
What does Personal Success Mean to You – The Ultimate Guide

What does Personal Success Mean to You – The Ultimate Guide

It’s something you’re looking for, right? How couldn’t you be? Everywhere you go on the Internet someone telling you that you need to be successful in life. Or, risk wasting it! But here’s the thing, what is  PERSONAL SUCCESS?  Or, more importantly, what is success to you?  Without knowing the answer to that question, you’re never going to be successful. No matter how hard you try. Because although you may be working hard, you might not ever be working in the right direction.

In this article, I want to help you find out what it means to be successful. Not to those around you. Not in the eyes of your parents. But so you can look in the mirror and know you’re on the right path.

Let’s get started, shall we?

The 7 Rules of Personal Success

  • What does Personal Success Mean to You – The Ultimate Guide (This Post)

The 7 Point Checklist For Personal Success

5 Daily Habits of Highly Successful People

10 Different People, 10 Different Answers

Picture this….

1. Take 10 of your friends, relatives and colleagues and stick them all in a room. 2. Ask each of them, individually, to write down what success means to them on a sheet of paper and give it to you. 3. You put all the sheets in a hat, mix them together and then open them up to read what’s inside. What are the chances all of the pieces of paper say exactly the same thing?

Slim to none. Because personal success is always different. They might read:

  • Own a hot tub
  • Travelling to Machu Picchu
  • Having a 10,000 subscriber blog
  • Becoming a parent
  • Finding a cure for the common cold

Each person views success differently through their own eyes. So, the question behind this article is simple: What does personal success look like to you? 

Success, It Has Nothing To Do With Money Or Status…

When I was younger I had a really close friend and mentor called Tom*. He was a few years older than me and was studying medicine. But I knew him through training in the Gym. Tom loved playing around in the gym. Whenever he was coaching, teaching or helping someone, he was happy and full of purpose. There was a light in his eyes that was filled with passion.

A light that went out whenever he had to think about his studies. When it came toward the end of his time at Medical school, Tom lost a lot of weight. He wasn’t sleeping, he hardly ate and he was always on edge. Turns out it was time for him to accept one of his job offers as a Doctor. Something he had worked his whole life for, but now, didn’t want.

After weeks of thinking about it, Tom decided to go with his gut. He turned down all the offers for being a doctor. Some that would have eventually paid him more money than he could ever have dreamed of. But would never have made him happy. And it didn’t fulfill what he felt was his purpose.

Now he runs his own gym, works with international athletes and uses his medical skills to educate doctors on proper nutrition. And he’s never been happier.

Through traditional eyes, Tom wouldn’t be successful. He stopped himself from becoming a:

  • A highly paid doctor
  • In a respected industry
  • That people around the world wish they could be

But none of those meant anything to him. Even if he had become the world’s highest paid neurosurgeon, he would never have felt successful. Because that job would never have made him happy.

NOTE: *Tom isn’t his actual name, it’s been changed to conceal his identity.

…It Has Everything To Do With Being Happy

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.~ Albert Schweitzer ( Tweet this )

So, what do you learn from Tom not becoming a doctor?

That money, status and ‘things’ don’t mean anything when it comes to personal success. There is only one  important metric behind it –  HAPPINESS.   If what you’re doing  doesn’t  make you happy then you shouldn’t be doing it at all. End of story.

There are two types of happiness for you to focus on, when you come to think of it:

  • What’s going to make you happy:  The things you want that will make you happier.
  • What will make others happy: The happiest people are outward facing  and put a big value on helping others.

The two are not  mutually exclusive. Because when you’re helping the right people, it will directly affect the things that make you happy.

In this next section we’ll look at defining your own success, both for you, and helping those around you.

Have A Broader View Of Success

When you start looking at your own success it’s common to look at just  one  aspect of your life. Things like:

  • Your career
  • Your relationships
  • Money or wealth
  • Achieving a particular milestone

Because it’s easier to focus on that one aspect of your life than it is everything else. But that’s why you often see a lot of ‘successful’ people with poor relationships, broken homes or severe depression or anxieties. Their focus on that single element became so strong that they let the rest of their life slip to reach the top of that mountain. Which is fine, if that’s what you want. But wouldn’t you rather raise the experience – and success – in all parts of your life, than in just one area? After all, it’s better to have a smaller house filled with love, than a mansion all on your own, right?

So in this next section where we’ll look at defining your own success – both for you and helping those around you – remember that you don’t need to look at just  one  element of your life. Instead, think of  all  the places in your life that you want to breed success.

Defining Your Own Personal Success

As you climb the ladder of success, check occasionally to make sure it is leaning against the right wall.~ Anonymous ( Tweet this )

This next step is going to need a little self-reflection. And a pen and paper. Or the program you use as your defacto brain.

Ask yourself these questions and see what comes out for your personal success goals.

A Quick Note…

In this article I’ve banged on that money, status and other things don’t matter when it comes to success.

And they don’t.

Unless they will make you happy.

If earning $40,000 a month, being your company’s next CEO or owning a hot tub will make you happy then crack on with them. Just don’t feel that they are what you’re expected to want, if they won’t make you happy.

That being said, let’s get on with the questions…

Inward Facing Happiness

Question 1: what will make you happy.

It doesn’t matter what it is. Write down everything you can think of. Whatever comes into your mind.  Remember:

  • Don’t censor it – if it’s something that will make you happy, write it down. There is nothing outside of your limits on this page.
  • Break it down to categories – You don’t need to think of just one thing right now, try splitting it into: career, travel, money, relationships and life.

You can repeat this question as many times as you want before moving onto the next step.

Question 2: Which ones do you want to achieve most?

You should have a list now full of ideas. And, no doubt, they’re all things that will make you happy. But now’s time to filter it down to what you really want to do. For this we’re going to try and old trick of Warren Buffet’s.

  • Narrow your list down to five you want to complete in the next few years.
  • Then forget about all the rest.
  • These five are going to be your focus for the foreseeable future.

Question 3: Which one can you start on right now?

You’ve narrowed your list down. But that doesn’t mean you should attack all five right away. Instead choose the one that you feel that you can start on right now . It could be:

  • The easiest to achieve
  • The one you most to achieve
  • The one that’s been on your mind for the longest

Question 4: What are you going to do about it?

Congratulations, you’re already ahead of about 95% of the world. You’ve narrowed down what personal success means to you. But here’s the fourth and final question.

What are you going to do about it? What’s that first step you’re going to take to make sure this happens?

Outward Facing Happiness

I recently watched a TEDxTalk by Adam Leipzig who outlined a wonderful exercise to kick-start your personal success and happiness. So, why reinvent the wheel, when it’s already been beautifully made?

Question 1: Who Am I?

The first step to looking outwards is to look inwards. Who are you ?

Question 2: What Am I Good At?

What are you good at, and how do those skills impact those around you? What abilities do you have that can make the world (or life) a much better place?

Question 3: Who Do I Do It For?

Now you know your skills, who do you want to help? This doesn’t have to be charity – though that’s the first place your mind will go – it can be anything at all.

Question 4: What Do These People Want or Need?

What is it that they are truly looking for? Do you need to:

  • Provide answers?
  • Create solutions?
  • Give them clean water?

Anything that these people need, write it down.

Question 5: How Do They Change As A Result?

What impact does all of the above have on their lives? Do they:

  • Love themselves more?
  • Be more productive?
  • Stop being self destructive?

Outline  all off these things. Because when you know how they change, this is where your own happiness comes from.

Continue reading our personal success series:

You know what personal success means to you, but don’t know how to get started? Follow these rules to start on the right foot and forge your own path. Read more …

Personal success is the most important kind of success. Read on to find the little things that you need to do every day to make sure you stay on the path to personal success. Read more ….

Follow these simple yet powerful habits of highly successful people to find that elusive success in your life. Stop standing still. Use your time wisely and better yourself! Read more …

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James johnson.

James is addicted to being a true English Gentleman. Between moments of chivalry he runs his own Freelance Blogging company. You can hire him here

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What Does Success Mean To You Essay | Definition of Success, Long and Short Essays on What Does Success Mean To You

October 20, 2021 by Prasanna

What Does Success Mean To You Essay: Everyone wants to be successful, but their definition of success is different. For some success might mean fame, for some it can be money, for some it can be achieving their dream. For me success means when I get to do something I always wanted to.

I love writing and I want to be a writer. So you can say that becoming a writer and publishing my articles would mean success for me. Writing helps me to express my views and publishing them will take my voice to many people. This will bring popularity for me which again is a part of success for me.

You can also find more  Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long Essay on What Does Success Mean To You

When someone asks me what success means to You, I always think about it and realize that it has a lot of factors to consider. For me success is writing a good article. When I say this, it means it should be engaging, and my readers shall be able to connect and understand my thought behind it. They shall be able to take some knowledge out of it or they might just enjoy reading it.

Not just this, Success for me will also mean if they comment and share their views as well on my article. I would love to know their feedback or views on my writing. This will ensure that I write better next time as well as will help me in understanding my readers better. This would also help me get a new idea, or angle towards my writing.

If my article gets published in a renowned magazine, that would also be a success for me. Becoming an author of the week or author of the month is a dream for me which if comes true, will be a success for me.

I want to improve my writing as I believe that you’re always a learner. Saying that I want to enrol in a writing course to improve my writing style. Also getting recognised by a popular institute or getting a degree in something I love to do, will add to my career. This will also provide me an exposure to a new writing world which I might have not known. Becoming a professional in my dream career will be a success for me.

Success for me can also mean getting placed in a top reputed organisation as a writer and getting rewards for my work. If I will be able to utilise my knowledge and experience in training newbies and lead a team of writers, that would be a success for me. Getting testimonials for my writing work and positive response for my training will make me successful in what I love to do.

Last but not the least, I will be successful if I can be able to publish my own book and it reaches millions of readers. If my readers choose me as the writer of the year and millions of copies of my book gets sold, that will surely be a success for me.

What Does Success Mean To You Essay

Short Essay on What Does Success Mean to You

Success is when you achieve something you ever wanted to. Our definition of success keeps changing with time. The first steps taken by a baby is also a success and joining a dream job is also a success. Success can be having a family or retiring rich.

When someone asks what does success mean to you? – My answer is that for me success is to be able to help someone in need. I want to be a hero and for me a hero always helps people in need. I’ll be successful if I can help people in need of money, basic survival needs, or if I can save someone’s life.

I already feel that having this noble thought of helping others in need is also a success. I teach needy kids staying nearby after my school and sharing my knowledge with them is also a success for me. When I am able to help them learn the concepts without any cost which I learn in school, I’m able to achieve my success. Being on the better side of the society we all must do what we can to help people in need. These needy people can be everywhere around you. They can be your househelp, or a beggar or someone at the hospital.

There might be different ways to become successful but I want to be more successful in life so that I can help others.

FAQS on What Does Success Mean To You Essay

Question 1. What do you mean by success in English?

Answer: Success means achievement. You’re successful if you can achieve what you always wanted to do. If you’ve a goal and when you make a plan to achieve it and then you finally achieve it, that is called success. For me success is making my own goals and fulfilling them.

Question 2. What does it mean to achieve success in Your Life?

Answer: To me success is to set my goals and reach them. My goal in life is to give back to society. If I’m able to do so, I will consider myself successful. If I can help needy people, I’ll be successful.

Question 3. What Does Success Mean To A College Student?

Answer: A college student is an individual, so defining success for a college student isn’t possible as it depends on the individual’s dreams and goals. A common success for any college student might be to achieve their goals or landing a dream job.

Question 4. Which Is The Best Answer To The Question Of Success?

Answer: There’s no best answer for it as it depends on the person who’s asking this question and for what purpose or it depends on the one answering this question and in which situation. If you’re sharing this with your friends or family it can be your dream of something you always wanted to do and if it’s an interview, it can be about your goals and plans to achieve it.

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Finding Success Starts with Finding Your Purpose

  • John Coleman

what does personal success mean to you essay

It’s never too early — or too late — to ask the big questions.

Many people work their whole lives to achieve material success only to find their happiness and sense of purpose wanting when that success comes. They often spend their later years looking for purpose in their lives in order to feel a sense of meaning. Searching for meaning late in your life is a missed opportunity. Success without significance — purpose, service, and meaningful relationships — is not really success at all. It’s important to properly reflect on how you can live a life imbued intensely not just with the superficial trappings of “success” but with deep purpose and joy in all we do — starting now. Ask yourself:  What is the core purpose of my work and the ways in which it makes the world better? Who are the key relationships in my life, and how can I deepen them? What more can I do at work, at home, and in my community to serve others? How am I becoming better each day?

In 1995, Bob Buford wrote the bestselling book Halftime , which popularized the concept of “moving from success to significance” in the second half of life. Buford realized that many businesspeople work their whole lives to achieve material success only to find their happiness and sense of purpose wanting when that success comes. And he rightly encouraged those people to seek out meaning and impact in their later years.

  • JC John Coleman is the author of the HBR Guide to Crafting Your Purpose . Subscribe to his free newsletter, On Purpose , or contact him at johnwilliamcoleman.com . johnwcoleman

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Leon F Seltzer PhD

How Do You Define Success?

Meeting personal goals must determine the success of one's life..

Posted July 7, 2021 | Reviewed by Vanessa Lancaster

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  • While ideals are subjective, a chosen and fulfilling lifestyle with which others may disagree can be considered a success.
  • Our particular criteria for success will closely relate to our social, political, educational, and religious values—in a word, our ideology.
  • Most writers employ a business model in talking about success—a model that focuses as much on monetary worth as much as anything else.

Shad0wfall, photographer/Pixabay free image,CCO

Can you call yourself a success if the one thing you feel you’ve accomplished in life is marrying and having children? Or if, despite many failures, at least you avoided ending up on the streets? Or even if you did end up living on the street?

In the homeless instance, it’s unlikely you’d regard yourself as successful, particularly if you were reduced to begging others for loose change to purchase a burger—or beer. Still, it’s crucial to ask yourself who reserves final authority to judge the success of your existence?

And when you ponder this question, you’ll probably grasp that we all have our perspective on what makes a person successful. Further, our criteria will closely relate to our social, political, economic, educational, and religious values—or ideology. And inevitably, such ideals are subjective. Moreover, since people’s assessments of success are tied to their ideals, then it’s the unique experience of the person being evaluated whose “verdict” should be given the most weight.

That said, it must be admitted that the bulk of the popular literature on this subject—I’ve yet to find a single scholarly piece dealing with it—focuses almost exclusively on success criteria as derived from a business model. And this model has mostly to do with the number of one’s earnings or one’s accumulated wealth generally.

Seen more in a family context, success has routinely been estimated along the lines of how good a provider the individual has been for their spouse and children. Still, other writers talk about fame (or admiration) as much as fortune, while comparatively few talk about happiness . And if they do, it’s mostly about how material prosperity eventuates in happiness—a position undoubtedly open to debate.

This post, essentially existential in approach, will make the case that meeting one’s personal goals—whether others approve or not—must determine the (subjective) success of one’s life. At least theoretically, even a person who lives on the street, if consciously their overriding motive was to repudiate the conventions of various societal institutions, would have to be regarded as successful if their chosen lifestyle was somehow fulfilling to them.

Questioning Attempts to Clarify a Topic That Resists Definitive Categorizing

Merriam-Webster’s definition of success is relatively typical of how dictionaries characterize it. It’s indicative of just how subjective the concept is, and I’ll use it as an example of the term’s rich—but unresolvable—complexity.

For many, success means reaching a goal, accomplishing a task, or otherwise accomplishing what they set out to do–Essentially, something is a success when the outcome turns out well, is desirable, or is favorable. Beyond that, the definition of success is personal.

Note Merriam-Webster's hedging through twice employing the word “or.” By stating that “many” people see it in 1 of 3 ways, it extends its definition by talking about its possibly “turning out” in 1 of 3 ways. And then (suggesting it can’t really define it any more specifically) ends its description with the caveat above.

Note, too, that although most writers consider the ethical dimensions of success, Merriam-Webster avoids alluding to this facet, no doubt, because defining what’s meant here by “ethical” is also subjective and personal.

One’s moral system, that is, may not accord with others because they hold themselves to different guidelines and principles. And dictionaries lack the prerogative to make moral pronouncements independent of widespread usage.

Questioning Various Assumptions That Try to “Depersonalize” the Concept

One author , for example, asserts that success is achievable “when you try your best in all aspects of everything you do.” And that’s actually a position several writers take. But logically, why should anyone put maximum effort into doing something not exciting or important to them, or that they don’t care about and in no way are required to?

what does personal success mean to you essay

Perfectionism is hardly a coveted trait—it’s mostly a burden—and, too, it lacks any inherent relationship to people’s experiencing themselves as successful.

Writers generally have advanced their own biases about success, revealing a lot more about their values than making the abstraction tangible. Here’s but one example in a piece entitled “19 Definitions of Success You Should Never Ignore” (2021) . I won’t list all the 19 examples offered. Just a few will suffice for what I want to illustrate:

  • Success is always doing your best [ the most frequent criterion];
  • Success is having a place to call home;
  • Success is understanding the difference between need and want;
  • Success is believing you can (and this presumably will ensure your success—but I’d add that this position ignores the fact that, realistically, no one can do or be everything they wish);
  • Success is learning that you sometimes have to say no; and
  • Success is knowing your life is filled with abundance (the author’s idealism again, but try convincing someone living in poverty with seriously addicted, abusive parents).

Those who’ve written about success don’t discuss degrees of success. They see it as either present or absent (as they do failure). That orientation also oversimplifies—or overlooks—all involved in how a particular person feels about their achievements or what they believe constitutes those achievements.

Coming Up With Your Definition of Success

It’s vital to emphasize that their genetics and culture heavily influence a person’s notion of success. Consequently, their self-evaluation may not be truly authentic because it may not have resulted from thoughtful self-reflection or soul-searching.

Here’s an excellent example of a writer’s confessing that what she believed defined success was imbibed from messages implicit in our society:

For most of my life, I had a narrow definition of what success meant. It involved people knowing your name, and having enough money—i.e., lots of money—to buy an endless stream of designer handbags and big cars. It wasn’t a definition I had opted-in to, but [was] fed to me from childhood through films, magazines about celebrities, and our education system. And I swallowed it whole.

But to be true to yourself, vs. simply conforming to societal norms, what’s necessary is to discover what—given your inborn predilections, passions, and gifts—you want your life to center on. And then, evaluating how well you’ve accomplished your priorities will verify how successful you’ve been.

To put this somewhat differently, you could view yourself as successful but, in the eyes of the world, be seen as a dismal failure. And this discrepancy could just as quickly go in the opposite direction. Consider, for example, the many instances of distinguished celebrities’ taking their own life.

Yet as one Quora writer encapsulates it: “Living life on your terms and conditions is the most challenging task in the modern world [since] most people spend their entire life living on the terms and conditions of [others]. In his own (admittedly, somewhat exaggerated) words:

In their childhood, they live as their parents decide. In their schools, they live as their teachers decide. In their home, they live as their spouse decides. In their office, they live as their bosses decide. In their old age, they live as their children decide.

To conclude, despite the “terms and conditions” you may have internalized from your environment. Finally, you alone get to decide how successful you’ve been. And if you feel you haven’t lived up to your specified ideals, you also have the freedom (with or without professional help) to make new lifestyle choices that can transform how you see yourself.

© 2021 Leon F. Seltzer, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved.

Leon F Seltzer PhD

Leon F. Seltzer, Ph.D. , is the author of Paradoxical Strategies in Psychotherapy and The Vision of Melville and Conrad . He holds doctorates in English and Psychology. As of mid-July 2024, Dr. Seltzer has published some 590 posts, which have received over 54 million views.

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What Does Success Really Mean to You?

Oura - Your Success is in Your Hands

We all want success. We want to be successful and feel successful. In fact, we chase money, fame, power, education, relationships and a thousand other things without ever stopping to ask one essential question: “What does success mean to you?”

Few people pause to consider what it truly means to achieve success in their own lives. As Jim Rohn said, “If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.”

If we don’t answer this question, we can end up climbing the wrong ladder and pursuing someone else’s version of success. We get to the top only to discover we climbed the wrong mountain. We achieve our goals only to realize they were the wrong ones. It’s a disaster few people are able to recover from.

In Office Space , Peter Gibbons (Ron Livingston) says to his doctor, “So I was sitting in my cubicle today, and I realized, ever since I started working, every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that’s on the worst day of my life.”

How do we avoid a similar fate?

Those who have achieved the greatest amounts of actual success are those who are crystal clear on what it means to reach the top, for them. If we want to follow in their footsteps, we must achieve equal clarity .

What success is not

Before we can pursue success, we need to understand what success isn’t. If you spend just a few minutes on social media, you’ll realize how many people hold a very narrow definition of success. They think it’s about building wealth, having the perfect relationship, launching a billion-dollar business or amassing a large social media following. 

None of these things or people are wrong, but being like them doesn’t necessarily make you successful. Many people have fought and struggled to the top only to feel miserable and burned out once they get there. They’re unhappy because they pursued the wrong definition of success —one that didn’t match their values .

Throughout childhood and early adulthood, we learn various ideas of success from our parents, teachers and friends. Everyone has their own agenda and idea of who and what we should be. Although it’s OK to value the opinions and hopes of others, we shouldn’t necessarily adopt them as our own. No one can impose their version of success upon us. No one can tell us what it means to live a good life.

It’s easy to assume that success means obtaining a specific object, such as a job or social status, and to believe that if we get that thing, we’ll be successful. But some of the greatest successes can result from the worst failures, if you make the effort to learn from them. 

For example, before becoming a U.S. president , Abraham Lincoln …

  • …was defeated for the state legislature.
  • …lost in his bid for speaker of the house.
  • …was defeated in the nomination for Congress.
  • …lost in a campaign for the U.S. Senate (twice).

If we rest our definition of success on one or two achievements, there’s a good chance we’ll be disappointed.

What does success mean to you?

We must set our goals , objectives and trajectories based on what we desire, not what someone else wants for us.

Some people find that helping people brings them the most joy, and therefore success looks like a life given to others. Others realize that building a business or product brings them happiness. Some prefer isolation, while others prefer constant activity.

The simple yet profound truth is that what makes me happy doesn’t make someone else happy, and vice versa. My vision of success probably looks nothing like yours, and that’s how it should be.

If we fail to define success for ourselves and try to pursue someone else’s path, we’ll end up frustrated, unhappy and ultimately feeling deeply unsuccessful. Bruce Lee said, “Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.”

The path to success begins by asking yourself, “What makes me happy?”

Figure out how you’re already successful

It’s also essential to understand that in many ways, we already are successful. If we assume that we are failures until we reach a specific goal, we will never be happy. We have to recognize all we have already accomplished.

Ask yourself:

  • “Where have I already seen success in my life?”
  • “How can I continue building on that success?”
  • “What lessons have I learned from those successes?”
  • “What have I learned about myself from those successes?”

Success is both a goal and a journey. Reaching certain milestones is an element of success, but we don’t stop there. We push higher and harder, striving for more and to be better.

Determine what it means for you to be successful

Tony Robbins said, “The path to success is to take massive, determined action.” But how do we find our path? What steps do we take to achieve true success?

We must be able to clearly answer several laser-specific questions:

  • “What truly matters to me?”
  • “What are the things that set me on fire with passion?”
  • “What do I want to make of my life?”
  • “What lifestyle do I want to achieve?”
  • “Who do I want to be?”
  • “What do I want people to say about me after I die?”

The answers to these questions must be ultra-specific. It’s not enough to say, “What really matters to me is happiness.” If you can’t see clearly, you won’t really know what that means, what you’re doing or where you’re going. The same is true of your vision of success.

But before you can begin moving forward, you must assess where you’re at now. This is a time for honest evaluation, not rose-colored glasses. Where are you currently successful? Where do you need to grow? What are your weaknesses and strengths? Try bringing in a friend or colleague to act as a real and unbiased sounding board.

Set specific goals and achieve them

After that, it’s time to set some specific goals . These goals should be achievable and concrete, but still challenging. Your goals should also be measurable. Say you want to read more to be successful; set a goal of 50 books per year, not just “read more.”

If you don’t define success, someone else will define it for you. What mountain are you climbing? Is it the right one? Or are you going to reach the summit and see your mountain off in the distance?

Start on the right path today.

This article was published in February 2017 and has been updated. Photo by Ground Picture/Shutterstock

Alex Jasin

Alex Jasin is the CEO of Metapress , a fast-growing publication to learn new skills, gain inspiration and discover more about what interests you. Alex is also the founder and CEO of X3 Digital , a Google Certified digital marketing and design agency. Alex serves as a consultant for Ai Media Group, a prominent digital marketing agency in New York, working with Fortune 500 clients such as Intel, Allstate and Wells Fargo. Alex has previously been featured on Business Journal , Fox, Sun Sentinel and Miami Herald . Connect with Alex Jasin on Twitter , Google+ and LinkedIn .

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How do you define success? (in your personal & business life)

No one wants to be a mediocre individual, nobody wants to be a failure. Doesn’t matter whether we speak about individuals or organizations, each of us wants to be successful. But what does it mean to be successful? And how do you define success? And how should you define it in a job interview?

Each person has its own idea of success. It depends on our present situation, on our role models, upbringing, and how we see the world around us. And also on the limitations we set for ourselves. And while most people measure success in terms of money and possession, there are certainly individuals (or even organizations, and many of them) who have completely different criteria. Spiritual, religious, personal and other aims and their attainment is a synonym of success for these people.

But how to answer the question in an interview? Let’s have a loot at 15 sample answers first, including quotes from some famous figures. Below the answers you will find additional explanation and hints on how to make the best possible impression on the interviewers , while you try to define success in your interview. The answers will work also for the popular alternative of this question: “What is your interpretation of success?”

15 sample answers to “How do you define success (in your personal & business life)?” interview question

  • Success is being part of something bigger , helping an organization to meet worthy goals, to bring some value to the world. I would love to be a part of your success story.
  • Success is being able to do your best every day in all roles you have in life , whether it is a role of a son, father, or an employee. That’s something I aspire to every day, and a reason why I get out of bed every morning. At least that’s my personal interpretation of success.
  • A successful man is one who enjoys their life , who knows why they wake up and go to work, and who sees a purpose in everything they do. I definitely consider myself successful, but a job with you would make it even slightly better .
  • Success is a progressive realization of a worthy ideal. (Earl Nightingale)
  • Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value. (Einstein)
  • Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm. (W. Churchill)
  • Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming. (J. Wooden)
  • The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty. (Z. Ziglar)
  • Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success. (S. Sivananda)
  • Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. (A. Schweitzer)
  • Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. (D. Johnson)
  • Success isn’t just about what you accomplish in your life; it’s about what you inspire others to do. (not attributed)
  • You know you are on the road to success if you would do your job, and not be paid for it. (O. Winfrey)
  • Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it. (B. Lee)
  • The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. (V. Sassoon)

Focus on the organization, connect your goals with theirs

Only a few individuals (typically people with equanimity and inner happiness) measure their success in terms of what they did for someone else , or what they are trying to achieve for other people or living organisms.

Surprisingly this is the best answer you can give in an interview– focusing on the others, demonstrating selfless attitude to life and to people around you. It doesn’t really matter if you get an employee of a month award, or achieve a promotion in the shortest possible time… What matters is how the company, and their clients, benefits from your work , and from the value you create in the job.

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Two managers talk about success in an interview

Process matters more than the final result

Nobody has a total control of what they achieve in life. Many variables play their role, and we can certainly not say that for sure we will achieve this or that in our life, or for an organization. In fact we do not even know what tomorrow will bring. Just look at the pandemic as a prime example of unpredictability .

What is more, setting such goals can easily make us upset (especially when we can’t achieve them), and it makes us focused more on the future, instead of enjoying the present moment , and giving our very best to the activity which we do right now.

Mark my words: It is an effort that counts . In terms of employment, and being successful as an employee, it means trying your best every day in work. And you can certainly refer to this process in an interview. Law of action and reaction cannot be broken. If you try your best, and are consistent in your efforts , it will eventually pay off–for both you and your employer. Because it cannot be any otherwise.

Want an unconventional answer? You can use a quote of someone famous.

Many famous people have been asked how they define success . Artists, scientists, politicians, athletes, philosophers–you name it.

And while some of their answers won’t really work in a job interview, others are perfect for the purpose. Check my little collection of such quotes in the list of sample answers above. What is more, referring to words of someone famous (famous in good means), you show the interviewers that you like to read, and are inspired by successful role models. Feel free to use one of the quotes in your interview, but do not forget to mention the author of it.

Bartender tries her very best in work, she is successful

Final thoughts, answers to other questions

Each company wants to be successful, or at least to survive. In order to do so, they need employees who dream of success , and who can connect their personal goals with the goals of the corporation.

Try to find this connection and present it in your interview. Do not forget to talk with enthusiasm , and to show motivation to do a good job, to be successful in your new role.

Remember that even the best words won’t make any impact if they do not correspond with your non-verbal communication , with the impression you make in an interview. Your verbal and non-verbal communication are equally important on a big day…

What’s more, this isn’t the only difficult question you will face while interviewing for any decent job. You will face questions about prioritization, dealing with pressure, dealing with ambiguity , and other tricky scenarios that happen in the workplace.

If you want to make sure that you stand out with your answers and outclass your competitors, have a look at our Interview Success Package . Up to 10 premium answers to 31 tricky scenario based questions (+ more) will help you streamline your interview preparation, and get ready for every challenge you may possibly face in your interviews. Thank you for checking it out, and I wish you best of luck!

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Success Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on success.

Success Essay- In today’s world everyone wants to be successful but what is a success. The perspective of success varies from person to person. For the record, the people before us have a different view on success and the person after us will have a different view on success.

Moreover, people compare different people performance to evaluate their success. But success is not something that you can copy from others. You have to make your own path to achieving success. In modern-day, people are obsessed with success because of the glamour and lifestyle of successful people .

Success Essay

What formulates a person successful?

There are many ways in the world to be successful. But most people think of celebrities, artist, politicians, and businessmen whenever they heard the word success.

Moreover, they think doing what they will make you successful but that not the case. They forget the most basic thing that makes a person successful that is their hard work, dedication, and the desire to achieve their dream. More importantly, they what they like to do not what that others told them to do. Successful people do what they like to do also they do what they feel correct for their business.

If you look in the dictionary for the meaning of the word success then you will find that it means the achievement of one’s goal or aim . So, basically, anyone can achieve success by simply achieving their aim or goal.

What is the harm of success?

We all knew that we can’t achieve something without sacrificing something. Success also demands various things from you. But these sacrifices will not go in vain if you achieve your goal.

Certainly, many people achieve professional success but in doing so they fail in achieving mental, social and physical success. The tension of lacking behind in other things pulls them apart.

Also, there are cases where people became so obsessed with success that the people around them start to feel uncomfortable around them. In some cases, they have gone mad. Apart from that, people also get depressed if they can’t achieve success like others. So, we can say that there is much harm to success.

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Success and hard work

It may sound unfit to some peoples but success depends a lot of hard work. Without it, you can’t become successful. Hard work does not mean that you do laborious work or the work that make you sweat. Hard work means having a healthy body, strong mind, willpower and positive attitude towards things. And for all those things you need energy. So, be attentive to your body and soul.

Besides, do not just work on your program, push your limit, take charge of other things, improve your skills and most importantly keep learning. Apart from that, be with positive peoples, develop positive habits, and do exercise not only for the body but also for your mind.

To sum it up, we can say that success is like a seed that needs a balanced proportion of all the elements of life. And no one can achieve success in a day they have to go through and face different conditions in life for being successful. Above all, success is the feeling of fulfillment that you feel when you achieve your goal.

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✍️Essay on Success in 100,150 and 200 Words: The Power of Positive Mindset

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  • Oct 26, 2023

Essay on Success

The concept of success is very simple; if you invest your time wisely and work hard, you will achieve success in no time. But success is not as simple as it sounds; what might sound like success to one might not be the same for another person. It embodies the realization of one’s goals, aspirations, and desires, often accompanied by a sense of accomplishment and fulfilment.

Success is manifested in different aspects, such as career achievements, personal growth, or even the pursuit of happiness. It is a journey filled with determination, perseverance, and often a willingness to learn from both triumphs and setbacks. Ultimately, success is a subjective pursuit that reflects the unique path and definition of achievement for each person.

Table of Contents

  • 1 What Makes a Person Successful?
  • 2 Essay on Success in 100 Words
  • 3 Essay on Success in 150 Words
  • 4 Essay on Success in 200 Words

What Makes a Person Successful?

Being successful is very subjective and can vary from person to person. Therefore, here are some common factors which contribute to the success of a person.

  • Hard Work and Persistence: Success requires effort and dedication and one has the ability to face challenges.
  • Setting Clear Goals: It is very important for one to have specific and attainable goals which will provide direction and motivation. 
  • Networking: The person should have the capability to build relations and at the same time be open to opportunities which strike. 
  • Time Management: Managing time effectively and priorities is essential for productivity and progress. 
  • Self-Discipline: One should be very focused and maintain self-control which will help them achieve long-term goals. 
  • Management of Finances: Having a basic understanding of finances and managing them wisely is also very important for attaining financial success. 

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Essay on Success in 100 Words

Success is the culmination of dedication, hard work, and determination. It is not merely the achievement of material wealth, but the fulfilment of one’s goals and aspirations. Success varies from person to person; for some, it’s a thriving career, while for others, it could be having a harmonious family life. 

To attain success, individuals must set clear objectives, persevere through challenges, and learn from failures. Success often involves learning, adapting, and embracing change. It’s the result of resilience and the willingness to keep pushing forward. Ultimately, success is a personal journey, and its definition is unique to each individual.

Essay on Success in 150 Words

Everybody wants to be successful in life, but are they willing to put in all their efforts? Success is not solely measured by wealth or fame but by achieving one’s goals and finding fulfilment. True success is often the result of determination, hard work, and resilience. Setting clear, achievable objectives and being persistent through challenges are crucial components.

Education is a common path to success, providing knowledge and skills that open doors to opportunities. Embracing failure as a stepping stone, learning from mistakes, and adapting to change are essential to achieving success. However, it’s important to recognize that success is subjective and can encompass a broader spectrum of achievements beyond material possessions.

Personal growth, happiness, and a sense of purpose are all part of success. Balancing personal and professional life is key to sustaining it. Ultimately, success is a journey, not a destination, and it’s about realizing your full potential and making a meaningful contribution to the world.

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Essay on Success in 200 Words

Success is a multifaceted concept, often defined by achieving one’s goals and aspirations. It is a subjective and deeply personal notion, as what constitutes success varies from person to person. However, a common thread in success is the continuous pursuit of one’s ambitions, combined with determination and hard work.

Success is not solely measured by material wealth, but rather by the fulfilment and satisfaction that comes from reaching one’s objectives. It is the result of setting clear goals, developing a plan, and facing all the challenges. The road to success is rarely smooth; it is often marked by setbacks and failures. These obstacles are crucial for personal growth, teaching valuable lessons that contribute to success in the long run.

Moreover, success is not an endpoint; it is a continuous journey. It requires adaptability and the willingness to learn and evolve. Success can be found in various aspects of life, from career achievements to personal relationships and self-fulfilment. It is the balance and harmony between these different facets that lead to a truly successful and meaningful life.

In conclusion, success is a complex and individualized concept, rooted in determination, hard work, resilience, and personal growth. It is not defined solely by external markers but by the fulfilment and happiness, one derives from their accomplishments and the journey to achieve them.

Related Articles

Writing an essay on success requires you to describe this multifaceted concept. Success is achieved when one’s goal and objective is attained. Those who are successful, have fulfilled their highest ambitions in life and work, or are actively striving towards doing so. 

Happiness does not follow success. Contrary to popular belief, living a life that makes you happy can help you achieve your goals and be content. 

You gain from success because it gives you the things you want or need. Setting and achieving attainable goals results in a feeling of well-being. 

For more information on such interesting topics, visit our essay-writing page and follow Leverage Edu ! 

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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Success: What Is Its True Meaning? Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
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Success. It is a word that means many things to different people. To me, the word means attaining things in life that I never thought would be possible for me or others to do. It is not something that can be physically seen but is rather a state of mind. This is because success can only be truly defined by a person in such a way that the word and his concept of the word fit his current status or situation. However, some people tend to define success more on the material definition of the word. For example, if a person is a doctor with a big house, an expensive car, and living what the others view as a luxurious life that they cannot afford to indulge in, then that doctor is a success.

In terms of word etymology, the word success was based upon the original Latin word successes that meant “an advance succession or happy outcome.” But the etymology for success does not end there. In reality, successes evolved from the word succedere. Succedere originally meant “come close after.” Due to the varied origins of the word, the closest historical account my research could show regarding the first use of the word could only date back to its first verbal use to the year 1586.

Although I believe that the word has varied meanings pertaining to the way it is applied, there is actually only one real meaning for the word that is accepted as its proper definition. The Oxford English Dictionary defines the word in three ways. First, as “the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.” The second is ” the attainment of fame, wealth or social status.” Third, as a “person or thing that achieves success.”

From these definitions, we can deduce what the term “success” does not mean. It does not mean simply planning to accomplish something in life but never actually working towards achieving it. It is perhaps far simpler to explain that success is the opposite of failure—a word that means unsuccessful attempts to do things in life. Therefore, success should never be defined as half-hearted attempts to accomplish or achieve an end goal. It is either you achieve your goal and become a success, or you do not and become a failure. There is no middle ground in defining success.

Going back to my definition of the word, I firmly believe that success is a state of mind wherein a person sees the things he has done in his life and finds joy and happiness in its outcomes. Success can only be defined by the person who had to work hard to achieve his plans or defeat the obstacles in his path. It is achieving in life what you thought you could not and constantly pushing yourself self to discover your limitations in life.

A person must work hard to become a success because it is not something that a person is born into. Neither is it an inborn talent that just shows itself. I would like to present myself as a clear example of success. I came to this country with some plans in mind for myself to achieve, and I have worked hard to achieve some of them within the past two years. Do I define myself as a success even though not all my plans have been fulfilled? Yes, I do. I have worked hard to get to where I am today. That, in my opinion, is the true definition of success.

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IvyPanda. (2021, September 27). Success: What Is Its True Meaning? https://ivypanda.com/essays/success-what-is-its-true-meaning/

"Success: What Is Its True Meaning?" IvyPanda , 27 Sept. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/success-what-is-its-true-meaning/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Success: What Is Its True Meaning'. 27 September.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Success: What Is Its True Meaning?" September 27, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/success-what-is-its-true-meaning/.

1. IvyPanda . "Success: What Is Its True Meaning?" September 27, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/success-what-is-its-true-meaning/.


IvyPanda . "Success: What Is Its True Meaning?" September 27, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/success-what-is-its-true-meaning/.


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What does success mean to you?

It's OK to measure success differently to other people. And it's OK to change your mind about what success means. Like most things, this can change throughout life. When did you last take time out to think all this through?

Pete Mosley PCC

It’s OK to measure success differently to other people. And it’s OK to change your mind about what success means. Like most things, this can change throughout life. When did you last take time out to think all this through?

The Confidence/Success equation

Confidence is a mercurial quality – it ebbs and flows throughout our lives. It’s with us one minute, and then it’s gone, only to come back again in a different form. We all need to find our own brand of confidence – areas in our lives where we feel good and perform well. The places we can shine and be our personal best. Those are the areas within which our future success lies.

Understanding your purpose

The many people I meet who are successful on their own terms have a strong grasp of their purpose. They know what they are on the planet to do. This strong sense of purpose feeds their confidence. Conversely the many people that I meet that are a bit lost or lacking in confidence have often not yet defined the ‘why’ that drives their actions.

It’s an interesting question. Why? Because your definition of success should help you define your behaviour – both at work and in life in general.

If you measure your success by the size of your income, then you’d better find something to do that meets a real demand. Something that people want, and what’s more, something that people will keep coming back for. You need to stop wishing that one day you’ll be discovered, or there will be a sudden surge in interest in your work, or that a wealthy patron will drop large and regular cheques through your letterbox. Yep, it happens now and again, but not to most common mortals. It’s what Alan Sugar calls ‘smell and sell’ – find the thing that you can do that people really want. Green & Blacks use a similar process – ‘discovery marketing’ – letting people taste the product and then only putting time and money into developing the products that people like the taste of.

If you measure your success by celebrity, public profile, or notoriety, then you’d better not be a shrinking violet. I meet people who don’t seem to be terribly interested in getting rich, but who crave recognition. The thing that surprises me about this is how many folk who would really love to be recognised completely fail to push themselves forward. They do brilliant work, and show it to far too few people. I often end up thinking that if I was in their shoes and I had done something that good – I’d want the world to know. If you have a real contribution to make, the world will be pleased to hear about it…so don’t hide your light under a bushel.

If success to you is having a peaceful life, simplify things. Live with a light touch, conserve energy, respect others.

If success to you comes from the knowledge that you are making a contribution, helping change the world, creating pleasure, alleviating pain, creating a sense of wonder – any or all of these things – you’ll probably find your rewards, whatever they are, flow back to you in proportion to the effort you put in to the contribution you make.

Finding the right platform

People are stressed out by the demands of the virtual world. We are pushed towards creating visibility for ourselves, and joining and using every single platform – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linked In, Periscope, Pinterest. There are all the others too. We’re encouraged to live a multi-channel life.  I regularly meet people who suffer from social media anxiety – either pushing themselves to keep up a busy schedule of posting, or feeling guilty and inadequate if they don’t. It’s wrong. We should pick just one or two – the ones that suit our values and learning style – the places we feel most at ease – and concentrate on those.  Then we need to do the same with the way we show up in the real world. If you hate networking, don’t do it. If you are not a great public speaker, there are other ways to show up meaningfully in people’s lives.

Showing up and connecting

Knowing how and where to show up in the world connects your confidence and sense of purpose to others – your natural audience or customer base. This takes time and serious experimentation. It’s a voyage of discovery. Once you can settle on the how and the where, life becomes much easier. You will begin to perform with confidence and ease. The real you will shine through. People will connect with you much more readily. In getting to know, like and trust you they will buy into your story – and the things you make or do.

I also explore these themes in more depth in my  TEDx talk – Cheeky Letters and Dream Lists , and in my signature talk for quiet entrepreneurs –  The Art of Shouting Quietly . The book of The Art of Shouting Quietly is available on  Amazon

You can find out more about my upcoming courses by clicking here

If you have found this post helpful, and would like to explore the issues raised in more depth. please don’t hesitate to  check my profile  or get in touch. We can arrange an exploratory call at your convenience.

Pete Mosley PCC


I work with quiet, thoughtful and purpose-driven individuals to help build confidence in both life and work, for example by supporting them to find a voice, speak up, pitch or talk in public without feeling intimidated by louder voices. As a reflective person myself, I'm drawn towards working with others who find the cut and thrust of everyday life to be a challenge. I also help business owners work out how to promote themselves and build an audience for their work. I'm a graduate of the acclaimed Barefoot Postgraduate Certificate in Business & Personal Coaching, and I now teach for Barefoot. My book - The Art of Shouting Quietly - a guide to self-promotion for introverts and other quiet souls – has sold in 25 countries around the world. I'm very experienced - I have 15 years of track record as a mentor in the Creative Industries prior to training as a coach in 2008. Please don't hesitate to get in touch - I'm always happy to talk with you about coaching/mentoring on the phone - with no obligation.

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Writing a Personal Statement

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Preparing to Write

Brainstorming, don't forget, sample prompts.

A personal statement is a narrative essay that connects your background, experiences, and goals to the mission, requirements, and desired outcomes of the specific opportunity you are seeking. It is a critical component in the selection process, whether the essay is for a competitive internship, a graduate fellowship, or admittance to a graduate school program. It gives the selection committee the best opportunity to get to know you, how you think and make decisions, ways in which past experiences have been significant or formative, and how you envision your future. Personal statements can be varied in form; some are given a specific prompt, while others are less structured. However, in general a personal statement should answer the following questions:

  • Who are you?
  • What are your goals?
  • How does this specific program/opportunity help you achieve your goals?
  • What is in the future?

A personal statement is not:

  • A variation of your college admissions essay
  • An academic/research paper
  • A narrative version of your resume
  • A creative writing piece (it can be creative, though)
  • An essay about somebody else

Keep in mind that your statement is only a portion of the application and should be written with this in mind. Your entire application package will include some, possibly all, of the materials listed below. You will want to consider what these pieces of the application communicate about you. Your personal statement should aim to tie everything together and fill in or address any gaps. There will likely be some overlap but be sure not to be too repetitive.

  • Personal Statement(s)
  • Transcripts
  • Letters of recommendations
  • Sample of written work
  • Research proposal

For a quick overview of personal statements, you might begin by watching this "5 Minute Fellowships" video!

If you are writing your first personal statement or working to improve upon an existing personal statement, the video below is a helpful, in-depth resource.

A large portion of your work towards completing a personal statement begins well before your first draft or even an outline. It is incredibly important to be sure you understand all of the rules and regulations around the statement. Things to consider before you begin writing:

  • How many prompts? And what are they? It is important to know the basics so you can get your ideas in order. Some programs will require a general statement of interest and a focused supplementary or secondary statement closely aligned with the institution's goals.
  • Are there formatting guidelines? Single or double spaced, margins, fonts, text sizes, etc. Our general guideline is to keep it simple.
  • How do I submit my statement(s)? If uploading a document we highly suggest using a PDF as it will minimize the chances of accidental changes to formatting. Some programs may event ask you to copy and paste into a text box.
  • When do I have to submit my statement(s)? Most are due at the time of application but some programs, especially medical schools, will ask for secondary statements a few months after you apply. In these instances be sure to complete them within two weeks, any longer is an indication that you aren't that interested in the institution.

Below is a second 5 Minute Fellowships video that can help you get started!

Before you start writing, take some time to reflect on your experiences and motivations as they relate to the programs to which you are applying. This will offer you a chance to organize your thoughts which will make the writing process much easier. Below are a list of questions to help you get started:

  • What individuals, experiences or events have shaped your interest in this particular field?
  • What has influenced your decision to apply to graduate school?
  • How does this field align with your interests, strengths, and values?
  • What distinguishes you from other applicants?
  • What would you bring to this program/profession?
  • What has prepared you for graduate study in this field? Consider your classes at Wellesley, research and work experience, including internships, summer jobs and volunteer work.
  • Why are you interested in this particular institution or degree program?
  • How is this program distinct from others?
  • What do you hope to gain?
  • What is motivating you to seek an advanced degree now?
  • Where do you see yourself headed and how will this degree program help you get there?

For those applying to Medical School, if you need a committee letter for your application and are using the Medical Professions Advisory Committee you have already done a lot of heavy lifting through the 2017-2018 Applicant Information Form . Even if you aren't using MPAC the applicant information form is a great place to start.

Another great place to start is through talking out your ideas. You have a number of options both on and off campus, such as: Career Education advisors and mentors ( you can set up an appointment here ), major advisor, family, friends. If you are applying to a graduate program it is especially important to talk with a faculty member in the field. Remember to take good notes so you can refer to them later.

When you begin writing keep in mind that your essay is one of many in the application pool. This is not to say you should exaggerate your experiences to “stand out” but that you should focus on clear, concise writing. Also keep in mind that the readers are considering you not just as a potential student but a future colleague. Be sure to show them examples and experiences which demonstrate you are ready to begin their program.

It is important to remember that your personal statement will take time and energy to complete, so plan accordingly. Every application and statement should be seen as different from one another, even if they are all the same type of program. Each institution may teach you the same material but their delivery or focus will be slightly different.

In addition, remember:

  • Be yourself: You aren’t good at being someone else
  • Tragedy is not a requirement, reflection and depth are
  • Research the institution or organization
  • Proofread, proofread, proofread
  • How to have your personal statement reviewed

The prompts below are from actual applications to a several types of programs. As you will notice many of them are VERY general in nature. This is why it is so important to do your research and reflect on your motivations. Although the prompts are similar in nature the resulting statements would be very different depending on the discipline and type of program, as well as your particular background and reasons for wanting to pursue this graduate degree.

  • This statement should illustrate your academic background and experiences and explain why you would excel in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (UMass Amherst - M.S. in Civil Engineering).
  • Describe your academic and career objectives and how the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies can help you achieve them. Include other considerations that explain why you seek admissions to the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and your interests in the environmental field (Yale - Master of Environmental Management).  
  • Please discuss your academic interests and goals. Include your current professional and research interests, as well as your long-range professional objectives. Please be as specific as possible about how your objectives can be met at Clark and do not exceed 800 words (Clark University - M.A. in International Development and Social Change).
  • Write a 500- to 700-word statement that describes your work or research. Discuss how you came to focus on the medium, body of work, or academic area you wish to pursue at the graduate level. Also discuss future directions or goals for your work, and describe how the Master of Fine Arts in Studio (Printmedia) is particularly suited to your professional goals (School of the Art Institute of Chicago - MFA in Studio, Printmaking).
  • Your statement should explain why you want to study economics at the graduate level. The statement is particularly important if there is something unusual about your background and preparation that you would like us to know about you (University of Texas at Austin - Ph.D in Economics).
  • Your personal goal statement is an important part of the review process for our faculty members as they consider your application. They want to know about your background, work experience, plans for graduate study and professional career, qualifications that make you a strong candidate for the program, and any other relevant information (Indiana University Bloomington - M.S.Ed. in Secondary Education).
  • Your autobiographical essay/personal statement is a narrative that outlines significant experiences in your life, including childhood experiences, study and work, your strengths and aspirations in the field of architecture, and why you want to come to the University of Oregon (University of Oregon - Master of Architecture).
  • Personal history and diversity statement, in which you describe how your personal background informs your decision to pursue a graduate degree. You may refer to any educational, familial, cultural, economic or social experiences, challenges, community service, outreach activities, residency and citizenship, first-generation college status, or opportunities relevant to your academic journey; how your life experiences contribute to the social, intellectual or cultural diversity within a campus community and your chosen field; or how you might serve educationally underrepresented and underserved segments of society with your graduate education (U.C. Davis - M.A. in Linguistics).
  • A Personal Statement specifying your past experiences, reasons for applying, and your areas of interest. It should explain your intellectual and personal goals, why you are interested in pursuing an interdisciplinary degree rather than a more traditional disciplinary one, and how this degree fits into your intellectual and personal future (Rutgers University - Ph.D in Women’s and Gender Studies).
  • Your application requires a written statement to uploaded into your application and is a critical component of your application for admission. This is your opportunity to tell us what excites you about the field of library and information science, and what problems you want to help solve in this field. Please also tell us how your prior experiences have prepared you for this next step toward your career goals and how this program will help you achieve them (University of North Carolina Chapel Hill - Master of Science in Library Science).
  • After watching the video, please describe what strengths and preferences as a learner you have that will facilitate your success in this innovative curriculum. What challenges in our curriculum do you anticipate and what strategies might you use to address these challenges? (MGH Institute of Health Professions PT - They recently redesigned their curriculum)
  • Your personal goal statement should briefly describe how you view the future of the field, what your goals are to be part of that future, and what brought you to pursue an advanced education degree in your chosen field. You may include any other information that you feel might be useful. (Northeastern PT)
  • Personal Statement: In 500 words or less, describe a meaningful educational experience that affected your professional goals and growth and explain how it impacted you. The educational experience does not need to be related to this degree. Focus on the educational experience and not why you think you would be a good professional in this field. (Simmons PT)
  • Personal Statement (500 word minimum): State your reasons for seeking admission to this program at this institution. Include your professional goals, why you want to pursue a career in this field and how admission to this program will assist you in accomplishing those goals. (Regis College Nursing)
  • “Use the space provided to explain why you want to go to this type of program.” (AMCAS)
  • Address the following three questions(Though there is no set limit, most statements are 1–2 pages, single-spaced.): What are your reasons for pursuing this degree? Why do you wish to pursue your degree at this institution? How do you intend to leverage your degree in a career of this field? (Boston University MPH)
  • Please submit a personal statement/statement of purpose of no more than 500 words for the department/degree of choice. Professional degree essays require a clear understanding of the _______ field and how you hope to work within the field. Be sure to proofread your personal statement carefully for spelling and grammar. In your statement, be sure to address the following: what interests you in the field of _____ what interests you in a specific degree program and department at this institution and what interests you in a particular certificate (if applicable). Please also describe how you hope to use your ________ training to help you achieve your career goals. (Columbia PhD in Public Health - Epidemiology)
  • Because each Home Program requires significant original research activities in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree, we are interested in obtaining as much information as possible about your previous research experiences. Those who already have such experience are in a better position to know whether they are truly interested in performing ______ research as part of a graduate program. Please include specific information about your research experience in your Statement of Purpose. You may also use the Statement to amplify your comments about your choice of Home Program(s), and how your past experiences and current interests are related to your choice. Personal Statements should not exceed two pages in length (single spaced). Make sure to set your computer to Western European or other English-language setting. We cannot guarantee the ability to access your statement if it is submitted in other fonts. (Stanford Biosciences PhD)
  • Your statement of purpose should describe succinctly your reasons for applying to the Department of ____ at ___ University. It would be helpful to include what you have done to prepare for this degree program. Please describe your research interests, past research experience, future career plans and other details of your background and interests that will allow us to evaluate your ability to thrive in our program. If you have interests that align with a specific faculty member, you may state this in your application. Your statement of purpose should not exceed two pages in length (single spaced). (Stanford Bioengineering PhD)
  • Statement of purpose (Up to one page or 1,000 words): Rather than a research proposal, you should provide a statement of purpose. Your statement should be written in English and explain your motivation for applying for the course at this institution and your relevant experience and education. Please provide an indication of the area of your proposed research and supervisor(s) in your statement. This will be assessed for the coherence of the statement; evidence of motivation for and understanding of the proposed area of study; the ability to present a reasoned case in English; and commitment to the subject. (Oxford Inorganic Chemistry - DPhil)

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What does success mean? essay

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Donald J. Trump, wearing a blue suit and a red tie, walks down from an airplane with a large American flag painted onto its tail.

Trump and Allies Forge Plans to Increase Presidential Power in 2025

The former president and his backers aim to strengthen the power of the White House and limit the independence of federal agencies.

Donald J. Trump intends to bring independent regulatory agencies under direct presidential control. Credit... Doug Mills/The New York Times

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Jonathan Swan

By Jonathan Swan Charlie Savage and Maggie Haberman

  • Published July 17, 2023 Updated July 18, 2023

Donald J. Trump and his allies are planning a sweeping expansion of presidential power over the machinery of government if voters return him to the White House in 2025, reshaping the structure of the executive branch to concentrate far greater authority directly in his hands.

Their plans to centralize more power in the Oval Office stretch far beyond the former president’s recent remarks that he would order a criminal investigation into his political rival, President Biden, signaling his intent to end the post-Watergate norm of Justice Department independence from White House political control.

Mr. Trump and his associates have a broader goal: to alter the balance of power by increasing the president’s authority over every part of the federal government that now operates, by either law or tradition, with any measure of independence from political interference by the White House, according to a review of his campaign policy proposals and interviews with people close to him.

Mr. Trump intends to bring independent agencies — like the Federal Communications Commission, which makes and enforces rules for television and internet companies, and the Federal Trade Commission, which enforces various antitrust and other consumer protection rules against businesses — under direct presidential control.

He wants to revive the practice of “impounding” funds, refusing to spend money Congress has appropriated for programs a president doesn’t like — a tactic that lawmakers banned under President Richard Nixon.

He intends to strip employment protections from tens of thousands of career civil servants, making it easier to replace them if they are deemed obstacles to his agenda. And he plans to scour the intelligence agencies, the State Department and the defense bureaucracies to remove officials he has vilified as “the sick political class that hates our country.”

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