Anne Of Green Gables

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63 pages • 2 hours read

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Summary and Study Guide

Anne of Green Gables is a world-renowned classic children’s novel first published in 1908 by Canadian author L. M. Montgomery. Set in the latter part of the 19th century in fictional Avonlea, a small town on Prince Edward Island, Canada, the story follows the accidental arrival of a precocious 11-year-old orphan girl, Anne Shirley , at Green Gables, the family homestead of middle-aged siblings Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert . Many mishaps, adventures, and ultimate successes follow Anne as she grows up and grows closer to the Cuthberts, and the novel explores the journey of how true familial bonds are forged even in the toughest of times. Anne of Green Gables has been translated into 36 languages and has sold over 50 million copies worldwide, and its central red-headed heroine has been immortalized in many films and television shows. Anne is the first novel in an original eight-part series, with a ninth sequel published after the author’s death. This literary guide uses the Barnes and Noble hardcover edition.

Plot Summary

Anne Shirley, an 11-year-old orphan girl from Nova Scotia, is sent to live with Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert , two middle-aged siblings who live at Green Gables on Prince Edward Island. Anne’s upbringing has been one of despair and dismay; she bounces from home to home, never being truly wanted, and her initial visit to Green Gables is no exception: the Cuthberts sent for a young boy to help on the farm, but Anne is delivered instead.

Matthew quickly takes to the young girl, whose idle chatter prevents the shy bachelor from ever having to speak, but Anne meets her match in Marilla, a practical, sensible spinster who cannot bear Anne’s vivid imagination. Though Marilla wants to send Anne back to the orphanage immediately, she allows Anne to stay because Matthew does not want to send the girl back to horrible conditions at the orphanage. Marilla decides she will take it upon herself to bring Anne up properly.

This proves to be easier said than done, as Anne has a spirit and a mind of her own. She constantly finds herself in mishaps and scrapes, most of which require penance or an apology. From flying off the handle when Mrs. Rachel, a close friend and neighbor of Marilla’s, teases her about her looks to creating false, dramatic confessions to get herself out of trouble, there is never a dull moment with Anne. Before she can help herself, Marilla finds herself welcoming the girl’s company more and more.

Anne finds a close friend, a “kindred spirit” as she calls them, in the form of Diana Barry , who lives on the next farm over. When Anne starts school in Avonlea, she quickly becomes the smartest girl in the room and one of the most liked, but it is her relationship with the handsome and intelligent Gilbert Blythe that makes school worthwhile for Anne. Her distaste for him, spurred by his nickname for her—“Carrots,” a jab at her red hair—causes her to compete with him at every corner.

When she is 16, Anne sits for the entrance examination to Queen’s Academy with the help of her teacher, Miss Stacy . She earns her teaching certificate in one year instead of the usual two and wins the Avery Scholarship, a $250 a year grant to four-year Redmond College. However, Matthew’s tragic death of a heart attack when he hears that they have fallen into financial ruin due to a bank failure makes Anne reconsider her future plans. Anne chooses to give up the scholarship and stay at Green Gables with Marilla so that she doesn’t have to sell the family home. Gilbert gives up his teaching position at the Avonlea school so she can take it and be closer to home, and the two reconcile at the end of the novel, with the promise of a close friendship on the horizon.

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Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery

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Anne of Green Gables

L. m. montgomery.

anne of green gables book report ideas

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One June day in Avonlea, Prince Edward Island, Mrs. Rachel Lynde notices her reclusive neighbor, Matthew Cuthbert , driving off in his buggy. Curious, she goes to visit her friend, Matthew’s sister Marilla , who lives with him on Green Gables farm. To Rachel’s shock, Marilla tells her that she and Matthew are adopting an orphan boy from Nova Scotia.

Meanwhile, at the train station, Matthew doesn’t find the expected boy, but an 11-year-old girl with red hair instead. Matthew is thrown off guard by the sweet, talkative, big-eyed girl and can’t bear to disappoint her, so he brings her back to Green Gables, where he and Marilla learn that her name is Anne . Anne is heartbroken that the Cuthberts might not keep her, but after hearing about Anne’s lonely, orphaned childhood, Marilla comes around to Matthew’s opinion—Anne might not be the “useful” boy they’d wanted to work on the farm, but she needs the Cuthberts’ compassion. Anne is overjoyed to be allowed to stay.

Anne begins to get acquainted with the beauties of Green Gables, the household duties she’ll have to fulfill, and the Christian beliefs she’s expected to hold. There are frequent mishaps, like Anne’s rage at Mrs. Lynde for criticizing her red hair, about which Anne is quite sensitive. However, even though Marilla often rebukes Anne for daydreaming and neglecting her chores, both she and Matthew find Anne’s imaginative talk interesting and enlivening, and soon they can’t imagine Green Gables without her.

Anne has always longed for a “bosom friend,” which she soon finds in Diana Barry , a girl who lives on a neighboring farm, and they play together all summer. In the fall, Anne starts off well at Avonlea school, but then she’s teased by Gilbert Blythe , a handsome boy in her grade, for her carrot-colored hair. In retaliation, Anne cracks her slate over Gilbert’s head and gets in big trouble. Another day, her teacher, Mr. Phillips , scapegoats Anne when a crowd of students arrives late, and she’s forced to sit next to Gilbert as punishment. Anne develops a fierce grudge against both Gilbert and the teacher, and Marilla humors her refusal to attend school for a while.

In a fateful episode, Anne invites Diana over for tea and, instead of serving her the raspberry cordial Marilla had set aside, she unintentionally gets Diana drunk on currant wine. Mrs. Barry then decides Anne is a wicked girl and forbids their friendship, prompting Anne to return to school in her desperation to see Diana. Though Diana can no longer play with her, Anne takes a renewed interest in her studies and a growing academic rivalry with Gilbert. One winter night, while most of the adults are attending a political rally, Anne saves the life of Minnie May , Diana’s baby sister, because she knows the remedy for croup. In gratitude, Mrs. Barry allows Anne and Diana to be friends again. The two get into various adventures together, like accidentally terrifying Diana’s visiting elderly Aunt Josephine , and convincing themselves that the nearby woods are haunted.

When a new minister comes to Avonlea, Anne quickly finds a “kindred spirit” and model in his warm-hearted wife, Mrs. Allan . The new schoolteacher, Miss Stacy , also becomes Anne’s mentor and encourager, and Anne flourishes even more in school with poetry recitations and written compositions. Matthew, who indulges Anne more than Marilla does, gets Anne her long-coveted dress with fashionable puffed sleeves, and Anne forms a story club to help her friends cultivate their imaginations. Though Anne believes she’s outgrowing her most glaring weaknesses, she still struggles with vanity over her red hair, leading to a disastrous dye job. Now 13, Anne even finds herself beginning to soften toward Gilbert Blythe—especially after he rescues her from drowning in Barrys’ pond—though her stubborn pride keeps her from accepting his offer of friendship.

At the beginning of Anne’s third school year in Avonlea, Miss Stacy organizes a class of her most promising students, including Anne, to study for the Entrance exam to Queen’s Academy. Anne works hard and continues to thrive, and at the end of the school year, she and Gilbert tie for the highest exam scores in all of Prince Edward Island, broadening Anne’s ambitions for the future. The following September, Matthew and Marilla, both tearful over Anne’s growing up, say goodbye as Anne settles into Queen’s for the year, along with a handful of Avonlea friends. Anne excels in an accelerated teacher licensing course, and though she’s bested by Gilbert for the highest academic honor, she wins a prestigious scholarship to study English at Redmond College. She returns to Green Gables anticipating a glorious summer.

On Anne’s second morning at home, however, Matthew abruptly dies of a heart attack, devasting both Anne and Marilla. Soon thereafter, Marilla sees a specialist and learns that unless she takes measures to preserve her eyesight, she’ll be blind within six months. After wrestling with her dreams and her sense of duty, Anne decides to decline the Redmond scholarship in order to work as a schoolteacher and help Marilla at home. She expects to get a job in a neighboring village, but she soon learns that Gilbert has given up the position at Avonlea school so that Anne can teach closer to home. Walking home from Matthew’s grave one day, Anne comes upon Gilbert and shyly thanks him for this sacrifice. The two finally reconcile and agree to be good friends, talking easily and warmly together for the first time. Anne happily goes home to Marilla at Green Gables, full of contentment and hope for the future.

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Anne of Green Gables Unit Study & Lapbook

Anne of Green Gables Unit Study & Lapbook

Hi everyone! I have a new literature unit to add to our collection! Today I’m sharing my new Anne of Green Gables Unit Study and Lapbook. Hope you enjoy!


Story Summary:

Anne is a sweet, imaginative, and charismatic young orphan girl who is unexpectedly adopted by a family in Green Gables. The story follows Anne as she experiences the pains and joys of becoming part of a family. And her life growing up in the remote Canadian village of Avonlea.

This accompanying unit study is meant to be used with the Classic Starts Anne of Green Gables version as retold from the Lucy Maud Montgomery original. The Classic Start versions are find them a little easier for younger readers, but you could certainly use this unit study with the original version if you have an older student. The lapbook chapters will correlate with the Classic Starts edition, but the concepts are the same, so you should be able to complete the units using any version you choose.

Watch my Anne of Green Gables Lapbook Video to see more information:

What ages are these units for?

I normally recommend my literature units for elementary level readers grades 1-5. You can assign them out individually to your student so they read on their own, then complete the mini-book assignment for each chapter. There are writing assignments for each chapter as your students answer comprehension questions from the reading. So you’ll just want to make sure they’re comfortable writing.

Or you can read it together as a group if you have younger readers, then have them complete the mini-book assignments when you’re done with each chapter.

How long does the literature unit take?

That really depends on your child’s reading speed, and how many chapters there are in the book! And how fast your child reads through the chapters as well.

Each one varies in length, and you can easily modify these units to fit your schedule. So for example, you can assign one chapter per day plus the associated mini-book assignments, or you can have them do 2-3/week. It’s totally up to you, your schedule, and your student.

What’s included in the Unit Study?

Each unit includes everything you need to complete the Anne of Green Gables lapbook with the exception of the book itself and the file folders.

The download includes a teacher’s manual with the daily reading assignments, along with the comprehension questions and answers for each chapter. This makes it much easier for you to help your students even if you haven’t read the book yourself!

There is also one mini-book for each chapter in the book. Inside your student will answer a comprehension question that relates directly to the chapter they’ve just read. Some assignments include vocabulary words, mapping the voyage, and completing the mini-reports.

Extras for older students:

This unit includes also 5 reports that your students can complete. If you have older readers, have them do these reports to make the unit a bit more challenging. If you have younger readers, you might prefer to ask the questions verbally so they aren’t having to write a report.


The reports include:

  • Story Facts (Setting, Main Plot, Main Characters)
  • Protagonist vs. Antagonist
  • Prediction Sheet
  • My Book Report
  • Book vs. Movie
  • Storyboard timeline

As you read through the book, each chapter has a mini-book with comprehension questions for your student to complete.


This unit has 25 mini-books including a vocabulary mini-book full of terms to learn throughout the story.


Then on the backside of the lapbook, I added a pocket to the backside where you can store the reports and story timeline.


Get your copy today and start learning with classic literature! 

Looking for more unit studies? Check out these links!

  • My Literature Lapbooks
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  • Famous Artists Lapbook & Unit Study
  • Famous Composers Lapbook & Unit Study

For more lapbook tutorials:

  • Tri-Fold Lapbook Tutorial
  • How To Lapbook Tutorials

Of course you know I love to give back to my readers, so I’m offering 1 of these units free for one of you! Enter below!

Will you be compiling the recent literature studies that you’ve done into one set, like you have with the original classic literature studies? Thanks for all you do!

When I was younger, Anne of Green Gables was my favorite set of books. I loved the story line. Thank you for sharing. Have a great day!!!

Daniel Defoe is not the original author! These books are my all time favorite. I reread the entire series every few years! 🙂

Thanks for letting me know about the typo! I’ve written so many of these now I’m getting them mixed up! LOL!

Oh my! How awesome! I LOVE Anne of Green Gables! We have several different versions of the book and the complete set of movies. I would love to use this lapbook study with my daughter. We are currently working through your Black Beauty one and she’s having so much fun. Thank you for the opportunity to win this! Are you currently working on another literature lapbook set?

Hi Tracey, yes I’ll put the new units all together in a set once they’re completed! :o)

This looks great! Anne of Green Gables is one of my all time favorite books. When I click on the ‘Buy Now’ button it takes me to a page to buy 20,000 Leagues. Can you somehow let me know when it is fixed so I can purchase the correct unit? Thanks, KC

THANK YOU! I love this book and am excited to share my love of it with my 4 little girls. Along with this Unit Study I think they’ll love it even more and always remember it. Thank you again, you’re the best!

I teach in a homeschool co-op, 7-9 year olds. I would LOVE to use your Anne of GG lapbook, but I am not doing any of the other books in the CLASSROOM edition, and don’t have much budget. Is there a way I can get just Anne of GG permission without purchasing the whole thing?

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anne of green gables book report ideas

Anne of Green Gables

by L.M. Montgomery

Anne of green gables themes, imagination.

Anne’s imagination fuels her adventures and mishaps throughout her childhood. This allows her to thrive in many situations, though it also causes her problems. An example of how Anne uses imagination as a positive coping mechanism is that Anne created imaginary friends to talk to when she was growing up. Anne was forced to work rather than attending school or playing with other children, so these imaginary friends gave her a sense of normalcy and friendship.

In contrast, Anne's imagination can cause her to have intense negative emotions like sadness and fear. For example, Anne names a group of trees between Green Gables and her friend Diana Barry 's house "the Haunted Wood" (p. 206) and imagines that it contains ghosts, headless men, and skeletons. This causes her to be terrified when Marilla tells her to go to Diana's house at night; after this experience, Anne vows to never again imagine extravagant, scary fantasies.

Education is an integral part of Anne's childhood. Anne does not receive much education until she arrives at Green Gables, but she clearly has natural interests in literature, nature, and philosophy. Once Anne begins attending school, she feels strongly about her teachers. Her first teacher uses harsh discipline on her, so she responds by quitting school and continuing her studies independently. Her next teacher, Miss Stacy, becomes one of her role models and motivates Anne to attend Queen's Academy and become a teacher.

Anne sees education as a way to show other people what she is capable of. She studies extremely hard to try to beat Gilbert Blythe throughout her time at the Avonlea school and Queen's. She comes to see this rivalry as integral to her studiousness, and she thinks that she will miss the motivation when she attends university without him. Anne also uses her educational attainment to make Marilla and Matthew proud of her. As soon as she hears that she won the university scholarship, she says to a friend, "Oh, won't Matthew and Marilla be pleased! I must write the news home right away" (p. 362). Anne feels that the Cuthberts were the ones who enabled her to pursue her studies, so she wants to do as well as possible.

Throughout Anne of Green Gables , Anne is fascinated and awed by nature. A key quote that shows Anne's appreciation of nature is when she tells Marilla on her second night in Green Gables, "If I really wanted to pray I'll tell you what I'd do. I'd go out into a great big field all alone or into the deep, deep woods and I'd look up into the sky...then I'd just FEEL a prayer" (p. 66). Through this quote, Anne shows that even though she has not had a religious upbringing, nature makes her feel peaceful and grateful.

Nature also inspires Anne's imagination. Anne enjoys giving beautiful names to elements of nature like "the White Way of Delight and the Lake of Shining Waters" (p. 67). However, nature also causes her trouble when combined with her adventurous tendencies. For example, when acting out a poem with her friends, Anne almost drowns. This experience cautions Anne to respect nature's power.

While Matthew gives Anne a ride to Green Gables for the first time, Anne says she's never had a real home all her life. Anne lived with multiple caregivers from birth through age eleven, and she was often treated more as a servant than as a daughter. When Anne reaches Green Gables, she tells Matthew, "As soon as I saw it I felt it was home" (p. 29). This foreshadows that the Cuthberts will let Anne stay with them even though they were expecting a male orphan to help on their farm. Over the course of her life, Anne will come to feel that Green Gables and Avonlea are truly her home. At the end of the novel, Anne even gives up the educational opportunity she worked so hard to achieve in order to keep her home of Green Gables from being sold.

On Anne's second night at Green Gables, she tells Marilla that she never prays. Marilla takes this to mean that Anne has not been raised to be religious. However, throughout Anne of Green Gables, it is clear that analyzing what religion means to Anne is a key part of understanding her.

Anne most often brings up religion when she is looking at nature or feeling connected to other people. Multiple times, she tells Marilla or thinks to herself that it will be easy to say a prayer of gratitude that night because of something good that happened, often having to do with friendship and belonging. This shows that Anne thinks that God has some hand in the positive things that happen to her. Anne also has a deep desire to be a good person, and she idolizes and works hard to emulate the new minister's wife, Mrs. Allan . In fact, at the end of the novel, Mrs. Allan plays an important role in Anne's decision to stay home with Marilla rather than go to university.

Anne does challenge religion at times, but this only shows how invested she is in understanding it. For example, Anne looks at a picture of "Christ Blessing Little Children" (p. 72) and tells Marilla that she is sure Jesus couldn't have looked as sad as he usually looks in paintings because "children would have been afraid of him" (p. 73). Marilla tells her that she shouldn't talk that way because it is "irreverent" (p. 73), to which Anne replies, "Why, I felt just as reverent as can be" (p. 73). This interaction shows that Anne does not see herself as questioning Jesus or organized religion, but rather truly engaging with it in a way many do not.

On page 138, the narrator states that Anne is "feminine to the core" because she says she would rather be pretty than clever. However, Anne of Green Gables gives a complex picture of femininity in the early 20th century. In some ways, there are strict gender roles with regard to work, education, style of dress, and more. For example, it is assumed that a family would adopt a male orphan to help with farmwork or a female orphan to help with domestic work such as caring for children. In addition, some members of the Avonlea community such as Mrs. Rachel Lynde believe that women should not go to university.

On the other hand, Anne defies stereotypes about femininity. She competes against Gilbert Blythe academically and consistently beats or ties with him, showing that girls are just as intelligent as boys. She is also rambunctious, adventurous, and loves the outdoors, qualities that are shown to complement rather than clash with her interest in beauty, clothing, and romance novels. A final quality of Anne that challenges traditional femininity is that she shows no interest in actual romance with young men, though many show interest in her. However, her stance on the matter of romance changes in sequels to Anne of Green Gables .


Anne of Green Gables provides a cautionary tale of how stubbornness can stand in the way of positive relationships. The first day that Anne meets Gilbert Blythe, when she is 11 and he is 13, he teases her for having red hair. This makes Anne angry and she begins to ignore him, and she continues to ignore him until they are both nearly 20 years old. During this time, Anne actually decides she is not angry anymore—but by then, Gilbert has started to ignore Anne as well, and she is too stubborn to apologize to him. Anne is only able to make up with Gilbert after hearing a story from Marilla about how stubborn she was as a young girl when she was dating Gilbert's father. This foreshadows that when Anne gives up her stubbornness and makes amends with Gilbert, the possibility of romance between them will finally open up—and indeed, in sequels to Anne of Green Gables, the two get married.

Stubbornness is also shown to be a good quality at times. When Marilla is trying to convince Anne to go to university rather than stay home at Green Gables and care for her, Anne responds, "You can't prevent me. I'm...'obstinate as a mule' as Mrs. Lynde once told me" (p. 380). In this case, stubbornness is neither foolish nor hubristic, but rather a form of devotion to something which one sees as a moral obligation.

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Anne of Green Gables Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for Anne of Green Gables is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

Marilla was, regretting that she could not go to the concert herself to hear her girl recite.

What are the names of the brother and sister that were hoping to adopt a boy orphan?

Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert

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Study Guide for Anne of Green Gables

Anne of Green Gables study guide contains a biography of L.M. Montgomery, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

  • About Anne of Green Gables
  • Anne of Green Gables Summary
  • Character List

Essays for Anne of Green Gables

Anne of Green Gables essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery.

  • Gender Construction and Nature in L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables
  • Womanhood in Anne of Green Gables
  • The Rejection of Maternalism in L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables
  • Who Are You, Anne with an "E?": Naming in Anne of Green Gables
  • Language, Power, and Gender: The Power Dynamics of Language and Social Class in Three Children’s Books

Lesson Plan for Anne of Green Gables

  • About the Author
  • Study Objectives
  • Common Core Standards
  • Introduction to Anne of Green Gables
  • Relationship to Other Books
  • Bringing in Technology
  • Notes to the Teacher
  • Related Links
  • Anne of Green Gables Bibliography

Wikipedia Entries for Anne of Green Gables

  • Introduction

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Anne of Green Gables , children’s novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery , published in 1908. The work, a sentimental but charming coming-of-age story about a spirited and unconventional orphan girl who finds a home with elderly siblings, became a classic of children’s literature and led to several sequels.

Matthew Cuthbert and his sister, Marilla, live in Avonlea on Canada’s Prince Edward Island . Needing help on their farm, Green Gables, they apply to adopt a boy from an orphanage. By mistake, however, a red-haired, freckle-faced 11-year-old girl named Anne Shirley is sent to the siblings. While Matthew instantly takes to Anne, Marilla is unsure about keeping her. However, the cheerful and highly imaginative Anne gradually transforms the joyless lives of shy Matthew and prim Marilla, and they come to view her as a daughter.

Book Jacket of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by American children's author illustrator Eric Carle (born 1929)

However, not everything about Avonlea is idyllic , and the quick-tempered Anne has two nemeses: the hypercritical Mrs. Rachel Lynde, who she eventually wins over, and Gilbert Blythe, a classmate who insults Anne by calling her “carrots”—she is sensitive about her looks, especially her red hair—and sets off a long-simmering feud; the two become friends by the end of the book and marry in a later sequel. Impulsive and sometimes mischievous, Anne has many misadventures, such as accidentally dyeing her hair green. However, she matures in the course of the book, and, when Matthew dies, Anne foregoes college to care for Marilla, who is going blind. Showing no bitterness, Anne instead cheerfully welcomes her new situation, believing that it will hold great happiness.

Anne of Green Gables was inspired by a newspaper story, and Montgomery infused the work with her own girlhood experiences and the rural life and traditions of Prince Edward Island. Although initially rejected by several publishers, the novel was a huge success upon publication. Mark Twain called Anne “the most lovable child in fiction” since Lewis Carroll ’s Alice . Anne of Green Gables was adapted for film, stage, and television. Although Montgomery was not interested in continuing the story, she wrote several sequels that traced Anne’s life from girlhood to motherhood. However, they were less popular than the original novel.

Travelers Wife 4 Life

The Complete Anne of Green Gables Guide – Reading in Order

Travelers Wife 4 Life

  • July 22, 2023

Have you read the Anne of Green Gables books? Maybe you’ve seen movies or television shows ? Well did you know that Anne of Green Gables has an entire book series after it? I found the whole series on Amazon a few months ago and I fell in love. Then when I researched L. M. Montgomery (a Canadian Author) I was even more obsessed with Anne Shirley and her adventures through Prince Edward Island (in Nova Scotia, Canada) and beyond.

Anne of Green Gables is a collection of eight books, six of which revolve around Anne Shirley set in the late 1900’s, the other two books follow the adventures of Anne Shirley’s children. L.M. Montgomery also wrote two other collections of stories set in the same fictional world of Prince Edward Island that mention Anne Shirley. The series follows the life of an orphan named Anne Shirley and how she goes through everyday life with her optimistic and introspective outlook. Through it all we see her develop lifelong friends, get her first kiss, find true love, make tough decisions, and ultimately show a strength of character readers can’t help but identify with. Which is one reason her character is so beloved by all who know her.

Welcome to the world of Anne of Green Gables!

Here is the complete chronological order for reading the Anne of Green Gables book series:

*Note I did list the links to all these books on Amazon individually, however, quite a few of the books are out of print or have different (not matching) covers and if you are like me, this will bother you to no end. So I highly recommend just buying the complete set listed here in Paperback & Hardcover editions or through the publisher directly . If you want to be really fancy I found a really neat collectors edition as well from Wordsworth . Some of the links below may be affiliate links, see my privacy policy and disclosures for more information.

anne of green gables book report ideas

The first book in the series is, of course, Anne of Green Gables. It follows the adventures of eleven-year-old Anne Shirley. Here is the book synopsis: Since her parents’ deaths, she’s bounced around to foster homes and orphanages. When she is sent by mistake to live with Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert at the snug white farmhouse called Green Gables, she wants to stay forever. But Anne is not the sturdy boy Matthew and Marilla were expecting.

She’s a mischievous, talkative redheaded girl with a fierce temper, who tumbles into one scrape after another. Anne is not like anybody else, the Cuthberts agree; she is special, a girl with an enormous imagination. All she’s ever wanted is to belong somewhere. And the longer she stays at Green Gables, the harder it is for anyone to imagine life without her.

You can add it to your Goodreads shelf or Amazon Wish list .

“There’s such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I’m such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn’t be half so interesting.”

― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

anne of green gables book report ideas

The second book in the Adventures of Anne of Green Gables is called Anne of Avonlea. Anne Shirley is now in her late teens (16-18 years old) during the two years that she teaches at Avonlea school. When twelve-year-old Anne Shirley came to Avonlea, she quickly won everyone’s hearts. Now, she’s five years older, almost a woman, and about to embark on a new adventure: becoming the teacher in her old Avonlea school. It’s an exciting year as Anne struggles to win over all her students, welcomes two new members to her family, and feels the first stirrings of love.

You can add it to your Goodreads shelf or Amazon Wishlist .

“Well, we all make mistakes, dear, so just put it behind you. We should regret our mistakes and learn from them, but never carry them forward into the future with us.”

― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea

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The third book in the series is Anne of the Island . Anne Shirley has come a long way since her days as a mischievous orphan living in the house at Green Gables. New adventures lie ahead as Anne Shirley packs her bags, waves good-bye to childhood, and heads for Redmond College. With her old friend Prissy Grant waiting in the bustling city of Kingsport and her frivolous new friend Philippa Gordon at her side, Anne tucks her memories of rural Avonlea away and discovers life on her own terms, filled with surprises . . . including a marriage proposal from the worst fellow imaginable, the sale of her very first story, and a tragedy that teaches her a painful lesson. But tears turn to laughter when Anne and her friends move into an old cottage and an ornery black cat steals her heart. Little does Anne know that handsome Gilbert Blythe wants to win her heart, too. Suddenly Anne must decide whether she’s ready for love.

“Anne laughed.

“I don’t want sunbursts or marble halls, I just want you.”

― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of the Island

anne of green gables book report ideas

The fourth book in the Anne of Green Gables series is Anne of Windy Poplars (Or Anne of Windy Willows if you are from the UK or Australia).

Anne Shirley has left Redmond College behind to begin a new job and a new chapter of her life away from Green Gables. Now she faces a new challenge: the Pringles. They’re known as the royal family of Summerside—and they quickly let Anne know she is not the person  they  wanted as principal of Summerside High School. But as she settles into the cozy tower room at Windy Poplars, Anne finds she has great allies in the widow’s Aunt Kate and Aunt Chatty—and in their irrepressible housekeeper, Rebecca Dew. As Anne learns Summerside’s strangest secrets, winning the support of the prickly Pringles is only the first of her delicious triumphs.

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“You were never poor as long as you had something to love.”

― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Windy Poplars

“Gilbert, I’m afraid I’m scandalously in love with you.”

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Book five in the series is Anne’s House of Dreams.

Anne’s own true love, Gilbert Blythe, is finally a doctor, and in the sunshine of the old orchard, among their dearest friends, they are about to speak their vows. Soon the happy couple will be bound for a new life together and their own dream house, on the misty purple shores of Four Winds Harbor.

A new life means fresh problems to solve and fresh surprises. Anne and Gilbert will make new friends and meet their neighbors: Captain Jim, the lighthouse attendant, with his sad stories of the sea; Miss Cornelia Bryant, the lady who speaks from the heart—and speaks her mind; and the tragically beautiful Leslie Moore, into whose dark life Anne shines a brilliant light.

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“I’d like to add some beauty to life,” said Anne dreamily. “I don’t exactly want to make people KNOW more… though I know that IS the noblest ambition… but I’d love to make them have a pleasanter time because of me… to have some little joy or happy thought that would never have existed if I hadn’t been born.”

― L.M. Montgomery, Anne’s House of Dreams

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The sixth book and the last one to focus mainly on Anne Shirley is Anne of Ingleside. Seven years on from ‘Anne’s House of Dreams’ the Blythe’s have set up home in a house they affectionately name Ingleside.

Anne is the mother of five, with never a dull moment in her lively home. And now, with a new baby on the way and insufferable Aunt Mary Maria visiting—and wearing out her welcome—Anne’s life is full to bursting.

Still, Mrs. Doctor can’t think of any place she’d rather be than her own beloved Ingleside. Until the day she begins to worry that her adored Gilbert doesn’t love her anymore. How could that be? She may be a little older, but she’s still the same irrepressible, irreplaceable redhead—the wonderful Anne of Green Gables, all grown up. She’s ready to make her cherished husband fall in love with her all over again!

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“It’s not what the world holds for you, it’s what you bring to it.” ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Ingleside

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Book seven, Rainbow Valley. Follows the children of the beloved characters of Anne of Green Gables as they explore the countryside around their home. Anne Shirley is grown up, has married her beloved Gilbert, and is the mother of six mischievous children. These boys and girls discover a special place all their own, but they never dream of what will happen when a strange family moves into an old mansion nearby. The Meredith clan is two boys and two girls—and a runaway named Mary Vance. Soon the Merediths join Anne’s children in their private hideout, intent on carrying out their plans to save Mary from the orphanage, to help the lonely minister find happiness, and to keep a pet rooster from the soup pot. There’s always an adventure brewing in the sun-dappled world of Rainbow Valley.

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“It is never quite safe to think we have done with life. When we imagine we have finished our story fate has a trick of turning the page and showing us yet another chapter.”

― L. M. Montgomery, Rainbow Valley

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Book eight, Rilla of Ingleside follows Anne Shirley’s daughter, Rilla, as she navigates the challenges and joys of coming of age during the tumultuous times of World War I. With its charming characters and poignant themes, this novel captures the enduring spirit of the Anne series.

Anne’s children are almost grown up, except for pretty, high-spirited Rilla. No one can resist her bright hazel eyes and dazzling smile. Rilla, almost fifteen, can’t think any further ahead than going to her very first dance at the Four Winds lighthouse and getting her first kiss from handsome Kenneth Ford. But undreamed-of challenges await the irrepressible Rilla when the world of Ingleside is endangered by a far-off war. Her brothers go off to fight, and Rilla brings home an orphaned newborn in a soup tureen. She is swept into a drama that tests her courage and changes her forever.

You can add it to your reading list on Goodreads or Amazon .

“There was something in her movements that made you think she never walked but always danced.”

― L.M. Montgomery, Rilla of Ingleside

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Book nine, not published until 2009, is a combination of short stories, articles, and essays that L.M. Montgomery wrote about the Blythe family. Titled “The Blythes Are Quoted” it is quite different from the other books as it deals with themes of adultery, illegitimacy, misogyny, revenge, murder, despair, bitterness, hatred, and death—usually not the first terms associated with L.M. Montgomery. But in The Blythe’s Are Quoted, completed shortly before Montgomery’s death, Montgomery brought these topics to the forefront in what she intended to be the ninth volume in her bestselling series featuring her beloved heroine, Anne. Divided into two sections, one set before and one after the Great War of 1914—1918, The Blythe’s Are Quoted contains fifteen episodes that include an adult Anne and her family. Binding these short stories, Montgomery inserted sketches featuring Anne and Gilbert Blythe discussing poems by Anne and their middle son, Walter, who dies as a soldier in the war. By blending poetry, prose, and dialogue, Montgomery was experimenting with storytelling methods in ways she had never attempted.

The Blythes Are Quoted is the last work of fiction by the internationally celebrated author of Anne of Green Gables. Intended by L.M. Montgomery to be the ninth volume in her bestselling series featuring her beloved heroine Anne – and delivered to her publisher on the very day she died – it has never before been published in its entirety. This rediscovered volume marks the final word of a writer whose work continues to fascinate readers all over the world.

Intended by Montgomery to be the ninth volume in her bestselling series featuring Anne Shirley Blythe, The Blythes Are Quoted takes Anne and her family a full two decades beyond anything else she published about them, and some of its subject matter is darker than we might expect.

Divided into two sections, one set before and one after the Great War of 1914–1918, it contains fifteen short stories set in and around the Blythes’ Prince Edward Island community of Glen St. Mary. Binding these stories are sketches featuring Anne and Gilbert Blythe discussing poems by Anne and their middle son, Walter, who dies as a soldier in the war. By blending together poetry, prose, and dialogue in this way, Montgomery was at the end of her career experimenting with storytelling methods in an entirely new manner.

This publication of Montgomery’s rediscovered original work – previously published only in severely abridged form as The Road to Yesterday – invites readers to return to her earlier books with a renewed appreciation and perspective.

You can easily find it on Goodreads or Amazon .

“Oh, what would the world be without youth? And yet it passes so quickly. We are old before we know it. We never believe it … and then someday we wake up and discover we are old.” ― L.M. Montgomery ,  The Blythes Are Quoted

The extra two books where Anne Shirley is mentioned are Chronicles of Avonlea and Further Chronicles of Avonlea.

anne of green gables book report ideas

On Prince Edward Island, where Anne Shirley grew up in the sea-sprayed town of Avonlea, there was no shortage of wonderful stories. There was the case of Ludovic Speed, who wouldn’t propose to the woman he had courted for fifteen years until Anne devised a plan to “speed” him up . . . if it didn’t backfire and break his heart. But no one could blame mischievous Anne for the hilarious battle of the sexes that erupted when a man-hating woman and her cat got quarantined in the same house with a woman-hating bachelor and his dog. From sprawling Penhallow Grange, where a family waits nearly forever for two quarreling lovers to break their stubborn silence, to the tumbledown farm of Old Man Shaw, who awaits the return of his beloved daughter, L. M. Montgomery has written twelve tales of secret hopes and hidden dreams, filled with enchantment and humor.

You can find the series on Goodreads or The Chronicles of Avonlea on Amazon

“Gossip, as usual, was one-third right and two-thirds wrong.”

― L.M. Montgomery, Chronicles of Avonlea

anne of green gables book report ideas

Further Chronicles of Avonlea – Nestled between the ocean and the hills of Prince Edward Island is a road. This road leads to the house—Green Gables—where a girl named Anne grew up, and to the wonderful place called Avonlea.

In this second volume of heartwarming tales by L. M. Montgomery, a Persian cat plays an astonishing part in a marriage proposal; a ghostly appearance in a garden leads a woman to the fulfillment of her youthful dreams; a young girl risks losing her mother to find the father she never knew; and a foolish lie threatens to make an unattached woman a laughingstock when an imaginary lover actually comes to town. Filled with warmth, humor, and mystery, these unforgettable stories re-create the enchanting world of Avonlea.

You can find the series on Goodreads and or this book on Amazon .

“There’s a kind of failure that’s the best success” ― L.M. Montgomery, Further Chronicles of Avonlea

And of course, all the books in the Anne of Green Gables series are available in audiobook format for you to enjoy as well. I enjoyed the Oasis Audios version of  Anne of Avonlea .

Other ways to enjoy Anne of Green Gables

Now if you are like me and just a bit obsessed with the wonderful world that L. M. Montgomery created and you don’t want it to end, there are options! If you want more book recommendations, I suggest you check out Rachel Dodge’s The Anne of Green Gables Devotional: A Chapter-by-Chapter Companion for Kindred Spirits . It highlights the beautiful meaning of friendship and has some wonderful illustrations too! I also recommend checking out Lucy Maud Montgomery: The Gift of Wings by Mary Henley Rubio & After Anne: A Novel of Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Life by Logan Steiner if you’d like a look at the life of L.M. Montgomery and how she came to write Anne of Green Gables.

anne of green gables book report ideas

There have also been several cookbooks published about Anne of Green Gables you can check out too! My personal favorite has been The Anne of Green Gables Cookbook: Charming Recipes from Anne and Her Friends in Avonlea by Kate Macdonald. But the Cooking with “Anne” Gift Kit direct from the publisher is also neat. It comes with a cookbook, a Victorian CD to get you in the mood, plus salt and pepper shakers as well.

anne of green gables book report ideas

If books just aren’t your thing, they have made the entire series into movies and adapted it into a television series as well. Both of which I highly recommend checking out.

It starts with Anne of Green Gables , followed by Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel , and Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story , the last movie completely changes the cast and was made decades later and is called Anne of Green Gables: A New Beginning . There is also a spin-off tv series called Road To Avonlea that I am obsessed with. It has seven seasons and is binge-worthy. I also know that PBS has done a spin-off version of the television series as well but I have yet to watch it, however, the Amazon reviews are very positive.

anne of green gables book report ideas

All in all, it’s easy to see why Anne of Green Gables continues to capture the imaginations of entire generations. L.M. Montgomery put hopes and dreams, trials and triumphs, and life Into this series in spectacular and memorable ways. I hope that her writing will continue to inspire people from all walks of life to look on the bright side and remember, “You can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will.”- L.M. Montgomery. And while Anne of Green Gables was written for a younger audience every age group will enjoy going on adventures with Anne Shirley.

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anne of green gables book report ideas

anne of green gables book report ideas

Anne of Green Gables Books In Order

Publication order of anne shirley books.

Anne of Green Gables (1908)
Anne of Avonlea (1909)
Anne of the Island (1915)
Anne's House of Dreams (1917)
Rainbow Valley (1919)
Rilla of Ingleside (1921)
Anne of Windy Poplars / Anne of Windy Willows (1936)
Anne of Ingleside (1939)
Before Green Gables (2008)

Chronological Order of Anne Shirley Books

Anne of Green Gables(1908)
Anne of Avonlea(1909)
Anne of the Island(1915)
Anne of Windy Poplars / Anne of Windy Willows(1936)
Anne's House of Dreams(1917)
Anne of Ingleside(1939)
Rainbow Valley(1919)
Rilla of Ingleside(1921)
Before Green Gables(2008)

Anne of Green Gables is the first and most popular novel in a nine book series written by Canadian author L.M. Montgomery (also known as Lucy Maud Montgomery). The series centers around the main character, Anne Shirley, a strong-willed, and imaginative orphan girl. Anne’s world is forever changed when she is adopted by Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, a brother and sister who in their old age are looking for someone to assist them. Matthew and Marilla, especially Marilla, had anticipated for a young boy to be sent to them, but instead they are surprised and are given Anne. Anne’s talkative and emotional personality immediately wins over shy and reticent Matthew, but it takes a little longer for Marilla to warm up to her. Marilla begins to see similar characteristics in Anne that remind her of herself, and realizes that she must guide Anne as she thrives in the way of life, and also make sure that Anne does not make the same mistakes that she had. Anne has a unrealistically romantic outlook of life, and is particularly sensitive of her outward appearance, especially her red hair, which any ridicule of it ignites Anne’s temper getting her into troublesome situations. Although Marilla may appear stern and unfeeling towards Anne, Anne knows that Marilla truly loves her and only wants the best for her. Marilla sees the potential in Anne, and her insight propels Anne to become the strong woman readers see in the latter novels.

Set primarily in the idyllic backdrop of Prince Edward Island, readers can get a feel of small town settings and dynamics, both positive and negative – the relaxed pace of life, the immense sense of camaraderie, and also how quickly talk spreads around the neighborhood. Anne’s actions are especially noticed by the town gossip, Rachel Lynde, who is always eager to let Marilla know what she thinks of Anne’s latest antics, and Anne is not a fan of Rachel and has no problem in letting her know it. Marilla, on the other hand, is a sensible and discerning woman, and does not let Rachel’s tattle telling get in the way of her of raising Anne, or in the way of her and Anne’s growing relationship.

Anne Shirley’s bold and out of ordinary behavior tends to land her in trouble, and it also catches the attention of of her classmate, Gilbert Blythe. Although, Anne starts off with a negative impression of Gilbert ever since he makes fun of her hair color, she eventually begins to see him in a different light. He on the other hand is smitten with her immediately and relentlessly pursues her, even a one point saving her from drowning. As their further schooling separates them and takes them to different locations, Gilbert’s act of selflessness of giving up his preferred school to teach at so that Anne can be closer to Marilla, eventually wins Anne over. Their friendship continues to grow, but even though Gilbert makes his love for Anne very apparent, Anne rebuffs him due to her own insecurities and far-fetched fantasies of romance and “true love”. It is not until the third novel, Anne of the Island, when Gilbert suddenly becomes deathly ill with typhoid fever, that Anne realizes how she has been wrong all along, and that her heart has always belonged to Gilbert, and his death would change the course of her life forever. Gilbert eventually pulls through, and he and Anne become engaged, and their life events together are further detailed in the rest of the novels in the series.

Another impressionable relationship in Anne Shirley’s world is her deep bond and friendship with Diana Barry, which adds a sweet glimpse of childhood friendship that lasts. Diana is the opposite of what Anne Shirley thinks of herself; Diana is beautiful, but not as intelligent. It is the perfect example of opposites attract. Anne’s unusual behavior, such as unintentionally getting Diana drunk to accidentally selling her neighbor’s cow, does not drive Diana away, but instead reinforces their friendship. Although tragedies do occur throughout the novel series, such as the sudden passing of Matthew Cuthbert and also Rachel Lynde’s husband, relationships all over remain strong as the characters understand that they need each other even more in times of trouble and sorrow. Forgiveness, loyalty, and perseverance are resonating and significant themes that live on in the Anne of Green Gables series.

While the first novel, Anne of Green Gables, more focuses on character introduction and how relationships are being formed, the second novel, Anne of Avonlea, really begins to show how Anne progresses and matures into a intelligent and caring young lady. As she eventually becomes a teacher, she is forced to grow and take responsibility of herself, but also be responsible for those that she teaches. This is much different then how she was when she first arrived to Avonlea, and readers can really begin to see her transformation.

The Anne of Green Gables series has always been an immensely well liked series, not only in the book form, but in film versions as well. It has been made into movie adaptions, television series, and even stage productions. The undisputed and most famous adaption is the Canadian television miniseries that first debuted in 1985. Although the miniseries only details the first few novels in the series, it still gives its audience a decent story line of the written work themselves.

L.M. Montgomery captured her life experiences from teaching in various schools on Prince Edward Island and successfully managed to display that way of life in the Anne of Green Gables series. The series gives readers a chance to escape and seek out a different place, a place that still resembles real life, but through the perspective of a young girl who starts off alone, but ends up being one of the most loved characters of all time. L.M. Montgomery’s literary works continue to be adored by old and new fans all around the world as they immerse themselves in the simple and yet, never dull world of Anne Shirley.

4 Responses to “Anne of Green Gables”

I don’t know what the anne of green gables order is can you tell me

The list is above in both publication and chronological order.

Where can I get the whole series of Anne Of Green Gables

you could probably find them anywhere that sells books.

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Anne of Green Gables, Complete 8-Book Box Set

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L.M. Montgomery

Anne of Green Gables, Complete 8-Book Box Set Mass Market Paperback – Box set, October 1, 1990

  • Print length 2088 pages
  • Language English
  • Grade level 4 - 7
  • Lexile measure 560L
  • Dimensions 6.5 x 4.31 x 7.06 inches
  • Publisher Starfire
  • Publication date October 1, 1990
  • ISBN-10 0553609416
  • ISBN-13 978-0553609417
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Anne of green gables: complete 8-book box set.

Anne of Green Gables

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  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Starfire; Reissue edition (October 1, 1990)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Mass Market Paperback ‏ : ‎ 2088 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0553609416
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0553609417
  • Reading age ‏ : ‎ 9+ years, from customers
  • Lexile measure ‏ : ‎ 560L
  • Grade level ‏ : ‎ 4 - 7
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 2.75 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6.5 x 4.31 x 7.06 inches
  • #142 in Children's Classics

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HONEST review of Anne of Green Gables Bookset

Allison Scott

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Take a detailed look at this Anne of Green Gables book set!

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Such a cute set!!

Sara McCormick

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Customer Review: Busted box

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Customer Review: So far I love it!!

Manoela Gomes

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About the author

L.m. montgomery.

My name is Lucy Maud Montgomery, A Canadian author best known for a collection of novels, essays, short stories, and poetry beginning in 1908 with Anne of Green Gables. She published twenty novels as well as 530 short stories, five hundred poems, and thirty essays.

Some of my books have been made in to television shows and had inspired movie producers

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Customers find the books lovely, classic, and enjoyable. They also describe the storylines as wonderful, full of love, family, and good life lessons. Readers mention the books are great for youth and full of sweet and unforgettable moments. They find the characters heartwarming, soothing, and delightful. They say it's a perfect gift. Opinions are mixed on the box quality and readability, with some finding it good and straightforward, while others say it falls apart after a reading.

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Customers find the books great, beautiful, and well-loved for many years. They also say the set of books look like brand new.

"...The book was pretty good in the sense that it wasn't as silly, but when it comes to reality, it pretty much fails." Read more

"I live books and I love collecting them. This is a great collection ...." Read more

"I recommend this book series for so many reasons. It’s a classic , it’s full of moments that make you laugh out loud and others that will make you cry..." Read more

"The product looks very good and came fast. Happy with them. This has nothing to do with the seller at all. They came through well...." Read more

Customers find the storyline wonderful, charming, and full of love, family, and good life lessons. They also say the books are a good kind of escapism, with surprises.

"...It’s a classic, it’s full of moments that make you laugh out loud and others that will make you cry...." Read more

"Gift for grandchild. I’m sure she will love it. Worth the price ." Read more

"The books are charming . However, the second book in the set repeats pages 57-88 in the book at page 88...." Read more

"...The book is funny, interesting , and heatbreaking at times. I haven't read any of the Anne of Avolea books, so this is what he has told me...." Read more

Customers find the books interesting, fun, informative, and educational. They also say the books bring back a lot of nostalgia and are a very influential part of their childhood.

"...first three Anne books are truly wonderful and were a very influential part of my childhood . As a kid, however, I strongly disliked books 4-8...." Read more

"It’s fun to retrace Anne and her adventures . Her tales make me remember mine." Read more

"...Love a good series. Perfect to read with kids too !" Read more

"...It is great for teen girls who are looking for a fun , wholesome, and cute story! The packaging could have definitely been better...." Read more

Customers find the characters in the book heartwarming, passionate, bold, and resourceful. They also say the book is inspiring, soothing, and delightful.

"...when I heard Davy put a toad in Marilla's bed. The characters are well developed , changing from children to teens to adults...." Read more

" a better job of depicting Gilbert as a likable, spirited and passionate person , worthy of Anne's fire...." Read more

"...Literature that has stood the test of time. Charming, uplifting , the collection deserves 5 stars, collectively and individually." Read more

" Recommend heart warming characters dealing with family and lovers fighting for freedom in Europe. Historical details of world war 1 battles" Read more

Customers find the book a perfect gift.

" Great gift for 7 1/2 yr old...... I'm trying to encourage reading and this series is perfect" Read more

"It's a great collections for everyone to enjoy. A good gift ideas for any occasion . Thanks!" Read more

"...This beautiful boxed set makes the perfect gift for either those who enjoyed the first book and would like to know what happened to Anne, or those..." Read more

" Nice gift set for the budding reader ." Read more

Customers have mixed opinions about the box quality of the book. Some find it good, while others say it's lacking in quality. The box for the set arrived ripped, with tears in it.

"...sense that it wasn't as silly, but when it comes to reality, it pretty much fails ." Read more

"We love this series and are overall happy with the quality of this series, but in the second book, there is a misprint...." Read more

"...The book holder is very thin cardboard that immediately collapsed as the books fell to the floor...." Read more

"Comes with all books as in the image. Price was good, books in excelent condition . Overall a good buy!" Read more

Customers are mixed about the readability. Some find the book wonderful, with beautiful ease into Anne's world. They appreciate the wonderful use of words and turn of phrase. However, some customers find the books difficult to read, with small fonts and poor print.

" reread them was a treat to myself, the books are written in the beautiful language of the time and the author had a lovely descriptive way of..." Read more

"These books are so very difficult to read . The font is tiny and there are many pages that a printed wrong, cutting off words or letters...." Read more

"...The quality of the writing is not found in many modern books...." Read more

"This series is beautifully written & I have not only read it through, but in a desire for more of her work have read "Further Chronicles of Avonlea"..." Read more

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anne of green gables book report ideas

Anne of Green Gables Book Review: A reading delight for anyone who has “imagination”

Table of contents, how i came across the book, anne of green gables.

Most of the books I read in this challenge have a story behind them. To know the story behind this one, let’s go back to my childhood. Our school reopened after the summer holidays in June. And about two weeks before school started, my dad used to get me all the texts needed for that academic year. Among all those books, there were two books that got my special attention. One, was the English text, of course. The other was Mathematics. Like you would have guessed, those were the two subjects I was most fond of. And by the time school started, I would have already gone through both these books completely at least once. The same thing happened when I was about to go to eighth grade. While I was reading my English text of that year, I stumbled upon a very amusing chapter called “Anne’s confession”.

Anne of Green Gables Book review

When I read Anne of Green Gables , a plethora of emotions flew down my heart. It is not possible to express them in a nutshell. So, I am presenting this book review in the form of some points that deserve to be elaborated:

Anne Shirley; the girl I saw on the other side of the mirror I peeped into as a child

There are many instances in the book where I particularly felt connected to little Anne. Like the one where she does a recital at a hotel concert. Although she has gone up on stage several times before, this is the time she gets a taste of stage fright; and a terrible one at that. The same thing happened to me during a poetry recital competition in high school. I’ve performed on stage since the age of four and never did I find the stage as intimidating as I did on that day. There’s this other situation where she has to go far from Avonlea for some time. While her friends don’t miss home as much, Anne is terribly homesick. I could imagine how Anne felt. I’ve always wondered how people can move out of a place where they’ve spent their entire childhood and not feel even a pinch of sorrow.

An ending that made me smile through tears

Do you know that feeling you get after reading a good book; that feeling of reassurance that life is good, and that everything will turn out just fine? Well, after reading this book, I felt that a well-written fictional book serves that purpose better than its accomplice from the self-help section. Anne of Green Gables was heart-warming beyond words for me. There’s this unsettling feeling that usually creeps in when something dear to your heart comes to an end. I generally feel that when I am moving on from some person or place or phase of my life where I have been attached for a long time. Though I read this book in a week, when it ended, it made me feel the same in that short span of time.

Anne of Green Gables book summary

The book is more than just a story for kids. It teaches some of life’s raw truths like, it is possible to happily move on from people whom you once considered inseparable from, or that failure doesn’t make you any less perfect, or that it is possible to outgrow your hatred for someone and become good friends. But the best lesson that I took home from this book is, ambition and gentle can go hand in hand.

Some Anne of Green Gables quotes that I found most appealing

“Next to trying and winning, the best thing is trying and failing.”

What I did like about the book, Anne of Green Gables

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