Argumentative Essay On Marijuana Legalization

Published by gudwriter on May 27, 2018 May 27, 2018

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Why Marijuana Should be Legalized Argumentative Essay Outline


Thesis: Marijuana should be legalized as it is more beneficial that it may be detrimental to society.

Paragraph 1:

Marijuana has not caused turmoil in some of the countries where it has been legalized.

  • Marijuana does not increase violent, and property crimes as many suggest.
  • Studies reveal that in Colorado, violent crimes have declined following the legalization of marijuana.

Paragraph 2:

Prohibiting use of marijuana does not limit its consumption.

  • In spite of the many laws prohibiting the use of marijuana, it is one of the most highly abused drugs.
  • 58% of young people from all over the world use marijuana.
  • It has not been attributed to any health complications.

Paragraph 3:

Legalization of marijuana would help state governments save taxpayers money.

  • Governments spend lots of funds on law enforcement agencies that uphold laws restricting the use of marijuana.
  • They also spend vast sums of money on sustaining arrested dealers and consumers in prison.
  • Legalizing marijuana would result in saving vast sums of money.

Paragraph 4:

Marijuana is less noxious than other legal substances.

  • Marijuana has less health side effects than other legal substances such as alcohol and tobacco.
  • Alcohol is 114 times more destructive than marijuana.

Paragraph 5:

Marijuana has been proven to have medical benefits.

  • Marijuana helps stop seizures in epileptic patients.
  • It helps stop nausea in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy .

Paragraph 6:

Marijuana has been proven to be a stress reliever.

  • Marijuana relieves stress and depression in their users by causing excitement.
  • Its use reduces violence and deaths related to stress and depression.


There are many misconceptions about marijuana existent in the modern world. People have continued to ignore health benefits linked to this substance citing their unproven beliefs. Owing to its ability to stop seizures, nausea, and stress in individuals governments should highly consider marijuana legalization. Its legalization will also help state governments reduce expenses that result from maintaining suspects convicted of marijuana possession and consumption.

Why Marijuana Should be Legalized Argumentative Essay

The argument that marijuana use should be made legal has gained momentum both in the U.S. and elsewhere in the world in recent years. This has seen the drug being legalized in some states in the U.S. such that by 2013, twenty states had legalized medical marijuana. As of the same year, Colorado and Washington had legalized recreational marijuana. The arguments behind the push for legalization majorly revolve around the idea that the drug has medicinal effects. However, there are also arguments that there are serious health effects associated with the drug and this has only further fueled the already raging debate. This paper argues that marijuana should be legalized as it is more beneficial that it may be detrimental to society.

Marijuana has not caused any notable negative effects in countries where it has been legalized. There is a general belief that marijuana consumers are violent. However, no authentic research can prove these assertions. As already seen, some states in the United States have legalized both medicinal and recreational marijuana. In spite of this, no cases of marijuana-related violence have been recorded so far in such states (Markol, 2018). Reports reveal that the rate of violence and property crimes have decreased in Colorado following the legalization of the drug. If marijuana does not increase violent crimes, there is no reason as to why it should not be legalized.

It is also noteworthy that prohibiting marijuana use does not limit its consumption. Less than 10% of countries in the world prevent the use of marijuana, but according to research, 58% of young people in most of these countries are marijuana users (Head, 2016). General reports reveal that marijuana is one of most commonly abused drug in the world. It is also readily available in most states as it is a naturally growing plant (Head, 2016). In spite of its continued use, there are few cases, if any, of marijuana-related health complications that have been reported in any of these countries (Head, 2016). Therefore, if the illegality of marijuana does not limit its consumption, then state governments should consider its legalization.

Legalization of marijuana would further help state governments save taxpayers’ money. It is widely known that in countries where marijuana is illegal, authorities are stringent and will arrest any individual found in possession of the drug (Sanger, 2017). However, as earlier mentioned, laws prohibiting the use of the drug do not prevent its consumption, and this means that many people are arrested and prosecuted for possessing it (Sanger, 2017). State governments therefore use a lot of funds to support law enforcement agencies that seek to uphold laws prohibiting the use of marijuana (Sanger, 2017). Many people have been arrested and incarcerated for either possessing or consuming the drug, and the government has to use taxpayers’ money to sustain such people in prison. Since these actions do not limit consumption of marijuana, state governments should legalize the drug so as to save taxpayers money.

Another advantage of marijuana is that it is less noxious than other legal substances. According to research, marijuana is the least harmful drug among the many legal drugs existent in the world today (Owen, 2014). There are millions of campaigns every year cautioning people against smoking cigarettes, but there has been none seeking to warn people about marijuana consumption (Owen, 2014). Lobby groups have even been making efforts to push for legalization of marijuana. If marijuana had severe health effects as many purport, state governments would be investing heavily in campaigns aimed at discouraging its consumption (Owen, 2014). According to studies, alcohol, which is legal in many countries, is 114 times more harmful than marijuana (Owen, 2014). Therefore, if such harmful substances can be legalized, then there are no justifications as to why marijuana should not be legalized.

Further, marijuana has been proven to have medicinal benefits. Several countries, particularly in Europe, and the United States have legalized both medicinal and recreational marijuana. Their move to legalize marijuana was based on medical reports that showed a variety of health benefits linked to the drug (Noonan, 2017). Research shows that marijuana can reduce seizures in epileptic persons. Several studies have also proven that the drug indeed has a variety of health benefits. For instance, Charlotte Figi, who is now aged 10, used to have more than 100 seizures every month at age three, but since Colorado legalized medicinal and recreational marijuana, her parents started treating her with the substance, and today her seizures have significantly reduced (Noonan, 2017). Marijuana has as well been proven to reduce nausea in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Owing to this medicinal value, state governments should consider legalizing the drug.

Additionally, marijuana has been proven to be a stress reliever. Consumption of the drug causes excitement among its users enabling them to forget about troubling situations. Unlike alcohol which is likely to aggravate stress and depression, marijuana works wonders in alleviating anxiety and depression (Sanger, 2017). There are many health and social effects associated with stress, including mental disorders and violence against others (Sanger, 2017). To avoid cases of stress-related violence and mental disorders, state governments should make marijuana consumption legal.

There are many misconceptions about marijuana in the world today. People have continued to ignore the health benefits linked with this substance and have instead focused on citing yet-to-be proven misconceptions. Owing to the ability of the drug to stop seizures, nausea, and stress in individuals, governments should seriously consider its legalization. The legalization will also help state governments reduce expenses that result from sustaining suspects convicted of marijuana possession and consumption. So far, there is more than enough evidence proving that marijuana has lots of benefits to individuals, the society, and the government, and therefore should be legalized.

Head, T. (2016). “8 reasons why marijuana should be legalized”. ThoughtCo . Retrieved June 27, 2020 from

Markol, T. (2018). “5 reasons why marijuana should be legalized”. Marijuana Reform . Retrieved June 27, 2020 from

Noonan, D. (2017). “Marijuana treatment reduces severe epileptic seizures”. Scientific American . Retrieved June 27, 2020 from

Owen, P. (2014). “6 powerful reasons to legalize marijuana”. New York Times . Retrieved June 27, 2020 from

Sanger, B. (2017). “10 legit reasons why weed should be legalized right now”. Herb . Retrieved June 27, 2020 from

Why Marijuana Should be Legal Essay Outline

Thesis:  Marijuana has health benefits and should thus be legal.

Benefits of Marijuana

Marijuana slows and stops the spread of cancer cells.

  • Cannabidiol can turn off a gene called Id-1 and can therefore stop cancer.
  • In an experiment, researchers were able to treat breast cancer cells with Cannabidiol.

Marijuana helps with pain and nausea reduction for people going through chemotherapy.

  • Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy suffer from severe pains and nausea.
  • This can further complicate their health.
  • Marijuana can stir up their appetite, decrease nausea, and reduce pain.

Paragraph  3:

Marijuana can control epileptic seizure.

  • Marijuana extract stopped seizures in epileptic rats in ten hours.
  • The seizures were controlled by the THC.

Disadvantages of Marijuana

Marijuana is addictive.

  • One in ten marijuana users become addicted over time.
  • If one stops using the drug abruptly, they may suffer from such withdrawal symptoms.

Marijuana use decreases mental health.

  • Users suffer from memory loss and restricted blood flow to the brain.
  • Users have higher chances of developing depression and schizophrenia.

Marijuana use damages the lungs more than cigarette smoking .

  • Marijuana smokers inhale the smoke more deeply into their lungs and let it stay there for longer.
  • The likelihood of lung cancer can be increased by this deeper, longer exposure to carcinogens.

Why Marijuana Should Be Legal

Paragraph 7:

Improved quality and safety control.

  • Legalization would lead to the creation of a set of standards for safety and quality control.
  • Users would know what they exactly get in exchange for the money they offer.
  • There would be no risks of users taking in unknown substances mixed in marijuana.

Paragraph 8:

Marijuana has a medicinal value.

  • Medical marijuana treats a wide assortment of “untreatable” diseases and conditions.
  • Public health would be improved and the healthcare system would experience less of a drain.  

Paragraph 9: 

Among the major arguments against marijuana legalization is often that legalization would yield an increase in drug-impaired driving.

  • This argument holds that even now when the drug is yet to be fully legalized in the country, it is a major causal factor in highway deaths, injuries, and crushes.
  • It however beats logic why marijuana is illegalized on the ground that it would increase drug-impaired driving while alcohol is legal but also significantly contributes to the same problem.

Legalization of marijuana would have many benefits. The drug is associated with the treatment of many serious illnesses including the dreaded cancer. Legalization would also save users from consuming unsafe marijuana sold by unscrupulous people.

Why Marijuana Should Be Legal Essay

There is an ongoing tension between the belief that marijuana effectively treats a wide range of ailments and the argument that it has far-reaching negative health effects. There has nevertheless been a drive towards legalization of the drug in the United States with twenty nine states and the District of Columbia having legalized it for medical and recreational purposes. It was also found by a study that there is a sharp increase in the use of marijuana across the country (Kerr, Lui & Ye, 2017). Major public health concerns are being prompted by this rise. This should however not be the case because marijuana has health benefits and should thus be legal.

Marijuana slows and stops the spread of cancer cells. A study found that Cannabidiol can turn off a gene called Id-1 and can therefore stop cancer. A 2007 report by researchers at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco also indicated that the spread of cancer may be prevented by Cannabidiol. In their lab experiment, the researchers were able to treat breast cancer cells with this component (Nawaz, 2017). The positive outcome of the experiment showed that Id-1 expression had been significantly decreased.

Marijuana also helps with pain and nausea reduction for people going through chemotherapy. Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy suffer from severe pains, appetite loss, vomiting, and painful nausea. This can further complicate their already deteriorating health. Marijuana can be of help here by stirring up the appetite, decreasing nausea, and reducing pain (Nawaz, 2017). There are also other cannabinoid drugs used for the same purposes as approved by the FDA.

It was additionally shown by a 2003 study that the use of marijuana can control epileptic seizure. Synthetic marijuana and marijuana extracts were given to epileptic rats by Virginia Commonwealth University’s Robert J. DeLorenzo. In about ten hours, the seizures had been stopped by the drugs (Nawaz, 2017). It was found that the seizures were controlled by the THC which bound the brain cells responsible for regulating relaxation and controlling excitability.

Some scientists claim that marijuana is addictive. According to them, one in ten marijuana users become addicted over time. They argue that if one stops using the drug abruptly, they may suffer from such withdrawal symptoms as anxiety and irritability (Barcott, 2015). However, the same argument could be applied to cigarette smoking, which is notably legal. There is need for more studies to be conducted into this claim being spread by opponents of marijuana legalization.

It is also argued that marijuana use decreases mental health. Those opposed to the legalization of recreational marijuana like to cite studies that show that users of the drug suffer from memory loss and restricted blood flow to the brain. They also argue that users have higher chances of developing depression and schizophrenia. However, these assertions have not yet been completely ascertained by science (Barcott, 2015). The claim about depression and schizophrenia is particularly not clear because researchers are not sure whether the drug triggers the conditions or it is used by smokers to alleviate the symptoms.

It is further claimed that marijuana use damages the lungs more than cigarette smoking. It is presumed that marijuana smokers inhale the smoke more deeply into their lungs and let it stay there for longer. The likelihood of lung cancer, according to this argument, can be increased by this deeper, longer exposure to carcinogens. However, the argument touches not on the frequency of use between marijuana and cigarette smokers (Barcott, 2015). It neither takes into account such alternative administration methods as edibles, tinctures, and vaporizing.

Legalization of marijuana would lead to improved quality and safety control. Purchasing the drug off the street provides end users with no means of knowing what they are exactly getting. On the other hand, legalizing it would immediately lead to the creation of a set of standards for safety and quality control (Caulkins, Kilmer & Kleiman, 2016). This would certainly work in the marijuana industry just as it is working in the tobacco and alcohol industries. Users would be able to know what they exactly get in exchange for the money they offer. Additionally, there would be no risks of users taking in unknown substances mixed in marijuana sold on the streets.

Marijuana should also be legal because it has a medicinal value. It has been proven that medical marijuana treats a wide assortment of “untreatable” diseases and conditions. These include problems due to chemotherapy, cancer, post-traumatic stress disorder, migraines, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and Crohn’s disease (Caulkins, Kilmer & Kleiman, 2016). Public health would be improved and the healthcare system would experience less of a drain if medical cannabis products were made available to those suffering from the mentioned conditions. Consequently, more public funds would be available for such other public service initiatives as schools and roads.

Among the major arguments against marijuana legalization is often that legalization would yield an increase in drug-impaired driving. This argument holds that even now when the drug is yet to be fully legalized in the country, it has already been cited to be a major causal factor in highway deaths, injuries, and crushes. Among the surveys those arguing along this line might cite is one that was conducted back in 2010, revealing that of the participating weekend night-time drivers, “8.6 percent tested positive for marijuana or its metabolites” (“Why We Should Not Legalize Marijuana,” 2010). It was found in yet another study that 26.9% of drivers who were being attended to at a trauma center after sustaining serious injuries tested positive for the drug (“Why We Should Not Legalize Marijuana,” 2010). It however beats logic why marijuana is illegalized on the ground that it would increase drug-impaired driving while alcohol is legal but also significantly contributes to the same problem.

As the discussion reveals, legalization of marijuana would have many benefits. The drug is associated with the treatment of many serious illnesses including the dreaded cancer. Legalization would also save users from consuming unsafe marijuana sold by unscrupulous people. There are also other health conditions that can be controlled through the drug. Arguments against its legalization based on its effects on human health also lack sufficient scientific support. It is thus only safe that the drug is legalized in all states.

Barcott, B. (2015).  Weed the people: the future of legal marijuana in America . New York, NY: Time Home Entertainment.

Caulkins, J. P., Kilmer, B., & Kleiman, M. (2016).  Marijuana legalization: what everyone needs to know . New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Kerr, W., Lui, C., & Ye, Y. (2017). Trends and age, period and cohort effects for marijuana use prevalence in the 1984-2015 US National Alcohol Surveys.  Addiction ,  113 (3), 473-481.

Nawaz, H. (2017).  The debate between legalizing marijuana and its benefits for medical purposes: a pros and cons analysis . Munich, Germany: GRIN Verlag.

Why We Should Not Legalize Marijuana. (2010). In  CNBC . Retrieved June 25, 2020 from .

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The Evidence—and Lack Thereof—About Cannabis

Research is still needed on cannabis’s risks and benefits. 

Lindsay Smith Rogers

Although the use and possession of cannabis is illegal under federal law, medicinal and recreational cannabis use has become increasingly widespread.

Thirty-eight states and Washington, D.C., have legalized medical cannabis, while 23 states and D.C. have legalized recreational use. Cannabis legalization has benefits, such as removing the product from the illegal market so it can be taxed and regulated, but science is still trying to catch up as social norms evolve and different products become available. 

In this Q&A, adapted from the August 25 episode of Public Health On Call , Lindsay Smith Rogers talks with Johannes Thrul, PhD, MS , associate professor of Mental Health , about cannabis as medicine, potential risks involved with its use, and what research is showing about its safety and efficacy. 

Do you think medicinal cannabis paved the way for legalization of recreational use?

The momentum has been clear for a few years now. California was the first to legalize it for medical reasons [in 1996]. Washington and Colorado were the first states to legalize recreational use back in 2012. You see one state after another changing their laws, and over time, you see a change in social norms. It's clear from the national surveys that people are becoming more and more in favor of cannabis legalization. That started with medical use, and has now continued into recreational use.

But there is a murky differentiation between medical and recreational cannabis. I think a lot of people are using cannabis to self-medicate. It's not like a medication you get prescribed for a very narrow symptom or a specific disease. Anyone with a medical cannabis prescription, or who meets the age limit for recreational cannabis, can purchase it. Then what they use it for is really all over the place—maybe because it makes them feel good, or because it helps them deal with certain symptoms, diseases, and disorders.

Does cannabis have viable medicinal uses?

The evidence is mixed at this point. There hasn’t been a lot of funding going into testing cannabis in a rigorous way. There is more evidence for certain indications than for others, like CBD for seizures—one of the first indications that cannabis was approved for. And THC has been used effectively for things like nausea and appetite for people with cancer.

There are other indications where the evidence is a lot more mixed. For example, pain—one of the main reasons that people report for using cannabis. When we talk to patients, they say cannabis improved their quality of life. In the big studies that have been done so far, there are some indications from animal models that cannabis might help [with pain]. When we look at human studies, it's very much a mixed bag. 

And, when we say cannabis, in a way it's a misnomer because cannabis is so many things. We have different cannabinoids and different concentrations of different cannabinoids. The main cannabinoids that are being studied are THC and CBD, but there are dozens of other minor cannabinoids and terpenes in cannabis products, all of varying concentrations. And then you also have a lot of different routes of administration available. You can smoke, vape, take edibles, use tinctures and topicals. When you think about the explosion of all of the different combinations of different products and different routes of administration, it tells you how complicated it gets to study this in a rigorous way. You almost need a randomized trial for every single one of those and then for every single indication.

What do we know about the risks of marijuana use?  

Cannabis use disorder is a legitimate disorder in the DSM. There are, unfortunately, a lot of people who develop a problematic use of cannabis. We know there are risks for mental health consequences. The evidence is probably the strongest that if you have a family history of psychosis or schizophrenia, using cannabis early in adolescence is not the best idea. We know cannabis can trigger psychotic symptoms and potentially longer lasting problems with psychosis and schizophrenia. 

It is hard to study, because you also don't know if people are medicating early negative symptoms of schizophrenia. They wouldn't necessarily have a diagnosis yet, but maybe cannabis helps them to deal with negative symptoms, and then they develop psychosis. There is also some evidence that there could be something going on with the impact of cannabis on the developing brain that could prime you to be at greater risk of using other substances later down the road, or finding the use of other substances more reinforcing. 

What benefits do you see to legalization?

When we look at the public health landscape and the effect of legislation, in this case legalization, one of the big benefits is taking cannabis out of the underground illegal market. Taking cannabis out of that particular space is a great idea. You're taking it out of the illegal market and giving it to legitimate businesses where there is going to be oversight and testing of products, so you know what you're getting. And these products undergo quality control and are labeled. Those labels so far are a bit variable, but at least we're getting there. If you're picking up cannabis at the street corner, you have no idea what's in it. 

And we know that drug laws in general have been used to criminalize communities of color and minorities. Legalizing cannabis [can help] reduce the overpolicing of these populations.

What big questions about cannabis would you most like to see answered?

We know there are certain, most-often-mentioned conditions that people are already using medical cannabis for: pain, insomnia, anxiety, and PTSD. We really need to improve the evidence base for those. I think clinical trials for different cannabis products for those conditions are warranted.

Another question is, now that the states are getting more tax revenue from cannabis sales, what are they doing with that money? If you look at tobacco legislation, for example, certain states have required that those funds get used for research on those particular issues. To me, that would be a very good use of the tax revenue that is now coming in. We know, for example, that there’s a lot more tax revenue now that Maryland has legalized recreational use. Maryland could really step up here and help provide some of that evidence.

Are there studies looking into the risks you mentioned?

Large national studies are done every year or every other year to collect data, so we already have a pretty good sense of the prevalence of cannabis use disorder. Obviously, we'll keep tracking that to see if those numbers increase, for example, in states that are legalizing. But, you wouldn't necessarily expect to see an uptick in cannabis use disorder a month after legalization. The evidence from states that have legalized it has not demonstrated that we might all of a sudden see an increase in psychosis or in cannabis use disorder. This happens slowly over time with a change in social norms and availability, and potentially also with a change in marketing. And, with increasing use of an addictive substance, you will see over time a potential increase in problematic use and then also an increase in use disorder.

If you're interested in seeing if cannabis is right for you, is this something you can talk to your doctor about?

I think your mileage may vary there with how much your doctor is comfortable and knows about it. It's still relatively fringe. That will very much depend on who you talk to. But I think as providers and professionals, everybody needs to learn more about this, because patients are going to ask no matter what.

Lindsay Smith Rogers, MA, is the producer of the Public Health On Call podcast , an editor for Expert Insights , and the director of content strategy for the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

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How to Write Legalization of Marijuana Essays

By: Angelina Grin

How to Write Legalization of Marijuana Essays

Since the legalization of marijuana has been a heated subject in recent years, many teachers give essay writing assignments on this to judge a student's knowledge of current affairs. Although you may have a basic understanding of what an essay on the legalization of marijuana is and how to write one, it is critical to continue to improve your research, composition, and essay structure. You can always build in some respects.

Essay Sample: Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

Health benefits of legalizing marijuana, negative effects of legalizing marijuana, use of medical studies, use of sub-headings and sub-points, references to use in the essay.

Studybay has provided a sample essay, its analysis, reviewed some essay fundamentals, and what the examiner will be looking for. If you want to go the extra mile, you can also seek   homework help . 

Marijuana is one most vehement adversaries in the war on drugs by Americans. And, given that alcohol and tobacco, two life-threatening drugs, are legal, it's fair to wonder why medical marijuana is prohibited. When taxpayers in America fill out their tax forms and hear the government's hash argument against marijuana, they will partially address this issue.

Marijuana, which is derived from Cannabis plants, is known by a variety of names. Marijuana has a variety of nicknames, ranging from cannabis to ganja to weed. Marijuana is made up of the leaves and flowers of the Cannabis plant. 

THC, or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, is the primary active ingredient in marijuana. It enters the bloodstream and travels to the brain. This substance induces a state of relaxation in the body.

There have been several debates on whether or not marijuana should be legalized. Many people assume that this substance is toxic to the human body, but there is hard evidence to the contrary. Marijuana has real advantages that can outweigh the ostensibly negative consequences. Arguments for drug legalization began in the United States of America. It has been shown to have many medical benefits, including anxiety relief, pain relief, nausea relief, and the reduction of epileptic seizures. A significant number of states in the United States allow for the use of marijuana on a prescription basis.

Medical Cannabis is commonly used to treat sleeping problems, appetite deficiency, autism, and cancer therapies such as chemotherapy. Cannabis can also be used to cure anorexia until it is approved. Emotion and mood control are two immediate effects of cannabis for medicinal purposes. Marijuana has been shown to have mild side effects when used in controlled doses.

The legalization of marijuana is expected to improve the country's economic development. If state officials vote to legalize marijuana, they will save a lot of money for taxpayers. 

State officials spend a lot of money on the branches of law enforcement that are in charge of enforcing drug prohibition laws. Every year, thousands of people are prosecuted for either using or possessing marijuana, and governments pay vast sums of money to keep them locked up. Legalizing marijuana would save this money.

Marijuana has not caused any apparent harm in countries where cannabis has been legalized. Marijuana users are thought to be abusive, according to some stereotypes. However, there is no concrete evidence to back up this claim to date. In the United States, several states have allowed marijuana for both medicinal and recreational uses, with no harmful consequences. In contrast, Colorado has seen a decline in marijuana-related property destruction and crime.

Essay Analysis

The essay example above is a fairly insightful work that covers many of the essential facets of essay composition. There are, however, certain main segments and points that are required. The aspects that should have been included are as follows:

A Strong Argument

Since we don't necessarily agree with what's right or rational, a well-crafted argument will assist us in determining what's fair or real. It's used to resolve disagreements to find the facts. Argument shows us how to analyze competing theories, as well as how to evaluate proof and inquiry processes. Argument teaches one how to explain our views and express them clearly and objectively and how to respectfully and critically evaluate the ideas of others.

In the above sample, the following sections on the effects of marijuana can be added:

  • Pharmaceutical cannabis has been   shown in studies   to reduce nausea caused by cancer chemotherapy and almost entirely prevent vomiting.
  • Marijuana can help with muscle spasticity, which is   often linked to multiple sclerosis   and paralysis.
  • Marijuana can aid in the   treatment of appetite loss   caused by HIV/AIDS and some forms of cancers.
  • Certain forms of chronic pain, such as neuropathic pain, may be   relieved by marijuana .
  • When isolated, as CBD has been, these compounds can contribute to   further advances in medical treatment options   without the "high" provided by THC.
  • Regular usage of marijuana causes a   negative impact   on your short-term memory.
  • Smoking any substance, whether nicotine or marijuana,   will cause significant lung harm .
  • Due to drug abuse, marijuana has a high potential for violence and addiction.
  • Marijuana has been linked   to a large number of car collisions and industrial accidents.

No wild claims have been made. All the pros and cons are back up with solid evidence from studies and proper medical research journals. 

On this point, there are some vital benefits you should note while writing your essay:

  • It adds creativity and interest to your essay.
  • You have a lot of options for adding information.
  • Your essay would be 100% original.
  • Your ideas would be clearer and more efficient.

Headings describe the paper's main themes and supporting theories, subheadings, bullets, numbered lists, etc. They use visual cues to communicate significance levels. Readers can discern the key points from the others thanks to differences in text size.

For instance, in point 1, we see the sub-headings as 'Pros and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana' further by sub-points in alphabetical order. 

The sample essay lacks a summary, an analysis, or a conclusion to the topic. The following paragraph could have been added as a conclusion:

While medical marijuana is still controversial, it is gaining popularity as a legal treatment option for several ailments. Although many states have approved cannabis for medical uses (and a few for commercial use), it would require more lawmakers and the federal government to make it accepted and sold around the country. However, proving or disproving the effectiveness of medical marijuana and eventually loosening the prohibitions on its use would almost certainly necessitate a much broader body of legal clinical study.

Additional Points

The following points can be expanded upon in this essay:

  • History of drug use in the medical history and as a recreational drug
  • Recreational purposes of marijuana
  • Decriminalization on the federal level
  • How to approach the marijuana-related drug policy
  • Other illegal drugs and their usage

You can also opt for   essay help   in covering the main points from professional services.

Here are some valuable research papers and sources to include and quote to get good grades:

  • FDA and Cannabis: Research and Drug Approval Process
  • Legalization of Marijuana: Potential Impact on Youth
  • Experimenting with Pot: The State of Colorado's Legalization of Marijuana 
  • Legalizing Marijuana: California's Pot of Gold?   (Covers the economic benefits)
  • Medicinal and Recreational Marijuana Use by Patients Infected with HIV

After you've finished writing your cannabis Sativa legalization essay, be sure to address the following points:

  • The grammar and distinctiveness of the marijuana essay have been double-checked and revised.
  • A solid a backed up by ideas, arguments, and proof.
  • The overview and analysis of the research and opinions of other authors.
  • An introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion are all part of a coherent framework.

Keep in mind that you can get expert essay assistance from Studybay when writing your   research paper .

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legalizing marijuana essay conclusion

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2018 Theses Doctoral

Essays on Cannabis Legalization

Thomas, Danna Kang

Though the drug remains illegal at the federal level, in recent years states and localities have increasingly liberalized their marijuana laws in order to generate tax revenue and save resources on marijuana law enforcement. Many states have adopted some form of medical marijuana and/or marijuana decriminalization laws, and as of 2017, Washington, Colorado, Maine, California, Oregon, Massachusetts, Nevada, Alaska, and the District of Columbia have all legalized marijuana for recreational use. In 2016 recreational marijuana generated over $1.8 billion in sales. Hence, studying marijuana reforms and the policies and outcomes of early recreational marijuana adopters is an important area of research. However, perhaps due to the fact that legalized recreational cannabis is a recent phenomenon, a scarcity of research exists on the impacts of recreational cannabis legalization and the efficacy and efficiency of cannabis regulation. This dissertation aims to fill this gap, using the Washington recreational marijuana market as the primary setting to study cannabis legalization in the United States. Of first order importance in the regulation of sin goods such as cannabis is quantifying the value of the marginal damages of negative externalities. Hence, Chapter 1 (co-authored with Lin Tian) explores the impact of marijuana dispensary location on neighborhood property values, exploiting plausibly exogenous variation in marijuana retailer location. Policymakers and advocates have long expressed concerns that the positive effects of the legalization--e.g., increases in tax revenue--are well spread spatially, but the negative effects are highly localized through channels such as crime. Hence, we use changes in property values to measure individuals' willingness to pay to avoid localized externalities caused by the arrival of marijuana dispensaries. Our key identification strategy is to compare changes in housing sales around winners and losers in a lottery for recreational marijuana retail licenses. (Due to location restrictions, license applicants were required to provide an address of where they would like to locate.) Hence, we have the locations of both actual entrants and potential entrants, which provides a natural difference-in-differences set-up. Using data from King County, Washington, we find an almost 2.4% decrease in the value of properties within a 0.5 mile radius of an entrant, a $9,400 decline in median property values. The aforementioned retail license lottery was used to distribute licenses due to a license quota. Retail license quotas are often used by states to regulate entry into sin goods markets as quotas can restrict consumption by decreasing access and by reducing competition (and, therefore, increasing markups). However, license quotas also create allocative inefficiency. For example, license quotas are often based on the population of a city or county. Hence, licenses are not necessarily allocated to the areas where they offer the highest marginal benefit. Moreover, as seen in the case of the Washington recreational marijuana market, licenses are often distributed via lottery, meaning that in the absence of an efficiency secondary market for licenses, the license recipients are not necessarily the most efficient potential entrants. This allocative inefficiency is generated by heterogeneity in firms and consumers. Therefore, in Chapter 2, I develop a model of demand and firm pricing in order to investigate firm-level heterogeneity and inefficiency. Demand is differentiated by geography and incorporates consumer demographics. I estimate this demand model using data on firm sales from Washington. Utilizing the estimates and firm pricing model, I back out a non-parametric distribution of firm variable costs. These variable costs differ by product and firm and provide a measure of firm inefficiency. I find that variable costs have lower inventory turnover; hence, randomly choosing entrants in a lottery could be a large contributor to allocative inefficiency. Chapter 3 explores the sources of allocative inefficiency in license distribution in the Washington recreational marijuana market. A difficulty in studying the welfare effects of license quotas is finding credible counterfactuals of unrestricted entry. Therefore, I take a structural approach: I first develop a three stage model that endogenizes firm entry and incorporates the spatial demand and pricing model discussed in Chapter 2. Using the estimates of the demand and pricing model, I estimate firms' fixed costs and use data on locations of those potential entrants that did not win Washington's retail license lottery to simulate counterfactual entry patterns. I find that allowing firms to enter freely at Washington's current marijuana tax rate increases total surplus by 21.5% relative to a baseline simulation of Washington's license quota regime. Geographic misallocation and random allocation of licenses account for 6.6\% and 65.9\% of this difference, respectively. Moreover, as the primary objective of these quotas is to mitigate the negative externalities of marijuana consumption, I study alternative state tax policies that directly control for the marginal damages of marijuana consumption. Free entry with tax rates that keep the quantity of marijuana or THC consumed equal to baseline consumption increases welfare by 6.9% and 11.7%, respectively. I also explore the possibility of heterogeneous marginal damages of consumption across geography, backing out the non-uniform sales tax across geography that is consistent with Washington's license quota policy. Free entry with a non-uniform sales tax increases efficiency by over 7% relative to the baseline simulation of license quotas due to improvements in license allocation.

  • Cannabis--Law and legislation
  • Marijuana industry
  • Drug legalization
  • Drugs--Economic aspects

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legalizing marijuana essay conclusion

Five Reasons Why We Should Legalize Cannabis

Cannabis use in the United States has had a long and complicated history. For decades, people who used cannabis were subject to social ostracization and criminal prosecution. However, attitudes toward cannabis have been evolving in recent years. An increasing number of states have started to legalize cannabis for medical or recreational use. This shift in policy has been driven by a variety of factors including changing public attitudes and the potential economic benefits of legalization. In this article, we will explore the potential benefits of legalizing cannabis in our country.

1. Legalization for the Environment

Legalizing cannabis can have significant benefits for the environment. When cannabis is grown illegally, it is often done in environmentally damaging ways, such as using chemical pesticides or clearing primary forests to make room for crops. Legalization could allow customers to support more environmental growers. This will incentivize more responsible growing practices, such as the use of organic farming methods or the use of renewable energy sources to power indoor grow operations. In addition, the culture of growing cannabis can help to discover and preserve precious marijuana seeds , increasing biodiversity and facilitating a deeper understanding of cannabis plants and their cultivation.

2. Legalization for Justice

Where cannabis is illegal, people are being arrested and charged for possession or sale, which leads to costly court cases and a burden on the criminal justice system. Legalization would free up law enforcement resources to focus on more serious crimes and simultaneously reduce the number of people incarcerated for non-violent drug offenses. This could help to reduce the overall prison population and save taxpayers money.

In addition, legalization can have significant benefits for justice and equity, particularly for marginalized communities that have been disproportionately affected by the criminalization of cannabis. Communities of color have been particularly affected by the war on drugs, with Black Americans being nearly four times more likely to be arrested for cannabis possession than white Americans, despite similar rates of use.

By regulating cannabis cultivation and sales, legalization can help to eliminate the black market and reduce the involvement of criminal organizations in the cannabis industry. This can lead to safer communities and reduced drug-related violence in communities that have been most affected by the criminalization of cannabis.

3. Legalization for Public Health

Cannabis has been shown to have many beneficial and therapeutic effects on both physical and mental health. However, people may be hesitant to seek medical marijuana treatment due to fear of legal repercussions if cannabis is illegal. Legalization can allow more people to enjoy better health outcomes. It can also promote the safer use of cannabis by educating the public on appropriate cannabis use and providing quality control measures for cannabis products. Legalization can also lead to increased research into potential medical applications of cannabis and could lead to the development of innovative treatments.

Another potential perk of cannabis legalization is that it could reduce the use of more harmful drugs. In the absence of cannabis, people may turn to more dangerous drugs like heroin or fentanyl to manage chronic pain or other conditions. By legalizing cannabis, we can provide a safer alternative for these individuals and could reduce the overall demand for these more dangerous drugs. States that have legalized cannabis found a decrease in opioid overdose deaths and hospitalizations, suggesting that cannabis are an effective alternative to prescription painkillers.

4. Legalization for the Economy

The legalization of cannabis can generate significant tax revenue for governments and create new economic opportunities. When cannabis is illegal, it is sold on the black market, and no taxes are collected on these sales. However, when it is legal, sales can be regulated, and taxes can be imposed on those sales. In states that have legalized cannabis, tax revenue from cannabis sales has been in the millions of dollars , with California registering a whopping $1.2 billion in cannabis tax revenue in 2021. This impressive income can be used to reduce budget deficits, fund various public services such as education and healthcare, and create new opportunities for investment in projects that revitalize the economy.

Aside from tax revenue, legalizing cannabis can create new jobs. The cannabis industry is a rapidly growing industry, and legalization could lead to the creation of new jobs in areas such as cultivation, processing, and retail sales. This can help to reduce unemployment and create new gainful opportunities for people who may have struggled to find employment in other industries. Legalization can also lead to increased investment in related industries, such as the development of new products or technologies to improve cannabis cultivation or the creation of new retail businesses. There are now several venture capital funds and investment groups that focus solely on cannabis-related enterprises.

5. Legalization for Acceptance

Finally, legalization could help reduce the stigma surrounding cannabis use. Before cannabis legalization, people who use the plant were often viewed as criminals or deviants. Legalization can help change this perception and lead to more open and honest conversations about cannabis use. Ultimately, legalization could lead to a more accepting and inclusive society where individuals are not judged or discriminated against for their personal and healthcare choices. By legalizing cannabis, we can harness the power of a therapeutic plant. Legalization can heal not just physical and mental ailments of individuals but also the social wounds that have resulted from its criminalization.

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Legalization of Marijuana Essays: Crafting a Compelling Argument

legalizing marijuana essay conclusion


Welcome to The Knowledge Nest, a reliable source for in-depth information on various topics. In this article, we will delve into the art of writing a convincing and well-structured essay on the subject of marijuana legalization.

Understanding the Topic

Before we dive into the specifics of writing an essay on the legalization of marijuana, it's important to have a solid understanding of the topic. Marijuana, also referred to as cannabis, is a controversial plant known for its psychoactive properties. The debate surrounding its legalization revolves around its potential medical benefits, economic implications, and societal impact.

Choosing Your Perspective

One of the crucial decisions you'll need to make when writing a legalization of marijuana essay is choosing your perspective. Will you argue for its legalization or against it? Whichever side you choose, it's essential to conduct comprehensive research to support your stance.

Gathering Reliable Sources

To create a well-rounded and informative essay, it's imperative to gather information from credible sources. Consider consulting peer-reviewed journals, academic publications, government reports, and reputable news outlets. These sources will lend credibility to your arguments and strengthen your essay's impact.

Structuring Your Essay

An effective essay requires a clear structure to guide the reader through your arguments. Here's a suggested outline:

Begin your essay with a captivating introduction that provides an overview of the topic and captures the reader's attention. Clearly state your thesis statement, which represents the main argument of your essay.

Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs form the core of your essay. Each paragraph should focus on a specific point or argument, providing evidence and supporting details. Use subheadings to organize your paragraphs and enhance readability.


Addressing counterarguments is crucial in strengthening your essay's credibility. Acknowledge opposing viewpoints and skillfully refute them by presenting strong evidence and logical reasoning. Show respect for differing opinions while firmly defending your own stance.

Summarize your main points and restate your thesis statement in the conclusion. Leave the reader with a compelling call-to-action or a thought-provoking question to encourage further consideration of the topic.

Research and Analysis Techniques

When developing your essay, employing effective research and analysis techniques is key to providing a comprehensive and well-supported argument. Here are some strategies to consider:

Statistical Analysis

Explore statistical data surrounding marijuana usage, legalization efforts, and its impact on society. Utilize charts, graphs, and figures to visually represent your findings and enhance the persuasive power of your essay.

Expert Interviews

Conducting interviews with experts in the field can add valuable insights and credibility to your essay. Seek out professionals, researchers, or individuals with first-hand experience to provide informed perspectives on the subject.

Case Studies

Investigate case studies of regions or countries where marijuana legalization has been implemented. Analyze the economic, social, and health implications observed in these contexts to support your arguments.

Addressing Counterarguments

As mentioned earlier, addressing counterarguments is vital in developing a strong essay. Some common counterarguments against marijuana legalization include concerns about increased drug abuse, potential negative health effects, and its impact on public safety. By researching these opposing views in depth and presenting well-reasoned counterpoints, you can strengthen your argument.

In conclusion, crafting a well-structured and persuasive essay on the legalization of marijuana requires in-depth research, analysis, and careful consideration of counterarguments. The tips provided in this guide will help you create a compelling argument that stands out. Remember, quality content is just one aspect that contributes to a successful SEO strategy. Implementing effective on-page optimization techniques, building relevant backlinks, and maintaining a user-friendly website will further enhance your chances of outranking other websites in search engine results. Trust The Knowledge Nest for reliable information and comprehensive resources on a wide range of topics.

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Pro-Legalization of Marijuana

How it works

Marijuana has always been a much-discussed subject that has sparked heated discussions among experts and officials, in addition to a perpetual dialogue among family and associates. This is primarily due to the fact that people are still divided on whether cannabis should be legalized or not.

While many people are aware of the dangers of cannabis for recreational purposes, many states are pushing for the legalization of medical cannabis. Several studies of cannabinoid elements have revealed its medicinal qualities, which have further fueled the call for legalizing therapeutic weed.

  • 1 What does therapeutic weed mean?
  • 2 References

What does therapeutic weed mean?

Therapeutic marijuana refers to the treatment of a disease or symptom using the whole, unprocessed cannabis plant or its primary extracts. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not yet approved or recognized the use of the cannabis plant as a medicine.

However, scientific studies of marijuana chemicals, called cannabinoids, have resulted in several FDA-approved medications that contain cannabinoid chemicals in pill form. As the cannabis plant contains chemicals that could potentially treat a wide range of ailments or symptoms, many people are advocating for the legalization of cannabis for medicinal purposes. In several states, medicinal cannabis has already been legalized.

There are numerous health benefits associated with therapeutic marijuana. These have been scientifically proven in medical laboratories. Medicinal marijuana comes in a variety of forms. It can be smoked, vaporized, taken as a pill, or prepared as edible foods such as brownies, cookies, and chocolate bars (Sherani, Vakil, Upadhyay, Cervellione, & Babury, 2016).

The Federal Drug Enforcement Administration classifies marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug, implying that it has a high potential for abuse and no accepted medical use. However, the idea that marijuana may have therapeutic uses is backed by solid science. The human body has the natural capacity to create its own cannabinoids, which are utilized in pain management.

The main psychoactive cannabinoid in cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. It targets the CB1 receptor, a cannabinoid receptor located in the brain and in the nervous system, liver, kidney, and lungs. This receptor is activated to soothe the body’s response to pain and harmful chemicals.

In a placebo-controlled study published in the journal Neurology, Abrams and his colleagues found that marijuana is effective at alleviating neuropathic pain caused by damaged nerves in the body. Opiates, such as morphine, are not effective in treating neuropathic pain. Another study revealed that cannabis, in addition to opiates, provided significant levels of pain relief. Researchers at the American Academy of Neurology found that medicinal marijuana in pill or syrup form could reduce stiffness and muscle spasms. In addition, the therapy also reduced certain symptoms of pain associated with spasms, severe burning and numbness, and overactive bladder, according to another study (“Physicians present case for legalizing marijuana,” 2017).

One of the well-known effects of using marijuana is an increased appetite, which is helpful in stimulating hunger among HIV/AIDS patients and others with decreased appetite due to a medical condition or treatment. Medicinal marijuana is also frequently used to treat nausea induced by chemotherapy, although scientific studies of smoked marijuana are limited.

Two FDA-endorsed chemically modified types of THC, namely, dronabinol and nabilone, have been demonstrated to reduce chemotherapy-related nausea in cancer patients. Medical marijuana may also be used for treating glaucoma, a raised pressure in the eyeball that can lead to blindness. The American Cancer Society revealed that while marijuana can decrease intra-ocular pressure, it must be taken several times throughout the day to produce the desired effect.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive component of cannabis with medicinal benefits. Since it does not target the CB1 receptor, it does not leave people feeling stoned.

In a recent study published in the Journal of Translational Psychiatry, it was revealed that cannabidiol can be effective as a treatment for schizophrenia. In a study conducted at the University of Cologne, 42 patients were randomly assigned to receive either cannabidiol or amisulpride, a drug used for treating schizophrenia, for 28 days. When compared, clinical effects revealed no significant difference between the two treatments.

The following are the advantages of legalizing marijuana/cannabis:

The government generates more income from its legalization. While the black market has profited from selling this type of medication, the government is seeking ways to increase their income to fund developments such as building parks and street repairs. The legalization of cannabis diverts the profit from the black market to government funding to support future projects, with taxes imposed on marijuana sales used for the benefit of the public.

There is more effective law enforcement. Legalizing or decriminalizing marijuana use allows police authorities to focus on other crimes. Though the implementation of cannabis law provisions will be monitored by police and key government agencies, law enforcement personnel can now shift their priorities towards other pressing matters.

There is a reduction in drug-related organized crime. Legalizing marijuana will decrease the amount of money used to support organized crime. It is believed that legalizing cannabis will discourage illegal sellers and reduce crimes related to drug trade.

There is wider access to the medicinal use of marijuana. This may be the second reason why pro-cannabis users are advocating for the legalization of marijuana. Medical cannabis has been reported to have significant positive effects on patients suffering from chronic pain, particularly those with cancer. While some health professionals recommend this, it has been challenging for patients to find a store that can supply them with cannabis. By legalizing marijuana, stores can be established as long as they comply with the rules imposed under the law. The availability of cannabis in approved medical marijuana dispensaries enables patients to access the medication.

Significant emphasis has been placed on the health benefits of legalizing cannabis, as it can help manage pain felt by patients suffering from nerve damage, trauma, and cancer. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active component of cannabis, alleviates pain. In addition to pain management, cannabis is touted for preventing health conditions related to Alzheimer’s disease among the elderly. THC is also believed to halt the growth of plaques in the brain (“Physicians Present Case for Legalizing Marijuana,” 2017).

Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy often experience nausea and vomiting. Administering cannabis helps them keep their food down. It is also believed to aid in the treatment of insomnia, glaucoma, asthma, lung cancer, and breast cancer.

Better substance control is another advantage of authorizing the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Illegal drugs have become prevalent in public scenes, most notably at rave parties, clubs, and concerts. Sadly, the lack of regulations for these substances leads some people with malicious intent to sell a different substance to imitate the effect of the intended drug, unbeknownst to the buyer. By legalizing cannabis, the user knows exactly what they are purchasing and the precise quantity given to them. Most street drugs, particularly the dangerous kind, don’t adhere to this standard.

Legalization comes with the opportunity for decision making. People have the right to make their own choices, including about drugs. Whether something is good or bad for us, it is at our discretion whether to use it or not. The legalization of marijuana allows people to gather enough information to make their own decisions, without the fear of prosecution.

It can reduce drug-related disputes about marijuana. Illegal drug trade often leads to sticky situations, such as personal conflicts or violent crimes. With illicit drugs, you can’t turn to the police to complain about a product dispute with a dealer. However, any dispute regarding the trade, use, manufacture, and distribution of marijuana can be legally resolved in a courtroom.

It can cause a loss of business among street drug dealers or illicit marijuana business vendors. Street dealers exploit their customers by selling marijuana at high prices. By standardizing the price of cannabis, it can prevent street dealers from charging exorbitant rates. Making marijuana readily available would mean a decrease in revenue for street dealers.

In conclusion, marijuana legalization has many benefits, especially on the medical side. What is significant in the legalization of marijuana is the focus on the implementation of laws governing cannabis legalization. This needs concerted efforts from legislators, health professionals, concerned authorities, and even local governments to protect society from the side effects of cannabis addiction and its other unwanted outcomes.

  • Anaekwe, O. (2016). Marijuana and Money: Legalizing the One to Make More of the Other. SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2864050
  • The Legalization of Marijuana. (2017). doi:10.4135/9781506369242
  • Leyton, M. (2016). Legalizing Marijuana. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience, 41(2), 75-76. doi:10.1503/jpn.160012
  • Physicians Present Case for Legalizing Marijuana. (2017). The Brown University Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology Update, 20(1), 1-2. doi:10.1002/cpu.30266
  • Sherani, K., Vakil, A., Upadhyay, H., Cervellione, K., & Babury, M. (2016). Legalizing Marijuana: What More to Expect? Chest, 149(4), A140. doi:10.1016/j.chest.2016.02.146


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U.S. Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris walks to board Air Force Two at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland

Brian Slodysko, Associated Press Brian Slodysko, Associated Press

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The evolution of Harris’ stances on key issues, from the death penalty to marijuana

WASHINGTON (AP) — As California’s attorney general, Kamala Harris successfully defended the death penalty in court, despite her past crusade against it.

As a new senator, she proposed to abolish cash bail — a reversal from when she chided San Francisco judges for making it “cheaper” to commit crimes by setting bail amounts too low.

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And now, as vice president and the Democratic presidential nominee, Harris’ campaign insists that she does not want to ban fracking, an oil and gas extraction process, even though that was precisely her position just a few years ago when she first pursued the White House.

Politicians often recalibrate in the face of shifting public opinions and circumstances. Across two decades in elected office and now seeking the presidency for the second time, Harris has not hesitated to stake out expedient and — at times — contradictory positions as she climbed the political ladder. Harris’ litany of policy reversals is opening her to attacks by Republicans and testing the strength of her pitch to voters as a truth-teller who is more credible than former President Donald Trump.

Her shifts, including on matters that she has framed as moral issues, could raise doubts about her convictions as she is reintroducing herself to the public after taking the reins of the campaign from President Joe Biden, who last month dropped out of the race.

In addition to reversing course on fracking and cash bail, Harris has changed tack on issues including health care (she supported a plan to eliminate private health insurance before she opposed it), immigration and gun control.

“She is vulnerable to the charge of flip-flopping, no question about that,” said John Pitney, a professor of political science at Claremont McKenna College in California, who worked as a GOP congressional and political aide in the 1980s. “The trouble for Republicans, to put it lightly” is Trump and his running mate, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, “do not come to this issue with spotless records.”

In a statement, Harris’ campaign did not address her policy shifts. Instead, a campaign spokesman leaned into her credentials as a San Francisco district attorney and California attorney general to attack Trump.

“During her career in law enforcement, Kamala Harris was a pragmatic prosecutor who successfully took on predators, fraudsters and cheaters like Donald Trump,” said spokesman James Singer.

Trump has changed positions, too

Trump has a well-documented record of falsehoods, shifting positions and outright lies. One of the clearest examples of his penchant for taking all sides of an issue is on abortion, a transition that took him from “very pro-choice” in 1999 to “pro-life” in recent years. He suggested during his 2016 presidential campaign that women who have abortions should be subject to “some form of punishment,” but now says abortion policy should be left up to the states. He has also boasted of appointing three justices to the Supreme Court, paving the way for its landmark 2022 ruling striking down the constitutional right to abortion.

Nevertheless, there is ample incentive for Republicans to attack Harris along similar lines if history is a guide.

WATCH: Fact-checking the latest campaign trail claims from Trump and Harris

Republicans in 2004 savaged then-Sen. John Kerry for voting both for and against the same Iraq War funding bill, which they distilled down to the attack that he “was for it before (he) was against it.” Democrats attacked George H.W. Bush for failing to abide by his “read my lips” vow to not raise taxes.

Such criticism hasn’t always resonated. In 1992, Democratic presidential hopeful Paul Tsongas attacked Bill Clinton, dismissing him days before the New Hampshire primary as a “pander bear” who “will say anything, do anything to get votes.” Clinton defeated Tsongas days later before winning two terms in the White House.

The death penalty

One of Harris’ most pronounced shifts was over the death penalty. During a 2004 inauguration speech after her election as San Francisco’s district attorney, Harris vowed to “never charge the death penalty.” She framed her choice as a moral one.

She stuck to that pledge when a 21-year-old gang member was accused of killing San Francisco Police Officer Isaac Espinoza. Harris announced that she would not seek the ultimate punishment — a decision condemned by police and some fellow Democrats. At the officer’s funeral, Harris was forced to look on as Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein received a standing ovation when she said the death penalty was warranted.

Harris softened her approach four years later, after launching her campaign for California attorney general. Amid a tightly contested race with Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley, a Republican, Harris said she would ”enforce the death penalty as the law dictates.” While other Democrats on the ballot cruised to victory , Harris barely won.

She kept that promise. Her office successfully defended the death penalty in court, arguing she was obligated to uphold the law as the state’s top attorney — even as she refused to enforce a referendum that banned gay marriage.

‘Blood and guts prosecutor’ turned progressive

As district attorney, Harris zealously approached criminal enforcement matters. While still a candidate, she blasted the progressive incumbent, Terence Hallinan, as a “do nothing prosecutor” and called for taking more aggressive steps to police the homeless. Once in office, she pursued the parents of chronically truant students, sought higher bail amounts and aggressively prosecuted drug crimes, earning her the nickname of “Copala.”

When a scandal erupted at the city’s crime lab involving a drug-skimming evidence technician, her office failed to promptly disclose the problem to defense attorneys, as required. She also sought to continue prosecuting the tainted cases, criticized the judge handling the matter as biased and trying to have her removed from overseeing the cases involving the technician, who had often served as an expert witness.

Harris has said she was unaware of issues with the lab, though emails released in a court case show her top deputies knew there was a problem.

WATCH : Biden and Harris announce deal to cut Medicare prices of popular drugs

“She was a blood and guts prosecutor,” said Bill Fazio, a longtime San Francisco attorney who ran against Harris in the 2003 district attorney’s race. “My history with her is she never gave away cases.”

As attorney general, Harris continued to take hardline stances on criminal justice matters. She appealed convictions that judges had ordered thrown out. Her office fought a court order mandating the release of state prisoners due to overcrowding. She also opposed legislation requiring her office to investigate shootings involving police and declined to back statewide standards for the use of body cameras by local law enforcement.

Once elected to the Senate in 2016, however, Harris jettisoned many of those positions amid speculation she would pursue the presidency. She sought instead to portray herself as a “progressive prosecutor” and proposed sweeping reforms, including abolishing the cash bail system — which her attorneys had defended in court just months before — and imposing a moratorium on the death penalty.

In May 2020, violent protests erupted in Minneapolis over the police killing of George Floyd, a Black man. A police station was torched and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who is now Harris’ running mate, called in the National Guard to help quell the unrest. In the days that followed, Harris took to the social media site Twitter, now known as X, and urged her followers to “chip in” to a bail fund to help those arrested post bond.

It’s unclear if Harris, who tweeted “End money bail” as a presidential candidate, still supports the idea. She abandoned her primary campaign in 2019 and was picked the next year to join Biden’s ticket. Her campaign declined to directly address the question.

“She believes that we need a system where public safety, not wealth, determines who should stay behind bars following an arrest. Anyone who is a danger to society should be detained regardless of how wealthy they are,” said Singer, the spokesman.

‘I did inhale’

Harris also changed positions on two other hot-button issues: marijuana and gun control.

Most Americans live in states where marijuana is legal in some form, and Harris is now the first major party presidential nominee to advocate for marijuana legalization.

READ MORE : Past match-ups offer clues on how Harris might debate Trump

But at different junctures of her time in office, she has been an enforcer of cannabis laws and an opponent of legalized use for adults in California.

Though she defended marijuana’s use for medicinal purposes as district attorney, her prosecutors in San Francisco convicted more than 1,900 people on cannabis-related offenses.

In 2010, when she was running to become California’s top law enforcement official, she opposed allowing marijuana sales for recreational use. At the time, she said it would cause confusion in the state’s loosely regulated medicinal marketplace.

When running for reelection as California attorney general, Harris said she did not support legalizing recreational use of marijuana — a position endorsed by her Republican challenger.

By the time she was running for president in 2019, she had reversed course and was even joking about having smoked the drug.

“I did inhale,” she quipped during a radio interview, referring to smoking pot in her college days, twisting a line Bill Clinton used in his 1992 campaign to deflect criticism that he had used the drug.

Earlier this year, she said it’s “absurd” that the federal government classifies marijuana as more dangerous than fentanyl, and she criticized the federal classification of cannabis as “patently unfair.”

Harris has undergone an “evolution in thought on the issue that is representative of the American public at large,” said Morgan Fox, political director for the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, or NORML.

With most American adults supporting legalization, Fox said, “it’s not surprising that any particular politician also would.”

Since becoming vice president, Harris has pulled back from her support for mandatory gun buy-back programs, which helped her stand out in a crowded 2019 Democratic primary. Such policies would force millions of gun owners to sell their AR-15s and similar firearms to the government, a proposal that found little support among other Democrats or gun safety advocates.

She now advocates for more moderate and politically popular proposals, including universal background checks on gun sales and “red flag” laws that generally allow family members or law enforcement officers to seek a court order restricting gun access to those posing an immediate risk to themselves or public safety.

“She’s a political animal, there’s no question about it,” said Geoff Brown, a former San Francisco public defender who knew Harris during her time as a Bay Area prosecutor. “But you don’t get to be president unless you are one.”

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NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

National Research Council (US) Committee on Substance Abuse and Habitual Behavior. An Analysis of Marijuana Policy. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1982.

Cover of An Analysis of Marijuana Policy

An Analysis of Marijuana Policy.

  • Hardcopy Version at National Academies Press


For the last decade, concern with health hazards attributable to marijuana has been rising. The hearts, lungs, reproductive functions, and mental abilities of children have been reported to be threatened by marijuana, and such threats are not to be taken lightly. Heavy use by anyone or any use by growing children should be discouraged. Although conclusive evidence is lacking of major, long-term public health problems caused by marijuana, they are worrisome possibilities, and both the reports and the a priori likelihood of developmental damage to some young users makes marijuana use a cause for extreme concern.

At the same time, the effectiveness of the present federal policy of complete prohibition falls far short of its goal--preventing use. An estimated 55 million Americans have tried marijuana, federal enforcement of prohibition of use is virtually nonexistent, and 11 states have repealed criminal penalties for private possession of small amounts and for private use. It can no longer be argued that use would be much more widespread and the problematic effects greater today if the policy of complete prohibition did not exist: The existing evidence on policies of partial prohibition indicates that partial prohibition has been as effective in controlling consumption as complete prohibition and has entailed considerably smaller social, legal, and economic costs. On balance, therefore, we believe that a policy of partial prohibition is clearly preferable to a policy of complete prohibition of supply and use.

We believe, further, that current policies directed at controlling the supply of marijuana should be seriously reconsidered. The demonstrated ineffectiveness of control of use through prohibition of supply and the high costs of implementing such a policy make it very unlikely that any kind of partial prohibition policy will be effective in reducing marijuana use significantly below present levels. Moreover, it seems likely to us that removal of criminal sanctions will be given serious consideration by the federal government and by the states in the foreseeable future. Hence, a variety of alternative policies should be considered.

At this time, the form of specific alternatives to current policies and their probable effect on patterns of use cannot be determined with confidence. It is possible that, after careful study, all alternatives will turn out to have so many disadvantages that none could command public consensus. To maximize the likelihood of sound policy for the long run, however, further research should be conducted on the biological, behavioral, developmental, and social consequences of marijuana use, on the structure and operation of drug markets, and on the relations of various conditions of availability to patterns of use.

  • Cite this Page National Research Council (US) Committee on Substance Abuse and Habitual Behavior. An Analysis of Marijuana Policy. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1982. CONCLUSIONS.

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Harris’s Early Campaign: Heavy on Buzz, Light on Policy

On policy, the vice president is drafting off President Biden, essentially cherry-picking the most popular parts of his agenda and betting that a younger messenger can sell them to Americans.

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Vice President Kamala Harris smiling and waving as she exits a vehicle.

By Reid J. Epstein

Reid J. Epstein covers Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign. He reported from Washington and Chicago.

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When Hillary Clinton ran for president in 2016, she had more than 200 distinct policy proposals. Four years ago, Joseph R. Biden Jr. had a task force write a 110-page policy document for his White House bid.

Now, Vice President Kamala Harris does not have a policy page on her campaign website.

A last-minute campaign born of Mr. Biden’s depreciated political standing has so far been running mainly on Democratic good feelings and warmth toward Ms. Harris, drafting off legislation and proposed policies from the man she is hoping to succeed.

Democrats’ problem for most of this year appeared to be Mr. Biden himself, rather than his policies. For more than a year, as his poll numbers sank, his aides and loyalists insisted that his legislative record and priorities were viewed favorably by Americans and would ultimately carry him to another term.

Ms. Harris is now testing that original theory — but with a younger, more spirited messenger.

On policy, she has essentially cherry-picked the parts of the Biden agenda that voters like most while discarding elements like his “Bidenomics” branding on the economy. She has emphasized what allies call the “care economy”: child care, health care and drug prices, which directly affect voters’ lives.

There is no area in which she is seeking a significant break from his agenda — perhaps not surprising given that she had a role in crafting much of it. She has abandoned a host of progressive positions she adopted while running for the 2020 presidential nomination, and has for the most part avoided getting bogged down in the specifics of what she would do as president.

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Should Marijuana Be Legal? Argumentative Essay

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In the United State, various topics are being debated. However, among the most contentious and debated topics is whether marijuana ought to be legalized or not. Strong advocates for the legalization of cannabis claim that marijuana should be legalized because it numerous medical benefits. However, the opponents strongly assert that cannabis should be considered illegal because of its high abuse potential.

From the impetus that currently surrounds the topic under discussion, it is evident that various movements have gained momentum on the legalization of cannabis (Stateman, 2009).

In California, there are regions where the legalization of marijuana has been endorsed. A number of American citizens currently suppose that cannabis needs to be legalized. Others appear to be very skeptical about the adverse effects and health damage caused by marijuana.

The reasons why marijuana needs to be legalized are many, and they outweigh the rationale behind its illegalization. For instance, the Olympic swimming champion, Phelps Michael, lately appeared in the global news for consuming cannabis. This hurt Phelps repute and made him lose some cash in approval. These reports rekindled discussions on whether cannabis should be lawfully recognized or not.

Most debates conclude that the United States needs to legalize cannabis. Research has proved that the drug is neither hazardous nor very addictive as most opponents alleged. When marijuana is legalized, it might assist in stopping drug trafficking cartels and aid in impeding the criminal or gang activities.

This implies that, the U.S. economy will have an opportunity to save additional funds (Hollister, 1971). This cannot be realized unless marijuana, which has numerous medical benefits, is legalized.

It is perhaps very essential to be acquainted with an account of laws that surround marijuana in order to understand the reasons why the drug ought to be legalized. In the fiscal 1930s, various unenthusiastic misinformation concerning cannabis and its consumption emerged. For instance, in the financial year 1937, a popular movie dubbed ‘Reefer Madness’ depicted the negative effects of marijuana.

Reefer Madness showed that innocent teenagers experienced soul-destroying effects from the consumption of violent sedatives (Hollister, 1971). In 1938, the legislature had to pass the Marijuana Tax Law due to the off-putting info on cannabis. As a national law, the Marijuana Tax Law allowed the federal administration to arrest any person who consumed cannabis even if the nation had de-criminalized its usage.

This brought about various lawsuits, confusions, as well as unwillingness to carry out research on cannabis by the health sector. Thus, if marijuana laws could have been altered, the medical industry might have done many research studies on the drug. Lawsuit cases could have been reduced, and all citizens might have benefited from this.

Most individuals however, have their own reasons why they believe marijuana should not be legalized. According to NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuses) director, Volkow Nora, marijuana produces adverse behavioral, emotional, mental, and physical changes when consumed. For example, when teenagers increase the level of marijuana consumption, their development can be negatively affected.

The drug is harmful to the lungs and can cause short-term judgment, verbal skills, and memory impairments (Dubner, 2007). Nevertheless, research studies conducted on the health effects caused by cannabis is open to doubts. In fact, most studies have proved that incase the use of cannabis has negative outcomes they could be mild.

Moreover, similar sets of laws imposed on alcohol and tobacco consumption can proscribe the consumption of marijuana by the minors. Most anti-marijuana activists object its consumption by asserting that the drug is addictive. Research studies conducted by medical experts reveal that cannabis is just mildly addictive.

There are two standard reports from California University and Addiction Research Center that compared the level of addiction of marijuana, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, cocaine, and heroine (Stateman, 2009).

From these research reports, it emerged that marijuana was the least addictive while nicotine was the most addictive of all drugs under study. The legalization of marijuana is only criticized because the drug acts as an opening to the consumption of other dangerous drugs.

In the fiscal 2002, scholars conducted a study on the consumption of marijuana. Students were the study participants. The results showed that 74.0% had not tasted marijuana but 77.0% had already tried it in the past years (Messerili, 2007).

However, it was confirmed that the use of cannabis hardly results into the consumption of other more harmful drugs. The legalization of cannabis appears to be a rather intricate issue that is being opposed by most individuals and groups. The reasons behind the opponents’ claims cannot offset the various reasons why cannabis ought to be legalized.

If the U.S. legalizes the consumption of cannabis, the impacts caused by unlawful gangs and illegitimate drug trafficking will be lessened. For instance, the Mexican Officials and the United States drug enforcement agency raided a processing complex used to cultivate cannabis. They found about nine thousand stacks of cannabis that were valued at four billion US dollars.

This money was used to sustain businesses run by drug cartels and to finance various criminal activities. Hence, the streets will be safe if the rivalry amongst drug dealers and gangs is reduced. This can only be realized if the use of cannabis is endorsed.

In a ‘ Marijuana Legalization Timeline’ article found at ProQuest, it emerged that in the fiscal 2008, drug cartels from Mexico generated a sum of $23.0 billion from the sale of drugs. Such cartels tend to fund and manage street supplying criminals in all regions within the state (Stateman, 2009).

The unlawful drug sellers only have interests to sell additional cannabis because the drug is illegal. Thus, if it is legalized, people who are encouraged by pushers and criminals to use marijuana may be few.

Sanctioning the use of cannabis can weaken drug cartels as well as lessen organized street crimes. Decimalization is another benefit that comes because of endorsing the use of cannabis. The United States incurs higher costs to prosecute and punish lawbreakers.

In California, Gray James, a superior court judge claimed that the state could save up to one billion US dollars if it stopped the imprisonment and persecution of the nonviolent cannabis consumers (Dubner, 2007).

A study conducted in 2005 showed that, the U.S. could gain about 6.20 billion annually if the country resorted to the taxation of cannabis at similar rates imposed on alcohol and tobacco products. Therefore, the benefits accruing from the legalization of cannabis can help the U.S. to increase its financial strength and evade the harsh economic times.

Cannabis also has some medicinal benefits that contribute to the justifications as to why the drug ought to be legalized. The information on legalizing marijuana indicates that there are no reported death cases resulting from cannabis consumption. When compared to alcohol and tobacco, cannabis is less harmful to individuals’ physical condition.

In fact, the drug can substitute about 10 to 20% of the medical prescriptions currently used. NIDA reported that cannabis has active elements that can be used to treat nausea, spastic muscles, pain, glaucoma, and appetite stimulation (Messerili, 2007).

Since marijuana has numerous medicinal benefits that are unenforced, the U.S. administration has no grounds to avoid sanctioning cannabis consumption. Thus, there are various grounds justifying why cannabis ought to be legalized as opposed to the weak reasons explaining why the U.S. needs to ban it.

Dubner, S. (2007). On the legalization – or not – of marijuana . Web.

Hollister, L. (1971). Hunger and appetite after single doses of marihuana, alcohol, and dextroamphetamine. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 12(1), pp.44-49.

Messerili, J. (2007). Should marijuana be legalized under any circumstances? Balanced Politics. Web.

Stateman, A. (2009). Can marijuana help rescue California’s economy? . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2019, June 17). Should Marijuana Be Legal?

"Should Marijuana Be Legal?" IvyPanda , 17 June 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Should Marijuana Be Legal'. 17 June.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Should Marijuana Be Legal?" June 17, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "Should Marijuana Be Legal?" June 17, 2019.


IvyPanda . "Should Marijuana Be Legal?" June 17, 2019.


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    CONCLUSIONS. For the last decade, concern with health hazards attributable to marijuana has been rising. The hearts, lungs, reproductive functions, and mental abilities of children have been reported to be threatened by marijuana, and such threats are not to be taken lightly. Heavy use by anyone or any use by growing children should be discouraged.

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