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  • Cruelty to Animals Essay



Our planet Earth is a very beautiful place. Here, all the living organisms are dependent on each other and live together. We, humans, are considered as the most intelligent species on Earth. But, we sometimes become very insensitive to the creatures who cannot express themselves, especially the animals. We harm them just to fulfill our needs. We have an essay here on cruelty towards animals which will cover the questions like - write an article on cruelty towards animals, cruelty towards animals paragraph, paragraph on stop cruelty towards animals, article on cruelty towards animals class 9 and so on.

Long Paragraph on Cruelty to Animals

Animals, just like human beings, deserve a peaceful life. Animals are an important part of our ecosystem and are very useful to us. But, we sometimes forget that they are also living creatures. We keep on harassing them and these poor creatures can't even express their feelings and grief. Cruelty towards animals have become an international matter of concern. This needs to be addressed as soon as possible and should be eliminated for ever.

We become cruel towards animals for two reasons - one to fulfill our needs and other for fun. We use animals for their fur, their skin, their meat, their teeth and horns too. Sometimes, we apply colours on them which harm their skin, we also burn crackers without thinking about them. Sometimes , the tea-shop keeper pours the hot water on the street dogs, which is a great example of cruel behaviour towards the animals.

The animal skins are used in textile industries. Their skin and body hairs are used to make exotic fabrics for us to use. Animal’s teeth, horns, skin and fur are used to make home decor items which we beautifully use to decorate our homes without thinking how much pain animals go through for giving us these luxuries.

Another industry that contributes in cruelty to animals is the cosmetic industry. Whenever we buy any cosmetic products, we always make sure that the product is safe on our skin. But, we hardly realise that these products are tested on animals before it reaches us. The chemicals are often injected in animal’s bodies or applied on their skin. Sometimes, these are tested on their eyes too. And if the test fails, it sometimes leads to the animal's death also. These tests cause itching and burning too. But,we the human beings, keep on torturing the animals for our own purposes.

Our progressing medical science also has a big role in harassing the animals and showing our cruelty towards them. For the trials of medicines, animals are selected. They are then injected with the trial medicines without thinking about their pain. They are often kept in freezing temperatures for the experiments. We also ill treat the animals at zoos and circuses. The place where they are kept is not cleaned often. Also, the feeding methods are not too hygienic. These result in various diseases and often to their death.

Many animals and birds, in the name of pets, are being sold everyday. These animals are kept in cages or are kept tied with a chain. Most often, they are beaten up. The street dogs are often beaten up by the shopkeepers if they are found roaming around. Many cows are found roaming around the garbage heaps finding food. Many times many animals are hit by the fast moving traffic. These all are the examples of cruelty towards animals.

But now it's enough! We, the human beings, who are considered as the most intelligent creatures on Earth have to stop playing with these poor creatures' lives. We have to raise our voice and stop being cruel to the animals. We have to bring new strong laws to protect the animals. Every school should teach students how to respect and protect our fellow creatures - animals. Parents themselves should treat the animals with respect and love and should teach their wards the same.

We should always keep one thing in mind that we cannot survive without animals. Everything on Earth has its own purpose. The animals help in balancing our ecosystem. We have to take a call and save our environment, our mother Earth and our animals.

Short Paragraph on Stop Cruelty Towards Animals

Cruelty means a behaviour that harms others physically or mentally. But it's a matter of shame that we only consider human beings when it comes to cruelty. We forget that animals are also living creatures and we should not be cruel to them. Just because these creatures can not express themselves as we do, we forget that what we are doing to them if someone does to us, we will die.

Human industries that contribute to this cruelty are - Textile, Cosmetics, Home Decor and many more. Animal skins and furs are used in textile industries, animal skin, fur, horns and teeths are used to make home decor items. Many animals are killed for their meat also. Animals are ill-treated in laboratories where they are used for testing and experiments. They are often kept in freezing conditions or in boiling conditions.

It is high time now that we stop abusing these poor animals. They are also living beings and are very very important to us as without them the whole ecosystem will disbalance. We should raise awareness and stop these cruelties against animals.


Cruelty to animals has become a nationwide problem nowadays. The government has already imposed a few laws and a few more are needed. Along with that, social awareness is also required. Students should learn how to treat animals in schools. Parents should also treat their pets well and teach their children. Our planet Earth is a very beautiful place. Here, all the living organisms are dependent on each other and live together. We, humans, are considered the most intelligent species on Earth. But, we sometimes become very insensitive to the creatures who cannot express themselves, especially the animals. We harm them just to fulfil our needs.

We have an essay here on cruelty towards animals which will cover the questions like - write an article on cruelty towards animals, cruelty towards animals paragraph, paragraph on stop cruelty towards animals, article on cruelty towards animals class 9 and so on.

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FAQs on Cruelty to Animals Essay

1. List Some Animal Protection Laws.

Here are a few laws and acts to prevent animals:

  • Article 51A(g) - It states that it is the fundamental duty of every citizen to be compassionate towards other living creatures.
  • IPC Section 428 & 429 - Killing animals is a punishable offence.
  • Section 11 (1)(i) & Section 11(1)(j), PCA Act, 1960 - Abandoning animals can lead to a prison of upto three months.
  • Monkeys have been protected under the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.
  • Section 22(ii), PCA Act, 1960 - Animals such as Monkeys, Tigers, Bears, Lions, Panthers, Bull can not be trained and can not be used for entertainment purposes.

2. How do we Use Animal Teeth and Horns?

We use animal teeth and horns to make decorative pieces with which we decorate our home and offices. These decorative items are truly expensive for nature and its habitats. The most common example of animal cruelty is hunting. Animals are hunted for their meat, bones, leather or any other precious body parts. This can cause the species to be endangered or even go extinct. Another example of animal cruelty is enslaving them for entertainment or hard work. There are a lot of examples of animals being cruelty trained in circuses, kept as prisoners in zoos, or used as labourers to get the hardest jobs done.

3. What is meant by cruelty to animals?

Animal cruelty is defined as harming animals by either subjecting them to slavery, product-testing, or hunting. Killing endangered species for their meat, bones, or leather also comes under animal cruelty and is a punishable offence. The government of India has passed a lot of laws that prevent cruelty to animals from happening on a large scale. But still, in some neglected places like undeveloped villages, slums, or forests, these activities are followed illegally. And the government and some big governing bodies like PETA are working hard towards eradicating any kind of animal cruelty.

4. How does cruelty affect animals?

Cruelty towards animals can be dangerous for their overall species. There are a lot of examples like dodos, sabre tooth tigers, etc that have gone extinct because of excessive hunting. It is also morally incorrect to torture any living thing to die for the sake of an experiment. That's why animal testing is also banned. Animal testing is another example of animal cruelty and can hurt animals and even cruelly kill them. Animal cruelty should be banned completely.

5. How can we prevent animal cruelty?

There are very clear action steps to take to prevent animal cruelty. We can be responsible pet owners and start showing love and affection towards the animals at our home. We can adopt or at least hand over the abandoned baby animals we find on the streets to animal care centres. We can prohibit the use of animal-tested cosmetics or any products. We can even file a complaint against anyone who is abusing stray animals or harming them.

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Ielts sample essay -- zoos (cruel or useful) (discuss both views; give opinion).

IELTS Writing Task 2 (Essay) Question

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people think that zoos are cruel and all the zoos should be closed. However, others think that zoos are useful to protect rare animals. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

IELTS, essay, zoos, cruel, useful, rare animals

For a step-by-step guide on how to plan and write this essay, visit our YouTube channel:

Screenshot of planning of this essay from our YouTube video

Sample Essay #1 

(Using 3 points arguing that zoos are useful and 1 point arguing that zoos are cruel; Conclusion: conditionally agree with the opinion that zoos are useful)

Visit to a zoo is part of fond childhood memories of almost everyone. Yet, it has become a contentious subject in recent years whether zoos serve an overall positive purpose.  Since there seem to be valid supporting arguments for both perspectives, this essay will discuss them and reach a logical conclusion based on the presented line of reasoning.

Firstly, these establishments provide a safe place for wild animals from poachers and other risks. This is especially crucial for rare and endangered species. For example, tigers and pandas are kept in different zoos across the globe because of which their numbers have grown manifold over the years.  Secondly, these zoological parks are needed by researchers and scientists to study animals.  Lastly, menageries, such as zoos, are an ideal location for edutainment. That is to say, these establishments are not only an ideal source of entertainment for people of all age groups but they are also a way to impart education to children regarding animals. As a result of visit to such places, children may feel an affinity towards animals. What is more, zoos are a brilliant means of creating awareness about environmental issues.

On the other hand, those who oppose zoos and want them to be closed assert that animals are not treated well in zoos. These animals are caged in confined spaces. The cages and enclosures are tiny compared to the natural habitat of these animals. For instance, a tiger which is one of the fastest animals is sometimes kept in small cages. Similarly, monkeys which can jump from one tree to another in seconds are at times confined to a small area with just 2-3 trees.

In conclusion, my opinion is that zoos have many benefits which have been proven over the years and they should certainly not be closed. We should, however, ensure that the animals in zoos have larger spaces where they can move about.

Sample Essay #2 

(Using 3 points arguing that zoos are useful and 3 points arguing that zoos are cruel; Conclusion: zoos are cruel)

(first two paragraphs are almost the same as the previous essay)

Firstly, these establishments provide a safe place for wild animals from poachers and other risks. This is especially crucial for rare and endangered species. For example, tigers and pandas are kept in different zoos across the globe because of which their numbers have grown manifold over the years.  Secondly, these zoological parks are needed by researchers and scientists to study animals.  Lastly, menageries, such as zoos, are an ideal location for edutainment. That is to say, these establishments are not only an ideal source of entertainment for people of all age groups but they are also a way to impart education to children regarding animals. As a result of visits to such places, children may feel an affinity towards animals. What is more, zoos are a brilliant means of creating awareness about environmental issues.

On the other hand, it is necessary to accept that no creature should be treated as if it is for the entertainment of humankind. Hence, the treatment of wild animals in zoos has to be considered as brutal as their freedom is hampered. What is worse, the animals bred in captivity are incapable of adapting to the wild environment and thus can never be released into the wild. For instance, if a chimpanzee is born in a zoo environment, it would never be able to live in a forest. This chimpanzee would not know how to live with other wild animals or find food for itself.

In conclusion, although it seems that there are quite a few positives of zoos, I strongly believe they are an atrocity and closing is the only ethical recourse.

Sample Essay #3

(Using 3 points arguing that zoos are useful and 3 points arguing that zoos are cruel; Conclusion: zoos are cruel + alternatives to benefits of zoos)

(first three paragraphs are almost the same as the previous essay)

In conclusion, although it seems that there are quite a few positives of zoos, I strongly believe they are an atrocity and closing them is the only ethical recourse. As far as education is concerned, we now have a wide range of audio-visual media for this purpose. A practical example of this is the fact that no child has ever seen a dinosaur but through movies, documentaries, animations, and museums, they are very familiar with these extinct creatures. Similarly, for research and conservation purposes, wildlife sanctuaries and national parks should be encouraged where the focus is the well-being of the animals and not the amusement of human visitors.

Different ways of writing the first paragraph for this essay

  • Visit to a zoo is part of fond childhood memories of almost everyone. Yet, it has become a contentious subject in recent years whether zoos serve an overall positive purpose.
  • Zoos are looked upon as an important source of edutainment where children can acquire knowledge of a variety of flora and fauna in an entertaining environment. However, in recent times, animal rights activists have raised a question over whether these zoos are in reality proof of cruelty to animals by us humans.
  • Since humans are a curious race, they find different means to know about nature. One such method is to visit a zoo and observe animals in a leisurely manner. The problem is that not everyone agrees that zoos are beneficial. Actually, certain sections of society believe zoos to be establishments of cruelty towards the animals which are kept there.
  • Should zoos be encouraged because they serve a useful purpose or should they be shut down because animals in zoos are treated inhumanely? This has become a contentious subject in recent times which deserves serious thought and discussion.

Different ways of writing the topic sentence (first sentence of second paragraph)  for this essay

  • There are many ways through which zoos are beneficial.
  • The useful impact of zoos have long been known.
  • The useful benefits of zoos have long been known.
  • Many past generations have advocated the benefits of zoos.
  • There are a number of useful applications of zoos.

Different ways of writing the conclusion for this essay

  • Conditionally agree Both sides have valid arguments in their favour because of which, in my opinion, zoos are important but we need to ensure that the animals there are treated humanely.
  • More points for one side than the other Although there are a few reasons to support the closing of zoos, the arguments for the benefits of zoos are more. Therefore, in my opinion, zoos are helpful to society and should remain open. However, it should be ensured that the animals in zoos are treated humanely.  

Step 1: Read & understand the question

Step 2: Plan the answer (points for both views)

Step 3: Think about the vocabulary

Step 4: Write

Step 5: Revise

Basic format/template:

Paragraph 1 : Introduction

•        General statement (optional)

•        Paraphrasing of the question

•        This essay will discuss both the opinions before reaching a conclusion based on the arguments presented.

Paragraph 2 (body paragraph 1): Discuss one viewpoint

•        Topic sentence (E.g., There are a number of reasons to support this opinion)

•        Beginning phrases (Firstly/To begin with); Supporting points (Secondly/Thirdly; Moreover/Furthermore)

Paragraph 3 (body paragraph 2): Discuss the other viewpoint

•        Topic sentence (E.g., On the other hand, the opposing viewpoint can also have valid supporting arguments)

•        Supporting points

Paragraph 4 : Conclusion

Vocabulary planning (step 3 of essay writing) (Screenshot from the YouTube video--link in the beginning of this post)

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Animal Rights Essay

Posted by David S. Wills | Jan 20, 2023 | Model Essays | 0

Animal Rights Essay

In the IELTS writing exam, you could be asked to write an essay about animals. Most likely, your question would relate to animal rights . This might seem challenging for some people, so I have written this article to help you understand it better.

Animal Rights and IELTS

For IELTS writing, you often have to discuss ethical issues. Thus, for the topic of animals, you would most likely have to write about animal rights. This could include:

  • whether it is ethical to keep animals in a zoo
  • discussing animal experimentation
  • the ethics of eating meat
  • whether humans should keep pets

Because IELTS requires no specialist knowledge, you would probably not have anything more specific than this to discuss. For example, you wouldn’t be asked about the ethics of purebred pet ownership because most people don’t know much about it. You would also not be given anything that is extremely controversial.

Therefore, the most common animal topics will be quite general and relate to animal rights.

Animal Rights Essay – Experimentation

Here is the question that we will examine today:

Some people argue that all experimentation on animals is bad and should be outlawed. However, others believe that important scientific discoveries can be made from animal experiments. Can experimentation on animals be justified? Are there any alternatives?

Note that there are many variants upon this topic. I have seen this same idea with “ Discuss both views ” and “ To what extent do you agree/disagree ” question types.

This one, of course, is a two-part question . Therefore, don’t waste too much time reading the long part above the questions. Regardless of what that says, your task is to:

  • Say whether or not experiments on animals can be justified.
  • Say whether there are alternatives to this practice.

Be aware that your answer to the first question cannot negate having to answer the second. Whether you say that animal testing can or can’t be justified, you still have to say whether there are alternatives.

Language for an Animal Rights Essay

If you need to write an essay on animal rights, you need to know some appropriate language. Again, you do not need to be an expert, but you should have enough of a grasp of English to say something intelligent about the topic.

You may have noticed that I’ve used these expressions in this article:

  • Animal experimentation
  • Experiments on animals
  • Animal testing

These all mean the same thing but it can be useful to employ different ways to do that, so that you don’t just repeat yourself.

Of course, what you say will also depend hugely on your position and your ideas. If you think that animal experimentation is wrong, then you’ll probably incorporate some rather negative language, such as:

  • Impossible to justify

On the other hand, if you support animal testing, you might say something more positive:

It is also good to know some specific language related to the topic:

  • Medical testing
  • Subjected to

You can learn more language by reading articles on this topic. Try searching Google for “animal rights” or “animal testing.” You’ll find lots of articles. Just make sure that it is written by a native speaker or a professional writer. Also, be aware that with a contentious topic there will probably be a lot of passionate language and maybe even some misinformation.

Planning your Answer

First of all, you need to figure out what your position is in regards the question(s). Then, you need to think about how to explain your position in a straightforward way.

Here, we had two questions. Both of them are yes/no questions but of course you need to develop those ideas with explanations. Think of your answer as “Yes because…” or “No because…” This will help you to think of reasons that you can then incorporate into your answers.

Also, be aware that two-part questions are really easy to structure! You can just devote one body paragraph to each question:

IntroductionIntroduce the topic and give overview
Body paragraph #1Answer first question
Body paragraph #2Answer second question
ConclusionSummarise your essay

My position is that animal experimentation cannot be justified, so I will explain that in my first body paragraph. I will start with the main argument in defence of animal testing, then refute it comprehensively.

For the next question, I will state that I don’t really know whether or not there are any alternatives. Thus, my structure will be:

IntroductionIntroduce the topic and give overview
Body paragraph #1Say why people support animal testing
Say why they are wrong
Example: Testing for diabetes on mice
Body paragraph #2Admit that a lack of alternatives is why people test on animals
State that more alternatives are needed
ConclusionSummarise my essay

Sample Band 9 Answer

Over the past few decades, animal testing has been fiercely debated due to the ethical problems inherent in this area of science. This essay will explain why it cannot be justified and that alternatives need to be sought.

The people who believe that animal testing is necessary tend to say that there are serious benefits to humanity, such as testing medicines before using them on human beings. They believe that this will help to figure out the cures to many serious illnesses, which will make the world a better place for humans. However, this is wrong for several reasons. Chief among them is the fact that animal testing is not as helpful in developing medicines as people think. Medicines that work on animals do not always work on humans, and vice versa. As such, these trials are not just unnecessary but also profoundly unhelpful. For example, if scientists give a mouse diabetes and then try various drugs to cure the problem, they may find that there are twelve drugs that do not work on the mouse. However, maybe one of those drugs would have worked on a human. As such, animal testing would have caused more problems than it solved.

Part of the reason for animal testing is that there are not many alternatives. Whilst it is obviously cruel and pointless to subject animals to experiments, most people would agree that it is worse to do this to human beings. However, there needs to be some sort of procedure by which testing can move from theoretical to human trials without the need for the evils of animal testing. What this process would be remains to be seen, but it is essential for any humane society.

In conclusion, people may argue that there are benefits that come from experimenting on animals, but in fact there is no good reason to continue doing this. Scientists need to immediately seek an alternative and end this barbaric and pointless practice. 

Notes on the Answer

This was a good answer because it gave fully developed explanations and used language accurately. Here are some words and phrases from the answer:

  • fiercely debated
  • ethical problems
  • profoundly unhelpful
  • cruel and pointless
  • theoretical
  • humane society

Paragraph two was also quite interesting. I felt that the most convincing way to make my point was to show conventional logic and then comprehensively debunk it. To do so, I gave a clear example and demonstrated through a simple explanation of just why animal testing is so useless.

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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IELTS Essay: Animals

by Dave | Real Past Tests | 5 Comments

IELTS Essay: Animals

Here is my newest IELTS essay on the topic of animals! Specifically, if humans should protect all wild animals or just some specific ones.

Be sure to check out my Ebooks here .

Many believe that it is important to protect all wild animals, while others think that it is important to protect some, not all of them.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some have suggested that protection of wild animals should be selective. In my opinion, humanity has responsibility for all wild animals, though it is occasionally justified to divert resources towards more valuable species.

Those in favor of safeguarding certain wild animals argue the circumstantial factors. These factors can range from the threat the specific animals face to the value of the animal itself. For instance, tigers are an endangered wild animal and require intensive conservation efforts compared with animals such as rats and pigeons, which have adapted skillfully to urban environments. Most would admit that there is little logic in providing equal support to species in different circumstances. A more extreme critic could add that some animals are more deserving of preservation. The tiger, to continue the previous example, is greatly valued for its elegance. Other animals, such as bees, are valuable not for their beauty but their usefulness to humanity.

However, all animals should be protected as humanity has been the catalyst for their endangerment. Before the rapid industrialization and surging populations of the last several hundred years, humans and animals lived on relatively equal terms and shared the Earth. Since human development has outpaced nature and now threatens the habitats of countless species, it is a duty for mankind to enact safeguards for all animals. Without such forward-looking protections, there is likely to be a “domino effect” as species die out and impair fragile ecosystems globally. Therefore even if an animal is not on the verge of extinction, it might be important to maintain their population levels so as to not start a cycle of irreversible harms.

In conclusion, humans should endeavor to protect as many animals as possible although there are exceptional cases where some species may be prioritized. Governments and individuals should collaborate to ensure wild animals are not unduly threatened by human progress.

1. Some have suggested that protection of wild animals should be selective. 2. In my opinion, humanity has responsibility for all wild animals, though it is occasionally justified to divert resources towards more valuable species.

  • Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
  • Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here .

1. Those in favor of safeguarding certain wild animals argue the circumstantial factors. 2. These factors can range from the threat the specific animals face to the value of the animal itself. 3. For instance, tigers are an endangered wild animal and require intensive conservation efforts compared with animals such as rats and pigeons, which have adapted skillfully to urban environments. 4. Most would admit that there is little logic in providing equal support to species in different circumstances. 5. A more extreme critic could add that some animals are more deserving of preservation. 6. The tiger, to continue the previous example, is greatly valued for its elegance. 7. Other animals, such as bees, are valuable not for their beauty but their usefulness to humanity.

  • Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea.
  • Develop it with specific or hypothetical examples.
  • Keep developing it fully.
  • Add more deatil.
  • Include some long and complex sentences.
  • Finish the paragraph strong.

1. However, all animals should be protected as humanity has been the catalyst for their endangerment. 2. Before the rapid industrialization and surging populations of the last several hundred years, humans and animals lived on relatively equal terms and shared the Earth. 3. Since human development has outpaced nature and now threatens the habitats of countless species, it is a duty for mankind to enact safeguards for all animals. 4. Without such forward-looking protections, there is likely to be a “domino effect” as species die out and impair fragile ecosystems globally. 5. Therefore even if an animal is not on the verge of extinction, it might be important to maintain their population levels so as to not start a cycle of irreversible harms.

  • Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
  • Explain your new main idea.
  • Include specific details and examples.
  • Add as much information as you can and make sure it links logically.
  • Develop the example fully.

1. In conclusion, humans should endeavor to protect as many animals as possible although there are exceptional cases where some species may be prioritized. 2. Governments and individuals should collaborate to ensure wild animals are not unduly threatened by human progress.

  • Summarise your main ideas.
  • Include a final thought. Read more about conclusions here .

What do the words in bold below mean? Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below.

Some have suggested that protection of wild animals should be selective . In my opinion, humanity has responsibility for all wild animals, though it is occasionally justified to divert resources towards more valuable species .

Those in favor of safeguarding certain wild animals argue the circumstantial factors . These factors can range from the threat the specific animals face to the value of the animal itself. For instance , tigers are an endangered wild animal and require intensive conservation efforts compared with animals such as rats and pigeons, which have adapted skillfully to urban environments . Most would admit that there is little logic in providing equal support to species in different circumstances . A more extreme critic could add that some animals are more deserving of preservation . The tiger, to continue the previous example , is greatly valued for its elegance. Other animals, such as bees, are valuable not for their beauty but their usefulness to humanity.

However, all animals should be protected as humanity has been the catalyst for their endangerment . Before the rapid industrialization and surging populations of the last several hundred years , humans and animals lived on relatively equal terms and shared the Earth. Since human development has outpaced nature and now threatens the habitats of countless species, it is a duty for mankind to enact safeguards for all animals. Without such forward-looking protections , there is likely to be a “domino effect” as species die out and impair fragile ecosystems globally . Therefore even if an animal is not on the verge of extinction , it might be important to maintain their population levels so as to not start a cycle of irreversible harms .

In conclusion, humans should endeavor to protect as many animals as possible although there are exceptional cases where some species may be prioritized . Governments and individuals should collaborate to ensure wild animals are not unduly threatened by human progress .

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

suggested advised

protection keeping safe

selective chosen

humanity mankind

responsibility duty

occasionally justified sometimes supported

divert resources towards sent in another direction at

valuable species important kind of animal

those in favor of people who support

safeguarding keeping safe

certain definite

argue point out

circumstantial factors contextual elements

range from include

threat risk

For instance for example

endangered near extinction

require intensive conservation efforts need lots of help

compared with relative to

adapted skillfully changed masterfully

urban environments cities

Most would admit that many would concede

little logic not much reason

providing equal support giving the same amount of help

different circumstances changing situations

extreme critic people strongly against

deserving should get

preservation staying alive and protected

previous example instance mentioned before

greatly valued considered important

usefulness utility

catalyst spark, cause

endangerment putting in danger

rapid industrialization becoming more and more developed

surging populations more and more people

last several hundred years since the 1800s or so

lived on continue to be alive

relatively equal terms almost living like equals

shared both using it

outpaced got a lot faster than

habitats places where animals live

countless limitless

duty responsibility

enact safeguards create protection

forward-looking protections progressive safeguards

“domino effect” will cause ramifications

die out go extinct

impair fragile ecosystems hurt a chain of animals

globally all around the world

not on the verge of extinction not about to die out completely

maintain keep the same

population levels how many are alive

cycle chain

irreversible harms can’t be fixed

endeavor try hard

exceptional cases extreme examples

prioritized considered most important

collaborate work together

ensure make sure

unduly unjustifiably

human progress mankind advancing


Practice saying the vocabulary below and use this tip about Google voice search :

səˈʤɛstɪd   prəˈtɛkʃən   sɪˈlɛktɪv hju(ː)ˈmænɪti   rɪsˌpɒnsəˈbɪlɪti   əˈkeɪʒnəli ˈʤʌstɪfaɪd   daɪˈvɜːt rɪˈsɔːsɪz təˈwɔːdz   ˈvæljʊəbl ˈspiːʃiːz ðəʊz ɪn ˈfeɪvər ɒv   ˈseɪfgɑːdɪŋ   ˈsɜːtn   ˈɑːgjuː   ˌsɜːkəmˈstænʃəl ˈfæktəz reɪnʤ frɒm   θrɛt   fɔːr ˈɪnstəns ɪnˈdeɪnʤəd   rɪˈkwaɪər ɪnˈtɛnsɪv ˌkɒnsə(ː)ˈveɪʃən ˈɛfəts   kəmˈpeəd wɪð   əˈdæptɪd ˈskɪlf(ə)li   ˈɜːbən ɪnˈvaɪərənmənts məʊst wʊd ədˈmɪt ðæt   ˈlɪtl ˈlɒʤɪk   prəˈvaɪdɪŋ ˈiːkwəl səˈpɔːt   ˈdɪfrənt ˈsɜːkəmstənsɪz ɪksˈtriːm ˈkrɪtɪk   dɪˈzɜːvɪŋ   ˌprɛzə(ː)ˈveɪʃən ˈpriːviəs ɪgˈzɑːmpl , ˈgreɪtli ˈvæljuːd   ˈjuːsfʊlnəs   ˈkætəlɪst   ɪnˈdeɪnʤəmənt ˈræpɪd ɪnˌdʌstrɪəlaɪˈzeɪʃən   ˈsɜːʤɪŋ ˌpɒpjʊˈleɪʃənz   lɑːst ˈsɛvrəl ˈhʌndrəd jɪəz lɪvd ɒn   ˈrɛlətɪvli ˈiːkwəl tɜːmz   ʃeəd   aʊtˈpeɪst   ˈhæbɪtæts   ˈkaʊntlɪs   ˈdjuːti   ɪˈnækt ˈseɪfgɑːdz   ˈfɔːwədˈlʊkɪŋ prəˈtɛkʃənz “ ˈdɒmɪnəʊ ɪˈfɛkt “ daɪ aʊt   ɪmˈpeə ˈfræʤaɪl ˈiːkəʊˌsɪstəmz   ˈgləʊbəli   nɒt ɒn ðə vɜːʤ ɒv ɪksˈtɪŋkʃən meɪnˈteɪn   ˌpɒpjʊˈleɪʃən ˈlɛvlz   ˈsaɪkl   ˌɪrɪˈvɜːsəbl hɑːmz ɪnˈdɛvə   ɪkˈsɛpʃənl ˈkeɪsɪz   praɪˈɒrɪˌtaɪzd kəˈlæbəreɪt   ɪnˈʃʊə   ʌnˈdjuːli   ˈhjuːmən ˈprəʊgrəs

Vocabulary Practice

I recommend getting a pencil and piece of paper because that aids memory. Then write down the missing vocabulary from my sample answer in your notebook:

Some have s____________d that p______________n of wild animals should be s_______________e . In my opinion, h_______________y has r__________________y for all wild animals, though it is o______________________d to d______________________s more v___________________s .

T________________________________________________n wild animals a_______e the c___________________________s . These factors can r_____________m the t_________t the specific animals face to the value of the animal itself. F______________e , tigers are an e______________d wild animal and r_________________________________s c_____________________h animals such as rats and pigeons, which have a_____________________y to u____________________s . M_____________________t there is l_________________c in p_______________________t to species in d___________________________s . A more e__________________c could add that some animals are more d______________g of p_______________n . The tiger, to continue the p___________________e , is g__________________d for its elegance. Other animals, such as bees, are valuable not for their beauty but their u______________s to humanity.

However, all animals should be protected as humanity has been the c_________t for their e________________t . Before the r_______________________________n and s______________________s of the l________________________________s , humans and animals l______________________________s and s_______d the Earth. Since human development has o___________d nature and now threatens the h_________s of c__________s species, it is a d____y for mankind to e______________s for all animals. Without such f_______________________s , there is likely to be a “d_______________t” as species die out and i___________________________y . Therefore even if an animal is n____________________________n , it might be important to m__________n their p___________________s so as to not start a c________e of i__________________s .

In conclusion, humans should e______________r to protect as many animals as possible although there are e_ ______________ s where some species may be p________________d . Governments and individuals should c________________e to e________e wild animals are not u__________y threatened by h________________s .

Listening Practice

Learn more about this topic by watching videos from The New York Times YouTube channel below and practice with these activities :

Speaking Practice

Practice with the following speaking questions from the real IELTS speaking exam :

  • What was your favorite animal as a child?
  • Do people in your country keep pets?
  • What kind of pet would you not like to have?
  • Is environmental protection important?

Writing Practice

Practice with the related IELTS essay topic below:

It is a natural process for animal species to become extinct (e.g. dinosaurs, dodos, etc.). There is no reason why people should try to prevent this from happening.

Do you agree or disagree?

IELTS Essay: Extinction

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Sir, can we use the phrase a ‘postcode lottery’ in writing T2 to explain the disparity of public services in different areas.


I’m not familiar with that term… – if you explain it and use quotes that would be fine!


Thanks, Sir. I saw this term in a few BBC news articles.

I think, to be on the safe side, I’d rather not use it.


Every year a significant number of wild creatures are in danger of extinction. For that some individuals argue that all wild animals should be saved while others believe that only certain animals should be preserved. In this essay I will be discussing both views and why in my opinion all animals live matter.

To begin with , people who are in favour of the opinion that only some types of animals should be saved argue that there are some animals that are dangerous predators and their existence are a threat to human kind. Moreover , it will take a lot of money to conserve and save them and they believe this money could be invested in other areas such as education or infrastructure.

On the other hand, the predominant reason why we should protect animals is to maintain a healthy ecosystem. Moreover , some wild animals could be used for medicinal purposes. For instance, snake venom is used as a medical tool. Furthermore , because of human habitation and overuse of natural resources those creatures are in danger of extinction so at least we could make some effort to conserve them all without any exception.

In conclusion, we should save all wild animals that are still present in the world , selecting some of them is an idea why we should discard since it will bring more devastating outcomes.


Discuss both views and give your opinion

Safeguarding wild lives is a topical issue globally. While it is considered by some that all wild animals should be taken care of, other believed that a selected few should benefit from this arrangement. In this essay I will discuss both views and make a conclusion.

One the one hand, the proponent of an holistic animal preservation believed that all wild animals are facing enormous dangers in the woods . For instance many beasts are devastated by green house effects thus dying at a tender age therefore they need to be nurtured to prevent them from extinction The resultant effect of this will foster ecosystem diversification and balance Additionally, keeping all wild lives will be a welcome development for the advocates of animal right. It is a common view that no animal is more important than another so if the wild lives will benefit from human intervention, it has to be all encompassing.

On the other hand, however, the critics of the above opinion believed that it is not financially sustainable. They argue that money meant for other essential services such as civil service, infrastructural development and human development will be channelled into building parks, zoos, provision of food and drugs to tend animals at the expense of man.

Furthermore, overpopulation of games in manmade habitats can bring a handful of issues. Animal becomes more aggressive posing danger to their carers and in the extreme of cases escapes and cause serious threats to mankind. An Australian magazine reported of a family of five who was killed by a lion that escaped zoos. This kind of disaster won’t have happened if wild animal that can’t be tamed easily is left in the forest.

To conclude, all wild animals deserve some protection but this should be limited to selected few in order to limit harm to the people and prevent economic catastrophe.

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Many People Think that Zoos Are Cruel. Others Think They Are Protecting Rare Animals - Task 2 Essay

Updated: Mar 19

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Many people think that zoos are cruel. Others think they are helpful in protecting rare animals.

Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.

You should write at least 250 words.

IELTS Task 2 Essay Band 9 Sample - Many people think that zoos are cruel. Others think they are helpful in protecting rare animals. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

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Model Essay 1

The debate surrounding zoos oscillates between perceptions of cruelty and conservation. While some view zoos as restrictive environments that hinder animal freedom, others herald them as sanctuaries for endangered species. This essay posits that while ethical concerns regarding animal welfare in zoos are valid, the role of zoos in conservation and education outweighs the negatives.

Critics of zoos argue that confining animals to limited spaces for public display is inherently cruel, stripping them of their natural habitats and behaviors. Instances of inadequate living conditions and psychological stress in animals are frequently cited, underscoring the moral dilemmas associated with zoological parks. The essence of their argument hinges on the belief that no educational or conservation effort can justify the deprivation of liberty and natural existence experienced by zoo inhabitants. These viewpoints highlight a fundamental question about the ethical treatment of animals and the human right to use them for educational and recreational purposes.

Conversely, proponents of zoos present a compelling narrative centered on conservation and education. Many species, now thriving, owe their survival to the protective embrace of zoos, where breeding programs and habitat preservation efforts have shielded them from the brink of extinction. Zoos serve as living libraries, offering invaluable learning opportunities that foster a deeper connection with and understanding of wildlife. Through hands-on education and awareness campaigns, they engender a sense of responsibility towards environmental stewardship among the public. Furthermore, zoos often channel funds and resources towards wild conservation projects, amplifying their role in safeguarding global biodiversity.

In summary, despite the importance of enhancing zoo conditions, their role in conservation and education justifies their existence. Ethically managed, zoos are vital in preserving biodiversity and fostering a connection between humans and the natural world, emphasizing the significance of conservation and coexistence.

Model Essay 2

The contentious issue of zoos straddles ethical debates and conservation successes. On one hand, they are criticized for confining wild animals; on the other, they are lauded for safeguarding species from extinction. This essay will argue that, despite their flaws, zoos play a crucial role in wildlife preservation and education, offering a net benefit to society.

Opponents of zoos denounce them as prisons for animals, arguing that captivity deprives these creatures of their natural habitats and behaviors, leading to both physical and psychological distress. The case of Marius, a healthy young giraffe euthanized in a Copenhagen zoo due to surplus, starkly exemplifies the ethical quagmire zoos can represent. Critics assert that such environments cannot replicate the complex ecosystems animals inhabit in the wild, resulting in a diminished quality of life and a profound ethical dilemma concerning the rights and welfare of animals. They further argue that the psychological damage inflicted on captive animals, manifesting in stereotypic behaviors such as pacing and overgrooming, underscores the moral cost of these institutions.

Conversely, the contribution of zoos to conservation is undeniable and profound. The California Condor's revival from near extinction, primarily through zoo-based breeding programs, underscores the potential for zoos to reverse the dire fates of species teetering on the brink. Beyond conservation, zoos play a pivotal role in environmental education, providing millions of visitors annually with firsthand wildlife encounters that foster a deeper appreciation and understanding of nature's intricacies. This dual mission of education and conservation creates a strong foundation for future environmental stewardship, inspiring a new generation to commit to preserving our natural world. By acting as bridges between humans and nature, zoos have the unique opportunity to promote conservation messages and encourage public engagement with wildlife protection efforts.

In concluding, while the debate on zoos is complex, their value in conservation and education outweighs the criticisms. With ongoing improvements in animal welfare and habitat simulation, zoos serve as essential ark for endangered species, educating the public and cultivating a culture of conservation.

Model Essay 3

The debate over the effectiveness and morality of zoos in protecting and conserving rare animals has been a contentious topic for many years. This essay will examine both sides of the debate before arguing that the practice of removing animals from their natural habitats and subjecting them to inadequate care and support in zoos is, in fact, inhumane.

Advocates of zoos argue that the alarming rise in the number of critically endangered species, such as elephants and rhinos slaughtered for commercial purposes, highlights the need for environmentalists and wildlife conservationists to support the establishment of zoological gardens. These facilities often have access to advanced veterinary care and employ trained professionals who can provide medical care and rehabilitation for sick or injured animals. For rare species, where each animal's existence is crucial to the species' overall survival, this can be particularly important. For example, statistics reveal that only a few Bengal tigers and African pangolins remain in wildlife parks due to heavy poaching in their natural habitats.

However, critics of menageries argue that capturing and transporting animals from their natural habitats to zoos is inherently cruel. They contend that many animals have intricate social structures and rely on their families and communities for survival. The process of capturing and removing them from the wild can cause immense stress and trauma, both for the individual animal and for their social group as a whole. This can lead to a range of negative consequences, such as disrupted social hierarchies, increased aggression, and decreased reproduction rates. Moreover, transporting animals to enclosures typically involves placing them in entirely unfamiliar environments with different climates, landscapes, and food sources, causing further stress and disorientation as they try to adapt to a new way of life.

In conclusion, while some argue that zoos can play an important role in protecting endangered species, the complex social structures of many animals, combined with the trauma of capture and transport, can have significant negative effects on their wellbeing.

Model Essay 4

In contemporary times, there has been an upsurge in the popularity of wildlife parks and zoos, which has led to a polarized debate regarding the morality of capturing species in such enclosures. While some argue that it is an effective approach to safeguard endangered creatures, others believe it to be inhumane. This essay seeks to explore both sides of the debate before outlining why I believe that the cruel and traumatic experiences that zoo animals endure, resulting from the facilities' failure to provide basic standards of care, is significant and amounts to animal cruelty.

Those in favour of zoos' existence argue that the alarming growth of critically endangered animals such as elephants and rhinos, which are slaughtered for commercial value, requires the support of wildlife conservationists and environmentalists in establishing zoos or national parks. For centuries, these menageries have provided a safe haven for rare species, saving hundreds of thousands of obscure animals from wildlife crimes. For instance, statistics indicate that only a few Bengal tigers and African pangolins remain in wildlife parks due to rampant poaching in their natural habitats.

On the other hand, critics of zoos aiding conservation argue that these premises have failed to meet all the unique environmental, nutritional, climate, and social needs of the creatures they hold captive. The facilities' limited financial resources, which often depend on revenue generated from visitors and stakeholders, may hamper the distribution of funds for animal care and nutrition. Consequently, the animals suffer from malnourishment, hypothermia, lack of veterinary care, and outright neglect. According to a research study conducted in Vietnam, more than half of Vietnamese zoos did not meet the minimum animal welfare standards.

In conclusion, despite the argument that zoos assist in wildlife preservation by providing a secure living environment, I maintain that the traumatizing experience of kidnapped and captive species in an inadequate living standard is more devastating. It is, therefore, essential for authorities to propose policies and enforce laws to eliminate inhumane actions towards animals and ensure that zoos meet the minimum standards of care required to guarantee the animals' well-being.

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Essay 270 – Raising animals for human consumption is cruel

Gt writing task 2 / essay sample # 270.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

People should never eat meat because raising animals for human consumption is cruel.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1:

Whether it is brutal and inhuman to raise animals for our consumption is a hotly debated issue nowadays. In this case, the writer strongly disagrees with the claim because it is a natural process and part of human history and culture.

There is no brutality in eating meat. From time immemorial, animals have been eating other animals for meat to survive. Eagles kill and eat snakes, and snakes eat the mouse, and it is a natural process. Human is also part of the animal kingdom when it comes to the food pyramid. Moreover, meat is an important source of nutrients for the human being. For instance, ruminants such as cows, sheep, and goats, convert indigestible plant parts into a form the human body can absorb. That is to say that our digestive system cannot break down cellulose, which is an elementary component of fibre. They consume high-fibre plants like grasses and translate them into valuable protein for humans. The food chain is an essential part of ecosystem service, so to claim that rearing livestock for meat is inhumane is unnatural.

Aside from this, farmers breed ruminants, feed these animals, and protect these animals. These animals are domesticated so as to earn their bread. If rearing livestock for human consumption ceased, then the impulse of raising livestock would be gone. Farmers would no longer be there for looking after these animals, this, in turn, would endanger their existence. On top of that, these animals have survived over the generations due to their importance to humans. Besides, animal agriculture is a substantial part of human culture as well as history. Farmers and ranchers deem livestock rearing as more than a job. It is a lifestyle that is deeply ingrained in their existence and objectives here on earth. Thus, there is no brutality in rearing livestock for human consumption.

In conclusion, raising ruminants for human consumption is not cruelty to animals, but rather a natural process. However, we can introduce regulations so that farmers or corporations deter themselves from malpractice in raising and slaughtering animals.

Model Answer 2:

Whether people should abstain from consuming meat due to the perceived cruelty involved in raising animals for human consumption has ignited a heated debate. While some argue vehemently for the complete avoidance of meat, I respectfully disagree with this viewpoint. In my opinion, the decision to consume meat should be approached with mindfulness and consideration for ethical and sustainable practices.

First and foremost, it is essential to acknowledge that the mistreatment of animals in industrial farming practices is a genuine concern. The intensive farming methods employed to meet the growing demand for meat often involve cramped living conditions, inhumane treatment, and the use of growth hormones and antibiotics. These practices contradict the principles of compassion and respect for animal welfare.

However, it is important to note that not all meat production follows these unethical practices. There are alternative approaches, such as organic farming and free-range systems, that prioritize the well-being of animals, providing them with a more natural environment and access to pasture.

Furthermore, humans have evolved as omnivores, with meat being an integral part of our dietary history. Meat consumption, when practised responsibly, can provide essential nutrients that contribute to a balanced diet. It is worth noting that certain nutrients, such as vitamin B12, iron, and high-quality protein, are predominantly found in animal products. For individuals, particularly those with specific dietary requirements or cultural traditions, complete abstinence from meat may pose challenges in meeting their nutritional needs.

In conclusion, while the mistreatment of animals in industrial farming is a legitimate concern, I believe that a blanket statement advocating for the complete avoidance of meat oversimplifies a complex issue. Responsible meat consumption, encompassing ethical and sustainable practices, can coexist with animal welfare considerations. By supporting organic, free-range, and sustainably sourced meat, individuals can make informed choices that strike a balance between personal health, ethical considerations, and environmental sustainability.

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Some people think that killing animals for food is cruel, but others claim that animals are a necessary part of the diet. What is your opinion?

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Include an introduction and conclusion

A conclusion is essential for IELTS writing task 2. It is more important than most people realise. You will be penalised for missing a conclusion in your IELTS essay.

The easiest paragraph to write in an essay is the conclusion paragraph. This is because the paragraph mostly contains information that has already been presented in the essay – it is just the repetition of some information written in the introduction paragraph and supporting paragraphs.

The conclusion paragraph only has 3 sentences:

  • Restatement of thesis
  • Prediction or recommendation

To summarize, a robotic teacher does not have the necessary disciple to properly give instructions to students and actually works to retard the ability of a student to comprehend new lessons. Therefore, it is clear that the idea of running a classroom completely by a machine cannot be supported. After thorough analysis on this subject, it is predicted that the adverse effects of the debate over technology-driven teaching will always be greater than the positive effects, and because of this, classroom teachers will never be substituted for technology.

Start your conclusion with a linking phrase. Here are some examples:

  • In conclusion
  • To conclude
  • To summarize
  • In a nutshell

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Some people say zoos are cruelty to wild animals, while others think they can only be protected there. to what extent do you agree?

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IELTS essay Some people say zoos are cruelty to wild animals, while others think they can only be protected there.

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IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

Ielts writing task 2 sample 731 - nowadays animal experiments are widely used to develop new medicines, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, nowadays animal experiments are widely used to develop new medicines and to test the safety of other products. some people argue that these experiments should be banned because it is morally wrong to cause animals to suffer, while others are in favour of them because of their benefits to humanity..

ielts essay on cruelty to animals

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by Jayvee (Singapore)

A giraffe at the zoo

A giraffe at the zoo

HI jaivee, its ok, but i think you should have a effective examples, like in the 2nd paragraph you said zoos have educational benefits, yet that example is not that much effective, in spite of this some deviation and a liitle informal way in 3rd paragraph instance. ok
Aug 20, 2015

Mar 15, 2016

It's a great idea that zoos should exist because they help people gain knowledge.
Mar 21, 2016

they shouldnt because they are mean to animals
Jun 28, 2016

Hey jayvee,

Your essay was quite nice but instead of supporting to keep animals in zoos i will rather be against it.

Don't you think it is too harsh to keep someone in place one cannot even get out of? Just think if you were in place of those poor creatures, would you like that? You were bounded to a boundary and your life would only exist for that.

Anyways the essay was good.
Sep 07, 2016


From my point of view to gain knowledge about animals, zoos are not the only place to visit.

Freedom is dear to everyone and no one can take it from anyone. There are centuries also that give full freedom to animals. In a zoo there is a criteria and boundary, no matter how much big area has been provided to the animals.

Would you accept living in a big, fascinating villa on a condition that you can't step out of it. I believe no.
Oct 28, 2016

Your essay was quite nice but instead of supporting to keep animals in zoos i will rather be against it. and i think zoos should be banned
May 17, 2017

Good essay but needs more examples and also try not to use firstly, lastly, etc. for every paragraph.
Jan 03, 2018

Good essay, but work on your grammar.
May 22, 2018


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Cruelty in Zoos

by Shurui (Beijing, China)

IELTS Essay Zoo Cruelty Hi, I have finished an essay about zoo cruelty. I am unsure whether the essay is organized logically. Please have a look at it. Some people think that zoos are all cruel and should be closed down. Others however believe that zoos can be useful in protecting wild animals. Discuss both opinions and give your own opinion. Nowadays almost every city has a zoo, keeping and displaying various wild animals. However, there is a dispute on whether zoos are cruel or not. I will examine both sides and then give my own opinion. Some argue zoos are cruel, largely because they believe animals may suffer from living in zoos, where wild animals are caged These creatures do not have enough space to move around and are separated from their family and friends. Zoos are especially cruel for animals that are born in the wild but forced out of their natural habitat. For them, the new environment in zoos could be hard to adjust to. Depression and physical problems may therefore emerge and damage the life quality of wild animals. In some cases, keepers mistreating animals adds to the cruelty of zoos. For example, animals may suffer from not having enough food and water. There are two main reasons why some people believe zoos can good for wild animal protection. First, zoos protect endangered species by offering them much-needed shelter. Having lost their natural habitat, some animals have to rely on zoos for space and food. In this sense, zoos are vital for them to survive and multiply. If all zoos were closed down, these creatures, with no natural habitats left, would have nowhere to seek refuge. Second, zoos raise people’s awareness of wild animal protection. Zoos enable people to get close to wild animals and to know how they live. In this way, visitors to zoos would develop an affection for wild creatures. As far as I am concerned, zoos, with their facilities and expertise in keeping animals, could be helpful in protecting endangered species from extinction.

Very well writtren and organised properly. Good luck
Jul 31, 2018

well written, kudos to you..... i hope i will be able to write like this soon

Keeping Animals in Zoos Essay

by naomi chisi (cork-Ireland)

We no longer need to have animals kept in zoos, so zoos should be closed. Do you agree or disagree? Internationally, some wild animals are being kept in the zoos, however, other people do not approve of this. This essay will discuss the reason why it is important to keep the animals in the zoos. To begin with, I personally agree that animals should be kept in the zoos. For example, if animals such as lion, are left out in the street, it could cause a lot of damage, including killing people. However, some people may feel like these animals are trained, and therefore it could not do any harm, so why lock it in the cage? But truth to be told an animal is an animal, it may lose its will and feel a need to eat, hence human can be an easy target to kill. Athough, it is true that a zoos are one place most families like to go and hung out, so closing the zoo may prevent people especially children an opportunity to see animals such as leopard, zebra elephants and many more. Beside, zoos can also be an education centre not only for children but adult as well. Even tourist can reduce in number, as the zoos especially in Africa Continent, are some of the reasons that tourist wants to visit such places. Furthermore, keeping animals in a zoos might seem a clue thing to do to the animals as they have limited range to move around. But, if you look at it carefully it is actually the best thing that can happen to the animals. for instance, animals do not need to go and hunt food, food can be given to them for free as they are being care for, in additional to the food, animals can have free access to the medical care, shelter and protection unlike the animals that are left in the jungle to care for it selves. *** To help this student improve their IELTS score, please comment below on their Keeping Animals in Zoos Essay.

Dec 26, 2015

Zoos should be open because students can learn different facts of animal. For studying about animal how many students would go to different countries because all animal are not found in one country so zoos should be open
Jan 17, 2016

This essay is perfect.
Mar 15, 2016

It's awsome idea.
Mar 15, 2016

It's an awsome essay
Aug 22, 2016

It makes no sense because when would a lion be left out on the streets? But apart from that it's good even though i didn't read it all
Oct 28, 2016

It's a great idea. It's perfect
May 04, 2017

Great job!
Nov 23, 2017

This is the worst
Mar 19, 2018

1.good environment for kids and families

2.they help keep the animals safe from extinction

3.exotic animals can be seen up close

4.tourist attractions

5.keep very safe cause of glass walls ecs
Mar 19, 2020

good essay!

Essay on the Banning of Zoos

Some people believe that zoos where animals are kept in a man-made environment should no longer exist in the 21st century. Do you agree or disagree? Zoos are the places where several animals are kept. Some groups of people consider that zoos should be banned in the 21st century as they snatch the freedom of animals. However, I disagree with the given notion because of the benefits zoos provide such as protection of animals, education and entertainment, lastly maintenance of ecological balance. To begin with, most of the animals these days are gradually losing their natural habitats because of deforestation and natural calamities. So in this cases, zoos prove to be beneficial for animals as they get a safer place to live in. zoos also provide enough place for large animals. Hence, it pertinent to consider zoos should no longer exist. Furthermore, in past few decades, several animals are moving towards extinction because of poaching and illegal trade of animals. For example, in country like India, tigers are being extricated and hence left over tigers are being protected by keeping them in zoos. Consequently, government of India to increase their number has initiated numerous breeding programs. In addition, zoos act as a huge source of knowledge for children since they can relish the opportunity of watching animals closely. The images of animals which they see in their textbooks can be seen live in the zoos and they can also get entertained. Finally, zoos help in maintaining ecological balance by saving several animals. If animals’ extinction continues without being addressed then in the long run, it disturbs the natural life cycle and ultimately end in dangerous consequences. Therefore, it is not correct to think of a world without zoos. Taking into consideration all the above points, I believe that zoos should not be banned as they are safe living places for many animals. *** Help this student with their IELTS by commenting below on their essay on the Banning of Zoos.

It's good
Nov 03, 2016

You're right we don't need zoos to survive.
Apr 07, 2018

I think this essay is very meaningful because zoos are meaningful

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Some people think that zoos are all cruel and should be closed down. IELTS writing essay sample asnwer

Some people think that zoos are all cruel and should be closed down. others, however, believe that zoos can be useful in protecting wild animals. discuss both opinions and give your own opinion., sample answer: 1.

People often visit zoos. Zoos can be local, national and sometimes international. Zoos may be the best option for animals which are endangered or extinct. however, the healthy ones would not strive in zoos.  it could be cruel even inhuman to keep animals as  prisoners in zoos even if the intention is to protect them. I think animals have some benefits when they are kept in zoos but the disadvantages surely outweighs the pros.

In zoos animals are trapped in artificial environment which is not suitable for their ecological cycle, it could  affect on their natural behavior. They are dependent on human and facilities of zoo. If lions or tiger are kept in the zoos for long time then they might be losing their hunting technique because they are habituated to typical system. Moreover, in zoo animals were annoyed by children; they throw stones on them and irritate them in a harmful way. Furthermore, not every zoos have proper management  and facilities. because of the  have limited natural resources, and space for keeping them. It could be a major impact on the natural growth of particular animals.

however, zoo plays crucial role for saving endangered or wild animals. It is a boon for extinct animals. They provide them all the facilities and environment for surviving. This includes medical treatment, proper diet and safety. In addition people can learn more about animals and nature. Zoos could reduce barrier between humans and wild animals.

To sum up, I think animals should be kept in zoos only for purpose of protecting which are in danger of extinction. Otherwise they feel like in jail. it affects on their natural behavior. We should let them live freely in environment.

Sample Answer: 2

A zoo a place at which animals are kept inside a small area and can also be watched by the tourists. It is a bit controversial topic nowadays, whether the zoos are really beneficial for animals or they are just a piece of entertainment for the tourist in the name of protecting animals.

Firstly, it is considered that decreasing an animal’s freedom is cruel itself. Most people who admire wildlife believe that putting a wild animal behind bars inside a small cage is against the laws of nature and even cruel. They believe that putting any animal inside a zoo is similar to considering them as criminal and those people take it as an offence.

Additional, according to some experts wild animal usually lose their natural behavior after getting into the zoo. The reason behind this belief is that the wild animals do not need to perform the action in zoo which they used to perform in their own natural habitat in order to service. Experts consider it as a major problem because changing the behavior of a single animal can affect the whole ecology of the biodiversity. One famous scientist quotes, “extinction of a single species of honey bees could affect the ecology of whole earth.”

On the other hand, scientist also believes that, zoos are the best place to prevent the loss of some endangered species. Species which are near to extinction could be taken care in fine way at zoo; even such species can also be protected from getting extinct. Arguing this many people believe it is very rare that an extinction is being prevented by the assistance of zoos.

People around the globe have mixed opinions about the zoo. It is considered as one of the biggest chaos between the people. Even experts haven’t come to an agreement about this topic as their opinions are also very contrasting in their community.

In my opinion, zoos are very helpful for the protection of some species. However, we can’t disagree to the point that is affects the natural biodiversity and ecology.

Sample Answer: 3

In this modern world, zoos are made to keep the wild animals and for the purpose of providing information about animals to people, but it is believed that zoos are hazardous for animals to live, whereas some people concur that zoos are the best place for protecting animals in safe way. As far as the lives of animal are concerned, zoos would not be a best place for them.

To begin with, zoo is a kind of artificial place for animals to live where they are given a limited space to wonder and they are treated as a domestic animal which is not good idea. Because, according to government acts animals have right to live in free space and in the zoos, animals are not given a perfect aid, so after some time they become weak by their body and they cannot live longer in this situation, so it would be worse idea to keep wild animals in zoos.

Furthermore, after spending longtime in zoos, wild animals forget their natural talent. In the zoos animals are kept as toy and they are treated, as a result, they forget their natural talent such as hunting animals for food. It was surveyed in 2015. That one; lion which was kept in zoo for longtime, had given freedom and when he returned to forest, he forget how to hunt animals, so this shows that zoos are not good place for them.

On the other hand, it is true that in the zoos animals are safe and they can live without having any fear of killed by someone. But it does not mean that zoos are the best place to protect them. They can give protection through many other ways such as, keep them in national parks, so zoos should be banned and animals should be given freedom to live their live in their own comfort.

To sum up, it is right that zoos are cruel for wildlife, that is why zoos should be closed down and animals should be given freedom to live their lives in forest or any protected area.

Sample Answer: 4

Nowadays, people have different view regarding to the question about the zoos and people have different perspective about zoos need to be maintained or not. It is thought by some people that zoos are merciless and should be closed, whereas other people contradict and assert that zoos are always beneficial to protect wild animals. I will discuss both views and give my opinion in the conclusion.

On the one hand, first and foremost there are two main reasons why zoos are considered heinous places and should be closed or banned. Firstly, zoos are often aimed to entertain people and earn money from them, which means that zoos held animals not because of responsibility or take care but because of making profits. Secondly, many zoos limit the freedom of their animal by providing poor- quality environments and facilities. Many researchers have shown that the house of any animals in zoos is far smaller than that of them in nature. This prevents animals from doing daily activities the same way as they do in the wild, which is likely to make them feel depress and developmental illnesses. So many people assert that zoos are cruel and should be closed down.

On the other hand, some people believe that zoos play important part in preventing animals from extinction. Nowadays, many people hunting several animals, which is because their body parts are seen as luxury items and status symbols and as well as other purpose of doing that is earning more money. For example, some animals are the level of the extinction. In wild area, people killed this animal and held in captivity because their bones and skin are highly valued in the black market. That’s why some people argue that in the zoos these animals are safe and secure compare to the nature.

In conclusion, although different people believe in different views but in my personal belief, zoos are beneficial as well as useful for protecting extinct animals.

Sample Answer: 5

As far as the topic of animals is concerned the animal lovers always put their debatable arguments for the protection of the animals, where putting animals in artificial zones away from their natural habitat is one of the controversial question around the word. Some people believe that this has a devastating effect on animals. However, others see as beneficial point of view in terms of saving endangered animals. In my opinion, under proper scrutiny and safety with the maintaining the need of animals, Zoos can be lifesaving homes for the rare animals in this cruel world. Both opinions should get proper analysis before reaching to any conclusion.

On the one hand, some people see zoos as a prison and condemn the idea of keeping them in limited space where they cannot get their freedom and nurturing of the breed. This is because of the condition of many zoos are horrifying for the animals and animals forget their nature of living, for instance it is found that many wild animals after the upbringing  in zoos forget the hunting for their survival, which is against the environmental cycle. Therefore the viewpoints of the skeptics hold the water for their side.

On the other hand, the concern of the advocates is reliable in this debate as the animals are on the verge of being extinct where only zoos can protect those rare species of the animals. Zoos protect animals from illegal hunters and poachers. For instance, there are wild animals like tiger and lion are being killed for their nails and skin for selling. Moreover due to imbalance in the weather conditions animals are being endangered which cannot be neglected. Thus keeping animals in zoos is advantageous from this perceptive.

After taking both sides into consideration, it seems to me that zoos plays vital role for preserving rare animals and keeping them alive from illegal activities of humans. However, the rights and welfare of animals must be prioritized by all zoos and animal organizations around the world and zoos must get safety for the security of the animals.

Sample Answer: 6

There is a common idea that zoos are protecting rare species when gone argue that they are cruel and should be closed down in their essay arguments for both the sides and my opinion will be considered.

One of the major anxiety is that the zoos have limited activities for the wild animals and their way of living for example lion which have habit to live in big land which are taken to small cages because of this they losing their instinct, when the reproduction of them were broker, conditions for mating were increase that goes for the wild animal who can live in a wild habitat by themselves, but some institutes take some animal to training because of entertainment people earn money.

Zoos are useful for some animal which is near to extinct for example panda, panda is one of the most extinct animal on earth which is not habitat in wild nature the live in silent habitats they have troubles for reproduction there for they help then for increasing their population due to some natural calamities some spices lose their homes for some endangered animals it may be plausible to keep then in captivity where they can walk freely.

Zoos are useful as long as they satisfy the needs of all species which are captured there and they donate abuses them. They take care of all animals there like they are their family members.

In my opinion, it all depends on how well they care all extinct species of animals there they have large park and kind worker which were not harm them, there are no problem for the animal who were near to extinct and taken to the zoos. It is very comfortable for them to live.


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