– Collections of Essay for Students of all Class in English

Essay on a Strange Dream

Stange Dream

It is quite common that people have dream, we still don’t know why we see dreams. They are illusions of brain and a story of creature that we see in life. The dreams are sometimes soothing and make people feel happy and energetic. But sometimes the scenario is different. Some dreams can be so terrifying and can lead to issues like tension and depression because of their strange nature and some unexplainable terms.

Short and Long Essay on Why Did I Have a Strange Dream (Strange Dreamscape) in English

Here are some essays that mention stories of explaining about a strange dream.

10 Lines Essay on Why Did I Have a Strange Dream (100-120 Words)

1) Yesterday when I was sleeping, I saw a strange dream.

2) In my dream, I found myself in an unknown place.

3) It was very dark and I was unable to see anyone.

4) I started running and came to a garden.

5) There I saw a color-changing fruit and decided to eat it.

6) As I ate that fruit my height decreased.

7) I became so tiny that nobody could find me.

8) I was so afraid and cried loudly.

9) As I shouted, my parents came and they woke me up.

10) I narrated my dream to my parents and we all laughed so much.

Short Essay – 300 Words


Tonight when I was asleep, I had a very strange dream. I don’t know what exact things were but I remember much of the details. It however haunted me but I tried to cope up with it. Some of the characters in the dream are not even known to me. The dream was so strange that I woke up immediately.

The Strange Dream

It might be around 3 AM in the night when I suddenly woke up and was trying to figure out what actually happened with me. It was a silent and a dark place where I was there went with my two friends Rahul and Arun. We saw a broken car which was shaking continuously, we decided to go there. When we went there, there were smells that was making the place so weird and uncomfortable to go. We still went and suddenly we saw a big creature running away from the car. We were horrified. We decided to go back by running on the way back to home while running the same creature came with a speed and attacked us and I woke up.

Effects of my Strange Dream

I was terrified as the creature was unknown and was horrible. I woke up with suddenness and had a glass of water. The dream was so strange that I didn’t want to stay alone even in the daylight. I couldn’t sleep for weeks with lights of in my room for weeks. I used to think twice before going to some places in night. It created a place in mind for a while.

I was in immense fear and sometimes I slept with my mother father. To overcome the fear I started chanting Hanuman Chalisa and started doing meditation so that I can feel positive. Although, I have overcome with the fear but in some cases whenever I remember that night I get goose bumps.

Here is another essay which is longer in format and has explained a story of a strange dream with different points in an elaborated way. These resources may provide students with ideas for essays, projects, and assignments.

Long Essay – 1200 Words

Dreams can be good and bad. We see a lot of dreams and it is a creation of our brain. Some dreams are strange and suspicious which can totally take place in anyone’s brain which can affect anyone in many ways. Here is a story of mine where I had a very strange dream. I have mentioned this as an essay with numerous points telling different aspects of a strange dream that I had in my past. I hope you to take this as a positive message because negative things can stay long but positives take time.

Back in 2015, it was summer holidays of class 10 th . We were at my mom’s uncle’s house. It is situated beside a big farm or we can say field. We always used to go to the farm because it was a lusty green farm and was so clean. We even used to play cricket in that farm. As it was summer, all the gents were used to sleep in the open area of the house or we can say the gallery or veranda. I was sleeping on my bed and soon after midnight we started feeling cold and the weather automatically changed. We were having thin blankets which we used. Since it was a rural area, the visibility is very low at night and at that time, the rural areas were not getting sufficient amount of light.

I was having a great sleep as I played whole day and was tired a lot. I had a problem of waking up with a mere movement and my cousin brother Rohan who was sleeping beside me was having problem of speaking in dreams. To deal with this I got away from him and chose a place away from everyone. In the middle of night I saw some scenes that horrified me and made me wake up.

What was the dream?

By the time I was in deep sleep I experienced something uneven. I was automatically going away from everyone. It was like someone is sliding me towards itself. I am shouting but no one is able to listen. Suddenly the sliding stopped and I reached to a house where everything was white and the house was big. The house was some touch of my own home in city but it was big and had a lot of rooms. I went in and tried to explore the house. When I entered the house I saw some beautiful ancient things which can fascinate any historian. They had some weapons used in the world War and war against the Britishers. Later I moved to a room where I saw Sameer who was saying asking me to close the door. I don’t know what he was doing there.

Then when I moved to other room I was happy as I saw my father who was sitting on a chair and reading his favorite book. I was happy as I saw him after 2 weeks. He asked about my health and told me to focus on studies as boards are coming. He then told me to move to the kitchen to have some food.

When I moved to kitchen, I met a house care taker Bhaiyalal. I asked him about his health and he gave me my food. He then warned me not to go to the room at the last. I asked him why I shouldn’t go there, he then said you just don’t need to do go there. I said ok and moved ahead. I was so mischievous that I decided to go to that room and I saw that the room was dark and was not looking welcoming. I still went in, turned out my mobile phone’s flash and found out that the room was not cleaned for ages.

There were things broken and rodents made home there. I then discovered a carton which was filled of books and had a lot of dust which I removed. I opened a book which had some unexplained drawings which I couldn’t figure out. Soon I opened the last page I didn’t know what happened and I woke up immediately. The place I was sleeping was started feeling uncomfortable, I was a bit afraid, I woke up my brother, told him about everything and he stood awake with me to heal me. Later, we both slept.

After Effects of the dream

The dream had its effects for a while which had problems of making me think about the house continuously. I was trying to figure out who was Bhaiyalal and why Sameer was there and what had the book. Also, I was not able to go to that place where I changed to sleep. I even felt uncomfortable while being alone. I believe that it was a nightmare that haunted me.

The dream also led me think a lot, probably thinking issues. These thinking issues led me to a state of mind where I reached sleep paralysis. In sleep paralysis I was not able to move my body for a while and even can’t speak. It felt like someone is there in my room and is staring at. These situations didn’t harm my body but was affecting me mentally and it occurred at a regular intervals.

Even, I stopped going to play in the farm for some days. However, I remember very less about the dream in the morning but the scenes that always bothered are still in my head which still sometimes affect me. I was not able to have good sleep resulting in the situation where I couldn’t sleep for couple of days until I firmly decided to overcome the fear.

How did I cope up?

The fear was not able to make do alt of things. I also watched some horror movies earlier and every time I go to sleep or sit alone I immediately connect it with that dream and made me think about the dream. Then I decided to move further and get rid of this. I started to go to nearest temple once a week and started worshipping god. Also, I changed my routine to wake up early so that I can do mediation.

To take the thoughts away from the dream I focused on my sweet memories and goods that happened to me and what are my plans for future. Whenever, we clean something it leaves a lot of stain, same happened in my case during the time of healing and intoxications, I was having sleep paralysis for about thrice a month. This series of event conducted for 3 months until I overcome the issues. I build up concentration which later led me to overcome my fear within a month and I was happy with that. I still follow the routine as it makes me feel positive.

Some dreams are horrifying and it is also common that people get involved in the dream a lot. A movie called nightmare of the Elm Street is based on this issue which can terrify anyone. It is important to keep concentrating on our work and all I can conclude is having meditated body and positive vibes can make you feel good and make you overcome fears. These strange dreams can be devastating so we should make a positive aura around us so that no negative thoughts can harm us at any point.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans. Strange Dreams can affect mental health.

Ans. Sleep Paralysis is a condition when someone is awake but can’t move their body and feels someone’s presence.

Ans. We can avoid strange dreams by thinking positive and good.

Ans. A good sleep is considered to be a sleep without any dream.

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Seven brilliant student essays on your wildest dreams for 2020.

Read winning essays from our spring 2020 student writing contest.

an unusual dream essay for class 8

For the spring 2020 student writing contest, we invited students to read the YES! article “ Alicia Garza: How to Prepare for 2020 ” by Kate Werning. Alicia Garza, co-founder of #BlackLivesMatter offered this advice, “Clarity inside of chaos can help us find direction when it seems like everything around us is unstable.” Lots of things may keep students up at night or make them anxious. Students wrote about what they might accomplish in their wildest dreams for themselves or for this nation—and the steps they would take to make this vision a reality.


From the hundreds of essays written, these seven were chosen as winners. Be sure to read the author’s response to the essay winners and literary gems that caught our eye.

You can hear four students read their winning essays on the Irresistible podcast. Be prepared to be inspired! Thank you to author and Irresistible’s founding director Kate Werning for sharing these powerful stories.

Middle School Winner: Theo Cooksey

High School Winner: Kira Walter

University Winner: Athina Amanor

Powerful Voice Winner: Sary Barrios

Powerful Voice Winner: Avery Chase

Powerful Voice Winner: Daniel Cook

“Can I Dream?” Winner: Maitreya Motel

From the author Kate Werning: Response to Essay Winners

Literary gems, middle school winner.

Theo Cooksey

Brier Middle School, Brier, Wash.

an unusual dream essay for class 8

Looking Back to Move Forward

I’ve never really looked at long-term goals for myself, as Alicia Garza suggests in the YES! article “How to Prepare for 2020” by Kate Werning. Other than my goal of reaching Eagle Scout before I turn 18, I tend to live day to day. I’m 13, so shouldn’t I just, well, be a kid? Isn’t goal planning and future planning something adults do? To be honest, when I read the article and learned what the topic was, I locked up like a clam. Sharing dreams of how I could positively change the world makes me uncomfortable. Why would I open myself up to that level of critique, especially in middle school? Although I would love to see advancements to reduce the effects of climate change and uneven wealth distribution, I can’t visualize myself impacting these issues right now.

This led me to wonder why I stopped thinking about my ability to influence the future in a way where anything is possible. What made me narrow my scope and start looking down, rather than seeing my potential? I believed I couldn’t possibly change the world if I could hardly impact myself. If you’re always working hard at fitting into a world by other’s standards, how do you have time to dream of your possibilities? This made me ask, “When did I allow this box to contain me?” When I realized I wasn’t accepted as myself.

When I was young, I possessed an immense personality that couldn’t be contained. I was a giant, perpetual motor hurling questions, wanting answers, always moving. However, over years of school, my personality withered, and my motor followed suit. Going from a storm to no more than a summer breeze, my motor was barely able to push paper. Why did that happen? I quieted my voice, so I wouldn’t be told I was too loud. I suppressed my motor, so I wouldn’t be told to stop moving. I spoke less so I wouldn’t constantly be told to stop talking and stop interrupting. 

After spending so much energy shrinking my personality, I hardly had time to look up and think about what I wanted to do. How do I get back to looking up and out into the world? I believe that this assignment has given me the chance to start doing just that. As I uncoil the past, undo the steps and remember the moments that quieted and contained me, stole my voice, and seized my motor, I am determined to recreate what I lost. I will slowly rebuild my motor into an impervious hurricane that will break out of the box that limited me. My opinion will not be hidden from others.

As I lift my head up, I will start with the small things and my familiar spaces. For me, these are working on what affects me directly, like school and what I enjoy outside of school. I will build the forge in our backyard with my dad to pursue blacksmithing together. I will continue to hone my skills in archery. I will dust off my trumpet and give myself the chance to hit the high notes. I will earn Life Scout rank to put me one step closer to Eagle Scout. By keeping my head up and moving forward with a plan, I no longer need to be the kid who internalized everything.

Becoming a better me now, at 13, will make me a better person who may just be able to influence climate change and build a more equitable wealth distribution system when I get older.

Theo Cooksey, an eighth grader from Lynnwood, Washington, is an avid reader and video game player. Theo plays the euphonium and trumpet, and is an expert in Star Wars movies and music. During the COVID-19 quarantine, he is learning to bake and is building a forge.

High School Winner

Kira Walter

Mamaroneck High School, Mamaroneck, N.Y.

an unusual dream essay for class 8

Turning Flowers to Trees

 Maybe we used to be trees. Rainforests of friendly monsters, scraping the sky, communicating, and reaching the sun. Maybe roots used to run where we couldn’t see them, connecting us to each other and spreading through the world like telephone lines across our continent. But somehow, though the earth stayed warm and the rain fell on our soil, we evolved from trees into flowers. Flowers alone in our own empty fields, roots too short to reach anything. 

At a high school with over 1,000 students, I notice how we pass each other on the street, in the hallway, lucky if our eyes meet for a moment, if our hearts touch for a second. We are isolated. Although I hope for a world where none go hungry, where violence is absent, where rivers breathe with cold clean life, and wild creatures run through lush green forests, I first hope for a world where we can connect. A world where America’s youth doesn’t have to contemplate whether it is better to live in the light or commit suicide in the darkness. 

My wildest dream for this nation is that people will reach out to those suffering, to America’s youth whose second leading cause of death is suicide. It was not too long ago that a friend approached me about trying to take her own life; she locked herself in a bathroom filled with poisonous gas, waiting for her breath to go soft and blow out like a candle in the wind. We had always been distant, but she chose to share her secret with me because she had no one else to share it with.  

According to the Jason Foundation, 3,069 high schoolers in the U.S. attempt suicide every day. Among this group, four out of five leave clear signs of depression. So why do so many signs, such as drug use, sleep shortages or extreme mood swings, go unnoticed? The answer is isolation. People are so separate from each other that the chances of being discovered are nearly impossible. Although many try to ascribe teen suicide to the pressures of excelling both academically and socially, overcoming these obstacles can be easier than they seem. Easier as long as students have someone to support them through struggles. 

Many teenagers who take their lives are members of healthy families and are surrounded by friends, but they feel as if they can’t share their troubles with them. They fear that this would be a burden on those they care about and so they remain silent. Teens let dangerous secrets collect like water droplets in a jar. One day, this jar reaches its capacity, problems overcome them, and alone, they surrender. In Kate Werning’s YES! article “How to Prepare for 2020,” Alicia Garza explains that “clarity inside of chaos can help us find direction when it seems like everything around us is unstable.” I dream our community will teach suffering teens to find that clarity – that we will help them blossom on a path to success. 

In modern-day society, too many people shame others for attempting suicide. They identify them as troubled and accuse them of being too weak to deal with life’s challenges. To combat suicide, I’ll make sure to do the opposite. I’ll reach out, check in with, and cheer up my peers. I’ll try to comfort those in need of comfort. Because in an ever-changing world of frightening dangers and darkness, we need to be trees with roots linked together in harmonious peace. We need to support each other into a new decade, out of the shadows and towards the sun.

Kira Walter is a sophomore at Mamaroneck High School in New York. Kira writes for the school newspaper and plays on the varsity tennis team. She has enjoyed studying classical piano since she was five years old and volunteers for the American Legion in her free time. When she grows up, Kira aspires to continue her passion for writing.

University Winner

Athina Amanor

Spring Hill College, Mobile, Ala.

an unusual dream essay for class 8

Woman with No Nation

“You sound like a white girl.” “You’re an American baby now.” “Wow, you actually speak very good English.” “Did you live in a tree?” 

As a Ghanaian immigrant living in the United States, I’ve heard it all. Statements from my own family members living back home and from friends I’ve made in this foreign land serve as reminders that there really isn’t a place for me. I’m too American to be African, yet I am too African to be American. Even college professors have laughed while a fellow student mocked a group of African languages by clicking his tongue at me and asking,  “What did I just say in your language?” disregarding my offense and reinforcing ignorance. Many of my anxieties and doubts about self-worth stem from these types of interactions. I have adapted, self-monitoring to the highest degree, in order to be more palatable and to fit in. 

As an outwardly appearing “African American,” I fight negative stereotypes when interacting with white people, striving for excellence in both academics and athletics and hoping to outrun stereotypes and shatter prejudices. Within the African American community, I appear as a poser. I walk, talk, and think too differently to be welcomed there either. For my relatives, I speak too “American,” too fast, and I stress all the wrong syllables. I’ve carefully created so many personalities, slipping out of one skin and into the next to appease others, that I hardly recognize my true self. So, when I hear words like,” go back to your country,” a tidal wave of confusion hits me. Sometimes I wish I could, but I know the same alienation I feel here would be waiting for me in Ghana because I would still be seen as an outsider. I am a woman with no nation. I worry about being viewed as second class, about not being awarded the same rights and freedoms, about losing my culture, and about losing irreplaceable familial relationships. 

So, what in my wildest dreams do I wish for this nation? I wish for acceptance. I wish for understanding. I wish for kindness and an egalitarian mindset for all. I wish for the extinction of xenophobia and the predominance of support. I wish for a community in which I do not feel the need to prove I am not a threat, where my culture is not a trend, and above all else, where being me is enough. My wishes may seem far-fetched and on par with beauty queens claiming to want nothing more than world peace, but I am aware that I must make efforts on my own behalf and not simply put wishes out into the world.

In this new decade, I continue to fight for my dream by working with refugees and  building bridges between them and other volunteers as both groups work together to create a safe space filled with the same friendship and sense of belonging that I’ve craved for myself. I continue to make strides towards my dream by rejoicing in differences and staying open to immersing myself in new experiences without judgment. I continue to make leaps in my effort to make my dream a reality by engaging in intercultural, interreligious, and interracial dialogues, fanning the flames of mutual understanding.

And, as I look at the next ten years, I plan to make bounds towards realizing my dream by doing something we all struggle to do in life:  to discover who I am outside of the carefully curated personalities I put on and give that person all the support and acceptance I so willingly give to others yet constantly deny myself. This new decade demands that I stop viewing my self-ascribed status as a woman with no nation as weakness, and make way for the potential it holds. 

Athina Amanor is a Ghanaian immigrant who recently completed her undergraduate coursework in cellular and molecular biology. As a recently retired student-athlete, Athina enjoys staying active by taking long walks, going for short runs, and playing tennis with her older brothers. She hopes that her concern for the human condition and openness to helping others serve her well as she pursues a career in pediatric cardiology.

Powerful Voice Winner

Sary Barrios

an unusual dream essay for class 8

A Borderless World

As I walk into the kitchen, I see both of my grandmas stirring the masa and my mom putting the tamales de carne on the stove and cutting different fruits to boil in the pot for caliente . It’s Noche Buena and my dad, my siblings, and I are hanging ornaments and lights. At the bottom of the tree, we arrange the Three Wise Men and the animals on one side, Mary and Joseph on the opposite side of each other, and place Jesus in his manger at the center of them all. Lastly, we put the star on top of the tree, and turn on the beautiful lights. At 8 p.m., we gather around the table to eat. We pray to God for all the good things he has brought to us in the past year. Then, we pass the tamales de carne around, talk about our family in Guatemala and how they’d decorate their tree with clementines and light fireworks at Christmas, and laugh at my brother’s jokes. Everyone is together in one place, one day, one moment. But that’s all a dream.

Instead, it’s only my parents and me at the table. Some people are able to see their family every single day or at least once a week, but my parents are forbidden to see their relatives. They went through a lot to get here, and they’ve never gone back to Guatemala. While they are grateful for the opportunities here, the borders they crossed are like a cage, keeping them from seeing their loved ones. So when I dream of a better future, I dream of a world without borders.

These boundaries keep our families apart. A few months before I was born, my dad received a call: my grandpa had passed. My dad had a hard time dealing with not being able to see his father during those last few days he was alive. This was devastating. I see other kids with their siblings, playing soccer, bonding, and telling each other jokes, but I only see my siblings every two years if I’m lucky. I can’t imagine how I would feel if my siblings were here. I know I wouldn’t feel as lonely as I do now. 

It’s not easy to be a child of immigrants, feeling scared every second of your life, and constantly thinking about “what ifs.” Last summer, when I was at camp in Maine, miles away from my parents, immigration police arrived on my first day. I wasn’t allowed to contact anyone, and I had a meltdown. It was heart-wrenching to think about being separated from my parents, and yet these borders have stopped my parents from doing the same—seeing their mothers forever. Can you imagine not being able to see your mother?

A borderless world is like an eagle soaring through the sky, completely free. In a borderless world, families would be united and everyone would live without fear of someone searching for them. In her YES! article “Alicia Garza: How to Prepare for 2020, author Kate Werning says, “We are often called to reflect on our lives, and how we want to mobilize for ourselves and our communities.” I often reflect on this beautiful dream that one day our world would be borderless, a dream that I will fight for.   

At the camp in Maine, I learned about the Hawaiian word ohana . Ohana is the spirit of family togetherness. It means that no one is ever going to be forgotten or left behind; they are stuck with each other no matter what. Ohana can also mean “nest,” which is where birds go to be safe with their families. Just like birds, immigrants want to be with their families in a safe space. Everyone together in one place, one day, one moment. 

Sary Barrios is a Guatemalan American student at Mamaroneck High School. Sary’s passion is to help others and give back to those who are in need of more. She has a huge love for her heritage and family.

Avery Chase

Kirkwood High School, Kirkwood, Mo.

an unusual dream essay for class 8

There is a French photographer who said: “I will never be able to take a picture as beautiful as I see it in my eyes.”

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a rare disease—there are less than 200,000 patients in the U.S. I was a competitive gymnast at nine years old. At a tournament,  I awkwardly dismounted from the bars and landed on my ankle. That moment changed my life. For the next eighteen months, I saw six doctors, four therapists, and three psychologists, took three  trips to different pain clinics, and missed about 100 days of school to search for answers to “the sprained ankle that could.” I was one of the “lucky” ones. That summer was a revolving door of experts dismissing me one after another.

The pain I experienced was beyond my ankle. I understand that I grew up differently, that most kids don’t divide their family moving cross-country for chronic pain rehabilitation. I have been living with CRPS for nine years—with a brief remission circa seventh grade—and a prognosis of “years to a lifetime.” Some days I’m better at accepting what I know and what I don’t. Other days it’s easier to lie in bed complacent to the pain. No matter what type of mindset, I must constantly strive to recover and hide disappointment every day that wasn’t pain-free. Outsiders haven’t seen the pictures I’ve seen—not through my eyes. Outsiders don’t know what it’s like to watch a 70-year-old squat better than you or realize that the only “record” you hold is “Longest-Stayed Patient,” not “Highest All-Around Score” in a gymnastics meet (where I really wanted to be).

It’s difficult to paint a picture of when my body physically shakes uncontrollably. My eyes scan it slowly, realizing my helplessness. Or the picture of mornings I wake up with a split lip after having habitually chewed it. Or the days I wish I wasn’t a breathing mortgage for my parents. Or the nights I spend praying for the safety switch, trusting my body will scientifically pass out if pain exceeds a threshold. There are still stories that I can’t tell and stories I don’t want to remember.

In psychologists’ offices, I go mad trying to cling onto any word I can to describe my pain, and, too often, I fail. In my wildest dream, I’m able to paint the masterpiece that finally allows people to understand the years and tears. Currently, I am trying for a picture-perfect life. I’m taking steps to overcome my highest anxieties by listening to doctors, pushing through compulsions, getting out of bed, and challenging cognitive distortions. I am living the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. I know that the steps to overcome Chronic regional pain syndrome don’t necessarily mean a pain-free life. I can’t change the existence of the problem itself, but I can change the way I deal with the problem. In my wildest dream I can accept myself and whatever I accomplish, even if it is not perfect.  I can learn to accept that CRPS and everything it comes with will always be a part of my life, my disappointments, and my triumphs.

The pain translates to today. Every day, I make decisions based on that gymnastics meet nine years ago and the hundreds of hours of doctor’s appointments and clinic visits throughout the years. I wonder who I’d be if I skipped gymnastics that night. If Boston is simply a city with smart colleges, not just medical treatments. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to understand a life without my pain. What I do understand though is that being healed won’t change me. I know how it has influenced me, but I doubt I will ever stop learning either. For that reason, my life is a life with CRPS, with and without pain. I am who I am because of these experiences and the circumstances I have yet to face.

Avery Chase lives in St. Louis, Missouri, the city with the most neurotic weather in the country. Avery coaches gymnastics in her free time and has an irrational fear of cats. She plans to attend Kansas University and study social work.

Daniel Cook

an unusual dream essay for class 8

Fighting the Undertow

Have you ever been caught in an undertow? Imagine swimming through waves—feeling the cool rush send a shock through your body— when a force begins pulling you away from the shore. You try swimming back to the beach but feel the current’s grip dragging you farther out to sea. After a minute, your arms and legs begin hurting. You start choking on water as you gasp for air. You attempt to yell for help only to be choked on by more water. Your mind is in a state of panic as your body begins shutting down. Suddenly, you remember what your parents told you, “Swim parallel to the shore.” You turn and start swimming again. Every muscle screams in agony, but you keep fighting. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, the force stops. Relief floods your mind. You slowly swim to the shore and crawl onto the sand. Falling flat on your back, you breathe peace back into your soul. 

Life is full of undertows. Today we are faced with so much political and social injustice that many people feel as if they are caught in an undertow of emotions. I was caught in this particular undertow for a while. As a gay male living in the Deep South, I have struggled with finding my place in society. I have often asked myself questions such as  “Who do I want to become?,” “What do I stand for?,” and “How can I help others?.” With the start of the new year, I have decided it is time to face these questions. 

I am an activist at heart. It is my purpose. With the help of the YES! article “How to Prepare for 2020” and Alicia Garza, I was able to pinpoint objectives that I should focus on instead of aimlessly treading through life, being swept further away from my goals. I want to be able to hold my husband’s hand in public without eyes glaring in our direction. I want to have a place of worship that accepts me. I want to be able to enroll my children in school without the fear of them being bullied for having gay parents. I want a job without having the fear of being dismissed because of my sexuality. I want to be seen as an equal instead of as an “other.” And most of all, I want to live in a world where I don’t have to fear being murdered like Matthew Shepard. 

In order to achieve all of this for myself and people like me, I have to be more active. The article helped me outline steps I can take within the next year to help myself and others in the LGBTQ+ community. These steps include getting involved with a local LGBTQ+ activist organization, getting trained in how to provide safe spaces for people to freely discuss issues affecting them, and reading more literature and research on LGBTQ+ issues while  making these resources more available to the public. If I can conquer these steps, I will have made 2020 worth wild. 

2020 is the year I have decided I will no longer be a victim of the undertow. By focusing on my goals and following steps to achieve them, I will have the knowledge and ability to get out of the treacherous current of fear and anxiety about being who I am. I will no longer drown in the self-doubt accompanied by not knowing what I stand for. I will glide through the waters of hate and social injustice and hopefully arrive one day on the shores of equality, love, and acceptance. 

Daniel Cook is a proud gay man. Daniel was born and raised in Alabama and embraces his Southern roots while also advocating against the social injustices around him. He wants to use his privilege to help others have their voices heard and dreams of a world where all lives are valued and no one is considered an “other.”

“Can I Dream?” Winner

Maitreya Motel

High Meadow School, Rosendale, N.Y.

an unusual dream essay for class 8

Can I Dream?

How do you dream in a nightmare? How do you solve a puzzle when half of the pieces have been stolen? I remember being barely twelve years old when the shooting happened at Parkland. My dad held onto me like I would vanish any second, sobbing while we listened to the news. 

When you’re 12 years old, you’ve thought about death a lot in theory, but rarely in a way that’s grounded in reality. You normally aren’t considering, “Oh, it could happen like this. Someone could have a gun and you could be in the bathroom at the wrong time. Someone could have a gun and your sixth-grade classmates could sneeze at the wrong moment. Someone could have a gun and shoot you. And you won’t be able to say goodbye to your mom and dad or tell them how much you love them. When’s recess?” 

I guess kids used to dream about being movie stars and star football players and millionaires. Now, I look around and we’re praying to make it through high school. And beyond that? Will the planet be liveable? Will our kids be okay? We want answers and guarantees. Are there any guarantees anymore? Our dreams are survival based. How much can you dream before waking up again? 

But I do have a dream.

My dream is to have the luxury of dreaming. My dream is to live in a world where what matters most is that new movie or first date. My dream is for us to be kids again instead of feeling like the future is on our shoulders. If I lived in this world, I could breathe again. Maybe, just this once, I’d get to sleep.

Maitreya Motel, an eighth-grade student at High Meadow School in New York, has been writing and producing her political Vlog “Eye On Politics” since age 10. Maitreya has been a featured speaker at women’s marches, climate change events, and political rallies, and is a member of her town’s youth commission and her county’s climate-smart commission. Her best pals are her two rescue dogs, Jolene and Zena. 

an unusual dream essay for class 8

Dear Theo, Kira, Athina, Sary, Avery, Daniel,  Maitreya,

Thank you so much for sharing your writing with all of us (and some of you have shared your essays in your own voice on the podcast, too!). It takes guts to be real and vulnerable in public—to share your struggles and to be audacious enough to have dreams & compelling visions in a world where there is so much suffering.

At Irresistible , we believe that healing and social transformation are deeply connected— and that a critical foundation for both is radical honesty. To face where we feel vulnerable and afraid and powerless. Where we’ve been humiliated, shortchanged, discriminated against, or told to give up. To really feel into those places, because our deepest truth is what connects us and can become the source of our greatest power. We have to be real with ourselves about what hurts and scares us most, and connect with others’ heartbreaks and fears to move in a journey toward change together.

I see that courage in each of you. Avery, we feel you so deeply when you say “It’s difficult to paint a picture of when my body physically shakes uncontrollably. My eyes scan it slowly, realizing my helplessness.” Athina, we connect when you talk about feeling like a “woman with no nation.” Theo, I remember when I’ve been there too when you say “Sharing dreams of how I could positively change the world makes me uncomfortable. Why would I open myself up to that level of critique, especially in middle school?”

Yet despite the discouragement and pain, you still have big dreams—and I want to live in these worlds you are visioning! Maitreya’s world, where kids “have the luxury of dreaming.”Sary’s “borderless world [that] is like an eagle, soaring through the sky, completely free.” Daniel’s world where he is “able to enroll [his] children in school without the fear of them being bullied for having gay parents.” I want to follow your leadership and the leadership of youth organizers all over the country—you truly are “ Generation Transformation .”

As Kira paints for us, “Maybe roots used to run where we couldn’t see them, connecting us to each other and spreading through the world like telephone lines across our continent.” I see each of you growing those intertwining roots through your commitments to working with refugees, volunteering with your local LGBTQ+ activist organization, and training your bodies and minds toward your goals.

Especially now, as 2020 is turning out so completely differently than any of us could have imagined, the moves you are making toward your visions are critical. I’ve often felt like my hard work trying to contribute to liberation movements has been futile, that the world is getting crueler in so many ways. But I also remember that even though I’m only 32 years old, I am amazed at how much has already changed radically in my lifetime— toward a world of more racial justice, immigrant rights, LGBTQ+ & gender liberation, disability justice, and so much more. It does get better.

adrienne maree brown teaches us that in every small action we take, we shape change. Even under the intense conditions we currently face, this remains true. With our big visions as a strong north star, we find the next right move we can make toward freedom.

Keep dreaming, keep taking action, and keep sharing your story with powerful honesty. I’m right next to you on the journey.

—Kate Werning

We received many outstanding essays for the spring 2020 Student Writing Competition. Though not every participant can win the contest, we’d like to share some excerpts that caught our eye:

My wildest dreams would be a world filled with non-judgmental people, self expectations—not anybody else’s expectations of me—being me and loving it, less school stress, and, of course, free puppies! —Izzy Hughes, The Crest Academy, Salida, Colo.

I want to imagine a place where I can go wherever I want without having to worry about another person violating my body. No one should ever touch another person without their permission. That is what I want.  —Ruby Wilsford, Goodnight Middle School, San Marcos, Tex.  

Type 1 diabetes is not a choice or a result of poor life decisions. It is an autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks itself. How can Americans justify that it is acceptable to pay seventy-two times the worth of a life-or-death product? —Elise Farris, Spring Hill College, Mobile, Ala.

I was born on April 26, 2005, in a hospital in Appleton, Wisconsin, the home of the first hydropower plant and the “world-famous” Harry Houdini Museum. Then, at age three, my family moved to Beloit, Wisconsin, a town on the board of Wisconsin and Illinois. My parents sent me and my siblings to a Catholic school 12 miles north in a town called Janesville, Wisconsin. It was like living in two cities at once. My family lived in one and my friends and their families lived in the other. I thought the situation was fine, but as I got older, I started to notice things. I noticed how my friends felt uncomfortable when we went anywhere else in Beloit besides my house. I noticed how adults grimaced when I said I was from Beloit. And, suddenly, I felt my situation wasn’t fine. —Charlotte Mark, Craig High School, Janesville, Wis. 

Pandemics happen when we fail to be aware of how interrelated we really are—when we fail to note the doors we open, the hands we shake, and the spaces we share every day. Mindful of these connections, we realize that the health of one of us affects the health of all of us. We must care for our fellow beings, even if it means personal sacrifice. —Donald Wolford, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio

I can help others, but I also need to know what to do when dark thoughts manifest in my own mind. —Natalie Streuli, Brier Middle School, Brier, Wash.  

If I’ve learned anything in the past 13 years, it’s that things never go as planned. Having a rough draft of your life is okay, but never expect it to turn exactly how you imagined. —Emerson Reed, The Crest Academy, Salida, Colo.

There are about 40 million food-insecure people in the United States and 13 million of those people are children … I want these people to go to sleep full and knowing that they will get another three meals tomorrow. —John Francis, Our Lady Star of the Sea, Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich.

… I was floating, levitating in midair when the voice began slowly whispering. His voice washed over my body like warm sunlight on a summer day. “This is what inner peace feels like. You tried your best and did the most you can, but to achieve this, you must continue on.” He disappeared and the world collapsed on itself. I was motivated to do better but now looking back I wish I had started sooner.   —Nicholas Tyner, American School of The Hague, Wassenaar, Netherlands

Failure isn’t a dangerous monster we should run from. It is a beautiful seed of a flower yet to blossom. —Jarrod Land, Mamaroneck High School, Mamaronec, N.Y.

I’ve yet to figure out how to complain about my perfectionist nature without it sounding like a twisted form of bragging. As it turns out, whining about being tired of trying so hard just makes it look like you’re fishing for praise. Ironically, you rarely get either.  —Claire Beck, Kirkwood High School, Kirkwood, Mo.

I can never talk to my parents about my feelings directly because what goes into the pot is an argument and what comes out is unsolved problem soup with a side of tears. —Tracee Nguyen, President William McKinley High School, Honolulu, Hawai’i

I’m not exactly sure what I want to be when I grow up, but I am certain that it’s not going to require me to know how to find points on a graph or to understand slope intercept form, well at least not to the point that I need to study the subject for months on end, and why do I need to know how to find the cubed root of a six-digit number on paper? Who doesn’t have access to a calculator? —Lauren Ragsdale, Lincoln Middle School, Ypsilanti, Mich. 

I can’t truly say how many nights I’ve spent tossing and turning because something was crawling around in my head. The anxiety smothering any free thoughts I had, forcing me to stay awake, and to start questioning every choice I’ve ever made. Those nights are always the hardest considering who I want to be: somebody who believes without fear of judgment, somebody who loves who they are, somebody who helps without prompting. —Daniel Heineman, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio

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Essay on An Unforgettable Dream

Students are often asked to write an essay on An Unforgettable Dream in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on An Unforgettable Dream

An unforgettable dream.

Dreams are fascinating, often leaving us in awe. One such dream I vividly recall was about a magical kingdom.

The Magical Kingdom

In my dream, I found myself in a kingdom full of vibrant colors and enchanting creatures. It was a place where everything was possible.

Meeting the Creatures

I met talking animals and fairies, each with their unique stories. Their kindness and wisdom left a deep impression on me.

When I woke up, I carried the warmth and magic of the dream into my day. It was an unforgettable dream that I often revisit with fondness.

250 Words Essay on An Unforgettable Dream

The dream: a dazzling spectacle, the setting: a world of wonder.

In this dream, I found myself standing in a city constructed entirely of glass, shimmering under the golden glow of an ethereal sun. The buildings were like prisms, refracting the sunlight into a kaleidoscope of colors, painting the cityscape with vibrant hues.

The Journey: A Walk Through the Rainbow

As I walked through this radiant city, I was filled with an overwhelming sense of peace and tranquility. Despite the city’s bustling activity, a serene silence prevailed, as if the entire world was in perfect harmony. The glass city was a metaphorical representation of transparency, reflecting the importance of honesty and openness in society.

The Encounter: A Moment of Revelation

Suddenly, a figure appeared before me, a mirror image of myself, but composed entirely of light. This luminous doppelganger spoke not with words, but with thoughts and emotions, conveying a message of self-discovery and personal growth. The encounter served as a reminder that we are all beings of light, capable of illuminating the world with our actions and ideas.

The Awakening: A Lasting Impact

Upon waking, the dream’s vivid imagery and profound symbolism lingered, leaving an indelible mark on my consciousness. It was an unforgettable dream, a dazzling spectacle that continues to inspire introspection and personal growth.

Dreams, like this one, are not merely figments of our imagination, but a reflection of our deepest thoughts, fears, and aspirations. They serve as a reminder of the infinite potential within each of us, urging us to strive for a better, brighter future.

500 Words Essay on An Unforgettable Dream


One night, I found myself in a dream, a vivid tableau that was a fusion of reality and fantasy. I was in a city that was simultaneously familiar and alien. The architecture was a surreal mix of ancient and futuristic styles. The buildings were colossal, their spires piercing the sky, while the streets were bustling with people, all seemingly engrossed in their own worlds.

Encounter with the Unknown

As I navigated this dream city, I encountered a faceless figure. Despite its lack of identifiable features, there was a sense of familiarity, an inexplicable connection. It extended its hand, and I found myself compelled to follow it. We traversed through the labyrinthine city, a journey that seemed to encompass both time and space. It was as though I was being led through the annals of my own life, witnessing my past, present, and potential futures.

The Revelation

Interpretation and impact.

Upon waking, I was left with a sense of awe and a profound understanding. The dream was a symbolic representation of my life journey and the multiple identities I had assumed. It was a stark reminder of the transient nature of our roles and the importance of introspection in understanding our true selves. The faceless figure was a metaphor for the unknown, the unexplored aspects of my personality, and the mirror was a tool for self-reflection.

This dream was unforgettable not because of its surreal elements, but because of its profound impact. It served as a catalyst for self-discovery, prompting me to question my identities and encouraging me to delve deeper into my psyche. Dreams, in this sense, can be powerful tools for introspection and self-understanding.

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an unusual dream essay for class 8

English Essay on “A Dream” English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE Students and competitive Examination.

A dream is one whole experience in itself- so unique and sometimes so bizarre! A dream that occurs in your sleep may be pleasurable or could be a horrendous nightmare. They may be remembered on waking up or totally forgotten. A day dream is usually voluntary at least to begin with and so is mostly a wish and may be tailored to suit one’s sensibility.

Dreams have been interpreted often, especially the kind that occurs more than once. These repetitive dreams are considered to reflect certain emotions or occurrences that lie in our subconscious mind. I wonder what the interpreters would say to my dream of making fried eggs with a sewing machine?! I, however, do not like complicating the whole idea of dreaming! I enjoy my dreams and thankfully, I seldom get nightmares. Dreams can often inspire a person and bring out artistic revelations of sorts. The most widely read dream is that of “Alice in Wonderland” and do we not thank Lewis Carroll for it?

A dream is best when it is a wish that you have, which seems so out of reach, and yet, you put your heart and soul into pursuing it. The icing on the cake is when your dream is realized.

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74 Dreaming Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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"74 Dreaming Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Oct. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '74 Dreaming Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 26 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "74 Dreaming Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023.

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IvyPanda . "74 Dreaming Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023.


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English Essay on “My Most Interesting Dream” complete Paragraph and Speech for School, College Students, essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Graduation Classes.

My Most Interesting Dream

We all have dreams. Most of the nights we are dreaming. But these dreams are not clear to us. We soon forget them and remember nothing when the day breaks. Now and then we have a dream which is so clear that it becomes like a cinematographic picture on the screen of our imagination. We remember the dream forever and forever as if it was something that actually happened to us.

I had one such dream just one night just before a child was expected to be born in our family.

I saw that I was visiting an old stone house in Shimla or some mountainous country. There lived an English couple in that house and they had a small baby who was very beautiful. There came a snake charmer with a basket of snakes. He played upon his pipe so that the snakes came out of the basket. They danced and played with the child quite harmlessly.

The boy was very beautiful, always laughing, always chattering. He would print a long kiss on the face of the person who said to him, “Master Printer, print a line”. His name was Master Printer and his job was to print a kiss on the face of those who loved him.

When the child was born in our house, it was not he but she. It was not Master Printer but Miss Print. So we now call her Miss Print. As Miss Print also means “Misprint” it is as if we have a misprint because somehow the child who was to be a boy became a girl. But this girl is highly boyish and I call her a girl equal to eight boys.

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Paragraph on Strange Dreams

Dreams are imaginative thoughts that come to our minds while we are sleeping. It brings a sensation to our minds. These sensations might be positive or negative depending upon the type of dreams that have occurred in our minds. Have you heard about strange dreams? I hope many of us would have heard as well as experienced about the strange dreams. Here are some short and long paragraphs with details on strange dreams.

Short and Long Paragraphs on Strange Dreams/Strange Dreamscape

I think you will find it to be an easy way of understanding the strange dreams or strange dreamscape in our life.

Paragraph 1-100 words

The imaginative thoughts and pictures that come into our minds during the resting phase are termed Dreams. These dreams appear as if everything is happening in reality but shatters as soon as we open our eyes in the morning. Many times it is difficult for us to memorize the dream that we see in the night.

It is always said that dreaming is good for us. It happens that sometimes we see strange dreams while sleeping. The strange dreams can shake us from inside and make us terrified. It can also have a long-term effect on some of us. This depends upon the severity of the strangeness of the dream.

Paragraph 2- 120 words

The word strange refers to something that is unknown or difficult to understand or explain. The same happens when we see strange dreams. These are the dreams that give us horrible experiences. It makes a person terrified or scared from inside. We feel that everything that we see in a strange dream is really happening to us. Many of us weep after experiencing such nightmares.

We get calm and relaxed after waking up and realizing that whatever we saw was just a dream and has no connection with reality. The positive and happy dreams give us joy and make us feel more energetic while the strange dream frightens us and upsets the state of our mind in many cases.

Paragraph 3- 150 words

Dreams are the experiences of our own minds. These experiences can be good or bad. It was not an ordinary dream that we often see during sleeping. It was a strange dream that really scared me from inside. I had seen a horror movie a week before this strange dream came to my mind. There was a horrible and frightening creature in the movie. I saw the same creature in my dreams. I noticed that wherever I went the same creature was following me.

The voice produced by that creature gave me goose bumps. It had a very dangerous look with its teeth outside, heels in the front, and eyes were bloody red. I had the fear that it would come to me from any side. I covered my whole body with the bed sheet and made sure that I was packed from all sides.  I felt as if I was dying because of the fear. Finally, I opened my eyes and there was nothing like that what I had seen in my dreams. I had a walk and made myself comfortable to forget that strange dream.

Paragraph 4- 200 words

The fantasies that are only the imaginations of the mind but not the reality are called dreams. We see dreams when we are not mentally active and are in the state of resting. We often imagine our future or our goal in our dreams. We want that such dreams may come into reality. It is not fixed that dreams will always be beautiful ones with sweet memories. Many times we are bothered because of experiencing strange dreams.

Reason for Strange Dreaming

Strange dreams are normal to occur sometimes during sleeping. These dreams do not have any connection with our real life. We all can experience strange dreams while sleeping. These dreams are memorized in our minds instead of forgetting the same. These dreams may be soothing or annoying. It does not signify any illness or health disorder if strange dreams occur sometimes. It becomes a serious issue for the people who are frequently disturbed by strange dreams during sleeping. Disturbed sleep or sleep disorder, anxiety, drug abuse, stress, etc are the major reasons for strange dreaming.

Ways to get rid of Strange Dreaming

Yoga and meditation are the best ways to keep ourselves free from unwanted stress. This will reduce the chances of the occurrence of strange dreams during sleep. Eating healthy makes our body fit and induces good sleep. Sound sleeping without any kind of disturbance keeps us away from strange dreaming.

Paragraph 5-250 words

Strange dreams as the name sounds are horrible and frightening. Many of us have experienced such nightmares in our lives. We wish that such types of frightening dreams would never come during sleeping.

The Horrible Nightmare

It was a strange dream that I had seen when I was studying class 5th. I saw that I am playing with my small sister in the farmyard in my village. The afternoon had passed and it was turning dark. I and my sister were so involved in playing that we went far from the farmyard. When we realized the same it was too late. Suddenly there came an old woman and she had a very scary look. At first, we thought that she is among the villagers. But when we saw her long nails, teeth, foot, and white saree we started shivering with fear.

The old women came near us and started taking my small sister away from me. I was not able to do anything to save my sister. She was screaming and crying for help. As soon as I tried to shout that please don’t take my sister away my eyes opened. I turned around and saw that my sister was sleeping peacefully. I was very happy to see the same and became relaxed as I realized that it was all that happened in my dreams.

The Side-Effects were Long-Lasting

I realized after awaking that everything was fine and nothing happened to me and my small sister. I felt that even after realizing that it was a dream I became scared whenever I memorized the incident that happened in the dream. I get relaxed every time I see my sister that she is well. This strange dream makes me terrified after reminding it even after the passing of 5 years.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans. The word dream has been derived from the Greek word “Oneiros”.

Ans. Lucid dreams feel real to us as we know that we are dreaming.

Ans. No, they are just the imagination of our minds.

Ans. Morpheus Goddess is regarded as the goddess of dreams.

Ans. The name given to dream within a dream is ‘false awakening’.

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Class 8 Reading Comprehension Passages with Answers

an unusual dream essay for class 8

Class 8 Reading Comprehension Passages with Answers offers engaging texts designed for eighth-grade students, accompanied by questions to assess their understanding and critical thinking skills. This resource ensures an effective and comprehensive approach to reading comprehension development.

Importance of Class 8 Reading Comprehension Passages

Reading Comprehension Class 8 Passages with Answers play a crucial role in honing students’ reading skills, fostering comprehension, and cultivating critical thinking abilities. This resource not only enhances academic performance but also nurtures a lifelong love for reading and learning.

Class 8 Reading Comprehension Passages with Answers exhibit diverse and engaging content tailored for eighth-grade students. These passages are designed to sharpen analytical skills, encourage critical thinking, and provide a comprehensive assessment of comprehension.

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Reading Comprehension Worksheet

Class 8 Reading Comprehension Passages 1:

Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions below..

1. Birds are fascinating creatures that inhabit various ecosystems around the world. With over 10,000 different species, they display a remarkable diversity in size, color, behavior, and habitat. Birds belong to the class Aves and are characterized by their feathered bodies, beaks, and the ability to lay eggs.

2. Birds play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance. They contribute to seed dispersal, insect control, and pollination of plants. Additionally, their migratory patterns help in connecting different parts of the world and contribute to global biodiversity. From the tiny hummingbird to the majestic eagle, each species has unique adaptations that enable them to thrive in their specific environments.

3. Feathers serve various purposes for birds, including insulation, aerodynamics, and display during courtship rituals. The beak of a bird is adapted to its feeding habits, whether it is the long, probing beak of a hummingbird or the strong, hooked beak of a bird of prey.

4. Despite their differences, all birds share common characteristics such as hollow bones, a high metabolic rate, and a keen sense of vision. Some birds are excellent mimics, capable of imitating sounds from their surroundings.

A. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ):

1. what is the primary purpose of feathers in birds.

b) Camouflage

c) Protection

d) All of the above

2. How do birds contribute to ecosystems?

a) Seed dispersal

b) Insect control

c) Pollination

3. What is the common characteristic shared by all birds?

a) Hollow bones

b) Fur-covered bodies

c) Lay eggs

d) Webbed feet

4. Which bird is known for its long, probing beak?

b) Hummingbird

Reason(R) Assertion(A) Type:

1. Assertion: Feathers serve various purposes for birds, including insulation, aerodynamics, and display during courtship rituals.

Reason: Birds have feathers primarily for aesthetic purposes during courtship rituals.

A. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

B. Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

C. (A) is true but (R) is false.

D. (A) is false but (R) is true.

2. Assertion: All birds share common characteristics such as hollow bones, a high metabolic rate, and a keen sense of vision.

Reason: These common characteristics make birds well-suited for life in aquatic environments.

B. Fill in the Blanks:

1. Feathers serve various purposes, including ____________, aerodynamics, and display during courtship rituals.

2. Birds contribute to ecological balance through seed dispersal, insect control, and ____________ of plants.

3. All birds share common characteristics such as hollow bones, a high ____________ rate, and a keen sense of vision.

4. Some birds are excellent ____________, capable of imitating sounds from their surroundings.

C. True and False:

1. Birds do not play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance. (True/False)

2. All birds have fur-covered bodies. (True/False)

3. Feathers in birds serve only one purpose, which is flight. (True/False)

4. All birds share common characteristics such as laying eggs. (True/False)

1. Find from the passage that means the following: “Travelling.”

2. find from the passage that is opposite of: “ordinary”, g. short answer type:.

1. Name one adaptation of feathers in birds.

2. Explain the role of bird migration in maintaining global biodiversity.

3. Mention two characteristics that all birds share.

H. Long Answer Type:

1. Describe the importance of birds in pollination and its impact on ecosystems.

2. Explain how a bird’s beak is adapted to its feeding habits.

Class 8 Reading Comprehension Passages 2:

1. Rivers are vital components of Earth’s geography, playing a significant role in shaping landscapes and supporting diverse ecosystems. Originating from various sources such as glaciers, lakes, or springs, rivers flow across the land, carrying water, sediment, and nutrients. They serve as crucial habitats for numerous plants and animals, providing sustenance and a breeding ground for aquatic life.

2. Rivers exhibit a distinctive course, typically beginning from a high elevation and winding their way to lower elevations, ultimately emptying into seas or oceans. The course of a river is characterized by its features, including the source, tributaries, confluence, and delta.

3. One essential aspect of rivers is their ability to erode and transport sediments, shaping valleys and contributing to the formation of fertile plains. Additionally, rivers are a source of freshwater for human civilizations, supporting agriculture, industry, and daily life.

4. The biodiversity along riverbanks is rich, with various species adapting to the unique conditions of flowing water. Fish, amphibians, and birds are commonly found along river ecosystems, relying on the water for survival. Unfortunately, human activities such as pollution, dam construction, and deforestation can pose threats to river ecosystems, impacting both the environment and the communities that depend on them.

1. What is a common source of rivers?

b) Glaciers

c) Mountains

2. Where do rivers typically empty their water?

3. what is the term for the point where two rivers meet.

b) Tributary

c) Confluence

4. What role do rivers play in shaping landscapes?

a) Freezing

b) Eroding and transporting sediments

c) Evaporating

d) Solidifying

B. Reason(R) Assertion(A) Type:

1. Assertion: Rivers serve as crucial habitats for numerous plants and animals.

Reason: Rivers provide sustenance and a breeding ground for aquatic life.

2. Assertion: Human activities like pollution and dam construction have no impact on river ecosystems.

Reason: River ecosystems are resilient and unaffected by human activities.

C. Fill in the Blanks:

1. Rivers serve as a source of freshwater for human civilizations, supporting ____________, industry, and daily life.

2. The course of a river is characterized by its features, including the source, tributaries, ____________, and delta.

3. Unfortunately, human activities such as pollution, dam construction, and deforestation can pose threats to ____________ ecosystems.

D. True and False:

1. Rivers typically begin from low elevations. (True/False)

2. River ecosystems are not affected by human activities. (True/False)

3. The course of a river is characterized by its source and delta. (True/False)

4. Rivers serve as a breeding ground for aquatic life. (True/False)

E. Meaning: 

1. find from the passage that means the following: “junction.”, 2. find from the passage that is opposite of: “barren”, f. short answer type:.

1. Name two sources of rivers.

2. Explain the role of rivers in shaping valleys.

G. Long Answer Type:

1. Describe the impact of human activities on river ecosystems.

2. Discuss the significance of rivers as a source of freshwater for human civilizations.

Class 8 Reading Comprehension Passages 3:

1. Once upon a time, in a quaint village nestled at the edge of an enchanted forest, lived a young girl named Emily. Curiosity ran in her veins, and one day, she ventured beyond the village into the mysterious woods. As Emily strolled deeper, the trees whispered ancient tales, and the air sparkled with magic.

2. In the heart of the forest, she discovered a hidden clearing adorned with radiant flowers. In the center stood a talking tree named Eldor, the guardian of the enchanted realm. Eldor revealed that the forest held secrets of dreams coming true, but only those with pure hearts could unlock its wonders.

3. Emily’s courage impressed Eldor, who bestowed upon her a magical key. This key opened a portal to a realm where animals spoke, and dreams took flight. Emily embarked on a journey, encountering mystical creatures, each with a lesson to teach. Along the way, she befriended a wise owl, danced with fairies, and outsmarted a mischievous pixie.

4. As Emily’s adventure unfolded, she faced challenges that tested her kindness and resilience. With each triumph, the enchanted forest revealed more of its wonders. Finally, Emily’s pure heart unlocked the ultimate secret – the power to turn dreams into reality.

5. Returning to the village, Emily shared her magical experience, inspiring others to believe in the extraordinary. The enchanted forest became a symbol of hope and the endless possibilities that await those with courage and goodness in their hearts.

1. What inspired Emily to explore the enchanted forest?

b) Curiosity

d) Peer pressure

2. What is the guardian’s name in the enchanted forest?

b) Enchantus

d) Mystique

3. What did Eldor reveal about the enchanted forest?

a) It held ancient artifacts.

b) Dreams could come true with a pure heart.

c) It was a dangerous place.

d) It was cursed.

4. How did Emily unlock the ultimate secret of the enchanted forest?

a) By solving riddles

b) By facing challenges with kindness and resilience

c) By defeating a dragon

d) By casting a spell

1. Assertion: The enchanted forest holds secrets of dreams coming true.

Reason: Eldor, the guardian, believes that only those with pure hearts can unlock the forest’s wonders.

2. Assertion: Emily’s courage impressed Eldor.

Reason: The Eldor bestowed a magical key upon Emily.

1. In the heart of the forest, Emily discovered a hidden clearing adorned with radiant ___________.

2. Eldor, the guardian, revealed that the forest held secrets of dreams coming true, but only those with ___________ hearts could unlock its wonders.

3. Emily’s adventure unfolded as she encountered mystical creatures, each with a ___________ to teach.

1. Emily ventured into the enchanted forest because she was bored. (True/False)

2. Eldor is a mischievous pixie in the enchanted forest. (True/False)

3. The magical key opened a portal to a realm where animals spoke. (True/False)

4. The enchanted forest became a symbol of fear and danger. (True/False)

1. Find from the passage that means the following: “Charming”

2. Find from the passage that is opposite of: “Well-behaved.”

1. What did Eldor bestow upon Emily?

2. Name one mystical creature Emily encountered in the enchanted forest.

1. Describe one challenge Emily faced in the enchanted forest and how she overcame it.

2. Explain the significance of the enchanted forest in Emily’s village after her return.

Class 8 Reading Comprehension Passages 4:

Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions below..

In the meadow, by the old oak tree,

A whispering breeze speaks to me.

Rustling leaves and branches sway,

Nature’s secrets it conveys.

Softly it tells tales untold,

Of mountains high and valleys bold.

Through fields of gold and rivers wide,

On its wings, dreams take a ride.

Sunset hues, a painted sky,

The breeze, a gentle lullaby.

Carrying fragrances from afar,

It whispers the secrets of every star.

A. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) :

1. what does the breeze convey in the meadow.

b) Nature’s secrets

c) Shopping lists

d) Traffic updates

2. Where does the breeze carry dreams?

a) To the moon

b) On its wings

c) Under the ocean

d) In a treasure chest

3. What is the breeze compared to during the sunset?

a) A bulldozer

b) A gentle lullaby

c) A racing car

d) A barking dog

4. What is the main theme of the poem?

b) Nature and the whispering breeze

c) Car mechanics

d) Urban life

1. Assertion: The breeze whispers the secrets of every star.

Reason: Stars communicate through whispers carried by the breeze.

2. Assertion: The poem’s main theme is car mechanics.

Reason: The poem mentions racing cars and bulldozers.

1. In the meadow, by the old __________ tree,

2. A whispering breeze speaks to __________.

3. Carrying fragrances from __________,

4. It whispers secrets of every __________.

5. The breeze, a gentle __________,

6. Through fields of gold and rivers __________.

1.  The breeze communicates recipes. (True/False)

2. Dreams take a ride on the wings of the breeze. (True/False)

3. The poem’s main theme is urban life. (True/False)

4. The breeze compares to a racing car during the sunset. (True/False)

1. Find from the passage that means the following: “Murmuring”

2. Find from the passage that is opposite of: “Harsh”

F. Short Answer Type :

1.  What does the breeze convey in the meadow?

2. What is the breeze compared to during the sunset?

1.   Describe the main theme and mood of the poem.

2. How does the poet use personification in describing the breeze?

Class 8 Reading Comprehension Passages 5:

Rear the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

1. Renowned British physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking sought to explain some of the most complicated questions of life while himself working under the shadow of a likely premature

death had died at 76.

2. He died peacefully at his home in the British University, city of Cambridge in the early hours of Wednesday, 14 March 2018. Hawking’s formidable mind probed the very limits of human understanding both in the vastness of space and in the bizarre sub-molecular world of quantum theory, which he said could predict what happens at the beginning and end of time.

3. His varied work ranged from the origins of the universe itself, through the tantalizing prospect of time travel to the mysteries of space’s all-consuming black holes. The power of his intellect contrasted cruelly with the weakness of his body, ravaged by the wasting motor neuron disease he contracted at the age of 21. Hawking was confined for most of his life to a wheelchair. 

4. As his condition worsened, he had to resort to speaking through a voice synthesizer and communicating by moving his eyebrows. He had 13 honorary degrees and had received many International awards. He was born on January 8, 1942, in England.

1. What was Stephen Hawking’s primary field of expertise?

b) Cosmology

c) Chemistry

d) Mathematics

2. At what age did Stephen Hawking contract motor neuron disease?

3. how did stephen hawking communicate as his condition worsened.

a) Sign language

b) Voice synthesizer and eyebrow movements

c) Morse code

d) Written notes

4. Where did Stephen Hawking pass away?

a) New York

c) Cambridge

1. Assertion: Stephen Hawking’s work ranged from the origins of the universe to the mysteries of black holes.

Reason: His mind probed the limits of human understanding in both the vastness of space and the sub-molecular world of quantum theory.

2. Assertion: Stephen Hawking was born on January 8, 1942, in England.

Reason: He received many international awards throughout his life.

1. Stephen Hawking passed away at his home in the British University city of __________ in the early hours of Wednesday, 14 March 2018.

2. Hawking contracted motor neuron disease at the age of __________.

3. As his condition worsened, Hawking communicated by speaking through a voice synthesizer and moving his __________.

1. Stephen Hawking’s work was limited to the sub-molecular world. (True/False)

2. He contracted motor neuron disease at the age of 31. (True/False)

3. Stephen Hawking was born in Paris. (True/False)

4. Hawking communicated using sign language. (True/False)

1. Find from the passage that means the following: “early or before the expected time.”

2. Find from the passage that is opposite of: “narrowness or limited space”

1. What was the primary field of expertise for Stephen Hawking?

2. How did Stephen Hawking communicate as his condition worsened?

1. Describe the contrasts in Stephen Hawking’s life, focusing on the power of his intellect and the weakness of his body.

2. Explain the significance of Stephen Hawking’s contributions to the field of cosmology and quantum theory.

Class 8 Reading Comprehension Passages 6:

I steal by lawns and grassy plots, I slide by hazel covers I move the sweet forget-me-nots That grows for happy lovers. I slip, I slide, I gloom, I glance, Among my skimming swallows; I make the netted sunbeam dance Against my sandy shallows. I murmur under the moon and stars In brambly wildernesses; I linger by my shingly bars; I loiter around my cresses; And out again I curve and flow To join the brimming river, For men may come and men may go, But I go on forever.

1. What is the speaker in the poem?

2. what does the brook do with the forget-me-nots.

a) Steals them

b) Waters them

c) Dances with them

d) Sings to them

3. What does the brook make the netted sunbeam do?

c) Disappear

4. According to the poem, what happens to the brook?

a) It stops flowing

b) It joins a river

c) It disappears

d) It becomes a lake

5. Which poetic device is used in the line “I slip, I slide, I gloom, I glance” to create a rhythmic and flowing effect?

b) Alliteration

c) Personification

d) Oxymoron

6. What poetic device is employed in the line “For men may come and men may go, But I go on forever” to emphasize the eternal nature of the brook?

a) Metaphor

b) Hyperbole

c) Symbolism

d) Repetition

B. Reason(R) Assertion(A) Type::

1. Assertion: The brook mentions hazel covers in the poem.

Reason: Hazel covers represent a type of protective shelter for the brook.

2. Assertion: The brook claims to go on forever in the poem.

Reason: The brook is eternal, and its flow is constant.

1. I move the sweet ____________ that grow for happy lovers.

2. I make the netted sunbeam dance against my sandy ____________.

1. The brook flows through forests. (True/False)

2. The brook murmurs only during the day. (True/False)

3. The brook joins the brimming river in the end. (True/False)

4. The brook claims to go on for a limited time. (True/False)

1. Find from the passage that means the following:

2. Find from the passage that is opposite of:

1. What does the brook do with the forget-me-nots?

2. According to the poem, where does the brook go to join?

1. Explore the significance of the brook’s constant movement and how it contrasts with human experiences mentioned in the poem.

2. Discuss the various actions and characteristics of the brook as portrayed in the poem.

Class 8 Reading Comprehension Passages 7:

1. As I stepped further into the room, the old deodar flooring creaked beneath my weight. By the light of another match, I reached the mantlepiece and lit the candle, noticing at the same

time that the candlestick was a genuine antique with cutglass hangings. A deserted cottage with good furniture and glass. I wondered why no one had ever broken in. And then realized that I had just done so.

2. I held the candlestick high and glanced round the room. The walls were hung with several watercolours and portraits in oils. There was no dust anywhere. But no one answered my call, no one responded to my hesitant knocking. It was as though the occupants of the house were in hiding, watching me obliquely from dark corners and chimneys.

3. I entered a bedroom and found myself facing a full-length mirror. My reflection stared back at me as though I were a stranger, as though my reflection belonged to the house, while I was only an outsider. 

4. As I turned from the mirror, I thought I saw someone, something, some reflection other than mine, move behind me in the mirror. I caught a glimpse of whiteness, a pale oval face, burning eyes, long tresses, golden in the candlelight. But when I looked in the mirror again there was nothing to be seen but my own pallid face.

5. A pool of water was forming at my feet. I set the candle down on a small table, found the edge of the bed-a large old four- poster-sat down, and removed my soggy shoes and socks. Then I took off my clothes and hung them over the back of a chair. 

6. I stood naked in the darkness, shivering a little. There was no one to see me and yet I felt oddly exposed, almost as though I had stripped in a room full of curious people.

1. What material is the flooring made of in the room?

c) Concrete

2. What kind of candlestick is mentioned in the passage?

b) Antique with cut-glass hangings

d) Electric

3. What catches the narrator’s attention about the bedroom’s furniture?

a) It is modern

b) It is old and worn

c) It is antique

d) It is minimalistic

4. What does the narrator see in the mirror behind them?

a) Another person

b) A reflection belonging to the house

c) Nothing unusual

d) A ghostly figure

B. Reason(R) Assertion(A) Type: 

1. Assertion: The narrator wonders why no one has broken into the deserted cottage.

Reason: The cottage has good furniture and glass.

2. Assertion: The narrator sees a reflection other than their own in the mirror.

Reason: The narrator catches a glimpse of a ghostly figure with burning eyes and long tresses.

1. I held the candlestick high and glanced round the room. The walls were hung with several ____________ and portraits in oils.

2. A pool of water was forming at my feet. I set the candle down on a small table, found the edge of the bed—a large old four-poster—sat down, and removed my soggy shoes and ____________.

1. The narrator’s reflection stares back at them as if they were a stranger. (True/False)

2. The narrator sees a ghostly figure in the mirror. (True/False)

3. The flooring in the room is made of concrete. (True/False)

4. The narrator feels warm and comfortable after entering the room. (True/False)

1. Find from the passage that means the following: “Trembling”

2. Find from the passage that is opposite of: “Occupied”

1. What catches the narrator’s attention about the bedroom’s furniture?

2. What does the narrator see in the mirror behind them?

1. Explore the significance of the narrator’s reflection in the mirror and its impact on their perception of the surroundings.

2. Discuss the narrator’s observations upon entering the room and their changing emotions throughout the passage.

Class 8 Reading Comprehension Passages 8:

All the world’s a stage And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts, 5 His acts being seven ages. At first the infant, Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms. Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel And shining morning face, creeping like snail Unwillingly to school. And then the lover, 10 Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress’ eyebrow. Then a soldier. Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard, Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel, Seeking the bubble reputation.

1. What is the central metaphor used in the poem?

a) Life as a journey

b) Life as a game

c) Life as a book

d) Life as a puzzle

2. How many ages are mentioned in the poem?

3. What does the schoolboy carry with him?

b) A satchel

4. According to the poem, what is the lover compared to?

b) A furnace

c) A soldier

d) A bubble

5. Which poetic device is evident in the line “And all the men and women merely players”?

b) Metaphor

d) Alliteration

6. What poetic device is employed in the line “Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad made to his mistress’s eyebrow”?

a) Hyperbole

b) Personification

d) Metaphor

1. Assertion: The lover in the poem is compared to a furnace.

Reason: The lover’s sighs are intense and passionate.

2. Assertion: The soldier in the poem is described as bearded like the pard.

Reason: The soldier is portrayed as an honorable and respected figure.

1. At first, the infant, Mewling and ____________ in the nurse’s arms.

2. Then the whining schoolboy, with his ____________ and shining morning face, creeping like a snail unwillingly to school.

D. True and False :

1. The lover in the poem sings a joyful ballad to his mistress. (True/False)

2. The soldier in the poem is described as quick to quarrel. (True/False)

3. The poem suggests that life has eight distinct stages. (True/False)

4. The lover in the poem is compared to a bubble seeking reputation. (True/False)

1. Find from the passage that means the following: “Complaining”

2. Find from the passage that is opposite of: “Joyful.”

1. Discuss the significance of the seven ages of man as portrayed in the poem and how it reflects the journey of life.

2. Analyze the portrayal of the lover and the soldier in the poem, exploring their characteristics and roles in the stages of life.

Class 8 Reading Comprehension Passages 9:

There was a time when meadow, grove and stream,

The earth, and every common sight,

To me did seem

Apparelled in celestial light,

The glory and the freshness of a dream.

It is not now as it hath been of yore;-

Turn wheresoe’er I may,

By night or day,

The things which I have seen I now can see no more.

The Rainbow comes and goes,

And lovely is the Rose, tod

The Moon doth with delight

Look round her when the heavens are bare,

Waters on a starry night

Are beautiful and fair;

The sunshine is a glorious birth;

But yet I know, where’er I go,

That there hath past away a glory from the earth.

1. What does the poet say about the perception of nature in the past?

a) It was always gloomy

b) It appeared celestial and glorious

c) It was unnoticed

d) It was always changing

2. According to the poet, what has changed in the present regarding his perception of nature?

a) Nature remains the same

b) The glory and freshness of nature have diminished

c) The poet is more appreciative now

d) Nature is more beautiful than ever

3. Which natural elements are mentioned as having lost their former glory?

a) The Rainbow and the Moon

b) The Rose and starry nights

c) The Sunshine and the Earth

d) The Meadow and the Stream

4. What emotion or feeling does the poet express in the last line?

c) Excitement

5. What poetic device is used in the line “The Rainbow comes and goes”?

c) Alliteration

d) Personification

6. Which poetic device is evident in the line “The Moon doth with delight look round her when the heavens are bare”?

c) Onomatopoeia

1. Assertion: The poet claims that there was a time when nature appeared celestial and glorious to him.

Reason: The perception of nature is constant and does not change over time.

. 2. Assertion: The poet expresses a sense of loss and regret in the last line of the poem.

Reason: The poet believes that nature’s glory and freshness have only increased with time.

1. The poet describes the earth, meadow, grove, and stream as being ______________ in celestial light.

2. The poet mentions that the Rainbow comes and goes, and the Moon looks round her when the heavens are ______________.

3. The poet asserts that there hath passed away a ______________ from the earth.

1. The poet claims that his perception of nature has remained constant over time. (True/False)

2. The poet expresses joy and contentment with the current state of nature. (True/False)

3. The Rainbow and the Moon are mentioned as having retained their former glory. (True/False)

4. The poet believes that there is still a glorious birth in the sunshine. (True/False)

1. Find from the passage that means the following:”Adorned.”

2. Find from the passage that is opposite of:”Dull”

1. What has changed in the poet’s perception of nature in the present?

2. What does the poet express in the last line of the poem?

1. Discuss the significance of the poet’s changing perception of nature and its impact on the overall theme of the poem.

2. Explore the significance of the specific natural elements mentioned in the poem, such as the Rainbow, the Rose, and the Moon.

Class 8 Reading Comprehension Passages 10:

1. At half-past nine, that night, Tom and Sid were sent to bed, as usual. They said their prayers, and Sid was soon asleep. Tom lay awake and waited, in restless impatience. When it seemed to him that it must be nearly daylight, he heard the clock strike ten! 

2. This was despair. He would have tossed and fidgeted, as his nerves demanded, but he was afraid he might wake Sid. So he lay still, and stared up into the dark. Everything was dismally still. By and by, out of the stillness, little, scarcely perceptible noises began to emphasize themselves. The ticking of the clock began to bring itself into notice. 

3. Old beams began to crack mysteriously. The stairs creaked faintly. Evidently spirits were abroad. A measured, muffled snore issued from Aunt Polly’s chamber. And now the tiresome chirping of a cricket that no human ingenuity could locate, began. Next the ghastly ticking of a death-watch in the wall at the bed’s head made Tom shudder- it meant that somebody’s days were numbered. Then the howl of a far-off dog rose on the night air, and was answered by a fainter howl from a remoter distance. 

4. Tom was in an agony. At last he was satisfied that time had ceased and eternity begun; he began to doze, in spite of himself; the clock chimed eleven, but he did not hear it. And then there came, mingling with his half- formed dreams, a most melancholy caterwauling

1. What time did Tom and Sid go to bed that night?

b) 10:00 PM

c) 11:00 PM

d) 12:00 AM

2. Why did Tom lay still and stare into the dark?

a) He was afraid of the dark

b) He was waiting for Sid to wake up

c) He didn’t want to wake Sid

d) He was counting the minutes until morning

3. What did Tom hear that made him shudder?

a) A cricket chirping

b) The ticking of the clock

c) The creaking of the stairs

d) The howl of a dog

4. What does the ticking of the death-watch in the wall signify?

a) The arrival of morning

b) Somebody’s days are numbered

c) The end of the world

d) Tom’s time to sleep

1. Assertion: Tom lay still and stared into the dark.

Reason: Tom was fascinated by the darkness.

2. Assertion: The ticking of the death-watch in the wall made Tom shudder.

Reason: Tom was superstitious and believed in omens.

1. Tom heard the clock strike __________.

2. The stairs creaked __________.

3. Tom was satisfied that time had ceased and eternity had begun when the clock chimed __________.

1. Tom and Sid said their prayers before going to bed. (True/False)

2. The ticking of the death-watch signifies the end of the world. (True/False)

3. Tom was counting the minutes until morning. (True/False)

4. The howl of a dog made Tom happy. (True/False)

1. Find from the passage that means the following: “Yowling.”

2. Find from the passage that is opposite of: “Calm.”

1. Why did Tom lay still and stare into the dark?

2. What did the ticking of the death-watch signify?

1. Discuss the atmosphere created by the sounds and events described in the passage and how they contribute to Tom’s restlessness.

2. Explore the significance of Tom’s perception of time and eternity in the passage.

FAQs on Reading Comprehension Passages Class 8

1. how to solve passage in english class 8.

Ans: To effectively solve a passage in English Class 8, start by reading the passage carefully to understand its main idea and details. Pay attention to keywords and context. Break down questions systematically, referring back to the passage for evidence, and practice time management to ensure completion within the allocated time.

2. How to crack reading comprehension?

Ans: To crack reading comprehension, begin by skimming the passage for its main idea. Focus on understanding the context, identify keywords, and pay attention to details. Practice regularly, enhance vocabulary, and employ critical thinking skills to comprehend the passage thoroughly.

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15+ Best Unseen Passages for Class 8 with Answers & PDF

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In this article, we will provide you with a list of the  15+ Best unseen Passages for Class 8 . Unseen passages are an integral part of the English curriculum for students in Class 8. These passages are designed to test a student’s reading comprehension skills and their ability to understand and interpret written text. You can also Download this article as a PDF by clicking the button below.

English unseen passage for class 8 pdf with answers:

15+ Best Unseen Passages for Class 8 with Answers & PDF

1: Unseen passages for class 8

Every morning, Grandma baked a batch of her famous chocolate chip cookies. They were the best in the whole neighbourhood, and they always disappeared quickly. One morning, Grandma noticed something strange – the entire batch of cookies had vanished! There was not a crumb left in the jar.

Grandma was puzzled. She couldn’t remember anyone coming by early enough to have taken all the cookies. She asked her grandchildren, but they all swore they hadn’t touched them. The mystery deepened when she discovered a small, muddy paw print near the cookie jar.

Suddenly, it dawned on Grandma. The culprit wasn’t a human, but a creature of the night – a mischievous raccoon! He must have used his nimble paws to open the jar and steal the cookies.

Grandma was amused. She knew raccoons were known for their cleverness and love of sweets. She decided to leave a small plate of cookies outside every night, just for the raccoon. Soon, the paw prints near the cookie jar became a regular sight, and Grandma enjoyed the nightly game of cat and mouse with her furry visitor.

  • What were Grandma’s famous cookies known for?
  • What was the strange thing Grandma noticed one morning?
  • What evidence suggested who stole the cookies?
  • What did Grandma do about the missing cookies?
  • Why did Grandma enjoy the nightly visits from the raccoon?
  • The cookies were known for being the best in the neighbourhood.
  • The entire batch of cookies had vanished overnight.
  • A small, muddy paw print was found near the cookie jar.
  • She started leaving a small plate of cookies outside for the raccoon.
  • She enjoyed the nightly game of cat and mouse with the raccoon and found it amusing.

2.Unseen passages for class 8

The city roared to life. Cars honked, engines thrummed, and a symphony of voices filled the air. Skyscrapers pierced the clouds, casting long shadows over the teeming streets below. People hurried along sidewalks, their faces a mosaic of emotions – determination, frustration, and the ever-present spark of hope.

In this concrete jungle, time seemed to move at a dizzying speed. Businessmen in crisp suits strode past street musicians strumming their guitars. Street vendors hawked their wares, their voices a constant call to attention. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the exhaust fumes of passing buses, creating a unique olfactory experience.

High above, a lone pigeon circled the city, its keen eyes taking in the endless panorama. Below, a child laughed, chasing a brightly colored butterfly through the park. In this bustling metropolis, amidst the chaos and noise, life continued to find a way to bloom.

  • Describe the atmosphere of the city.
  • What contrasting elements are present in the city scene?
  • What details create a sense of movement and energy?
  • What does the pigeon symbolize in the passage?
  • What message does the passage convey about the city?
  • The city is described as bustling, noisy, and chaotic.
  • Contrasting elements include the skyscrapers and the street vendors, the businessmen and the children, and the orderliness of the buildings and the randomness of the people’s movements.
  • Details like the honking cars, thrumming engines, and busy streets create a sense of movement and energy.
  • The pigeon symbolizes a detached observer, taking in the entire city from a different perspective.
  • The passage conveys the message that even in a chaotic and fast-paced city, life finds a way to persist and flourish.

3.Unseen passages for class 8

The wind whispered secrets through the tall grass, its touch gentle yet persistent. Blades of grass swayed in a rhythmic dance, bowing low and rising high as if in response to an unseen conductor. A lone butterfly fluttered by, its wings catching the sunlight like stained glass.

The air smelled of wildflowers and sun-warmed earth. A distant bird called out, its melody a clear note in the wind’s symphony. Clouds drifted lazily across the clear blue sky, casting fleeting shadows on the land below.

Despite the stillness, a sense of movement permeated the scene. Ants scurried at the base of the grass stalks, carrying invisible burdens. A spider spun its intricate web, its silken strands glistening in the sun. The wind continued its tireless journey, carrying pollen, seeds, and the whispers of unseen creatures.

  • What is the dominant sensory element in the passage?
  • What details create a sense of peace and tranquility?
  • What is the role of the wind in the passage?
  • What are some examples of hidden activity in the field?
  • What mood does the passage evoke?
  • The dominant sensory element is sight, particularly the visuals of the swaying grass, the flitting butterfly, and the drifting clouds.
  • Details like the gentle wind, the warm earth, and the clear sky create a sense of peace and tranquility.
  • The wind serves as a driving force, animating the scene and carrying unseen things through the air.
  • Examples of hidden activity include the scurrying ants, the spinning spider, and the unseen creatures whose whispers are carried by the wind.
  • The passage evokes a mood of peace, tranquility, and a sense of wonder at the hidden life and activity within the natural world.

4.Unseen passages for class 8

Deep within the heart of a forgotten city, buried beneath layers of sand and time, lay the ancient library. Its walls, once adorned with vibrant murals, were now cracked and faded. Dust motes danced in the shafts of sunlight that pierced through the crumbling roof.

Among the fallen columns and shattered statues stood towering bookshelves, their once-proud shelves groaning under the weight of countless scrolls and leather-bound tomes. The air hung heavy with the scent of aged parchment and forgotten knowledge.

As you explore the cavernous halls, your fingers trace the worn grooves of ancient languages etched into the spines of the books. Each volume whispers tales of lost civilizations, forgotten heroes, and secrets whispered down the ages. You imagine the scholars who once poured over these pages, their minds ablaze with the light of discovery.

Suddenly, a tremor shakes the library, causing dust to rain down and books to tumble from their shelves. Your heart pounds as you realize the ancient library is vulnerable, its secrets at risk of being lost forever.

  • Where is the ancient library located?
  • Describe the atmosphere inside the library.
  • What do the books and scrolls represent?
  • What is the effect of the tremor on the atmosphere?
  • What message does the passage convey about the importance of preserving knowledge?
  • The ancient library is located deep within the heart of a forgotten city, buried beneath sand and time.
  • The atmosphere is described as dusty, quiet, and filled with the scent of aged parchment. There is a sense of both wonder and decay.
  • The books and scrolls represent lost knowledge, forgotten civilizations, and secrets whispered down the ages. They hold the potential for rediscovering the past and learning from it.
  • The tremor shakes the library, causing dust to fall and books to tumble, adding a sense of urgency and danger to the atmosphere. It emphasizes the fragility of the library and its contents.
  • The passage conveys the importance of preserving knowledge for future generations. It suggests that the loss of these ancient texts would represent a significant loss for humanity.

5.Unseen passages for class 8 in english

As dusk settles in, a magical spectacle unfolds in the meadow. Hundreds of tiny lights begin to flicker amongst the tall grass, dancing and swirling in a mesmerizing display. These are no ordinary lights; they are the fireflies, nature’s own miniature fireworks.

Their light, a soft, cool glow, casts an ethereal aura over the landscape. They flit and weave through the air, following patterns only they understand. Some fly solo, their light like a solitary star, while others dance together in synchronized groups, creating mesmerizing constellations against the darkening sky.

The air hums with the symphony of crickets and the gentle chirping of frogs, providing a melodic accompaniment to the fireflies’ silent dance. The sweet scent of wildflowers mingles with the earthy smell of the meadow, creating a sensory experience that is both calming and exhilarating.

As you watch the fireflies dance, you are filled with wonder at the beauty of nature. These tiny creatures, with their fleeting light, evoke a sense of joy and remind us of the magic that surrounds us, even in the ordinary world.

  • What is the setting of the passage?
  • Describe the fireflies’ appearance and movements.
  • What are the sights, sounds, and smells that contribute to the scene’s atmosphere?
  • What emotions does the fireflies’ dance evoke in the observer?
  • What message does the passage convey about appreciating the beauty of nature?
  • The setting is a meadow at dusk.
  • The fireflies are described as tiny lights that flicker and dance amongst the tall grass. They fly solo or in synchronized groups, creating patterns and constellations.
  • The sights include the fireflies’ light, the darkening sky, and the tall grass. The sounds include the crickets chirping and the frogs croaking. The smells include the sweet scent of wildflowers and the earthy smell of the meadow.
  • The fireflies’ dance evokes a sense of wonder, joy, and peace in the observer.
  • The passage encourages us to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the natural world, even in its simplest forms.

6.Unseen passages for class 8 with questions and answers

Myths and legends whisper of a magnificent city submerged beneath the waves, a lost civilization known as Atlantis. Its existence remains shrouded in mystery, fueling speculation and fascination for centuries.

According to ancient Greek philosopher Plato, Atlantis was a technologically advanced island nation located somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. He described it as a utopian society ruled by wise kings, adorned with breathtaking architecture and teeming with a thriving population.

However, disaster struck in the form of a cataclysmic flood, engulfing Atlantis beneath the waves and erasing it from the face of the Earth. While some dismissed it as a mere fable, others believe that remnants of this lost city might still exist somewhere in the vast ocean depths.

Over the years, numerous expeditions have searched for the lost city of Atlantis. Advanced sonar technology has revealed intriguing underwater structures and anomalies, sparking renewed interest in the myth. Scientists are cautiously optimistic that concrete evidence of Atlantis may be discovered in the future.

  • Who first described the city of Atlantis?
  • How does Plato describe Atlantis?
  • What caused the destruction of Atlantis?
  • What evidence suggests that Atlantis might have existed?
  • What is the significance of searching for Atlantis?
  • The city of Atlantis was first described by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato.
  • Plato describes Atlantis as a technologically advanced island nation with a utopian society, breathtaking architecture, and a thriving population.
  • According to the myth, Atlantis was destroyed by a cataclysmic flood.
  • Intriguing underwater structures and anomalies detected by advanced sonar technology suggest the possibility of Atlantis’s existence.
  • Searching for Atlantis holds significance for historical and scientific reasons. It could shed light on ancient civilizations, their cultural practices, and technological advancements.

7.Unseen passages for class 8 with questions and answers

Every autumn, a spectacular natural phenomenon takes place across North America. Millions of monarch butterflies embark on a perilous journey south, traveling thousands of miles to their wintering grounds in Mexico. This migration, spanning generations, is a testament to the butterfly’s incredible resilience and navigation skills.

The monarchs’ journey begins in the northern states of Canada and the United States. As the days grow shorter and colder, they instinctively know it’s time to migrate south. They navigate using the sun’s position and Earth’s magnetic field, flying in large, swirling groups known as super swarms.

Their journey is fraught with challenges. They must brave harsh weather conditions, overcome predators, and find enough food to sustain their long flight. Along the way, they rely on a network of stopover sites where they can rest, replenish their energy, and find mates.

After a long and arduous journey, the monarchs finally reach their wintering grounds in the forests of Mexico. Here, they find a haven from the harsh winter and spend the next few months breeding and laying eggs.

As spring arrives, a new generation of monarchs emerges. Guided by the same instinctual drive, they begin their own journey north, completing the incredible cycle of migration once again.

Unseen passages for class 8 Questions:

  • Where do the monarch butterflies begin their journey?
  • What cues trigger the monarchs’ migration?
  • How do the monarchs navigate during their journey?
  • What challenges do the monarchs face during their migration?
  • What is the significance of the monarch butterfly migration?

Unseen passages for class 8 Answers:

  • The monarch butterflies begin their journey in the northern states of Canada and the United States.
  • The shortening days and colder temperatures trigger the monarchs’ migration instinct.
  • The monarchs navigate using the sun’s position and Earth’s magnetic field.
  • The monarchs face challenges like harsh weather conditions, predators, and finding enough food during their migration.
  • The monarch butterfly migration is significant because it demonstrates the remarkable adaptability and resilience of this species. It also highlights the interconnectedness of ecosystems and the importance of protecting migratory routes for wildlife.

8.Unseen passages for class 8 with questions and answers

Deep in the Jordanian desert lies the ancient city of Petra, a lost wonder carved into the face of towering sandstone cliffs. Its existence remained a mystery for centuries, hidden from the world by nomadic tribes and shifting sands.

The city was built by the Nabataeans, a skilled Arab civilization, around 200 BCE. It flourished as a major trading hub, connecting the east and west with its network of caravan routes. Petra boasted elaborate temples, tombs, and palaces, all carved with intricate detail into the vibrant red sandstone.

The city’s most iconic landmark is the Treasury, a magnificent temple façade that emerges dramatically from the cliff face. Other notable structures include the Royal Tombs, the Roman Theatre, and the Monastery, all showcasing the Nabataeans’ architectural prowess and artistic talent.

Petra’s downfall began with the decline of the caravan trade routes and was further exacerbated by earthquakes and natural disasters. By the 12th century, the city had been abandoned and was lost to the world until its rediscovery in 1812 by a Swiss explorer.

Today, Petra stands as a testament to the ingenuity and artistry of the Nabataean civilization. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors from around the globe who marvel at its beauty and mystery.

  • Where is the ancient city of Petra located?
  • Who built the city of Petra, and when did it flourish?
  • What was the significance of Petra’s location and trade routes?
  • Describe some of the notable structures found in Petra.
  • What led to the decline and abandonment of Petra?
  • The ancient city of Petra is located deep in the Jordanian desert.
  • The city of Petra was built by the Nabataeans around 200 BCE and flourished as a major trading hub.
  • Petra’s location on caravan routes connecting the east and west played a crucial role in its economic prosperity.
  • Notable structures in Petra include the Treasury, the Royal Tombs, the Roman Theatre, and the Monastery.
  • The decline of the caravan trade routes and natural disasters led to the decline and abandonment of Petra.

9.Unseen passages for class 8 with questions and answers

Honeybees are tiny insects with a big impact on our world. They are essential pollinators, responsible for the fertilization of many plants, including fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Without honeybees, our agricultural system and food supply would be severely affected.

These industrious creatures live in complex social colonies, with a strict hierarchy and division of labor. Each member of the colony plays a vital role in ensuring its survival and success. The queen bee lays eggs, the worker bees collect pollen and nectar, and the drones mate with the queen.

Honeybees are remarkable for their ability to communicate and navigate. They use a complex dance language to tell each other about the location of food sources, and they can find their way back to the hive even from long distances.

Honeybees also produce a valuable food source – honey. This golden liquid is made from nectar, which the bees collect from flowers and store in their honeycombs. Honey is not only delicious, but it also has medicinal properties and is used in various products.

Unfortunately, honeybee populations are declining worldwide due to various factors such as habitat loss, pesticide use, and disease. This is a cause for concern as it could have a significant impact on our food security and the environment.

  • What is the importance of honeybees in our ecosystem?
  • Describe the social structure of a honeybee colony.
  • How do honeybees communicate with each other?
  • How is honey produced by honeybees?
  • What are the threats to honeybee populations, and what are the consequences?
  • Honeybees are essential pollinators, ensuring the fertilization of many plants and contributing to food security.
  • Honeybee colonies have a strict hierarchy with the queen laying eggs, worker bees collecting food, and drones mating with the queen.
  • Honeybees communicate using a complex dance language to inform each other about the location of food sources.
  • Honeybees produce honey by collecting nectar from flowers, storing it in their honeycombs, and transforming it into a golden liquid.
  • Honeybee populations face threats like habitat loss, pesticide use, and disease, which can impact food security and the environment.

10.Unseen passages for class 8 with questions and answers

Beneath the Earth’s surface lies a hidden world of molten rock and fire – the realm of volcanoes. These giants of the natural world hold immense power, capable of both destruction and creation.

Volcanoes are formed when molten rock, known as magma, rises from the Earth’s mantle and erupts onto the surface. The eruption can be explosive, spewing ash, lava, and gases into the air, or more effusive, forming gentle lava flows.

These fiery mountains have shaped the landscapes we see today. Volcanic activity has formed mountains, islands, and even vast plains. The ash and lava released during eruptions enrich the soil, making it fertile for plant growth.

However, volcanoes can also be dangerous. Eruptions can cause widespread destruction, burying cities in ash, altering landscapes, and even triggering tsunamis. Despite the risks, millions of people choose to live near active volcanoes, drawn by the fertile soil and the awe-inspiring beauty of these natural forces.

Scientists study volcanoes to understand their formation, predict eruptions, and mitigate their impact on human populations. By understanding these giants of the Earth, we can better prepare for their fiery displays and harness their power for the benefit of humankind.

  • What is the source of the molten rock that erupts from volcanoes?
  • Describe the two main types of volcanic eruptions.
  • How does volcanic activity contribute to the Earth’s shaping?
  • What are the dangers posed by volcanic eruptions?
  • Why do people choose to live near active volcanoes?
  • The molten rock that erupts from volcanoes originates from the Earth’s mantle.
  • The two main types of volcanic eruptions are explosive and effusive. Explosive eruptions involve violent expulsion of ash, lava, and gases, while effusive eruptions feature gentle lava flows.
  • Volcanic activity shapes the Earth by forming mountains, islands, plains, and enriching the soil through ash and lava deposits.
  • Volcanic eruptions can be dangerous due to ashfalls, lava flows, and potential tsunamis, causing destruction and loss of life.
  • People are drawn to live near active volcanoes for the fertile soil ideal for agriculture and the breathtaking natural beauty of these powerful formations.

11.Unseen passages for class 8 with questions and answers

From the vastness of the oceans to the lush green forests, the journey of a raindrop is a remarkable story of transformation and connection. It is a cycle that sustains life, nourishes the Earth, and illustrates the delicate balance of our natural world.

A raindrop begins its journey as a tiny molecule of water within the ocean. The sun’s warmth causes evaporation, lifting the water molecule into the atmosphere. As it rises, it cools and condenses with other water molecules, forming a visible droplet.

This droplet joins millions of others, forming clouds that drift across the sky. When the air becomes saturated, the droplets can no longer hold together, and they fall to the Earth as rain.

Raindrops nourish the land, providing water for plants and animals to thrive. They replenish rivers and streams, ensuring the flow of life throughout the ecosystem. They also contribute to erosion and sedimentation, shaping the Earth’s landscapes and forming new features.

The journey of a raindrop is not linear. Some drops may be absorbed into the ground, filling aquifers and providing water for future generations. Others may evaporate back into the atmosphere, repeating the cycle.

Understanding the journey of a raindrop helps us appreciate the interconnectedness of our planet. It reminds us of the importance of protecting our water resources and ensuring the continued sustainability of the natural cycle that sustains all living things.

Questions :

  • Where does a raindrop begin its journey?
  • What causes water to evaporate and form clouds?
  • How does rain nourish the Earth and contribute to its shaping?
  • What happens to a raindrop after it falls to the ground?
  • Why is it important to understand the journey of a raindrop?
  • A raindrop begins its journey as a water molecule within the ocean.
  • The sun’s warmth causes water molecules to evaporate, rise, and condense with others, forming clouds.
  • Rain nourishes the land by providing water for plants and animals, replenishes water sources, and contributes to erosion and sedimentation.
  • After falling to the ground, a raindrop may be absorbed into the soil, evaporate back into the atmosphere, or contribute to surface runoff.
  • Understanding the journey of a raindrop highlights the interconnectedness of our planet, the importance of water conservation, and the cycle that sustains life.

12.Unseen passages for class 8 with questions and answers

Bees are fascinating creatures that play a vital role in our ecosystem. They are not just producers of honey, but also essential pollinators responsible for the reproduction of many plants, including fruits, vegetables, and flowers.

Bees live in complex social colonies with a strict hierarchy. The queen bee is the sole reproductive female and lays thousands of eggs each day. Worker bees are all female and perform various tasks, such as collecting pollen and nectar, building and maintaining the hive, caring for the young, and defending the colony. Drone bees are male and their main function is to mate with the queen bee.

Bees communicate with each other through a complex dance language. By performing different movements, worker bees can tell other bees about the location of food sources, the best places to collect water, and even potential dangers.

Honey is a sweet, golden liquid produced by bees from the nectar they collect from flowers. The bees store the nectar in their honeycombs and convert it into honey through a process of evaporation and enzymatic reactions. Honey is not only delicious but also has various health benefits and medicinal properties.

Unfortunately, bee populations have been declining globally due to various factors like habitat loss, pesticide use, and disease. This decline poses a significant threat to our food security and biodiversity.

  • What is the role of bees in our ecosystem?
  • Describe the different types of bees in a colony and their functions.
  • How do bees communicate with each other?
  • How is honey produced by bees?
  • What are the threats to bee populations, and what are the consequences?
  • Bees are essential pollinators for many plants, ensuring their reproduction and contributing to food security and biodiversity.
  • Queen bees are responsible for laying eggs, worker bees perform various tasks within the hive, and drone bees mate with the queen.
  • Bees communicate through a complex dance language, informing each other about food sources, water sources, and potential dangers.
  • Bees produce honey by collecting nectar from flowers, storing it in their honeycombs, and converting it through evaporation and enzymatic reactions.
  • Habitat loss, pesticide use, and disease pose threats to bee populations, potentially impacting food security and biodiversity.

13.Unseen passages for class 8 with questions and answers

Wind energy is a clean, renewable resource that is playing an increasingly important role in our energy mix. It harnesses the power of wind to generate electricity, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating the effects of climate change.

Wind turbines are large, rotating structures with blades that capture the wind’s kinetic energy. This energy is then converted into mechanical energy, which drives a generator to produce electricity. Wind turbines can be grouped together in wind farms, generating enough electricity to power thousands of homes.

Wind energy has several advantages over other energy sources. It is a clean source of energy, producing no harmful emissions or pollutants. It is also a renewable resource, meaning it will never run out. Additionally, wind energy can be generated in various locations, including onshore and offshore, making it widely accessible.

Despite its benefits, wind energy also faces some challenges. Wind turbines can be expensive to build and maintain. They can also be disruptive to local communities, both visually and acoustically. Additionally, wind energy is not always available, as it depends on the wind speed.

However, with technological advancements and increased investment, wind energy is becoming more affordable and efficient. It is expected to play a major role in the transition to a cleaner and more sustainable future.

  • What is wind energy, and how is it generated?
  • What are the advantages of using wind energy over other energy sources?
  • What are some of the challenges associated with wind energy?
  • How is wind energy contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable future?
  • What are some ways we can promote the use of wind energy?
  • Wind energy is harnessed from the wind’s kinetic energy to generate electricity through wind turbines.
  • Advantages of wind energy include being clean, renewable, and accessible in various locations.
  • Challenges associated with wind energy include cost, visual and acoustic disruptions, and dependence on wind speed.
  • Wind energy helps reduce reliance on fossil fuels, mitigating climate change and promoting sustainability.
  • We can promote wind energy by supporting government policies, investing in research and development, and raising public awareness.

14.Unseen passages for class 8 with questions and answers

Electric vehicles (EVs) are rapidly gaining popularity worldwide. They are seen as a cleaner and more sustainable alternative to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles.

Several factors are driving the EV revolution. One is the growing concern about climate change and the need to reduce carbon emissions. EVs produce zero tailpipe emissions, which can significantly help in combating air pollution and global warming.

Another factor driving the EV market is the advancement in battery technology. Batteries are becoming increasingly powerful and affordable, making EVs more practical and appealing to a wider range of consumers.

Governments worldwide are also offering incentives to promote EV adoption. These incentives include tax breaks, subsidies, and investments in charging infrastructure.

As a result of these factors, the global EV market is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years. This will lead to significant economic opportunities and environmental benefits.

  • What is the main reason for the growing popularity of electric vehicles?
  • How do EVs contribute to reducing carbon emissions?
  • What is one major technological advancement driving the EV market?
  • What role do governments play in promoting EV adoption?
  • What are the potential benefits of the growing EV market?
  • Growing concern about climate change and the need to reduce carbon emissions.
  • EVs produce zero tailpipe emissions, which helps in combating air pollution and global warming.
  • Advancements in battery technology, making them more powerful and affordable.
  • Offering incentives such as tax breaks, subsidies, and investments in charging infrastructure.
  • Significant economic opportunities and environmental benefits.

15.Unseen passages for class 8 with questions and answers

The human fascination with space has existed for centuries. We have gazed at the stars and wondered what lies beyond our planet. In recent years, space exploration has taken giant leaps forward, with missions reaching farther than ever before.

One of the most significant advancements in space exploration has been the development of reusable rockets. This technology has significantly reduced the cost of space travel, making it more accessible and sustainable.

Space exploration has also led to the development of new technologies that benefit our lives back on Earth. For example, GPS technology, originally developed for military purposes, is now used for navigation by millions of people worldwide.

Furthermore, space exploration fosters international cooperation. Countries often collaborate on space missions, which can help to build trust and understanding between nations.

As we continue to explore the vastness of space, we learn more about the universe and our place within it. This knowledge has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of science and technology and inspire future generations to reach for the stars.

  • What is one major factor driving advancements in space exploration?
  • Give an example of how space exploration has benefited life on Earth.
  • How does space exploration encourage international cooperation?
  • What is the potential impact of space exploration on our understanding of science and technology?
  • What is the significance of continuing to explore space?
  • The development of reusable rockets has significantly reduced the cost of space travel.
  • GPS technology, a spin-off of space exploration, is used for navigation by millions.
  • Countries often collaborate on space missions, building trust and understanding.
  • Space exploration can revolutionize our understanding of science and technology.
  • Continuing to explore space allows us to learn more about the universe and our place within it.

16.Unseen passages for class 8 in English

AI is already deeply integrated into our daily lives, even if we may not realize it. From the personalized recommendations on our streaming services to the spam filters in our email, AI algorithms are working behind the scenes to make our lives easier and more efficient.

One of the most common ways we interact with AI is through virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa. These assistants can answer our questions, control our smart home devices, and even play music or podcasts. They are becoming increasingly sophisticated and capable of understanding natural human language.

Another area where AI is having a major impact is in the field of transportation. Self-driving cars are still in development, but they have the potential to revolutionize the way we travel. AI-powered navigation systems are also becoming increasingly sophisticated, helping us to avoid traffic jams and find the best routes.

AI is also being used to improve healthcare by analyzing medical images and identifying diseases at an early stage. It is also being used to develop new drugs and treatments.

  • How is AI used in our daily lives?
  • What are some examples of virtual assistants powered by AI?
  • How is AI being used to improve transportation?
  • How can AI be used to improve healthcare?
  • What are some potential benefits of using AI in various fields?
  • AI is used in personalized recommendations on streaming services, spam filters in email, virtual assistants, and navigation systems.
  • Examples of virtual assistants include Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant.
  • AI is being used to develop self-driving cars and improve navigation systems.
  • AI can be used to analyze medical images, identify diseases early, and develop new drugs and treatments.
  • AI can personalize services, improve efficiency, and provide new insights in various fields.

Here are some tips to solve an Unseen passage for Class 8:

  • Read the passage thoroughly : Read the passage carefully and try to understand the main idea and supporting details. This will help you answer the questions more accurately.
  • Identify the theme of each paragraph : Identify the theme of each paragraph and how it relates to the main idea of the passage. This will help you understand the structure of the passage and answer questions more effectively.
  • Understand the author’s purpose and viewpoint : Try to understand the author’s purpose and viewpoint. This will help you answer questions that require you to infer information from the passage.
  • Identify the tone used in the passage : Identify the tone used in the passage, such as serious, humorous, or sarcastic. This will help you understand the author’s attitude towards the subject matter.
  • Read the questions carefully : Read the questions carefully and try to understand what they are asking. This will help you identify the relevant information in the passage and answer the questions more accurately.
  • Avoid writing long, descriptive and generic answers : Be concise and to the point while answering the questions.

By following these tips, you can improve your comprehension skills and score better on unseen passages for class 8.

In conclusion, comprehension passages are an essential part of the curriculum for class 8 students. They help students develop their reading skills, vocabulary, and critical thinking abilities. In this article, we have provided a list of 15+ best unseen passages for class 8 students. We have also explained how you can easily solve the comprehension passages. We hope that this article on Unseen passages for class 8 will help students and teachers alike in their quest to improve their reading and comprehension skills.

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800+ Words Essay on My Dream For Students

Dreams happen during a special part of sleep called REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. During REM sleep, our brains are very active, almost as if we’re awake. That’s when dreams occur. They can be like magical journeys, taking us to far-off places or letting us meet people we’ve never seen before.

Dreams can be all sorts of things. Sometimes they’re happy and exciting, like flying high above the clouds or meeting a friendly dinosaur. Other times, they can be scary, like being chased by a monster or getting lost in a dark forest. But don’t worry! Even scary dreams are just our imagination playing tricks on us. They can’t hurt us. Have you ever tried to remember a dream? It’s like trying to catch a butterfly – sometimes they slip away before we can hold onto them. But if you keep a dream journal by your bed, you can write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. That way, you won’t forget them!

In this article, we will provide you with an essay on my dream.

500+ Word Essay on My Dream

Since I was a young child, I have been fascinated by the built environment surrounding me. Whenever I walked through cities or towns, I found myself in awe of the structures crafted by human hands. From soaring skyscrapers to cosy cottages, I marvelled at how these buildings were able to merge forms and functions in remarkable ways. Little did I know then that this youthful sense of wonder would eventually inspire a lifelong dream to become an architect myself.

Architecture has been a calling that has steadily risen to the forefront as I’ve grown older. Beyond just admiring edifices aesthetically, I’ve come to understand the deeper complexities and considerations involved in architectural design. Architects must strike a careful balance between form and function, art and pragmatism, expression and live ability. This powerful duality is part of what draws me so strongly to this profession. On one level, architecture is a masterful creative endeavor akin to sculptural art. Architects envision bold, iconic structures that make a statement and capture the imagination. They have a mind’s eye for blending flourishes of style and innovative design elements into buildings that are genuinely awe-inspiring. Dreaming up these symbolic landmarks that will endure long into the future is an incredible legacy to leave behind.

Yet architecture is so much more than just an artistic pursuit. It is a rigorous technical discipline grounded in scientific and engineering principles. Architects must meticulously map out and test the feasibility of their grandest visions to ensure they comply with structural realities, material requirements, environmental standards, codes and regulations. Transforming an abstract concept into a constructible and sustainable reality is an immense challenge requiring analytical skills and practical knowledge.

This duality of creativity and pragmatism is something that naturally fits my personal strengths and passions. I possess a combination of logical, quantitative intelligence and three-dimensional spatial reasoning abilities. At the same time, I have a profound appreciation for aesthetics, design and self-expression through imagery and physical objects. My educational path towards realizing this dream has involved balancing architectural curricula including drafting, modeling, physics and materials sciences alongside studio art, sculpture and computer-aided design. Bridging these intersecting domains is deeply fulfilling. Beyond the inherent intellectual rewards of this field, a driving factor that solidified my desire to become an architect is the meaningful impact the profession has on communities and the human experience. The spaces architects craft shape our daily lives in both seen and unseen ways. We feel the energy and ambiance crafted by thoughtful architectural decisions – even if we aren’t consciously aware of it. Everything from natural lighting to flow and layout exerts a powerful effect on our moods, interactions and quality of life.

Architects also fundamentally shape how humanity co-exists and behaves within our cities, neighborhoods and civic spheres. Well-designed buildings and infrastructure foster community integration and engagement. Compelling public spaces encourage human congregation and connection. Even mundane structural features like sidewalks and green spaces influence activity levels and social habits. This incredible power to influence society at such a root level through physical design is both empowering and humbling. Within this vast architectural scope, my dream is to eventually apply these principles towards sustainable urban planning and transformative civic projects to improve quality of life and community connectivity. I am particularly passionate about creating dynamic mixed-use developments that artfully combine residential, commercial and recreational elements into thriving pedestrian-friendly environments. This interdisciplinary challenge spans designing individual buildings to choreographing the flow and interaction between adjoining structures and public realms.

Another sub-specialty that ignites my passion is re-adaptive architectural design – the innovative practice of repurposing and reinvigorating aging buildings and infrastructure to meet evolving modern needs. Instead of letting dilapidated or obsolete structures go to waste, architects can reimagine these diamonds in the rough with sustainable renovations and creative redesigns to usher in new eras of functionality and public use. From breathing new life into historic edifices to greening dated office complexes, this architectural renaissance is an extraordinary way to merge preservation with progress.

In the bigger picture, the imminent challenges posed by climate change, urbanization and population growth have made environmental stewardship and resourceful architectural resilience an essential priority. Pioneering sustainable designs, materials and processes represents one of the most pivotal responsibilities of our times. Crafting energy-efficient buildings, LEED-certified infrastructure and resilient civic foundations hardy enough to withstand worsening natural disasters has become a pressing moral mission for the architects of our era. I dream of driving this mission full speed ahead.

800+ Word Essay on My Dream

From a young age, I have been fascinated by the power of the internet and websites. Even as a child, I marveled at how we could access any information in the world just by typing on a computer. Whenever I visited a new website, I was filled with a sense of wonder about how such incredible digital realms were constructed. Little did I know then that my childhood curiosity would eventually blossom into a full-fledged dream career: becoming a web developer.

As I grew older and my passion for technology deepened, I became intrigued by the intricacies of how websites function. These dynamic platforms are not just static online pages, but complex coding environments bringing together diverse elements like text, images, audio, video, databases, and user interactions. Websites are true feats of digital architecture and design. The prospect of being able to build these vast virtual worlds from the ground up was immensely appealing.

Pursuing this dream profession aligns seamlessly with my personal strengths and interests. I have always excelled at subjects requiring a logical, structured way of thinking. Mathematics, computer science, problem-solving – these are the scholastic areas where I consistently thrived. Coding and programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript feel like natural extensions of this skills trajectory. They involve breaking down complex objectives into clear step-by-step components and processes.

Beyond the intellectual appeal, a career in web development would allow me to merge my analytical capabilities with my creativity and eye for design. I have a passion for art and visually representing information in a clean, polished manner. The coding aspect would enable me to construct the robust infrastructure and functionality of a website, while the design portion would let me craft elegant user experiences and aesthetically-pleasing interfaces. Achieving this harmonious blend of structure and style is incredibly motivating.

One aspect that has firmed my resolve to pursue web development as a calling is the sheer vast scope for innovation and growth within the field. The internet and the avenues for connectivity are constantly evolving at lightning speeds. Each year brings new disruptive technologies, languages, frameworks, and frontiers to explore. This volatility ensures that no two projects or challenges will ever be the same for a web developer. We must remain nimble, ceaselessly adapting and pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the online world. This infinite learning curve is energizing rather than daunting. The future of web development includes some of the most bleeding-edge and transformative digital breakthroughs on the horizon like virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things. Being a web developer will undoubtedly place me at the forefront of sculpting these revolutionary user experiences and technologies. The potential to creativity shape how we interact and integrate the digital domain into our daily lives is tremendously exciting.

From a pragmatic perspective, web development represents a lucrative, future-proof field with rising demand for skilled professionals. Every company from small local businesses to globe-spanning enterprises requires a robust online presence to conduct marketing, sales, operations, and customer service. Developers who can concept and construct dynamic websites and applications to drive these digital strategies will always enjoy superb career prospects and opportunities.

Within this vast ocean of web development, my goal is to become a Frontend Developer specializing in user experience and interfacing. This specialized role would allow me to focus on the structure, design, interactivity and performance of the visible and outward-facing components that humans directly see and utilize. I could employ languages like HTML, CSS and JavaScript along with frameworks like React or Angular to blend code and artistry into immersive websites and web applications. Crafting the precise look, feel and behavior that facilitates intuitive interactions between humans and digital products is the raison d’etre of this profession.

Beyond just coding customer-facing websites and apps, I aspire to work on exciting virtual reality or mixed reality projects as the scope of web development expands into these visionary new territories. These innovative experiences will require frontier frameworks and paradigms yet to be pioneered. Helping define that frontier is an incredible motivating force.

The path towards realizing this dream involves relentlessly cultivating my skills in coding, programming, UI/UX design, database management, and digital product lifecycles. Academic study supplemented by self-guided online tutorials, virtual trainings, personal projects and coding boot camps will be critical. But the reward for these efforts of becoming a master of the digital craft is immense: the ability to breathe life into the vast Internet cosmos and shape how humanity navigates the boundless online frontier. That is the intoxicating promise of web development that has captured my imagination and drives me to make this dream a reality through tireless work and dedication.

In summary, my aspiration to become a web developer marries my core strengths and interests in logic, coding, digital design, and imagination into a captivating career path overflowing with possibility. The future of the internet and web is an endlessly expanding new universe awaiting exploration and construction. As a web developer – and specifically a Frontend Developer crafting immersive user experiences – I can play an integral role in this defining quest to bridge the physical and digital realms. Relentlessly striving to turn this dream into reality represents the ultimate blend of passion and profession

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Essay on My Dream- FAQs

What are dreams.

Dreams are imaginative experiences that occur during sleep. They often involve vivid images, sounds, and emotions that our minds create while we rest.

Why do we dream?

While scientists are still exploring the exact reasons, dreams may help process emotions, memories, and experiences from our daily lives. They may also serve as a way for our brains to problem-solve and make sense of information.

Can dreams predict the future?

While some people believe in the idea of prophetic dreams, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Dreams are more likely to reflect our thoughts, feelings, and subconscious desires.

Why do we sometimes remember dreams and other times not?

The ability to recall dreams varies from person to person and can be influenced by factors such as sleep cycles, stress levels, and overall health. Dreams are often forgotten quickly upon waking if they are not rehearsed or written down.

Are recurring dreams significant?

Recurring dreams may indicate unresolved issues or emotions in our waking lives. Paying attention to recurring themes or symbols in dreams can offer insight into underlying concerns or patterns that may need addressing.

Can external factors influence dreams?

Yes, external factors such as environmental stimuli (like noise or light), medications, and substances (like alcohol or caffeine) can influence the content and intensity of dreams.

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My Dream Essay | Essay on My Dreams for Students and Children

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

My Dream Essay: Every individual aspires to achieve something. As a kid, we hold onto a plethora of aspirations and ambitions. Over time, only a few of our aspirations and dreams remain intact, and we need to work hard to achieve them. It is highly important to have a goal or dream in your life as it motivates you to achieve them.

Dreams are essential as, without them, you will not have the motivation or determination to move forward in life. Some kids aspire to become a pilot, some dancer, or a musician. However, to achieve these dreams, one has to stay attentive and work hard. Your goals provide you the strength to face obstacles and motivate you towards achievement.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Short and Long Essay on My Dreams in English for Students and Children

Below-mentioned is a descriptive essay for students on the topic, consisting of 400-500 words.  A short essay is provided for children consisting of 150-200 words.

Long Essay on My Dream in English 500 words

This long essay is suitable for students from classes 6,7,8, 9, and 10, respectively, for school assignment/event purpose. This essay will also assist and guide success to those aspiring students applying for competitive examinations.

Dreams are essential. From the childhood stage, kids are made to aspiring something big. They are fed with the importance of a successful career. Every individual they pass by, questions their aim, thus career becomes the central focus. While a career is a part of a professional establishment, it is equally important to nurture health, relationships, and mainly dreams.

Determination is the first step you need to take to convert your dreams into reality. It will aid you in many ways. Determination will help you set the course of action and help you plan the journey for something. Besides, it will help you steady your pace towards the dream.

However big my dream is, having short term goals will always rescue. This is highly important as making hasty decisions will not help you get closer to your dream. Some dreams require time to nurture, some require procedures to follow, without which you cannot achieve your dream.

You may dream big in life, but to achieve them, you must set long and short term goals. These goals will make you steady, taking a step at a time, without hastily jumping into all at once. For instance, I aspire to become a writer, and to make this possible, I need to graduate from a reputed institution.

To keep yourself check on your route towards dreams, you need motivation. Lack of motivation is the sole reason for a person to give up on his dreams. So, staying positive and motivated is a part of achieving your dreams/goals. There are many individuals out there who have lost dreams mid-way due to a lack of motivation.

To achieve your dream, you have to place the goal in your mind. You need to remind yourself every day about your dream. You will experience challenging times where you will feel the urge to quit, but remember your ultimate dream/goal. If you feel messed up, start over with a fresh and positive attitude.

Another boost towards your dream is a reward. You necessarily don’t have to cover milestones to get rewarded, instead set short-terms goals and achieve. This reward can be as simple as meeting up with old friends or cleaning your room. Besides, these short-term goals are your lifesavers to stay motivated.

While working towards your goal without any breaks can hamper your productivity. Besides, too much continuous effort can lead to de-motivation. So, taking a break would help you relax before you indulge in your goals. Take a break between your schedule and engage yourself in hobbies or activities.

Your surrounding company holds an impact on you and your work towards the dream. So, surround yourself with people who encourage and appreciate you. It is best to stay away from people who criticize and distract you.

To wrap it up, dreaming of a goal is easier than achieving it. To fulfill your dreams, you need to sacrifice multiple things. Above all, the pathways towards your dream will help you achieve it. And never stop dreaming big.

Short Essay on My Dream in English 200 words

The short essay is suitable for children up to class 6, respectively. To help the children with their essay assignments and provide a framing guideline for comprehension.

The quote ‘ Miracles do happen when you spend energy on your dreams as you do to your fears’ is rightly said. Everyone aspires to achieve something big. As students, our goals are to score good marks, make good friendships, and step upon success in life. That’s why dreams are essential.

Like every other kid, I too have a dream to achieve something or do something for my country. Our once culture-rich country is now with such as casteism, poverty, crime, illiteracy, etc. With the Indian political system containing many loopholes, the development of our country remains stagnant. I believe that each individual is responsible and plays an equal part in the country’s development. I firmly support that teaching is a way to influence others and have been teaching a laborer’s child for the last one year.

After completing my studies, I aspire to join an NGO to fight and empower the needy and poor. I dream of eradicating the existing social inequality and poverty in our country. I believe that if we come together, we will undoubtedly make a difference and free our country from the chains of inadequacy.

10 Lines on My Dream Essay in English

  • Dreams are our goal to achieve our vision in life.
  • Dreams empower us to move towards our goal
  • Staying motivated is a part your dream that helps you move forward
  • Keep remembering your goal; it helps you stay positive and motivated
  • Set short-term goals and reward yourself for every achievement
  • Take in-between breaks from your dreams and indulge in other activities
  • Surround yourself with people who motivate and encourage you to achieve your goals
  • Do not hesitate to make mistakes as the tough times make you determinant and act as a driving force to achieve your goals
  • Tell yourself that your dream is your life’s goal and you will achieve it at all cost
  • Try and try until you succeed in achieving your dreams and never forget to help others after you achieve

FAQ’s On My Dream Essay

Question 1. What are dreams?

Answer: Dreams are experiences in mind and are based on the images we see, our thoughts, and emotions that we feel. Dreams occur when asleep.

Question 2. What are dreams about?

Answer: Dreams occur when you desire to have something that you see. However, dreams vary from one person to another.

Question 3. How do I achieve my goals?

Answer: To achieve your goals/dreams, you must stay motivated, work hard, set short term goals, reward yourself for every small or big achievement, surround yourself with positivity, and learn from your mistakes.

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Unseen Passage for Class 8

January 2, 2019 by phani

Unseen Passages for Class 8 English

Some Important tips to solve Unseen Passages for Class 8 Question and Answers 

Read the passage carefully and try to understand the contents.

  • Try to understand the meaning of every word in context to the passage.
  • After reading the passage thoroughly, turn to the questions that follow. Try to find the answers.
  • Check your answers before writing them.
  • Answer should be in the same tense, in which the question is given.
  • Answer the questions on the basis of the information given in the passage. Do not add your own views, expressions and imagination.
  • Try to answer the questions in your own words but strictly to the point and as briefly as possible. We See that every answer is clear and complete in itself.
  • Revise your-answers carefully to avoid any mistake.
  • Most importantly time management should be followed.

Type – I

Unseen Passage for Class 8 – Passage 1

Read the passage given-below and answer the questions that follow:                                                                             5

The culture of nuclear families is in fashion. Parents are often heard complaining about the difficulties in bringing up children these days. Too much of freedom in demand, too much independence; over night parties; excessive extravagance, splurging pocket money; no time for studies and family all this is a common cry of such families. Aren’t parents, themselves, responsible for this pitiful state ? The basic need of a growing youth is the family, love, attention and bonding along with moral values. One should not forget that ‘charity begins at home’.

Independence and individuality both need to be respected, in order to maintain the sanctity of family. Children, today are to be handled with tact in order to bridge the ever widening generation gap. Only the reasonable demands need to be fulfilled, as there are too many expenses to be met and top many social obligations to be taken care of by the parents. Our forefathers lived happily in joint families. Children loved to live with their cousins, learnt to adjust within means. There was perfect harmony between the generations. There never existed the concept of old-age homes. There was deep respect for the family elders and love, care and concern for the youngsters. Even the minor family differences were solved amicably.

Unseen Passage with Question and Answers

  • Mention any two major common concerns of a nuclear family.             (1 x 5 = 5 Marks)
  • Who, according to the passage, are responsible for them ?
  • Explain the expression ‘charity begins at home’.
  • Describe the atmosphere in joint families.
  • Which word in the passage means ‘Holiness of life’ ?
  • Too much independence and no time for studies and family.
  • Parents themselves.
  • The parent should not forget that it is in giving that one receives.
  • In joint families, children get a friendly atmosphere and they also learn to adjust within means.

Unseen Passage for Class 8 – Passage 2

Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.                                                                             5

When we enter New York harbour, the first thing we see is the Statue of Liberty. What impresses us the most is its size and magnificence. Have you ever wondered how it came to be there ? The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people of France to mark the one hundred year anniversary of American Independence. In 1869, sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi began to plan his concept for the monument.

Bartholdi chose the look of classic Greek and Roman figures. He envisioned Liberty as a strong and proud figure, one who personified not only the majestic Greek goddesses of the past, but also the working men and women of the present. Finally, in 1884, the work was finished, and Liberty was packed into 214 crates and sent to New York city. Only one problem stood in the way. While the French had raised a lot of funds to build the statue, New York had not secured the funds to build its foundation. It was not until a New York newspaper implored people for donations that money became available. Finally, on 28th October 1886, Americans celebrated the unveiling of the Statue of Liberty.

Unseen Passages with Question and Answers

  • Why was the Statue of Liberty given as a gift to America by France?             (1 x 5 = 5 Marks)
  • What is the name of the sculptor of the monument ‘the Statue of Liberty’ ?
  • What did the sculptor imagine the Statue of Liberty to be ?
  • How many years did it take to unveil the Statue of liberty ?
  • Trace the word from the passage which means the same as “imagined”.
  • The Statue of Liberty was given as a gift to America by France to mark the one hundred year anniversary of American Independence.
  • Frederic Auguste Bartholdi.
  • The sculptor imagined the Statue of Liberty as the majestic Greek Goddesses of the past and also as the working men and women of the present.
  • It took about 2 years to unveil the Statue of Liberty.

Unseen Passage for Class 8 – Passage 3

Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.   

An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer of his plans to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely life with his family. He would miss the pay cheque, but he needed to retire. The employer was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favour. The carpenter said ‘yes’, but in time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior material. It was an unfortunate way to end his career.

When the carpenter finished his work, his employer handed over the key of the house to the carpenter— “This is your house, my gift to you.”

What a shock! What a shame ! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently! Now he had to live in a poorly built house. So it is with us. We build our lives, a day

at a time, often putting less than our best into the building. Then, with a shock, we realize we have to live in the house we have built. If we could do it over, we would do it much differently. But, you cannot go back. You are the carpenter, and every day you hammer a nail, place a board, or erect a wall. Someone once said, your attitude, and the choices you make today, help build the “house” you will live in tomorrow. Therefore, build wisely!

  • What did the carpenter tell his employer?             (1 x 5 = 5 Marks)
  • What favour did his employer ask from the carpenter ?
  • What surprise did the employer have for the carpenter ?
  • Why was the surprise a’shame’for the carpenter?
  • Which word in the first paragraph means the same as ‘art of skill of a workman’ ?
  • The carpenter told his employer of his plans to retire from his house building business and live a leisurely life with his family.
  • The employer asked if he could build just one more house as a favour.
  • The employer handed over the keys of the new house to the carpenter.
  • As the carpenter resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior material.
  • workmanship.

Unseen Passage for Class 8 – Passage 4

Next to water, tea is the most commonly consumed beverage in the world. This is a good news because tea offers important health benefits. Its benefits were first discovered by the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung who declared that it gave one vigour of body, contentment of mind and determination of purpose. Today there is ample proof that tea in its many forms possesses a number of health benefits from supporting the immune, system to reducing the risk of cancer, to helping prevent tooth decay.

What makes tea such a healthy drink ? The star compounds are called catechins. Those are antioxidants ,      that help prevent cell damage by harmful molecules called free radicals.

Tea can be black, green and red and is derived from a warm-weather evergreen tree known as Camelia Sinensis. The more processing, tea leaves undergo, the darker they become. Green tea is the least processed tea. It is simply steamed quickly and offers the maximum healing powers because it isn’t fermented. It also helps prevent tooth decay and aids weight loss.

  • The most commonly consumed beverage in the world is………………………….. (1×5 = 5)
  • Benefits of tea were first discovered by……………………………………..
  • Tea turns out to be a healthy drink due to the presence of…………………………….
  • Green tea leaves offer maximum healing powers because it is………………………..
  • The word to the last para which means the same as helps is………………………….
  • the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung
  • not fermented

Type – II

English Reading Unseen Passage for Class 8- Passage 1

Read the following passage carefully:

For the mobility—impaired, highly trained canines called ‘service dogs’ can pick up dropped keys, open and close drawers, retrieve prepared meals, help a person in and out of bathtub, dial 911, push and pull wheelchairs, help operate a car or van and pull off gloves, shoes, socks and jackets. Other dogs provide specific assistance to those who suffer seizures (sudden attacks of illness) and require special medication. And, of course, the helping dogs provide companionship, play and give unconditional love to the people they assist.

It is thirty odd years now since the placement of the first assistance dog. But only in recent years, with the rising independent movement among disabled people has the idea begun to spread widely.

While most service-dogs are trained to work with people who rely on wheelchairs, other categories of helping dogs include hearing-dogs who alert their owners to sounds, such as doorbells, phones, cooking timers, alarm clocks, smoke alarms and seizure dogs which carry medication in their packs and are trained to dial 911 on large keypad phones.

Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option:                                      (1×5 = 5)

Q1: The service-dogs were:

(a) paid highly (b) less in number (c) multiple taskers (d) employees

Q2: The idea of assistance dogs became popular due to the:

(a) independent movement among the disabled

(b) awareness by the hospitals

(c) independence of the country

(d) both (a) and (c)

Q3: The categories of helping-dogs are:

(a) domestic dogs, service dogs & seizure dogs

  • (b) service, hearing and seizure dogs

(c) hunting and domestic dogs

(d) None of the above

Q4: There is a difference between:

(a) the service dogs and the helping dogs

(b) the serving dogs and canines

(c) the canines and ordinary dogs

(d) both (b) and (c) .

Q5: Give the noun form of ‘trained’:

(a) train       (b) trains  (c) training  (d) trainee

  •  (c) multiple taskers
  • (a) independence movement among the disabled
  • (c) The canines and ordinary dogs
  • (d) trainee

English Reading Unseen Passage for Class 8- Passage 2

An owl is a bird. There are two basic types of owls: typical owls and bam owls. Owls live in almost every country of the world. Owls are mostly nocturnal, meaning they are awake at night. Owls are predators—they hunt the food that they eat. Owls hunt for mice and other small mammals, insects and even fish. Owls are well adapted for hunting. Their soft, fluffy feathers make their flight nearly silent. They have very good hearing which helps them to hunt well in the darkness. The sharp hooked beaks and claws of the owl makes it very easy to tear apart their prey quickly, although owls also eat some prey whole.

Owl’s eyes are unusual. Like most predators, both the eyes of the owl face front. The owl cannot move its eyes. Owls are far—sighted, which means they can see very well far away………. but they can’t see dose very well at all. Fortunately, their distant vision is what they use for hunting and they can see far away even in low light. Owls have facial disks around their eyes, tufts of feathers in a circle around each eye. These facial disks are thought to help the Owl’s hearing. Owls can turn their heads 180 degrees. This makes it look like they might be able to turn their heads all the way around, but 180 degrees is all the owl needs to see what’s going on all around its. Perhaps because of the Owl’s mysterious appearance, especially its round eyes and flexible neck, there are a lot of myths and superstitions about owls. Many cultures believe that owls are unusually wise. Because owls are nocturnal, some cultures associate owls with bad omens. The screech of the bam owl is considered by many to sound eerily human, like a person screaming. However, owls probably do not interact with the fates of humans at all. In fact, some owl species may become extinct because of humans.

Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option:

Q1 :Which of the following is not true about owls ?

(a) Owls eat small animals

(b) Owls are able to fly silently

(c) Owls have the best hearing of all birds

(d) Owls have poor vision

Q2: The eyesight of the owl is used for……………..

(a) flying (b) hunting (c) sleeping  (d) none of these

Q3: The purpose of this short article is…………….

(a) to entertain (b) to inform (c) to persuade (d)none of these

Q4: Title for this story can be…………..

(a) Owls hunt at night (b) Owls can fly silently (c) Owls are interesting animals (d) Owls have flexible necks

Q5: Which of the following is true ?.

(a) The facial disks of the owl help them to see.

(b) Owls have a strong, bent beak.

(c) Most owls hunt for food during the day.

(d) Owls are dangerous to humans.

  • (d) owls have poor vision
  • (b) hunting
  • (b) to inform
  • (c) Owls are interesting animals
  • (b) Owls have a strong, bent beak

English Reading Unseen Passage for Class 8- Passage 3

Be like a flower. One must try to become like a flower: open, frank, equal, generous and kind. So you know what it means ?

A flower is open to all that surrounds it: nature, light, the rays of the sun, the wind etc. It exerts a spontaneous influence on all that is around it. It radiates joy and beauty.

It is frank. It hides nothing of its beauty and lets its fragrance flow frankly out of itself. What is within and what is in its depths, it lets it come out so that everyone can see it.

It is equal: it has no preferences. Everyone can enjoy its beauty and its perfume without rivalry. It is equal and the same for everybody. There is no difference, or anything whatsoever.

Then generous without reserve or restriction, it gives away the mysterious beauty and the very own perfume of Nature. It sacrifices itself entirely for our pleasure, even its life it sacrifices to express this beauty and the secret of the things gathered within itself.

And then, kind: it has such a tenderness, it is so sweet, so close to us, so loving. Its presence fills us with joy. It is always cheerful and happy.

Happy is he who can exchange his qualities with the real qualities of the flowers. Try to cultivate in yourself their refined qualities.

Answer the following questions by selecting most appropriate option from the ones given below:          (1×5 = 5)

Q1: A flower is compared…………..

(a) with all living things (b) with human beings (c) with girls  (d) with a child

Q2: A flower is open to all because…………

(a) it influences all (b) it radiates joy (c) it spreads its beauty to all  (d) all of these

Q3: The refined qualities of a flower are,

(a) fragrance and beauty

  • (b) generosity and kindness

(c) equality and attractiveness

(d) frankness and honesty

Q4: The writer talks about………….

(a) rose flower

(b) lotus flower

(c) lily flower

  • (d) all flowers

Q5: A spontaneous influence means……….

(a) a slow influence

(b) a quicker influence

  • (c) naturally created influence

(d) a casual influence

  • (b) with human beings
  • (d) all of these

English Reading Unseen Passage for Class 8- Passage 4

Read the following passage carefully:                                                                                                                                     5

This is a great lesson for all of us to learn, that in all matters the two extremes are alike. The extreme positive and the extreme negative are always similar. When the vibrations of light are too slow we do not see them, nor do we see them when they are too rapid. So with sound; when very low in pitch we do not hear it, when very high we do not hear it either. Of like nature is the difference between resistance and non-resistance. One man does not resist because he is weak, lazy and cannot; because he will not; the other man knows that he can strike an irresistible blow if he likes; yet he not only does not strike, but blesses his enemies. The one who from weakness resists not commits a sin, and as such cannot receive any benefit from the non-resistance, while the other would commit a sin by offering resistance.   —Swami Vivekananda.

Answer the following questions by selecting most appropriate option from the ones given below:      (1×5 = 5)

Q1: “… in all matters two extremes are alike”, means:

(a) Powerful men always gain success

(b) All human beings are of same characters

(c) Boys and girls are equally talented

  • (d) The extreme positive and the extreme negative are alike

Q2: When the sound is in low pitch:

  • (a) we fail to hear it

(b) we can hear it easily

(c) it pleases us

(d) we feel dizzy

Q3: Too rapid vibrations of light:

(a) can be easily seen

  • (b) cannot be seen

(c) should be enjoyed

(d) both (b) and (c) are correct

Q4: The one who resists is different from a man who does not resist, because of his:

(a) nature    (b) weakness (c) strength (d) laziness

Q5: The word ‘irresistible’ mean:

(a) tied so closely that it cannot be separated

  • (b) so strong that it cannot be stopped

(c) that cannot be changed back

(d) so valuable that it cannot be replaced

  • (c) strength

Unseen Passage

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Essay on My Dream for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my dream.

Everyone has a dream in his life which they want to achieve when they grow up. Some kids want to become rich so that they can buy anything and some want to be a doctor, lawyer, or engineer. But only you know that for achieving these goals you have to work hard and stay attentive to it. In this essay on my dream, we are going to discuss the basic things that will help in achieving my dream .

Essay on My Dream


For turning a dream into reality the first thing that you need is determination. This will help you in a lot of ways. Firstly, it will help you decide the course of action for doing anything. Besides, it will also help you to plan the journey ahead. Also, it will help to take things slow and maintain a steady pace towards the dream.

Moreover, no matter how big my dream planning and setting short term goals will always help. This is important because rushing to your dream will not going to help you in any way. Besides, there is some dream that requires time and they follow a process without following it you cannot achieve that dream.

Staying Motivated

Lack of motivation is one of the main causes that force a person to leave his dream behind. So, staying motivated is also part of the goal. And if you can’t stay positive then you won’t be able to achieve the dream. There are many people out there that quit the journey of their dreams mid-way because they lack motivation .

Keep Remembering Goal

For completing the dream you have to keep your dream in the mind. And remind this dream to yourself daily. There come hard times when you feel like quitting at those times just remember the goal it helps you stay positive . And if you feel like you messed up big times then start over with a fresh mind.

Reward Yourself

You don’t need to cover milestones to reward yourself. Set a small target towards your dream and on fulfilling them reward yourself . These rewards can be anything from toffee to your favorite thing. Besides, this is a good way of self-motivation.

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Take Some Breaks

Working towards your goal not mean that you work day and night without stopping. Apart from that, due to continuous efforts, people soon start to become de-motivated. So, taking a break will help your body and mind. For doing so, take a break in between your schedule for some time an engage yourself in other activities.

Stay Among Positive People

Your company affects you in a lot of ways than you can imagine. So, be with people who appreciate you and stay away from people who distract and criticize you.

Don’t Hesitate to Make Mistakes

an unusual dream essay for class 8

To sum it up, we can say that dreaming of a goal is far easier than achieving it. And for fulfilling your dream you need a lot of things and also have to sacrifice many things.

Above all, for fulfilling your dream plan and work according to it because it will lead you to the right path. And never forget to dream big because they help in overcoming every obstacle in life.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What’s the best way to achieve a dream?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “There is no best way for achieving your dream. However, there are certain things that can help you in achieving your dream like being clear to your goal, keep trying, being determinant and several other qualities.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What can be the biggest dream of anyone’s life?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”From my point of view being healthy and happy can be the biggest dream of anyone’s life. “} }] }

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Essay Writing Class 8 CBSE Format, Topics, Examples

July 29, 2021 by Prasanna

Essay Writing Class 8

Essays are common in elementary, middle, high school and college, and one may even need to write essays in the business world. An essay is defined as “a short piece of writing that expresses information as well as the writers opinion.

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Essay Writing Class 8 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

An essay is, generally, a piece of writing that gives the authors own argument — but the definition is vague, overlapping with those of a paper, an article, a pamphlet, and a short story. Essays have traditionally been sub-classified as formal and informal.

There are seven steps to writing a successful essay:

  • Pick a topic.
  • Prepare an outline or diagram of your ideas.
  • Write your thesis statement.
  • Write the body.
  • Write the introduction.
  • Write the conclusion.

Writing : For some, writing an essay is as simple as sitting down at their computer and beginning to type, but a lot more planning goes into writing an essay successfully. If you have never written an essay before, or if you struggle with writing and want to improve your skills, it is a good idea to go through several steps in the essay writing process.

For example, to write an essay, you should generally:

  • Decide what kind of essay to write.
  • Brainstorm your topic.
  • Do research.
  • Develop a thesis.
  • Outline your essay.
  • Focus on Coherence of idea.
  • Edit your writing to check spelling and grammar.

Kinds of Essays The first step to writing an essay is to decide what kind of essay to write. There are several main structures into which essays can be grouped:

  • Narrative Essays: Tell a story or impart information about your subject in a straightforward, orderly manner.
  • Descriptive Essays: Focus on the details of what is going on. For example, if you want to write a descrip tive essay about your trip to the park, you would give great detail about what you experienced: how the grass felt beneath your feet, what the park benches looked like, and anything else the reader would need to feel as if he were there.
  • Persuasive Essay: Convince the reader of some point of view.
  • Comparative Essay: Compare two or more different things.
  • Expository Essay: Explain to the reader how to do a given process. You could, for example, write an expository essay with step-by-step instructions on how to make a peanut butter sandwich.

Essay Writing Class 8 CBSE

Dream is a vision of future. Everyone has dreams and pursues it with sincerity and preservance. “A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Dreams are not what you see in sleep. They are the things that don’t let you sleep”. Just like others, I have also nurtured a career dream from an early age. I aspire and wish to write and publish my works one day. I have never been very good when it came to verbal communication. It is embedded in my nature.

I do not like to be blunt or impolite even when someone says something to me. I choose to remain quiet during such situations. I am also a bit of an introvert and do not like opening up with everyone and that saves lot of my time. I could spare time for myself and brood over happenings. I am a keen observant. I figured out that a it is good way to vent out ones idea and imagination through writing. I began writing and found out that I am actually good at it.

It is hard for me to communicate my feelings verbally however it is quite easy for me to pen them down. Writing for me has now become a way of life I keep journaling all my feelings and this keeps me sorted. It has become more of a passion for me and I now aspire to turn it into my profession. Apart from writing bits and pieces about the happenings in my life, I also love writing stories and will soon come up with my own novel. My family is completely supportive about my career dream. It is rightly said, “Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears”.

School is the temple of learning and gets trained for the professional and social life. My school was set up in 1990 on the donated land with the help of donated money. My school atmosphere is very pleasant and school environment is very clean and attractive. My school building is located in the centre of the play ground. On one side of the school there is a big garden having small pond. There are many colourful fish and other water animals in this pond.

My school is four storey building having classes for nursery to 12th class students. My school has one big library, principal office, head office, clerk office, one science laboratory, one computer lab, one common study room, one big lobby, teacher common room, one big sports ground, separate hostel for girls and boys in the school campus. My school has highly qualified and experienced teachers who teach us in very effective and creative manner.

My school has around one thousand students who always rank higher in the competitions held outside the school or inside the school. We all go to school in the proper uniform. We have two types of the uniform, one common uniform and other house uniform. My school timing starts at 7.50 am in the morning and 1.30 pm in the afternoon in the summer season and 8.50 am in the morning and 3.30 pm in the evening in the winter season. We daily go to the library for sometime where we practice reading creative books and newspaper for enhancing our skill and general knowledge.

Digital India

In the state of fast pacing world, would lag behind, if he does not watch his step. So to make the country a leader that shoulder the global responsibility with vision and smart brain, ‘digital India’ slogan came through a leader who can thrice the young geniuses with constructive approach. Digital India is a project started by the government of India on 1st of July, 2015 (from 1st to 7th of July as digital week) in order to transform India into a complete digitally empowered as well as knowledgeable country of the world. This project is interconnected by the various governmental departments such as IT, education, agriculture, etc in order to achieve a promising bright returns.

It is headed and planned by the ministry of communications and information technology. It is like golden opportunity for India when got implemented properly. In the very starting of the project launch, there was a plan by the state government to make available high speed internet connection in almost 250,000 villages and other residential areas of the country. The crucial role played by the ‘Bharat Broadband Network Limited (BBNL)’ in this project is really appreciable. In the digital India there would be easy digitization of data which will help in making things much more efficient and fast in the future.

It will reduce paper work, save man power and save time as well. This project will take a speed by tying the knot between government and private sectors. Huge number of villages interconnected with high speed network will really undergo a huge change from backward regions to complete digitally equipped areas. All the cities, towns and villages in India will get more tech savvy. The project has been planned to be completed by 2019 with the investment of leading companies (national or international).

Delhi is my city which is beautiful situated on the right of the river Yamuna. It was called by various names Inderprastha is one of them. Delhi is an amalgamation of modernity and tradition. Its rich culture & tradition is restored with dignity and pride. It fascinates the tourist. The web of connectivity in turns of transport, people, heritage; it is a centre of political power.

It keeps on spreading and the regions of those neighbouring states are called NCR (National capital Region). Delhi is famous for its delicious food as it offers wide variety of cuisine. Business centre like Chandni chowk, Cannaught place, Janpath attracts the tourists. My city is one of the most happening cities in the country. Everything here is just awesome. I just wish the government here strengthens women security too.

The computer is one of the most important invention done in 20th century. It has speed up the activities and assisted humans in various ways. It controls machines helps in surgery. Computer is the wonderful and mastermind gift of the science to the whole human fraternity. It can be used to do any kind of works. It is very easy to handle by anyone and takes very less time to learn. Because of its easiness and high work efficiency, it is being used in many fields like offices, banks, hotels, educational institutions, shops, hospitals, commercial places, schools, colleges, training institutes, military establishments, military, industries, etc.

Many people buy laptop or desktop for their kids to learn about required things in their schools or playing computerized video-games, etc. Computer is a big dictionary and large storage device which we use to save any type of large amount of data like information, study materials, projects, photos, images, video, audio, songs, clips, games, and many more. It is an electronic machine which is able to calculate and solve big problems. It helps in enhancing our skill level and get information easily. It is very simple data based machine. It provides facility of many other tools like paint tool, text tool, etc which are very beneficial for the kids, children and students to use it more effectively.

We can use it for any big or small mathematical calculations very accurately. It is used to forecast the information about weather, in printing books, news papers, diagnosing diseases, etc. It is used to make online railway reservations, ticket booking, hotel or restaurant booking from any place all over the world. It is used by MNC companies for the accounting purpose, invoicing, pay rolls, stock control, etc. it is impossible to survive without computer and will be a gift for future generations.

Modern life has become easier and the people of the world have been indebted to the immense contribution of the internet Technology. Life has become move convenient with its advent. In the modern time, internet’ has become is one of the most powerful and interesting tools all across the world. It broke all the barriers be it political or social boundaries. The Internet is a network of networks and collection of many services and resources which benefits us in various ways. Using internet we can access World Wide Web from any place. It provides bulk of facilities to us such as E-mail, surfing search engines, accessing web portals, opening informative websites, being up-to-date, video chatting and many more.

However, we should know all the disadvantages and advantages of using internet in our life. Internet availability is very useful for the students however it is a big concern too for them sometimes it affects badly as objectionable and improper material also available. Most of the parents realize this type of danger however some not and use internet openly. So, children should use internet facility under the proper guidance of their parents.

We can use security system by using user name and password to prevent others to access our precious online data. Internet allow us to use any application programmes supporting instant messaging to send quick messages to friends, parents or teachers. However, in some other countries (North Korea, Myanmar, etc) it is totally prohibited to use internet as they think that it is bad thing for them. Sometimes, hackers can hack our secret computer information using internet without our knowledge even after password security. So with great powers come great responsibilities.

The celebration of Dussehra indicates the victory of Lord Rama over demon king Ravana. Lord Rama symbolizes truth and Ravana represents evil power. It is a ten days long festival, nine days of which is celebrated by worshipping the goddess Durga and tenth day as Vijay Dashmi when people celebrate the victory of Lord Rama over the demon King, Ravana. Dussehra is the most significant festival of the Hindu religion celebrated all across the country. It falls every year in the month of September or October twenty days earlier to the Diwali festival. It is a great ceremonial and religious festival celebrated by the Hindu people with the worship of goddess Durga.

The tradition and culture of celebrating this festival varies from region to region in the country. A huge preparation for this festival takes place which starts few days earlier to the exact date. A big fair is held for whole ten days or a whole month where people from far regions come to make shops and stalls of all things necessary for the people. It takes place in the Ram-Lila ground in every society or community where a huge fair is held with the dramatic show of legends of Dussehra for all days.

Paper models of the Ravana, Kumbhkaran and Meghnath are prepared in the Ram Lila ground and real people play the role of Rama, Sita and Lakshman. Everywhere lights are on and whole environment becomes full of sound of firecrackers. People and kids used to see the fair including Ram-lila whole night. Various important events of the life of Lord Rama are demonstrated by the real people in the Ram Lila. Thousands of men, women and children of the nearby regions get together in the Ram Lila ground to enjoy the show.

Christmas falls every year in the winter season however people celebrate it with lots of joy, activities and happiness. It is one of the most important festival for the Christians of the year which they celebrate doing lots of preparations. The preparations of the celebration start a month ago and celebration ends 12 days after of the Christmas. Christmas is celebrated all across the world by the people, especially people of Christian religion, every year on 25th of December.

It is celebrated on the birth anniversary of the Jesus Christ, God of Christians who founded Christianity. At this day people decorate a Christmas tree, invites their friends, relatives and neighbours to enjoy and distribute gift. Santa Claus come on this day at mid night at 12 pm to everyone’s home and secretly keep gifts for the children in their houses. Children become very happy by getting gifts of their own likes in the early morning. All the schools, colleges, universities, offices and other government and non-government organizations become closed at this day.

Everyone enjoy it as a Christmas holiday by doing lots of activities throughout the day. It brings unity in society, family as it is celebrated in a collective way. People enjoy a big dinner party called feast. They prepare lots of delicious dishes, sweets, fruits, nuts, etc on the dining table. Everyone wear colourful dress, dance, sing, party and enjoy doing other adventurous activities. At this day, Christian people do pray to their God, confess about their all sins and sufferings, sing holy songs and meet each other with love.”

Day Our earlier President, Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan was born on 5th of September so Teacher’s Day in India is being celebrated on his birthday because of his love and affection towards teaching profession. He was a great believer of education and highly famous as the scholar, diplomat, teacher and President of India. Teacher’s Day is a very special occasion for everyone especially for the teachers and students. It is celebrated by the students every year on 5th of September to honour their teachers. 5th of September has been declared as the Teachers day in India. It is his wish to celebrate his birthday as a teacher’s day.

It was considered as a great contribution towards the most dignified profession. Teacher’s day is a great occasion for celebrating and enjoying the relationship between teachers and students. Now a day, it is celebrated with the big enthusiasm and joy in the schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions by both students and teachers. Teachers are given lots of wishes about long life from their students. In the modern time the celebration strategy of the teacher’s day has been standard. Students become so happy at this day and plan for the way of wishing their favourite teachers.

Some students wish their favourite teachers by giving them gifts, greeting cards, pen, diaries, etc. Some students wish their teachers by sending them audio messages, emails, video messages, written messages, through online chat, social media websites like Facebook, twitter, etc. Someone just say “Happy teacher’s day” orally to wish. We should realize the necessity and value of our teachers in our lives and celebrate Teachers’ Day every year to pay them homage for great job.

Teachers are more than our parents who mould the mind towards success. They become happy and get their success in life only if their dedicated students go ahead and spread teachers name all over the world through his activities. The teachers are like pillars and milestones who give strength and stride in a different way. We should follow all good lessons in our life taught by our teachers.

Children’s Day

Introduction: Children’s day is celebrated on birth anniversary of the Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru. When he realized children as future of country, he declared his birthday to be celebrated as children’s day in order to completely focus and improve the status of children in the country. Children’s day is being celebrated since 1956 on 14th of November every year all over India. Happy childhood make an adult into a confident one.

Children day celebration provides big opportunity to everyone especially neglecting people of the country. It force them to think about future of their children by realizing them duty and responsibility towards children. It makes people aware about the past status of children in the country and what should be real status of them for bright future of country. It is possible only if each and every individual would understand their responsibility towards their children. Various child centimes programmes and scholarships are also started on the day.

How it is celebrated: It is celebrated with lots of activities (related to children to build them ideal citizens) everywhere in the country. Many competitions held in the schools regarding children health in every aspect like physically, mentally and morally. They are given opportunities to spread their wings and fly. They deserve the attention. Conclusion: Children’s Day is celebrated to make people aware that children are the real future of the country. So everyone should understand their responsibility towards their children and realize the importance of the children’s day celebration

Independence Day

Our country India is an ancient land with a glorious history. Our free spirits, rich tradition futuristic ideas made India a coveted land Ambitious Britishers have left the country after so many sacrifices. So it is our pious duty to celebrate this national festival with great pomp and show Independence Day is celebrated by the people of India every year on 15th of August as a National Holiday to commemorate the independence of India from the Kingdom of Great Britain on 15th of August in 1947. At this day, people of India pay heartily homage to the great leaders under their leadership, India became free forever. At this day, people celebrate in their own way by buying tricolour Flag, watching movies based on freedom fighters, listening to patriotic songs, bonding with family and friends, participating in special programmes.

Jawaharlal Nehru became our first Prime Minister after the independence of India on 17th of August 1947 who raised the Flag at Lahore Gate of Red Fort in Delhi and given a speech. This phenomenon is followed by the other subsequent Prime Ministers of India where flag hoisting ceremonies, parades, march past, salute by 21 guns and other cultural events are organized. Other people celebrate this day by raising national flag on their clothes, homes or vehicles. On the midnight of 15th August in 1947, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had announced the independence of India by reading out his speech on “Tryst with destiny”.

He said that after long years of slavery, it is the time when we will redeem our pledge with the end of our ill fortune. India is a country where millions of people live together whether they belong to various religion, cultures or traditions and celebrate this special occasion with great joy. At this day, as being an Indian, we should feel proud and must take an oath to keep ourselves loyal and patriotic in order to save our motherland from any type of attack or humiliation by other countries.

Road Safety

Human resource is always considered as precious for society and economy. To secure life is an asset to the nation. However, its security is compromised when a life is snapped at road. Death or trauma because of accidents end a life. Thus road safety is the prevention and protection of road accidents by using all the road safety measures. It is to secure people while traveling on the roads. Everyone should respect others while driving or walking on the road and take care of their safety. People safety on the road is one of the most important aspects in order to avoid road side accidents, injury, and death.

We can judge the importance of road safety on the basis of national statistical data about total reported accidents and death. Almost 42% cases involve pedestrians and one way road users. There are various methods of creating awareness among common public such as seminars, workshops, students education by adding basic road-safety lessons to syllabus, make people aware about green cross code means stop, look, listen, think and then cross, learning of traffic lights, understanding of road signs, etc.

Following all the road safety measures help a lot to protect all the road problems. Some effective measures of road safety are like basic awareness about vehicle, defensive driving according to weather and road conditions, use of vehicle lights and horn, wearing seat belt, well use of vehicle mirrors, avoid over-speeding, understanding road lights, maintaining distance of vehicle on road, proper understanding of handling crisis situation, telecast of awareness documentaries on TV, etc.

Human Rights

The UN adopted Universal Declaration of human rights 1948. Human rights is a grave concern as it is considered as Natural right. It is further put into two categories as natural rights and civil rights. Human rights are norms that illustrate certain standards of human behaviour. These are fundamental rights to which every individual is inherently entitled just because he or she is a human being. These rights are protected by law.

Here is a look at some of the basic human rights:

  • Right to Life Every individual has the inherent right to live. Every human being has the right of not being killed by another person.
  • Right to Fair Trial Every person has the right to fair trial by an impartial court. This includes the right to be heard within a reasonable time, right to public hearing and right to counsel.
  • Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion Every person has the freedom of thought and conscience. He/she also has the freedom to choose his/her religion and is also free to change it at any time.
  • Freedom from Slavery Slavery and slave trade is prohibited. However, these are still practised illegally in some parts of the world.
  • Freedom from Torture Torture is prohibited under the international law. Every person has freedom from torture.

Other universal human rights include right to liberty and personal security, freedom of speech, right to remedy by competent tribunal, freedom from discrimination, right to nationality and freedom to change it, right to marriage and family, freedom of movement, right to own property, right to education, right of peaceful assembly and association, freedom from interference with privacy, family, home and correspondence, right to participate in government and in free elections, right of opinion and information, right to adequate living standard, right to social security and right to social order that articulates this document. These organizations take steps to protect these rights. If they find violation in it.

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a cleanliness drive aimed to cover 4041 statutory cities and town all over India. Swachh Bharat Mission or Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a campaign run by the government of India as a massive mass movement to initiate the theme of cleanliness all through the India. This campaign was launched in seeking the way to create a Clean India target by 2019, 2nd of October means 150th birthday anniversary of the Mahatma Gandhi. The father of nation, Mahatma Gandhi was dreamed to make India a clean India and always put his hard efforts towards swachhta in India.

This is the reason, why Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was launched on 2nd of October (the birthday of the Mahatma Gandhi). To complete the vision of the father of the nation, Indian government has decided to launch this campaign. The mission has targeted aims like eliminating the open defecation, converting insanitary toilets into pour flush toilets, eradicating manual scavenging, complete disposal and reuse of solid and liquid wastes, bringing behavioural changes to people and motivate health practices, spreading cleanliness awareness among people, strengthening the cleanliness systems in the urban and rural areas as well as creating user friendly environment for all private sectors interested for investing in India for cleanliness maintenance. This mission has an interesting theme of inviting nine new people by each and every involved people in the campaign and continuing this chain until the each and every citizen of India gets involved in this campaign.

Water is present all around the globe in various forms like iceberg snow, sea, river, underground cource, yet water scarcity is always there because if we have 66% of earth covered with water only 3% fresh drinking water is available. Thus save water or conservation of water has been very essential to maintain the existence of life on the earth because no life is possible without water. Water helps in the continuity of life cycle on the earth as an exception in the whole universe According to the conducted by United Nation, it is found that girls in the Rajasthan do not go to school as they have to go long distances to get water which eats their whole day so they do not get time for other purposes.

So we can say that water scarcity is also the reason of illiteracy, suicide, fights and other social issues in India and other developing countries. In such regions of water scarcity, the new generation children are not achieving their basic right to education and right to live happily. As a responsible citizen of India, we should make ourselves aware about all the problems of water scarcity so that we all may take a pledge and join hands together for water conservation.

There is a true saying that a small effort of everyone can give a big result just like many drops of water form a huge water body like pond, river and sea. We do not need to make extra efforts for water conservation, we only need to bring some positive changes in our daily activities like ensure the tight closing of the tap after every use, use of bucket and mug while washing anything or bathing instead of using shower or pipe. A little effort from the end of millions of people can give a big positive result towards the save water campaign

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched the scheme Beti Bachao Beti Padhao. It is a very effective scheme aims to improve the number of girl child, save girl child, eradicate female foeticide, give them proper security and education, personal and professional development, etc all over the country. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao is a government scheme launched by the PM Narendra Modi on 22nd of January on Thursday, at Panipat, Haryana. This scheme has been launched by keeping in mind the drastic condition of girl child in the Indian society.

According to the statistics, the ratio of girl child per male child (of age group 0-6 years) was 945/1000 in 1991 whereas it remains only 927/1000 in 2001 and again reduced to 918/1000 in 2011. If we see the census report we see that the ratio of girl child is decreasing continuously per each decade. This scheme has been implemented in 100 selected districts of the country (by the joint initiative of ministry of Human Resource Development and Health and ministry of Women and Child Development) through a national campaign in order to cover all the states and UTs.

There are some positive aspect that this scheme would be proved as a great start to remove social issues against girl child. We hope that there would be a day when no girl child would be killed, uneducated, insecure, raped, etc because of socio-economic reasons. Hence, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme is aimed to make girls independent both socially and financially by reducing the sex discrimination all over the country.

Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi was a great freedom fighter who spent his whole life in struggle for the independence of India. He was born in the Indian Hindu family on 2nd of October in 1869 in the Porbander, Gujarat. He lived his whole as a leader of the Indian people. His whole life story is a great inspiration for us. While fighting with Britishers he took help of his great weapons like non-violence and Satyagraha movements to achieve freedom. Many times he got arrested and sent to the jail but he never discourages himself and continued fighting for national freedom.

He truly understood the power of unity in people (from different castes, religions, community, race, age or gender) which he used all through his independence movement. Britishers were forced to quit India forever through his mass movements on 15th of August in 1947. Since 1947, the 15th of August is celebrated every year as the Independence Day in India. After the independence of India in 1947 as he was assassinated by one of the Hindu activists, Nathuram Godse in 1948 on 30th of January. He enlightened our life with a fact that everything is possible with the non-violence and unity of people. Even after getting died many years ago, he is still alive in the heart of every Indian as a “Father of the Nation and Bapu”.

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa was a very religious and famous woman. She is one the great personalities all over the world. She had served her life a true mother by providing kind services of full dedication and love to the needy and poor people of the Indian society. She is also popularly known as “saint of our times” or “angel” or “a beacon in the world of darkness”. Her birth name was Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu who became later famous as the Mother Teresa after her great works and life achievements. She was born on 26th of August in 1910 Skopje, Macedonia in a religious catholic family.

Mother Teresa was decided to become a nun in her early age. She had joined a convent in the year 1928. and then came to India (Darjeeling and then Kolkata). Once, while she was returning from her visit, she started thinking some ways to alleviate people suffering in the slum. She was well known of her social restrictions so she prayed to the God for getting some guidance and direction. Finally she got a message (to leate convent and serve needy people) from the God on her way to Darjeeling on 10th of September in 1937. After that she never looked back and started serving to the poor people.

She chose to wear a simple dress of white sari having blue border. Soon, young girls started joining her group in order to provide a kind help to the suffering people of the poor community. She planned to make a dedicated group of sisters which would be always ready for serving to poor in any condition. The group of dedicated sisters later known as “Missionaries of Charity”.

APJ Abdul Kalam

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam is called as the a Missile Man of India and the People’s President of India. His full name was Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam. He was a great scientist and 11th President of India. He was born in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, in a poor Tamil Muslim family on 15th of October in 1931 to the Jainulabudeen and Ashiamma. He started supporting his family financially in his early age. He has completed his graduation from the St Joseph’s College, Tiruchirappalli in 1954 and Aerospace Engineering from the Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai in 1960. He joined the DRDO (Defense Research and Development Organization) as a scientist where he designed a small helicopter for the Indian Army.

He also worked under Dr. Vikram Sarabhai as part of INCOSPAR committee. Later, he joined the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) in 1969 as project director of India’s first indigenous Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV-III). His great contributions for the development of ballistic missiles in India, he will be forever known as the “Missile Man of India”. The successful Pokhran-II nuclear tests of 1998 have also involved his important role. He has been the third President of India who awarded with the Bharat Ratna.

(first Dr. Sarvapali Radhakrishnan 1954 and second Dr. Zakir Hussain 1963). He has also been awarded with the Padma Bhushan in 1981 and Padma Vibhushan in 1990 for his contributions at ISRO and DRDO as well as the Government of India as a scientific advisor. He has written many books such as Wings of Fire, Ignited Minds, Target 3 Billion in 2011, Turning Points, India 2020, My Journey, etc. His love for childred is evident after he became the president of India. He often interacted and motivated them.

Taj Mahal is the love symbol of the great king of Agra. It is built using white marble which gives it attractive and amazing look. It has been called by the Rabindranath Tagore as “A Dream in Marble”. It is a real heaven on the earth which has been mentioned as the UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was built by the great Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan, in the memory of his dead wife, Mumtaz Mahal. It is considered that he had loved her wife so much and became so sad after her death. He started living without food and water. He decided to keep her all the memories in front of his eyes then built Taj Mahal in front of the Agra Fort in the memory of his eternal love.

He was used to saw Taj Mahal daily from Agra Fort and remembered his wife. Taj Mahal took many years to get completed. This historical monument is a symbol of love of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal. The surrounding environment of the Taj Mahal is so natural and attractive. It is located on the bank of Yamuna River in the city of Agra, UP. The Taj Mahal has been built using royal deigns by the ideas of many artists and artisAnswer:Lots of decorative grasses and trees enhance its beauty and fragrance of the environment.

There are also some charming water fountains set up in the middle of the cemented footpath in front of the Taj Mahal building. These charming water fountains make the entry to the great mausoleum. Taj Mahal is one of the best and most beautiful tourist destinations of India. There are many wonderful – historical monuments in India however Taj Mahal is only one. It is a great artistic charm which attracts various people’s mind towards it every year. It is the most fascinating monument of India has been chosen as seventh wonder of the world.

My Father My Hero

Introduction My father is my mentor, my hero and my best friend. He has been there for me at every step in life and supported me in all my decisions. He has taught me a lot and continues to shower his words on wisdom. My Father Believes in Keeping Life Simple My father believes in ‘leading a simple life. Though he earns well and can afford a luxury car and a big bangalow. However, he still continues to live in a small flat.

His needs are minimal and he has taught us the same values. He believes in spending a good amount of his salary to social work. He is a part of a non-profit organization that is dedicated towards providing food and education to the underprivileged children. Every

Saturday he visits these children and distributes fruits and other eatables among them. He also gives free mathematics classes to these students in the charity school run by the organization. Many a times, he also takes us along. He has taught us how to share and care. I and my sister have inculcated this value from him. We also do our bit to light up a smile on the faces of these children. This is true joy for us. No amount of toys, holiday trips and visits to restaurants can render such a joyful feeling.

Just like my father, I also love keeping it simple. I have understood that “needs can be met but greed cannot”. I am not keen on buying new bags, clothes and accessories every now and then. I only buy things when I truly need them. I love accompanying my father to the places he visits for his charity work and wish to join one such non-profit organization as I grow old. Conclusion I am proud of my father. He is a noble soul who is dedicated towards helping others. His teachings and values inspire me to become a better human being.

Sports and good education both together become the way to achieve success in the life of a child. Everybody understands that, sports and games mean only the physical and mental fitness. However it has many hidden benefits as well. Sports mean not only the bodily exercise however it means to promote the concentration level of the students towards study. There is a common saying about the sports that “A sound mind in a sound body means there should be a well working mind in the fit body in order to go ahead and get success in the life.

Playing sports brings highest level of confidence and teaches us discipline which remains with us whole life. Motivating children for the sports and make them interested in the games should be started at home and school level by the equal participation of the parents and teachers. Sports and games are of many types and named according to the rules and ways of playing them. Some of the sports are cricket, hockey (national game), football, basket ball, volley ball, tennis, running, skipping, high and low jumping, discus throw, badminton, rowing, swimming, kho-kho, kabaddi, and many more.

Sports are the best ways to deal with the losses and profits in the life by making the balance between body and mind, excitement and sorrow. Playing sports for some hour on daily basis has been made necessary in the schools for the welfare of the children and better future of the country. Sports is given its space in curriculum and good sports person are ranked in their performance in co – cur ricular activities.

Cricket is the exciting outdoor game in India and played in many countries all through the world. Indian are crazy for their cricket love. The roads become empty when it comes to finals. The frenzy of cricket fans is evident as they celebrate victory as do they celebrate Diwali. It is a wonderful game played using a bat and a ball in the open space in the big field. It is my favourite sports. I generally used to see only cricket on the TV whenever any national or international cricket competition takes place. In cricket there are two teams having 11 players in each team. One team starts batting first and another team do bowling according to the toss winning. The team who win toss do batting first however both of the teams can do batting alternatively.

There are many rules in the cricket and one cannot play the cricket without knowing the rules and regulations properly. It is played well when play ground becomes dry however there exist some problems when ground gets wet. One batsman gets chance to do batting until he gets out of the game. Whenever match starts everyone’s enthusiasm runs high and a high pitch sound of people gets spread all over the stadium, especially when favourite batsman does through a chauka or chhakka ball. Sachin Tendulkar is my favourite cricketer and would be. He had made a new record in the cricket history of India.

I completely forget to eat anything for whole day whenever he played his cricket match on national or international level. Cricket is a hard however simple game if practiced on regular basis. I too, very fond of playing the cricket and play daily in the evening in the play ground near my house. My parents are very helpful and motivate me always to play cricket very well.

Summer Vacation

Summer vacation is the happiest period of the year for me. I like it most because I get protected from the high heat harming sun rays all through the day in summer season. I really enjoy the whole s with my loving parents and brother. One could pursue his wobby during vacations as it is relaxing period for every member of the family. It gives me chance to enhance my skill and knowledge in the areas other than the studies. I also join tuition classes to improve my weak subjects.

I enjoy my summer vacations by visiting new places of my country. We plan to visit my home town’s. We also go to visit my native place where my sweet grandparents live. I like very much to spend some quality time with them and eat fresh vegetables and fruits they crop in their fields. I will click some memorable snaps with them and keep with me forever. Summer vacation brings lots of happiness to me every year and gives me enough time to meet my all near and dear ones.

Pollution is contamination are induced into the natural environment that cause adverse changes. It could be in the form of smoke, dust, sewage, unbearable noise. Pollution has become the most serious issue as everyone is facing lots of health hazards in their daily life. Various types of pollutants from the industrial garbage and other activities are contaminating our natural resources like air, water, soil, etc. The rate of pollution in the cities is higher than the villages because of the vehicles transportation. Fumes arise from the running vehicles, factories and other industries are affecting the clean air of cities which is not fit for the breathing.

Soiled water from the big sewage system, other garbage from the households, by-products from the factories and industries are directly mixing to the rivers, lake and oceAnswer:Most of the solid wastes, garbage and other unused things are thrown away by the people on the land which cause soil pollution and affect the crop production. Most of the people in the cities spread noise pollution to a great extent during their birthday, marriage or other occasions just for their short time happiness.

The quality of life is worsening day by day as pollution acts as a devil which causes various health ailments like high blood pressure, kidney disorders, respiratory disease, cancer, epidemics, skin diseases, etc. Thus pollution needs to be put under control before it destroy us.

Earth is a planet that is a home to various species. It is full of all basic resources for continuation of life. Earth is the only known planet in this universe where life is possible as it has basic necessities of life. We need to maintain the natural quality of our mother earth in order to continue the healthy life here. Save earth save environment and save earth save life are the most famous slogans to increase awareness about save earth among people. There are various means the condition of our earth is getting declined day by day due to the pollution, greenhouse gases, etc. It is generating the harmful impact on environment and thus health of people.

It is the responsibility of human beings to keep earth safe, clean and natural. Earth Day is a global annual observance celebrated on 22nd of April since 1970 to protect the environment and save earth. The aim of this event is to inspire people for healthy earth’s environment. So, We should not waste water and use only according to the requirement. We should wash dirty clothes only and in the cold water. In this way, we can save many gallons of water per day. People should share private cars and generally use public transport in order to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.

People should use bicycle to perform work in local areas. People should follow 3R methods means reduce, reuse and recycle things. People should make compost which is a great natural fertilizer for the crops. We should use Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) instead of common bulbs as they are more durable and use two-third less energy which will reduce the use of electricity and greenhouse gases emissions. Use of electric heater or air conditioner unnecessarily should be avoided.

We should switch off lights, fans and unplug other electric appliances to use less electricity. We should plant more trees in the surrounding areas to reduce pollution and effect of green house gases. We have not inherited the earth. We are caretaker of it for the future generations.

Disaster Management

The vastness of Indian Territory requires safety measures before hand. India is a disaster prone country. Which can be classified as- The disaster can come in any form, earthquake Tsunami, epidemics or man-made. It spread from Mountains to desert, deserts to seas, coast line of India is also big. It touches the boundary of about countries. A disaster is a serious disruption in the functioning of a community and society as a fall-out of widespread human, material, or environmental losses that exceed the ability of the affected population to cope with its own resources.

There are two majorly two types of disasters: one of them is Natural disasters: The disasters caused due to natural reasons which are beyond the control of humans including floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and volcano eruptions that have immediate impacts on human lives. Man-made disasters also known as the complex emergencies are the disasters caused due to major accidents like fires, the breakdown of authority, looting and attacks, including conflict situations and war. Disaster management is a continuous phenomenon of mitigating the impact of the disasters.

Disaster management calls for collective and co-ordinated efforts. A number of activities need to be undertaken in the event of disaster. These include co-ordination, command and control, rapid assessment of damage, restoration of power, tele-communication and surface transport, deployment of search and rescue teams, medicals and Para-medical teams, arrangements for drinking water and food material, setting up of temporary shelters, sanitation and hygiene identification and earmarking of resources, last but not the least, maintenance of law and order is equally important.

Quick and timely response is the essence in providing immediate relief and rescue operations, to save human lives and mitigate miseries as soon as possible. India has set up many departments and organizations for the same i.e. National disaster management author ity (ndma), national remote sensing centre (nrsc), central water commission (cwc) etc. And due to the presence of so many authorities it is not feasible for all of them to take steps in a single direction.

Conclusion Disaster management has assumed great importance in recent times. They are highly equipped well trained and are performing to an excellent level. It cannot avert the outbreak of disaster, but can mitigate its impact to a large extent.

Honesty is The Best Policy

According to the saying of honesty is the best policy, being honest in the life lead towards success. Honesty is a backbone of a successful society and hard working relationship. An honest man handles situations with courage and confidence. Being honest help us to be trusted by the people in our surroundings or closer to us. Honesty is not only means to tell the truth however it means to care and honour the feeling of the associated people in our life. We should respect everyone without caring their status and talents. Honest people are al ways in demand for doing relationship, business or other work.

Several bad or good experiences in the life help people to learn more about how to be honest in their dealings with fellowman. Being honest shows the good and clean character of the person as honesty helps to develop quality property in the behavior. Honesty changes the person from outside as well as inside without giving any harm and keeps the mind very peaceful. A peaceful mind gives satisfaction to the person by making a nice balance among body, mind and spirit.

honest people are respected in their family and society. However, a dishonest person always faces difficulty and bad words of the people in society. Honesty is the important tool of living a successful life, Honesty and good character are the jewels of an honest person life.

Unity is Strength

Introduction : The importance of staying united in every situation is emphasized through the proverb – Unity is Strength. There are many historical evidence that affirms that those whoever united achieved the unachievable. Unity boosts the morale, channelize the energies constructively.

Importance of Staying United It helps build a better life and countering them can create difficulties. As is family all the members stand united and help each other with their tasks, each one of them will benefit if we look around, the families where people respect and take care of each other are happier. The children there get a healthier environment which is essential for their all round development and the adults in the family also live a wholesome life. They depend on each other and take it as their responsibility to fulfil all their duties with joy. They do not complain or con spire against each other.

On the other hand, the families where people don’t stand by each other and are busy trying to put the others down do not only ruin their own life but also that of their coming generations. People belonging to such families often feel lonely and end up in depression. Conclusion It is time people should recognize the importance of staying united and imbibe it in their life to live a healthier and happier life.

Health is Wealth

Now-a-days, a good health is just like a boon given by the God. It is very fact that good health is real asset of life. Good health is considered as the precious earning of a human throughout his/her life. If losses his health, he has lost all the charms of life. In order to maintain a good health we need to do regular physical exercises, yoga, meditation, balanced food, good thoughts, cleanliness, personal hygiene, regular health check ups, proper sleep, rest, etc.

If one is healthy, he/she does not need spend money on his/her health in buying medicines or visiting doctors. However, on the other hand a lazy, diseased or sluggish person needs to spend more money throughout his life. He is also disliked by his state of health.

A good health means healthy in all aspects like mentally, physically, socially and intellectually. A good health provides us freedom from all the sickness and diseases. A good health is the feeling of mental, physical and social well being. It is a costly and most precious gift of the life and necessary for living a purposeful life.

A good health allows us to work effectively saving time. A good health is the real pleasures and charm of life. So, it is good to maintain the good health to get rid of all the complications of body as well as successfully face all the challenges of life.

Work Is Worship

As we all know about the famous proverb ‘work is worship’ which means that without work no one can seek the blessing of God. Man is considered as the most intelligent creation of the God. The life of man is completely depends on his hard work. Man cannot get anything without work It is truly said, ‘An idle man’s brain is the devil’s workshop. All the inventions and discoveries in the field of science are resulted as the human’s continuous hard work with patience. Constant work in the right direction and in the right field leads people towards successful career and further progress in future.

Work is not like worship but work is worship which we all should follow in our life. All the great personalities’ lives are the example of hard works they have done during their lifetime. Continuous hard work does not only lead to the better results but also increases the self-confidence level.

Developed nations all over world (like USA, Japan, China, Germany, etc) are only through their hard works individually and collectively. Lord Vishwakarma is worshiped in India as the great god of the workers to get blessings in order to continue the hard work. However, most of the people become very lazy and expect more than their work.

A Friend in need is a Friend Indeed

College life becomes most popular among youngsters as we become surrounded by the good friends and enjoy a : lot. Good friends live together happily and participate in the activities together. The proverb A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed indicates the quality of a true friend. Earlier, it is hard to recognize the quality of a friend but not so tough. This proverb tells us that people who helps you in the crisis time are really true ones than those who just want to stay in your fun time.

A true friend always gives full support whenever we are in need. We cannot recognize that whether a friend is good or bad but during difficult times they can naturally be recognized. Every one of us generally needs a true friend who can help us during bad times. In the difficult phases of the when it seems to be out of that, we need help from others. This is the time when we miss a friend who can take us out of the difficulty.

True friends are really of much importance; whenever we become absent someday in the school, they discuss important topics and helps us with all the notes and materials done in the class. No one can really help us like a true friend as they share all the highs and lows of the life. Thus, we learn from this proverb that. A friend is a true friend only when he she helps us in the need. True friends always give good memories and reasons to be in friendship forever

Value of Time

There is a common and true saying that “Time and Tide waits for none” which means time never waits for anyone, one should have to go with time side by side. Time costs us a lot as once it goes never comes back. It never stays. It is unbounded means no one can limit the time to any boundation. Time makes everyone to dance around. Nothing in this world can defeat it or win from it. Time is called as the strongest thing in this world which can damage and improve anyone.

Time is very powerful; one can kneel down in front of it but never defeat it. We are not able to measure its potential because sometime only one moment is enough to win where as sometime it takes whole life to win. Only one moment is enough to create a difference between life and death. Each and every moment brings lots of golden opportunities to us, we just need to understand the indication of time and use it. It is favorable for those who understand its value and use it properly however unfavorable for the idle people who waste it or use it improperly.

Every moment is a big store house of the new chances in the life. So, we never let go off such precious time and make full use of it. We should never allow our golden time to pass away from us unnecessarily. We should utilize time positively and fruitfully to go to our destination. The best way to utilize time in useful manner, we should make a time table to do everything at right time.

Good Manners

Introduction : Good manners refers to the polite and good social behaviour which plays important role in maintain smooth, easy and positive relationship. Good manners help us to win the heart of people in the crowd and give us a unique personality. Good manner makes us person of pleasing and obeying nature which is genuinely loved and appreciated by all in the society.

What are Good Manners? Good manners are closely linked to moral rules. A person with good manners shows respects towards feelings and sentiments of people living around. Modesty and courtesy are the essential traits of a well behaving person. Practicing good manners and following them all through the day bring sunshine and add qualities to the life. He/she always becomes mentally happy as good manners enrich his/her personality. Good manners should be inculcating especially in the children from childhood.

Teaching good manners to all the students is a boon to them and country from parents and teachers as they are the bright future. Lack of good manners among youths of the country lead them at the wrong path. Practicing good manners cost nothing but pay us a lot all through the life. Some of the good manners include magical words. like: “Sorry”, “thanks”, “please”, “excuse me”, etc. we should use these magical words. Whenever required without getting late in order to maintain a happy relationship.

  • We should always support people who are in. pain.
  • We should be disciplined and punctual in daily life.
  • We should always compliment others for their good behaviour and qualities.
  • We must listen to people very attentively who are talking to us.
  • We should take permission before touching or using the things of someone else.
  • We should always respond with a smile to other’s questions.
  • We should never interrupt between the meetings of elders and must wait for our turn.
  • We must be respectful to the elders (whether in family, relationship or neighbors), parents and teachers.
  • We must knock the door before entering to other’s home or bedroom.

Conclusion : Practicing good manners take nothing but give much more all through the life. People with polite and pleasant nature are always asked by the large number of people as they put magnetic influence over them. Thus, we must practice and follow good manners.

Nature is the most important and integral part of the lives of everyone. Everyone has been blessed with the true love of God in the form of beautiful nature. We should never miss the pleasure of enjoying the nature. Nature has been the lost favourite topic of the works of many famous poets, writers, painters and artists. Nature is the beautiful creation of the God which he blessed to us as a precious gift. Nature is everything which surrounds us like water, air, land, sky, fire, river, forests, animals, birds, plants, sun, moon, stars, sea, lake, rain, thunder, storm, etc. Nature is very colourful and has both living and non-living things in its lap. Everything in the nature has their own power and uniqueness provided by the God.

It has its many forms which are changing by season to season and even from minute to minute such as sea looks bright blue in the morning but by noon it looks emerald green colour. Sky changes its colour all through the day from pale pink at sunrise, dazzling blue in late morning, bright orange in evening at sunset and purple by twilight. Our mood also gets changed according to the nature such as happy and hopeful at sun shine, rainy season and spring season. We feel heartily happy at moonlight and little bored and tired in high sun light. Nature has some powerful transformative power which changes our mood and behaviour accordingly.

Nature has power to recover the patients from their diseases if they are provided with the required and pleasant environment. Nature is very essential for our healthy life so we should keep it clean and conserve it for our future generations. We should cut trees and forests, should not despoil the ocean, rivers, should not make hole in ozone layer, should not increase green house effect, global warming and many more through our selfish activities. We should get fully aware about our nature and try our best to keep it natural so that it can nourish life on the earth forever.

Rainy Season

Rainy season is the lovely season for all of us. Generally, it begins in the month of July and ends in September. It comes after the hot summer season. It brings new hopes and life to the living things which are most probably become dead because of the heat of summer sun. This season gives lots of relief through its natural and cool rain water. All the ponds, rivers and streams become full of water which was dried due to the heat. So, it gives new life to the water animals. It returns greenery to the gardens and lawns back. It gives environment a new attractive look. However, it is so sad that it stays only for three months. Rainy season is of great importance for the Indian farmers as they really need more water for their crops cultivation.

Farmers generally make many pits and ponds to collect rainy water for further use in the fields. , Rainy season is actually a boon from the God to the agriculturists. They worship Rain God, if it does not rain after and finally they get blessed with the rains. Sky looks cloudy as lots of white, brown and dark black clouds runs from here and there in the sky. Running clouds contains lots of rain water and rains when mansoon comes. Rainy season adds scenic beauty to the environment.

I like greenery too much. I generally go outside with .my family to have some enjoyment of the rainy season. Last year I went to the Nainital and had amazing experiences. Manywatery clouds were touching our body in the car and go outside from window. It was raining very slowly and we enjoyed a lot. We also enjoyed water boating in the Nainital. The whole Nainital was looking amazing full of greeneries.

The word junk food speaks itself a lot and indicates its harmful nature to the health. Junk foods are trash food to the health because they are high in calorie, fat, cholesterol, sugar and salt components. Nowadays kids and teenagers are more prone to eat junk foods daily in bulk amount. They are leading their lives towards danger through their unhealthy lifestyle. They generally eat chips, french fries, cracks, snack, chawmin, burger, pizza, pasta, and other junk foods whenever they feel hungry. No junk foods are beneficial and provide no nutritional value.

It affects the health in all ways of the people f any age group, weight and health condition. Junk foods are considered as high in calories however one who eat end up easily getting exhausted and need more food frequently. Junk food does not provide appropriate level of energy thus the eater develop tendencies of craving more food frequently. What we generally acquire from the junk foods are unhealthy fats and not healthy ingredients thus we feel lack of oxygen which causes poor brain functioning.

We absorb much cholesterol from such type of foods which causes plaque formation in the arteries and creates problems for the heart to pump normal amount of blood. That’s why we feel high level fatigue. High level of bad cholesterol destroys our liver and put more weight at the same time. According to the research, kids and children eating more junk food on daily basis are overweight and obese and highly prone to the heart and liver disorders.

Such kids are more prone to become diabetic and lethargic because of high sugar collection in their body in the early ages. They get high blood pressure because of high amount of sodium mineral in the junk foods. Kids and children should be trained by their parents to follow healthy eating habits from the childhood.

Yoga is a most important and precious gift given by the nature from ancient time to get connected throughout the life with nature. It is the practice of uniting the mind and body in order to achieve the perfect harmony between both. It helps a person to get higher level of consciousness by getting control over the body in all aspects like physically, mentally, socially and intellectually. Yoga is promoted to get practiced daily in the schools and colleges for the betterment of the students as well as increasing their concentration level towards study. It is a systematic effort done by the people to attain the perfection by getting control over all different nature elements exist in the body.

It needs very safe and regular practice to get benefited all the asanas of yoga. Yoga is practiced to bring spiritual progress in the body and mind for self-development by controlling the inner energy. The inhaling and exhaling of the oxygen during yoga is the main thing. Practicing yoga in daily life regularly prevents from various diseases as well as cures fatal disease including cancer, diabetes, high or low blood pressure, heart ailments, kidney disorders, liver disorders, gynaecological problems and variety of mental problems. Now-a-days, it is very necessary to practice yoga again to make lives of people better.

Daily yoga practice provides inner and outer body strength. It helps in strengthening the body immunity system thus prevents from various diseases and cures different disease. It acts as an alternative system of medicine if practiced continuously. It also reduces the side effects of many heavy medicines taken on daily basis. The very good time for practicing the yoga like pranayam and kapal bharti is the early morning as it provides better environment to get control over body and mind.

Happiness is a state of bliss. If you train your brain to stay in this state it will stay this way. This is because your mind believes whatever you say. However, it is not as simple as it seems. You may experience happiness from time to time however it may take months or even years to make this state last.

Ways to Attract Happiness and Make it Last

As per some recent studies, some of the habits to attract happiness and make it last are as follows: 1. Be Content: Instead of getting super excited or depressed in different situations you must practice to fin transform these activated feelings into deactivated feelings such as calmness and contentment. These feelings are healthier and also easier to sustain.

2. Live in Present: You must stop thinking about your past mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes; nobody is perfect. Stop blaming yourself or feeling guilty for all the bad decisions you have taken in life. Also stop worrying about your future. Live in the present moment. Don’t let the good times go unnoticed.

3. Be Thankful: Remember all your past moments and decisions that brought happiness and rejoice them. Be thankful to God for bestowing such joyous moments.

4. Develop Positive Thoughts: Your thoughts build your reality. Positive thoughts and positive mind at tract positive things in life and negative thoughts fetch similar experiences. So the only way to experience happiness is to feel good about all that you have.

5. Surround Yourself with Positive People: Steer clear from people who indulge in negative talks or de motivate you. Surround yourself with positive minds instead. Conclusion It is easy to get carried away by negative thoughts and get into a state of anxiety and stress owing to several things in life. However, you must always remind yourself of the good times and all the things you should be thankful about. This is a good way to shift your mood from negative to positive.

A student’s life revolves around homework, exam preparation and tests. So basically studies, studies and more studies. We go to school then go to the coaching centre and then study at home. There is hardly any time for other activities especially in the higher classes. Sundays come as a respite but mostly there is some or the other test scheduled for Monday so we cannot escape studies even for a single day in a week. My Fond Memories of My Summer Holidays Summer holidays are the best time of the year for every student. We plan a family trip during our summer vacations every year. Our family trip is the best part of these holidays and I always look forward to it.

Most of the times the four of us that is my father, mother, brother and I go on these trips but many times my cousins also join us. These trips are always full of fun. Last year, we went to Ooty and Mysore for six days. Both the places were spectacular. Ooty was particularly awesome. These places encompass many beautiful gardens and marvellous edifices. We went for sight-seeing, had scrumptious food and spent quality time with each other. It was a great experience.

It was one of the best family trips we had every gone for. It was also the longest one. We often plan holidays only for 2-3 days but this one was for 6 days and was thus more fun. I cherish the days spent there. These are my fondest memories of my summer holidays. Conclusion Holidays are a good time to take a break from the routine. It is the time to indulge in our hobbies, meet our old friends and extended family members. However, we must not let our studies take a back seat during this time. We must devote some time to studies even during our holidays

Essay Writing Practice Questions Class 8 CBSE

  • Value of discipline
  • Need for moral education in school
  • The importance of reading
  • The teacher: I like the most
  • The ambition of my life
  • Science: it uses and abuses
  • The spring season


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  2. English Essay on "My Most Interesting Dream" English Essay-Paragraph

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