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Problem-Based Learning (PBL)

What is Problem-Based Learning (PBL)? PBL is a student-centered approach to learning that involves groups of students working to solve a real-world problem, quite different from the direct teaching method of a teacher presenting facts and concepts about a specific subject to a classroom of students. Through PBL, students not only strengthen their teamwork, communication, and research skills, but they also sharpen their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities essential for life-long learning.

See also: Just-in-Time Teaching

Problem-Based Learning (PBL)

In implementing PBL, the teaching role shifts from that of the more traditional model that follows a linear, sequential pattern where the teacher presents relevant material, informs the class what needs to be done, and provides details and information for students to apply their knowledge to a given problem. With PBL, the teacher acts as a facilitator; the learning is student-driven with the aim of solving the given problem (note: the problem is established at the onset of learning opposed to being presented last in the traditional model). Also, the assignments vary in length from relatively short to an entire semester with daily instructional time structured for group work.


By working with PBL, students will:

  • Become engaged with open-ended situations that assimilate the world of work
  • Participate in groups to pinpoint what is known/ not known and the methods of finding information to help solve the given problem.
  • Investigate a problem; through critical thinking and problem solving, brainstorm a list of unique solutions.
  • Analyze the situation to see if the real problem is framed or if there are other problems that need to be solved.

How to Begin PBL

  • Establish the learning outcomes (i.e., what is it that you want your students to really learn and to be able to do after completing the learning project).
  • Find a real-world problem that is relevant to the students; often the problems are ones that students may encounter in their own life or future career.
  • Discuss pertinent rules for working in groups to maximize learning success.
  • Practice group processes: listening, involving others, assessing their work/peers.
  • Explore different roles for students to accomplish the work that needs to be done and/or to see the problem from various perspectives depending on the problem (e.g., for a problem about pollution, different roles may be a mayor, business owner, parent, child, neighboring city government officials, etc.).
  • Determine how the project will be evaluated and assessed. Most likely, both self-assessment and peer-assessment will factor into the assignment grade.

Designing Classroom Instruction

See also: Inclusive Teaching Strategies

  • Take the curriculum and divide it into various units. Decide on the types of problems that your students will solve. These will be your objectives.
  • Determine the specific problems that most likely have several answers; consider student interest.
  • Arrange appropriate resources available to students; utilize other teaching personnel to support students where needed (e.g., media specialists to orientate students to electronic references).
  • Decide on presentation formats to communicate learning (e.g., individual paper, group PowerPoint, an online blog, etc.) and appropriate grading mechanisms (e.g., rubric).
  • Decide how to incorporate group participation (e.g., what percent, possible peer evaluation, etc.).

How to Orchestrate a PBL Activity

  • Explain Problem-Based Learning to students: its rationale, daily instruction, class expectations, grading.
  • Serve as a model and resource to the PBL process; work in-tandem through the first problem
  • Help students secure various resources when needed.
  • Supply ample class time for collaborative group work.
  • Give feedback to each group after they share via the established format; critique the solution in quality and thoroughness. Reinforce to the students that the prior thinking and reasoning process in addition to the solution are important as well.

Teacher’s Role in PBL

See also: Flipped teaching

As previously mentioned, the teacher determines a problem that is interesting, relevant, and novel for the students. It also must be multi-faceted enough to engage students in doing research and finding several solutions. The problems stem from the unit curriculum and reflect possible use in future work situations.

  • Determine a problem aligned with the course and your students. The problem needs to be demanding enough that the students most likely cannot solve it on their own. It also needs to teach them new skills. When sharing the problem with students, state it in a narrative complete with pertinent background information without excessive information. Allow the students to find out more details as they work on the problem.
  • Place students in groups, well-mixed in diversity and skill levels, to strengthen the groups. Help students work successfully. One way is to have the students take on various roles in the group process after they self-assess their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Support the students with understanding the content on a deeper level and in ways to best orchestrate the various stages of the problem-solving process.

The Role of the Students

See also: ADDIE model

The students work collaboratively on all facets of the problem to determine the best possible solution.

  • Analyze the problem and the issues it presents. Break the problem down into various parts. Continue to read, discuss, and think about the problem.
  • Construct a list of what is known about the problem. What do your fellow students know about the problem? Do they have any experiences related to the problem? Discuss the contributions expected from the team members. What are their strengths and weaknesses? Follow the rules of brainstorming (i.e., accept all answers without passing judgment) to generate possible solutions for the problem.
  • Get agreement from the team members regarding the problem statement.
  • Put the problem statement in written form.
  • Solicit feedback from the teacher.
  • Be open to changing the written statement based on any new learning that is found or feedback provided.
  • Generate a list of possible solutions. Include relevant thoughts, ideas, and educated guesses as well as causes and possible ways to solve it. Then rank the solutions and select the solution that your group is most likely to perceive as the best in terms of meeting success.
  • Include what needs to be known and done to solve the identified problems.
  • Prioritize the various action steps.
  • Consider how the steps impact the possible solutions.
  • See if the group is in agreement with the timeline; if not, decide how to reach agreement.
  • What resources are available to help (e.g., textbooks, primary/secondary sources, Internet).
  • Determine research assignments per team members.
  • Establish due dates.
  • Determine how your group will present the problem solution and also identify the audience. Usually, in PBL, each group presents their solutions via a team presentation either to the class of other students or to those who are related to the problem.
  • Both the process and the results of the learning activity need to be covered. Include the following: problem statement, questions, data gathered, data analysis, reasons for the solution(s) and/or any recommendations reflective of the data analysis.
  • A well-stated problem and conclusion.
  • The process undertaken by the group in solving the problem, the various options discussed, and the resources used.
  • Your solution’s supporting documents, guests, interviews and their purpose to be convincing to your audience.
  • In addition, be prepared for any audience comments and questions. Determine who will respond and if your team doesn’t know the answer, admit this and be open to looking into the question at a later date.
  • Reflective thinking and transfer of knowledge are important components of PBL. This helps the students be more cognizant of their own learning and teaches them how to ask appropriate questions to address problems that need to be solved. It is important to look at both the individual student and the group effort/delivery throughout the entire process. From here, you can better determine what was learned and how to improve. The students should be asked how they can apply what was learned to a different situation, to their own lives, and to other course projects.

See also: Kirkpatrick Model: Four Levels of Learning Evaluation

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I am a professor of Educational Technology. I have worked at several elite universities. I hold a PhD degree from the University of Illinois and a master's degree from Purdue University.

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Resource library.

  • Establishing Community Agreements and Classroom Norms
  • Sample group work rubric
  • Problem-Based Learning Clearinghouse of Activities, University of Delaware

Problem-Based Learning

Problem-based learning  (PBL) is a student-centered approach in which students learn about a subject by working in groups to solve an open-ended problem. This problem is what drives the motivation and the learning. 

Why Use Problem-Based Learning?

Nilson (2010) lists the following learning outcomes that are associated with PBL. A well-designed PBL project provides students with the opportunity to develop skills related to:

  • Working in teams.
  • Managing projects and holding leadership roles.
  • Oral and written communication.
  • Self-awareness and evaluation of group processes.
  • Working independently.
  • Critical thinking and analysis.
  • Explaining concepts.
  • Self-directed learning.
  • Applying course content to real-world examples.
  • Researching and information literacy.
  • Problem solving across disciplines.

Considerations for Using Problem-Based Learning

Rather than teaching relevant material and subsequently having students apply the knowledge to solve problems, the problem is presented first. PBL assignments can be short, or they can be more involved and take a whole semester. PBL is often group-oriented, so it is beneficial to set aside classroom time to prepare students to   work in groups  and to allow them to engage in their PBL project.

Students generally must:

  • Examine and define the problem.
  • Explore what they already know about underlying issues related to it.
  • Determine what they need to learn and where they can acquire the information and tools necessary to solve the problem.
  • Evaluate possible ways to solve the problem.
  • Solve the problem.
  • Report on their findings.

Getting Started with Problem-Based Learning

  • Articulate the learning outcomes of the project. What do you want students to know or be able to do as a result of participating in the assignment?
  • Create the problem. Ideally, this will be a real-world situation that resembles something students may encounter in their future careers or lives. Cases are often the basis of PBL activities. Previously developed PBL activities can be found online through the University of Delaware’s PBL Clearinghouse of Activities .
  • Establish ground rules at the beginning to prepare students to work effectively in groups.
  • Introduce students to group processes and do some warm up exercises to allow them to practice assessing both their own work and that of their peers.
  • Consider having students take on different roles or divide up the work up amongst themselves. Alternatively, the project might require students to assume various perspectives, such as those of government officials, local business owners, etc.
  • Establish how you will evaluate and assess the assignment. Consider making the self and peer assessments a part of the assignment grade.

Nilson, L. B. (2010).  Teaching at its best: A research-based resource for college instructors  (2nd ed.).  San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. 

The Hun School of Princeton

What Is Problem-Based Learning?

By Maureen Leming

Take a little bit of creativity, add a dash of innovation, and sprinkle in some critical thinking. This recipe makes for a well-rounded and engaged student who's ready to tackle life beyond the classroom. It's called Problem-Based Learning (PBL), and it teaches concepts and inspires lifelong learning at the same time.

This open-ended problem-based learning style presents students with a real-world issue and asks them to come up with a well-constructed answer. They can tap into online resources, use their previously-taught knowledge, and ask critical questions to brainstorm and present a solid solution. Unlike traditional learning, there might not be just one right answer, but the process encourages young minds to stay active and think for themselves. 

We're all about the problem-based learning approach at The Hun School of Princeton . Through this article, you'll discover why — and what it looks like in real time.

An Overview of Problem-Based Learning

Problem-based learning (PBL) is a teaching style that pushes students to become the drivers of their learning education. 

Problem-based learning uses complex, real-world issues as the classroom's subject matter, encouraging students to develop problem-solving skills and learn concepts instead of just absorbing facts. 

This can take shape in a variety of different ways. For example, a problem-based learning project could involve students pitching ideas and creating their own business plans to solve a societal need. Students could work independently or in a group to conceptualize, design, and launch their innovative product in front of classmates and community leaders.

At the Hun School of Princeton, a problem-based learning mode is offered in conjunction with course content. This approach has been  shown to help students develop critical thinking and communication skills as well as problem-solving abilities.

Aspects of Problem-Based Learning

Problem-based learning can be applied to any school subject, from social studies and literature to mathematics and science. No matter the field, a  good problem-based learning approach should embody features like :

  • Challenging students to understand classroom concepts on a deeper level.
  • Pushing students to make decisions they're able to defend.
  • Clearly connecting current course objectives to previous courses and knowledge.
  • Encouraging students to work as a group to solve the complex issue at hand.
  • Engaging students to solve an open-ended problem in multiple complex stages.

Benefits of Student-Led, Problem-Based Learning

Student-led learning is one of the most empowering ways to seat students at the forefront of their own educational experience. 

It pushes students to be innovative, creative, open-minded, and logical. It also offers opportunities to collaborate with others in a hands-on, active way. 

As part of our immersive educational model, we've discovered many benefits of problem-based learning:

  • Promote self-learning : As a student-centered approach, problem-based learning pushes kids to take initiative and responsibility for their own learning. As they're pushed to use research and creativity, they develop skills that will benefit them into adulthood.
  • Highly engaging : Instead of sitting back, listening and taking notes, problem-based learning puts students in the driver's seat. They have to stay sharp, apply critical thinking, and think outside the box to solve problems. 
  • Develop transferable skills: The abilities students develop don't just translate to one classroom or subject matter. They can be applied to a plethora of school subjects as well as life beyond, from taking leadership to solving real-world dilemmas.
  • Improve teamwork abilities : Many problem-based learning projects have students collaborate with classmates to come up with a solution. This teamwork approach challenges kids to build skills like collaboration, communication, compromise, and listening.
  • Encourage intrinsic rewards : With problem-based learning projects, the reward is much greater than simply an A on an assignment. Students earn the self-respect and satisfaction of knowing they've solved a riddle, created an innovative solution, or manufactured a tangible product.

Five Examples of Problem-Based Learning in Action

With a little context in mind, it's time to take a look at problem-based learning in the real world. One of the best parts of this learning style is that it's very flexible. You can adapt it to your classroom, content, and students. The following five examples are success stories of problem-based learning in action:

  • Maritime discovery: Students explore maritime culture and history through visits to a nearby maritime museum. They're tasked with choosing a specific voyage, researching it, and crafting their own museum display. Throughout their studies, they'll create a captain's log, including mapping out voyages and building their own working sextant.
  • Urban planning : Perfect for humanities classes, this example challenges students to observe and interview members of their community and determine the biggest local issue. They formulate practical solutions that they will then pitch to a panel of professional urban planners.
  • Zoo habitats : This scientific example starts with a visit to a local zoo. Students use their observations and classroom knowledge to form teams and create research-supported habitat plans, presented to professional zoologists. 
  • Codebreakers : Instead of regular math lessons, let students lead with a code-breaking problem-based learning assignment. Students take on the role of a security agent tasked with decrypting a message, coding a new one in return, and presenting their findings to the classroom.
  • Financial advisors : Challenge students to step into the role of a financial advisor and decide how to spend an allotted amount of money in a way that most benefits their community. Have them present their solution and explain their reasoning to the class.

The Hun School: Problem-Based Learning in Action

The Hun School of Princeton brings problem-based learning to life in our classrooms. Our collaborative school culture places a unique emphasis on hands-on, skilled-based education. NextTerm is just one example of problem-based learning in action here at The Hun School. 

NextTerm gives students the opportunity to apply classroom knowledge to solve real-world problems on a local, national, and global scale. Take our Migration and Identity class, for example. Students in this course travel to the U.S.-Mexican border to speak directly to border patrol agents, ranchers, and immigrants in order to learn about the complex issue of migration straight from the source. Of course, this location is one of many that our students can explore. Our mandatory three-week mini-course , NextTerm , brings students beyond the campus and into a new environment, from domestic locations in Arizona, Montana, and Memphis to international locales in France and Ghana. 

At our campus in Princeton, Hun students explore a relevant issue in collaboration with each other and field experts. They could be learning about the complexity of Ghanian economics or experiencing the modern-day impact of French history. This real-world immersion gives new power to their knowledge and helps them see the link between the classroom and the world at large. As they solve problems, Hun students can develop as individuals and teammates.

Ready to learn more about The Hun School approach and see problem-based learning strategies at work?

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what is problem solving learning approach

Problem based learning: a teacher's guide

December 10, 2021

Find out how teachers use problem-based learning models to improve engagement and drive attainment.

Main, P (2021, December 10). Problem based learning: a teacher's guide. Retrieved from

What is problem-based learning?

Problem-based learning (PBL) is a style of teaching that encourages students to become the drivers of their learning process . Problem-based learning involves complex learning issues from real-world problems and makes them the classroom's topic of discussion ; encouraging students to understand concepts through problem-solving skills rather than simply learning facts. When schools find time in the curriculum for this style of teaching it offers students an authentic vehicle for the integration of knowledge .

Embracing this pedagogical approach enables schools to balance subject knowledge acquisition with a skills agenda . Often used in medical education, this approach has equal significance in mainstream education where pupils can apply their knowledge to real-life problems. 

PBL is not only helpful in learning course content , but it can also promote the development of problem-solving abilities , critical thinking skills , and communication skills while providing opportunities to work in groups , find and analyse research materials , and take part in life-long learning .

PBL is a student-centred teaching method in which students understand a topic by working in groups. They work out an open-ended problem , which drives the motivation to learn. These sorts of theories of teaching do require schools to invest time and resources into supporting self-directed learning. Not all curriculum knowledge is best acquired through this process, rote learning still has its place in certain situations. In this article, we will look at how we can equip our students to take more ownership of the learning process and utilise more sophisticated ways for the integration of knowledge .

Philosophical Underpinnings of PBL

Problem-Based Learning (PBL), with its roots in the philosophies of John Dewey, Maria Montessori, and Jerome Bruner, aligns closely with the social constructionist view of learning. This approach positions learners as active participants in the construction of knowledge, contrasting with traditional models of instruction where learners are seen as passive recipients of information.

Dewey, a seminal figure in progressive education, advocated for active learning and real-world problem-solving, asserting that learning is grounded in experience and interaction. In PBL, learners tackle complex, real-world problems, which mirrors Dewey's belief in the interconnectedness of education and practical life.

Montessori also endorsed learner-centric, self-directed learning, emphasizing the child's potential to construct their own learning experiences. This parallels with PBL’s emphasis on self-directed learning, where students take ownership of their learning process.

Jerome Bruner’s theories underscored the idea of learning as an active, social process. His concept of a 'spiral curriculum' – where learning is revisited in increasing complexity – can be seen reflected in the iterative problem-solving process in PBL.

Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK) framework aligns with PBL as it encourages higher-order cognitive skills. The complex tasks in PBL often demand analytical and evaluative skills (Webb's DOK levels 3 and 4) as students engage with the problem, devise a solution, and reflect on their work.

The effectiveness of PBL is supported by psychological theories like the information processing theory, which highlights the role of active engagement in enhancing memory and recall. A study by Strobel and Van Barneveld (2009) found that PBL students show improved retention of knowledge, possibly due to the deep cognitive processing involved.

As cognitive scientist Daniel Willingham aptly puts it, "Memory is the residue of thought." PBL encourages learners to think critically and deeply, enhancing both learning and retention.

Here's a quick overview:

  • John Dewey : Emphasized learning through experience and the importance of problem-solving.
  • Maria Montessori : Advocated for child-centered, self-directed learning.
  • Jerome Bruner : Underlined learning as a social process and proposed the spiral curriculum.
  • Webb’s DOK : Supports PBL's encouragement of higher-order thinking skills.
  • Information Processing Theory : Reinforces the notion that active engagement in PBL enhances memory and recall.

This deep-rooted philosophical and psychological framework strengthens the validity of the problem-based learning approach, confirming its beneficial role in promoting valuable cognitive skills and fostering positive student learning outcomes.

Problem based learning cycle

What are the characteristics of problem-based learning?

Adding a little creativity can change a topic into a problem-based learning activity. The following are some of the characteristics of a good PBL model:

  • The problem encourages students to search for a deeper understanding of content knowledge;
  • Students are responsible for their learning. PBL has a student-centred learning approach . Students' motivation increases when responsibility for the process and solution to the problem rests with the learner;
  • The problem motivates pupils to gain desirable learning skills and to defend well-informed decisions ;
  • The problem connects the content learning goals with the previous knowledge. PBL allows students to access, integrate and study information from multiple disciplines that might relate to understanding and resolving a specific problem—just as persons in the real world recollect and use the application of knowledge that they have gained from diverse sources in their life.
  • In a multistage project, the first stage of the problem must be engaging and open-ended to make students interested in the problem. In the real world, problems are poorly-structured. Research suggests that well-structured problems make students less invested and less motivated in the development of the solution. The problem simulations used in problem-based contextual learning are less structured to enable students to make a free inquiry.

Frameworks for problem-based learning

  • In a group project, the problem must have some level of complexity that motivates students towards knowledge acquisition and to work together for finding the solution. PBL involves collaboration between learners. In professional life, most people will find themselves in employment where they would work productively and share information with others. PBL leads to the development of such essential skills . In a PBL session, the teacher would ask questions to make sure that knowledge has been shared between pupils;
  • At the end of each problem or PBL, self and peer assessments are performed. The main purpose of assessments is to sharpen a variety of metacognitive processing skills and to reinforce self-reflective learning.
  • Student assessments would evaluate student progress towards the objectives of problem-based learning. The learning goals of PBL are both process-based and knowledge-based. Students must be assessed on both these dimensions to ensure that they are prospering as intended from the PBL approach. Students must be able to identify and articulate what they understood and what they learned.

Problem based learning tools

Why is Problem-based learning a significant skill?

Using Problem-Based Learning across a school promotes critical competence, inquiry , and knowledge application in social, behavioural and biological sciences. Practice-based learning holds a strong track record of successful learning outcomes in higher education settings such as graduates of Medical Schools.

Educational models using PBL can improve learning outcomes by teaching students how to implement theory into practice and build problem-solving skills. For example, within the field of health sciences education, PBL makes the learning process for nurses and medical students self-centred and promotes their teamwork and leadership skills. Within primary and secondary education settings, this model of teaching, with the right sort of collaborative tools , can advance the wider skills development valued in society.

At Structural Learning, we have been developing a self-assessment tool designed to monitor the progress of children. Utilising these types of teaching theories curriculum wide can help a school develop the learning behaviours our students will need in the workplace.

Curriculum wide collaborative tools include Writers Block and the Universal Thinking Framework . Along with graphic organisers, these tools enable children to collaborate and entertain different perspectives that they might not otherwise see. Putting learning in action by using the block building methodology enables children to reach their learning goals by experimenting and iterating. 

Scaffolding problem based learning with classroom tools

How is problem-based learning different from inquiry-based learning?

The major difference between inquiry-based learning and PBL relates to the role of the teacher . In the case of inquiry-based learning, the teacher is both a provider of classroom knowledge and a facilitator of student learning (expecting/encouraging higher-order thinking). On the other hand, PBL is a deep learning approach, in which the teacher is the supporter of the learning process and expects students to have clear thinking, but the teacher is not the provider of classroom knowledge about the problem—the responsibility of providing information belongs to the learners themselves.

As well as being used systematically in medical education, this approach has significant implications for integrating learning skills into mainstream classrooms .

Using a critical thinking disposition inventory, schools can monitor the wider progress of their students as they apply their learning skills across the traditional curriculum. Authentic problems call students to apply their critical thinking abilities in new and purposeful ways. As students explain their ideas to one another, they develop communication skills that might not otherwise be nurtured.

Depending on the curriculum being delivered by a school, there may well be an emphasis on building critical thinking abilities in the classroom. Within the International Baccalaureate programs, these life-long skills are often cited in the IB learner profile . Critical thinking dispositions are highly valued in the workplace and this pedagogical approach can be used to harness these essential 21st-century skills.

Traditional vs problem based learning

What are the Benefits of Problem-Based Learning?

Student-led Problem-Based Learning is one of the most useful ways to make students drivers of their learning experience. It makes students creative, innovative, logical and open-minded. The educational practice of Problem-Based Learning also provides opportunities for self-directed and collaborative learning with others in an active learning and hands-on process. Below are the most significant benefits of problem-based learning processes:

  • Self-learning: As a self-directed learning method, problem-based learning encourages children to take responsibility and initiative for their learning processes . As children use creativity and research, they develop skills that will help them in their adulthood.
  • Engaging : Students don't just listen to the teacher, sit back and take notes. Problem-based learning processes encourages students to take part in learning activities, use learning resources , stay active , think outside the box and apply critical thinking skills to solve problems.
  • Teamwork : Most of the problem-based learning issues involve students collaborative learning to find a solution. The educational practice of PBL builds interpersonal skills, listening and communication skills and improves the skills of collaboration and compromise.
  • Intrinsic Rewards: In most problem-based learning projects, the reward is much bigger than good grades. Students gain the pride and satisfaction of finding an innovative solution, solving a riddle, or creating a tangible product.
  • Transferable Skills: The acquisition of knowledge through problem-based learning strategies don't just help learners in one class or a single subject area. Students can apply these skills to a plethora of subject matter as well as in real life.
  • Multiple Learning Opportunities : A PBL model offers an open-ended problem-based acquisition of knowledge, which presents a real-world problem and asks learners to come up with well-constructed responses. Students can use multiple sources such as they can access online resources, using their prior knowledge, and asking momentous questions to brainstorm and come up with solid learning outcomes. Unlike traditional approaches , there might be more than a single right way to do something, but this process motivates learners to explore potential solutions whilst staying active.

Solving authentic problems using problem based learning

Embracing problem-based learning

Problem-based learning can be seen as a deep learning approach and when implemented effectively as part of a broad and balanced curriculum , a successful teaching strategy in education. PBL has a solid epistemological and philosophical foundation and a strong track record of success in multiple areas of study. Learners must experience problem-based learning methods and engage in positive solution-finding activities. PBL models allow learners to gain knowledge through real-world problems, which offers more strength to their understanding and helps them find the connection between classroom learning and the real world at large.

As they solve problems, students can evolve as individuals and team-mates. One word of caution, not all classroom tasks will lend themselves to this learning theory. Take spellings , for example, this is usually delivered with low-stakes quizzing through a practice-based learning model. PBL allows students to apply their knowledge creatively but they need to have a certain level of background knowledge to do this, rote learning might still have its place after all.

Key Concepts and considerations for school leaders

1. Problem Based Learning (PBL)

Problem-based learning (PBL) is an educational method that involves active student participation in solving authentic problems. Students are given a task or question that they must answer using their prior knowledge and resources. They then collaborate with each other to come up with solutions to the problem. This collaborative effort leads to deeper learning than traditional lectures or classroom instruction .

Key question: Inside a traditional curriculum , what opportunities across subject areas do you immediately see?

2. Deep Learning

Deep learning is a term used to describe the ability to learn concepts deeply. For example, if you were asked to memorize a list of numbers, you would probably remember the first five numbers easily, but the last number would be difficult to recall. However, if you were taught to understand the concept behind the numbers, you would be able to remember the last number too.

Key question: How will you make sure that students use a full range of learning styles and learning skills ?

3. Epistemology

Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of knowledge . It examines the conditions under which something counts as knowledge.

Key question:  As well as focusing on critical thinking dispositions, what subject knowledge should the students understand?

4. Philosophy

Philosophy is the study of general truths about human life. Philosophers examine questions such as “What makes us happy?”, “How should we live our lives?”, and “Why does anything exist?”

Key question: Are there any opportunities for embracing philosophical enquiry into the project to develop critical thinking abilities ?

5. Curriculum

A curriculum is a set of courses designed to teach specific subjects. These courses may include mathematics , science, social studies, language arts, etc.

Key question: How will subject leaders ensure that the integrity of the curriculum is maintained?

6. Broad and Balanced Curriculum

Broad and balanced curricula are those that cover a wide range of topics. Some examples of these types of curriculums include AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP English Language, AP Physics 1, AP Psychology , AP Spanish Literature, AP Statistics, AP US History, AP World History, IB Diploma Programme, IB Primary Years Program, IB Middle Years Program, IB Diploma Programme .

Key question: Are the teachers who have identified opportunities for a problem-based curriculum?

7. Successful Teaching Strategy

Successful teaching strategies involve effective communication techniques, clear objectives, and appropriate assessments. Teachers must ensure that their lessons are well-planned and organized. They must also provide opportunities for students to interact with one another and share information.

Key question: What pedagogical approaches and teaching strategies will you use?

8. Positive Solution Finding

Positive solution finding is a type of problem-solving where students actively seek out answers rather than passively accept what others tell them.

Key question: How will you ensure your problem-based curriculum is met with a positive mindset from students and teachers?

9. Real World Application

Real-world application refers to applying what students have learned in class to situations that occur in everyday life.

Key question: Within your local school community , are there any opportunities to apply knowledge and skills to real-life problems?

10. Creativity

Creativity is the ability to think of ideas that no one else has thought of yet. Creative thinking requires divergent thinking, which means thinking in different directions.

Key question: What teaching techniques will you use to enable children to generate their own ideas ?

11. Teamwork

Teamwork is the act of working together towards a common goal. Teams often consist of two or more people who work together to achieve a shared objective.

Key question: What opportunities are there to engage students in dialogic teaching methods where they talk their way through the problem?

12. Knowledge Transfer

Knowledge transfer occurs when teachers use their expertise to help students develop skills and abilities .

Key question: Can teachers be able to track the success of the project using improvement scores?

13. Active Learning

Active learning is any form of instruction that engages students in the learning process. Examples of active learning include group discussions, role-playing, debates, presentations, and simulations .

Key question: Will there be an emphasis on learning to learn and developing independent learning skills ?

14. Student Engagement

Student engagement is the degree to which students feel motivated to participate in academic activities.

Key question: Are there any tools available to monitor student engagement during the problem-based curriculum ?

what is problem solving learning approach

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Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is a teaching method in which complex real-world problems are used as the vehicle to promote student learning of concepts and principles as opposed to direct presentation of facts and concepts. In addition to course content, PBL can promote the development of critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and communication skills. It can also provide opportunities for working in groups, finding and evaluating research materials, and life-long learning (Duch et al, 2001).

PBL can be incorporated into any learning situation. In the strictest definition of PBL, the approach is used over the entire semester as the primary method of teaching. However, broader definitions and uses range from including PBL in lab and design classes, to using it simply to start a single discussion. PBL can also be used to create assessment items. The main thread connecting these various uses is the real-world problem.

Any subject area can be adapted to PBL with a little creativity. While the core problems will vary among disciplines, there are some characteristics of good PBL problems that transcend fields (Duch, Groh, and Allen, 2001):

  • The problem must motivate students to seek out a deeper understanding of concepts.
  • The problem should require students to make reasoned decisions and to defend them.
  • The problem should incorporate the content objectives in such a way as to connect it to previous courses/knowledge.
  • If used for a group project, the problem needs a level of complexity to ensure that the students must work together to solve it.
  • If used for a multistage project, the initial steps of the problem should be open-ended and engaging to draw students into the problem.

The problems can come from a variety of sources: newspapers, magazines, journals, books, textbooks, and television/ movies. Some are in such form that they can be used with little editing; however, others need to be rewritten to be of use. The following guidelines from The Power of Problem-Based Learning (Duch et al, 2001) are written for creating PBL problems for a class centered around the method; however, the general ideas can be applied in simpler uses of PBL:

  • Choose a central idea, concept, or principle that is always taught in a given course, and then think of a typical end-of-chapter problem, assignment, or homework that is usually assigned to students to help them learn that concept. List the learning objectives that students should meet when they work through the problem.
  • Think of a real-world context for the concept under consideration. Develop a storytelling aspect to an end-of-chapter problem, or research an actual case that can be adapted, adding some motivation for students to solve the problem. More complex problems will challenge students to go beyond simple plug-and-chug to solve it. Look at magazines, newspapers, and articles for ideas on the story line. Some PBL practitioners talk to professionals in the field, searching for ideas of realistic applications of the concept being taught.
  • What will the first page (or stage) look like? What open-ended questions can be asked? What learning issues will be identified?
  • How will the problem be structured?
  • How long will the problem be? How many class periods will it take to complete?
  • Will students be given information in subsequent pages (or stages) as they work through the problem?
  • What resources will the students need?
  • What end product will the students produce at the completion of the problem?
  • Write a teacher's guide detailing the instructional plans on using the problem in the course. If the course is a medium- to large-size class, a combination of mini-lectures, whole-class discussions, and small group work with regular reporting may be necessary. The teacher's guide can indicate plans or options for cycling through the pages of the problem interspersing the various modes of learning.
  • The final step is to identify key resources for students. Students need to learn to identify and utilize learning resources on their own, but it can be helpful if the instructor indicates a few good sources to get them started. Many students will want to limit their research to the Internet, so it will be important to guide them toward the library as well.

The method for distributing a PBL problem falls under three closely related teaching techniques: case studies, role-plays, and simulations. Case studies are presented to students in written form. Role-plays have students improvise scenes based on character descriptions given. Today, simulations often involve computer-based programs. Regardless of which technique is used, the heart of the method remains the same: the real-world problem.

Where can I learn more?

  • PBL through the Institute for Transforming Undergraduate Education at the University of Delaware
  • Duch, B. J., Groh, S. E, & Allen, D. E. (Eds.). (2001). The power of problem-based learning . Sterling, VA: Stylus.
  • Grasha, A. F. (1996). Teaching with style: A practical guide to enhancing learning by understanding teaching and learning styles. Pittsburgh: Alliance Publishers.

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What is Problem-Based Learning

Problem-based learning & the classroom, the problem-based learning process, problem-based learning & the common core, project example: a better community, project example: preserving appalachia, project example: make an impact.

All Toolkits

A Learning is Open toolkit written by the New Learning Institute.

Problem-based learning (PBL) challenges students to identify and examine real problems, then work together to address and solve those problems through advocacy and by mobilizing resources. Importantly, every aspect of the problem solving process involves students in real work—work that is a reflection of the range of expertise required to solve issues in the world outside of school.

While problem-based learning can use any type of problem as its basis, the approach described here is deliberately focused on local ones. Local problems allow students to have a meaningful voice, and be instrumental in a process where real, recognizable change results. It also gives students opportunities to source and interact with a variety of local experts.

In many classrooms teachers give students information and then ask them to solve problems at the culmination of a unit. Problem-based learning turns this on its head by challenging students to define the problem before finding the resources necessary to address or solve it. In this approach, teachers are facilitators: they set the context for the problem, ask questions to propel students’ interests and learning forward, help students locate necessary resources and experts, and provide multiple opportunities to critique students’ process and progress. In some cases, the teacher may identify a problem that is connected to existing curriculum; in others the teacher may assign a larger topic and challenge the students to identify a specific problem they are interested in addressing.

This approach is interdisciplinary and provides natural opportunities for integrating a variety of required content areas. Because recognizing and making relationships between content areas is a necessary part of the problem-solving process—as it is in the real world—students are building skills to prepare them for life, work, and civic participation. Problem-based learning gives students a variety of ways to address and tackle a problem. It encourages everyone to contribute and rewards different kinds of success. This builds confidence in students who have not always been successful in school. With the changing needs of today’s world, there is a growing urgency for people who are competent in a range of areas including the ability to apply critical thinking to complex problems, collaborate, network and gather resources, and communicate and persuade others to actively take up a cause.

Problem-based learning builds agency & independence

Although students work collaboratively throughout the process, applying a wide range of skills to new tasks requires them to develop their own specialties that lead to greater confidence and competency. And because the process is student-driven, students are challenged to define the problem, conduct comprehensive research, sort through multiple solutions and present the one that allows them best move forward. This reinforces a sense of self-agency and independence.

Problem-based learning promotes adaptability & flexibility

Investigating and solving problems requires students to work with many different types of people and encounter many unknowns throughout the process. These experiences help students learn to be adaptable and flexible during periods of uncertainty. From an academic standpoint, this flexible mindset is an opportunity for students to develop a range of communication aptitudes and styles. For example, in the beginning research phases, students must gather multiple perspectives and gain a clear understanding of their various audiences. As they move into the later project phases they must develop more nuanced ways to communicate with each audience, from clearly presenting information to persuasion to defending the merits of a new idea.

Problem-based learning is persistent

Educators recognize that when students are working towards a real goal they care about, they show increased investment and willingness to persist through challenges. Problem-based learning requires students to navigate many variables including the diverse personalities on a project team, the decisions and perspectives of stakeholders, challenging and rigorous content, and real world deadlines. Students will experience frustration and failure, but they will learn that working though that by trying new things will be its own reward. And this is a critical lesson that will be carried on into life and work.

Problem-based learning is civically engaged

Because problem-based learning focuses on using local issues as jumping off points it gives students a meaningful context in which to voice their opinions and take the initiative to find solutions. Problems within schools and communities also provide opportunities for students to work directly with stakeholders (i.e. the school principal or a town council member) and experts (i.e. local residents, professionals, and business owners). These local connections make it more likely that students will successfully implement some aspect of their plan and gives students firsthand experience with civic processes.

A problem well put is half solved. – John Dewey

The problem-based learning process described in this toolkit has been refined and tested through the Model Classroom Program, a project of the New Learning Institute. Educators throughout the United States participated in this program by designing, implementing, and documenting projects. The resulting problem-based learning approach provides a clear process and diverse set of tools to support problem-based learning.

The problem-based learning process can help students define problems in new ways, explore multiple perspectives, challenge their thinking, and develop the real-world skills needed for planning and carrying out a project. Beyond this, because the approach emphasizes local and community-based issues, this process develops student drive and motivation as they work towards a tangible end result with the potential to impact their community.

Make it Real

The world is full of unsolved problems and opportunities just waiting to be addressed. The Make It Real phase is about identifying a real problem within the local community, then conducting further investigation to define the problem.

Identify what you do and don’t know about the problem Brainstorm what is known about the problem. What do you know about it at the local level? Is this problem globally relevant? How? What questions would you investigate further?

Discover the problem’s root causes and impacts on the community While it’s easy to find a problem, it’s much harder to understand it. Investigate how the problem impacts different people and places. As a result of these investigations, students will gain a clearer understanding of the problem.

Make it Relevant

Problems are everywhere, but it can often be difficult to convince people that a specific problem should matter to them. The word relevant is from the Latin root meaning “to raise” or “to lift up.” To Make It Relevant, elevate the problem so that people in the community and beyond will take interest and become invested in its resolution. Make important connections in order to begin a plan to address the problem.

Field Studies

Collect as much information as possible on the problem. Conduct the kind of research experts in the field—scientists and historians—conduct. While online and library research is a good starting point, it’s important that students get out into the real world to conduct their own original research! This includes using methods such as surveys, interviews, photo and video documentation, collection of evidence (such as science related activities), and working with a variety of experts and viewpoints.

Develop an action-plan Have students analyze their field studies data and create charts, graphs, and other visual representations to understand their findings. After analyzing, students will have the information needed to develop a plan of action. Importantly, they’ll need to consider how best to meet the needs of all stakeholders, which will include a diverse community such as local businesses, community members, experts, and even the natural world.

Make an Impact

Make An Impact with a creative implementation based on the best research-supported ideas. In many cases, making an impact is about solving the problem. Sometimes it’s about addressing it, making representations to stakeholders, or presenting a possible solution for future implementation. At the most rigorous level, students will implement a project that has lasting impact on their community.

Put your plan into action See the hard work of researching and analyzing the problem pay off as students begin implementing their plans. In so doing, they’ll act as part of a team creating a product to share. Depending on the problem, purpose, and audience, their products might be anything from a website to an art installation to the planning of a community-wide event.

Share your findings and make an impact Share results with important stakeholders and the larger community. Depending on the project, this effort may include awareness campaigns, a persuasive presentation to stakeholders, an action-oriented campaign, a community-wide event, or a re-designed program. In many cases this “final” act leads to the beginning of another project!

With the Common Core implementation, teachers have found different strategies and resources to help align their practice to the standards. Indeed, many schools and districts have discovered a variety of solutions. When considering Common Core alignment, the opportunity presented by methods like problem-based learning hinges on a belief in the art of teaching and the importance of developing students’ passion and love of learning. In short, with the ultimate goal of making students college-, career-, and life-ready, it’s essential that educators put students in the driver’s seat to collaboratively solve real problems.

The Common Core ELA standards draw a portrait of a college- and career-ready student. This portrait includes characteristics such as independence, the ability to adapt communication to different audiences and purposes, the ability to comprehend and critique, appreciation for the value of evidence (when reading and when creating their own work), and the capability to make strategic use of digital media. Developing creative solutions to complex problems provides students with multiple opportunities to develop all of these skills.


Students are challenged to define the problem and conduct comprehensive research, then present solutions. This student-driven process requires students to find multiple answers and think critically about the best way to act, ultimately building confidence and independence.

Adapting Communication to Different Audiences and Purposes

In the initial research phases, students must gather multiple perspectives and gain a clear understanding of who those audiences are. As they move into the later project phases, they must communicate in a variety of ways (including informative and persuasive methods) to reach diverse audiences.

Comprehending and Critiquing

In examining multiple perspectives, students must summarize various viewpoints, addressing their strengths and critiquing their weaknesses. Furthermore, as students develop solutions they must analyze each idea for its potential success, which compels them to critique their own work in addition to the work of others.

Valuing Evidence

Collecting evidence is essential to the process, whether through visual documentation of a problem, uncovering key facts, or collecting narratives from the community.

Strategic Use of Digital Media

The use of digital media is naturally integrated throughout the entire process. The problem-based learning approach not only builds the specific 21st century skills called for by the Common Core, it also embraces practices supported by hundreds of years of educational theory. This is not the next new thing – problem-based learning is one example of how vetted best educational practices will meet the needs of a future economy and society; and, more immediately, the new Common Core Standards.

Language Arts

The Key Design Considerations for the English Language Arts standards describe an integrated literacy model in which all communication processes are closely connected. Likewise, the problem-based learning approach expects students to read, write, and speak about the issue (whether through interviews or speeches) in a variety of ways (expository, persuasive). In addition, the Key Design Considerations describe how literacy is a shared responsibility across subject areas. Because problem-based learning is rooted in real issues, these naturally connect to science content areas (environmental sciences, engineering and design, innovation and invention), social studies (community history, geography/land forms), math (including operations such as graphing, statistics, economics, and mathematical modeling), and art. As part of this interdisciplinary model, problem-based learning follows a process that touches on key ELA skill areas including research, a variety of writing styles and formats (both reading and writing in these formats), publishing, and integration of digital media.

It’s also important to note that the Common Core calls for an increase in informational and nonfiction text. This objective is easily met through examining real problems. Quite simply, informational and nonfiction text is everywhere – in newspaper articles, public surveys, government documents, etc. Very often, when reading out of context, many students struggle to work through and comprehend these types of complex texts. Because problem-based learning authentically integrates a real purpose with reading informational text, students work harder to comprehend and apply their reading.

Note: Each project has the potential to meet many additional standards. The standards outlined here are only a sampling of those addressed by this approach.

Reading Standards

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.6 Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text. In the early phases of problem-based learning, students investigate the topic by reading a range of informational and persuasive texts, and by talking to a variety of experts and community members. As an essential component to these investigations on multiple perspectives, students must be able to understand the purpose of the text, the intended audience, and the individual’s position on the issue (if applicable).

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.7 Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words. As students consider multiple perspectives on their identified problem, they naturally will seek a wide range of print materials, media resources (videos, presentations), and formats (research studies, opinion pieces). Comparing and contrasting the viewpoints of these various texts will help students shape a more holistic view of the problem.

Writing Standards

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.W.1 Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. As students analyze the problem, multiple opportunities for persuasive writing emerge. In the early project phases, students might summarize their perspective on the problem using key evidence from a variety of research (online, community polling, and discussions with experts). In the later project phases, students might develop a proposal or presentation to persuade others to change personal habits or consider a larger change in the community.

Speaking & Listening Standards

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.SL.1 Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. Multiple perspectives are an essential component to any problem-based project. As students investigate, they must seek a wide range of opinions and personal stories on the issues. Furthermore, this process is collaborative. Students must trust and work with each other, they must trust and work with key experts, and, in some cases, they must convince others to collaborate with them around a shared purpose or cause.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.SL.5 Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations. Because each problem-based project requires students to analyze information, share their findings with others, and collaborate on a variety of levels, digital media is naturally integrated into these tasks. Students might create charts, graphs, or other illustrative/photo/video displays to communicate their research results. Students might use a variety of digital formats including graphic posters, video public service announcements (PSAs), and digital presentations to mobilize the community to their cause. Inherent to these processes is special consideration of how images, videos, and other media support key ideas and key evidence and further the effectiveness of their presentation on the intended audience.


Simply put, math is problem solving. Problem-based learning provides multiple opportunities for students to apply and develop their understanding of various mathematical concepts within real contexts. Through the various stages of problem-based learning, students engage in the same dispositions encouraged by the Standards for Mathematical Practice

CCSS.Math.Practice.MP1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Problem-based learning is all about problem solving. An essential first step is understanding the problem as deeply as possible, rather than rushing to solve it. This is a process that takes time and perseverance, both individually and in collaborative student groups.

CCSS.Math.Practice.MP3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. As students understand and deconstruct a problem, they must begin to form solutions. As part of this process, they must have evidence (including visual and mathematical evidence) to support their position. They must also understand other perspectives to solving the problem, and they must be prepared to critique those other perspectives based on verbal and mathematical reasoning.

CCSS.Math.Practice.MP4 Model with mathematics. Throughout the process, students must analyze information and data using a variety of mathematical models. These range from charts and graphs to 3-D modeling used in science or engineering projects.

CCSS.Math.Practice.MP5 Use appropriate tools strategically. According to the Common Core Math Practices standard, “Mathematically proficient students consider the available tools when solving a mathematical problem. These tools might include pencil and paper, concrete models, a ruler, a protractor, a calculator, a spreadsheet, a computer algebra system, a statistical package, or dynamic geometry software.” In addition to providing opportunities to use these tools, problem-based learning asks students to make effective use of digital and mobile media as they collect information, document the issue, share their findings, and mobilize others to their cause.

School Name | Big Horn Elementary Location | Big Horn, Wyoming Total Time | 1 year Subjects | English Language Arts, Social Studies, Math, Science Grade Level | 3rd Grade Number of Participants | 40 students in two classrooms

Students informed the school about the importance of recycling, developed systems to improve recycling options and implemented a school-wide recycling program that involved all students, other teachers, school principals, school custodians, and the county recycling center.

While investigating their local county history, students were challenged to recognize their role in the community and ultimately realize the importance of stewardship for the county’s land, history and culture. Students began by researching their local history through many first hand experiences including museum visits, local resident interviews and visits to places representing the current culture.

Challenged to find ways to make “A Better Community”, students chose to investigate recycling.

They conducted hands-on research to determine the need for a recycling program through a school survey, town trash pickup and visit to the local Landfill and Recycling Center.

Students then developed a proposal for a school-wide recycling program, interviewed the principal to address their concerns and began to carry out their plan.

Students designed recycling bins for each classroom and worked with school janitors to develop a plan for collection.

Students visited each classroom to distribute the recycling bins and describe how to use them. Students developed a schedule for collecting bins and sorting materials. The program continues beyond the initial school-year; students continue to expand their efforts.

School Name | Bates Middle School Location | Danville, Kentucky Total Time | 8 weeks Subjects | English Language Arts Grade Level | 6th Grade Number of Participants |25 students

Students created Project Playhouse, a live production for the local community. Audience members included community members, parents, and other students. In addition, students designed a quilt sharing Appalachian history, and recorded their work on a community website.

Appalachia has a rich culture full of unique traditions and an impressive heritage, yet many negative stereotypes persist. 6th grade students brainstormed existing stereotypes and their consequences on the community.

Students discussions led them to realize that, in their region, stereotypes were preventing people from overcoming adversity. They set about to conduct further research demonstrating the strengths of Appalachian heritage.

Students investigated Appalachian culture by working with local experts like Tammy Horn, professor at Eastern Kentucky University and specialist in Appalachian cultural traditions; taking a field trip to Logan Hubble Park to explore the natural region; talking with a “coon” hunter and other local Appalachians including quilters, cooks, artists, and writers.

Students developed a plan to curate an exhibition and live production for the local community. Finally, students connected virtually with museum expert Rebecca Kasemeyer, Associate Director of Education at the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery to discuss exhibition design.

For their final projects students produced a series of works exhibiting Appalachian life, work, play and community structure including a quilt, a theatrical performance and a website.

Students invited the community to view their exhibit and theatrical performance.

School Name | Northwestern High School Location | Rock Hill, South Carolina Total Time | One Semester Subjects | Engineering Grade Level | High School Number of Participants | 20 students

Engineering teacher Bryan Coburn presented a scenario to his students inspired by the community’s very real drought, a drought so bad that cars could only be washed on specific days. Students identified and examined environmental issues related to water scarcity in their community.

Based on initial brainstorming, students divided into teams based on specific problems related to a water shortage. These included topics like watering gardens and lawns, watering cars, drinking water to name a few.

Based on their topic, students conducted online research on existing solutions to their specific problem.

Students analyzed their research to develop their own prototypes and plans for addressing the problem. Throughout the planning phase students received peer and teacher feedback on the viability of their prototypes, resulting in many edits before final designs were selected for creation.

Students created online portfolios showcasing their research, 3D designs, and multimedia presentations marketing their designs. Student portfolios included documentation of each stage of the design process, a design brief, decision matrix, a prototype using Autodesk Inventor 3D professional modeling tool, and a final presentation.

Students shared their presentations and portfolios in a public forum, pitching their proposed solution to a review committee consisting of local engineers from the community, the city water manager and the school principal.

Plan Your PBL Experience

Resources to help you plan.

Problem-based learning projects are inspired by students’ real world experiences and the pressing issues and concerns they want to address. Problem-based learning projects benefit teachers by increasing student motivation and engagement, while deepening knowledge and improving essential skills. In spite of the inherent value problem-based learning brings to any educational setting, planning a large project can be an overwhelming task.

Through the New Learning Institute’s Model Classroom, a range of problem-based learning planning tools have been developed and tested in a variety of educational settings. These tools make the planning process more manageable by supporting teachers in establishing the context and/or problem for a project, planning for and procuring the necessary resources for a real-world project (including community organizations, expert involvement, and tools needed for communicating, creating and sharing), and facilitating students through the project phases.

Here are some initial considerations when planning a problem-based learning project. (More detailed tips and planning tools follow.) These questions can help you determine where to begin your project planning. Once you have a clear idea, the problem-based learning planning tools will guide you through the process.

Are you starting from the curriculum? It’s probably tempting to jump in and define a problem for students based on the unit of study. And time constraints may make a teacher-defined problem necessary. If time permits, a problem-based learning project will be more successful if time is built-in for students to define a problem they’d like to address. Do this by building in topic exploration time, and then challenging students to define a problem based on their findings. Including this extra time will allow students to develop their own interests and questions about the topic, deepening engagement and ensuring that students are investigating a problem they’re invested in—all while covering curriculum requirements.

Are you starting from student interest? Perhaps your students want to solve a problem in the school, such as bullying or lack of recycling. Perhaps they’re concerned about a larger community problem, such as a contested piece of parkland that is up for development or a pollution problem in your local waterways. Starting with student interest can help ensure students’ investment and motivation. However, this starting point provides less direct navigation than existing projects or curriculum materials. When taking on a project of this nature, be sure to identify natural intersections with your curriculum. It also helps to enlist community or expert support.

Start Small – Focus on Practices as Entry Points

If you’re new to problem-based learning it makes sense to start small. Many teachers new to this approach report that starting with the smaller practices—such as integrating research methods or having students define a specific problem within a unit of study—ultimately sets the stage for larger projects and more easily leads them to implement a problem-based learning project.

Opportunities to address and solve problems are everywhere. Just look in your own backyard or schoolyard. Better yet, ask students to identify problems within the school community or based on a topic of interest within a unit of study. As you progress through the project, find natural opportunities for research and problem solving by working with the people who are affected by the issue and invested in solving it. Finally, make sure students share their work with an authentic audience who cares about the problem and its resolution.

Be Honest About Project Constraints

When you’re new to problem-based learning, the most important consideration is your project constraints. For example, perhaps you’re required to cover a designated set of standards and content. Or perhaps you have limited time for this project experience. Whatever the constraints, determine them in advance then plan backwards to determine the length and depth of your project.

Identify Intersections With Your Curriculum

Problem-based learning projects are interdisciplinary and have the ability to meet a range of standards. Identify where these intersections naturally occur with the topic students have selected, then design some activities or project requirements to ensure these content areas are covered.

Turn Limitations Into Opportunities

Many educators work in schools with pre-defined curriculum or schedule constraints that make implementing larger projects difficult. In these cases, it may help to find small windows of opportunity during the school day or after school to implement problem-based learning. For example, some teachers implement problem-based learning in special subject courses which have a more flexible curriculum. Others host afterschool “Genius Hour” programs that challenge students to explore and investigate their interests. Whatever opportunity you find, make the work highly visible to staff and parents. Make it an intention to get the school community exploring and designing possibilities of integrating these practices more holistically.

Take Risks and Model Perseverance

The problem-based learning process is messy and full of opportunities to fail, just like real life and real jobs. Many educators share that this is incredibly difficult for their students and themselves. Despite the initial letdown that comes with small failures, it’s important that students see the value in learning from failure and persevering through these challenges. Model risk taking for your students and when you make a mistake or face a challenge, welcome it with open arms by demonstrating what you’ve learned and what you’ll do differently next time around. Let students know that it’s okay to make mistakes; that mistakes are a welcome opportunity to learn and try something new.

Be Less Helpful

A key to building problem-solving and critical thinking capacities is to be less helpful. Let students figure things out on their own. In classroom implementation, teachers repeatedly share that handing over control to the students and “being less helpful” makes for a big mindshift. This shift is often described as becoming a facilitator, which means knowing when to stand back and knowing when to step-in and offer extra support.

Be Flexible

Recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to any problem. Understanding this and being able to identify unique challenges will help students understand that an initial failure is just a bump in the road. Being flexible also helps students focus on the importance of process over product.

Experts are Everywhere

Experts are everywhere; their differing perspectives and expertise help bring learning to life. But think outside the box about who experts are and integrate multiple opportunities for their involvement. Parents and community members who are not often thought of as experts can speak to life, work, and lived historical experiences. Beyond that, the people usually thought of as experts—researchers, scientists, museum professionals, business professionals, university professors—are more available than many teachers think. It’s often just a matter of asking. And don’t take sole responsibility for finding experts! Seek your students’ help in identifying and securing expert or community support. And when trying to locate experts, don’t forget: students can also be experts.

Maintain a List of Your Support Networks

Some schools have brought the practice of working with the community and outside experts to scale by building databases of parent and community expertise and their interest in working with students. See if a school administrative assistant, student intern, or parent helper can take the lead in developing and maintaining this list for your school community.

Encourage Original Research

Online research is often a great starting point. It can be a way to identify a knowledge base, locate experts, and even find interest-based communities for the topic being approached. While online research is literally right at students’ fingertips, make sure your students spend time offline as well. Original research methods include student-conducted surveys, interviewing experts, and working alongside experts in the field.

This Learning is Open toolkit includes a number of tools and resources that may be helpful as you plan and reflect on your project.

Brainstorming Project Details (Google Presentation) This tool is designed to aid teachers as they brainstorm a project from a variety of starting-points. It’s a helpful tool for independent brainstorming, and would also make a useful workshop tool for teachers who are designing problem-based learning experiences.

Guide to Writing a Problem Statement (PDF) You’ve got to start somewhere. Finding—and defining—a problem is a great place to begin. This guide is a useful tool for teachers and students alike. It will walk you through the process of identifying a problem by providing inspiration on where to look. Then it will support you through the process of defining that problem clearly.

Project Planning Templates (PDF) Need a place to plan out each project phase? Use this project planner to record your ideas in one place. This template is great used alone or in tandem with the other problem-based learning tools.

Ladder of Real World Learning Experiences (PDF) Want to determine if your project is “real” enough? This ladder can be used to help teachers assess their project design based on the real world nature of the project’s learning context, type of activities, and the application of digital tools.

Digital Toolkit (Google Doc) This toolkit was developed in collaboration with teachers and continues to be a community-edited document. The toolkit provides extensive information on digital tools that can be used for planning, brainstorming, collaborating, creating, and sharing work.

Assessing student learning is a crucial part of any dynamic, nonlinear problem-based learning project. Problem-based projects have many parts to them. It’s important to understand each project as a whole as well as each individual component. This section of the toolkit will help you understand problem-based learning assessments and help you develop assessment tools for your problem-based learning experiences.

Because the subject of assessments is so complex, it may be helpful to define how it is approached here.

Portfolio-based Assessment

Each phase of problem-based learning has important tasks and outcomes associated with it. Assessing each phase of the process allows students to receive on-time feedback about their process and associated products and gives them the opportunity to refine and revise their work throughout the process.

Feedback-based Assessment

Problem-based learning emphasizes collaboration with classmates and a range of experts. Assessment should include multiple opportunities for peer feedback, teacher feedback, and expert feedback.

Assessment as a System of Interrelated Feedback Tools

These tools may include rubrics, checklists, observation, portfolios, or quizzes. Whatever the matrix of carefully selected tools, they should optimize the feedback that students receive about what and how they are learning and growing.

Assessment Tools

One way to approach developing assessment tools for your students’ specific problem-based learning project is to deconstruct the learning experience into various categories. Together, these categories make up a simple system through which students may receive feedback on their learning.

Assessing Process

Many students and teachers alike have been conditioned to emphasize and evaluate the end product. While problem-based learning projects often result in impressive end products, it’s important to emphasize each stage of the process with students.

Each phase of problem-based learning process emphasizes important skills, from research and data gathering in the early phases to problem solving, collaboration, and persuasion in the later phases. There are many opportunities to assess student understanding and skill throughout the process. The tools here provide many methods for students to self-assess their process, get feedback from peers, and get feedback from their teachers and other adults.

The Process Portfolio Tool (PDF) provides a place for students to collect their work, define their problem and goals, and reflect throughout the process. Use this as a self-assessment tool, as well as a place to organize the materials for student portfolios.

Driving & Reflection Questioning Guidelines (PDF) is a simple tool for teachers who are integrating problem-based learning into the learning process. The tool highlights the two types of questions teachers/facilitators should consider with students: driving questions and reflection questions. Driving questions push students in their thinking, challenging them to build upon ideas and try new ways to solve problems. Reflection questions ask students to reflect on a process phase once it’s complete, challenging them to think about how they think.

The Peer Feedback Guidelines (PDF) will help students frame how they provide feedback to their peers. The guide includes tips on how and when to use these guidelines in different types of forums (i.e. whole group, gallery-style, and peer-to-peer).

The Buck Institute has also developed a series of rubrics that address various project phases. Their Collaboration Rubric (PDF) can help students be better teammates. (Being an effective teammate is critical to the problem-based learning process.) Their Presentation Rubric (PDF) can help students, adult mentors, and outside experts evaluate final presentations. Final presentations are often one of the most exciting parts of a project.

Assessing Subject Matter and Content

A common concern that emerges in any problem-based learning design is whether projects are able to meet all required subject matter content targets. Because many students are required to learn specific content, there is often tension around the student-directed nature of problem-based learning. While teachers acknowledge that students go deeper into specific content during problem-based learning experiences, teachers also want to ensure that their students are meeting all content goals.

Many teachers in the New Learning Institute’s Model Classroom Program addressed this issue directly by carefully examining their curriculum requirements throughout the planning and implementation phases. Begin by planning activities and real world explorations that address core content. As the project evolves, revisit content standards to mark off and record additional standards met and create a contingency plan for those that have not been addressed.

The Buck Institute’s Rubric for Rubrics (DOC) is an excellent source for designing a rubric to fit your needs. Developing a rubric can be the most simple and effective tool for planning a project around required content targets.

Blended learning is another emerging trend that educators are moving towards as a way to both address individualized skill needs and to create space for real world project strategies, like problem-based learning. In these learning environments, students address skill acquisition through blended experiences and then apply their skills through projects and other real world applications. To learn more about blended models, visit Blend My Learning .

Assessing Mindsets and Skills

In addition to assessing process and subject matter content, it may be helpful to consider the other important mindsets and skills that the problem-based learning project experience fosters. These include persistence, problem solving, collaboration, and adaptability. While problem-based learning supports the development of a large suite of 21st century mindsets and skills, it may be helpful to focus assessments on one or two issues that are most relevant. Some helpful tools may include:

The Buck Institute offers rubrics for Critical Thinking (PDF), Collaboration (PDF), and Creativity and Innovation (PDF) that are aligned to the Common Core State Standards. These can be used as is or tailored to your specific needs.

The Character Growth Card (PDF) from the CharacterLab at Kipp is designed for school assessments more than it is for project assessment, but the list of skills and character traits are relevant to design thinking. With the inclusion of a more relevant, effective scale, these can easily be turned into a rubric, especially when paired with the Buck Institute’s Rubric for Rubrics tool.

Host a Teacher Workshop

Teachers are instrumental in sharing and spreading best practices and innovative strategies to other teachers. Once you’re confident in your conceptual and practical grasp of problem-based learning, share your knowledge and expertise with others.

The downloadable presentation decks below (PowerPoint) are adaptable tools for helping you spread the word to other educators. The presentations vary in length and depth. A 90-minute presentation introduces problem-based learning and provides a hands-on opportunity to complete an activity. The half-day and full day presentations provide in-depth opportunities to explore projects and consider their classroom applications. While this series is structured in a way that each presentation builds on the previous one, each one can also be used individually as appropriate. Each is designed to be interactive and participatory.

Getting Started with Problem-based Learning (PPT) A presentation deck for introducing educators to the Learning is Open problem-based learning process during a 90-minute peer workshop.

Dig Deeper with Problem-based Learning – Half-day (PPT) A presentation deck for training educators on the Learning is Open problem-based learning process during a half-day peer workshop.

Dig Deeper with Problem-based Learning – Full day (PPT) A presentation deck for training educators on the Learning is Open problem-based learning process during a full day peer workshop.

Related Links

Problem-based learning: detailed case studies from the model classroom.

For three years, the New Learning Institute’s Model Classroom program worked with teachers to design and implement projects. This report details the work and provides extensive case studies.

Title: Model Classroom: 3-Year Report (PDF) Type: PDF Source: New Learning Institute

Setting up Learning Experiences Using Real Problems

This New York Times Learning Blog article explores how projects can be set-up with real problems, providing many examples and suggestions for this approach.

Title: “ Guest Lesson | For Authentic Learning Start with Real Problems ” Type: Article Source: Suzie Boss. New York Times Learning Blog

Guest Lesson: Recycling as a Focus for Project-based Learning

There are many ways to set-up a project with a real world problem. This article describes the problem of recycling, providing multiple examples of student projects addressing the issue.

Title: “ Guest Lesson | Recycling as a Focus for Project-Based Learning ” Type: Article Source: Suzie Boss. New York Times Learning Blog

Problem-based Learning: Professional Development Inspires Classroom Project

This video features how the Model Classroom professional development workshop model worked in practice, challenging teachers to collaboratively problem-solve using real world places and experts. It also shows how one workshop participant used her experience to design a yearlong problem-based learning project for first-graders called the “Streamkeepers Project.”

Title: Mission Possible: the Model Classroom Type: Video Source: New Learning Institute

Problem-based Learning in an Engineering Class: Solutions to a Water Shortage

Engineering teacher Bryan Coburn used the problem of a local water shortage to inspire his students to conduct research and design solutions.

Title: “ National Project Aims to Inspire the Model Classroom ” Type: Article Source: eSchool News

Making Project-based Learning More Meaningful

This article provides great tips on how to design projects to be relevant and purposeful for students. While it addresses the larger umbrella of project-based learning, the suggestions and tips provided apply to problem-based learning.

Title: “ How to Reinvent Project-Based Learning to Make it More Meaningful ” Type: Article Source: KQED Mindshift

PBL Downloads

Guide to Writing a Problem Statement (PDF)

A walk-through guide for identifying and defining a problem.

Project Planning Templates (PDF)

A planning template for standalone use or to be used along with other problem-based learning tools.

Process Portfolio Tool (PDF)

A self-assessment tool to support students as they collect their work, define their problem and goals, and make reflections throughout the process.

More PBL Downloads

Getting Started with Problem-based Learning (PPT)

A presentation deck for introducing educators to the Project MASH problem-based learning process during a 90-minute peer workshop.

Dig Deeper with Problem-based Learning – Half-day (PPT)

A presentation deck for training educators on the PBL process during a half-day peer workshop.

Dig Deeper with Problem-based Learning – Full day (PPT)

A presentation deck for training educators on the PBL process during a full day peer workshop.

what is problem solving learning approach

Problem-Based Learning (PBL)

Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is an instructional method of hands-on, active learning centered on the investigation and resolution of messy, real-world problems.

Contributors Key Concepts Resources and References


  • Late 1960s at the medical school at McMaster University in Canada

Key Concepts

Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is a pedagogical approach and curriculum design methodology often used in higher education and K-12 settings[1][2].

The following are some of the defining characteristics of PBL:

  • Learning is driven by challenging, open-ended problems with no one “right” answer
  • Problems/cases are context specific
  • Students work as self-directed, active investigators and problem-solvers in small collaborative groups (typically of about five students)
  • A key problem is identified and a solution is agreed upon and implemented
  • Teachers adopt the role as facilitators of learning, guiding the learning process and promoting an environment of inquiry

Rather than having a teacher provide facts and then testing students ability to recall these facts via memorization, PBL attempts to get students to apply knowledge to new situations. Students are faced with contextualized, ill-structured problems and are asked to investigate and discover meaningful solutions.

Proponents believe that PBL:

  • develops critical thinking and creative skills
  • improves problem-solving skills
  • increases motivation
  • helps students learn to transfer knowledge to new situations

PBL’s more recent influence can be traced to the late 1960s at the medical school at McMaster University in Canada[3][4]. Shortly thereafter, three other medical schools — the University of Limburg at Maastricht (the Netherlands), the University of Newcastle (Australia), and the University of New Mexico (United States) took on the McMaster model of problem-based learning. Various adaptations were made and the model soon found its way to various other disciplines — business, dentistry, health sciences, law, engineering, education, and so on.

One common criticism of PBL is that students cannot really know what might be important for them to learn, especially in areas which they have no prior experience[3]. Therefore teachers, as facilitators, must be careful to assess and account for the prior knowledge that students bring to the classroom.

Another criticism is that a teacher adopting a PBL approach may not be able to cover as much material as a conventional lecture-based course[3]. PBL can be very challenging to implement, as it requires a lot of planning and hard work for the teacher. It can be difficult at first for the teacher to “relinquish control” and become a facilitator, encouraging the students to ask the right questions rather than handing them solutions.

Additional Resources and References

  • Thinking Through Project-Based Learning: Guiding Deeper Inquiry : Krauss & Boss’s book contains many practical examples of how to teach and create critical thinking experiences in project-based learning.
  • Essential Readings in Problem-Based Learning: Exploring and Extending the Legacy of Howard S. Barrows : Walker, Hmelo-Silver & Ertmer’s book discusses developments in the field of PBL, bridging the gap between theory and practice.
  • Barrows, H. S. (1986). A taxonomy of problem?based learning methods.Medical education, 20(6), 481-486.
  • Savery, J. R., & Duffy, T. M. (1995). Problem based learning: An instructional model and its constructivist framework. Educational technology, 35(5), 31-38.
  • Boud, D., & Feletti, G. (1997). The challenge of problem-based learning. Psychology Press.
  • Barrows, H. S. (1996). Problem?based learning in medicine and beyond: A brief overview. New directions for teaching and learning, 1996(68), 3-12.

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Tips and Techniques

Expert vs. novice problem solvers, communicate.

  • Have students  identify specific problems, difficulties, or confusions . Don’t waste time working through problems that students already understand.
  • If students are unable to articulate their concerns, determine where they are having trouble by  asking them to identify the specific concepts or principles associated with the problem.
  • In a one-on-one tutoring session, ask the student to  work his/her problem out loud . This slows down the thinking process, making it more accurate and allowing you to access understanding.
  • When working with larger groups you can ask students to provide a written “two-column solution.” Have students write up their solution to a problem by putting all their calculations in one column and all of their reasoning (in complete sentences) in the other column. This helps them to think critically about their own problem solving and helps you to more easily identify where they may be having problems. Two-Column Solution (Math) Two-Column Solution (Physics)

Encourage Independence

  • Model the problem solving process rather than just giving students the answer. As you work through the problem, consider how a novice might struggle with the concepts and make your thinking clear
  • Have students work through problems on their own. Ask directing questions or give helpful suggestions, but  provide only minimal assistance and only when needed to overcome obstacles.
  • Don’t fear  group work ! Students can frequently help each other, and talking about a problem helps them think more critically about the steps needed to solve the problem. Additionally, group work helps students realize that problems often have multiple solution strategies, some that might be more effective than others

Be sensitive

  • Frequently, when working problems, students are unsure of themselves. This lack of confidence may hamper their learning. It is important to recognize this when students come to us for help, and to give each student some feeling of mastery. Do this by providing  positive reinforcement to let students know when they have mastered a new concept or skill.

Encourage Thoroughness and Patience

  • Try to communicate that  the process is more important than the answer so that the student learns that it is OK to not have an instant solution. This is learned through your acceptance of his/her pace of doing things, through your refusal to let anxiety pressure you into giving the right answer, and through your example of problem solving through a step-by step process.

Experts (teachers) in a particular field are often so fluent in solving problems from that field that they can find it difficult to articulate the problem solving principles and strategies they use to novices (students) in their field because these principles and strategies are second nature to the expert. To teach students problem solving skills,  a teacher should be aware of principles and strategies of good problem solving in his or her discipline .

The mathematician George Polya captured the problem solving principles and strategies he used in his discipline in the book  How to Solve It: A New Aspect of Mathematical Method (Princeton University Press, 1957). The book includes  a summary of Polya’s problem solving heuristic as well as advice on the teaching of problem solving.

what is problem solving learning approach

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Problem-Solving Method in Teaching

The problem-solving method is a highly effective teaching strategy that is designed to help students develop critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities . It involves providing students with real-world problems and challenges that require them to apply their knowledge, skills, and creativity to find solutions. This method encourages active learning, promotes collaboration, and allows students to take ownership of their learning.

Table of Contents

Definition of problem-solving method.

Problem-solving is a process of identifying, analyzing, and resolving problems. The problem-solving method in teaching involves providing students with real-world problems that they must solve through collaboration and critical thinking. This method encourages students to apply their knowledge and creativity to develop solutions that are effective and practical.

Meaning of Problem-Solving Method

The meaning and Definition of problem-solving are given by different Scholars. These are-

Woodworth and Marquis(1948) : Problem-solving behavior occurs in novel or difficult situations in which a solution is not obtainable by the habitual methods of applying concepts and principles derived from past experience in very similar situations.

Skinner (1968): Problem-solving is a process of overcoming difficulties that appear to interfere with the attainment of a goal. It is the procedure of making adjustments in spite of interference

Benefits of Problem-Solving Method

The problem-solving method has several benefits for both students and teachers. These benefits include:

  • Encourages active learning: The problem-solving method encourages students to actively participate in their own learning by engaging them in real-world problems that require critical thinking and collaboration
  • Promotes collaboration: Problem-solving requires students to work together to find solutions. This promotes teamwork, communication, and cooperation.
  • Builds critical thinking skills: The problem-solving method helps students develop critical thinking skills by providing them with opportunities to analyze and evaluate problems
  • Increases motivation: When students are engaged in solving real-world problems, they are more motivated to learn and apply their knowledge.
  • Enhances creativity: The problem-solving method encourages students to be creative in finding solutions to problems.

Steps in Problem-Solving Method

The problem-solving method involves several steps that teachers can use to guide their students. These steps include

  • Identifying the problem: The first step in problem-solving is identifying the problem that needs to be solved. Teachers can present students with a real-world problem or challenge that requires critical thinking and collaboration.
  • Analyzing the problem: Once the problem is identified, students should analyze it to determine its scope and underlying causes.
  • Generating solutions: After analyzing the problem, students should generate possible solutions. This step requires creativity and critical thinking.
  • Evaluating solutions: The next step is to evaluate each solution based on its effectiveness and practicality
  • Selecting the best solution: The final step is to select the best solution and implement it.

Verification of the concluded solution or Hypothesis

The solution arrived at or the conclusion drawn must be further verified by utilizing it in solving various other likewise problems. In case, the derived solution helps in solving these problems, then and only then if one is free to agree with his finding regarding the solution. The verified solution may then become a useful product of his problem-solving behavior that can be utilized in solving further problems. The above steps can be utilized in solving various problems thereby fostering creative thinking ability in an individual.

The problem-solving method is an effective teaching strategy that promotes critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration. It provides students with real-world problems that require them to apply their knowledge and skills to find solutions. By using the problem-solving method, teachers can help their students develop the skills they need to succeed in school and in life.

  • Jonassen, D. (2011). Learning to solve problems: A handbook for designing problem-solving learning environments. Routledge.
  • Hmelo-Silver, C. E. (2004). Problem-based learning: What and how do students learn? Educational Psychology Review, 16(3), 235-266.
  • Mergendoller, J. R., Maxwell, N. L., & Bellisimo, Y. (2006). The effectiveness of problem-based instruction: A comparative study of instructional methods and student characteristics. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning, 1(2), 49-69.
  • Richey, R. C., Klein, J. D., & Tracey, M. W. (2011). The instructional design knowledge base: Theory, research, and practice. Routledge.
  • Savery, J. R., & Duffy, T. M. (2001). Problem-based learning: An instructional model and its constructivist framework. CRLT Technical Report No. 16-01, University of Michigan. Wojcikowski, J. (2013). Solving real-world problems through problem-based learning. College Teaching, 61(4), 153-156

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Effective Learning Behavior in Problem-Based Learning: a Scoping Review

Azril shahreez abdul ghani.

1 Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Kulliyah of Medicine, Bandar Indera Mahkota Campus, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuantan, 25200 Pahang Malaysia

2 Department of Medical Education, School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kota Bharu, 16150 Kelantan Malaysia

Ahmad Fuad Abdul Rahim

Muhamad saiful bahri yusoff, siti nurma hanim hadie.

3 Department of Anatomy, School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, 16150 Kota Bharu, Kelantan Malaysia

Problem-based learning (PBL) emphasizes learning behavior that leads to critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and collaborative skills in preparing students for a professional medical career. However, learning behavior that develops these skills has not been systematically described. This review aimed to unearth the elements of effective learning behavior in a PBL context, using the protocol by Arksey and O’Malley. The protocol identified the research question, selected relevant studies, charted and collected data, and collated, summarized, and reported results. We discovered three categories of elements—intrinsic empowerment, entrustment, and functional skills—proven effective in the achievement of learning outcomes in PBL.


Problem-based learning (PBL) is an educational approach that utilizes the principles of collaborative learning in small groups, first introduced by McMaster Medical University [ 1 ]. The shift of the higher education curriculum from traditional, lecture-based approaches to an integrated, student-centered approach was triggered by concern over the content-driven nature of medical knowledge with minimal clinical application [ 2 ]. The PBL pedagogy uses a systematic approach, starting with an authentic, real-life problem scenario as a context in which learning is not separated from practice as students collaborate and learn [ 3 ]. The tutor acts as a facilitator who guides the students’ learning, while students are required to solve the problems by discussing them with group members [ 4 ]. The essential aspect of the PBL process is the ability of the students to recognize their current knowledge, determine the gaps in their knowledge and experience, and acquire new knowledge to bridge the gaps [ 5 ]. PBL is a holistic approach that gives students an active role in their learning.

Since its inception, PBL has been used in many undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs, such as medicine [ 6 , 7 ], nursing [ 8 ], social work education [ 9 ], law [ 10 ], architecture [ 11 ], economics [ 12 ], business [ 13 ], science [ 14 ], and engineering [ 15 ]. It has also been applied in elementary and secondary education [ 16 – 18 ]. Despite its many applications, its implementation is based on a single universal workflow framework that contains three elements: problem as the initiator for learning, tutor as a facilitator in the group versions, and group work as a stimulus for collaborative interaction [ 19 ]. However, there are various versions of PBL workflow, such as the seven-step technique based on the Maastricht “seven jumps” process. The tutor’s role is to ensure the achievement of learning objectives and to assess students’ performance [ 20 , 21 ].

The PBL process revolves around four types of learning principles: constructive, self-directed, collaborative, and contextual [ 19 ]. Through the constructive learning process, the students are encouraged to think about what is already known and integrate their prior knowledge with their new understanding. This process helps the student understand the content, form a new opinion, and acquire new knowledge [ 22 ]. The PBL process encourages students to become self-directed learners who plan, monitor, and evaluate their own learning, enabling them to become lifelong learners [ 23 ]. The contextualized collaborative learning process also promotes interaction among students, who share similar responsibilities to achieve common goals relevant to the learning context [ 24 ]. By exchanging ideas and providing feedback during the learning session, the students can attain a greater understanding of the subject matter [ 25 ].

Dolmans et al. [ 19 ] pointed out two issues related to the implementation of PBL: dominant facilitators and dysfunctional PBL groups. These problems inhibit students’ self-directed learning and reduce their satisfaction level with the PBL session. A case study by Eryilmaz [ 26 ] that evaluated engineering students’ and tutors’ experience of PBL discovered that PBL increased the students’ self-confidence and improved essential skills such as problem-solving, communications, critical thinking, and collaboration. Although most of the participants in the study found PBL satisfactory, many complained about the tutor’s poor guidance and lack of preparation. Additionally, it was noted that 64% of the first-year students were unable to adapt to the PBL system because they had been accustomed to conventional learning settings and that 43% of students were not adequately prepared for the sessions and thus were minimally involved in the discussion.

In a case study by Cónsul-giribet [ 27 ], newly graduated nursing professionals reported a lack of perceived theoretical basic science knowledge at the end of their program, despite learning through PBL. The nurses perceived that this lack of knowledge might affect their expertise, identity, and professional image.

Likewise, a study by McKendree [ 28 ] reported the outcomes of a workshop that explored the strengths and weaknesses of PBL in an allied health sciences curriculum in the UK. The workshop found that problems related to PBL were mainly caused by students, the majority of whom came from conventional educational backgrounds either during high school or their first degree. They felt anxious when they were involved in PBL, concerned about “not knowing when to stop” in exploring the learning needs. Apart from a lack of basic science knowledge, the knowledge acquired during PBL sessions remains unorganized [ 29 ]. Hence, tutors must guide students in overcoming this situation by instilling appropriate insights and essential skills for the achievement of the learning outcomes [ 30 ]. It was also evident that the combination of intention and motivation to learn and desirable learning behavior determined the quality of learning outcomes [ 31 , 32 ]. However, effective learning behaviors that help develop these skills have not been systematically described. Thus, this scoping review aimed to unearth the elements of effective learning behavior in the PBL context.

Scoping Review Protocol

This scoping review was performed using a protocol by Arksey and O’Malley [ 33 ]. The protocol comprises five phases: (i) identification of research questions, (ii) identification of relevant articles, (iii) selection of relevant studies, (iv) data collection and charting, and (v) collating, summarizing, and reporting the results.

Identification of Research Questions

This scoping review was designed to unearth the elements of effective learning behavior that can be generated from learning through PBL instruction. The review aimed to answer one research question: “What are the effective learning behavior elements related to PBL?” For the purpose of the review, an operational definition of effective learning behavior was constructed, whereby it was defined as any learning behavior that is related to PBL instruction and has been shown to successfully attain the desired learning outcomes (i.e., cognitive, skill, or affective)—either quantitatively or qualitatively—in any intervention conducted in higher education institutions.

The positive outcome variables include student viewpoint or perception, student learning experience and performance, lecturer viewpoint and expert judgment, and other indirect variables that may be important indicators of successful PBL learning (i.e., attendance to PBL session, participation in PBL activity, number of interactions in PBL activity, and improvement in communication skills in PBL).

Identification of Relevant Articles

An extensive literature search was conducted on articles published in English between 2015 and 2019. Three databases—Google Scholar, Scopus, and PubMed—were used for the literature search. Seven search terms with the Boolean combination were used, whereby the keywords were identified from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) and Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) databases. The search terms were tested and refined with multiple test searches. The final search terms with the Boolean operation were as follows: “problem-based learning” AND (“learning behavior” OR “learning behaviour”) AND (student OR “medical students” OR undergraduate OR “medical education”).

Selection of Relevant Articles

The articles from the three databases were exported manually into Microsoft Excel. The duplicates were removed, and the remaining articles were reviewed based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. These criteria were tested on titles and abstracts to ensure their robustness in capturing the articles related to learning behavior in PBL. The shortlisted articles were reviewed by two independent researchers, and a consensus was reached either to accept or reject each article based on the set criteria. When a disagreement occurred between the two reviewers, the particular article was re-evaluated independently by the third and fourth researchers (M.S.B.Y and A.F.A.R), who have vast experience in conducting qualitative research. The sets of criteria for selecting abstracts and final articles were developed. The inclusion and exclusion criteria are listed in Table ​ Table1 1 .

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

CriteriaInclusion criteriaExclusion criteria
Criteria for abstract selection

1. Describe at least one effective learning behaviour in PBL setting in higher education setting

2. Provides evidence of a robust study design that is not limited to randomized controlled trials

3. Provides evidence of evaluation of a PBL

4. Outcomes of the study that are measurable either quantitatively or qualitatively

1. Primary and secondary students’ populations

2. Primary and secondary education context

Criteria for full article selection

1. Elaboration on the elements of effective learning behaviour are provided

2. Clear methodology on the measurement of the outcome

3. PBL context

4. Functional element that has been proven to promote learning

5. Well design research intervention

1. Review articles, published theses, books, research report, editorial and letters will be excluded from the searching process

Data Charting

The selected final articles were reviewed, and several important data were extracted to provide an objective summary of the review. The extracted data were charted in a table, including the (i) title of the article, (ii) author(s), (iii) year of publication, (iv) aim or purpose of the study, (v) study design and method, (iv) intervention performed, and (v) study population and sample size.

Collating, Summarizing, and Reporting the Results

A content analysis was performed to identify the elements of effective learning behaviors in the literature by A.S.A.G and S.N.H.H, who have experience in conducting qualitative studies. The initial step of content analysis was to read the selected articles thoroughly to gain a general understanding of the articles and extract the elements of learning behavior which are available in the articles. Next, the elements of learning behavior that fulfil the inclusion criteria were extracted. The selected elements that were related to each other through their content or context were grouped into subtheme categories. Subsequently, the combinations of several subthemes expressing similar underlying meanings were grouped into themes. Each of the themes and subthemes was given a name, which was operationally defined based on the underlying elements. The selected themes and subthemes were presented to the independent researchers in the team (M.S.B.Y and A.F.A.R), and a consensus was reached either to accept or reformulate each of the themes and subthemes. The flow of the scoping review methods for this study is illustrated in Fig.  1 .

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The flow of literature search and article selection

Literature Search

Based on the keyword search, 1750 articles were obtained. Duplicate articles that were not original articles found in different databases and resources were removed. Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria of title selection, the eligibility of 1750 abstracts was evaluated. The articles that did not fulfil the criteria were removed, leaving 328 articles for abstract screening. A total of 284 articles were screened according to the eligibility criteria for abstract selection. Based on these criteria, 284 articles were selected and screened according to the eligibility criteria for full article selection. Fourteen articles were selected for the final review. The information about these articles is summarized in Table ​ Table2 2 .

Studies characteristics

Author (year)LocationStudy design/methodSubjectsInterventionOutcome
Arana-Arexolaleiba et al. [ ]Spain

Quasi-experimental design (one group pretest–posttest design)

Questionnaire only

97 undergraduate engineering students and 20 tutorsAssessing PBL learning environment and supervision on student learning approachEnvironments with higher constructive variables and supervisor formative assessment stimulate deeper learning approach in students
Khoiriyah et al. [ ]Indonesia

Quasi-experimental design (one group posttest-only design) and semi-structured interview

Questionnaire &

Interview protocol

310 undergraduate students, 10 tutors and 15 content expertsEvaluating self-assessment scale for active learning and critical thinking (SSACT) in PBLSSACT improves students critical thinking and self-directed learning
Khumsikiew et al. [ ]Thailand

Quasi-experimental design (one group pretest–posttest design)

Questionnaire only

36 undergraduate pharmacy studentsAssessing the effect of student competence in PBL with clinical environmentStudent clinical skills performance and satisfaction was significantly increase in the PBL with clinical environment
Rakhudu [ ]South Africa

Sequential explanatory mixed method design and focus group discussion


135 undergraduate nursing students (2011–2013 academic year)

21 participate in FGD

114 participate in questionnaire

Evaluating the effect of PBL scenario in quality improvement in health care unit on nursing studentPBL scenario effective in promoting interdisciplinary and interinstitutional collaboration
Tarhan et al. [ ]Turkey

Quasi-experimental design (one group pretest–posttest design) and semi-structured interview

Questionnaire and

Interviews protocol

36 undergraduate biochemistry course studentsEvaluating the effect of PBL on student interest in biochemistry coursePBL Improve students investigating process, associate information’s, collaborative skills, responsibility and idea expressions
Chou et al. [ ]China

Sequential explanatory mixed method design

Observation checklist and post-PBL homework reflections

45 undergraduate medical students and 44 undergraduate nursing students

All students participate

All students participate but only the IP groups were analyzed

Assessing the effect interprofessional PBL in learning clinical ethicsThe IPE learning through PBL improve respect towards each other and avoid the development of stereotyped behavior
Chung et al. [ ]China

Quasi-experimental design (one group pretest–posttest design) and action research

Observation, instructional journal, interviews protocol and questionnaire

51 undergraduate business studentsEvaluating the effect of PBL on students learning outcome s of industrial-oriented competencesSignificantly enhanced students’ learning motivation, learning outcomes and development of instructional knowledge and capability
Geitz et al. [ ]Netherlands

Semi-structured interview

Interview protocol

62 undergraduate students and 4 tutors in business administration

8 students (selected randomly) and all 4 tutors were selected for the qualitative study

Evaluating the effect of sustainable feedback on self-efficacy and goal orientation given during the PBL sessionsPBL participants positively valued the feedback, their personal characteristics, previous experience with feedback and concomitant perceptions appeared to have greatly influenced both tutors’ and students’ specific, individual behavior, and responses
Dawilai et al. [ ]Thailand

Quasi-experimental design (one group posttest-only design) and interview

Questionnaire and interview protocol

29 English foreign language students

All participate in the questionnaire

10 students with improvement in writing course were selected for the interview

Evaluating self-regulated learning in problem-based blended learning (PBBL)PBBL students reported to apply cognitive strategy and effectively used their time and study environment
Gutman [ ]Israel

Quasi-experimental design (non-equivalent control group posttest-only design)

Questionnaire only

62 pre-service teachersEvaluating achievement goal motivation (AGM) and research literacy skills (RL) between PBL process scaffolding with moderator-based learning (OLC + M) and social based learning (OLC + S)

The PBL participants reported to show significant improvement in AGM

Only OLC + S showed significant improvement in RL

Li [ ]China

Semi-structured interview

Interview protocol

14 studentsEvaluating student learning outcome and attitude between single disciplinary course PBL and lectureThe PBL participants reported to have better outcome in interdisciplinary learning, self-directed learning, problem solving, creative thinking, communication and knowledge retentions. They also showed positive attitude of PBL is they recognize its effectiveness in skill development rather than exam oriented
Asad et al. [ ]Saudi Arabia

Cross-sectional study (period cross sectional)

Questionnaire only

120 undergraduate medical studentsEvaluating student opinion on effectiveness of PBL and interactive lecturesThe PBL participants reported to have better outcome in modes of learning facilitation, professional development, learning behavior, and environment
Hursen [ ]Cyprus

Quasi-experimental design (one group pretest–posttest design) and interview

Questionnaire and interview protocol

25 studentsEvaluating the effect of using Facebook in PBL on adults’ self-efficacy perception for research inquiryThe PBL participants reported to have positive increase in perception of self-efficacy for sustaining research
William et al. [ ]Singapore

Quasi-experimental design (non-equivalent control group posttest-only design)

Questionnaire only

149 studentsEvaluating the effect of supply chain game in PBL environmentThe game based PBL reported to increase score on metacognition function and motivation function. The game based PBL also showed significant correlation between motivation and positive game experience with the students’ perceived learning

Study Characteristics

The final 14 articles were published between 2015 and 2019. The majority of the studies were conducted in Western Asian countries ( n  = 4), followed by China ( n  = 3), European countries ( n  = 2), Thailand ( n  = 2), Indonesia ( n  = 1), Singapore ( n  = 1), and South Africa ( n  = 1). Apart from traditional PBL, some studies incorporated other pedagogic modalities into their PBL sessions, such as online learning, blended learning, and gamification. The majority of the studies targeted a single-profession learner group, and one study was performed on mixed interprofessional health education learners.

Results of Thematic Analysis

The thematic analysis yielded three main themes of effective learning behavior: intrinsic empowerment, entrustment, and functional skills. Intrinsic empowerment overlies four proposed subthemes: proactivity, organization, diligence, and resourcefulness. For entrustment, there were four underlying subthemes: students as assessors, students as teachers, feedback-giving, and feedback-receiving. The functional skills theme contains four subthemes: time management, digital proficiency, data management, and collaboration.

Theme 1: Intrinsic Empowerment

Intrinsic empowerment enforces student learning behavior that can facilitate the achievement of learning outcomes. By empowering the development of these behaviors, students can become lifelong learners [ 34 ]. The first element of intrinsic empowerment is proactive behavior. In PBL, the students must be proactive in analyzing problems [ 35 , 36 ] and their learning needs [ 35 , 37 ], and this can be done by integrating prior knowledge and previous experience through a brainstorming session [ 35 , 38 ]. The students must be proactive in seeking guidance to ensure they stay focused and confident [ 39 , 40 ]. Finding ways to integrate content from different disciplines [ 35 , 41 ], formulate new explanations based on known facts [ 34 , 35 , 41 ], and incorporate hands-on activity [ 35 , 39 , 42 ] during a PBL session are also proactive behaviors.

The second element identified is “being organized” which reflects the ability of students to systematically manage their roles [ 43 ], ideas, and learning needs [ 34 ]. The students also need to understand the task for each learning role in PBL, such as chairperson or leader, scribe, recorder, and reflector. This role needs to be assigned appropriately to ensure that all members take part in the discussion [ 43 ]. Similarly, when discussing ideas or learning needs, the students need to follow the steps in the PBL process and organize and prioritize the information to ensure that the issues are discussed systematically and all aspects of the problems are covered accordingly [ 34 , 37 ]. This team organization and systematic thought process is an effective way for students to focus, plan, and finalize their learning tasks.

The third element of intrinsic empowerment is “being diligent.” Students must consistently conduct self-revision [ 40 ] and keep track of their learning plan to ensure the achievement of their learning goal [ 4 , 40 ]. The students must also be responsible for completing any given task and ensuring good understanding prior to their presentation [ 40 ]. Appropriate actions need to be undertaken to find solutions to unsolved problems [ 40 , 44 ]. This effort will help them think critically and apply their knowledge for problem-solving.

The fourth element identified is “being resourceful.” Students should be able to acquire knowledge from different resources, which include external resources (i.e., lecture notes, textbooks, journal articles, audiovisual instructions, the Internet) [ 38 , 40 , 45 ] and internal resources (i.e., students’ prior knowledge or experience) [ 35 , 39 ]. The resources must be evidence-based, and thus should be carefully selected by evaluating their cross-references and appraising them critically [ 37 ]. Students should also be able to understand and summarize the learned materials and explain them using their own words [ 4 , 34 ]. The subthemes of the intrinsic empowerment theme are summarized in Table ​ Table3 3 .

 Intrinsic empowerment subtheme with the learning behavior elements

Intrinsic empowerment
ProactiveBeing organizedBeing diligentResourceful

• Analyze problems and learning needs

• Seek guidance

• Integrate subjects from different disciplines

• Incorporate hands on activities

• Organize PBL team by assigning roles

• Organize discussed ideas or learning needs

• Prioritize ideas or learning needs

• Consistent in self-study

• Keep track with plans

• Responsible in completing the task

• Responsible in understanding the learning materials

• Use various resources

• Appraise the resources

• Use evidence-based resources

• Paraphrase the resources

Theme 2: Entrustment

Entrustment emphasizes the various roles of students in PBL that can promote effective learning. The first entrusted role identified is “student as an assessor.” This means that students evaluate their own performance in PBL [ 46 ]. The evaluation of their own performance must be based on the achievement of the learning outcomes and reflect actual understanding of the content as well as the ability to apply the learned information in problem-solving [ 46 ].

The second element identified in this review is “student as a teacher.” To ensure successful peer teaching in PBL, students need to comprehensively understand the content of the learning materials and summarize the content in an organized manner. The students should be able to explain the gist of the discussed information using their own words [ 4 , 34 ] and utilize teaching methods to cater to differences in learning styles (i.e., visual, auditory, and kinesthetic) [ 41 ]. These strategies help capture their group members’ attention and evoke interactive discussions among them.

The third element of entrustment is to “give feedback.” Students should try giving constructive feedback on individual and group performance in PBL. Feedback on individual performance must reflect the quality of the content and task presented in the PBL. Feedback on group performance should reflect the ways in which the group members communicate and complete the group task [ 47 ]. To ensure continuous constructive feedback, students should be able to generate feedback questions beforehand and immediately deliver them during the PBL sessions [ 44 , 47 ]. In addition, the feedback must include specific measures for improvement to help their peers to take appropriate action for the future [ 47 ].

The fourth element of entrustment is “receive feedback.” Students should listen carefully to the feedback given and ask questions to clarify the feedback [ 47 ]. They need to be attentive and learn to deal with negative feedback [ 47 ]. Also, if the student does not receive feedback, they should request it either from peers or teachers and ask specific questions, such as what aspects to improve and how to improve [ 47 ]. The data on the subthemes of the entrustment theme are summarized in Table ​ Table4 4 .

Entrustment subtheme with the learning behavior elements

Student as assessorStudent as teacherGive feedbackReceive feedback

• Evaluate individual performance

• Evaluate group performance

• Prepare teaching materials

• Use various learning styles

• Give feedback on individual task

• Give feedback on group learning process

• Prepare feedback questions beforehand

• Suggest measures for future improvement

• Clarify feedback

• Request feedback from peers and teachers

Theme 3: Functional Skills

Functional skills refer to essential skills that can help students learn independently and competently. The first element identified is time management skills. In PBL, students must know how to prioritize learning tasks according to the needs and urgency of the tasks [ 40 ]. To ensure that students can self-pace their learning, a deadline should be set for each learning task within a manageable and achievable learning schedule [ 40 ].

Furthermore, students should have digital proficiency, the ability to utilize digital devices to support learning [ 38 , 40 , 44 ]. The student needs to know how to operate basic software (e.g., Words and PowerPoints) and the basic digital tools (i.e., social media, cloud storage, simulation, and online community learning platforms) to support their learning [ 39 , 40 ]. These skills are important for peer learning activities, which may require information sharing, information retrieval, online peer discussion, and online peer feedback [ 38 , 44 ].

The third functional skill identified is data management, the ability to collect key information in the PBL trigger and analyze that information to support the solution in a problem-solving activity [ 39 ]. Students need to work either individually or in a group to collect the key information from a different trigger or case format such as text lines, an interview, an investigation, or statistical results [ 39 ]. Subsequently, students also need to analyze the information and draw conclusions based on their analysis [ 39 ].

The fourth element of functional skill is collaboration. Students need to participate equally in the PBL discussion [ 41 , 46 ]. Through discussion, confusion and queries can be addressed and resolved by listening, respecting others’ viewpoints, and responding professionally [ 35 , 39 , 43 , 44 ]. In addition, the students need to learn from each other and reflect on their performance [ 48 ]. Table ​ Table5 5 summarizes the data on the subthemes of the functional skills theme.

Functional skills subtheme with the learning behavior elements

Functional skills
Time managementDigital proficiencyData managementCollaborative skill

• Create learning schedule

• Set up deadline for each task

• Prioritize work for each task

• Use digital devices

• Use digital tools

• Collect data

• Analyze data

• Discuss professionally

• Learn from each other

This scoping review outlines three themes of effective learning behavior elements in the PBL context: intrinsic empowerment, entrustment, and functional skills. Hence, it is evident from this review that successful PBL instruction demands students’ commitment to empower themselves with value-driven behaviors, skills, and roles.

In this review, intrinsic empowerment is viewed as enforcement of students’ internal strength in performing positive learning behaviors related to PBL. This theme requires the student to proactively engage in the learning process, organize their learning activities systematically, persevere in learning, and be intelligently resourceful. One of the elements of intrinsic empowerment is the identification and analysis of problems related to complex scenarios. This element is aligned with a study by Meyer [ 49 ], who observed students’ engagement in problem identification and clarification prior to problem-solving activities in a PBL session related to multiple engineering design. Rubenstein and colleagues [ 50 ] discovered in a semi-structured interview the importance of undergoing a problem identification process before proposing a solution during learning. It was reported that the problem identification process in PBL may enhance the attainment of learning outcomes, specifically in the domain of concept understanding [ 51 ].

The ability of the students to acquire and manage learning resources is essential for building their understanding of the learned materials and enriching discussion among team members during PBL. This is aligned with a study by Jeong and Hmelo-Silver [ 52 ], who studied the use of learning resources by students in PBL. The study concluded that in a resource-rich environment, the students need to learn how to access and understand the resources to ensure effective learning. Secondly, they need to process the content of the resources, integrate various resources, and apply them in problem-solving activities. Finally, they need to use the resources in collaborative learning activities, such as sharing and relating to peer resources.

Wong [ 53 ] documented that excellent students spent considerably more time managing academic resources than low achievers. The ability of the student to identify and utilize their internal learning resources, such as prior knowledge and experience, is also important. A study by Lee et al. [ 54 ] has shown that participants with high domain-specific prior knowledge displayed a more systematic approach and high accuracy in visual and motor reactions in solving problems compared to novice learners.

During the discussion phase in PBL, organizing ideas—e.g., arranging relevant information gathered from the learning resources into relevant categories—is essential for communicating the idea clearly [ 34 ]. This finding is in line with a typology study conducted by Larue [ 55 ] on second-year nursing students’ learning strategies during a group discussion. The study discovered that although the content presented by the student is adequate, they unable to make further progress in the group discussion until they are instructed by the tutor on how to organize the information given into a category [ 55 ].

Hence, the empowerment of student intrinsic behavior may enhance students’ learning in PBL by allowing them to make a decision in their learning objectives and instilling confidence in them to achieve goals. A study conducted by Kirk et al. [ 56 ] proved that highly empowered students obtain better grades, increase learning participation, and target higher educational aspirations.

Entrustment is the learning role given to students to be engaging and identify gaps in their learning. This theme requires the student to engage in self-assessment, prepare to teach others, give constructive feedback, and value the feedback received. One of the elements of entrustment is the ability to self-assess. In a study conducted by Mohd et al. [ 57 ] looking at the factors in PBL that can strengthen the capability of IT students, they discovered that one of the critical factors that contribute to these skills is the ability of the student to perform self-assessment in PBL. As mentioned by Daud, Kassim, and Daud [ 58 ], the self-assessment may be more reliable if the assessment is performed based on the objectives set beforehand and if the criteria of the assessment are understood by the learner. This is important to avoid the fact that the result of the self-assessment is influenced by the students’ perception of themselves rather than reflecting their true performance. However, having an assessment based on the learning objective only focuses on the immediate learning requirements in the PBL. To foster lifelong learning skills, it should also be balanced with the long-term focus of assessment, such as utilizing the assessment to foster the application of knowledge in solving real-life situations. This is aligned with the review by Boud and Falchikov [ 59 ] suggesting that students need to become assessors within the concept of participation in practice, that is, the kind that is within the context of real life and work.

The second subtheme of entrustment is “students as a teacher” in PBL. In our review, the student needs to be well prepared with the teaching materials. A cross-sectional study conducted by Charoensakulchai and colleagues discovered that student preparation is considered among the important factors in PBL success, alongside other factors such as “objective and contents,” “student assessment,” and “attitude towards group work” [ 60 ]. This is also aligned with a study conducted by Sukrajh [ 61 ] using focus group discussion on fifth-year medical students to explore their perception of preparedness before conducting peer teaching activity. In this study, the student in the focus group expressed that the preparation made them more confident in teaching others because preparing stimulated them to activate and revise prior knowledge, discover their knowledge gaps, construct new knowledge, reflect on their learning, improve their memory, inspire them to search several resources, and motivate them to learn the topics.

The next element of “student as a teacher” is using various learning styles to teach other members in the group. A study conducted by Almomani [ 62 ] showed that the most preferred learning pattern by the high school student is the visual pattern, followed by auditory pattern and then kinesthetic. However, in the university setting, Hamdani [ 63 ] discovered that students prefer a combination of the three learning styles. Anbarasi [ 64 ] also explained that incorporating teaching methods based on the student’s preferred learning style further promotes active learning among the students and significantly improved the long-term retrieval of knowledge. However, among the three learning styles group, he discovered that the kinesthetic group with the kinesthetic teaching method showed a significantly higher post-test score compared to the traditional group with the didactic teaching method, and he concluded that this is because of the involvement of more active learning activity in the kinesthetic group.

The ability of students to give constructive feedback on individual tasks is an important element in promoting student contribution in PBL because feedback from peers or teachers is needed to reassure themselves that they are on the right track in the learning process. Kamp et al. [ 65 ] performed a study on the effectiveness of midterm peer feedback on student individual cognitive, collaborative, and motivational contributions in PBL. The experimental group that received midterm peer feedback combined with goal-setting with face-to-face discussion showed an increased amount of individual contributions in PBL. Another element of effective feedback is that the feedback is given immediately after the observed behavior. Parikh and colleagues survey student feedback in PBL environments among 103 final-year medical students in five Ontario schools, including the University of Toronto, McMaster University, Queens University, the University of Ottawa, and the University of Western Ontario. They discovered that there was a dramatic difference between McMaster University and other universities in the immediacy of feedback they practiced. Seventy percent of students at McMaster reported receiving immediate feedback in PBL, compared to less than 40 percent of students from the other universities, in which most of them received feedback within one week or several weeks after the PBL had been conducted [ 66 ]. Another study, conducted among students of the International Medical University of Kuala Lumpur examining the student expectation on feedback, discovered that immediate feedback is effective if the feedback is in written form, simple but focused on the area of improvement, and delivered by a content expert. If the feedback is delivered by a content non-expert and using a model answer, it must be supplemented with teacher dialogue sessions to clarify the feedback received [ 67 ].

Requesting feedback from peers and teachers is an important element of the PBL learning environment, enabling students to discover their learning gaps and ways to fill them. This is aligned with a study conducted by de Jong and colleagues [ 68 ], who discovered that high-performing students are more motivated to seek feedback than low-performing students. The main reason for this is because high-performing students seek feedback as a tool to learn from, whereas low-performing students do so as an academic requirement. This resulted in high-performing students collecting more feedback. A study by Bose and Gijselaers [ 69 ] examined the factors that promote feedback-seeking behavior in medical residency. They discovered that feedback-seeking behavior can be promoted by providing residents with high-quality feedback to motivate them to ask for feedback for improvement.

By assigning an active role to students as teachers, assessors, and feedback providers, teachers give them the ownership and responsibility to craft their learning. The learner will then learn the skills to monitor and reflect on their learning to achieve academic success. Furthermore, an active role encourages students to be evaluative experts in their own learning, and promoting deep learning [ 70 ].

Functional skills refer to essential abilities for competently performing a task in PBL. This theme requires the student to organize and plan time for specific learning tasks, be digitally literate, use data effectively to support problem-solving, and work together efficiently to achieve agreed objectives. One of the elements in this theme is to have a schedule of learning tasks with deadlines. In a study conducted by Tadjer and colleagues [ 71 ], they discovered that setting deadlines with a restricted time period in a group activity improved students’ cognitive abilities and soft skills. Although the deadline may initially cause anxiety, coping with it encourages students to become more creative and energetic in performing various learning strategies [ 72 , 73 ]. Ballard et al. [ 74 ] reported that students tend to work harder to complete learning tasks if they face multiple deadlines.

The students also need to be digitally literate—i.e., able to demonstrate the use of technological devices and tools in PBL. Taradi et al. [ 75 ] discovered that incorporating technology in learning—blending web technology with PBL—removes time and place barriers in the creation of a collaborative environment. It was found that students who participated in web discussions achieved a significantly higher mean grade on a physiology final examination than those who used traditional methods. Also, the incorporation of an online platform in PBL can facilitate students to develop investigation and inquiry skills with high-level cognitive thought processes, which is crucial to successful problem-solving [ 76 ].

In PBL, students need to work collaboratively with their peers to solve problems. A study by Hidayati et al. [ 77 ] demonstrated that effective collaborative skills improve cognitive learning outcomes and problem-solving ability among students who undergo PBL integrated with digital mind maps. To ensure successful collaborative learning in PBL, professional communication among students is pertinent. Research by Zheng and Huang [ 78 ] has proven that co-regulation (i.e., warm and responsive communication that provides support to peers) improved collaborative effort and group performance among undergraduate and master’s students majoring in education and psychology. This is also in line with a study by Maraj and colleagues [ 79 ], which showed the strong team interaction within the PBL group leads to a high level of team efficacy and academic self-efficacy. Moreover, strengthening communication competence, such as by developing negotiation skills among partners during discussion sessions, improves student scores [ 80 ].

PBL also includes opportunities for students to learn from each other (i.e., peer learning). A study by Maraj et al. [ 79 ] discovered that the majority of the students in their study perceived improvement in their understanding of the learned subject when they learned from each other. Another study by Lyonga [ 81 ] documented the successful formation of cohesive group learning, where students could express and share their ideas with their friends and help each other. It was suggested that each student should be paired with a more knowledgeable student who has mastered certain learning components to promote purposeful structured learning within the group.

From this scoping review, it is clear that functional skills equip the students with abilities and knowledge needed for successful PBL. Studies have shown that strong time management skills, digital literacy, data management, and collaborative skills lead to positive academic achievement [ 77 , 82 , 83 ].

Limitation of the Study

This scoping review is aimed to capture the recent effective learning behavior in problem-based learning; therefore, the literature before 2015 was not included. Without denying the importance of publication before 2015, we are relying on Okoli and Schabram [ 84 ] who highlighted the impossibility of retrieving all the published articles when conducting a literature search. Based on this ground, we decided to focus on the time frame between 2015 and 2019, which is aligned with the concepts of study maturity (i.e., the more mature the field, the higher the published articles and therefore more topics were investigated) by Kraus et al. [ 85 ]. In fact, it was noted that within this time frame, a significant number of articles have been found as relevant to PBL with the recent discovery of effective learning behavior. Nevertheless, our time frame did not include the timing of the coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic outbreak, which began at the end of 2019. Hence, we might miss some important elements of learning behavior that are required for the successful implementation of PBL during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Surprisingly, the results obtained from this study are also applicable for the PBL sessions administration during the COVID-19 pandemic situation as one of the functional skills identified is digital proficiency. This skill is indeed important for the successful implementation of online PBL session.

This review identified the essential learning behaviors required for effective PBL in higher education and clustered them into three main themes: (i) intrinsic empowerment, (ii) entrustment, and (iii) functional skills. These learning behaviors must coexist to ensure the achievement of desired learning outcomes. In fact, the findings of this study indicated two important implications for future practice. Firstly, the identified learning behaviors can be incorporated as functional elements in the PBL framework and implementation. Secondly, the learning behaviors change and adaption can be considered to be a new domain of formative assessment related to PBL. It is noteworthy to highlight that these learning behaviors could help in fostering the development of lifelong skills for future workplace challenges. Nevertheless, considerably more work should be carried out to design a solid guideline on how to systematically adopt the learning behaviors in PBL sessions, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic situation.

This study was supported by Postgraduate Incentive Grant-PhD (GIPS-PhD, grant number: 311/PPSP/4404803).


The study has received an ethical approval from the Human Research Ethics Committee of Universiti Sains Malaysia.

No informed consent required for the scoping review.

The authors declare no competing interests.

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5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Problem-Based Learning [+ Activity Design Steps]

Written by Marcus Guido

  • Teaching Strategies

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  • Advantages of Problem-Based Learning
  • Disadvantages of Problem-Based Learning
  • Steps to Designing Problem-Based Learning Activities

Used since the 1960s, many teachers express concerns about the effectiveness of problem-based learning (PBL) in certain classroom settings.

Whether you introduce the student-centred pedagogy as a one-time activity or mainstay exercise, grouping students together to solve open-ended problems can present pros and cons.

Below are five advantages and disadvantages of problem-based learning to help you determine if it can work in your classroom.

If you decide to introduce an activity, there are also design creation steps and a downloadable guide to keep at your desk for easy reference.

1. Development of Long-Term Knowledge Retention

Students who participate in problem-based learning activities can improve their abilities to retain and recall information, according to a literature review of studies about the pedagogy .

The literature review states “elaboration of knowledge at the time of learning” -- by sharing facts and ideas through discussion and answering questions -- “enhances subsequent retrieval.” This form of elaborating reinforces understanding of subject matter , making it easier to remember.

Small-group discussion can be especially beneficial -- ideally, each student will get chances to participate.

But regardless of group size, problem-based learning promotes long-term knowledge retention by encouraging students to discuss -- and answer questions about -- new concepts as they’re learning them.

2. Use of Diverse Instruction Types

what is problem solving learning approach

You can use problem-based learning activities to the meet the diverse learning needs and styles of your students, effectively engaging a diverse classroom in the process. In general, grouping students together for problem-based learning will allow them to:

  • Address real-life issues that require real-life solutions, appealing to students who struggle to grasp abstract concepts
  • Participate in small-group and large-group learning, helping students who don’t excel during solo work grasp new material
  • Talk about their ideas and challenge each other in a constructive manner, giving participatory learners an avenue to excel
  • Tackle a problem using a range of content you provide -- such as videos, audio recordings, news articles and other applicable material -- allowing the lesson to appeal to distinct learning styles

Since running a problem-based learning scenario will give you a way to use these differentiated instruction approaches , it can be especially worthwhile if your students don’t have similar learning preferences.

3. Continuous Engagement

what is problem solving learning approach

Providing a problem-based learning challenge can engage students by acting as a break from normal lessons and common exercises.

It’s not hard to see the potential for engagement, as kids collaborate to solve real-world problems that directly affect or heavily interest them.

Although conducted with post-secondary students, a study published by the Association for the Study of Medical Education reported increased student attendance to -- and better attitudes towards -- courses that feature problem-based learning.

These activities may lose some inherent engagement if you repeat them too often, but can certainly inject excitement into class.

4. Development of Transferable Skills

Problem-based learning can help students develop skills they can transfer to real-world scenarios, according to a 2015 book that outlines theories and characteristics of the pedagogy .

The tangible contexts and consequences presented in a problem-based learning activity “allow learning to become more profound and durable.” As you present lessons through these real-life scenarios, students should be able to apply learnings if they eventually face similar issues.

For example, if they work together to address a dispute within the school, they may develop lifelong skills related to negotiation and communicating their thoughts with others.

As long as the problem’s context applies to out-of-class scenarios, students should be able to build skills they can use again.

5. Improvement of Teamwork and Interpersonal Skills

what is problem solving learning approach

Successful completion of a problem-based learning challenge hinges on interaction and communication, meaning students should also build transferable skills based on teamwork and collaboration . Instead of memorizing facts, they get chances to present their ideas to a group, defending and revising them when needed.

What’s more, this should help them understand a group dynamic. Depending on a given student, this can involve developing listening skills and a sense of responsibility when completing one’s tasks. Such skills and knowledge should serve your students well when they enter higher education levels and, eventually, the working world.

1. Potentially Poorer Performance on Tests

what is problem solving learning approach

Devoting too much time to problem-based learning can cause issues when students take standardized tests, as they may not have the breadth of knowledge needed to achieve high scores. Whereas problem-based learners develop skills related to collaboration and justifying their reasoning, many tests reward fact-based learning with multiple choice and short answer questions. Despite offering many advantages, you could spot this problem develop if you run problem-based learning activities too regularly.

2. Student Unpreparedness

what is problem solving learning approach

Problem-based learning exercises can engage many of your kids, but others may feel disengaged as a result of not being ready to handle this type of exercise for a number of reasons. On a class-by-class and activity-by-activity basis, participation may be hindered due to:

  • Immaturity  -- Some students may not display enough maturity to effectively work in a group, not fulfilling expectations and distracting other students.
  • Unfamiliarity  -- Some kids may struggle to grasp the concept of an open problem, since they can’t rely on you for answers.
  • Lack of Prerequisite Knowledge  -- Although the activity should address a relevant and tangible problem, students may require new or abstract information to create an effective solution.

You can partially mitigate these issues by actively monitoring the classroom and distributing helpful resources, such as guiding questions and articles to read. This should keep students focused and help them overcome knowledge gaps. But if you foresee facing these challenges too frequently, you may decide to avoid or seldom introduce problem-based learning exercises.

3. Teacher Unpreparedness

If supervising a problem-based learning activity is a new experience, you may have to prepare to adjust some teaching habits . For example, overtly correcting students who make flawed assumptions or statements can prevent them from thinking through difficult concepts and questions. Similarly, you shouldn’t teach to promote the fast recall of facts. Instead, you should concentrate on:

  • Giving hints to help fix improper reasoning
  • Questioning student logic and ideas in a constructive manner
  • Distributing content for research and to reinforce new concepts
  • Asking targeted questions to a group or the class, focusing their attention on a specific aspect of the problem

Depending on your teaching style, it may take time to prepare yourself to successfully run a problem-based learning lesson.

4. Time-Consuming Assessment

what is problem solving learning approach

If you choose to give marks, assessing a student’s performance throughout a problem-based learning exercise demands constant monitoring and note-taking. You must take factors into account such as:

  • Completed tasks
  • The quality of those tasks
  • The group’s overall work and solution
  • Communication among team members
  • Anything you outlined on the activity’s rubric

Monitoring these criteria is required for each student, making it time-consuming to give and justify a mark for everyone.

5. Varying Degrees of Relevancy and Applicability

It can be difficult to identify a tangible problem that students can solve with content they’re studying and skills they’re mastering. This introduces two clear issues. First, if it is easy for students to divert from the challenge’s objectives, they may miss pertinent information. Second, you could veer off the problem’s focus and purpose as students run into unanticipated obstacles. Overcoming obstacles has benefits, but may compromise the planning you did. It can also make it hard to get back on track once the activity is complete. Because of the difficulty associated with keeping activities relevant and applicable, you may see problem-based learning as too taxing.

If the advantages outweigh the disadvantages -- or you just want to give problem-based learning a shot -- follow these steps:

1. Identify an Applicable Real-Life Problem

what is problem solving learning approach

Find a tangible problem that’s relevant to your students, allowing them to easily contextualize it and hopefully apply it to future challenges. To identify an appropriate real-world problem, look at issues related to your:

  • Students’ shared interests

You must also ensure that students understand the problem and the information around it. So, not all problems are appropriate for all grade levels.

2. Determine the Overarching Purpose of the Activity

Depending on the problem you choose, determine what you want to accomplish by running the challenge. For example, you may intend to help your students improve skills related to:

  • Collaboration
  • Problem-solving
  • Curriculum-aligned topics
  • Processing diverse content

A more precise example, you may prioritize collaboration skills by assigning specific tasks to pairs of students within each team. In doing so, students will continuously develop communication and collaboration abilities by working as a couple and part of a small group. By defining a clear purpose, you’ll also have an easier time following the next step.

3. Create and Distribute Helpful Material

what is problem solving learning approach

Handouts and other content not only act as a set of resources, but help students stay focused on the activity and its purpose. For example, if you want them to improve a certain math skill , you should make material that highlights the mathematical aspects of the problem. You may decide to provide items such as:

  • Data that helps quantify and add context to the problem
  • Videos, presentations and other audio-visual material
  • A list of preliminary questions to investigate

Providing a range of resources can be especially important for elementary students and struggling students in higher grades, who may not have self-direction skills to work without them.

4. Set Goals and Expectations for Your Students

Along with the aforementioned materials, give students a guide or rubric that details goals and expectations. It will allow you to further highlight the purpose of the problem-based learning exercise, as you can explain what you’re looking for in terms of collaboration, the final product and anything else. It should also help students stay on track by acting as a reference throughout the activity.

5. Participate

what is problem solving learning approach

Although explicitly correcting students may be discouraged, you can still help them and ask questions to dig into their thought processes. When you see an opportunity, consider if it’s worthwhile to:

  • Fill gaps in knowledge
  • Provide hints, not answers
  • Question a student’s conclusion or logic regarding a certain point, helping them think through tough spots

By participating in these ways, you can provide insight when students need it most, encouraging them to effectively analyze the problem.

6. Have Students Present Ideas and Findings

If you divided them into small groups, requiring students to present their thoughts and results in front the class adds a large-group learning component to the lesson. Encourage other students to ask questions, allowing the presenting group to elaborate and provide evidence for their thoughts. This wraps up the activity and gives your class a final chance to find solutions to the problem.

Wrapping Up

The effectiveness of problem-based learning may differ between classrooms and individual students, depending on how significant specific advantages and disadvantages are to you. Evaluative research consistently shows value in giving students a question and letting them take control of their learning. But the extent of this value can depend on the difficulties you face.It may be wise to try a problem-based learning activity, and go forward based on results.

Create or log into your teacher account on Prodigy -- an adaptive math game that adjusts content to accommodate player trouble spots and learning speeds. Aligned to US and Canadian curricula, it’s used by more than 350,000 teachers and 10 million students. It may be wise to try a problem-based learning activity, and go forward based on results.

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Problem Solving Method Of Teaching

A woman stands beside an expansive screen, showing a map of different locations. She holds a clipboard in her hands as she looks intently at the map. A man in a black shirt and grey pants is pointing to something on the map. On the right-hand side of the map, there is a truck symbol with a pointer. On the left-hand side, there is a white airplane on a black and orange pin. Above the map is a yellow and black striped object, with a white object with black lines beside it. Below the map is a yellow and white logo and a yellow and grey sign with black text.

Element Synthesis Example
Active LearningTeaching through problem-solving allows for active learning.Children understand the theory better by getting involved in real-world situations
PracticeContinuous practice is integral to problem-solving teaching.Each new skill or concept is practiced after being learned in class.
RelevanceProblem-solving techniques make learning more relevant.Real-world examples related to the topic are presented.
Incremental LearningEach new topic builds on previous lessons.Relating new problems to ones solved in previous sessions.
Overcome ChallengesEnhances ability to overcome real-world situations.Children understand the application of skills learned.
VarietyProblem-solving allows flexibility in teaching methods.Problems can be practical, conceptual, or theoretical.
Critical ThinkingImproves children's critical thinking skills.Adding alternative paths to a solution.
ConfidenceBoosts children's confidence in handling problems.Children feel empowered after successfully solving a problem.
AdaptabilityIncreases adaptability to new learning situations.Children can apply learned strategies to new problems.
EngagementProblem-solving increases engagement and interest.Children find solving real-world examples interesting.

The problem-solving method of teaching is the learning method that allows children to learn by doing. This is because they are given examples and real-world situations so that the theory behind it can be understood better, as well as practice with each new concept or skill taught on top of what was previously learned in class before moving onto another topic at hand.

What is your preferred problem-solving technique?

Answers : - I like to brainstorm and see what works for me - I enjoy the trial and error method - I am a linear thinker

Share it with me by commenting.

For example, while solving a problem, the child may encounter terms he has not studied yet. These will further help him understand their use in context while developing his vocabulary. At the same time, being able to practice math concepts by tapping into daily activities helps an individual retain these skills better.

One way this type of teaching is applied for younger students particularly is through games played during lessons. By allowing them to become comfortable with the concepts taught through these games, they can put their knowledge into use later on. This is done by developing thinking processes that precede an action or behavior. These games can be used by teachers for different subjects including science and language.

For younger students still, the method of teaching using real-life examples helps them understand better. Through this, it becomes easier for them to relate what they learned in school with terms used outside of school settings so that the information sticks better than if all they were given were theoretical definitions. For instance, instead of just studying photosynthesis as part of biology lessons, children are asked to imagine plants growing inside a dark room because there is no sunlight present. When questioned about the plants, children will be able to recall photosynthesis more easily because they were able to see its importance in real life.

Despite being given specific examples, the act of solving problems helps students think for themselves. They learn how to approach situations and predict outcomes based on what they already know about concepts or ideas taught in class including the use of various skills they have acquired over time. These include problem-solving strategies like using drawings when describing a solution or asking advice if they are stuck to unlock solutions that would otherwise go beyond their reach.

Teachers need to point out in advance which method will be used for any particular lesson before having children engage with it. By doing this, individuals can prepare themselves mentally for what is to come. This is especially true for students who have difficulty with a particular subject. In these cases, the teacher can help them get started by providing a worked example for reference or breaking the problem down into manageable chunks that are easier to digest.

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Ultimately, the goal of teaching using a problem-solving method is to give children the opportunity to think for themselves and to be able to do so in different contexts. Doing this helps foster independent learners who can utilize the skills they acquired in school for future endeavors.

The problem-solving method of teaching allows children to learn by doing. This is because they are given examples and real-world situations so that the theory behind it can be understood better, as practice with each new concept or skill taught on top of what was previously learned in class before moving onto another topic at hand.

One way this type of teaching is applied for younger students particularly is through games played during lessons. By allowing them to become comfortable with the concepts taught through these games, they are able to put their knowledge into use later on. This is done by developing thinking processes that precede an action or behavior. These games can be used by teachers for different subjects including science and language.

For instance, a teacher may ask students to imagine they are plants in a dark room because there is no sunlight present. When questioned about the plants, children will be able to recall photosynthesis more easily because they were able to see its importance in real life.

It is important for teachers to point out in advance which method will be used for any particular lesson before having children engage with it. By doing this, individuals can prepare themselves mentally for what is to come. This is especially true for students who have difficulty with a particular subject. In these cases, the teacher can help them get started by providing a worked example for reference or breaking the problem down into manageable chunks that are easier to digest.

lesson before having children engage with it. By doing this, individuals can prepare themselves mentally for what is to come. This is especially true for students who have difficulty with a particular subject. In these cases, the teacher can help them get started by providing a worked example for reference or breaking the problem down into manageable chunks that are easier to digest.

The teacher should have a few different ways to solve the problem.

For example, the teacher can provide a worked example for reference or break down the problem into chunks that are easier to digest.

The goal of teaching using a problem-solving method is to give children the opportunity to think for themselves and to be able to do so in different contexts. Successful problem solving allows children to become comfortable with concepts taught through games that develop thinking processes that precede an action or behavior.

Introduce the problem

The problem solving method of teaching is a popular approach to learning that allows students to understand new concepts by doing. This approach provides students with examples and real-world situations, so they can see how the theory behind a concept or skill works in practice. In addition, students are given practice with each new concept or skill taught, before moving on to the next topic. This helps them learn and retain the information better.

Explain why the problem solving method of teaching is effective.

The problem solving method of teaching is effective because it allows students to learn by doing. This means they can see how the theory behind a concept or skill works in practice, which helps them understand and remember the information better. This would not be possible if they are only told about the new concept or skill, or read a textbook to learn on their own. Since students can see how the theory works in practice through examples and real-world situations, the information is easier for them to understand.

List some advantages of using the problem solving method of teaching.

Some advantages of using the problem solving method of teaching are that it helps students retain information better since they are able to practice with each new concept or skill taught until they master it before moving on to another topic. This also allows them to learn by doing so they will have hands-on experience with facts which helps them remember important facts faster rather than just hearing about it or reading about it on their own. Furthermore, this teaching method is beneficial for students of all ages and can be adapted to different subjects making it an approach that is versatile and easily used in a classroom setting. Lastly, the problem solving method of teaching presents new information in a way that is easy to understand so students are not overwhelmed with complex material.

The problem solving method of teaching is an effective way for students to learn new concepts and skills. By providing them with examples and real-world situations, they can see how the theory behind a concept or skill works in practice. In addition, students are given practice with each new concept or skill taught, before moving on to the next topic. This them learn and retain the information better.

What has been your experience with adopting a problem-solving teaching method?

How do you feel the usefulness of your lesson plans changed since adopting this method?

What was one of your most successful attempts in using this technique to teach students, and why do you believe it was so successful?

Were there any obstacles when trying to incorporate this technique into your class? 

Did it take a while for all students to get used to the new type of teaching style before they felt comfortable enough to participate in discussions and ask questions about their newly acquired knowledge?

What are your thoughts on this method? 

“I have had the opportunity to work in several districts, including one where they used problem solving for all subjects. I never looked back after that experience--it was exciting and motivating for students and teachers alike." 

"The problem solving method of teaching is great because it makes my subject matter more interesting with hands-on activities."

Active Learning, Teaching through problem-solving allows for active learning, Children understand the theory better by getting involved in real-world situations, Practice, Continuous practice is integral to problem-solving teaching, Each new skill or concept is practiced after being learned in class, Relevance, Problem-solving techniques make learning more relevant, Real-world examples related to the topic are presented, Incremental Learning, Each new topic builds on previous lessons, Relating new problems to ones solved in previous sessions, Overcome Challenges, Enhances ability to overcome real-world situations, Children understand the application of skills learned, Variety, Problem-solving allows flexibility in teaching methods, Problems can be practical, conceptual, or theoretical, Critical Thinking, Improves children's critical thinking skills, Adding alternative paths to a solution, Confidence, Boosts children's confidence in handling problems, Children feel empowered after successfully solving a problem, Adaptability, Increases adaptability to new learning situations, Children can apply learned strategies to new problems, Engagement, Problem-solving increases engagement and interest, Children find solving real-world examples interesting

What is the role of educators in facilitating problem-solving method of teaching?

Role of Educators in Facilitating Problem-Solving Understanding the Problem-Solving Method The problem-solving method of teaching encourages students to actively engage their critical thinking skills to analyze and seek solutions to real-world problems. As such, educators play a crucial part in facilitating this learning style to ensure the effective attainment of desired skills. Encouraging Collaboration and Communication One of the ways educators can facilitate problem-solving is by promoting collaboration and communication among students. Working as a team allows students to share diverse perspectives while considering multiple solutions, thereby fostering an open-minded and inclusive environment that is crucial for effective problem-solving. Creating a Safe Space for Failure Educators must recognize that failure is an integral component of the learning process in a problem-solving method. By establishing a safe environment that allows students to fail without facing judgment or embarrassment, teachers enable students to develop perseverance, resilience, and an enhanced ability to learn from mistakes. Designing Relevant and Engaging Problems The selection and design of appropriate problems contribute significantly to the success of the problem-solving method of teaching. Educators should focus on presenting issues that are relevant, engaging, and age-appropriate, thereby sparking curiosity and interest amongst students, which further improves their problem-solving abilities. Scaffolding Learning Scaffolding is essential in the problem-solving method for providing adequate support when required. Teachers need to break down complex problems into smaller, manageable steps, and gradually remove support as students develop the necessary skills, thus promoting their self-reliance and independent thinking. Providing Constructive Feedback Constructive feedback from educators is invaluable in facilitating the problem-solving method of teaching, as it enables students to reflect on their progress, recognize areas for improvement, and actively develop their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. In conclusion, the role of educators in facilitating the problem-solving method of teaching comprises promoting collaboration, creating a safe space for failure, designing relevant problems, scaffolding learning, and providing constructive feedback. By integrating these elements, educators can help students develop essential life-long skills and effectively navigate the complex world they will experience.

The problem-solving method of teaching is a dynamic and interactive instructional strategy that engages students directly with challenges that resemble those they might encounter outside of the classroom. Within this framework, educators are not just conveyors of knowledge, but rather facilitators of learning who empower their students to think critically and deeply. Below, we look into the nuanced role educators play in making the problem-solving method impactful.Firstly, educators must curate an atmosphere that is conducive to inquiry and exploration. They set the tone by modeling an inquisitive mindset, posing thought-provoking questions, and encouraging students to ask why, how, and what if without hesitation. This intellectual curiosity promotes the kind of deep thinking that underpins successful problem-solving.Another key responsibility is to scaffold the complexity of problems. Educators do so by assessing the readiness of their students and designing tasks that are at the appropriate level of difficulty. They must ensure challenges are neither too easy – risking boredom and disengagement – nor too difficult – potentially causing frustration and disheartenment. By striking this balance, educators help students to experience incremental success and build their problem-solving capacities over time.Educators must also provide students with relevant tools and methodologies. This might involve teaching specific problem-solving strategies such as the scientific method, design thinking, or computational thinking. Educators help students to become conversant in these approaches, allowing them to tackle problems methodically and effectively.Assessment is another pivotal area where educators play a vital role in the problem-solving method. The traditional means of assessment may not always capture the depth of understanding and learning that occurs in problem-solving scenarios. Therefore, educators develop alternative forms of assessment, such as reflective journals, portfolios, and presentations, to better gauge student learning and thinking processes.Finally, educators must be adept at facilitating group dynamics. Collaborative problem-solving can be powerful, but it also invites a range of interpersonal challenges. Thus, educators need to guide students in conflict resolution, equitable participation, and recognizing the contribution of each member to the collective effort.Educators facilitate the problem-solving method by fostering inquiry, balancing problem difficulty, equipping students with methodologies, rethinking assessment, and nurturing group cooperation. In doing so, they are not simply providing students with content knowledge but are equipping them with crucial life skills that transcend educational settings and prepare them for real-world challenges.

Can interdisciplinary approaches be incorporated into problem-solving teaching methods, and if so, how?

Interdisciplinary Approaches in Problem-Solving Teaching Methods Integration of Interdisciplinary Approaches Incorporating interdisciplinary approaches into problem-solving teaching methods can be achieved by integrating various subject areas when presenting complex problems that require students to draw from different fields of knowledge. By doing so, learners will develop a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of various disciplines and improve their problem-solving skills. Project-Based Learning Activities Implementing project-based learning activities in the classroom allows students to work collaboratively on real-world problems. By involving learners in tasks that necessitate the integration of diverse subjects, they develop the ability to transfer skills acquired in one context to novel situations, thereby expanding their problem-solving abilities. Role of Teachers in Interdisciplinary Teaching Teachers play a crucial role in the successful incorporation of interdisciplinary methods in problem-solving teaching. They must be prepared to facilitate student-centered learning and engage in ongoing professional development tailored towards interdisciplinary education. In doing so, educators can create inclusive learning environments that encourage individualized discovery and the application of diverse perspectives to solve complex problems. Benefits of Interdisciplinary Teaching Methods Adopting interdisciplinary teaching methods in problem-solving education not only enhances students' problem-solving abilities but also fosters the development of critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration. These essential skills enable learners to navigate and adapt to an increasingly interconnected world and have been shown to contribute to students' academic and professional success. In conclusion, incorporating interdisciplinary approaches into problem-solving teaching methods can be achieved through the integration of various subject areas, implementing project-based learning activities, and the active role of teachers in interdisciplinary education. These methods benefit students by developing problem-solving skills, critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration, preparing them for future success in an interconnected world.

Interdisciplinary approaches in problem-solving teaching methods present a contemporary framework for preparing students to tackle the complexities of real-world issues. This approach can bridge the gap between various academic disciplines, offering students a more holistic and connected way of thinking.**Embracing Complexity through Interdisciplinary Problem-Solving**Problem-solving in education is no longer confined to single-subject exercises. Interdisciplinary problem-solving recognizes the multifaceted nature of real issues and encourages students to tackle them by drawing from multiple disciplines. For instance, when examining the impacts of urbanization, students might incorporate knowledge from sociology, economics, environmental science, and urban planning.**Strategies for Implementing an Interdisciplinary Approach**Various strategies can be employed to incorporate interdisciplinary methods effectively:1. **Cross-Curricular Projects**: These require students to apply knowledge and skills across different subject areas, fostering an understanding of each discipline’s unique contribution to the whole problem.2. **Thematic Units**: By designing units around broad themes, educators can seamlessly weave multiple subjects into the exploration of a single topic, prompting students to see connections between different areas of study.3. **Collaborative Teaching**: When educators from different disciplines co-teach, they can provide a combined perspective that enriches the learning experience and demonstrates the value of integrating knowledge.4. **Inquiry-Based Learning**: Encourages students to ask questions and conduct research across multiple disciplines, leading to comprehensive investigations and solutions.**Outcome-Benefits of Interdisciplinary Teaching**The merits of an interdisciplinary approach within problem-solving teaching methods are manifold:1. **Complex Problem Understanding**: It can elevate a student’s ability to deconstruct complicated issues by understanding various factors and viewpoints.2. **Adaptability**: Students learn to apply knowledge pragmatically, enabling them to adapt to new and unforeseen problems.3. **Enhanced Cognitive Abilities**: The process can promote cognitive growth, supporting the development of higher-order thinking skills like analysis and synthesis.4. **Real-World Relevance**: Students find meaning and motivation in their work when they see its relevance outside the classroom walls.In summary, integrating interdisciplinary approaches into problem-solving methods is a highly effective way to provide students with robust and adaptable skills for the future. By engaging in project-based learning activities, enjoying the support of proactive educators, and seeing the interconnectivity across subjects, students can foster critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative abilities that transcend traditional learning boundaries. As we navigate a rapidly evolving and interrelated global landscape, such approaches to education become not just advantageous but essential.

In what ways can technology be integrated into the problem-solving method of instruction?

**Role of Technology in Problem-Solving Instruction** Technology can be integrated into the problem-solving method of instruction by enhancing student engagement, promoting collaboration, and supporting personalized learning. **Enhancing Student Engagement** One way technology supports the problem-solving method is by increasing students' interest through interactive and dynamic tools. For instance, digital simulations and educational games can help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills in a fun, engaging manner. These tools provide real-world contexts and immediate feedback, allowing students to experiment, take risks, and learn from their mistakes. **Promoting Collaboration** Technology also promotes collaboration among students, as online platforms facilitate communication and cooperation. Utilizing tools like video conferencing and shared workspaces, students can collaborate on group projects, discuss ideas, and solve problems together. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of community, mutual support, and collective problem-solving. Moreover, it helps students develop essential interpersonal skills, such as teamwork and communication, which are crucial in today's workplaces. **Supporting Personalized Learning** Finally, technology can be used to provide personalized learning experiences tailored to individual learners' needs, interests, and abilities. With access to adaptive learning platforms or online resources, students can progress at their own pace, focus on areas where they need improvement, and explore topics that interest them. This kind of personalized approach allows instructors to identify areas where students struggle and offer targeted support, enhancing the problem-solving learning experience. In conclusion, integrating technology into the problem-solving method of instruction can improve the learning process in various ways. By fostering student engagement, promoting collaboration, and facilitating personalized learning experiences, technology can be employed as a valuable resource to develop students' problem-solving skills effectively.

The integration of technology into the problem-solving method of instruction can significantly enhance the educational process, as it offers diverse opportunities for students to engage with challenging concepts and develop practical skills. The deliberate use of technology can stimulate student interaction with course material and encourage a more dynamic approach to learning.**Interactive Problem-Solving Scenarios**Technology can simulate complex scenarios requiring students to apply their knowledge creatively to solve problems. Through interactive case studies and gamified learning environments, students can engage with these scenarios in a manner that is both compelling and educative. Such simulations often incorporate branching choices, offering an exploration of consequences which creates a deeper understanding of the material.**Data Analysis Tools**Incorporating data analysis tools into problem-solving instruction can offer students hands-on experience with real-world data sets. By learning to manipulate and analyze data through software, students can identify patterns, test hypotheses, and make evidence-based conclusions. These skills are particularly valuable in STEM fields, economics, and social sciences.**Global Connectivity & Resources**Through global connectivity, technology enables access to a vast array of resources that can be utilized to enrich problem-solving tasks. Platforms such as IIENSTITU offer courses that are designed to incorporate technology into pedagogical strategies effectively. Moreover, access to international databases, research materials, and expert lectures from around the world ensures that students are exposed to diverse perspectives and approaches to problem-solving.**Interactive Whiteboards and Projection**Interactive whiteboards and projection technology make it possible to visualize complex problems and work though them interactively in the classroom. This technology allows for collaborative diagramming and mapping of ideas, which can aid in visual learning and the synthesis of information in group settings.**Adaptive Learning Software**Educational technology that adapts to individual student performance and preferences enables personalized instruction. Adaptive learning software assesses students' skills and tailors the difficulty of problems accordingly, ensuring that each student is engaged at the appropriate level of challenge.**Formative Assessment through Technology**Technology-enabled formative assessments give teachers and students real-time feedback on understanding and performance. These tools can help identify areas of difficulty, track progress, and adjust teaching strategies to help students develop their problem-solving abilities more effectively.**Facilitating Research and Inquiry**The ability to conduct research and inquiry is central to problem solving. When students are provided with the tools to explore, research, and verify information on the internet securely, they are empowered to seek out answers to their questions and develop solutions based on evidence.**Closing Thoughts**In integrating technology into problem-solving instruction, it's important to ensure that the use of any tool or platform is pedagogically sound, enhances the learning objectives, and actually serves to improve students' problem-solving capabilities. As education evolves with the digital age, so too does the art and science of teaching problem solving, where technology becomes an indispensable ally in preparing students for the challenges of the future.

I graduated from the Family and Consumption Sciences Department at Hacettepe University. I hold certificates in blogging and personnel management. I have a Master's degree in English and have lived in the US for three years.

A rectangular puzzle piece with a light green background and a blue geometric pattern sits in the center of the image. The puzzle piece has a curved edge along the top, and straight edges along the bottom and sides. The pattern on the piece consists of a thin green line that wraps around the outside edge and a thick blue line that follows the contours of the shape. The inside of the piece is filled with various shapes of the same color, including circles, triangles, and squares. The overall effect of the piece is calming and serene. It could be part of a larger puzzle that has yet to be solved.

What are Problem Solving Skills?

A woman in a white shirt is looking down and holding her head in her hands. She has long blonde hair and blue eyes. Her lips are slightly pursed, and her eyebrows are slightly furrowed. She looks sad and contemplative, as if she is lost in thought. Her arms are crossed in front of her chest, and her head is slightly tilted to the side. Her expression is thoughtful and her posture is relaxed. She is standing in front of a plain white wall, and the light casts shadows on her face. She appears to be alone in the room, and her posture conveys a sense of loneliness and introspection.

How To Solve The Problems? Practical Problem Solving Skills

A group of people, including a man holding a laptop, a woman with her hands in her pockets, and another woman wearing a striped shirt, are standing together in a closeknit formation. One woman is holding a cup of coffee, and another has their butt partially visible in blue jeans. Everyone is smiling, and the man with the laptop appears to be engaged in conversation. The group is bathed in warm sunlight, creating a friendly atmosphere.

A Problem Solving Method: Brainstorming

A close-up of a group of people holding puzzle pieces in their hands. A man is looking at the piece he is holding, while two other people are carefully looking at the pieces they are holding in their hands. The pieces have a wooden texture, and each one is a different color. One person is holding a light blue piece, while another person is holding a red piece. All the pieces are shaped differently, and some are curved while others are straight. The pieces all fit together to form a larger puzzle.

How To Develop Problem Solving Skills?

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Problem-Based and Inquiry-Based Learning: What’s the difference?

Sep 30th, 2019 by Kathryn Mulholland

“If your goal is to engage students in critical thinking… you need to present interesting challenges to solve, rather than simply explaining how other smart people have already solved those challenges.” – Therese Huston

Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) are both student-centered teaching pedagogies that encourage active learning and critical thinking through investigation. Both methods offer students interesting problems to consider. And research shows that both PBL and IBL are effective models of learning. 

So, what’s the difference between the two?

According to Banchi and Bell [4], there are four different levels of inquiry.

  • Confirmation Inquiry: Students confirm a principle through an activity when the results are known in advance.
  • Structured Inquiry: Students investigate a teacher-presented question through a prescribed procedure. 
  • Guided Inquiry: Students investigate a teacher-presented question using student designed or selected procedures.
  • Open Inquiry: Students investigate questions that are student formulated through student designed or selected procedures.

Most academics define Inquiry-Based-Learning as a pedagogy that is based on one of these levels. So IBL can be as methodical as guiding students through a procedure to discover a known result or as free-form as encouraging students to formulate original questions. For example, in a Physics laboratory, suppose the topic is Newton’s Second Law of Motion. The lab instructions could define a procedure to record the mass and impact force of various objects. Multiplying the mass by the acceleration due to gravity, the students should recover the force they recorded, thus confirming Newton’s Second Law.

Problem-Based-Learning can be classified as guided inquiry where the teacher-presented question is an unsolved, real-world problem. For example, in a Middle Eastern Studies course, the main problem posed by the instructor could be “Propose a solution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.” This question will motivate the study of the history of the region, the theological differences between Judaism and Islam, and current events. At the end of the semester, students would be expected to present and justify their solution. 

Therefore, using the definition above, PBL is a type of IBL .

PBL is great because it motivates course content and maximizes learning via investigation, explanation, and resolution of real and meaningful problems. At any level, inquiry can be an effective method of learning because it is student-centered and encourages the development of practical skills and higher-level thinking. 

As you plan for your next class, I invite you to reflect on your method of content delivery. Is it motivated? How? Would your students benefit from a day based on inquiry?


  • Inquiry Based Learning. University of Notre Dame Notes on Teaching and Learning. .
  • Problem-Based Learning. Cornell University Center for Teaching Innovation . .
  • Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E.; Duncan, Ravit Golan; Chinn, Clark A. (2007). “Scaffolding and Achievement in Problem-Based and Inquiry Learning: A Response to Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark (2006)”. Educational Psychologi st. 42 (2): 99–107. doi : 10.1080/00461520701263368 .
  • Banchi, H., & Bell R. (2008). The many levels of inquiry. Science and Children.

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  • Published: 05 September 2024

The effectiveness of training teachers in problem-based learning implementation on students’ outcomes: a mixed-method study

  • Nawaf Awadh K. Alreshidi   ORCID: 1 &
  • Victor Lally 2  

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications volume  11 , Article number:  1137 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

Metrics details

The aim of this study was to understand the effect of training teachers in problem-based learning (PBL) implementation on students’ outcomes. Mixed methods were used to analyse the quasi-experimental study data. 127 students were divided into three groups: Group A ( N  = 52) was taught by a trained teacher using the PBL teaching strategy, group B ( N  = 39) was taught by an untrained teacher using traditional teaching methods, and group C ( N  = 36) was taught by an untrained teacher using the PBL teaching strategy. The results showed that students whose teachers received training in PBL implementation significantly improved in terms of applying knowledge compared with students whose teachers used traditional teaching methods. The findings also provide robust evidence to show that using PBL teaching methods significantly improves students’ attitudes towards mathematics compared with traditional teaching methods, regardless of the teacher training effect. The key element in training teachers in PBL to improve students’ application of mathematics is training teachers in using metacognitive strategies that facilitate students’ learning processes.

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Problem-based learning (PBL) is a teaching strategy in which a facilitator assists students to solve real-world problems as they work in small groups; the facilitator’s aim is to help the students to gain new knowledge and improve their problem-solving skills (see Barrows, 1986 ; Goodman, 2010 ). PBL aims to improve students’ knowledge application (Hmelo, 1998 ; Hmelo and Lin, 2000 ; Schmidt et al., 1996 ), and attitudes towards learning the subject (Hung, 2006 ; Westwood, 2011 ).

In mathematics, PBL is an instructional strategy that contextualises mathematics knowledge (i.e., real-life problems) in a way that helps students to understand where, when and how to apply knowledge. In PBL, when students encounter a real-life problem, they should identify what they have already learned about the problem (i.e., activating their prior knowledge) and establish what they need to know in order to solve the problem (i.e., missing information). They have to search for missing information and then combine it with what they already know (i.e., relevant prior knowledge), applying this to a new context (Bokonjic et al., 2007 ). Therefore, using a PBL teaching strategy in mathematics should reflect on students’ improvement in applying mathematics. Applying mathematics is the concept of using mathematics in real life (Mumcu, 2016 ).

Contextualising knowledge can be prepared by embedding learning opportunities in real-life contexts, which could it also be of interest for students, and it shows students the value of the function of the subject matter in the real world (Hung, 2006 ; Westwood, 2011 ). In the mathematics context, the content of PBL settings (real-life problems) shows the function of mathematics in reality and gives meaning to learning mathematics (Westwood, 2011 ). This should place value on learning mathematics for students, leading to an increase in positive attitudes towards learning mathematics. Attitudes towards mathematics is a negative or positive emotional disposition toward mathematics (Zan and Di Martino, 2007 ). In a systematic review and meta-analysis, Suparman et al. ( 2021 ) determined that PBL is one of the best teaching strategies for primary school mathematics teachers to enhance students’ mathematical abilities. However, students’ learning processes need to be facilitated by teachers in their approach to solving problems (Collins et al., 1989 ; Hmelo-Silver and Barrows, 2006 ; Hung, 2011 ). Thus, it is essential for teachers to be able to do this effectively to produce a noticeable improvement in students’ outcomes. This might require teachers to complete training in facilitation processes. To date, little is known about how the training of teachers in PBL implementation affects students’ outcomes. The results of the present study will help educational decision-makers to understand how training teachers in implementing PBL affects students’ mathematical applications and attitudes towards mathematics.

This article begins with a review of previous studies on PBL, followed by a discussion of teacher training in PBL implementation. The experiment conducted as part of this research examined the effects of training teachers on students’ knowledge application in mathematics and students’ attitudes towards mathematics.

Previous studies in problem-based learning

The overall review of empirical studies shows that PBL tends to significantly improve knowledge application (Abdalqader and Khalid, 2014 ; Primadoni et al., 2020 ; Tong et al., 2021 ; Wirkala and Kuhn, 2011 ; Wong and Day, 2009 ) and generate positive attitudes among students compared with traditional teaching methods (TTM; i.e., teacher-centred instruction) in kindergarten to 12th grade (K–12) settings (Goodnough and Cashion, 2006 ; Lou et al., 2011 ; Merritt et al., 2017 ; Nowak, 2001 ; Tong et al. 2021 ). For example, a quasi-experimental study including control groups conducted by Tong et al. ( 2021 ) examined the effectiveness of PBL on 10th-grade students’ mathematical application knowledge and their attitudes towards mathematics. The results showed that the students taught by the PBL group improved significantly in the application of knowledge and attitudes towards mathematics compared to the students taught by conventional methods. The real-life problems used with PBL are expected to drive students’ curiosity and capture their interest (Schmidt et al. 2009 ); therefore, PBL pedagogy and content could enhance students’ interest and promote their knowledge application.

Most of the literature pertaining to PBL has been conducted in the field of medicine and its allied contexts at universities. A limited number of studies have been carried out in K–12 contexts, and very few studies have been conducted in primary schools see (Alshhrany and Mohammed ( 2010 ); Eviyanti et al., 2017 ). Additional empirical research is needed to investigate the effects of PBL on the outcomes of younger students.

Training in PBL implementation

Although training teachers to implement PBL is generally viewed as critical for improving students’ achievement (Arani et al., 2023 ; Barrows, 1996 ; Fernandes, 2021 ; Hmelo-Silver and Barrows, 2006 ; Leary et al., 2009 ; Wosinski et al., 2018 ) the effects of teacher training on students’ performance are still ambiguous. The agreement on the importance of training is supported by literature outside of PBL, where reports have shown that the most effective teachers are trained in how to use facilitation skills (Leary et al., 2009 ). A meta-analysis was conducted to investigate the relationship between teacher training and students’ learning outcomes, and 94 studies were selected for inclusion in the study. The results showed a significant relationship between teacher training and students’ achievement. The study suggested that untrained teachers have similar student outcomes to those of teachers who use TTM (Leary et al., 2013 ). The researchers concluded that the facilitator may be a key factor in students’ outcomes. In another study, Tawfik and Kolodner ( 2016 ) revisited PBL’s foundations from a case-based reasoning perspective suggested that novices must be trained to facilitate scaffolding students during PBL. Maxwell et al., ( 2005 ) suggested that PBL instruction can improve learning compared with conventional methods when teachers are trained well in PBL. El-Aziz El Naggar et al., ( 2013 ) found that training was necessary to improve facilitators’ skills in collaborative learning and self-directed environments. However, there is a lack of research studies that have experimentally examined the effects of teacher training on student learning. More primary research is required to measure the effects on students’ outcomes of training teachers in PBL.

The aim of training teachers in PBL is to develop teachers in their professional role (Friedman and Woodhead, 2008 ; Villegas-Reimers, 2003 ). Both teachers and students have a role in PBL. To delineate the role of teachers, first, we have to identify the role of students. In PBL, the role of students is to go through the PBL process. Students work in small groups to understand the problem, identify and learn what they need to know and generate hypotheses to solve the problem (Hmelo-Silver, 2004 ). The role of students also involves questioning, researching and using critical thinking in an active way to solve problems (Cerezo, 2004 ). Students are required to take responsibility for their learning and engage in meaning-making in terms of their knowledge (English and Kitsantas, 2013 ). For effective engagement in PBL, students must be responsible for their learning, and they must actively participate in constructing knowledge and making meaningful processes (English and Kitsantas, 2013 ). However, many students cannot easily shift into this role because they have developed ingrained habits from the typical traditional classroom experiences, and they rely on the passive receiving of knowledge (English and Kitsantas, 2013 ; Hung, 2011 ; Ronis, 2008 ). To shift effectively to the new role, students must develop self-regulated learning (SRL) skills (English and Kitsantas, 2013 ).

SRL refers to the extent to which the learner is motivationally, metacognitively and behaviourally active in their learning processes (Zimmerman, 1989 ). Self-regulated learners can set goals and plans, identify appropriate strategies, and self-monitor and self-evaluate their learning; they are intrinsically motivated to learn. Thus, for effective learning in PBL, SRL is an essential skill (English and Kitsantas, 2013 ). In PBL, teachers can consciously activate students’ behaviours, leading to SRL. When it comes to promoting students’ skills to be able to do this, the role of teachers is to structure activities to stimulate students’ motivation, encourage reflection and facilitate their learning processes through guidance, scaffolding feedback and prompting independent thinking (English and Kitsantas, 2013 ). The role of the teacher in PBL is to facilitate collaborative knowledge construction by students, monitor learning processes, model desired behaviours and concentrate students’ efforts on critical thinking (Hmelo-Silver and Barrows, 2006 , 2008 ); this can be done by raising awareness of students’ higher cognitive thinking (Barrows, 1998 ).

Effective teachers should know how to facilitate groups’ learning processes (Dolmans et al., 2002 ; El-Aziz El Naggar et al., 2013 ). To enhance cooperation and production within groups, teachers should use intervention strategies, such as making decisions on what, when and how to intervene (Bosse et al., 2010 ). Teachers may need to be trained to implement such strategies in such a way as to facilitate tutorial processes, since it is teachers’ responsibility to guide students’ learning (Yew et al., 2011 ). In this study, we attempt to understand the effect of training in implementing PBL on students’ outcomes. We address the following questions:

How do trained and untrained teachers in PBL techniques implement PBL?

What are the effects of teacher training in implementing PBL on students’ mathematical applications?

What are the effects of teacher training in implementing PBL on students’ attitudes towards mathematics?

Study design

A quasi-experimental design was adopted in this study as the main quantitative approach to minimise bias in estimating the difference between traditional instruction and PBL classes. In addition, a qualitative approach was used during the intervention using field observation notes and after the intervention using interviews, as a secondary approach (see Fig. 1 ).

figure 1

The figure illustrates the study design; mathematical test and attitudes towards mathematics were applied before and after the intervention, while during the quasi-experimental implementation, field observation notes were taken, and at the end of the intervention semi-structured interviews were conducted with the teachers.

Figure 1 illustrates the study design; during the quasi-experimental implementation, field observation notes documenting the authors’ observations were taken with the aim of observing how teachers implemented PBL, while semi-structured interviews were conducted with both types of the teachers who only implemented PBL (trained and untrained teachers) after the implementation of PBL as a supplement, with the aim of being used as part of the triangulation method for the author’s observations in how teachers implemented PBL.

School and participating students

The school was located in an urban district in a major city, Hail, which is situated in the north of Saudi Arabia. The school was randomly selected from ten private schools. Then, seven of the third-grade classes out of nine in the selected school were randomly chosen. The third grade is an important level, as it is the final grade of lower primary school. The classes were instructed by three teachers; one taught three classes, and the others taught two classes each. These classes comprised the three following groups: group A (three classes taught by a trained teacher using a PBL teaching strategy), group B (two classes taught by an untrained teacher using TTM) and group C (two classes taught by an untrained teacher using a PBL teaching strategy; see the study design in Table 1 ).

Ethical approval was obtained, and all participants signed consent forms to participate. They were informed that they could withdraw any time with no need to justify their decision, nor would there be any consequences of withdrawal.

In total, 127 pupils participated in the study, and their ages ranged from eight to nine years old. They were in the last semester of the third grade. Most of the students at the school were Saudis; in each group, two to four students had Arab backgrounds, such as from Syria, Egypt and Sudan. All students had a middle-class socioeconomic status. Academic school records and pre-test’ scores were used to ensure that the groups were similar in terms of mathematical achievement. Within each group, students showed a wide range of academic achievements; the students spanned from very low to very high achievers. There were no special education pupils within the groups.

Three teachers were randomly selected from one large primary school to take part in this study. The first teacher was randomly selected to receive training courses in using the PBL teaching strategy. The second teacher did not receive any training, but he was provided with PBL materials—specifically, design problems and guidelines for implementing PBL; he was asked to conduct self-directed learning (SDL) to implement PBL in his classrooms. The aim of including a trained and an untrained teacher using PBL was to measure the effects of training teachers on students’ outcomes. The third teacher was not trained in PBL and was asked to teach students using TTM.

The teachers had similar characteristics in terms of qualifications, experience and expertise, as well as in their beliefs and perspectives on PBL and TTM. They are all male and they believed that the aim of teaching mathematics is to conduct real-life problem solving, and they considered active learning to be important for students. They had been teaching mathematics to third-grade school students for 10 years. They all had a first degree in mathematics. They were all Egyptians and aged in their late thirties. According to the teachers and the administration of the school, the teachers had all attended the same training courses in different aspects of education, such as active learning. However, none of them had ever been trained in using PBL teaching strategies.

The topic covered in the classes was ‘data display’. It covered representation through codes, interpretation of representation through codes, representation in columns and interpretation of representation in columns. The content was new to the students. The instruction took place during ten class sessions (45 min each) comprising four sessions per week over for two and a half weeks, with a total of 7.5 h for each group. To control for the time factor, all groups, whether PBL or traditional, were given the same amount of time.


Six multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, fill-in table questions and drawing tests were applied at the beginning of the study (pre-test) and in the final experiment (post-test). Mathematics items were selected from Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2003 , 2007 and 2011 (see Mullis et al., 2012 ). The TIMSS items that were selected matched the objectives of lessons for knowledge application exactly; they had already been examined for the purpose of the test. We chose TIMSS mathematics items because they were verified as appropriate for the students’ ages. The students had nearly finished the third grade, and the curriculum for that grade contained many TIMSS topics (see TIMSS, n.d. ). Each item on the test received a score of either one or zero. An example of the items is given in Appendix A . The measure ‘attitudes towards mathematics’ of TIMSS 2007 (Mullis et al., 2008 ) contains four items, as follows:

I would like to take more mathematics in school

I enjoy learning mathematics.

Mathematics is boring (reverse-coded).

I like mathematics.

This measure was adopted and assumed to meet the standard of a valid and reliable test (see, Mullis et al., 2008 ). Attitudes were assessed using four items applied twice as pre- and post-measures; four items with 4-point Likert scales (disagree a lot, disagree a little, agree a little, and agree a lot) were presented. Each item score ranged from 1 to 4. The total marks ranged from the number of items of the measure to multiply them by 4; the measure consisted of four items, so the total scores ranged from 4 to 16. Some items were reverse-coded; for example, for ‘mathematics is boring’, ‘disagree a lot’ would receive a score of 4, whereas ‘agree a lot’ would receive a score of 1.

The face validity method was used to assess the validity of the tests and attitude measures. Eight arbitrators checked and gave their opinions on the adequacy, clarity, and relevance of the items’ content. The opinions of the arbitrators were considered and included in the preparation of the final image of the tests and attitudes. However, no changes were reported, and face validity confirmed the tests’ validity. In addition, test-retest reliability was used to assess the reliability of the tests and attitude measures. The levels of reliability were acceptable, with a score of 0.86 for the mathematics test and 0.88 for the attitude measure. For further reliability, Cronbach’s alpha was used for each scale of the test and attitudes and for the whole test and attitudes. The results show that all items correlated with a good degree of total scales (no items scored less than 0.3), and the reliability for the test was 0.747, whereas that for attitude was 0.808. Therefore, the measures became high valid for the purposes of this study.

In qualitative methods, filed observation and semi-structured interview were used to assess teachers’ performance in PBL implementation. After filed observations completed, post- semi-structured interviews were conducted for the teachers to confirm the results of author observations of how teachers implemented PBL as a supplement for the methodological triangulation of the filed observations. Methodological triangulation involves a researcher using more than one method, such as interviews and observations, for collecting data to understand a phenomenon deeply (Flick et al., 2004 ; Neuman, 2000 ). The teachers’ responses to the questions in the semi-structured interviews were analysed and compared with the analysed observation data to enhance the validity of the study and to gain a deeper understanding of social events. As Neuman ( 2000 ) commented, “Looking at something from several different points gives a more accurate view of it” (p. 521).

The data obtained from qualitative methods were deductively analysed. Prior to conducting data collection from filed work. A structured categorisation matrix was developed by the authors based on a literature review (see Barrows, 1998 ; English and Kitsantas, 2013 ; Hmelo-Silver and Barrows, 2006 , 2008 ). It aimed to assess PBL implementation conducted by teachers and consisted of two main categories: understanding the problem and using metacognitive strategies (see Appendix B ). Field observation notes were used to describe how the teachers implemented PBL. In this study, field observation notes consisted of two parts: descriptive and reflective information (Patton, 1990 ). The descriptive part involved documenting the factual data obtained from inside the classroom. The main author moved between groups to make sure everything was proceeding well; the intention was to monitor the implementation of the study, and the authors had a diary that was used to document any observations, particularly the observations that took place during lessons and were made inside mathematics classrooms. The main focus was on teachers’ performance, particularly with respect to teacher intervention, individual and collective student practices, student responses, group interaction and PBL processes. In the reflective section, the authors reflected on the meaning of the observations outside of the classroom (see Appendix C ). At the end of the experiment, ten lessons by each teacher were observed.

Semi-structured interview questions were developed according to analysed data of class observations which includes: The three main questions:

How was PBL implemented in your teaching strategies?

How did you assess your students in relation to understanding the problem?

How did you support your students to solve the problem?

In semi-structured interview, tape recordings were used for the interviews with each teacher, which ranged from 13 to 23 min in length. The interviews were conducted in Arabic, transcribed and subsequently translated into English by the authors.

The data were deductively coded (i.e., both the interview and observation) by the main author, and according to the identified categories mentioned above. When a deductive content analysis is used, a categorisation matrix is developed; following this, the data are coded according to the categories (Polit and Beck, 2004 ). In addition, if a structured matrix is chosen, only aspects that fit the matrix are selected from the data (Patton, 1990 ).

Professional development

The PBL programme used in this study aimed to train teachers by focusing on how to implement PBL in mathematics classrooms. The programme continued to provide feedback during the implementation after each session, taking advantage of the literature recommendations. Therefore, the trained teacher learned how to facilitate groups’ learning processes and guide students’ learning by adopting strategies such as posing meta-cognitive questions and focusing on the process of learning to model students’ learning strategies. The teacher was trained in intervention strategies, such as making decisions based on what, when and how intervention should occur to enhance cooperation. The programme included examples of PBL implementations. Teacher training lasted for one week (8–10 h), and daily meetings took place during the course of the training to provide an opportunity to present feedback and resolve unexpected problems. The programme for training the teacher to implement PBL in his class was developed by the author. It was expected that, following the teacher’s completion of the programme, the teacher would be able to do the following:

provide scaffolding and feedback as needed

prompt independent thinking

facilitate collaborative knowledge construction for students

monitor learning processes

model desired behaviours

concentrate students’ efforts on critical thinking.

use intervention strategies, such as making decisions on what, when and how to intervene

The programme included three real-life sessions, each lasting 45 min. The teacher was asked to implement the PBL strategy using an ill-structured problem, which was taken from a mathematics textbook and related to the topics that the students had been studying. A group of students from outside the study sample was selected to assess the teacher’s performance and establish whether he was able to implement PBL effectively. This was followed by providing the teacher with extensive feedback, which lasted more than an hour for each session.

The students were trained in two sessions in how to deal with the PBL teaching strategy.

Problem-based learning implementation

Problems were presented to the students. Students worked in small groups of four to six members. They discussed their understanding of the problems, and then the teacher discussed the understanding of the problem with the whole class. This was followed by students solving the problems. Finally, the teacher discussed the solution with all the students.

In this study, the six core characteristics of PBL mentioned by Barrows ( 1996 ) were adopted. These are as follows:

The student is the centre of the learning.

Learning occurs in small groups of students.

At the beginning of the learning, the students are presented with authentic problems.

The problems are used as a means of developing problem-solving skills.

New knowledge is gained through SDL. (Barrows, 1996 )

From the literature review (see Barrows, 1986 ; Gallagher and Stepien, 1996 ; Hung et al., 2008 ), six characteristics were adopted in the problems after reviewing the literature related to the problem of PBL. These were as follows:

the role of students as stakeholders

ill-structured problems

real-life problems

age-appropriate problems

clear and short problems

not too difficult problems

Statistical analysis (quantitative analysis)

The study used mixed-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) models (Field, 2013 ; Howell, 2012 ) within one factor (time: pre- and post-tests and between). Tukey’s post hoc test (Field, 2013 ; Howell, 2012 ) was applied when appropriate and where significant results were observed—that is, an effect size (partial eta squared [η p 2 ]). The effect size, classified as Cohen suggested, could be small 0.01; medium, 0.06; or large, 0.14. All analyses were performed on IBM SPSS v22 and at a 5% (0.05) level of significance.

A quasi-experimental design was adopted in this study as the main quantitative approach, while a qualitative approach was used during the intervention using class observation notes and interviews, as a secondary approach. In total, 127 pupils participated in the study. They were in the last semester of the third grade. Ethical approval was obtained, and all participants signed consent forms to participate. Three teachers were randomly selected from one large primary school to take part in this study. The first teacher was randomly selected to receive training courses in using the PBL teaching strategy. The second teacher was not trained and asked to conduct SDL to implement PBL in his classrooms. The third teacher was not trained in PBL and was asked to teach students using TTM. The topic covered in the classes was ‘data display’. The content was new to the students. The instruction took place during 10 class sessions. Instruments of the study include mathematics test and attitudes towards mathematics were prepared and verified. Applying a pre-test (a measure of attitudes towards mathematics and an exam to measure mathematics application). Conducting the study took about 2 and a half weeks. Applying for a post-test (a measure of attitudes towards mathematics and an exam to measure mathematics application). During the intervention, class observations were carried out for each lesson.

Problem-based learning implementation of trained and untrained teachers

Unlike the untrained teacher, the trained teacher properly implemented PBL. The differences between their performances lay in differences in ‘giving students sufficient time to understand the problem’ and ‘using more metacognitive strategies to coach students in relation to their thinking skills’.

Table 2 and Fig. 2 summarise the difference between trained and untrained teachers after analysing both the teachers’ interviews and the author’s observations. The two following themes were extracted from the data analyses: ‘understanding the problem’ and ‘using meta-cognitive teaching skills’. These themes are detailed below.

figure 2

This figure illustrates the difference between trained and untrained teachers' performances in PBL implementation.

Understanding the problem

The trained teacher did not allow students to solve the problem until they demonstrated their understanding of it. The author frequently noted that the trained teacher prevented the students from solving the problem until they demonstrated their understanding of it. When the trained teacher was asked how he knew that the students understood the problem, he replied, ‘I frequently asked random students… : ‘could you please explain to us the problem in your own words?’ If they did not do very well, I asked them how they could understand the problem more deeply? I waited longer … for them to solve the problem and gave them more time to reflect on their understanding and discuss with their group to deeply understand the problem’. The author observed that the teacher frequently and asked ransom students the following question: ‘Could [you] explain the problem [to us in] your own words’. Some students could, while others could not. Then, he encouraged them to understand the problem by asking them the following questions: ‘How can you understand the problem deeply? and Could you identify the obstacles and discuss [them] with your [respective] groups?’ Later, he again asked them whether they could explain the problem. However, the untrained teacher’s students had been given a shorter amount of time to understand the problem than those who were with the trained teacher (author’s observation).

In all lessons, the untrained teacher asked students whether they understood the problem; he often proceeded after hearing anyone shout ‘yes’ (author’s observation). The untrained teacher confirmed this when he was asked how he knew that his students had understood the problem before carrying on: ‘I always ask my students, if they do not understand the problem, to stop me any time and feel free to ask’. He did not ask his students to explain the problem in their own words (author’s observation). It was noted that the trained teacher gave more time for understanding the problem and questioned his students’ understanding more than the untrained teacher did.

Using meta-cognitive teaching skills

The trained teacher used more metacognitive strategies than the untrained teacher. Throughout all the lessons, the author observed that the trained teacher facilitated his students’ learning processes via PBL by using meta-cognitive strategies. He confirmed this in stating:

They [the students] work within groups to solve the problem, and I monitor them and coach their thinking with meta-cognitive questions …. For example, I ask students: what they did so far, and what next, did they consider this or that … and so on…. Sometimes, I think aloud and model right behaviours to let them engage in learning processes.

It was observed that students gradually began to depend on their own selves to solve the problems when they found their teacher pushed them to be independent. The trained teacher confirmed the following:

I did not want my students to depend on me. I never give them the solution, but encouraged them to depend on their own effort … And I found coaching their thinking improved their independence.

In contrast, the untrained teacher showed less ability to use meta-cognitive strategies through implementing PBL (author’s observation). The untrained teacher said: ‘They [the students] worked with their groups to solve the problem, and I helped them to solve the problem by indirectly explaining any difficulties, for example, by giving them some examples’. He explained the difficulties and led his students to solve the problem. He did not explain the solution directly, but he gave similar examples, which led them to the correct answer (author’s observation). In some ways, this strategy may be considered a metacognitive activation strategy.

The author observed that students frequently asked their teachers to give them more examples to understand how to solve the problems. The untrained teacher confirmed this: ‘My students are allowed to ask me to give examples to solve the problems, and I always meet their needs’.

Knowledge application in mathematics

From Table 3 , it can be seen that the improvement in the ‘applying achievement’ mean scores increased in all groups. From the mixed-measures ANOVA, as shown in Table 4 , it was found that a statistically significant improvement occurred for the average of students’ scores in knowledge application, F (2, 121) = 76.795, p  = 0.000, with a large effect size at 0.388 (see row 1). However, when time was interacted with the groups (PBL with trained teacher, PBL with untrained teacher and TTM) the result showed a statistically significant effect, F (3, 121) = 4.333, p  = 0.015. The partial eta squared effect size for this statistically significant result was medium, at 0.067 (see row 2). This effect shows that there was an effect on at least one group, but further analysis was needed to identify which group(s) might be affected. Tukey’s post hoc test was applied to determine which of the groups was statistically significantly different from the others. This test found that the mean scores of the group of students taught using the PBL teaching strategy by the trained teacher were statistically significantly different only from the scores of the students taught using TTM, p  = 0.009 (see row 3). This indicates that the average of the PBL group’s scores with the trained teacher significantly improved more than the average of the traditional group’s scores did in ‘applying mathematics’.

Attitudes towards mathematics

From Table 5 , it can be seen that the mean score for ‘attitudes towards mathematics’ increased in groups A and C, while the scores of group B, the traditional group, decreased.

From the mixed-measures ANOVA analysis, as shown in Table 6 , there was no statistically significant improvement occurring for the average of students’ scores in attitudes towards mathematics, F (2, 121) = 0.480, p  = 0.490 (see row 1). However, when time was interacted with groups (PBL with trained teacher, PBL with untrained teacher, and TTM), the result showed a statistically significant effect, F (3, 121) = 12.486, p  = 0.000. The partial eta squared effect size for this statistically significant result was large, at 0.171 (see row 2). Tukey’s post hoc test was applied to determine which of the groups was significantly different from the others in attitudes towards mathematics. This test showed that using PBL with the trained teacher group was significantly different from using TTM, p  = 0.000; using PBL with the untrained teacher group was also significantly different from using TTM, p  = 0.008. However, there was no statistically significant difference between using PBL with the trained and untrained teachers (see row 3). This means that there was a statistically significant difference between the groups attributed to the types of treatment (PBL and TTM) in ‘attitudes towards mathematics’ and in favour of the PBL group, regardless of the different abilities of teachers in PBL implementation.

The study aimed to assess the effect of teacher training on students’ knowledge application and attitudes towards mathematics. The trained teacher demonstrated his ability to facilitate his students’ learning processes by using more metacognitive strategies than the untrained teacher. This result was expected, as many scholars think that training teachers on PBL implementation is critical for success (Barrows, 1996 ; Hmelo-Silver and Barrows, 2006 ; Leary et al., 2009 ; Wosinski et al., 2018 ). The results of the analyses of the interview data and the class observations were convergent. No noticeable difference was identified between the data analyses of class observation and the teachers’ interviews. Below, we consider how the teacher training affected student outcomes. Below, we consider how the teacher training affected student outcomes.

The current study’s quantitative results suggest that when PBL is taught by a teacher who can facilitate the students’ learning processes by using more meta-cognitive strategies, this could improve the application of mathematical knowledge of third-grade students’ significantly more than when they are taught using TTM (see Table 4 ). PBL theorists claim that, when compared with TTM, PBL is more successful in improving knowledge application (Hmelo-Silver, 2004 ; Hmelo-Silver and Barrows, 2008 ). This is because, with PBL, students engage in SDL by using their meta-cognitive learning strategies to solve real-life and ill-structured problems as a way of learning (Chin and Chia, 2006 ). This should reflect some improvement in the students’ ‘application’ ability over TTM (Fogarty, 1994 ). However, for such a method to be effective, skilled teachers who are also able to effectively use meta-cognitive strategies must be present to activate students’ meta-cognitive learning strategies. The trained teacher in PBL is better able to do so.

The role of the teacher in PBL is to facilitate learning processes (Hmelo-Silver and Barrows, 2006 , 2008 ). The shift to PBL requires new teaching roles and skills (Wilkerson and Hundert, 1997 ). Teachers can facilitate PBL processes if they are using meta-cognitive strategies, such as ‘thinking aloud with students’ and ‘modelling behaviours’ (Delisle, 1997 ). In the current study, these skills were shown effectively by the trained teacher; consequently, such strategies were reflected in the improvements to the students’ ‘application’ achievements. However, when students were taught by an untrained teacher, their learning processes were less facilitated. He only responded to difficulties they were experiencing by explaining similar situations (i.e., an example). Even though this approach is considered a metacognitive activation strategy, the students’ solutions were led by these examples. Thus, the teacher’s performance is an important factor that will affect the application of mathematical knowledge among third-grade students.

In terms of teacher training, the findings of the present study are supported by the results of the meta-analysis conducted by Leary et al. ( 2013 ), which showed a statistically significant positive relationship between teacher training and student achievement. The study also suggested that untrained teachers resulted in student outcomes similar to those attained by teachers who use TTM. This is also supported by the results of the current study. Moreover, this study’s findings are in line with those of Maxwell et al. ( 2005 ); these researchers’ conclusion suggests that PBL instruction can improve learning more than TTM can when teachers are well trained in using the PBL strategy. However, the results of the current study support the conclusions of several studies that found students taught via PBL outperformed students taught via TTM in terms of application knowledge (see Tong et al., 2021 ; Wirkala and Kuhn, 2011 ; Wong and Day, 2009 ).

The current study’s results suggested that PBL could significantly improve third-grade students’ attitudes towards mathematics compared with TTM (see Table 6 ). This is supported by the findings of (Lou et al., ( 2011 ) and Tong et al. ( 2021 ). For example, Tong et al. ( 2021 ) suggested that students taught via PBL improved their attitudes towards mathematics more significantly than those taught via TTM. The reason for this is that the students liked active learning and working in groups. This idea was supported by Goodnough and Cashion ( 2006 ), who suggested that young students like this strategy because it encourages active learning, supports working in groups and provides students with a variety of learning approaches and methods. In addition, real-life problems that interest students can be used to motivate students to engage deeply in learning processes when students fully understand them. These kinds of problems are expected to drive students’ curiosity and capture their interest, resulting in more effective student engagement in SDL in order to solve the problems (Schmidt et al., 2009 ).

In this study, the role of the problem was to motivate the students in all lessons taught by teachers trained in implementing PBL. Students became intrinsically motivated when they worked on tasks that stimulated their interests and sense of satisfaction or that challenged them (Hmelo-Silver, 2004 ). The possible reason for this is that the untrained teachers did not give students sufficient time to understand the problem, in contrast with the trained teacher (teachers’ interview and author’s observations).

In sum, PBL could be an effective teaching strategy for improving students’ attitudes towards learning mathematics; this effect is probably due to PBL content (i.e., real-life problems) and the nature of the PBL environment (i.e., eliciting active learning). In addition, PBL could be an effective teaching strategy for improving students’ mathematics application when students’ processes are effectively facilitated; without such facilitation, the effect of PBL instruction will not differ from that of TTM.

Limitations of the study

This study had several limitations. Because of the study design, results could be generated only for young students and for learning mathematics. The sample selection was not completely random, which could also decrease the opportunity to generalise the results of this study. Because of the gender segregation system that is currently operational in Saudi Arabia, the study participants were all male students. Therefore, the results of this study should be generalised with caution, taking these contextualising factors into account.

This study attempted to assess how training teachers in PBL implementation affects student outcomes, including knowledge application and students’ attitudes towards learning mathematics compared with TTM. Overall, the third-grade students who were taught using PBL showed more positive attitudes towards learning mathematics, regardless of whether they were taught by trained or untrained teachers. The study provides evidence that supports the necessity of training teachers to implement PBL effectively, as this will improve students’ mathematics application.

Data availability

The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

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College of Education, University of Ha’il, Ha’il, Saudi Arabia

Nawaf Awadh K. Alreshidi

College of Education, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK

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Alreshidi, N.A.K., Lally, V. The effectiveness of training teachers in problem-based learning implementation on students’ outcomes: a mixed-method study. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 11 , 1137 (2024).

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Received : 03 December 2023

Accepted : 19 August 2024

Published : 05 September 2024


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what is problem solving learning approach

What is Problem Solving? (Steps, Techniques, Examples)

By Editorial Team on May 7, 2023 — 5 minutes to read

What Is Problem Solving?

Definition and importance.

Problem solving is the process of finding solutions to obstacles or challenges you encounter in your life or work. It is a crucial skill that allows you to tackle complex situations, adapt to changes, and overcome difficulties with ease. Mastering this ability will contribute to both your personal and professional growth, leading to more successful outcomes and better decision-making.

Problem-Solving Steps

The problem-solving process typically includes the following steps:

  • Identify the issue : Recognize the problem that needs to be solved.
  • Analyze the situation : Examine the issue in depth, gather all relevant information, and consider any limitations or constraints that may be present.
  • Generate potential solutions : Brainstorm a list of possible solutions to the issue, without immediately judging or evaluating them.
  • Evaluate options : Weigh the pros and cons of each potential solution, considering factors such as feasibility, effectiveness, and potential risks.
  • Select the best solution : Choose the option that best addresses the problem and aligns with your objectives.
  • Implement the solution : Put the selected solution into action and monitor the results to ensure it resolves the issue.
  • Review and learn : Reflect on the problem-solving process, identify any improvements or adjustments that can be made, and apply these learnings to future situations.

Defining the Problem

To start tackling a problem, first, identify and understand it. Analyzing the issue thoroughly helps to clarify its scope and nature. Ask questions to gather information and consider the problem from various angles. Some strategies to define the problem include:

  • Brainstorming with others
  • Asking the 5 Ws and 1 H (Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How)
  • Analyzing cause and effect
  • Creating a problem statement

Generating Solutions

Once the problem is clearly understood, brainstorm possible solutions. Think creatively and keep an open mind, as well as considering lessons from past experiences. Consider:

  • Creating a list of potential ideas to solve the problem
  • Grouping and categorizing similar solutions
  • Prioritizing potential solutions based on feasibility, cost, and resources required
  • Involving others to share diverse opinions and inputs

Evaluating and Selecting Solutions

Evaluate each potential solution, weighing its pros and cons. To facilitate decision-making, use techniques such as:

  • SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
  • Decision-making matrices
  • Pros and cons lists
  • Risk assessments

After evaluating, choose the most suitable solution based on effectiveness, cost, and time constraints.

Implementing and Monitoring the Solution

Implement the chosen solution and monitor its progress. Key actions include:

  • Communicating the solution to relevant parties
  • Setting timelines and milestones
  • Assigning tasks and responsibilities
  • Monitoring the solution and making adjustments as necessary
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of the solution after implementation

Utilize feedback from stakeholders and consider potential improvements. Remember that problem-solving is an ongoing process that can always be refined and enhanced.

Problem-Solving Techniques

During each step, you may find it helpful to utilize various problem-solving techniques, such as:

  • Brainstorming : A free-flowing, open-minded session where ideas are generated and listed without judgment, to encourage creativity and innovative thinking.
  • Root cause analysis : A method that explores the underlying causes of a problem to find the most effective solution rather than addressing superficial symptoms.
  • SWOT analysis : A tool used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to a problem or decision, providing a comprehensive view of the situation.
  • Mind mapping : A visual technique that uses diagrams to organize and connect ideas, helping to identify patterns, relationships, and possible solutions.


When facing a problem, start by conducting a brainstorming session. Gather your team and encourage an open discussion where everyone contributes ideas, no matter how outlandish they may seem. This helps you:

  • Generate a diverse range of solutions
  • Encourage all team members to participate
  • Foster creative thinking

When brainstorming, remember to:

  • Reserve judgment until the session is over
  • Encourage wild ideas
  • Combine and improve upon ideas

Root Cause Analysis

For effective problem-solving, identifying the root cause of the issue at hand is crucial. Try these methods:

  • 5 Whys : Ask “why” five times to get to the underlying cause.
  • Fishbone Diagram : Create a diagram representing the problem and break it down into categories of potential causes.
  • Pareto Analysis : Determine the few most significant causes underlying the majority of problems.

SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis helps you examine the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats related to your problem. To perform a SWOT analysis:

  • List your problem’s strengths, such as relevant resources or strong partnerships.
  • Identify its weaknesses, such as knowledge gaps or limited resources.
  • Explore opportunities, like trends or new technologies, that could help solve the problem.
  • Recognize potential threats, like competition or regulatory barriers.

SWOT analysis aids in understanding the internal and external factors affecting the problem, which can help guide your solution.

Mind Mapping

A mind map is a visual representation of your problem and potential solutions. It enables you to organize information in a structured and intuitive manner. To create a mind map:

  • Write the problem in the center of a blank page.
  • Draw branches from the central problem to related sub-problems or contributing factors.
  • Add more branches to represent potential solutions or further ideas.

Mind mapping allows you to visually see connections between ideas and promotes creativity in problem-solving.

Examples of Problem Solving in Various Contexts

In the business world, you might encounter problems related to finances, operations, or communication. Applying problem-solving skills in these situations could look like:

  • Identifying areas of improvement in your company’s financial performance and implementing cost-saving measures
  • Resolving internal conflicts among team members by listening and understanding different perspectives, then proposing and negotiating solutions
  • Streamlining a process for better productivity by removing redundancies, automating tasks, or re-allocating resources

In educational contexts, problem-solving can be seen in various aspects, such as:

  • Addressing a gap in students’ understanding by employing diverse teaching methods to cater to different learning styles
  • Developing a strategy for successful time management to balance academic responsibilities and extracurricular activities
  • Seeking resources and support to provide equal opportunities for learners with special needs or disabilities

Everyday life is full of challenges that require problem-solving skills. Some examples include:

  • Overcoming a personal obstacle, such as improving your fitness level, by establishing achievable goals, measuring progress, and adjusting your approach accordingly
  • Navigating a new environment or city by researching your surroundings, asking for directions, or using technology like GPS to guide you
  • Dealing with a sudden change, like a change in your work schedule, by assessing the situation, identifying potential impacts, and adapting your plans to accommodate the change.
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  • 10 Sep 2024

Leading with Creative Problem Solving: Ron Kurtz (MBA 1967)

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As a youngster, I used to create “stores” in my driveway, selling things to other neighborhood kids. It was an entrepreneurial inclination fostered by growing up in a family that owned retail stores and enjoyed telling stories of their sales.

Advertising was a popular career with a certain amount of glamour in the 1950s and 1960s. I, too, liked the thought of developing ideas that would motivate consumers. As an undergrad at the University of Texas, I was a strong writer and was always looking for opportunities to be creative. I thought my future career would be in advertising, likely as a copywriter.

Two undergraduate internships at large retail advertisers gave me enough exposure and experience to discover that, in addition to advertising copywriting, I was interested in things like product attributes, pricing, and distribution.

My vision of the future changed to product management in the wider consumer goods industry. I was attracted to product management by the broad range of creative and strategic activities. I felt that product design and pricing were important determinants of success. It was a function that provided the opportunity to be involved in the whole marketing process.

To build my management skills and set myself on a path toward executive-level positions, I applied to business school in my final year of undergrad. I was accepted to other business schools right away but was told by Harvard Business School that I would only be accepted if I had a year of post-graduate work experience under my belt. I believed in the effectiveness of the case method for building my business skills, and in the influence of an HBS education and network as a doorway to the kinds of companies I hoped to work for, so I decided to hold out for HBS.

The wait proved worthwhile. At HBS, I learned how to be decisive with limited information, and that being decisive requires also being a team player, allowing the opinions and knowledge of others to fill my own experience gaps while being able to persuasively explain my own choices. HBS also provided the resources to help me in my job search and application process, and the tools to research companies ahead of interviews.

HBS connected me with my first post-graduate job as a research assistant for a highly respected marketing professor where I gained deep exposure to the management and decision processes of executives. While in this role, I worked with executives across several companies and ultimately accepted a job offer from one of them, also an HBS grad. They became a demanding mentor who offered guidance, helping me to mature as a manager, develop good business habits, and inform my intuition for decision making.

As I progressed in my career, taking on positions with more responsibility and leadership, I learned that I loved the challenge of leading through change and building things from scratch, rather than holding an already successful organization in its status quo. I have turned around businesses and worked with several startups. Both require a good degree of creativity in problem solving and opportunity identification, as well as the creation of action plans and strategies. I still found opportunities to be creative, albeit different ones than those of an advertising copywriter.

My career journey has not always been easy and positive, no career journey is. I’ve learned I prefer to stay away from workplace politics, a discovery that has impacted the choices I’ve made and paths I’ve taken. Likewise, when there have been interpersonal conflicts with colleagues I’ve had to work closely with, I’ve found ways to pursue different opportunities. Just as it is important to pursue what excites you, it is important to avoid what discourages you.

If I had advice for other HBS students and alumni, it would be to diversify your experiences and exposure, develop and foster a network of friends to keep in touch with after HBS, and to participate more in class. It would also be to consider the other areas in life worth building and pursue points of pride in them as much as you do with your career.

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  • Asma Alomari 2 &
  • Amal Alghamdi 2  

This study has undertaken a scrutiny of research pertaining to enrichment programs based on future problem-solving skills, aimed at enhancing the cognitive dimensions of gifted students between the years 2010 and 2023. The study used a sample of 10 studies; 3 correlational studies and 7 quasi-experimental studies. The study employed the descriptive-analytical approach by following a meta-analysis method. The study aimed to discern the effectiveness of enrichment programs based on future problem-solving skills in developing the cognitive dimensions of the gifted. The study's findings have indicated a significant impact of enrichment programs based on future problem-solving skills in the development of the cognitive dimensions of the gifted, as per both correlational and quasi-experimental designs. Moreover, statistically significant differences were found related to the variables of educational level and gender in accordance with both correlational and quasi-experimental designs. The study also advocates the need for further research in this domain to facilitate the generalization of the novel findings of this study within the gifted field.

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1 Introduction

The special needs of gifted students and the challenges they encounter compel us to offer them tailored education that aligns with their potential. According to relevant literature, numerous programs and practices are employed in educating gifted students. In recent years, gifted education has witnessed substantial growth in programs, providing students with various enrichment opportunities. Among these opportunities are enrichment programs that come in various forms, often interactive and centered around higher-order thinking skills. This allows students requiring additional intellectual stimulation to remain engaged and interested in their classrooms [ 3 ]. Enrichment programs focusing on future problem-solving skills are a significant component of gifted education. Many studies have called attention to such problem-based programs. Given the challenges faced by modern societies due to rapid and continuous changes, gifted individuals in the twenty-first century find it imperative to possess future problem-solving skills. These skills involve individuals actively exploring the future by connecting the past with the present, attempting to anticipate the future based on current information and data, and creating current and future solutions to these issues. Future thinking is an active process encompassing all situations, involving planning toward future objectives, passing through stages of imagination, prediction, visualization, planning, and decision-making [ 2 ].

Enrichment programs centered on future problem-solving skills focus on enhancing cognitive processes, such as creative thinking, critical thinking, future-oriented thinking, imaginative thinking, and motivation for achievement. These programs are suitable for experienced students and support the educational process interactively. Their curriculum encompasses essential steps that students should follow when solving future problems. These steps start with identifying future challenges, selecting the most prominent challenges, generating solutions and ideas, setting criteria and applying them, and conclude with developing an action plan, equipping students with the tools and strategies to address these problems [ 48 ]. In this regard, [ 20 , 33 ] underline the significance of future problem-solving enrichment programs in gifted education, emphasizing that it represents a novel and captivating approach for gifted students to enhance their self-efficacy, acclimate to higher-order thinking skills, and cultivate their creative self. This, in turn, improves their creative thinking, mitigates the potential for boredom and monotony, and broadens their knowledge while introducing them to new areas of interest. Johnsen [ 28 ] posits that gifted education programs must prioritize offering rich experiences characterized by depth, challenge, and flexibility. They should challenge the capabilities of gifted students and develop their higher-order thinking skills, focusing on holistic development of their mental, skill-based, emotional, and independent thinking capacities in problem-solving situations. Such characteristics can be found in enrichment programs that revolve around genuine future problems to nurture these skills.

Regarding research, several studies have directed their attention to exploring future problem-solving competencies. For instance, [ 20 ] assert the effectiveness of enrichment programs centered on future problem-solving in enhancing students' creative self-efficacy. Additionally [ 7 ], affirms the effectiveness of an enrichment program based on the Kolb model in developing problem-solving skills among gifted students in the cognitive dimensions.

On another side, studies have examined the characteristics of gifted students participating in future-thinking problem-based programs [ 55 ]. Conducted a study that revealed that children participating in a program based on diverse future-thinking skills acquired the ability for profound observation, extensive general knowledge, exceptional verbal, logical, detailed, and creative thinking, and a flexible approach to problem-solving. Despite the positive impact identified by numerous previous studies in the context of future problem-solving programs, there have been variations, particularly concerning gender, educational level, and other skills, as evidenced by the findings of certain studies [ 11 ]. Furthermore, this methodological approach has not garnered significant attention from researchers in Arab countries, despite the researchers' affirmation of the importance of sequential analyses [ 47 ]. Emphasize that Meta analyses can provide unique contributions to the field of gifted education. Firstly, the results are reliable, stemming from replicable methodological steps [ 25 ]. Secondly, by summarizing the current state of evidence, Meta analyses offer researchers the opportunity to place their insights within the larger context. Thirdly, Meta analyses allow researchers to examine the effects of a large number of independent variables and potential influences simultaneously [ 45 ]. Asserts that Meta analyses are a more comprehensive method for conducting program evaluations in gifted education, as it enables the study of a wide array of independent and moderating variables simultaneously, facilitating a better understanding of the results of various studies.

1.1 Research questions

This study employed a meta-analytic approach to synthesize findings concerning problem-solving skills in the domain of gifted education. The purpose was to address the following inquiries:

What is the effect size average of the impact of enrichment program interventions based on future problem-solving skills for gifted students in fostering their cognitive dimensions, according to correlational designs?

To what extent does the effect size average of the impact of enrichment program interventions targeting future problem-solving skills for gifted students vary in terms of their cognitive dimension development according to correlational designs, as a result of participant type (males, females, both) and educational level (elementary, middle, high school)?

What is the effect size average of the impact of enrichment program interventions based on future problem-solving skills for gifted students in fostering their cognitive dimensions, according to quasi-experimental designs?

To what extent does the average magnitude of the impact of enrichment program interventions targeting future problem-solving skills for gifted students vary in terms of their cognitive dimension development according to quasi-experimental designs, as a result of participant type (males, females, both) and educational stage (elementary, middle, high school)?

1.2 Significance of the study

The significance of this study resides in its substantive contribution to the field of gifted education research, mitigating the rare of studies employing such analytical methodologies. Furthermore, it answers the clarion call voiced by numerous scholars in the Arab world regarding the importance of conducting meta-analytical studies within the educational field [ 1 ]. This study will play a pivotal role in the realization of the directives set forth by the American Psychological Research Guide, which underscores the criticality of employing meta-analysis as an adjunctive statistical method for scrutinizing statistical significance. Through this meta-analysis, we shall elucidate the effective factors upon the education of gifted students. Consequently, it will bestow unparalleled contributions to the field of gifted education by means of descriptive multivariate analyses, which proffer a more comprehensive evaluation of gifted education programs. They empower researchers to scrutinize a wide spectrum of independent variables and moderating variables concurrently [ 50 ].This study will serve as the cornerstone upon which plans for the development and activation of the roles of gifted care programs in fostering cognitive dimensions are constructed. This is because any developmental blueprints hinge upon a comprehensive portrayal of the existing reality from all its facets. Moreover, this study will offer guidance for future research endeavors and inquiries into enrichment program typologies.

1.3 Research terminologies

1.3.1 meta-analysis.

This study uses the meta-analysis methodology, defined as statistical analysis for a comprehensive spectrum of research findings. Its principal objective resides in the synthesis of abstracts or information extracted from an expansive body of research, with the overarching intention of fostering cohesion among studies that share a common thematic concern. This methodological approach serves to facilitate a more profound understanding of the rapid proliferation of antecedent research endeavors. The nomenclature employed to signify meta-analysis has demonstrated a degree of lexical diversity, encompassing designations such as transcendental analysis and meta-analysis [ 15 ].

1.3.2 Enrichment programs

Enrichment programs, as defined by [ 6 ], refer to an assemblage of educational programs used by educators to nurture the development of students' competencies. These proficiencies encompass a varied spectrum, including cognitive aptitudes, social skills, and other skills that enhance the educational experiences of students.

1.3.3 Future problem-solving skills

Future problem-solving, as elucidated by [ 4 ], draws upon Torrance's (2003) definition of this term, characterizing it as the acumen employed for the analysis and formulation of strategies directed at the resolution of problems, challenges, or difficulties, and undefined obstacles projected to manifest in the future, extending over a temporal future of no less than twenty-five years.

1.3.4 Gifted students

The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) has defined gifted and talented students as those who perform—or can perform—at higher levels than others of the same age, experience, and environment in one or more areas. These talented people must modify their educational experience to learn and achieve their potential. Furthermore, gifted and talented students can have the following features:

They come from all ethnic and cultural groups and from all economic classes.

It requires obtaining adequate educational opportunities to achieve their potential.

May have learning and processing disorders that require specialized intervention and adaptation.

Need support and guidance to develop socially, emotionally and in different areas [ 35 ].

1.3.5 Cognitive dimensions

Cognitive dimensions, as expounded by [ 9 ], encompass an array of concepts, ideas, and systematically organized mental operations resident within a child's cognitive consciousness. These operations discriminate the cognitive realm and are predicated upon skills such as recall, categorization, and decision-making. These skills, in turn, are rooted in the skills of thinking, conceptualization, and organizational aptitude.

1.4 Study procedures

1.4.1 study design.

The study used the descriptive-analytical approach applying the meta-analysis method, as it was suitable for the nature of this study. Meta-analysis is considered an advanced approach for comprehensive summarization of previous studies and research. It significantly contributes to the interpretation of the huge literature that extends beyond the confines of academia. It is a descriptive-analytical methodology aimed at extracting underlying findings from multiple outcomes derived from individual studies with specific attributes. This involves conducting a survey of studies related to the subject matter of the study, examining their theoretical framework, as well as the research problem, hypotheses, procedures, and results. Subsequently, criteria were established for selecting studies that warrant reanalysis and the appropriate decisions [ 19 ].

1.4.2 Study sample

The sample comprised ten research articles published between 2010 and 2023 in diverse international journals.

Shokraneh [ 45 ] recommended documenting the strategies and steps employed in meta-analysis to facilitate repetition or new updates for meta-analysis. In this study, the analytical strategies and steps adopted were as follows:

2.1 Firstly, data collection

Studies published between 2010 and 2023 were included, using a two-stage process. The first stage involved conducting computer-based research using the following keywords: "gifted," "gifted education programs," "gifted education," "gifted student," "thinking skills," "future problem-solving skills," "gifted programs," "cognitive dimensions," "cognitive resilience," "decision-making," "achievement," and "metacognition." Studies that included these keywords in their titles or abstracts were initially selected and individually reviewed to identify additional references.

Manual searches were conducted across several journals, with articles related to gifted students, including but not limited to the Journal of Secondary, Journal for the Education of the Gifted, Roeper Review, Gifted Child Quarterly, Gifted Education, Journal of Advanced Academics, Journal of King Saud University, Journal of Umm Al-Qura University, International Journal of Educational Research at the United Arab Emirates University, Educational Journal at Taif University, and Dar Al-Mandhuma Database. Additionally, searches were conducted on the Google Scholar scientific researcher database, ERIC database, and the Google search engine. The previous search results yielded a total of 288 research articles. In the second stage, criteria for including studies in the current research were applied, resulting in a reduction to ten research articles.

2.2 Secondly, inclusion and exclusion criteria

The study applied inclusion criteria based on the following guidelines:

Selection of studies published between 2010 and 2023 in Arabic and foreign journals.

Selection of complete studies (open-access journals).

Selection of studies with clearly defined correlational or quasi-experimental methodologies.

Selection of studies that explicitly stated the sample size.

Selection of studies that employed educational tests as Pearson correlation coefficients, "t-tests," and "F-tests."

Selection of studies with available statistical data indicating the relationship between the interventions of enrichment programs based on future problem-solving skills for gifted students and the development of their cognitive dimensions or their impact (correlation coefficients, sample size, mean, standard deviation). The previous studies were examined, resulting in the inclusion of ten studies investigating the impact of enrichment program interventions based on future problem-solving skills for gifted students and the development of their cognitive dimensions, according to the criteria specified above. It is to be noted that articles removed during the systemic process included the duplicated articles, articles identified as ineligible for the research by the automation tools and other articles that were removed for some other reasons such as missing information or bad quality of the articles or irrelevant to the study topic. It is also important to note that 41 articles were excluded from the analysis because of the missing information or bad quality of the articles or irrelevant to the study topic.

3 PRISMA flow diagram of the systematic search

Figure 1 describes the process stages used to select the articles used in this research. It is to be noted that two sources have been used in the process of selecting of data namely articles from databases and registrars. Furthermore, it is to be noted that articles removed during the systemic process included the duplicated articles, articles identified as ineligible for the research by the automation tools and other articles that were removed for some other reasons such as missing information or bad quality of the articles or irrelevant to the study topic.

figure 1

PRISMA flow diagram of the systematic search

Table 1 describes the studies in the research sample included in the meta-analysis.

3.1 Thirdly, the encoding of study characteristics

A coding protocol was established to reflect information regarding the principal attributes of the study, experimental conditions if applicable, and the participants and samples. The features of the outcomes [ 21 ]. Consequently, the encoding of the modified variables in the present study stands as follows:

3.1.1 A—Study design

The encoding of the study design was categorized into:

Correlational research: If these studies investigate the correlational relationship between interventions of enrichment programs for gifted students and the development of their cognitive dimensions.

Quasi-experimental research: If these studies explore the impact of enrichment programs based on future problem-solving skills for gifted students in developing their cognitive dimensions.

3.1.2 B—Participant type

The encoding of participant type was categorized as (males, females, males and females together).

3.1.3 C—Educational level

The encoding of educational stage was categorized as (elementary, middle, secondary).

3.2 Fourthly, data analysis strategy

The study used effect size criteria provided by [ 17 ], and in accordance with that, the effect size is categorized as follows: from 0 to 0.10 weak, from 0.11 to 0.30 modest, from 0.31–0.50 moderate, from 0.51to 0.80 large, and represents greater than 0.81 as very large.

Furthermore, the common effect size of previous studies was calculated by determining the model used and represented by the random or fixed-effects model, which is determined by the test of heterogeneity that detects whether the observed variance in effect sizes (Q) significantly differs from the variance due to sampling error [ 21 ]. Accordingly, it is necessary to find the value of Q and compare it to the degree of freedom value (df = n-1) in the Chi-square value tables as follows: If the value of Q is less than the Chi-square value, it is interpreted that the effect sizes of the studies are homogeneous, and the common effect size is calculated according to the fixed-effects model. However, if the value of Q is greater than the Chi-square value, it is interpreted that the effect sizes of the studies are not homogeneous, and the common effect size is calculated according to the random-effects model.

In the current study, the random-effects model was used to align with the study's objectives, and the test of heterogeneity was conducted, as well as the application of categorical moderator analysis to examine whether the common effect size of enrichment programs based on future problem-solving skills for gifted students in the development of their cognitive dimensions showed significant differences based on study type, participant type, and educational stage. Moreover, it was determined whether the moderator was significant based on the level of significance value (Q) in the light of the random-effects model.

3.3 Fifthly, effect size calculation

The effect size in quasi-experimental studies was calculated as the difference between the means of the experimental and control groups divided by the common standard deviation. Additionally, Pearson's correlation coefficient was used as a measure of effect size for correlational studies.

3.4 Sixthly, publication bias assessment

Publication bias refers to the irregular representation of studies published in the literature, resulting from a higher probability of publishing studies with significant effects. This bias can influence the results of meta-analysis [ 42 ]. Researchers in meta-analysis studies have examined a set of peer-reviewed scientific studies published in journals, although there are similar studies that have not had the opportunity to be published in those journals for one reason or another, raising doubts about the possibility of bias in the results they reach. Hence, the importance of assessing publication bias becomes evident. For this purpose, Egger's regression test was used, which is a test of regression analysis for non-symmetrical funnel plot. It relies on the value "t" and its significance, so if the "t" value is not significant, it indicates no bias.

3.5 Seventhly, heterogeneity assessment

Heterogeneity analysis is a common approach in meta-analysis. It examines the likelihood of observing the variation displayed by effect sizes if sampling error is what makes them different [ 21 ]. In the current research, heterogeneity was evaluated using the Cochran's Q test, and the I 2 statistic [ 27 ]. The Q statistic follows a Chi-square distribution with degrees of freedom (n-1), while the I 2 statistic represents a percentage of the total variation across studies attributed to heterogeneity rather than chance. The test also examines the null hypothesis of homogeneity, stating that all studies evaluate the same effect [ 27 ].

3.6 Data analysis

The researchers of the current study used the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) V.3.3.07 software to analyze the data extracted from previous studies (n = 10).

4.1 First question results

“What is the effect size average of the impact of enrichment program interventions based on future problem-solving skills for gifted students in fostering their cognitive dimensions, according to correlational designs?"

To answer this question, the researchers used the following:

The heteroscedasticity test was employed to ascertain whether the observed variability in effect sizes within the research and study sample significantly deviated from the expected variability attributable to sampling error. This determination was crucial in identifying the appropriate model for aggregating effect sizes, as illustrated in Table  2 .

Table 2 clearly demonstrates the outcome of the heterogeneity test, which attests to its statistical significance (P = 0.037). The observed value stands at Q = 10.39 with degrees of freedom df = 2, markedly exceeding the critical Chi-squared (X 2 ) table value at a 95% confidence level. Furthermore, the heterogeneity ratio index (I 2  = 80.14%) underscores a substantial degree of heterogeneity among the various studies, indicating a dearth of common effect size. This, in turn, suggests a marked incongruity among the studies. Given the considerable variation in effect sizes across different studies, it is imperative to subject them to analysis in accordance with the random effects model. In this model, the common effect is construed as the mean value of these respective effects [ 16 ].

Moreover, the tabulated data in Table  2 unveil that the common effect size, as posited by the random effects model, is estimated at 0.531 with a standard error of 0.004 and a 95% confidence interval spanning from 0.317 to 0.694. This estimate is consistent with the characterization of a substantial effect size, as delineated by [ 17 ]. Consequently, the influence of enrichment programs tailored for intellectually gifted students, particularly concerning the development of their cognitive dimensions through the utilization of a correlational design, is indeed of considerable large.

In the assessment of publication bias, researchers employed the regression analysis test by Egger, yielding a coefficient "t" (1.15), with one degree of freedom, with P value of 0.455. This value bears no statistical significance, signifying the absence of publication bias.

4.2 Second question results

“To what extent does the effect size average of the impact of enrichment program interventions targeting future problem-solving skills for gifted students vary in terms of their cognitive dimension development according to correlational designs, as a result of participant type (males, females, both) and educational level (elementary, middle, high school)”

To answer this question the researchers used Analysis of Modified Variables, as follows:

The researchers employed a modified analysis to discern whether the impact of enrichment program interventions on the cognitive dimensions of gifted students varies depending on the type of participants (males, females, both), and the educational level (primary, middle, secondary). This revelation is elucidated through Table  3 .

It is evident from Table  3 that statistically significant disparities in the effect size of enrichment program interventions on the cognitive dimensions of gifted students are attributed to the gender of the participants (males, females, both), in favor of females (P = 0.004), and the educational stage (primary, middle, secondary), in favor of the secondary level (P < 0.001).

4.3 Third question results

“What is the effect size average of the impact of enrichment program interventions based on future problem-solving skills for gifted students in fostering their cognitive dimensions, according to quasi-experimental designs?”

An assessment of heterogeneity test was employed to ascertain whether the observed variability in effect sizes within the research and study sample significantly deviated from the expected variability attributable to sampling error. This determination was crucial in identifying the appropriate model for aggregating effect sizes, as illustrated in Table  4 .

Table 4 reveals that the heterogeneity test results signify significance (< 0.001 = p). The value (Q = 139.1) is accompanied by degrees of freedom (6), surpassing the critical Chi-squared value (X 2 ) and indicating a 95% confidence interval. Moreover, the heterogeneity ratio (I 2  = 96%) indicates a substantial degree of heterogeneity among studies. This suggests that the research and study samples do not share a common effect size, highlighting their inherent heterogeneity. Given the variation in effect sizes across studies, it is imperative to analyze them according to the random-effects model, where the common effect is the average of these effects [ 16 ]. Furthermore, Table  4 demonstrates that the common effect size, according to the random-effects model, is 0.745 with a standard error of 0.003 and a 95% confidence interval ranging from 0.436 to 0.789. This places the common effect size within the realm of substantial effect sizes, as indicated by [ 17 ]. Consequently, the impact of enrichment programs for gifted students on cognitive dimensions development, employing a quasi-experimental design, is large.

Publication Bias Assessment: The researchers employed Egger's regression analysis test, yielding a "t" value of 0.3211 with degrees of freedom (5) at a p- value 0.7623. This statistically non-significant value suggests an absence of publication bias.

4.4 Fourth question results

“To what extent does the average magnitude of the impact of enrichment program interventions targeting future problem-solving skills for gifted students vary in terms of their cognitive dimension development according to quasi-experimental designs, as a result of participant type (males, females, both) and educational stage (elementary, middle, high school)?”

To answer this question, the researchers used the Analysis of the modified variables: Researchers employed modified analysis to discern whether the effect of enrichment program interventions for gifted students on the development of their cognitive dimensions differs depending on the type of participants (males, females, males and females together), and the academic stage (primary, intermediate, secondary). This is evident from Table  5 ,

It is apparent from Table  5 that there are statistically significant differences in the average effect size according to the type of participants (males, females, males and females together), in favor of both males and females together (P < 0.001). Additionally, statistically significant differences were found according to the academic level (primary, intermediate, secondary) in favor of the secondary level (P = 0.001).

5 Discussion

The primary aim of the present study was to conduct a rigorous analysis with the intent of elucidating the impacts of enrichment program interventions on the development of prospective problem-solving skills and the cognitive dimensions within a cohort of gifted students. This was achieved through the employment of both correlational and quasi-experimental research designs, with the purpose of unveiling the moderating factors intrinsic to these effects. For this purpose, a total of ten research inquiries were subjected to scrutiny, encompassing three correlational studies and seven quasi-experimental investigations conducted from 2010 to 2023. The ensuing discourse will center upon the findings pertaining to each of the study's research questions, which are as follows:

This section starts with the first question enquiring about the effect size average of the impact of enrichment program interventions based on future problem-solving skills for gifted students in fostering their cognitive dimensions, according to correlational designs. The results, in response to this question, have determined that the common effect size, as per the random-effects model, attains a value of 0.531 with a standard error of 0.004 and 95% confidence intervals (0.317, 0.694). This effect size, for future problem-solving program interventions, resides within the realm of substantial effects, in accordance with what [ 17 ] has elucidated. Consequently, the influence of future problem-solving program interventions on the development of cognitive dimensions in gifted students, utilizing the correlational design, is indeed large. Researchers expound that future problem-solving programs are efficacious in the cultivation of cognitive dimensions among gifted students, guiding them towards success in both their personal and professional lives. It is noteworthy that education specialists must direct enrichment programs to meet the needs of gifted students in this field and design programs commensurate with the knowledge and skills of gifted students at various educational stages. Moreover, these programs must be oriented toward enhancing critical and creative thinking skills among gifted students in both academic and non-academic domains, while providing the requisite resources to accomplish these objectives. Interest in the development of future problem-solving programs for gifted students is steadily increasing, as problem-solving is deemed an exceedingly crucial skill in the modern age. Cognitive dimensions for problem-solving skills encompass critical and creative thinking, idea and problem analysis, theoretical and practical thinking, and the ability to make appropriate decisions [ 24 , 46 ]. Research suggests that future problem-solving programs contribute to the development of critical and creative thinking capabilities among gifted students. Indeed, [ 8 ] study demonstrated that enrichment programs for future problem-solving assist gifted students in developing their analytical and critical thinking skills, thereby enhancing their academic performance. Future problem-solving programs also aid in the development of theoretical and practical thinking. A study conducted in 2021 revealed that enrichment programs for future problem-solving help gifted students enhance their ability to analyze problems theoretically and practically, thereby enabling them to make sound decisions in diverse situations [ 54 ]

Furthermore, the current study's findings align with those conducted by [ 43 ], which showed that enrichment programs for future problem-solving facilitate gifted students in developing their ability to make appropriate decisions, thereby assisting them in achieving success in their personal and professional lives.

Then, we discuss the second question enquiring about the extent to the effect size average of the impact of enrichment program interventions targeting future problem-solving skills for gifted students vary in terms of their cognitive dimension development according to correlational designs, as a result of participant type (males, females, both) and educational level (elementary, middle, high school. To respond to this question, researchers used a modified analysis to discern whether the impact of future problem-solving intervention programs for gifted students on the cultivation of their cognitive dimension skills, as per correlational designs, indicated statistically significant differences in effect size attributed to the participant variables (males, females, males and females together), favoring the female participants, and the educational stage (elementary, middle, secondary), favoring the secondary stage. Researchers expound upon these findings by acknowledging the divergent aptitudes and requirements of gifted students across various educational stages. Indeed, students in the lower echelons may necessitate a greater emphasis on fundamental skills, while those in the higher echelons yearn for more substantial challenges. The nature of talent also varies among students participating in enrichment programs, with some demonstrating academic inclinations and others displaying artistic or socio-emotional proclivities. These differences significantly influence their responses to program interventions. The enrichment programs exhibit variances in terms of content, session duration, resource availability, and the expertise of supervisors, all of which contribute to disparities in the magnitude of the effect. Thus, disparities in the effect size of enrichment programs can be attributed to multiple variables related to the nature of the students, program content, and methodologies, as elucidated by experimental designs in this domain. Studies conducted in this domain [ 5 , 56 ] have demonstrated the pivotal role played by participant characteristics in determining the effect size of enrichment programs on the cognitive dimensions of gifted students. Results have shown statistically significant differences in the effect size of enrichment programs in favor of females. This might be attributed to gender disparities in educational interests, proclivities, and career aspirations, all of which influence the responses of gifted students to enrichment program interventions. Regarding the educational stage, studies [ 32 , 38 ] have indicated substantial variations in the effect size of enrichment programs across different educational stages. It has been revealed that the secondary stage yields superior results in the development of cognitive dimensions in gifted students compared to other stages. This can be attributed to variations in academic achievement levels and cognitive maturity among different educational stages, which impact the responses of gifted students to enrichment program interventions.

Enrichment programs for gifted students aim to provide educational opportunities that transcend standard curricula and intellectually challenge advanced learners. The effectiveness of such programs has been the subject of diverse research studies. Many studies have shown that participation in enrichment programs positively impacts the academic performance of gifted students. Research conducted by [ 29 ] found that students who participated in enrichment programs exhibited higher academic achievements, increased motivation, and enhanced critical thinking skills compared to their non-participating peers. Enrichment programs often offer opportunities for gifted students to explore their talents and develop advanced skills in specific fields. Research conducted by [ 39 ] elucidated that specialized enrichment programs focusing on specific areas such as mathematics, science, or the arts can accelerate learning and develop expertise.

The third question enquiring about the effect size average of the impact of enrichment program interventions based on future problem-solving skills for gifted students in fostering their cognitive dimensions, according to quasi-experimental designs, is then discussed. Hence, to address this question, an analysis of heterogeneity was employed to discern whether the observed variability in the research sample exhibited significant disparities beyond the anticipated variance due to observational error. The findings unequivocally elucidate the significant influence of enrichment programs for gifted students on the cultivation of their cognitive dimensions. These programs center their focus on stimulating critical and imaginative thinking in gifted students, who are the quintessence of cognitive evolution. They proffer challenges that nurture their loftier intellectual capacities and kindle unconventional problem-solving approaches and innovative ideation, thereby augmenting their cognitive capital [ 26 , 44 ]. Furthermore, these educational initiatives encompass projects and experiential learning activities, affording students the opportunity to construct knowledge through practical application. The enrichment programs hone gifted students' acquisition of advanced cognitive skills, encompassing critical thinking, problem resolution, and decision-making, thereby impacting the evolution of their cognitive dimensions [ 40 , 41 ]. Researchers elucidate that enrichment programs for gifted students wield a formidable influence on the augmentation of their cognitive dimensions. These programs are geared toward nurturing critical and creative thinking, which constitute the bedrock of cognitive development. They instill challenges designed to foster higher mental faculties, stimulating students to employ alternative methods in problem-solving and conceiving fresh ideas, thereby amplifying their cognitive endowment.

These programs hinge upon skills-based learning, affording gifted students opportunities to construct knowledge through experiential acquisition. They train students in the acquisition of elevated cognitive skills such as critical thinking and problem resolution, which significantly contribute to the enhancement of their cognitive dimensions. For these reasons, a multitude of studies have demonstrated the efficacy of enrichment programs in advancing the cognitive dimensions of gifted students.

The study's results concur with several extant research endeavors, much like the study conducted by [ 30 , 34 ], which evinced that the enrichment training program substantially facilitated the acquisition of critical thinking and problem-solving skills among gifted students. A study by [ 34 ] revealed a marked increase in the levels of critical and creative thinking among gifted students. The findings of a study by [ 31 ] demonstrated that enrichment programs significantly contributed to the enhancement of cognitive thinking skills, such as critical thinking and problem-solving, among gifted students.

Finally, this result related to question four, enquiring of to what extent the average magnitude of the impact of enrichment program interventions targeting future problem-solving skills for gifted students vary in terms of their cognitive dimension development according to quasi-experimental designs, as a result of participant type (males, females, both) and educational stage (elementary, middle, high school is discussed. To respond to this question, researchers undertook an elucidation of results, which unveiled statistically significant discrepancies in the mean effect size upon participant type (males, females, males and females together), favoring both males and females jointly. Furthermore, statistically meaningful distinctions about the educational level (elementary, middle, secondary) were unearthed, favoring the secondary level.

The findings in these studies revealed statistically significant disparities in the mean magnitude of the impact based on participant type and educational level. Concerning participant type, studies discovered disparities in the impact size of enrichment programs in favor of both males and females jointly, indicating that enrichment programs can be beneficial to both genders alike. Researchers expound this by suggesting that gifted individuals in the realm of sciences, such as critical and creative thinking, foster within themselves the zeal and enthusiasm to further their learning in this domain. The enrichment program proffers a diverse array of educational enriching activities, thus aiding in honing the students' skills in various scientific fields. The selection of students partaking in the enrichment program is contingent upon their distinguished prowess in the sciences, signifying their aptitude to assimilate and apply advanced scientific concepts more effectively. Regarding educational level, studies [ 14 , 22 ] found disparities in the impact size of enrichment programs in favor of the secondary level, implying that enrichment programs may be more efficacious in nurturing the cognitive abilities of gifted students in subsequent educational stages. This may be attributable to variations in mental and educational maturity levels and interests across educational stages.

This can be expounded upon by positing that gifted students possess greater experience in various academic subjects and exhibit higher levels of mental and intellectual maturity, rendering them more adept at comprehending and applying complex concepts and skills offered in enrichment programs.

Additionally, the educational interests of gifted students evolve across educational stages, as they become more specialized in specific fields and develop particular skills. Hence, enrichment programs that concentrate on these fields and skills may be more effective in enhancing their intellectual capacities [ 36 ]. These findings align with the study conducted by [ 23 ] to evaluate the effectiveness of the enrichment program employed by high school students in advancing their athletic intelligence and sports thinking. The results demonstrated significant enhancements in the levels of athletic intelligence and sports thinking among students who participated in the enrichment program. They also concur with a study by [ 8 ] assessing the efficacy of the enrichment program utilized by elementary and middle school students in improving their scientific skills. The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the scientific enrichment program in enhancing the levels of scientific, intellectual, and creative thinking among gifted students in elementary and middle schools. The results of the enrichment program were assessed using scientific intelligence and scientific and creative thinking assessments, and the results of students who participated in the enrichment program were compared with those of a group of students who did not participate. The results indicated that the enrichment program achieved positive results in improving the levels of scientific intelligence and scientific and creative thinking in students.

6 Conclusion

In this study, the researchers analyzed the outcomes of previous research published between the years 2010 and 2023. These works delved into the future problem-solving skills within the domain of nurturing the gifted. This analysis was conducted via the meta-analysis approach, which hinges on the examination of results from prior studies, coupled with quantitative evaluation through various statistical procedures. These include impact assessment, magnitude assessment, and control of potential publication bias. After thorough examination of databases and journals, as many as 288 studies relevant to the study's title and objectives were identified. Studies that did not align with the prescribed study criteria were excluded, resulting in a reduction of the studies to ten. The study primarily focused on ascertaining the effectiveness of interventions pertaining to future problem-solving programs in developing the cognitive dimensions of gifted students. This evaluation was conducted according to correlational and quasi-experimental designs. Furthermore, the investigation sought to determine the average variance in the impact size of these future problem-solving interventions on the development of cognitive dimensions among gifted students, categorized by participant gender (male, female, and mixed) and academic stage (primary, middle, and secondary). The study's findings in this regard indicated that the effectiveness of future problem-solving program interventions, under both correlational and quasi-experimental research designs, demonstrated a high degree of effectiveness. As for the examination of the average variance in the impact size of future problem-solving program interventions on the development of cognitive dimensions, considering the participant type and academic stage, the results displayed disparities based on the research designs. Studies adopting correlational research designs pointed to differences based on academic stage, favoring the secondary stage, and gender-based differences favoring females concerning participant type. On the other hand, studies employing quasi-experimental research designs showed variations based on academic stage consistent with the findings from correlational research, favoring the secondary stage. However, concerning the participant type, there were statistically significant differences favoring both males and females.

7 Recommendations

In light of the findings derived, the researchers proffer the following suggestions:

Studies of this nature, as pursued in the current research, are exceedingly scarce in the realm of gifted education, and their outcomes cannot be universally extrapolated. Hence, an imperative requirement manifests for the execution of further investigations to validate result precision.

Those entrusted with the formulation of enrichment programs for the gifted ought to be rooted in the cultivation of future problem-solving competencies, while taking into account a multitude of factors, notably their alignment with the age bracket, gender, and societal cultural context. It has been observed that differential impact surfaces across the more advanced developmental stages.

8 Future proposed studies

Future studies suggest that meta-analysis studies are needed to reveal the effect of future problem-solving skills on other variables (psychological, social, and emotional) through experimental and correlational designs. It is also recommended that more meta-analysis studies on enrichment programs based on future problem-solving on studies published in peer-reviewed journals to clarify the effect of culture and form a clear picture of the results.

9 Limitations of the study

Like any other study, this research has some limitations. For example, the study targeted only the previous literature available in Arabic and English, ignoring her studies conducted in different languages, which may have some biases. It is to be noted that the studies related to males were very few compared to those about females or both sexes. The study included only those with open sources due to the difficulties in accessing non-open source articles. Furthermore, while searching, about 32 reports were not retrieved, which might have some influence on the study findings.

Data availability

The data used to support the findings of this study are available upon request. However, please note that the data for this article were generated as part of a project funded by King Faisal University. Due to the nature of the funding and to protect intellectual property rights, the data cannot be shared without prior permission from King Faisal University.

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This work was supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research, Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia [Grant No. 241554].

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Special Education Department, College of Education, King Faisal University, Al-Hofuf, Saudi Arabia

Khaled Elballah

King Faisal University, Al-Hofuf, Saudi Arabia

Norah Alkhalifah, Asma Alomari & Amal Alghamdi

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Contribution: The contributions of each author to the research paper are as follows: Khaled Elballah—Formal Analysis—Funding Acquisition Norah Alkhalifah—Investigation.—Research Methodology Asma Alomari—Conceptualization—Data Curation Amal Alghamdi—Project Administration—Resources—Software.

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Correspondence to Asma Alomari .

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Elballah, K., Alkhalifah, N., Alomari, A. et al. Enhancing cognitive dimensions in gifted students through future problem-solving enrichment programs. Discov Sustain 5 , 248 (2024).

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Received : 24 June 2024

Accepted : 02 September 2024

Published : 09 September 2024


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How to Answer 'What Is the Most Difficult Situation You've Faced' (With Examples)

Learn how to answer "What is the most difficult situation you've faced" with examples. Ace interviews with expert tips on showcasing problem-solving and resilience.

Posted September 9, 2024

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Table of Contents

Have you ever been asked in an interview, "What is the most difficult situation you've faced?" This question can make you think on your feet ( believe us when we say we were caught off guard too), but this question is a common one that employers use to gauge your problem-solving skills and resilience. Knowing how to answer effectively can make a significant difference in your job prospects. It's not just about recounting a challenging situation; it's about showcasing your ability to solve problems, manage stress, and overcome obstacles.

In this article, we'll guide you through crafting a compelling response to this tricky interview question. You'll learn why employers ask about difficult situations, get tips on how to structure your answer, and see examples of strong responses. We'll also cover common pitfalls to avoid and provide phrases you can use to make your answer more impactful. By the end, you'll be ready to face this question with confidence and leave a lasting impression on your potential employer.

Why Employers Ask What Is the Most Difficult Situation You’ve Faced

When you're in a job interview, there’s a high chance that the interviewer might ask you the question, " Tell me how you handled a difficult situation. " We said that this question is tricky because it isn't just a casual inquiry, but a strategic tool that employers use to learn a lot about you in a short amount of time. It's part of what's called a behavioral-based interview , which is becoming increasingly popular among hiring managers because they often rely on open-ended questions to give you the opportunity to showcase your abilities through real-life examples.

What they're looking to evaluate

By asking this question, employers are trying to get a comprehensive view of your capabilities and character. Here's what they're really looking to assess:

  • Problem-solving skills : They want to see how you approach challenges and find solutions. This shows your critical thinking abilities, which are crucial for almost every job.
  • Emotional intelligence : Your response can reveal how well you handle stress, work with others, and manage your emotions in tough situations.
  • Communication skills : The way you articulate your experience gives insight into your ability to convey complex ideas clearly.
  • Adaptability and resilience : Employers value candidates who can bounce back from setbacks and learn from their experiences.
  • Leadership potential : Your answer can showcase your ability to take initiative and guide others through difficult times.
  • Teamwork and collaboration : They're interested in how you behave as a team member and interact with colleagues to reach better outcomes.
  • Work ethic and professionalism : Your approach to challenging situations can demonstrate your commitment and attitude towards work.
  • Self-awareness : They want to see if you can reflect on your actions and grow from your experiences.
  • Decision-making skills : Your response will show how you prioritize tasks and make choices under pressure.
  • Ability to handle work pressures : They're looking at how you deal with conflict, deadlines, and other job-related stresses.

When you're preparing your answer, make sure to choose a relevant and impactful example. Set the context clearly, outline your thought process and actions, and if possible, quantify the positive impact of your solution. This approach will help you craft a compelling response that showcases your skills and leaves a lasting impression on the interviewer.

5 Tips to Answer the "Tell me how you handled a difficult situation" Question

Practice your answer in advance.

Preparing for this question beforehand can significantly boost your confidence during the interview. Rehearse your response, but avoid memorizing it word for word. Under the pressure of the interview, you might forget a scripted answer, leaving your mind blank. Instead, focus on knowing the key points you want to convey.

Take time to think your answer

When faced with this question, it's okay to pause and gather your thoughts. Interviewers appreciate candidates who take a moment to reflect before responding. This shows you're thoughtful and considerate in your approach to challenges.

Use the STAR method

The STAR method is an effective technique for structuring your response. It stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. Here's how to apply it:

  • Situation : Briefly describe the context of the difficult situation.
  • Task : Explain your role or responsibility in addressing the challenge.
  • Action : Detail the specific steps you took to resolve the issue.
  • Result : Share the positive outcomes of your actions, using measurable results if possible.

Using this structure ensures that your answer is comprehensive and clearly demonstrates your ability to handle difficult situations effectively. This approach helps you provide a focused, compelling narrative that showcases your problem-solving skills.

Share your experiences and what you learnt

When recounting your difficult situation, be honest about any failures or setbacks. This demonstrates integrity and self-awareness. More importantly, emphasize what you learned from the experience. Employers value candidates who can grow from challenges and apply those lessons to future situations.

Discuss how these lessons have influenced your approach in your current role, helping you navigate difficult work situations more effectively. By showing that you've applied your growth to your present job, you highlight your ability to continuously improve and adapt.

Highlight positive outcomes

While describing the difficult situation, always steer your answer towards a positive conclusion. Showcase how your actions led to favorable results, such as increased efficiency, improved teamwork, or cost savings. If possible, quantify these outcomes with specific figures or percentages. This demonstrates your ability to turn challenges into opportunities for improvement.

Your goal here is to show the interviewer that you can handle adversity effectively and bring value to their organization. By following these tips and using the STAR method, you'll be well-prepared to tackle this common interview question with confidence and clarity.

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Phrases that You Can Include in Your Answer

When answering the question "How did you handle a difficult situation?", it's helpful to have some key phrases ready to structure your response effectively. These phrases can help you present your experience in a clear, professional manner that showcases your problem-solving skills and resilience.

Setting the Context

To begin your answer, briefly describe the challenge you faced with phrases like:

  • "I faced a significant challenge when..."
  • "One of the most difficult tasks I've worked on was..."
  • "A particularly challenging situation arose when..."

These openers help set the stage for your story and immediately engage the interviewer.

Describing Your Role

When explaining your specific role or responsibility, consider using:

  • "My task was to..."
  • "I was responsible for..."
  • "The challenge I needed to address was..."

Outlining Your Actions

As you detail the steps you took, you can use phrases such as:

  • "To tackle this issue, I..."
  • "My approach involved..."
  • "The strategy I implemented was..."

Highlighting Results

To conclude your answer on a positive note, try:

  • "As a result of these actions..."
  • "The outcome was..."
  • "This experience taught me..."

When describing your actions, be sure to explain not just what you did, but also why you did it. This shows your critical thinking skills.

For example: " I decided to [action] because [reasoning] ".

It's also important to quantify the impact of your actions when possible. Use phrases like:

  • "This resulted in a 40% improvement in..."
  • "We were able to deliver the project 2 days ahead of schedule..."
  • "Customer satisfaction increased by 70 points..."

Lastly, don't shy away from mentioning what you learned from the experience, even if the outcome wasn't perfect. You could say something like:

  • "This experience taught me the importance of..."
  • "Moving forward, I now approach similar situations by..."

When you incorporate these phrases and follow this structure, you'll be well-equipped to provide a comprehensive, impressive answer that showcases your ability to handle difficult situations effectively.

Example Answers for the “Can you describe a challenging situation at work and how you handled it?” Question

When preparing for your interview, it's helpful to have some concrete examples ready to answer this question effectively that could showcase your problem-solving skills. Here are two sample answers that effectively demonstrate how to handle difficult situations:

Sample Answer 1: Solving an Urgent Client Issue

" At my current job, a client called late Friday afternoon with an urgent question about their project status. My boss, who usually handles client interactions for a few months, had already left for the weekend. I took initiative and told the client that while I might not have the exact answer, I could potentially help since I was also working on the project. The client agreed to this approach.

We worked through the question together, and I was able to provide enough information that the client felt the rest could wait until Monday. To ensure proper follow-up, I left a detailed note for my boss asking him to check in with the client on Monday. "

This example showcases your ability to take initiative, communicate effectively, and solve problems under pressure. It also demonstrates your commitment to client satisfaction and teamwork.

Sample Answer 2: Improving Report Quality

" In my recent role as a department manager, we faced a challenge with a new hire who consistently provided incomplete reports. Despite multiple requests to include all required information, the reports continued to lack crucial data, causing others to redo them.

To address this, I created a sample report for the new hire, clearly showing all the required data. I also asked other supervisors to review this with their reports and to post a chart of report due dates. As a result, the quality of everyone's reports improved, not just those of the new employee.

This experience taught me the importance of clear communication and setting explicit expectations to achieve desired results. "

This example demonstrates your leadership skills , problem-solving abilities, and capacity to implement solutions that benefit the entire team.

What Is the Most Difficult Situation You’ve Faced Sample Answer

Managing a project with unexpected team absences.

“ In a recent project with a tight deadline, we encountered a significant challenge when two key team members unexpectedly had to leave. Their absence created gaps in our workflow, and with limited time remaining, it was crucial to keep the project on track.

To address this, I quickly stepped in to identify the tasks that needed immediate attention and reassigned responsibilities among the remaining team members. My focus was on ensuring that everyone had a fair amount of work, while also providing the support they needed to manage the increased workload. I maintained regular check-ins to keep the team motivated and aligned with our goals.

As a result, we were able to meet our deadline successfully, despite the challenges. This experience taught me the importance of adaptability and strong team communication in overcoming difficult work situations .”

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When answering the question "Tell me how you handled a difficult situation," it's crucial to be aware of common pitfalls that can weaken your response. By avoiding these mistakes, you can present a more compelling and professional answer that showcases your problem-solving abilities.

Focusing Too Much on the Problem

While providing context is necessary, avoid dwelling excessively on the problem itself. Instead, emphasize your actions and solutions. Remember, the interviewer is more interested in how you handled the situation than in the details of the problem. In difficult work situations, it's crucial to convey the stakes involved and how your approach positively impacted the company. By focusing on your problem-solving skills, you demonstrate your ability to navigate challenges effectively and contribute to the organization's success.

Blaming Others

Refrain from pointing fingers at your fellow team members, supervisors, or external factors when discussing a problematic situation. Always take accountability for your actions. If you made mistakes, admit them plainly and quickly pivot to how you worked to mend the situation. This approach demonstrates maturity and a willingness to learn from experiences.

Not Tailoring Your Answer to the Job

Avoid providing a generic response that doesn't align with the specific job requirements you're applying for. Instead, tailor your answer to highlight skills and qualities relevant to the position. This shows the interviewer that you've done your homework and understand what the role entails.

Providing Vague or General Responses

Generic responses lacking specific details can weaken your answer. Instead, provide concrete examples, quantifiable results, and specific actions you took. Concrete details are more convincing to employers and give a clearer picture of your problem-solving approach.

Neglecting to Mention Lessons Learned

Neglecting to mention lessons learned can be a missed opportunity. Be sure to reflect on the experience and provide a quick summary of what you learned from the difficult situation. Highlight your professional growth, improvements in skills or knowledge, and how you've applied those lessons in subsequent situations. This demonstrates your ability to grow and adapt.

Lack of Structure or Coherence

Ensure your response is well-structured and easy to follow. Clearly outline the situation, your approach, actions taken, and the outcome. A disorganized or incoherent answer can make it difficult for the interviewer to assess your problem-solving abilities and impact.

Oversharing or Breaching Confidentiality

Be cautious about sharing sensitive or confidential information when discussing a difficult situation. Maintain professionalism and respect what can be shared in an interview setting. Focus on providing sufficient details without compromising the privacy of individuals or organizations involved.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you'll be better equipped to provide a strong, professional answer that showcases your ability to handle difficult situations effectively. Remember to stay calm, take a moment to consider your response, and focus on demonstrating your problem-solving skills and personal growth.

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Mastering to answer common interview questions, such as the "most difficult situation" question, can have a big impact on your job prospects. By following the tips and examples provided, you'll be well-prepared to showcase your problem-solving skills, resilience, and ability to learn from challenges . Remember to structure your response using the STAR method, focus on positive outcomes, and tailor your answer to the specific job you're applying for.

In the end, the key to nailing this question is to be genuine, reflective, and focused on growth . By sharing a real experience and highlighting how you've used it to become better at your job, you'll give interviewers a clear picture of your value as a potential employee. So take some time to think about your experiences, practice your response, and walk into your next job interviews feeling confident and ready to impress.

What is a good example of a difficult situation?

  • A strong example of a tough work situation is handling a project with tight deadlines when team members are unexpectedly absent. This creates added pressure and requires quick problem-solving and flexibility.

What are some examples of difficult or stressful situations?

  • Examples of difficult or stressful situations at work include managing a project with limited resources, handling conflicts within a team, facing replacement, nosy co-worker, working with people you don’t get along with, or adapting to unexpected changes such as key team members leaving midway through a critical task. Other examples could involve making tough decisions under pressure or dealing with challenging clients or stakeholders. These situations often require quick problem-solving, strong communication skills, and the ability to stay calm and focused under stress.

How should I describe a time when I faced a difficult situation during an interview?

  • To effectively answer this question in an interview, make sure to use the STAR method.

Can you provide a good example of a difficult situation at work?

  • A typical challenging scenario at work could involve managing a project with very tight deadlines while dealing with unexpected absences of team members. This situation would require quick problem-solving skills and the ability to adapt swiftly to maintain project timelines.

What is a strong answer to discussing the toughest challenge faced in a job interview?

  • When asked about the biggest challenge you've faced, consider these steps:
  • Reflect on past challenges relevant to the role you are applying for.
  • Align your answer with the job description to demonstrate your suitability.
  • Specify why these situations were challenging.
  • Maintain honesty in your explanation.
  • Always present challenges in a way that highlights your growth or positive outcome.
  • If appropriate, include challenges outside of professional experiences.

Preparing for your consulting case interview? Read these next for additional resources to help you ace your next consulting interview:

  • McKinsey PEI Questions: What They Are and How to Answer
  • How to Prepare for Boston Consulting Group Management Consulting Behavioral Interviews?
  • How to Prepare for McKinsey Management Consulting Behavioral Interviews?
  • How to Answer Growth Strategy Case Questions in Management Consulting Interviews?
  • Management Consulting Vs Social Impact Consulting: A Side-by-Side Comparison

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Solving Problems Through Systems Thinking

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  • Systems thinking in business education encourages decision-making within a broader context, exclusive of a single disciplinary approach.
  • Employers need agile graduates capable of solving problems that exist in confusing systems and often alongside concurrent challenges.
  • Some traditional educational methods can hinder a more integrated approach to addressing complex issues.

Peter Møllgaard [00:15]: OK, so systems thinking is very important for business education today because we have all these polycrises, we have complex settings. So businesses need to take decisions acknowledging that there is a wider context. And if you ignore that, then you will suboptimize. The decisions that businesses will take would not be the right decisions.

And we need, of course, to take that into the classroom to make sure that our students, our graduates, will not suboptimize, will actually understand that they are part of a, that what they do is part of a bigger system.

Whatever that system might be depends on the concrete situation. So this way of looking at an issue at hand with a number of different, from a number of different perspectives is exactly what we need our students to learn.

We need to make sure that our students, our graduates, will actually understand that what they do is part of a bigger system.

[01:13]: When I talk to employers, what they are facing are a number of different crises that happen simultaneously: geopolitical crisis, climate change, whatnot. So there are lots of different things going on. And employers need to be agile. They need to operate in that very confusing system, really.

And in that confusing system, they need to have graduates out of business schools that can actually deal with that and can also engage in multidisciplinary, multigenerational teams that will solve these things.

So I think if you look at it from a very abstract point of view, this agility and the systems thinking are very well connected and would solve the issues that employers need to have solved these days.

So one example could be if you want to change the waterways in Ghana.

[02:10]: So we have a development problem, a Danish development project in Ghana, and you could think that you can just take solutions from Denmark and plug them in Ghana.

Of course, that would ignore the very different society that you are. The system is different. Simply, it’s a different legal system. There’s a lot less legal control. It’s a different behavior.

So, for example, in Ghana, people regularly just plug into the water pipes and say, well, I need water. So that would be illegal, but nobody cares, and they do that.

So if we want to take our solutions from Denmark, we need to understand that the behavior and the legal system is different, and only then can you become efficient in providing solutions to the Ghanaian society.

So in the classroom, we incorporate anthropology. So you need to understand behavior and actually observe behavior.

You need to be able to integrate the different disciplines in one solution. And so, if you get too hardcore into one discipline, then there’s a chance that you don’t open up.

[03:07]: What are they actually doing? Not what you think they should do or could do. We have legal aspects, we have globalization aspects, cultural aspects—a lot of different aspects to cover the system.

And of course, the ultimate aim is that you integrate all those different aspects, when you look at the problem at hand, for example, improving water pipes in Ghana, which is a hugely valuable thing to do in Ghana. 

Traditional ways of teaching can get in the way because what we need is that there is an interface with other disciplines, right?

So that’s what I call integrative thinking—that you need to be able to integrate the different disciplines in one solution. And so, if you get too hardcore into one discipline, then there’s a chance that you don’t open up.

[03:57]: You get religious with that particular methodology. And that’s not good when you need to be able to work in multidisciplinary teams or just apply a systems thinking in your own head.

I’m not sure we have challenges that we can’t solve ourselves, but there are often … a certain conservatism when it comes to changing curricula. And I think that’s something we need to work with, but that’s our own system. We should be able to work with that.

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