Accounting Insights

The Role of Management Representation Letters in Audits

Explore the significance of management representation letters in audits, their preparation process, and common misunderstandings in this insightful overview.

management representation letter betekenis

Audits are a critical component of financial transparency and corporate governance. Within this process, management representation letters play an essential role that often goes unnoticed by those outside the accounting profession.

These documents serve as a written assertion from company management regarding the accuracy and completeness of information provided to auditors. Their importance cannot be overstated, as they underpin the trust and integrity of the entire audit process.

Purpose of Management Representation Letters

Management representation letters serve as a formal attestation from a company’s executives to the auditors, confirming the veracity of the financial statements and disclosures. These letters are a professional necessity, providing auditors with assurances that all relevant information has been disclosed. They are a testament to the management’s confidence in their financial reporting and their commitment to transparency.

The letters also support the auditor’s assessment of the risk of material misstatement in the financial statements. By obtaining written confirmations, auditors can reduce the extent of substantive testing required, which can streamline the audit process. This efficiency is beneficial for both the auditors and the company being audited, as it can lead to a more focused and timely audit.

Moreover, these letters can be a safeguard against potential disputes or legal issues that may arise post-audit. In instances where inaccuracies are discovered after the audit has been completed, the letter serves as a record that management had affirmed the completeness and accuracy of the information at the time of the audit. This can be particularly important in cases where financial statements are later found to be fraudulent or misleading.

Preparing a Management Representation Letter

The preparation of a management representation letter is a meticulous process that requires careful attention to detail and a comprehensive understanding of the company’s financial affairs. It is a collaborative effort between management and auditors to ensure that all significant information is accurately reflected.

Necessary Statements Identification

Identifying the necessary statements to be included in the management representation letter is a foundational step. These statements typically cover a range of areas such as the acknowledgment of responsibility for the fair presentation of financial statements in conformity with the applicable financial reporting framework, confirmation of the completeness of the information provided, and the disclosure of any subsequent events that may affect the financial statements. Management must also confirm that they have made the auditors aware of all known instances of fraud or suspected fraud affecting the company. The identification process is guided by professional auditing standards, such as those issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) or the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB).

Information Completeness

Ensuring the completeness of information in the management representation letter is paramount. This involves a thorough review of the company’s financial records and disclosures to verify that all relevant information has been included. Management must confirm that all transactions have been recorded and are reflected in the financial statements. They must also attest to the appropriateness of the accounting policies applied and whether any unrecorded liabilities exist. This step is critical as it directly impacts the credibility of the financial statements and the audit’s outcome. The completeness of information also extends to the disclosure of any related party transactions and the effects of any uncorrected misstatements identified during the audit.

Review and Approval

The final step in preparing a management representation letter is the review and approval by the company’s top executives, typically the CEO and CFO. This review process is not merely a formality; it is an active examination to ensure that the letter accurately reflects the company’s financial position and that all statements can be substantiated. The approval signifies that management has taken ownership of the representations made within the letter. It is also an opportunity for management to discuss any concerns or clarifications with the auditors before the letter is finalized. The signed letter is then dated as of the last day of fieldwork, signifying that the representations are relevant and up-to-date with the findings of the audit.

Misconceptions About Representation Letters

A common misunderstanding about management representation letters is that they are a mere formality, a routine sign-off without substantial impact on the audit’s outcome. This view underestimates the letter’s function as a document that auditors rely upon for assurance beyond the financial data and records they examine. It is not simply a procedural step, but a declaration that can have legal implications for the signatories, particularly if it is later found that the information provided was knowingly false or misleading.

Another misconception is that the letter is solely for the benefit of the auditors. While it is true that auditors use these letters to corroborate information and reduce audit risk, the benefits extend to the management and the company as well. The process of preparing the letter encourages a comprehensive review of the company’s financial disclosures, which can lead to the identification and rectification of errors before the audit is finalized. This proactive approach can enhance the quality of financial reporting and potentially prevent future financial discrepancies.

There is also a belief that once the letter is signed and the audit is complete, the responsibilities of management in relation to the representations made are concluded. However, the representations have a lasting effect, as they are a testament to the financial condition of the company at the point of the audit. Should any issues arise from the period covered by the audit, the representations made can be scrutinized for their accuracy and completeness.

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Gepubliceerd op 28-02-2017

Management representation letter betekenis & definitie

Een management representation letter is (directiebevestiging; bevestiging bij de jaarrekening ) een door het management van een vennootschap aan de externe accountant te schrijven brief waarin, in samenhang met de door hen te ondertekenen jaarrekening, verklaringen worden afgelegd over de al dan niet aanwezigheid van feiten en omstandigheden die de financiële positie van de vennootschap kunnen beïnvloeden en tevens de volledigheid van de verstrekte informatie wordt gegarandeerd. Het initiatief gaat uit van de accountant die dan ook het concept voor de tekst opstelt.


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management representation letter betekenis

AS 2805: Management Representations

Summary table of contents.

  • .01  Introduction
  • .02  Reliance on Management Representations
  • .05  Obtaining Written Representations
  • .13  Scope Limitations
  • .15  Effective Date
  • .16  Appendix A - Illustrative Management Representation Letter
  • .17  Appendix B - Additional Illustrative Representations
  • .18  Appendix C - Illustrative Updating Management Representation Letter


.01        This section establishes a requirement that the independent auditor obtain written representations from management as a part of an audit of financial statements performed in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB and provides guidance concerning the representations to be obtained.

Reliance on Management Representations

.02        During an audit, management makes many representations to the auditor, both oral and written, in response to specific inquiries or through the financial statements. Such representations from management are part of the evidential matter the independent auditor obtains, but they are not a substitute for the application of those auditing procedures necessary to afford a reasonable basis for an opinion regarding the financial statements under audit. Written representations from management ordinarily confirm representations explicitly or implicitly given to the auditor, indicate and document the continuing appropriateness of such representations, and reduce the possibility of misunderstanding concerning the matters that are the subject of the representations. 1

.03        The auditor obtains written representations from management to complement other auditing procedures. In many cases, the auditor applies auditing procedures specifically designed to obtain evidential matter concerning matters that also are the subject of written representations. For example, after the auditor performs the procedures described in AS 2410, Related Parties , the auditor should obtain a written representation that management has no knowledge of any relationships or transactions with related parties that have not been properly accounted for and adequately disclosed. The auditor should obtain this written representation even if the results of those procedures indicate that relationships and transactions with related parties have been properly accounted for and adequately disclosed. In some circumstances, evidential matter that can be obtained by the application of auditing procedures other than inquiry is limited; therefore, the auditor obtains written representations to provide additional evidential matter. For example, if an entity plans to discontinue a line of business and the auditor is not able to obtain sufficient information through other auditing procedures to corroborate the plan or intent, the auditor obtains a written representation to provide evidence of management's intent.

.04        If a representation made by management is contradicted by other audit evidence, the auditor should investigate the circumstances and consider the reliability of the representation made. Based on the circumstances, the auditor should consider whether his or her reliance on management's representations relating to other aspects of the financial statements is appropriate and justified.

Obtaining Written Representations

.05        Written representations from management should be obtained for all financial statements and periods covered by the auditor's report. 2 For example, if comparative financial statements are reported on, the written representations obtained at the completion of the most recent audit should address all periods being reported on. The specific written representations obtained by the auditor will depend on the circumstances of the engagement and the nature and basis of presentation of the financial statements. The auditor should provide a copy of the representation letter to the audit committee if management has not already provided the representation letter to the audit committee.

Note: When performing an integrated audit of financial statements and internal control over financial reporting, refer to paragraphs .75-.77 of AS 2201, An Audit of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting That Is Integrated with An Audit of Financial Statements , for additional required written representations to be obtained from management.

.06        In connection with an audit of financial statements presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, specific representations should relate to the following matters: 3

Financial Statements

  • Management's acknowledgment of its responsibility for the fair presentation in the financial statements of financial position, results of operations, and cash flows in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.
  • Management's belief that the financial statements are fairly presented in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

Completeness of Information

  • Availability of all financial records and related data, including the names of all related parties and all relationships and transactions with related parties.
  • Completeness and availability of all minutes of meetings of stockholders, directors, and committees of directors.
  • Communications from regulatory agencies concerning noncompliance with or deficiencies in financial reporting practices.
  • Absence of (1) unrecorded transactions  and (2) side agreements or other arrangements (either written or oral) undisclosed to the auditor .

Recognition, Measurement, and Disclosure

  • Management's belief that the effects of any uncorrected financial statement misstatements 4 aggregated by the auditor during the current engagement and pertaining to the latest period presented are immaterial, both individually and in the aggregate, to the financial statements taken as a whole. 5 (A summary of such items should be included in or attached to the letter.) 6 , 7
  • Management's acknowledgment of its responsibility for the design and implementation of programs and controls to prevent and detect fraud.
  • Knowledge of fraud or suspected fraud affecting the entity involving (1) management, (2) employees who have significant roles in internal control, or (3) others where the fraud could have a material effect on the financial statements.
  • Knowledge of any allegations of fraud or suspected fraud affecting the entity received in communications from employees, former employees, analysts, regulators, short sellers, or others.
  • Plans or intentions that may affect the carrying value or classification of assets or liabilities.
  • Information concerning related party transactions and amounts receivable from or payable to related parties, including support for any assertion that a transaction with a related party was conducted on terms equivalent to those prevailing in an arm's-length transaction. 9
  • Guarantees, whether written or oral, under which the entity is contingently liable.
  • Significant estimates and material concentrations known to management that are required to be disclosed in accordance with the AICPA's Statement of Position 94-6, Disclosure of Certain Significant Risks and Uncertainties .
  • Violations or possible violations of laws or regulations whose effects should be considered for disclosure in the financial statements or as a basis for recording a loss contingency. 10
  • Unasserted claims or assessments that the entity's lawyer has advised are probable of assertion and must be disclosed in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Statement No. 5, Accounting for Contingencies [AC section C59]. 11
  • Other liabilities and gain or loss contingencies that are required to be accrued or disclosed by FASB Statement No. 5 [AC section C59]. 12
  • Satisfactory title to assets, liens or encumbrances on assets, and assets pledged as collateral.
  • Compliance with aspects of contractual agreements that may affect the financial statements.

  s-1 .    The appropriateness of the methods, the consistency in application, the accuracy and completeness of data, and the reasonableness of significant assumptions used by the company in developing accounting estimates.

Subsequent Events

  • Information concerning subsequent events. 13

.07        The representation letter ordinarily should be tailored to include additional appropriate representations from management relating to matters specific to the entity's business or industry. Examples of additional representations that may be appropriate are provided in appendix B, "Additional Illustrative Representations" [paragraph .17].

.08        Management's representations may be limited to matters that are considered either individually or collectively material to the financial statements, provided management and the auditor have reached an understanding on materiality for this purpose. Materiality may be different for different representations. A discussion of materiality may be included explicitly in the representation letter, in either qualitative or quantitative terms. Materiality considerations would not apply to those representations that are not directly related to amounts included in the financial statements, for example, items ( a ), ( c ), ( d ), and ( e ) above. In addition, because of the possible effects of fraud on other aspects of the audit, materiality would not apply to item ( h ) above with respect to management or those employees who have significant roles in internal control.

.09        The written representations should be addressed to the auditor. Because the auditor is concerned with events occurring through the date of his or her report that may require adjustment to or disclosure in the financial statements, the representations should be made as of the date of the auditor's report. [If the auditor "dual dates" his or her report, the auditor should consider whether obtaining additional representations relating to the subsequent event is appropriate. See paragraph .05 of AS 3110, Dating of the Independent Auditor's Report ]. The letter should be signed by those members of management with overall responsibility for financial and operating matters whom the auditor believes are responsible for and knowledgeable about, directly or through others in the organization, the matters covered by the representations. Such members of management normally include the chief executive officer and chief financial officer or others with equivalent positions in the entity.

.10        If current management was not present during all periods covered by the auditor's report, the auditor should nevertheless obtain written representations from current management on all such periods. The specific written representations obtained by the auditor will depend on the circumstances of the engagement and the nature and basis of presentation of the financial statements. As discussed in paragraph .08, management's representations may be limited to matters that are considered either individually or collectively material to the financial statements.

.11        In certain circumstances, the auditor may want to obtain written representations from other individuals. For example, he or she may want to obtain written representations about the completeness of the minutes of the meetings of stockholders, directors, and committees of directors from the person responsible for keeping such minutes. Also, if the independent auditor performs an audit of the financial statements of a subsidiary but does not audit those of the parent company, he or she may want to obtain representations from management of the parent company concerning matters that may affect the subsidiary, such as related-party transactions or the parent company's intention to provide continuing financial support to the subsidiary.

.12        There are circumstances in which an auditor should obtain updating representation letters from management. If a predecessor auditor is requested by a former client to reissue (or consent to the reuse of) his or her report on the financial statements of a prior period, and those financial statements are to be presented on a comparative basis with audited financial statements of a subsequent period, the predecessor auditor should obtain an updating representation letter from the management of the former client. 15 Also, when performing subsequent events procedures in connection with filings under the Securities Act of 1933, the auditor should obtain certain written representations. 16 The updating management representation letter should state ( a ) whether any information has come to management's attention that would cause them to believe that any of the previous representations should be modified, and ( b ) whether any events have occurred subsequent to the balance-sheet date of the latest financial statements reported on by the auditor that would require adjustment to or disclosure in those financial statements. 17

Scope Limitations

.13        Management's refusal to furnish written representations constitutes a limitation on the scope of the audit sufficient to preclude an unqualified opinion and is ordinarily sufficient to cause an auditor to disclaim an opinion or withdraw from the engagement. 18 However, based on the nature of the representations not obtained or the circumstances of the refusal, the auditor may conclude that a qualified opinion is appropriate. Further, the auditor should consider the effects of the refusal on his or her ability to rely on other management representations.

.14        If the auditor is precluded from performing procedures he or she considers necessary in the circumstances with respect to a matter that is material to the financial statements, even though management has given representations concerning the matter, there is a limitation on the scope of the audit, and the auditor should qualify his or her opinion or disclaim an opinion.

Effective Date

.15        This section is effective for audits of financial statements for periods ending on or after June 30, 1998. Earlier application is permitted.

Appendix A - Illustrative Management Representation Letter


1.    The following letter, which relates to an audit of financial statements prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, is presented for illustrative purposes only. The introductory paragraph should specify the financial statements and periods covered by the auditor's report, for example, "balance sheets of XYZ Company as of December 31, 19X1 and 19X0, and the related statements of income and retained earnings and cash flows for the years then ended." The written representations to be obtained should be based on the circumstances of the engagement and the nature and basis of presentation of the financial statements being audited. ( See appendix B [paragraph .17]).

2.    If matters exist that should be disclosed to the auditor, they should be indicated by modifying the related representation. For example, if an event subsequent to the date of the balance sheet has been disclosed in the financial statements, the final paragraph could be modified as follows: "To the best of our knowledge and belief, except as discussed in Note X to the financial statements, no events have occurred" In appropriate circumstances, item 9 could be modified as follows: "The company has no plans or intentions that may materially affect the carrying value or classification of assets and liabilities, except for its plans to dispose of segment A, as disclosed in Note X to the financial statements, which are discussed in the minutes of the December 7, 20X1, meeting of the board of directors." Similarly, if management has received a communication regarding an allegation of fraud or suspected fraud, item 8 could be modified as follows: "Except for the allegation discussed in the minutes of the December 7, 20X1, meeting of the board of directors (or disclosed to you at our meeting on October 15, 20X1), we have no knowledge of any allegations of fraud or suspected fraud affecting the company received in communications from employees, former employees, analysts, regulators, short sellers, or others."

3.    The qualitative discussion of materiality used in the illustrative letter is adapted from FASB Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts No. 2, Qualitative Characteristics of Accounting Information .

4.    Certain terms are used in the illustrative letter that are described elsewhere in authoritative literature. Examples are fraud, in AS 2401, Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit , and related parties, in AS 2410,  Related Parties . To avoid misunderstanding concerning the meaning of such terms, the auditor may wish to furnish those definitions to management or request that the definitions be included in the written representations.

5.    The illustrative letter assumes that management and the auditor have reached an understanding on the limits of materiality for purposes of the written representations. However, it should be noted that a materiality limit would not apply for certain representations, as explained in paragraph .08 of this section.

To [ Independent Auditor ]

We are providing this letter in connection with your audit(s) of the [ identification of financial statements ] of [ name of entity ] as of [ dates ] and for the [ periods ] for the purpose of expressing an opinion as to whether the [ consolidated ] financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position, results of operations, and cash flows of [ name of entity ] in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. We confirm that we are responsible for the fair presentation in the [ consolidated ] financial statements of financial position, results of operations, and cash flows in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

Certain representations in this letter are described as being limited to matters that are material. Items are considered material, regardless of size, if they involve an omission or misstatement of accounting information that, in the light of surrounding circumstances, makes it probable that the judgment of a reasonable person relying on the information would be changed or influenced by the omission or misstatement.

We confirm, to the best of our knowledge and belief, [ as of (date of auditor's report), ] the following representations made to you during your audit(s).

  • The financial statements referred to above are fairly presented in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
  • Financial records and related data, including the names of all related parties and all relationships and transactions with related parties.
  • Minutes of the meetings of stockholders, directors, and committees of directors, or summaries of actions of recent meetings for which minutes have not yet been prepared.
  • There have been no communications from regulatory agencies concerning noncompliance with or deficiencies in financial reporting practices.
  • There are no material transactions that have not been properly recorded in the accounting records underlying the financial statements.
  • We believe that the effects of the uncorrected financial statement misstatements summarized in the accompanying schedule are immaterial, both individually and in the aggregate, to the financial statements taken as a whole. 1
  • We acknowledge our responsibility for the design and implementation of programs and controls to prevent and detect fraud.
  • Management,
  • Employees who have significant roles in internal control, or
  • Others where the fraud could have a material effect on the financial statements.
  • We have no knowledge of any allegations of fraud or suspected fraud affecting the entity received in communications from employees, former employees, analysts, regulators, short sellers, or others.
  • The company has no plans or intentions that may materially affect the carrying value or classification of assets and liabilities.
  • Related-party transactions, including sales, purchases, loans, transfers, leasing arrangements, and guarantees, and amounts receivable from or payable to related parties.
  • Guarantees, whether written or oral, under which the company is contingently liable.
  • Significant estimates and material concentrations known to management that are required to be disclosed in accordance with the AICPA's Statement of Position 94-6, Disclosure of Certain Significant Risks and Uncertainties. [ Significant estimates are estimates at the balance sheet date that could change materially within the next year. Concentrations refer to volumes of business, revenues, available sources of supply, or markets or geographic areas for which events could occur that would significantly disrupt normal finances within the next year. ]
  • Violations or possible violations of laws or regulations whose effects should be considered for disclosure in the financial statements or as a basis for recording a loss contingency.
  • Unasserted claims or assessments that our lawyer has advised us are probable of assertion and must be disclosed in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Statement No. 5, Accounting for Contingencies . 2
  • Other liabilities or gain or loss contingencies that are required to be accrued or disclosed by FASB Statement No. 5.
  • Side agreements or other arrangements (either written or oral) that have not been disclosed to you.
  • The company has satisfactory title to all owned assets, and there are no liens or encumbrances on such assets nor has any asset been pledged as collateral.
  • The company has complied with all aspects of contractual agreements that would have a material effect on the financial statements in the event of noncompliance.

[ Add additional representations that are unique to the entity's business or industry. See paragraph .07 and appendix B [paragraph .17] of this section. ]

To the best of our knowledge and belief, no events have occurred subsequent to the balance-sheet date and through the date of this letter that would require adjustment to or disclosure in the aforementioned financial statements.

____________________________________________ [ Name of Chief Executive Officer and Title ]

____________________________________________ [ Name of Chief Financial Officer and Title ]

[As amended, effective for audits of financial statements for periods beginning on or after December 15, 1999 by Statement on Auditing Standards No. 89. As amended, effective for audits of financial statements for periods beginning on or after December 15, 2002, by Statement on Auditing Standards No. 99.]

Appendix B - Additional Illustrative Representations


1.    As discussed in paragraph .07 of this section, representation letters ordinarily should be tailored to include additional appropriate representations from management relating to matters specific to the entity's business or industry. The following is a list of additional representations that may be appropriate in certain situations. This list is not intended to be all-inclusive. The auditor also should consider the effects of pronouncements issued subsequent to the issuance of this section.

Unaudited interim information accompanies the financial statements.The unaudited interim financial information accompanying [ ] the financial statements for the [ ] has been prepared and presented in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applicable to interim financial information [ ]. The accounting principles used to prepare the unaudited interim financial information are consistent with those used to prepare the audited financial statements.
The impact of a new accounting principle is not known.We have not completed the process of evaluating the impact that will result from adopting Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Statement No. [ ], as discussed in Note [ ]. The company is therefore unable to disclose the impact that adopting FASB Statement No. [ ] will have on its financial position and the results of operations when such Statement is adopted.
There is justification for a change in accounting principles.We believe that [ ] is preferable to [ because [ ].
Financial circumstances are strained, with disclosure of management's intentions and the entity's ability to continue as a going concern.Note [ ] to the financial statements discloses all of the matters of which we are aware that are relevant to the company's ability to continue as a going concern, including significant conditions and events, and management's plans.
The possibility exists that the value of specific significant long-lived assets or certain identifiable intangibles may be impaired.We have reviewed long-lived assets and certain identifiable intangibles to be held and used for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances have indicated that the carrying amount of its assets might not be recoverable and have appropriately recorded the adjustment.
The entity engages in transactions with special purpose entities.We have evaluated all transactions involving special purpose entities to determine that the accounting for such transactions is in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Specifically [indicate appropriate accounting principles:

• Conditions pursuant to paragraph 35 of FASB Statement 140, "Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishment of Liabilities"

• EITF Issue No. 96-16, "Investor's Accounting for an Investee When the Investor Has a Majority of the Voting Interest by the Minority Shareholder or Shareholders Have certain Approval or Veto Rights"

• EITF Issue No. 90-15, "Impact of Nonsubstantive Lessors, Residual Value Guarantees, and Other Provisions in Leasing Transactions"

• EITF Issue 96-21, "Implementation in Accounting for Leasing Transactions involving Special-Purpose Entities"

• EITF 97-1, "Implementation Issues in Accounting for Lease Transactions, including Those involving Special-Purpose Entities"

• EITF Issue No. 97-2, "Application of FASB Statement No. 94 and APB Opinion No. 16 to Physician Practice Management [PPM] Entities and Certain Other Entities with Contractual Management Arrangements"

• EITF Issue No. 00-4, "Majority Owner's Accounting for a transaction in the Shares of a Consolidated Subsidiary and a Derivative Indexed to the Minority Interest in That Subsidiary."]
The work of a specialist has been used by the entity.We agree with the findings of specialists in evaluating the [ ] and have adequately considered the qualifications of the specialist in determining the amounts and disclosures used in the financial statements and underlying accounting records. We did not give or cause any instructions to be given to specialists with respect to the values or amounts derived in an attempt to bias their work, and we are not otherwise aware of any matters that have had an impact on the independence or objectivity of the specialists.
ConditionIllustrative Examples

Disclosure is required of compensating balances or other arrangements involving restrictions on cash balances, line of credit, or similar arrangements.
Arrangements with financial institutions involving compensating balances or other arrangements involving restrictions on cash balances, line of credit, or similar arrangements have been properly disclosed.
Management intends to and has the ability to hold to maturity debt securities classified as held-to-maturity.Debt securities that have been classified as held-to-maturity have been so classified due to the company's intent to hold such securities, to maturity and the company's ability to do so. All other debt securities have been classified as available-for-sale or trading.
Management considers the decline in value of debt or equity securities to be temporary.We consider the decline in value of debt or equity securities classified as either available-for-sale or held-to-maturity to be temporary.
Management has determined the fair value of significant financial instruments that do not have readily determinable market values.The methods and significant assumptions used to determine fair values of financial instruments are as follows: [ The methods and significant assumptions used result in a measure of fair value appropriate for financial statement measurement and disclosure purposes.
There are financial instruments with off-balance-sheet risk and financial instruments with concentrations of credit risk.The following information about financial instruments with off-balance-sheet risk and financial instruments with concentrations of credit risk has been properly disclosed in the financial statements:

1. The extent, nature, and terms of financial instruments with off-balance-sheet risk

2. The amount of credit risk of financial instruments with off-balance-sheet risk and information about the collateral supporting such financial instruments

3. Significant concentrations of credit risk arising from all financial instruments and information about the collateral supporting such financial instruments

Receivables have been recorded in the financial statements.
Receivables recorded in the financial statements represent valid claims against debtors for sales or other charges arising on or before the balance-sheet date and have been appropriately reduced to their estimated net realizable value.
Excess or obsolete inventories exist.Provision has been made to reduce excess or obsolete inventories to their estimated net realizable value.

There are unusual considerations involved in determining the application of equity accounting.
• The equity method is used to account for the company's investment in the common stock of [ ] because the company has the ability to exercise significant influence over the investee's operating and financial policies.

• The cost method is used to account for the company's investment in the common stock of [investee] because the company does not have the ability to exercise significant influence over the investee's operating and financial policies.

Material expenditures have been deferred.
We believe that all material expenditures that have been deferred to future periods will be recoverable.
A deferred tax asset exists at the balance-sheet date.The valuation allowance has been determined pursuant to the provisions of FASB Statement No. 109, , including the company's estimation of future taxable income, if necessary, and is adequate to reduce the total deferred tax asset to an amount that will more likely than not be realized. [ ]
A valuation allowance against deferred tax assets at the balance-sheet date is not considered necessary because it is more likely than not the deferred tax asset will be fully realized.
ConditionIllustrative Examples

Short-term debt could be refinanced on a long-term basis and management intends to do so.
The company has excluded short-term obligations totaling $[ ] from current liabilities because it intends to refinance the obligations on a long-term basis. ]

• The company has issued a long-term obligation [ ] after the date of the balance sheet but prior to the issuance of the financial statements for the purpose of refinancing the short-term obligations on a long-term basis.

• The company has the ability to consummate the refinancing, by using the financing agreement referred to in Note [ ] to the financial statements.
Tax-exempt bonds have been issued.Tax-exempt bonds issued have retained their tax-exempt status.

Management intends to reinvest undistributed earnings of a foreign subsidiary.
We intend to reinvest the undistributed earnings of [ ].
Estimates and disclosures have been made of environmental remediation liabilities and related loss contingencies.Provision has been made for any material loss that is probable from environmental remediation liabilities associated with [ ]. We believe that such estimate is reasonable based on available information and that the liabilities and related loss contingencies and the expected outcome of uncertainties have been adequately described in the company's financial statements.
Agreements may exist to repurchase assets previously sold.Agreements to repurchase assets previously sold have been properly disclosed.
An actuary has been used to measure pension liabilities and costs.We believe that the actuarial assumptions and methods used to measure pension liabilities and costs for financial accounting purposes are appropriate in the circumstances.
There is involvement with a multiemployer plan.We are unable to determine the possibility of a withdrawal liability in a multiemployer benefit plan.
We have determined that there is the possibility of a withdrawal liability in a multiemployer plan in the amount of $[ ].
Postretirement benefits have been eliminated.We do not intend to compensate for the elimination of postretirement benefits by granting an increase in pension benefits.
We plan to compensate for the elimination of postretirement benefits by granting an increase in pension benefits in the amount of $[ ].
Employee layoffs that would otherwise lead to a curtailment of a benefit plan are intended to be temporary.Current employee layoffs are intended to be temporary.
Management intends to either continue to make or not make frequent amendments to its pension or other postretirement benefit plans, which may affect the amortization period of prior service cost, or has expressed a substantive commitment to increase benefit obligations.We plan to continue to make frequent amendments to its pension or other postretirement benefit plans, which may affect the amortization period of prior service cost.
We do not plan to make frequent amendments to its pension or other postretirement benefit plans.
ConditionIllustrative Example
There are capital stock repurchase options or agreements or capital stock reserved for options, warrants, conversions, or other requirements.Capital stock repurchase options or agreements or capital stock reserved for options, warrants, conversions, or other requirements have been properly disclosed.
Income Statement
ConditionIllustrative Example
There may be a loss from sales commitments.Provisions have been made for losses to be sustained in the fulfillment of or from inability to fulfill any sales commitments.
There may be losses from purchase commitments.Provisions have been made for losses to be sustained as a result of purchase commitments for inventory quantities in excess of normal requirements or at prices in excess of prevailing market prices.
Nature of the product or industry indicates the possibility of undisclosed sales terms.We have fully disclosed to you all sales terms, including all rights of return or price adjustments and all warranty provisions.

Appendix C - Illustrative Updating Management Representation Letter


1.    The following letter is presented for illustrative purposes only. It may be used in the circumstances described in paragraph .12 of this section. Management need not repeat all of the representations made in the previous representation letter.

2.    If matters exist that should be disclosed to the auditor, they should be indicated by listing them following the representation. For example, if an event subsequent to the date of the balance sheet has been disclosed in the financial statements, the final paragraph could be modified as follows: "To the best of our knowledge and belief, except as discussed in Note X to the financial statements, no events have occurred. . . ."

    [ Date ]

    To [ Auditor ]

    In connection with your audit(s) of the [ identification of financial statements ] of [ name of entity ] as of [ dates ] and for the [ periods ] for the purpose of expressing an opinion as to whether the [ consolidated ] financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position, results of operations, and cash flows of [ name of entity ] in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, you were previously provided with a representation letter under date of [ date of previous representation letter ]. No information has come to our attention that would cause us to believe that any of those previous representations should be modified.

    To the best of our knowledge and belief, no events have occurred subsequent to [ date of latest balance sheet reported on by the auditor ] and through the date of this letter that would require adjustment to or disclosure in the aforementioned financial statements.

    __________________________________________ [ Name of Chief Executive Officer and Title ]

    __________________________________________ [ Name of Chief Financial Officer and Title ]

[Revised, October 2000, to reflect conforming changes necessary due to the issuance of Statement on Auditing Standards No. 93.]

Footnotes (AS 2805 - Management Representations):

1 AS 1015, Due Professional Care in the Performance of Work , states, "The auditor neither assumes that management is dishonest nor assumes unquestioned honesty. In exercising professional skepticism, the auditor should not be satisfied with less than persuasive evidence because of a belief that management is honest."

2 An illustrative representation letter from management is contained in appendix A, "Illustrative Management Representation Letter" [paragraph .16].

3 Specific representations also are applicable to financial statements presented in conformity with a comprehensive basis of accounting other than generally accepted accounting principles. The specific representations to be obtained should be based on the nature and basis of presentation of the financial statements being audited.

4 AS 2810, Evaluating Audit Results, indicates that a misstatement can arise from error or fraud and also discusses the auditor's responsibilities for evaluating accumulated misstatements .

5 If management believes that certain of the identified items are not misstatements, management's belief may be acknowledged by adding to the representation, for example, "We do not agree that items XX and XX constitute misstatements because [description of reasons]." 

6 AS 2810.11 states that the auditor may designate an amount below which misstatements need not be accumulated. Similarly, the summary of uncorrected misstatements included in or attached to the representation letter need not include such misstatements. The summary should include sufficient information to provide management with an understanding of the nature, amount, and effect of the uncorrected misstatements. Similar items may be aggregated.

7 The communication to management of immaterial misstatements aggregated by the auditor does not constitute a communication pursuant to paragraph .17 of AS 2405, Illegal Acts by Clients , Section 10A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or paragraphs .79 through .82 of AS 2401, Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit . The auditor may have additional communication responsibilities pursuant to AS 2405, Section 10A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or AS 2401.

[8] [Footnote deleted.]

9 See AS 2410.18. 

10 See AS 2405. 

11 See paragraph .05 d of AS 2505, Inquiry of a Client's Lawyer Concerning Litigation, Claims, and Assessments. If the entity has not consulted a lawyer regarding litigation, claims, and assessments, the auditor normally would rely on the review of internally available information and obtain a written representation by management regarding the lack of litigation, claims, and assessments; see auditing Interpretation No. 6, "Client Has Not Consulted a Lawyer" (paragraphs .15-.17 of AI 17, Inquiry of a Client's Lawyer Concerning Litigation, Claims, and Assessments: Auditing Interpretations of AS 2505 ) .

12 See AS 2505.05 b . 

13 See paragraph .12 of AS 2801, Subsequent Events , paragraph .10 of AS 4101, Responsibilities Regarding Filings Under Federal Securities Statutes , and paragraph .45, footnote 31 of AS 6101, Letters for Underwriters and Certain Other Requesting Parties . 

[14] [Footnote deleted.]

15 See paragraph .55 of AS 3105 , Departures from Unqualified Opinions and Other Reporting Circumstances .

16 See AS 4101.10. 

17 An illustrative updating management representation letter is contained in appendix C, "Illustrative Updating Management Representation Letter" [paragraph .18]. 

18 See AS 3105.05–.17. 

Footnotes (Appendix A - Illustrative Management Representation Letter):

1 If management believes that certain of the identified items are not misstatements, management's belief may be acknowledged by adding to the representation, for example, "We do not agree that items XX and XX constitute misstatements because [ description of reasons ]." 

2 In the circumstance discussed in footnote 11 of this section, this representation might be worded as follows:

    We are not aware of any pending or threatened litigation, claims, or assessments or unasserted claims or assessments that are required to be accrued or disclosed in the financial statements in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 5,  Accounting for Contingencies , and we have not consulted a lawyer concerning litigation, claims, or assessments. New Logo

14+ Management Representation Letter Format, What is It, Examples

  • Letter Format
  • January 24, 2024
  • Business Letters , Contract Letters , Legal Letters

Management Representation Letter Format : A management representation letter format is a formal document used by auditors to obtain written confirmation from management about certain financial and non-financial matters . The Business letter is an important part of the audit process as it helps auditors gain a better understanding of the client’s business operations, accounting policies, and financial reporting practices .

  • Business Inauguration Invitation Letter 
  • Business Proposal Acceptance Letter Format
  • Business Invitation Letter Format
  • Business Agreement Letter Format
  • Business Contract Letter Format 

Management Representation Letter Format

Content in this article

The management representation letter format is typically including the following components:

  • Opening Paragraph: The Legal letter begins with a formal greeting and an explanation of the purpose of the letter. It may also include the date of the audit and the reporting period.
  • Responsibilities of Management: This section outlines the responsibilities of management in relation to the financial statements and the audit process. It confirms that management is responsible for the preparation and presentation of the financial statements in accordance with accounting principles, maintaining adequate internal controls, and providing the auditor with access to all relevant information.
  • Representations: This is the main body of the letter, where management makes specific representations about various financial and non-financial matters. These may include statements about the completeness and accuracy of financial statements, compliance with laws and regulations, the absence of fraud, and the adequacy of internal controls.
  • Closing Paragraph: The Contract letter concludes with a statement confirming that management has disclosed all relevant information to the auditor and that the representations made in the letter are true and accurate.

It is important to note that the management representation letter Format is a legal document and should be drafted with care. Management should review the letter carefully before signing it, as they are legally responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.

In addition to providing auditors with important information about the client’s business, the management representation letter can also serve as a valuable communication tool between management and the auditor . It can help to identify potential issues early in the audit process and facilitate a smoother and more efficient audit.

Management Representation Letter Format – Sample Format

Below is a Sample Format of Management Representation Letter Format:

[Your Company Letterhead]

[External Auditor’s Name]

[External Auditor’s Firm]

[Address Line 1]

[Address Line 2]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [External Auditor’s Name],

Re: Management Representation Letter

We appreciate the opportunity to work with your firm in connection with the audit of the financial statements of [Your Company Name] for the fiscal year ended [Date]. In connection with your audit, we are providing you with this representation letter.

We, the management of [Your Company Name], confirm the following representations:

  • The financial statements have been prepared in conformity with the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and present fairly the financial position, results of operations, and cash flows of the company.
  • Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting, and there have been no significant changes in the internal control over financial reporting that could have a material effect on the company’s ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial data.
  • To the best of our knowledge, there has been no fraud or illegal acts that have materially affected or are reasonably likely to materially affect the financial statements.
  • Except as disclosed in the financial statements or in the notes thereto, there are no pending or threatened legal actions, claims, or assessments that could have a material effect on the financial statements.
  • All significant information and documentation related to the company’s operations and financial transactions have been made available to your firm.
  • We have disclosed all significant events occurring after the balance sheet date that would require adjustment to, or disclosure in, the financial statements.

This representation letter is provided to you in connection with your audit of the financial statements of [Your Company Name] and should be read in conjunction with the auditor’s report. We acknowledge our responsibility for the design and implementation of internal controls to prevent and detect fraud, as well as the preparation of financial statements.

Please let us know if you need any further information or clarification. We appreciate your professional services and look forward to a successful audit.

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company Name]

[Your Contact Information]

This is a general template for a management representation letter. Specific content may vary based on the company’s circumstances and the requirements of the external auditor. It is advisable to consult with legal and accounting professionals when preparing such letters.

Email Ideas about Management Representation Letter Format

Here’s an Email Ideas for Management Representation Letter Format:

Subject: Request for Management Representation Letter

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to request your assistance in providing a management representation letter format to complete our audit process. As you are aware, the management representation letter is a crucial document that provides written confirmation from management on the accuracy and completeness of financial statements and related disclosures.

The representation letter helps our auditors to obtain evidence in support of the financial statements and to obtain assurance that management has fulfilled its responsibilities. It also serves as a tool for our auditors to document the representations made by management during the course of the audit.

We would appreciate it if you could provide the management representation letter as soon as possible, but no later than [date]. We understand that the process of preparing this letter can take some time and we are available to discuss any questions or concerns you may have.

Please let us know if you need any further information or assistance in preparing the letter. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to completing the audit process.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Management Representation Letter Format to Auditor

This letter, presented to auditors, formalizes the company’s commitments, affirming the accuracy of financial data, adherence to accounting standards, and cooperation with auditors to ensure a transparent and accurate audit process.

We appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with your firm for the audit of the financial statements of [Your Company Name] for the fiscal year ended [Date]. In connection with the audit, we are pleased to provide you with the following representations:

  • The management of [Your Company Name] is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in conformity with the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

Should you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us. We appreciate your professional services and look forward to a successful audit.

This letter is a general format for a management representation letter to an auditor. Specific content may vary based on the company’s circumstances and the requirements of the external auditor. Always consult with legal and accounting professionals when preparing such letters.

Management Representation Letter Format to Bank

This Management Representation Letter Format serves to affirm the accuracy of financial information, adherence to credit terms, and compliance with agreements, fostering transparency in the company’s dealings with the bank.

[Bank Name]

[Bank Address Line 1]

[Bank Address Line 2]

Dear [Bank Manager’s Name],

Re: Management Representation Letter for Banking Purposes

We hereby provide this Management Representation Letter in connection with our banking relationship with [Bank Name]. This letter is to confirm certain representations to assist the bank in its assessment of our financial standing and creditworthiness.

  • We confirm that the financial statements provided to the bank are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and present fairly our financial position as of [Date].
  • All information provided regarding our credit facilities, loans, and guarantees is accurate, complete, and reflective of our current financial obligations to the best of our knowledge.
  • We confirm that we are in compliance with all terms and conditions outlined in our loan agreements, credit facilities, and any other financial arrangements with the bank.
  • We have disclosed any material changes in our financial condition, business operations, or other relevant matters that may impact our ability to meet our financial obligations to the bank.
  • There are no pending or threatened legal proceedings, disputes, or litigation that could materially affect our ability to fulfill our financial commitments to the bank.
  • The undersigned individuals have the authority to provide these representations on behalf of the company, and all necessary corporate approvals have been obtained.

This Management Representation Letter is provided solely for the purpose of supporting our banking relationship with [Bank Name]. We acknowledge our responsibility to promptly inform the bank of any material changes that may affect the accuracy of these representations.

If you require any additional information or documentation, please do not hesitate to contact us. We appreciate your continued support and understanding.

This Management Representation Letter to the bank is a formal document confirming key financial and operational details. Customize it as needed based on your specific banking relationship and requirements.

Management Representation Letter Format – Template

Here’s a Template of Management Representation Letter Format:

[Company Letterhead]

[External Auditor Name] [External Auditor Address] [External Auditor City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [External Auditor Name],

We are pleased to provide you with this management representation letter in connection with the audit of our financial statements for the year ended [Date]. As management of [Company Name], we acknowledge our responsibility for the preparation and presentation of the financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

We confirm that we have provided you with all relevant information necessary for the audit and that we have disclosed all known or suspected fraud, illegal acts, or non-compliance with laws and regulations that may have a material effect on the financial statements.

We represent that the financial statements are complete and accurate, and that they fairly present, in all material respects, the financial position of [Company Name] as of [Date], and the results of its operations and cash flows for the year then ended.

We also confirm that the representations made in this letter are true and accurate as of the date of this letter.

[Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Company Name]

Management Representation Letter for External Audit

This letter reinforces the company’s commitment to transparency, providing essential assurances to external auditors regarding the accuracy of financial information and cooperation throughout the audit, crucial for ensuring the integrity of the audit process.

[Audit Firm Name]

[Audit Firm Address]

Re: Management Representation for the External Audit of [Company Name]

We, the undersigned management of [Your Company Name], hereby provide this letter to confirm certain representations in connection with the external audit of our financial statements for the fiscal year ending [Date].

  • We confirm that the financial statements, including the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement, present a true and fair view of the financial position of [Your Company Name] as of [Date].
  • The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) [or International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)].
  • We have established and maintained effective internal controls to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements in accordance with applicable accounting standards.
  • All significant information and disclosures related to our operations, financial position, and business transactions that may affect the understanding and interpretation of the financial statements have been disclosed to the best of our knowledge.
  • All assets and liabilities, including contingent liabilities, have been properly recorded and disclosed in the financial statements.
  • We have disclosed to you all known and potential legal claims, disputes, and litigations that may have a material impact on the financial statements.
  • We acknowledge our responsibility to provide you and your team with complete access to all information and documents requested during the audit process.
  • We confirm that there have been no changes in accounting policies or practices that materially affect the financial statements without appropriate disclosure.

This letter is provided solely for the purpose of supporting the external audit of our financial statements. We understand the importance of your audit in providing assurance to our stakeholders, and we commit to providing all necessary cooperation throughout the audit process.

If you require any additional information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.

This Management Representation Letter for an external audit assures the auditor of the accuracy and completeness of financial statements, compliance with accounting standards, and cooperation during the audit process. Customize it as per your specific company and audit requirements.

Management Representation Letter to Investors

This letter serves as a transparent communication tool, instilling confidence among investors by affirming the company’s commitment to sound financial practices, compliance, and overall business stability.

[Investor’s Name]

[Investor’s Company/Organization]

[Investor’s Address]

Dear [Investor’s Name],

Re: Management Representation Letter to Investors

We, the undersigned management of [Your Company Name], are pleased to provide this letter to investors to affirm certain key aspects of our operations and financial position. This representation is made as of [Date] in connection with your investment in our company.

  • We confirm that the financial statements provided to investors accurately represent the financial position of [Your Company Name] as of [Date]. The statements have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) [or International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)].
  • The management assures investors that the operational performance of the company is in line with the disclosed business plans and strategies. Any material changes have been duly communicated.
  • We confirm that the company is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations relevant to its operations. Any deviations have been appropriately addressed or disclosed.
  • All material contracts and agreements that may impact the company’s financial position have been accurately disclosed to investors. There have been no material breaches of these contracts.
  • The management has disclosed all known risk factors that may materially affect the company’s financial position or future prospects. We are committed to proactive risk management.
  • Funds invested by our esteemed investors have been utilized in accordance with the stated purposes and business plans as communicated during the investment process.
  • Any forward-looking statements made by the management are based on reasonable assumptions. However, actual results may vary, and the company is not obligated to update these statements.
  • The management is dedicated to maintaining open lines of communication with investors. Any significant developments or changes in the company’s status will be promptly communicated.

This letter is intended to provide additional assurance and transparency to our valued investors. We appreciate your trust in [Your Company Name] and remain committed to creating value and fostering a mutually beneficial partnership.

If you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.

This Management Representation Letter to Investors affirms key aspects of the company’s financial position, operational performance, and commitment to transparency, providing reassurance to investors about their investment in the company. Customize it as per your specific company and investor relations.

Management Representation Letter to Regulators

This letter serves as a formal commitment from the company’s management to regulatory bodies, ensuring transparency, accountability, and adherence to regulatory requirements, thereby fostering trust and regulatory compliance.

[Regulatory Authority Name]

Subject: Management Representation Letter

Dear [Regulatory Authority Name],

Re: Management Representation for Compliance with [Applicable Laws/Regulations]

We, the undersigned management of [Your Company Name], hereby provide this letter to confirm our commitment to compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards under the jurisdiction of [Regulatory Authority Name].

  • We affirm that our company operates in full compliance with all relevant laws and regulations governing our industry and business operations.
  • The financial statements of [Your Company Name], including the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement, have been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards, providing a true and fair view of the company’s financial position.
  • We have established and maintained effective internal controls to ensure the accuracy and reliability of financial reporting and compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • All material information, events, and transactions that may affect the company’s compliance status or financial position have been transparently disclosed.
  • We commit to timely and accurate filing of all required reports, statements, and documentation as per the regulations enforced by [Regulatory Authority Name].
  • We acknowledge our responsibility to fully cooperate with any regulatory inspections or inquiries that may arise, providing all necessary information and documentation as requested.
  • Our management is dedicated to continuous improvement in our compliance practices, ensuring that we stay abreast of any changes in laws or regulations that may impact our business.

This letter is provided for the purpose of assuring [Regulatory Authority Name] of our dedication to compliance and transparent business practices. We understand the importance of regulatory oversight in maintaining market integrity and protecting the interests of stakeholders.

This Management Representation Letter to Regulators emphasizes the company’s commitment to compliance with applicable laws and regulations, providing assurance to regulatory authorities and fostering transparency in business operations. Customize it based on your specific company and regulatory requirements.

Management Representation Letter Format – Example

Here’s an Example of Management Representation Letter Format:

As management of [Company Name], we acknowledge our responsibility for the preparation and presentation of the financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. We understand that you will be conducting an audit of our financial statements for the year ended [Date].

We confirm that we have disclosed all known or suspected fraud, illegal acts, or non-compliance with laws and regulations that may have a material effect on the financial statements. We also confirm that we have provided you with access to all relevant information necessary for the audit.

We understand that this letter is a legal document and that we are responsible for the accuracy of the information provided. We confirm that the representations made in this letter are true and accurate as of the date of this letter.

Management Representation Letter Format – Example 

Formal Management Representation Letter Format

This Management Representation Letter Format serves to provide external auditors with essential assurances from management regarding the accuracy and completeness of financial information, adherence to legal and regulatory requirements, and the effectiveness of internal controls.

Re: Management Representation for [Year/Period] Ended [End Date]

We, the undersigned management of [Your Company Name], are providing this letter to confirm certain representations made to you during the audit of our financial statements for the [Year/Period] ended [End Date].

  • We acknowledge our responsibility for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework.
  • To the best of our knowledge and belief, the company has complied with all relevant laws and regulations that may materially affect the financial statements.
  • We have established and maintained effective internal control over financial reporting, and any identified deficiencies have been disclosed to you.
  • We have made you aware of any known or suspected instances of fraud or illegal acts affecting the company.
  • All related party transactions have been accurately identified, disclosed, and recorded in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework.
  • We have disclosed to you all known actual or potential litigation and claims that may have a material effect on the financial statements.
  • We have assessed the company’s ability to continue as a going concern and disclosed any uncertainties related to going concern appropriately.
  • The information provided to you during the audit is complete and accurate, and we have disclosed all significant matters relevant to the financial statements.

This representation is provided to assist you in obtaining reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement. If there are any additional matters or information you require, please contact us promptly.

We appreciate your professional services and look forward to a successful completion of the audit.

This Formal Management Representation Letter Format is designed to provide external auditors with assurances on various aspects related to financial statements, compliance, internal controls, and more. Customize it based on your specific company and audit requirements.

Fraud and Illegal Acts Representation Letter

This letter underscores the company’s dedication to integrity and transparency, outlining measures taken to prevent and address fraudulent activities, and providing assurances to external auditors regarding compliance with legal and ethical standards.

Subject: Representation Regarding Fraud and Illegal Acts

Re: Fraud and Illegal Acts Representation

We, the undersigned management of [Your Company Name], hereby provide this representation regarding the prevention, detection, and reporting of fraud and illegal acts within the organization for the [Year/Period] ended [End Date].

  • We acknowledge our responsibility for the prevention and detection of fraud and illegal acts within the organization.
  • We have established and maintained internal controls and procedures designed to prevent and detect fraud and illegal acts.
  • Employees are provided with adequate training and awareness programs to understand the risks associated with fraud and illegal acts and are encouraged to report any concerns through appropriate channels.
  • We have communicated ethical standards and expectations to all employees, emphasizing our commitment to conducting business with integrity and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
  • Any known or suspected instances of fraud or illegal acts are promptly reported to the appropriate levels of management and, if necessary, to the board of directors.
  • In the event of identified fraud or illegal acts, we conduct thorough investigations and implement remedial actions, including disciplinary measures and corrective measures to prevent recurrence.
  • We have established mechanisms to protect whistleblowers from retaliation and encourage the reporting of concerns without fear of reprisal.
  • We commit to cooperating fully with external authorities, including law enforcement agencies and regulatory bodies, in the investigation of fraud or illegal acts.
  • All representations made to you regarding the prevention, detection, and reporting of fraud and illegal acts are accurate and complete.

This representation is provided to assist you in obtaining reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, including those resulting from fraud or illegal acts.

If you have any questions or require further clarification on any matters related to fraud and illegal acts, please do not hesitate to contact us.

This Fraud and Illegal Acts Representation Letter is designed to assure external auditors of the company’s commitment to preventing, detecting, and reporting fraud and illegal acts. Customize it based on your specific company policies and procedures.

FAQS About Management Representation Letter Format, What is It, Examples

What is a management representation letter format.

A Management Representation Letter Format is a formal document issued by a company’s management to external auditors, confirming certain representations related to financial statements, compliance, internal controls, and other crucial aspects during an audit.

What is the Purpose of a Management Representation Letter Format?

The primary purpose is to provide external auditors with written representations from management regarding various aspects of the company’s operations. Management Representation Letter Format helps auditors obtain assurance on the accuracy and completeness of financial information and other relevant matters.

What Information is Typically Included in a Management Representation Letter Format?

The Management Representation Letter Format typically includes representations related to financial statements, compliance with laws and regulations, internal controls, fraud and illegal acts, related party transactions, litigation, and the going concern assumption.

Why is a Management Representation Letter Format is Important in an Audit?

The Management Representation Letter Format is crucial as it formalizes management’s acknowledgment of its responsibilities and provides auditors with assurances on key matters. It enhances the audit process by obtaining explicit confirmations from management regarding the information and processes being audited.

Is a Management Representation Letter Standardized?

While there are common elements, the letter is often customized to suit the specific circumstances and requirements of the company and the audit. It may vary in content based on industry practices, regulatory requirements, and the auditor’s specific requests.

Are There Risks Associated with Providing Management Representation Letter Format?

Yes, Management Representation Letter Format, there are risks, and management should carefully consider the accuracy of the representations made. Providing false or misleading information in the representation letter can have legal and financial consequences.

The Management Representation Letter Format is a formal document that serves as an important part of the audit process . It outlines the responsibilities of management and makes specific representations about various financial and non-financial matters. The Management Representation Letter Format should be carefully reviewed and signed by management to ensure that the information provided is accurate and complete .

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Management Representation Letter: Format, Content, Signature

Home » Bookkeeping » Management Representation Letter: Format, Content, Signature

As of 2019, the FASB requires publicly traded companies to prepare financial statements following the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Auditors are required by professional standards to report, in writing, internal control matters that they believe should be brought to the attention of those charged with governance (the board). Generally, if your auditor is going to put an internal control matter in a letter, they have assessed that the matter was the result of a deficiency in internal controls. This is an important part of that audit that the profession does not take lightly.

One common example of a deficiency in internal control that’s severe enough to be considered a material weakness or significant deficiency is when an organization lacks the knowledge and training to prepare its own financial statements, including footnote disclosures. The “SAS 115” letter is usually issued when any significant deficiencies or material weaknesses would have been discussed with management during the audit, but are not required to be communicated in written form. In performing an audit of your Plan’s internal controls and plan financials, your auditors are required to obtain an understanding of the Plan’s operations and internal controls.

A management representation letter is a form letter written by a company’s external auditors, which is signed by senior company management. The letter attests to the accuracy of the financial statements that the company has submitted to the auditors for their analysis. The CEO and the most senior accounting person (such as the CFO) are usually required to sign the letter. The letter is signed following the completion of audit fieldwork, and before the financial statements are issued along with the auditor’s opinion. External auditors follow a set of standards different from that of the company or organization hiring them to do the work.

In doing so, they may become aware of matters related to your Plan’s internal control that may be considered deficiencies, significant deficiencies, or material weaknesses. Audits performed by outside parties can be extremely helpful in removing any bias in reviewing the state of a company’s financials. Financial audits seek to identify if there are any material misstatements in the financial statements. An unqualified, or clean, auditor’s opinion provides financial statement users with confidence that the financials are both accurate and complete. External audits, therefore, allow stakeholders to make better, more informed decisions related to the company being audited.

The representation should reaffirm your client’s understanding of all significant terms in the engagement letter. A relevant assertion is a financial statement assertion that has a reasonable possibility of containing a misstatement or misstatements that would cause the financial statements to be materially misstated.

The purpose of an internal audit is to ensure compliance with laws and regulations and to help maintain accurate and timely financial reporting and data collection. It also provides a benefit to management by identifying flaws in internal control or financial reporting prior to its review by external auditors.

Depending on materiality and other qualitative factors, the auditors will consider the deficiency to be an “other” matter, significant deficiency, or material weakness. The auditor has discretion on which category the deficiency falls into, but are otherwise required to use the standard wording and definitions in the letter.

It serves to document management’s representations during the audit, reducing misunderstandings of management’s responsibilities for the financial statements. The definition of good internal controls is that they allow errors and other misstatements to be prevented or detected and corrected by (the nonprofit’s) employees in the normal course of performing their duties.

management representation letter

Material weaknesses or significant deficiencies may exist that were not identified during the audit, and auditors are required to disclose this in their written communication. The auditor’s report contains the auditor’s opinion on whether a company’s financial statements comply with accounting standards. The results of the internal audit are used to make managerial changes and improvements to internal controls.

What is a management representation letter?

A management representation letter is a form letter written by a company’s external auditors, which is signed by senior company management. The letter attests to the accuracy of the financial statements that the company has submitted to the auditors for their analysis.

A control objective provides a specific target against which to evaluate the effectiveness of controls. Management representation is a letter issued by a client to the auditor in writing as part of audit evidences. The representations letter must cover all periods encompassed by the audit report, and must be dated the same date of audit work completion.

These types of auditors are used when an organization doesn’t have the in-house resources to audit certain parts of their own operations. The assertion of completeness is an assertion that the financial statements are thorough and include every item that should be included in the statement for a given accounting period. The assertion of completeness also states that a company’s entire inventory, even inventory that may be temporarily in the possession of a third party, is included in the total inventory figure appearing on a financial statement. The compilation standards do not require practitioners to obtain a management representation letter, but this does not mean that it’s not a prudent thing to do. Obtaining a representation letter helps to ensure your client understands the services that you have provided, the limitations on the work you have completed, and that they are ultimately responsible for their financial statements.

The biggest difference between an internal and external audit is the concept of independence of the external auditor. When audits are performed by third parties, the resulting auditor’s opinion expressed on items being audited (a company’s financials, internal controls, or a system) can be candid and honest without it affecting daily work relationships within the company. Auditors evaluate each internal control deficiency noted during the audit to determine whether the deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, is severe enough to be considered a material weakness or significant deficiency. In assessing the deficiency, auditors consider the magnitude of potential misstatements of your financial statements as well as the likelihood that internal controls would not prevent or detect and correct the misstatements.

Representation to Management

  • In an audit of financial statements, professional standards require that auditors obtain an understanding of internal controls to the extent necessary to plan the audit.
  • written confirmation from management to the auditor about the fairness of various financial statement elements.
  • Auditors use this understanding of internal controls to assess the risk of material misstatement of the financial statements and to design appropriate audit procedures to minimize that risk.

The idea behind a management representation letter is to take away some of the legal burdens of delivering wrong financial statements from the auditor to the company. A material weakness is a deficiency, or combination of deficiencies, in internal control, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the entity’s financial statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected on a timely basis. Internal auditors are employed by the company or organization for whom they are performing an audit, and the resulting audit report is given directly to management and the board of directors. Consultant auditors, while not employed internally, use the standards of the company they are auditing as opposed to a separate set of standards.

If the auditors detect an unexpected material misstatement during your audit, it could indicate that your internal controls are not functioning properly. Conversely, lack of an actual misstatement doesn’t necessarily mean that your internal controls are working.

The determination of whether an assertion is a relevant assertion is based on inherent risk, without regard to the effect of controls. Financial statements and related disclosures refers to a company’s financial statements and notes to the financial statements as presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”). References to financial statements and related disclosures do not extend to the preparation of management’s discussion and analysis or other similar financial information presented outside a company’s GAAP-basis financial statements and notes.

External audits can include a review of both financial statements and a company’s internal controls. When a company’s financial statements are audited, the principal element an auditor reviews is the reliability of the financial statement assertions. In the United States, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) establishes the accounting standards that companies must follow when preparing their financial statements.

In an audit of financial statements, professional standards require that auditors obtain an understanding of internal controls to the extent necessary to plan the audit. Auditors use this understanding of internal controls to assess the risk of material misstatement of the financial statements and to design appropriate audit procedures to minimize that risk. written confirmation from management to the auditor about the fairness of various financial statement elements. The purpose of the letter is to emphasize that the financial statements are management’s representations, and thus management has the primary responsibility for their accuracy.

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This letter is useful for setting the expectations of both parties to the arrangement. Almost all companies receive a yearly audit of their financial statements, such as the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. Lenders often require the results of an external audit annually as part of their debt covenants. For some companies, audits are a legal requirement due to the compelling incentives to intentionally misstate financial information in an attempt to commit fraud.

Management representation letter

As long as there’s a reasonable possibility for material misstatement of account balances or financial statement disclosures, your internal controls are considered to be deficient. An auditor typically will not issue an opinion on a company’s financial statements without first receiving a signed management representation letter. An audit engagement is an arrangement that an auditor has with a client to perform an audit of the client’s accounting records and financial statements. The term usually applies to the contractual arrangement between the two parties, rather than the full set of auditing tasks that the auditor will perform. To create an engagement, the two parties meet to discuss the services needed by the client.

As a result of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) of 2002, publicly traded companies must also receive an evaluation of the effectiveness of their internal controls. As noted above, an internal control letter is usually the result of a deficiency in internal controls discovered during the audit, most commonly from a material audit adjustment. The letter includes required language regarding the severity of the deficiency.

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The parties then agree on the services to be provided, along with a price and the period during which the audit will be conducted. This information is stated in an engagement letter, which is prepared by the auditor and sent to the client. If the client agrees with the terms of the letter, a person authorized to do so signs the letter and returns a copy to the auditor. By doing so, the parties indicate that an audit engagement has been initiated.

Also, the letter provides supplementary audit evidence of an internal nature by giving formal management replies to auditor questions regarding matters that did not come to the auditor’s attention in performing audit procedures. Some auditors request written representations of all financial statement items. All auditors require representations regarding receivables, inventories, plant and equipment, liabilities, and subsequent events. The letter is required at the completion of the audit fieldwork and prior to issuance of the financial statements with the auditor’s opinion.

Auditors spend a lot of time assessing how material audit adjustments and immaterial adjustments that have the potential to be material will be communicated in the internal control letter. The Representation Letter is issued with the draft audit and is required by auditing standards to finalize the audit. The Representation Letter is a letter from the Association to our firm confirming responsibilities of the board and management for the financial statements, as well as confirming information provided to us during the audit. The President or Treasurer and Management need to sign the Representation Letter and return it back to our office within 60 days from the date the draft audit was issued. Representation Letters received after the 60-day mark may result in additional auditing procedures in order to finalize the audit and comply with auditing standards at an additional expense to the Association.

management representation letter

What is the management representation letter?

Introduction, related posts, how to prepare an internal audit program tips and guidance, review engagement (limited assurance): definition and example, 5 types of due diligence services, benefits, and limitations, what is internal audit department (responsibilities and more).

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Humaid Alsuqri

  • Humaid Alsuqri
  • 20-March-2014

What is the difference between management report (issued by external auditors) and management representation letter?


Management Letters:

At the completion of the audit program the auditors provide  Management letter which contain relevant information about accounting and management issues in the entity. The review of these letter will help the management to strengthen its internal control as it contains identified deficiencies in the system in general, mainly the avenues of inappropriate access to information that it to be handled in a restricted way. The recommendations provide helpful insight over many issues.

Management representation Letter:

This is also prepared by the external auditors, to get a copy of which signed by the management, to keep with the records of the auditor as an audit evidence.  The letter endorse the financial statements supplied by the company to the auditor as also regarding the supply of relevant information to the finanancial statements  that they supplied adequately.   The letter is signed following the completion of audit fieldwork, and before the financial statements are issued along with the auditor's opinion.

The intent of the management representation letter is to shift some of the legal burden of issuing inaccurate financial statements from the auditor to the company. For this reason, the statements that the auditor includes in the letter is quite broad ranging, encompassing every possible area in which management's failings could lead to the issuance of inaccurate or misleading financial statements. 

The statements commonly included in a management representation letter include the following:

  • The financial statements conform to the applicable accounting framework
  • All financial records have been made available to the auditor
  • All board and shareholder meeting minutes have been made available to the auditor
  • No regulatory agencies have contacted the company about reporting or other issues
  • All material transactions have been properly recorded
  • The effects of all uncorrected misstatements have an immaterial effect on the financial statements
  • Management is responsible for systems designed to detect and prevent fraud
  • Management has no knowledge of fraud within the company
  • Management does not intend to make changes that will impact the value of company assets or liabilities
  • All risks and uncertainties, related party transactions, and contingent liabilities have been properly recorded
  • There are no undisclosed legal violations
  • The company has disclosed all liens and other encumbrances on its assets

Kashif Amjad

Management representation letter signed by the managment stating that all the information provided to auditor is accurate and correct. after getting the mangt represenatation letter auditor signed the auditor report

Muhammad Sarmad Akram

Management letter issued after completion of audit and includes conclusions regarding the company's accounting policies and procedures, internal controls, and operating policies. An evaluation is made of the present system, pointing out weakness or problem areas.Recommendations for improvement. Management representation is an audit evidences taken by auditor from management and must not be dated later than the date of audit work completion. It is used to let the client's management declare in writing that the financial statements and other presentations to the auditor are sufficient and appropriate and without omission of material facts to the financial statements, to the best of the management's knowledge.

imran Noor -

A management report is issued by the external auditor to the management while management representation letter is the claims of the management regarding financial statement; called "financial statement assertions".

Imran Ahmed Mirza

The management report is issued by the BOD/Management whereas the Management Letter (ML) is issued by the external auditors.

Mir Mujtaba Ali

Agree with Mr. Venkitaraman<<<<<<<<<<<

mohamed Hakim CMA CPA Candidate

Good answers

Thanks for invitation        

Waqas Raza Khan

Agree with Mr. Venkitaraman Krishna. Well explained

Hamid Bashir

Managemnet Report: - A report which is submitted by the External Auditors afetr competing their Audit. This report contains Audit's observations for review and information of senior managemnet of the Company.

Managemnet Representation Lette r:- A letter written by the Extternal Auditors of the Company to which attests the accuracy of financial statemnets of the company. This letter is signed by the Auditors and senior managemnet of the company.

Ayman Esa Mustafa Farrag

Agree with mr Venkitara ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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03 Apr What are Management Representation Letters?

management representation letter betekenis

In the world of assurance engagements, a management representation letter is a formal document that represents management’s agreement with the financial statements that are being audited or reviewed. This letter is a critical part of the assurance engagement process and is required by the auditor or reviewer as evidence that management acknowledges and accepts responsibility for the financial statements.

A management representation letter is typically issued by senior management, such as the CEO or CFO, and is addressed to the CPA firm performing the audit or review. It contains a series of statements that confirm certain facts and assurances about the company’s financial information, including the completeness and accuracy of financial records, disclosures of relevant information, and adherence to accounting principles.

The letter serves several purposes, including:

  • Confirming the accuracy of financial information : The management representation letter is used to confirm that the financial statements are accurate and complete. This helps provide assurance to stakeholders that the financial statements are reliable.
  • Demonstrating management’s responsibility : By signing the letter, management acknowledges its responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the financial statements. This helps to provide accountability and transparency to stakeholders.
  • Providing evidence for auditors and reviewer s: The management representation letter provides evidence to the CPA firm that management has taken responsibility for the financial statements, which helps to support the audit opinion or review conclusion.
  • Reducing the risk of misstatements : The letter helps to reduce the risk of misstatements by requiring management to review the financial statements and provide assurance that they are accurate and complete.

Overall, the management representation letter is a critical part of the assurance engagement process, as it helps to provide assurance that the financial statements are accurate and complete, and that management takes responsibility for them. Without this letter, CPA firms would not have the necessary evidence to support their opinions and conclusions, which could lead to a lack of confidence in the financial statements and potential legal and financial consequences for the company. In fact, CPA firms are not permitted to complete their engagement and issue an audit or review engagement report until management provides a signed management representation letter.

If you require an audit or review and would like to speak to someone about these processes, please contact us to set up a free consultation.

management representation letter betekenis

Annelie Vistica

Cpa, ca – principal.

Annelie Vistica, a Principal at Clearline, is a CPA and CA with a strong background in private enterprise and assurance. With a Bachelor of Accountancy from the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa and extensive experience in tax, Annelie brings expertise in business setup, growth planning, and estate transitioning. She is passionate about engaging with clients to support them through various business stages, from inception to succession planning. Annelie values the supportive environment at Clearline, where she appreciates colleagues’ assistance in tax and assurance. Outside work, she enjoys spending time with her family and dog, exploring nature, visiting family in the Okanagan, and travelling the world.

management representation letter betekenis

Jennifer Scott

Cpa, cga – senior manager.

Jennifer Scott, a Senior Manager at Clearline brings a wealth of expertise in Private Enterprise and Assurance, holding designations as a CPA and CGA. Jennifer’s focus at Clearline includes conducting reviews, compilations, and providing tax services tailored to owner-manager businesses and partnerships, with a keen interest in industries such as professionals, manufacturing, real estate, and services. Her commitment to exceptional client service is evident through her proactive approach to staying updated on evolving accounting standards and tax legislation, thereby making her clients’ lives easier Jennifer’s educational background includes a Bachelor of Commerce from UBC with a major in Accounting, followed by over 15 years of experience in public practice, specializing in private enterprise. She appreciates the supportive environment at Clearline and enjoys various activities outside of work, including travelling, cheering on her children in sports like soccer, baseball, and volleyball, indulging in long walks with her dog while listening to podcasts, spending quality time with loved ones, and exploring her passion for baking through experimenting with new recipes.

management representation letter betekenis

Charmaine Pirrie

Cpa, ca(sa) – senior manager.

Charmaine Pirrie, a Senior Manager at Clearline is a CPA and CA (SA) with a background in audit and review engagements. With experience from Grant Thornton and D&Co, she brings expertise in private company audits and values Clearline’s supportive environment and technical resources. Charmaine also finds fulfillment in delving into her clients’ businesses to provide tailored services, ensuring meticulous audit and review procedures. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with family, going for walks, and swimming.

management representation letter betekenis

Deepeka Dhillon

Cpa – manager.

Deepeka Dhillon, a Manager at Clearline, holds a CPA designation with a focus in Private Enterprise and Tax. Her primary responsibilities include compliance, corporate restructuring, and, estate and succession planning. Deepeka’s passion lies in continuous learning, enabling her to provide tailored solutions to clients’ unique needs. With a CPA designation and completion of the CPA in-depth tax program, she brings a strong educational background to her role at Clearline. Deepeka values the countless opportunities at Clearline to expand her knowledge in the complex world of tax. Outside work, she enjoys spending time with her beloved Jack Russell Terrier, Opie.

management representation letter betekenis

Raj Momrath

Cpa, ca, senior tax manager.

Raj Momrath, a Senior Tax Manager at Clearline, is a CPA, CA specializing in Canadian Tax. With a focus on Canadian tax planning, corporate reorganizations, estate planning, and providing business advice, Raj caters to a diverse clientele, including small owner-manager companies, high-net-worth individuals and large privately held multinational firms. His passion lies in helping Canadian owner-manager businesses and their shareholders minimize their overall tax obligations while navigating disputes with the Canada Revenue Agency and ensuring compliance with the complex Canadian tax system. Raj’s professional journey includes prior experience in PwC’s tax group, where he obtained his Chartered Accountant designation and then some time at some mid-sized firms. Raj completed the CPA Canada InDepth Tax course in 2017 strengthening his knowledge of Canadian tax. At Clearline, Raj appreciates working alongside knowledgeable colleagues and enjoys spending quality time with his wife and two sons and attending and volunteering with their sports activities. In his leisure time, Raj indulges in barbequing, golfing, and spending time outdoors, finding relaxation and enjoyment in these pursuits.

management representation letter betekenis

Julia Wallis

Julia Wallis, a Senior Manager at Clearline, holds designations as a CPA, CGA, and also holds a BA. Working within the Private Enterprise Group, her primary focus revolves around assisting entrepreneurs in understanding their personal and business finances while ensuring compliance with tax reporting requirements. Julia finds fulfillment in learning about her clients’ businesses and providing financial insights to enhance their management effectiveness while optimizing tax strategies. With a diverse career spanning various companies and public practice roles, including as a controller, Julia’s progression has equipped her with invaluable skills and insights into different business operations. She chose Clearline for its respected partners and staff, aligned philosophy on client service, and flexibility to balance demanding tax filing periods with leisure time for travel and personal interests such as gardening, wine exploration, reading, and relaxation.

management representation letter betekenis

Bilal Kathrada

Cpa, ca, principal.

Bilal, a Principal at Clearline Chartered Professional Accountants, primarily focuses on income tax and succession planning for Canadian owner-managed businesses in various industries. Bilal received his Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Victoria and obtained his CA designation in 2005.

Prior to Clearline, he worked in the tax group of a large international accounting firm in Vancouver and a mid-sized accounting firm located in the Fraser Valley.

Outside of the office, he enjoys spending time with his wife and three children. He enjoys outdoor activities such as golf and spending time with his family and friends.

management representation letter betekenis

Danny Sandhu

Cpa, manager.

Bio coming soon.

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Shehzel Saif

Cpa, tax manager.

As Clearline’s Tax Manager, Shehzel focuses on tax planning, corporate reorganizations and succession and estate planning. She’s passionate about continuous learning and staying up to date on tax legislation changes and helping clients with succession. In addition to her CPA designation, Shehzel also has a Bachelor of Business Administration and has completed the CPA In-Depth Taxation Program. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, traveling and trying out new recipes.

management representation letter betekenis

Ameeta Randhawa

As Clearline’s HR Manager, Ameeta supports our firm’s greatest resource—our staff. With a Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resources and over 7 years of HR experience in various industries, she ensures all employees have a positive experience at Clearline. Ameeta’s focuses include recruitment, performance management, employee relations, program and policy development, and employee engagement. Outside of work, she enjoys traveling and spending time with friends and family.

management representation letter betekenis

CPA, CA, Senior Manager

Michael is a Senior Manager in Private Enterprise, carrying out reviews, compilations, and tax services for small- to medium-sized businesses. With a Bachelor of Commerce specializing in finance and a Diploma in Accounting, backed by over a decade of accounting experience, Michael is a trusted advisor who helps clients’ businesses succeed. Outside of the office, Michael enjoys spending time with family, trying out different restaurants in the city, and building and collecting mechanical keyboards.

management representation letter betekenis

CPA, CGA, Manager

management representation letter betekenis

Victor K. Yoshida

Victor was born and raised in Vancouver and obtained his Bachelor of Commerce from the University of British Columbia. He articled with Deloitte & Touche and received his CA designation in 1984. Victor was accepted to the firm’s tax group and went on to complete the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants In-Depth Tax course.

Victor specializes in Canadian income tax issues for professional and owner-managed businesses. He has extensive experience with business succession, estate planning, wealth preservation issues, corporate reorganizations, as well as mergers and acquisitions.

Victor was a member of the education committee of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of British Columbia and has held executive positions with various amateur sport organizations.

In his free time, Victor enjoys training for marathons, travelling, and spending time with his family.

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What is the difference between an Engagement Letter and Representation Letter?

The Engagement Letter is the contract between our firm and the Association to perform requested services (i.e. conducting the annual audit and preparing tax returns). The Board and Management need to sign and return the Engagement Letter to our office before we may commence the work.

The Representation Letter is issued with the draft audit and is required by auditing standards to finalize the audit. The Representation Letter is a letter from the Association to our firm confirming responsibilities of the board and management for the financial statements, as well as confirming information provided to us during the audit. The President or Treasurer and Management need to sign the Representation Letter and return it back to our office within 60 days from the date the draft audit was issued. Representation Letters received after the 60-day mark may result in additional auditing procedures in order to finalize the audit and comply with auditing standards at an additional expense to the Association.


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What is a Representation Letter?

A representation letter is a written statement provided by a company’s management to its auditors as part of the audit process. The representation letter confirms that the information provided to the auditors is complete, accurate, and fairly presented in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework. The letter also confirms that the management has disclosed to the auditors all relevant information that may be necessary for the auditors to properly understand the company’s financial position, results of operations, and cash flows. The representation letter helps to ensure that the auditors have all the necessary information to conduct an audit in accordance with professional standards.

Why is a Representation Letter Required?

The purpose of the representation letter is to provide the auditor with assurance that the financial statements accurately reflect the company’s financial position and performance. The letter also helps the auditor to identify any potential areas of concern or risk that may need to be addressed during the audit process.

Contents of a Representation Letter

A representation letter typically includes the following:

  • A statement that the financial statements being audited are complete and accurate
  • A statement that the financial statements are in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) or international financial reporting standards (IFRS)
  • A statement that the company’s management team is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements
  • A statement that the company’s management team has made all necessary disclosures in the financial statements
  • A statement that the company’s management team has disclosed all material transactions and events that have occurred during the period being audited
  • A statement that the company’s management team has disclosed all material off-balance sheet transactions, arrangements, and obligations
  • A statement that the company’s management team has disclosed all material changes in accounting principles that have occurred during the period being audited
  • A statement that the company’s management team has disclosed all material related-party transactions that have occurred during the period being audited
  • A statement that the company’s management team has disclosed all material contingencies and commitments that have occurred during the period being audited

The representation letter may also include other representations, such as a representation that the company has complied with all relevant laws and regulations, and that there are no pending legal proceedings that could have a material impact on the financial statements.

Importance of the Representation Letter

The representation letter is an important part of the audit process, as it provides the auditor with assurance that the financial statements are accurate and complete. This helps the auditor to form an opinion on the financial statements and to issue an audit report stating whether the financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects.

Without a representation letter, the auditor may not be able to complete the audit, as they may not have sufficient evidence to form an opinion on the financial statements. This could lead to delays or other issues in the audit process, and may impact the company’s ability to obtain financing or meet other regulatory requirements.

In summary, a representation letter is a written statement signed by the company’s management that confirms the accuracy and completeness of the financial statements. It is an important part of the audit process, as it helps the auditor to form an opinion on the financial statements and to issue an audit report.

management representation letter betekenis

Amy is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), having worked in the accounting industry for 14 years. She is a seasoned finance executive having held various positions both in public accounting and most recently as the Chief Financial Officer of a large manufacturing company based out of Michigan.

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management representation letter betekenis

Understanding the Representation Letter

Written by David T. Schwindt, CPA

What is a Representation Letter? As a Board member or manager of a community management company, you may be asked to sign a representation letter at the conclusion of an audit or a reviewed financial statement engagement.  Although the letter is from the Association/management company to the CPA, the CPA will generally draft the letter on behalf of the Association.   The letter includes certain assertions about the Association during the period covered by the financial statements.  Those assertions include but are not limited to the following:

  • The Association/management company has provided the CPA with all requested financial information.
  • The Association/management company has disclosed all related party transactions.
  • The Association/management company has disclosed all existing and potential litigation.
  • The Association/management company has disclosed any knowledge of fraud or financial irregularities.
  • The Association takes responsibility for the design and implementation of a system of internal controls.  These controls include but are not limited to safeguarding assets, approving transactions and minimizing the risk of someone perpetrating a theft of money or information and not being discovered in a reasonable amount of time. Although the Board is ultimately responsible for this activity, it is common that Boards rely upon the management company to assist in this responsibility.

In some instances, the management company may sign a different representation letter because the responsibilities are slightly different.

Why is the Representation Letter necessary? The American Institute of Certified Public Accounts has determined that those charged with governance (the board of directors and the community management company) should take responsibility for the assertions in the representation letter.  CPAs are mandated to obtain the signed representation letter before issuing the final financial statements.

Who should sign the representation letter? Most often, the Board Chair, Board Treasurer and community manager signs the letter.

When does the Representation Letter need to be signed? The letter needs to be signed at the end of the engagement generally after a draft of the financial statements are issued.  Schwindt & Co combines the representation letter with the management letter comments and proposed adjusting journal entries for ease of review.  When the signed document is received by our office, we are then able to issue the final financial statements.

Should a new Board member or community manager who was not involved with Association management or governance during the period under audit or review be hesitant about signing the representation letter? This is a common question and the answer is simple.  No!  The first paragraph of the representation states that whoever signs the letter does so based on the best knowledge and belief of the person signing.  This means that even though you may be new to the Board or management company, it is perfectly fine to sign the letter because you will only be asserting to issues that you have knowledge.  It is very common for Board members/managers to sign a representation letter even though they were not involved during the period being audited or reviewed.

  • Representation letters are normal and required before the issuance of audited/reviewed financial statements.
  • Board members are only asserting to issues that they are aware of and new board members and managers frequently are required to sign representation letters.
  • The Board Chair, Board Treasurer and community manager are generally required to sign the representation letter.

Questions regarding this article may be directed to David T. Schwindt, CPA at Schwindt & Co. (503) 227-1165.

Schwindt & Co. Certified Public Accountants

12300 SE Mallard Way, Suite 275 Milwaukie, OR 97222 (503) 227-1165


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Format of Management Representation Letter (MRL) for Audit

In this article author has shared the format of the Management Representation Letter or Written Representation (MRL/WR)  to be obtained from the management during various professional engagements:

M/s XYZ & Co.

Gurgaon, Haryana

Sub: Management Representation in course of Statutory Audit for F.Y. 2021-22 .

This representation letter is provided in connection with your audit of the financial statements of M/s Private Limited, Delhi for the year ended March 31, 20XX  for the purpose of expressing an opinion as to whether the financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects, (or give a true and fair view) in accordance with the applicable accounting standards in India.

We confirm that (to the best of our knowledge and belief, having made such inquiries as we considered necessary for the purpose of appropriately informing ourselves):

Financial Statements

  • We have fulfilled our responsibilities, as set out in the terms of the audit engagement, for the preparation of the financial statements in accordance with Financial Reporting Standards; in particular the financial statements are fairly presented (or give a true and fair view) in accordance with the applicable accounting standards in India.
  • Significant assumptions used by us in making accounting estimates, including those measured at fair value, are reasonable.
  • Related party relationships and transactions have been appropriately accounted for and disclosed in accordance with the requirements of applicable accounting standards in India.
  • All events subsequent to the date of the financial statements and for which applicable accounting standards in India require adjustment or disclosure have been adjusted or disclosed.
  • The effects of uncorrected misstatements are immaterial, both individually and in the aggregate, to the financial statements as a whole.

Information Provided

  • We have provided you with:

Access to all information of which we are aware that is relevant to the preparation of the financial statements such as records, documentation and other matters;

Additional information that you have requested from us for the purpose of the audit; and

Unrestricted access to persons within the entity from whom you determined it necessary to obtain audit evidence.

  • All transactions have been recorded in the accounting records and are reflected in the financial statements.
  • We have disclosed to you the results of our assessment of the risk that the financial statements may be materially misstated as a result of fraud.
  • We have disclosed to you all information in relation to fraud or suspected fraud that we are aware of and that affects the entity and involves:


Employees who have significant roles in internal control; or

Others where the fraud could have a material effect on the financial statements.

  • We have disclosed to you all information in relation to allegations of fraud, or suspected fraud, affecting the entity’s financial statements communicated by employees, former employees, analysts, regulators or others.
  • We have disclosed to you all known instances of non-compliance or suspected non-compliance with laws and regulations whose effects should be considered when preparing financial statements.
  • We have disclosed to you the identity of the entity’s related parties and all the related party relationships and transactions of which we are aware.

For and on Behalf Board of Directors

For any inquiry you may write us on:  [email protected]

Disclaimer:  The information provided by the author in the article is for general informational purposes only. All information provided is in the good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information in the article.

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Table of Contents

11+ management representation letter templates in doc | pdf, 1. management representation letters template, 2. illustrative management representation letter template, 3. management representation letter template in pdf, 4. sample management representation letter template, 5. management representation letter format, 6. management representation letter for profit entities template, 7. general management representation letter template, 8. basic management representation letter template, 9. attestation management representation letter template, 10. draft management representation letter template, 11. management report & representation letter, 12. management representation letter template in doc, who approves a management representation letter, what is the purpose of writing a management representation letter, a better understanding on management representation letter:, what are the concerns that are highlighted in a management representation letter, what are the clauses in a management representation letter, the necessities or the importance of a management representation letter:, audit templates.

A management representation letter is a structure letter composed by an organization’s outer reviewers, which is marked by a senior organization the board. The letter verifies the precision of the financial reports that the organization has submitted to the examiners for their investigation. For samples of different letters, check out our collection of more representation letter templates on our official website that you can use. You may also see more different types of representation   letters in Word from our official website

management representation letter betekenis

  • Generally, the letter expresses that the entirety of the data submitted is precise and that all material data has been uncovered to the reviewers. The evaluators utilize this letter as a feature of their review proof. View a wider selection of Creative Letter   Templates right here.
  • The letter likewise moves some fault to the board, on the off chance that things being what they are, a few components of the examined fiscal summaries don’t reasonably speak to the money related outcomes, monetary position, or incomes of the business.
  • Consequently, the explanations that the reviewer remembers for the letter are very expansive extending, enveloping each conceivable zone in which the board’s failings could prompt the issuance of off base or deceiving budget summaries. Looking for more insights? Dive into our blog post about representative cover letter templates.
  • The executives are answerable for the best possible introduction of the budget summaries as per the pertinent bookkeeping system. Find more Letter Format Templates by visiting this link.
  • Every single money related record have been made accessible to the examiners
  • All governing body minutes are finished
  • The board has made accessible all letters from administrative organizations concerning monetary revealing resistance
  • There are no unrecorded exchanges
  • The net impact of every uncorrected misquote is insignificant
  • The supervisory crew recognizes its duty regarding the arrangement of budgetary controls. You can also find a wider variety of management representation letters in Pdf format on our official website at
  • All related gathering exchanges have been revealed; Explore a variety of Professional Letter Templates here.
  • Every unforeseen risk have been revealed;
  • All unasserted cases or evaluations have been revealed;
  • The organization has revealed all liens and different encumbrances on its advantages;
  • Every material exchange have been appropriately recorded;
  • The board is liable for frameworks intended to distinguish and forestall extortion;
  • The board has no information on misrepresentation inside the organization;
  • The budget reports comply with the relevant bookkeeping system.
  • Evaluators regularly don’t enable the administration to roll out any improvements to the substance of this letter before marking it, since this would successfully lessen the risk of the executives. Check out more Personal Letter Templates available here.
  • An inspector regularly won’t give a supposition on an organization’s fiscal summaries without first getting a marked administration portrayal letter.
  • An administration portrayal letter is a particular letter composed by an organization’s outer reviewers and afterward marked by the senior organization the executives. The date of the archive can’t be later than the date at which the review wraps up. The letter confirms that the data gave is precise and revealed to the examiners.
  • On the off chance that for reasons unknown it’s discovered that a few components of the evaluated budget summaries are not exact then evaluators should lead further examinations. As you can envision, to state there’s a ton of strain to hit the nail on the head the first run-through is putting it mildly. You can also discover a greater variety of management representation  letters in Pages on our official website,
  • All dangers, vulnerabilities, liens, encumbrances, unrecorded and recorded exchanges, legitimate infringement, unexpected liabilities, and unasserted cases or evaluations have been sufficiently recorded and uncovered.
  • Every money related record has been made accessible to the evaluators. You may also see more on Business Letter templates here.
  • All board and investor meeting minutes have been made accessible to the examiner.
  • The executives are liable for frameworks intended to recognize and forestall extortion and have no information on misrepresentation inside the organization.
  • The executives don’t expect to have changes that will affect the estimation of organization resources or liabilities.
  • The board is answerable for the correct introduction of the fiscal reports by the relevant bookkeeping structure and the group recognizes its duty regarding the arrangement of money related controls.
  • The board has made accessible all letters from administrative offices concerning money related detailing rebelliousness. For the best experience, explore a wider range of management representation  letters in Google Docs directly from our official website,

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MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATION LETTER is a letter addressed to the auditor, signed by the client's chief executive officer and chief financial officer. During an audit, management makes many representations to the auditor. Written representations from management in the letter confirm oral representations given to the auditor, document the continuing appropriateness of such representations, and reduce the possibility of misunderstanding.

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PAS could mean: Personal Accounting System, Personnel Accounting System, or Personnel Accounting Symbol.

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  4. Letter Of Representation Examples

    management representation letter betekenis

  5. Sample Management Representation Letter

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    management representation letter betekenis


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  1. Management Representation Letter

    A management representation letter is a formal document issued by senior management of an organization confirming the accuracy and completeness of financial information presented in the financial statements. It is a critical document that helps auditors or other parties to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements are reliable.

  2. Management representation letter definition

    A management representation letter is a form letter written by a company's external auditors, which is signed by senior company management. The letter attests to the accuracy of the financial statements that the company has submitted to the auditors for their analysis. The CEO and the most senior accounting person (such as the CFO) are usually ...

  3. The Role of Management Representation Letters in Audits

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  4. Management representation letter

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  6. Management representation

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    The intent of the management representation letter is to shift some of the legal burden of issuing inaccurate financial statements from the auditor to the company. For this reason, the statements that the auditor includes in the letter is quite broad ranging, encompassing every possible area in which management's failings could lead to the ...

  12. What is a Management Representation Letter?

    The management representation letter is a key audit evidence prepared at the completion of the audit process. It contains management's assertions regarding: Fair presentation of financial statements. Completeness of information provided to auditors. Proper accounting policies used.

  13. What are Management Representation Letters?

    A management representation letter is typically issued by senior management, such as the CEO or CFO, and is addressed to the CPA firm performing the audit or review. It contains a series of statements that confirm certain facts and assurances about the company's financial information, including the completeness and accuracy of financial ...

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    The President or Treasurer and Management need to sign the Representation Letter and return it back to our office within 60 days from the date the draft audit was issued. Representation Letters received after the 60-day mark may result in additional auditing procedures in order to finalize the audit and comply with auditing standards at an ...

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    A What is a Management Representation Letter, and is it Necessary? As odd as it may sound, the management representation letter is a letter on the Company's letterhead, addressed to the auditor, that is written by the auditor on behalf of the Company's management. Even though written by the auditor, the letter is styled as a letter from management to the auditor. Once the contents of the ...

  16. What is a Representation Letter?

    In summary, a representation letter is a written statement signed by the company's management that confirms the accuracy and completeness of the financial statements. It is an important part of the audit process, as it helps the auditor to form an opinion on the financial statements and to issue an audit report. Assurance Balance Sheet ...

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  20. Understanding the Representation Letter

    The letter needs to be signed at the end of the engagement generally after a draft of the financial statements are issued. Schwindt & Co combines the representation letter with the management letter comments and proposed adjusting journal entries for ease of review. When the signed document is received by our office, we are then able to issue ...

  21. Format of Management Representation Letter (MRL) for Audit

    Sub: Management Representation in course of Statutory Audit for F.Y. 2021-22. This representation letter is provided in connection with your audit of the financial statements of M/s Private Limited, Delhi for the year ended March 31, 20XX for the purpose of expressing an opinion as to whether the financial statements are presented fairly, in ...

  22. 11+ Management Representation Letter Templates in DOC

    A management representation letter is a structure letter composed by an organization's outer reviewers, which is marked by a senior organization the board. The letter verifies the precision of the financial reports that the organization has submitted to the examiners for their investigation. For samples of different letters, check out our ...


    MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATION LETTER is a letter addressed to the auditor, signed by the client's chief executive officer and chief financial officer. During an audit, management makes many representations to the auditor. Written representations from management in the letter confirm oral representations given to the auditor, document the continuing ...

  24. Olympic ceremony's 'Last Supper' sketch never meant to disrespect, says

    Paris 2024 organisers apologised on Sunday to Catholics and other Christian groups angered by a kitsch tableau in the Olympic Games opening ceremony that appeared to parody Leonardo da Vinci's ...