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research articles on english language teaching

Research in the Teaching of English ( RTE ) is a broad-based, multidisciplinary journal composed of original research articles and short scholarly essays on a wide range of topics significant to those concerned with the teaching and learning of languages and literacies around the world, both in and beyond schools and universities.

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Editorial Staff

Editors and Editorial Assistants

Mollie Blackburn Ohio State University

David Bloome Ohio State University

Dorian Harrison Ohio State University

Michiko Hikida Ohio State University

Laurie Katz Ohio State University

Stephanie Power-Carter Ohio State University

Production Editor

Jon Reigelman NCTE


[email protected]

[email protected]

RTE Advisory Board for Volumes 58-62 (2023-2028)

Alfredo Artiles, Stanford University; Yona Asfaha, University of Asmara; April Baker-Bell, Michigan State University; Faythe Beauchemin, University of Arkansas; Pietro Boscolo, University of Padova; Maria Botelho, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Maureen Boyd, University at Buffalo; Ayanna Brown, Elmhurst College; David Bwire, College of New Jersey; Blanca Caldas Chumbes, University of Minnesota; Gerald Campano, University of Pennsylvania; Antonia Candela, Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados; Angela Cannon, Bloomington, IN; Limarys Caraballo, Teachers College, Columbia University; Lucia Cardenas, Michigan State University; Thandeka Chapman, University of California, San Diego; Caroline Clark, The Ohio State University; Catherine Compton-Lilly, University of South Carolina; Jamal Cooks, San Francisco State University; Marcus Croom, Indiana University; Denise Dávila, University of Texas at Austin; Adrienne Dixson, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Leah Durán, University of Arizona; Elizabeth Dutro, University of Colorado, Boulder; Brian Edmiston, The Ohio State University; Patricia Enciso, The Ohio State University; Jeanne Fain, Lipscomb University; Tiffany Flowers, Georgia State University; Brittany Frieson Davis, University of North Texas; Danling Fu, University of Florida; Antero Godina Garcia, Stanford University; James Paul Gee, Arizona State University; Alexandra Georgakopolou, Kings College London; María Paula Ghiso, Teachers College, Columbia University; Susan Goldman, University of Illinois, Chicago; Millie Gort, University of Colorado, Boulder; Steven Graham, Vanderbilt University; Judith Green, University of California, Santa Barbara; David Green, Jr., Howard University; Lydia Haff, Hawaii; Troy Hicks, Central Michigan University; Jim Hoffman, University of North Texas; Huili Hong, Vanderbilt University ; Ana Christina Iddings Da Silva, Vanderbilt University; Vanessa Irvin, University of Hawaii; Hilary Janks, University of Witwatersrand; Korina Jocson, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Lamar Johnson, Michigan State; Latrise Johnson, University of Alabama; Miriam Jorge, University of Missouri-St. Louis; Judith Kalman, Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados; Minjeong Kim, University of Massachusetts, Lowell; Lydiah Kiramba, University of Nebraska; Kafi Kumasi, Wayne State University; Wan Shun Eva Lam, Northwestern University; Kevin Leander, Vanderbilt University; Adam Leftstein, Ben Gurion University of the Negev; Constant Leung, Kings College London; Sarah Levine, Stanford University; Cynthia Lewis, University of California, Santa Cruz; Diana Liu, Columbia University; David Low, California State University, Fresno; Ruth Lowery, University of North Texas; Lian Madsen, University of Copenhagen; Joanne Marciano, Michigan State University; Danny Martinez, University of California, Davis; Ramón Martínez, Stanford University; Wayne Martino, Western University; Stephen May, The University of Auckland; Byeonggon Min, Seoul National University; Nicole Mirra, Rutgers University; Karla Möller, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Briana Morales, St. Louis, MO; Ernest Morrell, Notre Dame University; Luz Murillo, Texas State University; Vanesa Neves, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; George Newell, The Ohio State University; Sue Nichols, University of South Australia; Carmen Helena Guerrero-Nieto, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas ; Silvia Nogueron-Liu, University of Colorado, Boulder; Allison Wynhoff Olsen, Montana State University; Mariana Pacheco, University of Wisconsin; Kate Pahl, Sheffield University; Deborah Palmer, University of Colorado, Boulder; Uta Papen, Lancaster University; Jenell Igeleke Penn, The Ohio State University; Tonya Perry, University of Alabama, Birmingham; Grace Player, University of Connecticut; David Poveda, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Detra Price-Dennis, Columbia University; Ben Rampton, Kings College London; Timothy Rasinski, Kent State University; Iliana Reyes, University of Arizona; Ryan Rish, State University of New York, Buffalo; Rebecca Rogers, University of Missouri St Louis; Deborah Rowe, Vanderbilt University; Jennifer Rowsell, University of Bristol; Lee Rutherford, Westerville, Ohio; Ryan Schey, University of Georgia; Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz, Columbia University; Audra Skukauskaite, University of Central Florida;  Peter Smagorinsky, University of Georgia; Mandy Smith, Columbus, Ohio; Julia Snell, University of Leeds; Tamara Spencer, St. Mary’s College; Massimiliano Spotti, Tilburg University; Laura Sterponi, University of California, Berkeley; Amy Stornaiuolo, University of Pennsylvania; Laura Taylor, Rhodes College; Ebony Elizabeth Thomas, University of Michigan; K.C. Nat Turner, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Cynthia Tyson, The Ohio State University; Lalitha Vasudevan, Teachers College, Columbia University; Saba Khan Vlach, University of Iowa; Jon Wargo, Boston College; Autumn West, Illinois State University; Melissa Wetzel,  University of Texas, Austin; Jill Williams, Columbus, Ohio; Arlette Willis, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Darius Wimby, Atlanta, GA; Ursula Wingate, Kings College London; Maisha Winn, University of Wisconsin; Karen Wohlwend, Indiana University; Angie Zapata, University of Missouri, Columbia

Annual Annotated Bibliographies

For many years now, RTE has been publishing an Annotated Bibliography of Research in the Teaching of English. Most recently, these bibliographies have been published annually in the February issue since 2018, and they have grown larger every year. Because of their length, the bibliographies are no longer published in their entirety in the print version of the journal; the complete version is to be found only online. They are open and available to all scholars, not just RTE subscribers.

  • 2019 Bibliography
  • 2018 Bibliography
  • 2016 Bibliography
  • 2015 Bibliography
  • 2014 Bibliography
  • 2013 Bibliography
  • 2012 Bibliography
  • 2011 Bibliography
  • 2010 Bibliography
  • 2009 Bibliography
  • 2008 Bibliography
  • 2007 Bibliography
  • 2006 Bibliography
  • 2005 Bibliography
  • 2004 Bibliography
  • 2003 Bibliography

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