BTEC Business Unit 21 assignment 2 PDF

unit 21 assignment 2 btec business

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Unit 21 assignment 2 is developing an appropriate induction programme for a group of new starters in a selected business. This includes P5, M3, D3. A Distinction was awarded to this document, and I hope you will receive the same. I wish you the best of luck!...


Itunu Oguntimehin Unit 21 Assignment 2 Planning Induction Table of Contents Table of Contents.........................................................................................................................................2 Assignment Introduction.........................................................................................................................3 Communication Channels........................................................................................................................3 Induction Plan..........................................................................................................................................7 Pre-employment..................................................................................................................................7 Primary Induction................................................................................................................................9 Secondary Induction..........................................................................................................................11 Induction Checklist........................................................................................................................12 Induction Feedback Form..............................................................................................................13 Induction Evaluation......................................................................................................................15 Factors likely to make induction successful for new starters.................................................................16 The likely impact of the induction programme......................................................................................18 Reference...............................................................................................................................................19 Planning Introduction Assignment Introduction In this assignment I will be planning an appropriate induction programme for a group of new starters using research, as well as assessing the factors likely to make induction successful for new starters. Lastly, I will evaluate the likely impact of the induction programme on the business and the individuals. Communication Channels Induction Training Induction training is the training that an employee receives when he/she first joins a business or organization.1 Communication Channels Communication channels refer to the medium you use to send a message, such as the telephone or email. Effective communication plays an important role in business to inform and influence behavior.2This includes Presenting, PowerPoint, e-Learning online courses, Video conference/ MS Teams/ Zoom, Team building, Workshops, Conferences, Seminars. Presenting A presentation is a means of communication that can be adapted to various speaking situations, such as talking to a group, addressing a meeting or briefing a team. A presentation requires you to get a message across to the listeners and will often contain a 'persuasive' element.3 PowerPoint 1 2 3 PowerPoint is a presentation program developed by Microsoft. It is included in the standard Office suite along with Microsoft Word and Excel.4 E-learning Online courses e-learning is electronic learning, and typically means delivering all or part of a course digitally, whether it's in a school, part of your mandatory business training or a distance learning course.5 Video Conference/ MS Teams/ Zoom Video Conference is a conference in which participants in different locations can communicate with each other in sound and vision.6 Microsoft Teams is a collaboration app that helps your team stay organized and have conversations—all in one place.7 Zoom is a cloud-based video communications app that allows you to set up virtual video and audio conferencing, webinars, live chats, screen-sharing, and other collaborative capabilities.8 4 5 6 7 8 Team building Team building is a collective term for various types of activities used to enhance social relations and define roles within teams, often involving collaborative tasks.9 Workshops A usually brief intensive educational program for a relatively small group of people that focuses especially on techniques and skills in a particular field.10 Conferences 9 10 A meeting of two or more persons for discussing matters of common concern the president is in conference with his advisers.11 Seminars A conference or other meetings for discussion or training.12 My induction plans My three-stage induction for new BMW employees is outlined here. 11 12 Induction Plan Pre-employment Pre-employment checks help you to determine whether a candidate is suitable for a particular role and that they possess the required qualifications and skills. They also help you confirm whether the person is physically able to carry out the work and that they are legally allowed to work in the country. 13 I'll send new employees a handbook/ welcome pack a few days before they start, this would include useful information about BMW, ad upcoming induction days. In this handbook it would consist of Six pages. The first page would be a Welcome to the employees by the CEO. This is important as it would help the employees feel more comfortable and welcome. The second page would include the history of BMW and the things they value as a business and employer. It should also include the structure, cultures, and visions. This would help the staff to have a better understanding of BMW. The third page would be the map/ layout of the company. Having a map of the company would allow the staff to have a rest of mind so that they do not get lost on induction day, and it relieves their stress. 13 The fourth page is introduction to their department and the team, this would help give them more knowledge of the coworkers they would be surrounded by, which would help them feel more relaxed if they know who they are working with and the department. The fifth page would explain the employer's workplace expectations and performance measurement. This allows the employee to understand what BMW expects of them in order to meet the standard. The sixth page consist of the health and safety policies and procedures. This would help the employees understand what is required for them to do if a health and safety concern is shown. This would reduce panic and give the rest of mind as they would know what they need to do. The seventh page would be login and password needed to use technology. Since BMW is a manufacturing company they depend heavily on technology, so it is important for the staff to know how to access things where needed. Primary Induction In this I will be planning an appropriate induction program for a group of new starters in a selected business using own research. 9:00am-9:30am 9:30am-10:00am 10:10am-11:10am 11:10am-11:40am 11:40am-12:10am 12:10am-12:40am 12:40am-13:10am First Day Timetable Welcome and Introduction about the company Team awareness Tour of the company Lunch break Policies and business objectives Health and Safety Queries/ Questions the new employees want to ask 9:00am-9:30am: This where everyone enters and gets settled. Then it would start off with a welcome and introduction about the company. By doing this it would make the staffs feel welcomed and comfortable, making them feel part of the team. This would also give them an insight into the company. 9:30am-10:00am: Introduction about the staff in the team such as managers and CEO. Introducing roughly who works in each section, would allow the new employees to get to know their team better, and gives the managers the opportunity to give a good first impression. 10:10am-11:10am: Giving the tour of the company would help the new employees familiarize themselves with the company and give them a more personal perspective. In addition, this would give them oversight of the company looks like so that there is a less chance of them getting lost on the first day. To help them during the tour they could have small groups and they would be with a buddy that works in the company. 11:10am-11:40am: This where, they would have a lunch break. So that they could explore themselves or have a small snack and drink. 11:40am-12:10am: This would be where they explain the policies and business objectives. This ensures that the new employees know and understands the laws and regulations, which would help guide them in decision making. It also sends a clear signal about management's attitudes toward policies and the consequences of their violation.14 12:10am-12:40am: At this time is where they would explain the health and safety. Explaining to the new employees about the health and safety regulations, would help them understand what to do if a health and safety violation occurred, this would help reduce the risk of accidents. 12:40am-13:10am: Lastly this would be the opportunity for the new employees to ask any questions that they want, so that they could have them answered. Second Day Timetable 9:00am-9:10am 9:10am-9:40am 9:40am-10:10am 14 Welcome back Outline of job requirement Access to company technology and email set up 10:10am-10:30am 10:30am-11:00am 11:00am-11:30am 11:30am-12:00am Break Training and e-learning schedule Q&A Employee timetable and documents that they would need 9:00am-9:10am: This would be a quick welcome back. 9:10am-9:40am: In this would be the explanation of the outline of the job requirements. This would explain the company's expectations of its workers which would offers the employees with a foundation for assessing work performance and carrying out our performance evaluations offers them with a structure to guarantee that all the company's required tasks, obligations, and responsibilities are covered by one or more jobs. 9:40am-10:10am: The employees knowing how to access the company's technology and them having company emails, would allow the employees to use the company technology without difficulties when needed and it would help them be more organized and easier when it comes to sending emails. 10:10am-10:30am: This would be a quick break. 10:30am-11:00am: Giving the employees training and eLearning schedule, would help the employees know when they would have it so that they are prepared and fit it into their schedule, also this would help them reduce their stress. In addition, explaining why they should have this would give the employees a better understanding about eLearning and training. 11:00am-11:30am: Again, at this time it would give them the opportunity to ask question that they have any queries to. 11:30am-12:00am: Lastly when they are about to leave, they would be given their timetable and additional document that they might need, to help them during their job. Secondary Induction Next, is when the employees physically start working. The first week of employment would cover new employee briefing that provides them with all the necessary information. Computer logins, emails, ID cards, technology access codes, and special parking arrangements would be provided to them. A new employee can get an overview of the organization during their induction by completing tasks. Although they already had a tour in the initial induction it would benefit them if they would have another tour to refresh their mind on the different departments also if some weren't able to make it in the other induction then they could have a tour so that they can become familiarized with the company. The week after, there will be an opportunity for the new employee to get to know immediate colleagues and others in other departments. Having introductory one to ones, which is where they can meet key individuals in the business, which could help build relationships and open communicated channels. Could also do an offsite training day which would help increase productivity and build team and team culture. A month after, by the time they are familiar with the company and have formed relationships with their colleagues, the basic elements have been completed. Moreover, newly hired employees may be given certain tasks and given the freedom to learn on their own. Reviewing progress and learning may also be incorporated. This is where the employees could carry out a discussion of any issues that may come up during their induction or any areas of interest that they might find interesting. Induction Checklist Induction Feedback Form Induction Evaluation Factors likely to make induction successful for new starters I will now be assessing the factors likely to make induction successful for new starters in BMW. The factors that could impact the induction success are: Technology, Trainer, Peers, Organization/plan, Communication methods used, Budget, and Time. Technology Technology has impacted induction process in a positive way as they could do presentations, write on whiteboards, and projectors, this could help them as when they are presenting, they could add color to it or designs making it more interesting for the new employees and easier to understand. In addition, if there are microphones needed or speakers, if they were in a big hall, this would make it more convenient for the person speaking and the employees listening as the person speaking wouldn’t have to raise their voice and the employees that are siting far from the person presenting the induction could hear more clearly. However, technology has their downfalls, because if the induction was to be online or virtual, technical difficulties could occur with connection or the internet, which would mean that it would be difficult for them to continue with the induction as the employees might not know what is going on due to poor connection. Another disadvantage technology has on the induction process is that not all employees may have access to computers or technology that they could use, which would mean that some of the employees would not be able to be in the induction process, so they would be missing the opportunity. Trainer External training would give the employees more outside knowledge, this would improve the new employees experience of the induction process, as they would gain more experience and knowledge that they could use in their work. Another benefit of external training is that it allows employees to participate in online courses or E-learning, which helps them improve their skills and knowledge. Internal training entails shadowing, which enables the employees to work alongside and gain experience in the position of another employee. However, for internal training the employees might be overwhelmed with work and other stuff that they would not have the chance to help train the new employees. This would mean that the new employees would not gain the knowledge and experience that they should have acquired. Another disadvantage is that the new employee may know the employee that is mentoring them, so they might not take them seriously, leading them to not learning anything and not being productive. Peers Working with your coworkers, would have a more enjoyable atmosphere making them more comfortable, which could help increase their productivity. Another benefit is that by working with your peers, they could help encourage each other, leading to the employees enjoying and be more interested in the induction. However, some coworkers may not enjoy the induction, leading to them being negative about it which could then possibly change other people's view on the business induction. Another disadvantage is that there could be some disagreements between the staffs which could cause disputes, which could decrease their productivity. Organizational/ Plan Planning breaks and refreshment for the employees would allow them to have time to take in all the information given to them and help them reduce or prevent stress. In addition, this could help maintain or increase their engagement during the induction. Moreover, planning what to do before and letting the employees know what would happen during it, would help reduce their stress and help them feel prepared, leading them to be more intrigued in the induction process. On the other hand, although planning is good, is unpredictable what could happen during the induction, for example, when presenting with power point or it could be some issues with it, that could impact the induction. Another disadvantage is that planning ahead people may struggle to join for example zoom meeting, some may not be able to access it leading them to miss out on opportunities. Communication methods used An advantage of this is that it could improve productivity and increase motivation, for example by using team building it would help them build trust among their team helping them build a relationship with them. In addition, it gives them the opportunity to gain skills and learn something new that they could use in their work, for example using workshops helps the employees explore different methods that they could put into practice. However, with a large number of people in the induction for example conferences, it could become loud, which may disrupt some peoples focus which could mean that they could miss some important information. Budget The advantage of having a lot of money for induction, would allow the business to gain many resources that they could use during the induction, and increases the induction process success. However, having little amount of money in the budget means that they have less of an opportunity to gain resources that the business may want. Time The advantage of having a long time for induction is that it would give the business the opportunity to give the employees all the information needed, as well as some time left at the end for questions, or something extra. But if the time for induction is short then, this would mean that they may not be able to give all the information to the employees, which could cause stress not only for the business but for the employees as well. The likely impact of the induction programme Moving on I will be evaluating the likely impact of the induction programme on the business and the individuals. I liked the fact that the induction timetable, for both days, allowed employees to ask questions that they had queries to. This created a comfortable environment, helped the new employees learn, and the majority would know what they wanted answer to, thus clearing any misunderstandings. The inclusion of a question at the end would demonstrate whether employees were paying attention and encourage their engagement. Also, asking questions could indicate what issues are important and lead to proactively identifying them, which could allow the employer to grow and develop at an accelerated rate. One more aspect of the induction I like is the employee induction handbook, as this would show the employees BMWs workplace ethics and what they expect of them, before the new employees start their job. This would be an extremely useful communication tool for both employees and company management. This would help the employees feel welcomed and well informed on the policies. Moreover, I liked how in the employee induction handbook at the beginning the CEO welcomes the new employees with a message, this would help the employees feel welcomed and it sets a tone of the relationship between the employee and the business. However, what I did not like about the induction process is that for the primary induction I only did it for two days, which could mean that the employees might not be able to gain all the experience and knowledge that is needed in their job roles, or they could miss out on important information. This could lead to them maybe getting confused if there is a situation where the information was not given out. Another factor that I did not like about the induction is the induction checklist, this is because I copied and pasted a checklist fr...

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Unit 21 Business Process Modelling Tools Assignment 2

Unit 21 Business Process Modelling Tools Assignment 2

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unit 21 assignment 2 btec business

This is Assignment 2 for Unit 21 Business Process Modelling. It meets all the Distinction criteria allowing for an overall Distinction Grade. Unit 21 has 2 Assignments, please check out my profile for Assignment 1 for this unit. Use the content and layout for this Assignment to achieve a Distinction grade for yourself.

**Criteria Covered ** D2 Evaluate the plan against the model, showing the effectiveness of the new business process and activities. D3 Demonstrate individual responsibility and effective self-management in assessing the planning of a new business process and activities. M2 Analyse the ways in which an existing business process supports an organisation’s requirements. M3 Justify decisions made in a plan to improve a business process. P3 Produce a clear model for an existing business process which supports an organisation’s requirements. P4 Assess an existing business process used to support an organisation’s requirements and identify potential improvements. P5 Produce a plan for improving a business process with technology and change management that supports an organisation’s requirements. P6 Assess how feedback has been used to refine the plan to improve a business process and activities to support an organisation’s requirements.

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