Deed of Assignment (for Intellectual Property)

a formal legal document used to transfer all rights

In the realm of intellectual property, a Deed of Assignment is a formal legal document used to transfer all rights, title, and interest in intellectual property from the assignor (original owner) to the assignee (new owner). This is crucial for the correct transfer of patents, copyrights, trademarks, and other IP rights. The deed typically requires specific legal formalities, sometimes notarization, to ensure it is legally enforceable.

To be legally effective a deed of assignment must contain:

  • Title of the Document : It should clearly be labeled as a "Deed of Assignment" to identify the nature of the document.
  • Date : The date on which the deed is executed should be clearly mentioned.
  • Parties Involved : Full names and addresses of both the assignor (the party transferring the rights) and the assignee (the party receiving the rights). This identifies the parties to the agreement.
  • Recitals : This section provides the background of the transaction. It typically includes details about the ownership of the assignor and the intention behind the assignment.
  • Definition and Interpretation : Any terms used within the deed that have specific meanings should be clearly defined in this section.
  • Description of the Property or Rights : A detailed description of the property or rights being assigned. For intellectual property, this would include details like patent numbers, trademark registrations , or descriptions of the copyrighted material.
  • Terms of Assignment : This should include the extent of the rights being transferred, any conditions or limitations on the assignment, and any obligations the assignor or assignee must fulfill as part of the agreement.
  • Warranties and Representations : The assignor typically makes certain warranties regarding their ownership of the property and the absence of encumbrances or third-party claims against it.
  • Governing Law : The deed should specify which jurisdiction's laws govern the interpretation and enforcement of the agreement.
  • Execution and Witnesses : The deed must be signed by both parties, and depending on jurisdictional requirements, it may also need to be witnessed and possibly notarized.
  • Schedules or Annexures : If there are detailed lists or descriptions (like a list of patent numbers or property descriptions), these are often attached as schedules to the main body of the deed.

Letter of Assignment (for Trademarks and Patents)

Letter of Assignment

This is a less formal document compared to the Deed of Assignment and is often used to record the assignment of rights or licensing of intellectual property on a temporary or limited basis. While it can outline the terms of the assignment, it may not be sufficient for the full transfer of legal title of IP rights. It's more commonly used in situations like assigning the rights to use a copyrighted work or a trademark license.

For example, company X allows company Y to use their trademark for specific products in a specific country for a specific period.  

At the same time, company X can use a Letter of Assignment to transfer a trademark to someone. In this case, it will be similar to the Deed of Assignment. 

Intellectual Property Sales Agreement

Intellectual Property Sales Agreement

An IP Sales Agreement is a detailed contract that stipulates the terms and conditions of the sale of intellectual property. It covers aspects such as the specific rights being sold, payment terms, warranties regarding the ownership and validity of the IP, and any limitations or conditions on the use of the IP. This document is essential in transactions involving the sale of IP assets.

However, clients usually prefer to keep this document confidential and prepare special deeds of assignment or letter of assignment for different countries.

IP Transfer Declaration

IP Transfer Declaration

In the context of intellectual property, a Declaration is often used to assert ownership or the originality of an IP asset. For example, inventors may use declarations in patent applications to declare their invention is original, or authors may use it to assert copyright ownership. It's a formal statement, sometimes required by IP offices or courts.

When assigning a trademark, the Declaration can be a valid document to function as a proof of the transfer. For example, a director of company X declares that the company had sold its Intellectual Property to company Y. 

Merger Document

Merger Document

When companies or entities with significant IP assets merge, an IP Merger Document is used. This document outlines how the intellectual property owned by the merging entities will be combined or managed. It includes details about the transfer, integration, or handling of patents, copyrights, trademarks, and any other intellectual property affected by the merger.

In all these cases, the precise drafting of documents is critical to ensure that IP rights are adequately protected and transferred. Legal advice is often necessary to navigate the complexities of intellectual property laws.

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Drafting a Deed of Assignment

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A Deed of Assignment is a vital legal document used to transfer rights, interests or assets between parties. It is regularly used in business transactions, and often regarding real estate or intellectual property. A well-crafted deed of assignment can protect both sides from potential legal disputes, ensuring that everyone involved understands their obligations and responsibilities.

The Genie AI team has seen many instances where having a valid deed of assignment can make all the difference - without it businesses could be exposed to considerable risk. That’s why we offer free templates and step-by-step guides to help those wishing to draft their own deed.

When creating a Deed of Assignment it is important to take the specific circumstances into account - any changes or additions should be accurately documented and agreed by all involved parties beforehand. Furthermore, it is essential that the terms are clearly written out in an unambiguous way so every party knows exactly what they have signed up for. Beyond protecting both sides’ interests, this type of agreement can also be used for copyright assignments, leases, debt transfers and trusts.

Before signing on the dotted line it’s also critical that executing such documentation is done properly - all parties must sign in the presence of a witness who will also affix their signature and date the document accordingly. Once this process has been completed filings must then be made with any relevant government authorities whenever necessary (especially in cases involving real estate or intellectual property transfers).

In summary, drafting a Deed of Assignment not only safeguards everyone’s best interests but also provides additional benefits depending on its use case - reading through our step-by-step guidance below should provide you with more information on how to access our template library today and start benefitting from its advantages without needing to sign up for an account with Genie AI first!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Legal Binding: When a legally binding document is used, it means that all parties involved are legally obligated to follow the terms and conditions set forth in the document.

Assignor: The assignor is the person who is transferring rights, interests or assets to someone else.

Assignee: The assignee is the person who is receiving the rights, interests or assets from the assignor.

Witness: A witness is an independent third-party who is present when a document is signed, in order to ensure that the process is completed in a secure and legally binding manner.

Stamp: A stamp is an official seal or mark that is used to verify and authenticate a document.

Tax: A tax is a sum of money that is paid to a government or public authority.

Duty: Duty is an obligation or responsibility assigned to someone.

Defining the Deed of Assignment

What is a deed of assignment and what is its purpose, parties involved, who needs to be involved in the making of a deed of assignment, drafting the deed, determine what kind of deed of assignment needs to be drafted, consider the subject matter to be assigned in the deed, research the legal requirements for the kind of deed to be drafted, draft the deed of assignment in accordance with the legal requirements, executing the deed, check that the parties to the deed are correctly identified, confirm that the deed is correctly signed and dated by all parties, confirm that the deed is witnessed by an independent third party, have the deed of assignment properly executed by all parties, registration, determine whether the deed of assignment needs to be registered, if registration is necessary, confirm the registration procedures, take necessary steps to register the deed of assignment, considerations, consider any applicable tax or stamp duty implications of the deed of assignment, consider any restrictions or limitations on the rights being assigned, consider whether the deed of assignment needs to be registered in any public records, common mistakes, not accurately identifying all of the parties to the deed, not having the deed properly executed by all parties, not having the deed witnessed by an independent third party, not considering any applicable tax or stamp duty implications, not considering any applicable restrictions or limitations on the rights being assigned, record keeping, ensure that the original deed of assignment is securely stored, create a digital copy of the deed and store it in a secure manner, review the deed of assignment to ensure accuracy, confirm that all steps have been completed correctly, seek advice from legal professionals if necessary, get started.

  • Establish the parties involved in the Deed of Assignment
  • Identify the property or service being assigned
  • Specify the terms of the assignment
  • Ensure the Deed of Assignment is properly witnessed
  • Check that all signatures are valid

When you have completed the steps above, you will have successfully defined the Deed of Assignment and can proceed to the next step.

  • A deed of assignment is a legal document that is used to transfer the rights and responsibilities of one party (the assignor) to another party (the assignee)
  • It is used to transfer contractual rights and obligations between parties
  • It should include information such as the names of the parties, the date of the assignment, and the description of the rights transferred
  • You will know that you have completed this step when you have an understanding of what a deed of assignment is and why it is used.
  • Identify the party transferring their rights (the assignor) and the party receiving the rights (the assignee)
  • Draft the deed in the name of both parties, including full names and contact details
  • Ensure the deed is signed by both the assignor and assignee
  • Once the deed is signed, the parties should exchange copies of the document

Once the assignor and assignee have been identified and the deed has been drafted and signed, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

  • Identify the parties involved in the Deed of Assignment. This would typically include the assignor (the party transferring their rights or interest) and the assignee (the party receiving the rights or interest).
  • Ensure that all parties involved have the legal capacity to enter into a contract.
  • When all parties have been identified and their legal capacity has been verified, you can check this step off your list and move on to drafting the Deed.
  • Read the applicable laws in your jurisdiction to determine the required language and structure of the Deed of Assignment
  • Gather the necessary information on the parties, the asset being assigned, and other relevant details
  • Draft the Deed of Assignment, taking into account all the necessary details
  • Make sure the language is clear and unambiguous
  • Have the Deed of Assignment reviewed by a legal professional
  • When the Deed of Assignment has been drafted and reviewed, you can move on to the next step.
  • Identify the type of assignment that needs to be drafted and the legal requirements that need to be satisfied
  • Consider the purpose of the Deed and the rights and obligations of the parties to the Deed
  • Determine if the Deed is for an absolute or conditional assignment
  • Consider if the Deed should be an express or implied assignment
  • Determine if the Deed needs to be in writing or if it can be oral
  • Check the applicable laws in your jurisdiction to ensure that you are drafting a valid Deed
  • Check if there are any additional requirements that need to be included in the Deed

When you can check this off your list: Once you have identified the type of assignment and the relevant legal requirements, you can move on to considering the subject matter to be assigned in the Deed.

  • Identify the subject matter of the Deed of Assignment, such as a patent, trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property
  • Assess the value of the subject matter and any associated liabilities
  • Understand the relationship between the assignor and assignee
  • Have all necessary documents, such as a purchase agreement, to provide more detail about the assignment

Once you have identified the subject matter of the Deed of Assignment, assessed its value, understand the relationship between the assignor and assignee, and gathered any additional documents, you can move onto the next step of researching the legal requirements for the kind of Deed to be drafted.

  • Research the relevant legislation, case law, and other materials related to the Deed of Assignment to be drafted
  • Consult with a lawyer familiar with the relevant law to understand the requirements
  • Take detailed notes on the legal requirements that must be adhered to in the Deed of Assignment
  • Once you have all the necessary information, double-check that you understand the requirements before moving on to the next step.
  • Prepare the text of the Deed, ensuring that all relevant information regarding the parties, the subject matter, and the consideration is included
  • Check to make sure the language conforms with relevant laws and regulations
  • Have the Deed reviewed by a solicitor to ensure that it complies with all legal requirements
  • Once the Deed has been approved by a solicitor, have the parties sign the document
  • Once the Deed has been signed by both parties, make multiple copies and ensure each party has a copy
  • This step is complete once the Deed has been signed and each party has a copy of the document.
  • Ensure both parties sign the Deed of Assignment in the presence of two witnesses who are over the age of 18 and not parties to the Deed
  • Have both parties sign the deed in the presence of two witnesses and have the witnesses sign the deed to attest to witnessing the signature of the parties
  • Check that the parties have signed the Deed in the presence of the witnesses by noting the signatures and the dates of signature in the execution clause of the Deed
  • Once the Deed has been executed, have the parties date and keep a copy of the Deed in a secure place
  • You will know that you have completed this step when the Deed has been properly executed by the parties in the presence of two witnesses.
  • Identify all parties to the Deed and verify that their details are correct.
  • Ensure that all parties to the Deed are identified in the document and that the details of each party are accurate and up-to-date.
  • Check that the names, addresses and contact details of each party are correct.
  • Once you have verified that the parties and their details are correctly identified, you can move on to the next step.
  • Check that all parties have signed the Deed in the correct place, and that the date of signature is correct
  • Ensure that each party has signed the Deed in the presence of an independent witness
  • Check that all parties have signed the Deed with their full name and title, if applicable
  • Confirm that the date of signature is correct and that all parties have signed on the same date
  • Once you have verified that all parties have correctly signed and dated the Deed, you can proceed to the next step.
  • Ensure that the Deed is witnessed by an independent third party who is not a party to the Deed.
  • Ask the third party to sign the Deed and provide their name, address, occupation and date of signing.
  • Check that the third party has signed and dated the Deed.
  • Once the above is complete, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.
  • Obtain signatures from all parties on the deed of assignment, ensuring that each party signs in the presence of a witness
  • Have an independent third party witness each party’s signature
  • Ensure that all parties have a valid form of identification, such as a driver’s license or passport, available for inspection by the witness
  • Ensure that all parties sign the deed of assignment in the presence of the witness
  • Obtain the witness’ signature, confirming that all parties signed in the presence of the witness
  • You will know this step is completed once all parties have signed the deed of assignment and the witness has signed confirming they were present during the signing.
  • Obtain a copy of the executed Deed of Assignment from all parties
  • Contact the relevant state or territory office to determine whether the Deed of Assignment needs to be registered
  • If registration is required, complete the necessary forms, pay the registration fee, and submit the required documents
  • Once the Deed of Assignment is registered, the registrar will issue a certificate of registration
  • Check off this step when you have received and reviewed the certificate of registration.
  • Research the applicable laws and regulations in the relevant jurisdiction to decide if the Deed of Assignment needs to be registered
  • Consult a legal professional if unsure
  • When you have the answer, you can move on to the next step.
  • Confirm what type of Deed of Assignment requires registration with the relevant government agency or registry.
  • Research the registration procedures and the requirements you must meet in order to register the Deed of Assignment.
  • Obtain any fees or additional documents that are necessary to complete the registration process.
  • Ensure that all parties to the Deed of Assignment understand the registration process and the requirements for completing it.

You can check off this step once you have researched and confirmed the registration procedures for the Deed of Assignment.

  • Gather the necessary documents for registration, such as the Deed of Assignment, supporting documents, and the applicable fee
  • Visit the registration office to register the Deed of Assignment
  • Submit the necessary documents to the registration office
  • Pay the applicable fee
  • Obtain a copy of the registered Deed of Assignment
  • Upon completion of the above steps, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.
  • Review and understand the nature of the rights and obligations being assigned
  • Determine if there are any restrictions or limitations in the assignment
  • Assess if any approvals are needed from third parties before the assignment is valid
  • Confirm that the assignor has the right to assign the interest being transferred
  • Check to see if the assignee has the necessary capacity to accept the assignment
  • Analyze if the assignment is subject to any applicable laws or regulations
  • Determine if any additional documentation is needed to support the assignment
  • Once you have considered all of the above, you can proceed with drafting the Deed of Assignment.
  • Check with your local taxation authority or a qualified tax professional to see if the Deed of Assignment is subject to any taxes or stamp duty.
  • Ensure that the Deed of Assignment includes any required taxes or stamp duty payments.
  • Check to see if the tax or stamp duty implications vary by jurisdiction.
  • Once you’ve considered the tax or stamp duty implications, you can move on to the next step.
  • Identify any restrictions or limitations that could affect the transfer of rights in the Deed of Assignment
  • Consider whether there are any legal restrictions that must be observed in the transfer of the rights being assigned
  • Research any relevant industry standards or regulations to ensure that the restrictions or limitations on the rights being assigned are compliant
  • Ensure that the Deed of Assignment clearly outlines the restrictions or limitations of the rights being assigned
  • When all restrictions or limitations on the rights being assigned are taken into consideration, checked for compliance and outlined in the Deed of Assignment, this step is complete.
  • Consider whether the Deed of Assignment needs to be registered with any government or public agencies.
  • Determine if any registration is required or optional.
  • Research the relevant regulations and laws to ensure that the assignments are properly recorded.
  • Check any local requirements or restrictions.
  • Once you have determined that the Deed of Assignment does or does not need to be registered, you can move on to the next step in the process.

• Read over the Deed of Assignment twice to make sure you’re accurately identifying all of the parties to the Deed. Make sure you include the full names and addresses of the assignor and assignee, as well as any other relevant parties. • Check that the legal description of the subject property is accurate. • Ensure that the consideration (the amount being exchanged for the assignment) is stated clearly and accurately. • Make sure that the names of the initial parties to the Deed are also included in the recitals. • Ensure that the recitals and the express terms of the Deed are consistent with one another. • Make sure that the Deed is signed, notarized, and delivered in accordance with state law.

Once you’ve completed the above steps, you can check off this task and move on to the next step in the guide.

  • Identify the assignor and assignee. The assignor is the party transferring their rights and the assignee is the party receiving the rights.
  • Check all of the details are correct. This includes the names, addresses and other contact information for both parties.
  • Draft the deed to ensure that the assignor and assignee are accurately identified.
  • You can check this off your list and move on to the next step once you have confirmed that the assignor and assignee have been accurately identified in the deed.
  • Ensure that all parties to the Deed have read, understood and agreed to the terms and conditions of the agreement.
  • Have all parties affix their signature to the Deed and the accompanying documents.
  • Check that all the signatures are dated and in the presence of a witness.
  • When all parties have properly executed the Deed, you can move on to the next step.
  • Ensure all parties have signed the Deed in the presence of a witness.
  • The witness must be an independent third party who is not a party to the Deed.
  • The witness must sign each page of the Deed that contains a party’s signature.
  • The witness must also include their full name, address and occupation on the Deed.
  • Once all of the above requirements are met, then you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.
  • Determine the applicable taxes or stamp duty implications for the Deed of Assignment.
  • Research any applicable taxes or stamp duty fees for the Deed of Assignment.
  • Calculate the applicable taxes or stamp duty fees for the Deed of Assignment.
  • Make sure to include the applicable taxes or stamp duty fees in the Deed of Assignment.

Once you have determined the applicable taxes or stamp duty implications for the Deed of Assignment, and included them in the Deed of Assignment, you can move on to the next step.

  • Determine the rights that you are assigning and review any applicable laws or regulations to ensure that the assignment of such rights is permitted.
  • Consider any applicable contractual restrictions or limitations on the rights being assigned, such as any applicable confidentiality obligations or restrictions on the transfer of rights.
  • Once you have determined that the assignment of the rights is permitted and there are no applicable restrictions or limitations, you can proceed to the next step of recording keeping.
  • Create a record of the Deed of Assignment, including the date it was executed, by each party
  • Maintain a copy of the Deed of Assignment in a secure place
  • Record any additional related documents, such as any security documents, release documents, or other agreements
  • When all of the above have been done, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.
  • Obtain a physical copy of the original Deed of Assignment
  • Ensure the original Deed is signed by both parties
  • Keep the original Deed in a safe and secure place, such as a locked filing cabinet or safe
  • Make sure the document is stored in a location that is accessible to both parties
  • Ensure that the original Deed is not destroyed or tampered with in any way

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step once the original Deed of Assignment is safely stored in a secure location.

  • Scan or take a digital photo of the original Deed of Assignment and save it to a secure location.
  • Ensure that the digital copy is readable and clearly displays all of the information contained in the original document.
  • Ensure that the digital copy is stored in a secure location, preferably on a cloud-based storage system or other secure server.
  • Make sure that only authorized personnel have access to the digital copy of the Deed.
  • When finished, you will have created a digital copy of the Deed and stored it in a secure manner.
  • Read over the Deed of Assignment to ensure accuracy
  • Make sure all details are correct, and all parties are named
  • Verify that all signatures are complete and accurate
  • Make sure the date of the assignment is correct
  • Check that the document is formatted and laid out correctly
  • Once you are satisfied with the accuracy of the Deed of Assignment, you can move on to the next step.
  • Read through the entire document to make sure all the information is correct
  • Double check that the names and details of the parties involved are spelled correctly
  • Ensure that all the dates are accurate, and that any and all parties have signed the deed in the right places
  • Check that the terms and conditions in the deed are consistent with the agreement between the parties
  • When you have verified all the details, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.
  • Check the Deed of Assignment to ensure that all required elements are present, including accurate information and signatures of all parties.
  • Verify that any and all attachments to the Deed of Assignment are included and accurate.
  • Ensure that all dates, signatures, and other pieces of information are accurate and up-to-date.
  • Once you’ve confirmed that all of the steps have been completed correctly, you can move on to the next step.
  • Seek professional advice from a lawyer or other legal professional to ensure that the deed of assignment is legally binding and enforceable.
  • Request that the legal professional checks that all steps have been completed correctly, and that the deed of assignment meets all requirements under local law.
  • Ask the legal professional to provide you with written advice on any changes or revisions that may be necessary to make the deed of assignment valid and enforceable.
  • Once the legal professional has confirmed that the deed is legally sound, you can check off this step and proceed with the next one.
  • Research legal professionals who are able to provide advice and assistance with the drafting of a deed of assignment
  • Contact the legal professionals to discuss the specific requirements and details of the deed of assignment
  • Ask the legal professionals if they are able to provide advice and assistance with the deed of assignment
  • Receive advice from the legal professionals and make changes to the deed of assignment accordingly
  • Once you are satisfied with the changes to the deed of assignment, you can move on to the next step.

Q: Does a Deed of Assignment need to be signed?

Asked by John on April 23rd 2022. A: Yes, a Deed of Assignment needs to be signed by both the assignor and the assignee in order for it to be legally binding. The signatures should be witnessed and dated, and should be in front of an independent witness who is not related to either party. It is also important to include the relevant clauses and provisions in the deed, as these will set out the rights and obligations of each party.

Q: What is the difference between an assignment and a novation?

Asked by Sarah on July 29th 2022. A: An assignment is a transfer of rights or obligations from one party to another, while a novation is a transfer of rights or obligations from one party to another with the consent of all parties involved. An assignment does not necessarily require the consent of all parties, while a novation always requires the consent of all parties. Additionally, an assignment can transfer rights or obligations without necessarily extinguishing any pre-existing agreements, while a novation extinguishes any pre-existing agreements.

Q: Is a Deed of Assignment legally binding in different jurisdictions?

Asked by Tyler on October 17th 2022. A: Yes, a Deed of Assignment can be legally binding in different jurisdictions, though the exact requirements for validity may differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. In general, however, a Deed of Assignment needs to be signed by both parties and witnessed by an independent third party in order for it to be legally binding. Additionally, the deed should include all relevant clauses and provisions that are applicable in each jurisdiction.

Q: Are there any tax implications when drafting a Deed of Assignment?

Asked by Emma on January 15th 2022. A: Yes, there are tax implications that need to be taken into account when drafting a Deed of Assignment. Depending on the jurisdiction and specific tax laws, there may be tax implications for both parties if they are transferring rights or obligations under the deed. It is important to seek professional tax advice before entering into any agreement that involves transferring rights or obligations between parties as this could have significant financial implications for all involved.

Q: Do I need legal advice when drafting a Deed of Assignment?

Asked by Jacob on June 5th 2022. A: While it is not necessary to seek legal advice when drafting a Deed of Assignment, it is generally recommended in order to ensure that all relevant legal requirements are satisfied and that all involved parties are aware of their rights and obligations under the deed. It is also important to make sure that all language used in the deed is clear and unambiguous so that it can easily be understood by all parties involved.

Q: How can I ensure that my Deed of Assignment is valid?

Asked by Michael on August 28th 2022. A: In order for your Deed of Assignment to be valid, it must meet certain legal requirements which vary between jurisdictions. Generally speaking, your deed should include all relevant clauses and provisions applicable in your jurisdiction as well as signatures from both parties which should be witnessed by an independent third party who is not related to either party involved. Additionally, any language used within the document should be clear and unambiguous so that it can easily be understood by all involved parties.

Q: What information do I need to provide when drafting a Deed of Assignment?

Asked by Ashley on November 10th 2022. A: When drafting a Deed of Assignment, you will need to provide information about both parties involved such as their names, addresses, contact details and any other relevant information required under applicable laws in your jurisdiction. Additionally, you will need to include any relevant clauses or provisions applicable in your jurisdiction which will set out the rights and obligations of each party under the deed as well as any other information required for the document to be legally binding.

Q: What are common mistakes made when drafting a Deed of Assignment?

Asked by Joshua on February 20th 2022. A: One common mistake made when drafting a Deed of Assignment is failing to include all relevant clauses or provisions applicable in your jurisdiction which set out the rights and obligations of each party involved in the agreement. Additionally, failing to have the document signed by both parties or witnessed by an independent third party can render the document invalid or unenforceable under applicable law in some jurisdictions. Moreover, using ambiguous language within the document can also lead to misunderstandings and disputes further down the line which could be avoided if clear language was used throughout the document instead.

Example dispute

Lawsuit referencing a deed of assignment.

  • The plaintiff may raise a lawsuit if they have been wronged by the defendant in a way that is outlined in the deed of assignment.
  • For example, the deed of assignment may outline that the defendant is responsible for paying a certain amount of money to the plaintiff, and the defendant has failed to do so.
  • The plaintiff may also raise a lawsuit if the defendant has failed to adhere to any other obligations laid out in the deed of assignment.
  • The plaintiff would need to prove that the defendant has breached the deed of assignment in order to win the lawsuit.
  • If successful, the plaintiff may be able to obtain a judgment in their favor, which may require the defendant to pay the plaintiff the money they are owed.
  • In addition, the plaintiff may be able to seek other damages, such as punitive damages, if the breach of the deed of assignment was particularly egregious.
  • Depending on the severity of the breach, the plaintiff may also be able to seek an injunction to prevent the defendant from continuing to breach the deed of assignment.
  • Settlement of the dispute may also be possible, wherein the defendant agrees to pay a certain amount of money to the plaintiff, or agrees to adhere to the obligations laid out in the deed of assignment.

Templates available (free to use)

Deed Of Assignment For Rent Deposits Occupation Lease Deed Of Assignment Of Benefit Of Claim For The Freehold Or Extended Lease House Under Section 8 Or Section 14 Deed Of Assignment Of Equitable Interest In Residential Land Deed Of Assignment Of Goodwill And Intellectual Property Rights Transfer Of A General Partnership To An Llp Deed Of Assignment Of Property Sale Benefits [Section 42 Deed Of A

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Copyright Assignment (Transfer Ownership of a Copyright)

General information.

A copyright assignment is the transfer of one’s ownership of a copyrighted work to another person or entity. The prior owner (assignor) gives up all rights to the work to the new owner (assignee). The assignee gains all rights to the work as the legal or beneficial owner and may take legal action to prevent infringing uses of the work, etc. Copyright Act Section 501(b) .

According to federal law, a voluntary transfer of copyright ownership is not valid unless the details of the conveyance are contained in a writing signed by the copyright owner or the owner’s authorized agent. Copyright Act Section 204(a) .


An assignment may be used:

  • After a business is sold and the work’s rights are transferred to the purchaser
  • As security for a debt (through a mortgage or other security interest)
  • As a bequest in a will or an asset passed to heirs by intestacy/probate
  • As part of the distribution of assets following a bankruptcy proceeding
  • The work’s owner retains ownership but changes his or her name
  • The work’s owner retains ownership but changes its business name or entity type
  • Any other instance where the owner of a work wishes to transfer it to another

Recording an assignment is not mandatory to assign the interest bur provides the following advantages:

  • Recording the transfer establishes a public record of the details of the transfer and the contents of the document affecting the transfer. Such details will appear in the Copyright Office’s online public catalog .
  • The document or material attached to it specifically identifies the work to which it pertains so that, after the document is indexed by the Register of Copyrights, it would be revealed by a reasonable search under title or registration number of the work; and
  • Registration has been made for the work.
  • Constructive notice means that the public is deemed to have knowledge of the facts stated in the document – including those speaking to the ownership of rights – and cannot claim otherwise.
  • Under Sections 205d and 205e of the Copyright Act , recording establishes priority of rights as between conflicting assignments/transfers of ownership, or between a conflicting assignment and a nonexclusive license. This means that the first recorded assignment will be taken as valid as against any later alleged assignments.
  • In some instances, recording may be necessary to validate the transfer of copyrights as against third parties. Copyright Office – Circular 1: Copyright Basics .
  • In some states, recording may be necessary to perfect a security interest. Copyright Office – Circular 12: Recordation of Transfers and Other Documents .

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Once a work is created and fixed in a tangible form, the author (or the author’s employer if the work was a Work Made for Hire), gains certain rights to the copyrighted work. The author has the exclusive right to: •  Reproduce the work in copies or phonorecords; •  Prepare derivative works based upon the work; •  Distribute copies or phonorecords of the work to the public; and •  Perform or display the work publicly.The author may subsequently transfer all or part of these rights through an (permanent) assignment or a (temporary) license. Copyright Act Section 201(d)(2) . Following negotiations between the parties as to the terms of the transfer, a written document must be signed by the owner of the rights conveyed stating the particular rights to be conveyed.
  • An assignment does not alter the work’s copyright duration. The assignee gains all rights transferred for the remainder of the copyright in effect. For works created by a single author, the length of copyright is the life of the author plus 70 years. Copyright Act Section 302(a) .
  • According to the Copyright Act, a copyright may be transferred by any means of conveyance, including bequeath by will or pass through intestate succession. Copyright Act Section 201(d)(1) . Some types of documents that may suffice include an assignment, mortgage, contract, deed, or promissory note.If you use our firm to assist you in your copyright assignment, we review your document to ensure that it conveys the rights desired, and then record it with the Copyright Office to establish a public record. Alternatively, if you do not have an existing document of transfer, we can draft a document to meet your purposes and then complete the recording process.
  • The Copyright Office does not provide a form or example of an acceptable document which effects a copyright transfer. Copyright Office FAQ – Assignment/Transfer of Copyright Ownership . The Copyright Office does not examine documents for legal sufficiency for their intended purpose prior to recording. Furthermore, the fee to record a document with the Copyright Office is nonrefundable. Copyright Office – Circular 12: Recordation of Transfers and Other Documents .It is therefore important to consult with an attorney knowledgeable about copyright assignments to ensure that the copyrighted work(s) in question actually transfer as desired.
  • No, the rights given by copyright are the author’s immediately upon fixing the work in a tangible medium of expression. These rights may be transferred through a written instrument and the Copyright Office will record such an instrument before or after the work has been registered with the Copyright Office. Copyright Act Section 205(a) . However, there are several important benefits of copyright registration, and it is helpful to register the work so that the recorded assignment references a work indexed in the Copyright Office’s records .
  • No, essentially for the same reasons, copyrights may be transferred whether or not the underlying work has been published. The Copyright Office will record a document evidencing a transfer of an unpublished work. Copyright Office – Circular 12: Recordation of Transfers and Other Documents .

Legal Services Offered and Cost

Recording of Copyright Assignment Note: this service is for copyright holders who have already transferred their copyright through a written instrument but have not yet filed/recorded the instrument Legal fees: $300 flat fee This includes:

  • Review of client’s information to ensure legal requirements are fulfilled
  • Answer client questions, make corrections, and obtain additional information as needed
  • Review of copyright assignment document to ensure proper transfer is made
  • Completion of Copyright Recordation Document Cover Sheet
  • Submission of the assignment document, Cover Sheet, and filing fee with the Copyright Office
  • Email confirmation of copyright assignment recording by the Copyright Office with official Certificate of Recordation

If you are ready to get started, please CLICK HERE to enter basic information using our secure online form.

Drafting and Recording of Copyright Assignment Legal fees: $300 flat fee

This includes:

  • Completion of copyright assignment document to make the assignment

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This copyright assignment is between  , an individual a(n) (the " Assignor ") and  , an individual a(n) (the " Assignee ").

The Assignor has created and (a) has registered or (b) has applied for registration with the Copyright Office of those works listed in Exhibit A (collectively, the " Work ").

The Assignor wishes to transfer to the Assignee all of its interest in the Work, and the Assignee wishes to acquire all of the Assignor's interest in the Work.

The parties therefore agree as follows:


The Assignor assigns to the Assignee, and the Assignee accepts the assignment of, all of the Assignor's interest in the following:

  • (a) the Work listed in Exhibit A ;
  • (b) all of the exclusive rights granted to the owner of a copyright under United States federal law, including all rights to reproduce, publish, adapt, modify, distribute, create derivative works based on the Work, display, publicize, and transmit (digitally or otherwise) the Work;
  • (c) the registrations and applications for registrations of each Work, and any renewals or extensions of those;
  • (d) all goodwill and moral rights in and to the Work;
  • (e) all income, royalties, and damages due to the Assignor with respect to the Work, including damages and payments for past or future infringements and misappropriations of the Work; and
  • (f) all rights to sue for past, present, and future infringements or misappropriations of the Work.


The Assignee shall pay the Assignor a flat fee of as full payment for all rights granted under this agreement. The Assignee shall complete this payment no later than .


In order to record this assignment with the United States Copyright Office, within hours of the effective date of this assignment, the parties shall sign the form of copyright assignment agreement attached as Exhibit B . The Assignor Assignee  is solely responsible for filing the assignment and paying any associated fees of the transfer.


The Assignee shall not assign or otherwise encumber its interest in the Work or any associated copyright registrations until it has paid to the Assignor the full consideration provided for in this assignment. Any assignment or encumbrance contrary to this provision shall be void.


The Assignor shall provide the Assignee with a complete copy of all documentation (in any format) relating to the Work for the Assignee's own use, to meet record-keeping requirements of the Assignee, or to allow the Assignee to assert its rights granted pursuant to this assignment. The Assignor shall also, on request:

  • (a) sign any additional papers, including any separate assignments of the Work, reasonably necessary to record the assignment in the United States;
  • (b) do all other lawful acts reasonable and necessary to record the assignment in the United States; and
  • (c) sign all papers reasonable and necessary for Assignee to obtain a copyright on any of the Work. 


After the effective date, the Assignor may make no further use of the Work or any derivatives of the Work, except as authorized by the prior written consent of the Assignee, and the Assignor may not challenge the Assignee's use or ownership, or the validity, of the Work.   However, the Assignor shall retain its rights to be identified as the author whenever the Work is reproduced, published, distributed, or otherwise publicly displayed. After the effective date, the Assignee grants back to the Assignor a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to use the Work as the Assignor sees fit, including for the creation of derivative works of those Work. This license does not limit the Assignee's rights and public rights under this assignment.


The Assignor hereby represents to the Assignee that:

  • (a) the Assignor is the sole owner of all interest in the Work;
  • (b) the Work is original, are not in the public domain, are not plagiarized, and do not contain anything that is libelous or obscene;
  • (c) the Assignor has not transferred, licensed, pledged, or otherwise encumbered any Work or agreed to do so;
  • (d) the Assignor is not aware of any violation, infringement, or misappropriation of any third party's rights or any claims of rights (including existing intellectual property rights, rights of privacy, or any other rights) by the Work;
  • (e) the Assignor is not aware of any third-party consents, assignments, or licenses that are necessary to perform under this assignment; and
  • (f) the Assignor was not acting within the scope of employment of any third party when conceiving, creating, or otherwise performing any activity with respect to the Work.


  • (a) Choice of Law. The laws of the state of  govern this agreement (without giving effect to its conflicts of law principles).
  • (b) Choice of Forum. Both parties consent to the personal jurisdiction of the state and federal courts in County, .


No amendment to this assignment will be effective unless it is in writing and signed by a party.


  • (a) No Assignment. Neither party may assign any of its rights under this assignment, except with the prior written consent of the other party. All voluntary assignments of rights are limited by this subsection.
  • (b) No Delegation. Neither party may delegate any performance under this assignment, except with the prior written consent of the other party.
  • (c) Enforceability of an Assignment or Delegation. If a purported assignment or purported delegation is made in violation of this section, it is void.


  • (a) Counterparts. The parties may execute this assignment in any number of counterparts, each of which is an original but all of which constitute one and the same instrument.
  • (b) Electronic Signatures. This assignment, agreements ancillary to this assignment, and related documents entered into in connection with this assignment are signed when a party's signature is delivered by facsimile, email, or other electronic medium. These signatures must be treated in all respects as having the same force and effect as original signatures.


If any one or more of the provisions contained in this assignment is, for any reason, held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, that invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability will not affect any other provisions of this assignment, but this assignment will be construed as if those invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provisions had never been contained in it, unless the deletion of those provisions would result in such a material change so as to cause completion of the transactions contemplated by this assignment to be unreasonable.


  • (a) Writing; Permitted Delivery Methods. Each party giving or making any notice, request, demand, or other communication required or permitted by this assignment shall give that notice in writing and use one of the following types of delivery, each of which is a writing for purposes of this assignment: personal delivery, mail (registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return-receipt requested), nationally recognized overnight courier (fees prepaid), facsimile, or email.
  • (b) Addresses. A party shall address notices under this section to a party at the following addresses:
  • If to the Assignor: 
  • If to the Assignee: 
  • (c) Effectiveness. A notice is effective only if the party giving notice complies with subsections (a) and (b) and if the recipient receives the notice.


No waiver of a breach, failure of any condition, or any right or remedy contained in or granted by the provisions of this assignment will be effective unless it is in writing and signed by the party waiving the breach, failure, right, or remedy. No waiver of any breach, failure, right, or remedy will be deemed a waiver of any other breach, failure, right, or remedy, whether or not similar, and no waiver will constitute a continuing waiver, unless the writing so specifies.


This assignment constitutes the final agreement of the parties. It is the complete and exclusive expression of the parties' agreement about the subject matter of this assignment. All prior and contemporaneous communications, negotiations, and agreements between the parties relating to the subject matter of this assignment are expressly merged into and superseded by this assignment. The provisions of this assignment may not be explained, supplemented, or qualified by evidence of trade usage or a prior course of dealings. Neither party was induced to enter this assignment by, and neither party is relying on, any statement, representation, warranty, or agreement of the other party except those set forth expressly in this assignment. Except as set forth expressly in this assignment, there are no conditions precedent to this assignment's effectiveness.


The descriptive headings of the sections and subsections of this assignment are for convenience only, and do not affect this assignment's construction or interpretation.


This assignment will become effective when all parties have signed it. The date this assignment is signed by the last party to sign it (as indicated by the date associated with that party's signature) will be deemed the date of this assignment.


Each party shall use all reasonable efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all actions necessary or desirable to consummate and make effective the transactions this assignment contemplates or to evidence or carry out the intent and purposes of this assignment.


Each party is signing this agreement on the date stated opposite that party's signature. 

Date: _________________


Date: _________________



add border



For good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,  an individual a(n)   (the " Assignor ") hereby assigns to an individual a(n)   (the " Assignee ") all of the Assignor's interest in the Assigned Copyrights identified in Attachment A to this assignment, and the Assignee accepts this assignment.

Each party is signing this agreement on the date stated opposite that party's signature.

Date: _________________


Date: _________________



Free Copyright Assignment Template

How-to guides, articles, and any other content appearing on this page are for informational purposes only, do not constitute legal advice, and are no substitute for the advice of an attorney.

Copyright assignment: How-to guide

Have you ever wondered what happens to your creative work once it's out in the world? How can you ensure that your intellectual property remains protected? These questions often lead us to explore the world of copyright assignment.

Copyright assignments empower creators to control the destiny of their creations. In this how-to guide, we'll explain the details of copyright assignments.

Join us as we deep dive into copyright ownership and discover how you can effectively transfer your rights to others while safeguarding your creative legacy.

What is a copyright assignment?

Copyright assignment refers to the transfer of copyright ownership rights from one party to another. Copyright owners have exclusive rights to their creative works, including the right to perform, display, distribute, reproduce, and create derivative works based on the original. These  rights are protected for a specified duration , typically throughout the life of a creation:

1. Copyright protection for works created by individual writers on or after January 1, 1978, begins at the time of creation and lasts for the author's life plus 70 years.

2. Copyright for anonymous or pseudonymous works (if the author's name is not revealed) and works done for hire are valid for 95 years from the date of first publication or 120 years from the date of creation, whichever expires first.

3. The copyright in joint works is valid for the life of the last living author plus 70 years.

Copyright assignment involves the assignor (the original copyright holder) transferring their rights to the assignee (the new copyright owner) through a written agreement. Key terms to understand include the assignor, assignee, consideration (something of value exchanged for the transfer), and the transfer of rights.

What are the types of copyright transfer?

Copyright assignments can be either:

  • Exclusive : In an exclusive assignment, the assignee gains exclusive rights to use the copyrighted work.
  • Non-exclusive : In a non-exclusive assignment, the assignor retains the right to license the work to others.
  • Partial : Partial assignments may also be considered, transferring only specific rights or territories.

What are the benefits of copyright assignment?

Copyright assignment offers several benefits to both creators and assignees:


Assigning copyright allows creators or the copyright owner to monetize their personal property by selling or licensing their rights to others, providing opportunities for additional income streams.

Transfer of responsibility

By assigning copyright, creators can transfer the responsibility for managing and protecting their personal property rights to the assignee, relieving them of the burden of enforcement and administration.

Expanding reach

Assigning copyright to a larger entity, such as a publishing house or production company, can help creators reach a wider audience and expand the distribution of their works.

Legal protection

Assigning copyright provides legal protection against unauthorized use or reproduction of the work, allowing assignees to take legal action against infringers to protect their rights.

Collaboration opportunities

Copyright assignment facilitates collaboration between creators and businesses, enabling joint ventures and partnerships that can lead to creative synergies and mutually beneficial outcomes.

When do you need a copyright assignment?

The following situations may require you to think about assigning a copyright:

Collaborative projects

A copyright assignment may be necessary to establish ownership and distribution rights when working with others on a creative endeavor, such as authoring a book or making a movie.

Commissioned work

A copyright assignment can outline the ownership and usage rights for any work you are contracted to produce for someone else, including written articles, music compositions, and artwork.

Your employer may ask you to assign your copyright to them as part of your employment agreement if you produce intellectual property as part of your work, such as software code, marketing materials, or product designs.

Selling or licensing

A copyright assignment agreement will formalize the transfer of rights and set out the conditions of the transaction if you choose to sell or license your copyright to a third party, such as a publishing house, record label, or production studio.

Safeguarding your legacy

As you make plans, you should ensure that your creative works' management and preservation follow your instructions. You may create a clear plan for how your personal property will be managed after your death with the use of a copyright assignment.

Copyright assignment is required anytime you need to distribute or transfer ownership of your creative works in a way that is official and compliant with the law. All parties concerned benefit from its clarity and protection, which guarantees that the rights and obligations related to intellectual property are accurately established and respected.

What laws and regulations to follow for copyright assignment in the US?

Copyright assignment in the United States is governed by federal law, primarily outlined in the  Copyright Act of 1976 . This legislation provides the legal framework for copyright ownership and transfer, ensuring that assignments are enforceable and legally binding. In addition, the following points must be considered.

Ensuring validity and compliance : Precautions must be taken to guarantee the authenticity and validity of a copyright transfer. These include recording the assignment's conditions, getting the original express approval of the copyright owner, and making sure all legal requirements are met. To find and fix any possible validity issues, the written agreement must be legally reviewed. It might be advisable to visit the copyright office.

Legal requirements and formalities : A proper copyright assignment requires attention to legal requirements. One part of this is making sure the assignment agreement is in writing and signed by all parties. In addition to safeguarding the rights of both the assignor and the assignee, written agreements offer clarity and act as proof of the transfer of ownership.

What are the elements of a copyright assignment?

A copyright assignment agreement typically includes several essential components:

Identification of the parties involved (assignor and assignee)

This part identifies who is giving up the rights to the work (assignor) and who is receiving them (assignee).

Description of the copyrighted work

This describes the creative work being transferred, such as a book, song, or artwork.

Scope of rights being transferred

It specifies exactly which rights, such as reproduction, distribution, or adaptation rights, are being given up by the assignor and acquired by the assignee.

  • Reproduction rights : These refers to the right to make copies or reproductions of the copyrighted work. For example, if the assignee has reproduction rights, they can produce copies of a book, music recording, or artwork.
  • Distribution rights : These refer to the right to distribute copies of the copyrighted work to the public. This includes selling, renting, leasing, or otherwise making the work available to the public. For example, if the assignee has distribution rights, they can sell copies of a book in bookstores or distribute copies of a film through online streaming platforms.
  • Adaptation rights : This refers to the right to create derivative works based on the copyrighted work. A derivative work is a new work that is based on or adapted from the original work, such as a movie adaptation of a book or a remix of a song. If the assignee has adaptation rights, they can create and distribute adaptations or derivative works based on the original copyrighted work.

Consideration exchanged for the transfer

Consideration refers to what the assignee gives to the assignor in exchange for the rights to the work. It could be money, goods, services, or other valuable benefits.

Signatures of all parties

All parties involved in the agreement need to sign it to make it legally binding. This ensures that everyone agrees to the terms of the copyright assignment.

The effective date of the assignment

This is the date when the transfer of copyright ownership becomes official and legally enforceable.


Recordation involves officially documenting the copyright assignment with the appropriate government office, such as the U.S. Copyright Office. This provides a public record of the transfer.

No early assignment

This clause specifies that the assignor cannot transfer the rights to the work before a certain date or event specified in the agreement.

This clause is typically included to provide stability and certainty to both parties involved in the agreement. It ensures that the assignor cannot prematurely transfer the rights to the work, thereby disrupting the intended timeline or violating the terms of the agreement. This clause helps in:

  • Protecting investment : The assignee may have invested time, resources, or finances into the agreement, and the "no early assignment" clause helps protect their investment by ensuring that the assignor cannot abruptly transfer the rights to someone else.
  • Completion of obligations : The clause may specify that the rights cannot be transferred until either party fulfills certain obligations or conditions. This ensures that both parties fulfill their responsibilities before the rights are transferred.
  • Preventing premature transfers : It prevents the assignor from transferring the rights to the work before the assignee has had sufficient time to benefit from the assignment or before certain milestones are reached.
  • Maintaining stability : This clause helps maintain stability by establishing a clear timeline for the transfer of rights and prevents unexpected changes or disruptions to the agreement.

Assignor’s representations

The assignor or the copyright holder may need to make certain statements or assurances about the work being transferred, such as confirming that they are the rightful owner of the copyright. The reasons being:

  • Legal assurance : By making representations about the work being transferred, the assignor provides legal assurance to the assignee that they have the rightful ownership of the copyright. This helps establish the validity and authenticity of the transfer.
  • Protection against claims : The representations serve as protection for the assignee against any claims or disputes regarding the ownership of the copyright in the future. If the assignor falsely represents themselves as the rightful owner, they may be held liable for any resulting damages.

This section outlines how the agreement can be modified or amended in the future if necessary.

A waiver clause specifies whether any rights or obligations under the agreement can be waived by either party and under what circumstances.

Now that you know the elements of a copyright assignment agreement, you may create one with greater clarity and detail by following the above list. This involves defining the rights being transferred accurately, including any restrictions or conditions, and, if required, obtaining legal counsel. A well-written contract helps in avoiding miscommunications and conflicts.

You can also use pre-made templates, like the copyright assignment template provided on this page, to speed up the process of drafting a copyright transfer agreement. Templates provide the agreement structure, which makes it simpler to modify and tailor to particular requirements.

What are the consequences of copyright infringement?

Copyright infringement carries several consequences, both legal and reputational, including:

1. Legal liability

Infringers may be liable for legal action, including injunctions, damages, and attorney fees, which can result in financial losses and potential reputational damage.

2. Loss of revenue

Infringement of copyright can result in lost revenue for creators and assignees, as unauthorized use of their works deprives them of potential licensing or sales opportunities.

3. Damage to reputation

Infringement can damage the reputation of creators and assignees, harming their credibility and trustworthiness in the eyes of consumers and business partners.

4. Diminished control

Copyright infringement devalues the control that creators and assignees have over their intellectual property, diminishing their ability to dictate how their works are used and distributed.

5. Erosion of rights and potential public domain status

Failure to enforce copyright protections can lead to the gradual loss of rights over time. Infringers may exploit this lapse by arguing that the works have entered the public domain or that they have acquired rights through long-term usage. This underscores the importance of proactive enforcement to safeguard intellectual property rights.

To sum up, copyright assignment is an essential tool that helps creators properly manage and safeguard their personal property rights. Through formal agreements, creators may transfer ownership of their works and open up new avenues for profit, cooperation, and reach. Nonetheless, the consequences of copyright infringement highlight how important it is to enforce and defend these rights with care. Creators and assignees may confidently handle the complicated world of intellectual property and secure the existence and success of their creative activities for future generations by knowing and following copyright assignment standards.

Frequently asked questions

What does a copyright assignment mean.

The creator of intellectual property protected by copyright can sell that material and transfer the copyright to a buyer. A copyright assignment clarifies the terms of the transfer of ownership to a new person or business.

Here's the information you'll need to have handy to complete your copyright assignment:

  • Who it's coming from (original owner) : Determine if a business or individual is sending the document and have the assignor’s name and contact information ready
  • Who it's going to : Know who this document is going to and have the individual or business name and contact information of the assignee ready
  • Copyright registration information : Identify the material's title, registration number, and date
  • Payment : Decide the sale amount and when the buyer needs to pay

What is the process of assignment of copyright?

Transferring ownership of creative works through a formal agreement is the process of assigning copyright. In this arrangement, the parties typically identify themselves, describe the copyrighted work, specify the rights being transferred, exchange compensation, obtain signatures, and register the assignment with the relevant authorities for legal recognition.

copyright deed of assignment

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A Deed of Assignment refers to a legal document in which an assignor states his willingness to assign the ownership of his property to the assignee. The Deed of Assignment is required to effect a transfer of property and to show the legal right to possess it. It is always a subject of debate whether Deed of Assignment is a contract; a Deed of Assignment is actually a contract where the owner (the “assignor”) transfers ownership over certain property to another person (the “assignee”) by way of assignment. As a result of the assignment, the assignee steps into the shoes of the assignor and assumes all the rights and obligations pertaining to the property.

In Nigeria, a Deed of Assignment is one of the legal documents that transfer authentic legal ownership in a property. There are several other documents like a deed of gifts, Assent, etc. However, this article focuses on the deed of assignment.

It is the written proof of ownership that stipulates the kind of rights or interests being transferred to the buyer which is a legal interest.



Content of a Deed of Assignment matters a lot to the transaction and special skill is needed for a hitch-free transaction. The contents of a deed of assignment can be divided into 3 namely; the introductory part, the second (usually the operative part), and the concluding part.

  • THE INTRODUCTORY PART: This part enumerates the preliminary matters such as the commencement date, parties in the transaction, and recitals. The parties mentioned in the deed must be legal persons which can consist of natural persons and entities with corporate personality, the name, address, and status of the parties must be included. The proper descriptions of the parties are the assignor (seller) and assignee (buyer). The Recitals give the material facts constituting the background to the current transaction in chronological order.
  • THE SECOND PART (USUALLY THE OPERATIVE PART): This is the part where the interest or title in the property is actually transferred from the assignor to the assignee. It is more like the engine room of the deed of assignment. The operative part usually starts with testatum and it provides for other important clauses such as the consideration (price) of the property, the accepted receipt by the assignor, the description of the property, and the terms and conditions of the transaction.
  • The testimonium : this shows that all the parties are involved in the execution of the deed.
  • Execution : this means signing. The capacity of the parties (either individual, corporate bodies, illiterates) is of great essence in the mode of execution.  It is important to note that the type of parties involved determines how they will sign. Example 2 directors or a director/secretary will sign if a company is involved. In the same way, if an association, couple, individual, illiterate, family land (omonile), firm, unregistered association, etc. is involved the format of signature would be different.
  • Attestation : this refers to the witnessing of the execution of the deed by witnesses.

For a Deed of Assignment to be effective, it must include a column for the Governor of the state or a representative of the Government where the property is, to sign/consent to the transaction. By virtue of Sec. 22 of the Land Use Act, and Sec. 10 Land Instrument Registration Law, the Governor must consent to the transaction.

Do you have any further questions? feel free to call Ibejulekkilawyer on 08034869295 or send a mail to [email protected] and we shall respond accordingly.

Disclaimer: The above is for information purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. (blog) shall not be liable to any person(s) for any damage or liability arising whatsoever following the reliance of the information contained herein. Consult us or your legal practitioner for legal advice.

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The Basics of Intellectual Property Copyright Assignment Agreements

A copyright assignment agreement is a legal instrument that enables the transfer of ownership rights from one party to another, allowing the assignee to exercise control over the copyrighted material and granting them the right to sue for infringement, license the work, and profit from its exploitation. The agreement outlines the terms of the transfer, including the scope of assignment, ownership, and territorial rights. Effective clauses must be included to address issues such as the duration of the assignment, any restrictions or limitations, and the procedure for resolving disputes. A clear understanding of these fundamentals is essential for traversing the complexities of intellectual property law, and further examination of these concepts can provide valuable insights into successful copyright assignment agreements.

Table of Contents

Understanding Copyright Assignment Basics

Embodied in contractual agreements, copyright assignments serve as legal instruments that facilitate the transfer of ownership rights from one party to another, thereby granting the assignee exclusive control over the protected intellectual property. This transfer of ownership is not merely a symbolic gesture, as it carries significant legal ramifications. The assignee acquires the right to sue for infringement, license the work, and profit from its exploitation. In return, the assignor relinquishes their claim to the intellectual property, surrendering their creative rights in the process.

The historical development of copyright assignments dates back to the early 20th century, when intellectual property protection became a key aspect of commercial transactions. As the global economy evolved, so did the need for a robust legal framework governing the transfer of intellectual property rights. Today, copyright assignments play a pivotal role in various industries, including entertainment, technology, and publishing. A thorough understanding of copyright assignment basics is fundamental for traversing the complex landscape of intellectual property law, where even the slightest misstep can have far-reaching legal and financial consequences.

Key Components of the Agreement

A thorough copyright assignment agreement typically comprises several crucial elements that outline the terms of the transfer, including the scope of assignment, ownership, and territorial rights. These fundamental terms form the foundation of the agreement, ensuring that all parties involved are aware of their roles and responsibilities. Effective clauses must be included to address issues such as the duration of the assignment, any restrictions or limitations, and the procedure for resolving disputes. The agreement should also clearly define the intellectual property rights being transferred, including the specific works, formats, and mediums involved. Additionally, the agreement should outline the rights and obligations of both the assignor and assignee, including the payment terms, warranties, and representations. By including these key components, the agreement provides a detailed framework for the transfer of copyright ownership, ensuring that all parties are protected and their interests are preserved.

Parties Involved in the Transfer

In the context of intellectual property copyright assignment, the parties involved in the transfer play a vital role in defining the terms and obligations of the agreement. Specifically, the assigning party, which holds the original copyright, transfers its rights to the receiving party, which assumes corresponding obligations. The rights and obligations of these parties are critical components of the assignment, and their understanding is imperative to facilitate a smooth and effective transfer.

Assigning Party's Rights

The assigning party, typically the original creator or owner of the intellectual property, holds the rights to be transferred in the copyright assignment agreement. As the rightful owner, they possess exclusive control over the intellectual property, granting them the authority to assign, license, or sell their rights to others.

Prior to the assignment, the assigning party has the right to use, modify, and distribute the intellectual property as they see fit. They may have also granted licenses or permissions to third parties for prior use, which may impact the scope of the assignment.

It is vital to identify and account for all existing rights and interests in the intellectual property, including any prior agreements, licenses, or encumbrances. The assigning party must verify that they have the legal capacity to transfer the rights and that the assignment agreement accurately reflects the scope of the transfer. By clarifying the assigning party's rights, the agreement can effectively allocate ownership and responsibility for the intellectual property, guaranteeing a smooth transfer and minimizing potential disputes.

Receiving Party's Obligations

Upon execution of the copyright assignment agreement, the receiving party assumes specific obligations to respect and protect the intellectual property rights being transferred. These obligations are vital to maintaining the value and integrity of the assigned intellectual property. A key aspect of the receiving party's obligations is adhering to confidentiality requirements, which safeguards that sensitive information and trade secrets remain protected. This may involve implementing access controls, encryption, and secure data storage protocols to prevent unauthorized disclosure.

The receiving party must also establish and maintain compliance protocols to guarantee that the assigned intellectual property is used in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. This includes complying with copyright laws, obtaining necessary permissions and licenses, and avoiding infringement on third-party rights. Additionally, the receiving party may be required to provide regular reports to the assigning party, detailing their use and protection of the assigned intellectual property. By fulfilling these obligations, the receiving party demonstrates its commitment to preserving the value and integrity of the assigned intellectual property.

Types of Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual property rights span a broad spectrum of legal protections, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. These rights provide IP protection to creators and innovators, safeguarding their creative assets from unauthorized use, theft, or misappropriation. Each type of intellectual property right serves a unique purpose, offering distinct benefits and protections.

Novel inventions, processes, and designs 20 years from filing date
Brand names, logos, and slogans Indefinite, with periodic renewal
Original literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works Varies by country, typically 50-100 years
Confidential business information, such as recipes or algorithms Indefinite, as long as secrecy is maintained

Understanding the different types of intellectual property rights is essential for creators, innovators, and businesses seeking to protect their valuable IP assets. By recognizing the unique characteristics and benefits of each type of IP right, individuals and organizations can make informed decisions about how to safeguard their creative assets and optimize their IP protection.

Assignment Agreement Benefits

By securing intellectual property rights, creators and innovators can leverage assignment agreements to additionally safeguard and monetize their protected assets, revealing a range of benefits that can substantially impact their business strategies and financial outcomes. One significant advantage of assignment agreements is the potential for cost savings. By assigning intellectual property rights, creators can avoid the expenses associated with maintaining and defending their rights, allowing them to allocate resources more efficiently. Additionally, assignment agreements can facilitate strategic growth by enabling creators to focus on their core competencies while leveraging the expertise of others to develop and commercialize their intellectual property. This can lead to increased revenue streams and accelerated market penetration. In addition, assignment agreements can provide creators with greater control over their intellectual property, enabling them to make informed decisions about how their work is used and distributed. Overall, assignment agreements offer a range of benefits that can help creators and innovators optimize the value of their intellectual property and achieve their business objectives.

Negotiating and Drafting Tips

Three crucial considerations for negotiating and drafting assignment agreements are clarity, specificity, and mutuality of understanding, as these factors can substantially impact the effectiveness and enforceability of the contract. A well-drafted agreement ensures that all parties are on the same page, minimizing potential disputes and misunderstandings.

When negotiating and drafting assignment agreements, consider the following essential tips:

  • Define key terms : Clearly outline the scope of the assignment, including the intellectual property rights being transferred, to avoid ambiguity and potential disputes.
  • Establish industry-standard payment terms : Specify the payment structure, including legal fees, to ensure a mutually beneficial agreement that adheres to industry standards.
  • Include a dispute resolution mechanism : Outline a process for resolving potential disputes, such as arbitration or mediation, to prevent costly and time-consuming litigation .

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When drafting intellectual property copyright assignments, parties often overlook critical details that can lead to ambiguity and disputes. To guarantee a thorough and enforceable agreement, it is vital to avoid common mistakes that can compromise the effectiveness of the assignment. By recognizing and addressing these pitfalls, including incomplete assignment language, unclear ownership terms, and failure to define scope, parties can safeguard their intellectual property rights and interests.

Incomplete Assignment Language

Drafting an intellectual property assignment agreement without meticulous attention to language can lead to incomplete assignment language, thereby rendering the agreement ineffective in transferring ownership rights. This oversight can result in ambiguous phrasing, creating legal loopholes that can be exploited by parties seeking to undermine the agreement.

To avoid such pitfalls, it is vital to verify that the assignment language is thorough and unambiguous. The following common mistakes should be avoided:

  • Omitting crucial details : Failing to specify the type of intellectual property being assigned, the scope of the assignment, or the rights being transferred can lead to confusion and disputes.
  • Using vague terminology : Phrases like 'all intellectual property rights' or 'all rights whatsoever' can be too broad and open to interpretation, leaving room for legal disputes.
  • Inconsistent language : Using different terms to describe the same concept throughout the agreement can create ambiguity and confusion, potentially invalidating the assignment.

Unclear Ownership Terms

Beyond the pitfalls of incomplete assignment language, unclear ownership terms can also undermine the effectiveness of an intellectual property assignment agreement, making it imperative to define ownership rights with precision and clarity. Failing to do so can lead to ownership disputes, which can have significant consequences for all parties involved. Ambiguous clauses can create confusion regarding the extent of ownership, territorial scope, and duration of rights, ultimately leading to costly litigation.

To avoid such disputes, it is vital to verify that the assignment agreement clearly outlines the specific rights being assigned, including the type of intellectual property, the scope of rights, and any geographical or temporal limitations. The agreement should also specify the parties' respective rights and obligations, including the assignor's warranty of ownership and the assignee's rights to exploit the assigned intellectual property.

Failure to Define Scope

How can intellectual property assignment agreements avoid the pitfalls of ambiguous scope definitions, which can lead to costly disputes and undermine the very purpose of the agreement? A failure to define scope can lead to scope creep, where the boundaries of the agreement are pushed beyond their intended limits, resulting in ambiguity risks and potential conflicts.

To avoid these pitfalls, it is crucial to clearly define the scope of the agreement, including:

  • Specifically identifying the intellectual property rights being assigned , such as copyrights, trademarks, or patents.
  • Defining the territorial scope of the agreement, including the countries or regions where the assigned rights will be exercised.
  • Establishing the duration of the agreement, including any renewal or termination provisions.

In addition, it is vital to clearly define the scope of the agreement, including the aforementioned elements.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i assign future copyrights not yet created?.

In general, assigning future copyrights not yet created is permissible, as it involves transferring rights to Future Works that may emerge from a creator's intellectual endeavors, effectively treating them as Speculative Assets.

Do I Need a Lawyer to Draft the Assignment Agreement?

When drafting an assignment agreement, it is advisable to engage a lawyer to guarantee compliance with legal standards, as drafting fees can be offset by avoiding costly future disputes and ambiguities in the agreement.

Can I Assign a Portion of My Copyright?

Yes, it is possible to assign a portion of your copyright, known as partial rights or a copyright fraction, which allows the assignee to exercise specific rights under the copyright, while the assignor retains the remaining rights.

Are Verbal Copyright Assignments Legally Binding?

Verbal copyright assignments can be legally binding as oral contracts, but they often harbor hidden pitfalls, such as ambiguity and lack of evidence, which can lead to disputes and undermine their enforceability.

Can I Revoke a Copyright Assignment Agreement?

Revoke a copyright assignment agreement? Not without traversing legal ramifications. Carefully review contract loopholes, as revocation may be restricted or contingent upon specific conditions, ensuring a thorough understanding of contractual terms is vital to avoid potential disputes.

copyright deed of assignment


Understanding Deed of Assignment: Definition, Uses, and Legal Implications Explained

A deed of assignment is a legal document that transfers the ownership of a tangible or intangible asset from one party (assignor) to another (assignee). It is used to formalize the transfer of rights, interests, or benefits associated with the asset specified in the deed. This document is commonly used in various legal and financial transactions to ensure clarity and enforceability of the transfer.

Table of Contents

Key characteristics of deed of assignment.

  • Legal Form : It is a formal written document recognized under legal jurisdictions.
  • Transfer of Rights : Involves transferring ownership or interests in a specific asset.
  • Specificity : Clearly defines the asset being transferred and the terms of transfer.
  • Enforceability : Once executed, it becomes legally binding on both parties.

How Deed of Assignment Works

Examples and usage, 1. transfer of debt example.

  • Definition : A debtor assigns their debt obligation to a new creditor.
  • Process : A deed of assignment is used to transfer the rights to receive payment from the debtor to the new creditor.

2. Intellectual Property Transfer

  • Definition : An author assigns their copyright in a book to a publishing company.
  • Procedure : A deed of assignment outlines the transfer of intellectual property rights from the author to the publisher.

Advantages of Deed of Assignment

  • Legal Clarity : Provides a clear record of the transfer of rights or interests.
  • Enforceability : Ensures that the assignee can legally enforce their rights against the assignor.
  • Asset Protection : Helps protect the rights of the assignee against claims by third parties.

Challenges of Deed of Assignment


  • Legal Requirements : Must adhere to specific legal formalities to be enforceable.
  • Risk of Breach : Potential for disputes over the validity or terms of the assignment.

Importance of Deed of Assignment

Practical applications, legal transfers.

  • Debt Assignments : Transferring debt obligations from one creditor to another.
  • Property Transfers : Assigning ownership rights in real estate or intellectual property.

Real-world Implications

Legal and financial security.

  • Contractual Agreements : Facilitates smooth transfers of rights and responsibilities.
  • Risk Management : Helps mitigate risks associated with ownership disputes or claims.

Example Scenario

Application in debt assignment, scenario: debt transfer deed of assignment.

  • Context : A company assigns its accounts receivable to a factoring company.
  • Procedure : Signing a deed of assignment outlining the transfer of rights to receive payment from debtors to the factoring company.

A deed of assignment is a crucial legal instrument used to transfer ownership or rights from one party to another. Whether for debts, intellectual property, or other assets, it ensures clarity and enforceability in legal transactions. By documenting the specifics of the transfer and adhering to legal requirements, parties can safeguard their interests and ensure that the transfer is legally binding. Understanding the purpose and implications of a deed of assignment is essential for navigating legal transfers of rights and assets effectively. It provides a structured approach to asset transfers, protecting the rights of both assignors and assignees under legal frameworks. Overall, deeds of assignment play a significant role in facilitating smooth and legally secure transfers of various types of assets and rights between parties.

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What Is A Deed of Assignment, Anyway?

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In any business, contracts will be everywhere you go — from your customers to suppliers, contractors, employees, graphic designers and even your monthly subscriptions!

However, contracts generally are signed between two parties.

So, what happens if one party wants to transfer or assign their rights and obligations under a contract to another party ?

This is where a Deed of Assignment comes in.

What Is A Deed?

In the legal world, there are two main types of legal documents: agreements and deeds.

Agreements are generally the most common contracts you’ll see. However, deeds work a little differently.

Put simply, a deed needs to be physically signed and witnessed in person. This means that it’s difficult to sign deeds with international parties.

So, it’s important to understand that a deed has specific requirements for execution.

What Is A Deed of Assignment (Contract Assignment)?

A Deed of Assignment is a legal document that transfers or assigns the legal rights and obligations to another party.

And it varies depending on your situation.

For example, an assignment could work for simple things like intellectual property. When a graphic designer creates a logo for you, you might want to make sure that logo is owned by you. In this case, the graphic designer would “assign” that copyright to you.

Or, if you’re selling your business, you might want to transfer your contractual relationships to whoever is purchasing your business. 

For example, if you have existing contracts with suppliers to your cafe business, you might look at transferring these to the buyer. Here, you’d sign a Deed of Assignment to transfer the rights and obligations of that contract to the new owner of your business.

A Deed of Assignment makes sure that you no longer have continuing obligations and rights as a signatory to that contract . The last thing you want is to be liable or accountable for a contract you forgot to assign to someone.

When Can A Contract Be Signed As A Deed?

We mentioned above that a deed is essentially a legal document – so how is this different to a standard contract?

A contract can be signed as a deed if the parties agree that no consideration will be required.

Since it is a slightly more formal document, it follows a specific process of execution. To execute a deed, a witness is required (and, in some cases, a seal).

If you need help putting together a Deed of Assignment, let’s chat!

You can reach out to our friendly team at [email protected] for a free, no-obligations consultation about your specific situation and the legal documents that are right for you.

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Deed of assignment | Practical Law

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Deed of assignment

Practical law anz standard document w-002-8276  (approx. 19 pages).

MaintainedAustralia, Federal

Deed of Assignment of Copyright

How does it work?

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Deed of Assignment of Copyright

A Deed of Assignment of Copyright is an agreement entered into by two persons, called the assignor and the assignee. With this agreement, the assignor being the owner of the copyright transfers ownership of the copyright over a certain work or works in favor of the assignee .

Copyright refers to intellectual property that is protected by law and protects the author's right over his works. Works that may be protected include literary , scientific , and artistic work, that requires at least some form of creative expression from the author. Examples of these are writings, musical works, films and photographic works, ornamental designs or models of manufacture, paintings, sculptures, and other works of art, as well as computer programs and mobile apps, etc. Assignment of copyright entails the protection of economic rights :

Economic Rights . This pertains to the exclusive privilege granted to the creator or author, or to the assignee (pursuant to a Deed of Assignment of Copyright) in terms of economic advantage. These rights allow the creator or author (or assignee) to control how he/she will obtain profit or economic gain which includes control over activities like reproducing the work, distributing it, publicly displaying or performing it, and creating adaptations or derivative works based on the original. This is to be distinguished from moral rights which only pertain to the original author or creator of the work notwithstanding an assignment made in favor of another.

Moral Rights . This serves to protect the creator or author of the work with respect to non-economic interests in their work, ensuring due credit and protecting the work from alterations that might harm the creator or author's reputation. This means that if the work is used whether in whole or in part, the creator or author should be given recognition, credit, or at least mentioned.

This agreement sets forth the terms and conditions of the transfer of ownership of the copyright by the assignor in favor of the assignee and may include payment of a sum of money, and an option to provide certain restrictions with the assignment of copyright.

If the assignor does not want to transfer ownership of the copyright and merely wants to allow the assignee to use the copyright, then an Intellectual Property License Agreement may be used.

How to use this document

The following information is necessary to complete the document:

  • Information concerning the identity of the parties,
  • The details concerning the works the copyright of which is being transferred,
  • The certificate number should be included,
  • A copy of the certificate should be attached to the agreement,
  • An option to provide restrictions on the transfer of the copyright,
  • The details for the payment for the transfer of the copyright,
  • The term of the agreement, and
  • An option to provide an obligation to protect confidential information.

If there will be attachments to the document, such as the authorizations for the representatives and copy of the certificates of copyright registration, said documents should be attached to the Deed of Assignment of Copyright. Once the document is complete (including the attachments), the Assignor and the Assignee, or their authorized representatives, should print and sign at least one copy for each party.

If the document will be acknowledged, the parties (or their respective representatives) should present themselves before a notary public with all the original copies of the document and their attachments. The parties (or their respective representatives) should also bring a competent form of identification , such as a passport or driver's license.

If the document is acknowledged, the notary public will keep one original copy of the document. Both parties should each keep a copy of the document for their records.

Registration or Recording

It is generally not mandatory to register the Deed of Assignment of Copyright. However, registration with the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) would ensure more protection of the copyright.

Applicable law

The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines is the primary law that governs Deeds of Assignment of Copyright. However, the laws on contracts and obligations in the Civil Code of the Philippines may also apply.

Under the Intellectual Property Code, Licensing Agreements that comply with the provisions of Sections 86 and 87 thereof don't need to be registered with the Documentation, Information, and Technology Transfer Bureau ("DITTB") . However, if it is later found that the Licensing Agreement does not comply with Sections 87 and 88 of the Intellectual Property Code, then the entire agreement will be unenforceable under Philippine Law.

How to modify the template

You fill out a form. The document is created before your eyes as you respond to the questions.

At the end, you receive it in Word and PDF formats. You can modify it and reuse it.

A guide to help you: What to do after Creating a Contract?

Deed of Assignment of Copyright - sample template

Country: Philippines

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Model Format of Deed for Assignment of Copyright

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THIS DEED OF ASSIGNMENT is made at this day of _ between Mr. A residing at _ hereinafter referred to as the Author of the One Part and Mr. B carrying on business at _ hereinafter referred to as the Publisher of the Other Part. WHEREAS:

  • The Author has written a book entitled _ (hereinafter called “the said book”) and desires to publish the same.
  • The author is the absolute owner of the copyright in the book. The copyright is registered with the Registrar of Copyrights in __ .
  • The publisher’s representative has scrutinized in detail and to his satisfaction the manuscript of the book and has offered to purchase the copyright in the said book for the purpose of publication.
  • The Author has agreed to do so in consideration of the Publisher paying him a sum of Rs_________ as lump sum royalty and on the following terms and conditions agreed to between the parties. NOW THIS DEED WITHNESSETH that pursuant to the said agreement and in consideration of the Publisher paying to the Author a sum of Rs_________ on the execution of the Agreement (receipt whereof the author admits) he the Author hereby assigns to the Publisher the Copyright in the said book TO HOLD the same unto the Publisher absolutely throughout India and subject to reservations hereinafter contained:
  • And the Publisher agrees and undertakes that the said assignment is restricted to publish the said book in India only and the Publisher shall not without the prior consent in writing of the author, publish any translation thereof in any other language and shall not allow it to be exploited for converting into a play or any cinematographic film or any Television serial.
  • The Publisher undertakes to mention in the first edition, all reprints and subsequent editions the name of the author as author of the book.
  • The Author hereby warrants to the Publisher that: a. The Author is the exclusive owner of the copy right in the said book and he has not assigned the Copyright in or given license to use the copy right to anybody else or encumbered the same or done anything so as to prevent him from assigning the said right. b. That the said book does not contain any defamatory obscene or otherwise objectionable matter; and c. That the contents of the current edition of the said book are the original work of the author and do not constitute breach of copyright vesting in any other person/s. Where limited extracts have been taken from other published or unpublished works in which copyright vests in other person/s proper acknowledgement has been made in the book. d. That if the publisher requires any other person/s to assist the author in preparing subsequent editions of the book the names of those persons will also be mentioned as joint author/s of the book. And the author will do and execute such other acts or deeds, if required, to confer entire copyright in the said book and as hereby assigned as may be necessary. e. That he will not publish either himself or through any other publisher an abridgment of the said book or any other book on the same subject and which would be competing with the book or get it published by any other person so long as the said book which is the subject matter of the present is being published by the Publisher and sold in the market….

Note: This is just the part of the agreement. To get it drafted completely by legal experts, kindly contact the expert team of Aapka Consultant by clicking here


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What is the concept of Assignment of Copyright?

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In this blog post, Sayan Mukherjee, a student of University of Calcutta, who is currently pursuing a  Diploma in Entrepreneurship Administration and Business Laws from NUJS , Kolkata, discusses the concept of assignment in copyright along with the most probable disputes related to it.



Copyright, a unique intellectual property meant for the creative brothers and sisters around the world is res incorporalis. In that sense, it has no tangible existence but is a proprietary right and can be disposed of.

In modern life, every individual is aware of the concept of Copyright because of the expansion of media and communication throughout the world. Today’s world has no shortage of ideas, thoughts, modes of expression, and its distribution, which the world media has upheld through the gift of technology coupled with a wider scope of communication and share. This very thing has directed out attention towards the creative world, their rights and obligations, along with their grievances in the form of disputes faced by the creators.

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The Copyright Act, 1957 as amended in 2012 is the current vehicle to settle and guide the creators towards betterment and give them some pecuniary opportunities so that they are further encouraged to bless the world with their creativity.


Assignment of Copyright                                  

Nobody is entitled to copy, reproduce, publish or sell an original writing, painting, dramatic production, sculpture, etc. without the permission of the creator. Thus, law provides a right to the owner of the copyright (i.e. the creator) to transfer the ownership of the copyright to a third party. For instance, in the case of making a complete movie – all the creative persons with their idea turned into relevant works come to a producer, assign their rights that subsist in their work in return for a royalty. These works are then summed up to form a complete movie. Yes, the process isn’t that easy and involves many questions that arise both at the time of assignment and especially after it.

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Facets of Copyright Assignment      

  • It is a pecuniary opportunity for the first owner of copyright. The assignment must specify the amount of copyright [vide Section 19(3) of the Copyright Act]. The creator shall not assign or waive the right to receive royalties to be shared on an equal basis with the assignee of copyright, subject to certain conditions. [vide Section 18(1) proviso of The Copyright Act, 1957 [1] ]
  • In the case of an assignment of copyright in any future work, it shall take effect only when the work comes into existence. In this regard, “assignee” includes the legal representatives of the assignee, if he dies before the work comes into existence. [vide Section 18(1) proviso of the Copyright Act]
  • The ownership may be assigned either wholly or only for a part of the work in question. [vide Section 18(1) of the Act]
  • The Copyright Assignment must be in writing and signed by the assignor or by his duly authorized agent. [vide Section 19(1) of the Act]
  • The duration of assignment must also be specified. The Delhi High Court recognized Section 19(5) and stated that if the assignment deed is silent about the duration, it shall be deemed to be 5 years from the date of assignment [2] .
  • The agreement deed may specify the territorial extent of such assignment. If silent, it shall be presumed to extend within India. [vide Section 19(6) of the Act]
  • The assignment shall be subject to revision, extension, or termination on terms mutually agreed upon by the parties. [vide Section 19(3) of the Act]
  • Where the assignee fails to exercise his rights within one year from the date of assignment, the assignment in respect of such right shall be deemed to have lapsed, unless otherwise specified in the assignment deed. [vide Section 19(4) of the Act]
  • If the assignment is in contrary to the terms and conditions of the rights already assigned to a copyright society to which the creator is a member, it shall be deemed void. [vide Section 19(8) of the Copyright Act [3] ]
  • The creator is entitled to subsequent royalties in the course of future exploitation of a cinematographic film, which includes his work, other than by way of exhibitions in a cinema hall. For example, the creator will be entitled to subsequent royalties for satellite right, home video, internet rights, the etc. Similar clause has been added for the case of sound recording. [vide Section 19(9) and 19(10) of the Copyright Act [4] ]
  • In the case of a manuscript, the copyright being a personal property of the owner can be transmitted by testamentary disposition. [vide Section 20 of the Act ]
  • The equitable assignment is just the agreement to assign.
  • The assignee has the rights of- translation, abridgment, adaptation, dramatic and filmmaking in the work.
  • For relinquishment of work, the author has to give notice in prescribed form to the Registrar of Copyrights or by way of public notice. On its receipt, Registrar shall publish it in the Official Gazette. With 14 days of the publication, the Registrar shall post the notice on the official website of Copyright Office, so that such notice remains in the public domain for not less than three years. Such right shall cease to exist from the date of the notice. [vide section 21 of the Copyright Act]

It may be noted in this context, that the author has an alternative for the shortcomings or confusions of assignment of copyright. They can register their work with a copyright society and thereafter license it to whomsoever they desire.


Moral Rights involved in Copyright Assignment

Moral rights are independent of the author’s copyright and shall remain with the author even if he has assigned his copyright.

  • The creator of work has the right to claim ownership thereof;
  • In case of any distortion, modification or mutilation of the original work, he shall have the right to claim damages;
  • If harm is being caused to the goodwill of the creator by commission or omission of any act by the assignee, he shall have the right to damages provided such an act is done before the expiration of the term of assignment.

Foreseeable disputes

  • The first dispute which may arise is that as regards the period of copyright assignment. The statute is very particular that an assignment has to be for a specified period even if there is an agreement in contrary [5] . [vide Section 19(2) of the Copyright Act]
  • Again, in a situation where assignee fails to exercise his rights assigned to him, and the assignor’s actions do not influence such failure, then, the statute empowers the Copyright Board, on receipt of a complaint from the assignor, to take cognizance of the case and make necessary inquiries as it may deem fit. It further gives a discretionary power to the Board where it can revoke such assignment. [vide Section 19A(1) of the Copyright Act]
  • In the case of a monetary dispute over a copyright assignment, the Copyright Board has the power on of a complaint from the aggrieved party, to hold an inquiry and pass necessary order including an order for the recovery of any royalty payable [vide Section 19A(2) of the Copyright Act]. Any such final order must be passed within a period of six months from the date of receipt of the complaint. Delay in compliance shall oblige the Board to record the reasons thereof. [vide Section 19A(3) of the Copyright Act [6] ]


The feasibility of Copyright Assignment is highly questioned because of the rising counts of Copyright Infringement cases. The sole objective of assignment process is to provide both pecuniary as well as distribution benefits to the original work of the creator. It cannot be used to deprive the original owner permanently from his creation.

Copyright Assignment is an inevitable necessity in this dynamic world. People can’t be self-sufficient in every respect. For the better frame of the Art, the ownership right of the creation needs to change hands and bring out the full potential of the original work by exploring various tiers of creativity.

copyright deed of assignment

[1] Inserted by Copyright (Amendment) Act, 2012.

[2] Pine Labs Private Limited vs. Gemalto Terminals India Private Limited and others (FAO 635 of 2009 and FAO 636 of 2009)

[3] Inserted by Copyright (Amendment) Act, 2012.

[4] Inserted by Copyright (Amendment) Act, 2012.

[5] Saregama India Ltd. V. Suresh Jindal AIR 2006 Cal. 340.

[6] Inserted by 2012 Amendment.

copyright deed of assignment


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copyright deed of assignment


Deed for Assignment of Copyright

THIS DEED OF ASSIGNMENT is made at ________ this _________ day of __________ between Mr. A residing at __________ hereinafter referred to as the Author of the One Part and Mr. B carrying on business at ________ hereinafter referred to as the Publisher of the Other Part.

1.      The Author has written a book entitled ___________ (hereinafter called "the said book") and desires to publish the same.

2.      The author is the absolute owner of the copyright in the book. The copyright is registered with the Registrar of Copyrights in ____________.

3.      The publisher's representative has scrutinized in detail and to his satisfaction the manuscript of the book and has offered to purchase the copyright in the said book for the purpose of publication.

4.      The Author has agreed to do so in consideration of the Publisher paying him a sum of Rs_________ as lump sum royalty and on the following terms and conditions agreed to between the parties.

NOW THIS DEED WITHNESSETH that pursuant to the said agreement and in consideration of the Publisher paying to the Author a sum of Rs_________ on the execution of the Agreement (receipt whereof the author admits) he the Author hereby assigns to the Publisher the Copyright in the said book TO HOLD the same unto the Publisher absolutely throughout India and subject to reservations hereinafter contained:

1.      And the Publisher agrees and undertakes that the said assignment is restricted to publish the said book in India only and the Publisher shall not without the prior consent in writing of the author, publish any translation thereof in any other language and shall not allow it to be exploited for converting into a play or any cinematographic film or any Television serial.

2.      The Publisher undertakes to mention in the first edition, all reprints and subsequent editions the name of the author as author of the book.

3.      The Author hereby warrants to the Publisher that:

a.      The Author is the exclusive owner of the copy right in the said book and he has not assigned the Copyright in or given license to use the copy right to anybody else or encumbered the same or done anything so as to prevent him from assigning the said right.

b.     That the said book does not contain any defamatory obscene or otherwise objectionable matter; and

c.      That the contents of the current edition of the said book are the original work of the author and do not constitute breach of copyright vesting in any other person/s. Where limited extracts have been taken from other published or unpublished works in which copyright vests in other person/s proper acknowledgement has been made in the book.

d.     That if the publisher requires any other person/s to assist the author in preparing subsequent editions of the book the names of those persons will also be mentioned as joint author/s of the book. And the author will do and execute such other acts or deeds, if required, to confer entire copyright in the said book and as hereby assigned as may be necessary.

e.      That he will not publish either himself or through any other publisher an abridgment of the said book or any other book on the same subject and which would be competing with the book or get it published by any other person so long as the said book which is the subject matter of the present is being published by the Publisher and sold in the market.

f.      That the publisher shall have the right to get the second and subsequent editions of the book prepared by either the author or any other person of the publisher's choice. If the publisher requires the author to prepare the second or any subsequent edition, the author undertakes that he will re-edit the said book at the time of publishing second edition thereof and to make it up to date when required by the Publisher. In case of authors failure to do so, the Publisher will be entitled to get the book re-edited, enlarged or abridged through some other author of the publisher's choice. For the said re-editing, the publisher will pay to the author the sum of Rs. __________/-. the author shall complete the re-editing within _________ months of being asked to do so by the publisher.

4.      And the Author hereby agrees to:

a.      Indemnify and keep indemnified the Publisher against all claims, proceedings, costs and damages incurred or suffered or awarded or paid in respect of or arising out of any breach or non performance of any of the warranties on the part of the Author hereinbefore given or out of any claim by a third party based on facts, which if substantiated would constitute a breach or non-performance of such warranties.

b.     The publisher shall have full right to assign the said copyright to publish the book in any part of India, to any person.

5.      Permit the Author to take ___________ copies of the book on publication free of cost.

6.      In the event of any dispute or difference between the parties hereto arising out of or in connection with this deed of whatsoever nature the same shall be referred to arbitration of a common arbitrator if agreed upon, failing which to two Arbitrators one to be appointed by each party to the Arbitration. The said Arbitrators shall appoint a presiding Arbitrator and the Arbitration shall be governed by the Arbitration Act and Conciliation Act, 1996, or any statutory modification thereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Assignor has put his hand the day and year hereinabove written.

Signed and delivered by the)

Within named Assignor Mr. A)

In the presence of........)

copyright deed of assignment

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copyright deed of assignment


  1. Deed of Assignment of Copyright

    copyright deed of assignment

  2. Deed of Assignment and Transfer of Rights

    copyright deed of assignment

  3. Deed of Assignment

    copyright deed of assignment

  4. Deed of Assignment Legal Forms

    copyright deed of assignment

  5. FREE 17+ Deed of Assignment Samples in PDF

    copyright deed of assignment


    copyright deed of assignment


  1. Rights & Duties Of The Principal


  3. Why you need a deed of assignment in Nigeria

  4. Receipt Vs Deed of Assignment ##viral #lagoslands #nigeria #nigeria #realestate #foryou

  5. Module 9: Copyright Assignment Instructor

  6. Understanding Legal Documents in Nigeria: Deed of Assignment vs C of O. What are their differences?


  1. Assignment/Transfer of Copyright Ownership

    Are copyrights transferable? Yes. Like any other property, all or part of the rights in a work may be transferred by the owner to another. See Circular 1, Copyright ...

  2. Deed of Assignment: Everything You Need to Know

    4 min. In the realm of intellectual property, a Deed of Assignment is a formal legal document used to transfer all rights, title, and interest in intellectual property from the assignor (original owner) to the assignee (new owner). This is crucial for the correct transfer of patents, copyrights, trademarks, and other IP rights.

  3. Understanding a deed of assignment for intellectual property

    A deed of assignment must be in writing and should include: The names and addresses of the assignor and assignee. A description of the program or product for which the rights are being transferred. A statement that all intellectual property rights to the property are being transferred. Signatures of the parties and the date of the agreement ...

  4. Understanding an assignment of copyright agreement

    This document usually contains only limited details of the work you're assigning, including the copyright number (if applicable), the signatures of both parties, the signature of a witness if desired, and the date of the assignment.

  5. PDF A Specimen of Deed of Assignment of Copyright of a Book

    against all damages, costs, charges, expenses which the publishers shall or may suffer, on account of printing, publication or sale of the said work or any part thereof, or by reason of such printing, publication

  6. Assignment of Copyrights & Legal Implications

    The transfer of economic rights may be on an exclusive basis, which requires a written agreement, or a non-exclusive basis, which does not require a written agreement. Most commonly, this transfer is accomplished by assignment or license. Unlike a license in which the copyright owner maintains their ownership, an assignment is similar to a sale ...

  7. PDF Recordation of Transfers and Other Documents

    A "transfer of copyright ownership" is an assignment, mort-gage, grant of an exclusive license, transfer by will or intestate ... (for example, contract, bond, or deed) or a note or memo-randum of the transfer is in writing and is signed by the owner of the rights conveyed or the owner's duly authorized agent. See 17 U.S.C. § 204(a).

  8. Drafting a Deed of Assignment

    A Deed of Assignment is a vital legal document used to transfer rights, interests or assets between parties. Our free templates and this guide can help you get started. ... Beyond protecting both sides' interests, this type of agreement can also be used for copyright assignments, leases, debt transfers and trusts.

  9. Copyright Assignment (Transfer Ownership of a Copyright)

    A copyright assignment is the transfer of one's ownership of a copyrighted work to another person or entity. The prior owner (assignor) gives up all rights to the work to the new owner (assignee). ... Some types of documents that may suffice include an assignment, mortgage, contract, deed, or promissory note.If you use our firm to assist you ...

  10. Free Copyright Assignment Template

    A copyright assignment agreement will formalize the transfer of rights and set out the conditions of the transaction if you choose to sell or license your copyright to a third party, such as a publishing house, record label, or production studio. Safeguarding your legacy.

  11. Deed of Assignment: Everything You Need to Know

    A Deed of Assignment refers to a legal document in which an assignor states his willingness to assign the ownership of his property to the assignee. The Deed of Assignment is required to effect a transfer of property and to show the legal right to possess it. It is always a subject of debate whether Deed of Assignment is a contract; a Deed of ...

  12. Deed of Assignment

    The deed of assignment is the main document between the seller and buyer that proves ownership in favor of the seller. The party who is transferring his or her rights to the property is known as the "assignor," while the party who is receiving the rights is called the "assignee.". A deed of assignment is required in many different ...

  13. Deed of Assignment of Copyright

    1. DEFINITIONS. 1.1. In this Deed of Assignment these words and phrases have the following meanings: "Assign" means to assign, transfer and convey all titles and interests of whatsoever kind or nature in copyright and/or Intellectual Property both at law and in equity. "Assignment" means assignment, transference and conveyance of the ...

  14. The Basics of Intellectual Property Copyright Assignment Agreements

    A thorough copyright assignment agreement typically comprises several crucial elements that outline the terms of the transfer, including the scope of assignment, ownership, and territorial rights. These fundamental terms form the foundation of the agreement, ensuring that all parties involved are aware of their roles and responsibilities.

  15. PDF Copyright Notice: Assignment of copyright

    copyright. A written assignment does not have to mention the copyright specifically. It could for example refer to things such as 'my intellectual property rights', 'the remainder of my property', or 'all assets'. Except where the assignment is contained in a deed, it is common practice for the assignee to make a nominal payment for ...

  16. Understanding Deed of Assignment: Definition, Uses, and Legal

    A deed of assignment is a legal document that transfers the ownership of a tangible or intangible asset from one party (assignor) to another (assignee). It is used to formalize the transfer of rights, interests, or benefits associated with the asset specified in the deed. This document is commonly used in various legal and financial transactions to ensure clarity and enforceability of the ...

  17. What Is A Deed of Assignment, Anyway?

    A Deed of Assignment is a legal document that transfers or assigns the legal rights and obligations to another party. And it varies depending on your situation. For example, an assignment could work for simple things like intellectual property. When a graphic designer creates a logo for you, you might want to make sure that logo is owned by you.

  18. Deed of assignment

    by Practical Law Corporate. Maintained • Australia, Federal. A deed for use when a party to an agreement wishes to assign its rights and benefits under that agreement to another person.

  19. Deed of Assignment of Copyright

    3. Save - Print. Your document is ready! You will receive it in Word and PDF formats. You will be able to modify it.

  20. Model Format of Deed for Assignment of Copyright

    THIS DEED OF ASSIGNMENT is made at this day of _ between Mr. residing at _ hereinafter referred to as the Author of the One Part and Mr. B carrying on business at _ hereinafter referred to as the Publisher of the Other Part. The Author has written a book entitled _ (hereinafter called "the said book") and desires to publish the same.

  21. What is the concept of Assignment of Copyright?

    The duration of assignment must also be specified. The Delhi High Court recognized Section 19(5) and stated that if the assignment deed is silent about the duration, it shall be deemed to be 5 years from the date of assignment. The agreement deed may specify the territorial extent of such assignment.

  22. Deed For Assignment of Copyright

    And the Publisher agrees and undertakes that the said assignment is restricted to publish the said book in India only and the Publisher shall not without the prior consent in writing of the author, publish any translation thereof in any other language and shall not allow it to be exploited for converting into a play or any cinematographic film ...

  23. Deed of Assignment and Transfer of Rights Sample

    Deed of Assignment and Transfer of Rights Sample - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This deed assigns and transfers all rights, title, and interest in a property from the Assignor to the Assignee. Specifically, it assigns the Assignor's rights in a property located in Cebu according to the terms of an earlier Joint Venture ...

  24. PDF Deed of Assignment of Copyright

    In this Deed: the word "ballet" shall mean a choreographic work having a story, plot or abstract idea, devised or used for the purpose of interpretation by dancing or miming, but shall not include country or folk dancing, nor tap dancing, nor precision dance sequences; the expression "cinematograph film" shall mean any fixation or ...