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13 Zoom Presentation Tips to Ace Your Next Online Meeting

13 Zoom Presentation Tips to Ace Your Next Online Meeting

Written by: Mahnoor Sheikh

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Now that more people are working from home, online presentations using tools like Zoom have started to become the norm.

But giving a Zoom presentation is very different from presenting in person. The lack of physical presence and body language can make it difficult to engage and inspire your audience.

If you’re still getting used to presenting on Zoom, this article has some great tips to help you succeed and make an impact in your next meeting.

Preparing Your Zoom Presentation

Getting ready for your Zoom presentation is just as important as giving the actual presentation. There are tons of potential issues you can face, like a faulty microphone or your dog walking in right in the middle of an important slide.

By preparing well, you ensure your presentation is as smooth and error-free as possible. After all, you only get one chance to make a great first impression and get a great ROI .

Here are some tips to help you get ready to deliver a powerful Zoom presentation.

1 Design a Great Online Presentation

The first thing you need to do is make sure your presentation is designed to look its best on your audiences’ tiny computer screens.

Follow these three rules to create an effective Zoom presentation.

zoom presentation - The-Anatomy-of-a-Killer-Online-Presentation-Infographic_full

Keep it simple.

The best online presentations are simple and straightforward.

You don’t want your audience to be squinting at their screens trying to navigate through a tangled web of text, colors, graphs and other content.

You need them to look at a slide and get the point at a single glance.

Use a plain background for your slides, preferably white, and focus each slide on only one point or idea. Don’t stuff too many bullet points or text into your slides.

Also, make sure you center your text in case the edges of the slides are cut off for some of the participants.

Lastly, use a large and bold font that doesn’t require participants to strain their eyes, even if they’re viewing your slides on their phone.

Use relevant visuals.

Visuals make information much easier to digest and retain than plain text. And let’s face it—they keep things entertaining.

Here are some types of visuals you can use to make your Zoom presentation more engaging:

  • Charts and graphs. Visualizing data can bring the most boring numbers and statistics to life. If you’re using research findings to show a trend or back up your point, consider presenting them in the form of a bar graph or pie chart. Not only will it add some color to your slides, it will make it easier for your audience to interpret the data.
  • Maps.  If you're presenting geographic data, you can easily visualize it in the form of maps. In Visme, you can add interactive maps for a single country or the world.
  • Icons and illustrations.  Adding creative graphics like icons and illustrations can break up walls of text, make your information look more visual and interesting, and help explain your point better.
  • Videos. Adding videos into your slides is a great way to make your presentation more engaging. Videos can help you explain a point more clearly, show a product in action or give some background information on your subject. You can embed YouTube or Vimeo videos into your slides or upload them directly.
  • Stock photos. If used intelligently, stock photos can add value to your slides by helping you set the tone, tell a story or visualize an idea. You can also use relevant stock photos in the background with text overlay to add some color to your slides.
  • GIFs and Memes. Make your online presentations fun and engaging by adding relevant memes and GIFs into slides that would otherwise look quite dry. Be careful not to overdo it, and only use humor if appropriate. You don’t want to risk looking unprofessional.

Here's a presentation template from Visme with just the right balance of visuals and text to help you get started. Simply customize it to use for your next Zoom presentation.

export powerpoint visme - 40-Work+Biz-Pitch Deck-Presentation Template

Using visuals in your online presentation is great, but this doesn’t mean you should stuff all your slides with images. Make sure the visuals you’re using add value to your content and emphasize your point instead of taking attention away from it.

Make it interactive.

It can be tough to keep your audience engaged when you’re not interacting with them face-to-face.

So, why not do the next best thing? Make your slides interactive!

If you’re creating your presentation in Visme, you can access a bunch of interactivity tools to spice up your slides:

  • Animation. Add beautiful slide transitions, or animate objects separately. A good tip is to animate bullet points to appear one at a time to draw focus to each one. You can also choose from pre-animated illustrations, icons and characters to make your Zoom presentation more engaging.
  • Links. In Visme, you can link any text or graphic element to a web page, or a slide or object inside your presentation. Get creative with this tool to add interactive quizzes, slides and more to your Zoom presentation. For example, you can link two text boxes together so when you click on the question, the answer appears.
  • Hover effects. If you’re linking one object in your slide to another, you can enable it to show up on either click or hover. If you’re creating a quiz, for example, you can link two text boxes together so when you hover on the question, the answer appears.

A healthy dose of interactivity can make your audience feel more involved with your Zoom presentation.

2 Tidy Up Your Background

If you want your audience to take you seriously, clean up any clutter behind you.

A messy background can make you look unprofessional and distract people from focusing on your presentation. Ideally, your background should be a plain wall.

If you can’t manage to find a clean, empty background, consider using a virtual Zoom background. There are tons of different styles out there, so make sure to pick one that looks realistic and professional.

3 Draw Attention to Your Face

An online presentation can quickly start to feel distant and impersonal, like watching a pre-recorded video.

To remind your audience that they’re interacting with a real human, you need to draw focus to your face and expressions as you present.

Make sure you’re presenting in a well-lit room, where the source of light is in front of you. If the light source is directly behind you, you might end up looking like a dark blob.

4 Check Your Equipment

Make sure you check all your technical equipment to see if everything is working properly. This will help minimize issues like awkward camera angles or a malfunctioning microphone.

Here are a few things you should take care of before your presentation:

  • Check internet connection. No one wants to listen to a presenter with laggy audio and video. Use a reliable, high-speed internet connection to ensure a smooth Zoom presentation.
  • Test audio and video. Check if your camera and microphone are working properly by joining a Zoom test meeting . You can also test out your equipment from inside the Zoom app by clicking on Settings → Audio or Settings → Video .
  • Ensure your laptop is plugged in. Imagine if your laptop dies out in the middle of your presentation just because you didn’t plug it in properly. Don’t let that happen.
  • Adjust your camera level. Make sure your audience is looking at your face instead of the top of your head. Decide whether you want to sit or stand during your presentation, and adjust the webcam so it’s at eye level.

Keep in mind that technical issues can arise unexpectedly, even if you do everything right. Doing tech prep beforehand, though, keeps the chances at a minimum.

5 Minimize Potential Interruptions

Whether you’re giving your Zoom presentation at home or in a nearby cafe, there are tons of potential interruptions that can disrupt your flow and make you look unprofessional.

During your prep, your goal should be to minimize these interruptions as much as possible.

Find a quiet area to begin with, and lock the door so no one comes in unexpectedly. It’s a good idea to inform your family members or roommates that you’re going to be busy prior to the presentation.

Another tip is to close all other open applications and windows on your computer. Notifications and sounds can interrupt your meeting and distract you. You can also use the “Do Not Disturb” mode on MacOS or “Focus Assist” on Windows 10 to mute notifications.

6 Stick Your Notes in the Right Place

Just like when you’re presenting in person, you’d likely want to keep notes or pointers nearby in case you forget something important.

During a Zoom presentation, though, you need to be careful about where you place your notes. It can look very unprofessional and awkward if your eyes keep moving away from the camera when everyone is staring at your face.

Avoid keeping a notepad next to you or pasting them on the side of your monitor. A better alternative is to stick a post-it right below or next to your webcam. So, even if you take a peek, you will still be looking somewhat directly at your audience.

If you’re using Visme to create your Zoom presentation, you can simply use the presenter notes feature and skip all the hassle of keeping physical notes.

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While you’re presenting, your presenter notes will open up in another window, so you can look at them while presenting without even letting your audience know.

7 Ditch the Pajamas

We get it. Nobody wants to get dressed when they’re at home.

But really, if you’re giving a professional presentation, it’s a good idea to ditch your PJs and wear something presentable .

Even if everyone knows you’re at home, you don’t want to look sloppy while sharing important information. This can prevent your audience from taking you seriously.

Plus, dressing up can help you feel more confident and motivated. Wear something that not only looks smart, but also makes you feel good about yourself.

8 Rehearse Before the Presentation

Never walk into a presentation unprepared. This is especially important for Zoom presentations, as it can be even more difficult to wing it when you’re not interacting in person.

Plus, rehearsing is a good idea if you want to overcome the fear of being on camera. Do a demo Zoom meeting with a friend or family member, or just practice alone before the presentation.

Delivering Your Zoom Presentation

Now that you’re all prepped up to give your Zoom presentation, here are some tips to help you make the most of your time while you’re presenting.

9 Start With a Bang

Did you know that people take as little as five seconds to judge how charismatic a speaker is?

Figuring out how to start your presentation is one of the most important parts of your Zoom presentation. It can either get your audience to sit up in their seats or prepare to doze off.

Here's an infographic on some tried-and-true ways to start a presentation that keeps your audience hooked . Keep reading for an explanation of all seven points below.

zoom presentation - 7-Ways-to-Start-an-Online-Presentation-Infographic_full

  • Reveal a shocking statistic. A relevant and powerful statistic can set the tone for your presentation and show your audience the importance of your message.
  • Tell a relevant joke. Humor is a great way to break the ice and keep your audience engaged. A boring presentation can quickly cause the listener to zone out.
  • Ask a question. Get your audience involved by asking them a question relevant to your presentation topic. The more you interact with them, the more likely they’ll be to listen to what you’re saying.
  • Quote an influential person. A powerful quote can often motivate or inspire your audience to sit up and listen to what you have to say.
  • Tell a short story. Stories are personal and can evoke emotions. Telling a relatable story that also gets the audience curious to know more is a great way to start your presentation.
  • Use an interesting prop. Using a prop can break the monotony of your presentation. Using motion and a visual object can also help attract your audience’s gaze.
  • Show a captivating visual. Pictures speak louder than words, which is why using a powerful image that tells a story or shows the importance of your topic is an effective way to start your presentation.

Along with starting impressively, you should also try to end your presentation in a way that it drives your audience to take action or think about your message. A good idea is to end with a powerful statement or a thought-provoking question.

10 Make Eye Contact With the Audience

While you’re speaking, it’s just as important to make eye contact with your audience as it is during a face-to-face presentation.

The problem with Zoom presentations, though, is that you often end up looking at your own video or at the video of your audience.

To make eye contact online, however, you need to look directly at your camera. To make things easier, you can place the video boxes of your audience at the top of your screen, directly under your webcam.

11 Regularly Pause to Engage

Online presentations can get monotonous really quickly, and it’s common for people to zone out in the middle of it.

If you want to ensure your message hits home, take regular breaks throughout your Zoom presentation and engage your audience in conversation.

You could pause to ask them questions, or simply ask what they think about a certain topic. You could also try switching up the pace of your presentation, show a short video clip or tell an interesting or humorous story that helps bring wandering minds back.

cta presentations powerpoint import visme

12 Use the Chat Feature to Your Benefit

Zoom’s chat feature is a great way to get your audience involved without disrupting the flow of your presentation.

You can use Zoom chat to your advantage in several different ways:

  • Questions. Ask your audience questions and let them answer through chat, or get them to ask you questions in the chat.
  • Feedback. Let your audience know beforehand that they can leave their feedback and comments related to your presentation or topic in the chat. For example, if someone comments that they can’t hear you properly you can try fixing your mic or raising your voice.

Get creative with your use of the chat feature to keep your audience engaged. Ask them to send a hand emoji if they can relate to something, or ask what they want to see first in your presentation.

13 Record Your Presentation

The best way to improve your Zoom presentation skills is to learn from your past mistakes. Thankfully, Zoom lets you record your presentations so you can revisit them later and analyze your performance.

zoom presentation - Zoom-Shot-of-Recording-Screen

Are you using too many hand gestures? Are you walking around too much? Are you speaking at a reasonable pace? Understanding how you did can help you do even better in the future.

You can also send your Zoom presentation recordings to a friend or family member so they can review it for you. It always helps to get the opinion of someone you trust.

How to Share Your Visme Presentation on Zoom

Thinking of creating your Zoom presentation in Visme? Great choice!

The best part is that you can easily share your Visme slides with your audience without needing to download the presentation on your computer.

Of course, you can still download your presentation in PowerPoint or PDF format if you need to.

Follow the steps below to share your Visme presentation on Zoom without downloading anything.

Step 1: Publish your presentation.

When you’re finished designing your presentation in Visme, navigate over to the top right corner of your screen, and click on “Share”.

Next, click on “Publish for Web” on your left, type in a title and description for your presentation, and click on “Publish and get my link”.

Step 2: Click on the Present button.

Once you’ve published your presentation, you can go back and click on the “Present” button at the top right of your screen. This will open up the Presenter view.

If you want to access your presenter notes, click on the video camera icon at the bottom right corner of your screen, and your notes will appear in a new window.

Step 3: Share your screen on Zoom.

From your Zoom meeting window, click on “Share Screen” and select the window with the Presenter view of your presentation.

zoom presentation - Share-your-Screen-on-Zoom

That’s it! You’ll now be able to look at the presenter notes on your screen while your audience views the slide open in your Presenter view window.

Alternatively, you can also download your presentation as a PowerPoint or PDF file, and share your screen in Zoom to present your slides.

Ready to Give a Memorable Zoom Presentation?

If you’re still getting used to the idea of presenting on Zoom, this article will help you prepare well and deliver an impactful presentation that people won’t be able to forget any time soon.

Remember, while Zoom presentations are different from presenting in person, you still need to be just as confident, dress to impress and make eye contact.

The only difference is that you need to put more effort into engaging your audience and keep them from dozing off in front of their computers.

Design a beautiful Zoom presentation and present online using Visme’s presentation maker. Sign up now for free and take it for a test drive!

Create beautiful presentations faster with Visme.

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About the Author

Mahnoor Sheikh is the content marketing manager at Visme. She has years of experience in content strategy and execution, SEO copywriting and graphic design. She is also the founder of MASH Content and is passionate about tea, kittens and traveling with her husband. Get in touch with her on LinkedIn .

how to zoom presentation

how to zoom presentation

Use zoom for PowerPoint to bring your presentation to life

If you would like to make your presentations more dynamic and exciting, try using zoom for PowerPoint .  

Your browser does not support video. Install Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe Flash Player, or Internet Explorer 9.

To add a zoom, go to Insert > Zoom .

To summarize the entire presentation on one slide, choose Summary Zoom

To show selected slides only, choose Slide Zoom

To show a single section only, choose Section Zoom

how to zoom presentation

When you create a zoom in PowerPoint, you can jump to and from specific slides, sections, and portions of your presentation in an order you decide while you're presenting. 

Note:  See the Requirements table below regarding which versions of PowerPoint support the features described in this article. 

Summary zoom 

A summary zoom is like a landing page where you can see the pieces of your presentation all at once. When you're presenting, you can use the zoom to go from one place in your presentation to another in any order you like. You can get creative, skip ahead, or revisit pieces of your slide show without interrupting the flow of your presentation.

Create a summary zoom

Go to Insert > Zoom .

Shows the Zoom button on the Insert tab in PowerPoint.

Select Summary Zoom .

The Insert Summary Zoom dialog box opens.

Select slides you want to include in your summary zoom. These become the first slides of your summary zoom sections . To learn more about using sections in PowerPoint, see Organize your PowerPoint slides into sections .

Shows the Insert Summary Zoom dialog in PowerPoint for a presentation without existing sections.

If you already have sections in your presentation, the first slide of each section is preselected by default. If you don't want to include certain sections in your zoom, deselect them. Then, if you want PowerPoint to get rid of any sections you didn't include in your summary zoom, clear the check box next to Keep unused sections in your presentation . Don't worry—the slides in the sections you're discarding will still be part of your presentation.

Shows the Insert Summary Zoom dialog in PowerPoint with sections selected.

Once you've selected all the slides you want to use for your summary zoom, select Insert . Your summary zoom is created, and it appears as a new slide just before the first slide you included in your summary zoom.

Shows the Summary Section slide of a Summary Zoom in PowerPoint.

Add or remove sections from your summary zoom

Once you've created a summary zoom, you might still want to add or remove sections of your presentation. If you've made changes since first making your summary zoom that you want to capture, you don't have to start from scratch—just update your summary zoom.

Select your zoom, and then select the Format tab on the ribbon.

Shows the Zoom Tools in the Format tab of the ribbon in PowerPoint.

Select Edit Summary , choose the sections you want to have in your summary zoom, and then select Update .

Note:  You won't be able to add or remove sections from your presentation in this view, just from your summary zoom.

A slide zoom can help you make your presentation more dynamic, allowing you to navigate freely between slides in any order you choose without interrupting the flow of your presentation. They're a good option for shorter presentations without lots of sections, but you can use slide zooms for lots of different presentation scenarios.

Slide zooms help you drill down into multiple pieces of information while feeling as though you're staying on the same canvas.

Create a slide zoom

Select Slide Zoom .

The Slide Zoom dialog box opens. Select the slides you want to use in your slide zoom.

Once you've selected all the slides you want to use, select Insert .

An item for each slide you selected in step 3 is added to the slide. Select each item in turn and drag to arrange them on the slide. 

Tip:  If you want to, you can create a slide zoom quickly by simply selecting the slide you want from the thumbnail pane and dragging it onto the slide you'd like to have your slide zoom on. This way, you can create slide zooms and change them quickly, and arrange them however you like simply by clicking and dragging.

Change the preview image of your slide zoom

Your slide zoom by default will be a preview thumbnail image of the slide, but you can choose a new image from your PC or the web to represent the section or slide you'll be going to.

Shows the Zoom Tools Format tab on the ribbon in PowerPoint.

Select Change Image to choose a new picture from the web or your PC to use instead of the thumbnail.

Shows the Zoom options group on the Format Tab for a Section or Slide Zoom in PowerPoint.

Choose or search the web for the image you want. When you've selected the image you want, select Insert .

Shows the Insert Image dialog in PowerPoint.

You can also choose various looks for your zooms from Zoom Styles —you can change the border, add visual effects, or pick from any of the border and effect combinations in the gallery.

Shows different Zoom Styles and effects you can choose in the Format tab in PowerPoint.

Section zoom

A section zoom is a link to a section already in your presentation. You can use them to go back to sections you want to really emphasize, or to highlight how certain pieces of your presentation connect. To learn more about using sections in PowerPoint, see Organize your PowerPoint slides into sections .

Create a section zoom

Select Section Zoom .

Select the section you want to use as a section zoom.

Select Insert . Your section zoom will be created.

Tip:  If you want to, you can create a section zoom quickly by simply selecting the section name you want in the thumbnail pane and dragging it onto the slide you'd like to have a section zoom on.

Change the preview image of your section zoom

Your section zoom by default will be a preview thumbnail image of the slide, but you can choose a new image from your PC or the web to represent the section or slide you'll be going to.

More zoom options

Zoom for PowerPoint truly lights up when you make it your own. Select the Format tab of the ribbon to get to the Zoom Tools , which you can choose to create just the look and feel you're going for when you present.

Choose to return to the home page or continue through your presentation

If you want to return to the zoom slide after viewing sections or slides in your summary, slide, or section zoom, make sure the Return to Zoom check box is selected. If you want to move on to the next slide after viewing part of your zoom, uncheck it.

(If you're working with a summary zoom or a section zoom, you'll return to the zoom slide by default when you're presenting after going to the section. If you're using a slide zoom, you'll move on to the next slide by default after viewing your slide zoom.)

Make the background of your zoom transparent

Another way you can change the look of your zoom is by choosing to adopt the background of the slide where your zoom lives to make the zoom almost indistinguishable from the main canvas while you present. Select Zoom Background to make your summary, section, or slide zooms blend in to their home slide.

In the Zoom Styles group, select Zoom Background . The zoom will adopt the background of the home slide.

Change the transition options of your zoom

By default, your zooms will use the zoom transition when you present, which is what helps make the zooms feel so lively. However, if you don't want to use the zoom transition, or if you want to change the duration of the transition, you can do so.

In the Zoom Options group, make sure the box next to Zoom Transition is checked if you want to use the zoom transition when presenting your zoom.

If you don't want to use the zoom transition when presenting, uncheck the box next to Zoom Transition .

To change the timing of the zoom transition, use the up and down arrows next to the Duration indicator to change how long the zoom transition lasts.


See the following table for details on the minimum version numbers required in PowerPoint to create or play zoom links.

PowerPoint version

What you can do with Zoom

or newer

PowerPoint 2019

Create and play zoom

or newer

Play zoom

PowerPoint 2016

Play zoom as hyperlinks with no zooming transition.

PowerPoint for the web

PowerPoint Live in Teams



PowerPoint for Android

PowerPoint for iOS

PowerPoint Mobile for Windows

Play zoom


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15 Tips for Engaging Zoom Presentations + Examples

featured images for 15 Zoom Presentation Tips

Your next Zoom presentation is a week away. And your mind is racing.

What presentation software should you use?

What if the other attendees can hear your neighbor’s loud music?

Will they find your presentation boring?

Relax and take a deep breath.

You don’t have to figure out the answers to these questions by yourself. This guide will cover everything you need to know about planning and delivering engaging Zoom presentations without stress and anxiety!

After reading this article, you’ll be brimming with confidence and competence on your next Zoom presentation.

Table of contents :

The science behind your Zoom presentation anxiety

  • Downloadable Zoom presentation checklist

Part 1: Tips on how to plan and prepare for your Zoom presentation

Part 2: tips during your zoom presentation.

  • How to share your Piktochart slide deck on Zoom
  • Present with ease on Zoom using Piktochart presentations

meme about zoom presentations

Before we get into all the other Zoom presentation tips, perhaps the most important is to deal with your Zoom presentation anxiety. And you’re not alone – anxiety over Zoom presentations is more common than you think . 

A  2021 paper  on why students have difficulties learning during synchronous presentations over Zoom found that 80 percent of the students polled experienced anxiety and trouble focusing during their virtual classes. But what causes this worry? In a peer-reviewed article, Professor Jeremy Bailenson, founding director of the  Stanford Virtual Human Interaction Lab , highlighted the  results of their research  and cited four primary reasons behind Zoom fatigue, stress, and anxiety:

  • Your brain interprets excessive amounts of close-up eye contact during video chats as an “intense situation.”
  • Like looking at the mirror, you become more critical of yourself as you see yourself on camera.
  • Limited movements while you’re chained in your chair and table.
  • Video chats require a higher cognitive load than face-to-face presentations. 
“You’ve got to make sure that your head is framed within the center of the video. If you want to show someone that you agree with them, you have to do an exaggerated nod or put your thumbs up. That adds cognitive load as you’re using mental calories in order to communicate,” shares Bailenson.

Finally, you have to consider tech troubles and presentation software fiascos, as well as dealing with the pressure of public speaking.

15 Zoom presentation tips and tricks to help you own the room like a pro

Now that you understand why Zoom presentations give you sweaty palms, let’s go through 15 actionable steps to prepare for the slides.

We created a checklist of the Zoom presentation tips so you can cross off each task.

a downloadable infographic showing 15 tips to engaging Zoom presentations

Prefer video learning instead? Watch the video below.

The success of your Zoom presentation is the result of thoughtful planning and preparation.

Get ready for your online class, product webinar, or job interview on Zoom with the following pre-presentation tips:

1. Decide on the scope of your Zoom presentation

Before presenting on Zoom, ask yourself — what one particular idea or insight would you want your audience to learn from you?

“Defining the scope is the most critical step. What are the boundaries, what are the deliverables, what is the topic that you are covering?”, recommends Linda Parry Murphy , CEO of Product Launchers, Inc.

Trying to cover every subject will only make you more nervous.

Remember the Stanford study earlier about too much cognitive load as one of the reasons behind Zoom presentation anxiety?

Limiting the scope of your presentation can significantly reduce your cognitive load while keeping your audience focused on the key points.

2. Plan for the structure of your online presentation

It’s important to master the sequence and structure of your presentation as part of your preparation. Creating a framework guides the meeting participants so they understand what the data means, why it’s important, and what the implications are in this situation.

A solid structure in place also makes it easier to go back to what you’re saying. As a result, you will feel more confident because you can keep track of your talking points with a quick glance at your outline if you lose your train of thought.

Matt Abrahams, a lecturer in Organizational Behavior and author of Speaking Up Without Freaking Out , recommends the following examples of presentation structures that you can use:

  • Past-Present-Future – review a process or share a timeline
  • Comparison-Contrast – show the benefits of a certain idea, insight, product, or service
  • Cause-Effect – explain the rationale behind a decision
  • Problem-Solution-Benefit – motivate or convince your audience
  • What?-So What?-Now What? – convince people to do a specific action after your presentation

Another simple presentation structure you can work on is to start with an introduction, the meat of your presentation where you can highlight 3 points, and wrap up with the summary and call-to-action.

3. Prepare your presentation visuals

Plenty of research and evidence shows that including images is more effective in getting your message across than written text or oral communications alone.

For instance, a captivating visual is  four times more effective  in conveying information than words alone. People remember 80 percent of what they see and do, compared to 20 percent through reading and 10 percent through hearing, respectively.

If your goal is to convince your audience during your Zoom presentation, you’ll also be delighted to know that using visuals can help you become more persuasive.

A Wharton School of Business research found that around a third of the audiences they polled felt that presenters who used visuals were more persuasive.

So remember that well-chosen images, even stock photos, can do wonders to augment your slides.

When making visuals for your presentation, use these questions as your guide:

  • Is there an icon, illustration, or image that could represent your point in a more meaningful way?
  • What types of diagrams , such as a timeline, flowchart, pie chart, arrows, or graphs, will help get your point across to your audience?
  • Who are my target audiences? When choosing visuals for my presentation, are there certain cultural taboos or inappropriate humor that I should be aware of?

One more thing – consider using bullet points if you find slides with walls of text. They’ll be easier to digest without taking the focus away from you.

4. Eliminate clutter in your surroundings

konmari meme remove clutter during virtual meetings

Staying in one place with no room to maneuver probably doesn’t spark joy for anyone. KonMari your environment by eliminating clutter on your desk and in the space around you. This means extra keyboards, unused notebooks, pens, food boxes, and books can go.

Eliminating clutter gives your brain the impression that there’s more room for you to move around during your Zoom event.

If the space you’re presenting in makes it difficult to clear off clutter, you could find a plain wall to present against. And if that’s not an option, you can use a clean virtual Zoom background . Keeping your surroundings out of sight means it’s out of mind for you and your audience; one less thing to worry about while presenting.

5. Do a tech prep

Presenting in Zoom while you’re at home or traveling is a technological wonder in itself. But technology can be frustrating at times too.

Spending some time optimizing your Zoom settings by clicking in the toolbar while you’re in a Zoom meeting. Under video settings, you’ll find a few options that can help with the visuals, such as focus assist.

Before your presentation, double-check the following:

  • Make sure that your laptop, computer, lighting, headset, webcam, microphone, and internet connection are working. Have backup equipment if possible.
  • Familiarize yourself with the Zoom app and other relevant software you’re going to use during the presentation.
  • Close unnecessary browsers, applications, or software before the presentation. Turn off your laptop or desktop notifications. The goal is to optimize and speed up the device to have a smooth presentation.
  • Prepare a PDF version of your presentation slides and have an extra copy of your presenter notes in case of technical mishaps with your slides. It also makes sense to have a short link to your presentation that you can share with the audience.
  • Position your notes in the right spot so you know where to find them while presenting.
  • Check Zoom settings and do a quick audio and video check.

6. Rehearse your presentation

After taking care of your surroundings and equipment, the next step is to prepare yourself.

Practicing your Zoom presentation in advance can help boost your confidence. Here are some tips to help you rehearse well for your presentation:

  • Screen record yourself. Afterward, check your recorded video for technical issues, your body language, and whether or not your voice is audible or not.
  • Practice with a family member or friend who can give feedback on any distracting nonverbal communication habits like too many hand gestures.
  • Rehearse in the same room where you’ll be presenting. Use the same lighting, computer setup, and everything.
  • Practice speaking to the camera, not your computer screen.

If you’re not used to face-to-face presentations, you could record your presentation and watch it back. I know, I know – it can feel so uncomfortable watching yourself. But a quick analysis will reveal if you use too many hand gestures, that can be distracting, and also if you need to reposition your camera so it shows your upper body while presenting.

The time has come for presentation day! You already know the ins and outs of your presentation, and you’ve practiced your Zoom presentation skills to a T. A couple of checks you can do before you start are:

  • Make sure you’re in a quiet area to minimize any potential interruptions.
  • Do a test call with a friend to check the internet connection and if you’ll stay connected.

Take note of the following tips and hacks to make your Zoom presentation engaging and anxiety-free during your webinar or talk:

7. Dress the part

Wear clothes that are appropriate for your presentation and audience. It also helps to be more mindful of your accessories and hairstyle. The outfits and accessories you wear during your Zoom meeting will speak volumes about you as a person.

For example, if you’re presenting to your coworkers, wear work clothes. If you’re pitching to a group of angel investors, wearing a tie can help convey that you’re serious and trustworthy. However, this may not be a good idea if you’re presenting to a group that is more open to change and tends to be more relaxed when it comes to conventional standards.

Another benefit of dressing the part is what you wear actually impacts how you think. Wearing formal clothes can improve abstract thinking and give you a broader sense of perspective, which is influential in helping you make better decisions.

8. Ditch the chair

Standing up when presenting in Zoom rather than sitting down helps you become more confident because you’re not hunched down on your chair.

Standing straight with your shoulders back also enables you to breathe easily, making your voice sound more powerful and confident. Finally, it allows you to move more and make explanatory gestures which is a charisma boost.

The more confident you appear in your presentation, the more confident you’re likely to feel.

“When your mind starts to feel more confident and powerful — it starts to see those challenging situations not as threats but as opportunities,” shares Harvard psychologist professor Amy Cuddy.

If you can’t stand up during your presentation, try to sit straight in your chair and back up your camera a little to show your upper body and not just your face.

9. Have a memorable introduction

Vanessa Van Edwards' tips on the ISSAAQQ method in opening a presentation for your zoom meetings

National best-selling author and founder at Science of People Vanessa Van Edwards specifically recommends opening your presentation with IISSAAQQ to make it more memorable. IISSAAQQ stands for: 

  • I cebreaker
  • I llustration
  • S hort story
  • S tatistic or surprising fact
  • A nalogy or metaphor

Bonus points if you can weave in humor with some background information with a relevant fact. Research found that more popular talks used humor 12.92 times, whereas less popular talks used humor only 3.92 times on average.

You don’t have to force a joke – humor could just be a play on words or surprising the audience with a funny image or meme that contrasts with a statement. Nothing breaks the ice better than laughter.

10. Look your audience in the eye (or rather your webcam)

Looking your audience in the eye is easier during face-to presentations than Zoom presentations. It can be a little tricky during online meetings because we tend to look at people’s faces on the computer screen. Maintain eye contact by looking into your webcam.

“A good idea is to lower the monitor camera a little so that you don’t have to tilt your head back to gaze up at it. If you can’t help looking at someone’s face on the screen instead of their camera, it helps to move the Zoom window to the part of the screen nearest to the camera so at least you’re looking at approximately the right place when you’re looking at their face,” shares Carol Kinsey Goman , Ph.D., executive coach and international keynote speaker.

You could treat the camera as if you were doing a face-to-face presentation. This way, it’ll be a bit simpler to hold eye contact with your audience when you’re not looking at your notes.

11. Think happy thoughts

Find ways to boost your mood before your presentation. Aside from helping you feel good (which in turn can boost your confidence), you’re also likely to smile often with happy thoughts. 

When you smile at your audience, they will also likely “mirror” your action and think happy thoughts. 

“Mirroring is relevant to our tendency to be empathetic. When I see you smiling, my mirror neurons for smiling fire up, and I get your state of mind right away. I feel it as you feel it. We need that mirroring in order to create a full empathic response to other people,” describes Marco Iacoboni , author of  Mirroring People  and UCLA professor. 

When you’re having a good time and sharing enthusiasm with your audience, they’ll reciprocate through their nonverbal communication. This means fewer folded arms and blank stares and more nodding along and smiles.

12. Delegate the chatbox

Have someone else take care of Zoom chat or manage the waiting room to keep you from being distracted. This person could be the meeting host, a colleague, or someone you trust who has your back during your presentation.

13. Engage your audience

A boring presentation is when there’s no interaction, and you’re being spoken at (hello, university lectures). You’ll be able to tell from everyone’s body language in the meeting room.

Make your presentation a two-way street. Here are some ways to encourage interaction and participation amongst your audience during your Zoom meetings:

  • Ask questions. For example, if you’re presenting a team productivity software in Zoom, ask your audience about their top productivity problems at work. You can also use this time as an opportunity to transition to your next presentation slide.
  • If you have a small audience, remember each person’s name and address them using their first names.
  • Use visuals like illustrations, infographics, or a short video clip in your slide show. Tool recommendation : Use Piktochart Video to transform a long video into short clips.
  • Use interactive quizzes while presenting online to change the pace and keep your audience engaged.

14. Talk like a human and avoid too much jargon

Alright, what does talking like a human mean in Zoom presentations?

For a start, avoid talking too much jargon and corporate speak. It makes you more relatable, keep your audience’s attention longer because your points will be easier to understand, and also helps you stand out from other presenters.

Just because you’re presenting in virtual meetings doesn’t mean you’re not talking to people. The only difference is you’re sharing your presentation in front of your camera instead of in front of the lecture room.

Next, improve your visual storytelling skills . Your presentation will be more memorable if you briefly share a story and pair it with visuals. Sign up for our free visual storytelling course . Check out the teaser video below.

15. Slow down

When you’re anxious and not too confident about your Zoom presentation, you’ll tend to speak fast, which in turn will make you more nervous. It’s a vicious cycle.

When presenting in Zoom, be mindful of your pace. Slowing down will not only take the edge off your nerves but also make you appear more confident.

Don’t be scared of pauses or gaps between your statements. Sometimes, you might need a sip of water to hydrate your throat. Other times, you could use the pauses as extra emphasis to drive key points.

Slowing down and changing up your talking pace will help you deliver an impactful presentation because you’ll have more control and be better able to drive the point home.

5 presentation examples and templates

To make presenting your Zoom presentation easy, here are some presentation templates and examples for inspiration.

Quarterly finance update

Have a big meeting coming up where you need to share sales performance and revenue figures? We’ve got you covered with this template.

It’s equipped with graphs where you can easily drop your revenue figures in and share performance with customizable graphs. There are also template slides for customer feedback and if your team is planning to introduce new processes.

financial update template

Marketing strategy plan template

This marketing strategy slide deck is perfect if you’re onboarding a new client and want to walk them through your research, analysis, and proposed actions.

marketing strategy plan template

Group project

Presenting your collaborative project in a Zoom meeting to your classmates? Take the worry off so you can focus on sharing the results by using this science group project template .

Despite the name, you can use it for any kind of school or university project because the structure works for any type of research presentation. The template has slides for:

  • Group introduction
  • Your hypothesis/basis for the project
  • Your theory
  • How you tested the theory
  • Key takeaways

piktochart template of science group project

Buyer persona template

The customer buying journey is always evolving, and you might need to present a case study to leadership or your team on recent findings. Our template makes it simple to share your customer’s story, as the template has slides for:

  • The customer profile
  • Motivations/goals
  • Personal insights
  • Responsibilities

Piktochart template for buyer personas

Team update in the all-hands meeting

It’s common for managers, or project leads to update the company with their results in company meetings. In these cases, you might just need a single slide to share your progress.

This work breakdown structure template does the job, giving you space to share what your team’s objectives were, what the key results were, who was involved, and what the shipping date was for these goals.

single-slide work breakdown structure template for online presentations

How to share your Piktochart slide deck on Zoom 

Step 1 : On the Piktochart editor, click Share to get the link to your presentation. 

By default, your presentation is not publicly visible.

Step 2 : Copy and paste the link into your browser bar. Then, click the Show Presentation button. This will launch in fullscreen presentation mode, and now you’re ready to shine. 

Step 3: Click Share Screen on your Zoom account and choose the browser with the Piktochart link.

For a visual demonstration, watch the short tutorial below with detailed instructions.

Ready to deliver your presentation? 

That’s it for our Zoom presentation tips; now over to you.

You have a brilliant idea or insight to present, and you need to share them with your audience in your next Zoom presentation. It’s high time you nail it with the virtual presentation tips we outlined in this guide. 

Take Piktochart for a test drive  today and create your next presentation slide minus the stress using our free presentation maker .


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How to Present on Zoom: Google Slides and Powerpoint Presentation Guide & Tips

how to zoom presentation

Presenting in front of your peers and superiors has to be one of the most daunting tasks ever. You’re never quite sure about the feedback you’d be getting, which only adds to the tension. However, in this pandemic season, the task of presenting has somehow gotten even more challenging. There are a lot of technical hurdles to overcome, which can seriously take the winds out of someone’s sail — especially if they are not very experienced on the matter.

Zoom, of course, has been the most popular video conferencing application over the last few months and offers a plethora of tools to put our minds at ease. Today, we’ll take you through all of them and even give you a couple of pointers to improve your presentation in Zoom.

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What is Zoom Screen Share and why is it important?

Screen Share is one of the most used and most important features of Zoom. It allows you to demonstrate your thoughts, give your peers a glimpse of your ideas. You can either share an application window, your entire desktop, or even a whiteboard — the possibilities are limitless here.

You can also start a screen sharing session without jumping through hoops of creating a separate meeting. Simply click/tap on the ‘Share Screen’ button in the Zoom client — both PC and mobile — and you’re good to go.

Related: How to use Zoom Filters

Remember you’ll need a sharing key or meeting key for this to work. If you don’t have access to either, you must share your screen while you’re in a meeting.

how to zoom presentation

To share your screen during a meeting, first, log in with the appropriate credentials and start a meeting. Then, hit the ‘Share Screen’ — ‘Share’ while on mobile — button right in the middle of the meeting options panel and what you want to share with the class.

how to zoom presentation

We’ve covered the topic of screen sharing on Zoom quite extensively in a separate article. So, be sure to check that out .

Related:   What Does Pin Video on Zoom Mean? Do They Know If You Pin a Video?

How to present a Powerpoint PPT in Zoom?

Microsoft Office suite is, without a doubt, the most widely-used presentation applications on the planet. It’s been on our computers for ages and it’s likely to stay put for a considerable amount of time.

With that said, Zoom doesn’t straight up give you the option to load the Microsoft Office component in the application. Still, there’s a pretty straightforward method of presenting in front of the class.

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You can achieve the desired results with the help of Zoom’s Screen Sharing feature — yes, the bit we covered in the previous section. It simply allows you to pick a window of your choice and share it with the class.

What’s even more awesome is that the participants could even pitch in and share their thoughts if they see fit. Alternatively, you can also share your entire desktop screen, which is the best way to get more screen real estate.

With the basics out of the way, let’s see how you can present a slide on Zoom.

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1. Create a separate slideshow window

If you have a traditional single-screen setup, this is the only guide you need to concern yourself with. The methodology is split into two bits — one: PowerPoint and two: Zoom.

First, open up Microsoft PowerPoint and pick the slide you want to share. Now, click on the ‘Slide show’ tab and hit ‘Set Up Slide Show.’

how to zoom presentation

Then, select ‘Browsed by an individual (window)’ under ‘Show type.’ Hit ‘Ok’ to confirm.

how to zoom presentation

Finally, switch to slide show mode by clicking on the ‘Slide Show’ tab and selecting either ‘From Beginning’ or ‘From Next Slide.’

how to zoom presentation

This would open a slide show window, separately. If you do not want to show the slideshow in a separate window, all you have to do is skip the previous step — ‘Browsed by an individual (window)’

2. Present PPT on Zoom

Now, go back to your Zoom meeting and click on the ‘Share Screen’ option.

how to zoom presentation

Now that the PPT has been launched in a separate window, you can easily select that window on the next screen and commence the slideshow. Click on ‘Share’ to begin.

how to zoom presentation

Here’s how it’d look:

how to zoom presentation

How to present using Google Slides on Zoom?

If Microsoft PowerPoint is a little too heavy for you, you could always opt for Google’s adequately powerful alternative called Slides. It allows you to create interesting yet simple presentations and share as you see fit. Of course, it also needs Zoom’s Screen Share feature to work as intended, which, at this point, should feel pretty natural to you.

Related: How to Mute on Zoom

1. Use Presenter View

Now, if you want a more immersive experience and also keep track of the notes you might have, we recommend using the ‘Presenter View.’ With the View enabled, Google Slides would create a separate window for all your notes, which only you’d be able to see. The main presentation window, on the other hand, would remain clutter-free and free from distractions.

To use the ‘Presenter View,’ first, you simply need to go to your presentation page, click on the little downward arrow right next to the ‘Present’ button at the top-right.

how to zoom presentation

Now, hit ‘Presenter View.’

how to zoom presentation

As soon as you click that button, you’ll get a separate space for all your notes, while another clean window would appear for slideshows.

how to zoom presentation

2. Use Zoom to present

Now that the windows have been separated, you can easily use Zoom to present the slideshow window. While in a meeting, click on the ‘Share Screen’ button and select the browser window with Google Slides on top.

Finally, hit ‘Share’ to start the screen-sharing session.

how to zoom presentation

Some tips for a successful presentation

As we’ve discussed, presenting is one of the most daunting tasks in the world for most, even virtually. The techy jargon often only adds to the tension, making many people dread the sessions, even when they are completely prepared. Below are some basic handy tips for your next presentation.

Related: How to annotate on Zoom

1. Master your craft

Knowing the material is always the best way to prepare for a hectic presentation. If you know what you’re presenting and have complete faith in the report, you’re ought to do exceptionally well. However, when it comes to Zoom presentations, knowing just the material isn’t enough. You also need to make sure all your components are in order and you’re presenting with confidence.

Try a couple of dry runs, see if your presentation is working just as it’s supposed to. Practice the pitch if you have to. Checking all of these boxes would improve your chances of success, remarkably.

2. Dress for the occasion

When you’re not forced to present in a swanky conference room, it’s not difficult to lose track of the dressing etiquette. However, you must remember the scale of your presentation and try your best to look the part. Wearing a perfectly ironed shirt and fitted trousers would not only impress your peers and superiors, but it’ll also instill a sense of confidence in you.

Related: How to see everyone on Zoom

3. Create a quiet environment

Zoom is quite capable of filtering some noise out of video chats. However, it doesn’t have the quality to cancel out everything you throw at it. So, before you start a video conferencing session and go about your presentation, make sure you’re in a relatively quiet environment. There can be a bit of noise, here and there, but make sure your subtle points aren’t drowned by some rogue barks from the street below.

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  • How to record a Zoom meeting without host permission
  • What Does Pin Video on Zoom Mean? Do They Know If You Pin a Video?
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A mediocre engineer hoping to do something extraordinary with his pen (well, keyboard). Loves Pink Floyd, lives football, and is always up for a cup of Americano.

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8 tips on how to present over Zoom like a pro


Today, Zoom is a central part of the remote workplace. It and other video conference platforms are widely used for meetings, job interviews, webinars, and presentations.

In-person presentations can be stressful enough, and having to conduct them virtually can seem even more daunting. 

But it doesn't have to be that way. Our eight pro tips for presenting over Zoom may help you feel more prepared, comfortable, and confident. Read on to find out more. 

1. Plan out your Zoom background/location ahead of time.

You can use a location in your home or a virtual Zoom background. If you select a place in your house, make sure it is uncluttered and clean. A plain wall or shelves with neatly arranged books provide a professional setting. 

Consider lighting. Soft lighting placed in front of you illuminates you evenly; sitting in front of a window can cause glare and shadows.

Make sure your background doesn't distract from you and your presentation. You don't want your audience focusing on a family photo or the dishes in the sink.

2. Test your equipment before your presentation.

Your equipment can make or break your Zoom presentation. 

To avoid surprises, check your internet connection, plug in your laptop, and ensure that your camera angle is correct and that the microphone works. 

You can confirm your internet connection, audio, and visual with a Zoom test meeting . Using a hard-wired connection rather than wifi is the safer option. And closing any applications you won't need during the presentation can conserve bandwidth. 

Taking precautions can avoid or minimize frozen screens, views of the top of your head, dead batteries, and sound problems.

3. Put notes in the right place on your screen(s).

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You need your notes where you can see them, but you don't want to keep looking down or off to the side during your presentation. 

To combat this, you can use dual monitors . Position your presentation on one of them, visible to all, and your presenter's notes — plus the webcam you're using — on the other, visible only to you. 

Or you can present your slide show in a window and put a private view of your notes in another window on the same screen. Zoom provides step-by-step instructions for single and dual screens.

4. Practice Zoom presenting as if it were the real thing.

Zoom allows you to practice in the precise environment where you will be presenting. Set up your background, lighting, and screens as you will on presentation day. You can schedule a webinar practice session on Zoom and run through your presentation exactly as you will on the day. You can invite a friend to join you and offer feedback.

Practicing can make the difference between a smooth presentation or an awkward one. Rehearse as often as you can, and visit our page of public speaking tips . 

SEE: What tech jobs don't require public speaking?

5. Minimize clutter on your slides.

Slides are a key part of a virtual presentation and can help you and the audience stay on track. 

Slides should be easy to read and navigate. Avoid brightly colored backgrounds, complicated fonts, and too many graphics. 

Each slide should communicate one concept or idea. Avoid a long list of bullet points on a single slide.

While a slide with few words in readable, bolded font works fine, visuals like charts, maps, and illustrations or photos can be more effective and keep your audience engaged. 

6. Use easy-to-understand visuals.

Visuals liven up your Zoom presentation in ways words don't. Instead of a long list of numbers explaining company statistics, try a graph or pie chart. Visuals aid understanding and keep your audience interested. 

Explaining technical procedures with videos or illustrations rather than wordy descriptions alone enables you to show and tell. They also accommodate different learning styles within your audience.

Microsoft posts tutorials for incorporating visual elements into PowerPoint slides and inserting videos from the web or your computer .

7. Explain your agenda before you begin presenting.

Most people like to know what to expect when logging onto a meeting. Opening your presentation with a slide outlining your agenda sets the timeline for your meeting and reassures your audience. If you plan to allow audience interaction, make sure to highlight when and how in your agenda. 

You can list the points you're going to cover in your presentation on your slide(s) and/or use graphics. You can pose a question on a slide, then show how you plan to answer it. Starting off with a funny (but work-appropriate) photograph or illustration can put you and your audience at ease.

8. If appropriate, encourage your audience to interact.

Unless you have a good reason not to, encourage your audience to interact during or after your presentation. 

Some presenters ask participants to use Zoom's chat function for questions and pause the presentation periodically to answer them or wait until the end. Presenters can mute and unmute the audience and allow time for comments and questions that way. Zoom also allows for engagement through participant polls during the presentation

The size of your audience may dictate how you want to handle audience interaction.

Not allowing participant interaction risks losing your audience to their phones and other distractions.

In conclusion

The hardest part of presenting on Zoom may be the technology for some and the public speaking for others. We hope our tips help.

Online public speaking courses can help with anxiety and discomfort. Developing emotional intelligence skills can also benefit your Zoom presentations. 

Be the Keynote Logo

The Ultimate Guide to Giving Virtual Presentations on Zoom

An irreverent and shockingly-actionable companion for anyone who wants to communicate to invisible audiences through a laptop screen.

Watch the Video

I read a lot of “ultimate guides to X.” Most are not ultimate. Most aren’t even very readable. This is different. Oli Gardner has put together an extraordinary resource for both newcomers and experienced speakers. If you apply the tactics in this guide, I promise you’ll be among the best presenters online (or off) at your next engagement.

— Rand Fishkin. Co-founder & CEO, SparkToro.

Rand Fishkin - co-founder of SparkToro

What’s in the guide?

17 Chapters

29,584 words

84 Screenshots

Roughly speaking—and by that I mean super specific—the Ultimate Guide to Giving Virtual Presentations on Zoom contains six thematic parts, seventeen chapters, 29,584 words, eighty four precision-crafted interface screenshots to show you how to do cool things, high-production instructional videos full of fun, insights, marvellous techniques to marvel at, and did I mention that it’s twenty nine thousand, five hundred and eighty four words long?

Wait. If I add this paragraph to the number it’s actually 29,656. So, roughly speaking, it’s awesome.

This guide is actually free . I’m not asking for an email address. Helping you be a better presenter is my goal.

My only ask is that you consider sharing it with others, if you like the guide.

A few highlights from the guide

18 Zoom Features

Cool Zoom Features You Should Know About

Learn how to use the lesser-known features of Zoom for a more dynamic presentation.

Zoom logo

7 Bad Techniques

Things to Avoid Doing in a Virtual Presentation

Learn the most common mistake in a virtual presentation and how to avoid making them.

Ultimate Guide to virtual presenting on zoom - what not to do

13 Good Techniques

Definitely Do These Things When Presenting

With a few simple techniques you can drastically improve your chances of pulling off a successful virtual presentation on Zoom. And no, I don’t expect you to build an actual stage like I did, but you can at least put a plant in the background.

Ultimate Guide to virtual presenting on zoom - what to do

Your Talk’s Purpose

Create Experience Moments

A key trait of successful speakers is that they understand their personal brand. They know what they represent, how they want to be perceived, and what success looks for them. This leads directly into how we should be designing our talk experiences.

Design experience moments into your virtual presentation - Be the Keynote

Presentation Structure, Story, & Flow

Learn how to craft a story arc by reducing your big idea to it’s simplest form and chunking it into structured elements.

Example of a presentation structure and skeleton outline

40 Slide Design Tips

Slide Design Tips for Virtual Presentations

Take a deep dive into the art of presentation design in this incredibly actionable chapter that will elevate your skills overnight. And yes, there are forty tips in this chapter alone.

Typography and thematic slide design - Be the Keynote

Real People

Virtual Audience Engagement

They may be invisible, but they’re still there, and they’re still real people who want to have a good time. Learn techniques for audience participation and five simple tricks to help maintain eye contact while presenting virtually.

Audio & Video

Create Professional Recordings of Your Talks

Learn the six elements of a great presentation recording. Plus techniques, tools, and lists of equipment you need to record professional high-resolution videos of your talks. It also covers editing in post-production, and how to add closed captions for enhanced accessibility.

Be the Keynote audio and video setup for Zoom Recordings

6 Whoopsies

What to Do When Things Go Wrong

There are many things that can go wrong in a virtual presentation, most of them technical in nature. This chapter covers six serious issues, and offers creative solutions to turn a catastrophic and embarrassing moment, into a calm, collected, professional delivery.

5 Advanced Tips

Advanced & Creative Virtual Presentation Tips

Proxy hosts, shortlinks, customized meeting rooms, landing pages, and clickers, oh my. Enhance your expertise with these technical tips, and the best virtual speaking strategy of all—standing up.

Advanced Zoom virtual presenting tips

23 Settings

Zoom Settings to Turn On or Off for a Successful Presentation

Zoom has a grand total of 301 settings—I counted them with my finger and brain—which can make it really hard to find a critical feature when it’s crunch time. This chapter breaks down the essentials and is your game-day checklist for success.

Zoom settings

Intro Introduction to Virtual Presentations on Zoom

Chapter 1 18 Cool Zoom Features You Should Know About

Chapter 2 12 Things You Should Do in Your Zoom Presentation

Chapter 3 8 Things You Shouldn’t Do in Your Zoom Presentation

Chapter 4 Defining Your Presentation’s Purpose

Chapter 5 How to Define Your Talk’s Structure, Story, & Flow

Chapter 6 41 Slide Design Tips for Virtual Presentations

Chapter 7 6 Ways to Make Eye Contact With an Invisible Audience

Chapter 8 How to do Audience Participation in a Virtual Presentation

Chapter 9 How to Share Content during a Zoom Presentation

Chapter 10 How to Create a Stunning Video and Audio Recording

Chapter 11 Using Post-Production to Add Value to Your Zoom Recording

Chapter 12 How to Use Your Phone as a Beautiful Webcam

Chapter 13 What to Do When Things go Wrong in Your Presentation

Chapter 14 How to Ground Yourself and Get Ready to Present

Chapter 15 Advanced & Creative Zoom Presentation Techniques

Chapter 16 The Difference Between Zoom Meetings and Zoom Webinars

Chapter 17 23 Zoom Settings to Enable or Disable for a Smooth Presentation

How to Present PowerPoint Slides in Zoom


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Every vscode user needs to watch out for malicious extensions, i find ps plus absolutely worth the cost for these 6 reasons.

Preparing to present PowerPoint slides in Zoom for the first time can feel overwhelming. It's a different experience than face-to-face presentations, and naturally, you want to get it right. But don't worry, we've all been there, and we're here to help.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the process step-by-step, so you can deliver your presentation with confidence and avoid awkward pitfalls. Let’s dive in.

Present PowerPoint Slides in Zoom by Sharing Your Entire Screen

One of the easiest ways to share your PowerPoint slide deck is by sharing your entire screen. Here’s how to go about it.

  • Open your PowerPoint presentation.
  • Start or Join a Zoom meeting . Knowing how to use Zoom like an expert makes this step easy.

Click share screen on Zoom

When you hide the toolbar, it may appear as a minimized window in your taskbar. Click the window icon to reveal it when you’re ready to stop sharing.

Launch slideshow from beginning or current slide in PowerPoint

  • Press the Esc key on your keyboard to exit the slideshow after your presentation.
  • Click Stop sharing .

Sharing your entire screen lets you seamlessly switch between your PowerPoint window and other windows while bringing your audience along. However, it has a downside—your audience will see sensitive details or notifications if they pop up.

Present PowerPoint Slides in Zoom by Sharing a Window

With this method, you share only your PowerPoint window, so your audience won't see other areas of your desktop, including popup notifications. Here’s how to get it done.

Set up slideshow in PowerPoint

  • Join the Zoom meeting.

Click share screen in Zoom

Ensure your PowerPoint window is maximized and running in the background, or it won't appear under the Window tab.

Select PowerPoint window and click Share

  • Click Stop sharing or Stop share when you’re done presenting.

This method is perfect for multi-tasking—that is, sharing your PowerPoint window while viewing your notes (in a separate document) or seeing what’s happening in Zoom.

Rock Your PowerPoint Presentation in Zoom Like a Pro

And that's a wrap! You now know all the key steps to present PowerPoint slides effectively in Zoom. Remember, you have two main options: share your entire screen when you need to switch between different windows during the presentation or share a specific PowerPoint window if you're multitasking and want to keep the rest of your desktop private.

Practice using these features before your next presentation, so you're comfortable and ready. Alongside this, using a whiteboard in Zoom can make your presentations more interesting.

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5 ways to make zoom presentations engaging and irresistible.

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Dry. Dull. Boring. Exhausting. Painful. Waste of time. Forgettable. Those are the words and phrases that came up when I asked people this question: What word would you use to describe the Zoom Presentations/webinars you attend?

And it’s true, most webinars are likely to be uninspiring … and forgotten shortly after you attend them. They aren’t wildly engaging, and their impact on your success is likely minimal. One thing that impedes their ability to wow is that they aren’t very different from other meetings you attend online. Also, those who create and deliver online presentations neglect the importance of understanding the medium. Online presentations have to do a lot more work to captivate you simply because:

  • The screen is a poor substitute for a real person standing in front of you
  • The temptation to multitask is heightened
  • Participating by yourself reduces the energy and emotional connection
  • Other things we watch on these very same screens—from Netflix to YouTube videos—have very high production value

To counteract the challenges that this medium imposes, consider these five enhancements:

1. Sizzle from the start

If your opening is similar to the one from the meeting your audience attended an hour before your presentations, you’ve already lost them. You need to make it clear from the moment you kick off that this is going to be different. Fun. Engaging. Valuable. Interesting. First impressions are so important. Now that everything has moved online, your presentation is being lumped into the five other meetings and events that your audience is participating in each day. You need to dazzle your audience from the very first second of your presentation. Make your start surprising, and your viewers will sit up from their slouch and take note.

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2. Banish the bullet

If the slides you’re presenting have more than 15 words on them (I challenge you to have 12 or fewer), you’re adding an extra helping of the ingredient called boring to your webinar. Bulleted slides are not effective for inspiring people or engaging them in your content. If you have information you want to share that requires the use of lots of words, make it available as a supplemental resource. Nothing says “it’s time to tune out” like a slide with 10 bullets on it. Think tantalizing tweet, not wordy whitepaper. When you do display words, use 32-point font or greater on every slide. This provides two huge benefits: First, it ensures you can’t get too many words on the slide. And second, it makes it easier for participants to see. Your slides are small on the devices of your audience members—especially if they’re using their phone.

3. Fluctuate the format

When you’re delivering a presentation online, you have to deal with one major challenge that’s much less prevalent in live sessions: the temptation to multitask. When you’re physically in a room of people, they’re less likely to answer an email while you’re presenting. But when you’re delivering online, it’s almost an invitation to multitask; after all, the device they’re watching you on has all these other tools to keep them busy: email, Instagram, instant messaging. That’s a lot of competition. To keep people from checking out other things on their device, you need to keep things dynamic. The best way to do this is to vary the way you convey your content. Move between stories, information, data, models, formulas, lists, etc. In fact, change the content format every two to four minutes to keep things dynamic and magnetic.

4. Heighten the humanity

If you’re delivering a presentation from a stage, it’s automatically more visceral and emotionally compelling. When you’re beamed onto someone’s laptop or phone thanks to the power of the internet, your humanity is diluted. The screen they’re watching you on serves as a scrim to suppress your scintillating style. To counteract that, you need to amp up the energy, double the empathy and exaggerate your expressions. Just don’t overdo it. You don’t want to seem like a parody of yourself like this.

5. Maximize the media

You’ve heard that a picture is worth a thousand words, and according to Gartner Research, one minute of video is worth 1.8 million words. When you use rich media, you make your presentation more persuasive and potent. And you make it much more visually interesting too. So as you build your presentation, ask yourself: Where can I replace words with pictures and video? Then go through it again when it’s done and ask the question again. Your audience will thank you for replacing the 26 letters of the alphabet with meaningful, magnetic media.

You need to be more deliberate when you deliver a virtual presentation if you want to have real impact on your audience. When you build and deliver your presentation with these five elements in mind, you’re sure to stand out, make your mark and add a giant deposit to your personal brand bank.

William Arruda  is a founder of  CareerBlast  and co-creator of  BrandBoost  - a video-based personal branding talent development experience.

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Home Blog Business How to Ace Your Zoom Presentation: Tips for Successful Virtual Presenting

How to Ace Your Zoom Presentation: Tips for Successful Virtual Presenting

how to zoom presentation

It’s your turn to speak during a Zoom social event in your company when your cat decides to make an impromptu appearance, climbing onto your keyboard and causing a flurry of emojis to flood the screen. Thankfully, everyone loved your feline co-worker and joked about the hilarious scene.

But what if it happens in a more meaningful setting, like a virtual sales pitch you’ve been looking forward to for weeks? You wouldn’t want to risk losing a client – and your job – just because a pet rains on your parade.

In this article, we will provide you with essential tips and tricks on how to ace your Zoom presentation like a pro. From preparing your visual aids and keeping your audience engaged to handling technical glitches with finesse, we’ve got you covered.

Table of Contents

Preparing Your Zoom Presentation

Tips for delivering a successful zoom presentation.

  • How to Share PowerPoint on Zoom

Handling Technical Issues During a Zoom Presentation

Follow up after a zoom presentation.

Like in-person presentations, a successful Zoom presentation requires careful preparation to ensure you can send your audience the right message. Here are some tips to help you prepare presentations for Zoom.

Couple in a Zoom meeting

Use Relevant Visuals

There are many ways you can present information besides plain boring texts. Sixty-five percent of humans are visual learners , so your audience might retain the information you share better if you present them in charts, graphs, images, or other visualizations.

You may use several types of visuals throughout your Zoom presentation, but make sure they are easy to understand in a virtual setting and are relevant to your subject.

For instance, if you present a new product, you may record a video demonstration highlighting its features. Using Zoom’s built-in video player, you can then embed the video into PowerPoint or play it during your presentation.

Use a Simple Presentation Template

A simple presentation template can help you create a cohesive and professional-looking presentation on Zoom. Choose a template that complements your content and aligns with your branding, but avoid overly complex designs that may distract your audience.

You may use a roadmap PowerPoint template or include an agenda slide to set the timeline of your presentation and provide an overview of the topics you will cover. Aside from it keeps the presentation flowing smoothly, it helps your audience orient their thoughts on what will happen in the meeting.

Make It Interactive

Just because you are the presenter doesn’t mean you have to do all the talking – you can let your audience speak too! One of the key aspects of delivering a successful Zoom presentation is to make it interactive and engage your audience.

Think of some icebreakers that will keep your audience involved. It can be a simple open-ended question or a poll to stimulate discussion. You can also use breakout rooms to facilitate small group interactions or collaborative activities.

Interactive presentations help to break the monotony of one-way communication and make your Zoom presentation more dynamic and engaging. Having no activities encouraging interaction makes losing your audience’s interest during virtual meetings easier.

Practice the Presentation and Timing

Aside from the content of your presentation, you also have to worry about the technicalities of presenting on Zoom, so having a dry run before the real thing is important to ensure a smooth delivery.

Practice your presentation multiple times before the event to ensure you are comfortable with the content, pacing, and timing. This will familiarize you with the Zoom platform and its features, such as screen sharing, chat, and breakout rooms.

A woman preparing a Zoom Presentation

You have a killer Zoom PowerPoint. Now it’s time to focus on delivering it effectively. Here are some Zoom presentation tips:

Use a Neutral Background

Your background in a Zoom presentation can impact how your audience perceives your professionalism and credibility. Choose a neutral background that is free from distractions and clutter.

If you have an office space at home, that will work even better. Pick from Zoom’s virtual backgrounds, preferably plain and clean. Make your background boring so your audience’s attention is drawn to you. Stay away from bed!

Dress Appropriately

Even though you may be presenting from the comfort of your home, it’s important to dress professionally for your Zoom presentation. It’s not bad to wear your usual duds when attending a casual game night with your team. But if it’s a formal setup, like a business proposal, you must suit up to invite success.

Dressing up smartly may improve your mood and confidence. In a 2014 study , two groups of male subjects were asked to put on business suits and sweatpants before engaging in a negotiation task. Those who dressed up obtained more profitable negotiations than the other group.

As a rule of thumb, avoid wearing loud colors or busy patterns that may distract your audience.

Keep an Eye Contact

Maintaining eye contact is essential in any presentation, whether in person or on Zoom. Making eye contact helps you connect with your audience and convey your message more effectively.

The common advice you’ll get to achieve this on Zoom is to look directly into the camera to create the impression of eye contact with your audience. We agree with these, but as the speaker, you also have to read the facial expressions of your audience and see how they react to what you are saying.

If you are using a desktop or laptop, the simplest solution to achieving these two is to reduce Zoom to a smaller window and place it directly below your webcam. This way, you can glance at their faces occasionally while keeping the illusion of eye contact.

Keep Your Notes Minimal

If you are an expert in the topic you are presenting, it would be best to ditch your notes during Zoom events. Constantly looking down at your notes can be distracting for your audience.

But if the need calls for it, make sure to keep your notes minimal and stick them in the right place. You can use a second screen or a tablet, or position your notes close to the camera to refer to them without breaking eye contact. This way, you can stay focused on engaging with your audience and delivering your presentation smoothly.

How to Share PowerPoint on Zoom (Step by Step)

How to present on Zoom? Once you understand what Zoom presentations are and the tips for Zoom presentations, it is time to give the presentation using Zoom. Let’s see this step by step:

Step 1. Open the PowerPoint file you want to present.

Step 2. Join the Zoom meeting and click on the Share Screen icon in the meeting control panel at the bottom of your screen.

Screen sharing in Zoom - How to present on Zoom? Example with a fictitious presentation in SlideModel.

[Optional] You can customize who can share their screen in the Zoom meeting. Click on the small arrow in the corner of the Share Screen icon and select Advanced Sharing Options.

Advanced Sharing Options in Zoom

Select Hosts Only or All Participants.

Selecting whom can share screen on Zoom

Step 3. Select the window you want to share – in this case, the one that contains the PowerPoint slide – and click on Share.

If you are playing audio or video within your presentation, make sure to tick Share sound and Optimize for video clip.

Select screen to share in Zoom

Step 4. Click on the Slide Show tab in the PowerPoint window and begin the presentation by selecting Play from Start or Play from Current Slide.

PowerPoint screen share in Zoom

Step 5. To stop screen sharing of PowerPoint, hover over the meeting controls at the top of your screen and select Stop Share.

PPT template in full screen via Zoom presentation

It’s not uncommon for technicalities to derail a live Zoom presentation – video, Wi-Fi, or audio may fail. But there are things you can do to prevent them, or at least minimize their impact on your presentation when they happen.

First, test your equipment before your presentation and make sure everything is in place. You can join a meeting test on Zoom to check your internet connection, camera, audio, and microphone.

You may also send a PDF copy of your presentation to the attendees before the meeting if sharing your screen won’t work. This will allow you to carry on as you or your technical team figures out the problem.

If the technical issues persist, you should have a good Plan B and be prepared to continue on a different platform like Google Meet. Send the alternative link with the meeting invitation and give clear action steps when technical difficulties happen.

Following up after a Zoom presentation is a crucial step in maintaining momentum and maximizing the impact of your presentation. For example, if you are selling a product, you can use a follow-up email to make the final push of your sales pitch.

Start your email by expressing appreciation for their participation and summarizing the key points of your presentation. Include any additional resources, such as presentation slides or a video presentation recording, to reinforce your message. Offer yourself as a resource for further questions or discussions, and encourage feedback or comments from your audience.

Here’s an example of a well-executed follow-up email for a Zoom workshop event:

Follow up email for Zoom Presentation

Conducting a virtual presentation sounds overwhelming as you must consider technical aspects in addition to delivering your message and keeping it engaging.

Remember, there’s no such thing as overpreparing when you have bosses or potential clients to impress. Follow the tips in this article to nail your next Zoom presentation!

how to zoom presentation

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11 Essential Tips for Presenting on Zoom

January 24, 2022 - Dom Barnard

A boss unwittingly disguised as a potato during Zoom meetings, cries of “you’re on mute!” and guest appearances by kids and pets, are among the hilarious anecdotes attached to this hugely popular app.

However, it becomes serious when you need to make a good impression in a virtual meeting, job interview or presentation.

Zoom became a massively popular communications tool for business, education and social meetings during the Pandemic. In 2020, there were  485 million Zoom downloads , which is 30 times more than the year before!

Of course, some of the top Zoom presentations tips apply equally well to in-person or online delivery. Such as establishing your end goals, preparing a flowing framework and strong content, then practising your speech more than once. However, there are particular advantages and disadvantages to Zoom, to get the right results for presenting online.

These Zoom presentation tips will help grow your competence, confidence and success.

1. Put some trousers on!

One of the great things about Zoom presentations is there is a degree of informality and comfort.

You can dress just your top half smartly, have a hot beverage just off-screen, and do your best public speaking in familiar surroundings.

One of the worst things about Zoom presentations is …there is a degree of informality and comfort!

You can find yourself easily distracted, lacking in focus and slower in your responses.

The best way to present well on Zoom – when the stakes are high – is to create a wholly business-like environment and attitude. Use a space in your home or field location that’s as bland and clinical as possible, with no potential noise disturbance. Dress smartly from head to toe to create the best mindset.

Site your technology in front of you and imagine it’s a lectern and a set of multi-media tools in a meeting room or lecture theatre.

2. Use the superpower of data

While you’re using technology to communicate or collaborate, it’s common sense to optimise ways to enhance your presentations.

As part of your extensive preparation for important Zoom meetings, consider what documents, images and graphics to share, to add credibility and professionalism to your pitch. Or, simply to hold the attention of a Zoom audience from start to finish.

Familiarise yourself with the Share Screen option on Zoom, and the best ways of displaying videos during a Zoom call, including advanced share methods for online presentations.

There are good Zoom share screen tips here, including how to add a video to presentations on Zoom.

Zoom presentations with visual content are  43% more persuasive . Also, 90% of the information we process comes from visual input. So your Zoom presentation materials could be what gets you that job, funding or agreement.

3. Non-verbal communications tips for Zoom

Don’t assume that online presentations release you from many of the body language pitfalls and best practices. The opposite is true, as you need to focus on non-verbal cues even more.

If you deliver your Zoom presentation in a rigid, static and clinical way, you are missing out on some of the best ways to be successful in communications.

People respond to people. Effective communication requires warmth, authenticity and establishing a strong personal connection with your audience. Being robotic when presenting online won’t help you to succeed.

If this is an intense online meeting, then showing empathy can also increase the engagement and openness you achieve.

How do you communicate non-verbally on Zoom?

Without going over the top, be purposeful and slightly exaggerated in your body language. Sit straight and lean subtly towards the screen. Never away from it and certainly no slumping, crossed arms or chin/elbow leaning!

Smile, nod and keep strong eye contact, including showing your attention passing from person to person across a split-screen. Use hand gestures and show subtle movement in your upper body to add emphasis to key points.

4. Verbal communications skills

Zoom presentations also make it too easy to slip into a monotone voice or race through a presentation. You may even find the process of talking to technology – not live people – causes you to ramble, or get lost in your ad-libs or Q&A responses.

Make sure you articulate clearly, add emphasis when needed, and generally modify your tone regularly but logically.

Don’t be afraid to leave small pauses to drive a point home, or to take a deep breath while you construct your next point. If you look directly at the screen and hold eye contact, this ‘white space’ is perfectly acceptable.

5. Is everyone listening?

One of the most important presentation skills, in general, is reading the room. Is your potential boss or buyer looking bored? Are the panel of decision-makers getting confused? In contentious presentations, being able to spot your biggest dissenter from their non-verbal communication can help you shift your focus to winning them over.

It’s challenging to gain that sort of body language intel from online meetings. So, the best Zoom presentations compensate for that.

It can be as simple as adding more direct questions to your content and literally pausing regularly to ask your audience about queries or concerns. Make your questions open-ended, not a yes or no response.

“Let’s take a minute. What else do you need to know about that part of my presentation?”

Also, keep Zoom presentations succinct, flowing and animated. Your audience will drift away subconsciously if your delivery is pedestrian or you talk for too long without involving them.

Remember, attention spans are even shorter on technology!

Practice your video presentation and get feedback on your performance with  VirtualSpeech .

6. Opening Zoom presentations with pizazz

No, this doesn’t refer to grabbing your audience’s attention with a juggling trick or wearing your most colourful or glamourous finery.

How you start a Zoom presentation sets the tone. If you instantly engage their interest with a compelling opening, the attention and engagement last.

This should primarily be 100% clarity on the purpose of your presentation and the desired outcome. As well as establishing your credibility and methods to achieve the end goal.

Vague introductions and slowly revealing your key points drains your time and your audience’s attention.

What makes a good opening for Zoom presentations?

7. Icebreakers

You can’t shake their hand, but you can issue a quick, warm greeting and a short, relevant fact about yourself that helps them to warm to you.

8. Storytelling techniques

These work for a myriad of business communication tasks. Give a short (that word again) anecdote or illustration, to give context to your Zoom presentation. That could be about you, your product or the outcome you are requesting, for example.

9. Meaningful quotes in presentations

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” – George Bernard Shaw.

Good quotes can work!

10. High impact fact

Another great opening for Zoom presentations is a little known fact or ‘behind the scenes’ secret that grabs attention. Did you know,  one-third of adults still sleep with a ‘comforter’  like a soft toy or blanket? (Not relevant to many presentations but it’s a memorable statistic that caught OUR attention.)

Wake your audience up with something they want to remember – and share with others – and they will be alert and ready to listen.

11. End Zoom presentations correctly

One last piece of advice on Zoom presentations. Don’t get so relieved when you get to the end, that you forget your call to action.

All communication should include an invitation of some kind, in clear language. What would you like your audience to do, now your Zoom time is over? Tell them that and thank them for your attention, with one last warm smile.

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How to Share a PowerPoint on Zoom

Share your screen, whether or not you're the presenter

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What to Know

  • Anybody can share a PowerPoint on a Zoom call but may need permission from the call’s organizer.
  • To see notes, you’ll need a second screen to divide the view or have your notes on a separate device.

In this article, we’ll discuss how to share a PowerPoint, or any presentation, on Zoom. You can do this in a few clicks for more straightforward presentations, but for more complex presentations, you may want some more tools.

How Do You Share a PowerPoint in a Zoom Meeting?

For a presentation where you don’t need to see your notes, sharing a PowerPoint is a quick process.

Open your presentation, and close any windows you won't need. This will limit clutter and distractions.

Log into your Zoom call and when you’re ready to present, click Share Screen at the bottom. Choose your presentation from the menu.

When using a single screen, you should always pick the specific program you want to share. Doing this will protect your data and prevent pop-ups and other interruptions.

Go to the Slide Show tab in PowerPoint and click From Beginning . For the smoothest presentation, do this before anyone else joins the call, where possible.

Use the controls in the lower left-hand corner or keyboard controls to move through your presentation as usual.

 Be sure to click on the Presentation window if you’re going to use keyboard controls. PowerPoint won’t acknowledge inputs from the keyboard unless you’ve deliberately clicked on the window.

How Do You Share a PowerPoint With Zoom and Still See Notes?

The best way to see your notes is to use a second monitor and PowerPoint’s Presenter View tools. Then your notes and controls are on one screen, visible only to you, and your presentation is on the other.

Open your PowerPoint and go to Presenter View to see your notes . This mode opens two windows: The presentation and the control panel.

Drag the control panel to your primary screen and the presentation window to your second screen. You’ll be able to see and control your presentation while looking directly into your webcam if you’re using it, and you won’t have to hold your neck at an angle to use the controls.

Log into the Zoom call and click Share Screen at the bottom. Choose your presentation window.

If you’ll need to present other documents or materials in addition to your presentation, have them open and minimized on your screen and share your second monitor instead. Then you can quickly bring those materials up without disrupting your flow.

Tips for a Better Zoom Presentation

If you're not the call organizer, contact them and ask what permissions they've set up and whether you'll need permission to share your screen. 

For meetings with multiple people sharing the same presentation, book a call a day before and practice "handing off" control of the slides in Zoom. Alternately, the person sharing their screen should prepare to move to the next slide when cued. Everyone should also have an up-to-date copy of the presentation, so it can continue if somebody drops out of the meeting.

Keeping Murphy's Law in mind, having your notes in one or two other places is a good idea. Consider using your phone and a printed copy to ensure that you can rely on one of the two additional sources for your notes if everything goes wrong.

To record yourself giving a PowerPoint presentation on Zoom, launch Zoom and PowerPoint; be sure to close all other applications. Create a new Zoom meeting, select Share Screen , select your PowerPoint presentation, and click Share . Launch your PowerPoint slideshow. In Zoom, choose Record > Record on This Computer . Your computer is now recording.

Join the Zoom meeting from your iPad using Zoom's mobile app for iOS. Open your PowerPoint presentation and tap Share Content from the meeting controls. You can use PowerPoint's annotation and drawing tools to make notations on your slides if you like.

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How-To Geek

How to add section and slide zooms in microsoft powerpoint.


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If you want to move to a different slide or section in your presentation, you can easily add a link on your slide . But by using a Section or Slide Zoom in PowerPoint, you can make that move look professional.

In Microsoft PowerPoint, a Section or Slide Zoom places an image on your slide instead of linked text. In addition, when you click to visit that section or slide, you'll see a nice zoom effect. You can customize the displayed image, duration of the zoom effect, and additional actions.

As of this writing at the beginning of April 2022, you can create a Section or Slide Zoom on Windows with Microsoft 365 and in PowerPoint 2019 or later. For Mac and mobile PowerPoint users, you can play a Zoom, but not create one.

Using sections in PowerPoint is a good way to divide your presentation into separate portions. Whether you use it to organize your slideshow or show only particular sections to certain audiences, sections are handy tools.

Related: How to Organize a Microsoft PowerPoint Slideshow Using Sections

To create a Section Zoom, you'll need your sections set up ahead of time. When you're ready, go to the slide where you want to add the Section Zoom.

Head to the Insert tab and Links section of the ribbon. Click the Zoom drop-down arrow and pick "Section Zoom."

Section Zoom in the Zoom drop-down

In the Insert Section Zoom window that appears, check the box next to the section you want to use. You can also include zooms for multiple sections. Click "Insert."

Section selection

You'll see the Section Zoom pop onto your slide. It's similar in appearance to a static image of the first slide in that section. You can move the zoom by selecting and dragging it or resize it by dragging a corner or edge.

Section Zoom in PowerPoint

When you present the slideshow, click the Section Zoom. You'll see the zoom effect as you land on the first slide in that section. By default, you'll advance through each slide in the section and return to the zoom. This can be changed as described in the customization options below.

Similar to a Section Zoom in PowerPoint is the Slide Zoom. If you don't use sections in your slideshow or simply want the ability to jump to a certain slide , this is the way to go.

Related: How to Link to Another Slide in the Same PowerPoint Presentation

Go to the slide where you want the Slide Zoom. Then, head to the Insert tab and Links section of the ribbon. Click the Zoom drop-down arrow and pick "Slide Zoom."

Slide Zoom in the Zoom drop-down

In the Insert Slide Zoom window that opens, check the box next to the slide you want to use. You can also include zooms for multiple slides; however, you might consider using a Summary Zoom in this case instead. Click "Insert."

Slide selection

Like the Section Zoom, you'll see the Slide Zoom on your slide where you can drag to move or resize it.

Resizing a Slide Zoom

When you present the slideshow, click the Slide Zoom. You'll see the zoom effect as you land on the slide. You'll then advance through the remainder of your slideshow. However, you can return to the zoom if you prefer using a customization option below.

The customization options for Section and Slide Zooms are the same. You can adjust the zoom's actions, change the appearance, or use additional formatting tools .

Zoom Options

Select the Section or Slide Zoom you want to edit. Then, visit the Zoom tab that displays. On the left side, you have the following actions you can adjust in the Zoom Options section.

Zoom Options in PowerPoint

Change Image : If you prefer to display an image rather than the slide for the zoom, select this option. You can then insert a picture from a file, stock images, online pictures, or from icons.

Return to Zoom : To go back to the zoom on the slide, check this box. For a Section Zoom, you'll return after advancing to the last slide in the section. For a Slide Zoom, you'll return after viewing that particular slide.

Zoom Transition : While the intent of a Section or Slide Zoom is to provide a transition effect, you may prefer to use the feature without that effect. Uncheck the Zoom Transition box to remove the effect.

Duration : If you decide to keep the Zoom Transition , you can use the Duration field to change the length of the effect. Enter a number in seconds or use the arrows to increase or decrease the duration.

Related: How to Use the Morph Transition in PowerPoint

Zoom Tab Tools

Along with the above actions, you can change the zoom style, border, background, alt text, and more. Select the Section or Slide Zoom and use the tools on the Zoom tab.

Zoom Tab in PowerPoint

Zoom Format Options

To change the fill or line, add a shadow or reflection, or scale the zoom, right-click and pick "Zoom Format Options" from the menu. The Format Section/Slide Zoom sidebar opens for you to adjust the formatting.

Zoom Format sidebar in PowerPoint

For a unique way to jump to a particular section or different slide in your PowerPoint presentation, check out the Section and Slide Zoom features.

  • Microsoft Office
  • Microsoft PowerPoint

Art of Presentations

Zoom Feature in PowerPoint – How to Use it Correctly!

By: Author Shrot Katewa

Zoom Feature in PowerPoint – How to Use it Correctly!

It is hard to accept but even the most seasoned PowerPoint users find it hard to create a table of contents that is visually modern-looking and interactive! The “ Zoom ” feature can help not only with the table of contents but much more than that!

The zoom feature in PowerPoint helps create visual links between sections of your presentation. It makes the presentation interactive by adding a clickable thumbnail of a slide or a section in your presentation and allowing you to easily navigate within your presentation with cool effects!

Even if you use PowerPoint regularly, chances are you aren’t fully aware of the “Zoom” feature in PowerPoint.

And, by now if you are thinking about zooming in on the slides using the functions provided at the bottom-right corner of PowerPoint, then you really need to go through this article as you might not be aware of one of the most awesome features in PowerPoint called “ Zoom “.

1. What is Zoom in PowerPoint?

Imagine if you could just click on an image on your slide and it just zooms into that image, opening the section of your presentation that provides more information about that image! The “Zoom” feature in PowerPoint, does exactly that!

The zoom feature in Microsoft PowerPoint is a new feature that makes your presentations interactive and dynamic. Using the zoom feature in PowerPoint, you can create a zoom slide from which you can jump to and from specific slides or sections in any order you may need during the presentation.

Let’s explore this feature by checking out some of the different types of “zoom” that you can add to your presentation –

1a. Summary Zoom

The “Summary Zoom” in Microsoft PowerPoint is a landing page where you can see the summarized slides within a page.

In the summary zoom, you can select which slides to show. You can even create summary slides to show on the summary zoom. During the presentation, you can click on any slide on the summary to proceed according to the need of the audience rather than the preset slide progression.

1b. Section Zoom

In Microsoft PowerPoint, “Section Zoom” is a slide that contains the preview and the link to the sections within the presentation.

You can click on them to jump from one section to another to highlight the important parts of your presentation.

1c. Slide Zoom

The “Slide Zoom” feature in PowerPoint allows you to navigate freely through the slides in a presentation. In the slide zoom, you can add all the slides or a few selected slides.

From this section, you can move freely between slides, emphasize the important slides, and even cut the presentation short without seeming so to the audience.

2. How to Insert Slide Zoom in Microsoft PowerPoint?

To use the “Zoom” feature in PowerPoint, first, click on the “Insert” tab. Then, click on the “Zoom” button from the ribbon. Choose the type of zoom from “Summary”, “Section”, and “Slide” zoom. Next, select the slides from the window that pops up by holding the “Ctrl” key, and click on “Insert”.

Here’s a step-by-step process with visual aids on what you need to do –

Step-1: Click on the “Insert” tab

how to zoom presentation

The first step is to open the “Insert” menu. Click on the “Insert” tab which is located in the menu ribbon at the top of the screen.

Step-2: Click on the “Zoom” button

In the “Links” section of the “Insert” menu, click on the “Zoom” button. This will open a dropdown menu. Click on the “Slide Zoom” option from the dropdown menu.

Step-3: Choose the Slide and Click on “Insert”

how to zoom presentation

Clicking on the “Slide Zoom” option will open the “Insert Slide Zoom” dialog box.

Select the slides you want to include in the slide zoom and then click on the “Insert” button at the bottom of the dialog box. Now all you have to do is arrange the slides in the slide zoom according to your preference.

3. How to Edit Slide Zoom in PowerPoint?

Once you add the slide zoom to your presentation, you can easily edit it. To access the editing pane, all you have to do is click on the slide zoom. Then click on the “Zoom” tab in the menu ribbon.

3a. Change Borders in Slide Zoom

how to zoom presentation

To add or change the border of the slides in slide zoom, click on the “Zoom Border” option. In the dropdown menu, you can click on your preferred color for the border.

You can also click on the “Weight” option and select the border width from the secondary menu. To change the border design, click on the “Dashes” option.

3b. Add Effects in Slide Zoom

how to zoom presentation

You can add various effects in the slide zoom. To do so, you have to first click on a single or multiple slides in the slide zooms where you want to add effects.

Then click on the “Zoom Effects” option. In the dropdown menu, you can click on any effect option to open a secondary pop-up menu. Click on your preferred effect. You can add multiple effects on a single zoom slide.

3c. Remove Background in Slide Zoom

how to zoom presentation

In Microsoft PowerPoint slide zoom, you can remove the slide background of each slide in the slide zoom. Click on the “Zoom Background” option in the “Zoom Styles” section under the “Zoom” tab. This will remove the background of the selected slide.

4. How to Change Picture in Slide Zoom?

In Slide Zoom, the default thumbnail pictures are a screenshot of the slides. However, you can change the pictures if you want. All you have to do is follow the 4 easy steps.

Step-1: Click on the “Zoom” tab

how to zoom presentation

The first step is to click on the slide thumbnail that you want to change. Then click on the “Zoom” tab at which is the last tab in the menu ribbon.

Step-2: Click on the “Change Image” option

The second step is to click on the “Change Image” button which is the first option in the “Zoom Options” section of the “Zoom” menu (as shown in the image in step 1).

Then click on the “Change Image” option from the dropdown menu.

Step-3: Click on “From a File”

how to zoom presentation

When you click on the “Change Image” option, it will open a dialog box. In the “Insert Pictures” dialog box, click on the “From a File” option. This will open another dialog box.

Step-4: Click on the “Insert” button

how to zoom presentation

In the “Insert Picture” dialog box, click on the image which you want to add to the slide thumbnail in the slide zoom.

Then click on the “Insert” button at the bottom of the dialog box. In the slide zoom, the original thumbnail will be changed to the selected image.

4a. How to Reset Picture in Slide Zoom?

how to zoom presentation

Once you change the picture of the slide thumbnail in the PowerPoint slide zoom, you can revert it to the original thumbnail.

All you have to do is click on the “Change Image” button in the “Zoom” menu. Then click on the “Reset Image” option from the dropdown menu.

5. How to Stop Slide Zoom?

how to zoom presentation

In the Microsoft PowerPoint slide show, the presentation will return to the slide zoom, after each slide. To stop this, select the slide in the slide zoom and then click on the “Zoom” tab in the menu bar.

In the “Zoom” menu, click on the “Return to Zoom” option. The checkmark in the box next to it will disappear. This will stop the slides from returning to the slide zoom screen.

5a. How to Return to Slide Zoom?

how to zoom presentation

Once you stop the slide zoom on Microsoft PowerPoint, you can turn on the feature again. All you have to do is select the slide again and click on the “Zoom” tab. Then click on the box next to the “Return to Zoom” option.

The checkmark will appear again. Now the screen will return to the slide zoom after the selected slide during the presentation.

Credit to nakaridore (on Freepik) for the featured image of this article (further edited)

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How to zoom in on PowerPoint slides (3 different techniques)

  • PowerPoint Tutorials
  • Shortcuts & Hacks
  • December 27, 2017

How do you zoom in on something in PowerPoint without PowerPoint first centering in on your slide?

This was a great question we got from subscriber Derek (thanks Derek!).

And it’s not so intuitive…

For example, let’s say you want to zoom in on a specific icon or two to edit them, like in the picture below. How do you do it without scrolling around, driving yourself crazy?

Examples of things you might want to zoom in on on a PowerPoint slide

In this tutorial, you’ll learn 3 different ways to zoom in PowerPoint, plus a few sneaky places you might never have thought of zooming in PowerPoint before.

Looking for the NEW Zoom Transition?

If you want to learn all about the brand new Zoom Transition in PowerPoint that was added in 2016, see our other guide here .

The problem with the standard PowerPoint zoom

The problem with the standard PowerPoint zoom, is that PowerPoint automatically goes to the center of your slide as you zoom in.

The center zoom is great if the object that you want to edit is in the center of your slide, but if it’s not, that means you have to use the scroll bars to find what you are looking for.

The problem with the scroll bars is that they are hard to control, often jumping you over to the next slide as you try to find the object that you want to edit.

So instead of making your life easier (which is what they were designed to do), they make it harder.

3 Ways to Zoom in on an Object

how to zoom presentation

There are three different ways you can zoom in on a PowerPoint slide:

  • The View tab Zoom command (zoom dialog box)
  • The Zoom slider at the bottom of the screen
  • The CTRL + mouse spin wheel shortcut (my personal favorite because it’s universal, as you’ll see in a second)

If you are looking for the new zoom transition, you can learn more about what that is on the Microsoft blog here .

Pro Tip: Use the ‘Fit to Window’ tools

After zooming in on something in PowerPoint, you can quickly refit your PowerPoint window in one of two ways:

  • ‘Fit slide to current window’ in the lower right-hand corner your screen
  • ‘Fit to Window’ in the View tab

The two places where you can find the fit to slide commands

Zoom in on a Picture in PowerPoint

To zoom in a on a specific picture (or object) in PowerPoint, all you need to do is first select the object before you zoom. Once you select an object, any of the 3 zoom methods described above will zoom you specifically in on the object:

  • The zoom dialog box
  • The zoom slider
  • Using CTRL plus your mouse spin wheel

This zoom trick works on anything that you can select in PowerPoint, including zooming in on a table, zooming in on a chart, zooming in on a text box, etc.

Note:  If you are trying to zoom in on a picture to show a specific part of it, you can also just crop your picture down to the desired piece.

To learn all about how to crop pictures in PowerPoint,  read our step-by-step guide here .

If you have multiple objects that you want to zoom into and edit in PowerPoint, the fastest way to do that is to:

  • Select and zoom in on your first object
  • Edit or format your first object
  • Hit Fit Slide to Current Window
  • Select and zoom in on your second object
  • Edit or format your second object

If you have more than two objects, you can continue zooming in and out of your slide in this way to make all of your adjustments.

PowerPoint Thumbnail Zoom

Besides zooming in on a slide while editing it, you can also use the CTRL + mouse spin wheel shortcut to zoom in on the thumbnail images of your PowerPoint slides on the left.

Examples of zooming in and out of the thumbnail view in PowerPoint

Zooming in on the thumbnail images allows you to control how much of your presentation you see, and how much slide editing space you give yourself on the right.

Zooming in allows you to get a big thumbnail image of each of the preceding and following slides, while zooming out gives you an idea of how many slides are in your presentation.

Slide Sorter View Zoom

Another place you can zoom in PowerPoint to see the overall flow of your presentation, is Slide Sorter View. To open the Slide Sorter View, simply click the slide Sorter  command at the bottom of your screen.

The slide sorter command is at the bottom of the PowerPoint workspace window

All three zoom methods work in the Slide Sorter View:

Zooming in and out of the Slide Sorter View is useful when you want to see the overall flow of your slides within your presentation at varying levels of detail.

Slide Show View zoom

Two other places you can zoom in PowerPoint are the Slide Show Mode (F5) and Presenter View (SHIFT + F5) of your presentation. To see these PowerPoint shortcuts in action, check out the video below.

Start Slide Show PowerPoint Shortcuts

There are four keyboard shortcuts for starting slide show in PowerPoint:

Start slide show from the beginningF5
Start slide show from the current slideALT + F5
Start Presenter View from the beginningSHIFT + F5
Start Presenter View from the current slideALT + SHIFT + F5

Once you are in one of the presentation views of your slides, you can zoom in or zoom out by either using the CTRL + mouse spin wheel shortcut (if you have a mouse), or you can use the keyboard shortcuts listed below.

Zoom in (Slide Show Mode)CTRL + =
Zoom out (Slide Show Mode)CTRL + –
  • Zooming in allows you to focus on a specific section of your slide (focusing your audience’s attention on that section).
  • Zooming out allows you to see all the slides in your presentation as thumbnails.

View all slides view from the PowerPoint slide show mode

This is often an easier way to navigate the slides in your presentation if someone wants to go back and see something, rather than trying to remember where it was in your presentation.

Knowing how to properly zoom in and out of the objects you want to edit in PowerPoint will save you a ton of time.

The key to remember is that PowerPoint will use the object you have selected as the focal point of your zoom.

If you enjoyed this tutorial and want to learn more about our other PowerPoint tutorials and free resources,  visit us here .

What’s next?

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How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation on Zoom (Audio & Video)

Andrew Childress

In recent years, we’ve seen the rise of virtual meetings. It’s now possible to connect with a global team from anywhere! When you learn how to video record yourself presenting a PowerPoint on Zoom , your content is accessible to all.

Intro how to Record a PowerPoint presentation on Zoom

Sometimes, not everyone can attend a Zoom meeting in real-time. This is especially true if your team works across the globe. Luckily, there’s an easy solution! Let's learn how to record a PowerPoint presentation in Zoom.

Why You Should Learn To Record PowerPoint Presentations With Audio and Video

Work has changed. More than ever, you need ways to connect for meetings regardless of your team's location. Zoom is one of the most popular tools to do this.

Zoom is video-conferencing software used by millions. It’s popular because it's got a free tier, with options to upgrade to more robust plans. Zoom supports audio and video sharing, allowing you to virtually meet others face-to-face.

You can also share your screen, to show slide decks, text, video, and more. It’s a top option to share PowerPoint presentations with anyone. Learn how to record PowerPoint presentations with audio and video to pair it with Zoom.

How to record a PowerPoint presentation

With distributed teams, it's not always possible to coordinate a start time that everyone can agree on. Plus, it’s handy to review a meeting later. Perhaps attendees want to listen to what you said again. Luckily, there’s an easy solution! You need to know how to record a PowerPoint presentation in Zoom.

In moments, you've got an MP4 video file ready for sharing. To record PowerPoint with video in Zoom takes only a few quick steps. Let’s dive in.

Build the Perfect PowerPoint for Sharing

Before you learn how to record a PowerPoint presentation with video, you need a slide deck to share. Premium templates are your best option. These offer styling and features that you won’t get with a free option that you might find online. 

Envato Elements is a great option for this. At Elements, you’ll find thousands of PPT templates that you can share on Zoom. As a member, you've got unlimited download access. That means that you’re able to download and use as many of those templates as you want. 

Virtually record PowerPoint with video

For this tutorial, I’ll be using the beautiful Virtually PowerPoint template from Envato Elements. It’s a creative modern design with over 50 slides inside.

With your template open, you can start building a slide deck for sharing. As you work, know that PowerPoint slides meant for sharing online should be special. Keep the following design tips in mind to help ensure success:

  • Don’t crowd slides. When you’re sharing to record PowerPoint with video, slides will look smaller to your audience.
  • Use larger fonts. Fine print is hard to read on a screen, and even more so in a later video playback. Opt for large, readable text styles.
  • Illustrate! Photos, charts, and infographics keep things interesting. You need your slide deck to be clear, concise, and engaging.

With these ideas in mind, you’re ready to learn how to record yourself presenting a PowerPoint on Zoom. Learn more about the art of narration in PPT below:

how to zoom presentation

Prepare Your Zoom Meeting

To record PowerPoint presentations with audio and video slides, you need to open Zoom. You can use the Zoom desktop app, which is available for download. Or you can log into your Zoom account inside your favorite web browser.

If you already have a single meeting scheduled, you’ll see a thumbnail for it on the Home tab inside of Zoom. But if you've got many scheduled calls and invites, you’ll want to navigate to the Meetings tab. Here, you’ll find a complete list of Zoom meetings that you’re invited to. 

Record PowerPoint with video and save

As you can see above, I've got a meeting scheduled for today at 9:30 PM. The invite has been shared with others, and I'll be the host of the meeting. Imagine in this example that we want to share a PowerPoint deck and record it for others.

To make a good first impression with your audience, it’s helpful to prep your slide deck in advance. This helps you be ready to share when the time comes. You won’t have to scramble around for your files in front of viewers. I like to open my PowerPoint, then minimize it, before starting a meeting. This way, it’s ready to roll when it’s time to share. 

To begin the meeting, click Start. You’ll see the Join Audio menu appear. This lets you choose the audio source that you want to use to capture your narration. In this case, choose Join with Computer Audio. 

How to record a PowerPoint presentation with video

Optionally, you’ll have the option to test your speakers and microphone. If you’re working with a new setup, this is a great way to ensure that you’re capturing clear audio.

Now, you’re in your meeting. Watch as other participants appear. You’re ready to get started!

Learn more about PowerPoint Sharing on Zoom below:

how to zoom presentation

Begin Recording

With your meeting underway, your next step is to begin recording it. Optionally, you can start sharing slides before you begin recording. But I prefer to start the recording first. It’s easy to forget to turn on the recording once you've got slides displayed. And there’s nothing worse than reaching the end of a meeting and realizing that you’ve forgotten to record!

To begin a recording of a PowerPoint presentation, move your cursor over the menu bar in Zoom. It’s the series of options and buttons at the bottom of the app’s screen. First, make sure that your microphone isn’t muted. This setting is controlled by the Mute button, found on the left side of the menu bar. 

How to video record yourself presenting a PowerPoint on Zoom

To record your PowerPoint in Zoom, click Record . From this point on, anything you share on-screen or say aloud will be captured in your recording.

This is also true of other attendees. If they speak or ask questions, their voices will be captured in the PPT meeting recording. You also have the option of sharing video from your webcam. This way, viewers can watch you speak as you share your PowerPoint. This can be captured in your recording too. 

It's a good idea to mention to attendees if you're recording the meeting. This ensures they're able to consent to the recording. Plus, it lets them know that you'll have a copy available for review later. Do this at the beginning of your meeting so that all are aware of the recording process. 

Share Slides on Zoom

With your recording underway, it’s time to share your PowerPoint slide deck in Zoom. Once again, return to the menu bar at the bottom of the screen. This time, you’ll want to choose Share Screen . It’s easy to find, highlighted in green in the center of the menu.

Click on Share Screen, and a settings window opens. On its Basic tab, you’ll see several thumbnail buttons. These control the source that you want to share from. Usually, there will be tabs for every app open on your computer. Plus, there are options for a whiteboard, to connect an iPad, and more.

Share screen how to record a PowerPoint presentation

To see how to video record yourself presenting a PowerPoint on Zoom, click on the Microsoft PowerPoint thumbnail. Then, click Share.

PowerPoint appears on your screen. You can navigate through your slides as usual. You’ll see that a green box has appeared around the border of the PowerPoint window. This signifies that this area of the screen is being actively recorded. Anything outside of the green boundary won't be captured in your recording. 

As you can see, it’s easy to learn how to record a PowerPoint presentation in Zoom. It’s a useful way to share and preserve slide presentations for others in the future! 

For best results, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Narrate clearly and concisely. Remember, you’re being recorded! Speak clearly, at a cadence that’s easy to follow. Talk too fast and your words will be hard to understand.
  • Control sources of audio. Try and eliminate background noise from your environment. This keeps extra sounds from appearing in your recording. And be sure to ask other attendees to mute their mics, unless they've got a question. 
  • Use a clean, readable template. Premium templates like the Virtually PowerPoint deck have neatly-arranged slide layouts. These are easy for your audience to read. 

By embracing these ideas, you’re sure to make a winning impression. They help you build useful, enjoyable recordings for meeting participants to watch later. 

Save and Share the Finished Recording

When you’re finished presenting, it’s time to end the meeting and ready your recording for sharing. This is easy to do, and only takes a moment.

You’ll first want to stop sharing your PowerPoint slides when you’re finished. To do so, click Stop Sharing . This is highlighted in red on the menu bar. (It’s only visible when you're actively sharing). 

Then, end your meeting when you're ready. Click End , then End Meeting for All. Once you end a Zoom meeting, the app saves any recordings that you made during your meeting. For longer meetings, this may take a few moments. You can monitor the progress on the bar shown in the Conversion popup.

When the conversion process is complete, a Finder window opens. Inside it, you’ll see an MP4 video file. This is your converted meeting PowerPoint! You can watch it on your computer or mobile device. And it’s ready for sharing with others. 

Watch recording how to record a PowerPoint presentation with video

You’ve learned how to video record yourself presenting a PowerPoint on Zoom. As you can see, it’s amazingly easy to do! It’s the perfect way to ensure that everyone can hear and enjoy what you've got to share. It only takes a few clicks.

The Top Source for Shareable PowerPoint Templates in 2022 (With Unlimited Use)

As we’ve seen, premium templates are the best PowerPoint decks to share on Zoom. With expertly-built layouts and cool designs, they’re sure to help you succeed. The best source for these templates is Envato Elements .

Elements has a powerful offer: unlimited downloads. For a flat monthly rate, you can download and use as many PowerPoint templates as you want.

Join Elements record PowerPoint with video

With a vast library of thousands of custom PPT templates , you’re sure to find one that’s just right for you. 

Plus, Elements offers countless other creative assets. Among them, you’ll find custom fonts, stock photos, music, and more. As a PowerPoint presenter, you can make use of all of these. Together, they help you create stunning slide decks ready for sharing.

Explore PowerPoint Templates

Elements how to record a PowerPoint presentation

Consider the top advantages of Envato Elements:

  • Creative flexibility. Each template is fully editable by you. This lets you tailor each slide to your needs.
  • Time savings. Instead of building layouts from scratch, you’re simply filling in blanks. This gives you more time to focus on refining your message and preparing to present it.
  • Professional designs . Audiences will appreciate the stylish slides in your presentation. You’ll enjoy them as well, finding inspiring layouts in every template.

Envato Elements is the creative offer that you can’t afford to miss. Join today  and start exploring the vast library!

Now You Know How to Record PowerPoint Presentations With Audio and Video

You just learned how to record PowerPoint with video. This is a crucial skill for successful online meetings. 

Here's a challenge: before you schedule an in-person meeting, convert it to an online meeting instead. Now that you know how to record a PowerPoint presentation with audio and video, you can skip in-person meetings!

Andrew Childress


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    2. Use Zoom to present. Now that the windows have been separated, you can easily use Zoom to present the slideshow window. While in a meeting, click on the 'Share Screen' button and select the browser window with Google Slides on top. Finally, hit 'Share' to start the screen-sharing session.

  9. 8 tips on how to present over Zoom like a pro

    Our eight pro tips for presenting over Zoom may help you feel more prepared, comfortable, and confident. Read on to find out more. 1. Plan out your Zoom background/location ahead of time. You can ...

  10. The Ultimate Guide to Giving Virtual Presentations on Zoom

    Roughly speaking—and by that I mean super specific—the Ultimate Guide to Giving Virtual Presentations on Zoom contains six thematic parts, seventeen chapters, 29,584 words, eighty four precision-crafted interface screenshots to show you how to do cool things, high-production instructional videos full of fun, insights, marvellous techniques to marvel at, and did I mention that it's twenty ...

  11. How to Present PowerPoint Slides in Zoom

    Navigate to Window, select the PowerPoint window, and click Share . Ensure your PowerPoint window is maximized and running in the background, or it won't appear under the Window tab. Zoom automatically switches to the PowerPoint window with a mini-toolbar at the bottom that lets you know you're sharing the window. Click Hide to hide the toolbar.

  12. 5 Ways To Make Zoom Presentations Engaging And Irresistible

    In fact, change the content format every two to four minutes to keep things dynamic and magnetic. 4. Heighten the humanity. If you're delivering a presentation from a stage, it's automatically ...

  13. How to Ace Your Zoom Presentation: Tips for Successful ...

    Once you understand what Zoom presentations are and the tips for Zoom presentations, it is time to give the presentation using Zoom. Let's see this step by step: Step 1. Open the PowerPoint file you want to present. Step 2. Join the Zoom meeting and click on the Share Screen icon in the meeting control panel at the bottom of your screen.

  14. 11 Essential Tips for Presenting on Zoom

    These Zoom presentation tips will help grow your competence, confidence and success. 1. Put some trousers on! One of the great things about Zoom presentations is there is a degree of informality and comfort. You can dress just your top half smartly, have a hot beverage just off-screen, and do your best public speaking in familiar surroundings.

  15. How to Share a PowerPoint on Zoom

    To record yourself giving a PowerPoint presentation on Zoom, launch Zoom and PowerPoint; be sure to close all other applications. Create a new Zoom meeting, select Share Screen, select your PowerPoint presentation, and click Share. Launch your PowerPoint slideshow. In Zoom, choose Record > Record on This Computer.

  16. How to Screen Share a PowerPoint Presentation in Zoom

    At the bottom of the Zoom meeting window, click "Share Screen." If you're using a single monitor, you will immediately start sharing your screen. If you're using dual monitors, you'll need to click the screen that your presentation will be shared on. In our case, that will be "Screen 2." To begin sharing that screen, click "Share" at the bottom ...

  17. How to Zoom In and Out on Part of a PowerPoint Presentation

    Select the magnifying glass from the presenter view and then click the part of the slide you want to zoom. Once zoomed in, you can click and drag to move the slide around. When you're finished, click the magnifying glass again to zoom back out. One last tip: In both normal and slideshow view, you can hold the Ctrl key while scrolling your ...

  18. How to Add Section and Slide Zooms in Microsoft PowerPoint

    Click the Zoom drop-down arrow and pick "Section Zoom." In the Insert Section Zoom window that appears, check the box next to the section you want to use. You can also include zooms for multiple sections. Click "Insert." You'll see the Section Zoom pop onto your slide.

  19. Zoom Feature in PowerPoint

    To use the "Zoom" feature in PowerPoint, first, click on the "Insert" tab. Then, click on the "Zoom" button from the ribbon. Choose the type of zoom from "Summary", "Section", and "Slide" zoom. Next, select the slides from the window that pops up by holding the "Ctrl" key, and click on "Insert". Here's a step ...

  20. Complete Guide to Presenter View in Zoom

    Start Presenter View Preview by pressing Alt+F5. In Zoom, share a portion of the screen from the Advanced sharing options. Make the current slide larger in Presenter View and adjust the sharing rectangle so you just share the current slide portion of the screen in Zoom. Deliver your presentation. Full detailed article.

  21. How to zoom in on PowerPoint slides (3 different techniques)

    ALT + SHIFT + F5. Once you are in one of the presentation views of your slides, you can zoom in or zoom out by either using the CTRL + mouse spin wheel shortcut (if you have a mouse), or you can use the keyboard shortcuts listed below. Zoom in (Slide Show Mode) CTRL + =. Zoom out (Slide Show Mode) CTRL + -.

  22. 16 Ways to Make Your Zoom Presentations Interactive & Engaging

    Co-create a Google Doc. Ahead of the session, create a Google Doc, and invite participants to edit. Post the link to the Google Doc in "Chat" and have participants add to the document in real ...

  23. How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation on Zoom (Audio & Video)

    To begin a recording of a PowerPoint presentation, move your cursor over the menu bar in Zoom. It's the series of options and buttons at the bottom of the app's screen. First, make sure that your microphone isn't muted. This setting is controlled by the Mute button, found on the left side of the menu bar.