1. Types of Speech Style by leenette lee on Prezi

    learning task 5 identify the type of speech style

  2. Types of Speech Style

    learning task 5 identify the type of speech style

  3. types of speech style

    learning task 5 identify the type of speech style

  4. Learning the Types of Speech Style by Lowenn Concepcion on Prezi

    learning task 5 identify the type of speech style

  5. Learning Task 5 and 6

    learning task 5 identify the type of speech style

  6. identify the types of speech style appropriate for the following

    learning task 5 identify the type of speech style


  1. The 5 Different Types of Speech Styles

    The 5 Different Types of Speech Styles (Table) Types of Speech Styles. Description. Application. Example. Frozen/Fixed Style. -Formal rigid and static language, reliant on expertise;-Particular vocabulary, previously agreed upon, that rejects slang. -Formal settings and important ceremonies.-Speaker to an audience without response.

  2. Learning task 5:identify the type of speech style appropriate for the

    Find an answer to your question Learning task 5:identify the type of speech style appropriate for the following situations by choosing from the pool of words be ... The student's learning task seems to be focusing on understanding the appropriate use of different types of speech styles in various contexts. Speech styles can vary depending on ...

  3. Learning Task 5 and 6

    Learning Task 5: Identify the type of speech style appropriate for the following situations by choosing from the pool of words below. Write your answer before the number.

  4. Speech Style Definition, Purpose & Importance

    Identify types, levels, and purposes of speaking styles, and examine factors to consider when choosing a speech style. Updated: 11/21/2023 Table of Contents


    -It focuses on the interaction of a person with others using a particular style of speaking. -It indicates the level of formality with which a person speaks. Five Types of Speech Styles

  6. Lesson 12 Learning the types of Speech styles (5 types of ...

    This style is used in conversations between people who are very close and know each other quite well because having a maximum of shared background information Casual Style is a speech style used among friends and acquaintances that do not require background information.

  7. Do You Speak American . For Educators . Curriculum . High School ...

    Speaking in a certain way—or ways—is a learned ability. A particularly salient aspect of speech style is tied to geography —where speakers grew up. People are interested in what those from ...

  8. PDF Oral Communication in Context

    1. distinguish the types of speeches according to purpose and delivery; 2. determine the types of speeches used in different real-life situations; 3. distinguish the types of speech style; 4. identify the social situations in which each speech style is appropriate to use; and 5. observe the appropriate language forms in using a particular ...

  9. PDF Oral Communication in Context

    Week Contents Learning Competencies Pages Code 6 hours (1 week, 2 days) Nature and Elements of Communication 1. Definition of communication 2. The Process of Communication ... Distinguish types of speech style Identify social 6-11 EN11/12OC-Ifj-15 EN11/12OC-Ifj-16 EN11/12OC-Ifj-17 EN11/12OC-2. Casual 3. Consultative 4. Formal 5. Frozen

  10. DepEd Learning Portal

    12. differentiate the types of speech delivery; 13. identify the speech used in different situations; 14. write a sample speech according to purpose; and 15. apply learning and thinking skills, life skills, and ICT literacy in understanding ... context Distinguishes types of speech style Identifies social situations in which

  11. A Semi Detailed Lesson Plan Types of Speech Style Week 5

    The document outlines a lesson plan about types of speech styles. The objectives are for students to identify, distinguish, and illustrate appropriate social situations for each speech style. The lesson will begin with a recap and introduce the topic and objectives. Students will then participate in an activity to identify different speech styles like formal, casual, and intimate. Finally ...

  12. Oral Communication

    Speech STYLES TASK 1- WPE Problems TASK 2- PAK GANERN This activity was adapted from Oral Communication in Context For senior High School (2016) authored by Philippe John Fresnillo Sipacio and Anne Richie Garcia Balgos on page 35 Identify the type of speech style appropriate for the following situations. Write your answer before the number. 1.

  13. Types of Speech Styles

    1. Multiple Choice. This is the type of speech in which the speaker does not usually plan what he wants to say. 2. Multiple Choice. This type of speech styles uses personal language codes. 3. Multiple Choice. This is the most formal communicative style in respectful situations.

  14. 4.2 Listening Styles

    A listening style is a general manner in which an individual attends to the messages of another person. People-oriented listeners pay attention to the personal details of a speaker and not to the speaker's actual message. Content-oriented listeners pay attention to the meaning and credibility of a speaker's message.

  15. 11.3 Listening Styles

    11.3 Listening Styles. Click below to play an audio file of this section of the chapter sponsored by the Women for OSU Partnering to Impact grant. 00:00. 00:00. If listening were easy, and if all people went about it in the same way, the task for a public speaker would be much easier. Even Aristotle, as long ago as 325 BC, recognized that ...

  16. PDF Teacher's Manual for Oral Communication in Context

    v 18 I. esson ighlights peech contets may be formal or informal personal or impersonal depending on the relationship of the communicators and the contet The speech style that a communicator adopts depends on the listener the situation and arious factors II. upplementary Information

  17. Oral Communication in Context: Quarter 1

    Oral-Communication11_Q1_Module-5_08082020 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document provides an introduction to a module on types of speech context. It contains information about copyright and ownership of materials used in the module. It also lists the writers, editors, reviewers, illustrators, and management team involved in developing the ...

  18. 7 Types of Learning Styles and How To Teach Them

    The seven types of learning. New Zealand educator Neil Fleming developed the VARK model in 1987. It's one of the most common methods to identify learning styles. Fleming proposed four primary learning preferences—visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic. The first letter of each spells out the acronym (VARK).

  19. Understanding Learning Styles in Education

    Ultimately, these learning styles represent a spectrum, and most people fall somewhere in between. Understanding these differences can help teachers create more inclusive and engaging coursework. Identifying Learning Styles. Educators can employ various methods to identify a student's learning style, such as:

  20. Teaching Strategies for the 8 Different Learning Styles

    There are eight in total: We'll now go through each of these in detail. 1. Visual learners. Visual learners retain information more effectively when visual aids are used, such as, pictures, images, film clips, colours and diagrams. They're also good at understanding visual data presented in maps, charts and graphs.

  21. Learning Task 5: Identify the type of speech style appropriate for the

    Learning Task 5: Identify the type of speech style appropriate for the following situations by choosing from the pool of words below. Write your answer before the number. intimate casual consultative formal frozen 1. talking to your friend via messenger 2. listening to the "State of the Nation Address"

  22. Learning Task 5: Identify the type of speech style appropriate

    Learning Task 5: Identify the type of speech style appropriate f situations by choosing from the pool of words below. Write you the number intimate casual consultative formal 1. talking to your friend via messenger 2. listening to the "State of the Nation Addres 3. talking to a stranger 4. reciting the "Panatang Makabayan" 5. asking yourself ...

  23. Learning task 5. Identify the type of speech style appropriate for the

    Learning task 5. Identify the type of speech style appropriate for the following situations by choosing from the pool of words below. Intimate, Casual, Consultative, Formal, Frozen. 1. Talking to your friend via messenger 2. listening to the "State of the Nation Address" 3. talking to a stranger 4. reciting the Pantang Makabayan