Civ 6: 12 Tips On How To Obtain A Science Victory


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The Civilization series has numerous victory conditions . This has maximized the game's replayability as the numerous amount of options guarantees that no two games are the same. With so many options to win, it can be overwhelming for some players, and it may even scare off those new to the series. The various types of victories can be achieved through making smart strategic choices during a game and following paths that contribute to the field of one's choice.

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The various types of victories can be achieved through making smart strategic choices during a game and following paths that contribute to the field of one's choice. Science victories are one of the more entertaining yet skilled ways to win the game.

Updated on July 22nd, 2022 by Jack Pursey: The 4x subgenre of strategy appears to be on the rise, with Amplitude Studios' 2021 release Humankind being well-received by fans and critics and Xbox Game Studios' announcement of a new grand strategy IP that is set to release next year, Ara: History Untold.

As such, there will likely be a wave of new players joining the Civilization community in the coming months. For newcomers who are gunning for a science victory, here are some Civ 6 science strategy tips.

12 Keep An Eye Out For The Best Policies

Policies in Civ 6

Policy management can be time-consuming, though it's imperative in maximizing a civ's science output. There are a plethora of policies that offer excellent perks that can greatly help players in their quest to complete the victory conditions.

Policies to look out for include Inspiration , which provides 2 Great Scientist points per turn; Market Economy , which provides +2 Science from international trade routes; and Raj , which provides +2 Science from city-states that the player is Suzerain of.

11 Focus On Production As Well As Science

A civ with high production

When going for a science victory, many newcomers will often neglect production and just put all their eggs in the science basket. This isn't an issue at first but will soon become a huge problem once players reach the final stretch of the science victory path.

To obtain a science victory, players need to complete a handful of constructions and projects that require a ton of production. If players have tunnel vision for science and ignore production, they will be punished with painfully long production times that can cost players the game.

10 Don't Feel The Need To Build A Rounded Empire

Specialty Districts From Civilization 6

Aside from production and science, players shouldn't focus on too much else. Things like religion, culture, and diplomacy all have plenty of benefits, but they will ultimately just slow players down. This is one of the most common mistakes that new players make, as many of them are unaware that, even on the harder difficulties, they can win games in under 200 turns.

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The only other thing players really need to keep an eye on is their army. Players don't need to build anything too crazy as if they're going for a domination victory , but they should maintain a decent army that is equipped with the latest weaponry to avoid being invaded.

9 Pick The Right Civilization

Seondeok in Civ 6

Choosing the right civilization matters if one wants to achieve a science victory, as choosing the right leader can make it a lot easier and faster to achieve it through the various bonuses that they provide.

Certain civilizations provide bonuses that can help with the generation of research but also help in other less straightforward ways. Bonuses such as Germany's will allow for increased production between districts, allowing for fasting building of campus buildings.

8 Have Research Alliances

how to make research agreement civ 6

Setting up Research Alliances will go a long way into producing science while also bolstering diplomatic relations with other civilizations, helping to make sure that one doesn't end up in an unnecessary war. Research Alliances have three levels; the first lets players gain science from trade routes with the specific ally.

The second level grants a eureka moment every 30 turns on a technology neither the player nor their ally have researched. On the third level, allies receive accelerated research on techs that have been discovered by one civilization but not the other.

7 Have Research Agreements

how to make research agreement civ 6

Research agreements are another way that players can use diplomacy to increase their scientific output in Civilization 6 .

Civilizations that have a Research Agreement active will collectively research a technology that neither civilization has researched yet. Research Agreements become available after researching Scientific Theory and can only be entered in with Civilizations that are either friends or allies, which is another reason to make friends, at least in-game.

6 Watch Your Housing And Amenities

how to make research agreement civ 6

This might feel like a small part of the overall game, but it is actually very important if one wants to optimize the generation of science. With a Housing deficiency, cities will slow and eventually cease their growth, meaning the player will lose +1 science per citizen.

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The player also needs to keep the amenities of each of their cities in mind as these will also affect the amount of science that they can produce by dictating the bonuses and restrictions of all of their yields, except for food.

5 Build Near Mountains

how to make research agreement civ 6

This is a fairly straightforward tip, but there are a lot more benefits than just the surface-level ones that players receive. When one builds campus districts next to mountains, that campus will gain +1 science production, which, while small, will go a long way toward helping produce more science.

The player will also be able to build aqueducts next to the mountains so that it can increase the housing and food production of a city, which, as we mentioned, is important.

4 Prioritize Campuses

how to make research agreement civ 6

Another seemingly obvious one - if the player is going for a science victory, every single one of their cities should have a campus district. It should be the first district that is built or at least one of the first and after one sets everything else up in a city, players should prioritize campus district buildings. Also, remember that building districts next to each other provides bonuses.

3 Avoid War

how to make research agreement civ 6

This might seem straightforward on paper but can be hard to actually make happen when playing the game. The thing about that is in-game while the player might not be the aggressor, other civilizations might notice their focus on science and attack as their army is likely to be weaker. This is common in civilizations that really value military strength, so it's best to appease them to avoid war.

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Players must be especially cautious about entering wars in the end game, as they need their production to be focused on building what's needed for a science victory, not an army.

2 Make Allies

how to make research agreement civ 6

Staying on the same point as the last one, a good way to avoid being in wars, or at least minimize the amount of time in a war, is to set up alliances with other civilizations as fast as possible.

This will not only lower the total number of civilizations that are likely to attack but also help fight back against any possible wars that civilization is engaged in. This means that if the player has a strong military ally, the player can have them defend that civilization while the player focus on technology.

1 Get At Least One Science-Based Wonder

how to make research agreement civ 6

This is another one that should be obvious, but it goes without saying that building wonders that provide boosts to the player's research and science are highly advised, if not basically mandatory.

There are plenty of wonders that aid in scientific endeavors in every era, but there are a few that are really helpful, like Oxford University. This wonder provides two free technologies and an impressive bonus to its city's science output and points toward a great scientist .

Civilization 6 is available now on Mobile, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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How can I see which Research Agreements are active in Civilization VI?

In Civilization VI , how can I see which Research Agreements I made with which Opponent Civilization?

This is different from Civilization V .

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galacticninja's user avatar

  • Do you mean alliances? –  Eric Commented Jan 10, 2019 at 7:01
  • No, Research Agreement, in diplomacy you can do that with an opponent to both gain tech boosts for a tech. –  Daan Commented Jan 10, 2019 at 10:53
  • 1 Try looking in the diplomacy menu. Sorry I can't be much help but usually everything you are trading or exchanging with the AI is listed there. –  Eric Commented Jan 12, 2019 at 19:28

In the top/top left there is a tab called reports. Select that and in there you can see what items you are currently trading out and getting in - under the current deals tab. It's the same place you can see yields, units etc.

(This is what I found out after launching the game and trying a lot of different buttons)

Here is also a mod you could use.

Wouter's user avatar

  • I don't see the research agreements there... –  Daan Commented Jan 12, 2019 at 13:38
  • I'll check tomorrow night again and change my answer if it doesn't work, I did this a few months ago on another forum, maybe an update changed it or I remember it wrong –  Wouter Commented Jan 14, 2019 at 10:05
  • @Flater, Civ VI has research agreements, Civ VI: Rise and Fall has research alliances –  Daan Commented Oct 8, 2019 at 13:00

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how to make research agreement civ 6

Civilization Wiki

Research Lab (Civ6)

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The Research Lab is an advanced scientific building in Civilization VI . It is built in the Campus district and requires a University (or one of its replacements).

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A research lab is an institute devoted to the advanced study of a subject, which might be medicine, physics, chemistry, robotics, clean energy, or new products for TV infomercials. Such labs may be publicly funded or run by wealthy corporations looking for profits; research labs may be attached to universities or they may be independent of academic boundaries and ethics. It is pretty clear that “efficient” research labs are the future of research in every discipline. As civilization’s understanding of the world has advanced, the days of the dedicated scientist working alone in his or her basement and shouting “Eureka!” have all but passed. Whatever understanding we may gain of the natural world, whatever new tech toy may grab our attention, whatever improvement of our daily life may come, whatever horrors may be unleashed, it will likely come out of a research laboratory, whether large (CERN’s Large Hadron Collider) or small (computer simulation modelling).

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  • Research Lab in other games
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Research Agreements

  • Thread starter Half Nelson
  • Start date Jul 6, 2017

Half Nelson

Half Nelson

Ancient mariner.

  • Jul 6, 2017

Are there any specific requirements beyond DoF to enable an RA? In my current game (playing as Germany) I have had a successful RA with an AI (China) when we were in an alliance, but have not been offered the option of another RA since. I am still friends with China, but not allied. We have both moved on a Tech Era since the RA (as far as I can work out). I am wondering whether:- 1. you can only have a single RA per AI per game (seems unlikely) 2. there is a set number of turns between RAs 3. there is something I have not thought of! I have not used RA much in Civ6 and can't find anything on the forums about them, but they do seem a useful way to grab tech boosts you are otherwise unlikely to get. The game is at Deity level.  

  • Jul 7, 2017

This is considerable guesswork, but from the one time I've gotten one there was only a single tech selectable. Forget details but it was consistent with a condition -both parties to RA must be able to research (for example) Chemistry, and both do not yet have the boost. As well as friendship and Scientific Theory of course. This condition could possible explain rarity, often either player is ahead or AI ahead in the tree, or one triggered the boost the normal way.  



It is interesting to discover the RA system. But in Civ6 the RA actually has no use since it takes too long and started too late. You're sure to finish your supposed tech yourself before the aimed RA finishes.  


There is RA decision weighting sin the "a little peep under the hood of diplomacy" thread in this forum. You both must need the tech An ally is more likely to want it than a friend The AI is weighted to not always ask for one so you need to look. I agree that in general it's an annoying feature, way too restrictive. I think I read somewhere it's only one RA per civ bit I feel like I did have 2 so need to be checked out.  

Leaving that path do not make sense, too, since you may find yourself finishing 10+ tech during the RA, and you just cannot leave that tech unresearched for that long. One advantage is that you can grab money for RAs. That is to say, you sign RA agreement, although its tech bonus never makes sense, but it seems that AI gives you money as soon as you start signing that RA. Also, if you finish that tech when the RA is on , it seems that you can immediately give up the previous RA and sign a new one, and get another pay from AI. Anyway, this money-grabbing method also don't make sense since you can get AI's cash in other ways.  

Thanks for your replies. I agree the system is very restrictive, which is a shame because it could be useful and also promote diplomacy. I used to use RA extensively in earlier versions of Civ. In this particular case I was offered either Rocketry or Advanced Flight for my successful RA, taking Rocketry which doesn't have a specific boost requirement IIRC and which I wanted anyway. I am fairly certain that I didn't have the prerequisite techniques for either at the time. The boost popped much earlier than expected (9 turns rather than the 19 stated when the agreement was made), possibly because China achieved the boost themselves or completed Chemistry research. It shaved about 4 turns of research. I might try to re-ally and see if that triggers an RA option. I think there is a point, just before you accelerate past the AI in science output, where RA might be very useful (at least at my level of Deity play, looking hopefully for Science victory around turn 250). There are several late-middle era technologies with only "GS or spy" boost options which you could push through with RA. I expect RA are of no use at highest level play with sub-200 turn finishes.  

For information, re-establishing the China alliance immediately gave an RA offer. The two tech options were Telecommunications and Robotics. I didn't have the Computers pre-requisite but I know from espionage that China just completed it, so both RA partners do not need the pre-requisite. My science output is about 50% higher than China but we are obviously taking different routes along the tech tree which could work out quite well, although it becomes irrelevant at this late-game stage when the Information Era GS giving all IA eurekas is on offer!  

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how to make research agreement civ 6

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

how to make research agreement civ 6

Originally posted by jameshieb : I am having the same issue Scrolled to the bottom of the agreement and the continue button is not clickable. Just a red cross through on my mouse pointer as if it doesn't recognize I am scrolled to the bottom.

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Can someone explain how Research Agreements work?

After I'm ahead in a game, AI requests Research Agreements, but wants me to kick in extra gold, GPT, and other resources.

Can the research i get possibly be worth all this extra stuff?


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  1. How do I start a research agreement? :: Sid Meier's Civilization VI

    It's an option in the trade menu, although the AI seems very reluctant to accept the offer. You must of course first researched the tech for the research agreement to be possible to do. Then the other nation must have researched the ability to do research agreements as well. Now you're ready to do the agreements ONLY IF you both share the same ...

  2. Research Agreement

    A Research Agreement is an agreement that can be negotiated through diplomacy in the Civilization games. It gives both of the civilizations that sign it a bonus toward researching one or more technologies. Research Agreement is not present in (or the article has not been created for) the following games : This is a disambiguation page used to differentiate articles on different topics of the ...

  3. Research agreement? : r/CivVI

    Given this you should already be able to make them, unless you've neglected researching this. I've not actually tried a research agreement yet, so I wouldn't know how to instigate one, sorry! As long as you have all the prerequisites for it the option should appear as something you can trade with other civs.

  4. What do I get from a research agreement? :: Sid Meier's Civilization VI

    Research agreements in 6 give you tech boosts (50% research time) Many of them can only be boosted through agreements or stealing the boost. More often than not the opening trade is gross loss for you but if he is friendly just remove everything but the agreement. If he accepts fine, if not oh well.

  5. Research Agreements

    Both you and the other civ needs the tech Scientific Theory. You can only gain the bonus on technologies from research agreements, not a specific amount of science. This bonus can be enough to finish the tech if you were already researching it and don't have the bonus, but will not stack with another bonus. Both civilizations gain the bonus on ...

  6. What does the Research Agreements do? :: Sid Meier's Civilization V

    heatson May 17, 2014 @ 7:32pm. You must have a Declaration of Friendship to do this. Once you do, you and another player can "donate" a set amount of gold to a reasearch agreement which takes about 30 turns on standard speed. Once the 30 turns are up, you and that person you have a research agreement with get a tech boost.

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  9. Civ 6: 12 Tips On How To Obtain A Science Victory

    7 Have Research Agreements. Research agreements are another way that players can use diplomacy to increase their scientific output in Civilization 6 . Civilizations that have a Research Agreement ...

  10. Research Agreements (BNW)

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  11. How do research agreements work?

    Attached is a save one turn before my agreement completes and the turn of completion. I got no boost to my research except for what my empire produce that turn. You can clearly see from these screen shots my research progress and how it didn't move. This seemed to happen all game but I wasn't...

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  13. How can I see which Research Agreements are active in Civilization VI

    In the top/top left there is a tab called reports. Select that and in there you can see what items you are currently trading out and getting in - under the current deals tab. It's the same place you can see yields, units etc. (This is what I found out after launching the game and trying a lot of different buttons) Here is also a mod you could use.

  14. Can you guys explain the importance of Research Agreements ...

    After 30 turns, you immediately gain 2000 Science. Research Agreements are very worth it. They are all but required for fast science victories and for science victories full stop at higher difficulties. One good tip is to sign multiple agreements simultaneously; time them so that they finish 8 turns after you complete building that eras science ...

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    Strait to education. From education. Make sure you have compass and everything leading up to it so you can get astronomy and build observatorys. Make universitys then oxford university and use the free tech on astronomy then build an observatory. Then keep building relevant buildings and tech strait to Architecture.

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  19. Research Agreements

    I am fairly certain that I didn't have the prerequisite techniques for either at the time. The boost popped much earlier than expected (9 turns rather than the 19 stated when the agreement was made), possibly because China achieved the boost themselves or completed Chemistry research. It shaved about 4 turns of research.

  20. Can somebody explain Research Agreements to me? : r/civ

    Gaminic. • • Edited. Research Agreements give a one-time boost in research. Two Civs with a Declaration of Friendship have to invest a sum of gold, then wait 30 (Standard) turns for it to complete. If the Civs go to war within that 30turn period, the RA is cancelled completely and there is no refund.

  21. How do research agreements work?

    The cost goes up the further into the game you are, and you may need to add a little gold to the deal if you are far enough ahead of the civ you're making it with. Upon completion, you both get a science boost equal to 50% of the median cost of all techs that you (and only you) can currently research. Scientific Revolution in the Rationalism ...

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    I can't find info on Google so I figured I'd ask the pros on here. I don't think Civ6 has research agreements like 5 did. You can have a research alliance with one civ, which gives tech-related bonuses I don't quite remember and is probably what you're looking for. Multiplayer with 1 other human, the rest are bots.

  24. Can someone explain how Research Agreements work? : r/civ5

    Research agreements have a base cost that increases per era. Research agreements can only be signed during a declaration of friendship, but they can continue even if the friendship ends, unless broken by a declaration of war or extinction of the other civ. If you and the AI are in the same era, or even if the AI is ahead of you, the AI will ...