• Top 10 Pro & Con Arguments

alternative energy essay ideas

Alternative Energy

100% Renewable Energy

Green New Deal

Net Zero Carbon

Nuclear Energy

Fossil Fuels

“Clean Coal”

Natural Gas

Carbon Pricing

1. Alternative Energy

Alternative energy consists of renewable energies (solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomass), plus nuclear energy. Renewable energy, according to the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), is “often referred to as clean energy, [and] comes from natural sources or processes that are constantly replenished. For example, sunlight or wind keep shining and blowing, even if their availability depends on time and weather. Nuclear is not renewable and is not a fossil fuel. According to the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), nuclear is an “energy source that has zero emissions, provides electricity around-the-clock and propels our society into the future.”

Proponents of alternative energy argue that renewable energies and/or nuclear energy are cleaner than fossil fuel energies, they won’t run out, and the maintenance requirements are lower. Additionally, alternative energy will save money, has health and environmental benefits, and decreases reliance on foreign energy sources.

Opponents of alternative energy argue that there is a much higher upfront cost, the sun and wind are intermittent sources of energy and we do not yet have storage capabilities, so backup energies will be required, and there are geographic limitations, including environmental factors, that could prevent building big wind or solar farms.

Kerry Thoubboron, “Advantages and Disadvantages of Renewable Energy,” energysage.com, Oct. 25, 2018 Nuclear Energy Institute, “What Is Nuclear Energy?,” nei.org (accessed Sep. 16, 2020) National Resources Defense Council, “Renewable Energy: The Clean Facts,” nrdc.org, June 15, 2018

2. 100% Renewable Energy

100% renewable energy is a goal shared by at least 160 American citites, 10 counties, and eight states as of Sep. 16, 2020, according to the Sierra Club. As a policy, 100% renewable energy means not using fossil fuel energy or nuclear energy, with a goal for implementation generally between 2035 and 2050.

Proponents of 100% renewable energy policies argue that it’s not about whether to convert to all renewable energies but how, because fossil fuels are not sustainable as fuels or as healthy options for humans or the environment.

Opponents of 100% renewable energy policies argue that natural gas and/or nuclear power are necessary bridge fuels already in use with low carbon outputs that can help lower global temperatures quicker than renewables alone.

David Roberts, “A Beginner’s Guide to the Debate over 100% Renewable Energy,” vox.com, Feb. 6, 2018 Sierra Club, “Committed,” sierraclub.org (accessed Sep. 16, 2020)

3. Green New Deal

The Green New Deal is a piece of legislation proposed by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) that outlines benchmarks for the US to meet in order to fight climate change. Those benchmarks include achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, job creation, infrastructure and industry investments, access to clean water and healthy food, and stopping oppression of marginalized communities.

Proponents of the Green New Deal argue that the country must reduce greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change in a way that avoids the worst consequences of global warming, while resolving social injustices that are inextricably exacerbated by climate change.

Opponents of the Green New Deal argue that the plan is socialist and too far left of the mainstream, too vague with no specific plans about which energies to use, too costly with no plan for how to pay for everything, and that social justice issues should not be confused with climate change.

Linda Friedman, “What Is the Green New Deal? A Climate Proposal, Explained,” nytimes.com, Feb. 21, 2019 Ed Markey, “Senator Markey and Rep. Ocasio-Cortez Introduce Green New Deal Resolution,” markey.senate.gov, Feb. 7, 2019 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, et al., “H. Res. 109,” congress.gov, Feb. 7, 2019

4. Net Zero Carbon

Net zero carbon, also called, net zero emissions or carbon neutrality, is a goal set by several climate proposals, including the Green New Deal, to balance any carbon emissions with the absorption of a comparable amount of carbon from the atmosphere in order to help reduce the global temperature by 1.5C, as directed by the Paris Agreement. Net zero can be achieved via offsets like tree-planting programs, carbon capture technologies, 100% renewable or clean energy plans, and other methods. Most plans call for net zero by 2050, though some set goals or benchmarks for earlier. As of Sep. 25, 2019, over 60 countries had committed to net zero carbon, accounting to 11% of global emissions. The biggest carbon emitters, China, United States, and India had not committed.

Proponents of net zero carbon policies argue that the world has to act now to get climate change under control and net zero policies are the key to any productive climate change plan.

Opponents of net zero carbon polices argue that they are unrealistic grandstanding that distract from more achievable, sensible goals, and could do serious economic damage.

Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, “Getting to Zero: A U.S. Climate Agenda,” c2es.org (accessed Sep. 16, 2020) Megan Darby, “Which Countries Have a Net Zero Carbon Goal,” climatechangenews.com, June 14, 2019 Energy Climate and Intelligence Unit, “Net Zero: Why Is It Necessary?,” eciu.net (accessed Sep. 16, 2020) Natascha Engel, “Net-Zero Carbon Target Is Reckless and Unrealistic,” thetimes.co.uk, Jun 28, 2019 Roger Pielke, “The World is Not Going to Halve Carbon Emissions by 2030, So Now What?,” forbes.com, Oct. 27, 2019 Steve Pye, “Countries Need to Move to Zero-Carbon Energy Now–Here’s Why,” blogs.scientificamerican.com, Apr. 19, 2017 Somini Sengupta and Nadja Popovich, “More Than 60 Countries Say They’ll Zero Out Carbon Emissions. The Catch? They’re Not the Big Emitters.,” nytimes.com, Sep. 25, 2019

5. Nuclear Energy

Debates about nuclear energy range from whether it should be included in green or clean plans as a non-renewable energy, whether nuclear power should be phased out of use, whether the US federal government should subsidize nuclear energy, and whether the expansion of nuclear energy contributes to the proliferation of nuclear weapons. According to the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), “Nuclear energy comes from splitting atoms in a reactor to heat water into steam, turn a turbine and generate electricity. Ninety-four nuclear reactors in 28 states generate nearly 20 percent of the nation’s electricity, all without carbon emissions because reactors use uranium, not fossil fuels. These plants are always on: well-operated to avoid interruptions and built to withstand extreme weather, supporting the grid 24/7.”

Proponents of nuclear energy argue that the energy source is clean, has zero emissions, and is able to reliably support an electricity grid 25/7/365. Nuclear energy is a perfect complement to weather-dependent renewable energies that should be subsidized to replace fossil fuels. Further, nuclear energy protects national security interests by helping to maintain global non-proliferation standards.

Opponents of nuclear energy argue that the energy is not clean because it leaves behind dangerous, radioactive nuclear waste that must be stored. Building new nuclear plants is expensive and subsidies should be directed to sustainable energies. Further, the danger of a nuclear meltdown like Fukushima or Chernobyl are always present, and any access to materials for nuclear power means nuclear weapons can be made.

Greenpeace, “Nuclear Energy,” greenpeace.org (accessed Sep. 16, 2020) Nuclear Energy Institute, “What Is Nuclear Energy?,” nei.org (accessed Sep. 16, 2020)

6. Fossil Fuels

Fossil fuels are “[c]oal, crude oil, and natural gas are all considered fossil fuels because they were formed from the fossilized, buried remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago. Because of their origins, fossil fuels have a high carbon content,” according to the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC). In 2019, fossil fuels accounted for 80% of American energy consumption. The debates about fossil fuels are generally whether to phase them out entirely, continue to use them, or use cleaner versions while transitioning to alternative energies.

Proponents of fossil fuels argue that renewable energies are not ready for the market and fossil fuel energy is needed to keep affordable power in American homes. Fossil fuels can be collected and burned more cleanly in order to meet climate change goals.

Opponents of fossil fuels argue that maintaining fossil fuel energy hampers energy progress and sets back climate goals unnecessarily. They maintain that the fossil fuel industry is greedy and doesn’t want to clean up its act, much less cede the way to alternative energy.

Scott Foster and David Elzinga, “The Role of Fossil Fuels in a Sustainable Energy System,” un.org (accessed Sep. 16, 2020) National Resources Defense Council, “Fossil Fuels: The Dirty Facts,” nrdc.org, June 29, 2018 New York Times , “Climate and Energy Experts Debate How to Respond to a Warming World,” nytimes.com, Oct. 7, 2019 Jack Shapiro, “8 Reasons Why We Need to Phase Out the Fossil Fuel Industry,” greenpeace.org, Sep. 11, 2019 US Energy Information Administration, “Primary Energy Consumption by Source,” eia.gov, July 2020

7. “Clean Coal”

Coal is perhaps the dirtiest of all fossil fuels, but it accounted for 11.3% of US energy consumption in 2019, “clean coal” generally refers to carbon capture and storage (CSS), but can also mean wet scrubbers that remove sulfur dioxide, coal washing that removes soil and rock, or even the digitization of coal plants.

Proponents of clean coal argue that coal is readily available in the US and cheap compared to other energy sources. Coal already provides a lot of jobs, and clean coal technology could boost employment even more. Further, much of the world relies on coal and clean coal technology could lower emissions globally, helping to meet climate goals. Keeping US energy sources on US soil increases national security as well as US energy independence.

Opponents of clean coal argue that there is no such thing. All coal is dirty and nonrenewable, because pollutants like sulfur dioxide and heavy metals linger in coal ash that is stored underground and seeps into ground water around coal plants. This pollution harms communities surrounding the plants, generally people of color. Natural gas has already sounded the death knells of coal and we shouldn’t try to resuscitate the dying industry with unproven technology.

Sarah Dowdey, “What Is Clean Coal Technology?,” science.howstuffworks.com (accessed Sep. 16, 2020) EndCoal.org, “Myth 2: Coal Is Clean,” endcoal.org (accessed Sep. 16, 2020) Dan Ervin, “The US Must Still Focus on Clean Coal Technologies,” realclearenergy.org, July 7, 2020 Natasha Geiling, “Clean Coal Is Not a Joke,” sierraclub.org, Sep. 25, 2018 David Grossman, “How Does Clean Coal Work?,” popularmechanics.com, Aug. 23, 2017 Kendra Pierre-Louis, “There’s No Such Thing as Clean Coal,” popsci.com, Oct. 13, 2017 Rocky Mountain Coal Mining Institute (RMCMI), “Clean Coal Technology,” rmcmi.org (accessed Sep. 16, 2020) US Energy Information Administration, “Primary Energy Consumption by Source,” eia.gov, July 2020 Steven Winberg, “Clean Coal Is Crucial for American Jobs, Energy Security, and National Supply Chains,” energy.gov, June 26, 2020

8. Natural Gas

Natural gas is a fossil fuel, increasingly collected via hydraulic fracturing (fracking). Natural gas is the most used fossil fuel in the US, accounting for 32.04% of American energy consumption in 2019. Debates about natural gas center on whether the fossil fuel should be used as a bridge or transition fuel as we phase out coal and oil and phase in alternative energies.

Proponents of natural gas argue that the fossil fuel is necessary as a practical bridge fuel in the transition to renewable energies because of the intermittency of solar and wind especially. Natural gas is a clean fossil fuel that can remain in use after the demise of coal and oil.

Opponents of natural gas argue that natural gas is a dirty energy that not only does not bridge the transition to renewable energies but hampers the efforts. Climate goals are looming and there is no time for fossil fuels that take time and money away from clean energy.

American Petroleum Institute (API), “API Statement on Climate Proposal from House Select Committee,” apr.org, June 30, 2020 Michael Gerrard, “When Gas Gets Serious about Phasing Out Natural Gas,” acoel.org, May 27, 2020 Brian Kahn, “Please, for the Love of All Things Holy, Stop Pretending Natural Gas Is a ‘Transition Fuel,'” earther.gizmodo.com, Feb. 20, 2020 New York Times , “Climate and Energy Experts Debate How to Respond to a Warming World,” nytimes.com, Oct. 7, 2019 David Roberts, “More Natural Gas Isn’t a ‘Middle Ground’–It’s Climate Disaster,” vox.com, May 30, 2019 US Energy Information Administration, “Primary Energy Consumption by Source,” eia.gov, July 2020 Sam Winstel, “Common Sense Approach to Reliable, Low-Emissions Energy,” api.org, July 31, 2020

9. Fracking

Fracking (hydraulic fracturing) is a method of extracting natural gas from deep underground via a drilling technique. First, a vertical well is drilled and encased in steel or cement. Then, a horizontal well is drilled in the layer of rock that contains natural gas. After that, fracking fluid is pumped into the well at an extremely high pressure so that it fractures the rock in a way that allows oil and gas to flow through the cracks to the surface. The debate around fracking starts with whether the use of natural gas should end or increase and continues to whether the practice is safe in and of itself.

Proponents of fracking argue that fracking is safe and has allowed the United States to produce and export much more natural gas, which has increased national security and moved the country toward energy independence.

Opponents of fracking argue that the practice is not safe because it pollutes groundwater, increases greenhouse gases, and causes earthquakes. Further, the country should transition away from natural gas, not increase its use.

David Blackmon, “‘No New Fracking’ – Be Careful What You Wish For,” forbes.com, Mar. 16, 2020 Environment America Research & Policy Center, “Fracking by the Numbers: The Damage to Our Water, Land and Climate from a Decade of Dirty Drilling,” environmentamerica.org, Apr. 14, 2016 Independent Petroleum Association of America, “Hydraulic Fracturing,” ipaa.org (accessed Sep. 17, 2020) Marc Lallanilla, “Facts about Fracking,” livescience.com, Feb. 10, 2018 Bernie Sanders, “Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez Lead First-Ever Bill to Ban Fracking Nationwide,” sanders.senate.gov, Jan. 31, 2020

10. Carbon Pricing

Carbon pricing is a market-based strategy to control the rise of greehouse gases. Generally, companies are charged for the carbon they emit, either through a carbon tax, which sets a direct cost for greenhouse gas emissions or the carbon content of fossil fuels, or a cap and trade system, which puts a limit (cap) on the amount of greenhouse gas emissions a company can emit and allows lower emitters to sell their extra emissions allowance to higher emitters.

Proponents of carbon pricing argue that putting a market-based price on emissions can not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but by allowing emitters to choose how to reduce their emissions, carbon pricing can create competitive innovation in the field, benefitting climate change plans.

Opponents of carbon pricing argue that taxes and cap and trade programs penalize those without the financial resources to switch to renewable energies, could result in higher costs for consumers, and carbon pricing creates a system to be gamed by lobbyists, resulting in no change in emissions.

Philip Booth and Jamie White, “Debate: The Pros and Cons of Carbon Taxes,” iea.org, Nov. 6, 2018 Helen Mountford, “A Carbon Price Can Benefit the Poor while Reducing Emissions,” wri.org, Dec. 15, 2018 World Bank, “Pricing Carbon,” worldbank.org (accessed Sep. 17, 2020)

alternative energy essay ideas

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108 Renewable Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Renewable energy is a crucial topic in today's world, as we strive to find sustainable solutions to combat climate change and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. If you're looking for inspiration for an essay on renewable energy, look no further. Here are 108 topic ideas and examples to get you started:

  • The benefits of solar energy for residential homes
  • The potential of wind energy in powering cities
  • How geothermal energy can be harnessed for heating and cooling
  • The future of bioenergy as a renewable fuel source
  • The economic advantages of investing in renewable energy
  • The role of hydropower in generating electricity
  • The environmental impact of transitioning to renewable energy
  • The challenges of integrating renewable energy into the grid
  • The importance of government incentives in promoting renewable energy
  • The potential of tidal energy as a renewable resource
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in agriculture
  • The role of renewable energy in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • The impact of climate change on renewable energy production
  • The potential of hydrogen as a renewable fuel source
  • The benefits of community solar programs
  • The challenges of storing renewable energy for use during peak demand
  • The impact of renewable energy on wildlife and ecosystems
  • The role of microgrids in increasing renewable energy adoption
  • The benefits of renewable energy in developing countries
  • The potential of wave energy as a renewable resource
  • The social implications of transitioning to renewable energy
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in transportation
  • The impact of renewable energy on job creation
  • The challenges of scaling up renewable energy production
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the industrial sector
  • The role of energy efficiency in reducing the need for renewable energy
  • The potential of solar farms in meeting energy demand
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the healthcare sector
  • The impact of renewable energy on national security
  • The challenges of financing renewable energy projects
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the education sector
  • The role of renewable energy in disaster preparedness
  • The potential of offshore wind energy in powering coastal cities
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the hospitality industry
  • The impact of renewable energy on water conservation
  • The challenges of integrating renewable energy into the transportation sector
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the retail sector
  • The potential of solar desalination in producing clean water
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the mining industry
  • The impact of renewable energy on sustainable development
  • The challenges of transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the food and beverage industry
  • The potential of biogas as a renewable fuel source
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the construction sector
  • The impact of renewable energy on rural communities
  • The challenges of reducing the cost of renewable energy
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the entertainment industry
  • The potential of solar-powered irrigation systems in agriculture
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the sports industry
  • The impact of renewable energy on energy poverty
  • The challenges of increasing public awareness of renewable energy
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the fashion industry
  • The potential of solar water heaters in reducing energy consumption
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the automotive industry
  • The impact of renewable energy on air quality
  • The challenges of implementing renewable energy policies
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the aviation industry
  • The potential of solar-powered electric vehicles
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the shipping industry
  • The impact of renewable energy on wildlife conservation
  • The challenges of reducing the environmental impact of renewable energy production
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the telecommunications industry
  • The potential of solar-powered drones in monitoring wildlife
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the finance sector
  • The impact of renewable energy on disaster response
  • The challenges of increasing energy access in developing countries
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the insurance industry
  • The potential of solar-powered streetlights in reducing energy consumption
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the real estate sector
  • The impact of renewable energy on public health
  • The challenges of reducing the carbon footprint of renewable energy production
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the technology sector
  • The potential of solar-powered refrigeration systems in reducing energy consumption
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the pharmaceutical industry
  • The impact of renewable energy on community resilience
  • The challenges of reducing the water footprint of renewable energy production
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the automotive sector
  • The potential of solar-powered water purification systems in producing clean water
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the hospitality sector
  • The impact of renewable energy on food security
  • The challenges of increasing energy efficiency in renewable energy production
  • The potential of solar-powered desalination plants in producing clean water
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the agriculture sector
  • The impact of renewable energy on community development
  • The challenges of reducing the land footprint of renewable energy production
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the mining sector
  • The impact of renewable energy on economic development
  • The challenges of increasing energy access in rural areas
  • The potential of solar-powered electric vehicles in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the entertainment sector
  • The impact of renewable energy on social equity
  • The challenges of reducing the noise footprint of renewable energy production
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the fashion sector
  • The potential of solar-powered drones in monitoring wildlife populations
  • The impact of renewable energy on disaster resilience
  • The challenges of increasing energy access in remote areas
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in the insurance sector
  • The impact of renewable energy on public safety
  • The challenges of reducing the environmental footprint of renewable energy production

These essay topic ideas and examples cover a wide range of renewable energy topics, from solar and wind power to bioenergy and geothermal energy. Whether you're interested in the environmental, economic, or social aspects of renewable energy, there's a topic here for you to explore. So get writing and share your thoughts on the future of renewable energy with the world.

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Renewable Energy Essay: Tips to Write a Great Paper

alternative energy essay ideas

Scientists have categorized climate change as the greatest threat facing humanity today. While there’s irrefutable evidence that our climate is warming up, scientists are divided on its probable causes, with some attributing it to anthropogenic origins and others claiming Earth’s orbital patterns, among myriads of hypotheses. Today, climatologists and other mainstream researchers float renewable energy as humanity’s silver bullet to fight climate change. The discussions around the topic have inspired interest among the young and the old, leading to increased enrolment in climate-related studies, participation in demos and campaigns, and sharing of knowledge in talk shows and online platforms. However, being passionate about renewable energy and sharing your insights with others are two different things. Many people struggle to express themselves. Yet, there’s no room for hesitation regarding climate change. We must all act now and play the small part we can to reverse it. As such, it’s crucial to understand the power of words in advocating for change as the world shifts towards more sustainable energy sources. In this short article, we’ll guide you in crafting a winning essay on renewable energy, exploiting the power of storytelling to capture people’s attention while highlighting the importance of taking immediate action to reverse its potential impacts on humanity.

Unlocking the Power of Words: Secrets to Writing about Energy

The internet is awash with essays and articles on various topics. In the last few years, climate change has become one of the most targeted topics of discussion. So, by writing another renewable energy essay, you could add to the debate but not make any significant impact. Therefore, it’s vital to create a well-crafted piece to convey your ideas and influence your audience effectively. Remember that the intention is not to add to the existing literature but to make a powerful impact. A poorly written essay may fail to engage your readers and diminish the significance of your message. Consider what’s at stake when writing a renewable energy essay.

To make your work stand out, pay special attention to writing mechanics such as coherence and persuasive techniques. Additionally, adhere to grammar and writing style requirements. Most importantly, stay on the topic. While climate change is an emotive issue, be careful not to be dragged into every aspect of the debate. Yours should be to communicate your ideas effectively and inspire action.

From Sun to Success: Tips to Write an Essay on Renewable Energy

Writing a renewable energy paper is unlike crafting other documents. The scrutiny such pieces get in today’s world is mind-boggling. A simple misrepresentation of facts or omission can attract incredibly unwanted attention. So, how do you create an impactful and persuasive piece of writing on this topic? We’ve got you covered. Below, we’ve put together some invaluable tips to help you harness the power of words to make a difference in the world of renewable energy.

Choosing the perfect topic

There are numerous topics under renewable energy to explore. It’s improbable to examine or discuss them all. Consequently, it would be best to settle for the one that interests you the most or addresses the most critical issues on the subject matter. Here are a few factors to consider when choosing a topic:   

Relevance: If it’s not germane, don’t write it. Your primary objective is to address current issues and developments in the field of renewable energy, ensuring your essay is timely and highlights essential concerns. We understand this can challenge some students, so we recommend seeking professional help. For example, you can use a trustworthy paper writing service , to help write your essay online or develop a topic.

Uniqueness: As we said earlier, you don’t want to add to existing literature but explore new ideas from different perspectives. Consider topics that stand out, especially those in niche areas or emerging technologies within renewable energy, e.g., wave and tidal power, solar skin technology, and floating solar farms, among others.

Passion : Don’t just write, do so about the things you love or are genuinely passionate about. Readers can always tell if you’re writing for money, attention, or interest. If you put your heart into it, your enthusiasm will shine through it and engage them.

Conduct thorough research

Thorough research is the backbone of any well-written essay. This is especially critical when crafting an essay on renewable energy. You must not only gather reliable and up-to-date information from credible sources but also use them expertly. But how can an amateur achieve this? Here are some tips:

Rely on credible sources: Libraries and online databases contain millions of books and articles about renewable energy. So, how can a student know reputable ones? Most often, academic journals and government reports are the most reliable. They contain information that’s been verified by peers. You can also check educational institutes and organizations that provide primary data, e.g., NASA and NSE.

Stay updated : Things can move very fast in the field of renewable energy. As such, you must always be alert or risk being left behind. Therefore, access the latest research on the topic and, if possible, subscribe to newsletters and publications on renewable energy. A rapidly evolving field requires unconventional ways to stay ahead.

Take notes : There could be so much to learn on this topic. However, always note new trends, emerging issues, and controversies. This way, you can update your essays long after writing them, keeping them relevant for longer.   

Structuring your essay for maximum impact

An essay is only as impactful as the structure of its arguments. You can’t go far with a haphazard essay design. You must adopt a well-structured format to convey your ideas clearly and effectively. This may not be as straightforward as it seems. So, here are a few considerations for you:

Introduction : Begin your article with a powerful and captivating paragraph outlining what it is about and the direction of your argument. Remember that a flat introduction can distract readers from an otherwise excellent essay.    

Main body : Divide the body of your essay into several paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect or argument related to renewable energy. Here, you’re supposed to produce evidence and dispute any divergent opinions with solid arguments. This is the core of your paper.

Conclusion : This section is no less important than the others. You should use it to summarize your main points and restate your thesis statement. Given the criticalness of the topic, you can sign off with a thought-provoking message that reinforces the importance of renewable energy and encourages action or further exploration of the subject.

Do Some Research to Craft an A+ Renewable Energy Essay

Any good English paper requires careful planning, thorough research, and effective writing techniques . However, when trading in extremely high-stakes zones, your writing ability becomes secondary. The accuracy of your claims comes first when crafting essays on renewable energy. Still, other components remain vital. Therefore, by choosing a compelling topic, conducting thorough research based on valid questions, structuring your essay for maximum impact, and utilizing persuasive language and credible sources, you can create a powerful piece of writing that inspires action and raises awareness about the importance of renewable energy.

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25 Alternative Energy Essay Topics

All you wanted to know about transition bonds in india, five ways to make your office more eco friendly.

Writing essays consists of various stages. These can be divided into preliminary, writing, and post-writing stages. Students can face issues at every stage. They are divided into several sections as well. Sometimes the beginning is the most serious challenge. Right now, we would like to focus on the preliminary stage and mainly on the topic selection.

Many students cannot generate relevant topics because a certain academic field is too complicated for them. Thus, many of them cannot select good ideas for an alternative energy essay. This field is very interesting and important for the entire planet. This, however, does not mean it’s easy to find and cover a good issue.

Academic experts from a trustworthy essay writing company such as SmartWritingService.com have kindly offered their paper writing help. They provided us with smart prompts on creating topic ideas in the alternative energy field. 

Get Ideas for Your Following Alternative Energy Essay

Thanks to their professional and fast aid, we have generated 25 relevant ideas to cover. They are different, vivid, and focus on various aspects of this field. Make allowances for the next alternative energy essay topics:

  • What is the main purpose of alternative energy ?
  • Modern issues faced by the alternative energy industry.
  • Are alternative energy sources more potential than nuclear sources?
  • Why is it vital to apply alternative energy sources?
  • When will all common energy sources be replaced with their alternative and safe analogs?
  • What is the best alternative energy source right now?
  • The main sources of alternative energy: differences and similarities.
  • Is solar energy profitable for common people?
  • What are the main benefits of solar energy?
  • Renewable energy sources and their impact on the business industry.
  • Should the United States of America increase the use of renewable energy?
  • The main hardships of the implementation of new sources of energy.
  • The history of the development of renewable energy.
  • Can alternative energy prevent global warming?
  • Why is alternative energy vital for humanity?
  • The link between economics and alternative energy.
  • How to create a solar battery at home?
  • Is it profitable to use alternative energy sources?
  • The future of solar energy in 2022.
  • Why do some people oppose using hydrogen gas?
  • The main benefits of tidal energy.
  • The main peculiarities of biomass energy.
  • Is it beneficial to use biofuels?
  • Geothermal power and its main advantages for a household.
  • Nuclear power is clean and safe.

You are free to use any of these topic ideas. They are relevant and focus on very important problems related to alternative sources of energy. You can also use this list as a mighty example for your own concepts. Their model can suit other academic fields as well.

What Makes a Good Topic?

Although our topic list is useful, you also have to understand the meaning of a good alternative energy topic. You ought to understand what issue is good for your essay. Consider the next tips:

  • You must focus on a currently relevant problem;
  • The selected problem should not have a clear solution;
  • You are supposed to provide the solution to the studied problem;
  • You may cover frequently used topics if you found a new angle to review it;
  • Be sure the selected topic is meaningful and interesting.

How to Write a Good Essay: Simple Tricks

We also want to pay attention to the way students should write essays. Although the subject and topic may differ, all alternative energy essays have the same structure and demands for them. Accordingly, we would like to describe those stages with simple explanations.

  • Introduction . The introductory part familiarizes readers with general facts about the studied topic. You are to provide the so-called “hook”, which grabs the attention of your readers. It can be a citation, anecdote, rhetoric question, shocking statements, etc.
  • Thesis statement . This is the central idea of the entire essay, which commonly consists of only one sentence. It clarified the main purpose and explains why you have opted for a certain topic.
  • Main body . You are supposed to develop the thesis statement in the main body. You should add sub-theses that support your argument and offer examples to explain all the issues.
  • Conclusion . The final lap of the writing stage should summarize the entire paper. Restate the thesis statement, in other words, outline the main results of your research, and interpret them.
  • Revision . When it comes to the post-writing stage, you should edit and proofread your essay. Do it at least twice to increase your chance to spot all the errors and weak points in your paper. Apply different reading methods, use special editors and grammar checkers, as well as ask someone to read it (if it’s possible).

You also need to keep an eye on the readability and flow of the entire text. If it’s hard to read and comprehend, no one will like your project. To enhance the readability of your text, you can follow the next tips and tricks:

  • Keep all your paragraphs short and structured;
  • Cover only one point (sub-thesis) at a time;
  • Shorten all lengthy sentences;
  • Stick to the active voice;
  • Do not overuse adjectives and adverbs;
  • Do not use slang, technical terms, abbreviations, jargon, etc.;
  • Get rid of clichés and stereotypes;
  • Make smooth and logical transitions.

Wrapping Up

If you cannot find good ideas for your alternative energy essay, review our list. It offers relevant and interesting topics to cover. Thanks to the ideas we have provided, you will always be armed with a good theme.

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Essay on Alternative Energy

Students are often asked to write an essay on Alternative Energy in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Alternative Energy


Alternative energy refers to energy sources that are different from traditional fossil fuels. These include solar, wind, geothermal, and hydroelectric power. They’re important because they’re renewable and cause less pollution.

Solar Energy

Wind energy.

Wind energy is harnessed by wind turbines. As the wind blows, it spins the turbines, generating electricity. It’s plentiful and renewable, but depends on the wind’s speed.

Hydroelectric Energy

Hydroelectric energy is produced by the movement of water. Dams are built to store water, which is then released to turn turbines and generate electricity. It’s renewable and efficient.

250 Words Essay on Alternative Energy

Alternative energy, often referred to as renewable energy, is energy derived from resources that are naturally replenished. Unlike fossil fuels, these resources are limitless, making them a sustainable option for energy production.

The Need for Alternative Energy

Our planet’s health is in a critical state due to the excessive use of fossil fuels. Their combustion contributes to climate change by releasing large quantities of carbon dioxide. Switching to alternative energy sources is a viable solution to this urgent issue.

Types of Alternative Energy

There are several types of alternative energy sources. Solar power harnesses the sun’s energy, while wind power uses air flow to generate electricity. Hydropower and tidal energy exploit water’s kinetic energy, and geothermal energy utilizes heat from beneath the Earth’s surface. Biomass and biofuels are derived from organic matter.

Benefits of Alternative Energy

Alternative energy sources offer numerous benefits. They significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, thus mitigating climate change. They also reduce dependence on finite resources and can be more cost-effective in the long run.

Challenges and Future Prospects

Despite their benefits, alternative energy sources face challenges such as intermittency and high initial costs. However, with technological advancements and political will, these hurdles can be overcome. The future of energy lies in harnessing these sustainable resources, underlining the importance of investing in alternative energy research and infrastructure.

500 Words Essay on Alternative Energy

Introduction to alternative energy.

Alternative energy refers to energy sources that are not based on the burning of fossil fuels or nuclear fusion. The term is commonly used to refer to renewable and non-polluting energy sources. These are energy sources that are continually replenished, such as sunlight, wind, and water flows. They are a vital part of our future, as they offer an alternative to fossil fuels, which are harmful to the environment and are limited in supply.

The Importance of Alternative Energy

The need for alternative energy sources is driven by two major factors: environmental concerns and the depletion of our planet’s natural resources. The burning of fossil fuels contributes to global warming, air pollution, and acid rain. On the other hand, renewable energy sources produce little or no pollution and do not contribute to climate change. Furthermore, the world’s oil and gas reserves are finite. As these resources become harder to find and extract, the cost of extraction and production will increase.

The Future of Alternative Energy

The future of alternative energy looks promising. Technological advancements are making these energy sources more efficient and cost-effective. Governments around the world are implementing policies to promote the use of renewable energy and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. However, the transition to a sustainable energy future will require a combination of strategies, including energy conservation, increased energy efficiency, and the development of new technologies.

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Alternative Energy Essay Topics

alternative energy essay ideas

  • The Utilization of Solar Energy as an Alternative Energy Source
  • Adoption of Solar Energy Usage by All American States
  • For the State of New Jersey, Is Solar Energy Beneficial?
  • New Methods for Using Solar Energy
  • Alternative Energy Suppression by the Government
  • Are There Any Other Options for Energy?
  • When Did the U.S. Start Using Solar Energy?
  • Wind Energy and Water Contamination from Chemical Sources
  • The Potential of Alternative Energy for Transforming the World’s Infrastructure
  • Solar, Wind, and Water Power as Supplemental Energy Sources.
  • Utilizing Wind Energy Using Wind Turbines
  • Alternative Energy Sources: Wind and Solar
  • The Effects of Green Energy on Environmental and Sustainable Development
  • Types of Sustainable Energy Sources: Wind Energy
  • Can a Shift to Renewable Energy Sources Aid in the Fight Against Climate Change?
  • Development of Renewable Energy as a Means of Combating Climate Change
  • The Use of Ethanol as a Plausible Alternative Energy Source
  • The Advantages of Non-Renewable and Renewable Energy
  • Engineering Economics and TOP Perspectives of Renewable Energy in Canada, Renewable Energy Co.
  • Benefits and Drawbacks of Wind Energy
  • A Summary of Renewable Energy Sources
  • Increasing the Cost of Solar Energy
  • The Use of Alternative Energy Sources
  • The Increased Pressure on Environmental Resources Leading to Climate Change and the Use of Alternative Energy Sources

Essay Topics on Alternative Energy

  • The United Arab Emirates Use of Solar Power
  • Using Wind Energy to Protect the Environment
  • Energy Crisis in Abu Dhabi and Wind Energy: as Its Potential Source of Renewable Energy
  • Development of Renewable Energy Sources
  • The Australian Solar Energy Business Model
  • The Application of Non-Renewable Energy Resources in Science
  • The UAE’s Use of Solar Energy
  • The Existence, Impacts, and Trends of Renewable Energy Sources
  • Climate Change and Renewable Energy
  • Energy Market for Wind
  • Saudi Arabia’s Use of Renewable Energy
  • Energy from Renewable Sources: A Wind Farm for the Neighborhood
  • Geothermal Energy is a Renewable Energy Source.
  • Environmental Economics
  • The Viability of Renewable Energy
  • Benefits of Solar Energy for Homes
  • Potential Application of Alternative Energy Sources
  • Thailand’s Policies on Renewable Energy
  • Management of Solar Energy Installation Projects
  • Branding for Green Energy
  • Chinese E-Car Consumer Behavior: Green Energy Brand Strategy
  • Transmission and Production of Renewable Energy
  • Development of Renewable Energy: Economic Factors
  • Social Foundations of the Development of Renewable Energy
  • Technical Elements Affecting the Development of Renewable Energy

Fascinating Alternative Energy Topics to Write about

  • Political and Legal Aspects of the Development of Renewable Energy
  • Renewable Energy’s Economical Effectiveness
  • Hybrid Energy System with Solar and Wind Sources
  • Alternative Energies to Save the Planet
  • Environmental Concerns for Managers: U.K.’s Current Renewable Energy and Technology Strategy
  • Alternative Energy Sources: Wind
  • Investing in renewable energy
  • Utilization of Alternative Energy Sources
  • How Can Solar Power Save the Environment?
  • The Use of Ethanol as a Renewable Energy Source
  • Arab Emirates Solar Energy Panels
  • Definition and Applications of Solar Energy
  • Renewable Energy and Google’s Autonomous Vehicles
  • The Canadian Market Location of Innergex Renewable Energy Inc.
  • Russian Wind Energy Potential
  • Renewable Energy Source: Biofuel
  • The UAE’s Solar Energy Industry
  • Awareness of Global Warming and Alternative Energy
  • Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the UAE All Use Renewable Energy
  • Utility Supply Agreement and Solar Energy Power Plant
  • Political Relationships and Renewable Energy
  • Photocatalyst for Solar Energy with Bismuth Vanadate

Alternative Energy Essay Titles

  • Conceptual Chemistry: Coal Energy versus Wind Turbine
  • Commercial and Industrial Uses for Solar Energy
  • Industry for Renewable Energy in Canada
  • Greener Technologies and Alternative Energy
  • Performance and Operations of Greenhunter Energy Inc.
  • Analysis of Stakeholders and Governance in the Solar Energy Project
  • Solar Power and the Photovoltaic Effect
  • Qatar’s Resources for Renewable Energy
  • Ethics of Renewable Energy
  • Buying Guide for Solar Energy
  • Technologies for Renewable Energy
  • Transportation Fuel Use and Renewable Energy
  • A Potential Alternative Energy Source Is the Fuel Cell
  • Wind Power for Shikalabuna, Sri Lankan Citizens
  • The Empty Quarter Desert’s wind and solar energy
  • Analysis and Review of Solar Energy
  • The Sun’s Light and Heat: A Problem with Solar Energy
  • Utilizing Wind Energy in Electrical Engineering Buildings
  • Artificial Leaf as a Reliable and Affordable Alternative Energy Source
  • Government Support for Solar Power
  • Making Hydrogen Gas from Solar (P.V.) Energy for Fuel Cells
  • Environmental Effects of Alternative Energy
  • Types of Alternative Energy and Their Benefits
  • Making Solar Energy More Cost-Effective

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Top 60 Great Ideas on Renewable and Alternative Energy Topics

[Post information was updated in April, 2024]

Environmentalists from all around the world sound the alarm about the state of our planet. Scientists have predicted that if humanity does not change the way of using energy sources, our planet’s resources will run out in less than forty years.

Therefore, people have been changing their minds about using fossil fuels. In 2019, especially compared to previous years, the amount of young activists has increased. They are paying attention to global society and how to reduce the usage of resources with emissions that are harmful to our planet and our lives.

The United States gets 81% of its total energy from fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas. People depend on those fuels to heat homes, drive cars, run the power industry and manufacturing, and provide electricity. Students and teachers of many faculties are researching this problem in theory and helping scientists come up with practical solutions. Papers with renewable energy research topics are useful more than ever to discuss and spread knowledge on this catastrophe.

Hopefully, these ideas will help in the future to generate highly qualified research papers for your college, otherwise you can get benefits of our essay writing app . The numbers and facts show that more young brains are tuned into the awareness that humanity faces one of the biggest crises in history.

Renewable energy research topics

These topics on renewable energy for the research paper can give you ideas for excellent papers in college.

  • Renewable energy sources and the geological business plan.
  • Should the European Union increase the usage of renewable energy as a mainstay?
  • Renewable energy with the usage of hydrogen fuel technology.
  • How can renewable energy help the natural environment of developing countries?
  • Renewable energy is a necessary method in Japan: the world’s fifth carbon emitter.
  • Methods of how renewable energy as the primary source of energy will affect society’s approach to a better standard of living.
  • The use of renewable energy must be harnessed to reverse the negative impacts of climate change caused by global warming.
  • Could the use of renewable energy sources realistically be the answer to global warming for Australia?
  • Why landfills and recycling spaces are essential renewable energy sources.
  • How can the negative impact on climate change be reduced by using renewable sources of energy?
  • Why can’t we replace using fossil fuels with renewable energy?
  • Energy savings programs of developed countries as an example to follow.
  • Renewable energy development strategy.
  • Businesses and energy communities that are using renewable energy sources.
  • Renewable sources vs. fossil fuels energy.
  • Sustainability and renewable energy.
  • Benefits of renewable energy in 2020.
  • New technologies for using renewable energy sources invented in 2019.
  • How renewable energy affects our planet’s future.
  • Usage of biomass as a source of renewable energy.
  • The limitations of fossil fuels: the importance of renewable energy and its economic benefits.
  • Power extraction methods from flow-structure interactions.
  • The pros and cons of renewable energy usage in the EU.
  • Why the US should use renewable energy.
  • The real price of power: an environmental impact review of renewable energy use and mitigation strategies.
  • Smart grid technology as a renewable energy source.
  • The laws the government should enforce on citizens regarding environmental issues, such as renewable energy.
  • The advantages of biofuels being renewable energy.
  • Do renewable energy sources propose green methods of use?
  • Hydropower is the best from available renewable energy sources.

Alternative energy topics

  • Which changes in consumer preferences toward alternative energy sources have contributed to lower oil prices?
  • Why the use of alternative energy is beneficial and economical.
  • Are alternative energy sources like solar, wind, tidal, and geothermal more practical than fossil fuels?
  • Why non-renewable energy is less valuable than alternative energy.
  • Why should the government increase funding for the development of alternative energy sources?
  • A classification of the alternative energy sources.
  • Methods of alternative energy use.
  • Why is the use of alternative energy beneficial and economical for modern businesses?
  • Should the government implement taxes for the purchase of hybrid or alternative energy vehicles?
  • Does the government justify alternative energy sources that are useful for the climate?
  • Hydroelectric power as a popular alternative energy source in Australia.
  • Alternative energy as a constructive and viable energy production method in comparison to destructive nuclear energy.
  • The chances of alternative energy effectively replacing fossil fuels.
  • Wind farms and their potential to provide alternative energy for commercial use.
  • Qatar explores alternative energy sources to ensure Brunei’s economic prosperity in the light of its depleting oil and gas reserves.
  • An alternative energy program that could be the answer to the nation’s energy problems.
  • The economic arguments for and against bio fuels as a method of alternative energy.
  • Alternative energy is no longer an option but a vital solution for humanity.
  • Solar energy is a kind of alternative energy that is the best solution for the domestic needs of big cities and countrysides.
  • Using wind energy as an alternative source for providing electricity.
  • How does alternative energy as the primary source of energy affect society’s sustainability?
  • Hydroelectric power: how is the public reacting to this new form of alternative energy?
  • The role of alternative energy projects in solving South Africa’s energy crisis.
  • How do alternative energy methods affect the ecosystem in Europe?
  • What technical barriers are holding the alternative energy industry back from more considerable expansion and adoption in the consumer and commercial sectors?
  • The reasons for alternative energy technologies taking off and costs dropping each year.
  • Geothermal energy: the methods of implementing this technology as a compelling option of alternative energy.
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of alternative energy methods?
  • Is reliance on alternative energy a viable long-term strategy, or does the abundance and profitability of fossil fuels give no real incentives to switch to cleaner forms of energy?
  • Pros and cons of moving the global economy from a fossil fuel base to alternative energy.

47 helpful resources on renewable and alternative energy topics

Writing a paper is a complicated process, especially in the ecological discipline. You may find out more interesting facts about alternative energy on our website, or use essay writing app for help. We also propose for students a list of more powerful tools for further inspiration.

  • Ajayi, OO. (2009). “Assessment of utilization of wind energy resources in Nigeria.”
  • Alnatheer, O. (2005). “The potential contribution of renewable energy to electricity supply in Saudi Arabia.”
  • Anderson, D. (1997). Renewable energy technology and policy for development.”
  • Bird, L., Bolinger, M., Gagliano, T., Wiser, R., Brown, M. and Parsons, B. (2005). “Policies and market factors driving wind power development in the United States.”
  • Birgisson, G. and Petersen, E. (2006). “Renewable energy development incentives: Strengths, weaknesses, and the interplay.”
  • Burns, J.R. (1982). “Solar energy and the national energy dilemma: A model for policy evaluation.”
  • Cantono, S. and Silverberg, G. (2009). “A percolation model of eco-innovation diffusion: The relationship between diffusion, learning economies and subsidies.”
  • Carley, S. (2009). “State renewable energy electricity policies: An empirical evaluation of effectiveness.”
  • Charles, M.B., Ryan, R., Ryan, N. and Oloruntoba, R. (2007). “Public policy and biofuels: The way forward?”
  • Christiansen, A.C. (2002). “New renewable energy developments and the climate change issue: A case study of Norwegian politics.”
  • Cowan, K.R. and Daim, T. (2009). “Comparative technological road-mapping for renewable energy.”
  • Dinica, V. (2008). “Initiating a sustained diffusion of wind power: The role of public-private partnerships in Spain.”
  • Dritschilo, W., Monroy, M., Nash, E., Schuyler, B., Wallerstein, B.R., Vita, J.D., and Perrine, R.L. (1983). “Energy vs. food resource ratios for alternative energy technologies.”
  • Elliott, D. (2000). “Renewable energy and sustainable futures.”
  • Fouquet, D. and Johansson, T.B. (2008). “European renewable energy policy at crossroads – focus on electricity support mechanisms.”
  • Gan, P.Y. and Li, Z. (2008). “An econometric study on long-term energy outlook and the implications of renewable energy utilization in Malaysia.”
  • Harmon, R.R. and Cowan, K.R. (2009). “A multiple perspectives view of the market case for green energy.”
  • Hope, C.W. (1982). “Assessing renewable energy research and development.”
  • Huang, A.Y. and Liu, R. (2008). “Learning for supplying as a motive to be the early adopter of new energy technology: A study on the adoption of stationary fuel cells.”
  • Huang, M., Alavalapati, J.R.R., Carter, D.R. and Langholtz, M.H. (2007). “Is the choice of renewable portfolio standards random?”
  • International Energy Agency (IEA) (2006). Key World Energy Statistics 2006, http://www.iea.org/textbase/nppdf/free/2006/key2006.pdf.
  • Inoue, Y. and Miyazaki, K. (2008). “Technological innovation and diffusion of wind power in Japan.”
  • Jacobsson, S. and Johnson, A. (2000). “The diffusion of renewable energy technology: An analytical framework and key issues for research.”
  • Kajikawa, Y. and Takeda, Y. (2008). “Structure of research on biomass and biofuels: A citation-based approach.”
  • Kajikawa, Y., Yoshikawa, J., Takeda Y. and Matsushima, K. (2008). “Tracking emerging technologies in energy research: Toward a roadmap for sustainable energy.”
  • Karger, C.R. and Bongartz, R. (2008). “External determinants for the adoption of stationary fuel cells – infrastructure and policy issues.”
  • Kobos, P.H., Erickson, J.D. and Drennen, T.E. (2006). “Technological learning and renewable energy costs: Implications for US renewable energy policy.”
  • Kydes, A.S. (2007). “Impacts of a renewable portfolio generation standard on US energy markets.”
  • Linston, H.A. (1999). Decision making for technology executives: Using multiple perspective to improve performance. Boston: Artech House.
  • Loiter, JM and Norberg-Bohm, V. (1999). “Technology policy and renewable energy: Public roles in the development of new energy technologies.”
  • Lund, H. (2007). “Renewable energy strategies for sustainable development.”
  • Mallett, A. (2007). “Social acceptance of renewable energy innovations: The role of technology cooperation in urban Mexico.”
  • Neij, L. (1997). “Use of experience curves to analyze the prospects for diffusion and adoption of renewable energy technology.”
  • Norberg-Bohm, V. (2000). “Creating incentives for environmentally enhancing technological change: Lessons from 30 years of US energy technology policy.”
  • Owen, A.D. (2006) “Renewable energy: Externality costs as market barriers.”
  • Patlitzianas, K.D., Doukas, H. and Psarras, J. (2006). “Enhancing renewable energy in the Arab states of the Gulf: Constraints and efforts.”
  • Podobnik, B. (1999). “Toward a sustainable energy regime: A long-wave interpretation of global energy shifts.”
  • Rogers, E. (2003). Diffusion of innovations (5th ed.). New York: Free Press. Ryan, C.J. (1980). “The choices in the next energy and social revolution.”
  • Sawyer, S.W. (1982). “Leaders in change: Solar energy owners and the implications for future adoption rates.”
  • Sherrington, C., Bartley, J. and Moran, D. (2008). “Farm-level constraints on the domestic supply of perennial energy crops in the UK.”
  • Shinnar, R. and Citro, F. (2008). “Decarbonization: Achieving near-total energy independence and near-total elimination of greenhouse emissions with available technologies.”
  • Sims, REH (2004). “Renewable energy: A response to climate change.”
  • Stephens, J.C., Wilson, E.J. and Peterson, T.R. (2008). “Socio-political evaluation of energy deployment (SPEED): An integrated research framework analyzing energy technology deployment.”
  • Tsoutsos, T.D. and Stamboulis, Y.A. (2005). “The sustainable diffusion of renewable energy technologies as an example of an innovation-focused policy.”
  • Walker, G. (1995). “Renewable energy and the public.”
  • Zoellner, J., Schweizer-Ries, P. and Wemheuer, C. (2008). “Public acceptance of renewable energies: Results from case studies in Germany.”

Renewable and alternative energy essay writing help

Within a few years of engaging with ecological methods of producing energy, activists reached the ears of global communities from different fields. By cooperating, specialists are inventing more and more new options for using solar, biomass, wind, geothermal, and other kinds of energy supplies. We propose you to use the topics and sources in this article to use for your in-depth research and creative writing of your academic paper.

We hope you choose the best topic suitable for your essay or order an essay sample on this discipline at EssayShark.com. In case you don’t have an idea of where to start, our specialists will give you a helping hand – just request write my essay help from us!

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geothermal power station

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renewable energy

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geothermal power station

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alternative energy essay ideas

renewable energy , usable energy derived from replenishable sources such as the Sun ( solar energy ), wind ( wind power ), rivers ( hydroelectric power ), hot springs ( geothermal energy ), tides ( tidal power ), and biomass ( biofuels ).

The transition to renewable energy explained by Phil the Fixer

At the beginning of the 21st century, about 80 percent of the world’s energy supply was derived from fossil fuels such as coal , petroleum , and natural gas . Fossil fuels are finite resources; most estimates suggest that the proven reserves of oil are large enough to meet global demand at least until the middle of the 21st century. Fossil fuel combustion has a number of negative environmental consequences. Fossil-fueled power plants emit air pollutants such as sulfur dioxide , particulate matter , nitrogen oxides, and toxic chemicals (heavy metals: mercury , chromium , and arsenic ), and mobile sources, such as fossil-fueled vehicles, emit nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide , and particulate matter. Exposure to these pollutants can cause heart disease , asthma , and other human health problems. In addition, emissions from fossil fuel combustion are responsible for acid rain , which has led to the acidification of many lakes and consequent damage to aquatic life, leaf damage in many forests, and the production of smog in or near many urban areas. Furthermore, the burning of fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), one of the main greenhouse gases that cause global warming .

alternative energy essay ideas

In contrast, renewable energy sources accounted for nearly 20 percent of global energy consumption at the beginning of the 21st century, largely from traditional uses of biomass such as wood for heating and cooking . By 2015 about 16 percent of the world’s total electricity came from large hydroelectric power plants, whereas other types of renewable energy (such as solar, wind, and geothermal) accounted for 6 percent of total electricity generation. Some energy analysts consider nuclear power to be a form of renewable energy because of its low carbon emissions; nuclear power generated 10.6 percent of the world’s electricity in 2015.

alternative energy essay ideas

Growth in wind power exceeded 20 percent and photovoltaics grew at 30 percent annually in the 1990s, and renewable energy technologies continued to expand throughout the early 21st century. Between 2001 and 2017 world total installed wind power capacity increased by a factor of 22, growing from 23,900 to 539,581 megawatts. Photovoltaic capacity also expanded, increasing by 50 percent in 2016 alone. The European Union (EU), which produced an estimated 6.38 percent of its energy from renewable sources in 2005, adopted a goal in 2007 to raise that figure to 20 percent by 2020. By 2016 some 17 percent of the EU’s energy came from renewable sources. The goal also included plans to cut emissions of carbon dioxide by 20 percent and to ensure that 10 percent of all fuel consumption comes from biofuels . The EU was well on its way to achieving those targets by 2017. Between 1990 and 2016 the countries of the EU reduced carbon emissions by 23 percent and increased biofuel production to 5.5 percent of all fuels consumed in the region. In the United States numerous states have responded to concerns over climate change and reliance on imported fossil fuels by setting goals to increase renewable energy over time. For example, California required its major utility companies to produce 20 percent of their electricity from renewable sources by 2010, and by the end of that year California utilities were within 1 percent of the goal. In 2008 California increased this requirement to 33 percent by 2020, and in 2017 the state further increased its renewable-use target to 50 percent by 2030.

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249 Energy Topics & Essay Examples

These energy topics explore the dynamic realm of energy sources, consumption, and sustainability. Here, you can find an excellent topic for your essay or project. As you go through these energy research questions, you will uncover the intricacies of energy demands, environmental concerns, and the quest for renewable energy solutions. Let’s charge up!

⚡ TOP 7 Energy Topics

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  • The Sun as an Ultimate Source of Energy
  • Energy Crisis and Climate Change
  • Rockstar Energy Drink Marketing Research
  • Solving the Climate Change Crisis by Using Renewable Energy Sources
  • Electricity vs. Solar Energy Compared and Contrasted
  • Adaptation of Oil and Gas Companies to a Low-Carbon Energy Industry
  • How Wind Turbines Convert Wind Energy into Electrical Energy?
  • Resolute Marine Energy: Power in Waves Resolute Marine Energy’s desalination and energy generation project is an essential step toward improving the quality of people’s lives globally.
  • Analysis of Copperbelt Energy Corporation Plc. Copperbelt Energy Corporation PLCs must strive for operational excellence by raising the bar for providing high-quality and reliable service to their customers.
  • Renewable Energy Technology in Egypt Climate change has made renewable energy a global priority to replace fossil fuel which continues to impact the environment negatively.
  • Effects of Reducing Energy Waste Pennsylvania is a state that uses a large amount of energy each day. Most of the population utilizes natural gases energy every day in their homes and places of work.
  • Discussion of Renewable Energy Resources Renewable energy sources have now become a topic for continuous discussion in the contexts of environmental studies, economics, and society.
  • Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation’s Communication The present document will explore in detail the context of the communication plan for use by the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation.
  • Helvie Energy Theory of Nursing and Health The objective of this paper is to pay specific attention to the concept of the environment, as viewed in the energy theory of health and nursing developed by Carl Helvie.
  • Environmental Degradation and Renewable Energy The global community relies on the surrounding environment for food production, transport, and economic development.
  • Octopus Energy’s Sociotechnical System Analysis The systems map presented in the paper shows the crucial elements within the Octopus Energy company and the external elements that may affect its business processes.
  • Energy Conservation in the Environment There are so many undefined factors negatively affecting the environment. These are some of the things that make people to put their efforts in protecting the environment.
  • Energy Sustainability and Its Key Issues Energy sustainability is becoming the most urgent socio-environmental problem, among other aspects of energy development.
  • AI System in Smart Energy Consumption The primary aim of the paper is to expose the significant impacts of AI integration in intelligent energy consumption methods.
  • Work and Energy Forms in Physics The potential energy (PE) and kinetic energy (KE) of an object increase when positive work is done on it when there is no friction present.
  • Siemens Energy: Renewable Energy System Renewable energy technologies are methods of energy production that utilize naturally replenishable resources such as solar, wind, geothermal heat, and tides.
  • Nextera Energy Culture and Reward Structure NextEra Energy’s adherence to a clan structure while rewarding rigid and numbers-based performance metrics has likely produced a pathological combination.
  • The Power of Using Nuclear Energy The paper argues that nuclear energy is an important and powerful way of producing electricity and an option for countries to develop an independent internal energy structure.
  • Is Nuclear Power Renewable Energy? Renewable energy is obtained from the naturally-occurring elements, implying that it can be easily accessed, cheaply generated, and conveniently supplied to consumers.
  • Extreme Scenarios: The Issue of Energy Resources Shortage Imagine that you cannot use electricity or get fuel for your car because these energy resources are no longer available.
  • Renewable Energy: Why Do We Need It? Renewable sources of energy such as solar, wind, or hydropower can bring multiple environmental benefits and tackle the problems of climate change and pollution in several ways.
  • Alternative Energy Industry’s Profit Pools A profit pool is the total profits earned within an industry by all players and it extends to all players in the value chain.
  • Solar Energy and Its Impact on Environment The purpose of this paper is to determine the impact of solar energy on the environment. The major positive impact is the minimal emission of greenhouse gases.
  • Energy Consumption in Wireless Body Area Networks This essay seeks to present an extensive study of energy consumption technologies in WBANs. This is achieved through a concerted focus on power-efficient models.
  • Managing Energy Demand in Abu Dhabi: Toward Sustainable City This paper seeks to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the Abu Dhabi energy needs situation, including making comparison with other international cities.
  • Renewable Energy Programs in Five Countries Energy production is vital for the drive of the economy. The world at large should diversify the sources to reduce the over-usage of fossil energy that is a threat of depletion.
  • Energy Consumption in Architecture and Environmental Design Energy conservation can be considered as one of the fundamentals of energy consumption in architecture and environmental designs.
  • The Economic Viability of Large-Scale Wind Energy Projects.
  • Advancements in Photovoltaic Solar Cell Technologies: Efficiency and Cost Considerations.
  • Potential and Challenges of Biomass Energy Conversion Technologies.
  • Hydroelectric Power Generation and its Environmental Impact.
  • Geothermal Energy: Harnessing Earth’s Heat for Sustainable Power.
  • Exploring the Potential of Oceanic Resources – Tidal and Wave Energy.
  • Energy Storage Solutions for Renewable Integration: Batteries, Pumped Hydro, and Beyond.
  • Smart Grids and Renewable Energy Integration.
  • Scalability and Sustainability of Biofuel Production from Algae.
  • The Role of Policy Incentives in Driving Renewable Energy Adoption.
  • Overcoming Technical and Environmental Challenges of Offshore Wind Farms.
  • Success Stories of Community-Based Renewable Energy Initiatives.
  • Solar Energy in Developing Countries: Addressing Energy Poverty and Sustainability.
  • Energy Independence and Reliability of Microgrid Systems for Remote Areas.
  • Environmental Benefits and Trade-offs of Bioenergy from Agricultural Residues.
  • Solar Energy and Urban Planning: Strategies for Efficient Integration.
  • Technological Innovations in Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Systems.
  • Energy-Water Nexus: Balancing Renewable Energy Production and Water Resources.
  • Comparative Analysis of Different Biomass Feedstocks for Bioenergy Production.
  • Challenges and Prospects of Green Hydrogen Production from Renewable Sources.
  • Alternative Energy Industry’s Competition Dynamics Understanding the level of competition in the industry by a company is very important as the level of profits depends to a large extent, the level of competition.
  • Energy Saving Light Bulb Manufactures Ethical Issue Whether it is ethical for companies to continue manufacturing these bulbs which have a positive effect on the environment but a negative one on people’s health.
  • Energy Management: Key Components The news about data centers’ possible switching to solar power relates to all the major components of energy management.
  • The Royal Philips Company: Conventional Energy Consumption Royal Philips is a leading technology company dedicated to improving people’s health and providing better outcomes across the health continuum from healthy living.
  • Energy Sector Challenges in Morocco The future of Morocco’s energy supply and demand faces substantial hurdles. In particular, the country is perceiving a growth in energy consumption.
  • Renewable Energy in Japan: Clean Energy Transition Renewable energy in Japan became significantly important after the Fukushima Daiichi tsunami that struck Japan in 2011.
  • Solar Energy: Advantages and Disadvantages Renewable energy sources are being supported and invested in by governments to instigate a new environment-friendly technology.
  • Discussion of Realization of Solar Energy Company ABC is interested in creating a “solar” project which will fully install and staff solar panels to ensure the safe transformation of solar energy into electricity.
  • The Future of Jamaica’s Energy Development The paper provides new strategy proposes to consider changes in energy consumption over the next 20 years in Jamaica.
  • Biomass and Energy Crops and Technology Biomass energy is a more environmentally friendly form of energy when but the economic viability of its production still doesn’t measure up to fossil fuel production.
  • Energy and the Economy. Oil Addiction in America In America, “addiction to oil” results in high oil prices and a unique structure of economy dependent upon crude oil.
  • Wind Energy as an Alternative Source While energy is a must for our survival, wind energy as a seemingly perpetual source of energy is the potential answer to the energy security of our generations to come.
  • Sustainability of Energy Alternatives With growing concerns and evidence of global warming and the effects of climate change, significant attention has been shifted to alternative energy sources.
  • Determining Enthalpy of Combustion of a High-Energy Candy The purpose of this experiment was to determine the enthalpy of combustion of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in kilojoules using a bomb calorimeter.
  • Activation Energy for Viscous Flow of Water, Acetone, Toluene, and o-Xylene The aim of the research was to investigate the hypothesis that the activation energy of a substance depends on intermolecular forces that arise in this substance.
  • Installing Solar Panels to Reduce Energy Costs The purpose of the proposal is to request permission for research to install solar panels to reduce energy costs, which represent a huge part of the company’s expenses.
  • The Use of Renewable Energy: Advantages and Disadvantages Today’s world is dependent on electricity, which is supplied from many different sources such as fossils fuels which emit harmful gases that pollute the environment.
  • Renewable Energy: Benefits Outweigh Downfalls Renewable technology is becoming increasingly popular in today’s world. These inventions are often presented as an alternative eco-friendly solution that eliminates fossil fuels.
  • Energy Mix in the United States The US energy mix includes 12% of renewable energy, mostly solar batteries (12%) and wind turbines (27%). Another 40% share is for biomass, and 19% share is for hydroelectric.
  • Oil and Energy Companies in the US: The Windfall Profits Tax Although a windfall gains tax would not alter the demand for oil, it may make it more difficult for companies to recoup the costs of new production.
  • Human Energy Consumption and Water Power Human energy use is significantly low compared to natural energy flow. Waterpower is not significant in energy flow because it is renewable energy.
  • Current Energy Crisis in Beirut, Lebanon This paper supports the ideas used by the Lebanese government to reduce energy crises, such as using solar systems, alternative fuels, good governance, and cutting energy demand.
  • The UAE Investment in Clean Energy The government of the UAE should focus more on strategies that promote clean energy since it is less utilized.
  • Government Policies Lowering Energy Costs The paper summarizes a government intervention meant to lower inflation. The inflation rate has been on a steady increase for numerous reasons.
  • Reducing Homestead Energy Consumption in Australia This paper explores innovative methods to decrease energy consumption in Australian households, aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG).
  • A New Energy Mix for the United Kingdom This paper presents an analysis of the impact of the Russia/Ukraine hostility on the UK Oil and Gas industry.
  • Energy Generation as a Metabolic Process One of the metabolic processes in the organisms is the process of energy generation. Such processes should be understood as the cleavage of an organic substrate.
  • Dark Energy and Its Significance for the Universe Dark energy is an energy component with negative pressure. It violates the strong energy condition and accelerates the universe.
  • Cybersecurity Threats to the Energy Sector The modern era of global technologies creates a two-fold situation. On the one hand, new advanced digital technologies are emerging to automate energy production.
  • Analysis of Energy Sources: Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Power Various types of fossil fuels are used for energy production. Each has different characteristics, origins, they all contain large amounts of energy that are used for various purposes.
  • Utilizing Thorium in Energy Production Thorium might have elevated nuclear power production to a new level because it was affordable, safe, and produced no radioactive waste, but for some reason, it did not.
  • Conducted Energy Weapon Program for Policing This work is a research paper for the Mayor of Virtual City on implementing a Conducted Energy Weapon program for the Virtual City Police Department.
  • Nuclear Reactor Safety: Analyzing Accidents and Preventive Measures.
  • Generation IV and Beyond – Advanced Nuclear Reactor Designs.
  • Nuclear Energy and Climate Change Mitigation: Carbon-Free Power Generation.
  • Strategies for Safe Disposal of Radioactive Waste.
  • Nuclear Fuel Cycle: From Mining to Reactor and Beyond.
  • Prospects and Challenges of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs).
  • Nuclear Fusion Research: Progress Toward Sustainable Energy Production.
  • What Are the Biggest Public Misconceptions Regarding Nuclear Energy?
  • Cost Analysis and Financing Models of Nuclear Power.
  • Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and Nuclear Energy: Balancing Benefits and Risks.
  • Impacts Nuclear Energy Use on Water Resources Quality.
  • Nuclear Energy and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • The Potential and Challenges of Thorium-Based Nuclear Fuel.
  • Propulsion and Power Systems of Nuclear Energy and Space Exploration.
  • Nuclear Energy and National Energy Policies: Case Studies from Different Countries.
  • Radiation Exposure and Health Risks of Nuclear Energy.
  • Nuclear Energy and Grid Stability: Contributions to Base Load Power.
  • Nuclear Energy and Renewable Integration as Complementary Solutions.
  • Public Engagement and Participation in Nuclear Energy Decision-Making.
  • Nuclear Energy and Future Energy Scenarios: Role in Energy Transitions.
  • Cheerios Firm’s Diversification of Energy Sources Cheerios needs to diversify its operations and tap new environmentally friendly energy resources available in the energy sector.
  • The Glencore Energy Firm’s Bribery Scandal Glencore Energy was convicted on the charges of bribery, related to African oil operations, which is a sensitive ethical matter in any company.
  • Nuclear Technology and Radiation Energy The numerous advantages of nuclear technology exceed the disadvantages; therefore, scientists should continue making and using the technology.
  • Renewable Energy: Current State, Enablers, and Barriers The paper discusses the concept of sustainability takes a central role in the global discussion and presents of environment safety plan.
  • The G20 Countries’ Competitiveness in Renewable Energy Resources “Assessing national renewable energy competitiveness of the G20” by Fang et al. presents an assessment of competitiveness in renewable energy resources among G20 countries.
  • Sun Power as a Promising Energy Industry Of all available options for clean energy, solar has been the most expensive, even though their increased availability has caused a decline in the process.
  • The US and Canada’s Approaches to the Energy Issue The US and Canada are two of the world’s largest countries, requiring increased energy consumption and utilization as industrialized nations.
  • Coal as an Energy Source and Its Impacts on Human Health Coal power generation is one of the most used energy production types in the world. The process of energy generation using coal includes the burning or combustion of solid coal.
  • General Physics: Increasing Internal Energy The first law of thermodynamics deals with the state of energy and its transfer between objects. Energy is conserved in an isolated system.
  • Future of 100% Renewable Energy This article explores the future of renewable green energy and a review the topical studies related to 100% renewable energy.
  • The Energy Sector: Russia’s Policy This paper aims to provide a thorough and insightful analysis of Russia’s energy policy and suggest recommendations for the country to remain naturally prowess.
  • Renewable Energy: Proposal Argument and Mind Map This paper argues that green energy in its current state will struggle to meet humanity’s demand and the development of better hybrid, integrated grids is required.
  • Environmental Biology: Green Energy a precise definition of green energy is manifested in its source, which must be natural, such as the sun or geothermal sources.
  • Biofuels and Fossil Fuels as Energy Sources The paper discusses the similarities and differences between biofuels and fossil fuels and replacing non-renewable energy sources with renewable ones.
  • South Africa: The New Energy Infrastructure Policy The first stages of implementing the new energy policy in South Africa, legislative and financial ones, went smoothly without any disturbances.
  • Nuclear Power Must Be a Part of Future Energy Grids Nuclear energy sources are essential and must be included in future power grids alongside renewable alternatives due to their reliability.
  • Profitability of Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy in Australia Undoubtedly, the recent increase in popularity of campaigns to decarbonize the globe proves renewable energy to be a current and future trend globally.
  • Renewable Energy: The Use of Fossil Fuel The paper states that having a combination of renewable energy sources is becoming critical in the global effort to reduce the use of fossil fuels.
  • Solar Energy in China and Its Influence on Climate Change The influence of solar energy on climate change has impacted production, the advancement of solar energy has impacted climate change in the geography of China.
  • Energy Crisis and Policy in the United States Currently, countries of the world face an energy crisis due to climate change, population growth, increased demand, and dependence on fossil-based fuels.
  • Full Renewable Energy Plan Feasibility: 2030-2040 The paper argues that green energy in its current state will struggle to meet the humanity’s demand and the development of better hybrid, integrated grids is required.
  • Saving Energy in a Restaurant Enterprise The paper discusses design of the restaurant is capable of appealing by its appearance to the realization of the importance of the coexistence of man and the environment.
  • The Problem of Overpopulation and Energy Scarcity The population is proliferating, and although environmental, geopolitical, and socioeconomic factors may be slowing this dynamic, growth remains evident.
  • Valero Energy and Chevron Corporations’ Financial Management Valero Energy and Chevron Corporations faced a drastic decline in total revenues in 2020, mainly due to economic upheaval and uncertainty caused by COVID-19.
  • Energy Crisis and Methods of Countering It The standard definition of an energy crisis is a state of the economy in which the energy demand is significantly higher than the supply.
  • The Energy of Future in New Jersey The U.S. economy and life quality depend on sufficient amounts of energy, most of which are obtained utilizing fossil fuels.
  • Nuclear Energy: Advantages and Drawbacks This paper analyzes nuclear energy as a potential source of energy and its advantages and drawbacks. Nuclear energy is the ultimate solution to the current energy crisis.
  • Increasing Gas Price and Alternative Energy Sources Fuel demand is increasing with the increase of population, so, an alternative source of energy can be the best solution for the future demand for fuel.
  • Advanced Nuclear Energy Options The report concerns advanced nuclear energy options and their implementation, adopting low-cost and safe non-emitting energy sources considering moral or ethical concerns.
  • Unbundling Vertically Integrated Energy Companies: Benefits to Consumers This paper seeks to discuss the benefits that will accrue to the consumers as a result of the unbundling regulation.
  • Energy and Environmental Effect of the Pipeline Bust on the US Transportation The Alaskan pipeline traverses mountain terrain, several hundreds of waterways, fault lines, frost grounds, and migratory wildlife routes over a distance of 800miles.
  • The United Kingdom Energy and Emissions This paper analyses the impacts of fuel extraction and the legislations governing gas emissions in the United Kingdom (UK).
  • Materials and Technologies for a Photovoltaic Solar Cell Efficiency Enhancement.
  • Solar Energy Integration into Urban Design and Architecture.
  • Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Systems: Advancements and Applications.
  • Prospects and Challenges of Thin-Film Solar Technologies.
  • Solar Energy Storage Solutions: Batteries and Beyond.
  • Solar Energy and Agriculture: Agrovoltaics and Land Use Efficiency.
  • Overcoming Barriers to Adoption of Solar Energy in Developing Countries.
  • Maximizing the Energy Output of Solar Tracking Systems.
  • Solar Panel Recycling and Sustainability Considerations.
  • Solar Thermal Collectors for Domestic Water Heating and Space Heating.
  • Solar Energy and Water Desalination: Sustainable Solutions for Freshwater.
  • Solar Energy Policy and Incentives: Impact on Adoption Rates.
  • Decentralized Power Distribution using Solar Energy Microgrids.
  • Solar-Powered Transportation: Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure.
  • Challenges and Benefits of Implementing Solar Energy in Remote and Off-Grid Areas.
  • Solar Energy and Environmental Impacts: Life Cycle Assessment.
  • Improving Grid Integration and Stability of Solar Energy Forecasting.
  • Perovskite Solar Cells: Emerging Technologies and Applications.
  • Solar Energy Education and Public Awareness Initiatives.
  • Solar Energy Financing Models: Investment and ROI Analysis.
  • Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Utilization This paper aims at expounding the effectiveness of renewable energy and the utilization of energy efficiency in regard to climate change.
  • Regeneration of Energy in Scotland This white paper looks at a project in Scotland to replace non-renewable energy sources that increase carbon levels in the atmosphere with renewable energy sources.
  • Environmental & Economic Benefit Analysis of Methane Capture for Energy Generation Methane is a natural gas that is generated through the decomposition of organic matter by bacteria. This process is successfully completed when there is an absence of oxygen.
  • Hybrid Energy Harvesting System The hybrid energy harvesting system, its advantages, and principles of operation are described in the present paper.
  • Utilization of Solar Energy for Thermal Desalination The following research is set to outline the prospects of utilization of solar energy for thermal desalination technologies.
  • Analysis of the Energy Consumption Coefficient In the article, the author analyzes the energy consumption standards of buildings and determines their dependence on the form factor and the enclosing surface of the building.
  • Engineering: Power Management Techniques for Energy Efficiency The purpose of this article is to consider various methods for reducing power consumption in digital logic systems.
  • Modern Energy Technologies Introduction to Developing Countries The ultimate goal of this marketing strategy would be to make new sources of energy affordable and attractive, not only to people but also to the government and local investors.
  • A World With 100% Renewable Energy Large corporations, countries, and separate states have already transferred or put a plan into action to transfer to 100% renewable energy in a couple of decades.
  • Energy Crisis: The Processes of Globalization and the Unification Applying approaches in the study of economic crises, it can be concluded that the cause of an energy crisis can be not only a shortage but also an excess of energy resources.
  • Nuclear Energy Used for Different Purposes Nuclear energy has been a very dubious concept since its very discovery and its introduction into the mass consumption environment.
  • Change in Energy Crisis and Save of the Earth Basically, a battery is comprised of numerous electrochemical cells. In 1792, an Italian physicist by the name of Alessandro Volta came up with the first electrochemical cell.
  • Energy-Efficient Architecture and Environmental Design Energy consumption is an important aspect of architecture and environmental design, which is among the priorities when focusing on sustainability
  • Energy Deals Derailed by Obscure Accounting Rule: Enron Case The top-level management at Enron undertook one of the largest accounting scandals to have ever hit the corporate world resulting in the bankruptcy and dissolution of this company.
  • Business Models in the Alternative Energy Industry Alternative energy industry players have succeeded in developing a number of devices designed both to enhance and perpetuate in helping the public.
  • Wind Works Ltd.: Wind Energy Development Methodology Wind Works Ltd, as the company, which provides the alternative energy sources, and makes them available for the wide range of the population needs to resort to a particular assessment strategies.
  • GE Energy and GE Healthcare: Strategic Customer Relationships This article seeks to discuss the benefits of building strategic customer relationships for GE Energy and GE healthcare and their customers.
  • Energy Safety and Earthquake Hazards Program The distribution of earthquakes around the world is not uniform. Some parts experience earthquakes frequently while others do not.
  • Concept of Energy Consumption in Environmental Design Environmental concerns are not restricted to energy consumption, having other aspects to consider such as sustainability, recycling, eco-regulations.
  • Alternative Energy Sources: A Collaborative Approach in Water Management With the increasingly high prices of gasoline in particular and fossil fuels in general there is a need to find an alternative source of energy.
  • The Problem of Energetic Supply in State Ohio The problem of energetic supply in state Ohio is a core element for many politics in order to gain stability in rational use and afterward recycling of energy inputs or fossil fuels, on the whole.
  • Peak Oil and Texas’ Energy Future The concept of peak oil refers to situations regarding the reserves of oil in the world is limited and being gradually being depleted due to excessive use.
  • Chuck Plunkett “Prius Effect”: Energy Efficient Cars Harmful Effects on the Environment The main idea of the article is that energy-efficient cars made the light rail, which has harmful effects on the environment, less attractive for the passengers.
  • Energy Information Agency: Overview on Gasoline Gasoline is considered as one the most important commodity that surmised these days. It is the main ingredient in transportation, in industry and in household.
  • Australian Stock Market Energy Sector: Investment Analysis The technical analysis aimed to help determine which stocks of the alternatives will give the most benefit. Analysis of five stocks under the Australian stock market energy sector.
  • Energy Efficient Cars: Difficulties in Optimization The essay discusses the problem of optimizing the energy efficiency potential and reveals the universal classification of the automobile vehicles.
  • Energy-Efficient Area Monitoring for Wireless Sensor Network Wireless technology is one of the upcoming technology in the market which allows portability and connectivity from anywhere.
  • Energy for the Future: Discussion The peak oil theory was forwarded by Dr. M. King Herbert, who forecasted that the oil deposits of the world will start declining after reaching a maximum point of production.
  • Bio-Based Materials as Alternative Energy The bio-based materials are products which main constituent consist of a substance, or substances, originally derived from living organisms.
  • Bio-Based Materials: Alternative Energy Cultivation of bio-based materials will not only encroach on the land meant for the cultivation of crops, but that crops will also be expensive, thus resulting in looming hunger.
  • Solar Power as the Best Source of Energy The concepts of environmental conservation and sustainability have forced many countries and organizations to consider the best strategies or processes for generating electricity.
  • Quantum Energy Company’s Marketing Plan The present paper outlines a marketing plan for an up-and-coming fast-moving consumer goods company, Quantum Energy.
  • Are Alternative Energy Sources the Answer to Ending Human Dependence on Oil?
  • Does Energy Consumption Affect Economic Development?
  • Can Alternative Energy Effectively Replace Fossil Fuels?
  • What Are the Barriers and Incentives for Community-Owned Means of Energy Production and Use?
  • Are Biofuels the Answer to the Energy Question?
  • How Can Alternative Energy Be Harnessed Effectively?
  • Can Wind Energy Enable the US to Become Energy Independent?
  • Does Energy Consumption Contribute to Climate Change?
  • Are Green Electricity Certificates the Way Forward for Renewable Energy?
  • Can Nuclear Energy Contribute to the Transition Toward a Low-Carbon Economy?
  • How Can Political Geography Make Sense of Energy Policy?
  • Are Building Codes Effective at Saving Energy?
  • Does Energy Efficiency Reduce Emissions and Peak Demand?
  • Can Nuclear Energy Stimulates Economic Growth?
  • What Drives the Development of Renewable Energy Technologies?
  • Are Dark Energy and Dark Matter Different Aspects of the Same Physical Process?
  • Does Financial Development Increase Energy Consumption?
  • Are Renewable Energy Policies Climate-Friendly?
  • How Important Are Current Energy Mix Choices on Future Sustainability?
  • Can China’s Energy Intensity Constraint Policy Promote Total Factor Energy Efficiency?
  • Should the UK Defense Strategy Support Future Energy Security?
  • Are the Energy Efficiency Technologies Efficient?
  • Does Green Energy Supplies Enough for Our Life?
  • Who Are the Players in the Sustainable Energy Market and What Are They Doing?
  • Can Declining Energy Intensity Mitigate Climate Change?
  • Interactive Technologies in Weather and Energy Service Companies Modern weather and energy service companies significantly benefit from the wide use of digital technologies and innovative practices.
  • Committee of Energy and Commerce’s Role in Healthcare Health care in the US is currently in crisis and soar the need for sustainable reform. One of the barriers on the way to meaningful changes is political polarization.
  • Promoting the Use of Green Energy in Emerging Economies This paper discusses the most reliable alternative energy sources that should be promoted in different parts of the world.
  • The Way Forward in the “Sustainable Energy – Without the Hot Air” by David Mackay “Sustainable Energy-Without the Hot Air” by David J. C. Mackay provides users with useful data on the way forward when it comes to sustainable energy.
  • Carbon Cowboys: Environmental Protection & Energy Efficiency Climate change is real, but if you do not believe this is the case, it still makes sense to embrace clean, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency measures.
  • International Atomic Energy Agency This report elaborates on the usage of nuclear energy in the Global International Community rather than the creation of nuclear weapons as seen in Middle East countries.
  • Energy Demand and Political Will to Alternatives The study looks at alternative energy sources. The research focuses on world behavior, energy consumption demand, different theories, and political will to change to alternatives.
  • Energy Demand in Pakistan The introduction of nuclear energy in Pakistan will reduce its’ reliance on its neighbors since as the energy sources become depleted, any country that will depend on its neighbors risks the lives of citizens.
  • Household Energy Use and Poverty In many developing countries, as well as among disadvantaged populations of the industrial states, the lack or absence of energy for household use is an everyday reality.
  • Energy Infrastructure Management in the United States Energy assets in the US are predisposed to various vulnerabilities. Threats facing energy assets include natural disasters, danger related to industrial and technological issues.
  • Renewable Energy Sources for Saudi Arabia This paper will provide background information on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, its energy resources, and how it may become more modern and efficient.
  • Energy Consumption and Ecosystem Restoration Ecosystems, in general, act as filters of the environment. Cities include certain ecosystems into city planning documents since such systems act as “lungs” for the city.
  • Biofuels and Fossil Fuels as Alternative Energy This paper compares and contrasts biofuels and fossil fuels and to evaluate whether biofuels can be considered as the alternative source of energy.
  • Sunburst Renewable Energy Corporation: Business Structuring The proposed Sunburst Renewable Energy Corporation will function on a captivating value statement in product strategy and customer relationships as the core instruments of sustainable operations.
  • Renewable Energy: Economic and Health Benefits The US should consider the adoption of renewable sources of energy, because of the high cost of using fossil fuels and expenses related to health problems due to pollution.
  • Energy Drinks Effects and Changes in Heart Rate The increased consumption of energy drinks by young people makes health care practitioners and researchers focus on studying the effects of these beverages on the people’s health.
  • Energy: What Everyone Needs to Know? The book “Energy: What Everyone Needs to Know” by Jose Goldemberg – a famous Brazilian physicist, research scientist, and scientific leader of the renewable energy community.
  • Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources in Hawaii Nowadays, people all over the world consume energy and, that is why the industry which produces it is one of the most important ones in the modern world.
  • Meteorology for Future Commodity and Energy Markets This paper discusses what meteorological trading opportunities will become more important in future commodity and energy markets.
  • Renewable Energy Systems Group and Toyota Company The application of the Lean Six Sigma to the key company processes, creates prerequisites for stellar success, as the examples of Toyota and the Renewable Energy Systems Group have shown.
  • Energy Efficiency and Economic Approaches This paper analyzes some of the economic approaches that can be applied to generate suitable models for efficient energy resource use.
  • Sustainability and Energy Politics by G. Curran The paper analyzes the book “Sustainability and Energy Politics: Ecological Modernization and Corporate Social Responsibility” by Giorel Curran.
  • Renewable Energy Sources: Popularity and Benefits Renewable fuels are not as pollutive as fossil fuels; they can be reproduced quickly from domestic resources. They became popular because of the decreasing amount of fossil fuels.
  • The Future of Energy in California This essay describes the major sources of energy in California. A powerful energy conservation strategy is also identified in the paper.
  • Iran’s Nuclear Energy and Relations with Israel The fact that Iran has questioned the existence of Israel as Jews homeland and threatened to annihilate it has further complicated the issue.
  • Mega Energy Projects: China’s Solar Generator The China’s solar power mega project, which will be implemented in phases, is set to make a remarkable supplement in China total national energy production.
  • Renewable Energy Sources: Definition, Types and Stocks This research report analyzes the growing interest of the use renewable energy as an alternative to the non-renewable energy.
  • Sustainable Energy: Without the Hot Air by MacKay In the book Sustainable Energy: Without the Hot Air, MacKay renders a range of topics related to the issue of energy source and the concept of renewable resources.
  • Industrial Fermentation as Energy Conversion One of the most common examples of employing fermentation in the industry is producing alcoholic drinks and dairy products. This type of energy conversion refers to anaerobic.
  • Green Energy and Carbon Capture Green energy is a useful strategy for providing sustainable energy for use in various economic sectors. Carbon capture and storage help to protect the environment.
  • Energy Independence in the USA The United States is dependent on oil imports coming from politically unstable regions in the world. Energy independence is not yet possible because of several limitations.
  • US Energy Policy: Vulnerabilities and Challenges As the world’s need for energy continues to grow, the US government has to formulate a comprehensive strategy to secure energy resources.
  • Gas Price Increasing and Alternative Energy Sources The alternatives source of energy can be the best solution of energy demand. The energy, which are considering as an alternative to gas, are solar power, wind power, and biomass or bio-fuel etc.
  • Usage of Alternative Energy Alternative energy is a term used to describe any source of energy that replaces the usage of fuel as the source of energy and they are deemed not to have the negative effects.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 249 Energy Topics & Essay Examples. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/energy-essay-topics/

"249 Energy Topics & Essay Examples." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/energy-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2021) '249 Energy Topics & Essay Examples'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi . "249 Energy Topics & Essay Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/energy-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "249 Energy Topics & Essay Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/energy-essay-topics/.

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Renewable Energy Essay Examples

Renewable Energy - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

The earth is slowly, but surely running low on its non-renewable energy. Resources like coal, oil, and natural gas are the most consumed each year (Gardner). Reasons for such marginal increases can range from using oil in gasoline to power cars, to providing heat through coal in fireplaces and stovetops in a kitchen. Pretty soon these forms of energy will become scarce and hard to produce, creating massive economic mood swings due to higher prices and lower quantity of needed resources (Introduction to Biofuels). It seems there has been no clear-cut solution to this problem. That is until recent advances in recyclable energy in the form of Biofuel, along with the infinite efficiency of Solar power.

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Introduction to Biofuels

Biofuels are a sustainable fuel source produced from dead plants called biomass, also called agrofuel (Introduction to Biofuels). Biofuels have been produced using all kinds of biomass sources since the dawn of time, for example corn, wheat, and recent evidence shows carcasses being used as fertilizer thousands of years ago. It has even been proposed that biofuel can be created from any carbon source (Gardner). The difficulty is to change over the biomass safely, neatly, and efficiently into the fluid fuel that powers the cars, planes, trains, and other forms of transportation that humans use every day. In previous decades, the wave of support for biofuels has become increasingly dramatic.

One of the most popular reasons is that biofuels are a much cleaner type of resource than non-renewable energy sources and in this way leaves a smaller carbon footprint too (Introduction to Biofuels). Whether it is corn, seeds, or some forms of grass, massive strands of these fuels can be developed and handled in the US. Making this technology crucial to American independence of western oil and natural gas. Biofuel creation from biowaste can otherwise address the issues with trash and human waste too. Effectively reducing the size of landfills and overall pollution.

Sun-powered Clean Energy

Another form of energy can be derived from the sun called solar power. A bigger portion of the world’s useable energy will be dealt with by sunlight-based engineering that take in the warmth and light produced from the sun (Hamer). Sun-powered clean energy can be utilized without being present to produce specific and efficient energy waves that pay for themselves over time. Americans should build their dependence on this earth inviting natural source. The estimate for sun powered energy in the twenty-first century is “bright”. Sun power will push the pattern of sheltered, moderate, and dependable energy. In such a plan, access to the sun through building rooftops and windows will be a key segment. Particularly in the Southwest or city regions, concentrating sunlight will give a critical level of potential energy (Hamer). Not to mention the value solar power may have in other parts of the world like the scorching sands of India or the long periods of sunlight in Alaskan summers.

Some researchers say that these forms of energy have too high of a startup cost (Utility-Scale Solar Power Is Uneconomical and Unreliable). While yes, both Bioenergy and solar power may not be cheap at the start, they do pay for themselves the longer they are in use. For example, the average solar panel costs approximately $20,000 for a 1,500 sqft home (Hamer). Yes! This is a large chunk of money on start up, but typically the average American power bill can cost up to $300 a month. While the average solar bill is between $100-$200 a month, nearly less than half the monthly bill is. Which means within about 20 years or less, customers will be earning free energy (Hamer). The best part, after you pay the Solar Panels off you potentially will never have to pay an electric bill ever again. While with biofuels, the initial costs may be higher due to an unequal distribution of energy. Overtime the more people that decide to buy and or switch to bioenergy powered products, the more refined and efficient it will be causing both production and product value costs to recede (Introduction to Biofuels: At Issue). The same way that as more automobiles gained popularity, the less the product cost to produce.

So, What Now?

Now that the information is public, how can it be used in day to day society? The most common of the two alternative energy sources is solar power (Hamer). This form of power is used and seen every day whether it’s to spin the little solar powered merry go round on the window sill, or the solar farms used to power nearly half a million homes worldwide. Both of which provide some sort of value either monetary or economically. In the case of biofuels, research may play a factor in how quickly people begin to see its potential to be implicated into their life (Introduction to Biofuels: At Issue). There is an obvious risk in trying to make both human and plant waste useful. But many scientists believe that the only way to get rid of our waste issue is by learning how to properly recycle it into our lives.

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Wind Power Versus Hydroelectric Power: Exploring The Similarities

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Published: Aug 1, 2024

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105 Alternative Energy Research Topics & Essay Examples

📝 alternative energy research papers examples, 👍 good alternative energy essay topics to write about, 🏆 best alternative energy essay titles, 💡 essay ideas on alternative energy, ❓ alternative energy research questions.

  • Power Generation Definition This paper will set out to define power generation and then proceed to discuss some of the most important electricity generation technologies.
  • Sustainable Energy & Environmental Studies Every sector of the economy requires energy for its daily activities. Manufacturing, transport, security and several other areas are heavily dependent on energy.
  • Wind Turbine Blades Wind turbines are devices made up of blade-like propellers referred to as rotors that are used to harness energy from strong winds.
  • Clean Energy Era Power is integral to the development of the human civilization. It is by using vast power resources that the significant industrial advances in the world have been made possible.
  • Hydrogen Energy Used in the World Hydrogen as a source of energy is highly efficient and burns easily. It is capable of producing large amounts of energy during combustion.
  • Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development The consumption shows a notable increase in fossil fuel consumption, with coal registering the most significant increase compared with other sources of energy.
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  • Wind Energy: Current Status and Future Wind energy today has earned the confidence of people due to its cheap costs of production. Wind energy is largely used in many parts of the world according to statistics.
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  • The Major Advantages of Shifting Power Supplies to Renewable Sources This essay attempts to explore the potential of solar power as an energy resource, highlight the energy policies of certain countries and analyse the major advantages of shifting power supplies to solar energy.
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  • World and Green Energy Current Situation This paper has found out that the emissions released into the atmosphere by the traditional power plants are slowly destroying the environment.
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  • Solar Energy: History, Chemistry, Pros and Cons The declining amounts of traditional sources of energy have presented humanity with the biggest challenge of inventing innovative ways to harness the power of the sun.
  • Renewable Energy Definition Renewable energy utilizes the energy from regenerative natural resources. The use of renewable energy makes the availability of energy in the world secure.
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Global Energy Crisis Cover Image Abstract Power Plant At Sunset

Global Energy Crisis

How the energy crisis started, how global energy markets are impacting our daily life, and what governments are doing about it

  • English English

What is the energy crisis?

Record prices, fuel shortages, rising poverty, slowing economies: the first energy crisis that's truly global.

Energy markets began to tighten in 2021 because of a variety of factors, including the extraordinarily rapid economic rebound following the pandemic. But the situation escalated dramatically into a full-blown global energy crisis following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. The price of natural gas reached record highs, and as a result so did electricity in some markets. Oil prices hit their highest level since 2008. 

Higher energy prices have contributed to painfully high inflation, pushed families into poverty, forced some factories to curtail output or even shut down, and slowed economic growth to the point that some countries are heading towards severe recession. Europe, whose gas supply is uniquely vulnerable because of its historic reliance on Russia, could face gas rationing this winter, while many emerging economies are seeing sharply higher energy import bills and fuel shortages. While today’s energy crisis shares some parallels with the oil shocks of the 1970s, there are important differences. Today’s crisis involves all fossil fuels, while the 1970s price shocks were largely limited to oil at a time when the global economy was much more dependent on oil, and less dependent on gas. The entire word economy is much more interlinked than it was 50 years ago, magnifying the impact. That’s why we can refer to this as the first truly global energy crisis.

Some gas-intensive manufacturing plants in Europe have curtailed output because they can’t afford to keep operating, while in China some have simply had their power supply cut. In emerging and developing economies, where the share of household budgets spent on energy and food is already large, higher energy bills have increased extreme poverty and set back progress towards achieving universal and affordable energy access. Even in advanced economies, rising prices have impacted vulnerable households and caused significant economic, social and political strains.

Climate policies have been blamed in some quarters for contributing to the recent run-up in energy prices, but there is no evidence. In fact, a greater supply of clean energy sources and technologies would have protected consumers and mitigated some of the upward pressure on fuel prices.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine drove European and Asian gas prices to record highs

Evolution of key regional natural gas prices, june 2021-october 2022, what is causing it, disrupted supply chains, bad weather, low investment, and then came russia's invasion of ukraine.

Energy prices have been rising since 2021 because of the rapid economic recovery, weather conditions in various parts of the world, maintenance work that had been delayed by the pandemic, and earlier decisions by oil and gas companies and exporting countries to reduce investments. Russia began withholding gas supplies to Europe in 2021, months ahead of its invasion of Ukraine. All that led to already tight supplies. Russia’s attack on Ukraine greatly exacerbated the situation . The United States and the EU imposed a series of sanctions on Russia and many European countries declared their intention to phase out Russian gas imports completely. Meanwhile, Russia has increasingly curtailed or even turned off its export pipelines. Russia is by far the world’s largest exporter of fossil fuels, and a particularly important supplier to Europe. In 2021, a quarter of all energy consumed in the EU came from Russia. As Europe sought to replace Russian gas, it bid up prices of US, Australian and Qatari ship-borne liquefied natural gas (LNG), raising prices and diverting supply away from traditional LNG customers in Asia. Because gas frequently sets the price at which electricity is sold, power prices soared as well. Both LNG producers and importers are rushing to build new infrastructure to increase how much LNG can be traded internationally, but these costly projects take years to come online. Oil prices also initially soared as international trade routes were reconfigured after the United States, many European countries and some of their Asian allies said they would no longer buy Russian oil. Some shippers have declined to carry Russian oil because of sanctions and insurance risk. Many large oil producers were unable to boost supply to meet rising demand – even with the incentive of sky-high prices – because of a lack of investment in recent years. While prices have come down from their peaks, the outlook is uncertain with new rounds of European sanctions on Russia kicking in later this year.

What is being done?

Pandemic hangovers and rising interest rates limit public responses, while some countries turn to coal.

Some governments are looking to cushion the blow for customers and businesses, either through direct assistance, or by limiting prices for consumers and then paying energy providers the difference. But with inflation in many countries well above target and budget deficits already large because of emergency spending during the Covid-19 pandemic, the scope for cushioning the impact is more limited than in early 2020. Rising inflation has triggered increases in short-term interest rates in many countries, slowing down economic growth. Europeans have rushed to increase gas imports from alternative producers such as Algeria, Norway and Azerbaijan. Several countries have resumed or expanded the use of coal for power generation, and some are extending the lives of nuclear plants slated for de-commissioning. EU members have also introduced gas storage obligations, and agreed on voluntary targets to cut gas and electricity demand by 15% this winter through efficiency measures, greater use of renewables, and support for efficiency improvements. To ensure adequate oil supplies, the IEA and its members responded with the two largest ever releases of emergency oil stocks. With two decisions – on 1 March 2022 and 1 April – the IEA coordinated the release of some 182 million barrels of emergency oil from public stocks or obligated stocks held by industry. Some IEA member countries independently released additional public stocks, resulting in a total of over 240 million barrels being released between March and November 2022.

The IEA has also published action plans to cut oil use with immediate impact, as well as plans for how Europe can reduce its reliance on Russian gas and how common citizens can reduce their energy consumption . The invasion has sparked a reappraisal of energy policies and priorities, calling into question the viability of decades of infrastructure and investment decisions, and profoundly reorientating international energy trade. Gas had been expected to play a key role in many countries as a lower-emitting "bridge" between dirtier fossil fuels and renewable energies. But today’s crisis has called into question natural gas’ reliability.

The current crisis could accelerate the rollout of cleaner, sustainable renewable energy such as wind and solar, just as the 1970s oil shocks spurred major advances in energy efficiency, as well as in nuclear, solar and wind power. The crisis has also underscored the importance of investing in robust gas and power network infrastructure to better integrate regional markets. The EU’s RePowerEU, presented in May 2022 and the United States’ Inflation Reduction Act , passed in August 2022, both contain major initiatives to develop energy efficiency and promote renewable energies. 

The global energy crisis can be a historic turning point

Energy saving tips

Global Energy Crisis Energy Tips Infographic

1. Heating: turn it down

Lower your thermostat by just 1°C to save around 7% of your heating energy and cut an average bill by EUR 50-70 a year. Always set your thermostat as low as feels comfortable, and wear warm clothes indoors. Use a programmable thermostat to set the temperature to 15°C while you sleep and 10°C when the house is unoccupied. This cuts up to 10% a year off heating bills. Try to only heat the room you’re in or the rooms you use regularly.

The same idea applies in hot weather. Turn off air-conditioning when you’re out. Set the overall temperature 1 °C warmer to cut bills by up to 10%. And only cool the room you’re in.

2. Boiler: adjust the settings

Default boiler settings are often higher than you need. Lower the hot water temperature to save 8% of your heating energy and cut EUR 100 off an average bill.  You may have to have the plumber come once if you have a complex modern combi boiler and can’t figure out the manual. Make sure you follow local recommendations or consult your boiler manual. Swap a bath for a shower to spend less energy heating water. And if you already use a shower, take a shorter one. Hot water tanks and pipes should be insulated to stop heat escaping. Clean wood- and pellet-burning heaters regularly with a wire brush to keep them working efficiently.

3. Warm air: seal it in

Close windows and doors, insulate pipes and draught-proof around windows, chimneys and other gaps to keep the warm air inside. Unless your home is very new, you will lose heat through draughty doors and windows, gaps in the floor, or up the chimney. Draught-proof these gaps with sealant or weather stripping to save up to EUR 100 a year. Install tight-fitting curtains or shades on windows to retain even more heat. Close fireplace and chimney openings (unless a fire is burning) to stop warm air escaping straight up the chimney. And if you never use your fireplace, seal the chimney to stop heat escaping.

4. Lightbulbs: swap them out

Replace old lightbulbs with new LED ones, and only keep on the lights you need. LED bulbs are more efficient than incandescent and halogen lights, they burn out less frequently, and save around EUR 10 a year per bulb. Check the energy label when buying bulbs, and aim for A (the most efficient) rather than G (the least efficient). The simplest and easiest way to save energy is to turn lights off when you leave a room.

5. Grab a bike

Walking or cycling are great alternatives to driving for short journeys, and they help save money, cut emissions and reduce congestion. If you can, leave your car at home for shorter journeys; especially if it’s a larger car. Share your ride with neighbours, friends and colleagues to save energy and money. You’ll also see big savings and health benefits if you travel by bike. Many governments also offer incentives for electric bikes.

6. Use public transport

For longer distances where walking or cycling is impractical, public transport still reduces energy use, congestion and air pollution. If you’re going on a longer trip, consider leaving your car at home and taking the train. Buy a season ticket to save money over time. Your workplace or local government might also offer incentives for travel passes. Plan your trip in advance to save on tickets and find the best route.

7. Drive smarter

Optimise your driving style to reduce fuel consumption: drive smoothly and at lower speeds on motorways, close windows at high speeds and make sure your tires are properly inflated. Try to take routes that avoid heavy traffic and turn off the engine when you’re not moving. Drive 10 km/h slower on motorways to cut your fuel bill by around EUR 60 per year. Driving steadily between 50-90 km/h can also save fuel. When driving faster than 80 km/h, it’s more efficient to use A/C, rather than opening your windows. And service your engine regularly to maintain energy efficiency.

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110 Solar Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best solar energy topic ideas & essay examples, 📌 simple & easy solar energy essay titles, 👍 good essay topics on solar energy, ❓ questions about solar energy.

  • Solar Energy as an Alternative Source of Energy It is of essence to note that, with the depletion of fossil fuels, more emphasis is now being put on the use of solar energy as an alternate energy source.
  • Renewable Energy: Comparison Between Biogas and Solar Energies Again, the research finds that the cost of installation is higher compared to solar energy sources. However, the paper is going to compare solar and biogas energy sources.
  • How Solar Energy Can Save the Environment? Over the past few decades, the level of greenhouse gasses in the environment has been on the rise. The only cost in the production of solar energy is making the solar panels.
  • The Sun’s Light and Heat: Solar Energy Issue The figure below provides an overview of the major parts of the solar system, which include the solar core, the radiative zone, the convective zone, the photosphere, the chromosphere, and the corona among others.
  • Using Solar (PV) Energy to Generate Hydrogen Gas for Fuel Cells With the current technologies, an electrolyzer working at 100% efficiency needs 39 kWh of electricity to liberate 1 kg of hydrogen.
  • The Use of Solar Energy Should be Adopted in All States in the U.S. The emphasis on renewable sources of energy has been enhanced by the fact that the limited world’s resources are increasingly being depleted; thus, the states have adopted the use of solar energy so as to […]
  • Efficient Solar Refrigeration: A Technology Platform for Clean Energy and Water Refrigeration cycle capable to be driven by low grade energy, substituting gas-phase ejector used in conventional mechanical compressor.
  • Making Solar Energy Affordable Solar energy is a type of energy that is obtained through tapping the sun’s rays radiant and converting it into other energy forms such as heat and electricity.
  • Government Subsidies for Solar Energy This approach has enabled solar companies and developers to penetrate the energy market despite the high costs involved in developing solar power.
  • Solar Energy: Review and Analysis Available literature shows that most commercial CSP plants in Spain and the United States using synthetic oil as the transfer fluid and molten salt as the thermal energy storage technology are able to achieve a […]
  • Solar and Wind Energy in the Empty Quarter Desert However, the main bulk of the report focuses on the proposal to build a stand alone renewable energy source, a combination of a solar power wind turbine system that will provide a stable energy source […]
  • Solar Energy Selling Framework The list of actions to complete the required activity goes in the following sequence: planning actions, sales pitch itself, and reflection. The actions, aimed at doing are the four stages of a sales pitch, that […]
  • The Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Effect The key difference factor of the solar cells is the material and technology that is used. Photon behavior in a solar cell is defined by the materials used and the construction of the cell itself.
  • Solar Energy: Commercial and Industrial Power Source This is made further possible by the inspirational circulars related to the application of more solar energy in the state. This is one of the major participations that came in to the notice.
  • Solar Energy and Its Impact on Society He believed that the wheel was the extension of our feet, the hammer was an extension of our hands, and technology is the extension of our mind and mentality.
  • Bismuth Vanadate Photocatalyst for Solar Energy 20 In the scheelite BiVO4, it is possible to find out a hybridized band structure with Bi 6s and O 2p orbitals.
  • Solar Energy Power Plant & Utility Supply Contract The first assumption from the case above is that the advisement by SEPP to the US not to provide EEC certificates was made orally and was came after the contract had been signed.
  • Solar Energy Industry in the UAE The UAE International Investors Council insists that the sustainable use of the available financial resources, particularly, FDI, should be viewed as the foundation for enhancing the development of the state industries, especially as far as […]
  • Solar Energy: Definition and Ways of Usage Observers believe that the energy from the sun has the potential to satisfy the world’s energy requirements. Energy from the solar is free, and we can never deplete solar energy.
  • Solar Energy Panels in UAE This report will examine the future of solar energy and the incentive schemes that can be put in place to develop the United Arab Emirates solar energy industry.
  • Solar & Wind Sources: Hybrid Energy System Of the Australian capital cities, Darwin, Australia is the smallest and is located in the north-most part of the country. The following is the analysis of the factors to be considered.
  • Solar Energy Houses’ Benefits In the same breadth, another advantage of the solar energy houses is that they reduce the emission of carbon dioxide through other processes.
  • Solar Energy in the UAE It is important to note that the nature of the solar field is modular, and that it has a number of parallel solar collector rows.
  • Solar Energy Business Model Based in Melbourne Competitiveness The concentration of solar energy consultancy industry Industry concentration is a term used to define the measure of the number of organizations as well as the size of the organizations, which are considered predominant […]
  • Solar Energy in the United Arab Emirates The success of the solar power initiatives in the UAE is largely attributed to the wide range of financial incentives that the UAE government has offered to the companies that are prepared to advance the […]
  • Tecck Industries: Business Climate and Ethics The moral issues in the current business climate emanate from the values that the different sections of the society hold. Tecck Industries recognizes that there are laws that govern certain aspects of the ethical, moral, […]
  • Making Solar Energy More Affordable The use of solar energy can be critical for environmental and economic sustainability of many communities that can be located in different regions of the world.
  • Wind and Solar Energy as a Sources of Alternative Energy Fthenakis, Mason and Zweibel also examined the economical, geographical and technical viability of solar power to supplement the energy requirements of the U.S.and concluded that it was possible to substitute the current fossil fuel energy […]
  • Alternative Sources of Energy: Solar, Wind, and Hydropower Countries, which depend on oil are getting worried because they are not certain of the availability of this source of energy in future, also, the prices of oil has been escalating over the years, and […]
  • New Techniques for Harnessing Solar Energy Due to the scarcity of fossil fuels and the expenses incurred in the mining of fossil fuels, it is important that we find a new source of energy to fulfill the energy needs of the […]
  • Is Solar Energy Good for the State of New Jersey? The state of the New Jersey is second to California in terms of the use of solar energy. As people are waking up to the reality that the limited world’s resources are increasingly being depleted, […]
  • The Affordability And Efficiency Of Solar Energy
  • The Depletion of Non-Renewable Energy Source and the Development of Solar Energy as the Best Alternative
  • Solar Energy’s Place In The Power Industry
  • The Potential of Solar Energy and Its Progress in Developing Nations
  • Solar Energy Is A More Effective Source Than Wind Energy
  • The Ethics Of The Solyndra Solar Energy Panels
  • The Right Time For Using Solar Energy For Houses
  • Why Residential Solar Energy Is A Positive Form Of Progress In Our World Today
  • The Use Of Solar Energy Does Not Pollute The Environment
  • Solar Energy: The Ultimate Renewable Energy Resource
  • The Description of Solar Energy and Its Potential as the Energy of the Future
  • The Many Uses and Applications of Solar Energy
  • The Effect of Public Policies on Inducing Technological Change in Solar Energy
  • Understanding Technological Optimism and Pessimism and the Benefits of Passive Solar Energy
  • Way Forward for Solar Energy Players in India
  • The Solar Energy Principles in the Government of the United States
  • Unexpected Rapid Fall of Wind and Solar Energy Prices: Backgrounds, Effects and Perspectives
  • The Effect Of Solar Energy On Silicon Solar Cell Technology
  • The Factors to Consider in Determining a Good Production of Solar Energy
  • The Importance of Solar Energy in Napal
  • The Impact of Solar Energy Technologies in China
  • Solar Energy Is Not A Solution To The American Energy Crisis
  • Solar Energy Development And Environmental Considerations
  • The Pros And Cons Of Wind And Solar Energy
  • The Positive Impact Of Solar Energy On People, And Country
  • Solar Energy: Potential to Facilitate Household Rural Electrification
  • The Rapid Growth of Solar Energy in China and Its Potential
  • Solar Energy Collecting As Alternative Energy Source
  • The Use of Solar Energy in Canada and in Other Parts of the World
  • The Marketing of Solar Energy for Domestic Purposes
  • The Effect of International Trade Policies on the Solar Energy
  • Sustaining the Environment Through Solar Energy
  • The Effects Of Solar Energy On The Environment
  • The Status of Solar Energy Integration and Policy in Nigeria
  • Wind Turbine Energy, Static Electricity And Solar Energy
  • The Impacts of Solar Energy on Daily Life
  • The Impact Of Solar Energy On The Energy Industry
  • The Solar Energy Of Renewable Energy
  • Using Solar Energy For Functional Working Of Machine
  • Utilization of Solar Energy for Thermal Desalination
  • Solar Power : Advantages And Challenges Of Solar Energy
  • The Environmental Advantages Of Solar Energy
  • A Comparison of the Development and Status of the Solar Energy Markets in Kenya and Tanzania
  • Solar Energy as the Cheapest and Best Alternative Energy on Earth
  • The History and Application of Solar Energy
  • Using Homemade Solar Cookers And Solar Energy
  • Why Is Solar Energy Vital for the Future?
  • What Is the Most Important Thing About Solar Energy?
  • Are Promotion Programs Needed to Establish Off-Grid Solar Energy Markets?
  • Can Solar Energy Save the World?
  • How Is Solar Energy Converted Into Electricity?
  • What Are the Advantages of Solar Energy?
  • How Is Much Less Solar Energy Received at 60 Latitudes?
  • What Are the Main Disadvantages to Solar Energy?
  • How Can Solar Energy Change the World?
  • How Is Solar Energy Made?
  • Why Residential Solar Energy Is a Positive Form of Progress in Our World Today?
  • What Does Solar Energy Mean?
  • What Are the Sources of Solar Energy?
  • Why Is Solar Energy Good?
  • Does Solar Energy Have a Future?
  • What Are the Interesting Facts About Solar Energy?
  • How Can Solar Energy Help the Environment?
  • Why Solar Energy Is the Future?
  • Can Solar Energy Production Be Attractive or Profitable for Business?
  • What Is Solar Energy?
  • How Vital Is Solar Energy?
  • Is Solar Energy Expensive?
  • What Is the Current Research on Solar Energy?
  • How Efficient Is Solar Energy?
  • Do Solar Panels Work at Night?
  • Why Solar Energy Is the Best?
  • Who Is Researching Solar Energy?
  • What Is the Biggest Problem With Solar Energy?
  • Which Subsidy Mode Improves the Financial Performance of Solar Energy Firms?
  • How Has Solar Energy Given to Society?
  • Solar System Essay Topics
  • Atmosphere Questions
  • Photosynthesis Research Ideas
  • Climate Change Titles
  • Ecosystem Essay Topics
  • Environmental Protection Titles
  • Government Regulation Titles
  • Green Building Questions
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2023, October 26). 110 Solar Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/solar-energy-essay-topics/

"110 Solar Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Oct. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/solar-energy-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '110 Solar Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 26 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "110 Solar Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/solar-energy-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "110 Solar Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/solar-energy-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "110 Solar Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/solar-energy-essay-topics/.


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  1. 113 Renewable Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Renewable Energy Sources Summary. Solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy and geothermal energy are the main renewable sources of energy. In an analysis of 2005 energy sources, it is evident that nuclear energy was the dominant energy source followed […] Wind Energy, Its Advantages and Disadvantages.

  2. 105 Alternative Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Published: Jan 23, 2024. Inside This Article. 105 Alternative Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. Alternative energy sources have become increasingly important as the world faces the challenges of climate change and dwindling fossil fuel reserves. Writing an essay on alternative energy can be both educational and thought-provoking, as it ...

  3. 110 Alternative Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    This report will examine the future of solar energy and the incentive schemes that can be put in place to develop the United Arab Emirates solar energy industry. Ethanol as an Alternative Source of Energy. Ethanol is the product of the fermentation of plants, and that is why it can be called a renewable source.

  4. 118 Renewable Energy Essay Topics

    This paper aims at expounding the effectiveness of renewable energy and the utilization of energy efficiency in regard to climate change. Utilization of Solar Energy for Thermal Desalination. The following research is set to outline the prospects of utilization of solar energy for thermal desalination technologies.

  5. Alternative Sources of Energy Essay

    Such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power. In this Alternative Sources of Energy essay, the author argues that the Sun and wind have the potential to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and lower carbon emissions. Read the paper to learn about the challenges, limitations, and benefits of implementing alternative energy sources.

  6. Top 10 Pro & Con Arguments

    2. 100% Renewable Energy. 100% renewable energy is a goal shared by at least 160 American citites, 10 counties, and eight states as of Sep. 16, 2020, according to the Sierra Club. As a policy, 100% renewable energy means not using fossil fuel energy or nuclear energy, with a goal for implementation generally between 2035 and 2050.

  7. 108 Renewable Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Research > 108 Renewable Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. ... These essay topic ideas and examples cover a wide range of renewable energy topics, from solar and wind power to bioenergy and geothermal energy. Whether you're interested in the environmental, economic, or social aspects of renewable energy, there's a topic here for you to ...

  8. Renewable Energy Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    Non-enewable Energy Data Analysis. There were 143 respondents to the survey. They were 52.45% female (75) and 47.55% male (68). The survey respondents skewed older than the national average. The median age in the UK is 40.5, and 54.17% of survey respondents were over the age of forty.

  9. Renewable Energy Essay: Tips to Write a Great Paper

    The internet is awash with essays and articles on various topics. In the last few years, climate change has become one of the most targeted topics of discussion. So, by writing another renewable energy essay, you could add to the debate but not make any significant impact. Therefore, it's vital to create a well-crafted piece to convey your ...

  10. ≡Essays on Renewable Energy. Free Examples of Research Paper Topics

    The Main Benefits of Renewable Energy. 13.8 percent of the electricity generated in the United States in 2015 is from renewable energy sources. Renewable energy makes energy without all the negative effects on the environment and makes without releasing pollution in the air causing many problems in the environment.

  11. Renewable Energy Essay

    This essay is focused on the main three renewable energies, wind, sunlight, and water. Renewable resources are well on the way to out rule the fossil fuel industry because of the diminishing amount of fossil fuels left in the world and increase of renewable resource use, the damage fossil fuels do to the environment, and the various. 1944 Words.

  12. 25 Alternative Energy Essay Topics

    25 Alternative Energy Essay Topics. All You Wanted to Know About Transition Bonds in India May 16, 2022. Five Ways To Make Your Office More Eco Friendly May 20, 2022. Writing essays consists of various stages. These can be divided into preliminary, writing, and post-writing stages. Students can face issues at every stage.

  13. Essay on Alternative Energy

    Introduction to Alternative Energy. Alternative energy refers to energy sources that are not based on the burning of fossil fuels or nuclear fusion. The term is commonly used to refer to renewable and non-polluting energy sources. These are energy sources that are continually replenished, such as sunlight, wind, and water flows.

  14. Alternative Energy Essay Topics

    Essay Topics on Alternative Energy. The United Arab Emirates Use of Solar Power. Using Wind Energy to Protect the Environment. Energy Crisis in Abu Dhabi and Wind Energy: as Its Potential Source of Renewable Energy. Development of Renewable Energy Sources. The Australian Solar Energy Business Model.

  15. Top 60 Great Ideas on Renewable and Alternative Energy Topics

    Papers with renewable energy research topics are useful more than ever to discuss and spread knowledge on this catastrophe. Hopefully, ... Renewable and alternative energy essay writing help. Within a few years of engaging with ecological methods of producing energy, activists reached the ears of global communities from different fields. ...

  16. ≡Essays on Alternative Energy. Free Examples of Research Paper Topics

    Study on Bioenergy as Alternative Energy. 2 pages / 896 words. Alternative energy, the gateway to the future and the wiping away of the reliance on limited resources of fuel. Oil, is a limited resource and it is something world needs constantly. Transportation, heat, and power, are all fueled by this substance.

  17. Renewable energy

    In contrast, renewable energy sources accounted for nearly 20 percent of global energy consumption at the beginning of the 21st century, largely from traditional uses of biomass such as wood for heating and cooking.By 2015 about 16 percent of the world's total electricity came from large hydroelectric power plants, whereas other types of renewable energy (such as solar, wind, and geothermal ...

  18. Alternative Energy Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    Alternative Energy in California The. PAGES 3 WORDS 1090. Hydrogen power is a little harder to understand than other power sources that one is used to experiencing every day such as the sun and wind. Hydrogen power results from the reaction of hygrogen gas and oxygen gas to create water (Karim and Strickland, 2000).

  19. 461 Energy Essay Topics to Write about & Examples

    Here, you will find solar energy essay topics, interesting titles for energy projects, writing ideas about environmentally friendly and renewable energy sources, research titles on trending issues, and more. We will write a custom essay specifically for you by our professional experts. 184 writers online. Learn More.

  20. 249 Energy Topics & Essay Examples

    249 Energy Topics & Essay Examples. These energy topics explore the dynamic realm of energy sources, consumption, and sustainability. Here, you can find an excellent topic for your essay or project. As you go through these energy research questions, you will uncover the intricacies of energy demands, environmental concerns, and the quest for ...

  21. Renewable Energy

    Renewable Energy - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas. The earth is slowly, but surely running low on its non-renewable energy. Resources like coal, oil, and natural gas are the most consumed each year (Gardner). Reasons for such marginal increases can range from using oil in gasoline to power cars, to providing heat through coal in fireplaces ...

  22. Wind Power Versus Hydroelectric Power: Exploring The ...

    Renewable energy sources have become a crucial topic in today's world, as the need to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change becomes increasingly urgent. Among the various renewable energy options available, wind power and hydroelectric power stand out as two of the most prominent solutions.

  23. 105 Alternative Energy Research Topics & Essay Examples

    Looking for alternative energy essay topics for school college students? Here we've collected easy & interesting alternative energy essay examples & title ideas. 🎓 Use them for inspiration! Call to +1 (844) 889-9952 +1 (844) 889-9952 Services; Prices; Testimonials; Our Experts; How It Works; Free Papers. Art;

  24. Algonquin Power to Sell Renewable Energy Business for $2.5 Billion

    Algonquin Power AQN-12.60%decrease; red down pointing triangle & Utilities has agreed to sell its renewable energy business for $2.5 billion, a year after putting the segment up for sale. The ...

  25. Walz's Climate Policies Could Leave the Midwest in the Dark

    Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz last year signed one of America's most aggressive climate laws, mandating that 100% of the state's electricity come from carbon-free sources by 2040. Even if he doesn ...

  26. Global Energy Crisis

    LED bulbs are more efficient than incandescent and halogen lights, they burn out less frequently, and save around EUR 10 a year per bulb. Check the energy label when buying bulbs, and aim for A (the most efficient) rather than G (the least efficient). The simplest and easiest way to save energy is to turn lights off when you leave a room.

  27. Green-Energy Flops Revive Bets on Natural Gas

    Shell SHEL-0.07% decrease; red down pointing triangle and BP BP 0.50% increase; green up pointing triangle had high expectations of biofuels such as renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel ...

  28. Governor Cooper and U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Granholm

    Today, Governor Roy Cooper joined United States Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm to announce new funding through the Department of Energy to enhance North Carolina's electrical grid and increase capacity for renewable energy storage. They were joined by N.C.

  29. 110 Solar Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    The Sun's Light and Heat: Solar Energy Issue. The figure below provides an overview of the major parts of the solar system, which include the solar core, the radiative zone, the convective zone, the photosphere, the chromosphere, and the corona among others. Using Solar (PV) Energy to Generate Hydrogen Gas for Fuel Cells.

  30. 6 Best Green Hydrogen Stocks and ETFs to Buy

    Amid the energy transition, some industries have been found to be easier to decarbonize than others. Technology companies, for instance, can readily buy power from solar and wind farms to run data ...