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  • Careers advice
  • Cover letters

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How to write a cover letter.

A cover letter introduces you to an employer and asks them to think about your application. 

It’s a short letter, usually 3 to 5 paragraphs long.

When to include a cover letter

You should always include a cover letter when you apply for a job using a CV. 

You can write it as an email if you’re applying online or print a copy to go with a paper application.

When writing a cover letter, let the employer know you’re keen by showing that you’ve researched the company. Learn more about what they do through:

  • their website
  • recent news articles
  • talking to people you know who work there

Send it to the right person

It's important to try to address your cover letter to someone by name. Check you have the details of the person you need to send it to. 

You'll need their name and preferred title. For example, ‘Dr’, ‘Mr’, ‘Mrs’, ‘Ms’, and their job title. You should also make sure you have the right company name and address, including postcode.

If you do not know their name

If the job advert does not include a name you can check the company website. Try to find details of the head of the department, head of human resources or a recruitment manager.

If you still cannot find a name, you can start your letter with ‘Dear Sir or Madam’.


Introduce yourself and explain how you found the advertised job. You can mention the job title, and reference number if there is one. 

If you’re asking about any job openings and not applying to a vacancy, tell them what sort of job you’re looking for. Let the employer see how keen you are to work for them.

Show you're right for the job

Highlight the skills and experience you have that match what the employer is looking for. 

Convince them that you're enthusiastic about working for them. Let them know you share their work values, culture and style.

Give extra information

If you have gaps in your employment history, you could talk about the skills you gained while you were out of work.

If you’ve mentioned on your CV that you have a disability, you might want to talk more about this in your cover letter. Organisations like Disability UK can give you advice on how to do this. You do not have to mention your disability at this stage if you prefer not to.

You can get more help with specialist advice on finding work if you have a disability.

Ending your cover letter

Thank the employer for considering your application. Let them know that they can get more details from your CV, and tell them you're looking forward to hearing from them.

Let them know how they can best contact you. Make sure your contact details are correct on both your cover letter and CV.

Yours sincerely or yours faithfully

If you know the name of the person you’re writing to, you should end the letter with ‘Yours sincerely’.

If you’ve addressed the letter ‘Dear Sir or Madam’, you should end the letter with ‘Yours faithfully’.

Tips for writing a cover letter

When writing your cover letter, remember to:

  • write a new one for every job you apply for and make sure it’s tailored to the company and the specific role
  • use the same font and size as you do for your CV, so it looks consistent
  • make sure the company name and recruiter’s details are correct
  • use the right language and tone: keep it professional and match the keywords used by the employer in their job advert
  • show you’ve done your research into the job and the company
  • highlight your most relevant skills and experience to stand out from other applicants
  • back up any statements you make with facts and use the STAR method
  • double check spelling and grammar before you send it
  • keep a copy of your cover letter as they may ask you about it in an interview

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11 Cover letter templates with examples

Andrew Fennell photo

Not sure what type of cover letter is going to catch the eye of hiring managers, so they actually read your CV?

A well-written cover letter can be a game-changer in your job search, so long as you think carefully about what you include.

No need to panic, though.

For an easy win, use one of our 11 impressive cover letter templates, along with inspirational examples and a step-by-step writing guide.

CV templates 

Basic cover letter template

Dear [Recruiter’s name],

I am writing to apply for the [Job title] at [Company name], as advertised on [Website name]. With [Number of years of experience] in [Core responsibilities of role + quantified achievement if possible].

During my current job at [Company name], I [Core responsibilities of role + quantified achievement if possible].

I am eager to bring my [Mention suitable skill + aspirations] to the [Job title] at [Employer’s name] and I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience.

Kind regards,

[Name] [Phone number] [Email]

Basic cover letter example

Basic cover letter example

Short cover letter template

Hi [Recruiter name],

I’d like to express my interest in the role of [Job title] as advertised on [Website name].

I am currently working in a [Current role] role for [Current employer], where I am responsible for [Core responsibilities of role + quantified achievement if possible].

I’m looking for a new challenge that will [Aspirations + mention of suitable skill].

It would be great to hear from you, and I am available to interview at any time.

Short cover letter example

Short cover letter example

Admin cover letter template

Good morning [Hiring Manager],

I am writing to submit my application for the position of [Role name] at [Company name]. As a passionate and committed individual with [Number of years] of experience and a track record of [Core responsibilities of role + quantified achievement if possible], I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the continued success of your institution.

I have gained valuable insights into the [Core responsibilities of role + more quantified achievements.] In my current role as [Current role], I have continuously facilitated positive change and enhanced [Company name’s] reputation.

Some notable achievements I would like to mention include [List quantified achievements].

With all my experience and a [Qualification] in [Subject], I hope that you recognise my enthusiasm and will consider me for the position.

Kind regards, [Name] [Phone number] [Email address]

Admin cover letter example

Admin cover letter example

Finance cover letter template

I am excited to apply for the [Job title] at [Company name]. As a results-orientated professional with a track record of [Core responsibilities of role + quantified achievement if possible], I am confident that my expertise aligns perfectly with the needs of your organisation.

With [Number of years] of experience, I have developed [Core responsibilities of role + quantified achievement if possible].

In my current role as a [Current role] at [Current employer], I implemented a [Core responsibilities of role + quantified achievement if possible].

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of further discussing my qualifications, skills, and contributions I will bring as your new [Job title].

Finance cover letter example

Finance cover letter example

Sales cover letter template

I hope you’re well. I am writing to apply for the [Job title] at [Company name]. With [Core responsibilities of role + quantified achievement if possible].

I am eager to apply my proactive and goal-orientated approach to drive revenue growth at [Company name]. I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience to discuss how my dedication and skills can contribute to the success of your sales team.

Sales cover letter example

Sales cover letter example

Customer service cover letter template

I’d like to apply for the position of [Job title] as advertised on [Website name].

With [Years] of experience in customer-facing positions for leading retail companies, I have gathered extensive customer service skills in [Type of setting].

In my current role with [Company name], I am responsible for [Role responsibilities + quantified achievement if possible].

My role has given me [Aspirations + mention suitable skill].

I believe my skill sets and product knowledge will allow me to fit perfectly with the requirements you are seeking in a candidate, and I am available for an interview at short notice.

Customer service cover letter example

Customer service cover letter example

Project management cover letter template

I am interested in applying for the role of [Job title] . My experience in [List core responsibilities of role + quantified achievement if possible].

I am enclosing my CV for your consideration, which further highlights my experience, which I am positive fully meets the demands of this role.

Project management cover letter example

Project management cover letter example

Education cover letter template

I hope you’re well.

I am writing concerning the advert for a [Job title] at [Name of educational setting]. Over the past [Number of years], I have [Core responsibilities of role + quantified achievement if possible].

I am seeking a new opportunity that will allow me to [Aspirations + mention of suitable skill].

I am keen to talk to you more about the job role, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Education cover letter example

Education cover letter example

Internal promotion cover letter template

Hey [Recruiter name],

I hope you and the team are well! I am thrilled to apply for the promotion to [Job title] of the [Department] team at [Company name], as advertised on [Website name]. With my [Number of years] of service as a [Current role], within the company, supported by [Core responsibilities of role + quantified achievement if possible].

As a dedicated member of staff, I am eager to streamline and innovate the administrative operations at [Company name] in this new role. I would love to discuss my vision for this role further in an interview at your discretion.

All the best, [Name] [Phone number] [Email address]

Internal promotion cover letter example

Internal promotion cover letter example

Student cover letter template

Good morning [Recruiter name],

I would like to submit my application for the [Job title] at [Company name], where I believe my skills in [Industry] can make a valuable contribution.

As a highly driven [Core responsibilities of studies + quantified achievement if possible].

I am eager to continue learning and to have the opportunity to work alongside the team at [Employer’s name]. I am available for an interview at your convenience to further discuss my qualifications. Thank you for considering my application.

Student cover letter example

Student cover letter example

No experience cover letter template

I am an enthusiastic [Job title/student] at [Current employer/School or university name] with excellent [Core skills], seeking to apply for the [Job title] at [Company name].

In my current role as [Current role] at [Current employer], I [Core responsibilities of role + quantified achievement if possible].

I am excited to contribute my [Aspirations + mention of suitable skill]. I am available for an interview from [Insert date] and I am eager to discuss how my skills can benefit your company’s success.

Thank you for considering my application.

Sincerely, [Name] [Phone number] [Email address]

No experience cover letter example

No experience cover letter

How to write a cover letter

Here are five steps on how to write a cover letter to ensure you get hiring managers in the UK and beyond to look at your CV .

Include your cover letter within the email or message

When submitting your job application, always include your cover letter within the body of your email or message. Never attached it as a separate document.

“But why?”, you ask.

Well, you should instantly grab the recruiter’s attention the moment they look at your application. If they have to endure the hassle of opening a document, it slows everything down, and they may not even bother.

Here’s how to include your cover letter in the body of your application message:

Where to write cover letter

Tailor your greeting by directly addressing the recruiter

To get your cover letter off to a great start, make a brilliant first impression by using the hiring manager or recruiter’s name.

Avoid sounding overly formal or informal, though.

For instance, you could address the recruiter using:

  • Hi [insert recruiter’s name]
  • Hi [insert department/team name]

Skip the conventional “Dear Sir or Madam” unless you’re targeting highly formal companies.

Here are a few tips on how to locate the recruiter’s name:

  • Check the job ad – Sometimes, you can find their name and email address within the job advert itself.
  • Visit the company website – Look at the “About Us” section to unearth the contact info for the recruitment team or head of department.
  • Use LinkedIn – If you’re having a hard time pinning down the specific team and company related to the job opening, a quick search can reveal the person in charge of hiring for that specific job.

If you have no success in finding their name, don’t stress. Just say “Hi” – that’ll more than do the trick. Aim for a greeting that is both professional and welcoming.

Here are some examples of how to address your cover letter if you have trouble finding their name:

How to address a cover letter if you can't find a name

Be personable and professional

Your cover letter should be a blend of personality and professionalism .

Coming across as too casual can make you sound a little unprofessional while appearing excessively formal can make you look stiff.

Go for a professional, friendly tone.

Begin with something such as, “I hope you’re well” to bring a personal touch.

Professional greeting

Pinpoint your applicable skills

Your cover letter’s purpose? To entice hiring managers to read your CV . To do this, quickly allude to your relevant skills tailored to the job you’re interested in.

Review the job description and note the essential qualifications and skills the recruiter wants.

Suitable skills in cover letter

Concentrate on these skills in your cover letter and tell them why you’re perfect for the role.

This gives recruiters the confidence they need to consider you for the job.

For instance, you could say:

  • Finance – “My strategic planning skills allowed me to identify key growth opportunities and revenue drivers, ultimately leading to the impressive revenue increase of over £100 million.”
  • Marine engineer – “I excel in the development and implementation of predictive maintenance programs, ensuring equipment reliability and longevity. I implemented a predictive maintenance programme that reduced downtime of critical equipment by 25%, as well as saved £120K+ annually through purchasing supplies from suitable industry vendors.”
  • Medical writer – “My capacity to translate complex medical information into clear and accessible content for various audiences is a core skill that has empowered me to produce 15 high-quality educational materials. Moreover, my strong research proficiency was instrumental in increasing audience comprehension and patient satisfaction scores by 30% and 15% respectively.”

Conclude and add a professional signature

Your sign-off must be warm. So, say something like “Best regards” or “Kind regards.” Just be yourself while staying polite.

To add a nice finishing touch to your cover letter , add a professional signature at the very bottom.

Doing so helps the person on the other end know how to reach you and gives your cover letter a professional touch.

Here’s what you need to include in your professional sign-off:

  • Your full name – Add your first and last name, like “Jessica Smith”. It’s just there so recruiters know who you are.
  • Your phone number – Preferably, put your mobile number in here so recruiters can quickly get hold of you.
  • Your email address – This must be a professional email address, like [email protected]. Don’t include an overly casual email – remember, this is a job application.

If you like, you could also include a couple of extra details:

  • Your job title – For example, “Administrator” or “Delivery Driver.”
  • A link to your LinkedIn – If you use LinkedIn, insert a link to your profile – this is like your professional social media.

Cover letter professional signature

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Cover letters

It's important to get your cover letter right. It's your one opportunity to sell your skills and experience to potential employers. Find out how to write and format a cover letter and take ideas and inspiration from our cover letter templates

What is a cover letter?

A cover letter is a document sent alongside your CV when applying for jobs. It acts as a personal introduction and helps to sell your application.

Cover letters are necessary as they give you the chance to explain to an employer why you're the best candidate for the job. You do this by highlighting relevant skills and experience; therefore, you should always write your cover letter with the position you're applying for in mind.

Not to be confused with  personal statements for your CV , cover letters should complement your CV but not duplicate it. The consensus among recruiters when it comes to the length of these documents is the shorter the better. Typically, three to five short paragraphs, cover letters should not exceed one A4 page.

If sending electronically, put the text in the body of the email rather than as an attachment, to avoid it being detected by spam filters.

Applications should always include a cover letter unless the job advert instructs you differently.

How do I write a good cover letter?

Before writing your cover letter it's important that you do your research. While reading the job description thoroughly is essential, it's not enough on its own. To help you craft a successful cover letter you’ll need to find out more about:

  • who will be reading your cover letter
  • the organisation and its culture
  • the industry it operates in and any relevant news
  • company competitors and market position.
  • the organisations goals over the next five years.

When writing your cover letter keep it brief, while making sure it emphasises your suitability for the job. Cover letters can be broken down into the following sections:

  • First paragraph  - The opening statement should set out why you're writing the letter. Begin by stating the position you're applying for, where you saw it advertised and when you are available to start.
  • Second paragraph  - Highlight relevant experience and demonstrate how your skills match the specific requirements of the job description. Summarise any additional strengths and explain how these could benefit the company.
  • Third paragraph  - Cover why you're suitable for the job, what attracted you to this type of work, why you're interested in working for the company and what you can offer the organisation. This is a good opportunity to show off your knowledge of the company.
  • Last paragraph  - Use the closing paragraph to round up your letter. Reiterate your interest in the role and indicate your desire for an  interview. Now is the time to mention any unavailable dates.

Once finished read through the document and cut out any unnecessary words and sentences. Don't fill up space by repeating what's already covered in your CV. As a rule, only mention your current salary or salary expectations if the employer has specifically asked you to. If you're asked to include this information, put it between the third and last paragraphs.

Unless the job advert states differently (for example, it may ask you to provide your CV and cover letter as a Word document) save with a .PDF file extension to make sure it can be opened and read on any machine. Windows PCs and Macs don't always work in harmony - Windows use a .docx file extension and Macs .pages but if the recruiter uses the opposite system, they may not be able to open your file. Using a .PDF file extension should solve this.

If you need help with your CV take a look at  how to write a CV .

How should I address a cover letter?

Always try and address your cover letter directly to the person who will be reading it. Bear in mind that you're more likely to receive a reply if you send it to the right person.

If you're struggling to find a named contact, you can use a general greeting such as:

  • Dear Sir/Madam
  • Dear Hiring manager
  • Dear Human resources director.

However, general greetings should only be used once you have exhausted methods of finding a named contact.

How do I sign off?

How you sign off your cover letter depends on how you addressed it. If you include a named contact, sign off 'Yours sincerely'. If you use a general greeting, finish with 'Yours faithfully'.

Example cover letters

  • Sample cover letter  - Used to highlight your skills and experience and to express your suitability and passion for the job, cover letters are used to encourage recruiters to look at your CV. Attention to detail is crucial and spelling, grammar and formatting needs to be spot on. Take a look at our sample cover letter for inspiration.
  • Speculative cover letter  - These can sometimes be an effective method of creating an opportunity. To ensure that speculative cover letters are successful you'll need to do your research on the company you're applying to. Using our cover letter template, discover what to include in speculative applications.
  • Cover letter by a Masters graduate  - You probably embarked on a Masters to expand your subject knowledge, gain industry contacts and improve your job prospects but to really make it work you need to know how to sell your postgraduate qualification to employers.
  • Cover letter for a jobseeker with no experience  - It can be tough applying for a job with no experience, but our example cover letter shows you how to promote yourself to an employer if you haven't got any directly related work experience.
  • Explaining a gap in your CV  - Knowing how to navigate around gaps in your CV can be tricky but it's a mistake to try and gloss over them. Your cover letter is the perfect place to explain these gaps in your employment history to potential employers. Take a look at our sample cover letter to find out how to go about it.
  • Cover letter for changing career  - Find out how to explain a change of direction in our example cover letter for career changers. You'll need to briefly cover why you want to change career and relate your past experience and wealth of skills to the industry/job you’re applying to.
  • Cover letter by an international graduate  - If you'd like to expand your horizons by working abroad, take a look at our cover letter of an international student applying for a job in the UK. You’ll need to do your research if you apply for a job in another country, as application rules may differ.
  • Disclosing a disability  - Just like your gender, marital status and dependants your disability doesn't affect your ability to do a job and you're not legally required to disclose it on your CV or in your cover letter. However, if you would like to disclose a disability to outline any adjustments you may need, this sample cover letter will show you how.
  • Internship cover letter - To set yourself above the competition you need to successfully sell your relevant skills and experience while conveying your passion for the role. As well as explaining to employers what the opportunity could do for you, you'll need to communicate what you could do for the company. Discover how to craft the perfect application for a formal internship with our internship cover letter template.
  • Apprenticeship cover letter - Apprenticeships are an increasingly popular route into work, as well as a great alternative to university. Find out how to apply for these roles with our apprenticeship cover letter example.

For inspiration and guidance on crafting a CV see example CVs .

When should I follow up my application?

It's always a good idea to follow up on a job application if you don't hear back. If two weeks have passed and you've had no response, send an email to the hiring manager to check that your application has been received. Use this opportunity to reiterate your interest in the role and why you think you'd be an asset to the company.

Keep this email brief. It shouldn't act as a second cover letter or attempt to replace or repeat the original.

What are some top tips for writing a cover letter?

With employers often receiving lots of applications for each vacancy, you need to ensure that your cover letter makes a lasting impression for the right reasons. These tips will increase your chances of success:

  • Tailor to the organisation  - You should rewrite your cover letter every time you apply for a position in order to target the company. Sending out a generic letter for all applications rarely yields positive results and recruiters can spot your lack of time and effort from a mile away.
  • Format  - Presentation is important so you'll need to format your cover letter properly. Make sure the document is as uncluttered as possible, use the same font and size as you use in your CV and if you're sending it through the post or handing it in use good quality plain white paper to print it on.
  • Use keywords that appear in the job advert - This lets the employer know that you’ve read and understood the job description. It also demonstrates that you’ve taken the time to tailor your application to the job.
  • Identify your USPs  - They're your unique selling points. Be positive about what you have to offer and clearly outline how your skills and experience meet those requested in the job description. Demonstrate why you're the perfect candidate.
  • Include examples  - Back up the claims in your cover letter with real evidence or examples that show how and when you've used your skills and experience.
  • Save a copy - If you’re invited to interview you might need to refer back to it.

If you're a student or recent graduate, you can make an appointment with your university's careers and employability service to access further help when writing your cover letter. You'll be able to talk with specially-trained advisers, get advice on what to include and have a professional eye look over your application before sending.

To make sure you don’t trip up read about the  5 things to avoid when writing a cover letter .

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What is a Europass CV and How to Write it?

by Will Campbell

  • · May 27 2024
  • · 7 min read

Person writing a Europass CV

Table of contents

Crafting a CV from scratch is often a challenge. That challenge gets even more complicated if you are applying for jobs across Europe and don’t know what each country expects from a resume. The Europass CV was developed to provide an internationally accepted standard, so you can be sure you’re creating the right impression across the European job market.

In this article, we cover: What a Europass CV is How to structure a Europass CV The pros and cons of a Europass CV Possible CV format alternatives.

What is a Europass CV? 

The Europass CV is a free standardised CV format designed by the European Union to streamline the European job application process. It aims to offer a unified, clear structure that allows employers and application tracking systems (ATS) to assess international candidates' qualifications and experience quickly. Its cross-border recognition and straightforward format, make it ideal for professionals seeking job opportunities online or via email in other European countries. 

The Europass CV can be configured in up to 30 different languages, making it an effective tool when applying for positions with an international focus.

Looking to create a professional CV?

Europass cv template .

Europass CV template

How is the Europass CV structured? 

The Europass is more than a CV, it’s a collection of essential documents that complete your career profile. The package includes three main components: Europass Mobility , Diploma Supplement and Certificate Supplement . Here we take a look at what each one consists of.

Europass Mobility

The Europass Mobility document is what many recognise as the traditional CV. It details your education, additional qualifications, job titles, personal information and skills. For each internship, course or educational milestone, you can fill out a certificate that will then be valid throughout Europe.

Diploma Supplement

The Diploma Supplement is relevant for those with a university degree. It confirms additional certifications, qualifications, and courses. Your educational institution issues this document after graduation, giving HR departments a clearer understanding of your specialisation and the value of your degree.

Certificate Supplement

Similar to the Diploma Supplement, the Certificate Supplement explains your qualifications to employers. However, it covers vocational education rather than university degrees, helping you expand your professional profile. This supplementary document is ideal for those searching for roles like electrician , mechanic or plumber .

There used to be a fourth supplementary document called “Language Passport”, which has since been integrated into the language section of the Europass CV.

Explore these CV examples with step-by-step writing guides to help kick-start your job search: Civil service CV Customer service CV Data analyst CV Developer CV Finance CV.

Customise a ready-to-use CV example for your job target

How to write a europass cv section-by-section.

When we look at the Europass CV format, we can see that its content and structure are similar to that of any modern CV . Here we show you what to consider when approaching each section. The format will be familiar to most job-seekers, consisting of the following core areas:

1. Personal information

Be precise and professional. Include full name, address, telephone number, email, and LinkedIn profile if applicable. Avoid adding personal information not relevant to the job, such as marital status or age, as this aligns with European data protection standards. Learn more about when to include a photo on a CV .

2. Work experience

List your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent job. For each position, include your job title, the employer’s name and location, the dates of your employment, and a brief description of your key responsibilities and achievements . Use bullet points and action verbs to highlight specific successes or contributions that are quantifiable.

3. Education

Again, use reverse chronological order to list your education . Include all relevant educational qualifications, training, and courses. Be sure to list the names of the institutions and the dates attended, along with the degree or qualification obtained. If you are soon to be entering the workforce after graduation , include your dissertation title if it is relevant to the job you are applying for.

4. Skills and competencies

When listing your skills and competencies tailor them to the job you are applying for. List your professional skills like project management or computer skills , and personal skills such as communication or teamwork . Use a scale to describe your level of competence, and consider including certifications or examples of how you have used these skills in a work context.

5. Additional sections

Use additional sections to add any supporting information that could strengthen your application. This might include professional certifications , volunteer work or references . Ensure each entry adds value to your CV and relates directly to the job or enhances your profile as a candidate.

must-have CV sections

Explore these CV examples with step-by-step writing guides to help kick-start your job search: Hospitality CV Human resources CV IT CV Project manager CV Recruitment CV.

What are the pros and cons of the Europass CV?

As a job-seeker based in the UK, it is important to understand the Europass CV is technically, not a valid format. Let’s take a look at a few situations where it may be advantageous to use a Europass CV template and where it might not be the best choice.

When to use a Europass CV format

Applying for jobs in Europe: If you're seeking employment in mainland Europe, the Europass CV is a recognised and accepted format. It simplifies the process for employers, who are used to its layout​.

Standardising qualifications : The Europass CV is helpful if you have diverse qualifications from different countries or education systems. It allows you to present your qualifications in a coherent format​.

Recent graduates : The Europass format is well-suited for those with little to no work experience who want to highlight their education and training.

When not to use a Europass CV format

Applying in the UK or outside Europe : The Europass CV format is less effective for job applications in the UK or outside Europe. For example, UK employers are less accustomed to seeing pictures of the applicant or detailed personal information.

Senior positions: For senior or specialised roles, a Europass CV is too generic. More detailed, custom-made CVs often better reflect experience and an extensive, specialised skill set.

Creative fields: Similarly, jobs in the creative industries typically favour visually appealing, customised CVs over the standardised Europass format.

Additional pros and cons of using a Europass format CV include:

What is a good alternative to a europass cv.

While Europass offers a recognisable and standard format, the UK market and some European employers prefer a more tailored and visually engaging CV. A simple CV or skills-based CV showing your in-demand soft skills , strengths, and suitability for the role is more effective. Underscoring your value in a succinct and tailored way allows you greater flexibility to show your professional journey, and increase the chances of securing interviews​.

Alternatives to the Europass CV include:

German or French-style CV

Chronological CV

Internship CV

Student or graduate CV

The CVMaker CV Builder can help job seekers create professional CVs that stand out, offering a variety of templates and customisation options that align with industry standards and specific job requirements.

If you are looking for a customisable and standardised appearance, CV Maker has over 20 CV templates to choose from. Take inspiration from our CV example articles including industry-specific tips and tricks plus ready-to-use templates from over 130 professions. 

Key takeaways 

Know what a Europass CV is : It’s important to familiarise yourself with the Europass CV format and why it exists. This is an online CV format developed to make it easier to apply for jobs across the European Union and beyond.

Identify if it is the right CV format for your needs : The Europass CV might not be the best choice for you if you are applying for jobs within the UK or for senior positions. Both situations require a more bespoke CV outlining a unique professional journey.

Consider using supplementary documents : If you do opt for a Europass CV, bolster your application with documents such as the Diploma or Certificate Supplements depending on whether your educational background is academic or vocational.

Understand the limitations: Recognise that the standardised format of the Europass CV may not suit every job application, particularly outside of Europe or in highly specialised fields where a more customised CV is preferred.

Explore alternatives with CV Maker: CV Maker offers the convenience of the Europass format but with more customisation options, enabling you to create a CV that stands out in any job market and highlights your unique skills and experiences effectively.

Next steps?

Get started with CVMaker to get ahead in your job search. Our easy-to-use CV builder allows you quickly format, update, and enhance your CV. To accompany your CV, discover our cover letter templates . If you don’t want to leave anything to chance, connect with our professional CV Writing Service . Draw inspiration from our blog for tips on how to save time, emphasise important sections and make it easier for hiring managers to grasp your unique professional offer.

How long should a Europass CV be?

A Europass CV should typically be no more than two pages long. This length is sufficient to detail your professional experience, education, skills, and qualifications without overwhelming the reader. The focus should be on relevancy and clarity, ensuring all information presented supports your application effectively. Learn more about the ideal CV length in our blog article.

How to export Europass CV in PDF?

To export a Europass CV in PDF format, first complete your CV using the online Europass CV editor. Once you're satisfied with the information and layout, select the "Export" or "Download" option and choose 'PDF' as the format. This will generate a PDF file that you can save to your computer or device.

Is Europass CV accepted in the UK?

The Europass CV is not widely accepted in the UK, as UK employers may prefer a more tailored CV format that is customary in the local job market. While the Europass CV can still be used, it is generally more advantageous to use a format that aligns with UK standards, especially for roles that require a detailed, customised CV. Read this article for more tips on how to write a good CV for the UK job market.

Is the Europass CV ATS-friendly?

Yes, the Europass CV is designed to be ATS-friendly. Its clear, standard format and layout are structured to be easily readable by Applicant Tracking Systems used by employers across Europe. This helps ensure that your CV can be efficiently processed and that your key information is recognised by these systems.

Is the Europass CV still valid?

Yes, the Europass CV remains a valid and widely recognised format within the European Union for job applications. It provides a standardised way to present skills and qualifications, facilitating mobility across EU countries. However, its effectiveness may vary outside of these regions, where other formats might be preferred.

Start creating your CV

Create a professional CV quick and easy with our advanced CV Builder

Updated May 27 2024

Will Campbell has over 10 years' experience writing for startups, employment, education and global brands. With a rich work history of over 30 part-time jobs, Will has become exceptionally skilled in advising others on how to write an interview-getting CV. When not tapping away at his keyboard, he can be found running or playing the nearest guitar. Connect via LinkedIn

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