket sales as an incentive).

Timing, subject lines, content, CTAs, and personalization are all important factors to consider in email marketing. Learn about email optimization and analyze the success of each email so you can make continuous improvements throughout your campaign.

You may then route general website traffic to this page via your blog and other website pages and direct traffic from social media, display ads, and pay-per-click advertising. This landing page can be a powerful tool for getting people to sign up for your event. You can then follow up with additional marketing strategies like email and social media posts.

Even if the specifics aren't set yet, it's critical to build a page for your event well before the event date. It not only allows you to collect information from those who have expressed an early interest in attending, but it also helps you boost your SEO and establish authority ahead of your major marketing push(Mark Osborne, Managing Director of Windows Doors UK ).

51. Hire agencies to get you with Influencer Marketing

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Using the reach of major personalities in your field to promote your event and make it more enticing to potential attendees can be a powerful strategy. Bloggers, vloggers, social media influencers, and influential persons in your business or area can all be contacted. These influencers may then promote the event on your behalf to their audiences, which could number in the thousands compared to the number of individuals you could reach through your marketing methods.

Another option is to invite influencers to your event (for free if it's a paid event or with a monetary incentive if it's not). It can be an efficient way to promote your event before, during, and after it happens – especially if you have a regular series of activities planned. Influencers are especially useful if you're marketing to a younger audience or in the fashion or beauty industries. 70 percent of millennials prefer celebrity endorsements to influencers.

52. Livestreaming is a great way to interact with people early on and pique the curiosity of viewers to get them fully engaged



Social media plays a huge part in marketing and, with more platforms offering ways to Livestream, the potential grows exponentially. Videos work because idle scrollers get to see some movement which draws their eye and lets them pause to see what's going on. 

By tapping into this with streaming, not only does it mean that people are likely to stop and engage briefly, seeing that it is life will make them more likely to engage through replies and reactions. The best way to maintain this is to acknowledge viewers. It's the main appeal of streaming, and if you don't make use of it, you might as well have just uploaded a video.'

53. Determine your event's marketing objective and the most significant event metric

Beyond performance, your marketing efforts should be directed toward a well-defined objective. While the objectives and measurements may appear identical, the specifics will differ by an event inside your organization and throughout the events sector. Planning strategically might assist you in achieving your event's aims and objectives. Define a defined, quantifiable performance objective and focus your marketing efforts on it(Mark Valderrama of Aquarium Store Depot ).

54. Make the most of your marketing efforts by assembling a rock-star team, both in-house and externally.

Successful event marketing is rarely the work of a lone individual. Marketing teams are assigned to large-scale events. However, in many cases, you'll need to be inventive in staffing your marketing department and casting a wide promotional net. Within your group, look for writers, designers, technologists, and social media experts who can spearhead the effort to communicate your message to your target audience. Novice planners, in particular, must understand the significance of delegation to trusted team members.

55. Design a stellar event website

event website

event website

In my opinion, The event website is where potential participants become confirmed guests. It's arguably one of your most crucial pieces of marketing collateral for that reason alone. A great event website is a marketing strategy in and of itself, as a favorable user experience leads to increased excitement for the event itself. With that in mind, devote a significant amount of time and attention to creating a well-designed event website in terms of appearance and user experience. 

The sample below can be used as a guide for website design. Allow your event brand to shine while designing the appearance of your event website. Consistent colors and fonts across all pages will unify the brand and help website visitors remember the event(Edward Mellett, Founder of ).

56. Develop a serial event content strategy

Building anticipation within event marketing efforts will help generate action because an event is a one-of-a-kind experience that attendees are looking forward to. Content marketing is a great way to get people excited about an event before it happens. More precisely, episodic material that focuses on a "behind-the-scenes" component of the event can be a powerful method to generate a lot of buzzes. The speaker series from Brightcove's PLAY 2018 event is a wonderful illustration of this. This series of interviews (produced in either video or text format) spotlights individuals who will be speaking at Brightcove's flagship event and delves deeper into each speaker's background to offer attendees a better understanding of their expertise. This interview series does a good job of providing viewers with compelling and consistent content to build anticipation for the event(Sarah Jameson here, Marketing Director of Green Building Elements ).

57. Plan and nurture email campaign for your event

Creating an email marketing strategy that entails sending many emails over a while, similar to a serial content strategy, is an effective technique to keep the audience interested. A nurturing email campaign aims to progressively nudge the receiver towards the desired action (i.e., registration for the event) throughout several emails. You should send each communication email at a different time to avoid flooding the recipient's inbox and creating an unpleasant experience. Your emails should be segmented and timed so that each communication is as relevant to the recipient as feasible. Filtering by job title, geography, and industry can help guarantee that relevant messages are sent to the proper people, resulting in higher click-through rates and more registrations.

58. Measure event success with relevant KPIs

key performance indicators

key performance indicators

Several channels are used in all excellent marketing plans to convert the target audience. However, simply carrying out many efforts is insufficient to establish an effective plan. While it may feel good to have AdWords, email, and social media ads running simultaneously, these initiatives are meaningless unless the success is defined and monitored. Set precise KPIs for each marketing endeavor to appropriately measure success over the campaign's life.

How often is your event webpage shared on social media? What is the AdWords keyword bidding click-through rate? Understanding the performance level of any campaign requires the establishment of KPIs. The total number of event registrations is the ultimate KPI that any event marketer wants to track. They want to discover which channels lead to the most completed registrations in particular. Your platforms should be integrated so that each database can communicate with one another to acquire accurate answers to this inquiry. It's critical to connect all campaigns to the primary event management platform to attribute each registration to the appropriate campaign appropriately. Future event marketing plans will be informed by the findings, showing which channels are most effective. Software connectors make it easy to track progress while maintaining clear, consistent KPIs(Lauren Cook-McKay of Divorce Answers ) . 

59. Coordinate event co-marketing initiatives with sponsors

Sponsors and attendees can collaborate to build co-marketing plans in the same way that guests can participate in the event marketing plan. Sponsors are motivated to have a large turnout because it means a greater audience for their on-site marketing aims. Create co-marketing methods that benefit both you and your sponsors by being innovative and proactive, including sponsor logos and brand colors on marketing. 

60. Encourage the creation of user-generated content

User-generated content relieves your content creation team of some of their responsibilities. Even better, it helps you to reach out to more people, organically spread the word about your event, and develop social proof. Creating a hashtag on social media and encouraging individuals to use it is the simplest approach to getting user-generated material. Launching a competition is another way to generate interest. 

You could, for example, provide complimentary tickets to those whose postings receive the most likes or reposts. Consider what Refinery29 has learned about working with user-generated content. The company offers a 29 Rooms event every year. Apart from the music and entertaining activities, the primary attraction of the event is the flashy decorations, which are ideal for Instagram(Edward Mellett, Founder of ).

61. Create the Marketing Campaign's Goals and Budget 

 Your event marketing plan is centered around the goals you intend to achieve during the campaign. It is the important first step to take before considering anything else. To close in on your event marketing goals, ask the number of customers you want to attract, the engagements you want to see, and the leads you intend to generate. Once these goals have been identified, ensuring every team member is on board is key. Your event marketing goals will directly influence the budget size you need to achieve them(Mark Aaronson of Local Furniture Outlet ). 

62. Create Event Content and Management Plan

Prepare your marketing content concerning the campaign goals you have set up. It is important to highlight the key points in the message, such as what attendees stand to gain, testimonials, or a video presentation of previous events. With a good content plan, you can set up the event website and apps to increase information about the event. 

63. Leverage Event Speakers and Attendees

event speaker poster

event speaker poster

From speakers to sponsors, everyone onboard the event shares similar goals, which is to increase your brand's visibility by attracting attendees as much as possible. You can use this common goal to your advantage to inspire attendees to promote your event as well. Speakers are professionals that are widely known in their fields and beyond. You can use these individuals to also get the word out to their large followers on their social media networks. 

64. Personalization is a great choice to get user's attention and engage them with your message

email personalization

email personalization

One sure way to get people's attention is by modifying your message to suit their respective needs. For example, in a case where you are inviting attendees from previous events, you can use statistics, videos, and pictures from the previous event to get them hooked. You also need to point out what will be new in the upcoming event. It could be credible speakers, discounts for early birds, opportunities to learn and connect with others. 

65. Making the most of your time

You do not have to wait until all of the specifics of an event are finalized before promoting it. Consider creating a pre-event page on your website to publicize the existence of a program. You can update the page with new information when it becomes available. It adds a mysterious element that may entice people to come to your site regularly to check for developments, which may lead to people discussing your event and preparing to attend.

66. Make the Most of the Event

Once the big day arrived, and hundreds of people have turned out. Ensure that on-site registration runs smoothly. You should have already created an event application. Your app may have networking, session registration, and real-time polling capabilities. You want the guests to be completely engaged with the event's content.

Collect as much information as you can. During the event, you can even conduct real-time surveys. Inquire of the attendees how they feel about it as the event progresses and after it concludes. All of this information will be useful when analyzing the performance of your campaign.

Managing an event marketing campaign can be a time-consuming task. You should define your objectives and plan ways to achieve them. You can calculate the ROI of a campaign by measuring the campaign's results. A successful event marketing strategy results from meticulous planning and the support of all stakeholders(Tyson Stevens, Founder of Education Resource Eduref ).

67. Creating promotional materials

promotional material

promotional material

If you have the budget, consider manufacturing promotional hard-copy banners, flyers, billboards, or acquiring billboard space. Display your materials in stores, restaurants, community gathering places, and other places where your target audience frequents. It may result in a frequency illusion known as the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, in which your awareness of something grows and entices you to investigate it deeper(Andrew Dale of CloudTech24 ).

68. Make a time commitment (and keep it!)

time commitment

Make use of various methods and channels to show them what a good time they will have at your event. A promotional video, photos, user-generated content, and other things that will quickly pique your audience's interest are all excellent ways to pique their attention.

 It's like any other movie; when the trailer is released, people start talking about it and can't wait to see the whole film. A sneak peek–visual or text–will demonstrate to them that you have gone to great lengths to make this a memorable, exciting, and rewarding event for all of your attendees- it's an incentive you offer in exchange for their attendance. Each of these event marketing ideas has been tried, tested, and is highly recommended for inclusion in your event marketing campaign when promoting your next event(Sep Niakan of Condoblackbook ).

69. Choose the Best Location

event location

event location

Booking the correct venue for the event is one of the most important arrangements you must make early in the event planning process. If you anticipate a high number of attendees, reserve a venue large enough to accommodate everyone. Before you go out and secure the space, go over your objectives. Do you want your participants to interact with one another and get to know one another? If that's what you want, you'll need plenty of areas for people to interact and network. You can also reserve a space with several small conference rooms where your participants can freely network and communicate with one another.

Take into account important factors such as lighting. Not to be forgotten: how easy will it be for attendees to travel to the meeting location? Allow your objectives to guide you while looking for the best venue for the event(Sarah Jameson of Green Building Elements ).

70. Select an Event Attribution Model

Along with the event marketing effort, your organization has executed additional marketing activities. So, how do you know that the customer behaviors that occur at the event's conclusion directly affect the event marketing efforts? You can utilize attribution models better to understand the impact of your event marketing effort. One of the most accurate models is the W-shaped attribution model.

The method considers the many marketing campaigns and touchpoints that led to a customer making a purchasing choice. The buyer could have come from your blog, a webinar, the event itself, or a conversion from your ebook. The W-shaped model keeps track of all these touch sites and assigns credit accordingly. For example, it could allocate 25% to your blog, 20% to the ebook, 20% to the webinar, and 35% to the event(Adam Wood, Co-Founder of RevenueGeeks ).

71. Collaborate with industry thought leaders

 thought leaders

 thought leaders

Individuals who will speak at the event or are just willing to promote the event for you are examples of these people. It could include bloggers, vloggers, and social media influencers within your niche. These individuals should have a sizable and interested audience to whom you may market your event. You can also invite them to the event for free to encourage people to pre-register.

72. Make Engaging Event Videos

To keep your audience updated, develop a personality, and build a feeling of community through your social network or website content is essential. Some of this must be original to produce the greatest results possible. You can improve your event website's search engine exposure by writing blogs, which provide quick inspiration for social media updates. 

Most of the companies now employ video in their marketing campaigns because it generates a lot of interest online, increasing your event's visibility(Michael Butt of ).

73. Engage attendees with email automation

Email marketing is still one of the most powerful platforms in your total marketing strategy. Email marketing is the most effective strategy for event advertising, according to over 66 percent of event organizers. Keep in mind that a single email is unlikely to have amazing effects. 

Building a flow that guides a subscriber through a marketing funnel is required for promotion through this channel. Start with an invitation email to keep in touch with your existing subscribers and encourage event registrations. Follow our guide on creating event invitation emails for some inspiration. Email marketing allows you to nurture leads generated during registration and improve the number of attendance at your event. Without wasting a lot of time or money, you may make people anticipate the event.

74. Share case studies

case studies

case studies

If you have run your event before, attendees have hopefully benefitted from it. You will likely share testimonials in your marketing, and you can also benefit from writing full case studies. An effective case study focuses on one problem, one solution and one result that the person had. The goal of the case study is to show other potential guests that "someone like you trusted us and got results like these." This content can be used at various points in your funnel, including blog content, late-stage email marketing while asking for the sale and more(Michael Alexis, CEO of TeamBuilding ).

75. Create a Killer Hashtag

Hashtags help people find postings on a specific topic (and make it easier to see all the posts relating to your campaign). A catchy or witty hashtag can capture their interest and entice them to learn more outside of your network.(Courtesy: Sara Johansson Customer Success Manager at Onsiter ).

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What Is Event Marketing in Business? Strategy Guide & Tips

May 31st, 2024 Michael Mayday

Man waving at laptop.

Event marketing presents businesses with a compelling opportunity to inform, educate and engage with their target audience either in-person or online. 

Webinar marketing predictions 2024

We’ve put together a complete guide to event marketing, covering why it’s so important, the key benefits and how to create an effective strategy.

What Is Event Marketing?

Female looking at laptop

Event marketing is experiential marketing that uses events as a medium to promote a product, service or brand. It revolves around creating opportunities for direct interaction between the business hosting the event and its target audience to drive engagement that may lead to conversions.

Both online and offline events can be used in event marketing, but the two approaches have some key differences. Most importantly, online (or virtual) events provide a cheaper and more accessible medium for event marketing, which is why the virtual event sector is growing rapidly, with a compound annual growth rate of almost 20% .

Why Is Event Marketing Important?

Female writing next to laptop_Blog

Events provide an excellent platform to deliver valuable content to an audience while offering opportunities for product, service or brand promotion. This combination makes them perfect for marketing purposes. 

They can also act as a valuable source of audience data , with event engagement analytics generating insights into the audience’s preferences and pain points that can later be used to guide further marketing activities. 

But, due in part to the rise of virtual events with their low barriers to entry, there’s a lot of competition for event marketers to overcome. That makes strategically planning your event marketing campaigns more important than ever.

What Are the Benefits of Event Marketing?

Event marketing stands out in the broader marketing mix because of the unique benefits it offers businesses.

One-To-One Engagement

Events provide a great platform for businesses to engage with their audience one-to-one. Virtual webinar hosting platforms , in particular, allow for direct audience interaction through Q&As, polls and dynamic calls-to-action (CTAs) .

Increased Brand Awareness

Events revolve around content that offers value. With the right promotion, they can attract an audience of people who were previously unaware of the brand hosting the event, turning them into followers or even brand advocates.

Industry/Product Education

Events are often educational, whether they cover a topic of interest in a specific industry or product functionality. Hosting educational events — and offering certifications as an incentive — helps businesses position themselves as thought leaders, boosting their reputation.

Lead Generation

Events offer opportunities to generate leads and drive pipeline, even if they’re based around educational content. Virtual events are particularly effective at this, with the ability to integrate self-serve CTAs for product demos and more.

Customer Retention

Events that cover topics of interest to a business’s existing customers, like new product feature walkthroughs or marketing strategy guides, can keep them engaged and offer ongoing value that helps boost customer retention.

What Types of Event Marketing Exist?

Group of people looking at laptop

Virtual or offline, educational or community-focused – there are diverse event types to consider in your event marketing strategy. These are some of the most popular.

Webinars are online events where a single speaker or a small group delivers a presentation to an audience. They can be live or pre-recorded and tend to include engagement-focused sections that allow for audience interaction.

Virtual Events

The term virtual event refers to any type of event held virtually instead of in person. This includes webinars, virtual conferences, product walkthroughs, networking sessions and workshops.

Live Streaming Events

Live streaming events are virtual events broadcast live to an audience using a virtual event hosting platform like ON24, as opposed to prerecorded videos available on-demand. 

Hybrid Events

Hybrid events unite physical and virtual experiences, offering audiences the chance to attend in-person or remotely and get the same value. Webinars, conferences, workshops and more can all be hosted as hybrid events.

Trade Shows

A trade show, also known as a trade fair, is an exhibition hosted to gather attendees from a specific industry (or trade) who showcase products or share ideas. Trade shows can take place both in person and virtually. 


Conferences are events oriented around knowledge-sharing and networking, gathering an audience from a particular sector or industry. Typically exclusively held in-person, virtual conference platforms allow this event to be held remotely. 

A seminar is an educational event where a single speaker or a panel discuss a specific topic live in front of an in-person audience, often with opportunities for audience engagement. It’s the in-person version of a webinar. 

Pop-Up Shops

Pop-up shops are temporary physical retail spaces that “pop up” for a short time, usually to promote a newly launched product or generate brand awareness.

Workshops are educational events that provide practical guidance or advice. They can be held in person or virtually and focus on using a specific product or achieving a particular outcome.

How Do You Drive Demand to Your Events?

Male smiling at laptop

The success of an event relies in large part on the turnout, which means promotion is an essential part of an event marketing strategy. These are three of the best ways to drive demand to your event.


Targeting your customers and leads with remarketing campaigns through paid advertising channels or email is a great way to start event promotion, leveraging their preexisting brand awareness to generate interest in your event.

Rolling out content related to your upcoming event across diverse channels, from YouTube to organic search, can generate interest from new audiences. Ensure to include event signup CTAs in each piece of content to maximize the results.

Social Media

Your existing audience across social media platforms like LinkedIn is already engaged with your brand, so sharing the news about your upcoming event can drive signups. You can also benefit from the viral effects of social media engagement to reach new audiences. 

How To Plan, Implement and Optimize Your Event Marketing Program

Female smiling at papers

Like any other marketing campaign, event marketing strategies should be planned thoughtfully and deliberately. Follow these steps to ensure success.

Step 1: SMART Goals and Budget

Start the planning process by setting a budget and establishing specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (SMART) goals for your event. This will help keep you on track as you develop your strategy, ensuring it contributes to overall business objectives. 

Step 2: Decide on Your Event’s Theme and Schedule

Create a cohesive theme and schedule for your event with your goals in mind and the needs and preferences of your target audience as guidelines. Consider what content will have the biggest impact and how to integrate engagement opportunities to connect with attendees.

Step 3: Who Are You Marketing to and How Will You Reach Them?

The next step is to attract attention and drive signups for your event. The key consideration here is to consider who you’re marketing to and where you can reach them with promotional content. Use existing customer personas or audience data to get these insights.

Step 4: Ensure That You Have the Correct Event Technology in Place

The technology you choose to create and manage your event can have a big impact on its success, particularly if you’re hosting a virtual event. Consider a dedicated event hosting platform like ON24 to ensure your event runs smoothly and gives you the capacity to engage seamlessly with your audience.

Step 5: Measurement of ROI

After your event has concluded, measure its impact by calculating the return on investment (ROI) using the goals you set at the start of the process as your primary metric. If your goal was to generate leads, for instance, your ROI would be calculated by dividing the total cost of the webinar by the number of leads generated.

Step 6: Collect Attendee Feedback

Finally, remember to collect feedback from your event attendees to gain insights into how you can improve things next time. You can do this with polls or surveys sent to all attendees or by reaching out to people individually. Also, focus on event analytics data to learn when your audience is most engaged.

Frequently Asked Questions

Female looking at laptop

Here are quick answers to some of the most common questions about event marketing.

What Is The Definition of Event Marketing?

Event marketing involves using events as a marketing platform, gathering an audience in person or virtually to deliver content, provide education and promote a product, service or brand.

Why Should Companies Use Event Marketing?

Event marketing presents some unique benefits that make it ideal for marketing purposes, including the ability to interact directly with the audience to keep them engaged.

Can You Do Event Marketing For Virtual Events?

An event marketing strategy can be based entirely on virtual events, which are particularly effective because they’re generally cheaper to host and offer enhanced engagement opportunities. 

Social Tables

Looking for an event planning ppt?

1. 19 event trends for 2019.

An annual Social Tables tradition, our event trends report predicts the biggest changes to hit both planners and venues in the year ahead. This year, Social Tables General Manager Dan  Berger teamed up with EventMB’s Julius Solaris to take a look into the crystal ball, delivering these very slides in a much-anticipated webinar . (Don’t want to watch? We used the content to create an event trends blog post too!)

3 Big Takeaways

  • Unique venues will be all the rage – A whopping majority (92.3%) of event professionals believe that meetings are more  likely to be booked outside of a hotel than ever.
  • Bleisure will be bigger than ever – Citing statistics from Destination International, Berger reports that more and more attendees are looking at conferences and tradeshows as an excuse for leisure travel.
  • Mid-size cities will gain appeal as meeting destinations – Continued investment in infrastructure and shifting attendee desires will allow midsize cities to slice off a bigger piece of the meetings pie.

19 Trends Shacking Up Events in 2019

2. Cvent Global Planner Sourcing Infographic

While it’s not an event management ppt in the traditional sense, this infographic from Cvent’s Global Planner Sourcing Report packs as much important information into an infographic as you’ll find in any slideshare. Based on an analysis of survey responses from 2,100+ planners, the infographic dives into the ins and outs of venue sourcing and the forces that drive sourcing behavior.

  • Most planners are sourcing for their companies – 68% of respondents were internal meeting planners sourcing venues for their companies ” as opposed to event planning companies, association planners, or SMERF planners.
  • The majority of planners are millennials – A whopping 49% of respondents were between 18-34 years old, highlighting the generational shift that has occurred in our industry.
  • Planners are tasked with planning more meetings – 60% of respondents reported planning more meetings in the year ahead.

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3. 21 Ways to Boost Your Event

Author and TEDx speaker Cyriel Kortleven breaks down a number of ways that planners and presenters can create event concepts that provide engaging and inspiring experiences. Use these 21 ideas to rethink the way you’re presenting content and communicating with attendees.

  • Create personalized experiences through interactive formats – Formats like an unconference can put the reins in attendees’ hands, allowing them to steer the agenda in directions that interest them most.
  • Border topics can break up the monotony – While most industries have their usual speakers, speakers on topics that border the industry allow attendees to forge enlightening connections between topics.
  • Keep your audience on their toes – Build in plenty of surprises that will disrupt audience expectations and capture attention.

4. Meetings in 2028: Predictions for the Future

Our very own Dan Berger loves looking to the future of the events. In this presentation created for WEC MPI, Dan makes some bold predictions for what events will look like a decade from now. Along the way, he covers some of the many global trends trends that will ultimately materialize corresponding shifts in meetings industry trends as well.

  • New ways to travel will change behavior – As homesharing adds inventory at every corner of the globe and autonomous vehicle enhance transportation, remote destinations will start to compete with traditional favorites.
  • AI will make planning & attending events even better – AI promises benefits for the industry such as higher ROI via less serendipity and sophisticated algorithms that match event objectives with ideal venues.
  • The DNA of events will change as face time becomes more precious – Influencer marketing will play a huge role in driving attendance as a result, while festivilized experiences become the new standard for large events.

5. Increasing Conference Collaboration

A self-titled Chief Epiphany Officer, Jeff Hurt has created some incredible presentations over the years when it comes to attendee education and engagement. In this event planning presentation, Jeff lays out how conferences can shift from a market-share environment to a mind-share experience, spurring increased collaboration among participants.

  • The language we use is important – Language shapes the way we think about working as one ” whether it’s adding words like co-create to our lexicon or making the slight shift from collaboration to collaborative intelligence.
  • The market-share mentality places value on shortage – In this mindset, we place value on objects according to their scarcity and create a have/have-not binary. This binarical view leads to a system where one person is always definitely right and the other definitely wrong.
  • The mind-share mentality places value on relationships – Jeff argues that in a system of thinking where ideas hold more value than things, we move away from the transactional nature of how usually work together.

6. How to Choose a Purposeful Meeting Destination

At the heart of experience creation is a meeting destination that maps beautifully back to the purpose of the event at hand. But just how does one pick the perfect destination? Dan argues that in the modern world of event management, the age-old formula of  rates, dates, and space leaves out an all-too-important fourth element.

3 Big Takeaways:

  • A destination operates on three levels – When we talk about a destination, we’re referring to the city that hosts the events, the venue the event takes place in, and the setup of the space within the venue.
  • We also need to add the idea of place – Place is everything that makes a destination unique: culture, history, expertise, knowledge economies, people, perception, and more.
  • Place needs to map to purpose – The overall event purpose and objective should have a cohesive relationship with all of the elements that make up the idea of place. (i.e. the meeting destination should be instrumental in bringing the purpose to fruition on a deeper level.)

eBook: Where You Meet Matters

Looking for an event marketing ppt?

1. the definitive guide to event marketing.

As event marketing continues to grow its foothold in the playbook of countless brands, this guide is more relevant than ever. It does a great job serving as a sort-of Event Marketing 101 by making the case for event marketing and laying out the keys to success across channels and down the funnel ” from leveraging social networks to smart strategies for lead nurture and scoring.

  • Segmentation is the key – No matter what your promotion mix, your event marketing strategy won’t have success without smart segmentation that buckets users into actionable personas.
  • People attend a company’s event for face time with the brand – In the same way that the importance of face-to-face interactions is growing, users and consumers are looking to have meaningful interactions with brands. (Leverage your brand personality!)
  • Events don’t have to be physical events – Webinars and other virtual events can be extremely effective amongst attendees while requiring far less resources to pull off.

2. 5 Must Do’s to Increase Attendance at Your Next Meeting

These slides from a DMAI (Destination Marketing Association International) webinar capture much of the key information from their presentation. While the content is crafted for CVBs to promote their destinations, event marketers can use nearly all of these insights and apply them to a successful event promotion strategy. There are also some great ideas for how event teams and CVBs can work together more closely and impactfully.

  • Success means a strong understanding of attendee interests – Event marketers should leverage user insights to create attendee personas, thus allowing them to identify specific tactics that work at a more targeted level.
  • Targeted tactics should focus on three elements – The relevancy of the messaging to the persona, the timing of the message, and the overall channel mix should form the foundation for any targeted promotion.
  • Focus on reducing friction – From the event website all the way on down, marketers need to reduce friction by making information easy to find and engage with.  

Bring successful events to life, no stress

3. 8 social media trends to watch in 2019.

From targeted ads to user-generated content and influencer campaigns, social media is more than likely a huge part of your marketing mix. In this event marketing presentation, Arik Hanson ” a well-known social media consultant to Fortune 500 companies ” predicts the eight most important trends to keep an eye on across platforms.

  • Instagram will become the preferred social home base for brands – The headline says it all, but Arik also goes on to point out the growing importance of Instagram stories ” something more event marketers should throw in the mix.
  • Engagement will begin to fade as a key metric – Engagement rates on Facebook are plummeting, but Arik believes that marketers shouldn’t fret. It’s not just your event ” it’s happening across the board and across industries!
  • Influencer marketing will refine itself – Influencer marketing will shift to a focus on influencers who are more credible, while becoming less episodic through more long-term influencer strategies and engagement.

4. Mary Meeker’s Internet Trends Report

An annual tradition praised and relied upon in countless industries, Mary Meeker’s Internet Trends Report holds invaluable insight into shifting internet behaviors. It’s a must-scroll for any marketer, but it’s PACKED with information that will take a little extra elbow grease to delve through. It also requires a little imagination to take high-level trends and map them back to granular marketing tactics  ” easier said than done sometimes.

  • Personalization is becoming the new norm – Whereas personalization has until now been a true marketing differentiator, the sophisticated ways in which companies are using increased data is turning it into an expectation.
  • Uber & Airbnb are making cities accessible for less – Rideshare and homeshare apps are driving down the costs of transportation and accommodation, thus making travel less of a barrier to entry.
  • Consumers are willing to trade information for clear personal benefit – With consumers willing to trade data for deals, how can you get creative with your event marketing to capitalize? Also, how can you use that data to create a more personalized, more satisfying experience for prospects and attendees?

You’ve learned¦now apply that knowledge!

Whether you’re a planner or marketer, hopefully you’ve found an event management ppt in this list that can help you take your game to the next level. Because one thing’s for sure: In our industry, if you’re not on top of the newest info, you might just become old news.

Looking for more event planning resources ? Keep learning with 20 hospitality certifications you could get, or start creating your next event with the event planning checklist.

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event marketing strategy presentation

Event Strategy Guide 2024

iPad and phone with coffee

Your event strategy is one of the most important parts of your meetings and events program. It’s almost impossible not to have an event strategy. Not having one, no matter the size and scope of your meetings or events, is setting yourself up for failure. An effective meetings and events program encompasses all event types (in-person, virtual, and hybrid) and comes down to your event strategy. It seeps into every aspect of your business. From event goals to proving event success, your strategy is the roadmap to what you hope to achieve with your meetings and events program and how you’ll measure that success. 

What Is an Event Strategy?

Oftentimes, event strategy takes a backseat. Why? Planners get so bogged down by the day-to-day it can be challenging to focus on the bigger-picture strategic plan. Sound familiar? 

Simply put, event strategy is an organization’s ability to develop a purposeful, measurable, and data-informed meetings and events program across all in-person, virtual, and hybrid events . This strategy should align with organizational goals. The effectiveness of an event strategy lies in the clarity and relevance of its key performance indicators (KPIs), how an organization decides which events to host and attend (the event selection process), how events are approved, and budget management.

Event Strategy Plan

Business planning

While event strategy may seem abstract, an event strategy plan is concrete. It identifies the roadmap for the future year or quarters and areas of opportunity and goals. Your event strategy plan stems from a combination of business and organizational goals. 

While unique to your department, your event strategy impacts and should align with overarching company goals. Event planning, while at times may seem haphazard, should have purpose and structure. Based on the types of events your organization deems relevant, your event strategy plan should ensure company goals align with the events hosted, in-person or virtually, to ensure event success and return on investment (ROI). 

Event strategy planning can take place at any time of year but is most beneficial when done alongside company goal setting. The beginning of the year or start of a new quarter is a great time to sit down and work through your event strategy plan. 

Event Strategy Template

Create an event strategy template that you can revisit in years to come. A framework offers a great base to get you started. Your template should follow a format recognized by stakeholders. If all plans take the form of Word documents with subheadings and addendums, lay out your template in the same way. If your company relies on PowerPoints, set up the skeleton of your plan in a series of slides. This template is meant to make planning easier – not add additional steps. If you start off on the right foot, you’ll have less work to do down the road.

As you begin building a template, think about the following: 

  • What are the organization’s primary business goals for the year?
  • How can events impact or tie into those goals?
  • What event type (in-person, virtual, or hybrid) will best meet event goals?
  • How many events will be created during the year?
  • What types of events will be in your plan?
  • What is the desired output of your events?
  • Does your team have adequate resources to carry out the anticipated number of events?
  • Could event management tools be used to take your event program to the next level?

Define Event Purpose 

Each event you plan has a purpose. If it didn’t, then you wouldn’t receive stakeholder support. A few event objective examples are to network, gather leads , increase team morale, or educate. Whatever the event's purpose, it should tie back to your strategic event objectives.  

Event Objectives

There are two levels of event objectives. One is at the individual event level, the other for your entire events program. Your event objective is tied to the primary purpose of the event. To be effective, your event objective should be clear, focused on an attainable goal, and relate to your overall event strategy. 

Event Purpose Statement

The purpose of your special events should be clearly spelled out. An event purpose statement can do just that. By creating an event purpose statement for each event, you can identify level of importance, necessary spend, and organizational focus. Your event promotion and event marketing strategy will be commensurate with the event's purpose. Consider creating a purpose statement for each event that identifies the target attendees, the reasoning for creating the event, and the expected outcome. When you can, make the language of the event purpose statement align with company goals. 

Set Clear Event Goals

The crucial first step to accomplishing your goals is to define them. The question is, “Why am I holding this event?” This is where you define your specific goals and objectives for your event.

Meeting Goals and Objectives

Some meetings have very clear goals by virtue of the meeting type. At a sales kickoff , for example, the goal is probably to let the sales team talk shop—trading competitive intel, team building, and getting motivated for the new sales period. Meanwhile, events like an annual general meeting can have varying objectives arising from a variety of long-term factors. It’s important to know those contextual details when defining your goals. Goals will change depending on whether the event will be hosted virtually, in-person, or hybrid, as all have different benefits and limitations. However, this doesn’t mean that you should brush off this first step for meetings that seem to have obvious goals. It’s important to define your goals in the context of each event, hence ‘event strategy.’

Align Company Goals and Event Strategy

Strategic event planning starts with identifying organizational goals and using the power of events to reach those goals. You know your organization’s goals. That’s a great place to start. If you want to grow revenue, your event should be centered around your product. While a networking happy hour might be fun, it is more likely to increase leads and face-to-face connections rather than securing closed deals. The type of event you choose to host should align with top company priorities.

Cvent CONNECT Party

Company Goals and Types of Events

  • Grow Revenue: Trade show
  • Build Brand: Thought leadership conference
  • Decrease Organizational Turnover: Internal team building event
  • Educate Clients: Virtual training sessions

Plan Your Calendar of Events

Timing is important. Product launches, membership sign-up times, and even the weather can play a role in attendee availability.

Take stock of:

  • Industry events
  • Competitor events
  • Time of Year
  • Attendee Location

Use Smart Goals

There’s nothing worse than planning an amazing event that, when it’s all over and done with, has no analytics tracked to measure success. Strategic event planning is about data and analytics . It’s about creating goals that will tell you if your event served the purpose it was meant to serve or if it flopped. You need to understand the data you can gather at your events and whether or not you’re tracking what you need to track.

  • Set a Deadline: If the goal never ends, you can’t know if you succeed.
  • Make it Measurable: Vague language doesn’t work. This is the time to set quantitative goals.
  • Take Out Ambiguity: You shouldn’t question event success; it needs to be abundantly clear what is and isn’t a success.
  • Make it Realistic: Base goals off of past events.

Performance Goals for Event Planners

Here are a few examples of the types of areas you could build your performance goals around. 

Group of people registering at Cvent CONNECT

  • Event attendance
  • Mobile event app engagement
  • Sponsorship spend
  • Leads capture
  • Social media engagement
  • Registrations
  • Session attendance
  • Submitted feedback surveys 
  • Overall satisfaction score

Event ROI: Understanding the Basics

Event goals and ROI are similar, though they don’t have to be the same. A goal is what you strive to achieve based on past performance, while event return on investment is the breakdown of how successful your event was based on indirect and direct costs.

Appointments in a mobile event app

Return on investment (ROI) is important to every business and a necessary part of proving the success of your event strategy. Often, event planners define ROI too narrowly. There are many event ROI metrics that come down to more than simple spend and revenue. Proving event ROI proves event success and creates event success metrics.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

From user conferences to trade shows and roadshows to seminars, there are many different types of events an organization can host or attend. Generally, each event serves a different purpose, and it’s important to articulate what success looks like for each type of event. For example, trade shows are great ways to generate leads, while a roadshow may be held to accelerate the pipeline. Defining how you’ll measure success for each event type is central to communicating their value.

Direct & Indirect Costs

Direct costs include those items that are easily tracked by monetary spending. For instance, food and beverage, venue rental, travel, entertainment, décor, and marketing and promotional costs. You’re invoiced for all of these items after your event, and the cost is clear. Additionally, indirect costs are the costs of hosting your event. These costs are allocated based on resource assignment. Examples include salaries, allocation of technology expenses, and other shared resources. Planners can calculate these costs by using accounting processes such as activity-based costing. This method assigns attributed costs to products, services, and events. Work with your finance team for help with these calculations.

Direct Revenue

Also, easily understood and easy to calculate is direct revenue. This is money made directly from hosting or participating in an event. Direct revenue includes ticket sales or registration fees, sponsorship packages, onsite product sales, hotel commissions, advertising, fundraising, and government grants. This revenue would not be collected unless you hosted your event.

Opportunity Cost

Opportunity costs don’t show up on a company’s balance sheet but are part of every event. Opportunity costs arise from the scarcity of resources and how an organization chooses to deploy those resources, whether it’s people, products, or services. Because a company invests in an event, they forgo an investment into a digital marketing or a brand campaign. This alternative source of value represents an opportunity cost.

Attributed Revenue

Organizations market and promote their products through sessions, product showcases, and 1:1 meetings. Product positioning drives benefits over the long term, and as these deals close, they are booked as attributed revenue. Multiple attribution models exist. Work with your internal teams to determine what model makes the most sense for your organization.

Brand Equity

Last, and the hardest to calculate, is brand equity, which refers to the brand value of an organization. Brand equity is an intangible benefit; therefore, it is not measurable and offers longer tail rewards. A number of variables feed into this event driver, including awareness, quality, image, loyalty, and identity. Event attendance leads to customer loyalty, which fuels Customer Lifetime Value, the long-term profit from a customer over the course of their affiliation with the brand.

Event Marketing

Event marketing is a big part of making your event a success. Your event strategy is tied to event marketing. Event marketing can be thought of in two different ways. It can be considered event promotion for an individual event or how your event ties into your overall marketing mix. 

Wall of Customer Stories

Email Marketing Objectives

Event marketing objectives can be centered around a variety of factors. Building event technology into your marketing program can allow you to scale your program and create a wider reach. 


  • Event promotion to drive registration
  • Retweets and shares
  • Engagement on social media
  • Email marketing success: open rates, click-through rate

Examples of Event Marketing Goals

You should have individual goals for each subset of planning. When it comes to marketing, your goals will be based on promotion. Depending on your event budget , you want to get the most for your money. Nowadays, marketing metrics are clearer. It’s easier to understand when you’ve been successful. Here are a few examples of marketing goals.

  • Increase shares/reposts/comments on social media platforms
  • Increase reach and post-engagement
  • Increase click-through rate and decrease CPC on paid ads
  • Increase form fills on the event website

Event Marketing Tools 

There are a few tools that will make event marketing much easier. Event marketing ideas rely largely on technology and trends . Understand your resources and what you have the capacity to do when marketing your event. Don’t be afraid to try experiential marketing or a sponsored event activation onsite. 

  • Email marketing tools : These tools allow you to build, schedule, send, and track branded emails to drive event registration. 
  • Mobile event apps : At this point, a mobile event app is a necessity. They increase attendee engagement, provide a central hub for networking, allow attendees to create their own agendas, and offer opportunities for sponsorship and branding .
  • Event website : An event website builder makes it possible to create a website with no coding knowledge. The event website is the hub of information for your event. Make sure it’s branded, enticing, and provides all the information needed. 
  • Social media tools: Consider investing in social event planning tools that allow you to schedule posts ahead of time. Creating a calendar of posts will provide a better insight into your social media event strategy for stakeholders and make your life easier. 

Event Requirements Checklist

Attendees on phone

Event Master Plan

From a basic event checklist to a day-of-event checklist, event planners know their way around a list. It’s the best way to stay organized in the moment. Do what works best for you, but think about creating a few different checklists. From event execution to small to-dos, checklists can keep you organized. Don’t forget to make them digital! It might be more satisfying to check items off a handwritten list, but using one that’s accessible from your phone and computer and could be shared with team members will be more beneficial in the long run.  

Understand Your Resources

There are a few things you have to understand before you can build out your event strategy. Your resources are all of those things that help you to accomplish your goals. You may have a little money, a lot of money, a small staff, or a big one, but you have to know what you’re working with. It’s unreasonable to think that you can put on 20 five-hundred-person events per year with a staff of two and a ten-thousand-dollar budget for the entire year. Without event management technology, having a clear grasp of your data and analytics is challenging.

Resources to Review:

  • Company support
  • Education/Event Planning Knowledge
  • Event Management Technology

Bringing It All Together

Building a cohesive event strategy takes time. It is made up of goals, proving event success, event marketing, the onsite experience, surveys, and more. Essentially, it is your entire meeting and event program, which includes all in-person, virtual, and hybrid events, rolled up into an overarching strategy that will help you reach organizational goals. To begin, start with where you’ve been. Historically, look at the events you’ve thrown and where successes and failures lie. Once you have your event strategy, look at your tech options. The right virtual event tool can bring your strategy to life. The Virtual Attendee Hub keeps everything on the same platform and makes strategizing and learning from past events easier than ever. 

Virtual Event Strategy

Just like your in-person events, your virtual events should have a clear strategy and goal. You need to define why you are hosting this virtual event. If your virtual event does not have a key goal, why are you spending money on it? Make sure that your goal for your event will transfer well to a virtual setting. Do not simply translate your existing in-person event to a virtual event. Not all content will resonate virtually. Evaluate whether or not a virtual event is the best way to achieve your goals. Virtual event strategy, much like event strategy, gives your event focus and makes planning easier. A virtual meeting shouldn't exist simply for the sake of existing. With every virtual meeting, no matter how large or small, clarify your virtual event strategy. 

Event Strategy Leads to Event Success

In order to plan your events strategically, you need to start early. It isn’t about throwing something together in the last minute just to host an event. Your content, your entertainment, your date, your location – everything needs to align with the event. More than that, you need the right resources to support your events so that your event strategy doesn’t hit any snags. Event management technology is critical at every stage of the planning process. Creating the perfect strategic events program takes time and a lot of trial and error.

Hope Swedeen

Hope Salvatori

Hope is a Senior Content Marketing Associate who has been with Cvent for more than two years. She has 8 years of experience producing content for corporations, small businesses, associations, nonprofits, and universities. As a content professional, she has created content for a wide range of industries, including meetings and events, government and defense, education, health, and more.

event marketing strategy presentation

More Reading

“discover cardo brussels: your ultimate mice hub in the heart of europe”, congratulations to the 2024 excellence awards winners, 33 event email subject lines that drive open rates.

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Event Marketing PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

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Promotional events that are organized as a strategy to showcase or launch a product or a service is known as Event Marketing.

Companies make use of many strategies to promote their new products and services before their advent in the market. This helps them grabbing customers’ interest that eventually helps boost the sale ratio and product image. Among such strategies, setting up campaigns and events to provide an insight into the new product have proven to be of great help. Incorporating such a marketing strategy in your company can help in gaining business growth. You can use our ready-to-use Event Marketing PPT template to discuss all the major aspects of this technique with your marketing team. The slides in this deck include relevant content in a visually appealing way to help your audience understand its details easily. So, download it today and help them understand more about this marketing technique.

Explain the Topic in Detail

When you decide to showcase your new product or service with the world, and get your team ready for the same, discuss some points that are of utter importance with this deck of slides, such as:

  • Marketing ideas
  • Importance of event marketing
  • Objective of the event
  • Pre-event strategy
  • Event launch
  • Day to day tracking
  • Final event
  • Promotional trends
  • Marketing checklist
  • Strategies for the event

If you have already begun making your slideshow, then you can pick and use any of the slides and infographics from this template as well. Also, you can add or remove from it and make your final one.

Visual Elements to Make it Impressive

The biggest role in any presentation is of the visuals, which means choosing the right color theme, and accurate information can help you make your presentation more appealing and informative for the viewers. The set is prepared in two different layouts (blue and multicolor). The infographics and objects used in the slides are HD and vector-based to ensure that editing them would not impact their resolution quality. You can easily work on the size, shape, style, and color of any of the elements. Letting you set all the elements fit best to express your message more effectively.

Versatile Compatibility Options

When you are working on different devices or job sites, you may find the available platform for editing a PPT is different. Thus, what looks super cool at your home, may not even run on the office desktop. To save you from this trouble, we provide this template accessible on Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Apple Keynote. Also, it is available for two different aspect ratios, one standard (4:3) and another widescreen (16:9). So, no matter which platform and screen size you are using to run these slides, they won’t disappoint you.

Useful and Time-Saving Features

Making a presentation from scratch needs a lot of effort and time. But here, our professional designers have made this PowerPoint template to save you from the hassle and be ready to present an amazing slideshow whenever required. It is 100% editable to let you make the changes without any designing experience. Thus, you can save unnecessary effort in researching the appropriate content and designing visuals; instead, work better on strategies and content in the slideshow.

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How to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy in 9 Easy Steps [Free Template]

Creating your social media marketing strategy doesn’t need to be painful. Create an effective plan for your business in 9 simple steps.

How to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy in 9 Easy Steps (Free Template) | Hootsuite

A social media marketing strategy is a summary of everything you plan to do and hope to achieve on social media. It guides your actions and lets you know whether you’re succeeding or failing.

The more specific your plan is, the more effective it will be. Keep it concise. Don’t make it so lofty and broad that it’s unattainable or impossible to measure.

In this post, we’ll walk you through a nine-step plan to create a winning social media strategy of your own. We’ve even got expert insights from Amanda Wood, Hootsuite’s Senior Manager of Social Marketing.

How to create a social media strategy:

Bonus: Get a free social media strategy template   to quickly and easily plan your own strategy. Also use it to track results and present the plan to your boss, teammates, and clients.

What is a social media marketing strategy?

A social media strategy is a document outlining your social media goals, the tactics you will use to achieve them and the metrics you will track to measure your progress.

Your social media marketing strategy should also list all of your existing and planned social media accounts along with goals specific to each platform you’re active on. These goals should align with your business’s larger digital marketing strategy.

Finally, a good social media plan should define the roles and responsibilities within your team and outline your reporting cadence.

event marketing strategy presentation

Create. Schedule. Publish. Engage. Measure. Win.

Creating your own social media marketing strategy (video guide)

No time to read the whole article? Let Amanda, Hootsuite’s own Senior Manager of Social Media Marketing, guide you through our free social media marketing strategy template in less than 10 minutes:

How to create a social media marketing strategy in 9 steps

Step 1. choose goals that align to business objectives, set s.m.a.r.t. goals.

The first step to creating a winning social media strategy is to establish clear objectives and goals. Without goals, you have no way to measure success and return on investment (ROI) .

Each of your social media marketing goals should be SMART : s pecific, m easurable, a ttainable, r elevant and t ime-bound.

Psst: Need help getting started? We’ve got social strategy guides for small businesses , financial services , government , higher education , healthcare , real estate , law firms , and non-profits .

Oh, and if you need examples of smart social media goals , we’ve got you covered there too.

track your social media goals in a social media strategy doc, like this one.

Once you’ve decided on your goals, track them in a social media strategy doc — grab our free template if you don’t have one already.

Track meaningful metrics

Vanity metrics like number of followers and likes are easy to track, but it’s hard to prove their real value. Instead, focus on things like engagement, click-through, and conversion rates.

For inspiration, take a look at these 19 essential social media metrics .

You may want to track different goals for different social media networks, or even different uses for each network.

For example, if you use LinkedIn to drive traffic to your website, you would measure click-throughs. If Instagram is for brand awareness, you might track the number of Instagram Story views. And if you advertise on Facebook, cost-per-click (CPC) is a common success metric.

Social media goals should align with your overall marketing objectives. This makes it easier to show the value of your work and secure buy-in from your boss.

Screenshot of chart showing how social media goals should align to business objectives for an effective social media marketing strategy.

Start developing a successful social media marketing plan by writing down at least three goals for social media.

“ It’s easy to get overwhelmed by deciding what to post and which metrics to track, but you need to focus on what you want to get out of social media to begin with,” says Amanda Wood, Hootsuite’s Senior Manager of Social Marketing. “Don’t just start posting and tracking everything: match your goals to your business, and your metrics to your goals.”

Step 2. Learn everything you can about your audience

Get to know your fans, followers, and customers as real people with real wants and needs, and you will know how to target and engage them on social media.

When it comes to your ideal customer, you should know things like:

  • Average income
  • Typical job title or industry

Here’s a simple guide and template for creating audience/buyer personas .

Document important information about your target customers in your social media strategy doc

Don’t forget to document this information in your strategy doc!

Social media analytics can also provide a ton of valuable information about who your followers are, where they live, and how they interact with your brand on social media. These insights allow you to refine your strategy and better target your audience.

Jugnoo, an Uber-like service for auto-rickshaws in India, used Facebook Analytics to learn that 90% of their users who referred other customers were between 18- and 34-years-old, and 65% of that group was using Android. They used that information to target their ads, resulting in a 40% lower cost per referral.

Check out our guide to using social media analytics and the tools you need to track them .

Step 3. Get to know your competition

Odds are your competitors are already using social media, and that means you can learn from what they’re doing.

Conduct a competitive analysis

A competitive analysis allows you to understand who the competition is and what they’re doing well (and not so well). You’ll get a good sense of what’s expected in your industry, which will help you set social media targets of your own.

It will also help you spot opportunities and weaknesses you can document in your social strategy doc.

track essential information about your competitors in your social strategy doc

Maybe one of your competitors is dominant on Facebook, for example, but has put little effort into X (Twitter) or Instagram. You might want to focus on the social media platforms where your audience is underserved, rather than trying to win fans away from a dominant player.

Use social media listening

Social listening is another way to keep an eye on your competitors.

Do searches of the competition’s company name, account handles, and other relevant keywords on social media. Find out what they’re sharing and what other people are saying about them. If they’re using influencer marketing, how much engagement do those campaigns earn them?

Pro tip : Use Hootsuite Streams to monitor relevant keywords, hashtags and accounts in real-time.

Try Hootsuite for free. You can cancel anytime.

As you track, you may notice shifts in how your competitors and industry leaders are using social media. You may come across new, exciting trends. You might even spot specific social content or a campaign that really hits the mark—or totally bombs.

Use this kind of intel to optimize and inform your own social media marketing strategy.

Just don’t go overboard on the spy tactics, Amanda advises. “ Make sure you aren’t ALWAYS comparing yourself to the competition — it can be a distraction. I’d say checking in on a monthly basis is healthy. Otherwise, focus on your own strategy and results.”

Step 4. Do a social media audit

If you’re already using social media, take stock of your efforts so far. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What’s working, and what’s not?
  • Who is engaging with you?
  • What are your most valuable partnerships?
  • Which networks does your target audience use?
  • How does your social media presence compare to the competition?

Once you collect that information, you’ll be ready to start thinking about ways to improve.

We’ve created an easy-to-follow social media audit guide and template to walk you through each step of this process.

Screenshot of a social media audit spreadsheet for building an effective social media marketing strategy

Your audit should give you a clear picture of what purpose each of your social accounts serves. If the purpose of an account isn’t clear, think about whether it’s worth keeping.

To help you decide, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is my audience here?
  • If so, how are they using this platform?
  • Can I use this account to help achieve my goals?

Asking these tough questions will keep your social media strategy focused.

Look for impostor accounts

During the audit, you may discover fake accounts using your business name or the names of your products.

These imposters can be harmful to your brand—never mind that they’re capturing followers that should be yours.

You may want to get your accounts verified too to ensure your fans know they are dealing with the real you.

Here’s how to get verified on:

  • X (Twitter)

Step 5. Set up accounts and improve profiles

Decide which networks to use.

As you decide which social networks to use, you will also need to define your strategy for each.

Benefit Cosmetics’ social media manager, Angela Purcaro, told eMarketer : “For our makeup tutorials … we’re all about Snapchat and Instagram Stories. [X], on the other hand, is designated for customer service.”

Hootsuite’s own social team even designates different purposes for formats within networks. On Instagram, for example, they use the feed to post high-quality educational infographics and product announcements and Stories to cover live events or quick social media updates.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Hootsuite 🦉 (@hootsuite)

Pro tip : Write out a mission statement for each network. A one-sentence declaration to keep you focused on a specific goal.

Example: “We will use X for customer support to keep email and call volumes down.”

Or: “We will use LinkedIn for promoting and sharing our company culture to help with recruitment and employee advocacy.”

One more: “We will use Instagram to highlight new products and repost quality content from influencers.”

If you can’t create a solid mission statement for a particular social media channel, you may want to ask yourself if it’s worth it.

Note : While larger businesses can and do tackle every platform, small businesses may not be able to — and that’s ok! Prioritize social platforms that will have the most impact on your business and make sure your marketing team has the resources to handle content for those networks. If you need help focusing your efforts, check out our 18-minute social media plan .

Set up your profiles

Once you’ve decided which networks to focus on, it’s time to create your profiles. Or improve existing ones so they align with your strategy.

  • Make sure you fill out all profile fields
  • Include keywords people would use to search for your business
  • Use consistent branding (logos, images, etc.) across networks so your profiles are easily recognizable

Pro tip : Use high-quality images that follow the recommended dimensions for each network. Check out our always-up-to-date social media image size cheat sheet for quick reference.

We’ve also got step-by-step guides for each network to walk you through the process:

  • Create a Facebook business page
  • Create an Instagram business account
  • Create a TikTok account
  • Create a X (Twitter) business account
  • Create a Snapchat account
  • Create a LinkedIn Company Page
  • Create a Pinterest business account
  • Create a YouTube channel

Don’t let this list overwhelm you. Remember, it’s better to use fewer channels well than to stretch yourself thin trying to maintain a presence on every network.

Optimize your profiles (and content) for search

Never heard of social SEO ? It’s time to learn.

44% of Gen Z consumers use social platforms to research their purchase decisions, which means it’s extra critical that your channels are optimized for social search.

That means making sure your profile names are clear and descriptive, you’re including relevant hashtags and keywords in your bio and on every post, and you’re using features like alt text and captions to include your target keywords as naturally as possible.

Step 6. Find inspiration

While it’s important that your brand be unique, you can still draw inspiration from other businesses that are great on social.

“ I consider it my job to stay active on social: to know what’s trending, which campaigns are winning, what’s new with the platforms, who’s going above and beyond,” says Amanda. “This might be the most fun step for you, or the hardest one, but it’s just as crucial as the rest of them.”

Social media success stories

You can usually find these on the business section of the social network’s website. ( Here’s Facebook’s , for example.)

Case studies can offer valuable insights that you can apply to your own social media plan.

Award-winning accounts and campaigns

You could also check out the winners of The Facebook Awards or The Shorty Awards for examples of brands that are at the top of their social media game.

For learning and a laugh, check out Fridge-Worthy, Hootsuite’s bi-weekly awards show highlighting brands doing smart and clever things on social media.

Your favorite brands on social media

Who do you enjoy following on social media? What do they do that compels people to engage and share their content?

National Geographic, for example, is one of the best on Instagram, combining stunning visuals with compelling captions.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by National Geographic (@natgeo)

Then there’s Shopify. The ecommerce brand uses Facebook to sell themselves by showcasing customer stories and case studies.

And Lush Cosmetics is a great example of superior customer service on X. They use their 280 characters to answer questions and solve problems in an extremely charming and on-brand way.

event marketing strategy presentation

Source: lushcosmetics on X

Notice that each of these accounts has a consistent voice, tone, and style. That’s key to letting people know what to expect from your feed. That is, why should they follow you? What’s in it for them?

Consistency also helps keep your content on-brand even if you have multiple people on your social media team.

For more on this, read our guide on establishing a compelling brand voice on social media .

Ask your followers

Consumers can also offer social media inspiration.

What are your target customers talking about online? What can you learn about their wants and needs?

If you have existing social channels, you could also ask your followers what they want from you. Just make sure that you follow through and deliver what they ask for.

Step 7. Create a social media content calendar

Sharing great content is essential, of course, but it’s equally important to have a plan in place for when you’ll share content to get the maximum impact.

Your social media content calendar also needs to account for the time you spend interacting with the audience (although you need to allow for some spontaneous engagement as well).

Set your posting schedule

Your social media content calendar lists the dates and times at which you will publish types of content on each channel. It’s the perfect place to plan all of your social media activities—from images, link sharing, and re-shares of user-generated content to blog posts and videos. It includes both your day-to-day posting and content for social media campaigns.

Your calendar also ensures your posts are spaced out appropriately and published at the best times to post .

Pro tip: You can plan your whole content calendar and get recommended best times to post on every network based on your past engagement rate, impressions, or link click data in Hootsuite.

event marketing strategy presentation

Hootsuite’s Best Time to Publish feature

Determine the right content mix

Make sure your content strategy and calendar reflect the mission statement you’ve assigned to each social profile, so that everything you post is working to support your business goals.

(We know, it’s tempting to jump on every meme, but there should always be a strategy behind your social media marketing efforts!)

You might decide that:

  • 50% of content will drive traffic back to your website
  • 25% of content will be curated from other sources
  • 20% of content will support lead-generation goals (newsletter sign-ups, ebook downloads, etc.)
  • 5% of content will be about your company culture

Placing these different post types in your content calendar will ensure you maintain the right mix.

If you’re starting from scratch and you’re not sure what types of content to post, try the 80-20 rule :

  • 80% of your posts should inform, educate, or entertain your audience
  • 20% can directly promote your brand.

The 80-20 rule of social media publishing

You could also try the social media content marketing rule of thirds :

  • One-third of your content promotes your business, converts readers, and generates profit.
  • One-third of your content shares ideas and stories from thought leaders in your industry or like-minded businesses.
  • One-third of your content is personal interactions with your audience

The social media marketing rule of thirds

Whatever you decide on, be sure to document it in your strategy doc.

document your content pillars in your strategy doc

Don’t post too much or too little

If you’re starting a social media marketing strategy from scratch, you may not have figured out how often to post to each network for maximum engagement yet.

Post too frequently and you risk annoying your audience. But, if you post too little, you risk looking like you’re not worth following.

Start with these posting frequency recommendations:

  • Instagram (feed): 3-7 times per week
  • TikTok: 3-5 times per week
  • Facebook: 1-2 times per day
  • X (Twitter): 1-5 times per day
  • LinkedIn: 1-5 times per day

How often to publish on social media by each platform

Pro tip : Once you have your social media content calendar planned out, use a scheduling tool to prepare messages in advance rather than updating constantly throughout the day.

We might be biased, but we think Hootsuite is the best social media management tool. You can schedule social media posts to every network and the intuitive calendar view gives you a full picture of all your social activity each week.

Try It Free

Step 8. Create compelling content

Remember those mission statements you created for each channel in Step 5? Well, it’s time to go a bit deeper, a.k.a. provide some examples of the type of content you’ll post to fulfill your mission on each network.

If you’re not sure what to post, here’s a long list of social media content ideas to get you started. Or (to make it even easier) you can use an AI tool like OwlyWriter to generate on-brand content in a flash.

The idea here is to:

  • Keep your content aligned with the purpose of each network;
  • Show other stakeholders (if applicable) what kind of content they can expect to see on each network.

This last point especially will help you avoid any tension when your colleagues want to know why you haven’t posted their case study/whitepaper/blog post to TikTok yet. It’s not in the strategy, Linda!

Ideally, you will generate content types that are both suited to the network and the purpose you’ve set out for that network.

For example, you wouldn’t want to waste time posting brand awareness tweets if you’ve designated X/Twitter for primarily customer support. And you wouldn’t want to post super polished corporate video ads to TikTok, as users expect to see short, unpolished videos on that platform.

It might take some testing over time to figure out which type of content works best on which type of network, so prepare to update this section frequently.

We won’t lie: content creation isn’t as easy as everyone not on the social team seems to think. But if you’re struggling, Amanda suggests going back to basics.

The first question to ask is: is there cohesion between your content types? Is your content providing value? Do you have a good mix of entertaining, or educational content? What does it offer that makes a person stop and spend time? Creating a few different content pillars or categories that encompass different aspects of storytelling for your brand, and what you can offer your audience is a good start.

This brings us to Step 9.

Step 9. Track performance and make adjustments

Your social media marketing strategy is a hugely important document for your business, and you can’t assume you’ll get it exactly right on the first try.

As you start to implement your plan and track your results, you may find that some strategies don’t work as well as you’d anticipated, while others are working even better than expected.

That’s why it’s important to document your progress along the way.

event marketing strategy presentation

Look at performance metrics

In addition to the analytics within each social network (see Step 2), you can use UTM parameters to track social visitors as they move through your website, so you can see exactly which social posts drive the most traffic to your website.

Benchmark your results

You’ve got your numbers, but how do they stack up to the competition in your industry? Industry benchmarks are a great way to evaluate your performance against other businesses in your category.

If you’ve got Hootsuite Analytics , you can use our built-in social media benchmarking tool to compare the performance of your social accounts against the average of brands in your industry with just a couple of clicks.

You can set up custom timeframes, switch between networks — Instagram, Facebook, X (Twitter), LinkedIn, and TikTok — and look up benchmarks for metrics like followers, audience growth rate, engagement rate, clicks, shares, and much more.

You’ll also find resources to improve your performance  right in the summary section:

Industry benchmarking in Hootsuite Analytics: Performance summary with dedicated resources for improvement

Re-evaluate, test, and do it all again

Once this data starts coming in, use it to re-evaluate your strategy regularly. You can also use this information to test different posts, social marketing campaigns, and strategies against one another. Constant testing allows you to understand what works and what doesn’t, so you can refine your social media marketing strategy in real time.

You’ll want to check the performance of all your channels at least once a week and get to know the basics of social media reporting so you can track your growth over time.

Pro tip: If you use Hootsuite, you can review the performance of all your posts on every network in one place. Once you get the hang of checking your analytics, you may even want to customize different reports to show specific metrics over a variety of different time periods.

Surveys can also be a great way to find out how well your social media strategy is working. Ask your followers, email list, and website visitors whether you’re meeting their needs and expectations, and what they’d like to see more of. Then make sure to deliver on what they tell you.

Finalizing your social media strategy

Spoiler alert: nothing is final.

Social media moves fast. New networks emerge, others go through demographic shifts.

Your business will go through periods of change as well.

All of this means that your social media marketing strategy should be a living document that you review and adjust as needed. Refer to it often to stay on track, but don’t be afraid to make changes so that it better reflects new goals, tools, or plans.

When you update your social strategy, make sure to watch our 5-step video on how to updating your social media strategy for 2024:

Social media strategy template

Ready to start documenting? Grab your free social media strategy template below!

the cover page of Hootsuite's social media strategy template

What’s next? When you’re ready to put your plan into action, we’re here to help…

Save time managing your social media marketing strategy with Hootsuite. From a single dashboard you can easily:

  • Plan, create, and schedule posts to every network
  • Track relevant keywords, topics, and accounts
  • Stay on top of engagement with a universal inbox
  • Get easy-to-understand performance reports and improve your strategy as needed

Try Hootsuite for Free

With files from Shannon Tien .

Do it better with Hootsuite , the all-in-one social media tool. Stay on top of things, grow, and beat the competition.

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Christina Newberry is an award-winning writer and editor whose greatest passions include food, travel, urban gardening, and the Oxford comma—not necessarily in that order.

Amanda Wood is a senior social marketing professional who combines analytical and creative thinking to build brands.

As head of social at Hootsuite, Amanda oversees the global social strategy encompassing organic and paid social on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and LinkedIn, a social engagement and listening strategy, and an employee advocacy program.

As the leader of a high-performing social team, she has extensive experience collaborating with creatives to bring campaigns to life on social and drive business results.

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15 Communication Plan Templates for Professional Use (2024)

15 Communication Plan Templates for Professional Use (2024)

Written by: Orana Velarde

event marketing strategy presentation

Communication plans can help you deliver information timely and effectively to stakeholders in various situations — from a PR crisis to a new product launch. They are excellent tools to share with your team and prepare them to communicate properly in any given situation.

If you're intimidated by the idea of creating a communication plan from scratch, it's okay. You can simply use a pre-designed communication plan template to speed up the process.

We've put together a list of 15 professional communication plan examples for various use cases.

The best part?

You can edit these communication plan templates online and download them or share them with your team.

Here's a short selection of easy-to-edit Communication plan templates you can edit, share and download with Visme. View more below:

event marketing strategy presentation

Just choose the category from the list below that best describes your needs and start designing a successful communication strategy.

15 Communication Plan Templates for Professionals

Template #1: strategic communication plan, template #2: crisis communication plan, template #3: it communication plan, template #4: project management communication plan, template #5: internal communication plan, template #6: event communication plan, template #7: simple communication plan, template #8: change management communication plan, template #9: stakeholder communication plan, template #10: donor communication plan, template #11: school communication plan, template #12: emergency communication plan, template #13: marketing communication plan, template #14: product launch communication plan, template #15: diversity and inclusion communication plan, frequently asked questions (faqs).

Before you start scrolling, here’s a video on how to create attractive documents with Visme to get your creative juices flowing.

event marketing strategy presentation

Strategic communication plans are essential documents that corporations, organizations and companies use to maintain stable and constant communication with their audiences. Below is an example of a communication plan template you can use to streamline communication.

event marketing strategy presentation

This sleek strategic communication plan uses contrasting desaturation with bright colors to bring attention to the content. The placeholder sections in the table of contents include:

  • Executive Summary
  • Situational Analysis
  • Demographics

Adding your content is easy as all you have to do is copy and paste into the template and adjust as needed. If you want to add pages with a type of graph or more text content, just duplicate a page. Use the same colors as the rest of the design to have a balanced look and feel.

And if you’re short on time, you can use the Visme AI document generator to generate your communication plans or any other document in a matter of seconds. Just type in your prompt, provide a bit more context, select your preferred design and watch the tool produce your first draft in seconds.

Check out how the AI document generator tool works.

Every startup, company or enterprise is bound to have a moment of crisis to deal with. It could be an unhappy customer or a global pandemic. For that reason, you need a crisis communication plan to specify actionable practices in any crisis.

event marketing strategy presentation

Create your own Communication Plan with this easy-to-edit template! Edit and Download

With crisis communication plan templates like this one, all involved parties have access to the necessary information. Our designers have put together a collection of pages and sections to get you started, including:

  • Crisis Communication Policy
  • Crisis Command Center Team
  • CCC Activation Hierarchy
  • Media Liaison

To personalize your brand’s communication plan, simply change the colors and fonts using your Brand Kit . If you need more pages for more key messaging sections, it’s easy to duplicate the pre-designed pages and add your content.

You’ll need to adjust the layout a bit, so the pages don’t look the same. Change the image background for another and customize the text boxes and icons to match your content.

Here’s another great example of a communication plan. Share your project ideas and future goals effectively with our easy-to-use IT communication plan template. It's designed to help you choose the right communication channels and strategies for your IT projects.

IT Communication Plan

The communication template has a bold dark and red design theme that sets a powerful visual tone. With eye-catching visuals and straightforward layouts, this template makes it simple to present your project proposals, timelines, and resource allocation.

Collaborating with your team becomes a seamless experience, ensuring that your message is conveyed accurately and efficiently to all stakeholders.

Upgrade your project communication with this attention-grabbing dark and red-themed IT communication plan template, and make a lasting impression while conveying your ideas and goals with impact.

Is your team working on a project together and you need to keep everything in check and on track? Are you looking for a way to let everyone know what needs to be done and when?

This project management communication plan sample is just what you need as the basis of your action plan.

event marketing strategy presentation

Be clear and direct about what needs to be done, by whom and when. Putting it all in this project management communication framework template is going to create transparency within your team.

Your job as a project manager is to make sure everything is taken care of correctly and on time. When you use project communication plan templates like this one, your success rates go up.

Use the table of contents in this project management plan to outline all necessary information and key messaging. Explain how and when deliverables are to be expected and who are the key stakeholders in the process.

Link to collaboration channels and give instructions on how to use them best. Give instructions on how to name files and where everything is stored in the cloud.Use the Visme workflow tool to assign and manage each task, set deadlines and review and approve projects—all within your workspace.

Working on a project together takes careful planning. A project manager needs to ensure that everyone knows what’s expected of them and who to contact about different things.

If you’re a project manager or are in charge of an internal project for your company, this internal communications strategy template is just what you need to keep the team on track.

event marketing strategy presentation

Our professionally designed internal communication plan is easy to use and customize with your content. The sections are separated as follows:

  • Stakeholders
  • Implementation
  • Team Involved

If you plan to share your communication plan as a digital PDF, add links to the respective pages. This way, the reader can navigate to their desired content from the table of contents .

Use the timeline feature in the implementation section to visually schedule the tasks for the project. If you need to make the timeline longer, simply duplicate the page. Customize the colors and fonts for your brand using your Brand Kit.

Simplify the process of planning, organizing, and executing your events with our outstanding event communication plan template.

This complete communication strategy template comes equipped with step-by-step instructions, enabling you to seamlessly coordinate crucial event particulars, create detailed timelines, and ensure your guests are well-informed, all within a single platform.

Event Communication Plan

Featuring captivating visuals, contemporary fonts, and customizable color schemes, this template not only enhances the functionality of your event communication plan. The rich blend of serene blues, pristine whites, and vibrant pinks also adds an aesthetic touch that will leave a lasting impression.

Add flipbook effects so readers can interact with the document as if they are reading a book. Make event planning a breeze while keeping everything visually appealing with this versatile template.

Communications planning doesn’t always need to be complicated. A simple communication plan will do the job for any small project. All you need for effective communication is the key messaging and the relevant links to the preferred communication channels.

event marketing strategy presentation

This corporate communication plan template is simple and keeps things to only two pages. It effectively uses icons , progress bars and a table format to visualize possible situations of crisis and the appropriate response to each situation.

You can remove the cover page and download your communication plan as a single-page infographic . Or you can add more pages to turn it into a more comprehensive document.

If you’ve ever had to change something inside a company, you know how difficult it can be to it seamlessly. Change can be about a piece of software, a physical working location, a process or system.

A change management communication plan will help everyone involved in the transition by making sure they’re all on the same page.

event marketing strategy presentation

This change management communication plan designed by our Visme designers uses placeholder content for a change in CRM. The sections apply to any type of change and are:

  • Summary: What is changing and why?
  • Stakeholders: Who is involved in the change and how?
  • Phases: How will the change take place with the help of a timeline?

This is the perfect communication plan template to help your team change something seamlessly without affecting other aspects of your work.

When working on your plan, use Visme’s shortcut tool to easily find anything you want in the editor. Simply type forward slash (/) on your keyboard and search bar will appear. Type in a keyword to easily find design assets, tools and features in the Visme editor.

Having many stakeholders aiming for the same goal requires good organization and planning. Make sure everyone’s on board with this stakeholder communication plan example.

event marketing strategy presentation

This professionally designed template offers all the pages you need to organize the information for your stakeholders. Share everything they need to know about your company, the goals, objectives, changes, projections and more.

Plus, share all relevant information like the dates for team meetings, a project roadmap , and the manager’s phone number.

If you need more pages than the template provides, simply duplicate and add your content in text boxes. Also, maintain a visual balance in the general look-and-feel of the page.

To keep the communication plan easy to read and understand, link to longer content with popups or external hyperlinks. Make sure to share the finished communication plan as a digital PDF file.

A well-planned donor communication strategy is essential to the success of any fundraising campaign. With our user-friendly template, you can impress your donors and streamline your fundraising efforts. This comprehensive tool includes easy-to-follow sections for outlining your donor engagement strategy, establishing effective communication channels and tracking the progress of your campaigns.

Donor Communication Plan

Our template features engaging graphics and icons, sleek fonts, and customizable colors that not only make it visually appealing but also allow you to tailor it to your organization's unique branding.

Every part of this template is customizable. With Visme’s intuitive editor, you can change colors, fonts and more to fit your branding. Elevate your fundraising endeavors and make a lasting impression on your valued supporters with this visually captivating and user-friendly template.

Ensuring that all communication levels are clear and concise within a school setting can be difficult without a communication plan. That's because precise instructions and direction are often essential for teachers, staff, parents and managerial positions.

event marketing strategy presentation

Our school communication plan sample was created especially for you by our Visme designers. The three main sections cover communication strategies at three different levels:

  • Academic Communication
  • Staff Communication
  • School-Wide Communication

Customize the tables with your school colors and input your specific information into the cells. Make your communication plan interactive by adding links to the correct communication channels for direct messaging and virtual or in-person meetings, and then share it online.

An effective emergency communication plan is vital for ensuring the safety and well-being of your team members. When a disaster strikes, a well-structured and thorough plan can ensure swift, coordinated responses and minimize risks.

Emergency Communication Plan

Prepare your organization for emergency situations by sharing proven methods and solutions with this invaluable template. This stunning and user-friendly template simplifies the process, allowing you to outline essential procedures, contact information, and crucial resources. It provides indispensable guidance to your personnel in times of crisis, ensuring they are well-prepared and can respond effectively when needed most.

What makes this template shine are the striking images, visuals and design elements. In Visme’s library, you’ll find tons of visuals and design assets to communicate your ideas. Feel free to swap the template color theme to match your branding.

Need help writing or proofreading content for your plan? Visme’s AI writer is your handy assistant. All you need to do is write an accurate prompt that reflects your need and watch the magic happen.

Marketing and social media campaigns are successful when everyone involved knows what their part is in the process and what their tasks are. Setting every team member up with the information they need to reach a common goal is the primary purpose of this marketing communication plan.

event marketing strategy presentation

This marketing communication plan example has a colorful, modern feel. Circles form a big part of the visual layout, making the content easier to digest and more interesting to look at.

In this marketing communication plan template, there are four sections for your key messaging:

  • Goal and Objectives
  • SWOT Analysis

The SWOT analysis page is a practical guide to see where your project has weaknesses and what strengths will pull it through. On the last page, you’ll find a timeline to help keep every team member on track of their tasks and in what timeframe.

Easily customize the template to match your brand by using your Brand Kit. Share the template with team members to get feedback and collaborate on the final design. Track how many people have viewed or taken action on your plan using our analytics feature .

When launching a new product, it’s good practice to work as a team. The best way to make sure all the pre-launch tasks are taken care of is to create a product launch communication plan.

event marketing strategy presentation

In the six pages of this attractive product launch communication plan, you can lay out all the steps for your product’s pre and post-launch activities.

Use the timeline page to explain in detail what needs to happen. Specify which communication teams take care of what tasks, like the press release and influencer outreach emails.

Use hyperlinks to more in-depth content for specific teams and don’t forget to share the links to relevant communication platforms.

Use the sections set up for you in the template or create your own. Your key messaging will probably be similar to this but it’s easy to personalize or add more.

  • Launch Phases
  • Pre-Launch Activities
  • Post-Launch Follow Up

Make sure to include the steps for recording post-launch metrics as these are just as important as the ones done pre-launch. Plus, measurable insights can help with other product launch projects in the future.

Achieving diversity and inclusion in the workplace requires a clear and comprehensive communication plan. A plan will serve as a strategic framework to promote diversity and inclusion initiatives across your organization.

Diversity and Inclusion Communication Plan

This remarkable, fully customizable template is your compass for systematically advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion within your organization. The template has a clean and creative design layout with high-quality images and graphics that add visual excitement.

The eye-catching images are carefully selected to support your narrative and enhance the overall aesthetic of your plan. With its captivating design, you can effortlessly engage your entire workforce, presenting your vision, initiatives, and progress with impact and clarity.

There are multiple options for sharing your plan with stakeholders. You can share it online with a link or embed it on your website or landing page. Alternatively, you can download it in multiple formats.

Design Your Own Communication Plan Online

Creating a communication plan is easy when you have practical and inspiring templates to guide you. To get started with designing your communication plan, simply choose the template that best fits your vision and input your content.

If you're new to Visme, use one of the free templates and adjust the content accordingly. That said, you’d be surprised at what you can do with a premium Visme subscription .

With a premium subscription, not only will you get access to premium templates and graphic assets, you'll also be able to create any type of visual — from documents and presentations to infographics, charts, surveys, social media graphics and more.

You'll also be able to download your designs in multiple formats, from image to PDF to HTML5, work in collaboration with your team, create a Brand Kit and much more.

Ready to get started? Sign up for a free Visme account today and create a great-looking, comprehensive communication plan to share with your team.

Are you still weighing your options about creating a communication plan? Hopefully, the templates on this list inspired you to take a look and give them a try.

But you might still need a little help deciding if this is a suitable document for what you need. That’s why we’ve put together the most common questions asked about communications plans.

Q1. What is a communication plan?

A communication plan is a strategic document that shares coordinated, consistent and directed messaging for achieving a specific goal, such as managing a PR crisis or successfully launching a new product.

A communication plan can be printed, sent via email as a PDF or shared as a live online link. A well-structured and effective communication plan is the single most crucial factor of project management in any industry and for every use case.

Q2. What is the purpose of a communication plan?

The primary purpose of a communication plan is to deliver consistent information about a shared goal. It keeps everyone on the team on the same page about what needs to be done, how and when.

A communication plan solves many problems that teams usually face when there’s no clear direction for everyone involved. With a clear communication plan, everything is explained in detail and easy to follow.

All communication needs are laid out in detailed sections covering topics from goals and objectives to timelines and schedules . A communication plan brings together all the communication channels into one single document. From there, team members can spread out through relevant links and supplementary documents.

Q3. What’s included in a communication plan?

Every communication plan example is different, just how every project is different. But what remains the same across the majority of communication plans is the relevant and strategic information.

A standard communication plan includes sections like:

  • Short and long-term goals for the project.
  • A set of key messages to be explained in detail, separated into sections.
  • Strategies for communication, both in-house and outbound.
  • Details about the people involved in the project.
  • A schedule and timeline for specific events, deadlines and reporting.
  • Further communication methods.
  • Specific instructions about your company’s communication process.
  • Strategies for measuring success.

Apart from the list above, a communication plan must also include details pertinent to the specific project. If there are folders or systems that people need to access for the project’s success, list them and explain how to use them.

Q4. What is the first step in communication planning?

The first step in communication planning is to define the goals you and your team want to achieve. Outline both short and long-term goals so it’s easier to plan the project as pieces of a whole.

Following the goals, set the objectives. Explain how you plan to achieve these with the help of timelines, schedules, and tables. Include a list of involved stakeholders and links to further means of collaboration.

Q5. What are the key messages of a communication plan?

A communication plan’s specific key messages will depend on what you want to achieve and who your target audience is. Your key messages are the most essential communication points for any particular project.

For example, let’s say you’re creating a communication plan for a product launch. The key messages would cover;

  • The goals and objectives of the product launch.
  • The reason and story about why this product was created and what problem it solves for people.
  • A timeline of pre-launch activities including who will be contacted for outreach and what information will be shared with them.
  • What messaging and visual strategies to use for social media and advertising.

An excellent way to make sure all key messaging is clear is to add each one as an item in the Table of Contents.

Q6. What’s the best tool to create a communication plan online?

If you want to create a communication plan that makes an impact, use Visme! Our professionally designed communication plan templates will look amazing with your content and be super easy to customize.

With a Visme communication plan, you can include data visualizations using data from a Microsoft Excel sheet. In fact, if you’ve been creating project communication plans in an Excel spreadsheet, it’s time to upgrade your communication efforts!

Knock your team out of their seats with your impactful communication plan!

Head over to Visme's professional document creator and look through the template library, or click on any of the communication plan template buttons in the list above.

Q7. How to Write a Communications Plan

  • Audit Your Existing Communication Plan: Before you put pen to paper, do a situational analysis of communications in your company. The goal is to identify gaps, problem areas and opportunities for improvement.
  • Set SMART Goals: Based on the audit results, highlight SMART goals you want to achieve with your communications plan. An example of a SMART communication goal would be to improve client response time to complaints from six hours to three hours within the next 2 months.
  • Identify Your Target Audience: Are you working with media outlets, customers, partners, investors, employees, customers or the government? Understand who your intended audience is. Consider their demographics, interests, needs, and communication preferences. This will help you tailor your messages and select appropriate channels.
  • Communication methods, both in-house and outbound.
  • Team members responsible for delivering communication
  • Escalation plan
  • Communication channels
  • Choose appropriate and effective channels: Consider using a combination of channels such as email, meetings, presentations, the intranet, newsletters, social media, or face-to-face interactions. Adapt your channels based on the nature of the message and the preferences of your audience.
  • Assign responsibilities: Determine who will be responsible for executing different aspects of the communication plan. Assign roles and responsibilities to team members or stakeholders involved in the process. Clearly define each person's tasks and deliverables.
  • Set a timeline for execution. It's important to have a rough estimate of the time required for each step in implementing your strategy. For example, if your plan involves sharing information from top-level management to employees, it's wise to consider the duration it will take to go through the chain of command.
  • Regularly review and assess your communication plan's performance : Evaluate the effectiveness of your messages, channels, and activities. Identify areas for improvement and make adjustments accordingly.

Q8. What are the Top Communication Planning Tips?

When it comes to communication planning, here are some tips to ensure effective and successful communication:

  • Define clear objectives and identify the target audience: Whether it's providing information, generating buy-in, or addressing concerns, having clear objectives will guide your communication strategy. Understanding who your target audience is will help you tailor your communications to their needs, interests, and preferences.
  • Be consistent and transparent: Maintain consistency in your messaging across different channels and ensure transparency throughout the change process. Share relevant information, progress updates, and any challenges or risks involved. This helps build trust and credibility with your audience.
  • Engage leaders and influencers: Leverage the support of influential leaders and stakeholders within the organization. Engage them early on and involve them in the planning process to help drive change and promote a culture of open communication.
  • Establish a feedback loop: Create channels for employees to share their thoughts, concerns, and suggestions. Actively listen and respond to feedback to build trust and engagement.
  • Evaluate and Adapt: Gather feedback, track engagement, and assess whether your communication objectives are being met. Use the insights gained to adapt and refine your communication plan as needed.

Q9. How to Use Communication Plan Templates

To effectively use communication plan templates, follow these steps:

Choose a suitable template: Select a communication plan template that aligns with your specific needs and goals. Visme has a comprehensive library of templates that provide a comprehensive structure and include sections relevant to your project or initiative.

Gather relevant information: Collect the necessary information to complete each section of the template.

This may include objectives, target audience details, key messages, communication channels, timelines, budgets, and evaluation methods. Refer to existing documentation, conduct research, and consult with stakeholders as needed to gather accurate and relevant information.

Customize the template: Tailor the template to fit your specific requirements.

  • With Visme's intuitive editor, you can easily modify section headings, add or remove sections as needed, and adapt the content to align with your project or organization.
  • Customize the visual elements of the template to match your branding or style guidelines by adding your logo, adjusting colors, and modifying fonts.
  • Access a rich library of images, videos and design assets to make your plan visually appealing.
  • Automatically generate and incorporate captivating images, art, and graphics into your plan using Visme’s AI image generator .

Share and collaborate: Share the completed communication plan with relevant team members and stakeholders using Visme's collaboration features . Encourage them to provide feedback, input, and suggestions for improvement.

Implement and monitor : Implement the communication plan and monitor the progress and effectiveness of your communication efforts. Make adjustments as needed based on feedback, data, and changing circumstances.

Create a effective communication plans in minutes with Visme

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About the Author

Orana is a multi-faceted creative. She is a content writer, artist, and designer. She travels the world with her family and is currently in Istanbul. Find out more about her work at

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event marketing strategy presentation

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Introducing Apple Intelligence, the personal intelligence system that puts powerful generative models at the core of iPhone, iPad, and Mac

MacBook Pro, iPad Pro, and iPhone 15 Pro show new Apple Intelligence features.

New Capabilities for Understanding and Creating Language

A user opens the Writing Tools menu while working on an email, and is given the option to select Proofread or Rewrite.

Image Playground Makes Communication and Self‑Expression Even More Fun

The new Image Playground app is shown on iPad Pro.

Genmoji Creation to Fit Any Moment

A user creates a Genmoji of a person named Vee, designed to look like a race car driver.

New Features in Photos Give Users More Control

Three iPhone 15 Pro screens show how users can create Memory Movies.

Siri Enters a New Era

A user types to Siri on iPhone 15 Pro.

A New Standard for Privacy in AI

ChatGPT Gets Integrated Across Apple Platforms

An iPhone 15 Pro user enters a prompt for Siri that reads, “I have fresh salmon, lemons, tomatoes. Help me plan a 5-course meal with a dish for each taste bud.”

Text of this article

June 10, 2024


Setting a new standard for privacy in AI, Apple Intelligence understands personal context to deliver intelligence that is helpful and relevant

CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Apple today introduced Apple Intelligence , the personal intelligence system for iPhone, iPad, and Mac that combines the power of generative models with personal context to deliver intelligence that’s incredibly useful and relevant. Apple Intelligence is deeply integrated into iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia. It harnesses the power of Apple silicon to understand and create language and images, take action across apps, and draw from personal context to simplify and accelerate everyday tasks. With Private Cloud Compute, Apple sets a new standard for privacy in AI, with the ability to flex and scale computational capacity between on-device processing and larger, server-based models that run on dedicated Apple silicon servers.

“We’re thrilled to introduce a new chapter in Apple innovation. Apple Intelligence will transform what users can do with our products — and what our products can do for our users,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “Our unique approach combines generative AI with a user’s personal context to deliver truly helpful intelligence. And it can access that information in a completely private and secure way to help users do the things that matter most to them. This is AI as only Apple can deliver it, and we can’t wait for users to experience what it can do.”

Apple Intelligence unlocks new ways for users to enhance their writing and communicate more effectively. With brand-new systemwide Writing Tools built into iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia, users can rewrite, proofread, and summarize text nearly everywhere they write, including Mail, Notes, Pages, and third-party apps.

Whether tidying up class notes, ensuring a blog post reads just right, or making sure an email is perfectly crafted, Writing Tools help users feel more confident in their writing. With Rewrite, Apple Intelligence allows users to choose from different versions of what they have written, adjusting the tone to suit the audience and task at hand. From finessing a cover letter, to adding humor and creativity to a party invitation, Rewrite helps deliver the right words to meet the occasion. Proofread checks grammar, word choice, and sentence structure while also suggesting edits — along with explanations of the edits — that users can review or quickly accept. With Summarize, users can select text and have it recapped in the form of a digestible paragraph, bulleted key points, a table, or a list.

In Mail, staying on top of emails has never been easier. With Priority Messages, a new section at the top of the inbox shows the most urgent emails, like a same-day dinner invitation or boarding pass. Across a user’s inbox, instead of previewing the first few lines of each email, they can see summaries without needing to open a message. For long threads, users can view pertinent details with just a tap. Smart Reply provides suggestions for a quick response, and will identify questions in an email to ensure everything is answered.

Deep understanding of language also extends to Notifications. Priority Notifications appear at the top of the stack to surface what’s most important, and summaries help users scan long or stacked notifications to show key details right on the Lock Screen, such as when a group chat is particularly active. And to help users stay present in what they’re doing, Reduce Interruptions is a new Focus that surfaces only the notifications that might need immediate attention, like a text about an early pickup from daycare.

In the Notes and Phone apps, users can now record, transcribe, and summarize audio. When a recording is initiated while on a call, participants are automatically notified, and once the call ends, Apple Intelligence generates a summary to help recall key points.

Apple Intelligence powers exciting image creation capabilities to help users communicate and express themselves in new ways. With Image Playground, users can create fun images in seconds, choosing from three styles: Animation, Illustration, or Sketch. Image Playground is easy to use and built right into apps including Messages. It’s also available in a dedicated app, perfect for experimenting with different concepts and styles. All images are created on device, giving users the freedom to experiment with as many images as they want.

With Image Playground, users can choose from a range of concepts from categories like themes, costumes, accessories, and places; type a description to define an image; choose someone from their personal photo library to include in their image; and pick their favorite style.

With the Image Playground experience in Messages, users can quickly create fun images for their friends, and even see personalized suggested concepts related to their conversations. For example, if a user is messaging a group about going hiking, they’ll see suggested concepts related to their friends, their destination, and their activity, making image creation even faster and more relevant.

In Notes, users can access Image Playground through the new Image Wand in the Apple Pencil tool palette, making notes more visually engaging. Rough sketches can be turned into delightful images, and users can even select empty space to create an image using context from the surrounding area. Image Playground is also available in apps like Keynote, Freeform, and Pages, as well as in third-party apps that adopt the new Image Playground API.

Taking emoji to an entirely new level, users can create an original Genmoji to express themselves. By simply typing a description, their Genmoji appears, along with additional options. Users can even create Genmoji of friends and family based on their photos. Just like emoji, Genmoji can be added inline to messages, or shared as a sticker or reaction in a Tapback.

Searching for photos and videos becomes even more convenient with Apple Intelligence. Natural language can be used to search for specific photos, such as “Maya skateboarding in a tie-dye shirt,” or “Katie with stickers on her face.” Search in videos also becomes more powerful with the ability to find specific moments in clips so users can go right to the relevant segment. Additionally, the new Clean Up tool can identify and remove distracting objects in the background of a photo — without accidentally altering the subject.

With Memories, users can create the story they want to see by simply typing a description. Using language and image understanding, Apple Intelligence will pick out the best photos and videos based on the description, craft a storyline with chapters based on themes identified from the photos, and arrange them into a movie with its own narrative arc. Users will even get song suggestions to match their memory from Apple Music. As with all Apple Intelligence features, user photos and videos are kept private on device and are not shared with Apple or anyone else.

Powered by Apple Intelligence, Siri becomes more deeply integrated into the system experience. With richer language-understanding capabilities, Siri is more natural, more contextually relevant, and more personal, with the ability to simplify and accelerate everyday tasks. It can follow along if users stumble over words and maintain context from one request to the next. Additionally, users can type to Siri, and switch between text and voice to communicate with Siri in whatever way feels right for the moment. Siri also has a brand-new design with an elegant glowing light that wraps around the edge of the screen when Siri is active.

Siri can now give users device support everywhere they go, and answer thousands of questions about how to do something on iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Users can learn everything from how to schedule an email in the Mail app, to how to switch from Light to Dark Mode.

With onscreen awareness, Siri will be able to understand and take action with users’ content in more apps over time. For example, if a friend texts a user their new address in Messages, the receiver can say, “Add this address to his contact card.”

With Apple Intelligence, Siri will be able to take hundreds of new actions in and across Apple and third-party apps. For example, a user could say, “Bring up that article about cicadas from my Reading List,” or “Send the photos from the barbecue on Saturday to Malia,” and Siri will take care of it.

Siri will be able to deliver intelligence that’s tailored to the user and their on-device information. For example, a user can say, “Play that podcast that Jamie recommended,” and Siri will locate and play the episode, without the user having to remember whether it was mentioned in a text or an email. Or they could ask, “When is Mom’s flight landing?” and Siri will find the flight details and cross-reference them with real-time flight tracking to give an arrival time.

To be truly helpful, Apple Intelligence relies on understanding deep personal context while also protecting user privacy. A cornerstone of Apple Intelligence is on-device processing, and many of the models that power it run entirely on device. To run more complex requests that require more processing power, Private Cloud Compute extends the privacy and security of Apple devices into the cloud to unlock even more intelligence.

With Private Cloud Compute, Apple Intelligence can flex and scale its computational capacity and draw on larger, server-based models for more complex requests. These models run on servers powered by Apple silicon, providing a foundation that allows Apple to ensure that data is never retained or exposed.

Independent experts can inspect the code that runs on Apple silicon servers to verify privacy, and Private Cloud Compute cryptographically ensures that iPhone, iPad, and Mac do not talk to a server unless its software has been publicly logged for inspection. Apple Intelligence with Private Cloud Compute sets a new standard for privacy in AI, unlocking intelligence users can trust.

Apple is integrating ChatGPT access into experiences within iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia, allowing users to access its expertise — as well as its image- and document-understanding capabilities — without needing to jump between tools.

Siri can tap into ChatGPT’s expertise when helpful. Users are asked before any questions are sent to ChatGPT, along with any documents or photos, and Siri then presents the answer directly.

Additionally, ChatGPT will be available in Apple’s systemwide Writing Tools, which help users generate content for anything they are writing about. With Compose, users can also access ChatGPT image tools to generate images in a wide variety of styles to complement what they are writing.

Privacy protections are built in for users who access ChatGPT — their IP addresses are obscured, and OpenAI won’t store requests. ChatGPT’s data-use policies apply for users who choose to connect their account.

ChatGPT will come to iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia later this year, powered by GPT-4o. Users can access it for free without creating an account, and ChatGPT subscribers can connect their accounts and access paid features right from these experiences.


Apple Intelligence is free for users, and will be available in beta as part of iOS 18 , iPadOS 18 , and macOS Sequoia  this fall in U.S. English. Some features, software platforms, and additional languages will come over the course of the next year. Apple Intelligence will be available on iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, and iPad and Mac with M1 and later, with Siri and device language set to U.S. English. For more information, visit .

Press Contacts

Cat Franklin

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Images in this article

👀 Turn any prompt into captivating visuals in seconds with our AI-powered design generator ✨ Try Piktochart AI!

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With the Piktochart AI poster generator, you can turn any prompt into a gorgeous poster in seconds. No design skills? No problem. Just tweak it as you wish, then share your poster.

The new way of creating posters

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Create Your Vision

Piktochart starts, you put the finishing touches

Our AI sets the stage with a professionally crafted poster, then passes control to you, allowing you to modify and refine each detail to amplify your visual impact while keeping true to your brand.

Posters created using Piktochart’s AI-powered poster maker

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Professionals like you use Piktochart’s free online poster maker to:


  • Create eye-catching promotional materials that align with brand identity, ideal for advertising campaigns, product launches, and trade shows.
  • Design captivating posters for corporate events, webinars, and conferences.
  • Communicate new offers, services, or store openings.

SMEs and enterprises persona

HR & Internal Comms

  • Internal announcements, motivational quotes, or event notifications.
  • Job advertisements and onboarding materials to attract and welcome new employees.
  • Convey important company policies and reminders through clear, engaging posters, ensuring better compliance and awareness.

NGOs and government persona

NGOs and Government Organizations

  • Develop impactful posters for awareness drives, fundraising events, and community outreach programs.
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  • Announce charity events, workshops, and seminars.

business owner

  • Create informative posters on health topics, wellness tips, and medical advisories.
  • Showcase healthcare services, specialist departments, and new medical technologies available at healthcare facilities.
  • Display important health and safety protocols within healthcare settings.

How to Make a Digital Poster

1. Define Your Story

Briefly describe (within 120 characters) the purpose behind your poster. Whether it’s for promotion, making an announcement, driving awareness, or sharing health information.

2. Select from Our Varied Poster Designs

Jumpstart your project with our array of ready-to-use poster templates, perfect for shining a spotlight on any subject. After picking your preferred design, you’ll find yourself in our editing suite.

3. Tweak the Design with Piktochart Editor

With your template chosen, hitting the “Edit” button grants you entry into the Piktochart editor. This is your playground to adjust, alter, and align the design to reflect your personal touch and message.

4. Enhance with Visual Elements

Piktochart’s user-friendly drag-and-drop editor makes personalization a breeze. Tap into our rich collection of complimentary photos, icons, illustrations, and text options to craft a poster that stands out. Enhancing and tailoring colors is just a click away with our versatile design tool.

5. Publish and Promote

Once your poster is exactly as you envisioned, it’s time to save and share your work. Export in various formats like JPG, PNG, or PDF, catering to both digital platforms and print materials.

AI-Powered Visualization for Any Topic

What kinds of posters can be generated using this AI tool?

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How to Make a Poster in 6 Easy Steps [2023 Guide With Templates]

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25 Poster Ideas, Templates, and Tips for Creative Inspiration

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7 Types of Posters and What Makes Them Stand Out

What else can you create with piktochart ai.

The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate value

If 2023 was the year the world discovered generative AI (gen AI) , 2024 is the year organizations truly began using—and deriving business value from—this new technology. In the latest McKinsey Global Survey  on AI, 65 percent of respondents report that their organizations are regularly using gen AI, nearly double the percentage from our previous survey just ten months ago. Respondents’ expectations for gen AI’s impact remain as high as they were last year , with three-quarters predicting that gen AI will lead to significant or disruptive change in their industries in the years ahead.

About the authors

This article is a collaborative effort by Alex Singla , Alexander Sukharevsky , Lareina Yee , and Michael Chui , with Bryce Hall , representing views from QuantumBlack, AI by McKinsey, and McKinsey Digital.

Organizations are already seeing material benefits from gen AI use, reporting both cost decreases and revenue jumps in the business units deploying the technology. The survey also provides insights into the kinds of risks presented by gen AI—most notably, inaccuracy—as well as the emerging practices of top performers to mitigate those challenges and capture value.

AI adoption surges

Interest in generative AI has also brightened the spotlight on a broader set of AI capabilities. For the past six years, AI adoption by respondents’ organizations has hovered at about 50 percent. This year, the survey finds that adoption has jumped to 72 percent (Exhibit 1). And the interest is truly global in scope. Our 2023 survey found that AI adoption did not reach 66 percent in any region; however, this year more than two-thirds of respondents in nearly every region say their organizations are using AI. 1 Organizations based in Central and South America are the exception, with 58 percent of respondents working for organizations based in Central and South America reporting AI adoption. Looking by industry, the biggest increase in adoption can be found in professional services. 2 Includes respondents working for organizations focused on human resources, legal services, management consulting, market research, R&D, tax preparation, and training.

Also, responses suggest that companies are now using AI in more parts of the business. Half of respondents say their organizations have adopted AI in two or more business functions, up from less than a third of respondents in 2023 (Exhibit 2).

Gen AI adoption is most common in the functions where it can create the most value

Most respondents now report that their organizations—and they as individuals—are using gen AI. Sixty-five percent of respondents say their organizations are regularly using gen AI in at least one business function, up from one-third last year. The average organization using gen AI is doing so in two functions, most often in marketing and sales and in product and service development—two functions in which previous research  determined that gen AI adoption could generate the most value 3 “ The economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier ,” McKinsey, June 14, 2023. —as well as in IT (Exhibit 3). The biggest increase from 2023 is found in marketing and sales, where reported adoption has more than doubled. Yet across functions, only two use cases, both within marketing and sales, are reported by 15 percent or more of respondents.

Gen AI also is weaving its way into respondents’ personal lives. Compared with 2023, respondents are much more likely to be using gen AI at work and even more likely to be using gen AI both at work and in their personal lives (Exhibit 4). The survey finds upticks in gen AI use across all regions, with the largest increases in Asia–Pacific and Greater China. Respondents at the highest seniority levels, meanwhile, show larger jumps in the use of gen Al tools for work and outside of work compared with their midlevel-management peers. Looking at specific industries, respondents working in energy and materials and in professional services report the largest increase in gen AI use.

Investments in gen AI and analytical AI are beginning to create value

The latest survey also shows how different industries are budgeting for gen AI. Responses suggest that, in many industries, organizations are about equally as likely to be investing more than 5 percent of their digital budgets in gen AI as they are in nongenerative, analytical-AI solutions (Exhibit 5). Yet in most industries, larger shares of respondents report that their organizations spend more than 20 percent on analytical AI than on gen AI. Looking ahead, most respondents—67 percent—expect their organizations to invest more in AI over the next three years.

Where are those investments paying off? For the first time, our latest survey explored the value created by gen AI use by business function. The function in which the largest share of respondents report seeing cost decreases is human resources. Respondents most commonly report meaningful revenue increases (of more than 5 percent) in supply chain and inventory management (Exhibit 6). For analytical AI, respondents most often report seeing cost benefits in service operations—in line with what we found last year —as well as meaningful revenue increases from AI use in marketing and sales.

Inaccuracy: The most recognized and experienced risk of gen AI use

As businesses begin to see the benefits of gen AI, they’re also recognizing the diverse risks associated with the technology. These can range from data management risks such as data privacy, bias, or intellectual property (IP) infringement to model management risks, which tend to focus on inaccurate output or lack of explainability. A third big risk category is security and incorrect use.

Respondents to the latest survey are more likely than they were last year to say their organizations consider inaccuracy and IP infringement to be relevant to their use of gen AI, and about half continue to view cybersecurity as a risk (Exhibit 7).

Conversely, respondents are less likely than they were last year to say their organizations consider workforce and labor displacement to be relevant risks and are not increasing efforts to mitigate them.

In fact, inaccuracy— which can affect use cases across the gen AI value chain , ranging from customer journeys and summarization to coding and creative content—is the only risk that respondents are significantly more likely than last year to say their organizations are actively working to mitigate.

Some organizations have already experienced negative consequences from the use of gen AI, with 44 percent of respondents saying their organizations have experienced at least one consequence (Exhibit 8). Respondents most often report inaccuracy as a risk that has affected their organizations, followed by cybersecurity and explainability.

Our previous research has found that there are several elements of governance that can help in scaling gen AI use responsibly, yet few respondents report having these risk-related practices in place. 4 “ Implementing generative AI with speed and safety ,” McKinsey Quarterly , March 13, 2024. For example, just 18 percent say their organizations have an enterprise-wide council or board with the authority to make decisions involving responsible AI governance, and only one-third say gen AI risk awareness and risk mitigation controls are required skill sets for technical talent.

Bringing gen AI capabilities to bear

The latest survey also sought to understand how, and how quickly, organizations are deploying these new gen AI tools. We have found three archetypes for implementing gen AI solutions : takers use off-the-shelf, publicly available solutions; shapers customize those tools with proprietary data and systems; and makers develop their own foundation models from scratch. 5 “ Technology’s generational moment with generative AI: A CIO and CTO guide ,” McKinsey, July 11, 2023. Across most industries, the survey results suggest that organizations are finding off-the-shelf offerings applicable to their business needs—though many are pursuing opportunities to customize models or even develop their own (Exhibit 9). About half of reported gen AI uses within respondents’ business functions are utilizing off-the-shelf, publicly available models or tools, with little or no customization. Respondents in energy and materials, technology, and media and telecommunications are more likely to report significant customization or tuning of publicly available models or developing their own proprietary models to address specific business needs.

Respondents most often report that their organizations required one to four months from the start of a project to put gen AI into production, though the time it takes varies by business function (Exhibit 10). It also depends upon the approach for acquiring those capabilities. Not surprisingly, reported uses of highly customized or proprietary models are 1.5 times more likely than off-the-shelf, publicly available models to take five months or more to implement.

Gen AI high performers are excelling despite facing challenges

Gen AI is a new technology, and organizations are still early in the journey of pursuing its opportunities and scaling it across functions. So it’s little surprise that only a small subset of respondents (46 out of 876) report that a meaningful share of their organizations’ EBIT can be attributed to their deployment of gen AI. Still, these gen AI leaders are worth examining closely. These, after all, are the early movers, who already attribute more than 10 percent of their organizations’ EBIT to their use of gen AI. Forty-two percent of these high performers say more than 20 percent of their EBIT is attributable to their use of nongenerative, analytical AI, and they span industries and regions—though most are at organizations with less than $1 billion in annual revenue. The AI-related practices at these organizations can offer guidance to those looking to create value from gen AI adoption at their own organizations.

To start, gen AI high performers are using gen AI in more business functions—an average of three functions, while others average two. They, like other organizations, are most likely to use gen AI in marketing and sales and product or service development, but they’re much more likely than others to use gen AI solutions in risk, legal, and compliance; in strategy and corporate finance; and in supply chain and inventory management. They’re more than three times as likely as others to be using gen AI in activities ranging from processing of accounting documents and risk assessment to R&D testing and pricing and promotions. While, overall, about half of reported gen AI applications within business functions are utilizing publicly available models or tools, gen AI high performers are less likely to use those off-the-shelf options than to either implement significantly customized versions of those tools or to develop their own proprietary foundation models.

What else are these high performers doing differently? For one thing, they are paying more attention to gen-AI-related risks. Perhaps because they are further along on their journeys, they are more likely than others to say their organizations have experienced every negative consequence from gen AI we asked about, from cybersecurity and personal privacy to explainability and IP infringement. Given that, they are more likely than others to report that their organizations consider those risks, as well as regulatory compliance, environmental impacts, and political stability, to be relevant to their gen AI use, and they say they take steps to mitigate more risks than others do.

Gen AI high performers are also much more likely to say their organizations follow a set of risk-related best practices (Exhibit 11). For example, they are nearly twice as likely as others to involve the legal function and embed risk reviews early on in the development of gen AI solutions—that is, to “ shift left .” They’re also much more likely than others to employ a wide range of other best practices, from strategy-related practices to those related to scaling.

In addition to experiencing the risks of gen AI adoption, high performers have encountered other challenges that can serve as warnings to others (Exhibit 12). Seventy percent say they have experienced difficulties with data, including defining processes for data governance, developing the ability to quickly integrate data into AI models, and an insufficient amount of training data, highlighting the essential role that data play in capturing value. High performers are also more likely than others to report experiencing challenges with their operating models, such as implementing agile ways of working and effective sprint performance management.

About the research

The online survey was in the field from February 22 to March 5, 2024, and garnered responses from 1,363 participants representing the full range of regions, industries, company sizes, functional specialties, and tenures. Of those respondents, 981 said their organizations had adopted AI in at least one business function, and 878 said their organizations were regularly using gen AI in at least one function. To adjust for differences in response rates, the data are weighted by the contribution of each respondent’s nation to global GDP.

Alex Singla and Alexander Sukharevsky  are global coleaders of QuantumBlack, AI by McKinsey, and senior partners in McKinsey’s Chicago and London offices, respectively; Lareina Yee  is a senior partner in the Bay Area office, where Michael Chui , a McKinsey Global Institute partner, is a partner; and Bryce Hall  is an associate partner in the Washington, DC, office.

They wish to thank Kaitlin Noe, Larry Kanter, Mallika Jhamb, and Shinjini Srivastava for their contributions to this work.

This article was edited by Heather Hanselman, a senior editor in McKinsey’s Atlanta office.

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Multicultural marketing isn’t just a trend — it’s a business imperative. As the population is increasingly multicultural, companies must recognize and embrace the diverse audiences they serve. By tailoring strategies to resonate with different cultural backgrounds, businesses can unlock new opportunities, build stronger customer relationships, and drive growth.

At the 2024 ANA Multicultural Marketing & Diversity Conference , presented by Amazon Ads, November 18-20 at the Bellagio Las Vegas, you’ll find a dynamic gathering of industry leaders and client-side multicultural marketing professionals. Now in its 26th year, this conference provides a platform for thought-provoking presentations, actionable insights, and critical discussions.

Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with fellow marketers, gain insights, and contribute to advancing multicultural marketing and diversity initiatives!

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Ricardo Aspiazu

VP, Creative and Brand

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Martha Boudreau

Chief Communications & Marketing Officer

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Kimberly Davis

Senior Executive Vice President of Social Impact, Growth Initiatives & Legislative Affairs

National Hockey League (NHL)

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Stephanie Eaddy

Multicultural Marketing Lead North American Operating Unit

The Coca-Cola Company

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Jennifer Ekeleme

VP of Multicultural Engagement and Integration

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Kayla McKeon

Manager of Grassroots Advocacy

National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS)

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Michael Olaye

Senior Vice President Managing Director, Strategy and Innovation

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Kandi Pickard

President and CEO

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Michelle Sagan

Senior Manager of Communications

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Alan Schulman

Managing Partner, Chief Experience Officer

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AI Trailblazers

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Chief Marketing Officer

Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority

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Michelle Wong

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Bellagio Las Vegas | 3600 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109

Bellagio Las Vegas , a luxury hotel and casino offering a resort experience on the Las Vegas Strip, will host the 2024 ANA Multicultural Marketing & Diversity Conference, presented by Amazon Ads.

For those registered to attend the conference in person, the ANA has negotiated a special room rate of $268 per night . The hotel rooms and suites at the Bellagio offer the perfect blend of beauty and elegance, with views of the Las Vegas valley or the iconic Bellagio fountains.

The cut-off date to obtain this discounted rate is Thursday, October 17 , after which prevailing rates apply.

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Grip takes the work out of networking through intelligent matchmaking — making it more fun and giving you a higher return on time as you network with other attendees and exhibitors, arrange meetings, and identify potential business contacts. Utilize Grip to:

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  • Complimentary tickets will incur a $250 no-show fee if cancellation is not made at least three days before the event.
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If you have any issues while registering, please contact  [email protected] .

The 2023 ANA Multicultural Marketing & Diversity Conference in Two Minutes

Relive the best of last year's conference in this brief overview.

Highlighted speakers include:

  • Lela Coffey , Vice President, Multi-Cultural Business Acceleration, The Procter & Gamble Company
  • Gerald Johnson , EVP, Health Equity and Chief Diversity Officer, American Heart Association
  • Ann Mukherjee , Chairman and CEO, Pernod Ricard North America
  • Vinay Shahani , Vice President, Marketing, Lexus USA

revisit the 2023 conference

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