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15.13 Structure Assignment

Assignment operating on a structure type copies the structure. The left and right operands must have the same type. Here is an example:

Notionally, assignment on a structure type works by copying each of the fields. Thus, if any of the fields has the const qualifier, that structure type does not allow assignment:

See Assignment Expressions .

When a structure type has a field which is an array, as here,

structure assigment such as r1 = r2 copies array fields’ contents just as it copies all the other fields.

This is the only way in C that you can operate on the whole contents of a array with one operation: when the array is contained in a struct . You can’t copy the contents of the data field as an array, because

would convert the array objects (as always) to pointers to the zeroth elements of the arrays (of type struct record * ), and the assignment would be invalid because the left operand is not an lvalue.

C Functions

C structures, c reference, c structures (structs).

Structures (also called structs) are a way to group several related variables into one place. Each variable in the structure is known as a member of the structure.

Unlike an array , a structure can contain many different data types (int, float, char, etc.).

Create a Structure

You can create a structure by using the struct keyword and declare each of its members inside curly braces:

To access the structure, you must create a variable of it.

Use the struct keyword inside the main() method, followed by the name of the structure and then the name of the structure variable:

Create a struct variable with the name "s1":

Access Structure Members

To access members of a structure, use the dot syntax ( . ):

Now you can easily create multiple structure variables with different values, using just one structure:

What About Strings in Structures?

Remember that strings in C are actually an array of characters, and unfortunately, you can't assign a value to an array like this:

An error will occur:

However, there is a solution for this! You can use the strcpy() function and assign the value to s1.myString , like this:

Simpler Syntax

You can also assign values to members of a structure variable at declaration time, in a single line.

Just insert the values in a comma-separated list inside curly braces {} . Note that you don't have to use the strcpy() function for string values with this technique:

Note: The order of the inserted values must match the order of the variable types declared in the structure (13 for int, 'B' for char, etc).

Copy Structures

You can also assign one structure to another.

In the following example, the values of s1 are copied to s2:

Modify Values

If you want to change/modify a value, you can use the dot syntax ( . ).

And to modify a string value, the strcpy() function is useful again:

Modifying values are especially useful when you copy structure values:

Ok, so, how are structures useful?

Imagine you have to write a program to store different information about Cars, such as brand, model, and year. What's great about structures is that you can create a single "Car template" and use it for every cars you make. See below for a real life example.

Real-Life Example

Use a structure to store different information about Cars:

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5.3. Structures

  • Declaration and definition
  • Stack And Heap
  • new And delete
  • Dot And Arrow

Programmers often use the term "structure" to name two related concepts. They form structure specifications with the struct keyword and create structure objects with a variable definition or the new operator. We typically call both specifications and objects structures, relying on context to clarify the the specific usage.

Structures are an aggregate data type whose contained data items are called fields or members . Once specified, the structure name becomes a new data type or type specifier in the program. After the program creates or instantiates a structure object, it accesses the fields with one of the selection operators . Referring to the basket analogy suggested previously, a structure object is a basket, and the fields or members are the items in the basket. Although structures are more complex than the fundamental types, programmers use the same pattern when defining variables of either type.

Structure Specifications: Fields And Members

A program must specify or declare a structure before using it. The specification determines the number, the type, the name, and the order of the data items contained in the structure.

Structure Definitions And Objects

We can use a blueprint as another analogy for a structure. Blueprints show essential details like the number and size of bedrooms, the location of the kitchen, etc. Similarly, structure specifications show the structure fields' number, type, name, and order. Nevertheless, a blueprint isn't a house; you can't live in it. However, given the blueprint, we can make as many identical houses as we wish, and while each one looks like the others, it has a different, distinct set of occupants and a distinct street address. Similarly, each object created from a structure specification looks like the others, but each can store distinct values and has a distinct memory address.

Automatic Definition Dynamic Allocation
  • C++ code that defines three new student structure variables or objects named s1 , s2 , and s3 . The program allocates the memory for the three objects on the stack.
  • The pointer variables s4 , s5 , and s6 are defined and allocated automatically on the stack. However, the structure objects they point to are allocated dynamically on the heap.
  • An abstract representation of three student objects on the stack. Each object has three fields.
  • An abstract representation of three student pointer variables pointing to three student objects allocated dynamically on the heap with the new operator.

Initializing Structures And Fields

Figure 3 demonstrates that we are not required to initialize structure objects when we create them - perhaps the program will read the data from the console or a data file. However, we can initialize structures when convenient. C++ inherited an aggregate field initialization syntax from the C programming language, and the 2011 ANSI standard extends that syntax, making it conform to other major programming languages. More recently, the ANSI 2020 standard added a variety of default field initializations. The following figures illustrate a few of these options.

(a) Inherited from C(b) ANSI 2020(c) ANSI 2015
  id name gpa
s1 123 dilbert 3.0
s2 456 alice 4.0
s3 789 wally 2.0
  • The field order within the structure and the data order within the initialization list are significant and must match. The program saves the first list value in the first structure field until it saves the last list value in the last structure field. If there are fewer initializers (the elements inside the braces) than there are fields, the excess fields are initialized to their zero-equivalents . Having more initializers than fields is a compile-time error.
  • Similar to (a), but newer standards no longer require the = operator.
  • Historically, en block structure initialization was only allowed in the structure definition, but the ANSI 2015 standard removed that restriction, allowing en bloc assignment to previously defined variables.
  • Abstract representations of the structure objects or variables created and initialized in (a), (b), and (c). Each object has three fields. Although every student must have these fields, the values stored in them may be different.
  • Another way to conceptualize structures and variables is as the rows and columns of a simple database table. Each column represents one field, and each row represents one structure object. The database schema fixes the number of columns, but the program can add any number of rows to the table.
  • Initializing a structure object when defining it. The = operator is now optional.
  • Designated initializers are more flexible than the non-designated initializers illustrated in Figure 4, which are matched to structure fields by position (first initializer to the first field, second initializer to the second field, etc.). Designated initializers may skip a field - the program does not initialize name in this example.
  • Programmers may save data to previously defined structure objects, possibly skipping some fields, with designators.

The next step is accessing the individual fields within a structure object.

Field Selection: The Dot And Arrow Operators

A basket is potentially beneficial, but so far, we have only seen how to put items into it, and then only en masse . To achieve its full potential, we need some way to put items into the basket one at a time, and there must be some way to retrieve them. C++ provides two selection operators that join a specific structure object with a named field. The combination of an object and a field form a variable whose type matches the field type in the structure specification.

The Dot Operator

The C++ dot operator looks and behaves just like Java's dot operator and performs the same tasks in both languages.

id = 123; l-value
name << endl; r-value
gpa; r-value
  id name gpa
s1 123 dilbert 3.0
s2 456 alice 4.0
s3 789 wally 2.0
  • The general dot operator syntax. The left-hand operand is a structure object, and the right-hand operator is the name of one of its fields.
  • Examples illustrating the dot operator based on the student examples in Figure 3(a).
  • The dot operator's left operand names a specific basket or object, and the right-hand operand names the field. If we view the structure as a table, the left-hand operand selects the row, and the right-hand operand selects the column. So, we can visualize s2 . name as the intersection of a row and column.

The Arrow Operator

Java only has one way of creating objects and only needs one operator to access its fields. C++ can create objects in two ways (see Figure 3 above) and needs an additional field access operator, the arrow: -> .

id = 123; l-value
name << endl; r-value
gpa; r-value
  • The general arrow operator syntax. The left-hand operand is a pointer to a structure object, and the right-hand operator is the name of one of the object's fields.
  • Examples illustrate the arrow operator based on the student examples in Figure 3(b).

Choosing the correct selection operator

A picture illustrating the order (left to right) of a structure variable name, the location of the selection operator, and a structure field name.

  • Choose the arrow operator if the left-hand operand is a pointer.
  • Otherwise, choose the dot operator.

Moving Structures Within A Program

A basket is a convenient way to carry and move many items by holding its handle. Similarly, a structure object is convenient for a program to "hold" and move many data items with a single (variable) name. Specifically, a program can assign one structure to another (as long as they are instances of the same structure specification), pass them as arguments to functions, and return them from functions as the function's return value.

Assignment is a fundamental operation regardless of the kind of data involved. The C++ code to assign one structure to another is simple and should look familiar:

  • C++ code defining a new structure object and copying an existing object to it by assignment.
  • An abstract representation of a new, empty structure.
  • An abstract representation of how a program copies the contents of an existing structure to another structure.

Function Argument

Once the program creates a structure object, passing it to a function looks and behaves like passing a fundamental-type variable. If we view the function argument as a new, empty structure object, we see that argument passing copies one structure object to another, behaving like an assignment operation.

// function call
  • The first part of the C++ code fragment defines a function (similar to a Java method). The argument is a student structure. The last statement (highlighted) passes a previously created and initialized structure as a function argument.
  • In this abstract representation, a program copies the data stored in s2 to the function argument temp . The braces forming the body of the print function create a new scope distinct from the calling scope where the program defines s2 . The italicized variable names label and distinguish the illustrated objects.

Function Return Value

Just as a program can pass a structure into a function as an argument, so it can return a structure as the function's return value, as demonstrated by the following example:

  • C++ code defining a function named read that returns a structure. The program defines and initializes the structure object, temp , in local or function scope with a series of console read operations and returns it as the function return value. The assignment operator saves the returned structure in s3 .
  • A graphical representation of the return process. Returning an object with the return operator copies the local object, temp , to the calling scope, where the program saves it in s1 .

CProgramming Tutorial

  • C Programming Tutorial
  • Basics of C
  • C - Overview
  • C - Features
  • C - History
  • C - Environment Setup
  • C - Program Structure
  • C - Hello World
  • C - Compilation Process
  • C - Comments
  • C - Keywords
  • C - Identifiers
  • C - User Input
  • C - Basic Syntax
  • C - Data Types
  • C - Variables
  • C - Integer Promotions
  • C - Type Conversion
  • C - Type Casting
  • C - Booleans
  • Constants and Literals in C
  • C - Constants
  • C - Literals
  • C - Escape sequences
  • C - Format Specifiers
  • Operators in C
  • C - Operators
  • C - Arithmetic Operators
  • C - Relational Operators
  • C - Logical Operators
  • C - Bitwise Operators
  • C - Assignment Operators
  • C - Unary Operators
  • C - Increment and Decrement Operators
  • C - Ternary Operator
  • C - sizeof Operator
  • C - Operator Precedence
  • C - Misc Operators
  • Decision Making in C
  • C - Decision Making
  • C - if statement
  • C - if...else statement
  • C - nested if statements
  • C - switch statement
  • C - nested switch statements
  • C - While loop
  • C - For loop
  • C - Do...while loop
  • C - Nested loop
  • C - Infinite loop
  • C - Break Statement
  • C - Continue Statement
  • C - goto Statement
  • Functions in C
  • C - Functions
  • C - Main Function
  • C - Function call by Value
  • C - Function call by reference
  • C - Nested Functions
  • C - Variadic Functions
  • C - User-Defined Functions
  • C - Callback Function
  • C - Return Statement
  • C - Recursion
  • Scope Rules in C
  • C - Scope Rules
  • C - Static Variables
  • C - Global Variables
  • Arrays in C
  • C - Properties of Array
  • C - Multi-Dimensional Arrays
  • C - Passing Arrays to Function
  • C - Return Array from Function
  • C - Variable Length Arrays
  • Pointers in C
  • C - Pointers
  • C - Pointers and Arrays
  • C - Applications of Pointers
  • C - Pointer Arithmetics
  • C - Array of Pointers
  • C - Pointer to Pointer
  • C - Passing Pointers to Functions
  • C - Return Pointer from Functions
  • C - Function Pointers
  • C - Pointer to an Array
  • C - Pointers to Structures
  • C - Chain of Pointers
  • C - Pointer vs Array
  • C - Character Pointers and Functions
  • C - NULL Pointer
  • C - void Pointer
  • C - Dangling Pointers
  • C - Dereference Pointer
  • C - Near, Far and Huge Pointers
  • C - Initialization of Pointer Arrays
  • C - Pointers vs. Multi-dimensional Arrays
  • Strings in C
  • C - Strings
  • C - Array of Strings
  • C - Special Characters
  • C Structures and Unions
  • C - Structures
  • C - Structures and Functions
  • C - Arrays of Structures
  • C - Self-Referential Structures
  • C - Lookup Tables
  • C - Dot (.) Operator
  • C - Enumeration (or enum)
  • C - Structure Padding and Packing
  • C - Nested Structures
  • C - Anonymous Structure and Union
  • C - Bit Fields
  • C - Typedef
  • File Handling in C
  • C - Input & Output
  • C - File I/O (File Handling)
  • C Preprocessors
  • C - Preprocessors
  • C - Pragmas
  • C - Preprocessor Operators
  • C - Header Files
  • Memory Management in C
  • C - Memory Management
  • C - Memory Address
  • C - Storage Classes
  • Miscellaneous Topics
  • C - Error Handling
  • C - Variable Arguments
  • C - Command Execution
  • C - Math Functions
  • C - Static Keyword
  • C - Random Number Generation
  • C - Command Line Arguments
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  • Effective Resume Writing
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  • Computer Glossary

Structures in C

A structure in C is a derived or user-defined data type. We use the keyword struct to define a custom data type that groups together the elements of different types. The difference between an array and a structure is that an array is a homogenous collection of similar types, whereas a structure can have elements of different types stored adjacently and identified by a name.

We are often required to work with values of different data types having certain relationships among them. For example, a book is described by its title (string), author (string), price (double), number of pages (integer), etc. Instead of using four different variables, these values can be stored in a single struct variable.

Declare (Create) a Structure

You can create (declare) a structure by using the "struct" keyword followed by the structure_tag (structure name) and declare all of the members of the structure inside the curly braces along with their data types.

To define a structure, you must use the struct statement. The struct statement defines a new data type, with more than one member.

Syntax of Structure Declaration

The format (syntax) to declare a structure is as follows −

The structure tag is optional and each member definition is a normal variable definition, such as "int i;" or "float f;" or any other valid variable definition.

At the end of the structure's definition, before the final semicolon, you can specify one or more structure variables but it is optional .

In the following example we are declaring a structure for Book to store the details of a Book −

Here, we declared the structure variable book1 at the end of the structure definition. However, you can do it separately in a different statement.

Structure Variable Declaration

To access and manipulate the members of the structure, you need to declare its variable first. To declare a structure variable, write the structure name along with the "struct" keyword followed by the name of the structure variable. This structure variable will be used to access and manipulate the structure members.

The following statement demonstrates how to declare (create) a structure variable  

Usually, a structure is declared before the first function is defined in the program, after the include statements. That way, the derived type can be used for declaring its variable inside any function.

Structure Initialization

The initialization of a struct variable is done by placing the value of each element inside curly brackets.

The following statement demonstrates the initialization of structure  

Accessing the Structure Members

To access the members of a structure, first, you need to declare a structure variable and then use the dot (.) operator along with the structure variable.

The four elements of the struct variable book1 are accessed with the dot (.) operator . Hence, "book1.title" refers to the title element, "" is the author name, "book1.price" is the price, "book1.pages" is the fourth element (number of pages).

Take a look at the following example −

Run the code and check its output −

In the above program, we will make a small modification. Here, we will put the type definition and the variable declaration together, like this −

Note that if you a declare a struct variable in this way, then you cannot initialize it with curly brackets. Instead, the elements need to be assigned individually.

When you execute this code, it will produce the following output −

Copying Structures

The assignment (=) operator can be used to copy a structure directly. You can also use the assignment operator (=) to assign the value of the member of one structure to another.

Let's have two struct book variables, book1 and book2 . The variable book1 is initialized with declaration, and we wish to assign the same values of its elements to that of book2 .

We can assign individual elements as follows −

Note the use of strcpy() function to assign the value to a string variable instead of using the "= operator".

You can also assign book1 to book2 so that all the elements of book1 are respectively assigned to the elements of book2. Take a look at the following program code −

Structures as Function Arguments

You can pass a structure as a function argument in the same way as you pass any other variable or pointer.

Take a look at the following program code. It demonstrates how you can pass a structure as a function argument −

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result −

Pointers to Structures

You can define pointers to structures in the same way as you define pointers to any other variable.

Declaration of Pointer to a Structure

You can declare a pointer to a structure (or structure pointer) as follows −

Initialization of Pointer to a Structure

You can store the address of a structure variable in the above pointer variable struct_pointer . To find the address of a structure variable, place the '&' operator before the structure's name as follows −

Let's store the address of a struct variable in a struct pointer variable.

Accessing Members Using Pointer to a Structure

To access the members of a structure using a pointer to that structure, you must use the → operator as follows −

C defines the → symbol to be used with struct pointer as the indirection operator (also called struct dereference operator ). It helps to access the elements of the struct variable to which the pointer reference to.

In this example, strptr is a pointer to struct book book1 variable. Hence, strrptr→title returns the title, just like book1.title does.

When you run this code, it will produce the following output −

Note: The dot (.) operator is used to access the struct elements via the struct variable. To access the elements via its pointer, we must use the indirection (->) operator

A struct variable is like a normal variable of primary type, in the sense that you can have an array of struct, you can pass the struct variable to a function, as well as return a struct from a function.

You may have noted that you need to prefix "struct type" to the name of the variable or pointer at the time of declaration. This can be avoided by creating a shorthand notation with the help of typedef keyword, which we will explain in a subsequent chapter.

Structures are used in different applications such as databases, file management applications, and for handling complex data structures such as tree and linked lists.

Bit Fields allow the packing of data in a structure. This is especially useful when memory or data storage is at a premium. Typical examples include −

  • Packing several objects into a machine word, for example, 1-bit flags can be compacted.
  • Reading external file formats − non-standard file formats could be read in, for example, 9-bit integers.


C allows us to do this in a structure definition by putting :bit length after the variable. For example −

Here, the packed_struct contains 6 members: Four 1 bit flags f1..f3, a 4-bit type and a 9-bit my_int.

C automatically packs the above bit fields as compactly as possible, provided that the maximum length of the field is less than or equal to the integer word length of the computer. If this is not the case, then some compilers may allow memory overlap for the fields while others would store the next field in the next word.

  • C Data Types
  • C Operators
  • C Input and Output
  • C Control Flow
  • C Functions
  • C Preprocessors
  • C File Handling
  • C Cheatsheet
  • C Interview Questions

C Structures

The structure in C is a user-defined data type that can be used to group items of possibly different types into a single type. The struct keyword is used to define the structure in the C programming language. The items in the structure are called its member and they can be of any valid data type. Additionally, the values of a structure are stored in contiguous memory locations.

C Structure Declaration

We have to declare structure in C before using it in our program. In structure declaration, we specify its member variables along with their datatype. We can use the struct keyword to declare the structure in C using the following syntax:

The above syntax is also called a structure template or structure prototype and no memory is allocated to the structure in the declaration.

C Structure Definition

To use structure in our program, we have to define its instance. We can do that by creating variables of the structure type. We can define structure variables using two methods:

1. Structure Variable Declaration with Structure Template

2. structure variable declaration after structure template, access structure members.

We can access structure members by using the ( . ) dot operator.

In the case where we have a pointer to the structure, we can also use the arrow operator to access the members.

Initialize Structure Members

Structure members cannot be initialized with the declaration. For example, the following C program fails in the compilation.

The reason for the above error is simple. When a datatype is declared, no memory is allocated for it. Memory is allocated only when variables are created.

Default Initialization

By default, structure members are not automatically initialized to 0 or NULL. Uninitialized structure members will contain garbage values. However, when a structure variable is declared with an initializer, all members not explicitly initialized are zero-initialized.

We can initialize structure members in 3 ways which are as follows:

  • Using Assignment Operator.
  • Using Initializer List.
  • Using Designated Initializer List.

1. Initialization using Assignment Operator

2. initialization using initializer list.

In this type of initialization, the values are assigned in sequential order as they are declared in the structure template.

3. Initialization using Designated Initializer List

Designated Initialization allows structure members to be initialized in any order. This feature has been added in the C99 standard .

The Designated Initialization is only supported in C but not in C++.

Example of Structure in C

The following C program shows how to use structures

typedef for Structures

The typedef keyword is used to define an alias for the already existing datatype. In structures, we have to use the struct keyword along with the structure name to define the variables. Sometimes, this increases the length and complexity of the code. We can use the typedef to define some new shorter name for the structure.

Nested Structures

C language allows us to insert one structure into another as a member. This process is called nesting and such structures are called nested structures . There are two ways in which we can nest one structure into another:

1. Embedded Structure Nesting

In this method, the structure being nested is also declared inside the parent structure.

2. Separate Structure Nesting

In this method, two structures are declared separately and then the member structure is nested inside the parent structure.

One thing to note here is that the declaration of the structure should always be present before its definition as a structure member. For example, the declaration below is invalid as the struct mem is not defined when it is declared inside the parent structure.

Accessing Nested Members

We can access nested Members by using the same ( . ) dot operator two times as shown:

Example of Structure Nesting

Structure pointer in c.

We can define a pointer that points to the structure like any other variable. Such pointers are generally called Structure Pointers . We can access the members of the structure pointed by the structure pointer using the ( -> ) arrow operator.

Example of Structure Pointer

Self-referential structures.

The self-referential structures in C are those structures that contain references to the same type as themselves i.e. they contain a member of the type pointer pointing to the same structure type.

Example of Self-Referential Structures

Such kinds of structures are used in different data structures such as to define the nodes of linked lists, trees, etc.

C Structure Padding and Packing

Technically, the size of the structure in C should be the sum of the sizes of its members. But it may not be true for most cases. The reason for this is Structure Padding.

Structure padding is the concept of adding multiple empty bytes in the structure to naturally align the data members in the memory. It is done to minimize the CPU read cycles to retrieve different data members in the structure.

There are some situations where we need to pack the structure tightly by removing the empty bytes. In such cases, we use Structure Packing. C language provides two ways for structure packing:

  • Using #pragma pack(1)
  • Using __attribute((packed))__

Example of Structure Padding and Packing

As we can see, the size of the structure is varied when structure packing is performed.

To know more about structure padding and packing, refer to this article – Structure Member Alignment, Padding and Data Packing .

Bit Fields are used to specify the length of the structure members in bits. When we know the maximum length of the member, we can use bit fields to specify the size and reduce memory consumption.

Syntax of Bit Fields

 example of bit fields.

As we can see, the size of the structure is reduced when using the bit field to define the max size of the member ‘a’.

Uses of Structure in C

C structures are used for the following:

  • The structure can be used to define the custom data types that can be used to create some complex data types such as dates, time, complex numbers, etc. which are not present in the language.
  • It can also be used in data organization where a large amount of data can be stored in different fields.
  • Structures are used to create data structures such as trees, linked lists, etc.
  • They can also be used for returning multiple values from a function.

Limitations of C Structures

In C language, structures provide a method for packing together data of different types. A Structure is a helpful tool to handle a group of logically related data items. However, C structures also have some limitations.

  • Higher Memory Consumption: It is due to structure padding.
  • No Data Hiding: C Structures do not permit data hiding. Structure members can be accessed by any function, anywhere in the scope of the structure.
  • Functions inside Structure: C structures do not permit functions inside the structure so we cannot provide the associated functions.
  • Static Members: C Structure cannot have static members inside its body.
  • Construction creation in Structure: Structures in C cannot have a constructor inside Structures.

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Declaring variables of struct types, accessing field values, passing structs to functions, rules for using pointer variables.

  • Next, initialize the pointer variable (make it point to something). Pointer variables store addresses . Initialize a pointer to the address of a storage location of the type to which it points. One way to do this is to use the ampersand operator on regular variable to get its address value: int x; char ch; ptr = &x; // ptr get the address of x, pointer "points to" x ------------ ------ ptr | addr of x|--------->| ?? | x ------------ ------ cptr = &ch; // ptr get the address of ch, pointer "points to" ch cptr = &x; // ERROR! cptr can hold a char address only (it's NOT a pointer to an int) All pointer variable can be set to a special value NULL . NULL is not a valid address but it is useful for testing a pointer variable to see if it points to a valid memory address before we access what it points to: ptr = NULL; ------ ------ cptr = NULL; ptr | NULL |-----| cptr | NULL |----| ------ ------
  • Use *var_name to dereference the pointer to access the value in the location that it points to. Some examples: int *ptr1, *ptr2, x, y; x = 8; ptr1 = NULL; ptr2 = &x; ------------ ------ ptr2 | addr of x|--------->| 8 | x ------------ ------ *ptr2 = 10; // dereference ptr2: "what ptr2 points to gets 10" ------------ ----- ptr2 | addr of x|--------->| 10 | x ------------ ----- y = *ptr2 + 3; // dereference ptr2: "y gets what ptr2 points to plus 3" ----- ----- ptr1 = ptr2; // ptr1 gets address value stored in ptr2 ------------ ----- ptr2 | addr of x |--------->| 10 | x ------------ ----- /\ ------------ | ptr1 | addr of x |-------------- ------------ // TODO: finish tracing through this code and show what is printed *ptr1 = 100; ptr1 = &y; *ptr1 = 80; printf("x = %d y = %d\n", x, y); printf("x = %d y = %d\n", *ptr2, *ptr1);
  • and what does this mean with respect to the value of each argument after the call?
  • Implement a program with a swap function that swaps the values stored in its two arguments. Make some calls to it in main to test it out.

malloc and free

Pointers, the heap, and functions, linked lists in c.

Struct and union initialization.


When initializing an object of struct or union type, the initializer must be a non-empty, (until C23) brace-enclosed, comma-separated list of initializers for the members:

expression (1) (until C99)
designator(optional) expression (2) (since C99)
(3) (since C23)

where the designator is a sequence (whitespace-separated or adjacent) of individual member designators of the form . member and array designators of the form [ index ] .

All members that are not initialized explicitly are empty-initialized .

Explanation Nested initialization Notes Example References See also

[ edit ] Explanation

When initializing a union , the initializer list must have only one member, which initializes the first member of the union unless a designated initializer is used (since C99) .

When initializing a struct , the first initializer in the list initializes the first declared member (unless a designator is specified) (since C99) , and all subsequent initializers without designators (since C99) initialize the struct members declared after the one initialized by the previous expression.

A designator causes the following initializer to initialize the struct member described by the designator. Initialization then continues forward in order of declaration, beginning with the next element declared after the one described by the designator.

{int sec,min,hour,day,mon,year;} z = {.day=31,12,2014,.sec=30,15,17}; // initializes z to {30,15,17,31,12,2014}
(since C99)

It's an error to provide more initializers than members.

[ edit ] Nested initialization

If the members of the struct or union are arrays, structs, or unions, the corresponding initializers in the brace-enclosed list of initializers are any initializers that are valid for those members, except that their braces may be omitted as follows:

If the nested initializer begins with an opening brace, the entire nested initializer up to its closing brace initializes the corresponding member object. Each left opening brace establishes a new current object . The members of the current object are initialized in their natural order , unless designators are used (since C99) : array elements in subscript order, struct members in declaration order, only the first declared member of any union. The subobjects within the current object that are not explicitly initialized by the closing brace are empty-initialized .

If the nested initializer does not begin with an opening brace, only enough initializers from the list are taken to account for the elements or members of the member array, struct or union; any remaining initializers are left to initialize the next struct member:

When designators are nested, the designators for the members follow the designators for the enclosing structs/unions/arrays. Within any nested bracketed initializer list, the outermost designator refers to the and selects the subobject to be initialized within the only.

example ex2 = { // current object is ex2, designators are for members of example .in_u.a8[0]=127, 0, 0, 1, .addr=80}; struct example ex3 = {80, .in_u={ // changes current object to the union ex.in_u 127, .a8[2]=1 // this designator refers to the member of in_u } };

If any subobject is explicitly initialized twice (which may happen when designators are used), the initializer that appears later in the list is the one used (the earlier initializer may not be evaluated):

{int n;} s = { ("a\n"), // this may be printed or skipped .n= ("b\n")}; // always printed

Although any non-initialized subobjects are initialized implicitly, implicit initialization of a subobject never overrides explicit initialization of the same subobject if it appeared earlier in the initializer list (choose clang to observe the correct output):

typedef struct { int k; int l; int a[2]; } T; typedef struct { int i; T t; } S; T x = {.l = 43, .k = 42, .a[1] = 19, .a[0] = 18 }; // x initialized to {42, 43, {18, 19} } int main(void) { S l = { 1, // initializes l.i to 1 .t = x, // initializes l.t to {42, 43, {18, 19} } .t.l = 41, // changes l.t to {42, 41, {18, 19} } .t.a[1] = 17 // changes l.t to {42, 41, {18, 17} } }; ("l.t.k is %d\n", l.t.k); // .t = x sets l.t.k to 42 explicitly // .t.l = 41 would zero out l.t.k implicitly }


However, when an initializer begins with a left open brace, its is fully re-initialized and any prior explicit initializers for any of its subobjects are ignored:

fred { char s[4]; int n; }; struct fred x[ ] = { { { "abc" }, 1 }, // inits x[0] to { {'a','b','c','\0'}, 1 } [0].s[0] = 'q' // changes x[0] to { {'q','b','c','\0'}, 1 } }; struct fred y[ ] = { { { "abc" }, 1 }, // inits y[0] to { {'a','b','c','\0'}, 1 } [0] = { // current object is now the entire y[0] object .s[0] = 'q' } // replaces y[0] with { {'q','\0','\0','\0'}, 0 } };
(since C99)

[ edit ] Notes

The initializer list may have a trailing comma, which is ignored.

In C, the braced list of initializers cannot be empty (note that C++ allows empty lists, and also note that a in C cannot be empty):

(until C23)

The initializer list can be empty in C as in C++:

(since C23)

Every expression in the initializer list must be a when initializing aggregates of any storage duration.

(until C99)

As with all other , every expression in the initializer list must be a when initializing aggregates of static or thread-local(since C11) :

struct {char* p} s = { (1)}; // error

The of the subexpressions in any initializer is indeterminately sequenced (but not in C++ since C++11):

n = 1; struct {int x,y;} p = {n++, n++}; // unspecified, but well-defined behavior: // n is incremented twice in arbitrary order // p equal {1,2} and {2,1} are both valid
(since C99)

[ edit ] Example

This section is incomplete
Reason: more practical examples, perhaps initialize some socket structs

Possible output:

[ edit ] References

  • C17 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2018):
  • 6.7.9/12-39 Initialization (p: 101-105)
  • C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011):
  • 6.7.9/12-38 Initialization (p: 140-144)
  • C99 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:1999):
  • 6.7.8/12-38 Initialization (p: 126-130)
  • C89/C90 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:1990):
  • 6.5.7 Initialization

[ edit ] See also

for Aggregate initialization
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Before you learn about how pointers can be used with structs, be sure to check these tutorials:

  • C Pointers to struct

Here's how you can create pointers to structs.

Here, ptr is a pointer to struct .

Example: Access members using Pointer

To access members of a structure using pointers, we use the -> operator.

In this example, the address of person1 is stored in the personPtr pointer using personPtr = &person1; .

Now, you can access the members of person1 using the personPtr pointer.

By the way,

  • personPtr->age is equivalent to (*personPtr).age
  • personPtr->weight is equivalent to (*personPtr).weight
  • Dynamic memory allocation of structs

Before you proceed this section, we recommend you to check C dynamic memory allocation .

Sometimes, the number of struct variables you declared may be insufficient. You may need to allocate memory during run-time. Here's how you can achieve this in C programming.

Example: Dynamic memory allocation of structs

When you run the program, the output will be:

In the above example, n number of struct variables are created where n is entered by the user.

To allocate the memory for n number of struct person , we used,

Then, we used the ptr pointer to access elements of person .

Table of Contents

  • Example: Access struct members using pointers

Sorry about that.

Related Tutorials

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29643 The answer is 2. A structure assignment will cause a call to memcpy to be
made, or equivalent code emitted if the structure is small enough to make
this wasteful and the compiler is clever.
However if structures contain pointers then the values of the pointers are
overwritten. So you have to be extremely careful not to orphan memory or
create peculiar bugs with aliases.

Free games and programming goodies.

I think you are confusing arrays and pointers. Since a.s is an array,
a.s[0] to a.s[LONG_ENOUGH-1] are actually stored in the structure and
are copied by the assignment.

If a.s were just a pointer to memory allocated elsewhere the
assignment would just copy the pointer.
There is an explicit copy since a.s is an array. If a.s
were a pointer there would not be an implicit copy, and
Bad Things such as dangling pointers could result.


It is not a bitwise copy, it is a copy of all the elements in the struct.
Since b.s was not defined as a pointer, what makes you think an
assignment could magically transform it from being an array in to being
a pointer? You need to read section 6 of the comp.lang.c FAQ at
specifically the questions dealing with whether
pointers and arrays are the same thing.
It is very rare for C to do things behind your back. Had there been
pointers in your struct (which there were not) then after the assignment
they would point to the same place as they point in the original struct,
and when that place is no longer valid (an automatic that goes out of
scope, for example) the pointers are no longer valid.
Flash Gordon

It is not a bitwise copy, it is a copy of all the elements in the struct.

Since b.s was not defined as a pointer, what makes you think an assignment
could magically transform it from being an array in to being a pointer?
You need to read section 6 of the comp.lang.c FAQ at
specifically the questions dealing with whether pointers and arrays are
the same thing. Its easy to see where the confusion comes from. There are situations where
pointers degenerate into pointers , the OP probably had that in mind

Pointers always degenerate into pointers.

Richard Heathfield < >
Email: -www. +rjh@
Google users: <>
"Usenet is a strange place" - dmr 29 July 1999
Since b.s was not defined as a pointer, what makes you think an assignment
could magically transform it from being an array in to being a pointer?
You need to read section 6 of the comp.lang.c FAQ at
specifically the questions dealing with whether pointers and arrays are
the same thing.
Its easy to see where the confusion comes from. There are situations where
pointers degenerate into pointers , the OP probably had that in mind In my opinion it is only easy to confuse arrays and pointers if it is
badly taught. If arrays and pointers are taught as fundamentally
different concepts and *then* the way array names degenerate to pointers
to the first element is explained there will not be anything like the
problems. In one-to-one sessions I've been able to explain the basics of
arrays pointers to non-computer people in minutes (I needed to so I
could explain approximately what was the cause of a problem), although I
did not go on to how things are done in C.
Flash Gordon

It is not a bitwise copy, it is a copy of all the elements in the struct. Yes -- and that can be, and commonly is, implemented as a bitwise copy
of the struct.

Suppose there's a gap between the members "i" and "s". After the
assignment "b = a;", the gaps in "a" and "b" may or may not have the
same contents. The assignment can be done either as a bitwise copy or
by copying the members one-by-one, leaving any gaps alone.

99% of the type, this doesn't matter because you're never going to
look at what's in the gaps anyway.

Keith Thompson (The_Other_Keit h) <>
San Diego Supercomputer Center <* <>
"We must do something. This is something. Therefore, we must do this."
-- Antony Jay and Jonathan Lynn, "Yes Minister"

Pointers always degenerate into pointers. No they don't, they stay as pointers ;-)

Knowing what Serve Lau must have intended I read it as "where arrays
Flash Gordon

Pointers always degenerate into pointers.
No they don't, they stay as pointers ;-)

Knowing what Serve Lau must have intended I read it as "where arrays
degenerate...". I know. Actually, arrays never actually do that. We often say they do,
but we're just being lazy. What we really mean is that the name of an
array, when used in an expression, is often (indeed, *usually*) treated
as if it were a pointer to the array's first element. The array itself
never "degenerate s" (or "decays", as it is usually put) at all.

Richard Heathfield < >
Email: -www. +rjh@
Google users: <>
"Usenet is a strange place" - dmr 29 July 1999

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Next: Unions , Previous: Overlaying Different Structures , Up: Structures   [ Contents ][ Index ]

15.13 Structure Assignment

Assignment operating on a structure type copies the structure. The left and right operands must have the same type. Here is an example:

Notionally, assignment on a structure type works by copying each of the fields. Thus, if any of the fields has the const qualifier, that structure type does not allow assignment:

See Assignment Expressions .

When a structure type has a field which is an array, as here,

structure assigment such as r1 = r2 copies array fields’ contents just as it copies all the other fields.

This is the only way in C that you can operate on the whole contents of a array with one operation: when the array is contained in a struct . You can’t copy the contents of the data field as an array, because

would convert the array objects (as always) to pointers to the zeroth elements of the arrays (of type struct record * ), and the assignment would be invalid because the left operand is not an lvalue.

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Assignment of fields/properties in a struct [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Modify Struct variable in a Dictionary

Why is it that

Works great, but

Shows a "Cannot modify the expression because it is not a variable" error at compile time?

Why is different about the assignment in these two cases?

Note: MyDictionary is of type <int, MyStruct>

Code for the struct:

  • variable-assignment

Community's user avatar

  • @Zabba, edited for more code. –  soandos Commented Sep 2, 2011 at 4:19
  • Here is the same question… Jon Skeet already answered. Looks like exact duplicate. –  Valentin Kuzub Commented Sep 2, 2011 at 4:30
  • Flagged for deletion (I can't do it as there are answers) –  soandos Commented Sep 2, 2011 at 4:35

2 Answers 2

Because MyDictionary[key] returns a struct, it is really returning a copy of the object in the collection, not the actual object which is what happens when you use a class. This is what the compiler is warning you about.

To work around this, you'll have to re-set MyDictionary[key] after the changes to the object, perhaps like this:

Keith's user avatar

  • But then I would need to call the whole constructor again no? There is no way to change part of a struct in this situation? –  soandos Commented Sep 2, 2011 at 4:29
  • I modified my example to reuse the same object instead of creating a new one. –  Keith Commented Sep 2, 2011 at 4:32
  • 3 @soandos struct is always copied when passed between methods, so "whole constructor" is happening all the time (for example when you access your struct by key in that dict), thats why its recommended not to have struct bigger than 16 bytes –  Valentin Kuzub Commented Sep 2, 2011 at 4:35
  • Pretty sure I am at 11 bytes. –  soandos Commented Sep 2, 2011 at 4:47

Change the struct to be a class instead...

Tono Nam's user avatar

  • I know structs are more efficient when dealing with several objects that basically contain fields like your struct but if you happen to just instantiate a few objects then creating a class will save you some lines of code :) –  Tono Nam Commented Sep 2, 2011 at 4:45
  • When using an exposed-field struct with built-in collections other than arrays, one must copy the struct, modify it, and then store it back. A nuisance, but the semantics are predictable; dic[1].Isclosed will always be independent of dic[0].Isclosed . Saying dic[0] = dic[1]; will copy the state of dic[0] without attaching the two items together. If one uses a mutable class, one can write dic[1].Isclosed = true; but that doesn't mean doing so will yield the desired behavior. An object which encapsulates its state in the states of mutable objects held in a collection must ... –  supercat Commented Sep 17, 2012 at 23:34
  • ...generally avoid letting any references to the objects in question reach outside code. This means defensively copying any incoming data to be stored in the collection, and either defensively copying or wrapping any data read from it. Structs automatically perform defensive copying when reading or writing data, but the copy operations on a struct of any size are much cheaper than such operations on a class of the same size. The difference in cost is greatest for small structs, but remains significant until structs get very big. –  supercat Commented Sep 17, 2012 at 23:40

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    memcpy(test->mem, temporary, sizeof temporary); Regarding the edit to the question: Arrays may not be assigned; x = value is not valid if x is an array. However, structures may be assigned, so another alternative is to create a structure as a temporary object, initialize it, and assign it: // (After the malloc is successful.) static const Test ...

  21. Medicare and its enrollees to save billions from historic drug price

    Medicare's new power to negotiate drug prices will lead to an estimated $6 billion in savings for the federal government and a $1.5 billion reduction in out-of-pocket costs for seniors when the ...

  22. Why struct assignment works with arrays in structs

    1. The struct name for a struct containing a fixed-length array is treated as a contiguous object and therefore assignable, while an array name is interpreted as the address of the first element except in the case where it is the operand of the sizeof operator and unary & operator. edited Mar 3, 2016 at 1:41.

  23. c#

    When using an exposed-field struct with built-in collections other than arrays, one must copy the struct, modify it, and then store it back. A nuisance, but the semantics are predictable; dic[1].Isclosed will always be independent of dic[0].Isclosed.Saying dic[0] = dic[1]; will copy the state of dic[0] without attaching the two items together. If one uses a mutable class, one can write dic[1 ...