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Unique LAT Test Personal Statements to Try

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Crafting a compelling personal statement for the Law Admission Test (LAT) can be challenging. It requires a skillful combination of language proficiency, creativity, and subject-matter expertise.

Crafting an exceptional one requires unique approaches that go beyond most students’ conventional, mundane techniques. Fortunately, this article provides insight into crafting a good personal statement for LAT test in English .

What Is LAT?

The Law Admission Test (LAT) is a comprehensive assessment designed to evaluate the ability of aspiring law students to succeed in their legal studies. The exam evaluates knowledge and critical thinking skills related to reading comprehension, analytical writing, and logical reasoning. It typically consists of multiple-choice questions covering these areas and an essay component. 

A good LAT score can be invaluable for any law student seeking admission into prestigious universities or top law schools. Getting a high score on this test requires dedication, practice, and innovative approaches that go beyond traditional methods used by most test takers. Crafting powerful personal statements with unique colloquial language, factual examples, and emotive expressions can help you stand out among your peers. 

Using uncommon words strategically adds complexity and depth to your statement while demonstrating your proficiency in the English language. With diligent preparation and creativity, you can craft compelling narratives that capture attention and make lasting impressions.

Tips for Crafting a Good Personal Statement for LAT Test

Below are a few tips to help you write a good personal statement for LAT test.

The first thing you should do is brainstorm. Find a suitable and unique angle to tell your story. Students most often use experiences that demonstrate certain character traits. Think about stories or anecdotes from your past that demonstrate the skills required for success in the course of study. Select two or three ideas, then start writing. Keep it concise, and try to avoid rambling on too much. This isn’t a research paper, after all!

book lot on black wooden shelf

Use Simple Sentences

While you may be tempted to go all out in your personal statement, you should avoid long sentences. Long sentences are harder to read and can put the reader in a daze. Keep your sentences short, especially because the reviewers have a lot of other statements to review. 

Include Your Background Details

You shouldn’t forget to include your background details in the personal statement. Information like your career goals and aspirations should be in your personal statement.

Examples of Personal Statements for LAT Test

Take a look at these examples to inspire you when crafting your statement.

Personal Statement for LAT Test in English 1

I am an aspiring lawyer, passionate about leveraging my experience and expertise to serve justice. Over the years, I have developed a critical eye for detail and sharp analytical skills. This enables me to identify nuances in complex issues. My approach to problem-solving is unconventional yet effective — drawing on both my personal insights and facts and examples when necessary. I articulate my thoughts with clarity while keeping my emotions in check.

Personal Statement for LAT Test in English 2

I am an ambitious and inquisitive individual with an eye for solving difficult problems. My personal experiences have equipped me with the necessary acumen to bring creative yet realistic solutions to difficult challenges. Having achieved exemplary academic results in fields ranging from mathematics to law, I understand the importance of diligent research and resourceful critical thinking.

I believe that my skills as a leader are strengthened by a willingness to embrace diversity. My diverse cultural background has allowed me to appreciate different perspectives and develop collaborative relationships with others. This combination of traits is ideal for mastering the complexities of legal theory and practice. Ultimately, it will be invaluable on my journey to becoming a successful lawyer.

With the tips and samples above, you are ready to write your  personal statement for LAT test in English . Don’t forget to proofread the statement before submission. This can help you make sure you have captured all of the important points that deserve to be in the document.

Unique LAT Test Personal Statements to Try

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Personal Statement For LAT Test

Personal statement is a part of the Law Admission test. One question asks in LAT which conducts Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. Personal statement writing for the law admission test is completely related to yourself and your ideas. A paper checker or reader can understand your views and abilities in personal statement writing. A candidate writes about his ideas , personal life, skills, education background and next purpose.

Personal Statement For LAT Test

Personal statement in law admission test is of 10 marks. This part is a subjective type asked in LAT. Some tips can help you in personal statement writing:

  • Summarize in simple words
  • Write short sentences 
  • Write in easy words
  • Understand the question
  • Told related to asked question  
  • Avoid overcutting
  • Write without grammar mistakes

Personal statement basically summary of your relevant aims, career motivations, introduction and education background. Points asked in LAT:

1.     Write about your life

2.     Education background

3.     Ideas description

4.     Problem solving

5.     Skills

6.     Ability to understand

7.     Experience

8.     Next life goals

9.     Career aims

Personal Statement For LAT Test

Personal Statement:

Personal statements are also part of the law admission test. To get admission in law schools you must require a LAT. A question about personal statements is part of the test. This statement typically highlights the candidate’s motivations, experiences, and aspirations in pursuing a legal education.

Personal statements From LAT Past Papers:


How is the difficulty level of the LAT determined?

There is no scale to find the difficulty level for a law admission test. Some candidates do not prepare for the test and they think that the LAT exam is very difficult. Mostly students pass easily. If a candidate is eligible and intermediate passed, can pass LAT.

What advice do you have for candidates preparing for the LAT?

Candidates must read syllabus for LAT test . Prepare according to Higher Education Commission (HEC) test policy. Test is based on subjective and objective types of questions. We advise you to prepare PAST PAPERS for the LAT test. After that you can understand, how can you pass LAT Test. 

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how to write a personal statement for law school

How to Write a Law School Personal Statement

Many prospective law students can feel overwhelmed when faced with the task of writing a law school personal statement, one of the most subjective pieces of your law school application .

A good personal statement is interesting to read without needing to rely on shock value. It should have a conversational tone; it’s not there to show how many big words you know, but rather to offer insight into your character.


Why Are Law School Personal Statements Important?

Tips for picking a law school personal statement topic, law school personal statement faqs.

  • How To Format Your Law School Personal Statement
  • How To Write a Great Law School Personal Statement
  • How To Edit Your Law School Personal Statement

Law School Personal Statement Example

What you should not do in a law school personal statement.

Law school personal statements are important because they can turn what would have otherwise been a certain rejection into an offer of admission.

They help admission committees get to know you in a way they couldn’t from other pieces of your law school application. And, hopefully, it also shows why a law degree is the next logical step for you.

When deciding what to write in your personal statement, do not make stuff up. Stick with what has really happened to you and how it affected you, and you will write a better personal statement than if you pretend.

Do Your Research

Read as many personal statements as you can. Discovering what has worked vs what doesn’t work is equally important.

Admission committees are very experienced at reading personal statements. They can quickly sniff out when something rings false.

Be Yourself

Admission committees utilize the personal statement portion of the application to learn about you and why you want to go to law school. Tell your story, and do not try to hide who you are.

Discuss Personal Stories with Friends and Family

Try getting feedback on your topic ideas from family or friends.  If they have been to law school, even better, but talking about your topic and learning how to articulate why you chose that topic for your personal statement will help you flesh out good ideas vs bad ideas. 

[ RELATED: LSAT Admissions Consulting ]

Try a Reflective Writing Exercise

You should get in the habit of being able to think deeply about how your interests and experiences relate to attending law school. Try writing a sentence or two for each of these prompts to get warmed up:

  • What you’ve done
  • Why you did it
  • What it meant to you
  • How it affected you

Then try writing a paragraph or more in response to these prompts:

  • Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?
  • Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?
  • Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve. Anything of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution.

The personal statement is an integral part of the law school application, and it is important that you not only take it seriously but also try your best to have fun with it. Many questions may be circulating in your head that you feel need to be answered before you start to write your personal statement. Let’s look at frequently asked questions applicants have about writing their personal statements.

How long are LSAC personal statements?

Some law schools ask for only five hundred words, while others allow for up to four pages double-spaced. However, most schools ask for a two-to-three-page (double-spaced) essay.

Law schools have personal statement length requirements for two reasons: (1) to test your ability to follow directions (keeping to the length requirement) and (2) to evaluate how well you write.

What can I expect from the personal statement prompt? 

Most law school personal statement prompts are pretty vague and give the applicant a lot of room to interpret it as they see fit. 

Personal statement prompts are usually a general question and contain a page or word limit; exact requirements will vary from one school to the next. If you have questions you should get in touch with the admissions office via phone or email.

How personal should my personal statement be?

Incorporating emotion into your personal statement could make it more interesting and easier to read, but if you overdo it you can sound like you’re whining, begging, or trying to write a sob story—which can, in turn, be perceived as disingenuous.

Admissions committees want to see passion, but they also want to see who you are. It is extremely important to be honest. Law schools can see right through feigned emotions. Remember, they’ve probably read hundreds of thousands of these, and it’s very easy for them to detect when people aren’t being authentic. Allow yourself to be vulnerable, open, and clear—but make sure it comes from the heart.

A law school personal statement does not mean a mandatory hardship story. While getting through a rough life situation can be a great place from which to pull material for your personal statement, it is not even close to the only way to write a stellar piece, especially if it means overstating reality or making up emotional lessons that weren’t really present.

The biggest key to the law school personal statement is to be honest. The story you want to tell about how you’ve gotten where you are today doesn’t have to be exciting or on a grand scale or heartbreaking, it just needs to show something important about you.

“If you write about your childhood in your personal statement, you must find a way to tie it to your adulthood.”

Should you discuss your decision to attend law school in your personal statement?

This topic is contentious. If the rest of your application does not clearly indicate why you are applying—say, for example, you have no legal internship or student group experience, majored in a subject unrelated to law, and spent the past five years working in a biology lab—then you should at least touch on your reasons for pursuing a law degree in your personal statement.

However, if your application already demonstrates why you are applying to law school—whether through your college extracurricular activities, your work history, or your coursework—then you are probably safe to submit a personal statement that does not directly mention your decision to attend law school.

How to Format Your Law School Personal Statement

Law school personal statements should be:

  • Double-spaced, left-aligned
  • In 11 or 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Uses a single space after a period
  • Contain page numbers
  • Use one-inch margins on all sides
  • Your LSAC number
  • The words “Personal Statement”

Signatures and titles are not needed for law school personal statements.

How to Write a Great Law School Personal Statement

The trick to writing is getting that first word, sentence, or paragraph on the page; after that, everything can follow more easily. If you are having trouble starting your intro paragraph, start with the body of your essay. Saving the introduction or conclusion till the end is much easier for some people.

In each section of your essay, bring in references to who you are and how you will enhance the law school’s student body. Instead of just saying that you are diligent and compassionate, say that your experience training to run a marathon taught you the value of consistent hard work, and the time you spent volunteering with Habitat for Humanity showed you how important it is to empathize and help the under-resourced members of society. 

Find ways to make the things that you’ve done support your contention that you’ll bring something great to the law school.

Start with an Outline

Take your thoughts and organize them into an outline. Try to incorporate key attributes about yourself into your headings.

Remember that legal professionals place a high value on organization—a good personal statement is clearly organized and easy to follow—and since at least some of the people reading and evaluating your essay are legally trained, creating a good outline is crucial.

Personal Statement Intro Section

Starting a personal statement can be difficult and it may be easier for you to leave this section of your personal statement as the last thing you write. Use this section to introduce yourself, catch the attention of the reader, and set up your story.  

Tips for writing an introduction paragraph

  • Avoid catchy openings like “from a young age” or “I have always wanted to…”
  • Get to the point quickly
  • Start with something interesting, relevant, and specific
  • Think about what is inspiring you today
  • Avoid exclamation points to emphasize your excitement

Personal Statement Body Section

The body of your personal statement should focus on the details of your story. Each paragraph should expand on your points and begin with a topic sentence that expresses the main idea of the paragraph in which it occurs.

Ending sentences for body paragraphs should wrap up your points and help transition the reader to the next body paragraph or the concluding paragraph.

In the climax of your essay, use concrete language and zoom in on the moment of transition.

For example, if you talk about your financial stress, which was caused by foreclosure and you didn’t have an attorney, which led to you getting sick, don’t say that you “experienced hardship” or that it  “took a toll” on your health. What was the hardship? What was the toll? Specific, concrete details give transition moments their power.

[ TIP: Vary your sentence length to keep readers interested ]

Personal Statement Conclusion Section

The conclusion section of your personal statement should re-emphasize and summarize your main points.  It should be concise and leave the reader with a greater understanding of who you are and why law school is the next logical step for you in your education.  

If you are having trouble, consider taking a break and asking for help .  

Overcoming Writer’s Block

We all suffer from writer’s block sometimes, and it can be particularly brutal when the stakes are high … like when you are trying to get into law school.

One way to cut through the blockage is to make a stream-of-consciousness list of word associations. Start with a memory (e.g., first grade), a person (e.g., grandmother), or a place (e.g., the beach), and then just write down every word that comes to mind for the next two to three minutes. Do not worry if the words that come to mind are absurd (e.g., tuna, rabbits, dominoes)—they are coming from somewhere, and one of them just might trigger a memory that makes you think, “Ah! That could have a place in this essay.”

This advice may sound a little silly and unguided, but that is precisely the point. When you are experiencing writer’s block, that is a sign that you are too “in your head”—that is, your conscious mind. You need to hop over from your left brain to your right, which is less judgmental and more creative.

How to edit your law school personal statement

Do not underestimate how crucial editing is to writing a good personal statement. Editing is about far more than correcting your spelling and punctuation. A hastily edited personal statement could very well be the thing that makes the difference between “Congratulations!” and “We regret to inform you…”.

Inspect the Structure

Your first goal should be to make sure that your personal statement is well organized. Return to the outline that you wrote and shift things around if necessary. Make sure each topic sentence inspires you to keep reading.


Run the spell-check, of course, but also read through on your own, very carefully. If your typo is a correctly-spelled but inappropriately used word, it won’t set off the spell-check. Pay attention to your use of commas, semi-colons, and other punctuation marks; consult a resource on English language mechanics if you have any doubts about usage.

[ TIP: Make sure that you mention the correct law school in the essay ]

Verify Personal Statement Is About You

Avoid including too much about “the world” and/or too little about yourself.  Look for these items throughout your personal statement.

  • You have several sentences in a row describing life (or the universe, or society, or the world) in abstract terms.
  • You spend a full paragraph talking about something or someone else without reflecting on your topic from your perspective.
  • You get to the end of the personal statement and realize you do not know how what you have read reveals something significant about you as a person.
  • You spot very few uses of “I” in your personal statement.

If any of these describe your current draft, look for ways of introducing yourself more frequently in it.

Get Feedback From Others

Once you’ve fully completed editing, ask several people whose writing skills you trust to look over your essay and offer suggestions. Ask them if they came away with a clear and cohesive sense of you as an individual. 

Incorporate Feedback

When you’ve gotten feedback from others, incorporate suggestions you find valuable into your rewrites. Repeat this as necessary until you get an essay that you’ve proud of… or until your application is due, whichever comes first.

Note: To maintain the integrity and authenticity of this project, we have not edited the personal statements, though any identifying names and details have been changed or removed. Any grammatical errors that appear in the essays belong to the candidates and illustrate the importance of having someone (or multiple someones) proofread your work.

Personal Statement

I don’t imagine the process of coming out as gay is easy for anyone. I can still remember the first time the words came out of my mouth. The person I told, my best friend, waited expectantly for the big news I had promised her over the phone. My heart began to beat faster. My palms were sweating. A million thoughts raced through my head. Here was something integral to my identity, something so deep it had taken me years to uncover. And I was about to tell someone who could either accept it, or turn away from me.

Fortunately, the experience in my case was a positive one, overall. Without fail, my closest friends and family told me they loved me, and would continue to do so. There were, of course, some people who did not accept me, and that hurt in ways that I can’t begin to explain. But the ones who really mattered embraced me, and coming out to them was an affirming experience. I knew even more than I had before that I had a network of people around me who cared for me and supported me.

When I was in college, I became involved in activities that affirmed my identity further. I organized on campus for things like a gay student union and gender non-specific bathrooms, and the groups I worked with had various levels of success with these projects. But [my undergraduate university] is a largely queer-friendly school in [a large metropolitan city], and so the activities felt somewhat sheltered. After organizing with these campus groups for a while, I branched out and began volunteering for organizations in the larger city ….

I had always known that not everyone’s experience of coming out as gay was as positive as mine, but it was when I became involved with these organizations that I began to see just how cruel the world could be to LGBTQIA [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, and asexual] people. I met thirteen-year-olds who had been abused and thrown into the street because they were gay. I met trans women who had been discriminated against for their identities by bosses and landlords. I met drag queens whose daily experience involved street harassment and the threat of bodily harm. For the first time in my life I was surrounded by people who were struggling every day to meet their basic needs like food and shelter because of their identities.

I also began to learn from people who were older than me, who had slept on the Chelsea Piers, and lived through the plague of HIV and AIDS. I learned about intersectionality, the varied forms that oppression can take and where they meet in an individual’s life. I learned of how mainstream organizations like HRC [Human Rights Campaign] and those involved in the fight for marriage equality often jettison the most vulnerable members of queer struggle in order to achieve what they consider the “greater good”—like the exclusion of transgender people from the Employment Non-Discrimination Act in the ‘90s. I learned about assimilation of gay people into mainstream society, and how it worked remarkably well for some while for others it would never, ever be an option.

In the end, it was these—the most vulnerable members of my community—that I found the most reason to fight for. People whose doctors won’t treat them because they’re HIV positive. Trans men and trans women without legal documentation who can’t find a lawyer that will take them on. Intersex prisoners who the prison industrial complex tries to squeeze into its limited boxes.

I honestly believe going to law school is the best way I can help these people. I have spent years writing and signing petitions, organizing LGBTQIA dance parties, protesting in the streets. Now, as I enter the phase of my life in which I am choosing a profession, I want it to be one that takes all I have learned and keeps it in the forefront of my mind. I want to stand up for the people in my community who have so few advocates.

A queer utopia—that is, a world in which the struggles I have learned of through my involvement in the LGBTQIA community no longer exist—is still a long way off. But I have seen good people filling in the gaps in the lives of those most strongly affected by inequality. I am committed to becoming one of those people, and I feel that this is the best way I can do it.

A story illustrating the reasons you want to go to law school is always going to be more effective than a generic essay that anyone could have written; remember the point of the law school personal statement is to show a law school something unique about yourself. 

Law School Personal Statement Don’ts

  • Avoid dramatic tales of romance
  • Curse often
  • Avoid absolute statements which tend to sound more unreasoned than reasoned— law school is all about reason
  • Do not submit an essay version of your resume
  • Do not use the same personal statement for every school

[ NEXT: What not to do in a law school personal statement ]

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personal statement for law lat test

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Law School Personal Statements What Not To Do

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LAT Past Papers Solved 2024 Download PDF

Looking for HEC All Years LAT Past Papers Solved 2018 to 2024 Download PDF for free download? You’re in the right place! We’ve gathered all the LAT’s previous papers with solutions in one convenient location, including additional resources for online access. Why is this important? Well, if you’re aiming for admission to a 05-year LLB program at an HEC-affiliated college or university in Pakistan, passing the LAT test is a must. And guess what? HEC conducts the LAT exam four times a year, and your LAT score is valid for two years. So, if you’re preparing for the 2024 HEC Law Admission Test, these past papers from 2024 can be a valuable asset. Access these materials now to boost your readiness for the LAT Entry Test in 2024.

LAT Past Papers Solved Download PDF

Download LAT (Law Admission Test) Past Papers for August 27, 2024, Here. Attention candidates: Solved LAT Past Papers in PDF format are now available on the listed websites. Aspiring law students can click the links to download these essential resources. The LAT is required for 5-year LL.B admission and law careers. Access these resources to boost your preparation. Download authentic LAT HEC past papers with solutions from this page.

LAT Past Papers Last 5 Years PDF

Looking to master the Law Admission Test (LAT)? We’ve compiled the last five years of LAT past papers in PDF format to help you ace your exam. These papers are invaluable for understanding the test format, and types of questions, and refining your problem-solving skills. Download them from the links below and take a significant step towards your LAT success.

LAT Past Papers Essay & Personal Statement

Your essay and personal statement are critical components of your Law Admission Test (LAT) application. To assist you in crafting compelling narratives, we offer specialized materials designed to enhance your writing skills. Download these resources from the links below to ensure that your LAT application stands out.

LAT Test Past Papers PDF Free Download

For those seeking comprehensive LAT test preparation, we provide free PDF downloads of past test papers. These resources are an excellent way to familiarize yourself with the exam’s content and structure. Download them from the links below to strengthen your LAT readiness.

LAT Past Papers Book PDF

Need a comprehensive guide for your Law Admission Test (LAT) preparation? Look no further. Our LAT past papers book in PDF format covers a wide range of topics and includes solved papers to help you practice effectively. Download it from the links below and supercharge your LAT readiness.

1.Essay (200 words)15 marks
2.A personal statement either in Urdu or English10 marks
3.English (synonyms antonyms preposition)20 marks
4.General Knowledge20 marks
5.Islamic studies10 marks
6.Pak Studies10 marks
7.Urdu10 marks
8.Mathematics05 marks

LAT Past Papers Solved PDF Download

To excel in the Law Admission Test (LAT), access solved past papers in PDF format. These solutions provide valuable insights into solving LAT questions effectively. Download them from the links below to refine your problem-solving skills and boost your confidence for the upcoming LAT exam.

How to Download LAT Past Papers Solved?

  • Visit Official website: https://educated.pk/
  • Navigate to “LAT Past Papers Solved” section
  • Locate the relevant LAT (Law Admission Test) past papers
  • Click on the download link or button next to the desired paper
  • Save the solved past papers to your device for preparation.

Alternative: Join online study groups or forums where students preparing for the LAT share resources, including past papers.

1.HEC LAT Pat Papers Evening
2.LAT Test Preparation Book PDF
2.LAT Exam Pattern

Law Admission Test Past Papers

Preparing for the Law Admission Test (LAT) requires practice and familiarity with past exam questions. Access a treasure trove of past papers to hone your skills and boost your confidence. Download these past papers from the links below, and pave the way for your success in the LAT.

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LAT Law Admission Test Preparation Mcqs Online

Lat test syllabus and pattern, apply process and last date.

Photo of Umaima Harmain Rao

Welcome to our comprehensive online resource for LAT (Law Admission Test) preparation MCQs. This content page is specifically designed to provide aspiring law students with a valuable collection of multiple-choice questions to enhance their exam readiness. Our platform offers a wide range of practice MCQs covering various topics, including legal reasoning, English language proficiency, analytical skills, and general knowledge. Whether you are a beginner looking to build a strong foundation or an experienced candidate aiming to fine-tune your knowledge, our carefully curated collection of MCQs will help you assess your understanding, identify areas for improvement, and sharpen your problem-solving abilities. With our user-friendly interface and detailed explanations, you can confidently navigate through the world of LAT preparation and increase your chances of success.

HEC LAT (Law Admission Test)

The HEC LAT (Higher Education Commission Law Admission Test) is an entrance exam conducted by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) in Pakistan for admission to undergraduate law programs (LLB). The test aims to assess the aptitude and knowledge of candidates seeking admission to HEC-recognized universities and institutions across the country. It consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) covering areas such as analytical reasoning, English language proficiency, general knowledge, and legal aptitude. The test is divided into five sections, including English, Urdu, Mathematics, General Knowledge, and Aptitude.

LAT Law Admission Test Preparation

HEC LAT Test Details

The HEC LAT (Higher Education Commission Law Admission Test) has a specific syllabus and test pattern that candidates should be familiar with to prepare effectively. Here are the details of the syllabus and test pattern for the HEC LAT:

LAT Test Syllabus

  • English Language: This section assesses candidates’ proficiency in English grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and sentence structure. It may include questions on parts of speech, tenses, synonyms, antonyms, and reading comprehension passages.
  • Urdu Language: This section evaluates candidates’ understanding of Urdu grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and sentence structure. It may cover topics such as parts of speech, tenses, synonyms, antonyms, and reading comprehension passages in Urdu.
  • Mathematics: The mathematics section tests candidates’ knowledge of basic mathematical concepts and their ability to solve mathematical problems. It may include topics such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and basic statistics.
  • General Knowledge: This section assesses candidates’ knowledge of current affairs, general knowledge, and Pakistan studies. It may cover topics such as national and international events, history, geography, politics, and social issues.
  • Aptitude: The aptitude section evaluates candidates’ logical reasoning, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. It may include questions on analytical reasoning, logical deductions, series completion, analogy, and verbal and non-verbal reasoning.

LAT Test Pattern

  • Exam Mode: Online Computer-Based Test (CBT)
  • Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes
  • Total Questions: 150 MCQs
  • Marking Scheme: +1 for correct answer, -0.25 for incorrect answer

Marks Distribution

The test is divided into five sections, with each section having a specific number of questions. The approximate distribution is as follows:

Essay (200 words) 15 marks
A personal statement either in Urdu or English 10 marks
English (synonyms antonyms preposition) 20 marks
General Knowledge 20 marks
Islamic studies 10 marks
Pak Studies 10 marks
Urdu 10 marks
Mathematics 05 marks

It is important for candidates to thoroughly study and prepare according to the syllabus to perform well in each section of the HEC LAT. Practicing previous years’ question papers, taking mock tests, and using study materials specifically designed for the HEC LAT can be beneficial for exam preparation.

How to Apply?

  • Students who have successfully completed the Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) or an equivalent test are eligible to apply for LAT.
  • Students who have taken the HSSC or a comparable final test and are awaiting the results can also apply.
  • Any changes to the test date will be communicated through etc.hec.gov.pk.
  • Applicants who register online with HEC will be able to access their Roll Number Slips at etc.hec.gov.pk.
  • Registered applicants will receive an email or SMS containing the date, time, and location details.
  • When applying online, candidates must provide valid cell phone or email addresses.
  • To enter the Examination Centre, you must bring a copy of your Roll Number Slip and your original CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card).
  • LAT Test 2024 Online Registration Here 

LAT Test Online Preparation Subject Wise

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Photo of Umaima Harmain Rao

Umaima Harmain Rao

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personal statement for law lat test

Click for Download PDF

Personal statement, lat 5 years past papers from 2018 to 2023, پانچ سالہ پاسٹ پیپرز, click here pdf, write personal statement on: how did you help a road accident victim (lat paper june 2024), آپ نے ایک روڈ حادثے کے شکار کی کیسے مدد کی؟ کے موضو ع پر پرپسنل سٹیٹمنٹ لکھو.

  • see the answer in the detail portion

اس سوال کو وضاحت کے ساتھ پڑھیں


Write personal statement: 

Total Marks: 10

Write a personal statement on: How did you help a road accident victim? (LAT Paper held in June 2024)

آپ نے ایک روڈ حادثے کے شکار کی کیسے مدد کی؟

In the chaotic aftermath of a road accident, I found myself in a position to make a meaningful difference in someone's life. It was a typical day until the screeching of brakes and the sickening sound of metal colliding shattered the routine. Without hesitation, I rushed to the scene, where a car had collided with a stationary vehicle, leaving its occupants disoriented and injured.

My first instinct was to ensure everyone's safety by directing traffic away from the accident site and calling emergency services for immediate assistance. Amidst the chaos, I noticed a young woman, her face contorted in pain, trapped within the wreckage. Ignoring the potential dangers, I approached her cautiously, reassuring her with calm words and steady hands.

With adrenaline coursing through my veins, I assessed her injuries and provided basic first aid to stabilize her condition until help arrived. I ensured she remained conscious, offering words of comfort and support as we awaited the arrival of paramedics. In those critical moments, empathy and quick thinking guided my actions, allowing me to provide the care and reassurance she desperately needed.

As the sirens grew louder, I coordinated with emergency responders, providing vital information about the accident and the victim's condition. Despite the chaos and uncertainty, I remained a steady presence, offering assistance wherever possible and advocating for the victim's well-being.

In the aftermath of the accident, I reflected on the profound impact of my actions. While I may have only been a bystander, my willingness to intervene and assist undoubtedly made a difference in someone's life. Through compassion, resourcefulness, and a commitment to helping others in need, I was able to provide comfort and support during a moment of crisis.

This experience reinforced my belief in the power of community and the importance of lending a helping hand when it's needed most. Whether it's offering a shoulder to lean on, providing practical assistance, or simply being present in times of need, I am committed to making a positive difference in the lives of others, one act of kindness at a time.

Write Essay on: How social factors affect mental state, How has media connected people to each other? (LAT Paper June 2024)

اردو یا انگلش میں مضمون لکھیں.

  • See the answer in the detail

Essay No. 01

How social factors affect mental state

معاشرتی عنصر دماغی حالت پر کیسے اثر انداز ہوتے ہیں

Essay No. 02

میڈیا نے کیسے لوگوں کو ایک دوسرے کے ساتھ منسلک کیا ہوا ہے؟

How has media connected people to each other?

Essay No. 03

اقتدار کی اکثریت اور اقلیت

Majority and minority of power

Write Essay on: Effect of computers in our lives, Should the death penalty be removed, Does media brutality provoke violence in people. (LAT Paper November 2023)

  • see the answer in the detail

Essay Topics:

  • Does media brutality provoke violence in people?
  • Effect of computers in our lives.
  • Should the death penalty be removed?

Write personal statement on: Proud Moment of Your Life (LAT Paper November 2023)

Personal Statement:  Proud Moment of Your Life

Hint ( you can write a paragraph in your own words about your proud moment, we just giving a hint on how could you write a paragraph )

One of the proudest moments in my life was receiving my undergraduate degree in the presence of my grandmother and mother.

This meant a lot to me and my family because I am the first of my family to graduate from a university.

Attempt personal statement either in English or urdu on the sheet provided: A special trip you took and how it affected you,

فراہم کردہ شیٹ پر انگریزی یا اردو میں ذاتی بیان دینے کی کوشش کریں.

  • see the topic of personal statement in the detail

Personal statement topic: 

A special trip you took and how it affected you,

ایک خاص سفر جو آپ نے کیا اور اس نے اپکو کیسے متاثر کیا

Write an Essay on any one of the following topics either in English or urdu on the sheet provided,

درج ذیل میں سے کسی ایک موضوع پر مضمون لکھیں۔.

  • see the answer in the detal

Write an Essay on any one of the following topics. 

1. How can we minimize environmental issues?

ہم ماحولیاتی مسائل کو کیسے کم کر سکتے ہیں

2. what is the importance of law in your daily life?

ہماری روزمرہ زندگی میں قانون کی کیا اہمیت ہے

3. what are the physical benefits of sports?

کھیلوں کے جسمانی فوائد کیا ہیں

Lat paper 16.07.2023

Write personal statement on: Have you ever helped someone? (LAT Paper January 2023)

  • آپ نے کبھی کسی کی مدد کی

Total Marks 10

Personal Sentence in Urdu or English. 10 Marks

Write an Personal Statement on:

آپ نے کبھی کسی کی مدد کی 

Have you ever helped someone?

(LAT Paper held in 22 January 2023)

Write Essay on: Advantages of computer technology (LAT Paper January 2023)

Advantages of computer technology

Total Marks: 15

Essay in Urdu or English. 15 Marks

کمپیوٹر ٹیکنالوجی کے فوائد

Write an Essay on any one topic: Mobile Phones-Merits and Demerits (LAT Paper held in 20 November 2022)

Mobile Phones-Merits and Demerits

Write an Essay on any one topic:

موبائل کے فائدے اور نقصانات

(LAT Paper held in 20 November 2022)

Write an Personal Statement on: میری زندگی کا مقصد (LAT Paper held in 20 November 2022)

میری زندگی کا مقصد

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Law Admission Test (LAT) Past Papers 2020


  • November 4, 2020
  • LAT Past Papers

Here is the LAT Past Paper 2020. LAT stands for Law Admission Test. LAT is made compulsory for taking admission to the 5-year LL.B study scheme. This is now a test for students who wish to be a law graduate and want to pursue their career in the field of Law and legal affairs in Pakistan. Here, we have arranged LAT Past Paper of 2020 with a solution. Find below Law Admission Test (LAT) Past Papers 2020.

LAT Past Paper 2020

The following questions were given in the LAT paper of September 2020:

01. Which is the largest landlocked country in the world?

A. Kazakhstan B. Pakistan C. China D. Indonesia

02. Which European Country is divided into departments?

A. Italy B. France C. United Kingdom D. Germany

03. Where would you find the River Thames?

A. London B. Scotland C. Spain D. Edinburgh

04. Which country is also known as the Netherlands?

A. Scotland B. Ireland C. Holland D. England

05. In which country are the Taurus Mountains located?

A. India B. Switzerland C. Nepal D. Turkey

06. The wire inside an electric bulb is known as?

A. Filaments B. Tungsten C. Coil D. Metallic Wire

Download our Official LAT Preparation App Now. Its available in both offline and online versions.

07. With the fall of the Ottoman Empire, which of the following countries moved toward embracing secular nationalism? A. Iran B. Turkey C. Pakistan D. Saudi Arabia

08. Psychology is an especially useful disciplinary approach when trying to?

A. Explain mythological accounts of the fate of souls in the afterlife B. Make sense of the modes of religious experience C. Discriminate between individual and societal aspects of a religious tradition D. Interpret the meaning of religious language

09. The Sun Dance

A. Is practice by only the Hopi people B. Is widely practiced in many Native American religious cultures C. Is a midsummer Native American ritual that spans nearly two weeks D. Both B and C

10. Who is known as the Father of Electricity?

A. Michael Faraday B. Nicola Tesla C. Thomas Edison D. Graham Bill

11. Who is the author of the famous novel Pride and Prejudice?

A. Jane Eyre B. Emily Dickinson C. Jane Austen D. Jane Green

12. What is the capital city of Spain?

A. Madrid B. Seville C. Barcelona D. Granada

13. What is the hottest continent on Earth?

A. Asia B. South America C. Africa D. Australia

14. What is the capital city of Argentina?

A. Sao Paulo B. Mendoza C. Cordoba D. Buenos Aires

15. Which kind of “bulbs” were once exchanged as a form of currency?

A. Tulip B. Ornamental onions C. Snow Drops D. Glory of the snow

16. Which layer of Planet Earth is made up of tectonic plates?

A. Inner Core B. Crust C. Outer Core D. Mantle

17. How many players are there in an ice hockey team?

A. 7 B. 6 C. 8 D. 5

18. During which year did World War I began?

A. 1912 B. 1908 C. 1914 D. 1916

19. Convection, Frontal, and Relief arc the three main types of?

A. Clouds B. Winds C. Rainfall D. Storm

20. What kind of weapon is a Falchion?

A. Spear B. Sword C. Arrow D. Bow

Read More: LAT Past Paper of 07 MARCH 2021


21. In the year of sorrow, which 2 of the Prophet’s beloved passed away?

A. Abdul Muttalib and Amina B. Abu Bakar and Aisha C. Khadija and Abu Tallib D. Qasim and Abdullah

22. Which is the first battle of Islam?

A. Battle of Trench B. Battle of Uhud C. Battle of Badar D. Battle of Khaybar

23. What does lstilam means?

A. Running between Safa and Marwa B. Kissing Hajr e Aswad C. Stoning the Shaytan D. Sacrificing an animal after Hajj

24. In which year was the Qibla changed from Jerusalem to Kaaba (Makkah)?

A. 1 AH B. 3 AH C. 2 AH D. 4 AH

25. At that age is Salah made compulsory for a Muslim child?

A. 7 years B. 11 years C. 8 years D. 12 years

26. What was the seal of Prophet (PBUH) made of?

A. Iron B. Silver C. Gold D. Brass

27. Sayyad ul Ayyam is the title for which day?

A. Saturday B. Thursday C. Monday D. Friday

28. For how many years did the Ashab-c-kahf sleep?

A. 300 B. 309 C. 305 D. 310

29. Where did the Prophet (PBUH) and Abu Bakar (RA) first stay when they left Makkah for migration?

A. Jabal e Noor B. Jabal e Tafeer C. Jabal e Thawr D. Jabal e Jais

30. Who was the first host of the Prophet (PBUH) in Madinah?

A. Anas ibn Malik B. Tamim Al Ansari C. Abu Darda D. Abu Ayub Al-Ansari

31. How many types of Wahi are there?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5

32. How many Surahs start with the word Qul?

A. 3 B. 5 C. 4 D. 6

33. Who was the self-proclaimed prophet against the battle of Yamama was fought?

A. Musaylima B. Shurabil C. Ikrima D. None of these

34. Which companion was regarded by the Prophet (PBUH) as the most modest person?

A. Hazrat Zayd Bin Thabit (RA B. Hazrat Ali (RA C. Hazrat Usman Ghani (RA) D. Hazrat Umar (RA)

35. Women must be married for four reasons. for their wealth, family status, beauty, but the best reason to marry is?

A. Education B. Religion C. Cooking skills D. None of these

36. Which companion narrated the most number of Hadith?

A. Abdullah Bin Umar (RA B. Anas Bin Malik (RA) C. Abdullah Bin Abbas (RA) D. Abu Huraira (RA)

37. Quran was collected in the form of a book by a committee of people, which was head by whom?

A. Zayd bin Thabit (RA) B. Hazrat Umar (RA) C. Abdullah Bin Abbas (RA D. Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA)

38. Who gave Abu Bakar (RA) the idea to collect the Quran in the form of a book?

A. Hazrat Usman (RA) B. Hazrat Khalid Bin Walid (RA) C. Hazrat Umar (RA) D. Hazrat Salman Al-Farsi (RA)

39. Who gives the idea of digging a trench around Madinah in the Battle of Trench?

A. Zayd Ibn Thabit (RA) B. Salman Al-Farsi (RA) C. Abdullah Bin Abbas (RA) D. None of these

40. The companion who lost both arms while fighting in the Battle of Mu’tah, and was given wings in Paradise is?

A. Abdullah Ibn Rawah (RA) B. Ja’far ibn Abi Talib (RA) C. Zayd Ibn Harith (RA) D. Khalid ibn AI-Walid


Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate moll, from the given lettered choices (A to 1) below each:

41. Mr. Saleem went___to oblige his superior.

A. on his way B. in his way C. out of his way d. with his way

42. There are, as yet, no vegetation types or ecosystems whose study has been perfected to the extent that they no longer ___ ecologist.

A. interest B. challenge C. require D. hinder

43. The father was angry and cast___his son.

A. off B. down C. of D. about

44. With the less rapid expansion of the economy, we should make toward stable price levels.

A. detailed B. definite C. substantial D. infinite

45. The clouds of suspicion will clear ___ soon.

A. up B. off C. away D. by

46. The teachers said that they were no longer prepared for the new Headmaster.

A. put over with B. put up with C. put on with D. put up to

47. The construction of new housing units at the rate of one every month, there is still a shortage of accommodation.

A. Through B. By C. Despite D. For



A. Contract B. Accelerate C. Recede D. Express


A. Symbol B. Hasten C. Irony D. Sarcasm


A. Skimp B. Practice C. Achieve D. Slight


A. Incapable B. Background C. Ignorance D. Expertise


A. Overdue B. Untimely C. Tardy D. Delayed

A. Confident B. Nerve C. Anxiety D. Guts

A. Bizarre B. Traditional C. Usual D. Courage



A. Spur B. Stimulate C. Rouse D. Weary


A. Liable B. Reliant C. Guarded D. Subject


A. Periodic B. Steady C. Eternal D. Incessant


A. Periodic B. Go Before C. Follow D. Herald


A. Brief B. Persistent C. Transient D. Fleeting


A. Difference B. Distinction C. Identity D. Gap


61. Speed of a Car is 60km/hr. Distance covered in 1 hour and 15 minutes is

A. 75 Km B. 72 Km C. 74 Km D. 80 Km

62. If one side of the square is 35m, then the area of the square is?

A. 1252 m2 B. 1205 m2 C. 1225 m2 D. 965 m2

63. How many surfaces are there in a cube?

A. 4 B. 6 C. 5 D. 8

64. If Sam’s age is 27 years in 2019, then his age in 2009 was?

A. 18 B. 17 C. 15 D. 19

65. What is 7% equal to?

A. 0.007 B. 0.07 C. 0.7 D. 700


الفاظ کے مترادف لکھیں۔

A. خوراک B. جناب C. پانی D. کتاب

67. استقامت

A. ثابت قدمی B. ایمانداری C. مضبوطی D. کامیابی

A. گھیراو B. گھروندا C. گھونسلہ D. کلیات

A. تقویٰ B. پاکیزگی C. طہارت D. بزرگ

A. چست B. سست C. کمزور D. ہوشیار

الفاظ کے متضاد لکھیں۔

A. فولاد B. نالائق C. ناقص D. قح

A. جدا B. وفا C. بقا D. رسوا

A. ملازم B. غلام C. محکوم D. نوکر

A. درمیانی B. آحری C. اندرونی D. فانی

A. زبای B. تحریری C. اعلانیہ D. رجسٹی

Note: Either you write both (Essay and Personal Statement) in English or Urdu. Don’t write one in English and the other in Urdu

76. Write an essay on any one of the following topics: (15 marks)

  •  Standardized tests are a good way to evaluate someone’s intelligence.
  • Constant social media connections make people feel more stressed and lonelier.
  • E-books are better than Paper Books

77. Personal Statement: (10 Marks)

The following statement was given in the paper:

• Students should work part-time jobs while they are still at college.

You can also learn more about LAT Personal Statement here.

Related to LAT

  • Past Paper of 07 March 2021
  • LAT (Law Admission Test) Preparation Online
  • Law Admission Test (LAT) English Essay Topics
  • Law Admission Test (LAT) Urdu Essay Topics
  • Law Admission Test (LAT) Personal Statement
  • Essay on Terrorism in Pakistan for LAT Examination
  • Law Admission TEST-How to Apply for LAT-How to Prepare for LAT


I am interested in writing content for educational purpose.


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LAT Past Papers

Law admission test (lat) past papers.

Here is the LAT Past Paper 2020. LAT stands for Law Admission Test. LAT is made compulsory for taking admission to the 5-year LL.B study scheme. This is now a test for students who wish to be law graduates and want to pursue their career in the field of Law and legal affairs in Pakistan. Here, we have arranged the LAT Past Paper of 2020 with a solution. Find below Law Admission Test (LAT) Past Papers 2020.

  • LAT Duration of the test Expected: 2 hours
  • Law Admission Test Passing marks: 50 out of 100

Syllabus of Law Admission Test (IAT) 1. MCQS Islamic Studies = 20 Marks 2. MCQs General Knowledge = 20 Marks 3. MCQS Pak Study = 10 Marks 4. MCQS Urdu = 10 Marks 5. MCQS Math = 05 Marks 6. MCQS English = 20 Marks 7. Essay in Urdu or English =  Marks 8. Personal Sentence in Urdu or English = 10 Marks

Personal Statement for LAT Test

5) Law Admission Test (LAT) Past Papers 2020

Personal Statement for LAT Test 2023

Personal Statement for LAT Test 2023

A personal Statement for the LAT test 200 words to 500 for law school is different than a statement of purpose for another graduate program. While essays for other graduate programs often ask you to focus on your past academic experiences and how they will relate to your future in their program, law schools view …

Personal Statement for LAT Test 2023 Read More »

LAT Past paper of September 2020 | HEC LAT All Past Papers

The following questions were given in the LAT past paper of September 2020: 01. Which is the largest landlocked country in the world? A. KazakhstanB. PakistanC. ChinaD. Indonesia 02. Which European Country is divided into departments? A. ItalyB. FranceC. United KingdomD. Germany

who is the current secretary-general of the United Nation?

Ban ki-moon Kofi A. Annan Antonio Guterres None of these

Choose the correct opposite word: AVERSE

Oppose Hostile Incline Loath

Choose the correct opposite word: DIVERSE

Assorted Various Sundry Equal

Choose the correct opposite word: GALVANIZE

Spur Rouse Stimulate Weary

Choose the correct opposite word: CONTINGENT

Liable Guarded Reliant Subject

Choose the correct opposite word: CONTINUAL

Periodic Eternal Steady Incressantly

Choose the correct opposite word: PRECEDE

Lead Follow Gobefore Herald

Choose the correct opposite word: LAWFUL

Illicit Illegal Authorized Errant


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    Personal Statement for LAT Test in English 1. I am an aspiring lawyer, passionate about leveraging my experience and expertise to serve justice. Over the years, I have developed a critical eye for detail and sharp analytical skills. This enables me to identify nuances in complex issues. My approach to problem-solving is unconventional yet ...

  5. Personal Statement For LAT Test

    Personal statement is a part of the Law Admission test. One question asks in LAT which conducts Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. Personal statement writing for the law admission test is completely related to yourself and your ideas. A paper checker or reader can understand your views and abilities in personal statement writing.

  6. How to Write a Law School Personal Statement

    Personal Statement Body Section. The body of your personal statement should focus on the details of your story. Each paragraph should expand on your points and begin with a topic sentence that expresses the main idea of the paragraph in which it occurs. Ending sentences for body paragraphs should wrap up your points and help transition the ...

  7. Law Admission TEST- How to Apply for LAT- How to Prepare for LAT

    LAT (Law Admission Test) is. Introduction LAT stands for Law Admission Test. It is now a compulsory test for taking admission to 5 years LL.B program. ... In the personal statement, you have to write what is your objective or motive behind doing LL.B. Write your reason in simple words why you want to become a lawyer. For example, if your ...

  8. How to write personal statement for lat? methods, technique ...

    This video contains the personal statement of Lat for law admission test (Law entry test). This video contains method to write a strong personal statement. A...

  9. Law Admission Test: Practice, Prepare, Succeed!

    In the Law Admission Test (LAT), a personal statement takes a different form, focusing on expressing an individual's opinion about an idea, problem, and its solution. This distinction sets LAT personal statements apart from those in other exams. Examples from past LAT papers are provided below. Why you have chosen this profession? (17.09.2019 ...

  10. Law Admission Test (LAT) Past Papers 07 March 2021

    1.5 LAT URDU MCQs. 1.6 LAT Essay. 1.7 LAT Personal Statement. LAT Past Paper 07 March 2021. The following questions were asked in the LAT paper of 07 March 2021: LAT ENGLISH MCQs. Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly similar in meaning to the word in capital letters. 22.

  11. How to write Personal Statement for LAT Test

    Aslam o Alikum!This channal provide Motivational videos._____/Connect With Me On Social Media\_____ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/r...

  12. LAT Past Papers Solved 2018 to 2024 Download PDF

    Our LAT past papers book in PDF format covers a wide range of topics and includes solved papers to help you practice effectively. Download it from the links below and supercharge your LAT readiness. 1. Essay (200 words) 15 marks. 2. A personal statement either in Urdu or English. 10 marks. 3.

  13. Sample Personal Statement Writing Law Admission Test LAT

    Sample Personal Statement Writing Law Admission Test LAT - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 1) The author has always had an obsessive and compulsive personality focused on building, problem solving, and finding creative solutions from a young age. 2) This nature led them to teach themselves how to pick locks at age 8 to satisfy their curiosity.

  14. LAT Law Admission Test Preparation Mcqs Online

    Get ready for the Law Admission Test (LAT) with our online MCQ preparation resources. The last date to apply is March 12, 2024. Prepare effectively for the LAT, covering subjects such as English, General Knowledge, and Legal Aptitude. ... A personal statement either in Urdu or English: 10 marks: Objective Part: English (synonyms antonyms ...

  15. LAT (Law Admission Test) Preparation Online

    LAT Preparation Online is a really helpful and easy-to-understand method. This LAT (Law Admission Test) will be valid for 2 years. Here we have all the study material for LAT preparation for the students. The HEC will conduct LAT paper every year after advertising in the newspaper. Stay connected with this web page or bookmark it to be updated ...

  16. How to write Essay and Personal Statement for LAT Test

    How to write Essay and Personal Statement for LAT Test | The Law ChannelEssayhttps://youtu.be/UqZLj88bSZ4Personal Statementhttps://youtu.be/1k92bqhkNA4What's...

  17. (Personal Statement and...

    Law Admission Test - LAT 2023. · March 15, 2019 ·. (Personal Statement and Some tips about LAT) You can write eassay and personal statement in urdu or english..Its depends upon your choice.Sample of personal statement given and try to write your own personal statement. Some seniors and others people guidelines given as;

  18. Important Essay Topics for Lat Law Admission Test

    IMPORTANT ESSAY TOPICS FOR LAT LAW ADMISSION TEST. Essay. Click for Download PDF. Personal Statement. Click for Download PDF. LAT 5 Years Past Papers from 2018 to 2023. ... see the topic of personal statement in the detail (0) اس سوال کو وضاحت کے ساتھ پڑھیں ...

  19. Law Admission Test (LAT) Past Papers 2020

    Here, we have arranged LAT Past Paper of 2020 with a solution. Find below Law Admission Test (LAT) Past Papers 2020. Table of Contents HIDE. 1 LAT Past Paper 2020. 2 LAT ISLAMIC STUDIES MCQs. 3 LAT ENGLISH MCQs. 3.1 SELECT THE SIMILAR MEANING. 3.2 SELECT THE OPPOSITE MEANING. 4 LAT MATHEMATICS MCQs.

  20. Personal Statement for LAT Test 2023

    A personal Statement for the LAT test 200 words to 500 for law school is different than a statement of purpose for another graduate program. While essays for other graduate programs often ask you to focus on your past academic experiences and how they will relate to your future in their program, law schools view the personal statement as an opportunity to demonstrate your personality and ...

  21. How To Write Personal Statement for Lat Test 2024

    Lat test personal statement | lat personal statement | How To Write Personal statement for lat test 2024 | how to write best personal statement in law admiss...

  22. LAT Past Papers Archives

    A personal Statement for the LAT test 200 words to 500 for law school is different than a statement of purpose for another graduate program. While essays for other graduate programs often ask you to focus on your past academic experiences and how they will relate to your future in their program, law schools view …


    PERSONAL STATEMENT FOR LAT | Personal Statement for LAT Test | Law Admission Test | Personal Statement ExamplesHOW TO WRITE PERSONAL STATEMENT FOR LATLaw Adm...