Jan 15, 2022 · transitioned into the more colloquial “serial killer” (Ressler & Schachtman, 1993). By the most comprehensive definition, a serial killer is an individual that commits three or more murders over a significant period of time (Adjorlolo & Chan, 2014). According to FBI statistics, serial killers account for less than one percent of all homicides. ... This research consists of examining a sample of 25 convicted serial killers in the United States. The selected serial killers committed their murders between the years 1967 and 2016. This sample consists of killers that were convicted of murdering up to 49 people and were suspected of murdering up to 160 people and these do not include the various ... the research paper. The purpose of the research paper is to identify the criminological factors and motivations that result in serial killers. Serial killing is distinct from other similar types of murder, hence its motivations and contributing elements differ from those of other types of murder. Therefore, a ... 'serial killer' (Lefebvre, 2005). Holmes and Holmes (2010) defined a serial killer as an individual killing three or more people, while Dyer (1997) emphasized the serial nature of the killings: "Serial killers kill serially: one murder after another, each a variation and continuation of those before, each an episode in a serial" (p. 14). ... In this essay, we will delve into the thesis and various aspects that could be explored in a detailed research paper on this topic. The thesis could be framed as: Thesis: Understanding the psychological, sociological, and forensic profiles of serial killers is crucial for early detection, prevention, and effective law enforcement strategies. ... Sep 2, 1996 · Both of these serial killers are organized in their modus operandi, but the "Station Strangler" is a ego-dystonic killer and the "St Charles serial killer" a ego-syntonic serial killer. The method of research is a qualitative case study method. ... ">

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First page of “The Making of  a Serial Killer: A literature study into the effects of Cognitive, Biological and  Social psychological factors in serial killing.”

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The Making of a Serial Killer: A literature study into the effects of Cognitive, Biological and Social psychological factors in serial killing.

Profile image of Brittani J Oldham

2019, Bucks New University

Although serial killing was only defined in 1988, there is still more research to be conducted into the causes of this phenomena. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to look into potential causes of serial killing, with emphasis on social, biological and cognitive psychology. A plethora of literature and various case studies of incarcerated serial killers have been used to support or debunk the theories explored. Serial murderer is classified as the murder of 3 or more victims by the same offender, over multiple locations with the presence of a cooling off period (Ressler et al, 1988). Definitional problems with defining serial murder has led to confusion when classifying murder and therefore its causes. Social psychology explores the nurture side of the ‘nature vs nurture’ debate, with emphasis on childhood trauma, re-enactment and self-evaluation. Biological psychology explores the nature side of the debate, with emphasis on chromosomal abnormalities, a biological predisposition for crime and other biological functions. Cognitive psychology explores how brain dysfunctions can lead to serial murder, with emphasis on head injury causing frontal lobe damage. Lastly, personality disorders are explored in relation to social, biological and cognitive psychology and how they link to serial killing. After reviewing the evidence, it is reasonable to suggest that there is not one singular cause of serial killing, rather a variety of social, biological and cognitive factors and that can cause someone to be susceptible or expedite the process of becoming a serial killer.

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This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand, or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.

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