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Law: Legal essay

Four tips on how to write a good law essay.

An essay is a common type of assessment in a law degree. This resource offers tips and resources to help you plan and write law essays. There are usually two types of law essays: the theoretical based essay and the problem-style essay.

The theoretical based essay may ask you to critically discuss a new piece of legislation or a recent case in relation to existing laws or legal principles. You may also be asked to take a side in an argument or discuss the wider societal implications of a legal outcome.

Problem-style essays require you to advise a party based on the analysis of a scenario or given problem. You will be required to identify the legal issues and apply relevant law. See more on legal problem-solving in this resource . This resource will focus on theoretical based law essays. There are a number of strategies that may help you in starting, structuring and presenting a law essay.

1. Starting your answer

The first step to a successful law essay is understanding the question. One of the most effective ways of breaking down the question is to identify the direction, content, and scope or limiting words.

For example, look at the following essay question:

Direction Words : Critically analyse.

Content Words: tort of negligence; tort of battery; consenting to medical treatment; patient’s right (autonomous decision).

Scope/Limiting Words: the extent to which, protect.

  • In this case, we need to critically analyse an area of law.
  • Here, we need to research the torts of negligence and battery and the issues of consent in medical treatments and patients’ rights .
  • Here we should critically analyse how well (the extent to which) the aforementioned torts do or do not protect patients’ rights in the context of medical consent .

You may also find it useful to look at the rubric to help you interpret your examiner’s expectations.

2. Planning your argument

When reading a case, journal article, book chapter or online article, it can be hard to know exactly how to use the source in an essay. This is where taking good notes while reading critically is helpful. Take a look at our other resources to help you Read critically and Read difficult material .

The next step is to take notes that help you understand different arguments and issues, or information and context, and refer back to your assignment question to keep you on track.

Writing a very short summary of each source is a great way to start. For example, for each journal article you read, try to summarise the author's main points in a few lines. This will help you to articulate the meaning in your own words.

Then, expand on this summary with some key points. Be sure that when taking notes, you make a note of the source and the pinpoint reference or page number, so that you can correctly cite the source in your essay.

Planning strategies

Understanding arguments.

Think about how you will use your resources. You may use a primary or secondary resource to:

  • to support your argument with evidence
  • to demonstrate a range of issues and opinions (remember, it’s OK if you don’t agree with all your sources! Show where these contrasting arguments fit into your discussion)

It may be helpful to ask:

  • How does this source contribute to my argument?
  • Do I agree or disagree with the author’s argument?

See our resource Master the art of note-making and Brainstorming and mind mapping for more tips.

Integrating resources into your essay

It is important to use your research well. One way to do this is to plan the main points of your essay, and how you will use your primary and secondary resources (such as journal articles, books, case law, legislation, websites) to support one or more of those points.

3. Structuring your answer

A key element of successful law essays is the structure. A good structure will enable you to communicate your ideas fluently and efficiently. This is an important and highly valued skill not only in law school, but in practice as well.

Usually, your essay requires an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion. Generally, you should have one idea per paragraph. This may mean shorter paragraphs than what you would ordinarily write in high school or other faculties. Concision is key in law. Therefore, we recommend a short paragraph which efficiently addresses an issue over a long and winding exploration of many different issues.

Remember to use subheadings to provide structure to your writing. It is a good idea to come up with your subheadings before you start writing so that you have a structure to follow. The subheadings should act as a series of subtopics which reflect the arguments needed to substantiate your thesis statement.

Below we have an overview of the working components of good law essays. Examiners expect you to use all of these in your writing. The samples come from Julie Cassidy, ‘Hollow Avowals of Human Rights Protection: Time for an Australian Federal Bill of Rights?’ (2008) 13 Deakin Law Review 131.

NB: This is an illustrative example only. It is not concise enough for an undergraduate research essay and you would be expected to remove phrases like “In the course of, it is suggested that, in regard to.”

4. Presenting your ideas

In order to do well, you must also present your essay so that it reflects academic standards. This includes correct citation practices, subheadings, Plain English, and grammar and spelling.

Examiners highly value closely edited and proofed work. First-year students commonly rely too much on passive constructions and embellished language. Good lawyers write in clear and concise English that is easily understood.

  • Correct Citation
  • Subheadings
  • Plain English
  • Grammar and Spelling

Your essay must adhere to the AGLC4 rules , including appropriate pinpoint footnotes and bibliography.

A comprehensive guide to AGLC4 is provided by the Library.

Law essays use subheadings frequently, but judiciously. This may be different to what you are used to.

Subheadings also help provide a structure. See the previous section for more advice.

In accordance with AGLC 4, the first word of your heading must be capitalised.

Examiners do not want to see the full extent of your vocabulary. They prefer to see complex arguments rendered in simple language.

This, surprisingly, is not easy. We tend to think through writing. That is, our ideas come to us as we are writing. This leaves a lot of writing which is repetitive, vague, or contradictory as our ideas evolve.

Use the editing worksheet to learn which words you can easily swap out to improve readability and strategies to avoid long-winded constructions.

Do not leave your assignment to the last minute. Not only will this create undue stress, but you will not have adequate time to proofread your assignment.

When we work intensively on a piece of writing, we need a period of time away, or distance, in order to re-read our work objectively. Give yourself 2-3 days before the due date so you can print your text and edit it carefully to remove any typos or grammatical errors.

Services like Grammarly may help to pick up errors that are missed by Microsoft Word.

Further resources

Legal essay strategies, legal essay strategies accordion.

  • Writing a Law essay mind map Take a look at this useful mind map to see the steps involved and the questions you should ask yourself when writing a law essay.
  • Melbourne Law School: Research essay guide / Legal essay checklist
  • Professor Steven Vaughan (University College London): How to write better law essays ( Prezi slides )
  • Associate Professor Douglas Guilfoyle (University of New South Wales): Plain Legal English ( YouTube playlist )
  • Professor James Lee (King’s College London): #FreeLawRevision Guides (see especially Essay Technique Parts 1, 2 and 3) ( YouTube playlist )
  • Strategies for Essay Writing - Harvard College Writing Center See particularly, the section on Counterargument.

Examples and language

  • University of Western Australia Law School: Examples of legal writing
  • Columbia Law School: Writing in plain English
  • Dr Patrick Goold (City, University of London): ‘It’s a subject where words matter’: how to write the perfect law essay ( The Guardian )
  • 'Don't just vomit on the page': how to write a legal essay Law lecturer Steven Vaughan (University College, London) explains why the best essays take discipline, editing, and teamwork.

Effective Legal Writing: A Practical Approach

Corbett-Jarvis and Grigg

How to write better law essays : tools and techniques for success in exams and assignments

Steve Foster

How to write law essays and exams

Stacie Strong

Legal Writing

Lisa Webley

Level Up Your Essays: How to get better grades at university

Inger Mewburn, Shaun Lehmann, and Katherine Firth

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Essay Plans For Crime


Resource Description

How effectively does the criminal investigation process balance the rights of victims, offenders and society?

To what extent do legal and non-legal measures in the criminal justice system encourage compliance? How effective are police in reflecting moral and ethical standards?

Intro: The criminal investigation process is somewhat effective in balancing the rights of all groups in society, including victims, offenders and the greater population. Due to the conflicting interests of the parties, the goal of justice, which the investigation process observes, can be lost in translation, leading to a lack of civil liberties and misunderstandings of the roles of law enforcement. Recent law reform regarding strip searches, bail laws and covert searches all contribute to the balance or unbalance of the rights of the individual and how society enforces these rights. Search and Seizure (strip) Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 (LEPRA) s31 NSW police minister defends strip-searching children, The Guardian, 2019 Watchdog recommends NSW police apologise to strip-search victim, SMH, 2020 The balance between the rights of the individual and the powers of law enforcement regarding strip searches has not been effectively observed by the criminal investigation process (CIP) in recent years. A key power of police in preventing crime, as set out by the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 (LEPRA), is the power to search someone and seize illicit items that could harm greater society. However, as a 2019 Law Enforcement Conduct Commission Inquiry highlighted, many officers are overstepping their powers, namely when it comes to underage persons at large events. This inquiry came after 122 underage girls were searched in 2019 at public events, with over 63% searches turning up no illicit substances. These searches, which involve a complete strip and, in some cases, a ‘squat and cough’ (The Guardian, 2019) are incredibly invasive, a complete overrule of an individual’s right to privacy and bodily autonomy. The Redfern Legal Centre, who called for “a ban on minor strip-searches, unless court order is obtained” (SMH, 2020), highlight that current legal thresholds are inadequate in protecting the rights of the individual when it comes to search and seizures, no matter the benefit to greater society if illicit drugs are found. Bail/Remand Laws Bail Amendment Act 2013/2014/2015 Tough Bail laws come as a cost to the innocent, SMH, 2020 Monis Case 2014 The goal of justice and subsequently the balancing of rights is achieved to a certain extent in regard to bail and remand laws over years of amendments. The original Bail Act 1978 (NSW) became “too difficult to comprehend and navigate”, as former attorney general Greg Smith stated (SMH, 2012), highlighting the lack of justice achieved; not only was the Act too strict, based on charge and not individual circumstance, but it also allowed for NSW prisons to become intensely overcrowded. This led to the Bail Act 2013 (NSW), which aimed to protect the rights of the alleged offender instead. However, this did not balance the rights of society, exemplified in the case of Man Monis (2014), who was released on bail and was thus, allowed to hold the Sydney siege, a ‘bloody stain’ (SMH, 2020) on Australia’s history. A new amendment, coming into legislation in 2014, then tightened the bail laws, pushing for a presumption against bail in many cases. This again, did not balance the rights of all parties in society, with BOSCAR reporting that in 2019 alone, 21 children and 200 adults, who were later found innocent, were denied bail and held on remand for an average of 124 days (SMH, 2019). This clear shift to the presumption in favour of protecting the community over protecting the innocent raises questions of the fairness and equality of the bail system, and the strides yet to be taken.

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World Order (Legal Studies) HSC essay plans

World Order essay plans under HSC Legal Studies. 28 page notes were created in 2019. These will guide you to write a great essay. You simply have to apply the pointers.

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  • Legal Studies Year 12 HSC (15220)
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These are terrific essay plans for Legal Studies World Order  that I came across. This guide has everything you need to write the perfect essay. It’s easy to follow and study. Multiple text colours are used to make it more readable and show the most important sections.

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World Order (Legal Studies) HSC essay plans

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{{item.title}}, my essentials, ask for help, contact edconnect, directory a to z, how to guides, planning, programming and assessing legal studies.

Resources to help you plan, program and assess legal studies in Years 11–12.

Students of legal studies learn about the rule of law, justice and the rights and responsibilities of citizens.

Legal studies offers students an opportunity to:

  • learn about Australian and international law
  • the rule of law and how both Australian and international legal systems work
  • inquire into and analyse legal issues and communicate in structured arguments.

Legal Studies Stage 6 Syllabus (2009) contains the syllabus and support materials including a sample assessment schedule, specimen paper, HSC exam rubrics, standards packages and past papers.

Use the resources below as stand-alone or to supplement your existing programs. They can also provide ideas about a variety of teaching strategies, feedback, integrating the themes and challenges of the course, and ways to approach teaching controversial issues.

Year 11 – part 1 – the legal system

  • Basic legal concepts (DOCX 151 KB)
  • Sources of contemporary Australian law (DOCX 200 KB)

Year 12 core – part 1 – crime

  • Topic 1 – the nature of crime (DOCX 92 KB)
  • Topic 2 – criminal investigation process (DOCX 101 KB)
  • Topic 3 – criminal trial process (DOCX 96 KB)
  • Topic 4 – sentencing and punishment (DOCX 108 KB)
  • Topic 5 – young offenders (DOCX 91 KB)
  • Topic 6 – international crime (DOCX 102 KB)

Year 12 – option 3 – family law

  • Family – part 1 – the nature of family law (DOCX 185 KB)

Legal studies HSC revision resource (DOCX 82 KB) – support students in their studies as they prepare for the HSC exam. The included activities can be used as part of classroom learning or set for independent study. The resource is designed to be used in part or in full to fit the contextual needs of your teaching.

Watch – Legal studies – exam preparation

Watch 'HSIE – Legal Studies – Exam preparation' (18:37).

Transcript of 'HSIE – Legal studies Examination preparation'

Welcome to the HSC hub presentation for legal studies. This presentation will take approximately 25 minutes to view. A supplementary document with key details from this presentation is also available to view or print. Before we commence proceedings, I would like to pay my respect and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which this meeting takes place and also pay respect to elders, both past and present.

Welcome to this HSIE HSC hub video for Legal studies. This recording is designed to introduce the exam layout and structure, and to provide some hints and tips on how to best prepare for the exam. Each section of the exam will be explained with reference to the 2019 examination paper, using the questions and feedback from the marking centre.

Before the exam day, download your HSC timetable and highlight all of your exams. The 2020 examination timetable has already been released and can be found on the NESA website. In 2020, the Legal studies exam is scheduled for day six, Tuesday, the 27th of October. The exam commences at 9:25, and students should arrive to the exam venue 30 minutes prior to the commencement time. Plan your schedule to match up with your exams. You should have a regular study routine that you are following to keep up with coursework. Continue to study and revise each of your subjects. However, in the days before the exam, you may need to give a little more emphasis to the exams you will complete first. As you complete these exams, the times you would have spent on those subjects can then be allocated to exams yet to come. Get a good night sleep before each exam. Late nights will harm your performance. Last minute cramming is okay, but not at the expense of sleep. Your brain needs time to rest, and you will be able to engage better with the question if you are not physically and mentally exhausted. Eat your breakfast. Studies have shown that eating a healthy, high-protein breakfast and remaining hydrated during the exam will help to improve your examination results. Make sure you have all of your equipment ready. Pack it up in a clear pencil case or plastic sleeve the night before so that you aren't rushing and forget something on the morning of the exam.

Materials, what can I bring to the exam? NESA allows for the following items to be brought to all HSC examinations: black pens, bring spares. Black is important as exam papers are scanned to allow for onscreen marking. Lighter coloured pens may make reading your response difficult. In the instructions on the front of the examination paper, it clearly states black pen only. Rulers are allowed in your exams and are useful when drawing diagrams and for the completion of some questions.

Highlighters may be helpful in identifying directive verbs or for key terms in the question. 2B pencils are to be used for the multiple choice section of your paper, for completing diagrams, and it's also easier to correct mistakes. A sharpener should be bought in case the pencil breaks. Bottles of water in clear plastic bottles are also permitted in the exam room. All of these items can be found relatively cheaply at stationary stores or even news agents. Don't wait to the last minute to find these items.

Exam layout. In Legal studies, the exam consists of three sections. Section one is multiple choice, which includes 20 questions, each with an equal value of one mark. Section two is into parts. Part A are short answer questions relating to the human rights topic. Part B is an extended response relating to crime. Section three of the paper are extended responses. These cover the options that you have studied in class. Students select one question from the two provided for each option studied. Each question has an equal value of 25 marks with a total of 50 marks awarded in this section. The total examination time is three hours and five minutes. The first five minutes is allocated to reading time. During this time, you will not be able to write or mark your paper in any way. Use this time to ensure that you have each of the sections and that no pages are missing from your exam booklet. You should also ensure that you have several writing booklets that you will use for your extended responses. At the end of reading time, you will have three hours of writing time. During this time period, you are to complete the paper to the best of your ability. Follow the directions at the beginning of each section to ensure you remain on track to complete the paper within the set time. It is strongly advised that you remain for the entire duration of the examination period. Once you leave the exam room, you will not be permitted to re-enter.

Section one is made up of 20 multiple choice questions. Each question is allocated a one mark value. Instructions are given at the start of the section and include an indicative time. You may finish sooner than the 30 minutes indicated. However, it is not advisable to go beyond this timing. You can always come back if you have time left after completing the rest of the paper. In this section, you will be tested on content knowledge. A number of the questions will require you to examine a scenario or stimulus. Read all instructions on the paper carefully to avoid making a mistake. Your answer in this section is not marked on the question paper, but on a multiple-choice answer sheet attached to the examination. Multiple choice questions from past HSC papers can be tested in online quizzes on the NESA website. The link to these quizzes are found at the end of the presentation or ask your teacher to direct you.

So now let's take the time to look at an example. In the 2019 HSC paper, question four gave a scenario. Pat does not have a criminal record. He pleads guilty to a charge in the Local Court. The questions then states, which of the following is true? A, Pat is very likely to go to prison. B, Pat's case will be heard by a jury. C, a judge will determine an appropriate penalty. Or D, a magistrate will determine an appropriate penalty. The majority of criminal cases commence in the Local Court. One of the most important functions of the Local Court is to conduct committal hearings for indictable offences, that is more serious offences. A committal hearing is a hearing to determine whether the prosecution can establish that there is sufficient evidence of a case against the accused person for the prosecution to proceed to trial in a District Court or the Supreme Court before a judge or judge and jury. In the case of summary and minor criminal offences, the Local Court may be responsible for determining the guilt or innocence of the offender, as well as determining the appropriate penalty for the crime. Local Courts are presided over by a magistrate and no jury is present. As Pat is having his case heard in the Local Court, no jury will be present. A magistrate, rather than a judge, will determine the penalty, and it is likely that Pat will not go to prison as this is likely a minor offence, and he has no previous convictions. For question four, the correct answer was D, a magistrate will determine an appropriate penalty.

Section two includes short answer and one extended response question. Instructions are given at the start of the section and include an indicative time. Section two should be completed in approximately one hour. Read the instruction section carefully before you start answering the questions. Ensure that you answer all questions. In part A, questions relate to the human rights topic. Answers should be supported by examples, case studies and legislation appropriate to the question. The marks and space allocated to each question are a guide to the expected length of the response. Part B relates to the crime topic. It has a clear statement outlining how your response will be assessed. Use this to frame your response and ensure that appropriate terminology, concepts and examples are evident throughout your response. The points identified in this statement will form part of the marking criteria for your response. Spaces provided within the section two answer booklet for your response. If further space is required, use a writing booklet and clearly identify the question number on the front cover.

Let's look at some examples. In the 2019 HSC exam, question 22 asks students, how does the United Nations promote human rights? In order to fully answer this question, respondents should include a definition of the United Nations, its role in promoting human rights, and supporting evidence which demonstrates how this has been achieved and/or the result of their actions. A sample response may be constructed as follows. The United Nations is an intergovernmental body which seeks to play an important role in the promotion of human rights. For example, the General Assembly provides a forum for all member governments to raise human rights issues and concerns. The Assembly passes declarations condemning human rights abuses. In contrast, the Security Council passes binding resolutions, authorising humanitarian interventions. The Human Rights Council can investigate human rights abuses and hear individuals responding to violations. All of the actions promote human rights by increasing awareness and promoting international laws and compliance with these laws.

Let's look at some examples. In the 2019 HSC exam, question 24 asks students, explain how post sentencing considerations seek to balance community interests and individual rights and freedoms. The following may be included in a response. Security Classification, adverse impact on the individual while seeking to keep communities safe. It also increases risks to community if the prisoner is radicalised or traumatised while in high security, then released, it is very expensive to keep prisoners in maximum security.

In contrast, minimum security classification is designed to promote rehabilitation and successful reintegration into society for the offender. This is balanced against an increased risk of escape. Protective custody, provided to offenders vulnerable to attack from other prisoners. It is expensive, but needs to be balanced against the prisoners human rights. Parole, the conditional release of an offender after completion of the minimum term of their sentence. It seeks to minimise the chance that the prisoner will fail to reintegrate into society and not re-offend. This helps to keep the community safe. The parole board needs to assess the risk of re-offending while on parole against the individual's right to re-join society. Preventative detention is highly controversial because an individual's liberty is denied on the basis of the risk they pose. It restricts the rights of the offender, but aims to protect the community. Preventative detention is used mainly in terrorist matters. Continued detention is the ongoing detention of a sex offender due to their high risk of re-offending in society after they have served their sentence. It aims to balance the protection of society against future crimes with facilitating the rehabilitation of the offender. Sexual offenders registration, a database of offenders who have been convicted of certain sexual offences. This post-sentencing consideration aims to assist police to have updated information in order to protect society. There is debate about whether the database should be made public. Deportation, the Minister for Immigration can deport a foreign national after they have served an Australian prison sentence. The future risk to society is balanced against the negative impact of deporting somebody.

Better extended response questions are well-structured and contain appropriate terminology, concepts, legislation, and examples. It may be advisable to take a moment to plan your response before you commence writing. This will ensure you are able to present a cohesive and well-supported answer.

Section three, extended responses. Instructions given at the start of the section and include an indicative time. Allow about one hour and 30 minutes for this section. A clear statement outlining how answers are assessed is written at the start of the section. Please read this carefully as it forms part of the marking criteria for your responses. Two questions are provided for each option in this section. However, you were asked to attempt only one for each option studied. You should carefully select the questions based on your level of confidence and ability to construct a logical and cohesive response supported by examples. Your essays are to be written in writing booklets that will be provided at the start of the examination. Please ensure you use separate booklets for each response and clearly identify the question number and number of booklets used on the front cover. If you run out of booklets, simply ask the exam supervisors for more.

Let's look at an example. In the 2019 HSC exam, question 27b asked, assess the role of law reform in achieving just outcomes for family members. In your response, refer to at least one contemporary issue. Past HSC papers are useful revision tool to practice timing, structured, writing, and increase your familiarity with the exam structure. Attempt the question and mark your own response using the marking criteria provided. Once you have a well-written response, consider seeking additional feedback from your teacher. You may then choose to rewrite your response, incorporating the feedback given.

We have now come to the end of the presentation for Legal studies. Please remember to ask your teacher for further assistance, including where to find other resources and webinars for Legal studies, how to access the HSC exam timetable, exam packs, and the HSC equipment list. Also, consult with your teacher for more hints and tips for your exam and how to study most effectively for this subject. They are the expert you have access to every day and you should make the most of them.

[End of Transcript]

To support your teaching of this topic, access the legal studies – success in the written examination (DOCX 73 KB) .

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The Ultimate 7 Day Study Plan for HSC Legal Studies

scales of justice - HSC Legal Studies study plan

Legal Studies: Love it or leave it. It’s one of those subjects where there is just so much to know, but so little time, so when it comes to preparing for your exam, an HSC Legal Studies study plan would come in handy.

Your key to success is maximising your time. This doesn’t mean rewriting notes; it means doing practice exams.

So without further delay, here is your 7 Day HSC Legal Studies Study Plan!

Day 1: Consolidate what you do and don’t know Day 2: Finish filling in the gaps Day 3: Complete past papers Day 4: Preparation for Topic 1 of Elective Day 5: Preparation for Topic 2 of Elective Day 6: Revise your notes Day 7: Wrap up

Day 1: Consolidate what you do and don’t know

Today is the day you’ll need to evaluate yourself, and figure out what your weak points are. Of course it’s ideal to revise everything, but I’m assuming you’ve already studied and are looking to consolidate your knowledge in the last 7 days.

To do this, you’ll need a copy of the syllabus .

It’s a huge document, so this is what you need to look at:

  • Part I of the core – Crime
  • Part II of the core: Human Rights
  • Part III (whichever two options apply to you)

Print out these pages which list what you would have learnt (left hand column), as well as what you’ll be expected to do in the exam (right hand column).

Quiz Yourself

In order to truthfully challenge what you do and don’t know, with each syllabus point, develop a question from it based on this HSC Verb List and give yourself 30 seconds to answer it.

Essentially, grab a verb or verb set (‘compare and contrast’), and a section of the syllabus, (‘Part 1: Crime – 1. Nature of Crime – summary and indictable offences’), and mash them together:

“Compare and contrast the nature of summary and indictable offences’.

Say your answer to yourself out aloud. Can’t give yourself an answer within 30 seconds?  Highlight it. 

Day 1 and Day 2 will be when you fill out gaps in your Legal Studies notes by using your textbook, as well as your own research.

Looking to complete some practice questions for Crime? Check out the practice questions we’ve created for Crime Module .

Ensure Your Notes Correspond with the Syllabus

Go through your own notes or class notes and take 45 minutes to make sure they correspond to each dot point listed on the syllabus.

When you get to a blank space or a highlighted point, write down three questions using the HSC verb list.

Using the same syllabus point from above (‘Part 1: Crime – 1. Nature of Crime – summary and indictable offences’), you can give yourself these three combinations:

Compare and contrast the nature of summary and indictable offences. Define the nature of summary and indictable offences. Discuss the nature of summary and indictable offences.

This will give you a little bit of guidance as to what to research for your notes.

Despite what most people think, ‘compare and contrast’, ‘define’ and ‘discuss’ don’t all mean the same thing.

Start Filling the Gaps

Now that you’ve identified the gaps in the syllabus, and identified your weaknesses, start filling in the gaps using the three questions for each highlighted weak point.

Where possible, write in your own words, and ensure you have citations. This doesn’t mean Wikipedia. This means legislation and case law.

If you haven’t kept on top of your study notes, now isn’t the time to be writing them or making them pretty but consolidating information of which you may not be so sure.

If you do need a bit of help figuring out how to get on top of your notes, check out this article on updating your notes !

Day 2: Finish filling in the gaps

You can plan out your day by spending 25 minute blocks of study separated by 5-minute breaks to continue filling in the gaps by finalising your notes.

This is also known as the Pomodoro method!

Pomodoro technique

Depending on how much you didn’t know, Day 2 will be for finalising your notes as above.

Optional: write responses to your questions

If you didn’t have so much that needed to be written for your notes, then go back and write down twenty questions based on the HSC verb list. Give them a mark out of 5.

Write answers to them, and once you’re done, be sure to mark them  harshly. If you give yourself anything less than a 3.5, it’s time to rewrite the answer.

Day 3: Complete past papers

We will divide your revision. Today will consist of multiple choice and short answer parts (Section I and Section II) of your Legal Studies exam.

Here’s a list of past papers for HSC Legal Studies !

YearHSC Legal Studies Exam PaperMarking Guidelines






Multiple Choice

Choose 2 papers for multiple choice and spend 30 minutes on each. What you don’t get correct, go back and figure out why you go it wrong.

Be honest with yourself and make sure you write down the reasoning when you’re marking:

  • Silly mistake
  • Did not know answer
  • Misunderstood question
  • Incorrect knowledge

Using these, you’ll be able to gauge what you need to revise once more.

Short Answer

Choose a past paper and complete the short answer section in one hour. When you’re done, compare the answer to the marking guidelines and be an honest market yet again.

Some of the papers do have sample answers which you can use to model your answer but do not look at them before you’ve completed your own answers!

Day 4: Preparation for Topic 1 of Elective

Today will be preparation for Section III of the exam paper, which are essays on your elective topics.

Since you have two elective topics, focus on the first topic today and attempt two essay questions using your notes.

Write an Essay

The best would be to pick an essay topic that you haven’t done in class or in your own time or write your own.

Challenge yourself and pick the questions that you are the least comfortable with.

It should take you no more than one hour to write your essay!

Write Your Own Essay Question

This is also an exercise in familiarising yourself with the syllabus.

With each option, the syllabus gives a ‘Principal focus’. This is essentially what they want you to learn… and also what the question will most likely be on.

For example, Option 2 Global environmental protection gives the following:

“Through the use of contemporary examples, students investigate the effectiveness of legal and non-legal processes in promoting and achieving environmental protection.”

Pay close attention to the key words of ‘effectiveness’, ‘promoting’ and ‘achieving’ – these will be crucial to the question, and thus also your answer.

Pair this with a syllabus point:

3. Contemporary issues concerning global environmental protection

Mash the two together, using sub-points from the syllabus point.

“Examine the effectiveness of legal and non-legal processes in the promotion and achievement of global environmental protection to contemporary threats to the environment.”

And there you have it, a practice essay question!

Write another essay

Focus upon getting the case names and legislation completely spot on and use your notes if you must. At this stage, it is more important that you get it right!

Day 5: Preparation for Topic 2 of Elective

Today will be preparation for Section III of the exam paper, which are essays on your elective topics. Today will be the second topic.

Repeat Day 4 like Groundhog Day.

Day 6: Revise Your Notes

Do as you would prior to the exam — give yourself 20 minutes of revision then notes down. Set up what you need for your practice exam.

Practice Exam

Choose an exam paper from above that you haven’t already used and go through it exactly as you would in your exam. That means 3 hours to complete the exam tops!

When you’re done, give yourself 10 minutes to de-stress and make some tea, and then sit down and give yourself a marking session.

If you are getting anything less than 75/100, go through and evaluate why and how you got the answer wrong, and using your notes, write the correct answer.

Day 7: Wrap up

With one day until D-Day, don’t stress yourself out, but prepare yourself for the inevitable. If you haven’t got a double exam (and if you do, you should read this ), here’s your day dedicated to Legal.

Here’s a quick breakdown of What to Do the Night Before HSC Exams to make sure you’re prepared and well rested! But let’s continue…

Revise Each Section

This includes Part I and Part II of your Core study as well as your two electives for Part III. This should take you about an hour.

Essay Preparation 

Spend an hour preparing a variety of both cases and legislation as evidence.

Break down your essay into paragraphs based on certain thematic ideas with case law and legislation.

For example, let’s take a look at this question: ‘Evaluate the roles of the law and the media in responding to issues affecting family members’ (HSC 2014).

For this question, you should focus on the central ideas of drawing attention to perceived inequalities/injustices of the justice system, a pathway for changing societal attitudes, catalyst for legislative change.

You would then cite  Jean Majdalawi  (1996) as a media case, and refer to the Crimes Amendment (Apprehended Violence Orders) Act 1997 as a change which occurred as a result of the media’s role in the case. 

Identify Problem Areas and Revise Materials

You can do this by completing short answer questions, which should take you between 1 and 2 hours.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep 

This means at least 8 hours of sleep!

Don’t stress out today. What you’ve done in the past few days should really have brushed up your Legal Studies knowledge!

For more info on what you can do on the last day, check out our guide to studying the night before your HSC Legal Studies exam!

And that wraps up our 7-day HSC Legal Studies study plan! Good luck !

On the hunt for a study plan for a subject aside from HSC Legal Studies?

Check out the different 7-day study plans below for other subjects:

  • Advanced Mathematics
  • Standard Mathematics
  • Ancient History
  • Visual Arts
  • Standard and Advanced English

Need some extra help with HSC Legal Studies?

We pride ourselves on our inspirational legal studies coaches and mentors.

We offer tutoring and mentoring for Years K-12 in a large variety of subjects, with personalised lessons conducted one-on-one in your home or at one of our state of the art campuses in Hornsby or the Hills!

To find out more and get started with an inspirational tutor and mentor  get in touch today! 

Give us a ring on 1300 267 888, email us at  [email protected]  or check us out on  TikTok !

Sophia Zou recently completed the HSC in 2013, so fortunately for AOS Community Blog-readers and perhaps less fortunately for her, the memories of Year 12 are still fresh in her head. Sophia considers it her mission here to help students make the most of their final years at high school. Her interests include political science, Simon and Garfunkel, and pretending to be a tea aficionado. Alongside tutoring at Art of Smart Education, she spends her time playing the piano and studying Government & IR and Languages at the University of Sydney.

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Legal Studies

University of California, Berkeley

About the Program

Please visit our website at http://legalstudies.berkeley.edu, bachelor of arts (ba).

Legal Studies is an interdisciplinary, liberal arts major that engages the meanings, values, practices, and institutions of law and legality. The Legal Studies curriculum examines how law shapes and is shaped by political, economic, and cultural forces. The major is designed to stimulate the critical understanding of and inquiry about the theoretical frameworks, historical dynamics, and cultural embeddedness of law.

The Legal Studies faculty and students grapple with important questions of social policy within the framework of significant concerns in jurisprudence and theories of justice. These concerns include individual liberty, privacy, and autonomy; political and social equality; the just distribution of resources and opportunities within society; the relationship between citizens and the state; democratic participation and representation; the moral commitments of the community; and the preservation of human dignity.

The major’s course offerings examine law and legality from both humanist and empirical perspectives. Courses are organized into interdisciplinary topical areas that transcend disciplinary boundaries in the interest of collaborative inquiry.

The Legal Studies major is under the academic supervision of the School of Law faculty.  There is no minor.

Declaring the Major

Students may declare the major after completing two of the four prerequisites with a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) between the two courses and an overall UC Berkeley GPA of 2.0. For details regarding the prerequisites, please see the Major Requirements tab on this page. All courses taken for the major must be taken for a letter grade. 

A score of 3 or higher in the following AP exams will fulfill three of the four prerequisites: 

Statistics: AP Statistics  History: AP U.S. History  or  AP European History Social Behavioral: AP Micro Econ  or  US Govt & Politics Philosophy:  Cannot use AP credit

Please visit LegalStudies.berkeley.edu for more details under 'About the Major' then 'Declaring the Major' .

Honors Program

A student majoring in Legal Studies with an overall UC Berkeley grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 and a GPA of 3.5 in Legal Studies courses by the end of the spring semester junior year may apply during the summer and may be admitted to the honors program. The student must have completed at least half of the major requirements before being admitted to the honors program.

To graduate with departmental honors, students must:

  • Enroll in LEGALST H195A  honors seminar in the fall semester before writing the thesis;
  • Enroll in LEGALST H195B and  LEGALST H195C   in the spring semester following successful completion of the LEGALST H195A honors seminar and meet the GPA requirements;
  • Meet periodically throughout the semester with the faculty supervisor during the spring;
  • Complete an honors thesis, with a minimum of 40 written pages, approved by the student’s faculty supervisor; and
  • Finish their final semester with at least a 3.5 UC Berkeley GPA and at least a 3.5 major GPA.

The thesis is read by the faculty supervisor who will assign a letter grade. There are three levels of departmental honors: honors, high honors, highest honors. The level of honors is based on the final upper division major/honors GPA and the quality of the thesis as decided by a student’s faculty supervisor.

For more detailed information regarding the honors program and thesis requirements, please go to LegalStudies.berkeley.edu and click on the Research tab.

Minor Program

There is no minor program in Legal Studies.

Visit Program Website

Major Requirements

In addition to the University, campus, and college requirements, listed on the College Requirements tab, students must fulfill the below requirements specific to their major program.

General Guidelines

  • All courses taken to fulfill the major requirements below must be taken for letter-graded credit, other than courses listed which are offered on a  Pass/No Pass  basis only.
  • No more than one upper division course may be used to simultaneously fulfill requirements for a student's major and minor programs.
  • A minimum overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 must be maintained in both upper and lower division courses used to fulfill the major requirements.

For information regarding residence requirements and unit requirements, please see the College Requirements tab.

A score of 3 or higher on the following AP exams can be used to fulfill the following prerequisites for the Legal Studies major:

STATISTICS: AP Statistics Exam PHILOSOPHY: none HISTORY: AP Euro or AP U.S. History Exam SOCIAL/BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE: AP Micro Economics or AP U.S. Government & Politics

IB credit may be used to fulfill prereqs with a score of 5 or higher. Prereqs may also be fulfilled at a community college, preferably during the summer. Check ASSIST.org by pulling up the school you want to attend, then UCB, then major/Legal Studies to find our pre-approved courses.

Summary of Major Requirements

Course List
Four courses
Upper Division Requirements
Eight courses distributed among the following categories, totaling 30 upper division units:


Course List
Select one distinct course, from each of the following areas:
Introduction to Statistics [4]
Foundations of Data Science [4]
Introduction to Probability and Statistics [4]
Introductory Probability and Statistics for Business [4]
Greek Philosophy [4]
Individual Morality and Social Justice [4]
The Nature of Mind [4]
Knowledge and Its Limits [4]
Introduction to Logic [4]
Ancient Philosophy [4]
Modern Philosophy [4]
Philosophy of Mind [4]
History of Political Theory [4]
African Americans in the Industrial Age, 1865-1970 [4]
A Comparative Survey of Racial and Ethnic Groups in the U.S [4]
Contemporary U.S. Immigration [4]
The Ancient Mediterranean World [4]
Medieval Europe [4]
European Civilization from the Renaissance to the Present [4]
Introduction to the History of the United States: The United States from Settlement to Civil War [4]
Introduction to the History of the United States: The United States from Civil War to Present [4]
Civil Rights and Social Movements in U.S. History [4]
Medieval Europe: From the Late Empire to the Investiture Conflict [4]
Medieval Europe: From the Investiture Conflict to the Fifteenth Century [4]
The Renaissance and the Reformation [4]
Modern Europe: Old Regime and Revolutionary Europe, 1715-1815 [4]
Modern Europe: Europe in the 19th Century [4]
Modern Europe: Old and New Europe, 1914-Present [4]
Social/Behavioral Sciences
Introduction to Economics [4]
Introduction to Economics--Lecture Format [4]
Microeconomics [4]
Macroeconomics [4]
A Comparative Survey of Racial and Ethnic Groups in the U.S [4]
Transnational Feminism [4]
Introduction to American Politics [4]
Introduction to Comparative Politics [4]
Introduction to Sociology [4]
Principles of Sociology: American Cultures [4]
Evaluation of Evidence [4]
Four Centuries of Black-White Relations in the United States [4]

Upper Division: Core Legal Studies Requirements

Course List
Select four from the following, including at least one course designated as Humanities (H) and one course designated as Social Sciences (SS):16
Foundations of Legal Studies [4] (H or SS)
Theories of Law and Society [4] (H or SS)
Theories of Justice [4] (H)
Theories of Justice4
The Supreme Court and Public Policy [4] (SS)
Law and Economics I [4] (SS)
Punishment, Culture, and Society [4] (H or SS)
Survey of American Legal and Constitutional History [4] (H)
Law, Politics and Society [4] (SS)
Sociology of Law [4] (SS)

Upper Division: Distribution Requirements 1

Select two courses in one of the following areas, and one course each in two distinctly different areas, for a total of four courses.  LEGALST H195B  (Honors Thesis) or  LEGALST 199  (Independent Study) for 4 units may substitute for one of the two courses selected from the same Area. The Areas for LS 190 Special Topics Seminars can be found in 'Course Offerings' on the Legal Studies website for each semester they are offered. The Areas for LS 190 Seminars will not be listed here. The Areas for the Law-Related courses from other departments will be listed in 'Course Offerings' on the Legal Studies website as well.

Course List
Area I Crime, Law & Social Control
Policing and Society4
Youth Justice and Culture4
Theoretical Foundations of Criminal Law3
Aims and Limits of the Criminal Law4
Data, Prediction & Law4
Human Rights and War Crimes Investigations: Methods4
Intimate Partner Violence & the Law4
Punishment, Culture, and Society4
Adolescence, Crime and Juvenile Justice4
Juvenile Justice & the Color of Law: The Historical Treatment of Children of Color in the Judicial System - Delinquency & Dependency4
Crime and Criminal Justice4
Area II Law & Culture
Theories of Law and Society4
Youth Justice and Culture4
Theoretical Foundations of Criminal Law3
Theories of Justice4
Theories of Justice4
Legal Discourse 1500-17004
Immigration and Citizenship4
Membership and Migration: Empirical and Normative Perspectives4
Property and Liberty4
Law, Self, and Society3
Human Rights & Technology4
Law and Society in Asia4
Government and the Family4
Bioethics and the Law4
Law & Sexuality4
Punishment, Culture, and Society4
Law in Chinese Society4
Juvenile Justice & the Color of Law: The Historical Treatment of Children of Color in the Judicial System - Delinquency & Dependency4
Sex, Reproduction and the Law4
Making Empire: Law and the Colonization of America4
Survey of American Legal and Constitutional History4
Psychology and the Law4
Psychology of Diversity and Discrimination in American Law4
Area III Law & Markets
Theoretical Foundations of Criminal Law3
Theories of Justice4
Theories of Justice4
Property and Liberty4
LEGALT 141Course Not Available
Law and Economics I4
The Law and Economics of Innovation4
Law and Economics II4
Law, Technology and Entrepreneurship4
Human Rights & Technology4
Bioethics and the Law4
Law and Development4
Survey of American Legal and Constitutional History4
Area IV Law, Rights & Social Change
American Law and Legal Institutions4
Philosophy of Law4
Theories of Justice4
Theories of Justice4
Human Rights and War Crimes Investigations: Methods4
Human Rights: The Native Experience4
Immigration and Citizenship4
Law and Social Change: The Immigrant Rights Movement4
Membership and Migration: Empirical and Normative Perspectives4
Law, Judicial Politics, and Rights in Latin America4
Law & Rights in Authoritarian States4
Comparative Equality Law3
The Supreme Court and Public Policy4
Intimate Partner Violence & the Law4
Human Rights & Technology4
Human Rights, Research & Practice4
Bioethics and the Law4
International Relations and International Law4
Law and Development4
Law & Sexuality4
Restorative Justice4
Juvenile Justice & the Color of Law: The Historical Treatment of Children of Color in the Judicial System - Delinquency & Dependency4
Comparative Constitutional Law: The Case of Israel4
Implicit Bias4
Law, Politics and Society4
Psychology of Diversity and Discrimination in American Law4
Sociology of Law4
Diversity, Law & Politics4
Feminist Jurisprudence4
Area V Law & Sovereignty
American Law and Legal Institutions4
Philosophy of Law4
Philosophy and Law in Ancient Athens4
Data, Prediction & Law4
Human Rights: The Native Experience4
Law and Social Change: The Immigrant Rights Movement4
Membership and Migration: Empirical and Normative Perspectives4
Law, Judicial Politics, and Rights in Latin America4
Law & Rights in Authoritarian States4
Comparative Equality Law3
The Supreme Court and Public Policy4
Comparative Perspectives on Norms and Legal Traditions4
Law and Society in Asia4
International Relations and International Law4
European Legal History4
Making Empire: Law and the Colonization of America4
Comparative Constitutional Law: The Case of Israel4
Twentieth-Century American Legal and Constitutional History4
Survey of American Legal and Constitutional History4
Seminar on American Legal and Constitutional History3
Comparative Constitutional Law4
Law, Politics and Society4
Diversity, Law & Politics4

Students may use up to two preapproved law-related courses from outside of the Legal Studies Program to count toward the distribution requirements, for a maximum of 8 units. Outside courses should normally be drawn from the preapproved list of law-related UC Berkeley courses, but may be approved from other four-year institutions, or from study abroad programs. If the course is not on the preapproved list, students must submit a syllabus and a description to the Legal Studies student academic adviser for approval. For the list of preapproved law-related courses, see below.

Capstone Experience (Optional)

Legal Studies students are encouraged to enroll in one legal studies seminar course ( LEGALST 190 ), preferably in their senior year, to complete their remaining units. Alternatively, students who meet eligibility requirements are encouraged to enroll in  LEGALST H195A  &  LEGALST H195B , the honors program, for their capstone experience. Students who have a faculty mentor and a desire to do a research project but do not meet the eligibility requirements for honors may enroll in 4 units of  LEGALST 199  for their capstone experience provided that they meet the eligibility requirements for independent study. For details regarding eligibility requirements, please see the department's website .

Preapproved Law-Related Courses

Course List
Anthropology of Law4
Law in the Asian American Community4
Chicanos, Law, and Criminal Justice4
Racism and the U.S. Law: Historical Treatment of Peoples of Color4
Environmental Justice: Race, Class, Equity, and the Environment4
The Globalization of Rights, Values, and Laws in the 21st Century4
Freedom of Speech and the Press3
Native American Law4
Critical Native American Legal and Policy Studies4
International Human Rights4
Human Rights and Global Politics4
Ethical Theories4
Political Philosophy4
History of Political Theory4
Ethics and Justice in International Affairs4
The American Legal System4
Constitutional Law of the United States4
Constitutional Law of the United States4
Racial and Ethnic Politics in the New American Century4
Special Topics in Public Policy1-4
Rhetoric of Constitutional Discourse4
Great Themes in the Rhetoric of Contemporary Political and Legal Theory4
Introduction to the Rhetoric of Legal Discourse4
Rhetoric of Legal Theory4
Rhetoric of Legal Philosophy4
Rhetoric in Law and Politics4
Advanced Themes in Legal Theory, Philosophy, Argumentation4
Advanced Topics in Contemporary Law and Legal Discourse4
Sociology of Law4
Environmental Justice: Race, Class, Equity, and the Environment4
Deviance and Social Control4
The Social, Political, and Ethical Environment of Business3
Legal Aspects of Management3

College Requirements

Undergraduate students must fulfill the following requirements in addition to those required by their major program.

For a detailed lists of L&S requirements, please see Overview tab to the right in this guide or visit the L&S Degree Requirements webpage. For College advising appointments, please visit the L&S Advising Pages. 

University of California Requirements

Entry level writing.

All students who will enter the University of California as freshmen must demonstrate their command of the English language by fulfilling the Entry Level Writing requirement. Fulfillment of this requirement is also a prerequisite to enrollment in all reading and composition courses at UC Berkeley and must be taken for a letter grade. 

American History and American Institutions

The American History and American Institutions requirements are based on the principle that all U.S. residents who have graduated from an American university should have an understanding of the history and governmental institutions of the United States.

Berkeley Campus Requirement

American cultures.

All undergraduate students at Cal need to take and pass this campus requirement course in order to graduate. The requirement offers an exciting intellectual environment centered on the study of race, ethnicity and culture of the United States. AC courses are plentiful and offer students opportunities to be part of research-led, highly accomplished teaching environments, grappling with the complexity of American Culture.

College of Letters & Science Essential Skills Requirements

Quantitative reasoning.

The Quantitative Reasoning requirement is designed to ensure that students graduate with basic understanding and competency in math, statistics, or computer/data science. The requirement may be satisfied by exam or by taking an approved course taken for a letter grade.

Foreign Language

The Foreign Language requirement may be satisfied by demonstrating proficiency in reading comprehension, writing, and conversation in a foreign language equivalent to the second semester college level, either by passing an exam or by completing approved course work taken for a letter grade.

Reading and Composit ion

In order to provide a solid foundation in reading, writing, and critical thinking the College of Letters and Science requires two semesters of lower division work in composition in sequence. Students must complete parts A & B reading and composition courses in sequential order by the end of their fourth semester for a letter grade.

College of Letters & Science 7 Course Breadth Requirements

Breadth requirements.

The undergraduate breadth requirements provide Berkeley students with a rich and varied educational experience outside of their major program. As the foundation of a liberal arts education, breadth courses give students a view into the intellectual life of the University while introducing them to a multitude of perspectives and approaches to research and scholarship. Engaging students in new disciplines and with peers from other majors, the breadth experience strengthens interdisciplinary connections and context that prepares Berkeley graduates to understand and solve the complex issues of their day.

Unit Requirements

120 total units

Of the 120 units, 36 must be upper division units

  • Of the 36 upper division units, 6 must be taken in courses offered outside your major department

Residence Requirements

For units to be considered in "residence," you must be registered in courses on the Berkeley campus as a student in the College of Letters & Science. Most students automatically fulfill the residence requirement by attending classes at Cal for four years, or two years for transfer students. In general, there is no need to be concerned about this requirement, unless you graduate early, go abroad for a semester or year, or want to take courses at another institution or through UC Extension during your senior year. In these cases, you should make an appointment to meet an L&S College adviser to determine how you can meet the Senior Residence Requirement.

Note: Courses taken through UC Extension do not count toward residence.

Senior Residence Requirement

After you become a senior (with 90 semester units earned toward your B.A. degree), you must complete at least 24 of the remaining 30 units in residence in at least two semesters. To count as residence, a semester must consist of at least 6 passed units. Intercampus Visitor, EAP, and UC Berkeley-Washington Program (UCDC) units are excluded.

You may use a Berkeley Summer Session to satisfy one semester of the Senior Residence requirement, provided that you successfully complete 6 units of course work in the Summer Session and that you have been enrolled previously in the college.

Modified Senior Residence Requirement

Participants in the UC Education Abroad Program (EAP), Berkeley Summer Abroad, or the UC Berkeley Washington Program (UCDC) may meet a Modified Senior Residence requirement by completing 24 (excluding EAP) of their final 60 semester units in residence. At least 12 of these 24 units must be completed after you have completed 90 units.

Upper Division Residence Requirement

You must complete in residence a minimum of 18 units of upper division courses (excluding UCEAP units), 12 of which must satisfy the requirements for your major.

Plan of Study

Please visit our website at legalstudies.berkeley.edu .

The following sample plan is just one way to go about planning your courses. See Lauri, the undergraduate academic adviser, for variations specific to your plans.

Fall | Freshman Year P rerequisites

Spring | Freshman Year Prerequisites

Fall | Sophomore Year Prerequisites

Spring | Sophomore Year Prerequisites

Fall | Junior Year (Junior Transfers start here.) Upper Division Core (4 units) Upper Division Area (3-4 units)

Spring | Junior Year Upper Division Core (4 units) Upper Division Area (3-4 units)

Fall | Senior Year Upper Division Core (4 units) Upper Division Area (4 units)

Spring | Senior Year Upper Division Core (4 units) Upper Division Area (capstone course) (4 units)

Student Learning Goals

Legal Studies is an interdisciplinary liberal arts major that engages the meanings, values, practices, and institutions of law and legality. The Legal Studies curriculum examines how law shapes and is shaped by political, economic, and cultural forces. The major is designed to stimulate critical understanding of and inquiry about the theoretical frameworks, historical dynamics, and cultural embeddedness of law.

The Legal Studies faculty and students grapple with important questions of social policy within the framework of significant concerns in jurisprudence and theories of justice. These concerns include individual liberty, privacy, and autonomy; political and social equality; the just distribution of resources and opportunities within society; the relationship between citizens and the state; democratic participation and representation; the moral commitments of the community; and the preservation of human dignity.

Legal Studies’ Pedagogic Objectives

Convey how law relates to social context :  Students will learn about the transformation of legal processes and systems across time and space (e.g., globalization, transnational processes). They will also study how law shapes and is shaped by economic, political, and cultural forces, as well as how and why law in action often differs from legal doctrine.

Adopt an explicitly interdisciplinary approach:  Students will focus on pervasive problems of legal and social policy across traditional curricular and disciplinary boundaries. Although the program encompasses multiple disciplinary perspectives (e.g., history, economics, sociology), it is designed to transcend academic identities rather than compartmentalize the study of law into the discrete perspectives of established disciplines. To accomplish this integration, the major is organized around areas of focus that explore common themes but include coursework across disciplinary boundaries.

Integrate empirical and humanities-oriented perspectives : Students will be exposed to both empirical and humanities-oriented perspectives on law and legal institutions through distribution requirements within the major. Empirical perspectives encompass public policy analysis, training in the epistemological commitments of social science (e.g., empirical methods, the logic of social inquiry), and familiarity with the central questions and tenets related to law in disciplines such as economics, sociology, and political science. Humanities perspectives include maintaining the program’s historical focus on clarifying fundamental values, examining philosophical questions related to law, and understanding the operation and effects of social and cultural practices as they relate to law, legal institutions, and the phenomenon they regulate. After students fulfill the basic distribution requirements, they may, but will not be required to, concentrate their efforts in either empirical or humanities-oriented perspectives.

Promote engagement with social policy : Students will be encouraged to engage deeply with social policy guided by significant themes in jurisprudence and theories of justice. These themes include individual liberty, privacy, democracy, and the relationship between the citizen and the state. Engaging with these themes ensures that policy studies are basic and critical, rather than confined to preexisting policy formulations and assumptions. This new objective of engagement with social policy is intended to connect humanistic inquiries regarding justice, morality, and values, with empirical inquiries into patterns of social behavior and the effects of law on society. This goal will be accomplished through both coursework and field work options.

Encourage civic engagement and an appreciation of the values at stake in legal concerns :  Consistent with the mission of a public university, the major will develop informed and engaged citizens with sufficient knowledge and background to participate in civic institutions and the development of law and policy during and after their education at Berkeley. This participation could take many forms, including interacting with public officials, joining the legal profession, working for legal institutions, engaging in policy analysis, advocacy, social movement building, community organizing, political activism, and the like. Civic engagement includes confronting the relationship between law and justice, and understanding how law affects the public interest and social utility.

Provide a liberal arts education : The major will continue to have a liberal arts orientation. Students will learn to analyze and understand legal rules and legal institutions, but from a broader perspective than is typically taught in a traditional law school setting.

Learning Goals for the Major

The faculty strongly supports an undergraduate liberal arts education that teaches students to develop their intellectual capacities: how to research topics independently, how to ask penetrating questions, how to analyze problems, how to construct arguments based on critical thinking, how to make well-founded judgments, how to identify issues of importance for the future. The intent of the program is that courses be framed with this perspective. In addition, the program is committed to introducing students to multiple disciplinary approaches to the study of law and legal institutions, as well as conveying important basic knowledge about the core features of the American legal system.

Critical Thinking Skills

In concert with the goals identified above, these critical thinking skills focus on particular forms of analysis central to engaging with law and legal institutions from multiple disciplinary perspectives.

  • Identify and evaluate arguments, synthesize ideas, and develop well-substantiated, coherent, and concise arguments, whether in oral or written form.
  • Identify and follow a logical sequence or argument through to its end; recognize faulty reasoning.
  • Develop the ability to critically evaluate proposed legal reforms and policies.
  • Develop the ability to formulate generalized, abstract principles in a way that clarifies the major issues at stake and identifies the most relevant elements of a concept or text.
  • Promote exploration of the role of law in American society from both social science and humanities perspectives.
  • Learn to draw from multiple disciplinary approaches and fields of study across philosophy, history, economics, political science, and sociology; synthesize, bridge, and question disciplinary boundaries to identify new inquiries or insights.

Basic Knowledge about Law and Legal Institutions

These goals address important basic knowledge about law and legal institutions that the program seeks to convey. These goals are not intended to provide a pre-professional education but instead to produce citizens literate in the basic functions and structure of legal systems.

  • Understand core theories about the relationship between law and society.
  • Be introduced to core features of the American legal system.
  • Understand basic legal terminology, legal concepts, legal actors, and modes of legal reasoning.
  • Become acquainted with legal systems other than our own, including how they compare to the current American legal system.
  • Develop insights into how law has evolved through time, including the temporal and geographical transformation of legal processes and systems.

Engaged Citizenship

The faculty believes that our role as a program in a public institution should include training students to be engaged, active, and critical citizens in our society. Many legal studies students engage in civic participation and service while at Berkeley, and many go on to careers in public service. We seek to develop more opportunities for students to develop practical skills and knowledge relevant to those experiences in addition to the broader intellectual skills conveyed by a liberal arts education.

  • Experience the law in action through service learning, exposure to legal clinics, problem solving, and social policy engagement.
  • Enable civic engagement and participation in developing and critiquing social policy.

Research Methods

A key part of a liberal arts education is learning how to conduct independent research and analysis. The program seeks to expose students to a multidisciplinary range of methods of research. 

  • Develop an understanding of methods of research and forms of evidence across multiple disciplines.
  • Develop skills necessary to find and to assess relevant jurisprudential, social science, and humanities materials related to law and legal institutions.
  • Develop basic abilities in statistical analysis and reasoning.
  • Understand the logic of inquiry in the social sciences.

(Defined as philosophy, political theory, and history.)

 These goals provide general guidance for curricular focus and development in the humanities as they relate to law and legal institutions.

  • Encourage understanding of and reflection on fundamental normative concepts such as fairness, due process, equality, and utility.
  • Encourage understanding of and reflection on rights, duties, punishment, and justice.
  • Encourage understanding of and reflection on the ethical dimensions of the relationship between citizens and the state, and the forms and limits of sovereignty.
  • Understand the historical contexts and forces within which legal systems operate and how legal systems influence history and societies.

Social Sciences

(Defined as sociology, political science, psychology and economics.)

These goals provide general guidance for curricular focus and development in the social sciences as they relate to law and legal institutions.

  • Develop the ability to connect theory about law and legal institutions with empirical predictions about the state of the world and to evaluate those predictions with data.
  • Understand how, and why, the law in action often differs from the law on the books.
  • Develop an expansive understanding of the social contexts in which law and legal institutions can be studied empirically.

Major maps are experience maps that help undergraduates plan their Berkeley journey based on intended major or field of interest. Featuring student opportunities and resources from your college and department as well as across campus, each map includes curated suggestions for planning your studies, engaging outside the classroom, and pursuing your career goals in a timeline format.

Use the major map below to explore potential paths and design your own unique undergraduate experience:

View the Legal Studies Major Map.

Students are encouraged to take charge of their academic careers by reading through the rich information that the Legal Studies website provides. Students are also welcome to come in for advising during Lauri’s drop-in office hours, 9 to 12 and 1:30 to 4 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Lauri’s office is located in the back of the first floor at 2240 Piedmont, the big house right next to the Law School and just across the street from Memorial Stadium. Students should let Lauri know when they arrive, and if she’s with a student, they should have a seat out on the purple couch in the lobby. Prospective students or students not able to come in should e-mail Lauri with their questions at  [email protected] .

Academic Opportunities

Independent study ( legalst 199 ).

LEGALST 199 Supervised Independent Study and Research  is open to officially declared Legal Studies seniors with a 3.0 University grade point average (GPA) and a 3.0 GPA in upper division courses for the major. In order to enroll, the student must first develop a research topic, then find a Legal Studies faculty member who is willing to serve as a supervisor. The student should have already taken at least one course from the faculty member in the area in which s/he wishes to do research. The student should submit a written proposal to the faculty member outlining the scope and length of the research project. A general guideline is 1 unit of credit per 10 pages of text in the final research paper, up to a maximum of 4 units. For further information regarding this course, please visit the department's website .

Undergraduate Legal Studies Research Conference

In addition to writing a thesis, Legal Studies Honors Program participants also present their work at the annual Undergraduate Legal Studies Research Conference usually at the end of April. This event will showcase original research from students in Legal Studies as well as students from a number of other departments on campus. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to see what their colleagues have accomplished and what work they might pursue as a Legal Studies major.

The annual Legal Studies Undergraduate Research Conference celebrates the scholarship and creativity of the Legal Studies Honors students through an afternoon that focuses on law-related research. Berkeley Law and the Legal Studies Department co-sponsor the conference.

Berkeley Legal Studies Association (BLSA)

The Berkeley Legal Studies Association strives to create a community of individuals interested in law. Some events each semester include LSAT workshops with popular test preparation companies, lunches with Legal Studies professors, speaker panels, and The Living Catalogue. BLSA hopes that students will join the club and enjoy the friendly and intellectual environment that they are committed to providing. Please visit BLSA on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/berkeleylegalstudies/

LEGALST R1A Reading and Composition in Connection with the Law as a Social Institution 4 Units

Terms offered: Prior to 2007 This course is designed to fulfill the first half of the Reading and Composition requirement. Students will learn to identify an author's point of view and main arguments; evaluate an author's credibility and the merits of his or her argument, write a unified essay with intro, thesis statement, transitions between paragraphs, a concluding paragraph and develop an argument about an issue related to the course. Reading and Composition in Connection with the Law as a Social Institution: Read More [+]

Rules & Requirements

Prerequisites: Satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing Requirement

Requirements this course satisfies: Satisfies the first half of the Reading and Composition requirement

Hours & Format

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3 hours of lecture per week

Summer: 6 weeks - 8 hours of lecture per week

Additional Format: Three hours of lecture per week. Eight hours of lecture per week for 6 weeks.

Additional Details

Subject/Course Level: Legal Studies/Undergraduate

Grading/Final exam status: Final exam not required.

Reading and Composition in Connection with the Law as a Social Institution: Read Less [-]

LEGALST R1B Reading and Composition in Connection with the Law as a Social Institution 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2023 This course is designed to fulfill the second half of the Reading and Composition requirement. Students will develop their skills at critical reading, writing, and analysis, and will complete a series of essays culminating in a research paper relating to law, legal actors, and legal institutions. Emphasis will be placed on the process of writing, including developing research questions, constructing an argument, and revising for content and style. Reading and Composition in Connection with the Law as a Social Institution: Read More [+]

Prerequisites: Previously passed an R_A course with a letter grade of C- or better. Previously passed an articulated R_A course with a letter grade of C- or better. Score a 4 on the Advanced Placement Exam in English Literature and Composition. Score a 4 or 5 on the Advanced Placement Exam in English Language and Composition. Score of 5, 6, or 7 on the International Baccalaureate Higher Level Examination in English

Requirements this course satisfies: Satisfies the second half of the Reading and Composition requirement

Additional Format: Three hours of Lecture per week for 15 weeks. Eight hours of Lecture per week for 6 weeks.

Instructor: Bruce

LEGALST 10 Civil Rights Civil Liberties: Equality & Fundamental Rights 3 Units

Terms offered: Summer 2024 Second 6 Week Session, Summer 2023 Second 6 Week Session The United States operates under the constraints imposed by a written constitution. We will explore the ways in which the Constitution affects the relationship between us as individuals and the state. We will focus on the 14th Amendment’s commands that the state provide us all equal protection of the laws, and that it not encroach on our substantive, fundamental rights without due process of the law. Civil Rights Civil Liberties: Equality & Fundamental Rights: Read More [+]

Objectives & Outcomes

Course Objectives: Apply equality and autonomy doctrines to novel social problems. Evaluate the effect of Supreme Court decisions on the balance between state power and individual liberty. Identify the rights guaranteed in the 14th amendment and explain how those rights have changed over time.

Additional Format: Eight hours of lecture per week for 6 weeks.

Grading/Final exam status: Letter grade. Final exam required.

Civil Rights Civil Liberties: Equality & Fundamental Rights: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 12 Civil Rights Civil Liberties: First Amendment 3 Units

Terms offered: Summer 2024 Second 6 Week Session, Summer 2023 Second 6 Week Session The United States operates under the constraints imposed by a written constitution. We will explore the ways in which the Constitution affects the relationship between us as individuals and the state. We will focus on issues of free speech and the relationship between the government and religion. We will do a deep dive into speech on college and high school campuses and throughout the religion unit we will likewise take a look at how these doctrines play out at school. Civil Rights Civil Liberties: First Amendment: Read More [+]

Course Objectives: Apply speech and religion doctrines to modern social problems. Evaluate the effect of Supreme Court decisions on the balance between state power and individual speech and religion rights. Identify the rights guaranteed in the first amendment and explain how those rights have changed over time.

Civil Rights Civil Liberties: First Amendment: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 24 Freshman Seminars 1 Unit

Terms offered: Fall 2016, Fall 2001, Fall 2000 The Berkeley Seminar Program has been designed to provide new students with the opportunity to explore an intellectual topic with a faculty member in a small-seminar setting. Berkeley Seminars are offered in all campus departments, and topics vary from department to department and semester to semester. Freshman Seminars: Read More [+]

Repeat rules: Course may be repeated for credit when topic changes.

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 1 hour of seminar per week

Additional Format: One hour of Seminar per week for 15 weeks.

Grading/Final exam status: The grading option will be decided by the instructor when the class is offered. Final exam required.

Freshman Seminars: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 39B Freshman/Sophomore Seminar 2 - 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2009, Spring 2006, Fall 2001 Freshman and sophomore seminars offer lower division students the opportunity to explore an intellectual topic with a faculty member and a group of peers in a small-seminar setting. These seminars are offered in all campus departments; topics vary from department to department and from semester to semester. Freshman/Sophomore Seminar: Read More [+]

Prerequisites: Priority given to freshmen and sophomores

Repeat rules: Course may be repeated for credit without restriction.

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 2-4 hours of seminar per week

Additional Format: Seminar format.

Freshman/Sophomore Seminar: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 39D Freshman/Sophomore Seminar 2 - 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2023 Freshman and sophomore seminars offer lower division students the opportunity to explore an intellectual topic with a faculty member and a group of peers in a small-seminar setting. These seminars are offered in all campus departments; topics vary from department to department and from semester to semester. Freshman/Sophomore Seminar: Read More [+]

Additional Format: Two to four hours of seminar per week.

LEGALST 39E Freshman/Sophomore Seminar 2 - 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2012 Freshman and sophomore seminars offer lower division students the opportunity to explore an intellectual topic with a faculty member and a group of peers in a small-seminar setting. These seminars are offered in all campus departments; topics vary from department to department and from semester to semester. Freshman/Sophomore Seminar: Read More [+]

LEGALST 39H Freshman/Sophomore Seminar 2 - 4 Units

Terms offered: Prior to 2007 Freshman and sophomore seminars offer lower division students the opportunity to explore an intellectual topic with a faculty member and a group of peers in a small-seminar setting. These seminars are offered in all campus departments; topics vary from department to department and from semester to semester. Freshman/Sophomore Seminar: Read More [+]

LEGALST 39I Freshman/Sophomore Seminar 2 - 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2017, Fall 2016 Freshman and sophomore seminars offer lower division students the opportunity to explore an intellectual topic with a faculty member and a group of peers in a small-seminar setting. These seminars are offered in all campus departments; topics vary from department to department and from semester to semester. Freshman/Sophomore Seminar: Read More [+]

LEGALST 88 Crime and Punishment: taking the measure of the US justice system 2 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2022 We will explore how data are used in the criminal justice system by exploring the debates surrounding mass incarceration and evaluating a number of different data sources that bear on police practices, incarceration, and criminal justice reform. Students will be required to think critically about the debates regarding criminal justice in the US and to work with various public data sets to assess the extent to which these data confirm or deny specific policy narratives. Building on skills from Foundations of Data Science, students will be required to use basic data management skills working in Python: data cleaning, aggregation, merging and appending data sets, collapsing variables, summarizing findings, and presenting data visualizations. Crime and Punishment: taking the measure of the US justice system: Read More [+]

Credit Restrictions: This course is meant to be taken concurrently with Computer Science C8/Statistics C8/Information C8: Foundations of Data Science. Students may take more than one 88 (data science connector) course if they wish, ideally concurrent with or after having taken the C8 course.

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 2 hours of seminar per week

Summer: 6 weeks - 4 hours of seminar per week

Additional Format: Two hours of seminar per week. Four hours of seminar per week for 6 weeks.

Crime and Punishment: taking the measure of the US justice system: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 98 Directed Group Study 1 - 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2016, Fall 2015, Spring 2015 Small group instruction in topics not covered by regularly scheduled courses. Topics may vary from year to year. Directed Group Study: Read More [+]

Credit Restrictions: Enrollment is restricted; see the Introduction to Courses and Curricula section of this catalog.

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 1-4 hours of directed group study per week

Additional Format: One to Four hour of Directed group study per week for 15 weeks.

Grading/Final exam status: Offered for pass/not pass grade only. Final exam not required.

Directed Group Study: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 100 Foundations of Legal Studies 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2023 This is a liberal arts course designed to introduce students to the foundational frameworks and cross-disciplinary perspectives from humanities and social sciences that distinguish legal studies as a scholarly field. It provides a comparative and historical introduction to forms, ideas, institutions, and systems of law and sociological ordering. It highlights basic theoretical problems and scholarly methods for understanding questions of law and justice. Foundations of Legal Studies: Read More [+]

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3 hours of lecture and 1 hour of discussion per week

Summer: 6 weeks - 8 hours of lecture and 2 hours of discussion per week

Additional Format: Three hours of Lecture and One hour of Discussion per week for 15 weeks. Eight hours of Lecture and Two hours of Discussion per week for 6 weeks.

Instructor: Perry

Formerly known as: 100A

Foundations of Legal Studies: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 101 American Law and Legal Institutions 4 Units

Terms offered: Prior to 2007 The United States has a legal system that developed from its English roots into a complicated set of rules and organizations that must serve the needs of a large, federal state with a dynamic market economy. This course surveys American law, both substantive and procedural, and the institutions that shape and implement it, including legislatures, courts, lawyers, and litigants. The course also provides students with a basic background in law and how it operates in the contemporary United States. American Law and Legal Institutions: Read More [+]

Course Objectives: Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the development of legal rules and institutions in the United States. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the legal rules that channel government activity and the relationship between the state and the individual. Students will be able to evaluate the role and effectiveness of legal institutions, including courts, procuracy, police, and the bar.

Additional Format: Three hours of lecture and one hour of discussion per week. Eight hours of lecture and two hours of discussion per week for 6 weeks.

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LEGALST 102 Policing and Society 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Summer 2023 First 6 Week Session This course examines the American social institution of policing with particular emphasis on urban law enforcement. It explores the social, economic, and cultural forces that pull policing in the direction of state legal authority and power as well as those that are a counter-weight to the concentration of policing powers in the state. Special attention is given to how policing shapes and is shaped by the urban landscape , legal to cultural. Policing and Society: Read More [+]

Instructor: Musheno

Policing and Society: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 103 Theories of Law and Society 4 Units

Terms offered: Summer 2024 First 6 Week Session, Spring 2024, Spring 2023 An historical examination of major interpretations of law, morals and social development, with special emphasis on the social thought of the 18th and 19th centuries and including the writings of Marx, Maine, Durkheim, Weber and other contemporary figures. Theories of Law and Society: Read More [+]

Theories of Law and Society: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 104AC Youth Justice and Culture 4 Units

Terms offered: Summer 2019 First 6 Week Session, Summer 2018 First 6 Week Session, Fall 2017 This course challenges adult-centered representations of urban youth of different ethnicities, their problems, and the supposed solutions to those problems. It departs from the conceptualizations and methods used to study youth in mainstream criminology and developmental psychology. Attention is given to youth conflict, peer relations, identity building within and across ethnic groups, claims on territory , the salience of law and rights, and adaptations to adult authorities and practices. Youth Justice and Culture: Read More [+]

Grading/Final exam status: Letter grade. Alternative to final exam.

Instructors: Musheno, Morrill

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LEGALST 105 Theoretical Foundations of Criminal Law 3 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2020, Spring 2019, Spring 2018 Criminal law raises fundamental theoretical issues that have occupied philosophers over the years. In this course we will discuss a selection of articles that bring to bear such a philosophical perspective on important aspects of criminal law. Topics include justification of punishment, foundations of blame and responsibility, substantive values protected by criminal law, significance of actual harm, liability of groups and other collectivities , and virtues and limits of the rule of law. Theoretical Foundations of Criminal Law: Read More [+]

Prerequisites: Sophomore standing

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 2 hours of lecture and 1 hour of discussion per week

Additional Format: Two 1 1/2-hour seminar per week.

Theoretical Foundations of Criminal Law: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 106 Philosophy of Law 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Fall 2019, Spring 2018 This course explores philosophical themes bearing on the nature of the law and its relationship to morality: e.g., What is law—does its claim rest only on social processes or does law necessarily embody moral claims? Do we have an obligation to obey the law? What are the moral limits of legal punishment? The course will sharpen students’ skills in practical reasoning through the analysis of logical argument. The materials consist of readings from the assigned text and additional readings available on bCourses. The format will be a combination of lecture and classroom discussion, with a substantial number of ungraded group debates and simulations. Philosophy of Law: Read More [+]

Philosophy of Law: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 106WI Philosophy of Law 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024 The purpose of this Writing Intensive discussion section is to spend extra time working together to practice all stages of the writing process, including drafting, revising, and editing. Through additional writing assignments, workshops of your ideas and paper drafts, and structured in-section debates, you will confront not only the course materials but also yourself as thinker. You will be asked to offer reflections on the readings, on your own writing, and on your classmates’ writing. The aim of these exercises will be to develop your ability to articulate clear and compelling arguments—both in your own writing and speech, and in providing feedback to others. Philosophy of Law: Read More [+]

Course Objectives: Offer constructive feedback on your classmates’ writing and incorporate others’ feedback into your own writing Produce well-reasoned analytical prose Reconstruct complex philosophical arguments in writing and speech Write clearly, concisely, and convincingly about the strengths and vulnerabilities of philosophical arguments

Credit Restrictions: Students will receive no credit for LEGALST 106WI after completing LEGALST 106 .

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3-3 hours of lecture and 1-2 hours of discussion per week

Additional Format: Three hours of lecture and one to two hours of discussion per week.

Instructor: Kutz

LEGALST 107 Theories of Justice 4 Units

Terms offered: Summer 2024 Second 6 Week Session, Fall 2023, Summer 2023 First 6 Week Session This is a lecture course in political philosophy, focusing on liberal political theory which emphasizes the protection of individual freedom as against social demands, the maintenance of social and economic equality, and the neutrality of the state in conditions of cultural and religious pluralism. By studying mainly modern authors, we will attempt to understand the importance of these goals and the possibility of their joint fulfillment. Attention will be paid to the work of John Rawls, to the problem of moral and political disagreement, and the relation between “ideal” thinking about justice and thinking about justice in conditions of racial and gender hierarchies. Theories of Justice: Read More [+]

Credit Restrictions: Students will receive no credit for Poli Sci 117 after taking LEGALST 107 . POL SCI 117 & LEGALST 107 are similar in content. Students will receive no credit for POL SCI 117 after completing LEGALST 107 Students will receive no credit for LEGALST 107 after completing POL SCI 117 . A deficient grade in POL SCI 117 may be removed by taking LEGALST 107 .

Summer: 6 weeks - 8-8 hours of lecture and 2.5-5 hours of discussion per week

Additional Format: Three hours of lecture and one to two hours of discussion per week. Eight hours of lecture and two and one-half to five hours of discussion per week for 6 weeks.

Theories of Justice: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 107WI Theories of Justice 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2020 This is a course in political philosophy, focusing on liberal political theory which emphasizes the protection of individual freedom as against social demands, the maintenance of social and economic equality, and the neutrality of the state in conditions of cultural and religious pluralism. By studying modern authors, we will attempt to understand the importance of these goals and the possibility of their joint fulfillment. Attention will be paid to the work of John Rawls, to the problem of moral and political disagreement, and the relation between “ideal” thinking about justice and thinking about justice in conditions of racial and gender hierarchies. A deficient grade in LS 107WI cannot be removed by taking LS 107 or Poli Sci 117. Theories of Justice: Read More [+]

Course Objectives: Students will come to understand, critically, their own political commitments. Students will learn how to read long and complex arguments, to understand their strengths, and to identify their argumentative vulnerabilities. Students will learn that fundamental claims about politics, and political justice, can be the object of sustained rational argument, and not merely opinion-voicing.

LEGALST 109 Aims and Limits of the Criminal Law 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022 Analysis of the capacity of criminal law to fulfill its aims. What are the aims of criminal law? How are they assigned relative priority? What principles can be identified for evaluating the effort to control disapproved activities through criminal law? Aims and Limits of the Criminal Law: Read More [+]

Aims and Limits of the Criminal Law: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 110 Special Topics in Legal Studies 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2019, Spring 2018, Fall 2000 Please refer to the Legal Studies website for specific topics. Special Topics in Legal Studies: Read More [+]

Repeat rules: Course may be repeated for credit under special circumstances: Repeatable when topic changes

Special Topics in Legal Studies: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 116 Legal Discourse 1500-1700 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2010, Fall 2008, Spring 2008 This course focuses on the history of legal thought and discourse from the late medieval period to the Enlightenment. Topics to be considered include the relationship between legal thought and intellectual developments and the relationship between political and constitutional developments and legal discourse. Although the emphasis is on England, there will be some consideration of differences between English and continental European legal thought. Legal Discourse 1500-1700: Read More [+]

Additional Format: Three hours of Lecture and One hour of Discussion per week for 15 weeks.

Legal Discourse 1500-1700: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 119 Philosophy and Law in Ancient Athens 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2019, Fall 2016, Spring 2010 This is an introduction to important aspects of the philosophical and constitutional thought of classical Athens. We will pay particular attention to accounts of the origins of the Athenian legal system; criticisms and defenses of the democracy; arguments about the nature of justice, law, and legal obligation; and the context of the Athenian way of organizing trials, taxation, and administration. Readings from Aeschylus, Thucydides, Aristophanes , Plato, Lysias, Aristotle, and others. Philosophy and Law in Ancient Athens: Read More [+]

Grading/Final exam status: Letter grade. Final exam not required.

Instructor: Hoekstra

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LEGALST 123 Data, Prediction & Law 4 Units

Terms offered: Summer 2024 Second 6 Week Session, Spring 2024, Spring 2023 Data, Prediction and Law allows students to explore different data sources that scholars and government officials use to make generalizations and predictions in the realm of law. The course will also introduce critiques of predictive techniques in law. Students will apply the statistical and Python programming skills from Foundations of Data Science to examine a traditional social science dataset, “big data” related to law, and legal text data. Data, Prediction & Law: Read More [+]

Student Learning Outcomes: By the end of Data, Prediction, and Law, students will be able to critique the use of data and predictive tools in sociolegal processes, including the identification and punishment of crime. By the end of Data, Prediction, and Law, students will be able to use common statistical and computational techniques to analyze different types of data (traditional survey data, big data, and text data) related to law.

Prerequisites: Students must have taken one of the following courses before enrolling in Legal Studies 123: Computer Science C8 Foundations of Data Science, or Statistics C8 Foundations of Data Science, or Information Science C8 Foundations of Data Science

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 4 hours of seminar per week

Summer: 6 weeks - 10 hours of seminar per week

Additional Format: Four hours of seminar per week. Ten hours of seminar per week for 6 weeks.

Data, Prediction & Law: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 125 Human Rights and War Crimes Investigations: Methods 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2022, Fall 2021 This seminar offers an introduction to the concept and practice of human rights research and investigations, with an emphasis on the collection and analysis of online open source information. In addition to lectures and readings, the course will engage students in the Human Rights Investigations Lab at Berkeley Law’s Human Rights Center, an effort that supports the work of Amnesty International, the Syrian Archive, and a number of other organizations that are working to bring awareness to and collect evidence in support of international atrocity cases, including human rights law firms and international commissions of inquiry. In the seminar and lab, students will have an opportunity to engage in one or more real-world investigations. Human Rights and War Crimes Investigations: Methods: Read More [+]

Student Learning Outcomes: Construct a research and investigations plan, which includes a clear and interesting research question, a description of open source research methods that can be used to answer that question, and an assessment of ethical issues raised by the research question and proposed research methodologies. Draft professional quality memoranda and research reports for real-world clients. Use a diverse set of open source research methodologies, including reverse image searching, geolocation, chronolocation, source analysis, and network analysis. Use a diverse set of open source research tools, including but not limited to InVid, Google Earth Pro, Tweetdeck and Maltego, and perform advanced online searches on Google, Facebook and Twitter.

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3 hours of lecture and 1 hour of laboratory per week

Summer: 6 weeks - 7.5 hours of lecture and 2.5 hours of laboratory per week

Additional Format: Three hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week. Seven and one-half hours of lecture and two and one-half hours of laboratory per week for 6 weeks.

Human Rights and War Crimes Investigations: Methods: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 127 Law & American Pacific Empire through World War II 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024 We will study the history of law and American imperialism in the Pacific Rim from the first Pacific whalers, fur traders, and missionaries of the early 1800s to the occupation of Japan and Philippine independence following the end of World War II. Over this period, the states and societies of the Pacific Rim experienced multiple legal and social revolutions and we will explore these across case studies of Oregon Territory, California, Hawai’i, Alaska, and the Philippines. We will critically examine the transformation from the “First” American continental empire to the “Second” American overseas empire, usually dated to 1898, through the lenses of race, indigeneity, capitalism, legal pluralism, and power. Law & American Pacific Empire through World War II: Read More [+]

Instructor: DeLand

Law & American Pacific Empire through World War II: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 129 Antisemitism and the Law 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024 We will explore the intersection of antisemitism and the law, by covering the history of law as a vehicle for institutionalizing antisemitism, law as a vehicle for combating antisemitism, and law as a political tool to combat antisemitism. Historical topics will include the Dreyfus case, the Holocaust denial trial of Irving v. Lipstadt, the Damascus blood libel trial of 1840, the blood libel trial of Mendel Beilis, and the impact of the lynching of Leo Frank. We will also review discriminatory laws in the United States and other areas and countries against Jews, including in Nazi Germany. Antisemitism and the Law: Read More [+]

Summer: 6 weeks - 9 hours of seminar per week

Additional Format: Four hours of seminar per week. Nine hours of seminar per week for 6 weeks.

Instructor: Davidoff Solomon

Antisemitism and the Law: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 130 Human Rights: The Native Experience 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2020 This course highlights aspects of the development and implementation of human rights in society. Cases reveal the question facing all nations: to what extent should indigenous peoples be secure in their land, cultural integrity, political and economic rights. Fundamentally, this inquiry depends on recognizing the existence of inalienable and indivisible rights afforded to all humans. Human Rights: The Native Experience: Read More [+]

Course Objectives: Analyze how the U.S.'s position as leaders of "human rights" can be reconciled with its history and treatment of natives. Apply the language of "human rights" to develop a framework for healing historical wrongs through reparative and restorative justice. Explain UNDRIP’s role within the context of human rights and international doctrines. Explain the role of culture in human rights discourse. Identify and assess the narratives used to justify the unequal application of human rights. Using specific examples in Native history, explain the strategies of institutional oppression in the human rights framework.

Summer: 12 weeks - 4 hours of lecture and 2 hours of discussion per week

Additional Format: Three hours of lecture and one hour of discussion per week. Four hours of lecture and two hours of discussion per week for 12 weeks.

Human Rights: The Native Experience: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 131 Forced Migration 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024 This course will introduce you to key concepts, issues, and legal frameworks around forced migration from legal, sociological, and normative perspectives. Using historical and contemporary examples, interdisciplinary scholarship, legal cases, media depictions of forced migration, and the voices of persons experiencing displacement, we will critically examine narratives about and responses to population displacement in international and domestic contexts. Forced Migration: Read More [+]

Course Objectives: Acquire substantial understanding of key definitions and conceptual differences of various forms of human mobility; international norms around refugees and forced migration; the role of migrants’ agency and identity differences when assessing the impact of migration and responses to displacement; legal and policy responses to migration, media narratives, representation of migration issues; and securitization of human mobility. Be able to apply frameworks and approaches to a variety of forced migration scenarios and differentiate between the needs and capabilities of different groups in different regions.

Credit Restrictions: Students will receive no credit for LEGALST 131 after completing LEGALST 131 . A deficient grade in LEGALST 131 may be removed by taking LEGALST 131 .

Instructor: Jacobs

Forced Migration: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 132AC Immigration and Citizenship 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022 We often hear that America is a "nation of immigrants." This representation of the U.S. does not explain why some are presumed to belong and others are not. We will examine both historical and contemporary law of immigration and citizenship to see how law has shaped national identity and the identity of immigrant communities. In addition to scholarly texts, we will read and analyze excerpts of cases and the statute that governs immigration and citizenship, the Immigration and Nationality Act. Immigration and Citizenship: Read More [+]

Instructor: Volpp

Immigration and Citizenship: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 133AC Law and Social Change: The Immigrant Rights Movement 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2022, Spring 2022, Spring 2021 This course will explore the relationship between social movements and the law: it will take as its focus the movement for immigrant rights, increasingly led by undocumented activists. It will ask how legal action -- statutes, regulations, judicial decisions, and policies and practices of enforcement, at both state and federal levels -- has spurred the formation of a social movement, and how that movement has sought to influence, resist, and transform the law. Law and Social Change: The Immigrant Rights Movement: Read More [+]

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3 hours of lecture and 1 hour of fieldwork per week

Summer: 6 weeks - 8 hours of lecture and 2.5 hours of fieldwork per week

Additional Format: Three hours of lecture and one hour of fieldwork per week. Eight hours of lecture and two and one-half hours of fieldwork per week for 6 weeks.

Instructor: Abrams

Law and Social Change: The Immigrant Rights Movement: Read Less [-]

LEGALST C134 Membership and Migration: Empirical and Normative Perspectives 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2022, Fall 2020 We will explore questions about migration and membership in the contemporary world by drawing on empirical and normative perspectives. By “empirical,” we investigate what social science evidence tells us about the drivers of migration or the benefits of citizenship. By “normative,” we think through questions of what a society ought to do: what is the morally right, just, or fair thing to do about issues of migration and citizenship? Membership and Migration: Empirical and Normative Perspectives: Read More [+]

Also listed as: SOCIOL C146M

Membership and Migration: Empirical and Normative Perspectives: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 135 Law, Judicial Politics, and Rights in Latin America 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022 This course introduces the study of comparative constitutional law in Latin America and will prepare students to acquire substantial training on the existing legal traditions in the world: the common law and the civil law systems. We will study how political, social, and historical dynamics shape the work of state actors, such as the executive, legislative, judicial powers, as well as the legal profession, and civil society groups to mobilize legal and social change. Law, Judicial Politics, and Rights in Latin America: Read More [+]

Law, Judicial Politics, and Rights in Latin America: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 136 Law & Rights in Authoritarian States 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2021 This course investigates the logic and lived reality of authoritarian law, with the goal of complicating the popular notion that authoritarian law is simply an instrument of state repression. We will mix more theoretical readings on approaches to law and the logic of courts with empirical studies of how law works in two historical settings (Nazi Germany and East Germany) and two contemporary cases (China and Russia). Part of our focus will be on elite politics , particularly the reasons leaders devolve power to courts and the control strategies they deploy to keep judges, lawyers and plaintiffs in check. At the same time, we will pay close attention to everyday law and how ordinary people experience the legal system. Law & Rights in Authoritarian States: Read More [+]

Course Objectives: Gain a solid understanding of different theoretical frameworks used to think about the origins of authoritarianism, the relationship between authoritarian law and politics, and authoritarian backsliding. This course should make it easier for you to read the newspaper and think critically about current events. Learn how law and politics intersected in five case studies critical to understanding modern authoritarianism: Nazi Germany, East Germany, China, Russia and the United States. Learn to think comparatively, a mode of analysis in political science premised on the idea that the act of comparing two or more cases can help us wrestle with important questions about political phenomena. Rather than viewing the United States as sui generis, the comparative method will help us understand how our politics fit into global trends, and challenge (or support) what social scientists know about modern authoritarianism. Strengthen your critical-thinking skills. Students will learn to identify the causal claims of authors and to challenge their approaches and assumptions. These are skills you will bring to your other courses, and to your life after college.

Law & Rights in Authoritarian States: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 137 Comparative Equality Law 3 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021 Comparative Equality Law uses a problem-based approach to examine how the law protects equality rights in different jurisdictions. The course will comparatively examine US, European, and other national, regional and international legal systems (including those of India, Brazil, Colombia, Canada and South Africa) and provide a global overview of legal protection from and legal responses to inequalities. The course covers 5 topic modules: Theories and sources of equality law; Employment discrimination law (race, sex, age, disability, LGBTQ+); Secularism, human rights and the legal rights of religious minorities; Sexual harassment/Violence; Affirmative action (race, caste, origin), and gender parity. Comparative Equality Law: Read More [+]

Course Objectives: Better understand their own connections to a global community of research and learning. Compare how different legal systems address problems of inequality and discrimination. Connect with students from around the globe as friends/colleagues to discuss ongoing issues of inequality in light of the material they studied together. Read articles about inequality and discuss the issues raised in light of the underlying theories of equality, using examples from several legal systems. Read discrimination case decisions and analyze the theories of equality underlying the decision. Read proposed statutes, constitutional amendments and treaties and analyze the theories of equality underlying the proposal. Reflect on teaching and learning methods used by students and faculty from several nations.

Additional Format: Two hours of lecture and one hour of discussion per week. Eight hours of lecture and two hours of discussion per week for 6 weeks.

Comparative Equality Law: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 138 The Supreme Court and Public Policy 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Summer 2024 First 6 Week Session, Spring 2024 This course examines a number of leading U.S. Supreme Court decisions in terms of what policy alternatives were available to the Court and which ones it chose. Prospective costs and benefits of these alternatives and who will pay the costs and who gets the benefits of them are considered. Among the areas considered are economic development, government regulation of business, national security, freedom of speech and discrimination. Readings are solely of Supreme Court decisions. The Supreme Court and Public Policy: Read More [+]

Instructor: Shapiro

The Supreme Court and Public Policy: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 139 Comparative Perspectives on Norms and Legal Traditions 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2017, Spring 2015, Spring 2014 This course is an introduction to the comparative study of different legal cultures and traditions including common law, civil law, socialist law, and religious law. A section of the class will be dedicated to the comparison of the colonial and post-colonial legal process in Latin America and in Africa. Comparative Perspectives on Norms and Legal Traditions: Read More [+]

Instructor: Mayali

Comparative Perspectives on Norms and Legal Traditions: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 140 Property and Liberty 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Fall 2019 This course will explore the relation between property law and limits of liberty in different cultures and at different times. The course will cover theories of property law, slavery, the clash between aboriginal and European ideas of property, gender roles and property rights, common property systems, zoning, regulatory takings, and property on the internet. Readings will include legal theorists, court cases, and historical case studies. Property and Liberty: Read More [+]

Property and Liberty: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 141 Wall Street / Main Street 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2021, Spring 2019, Spring 2005 As longstanding symbols in American history and culture, “Wall Street” and “Main Street” typically refer to streets that intersect at right angles and places that represent the antithesis of each other. Wall Street is home to nefarious big banks run by greedy financiers with deep pockets, while Main Street is home to unassuming “mom-and-pop” shops patronized by ordinary people of modest means who live in the surrounding wholesome small towns. What’s good for one is not good for the other. This course, which will be co-taught by a historian and corporate law professor, will examine critical junctures in the intersection of Wall Street and Main Street in American history and culture over the course of the twentieth century. Wall Street / Main Street: Read More [+]

Wall Street / Main Street: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 142 Monetary Law & Regulation 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022 This course surveys the history of US monetary law from its inception to the coming about of cryptocurrencies. We begin with a discussion of monetary affairs in colonial times and during the American Revolutionary War. We then examine the framework established at the Constitutional Convention. We cover the 19th century and New Deal Supreme Court cases that shaped US monetary law as we know it today. Finally we discusses contemporary legal dilemmas such as the regulation of bitcoin and stablecoins, the creation of central bank digital currencies, the workarounds of the US debt ceiling and the debate over the spectrum of the Fed’s legal authority. We conclude by revisiting some classic questions concerning the nature and functions of money. Monetary Law & Regulation: Read More [+]

Course Objectives: Teaches students to conceptualize monetary law as an instrument of power as well as a technique for promoting efficient social exchanges. To enable students to critically understand the law and regulation of money, including the policy choices that underlie court interpretations. To equip students with a general understanding of current monetary affairs.

Credit Restrictions: Students will receive no credit for LEGALST 142 after completing LEGALST 142 . A deficient grade in LEGALST 142 may be removed by taking LEGALST 142 .

Monetary Law & Regulation: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 143 History of Political Economy 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2023 This course surveys the history of political economy before the middle of the twentieth century aiming to give students a broad introduction to the way in which modern economics emerged, and the varieties of schools of political economy that have been advanced since roughly the middle of the eighteenth century. It also surveys the critique of political economy in various eras, including recent criticisms of welfare economics and of economic inequality. History of Political Economy: Read More [+]

Course Objectives: Students will gain a broad familiarity with a variety of important thinkers and themes in the history of political economy while also deepening their ability to read and analyze primary texts.

Instructor: Grewal

History of Political Economy: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 145 Law and Economics I 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Summer 2023 Second 6 Week Session The course will apply microeconomic theory analysis to legal rules and procedures. Emphasis will be given to the economic consequences of various sorts of liability rules, remedies for breach of contract and the allocation of property rights. The jurisprudential significance of the analysis will be discussed. Law and Economics I: Read More [+]

Prerequisites: Together Law and Econ I and II provide comprehensive introduction to economic analysis of law. Courses need not be taken in numerical order; nor is one a prerequisite to the other

Law and Economics I: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 146 The Law and Economics of Innovation 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2011 We will discuss how the creation of knowledge, artistic, literary, and musical works are supported in a competitive economy especially in the digital age. We will discuss intellectual property, copyrights, trade secrets, trade marks, and geographic indications, in historical and institutional contexts. We will consider the problems of competition that arise in the digital economy, such as Google Books, the Microsoft antitrust cases, and search advertising. The Law and Economics of Innovation: Read More [+]

Prerequisites: Economics 1 or a course in microeconomics

Instructor: Schotchmer

The Law and Economics of Innovation: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 147 Law and Economics II 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2022, Summer 2021 Second 6 Week Session Law and Economics I is not a prerequisite for Law and Economics II. Students may take either or both courses. Government uses many mechanisms to influence the provision of goods and services. Economists and lawyers have developed a critique of these mechanisms which has prompted substantial reforms in recent years, e.g., deregulation in transportation. The course examines this critique. Law and Economics II: Read More [+]

Additional Format: Three hours of lecture and one hour of discussion per week.

Law and Economics II: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 149 Law, Technology and Entrepreneurship 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2023, Fall 2021, Fall 2020 Entrepreneurship plays an increasingly essential role in today’s global economy. New companies and startups play valuable roles in the formation of new industry, also spurring established incumbent companies towards further growth. This course is designed to explore the role of law in facilitating the development of entrepreneurial enterprises, paying special attention to the complex interaction between innovation and regulation. The purpose of this course is to provide students with a thorough foundation for understanding the role that law plays in the construction and growth of entrepreneurial enterprises. Law, Technology and Entrepreneurship: Read More [+]

Course Objectives: Students will develop skills in generating business plans, negotiating, and addressing complex issues that arise during the operation of a business enterprise. Students will learn about the conceptual and theoretical elements of entrepreneurship. Students will learn how to address the formation of an entrepreneurial venture and identify the core legal issues that must be addressed, at every stage – from idea to exit.

Law, Technology and Entrepreneurship: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 150 Intimate Partner Violence & the Law 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2022, Spring 1992 This course will investigate the phenomenon of intimate partner violence (also known as family violence, or domestic violence), by studying empirical evidence; theories of violence; and the disparate impacts on different communities. Through a trauma-centered and intersectional approach, students will be positioned to assess and analyze the responses by our legal system to this persistent and prevalent social problem. Intimate Partner Violence & the Law: Read More [+]

Credit Restrictions: Students will receive no credit for LEGALST 150 after completing LEGALST 150 . A deficient grade in LEGALST 150 may be removed by taking LEGALST 150 .

Intimate Partner Violence & the Law: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 151 Law, Self, and Society 3 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2019, Fall 2018, Fall 2017 Contemporary moral and political philosophy has been increasingly interested in how conceptions of the self relate to various aspects of our social and political life. These issues have an important bearing on legal theory as well. Law is shaped by certain implicit assumptions about the nature of individuals and collectivities, while it also actively participates in forming the identities of persons and in structuring collective entities such as families, corporations, and municipalities. This course will explore some theoretical approaches to this reciprocal relationship between law and the different social actors that it governs. Law, Self, and Society: Read More [+]

Law, Self, and Society: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 152AC Human Rights & Technology 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2020, Spring 2017 Scientific advances promise great increases in social good, but whether those advancements herald a better or worse world, depends on how scientific knowledge is applied. Applying scientific knowledge in the service of humanity is challenging, and requires an informed, deliberate method. Through lectures, discussions, case studies, and field research, students will gain an understanding of the international human rights framework, historical and social context for contemporary human rights violations, insights into the role of race, gender, and technology in structural inequality, opportunities to work across disciplines on real-world design challenges, and experience assessing needs and designing for specific, selected human rights apps. Human Rights & Technology: Read More [+]

Instructor: Hiatt

Human Rights & Technology: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 153 Law and Society in Asia 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2017, Spring 2016 This course offers a comparative perspective on law and legal institutions. Looking comparatively helps shed light on our own system and question what is “normal” or “natural.” From what it means to be a lawyer to notions of what is “just” or “fair,” courts and dispute resolution outside the U.S. can be both very different and, at times, surprisingly familiar. After an overview of concepts and classic approaches to the study of law and society, the course will explore these differences and similarities in three Asian settings: China, Japan, and India. Topics include lawyers, illicit sex, and environmental protection, to see how each country’s history, political structure, values, and interests shape how legal issues are defined and play out Law and Society in Asia: Read More [+]

Instructor: Stern

Law and Society in Asia: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 154 Human Rights, Research & Practice 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2022, Spring 2019 This course provides an overview of international human rights, including the field's historical and theoretical foundations; the jurisprudence of international human rights; empirical insights from disciplines such as sociology, psychology, history, and anthropology; and emerging trends in human rights practice. Human Rights, Research & Practice: Read More [+]

Instructors: Koenig, Stover

Human Rights, Research & Practice: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 155 Government and the Family 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2013, Fall 2012, Fall 2011 How has the law constructed and deconstructed "family" relationships? What are the common law, statutory, and constitutional principles that affect the formation, regulation, and dissolution of families? How do these principles, as well as diverse cultural and social values, guide the state in determining marriage, family, and child welfare policies? Government and the Family: Read More [+]

Instructor: Hollinger

Government and the Family: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 156 Bioethics and the Law 4 Units

Terms offered: Summer 2011 First 6 Week Session Law now plays a prominent role in medicine and science. Recent years have witnessed a major expansion of law's involvement. Law (statutory and court-made) articulates and interprets norms of conduct. This course will examine a number of topics where law and medicine intersect involving many of our most fundamental values including body, life, death, religion, reproduction, sexuality, and family. In each area, we will include both traditional issues , like "right to die" and more current disputes such as physician assisted suicide. Bioethics and the Law: Read More [+]

Additional Format: Eight hours of lecture and two hours of discussion per week for 6 weeks.

Instructor: Shultz

Bioethics and the Law: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 157 International Relations and International Law 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Summer 2024 First 6 Week Session, Fall 2023 This course will evaluate and assess modern theories of international law. We will examine the work of legal scholars and look to political science and economics to see how these disciplines inform the study of international law. We will also examine a host of fundamental questions in international law, including, for example, why states enter into international agreements, why states comply with international law, and what kind of state conduct is likely to be influenced by international law. International Relations and International Law: Read More [+]

Prerequisites: Minimum sophomore standing

Instructor: Guzman

International Relations and International Law: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 158 Law and Development 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022 Focusing on developing countries, this course considers the relationship between legal institutions and rules--including informal and traditional ones--and development--defined by different actors by economic growth, education, health, or a wide spectrum of freedoms. It examines efforts by national leaders, international organizations, foreign aid agencies, and NGOs to "reform" law to promote development, along with the resistance and unplanned consequences that often ensue. Law and Development: Read More [+]

Instructor: O'Connell

Law and Development: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 159 Law & Sexuality 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022 This course focuses on the legal regulation of sexuality, and the social and historical norms and frameworks that affect its intersection with sex, gender, race, disability, and class. We will critically examine how the law shapes sexuality and how sexuality shapes the law. Our subject matter is mostly constitutional, covering sexuality’s intersection with privacy, freedom of expression, gender identity and expression, equal protection, reproduction , kinship, and family formation, among other subjects. We will study case law, legal articles, and other texts (including visual works) that critically engage issues of sexuality, citizenship, nationhood, religion, and the public and private spheres domestically and internationally. Law & Sexuality: Read More [+]

Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to articulate scholarly and activist theories regarding the regulation of law and sexuality, and recognize how scholarship, social norms, public culture, private intimacies, and legal decisions affect the social world that we live in. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to critically analyze and reflect upon the law’s regulation of sexuality and its intersection with other identity-based categories, such as race, ethnicity, class, nationality, religion, geography, disability, and age, among others. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to develop legal reasoning skills through analysis of case law, law review articles, and related texts. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to identify and respond to key points and arguments in scholarly articles, integrating current news events regarding law, gender and sexuality. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to practice legal writing, research, and oral presentation skills through engagement with the Socratic teaching method.

Instructor: Katyal

Law & Sexuality: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 160 Punishment, Culture, and Society 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Summer 2024 First 6 Week Session, Spring 2024 This course surveys the development of Western penal practices, institutions, and ideas (what David Garland calls "penality") from the eighteenth-century period to the present. Our primary focus will be on penal practices and discourses in the United States in the early 21st century. In particular we will examine the extraordinary growth of US penal sanctions in the last quarter century and the sources and consequences of what some have called "mass imprisonment." Punishment, Culture, and Society: Read More [+]

Summer: 6 weeks - 8 hours of lecture and 2 hours of discussion per week 8 weeks - 6 hours of lecture and 2 hours of discussion per week

Additional Format: Three hours of Lecture and One hour of Discussion per week for 15 weeks. Six hours of Lecture and Two hours of Discussion per week for 8 weeks. Eight hours of Lecture and Two hours of Discussion per week for 6 weeks.

Instructor: Simon

Punishment, Culture, and Society: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 161 Law in Chinese Society 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Summer 2021 First 6 Week Session The course examines concepts that form the basis of the Chinese legal system, traditional theories and institutions of pre-1911 society, and the expression and rejection of the traditional concepts in the laws of the Nationalist period and the People's Republic. Law in Chinese Society: Read More [+]

Law in Chinese Society: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 162AC Restorative Justice 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022 This course advances the claim that the criminal justice system is both a product and a powerful engine of racial hierarchy in American society, and that strategies of restorative justice, which have recently garnered attention in settings from prisons to middle schools, hold out promise as practices of racial justice. We explore this thesis by examining the ways in which criminal justice systems shape the emotions and social relations of victims , offenders, and members of the larger community. Restorative Justice: Read More [+]

Instructors: Abrams, Frampton

Restorative Justice: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 163 Adolescence, Crime and Juvenile Justice 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2018, Fall 2017, Fall 2016 This course examines the premises, doctrine, and operational behavior of juvenile courts, particularly in relation to the commission of seriously anti-social acts by mid-adolescents. Topics include the history of theories of delinquency; the jurisprudence of delinquency; the incidence and severity of delinquency; police response to juvenile offenders; the processes of juvenile courts and youth corrections; and reforms or alternatives to the juvenile court system. Adolescence, Crime and Juvenile Justice: Read More [+]

Adolescence, Crime and Juvenile Justice: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 164 Juvenile Justice & the Color of Law: The Historical Treatment of Children of Color in the Judicial System - Delinquency & Dependency 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2021, Summer 2021 First 6 Week Session, Fall 2020 We will investigate the profound role of law and legal institutions in shaping and defining racial minority and majority communities. Students will interrogate the definition and meaning of race in U.S. society (e.g., whether race is biological, cultural, environmental, based on White supremacy, or a social construct that is constantly being transformed) and will critically examine the connection between law, race and racism , both in the historical and modern context. The course is a collaborative effort to learn the truths of our collective history; to share the truths of our individual experiences and lives; and, to determine if we desire a more just society, and if so, how to create our own paths and contributions to this endeavor. Juvenile Justice & the Color of Law: The Historical Treatment of Children of Color in the Judicial System - Delinquency & Dependency: Read More [+]

Course Objectives: Apply critically relevant law to hypothetical scenarios involving racial groups. Demonstrate understanding of relevant law that has been previously applied to racial groups. Describe the four major schools of thought on law and race (i.e., neoconservative, liberal, critical legal studies, and critical race theory). Explain the connection between law, race and racism in different analytical frameworks, including the frameworks listed in Course Objective #1.

Juvenile Justice & the Color of Law: The Historical Treatment of Children of Color in the Judicial System - Delinquency & Dependency: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 165 Truth, Justice & Reconciliation 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024 How do people and communities envision and enact justice in response to state-sponsored and state-sanctioned violence? How have TRCs (Truth and Reconciliation Commissions) and analogous approaches taken shape in the U.S., in response to state-sponsored violence, including “legal violence”? With South Africa’s TRC as a foundational model, this course will examine an array of community-based strategies for surfacing truths about historical harms, pursuing accountability through apologies and reparations, and restoring relationships, communities, artifacts, and lands. We will address the challenges when establishing official commissions, reaching out to communities, and following through with recommendations. Truth, Justice & Reconciliation: Read More [+]

Course Objectives: Students will learn to “think globally and act locally” by presenting examples of TRCs around the world and in the US, and engage in research on the possibilities of TRC approaches for the Berkeley campus and Bay Area.

Credit Restrictions: Students will receive no credit for LEGALST 165 after completing LEGALST 165 . A deficient grade in LEGALST 165 may be removed by taking LEGALST 165 .

Instructor: Shackford-Bradley

Truth, Justice & Reconciliation: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 168 Sex, Reproduction and the Law 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Summer 2022 First 6 Week Session This course examines recent American legal and social history with respect to reproductive and sexual behavior. We will consider two theoretical aspects of the problem: first, theories of how law regulates social behavior and second, more general theories about how reproduction is socially regulated. Armed with these theoretical perspectives, the course will then examine closely a number of legal/social conflicts, including sterilization, abortion and contraception. Sex, Reproduction and the Law: Read More [+]

Sex, Reproduction and the Law: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 169 Criminal Justice in the United States: Policing, Mass Incarceration, and Paths to Reform 4 Units

Terms offered: Prior to 2007 This course will examine policing and mass incarceration in the contemporary United States. The first half of the course will explore policing, considering how the modern police emerged, whether police reduce crime, and why police violence persists. The second half of the course will turn to mass incarceration, examining how the U.S. came to incarcerate people at a greater rate than any nation in history, along with the individual and social consequences of incarceration. For both policing and mass incarceration, we will devote significant focus to the prospects for reform. Criminal Justice in the United States: Policing, Mass Incarceration, and Paths to Reform: Read More [+]

Course Objectives: Students will be able to critically evaluate arguments about policing and incarceration made by both scholarly and popular commentators. Students will be able to describe the problems currently facing the systems of policing and prisons in the United States. Students will be able to propose and defend reforms to bring about more just and effective systems of policing and incarceration. Students will be able to take sides in current debates over policing and incarceration.

Criminal Justice in the United States: Policing, Mass Incarceration, and Paths to Reform: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 170 Crime and Criminal Justice 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023 Introduction to the etiology of crime and criminal justice administration. What is crime? What are the main features and problems of the process by which suspected criminals are apprehended, tried, sentenced, punished? Past and current trends and policy issues will be discussed. Crime and Criminal Justice: Read More [+]

Crime and Criminal Justice: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 171 European Legal History 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2015, Fall 2011 Most contemporary legal systems derive from one or the other of the two legal orders that developed in continental Europe and England over the course of the centuries. This course introduces students to some of the main features of the continental European or civil law tradition, a tradition that has its origins in Roman law. We will look at the English common law tradition, which began to diverge from the law of continental Europe in the middle ages, and acquired its own distinctive character. European Legal History: Read More [+]

Instructor: McClain

European Legal History: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 172AC Decolonizing UC Berkeley 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2023 This course seeks to engage students in a critical investigation of the origins of the University of California through a settler colonial lens, and with the aim of decolonizing the University’s narrative history. Decolonization is a process by which narratives, world views, cultures, and institutions, once erased by colonization are returned, respected, and honored. Drawing upon the work of the UC Berkeley Truth & Justice Project, this Course will explore the history of UC and its racial and colonial foundations. We will focus on decolonization and therefore center Indigenous and other racialized communities, discussing injustice in various communities and from various perspectives. Decolonizing UC Berkeley: Read More [+]

Student Learning Outcomes: Apply these learning objectives to research and create a storytelling project about the racial and colonial foundations of California and UC Berkeley with an eye toward decolonization. The projects should aim to challenge the settler-colonial narrative through storytelling and to move from theory into praxis. Demonstrate an understanding of how race and colonization impact the narrative story of UC Berkeley; Demonstrate an understanding of how the history of race and colonization are interconnected with the law and their impacts on society today; Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of resistance and truth, healing, reconciliation, and reparation movements, and decolonization; Students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of settler-colonialism and decolonization;

Decolonizing UC Berkeley: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 173AC Making Empire: Law and the Colonization of America 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021 This is an intro to the origins, development, and expansion of European settlement on the North American mainland. We will concentrate on the impulses – commercial, ideological, and racial – that drove European colonizing; the migrations (voluntary and forced) that sustained it; and the political and legal “technologies” that supplied it with definition, explanation, and institutional capacity. We will pay attention to themes of sovereignty, civic identity, race, and “manifest destiny” and will discuss how law provided both the language and technical capacity to transform territory into property, people into slaves, and the land’s indigenous inhabitants into “others” who existed “outside” the civic order of the American Republic. Making Empire: Law and the Colonization of America: Read More [+]

Credit Restrictions: Students who complete Legalst 173 will not receive credit for Legalst 173AC.

Requirements this course satisfies: Satisfies the American Cultures requirement

Instructor: Tomlins

Formerly known as: Legal Studies 173

Making Empire: Law and the Colonization of America: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 174 Comparative Constitutional Law: The Case of Israel 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022 This course will provide an introduction to constitutional law using Israel as a case study. Topics include: Constitutionalism and judicial review, state neutrality and self-determination, minority rights, state and religion, Human Rights Law, the concept of “defensive democracy" and ban of non-democratic political parties, legal aspects of the fight on terror, freedom of expression, equality and anti-discrimination, social rights, and constitutional limitations on privatization. Comparative Constitutional Law: The Case of Israel: Read More [+]

Comparative Constitutional Law: The Case of Israel: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 175 Access to Justice: Comparative and Historical Perspectives 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2023 This class first introduces students to the origins of the access to justice problem, paying attention to disparate impacts along the lines of race, class, and gender. It examines how the costs of legal services, and in turn of law school tuition, steadily rose in the last several decades. Drawing on both historical and comparative case studies, students will then be encouraged to think creatively about who can represent individuals at law. Further inspiration comes from contemporary case studies outside North America and Europe. Finally, students will have an opportunity to execute a guided research project on a historical, comparative, or contemporary aspect of access to justice that helps shed light on potential solutions today. Access to Justice: Comparative and Historical Perspectives: Read More [+]

Course Objectives: Students can expect to sharpen their critical reading and writing skills. Students will learn to better express themselves orally. Students will practice developing and executing their own research project.

Access to Justice: Comparative and Historical Perspectives: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 176 Twentieth-Century American Legal and Constitutional History 4 Units

Terms offered: Summer 2018 Second 6 Week Session, Summer 2015 10 Week Session, Summer 2015 Second 6 Week Session Development of American law and the constitutional system in the 20th century. Topics include Progressive Era Regulatory policy, criminal justice and relations, freedom of speech and press, New Deal legal innovations, modern tort liability, environmental regulation, judicial reform, and federalism. Twentieth-Century American Legal and Constitutional History: Read More [+]

Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing. It is recommended that students have completed at least one course in legal studies or political science that deals with American history or American government prior to taking 176

Twentieth-Century American Legal and Constitutional History: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 177 Survey of American Legal and Constitutional History 4 Units

Terms offered: Summer 2024 First 6 Week Session, Summer 2023 Second 6 Week Session, Spring 2022 Overview of American legal and constitutional history from colonial times to the present. Topics include colonial legal institutions, early constitutional history, history of the common law, business regulation, race and the law, history of the legal profession, and the modern constitutional order. Survey of American Legal and Constitutional History: Read More [+]

Survey of American Legal and Constitutional History: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 178 Seminar on American Legal and Constitutional History 3 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2013, Spring 2010, Spring 2009 This course will provide advanced reading and independent research in the history of American law. Preference may be given to students who have taken 177. Seminar on American Legal and Constitutional History: Read More [+]

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. Enrollment is limited

Additional Format: Two hours of Seminar per week for 15 weeks.

Seminar on American Legal and Constitutional History: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 179 Comparative Constitutional Law 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2014, Spring 2013, Spring 2012 An examination of constitutional decision-making in a number of countries based on selected high court opinions. Comparative Constitutional Law: Read More [+]

Comparative Constitutional Law: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 180 Implicit Bias 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2020, Fall 2018, Fall 2014 Implicit bias, automatic or unconscious stereotyping, and prejudice that guides our perception of and behavior toward social groups, is a fast growing area of law and psychology. Students will look at research in substantive areas of employment discrimination, criminal law, and questions regarding communications, voting, health care, immigration, property, and whether research findings showing unconscious gender, racial, and other biases can be used as courtroom evidence to prove discrimination. Implicit Bias: Read More [+]

Instructor: Plaut

Implicit Bias: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 181 Psychology and the Law 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2019, Fall 2017, Fall 2013 Psychology is the study of the human mind and its effect on behavior. Law attempts to regulate behavior through norm setting, policing, and punishment. This course gives a survey of the natural connection between law and psychology. Here, we will study the psychology of legal systems, of crime and policing, and of what happens in the courtroom, including criminal charging, jury selection, eyewitness testimony, prosecution, and conviction. Throughout , we will analyze the theoretical and empirical evidence as it applies generally and to special populations (children, the impaired, those with mental illnesses, and racial and sexual minorities). Psychology and the Law: Read More [+]

Course Objectives: Students will be able to identify many of the psychological assumptions underlying the application of law, what evidence exists for their validity, and the areas where law fails to understand or regulate human behavior.

Psychology and the Law: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 182 Law, Politics and Society 4 Units

Terms offered: Summer 2024 Second 6 Week Session, Summer 2023 Second 6 Week Session, Summer 2022 First 6 Week Session We will explore the nature and function of law and legal systems. What is the nature of legal authority? Where does it originate? Why do we obey it? From where does law come? How are laws made? How do judges reason? We will also focus on law and conflict resolution: How do people bring cases to court? How do judges decide cases? Are there alternatives to the legal process? Finally , a traditional conception of law is that it is a timeless set of principles, yet society is always changing. How then does law change? How do courts respond to social change? To what extent can courts bring about social change? Readings are from a variety of fields: philosophy, history, judicial opinions, and scholarly articles. Law, Politics and Society: Read More [+]

Law, Politics and Society: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 183 Psychology of Diversity and Discrimination in American Law 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2019, Spring 2015, Spring 2014 Course will examine concepts of race and culture, various understandings of and approaches to diversity found in the law, and the role of sociocultural structures in shaping the operation of antidiscrimination law and social policy. Topics include: psychology of desegregation, colorblindness and equal protection, affirmative action, stereotyping, sexism in the workplace, prejudice toward immigrants, social class and poverty. Psychology of Diversity and Discrimination in American Law: Read More [+]

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3 hours of seminar per week

Summer: 6 weeks - 7.5 hours of seminar per week

Additional Format: Three hours of Seminar per week for 15 weeks. Seven and one-half hours of Seminar per week for 6 weeks.

Psychology of Diversity and Discrimination in American Law: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 184 Sociology of Law 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2023 This course explores major issues and debates in the sociology of law. Topics include theoretical perspectives on the relationship between law and society, theories of why people obey (and disobey) the law, the relationship between law and social norms, the "law in action" in litigation and dispute resolution, the roles of lawyers, judges, and juries in the legal system and in society, and the role of law in social change. The course will examine these issues from an empirical perspective. Sociology of Law: Read More [+]

Credit Restrictions: Students will receive no credit for Legal Studies 184 after completing Legal Studies C184/Sociology C114. A deficient grade in Legal Studies C184/Sociology C114 may be removed by taking Legal Studies 184.

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3 hours of lecture and 1.5 hours of discussion per week

Summer: 6 weeks - 8 hours of lecture and 2 hours of discussion per week 8 weeks - 6 hours of lecture and 1.5 hours of discussion per week

Additional Format: Three hours of Lecture and One and one-half hours of Discussion per week for 15 weeks. Six hours of Lecture and One and one-half hours of Discussion per week for 8 weeks. Eight hours of Lecture and Two hours of Discussion per week for 6 weeks.

Sociology of Law: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 185AC Prison 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2020, Spring 2017, Spring 2014 Taking a broad interdisciplinary approach, this course introduces students to the long history of the prison in the American experience, questioning the shadows of inevitability and normality that cloak mass incarceration in the contemporary United States and around the globe. While directly addressing the prison system, and related institutions like the police and probation, this course intends to engage with the full range of carceral geographies in which social life is penetrated with the state’s power to surveil, arrest, judge, and punish its citizens and the organizations and capacities through which that power is carried out. Prison: Read More [+]

Instructors: Simon, Feldman, Sacks, Jones

Also listed as: AFRICAM 181AC/ETH STD 181AC/SOC WEL 185AC

Prison: Read Less [-]

LEGALST C185 Prison 4 Units

Terms offered: Prior to 2007 Taking a broad interdisciplinary approach, this course embraces the longue duree of critical prison studies, questioning the shadows of normality that cloak mass incarceration both across the globe and, more particularly, in the contemporary United States. This course thus explores a series of visceral, unsettling juxtapositions: "freedom" and "slavery"; "citizenship" and "subjugation"; "marginalization" and "inclusion" , in each case explicating the ways that story making, political demagoguery, and racial, class, and sexual inequalities have wrought an untenable social condition. Prison: Read More [+]

Credit Restrictions: Students will receive no credit if they have already taken ETH STD 181AC , LEGALST 185AC , or ARCH 185AC.

Instructors: Feldman, Sacks, Simon

Also listed as: ETH STD C181/SOC WEL C185

LEGALST 187 Diversity, Law & Politics 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2019, Spring 2016, Summer 2004 10 Week Session Dimensions of diversity at the heart of this course are perceptions of commonality and attributions of difference defined by race and immigration. Emphasis is given to contemporary law and politics in the U.S., but with an eye toward how the law and politics of the here and now is rooted in history. "Race" is broadly defined by concepts of identity, immigration, citizenship, class, ethnicity, and gender. "Politics" is broadly defined both by a center stage of elite actors in government and the laws and policies they make and implement, and by the relevant contexts and audiences that define that stage, inclusive of elections, civic engagement, protests, political talk, and organizational behavior. Diversity, Law & Politics: Read More [+]

Course Objectives: In this course, students will learn to explore, discuss, and better understand the relationship between peoplehood and politics in a dynamic, diversifying polity.

Diversity, Law & Politics: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 189 Feminist Jurisprudence 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2014, Summer 2013 10 Week Session, Summer 2013 First 6 Week Session This course will explore the ways in which feminist theory has shaped conceptions of the law, as well as examine a range of feminist legal theories, including equality, difference, dominance, intersectional, poststructural, postcolonial theories. It will ask how these theories have shaped legal interventions in areas including workplace/educational access, sexualized coercion, work/family conflict, "cultural" defenses, and globalized sweatshop labor. Feminist Jurisprudence: Read More [+]

Feminist Jurisprudence: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 190 Seminar on Topics in Law and Society 1 - 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2023 Advanced study in law and society with specific topics to be announced. Seminar on Topics in Law and Society: Read More [+]

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 1-4 hours of seminar per week

Summer: 6 weeks - 2.5-10 hours of seminar per week 10 weeks - 1.5-6 hours of seminar per week

Additional Format: One to four hours of seminar per week. One and one-half to six hours of seminar per week for 10 weeks. Two and one-half to ten hours of seminar per week for 6 weeks.

Seminar on Topics in Law and Society: Read Less [-]

LEGALST H195A Honors Seminar 5 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022 This course provides Legal Studies honors students with the opportunity to learn about the conduct of legal studies research, how to write an honors thesis proposal, and prepare for writing an honors thesis in the spring. Honors Seminar: Read More [+]

Prerequisites: Senior standing, acceptance into Honors Program in Legal Studies

Additional Format: Three hours of seminar per week.

Instructor: Edelman

Honors Seminar: Read Less [-]

LEGALST H195B Honors Thesis 3 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2016, Fall 2015, Spring 2015 Study of an advanced topic under the supervision of a faculty member leading to the completion of a senior honors thesis. Honors Thesis: Read More [+]

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 8 hours of independent study per week

Summer: 6 weeks - 21.5 hours of independent study per week 8 weeks - 15.5 hours of independent study per week

Additional Format: Eight hours of independent study per week. Fifteen and one-half hours of independent study per week for 8 weeks. Twenty one and one-half hours of independent study per week for 6 weeks.

Honors Thesis: Read Less [-]

LEGALST H195C Legal Studies Honors Research and Writing Seminar 2 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022 The goal of the seminar is to provide students additional support as they conduct the research for and write their senior honors theses, and prepare presentations for the Spring Studies Undergraduate Research Conference. Students enroll in the two unit Legalst H195C seminar during the second semester of the Honors Program along with the three units of Legalst H195B. Legal Studies Honors Research and Writing Seminar: Read More [+]

Additional Format: One hour of seminar per week.

Grading/Final exam status: Offered for pass/not pass grade only. Alternative to final exam.

Legal Studies Honors Research and Writing Seminar: Read Less [-]

LEGALST 198 Directed Group Study 1 - 4 Units

Terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2019 Small group instruction in topics not covered by regularly scheduled courses. Topics may vary from year to year. Directed Group Study: Read More [+]

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 1-4 hours of lecture per week

Additional Format: One to Four hour of Lecture per week for 15 weeks.

LEGALST 199 Supervised Independent Study and Research 1 - 4 Units

Terms offered: Fall 2016, Spring 2016, Fall 2015 Enrollment restrictions apply. Consult the Legal Studies department for more information. Supervised Independent Study and Research: Read More [+]

Prerequisites: Upper division standing. Consent of instructor and approval of Program Chairman

Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 0 hours of independent study per week

Summer: 6 weeks - 1-4 hours of independent study per week 8 weeks - 1-4 hours of independent study per week

Additional Format: Hours to be arranged.

Supervised Independent Study and Research: Read Less [-]

Contact Information

Legal studies program.

2240 Piedmont Avenue

Phone: 510-643-5823

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Director, Legal Studies

Jonathan Marshall

Phone: 510-642-3670

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Undergraduate Academic Advisor

Lauri La Pointe

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legal studies essay plan

Mastering the Craft: Writing Effective Legal Essays for Law Students

law students law essay

Norma Harris, LawFuel contributor

Welcome to the exciting yet challenging world of legal writing! As a law student, mastering the art of writing legal essays is not just a requirement; it’s a fundamental skill that will serve you throughout your career. This guide is designed to provide you with tips and techniques to excel in crafting compelling legal essays.

Let’s embark on this journey of turning complex legal concepts into coherent and persuasive narratives.

Understanding the Legal Essay

A legal essay is more than just an academic assignment; it’s a critical tool for demonstrating your understanding of legal theories and ability to apply them to real-world scenarios. Unlike other forms of academic writing, legal essays require specific skills, including analyzing legal problems, using legal reasoning, and accurately referencing legal authorities.

For students who find these requirements daunting, seeking assistance from a professional essay writing service can be valuable. These services provide expertise in crafting well-argued and properly referenced legal essays, which can significantly aid in understanding the nuances of legal writing and improving academic performance.

Topic Selection and Analysis

Selecting the perfect topic for your legal essay is a critical first step. It sets the tone for your entire piece and can often determine its success.

Here’s how to make the right choice:

Relevance to Current Legal Discussions: Aim for a topic that is interesting and relevant to current legal debates or recent developments in law. This demonstrates your awareness of the evolving legal landscape.

Personal Interest: Choose a topic that intrigues you. Your enthusiasm will reflect in your writing, making the process more enjoyable and engaging.

Scope and Feasibility: Be realistic about the content of your essay. It’s better to thoroughly explore a more focused topic than to skim the surface of a broader one.

Techniques for Analyzing the Essay Question

Understanding and dissecting the essay question is crucial. Here’s how to break it down:

Identify Key Terms: Look for action words like “analyze,” “discuss,” or “compare.” These verbs define the approach you should take in your essay.

Scope of the Question : Determine the boundaries of the topic. What are you being asked to focus on? This helps in narrowing down your research.

Hidden Questions: Sometimes, essay questions have underlying issues that take time to be apparent. Look for these subtleties to address the question entirely.

Conducting Preliminary Research to Scope the Topic

Start with a broad sweep of the topic:

Initial Readings: Review general texts to understand the background and context of your topic.

Identifying Gaps: Look for areas within the topic that are under-discussed or particularly contentious. These gaps often make for compelling essays.

Research Strategies

Research is the foundation of any legal essay. It informs your arguments and supports your conclusions. Effective research involves:

Comprehensiveness: Ensure you cover all relevant legal aspects of your topic.

Credibility: Use authoritative and reliable sources to back up your arguments.

Identifying and Using Primary and Secondary Legal Sources

Understanding the difference between primary and secondary sources is vital:

Primary Sources: These are the law – statutes, cases, regulations. They form the backbone of your legal arguments.

Secondary Sources: Include legal journals, textbooks, and commentaries. They provide interpretations and critiques of primary sources and help to contextualize your arguments.

Effective Use of Legal Databases and Libraries

Utilize legal databases like Westlaw, LexisNexis, and HeinOnline for access to many legal resources. Libraries, especially law school ones, are invaluable for finding primary and secondary sources.

Maintaining Accuracy and Relevancy in Research

Stay Updated: Laws and legal interpretations change. Make sure your research includes the most current information.

Relevance: Always tie your research back to the central thesis of your essay. Irrelevant information, no matter how interesting, can detract from your argument’s coherence.

Planning and Structuring the Essay

Before diving into writing, it’s essential to plan your essay. An effective outline acts as a roadmap, guiding you through your arguments in a logical sequence. Start by jotting down the main points you intend to cover. Arrange these points in a logical order, ensuring that each one builds upon the last.

Structuring Arguments Logically and Coherently

A legal essay’s strength lies in its arguments’ clarity and logic. Ideally, Each paragraph should begin with a clear topic sentence stating the idea or point you’ll discuss.

This is followed by evidence, such as legal precedents or statutes, and then analysis, where you interpret how this evidence supports your argument. Ensure each paragraph flows smoothly into the next, creating a cohesive narrative throughout your essay.

The Role of Thesis Statements and Topic Sentences

A well-crafted thesis statement at the beginning of your essay sets the tone and direction of your arguments. It should briefly state the main point or opinion that your paper will support. Similarly, topic sentences at the beginning of each paragraph offer a preview of what the section will discuss, tying it back to the thesis statement. 

Balancing Depth and Breadth in Legal Analysis

While depth of analysis is crucial in demonstrating your understanding of the topic, it’s equally important to maintain a breadth of perspective. Avoid tunnel vision by considering various aspects of the legal issue at hand. However, beware of spreading your analysis too thin. 

Legal Argumentation and Analysis

Effective legal argumentation is rooted in logical clarity and supported by evidence. Your arguments should be based on legal principles and facts, not just opinions. Appropriate legal authorities, like statutes or case law, should back up each claim you make. 

Critical Thinking in Legal Analysis

Critical thinking is vital in legal analysis, much like how an ai essay writer free tool assists in generating content by evaluating various parameters. In legal studies, it’s about understanding the law and analyzing how it applies to different situations.

You need to question assumptions, much like an AI tool sifts through data, evaluate evidence critically, and explore the implications of your arguments. This depth of analysis, akin to the intricate processing of a sophisticated AI writer, demonstrates a higher level of understanding and engagement with the subject matter.

Addressing Counterarguments and Alternative Perspectives

A comprehensive legal essay anticipates and addresses potential counterarguments. Acknowledging and responding to opposing viewpoints strengthens your essay by demonstrating that you have considered the issue from all angles. It shows the ability to engage critically with different perspectives, a vital skill in legal analysis.

Incorporating Legal Precedents and Statutory Materials

Your arguments should be grounded in relevant legal precedents and statutory materials. Citing these sources provides evidence to support your points and shows your ability to interpret and apply legal concepts. Explain how these sources relate to your argument, rather than simply listing them, to demonstrate your analytical skills.

Legal Writing Style and Language

Clear and concise writing is paramount in legal essays. The goal is to communicate complex legal ideas in a way that is accessible and understandable. This means avoiding unnecessary jargon, wordy sentences, and convoluted structures.

Each sentence should convey your point directly and efficiently. Clarity is key in legal writing; you aim to make your argument as straightforward and understandable as possible.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Legal Language

Legal language is often criticized for being overly complex. Avoid these common pitfalls by simplifying your language. Avoid the passive voice, which can obscure the meaning and make your writing less engaging. Also, resist the temptation to use legal terms unnecessarily; use plain English wherever possible to convey your points more clearly.

Use of Legal Terminology and Phrases

While simplicity is essential, there are times when specific legal terminology is necessary to convey a concept accurately.

In such cases, ensure you fully understand and use the terms correctly. This demonstrates your knowledge and ensures that your argument is legally sound. However, always explain the time briefly to readers who may need to become more familiar with it.

Balancing Technicality with Readability

The ultimate goal is to strike a balance between technical accuracy and readability. Your essay should demonstrate your legal knowledge and ability to use legal language correctly, but someone without a legal background should easily understand it.

Citation and Referencing in Legal Essays

Accurate citation is crucial in legal essays. It serves two primary purposes: it credits the original authors of the work and allows readers to verify your sources. This not only bolsters your credibility but also ensures academic integrity. Please cite sources to avoid accusations of plagiarism, which can have serious consequences.

Overview of Common Citation Styles in Law

Different jurisdictions and law schools may prefer different citation styles. The Bluebook and OSCOLA are among the most commonly used.

The Bluebook, prevalent in the United States, provides a uniform citation system. OSCOLA, mainly used in the UK, is designed for legal referencing. Familiarize yourself with the preferred style for your jurisdiction or institution to ensure correct citations.

Avoiding Plagiarism and Ensuring Academic Integrity

To avoid plagiarism, ensure that every source you use is properly cited. This includes direct quotes as well as paraphrased ideas and information. Understanding and adhering to the rules of your chosen citation style is vital to maintaining academic integrity.

Editing and Proofreading

Editing is an essential step in the writing process . Begin by reviewing your essay for structure and content. Make sure each argument is coherent and supported by evidence. Then, move on to sentence-level edits, focusing on clarity and conciseness. Look out for and eliminate any grammatical errors or awkward phrasings.

Seeking Feedback and Constructive Criticism

Don’t hesitate to seek feedback from peers, mentors, or professors. Fresh eyes can catch errors you might have missed and provide valuable insights on improving your essay. Constructive criticism is a powerful tool for enhancing your legal writing skills.

From selecting a compelling topic and conducting thorough research to crafting clear, coherent arguments and ensuring accurate citations, each aspect of your legal essay is a stepping stone towards demonstrating your proficiency in law.

Remember, effective legal writing is not just about showcasing your understanding of the law; it’s about communicating complex ideas, concisely, and persuasively. As you apply these tips and techniques, you will not only enhance your legal writing skills but also deepen your understanding of the law itself.

Embrace the challenge, seek feedback, and continually refine your skills. Your journey in mastering legal essays is not just about academic success; it’s about preparing for a rewarding legal career.

About The Author

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Norma Harris

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