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How to Add Nvidia Drivers to Your Debian Installation

Ramces Red

Installing the official Nvidia driver is one of the most confusing parts of maintaining a Linux machine. Every distro provides its own set of drivers, each with its own compatibility and performance issues. This article will show you how you can install the official Nvidia drivers for your Debian system.

Preparing Your System for Nvidia Drivers

Installing the drivers using apt, installing the drivers using official nvidia packages.

Tip : some tips for you to get Wayland to work properly with Nvidia graphics cards .

The first step in installing Nvidia drivers in Debian is to check whether your system detects your graphics card properly. To do that, run the following command in your distro’s terminal:

This will print a line of text highlighting all the available graphics cards in your machine.

A terminal showing the available graphics cards in the current machine.

Run the following command:

Tip: learn how you can manipulate text streams in the terminal by understanding the sed utility .

Update your distro’s repository listings:

At this point, your Debian system can now look for proprietary packages through apt . To install the proprietary Nvidia driver, you need to first install your system’s kernel headers:

Run the “nvidia-detect” program to determine the Nvidia driver that’s appropriate to your machine:

A terminal showing the output of the nvidia-detect binary.

Obtain the driver that you need using apt. In my case, I will install the “nvidia-driver” package since it supports my GTX 1050 Ti card:

Reboot your system to load your new Nvidia driver, then run nvidia-smi to see if the driver is properly working.

A terminal showing the output of nvidia-smi.

Aside from using apt, you can also install the graphics driver for your card from Nvidia itself. This allows you to install the latest driver package for your hardware as soon as it comes out.

To start, run the following command to install all the prerequisites for the graphics driver:

Remove any previous installation of the nvidia-driver package from Debian’s repositories, then reboot your system:

Open a web browser, then navigate to Nvidia’s driver downloads page .

A screenshot showing the Nvidia driver downloads page.

Select the model-specific model for your graphics card, then select “Linux 64-bit” under the “Operating System” dropdown box.

A screenshot showing the operating system dropdown box for Linux support.

Click “Search” to load all the compatible drivers for your system, then select the one that you want to install. In my case, I will select “535.146.02” since it’s the most recent stable driver for my card.

A screenshot showing the latest stable driver for Nvidia cards.

Disabling the Open Source Nouveau Driver

Disable the nouveau graphics driver from your system’s bootloader. This will ensure that the kernel will not load the open-source driver if the official one is present:

Open the GRUB configuration file using your favorite text editor:

Look for a line that starts with “GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT.”

A terminal showing the default GRUB configuration file.

Insert the “rd.driver.blacklist=nouveau” string after the “quiet” value.

A terminal highlighting the GRUB configuration option with a blacklist for the open source Nvidia driver.

Reload your GRUB configuration, then create a new initramfs image:

FYI: understand how bootloaders work by restoring GRUB in broken installations .

Installing the Official Nvidia Driver in Debian

Restart your system, then press the Down Arrow , then E on the GRUB boot menu:

A screenshot showing the default GRUB output for Debian 12.

This will bring up a window where you can change the boot parameters for the current session. Navigate to the line that starts with “linux” then add “3” to the end of it.

A screenshot highlighting the modified boot arguments for Debian Linux.

Press Ctrl + X to continue the boot process.

Provide your user details once the system loads its login prompt.

A screenshot showing the non-GUI login screen.

Switch to the root user by running sudo -s , then run the Nvidia driver binary:

Select “Yes” when the installer asks you about including “32-bit compatibility binaries,” “DKMS modules,” and running the “nvidia-xconfig” utility.

A screenshot showing the prompt for the nvidia-xconfig utility.

Note: On newer Nvidia drivers, it will ask if you want to rebuild your machine’s initramfs. Select “Rebuild initramfs” to load the Nvidia driver in your system’s boot image.

Reboot your system to load your new graphics driver:

Lastly, check whether your system is using the new graphics drivers by running nvidia-smi .

A terminal showing the output for nvidia-smi for a newer graphics driver.

Learning the process of installing an Nvidia driver in Debian is just the first step in tinkering with the internals of Linux. Understand how you can extract the most out of your machine by configuring its ZRAM cache .

Image credit: Christian Wiediger via Unsplash . All alterations and screenshots by Ramces Red.

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Ramces Red

Ramces is a technology writer that lived with computers all his life. A prolific reader and a student of Anthropology, he is an eccentric character that writes articles about Linux and anything *nix.

A photograph of a person in front of a laptop with a phone on his hand.


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Home » Debian » How to Install Nvidia Drivers on Debian 12, 11 or 10

How to Install Nvidia Drivers on Debian 12, 11 or 10

Guide on installing Nvidia Drivers on Debian 12, 11 or 10 Linux using command-line.

Nvidia drivers are essential for leveraging the full power and efficiency of Nvidia graphics cards. These drivers are designed to enhance the performance of graphical applications, from gaming to professional graphic design and computational work. With Nvidia’s proprietary drivers, users can access optimized hardware acceleration, improved frame rates, and support for the latest graphic technologies such as ray tracing, deep learning super sampling (DLSS), and virtual reality (VR). The drivers also ensure compatibility with various applications and games, offering updates that improve stability and security. For professionals and developers, Nvidia drivers are crucial to unlocking the computational capabilities of GPUs for tasks like machine learning, data analysis, and scientific simulation.

Additional key features and benefits also include:

  • Optimized Hardware Acceleration: Ensures smooth, efficient operation of graphics-intensive applications.
  • Enhanced Frame Rates: Improves gaming and video playback quality.
  • Support for Latest Technologies: Enables features like ray tracing, DLSS, and VR.
  • Broad Application Compatibility: Ensures seamless interaction with a wide array of software.
  • Frequent Updates: Offers improvements in stability, performance, and security.
  • Improved Stability and Security: Reduces the likelihood of crashes and vulnerabilities.
  • Unlock Computational Capabilities: Essential for GPU-accelerated machine learning and data analysis tasks.
  • Professional and Developer Support: Tailored drivers enhance graphic design and scientific simulation productivity.

These drivers are not just about visual performance; they are a bridge to cutting-edge technologies and computational advancements. Now, let’s dive into the technical how-to of installing Nvidia Drivers on Debian.

Prerequisites for Installing NVIDIA Drivers

To successfully install NVIDIA drivers on Debian, ensure you meet the following requirements:

System Requirements and Supported Debian Versions

ComponentRecommended Requirement
2 GHz or faster dual-core processor
4 GB or more
25 GB of free space
NVIDIA GPU supported by the driver
High-speed internet connection
, ,

Additional Requirements

Necessary for downloading NVIDIA drivers and applying updates.
All terminal commands should be executed as a regular user with privileges.
Utilize the Command Line Interface (CLI) for installation and setup.
Dynamic Kernel Module Support (DKMS) is recommended for managing kernel modules.
Ensure that kernel headers are installed for the current kernel version.

Pre-Installation Steps Before Nvidia Drivers Installation

Update debian system packages before nvidia drivers installation.

Before proceeding with the tutorial, ensuring your system is up-to-date with all existing packages is good.

Proceed to upgrade any outdated packages using the following command.

Previous Nvidia Installations From Debian (Situational)

When Nvidia drivers over the standard packages, it can result in unexpected issues, especially if you install the Nvidia drivers from Debian’s repository, then import the Nvidia Cuda repository and try to re-install or upgrade directly over those packages. If you use one method, stick to it, and if you want to swap, ensure you remove the previous installation to avoid conflicts.

Below, I will briefly review some options for removing the previous Nvidia Drivers.

Example 1: Remove Previous Nvidia Drivers Installed via APT

First, use a blanket command to remove any traces of Nvidia installation on your system:

Example 2: Remove Previous Nvidia Drivers Installed via RUNFILE

The second method is for anyone who installed the Nvidia drivers using the “.run” file. To remove the runfile type of installation, use the following command:

Example 3: Remove Previous Nvidia Cuda Drivers Installed via RUNFILE

Lastly, remove the CUDA toolkit runfile installation using the following command.

These few methods may remove the Nvidia Drivers.

Enable Contrib and Non-Free Repositories

The first task is enabling the “contrib” and “non-free” repositories in your Debian repositories . The command changes from Debian 12 Bookworm onwards. Ensure you use the correct command matching your Debian distribution version.

First, make sure you have installed the following on your Debian system:

Bookworm and onwards:

Bullseye and buster downwards:, method 1: install nvidia drivers via default apt repository, install linux kernel headers.

Before installing any Nvidia drivers, you must install the proper kernel headers for the NVIDIA driver to build with. You can install either 64bit or 32bit, and you can find this out by running the lscpu command:

Example output:

From the output, the system is 64bit, so you need to install the following headers:

32-bit Debian systems, use the following command instead:


non-PAE kernel:

PAE kernel:

Install Nvidia Drivers via Debian’s Default Repository

Next, you can install the “nvidia-detect,” which will automatically suggest the best package for your graphics card.

To do this, use the following command:

With Nvidia-detect installed, execute the command to identify your current Nvidia Graphics Card:

The output reveals that the example machine features a GeForce GTX 1650 card and recommends installing the nvidia-driver package. However, this remains a suggestion.

Next, install the recommended package:

You will see a note about the free Nouveau graphics driver conflicting with the installed new driver. As per the message, you need to reboot to correct this; for now, press the “ENTER KEY” to proceed.

Reboot and Confirm Installation

Once installed, reboot your system:

Situational: Install Nvidia Legacy Drivers (For Older Cards)

Once complete, do not forget to reboot your system.

You can technically install the 340 series, but it no longer has support and contains several major security flaws. Although you might consider replacing 390xx with 340xx, Debian advises against it.

Method 2: Install Nvidia Drivers via PPA

The second method lets you install the latest drivers for your desktop or server from the Nvidia Cuda APT repository. I suggest you use these drivers because you’ll get updates immediately after their release. This approach benefits security and performance since Nvidia frequently releases updates. Now, you also have the option to install the open-source version.

Identify Your Nvidia Graphics Card on Debian

If you have an older NVIDIA Graphics card, identify it to ensure support. However, if you own a brand-new card, you can skip this part because your card undoubtedly has support.

Now, let’s identify your graphics card module:

Import Nvidia GPG Key

First, check if you have already installed the following packages by using this command:

Next, import the GPG key, and ensure you match the import to your distribution version.

Note: Please comment or message me via the contact form if the GPG import fails. Debian can occasionally change its GPG keys. This is rare, but it does occur; if it does, I’ll update the command.

Import Nvidia APT Repository

Second, import the repository for your Debian system, and again, ensure you import the correct one to match your Debian distribution version.

Install Nvidia Drivers – Proprietary or Open-Source Options

Update your sources list to reflect the newly added repository.

Next, install the latest NVIDIA drivers; below are examples with and without CUDA and proprietary and open-source versions.

Proprietary Nvidia Drivers

Install nvidia drivers without cuda support.

Terminal process for Nvidia driver installation on Debian Linux.

Install NVIDIA Drivers With Cuda Support (Proprietary) :

Open-source nvidia drivers, install nvidia drivers without cuda support (opensource) :, install nvidia drivers with cuda support (opensource) :.

Note: The download is large and can take a while; given this is a general release, it is recommended to install all the drivers to avoid any issues or inconsistencies on your Debian desktop.

One good thing about the Nvidia repository installation is that if you forgot to remove the previous one, you will see a prompt for users with pre-existing installations before the installation continues. Select Yes to remove any existing drivers. Failure to do this may cause system instability. Once done, the installation will be complete.

Notification of Nvidia driver conflict on Debian Linux.

To activate the installation, reboot your system. You can use the following command after completing the installation:

Situational: Install 32-bit Support for Nvidia Drivers

You can easily enable and install 32-bit support first. Then, install the 64-bit drivers mentioned earlier and follow these steps.

First, activate the 32-bit architecture using this command:

Update the APT-CACHE to reflect the changes to the architecture:

Install 32-bit support, and remove the Cuda package “libcuda1-i386” for those users not requiring it.

Reboot your PC:

Confirm Nvidia Drivers Installation

Verify nvidia drivers utilizing via cli command.

First, verify the installation by running NVIDIA-SMI, as the manual installation steps showed beforehand.

If successful, you should see something similar too:

t: Verifying Nvidia driver installation on Debian with nvidia-smi command.

Verify Nvidia Drivers Utilizing via GUI

Alternatively, you can open the GUI for desktop users using the following command:

Or open the application icon located in the following path:

Nvidia X Server Settings application icon on Debian Linux.

Here, you should see a panel with all your Nvidia Driver settings available and system information. At this stage, for most, you have successfully installed the Nvidia Drivers of your choice on Debian.

Nvidia Settings GUI with system info and card specs on Debian.

Below are additional screenshots of the Nvidia Settings GUI Example Screenshots for users new to Linux and utilizing Nvidia Drivers:

Nvidia settings GUI menu window on Debian Linux.

Conclusion and Recap

Throughout this guide, we’ve demonstrated the steps to install Nvidia drivers on Debian 12 Bookworm, Debian 11 Bullseye, and Debian 10 Buster. We covered the standard method using Debian’s default repository and the advanced approach of obtaining the latest drivers directly from Nvidia’s apt repository. Following this guide, users can optimize their Debian system’s graphics performance with the most suitable Nvidia driver option.

Useful Links

Here are some valuable links related to using NVIDIA drivers:

  • NVIDIA Unix Drivers : Visit the official NVIDIA page for Unix drivers to download the latest drivers for your system.
  • NVIDIA Forums : Join the NVIDIA community forums to discuss issues, share solutions, and get support from other NVIDIA users.
  • NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit : Learn about and download the CUDA Toolkit, which includes drivers and tools for GPU-accelerated computing.
  • NVIDIA Graphics Drivers Official Debian Wiki : Access comprehensive information on NVIDIA graphics drivers, including troubleshooting tips and additional resources.
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10 thoughts on “How to Install Nvidia Drivers on Debian 12, 11 or 10”

How do I remove the NVIDIA APT so that I can install the default one?

Never mind. I figured it out.

Thanks, got me up to 545.23.08 on debain 12 sadly I think 550.40+ is required for the new 6GB 3050

Detected NVIDIA GPUs: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GA107 [GeForce RTX 3050 6GB] [10de:2584] (rev a1)

Checking card: NVIDIA Corporation GA107 [GeForce RTX 3050 6GB] (rev a1) Uh oh. Your card is not supported by any driver version up to 545.23.08. A newer driver may add support for your card. Newer driver releases may be available in backports, unstable or experimental.

Guess I am risking the vendor run/installer

Just in case anyone with the same card finds this comment.

I can confirm I got the 550.40.x drivers directly from the nvidia run script on the nvidia website installed and they work fine so far on Debian 12

Thanks, Billy, for posting the feedback.

Currently I have this as a method for Fedora Nvidia Drivers installation, as currently Nvidia and Fedora from 38 onwards is a complete mess. I will add the same method for Debian as well as an optional back up method if all else fails.

What driver version from Nvidia APT PPA will work with the latest stable Debian kernel 6.1.0-18 ?

For example version 535.104.12 does not work.

It worked perfectly. I’ve chosen the option “Install NVIDIA Drivers Without Cuda Support (Proprietary)”. Normally I would never leave comment on a website/blog/forum. You’ve helped me we with a problem that I have been struggling for over 5 years, now I can finally connect to a monitor with HDMI. None of the other solutions provided on the internet worked for me (Connect Debian to external monitors, while having a hybrid GPU (Nvidia/Intel)). The only resort I had, was to choose Linux Mint.

Many thanks, keep this good work alive!

Thanks Anon for the feedback, glad it worked out. 🙂

Thank you for the tutorial. It helps a lot. The only thing missing is the fact that nvidia driver may not work properly if you have secure boot enabled in your bios settings.

Thank you very much. Now everything working good. Because nvidia-driver from Debian repository not working good. Thank you again!

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The Curly Braces

Programming and Life

Debian Bullseye setup with NVIDIA hybrid graphics

I had been using PopOS on my laptop for a couple of years, but wanted to shift back to using the i3 window manager. My laptop has the NVIDIA MX150 graphics chipset along with the inbuilt Intel GPU and the primary reason to use PopOS was to get switchable NVIDIA graphics working properly. I had trouble getting this to work back in June, 2018 but I expect it to work now with recent versions of the X.Org Server and the NVIDIA graphics driver.

To get recent versions of the Linux kernel and various packages I will be install the testing version of Debian code-named Bullseye . This may vary based on the time when you are reading this post.

This is part 1 in a series of blogs regarding setup of Debian Bullseye on a Laptop with i3 window manager.

This blog post will touch on important points to consider when setting up Debian Bullseye on a laptop, and the setup of server with NVIDIA graphics drivers.

Note : A lot of the software recommendations and configurations are my personal preferences. Hence this blog will not always go into details expanding why something is being installed.

Table of Contents

Laptop configuration

I use an Asus Vivobook S15, 2018 model. My laptop configuration is as follows:

  • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz
  • Network Chipset: Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 8265
  • Storage: 128 GB SATA SSD, 128 GB + 1TB SATA HDD 5400rpm
  • Audio: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-LP HD Audio (rev 21)
  • NVIDIA Corporation GP108M [GeForce MX150]
  • Intel Corporation UHD Graphics 620

Debian installation

We will use the network install ISO (netinst) . I will not go into the details of the installation process but just mention a couple of noteworthy things,

  • I encrypted my home partition by following the instructions here . This will add an additional step during each boot cycle to enter the password, in order to decrypt the hard drive.
  • The WiFi chip needs a bit of additional configuration which I’ve covered in blog post here .

During the install I did not install any desktop environments, as I will be setting up the i3 window manager later.

debian experimental nvidia

Post install setup

Since I did not install any desktop environment, the first boot-up displays a command line prompt.

Let’s get some basic utilities setup,

  • Install sudo and add the current user to the sudoer’s list – usermod -a -G sudo <username> . Run the previous commands as root.
  • ncdu – NCurses Disk Usage
  • htop – Interactive Process Viewer
  • less – Man page
  • unzip & zip – Unzip / zip an archive in Linux
  • wget – Retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and FTPS
  • curl – command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs

The commands below can be used to complete the steps above:

X.Org server setup

I’m using X.Org server with Xinput :

NVIDIA driver installation

All the information regarding NVIDIA driver installation is available in the Debian documentation .

My output for the command: lspci -nn | egrep -i "3d|display|vga" returns:

This means that I have a hybrid graphics chipset, and need to look at this additional documentation after installing the driver. This allows certain applications to be rendered on the dedicated MX150 GPU while the basic UI still uses the low powered Intel HD GPU.

Installation notes

Update apt sources to add non-free:

Then run the following to install the Linux headers and the GPU driver:

This installed NVIDIA driver version: 440.100-2

Using NVIDIA PRIME render offload

At the time of writing this blog, Nvidia driver version 450.xx is available in Debian bullseye repositories , so these should not be necessary anymore. To identify the driver version, you can run: nvidia-settings -v

The documentation states that this should work out of the box, but on my laptop running: xrandr --listproviders did not display a provider named NVIDIA-G0 which is mentioned here .

I decided to install NVIDIA driver version: 450.xx from Debian sid. To do that, I added the following to the sources.list and then used apt-pinning :

Once a window manager is setup (we will do this in the next blog), run nvidia-settings to configure application and power profile for the dedicated GPU.

In the next blog , I will share my i3 window manager configuration and go through some of finer details while setting it up.

One thought on “Debian Bullseye setup with NVIDIA hybrid graphics”

Great share!

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Package: nvidia-alternative (545.23.06-1) [ non-free ]

Links for nvidia-alternative.


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Download Source Package nvidia-graphics-drivers :

  • [nvidia-graphics-drivers_545.23.06-1.dsc]
  • [nvidia-graphics-drivers_545.23.06.orig-amd64.tar.gz]
  • [nvidia-graphics-drivers_545.23.06.orig-arm64.tar.gz]
  • [nvidia-graphics-drivers_545.23.06.orig.tar.gz]
  • [nvidia-graphics-drivers_545.23.06-1.debian.tar.xz]


  • Debian NVIDIA Maintainers ( QA Page , Mail Archive )
  • Andreas Beckmann ( QA Page )
  • Luca Boccassi ( QA Page )

External Resources:

  • Homepage []

Similar packages:

  • nvidia-legacy-390xx-alternative
  • nvidia-legacy-340xx-alternative
  • nvidia-tesla-alternative
  • nvidia-tesla-460-alternative
  • nvidia-tesla-470-alternative
  • nvidia-tesla-418-alternative
  • nvidia-tesla-450-alternative
  • glx-alternative-nvidia
  • glx-alternative-mesa
  • nvidia-driver

Experimental package

Warning: This package is from the experimental distribution. That means it is likely unstable or buggy, and it may even cause data loss. Please be sure to consult the changelog and other possible documentation before using it.

allows the selection of NVIDIA as GLX provider

Tags : Role: Shared Library

Other Packages Related to nvidia-alternative

Download nvidia-alternative

Download for all available architectures
Architecture Package Size Installed Size Files
148.8 kB201.0 kB [ ]
148.8 kB201.0 kB [ ]
148.8 kB201.0 kB [ ]

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Linux Tutorials – Learn Linux Configuration

How to install Nvidia driver on Debian 10 Buster Linux

In this article you will learn how to install Nvidia driver on Debian 10 Buster from the standard Debian repository. In case that from some reason the installation of the Nvidia driver from the standard Debian repository failed or you simply with to have more up to date Nvidia driver installed this tutorial will also explain on how to install the official Nvidia driver directly downloaded from the website.

To install Nvidia driver on other Linux distributions, follow our Nvidia Linux Driver guide.

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • How to detect your nvidia card model number
  • How to install Nvidia driver from a standard Debian repository
  • How to install Nvidia driver from the official Nvidia package
  • How to disable nouveau driver
  • How to install Nvidia driver prerequisites

Nvidia driver installed on Debian 10 Buster GNU/Linux

Software Requirements and Conventions Used

Software Requirements and Linux Command Line Conventions
Category Requirements, Conventions or Software Version Used
System Debian 10 Buster GNU/Linux
Software N/A
Other Privileged access to your Linux system as root or via the command.
Conventions – requires given to be executed with root privileges either directly as a root user or by use of command
– requires given to be executed as a regular non-privileged user

How to install NVIDIA driver using Debian repository step by step instructions

As an administrative user open the /etc/apt/sources.list and add the non-free repository. For example change the repository definition:

Once ready update the repository index files using the below command:

  • Install nvidia-detect utility by execution of the below command: # apt -y install nvidia-detect
  • Detect your Nvidia card model and suggested Nvidia driver. To do so execute the above installed nvidia-detect command. For example: # nvidia-detect Detected NVIDIA GPUs: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GP106 [GeForce GTX 1060 6GB] [10de:1c03] (rev a1) Checking card: NVIDIA Corporation GP106 [GeForce GTX 1060 6GB] (rev a1) Your card is supported by the default drivers and legacy driver series 390 . It is recommended to install the nvidia-driver package.
  • As suggested install the recommended driver by the previous step: # apt install nvidia-driver

How to install NVIDIA driver by using the official package step by step instructions

As an administrative user open the /etc/apt/sources.list and add the non-free and contrib repository. For example change the repository definition:

  • Download the recommended Nvidia source package from the official website. Search for a package name to match the driver number as recommended by the previous step. Save the downloaded file into your home directory: $ ls
  • Next, disable the default nouveau driver: # echo blacklist nouveau > /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nvidia-nouveau.conf
  • Reboot to multi-user runlevel. This will disable the GUI user after reboot: # systemctl set-default # systemctl reboot

During the installation you may be asked the following set of questions:

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Debian Package Tracker

Accepted nvidia-graphics-drivers 530.41.03-3 (source) into experimental

News for package nvidia-graphics-drivers.

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debian 10 - hybrid graphics - how to use nvidia drivers instead of nouveau

I'm scratching my head on a nvidia drivers problem in debian 10. I did a fresh install of debian 10 on a new laptop. This laptop have an Intel GPU and a Nvidia GTX 1650.

I followed some explanation here or here to install the drivers and to blacklist nouveau to use only the Nvidia GPU (as explained in the first link). It means the following :

  • vim /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf :
  • vim /etc/default/grub and add the nouveau.modeset=0 part :
  • vim /etc/modprobe.d/nouveau-kms.conf :
  • sudo update-initramfs -u
  • sudo apt install nvidia-driver nvidia-settings nvidia-detect

After this, I'm still booting with nouveau.

But I just understood (thanks to this post ) that even with the blacklist of nouveau, nvidia drivers are installed but not in use.

Here is my lspci -nnk | grep -iEA2 'vga|3d' :

So it looks that the nvidia drivers are correctly installed but not in use.

Also, the nvidia-settings command or the gui launcher for nvidia configuration does not work. In cli, I have the following error which makes me very sad :

How can I switch to nvidia drivers and never use anymore nouveau ?

Also, I tried the proprietary drivers for GTX1650 but when I install it, I boot on a freezed login screen (not able to do anything). At this point I was not able to rollback and reinstalled buster

For the moment, if I watch an hd video, the video seems laggy and I'm sure it would not be a problem with the proper driver.

Thanks for your help!!

  • graphics-card
  • nvidia-graphics-card

beluga's user avatar

2 Answers 2

Well, I did not found the solution to always be on the nvidia GPU. But after some research I find a good way to jump between the two, using bumblebee which is the recommended package to efficiently manage multiple gpus. I did the following on a fresh install :

Reboot ( sudo systemctl reboot ), you should so be in cli and not in gui mode. This is the moment where you install specific nvidia-driver and bumblebee which will manage the two graphic cards :

You should be in graphical mode then. Not sure if the nouveau blacklisting is necessary but it seems to work fine this way...

Also, on a Dell laptop, you can frequently have problems with the fans which are rotating way too fast even if the laptop is doing nothing (which can give you the impression that nothing is working fine). This is an other problem for whoch you can maybe find help using google. Personnally, I have not been able to find a ogod fan configuration yet on my vostro 7590...

  • 2 I had to run sudo update-initramfs -u for the blacklisting to take effect, –  varnaud Commented Aug 31, 2020 at 11:56

I have the same graphics card like you, I guess it's a laptop(mine is a XPS 15 7590). And with Debian 10 for some reason X won't start, you get a black screen. I could work this out by creating an xorg.conf via nvidia-xconfig AND add hte PCI BusID for the nvidia card. After that X starts normal and u can use the full potential of the card for gaming etc. No need for blacklistig, switching gdm/lightdm/sddm or Wayland etc... Hope this helps!Please drop my a line if I should share my config file.

paines's user avatar

  • I have been dealing with this issue for weeks with the XPS 7590 and NVIDIA 1650 GPU. Would you mind updating your answer with a detailed description of how you got the card to work starting from scratch on a fresh install? I think it would help a ton of people including myself. –  wuno Commented Jan 11, 2020 at 21:28
  • You wil need the nvidia 440 from experimental. Also a small adjustment for gdm. Add a file called optimus.desktop containing: [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=Optimus Exec=sh -c "xrandr --setprovideroutputsource modesetting NVIDIA-0; xrandr --auto" NoDisplay=true X-GNOME-Autostart-Phase=DisplayServer Copy this file to sudo cp optimus.desktop /usr/share/gdm/greeter/autostart/optimus.desktop and sudo cp optimus.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart/optimus.desktop . –  paines Commented Jan 12, 2020 at 22:31
  • Last but not least: Then you have nvidia on-demand, meaning intel is running by default and fire up apps on nvidia with __NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1 __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME="nvidia" __VK_LAYER_NV_optimus="NVIDIA_only" exec "$@". Hope it works for you. –  paines Commented Jan 12, 2020 at 22:35
  • Thanks for the reply, so I am actually using ParrotOS which uses MATE by default. Is there any specific changes based on the desktop environment? Also one more questions, when I run lspci I do not get GTX 1650. Instead I just see NVIDIA Corporation Device 1f91 (rev a1. I was able to get nvidia-smi to output the correct device in the output showing driver 430 as the driver. But after a reboot nvidia-smi continues to say make sure your nvidia driver is installed and running and no longer shows the device information. –  wuno Commented Jan 12, 2020 at 23:49
  • With Mate Desktop there is a n applet called mate-optimus-applet which you can use to switch the cards. Lscpi never show the correct card information, only nvidia-settings. The last issue you have: make sure that the nvidia drivers are loaded, e.g. in /etc/modules + update-initramfs -u. The on-demand thingy will not work with 430 as it was implemened in >=435 iirc. –  paines Commented Jan 13, 2020 at 9:58

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Installing NVIDIA driver for Debian Stretch

I'm trying to install the nvidia-driver for Debian.

I've read everywhere that the correct solution is to run sudo apt install nvidia-driver and the driver should install itself without problems.

However this command leaves me with the output

I've tried installing the missing dependencies (like sudo apt install nvidia-driver-libs ) but this just results in

How do I install the nvidia-driver with apt?

Daniel's user avatar

  • 1 Debian 10 just exhibited the same problem, and adding "contrib' to sources.list fixed the issue. –  Floyd Brown Commented May 1, 2021 at 16:58

4 Answers 4

You need to enable the non-free repositories:

Then run apt update and try your installation again. You’ll probably also need to install the kernel headers if you haven’t already:

See the full instructions on the Debian wiki .

Stephen Kitt's user avatar

I had a similar problem. I solved it by removing backports from sources

from this issue

We have had this before ... having both stretch and stretch-backports enabled and trying to track stretch does not work currently for the nvidia driver ... too many changes w.r.t. libglvnd etc.

David Chan's user avatar

  • 1 Thanks! This worked for me. Commented out stretch-backports from my /etc/apt/sources.list file –  Tim Commented Mar 20, 2019 at 4:33

Since this doesn't have an accepted answer yet, I'll go ahead and chip in what worked for me. I was having a very similar issue, with many of the same packages complaining, but there were an additional two PreDepends issues that stretch-backports was not resolving. Turns out, in addition to the instructions in the wiki page Stephen posted ( ), I needed to add contrib for stretch . That is, in /etc/apt/sources.list , I changed

and ran apt update , after which i was able to install nvidia-drivers without issue.

Rui F Ribeiro's user avatar

  • Welcome to Unix.SE! Note that I had already mentioned adding contrib ;-). –  Stephen Kitt Commented Sep 14, 2018 at 20:55
  • Totally missed that and somehow only saw the non-free there! Guess I need to read the code lines a little more carefully next time xP Thanks for pointing that out! –  jacaseyclyde Commented Sep 21, 2018 at 16:20
  • @jacaseyclyde I am surprised by your answer, saying that you need contrib repositories, since nvidia-driver is in non-free . –  Paradox Commented Mar 26, 2019 at 6:00
  • @Paradox I don't know why it worked, but it just worked for me. –  user332602 Commented Mar 9, 2020 at 18:32

I had the same problem under Debian 10 Buster and could solve it in two steps:

  • installing backport for corresponding Nvidia GForce 700 series as described here .
  • There is somehow a bug related to DKMS and it could be solve by using experimental Debian packages which is described here .

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Desktop Team Integration Squad Updates – Monday 17th June 2024

Hi everyone, below you will find updates from the Desktop team’s Integration squad from the last week. If you’re interested in discussing a topic please start a thread in the Desktop area of Discourse .

Last week’s notes are here: Desktop Team Integration Squad Updates – Monday 10th June 2024

  • Did the jpeg-xl 0.9 transition for Ubuntu 24.10 except for krita where I filed a bug . This version of jpeg-xl includes the gdk-pixbuf support (as a separate binary package) which is required for jpeg-xl support to work in GNOME apps and as the desktop wallpaper.
  • Identified an issue with the “maintainer scripts” for the jpeg-xl gdk-pixbuf package which was ultimately resolved by removing the apparently unnecessary maintainer scripts
  • Did initial packaging of poppler 24.06 but need to fix it up before we do the transition in Ubuntu 24.10 (probably next week)  
  • Updated xdg-terminal-exec from an early git snapshot to the latest release including a manpage partially contributed by Ubuntu Desktop Team member Nathan Teodosio. Nathan also updated the packaging to include running upstream’s test suite as build tests and as autopkgtests. Finally, Nathan submitted a Main Inclusion Request for it.
  • Revendored the libb64 dependency for transmission to avoid needing to do a MIR for it
  • Encouraged a Debian bug reporter to report their issue upstream and include a merge request which they did. Cherry-picked their work to make the GNOME Shell Extension Manager app only show in GNOME  
  • Uploaded mutter 46.2 to Debian Experimental and Ubuntu 24.10 after Daniel did much of the packaging work
  • Updated the Debian/Ubuntu packages for glib, gnome-sudoku, mozjs115, pango and vte2.91 to the latest upstream releases
  • We finally started to get a readable list of gnome-shell crashes in 24.04 and I’ve added bug links to that.
  • Backlog stats are here .
  • Wrote a fix for Mutter test failures when the build machine doesn’t already have Mutter schemas installed. Merged upstream in 47.
  • Rebuilt my development desktop using Oracular in order to finish verifying the Nvidia “jank” fix that’s been preventing us from defaulting to Wayland for so long.
  • Verified the Raspberry Pi Xorg corruption fix for Noble . Just in time for Ubuntu 24.04.1, but I hope we’re using Wayland in the live session by 24.10 .
  • Mutter 46.2 was released to Debian experimental and is now in Oracular . Thanks Jeremy!
  • Triple buffering : Fixed a conflict from Mutter 47 upstream but expecting more soon .
  • Redesigned an old merge request to prevent spurious log spamming from that situation. And it landed upstream.
  • Proposed Wayland as the default session type for Nvidia systems starting in 24.10.
  • I became an official GNOME developer this week.
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[HOWTO] Getting Nvidia Optimus to work

#1 Post by zdomazet » 2013-12-31 13:41

Code: Select all

Re: [HOWTO] Getting Nvidia Optimus to work

#2 Post by bettylou » 2014-01-01 23:27

User avatar

#3 Post by blažek » 2014-01-09 22:46

#4 Post by guilherme7tw » 2014-08-08 15:58

#5 Post by zdomazet » 2014-08-08 20:04

#6 Post by guilherme7tw » 2014-08-09 11:31

#7 Post by guilherme7tw » 2014-08-20 12:20

#8 Post by Aramir » 2014-09-17 20:48

#9 Post by wat » 2014-11-08 14:26

#10 Post by achuthpv » 2015-01-27 18:01

#11 Post by lucasbretana » 2016-10-14 17:48

#12 Post by GarryRicketson » 2016-10-14 19:27

Share your own howto's etc. Not for support questions!
by lucasbretana » Any suggestions?
by zdomazet » 2013-12-31 07:41 UPDATE: Most of this tutorial is now obsolete. Scroll down and start reading from the green marker.
Postby achuthpv » 2015-01-27 12:01

#13 Post by Rhuks » 2016-11-29 23:59

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debian experimental nvidia

Nvidia L40 GPU on Debian - Your card is not supported by any driver

Hi. I am not able to install my L40 GPU on Ubuntu 22.04 or Debian 12.

nvidia-bug-report.log.gz (88.7 KB)

Thank you for your help!

It’s listed in the “Supported Products” tab here.

I know :-) That’s the reason why I was asking for help and including the bug-report…

The driver install is broken. The driver is unable to load. The specific problem is that the NVIDIA driver is not receiving interrupts generated by the GPU.

There is evidence in the bug report log that nouveau is still present. Please start with a clean install of the OS, then follow the instructions in the CUDA linux install guide .

Also, make sure the L40 is installed in a server that is properly qualified by the server OEM for use of L40.


  1. NvidiaGraphicsDrivers

    This page describes how to install the NVIDIA proprietary display driver on Debian systems. Commands in this article prefixed with a # indicate they must be run as root. Replace this character with sudo or switch user to root in your terminal beforehand as necessary.. NOTE: For Apple systems, follow these steps first to prevent a black screen after installing the drivers: ...

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    The NVIDIA driver for the RTX 3080 GPU is currently in experimental stage for Debian 10 (buster),thus this driver is not yet available as part of a standard Debian 10 repository. ... How to install Nvidia driver on Debian 12 Bookworm Linux; Categories Debian Tags crypto, desktop, gaming, nvidia. HiveOS Best Ethereum Miner for NVIDIA. How to get ...

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    In this article, you will learn how to install the Nvidia driver on Debian 12 "Bookworm" from the standard Debian repository. If, for some reason, the installation of the Nvidia driver from the standard Debian repository fails, or if you wish to have a more up-to-date Nvidia driver, this tutorial will also guide you on how to install the official Nvidia driver directly from the ...

  4. Debian -- Details of package nvidia-driver in experimental

    Debian NVIDIA Maintainers (QA Page, Mail Archive) Andreas Beckmann Luca ... Experimental package. Warning: This package is from the experimental distribution. That means it is likely unstable or buggy, and it may even cause data loss. ... NVIDIA metapackage (OpenGL/GLX/EGL/GLES libraries) dep: nvidia-kernel-dkms (= 545.23.06-1)

  5. Debian -- Details of package nvidia-detect in experimental

    NVIDIA GPU detection utility. The 'nvidia-detect' script in this package checks for an NVIDIA GPU in the system and recommends one of the non-free accelerated driver meta-packages (nvidia-driver, or nvidia-tesla-470-driver) for installation.

  6. Experimental (99) : nvidia-graphics-drivers package : Debian

    nvidia-graphics-drivers (375.20-3) experimental; urgency=medium * nvidia-egl-common, nvidia-egl-icd: New packages for EGL as ICD via GLVND. * libgl1-nvidia-glvnd-glx: New metapackage for the GLVND variant. ... Updated paths in debian/ debian/, debian/rules for new build system - Removed debian/module/Makefile ...

  7. Experimental (99) : nvidia-graphics-drivers package : Debian

    nvidia-graphics-drivers source package in Experimental. All versions of nvidia-graphics-drivers source in Debian; Versions published Release. The package versions that were published when the distribution release was made. nvidia-graphics-drivers 545.23.06-1 (non-free-firmware)

  8. Debian Package Tracker

    Subject: Accepted nvidia-graphics-drivers 495.44-1 (source) into experimental Date : Fri, 05 Nov 2021 10:19:41 +0000 Signed by : Andreas Beckmann <[email protected]>

  9. How to Add Nvidia Drivers to Your Debian Installation

    sudo apt purge "*nvidia*" sudo reboot. Open a web browser, then navigate to Nvidia's driver downloads page. Select the model-specific model for your graphics card, then select "Linux 64-bit" under the "Operating System" dropdown box. Click "Search" to load all the compatible drivers for your system, then select the one that you ...

  10. DebianExperimental

    You have been warned. Unlike the Debian Releases unstable and testing, experimental (also known by its codename "RC-Buggy") isn't a complete distribution, it can work only as an extension of unstable. So packages in experimental can depend on packages in unstable but packages in unstable cannot depend on packages in experimental.

  11. Debian Package Tracker

    Subject: Accepted nvidia-graphics-drivers 520.56.06-1 (source amd64) into experimental Date : Sat, 28 Jan 2023 09:05:43 +0000 Signed by : Andreas Beckmann <[email protected]>

  12. How to Install Nvidia Drivers on Debian 12, 11 or 10

    If your Nvidia Graphics card is old from 400 Series downwards, you must install the legacy drivers. The process is the same, just with a new install command: sudo apt install nvidia-legacy-390xx-driver firmware-misc-nonfree. Once complete, do not forget to reboot your system. sudo reboot now.

  13. Debian -- Details of package nvidia-driver in experimental

    Debian NVIDIA Maintainers (QA Page, Mail Archive) Andreas Beckmann Luca ... Experimental package. Warning: This package is from the experimental distribution. That means it is likely unstable or buggy, and it may even cause data loss. ... NVIDIA metapackage (OpenGL/GLX/EGL/GLES libraries) dep: nvidia-kernel-dkms (= 535.43.02-1)

  14. Debian Bullseye setup with NVIDIA hybrid graphics

    This installed NVIDIA driver version: 440.100-2. Using NVIDIA PRIME render offload. At the time of writing this blog, Nvidia driver version 450.xx is available in Debian bullseye repositories, so these should not be necessary anymore. To identify the driver version, you can run: nvidia-settings -v

  15. Debian -- Details of package nvidia-alternative in experimental

    allows the selection of NVIDIA as GLX provider. In setups with several NVIDIA driver versions installed (e.g. current and legacy) this metapackage registers an alternative to allow easy switching between the different versions. Use 'update-glx --config nvidia' to select a version. This package does not depend on the corresponding NVIDIA libraries.

  16. How to install Nvidia driver on Debian 10 Buster Linux

    How to install NVIDIA driver using Debian repository step by step instructions. Enable the non-free and contrib repository. As an administrative user open the /etc/apt/sources.list and add the non-free repository. For example change the repository definition: Detect your Nvidia card model and suggested Nvidia driver.

  17. Debian Package Tracker

    Subject: Accepted nvidia-graphics-drivers 530.41.03-3 (source) into experimental Date : Wed, 13 Sep 2023 23:00:01 +0000 Signed by : Andreas Beckmann <[email protected]>

  18. debian

    4. I recently upgraded Debian to Xorg 2.9.4 and installed nvidia-glx from experimental, version 260.19.21. This was somewhat of an uphill battle as the dependencies for the experimental nvidia-glx package are still somewhat broken. I got it to work without forcing the installation of any packages and without modifying the packages.

  19. linux

    This is the moment where you install specific nvidia-driver and bumblebee which will manage the two graphic cards : sudo apt install bumblebee-nvidia nvidia-driver-libs-nonglvnd nvidia-driver bumblebee primus. sudo systemctl set-default sudo systemctl reboot. You should be in graphical mode then.

  20. apt

    I'm trying to install the nvidia-driver for Debian. I've read everywhere that the correct solution is to run sudo apt install nvidia-driver and the driver should install itself without problems. ... There is somehow a bug related to DKMS and it could be solve by using experimental Debian packages which is described here. Share. Improve this answer.

  21. Desktop Team Integration Squad Updates

    Mutter 46.2 was released to Debian experimental and is now in Oracular. Thanks Jeremy! Triple buffering: Fixed a conflict from Mutter 47 upstream but expecting more soon. Revisited Nvidia as primary GPU with the integrated GPU as secondary. That seems to also be happening for Nvidia desktop users by accident now.

  22. [HOWTO] Getting Nvidia Optimus to work

    There is a way to run the HDMI output. It works on nvidia drivers downloaded from! I don't know what's the difference, but it works. The solution works on wheezy too. So to run HDMI output you have to uninstall debian's nvidia-driver, download driver from an install it.

  23. Nvidia L40 GPU on Debian

    I am not able to install my L40 GPU on Ubuntu 22.04 or Debian 12. nvidia-detect Detected NVIDIA GPUs: 06:10.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation AD102GL [L40] [10de:26b5] (rev a1) Checking card: NVIDIA Corporation AD102GL [L40] (rev a1) Uh oh. ... unstable or experimental. nvidia-smi No devices were found nvidia-bug-report.log ...